#but thank you! i;m a bit shaky and don't know what i'm doing
littleprinces · 3 months
Haewon x M! Reader
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"Haewon," I said, my voice low and husky. "Can you come into my office for a moment?"
She looked up at me, her eyes wide and innocent. "Yes, Sir?"
I gestured for her to take a seat. "I wanted to discuss something with you. It's about your performance at work."
She looked at me, a hint of fear in her eyes. "My performance, Sir?"
I leaned back in my chair and took a deep breath. "Yes, Haewon. I've been watching you, and I have to say, I'm not impressed. You've been making mistakes, showing up late, and your attitude has been less than stellar."
She looked down at her hands, her shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry, Sir. I'll try to do better."
I stood up and walked around my desk. I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I have a better idea. How about you come to my house tonight, and I'll show you exactly what I expect from you?"
She looked up at me, her eyes wide with shock. "Sir, I don't think that's appropriate."
I chuckled and ran my finger down her cheek. "Oh, Haewon. You know you want to. And I promise, you won't be disappointed."
She hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. "Okay, Sir. I'll come to your house tonight."
I smiled and handed her a small box. "Good girl. And here's a little something to wear for me tonight."
She opened the box and gasped. Inside was a small, black chastity cage. "Sir, I can't wear this!"
I raised an eyebrow. "Why not? It's a symbol of my control over you. You'll wear it, or you won't be coming to my house tonight."
She looked up at me, her eyes pleading. "Please, Sir. I can't."
I leaned in closer and whispered, "You can, and you will. Now, go back to work and think about what you're going to do tonight."
She stood up and walked to the door, her legs shaky. "Yes, Sir."
When she arrived at my house that night, she was wearing the chastity cage and a tight black dress. I could see the outline of her nipples through the fabric, and I knew she was ready for me.
I led her to my bedroom and pushed her down on the bed. "You look stunning, Haewon. But I think we need to get you out of this dress."
I slowly unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. She was wearing a black lace bra and panties, and I could see the wet spot on her panties.
I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "You're already wet for me, aren't you?"
She nodded and bit her lip. "Yes, Sir."
I reached down and ripped her panties off. "Good girl. Now, let's see how you taste."
I spread her legs apart and leaned down. I started licking her pussy, slowly at first, and then faster and harder. She was moaning and writhing beneath me, her hands clutching the sheets.
I looked up at her and said, "You taste so good, Haewon. I could eat you all night."
She looked down at me and said, "Please, Sir. I want you inside me tonight."
I stood up and took off my clothes. I was hard and ready for her. I climbed on top of her and pushed inside her pussy. She was tight and wet, and I groaned with pleasure.
I started fucking her harder and faster, my balls slapping against her ass. "You like that, Haewon?" I said.
She nodded and moaned. "Yes, Sir. Fuck me harder." Her face already show how horny she is. I still fuck her hard.
I grabbed her hips and started pounding her, my cock going deeper and deeper. "You're mine, Haewon. Say it."
She looked up at me, her eyes pleading. "I'm yours, Master."
I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I'm going to cum inside you, Haewon. I'm going to breed you."
She moaned and nodded. "Yes, master. Cum in me."
I felt my orgasm building, and then I exploded inside her, filling her pussy with my cum. She moaned and clung to me, her body shaking with pleasure.
I pulled out and looked down at her. "Good girl, Haewon. You took every inch of me. You will be my sex slave."
She looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears. "Thank you, Master. I will be your slave."
Haewon is my slave now and i decide to keep her in my house and make her as my pet.
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amarmoria · 2 months
Nepenthe Ⅱ
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٠ ࣪⭑Qimir x Padawan! Reader
Why would your master want a Padawan like you when he has his acolyte?
Notes: thank you guys for your support, like for real, please like, comment or reblog so I'll know if u want me to continue the story!
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"Where did you go?" The dark timbre of his voice makes you shiver. "I, out, t-to get groceries and, and ingredients—"
"Ingredients for what?"
"Restock ou— y-your, uh, shelves"
"And since when was that your job?" He tilted his head, or helmet, you don't know. Mae was nowhere to be seen, it was only you, your master and the fire crackling. "I, you were running out of them so I assumed—"
"Assumed," he chuckled, the cave seemed to bounce off his voice, making it sound more intimidating than it is. "You and your big words huh?"
"B-big words? I don't—"
"That's right, don't. Don't ever disobey me like that"
"Disobey?" You scoff inwardly, since when did you even? Because out of the goodness of your heart you decided to buy a few goodies for your master? Make him proud? and you're here getting lectured about being disobedient?
"I'm, I'm not, you were running out and, and I didn't want them to empty completely, so I wanted to help you restock for the.. f-future .."
Your words die down on your tongue when he approaches you, his long strides opposed to your little attempts at backing away, your back hits the ropes keeping you from falling, the wind violently howling as the sun settles down.
"I leave you for a day and you go dallying to some, some planet?"
"I, I went to O—"
"Oh I know where you went," he pauses, locking your arms in his deadly grip, you gulp at the muscles flexing on his biceps. "W-what? Did Qimir—"
"No." His response came out a little quick, and shaky, but you didn't have to know that. "You really don't think I'd let my padawans go around freely do you..?"
You bite your tongue, you've never seen him angry like this, angry at training yes, but not this angry, maybe he's having a bad day, that's why you bought additional groceries when you left Qimir earlier.
"Answer me!" He shakes you, the wind howling louder once again, you shiver in his hold, you weren't exactly wearing thick clothes, especially when it was so hot during the day, but you guess the rain is coming, or even a possible storm, yet neither gets you distracted at your fuming master in front of you.
"N-no!..no, you don't.."
"Exactly" he growled. "Then tell me why you'd left here with your little ship across the space for something so, so small, so little, so simple"
You wanted to yell at him, tell him you're not a prisoner, that you could leave the planet anytime for all he cares, but you bit your tongue and fight back the argument.
"Something on your mind, Bee?"
That nickname again, you've been called everything, princess, lady, little girl, padawan, daughter, not bee, you're starting to hate the nickname already.
"Hm," his grip on you loosens as is the breath you've been holding since you came, you rub the sore spot on both your arms when he disappeared from your line of sight, he's aggressive, very aggressive, but only during combat, this was different, it almost felt like you were a child getting scolded, almost.
"Hey" your head whips to your left, the tension on your shoulders leaving when you see Mae approaching. "M-Mae,"
"What are you doing out?"
"I, it's, it's hot inside.. haha" you chuckle nervously, Mae only brushed you away and headed inside.
Sleep did you no good, you can still hear his voice in your head when you laid down. After Mae came, your bed was taken by her, so now you're sleeping on the cold hard ground, only two pillows and a blanket supporting you every night.
You didn't get to sleep the first few nights, still freshly used to the soft warm bed Mae was sleeping soundly in, you wondered that night if you were going to be able to build your own, but he quickly shut down the idea, naming it as a waste of materials.
Sometimes you pondered about asking for help from Qimir, but you didn't want to bother him, although the thought always stayed in the back of your mind.
You sighed and peeked at the entrance of the cave.
The sky was already starting to brighten up, you gently got up from your lying position, careful not to move any trinkets that might cause alarm.
Would Qimir be up by now? You didn't want to face your master today, the thought of being near him makes you shiver slightly.
You pause when you hear rustling, your eyes quickly scanning the room for the source, no way any of them are up during this time, your shoulders drop in relief when you see a small rabbit at the entrance, phew, you thought you were about to be a goner.
You resume, quickly slipping into your shoes and additional protection from the sun, or rain. You hope Qimir is awake, or you'd be going there for absolutely no reason.
You gathered only little things, water, small knife, enough credits to last you at least a few hours, you hope your master wouldn't be too angry now, since Qimir was a friend he wouldn't worry about you running away.
You hurriedly tiptoed around the cave and up to the entrance where you find the bunny still there. You poke it with the blunt end of your knife.
"..hello?" You whisper, you didn't want to scare the bunny, it might make a sound and sabotage your whole escape mission.
You frown as you tilt its tummy, its full and round, and obviously breathing, maybe it's hibernating?
You shrug and resume with your agenda, carefully, you navigate through the treacherous rocks and calm waves, leading you to a small ship, it was advanced, a very new model from the last few months, your master agreed to let you keep it because it had only little buttons to press, you were too confused with what to do with his big ship, although when Mae came, she only had to learn all about it for a day then boom! She can already fly it, so much for buttons, you would've done it too if you didn't have your small ship, but you do.
The tension on your shoulders went away when your ship soared in the air, zooming up to the space, that's when you heard chittering out the back, you frown, you don't remember the engine breaking yet, or screws loose, you flick the auto-pilot switch and pull out your knife, going into battle stance.
"W-who's there!"
No answer.
"You, you better not be armed!"
You clenched around the knife when there was still no answer, you approached the arch connecting to the hallway. An ambush! Aha! You raised your knife, preparing to stab whoever it was when you were met by the same bunny from the cave.
"Wha.." you knelt down, letting it smell your hand. "Now what is a little thing like you doing here?"
You hid your knife back, carrying the bunny in your arms. "It's cold out huh?"
Chitter, chitter
"Let's get you warmed up then"
Moments before you arrived you found a box somewhere inside the ship, you poked holes in it and put the bunny there, you decided you'll let it go when you come back.
The chirping of the birds filled your ears, the bustling planet Olega wasn't so bustling during the wee hours of the day, you could clearly see how big and empty it is without the crowds. Your heart beats louder as you approach the apothecary, you hope he's there, he had to be.
You gulp nervously when you notice the door barricaded from inside.
You sighed, rubbing your temples. What now?
You bit your tongue, you for sure didn't want to go back yet, you could stay in your ship and wait for Qimir, but it would bore you so bad, exploring Olega isn't a bad idea, except someone might snitch again..
You groaned and rolled your eyes, why'd you have to suffer today. The hair on your nape suddenly tenses up, you look around your peripheral but there was no one there, you couldn't feel any signatures, so why..
"Hey, miss?"
You yelp and cross your arms in front of your face, shutting your eyes closed.
"W-who's there!"
"Uh," the male voice pauses. "That's my line but uh... Thanks? I guess?"
Your other eye slowly peeks open, the first thing you saw was the beige clothing, with a little orange on the sides, maybe even yellow, by now both your eyes were already open, although your arms still stayed crossed.
"I won't hurt you"
"How would I know that," the last few words came out shaky, you inwardly curse yourself, the first rule was to not look meek and weak!
You heard him chuckle, seemingly amused by your guard. "If you would just take a moment to look at me clearly then you'd know."
You don't answer, your eyes were darting everywhere trying to find an exit.
"Don't think for a second that you can escape, missy"
"I'm not"
"Yes you are"
"I can see you, you know?"
You curse, hitting the barrel behind you, you hesitate for a moment before dropping your hands down.
"Now, do I look like I would hurt you?"
Jedi. You grip the ends of your robes, you haven't encountered a Jedi ever since that night your master took you in, that was the first and last time you even saw one, and now your face to face with a Jedi. Alone.
You search for Qimir or your master's signatures, but none you can reach, you weren't that good when your master dropped you out of his Sith school of learning, so all you can do right now is try to find your way out, peacefully.
"I, uh," you gulp, he's definitely handsome, pretty even, his hair twists upwards on his head, you're sure it would look horrendous on others, but he makes it look good on him, his facial structure reminds you of Qimir, only his was sharper, and the Jedi's was a little softer, and plumper.
"Yord" he says, taking a step forward which makes you step back, the barrels loudly dropping to the ground with a domino effect. "Don't, don't be scared."
He raises his hands up, showing he had no weapon hidden somewhere. "I'm- w-we're here to patrol the planet for a while,"
No answer.
"But," he pauses, frown etching on his face. "You don't look like a local from here, are you not?"
You shake your head. "Quiet now are we?"
You almost thought you were talking to Qimir, but this isn't him. A jedi. With you. Alone.
"So what brings you here?" He tilts his head, trying to look friendly, which you learned a lot of Jedi use that kind of trick when it comes to coaxing a criminal. But you're not a criminal right now huh? Not to him. He doesn't know you does he?
"I, I wanted to buy, something, medicine! Yes medicine, for my friend at home"
"Why so early though?"
"Uh, he needs them asap, or else he's gonna die" you made a dying gesture, and awkwardly tried to brush it away. "Dying friend then?"
"Uh— yes"
"Hm, I might know someone open right about now" he says, moving past you like you weren't there. "If you want to come that is."
You looked over to his shoulder to you, raising his eyebrows. "Uh,"
"It's fine if you don't," you don't see it, but you know he's laughing somewhere inside. "But won't your friend have to die for that?"
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Notes: Yord?! He's here?! Hello?!
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plmp0 · 6 months
What are u looking at?
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Summary: You can't help but stare at ur boss's Jay's arms whenever u r in his office, having enough from acting like nothing happened Jay made sure to use them for ur own good.
A.N: the spacing might seem weird because i didn't write in tumblr so sorry for that and for any typos i don't have time now to edit this so i'll do that later ^^
Warnings: ceo!jay x secretary!reader, hard!dom!jay, sub reader, names calling, choking, p in v, cream pie, fingering, oral (both f and m), messy!sex, unprotected (cause it's a fic) and more
Your friend has been begging u to take her place at work since she is pregnant and doesn't trust someone else to do her job while taking it seriously, u've been kindly denying her offer not really wanting to take a responsibility as big as her work, knowing exactly how big and successful her company is but as u got kicked out from ur current job having to pay ur bills for the month u had no choice but to agree. It was ur "first day" at work, ur friend insisted to come with u today so u'd feel less awkward and also to talk about u with her "boss".
"Y/n don't be nervous relax a little bit" ur friend whispered looking at ur pale face and ur shaky hands, "ohh yeah" u let a breath out as u were now in front of the office, ur friend going first and then calling for u, u closed the door closing ur eyes slightly to calm urself down a little bit before turning and saying an awkward hi not daring to look at the person sitting on the chair in front of u, only hearing his voice telling u to take a seat.
U sat in front of ur friend, her cute smiling face taking some of ur anxiety away as she sends u signal to say something, u turned ur heard finally getting a look at Mr Park who's been staring at u in amusement waiting for u to say something with his raised brow "u-umm, nice to meet u" u said biting ur lips cursing urself for the words that ur mouth chose to let out and u r thankful that ur friend is with u trying to soften the atmosphere as well as speaking on ur behalf.
Mr Park as u call him said that u could start work tomorrow giving u some files to help u understand the structure of their work more before coming, and u couldn't help it but be intimidated by his presence, sensing his eyes on u all the time not just staring but piercing through your soul as if he's trying to find ur weakness.
U couldn't sleep the whole night, feeling so scared of being alone without ur friend in that big company, u washed ur face applying some neutral makeup and picking ur hair up in ponytail, scanning ur wardrobe to find something professional and deciding on a black pencil skirt with a white blouse not forgetting to wear ur long coat not feeling that comfortable in these clothes but u couldn't find something more suitable.
U sighed knocking on the door after u received a call from Jay telling u to bring him some coffee along with some papers he wanted from the finance team, u tried to steady urself while opening the door careful to not drop the cup and relaxing after u succeed, u cleared ur throat sensing Jay's eyes on u as u presented the coffee to him who is busy scanning ur choice of clothes not saying anything and just gesturing to a chair asking u to sit and tell him about ur opinion on some matters making u disappear inside ur clothes as u didn't read the papers before bringing them, Jay sighed on the other end massaging his forehead before sipping his coffee, his hands rolling up his sleeves making u shift ur attention to his veins and forearms, his muscles contracting when he moves his hand back to his desk and his biceps making ur mouth dry at the sight and he probably noticed that as u heard him chuckle, "are you done staring?" his deep voice snapped u out of ur thoughts making ur face even hotter if possible, and if u said that u wish u were dead in that moment u wont be lying
"i'm sorry Mr. Park i was-" his voice stopped u only letting a "Jay" making u look at him questionably "huh?" u blinked a couple of times not really understanding what he meant "you can call me Jay not mr.Park" he said again "and yes i can see how distracted you are" he added his eyes scanning ur figure , "it's my first day here i promise i won't be that distracted again, please don't fire me" u blurred out of nowhere making him chuckle and shake his head in amusement, "i won't fire you y/n" he said as he stands up and walks to stand behind u, his scent and warmth making u close ur eyes in embarrassment, "i'm sorry" you said again trying to stand up but his hand on your shoulder made u stay put "it's ok but u better stay focused or i'll have to punish you" his warm breath in ur ear made a shiver run down your spine, "w-what??" you stuttered your brain trying to process his words and failing, his husky laugh brought u back from ur thoughts, "i'm kidding y/n relax, now go and read the files i sent u, i'll need u to schedule some things because i have a meeting abroad next month" u noded a little bit, sneacking out of his office not noticing his dark eyes following your every movement and the smirk he wore on his lips, 'cute'
It was Friday already and u swear work has never been exhausting before, everything came at u at the same time, having to learn new stuff while doing the work that has been given to u and let's not forget about Jay and his non ending teasing, for some reasons u didn't expect him to be relaxed and strict at the same time, always making u confused, sometimes he is nice and gives u advices on the matters he needs your help with and then he is rude and tells you that you're doing everything wrong, not letting you breathe even once and then comes his "nice comments" whether it's about ur hair or what u r wearing, not forgetting to roll up his sleeves whenever u come to his office, the whole situation making you blush more and more each day and him being so close to u all the time not helping one bit, u'd find urself lost in ur thoughts imagining him doing the dirtiest thing to you most of the times before he snaps u from ur thoughts.
Today u were supposed to have a meeting with an investor, agreeing to have it in one of the cafe's near the company after Jay's orders, u checked out ur bag making sure to not forget anything before stepping in the cafe, scanning the place looking for the person and noticing a guy dressed in a suit sitting alone, assuming that's the guy you're looking for, you walked to his table greeting him and shaking his hand, he had his hair slicked back with a charming smile on his lips as he looks at u, his gaze scanning ur body and stopping on ur breasts, he didn't bother to hide his lust for you making you uncomfortable as he is still checking you out, "let's order first" u said trying to ignore his stares as u r looking at ur phone regretting not coming with Jay.
"I have no idea why they send me someone who's so pretty" he said leaning on the table and licking his lips, "let's start shall we" you said clearing your throat and giving him a polite smile, "i have a question tho" he said leaning closer and as u were about to shake him away from u, u met with Jay's back as he sits in front of you, making the guy go back to his place, his brows furrowed as he glares at the man in front of him, "i hope that i wasn't interrupting something important, y/n" he said looking straight at the guy in front of him making him gulp, the silence afterwards lasted more than it should before Jay broke it "Mr Sim sorry for coming late but can we start? i have some other work to do so i hope we can finish this fastly" he said frowning his tone stricter than usual, his stare making the guy's hand tremble as he nods, his eyes never leaving Jay's figure as the older takes out the documents and starts explaining them.
"Okay i think it'd better if we discuss these things with the finance team (lmao what's with me and finance) we are gonna be waiting for u next week" Jay said looking at the man in front of him killing him with his eyes this whole time, especially after making a move on u in front of him,you were so uncomfortable to say the least wishing for this meeting to end as quickly as possible, Jay shifted his eyes on u his gaze softening a bit, "Y/n u can go i'll follow after a minute" u noded your eyes never looking back as u were heading out, u didn't notice Jay's glare getting even worse and his fist clenching the pen tightly, making the man in front of him tremble, "Mr Sim i didn't want so say anything in front of miss Y/n, but i'd appreciate it if u keep ur eyes for urself, u r old enough to know how to be professional and i hope that what happened today wouldn't happen again or m not sure i'd tolerate that kind of behavior, now excuse me" He left shooting draggers at the man , he sighed his veins popping he barely managed to contain himself earlier, he took a few deep breaths and went back to the company noting ur bored expressions as he reached his floor seeing u checking your phone, the sight making him relax and smile a little bit, he walked towards you throwing u a soft smile before signaling u to follow him to his office and u did.
U were standing in front of him eyes scanning his loose tie his body relaxing on his chair as he massaged his neck exposing his collarbones as his forarms flexes, u were almost drooling cheeks heating up at the sinful thoughts going on ur mind right now, not paying attention to the man in front of u neither for what he is saying, "you're not listening" his deep voice snapped u out of ur thoughts making your body shake a bit, u opened ur mouth to answer him but no words came out making him chuckle, "are u alright there, princess?" He grined now adjusting his propotions in his seat as he ordered u to sit, u cleared ur throat softly ur mouth feeling dry trying ur best now to ignore his arms and the veins decorating them as u listen to him "i want u to know that u don't have to put up with that kind of behavior as u did earlier and-" Jay'd words stopped as he noticed the way ur paying him no attention staring shamelessly at his arms mouth a gape he tusked before walking to the door locking it making u look at him with a questioning look, he turned his back to you and started loosening his tie making sure to give you a show, his biceps contracting as he pulled the material down his throat "i've been really trying to ignore the way u react whenever i do this" he said referring to his loose tie and his rolled up sleeves, "but u just keep staring at me in a way that makes it harder for me to control myself"
His steps are slow and calculated, his eyes dark and predatory, "u think i don't know, princess?" his voice softened at the last word "just how dumb u become whenever i touch you even a little, how hard it is for u to not make a sound" his deep voice made ur stomach turn and u can feel his breath on ur skin now, his choice of words ringing in ur ears making ur shoulders drop;
"or do u really think that i'm oblivious to all the dirty things you're thinking about when you're near me" his eyes darkened more his lips brushing ur earlobe now his scent intoxicating you, and u r trembling the wetness between ur thighs increasing by each second, Jay chuckled his hand cupping ur face lifting ur chin so that ur eyes meet his, "i-i don't know what u m-mean Mr Park?" You whispered your cheeks getting redder and redder, "oh really?" he answered his lips ghosting ur jawline making u whimper, his other hand now on ur waist squeezing it lightly before sliding down on your thighs, his touch burning ur skin, his fingers started playing with the hem of ur skirt, his teeth grazing your earlobe before whispering, "i think you know very well what m talking about" his hand slipped under ur skirt his thumb rubbing ur clothed cunt making u whimper and squeeze your legs together, "look at you so desperate and needy" he teased his finger slowly moving your panties to the side and pressing his middle finger in your folds making you moan, Jay tusked at the sound pulling his hand out and turning around his back facing you, "i-im sorry" u whispered making him sigh and sit down, "sorry won't make you less of a needy little whore" his voice deep and dangerous, the words sending shivers down your spine, "what am i gonna do with you" he sighed his head resting on his palm, his eyes dark and lustful and u were too lost in his gaze, your cheeks red, hearing these words from him affecting u more than u'd think, your legs alreadt shaky, he was scanning ur form, the sight making his pants tighten and his jaw clench, his hands gripping his thigh to control himself.
"Get here and on your knees" his words made u blink, your heart beats increasing and your pussy throbbing, you hesitated for a minute before getting up, your needeness kicking out any logical thought of ur brain your knees hitting the ground in front of him, your face now on the same level with his crotch, Jay smirked his hands reaching for his belt buckle, undoing the strap and the sight alone made u moan pulling his pants down enough for his cock to spring out, his member twitching and pulsing in front of you, Jay gripped your chin in his large hand making you look at him, his fingers pressing into your cheeks dark eyes scaning ur fucked out face and his lips pulled into a tight line, his eyes never leaving yours as he slapped his cock on ur face before pushing his length down your throat, his hands tangled in your hair, nails digging into your scalp, and your moans and gags only fueling his ego more, letting his groans fill the office, his hips kept moving against your mouth in a very harsh but delicious pace "u've waiting for this ha? for me to fuck your pretty face" he groaned his hands forcing you to take his full length, your eyes brimming with tears and you were sure that by now ur makeup was ruined, the sight of the wrecked mess you were made Jay groan and grip the armrest, his eyes closed and his head thrown back as he enjoys the warmness of ur mouth "fuck u r so good at this, such a good girl" the words made ur cunt throb and clench on nothing, u needed to be touched but the position u were in didn't let u rub ur thighs together and the lack of friction was driving u crazy.
Jay noticed that, he noticed ur pathetic attempts and he guided his left foot between ur legs his expensive shoe spreading u a little bit before rubbing your clothed cunt, the pressure wasn't enough and the fact that it was his shoe that was rubbing you, made ur mind go blank, ur eyes closing and a moan leaving your mouth making him groan at the vibration as you grinded on his leg, "i never thought you'd be this much of a needy slut, grinding on my leg like a bitch in heat, god you r so pathetic" his degrading words made u clench on nothing, the shoe still rubbing your cunt and Jay's hold on ur hair got tighter at ur desperate state, your head bobbing on his length eyes tearing up as u stared him up seeing the way his jaw clenches and his veins popped, his eyes never leaving yours, hands guiding u up and down his shaft, the lack of oxygen and his dick down ur throat made your vision go blurry and the wet sounds of ur pussy being rubbed by his expensive shoe was making u go insane,
Jay growled his hands pushing u to take more of him making u roll ur eyes tapping gentelly on his thighs when it was too much, the tears in ur eyes streaming down your cheeks now the mascara smeared all over your face, your pussy clenching when his tip hits the back of ur throat, "shit, y/n" he groaned, the knot in his stomach building up his thrusts getting sloppier, his foot now pressing harder on ur cunt before spilling his hot seeds down ur throat, the taste of him and the smell of his cologne making u come on his shoes almost instantly, "fuck" he breathed his forehead resting on the back of his hand, he moved his foot away tusking at the slick stuck on them "look at you making such a mess, and on my shoe nonetheless" he chuckled shaking his head, the sight of u making him want to bend you over and fuck u hard and rough, his eyes now on your fucked out face and the way u were staring at his cock, some of his cum painting ur chin ur blouse sticky from ur drool mixed with his cum, his hand still in ur hair making sure u can't move "don't u dare" he warned, his tone deep and strict making u stop in your tracks and stare at him.
U gulped waiting for his next move just to see him lean down, his fingers unbottoning ur white blouse, his tongue licking his bottom lip as he sees your lace bra as well as your cleavage, u felt his warm hands on ur breasts kneading them making you moan, his hands slipping inside the bra and squeezing them, his thumb now teasing your nipples and rubbing them while his other hand grabbed ur face making you look at him, "u have no idea how many times i've imagined this" his voice coming out raspy as his thumb rubs ur bottom lip, hands going down to pull ur arms back taking his belt and using it to restrain them behind ur back, "i can't wait to have a taste of that tight little cunt of yours" his fingers walked past ur skirt lifting it up enough to get a sight of ur soaked panties, and his eyes darkened at the sight, his tongue wetting his lips, he stepped back admiring the mess in front of him, the way your legs are shaking thighs pressed together, the way your hair is a mess and the way your arms are tied behind ur back your shirt unbuttoned with ur breasts spilling out of your bra, he wanted to eat u alive.
He walked to the desk leaning his elbows on the edge as his eyes pierced through yours, his hands undoing his tie, the sound of his footsteps as he walks back towards you feeling his expenssive cologne hit ur nostrils and driving u crazy, u felt his warm hands on your neck as he put the tie around it and pulls it, the pressure making you gasp, "you're not allowed to make a noise, remember we r in an office after all" he said as his thumb caressed your cheeks, his hand now sliding down your arm and stopping on the hem of your skirt, he lifted it up again his fingers ghosting your wet panties and your legs tremble, your head falls on his chest as he moves his finger along your folds, his other hand massaging your breast, and the soft noises coming from your mouth went straight to his cock, the way your body reacted to his touches made him grin;
"someone's enjoying this huh" he teased reaching to lift his tie positioning it between ur lips before giving you a wink, his fingers now pressing against your clothed entrance, your eyes closed droppibg ur head back your mind going blank, "fuck" you mumbled the feeling of his finger rubbing your clit and his lips on your neck are overwhelming, Jay tusked at ur reaction and his grip on the tie got tighter his fingers rubbing ur clothed pussy in a painfully slow pace, and the sounds that ur muffled moans were making were music to his ears, his finger moved aside ur panties entering your cunt, the tightness and the warmth of you made him groan, his finger struggling to move inside of you, teeth grazing your skin, thumb pressing against ur clit and the knot in ur stomach tightened, his finger went deeper inside you making u curse, his lips now on your shoulder biting gently, he added another finger stretching u out while his thumb's still rubbing your clit, the way his fingers hit that spot inside of u made your knees weak, your muffled moans and gasps only encouraging him to go faster, his teeth nibbling ur collarbones lips kissing their way up to your neck and then to ur jaw.
"fuck princess u r so fucking tight" his fingers went rougher and deeper, his other hand squeezing your breast rubbing your nipples, his lips brushed against your cheek eyes watching you as he curled his fingers making ur eyes roll back and a loud moan escaped your lips, Jay clicked his tongue in disapproval his hands stopping their movements as he looks at u, his eyes dark his lips forming a pout, he reached for the tie moving it down to rest on ur neck, "looks like this tie isn't enough to silence you y/n?" He asked, the question making u moan in humiliation, his eyes piercing through u as he let a chuckle escape his lips, his fingers still knuckle deep in you, he moved to your ear as he whispered, "do i have to gag you or do u think that you'll be able to stay quiet without a gag?" He teased his tongue licking the shell of ur ear, his words only making ur pussy clench around him, "answer me" he let out his breath hitting ur skin, his deep voice sending shivers down ur spine, "I-I'll be q-quiet" you managed to let out, and as if that was the answer he was waiting for, he pulled his fingers out of you making u whimper, "behave and i might give you a reward" he moved his eyebrows walking to the chair and sitting down, his fingers still shiny from your slick, you wanted nothing but to taste yourself on his fingers and suck him dry, your thighs are still trembling and your eyes never left his frame, his cock rock hard tip leaking with precum, his arms flexed as he rested them on his knees,
"come here" his command was clear and sharp making you obey instantly, your legs struggling to keep u up the feeling of the slick going down ur thighs making u even more needy, Jay grinned as u stopped in front of him hands behind ur back, he stood up towering over you, his chest almost pressing on yours as he leans to your ear, his hand going up and down your thighs, his nose nuzzling the side of your neck, "such a good girl" his words shoot right into ur core followed by his kisses trailing from ur neck to your cleavage, his large hands lifting you up and placing you on the desk, the papers flying off the surface and the cold air on ur skin made u shiver, his fingers played with the straps of ur skirt, "lift your ass" he ordered and u did, his fingers unzipping it and throwing it away, tugging on ur panties now as his tongue licked his bottom lip;
His fingers slipped inside of ur panties as he pulled them down, hands spreading ur legs apart, his head going down to place wet kisses on your stomach and then down on ur tights, his tongue leaving a wet trail on ur skin and the sensation of his stubble on ur skin made u squirm, u felt his warm breath fan on your cunt as he placed a kiss on ur inner thigh, his hand wrapping around ur ankle lifting ur leg over his shoulder and giving you a playful smirk before diving in, his lips sucking and biting the sensitive skin on your thighs sending shivers down ur spine, his teeth digged into ur soft flesh making you bite your bottom lip struggling to contain ur sounds, his fingers spread ur pussy as his lips kissed their way to your dripping hole, his breath fanning over ur pussy before his tongue flattened against it, a groan escaping his lips as he savours the sweet taste of you.
His tongue licking his lips before he goes in for another lick before u felt it inside of u, your body jolts at the intrusion, the feeling of his tongue curling inside of u is too much, the warm and wet muscle sending sparks throughout your body and making your toes curl, your eyes closed your hands gripping the table behind u, and u swear the sound of his tongue working wonders inside of you is the most erotic thing u've ever heard, ur eyes moved to look at him noting the fact that his eyes are still on u watching your every move, and that made it so hard for u to be silent, u felt his thumb rubbing your clit, the action making you throw your head back and bite your lip harder, "Jay" you whined, making him smirk at you, his hands spreading ur tights apart his tongue moving in and out of you and the way you are trying to move your hips only encourages him more, he was loving the view and the way you looked so vulnerable and powerless, the way your eyes are closed, your hair is messy your hands are holding on to dear life behind u clearly wishing to grip his head instead, "such a good girl" he murmured his words vibrating inside of you, your head falling back as he goes deeper and your body twitches at the action "Jay" you cried, and you know he was smirking even though u can't see him, his movements got more aggressive, his teeth grazing your folds and his tongue licking the bundle of nerves inside of you, his eyes focused on you as he enjoys the way your body twitches and trembles under his touches, the knot in your stomach is too tight, and you were so close, but he didn't let you, his hands leaving ur thighs as he straightens his back, the loss of his warm tongue and the pressure inside of u was frustrating and the way he was looking at u was not helping, "please" u whispered crying making him groan before he chuckled
"don't worry princess" his voice raspy as his fingers trace the lines of ur neck going up to your cheek and pushing your hair behind ur ear, his fingers cupping your face his thumb tracing the line of ur lips sliping his thumb into ur mouth and u didn't hesitate to take it in and swirl your tongue around it, sucking it eagerly and making him groan at the sensation, the tip of his cock teasing ur entrance and u moaned at the feeling, his tip spreading your folds making you moan louder, "shhh" he teased and you wanted nothing but to scream his name and beg him to ruin u, his fingers pulled at the straps of ur bra, the material getting loose as your breasts spilled out of it, his hands groping them and playing with your nipples making u bite his thumb, and u felt a hard slap on ur left breast the sting so delicious yet it made u cry,tears falling down your cheeks as he removed his fingers from ur mouth his hand is moving to grip ur neck, his grip not tight enough to choke u but tight enough for you to know that he is in control, ur eyes rolled back when u felt his tip enter u, the pain and the stretch drove him insane, his tip almost halfway in as he waited for u to adjust and when u gave him the green light he didn't wait any longer his hips slaming into yours his grip on ur throat tightening
"f-fuck" u moaned head dropping to the desk hands resting uncomfortably under u, u felt his tip hitting ur g-spot and his thumb started rubbing ur clit, the overstimulation making u moan loudly and he tusked, his hand leaving ur neck and going to shut ur mouth, the way he was pounding into you was making u delirious, his tip hitting ur sweet spot with every thrust and his groans mixed with the dirty sounds coming from the slapping of your bodies were too much for you, his hand now gripping the tie and choking u, his fingers digging into ur thighs as he holds you still his hips snapping against yours, the knot in your stomach tightening , tears streaming down your cheeks making him even more horny.
He loved how pathetic and submissive you looked "shit" he growled his movements getting sloppier as he feels his own climax building, the way his tip hits your sweet spot is making you see stars and his fingers rubbing ur clit is not helping one bit, and you can feel yourself close, his deep groans and the way his abs contract as he fucks you made u closer, his grip on the tie is getting tighter as his other hand reaches to deliver a smack to ur clit, the action sending electric shocks all over your body and the tears in your eyes streamed down, your head dropping to the side his grip on the tie not letting u breathe as he pounds into you, his thrusts getting harder and deeper, "i'm so close baby" he groaned, and his words were the last thing you remember before ur vision went white squirting all over him, body shaking at how hard ur release hit you and soon after, u felt his cum filling u , his hand letting go of the tie and u gasped for air his body now resting on yours, his arms are the only thing holding him above u, his chest against yours as his forehead rests on the crook of your neck, both of you trying to catch your breath.
It was pretty hard for u to get out of his office that day, Jay helped u clean up but it wasn't enough as ur clothes weren't really in the state to be worn, he gave u his jacket the stickiness of ur blouse on the material was so embarrassing for u when u got home, yet ur heart was pounding at the good fuck and marks he left on ur body, u haven't really had anyone treat you that way before and it just made u fall more for him.
This was the first version i wrote for this ceo!jay and reader plot(?), i hope u enjoyed it even tho i prefer some other versions over it but i had to free this one first hahaha
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Could I request reader getting mad and giving a scathing "the reason you suck" speech at someone who's discrediting her man with Diluc, Kaeya, Al-Haitham, Zhongli and Childe?
Uhhh, someone likes to be feisty.. I see how it is. Sometimes you just gotta let all that pent up anger out, preferably at someone who deserves it. I got you <3
Characters Included: Diluc; Kaeya; Alhaitham; Zhongli
Content: gender neutral reader; cursing; cussing out people; nothing else, I think
Word count: 2,6k words
Thank you for your request!<3
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Diluc sighed as he put away the last dried glass onto the shelve behind him, finally being able to breath properly.. or at least that's what he had hoped for, but a particular customer was being really roudy today.
The man in question was a travelling bard, originating from Fontaine, who recently came to Mondstadt. He begged Diluc to let him perform at Angel's Share, hoping to make some money to continue his travels.
Diluc agreed after some time, yet immediately regretted it once the man started "singing". It was so out of tone, just horrible to listen to. Worst part was that, after getting paid, the bard instantly burned all of his earned money on drinks.
He got drunk rather quickly, now being loud and rude to the other customers who were starting to clear up the place since it was close to closing time.
You had been sitting on one of the tables on the lower level, a little bit further away from the crowd, but as things started to clear up, you went and sat on the bar, waiting for Diluc to finish up so you could both go home together.
After a few more minutes, it was only you and Diluc, plus the drunk man left in the tavern. Diluc tried to get him to leave kindly at first, but the man didn't respond too well to his request.
"The fuck do you want from me, you fucking asshole? Get the fuck out my sight and get me another drink!", he hiccuped in between his sentences.
When Diluc refused to serve him any more, he got even more agitated. "The fuck's that supposed to mean? Do you talk to all your customers like that you dick? 'm surprised you still got patrons, the booze isn't even that great here!"
You've had enough of it at this point. You listened to his shit far too long today, and you kept your mouth shut. But when it comes to him insulting and downplaying your boyfriend, that was were you drew a line.
So, without a word, you got up and stepped in front of Diluc, getting between the two men. As the drunkard was staring at you, confused on what you wanted from him, you took a deep breath in.
"The only asshole I see around here, is you! You ruined everyones evening today! Your so called "singing" sucked ass, and you reek of alcohol. No wonder no one wants to interact with you with how aggressive you're getting. Now, you better hurry the fuck out before I go completely insane on you calling my boyfriend such things, you coward!"
The two man looked at you, one with surprise but also some sense of pride, while the other became scared. He shrinked more and more with every word that left your mouth and by the end of your speech, he was hurrying to get out of his seat and left the tavern as quickly as his shaky feet would let him.
You sighed and turned around, facing Diluc now. "I'm sorry. I know you could have handled that yourself, but it just pissed me off how he was talking to you."
Diluc just smiled down at you, pulling you in for a quick, passionate kiss. "Don't apologize. I quite enjoyed seeing this feisty side of you. Just don't let it become a habit."
You blushed but nodded at him, which only made him chuckle. After that, you helped him finish to clean up, then went home with him. It may have been just your imagination, but you thought that he was holding you a bit closer to him this night...
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You have been growing more and more irritated throughout the entire day as you witnessed your boyfriend Kaeya running through the city.
That was already an odd enough thing for him to do, since he was normally locked in his office the entire day. You didn't know what was going on, but still kept an eye on him whenever you saw him running by.
He didn't seem stressed or agitated, so you didn't mind too much, so long as he wasn't going to do any more overtime.
But then later, you noticed another man approaching Kaeya every so often, especially as he got closer to the end of his work day. It wasn't a knight or other shop keeper, as Kaeya had been talking to almost only those people the entire day for whatever mission he was currently on.
The man was just a normal civilian, walking up and talking to Kaeya. At first, it seemed like a normal conversation, but every time he walked up to your boyfriend again, he got progressively louder and angrier each time.
You weren't exactly happy with the situation, but you also knew that your boyfriend could handle it on his own, which was the only reason why didn't walk up to them to give that guy a piece of your own mind.
That, however, changed when you stumbled into them again. The two of them were currently standing just outside the main city gates, the two guards who keep watch looking between each other, not knowing what to do, as that guy was now full on screaming at Kaeya.
Seeing that, you wouldn't take that. If Kaeya wasn't about to tell off that man for his blatant disrespect, then you would.
You had no idea why the guy was being that way in the first place, but you also didn't care.
As you got closer to the group, his shouts became clearer to you, now understanding what he was saying.
"... damn knight of Favonius! What are you even good for, except exploiting us citizens? And you! You're the worst of them all!"
"Now, now. How about we all calm down first, and then-!", Kaeya tried to calm the man down, but he wasn't having any of it.
"No, I'm not gonna calm down! I am rightfully upset and you can't tell me what to do, Mister Knight!", the guy said in a mocking tone, it was clear he was looking down at all of them.
This was also the moment you arrived at the scene, as well. Walking straight past the two guards and Kaeya. You could feel their confused looks on your back, but you ignored them as you came to a hold in front of that guy, your face looking furious. Before he could take a breath to start another one of his monologues, you cut in.
"You shut up right now! I don't know what your fucking problem is, but I've had enough of you following around and bothering my boyfriend, yelling and insulting him." You pointed a finger to his face as you leaned more towards him, making the man back up a little, to try and get away from you.
"Is your life so miserable and boring that you have to take your frustrations out on other people? Do you have nothing else to do? Are you just that pathetic?"
You looked at him, eyes stone cold as you expectantly waited for him to answer. The guy looked from you, to Kaeya, then back to you, before he turned and ran away from the situation.
"Hmpf. That's what I thought..", you mumbled under your breath, turning around and walking into the city again, but not before grabbing Kaeya's hand and pulling him along with you.
He let you do so, having the biggest of smirks on his face as he witnessed the scene unfold before him. He made a mental note to applaud and thank you later, when you two were in the privacy of your home again..
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He wasn't cut out for the role of Acting Grande Sage..
Not only did he himself say that all of the time, complaining about the increase in work he had to accomodate. But all the other sages were saying the same thing, complaining to others about how Alhaitham wasn't doing enough, how he had to commit himself to the Act more.
Your boyfriend, however, paid no mind to those people, even less their complaints about him. He has already resigned from the Role of Acting Grande Sage and was only waiting for a new candidate to be chosen so he could finally step down and return to his work as the Scribe of the Academiya.
Currently, you were walking down the hallways of the Academiya, going for the elevator that would take you to the upper levels, where Alhaitham's temporary office was situated. Since he got his promotion, you always went to fetch him after the work day was done so you two could walk home together.
As you were riding the elevator upwards, you started hearing voices, getting louder and louder the closer you got to your destination. You were confused about the meaning of this, but you were bound to find out very soon.
As you arrived, you realized that Alhaitham seemed to be currently in a very heated argument with two other, older scholars. Well, more like the two of them were aggressively talking to him, while he remained silent.
Alhaitham was the only one to notice your arrival, seeing as the other two were too absorbed into their own little world, telling off your boyfriend.
You started approaching his desk, Alhaithams eyes following you as you walked up the stairs.
One of the scholars then noticed his attention wasn't on them anymore, which only served as fuel to his already bad mood and his manors.
"What, so the Acting Grande Sage now thinks he's better than us, so he doesn' have to pay attention to the "simple" people? You better turn your attention back to us because we are far from done here. I don't care if it's gonna take all night, but you have to do your work just as much as everyone else here. Just because you helped our Archon does not make you better than anyone else!"
His outburst ticked you off as you come to a sudden hold behind those two scholars, who still haven't noticed your arrival at the scene. It was silent for a few seconds as noone said another word after this.
Originally, you planned to ignore those scholars, simply walk around them to greet your boyfriend and take him home with you. But after that, it didn't feel right not to say anything.
Alhaitham noticed your change in demeanor as well. He leaned back with a slight grin on his lips, planning to enjoy what was going to follow.
"And what do you think gives you the right to talk to other people like this?", you said, tone noticeably pissed off. The scholars turned around, surprised by your sudden presence. Yet, you didn't give them a chance to answer, you just continued on.
"He is better than you, in one aspect, at least. He can hold his temper and treat other people with respect. Unlike you, he doesn't go around insulting and blaming other people for apparently not doing their work. Which isn't even true, what do you think he's doing here all day? Now, if you have nothing smart to say, please excuse us."
Upon ending your tirade, you look over to your boyfriend pointedly. He got the hint, got up and walked over to you. You took his hand as you led him towards the elevator, leaving those two scholars behind, who looked dumbfounded at you still.
You paid them no mind, however, as you tried to focus on your breathing, trying to calm down on the ride to the lower levels. After a few moments, you felt Alhaithams arm wrap around your waist.
You knew he wasn't the biggest fan of PDA, but in this situation, it seemed he could make an exception. You smiled at him, leaning against his side a bit more, but you still failed to notice the grin that was still plastered on his face from witnessing this scene...
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Seeing as your boyfriend is the Ex-Geo Archon of the nation of Liyue, he naturally had a very expanded knowledge accumulated over the years he's been alive.
Nowadays, after giving away his gnosis, he likes to subtly share that knowledge with other people and scholars when he's not busy at his place of work.
Often times, when meeting with other scholars to discuss some topics he asked you if you wanted to accompany him. He accepts whichever answer you give him, not expecting anything from you, but he does enjoy your presence at his side.
Today, he had been invited onto the Pearl Galley to discuss some topics on ancient Liyue history with some scholars from Sumeru, and he asked for your company again.
Since you had nothing else planned for the day, you agreed to his invitation, setting off so you wouldn't miss the event shortly after.
Usually, during those meetings, you always set beside him, respectful of the people around you and the fact that you were out in public. However, somewhere along the way, you always ended up sitting in Zhongli's lap. Wether it was because you were growing uncomfortable on your chair, or simply because Zhongli wanted you closer to him, didn't matter. It just happened..
And so it did today as well. At some point, you were getting a bit bored, having heard the storys of the current topic from your boyfriend a few times already, so you decided to climb onto his lap and doze off a bit.
Zhongli didn't bat an eye to it, having already expected something like this to happen. Other people threw some weird glances at the two of you, but didn't say anything else, deciding to just turn back to the conversation at hand.
You dozed in and out while Zhongli held you, listening to the conversation only with one ear. That was, until one man decided to spring up from his table, slamming his fist down, hard. The sudden sound startled you, opening your eyes again to locate to source.
The man was standing, his head red as a tomato as he seemed furious about something. Confused, you looked at him, then around at the table. Zhongli remained utterly calm as he continued to stare at the guy, while the other scholars remained seated but tried to calm down their companion.
"No! Fuck off! Where do you think you're taking the right to just state your theories like they are proven facts? I know you're old as fuck but that doesn't give you the right to disregard our hard work and own theories like that, you bastard!"
The guy yelled, grabbing the attention of the entire ship. People around you started to whisper, now totally engaged within the situation. You were baffled at his words, turning to look at your boyfriend who seemed to be unbothered by it. He didn't seem like he was going to say anything..
But you just couldn't let that stand..
"The only bastard I see around here, is you! What, just because someone doesn't share your opinion and challenges you, you freak out and start to insult them? That's pathetic behaviour, if you ask me. Go and cry about it to your mommy and daddy, since they obviously handle everything for you."
At your words, the guy grew even more furious, but he was also rendered speechless. Before the situation could escalate any more, his other friends dragged the guy away, leaving only you and Zhongli back at the table.
People around you looked for a while more until they started to settle back, turning to their own business again.
You were still sitting in your boyfriends lap, mumbling under your breath, when he leaned down to you and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Thank you, Darling. You didn't have to do that, but I appreciate you defending me all the same."
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punkshort · 11 months
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Summary: You care for Joel while he is on the mend from his injury. (Part two of Three Days)
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!reader, established relationship, set in the TWWW universe, no use of Y/N.
Warnings: language, discussion of injury, soft!Joel, smut (18+ MDNI), fingering, handjob, dirty talk, oral (m receiving)
Word Count: 4.5K
A/N: I didn't expect part one to be so well received, thank you everyone who liked/commented and wanted to be tagged in this story! I'm a little nervous about this one and I don't know if I like it now, I hope I did it justice.
Part Two
"C'mon, it ain't that far, I just wanna stretch my legs a bit," Joel said to you from the couch. You shook your head and gave him a stern look.
"Bill said you need to stay off that leg at least another week, you're just going to have to wait," you said as you finished making lunch. You placed his sandwich with a small salad on a tray and brought it over to the living room, where Joel had taken up residence for almost the past month while he healed. Under strict orders not to put unnecessary weight on his leg, he had been stuck on the couch during the warmest stretch of summer yet, and it was causing him to be a difficult patient.
"I'm losin' my mind here," he grumbled as he took a bite of sandwich. You rolled your eyes and bit your tongue as you went to go clean up the kitchen. You were doing your best to take care of him, and he was very agreeable in the beginning, but as his strength built up, so did his boredom.
"You're not invincible, you know. All you need to do is sit there and let us take care of you," you said over your shoulder. "Then you can do whatever you want."
"I feel fine, I don't need you hoverin' over me all the damn time," he said sharply. Shocked, you looked over at him from the kitchen. His eyes were cast down and focused on his food, completely unphased by how hurtful he was being. You turned away without saying anything in return as tears sprung to your eyes.
His recovery wasn't easy on you, either. You had to learn how to be a nurse in just a few short hours so he could have the comforts of home as soon as the doctor cleared him. At the time, you had been so exhausted from sleeping on a lumpy cot on the floor, but you put all your energy into paying close attention to what Bill, Jackson's resident doctor, and Carrie, his nurse, were telling you. They taught you how to take his blood pressure, change and clean his dressings, and a few physical therapy exercises you had to help him with daily. Not to mention the handful of medications you had to keep straight and the long list of "red flag" signs you had to remember. But you didn't mind, because it meant he was going to come home, and he was going to be okay. So, to hear him sound so ungrateful more than hurt your feelings.
You sniffled quietly before turning back around. He had finished eating and picked up a crossword, oblivious to your reaction. Taking a shaky breath in, you strode over to the living room to pick up his tray.
"Tommy's going to be here soon, I have to work this afternoon," you mumbled. Joel huffed and kept working on his crossword.
"Don't need him hoverin' over me, either. I'll be fine by myself. Could use the peace and quiet, anyway," he said, the last part mostly under his breath, but you still heard it.
You angrily dropped the dishes into the sink, making him jump and look up from across the living room.
"What the hell?" he yelled, his brows furrowed.
"Yeah, 'what the hell' is right, Joel," you replied with your hand on your hip and your lower lip trembling. "Maybe try showing a little gratitude for the people who are taking time out of their day to help you."
"I didn't ask for any help, I can take care of myself!" he shouted.
"No, you can't! You could have died, you asshole!" you yelled right back. One tear slid down your cheek, but he was too far away to notice it.
"Whoa! What's with all the yellin'?" Tommy said as he entered the kitchen. He looked back and forth between you and Joel, the two of you glaring at the other. He did a double take when he noticed you turn and subtly wipe the tears from your cheek.
"It's nothin'," Joel finally said, his voice quieter but still strained, and turned back to his crossword. Tommy took a step toward you and was about to speak, but you cut him off.
"I gotta go. Thanks for coming by, Tommy," you said quietly, and hurriedly made your way out the front door.
Tommy ticked his jaw to the side as he stared at the closed door for a moment before turning around, eyeing up Joel warily as he joined him in the living room.
"What the hell's the matter with you?" Tommy asked with a sigh as he crossed his legs, his ankle coming to rest on the top of his knee.
"I didn't do anythin'," Joel muttered, tossing the crossword down angrily before he continued. "I'm sick of bein' cooped up, I just wanted to take a short walk."
"Didn't Bill say you can't do that til next week?"
"Yeah, but c'mon, Tommy. I know my body, I know what I can do. I just wanted her help with this one thing-"
"One thing?" Tommy repeated, cutting Joel off. "One thing?! That girl's been killin' herself for you for a goddamn month, takin' care of everythin' around here and you think you're only askin' her for 'one thing'?"
Joel scoffed and crossed his arms, averting his gaze to look outside.
"This ain't none of your business, anyway," Joel replied, still avoiding his brother's glare.
"The hell it ain't," Tommy said bitterly, dropping his foot to the ground so he could lean closer to Joel, hoping to make his next words stick.
"I watched that girl fall apart that night. She wouldn't eat. She wouldn't sleep. She was fuckin' scared, Joel. I never saw her like that, ever," Tommy said firmly, watching as Joel's mouth twitched but kept his gaze directed out the window. "You ever think about that? 'Bout what she went through? She nearly tore the place down tryin' to get to you. Never left your side. She woulda cut her arms wide open so you could take her blood had Holly taken any longer to get there."
Joel's eyes dropped to the floor and he pursed his lips as he absorbed what Tommy said.
"That right?" Joel asked softly.
"Yeah, that's right. What the hell you think, Joel? For some reason, she loves you and would do anythin' for you. So maybe quit thinkin' about yourself for once," Tommy snapped, leaning back in his chair.
"I just feel so goddamn useless, Tommy," Joel said quietly, still looking at the ground. "I hate sittin' around like this."
Tommy sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Think of it like a vacation, because I'm gonna have your ass back on patrol as soon as possible, and you'll miss havin' your own personal nurse around, waitin' on you hand and foot."
Tommy picked up an old magazine and began leafing through it.
"You wanna watch a movie or somethin'?" Tommy asked, his eyes still glued to the magazine.
"Sure, yeah, pick whatever you want," Joel mumbled, lost in thought.
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You came home from work, feeling guilty that you enjoyed the break away from the house, but you couldn't deny that a few hours helped quell your anger. Sighing, you walked into the kitchen to find Tommy doing the dishes.
"Oh, Tommy, you don't have to do that," you said as you walked up next to him and leaned against the counter, your back to the living room and Joel.
"It's no trouble, darlin'," Tommy said with a grin as he finished the last plate. "I fed the beast, so you try to take it easy tonight, yeah?"
You smirked at his nickname for Joel and nodded.
"Sure. Thanks again for sitting with him while I worked, we both appreciate it," you told him while he dried his hands and gave Joel a quick wave as you walked him to the front door.
"Anytime. I also set him straight for you," he said quietly with a wink. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. As if that man could ever be reasoned with.
"Good night, Tommy," you said as you shut the door. You took a deep breath, digging deep to find the patience to deal with Joel for the rest of the night. You really hoped he wasn't going to continue your argument from earlier. Between his round the clock care and your job, you were barely getting any sleep, and you just didn't have the energy to fight any more.
"Hey," you said tiredly as you made your way into the living room. Joel looked up from the TV when you spoke and reached for the remote to turn it down. You were about to collapse into the loveseat across from him when he stopped you.
"Why don't you come sit by me?" he asked softly. You gave him a look before you nodded and sat down on his left, leaning on the arm of the couch as you tucked your legs under you.
"What are you watching?" you asked with a yawn, trying to place the movie playing on the screen.
"Tired?" he asked, ignoring your question. You nodded, your eyes still on the TV. He reached out to place a hand on your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze, finally drawing your attention onto him.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he said as he absentmindedly rubbed your leg. "I shouldn't've said all that to you, I didn't mean it. I appreciate everythin' you're doin' for me, I'm just... restless, or somethin'. And I took it out on you."
Your eyebrows shot up, surprised, as you stared into his deep, brown eyes. Eyes that were filled with shame and regret. You rested one of your hands on top of his, your thumb rubbing small circles over his knuckles.
"It's alright," you told him with a small smile. "I'm sorry, too."
"What are you sorry for?" Joel asked. You paused for a moment, opening your mouth to answer, but he cut you off.
"Are you sorry for spendin' all your time takin' care of some old, ungrateful jackass?"
The corner of your mouth twitched before you replied.
"You're not that old," you teased, and he smirked. "I just let all the stress get to me. It's fine, really. Maybe I'll go to bed early tonight, or something."
"Hm," he said, turning back to the TV.
"What?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Nothin'. Just was thinkin' maybe I can help you relax, considerin' how much you do for me," he said lowly, looking down as his fingers inched up your leg and brushed underneath the hem of your shorts.
"You have a broken pelvis, remember?" you said with a laugh.
"Yeah, but my fingers work just fine," he said, looking up at you and leaning over. His gaze darkened as he let his hand slide down between your legs, running his finger up the seam of your denim shorts and pressing gently against your clothed heat. You gasped and gripped his wrist.
"Joel," you whispered in a poor attempt to stop him as heat immediately bloomed between your legs. "You don't have to."
"I know. I wanna take care of you for once, please let me," he begged, leaning closer and wrapping his arm around your shoulders, tugging you towards him so he could slot his lips against yours while his other hand made its way to your hip, squeezing you there before he reached for the button of your jeans.
"Take these off," he whispered against your mouth after he pulled your zipper all the way down. You eagerly lifted your hips to pull down your underwear and shorts in one go, then brought your arms up to wrap around his neck as his tongue slid past your lips.
You were still sitting next to each other, the cast on his leg prohibiting him from doing much except sitting and laying on his back. You frowned when you realized this and pulled back, his mouth falling to your neck instead.
"How?" you asked him breathily. You slid your eyes shut and tilted your head back so he could gain better access to the underside of your jaw, letting out a low moan when he located your pulse point, his scratchy beard rubbing on your delicate skin.
"Sit on my lap," he mumbled against you before tipping his head in the other direction so he could pay the same mind to the other side of your throat.
"But, your -" you began, about to point out his many injuries were still healing before he cut you off.
"Sit on my fuckin' lap," he growled impatiently, his hands falling to your hips and giving you a forceful tug towards him. You decided to compromise, swinging your leg over to straddle him while you hovered above his hips, being mindful of applying too much weight. You brought your hands up to cup his face and crushed his lips with a bruising kiss, feverishly licking inside his mouth as you realized just how much you missed him, and that it had been so long since he last touched you. Even before the accident, his patrol route was exhausting him to the point where he was falling asleep before the sun set.
"Look at you," he whispered as he tipped his head back, breaking the kiss and looking you up and down, his eyes lingering at the way you were spread open for him. "I'm the luckiest son of a bitch in the world."
You felt your cheeks flush at the compliment, still taken aback at the change in him from just a few hours ago.
"Wow, what happened here when I was gone?" you asked him teasingly as you raked your fingers through his dark curls. Your breath hitched as he ran both his palms slowly up your bare thighs, squeezing gently as he made his way closer to the ache between your legs.
"Me and Tommy had a talk," he said, watching your face closely as his finger slid along your folds, causing you to jump.
"Easy," Joel murmured softly while pressing a warm kiss against your collarbone. You sighed and rolled your shoulders, trying to relax.
"It's been so long, Joel," you whimpered, trying to explain your reaction.
"I know, sweetheart," he cooed, bringing his middle finger back up to trace your seam again while his other hand held your hip steady this time. "Should be a fuckin' crime. You deserve to be worshipped every single day."
Joel sunk his middle finger inside you right as he finished his sentence, making you toss your head back with a moan. He smirked, always pleased he could pull those sounds out of you while he looked up to admire your face. Your eyes were squeezed shut, brows pinched, and your mouth hung open as you focused on the sensation of his thick finger stretching you out for the first time in weeks.
"So tight," he grunted, his eyes glazed over as he watched you struggle to find your breath while his finger slowly pumped in and out of your pulsing cunt. "Gotta relax."
You swallowed roughly and nodded, opening your eyes and softening your brow as you sucked air in through your parted lips. Once you felt yourself adjust, you began to bounce lightly on his hand, trying to match his rhythm, your fingertips digging into his shoulders for leverage.
"More," you whispered, licking your lips. Joel couldn't help the smug grin that spread across his face as he pulled his middle finger out of your pussy and popped it into his mouth, along with his pointer finger. You groaned when he gave you a satisfied wink at the taste. He brought his fingers back between your legs and pushed them both inside, your cunt immediately gripping his digits at the intrusion.
"Shit, that's it," Joel groaned, curling his fingers against your warm walls while he watched you bounce up and down on his hand again, this time with more force. You dropped your head to rest on his shoulder, your fingers digging harder into his arms.
"Remind me to thank Tommy tomorrow," you panted in his ear as a familiar pressure began building in your lower abdomen and warmth crawled up your chest and neck.
"He told me. 'Bout that night," he said through clenched teeth, trying to ignore his painfully hard cock. His other hand was held firmly on your hip, guiding you up and down to match the rhythm of his flicking wrist. He felt your hips stutter as you processed what he said, then you slowed down and leaned back to look at him.
"What about it?" you asked him quietly. He could sense your demeanor changing, so he lifted his thumb up to press against your clit, earning a sharp gasp from your throat before you reached down to stop him.
"What about it?" you asked again, firmly this time, staring down at him. He removed his hand from your hip so he could wrap it around the back of your neck, his thumb rubbing gently against your jaw.
"Told me how tore up you were, tryin' to see me," he whispered, his fingers pumping in and out of you painfully slow as he spoke. "How you couldn't eat or sleep, wouldn't leave my side." He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he felt his eyes begin to water. He blinked quickly before asking, "all that true?"
You sniffed and nodded before you began to roll your hips against his hand again. His thumb stroked along your jaw as you gazed at each other, the atmosphere in the room shifting to one more serious.
"I was so scared, Joel," you admitted quietly, your voice small. "I thought you were going to die."
Your lower lip trembled for a moment as you reached up to run your finger gently down his stubbled cheek and then again down the length of his nose as if to remind yourself he was real, that he lived and he was going to be okay. You let out a soft whimper when he pressed his thumb back against your clit, circling the bundle of nerves.
"It's okay, I'm right here," he whispered, pulling you down so he could press his lips against your mouth quickly before resting his forehead on yours. He dropped his hand back to your hip and urged you to go faster, curling his fingers inside you again until he found that spot that made your back arch.
"I can't lose you," you gasped as two tears slid down your cheeks. You pressed your forehead into his harder now, the muscles in your stomach tightening as his fingers expertly began to pull an orgasm out of you. "I love you so much."
"I love you, too, sweetheart," he said, leaning forward to suck a bruise into the delicate skin on your throat. His chest ached for causing you so much pain, wishing desperately he could take it all away.
You felt yourself clamp down on his fingers as his thumb slid back and forth across your clit, quickly bringing you to the edge.
"Shit, I'm -" you gasped and tilted your head back, unable to finish your sentence as you felt your orgasm begin to wash over you, a filthy moan erupting from your throat. Your legs shook and your vision went spotty as you felt your neck and face flush from the intensity.
"Ohmygod, Joel - fuck - " you cried out, swinging your head forward to rest on his shoulder as you tried to catch your breath.
"You're so fuckin' beautiful, I love makin' you feel good," he mumbled against you, gently biting at your earlobe. His fingers slowed inside you, waiting until he felt your body relax before he pulled them out to palm his erection through his sweatpants. You hissed at the loss, your cunt clenching around nothing, already missing his touch.
Forehead still resting on his shoulder, you panted lightly for breath, and glancing down, watched as he ran his hand aggressively up and down his clothed cock, trying to find some relief. A lazy smirk spread across your face.
You reached down to swat his hand away and dipped your fingers below his waistband. Your other hand gripped the sweatpants you cut a pantleg off so he could fit his casted leg through, and, giving them a little tug down, watched as his hard length bobbed up and slapped against his stomach.
Wrapping your hand gently around his cock, you slowly began to drag your fist up and down, your thumb brushing over his slit and collecting the wetness there.
"Fuck, sweetheart, you - ouch," he gasped with a wince. You froze and lifted your hips up even higher, glancing down to make sure you didn't accidentally sit on him.
"I'm sorry, are you okay?" you asked, letting him go as you were about to swing your leg back over, but his hand shot up to stop you, gripping your thigh firmly to hold you in place.
"You're fine, wasn't you," he rasped, opening his eyes to look at you. "I moved my hips. When you touched me, I - nevermind, keep goin'," he said with a shake of his head and reached for your hand, placing it back around his erection.
"Are you sure?" you asked, but began to slowly move your fist up and down anyway. He nodded, his eyes sliding shut while he leaned his head back on the couch cushion.
"Yeah. Fuck, that's it - faster," he mumbled, one eye peering open so he could find your wrist to show you the pace he preferred.
"So impatient," you teased with a smirk, and he huffed. "But that's okay," you whispered, leaning forward as you twisted your wrist up and down his cock, feeling it pulse under your fingertips. "I'll give you whatever you want, baby."
"Don't say shit like that to me, gonna make me come way too fast" he said with a groan, his fingers releasing their death grip on your leg to press firmly against your overly sensitive clit again, making you cry out.
"Oh god, Joel," you whined, your head falling forward on his shoulder again. You could feel the tears pricking the corners of your eyes as your thighs shook, your body still too sensitive from your first orgasm.
"Can't wait til I can fuck you again," he gasped, another dribble of precum trickling over his tip as your fist continued to work him up and down. "I'm gonna spend the whole day inside this perfect little pussy, you hear me?"
You nodded, your head still resting on his shoulder, your eyes closed and your mouth agape as his fingers pressed quick circles over your clit. The pain from the overstimulation quickly subsided as your stomach began to tighten again, your breaths coming in short drags.
"Whole town's gonna hear you screamin' my name," he continued to ramble, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt the white-hot flames begin to burn in his lower abdomen. "All fuckin' day. Gonna be filled with my cock, or my fingers, or my tongue. You ain't gonna be able to walk the next day, I can promise you that."
You gasped his name, cunt pulsing around nothing as you felt a trickle of your release drip down your leg, his filthy words taking you right over the edge of your second orgasm. Your hand only paused for a second on his cock before you continued to jerk him up and down, faster now, wanting him to join you.
"Shit, I'm gonna come," Joel groaned, his hand falling from your center and his head leaning back so he could watch your fist work him.
"Wait," you said, shakily lifting your hips so you could bring your feet to the ground between his legs. Gently, you nudged his good leg to the side so he would give you more room to sink to your knees before him. You looked up at him through your eyelashes and opened your mouth, sticking out your tongue before wrapping your fingers around his cock again. You tapped the underside of his tip on the warm surface of your tongue, letting him know where you wanted it. With a low moan and his fingers clutching your hair, he watched, entranced, as his hot, white ropes of cum covered your tongue, his gaze darkening as you stared him right in the eye and swallowed with a smirk.
"I mean it, sweetheart," he panted, unblinking with a shake of his head. "All day. All fuckin' day."
"Don't make promises you can't keep, Mr. Miller," you told him, standing up and bracing yourself with your arms planted on either side of his head. You leaned down to give him a soft kiss before you twisted your body, collapsing on the couch next to him and tiredly pulling your clothes back on.
You laid there for a while, the side of your head resting on his good leg as you both caught your breath and stared mindlessly at the TV, not absorbing any of the dialogue while his fingers drew lazy circles on your back.
"I'm sorry I put you through all this," he said, breaking the silence. You turned your head so you could look up at him while he spoke. "Shoulda been more careful. That place was fallin' apart, I don't know what the hell I was thinkin'."
He looked down to meet your gaze, his eyes flitting across your face before he tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear.
"You were thinking you had a town to help protect," you told him, sitting up. "That's what you do. You keep us safe, and you find things to bring back to help us survive." You reached a hand out to cup his face. "All that matters is you're going to be okay."
"No," he said, his hand coming up to cover the one you had pressed against his cheek. "You are all that matters." He pulled your hand away, giving it a quick kiss before holding it in his lap. "You are all I care about keepin' safe."
His eyes fluttered shut a moment before he sighed and opened them again.
"I've been lookin' for you my whole damn life. I ain't gonna fuck it up now," he said, his voice pained. "I promise you, I'll be more careful."
You scooted closer to him, leaning in to press your mouth against his, your lips pulling at his lower lip tenderly before leaning back. His hand came up to grip your chin, his thumb running gently over your lip.
"Will you sleep down here with me tonight?" he asked you earnestly. You nodded right away.
"Of course," you said with a small smile. "I was already planning on it."
The couch wasn't very big, so since his injury, you've been sleeping alone in bed. But after the emotional day, you each felt the urge to remain close. So, you gathered your pillows and an extra blanket and made yourself a bed on the loveseat, but somehow ended up squeezed onto the couch with Joel, curled up at his side, right where you both belonged.
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Tag List: @chiogarza, @sparklejumpropequeen-777, @shotgun-shelby @partyofone3413 @nana90azevedo @ninaminaromina @amyispxnk @untamedheart81 @taz-97 @ilovemybrown-eyedbabygirl @orcasoul
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336 notes · View notes
lovries · 2 years
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featuring. the demon brothers (lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor).
summary. you find it hard to sleep at night after a traumatic incident at RAD, you don't really want to be alone tonight, and quite frankly they don't want you to be either.
warning. gn! reader, sharing a bed/sleeping together (nonsexual), hurt/comfort, injury (mammons), using these prompts.
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꒰ ♡ ꒱ ─── LUCIFER
After nearly being eaten by a group of demons, you had trouble sleeping— I mean, who wouldn't? If it hadn't been for Lucifer, you would currently be being digested in some demon's stomach! He thought you would be okay, but when he saw how exhaustion seemed to drip from your very being, he realized that your psyche may be a bit more fragile than a demons.
You were getting ready for bed, likely another night of staring at your ceiling to prevent nightmares from invading your sleep. Just as you're about to get under the covers, you hear a knock on your door.
Despite knowing it wasn't the demon that threatened you, your gut wrenched at the idea of him seeking you out. Hesitantly, you opened the door to see... Lucifer. You let out a shaky, relieved breath. "Hah, it's just you... Can I help you?"
Lucifer just stared down at you, his brows furrowed together, a frown residing on his face. He stayed silent for a few seconds, although it felt like several minutes before he finally spoke.
"You don't have to pretend to be fine, if you need me to stay I will."
Your eyes widened a fraction, a bit shocked to hear his words. You sheepishly glanced off to the side. "You don't need to do that-"
"But I will." He was quick to cut off any thoughts of rejecting his offer. "I will, if it's you, I don't mind in the slightest." It was hard for your heart not to skip a beat or two at his genuine and kind words. Inhaling slowly, thinking it over, you open the door for him.
"Well... If its you," You steal his line, and he chuckles, "I suppose I can't refuse." With that, he enters your room, and you had the best sleep you had in quite a while.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ ─── MAMMON
Mammon tsked as he finally finished bandaging up your wounds. Today in one of your shared classes, the professor brought in a dangerous Devildom creature and accidentally lost control of it, which lead to it attacking you.
"Ya should've dodged it." He grumbled, shaking his head. "Havin' me bandaging ya up- I'm The Great Mammon, y'know? I don't got time for this stuff..." Despite his harsh words, you knew he was just concerned for your safety. His hands were shaking the entire time he was bandaging up the claw marks on your arm.
Standing up from his kneeled position, Mammon dusted himself off. "There, all done. I'll be goin' now, see ya tomorrow, human-" However, you caught the sleeve of his jacket and looked up at him with pleading eyes. "W- What are ya doin'?"
"Could you, well..." You felt a little embarrassed to ask, especially since you were usually kicking him out of your room, but you just knew you'd have a hard time sleeping so... "Could you stay? I'm still a little shaken from earlier so-"
He's already slipping off his jacket, throwing it over to where his shoes were kicked off earlier. He shooed you over to the other side of the bed as he got himself under the covers. He was thankful for the darkness of your room, as it hid the blush that was burning his skin.
"I'll be here the whole night, 'kay? Nothin'll get ya while 'm here." You smile softly at him— that smile that never fails to fill his stomach with butterflies. He just rolls his eyes. "I just don't want ya to be complainin' tomorrow about how tired you are, s-so don't get the wrong idea."
"Thank you, Mammon." You press a soft kiss to his cheek, before scooting away to give him more room.
It's safe to say that Mammon was the one who didn't get any sleep that night, not with the way your sleepy voice and that gentle kiss invaded all his thoughts.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ ─── LEVIATHAN
Leviathan only knew one full-proof way to get something bad off your mind; playing videogames! So of course, after you went through something so traumatic at RAD, he invited you over to play a bunch of videogames. It would at least take your mind off of it for a little while. He frowned when you yawned, preparing for you to leave him like you did every night.
Except this time, you don't move from your spot. You can feel his stare, he's basically burning holes into the side of your face. You glance over at him and he quickly looks away, his ears turning red. "Uh, i- if you want to go, you can, don't worry, I know it's not c-cause you hate me or anything. You're tired, right?"
You chuckle weakly, almost in a defeated manner. "Well, actually..." You trail off, eyes trained on the controlled in your hand. His stomach churned at your pause, were you going to say it was because you hated him? that you actually did find him a yucky otaku creep? He shouldn't have assumed just because you claimed you liked him in the past! He flinched as you spoke again, "Can I stay with you tonight? I don't wanna be alone right now."
Levi's breath hitched— this was like something out of a dating sim! If only he knew the right option; well, he'd certainly choose something along the lines of...
"Y- Yeah! Sure, I don't mind." The way your shoulders relax, and relief washes over you, fills him with a small sense of pride. Did he make you feel safe? His heart was racing! His palms were almost so sweaty he dropped the controller, but he managed to hold on. "Uhm, you can take the bed, i- if you want? I can sleep here, or on the ground, or-"
"Or, you could maybe lay with me?" It was comical, the way his face ignited in a bright red blush.
"Ah, yeah! O- Or I could do that!" Please have mercy on his soul.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ ─── SATAN
After what you went through, Satan couldn't fathom the stress and anxiety you felt, so he thought he'd do something nice for you! Perhaps to make you feel more comfortable, take your mind off things, remind you that not all demons are the same.
Classical music hummed softly throughout his room, he reserved his favorite chair just for you, prepared with hot chocolate and a warm blanket, along with several books he knew you'd enjoy.
And that's how you spent your day, reading with Satan, occasionally talking about the novel that you were reading, enjoying the never-ending hot chocolate (he cast a spell so that it'd refill continuously).
It wasn't until it reached late into the night, knowing you should try to go to your room and sleep, that Satan could see how restless you were. He quietly watched as you hesitated on moving— if you asked to stay with him, would he let you?
Satan decided to calm your nerves by asking first, "Do you wanna stay with me tonight?"
You whipped your head over to look at him, shocked that he could read your thoughts— although, after a second, you weren't too surprised. Satan always seemed to know exactly what you were thinking and what you needed. "How do you always know?" He chuckles, scooting over in his bed to allow you some room.
Getting comfortable, you're curled up into his side, and he wants to tease you for being like a cat, but decides against it. "Y/n, please know that you're always allowed to stay here, with me, whatever the reason may be."
He waited until you were fast asleep before closing his eyes himself, a gentle smile on his lips.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ ─── ASMODEUS
Asmodeus was humming a tune to a new song he was obsessed with, doing the finishing touches to his skincare routine, when he heard a knock on his door. He knew instantly that the only one who could possibly be knocking at his door was you.
Throwing it open, he smiled brightly. "Y/n! To what do I owe the pleasure?" He leaned against the doorframe, waiting patiently as you fiddled with your pajama shirt. He had a suspicion as to why you were here; after all, he knew just about everything that happened at RAD, and your little run in with a not-so-friendly creature was one of those things.
"Will you sleep with me?" Asmodeus' eyes light up at the double meaning, chuckling at your flustered face, "I- I know how that sounds, I just mean— I feel safe when you're with me."
My, my, you sure know how to capture this demons heart. Asmo nearly swoons at your words; he makes you feel safe? him? he was certain anyone else would've chosen one of his brothers to keep them safe, but you choose him? You're truly just the best!
"Of course I'll sleep with you!" He winked, he couldn't help but tease you a little bit. Your flustered face was one of his favorite things, you know? When he can tell you've grown frustrated with him though, he puts his hands up defensively. "In a completely innocent, nonsexual way. Don't worry, darling, I know what you meant."
Asmodeus looks over his shoulder, before glancing down at you. "However, let's sleep in my room, my bed is much comfier." You couldn't disagree, his bed was practically a cloud. "Come on, lets get you a face mask before we lay down!"
He most definitely took pictures of you curled up in his arms, fast asleep. And whilst he'd usually post them on Devilgram, he added these to his private photos. Your adorable sleeping face, and the fact you felt most safe with him, were for him to see and know only.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ ─── BEELZEBUB
Beelzebub was coming back to his room from getting his usual late night snack, when he stopped by your door. He thought, maybe if you were awake, you'd be hungry? He wouldn't mind giving you a little snack if you were. He knocked on the door gently, only for you to open the door with tears in your eyes.
"B- Beel?" You try your best to hold back your sobs, not wanting to make Beel worry about you, but it was too late. He pushed past you and entered your room. "Beel? What are you doin-"
He's upset with himself. He should've been with you that day, should've protected you from all those bullies. He looks at you, his heart clenching tightly in his chest. "Tell me what I can do to make it better?" He says solemnly, "I hate seeing you cry." You wipe at the tears, sniffling a bit.
"Can you just... stay here? A- And hold me?" Beel would hunt down every last bully and tear them limb-from-limb if you asked. He scarfed down the rest of his snacks (accidentally forgetting to offer you one) before climbing into your bed and holding his arms open for you.
"Come. You need to sleep." You nod, sniffling a little more, wiping away the stray tears. You got under the covers, and Beel pulled you tightly against his chest, his hold on you firm and comforting. What you thought would be another restless night thinking of the threats and the possibility of them following through on said threats slowly faded with your consciousness.
There truly was something about Beelzebub and his big, strong arms, his warm and loving aura, that made all worries slip away. You finally managed to fall asleep after a few sleepless night.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ ─── BELPHEGOR
Trudging your way to the familiar area, you find Belphie asleep in a pile of blankets and pillows. Your feet had carried you there without you even realizing, only truly knowing when you nearly tripped over a stray pillow. You sigh, you suppose this made sense. Whenever you were having nightmares, you always somehow found your way to Belphegor.
"Mmm..." He stirred from his sleep, sensing your presences. "What do ya want?" He yawns, forcing himself to turn over so he's facing you properly. You sit down, playing with a blanket.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" You ask, trying to appear nonchalant, but Belphie could tell something was off. If he recalls correctly, Beel said something earlier about an incident that happened yesterday at RAD. Well, if Belphie did remember, he didn't show any signs of it. He closed his eyes, and let out another yawn.
"Yeah, sure, don't care." With that, you maneuver your way under the many blankets, your body soon finding Belphie's and cuddling into him. As much as he wanted to get back to his peaceful slumber, worry was eating at his mind. He groaned, looking down at you. Damn you, making him care about you.
"Ugh... So... Like... Why?" You look up at him, raising a brow at his vague question. He rolled his eyes, "Why'd you like, come to me?" He hates that he can feel his face growing warm. Your own face was heating up, but he didn't notice.
"I don't have nightmares when you're here." Well that's probably because he chases away all your nightmares, but he'd rather die than tell you that. He nods, before going back to his usual lethargic self, lazily wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close.
"Hmm 'kay, well, go to sleep now. and don't even think of waking me up again, got it?" This time you nod. The two of you having an incredibly peaceful slumber.
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﹙ thank you for reading! have a wonderful day! ﹚
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a-living-canvas · 3 months
A Sadist and A Saint
"You want to pray?"
Whumpee nodded, their eyes silently pleading to Whumper. There's not much they can do down here but they would be grateful if Whumper would be so merciful for them this time.
Whumper sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he pondered carefully. It wouldn't take that much time and it would be harmless anyway. Finally, Whumper nodded as he crossed his arms under his chest. "Sure, you can. But make it fast."
Whumpee beamed up, "Thank you! Thank you, master!"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
Whumper let Whumpee used his bedroom as he sat on the edge of the bed, watching them closely. Their movements and their soft whispers. It intrigued him, as an atheist. Maybe he could learn a little about how religions work, how this world functions with them.
Whumper might look down at people around him all the time, but he never prides himself as a highest being, much less as a God. He's just a normal guy with selfish needs and selfish wants.
After Whumpee finished with their business, Whumper pulled their wrist to sit on the bed beside him. Ruffling their hair, Whumper asked, "Do you ask anything from your God?"
Whumpee seemed a bit stunned from the question but they nodded anyway. Whumper hummed, he thought for a moment before asking the next question. "What did you ask for?"
"...I asked for forgiveness."
Whumpee swung their legs playfully as they looked up at Whumper. Whumper raised an eyebrow at the answer. "Forgiveness? For what?"
"Hmm for my past mistakes that lead me to end up here."
Whumper frowned."...You think me torturing you is a punishment for your sins?"
Whumpee nodded. Whumper pinched the bridge of his nose, confused. He tried to wrap his mind around what Whumpee said but he just couldn't. He didn't even know what Whumpee did in the past. He just kidnap and torture them for—
"I do this for fun, Whumpee. I don't even know you. Do you think if I release you or you finally escape that means He forgives you?"
Whumpee gulped down nervously. They fidgeted with their hands. "I-I'm a bad person. I made many mistakes and I really regretted it. I want to atone for my sins…"
"Huh…" Whumper looked at them with a blank expression. "That's why you never fight me, huh? Because you think you deserve it."
Whumper shifted slightly to face Whumpee. "But what if you never escape? What if you die here?"
Whumpee's eyes widened a tad bit before casting it downward. "T-that just means I'm meant to die here, then…"
"Oh, is that so?"
Whumper stood up and walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen. Whumpee waited patiently, along with a slight anxiety. When Whumper returned again, Whumpee's heart stopped beating for a moment.
They backed away, climbing further up to the bed. Whumper chuckled, slowly walked towards them and grabbed their arms, preventing them from running away. He sat on Whumpee's midriff, his legs holding his arms securely.
"M-master, please! I thought we were done for the—"
"Oh, we are. This is not to torture you, this is to kill you."
Whumper trailed the tip of the knife across Whumpee's throat, not too light but not too deep to cut their skin. He relished in Whumpee's soft whimpers as he chuckled a little. "Why are you so scared? I thought you were ready for this. You want to make up for your bad deeds, right?"
"Y-yes, but—"
"But what? You are a sinful person, aren't you? You don't deserve to live." Whumper tipped Whumpee's chin up with the knife. "A waste of oxygen."
"M-master please…don't kill..m-me…"
Whumper hummed, he brought the knife to Whumpee's lips and sliced the middle part of it slowly. Whumpee winced in pain, the familiar metallic smell entering their nostrils. "You know, Whumpee, I had a vision."
Whumper caressed Whumpee's bloody lips, smearing the blood across their cheeks. "I wanted to die with my body lying in a pool of blood. I wanted to cut my body as much as I could and suffer in pain until I die. Because I thought I deserve that kind of ending."
Whumpee let out a shaky exhale when Whumper poked their collarbone a few times with the sharp edge. "But not anymore, I want to live. In fact, I need to live to make people suffer a little. You can't be happy all the time you know."
He smiled, his lips turning into a creepy grin. "I wonder how many cuts it would be until you finally die…"
@nothing-but-glitter-and-lashes @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @risk606 @heyyitsworld @htavin87 @jennyyy007 @electrons2006 @valravnthefrenchie @theforeverdyingperson
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bubbleebubz · 9 months
Save me professor pt.2
Word count: 2,915!
Warnings!! Smutt!!! Oral sex (male and female receiving), wet dreams (again), dom spencer, petnames, praise, a little degradation at the end. Reader is a virgin.
Y/N had just been kicked out of her mother's house after her mom has a schizophrenic break and moves to Flordia leaving her to fend for herself. Her professor can't bare seeing Y/N in such a state, and offers her to stay in his guest bedroom, can they be roomates without his dark desires taking control?
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I wake up drenched in sweat, hyperventilating.
I throw the covers off of me, sitting up and looking around the room.
My heart beat is racing, no matter what I do to calm it down.
I feel the tears prick from behind my eyes, as I get out of bed tip towing down the hall to Spencer's room.
I knock.
Then twice, no answer.
"Gah" I sigh, I need him, I don't know what's happening to me.
I begin to sob silently.
I reach to his door knob with shaky hands, twisting it slowly.
Before opening it silently, continuing to tip toe to his bed, to see him laying on his side.
I place a hand on his shoulder gently shaking him, "spencer" I whisper.
He wakes up, looking at me with tired eyes.
"What's wrong Y/N? You ok?" He asks worriedly with a groggy voice, sitting up immediately with worry in his eyes.
I shake my head, unable to form words as the tears begin to fall harder than ever, everything comes crashing down.
He wraps me into a tight hug, pulling me to straddle his lap.
I sob into his neck as he rocks me back and forth.
"S-Spence?" I ask in a shaky voice.
"Hmm?" He says sweetly, still holding me tight.
"What's happening to m-me?" I ask scaredly.
"I think your having a panic attack sweetheart" He said.
I sob again.
"It's normal though honey, especially since what you're going through." He says, rubbing my back.
I nod and inhale his foresty scent, relaxing me.
I giggle through the tears. "I feel like such a baby today, I'm crying so much" I say annoyed by myself.
He shakes his head and chuckles.
"You've been through a lot in the last 48 hours, you have every right to cry sweets, you can talk to me you know that." He says sweetly.
I blush at the petnames making him chuckle.
"You feeling better?" He asks.
I nod a bit.
"Mmm can I sleep with you please Spence?" I ask shyly, burying my face in his neck.
"Ofcourse baby" He says laying back down with me still in his lap, I'm sat up straddling his hips, I'm blush hard.
"I-i jua-" I move off of him quickly.
"Sorry." I mumble shyly.
"S'ok Y/N, come're" He chuckles bringing me to cuddle him.
I let out a breathy moan finally relaxing, making him smile.
"Goodnight Princess" He says quietly.
"Night Spence" I sigh, finally falling back asleep.
When I was up again it was to the sound of music.
The neighborhood, Flawless.
I go out to the kitchen to see where the music is coming from, and see Spencer dancing in the kitchen, terribly, while using a whisk as a microphone.
I couldn't control my giggle. He freezes and turns to me. "AH? you were supposed to be asleep! So I could make you breakfast in bed" He says after getting spooked.
"Your dancing-" I begin. "I know. So sexy right" He says, playfully winking at me while walking over to me, I feel my cheeks flush.
He backs me up into a wall "here. Lick this off for me" He says, lifting up the whisk, which has chocolate chip pancake batter.
I lick the batter off while looking him in the eyes, making his mouth open slightly and let out a breathless groan, making me flush even more.
"Good girl" He says before turning back to the kitchen, and putting the whisk in the sink.
I whimper slightly at the praise.
"You like chocolate chip pancakes?" He asks, I nod happily.
He chuckles.
I walk over to the island stool and sit down.
"Thanks letting me sleep with you last night" I say, causing him to smirk.
"I MEAN LETTING ME SLEEP IN THE SAME BED AS YOU" I jump at my slip up and me and him both break out in a fit of laughter.
Once we calm down he asks "wanna watch a movie with breakfast-" then checks his watch "-well lunch" He chuckles.
My eyes widen, "what time is it?" I ask, surprised when the clock read 12:45.
"I mean you did pull an all night, and had many bad dreams sweetheart" He said, handing me a plate.
"Thanks, and yeah I guess so" I say while graciously taking the plate of chocolate chip pancakes, strawberries and pineapple.
"RAH I love pineapple" I say happily.
"Here then" He says, adding much more to my plate.
"thank you!!!!" I say happily walking to the living room.
Sitting on the couch.
"What do you want to watch?" He asks, sitting down next to me.
I stay silent, thinking for a second.
"I have no idea, click the randomizer thingy on netflix" I say giggling.
He clicks the randomize button and a movie plays.
"What one is it?" I ask.
"Let's not look, it'll be a surprise maybe then?" He says grinning. I nod agreeing, diving into the pineapples.
"Y/N, eat your pancakes first, your gonna fill up on the pineapples" He chuckles.
I stick my tongue out and but do as told.
"Did you know that eating pineapple improves your bone health and can reduce breast cancer? Oh and it makes your pussy taste sweet." He says the last part in my ear making me shudder before he continues watching the movie.
I pop another peice in my mouth slowly turning to look at him.
He places his hand on my thigh and squeezes it gently. "Pay attention, the movie has started" He says not removing his eyes from the television.
I look back up to the TV and see that the random movie turned out to be Final Destination part one.
This movie always creeps me out.
The plane scene happens causing me to hide my face in Spencer's chest.
"Do you wanna shut it off baby? Hm?" He asks, rubbing down the back of my head.
I shake my head no.
"Words Y/N, if your to spooked we can change it" He says again.
"No I'm ok, I just don't like this part" I chuckle shyly.
I pull my face away awkwardly.
"Sorry" I mumble.
Mid movie I fall asleep, after the movie ends he changes it to what ever he wants and I move cuasing my head to fall onto his shoulder.
He moves slightly, so he can lay down on his side, with me next to him.
I wiggle back into him, in need of warmth, causing my ass to ground against his crotch, making him groan quietly.
"Fuck" He mumbles.
"Y/N" He says trying to wake me up.
He picks me up, stirring me awake.
"Hm? Where are we going sir?" I ask, still sleepy, my head over his shoulder.
"To bed baby, we are gonna take a nap." He whispers.
"Mmm can I go into your room instead, I don't want to have another bad dream yet" I mumble.
"Mhm" He says soothingly.
He lays me down and spoons me keeping me warm.
I fall back to sleep easily.
'S-Spencer please don't stop" she moans out in pleasure.
'Being such a good girl for me baby, your so tight around me' the man groans, his hips thrusting faster.
"Please Spence, wanna cum on your cock' she crys out. Causing him to groan as her walls flutters around his cock.
She writhes in pleasure on the brink of extacy.
"Y/N you gotta stop, you keep grinding on me and making those sweet moans." He groans in my ear.
I freeze.
"I'm so sorry sir, I must have been dreaming" I answer, shyly.
"Hmm, about me? I heard you say my name. Were you dreaming about me sweetheart?" He says seductively in my ear.
"I- nope" I lie, and blush hard.
"Don't lie to me baby." He says, turning so I'm under him.
"It was. It was about you." I admit shyly.
"What was it about?" He asks, eyes never leaving mine.
I blush harder, dreading having to explain my very. Very. Wet dream.
I groan out in embarrassment.
"You know what it was about, but it was an accident." I mumble awkwardly.
He shakes his head and chuckles. "Thats not what it sounded like" he says.
"Regardlessly. You got me hard princess." He says, looking down at himself. His now hard cock straining against his grey sweatpants. I whimper at how big the tent in his pants is.
"I-im sorry, what do I do?" I ask worriedly.
He laughs again.
"Your a virgin aren't you?" He says with a malicious grin.
I nod shyly.
"Good girl." He says again before getting up and standing next to the bed.
"Your going to stay that way for a little longer baby, need to punish you for teasing me so much." He says with a smirk.
"Now get on your knees." He says darkly.
I whimper at his tone and freeze in place, sat upon his bed.
"Now, sweetheart, I won't ask again." He says, this time a little more dominantly.
I get up quickly, and get on my knees infront of him, looking up at him in awe.
He was so beautiful.
"Good girl, you look so good on your knees for me baby" He says, caressing my cheek.
"What now sir?" I ask.
"Take my pants off." He says.
I slowly reach with shaky hands for the ties on his sweatpants and undo them, pulling them down. Leaving him in his shirt and black boxers.
He steps out of them, throwing them somewhere in his room.
I stare, mouth a gap at the size of his cock just through his boxers, i can see a wet spot of precum on them..
"Common baby, you can stare later, need you so bad right now." He says.
"I-ive never done this before so. Tell me if I'm doing it right please." I say, slowly reaching my hand to rub his clothed cock.
Causing him to hiss in pleasure. "I will baby" He says.
I finally pull his boxers down, his large cock springing free.
I can feel my clit throb.
Something I didn't know about myself til now was that I have an oral fixation.
I take his cock in my hand, pumping it slowly, in awe.
I lick the precum off of his tip and moan at the taste of him, causing him to shudder.
I begin to kiss his tip, suckling at it gently.
I get used to the feeling of him and take him deeper in my mouth.
Feeling my jaw begin to ache as I take him down my throat. Moaning around him.
Playing with his balls as I suck his cock.
"Mmm, so good baby, being such a good girl, taking my big cock down your throat like this." He moans, grabbing my Y/H/C hair and holding it into a makeshift ponytail, and slowly begining to fuck my mouth, making me gag.
"Relax your jaw sweetheart." He says, throwing his head back with a deep groan.
I look up at him, with tears running down my face.
I was loving this more than I thought I would.
As he fucks my mouth I feel my pussy getting wetter and wetter.
I moan in need.
"Gonna cum in your mouth okay baby? And your gonna swallow all my seed like a good little girl okay?" He says before releasing his essence down my throat.
I swallow every drop of it, moaning at the taste.
He pulls me up and sets me on the bed. And stands in front of me.
"You okay babygirl? I didn't hurt you did I?" He asks sincerely, putting his hands in my cheeks.
I shake my head.
"I loved that" I moan out.
"Please sir, I need you so bad." I whine out.
" what do you need from me baby?" He asks teasingly.
"Want you to touch me" I moan out, looking up at him, with his hands still on my cheeks, as I look up at him.
"But I am touching you Y/N" He says with a smirk.
"No no I want you to touch me... there." I say shyly.
He chuckles at my neediness.
"Oh I see. Hmmm, okay, lay down for me baby." He says, stepping back from me, making me whine at the loss of his touch but comply to his request and lay down, propping myself up on my elbows to look at him.
He removes his shirt, leaving him bare.
My eyes roam over his chest and torso, smiling at his happy trail.
He crawls onto the bed, hovering over me.
Leaning down to kiss me.
It was passionate and full of lust.
I moan into his mouth.
"Please Spence" I moan.
He chuckles and slowly backs away causing me to whine.
"Where are yo-" I begin to say before I'm cut off by him settling between my legs on his stomach, he runs his fingers over my clothed core, causing me to shudder.
He removes my- well technically his- sweatpants and groans at the sight of my glistening folds.
He runs his finger lightly over my clit, making my hips unvoluntarily buck.
"Please Spencer" I whine, the need becoming to much.
He chuckles again, dipping his head to my dripping pussy, licking a strip up it from my whole to my clit.
Causing me to moan and close my legs.
He wraps his arms around my thighs pinning my legs open and onto the bed.
He begins to eat me out like a starved man, lapping up everything I have to give him.
"Mm you taste so good baby" He groans into me, causing me to moan loudly.
He slowly enters a finger into me, making me wince at the intrusion.
"Fuck your so tight." He says.
He begins slowly pumping it in and out of me.
While licking and sucking my clit, his fingers find my G-spot and I whimper out a moan, the pleasure becoming to much once he adds a second finger.
My hands reach down to his hair and pull lightly making him moan.
"Spencer I- fuck, I'm gonna cum~" I moan out, this only makes him speed up, his fingers quickening.
I cum all over his face, drinking up all my juices.
"Fuck you taste so sweet, honey" He says, whipping what he couldn't get with his tongue off of his chin.
I moan at the sight of him
"There you go baby, now your ready" He says.
"Ready for what?" I ask confused.
"You didn't think this was over did you? We are just getting started honey." He chuckles out darkly.
I whimper.
"W-what?" I ask.
"You want my cock inside you don't you baby?" He says, hovering over me, wrapping my thighs around his lean waist.
I nod my head.
"Use your words." He says.
"Yes please sir" I moan in need.
He lines his hard cock up to my slick folds, slowly pushing in.
"Tell me if it hurts ok princess?" He says, I nod before remembering to use my words. "Yes sir" I whimper out.
"Good girl" his praise makes me clench down on his cock.
He slowly pushes every inch of him into me, until I'm full of him.
"Fuck, your so tight, such a good girl for me, taking me so well, letting me take your sweet little virginity." He groans in my ear.
I wince at the stretch.
Eventually I wiggle my hips, letting him know I'm ready for him to move.
He starts off agonizingly slow, causing me to whine, the pleasure and pain was so good, but I needed more.
"Please Spencer, faster" I moan.
He quickens his pace, making my mouth open, in a silent scream. "Fuck sir, God, feels so good, your so big, I cant" I cry out in pleasure, as he fastens his pace and pounds me harder into the mattress.
"Doing so good for me baby, taking my cock so well, making me feel so good" He groans, stuttering as he can feel his own orgasm coming.
"Gonna come Spence, please, fuck professor" I moan. I guess calling him 'professor' set him off, because he reaches down and begins to rub my clit while fucking into me hard. Causing me to scream and cum all over his cock.
"Cum inside me Spencer, please, I'm on the pill" I moan. Making him groan at the idea of filling me up.
I kiss him and down his jaw, listening to the filthy noises he is making, every groan moan and whimper is burnt into my brain, I feel his hot seed paint my walls, as he collapses beside me, pulling closer to him
"You ok baby?" He asks, tiredly.
I moan out a response.
He gets up making me whine.
"I'm gonna get a warm cloth okay baby?" He says, and walks away, he returns with the cloth and a cup of water.
"Drink." He says, handing it to me.
I take the cup and chug it down as he wipes the evidence of our actions between my legs away. Making me moan at the overestimating feeling.
"Was that okay baby?" I moan again in response as a yes. He laughs.
"Your really cock drunk right now aren't you baby? My little slut, you were so good for me baby" He says, pulling me close to him to cuddle as we fall asleep once again for the night
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lixzey · 11 months
Heart to Heart
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super thanks to @lilmaymayy for all the help 🤍
warnings: mentions of death, car accident, hospitalization, and surgery.
wc: 2.8k
Y/N L/N had it all. A perfect life, a loving family, friends, you name it.
She's a beautiful woman with a heart and soul to match it. But, she's dying.
Her heart, it's killing her. She has everything, except a heart donor. Her heart has a hole, and it's keeping her from living her life. 
“M-Mom..I-I can't breathe, it hurts...” Then everything faded to black.
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Y/N woke up in a room with clean white walls, crisp white bed sheets and the sickening smell of disinfectant. The only thing she could hear was the silent beeping of the monitor, she was in the hospital—again. 
Y/N closed her eyes shut, she didn't want to be in this place. She had already spent all her life in hospitals, she didn't want to die in one. Then, she heard hushed voices—one of which was her mother.
“Doc, is my daughter okay? Will she be okay?” her mom asked, her voice shaky.
“I'm sorry, Mrs. L/N.” 
“H-how long?” 
“Six months—a year, if we're lucky.” 
Y/N's mom let out a shaky exhale, “Is...is there any other way?” 
“The only way your daughter can survive is a heart transplant. Your daughter's condition is very critical, and there may be some complications if the transplant isn't done as soon as possible. That six months? It could be possible that she'd die today, tomorrow, next week, next month. Anything can happen, and if I were you I'd find a donor as soon as possible.” Then the doctor left, leaving Y/N's mom to break down silently. 
“M-Mom?” Y/N asked in a hoarse dry voice.
Her mom turned around, and forced a smile—her cheeks were stained with fresh tears and her eyes were red and puffy—probably from being sleep deprived. 
“Mom, am I going to die?” Y/N whispered, her voice breaking. Her mom quickly rushed to her side, hugging her tight. 
“Mom, I'm- I don't wanna die! I can't die! I want to chase my dreams, Mom! I want to live-”
“It's going to be alright, sweetheart. I won't let you die, I won't.”
Y/N felt the whole world crumble. She was too young to die. She was barely even in her early twenties—she was only twenty three—and already spent her life in hospitals. She wasn't even finished with college, all she wanted to do ever since she was a little girl was to be  a lawyer, and now with her declining condition it would be a miracle to reach 24. She isn't supposed to die, she was supposed to live her dreams—not be stuck in a hospital room or six feet under ground. 
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It has been two weeks since Y/N's diagnosis. And still, she had no donor. It was honestly nerve wracking—simply  knowing that your days are limited, Y/N had no idea if she'd be alive the next day or even the next hour. It was torture, her heart and chest aching every minute of day. She couldn't get out of her bed—or even eat for that matter. 
Y/N L/N had a lot of things on her list she wanted to do. She had dreams, big fucking dreams. Y/N dreamt of becoming one of the most prestigious lawyers the world has ever seen. She was a bright kid growing up—she always had good grades and usually never let her illness get the best of her, but when it did she made sure to still make an effort to complete each and every homework assignment. And now because of her illness, she'd lose all of the good things in her life. There were so many  things Y/N still wanted to do, and one of them was falling in love. 
Y/N sighed, she was tired of her life being a complete opposite of what she wanted. She grabbed her phone from her nightstand and scrolled through her tiktok, hoping for a bit of good news around the world—like world peace or maybe mother earth is healing. 
“Timothée Chalamet's girlfriend, dead on the spot in a car crash!”
“Poor guy.” Y/N muttered as she read the comments on the video. Why was life that cruel? Sure, Y/N didn't know the guy, but based on the comments he loved his girlfriend. 
“Y/N, darling! It's time for dinner! You still need to take your medicine!” Y/N's mom called from downstairs. Y/N slowly stood up, her vision was suddenly blurry—her chest tightened and her heart felt like it was stabbed—this wasn't like any episode she ever had.  She fell to the floor with a loud thud, her eyes fighting to stay open. 
The last thing Y/N heard was her mom screaming for help before everything went pitch black.
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Timothée woke up with a terrible feeling, like something had happened—or something bad was going to happen. He had just gotten home from Paris fashion week and he was still jet lagged. Timothée brushed the feeling off, yawning as he got up from his bed, walking to his bathroom to get ready for the day—even if he had nothing to do. 
Suddenly his phone rang, it was Zendaya. 
“What's up, Z?“ Timothée asked, his voice still groggy. 
“Are you okay? Fuck, I can't imagine what you're feeling right now, Tim. Condolence-” Timothée's eyes widened, “What the hell are you talking about, Z?” 
“Oh shit, you don't know yet?” 
“What do I don't know, Zendaya? You're scaring me.” 
“I'm so sorry, Tim. Check the news.” Timothée quickly ended the call. He opened every social media account that he had, until he found the news.
“Timothée Chalamet's girlfriend, dead on the spot in a car crash!”
Timothée felt his whole world shatter. He felt numb as tears prickled against his eyes, beginning to stream down his face. Timothée called his girlfriend's best friend, frantically asking what hospital she was taken to. He grabbed his car keys and bolted out of his house. Timothée was shaking, he wanted to kill whoever crashed into his girlfriend's car. He drove as fast as he could, his vision was getting blurred by tears—but he didn't care. He needed to get to her. He needed to get to his Kaylee. 
As soon as Timothée arrived at the hospital, he parked his car—not caring if it was too far from the entrance—and ran toward the hospital.
“Where's Kaylee Jenkins!?” Timothée practically screamed at the nurse on duty.
“Timothée.” He looked back and saw his and Kaylee's friends, Tom and Hannah. 
“Where is she!?” Timothée roared, grabbing Tom's collar angrily. 
“Calm down, Timothée!” Hannah snapped at him, pulling him off of Tom. 
“How am I supposed to calm down!? My girlfriend is dead! The love of my fucking life is dead! Tell me where the fuck she is before I fucking lose it!” 
“Timothée Hal!” 
“Tell me!” Timothée yelled again. 
Tom sighed, feeling hurt for his friend,  “Take him to Kaylee. I'll wait for Zendaya and Kaylee's family.” 
Hannah led Timothée to the morgue. As soon as she opened the door, Timothée saw her—the only body inside of the morgue—covered by a white sheet. He let out a shaky breath before he slowly lifted the cloth covering Kaylee's face. 
His beautiful Kaylee, bruised and bloody.
“I'll leave you alone for a bit.” Hannah patted him on his shoulder, before walking out and giving him time with his beloved. 
Timothée stared at Kaylee, the woman he loved for three years, the woman he wanted to marry—gone—taken away from him. He touched her lips that he always kissed, her nose that always scrunched when she got annoyed, and her once rosy cheeks that he loved to pinch. He kissed her forehead, for the last time.
“I love you, Kaylee.” Timothée whispered, tears streaming from his green eyes. “You're so unfair, Kaylee. You said that we'd be together forever, you said you'd never leave me, but you did. You promised we'd grow old together, that we'd build a life together....” Timothée sobbed, “I will never forget you, my love. I love you so fucking much, you're the only girl I will ever love like this.” 
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Y/N woke up back in the hospital. Her mother was smiling from ear to ear, “What happened, Mom?” Y/N asked. 
“You fainted again. Don't worry, you're okay. You finally have a heart donor!” her mother smiled, “You're going to live!” 
“Really?” Y/N almost squealed, “H-How? What happened?” 
Y/N's mom softy smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead. “Sadly, another girl passed away, but her parents agreed to donate her heart for you. But you're going to live, sweetheart. You're going to live and be able to grow old.” she whispered. 
“Thank you, Mom.” 
Y/N finally felt hope for one, hope for her future, hope for her life. She finally had a chance to live, without worrying if one day her heart would just stop. It was a miracle—a chance to know how her life would turn out. A gift she'd be thankful for the rest of her life. 
Y/N asked her mother who was her heart donor. Her mother said it was from a girl who died in a car accident. Y/N was first on the list of donees, and her mother had already talked to her donor's parents—they agreed, because somehow they could feel their daughter's presence even if she's gone, because I'd have her heart. Everything was ready, she would be operated on as soon as possible.  
After the operation, Y/N woke up with her mother beside her. 
“Mom?” Y/N croaked out. 
“Y/N.” Her mother smiled at her, tears were forming in her mother's eyes. 
“Why are you crying, mom?” 
“I thought I'd lose you forever, Y/N/N.” her mother sniffled, “I'm so happy, darling. You're alive and well, what more can a mother ask for?”
After a week, Y/N finally went home. She'd continue her recovery at home, and day by day she was getting better. 
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Six months later.
“Y/N, darling? Go get ready, we're going somewhere.”  
“Where are we going?” Y/N asked. 
“The parents of the girl who donated your heart wants to meet you.”
“Oh, okay. I'll go get ready.” Y/N smiled at her mother before turning to get ready. 
She was going to meet the parents of the person who gave her a chance to live again. 
Y/N and her mother drove an hour and a half to a house in the Bronx. As soon as Y/N got out of the car, she saw a man with beautiful green eyes and chocolate brown curls looking at her. Her heart suddenly started pounding in her chest. The man gave her a small smile, before walking away. He looked miserable—like he hasn't slept in days—months even. 
“Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins.” Y/N's mother greeted an older couple—they were around their late forties.
“Oh nonsense! Call us Marian and Adam.” the woman—Marian—smiled warmly. “And you must be Y/N, right?” Y/N nodded, “Yes, ma'am.” Suddenly, both Marian and Adam hugged her tightly. Y/N stumbled back a bit, but she let them hug her. She assumed it felt comforting—maybe because they could hear their daughter's heart inside her. 
“Sorry, I hope you don't mind,” the older woman apologised as she pulled away from Y/N, “It's just, it feels like I'm hugging Kaylee again and-” 
“No worries Marian,” Y/N smiled, “You can hug me as long as you want. I may not be Kaylee, but I can be like a daughter to you.” 
Marian started to sob, “Thank you, Y/N. It means a lot to me, to us.” 
Then suddenly, the man who Y/N saw earlier came up to her and hugged her tight. She didn't know what was happening, the man was hugging her tight—tighter than what Marian and Adam did. But, Y/N didn't pull away. His hug felt like coming home. Y/N felt her heart beat rapidly, like banging drums. 
After a few minutes—yes, minutes—the man pulled away from Y/N. The two locked eyes, and Y/N felt time stood still around her, like everything was a movie. 
Marian and Adam led Y/N and her mother to their backyard. They talked for a bit—told her to take care of herself and always stay safe. Of course they'd say that, because their daughter's heart was inside her.  
Y/N found out the name of the man who hugged her. He was Timothée Chalamet, Kaylee's boyfriend of three years. He's a famous actor, but Y/N didn't know him. How would she even know him? She spent all her life inside hospitals—she really didn't have the time to watch movies or Hollywood dramas. 
“Hey, it's been great meeting you and,  uh-this may be an awkward o-or forward question, but, uh-do you think I can get your number? I'd like to get to know you better.” Timothée asked, a hopeful look plastered on his face. 
“Yeah sure, it's no problem.”
Ever since Y/N and Timothée exchanged numbers, they’ve been texting each other back and forth. It even became Y/N’s routine to start her day with sending him a “good morning” and ending it with a reply to Timothee’s “goodnight”. 
Until one day Timothée texted her, asking if she'd like to go out with him. 
What's up, Tim?
Do you have plans tomorrow night?
Uh, none that I could think of. Why?
Can I ask you out?
On a date. Or maybe just hang out? I don't know, we can do whatever you want. 
When Y/N read his offer to go on a date and she squealed into her pillow, kicking her feet up in the air at the excitement rumbling in her stomach. She knew it was wrong. He was-or is still grieving, he just lost his girlfriend of three years in an instant. But with his charming words, his sexy voice, mesmerizing green eyes, and his perfect face she couldn't help a slight crush forming. She was talking to a celebrity, and it felt like a dream—like something you'd see only in movies. 
“Mom, Timothée just asked me out.” 
“What? Really? Y/N, that's amazing! You're going on a date for the very first time!” her mom teased. 
Y/N has never exactly been on a date before but this is how it would be like, right? 
The next day, Y/N got ready for her date—or to hang out with Timothée, as a friend— or maybe something more? hopefully anyways. She was giddy, she was going on a date with a handsome guy who just so happened to be a famous actor. Who wouldn't be excited? Y/N wore a simple off-shoulder blue dress that flourished just above her knees and some white strappy wedge heels. Her hair was braided to the side with some simple lip gloss, foundation, and blush for makeup. 
After waiting for what felt like hours, their doorbell rang. It's him, he's actually here, picking her up for an entire day together. When Y/N opened the door, she saw him wearing a white shirt under a leather jacket paired with denim jeans. His hair was perfectly messy—Y/N wanted to run her fingers through his curls so badly. Timothée Chalamet is undeniably handsome, as if he was carved by the gods. 
“Y-you look beautiful, Y/N.”
“Thanks, you look good too.” Y/N chuckled nervously. Timothée led Y/N to his car and opened the door for her. Timothée took Y/N to one of his favourites. Buvette Gastrotheque—a small french café in West Village. The place was cosy, quaint, and there weren't a lot of people. Sitting down at a small table, Timothée ordered the COQ au Vin while Y/N got the Salade de Poulet. They paired it off with red wine, and chocolate mousse for dessert. As they waited for their food to arrive, Timothée and Y/N talked about life, interests, favourite foods, and surprisingly—they had a lot in common. 
“I know we've only been talking for a month, but i need to tell you something.” Timothée grabbed her hand, intertwining it with his, “I'm….. well, uh- starting to see you a little differently.. You know? I just-” he sighs, “I feel something for you, Y/N. And I wanna know if you would ever feel the same way.”
Y/N felt the world around her stop, her eyes locking with his. Ever since he asked for her number she knew she was going to love him, but she didn't feel as happy as she thought she would be. Instead, she felt a pit slowly sinking to her stomach. 
It was wrong. 
Absolutely wrong.
It's been less than a year since Kaylee passed and he's already moving on, what if he doesn't actually like her but rather the heart she now wore. Y/N was speechless. She couldn't utter a word. She wanted to say she was slowly getting feelings for him too, but she knew she couldn’t. 
“Y/N, please. Think about it. Give me an answer when you're ready. Just....please give me a chance.”
@lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad
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vorrentis · 1 year
Reader x Jihyo - Looking Out For You (Part 2)
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Reworked to the fullest and the teaser that Jihyo released this morning made me want to work more on it.
Will release Part 3 on her album day.
WORDS: 5509
Jihyo quickly ran through the automatic doors and towards the front desk with a speed that could rival the Flash.
Her steps are heavy as she panted from running from her car.
"(YN)?! (YN) (LN)!?" She asked the receptionist.
"(YN)! (Y-YN)!" Jihyo tapped her hand on the desk to hurry her up, "please!"
"Jihyo! W-wait, relax..." her father caught his breath coming from behind as he just managed to catch up to her.
As soon as they heard that you were at the hospital Jihyo informed her parents and the three were off.
"What's your relation-"
"His friend! Best friend! Please I need to know!" She yelled hoping the receptionist can witness her direness.
"Jihyo, calm down." Her dad stated as he looked around at the eyes staring at them.
"Give me just a second." The receptionist typed on her computer.
"I-is he okay!?" Jihyo gulped as the receptionist pressed enter.
"...I'm afraid he's still in surgery." Her answer made Jihyo feel faint, her head wobbly all of a sudden.
That's never good.
"Hey, hey hey Jihyo," her father gripped her arms noticing her shaky stance.
"Is he alright?" This time Ms. Park came from the back at a slower pace.
"He's in surgery, but Jihyo isn't well." He said as the mother came on the other side.
"Sweetie?" She spotted her side profile as her eyes were lost and wandered.
"He-he's in su-i-is he alright?" She muttered to the receptionist.
"I-I have no knowledge of-"
"You work here!" Jihyo yelled as the worker leaned back, "how do you not-"
"Jihyo! Enough!" her dad yelled as Jihyo stopped but didn't turn to him, "we'll have to wait, come on,"
"No buts! There's nothing we can do but wait."
Jihyo's eyes stung a bit while taking a frustrated sigh and letting her hands drop.
"We're very sorry," the mom said to the worker while pulling her daughter away from the counter with her husband's help.
The worker leaned back forward.
She understood Jihyo's reaction, wasn't the first time a worried one acted like that.
Once we were a bit further from the desk, her mom walked forward in front of her, witnessing her distressed expression.
She put a hand on the arm she was near a moment ago, comforting her daughter.
"I know you're very worried, but acting like this isn't going to help anyone." She stated as Jihyo looked down, shoulders hunched.
"I-I just want to see him. I need to know if he's okay Mom..." 
Her mom instinctively brought her into her body and in a warm hug.
"He's going to be fine sweetie. He's alright, they'll do everything they can to help him." 
"He will be Jihyo. (YN) will push through." Her dad spoke while patting the top of her head as Jihyo took quick breaths to calm down.
"...I-I'm sorry..."
"No no, don't be, it's okay." Her mom cooed in her ear.
The three heard her name as they each turned, Jihyo and her mom breaking the hug to spot your mother standing a few feet away.
"M-Mrs. (LN),"
And Jihyo's attempt at calming herself was halted as she walked towards her, "i-is (YN)-"
"It's nothing critical, he needs to be patched up, but he'll be okay," she answered quickly as Jihyo felt at ease very quickly.
"R-really?" She nodded as Jihyo covered her mouth as her newborn tears of sadness were turned to joy.
Upon seeing this, your mother walked forward and hugged Jihyo as her mom did a few seconds ago.
"He's okay, he's okay," your mother kept repeating as Jihyo nodded while she looked behind to see her parents, "thank you for coming."
"Of course (Mom's Name)." Mrs. Park nodded as the father nodded in response too, "and (Dad's name)?"
"He's on the way from work." She answered while pulling away from Jihyo took a shaky breath of relief, "deep breaths," she said while Jihyo nodded, "let's all sit down." she suggested as the parents nodded while Jihyo was ushered by your mother to vacant seats.
As she sat down, her parents each gave a hug to your mother and joined Jihyo on either side of her, her mom holding her daughter's hand while her father patted her shoulder on the either side, your mom on the other side of them sitting as well.
"What happened?" Her dad questioned as your mom leaned back on her chair.
"Car crash."
"God..." Mrs. Park whispered as Jihyo felt extremetly ill.
Even knowing that you were going to be okay, you getting hurt wasn't something she needed to hear.
"A collision with another car is all I know." She said as she looked down, "I-I don't even know where he got a car, his is at home. H-he wasn't even far away either..."
"We're very sorry (Mom's Name)." Mr. Park assured as your mom sighed and sat upright again.
She looked at Jihyo looking aimlessly at the floor, her hands gripping together.
"Thank you. All of you. For all your help..." She said looking up at you three in Korean (she taught you), "we're grateful for everything. If there's anything you need, my husband and I will do what we-"
"You don't need to say that (Mom's Name," Mrs. Park cut her off, "we're glad to help." 
Your mother nodded.
"(Mom's name)!?" 
All four turned to the entrance to spot your francic father running in.
"(Father's Name)." His wife stood up as he looked and quickly went to her.
"I-Is he-"
He asked upon closing the space as she waved her hands.
"He'll be okay, doctors are working on him now."
The look of relief invaded him as he looked away with a deep exhale.
"Oh thank-..." he stepped closer to her and the two hugged tightly as the Park family watched and the parents stood up as well.
He pulled away after a few seconds and your mother nudged her head to them as he turned to them and walked towards them as the two shared a hug with him too.
"Thank you three for coming," he stated as the two nodded, "and Jihyo," he called to her as she looked up at him, "thank you for the help, we owe you a lot."
That hurt Jihyo the most.
It was because of her that all this happened.
Jihyo nodded slowly as your father turned to his wife.
"So we're waiting?" He asked his wife as she nodded, "okay," he then joined his wife while Jihyo's parents sat down once more.
After that, the five sat in silence. 
Jihyo sat there, holding her hands together while thinking of you only.
While you were deemed to be okay, she prayed for you.
Jihyo was afraid.
Jihyo was afraid of your health.
Jihyo needed you to be okay for her.
Jihyo knows it's selfish and wrong to think that, after what she did to you. 
But she couldn't even be herself when you were gone.
Jihyo needed you.
And once you were okay, she vowed to do everything to apologize and do whatever it takes to get your forgiveness.
That is if you even wanted to talk to her.
She wouldn't blame you if that were the case.
But she hoped you were kind enough to hear her words once more.
Jihyo sat anxiously in the sterile hospital lobby, her eyes fixed on the swinging doors that separated her from the maze of corridors where you were receiving medical attention. 
The lights overhead, the talks around buzzed softly, casting an unnatural feeling on the faces of the five sitting who, like her, were caught in the limbo between hope and nervousness.
Beside her, Jihyo's family members exchanged hushed conversations, their faces etched with concern. 
Your mother eyes shut while your father fidgeted in his seat, his unease evident in the tapping of his restless fingers against the armrest.
Twenty-six minutes pass, but it felt like hours, each tick of the clock on the wall amplifying Jihyo's worries. 
She traced patterns on her lap, her thoughts swirling in a maelstrom of uncertainty. 
Her mind replayed various images and memories of you and her to keep her spirits high, but it wasn't 100% effective.
However, it wasn't long till..
"Mrs. (LN)?"
We all looked up to see a man in a blue scrubs approaching.
"Yes?" They all stood up as he looked at the other four.
"Are all you for (YN)?"
"Yes," Your mother stated.
"Very well, my name is Dr. Smith, and I was in charge of (YN)'s surgery. I understand that this is a very difficult time for you five, but the surgery was successful, he's in stable condition."
All five sighed in relief and felt their bodies lessened of weight.
"Oh, oh god, thank you doctor," your father stated.
"..." He didn't respond to that as the five emotions were getting mixed, instead... "follow me please."
He turned as the five followed with pace, following him through a double doors and in a hallway.
"There's a concern we have about him. I need to be candid with you five about his current state."
The five felt ill.
"I'll explain when we see him." 
Jihyo was finally going to see you.
This was what she wanted, yet she didn't feel ready.
And again, they all followed but with a weight of that 'concern' on them.
A minute later and the doctor came to a stop in front of a window pane as the five knew you were behind that glass, but when seeing you, they lost the function to breath. 
Jihyo the most.
You were laying there with an oxygen mask over your mouth, bandages on the left side of your head and your left arm in a cast.
Cables connected to the machines on the left side of you as each person stared in awe.
Your father covered his mouth, mother stepped forward towards the glass, hand on the pane, Jihyo's parents stared and stand still as Jihyo suffered to contain her emotions.
"He's stable rest assured. But as you know he was in car crash," Dr. Smith resumed as they kept their eyes on you, "the other car collided with him on the side of the driver's seat thus resulting in most damage on the left side of his body. His arm is broken, but other than a few scrapes and scratches, it'll be okay, nothing to serious from that. He also had a shard of glass on his left side of his torso that's been removed, stitched, and taken care of as well."
Each person winced at each injury, but were glad that it was taken-
"About the concern that we have," they all turned to him, "there was significant damage to the left side of his head and along the way. He made contact with a hard surface, his body went into a comatose state on the way here as a result."
"C-comatose?" Mrs. Park stated, "h-he's in a coma?"
All five turned back to you slowly.
"It's important to understand that his brain is working to heal itself from the trauma it has suffered.
"...h-how long could he-..." Your father started, but unable to finish.
"I wish I could provide a definite answer, but the duration of a coma is highly variable and depends on many factors. These include the extent of the brain injury, how well your son responds to treatment, and his overall health. Some patients begin to show signs of improvement within a couple of days, while others may remain in a coma for an extended period of time."
"No..." Jihyo muttered, "n-no he-he can't-..." her mother hugged her side.
"I want to emphasize that we are doing everything we can to support (YN)'s recovery. At this point, it's challenging to predict the outcome with certainty. We are providing (YN) with the best possible medical care. Our focus right now is on closely monitoring his brain function and managing any potential complications. We're using various diagnostic tools such as CT scans and continuous monitoring to assess his progress. Our team of specialists is working together to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to his condition afterward, but at the moment, he's stable. I am sorry about this." Dr. Smith reassured once more as no one turned to him.
"...thank you, doctor." Your mother said while looking at you rather as Dr. Smith nodded, "is there anything that can we do to support him?"
"Research has shown that patients in comas may respond to familiar voices and touch, so spending time with him and talking to him can be beneficial. We will also keep you updated on any changes in his condition and involve you in the decision-making process as we move forward." He answered as each heard and a steel trap was clinged onto that for Jihyo.
Your mother turned to Dr. Smith now.
"Okay, thank you and your staff for everything Doctor."
"Of course."
"C-Can we go in there?" Your dad asked as Dr. Smith nodded..
"Yes, may I ask for the parents to come with me alone in there?" the Park family, minus Jihyo nodded as the two of them and Dr. Smith went inside while the other three were behind the glass.
"Jihyo?" her mother called out to her.
"H-he's in a coma mom..."
"I know sweetie, I know."
"But he's okay, that's all that matters. He'll be okay Jihyo, he'll wake up soon."
Jihyo didn't respond while watching the four in the room as your parents weren't fairing any better.
This was her doing...
Her mistake...
Her costly mistake...
A mistake that she'll do her best to fix.
No matter what.
In the dimly lit hospital room, Jihyo sat beside your bed, her heart heavy with depression.
She gently clasped your hand in hers, feeling the coolness of your skin against her warm palm. 
The rhythmic beeping of the monitors provided a steady backdrop to the quietness of the room as her eyes fixed on his peaceful face.
She's been in here for about hour and a half now.
Your parents stayed for a bit before they left to settle with the doctor on future updates and Jihyo took their place as her parents waited for her.
She hadn't said a word as she didn't even know what to say, gathering her thoughts on what she can do to make this right.
"...I'm so sorry...this was all my fault...if I just believed you...I know that I hurt, but...if you're listening (YN)." Jihyo whispered, her voice barely more than a breath. 
As if in response, your chest rose and fell in a steady, unbroken rhythm. 
The coma had rendered you unresponsive, your vibrant spirit seemingly locked away, and yet Jihyo held onto a glimmer of hope.
"I promise I'll do whatever it takes to gain your forgiveness. I'll visit you, every day until you wake up. I don't care how long it takes," Jihyo continued, her voice laced with a mixture of sadness and determination. "Years if I have to. And when you wake up and if you'll allow me. I promise to be there for you and with you and we'll be the best of fri-"
Jihyo stopped talking.
She can't bring herself to say that word because she can't call herself that anymore.
She traced circles on the back of your hand with her thumb, her touch gentle and unwavering. 
Memories of their shared laughter, late-night conversations, and stolen moments flooded her mind, each one a testament to the bond they had built.
"I miss your smile, (YN)," Jihyo admitted, her voice softening. "You have this way of lighting up the room, making everything feel brighter, including me. I want to see it again."
The room remained quiet, the machines humming softly as they monitored your vital signs and Jihyo...
"Sniff...you're strong. I know you are," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "You've faced challenges before, and you've always come out stronger. You can do it again. Sniff Wake up soon (YN)...for me." Jihyo pleaded staring at you, the constant beats of the monitor killing her every time.
"Jihyo?" Jihyo heard and looked back to see (FN) at the door, "oh sorry I-I didn't-"
"No," Jihyo wiped her eyes with her free hand, "i-it's fine, uh, his parents called you then?"
"Yeah, her mom called my mom." He came closer and saw your state, "...how is he?"
"He's fine, but in a coma. They don't when he'll wake up." Jihyo answered as (FN) walked around and stared at you from the other side.
"...I'm sorry Jihyo." He said as Jihyo looked at him.
"Thank you, but right now we should focus on (YN)." She said while Jihyo turned to you once more.
"...that's not why I'm sorry." He added as Jihyo returned her look, "I knew where (YN) was."
"..." Jihyo sat upright.
"It's also my fault he's like this."
Jihyo stood up from her chair.
"You knew?!" Jihyo had anger coursing through her as (FN) rose his hands.
"Yes, but you have to understand-"
"You knew and YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!" Jihyo went around the bed towards (FN) while he stepped back.
"Hold on! Let me ex-" But (FN) was cut off by Jihyo grabbing his shirt and pushing him against the wall. 
He didn't know if it was the adrenaline or just her because she was strong at the moment.
"Why the HELL would you lie about this!? ALL THIS COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED!" Jihyo spat in his face as (FN) raised his hands up to her arms.
"L-let me explain!" (FN) frantically spoke as Jihyo glared.
"Explain!" Was all she said as she slightly let go of the pressure on him as (FN) took a breath.
"It was after your talk with him," Jihyo's expression lessened.
"Mom I'm home." He said as he called out to his home, "mom?"
"Gone again." He muttered as he went towards the kitchen to grab an apple.
It was the peak of the school knowing you were gone and all day he was questioned on where you were or hearing their apologizes to him and that he'll be fine. 
Besides Jihyo, you were his best friend and everyone knew it.
He washed the apple and took a bite while heading downstairs to his room.
"Having fun?" He saw his bed and the person on top of it, holding his PSP.
"Decent." The person responded as (FN) shook his head.
"How long you're going to keep this up (YN)?" He asked as you placed his PSP down, "you can't stay here forever." He said as you sighed.
"It's just for a while." you responded as (FN) rolled his eyes. 
"A while? It's been three days. Everyone is getting worried. The cops are now involved...Jihyo's worried too."
You scoffed.
"I'm sure she is."
Yeah, you were still hurting.
You told (FN) about it and he knew about your feelings for Jihyo.
Strong feelings.
The number of times that they talked, how much you helped her and was teaching her the language. 
(FN) was happy for you. 
She made your days happy.
And when (FN) heard that Dan started dating her, you didn't take it very well. 
He didn't know Dan well as you did but when you explained to him about his heartbreak persona, (FN) didn't like it one bit either.
He didn't talk to you for a bit after that day and the day before you 'left', here he was in his room.
You told him everything that occured as he left, mainly what Jihyo told you.
He could tell you were heartbroken and (FN) felt for you and suggessted that you stay here for a while to sort out your issues.
His dad was away on a bussiness trip while his mom worked all day to sleep at home only as a nurse.
He didn't mind not seeing them for a bit though.
Though he didn't think it was this long of a say.
"Well, quite a few things happen," he said coming closer to you, "the big one is that Dan was expelled."
"Yeah, guess Leon ratted him and his friends about what they did to you and now they are gone, oh and Jihyo had a pretty big reaction to hearing that he punched you."
"(YN), she broke up with Dan yesterday." 
You sat upright.
"She talked to me today about everything. She caught him cheating yesterday and this morning she lashed out at Leon after he told her and the principal. She was sulking all day dude. She knows you were right and I hated that I had to lie. Why prolong this?"
Your eyes looked away.
"...it doesn't change what she said."
(FN) ruffled his own hair.
"I know that must have hurt, but your parents have to know that you're okay at least. Dude it's a search for you."
"Dude, just go see them or her, she just sits there. No smile. Barely talks, nothing. She's a hulk (YN), he also has her phone on her desk or hand today. Jihyo's waiting for you, talk to her now." I said as you looked away, "she's been on her phone so that means she's been trying to get to you. I mean you must have read her messages or saw her calls."
"Get your phone man, look. I'm getting worried for all this. I'm giving you till tonight to go home (YN). I'm serious. This whole thing started with Jihyo, but now that she wants you, it's time to go back."
(FN) nodded.
"Just, give me an hour or so to collect my thoughts. I won't rat you out either."
"You better not and good for you man. I know it was tough on you to hear, but things are looking up." You nodded, "now then, let me use the bathroom and then we'll talk about what to say alright?" you nodded once more as (FN) went back to use his personal bathroom.
While he was gone, you went through your backpack and fished out your phone that you haven't been using since you left.
You didn't want to see the calls or texts of anyone and as turned your phone on and the home screen came up and saw the notifications of the numerous calls and messages popped up.
You went to the home screen and both the messages and call counts were 99+ as you went through and searched through the notifications of each one.
Most if not all messages and voice mails from your parents were if you were safe, where you were, or come home.
Parents, friends other than (FN) and Jihyo herself.
'She knows I'm right. She broke up with Dan.'
While that would have brought you happiness days ago, now it was an 'eh' moment.
What she said hurt you like a gunshot.
That she admitted to choosing another guy over you.
But now hearing about her being about you...obviously because of her being sorry.
Nothing else.
You scanned through Jihyo's messages through notifications, pretty much the same as your parents and went to voice mail, there were quite a few from her and listened to the most recent one of hers from this morning.
You brought it up to your ear.
I know you don't want to hear me or probably even see me. Not after what I've done to you. 
You were right. You were right this whole time. I caught him too. I should have listened to you, but I was so stupid and blinded by some stupid emotions and...that's no excuse I know, but I don't know what else I can say.
I know you hate me now and I don't blame you. Eerything we've done together and I threw it away, destroyed what we have that I need back.
You said you'd love me and I hurt you instead.
What I said to you, sorry isn't good enough, it was cruel of me to say so after you confessed and I can't make you forget hearing that. I can't even think about how painful it was and I know I can't apologize for it.
But if you are hearing this, please. I'm begging you to come back home. I need you. I need to see you. I need to hear you, be with you, talk with you, anything with you.
I want to make things up, no matter how long it'll take I want to make up for what I said.
Even if you just want to come and shout at me for my stupidity and being the ungrateful friend that I am. 
I don't care, I deserve every word if it means that you'll come back to me
(YN), please, I need you now more than ever
The rest of the voice mail was of her crying.
You sighed while putting the phone down and closing your eyes. 
Now she was hurting badly too.
"Damn it..."
You didn't hate her.
You hated what she said, but you didn't hate 'her'.
And hearing her in pain...now that was tough too.
She sounded like she meant it too.
You looked up at (FN) standing there.
"I see you have your phone."
You rose your phone up.
"I listened to Jihyo's voicemail. She was hurt."
"They all are. Let's talk about what to say and you can take my car okay?" You nodded as (FN) sat near you.
"I-I didn't want to make anyone worry..."
"I know you didn't, I know. You were hurt, that's all." (FN) nodded as you nodded in agreement, "it's only been a few days, it's take a bit but this will go away after alright?"
"...I'm sorry,"
"It's okay man," (FN) reached out and patted your shoulder, "don't worry, it'll be fine."
You nodded.
"I want to see her too." You said as (FN) smiled and nodded.
"You will soon enough."
"And that's what happened. I gave him my keys after and we were going to say he stayed at a motel because of what Dan said and spooked him. I know what I did was wrong, but I looking out for him. I-I didn't think this will happen..." (FN) finished explaining as Jihyo saw the pain in his eyes as tears started forming.
She was getting some of her own as she let him go and slowly walked back to her seat and held your hand again as she stared at your sleeping face.
(FN) didn't move, but stood where he was as he felt the emotions getting the best of him.
Jihyo wanted to smile.
You wanted to see her too.
But she couldn't.
A wave of remorse crashed onto her.
"...I'm sorry." She heard while shaking her head in response.
"You were looking out for him...like he was for me," Jihyo then grabbed your hand as she held it with both of hers, bringing it up to her lips as she kissed it.
(FN) saw tears forming as her mouth was obstructed by your hand.
"...he'll wake up soon. I know he will." (FN) said as Jihyo didn't answer anymore, lost in her world of darkness as her tears came down.
Both stayed quiet after as the beeps from the machines and the silent sobs of Jihyo echoed in the room.
Two weeks later
Jihyo kept her promise and came to visit everyday. 
Some days varied, one was for half an hour and another was a couple of hours. 
She didn't catch your parents, but she noticed their names on the check-in the list at different times as her.
Every day she would do something different.
She would read a book to you, sat quietly in her seat, put a video on her phone and pretend that both were watching together or just tell you of what's been going on lately.
All the while holding your hand in the process.
Like the doctor said, mentally and physically, anything helps.
It's been exactly two weeks since then and Jihyo came through the hospital doors again. 
She got her guest badge and walked down the corridor as usual, but this time, someone was there in front of the window.
Someone that had her blood boil.
"What the hell are you doing here!?" She barked as Leon looked over at her.
"I came to apologize to him and you so I waited for you to arrive. I heard about what happened. I also came to apologize for what Dan d-"
"I don't want to hear his fucking name." Jihyo spat while coming closer as Leon assumed as much.
"Sorry. It's been two weeks, but I just couldn't find the courage to come down here and see him like this. I just want to apologize and that's it. I'll leave."
Jihyo didn't want Leon to get anywhere near you, but if it's just an apology...
"Fine," Jihyo shrugged.
"Thank you." He said and both went inside the room as Leon came closer and his pace shortened while Jihyo went forward to her spot.
"Damn..." He whispered while seeing the bandages and cast as you laid with the beeps echoed the room once more.
Leon procedded forward and stood on the other side of the bed as Jihyo kept her eyes glued to him.
"Uhm, hey (YN), I wanted to apologize to you. I...I was a coward. I let what...happened to you happened and...it was wrong of me. It's been eating me up since and I sincerely hope that you'll forgive me. I'm also sorry about, this. I should have stopped him there too, but I couldn't." Leon added as it was caught by Jihyo. "And I know it may not be much, but...when you wake up, I hope that we can start over and hang out sometime. Thank you." Leon finished up as he took a breath in.
"And I'm sorry Jihyo. I owe an apology to you as well." Leon said looking at her.
"What did you mean by 'stopped him there too'...what else did you do to him!?" 
Leon sighed.
"I guess you didn't-...I don't want to make things worse then it-"
"Tell me." Jihyo said as Leon gulped.
"Dan...he crashed into (YN)."
Jihyo's eyes widened, then she balled her fist in anger as she stood up again.
All she felt was fury now.
"He, he did this..." Jihyo spoke in a malice tone and gritted teeth.
"N-not on purpose, h-he was drunk." Leon noticed Jihyo's anger and quickly explained himself.
"That piece of shit did this to (YN)!? I'm calling the cops!" Jihyo said furious while pulling her phone-
"He's already in jail!" Leon spoke up as Jihyo looked at him, "Seven years and is being sued by his parents. I-I thought you already knew."
Jihyo eyes glared.
"After we got expelled, he didn't take it well, neither did his parents. They got in this big fight and he stayed in my place." Leon said. "Mason would come over as well and the two of us would talk to him or something. He wasn't...right. And before the crash, I came home after my shift and I saw he had a few drinks around him and he talked about his parents and about his redemption to them or something. I tried to stop him from drinking anymore, but he gets angry easily. So I let him be, and when I took a nap and woke up, he was gone with my truck."
Jihyo absolutely hated Dan and he deserved to be punished.
Even more if she can help it.
"That's why I came here to apologize. I could have stopped him, but-I'm such a fucking coward...I-I'm sorry..." He hung his head as Jihyo was trying to maintain herself.
"Get out."
"Get. OUT!" She pointed at the door, "I don't want you or HIM close to us again!"
"I'm calling security!" 
"Okay, okay, I'm leaving." He rose his hands and started to walk slowly while looking at you and then he paced out the room, apologizing quickly once more before leaving.
Jihyo turned around as she just sat back down and took all this in.
She dated that monster...
She hated herself for being near that piece of shit.
And she hated that everything was pointed at her.
if she had listened to you...her (YN)...
None of this would have happened...
She stared at your face as tears started to drop at a rapid pace from her eyes, remembering memories of what you have done to calm her down on some occasions.
She weakly smiled at those images.
She brought her hands to you again as she brought it close to her mouth and she kissed it once more.
"(YN)...I-I-s-sorry...I'm so-" 
She couldn't say anything as sobs just started to take her.
One week later
It's been three weeks then and things were the same.
Jihyo's been doing so so and she still visits you daily as well.
(FN) hangs out with her as well, just not as much as she would stay. 
He would be only for about 20 minutes and then leave her with you.
Currently she was in her room, getting ready to go to your house...but she was also getting ready to tell her parents about the whole real situation.
She's been thinking about this.
And she's been thinking about you.
She has all these feelings and thoughts and emotions towards you.
However, she also had guilt and shame. 
She needed some help and no one was better than her parents.
She and (FN) kept what happened a secret, but she thinks that someone else needs to know as well.
Eventually, the truth will come out when you wake up so she would rather say it herself rather than you telling everything.
But for now, it was your time as she came down the corridor once more with a depressed face and entered the room...but was met with you sitting up and looking at the TV in the corner of the room.
She gasped loudly as you turned towards the door.
"(Y-(Y-(YN)..." Tears were swelling in her eyes as Jihyo stood still.
Jihyo's legs went mach-speed as she pounced on you and hugged you like no tomorrow.
"Oh god! Y-you're awake! Y-you're awake!" She was crying on the top of your head as she held you tight, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry (YN)!"
You just sat there taking it and after a couple of minutes, she pulled away, but her face was inches away from yours, her rivers of tears and a smile on her face.
"H-how are you?"
She gave a shaky exhale and nodded.
"That's...oh god that's great. (YN) I'm so sorry. I-I really am. All this was my fault and I regret everything I said to you. If you'll allow me, I will do whatever it takes to get your forgiveness. Anything and everything. You're special to me."
You just sat there in silence looking at her.
You opened your mouth to say something but then closed it.
Your expression then turned into a questionable expression.
"I'm sorry, but...who are you?"
And that's that.
So what will happen next...find out in Part 3.
Thanks for taking a pause in your life to reading this.
Vote/Comment if you want. And thanks again.
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voxmortuus · 1 year
Hello! Can I please request a Hannibal lecter and a male reader? If you write for male readers!
Possibly if your comfortable can you make it so that the reader says their safeword? How would Hannibal react? I’m just very curious!
Hello Anon Requester. Due to the nature of your request being unclear as to what you are requesting other than the usage of a safeword. I assumed that you are requesting smut-based fanfiction with a male reader. That is what I have provided below.
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►PAIRING: Hannibal X M!Reader
►UNIVERSE: Hannibal
►WORDS: 905
►TRIGGER WARNINGS: Sexual Themes | BDSM Themes | Blindfolding | Flogging | Arm Suspension | Wrists Tied | Use of Riding Crop | Pain Threshold Met | Use of Safeword | Dominant Hannibal | Hints of Aftercare | Mention of Bruising & Welts | I may be missing some, but you get a general idea, so please proceed with caution if there is anything in there that is overly triggering please let me know politely and I will make sure it is added to the list.
►NOTE: Sorry if this isn't what you expected, or had envisioned yourself, I apologize. But I hope you enjoyed my vision.
►My Master Masterlist | Hannibal Masterlist
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Hannibal made everything quite clear, laying it all out there. He left no stone unturned. He showed you what he was going to use, he showed you where all of this was going to happen. You were ready, you wanted to push your limits, and you wanted to push past your last session. Now unlike the others who see Hannibal, your sessions were shall we say rather unconventional.
Hannibal knew what made you tick, he knew how to excite you without touch, but with his words. His words are what made you squirm, is what made you hard with this intense want. They excited you. This was one of many things you adored about this man. His suave nature, his impeccable vocabulary, and how his words brought almost insufferable attention to your cock.
Licking your lips you let out a soft breath, your hands tied above your head to the point where you are on your toes, blindfolded, breathing heavily, and clothes folded on the chair in the room. You pay attention to everything around you that makes a sound. The sound of his dress shoes on the marble floor. The fabric of his shirt as he rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt. Each and every little sound. The sound of his lips parting as he starts to speak.
"Do you remember your safeword?"
You nod
"No, we must use our words. I will ask again. Do you remember your safeword?"
"Very good. Are you ready?"
"Yes, I'm ready."
Letting out a shaky breath you bite your lip, feeling the facial hair hit your upper lip, you close your eyes, though blindfolded, you felt this need to do so. Feeling your cock twitch in anticipation you draw in a breath, and like lightning, you feel the sting across your ass, multiple little strands of black leather struck your flesh. You appreciated that he started with the flogger, it was a good way to work up to the crop.
Feeling your rear tighten a bit he lets out a soft breath. "Loosen up, don't tense, you tense, it will only hurt more, Y/N."
Taking a moment he allows you to relax, and get your bearings. After a few brief moments, you feel the sting of the leather strands again. You let out a soft whimper, and you feel that tightness in your cock again. Another whack, and another, and another. The stinging welts beginning to take form.
Hannibal gives you a few moments. He changes direction and starts on the other cheek. His breathing, you focus on his breathing, as you feel that twitch in your cock, that drip of pre-carnal excitement. You let out a soft moan as he takes the flogger to your ass again, and again, and again.
"Do you want to take a break?" he asks you.
"No thank you. Please, keep going. I'm ready for more." you tell him.
Though maybe you were a little overzealous. Maybe biting off more than you can choose. You relax, feeling the slight burning sensation starting to settle in, you wait for that whack against your flesh. It was nothing but a moment when you felt the starting of a light whack against your flesh.
This isn't so bad. You thought. I can handle this. Little did you know, this wasn't full force.
With each passing whack, he got harder, and harder. One cheek to another, large welts starting to bruise. You begin to cry out, in both pain and pleasure. Your cock dripping in the excitement of the pain, wanting attention, but thankful for the pleasures you've been given so far.
With another whack and another, you let out a heavy moan and your jaw clenches. But this next whack. There it was, it had begun to hurt. You didn't want him to stop, you wanted to push your limits but you were getting a little too close to your limits. That pain starts to settle in, and you cry out again.
"Mango!" You call out.
He went to start another whack, but he stopped, tilting his head he looked over his work, it was beautiful, bright deep red, with a hint of bruising starting to form. He walked around after placing the crop on the wall where he had originally got it from.
Walking over to you, he looks you over, watching you, hanging there, dripping, erect from the pain and pleasure, your breathing heavy, staggered. He removes the blindfold and looks over you.
Blinking a few times you look over his face. "Thank you." you state softly.
"You're welcome. Maybe next time we can try something else. You did very well. How about you take a hot shower, I've got soft pajamas you can borrow, and how about I make us something for dinner? Then after, I will have someone take you home, and we try again next time?" He suggested as he untied your hands and helped you to the door, after grabbing your clothes.
Nodding your head you smile. "I would like that very much. Thank you." you lean into him as he helps you out and up toward the bathroom. You appreciated this man, now more so than before. Maybe this was going to be a new leap into something different with Hannibal. It was all a matter of time, place, and how. You looked forward to it, each unconventional session, and each little moment.
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butterphii · 3 days
Just Us
Go Along (Part 4)
TW: Fake relationship, friends to lovers, mostly fluff, sexual tension, Jake jorkin' it, Jake letting you watch him jorkin' it, reader jorkin' it for him, pet names, a little bit of ignoring, cussing, cum eating, probably some I forgot..
Note: Last time, thank you to @anyalikeslasagna for helping me so much with this series and for being my like..best friend the past month or so. Wouldn't even be writing this without you, lol. Love ya!! Enjoy, lovelies! ♡♡
-------------------Jake Peralta------------------
You woke up to the sound of your bedroom door opening. You opened one eye to check the time: 2:35 A.M. What the fuck? You thought, closing your eyes again and pretending to sleep.
Jake groaned as quietly as he could when he saw you still asleep. "Baby, wake up." He whispered from your doorway. You chose not to act like you were waking up and continue the act. You heard him sigh and step closer to you.
He picked you up carefully and slowly, moving you closer to the wall. You tried to keep a straight face when he stepped into bed behind you, curling his arms up around you. You could feel him getting harder with each breath.
"I'm sorry about last night, baby. I was being rude. I really do like you, like, a lot. I just don't want to ruin what we have, ok? I know you're asleep and can't hear me right now, but, I think I love you. You're the woman of my dreams, basically." He cleared his throat, pushing his hips into yours, his aching bulge pressing against your cheek.
You opened your eyes, pretending like you didn't hear him just confess his love for you. "Jake, what are you doing?.." You said, voice groggy even though you've been awake. "Nothing, baby. Go back to sleep. You just looked cold." He lied.
"Well I'm not. You can go if you'd like." You replied, acting like you're still angry about the night before. "Be quiet." He growled into the side of your neck, where he pressed a kiss before pushing one of his legs between yours.
Your cheeks got hot and your eyes widened. "Jake, I-" You stuttered. "Quiet, baby. Go back to bed." He whispered against the back of your ear, feeling you shiver underneath him. "O-ok.." You whispered back, trying to suppress the feeling of your core pounding with anticipation and need.
The next morning when you woke up, you still found your body tangled with Jake's, but he was already awake. His breathing was heavy and shaky. "Good morning, Jake.." You grumbled. "Oh- Fuck, shit, shit, shit.." You heard him groan back, his voice a mix with a whimper.
"You ok?.." You asked, worried. "M-mhmph.." He tried to keep his voice at a low pitch. You turned your head and looked down to see what he was doing. You couldn't quite see it, so you turned your body, legs still wrapped around Jake.
"Oh my god." You gasped when you noticed what he was doing. He was jerking off, literally on you, because of you. "I- Fuck, I'm sorry-" He tried to grumble out, but you could tell he was reaching his breaking point.
You reached your hand down, letting your fingers rest between the bumps of his knuckles. "Can I?.." You asked softly. He nodded eagerly. His fist moved out of the way, and you could finally get a view of his size. It was a lot bigger than anything you'd seen before, but you expected it from him when you felt him get hard on you multiple times before.
Your hand moved up and down the veiny rod. You bit your bottom lip when's Jake's head leaned back, his Adam's Apple bobbing when you made him groan by using your other hand to massage his balls.
"I'm gonna cum, shit, shit-" He tried to warn you before his length spat out milky ropes of spend. You gasped when a few littered your hand, some still leaking out of the tip when you tilted Jake's head back to you and made him watch as you stuffed your fingers into your mouth, moaning when the sweet taste surrounded your tongue.
Jake leaned forward, his lips meeting yours in a glazed kiss. His tongue grazed your bottom lip, begging to be let inside, as if he had been waiting and waiting to do this forever.
Your tongues clung together, dancing in a spicy tango of sweet, heady cum and warm saliva, the two mixing together to create a perfect blend of both of your bottomless sexual desire for each other. "I've been waiting for this a long time, Jake.." You panted out between kisses. "Me too, baby, me fuckin' too." He pulled your hips to his, grinning when you moaned into his mouth when his hard dick slipped between your legs, sliding across the wet spot in your silk panties.
You smiled, one hand on his jaw and the other the back of his head, when his alarm blared. "Fuck, I have work today." Jake groaned angrily. You panted when he stepped up from the bed, tucking himself back into his boxers, slipping on his pants and picking up his shirt before pressing a warm kiss to your forehead as a 'goodbye'.
"Love you." You smiled before he walked out of your room. "Love you, too." A hearty chuckle escaped his lips as he walked down your hallway, front door clicking when he left. This time, you knew it'd be different. You knew he liked you back and you knew he'd come back. All you had to do was wait.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
Reading the list of fluff prompts I was struck by a deep desire for “I’m so proud of you, you know that?” from Lois to Kon.
Kon drifts.
Everything is vague, hazy, and distant, lost in a fog; exhaustion weighs at his limbs, although his perception of them is tenuous at best. He'd be content to keep his eyes closed, to fall back down into sleep, if not for this niggling feeling in the back of his mind that he needs to... he needs to... there's someone, there's someone he needs to protect...
Weary, confused, too tired to think, he turns that need over and over in his mind a few times. Pokes and prods it from different angles through the fog. Who is he protecting? From what? And why is his body so, so heavy?
God, he's so tired... Surely he can protect them better after he just... sleeps a little more. Yes. He can let himself drift back into—
And then it hits him. Metallo. Jon. Kryptonite. The explosion.
Adrenaline spikes through his chest, an echo of the metal rod that speared through his ribs a lifetime ago. It takes every ounce of his desperate strength to open his eyes.
The haziness slowly settles into the vague but recognizable outlines of the medbay at the Fortress of Solitude. He's lying on a cot, bathed in sunlight; his head hurts like Bart's in there taking out fifteen espressos on a drumset. In a chair to his right, a tablet computer in hand, is...
Lois looks up immediately at the sound of his voice, her sharp eyes softening when she meets his gaze. "Hey, squirt," she says, leaning forward. Her hand is warm against his clammy skin as she strokes his hair back from his forehead. "How're you feeling?"
Kon shakes his head a little, and instantly regrets it as the pain in his temples reverberates back and forth tenfold. "Wh... where's Jon?"
"Don't worry. He's fine, thanks to you. Barely a scratch on him." Lois smiles, but it's wan and slight. She looks tired. "He's with Clark right now. I'm not supposed to tell you, but he wanted to make you cupcakes so you feel better faster."
Fine. Relief floods through Kon's whole body; it's a double-edged sword, though, because as the adrenaline and panic fade, every bit of pain from his... everything... hurts way more. Ow.
God. Kryptonite and then a big-ass building getting exploded and falling on him would do that, but still. Ow. Owie. Ouch. Kon is not a fan of buildings falling on him. Has he ever mentioned that? He's seriously not a fan.
Still. Better him than Jon. That kid is barely fourteen. He doesn't need to be dealing with all this. Thank goodness he's okay.
"He's a good kid," Kon rasps. His throat is dry. Ugh. His head hurts. His back hurts. His legs hurt. Hell, his toes hurt. This sucks. "Ngh..."
Lois smooths his hair back from his forehead again. That's a welcome distraction from the pain, and at least the sunlight feels nice. She's probably here because Clark kicked her out of the kitchen, Kon thinks, and almost smiles at the thought. Still, it's nice not to wake up alone.
"Do you want some water?" Lois asks. She leans over and picks up a bottle from the bedside table that Kon didn't notice until now. "Here." She twists off the cap, scoots forward, and slips a hand beneath his head to help him lift it; her other hand gently tips the mouth of the bottle to his lips. "Sip slowly so you don't make yourself sick."
Obediently, Kon sips slowly. The water is cool and refreshing against his dry tongue and throat, and with Lois's help he drinks around half the bottle before he's had his fill.
A drop lingers on his lips, runs down his chin. Lois sets the bottle aside, plucks a tissue from the box on the table, and wipes it away.
Kon stares at her. She's so... she's being so gentle with him right now. His weary, confused heart skips a beat in his chest.
He takes a shaky breath as she helps him lie back against the pillows. "Lois... 'm sorry," he breathes, closing his eyes against the pain radiating from his skull. Kryptonite always triggers his stupid TTK overuse migraines. Sucks. "For... not getting Jon outta danger."
"What?" Lois sounds incredulous. "You—oh, you Kent boys will be the goddamn death of me, I swear, always taking the world on your shoulders for everyone—" She cuts herself off with a huff. "Conner, you have nothing to apologize for, least of all to me. I'm not—I'm so proud of you, you know that?"
Now it's Kon's turn to be baffled. What?
It's befuddling enough that he opens his eyes to blink at her. Does he have a concussion? What's going on? What did he possibly do to make Lois proud? Like, don't get him wrong, he's thrilled to hear it, but...
Lois pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs. "Alright, squirt, listen to me. You did an amazing job keeping everyone safe from Metallo today. Everyone except yourself, at least. I... lord, don't give me those eyes, now. Yours are even worse than Clark's."
What eyes? Kon blinks again, still bewildered. He's just looking at her normally? And he just did what he was made to do, so why is she proud...? What is going on?
"Huh?" he manages, eloquent as ever.
Lois heaves another deep sigh and rakes a hand through her hair. Another lock falls out of her already-disheveled bun. "Look. We can talk about all this later. You need to rest up so you heal now, alright?"
That does sound good. Kon is very tired. And everything hurts. Has he mentioned that his everything hurts? Because his everything hurts. "Mmkay."
Lois smiles down at him. Then she stands up from her chair, leans down, and—Kon's breath catches in his throat—presses a warm kiss to his forehead.
"Get some sleep, squirt," she tells him, fondness clear in her voice. "I'll be here when you wake up. And so will your cupcakes."
"Yeah," Kon agrees, his chest tight. He closes his eyes before she can catch a glimpse of any tears that definitely, one hundred percent, are not forming. "Sweet."
As he falls back asleep, he's still smiling.
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thebestestofbees · 1 year
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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You left your room. The puppets did not follow, which made you a little relieved. You sat down on your couch as you gave yourself a break to process what was happening.
Once you got your Barrens, you went to go get yourself a drink from the fridge. Only for the refrigerator door to open when you approached. You paused, your eyebrows furrowed.
Hesitantly, you grabbed your favorite drink from the fridge and you quickly pulled away as the door to the fridge closed.
Suddenly the light flickered in a pattern. It seemed to be in Morse code.
Are you fucking for real!?
Before you get too pissed off, you carefully put down your drink and walked back to your room, inhaling before speaking. "Which one of you are possessing my house?" You asked, keeping your voice calm as you pointed to the flickering lights outside your room.
"Home?" The shortest, Wally asked, peering into the rest of your house. The flickers turned into less of a pattern and Wally 'laughed', (can you really call it laughing though?) And turned to you.
"Don't worry, It's just Home." He said, looking up at you with half lidded eyes. Your hand held the doorknob tightly. He's fucking serious about this. "Okay." You said, straining your voice to be calm. "What are you all doing here?" You looked at the array of colorful puppets.
Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, Julie was the first to talk. "We were all helping Wally get out of that thing and we all got sucked in! And we saw you we've been seeing you for a while on the box thing!" Julie pointed to the flat screen TV as as she rambled, Eddie pressed his hand on the screen part, that still displayed static. "And it seems like we won't be leaving any time soon." Eddie chimed in as he sighed.
You bit the inside of your cheek. Don't get angry. They are all here against their will. "Okay. Okay." You said, your voice finally stabilizing as you put your hands in the air in a slight surrender position.
"You guys can stay here until the portal opens up again." The moment you said that, Julie squealed and ran up to you, hugging your middle tightly. "Thank you!" Julie squealed as you put your hand on her head, your face scrunching up at the sudden contact. "It's no prob." You said as Julie let go, hopping around the room as Frank tried to stop her.
Everyone wore smiles and Sally walked up to you. "I almost thought you wouldn't take us in. But who am I kidding! We've been watching you to know you could never. Thank you." Sally shook your hand firmly as If you were making a deal of some kind. "Uh huh... no problem." You blinked as the tall ones came up next.
"Thank for this squirt, that's really nice of you, I'll make sure to give you a 100% discount once we get back home." Howdy said as Poppy gave you a shaky smile. "Hey listen it's really no issue." You said as Barnaby ruffled your hair, chuckling.
"Hey, you've did a lot more than you think, I'm just glad you didn't close your doors on us, Oh wait." Barnaby chuckled and Howdy laughed. "That was a good one!" Howdy laughed. "I'm just gettin started so don't close your curtains just yet!" Barnaby joked and you sighed.
"Look I have things to do, you can wander around if you want, I have to sleep." You say. "I have a guest room with a bed, a mattress and a couch, the covers are there." You counted on your hands how much space that would take.
So two could go in the bed, two on the mattress and two on the couch that means six have somewhere to sleep. You walked to where your sheets, pillow cases, and covers and pulled out your sleeping bag when you were younger. Now that's seven. You looked back at the puppets. There were eight. Shit.
"Okay so, two of you can take the couch, I can get that ready for you, the guest room is already set for another two of you and I got a spare mattress I'll have to put on the floor, I also got a sleeping bag one of you could use, but someone is gonna have to sleep with me, who's ready to make that sacrifice?" You asked looking around until someone raises their hand.
I'm giving you a week to decide, so in the mean time I can answer asks!
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lazyollie · 3 months
Lloyd x Captured reader// Part 3
Oh my God guys! Thank you so much for all the likes I got on both of story parts. I'm glad some of you like it<3
Warnings: cringe, bad grammar, typos, experiments on people, blood, injections
The next day Lloyd visited M/n once again. He knocked on her door and eventually she opened it. She already knew why Lloyd is here and tried to close the door. He could step between the door and the door jamb stopping it from closing. "I feel like you haven't told me everything, yesterday" Lloyd said with a series look. M/n gulped before stepping away from the door let it be opened.
Lloyd didn't wait and got inside. He followed M/n through the cozy livingroom into the kitchen. She haven't said a word as she set down. Her expression was hard to read. Maybe mixed of regret and anger, she also seemed kinda bothered. Lloyd also set down in front of her waiting for her to open up.
"I'm sorry for my actions yesterday..." She started, fidgting with her fingers anxiously. "I couldn't control myself.." she admited it looking up at Lloyd.
"Tell me..." He asked his voice soft and comforting. This made M/n to calm down a bit, letting out a shaky breath. "I wasn't fully honest with you...About her father.." She wiped a tear away placing a framed picture on the table. Lloyd took it into his hands. "(Father name) F/n, her father had an elemental power. The Telekinesis. He didn't wanted this power and kept it as a secret from everyone. He only told me when I got pregnant with Y/n. That's when Saburo started making illegal experience and kidnapped people who might have this elemental powers." She said holding back her tears. Lloyd eyes widened in shock. You have an elemental power? It's got him speechless and let M/n to continue.
"I kept his secret but somehow Saburo found out about F/n's power and kidnapped him when Y/n was only 4 years old. I got really scared, because I knew about how she might have got his power.." she chocked on her tears. "I lied about his father's death and didn't told about his power too...Later the polices found his labour but they didn't found F/n" She admited she cupped her face into his hands, crying. Lloyd grabbed her hand gently pulling it away from her face carefully.
"What is he planning on doing?" He asked softly with an emphatic look. She looked up into his eyes wiping away some of her tears. "Saburo is searching for a perfect experiment and use their elemental power to make the most powerful one to take over Ninjago City.., that's why the polices found so many DNS.." He let go of her hand started to think. After a while he spoke up: "Any idea where his labour at?" He asked standing up from the table. "I'm sorry, I don't know.." she said. "It's fine miss. Thank you for being honest with me. I will find Y/n, don't worry." Lloyd smiled then he felt M/n close to his body. She hugged him, burring her head into his shoulder. "Thank you so much.." she mumbled.
You woke up again coughing up. You had blacked out after the power rush. You weakly lifted your head realising you were still in the same room. Another cough and blood flew from your mouth to your lap. Your body was weak as the power rush exhausted all your limbs.
"Don't worry, Thes are just the side effects.." Saburo walked into the room, closing the door behind him. "Coughing blood, dizzines, weakness, exhaustion" he listed it stepping in front of you. Your body was shaking as you looked up at him with all you strenght. "What do you want from me?" You asked finally what made Saburo smile darkly. "I want your power. I want to use it against Ninjago city. They haven't seen my talents. They think the experimentations are too dangerous, kicking me out of my post. How many good thing I could have use it to upgrade this city..." He spoke loudly with anger in his voice. You were just a piece of puzzle for his revenge. An object. An experiment. "Have you ever thought about that they might be right?!" You scoffed what you've regretted the moment you saw his reaction.
"Well..I should start then.." Saboro said walking over the familiar counter and took another injection. It was the same what he used yesterday. If it was yesterday? You have lost the sense of time. You had no idea how long have you been here.
"You don't have to do this.. Revenge is not the right answer for it" you tried to get him stop but he didn't. It gave him more adrenalin to do it. He walked closer to you with the injection. It was the power rush again. "Please don't do this.." you begged looking in his eyes with a slight panic. He laughed at you as he injected the glowy purple liquid into you. The same pain filled your body as you start screaming in pain. Once again the objects and furnitures were flying around the room.
'I should control it. There's no way I could handle this. I don't even know how to do that.'
Saburo walked to you again, pushing the flying objects away from his way. He took your blood with a satisfied smile. You tried to control your power again but nothing has happened. You were completely helpless. Saburo walked out, leaving you all alone.
You were left alone, crying, shaking, panting, sick.
Lloyd went into his room with teary eyes after a failing search for you. He has no idea where are you. He started to lose hope that you might be alive.
He laid in his bed hugging a pillow to his chest. He miss you so much. He just wants into his arms safe. He misses your hugs, cuddles, kisses and everything about you. How you could always cheer him up, how you smiled at him and how kind you were to everyone. He didn't realised he started crying, his tears dropping onto the pillow. He's worried for you as hell. He can't stop imagining how you might suffer from the experimentation. How Saburo might treat you. It makes his heart ache, but he can't stop searching. He needs you and also your mom.
Then a knock on his door snapped him out of his thoughts. He wiped away his tears as quick as he could. He made out of his bed, opening the door to see Cole in front of him. "I think we found something.." Cole said noticing Lloyd's experssion. He already know without him to tell him, but said nothing. "Alright, give me 1 minute" he smiled weakly. When the door closed Lloyd took a deep breath. His hand grabbed his gi in front of his heart what was racing.
'I hope this will be the final clue where are you' he wished as he took another deep breath, calming his self down.
The ninjas were watching a big map on the computer when Lloyd walked in. He stepped closer to Nya who started inform him. "There were multiply signals of strong energy under Ninjago City. I don't know what are they but It's the second time on the same spot. They last around 10 minutes.." Nya said, showing him on the map where exactly they were. Lloyd started to wonder.. "When was the last time when these signals were active? He thinks it has to do something with you. M/n said that Saburo is planning on making a more powerful elemental power of people's power. Saburo has to activate Y/n's power since she doesn't know how to use it. Without it he couldn't do anything. "Around 20 minutes." Nya answered looking confused at Lloyd. 'Oh God, Y/n might be alive..' he thought.
"Pack your stuff, we are checking it" Lloyd ordered not looking away from the screen. The ninjas ran out of the hangar for their weapons ans other equipments.
"You better be alive, Y/n..I don't know what to do without you.."
I promise that the next chapter is the last one. Unless you want more, but before you would express your opinion about it, wait for the next chapter. Thank you for reading it!<33
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dawnthefox24 · 3 months
*Rumiko is reading a book a bit lying against Sojiro as he plays with her hair a bit before setting her book down as Hanzo panics a bit running over to them* Young Hanzo: MOTHER! FATHER! Rumiko:*gets up and hold Hanzo worriedly* Hanzo what's wrong? Are you hurt?! Sojiro: *is very concerned * Where's your brother!? Young Hanzo:*looks down as he cries a bit* I don't know what to do... Rumiko:*dries his tears * deep breaths Hanzo...What happened? Young Hanzo:*takes in a few shaky breaths * Sojiro: Hanzo...where's Genji? Young Hanzo:..I...Genji was playing hide and seek with me and... Rumiko: It's okay go on... Young Hanzo: He got hurt...he scrapped his knee a-and I don't know what to do! I can't move him because he's in pain! Rumiko: *sighs softly but smiles* Okay, Sojiro get the first A.I.D kit. Sojiro:*smiles and nods before leaving to get the kit* Yes my love. Rumiko: Hanzo show me where Genji is ok. Young Hanzo:*takes her hand nodding* O-okay... *Hanzo takes Rumiko hand and walks off with her looking down feeling a bit usless that he couldn't do anything and shows that Genji stayed in the same spot crying holding his knee* Young Genji:*looks at Rumiko crying heavily * M-MO-Mother i-it hurts! Rumiko:*walks over to Genji and see that his knee is badly scrapped and is bleeding before gently picking him up as she headed back to the palace*Come along little bird, your brother did the right thing by getting me and your father is coming with the first A.I.D kit okay. Young Genji:*holding onto her just crying but nods* O-Okay... Young Hanzo:*looks down and fallows them* Mother... Rumiko: Hanzo I'm very proud of you, you're such a good big brother. Never forget that okay. Young Hanzo:*looks at her and smiles softly* Thank you... *Once inside Sojiro arrived with the first A.I.D kit as he set it down and looked at Genji's knee* Rumiko:*opens the kit and takes out a few bandaids, cotton swabs and the pain relief spray and as she tended to his wound a bit before placing a bandaid on and kisses his knee* Better now? Young Genji:*nods a bit wiping away his eyes* Y-Yes mother.. Sojiro:*smiles softly but sighs* Now next time, make sure there aren't any rocks nearby when you boys play okay Young Hanzo & Genji:*both nodding* Yes Father Rumiko:*smiles happily* You both did an amazing job okay, now I think this deserves some cake okay. Young Hanzo & Genji: *smiling happily* Thank you mother!
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