#but on a friday
jessieren · 2 months
Late to the party - sorry - but here's my contribution to the Thank the Creatives Thursday... with some appreciation of Shaun's directing style
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I love the framing of these shots. The first one is just perfectly photographic in the way its lit and framed and reinforces the theme of Morse's isolation from the world (as with the opening shot of him alone on the bench in Christchurch meadow). There's a lot of shots in this episode which reinforce that sense of isolation.
The second one is again beautifully set within the arches but more specifically I adore the reflections in the window. Its perfectly framed and lit to enable you to see the scene from both angles at once and it reflects the dialogue in the scene and the sense that we aren't seeing everything as its meant to be
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And finally another beautifully framed shot through a doorway (he uses architecture a lot in his directing... almost as an additional character). The way the light captures them and puts them almost into shadow and the large black imposing door is just perfect. Another shot that could stand alone as a photograph
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jtranageder1 · 11 months
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compliment me pls
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stardust948 · 2 months
Brave is the heart that loves WIP snippet
CW: Bullying
The bell rang and the girls were ushered into separate lines. After grabbing her lunch bag from the cubby area, Azula followed the line to the cafeteria. It was huge! And very noisy. There were rows and rows of tables full of kids eating lunch and talking. Further back was a long table filled with trays of food adults were handling out. Beside it was a glass box stuffed with cookies, crackers, and other sweets.
Azula craned her neck over the crowd and looked for her friends and brother. They had to be here somewhere! Azula trilled a couple of times then listened closely for a response. A couple of classmates beside her giggled.
“What was that?”
“That weird noise you made.”
“It wasn’t a noise. It’s a homing call, obviously.” Azula said matter-of-factly and flicked her bane.
“Is she stupid?” a boy whispered, causing the others to laugh.
Azula bristled. “Hey-“
“Inside voices, children.” The teacher scolded.
Azula flared her nostrils and focused hard to keep her flames under control. Finally, they made it to their seats. Thankfully, the rude group of boys were seated elsewhere. Azula took a deep breath then mentally rehearsed the introductions she practice.  
“Hi! I’m Azula! I’m from Arrowwood!”
The group of girls across from her gave Azula a weird look.
“Uh hi… I was kind of in the middle of talking to Jia.”
Azula’s cheeks heated up. “Oh. S-Sorry.”
“It’s no problem!” Jia said brightly. “This is Liena and Shu!”
Azula gave them a wide toothy smile, not noticing the girls’ slight recoil. “Hello. What’s your favorite color?”
Jia answered first. “I really like pur-“
“Mine’s blue! Cause my name means blue fire and Daddy calls me Blueberry!”
“Oh, cool…”
“Do you have any pets? We have three chickens and a cat named Druk we rescued from a storm. He hangs around the chicken coop and we hunt mice together sometimes. Zuzu really wants a duck too but Mama said-“
“Azula, maybe we should eat lunch now.” Liena interrupted.
“Uh, okay.”
Azula shakily opened her lunch bag as the others showed off their lunches. She didn’t know why her heart was beating so fast or why the girls looked at her like that. Did she say something wrong? She thought she mastered human speech by now.
 Azula really wished her friends and brother was here. She hated that stupid teacher for making Katara sit somewhere else. Her mood brighten when she saw what Daddy packed her.
“What did your mom pack for lunch, Azula?”
“Daddy packed rabbits! Two of them!”
They were roasted with the limbs and heads removed, but Daddy left in the bones just the way she liked it. Azula finished off the first one in no time then licked the bones while purring. She’ll save them for the bus ride home later. When Azula started on the second rabbit, she suddenly realized the cafeteria was quieter.
“What?” Azula licked her lips then held out the rabbit to Jia. “Did you want to share?”
The girls gasped and tears rolled down Jia’s cheeks. “Poor bunny! How could you?!”
Liena and Shu hugged Jia and shot Azula dirty glares. She jerked back, confused. It was cooked so there shouldn’t be a problem. Seconds later, Azula’s sensitive ears picked up whispered conversations around her.
“She ate the rabbit whole!”
“Even my dad doesn’t eat that much in one sitting. And he’s huge!”
“Did you hear her growling? Haha what a freak!”
Azula felt sick. She threw the rest of her lunch into the trash then ran to the bathroom. Azula didn’t even noticed that she past Katara’s table or heard her friend call her name. The second she closed the stall door, tears poured down.
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steviestits · 6 months
Not sure if you're still taking prompts but I was wondering if you could do Potions/Bitching, and Guards/Brainwashing if no one has asked those already. Thank you!!
Thanks for the prompts! And nope, no one has asked for those, so yours are completely original
Potions/Bitching - Eddie is a potions master and Dustin is his apprentice while Steve is Dustin's surrogate big brother. Eddie and Steve are alphas, but Dustin is a beta, so he's having a bit of trouble learning how to create potions suited for alpha/omega biology. Dustin doesn't let that deter him, though, and he continues to try to learn the practices on his own.
Eventually, Dustin thinks he's got the potion right and gives it to Steve to try, telling him that it should make his ruts go smoother. Steve is dubious of the potion's powers, but Dustin wears him down, promising that he wouldn't be giving it to Steve if he wasn't one hundred percent certain that it works. So, against his better judgment, Steve drinks the potion.
The potion works. Steve does have a smoother rut, because he doesn't have one at all. The night that he takes the potion, Steve goes through his first heat as the potion bitched him from an alpha to an omega. It's a bit painful growing a womb, but by the end of it, he's moaning in pleasure as his hormones shifted to those of an omega.
After Steve finishes his heat, he tracks down Dustin, upset that the kid accidentally bitched him. Dustin feels sorry and takes Steve to Eddie, who will know how to turn him back into an alpha. Though Steve doesn't want to try any more potions, he goes with Dustin to meet Eddie to see if he actually has a solution.
Steve arrives with Dustin at the tower, only to find that the omega in him is going wild over the alpha's scent. Dustin relays the problem to Eddie, but Eddie is clearly not listening as he seems aroused by Steve's scent, too. Eddie makes up an errand for Dustin to run, and Eddie fucks Steve right there on his potions table.
Dustin returns shortly after they finished fucking for the tenth time and doesn't seem to know what was going on in his absence. Eddie agrees to make the potion to change Steve back, except it doesn't work. The only reason why it wouldn't work was if Steve was pregnant, making the affects of the spell permanent.
As it turns out, the potion also made Steve hyper-fertile. Not only did he get pregnant super quickly, but nine months later, the local midwife delivers all six of Steve and Eddie's baby nuggets.
Guards/Brainwashing - Steve works as a day-shift guard at a magical prison that houses the most dangerous magical creatures known to the kingdom. One such creature is a hawk-like siren named Eddie who has been responsible for the sinking of numerous shifts and the deaths of many of crews. He's kept in one of the high-security wards where they have enchantments that supposedly nullify the inherent magical nature of his voice.
Eddie is personable and sometimes chats with Steve on shift, asking him about his day. He seems to be one of the more model prisoners, serving his consecutive life sentences without much of a fuss. Also, the other prisoners don't bother Eddie, so he doesn't bother them. All in all, Eddie seems to be taking imprisonment very well.
Because of the highly dangerous nature of the inmates, guards sleep on site in their own barracks, even on their days off, they must return to the barracks for sleep in case of an emergency. What no one knows, however, is that the night watch has been compromised as the enchantments stopped working in his cell.
Every night, Eddie sings a song for the guards and commands them to release him. He doesn't escape, however, and instead heads to the guard barracks where Steve sleeps, so he can sing to him. Eddie's been working a deeper song on Steve to sway his heart and loyalty in order to make Steve into his beloved mate.
The two have intimate intercourse each night while Eddie wraps Steve tighter in his spell. Steve assumes these are only dreams since there's no way Eddie would still be here if he could freely leave his cell as he did at night. He begins to believe that maybe he actually has deep feelings for the siren prisoner.
This continues until the spell is complete and Eddie can take his prize away from the prison. He brings Steve to his nest, where Steve is happy to stay because of the song that binds him.
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nobrain-onlysteven · 1 year
Yesterday was so crazy and I missed Thunder Thursday 😭
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Hope this makes up for it
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winderlylandchime · 7 months
uhhh Fic Friday...?
I was tagged for WIP Wednesday by @lostcol @madsworld15 and @eusuntgratie but I injured my hand pretty badly on Monday so typing has been difficult. But I wanted to try to add a little something to my fic now that I can move my fingers a bit more easily. Notably, this is coming before I do anything to catch up on work.
here's a little from Untitled Drag Queen AU under the cut (and a reminder to tip your local drag artists!) (and a request):
On tall stilettos she drops down into a squat, kicking out first one foot and then the other.  “Yessss!” Emmett screams, waving a handful of dollar bills in the queen’s direction.  Son Shine jumps up from the squat and into a split and a gasp catches in Brian’s throat while the club erupts in cheers behind him.  As the song continues, the queen makes her way from the stage into the crowd, plucking cash from the hands pushing it in her direction, slipping some into her bra straps and handing some to a young person following along behind her with a bucket. 
Y'all figuring out how to describe a duck walk was a time and a half. You know the trope about making the face you're describing or drawing...? Like that except I cannot fucking duck walk. So here's the request - if you're unfamiliar with what a duck walk looks like, can you read that description, try to imagine in, and then DM me so I can send you a video and see if the description feels accurate? Because I also don't want to devote a paragraph of text to describing it. TYSM!
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lillywhitefield · 3 days
WIP Wednesday today?? I am sat for the last chapter of events of longing, literally my fave fic of all time!
I am so sorry I have been so bad at WIP Wednesday lately! I've been having to go into work super early in the morning and I absolutely hate it because I'm dead for the rest of the day and my brain stops working 😂 Here's a little snippet of Scents of Longing! As always it is unedited and subject to change. I am nearly done with the last chapter *I think,* so I hope to post it fairly soon!
The night before their wedding, Colin lay in his childhood bedroom on his last evening as a bachelor. Anthony and Benedict invited over Will and Simon for a few drinks—or several, for Benedict anyway—but they managed to turn in quite early. The house was already abuzz with activity in preparation for the wedding breakfast, and their mother would have their heads if they woke up bottle-weary and caused them to miss their appointment at the church.
Never again would he have to sleep alone. Even if they were to come back to Bridgerton House and stay the night, he would be sleeping in this room with Pen. It felt a little off balance that he had spent so much time in his mate’s bedroom, but she had never seen his. He could picture her wandering around, looking at all the trinkets he’d collected over the years on his travels—shells from Greece, a telescope from Italy, books in Spanish and German, glass figurines and ancient statues of dubious origin. Someone would be around to pack everything up not long after he left tomorrow, everything but the largest pieces of furniture to be taken to their new home in Bloomsbury sometime in the next week.
God, their home. It was a labor of love, but he hoped she would like it. She did not have the time to take a tour before their wedding, so he did his best and left a lot of the decorating for her. He thought she might like to arrange her new home to her liking, especially before her next heat.
Part of him wondered if she could already be pregnant with a pup, but it so rarely happened during a first shared cycle. They had taken no precautions, however, so there was a possibility. They would not know for a few weeks yet, though he longed to see her grow round with his child.
He finally began to drift, the release of sleep starting to overtake him and weigh down his eyes, but he heard the quietest, tiniest tapping at his door.
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It was a shame too, Lalzo was a really sweet guy when you got past the fact that he was living in steam tunnels for several years. He'd kinda become the Smythe house cryptid.
Don wouldn't exactly call Jerry a friend, but he liked the guy too much not to give him an out.
As the fire consumed the file on Ethan Hunt, Martha buried her face in her hands and despaired her fate as Junior member of the IMF’s Psych Division.
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forestshadow-wolf · 4 months
Wip Wednesday- Friday bc im late
Thank you @femalefemur for the tag
too loud soap fic
The base is quiet now. Almost overwhelmingly so. But soap doesn't break, he wouldn't. He's had far too much training to break at a mere bit of quiet. Price looks tired, he's been taking too long nights again now that Soap's not dragging him out for a drink or a game. Gaz is strung up, working the rooks particularly hard now, not so used to the lack of decompression and venting time now. And Ghost... that's a whole can of worms. He's been... quiet? Snippy? Kind of. More like... he's been hovering, and that means he's been around more people. And it's the people that make him quiet and snippy. Soap's not so far up his own ass to delude himself to think it's because of him. Ghost hovers. He does. That's just what he does. But soap would like to humor himself and think maybe he had some effect on the man. Maybe.
a what happens when you die ghoap fic
ghoap sent to find and get rid of a new experimental drug, it's supposed to illicit an artificial fear response. they get dosed, but complete the job. however it is not unscathed, the fear makes them jumpy and unsteady, they're fatally injured. soap very afraid to die, there is no question about weather they de or not, they will
Tag @the-starry-raven @queermentaldisaster @eiraeths
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ms-moonlight-inn · 7 months
I received tags from @juliakayyy  @rayrayor @mybrainismelted @jrooc @energievie to complete a this or that game.  
Another this or that! The rules are simple: here’s two things, you must choose one from between them! Simple. 😍
Iced coffee or hot coffee? Both depending on the season.
Iced tea or hot tea? Also both, but this one depends on the mood.
Lemonade or sweet tea? Lemonade, mostly. Sweet tea has to be done properly for me to like it.
Minty gum or fruity gum? Minty, please.
Pasta or potatoes? Both, gimme all the carbs.
Olives or pickles? Pickled cubes & jalapeños. I only like green olives.
Rice or bread?  🙈 More carbs? Both, please. 
Cookies or brownies? Cookies.
Handwritten reminders or phone reminders? Phone reminders. 
Pull-over hoodie or zippy hoodie? Pull-over.
Jeans or sweatpants? Jeans.
Flip-flops/thongs or slides? Flip-flops!
Paperback book or ebook? Audiobook. 😅
Enemies to lovers or fwb to lovers? Enemies to lovers. 💖
Only one bed or fake dating? Fake dating, the ultimate in making up excuses to be in each other’s company
Hurt/comfort or whump? Hurt/comfort, all the way.
Mutual pining or amnesia? Mutual pining, please
Canon-compliant or alternate universe? I’m cool with either.
Soulmate AU or sports AU? Soiulmates, only ‘cause sports AUs can be repetitive.
Celebrity AU or coffeeshop AU? I’ll take either, tbh.
One-shot or longfic? One-shots. Some of the best executes concepts I’ve ever read were one-shots or short fics.
Milkovich or Gallagher? 🗣️Milkovich!
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in-flvx · 2 years
It's a day, have a snippet
As tagged by @heartofspells
This one is from 'jily roadtrip' [working title] and from the chapter 'Remus gets a dog' and you'll never guess what happens in it
The black dog in the last cage looked beaten up. Shivers ran through his body, his shiny fur looking matted in many places and his paw was in a cast. He looked young. Hardly more than a puppy, but already larger than the very first they looked at.
"What about this one?" He asked Angus, who was talking to his parents about the brown one.
"Well, this is our newest. He was found on a train station just yesterday. I don't know what happened to him, or what he is but he looks purebred. Must have run away from a breeder, though we couldn't find which one it was so far. And to be honest I'm not feeling so hot about letting him go back if we find him.
You see the broken paw? That didn't happen by accident. Someone had stepped on it."
A sad whine came from the dog.
"He's super twitchy. This can't be the first time he had been abused if you ask me. Even if every injury we can find is very fresh. I don't know what could have happened to him in his young life."
Remus kneeled down again. Afraid that he'd get another bad reaction, he didn't hold out his hand, just sat beside the cage.
The dog kept growling lowly, and inched back a bit.
"It's alright. I'm not here to hurt you," Remus said in a low voice. The dogs ears perk up.
"You're a good boy, aren't you? Just a little hurt. You have nothing to worry from me. I want to help you. My parents do too. They're the best, you'll love them!" The dog seemed to calm down a little.
"A few things in our home will be different than what you're accustomed to. You see, my father and me are wizards. But that also means that we will be able to heal you much more quickly than if you stay here. My mom isn't magical though. I actually am a werewolf, that's why some dogs don't seem to like me. I hope you don't mind too much. I promise I'll take good care of you, if you allow me."
"Cariad," Hope strokes through Remus' hair. "You seem to have fallen in love a bit here, no?"
Remus doesn't take his eyes off the dog, who had calmed down somewhat.
"Yes, I want this one. If he'll have me," Remus replies, his voice still quiet, trying to calm the dog down.
When he looks up, Hope smiles at him.
"Are you sure?" Angus asks, disbelieving. "Jack here is much nicer." He points to the brown dog next door, and the black dog whines again.
"Yes, I'm sure!" Remus said confidently.
"Just like you to invite the baby-Grim into our house," Lyall muttered.
Angus laughed: "A bit suspicious, are we?"
I'll tag @tracingpatternswrites @narcissa-black-supermacy @padfootastic if you have anything to share
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suesheroll · 1 year
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Just thought i’d share a snippet from the fic i’m working to finish tonight for the @faithinthefutureficfest​  its a bit..well...hmmmmmm
Louis suddenly felt naked standing there in just his boxers and a ratty t shirt. No, not naked, he felt vulnerable. Vulnerable to attack. The photo finally got crumpled up in Harry’s hand, its sharp edges digging into his palm, as he strode across the room. 
“You didn’t have to go out and get shitfaced as soon as I left for London, Louis.” He held the picture up in front of Louis’ face, moved closer to tower over him. 
“You didn’t have to make me feel like I was holding you back from fucking other people.” a piece of the picture was torn off and thrown in Louis’ face. 
“Didn’t have to go out and fuck a bitch as soon as i turned my back!” Now, Louis’ head was decapitated from the photo and flung to the floor. 
Harry got real close to Louis’ face this time. 
“You didn’t have to be such a...
yepppp i left it on a cliff hangerrrrrr, oopsieeeeeee. love edning snippets mid-dialogue. bet you cant guess which song i chose to base my fic off of LMFAO as if it isnt obvious
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cal-1maf · 1 year
I'm gonna have to push the academy post back to Friday, turns out black holes are a dense subject
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stardust948 · 1 month
WIP Wednesday but on a Friday
Zero Eclipse Ursa lives AU
Ursa felt terrible. Guilt ate her alive as she helped Kya gather berries. Why was she always ruining things for people? Here they were doing chores while everyone else was relaxing and having fun.
“That should be enough.” Kya wiped her brow. “Now for the fun part!”
“Fun part?”
“Come I’ll show you!”
After securing the berries where they couldn’t be stolen by other animals, Kya led Ursa up a snow covered hill. On top was dozens of cute black creatures.
“Otter-penguins. Perfect for sledding.”
Ursa gave Kya another confused look.
“It’ll be fun. Hold this.” Kya gave her a fish.
“Uh… okay…”
Was this another Water Tribe custom? Before Ursa had time to ponder more, the otter penguins suddenly gathered all around her. Suprise laughter escape Ursa’s mouth. They were all so cute!
“That’s it! You’re a natural!”
Kya scooped up an otter penguin nearly as big as she was. Ursa giggled at the ridiculous sight. Kya beamed.
“Now for the really fun part!”
Ursa remembered rolling down hills with her friends as a child. Her mother always scolded her for returning home in a complete mess but the laughter in her eyes let Ursa know she never meant it. So Ursa would roll down again and again; far past the age she should.
The second the otter penguin slid forward down the steep slope, Ursa was a kid again playing with her friend. Nothing else mattered. Nothing but the sharp turns, wind in her hair, and laughter in her belly.
She crash landed in a snow bank. Kya worriedly dug her out. The apology on her lips died when Ursa laughed so hard she cried.
“Let’s go again!”
So they did. Over and over and over.
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steviestits · 8 months
2 of my favorite movies ever Addams family and lost boys <3
They're some of my favorite movies, too! Thanks for the ask! <3
CW: Mentions of Mpreg and murder in the Addams Family one since Steve is Debbie
Addams Family Values AU: Set in Omegavers because that's what the prompter wanted, the events of the movie happen exactly the same way, except Debbie/Steve survives the events, who continues to try to murder Fester/Eddie. Slight Jargyle in this one, btw.
Steve frowned as he looked down at the frothing broth before him that Grandmama Joyce had put in front of him. To be honest, he thought that he would’ve been done with this family now. He’d tried to kill Eddie more times than he could count, much to his delight, and the whole family twice, but they only seemed to enjoy his murder attempts. Most of them took it as a sign of affection, that he cared enough to plot their murders.
“And this will get me pregnant?” Steve asked skeptically.
“No, no,” Joyce said. “It will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Since you and Eddie are having such problems conceiving, after all.”
They weren’t having problems conceiving as Steve was still taking his birth control, even though he’d told Eddie that he’d stopped. Sex was a good way to control the formerly virgin alpha, and Eddie mostly did as Steve asked in exchange for a roll in the sheets. Not that he needed to that all the time as Eddie was eager to please his new mate and bent over backwards to spoil Steve in every way possible. Steve actually enjoyed it a little, but now that he’d start trying to kill his mate, it wasn’t as if he could stop and seem like a quitter.
“I’m sure it’ll happen eventually,” he replied with a forced smile. “There’s no need to go through all this trouble on my account.”
“It’s no trouble, dear. You’re family, after all. Until death do us part.” Joyce laughed at that and winked, as if the two were sharing an inside joke about Steve’s murder attempts. “I want to see you and Eddie start one of your own.”
“That’s so kind of you, Grandmama. We truly appreciate how much you care for us.”
“I know.” She then placed her hands over Steve’s lovingly. “We all know. Don’t think I didn’t catch that arsenic you slipped in my tea earlier. So sweet of you.”
“Of course. Anything for my dear family.”
It was just Steve’s luck to come across the only family that used arsenic and cyanide as seasonings. He didn’t think he’d done anything to deserve such rotten luck. His parents had it coming after getting him the G.I. Joe instead of the Ballerina Barbie like he asked. And his other mates hadn’t care about him, so of course they also had to go, too. There was no reason at all for karma to curse him like this.
“Go on. Don’t be shy,” Joyce insisted. “Drink up.”
Staring down at the gray, brackish liquid, Steve couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose. He knew if he did get pregnant, the baby would be the cutest in the world, because how could it not with his genetics? A baby would tie him down, and there was no guarantee that he’d make a good parent as could be an awful one like his own, ruining his child’s life by getting the wrong toy thus throwing off their whole sense of self. It was better if he found a way to finally kill Eddie, so he could move on with his life.
Still, it didn’t look like Joyce would be taking no as an answer, and he couldn’t reject the home remedy since it would raise suspicions that he was only after the Munson fortune. All Steve could do was lift the potion to his lips and chug it. He doubted whatever weird remedy that Joyce concocted would be stronger than his birth control, so he should be fine. At least, that’s what he assured himself even as he felt a dull ache in his abdomen.
Lost Boys Mermaid AU: Like the movies but with murderous mermaids hunting tourists along the coastline instead. Eddie takes a liking to Steve, who is there on vacation due to his parents bringing him along on one of their business trips. Unlike the movie, the mermaids win.
Steve approached the boardwalk, hoping again to see the members of Corroded Coffin, and most of all Eddie. Their meeting the other day had honestly left an impression on him. While the crew had been a bit rowdy, they’d also been freer than Steve had ever been, so he couldn’t stop from being drawn to them, wanting a taste of the freedom that he’d never been allowed, at least for a little while before he had to leave with his parents again once their business trip was over.
Much to Steve’s dismay, they weren’t hanging by the records store where Steve had encountered them last. He was about to go in when a pair of arms caught him from behind. The grip was tight, tighter than Steve expected, but before he could struggle, he glanced down at the hands, recognizing the rings on them.
“Eddie!” Steve exclaimed happily. “I almost thought I wouldn’t see you again.”
“I promised I’d find you today, didn’t I? Couldn’t let my sweetheart down.”
Eddie then released him, allowing Steve to turn to face him. He was wearing the same heavy leather jacket and chains that he had on previously, looking just as devilishly handsome as when Steve first met him yesterday. A grin spread across Eddie’s face as their eyes met, causing red to blossom on Steve’s cheeks as he blushed.
“Though you really shouldn’t be wandering around alone,” Eddie added while running a finger down Steve’s cheek. “They’ve been finding the bodies of tourists along the beach. Wouldn’t want anything to gobble you up while I wasn’t looking, Stevie.”
Despite the morbid topic, the red on Steve’s cheeks grew, unaccustomed to being flirted with first. Steve usually had to be the one to make the opening move, jump through hoops to get the person’s attention. Even with Steve’s parents, he had a hard time getting them to acknowledge him unless he specifically made his presence known to them. So, Eddie treating him like this, like Steve was something special was enough to make Steve’s heart warm no matter compliment.
“If it was you, I don’t think I’d mind being gobbled,” Steve replied coyly.
“I’d be careful, princess. You might regret it if I took a bite out of you. I wouldn’t let go until I had every piece of you for myself.”
“Like I said, I don’t think I’d mind. I want to give you every piece of me.”
Eddie leaned in, as if to kiss him, but instead clasped a white shell necklace onto Steve’s neck. A shiver ran down Steve’s spine, feeling strange, like his throat was suddenly dry. Steve grasped at Eddie’s jacket to steady himself and clung to the fabric as if his life depended on it, which caused a deep chuckle to rumble out from Eddie’s throat.
Then Eddie brought his lips close to his ear, “There’s a pearl earring to match.”
The breath against Steve’s ear made him inhale sharply and nod, even though his parents would kill him if they saw him with an earring. They were traditionalists and didn’t think men should wear jewelry other than maybe a fancy watch. However, when Eddie whispered the words to him, he couldn’t bring himself to care about what his parents thought, and only wanted to do what would please Eddie the most.
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daily-crabbys · 6 months
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This Friday's meme is: the perfect being
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