#but still want to punch him in the face
bitletsanddrabbles · 1 year
WIP Wednesdaaaaaaaaaargh!
On the one hand, it’s not been a bad writing day. Okay, I had to skip a couple of scenes and start poking at something my brain wanted to write (I blame the snow. I’d have probably been able to do word-dragging if there weren’t snow), but I got a good 2k+ which is not bad for a couple of hours work.
On the other hand the more I go the more I feel like this idea is full of more holes than Swiss cheese and even a complete rewrite isn’t going to fix that. Which is a frustrating feel when you’re trying to be productive.
Hopefully it’s just the S.A.D. talking and my body trying to go into hibernation mode. In the meantime, have Thomas listen to Phillip have and existential crisis on @alex51324 ‘ Island.
Phillip took a deep drag, closing his eyes as he did so. Once he’d exhaled, he gave the cigarette a discontent look and asked, “Can’t you afford anything better, now that you’re a journalist?”
Under other circumstances, the question would have rankled, but Phillip had always had a way of asking that sort of thing in a manner that wasn’t offensive. Thomas had never understood it, but now he simply shrugged. “Maybe, but old habits die hard. Besides, I have to feed myself now. I’d rather have a better cut of bacon than a better brand of cigarettes.”
“I suppose…” After a second drag, Phillip set aside the question of Thomas’s cigarettes and asked, “Do you know what I’ve always found ridiculous?” When his only answer was an indistinct noise of denial, he continued, “The fact that people always act like ‘why am I here’ is the greatest philosophical question you can possibly asked.” He smiled, sort of. It was the sort of smile Thomas was familiar with where you turn your lips up at the corners, but it doesn’t mean you’re happy. Generally quite the opposite. “I’ve always known the answer. I’m here to have children, pass on the title, and take care of the estate. That’s it. No more, no less.”
Thomas raised an eyebrow at that, his own lips curling at the edge. “Rather a melodramatic proclamation. I’m sure your parents enjoyed having a child, outside of the rest.”
“No they didn’t,” the other man scoffed. “At least not with each other. I honestly can’t think how the girls and I were conceived, given that my parents could barely stand being in the same room. No, like any good aristocrats, they married for the betterment of the family fortune and the estate, secure in the knowledge that once their duty was done they could do as they pleased.” He shrugged. “Papa didn’t even wait that long. The Countess of Carton’s youngest daughter is a year older than I am.”
“What makes you so certain she’s your sister?” Thomas asked, still skeptical.
The question earned him a knowing look. “I take it you’ve never met the lady.” When Thomas shook his head, Phillip chucked dryly and flicked a bit of ash into a nearby planting. “Never comment on a likeness, you know that. Fortunately I’d learned it before my family and the Earl’s ever crossed paths. A year or two before I might have actually said she looks just like Papa.”
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bigbababooeyboobies · 7 months
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i keep seeing alejandro on my timeline so i drew him
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b-rainlet · 1 year
The Green family dynamics are so interesting because like, Viserys is the father but due to his decay he seems more like the grandfather, whereas Otto is the Grandsire but seems to fill out the role of a father more, not only to his daughter but also her children, so he and his daughter are a mother/father unit but in some situations Alicent is treated like a sibling to her children (by Otto) and then you have the obvious Helaena/Aegon happening (siblings who are also husband/wife and mother/father to their children), but at the same time it seems like Aemond is the one trying to be the family's protector and attempting to step up as patriarch, with some of the scenes between him and Alicent giving off the vibes of equals rather than Mother and Son (like when they discuss Aemond finding Aegon) and his relationship with Aegon seeming like he's the big brother and not the other way around, in this essay I will-
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jagapom · 6 months
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Ragatha and Pomni occasionally regret being in a relationship with the purple bunny man
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mrsoharaa · 3 months
Friends With Benefits Miguel, who hates the idea of being so intimately close and mangle with such complicated, bothersome feelings of endearment and commitment. So he does everything in his power to make sure you both agree and condemn to the terms of his little agreement of just being fuck buddies.
Until he realizes that you finally had enough of having your heart and soul utterly shattered after every heated, emotionless fuck session.
Completely seethes at the sight of you ignoring his calls, turning your back on him when he needed you — watches that brimming, refreshed smile on your face glimmer with such ease and contentment. As though nothing ever happened between the two of you.
Gives you a week to see if anything changes.
But nothing has. Not in the slightest.
He had hoped you would come back to him. Back into his big, strong arms and weighted, stocky body. To spill out your entirety to him in the most vulnerable state. To share your embracing, tender presence with him. To weigh in his own personal, salacious leisure.
His eyes would soften and shallow out with the sight of you finally being honestly happy. Watching you gradually move on without the beck and call of his desperation for a need of "stress relief" and last resort entanglement.
Breaks his heart to finally see you being completely happy and indubitably enthralled with someone that wasn't him. That could actually give you the love and adoration that you solely craved the most.
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anonfromtheflight · 6 months
I really like Young Royals. And I mean, obviously, I'm here lol but I REALLY like how it makes me feel. I like that a gif or picture can make me go feral because I'm flooded instantly by the same feelings and emotions I got when I first watched the show.
I don't remember feeling this way about anything else before and I feel grateful this show exists and I had the opportunity to find it (even if it was late AF lmao)!!
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emberunderscore · 7 months
all my homies hate Fable
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glimblshanks · 3 months
The thing about TNG is that the space aliens and moral quandaries are always like, the least insane part of the episode
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the only possible response i think yaz could have if the doctor ever said the words "duty of care" to her is "is that what it is?"
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shima-draws · 7 months
GIVE THE OP UPDATE, how far are you and what are your favorite ships??
I JUST finished the Alabasta arc and started the Skypeia arc (skipped all the filler in between). The scene where Vivi says goodbye to the Strawhats had me feelin REAL emo man
Also when Zoro looks up on the ship and literally all of them are sticking their heads out through the rungs like “I miss Vivi :(((((“ that was such a sweet moment oh my god they love her she is their NAKAMA 😭
AS FOR SHIPS OH YEAH. I’m so invested now. Zolu is king of my heart forever but any combo of Zoro/Luffy/Sanji is also god tier. OH and Vivi/Nami of COURSE. And I keep seeing LA fanart of Shanks/Mihawk which also has me like 👀
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wayward-wren · 2 months
Listening to Spare Parts and had to stop and TAKE A SECOND because this Frank character really asked NYSSA who she's ever lost. Nyssa.
Aside from the fact that she's having Adric's death thrown in her face over and over due to the cyberman presence here, SHE LOST HER WHOLE PLANET. Every single person she KNOWS. Her father's FACE WAS STOLEN.
I am Fuming on her behalf what do you know Frank. She is so strong for not responding to that.
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quietwingsinthesky · 11 months
what if. Amy “fix-it” because hallucifer makes sam so paranoid about dean leaving for no reason that sam gives in and follows him and is witness to the whole thing
#hallucifer: wow. big brother really trusts us. (beat) so something’s up right? we know it’s never this easy.#sam: (visibly restraining himself from saying shut up. about to grab his scar.)#hallucifer: (aware he’s about to be banished) don’t listen to me if you want but. I’m just trying to help.#don’t blame me if you look in the papers tomorrow and find a obit for your brain-eating girlfriend. and… what was her kid’s name again?#sam: (touching the scar. not pressing down. face all screwed up.) || hallucifer: :3 it’s not like it’ll hurt anyone#if he really does trust you he doesn’t even have to know we’re following him. *and* you’ll know your brother still trusts you.#even when I’m here. maybe he won’t even punch you again. that still hurting?#sam: (grimace. because yeah. it does.) || hallucifer: door number two - he thinks you’ve lost it and he’s going to stab that woman to death.#so what’s it gonna be Sam? ready to gamble your friend’s life on if Dean gives a shit about your opinion?#[and that’s the point where sam goes to follow dean. still doesn’t talk to Lucifer. not there yet. but oh hallucifer is sooo pleased with#himself about this. because he’s Sam. and he picks up on what Sam doesn’t. and he could see all of Dean’s little giveaways that Sam was#turning a blind eye to. and now here’s the perfect opportunity to put a wedge between them and get sam to trust him more <3)#GOD. FUCK. IM UPSET NOW. WHY WASNT HALLUCIFER IN THAT EPISODE. MOST OF THE EPISODES?#such a good fucking concept. squandered.#anyway. idk if sam saves Amy but he DEFINITELY here’s Dean’s little speech to her about how she can’t change.#hallucifer with faux sympathy like (sigh) damn. well. i always told you what he was like. Michael. Michael-sword. no difference.#both of them want us dead the moment we step out of line.#and Sam just frozen there in horror with Lucifer’s voice sinking in. and he believes him. how can he not. with dean proving him right#hallucifer#spn#sam winchester#amy pond
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somecommonbitch · 11 months
if your story is over three decades old with a devoted fanbase that has been shipping the main characters since the start and it got a beloved tv adaptation and there ended up being four years in between seasons, there’s probably only one way you could have your main characters finally kiss and make sure it was going to be absolutely excruciating. congratulations to good omens for finding it!
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 981
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @id4ni3 (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2022
⚠️Warning(s) - None I think? (I mean aside from drowning, but I'm pretty sure that one's obvious.)
📝Note(s) - Not my best work, but I still like it, and I hope you do too.
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Coming to the pool today hadn't been (Y/n)'s idea, but regardless she had loved the idea of cooling off from the unrelenting summer heat. So she packed a small bag, got the kids she was babysitting ready, and drove off to the public pool. Once inside the chain link fence the kids took off to play with friends, and (Y/n) found a comfortable place to relax for a little while before getting into the pool.
In the hour and a half since then, twice she caught the one and only Billy Hargrove staring at her as she sunbathed. Knowing better than to associate with a guy like that, she rolled her eyes and ignored him. Unaware of just how much more that made him want her attention. So ignoring the feeling of his eyes burning into her skull, she decided she should finally enjoy the pool a bit before her and the kids would have to leave.
Setting her sunglasses aside she rose from her chair, and approached the nearest ladder. Still she felt his eyes on her, and still she ignored him. The water lapped at her legs as she climbed down the ladder, making her sigh on content at its cool touch on her hot skin. The pool hadn't been crowded, so once she released the ladder, she decided to dive under and swim further out.
However unknown to her, a group of young boys had decided that was the perfect moment to cannonball into the pool. The third boys foot collided with the back of (Y/n)'s head hard, stunning her underwater. Billy watched with concerned features, temporarily frozen in place as he worried weather or not she was untouched.
But when the boys sprung back up, and (Y/n) remained underwater, he got his answer. In an instant Billy blew his whistle before jumping from his chair, running around the pool, then diving in after her. His heart hammering in his chest as he approached her unmoving body on the bottom of the pool.
Quickly he scooped her up into his arms, and kicked off the bottom to resurface faster. One arm securely around her midsection, as he swam to the pools edge. Some women screamed in a panic, while several other people rushed to the side to help Billy. Whispers were heard all around, as he checked her for a pulse.
She wasn't breathing anymore. And despite his gut wrenching panic, he began giving her CPR, and mouth to mouth. It only took two minutes to resuscitate her, but to Billy it felt like a lifetime. His heart fluttering with relief when she started coughing up water, a small smile tugging at his lips as he held her on her side.
"That's it, let it all out." He encouraged. "You're okay now." His voice was soft, (Y/n) could only just hear him over the ringing in her ears. "What happened?" She groaned, her hand reaching for her sore neck. "You drowned." He explained before turning her to lay on her back once more, another smile tugging at his lips at the shocked look on her face.
"Billy?" She frowned in confusion. "Y-you saved me?" Her heart felt ready to burst with joy and anxiety. "Of course." He glanced up at the sound of approaching sirens. "The ambulance is here, I'm going to go with you to the hospital." Billy assured her as he held her trembling hands. "Thank you." She murmured as tears spilled from her eyes. "You're welcome (Y/n)." He gave her hands a gentle squeeze, happy she was okay, and finally acknowledging him.
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skywing-human · 2 years
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neobisexual · 10 days
had a very intense semi lucid dream last night where i was the daughter/acolyte of an insane cult leader/my dad who performed non consenual surgery on me and molested and raped me. it inspired me to start writing a lil sci fi novella but also to clean out my closet and find my vibrator cuz i was desperate for it after waking up lmfao
#he had like. grown me & a few other and inserted more and more mechanical parts into us through our lives#so we were mostly machine inside. but human-looking outside#and i tried to run away and got the shit kicked out of me by my sister/fellow cult member#she patched me up most of the way but for the complicated stuff dad had to help#one of my arms had been broken so he just cut the whole thing open to fuck with the wires and stuff. it felt so awful guhhhhh#and after that he started trying to finger me and asking questions about wether id slept with anyone while i had been away#and told me he knew id been touching myself and that made me disgusting and corrupt and that was why id tried to leave. and he had to fix#my mind too.#there was blood on his fingers when he pulled them out of me and he got so so pissed#i was crying and trying to explain i was on my period but he said that was a lie and id been trying to hide more injuries from him so he#couldnt finish fixing me#and he spent a solid twenty minutes beating me for it while groping me & continuing to finger me#he had a metal arm n that was the one he was using too so i kept getting cut and bleeding more and hed yell and hit me more and he just#wouldnt stop 😵‍💫😵‍💫#i was tied down by my wrists laying on my tummy but he forced me to roll over so he could punch my stomach a lot too ;-;#toward the end he got on top of me and started grinding against me#talking to me nice again and saying i was his girl and he just wanted to make me better and i only had to cooperate#i was sobbing and panicking still but he was just petting me#he tried to push his cock in me but he like. couldnt fit.#he could only get a couple inches in and he stayed sweet for a little longer but then he started getting frustrated#yelling at me to stop fighting him and slapping my face#and i was trying so so hard to relax and let him in so it could be over but i was just too small#he gave up after awhile and finished cleaning me up without saying anything then left me alone down there. still tied down and crying.#that was only one part of the dream there was a whole plotline where i had made contact with 2 people (a brother and sister) on the outside#who were trying to save me. and i was trying to talk my sister into leaving with me because i was so terrified of losing her#eventually i did get out and ended up living with the brother and sister and it was super cute and sweet#parts of the dream were from her pov too. she made us all matching hats :]
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