#the things you can accept as normal istg…
damnfandomproblems · 1 month
Response to 5474
"All art is political"
No the fuck it's not. Art for the sake of art/decoration/love of subject, has always been the majority. Fanartists aren't drawing political cartoons. They're drawing they're favorites doing beach episodes and riding go-carts and getting fucked stupid and everything in between. Nothing about that is freaking political. Nor should it be. Fandom is an escape, not activism.
As far as representation goes: this is the most America/west centric view, istg
the things mentioned are shown, but by dint of proportionality will always be in the minority. Because people with X handicap or LGBT, are the minority in the US and EU.
Asians are 6% of the country, and less if you split it by east/west/south Asian communities. 13% of the population is Black, just under 20% Hispanic, and about 2% Native. Of course there's going to be less of them in media.
It wasn't political until people politicized it. Some of the top earning actors and comedians in the 90s were black. Some of the most popular shows had 50-90% Black casts. Children's shows with real and animated casts were diverse as all hell with race and ability differences just accepted and spoken about normally and explained in ways kids easily understood and accepted and Literally No On questioned it outside of people that were rightfully considered crazy fundies.
Then the 2010s happened and someone decided it had to be freaking highlighted and made into a big deal and all of a sudden it's an issue when before it never was.
There is a ton of media out there with Latinos and Asians and every other group you can think of. They're just in different languages. Because the world doesn't stop at American/European TV. Branch out. Show the execs you don't want an empty check box character, but actual stories like They're doing overseas. Because that's what will get things shifted, not just demanding X media needs Y type of person just because, especially not when changing the race or sex or ability of a character would actively change the character and the story because they're a whole different person and will have different history and perceptions that will by default change the narrative.
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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robin374 · 1 year
I saw that your requests were open and I jumped into action lol
Any ideas for the Mercs and reader with an “only one bed” trope? (Love the stuff youve written btw <3)
One Bed Trope with the mercs (part 1)
I'm gonna start with Demoman because he is my husband and gets the privilege of being the first.
Demoman ❤️
He just wanted to sleep man 😭
When you two finished the assigned mission that Miss Pauling gave you two, you went to the hotel/motel (how do you call it in English?). When you entered the room the first thing you two saw was a single big bed, for two people.
You looked at Demo and he was awkwardly standing there. He couldn't believe his eye
"I'll sleep on the floor, don't worry Demo." "No, Y/N. I've slept in all kinds of places, I think I can handle sleeping on the floor" "And that's exactly why you are sleeping in the bed"
At the end, you two decide to sleep in the same bed. He couldn't help but feel nervous, like yeah, he has slept at the top of Edinburgh's castle. Or with some random seals at a random beach. But he's never slept with the person he's in love with.
With that said, he remembers those words his Mom told him once.
"You better get a job, Tavish!"
I could give him a good job-
I don't know why he remembered that, don't ask me.
HE'S SO WARM KSDKAODJAKL I feel like his body would be so warm, because of the amount of alcohol he consumes.
He snores a little bit. Just tiny tiny tiny tiny little bit. 🤏
Not as much as Heavy at least.
He's a heavy sleeper so good luck trying to wake him up
I feel like he would see it as an opportunity to confess his feelings. Like you two are talking while laying down in bed, and casually spits it out. By the time you realize what he said, he is already sound asleep, his back facing you.
"I'm in love with you, Y/N" "Hmm? What did you say? I didn't hear you *Scottish snoring*
Scout 🤡
He knows what these situations are about and he will not let it slide so easily.
He doesn't even ask you if you are okay with sleeping with him, he just says "I'm so tired, let's sleep!" And he launches himself towards the bed.
He will pat the space next to him silently telling you to sleep too.
But then reality hits him like a rock, he is sleeping with you. He is really happy, any girl would've slapped him at tha exact moment, but you just accepted your fate.
He doesn't snore, but he does this thing that dogs do that is moving his legs as if he was running.
You better be a heavy sleeper because he talks while sleeping.
"Spy stole my chicken and now I can't eat my bullets. " "Scout are you awake?" "Fuck you Spy, I miss my chicken :("
He got so red when he woke up in the morning. You were still asleep, that's the first thing he saw after opening his eyes. He wanted to kiss you so bad.
"Good morning, toots. You've slept well?"
He's so in love with istg.
But he won't confess, he wants to keep this as a (really) good memory and confess after he's sure that you feel the same.
Scared of rejection I guess.
Engie 🤠
He's so casual about it.
He has to sleep in the same bed as his crush? Well, darn.
"It is what it is" energy.
You don't want him to sleep on the floor and he doesn't want you to sleep on the floor. Oh no, sadly we will have to sleep in the same bed :( (that's sarcasm for those confused)
"Come here, sugar, I don't bite." Unless you want me to.
He snores more than Demo sorry, it's bearable though. It's like having a horse next to you huffing and puffiing. A horse you don't mind to ride (ok I'll stop now sorry lmao)
He's like a teddy bear, he doesn't mind if you hug him. On the contrary, he will "unintentionally" pull you closer.
He would wake up in the middle of the night, because he's not used to sleeping like a normal person would do. So he will take advantage of it and admire your beautiful face. How the moonlight delicatedly lights your face, your closed eyes giving that feel of calmness... He will eventually kiss your forehead and go back to sleep.
He won't say a word about it in the morning. He will just greet you like always do in the base and get back to work.
In the inside he's screaming, dancing, running, whooping of joy. For him, it's one little step more to you being his pardner.
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fbfh · 2 months
Hi, how are you?? Currently can't get Logan's sexy ass surprising me with a Birkin out of my head, if you could write something with this that would be amazing!!! Love ya sm btw.
BABES ISTG WE ARE ON THE SAME WAVE LENGTH. literally Logan is so hnnnng. you just wanna bite him. he wants to bite you. you're catching up between classes and he very casually goes "oh, I think this is for you, ace..." and hands you this bigass orange shopping bag. you look at him and he watches you fight a smile.
"go on, open it." he encourages, surprised at how excited he is to see what you think. You dig through the tissue paper and pull out a huge orange box wrapped in black ribbons, and within that is the most beautiful bag you've ever seen. you've drooled over them in fleeting moments, an ad here, a magazine there, but you never ever thought you would have one. at least not so soon. you're still in college, and now you're holding a crisp, fresh birkin that smells like new leather and cold department store air.
"oh... my god!" you exclaim. he starts to ask if you like it, even though he knows you do. before he can get the words out, you've thrown your arms around him hugging him more tightly than ever.
"oh my god I love it! thank you-" you exclaim, your voice muffled into his neck as you punctuate your gratitude with kisses. he laughs. he actually lets out a giggling, bubbling laugh. he can't remember the last time he laughed like that, felt like this. if you start to feel guilty, or like you couldn't possibly accept it, he'll stop you right there. "if you keep that up, I'll buy you one in every color." and it works because of course it does. it's Logan.
that almost immediately becomes your favorite bag. you use it every day for everything. Logan watches in loving admiration as it follows you on dates, on nights at his place, nights at yours. he watches fondly as the leather grows less stiff, as it gets little wrinkles and crinkles. he watches as you tie a ribbon onto the handle, and later when some stickers show up on the side. he loves ever sign of wear and tear, ever sticker and stain and keychain it collects, becuase each new mark means you've spent more and more time together.
normally time progressing spent with one person would freak him out. it would make him feel suffocated, get itchy feet. but not with you. not with your birkin. he starts looking forward. he's determined to make it to the day, to be the one to replace it for you when you decide it's finally on its last legs. he wonders if that's what marriage feels like, what it's like to start a family. to feel so nostalgic for how things were but so eager to how things will be, all while soaking up every moment of exactly how they are.
he thinks he could do that. he wants to do that. with you.
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sunthyme · 8 months
Let's go!! Part five, baby! I'm literally having so much fun with these omg. Y'all are so sweet every time, istg I'll cry. If y'all draw my ocs, I WILL cry ong. Also, be warned, this post will have a LOT of characters lol. Welcome to...
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This dorm is so unfairly pretty, wth... Also, despite having 4 freshmen, there is only one second year 😭😭😭. Enjoy!~
First up, our queen in all her glory,
💅Vil Schoenheit💅
(she/he/they) Genderfluid (leaning towards fem mostly) - Panromantic Demisexual
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Not me simping for my own design with this one oml.
- I've seen quite a few people headcanon Vil as Desi and I agree. I also view her as technically genderfluid but she normally presents very fem and is on occasion like, "Hm, masculine pronouns today."
- I was going to keep the blonde and make her have some root colour showing but it wasn't looking right. To be honest, she's slaying with the darker hair though.
- Made his eyes a deeper, purple-y blue and their earrings were a gift from Rook as they match her eyes almost perfectly.
- Totally a mother hen, keep in mind I literally have hardly seen her yet but I /think/ that's canon lol?
- Fashion nerd and could list the eras of different fashion trends and famous designers off the top of their head.
- Not a fan of physical activity, just does it to be in fit shape. She actually really likes to read nonfiction and love art history as well.
- Met Rook as first years and they bonded immediately. Probably the first person that Vil really clicked with.
Speaking of...
🏹Rook Hunt🏹
(he/they/she/etc. Doesn't really care lol) Unlabelled Gender - Pansexual
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Quick comment: Why does he look so fcuking weird w/out his hat in-game??? I have his ceremonial robes card and if he didn't already scare me, he definitely does now. I think my version looks a little less weird. Anyways, side tangent over.
- I kept his fuck-ass bob, it's simply too iconic, though I gave it a bit more volume and shape. You can decide if he's a natural blonde or not lol.
- I headcanon him to be Chinese and French, and he grew up bilingual. Has a hell of and accent and when he gets upset, they just swap to either Chinese or French, it's a fifty-fifty depending on the day.
- They're not super visible but the bow and arrow earrings were a gift from Vil to celebrate Rook winning an archery competition. I think it was pretty early in their friendship but that's when Rook registered her feelings for Vil.
- For as open as Rook is about finding others attractive, it gets nervous to directly compliment Vil to her face. This is more obvious with saying "I love you," which he doesn't mind tossing out to most people, it's just really personal toward Vil so they avoid saying it lol.
- Most of the compliments that Rook gives Vil are things Vil is already aware of so Rook doesn't chance bringing up all the things they love about Vil. (Can you tell I love them?)
Enough about RookVil. Time for my boy!!
🍎Epel Felmier🍎
(he/him) Transmasc - Gay
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*Breaks out the southern accent* Y'all thought the others thus far have been long, hoo boy... Y'all are in for a real treat.
- Firstly, my boy is transmasc. I feel like that's pretty widely accepted 'round these parts but I figured I should shout it out anyways.
- I made him mixed, Scandinavian? and Japanese and gave him some brown eyes to boot. Kept his face real dainty but gave him broader shoulders and a farmer's tan 'cause y'all know he's working at his parent's farm every summer.
- He's styled in like, the southern goth aesthetic and I added some green to his hair 'cause the 'poison' part of 'poisoned apple' wasn't coming across enough. By the way, his grandma dyes her hair in solidarity with him. She's cool. Be like Epel's grandma.
- When he first arrived at NRC, he only had his lobes pierced, then he saw Jade's piercings and was like "I want that,". Jade directed him to Cater, who gave him all his other piercings (not at the same time lmao). Everytime he got a new one, Vil would have a minor heart attack lol.
- I think he'd also actually really like cute things, one of the reasons he lets Vil doll him up for so long, but hates bringing it up 'cause people call him 'girly' or 'feminine' for it. This is another underlying factor for my Jack/Epel dynamic but I'll save that for later.
- Speaking of Savanaclaw, I think he has plans to transfer at the beginning of sophomore year. Also, because he hangs around Jack so much, they kinda consider him a part of the pack. In particular, Epel also really looks up to Leona and approached him in Spelldrive Club about transferring. Leona agreed and took notice of Epel's admiration and if he puts a little more effort into practise afterwards, that's no one's business. (I think he's be like, "Goddammit, these kids keep looking up to me... I should at least give them something worth looking up to." Only the MC would know, and probably Ruggie would notice just having know Leona.) Also, Epel saw Leona's chaps and immediately wanted a pair. Leona took him out to get some and when they got back, Vil was horrified lmao.
I love Epel/Savanaclaw dynamic sm omg but onto my ocs... (Also, I really hope y'all read that with a southern accent, I think it's hilarious lol)
💋Calendula Dame💋
Third Year - (she/her) - Sapphic Aromantic
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- She's twisted from Mother Gothel, who, can I just say, SLAYED in her movie ong. Though Disney really needs work on their representation, specifically the fact that her character is very Jewish-coded (I don't think she's canonically Jewish but please correct me if I'm wrong) but is portrayed in an anti-Semitic way, feeding into negative stereotypes. I'm not the most knowledgeable person to speak on this issue and I know it's been throughly discussed by others so please feel free to research it. I did have a friend who is Jewish help me make her character and I hope I did her justice!
- I made her Jewish, specifically Ashkenazi and conservative. I'm not quite sure yet how this would translate into Twisted Wonderland but we'll see.
- She's all about makeup products and she and Vil compare skincare routines in a sort of friendly competition.
- Another fun nod is she loves gardening. Namely flowers but occasionally crops and herbs. She's got her own little plot in the greenhouse and she and Epel discuss gardening tips together.
- She's also a nail artist and quite skilled at that. She has a small 'business' and is especially booked around school events.
Now for one some of y'all have wanted to see for a bit...
🦚Tupac Huamani🦚
Second Year - (he/him) Transmasc - Pan-Demiromantic
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The one man I've made this whole time lmaooo.
- Tupac is my Yzma twist! His name is Incan, ironically meaning 'royal', as I figured out The Emperor's New Groove is inspired by Incan culture!
- He's the most flamboyant twink to ever walk the earth and I love him for that. That being said, he and Rocío are my token 'heteros'. They've been friends since first year and get along extremely well. He's got book smarts but literally no common sense. She has no common sense either and so they j st get into silly shenanigans together. I love them sm my little sillies.
- He's more into dramatic makeup and loves to do Rocío's because she's not into makeup and doesn't really know how to do it lol. He's also made her get a nice skincare routine which she follows diligently as she likes routines.
- Probably a part of the Boardgame Club, though I'm not sure how well he does. He probably just enjoys hanging out with the people and the banter rather than the games themselves, though I think he'd be very good at chess and other strategy games.
Up next is...
🐈‍⬛Chaisee Noi🐈‍⬛
First Year - (he/she/it) Genderfluid - Asexual Aromantic
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- The first of a set of twins twisted from the Siamese twins in Lady and the Tramp (I think that's what they're in, it's been a hot sec lol). I made them mixed, Black and Thai as Siamese cats originate from Thailand.
- Onto Chaisee specifically, I think he's the 'black cat' personality out of the two of them. She's on the more reserved side and is more blunt and to the point than his sibling is. Also autistic and has particular issues with loud noise and food textures. Not a fan of physical contact and hates being touched without permission.
- He like to fluxuate between masc and fem styles a lot (with the fem pictured here) and enjoys suits for formal wear.
- While it's into fashion, he likes to be more of a rough sketch and designer than actually doing the sewing. Her designs are quite avant-garde and lean into lots of floral patterns.
- She and Nasira work together to come up with different floral arrangements, both for Chaisee's designs and for Nasira's dorm.
For the other twin...
🐈Churai Noi🐈
First Year - (they/them) Nonbinary - Pansexual
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- Churai is the 'tabby' cat energy one. They're very affectionate and full of energy. They love to help out others and are constantly doing things with other people.
- A hands-on person, Churai loves sewing and is a part of the sewing club. They tend to be the primary person to work on their sibling's designs because of the level of detail needed.
- ADHD and has to be doing something at all times. Because of this, they have a TON of hobbies, ranging from scrap-booking to fishing to reading about random topics. Gets along incredibly well with Kalim and they love hanging out with him. Also a very touchy person, loves hugs and cuddles!
- Their style is more on the feminine side and they love making cute dresses to wear. Definitely takes a lot of inspiration from the gyaru and harujuku fashion scenes.
⚡Corentin Benoit⚡
First Year - (she/her) - Asexual Aromantic
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Last of my Pomefiore characters and second of the triplets, Corentin Benoit!
- The technical oldest of the triplets and she holds that over their heads. She's was both happy and not to be in a different dorm than her younger siblings.
- Looks up to Hestia a lot and wants to be like her when she grows up (as if Hestia know what she's doing but yk).
- She's particularly interested in the poison aspect of Pomefiore and is keen to eventually become housewarden. As such, she's asked for Vil's help to learn as much as she can about making them.
I don't have a lot for her yet but god, this has taken so fcuking long to write omg. I hope y'all liked it! Ignihyde is next!~
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saintobio · 6 months
hello babe!!!
howre you? i wish you a lot happiness!!!!
anyways, i wanted to say that i understand how yn has her heart sickness, because everytime i think about sn&sy, my own heart hurts a lot, even more so after the last chapter. ch 9 was so heavy and angsty that i cried and i don’t cry that much because my emotions have been numb. what’d you do? how can a normal person write that? i take multiple breaks reading these chapters and sometimes even my absolute addiction and temptation is unable to make me read them all at once.
it’s just so appreciable how you write so beautifully. i love reading your fics not just because of how well they’re written, but also because it makes me feel an intense pain, and i love that pain, i want that pain. that’s not me saying that i don’t want yn to be happy; because idc about gojo as much as i want yn’s happiness. she’s done some ‘not-so-good-things’, but she’s also been through such agonising times and she just deserves happiness at this point of life and for someone to choose her, to love her despite her flaws. and as much as i want gojoyn to be an endgame. it’s fine if they aren’t, because they’re both mature people and deserve happiness. i hate how gojo has treated yn in the past, but i’m also kinda impressed by how far he’s come. i understand him going for akemi, as much as i hate how he chose yn’s bff, but that’s understandable, (i’ve s family member who had a similar accident and after that brain damage, he’s not been the same person, and coming from that, i think satoru went for the person who took care of him the most.) i’m suicidal on behalf of my sweetheart yn. i just want her to be happy, and cared for in love. and i want someone to pick her. and on this heartbreaking journey towards a happy ending for them, i’m in for all the heart-wrenching angst and rarely heartwarming moments!
it pisses me off how akemi went for her bff’s ex husband and istg i hardly care about how she fell in love(?) with him, because babe your bff had a life and death situation because of that man, how can you approach him??? it doesn’t matter that she’s moved on, you still do not go for your bffs ex, that’s a girl code. she may be a good person (questionably so, but hey, im not a pious hermit either to be judging her.) but she’s a real bad friend. her guilt is questionable when she she asks for a family from satoru right after she feels bad about betraying yn. like at least give time for that guilt to fester. i’m sorry i’m ranting. these are my personal feelings. and i love for writing akemi. she’s a well written character, much more than many other characters that i’ve come across.
sera. my baby. my queen. i do not stand by what she did in sn, but goddamnit, i’ve always loved her and her dedication and her aspirations. she wasn’t always bad, and i’m sure had the fic from her pov, we would have liked her more. because shes hardworking, and headstrong and FUNNY. and i love how she stood by yn, and her character development has been so beautiful. she deserves sukuna so much. they’re both my babies. i love that she could get this in her life.
there will be a lot of errors in this ask, and please forgive me for them. i’m extremely tired. exhausted even.
till next time, babygirl!
thank you sooo much, i’m kinda glad you can feel the pain through my writing bc i guess that means it’s effective ? :’D i write way too much angst to the point where i just can’t tell how angsty something is bc i’m alr so numb lol T-T
but aaaaaa ur description of sy!yn hits hard while i’m writing sy10. idek if a person can realistically have this much anguish in her life but i do share ur sentiment of wanting her to just be happy, even if it means she won’t end up with gojo in the end 🥹 it’s the idea of acceptance and letting go that just hurts so damn good. tysm, it’s such a good perspective to read!
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countsmoon · 2 years
poly relationship headcannons with jace and luke with reader!!
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Summary: A request from @daenyraa thru dm :]
Warnings: teeth-rotting fluff, possible spelling mistakes :(
Psst: this is really all over the place so i apologise!! I was just running with all the good ideas. The request said cousin!reader but i just couldn't find a good way to fit that in, sorry :(( Also i haven't had any motivation to write lately so thats why this took so long 😭✋ and its also been shadowbanned from the tags so i had that to worry about
Word count: 500>
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Being in a relationship with both jace and luke is like having two very excitable puppies following you around
Like, you'll be walking around and suddenly see two heads peaking round the corner staring at you like 👁👁 we want attention
You've just accepted your fate at this point
At dinner because obviously you're having dinner with them, they've squished you between them. Luke is on your left and jace is on your right
You have to fight to be able to eat cause they both want to hold your hands 24/7
They don't limit the fight to just dinner either, they're having little battles over you all day and night
Especially when its cuddle time.
The boys have almost developed a sixth sense for when its cuddle time istg. they go running to find you to just pull you away from what you're doing so you all can cuddle
It works by you laying flat with one boy on one side and the other on your other side. Luke is normally closer to your neck and jace is just a bit under
When you cuddle, lucerys would very much appreciate some hair playing and freckle tracing, he finds it very soothing n honestly who r you to say no??
Jacaerys also likes hair playing but instead of freckle tracing, he likes you tracing random shapes into his neck/back
When you do however, he sometimes gets really ticklish and those are the times you and luke gang up on him and cause tickle fights #sorrynotsorrybitch
If you're feeling down, the boys immediately pull out all the guns. I'm talking playing with and riding vermax and arrax, getting your favourite snacks and drinks and creating a massive pillow fort for the three of you
Rhaenyra has stumbled upon the three of you past out on hot chocolate too many times to remember them all
They love giving gifts!! Jacaerys will give you personalized clothes for you and lucerys gets jewellery made (if you like that sort of thing). If you are a knight lr in the royal guard, they get a sword handmade out of valyrian steel for you with lots of gold a rubies absolutelyjealous
Like i said earlier, you go riding with arrax and vermax so often, you live more in the dragon keep then in the castle tbh
When riding, you have a way of keeping the dragons and boys not jealous. One ride you ride with jace and vermax and on another ride its with luke and arrax.
You have aced the skill of keeping everyone happy and not petty >:)
Summary: the boys love you more than life itself and are simps <33
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
AS our resident ghost type enthusiast, I ask you:
*holds out microphone
Ghost types. Tell us more. Your thoughts?
Well I'm very glad you asked
(takes the mic out of your hands)
.... Fricking. Ghost types.
Okay so let's start from the beginning, I fricking hate Ulzar but I have to at least half take it into consideration
Bastard said that each of the 7 had their own offspring being Nexomon and that's how they came to be.
How true this is is up to debate, but, still. CoO made nexomon that carry their element, checks out.
No 2 is actually Jin/Atlanta/Lydia. I forgot who says it but I know it's said Jin sealed Fen off so that no more tyrants can be born. And that when Lydia knows you have an egg she immediately tells you to go bother Nadine.
Therefore, I'm going to assume that one must need element powers to hatch tyrants, more specifically laylines. And this makes sense! (Not your post Byeol go to the corner.) I mean, the Plant type tyrant is literally Tikala, who was a warden, because Deena probably wouldn't have. And there's no Psychic because I mean, Solus was a child, nobody came up to them like "hey kid you wanna bless this egg with psychic powers"
... So then. Ghost. Fane.
Where did they come from, genuinely. It can't be Ziegler, he's a normal type. Even if he wasn't it'd still have weird implications.
We have this whole lore and world building about this being the case, and then ghost shows up.
It's the only type without a primordial! How did you exist if you had nothing to come from???
It even has shards and traps! Normal doesn't have shards and traps!!!
So where did you come from??
It has to be something, somehow. I just- it's do weird, AND it's gone in n3!!! It just stayed around a bit and then left, what the heck!!!!!
This is why I have Aster (I promise I'm working on this) and Sasha(This kangaroo won't leave me be istg-) among others. I need reason as to why Ghost is a thing.
I obviously don't think Aster is a thing that canonically happened, so, here's some:
1. Ghost came from Hilda screwing on about, and her curse effecting Nexomon, I'm only willing to accept this if there's 0 ghosts in n3
2. Ghost came from Amelie trying to stop Tyrants. Because imagine pre Solus for a second. Normal was an unstoppable force as far as elements went. No counters, no nothing. So maybe she just fucked about (her or Malk, because James' steppdad would probably have his blood or something from being a scientist and making sure that glass ball has his rabbies shots) making Ghost on accident. If anyone's doing this I expect a Ghost type primordial design on my desk by 5. Because they existed for at least a moment
3. Deena's scrapped plotline of having a different kid first. This fucks up her characterization just a little bit (a lot) though so thread carefully I guess.
4. The abyssal person did it because we still don't know what they are. Seer? Probably. But maybe they're related to Omnicron or something who fricking knows, not me. Also no I don't think it's James sorry other theory person. So maybe it's Kroma? Like the first real Ghost type, I mean I even have a human design, she'd just need some gold...
5. It's Normal decaying at different speeds. Ghost is sometimes described by Decay after all. This one I might have to take in n3, considering I don't think it'd ever get resolved
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eneablack · 8 months
some things that are happening rn 🦈 (since i’m not posting anymore, just wanted to generally update again, and maybe you guys can suggest some topics that i can cover)
i still have to channel my subconscious, i wanted to ask them what are my blockages now but i procrastinate bc i have zero motivation, i really need something to make me wanna do it.
i think there’s a trickster impersonating my deities and that is taking my energy. i started having nightmares (which is unusual for me now), my tarot cards are very confusing and opposing each other and giving me lots of negative cards and usually the devil is always there, then i have this strange feeling that i am not talking to my deities, and i feel kind of drained and unmotivated. this started when duchess astarte (astaroth) reached out to me so i’m not sure what to think. i’ll have to banish it if it keeps going this way.
i always had this feeling that i have a curse on me because of so many reasons, then i looked on the internet what are the signs and i find myself in literally everything. so i did a reading and i got confirmation which was not surprising, apparently it was an ex friend of mine that did it intentionally but i have no idea who that is. i asked astarte if she could help me and she accepted so i did a spell to remove the curse and be protected, which i think will work soon, i feel like i just have to wait a bit.
my current dr is still marauders/hogwarts but i’m feeling really nostalgic of my avatar dr, that place felt like home like no other dr i shifted to. i will probably shift there in summer or even spring since those seasons reminds me so much of pandora. can’t wait :(
i’m still manifesting my ideal life. i made a vision board and a script with a list of things i want, and i’m trying to keep a wish fulfilled state. i’m still luckily in a “god” mentality such as that i know i’m the creator of this reality, so it’s pretty easy for me to ignore the 3d now. it’s just that sometimes i still feel somewhat anxious that “what if i won’t manifest this?” which is normal, but i try to keep the right mindset. plus all of my deities are really hyping me up telling me that if i really just persist this time i will totally manifest it all in no time, i’m basically already there, and they seem so sure about this and i am too ;)
IM GOING TO THAILAND IN FEBRUARY AAAAA, i’m so excited bro istg i really am looking forward to this. i’ll be staying for two weeks so for that period of time (9th feb to around the 23rd) i won’t post anything, but it’s not really sure i mean maybe if i have some news or new ideas and i have free time then i might post, who knows.
i think there’s definitely more to say but i don’t know what so i’ll stop here. have a good day :)
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Dear pjo fandom
I just read the sun and the stars and i was so happy to come here and see all the little cute fan arts and what i find is a bunch of adults complaining about a child books series istg this fandom is one of the most toxic ones out there.
Now i could tell you that if you want to consume a product whatever it is movies,books,tv shows ecc that's explicitly for kids/preteens you have to approch it with the right mentality which is letting your inner child enjoy the product if you're 20+ something, cause of course the adult you won't feel the same wonder, and sure kids products don't have to be bad or bland and there are other things out there aimed at kids that are better than tsats BUT it's not a bad book, mark oshiro did such a good job at portraying healing and trauma, they also did an amazing job at presenting to middle schoolers the idea of romantic relationships being not all roses and flowers and unicorns, human relationships are hard no matter the kind, it's something difficult to accept and to deal with especially when every single fairy tale you read as a kid teaches you that there is a happily ever after, that after adversities everything gets solved and goes fine, when you grow up you learn that nothing is further from the truth than that, i could also tell you that of course the concept is extremely simplified but again it's a book for kids/preteens, i could tell you to not go for something you know it's not targeted to you if you want approch it in a cynical way, i could give you as example that reading tsats and wanting maturity out of it is like going to watch a disney animation movie and then complaining they sing too much. Cause now you have to tell me when rick riordan has been mature or not cringe in the whole entirity of the pjo saga? He literally wrote a dam joke after killing off a 12 years old, added a judo flip to a romantic reunion of two characters that haven't seen each others for almost a year, wrote a romantic declaration from a 20 years old something to a 16 years old girl, wrote about gods falling for the stupidiest shit said by teenagers demigods, made percy at 12 years old won a fight against the fucking god of war and i could go on so if that has been ok with you till now what is even the point? The truth is y'all are not complaining cause the book feels immature/cringe/ooc ecc y'all are complaining cause you hate will and you hate him cause you ship nico with percy,jason,leo or who knows who and that's ok you don't have to like will or solangelo you can ship whatever you want (i'm an "anomaly" in this fandom i never shipped percabeth, i started prefering percy and rachel and i ended up loving the idea of annabeth and piper, still i can be objective enough to read a whole saga where percy and annabeth are the main couple and not shit on it just cause i don't ship them together) of course you can complain about this book but at least make an effort and think of valid reasons. The real problem is why did you decide to buy and read a book that focuses as one of the main plots on a relationship you hate so much, if you can't stand them as a couple why did you read it in the first place? This book is not perfect it lacks things and there are topics that needed to be handled better sure, but it's not bad,ooc or cringe, cheesy maybe but not the kind of cringe you are trying to make it pass. The real deal here is you don't really care about any of those things you just hate the ship the book revolves around and again that's fine but just be honest it's way more respectful than taking away the work af a queer author that tried to settle more the idea of a queer couple being normal and equal to a straight one to a group of young people who are living in a society that still is against queer people.
Damnit shut up, do it for the gay kids
A former kid (still queer tho)
(if i made mistakes forgive me english is not my first language)
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nonhumanwithin · 2 months
; okay I already sent an ask like a week ago or smth so sorry if this is like- so soon lol. But those answers were really helpful ( /gen ) and I've done more thinking ( a painful amount of thinking istg /lh ) and also found / joined some other groups, blogs, etc .. I also had some experiences that changed some thoughts on my identity lol. But enough rambling I do have a couple more questions but yh !! Sorry if I'm being terribly annoying haha :'] ( hoping I use all these terms right !! I've seen them used loads but yk, haven't used them much myself hssbsvsus )
; 1. can one be, say, a fox therian but also felinehearted / cathearted in some way ?? ( as in identifying as a fox but identifying with cats / felines, if I've got those terms right ) Would those be " contradictory " or is there yk a separate more specific term for it ??
; 2. would being hamsterhearted but not being a hamster therian per say be alright ?? I haven't seen anything against it, but I still want to ask an clarify yk .. !!
; 3. going off the last one, I usually only see therians identifying as cats, dogs, wolves and maybe foxes ( nothing wrong w that ofc !! ) and never really things like insects, rodents or sea creatures ?? Is there any specific reason for this or is it more of like .. It's js hard to see yourself in animals like such, or ppl don't even consider them bc yk- oh tail I'm definitely a dog and not like a blue tongued lizard or wtv yk ? Other animals js aren't immediately thought about .. Idk I'm curious !! /nm
; 4. Is fictionkin / hearted a commonly disliked term or like, js debated lots ?? I've js seen a lot of discourse on it, and some therian and otherkin spaces rejecting them, whereas others accepting ?? Obviously this is discourse I'm used to being nuerodivergent and queer, etc, and constantly being invalidated, etc .. and I'm still making my own decision on this, but it's still like yk " oh wow " to see lots of ppl hating on a term I was gonna identify w ?? So what's the kinda common stance on the terms ?? /nm ( should I not publicly display being / questioning being fictionhearted ykwim .. :'] )
; 5. another thing related to the hamsterhearted thing ( sorry ), is it " normal " or common to feel like .. Idk like the animal is family to you ?? Not even js " yh they're a part of the family " in a pet way but like, IF I was a hamster therian they'd be my siblings yk ?? And I relate to them lots and how they are, and I feel contested w them yk .. So yh, is that a common feeling w being otherhearted ig ??
; so I think the terms I'm gonna use are fox therian, feline hearted and hamsterhearted .. Yh I like those terms .. Like I'm comfortable w them and they feel right for me. Js wanted to say that as a way to idk, say it and mean it lol. :] /pos ( I'm so sorry this ended up being another really long ask HSUSVSH </3 )
Hey, it's not annoying at all :) Also sorry for the late reply!!
You can be any mix of 'kin and 'hearted! It's not contradictory at all. But I think foxes and cats actually makes a lot of sense because they are pretty similar animals in some weird ways, like in their behaviors.
Hearttypes are an entirely separate thing from kintypes. If you are hamsterkin you don't really need to specify you are also hamsterhearted (I mean, you can if you want!) because it's kind of a given that you would feel a deep connection to the animal you identify as! Of course not everyone feels that deeply about their kintype but most do.
Pretty much exactly that. It's easier for us as (biological) humans to connect with animals that are similar to us (particularly other social mammals) or that are engrained in our culture. It's easier to see similarities in them. But I have met a ton of odd critters out there! I've met skunks, sea slugs, spiders, and all sorts of niche mythological creature-kin! They're not as common and maybe not as vocal about it, but they definitely exist.
...Are there people STILL claiming fictionkin isn't a real identity?? Lol. I'd recommend staying far away from those people. I haven't encountered gatekeepers like that in a long time. It's possible they are sticking to a very outdated, closed mindset or learning that from older people in the community. But no, it's not a common thing in my experience, unless the people it's coming from are KFF (kin-for-fun AKA "kinnies" who are misinformed and think kinning is just really liking a character and think if you actually identify as a character you're delusional). I think you're generally fine to be open about being fictionkin/questioning it. No one should be targetting you for just talking about it on Tumblr at least.
I think that is fairly common! It makes sense to see pets that are your kintype/hearttype as family. I felt that way with my dogs too :)
I'm glad you're getting comfortable with your identity! Good luck friend :)
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szilianna · 8 months
Also, i think it would be important to note that both Eris and Erik are referred to as Mr. Esmeralda. So... Being a girl vindicator means two things. One, you're a fucking disappointment, or two, you don't rely matter, if you can have kids then you will reproduce later on and that's your only duty, you won't be trained.
Eris' father decided to raise both of his children as boys to not have to constantly be ashamed for having a girl in the family. Eris is obviously a bit weaker than Erik, given that men are mostly stronger than women, but they're almost on the same level, and it's not like Eris is really super weak so she's good.
Now this doesn't make her transgender. She's raised a boy, and used he/him pronouns, but she knows what she is and she doesn't mind pretending she's a boy. She mostly doesn't talk, because then others would be able to tell by her voice that she's not a boy. She also binded her chest, and did many boy things, but since nobody aside from her family, and best friend Miira knew what's with her, the others don't suspect a thing. But sometimes, when she's alone, she steals some dresses from wherever she can, mostly from the storage room chests, and tries them on, but none of them fit her due to her muscular build so she's stuck with suits. They have these clothes because sometimes they have events where they can drink and dance together, not because of romance and stuff, these are mostly for celebrations and for getting to know everyone a little better before going on a raid together.
This raising girl vindicators as a boy thing is pretty common, and when they have to marry, illagers marry for tactical purposes, not out of love, so two boys or girls being "married" to each other is seen as a completely normal thing, especially among vindicators, because some of them are pretend boys, and some can't reproduce, so it doesn't matter who they live in one mansion with. So does that make them accepting and not homophobic? Nah. Vindicators and most illagers are everything phobic, they hate everyone, so it kind of doesn't matter to them. They don't like love in general as it makes you significantly weaker and lose focus from your main duties. Also mansions have a certain amount of beds, so unexpected babies mostly get killed after being born. In this case, they like same sex couples more, since they won't accidentally gift the already overwhelmed medical staff with more things to deal with. There's always a time when more children will be born, mostly after one generation of illagers are raised, and they're good and no longer need to be educated and stuff.
They don't care what you do or who you sleep with as long as you don't do it in front of them. Illagers don't know how to express their love due to this, so most will never even confess, and will just stay as raid-mates or whatever. But those who can will be cold and agressive in public, seemingly having no feelings towards anyone, but in private, they can be very affectionate. Also they can sleep together, since the mansion is a cold place and they don't have fireplaces in every room, so most illagers and villagers cuddle with each other to stay warm. Which is i think so cute like who wouldn't wanna cuddle a big buff sweaty vindicator LIKE I WANNA CUDDLE ERIS SO BAD ISTG BEST SLEEP OF MY LIFE
Tf is wrong with me i hate myself sm
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bigmack2go · 10 months
No i dont think u understand!! I love heartstopper with my heart and all and im greatfull for all the representation but theres just so much i will never see myself in tv or media.
I want to see a kid having two(+) crushes and despair bc „why do i have to choose?“
But instead of the kid chOoSiNg ThE BeTtEr PeRsON iN tHe eNd i want to see them end up with BOTH because you dont have to choose! You can love several people in a romantic way and theres NOTHING wrong with it!
I want to see a girl that doesnt get along with other girls or a boy that doesnt get along with boys( or just isnt the same as other boys/girls)
I want to see a kid that just doesn’t belong to either. I dont wanna hear „not boy enough for the girls and not girl enough for the boys“ and have them struggle with the other people. NO! I want them to wonder for themselves who they are! Have them realize they dont belong to both or to either BUT TO NEITHER!
I want to see an outcast that isn’t all „boys at school never look at me. Im just not a main character…“ give me a kid thats an outcast but „WHY??? WHY AM I AN OUTCAST?? IM NOT EVEN THAT BAD WHY CANT NO ONE SEE THAT???“
Give me an authistic kid that doesn’t realize its being picked on until its to late. I want to see then masking and learning to unmask! I dont want to see not because „what is your problem?“ but because What is my problem? I want to see them struggling to name their feelings and even understand themselves! I want them to have to explain themselves and their actions but not being able too because THEY DONT KNOW EITHER!! I want them to be told their not authistic because „if you were authistic [insert authitic stty]“ i want them to accept that they have a disability and learn to live with it, not to say „aUthIsM iS A GiFt“ because for it fuking isnt! Its a condition! But that doesn’t make you less worthy of anything.
I want a kid that gets made fun off and KNOWS it but they cant do anything about it because the bullying is so passive that everyone’s just like „hAvE YoU eVeR cOnsIdeReD tHeyRe NoT aCtuAlLly AgaInSt YoU?” And being told to just engage with them, but of they do that then everyone will know theyre a fool and they fell for the passiveness and „did u actually think we wanted to be your friends ha ha“
I want an adhd kid that wonders „what is wrong with me?“ „why me???“ or „why cant i just be like everyone else“ i want them to struggle with asignments and get burned out and shit! I wanna see them nit asking for help because „istg if one more person asks me what dont you understand im gonna lose it!“ because „HOW AM I SUPOSED TO KNOW WHAT I DONT UNDERSTAND IF I DONT UNDERSTAND IT?!“ i want to see them react negatively when they meet another kid with adhd thats like them instead of „i fInNaLy FoUnd SoMeoNe ThAt UndErStAnDs mE“ because
I want a kid that is of faith but not the same faith that they were raised with.
I want to see a christian kid thats friends with a muslim kid,because w h a t d o i c a r e? Maybe one of us is wrong. Maybe were both wrong. Maybe were both right! There is quite literally no way to find out!
I want to see them both struggle because the musilm kid hears shit like
„you realise that r the same ppl that k!ll3d ourlikes back in the day..“ (but why r they so nice then?) from one side, and „blah blah are you/ your parents terrorist(s)?“ (where’d u get that idea from) from the other
And the other kid hears „you cant be friends with a blasphemer“ and „you realise that everything you stand for is homophobic and what not“
Even better; give me a GAY christian that goes to church on Sundays and to pride on Fridays!
Give me an abuse surviver that was emotionally manipulated. Someone who thought that was normal. Some one who’s been lied to. Someone who has to change their whole worldview because everything they believed to be fact wasn’t. I want to see them growing into the person that did that to them in the first place BUT AGAINST THEIR WILL! I want them to fight against it! I want them to struggle because they don’t wanna hurt anyone but they know they’re toxic. Not in a „im just a burdain anyways i should go kms“ way but in a genuine way where they do genuinely bad things sometimes without realising it. But they can win that fight and the y D O N T have to become the abuser.
Give me an emotionally traumatised kid. A kid that keeps apologising and that panics when things go to good!
I want to hear the story of a bullying victim that changes school and it actually gets better and they panic about it.
I want them to genuinely believe their new friendgroup secretly has a groupchat without them. I want them to genuinely think people are laughing AT THEM when they r laughing in private. I want them to genuinely believe that no one gets it. I want them to genuinely think certain people dont want to do with them and r just being polite every here and there because „they r so cool! There is no possible way they would actually wanna be friends w me“
I want everything in they’re life to grow to be better but they just dont. They just watch their life improving while they dont heal. The damage is done, the glue is dryed. You cant do anything about it anymore. Its to late.
They genuinely think they cant heal anymore
A gifted kid that struggles more than everyone else and „they must have switched something up! Theres no possible way that my iq is barely 10 under einsteins.“ because they keep struggling.
Gimme a dyslexic kid that doesn’t go „why do i not get this“ but instead „why does everyone else get this??“
Give me a discalculatic kid for whom its the other way around! I don’t wanna see the same thing that every kid has with maths like „dO yOu GuYs ActUaLlY UndErStAnd ThIs??“ no! (They dont prolly but thats just normal) they go „how come i dont understand this when everyone else seems to do it somehow“
A kid with generalized anxiety disorder being misjudged as paranoid. A kid that panics because of the most obscure things. „What if a metheor destroys earth“
If your feeling funny connect it with ocd!
„What if everyone in my family is zombies? I cant just ask them that because if i do they know their cover is up and then they dont have a reason to not do zombie stuff anymore“
(I actually genuinely believed that for three years straight and i had so many panic attacks.)
I dont want then to not ask for help because „thats stupid lol! Everyone will think im a dumb kid woth too much fantasy“ but instead „if i ask for help IT’LL GET WORSE!“
A boy that has everything!
His parents have much money, he’s white (dont experience racism), he’s straight (no homophobia), cis, a boy, has friends, nothing stressful in his life „so why do i feel so damn bad?!“
A kid that digs into their past and theyre grandparents and stuff and find something they just didnt wanna know!
This is the representation i need! I need to see the other representation too but it’s not done with that!
There is so much more that kids think they will never see themselves in when watching tv etc. and they WILL grow to belive that they are wrong or not normal for that if that doesn’t change!
I could go on abt this and maybe i will tbh but in the coments lol
(I didnt do anything abt racism because im a white person and i dont experience it! I dont think i should talk about stuff that i dont know about as much as someone who IS experiencing it does)
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Dude your brain omg, I love Ouran and these all match up so perfectly!! Wtf?? I also feel like with comparing the boys to the hosts in OHSHC also helps us fit them into the different otome male love interest archetypes lol. Just everything about the original post you made and all this talking about all these different plot ideas is so fun. If I were to create an imaginary game summary, I think it would be something like:
"Moving to a new college in New York seemed like a death sentence but things take a turn for the unexpected when one of the most popular cliques on campus accept you as one of their own. Taking this gracious opportunity of allyship brings you into the eye of a storm when you uncover one of the world's greatest mysteries; Who or what stopped the world from ending almost 5 years ago?"
I just wrote this now lol, idk what I'm saying but I'm just having fun with it. What does it mean for this actual concept? No clue but I'd love to have it not just be a meet-cute school thing, it may a little bit of a cliché YA novel kind of thing(Normal Human(?)™️ gets dragged into magic bs and has to save the world now ig)but Gothic literature is just 😙👌 *chefs kiss* I love it.
evie, you’re a genius, a god damn GENIUS I TELL YOU <3 istg that was just perfect and you made that up on the fly?!
i agree not just a meet-cute but the whole sha-bang, yk how usually the reader/MC has crazy mystic abilities that they don’t know about, haven’t uncovered yet, maybe that’s the in to them helping the turtles since SPOILER ALERT kraang number two is still on earth & we all know how crazy dangerous she could be, her vengeance perhaps could be on a whole new level of life-threatening now that her brother isn’t there to tell her what to do?!
someone needs to get to crackin’ with this cause we are literally on fire right now!! Let’s see an alternate game summary might be:
In a world where mutants live alongside humans. You were just trying to keep a low profile in college, but who were you kidding, this was New York! Things take a complete turn when you meet your newfound friends ‘The Mad Dogs’ the most popular group on campus! When aliens start to track you down with threats to your life, you start to wonder if being friends with the turtles is safe? But how can you turn back now, especially with the undeniable chemistry sparking between you and a certain turtle~
idk how I feel about mines BUT yours is 🤌💋🤭 literally sounds like a professional game summary
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awigglycultist · 2 years
Hey, Melissa! Read through thoughts bc I'm super behind on the stream but there's no way I was gonna just catch up and start watching were the stream is now, absolutely had to watch this first
"hey nick! Hey nick? Before we get started can I ask a character question?"
Ted pt 2
Omg Jeff-
Fanart my beloved everyone's incredible <3
Charlotte :( hnggg
Also yes Melissa likes cats!
Oh yeah Melissa likes Paul doesn't she
Yeah Bill! Call Paul out!
Yeah Paul! Call Bill out!
You see your daughter in her hey?
Okay Jesus Ted
It's... Kinda.. Sweet? In a way? That Ted doesn't want step on Paul's game and chances with Melissa. I mean considering heoves fucking other Men's wives, and as someone who's obsessed with the fact Ted sees Paul as his best friend, there's something nice about Ted saying this... Even if it's followed by him being a horny bastard and saying he can't keep it up for long
"you're a fucking idiot Paul!"
He doesn't like her bc she's a cat person? I agree with Ted, "come on Matthews!"
Paul's childhood pets were named Spot and Whiskers my god he's so fucking Normal™
"well your lost fuckhead!" "yeah, ya fuckhead"
Ted doesn't see women as something you can, it's a win!!
Oh no Freddy is going to fucking run Ted over isn't he? If he dies this soon istg-
Omg no his office is empty omg noooo
But they didn't actually say he's dead... Maybe... Maybe there's a chance-
Melissa how do you not know Paul despises musicals?
Working Boys?!
"do you like film?" "not particularly" this single handly destroyed everyone's hc that's Paul's has a special interest in movies wtf Langs I'm gonna pretend that he does like film and only said this to get out of going out with Melissa
Beanies delivers?
Paulkins :))
Oh poor Melissa :(
Yeah Melissa stand up for yourself!! I love you!
Oh boy I wonder what he wants to tell his wife...
He'll never be able tell his wife huh?
"don't work to hard" "I don't :)"
Oh no...
I wonder if it's Freddy or is it Melissa?
Yeah!! Melissa! Badass!
Oh god Mr Davidson why would you keep that in your office...
Paul is a good man :) I love him :)
Wow Paul really loved that dog
I mean it was when he was 10 so Spot would dead by now anyway ig but COME ON
Okay wow jeez Melissa he didn't mean for the dog to die, he didn't kill the dog it was accident
Teddy Bear? I.. Don't like that...
Holy fuck wtf Melissa omg
But at least Ted's alive!!
She cut off his fingers? Melissa is the human pet guy-
Can I just say Jon's scream in response to the taser was great
The way Melissa is saying absolutely terrifying things while also saying "soft little puppy beans!"
Something about Jon "Catteson" playing Paul pretending to be a cat
Also Melissa has lost her mind like she fully thinks Paul is a cat just bc he meowed
Ignoring the irony she is right about declawing being inhumane
Melissa should know that cats don't listen well
She's leaving RUN PAUL RUN TED
"WHAT THE FUCK TED!? WHAT THE SERIOUS FUCK!?" this line has me dead and Jon's delivery is grest I will be quoting this forever
Honestly yeah piss on her couch, she deserves it
The way Ted's totally accepted that he's stuck here
Joey omfg
Why would she record it??
Emma! Omg yes Emma that's right! Emma please! Go to Melissa's house! Save them!
Okay so Melissa... Is both aware that Paul is her "cat" but also full believes he's a cat?
Yes Bill!
No Bill-!
Melissa I have a feeling your friends are gonna be freaked out by your human pets
"w e n e e d h e l p"
Yeah ofc they don't care
There's a community of ppl in hatchetfield that all have human pets
Ted you fucking horny bastard-
"if you go near that door I will bark at you! I swear to god I will bark at you Paul!" this is another line I'll be quoting a lot
Please the Scooby Doo impression
Ya know... I don't actually think this is considered a treat for dogs...
Goddammit Ted's alive again
"you don't want to get another dog killed do you?" is so. So bad. Like Paul already feels terrible for accidentally getting a dog killed when he was young and now I can't imagine how he feels partially being the reason Ted's dead... And then Melissa saying this, like obviously everything she's done up to this point is worse but like goddamn the psychological hurt
Bill.... Daddy.. No..
Bill you dumbass-
A gun?
FREDDY?? I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S THE FUCKING HERO!? Also good job Melissa you forgot to kill him
The Kitty Cat Club?
Okay come on you didn't have to saw paw
Paul let it go she deserves to feel bad for this if nothing else
"love comes in all forms"
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stfuviolet1 · 9 days
Alhamdulillah, my prayer has been answered just at the right time. After almost 3 months of job hunting, 2 trial and error law firms, I finally received an offer to work at a place that aligns with my goals and values. I have been praying for this day and night and I know it might be too soon to judge, but I have a good feeling about this firm.
The pay may not be as high as the ones offered in KL, but looking at other factors, it seems like a fair rate to me. I mean it’s not that bad tho since I’ve got 2 other side jobs so money isn’t really the issue.
Last month, I declined an offer to work at Damien’s. YOO Damien and the whole team really be giving the Suits vibe. Istg Mr Ian looks like LOUIS LITT, the hair, the chubbiness, the teeth 😭😭 Damien is the most good looking one and he dresses as sharp as Harvey (he’s the MP duhh) and I guess Jeff is the Mike Ross in the group. And as much as I’d love to be a part of the team and who knows become the next Samantha/Jessica I just don’t feel right about it. No actually, I think I’d be fine but my mom won’t. They openly expressed their culture on how open minded and liberal they are yknow drinking and stuffs is a normal thing in the firm and I’m expected to blend in. And to tell the truth, as much as I know myself and I know I’m just as social butterfly, it’s different than my life in general. I know I can be pretty social I do stuffs too but I’m on some sort of soul searching and personal development and when it comes to people I hang out with, I get to choose when to hang out with them and when not to hang out with them yknow. I can avoid them as much as I want whenever I don’t feel like hanging out but when it comes to work? I wouldn’t have much choice and I don’t want to be stuck in a position where I have to lie to myself to fit in. I mean I will see them everyday every week and will most likely spend more than half of my day with them. Yeap Mr Ian told me you don’t dream of going back early I must stay in for as long as they need me to. So tell me how can I avoid them and not fall into the rabbit hole again. Sighs
Anyways enough with Damien, I went to another iv at KD and honestly I didn’t put too much hope on this one cause I don’t want to get disappointed. Didn’t prepare much as I wasn’t feeling well but showed up regardless, and I was so close to bail out when I couldn’t find a parking and when I did, I kinda lost sight of the company and had to walk veeeery very far just to find the place. In HEELS some more sheesh. Went in regardless, nicely greeted and filled in some forms. Few mins later Mr Greg, the MP of the firm came inside the meeting room to interview me (thank god the MP showed up so I don’t have to come for a second iv I thought to myself) spent an hour in the room answering to his questions and just listened to him talking. Well it was pretty smooth ivs he explained everything about the nature of my work and he allows me to be working under general litigation department which, the reason I wanted to switch firm. Oh ohh he’s a pro of work life balance too weee he literally told me he doesn’t want to see my face during the weekends lol.
But I guess,, the main reason why I’m open to accept his job offer is… he supports me. He doesn’t just support me but he encourages me to pursue my goals. He supports me to not just be a lawyer but also as an educator. Most of the interviewers’ that I have met in the past asked me if I am willing to let go of my side job just so I can devote my full time and attention to their firms when I told them I work as part time teacher. But Mr Greg.. he was really supportive of my side job he even encourage me to go back at 6pm sharp just so I could teach at night. I mean obv I ain’t gonna do that but it’s the thought that counts. I mean to think of it, all of the lawyers I talked to before really be gaslighting me when I don’t match their level of ‘hard work’ and romanticize slavery. I am very committed and dedicated towards my job it’s just I’m a firm believer that work should be a part of life, not the other way around and it really warms my heart to acknowledge that Mr Greg is living by the same principle as me. He was an educator before too so I guess that’s why we speak the same language and I guess maybe this is the right place for me at the moment. After all I don’t teach for money, I do it because it’s somehow therapeutic to me to be able to see my students once a week and deliver knowledge to them. The type of conversation we have each week and to witness their growth? Indescribable. I will work just as hard as everyone else until I see my name’s on the door, but as for now what’s important is I don’t jeopardize my sanity by indulging myself into a toxic working environment. I am and will always live by Jim Rohn’s quote;
“Work hard on yourself more than you work hard on your job. You work hard on your job, you’ll make a living and that’s fine but when you work harder on yourself, you’ll make a fortune. And that is the most noble thing you could ever done to yourself”
Fey 13/9/24
0 notes
by-kilian · 1 year
It’s ur “💙” anon coming with part 2 bc she definitely can
Now you see i can’t send photos or gifs but I’ll link them nonetheless u can’t stop me. https://giphy.com/gifs/rihanna-OTbo92zetdsha
Again folks big spoiler alert.
Okay now yelena and levi’s first scene.. um.. why.. why is every possible character so hot dude like!!?!?!!?? I just can’t pick a side without making excuses for the others ughh
“My time in the military shaped me, you know?” She paused. “I had to take lives,” she said in a hushed voice. “Do you know what that’s like?” The switchblade grew heavier in Levi’s pocket. Then an air of understanding passed between him and Yelena in the silence. Levi dipped his hand into his pocket. “Yes.”
This scene… the tension.. i felt everything in every single part of my body istg KW i was screaming and jumping while chewing on my nails until i reached skin it was this good!! I really loved the way they just understood each other it was like “nothing personal, I’m doing my job.” There was an air of idk.. respect and kind of acceptance with a hint of challenge.. i loved it so much
Now back to My fallen angel and the stinky hairy stalkiest asshole in the universe..
Yes he’s a jerk, but a very cunning and nothing-near-stupid one.. he in-fact scared me at some point i gotta admit, because the way he connects the dots is.. wow
“You are already thinking of all the ways you can kill me because you will never be able to shed that part of you.”
“A million and one things raced through your mind, and you were ashamed that more than half of those things were trying to figure out how to kill Mathias. ”
NO BECAUSE I WHEEZED MY LUNGS OUT😭😭😭 https://giphy.com/gifs/PotatoITV-e4-coach-trip-celebrity-ghost-WiCahQsVaUjksEn7aT MY BABY PLANNED HIS MURDER IN 12928 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES😭😭😭 And as she should!!
Fast forward you see.. i should’ve knew things are going down when levi whispered “The die had been cast” i should’ve realized this but i didn’t and that’s why when mathias stabbed kilian i gasped out loud… i felt my heart breaking with her and you see it’s not for the fact that she was actually dying this bitch don’t die.. i mean because she was distracted by the thought of levi getting hurt and that was the meanest most heartbreaking thing I’ve read in a while.. and you know what’s the cherry on top? THINKING THAT SHE DOESNT DESERVE HAPPINESS.. imma kms that’s it..
You couldn’t speak, feeling nothing but pain and heat and heat and pain. It burnt through your body hot even as you felt yourself growing colder. You thought of Levi and tears welled in your eyes
Your description made me feel every single word istg>>>
And Of course i was a sobbing mess while I’m reading her crawling across the floor all bloodied to reach levi, and of course i cried myself to sleep when she reached him, and definitely i screamed in agony once you mentioned orpheus and eurydice again…
Oh and let’s not talk about once levi reached her because it’ll be my last straw..
Levi was never a religious man, but he understood religion when he was with you. With you, Levi understood the temptation that Eve faced in the garden. With you, Levi even understood how angels could fall from grace. With you, Levi understood words he never did before to an exceptionally profound level; words like devotion, redemption, and prayer.Levi wasn’t a religious man, but he learned how to truly pray that night without even meaning to. One single solemn request, the most pious prayer he would ever attempt. “Wake up, sweetheart.”  
Now ehem next Chapter whohohooooo🤩🤩
The last thing i expected was the chapter going this way tbh.. you see it reminded me of LDBS most heartbreaking chapters that Im never forgetting because they affected me so much.. “about her, where it started, where it ends.” The holy trinity of greif, i felt like i was reading them but now the hurt was pro max because your writing and descriptions are more.. descriptive
Also lmao zeke holding a gum😭😭😭 i knew it was a fever dream when you mentioned it😭😭😭 and the fact that killian cares about him enough to see him, dude if you planned murder during this chapter it would’ve been easier but ofc ofc you wanted to torture us. https://giphy.com/gifs/portlandia-season-2-episode-3-xT1R9SJiGMLJFB5YKA
Now.. annie?? Kw why are you like this and how you know how to connect things perfectly like that it’s pretty iconic tbh!!!
I don’t really know what to say anymore.. but each paragraph was really killing me in every possible way.. i really wished killian was able to see how much people cares about how, not just levi, whom she thinks she doesn’t deserve, but annie, erwin, Isabelle, farlan, eren, i really wished she knew how much they love her, maybe then she’ll know that she deserves every single good thing in this universe, my baby suffered a-lot and that’s why i admire her, if this was an actual novel killian would for sure be the best female mc in terms of surviving, and as levi said: Still, you were nothing if not a survivor.  She really is. Our fallen angel🥹💙💙
They’d nicknamed you the “fallen angel,” because you looked exactly like one when you arrived. One of the crash team members said afterwards that if they weren’t so concerned about saving your life, they would have shed a tear for having to cut up your beautiful gown.
I giggled in between my tears when i read this, kw never beating the fashionista allegations even on her death bed which is like a huge slayyyyy she’s a freaking queen💙💙 our fashion icon. I really loved the interaction between annie and levi, you really wrote them so well because.. i don’t know if im the only one who feels this but you know when you’re reading a chapter or a scene and be like.. “yes, this is how things are supposed to be going” from how perfect the writing and writer is? That’s what i felt and still feel every time i read one of your works!!🥹💙
When you woke up again, your face was pressed into a couch that smelt powdery and warm. It was a familiar scent but you couldn’t pinpoint it to someone specifically. As you ran your nails along the green and pink floral upholstery, you felt like you were somewhere you once called home.
Kw you really need to give me lessons on how to describe things, like genuine question how do you make your writing feel.. so so alive, like the words are beating and moving i feel them🥹
Before you could ask her anything more, protest, or move, she took her wooden spoon out of the pot and shoved a sip of it into your mouth, holding your chin as she did. 
Sophia?… https://giphy.com/gifs/mafs-sRFFCzAey4IatfTOnQ .. yeah i cried so much then, or not literally but my eyes teared up fr, i need a hug.. https://giphy.com/gifs/portlandia-season-1-episode-6-xT1R9SLI3qYhVbmeQg.
When Eren came by to visit, the first thing he did was make sure to drop some of your favorite chicken lemon soup off to you. 
I love love love the way you move from a scene to another, and seeing eren this chap was the most pleasing surprise ever!, he’s a goof ball i love him sm my baby🥹💙💙 I’m sure everything is gonna get better after his appearance i—
Especially when it came to you. Especially when it came to the both of you. The two of you were so used to having the rug pulled out from under you, from having the other shoe drop, from having your lives blown up just at its happiest point, that to not expect the worst almost felt naive. 
*gets hit by this paragraph like a truck and starts screaming uncontrollably* https://giphy.com/clips/neonrated-neon-rated-films-ofYZSv3fjXVrvpwlAL
“You should’ve brought some clothes for Kilian,” Levi said. It was a knee-jerk reaction, one that surprised both him and Erwin. It was more hopeful than Levi intended for it to be, but he took that as a good thing. He could only hope Erwin wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. 
“You seem really happy, Sophia,” you said, turning to her with a smile as you placed the picture back down. “Peaceful almost.” 
“You,” she said in English. “Because of you.” ”
“I love you. And I promise I’ll help you finish cooking when I wake up. I might just close my eyes for a bit if that’s okay,” you gestured to the couch, feeling sleep washing over you like a tide in the ocean shore.”
Oh will it seems not never-mind.. https://giphy.com/gifs/bigbrothernlbe-kyXSJ1yPFHZ88W3v79
Now.. farlan and levi, first of all I’m glad he’s not sad anymore or hurt, but i feel like this isn’t the end of it, or maybe was this scene a closure? I’m not sure, but i loved his interaction with levi so much!!!
You know when I first met her, she went by a different name,” Farlan continued as he came into the room, trying his best to change the subject so that Levi wouldn’t keep worrying over you. “But I think Kilian suits her much more.” “What name did she go by instead?” Levi asked, not even shocked that you had somehow crossed paths with Farlan before. “Oh, she went by Annie,” Farlan shrugged. This managed to somehow get a laugh out of Levi for some reason.
That was so cute in some way🥹 i love them so much kw u don’t understand!!!
U don’t understand how much i hate you
“I’ve been waiting for you.”You froze at the sound. He was so kind, so patient, so sweet—you would’ve recognized his voice even with your eyes closed. “Lucas?” 
That’s so mean.. that’s literally evil, like omg HOW DARE YOU WE DONT TALK ABOUT WHO-COULDNT-BE-NAMED ANYMORE
“I–” you paused, trying to find your words but finding that they weren’t coming out the right way. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. You left me, that’s not right,” you pouted.
“Yes, you’re wrong,” Lucas said, shaking his head at you in an affectionate manner. “I’m always with you.” 
Levi did not leave your side, not once. 
You hesitated, feeling a sense of warmth coming from behind the door. “Well do you know what’s behind it?” you stood up onto your tippy-toes as if it would help you get a better look. “It’s not what you think,” Lucas confirmed softly. “I promise.”Faltering again, you found that your feet would not move. “But what if I’m not ready?”Lucas shook his head at you, and squeezed your hand again. “You’ve always been ready.” Tears welled in your eyes as the water continued to wash over your feet. “What if I don’t deserve what’s behind that door?”
Kw as much as i love your brilliant mind please.. this hurts like a bitch please dont do it again.. lucas, the way killian cried when she saw him, i don’t know what to say, i just can feel it but i can’t describe it, and you know that a writing is so good when it leaves you speechless like yours did to me now🥹💙💙
When you blinked your eyes open, the first person you saw was Levi. His smile was bright and warm. It made you feel weightless. It made you feel loved. You smiled back, albeit weakly. Levi squeezed your hand gently, still smiling. “Welcome back, sweetheart,” he whispered.  
Ending the chapter with welcome back when the last was “wake, up sweetheart.” I SEE WHAT YOUR DOING KW I SEE IT
And i really appreciate it, i would like to thank you so so much for writing these new chapters and blessing us with your amazing, wonderful, beautiful, mesmerizing writing voice and style and descriptions as a whole, thank you really, to me you are my role model in writing, and i aspire to be like you or just make people feel the same way your words make me feel, i really appreciate it and please never stop writing.. never leave us kw because the fan fic writers community needs you my hidden gem.. we need your characters, scenes, gut wrenching stories and everything. If i could thank you in 60 different languages, express my love and admire you in every possible way i would’ve done it, but i know it won’t give you enough credit and it won’t come close to the feelings i go through reading your works. https://giphy.com/gifs/anime-love-bQATeUxCoCFr2
I love you so much kw!!💙💙 https://giphy.com/gifs/love-i-you-that-70s-show-2dQ3FMaMFccpi
Your lovely “💙” anon, hope i be the reason you smile once today, thank you again💙💙💙
My love again!! Gonna answer you underneath the cut 🥹❤��
LMAO @ Yelena being hot. You know what I think it is? The story itself (STH & LDBS) is a very sensual, sexy story. That's kind of the vibes I have in my mind every time I sit down to write it. It's meant to be dark, noir, and sexy, so without meaning to--everything ends up being quite sexy LOL, including characters who aren't main characters.
Also you ABSOLUTELY smashed your interpretation of the scene between Yelena and Levi. That was exactly what I wanted to establish; an understanding. The scene you highlighted in particular was a shared understanding that whatever was about to transpire was not personal. It was a warning of, "hey, I'm going to do whatever I have to do to get my job done," on both ends, and the other person being like, "yeah, and so will I." You are so right when you say there was an understanding, respect, acceptance, AS WELL as a challenge. Juxtaposing the shared notion of both of them having taken lives before was also both of them saying without saying that they are not afraid to kill the other person if it comes down to it (and it did).
And YES. Mathias is such a keen observer. I think all of you always got the sense that he "monitored" people but thought of it in the sense of cameras when it's actually much more literal. He doesn't have to resort to those kinds of things because he catches a lot just by being in peoples' presences. Not only is he trying to get under her skin and make her think she hasn't changed, he's trying to taunt her to hurt him because he wants to prove to her that she is the monster he THINKS she is. You know Kilian hasn't killed anyone in a very long time, but she definitely never lost her touch and could have easily killed him had she not gotten distracted. Like you said, it was the thought of Levi being hurt that distracted her. She was ready to go in for her kill but nothing mattered once she thought something happened to Levi. She loves him more than anything, and in that moment the only thing that mattered was his safety, not hers. In a different situation, Levi would have absolutely done the same thing. And yes, you hit the nail on the head! Her battle with not knowing whether or not she deserves happiness is an on-going one, and although she has changed a lot, sometimes those self-destructive behaviors never really go away.
Sgfsoghs, I did a lot of research into stab wounds and what they felt like. So the fact that you could feel it! 🤌🏼💋 I really wanted that chapter to feel like a knife twist, in every sense of the word so LMFAOOO I'M SORRY 🤣. Now you see why I initially wanted to release it in a double update! I felt horrible to leave you all that way without a sigh of relief in the next chapter, but it seems like you all went through the feels despite that.
And ahhh, thank you so much for your wonderfully kind words! That holy trinity chapter in LDBS was one of the hardest things to write, and in a way, chapter 14 was definitely a trail off of that because I had to tap into similar emotions of walking back to your past so that you could move forward and heal. I definitely think my writing has changed now compared to then so I'm so glad you could feel it differently!
The gum was the funniest part to me, and I honestly added it in for a silly touch and a laugh! Dreams are so silly. I thought it only made sense to introduce you to it with a giggle because it's so out there, it's so odd, and that is EXACTLY how you know it is a dream. I'm so happy you touched on the fact that Kilian only saw Zeke in her dream because she DOES care about him. That is 100% true. And yes, you're right. Kilian murdering Mathias would've been so much easier, but I never do anything easy!
Eee, you are too sweet! I love connecting things and bringing people back. Annie and Farlan were teased to come back WAAY early if you caught any of Isabel's dialogue when she spoke about her friends. You bring up a great point too, hopefully in future chapters, Kilian CAN see how loved she is, not just by Levi but by other people. She means so much to me as a character and I think it comes across each time I go to write her. She isn't perfect, she has flaws, but there is something about her that makes you root for her because I try so hard to touch on her human side as well as her darker sides.
I'm really so happy to know that you all laughed at the purposeful jokes I placed in chapter 14, too. I KNEW it was heavy so I also knew in between it, I had to give you all some light-hearted moments too. That little mention of the dress/fallen angel thing also meant a lot to me to put in because I really wanted to show the banter that happens between people who work in hospitals--the jokes and the humor amongst the horror--because I think that's kind of the only way you can get through the day sometimes after doing something as powerful as saving someone's life or helping someone.
Thank you so much for saying that about Annie and Levi's scene! 🥺 I really loved writing that scene because I could quite literally imagine their characters interacting like that and talking to each other like that, so it means the world to me that it felt like that was how things were supposed to be. You are really too kind.
And I'm always happy to help with writing questions if you have them! Honestly I just have an incredibly vivid imagination of characters and who they are. So when I think of how to write them, I think of everything outside of them--what their home smells like, what kind of furniture they like, how they dress, what they like to listen to--I think all of that helps things "come alive", so to speak. So thank you for saying that as well my love!!
Adding Sophia in definitely killed me but not as much as you know who, who I know you touch on later LMFAO so I will GLADLY offer you a hug.
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I honestly love writing Eren in this universe, specifically his connection to Kilian. They don't share as many scenes in this story, but the love they have for each other is there and clearly unbroken and I love coming back to it.
Also, I'm SCREAMING at all of your gifs, you were not joking when you said you went through all 5 stages of grief LMFAO ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭.
As for Farlan and Levi's scene, there is definitely a little more to happen before we get to a full closure, although we're definitely on the way there. Obviously can't spoil anything. But you are right when you say he's not sad or hurt anymore. He's moved on! The only thing is, has Kilian moved on from what she's done to him (hence why she always hid from him every time she saw him)? There's a little more to explore there but it will be touched on (trust me, it's allll planned LOL). That part with Levi laughing @ Kilian's fake name was such a treat to write also. Because he would immediately understand where she got her fake name from and why she chose that to give to Farlan. He made all the connections without even needing further explanation and laughed because he knows his girl better than anyone.
Also... Lucas. I know. I KNOW. I KNOW. I HATE MYSELF. LMFAO I CAN'T EVEN READ THAT SCENE AGAIN WITHOUT CRYING. Honestly, why did I do that to MYSELF is the better question. Because lord! Kilian loves Lucas so much, every time we go back to him, it is a source of pain. That is her deepest childhood wound but also her greatest childhood joy, so to quite literally "swim" back to him was her going back to herself to heal. He told her everything she needed to hear in order to know that he was okay, he never faulted her for what happened, and his life was joyous despite being short. By seeing him again and essentially forgiving herself, Kilian could wake up because she was no longer fighting this idea that she didn't deserve to be loved, hence the end quote in chapter 14. "Open the door. Love was on the other side and it was terrifying. Open the door." I wanted it to seem like this whole time that what was on the other side was possibly death--hence the warm light emanating from behind it--but really, it was just love. Kilian had to realize that she still had a life to live because she is so loved. So loved. She deserves to be loved. So walk through the door.
Ending the chapter with welcome back when the last was “wake, up sweetheart.” I SEE WHAT YOUR DOING KW I SEE IT
LMFAOOOO OSHGFOSH. 🌚 Do you now? But seriously, I want to thank you for both of your beautiful, beautiful, asks. You are such a lovely person, and I cannot express how much I appreciate you. You have recharged my writing spirit, made my day, and have been such a light these past two days. It means the world to me that I can touch your soul with my writing, and I truly mean it when I say it, the door is always open for writing questions ANY TIME you have them. Seriously.
I hope to write for as long as the spirit fuels me, and although my relationship with it truthfully waxes and wanes, a lot has happened recently to make me see that it is something that ignites my soul. And in igniting my own spirit, I can ignite others and touch their hearts and that is something that is truly invaluable.
Seriously, I love YOU so much, 💙 anon! You absolutely were another reason to smile today. I'm smiling now even as I head to bed. Thank you. I cherish you so much. You are always welcome to gush in my inbox, about anything, any time.
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0 notes