#but on the FB group when he comes back people will go NUTS because The Guy™️ is back and they thought the fbi took him out or some shit
Imagine after a short while Optimus runs to the literature forum with one message:
user.paxinterastra123: I apologize for my inactivity, many things have occurred since I was last here. I come with one question, however. I have recently discovered I have a child, and I find myself not knowing my next course of action. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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whatib · 2 years
What's keeping your neighbor from murdering you?
Just making a simple comment ...
Considering how human behavior works, saying that Religion is bad for humankind is an oxymoron. If religion didn't exist then people would be murdering each other over spilled milk on a daily basis. There'd be no love, no caring, and no respect for one another. Prior to 1800 over 98% of the population had less than a grammar school education, and with that comes a lack of respect for your neighbor, lack of caring for one another, lack of honor, lack of love, and a lack of understanding of the difference between good and bad behavior...all taught by Religion when there were no schools. If religion didn't exist then most of us wouldn't even be here today. We would've killed each other off a long time ago. Those religions might've caused millions of deaths in the name of religion, but if there were no religion then there would've been tens of millions of deaths due to no fear of Hell or any punishment from above, and not being taught right from wrong. Religion is the only thing keeping most people in line. Believe me we NEED religion badly. It's the only thing that's probably keeping your hateful neighbor from taking your life or from hurting you and your family. How many people do you know that committed heinous crimes that in the end they finally decided to "change" and go "back to God". If there was no God to go back to, where do you think their minds are going to stay? You can try to teach most people that they shouldn't harm others, but if you don't put God in the mix with the added threat of Eternal Punishment then they aren't going to care what you're trying to push on them. They're going to do whatever the heck they want to do. There's no jeopardy. You yourself would probably harm someone you don't like, but you don't because you know you might go to jail. Jail is God/Religion/Hell for all of us. If there was no threat of going to jail for any crimes whatsoever, then a lot more people would be committing a whole lot more crimes. Fear of punishment is what keeps the entire human population in line.
Where do you think you learned to "love one another" from ? They didn't have sociology or psychology classes in 1066, or 1492, they learned from religion and the Bible. If you remove religion from society, you open up a can of worms that will cause freedom of thought to run rampant, and with that comes harm, murder and chaos. People don't naturally love one another, but feelings like jealousy ARE natural. People need a book like the Bible to tell them to love one another, and parents to reinforce it....the best bible, or best book ever written in the world, is the Jefferson Bible, created by Thomas Jefferson...the same man who said "Commerce between Master and Slave is Despotism. Nothing is more certainly written in the Book of Fate than that these people are to be FREE."...(and he was right, and it finally happened 50 years after he died)...But without religion we are a dead people with no values and no respect for one another, and no love. You're proving it right now with this FB group, you're propagating hate. Definitely not how Atheists are supposed to behave. But hey I have no problem with that, I just coined a phrase last month on FB "We live in the Age of Hate". Seems to be cool to hate others these days. They'll hate you for your sneakers, the clothes you wear, the glasses you wear, the music you like, the books you read, the job you have, the car you drive, the house you live in, the friends you have, the neighborhood you live in, the way you style your hair, how much money you have or don't have, and they'll even hate you for the look on your face and the noises you make with your mouth. You'll NEVER win in this society. This is a Dead End. (and people seem to love living in hate, that is what's so nuts about this century, people love hating others, Democrats are preaching hate to their children, Republicans are preaching hate to their children...this is some crazy shyte)
But I will agree that in the year 1000 if everyone was as educated as we are today and we all understood the Universe and human behaviors as we currently do(which took us over 2000 years to learn), and we were all taught about depression and the stresses of life and how to interact with others and taught to love....if we taught that from birth, then Atheism might've made for a good world. But this world has a lot of people that don't know anything, and they need to be guided by something with power and might....because the only thing they understand is "punishment" and without it, if you knock their milk over they'll kill you for it.
There's even nuts out there that are going to disagree with what I say and are going to hate on me for merely stating facts. You cannot win with these people, they are not understanding of the world or respectful of others opinions, they just like to hate others. Some of them are Atheists and some of them are Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Protestants, Catholic, Jewish, and Islamic. Hate comes from every corner of the Earth, it has no boundaries.
Keep preaching the Hate my brother, it gives power to the Religions. And I'm a friggen Atheist! I gotta get off this boat because now these people are nuts too!....there's gotta be something new out there....but where is it? what is it? the search continues....for eternity
(similar to how I blindly supported Democrats for over 50 yrs, then they went and burned my country down? For me that's unforgivable, and I can never support that type of behavior. We're Independent now. I will never teach my special needs daughters to hate anyone for anything. I only teach them to trust nobody, beware of the freaks and stay away from the crazies...but let everyone be, walk the other way when necessary, and keep dancing and having fun in life, (it's all we have) Stay safe out there! I love you nuts!...I'm banned on day one!!!! LOLOL
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secretradiobrooklyn · 3 years
Radio Decameron |1.16.21 & 1.23.21
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Secret Radio | 1.16.21 & 1.23.21 | Hear it here.
1. Sylvain Sylvain - “I’m So Sorry”
I never feel right saying “RIP” or “rest in peace” about an actual human being who is no longer with us. But I will say: I hope Sylvain Sylvain died content with the music he made and the life he lived. 
2. The Honeydrippers - “Impeach the President”
And ideally, then we would never have to hear from or talk about that accursed criminal ever again. We recorded this section before the inauguration — may we never forget how ALL 50 STATE CAPITOLS plus the US Capitol itself were being guarded against attacks by American citizens on that day — and shit was tense there for many days. As of this writing, things are… unviolent. It feels like a lull to me, honestly, rather than, say, all that stuff being in the rearview. It is not. 
But meanwhile, check that beat out!  
I love how Roy Charles is trying to convince them to stop demanding, but they just keep insisting. This song is brilliant, and the playing is — c’mon now — unimpeachable.
3. Niagara - “Tchiki boum”
We heard this song in the film “Perdrix,” known as “The Bare Necessity” in the version we saw via SLIFF. They’re dancing in a club to this, and it’s just a really distractingly good song for the scene.
- C.K. Mann - “Mber Papa”
We just recently learned about Essiebons by learning that he passed just this August. He was a producer of legendary status to a lot of people. Listening around his music we came upon C.K. Mann and this righteous track, which Essiebons produced. I think this is a pretty ultra track, really. Every instrument really kicks it out. I hope Essiebons died happy.
4. Rocky Horror Picture Show - “Hot Patootie / Bless My Soul”
New president, feeling kinda upbeat and hopeful. Really just starting to feel the tips of my soul from where it’s been getting singed. It’s going to take a long time to scab over what happened to us all over the last four years. I’m so fucking glad he’s gone that it makes me really love that rock n roll!
5. Moon Unit & Frank Zappa - “Valley Girl”
Tell you what: we watched the movie “Zappa” recently as part of a film festival, and I highly recommend watching it at your earliest opportunity. It is absolutely for people who do, and for people who do not, love his music. He shows up as a really interesting character throughout his whole life. The film skips through his songs with amazing speed, which actually works really well in his case. This song is with his daughter Moon Unit, who actually slid a handwritten note under his door introducing herself by name and saying that she wanted to collaborate on a project. They did this, and while Zappa was in Europe, Moon Unit brought the acetates to KROC and the song became an instant hit for them. Meanwhile he was writing for multiple orchestras.
6. Jacques Dutronc - “Sur Une Nappe de Restaurant” 
This is totally not how I tune my drums, but I love how Dutronc’s drums sound in every song. I mean, the whole band of course, but there is a physical space both in the drum part as written and in the recorded texture of the whole that is just deep and wide.
7. Nyame Bekyere - “Medley: Broken Heart / Aunty Yaa / Omo Yaba (Nzema)”
This is another discovery via Essebiens, who released it on Essiebons Enterprises. It’s such an intense track! The cover artwork is by K. Frimpong, who plays a crazy Cuban guitar style on his own albums. 
8. Ros Serey Sothea - “Tngai Neas Kyom Yam Sra (Today I Drink Wine)”
This is a voice, and a cast of characters, I can’t stop thinking about. This is from “Cambodian Rocks Vol 1,” which is full of great recordings. Her voice could shatter glass, and it’s so skillfully wielded — I’d love to hear her in a face-off with Frankie Valli.
- There’s a moment from Paige’s phone archives of a little George and Isabelle aching to ride rides at the Millstadt homecoming.
9. Les Poppys - “Isabelle je t’aime” 
These young boys singing collectively about their — collective? 17 individual? — love(s) for Isabelle is even more innocent in video format:
- more C.K. Mann - “Mber Papa”
10. The Jam - “In the City”
This song makes me miss the city so much! It sounds like everything we really can’t get up to right now. I feel like this song helps me feel like I’m walking fast under streetlights.
11. Bruno Leys - “Maintenant je suis un voyou”
This 7” from Born Bad is so incredible! Bruno Leys worked on just a few songs with a band that included a guy named Emmanuel Pairault who plays parts on an instrument called the ondes Martenot, a super early, very eclectic and ungainly electronic instrument. The fact that he could actually compose music of any kind on it was considered remarkable. The fact that he was able to write such incredibly expressive parts to thoroughly filigree the choruses is what amazes me. 
This band recorded four songs, then Bruno Leys left for his military service, and when he came back it was all completely over — the catalog was sold, everyone was scattered. Four songs. 
12. Sleepy Kitty - “Nothing = You”
I’m pretty sure this song was essentially our response to our own growing fascination with French pop. To me it sounds more French than American in texture. We played this song with the Incurables once at The Pageant in STL and it was especially glorious. I think of that moment — Kevin Bachmann harmonizing flawlessly with Paige, four different guitars ringing through the chords — every time I hear this track.
13. Plastic Bertrand - “Pogo Pogo”
I don’t know why or when “Ça Plane Pour Moi” became the one French pop song that Americans are likely to know, but it’s a total banger so I have no complaints. It turns out that pretty much all of his songs sound very similar — one-note melodies in the verse, cool vocalese hooks in the chorus, and super-driving guitar parts throughout. Turns out that’s a formula we totally dig!
14. Os K-rrascos & Vanessinha Do Picatchu - “Bochecha Ardendo”
For whatever reason, a variety of Brazilian music seemed to be the very hottest stuff to be found in Chicago’s art-school party nights, and I remember losing my mind to some heavy Brazilian rhythms that just kept folding over and over on themselves while staying so impossibly funky that the whole night just turned into a deep-green-and-dark orange smear of a late-night winter warehouse dancing and sweating and then way, way later, walking home steaming along a cold sidewalk on a tree-lined street.
- Eric Dolphy - “Hat and Beard”
15. Von Südenfed - “The Rhinohead” 
I feel like no one in my zone talks enough about how awesome Von Südenfed is. I mean, we only know this one album, but it’s so fascinating — a band where Mark E. Smith is contributing but not in control, and on purpose. He shows off his pop chops and gets to be a whole different character in this one place, while the Mouse on Mars guys get to play new characters themselves. It feels like it’s related to “Extricate” in how it’s constructed, but the music doesn’t sound like something any version of the Fall has made. 
16. Fischer-Spooner - “The 15th”
A friend of Wire is a friend of ours.
p.s. Paige here, they went to SAIC (before I arrived) but they were super famous to all of us in the dorms. 
17. T.P. Orchestre - “Pourquoi Pas?”
The depths of this band just continue to amaze us. We’re waiting on some T.P.O.C. vinyl right now, featuring mostly songs we’ve never heard, and the everlovin’ post office is misdelivering it BACK to France even as I write this. It’s driving us totally nuts.
18. Nina Simone - “Mississippi Goddam”
The hardness of her voice, the hardness of her experience, the hardness of her words.
19. Fanny - “Blind Alley”
I don’t know who first put this in front of my eyes, but it was a few years ago. The video is so basic — they’re performing in front of a video-psych effect — but the performers themselves are just so absorbing. And the production is so heavy, it feels legendary. 
20. Manmadha Leela soundtrack - “Kushalamena”
I think we first saw a colorful glimpse of this song before we heard it. Paige automatically starts dancing a little dance as soon as “Kushalamena” comes on. 
This I think came from the “Now Playing” group I’m in on FB: a guy was holding out a picture of the cover of this album and said he’d bought 40 more like it and he LOVED EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. He just wanted to see if anyone knew anything more about them. I did my best to hear the album he was showing. I think this is it. I think he’s right to be super jazzed about it, we just want to hang out with him and listen to all those records.
21. Francis Bebey - “Je vous aime zaime zaime”
Paige was working on her pronunciation and when to use the ellision — the z sound for the s letter, depending on what comes next — and he said something about, “Unless you’re Francis Bebey and you’re singing ‘Je vous aime zaime zaime.” And she said, “Francis Bebey? I know Francis Bebey!” and he said, “No, you’re thinking of another Francis.” But we all know the truth. This was our introduction to the song though.
- Jack Teagarden - “I Guess I’ll Have to Change My Plan”
Paige was looking for the Fred Astaire & Jack Buchanan version from “The Bandwagon,” but found this great instrumental trombone-forward version instead.
22. Pono AM - "Good Vibes"
This is one of those things you see every once in a great while when you’re playing clubs in a music scene — a band hits a natural home run. They just have an undeniably appealing crowdpleaser of a song that they wrote, and everyone flips out when they hear it. We salute Pono AM for writing this perfect song. They enrich the STL music world. My only advice to them was to never get tired of it or take it for granted. 
Paige: We took their band photos at our space on Cherokee Street, for an RFT article. I was impressed because they arrived with matching shirts that still had the tags on them, and it was really exciting to see a new band on the scene who was really good and also putting in the effort to be graphically interesting. We believe that stuff counts. All of their shows, if you got there early, you’d see all of the band members blowing up as many balloons as they could, so there would be balloons bouncing around their set for the whole show, and it made it even better.
23. Sir Victor Uwaifo And His Titibitis - "Iranm Iran"
Analog Africa has a new album! It’s called “Edo International,” and it shows off a whole other side of Beninese music that isn’t T.P. Orchestre. I think of T.P. Orchestre as just a giant force in Beninese music, but then this comp comes out showing so many other roots of Benin City’s highlife-funk scene. Victor Uwaifo was a Nigerian guitarist who returned to his hometown in Benin City and built Joromi Studio. The sound he put together at that place, via his own bands and others’, came to be called Edo Funk.
24. Laughing Man - "Brilliant Colors"
This is a tape of one of the artists of one of the group houses that we always would stay at in DC. Benjamin Schurr runs a tape label and it was always such a treat getting the new batch of Blight. releases for the van soundsystem when we’d roll through town, or one of his bands would tour through St. Louis. They were always interesting stuff and a wide range of sounds and styles. 
We first met Brandon Moses when he was on tour with Paperhaus in St. Louis. I think it was his birthday, too. He didn’t tour a ton with them. Laughing Man was our first time hearing him front songs. We always enjoyed staying with Erik and Benjamin and Brandon and enjoyed sharing that green power juice that Brandon gave us — really powered us up for the next drive. 
- Bembeya Jazz - “Petit Sokou”
I have felt love for this song for awhile, but Josh Weinstein recently sent a video of the band actually performing this song and WOW, it is hypnotizing. The outfits, the instruments, and the expressiveness of the guitar playing are all so vivid in black and white: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpZVF_kKUJ4
25. Maxime le Forestier - “San Francisco”
Our thanks to Paige’s French instructor for showing us this song. Paige’s version is well worth hearing too, I must say: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKhJfqDDe2q/
p.s. Paige again, if you want to see the dragon birthday card that Evan made, here it is!
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merlesgirl47 · 6 years
Writing Process Tag Game
I saw this on another blog and thought it would be a fun thing to do. I’m not gonna tag anyone. Y’all can do this if you want to.
Tag game! Answer 9 questions about your writing process, then tag 9 writers whose process you want to know more about. The point of the game is to have fun and get to know other writers. So no pressure! If you get tagged and don’t want to play, don’t worry about it. :)
1. How do you get your story ideas? 
A lot of them come from lucid dreams. Some of them come from watching TV or movies. Some come from reading others works. Sometimes I see a prompt that gets the wheels in my head spinning. Other times, I’m daydreaming and an idea comes to me. basically, the ideas come from everywhere XD
2. What are your writing tools of choice? Are you picky? Do you have specific brands you like? 
I use Wattpad for typing out my stories. First, I make a rough outline, then type out my first draft. After that, I edit. I have YouTube open in another tab for music, plus an online dictionary/thesaurus, and an additional tab for whatever I’m researching for that particular fic. I also have the Grammarly browser extension. I admin a writing group on FB with tips/advice and am in a bunch of other writing groups, plus I follow a lot of writing blogs here on Tumblr. I have Wattpad on my phone too, so if I’m out in the world and get an idea, I can jot it down real quick. That piece of dialogue I don’t wanna forget? I just open up Wattpad and stick it in the chapter. 
3. Where and when do you write? 
At my desk or on my laptop. If I’m on my laptop, I’m sitting in bed. My apartment is one big open area, so I don’t have a room I write in, per say. I write at all times of the day. Basically, whenever the mood strikes.
3. Do you ever encounter writer’s block? If so, how do you overcome it? Any tips to pass on to other writers reading this?
Sure. I just try to write through it. I can always go back and fix my shitty writing later XD I try listening to music or watching something that will inspire me.
4. Do you outline? If no, why not? If yes, what kind of outlines do you make, and at what point in your writing process do you make them?
I make rough outlines. I just jot down how I want the story or chapter to go, then follow it. Although, things do sometimes change. I don’t like to follow a certain type of outline because of the possibility of the story changing while I’m writing it. I might make it go in a better direction, or I might have an idea that fits in somewhere. I’ve always kinda outlined, even before I knew what it was. I did it so  I wouldn’t forget my ideas.
5. Is there anything about your writing process that other people might consider to be unique or weird?
Mmm...probably not. Maybe some of the stuff I listen to while I’m writing would be considered weird. When I wrote Hypothermia, I listened to blizzard sounds. I use the Diablo III Reaper of Souls soundtrack for dark stuff.
6. When and how do you edit? After the first draft? During? Do you have a method, or is it kind of a free-for-all?
My first draft sucks. There’s no way around that. I get my basic idea down, then go back and add details and change sentence structure, etc. However, I can’t let spelling errors/typos go. That little red line drives me nuts lol I probably go through about twenty reads/edits of my chapters before I’m satisfied enough to publish one.
7. Do you ever take breaks from writing? For how long? Do these breaks feel rejuvenating, or do they stress you out? Give us a sense of what life is like when you’re not writing.
Sure, I take breaks. When my eyes feel heavy or my brain can’t comprehend what I’m doing anymore, when I’m hungry or thirsty or have to use the bathroom. Sometimes, I have to adult and go out into the real world, which I hate doing. If I’m really in a groove and don’t want to stop, I get pissed off. I get tense and bitchy.
8. When did you first start writing? Why? What’s changed since then, if anything?
I was 9 when I started. I wrote something for 4th grade English class and discovered i liked writing. I began writing short stories, moved on to poetry, then came fanfiction. I didn’t even know what ff was when I first started writing it. I didn’t find out until I was in my 20′s. I came across some by accident. I was like, “Omg! I’m not alone!” Things that have changed, my skill. Everyone starts out terrible, but you have to start somewhere. Practice makes perfect. I’m not saying I’m perfect. I’m far from it, but i’ve learned a hell of a lot in 30 years XD
9. Anything else you want to tell us about your writing process?
My characters talk to me and tell me what to write. They speak dialogue in my head while I’m writing it. My stories are movies in my head that I’m typing out. if I go back to edit and part of that story is missing, I add it in. Oh, and Merle demands to be written! He won’t stop nagging me until I write what he wants!
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aliciaeshmarie · 6 years
Be Beautiful & Rise
So I am just going to tell you about the amazing and busy day I had today....please bare with me lol
I love waking up to baby babbles. Tyler and I are just laying there listening to him blabber on...until he starts crying of course. He has started letting me know when he wants up. He calls out my name...Mama when upset or e-mum-mum. It is cute. I love seeing his cute little face everyday. It warms my ❤️.
So we are getting up about 8:30. I need to get dressed and leave by 9:30 to get to the Women’s Group at church called Beautiful You at 10am. I was of course going to dress cute because I never go anywhere during the week and the baby was going to stay home with Tyler 😉 I was feeling pretty good about myself, which is a good thing when I am normally covered in spit up 😂 Tyler was making eggs and I told him not to make me any because there will be breakfast at the group....but I had to have my coffee ☕️💗. I filled me up a to go cup 😊. In the business of me trying to get out of here I have a screaming baby on the floor because he wants to be picked up, Mimi and Papa are over to help Tyler fix fence and watch baby...it just felt so caotic trying to leave. I got out of here at 9:40 lol and still had to pick up my mom. I’m coming to realize that it is hard to be on time or early to things when you have kids 😂
So I’ve picked up my mom and I’m pulling into the parking lot about 10 or a few after...so not too bad on timing. My friend met me there and we are on our way in. Right away I feel so welcomed and receive hugs. I love hugs 🤗 keep in mind I’m still trying to get to know people at this church...so most are strangers still. I have joined a moms group and a community group so I see some familiar faces. As you walk in there are a bunch of circle tables that are beautifully decorated with center pieces and a table full of breakfast foods brought by the ladies who took the time and energy to make. They put a lot of thought into these once a month meetings. It is beautiful.The tables are filling up but we found a table for the three of us to sit together..before we knew it they were running out of seating and had to add more chairs to tables. That is so cool!
I have only been to one of these before but so far they open in Prayer and then we pig out on delicious food 😋 We then begin worship. The ladies who sang this time are apart of the worship team and have such beautiful and powerful voices. We sang “I’m no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God” Such powerful words and one of my favorite songs. The one who was speaking spoke about Fear is a liar, so the song definitely fit. I love worship and I really get into the words and get emotional because God is amazing and he sent his son to die for me. He chose me. He loves me. I am his child. I can’t help but get emotional while singing to him. In church they have the lights turned down pretty dark but here, it is lit up. I don’t like people seeing me cry because I worry they will think something is wrong with me so I try my best to keep myself together. I worry what people will think. Will I be rejected? Will I look stupid? This has been something I have dealt with my entire life pretty much. I want to be in control and look put together but I’m really not. There was an altar call to come forward when you felt called to let go of the fear that is holding you back...and I knew I needed to go forward and let this fear of rejection go but I kept telling myself you are fine you don’t have to go up there. You know you are going to cry and then your makeup is going to run 😂🙄...she kept saying I know more of you feel you need to come up stop holding back. I was standing at one of the front tables so all I had to do was take a few steps forward but I was still talking myself out of it. I told myself if I did not go up there I would regret it later and feel foolish...so I took the pssh 4 steps I needed to take. 👐
While I am up at front I continue to worship and start crying and women are praying, crying, and hugging all around. Sisters loving on sisters. It is beautiful. A lady I did not know and have never seen starts to pray for me and just tells me to just let go. I have to let go! I’m thinking to myself I don’t want to be this scared little girl anymore and I just start bawling..as I am while typing this out to you now...it was such a breakthrough....I know I am a quiet person and to people who do not know me I may look upset or mean. I suffer from RBF 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t know what to do about that lol. But Fear is a liar!!!! The devil is a liar and he makes you believe the lies!!! I need to tell myself that I am valuable in God’s eyes and he created me just as I am. Who cares what people think if I cry, I’m not wearing the latest trends, driving the hottest car, or sporting the latest phone. God sure doesn’t and he provides me with everything that I need 💗 Same goes for you! I realize that my fear isn’t going to go away in an instant. I’m not going to be able to go up to a stranger and pray for them right away or get up in front of a crowded room and make a speech. I need to get into the word and take baby steps such as going to the person across the room whom I’ve met once and give them a hug or going up to someone I’m friends with on fb but haven’t met in person and saying hello....baby steps....with each step I take I know that God is with me and I will be ok 👌 by this time it is about 12:30 and I told Tyler it would be over at 12😬 Time to take Mama home and get ready to go to a wedding.
This is only the beginning of my day lol please stay with me...
I get home a few after 1. Baby just woke up from a nap and needed to be fed before we left. Tyler still had to get dressed and we needed to wash baby bottles to make sure we had one on hand while we were out. We ended up leaving the house at 1:45 and of course had to make a Qt run...we live there lol.. we arrived at 2:07...late. I’m really into being on time of you can’t tell. Being late drives me nuts. As we walk in the door everyone is so excited to see the baby lol We were the last to arrive🙄...and so begins the baby passing...which is cool 👍 The wedding was wonderful. Nathaniel sat on Papas lap...my moms dad...not Tyler’s. He was so good and just watched the ceiling fan. He loves those. Nathaniel not Papa 😂 The wedding was beautiful and so many family members were there. We reminisced on some old memories and just had a nice time with my cousins. Nathaniel fell asleep and the one holding him just soaked it up and loved every second. I told her when she needed a baby fix just let me know😂 before we knew it is was almost 5 and we had somewhere else to be at 5:30😳
So as we were leaving we obviously weren’t going home but we needed to eat something. We stopped by Bueno and had to go home anyway because Tyler needed to grab more insulin. He is type 1 diabetic. And where did we go after that...? You guessed it...QT😂 We arrived only a few minutes late to the ministry we attend on Saturday evenings 😃....Rise.
Rise is an urban ministry for people who do not feel comfortable attending a Sunday church service. People who feel they will be judged for their pasts but want to seek Jesus. Tyler helps with the media and I just walk around with the baby 😂 we put him in nursery this evening though but he is a good ice breaker👍 My parents attend this service with me. They really enjoy it. It is just getting started so it isn’t very big but God moves where two or more are gathered together! This evening they spoke about Joshua and the wall of Jericho. They had to walk around the wall so many times for 6 days and then 7 times on the 7th day and make a loud “shout” and the wall would come down. Can you just imagine what these people were thinking...you want me to do what?..and be silent...what?! That is just crazy. But they did what God commanded and he gave them Jericho as promised along with the King and his men. So he did more then he promised! If we are just diligent and disciplin ourselves to do what God says we will see what he has promised. We have to take the baby steps to get there not just go straight to shouting...remember what I said earlier?...baby steps... if I put my focus on learning Gods word and doing the things he asks of me, a step at a time,eventually the wall of fear will crumble and I will have everything God has promised and more...I will know my purpose. God has a purpose and plan for me. I’m just on a journey trying to figure it out...I loved how what I heard his morning connected with what I heard this evening. That is a God thing. You can’t deny it💗 So be the Beautiful You that you are and Rise up to the plan God has for your life 😘
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chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
Social Marketing How-To
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Social media, Truth and Lies
You order a service online and it takes way more time to arrive than it should. Plus, a few goods are missing inside the package. Frustrated, you take to the vendor’s Facebook port to voice your problems and anticipate to be compensated.
In order to promote anything to any individual you need to have a reliable relationship. This concept holds true on the web as well. You should truly hook up, converse and engage with people on social media prior to they start off trusting you. One of the best ways to interact with people is to use groups inside social media systems like Online social networks, Google+ and LinkedIn. In these group you are able to converse and possess electronic talks with people and demonstrate your expertise. On social sites like Instagram and Pinterest, you have to make use of hashtags. Upon Twitter you make use of hashtags and lists to engage with others.
Get clear with your brand before you put it out there. Solution these three or more important questions. What do you do? Exactly who do you support? what do you wish to be known for? When you are able to plainly articulate the answers to these questions, you may communicate this kind of on social websites or looking at anyone. You need to be able to evidently and succinctly say in a single sentence what you’re everything regarding and identify your business model in a way that is sensible.
And inspite of repeated prodding, there is comprehensive radio stop at the opposite end.
The experience don’t feel good did it? You think maybe this business doesn’t love you – how you trusted it to provide you with a good knowledge and it shattered this trust instead. So you do what any frustrated person would – you promise never to order anything came from here again and hit the “unlike” switch.
For social networking strategists, there exists a lesson to become learned in this article. A social media strategy can easily eventually fail with a few unlikes and adverse comments.
Like a business owner, social networking gives you limited chances to generate a good impression. How you make use of these possibilities might make your company or break it.
The proof is at these stats:
• 71% of users who have an optimistic social media experience of a brand will probably recommend this – Minister
• Regarding to a study, hardly 20% of social websites posts rarely generate virtually any emotional effect on social networking – Havas Media
• 42% of Twitter users expect to be expect an enterprise to respond to their inquiries during an hour – Ambassador
Social Media Marketing seems to be the latest buzz word for any person looking to enhance their online occurrence and revenue, but is certainly Social Media Marketing (SMM) all it truly is cracked about be?
H. M. Meters companies are today springing up all over the place these days and they are telling anyone that will listen about how incredibly important social media just like Facebook twitter and Twitter are to your company but , intended for the average up-and-coming small to medium sized organization, does promoting to social support systems really meet all the hoopla? Is spending a small fortune upon hiring a SMM company worthy of it? And has anyone actually done their research for this before they hired someone to set up there Facebook business page?
Several SMM businesses are setting up stuff like Facebook business pages (which are free) for $600 to $1, 000 or even more and revealing their consumers that they don’t need a internet site because Online social networks is the biggest social network in the world and everybody has a Fb account.
Now while it can be true that Facebook is the largest online social networking in the world and yes, Facebook’s members will be potential consumers, the real question is draught beer actually ordering? Social media marketing businesses are all too happy to point out the positives of social media like how many people work with Facebook or how a large number of tweets had been sent out last year and how a large number of people see YouTube video tutorials etc . but are you getting the full photo?
Social Media And Business
I when sat up coming to a SMM “expert” at a business seminar who was spruiking to anyone that came inside earshot regarding the amazing benefits of setting up a Facebook or myspace business site for small enterprise (with him of course) and selling on Online social networks. So , intrigued by the above mentioned “experts” guidance I looked him up on Facebook only to find he had just 11 Facebook . com friends (ofcourse not a good start). So being the research nut that I am, I decided to consider a good take a look at SMM in regards to selling to decide if it basically worked, whom did it are working for and if this did for what reason did Social internet marketing work for all of them?
And should business rely therefore heavily in social networks for sales?
To be a web creator I was frequently (and now increasingly) confronted by several online community challenges when ever potential clients could say that possessing a website seems good nonetheless they had a Online social networks business site and had recently been told by various sources (the ever before present yet anonymous “they”) that web sites were one thing to do, yet after talking about their needs it has become quite clear that those potential clients don’t actually know why they needed great example of such or SMM to generate online sales.
They will just wanted this. For small and medium sized business I recommended creating a quality webpage over almost any social network, so why? Well they have simple seriously because social websites is Social networking, and social Networks are Great example of such they are not business press and business networks (that would be a lot more like LinkedIn).
Definition Social Media Marketing
I realize that appears simple yet it’s accurate and the statistics back it up. The fact is that social internet marketing fails to let you know that Fb is a social media not a search results and inspite of the number of Online social networks users and Google users being surrounding the same, persons don’t use Facebook or myspace in the same way that they use a search results like Yahoo (which provides around more than half the search engine market), Yahoo and Bing to look for business or perhaps products. Each uses it to keep in touch with relatives and buddies or intended for news and entertainment.
Within a recent review done by the IBM Company for Business Worth around 54% of all social websites users stated that they do not engage with makes over social media at all and only around 23% actually actively use social websites to interact with brands. Today out of all the people who do use social websites and whom do connect to brands whether purposefully or not, nearly all (66%) declare they need to look a company can be communicating honestly before they will interact.
So how do you use social media? And is that even well worth doing?
Social Marketing Campaign Strategies
Very well first of all I will say that creating a well optimized website continues to be going to provide you with far more business that social media in most cases specifically if you are a small to medium sized local business since far more individuals are going to type in “hairdresser Dock Macquarie” to a search engine just like Google, Askjeeve and Google than that they ever definitely will on any Social Media Webpage and if to become alarmed a website most likely missing out on all that potential business. However inspite of all the (not so good) statistics .
I actually still believe that it is still a good idea for business to work with social media just not in the same way that many of SMM professionals are today, So why? Because really clearly not working in the way they claim and also. Basically SMM Companies and Business all together looked at social networks like Fb as a clean market fresh for the picking so when Facebook started out getting users measured by millions PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel invested US$500, 000 for seven percent of the company (in Summer 2004) as them a few venture capital companies have made assets into Facebook . com and in March 2007.
Microsoft company announced that it had purchased a 1. 6% talk about of Facebook for $240 million. Even so since Facebook’s humble origins up until now (2012) both SMM Companies and Business have got failed to truly capitalise for the huge number of Facebook users internet. The truth is amounts does not identical buyers. Would it be in a Social media company’s welfare to talk social networks up?
Overview Of Social Media Marketing
Absolutely. Is it in a Social Network just like Facebook’s best interests for people to think that firms can sell en masse by marketing and advertising with all of them? Of course it really is. In early 2012, Facebook revealed that the profits experienced jumped 65% to $1 billion in the previous season as its revenue which is largely from advertising had jumped almost 90% to $3. 71 million so obviously the concept of SMM is exercising for them however it is working out for you? Well… statistically no, but that does not necessarily mean that it under no circumstances will.
I really believe the major big difference between great example of such and search engines like google is purpose. People who work with Google will be deliberately searching for something and so if they certainly a search meant for hairdressers that is what they are looking for at that particular time. With something like Fb the primary purpose is usually to meet up with friends and family. In October 08, Mark Zuckerberg himself explained “I don’t believe social networks may be monetized in the same way that search (Search Engines) did…
In three years via now we have figure out what the ideal model can be. But that is not our major focus today”. One of the biggest complications business encounter with web sites and SMM is notion. According to the APPLE Institute for Business .
Value analysis there were “significant gaps among what businesses think buyers care about and what buyers say they really want from their social networking interactions with companies. very well For example in the current society folks are not just gonna hand you over generally there recommendations, Facebook or myspace likes, reviews or details without getting something back for doing this, so the previous adage “what’s in this for me? inches comes into play.
Social Media For Marketing
So the primary reason most people give for reaching brands or perhaps business in social media should be to receive discount rates, yet the makes and organization themselves believe the main reason people interact with these people on social networking is to understand new products. Pertaining to brands and business getting discounts only ranks 12th on their list of reasons why persons interact with all of them. Most businesses believe social networking will increase advocation, but only 38 % of consumers agree.
Companies need to find even more innovative methods to connect with social media if they need to see some kind of result from it. There initially were some good attempts shown in the IBM research of companies that got some sort of the handle on how to use social media to their advantages, keeping in mind that when asked them when they interact with businesses or perhaps brands via social media, customers list “getting discounts or coupons” and “purchasing products and services” while the top two activities, respectively a U. S goodies company referred to as Cold Rock Creamery provided discounts on the products prove Facebook webpage. Alternatively we have a great program launched by simply Best
Marketing Strategy Media Industry
Makes a purchase in the Circumstance. S called Twelpforce in which employees can easily respond to consumer’s questions by way of Twitter. With both Cold Natural stone Creamery and Twelpforce comfort is obviously in the favor of the possible client & the good trick to social media marketing is to sell not having trying to sell (or looking like the selling) unfortunately most social media is focused the wrong manner.
Building a tangible buyer to consumer romance via social websites is not easy and probably the most advantage to business’ using social networking to boost their particular websites Yahoo rankings. Nonetheless business’ have to understand that weight loss just setup a Facebook business page and optimism the best. SMM requires attempt and prospective customers need to discover value in what you have to deliver via your social media efforts give them something worth their particular social connection and some then you may progress results.
Today just as a footnote Online social networks shares have dropped to under $20 per show, that’s 50 % their first price… as well as the lawsuits will be flying
This content was originally published here.
0 notes
jrgarcia · 7 years
What’s the Gambler 500? It’s a Road Trip Rally
“It’s not a race, it’s a challenge.” A quote taken from 1976 film the Gumball Rally. Let me set the record straight that the Gambler 500 is NOT, I repeat, not a race or a timed event. This is a navigation rally designed to show you the Oregon landscape while having road trip fun in a wacky car with friends. The gamble comes from showing up to the start line in whatever, road legal, vehicle you can piece together that can survive 500 miles over a two day event. The Gambler 500 is Wacky Racers meets Family Vacation at the start of the 24 Hours of Le Mons. A motoring event unlike anything you’ve seen.
Team Rabid Beaver aka Red Beaver
How I ended up in Portland, Oregon on the eve of the Gambler 500 is a story that took a year in the making. It all started when I randomly came across a Facebook video clip of last year’s Gambler 500. It showed a bunch of wild cars and trucks being taken off road with big smiles all around. It looked fun. I shared it saying I would add it to my bucket list. One friend agreed, and meant it. Jeremy Mahovlich, a friend, fellow auto writer, mini truck aficionado, and general car nut from Vancouver, Canada. He was actually one of the first people I asked for advice on how to get into the automotive media racket in 2014.
At the start of 2017 he tagged me on another Gambler video asking if we should actually do this rally. I said yes, but in the same way friends agree that they should open a bar together. Sincere but with no real plan to actually go through with it. Wishful thinking. I didn’t think I would actually be at this event until he showed me the photos of the car he and Ron Kertesz, Rabid Beaver Co-driver, had bought at the auction. Soon as I saw the car in Jeremy’s driveway I started looking for flights.
The Red Beaver is a 2002 Ford Focus ZX3 hatchback with a 5-speed manual and that Jeremy picked up for $600 bucks. After a mild tune up of new spark plugs, fluids, and an air filter the car was given spacers to add ground clearance. The wheels were painted white and an Amazon Prime ordered light bar was dressed on the grille. Jeremy and Ron created a spoof livery on the Red Bull rally car of the same era. (Points for creativity!) I had no idea how the car was going to look until I saw at 11 pm the night before the race. Seeing my name on a professional looking rally car was a really good feeling.
A Symphony of Misfires
The start of the rally was a symphony of sputtering exhausts pipes, squeaky fan belts, and rough idling engines. Hood slams echoed as gamblers pushed their heaps to the start line. This was the 4th running of the Gambler. In previous years attendance was small. Around 40 teams entered last year, but thanks to social media a record setting 300 was expected to show up at the Portland Meadows horse track to start gambling. We arrived at 8 am and saw that over 700 teams had showed up! Unpresented and unplanned.
Teams ranged from chump cars and junkers to full builds and customs. Everything on wheels was represented at the event. AMC Eagles, lifted Crown Vics, a JDM Firetruck, 70s land yachts and wagons, limos, Pontiac Fieros, a white hearse, smokey motorcycles, ex-food trucks, vans, muscle cars, Jeeps and Subarus, and a $600 Toyota Prius! Our unofficial celebrity guest was Fred Williams, editor-at large for Peterson’s 4-Wheel & Off-road and host of Dirt Everyday, who showed up in a wicked 4×4 Dodge Tradesman.
Fred William’s Far Out 4×4 Dodge Tradesman
When Team Rabid Beaver set off it was 11 am and we were the 721th car to leave the starting point. We were given a paper with a list of GPS coordinates to different way points along the way towards the overnight checkpoint. Each waypoint ranged in road difficulty. Easy ones were just off the highway. Median way points involved dirt roads and pot holes. The most hardcore off road waypoints were appropriately named “Satan’s B***hole” in terms of difficulty. These required ATV permits. Vehicles that could handle rock climbing.
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There were only two rules in the rally, “If you aren’t having fun, go find some!” And “Always be Gamblin!” Enjoy the fun of being the weirdest convoy on the road. Driving through small towns like a herd of renegades in vehicular cosplay. Playing on the CB to live out your Cannonball Run day dreams while following the unwritten rule of stopping if you see a fellow Gambler on the side of the road. Big feeling of comradery among us as Gamblers. We were all here to have fun and nearly everyone was a first timer so we all shared the experience.
The Gambler 500 was sponsored by NAPA auto parts which gave Gamblers a 10% discount during the race. Also, the Gambler is not a race so you don’t need to wear crash helmets or invest in a 5 point safety harness. Only things required on gambler vehicles is for it to be road legal and a CB radio for emergencies since cellphone signal can be dicey in the Oregon country side.
Woodstock for Oil Burners
The overnight checkpoint for the rally was a ski lodge near the city of Sister, Oregon, named Hoodoo (Who-doo). By the time the Red Beaver arrived the ski lodge was completely full and we had to park in the street along with several dozen other Gambler teams.
Hoodoo entrance gate
The scene was wild. Crazy cars littered the parking lot with tents and camps set up around them. Alcohol vendors were on the scene handing out samples and by 10 pm everyone was holding at least one sudsy beverage in their hand. Live music echoed as we walked the grounds checking out the cars and observing the crowd. Guns, cars, and music was the only topics of conversation. No politics, no current events. Nothing annoying. There was even a city bus that had been converted into a mobile Tattoo parlor that was opened for business.
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What amazed me was that we had over 800 vehicles, with 3 or more people per vehicle. At least 90% of us were new to the event with drinks flowing freely. I didn’t sleep at all that night, mostly because I didn’t prepare for winter conditions in July. Spending the night freezing allowed me to listen and observe the campgrounds. Were we loud? Of course! But all you could hear was talking and laughter. No fighting, no shouting, no foul language echoing in the distance, no dangerous burnouts, and no cops. It was surreal seeing such a diverse group of people spending the night together and getting along. No drama, just civil fun with beer breathe.
Naturally the restrooms were a mess but what do you expect? A few wild cards started setting off fireworks but were quickly shut down (Smokey the Bear didn’t approve). Others who brought bikes were riding up and down the ski slopes in the darkness. A few college kids dancing on the hoods of cars. The point is that all these people showed up and nobody got hurt, nobody was offended, and nobody’s car caught on fire. The planets were aligned in the Gambler’s favor that night.
By 2am most had gone to sleep except for a few dozen huddled around the bonfire. The band had called it a night and allowed anyone to grab an instrument and jam. I couldn’t sleep so I stood listening to the group of strangers play together. They played tunes that reminded me of Link Wray and Dick Dale. Surfer music, exhaustion, and the few beers I had made for some essential thinking while looking up at the stars in the moonless Oregon sky.
Junkers for a Good Cause
The end of the rally was back at Portland Meadows were it began. All cars were able to cross the finish line and park in the horse track infield to create the most outrageous looking parking lot. Once we were all here the awards were given out. This year’s winner was given to a man who visited all the waypoints in a $500 Honda 500cc motorcycle that he put together days before the rally started.
The cherry on top of the Gambler 500 sundae is the auction held after the awards. At the end of the rally anyone who wants to sell their ride can do so at the auction and 100% of the money goes towards the Children’s Cancer Association. How awesome is that? Anyone who buys a gambler car will have an automatic entry for next year’s rally.
Sold for $500
Ramblin for Next Year’s Gamblin
I was able to talk briefly to T. Cole, founder and organizer for the Gambler 500. My main question for him was how they planned to control the number of Gamblers for next year. A large attendance was a great surprise but things could have quickly gotten out of hand. No secret that we were lucky this year. Cole couldn’t give me a definitive answer but I assume that ticket sales to partake in the rally will be in order next year. Money will be the factor that separates the real Gamblers from the trouble makers. The Gambler 500 is not a Gumball 3000 or Cannonball Run. They want this to be a family friendly event that focuses on fun and not speed.
I was able to talk to Fred Williams and ask him for a quote on this event. His answer was as accurate as it was funny.
“The Gambler 500 is all the people waiting to be extras in the next Mad Max movie.”
After spending 2 days looking at some of these creative rides I can certainly agree with him. Everyone was friendly and everyone I talked to was excited to do this again next year. Jeremy, Ron, and I spent most of the time on the road thinking of theme ideas for next year. What kind of car? Livery and costume ideas? How will one decision impact the other? Best road game ever. Check out the Gambler 500’s FB page to see more content and vides of this year’s gamble.
Below is a gallery of some of the Rides from the Gambler 500.
The Battleship Lincoln
Original drivetrain and chassis, slightly modified of course
Used to be a 1999 Crown Vic
Used to be a 1970 Cadillac
$600, owner just removed all fuses and added a skid plate
Miniature Dog Van
1941 Dodge Power Wagon Weapon’s Carrier. All original!
Beastie Boys Cosplay
Mighty MG
“If you ain’t first….”
Fancia, Get it?
It’s a Pontiac Fiero dressed up like a Lancia Stratos
Mary Kay Special
“Make Mexico Great Again”
My favorite decal of the entire event.
Gambler 500 is officially an international event.
These guys used the Gambler 500 as a company retreat. Are they hiring?
Not your typical hair dresser’s car
No idea, but I want one.
A mail truck Jeep!
Discount Roadkill Muscle Truck
Good Old Truck
Only Suzuki represented
Long live the Crown Vic
Reminded me of 80’s NASCAR
This Cheby was wraped in printed Duct Tape
Looked as if the internet had vomited on this thing.
A Pontiac Bonneville dressed to look like the T/A Trans Am
Get It?
Great name for a Crown Vic
Breakdown lane to the Danger Zone
Team Suburbia
Moon Buggy Scoobie
“This is a van”
An International Pickup, these are getting rare.
Crown Vics were a favorite vehicle of choice at the G500
AMC Eagles!
A Brown 70’s Olds, love it.
a JDM fire truck
Left hand drive
Canadian Mopar
Wizard Van
The OJ Special
An Olds Cutlass
Imagine seeing this heard in your rear view
Mad Max Mustang
Mark 5 Mercury Wagon
I called it the Mercury 5
A hearse, because of course
I want one
Honda hatchback
These 2 Camaros drove all the way from the East Coast to be here
Costumes are encouraged
Strongly encouraged
AMC Eagles, may they live on
This Dodge looked ready for the Baja 500
This food truck reject was sold at the auction for $400
Read more stories and articles here.
A road trip rally, a two day party, and a charity car auction. This is the Gambler 500. What’s the Gambler 500? It’s a Road Trip Rally “It’s not a race, it’s a challenge.” A quote taken from 1976 film the Gumball Rally.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
Why the 7b Promo Pics are Giving Me TD Tingles ;D
Good morning Everyone! How was everyone’s weekend? Good, I hope. Mine was fabulous! So for those who don’t know, AMC has released promo pics for 7b. As always, they’re terribly interesting. I’ve had lots of questions about them over the past few days, so I promised I would do a post analyzing them. Right off the bat I need to thank and acknowledge my FB group. We talked about these a lot and all hashed out ideas for what they reminded us of and what we thought they meant. Special thanks to @boltthrutheheart, @birdiehaven (IG), @lilly.loup (IG), @katkhaos, and @thegloriouscollectorlady for their genius input.
Remember that images used for promo pics generally will show up somewhere in the plot, but also have deeper, symbolic significance as well.
Let’s start with the pics that don’t do much for me. 
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First, the cantaloupes. Of course they’re something that grows, so they could be synonymous with “green,” but even for me, that’s a stretch. They have some symbolism in Eastern cultures, but nothing that jumped out at me. The only thing we came up with in our group is that maybe they’re for practice killing (chopping heads like melons). But, who knows?
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Then this picture. It’s just very generic and nothing especially jumps out at me. Looks like a reference to the junk yard community, but I’m not seeing much else. Moving on.
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Overturned bucket with seeds. The gardening experts in the group tell me these are either tomato or paprika seeds. Either one would have potent symbolism, but personally I think they’re probably tomato. Not just from the way they look but because we’ve seen this symbol so often entangled with Beth symbolism. We saw tomatoes at Grady, and again around Morgan in 6x04, which had tons of callbacks. I think they’ve mentioned growing tomatoes in more than one place. And the most common thing tomatoes symbolize is solidarity. Remember Tara’s line from 5x07: “Solidarity. Band of brothers.” It’s something TF is constantly striving for and we see it a lot in the show.
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Peanuts. Peanuts are a very potent symbol and I think it’s interesting that they’re included here. The biggest thing peanuts represent in western culture is mystery. Like, what’s under the shell? So the whole point is mystery. The fact that something is hidden. The shell needs to be broken to find it. I think we can all relate that to TD without help, yeah? And another interesting thing? Peanuts are specifically equated with the Christmas season. I know Christmas is past for us, but that’s super-interesting to me for two reasons: first there’s Daryl’s “I never got nothing from Santa Clause,” which we haven’t seen fulfilled yet. (I’m always wondering if maybe we HAVE seen a few of these and just missed them, but at this point, I kind of don’t think so. The symbolism is still being employed.) Plus there’s that December calander behind the obvious Beth-walker in 5x10. We hoped it meant she would return in December (the s7 MSF) Obviously we interpreted that wrong, but the “Christmas” symbolism is still around. And I suppose it might be a western Christ thing. In reality, Christ was born in the spring but all of western culture celebrates his birthday in December. But I digress. My point is, very interesting peanut symbolism.
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The bike. I don’t have much to say about this. Don’t know what it means. But it does bring one very specific thing to mind. In Daryl’s/Norman’s opening credit, we see Daryl’s vest through the spokes of a bike. And we’ve always figured that was about his motorcycle, even though there aren’t spokes on the wheel of a motorcycle. Doing the spokes just made it possible to put two symbols of him in the opening credits. But we’ve seen bikes elsewhere. The instance that always comes to mind first for me is when the camera focuses on one outside the house Rick breaks out of when the Claimers show up in 4x11.  That was a super-obvious Beth/Grady parallel, and part of the reason I formulated my bike theories. (X, X, and X). Now we have a pic of a bike that includes spokes. Again, not sure what it means, but I’m sure it’s important. ;D
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Then we have more nuts, this time walnuts, I believe. The biggest callback I’m seeing here is to The Grove. In that case, the nut was different. It was pecans. But Lizzie, Mica, and Carol cracked and cooked tons of them. It was a big part of the episode. Also notice that he nut cracker in this case is a hammer, not unlike the one Tyreese always carried. He was also a big part of that episode. So what does this mean? Well, on the one hand, it may have nothing to do with Beth. I’ve said before and my group has talked a lot about that we think part of Carol and Daryl’s arc in ep 9 and 10 may be Carol finally talking to him about what happened with the girls. This could be a sign of that, if it turns out to be the case. But I’ve talked plenty of times before about how Lizzie especially is tied to Beth as an anti-parallel. I’ve kind of come to associate Lizzie and Mica becoming relevant again with Beth becoming relevant again. And also remember that Lizzie, Mica and Beth all showed up in Ty’s death hallucination. It’s all connected, folks. ;D
But there is another picture that makes me think tptb are specifically invoking Ty’s death. This one:
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Skeletal corpse. Not only does it look just like the one in Ty’s death episode (5x09) 
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but as I said in my analysis of the S7 opening credits, there’s one there as well. 
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And this one in the opening credits, just like the flash of Beth running in the yellow shirt, happens so fast that you can’t see it unless you slow it down. It’s like something the show is hiding in plain sight. That’s very significant to me, guys. And obviously whatever we’re seeing in the credits will probably become relevant in 7b. And I think it’s tied to…um, Ty. ;D
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Dynamite. We’re hoping Daryl gets to blow up more shit. That’s always great. But remember the matches Daryl used to escape. He didn’t light them, which means they were completely useless plot-wise, and therefore unnecessary. Which means they’re symbolic. Jesus gave him one and then a box of matches held the door open. Sounds like fire is the gateway to escape, which is in line with what we saw in Still. They burnt down the moonshine shack to free themselves from the shackles of their past. Now we’re seeing dynamite. I’m kind of excited. :D
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Lantern. I won’t say much about this one because it’s fairly obvious. It’s an agent of light and fire, which we see around Beth a lot. (Lamp post here.) We also saw a lot of these particular types of lanterns in the manor house at Hilltop. And there were a lot of them in cabin in The Grove too. So another symbol we’ve seen a lot of in past seasons, often associated with TD-type symbolism. There’s also a hanging drill with a sinister looking drill bit. Yeah, that’s creepy.
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Bloody handprint. We saw something very similar to this in Ty’s death episode. So another tie back to what happened directly after Coda. And I’m sure we’ve seen bloody hand prints more than once in the series. Ty was just the first one that jumped to mind for most of us.
Okay, let’s get to the really good stuff. 
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The rubber duckies. I love saying that word. Rubber duckies. It’s fun. ;D So apparently Richonne will come across some kind of defunct carnival at some point (which btw is like Stephen-King-level creepy). We’re thinking these ducks may be associated with that. But @boltthrutheheart, genius that she is, made some great associations here. We’ve seen/heard of ducks twice before. The first time was actually specifically around Beth. In S2, after Beth goes catatonic, Maggie tells Andrea. *cough, cough* ANDREA about a time when she returned from college and Beth had a meltdown about her birth control and the two of them and their brother ended up screaming at each other in the duck pond before Hershel broke it up and Beth played innocent. So ducks specifically associated with Beth early on and specifically having to do with seeing Maggie for the first time in a long time, after them being apart for a specific period of time.
The other time also has to do with Maggie. In 3x06, Hounded, she and Glenn go on a run and Maggie specifically tells him to pick up a rubber duck for Judith. That scene didn’t have much to do with Beth, but that was when Merle took the two of them captive. So basically that led to Merle, who had been gone for 2 seasons, reuniting with TF and his family (Daryl).
And one more thing? We saw a clock somewhere (in the Sanctuary, I think? But can’t remember where. I’ll find it and add it later) pointing to 3x06. I remember doing a post about it. So we now have two different references to Merle reuniting with his family after two seasons of being gone. Hmmm. ;D
I also feel like there’s slightly more color in this pic than in the others. Like the yellow of the ducks is being emphasized. Just saying. 
And finally my two faves.
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First, the open grave. Do I really have to explain why this one is awesome? The empty grave/tomb is the most widespread and potent symbol of resurrection that exists in the Christian world, my friends. I’ve been hearing versions of this symbol at church ever since I was just a kid. We’ve over-analyzed promo pics since Coda aired, but we’ve never seen an open grave in any of them until now. That makes me super excited.
Another thing this puts me in mind of are those three fake graves in Alexandria. We never learned what, if anything, is in them, or what exactly FG had to do with them. So in terms of symbolism, the open grave means resurrection. Plot wise, I’m thinking those three empty graves are coming back into play.
Finally, I think this is my favorite one. 
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Shadows of people pointing guns at someone. Now, in terms of plot, this will probably have to do with the junk yard community. But does this remind you of anything. I instantly recognized this stance:
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Eh, eh?
Overall, they seem to be place mostly in the junk yard, with a few exceptions, which means that’s gonna be a huge story line in 7b. (Given all the TD symbols around Boots, that makes me happy.) And even though the pictures are quite washed out and colorless, there is actually a lot of green in them, or would be if the color hadn’t been messed with so much.
Bottom line, these images will all be relevant in the back 8, guys. Can’t wait. ;D
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heddabee · 5 years
[this must be from Quora; I took it from a fb post; I like it] A person answered the question, "Why are people so hostile towards President Donald Trump?". Chris O'Leary: I’ll take a stab at this. Before you pass my answer off as “Another Liberal Snowflake” consider that 1.) I'm an independent centrist who has voted Republican way more often in my life than Democrat, and 2.) if you want to call someone who spent the entire decade of his 20’s serving in the Marine Corps a snowflake, I’d be ready to answer the question what did you do with your 20’s? Why Liberals (And not-so liberals) are against President Trump. A.) He lies. A LOT. Politifact rates 69% of the words he speaks as “Mostly False or worse” Only 17% of the things he says get a “Mostly True” or better rating. That is an absolutely unbelievable number. How he doesn’t speak more truth by mistake is beyond me. To put it in context, Obama’s rating was 26% mostly false or worse, and I had a problem with that. Many of Trump’s former business associates report that he has always been a compulsive liar, but now he’s the President of the United States, and that’s a problem. And this is a man who expects you to believe him when he points at other people and says “They’re lying” B.) He’s an authoritarian populist, not a conservative. He advances regressive social policy while proposing to expand federal spending and federalist authority over states, both of which conservatives are supposed to hate. C.) He pretends at Christianity to court the Religious Right but fails to live anything resembling a Christ-Like Life. D.) His nationalist “America First” message effectively alienates us and removes us from our place as leaders in the international community. E.) His ideas on “Keeping us safe” are all thinly veiled ideas to remove our freedoms, he is, after all, an authoritarian first. They also are simply bad ideas. F.) He couldn’t pass a 3rd-grade civics exam. He doesn't’ know what he’s doing. He doesn't understand how international relations work, he doesn’t understand how federal state or local governments work, and every time someone tries to “Run it like a business” it’s a spectacular failure. See Colorado Springs’ recent history as an example. The Short, Unhappy Life of a Libertarian Paradise And that was a businessman with a MUCH better business track record than Trump. We are talking about a man who lost money owning a freaking gambling casino. G.) He behaves unethicaly and always has. As a businessman, he constantly left in his wake unpaid contractors and invoices, litigation, broken promises, whatever he could get away with. H.) He is damaging our relationships with our best international friends while kissing up to nations that do not have our best interests in mind. To his question “Wouldn't’ it be great to have better relations with Russia?” The answer is Yes. But it is RUSSIA who needs to earn that, who must stop doing the things that are damaging to that relationship, or we are simply weaker for it. I.) He has never seen a shortcut he didn't like, and you can’t take shortcuts in government. “Nuclear Option, Remove the Filibuster, I’ll change the Constitution by Executive Order…Don…what happens when you remove the filibuster and the other side retakes the majority in the Senate? Suddenly want that filibuster back? What happens if you manage to change the Constitution by Executive Order and an Anti-2A President wins the next election? J.) He behaves and has always behaved as an unabashed racist. Yes, I’ve seen your favorite meme that claims he was never accused of racism before the Democrats…Absolutely false. Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019 See the Central Park 5, the lawsuits and fines resulting from his refusal to lease to black tenants, the 1992 lost appeal trying to overturn penalties for removing black dealers from tables, his remarks to the house native American affairs subcommittee in 1993. The man sees and treats racial groups of people as monoliths. K.) He is systematically steamrolling regulations specifically designed to keep a disaster like the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis from happening again. L.) He speaks and acts like a demagogue. He sees the Legislative and Judicial branches of government as inconveniences, blows up at criticism no matter how deserved and actively tries to countermand constitutional processes, not to mention attempts to blackmail and coerce people who are saying negative things about him M.) His choices for top positions, with the exception of Gen. Mattis, who is a gem, have been horrendous. A secretary of Education without a resume that would get her hired as a small town grammar school principal, A secretary of Energy who didn't know the Department of Energy was responsible for nuclear reserves, an EPA head whose biggest accomplishments to date had been suing the EPA on multiple occasions, an FCC head who while working for Verizon actively lobbied to kill net neutrality, and an Attorney General who thinks pot is “nearly as bad as heroin” and asked Congress for permission to go after legal pot businesses in states where it is legal. (There goes that great Republican States rights rally cry again, right? *Crickets*) An Interim AG after Firing his First AG who’s appointment is probably unconstitutional. N.) He denies scientific fact. Ever notice that the only people you hear denying climate change are politicians and lobbyists? 99% of actual scientists studying the issue agree that it’s real, man-made and caused by greenhouse gasses. Ever notice that every big disaster movie starts with a bunch of politicians in a room ignoring a scientist's warning? 0.) He does not have the temperament to lead this nation. He is Thin Skinned, childish, and a bully, never mind misogynistic, boorish, rude, and incapable of civil discourse. P.) He still does not understand that the words he speaks, or tweets, are the official position of 1/3 of the US government, and so does not govern his words. He still thinks when he speaks it’s good ol’ Donald Trump. It’s not. It’s the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. You have probably spread a meme or two around talking about how no president’s every word has ever been dissected before…YES, THEY ALWAYS HAVE. It’s just that every other president in our lifetime has understood the importance of his words and took great care to govern his speech. Trump blurts out whatever comes to his mind then complains when people talk about what a dumb thing that was to say. Q.) He’s unqualified. If you owned a small business and were looking for someone to manage it, and an unnamed resume came across your desk and you saw 6 bankruptcies, showing a man who had failed to make money running CASINOS, would you hire him? He is a very poor businessman. This is a man it has been estimated would have been worth $10 BILLION more if he’d just taken what his father had given him, invested it in Index Funds and left it alone. R.) He is President. But he refuses to take a leadership position and understand that he is everyone’s President. Conservatives complain about liberals chanting “Not my President” while Trump himself behaves as if no one but his supporters matter. S.) He’s a blatant hypocrite. He spent 8 years bitching Obama out for his family trips, or golfing, or any time he took for himself, and what does he do? He was already on his 20th golf outing in APRIL of his 1st year in office. He constantly rants about respect for the military, yet can’t be bothered to attend the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day because of a little rain. (And that excuse about Marine One not being able to fly in the rain is HILARIOUS.) T.) He’s a misogynist. It's not really ok in this day and age to be a misogynist, but it’s not a huge deal if you’re a private citizen. It’s a pretty big deal if you hate half the people you’re elected to lead. The disdain for women seeps out of his …whatever…. and he just can’t hide it. U.) Face it. In any other election “Grab Em’ By the Pussy” would have been the end of that candidate’s chances. Back in the 90’s I used to marvel about how Teflon Bill Clinton was. I no longer do. The fact that he managed to slip by on that is as much a statement about how much people hate Hillary Clinton as it is about what is wrong with politics in this country right now. V.) He has one response to a differing opinion. Attack. A good leader listens to criticism, to different points of view, is capable of self-reflection, tries to guide people to his point of view, and when necessary stands his ground and defends his convictions. Any of that sound like Trump? His default is not to Lead, its’ to attack. Scorched Earth. The Jim Acosta reaction is a good example. There was no defense of his convictions when Acosta was asking him repeated questions about his rhetoric on the caravan. His response was to attack Acosta. W.) He takes credit for everything positive while deflecting blame for everything negative. Look at him with the Stock Market. He’s been bragging about it since day one, and to give credit where credit is due, speculation on coming deregulation early in his presidency did fuel some rapid growth, but to pretend that it’s all him, that we’re not in the 9th year of the longest bull market in history and THEN, when the standard market volatility that deregulation inevitably brings about starts to show up? Yeah. Look at yesterday. Hey! Stock Markets losing because the Democrats won! Do I need to bring out the Stock market chart for the last 10 Years again? X.) He emboldens the worst among us. Counter-protesters are slammed into by a car while countering actual Nazi rally, and the response is there’s fault on “Both Sides” The media is at fault for a nut job sending them and Donald’s favorite targets pipe bombs. The truth is not all Republicans, not all Trump Supporters are racist, fascist lunatics. Many are just taken in by the bombastic personality and are living in an information bubble made worse by the fact that they unfollow anyone and ignore any source of information that makes them feel uncomfortable. People on the left do that too. The Biggest problem the right has right now is that the worst of the Right is the loudest and the most in your face, and the actual right, especially the Freaking PRESIDENT needs to be standing up and saying No. Those are not our values. Y.) He seems to think the Constitution of The United States, the document that IS who we are, the document he took an oath to support and defend is some sort of inconvenience. He demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of Constitution, from believing he can alter the 14th through executive order, to thinking The free exercise clause in the first amendment somehow supersedes the establishment clause (not that he really understands either) or that the free exercise clause only applies to Christians. Or his attacks on freedom of expression and the press. He repeatedly makes it clear that if he’s read them, he does not understand Articles 1–3, and that’s something he really should have before he took the job, because they’re not going away. Z.) I’ll use Z for something I do blame him for, but the rest of us have to carry the blame too. Polarization. This country is more politically polarized than I can remember in my lifetime. Some of you who are a few years older than I may remember how it was in the late 60’s when construction workers in New York were being applauded for beating up hippies, I think it’s pretty close to that right now, but that was before my time. And he is the cause of much of the current level polarization, but also the result. It didn't’ start with Trump. We’ve been going down this road I think since the eruption of the Tea Party in the early years of the Obama Administration. I do hope the tide turns before it gets much worse because the thing that scares me more than anything is what if that keeps going the way it has been?
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medproish · 6 years
Mock draft season drives me nuts. The NFL Draft evaluation process allows a lot of very smart football people to talk themselves in and out of the professional potential of 20-somethings. Not being close enough to the war room, it’s difficult to know if it’s a case of too many cooks in the kitchen or just overthinking, but for the draft-eligible players who played high-level college football, I think the argument can (and in some cases should) be based on what happened in those games. 
Avoiding the seduction of how a player looks in workouts or is measured in underwear and focusing solely on college performance, I’ve ranked the top 32 prospects in this year’s NFL Draft. With those parameters put in place, Wyoming quarterback Josh Allen does not make the list. 
Allen could be a very good NFL quarterback, but the fact that he “looks a quarterback” — or at least what a good amount of evaluators think a quarterback should look like — should not, in my opinion, overshadow a two-year run at Wyoming as a 50-55 percent passer. Allen looked like a future pro, but to me, a first-round pick should be able to provide value in the present.   
Here’s how I see the top of the 2018 NFL Draft class: 
1. Saquon Barkley, RB, Penn State: Arguably one of the best all-purpose football talents of the decade in college football, Barkley is instant value added to whatever teams decides to pick him up near the top of the draft. His versatility is well-documented in a league that is continuing to explore unique ways to use skill position players I think he can dominate. 
2. Bradley Chubb, DE, NC State: Chubb hasn’t always been the top-of-the-bill headliner that he’s become over the last six months or so. Just a three-star prospect coming out of Powder Springs, Georgia, Chubb put in a lot of work on his body and his craft as a defensive lineman at NC State, developing into one of the best pass-rushers in all of college football. 
3. Derwin James, DB, Florida State: You didn’t need to know James’ number when you watch Florida State film. When healthy, he flashes in a way that few can in a sport with 22 players on the field at once. James has an instinctive ability to know where to be and the athleticism and make a big play anywhere on the field. He continued the line of success that goes through Jalen Ramsey and on back to Lamarcus Joyner in Tallahassee, and if he can stay healthy he’ll be a Pro Bowler soon.   
4. Roquan Smith, LB, Georgia: Smith has the closing speed of a jungle cat. No linebacker in college football could and read-and-react like Smith, and he was honored appropriately after the regular season with a Aaron Donald-type run of cleaning up all the major defensive awards. NFL teams might be knocking him down their board because of size, but I’m confident he will figure out a way to dominate like he did with the Bulldogs. 
5. Denzel Ward, CB, Ohio State: One day we’re going to look back at the Ohio State secondary room from the last couple seasons and be amazed at all the NFL talent that Urban Meyer had at once in Columbus. Put Ward on the early watch list to follow in the footsteps of Marshon Lattimore and contend for Defensive Rookie of the Year in 2018. He’s a stud, an absolute warrior on the edge and as pro-ready as they get at the position. 
6. Quenton Nelson, G, Notre Dame: It’s a thin year for the biggest boys at the top of the draft, but Nelson is the one can’t-miss offensive lineman. Nelson’s college tape is going to be taught for decades, and I feel sorry for everyone he’s embarrassed and will continue to as we rewatch his clips. 
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7. Josh Rosen, QB, UCLA: The noise around the NFL Draft and the hysteria that comes with being one of the top quarterbacks is nothing new for Rosen. Before Rosen even played a game as a freshman, Jim Mora infamously berated him in front of reporters during a media viewing session of a late-August practice — a “you’re not in high school anymore” type rant, which reportedly included a “the anointed one!” jab. The highest expectations imaginable have always been there, so I like Rosen of all the quarterbacks to be the most ready to make the jump and provide immediate value as a starting quarterback. 
8. Minkah Fitzpatrick, DB, Alabama: One underrated aspect of Fitzpatrick’s pro potential is his understanding of the game. The defensive backfield at Alabama has seen tremendous amounts of talent come through during the Nick Saban era, but Fitzpatrick might be the best of them all. Saban and the defensive coaches relied on Fitzpatrick at multiple positions and even when he was slowed by minor injuries needed him on the field to help the defense get lined up. Fitzpatrick “gets it” when it comes to defensive concepts, which paired with his athleticism and ball skills makes for a very enticing potential career in the NFL. 
9. Baker Mayfield, QB, Oklahoma: Don’t focus on the Mayfield’s dashcam footage, the taunting of Kansas‘ players or even the incredible highlight reel put together across three consecutive Big 12 title runs. Think about what Mayfield built for himself during the 2014 regular season, sitting out as a transfer from Texas Tech to Oklahoma. Mayfield is a football lifer to who is going to make any quarterback room better with his competitive fire. I don’t know if he’s going to be a star or even a starter, but you’re not to be a worse football team with him on the roster, that’s a guarantee. 
10. Calvin Ridley, WR, Alabama: Ridley is the best route-runner in the class. He’s got the kind of precision that allows players of any size or speed to find those elusive windows of separation at the next level. The Alabama offense hasn’t always catered to him in a way that produced dominant statistics, but Ridley’s work is exquisite. 
11. James Washington, WR, Oklahoma State: Wide receiver is another position where NFL teams can be seduced by size and speed in the evaluation process. Just because a player looks like a freak doesn’t guarantee freaky-good performance on Sundays. Washington is undersized, but he’s fast as hell and will find ways to get open. Don’t overthink it with Ridley or Washington, they will both be in the league for a long time. 
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12. Vita Vea, DT, Washington: In terms of interior defensive linemen, Vea was the best in college football last year. He’s a mauler that can swallow up offensive lineman and allow linebackers to step up and make plays. When I look at Vea, I see a player who can not only command attention put push the pocket back from the interior like Timmy Jernigan did at Florida State. 
13. Rashaan Evans, LB, Alabama: The embarrassment of riches at linebacker over the last few years at Alabama kept Evans as a rotation player until he had matured into a grown-ass man. Evans can be seen speeding downfield like a hammerhead shark and heaven help you if you’re the ball-carrier. His physicality and tenacity sets the tone, but there’s also a ton to like about his versatility playing inside or outside. 
14. Lamar Jackson, QB, Louisville: Don’t overthink it. Jackson isn’t perfect, but he has been one of the most prolific offensive talents to ever come through college football.  
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15. Isaiah Wynn, G, Georgia: Wynn moved all around the offensive line at Georgia, played through injuries and finished his career as one of the most dominant run blockers in the SEC.   
16. Josh Jackson, CB, Iowa: We’re not perfect when it comes to awarded greatness at individual positions in college football. It’s really tough to actually watch every play from all 130 FBS teams every Saturday, so our All-America teams tend to be a little messy and lean on the numbers to help tell the story. Josh Jackson’s 2017 campaign was highlighted by a two-game run with five interceptions (three in an upset of Ohio State, two in a loss to Wisconsin), but his ball skills were on display all season and his game backs up his argument as a future pro. 
17. Orlando Brown, OT, Oklahoma: You can’t coach the type of size that swallows up entire humans. Brown has always been big, but in 2017 he started to back up the measurements with some really strong play on the edge. 
18. Courtland Sutton, WR, SMU: Sutton was a lightly recruited safety and tight end prospect coming out of high school, but he’s improved every year at SMU and finished his career as one of the top wide receivers in program history. He’s probably not a No. 1 coming right out, but given his trajectory and improvement every year, the signs are good that he could be one day. 
19. Maurice Hurst, DT, Michigan: There’s a versatility that’s coveted with modern interior defenders, and Hurst has that ability to both stop the run and rush the passer from the defensive tackle position. If you’re focusing on size and moving Hurst down the draft board, he’s going to end up in your favorite quarterback’s face next fall. 
20. Justin Reid, DB, Stanford: A student from the Duane Akina school of defensive backs with NFL talent already in the family, Reid’s pedigree is impeccable. Stanford’s entire secondary was a little bit overlooked last year, and Reid was the star of the group. 
21. Will Hernandez, G, UTEP: When a player like the 6-foot-2, 348-pound Hernandez shows up at UTEP, he’s going to be used almost immediately. After redshirting his freshman year, he was immediately thrown into the rotation; after 49 career starts, Hernandez leaves the Miners as one of the best players in program history.  
22. Sony Michel, RB, Georgia: This is your Alvin Kamara pick for 2018. With the right fit, Michel could end up having a Rookie of the Year-caliber debut at the pro level. While he was usually the No. 2 to Nick Chubb, Georgia’s 2017-18 postseason revealed Michel as arguably the most irreplaceable piece of that offense.  
23. Sam Darnold, QB, USC: Barton Simmons, my co-host on the 247Sports College Football Podcast, has been big on Darnold’s potential. It’s important to remember that, of all the quarterbacks in this class, Darnold is the youngest and least experienced. A former linebacker at the start of his high school career, Darnold’s ceiling may be the highest of all. He showed flashes at USC but not enough for me to feel confident putting him ahead of Rosen, Mayfield and/or Jackson. 
24. Lorenzo Carter, LB, Georgia: Carter leads the way for me in this next crop of linebackers. While listed as an edge defender, Carter is dynamic making plays at the second level and did a good job stepping up and taking on blocks when the play was funneled his way. 
25. Derrius Guice, RB, LSU: With a little bit more shake and shimmy than Fournette, Guice had high expectations coming into 2017 as the team’s new starter in the backfield. While some of that wasn’t realized because of injuries and other issues, a change of scenery could help Guice with this next stage of his career.  
26. Connor Williams, OL, Texas: Williams is a beast. His film at Texas wasn’t perfect, but some of my less-than-overwhelmed reactions during his college career are admittedly shaded by disappointment in Texas’ offense as a whole. Very excited to see how he plays at the next level. 
27. Da’Ron Payne, DT, Alabama: When the motor is on, Payne is a top-10 talent. Even B-plus effort from him is probably good enough to see the field on Sundays, but if he can replicate some of 2017 outside of Tuscaloosa, Payne could be a star. 
28. Jaire Alexander, DB, Louisville: It might take a year or two before Alexander has totally transitioned, but he’s got all the skills to be a shutdown corner in the NFL. He was a little banged up at times during 2017, but when healthy he was easily identified as the best player on Louisville’s defense. 
30. Tremaine Edmunds, LB, Virginia Tech: Just an absolute freak of a player straight out of the Bud Foster school of tough-as-nails defense. This part of the rankings is defined by consistency, and while I don’t know if Edmunds will be a superstar, I feel confident saying that can play in the NFL for as long as he wants. Everyone wants a Tremaine Edmunds on the roster. 
31. Dante Pettis, WR, Washington: Getting Pettis adds instant value because you’re also getting one of the best return specialists we’ve seen recently in college football. Pettis was a solid receiver at Washignton, but his skills in the open field are going to win him plenty of opportunities to contribute immediately in the NFL on special teams. 
32. Braden Smith, G, Auburn: While no one is mistaking Gus Malzahn for being a “pro-style” offensive coach, I think Smith’s experience at Auburn will make him a quick learn as the NFL continues to adopt aspects of the college game. Smith was a stud run blocker for the Tigers and got to face off against future pros every Saturday during their 2017 SEC West title run. 
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whatib · 2 years
Yep more Religious banter
Just making a simple comment ...
Considering how human behavior works, saying that Religion is bad for humankind is an oxymoron. If religion didn't exist then people would be murdering each other over spilled milk on a daily basis. There'd be no love, no caring, and no respect for one another. Prior to 1800 over 98% of the population had less than a grammar school education, and with that comes a lack of respect for your neighbor, lack of caring for one another, lack of honor, lack of love, and a lack of understanding of the difference between good and bad behavior...all taught by Religion when there were no schools. If religion didn't exist then most of us wouldn't even be here today. We would've killed each other off a long time ago. Those religions might've caused millions of deaths in the name of religion, but if there were no religion then there would've been tens of millions of deaths due to no fear of Hell or any punishment from above, and not being taught right from wrong. Religion is the only thing keeping most people in line. Believe me we NEED religion badly. It's the only thing that's probably keeping your hateful neighbor from taking your life or from hurting you and your family. How many people do you know that committed heinous crimes that in the end they finally decided to "change" and go "back to God". If there was no God to go back to, where do you think their minds are going to stay? You can try to teach most people that they shouldn't harm others, but if you don't put God in the mix with the added threat of Eternal Punishment then they aren't going to care what you're trying to push on them. They're going to do whatever the heck they want to do. There's no jeopardy. You yourself would probably harm someone you don't like, but you don't because you know you might go to jail. Jail is God/Religion/Hell for all of us. If there was no threat of going to jail for any crimes whatsoever, then a lot more people would be committing a whole lot more crimes. Fear of punishment is what keeps the entire human population in line.
Where do you think you learned to "love one another" from ? They didn't have sociology or psychology classes in 1066, or 1492, they learned from religion and the Bible. If you remove religion from society, you open up a can of worms that will cause freedom of thought to run rampant, and with that comes harm, murder and chaos. People don't naturally love one another, but feelings like jealousy ARE natural. People need a book like the Bible to tell them to love one another, and parents to reinforce it....the best bible, or best book ever written in the world, is the Jefferson Bible, created by Thomas Jefferson...the same man who said "Commerce between Master and Slave is Despotism. Nothing is more certainly written in the Book of Fate than that these people are to be FREE."...(and he was right, and it finally happened 50 years after he died)...But without religion we are a dead people with no values and no respect for one another, and no love. You're proving it right now with this FB group, you're propagating hate. Definitely not how Atheists are supposed to behave. But hey I have no problem with that, I just coined a phrase last month on FB "We live in the Age of Hate". Seems to be cool to hate others these days. They'll hate you for your sneakers, the clothes you wear, the glasses you wear, the music you like, the books you read, the job you have, the car you drive, the house you live in, the friends you have, the neighborhood you live in, the way you style your hair, how much money you have or don't have, and they'll even hate you for the look on your face and the noises you make with your mouth. You'll NEVER win in this society. This is a Dead End. (and people seem to love living in hate, that is what's so nuts about this century, people love hating others, Democrats are preaching hate to their children, Republicans are preaching hate to their children...this is some crazy shyte)
But I will agree that in the year 1000 if everyone was as educated as we are today and we all understood the Universe and human behaviors as we currently do(which took us over 2000 years to learn), and we were all taught about depression and the stresses of life and how to interact with others and taught to love....if we taught that from birth, then Atheism might've made for a good world. But this world has a lot of people that don't know anything, and they need to be guided by something with power and might....because the only thing they understand is "punishment" and without it, if you knock their milk over they'll kill you for it.
There's even nuts out there that are going to disagree with what I say and are going to hate on me for merely stating facts. You cannot win with these people, they are not understanding of the world or respectful of others opinions, they just like to hate others. Some of them are Atheists and some of them are Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Protestants, Catholic, Jewish, and Islamic. Hate comes from every corner of the Earth, it has no boundaries.
Keep preaching the Hate my brother, it gives power to the Religions. And I'm a friggen Atheist! I gotta get off this boat because now these people are nuts too!....there's gotta be something new out there....but where is it? what is it? the search continues....for eternity
(similar to how I blindly supported Democrats for over 50 yrs, then they went and burned my country down? For me that's unforgivable, and I can never support that type of behavior. We're Independent now. I will never teach my special needs daughters to hate anyone for anything. I only teach them to trust nobody, beware of the freaks and stay away from the crazies...but let everyone be, walk the other way when necessary, and keep dancing and having fun in life, it's all we have) Stay safe out there! I love you nuts!
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stagesofabreakup · 6 years
Stages of a Breakup: Week 45
1. Sleep not too late
2. Eat muffins
3. Listen to a podcast your friends did because they said they started to talk about who their bridesmaids would be when they got married and you wanted to see if you made the cut
4. You did!! ☺
5. Take a million years to get dressed
6. Finish watching the last episode of Black Mirror you didn’t realize was the last episode!
7. Get a text from a comic inviting you to watch a show with them, and to do a mic before
8. You accept!!!
9. Write a fb post about stand up comedy and money that gets a lot of likes
10. Hurry to the gym because now you have places to be!
11. Wait for the train because it’s delayed
12. A pipe burst in the subway and it’s just shooting water onto the tracks like a small geyser
13. It doesn’t get fixed
14. Go to the gym
15. Work out a little while watching and episode of Love It or List It that you’ve seen before (which is miraculous because you’ve only seen one and it was this one)
16. Leave to go to the mic
17. Your friend isn’t going but you still wanted to go
18. It’s mostly only men there
19. The host puts you up right away even though you were late which is confusingly nice
20. Have a good set where you talk about porn
21. Watch most of the rest of the mic
22. Leave to go to the show
23. Get in for free by saying you’re a comic which you were nervous about but it went fine!!!
24. Pin hair back and put some mascara on
25. Feel slightly less gross
26. Still smell from the gym & just life
27. Watch show
28. See friend
29. Move to watch show from a better place
30. Know 2 people on the show
31. Run into someone else there
32. Hang after the show at a bar that you threw up and made out with someone the last time you were there
33. Buy the second round of drinks
34. The producer of the show you went to is also the one you had a weird email thing with that was embarrassing
35. She comes to the bar to hang out
36. It’s actually fun and goes well!!!
37. You guys bond over puzzles
38. Ride the train home with your friend who lives near you!
39. Home
40. Eat way too much
41. Be on Facebook wayyyy too long
42. Start watching another episode of The Staircase
43. Think about masturbating
44. Think about taking a shower
45. Think about masturbating in the shower
46. Text your friend Charlie and apologize for never calling him back
47. Sleep
48. Wake up, wander to the kitchen, eat a muffin, put on perfume (?????? Why) go back to sleep
49. Wake up for real later
50. Gym
51. Go late to a mic because getting dressed is hard and anxiety producing, especially when you know you will be on a stage
52. Go up
53. Go to a bar afterwards with a group of other female comics
54. Get a little drunk
55. Get Chinese food with some of them
56. Take the train home
57. Feel GREAT
58. Wake up a little earlier than yesterday
59. Gym
60. Shower
61. Get dressed
62. Drink a beer
63. Eat some frozen asian dinner thing
64. Go to a mic late
65. Sit with Molly
66. Go up
67. Get a burger at a great bar
68. Go to a second mic with Molly and another girl who works at a blog and has a Britney Spears podcast
69. Do well at the mic!!
70. Talk to Molly afterward about LIFE (ever heard of it???) and your trip to New Orleans soon (she is also going back)
71. Take the train home for a long time
72. Snapchat a lil
73. Find out via snapchat your friend is ALSO watching The Staircase! Your ex-boyfriend probably told her about it
74. Decide to watch an ep of it
75. Jk watch like 3 episodes of it which are all an hour, stay up until 6:00am, finally force yourself to stop watching even though you only have 2 left
76. Sleep until 3:00pm
77. Get up
78. Eat a sandwich you made in the toaster oven
79. Go to the gym
80. Walk for an hour
81. You go girl!
82. Think about the worst things that could happen on your trip to New Orleans, accept that even if all of them happen, you’ll still have a good time and be ok
83. Go to the last night of an open mic that’s ending
84. Go up in the first group
85. Have fun
86. Have a respectable set
87. Remeet people
88. Get free wine and pizza
89. “Hang”
90. Walk to the train with a friend after getting like 3 different really nice compliments
91. Decide to watch another episode of The Staircase even though you have to get up in less than 8 hours for a 15 hour shift
92. Wake up
93. Woof it’s rough (ruff)
94. Eat a weird breakfast of mostly cheese
95. Unintentionally watch only the sex scene of XXX
96. Get dressed in old underwear for like the 4th time this week because you need to do laundry but there’s no time anywhere
97. Go to work
98. Build a desk!!!!!!!!!!!
99. Get very surprised by a white man from Connecticut you work with who was so open and happy to teach and learn and do physical projects with you
100. Learn about track lights
101. Make 42 dollars in tips
102. Eat food a child left behind
103. Laugh
104. Feel good
105. Do your second shift
106. Feel exhausted
107. Get almost no tips
108. Ask to go home 30 min early
109. Take the last two alcoholic seltzers from the work fridge you’re allowed to take
110. Have three different people tell you how you can “change your script” to get more tips
111. Leave at 12:43am
112. Call your friend Charlie
113. Make a plan to hang out tomorrow at 8:00pm when you get off of work
114. Be tired just thinking about it
115. Spend what feels like a long time waiting for the train but is actually probably only 15 minutes
116. Get home
117. Poop
118. Open/drink one of the alcoholic seltzers
121. Almost cry
122. Send him a thank you email instead of calling because it’s 2:00am
123. Find the Demi Lovato documentary online
124. Try to decide if you want to watch that or The Staircase Part II
125. Demi
126. It’s truly nuts
127. Her voice is incredible
128. She is 5 years sober at 25
129. You’re 28 and have never owned any property or a car
130. It’s fine
131. Wake up
132. Go to work for 10ish more hours
133. Get good tips!!!
134. Have a really fun shift!!!
135. Get a free piece of cake!!
136. Call your brother back while you’re walking to the train
137. Talk to him outside in the cold for 2.5 hours
138. It is an amazing conversation
139. He tells you things about himself during high school you never knew
140. You share some stuff as well
141. Your hands are numb
142. Finally get off the phone
143. Call Charlie
144. Agree to meet at your house
145. It takes him more than an hour and a half to get there
146. You almost fall asleep
147. Clean your room
148. Eat
149. Charlie asks if he can stay over
150. You say “duh”
151. Watch some of The Staircase II
152. Charlie comes!!!
153. Talk & drink
154. Laugh
155. Change for bed
156. Put on Swordfish
157. Wonder if you guys are going to hook up or cuddle or anything
158. You don’t
159. It’s nbd and so fun
160. Sleep
161. Get up
162. Charlie has to go to work or something
163. Aziz Ansari sexually assaulted someone
164. Laze around for a bit
165. Take a shower
166. Get a brilliant idea
167. Try to write it out
168. Call your friend Ariel to talk it out
169. Finish it, post it
170. Be late to brunch at your friend Nate’s house
171. Get there!
172. Eat the most amazing meal of: buckwheat banana pancakes with carmalized bananas and nutella, massaged lemon kale salad, bacon, baked beans!!!, scrambled eggs, sauted mushrooms and espresso martinis
173. Have so much fun with Nate and Rashida
174. Get threatened by Nate’s downstairs neighbor
175. Miss the Saints viewing party you were supposed to go to at a friend’s cousin’s apartment for the playoff game
176. The Saints lose really marginally
177. Start Inside Man
178. Hang out and talk
179. Dance
180. SING SONGS and record them
181. Freestyle a lot of songs about: séances, mermaids, tortilla chips, drones
182. You guys sing a serious one and cry
183. Have an embarrassing and kind of painful but ultimately good texting conversation with this guy you’ve had a crush on where he says he’s seeing someone but also apologizes for unintentionally leading you on and acknowledges that he finds you attractive and was definitely flirting at times and respects you a lot
184. Feel ok
185. Order Dominos as a group
186. Run in the cold to pick it up
187. Bring it home
188. Find that they really fucked up the order
189. Call, get free replacement wings
190. Eat everything
191. Rashida leaves
192. Finish watching Inside Man
193. Sleep at Nate’s
194. Go to bed at 6:30am
1 note · View note
rbeatz · 7 years
Dubstep Causes Uneven Grounds: A Lost Lands Music Festival Review
Lost Lands Music Festival hosted by one of bass music’s trendsetters, Excision, was held last weekend at Legend Valley in Thornville, Ohio, United States, North America, Planet Earth in the Jurassic Period about 200 – 145 million years ago. That’s right, the bass music festival of the year took festival goers back in time to a prehistoric era filled with primal bass music and life-sized dinosaurs based off designs from the popular Jurassic Park movie series.
I’ve been a fan of bass music for almost a decade, and I can’t remember anything event close to what I experienced last weekend. Headbangers from around the country traveled to the middle-of-nowhere Ohio to indulge in a bass-heavy family affair that was so loud, houses 8 miles away were complaining about reverberations that shook their homes. I say family affair because as a fan of bass music and headbanging (or whomping as I call it), I finally felt at home with music lovers of a specific genre, dancing like I’ve always loved to dance. It was refreshing and exciting at the same time.
With headliners such as Zeds Dead, Excision, Destroid, Rezz and more, there was an eclectic variety of bass music that I thought brought new inspiration and talent that the genre has not heard before.
I was joined in my journey back in time with rBeatz resident DJ and photographer, BRB, who felt so inspired after the event, he immediately got back to work and made an aftermath mix. Check it out below. To see the full Lost Lands Festival Aftermath tracklist, crowd shots, and Chris’ Top 10 of the weekend, scroll to the bottom of this post.
Below are my thoughts on the acts we caught, along with videos, photos, and tweets we accumulated throughout the weekend. I’ll start with day 1…
Day 1: Friday, September 29th
Before we even enter the festival, there was a giant sign that read, “Welcome Headbangers,” with two Pachycephalosauruses (aka “thick-headed lizard” in Greek) banging their heads together. Pachycephalosauruses were Dinosaurs said to use their extra thick skulls for intra-specific combat behavior. A clever pun for a fanbase that calls themselves “Headbangers,” right off the bat. I continued walking towards the security line.
Welcome Headbangers @lost_lands #GetLostWithMe #LostLands http://pic.twitter.com/iqN5yjgrUZ
— rBeatzRadio (@rBeatzRadio) September 29, 2017
When we got through security, the first thing I assume everyone noticed, was the giant animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex that moved and roared in front of Lost Lands sign that looked like a totem.  Groups of people were lining up to take pictures in front of the T-Rex. There was a strict no-touching the dinosaur rule, which was difficult to impose, but the festival had an attendant at each dino to make sure they survived the weekend.
We continued past the Lost Lands merch store witch contained custom Lost Lands appeal and Excision gear. Knowing the festival partnered with PK Sound to bring 750,000 watts of bass, I immediately purchased Excision Silicone Ear Plugs for $15. They were extremely well designed high fidelity hearing protection used to clear low volumes that actually fit perfectly into my ears (which typically have trouble with basic in-ear headphones). I was then ready for the sound battle of my life.
Getting past the merch tent, we were taken to a path down the hill towards the venue. On the path, were life-sized Velociraptors that made that screeching sound I immediately recognized from Jurassic Park while moving their torso and neck up and down. I looked to the right of the path and noticed a grove of tall trees, intertwined with hammocks, and through the trees was the main stage aka Prehistoric Paradox, with probably 10,000 headbangers vibing to the bass. Towards the back of the area, was a life-size brontosaurus. I immediately fell in love with the venue. We headed down to the main stage to cover, Laxx.
The first set we caught. These earlier sets were really showing their stuff. The Dubstep implant from Oxford UK had a hype set. A lot of trap right off the bat with paralysis inducing drops. I was in shock and awe by the first set. There were two life-sized T-Rex’s on either side of the stage with volcanoes on each side. The headbangers were out in full force right from the start. See the video below to witness the show out for the 3rd act at Lost Lands.
I hope there’s enough rail for all these headbangers! What’s your opinion on the first edition of #lostlands? : @rbeatzradio
A post shared by Join the #FLAGFAM (@theflaggang) on Sep 30, 2017 at 11:54am PDT
Figure B2B Midnight Tyrannosaurus
The only other perfect scenario for this set would have been if it were at midnight, the clock striking 12 while Midnight Tyrannosaurus played between two, life-sized T-Rex’s with flames coming out of the volcanoes behind them. Their set was SUPER heavy and haunting, which wasn’t a surprise coming from two of the most nightmarish dubstep producers.
As we walked to the second stage, Cave of Souls, we walked through the market, where food vendors were appropriately serving giant turkey legs and appeal was just as colorful as the sets. There were bathrooms tucked in the back, so whenever we’d have to go to the bathroom, we took a bit to listen to what was happening at the Cave of Souls. The bathrooms were positioned in such a location so that when the bass hit, the stalls would rumble. A+ bathroom placements.
The first act we witnessed at Cave of Souls was Wooli, who dropped one of the coolest remixes of Deep Down Low by Valentino Kahn. I heard this RL Grime edit about 4 times throughout the weekend.
A stop along HeRobust’s current tour, the Atlanta Electro-Trap early adapter crushed the main stage, certainly getting the crowd #BUSTED as his fans like to say.
The festival encouraged flowing, which is moving to the beat with elements such as gloves, hula hoops, and orbits . Throughout the campgrounds, individuals were doing their own thang, and during the nighttime, glowing elements in the crowd reigned supreme. See the video below of KT from @willhoopforbass on Instagram during HeRobust’s set.
Hula Hooper at #LostLands
A post shared by rBeatz Radio (@rbeatzradio) on Sep 30, 2017 at 1:18pm PDT
A lot of these artists reminded me of rock n roll stars. Ghastly was a prime example. Playing everything hype from heavy trapstep to future bass, Ghastly made sure he was having fun himself, which was important for fans to feed off of. We were able to catch a video of the ghost with the most poppin’ champagne. Do yourself a favor and follow Ghastly on snapchat (username: ghastly) – he’s quite the entertainer.
The T-Rex looked beautiful at night.
Such a majestic creature @lost_lands #GetLostWithMe http://pic.twitter.com/8ay4hGsGNn
— rBeatzRadio (@rBeatzRadio) September 30, 2017
Kill The Noise
He’s produced soundtracks for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Zoolander 2 and XXX: The Return of Xander Cage. He’s also taken the stage with Korn. As one of the earliest bass music adopters, it was no surprise that crushed the main stage. Check out his setlist here. Not only did he play the popular RL Grime Deep Down Low edit I mentioned above, but he also played another festival favorite from a majority of the DJ’s – Kendrick Lamar – Humble (Skrillex Remix), which was released about a week and a half ago.
Seven Lions
What a beautiful set. I had never seen or heard Seven Lions play a set – I only heard remarkable reviews. The reviews were not off. With a lot of heavier bass sets prior, Seven Lions came out with some beautifully melodic future bass (typically at the first drop), followed by heavy dubstep drops (typically on the second drop). I haven’t heard arrangements like that before, so I thought it was so simplistically clever. The best of both worlds future bass and dubstep.
Caught a bit of the brain child between Datsik and Bais Haus at the Cave of Souls. The bass from this tent was in a tube, so it traveled super far. We could easily hear it from the parking lot about a mile away. What’s more surprising were towns 8 miles away were reporting sound disturbances in the area.
@ephwurd at #LostLands #GetLostWithMe
A post shared by rBeatz Radio (@rbeatzradio) on Oct 3, 2017 at 4:09pm PDT
Since it was Excision’s first time hosting his own festival, I figured he was going to come out with a bang. Boy did I underestimate my already high expectations. This was by far the most unbelievably entertaining intro’s to any set I’ve ever witnessed. I captured gold, so I posted to Excision’s Headbangers FB page to let the outside world in. The Jurassic Park theme song with an extended drop had headbangers going absolutely nuts. Check it out below.
The rest of his set was wild. The most energetic of the day in my opinion. Check out his set list here if you’re an aspiring DJ for inspiration on one of the industry greats. He played a two hour set, and crushed it all the way through.
#GetLostWithMe @excisionofficial at #LostLands
A post shared by rBeatz Radio (@rbeatzradio) on Sep 30, 2017 at 12:26pm PDT
After 8 hours of heavy dubstep, I was exhausted of whomping, and could not keep it up for Crizzly or 12th Planet. I wen’t back for some Zs, but made sure to take an artsy pic of the Brontosaurus before I left the venue.
Goodnight day 1 #GetLostWithMe #LostLands http://pic.twitter.com/x31SqU06lg
— rBeatzRadio (@rBeatzRadio) September 30, 2017
Day 2: Saturday, September 30th
Everyone has their lines. After 8 hours of intense dubstep from the day before, I had to draw the line in the sand somewhere. For me, the guy who calls himself the first letter reverse of the word “CuntFace” is that line. I was a little scared coming into day 2 from so much energy exertion from the day before, but I was still excited. I caught a bit of the beginning of the former death metal drummer’s set, it was as raunchy and gritty as you’d imagine.
This was one of BRB’s most surprising, favorite acts, the Dutch bass producer played a fair amount of Hip-Hop style electro-trap, giving a nice contrast to the incessantly heavy Dubstep from the night before.
Cookie Monsta
Whether it was mixing DJ Fresh – Louder (Doctor P & Flux Pavilion Remix) with Crime Mob – Knuck If You Buck and some insane bass drop or mixing in some of his notable metallic jaw dropping bass, Cookie Monsta was on high energy from start to finish.
Check out part of Cookie Monsta’s set from on Soundcloud
A beautiful opening tribute to the late Chester Bennington of Linkin Park, an idol to many of the performers coming from a more rock background. Then Slander did his thing and destroyed the place sonically. Slander was one of the most popular acts, putting on at the Cave of Souls. The space was a much more enclosed venue, creating more vibrations from the heavy bass.
@slanderofficial Intro at #LostLands an Ode to Chester Bennington
A post shared by rBeatz Radio (@rbeatzradio) on Oct 1, 2017 at 10:29am PDT
Frédérik Durand aka Snails consistently throws the slimiest sets. He calls his music vomitstep and his fans the vomitsquad. Like many fan groups, there was a meet-up before his set to prepare themselves for the madness and meet other like minded slugs. He even played a vomitstep remix of Spongebob. Nothing is safe from Snails.
His sets are always super animated. I’ve been impressed with the level of animation and storytelling from these DJs. I felt like I was watching a hard action anime thriller throughout these various sets. DJing these days is a team effort, and the animators behind the scenes are just as much a part of the Snails project as Frédérik.
As I mentioned before, flowing was strongly encouraged at the festival. Below is a video of rBeatz resident DJ, BRB, orbiting at Snails.
Destroid was back in action. Excision’s old band got together with some mind-blowing graphics and insane pyro. Excision (production and midi-guitars) was hyping the crowd up with a mic, Downlink (production and midi-guitars) was dressed head to toe in an “Alien vs. Predators” outfit with a midi-guitar in hand, and Pendulum drummer KJ Sawka was another “Alien vs. Predators” creature elevated above the rest on the drums. Check out the intro to the band getting back together below.
The band played heavy dubstep, but with KJ Sawka leading with the drums, there was a very heavy metal element to the entire performance.
There was so much pyro, that one of the Volcanoes lit on fire towards the end of Destroid’s set. That didn’t stop them from finishing their act. There was a bit of a pause between Destroid and Zeds Dead to put out the fire. Only at Excision’s festival can a volcano blow out.
DESTROID actually destroyed the stage. Volcano fire #lostlandsfestival @lostlandsfestival
A post shared by Nathan Hall (@that_happened) on Oct 1, 2017 at 8:44am PDT
They played at the same time as Destroid, so it was difficult to compete with the host’s old band getting back together. The clip below shows a more drum and bass style production that was played every now and then to change up the vibe to a more house-style bass music.
#LostLands @Skellism http://pic.twitter.com/dFdDdK26pF
— rBeatzRadio (@rBeatzRadio) October 1, 2017
Zeds Dead
This was my #1 set of the weekend, sorry Excision! You knew what you were getting into when you invited one of the greatest Dubstep duos in history. I’ll admit, I’m a bit biased. Zeds Dead was the first dubstep show I ever attended back in 2011, and I obviously never turned back.
The Canadian electronic duo played Bassmentality, White Satin, Rudeboy, a rendition of Dido’s Thank You, a rendition of Nina Simone’s Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood, Humble., and a lot of other sexy slower dubstep aka chill step. A beautiful set by Zeds Dead, a nice break from the incessant heavy bass made this set standout from the rest.
Below is a video of the craziest drop my ears witnessed at the festival. It was a Run DMC remix done by producer, Wuki.
  Zeds Dead played all the classics. That’s what made their set so good. They knew bass music fans were coming from all over, and as some of the pioneers of chillstep, they knew real fans were out there.
Here’s a Zeds Dead fan whomping hard rocking their paintball jersey, toting the Zeds Dead flag.
You say NO to rAAAAtchet @zedsdead #LostLands http://pic.twitter.com/a4pVIOz2YE
— rBeatzRadio (@rBeatzRadio) October 1, 2017
I ran into Kylie Blake twerking like a champ. A lot of butts were out this weekend – it’s a bass music festival, so freedom was encouraged. It can get hot dancing up a storm, so the less cloths the better. Since this was an end of the summer festival, it got chili at night, so you had to bring extra layers for when you stopped dancing. It got close to 40 degrees fahrenheit at night.
I was exhausted after Zeds Dead. Below is a final shot I got at Downlink. I heard the next day it was one of the harder sets at the festival. The former member of Destroid had a quick turnaround, but still did his thang. As I was leaving Downlink, I heard a nice ode to one of the founding fathers of brostep, Rusko, playing his single, Woo Boost.
@downlink at #LostLands #GetLostWithMe
A post shared by rBeatz Radio (@rbeatzradio) on Oct 3, 2017 at 4:17pm PDT
I also had an opportunity to stop by the fire people. At this prehistoric event, I was wondering if they invented fire yet or not. They had, and somehow they were able to spin around with it, swallow it, and breath it. Quite impressive.
Before going to sleep, I made some quick edits from iPhone photos that I took earlier that evening.
Most #Beautiful #Music #Festival of the Season #LostLands ⚡️ http://pic.twitter.com/UhJTgXI184
— rBeatzRadio (@rBeatzRadio) October 1, 2017
Day 3: Sunday, October 1st
I did a bit of a recap of the festival so-far and the day ahead on day 3. Here, I am in front of the T-Rex at the entrance. A video of myself so you know I’m a real human……………..
Excision – Detox Set
The first set we hit on day 3 was Excision’s Detox set, where he slowed it down a bit, but didn’t let up on the bass. Below is a video of Excision playing a new unreleased track of his for his final song of the set.
Before going into the photo pit, I was able to catch another flow artists on her hula hoop grind.
Hula Hooper @excisionofficial Detox set #LostLands
A post shared by rBeatz Radio (@rbeatzradio) on Oct 2, 2017 at 6:02am PDT
Dion Timmer
This is the guy with the shirts! Dion Timmer had his own merch alongside Excision’s inside the venue. He also threw down a killer set.
PhaseOne stopped by Ohio while on his North America Tour, Dreamscape. I was able to capture some classic bass faces and head banging styles in this video.
Liquid Stranger
Liquid Stranger is a Swedish electronic producer who is considered the epitome of International Dubstep playing everything from Latin, Asian, Eastern European and Jamaican Dancehall dubs.
By far one of the most unique acts of the festival. Rezz plays a lot of dark-bass music focused on bass house elements. She is a queen in her own right, laying the foundation for what I believe will be the next big permutation of electronic music to come. Rezz stopped by at Lost Lands, currently on her Mass Manipulation World Tour, promoting her debut album, Mass Manipulation, which was released on DeadMau5’s label Mau5trap.
Below is a video of her intro, where she had a slow countdown to one of her hit singles, Relax.
Rezz playing her single, DRUGS!
Illenium was a fan favorite of the weekend. He played a bit more softer bass than the acts from previous days. More melody and more synth play teetering on the future bass genre.
Ganja White Night
rBeatz resident DJ, BRB, called it!!! I was shocked. We were trying to guess the secret guest all night, and he kept insisting that GWN made the most sense. We were blown away by their set and the fact that BRB guessed the special guest correctly.
Ganga White Night played and entire animated cat and mouse game where the turkey was the mouse and the man was the cat. Four Dimensions. Props to the animators for Ganja White Night.
I put Ganja White Night in a category with Rezz and Um.. – these artists are trendsetters in the bass space in my opinion, creating minimal arrangements with unique deep synths with bass as the frontman. Fantastic space play from these artists.
Excision B2B Datsik
This was Excision’s final set of the festival. A team-up with Datsik on a B2B set. Only other time this legendary collab happened was at Global Dance Festival in Denver, Colorado. rBeatz was on the ground there too to cover it. The set was a cherry on top to the already flawless weekend.
@excisionofficial B2B @datsik at #LostLands #GetLostWithMe
A post shared by rBeatz Radio (@rbeatzradio) on Oct 3, 2017 at 6:54pm PDT
It was one of the most flawlessly executed music festivals I’ve ever had the opportunity to attend. We didn’t have an opportunity to stay for one of the sets we were more excited for, Um.., so we listened to a lot of their music on the 8 hour drive back home to New York City. I got home at 8:08am – no joke. If ya don’t get it, ya don’t get it.
Goodnight @lost_lands It’s been real #GetLostWithMe #LostLands http://pic.twitter.com/HEBfdpJZY4
— rBeatzRadio (@rBeatzRadio) October 2, 2017
Lost Lands Festival Crowd Shots
(patients is a virtue – wait a hot min for fire shots of crowds, acts, and dinos )
Chris’ Top 10 of The Weekend
Zeds Dead
Ganja White Night
Seven Lions
Kill The Noise
Excision B2B Datsik
BRB’s Lost Lands Festival Aftermath Mix Tracklist
Land of the Lost Intro
Trampa & TrollPhace – Headbang Gang
HErobust & MONXX – Giant Squiddim
12th Planet – Control
BadKlaat – Head Crush
G.W.N.- Purple Star
Boogie T – Ain’t Safe
Distinct Motive – 40hz
Spag Heddy – Oh My!
Trollphace – Make it bounce (Ft. Harvey J)
um.. – Skrillex 2
G.W.N. – Endless Sky
um.. – That’s Horrible
Boogie T. – Boogie Nights
Skellism – G.T.F.O.
Dion Timmer Ft. Magmag – Berzerk
AFK & Wooli -WDGAF
Excision & Space Laces – Throwin Elbows
G Jones – Krabby Patty Secret Formula
Herobust – Status Busted
not sorry – LD50
Figure – Phantasm
Mr. Carmack – Pay for what
Boogie T – whatstep
Dion Timmer – Plug me in
Zeds dead – White Satin
G.W.N. – White Widow
Crizzly & AFK – Chain Hang Low
Rezz – Synesthesia
Rezz x 13 – DRUGS!
Wuki – Tricky
Ghastly – Get on this
Deep down Low (RL Grime Edit)
  from rBeatz Radio http://ift.tt/2xTpsh4
0 notes
The U.S. Has the sector’s biggest billion dollar travel industry- however, these are the nations most depending on tourism
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The U.S. Has the sector’s biggest billion dollar travel industry- however, these are the nations most depending on tourism
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Tourism is the sort of huge enterprise in Iceland that it honestly sees greater travelers in keeping with 12 months than the entire population of the united states Ukraine and Russia aren’t having a bet you’ll go to every time soon. Of the 136 top economies inside the global, Ukraine is the one least reliant on tourism, with just 1.four% of its gross home product coming from visitors. Russia is near at the back of, with simply 1.5% of its GDP coming from tourism.
Ukraine and Russia are simply of eight nations in the ratings that have a tourism enterprise comprising much less than 2% of normal GDP. That’s according to statistics from The tour and Tourism Competitiveness File 2017 by means of the world Monetary Forum, as compiled by way of statistics website HowMuch.
international locations Least Reliant on Tourism Percent of GDP Ukraine 1.4% Russian Federation 1.5% Poland 1.7% Canada 1.8% Republic of Korea 1.8% The journey and Tourism Competitiveness Record 2017 through the world Monetary Forum Russia’s financial system is most reliant on oil, and it is the arena’s 2d–largest oil exporter. Ukraine’s financial system is also in large part based totally on energy. HowMuch.Internet illustrated how reliant each united states of America is on tourism, with brilliant pink that means it is pretty reliant on tourism, and brilliant blue indicating the least reliant on tourism.
The map also resizes each USA to indicate the general length of its tourism enterprise via dollar price. Us has a $488 billion journey enterprise — the biggest inside the world.
but the journey to the U.S. Is on the decline, due in large part to what experts name the “Trump droop.” President Donald Trump’s policies have made u. S . “an uncomfortable location for foreigners,” in step with MarketWatch columnist Rex Nutting, and Oxford Economics located that journey may want to drop by way of eight% this year because of the effect of the cutting-edge management’s proposals to restriction immigration.
Spending on journey and tourism inside the U.S. Fell 3.three% year-over-12 months to $1.7 trillion in the fourth region of 2016, after growing three.7% in the previous sector, in keeping with the “journey and Tourism Satellite tv for PC Accounts” of the Bureau of Financial Analysis.
Still, the U.S. Eclipses different international locations as some distance as the scale of its tourism enterprise goes:
pinnacle Ten nations with the largest Tourism Industries GDP in U.S. Greenbacks United states $488 billion China $224 billion Germany $130.eight billion Japan $106.7 billion Uk $103.7 billion France $89.2 billion Mexico $79.7 billion Italy $seventy six.3 billion Spain $sixty eight.eight billion Brazil $fifty six.3 billion The journey and Tourism Competitiveness Document 2017 through the world Monetary Forum On the alternative end of the spectrum from Russia and Ukraine, there are some international locations which can be closely reliant on tourism to sustain their economies. Malta and Croatia are the most reliant, with tourism comprising 15% of Malta’s and Croatia’s GDP. Thailand and Jamaica are available 0.33 and fourth place, respectively.
international locations most Reliant on Tourism Percentage of GDP Malta 15% Croatia 15% Thailand 9.three% Jamaica 8.nine% Iceland 8.2% The travel and Tourism Competitiveness File 2017 through the world Financial Forum And No. five is Iceland, which may additionally as properly be the Pumpkin Spice Latte of travel locations. U . S . saw its tourism numbers upward push from just 490,000 in 2010 to a whopping 1.eight million in 2016, according to the Icelandic Traveler Board. In fact, the USA gets extra traffic in 12 months than the whole populace of u. S ..
The dramatic and otherworldly landscapes of Iceland’s colorful villages and icy waterfalls are being documented on millions of Instagram feeds. Kayak vice president of advertising David Solomito advised Vox that Iceland’s spike in reputation should largely be attributed to social media websites like Facebook’s Fb, +zero.78% Instagram.
“It’s not too some distance (from Boston or Big apple, it’s a quick flight) — but while you’re there, it looks like you’re on a specific planet,” he says. “Human beings see images on social media and assume it’s on Mars. It feels out of this global. It has that Instagram component.”
world–converting benefits of journey touted at a tourism summit
international LEADERS, globalization students and advocates for sustainable tourism advised the enterprise world to behavior longer-term thinking in a bid to address worldwide troubles at the two-day global tour and Tourism Council (WTTC) worldwide Summit that started out in Bangkok the day before today.
Former British high minister David Cameron, one of the personalities, pundits and industry leaders joining the summit along Thai prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, who presided over the outlet, voiced issues on worldwide issues that call for immediate interest from those in the tourism global.
“Tourism can remodel countries. Governments and those in the business international ought to work collectively to address the threat of Islamist extremism even as retaining the advantages of globalization,” Cameron stated in the course of a consultation titled “Altered States: Has Globalisation Had Its Day?”
David Scowsill, president and leader executive of the WTTC, opened the summit by highlighting the need for the tourism enterprise to steer the way in remodeling the world given tourism’s transformational strength.
He stated journey and tourism inspired the financial system with the aid of generating more than US$7.6 trillion globally and supporting greater than 292 million jobs, or one in 10 jobs global. The world has grown quicker than the global financial system continuously over the past six years.
“Is it an excessive amount of to ask that journey and tourism leading the way in remodeling our world? That it’s miles our sector making the distinction? Our sector main the world within the eradication of poverty, cleaning up the oceans, and protecting natural habitats? Or put in a different way: Is it an excessive amount of to invite that journey and tourism make the sector a better, greater non-violent area? tour and tourism can remodel our world. it’s far remodeling our global,” he stated.
Highlighted as a specific driver of 3 of the United Countries’ 17 Sustainable Development Desires, enterprise and enjoyment travel will help form the global schedule for the subsequent 15 years, he stated.
“We are now seeing the recalibration of global politics. it’s miles becoming clearer that the Economic boom we’ve loved during the last 1/2-century, and the globalization that has pushed it isn’t running for everybody. Governments are calling into question some of the fundamental freedoms of Human movement and exchange, upon which all our businesses so depend.”
in the face of terrorism and herbal screw ups, journey and tourism have shown resilience as People remain to move around the globe. But the growth of tourism does no longer advantage everybody. Inequality and poverty Nevertheless exist due to the fact some People have been left behind by alternate and globalization, conceded Ian Goldin, professor of globalization and Development at the College of Oxford.
“We’re in an age of discovery in this global where the whole lot adjustments, the way People recognize the world adjustments. The statistics revolution is riding the trade today. Globalization means when we connect, desirable matters join. Horrific matters also join too. How are we going to avoid a spiritual conflict?” Goldin stated.
Scowsill believes that journey and tourism can Nevertheless play a crucial part in the worldwide quest for an extra equal, inclusive, and sustainable international.
“For our area to keep to thrive we ought to attention on three elements: People want with a view to tour; we need a success groups, and we need accountable practices,” he asserted.
6 crucial tour and tourism developments in the GCC
enterprise professionals collected in Dubai this week to speak about burning problems approximately the tourism marketplace at a main journey and tourism event.
Periods at Arabian journey market (ATM) 2017 treated the future of tourism, electronics ban, and experiential travel. universal, the consensus turned into that GCC international location should highlight their wealthy cultural services at the side of the modern day points of interest to maximize their tourism potential.
Presently, there are 12 UNESCO international Background websites in the GCC, with the UAE and Saudi Arabia in search of new listings. There are devoted cultural villages inclusive of Katara Cultural Village (Qatar), Saadiyat Island Cultural District (Abu Dhabi) and Sharjah Cultural Palace.
also, there are various non-secular sites, along with Masjid-Al- Haram (Makkah) and Sheikh Zayed Mosque (Abu Dhabi).
Here are the six maximum vital travel tendencies from the occasion:
Selling an enjoy is the principle consciousness
Issam Kazim, CEO, Dubai Organisation for Tourism and Commerce advertising and marketing, revealed that Dubai welcomed four.Fifty-seven million traffic in Q1 2017, an 11 according to cent increase over the identical length remaining yr.
He said: “we have centered plenty on highlighting the important thing propositions that already existed in Dubai, that now not many People are familiar with, matters that residents and locals took with no consideration.”
“while we have been showcasing the brand new trends in Dubai, which include the theme parks, the purchasing malls, and the Burj Khalifa, which have been splendid to place us globally, the older elements – the souks, the sabras, the spice and textile markets – the one’s stories are pretty precise and the more we began taking guests to those areas, we realised that the intensity of Dubai’s offerings turn out to be plenty extra applicable,” he explained.
Social media is critical
anyone agreed that the social media revolution become also crucial to promote nearby stories, in conjunction with the function bloggers and influencers now play in attracting travelers, as well as campaigns along with #MyDubai and the award-prevailing go to Abu Dhabi app, which is available in ten languages.
Andy Levey, Head of advertising and marketing at Los Angeles Perle by using Dragone, said: “anybody has a telephone or a tablet, absolutely everyone is a publisher, all of us is a media enterprise, whether or not they have 500 Facebook followers or 1,000,000 snap chat enthusiasts. It’s an efficient and smooth manner to honestly submit what’s happening.”
He introduced: “simply due to the fact you’re sharing something, it doesn’t thieve from the enjoy. It handiest what’s the urge for food for Human beings to want extra. It’s about what you need to deliver to People which you absolutely can’t carry in words or in a sentence and that’s in which those mediums are so precious.”
Saif Saeed Ghobash, Director Widespread, Abu Dhabi Tourism & Lifestyle Authority, said: “A very critical a part of our fulfillment is having that properly–educated, nicely-rounded Emirati, who can communicate in lots of languages, who is a great ambassador, who can inform you the whole lot about the destination. The man or woman sitting with you in that automobile or on foot around with you is the individual that makes or breaks your enjoy. That’s no longer generation; that’s clearly funding in training.”
Simon Mead, Manager-Operations, Arabian Adventures-destination Management agency of the Emirates Group, stated: “We’ve got plenty more reports to offer families. We’re locating that households will combine cultural reviews through both going into the desert within the morning and seeing how Bedouins fly the falcons or visit museums. And they will combine those cultural reports with the notable and the current that you may enjoy all through the MENA area.”
Tourism quarter calls for local cooperation
Tourism may be a key motive force of the boom and Monetary diversification for the Middle East and North Africa region concluded the 2017 Ministerial Discussion board organized with the aid of the world Tourism Employer (UNWTO) and the Arabian tour marketplace (ATM).
But, maximizing the energy of The sector requires increased regional cooperation, prioritization of tourism in the countrywide agendas and constructing resilience and sustainability.
Repeat visitors need to be engaged
Moderated by CNN’s Becky Anderson, the UNWTO/ATM Ministerial Forum concluded that the main priorities for the place encompass human resources Development, public/private region cooperation connectivity, generation, and sustainability.
issues highlighted protected the Development of domestic tourism by way of attractive repeat travelers, the guide to innovation and entrepreneurship, the want to enhance the nice and ‘perception’ of tourism employment, visa facilitation, intra-nearby connectivity and the dimension of tourism’s effect thru the lately released UNWTO Initiative on Measuring Sustainable Tourism (MST).
Members, in addition, recalled that an awful lot of the growth of The world comes from the excessive stage of the guide at the policy level it gets from many nations inside the area as a tool to diversify oil-based economies.
Tourism is a pinnacle priority for governments
Mohammed Khamis Al Muhairi, Underneath-Secretary of the Ministry of the economic system, UAE, stated that tourism has validated to be one of the fundamental pillars of Economic and social Development in numerous countries.
He talked about that the MENA area has strong potential to emerge as one of the world’s leadingTraveller locations due to its significant tourism points of interest.
He stated: “Tourism is a pinnacle precedence Beneath the Improvement regulations of the UAE. The world contributes 12.1 consistent with a cent to the national GDP and Money owed for around 10.four in step with a cent of the home labor market”.
“Investments to The sector exceeded AED26bn in 2016, 12 months which saw the number of traffic to the UAE reaching 24.eight million with an overall spend of about AED110 billion”, he delivered.
MENA is tourism zone’s biggest fulfillment tale
UNWTO Secretary-Trendy Taleb Rifai said: “In spite of all outside shocks, the Middle East and North Africa tell one in all tourism’s biggest fulfillment stories. it is a tale that brings a massive possibility to make tourism a pillar of Economic diversification, activity advent and sustainable Development on this vicinity.”
“today’s meeting is a possibility to pick out the priorities of tourism policy for the MENA locations, and put together the place to welcome the 195m worldwide Traveller arrivals – nearly triple the present volume of 72m – forecast through UNWTO for 2030,” he delivered.
The Middle East obtained 53.6m international Visitor arrivals in 2016. Arrivals decreased an envisioned four in line with cent with very blended effects the various vicinity’s locations. international Traveller arrivals to North Africa grew with the aid of three in keeping with a cent to 18.6m.
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waltahppk-blog · 7 years
There is going to be a time that comes when you will be compelled to act.  If you hold the same awareness as I did toward food (which was little to none), when this time comes you will be conscious of your decision to either obey your instincts or ignore them.
I grew up in Trini (Trinidad and Tobago).  Our national dish is crab, dumplings and callaloo.  Stewed chicken, beef, pork, macaroni pie, potato salad and rice was the highlight of every Sunday.  Roti with curried chicken or goat and potatoes.  These meals formed the staple of my diet while growing up in Trinidad.  Looking back, I can now make sense of my frequent abdominal cramping pains, sinus condition and severe hunger motivated mood swings (mostly anger), and other “personality traits”.
When was it exactly that I started to become aware?  I often ask myself.  I’m still not sure when but a vivid wake up call was when I started becoming very aware of a quarrel in my head.  I didn’t know why, but I had recently moved to the Midwest years ago and attributed this quarrel to some sort of residue of moving.  Years later and even after having surgery to have my appendix removed I never connected any of this to the food I was consuming.  Why should I, no one around me was having an issue with cheese, milk or eggs of some form.
Right around the time of my first post about Dr. Sebi’s cleanse there were two overwhelming feelings that drove me to obey my instinct.  Firstly, there was a heaviness that did not want to release me.  I felt physically heavy, slowed and tired for no reason, after all I was eating “great” meals.  Secondly, was a strong knowing that I can feel allot better and something different needed to be done.  The strength of these feelings drew knowledge to me from different directions.  Cleansing just made sense, it signified resetting or rebooting my system.
Just in itself, cleansing is a vast world of many ideologies and methods to doing it.  The only thing I knew is I wanted a total body cleanse.  In reading about the many methods to achieve this I experimented with a few home remedies for cleansing the major organs.  I learned about cleaning the organs and the sequence in which it should be done.  With some noticeable results I felt slightly better and kept experimenting.  My few episodes of experimenting with cleansing came with many dishes of stewed chicken, fried chicken, oxtails, roti, etc in between.  At some point between an oil and grapefruit bowel movement induction and a great plate of curried beef, I stumbled across Dr. Sebi and began to get familiar with his now very famous YouTube clips.  Anyone who has seen them has felt the impact of this wise man’s knowledge.
In summarizing my experience here, I think the most important thing Dr. Sebi has done is that he has ‘planted’ the importance of challenging the beaten path.  The components of his story are so compelling together with repeatable supporting evidence, the question is, why hasn’t his movie been made yet?  This challenge or question he imposed on the status quo is one of life or death.  In his challenge, he re-introduced the concept of the self healing body.  He re-introduced powerful herbs ‘naturally’ designed to help the body heal itself and maintain health.  He also identified foods that were beneficial and harmful to the body.  It resonated and made sense to me and so I began my cleansing journey with Dr. Sebi’s herbs.
If I can sum it up in one word it would be ‘militant’.  This IS how this will come across to you if you are coming off a ‘regular’ (meat or starch) diet and entering a cleanse with ONLY the foods on Dr. Sebi’s recommended list.  One of the big errors I made was tying to make ‘regular’ dishes from the Sebi list of foods.  I quickly became frustrated because as I have come to realize, there is just no comparing or trying to relate these two worlds of dish options available.  I think this is where most people buckle with diets of any sort.  Now that I have done the cleanse I think the best thing is to not compare at all.  Remove all expectation of having spelt flour ‘lasagna’ with shiitake mushroom ‘beef’ and Brazil nut ‘cheese’.  This just leads to major disappointment as it no way in hell tastes like lasagna, beef or cheese.
Another area of challenge that came with the cleanse and diet change was adjusting to just simply eating less, it’s a biatch to endure especially if you are coming from a diet high in sugar.  Most stomachs are (both visibly and invisibly) over extended due to overeating, this diet uses foods that are naturally far less starchy than other foods usually consumed.  As a result there is less waste that hangs around in our system.  At the same time, because you are consuming less, your body starts to ‘heal’ and expel toxins into the bloodstream creating some serious cravings.  Doing the diet this way, you will see your hunger beast.
A HUGE word to mention in all of this TRANSITION.  It is a word I have been unapologetic about and has gotten me in trouble with some groups on FB who would rather not have me share the complete anti-Sebi diet choices that I made during my cleanse.  It led me to start my own FB group so that these ‘uncensored’ episodes of my cleanse can be shared.  During my cleanse my cravings for Popeye’s fried chicken won and it has been the best box of chicken I’ve eaten to date.  I would strongly advise to give yourself the chance to be human and fall off the intended wagon.  Caving in at times allows more strength to be gathered to get back on and stay a little longer.  Without it, it can become fanatical and extreme as you deny yourself the ability to breath and ease yourself into a significant diet shift.
In conclusion, the manner in which I employed Dr. Sebi’s cleanse was abrupt and in retrospect could have had a gentler transition diet before starting the cleanse.  At the same time you can only prepare so much, at a certain point you just have to dive in and that can be immediately like I did. Today I do not practice a strict diet that consist only of the foods on the recommended list of Dr. Sebi.  I also have not performed this cleanse since.  Conversely, I have cut out all meat, eggs, milk, cheese and only occasionally eat fish.  I am not militant about these food choices either and can have a random piece of chicken once in a while.  I bought and read more books on natural healing, natural herbs, fasting and experiment with it.  I just came off my second thee day fast.  I started buying herbs in bulk, grinding, mixing and capsuling them.  I’ve used them in subsequent cleanses and fasts.  I think the biggest point to all of this is, this cleanse will shift something in your life if you go through it.  It will inspire something new and get new thoughts generated.  I do not know if I will  ever become the model of perfect Sebi practices, but know I have come out of the experience much better than I’ve gone in.
Thanks for all the support along the way!
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  Dr. Sebi’s Cleanse. THE CONCLUSION.. There is going to be a time that comes when you will be compelled to act.  If you hold the same awareness as I did toward food (which was little to none), when this time comes you will be conscious of your decision to either obey your instincts or ignore them.
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chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
Social Marketing How-To
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Social media, Truth and Lies
You order a service online and it takes way more time to arrive than it should. Plus, a few goods are missing inside the package. Frustrated, you take to the vendor’s Facebook port to voice your problems and anticipate to be compensated.
In order to promote anything to any individual you need to have a reliable relationship. This concept holds true on the web as well. You should truly hook up, converse and engage with people on social media prior to they start off trusting you. One of the best ways to interact with people is to use groups inside social media systems like Online social networks, Google+ and LinkedIn. In these group you are able to converse and possess electronic talks with people and demonstrate your expertise. On social sites like Instagram and Pinterest, you have to make use of hashtags. Upon Twitter you make use of hashtags and lists to engage with others.
Get clear with your brand before you put it out there. Solution these three or more important questions. What do you do? Exactly who do you support? what do you wish to be known for? When you are able to plainly articulate the answers to these questions, you may communicate this kind of on social websites or looking at anyone. You need to be able to evidently and succinctly say in a single sentence what you’re everything regarding and identify your business model in a way that is sensible.
And inspite of repeated prodding, there is comprehensive radio stop at the opposite end.
The experience don’t feel good did it? You think maybe this business doesn’t love you – how you trusted it to provide you with a good knowledge and it shattered this trust instead. So you do what any frustrated person would – you promise never to order anything came from here again and hit the “unlike” switch.
For social networking strategists, there exists a lesson to become learned in this article. A social media strategy can easily eventually fail with a few unlikes and adverse comments.
Like a business owner, social networking gives you limited chances to generate a good impression. How you make use of these possibilities might make your company or break it.
The proof is at these stats:
• 71% of users who have an optimistic social media experience of a brand will probably recommend this – Minister
• Regarding to a study, hardly 20% of social websites posts rarely generate virtually any emotional effect on social networking – Havas Media
• 42% of Twitter users expect to be expect an enterprise to respond to their inquiries during an hour – Ambassador
Social Media Marketing seems to be the latest buzz word for any person looking to enhance their online occurrence and revenue, but is certainly Social Media Marketing (SMM) all it truly is cracked about be?
H. M. Meters companies are today springing up all over the place these days and they are telling anyone that will listen about how incredibly important social media just like Facebook twitter and Twitter are to your company but , intended for the average up-and-coming small to medium sized organization, does promoting to social support systems really meet all the hoopla? Is spending a small fortune upon hiring a SMM company worthy of it? And has anyone actually done their research for this before they hired someone to set up there Facebook business page?
Several SMM businesses are setting up stuff like Facebook business pages (which are free) for $600 to $1, 000 or even more and revealing their consumers that they don’t need a internet site because Online social networks is the biggest social network in the world and everybody has a Fb account.
Now while it can be true that Facebook is the largest online social networking in the world and yes, Facebook’s members will be potential consumers, the real question is draught beer actually ordering? Social media marketing businesses are all too happy to point out the positives of social media like how many people work with Facebook or how a large number of tweets had been sent out last year and how a large number of people see YouTube video tutorials etc . but are you getting the full photo?
Social Media And Business
I when sat up coming to a SMM “expert” at a business seminar who was spruiking to anyone that came inside earshot regarding the amazing benefits of setting up a Facebook or myspace business site for small enterprise (with him of course) and selling on Online social networks. So , intrigued by the above mentioned “experts” guidance I looked him up on Facebook only to find he had just 11 Facebook . com friends (ofcourse not a good start). So being the research nut that I am, I decided to consider a good take a look at SMM in regards to selling to decide if it basically worked, whom did it are working for and if this did for what reason did Social internet marketing work for all of them?
And should business rely therefore heavily in social networks for sales?
To be a web creator I was frequently (and now increasingly) confronted by several online community challenges when ever potential clients could say that possessing a website seems good nonetheless they had a Online social networks business site and had recently been told by various sources (the ever before present yet anonymous “they”) that web sites were one thing to do, yet after talking about their needs it has become quite clear that those potential clients don’t actually know why they needed great example of such or SMM to generate online sales.
They will just wanted this. For small and medium sized business I recommended creating a quality webpage over almost any social network, so why? Well they have simple seriously because social websites is Social networking, and social Networks are Great example of such they are not business press and business networks (that would be a lot more like LinkedIn).
Definition Social Media Marketing
I realize that appears simple yet it’s accurate and the statistics back it up. The fact is that social internet marketing fails to let you know that Fb is a social media not a search results and inspite of the number of Online social networks users and Google users being surrounding the same, persons don’t use Facebook or myspace in the same way that they use a search results like Yahoo (which provides around more than half the search engine market), Yahoo and Bing to look for business or perhaps products. Each uses it to keep in touch with relatives and buddies or intended for news and entertainment.
Within a recent review done by the IBM Company for Business Worth around 54% of all social websites users stated that they do not engage with makes over social media at all and only around 23% actually actively use social websites to interact with brands. Today out of all the people who do use social websites and whom do connect to brands whether purposefully or not, nearly all (66%) declare they need to look a company can be communicating honestly before they will interact.
So how do you use social media? And is that even well worth doing?
Social Marketing Campaign Strategies
Very well first of all I will say that creating a well optimized website continues to be going to provide you with far more business that social media in most cases specifically if you are a small to medium sized local business since far more individuals are going to type in “hairdresser Dock Macquarie” to a search engine just like Google, Askjeeve and Google than that they ever definitely will on any Social Media Webpage and if to become alarmed a website most likely missing out on all that potential business. However inspite of all the (not so good) statistics .
I actually still believe that it is still a good idea for business to work with social media just not in the same way that many of SMM professionals are today, So why? Because really clearly not working in the way they claim and also. Basically SMM Companies and Business all together looked at social networks like Fb as a clean market fresh for the picking so when Facebook started out getting users measured by millions PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel invested US$500, 000 for seven percent of the company (in Summer 2004) as them a few venture capital companies have made assets into Facebook . com and in March 2007.
Microsoft company announced that it had purchased a 1. 6% talk about of Facebook for $240 million. Even so since Facebook’s humble origins up until now (2012) both SMM Companies and Business have got failed to truly capitalise for the huge number of Facebook users internet. The truth is amounts does not identical buyers. Would it be in a Social media company’s welfare to talk social networks up?
Overview Of Social Media Marketing
Absolutely. Is it in a Social Network just like Facebook’s best interests for people to think that firms can sell en masse by marketing and advertising with all of them? Of course it really is. In early 2012, Facebook revealed that the profits experienced jumped 65% to $1 billion in the previous season as its revenue which is largely from advertising had jumped almost 90% to $3. 71 million so obviously the concept of SMM is exercising for them however it is working out for you? Well… statistically no, but that does not necessarily mean that it under no circumstances will.
I really believe the major big difference between great example of such and search engines like google is purpose. People who work with Google will be deliberately searching for something and so if they certainly a search meant for hairdressers that is what they are looking for at that particular time. With something like Fb the primary purpose is usually to meet up with friends and family. In October 08, Mark Zuckerberg himself explained “I don’t believe social networks may be monetized in the same way that search (Search Engines) did…
In three years via now we have figure out what the ideal model can be. But that is not our major focus today”. One of the biggest complications business encounter with web sites and SMM is notion. According to the APPLE Institute for Business .
Value analysis there were “significant gaps among what businesses think buyers care about and what buyers say they really want from their social networking interactions with companies. very well For example in the current society folks are not just gonna hand you over generally there recommendations, Facebook or myspace likes, reviews or details without getting something back for doing this, so the previous adage “what’s in this for me? inches comes into play.
Social Media For Marketing
So the primary reason most people give for reaching brands or perhaps business in social media should be to receive discount rates, yet the makes and organization themselves believe the main reason people interact with these people on social networking is to understand new products. Pertaining to brands and business getting discounts only ranks 12th on their list of reasons why persons interact with all of them. Most businesses believe social networking will increase advocation, but only 38 % of consumers agree.
Companies need to find even more innovative methods to connect with social media if they need to see some kind of result from it. There initially were some good attempts shown in the IBM research of companies that got some sort of the handle on how to use social media to their advantages, keeping in mind that when asked them when they interact with businesses or perhaps brands via social media, customers list “getting discounts or coupons” and “purchasing products and services” while the top two activities, respectively a U. S goodies company referred to as Cold Rock Creamery provided discounts on the products prove Facebook webpage. Alternatively we have a great program launched by simply Best
Marketing Strategy Media Industry
Makes a purchase in the Circumstance. S called Twelpforce in which employees can easily respond to consumer’s questions by way of Twitter. With both Cold Natural stone Creamery and Twelpforce comfort is obviously in the favor of the possible client & the good trick to social media marketing is to sell not having trying to sell (or looking like the selling) unfortunately most social media is focused the wrong manner.
Building a tangible buyer to consumer romance via social websites is not easy and probably the most advantage to business’ using social networking to boost their particular websites Yahoo rankings. Nonetheless business’ have to understand that weight loss just setup a Facebook business page and optimism the best. SMM requires attempt and prospective customers need to discover value in what you have to deliver via your social media efforts give them something worth their particular social connection and some then you may progress results.
Today just as a footnote Online social networks shares have dropped to under $20 per show, that’s 50 % their first price… as well as the lawsuits will be flying
This content was originally published here.
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