#but outside that and the aesthetics they're kinda just. some guys
arcaneyouth · 2 months
i know i put angels and demons into a lot of my work but i will be real with you this has absolutely nothing to do with the religious trauma. angels were never a religious thing to me they were just guys with wings. people try to point at my angels and demons like "look see you are putting religious trauma in there" and i'm flattered you think so but i don't think you know a thing about me and my trauma. i put demons into my stories because the word "monsters" is usually used for a separate thing and i need a word that tells you right away this is some kind of creature that is by nature a bastard whether they want to be or not. cause monster is not a strong enough word for me. so they're demons
#queued post#in the deathspeaker demons are entities that were once grim reapers but got fired from their jobs for sucking absolute ass#they were especially common 2000 years ago when death took over the underworld from lonan#but nowadays they are very uncommon#demons in the deathspeaker have an insatiable need for souls as sustenance. but souls are difficult to get#their punishment for being fucking awful is going hungry until they are too small to exist anymore#in iamos true demons don't really exist anymore. engel is the last one#but anybody can Become a demon through certain means#demons are animalistic secondary forms that humans and monsters can both receive. regardless of how monstrous the original form was#the demon form always manages a way to be More Monstrous#but in the end they are simply creatures. they are just like any animal. but this one used to be a person#some people with demon heritage from when true demons were still around were born with demon forms that they get to switch between at will#they get the perks of having a monstrous form but still get to be. yknow. conscious#there are very few of these demons around still. none of them have a human base form unfortunately#in whispers of pandora angels and demons work in the department of miracles and sometimes have to answer to the various gods in this univer#but outside that and the aesthetics they're kinda just. some guys#they're literally just office workers#i don't fuckin put religion into my angels and demons. they are creatures or office workers to me <3#stop telling me my religious trauma is in my stories cause of these guys you don't know anything LIASUDHLAIUDSH
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leavingsunsets · 29 days
alsgakdgaksh sorry I know you just answered my request but, but, but what about dcst characters reacting to a reader who has a problem with daydreaming (maladaptive daydreaming)
basically they get so lost in their mind that they start acting out or quoting(? their thoughts, from the outside it just kinda looks like they're talking to themselves but they've got a whole movie in their mind 😭 (i legitimately subconsciously tripped myself because i imagined a character falling to the floor)
take care and don't rush <333
whooo this was a doozy. had to do a little research for this one, so i get to give yall some good rep or atleast make it feel a little more accurate tehee. anyways with this population sampling liberty ive decided to get 5 characters, 4 guys and 1 girl. enjoy 😋.
[𝖣𝖢𝖲𝖳 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗐/ 𝖺 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖺𝖽𝖺𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗒𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗋.]
𝙎𝙚𝙣𝙠𝙪 𝙄𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙞
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Might be a little confused at first. Like, especially if it's at random times. Maybe he's busy tinkering with something, and you're in the same room. You do or say something and he automatically goes "huh?" because he thinks you're talking to him and you go "huh."
It takes some adjusting for him, but he learns much faster than the others. Though it's kinda funny during the beginning stages because whenever you said something aloud he'd pause whatever he was doing to stare at you blankly, and if you didn't look his way after a few seconds he'd take it as you weren't talking to him and resume his business.
He's a curious bugger tho so he obviously glances over at you sometimes to see what you were doing, whether you were both alone or not.
Seeing as your attention is a little harder to grab, he's got a custom habit of either patting or holding your shoulder. Like "yo [name]," and a little shoulder tap.
But with this development, it seems you've also learned to do the same. Now that he's used to you talking to yourself, to show that you're speaking to him, you have to either tap him or say his name.
Overall, pretty chill about it, even talks to you a lot just to pull you out sometimes.
𝙏𝙖𝙞𝙟𝙪 𝙊𝙠𝙞
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Our sweet, underrated, heart of gold who I couldn't find nice aesthetic manga banners for (sorry for the jumpscare). Bet you didn't expect to see him on the list, huh?
Just a little longer in terms of adjusting. Like Senku, is a little confused and goes "?" when you do things randomly. Sometimes, you are interrupted because whenever he is in vicinity he's just bombarding you with questions.
"Hi! What are you doing?" "Were you talking to me?" "What's that mean?" "Were you saying something?" "What is that gesture?"
You either give him a very detailed description about the scenario in your head or just BS it.
"I was communicating with the trees." "Wow! Really? You can do that?" Accepts whatever choice you pick anyway. He will listen intently and he will take it literally. An open chance to tell him whatever you want and he would not suspect you at all. He is very intrigued at this new type of acorns called "Deez" that you found in the forest. Apparently it's part of the "Ligma" family of trees? Wow!
Easily snaps you out of your daydreams because his voice is just loud enough to do so.
You get to enthuse with him sometimes, and he will happily listen.
𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙖 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙤
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Also a little underrated, I swear.
Problem with Tsukasa is that he's a little nonverbal so when you do or say something, he just stares at you. Hulk of a man watches in confusion as you play out a whole soap opera or something.
But hey, what is Tsukasa if not a kind and gracious man?
Tries to understand you, and is a good listener if you ever need a guy to ramble to about this. And hey, gives him more insight on your mind in general.
Keeps a slightly closer eye on you, or is just more aware of your predicament in general.
This Tarzan would genuinely be gentle about it like he'd check up on you and stuff. Talk to you, or even sit down with you, maybe a little chitchat.
I imagine you as a duo would be him sipping nice tea and enjoying the garden meanwhile you accidentally drop your cookie in the milk so you borrow his teaspoon just to scoop it out and he lets you. Very weird analogy but he is just kind??
An enigma, overall doesn't change his usual equitable treatment towards you.
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I already had a vision of her reaction to this. Like, as an inquisitive type, she'd most likely ask you questions all about it as soon as she notices it. More answers lead to more questions. Forgive her, she's only curious.
Similar to Tsukasa, she wants to be aware and informed. Wants to know about what you're thinking about sometimes. "Hmmm..." and just watches you from the branches.
Of course, watchful, and vigilant. Observer type. If ever you're too out of it to notice something potentially harmful coming your way (or vice versa), she'd be there to tug you back to reality.
She's most likely less patient than Tsukasa, not the type for a sit down kind of conversation, but would still let you ramble while you both pick apples or smthn.
Overall a nice gal who wouldn't mind it at all.
I feel like she's the complete opposite of a daydreamer, so it's hard for her to understand what it's like. Still, she tries to be considerate and talks with you whenever she can as a way to learn about it.
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goatsandgangsters · 26 days
had a very interesting day out where I saved a hypothetical dog's life, aesthetically read in the park, and got in the middle of Strangers Arguing in my temporary new job as Patron Saint of Slackliners
first of all, gorgeous day, low 60s, bright blue sky, warm in the sun but with a refreshingly cool breeze, the trees finally have leaves again, peak Late Spring moment
I stopped at the farmer's market and didn't end up buying anything, but someone at a booth gave me a little sprig of lavender (this is a surprise tool that will help us later!)
passed by a guy squatting on the sidewalk picking up the entire contents of a dropped container of grapes, right as his friend was like "it's fine, just leave it, some dog will come by and take care of it" and I whipped around and went "GRAPES ARE SUPER TOXIC TO DOGS!!!" this is an urban area, people don't have yards, there are So Many dogs on the sidewalks, so my first task set by the universe today was sharing Dog Facts so that none of them die
I arrive at the park. I find a lovely tree to sit under. it is the most vibrantly blue-and-green day imaginable. I have my travel mug of hot tea that is only getting hotter sitting in direct sunlight. I have a sprig of lavender in my pocket. I am wearing—this is important scene setting information—high waisted secondhand wool trousers that definitely once belonged to an old man, a button down, tortoise shell glasses, and (again) a sprig of lavender. I am reading a book of oscar wilde plays. I am a parody of myself, but it's fine because I'm having a great time
and then—The Slackline Drama Begins. two people show up and start setting up a slackline near me and these other two girls who're sitting on the grass. the two girls are in the trajectory of the slackline, so the slackliners ask if they could scoot back a couple feet (or maybe they didn't even, the grass girls were like a little off to the side, so they might've just taken issue with the slacklining happening right next to them—not sure, I hadn't fully clocked into the drama yet)
in either case, the girls refuse to move and take issue with the slackliners, who explain that they're really sorry but they need a certain distance between trees and this is one of the few spots that's good for them to set up. the grass girls are like "well then maybe you should have gotten here earlier :))))))))"
important context: this park is 500 acres. it is not a small park. there is no shortage of grass to sit on. I have gotten lost in this park multiple times. it's vast.
there is a lot of back-and-forth between the slackliners and the grass girls. the one slackliner is getting very upset and angry that the grass girls won't just scoot. slackline girl has been having a rough time and hasn't been able to get outside recently and this is very clearly the final shitty-thing straw. the grass girls are immune to this and using that like...... faux-nice "girl who bullied you in middle school" Meanly Chirpy voice to keep being like "well we were here first so this is Our Spot :))))))) you can't ask people to move in public :)))))"
it has gone on long enough that's impossible to ignore, but my mental math says that jumping in and trying to mediate won't go over well, so instead I just look at upset slackline girl and say—loudly—"I'm on your side." bc I felt like if grass girls with their Faux Polite Tones knew other people were paying attention and were siding with Swearing Slackliner, that would help more
Grass Girls do, finally, get up and leave entirely (instead of just...... scooting over five feet) and they make some snide parting remarks. slackline girl calls them assholes, I loudly agree. Slackline Girl is now sobbing, her friend is comforting her, it's kinda clear she's not gonna be able to have a good time even with grass girls leaving
I go over and I'm like "hey I know you don't know me, but do you want a hug?" and the girl says yes, clings onto me crying, she's being very apologetic about the whole thing and trying to explain, and I'm like "no they were literally just sitting on the grass and there is...... So Much Grass. you are not the asshole. there's so much other grass!" I keep this up with her and the friend until she stops crying, bc like sometimes you do need an outside perspective
I go "hey.......... do you want a sprig of lavender?" and she very tearfully nods and goes "I love lavender"
again, I AM DRESSED LIKE A SNAZZY GRANDFATHER, joining this beef between strangers and doling out random sprigs of lavender
anyway, she's cheering up, so I go back to reading, they get slacklining, they end up needing to tie a line to my tree I'm reading under, I don't have a problem with this because I'm not a dick and we can share the tree, the afternoon passes, eventually it's getting a little chilly so I decide to leave and I'm thinking "okay how can I quickly grab their attention to say goodbye"
but the SECOND they see me stand up and grab my things, they're like BYE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! and I'm like "I hope you have a good day!" and she's like "you kinda saved it" I'm full of gooey feelings about it, I genuinely want good things to happen for this person so much, and I'm glad the universe appointed me and my sprig of lavender as her cheerer-upper
in conclusion: I'm enjoying Lady Windermere's Fan so far
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hereliesbou · 25 days
Stupid Silly Health And Wellness Headcannons!?
A fun(ny) thing i like to think about sometimes is a character's diet and fitness habits, especially during a time where I'm trying to be extra careful of my own due to my conditions.
What are their habits like, what do they eat on a daily basis?
Do they have a schedule for it all or is it just whatever they're feeling at the moment?
I touched on this a little bit before for Mr. Plant and Argos but that was forrreeeverrrr ago and also it's gone now since I deleted VoidBeau. Though i'm sure there are reblogs floating around somewhere.
But I will reiterate some ideas and also go over some slightly more recent stuff I've been wondering.
-In terms of eating habits for Mr. Plant, I've always envisioned a lot of depression meals. At least before Argos showed up.
Just whatever is there and doesn't require any effort.
A whole carton of blueberries, cheese out of the bag, junkfood galore cause it's just there and ready.
Frying an orange is probably the most effort he'll put into something on a good day.
But also I feel like he's reasonably active that it seems to balance things out? 🤔
Murder and hiding bodies can't be easy.
A single full grown adult is a heavy thing to overpower and move around, let alone three. Maybe more! And what does Mr. Plant do when he hangs around in the dark parts of the void? I always imagine him luring people in for murderous fun.
This is the closest I think Mr. Plant comes to consistently working out, otherwise I don't think he cares very much.
I've always pictured Mr. Plant being a mix of muscle and probably a bit of flab around the belly.
Besides, Ashur did say he imagined Mr. Plant being a "big guy" and ALSO that he doesn't share body types with his characters so
free game. 😎
-I used to always picture Argos being a lot more put together in regards to a better diet, but the more I thought about it, the more I think...
No, probably not actually.
He has a million jobs and probably just barely makes it to any of them at any given moment.
Argos is the anime character running down the road with a piece of toast hanging out of his mouth.
Man barely eats I imagine. He's either way too busy or he forgets entirely unless someone is there to remind him.
Even on his days off, I picture Argos snacks more than he eats proper meals. He tries to be health conscious and do meal preps and stuff but between work, hobbies and finding time to spend with Mr. Plant, he just doesn't have the time or is too tired.
However, I do feel like when it comes to other people, Argos is much better at finding time/energy to cook up actual food, especially for Mr. Plant.
I can easily imagine Argos making those super aesthetic lunch boxes for Mr. Plant. Made with extra care and love with all his favourites, and stuff from Argos' garden! <3
On the other hand, I can also see Argos doing it for a co-worker he doesn't like.
Also stuff from Argos' garden.
Expect to not see that person again the following week. Or the next day...
In terms of exercise, it's all of Argos' jobs that keep him active.
As well as his gardening and plant finding... and other less than legal extra curricular activities he may get into from time to time.
Guy's always on his feet.
-Mr. Flower is the put together one. He's got a full daily schedule for breakfast, lunch and dinner and he's very particular when he's out grocery shopping. The kinda guy to spend time reading labels and make note of which brands he'd rather avoid.
Also maybe the type to make comments on your food choices which can be annoying, but he means well.
If you ask for health advice, he'd be happy to give it!
I can also see Mr. Flower being up super early for morning jogs and stuff. He strikes me as the type to have an office job so spending as much time outside of that on his feet is probably important to him.
and for fun (and me)...
He's a busy guy also but doesn't worry too much about what he puts in his body, though he should.
He eats out most of the time due his schedule and it's a toss up whether or not it's somewhere fancy, healthy or the greasiest burger joint this side of the void.
If it were up to him though, he'd probably stick to the burgers but he's always got someone on his back over his health... Friends, co-workers, even some of his employees.
Because of that, he's got a gym schedule but he probably wouldn't follow it of his own volition.
Thorn's got people begging him constantly to stop smoking or at least cut back, but the problem with that is, if he's not smoking eight packs a day, he's burning through the unhealthiest snacks possible.
Bags of chips, energy drinks and sodas galore, and there's always gotta be some kind of lollipop in his mouth if there can't be cigarette in it.
So everyone just lets him smoke.
I imagine his weight fluctuates a lot.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
When you can could I please get some mecha headcannons about anything. I just love him and miss him haven't heard about him in a while.😔
So I was wracking my brain trying to think what was the best points to put so have some niche then some darker ones
I'm put this undercut with warnings because ima have a mix of normal and violent head canons because the hands write what they want
Warnings: mentions of murder, not super detailed but strangulation it mentioned, alongside suit stuffing
While his vessel is standing at a intimidating 9ft tall his human self actually wasn't that tall, just about mid height, 5'8-5'9 ft with his Zelda standing at 5'11 ft- he will never admit this though, the only person who knows it Player who still threatens to tell the others when he's too cheeky
Seeing as in his lifetime there wasn't a need for sword and magic (which was pretty much extinct then) compared to the other guys he's not as toned he's still got some tho! Just from keeping himself healthy- he was a swimmer!
Feel he was much more musically inclined, felt he was studying music and maybe literature in university before he died- he was more of a classical guy
He did like his video games but wasn't addicted (like most of us are, let's be honest) he was more of an animal crossing kinda guy than a COD
Very much likes hikes! He was actually more of an outside kind of guy before he died
His 'rivalry' with the Chain stems from jealousy- he wishes he were alive to experience the sun on his skin and the wind in his hair (he's also jealous that he can't hold Player properly :((( ) he hides it with a cocky arsehole attitude because while he may not be human he doesn't really have limits, so that makes him the better hero (therefore he can take care of Player better)
Would write Player poems but he doesn't want to be Cringe™ (He still slips some into their bag when they're not paying attention)
Had a decent sense of fashion because his Zelda gaslite, gatekeep, girlbossed him into getting outfits that would fit his aesthetic instead of letting him grab the first thing he saw
Avid bird watcher, a plus to being animatronic is he could be stark still and let them rest on his shoulders
He died age 21, strangled to death by Ganon in the back room (being manipulated by Afton plus their whole reincarnation cycle thing) then stuffed into the suit (which debuted the next day, the Hero of Hyrule exhibit was a newer attraction) Zelda had died earlier that day
Wasn't completely sentient until later on and actually grew a reasonable phobia of constriction and tight spaces because of the suit, he 'deals' with it (tries not to lose his shit constantly) but being in Hyrule is the freest he's felt in a while
If I were to give him a killing style like in the fnaf games it would probably be a mix of running and neck snapping (he's very much a hunter kind)
That's all I got for now! You're all free to ask more!
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
Good morning I had a dream that for some reason, Fazbear decided to give Roxy therapy. She never spoke during their sessions except to insult the therapist, but the therapist felt like they were finally making progress when shit happened and Roxy shut down all conversation. What happened? I think it was the team going and dying to the Mimic but it could have been something else it was only mentioned after a time skip.
Weirdly though, the therapist assumed she'd gone silent again because of an altercation with Freddy. So they called Freddy and Monty in (maybe Chica too) and tried to convince Freddy to stick around for a session with Roxy who isn't there at the moment. Freddy was just pissed off that he's being expected to apologise for shit he hasn't done and Monty was there trying to convince him that it's not that bad what's his problem man
EXCEPT Roxy has left. She fucked off. Left the Plex and is now wandering the outside world. The others are in a panic looking for her, and find her standing outside of a hospital. I think it was a children's one specifically but I don't remember. She'd been entertaining a lil bit but she's just kinda silently stood there with a blanket around her and a hot chocolate looking at it. For some reason when they're trying to talk to her, Chica says she knows why she came here and it's because she thinks she's better off dead, which is when my brain quickly adds a morgue to this location lmao anyway
Roxy leaves them again cause she doesn't want to talk. She explores on her own, finding Foxy, an old friend presumably from the last times she's snuck out. She cries, happy to see him and he tells her everything is gonna be okay while he hugs her, then takes her back to this tall tree building. She asks to stay with him and he's hesitant cause where he lives is some kind of... I guess a strip club? Kind of? Wasn't graphic or anything but my brain supplied that sex happens there and that's why she wouldn't want to stay. Vaguely saw poles for dancers but it's literally inside a cool tree thing so it was super out of place. Also Tails from Sonic is there with Balloon Boy. This place has the aesthetic of a rainforest cafe btw.
They go up onto the roof where some turtle looking guy that's really long acts as the spiral staircase or slide I guess for the building is talking to them. They ask if she wants to hang out and ride the stair/slide thing down to the ground floor and she cries cause she doesn't want to stay here. The turtle also gets sad cause he likes when they play on the slide that makes up it's body I guess.
The manager joins them and is talking like she's going to stay, goes to grab her tail I think and she fuckin' bails. Foxy goes with her, but a clay looking Bonnie (like from the JRs games but a bit bigger than Foxy) chases after them. Foxy isn't sure he wants to leave his friends but does in order to protect Roxy, and leads Bonnie away from her.
He leads him into a small, cluttered, basement storage place that's kind of like a cavern, with a chain link fence blocking off an underground river with giant, plush Bonnie's that are groaning as if they're alive and all look dead on the rocks. Bonnie catches him but is like. On the floor or something in an almost Family Guy deathpose way for some reason and Foxy convinces him to let go so he can leave. He runs after Roxy, feeling guilty for what he's done and what he's leaving behind and catches up to her with Balloon Boy here now I guess. Roxy cries again for some reason and then I woke up
The Plex she left also didn't look like the Plex at all btw. I switched between Roxy's POV, a third person POV while Freddy and Monty were with the therapist, back to Roxy's POV and then Foxy's when he lures Bonnie away. I don't remember all the reasons Roxy was crying, I think she was internally wanting to go home but just not saying it but then just never went home. And Freddy was comically angry for some reason???
Oh and Roxy was swapped for Blaze the Cat for a bit of the conversation with the club manager, but then was swapped back to Roxy again after. I think this was third person POV and the manager pinched her leg? And it kicked off from there? I said grabbing her tail cause he might have been but I don't remember. Aside from that one action, he was a decent sounding guy though. Then he just did that and I lost all care for him lmao
Anyway. That was fun. A wild situation!
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mackmp3 · 5 months
002 for Crowley from good omens? if you want/im not too late and someone's beaten me to it
OMG THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU hehe no no one else has asked yet <3
how i feel about this character -
where to even begin??? he means so much to me, like i love him so much and also admire him greatly but also can see when he's doing Not The Healthiest and oughhhh i think i understand what he's doing and why he does things & i sort of find him relatable in kinda of... not major ways?? like i've said this before but he's like a massive dork trying to be cool which is definitely something i can relate to, & the whole standing-outside-the-bookshop-waiting-for-aziraphale in the final fifteen, that is something i would do. - & HIS GENDERRRR and i love his funny little things, his collection of Soul Music in the book, the bullet-hole stickers in the bentley window, how he finds Thee Most Ridiculous outfits to wear and pulls it off flawlessly no one questions a thing, asks Aziraphale to come look at a graveyard in the middle of the night with him, let Zira have his deserts, follows him around the neighbourhood on errands, goes to the movies by himself when he's sulking, drives through a wall of hellfire even though half an hour earlier he was going to presumably teleport to alpha centauri, and all his little moments in the book that just make me love him so so so so much and oh dear that's a long sentence isn't it. lots of love for the man(or otherwise)-shaped being. yeah. hehe
all the people i ship romantically with this character -
can literally only be Aziraphale there is no one else
non-romantic otp for this character -
ngl i think Crowley & Beelzebub were good friends as some point & i think that gets overlooked a bit BUT Crowley and Muriel :D Crowley is very Cool Older Sibling in a way that complements Muriel perfectly
unpopular opinion -
i think the 'oh he has snake eyes he can't see that stars' hc is very dumb and bad. ofc he can see the stars what are you talking about just cos david can't see through contacts & dark glasses IN THE BOOK IT SPECIFICALLy says that demon can see really well in the dark. i think people just like the angst of that one but honestly i think it doesn't add anything to the story & the guys been through enough you don't need to keep piling on additional angst & trauma yknow
otp -
as mentioned before can literally only be Aziraphale, there is no chance of this guy ever having feelings for anyone else hehe
crossover ship (making this platonically)-
i think he'd have great fun with Donna Noble from doctor who. not just because david tennant character but THINK ABOUT IT. Donna is snarky in a loving way and won't take any shit but will always have a laugh and has so much love to give and is so funny & they're both a liiitle bit bitchy in an endearing way & Crowley would LOVE that, they'd be great together oughhhhhhh i just thought of this while i was reading the question this has never occured to me before but Donna & Crowley would be so much fun together heheeeee
headcanon fact -
my headcanon for Crowley is that he smoked for a really long time, long thin cigarettes, for the Aesthetics and general Cool Person Vibes, but also because it's yknow a vice & is bad for you but people like it & do it anyways. (and not ad for him cos a. demon and b. can;t get sick) he'd sit there in a seductive cloud of smoke as Aziraphale pointedly coughed and complained about the smell of smoke getting into the books. he only gave it up when you stopped being able to smoke in restaurants.
also (it's technically canon and i wrote a little fic about this but anyways) i think Crowley does like reading & does read books but he really likes the kind of books Aziraphale thinks are Beneath Him, like fantasy & sci fi & spy novels, same as he likes sitcoms.
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look at her she's so silly hehe <33
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Okay. Reflecting on Throné Chapter Five.
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I feel like I've learned a lot of things that don't. Substantively. Change anything. Like the previous chapters, this one's all about the big bad evil guy we're here to face for Throné's freedom.
Claude's been absent for the entire story so I was wondering how this would avoid feeling like the final chapter was just rocking up to some nobody we've never heard of and stabbing him in the ribs. Because after the big showdowns with Father and Mother, "Meet some rando," would be a bit anticlimactic.
And for all the spooky eldritch aesthetic... Yeah, I still feel like we rocked up to some nobody and stabbed him in the ribs. There's a lot of complicated lore surrounding Claude but at the end of the day, he still feels like just some dipshit. A spooky eldritch dipshit is still a dipshit.
The build-up to the confrontation with Claude is fantastic. They really go all in on the spooky atmosphere and eerie tone. But then you meet the guy and... Well. This is all illusory depth, in that it seems deep and meaningful in the moment but then you realize that it didn't. Like. Affect the actual story at all.
Claude: You see, the startling truth is that all of the Blacksnakes have similar genes. Throné: Okay. Claude: And you are my daughter! Throné: I already knew that. Father spilled the beans. Claude: And now for my sinister master plan: You are here to kill me! Throné: I am here to kill you. Claude: You see! You cannot resist but to kill me. Throné: You did nothing. I was always going to kill you. Claude: Come, Throné! And kill me! Throné: We already did this bit with Father. I'm really just here for the key. Claude: You see! Your true nature was to be a killer all along! That was what this story was about! Throné: Yeah, we did that bit with Father too.
Yeah this all kinda fell apart for me once we actually got to Claude.
(Also, I'm not sure how or if he's supposed to be connected to the creepy 'Vessels' in the town outside. Like, they're all eldritch-possessed and shit. But this guy's just a sperm donor. Is whatever's affecting those people supposed to be something else, and this random immortal guy's just chilling on Cthulhu's couch? Or what?)
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thewickedbohemian · 3 months
A double feature post for a double feature day
(aka my thoughts on this week's So Help Me Todd and the Elsbeth premiere other than I wish both those shows a long and happy runtime together as they're perfect for each other #renewsohelpmetodd #sohelpmetodds3)
So Help Me Todd
Is it just me or was Susan the only chick with good fashion game this episode as you had Margaret and her giant bow on her shirt, Francey's neon pants, Belinda's consistently obnoxious pattern-mixing and even Alex's weird sleeves and for Margaret and Francey (idr about Alex) this wasn't their first fashion offense (yeah there's Allison but she just kinda dresses normal)
Speaking of aesthetics, I repeat again that Lyle's mustache needs to die. My mom who I watch SHMT with says if he had to have facial hair a goatee might work but not this.
I feel like Belinda was intended to be a similar kind of dramatic-foil to Margaret that Todd is to Lyle
So Heather Morris finally shows up...and she's basically playing the Cassandra Cillian to Todd's Ezekiel Jones, interested to see where this goes
Love that Margaret's almost-Mary-Poppins-level-full-of-stuff purse was a Chekhov's Gun
I hate to paraphrase a meme but what da forensic accountant doin'? Is Alex up to no good, is she trying to mess with Beverly the way Beverly's seemingly doing to the entire firm, or is the truth far more complicated
But if she is genuinely a good guy I'm kinda rooting for Lylex, it seems like such a super cute vibe
If this is truly metaphorically the genderbent Columbo, Tumblr should be all over this
We're barely into the intro-showing-the-crime and Mom's already critiquing the murderer by saying things like would they check to see what's in her system and what suicidal person (like what he's trying to give the impression of) googles "how to commit suicide"
Intro-to-episode/show-proper with the hip hop tour bus setting the tone nicely I see for what's to come
Not saying Elsbeth has any particular neurodivergencies unless she's been canonically diagnosed with anything (though if this show goes on for as long as I'd like it to, if there's enough of a case for anything in particular they could have an adult-diagnosis arc like I'm hoping So Help Me Todd might have if it goes on for as long as I'd like with Todd with ADHD or Lyle or Lawrence with autism) but I have the kind of autism some people call aspergers and some call high-functioning autism as well as Inattentive Type ADHD that used to be called ADD and I've never felt so "seen" by a "quirky crime-solver character" in my life
On the one hand sucks about the giant gap until start proper on the other hand now I have time to binge The Good Wife
Maybe it's just my particular neurodivergencies but the one thing I hated is is a howdunnit supposed to make you internally yell at the TV
I like that what appears to be going to be her cop-partner-person is a woman of color as seeing a female-female lead team in a crime show like this is about as rare as having one where the quirky outsider person is a woman no matter what their partner is
Unless I misheard something did Captain Wagner seriously threaten to shoot Elsbeth if she didn't stay in her lane or w/e, if the mythology's going to involve him being corrupt that better get addressed
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pocket-jack · 5 months
Enemy gang leader: I've heard that the mighty "Killer of the Trash Town" got under some newbie command. Why don't ya lead me to your new boss, so the adults could talk?
Killer: ...
Killer: "Brought a small baby guy" There's a guy who wants to talk with you, captain
Kid: >:]
Gang Leader: ....
Let's just pretend Killer was called the "Killer of the Trash Town" in his childhood and that's where he got his name. He got used being called a monster and murderer, so he usually introduce himself as Killer to people. He has a name, but he kinda forgot it, plus, "Killer" sounds more brutal and cool (Kid's words).
The idea of small child leading a gang full of adults somewhere of the same age as Killer is so funny to me. Can you imagine they're devoted to their small leader so much it can shock any outsider. The grown ass adults who were killing and stealing... Just calling a smal child "captain".
Also there's apparently metall genre called Trash Metal. I've got inspired, and now the town Kid and Killer grew up in is called Trash Town (until the canon name won't be revealed), which is really fitting for the whole metal and junkyard aesthetic
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i must write my ideas down before they are taken away so tumblr it is
these are ideas from a dream I had, one last night. And I must not forget because it were actually a coherent story. Surprising, since I was high on heat and my own imagination at the time.
Billy Bonkers and the Rainbow Express (Sort Of)
weird combination of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, The Polar Express, and a couple other things.
MC: this little girl who lives in a circular city. Her entire life is within the walls and although they can go outside to the markets, it's the only place they're allowed and even then they're discouraged because it's full of charlatans.
The city has the same rough aesthetic as Genshin Impact's Court of Fontaine. It's also a perfect circle, which the citizens take pride in, and fairly isolated. It has a roof, I'll find a reference picture for it eventually
the girl is a bit of a rule breaker and fairly adventurous, jumping down from a higher floor of the city to get to the lowest centre part.
(The way this happened in my dream was, like, there was a bunch of acrobatic mats N stuff in a circle on the lowest floor in the centre surrounding a pillar, and there was this net from the edge of the railing on the upper floor to the roof. There's a hole in it that only certain people are supposed to be authorised to use cause obv jumping through it can get you hurt, but the girl did anyway.) (I say railing tentatively, it was more of a short stone wall)
The girl is 11 btw. Her best friend, who wears a long blue dress (lowkey looks like Silvermist's) and has bright red hair (Ariel kinda red) is 12 soon to be 13.
Idk what the girl herself was wearing cause it was in first person.
the girl decides (against the recommendation of, like, everyone) to go outside and look at the stalls in the markets.
She finds one that's made of darker brown wood (honey brown?) And I know it was supposed to be a sweetshop but like. I couldn't see any sweets😂 then again I could hardly see over the counter and there was a dude buying stuff.
Once the dude left the girl was faced with this guy who looked a little like a combination of Willy Wonka and the Fourth Doctor except he wasn't as thin as either of them. He leans over the desk, smiles at the girl and he's like "see something you like?"
I don't remember what the girl said in response, but he has a little laugh and he's like "don't worry, kid." And then this mf train shows up behind the store magically. And there's this one section where it's just the floor and two long seats, no backs or anything just the seat. One's got a blue cushion and one's got an orange one. There are some kids sitting on both.
The guy mentions something about going to a magical place where only the most special children can go, and the girl runs off and grabs her ginger bestie I mentioned before. They both get on the train and the dude is like "it's winter about now, get on the winter rainbow if you please" (the "rainbow" is the seat, the scenery changes depending on whether you pick orange- summer- or blue- winter. Well, it's less the scenery, more how vivid and bright the colours of said scenery are.) So they get on the blue seat.
The magic train guy steps up to the front of the train, checks with someone we can't see as to whether they're ready to go.
He winks, then pulls out these two fold-out hand fans. One is pastel pink-toned and one is pastel-blue toned. He then goes "are you all ready for the magic to begin?" And opens them as the train starts moving. He holds them down parallel to the train sides, and this rainbow sparkly mist stuff starts coming out of them, streaming down the sides of the train.
As the train keeps moving the scenery changes to all this magical looking scenery you'd see in any fantasy kids movie.
They eventually arrive at this magic land full of flowers and colour. The kids excitedly get off the train and start running around. A group of them, MC and her bestie included, run up some outdoor city stairs, and wind up in a dormitory. They've got these metal-framed bunk beds you see at every school camp, and in the centre of the room is a slightly raised field of clovers.
There's about three bunk beds, so six kids in the room. Two of them are identical twins (I think they're boys but I'm not sure) one kid is a goth and two are our protagonists.
At some point the conductor guy said something about them being able to stay for as long as they like, but only for the duration of their childhood- if they're not back home by the time their 13th birthday arrives (I don't remember what he said but I know something bad will happen.)
This is an important point because ginger bestie is close to her 13th birthday.
There's a bunch of your average dorm chaos of kids running around and playing (someone had a MacBook at some point as well lmao) (idk what that was about cause I don't own one)
Then eventually they get told to go to sleep and then I wake up extremely pissed that the story didn't continue from there.
It's the kinda thing that's so vivid I'd need to be able to draw to really get my points across. Unfortunately I have a history of not continuing dream stories until like years later (that old marionette dream honestly left me on a cliffhanger twice) so unless Yall wanna help me develop this it's not going any further... I kinda wish I could make this into a movie. And, I mean, I could- if I had enough friends, a realistic budget, and lived in Europe. Which I don't have any of... :/ well I can at least turn it into a novel, right? I'm gonna need help though
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beebascloset · 6 months
Rating Beats by Dre but only the red headphones
I've never owned Beats in my life but I would like to. I'm only rating these based on how they look, I don't really care about if they're wired or wireless, because I'm concerned about aesthetics when it comes to headphones, because Beats is one of the few companies who can make headphones look badass. And I'm rating the red ones only because I like red. And I won't be reviewing some if they look like another model (the Solo² and Solo² Wireless might as well be the same)
Beats Studio
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6/10, I don't body shame, but I will body shame these headphones because they're bottom heavy. They're one of the first headphones by Beats launched in 2008 for people who made music, so this may have been the fashion. I really like the colors, but these are too big for me :(
Solo HD (Drenched)
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9/10, really like the all around red color here. Though it's a bit basic, and looks flimsy, it's still cool and much lighter than the first Studio headphones.
Solo HD (Glossy)
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3/10, these are ugly. The glossy part is fine, I like how the Beats logo looks on silver, but the gray? Absolutely ruins it. They did these glossy headphones bad.
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1/10, come on guys. Have you not learned? You made it worse by inflating the cups and—are those buttons on the outside? Not cool. I'm sure they work, but I don't even think the newer models do it like that.
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8/10, they're unique, I'll give them that. But why are the wires visible? What are those U-shaped things, and why do they have to connect to the band? Can't it just all be one thing? Regardless, I kinda like the colors on this.
Studio Wireless
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5/10, they're mid. These are studio headphones, meaning they're not meant for casual consumers. It looks bulky and I don't like the gray. But it seems they've solved the button problem by making them look more discreet (on the bottom if you can't find them), if they are buttons.
Solo² Wireless
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10/10, we're actually getting somewhere. I would actually buy these ones. These look more fashionable and professionally made because they gave these some dimension. The color choice here is excellent, and they're my favorite on the list.
Solo Pro
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2/10, can you even call this red? I can barely even see the logo. These look off brand. What the hell even. Unreal.
Solo³ Wireless
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4/10. I like this design better, but I'm still not liking the color. I'm not kidding, it's called "Citrus Red." That's like if you had a shade of green that looked kinda blue and called it "Navy Green." Not cool.
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7/10, I like the color and design, but they're too big. I know they're studio headphones, but that's not the point. I don't know what the point is but it doesn't matter because it's my opinion and I get to choose what to say.
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spideyskrunkly · 2 years
Hello !
User @spideyskrunkly (main) and/or @playcraze (alternative) here ! I probably should have done this a long time ago, but here are some things about my acc !
What about me ?
I use any pronouns
I'm a young adult !! (18)
I am mixed Latin Afro American (🇸🇻) so if you see my hands, don't ask, this happened before (plus my Spanish isn't the best since my first language is English, so if I say anything wrong lmk please !)
I am a traditional artist (practicing digital)
I do not do DMs but comments and reblogs are perfectly fine !
I'm bisexual/agender !
I put tws or anything if I believe what I'm gonna post is sensitive ! (And I mostly draw suggestive stuff for laughs and giggles. No nsfw art tho !)
I happen to be autistic !
Full on accident prone here 🥲🥲🥲
Do I have alternative accounts outside of Tumblr ? Yes I do !
Instagram - 1rt_ba3
Ao3 - Greenberry_Spice
What I love:
You guys ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Drawing, making little skits or comics
Spicy food
Mint ice cream
Many different aesthetics
Large graphic t-shirts
Sex jokes (please don't make any towards me though ! )
Dark humor
Talking ! I'm trying to get out of my introvert phase 😌✌️
Black, green and red
Cartoons, sometimes anime
Brent Faiyaz or any R&B music
What I dislike:
Jalapeños (don't ask 😑)
Loud unnecessary noises
Homework 😮‍💨
Weirdos in a bad way (I'm a weirdo but I have limits)
Running out of paper
Hot weather
Dogs (I don't hate them, I'm just not a fan
Getting yelled at
Am I in fandoms ? Yes I am !
Criminal Case (Preferably Season 1)
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Bojack Horseman
Breaking Bad
The Walking Dead Game
The Owl House
Morel Orel
The Stanley Parable
Bungou Stray Dogs
Bob's Burgers
Arcane (Kinda)
Sk8 The Infinity
Super Mario (Kinda)
Spy x Family
Saga (Comics)
Kotaro Lives Alone
Any artist fandoms cus they're so fun
Millionaire Detective
DNI (You will be blocked or asked to leave):
Homophobia (unless it's a joke), Racism, Misogyny, anti-religon or against anyone's religion, proshippers, T*RFs
P3d0philes, M@Ps, Dr3@msexuals, Z×0sexuals or creepy people in general
If you're here to talk shit or harass me or anyone that interacts with this acc
Are gonna use slurs idc if you're this that allowed to say whatever word, we don't do that here (replace with either a lighter swear or buddy if you do)
Pro C//a (She-ra)
Pro St//tz (Helluva Boss)
Pro Ra//ri (RatLD)
Attack me if I don't even fw you or if I'm not familiar of you
Just gonna be an asshole in general
Choose to sexualize me (I'll warn you once but then I won't be as nice if you keep going)
I might update this, but this is all I could think of. I hope you all enjoy your time here !
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
Yes, who hurt them? What happened to their faces?? I need to know for totally non-illegal reasons 👁️👁️
AHAHAH i actually typed this out earlier today to get the idea out of my head before I forgot it. It's technically not Main Story Spoiler stuff, cause there wouldn't be a way for the boys to explain what happened really to YN, but I will be writing this out EVENTUALLY some day as a side story from their pov.
The boys, when they were younger, got dragged up onto a fishing boat. The whole WOAH WHAT ARE THOSE song and dance happens, and of course the boys are equal parts horrified because loud big scary and curious because HUMANS??? but more scared.  Big Boy Clip was close enough by, with a few of the rest of their pack, but as like as one of the BIG BOYS of the pack it was time for him to go papa lion and cause a scene. That ship is going down one way or another. I say ship but more like it was just a small time fishing boat that ended up net fishing in the wrong waters.
The boys had been chasing the school that ended up in the net and welp, got caught too. SO Big Clip is like ‘fuck this shit’, makes his way up onto the deck raging and snarling and going full protector mode, also both horrifying and cool to the lil guys, but ya know. Armed with gaffs and other fishing shit turns, this into like a 5v1 battle to get the kids back in the water, but they kinda froze up so it's a struggle. Said struggle ends up causing some damage on deck and ends up sparking an electrical fire.
FIRE is not something Clip or the boys have dealt with before. The heat is weird but the concept of ‘fire burns' is NOT a thing to them, and when something from the cabin structure ends up falling and makes a fire line between the kids and the fight… something something flaming tarp kinda crashes down over the kids and with them looking up at it, big oof. They squeal with pain and panic and that's finally enough to flip Clip from murderkill mode to save and run mode, and he drags the boys back over the edge and into the water but they're already burned pretty bad on the face. They were huddling together at the time, so their good sides would have been facing, hence it draped over the outsides (would make sense for more burn scars but eh, aesthetic).
Takes them a while to kind of recover but the childhood friends now stick by each other and they're never too far apart, keeping their bad sides toward each other to watch out with their good eyes like a tag team. They go from being wild children, to cautious teens, to confident again as they grow but they don't lose their curiosity about humans. In fact that even has made them even more curious, though Moon is more likely to lash out and be wary, he still stick with his boy Sun when they tread close to human waters.
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lietpolski · 1 year
Denmark, 0! (I'm so glad they added an all option!)
!!! ok here we go :D
1) what would their social media page/activity be like: i've discussed this w/ a friend but i think denmark is the most technologically capable after sweden! i think on twitter he's a little more professional (but he loves rting feel-good stuff) BUT he shines on insta. it's full of artsy pictures of the danish countryside and embarrassing videos of him and his friends on his stories :,)
2) what animal they remind me of: i don't care that it's predictable that man is a puppy!!!! manga denmark is a golden retriever but anime denmark is a yippy chihuahua with that fucking voice
3) my thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone: LOVE!! i think his canon outfit is really nice compared to.... whatever the other four are doing!! his hair is dumb but it's dumb /affectionate /i love him
4) physical headcanons: i got a few! he's an early bird!! and a light sleeper. physique-wise he's the second tallest nordic and he has BIG ass arms (an axe was his main weapon so!! makes sense to me!) he has a huge sweet tooth + he loves pastries!! but his favourite is whatever norway bakes because he's a softie :) as for actual food.... this man survives on sandwiches hot dogs and beer. get well soon x
5) social headcanons: denmark is the nordic with the most friends outside of the group!! finland comes close, because everyone loves finland and he has estonia & hungary, but i think denmark's outside friendships are more involved! a strip that really stuck with me is one during the denmark-norway period, where he goes to the netherlands and asks him to give him the buddy price on weaponry and ned agrees despite how he usually is :,) within the group, i see him as having an older-brother-but-kinda-dad relationship with iceland. sweden and him are close now and they're just the brothers who had a fallout but now r coping by insulting themselves jokingly (only when they're a few drinks in sometimes it's not a joke). he and fin only became close in later centuries but their personalities are super compatible so they're great friends!! and he and norway... oughghhg you're talking to dennor lover #1 here HAH to me they've been basically on-and-off in love for 1100 years or so :,) i'll go more into it in a future post so i'll stop here but!! yeah!!
6) psychological headcanons: i feel like i covered most of this in my denmark analysis!! but hm yeah for me his greateast fear is for sure isolating his family again. and despite how carefree he acts, i think he weighs his decisions very carefully because of what happened in the past when he didn't. i think he's actually really good with dealing with anger in modern day (he's had a lot of practice) but he regrets how he used to be before. speaking of before!! i love to think abt him from the viking era to approximately the late 1500s just... cocky bloodthirsty denmark is really fun to explore and i think people should play it up more instead of making him p much as sweet as in modern times! i dont think he wouldve been anything like that to anyone but his family and own people (also animals btw this guy loves animals 100%)
7) ship(s) with them that i like or at least consider: in terms of like... my version of canon i'm a dennor soloshipper i think :,) BUT i find denmark/norway/finland/sweden fun to think about!! also denmark/estonia is a rarepair i think is veryvery cute. and some classic nedden never hurt anyone!
8) made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever): yes!! estonia as i just mentioned! he was danish land once and he's a nordic fanboy now so they have to have some kind of relationship! also prussia; i know they do have the whole awesome trio thing going on, BUT i think historical denmark & prussia is not spoken about enough. the 2 were on the same side all the time back then!! finally i find it really funny if he and poland get on each others nerves HAH again because of historical reasons!
9) headcanons about their past: again covered a lot of these already but!! here's one that's a little different. denmark was the first to become christian, and i think he would've annoyed the fuck out of norway and sweden (who were still norse pagan) about it! sometimes it just got him exasperated eye rolls, sometimes it got him beheaded, yk how it goes
10) content about them I'd like to see more of: anything i love denmark sosososo much more iceland & denmark content!!! i adore norway & iceland don't get me wrong but they for sure overshadow ice & dan when it comes to familial dynamics and it's a shame! also i think a lot of the historical content focuses on the viking era, the fall of the kalmar union or 1814, and i'd like to see more of him in the 1500s-1700s!! he was up to interesting stuff!!
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Hey! Could I pretty please get a Stranger Things ship match-up?
Personality: I'm an ENTJ Aquarius woman (she/her). I'd say I fit my zodiac pretty well. I'm intelligent and ambitious, but also creative. I'm a productive person and a natural leader. I like to think I'm still fun to hang out with though. I take pride in my sense of humor. I'm pretty good at making other people laugh, but also good at problem-solving in groups.
Appearance: I'm half Chinese and half white (some mixture of a bunch of like Irish, English, and French). I'm pretty short, standing at only 5'2. I have dark brown hair that's naturally wavy and a little past shoulder length with curtain bangs. I got it highlighted like a year ago and they're still there, but it's a little grown out tbh. I've been told I look like I have gold in my hair and that's my favorite compliment ever. As for my outfits, the closest thing I can think to compare it to is that model-off-duty/clean girl style that's popular on TikTok right now. I joke that my three aesthetics are soccer mom milf, a 90s supermodel, or a young, cool kindergarten teacher.
Hobbies: I'm a dancer. I train year-round in ballet and pointe, but I have training in a bunch of other styles too like jazz, modern, tap, and hip-hop. Ballet has always been my favorite even though it's the reason I'm sore like 100% of the time. I help teach ballet classes for kids ages 3-8 and it's my favorite thing ever I love them so much. In the future, I want to be a teacher either in a traditional school setting or at a dance studio. Aside from dance, I love reading. I annotate my books with those post-it flags. I'd love to write in them, but I'm scared I'll accidentally ruin the book. I also make jewelry! I like making necklaces, rings, bracelets, keychains, etc., and giving them out as gifts to my friends and family. I like driving whether or not I have a destination or I just get in the car and somehow end up at Target. Recently my favorite thing to do on drives has been sampling all the local coffee shops in town (I've tried almost all of them tbh it's getting a little out of hand and I'm running out of coffee money).
Of Course! :)
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
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I ship you with Steve because I could see you as a more feminine version of Nancy in season 1. Very intelligent and not involved in the upside-down or demogorgans. Also, your very caring and nurturing which is something that Steve loves because he is like ( in my opinion kinda got mommy issues but not as bad as Billy LMAO ) (anyways). I could totally see Steve dropping off his cousin or like relative that goes to ballet class and catching each others eyes for the first time. The dance studio has a big window where people walk by to go to other shops that are nearby. Steve happens to want to watch his relative dance and you are in there getting ready for them and you catch eyes. But you can't say anything because he is outside ad you're inside the studio. Also, you thought that you were kind of making it up because no guy has looked at you since your last lover. What you didn't realize is that it was THE Steve Harrington. You knew of him you just didn't know what he looked like. Slowly you're glances started turning into interactions and thats how your relationship formed.
Hope you liked it!!
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