#but that's okay because it's more a prompt to make ya'll feel things
blackashbluephoenix · 10 months
Had this idea but it doesn't fit into either of my WIPs so I'm giving it to the community.
Harvey and Mike are driving. They're bantering lightly, Mike had a case file in his lap. There's light music on in the background. Mike feels safe in the front seat- he always does when Harvey's driving. Anyone else, he fidgits nervously, squirms. The longer the ride, the worse it gets. But Harvey has both hands on the wheel, hovers a mile or two under the speed limit. He focuses on the road. Mike knows he'd never let anything happen to him.
They drive up past an accident with all the stops- flashing lights, police sirens, an ambulance. The car is on fire, there are bodies being pulled from the wreck.
Before they can get close enough to see any details though, Harvey reaches over and turns Mike's face to him. They've slowed to a crawl now because of traffic passing the accident, there's no danger in taking one hand off the wheel.
"Look at me, sweetheart." He orders softly. "Just keep looking at me."
Harvey doesn't try to restart the banter. He doesn't try to smile or pretend it's not bad. But he can put on a poker face for Mike's sake. He can look stoic, in control. He can breathe normally. He can use the word sweetheart, a word he normally only whispers to him in moments when they are alone and at their most intimate.
"Just look at me, sweetheart."
Because one real glimpse of that accident and that image will be burned permanently into Mike's beautiful mind. Having a memory like his is both a blessing and a curse, as Harvey has come to find out. And right now, if he lets Mike look at that, if he allows that image into Mike's mind... It will torment him. It will creep into thoughts when they're at work, at home. It will etch itself into his nightmares, add itself to what Mike imagines his parents' last moments were like. He won't be able to comfortably get into a car for weeks, will worry when Harvey steps foot in one, even if they're both in the backseat and Ray is the one driving.
"Just keep looking at me. Don't think about anything else."
He pulls the car into a lane away from the accident as soon as he can, creating some distance and removing some of the morbid temptation to look as he does so. Mike's not the eager to please puppy he once was, but he obeys this particular order even after Harvey drops his hand. He nods, ducks his head slightly. He can't quite look at Harvey's eyes, but he can still focus on the rest of him. As long as he's looking at Harvey, his mind is protected from whatever else he might see right now.
They're both quiet when the traffic lets up. Harvey puts both hands back on the wheel. Drops his speed limit down to five miles below, moves to the slow lane. Tries to ignore the way Mike is white knuckling the armrest or the way he wants to take his hand. Touch would help right now, certainly, but not if it compromises his driving abilities.
They pull into a gas station about an hour from the city. Harvey wouldn't have stopped- he wants to take Mike straight home- but the gas light is on. When he puts the car in park, Mike takes a long deep breath as though he's been holding onto it for far too long.
"We'll be home soon." Harvey says softly. He reaches over, brushes his fingers over the back of Mike's neck. Relishes in the way Mike instantly leans into him, even if the angle is awkward because of the console between them.
"Thank you." Mike says quietly. He seems a little better now. Okay until Harvey can get him home at least. He can spoil him when they're there- Order a pizza with stuffed crust, crack open one of those cheap beers Mike likes for some reason. Maybe tuck him into one of Harvey's hoodies before he pulls Mike down onto to his chest and they settle in on the couch with a wide selection of movies. He'll hold him a little bit tighter and speak just a little softer. Maybe it will be enough to keep the nightmares away.
For now he just kisses Mike's hand, then his temple before he gets out to pump gas. Smiles in relief when Mike eventually gets out and wanders into the gas station, returning with a highly disproportionate amount of junk food to the time they have left on this trip.
He'll be okay. Harvey will make sure of it.
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starkiller419 · 1 year
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pairing : hayden christensen crica 1999 x f!reader | wc : 7k | 18+MINORS DNI
summary : you and hayden are co-stars in a new 90's teen movie.
warnings : idk just a bit smutty. actually quite smutty. if ur sensitive to swearing there's a couple swears in here.
a/n : this is my first time publishing smut so lmk what ya'll think. this is also a story based on this very detailed and specific dream I keep having, so if you want more, I will write more because I have so much more to say.
Hayden and I had been working together for about a month now. We were filming a movie about two teens who lived beside each other, and eventually fall in love and run away together. It's a compelling story, reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet in a way. The whole thing is very Shakespearean.
We first met during the audition process. I had already booked the role so they brought me in to do a chemistry test with some other actors, Hayden being one of them. I had never heard of him before this project but later found out he had been in a couple of TV shows and movies. From the moment I first laid my eyes on him I was in awe, he was beautiful.
He was no doubt the most beautiful person I had ever seen in my life. He took my breath away and made my heart stop beating without even having to try. During our chem test, I found it hard to concentrate, all I could think of was how captivating his eyes were and how bright his smile was. By the end of our test, the director had told us that Hayden would be playing opposite me as the love interest of my character.
I was excited to get to know this angelic man in front of me better, but I was also very nervous. This wasn't my first project, but it was my first 'big' Hollywood movie. We had a budget of over $2 million and we were filming all over California, even using some of the sets at the Warner Brothers Studios. I was nervous about my performance, and I often found myself questioning whether I was good enough or not for something this grand.
Adding to that nervousness were the thoughts that invaded my mind whenever this blue-eyed boy was near me. His presence alone was intoxicating, and for the first little while there I tried to avoid him when we weren't filming due to my impure thoughts about him. I had a rule that I would never become romantically involved with any of my co-stars, even if it was temporary.
Eventually, though, I gave up trying to avoid him.
We would hang out in between shots, getting food at the craft services table or simply walking around wherever we would be filming that day. When we would wrap for the day he would walk me to my trailer where I was currently living, and he would always walk me to the door and say goodnight before heading to wherever he was staying.
Sometimes when he would walk me to my trailer I would invite him in. Sometimes we would play a board game, make something to eat, or play cards. He taught me how to play poker and I managed to win $100 from him. No matter what we were doing together, I always felt a stupid grin on my face. We would talk and laugh with each other for hours before he would eventually go home for the night.
We would talk about everything and anything, and I felt myself growing more and more attached to him as time went on. Every morning I would wake up excited to see him, and every night I would fall asleep and dream of him. He had slowly invaded the entirety of my being, walking through the empty corridors of my mind and claiming all the rooms as his own.
I was okay with these feelings lingering within me as long as I could manage to contain them, and not act on my desires. However, with each day that passed, it became harder and harder to ignore.
Since temporarily relocating to LA, I hadn't been sleeping well. 12 hour days on set were exhausting and prompted me to sleep, but I never could. I've always struggled with insomnia and I would usually sleep for a couple of hours each night, sometimes less but never more. It was starting to catch up to me and I could feel my sleep deprivation dragging me down during the day.
I had just finished filming for the day and walked myself to my trailer. Hayden had already left for the day and I found the walk to be quite lonesome without the comfort of our small talk. I entered my trailer, took a short shower, and prepared to try and catch up on some sleep.
My trailer was small, but still larger than the average on-set trailer. It had a queen bed in the back, a small dining table and couch, a washroom with a sink, toilet, and shower, and a small kitchen. There was a TV on the wall across from the couch, and I felt like watching something would aid me in falling asleep. So I got comfortable on the couch and turned on the TV, scrolling through the guide until I landed on NBC and started watching The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
I watched a few episodes before I felt myself drifting off into sleep, and just as I was about to fall asleep fully I heard the door to my trailer open. I had locked it and only one other person had the key, so I knew it had to be Hayden.
I opened my eyes and I was correct, he was standing in the doorway wearing a white t-shirt, a black Toronto Maple Leafs hat, and black jeans. Even in something so simple he was so effortlessly gorgeous, it hurt.
"Hi." I groggily greeted him as I moved slightly to sit up on the couch, rubbing my eyes as I did so.
"Hi, were you sleeping?" He asked as he walked fully into the trailer, closing the door behind him.
"I was trying to, it wasn't going very well." I chuckled dryly and his expression turned into one of concern.
"I can leave if you'd like." He went to turn and before he could fully, I reached out and grabbed his arm. He looked down at me with an eyebrow raised and his movements stopped.
"You don't have to go. I mean, like, if you don't want to." I stuttered slightly and let go of his arm, it was more muscular than I had expected, and his skin was warm to the touch.
"Okay." He moved closer and sat beside me on the end of the couch,
"What are you watching?" He pointed to the TV and I brought my knees to my chest as I sat with my left side pushing into the cushions and smiled as I faced him,
"Fresh Prince." It was one of my favorite shows and he knew it. He returned the smile I gave him and turned his attention to the TV, as did I.
I felt myself drifting off again as my head lay on the back cushion of the couch. My gaze had drifted from the TV to Hayden as he sat in front of me, laughing occasionally at the show. I noticed how his Adam's apple bobbed up and down with each laugh he took, and how he would smile to himself at certain moments whenever he was amused.
I closed my eyes and allowed the peace of his presence to lull me into a deep slumber.
I woke up a few hours later when I felt him pick me up and walk through my trailer, only to place me on my bed and tuck me into the covers. I then felt him trace my face with his finger and tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. The TV had been turned off and it was dead silent in here. I opened my eyes and saw him walking away from the small space that held the bed.
Before I could stop myself, I reached out and grabbed his arm yet again, and was overcome with the feeling of his warm skin against my cold skin.
"I thought you were asleep?" He said as he turned to face me, kneeling so we could be at eye level with each other.
"I was, but now I'm awake," I shrugged as I stared into his ocean-blue eyes. He frowned slightly before saying,
"You should go back to sleep. I'm sorry I woke you up."
"Don't apologize. I'm a light sleeper." His frown disappeared only to be replaced by a slight half-smile. He went to stand up and walk away again, but I didn't want him to go. I also didn't want to ask him to stay and sleep in my bed, even though that's what I wanted. I just didn't want to have to ask him, that would be awkward if he said no or took it the wrong way, I simply liked having him around.
"Where are you going?" I asked and he looked down at me slightly confused,
"It's almost 4 in the morning, I was gonna go sleep in my trailer."
"Do you always sleep in your trailer?" I thought he had a hotel or home here or something, we had never actually spoken about it before so really it was always just an assumption.
"No, but I don't feel like driving. I'd probably fall asleep at the wheel." He laughed slightly and only then did I notice the slight purple eye bags that graced his face and the way his eyes were slightly drooping.
"You can sleep here if you'd like," I said sheepishly, hoping he wouldn't think more of this than just a friendly offer. Between friends. Friends,
That's it.
"Are you sure?" He asked as he slowly walked back towards the bed and waited for me to nod my head in confirmation before he climbed in under the covers and lay beside me.
We lay on our sides facing each other, only a couple of inches separating us, and I reached over and used my thumb to rub the bags beneath his eyes. His eyes fluttered closed in response to my touch and he placed his hand on my wrist, holding my hand against his face. I sighed softly, feeling somewhat guilty about indulging in the pleasurable feeling of his skin against mine, but enjoying it nonetheless.
We stayed like that until the two of us fell into a calm and peaceful sleep, breathing in sync. My dreams were filled with him, and it was my best sleep in years.
The next morning I had awoken wrapped in his arms, with my head tucked into the crook of his neck. My leg was wrapped around his and I could feel the soft skin of his lips just barely touching my forehead. It was blissful, to say the least. The way he and I breathed in sync, the scent of coffee and vanilla that was radiating from him, and the feeling of his large hands on my back and waist.
I rolled over slightly so I could glance at the clock beside the bed. It was 9:30 AM, and we had a 9:45 call time. Panic set in as I sat straight up, causing Hayden to jolt awake, confused at my state. I jumped out of bed and practically sprinted to the washroom to brush my hair, soon followed by my teeth. I heard the sheets rustle and footsteps follow not long after, and then I saw him stand behind me in the mirror.
His blonde hair was a bit of a mess, the bags under his eyes had disappeared, and he looked well-rested. He gave me a slight smirk as I furiously brushed my teeth, "We won't be late, there's no need to destroy your gums." He chuckled slightly and I bent down to spit the toothpaste out of my mouth before speaking to him. He was right but still, I wanted to be a bit more prepared than I was at this moment. "My gums are perfectly fine, thank you," I said teasingly as I grinned nice and wide, displaying my teeth and gums for him. He laughed and butterflies danced around in my stomach, fluttering up into my heart. He turned and walked away from me and I watched as he neared a cupboard in the kitchen and grabbed two bowls, a box of Cheerios, and the milk from the fridge.
I laughed as I exited the small washroom and walked towards the dining table where he had set down the bowls, "Hayden I can't eat that. I just brushed my teeth." He shrugged and paid no mind as he continued to prepare me a bowl.
"You have to eat something." He rolled his eyes slightly as he sat down on the bench and began eating the cereal. Despite the rolling of his eyes, he had a small smile on his face that I couldn't help but admire. I gave in and sat across from him and started to eat.
"Wow Mr. Christensen, this is splendid. What a fine breakfast you've made me this morning." I spoke in a fake posh accent, something we did with each other often. He had just taken a bite of his cereal and my posh guise caused him to laugh, and milk came running out of his nose. I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably at the sight, but I got up through my laughter and grabbed the paper towel that sat on the counter.
He too was laughing while pinching the bridge of his nose. He had tears in his eyes and a couple fell as he blinked and reached for the paper towel, our hands brushing against each other slightly. He cleaned the milk off his face, and then off the table, coughing a few times in the process which caused me to erupt in laughter all over again.
"It's not funny y'know. That shit hurt." He said with a fake frown gracing his lips, which were trying to hold back a laugh of his own.
"Sorry, sorry," I said quietly and finished my bowl, bringing it to the sink and rinsing it before walking to the door to slip on my shoes. I turned back to face him as he put the paper towel back in its rightful spot, "You ready?" I asked.
He smiled brightly and responded, in a voice as smooth and soft as honey, "Always."
2 weeks had passed since Hayden had slept in my bed for the first time. Yes, the first time. The next night he came and knocked on my door at around 10 PM, he was shy and sheepish when he asked if he could, and I quote, 'have a sleepover'. He was being his usual sarcastic self of course, but I found it endearing either way and said yes.
A couple of days passed before he spent the night again, this time I had invited him on our nightly walk back from the soundstage. The next day I didn't even have to ask him, he just walked me home and followed me inside. When I began to get ready for bed he did the same, following me into the washroom to brush his teeth with a spare toothbrush I kept in the drawer.
"What are you doing?" I asked with a mouthful of toothbrush and its paste. He grinned and used his thumb to wipe the corner of my mouth, collecting a small amount of toothpaste on it and wiping it on the towel that hung beside the sink.
"We're having another sleepover, duh." He rolled his eyes as he responded with a mouth full of toothbrush and paste as well.
Since then it had just become an unspoken thing. Every night he would come to my trailer with me, and I never once tried to stop him or protest his actions. I enjoyed having him around, and I loved waking up in his arms every morning, inhaling his coffee-vanilla scent, and feeling the contrast of his warm skin against my cold. He usually slept shirtless, he claimed he got hot, but I think he just secretly wanted an excuse to be shirtless around me. Not that I minded, the man is ripped.
Nothing ever happened between us when he slept over, even though a part of me always wanted to, I couldn't for some reason. Anytime I thought of it too I felt guilty. But the desire to feel his lips against mine just kept growing and growing.
One day we were filming a scene that took place late at night where my character, the Juliet of the story, drags his character, Romeo, to the pool in his backyard. I was told to strip down into my bra and underwear and jump in the pool, and Hayden would follow. Despite having shared a bed with him for weeks now, I felt a little nervous at the thought of being so exposed in front of him.
But I had a job to do, so I put my big actor-girl pants on and did as the director said, and everything went swimmingly, pun intended. In that scene, I was to pull him into the pool and we would begin play-fighting in the water. We did just that and I ended up with my legs wrapped around his waist, both of us only in our underwear, just inches away from his face. I spoke all my lines just due to second nature and my memorization skills, but all I could focus on was how close his lips were to mine.
As I spoke the words I knew I was supposed to say, I found myself wanting to say more. To speak to him and only him, alone without the twenty or so people who surrounded us. He leaned his head closer to me and our noses brushed against each other. We had a kissing scene in the script, a couple actually and I knew exactly which days we would be filming them, but this wasn't one of them. So why did he move closer?
"And… CUT!" The director yelled as he stood from his chair and walked over to the edge of the pool. I removed my legs from their grip on Hayden's waist but kept my hands around his neck, and his hands remained on my waist holding me close to him. "That was great you two, we could sense the electricity. I think that's all for today so just go home, rest, and be back here for 11 AM tomorrow." The director spoke to us and we each thanked him and nodded our heads.
When he had mentioned the electricity between us I felt my cheeks grow red. He hadn't failed to hide his attraction to me, and I doubt I had hid mine from him. But still, we were actors. It was our job to be that way with each other. It was nothing deeper than that, we had to stay professional.
It didn't take long for the small crowd of people to disperse, leaving just Hayden and me behind. We were still in the pool, his hands were still around my waist gripping me tightly. As everyone had packed up I managed to avoid meeting his gaze, afraid of what I would do if I did, but now that we were alone I had no excuse. I turned to look at him and his eyes had been darkened by the starlight but shone brightly nonetheless.
I didn't know what to say to him, but I felt like I had to say something to prevent myself from acting on my suppressed urges and desires. The feeling of his hands holding me tightly was something so familiar, but this time it felt different somehow. It made me feel different.
"Wanna go get some Chinese food?" I asked him the first thing I could think of, which was stupid because I don't even like Chinese food and he knew that.
"You don't even like Chinese food." He said with a laugh, his slightly wet hair sticking to his forehead.
"I didn't know what else to say," I admitted sheepishly. He leaned his head closer to mine once again allowing our noses to brush against each other.
"Why did you feel the need to say something?" He spoke low and it caused my breath to come to a halt. Something about him right now was so-- intoxicating.
"So that I wouldn't do something I may regret." I softly said, never breaking eye contact. He moved even closer and rested his forehead against mine. His hand on my waist travelled down my hips to my thigh where he proceeded to wrap my legs around him again.
"And what would that be?" His low tone sent shivers throughout my body, and down to places it probably shouldn't have gone to. I was finding it hard to resist my urges now more than ever, the way his lips looked in the moonlight, how there was a bead of water positioned right on the corner of his lips, and how tempted I was to just lick it off.
I sighed softly as I glanced down to the water beneath us, seeing the rippled image of his toned torso sent me into overdrive. I looked back into his eyes which were the same color as the water we waded in, and leaned my head closer to his so our lips brushed against each other as I spoke,
"What are you doing to me?" I asked him and before he could respond I closed the distance between us, sending a blaze of passion and fire through my veins.
He kissed me back instantly, his hands holding my thighs squeezed exponentially hard. He moved the hand from my left thigh and brought it to the back of my neck, holding me in place while he kissed me ferociously. I brought my hands from where they were resting on his neck to his hair and entangled my fingers through his sandy blonde locks.
His hand traveled slightly to my ass and he squeezed harshly, sending a shockwave of pleasure throughout me, causing a slight moan to escape my lips. If it wasn't so damn public, I would take him right here right now.
In response, I tugged at his hair and now it was time for him to moan softly into our kiss, and if I thought I was in overdrive before, I had just exploded. We continued kissing for what seemed like hours, but in reality, was only a few minutes. Whenever I was with him time didn't seem to exist and I loved it. I loved spending minutes with him but feeling as if those minutes were hours, and I loved spending hours with him and having the hours feel like days.
Our kiss was interrupted by the sound of a golf cart approaching the set. I broke away from him with a shocked look in my eyes, and he just laughed and set me down on the pool floor before grabbing my hand and leading me out. We ran half-naked back to my trailer, dripping wet and leaving two sets of footprints behind us as we did. Halfway there Hayden had scooped me up in his arms and carried me in bridal style, leaving only one set of footprints behind for the rest of the way.
That night we showered together, caught up in the adrenaline of our escape and heated pool makeout session. But aside from more kissing, nothing had happened, and we continued with our lives. He had now basically moved into my trailer, he spent every night here, his car was parked right outside, and he even had his own toothbrush, no longer using the spare one I had.
Everything between us had quickly changed from 'best friends' to 'domestic partners' after that kiss. And I didn't regret it one bit. We had discussed our feelings towards each other very vaguely. I was never good with that kind of stuff, admitting feelings is hard, and he's just a little shy and awkward whenever feelings get brought up.
We had a mutual understanding that we liked each other, but we also understood that we weren't necessarily dating each other. We were just two people who spent 90% of their time together, slept in the same bed, and occasionally had very heated makeout sessions that would end up with me on top of his lap.
A few weeks ago he told me about this role he had auditioned for. He was very excited about it, but he couldn't tell me what it was for. He said he would tell me if he ever got it, or if he didn't. He even had to leave early a couple of times during filming to go for an audition.
One of those times was today, he had left the set a couple of hours early and I was now in my trailer. It was 9 PM and I was making myself a cup of tea before I went to bed. I had locked the door, but Hayden had a key so it didn't matter much. I placed the teabag into the hot water I had just boiled and began to slice a lemon. I added a spoonful of honey and two lemon slices, followed by an ice cube. As I went to drop the ice cube in my mug, the door of the trailer unlocked, and seconds later it dramatically slammed open.
Hayden rushed inside with a huge grin plastered on his face. I walked towards him around the counter and smiled back, "Well hello smiley." I greeted him
"Hi P, what's that?" He said as he pointed to the mug behind me. I don't know why, but he insisted on calling me 'P'. It was his favorite nickname he had given me, and I didn't know why. There wasn't even a 'P' anywhere in my name.
"Tea." I shrugged and he stepped closer to me, my back pressed against the counter in response, "Why do you call me 'P'? You are aware there's no P in my name right?" I asked with a tilt of my head.
He laughed and placed both hands on either side of me on the counter before saying, "P stands for lots of things. Pickles, Peanut Butter, party, promise, pe-"
"So my nickname was a result of your hunger?" I asked with a laugh of my own.
"No, if you would've let me finish. My personal favorite is princess. That's what I think every time I call you P." He leaned closer and kissed my cheek softly, but then backed away completely. I frowned slightly at his actions but took the opportunity to walk back to my teacup.
"That's very sweet of you. Now would you like to explain to me why you almost broke down the door coming in here?" I chuckled softly as I motioned over to the door with my head, and then took a small sip of my tea.
"I have good news." He was excited, I could see it in his eyes, and that made me excited too. He stepped closer to me and I placed the cup back on the counter, "Do you remember the role I was telling you about? The secret one?" he wiggled his eyebrows as he spoke.
"Hmm… Sounds familiar yes." I smiled as he walked even closer to me and grabbed onto my arms before speaking through his huge grin,
"I got it." He whispered and I thought I had misheard him. He must've noticed my confused expression because he repeated himself, louder this time, and I squealed in joy for him.
"Oh my god, that's amazing! Congratulations! Can you finally tell me what the role is then?" I exclaimed as his grip on my arms tightened slightly,
"Star Wars." My jaw dropped, I wouldn't be surprised if it fell all the way to the floor, and I felt the air knocked out of my lungs. I have loved Star Wars ever since I was a kid. I was Princess Leia for Halloween for the first 4 years of my life, and then I went as Darth Vader until I was 16.
"Holy fuck." That was all I could say as I reached my arms around his neck and wrapped him in a hug, "That's incredible Hayd, I'm so happy for you." I whispered into his neck softly. He pulled away from the hug slightly so he could look into my eyes and said,
"I get to be Anakin Skywalker. Darth fucking Vader." He had a look in his eyes I could only describe as a child-like glee. He was so happy in this moment and I could basically feel it radiating off of him, and it consumed me as well. I once again felt the breath being knocked from me as I hugged him again, tighter this time.
He placed his arms around my waist and lifted me into the air, spinning around a few times and I squealed as a result. He then casually shifted one of his hands down to my thigh, encouraging me to wrap around him. I looked into his eyes which were full of love and joy, and I couldn't help but place a soft kiss gently on his lips. He returned the kiss and I could feel his smile growing stronger. The kiss deepened as always and became heated and passionate in a matter of moments. He walked over to the counter and placed me on top of it, standing between my legs and never breaking the kiss.
His hands remained on my thigh and waist, squeezing softly every so often. We broke away from the heated exchange for a moment to catch our breath. He rested his forehead against mine, one of my favorite things he does before he softly uttered three words that caused my heart to stop.
"I love you."
I backed away slightly and gazed at him in disbelief, "You-- what?" That was all I could manage to say.
"I love you, and I need you to know. I've loved you since I first laid my eyes on you, and I will love you until my dying breath." He spoke like a poet, his liquid-smooth voice sent chills all through me. I knew I loved him, but I always tried to avoid romantic love and stick to a platonic sort of love. I thought it would be easier that way.
I had failed miserably, however, and I often found myself daydreaming about spending the rest of my life with him. I had never felt so strongly about someone before, and I had never gotten along with someone better than him.
"I love you too," I whispered through a large smile plastered on my face. He returned the smile and leaned back in to kiss me. This kiss was so different than all the others, it was full of love and adoration.
He wrapped both his arms around my waist and lifted me off the counter, carrying me to the bed. He laid me down gently and moved his kisses down my jaw, to the pressure point on my neck. I moaned softly at the feeling of his lips against my skin causing him to bite down slightly which sent a rush of pleasure throughout my body.
His hands traveled from my waist to under the hem of my shirt and he began to lift it. I sat up slightly and allowed him to remove the shirt completely, leaving me bare in front of him. He then began to kiss down my sternum before placing a soft kiss onto my left breast, and then the right. I giggled slightly at his sudden confidence and shift from his usually shy demeanor. He raised his head from my chest and looked at me,
"Why are you laughing?" He said with a slight smile,
"I'm just shocked at your newfound confidence." I shrugged lightly, "Does it have anything to do with you becoming Anakin Skywalker?" I asked and his grin shifted from playful to mischievous as he moved upwards and raised himself above me, our noses brushing against each other before he spoke in a low tone,
"Maybe. Or maybe I'm tired of trying to hold myself back from taking what's mine." His dominant tone sent shivers down my body and I leaned my head up to close the distance between our lips. His dominant state remained intact as he swiftly flipped me over so I was now on top of him, straddling his waist.
I could feel his hard-on through his dark sweatpants pressing against my core, and it was driving me crazy. I rocked my hips softly against his, causing him to moan slightly into our kiss and I could feel myself getting wetter as each moment passed. His hands were gripping onto my waist and he began to guide me against him, slowly at first but he quickly picked up his pace.
"Hayden.." I said softly, breaking away from the kiss for a moment to garner his attention.
"Yes, my love?" He breathed out as he gazed into my eyes with lust and adoration.
"Please." That was all I could manage to say, and I had hoped he would take the hint and not make me ask for it. But I was dead wrong.
"Please what? Use your words." His tone was deep and authoritative and his eyes had glossed over with an unfamiliar darkness.
"Please fuck me." I choked out and a sly smirk made its way across his lips before he kissed me again, softer this time, and sat up so our chests pressed against each other. I brought my hands to the hem of his shirt and pulled it off, throwing it to the floor somewhere. I traced my hands along his abs and down to his V-line. He was so perfect, in every way. His entire being had to have been carved by angels, it was the only way for a man like him to exist.
His hands traveled to the waistband of my shorts, wasting no time as he snaked his fingers underneath them and I lifted myself so he could rid me of them completely, leaving me completely nude on top of him. His long fingers danced atop my thighs, teasing my core which was now aching for him. Begging to be touched by him.
I whined softly and a slight chuckle escaped his lips, "You're that desperate for me? You're whining?" I nodded with my eyes shut, unable to look into his eyes. He chuckled again and said softly, "What did I say earlier princess, use your words." My eyes fluttered open and I softly said,
"Don't be a tease playboy." With a smirk of my own gracing my lips. He laughed slightly and instead of a vocal response, he moved his hand from my thigh to the slick that had pooled between my thighs. His soft touch sent shockwaves through me and I moaned louder than I would like to admit, but I couldn't help it. He was so intoxicating.
He rubbed up my slit slightly, collecting a pool of my sex on his two fingers before raising them to my lips, pushing ever so slightly on the bottom one prompting me to open my mouth and suck myself off his fingers.
"Fuck." He groaned out. My actions had encouraged his dick to grow harder beneath me and I smiled proudly once he removed his fingers from my mouth and brought them back down to my heat, rubbing circles on my clit. Incoherent babbles left my lips as he worked me up, before entering two of his fingers into me and slowly stretching me out.
I moaned upon his entry and felt the intense need to pleasure him as well, to give him even a fraction of the pleasure he was providing me. I moved my hand from its place on his neck down to his cock and palmed him through his sweatpants. His breathing got harsher as we continued to pleasure each other, relishing in each other's touch. I felt a familiar know forming in my stomach as he rubbed my clit and now pumped three of his fingers in and out of me at a fast pace.
"Oh fuck. I'm--" Before I could finish my sentence I felt the knot unfold and I had released myself all over his fingers, a prideful grin graced his lips. My vision was clouded with white dots and everything around me felt hazy as his fingers fucked me through my orgasm, the strongest one I had ever had. Especially from just fingering.
I felt the overstimulation of his fingers pressed against me and began to squirm in his lap, trying to get away as he continued pumping in and out of me, but it was no use. His arms held onto me tightly and he continued, and I felt yet another knot forming in my stomach.
There was no way this man was about to make me cum twice in a matter of seconds.
And yet that's exactly what happened. I screamed out as I released onto him again, looking down to see the pool of juices I had released collecting onto his lap, drenching his dark pants and allowing the outline of his bulge to poke through the dampened fabric.
"Holy fuck." I said breathlessly as he removed his fingers from me and flipped me over to my back, removing his pants and boxers in the process.
"You liked that?" He asked teasingly as he began to kiss up and down my body, starting at my pelvis and ending with a soft peck on my lips.
"Mhm." I breathed out, unable to form any words due to the power of the orgasm. He hovered above me with his forearms resting on either side of my head keeping him up. He leaned his head down and placed a kiss on my lips and I felt his rock-hard cock twitch slightly against my thigh, causing me to moan into our kiss.
He reached one of his hands down and pumped himself twice before rubbing in between my folds. I broke away slightly and looked down, and my mouth dropped open as a result. He was huge, so huge I was afraid he wouldn't fit in me. Hayden must have noticed my shocked state and he laughed slightly before pushing his forehead against mine and pressing me back against the bed.
"You'll be okay my love, I promise. You can take it." His words sent heat throughout me and I felt a knot beginning to twist in my stomach. The man had managed to work me up with just his words. I nodded slowly and pressed my lips to his and I felt his tip slowly enter into me, and then I had an idea.
"Wait," I said and he stopped instantly, pulling away from our kiss and leaving the tip of his dick resting in me.
"What's wrong?" His voice was laced with concern as he gazed into my eyes,
"I want to watch," I admitted shyly and his concerned state quickly turned into a lustful one as he crashed our lips together passionately and softly grunted before saying,
"God you're so fucking hot." Distancing himself from me slightly so I could lift my head up and watch as he slowly began inserting himself into me. I watched as his tip fully disappeared, followed by his shaft until he bottomed out inside me, and I swear I could feel him in my stomach.
My gaze never faltered from our connected being as I groaned in pain, and then pleasure as he slowly moved in and out of me. It took a moment before I could adjust to him, and he seemed to be relishing in not only my sensitive state but also the way my walls desperately clung to him. He watched me with a smirk on his face as I watched him pick up his pace, slamming into me faster and faster until he hit a certain spot in me that made my back arch and my head fall backward.
"Fuck you feel so good princess, you're doing so good." He praised me and I could only moan in response, he was fucking me brain-dead and I had no complaints. I had imagined this for so long but now that it was finally here, he had surpassed my every fantasy and expectation by a million percent. His words of approval made my core ache, and I jutted my hips up to grind against the hard bone of his pelvis, creating friction on my clit and pushing me closer to my release.
I felt his hand grip my chin as he pulled me upwards closer to him, softly kissing my cheeks as he jackhammered into me. His soft kisses combined with the intensity of every other movement he made were driving me over the edge, along with the soft grunts and groans he would occasionally release from his plump lips. He stopped kissing my cheeks and remained holding onto my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.
I felt the knot in my stomach return and when his other hand reached down and began thumbing at my clit, I lost it. I became a loud squirming mess beneath him which only encouraged him to fuck me harder.
"You have no idea how-- how badly I've wanted to see you like this."
He spoke between his panting breaths and with those words, I felt my release coming. "Hayd I'm--" He cut me off with a kiss before I could finish, meeting our tongues in bliss and passion, and he broke away for only a moment to whisper onto my lips,
"Cum for me my love, cum all over me." And so I did. I felt my walls begin to twitch uncontrollably against his rock-hard cock, his thrusts growing sloppy and hasty. I could sense he was close as well, and I encouraged it by purposefully squeezing myself tighter around him and soon enough I felt him twitch inside of me, fully releasing himself into me. I milked him dry and even went as far as to buck myself against him a few times, overstimulating him just a fraction of how he had me.
He collapsed on top of me as he finished, both of our chests heaving with our heavy breathing. I snaked my hand through his blonde hair, twirling strands around my finger absentmindedly while his hand made its way up and down my back. We lay in silence for a few moments, I listened to his breathing slow and he listened to my heartbeat.
"I mean it you know," He whispered softly into my chest and I could sense his usual shy demeanor sneaking it's way back in, "I really do love you." He shifted slightly to look into my eyes, and I felt tears poking at the sides of mine.
"I know. I mean it too. You're mine and I'm yours." I said smiling at him.
And I meant it. Every. Damn. Word.
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atiyasnake · 1 year
Broskies, my homies, my guys, fellas, pals, besties, brother in christ, my ride and die, strangers, peeps, my lovelies, ya'll. . . I write fanfic for the fun of it.
For the lil bit that my brain gets hooked on and what's to check out, twist around, make into something a lil different and new. For the source material that just Ahhh I want to enjoy more in dif ways. For the story ideas and tropes and scene ideas that pop up in my head at times where I'm in a rush to write it down or type it out. For the love I have of fanfic written by others.
I'm not a professional, I'm not a genius with words, grammar, rules on how to write stories, and characters, but I try.
I'm just a regular human being who decided to write for fun and share it with other people for the small chance that 'hey maybe someone would enjoy this'
I've got my own problems in life. My own faults and insecurities. I'm not perfect.
So like maybe. . . just be kind.
If you enjoy what I've written, I am super duper to the max ecstatic that you did. Like smiling like a fool and in awe that another person likes something I've made. And if you didn't, then I hope you can find something you do enjoy.
Like I said, I'm not perfect. I have different tastes and a different way of thinking about how I want to handle something in a story or event that happened in the show, etc. I might have made something full of what would be considered mistakes. (You'll probably find a few in this very post)
You might not like it. You might not even understand why I wrote it. You might think it's the stupidest thing someone could have written and that I need to fix it or even just delete it.
You have a right to your opinion.
I know there's fics and prompts and stuff I don't like. But I just keep on looking for something I will like, because I know that a human being made it. Another person out there wanted to write it, and they did and then decided 'hey maybe someone might want to see it' and other people do. Might not have been me, but it was for someone else, so I'll let them enjoy it.
But I didn't go out of my way to tell them I didn't like it. To tell them all the things I thought were wrong or didn't understand. I didn't tell them how I thought they should 'fix it'. I didn't go out of my way to make another person feel bad about something they created for fun and freely shared with others.
I didn't do that because that is not kind and is not the type of person I want to be. Because again, I am a human being.
So look for things you enjoy and make you happy. Be kind to the people who are sharing these things with you. Don't discourage and insult them. Only give criticism if they explicitly asked you to.
You don't know these people. You don't know what going on in their lives. Your words can have huge effects on a person. So make sure that it's a positive one.
Yes, some writing is bad. Yes, some may seem cringy, stupid, nonsensical. But there is no law in the universe that says everything must be perfect. It's OKAY if things are bad, cringy, stupid, nonsensical. Some people are just beginning in writing, some are very young, some may struggle with writing, some may just want to write a dumb fun crazy story. LET THEM.
Let them grow and enjoy what they are doing.
Let them be human!
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jesse-cosay · 1 year
Kiss as comfort
This got a bit off track, and I'll do the rest tomorrow. Ya'll feel free to send as many as ya like! Also feel free to be as specific as you want, my writing requests are always open, the prompt list was just,,,, to prompt ppl. Anyways, hope you can enjoy this, it was so incredibly self indulgent.
It was night. Lake wasn't usually the type to be a light sleeper. It would take an earthquake to wake them up. Maybe even more than that.
So to find theirself awake in the middle of the night? Yeah. It was a little disconcerting.
The surprise faded pretty quickly when they realized Jesse was no longer beside them.
It'd been awhile since the train. A month now, maybe. The Cosays were still trying to figure out sleeping arrangements. Clearing out the attic so Lake could have their own room. Lake was perfectly content sharing with Jesse, for the time being. But they couldn't help but feel excited to have something to call their own.
That wasn't the problem, though. Lake had a tendency to wake up a little after Jesse. The lack of his presence enough to stir them from their sleep and have them patting his side of the bed. Searching for a hand or reassurance.
If Lake was up at an odd hour, it was because Jesse was up, too.
They slowly stepped out of bed, his room empty. Maybe he had to go to the bathroom. Or grabbed a glass of water. Or something. Maybe it wasn't a big deal. Or anything at all.
... That wouldn't stop them from checking. Just in case.
The lights were off downstairs, but Lake could just barely make out Jesse's frame in front of the couch. It was just like him to be most comfortable on the floor.
He didn't seem surprised as they sat down next to him. Careful not to disturb him. His arms were wrapped around his knees. His head buried. Lake really hoped he wasn't crying.
"You okay?" Lake leaned into him, nudging his shoulder with theirs.
"Maybe." He muttered, setting his chin on top of his arms so he could see them better. Giving a soft smile. His reassurance would have been more comforting if Lake wasn't a little worried he was doing it for them.
"Wanna talk? About it?" Lake was bad with words. Always had been. Jesse never seemed too bothered by their ineptitude, but it did bug them.
"There was this- it's not a big deal. We broke up ages ago." Jesse admitted. "I don't even like him any more."
They hadn't talked about this type of thing before. Lake had sort of assumed Jesse wasn't interested in it. Dating. Was it dating? Or just romance in general- was this an ex?
"So why are you hiding alone in a dark room about it?"
Jesse huffed, a half laugh. "I don't really know. I guess I just miss it, a little. Having someone who listens to me and holds my hand. Who wants to do stuff with me and kiss sometimes. It was just kind of... nice."
Except Jesse had that. Sort of.
Lake listened to him. Did things with him. Held his hand. What was so different about this guy?
"Don't we do that stuff?"
Jesse buried his head back in his arms. "Yeah, we do. I just kind of miss the extra comfort. And kissing."
"So, your ex-"
"He isn't- we weren't, like, dating." He explained, flustered. "It was more like a- a qpr?"
Lake squinted at him. "Is that a word?"
"It's an acronym!"
They frowned. "What does it mean?"
"It was like- we weren't dating, really. We just wanted to have a relationship that we defined." He seemed distressed. Unable to properly explain the idea.
Lake thought they understood. When they were told they were a girl. Or had to be a girl or a boy- they'd chosen neither. Who they were wasn't one of the regular options. And it wasn't easy to explain. They just were.
So Jesse didn't want a relationship in the standard way. Just like Lake didn't identify in the standard way. It made sense. Neither of them was any good at fitting in boxes.
"So he's not exactly an ex, in the normal way... But you guys aren't together?"
"And you don't miss him, but you miss- the idea of that." Lake had never had something like that too miss. Had never so much as kissed anyone.
He sighed, leaning his head back against the couch. "I think I'm just moping. I had a bad dream and- and there's someone I would like to- to do that with."
"The qpr?" It was too dark to really search his face for an answer, not that Lake wouldn't try either way. Jesse had lots of friends. But a relationship that was outside of the norm- how could they even begin to pin down who this person was? They wouldn't know what to look for.
He nodded. Or at least Lake was pretty sure he was nodding.
"If it's any consolation, I think they'd be lucky to try it out with you." Lake offered. "I know I'd feel lucky."
His head whipped up from where he'd rested it back against the couch. "You- you would?"
"Yeah, I think that sounds nice." Lake fiddled with their hands. It was a bit too honest of them, but they were always honest with Jesse. "I don't know if I'd like a- a standard relationship. I guess. But making it up as we go? It gets to be whatever we want it to be. I like that."
They laughed, hoping that the shadows hid their nervousness, "I mean it's a lot like what we have, right? And I like what we've got, a lot, too."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Oh- oh my god, I'm sorry, I just- I didn't mean to say that- just forget it-" Jesse back-peddled frantically, putting some physical distance between him and Lake.
"No, no, no- c'mere, you idiot." Lake tugged at his sleeve, blindly pressing a kiss to his face.
It landed on his cheek and was enough to get him to stop stuttering over excuses.
"When I said I liked the idea or whatever, I meant with you." Lake clarified. Suddenly feeling just as lost as he probably had now that he'd clammed up on them.
Lake kissed him again. This time a bit more aware of where exactly they were kissing.
Jesse didn't argue, smiling at them brightly as they pulled away.
It was a much better look than when Lake had first found him. Curled up into a little ball.
"Do you wanna talk about- this?" He offered.
And yeah. They kind of did. But not at four am. "We'll talk later. Come back to bed with me?"
Lake offered their hand, helping Jesse to his feet.
"Yeah, okay. Okay."
They held hands as they tip-toed upstairs. Walking as quietly as possible as they slipped back into Jesse's room.
"You think you'll sleep okay? You mentioned a bad dream."
Jesse hummed, sounding far too content. "I think I'll be fine."
"If you say so." They kissed him once more, this time on the forehead. Jesse was all too eager to return the gesture. Nearly smacking himself on their chrome cranium.
They both snickered into their blanket, Lake clumsily pressing another kiss against his cheek. "Sweet dreams, casanova."
"Good night, Lake. I love you."
"I love you, too."
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din-skywalker · 2 years
Okay, prompt but where Atreus tests out shapeshifting between male and female and he really wants to try makeup like he sees on Freya and he visits her to learn how she does it I would cry
Kratos is supportive in his own quiet way
no shut up cause this idea was so sweet i had to write something... and it got way longer than id been expecting. so here ya'll go!!
(disclaimers: i am on laptop so i can add the read more! also im not genderfluid so i wrote this based off of what i have read about being genderfluid mixed with my own experiences as someone who has struggled with no gender being comfy thing
also i didnt make the one who helped with the makeup be freya mY BAD I FORGOT bout that part of the ask and instead its angrboda now whoops)
Atreus had always wondered what it's like to be a girl, ever since he was younger. He'd ask his mom about it when he was younger, and no matter how much she ever explained to him, he never fully understood it, but by the Norns he wanted to understand. Most days, he was fine, not wondering about it. In fact, it never crossed his mind, and it didn’t matter. The other days, however, he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
He wanted to feel feminine. He wanted to understand; he wanted to wear dresses and makeup and be called pretty. He wanted to be looked at as a woman, not a man. It is such an odd feeling when this does happen, and he can never control it. He can tell it's more of a… “feminine day”, as he’s started to refer to it as, when he wants to paint his nails and grow his hair so long it nearly trails on the ground behind him like a cape.
He always tried to avoid Father as much as he could when he was younger on those days. Because he always called him “boy”, even on the days Atreus wanted to be a girl and not a boy. He felt bad about it, because Father didn’t know that. But he never knew how to articulate how he was feeling, because he didn’t even understand it.
He still doesn’t as he stares at his reflection in the water now, observing his face, skin itching. It’s a feminine day today, and he wants nothing more than to change his face, his hair and appearance to appear more of a woman…
…Wait a second. He can shapeshift. Why hadn’t he thought of this before? He can change his appearance. Normally it’s only between a bear, a wolf and his normal self, but maybe, maybe he could simply change his gender? His sex? 
He’s not sure, but he could certainly give it a try.
Concentrating hard on his face and his appearance in the water’s reflection- the trees of Ironwood as a backdrop- he focuses on that shifting in his gut when he changes form. He screws his eyes shut as his cheeks and forehead begin to burn, eyes stinging. He feels his chest shifting, his hands changing, even his stomach and legs and feet. Then he feels a change in a certain area and his eyes snap open. 
A new face stares back up at him from his reflection.
Instead of his regular face, with its smooth cheeks and curves, his face is much sharper, cheekbones stronger and his eyes much more narrow. His nose has become larger, his eyebrows thicker. His lips are plumper, and his cheeks have darkened with red. His hair is no longer shaved into his trademark style, but is much longer, falling like a curtain around his shoulders and over his wider chest. Some parts of it have curled itself into braids, while most of it flows freely.
He… He almost looks like Mother.
Atreus quickly hops to his feet, and finds that his thighs are thicker, his calves wider. Even his arms, hands and feet have changed, and he looks himself over with awe. 
He really did it. He changed his sex.
And while he looks a lot different in his new female form, he is still distinctively himself. He’s just… more sharp and long angles like his mother rather than his father’s broad and curved muscles. His strength is more obvious in this body, somehow, with his biceps defined and his calves strong.
He can’t stop staring at himself. He’s finally… feminine. He’s not a man. He’s a woman. A beautiful, gorgeous woman that’s not a rugged or handsome man. He feels giddy, and without thinking, he rushes to where he can normally find Angrboda; at her home painting on wood or large sheets of paper.
Sure enough, Atreus finds her there, Fenrir laid down nearby. He runs to her, grinning hugely while waving his hands. Angrboda smiles, looking across at him, “Hey Loki-!” until she suddenly loses her smile, no recognition in her eyes she stares at him. She drops her art supplies, standing defensively as he stops nearby, confused. Fenrir smells her fear and peaks his eyes open, but smells his father’s scent, and so he does not snarl at Loki. Instead, he lays his head back down. “Who the Hel are you?!”
Oh. Right. He’s not as recognizable as this. “Angrboda!” he exclaims, throwing his hands up to show he isn’t aggressive. “It’s me, Loki!”
Angrboda hesitates, tilting her head to the side, eyes squinting as she studies his face. Finally, she relaxes, but her eyebrows stay raised. “Woah,” she says, cupping her chin between her thumb and forefinger. “It is you. You look… different.”
He grins again, flapping his hands at his side to help release some of the energy. “Yeah!” he says, grin somehow doubling as he crosses the rest of the way to stand in front of her. He grabs her hands in his, both slotting together near perfectly. “I shapeshifted into a woman!”
“What? Why?” she demands, and for some reason, she sounds angry. Atreus hesitates, grin faltering at her tone. Why does she sound angry? “That’s disgus-”
“Can I tell you something I’ve never told anyone else?” he asks, voice dropping as his words crack. She snaps her mouth shut, frowning at him before she nods in response. He wets his lips, nervous. He’s never told even Sindri or Mimir about his past feminine days. But he knows he can trust Angrboda. He quickly tells her, some of his words crashing together with his nerves. Angrboda listens intently, not looking away from him once, their hands still entwined.
Once he’s finished, she nods. “I completely understand,” she says, and his eyes widen at her admission. “I-” she draws in a breath through her nose, and just as quickly as he’d spoken, she tells him, “When I was born, I was a boy. But I never felt like a boy. So I became a woman. So I am a woman. I just never feel like a boy again unlike you.”
“Really?” Atreus asks, his voice dipping with surprise. When she nods, her eyes filled with tears, he lets out a shaky laugh. “Oh- wow! I never… I never thought there’d be anyone else like me! Or that anyone else would understand.”
Angrboda’s eyes widen with surprise, “You’re- you believe me?” When he nods in response, brows furrowed with confusion, she lets out her breath, “Sorry. No one else has understood. My parents tried to, but my… my grandmother never even tried to.” She throws her arms around him to hug him suddenly, laughing as she does so. “This is amazing, Loki!”
Atreus once more grins and quickly hugs her back, breathing shakily. “It really is, Angrboda!” Then, hesitantly he asks, “Does that… does that mean I can be… referred to as a.. Woman…?” It sounds silly to ask out loud. He was born a boy after all, even if he did change his sex. He’s not like Angrboda, who truly became a woman. He wants to be a boy again… eventually. He doesn’t know when, but he will at some point.
But she merely pulls back, grinning at him brightly. “Of course!” she exclaims with excitement. “You are a woman when you want to be, Loki! And you are a boy when you want to be, too! I’ll do my best to keep up with you.” She hugs him again. “You are… quite pretty.”
In an instant, his- no, her- cheeks burst with heat. She chuckles sheepishly as pulls away shyly. “Aw, thanks,” she says quietly. Angrboda merely giggles at her, and catches one of her hands. 
“I mean it, Loki,” she says earnestly. “You’re really pretty.” Then, she tilts her head to the side, studying Atreus once again. “Want a makeover? I’ve never tried doing someone else’s makeup but-”
“Yes yes yes please!” Atreus shouts quickly, nodding her head eagerly. She grips Angrboda’s hand tightly with her excitement, and Angrboda grins back, tugging her towards her treehouse.
“Right this way then, little lady!” Angrboda says, and Atreus finally realizes that as a girl, she is much shorter than Angrboda. Which isn’t fair, because Mother had been just as tall as Father and they’re both huge. So why is she never huge as a girl or a boy? Makes no sense in her opinion.
“I’m not that short,” she argues, and Angrboda snorts.
“Uh, yeah, you are.”
“Am not!”
“Sure sure. Let’s get you some eyeshadow… What color? Orange to contrast your eyes and match your hair? Or…”
Atreus breathes heavily as she approaches her and father’s home, tugging at the color of her armor fitted for her body in this form. Angrboda had helped her make it, because apparently, that’s another of the Giant’s talents. They seem to be endless, and Atreus will never stop loving her for it. 
Years after going on her solo journey, she’s finally returning home. And on a feminine day, no less… At first, she’d been debating on whether to just see her father again as a boy, but Angrboda had been firm in the fact that Atreus should not change herself. Not even for her father. Or anybody, for that matter.
“He loves you,” Angrboda had pointed out one night as they watched the stars together. “Even if he doesn’t really understand it, he’ll try to, and he’ll still love you.” She grinned at him, and he smiled back at her nervously, “Besides, you’ll want to tell him one day. Why not rip the bandage off now?”
Atreus is beginning to regret listening to her. She knows she’s right; Father does love him. He’s proved it time and again, no matter what she has done. Yet it’s still nerve wracking.
“Just act as if nothing has changed,” Angrboda suggested. “I did it with my parents until they asked, and then I answered all of their questions. Helps things be less awkward. Or, it did for us, anyways.”
So that’s what she’s going to do. Act as if nothing is different. She can do that. Hopefully. 
She reaches the entrance to their home and knocks. Quietly at first, before doing so again louder. It takes only a moment for the door to open, revealing her father on the other side. And it takes only a moment longer for Father to recognize him, eyes going wide as he stares down at her.
“Atreus…” Father breathes, disbelief in his tone. Atreus smiles up at him nervously, and scratches the back of her head nervously. She’s still shorter than him… Sure she’s grown, and now stands at the height of his shoulder, but she’d been hoping for more! Maybe as a boy she’s finally at least as tall as him. 
“Hey, Father,” she says, trying to put as much confidence into her voice as possible. “It’s, uh… been a while, huh?”
There are tears in Father’s eyes, and suddenly, he’s reaching through the distance between them. He cups one of Atreus’s cheeks, his touch featherlight, barely brushing against his cheeks. Atreus’s own eyes are beginning to sting. 
“You look just like her,” he whispers, words and voice tight. Her heart stops at the mention of Mother, and a few tears do slip free. Father brushes them away with his thumb, a great pain but love in his eyes. An old, deep pain rooted from the past. “Am I now to call you beautiful?”
Atreus’s eyes widen with shock, and her lips begin to shake as she realizes that Father already understands without her even needing to explain. She sniffles and pushes forward, hugging him tightly. He hugs her back, holding her close and tight.
“Y- yeah,” she says shakily, shoulders slightly shaking. “For today, yeah. Yeah. Beautiful.”
“Then you are beautiful, and I have missed, daughter,” Father mumbles, and Atreus is suddenly tiny again, the tiny child who had been confused by everything but always searching for their father’s approval and understanding. Finally. Finally she knows that he does, and always would have, if only she had, too.
Atreus nods against his chest, fingers digging into the new fur cape Father had sewn.
They are Father and son.
They are Father and daughter.
And they are Father and child.
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alloftheimagines · 2 years
billy hargrove | exile | part one
words: 1.7k
warnings: 18+
drunk asshole billy, toxic relationship, arguments, strong language and derogatory name-calling towards reader, mention of daddy issues, no happy ending, ya'll asked for angst (i have the receipts) and... well. this is just straight up billy and reader being mean to each other until reader leaves.
prompts: Could we please have some Billy angst (no need to hold back on it, feel free to be as angsty as you’d like, I love that shit) where the relationship was exhilarating at first but it just turns really sour, and even though they may have a horrible break up and start to see other people, there is still a deep melancholic yearning for each other? I have Exile by Taylor Swift stuck in my head and I can’t stop thinking about Billy.
"i hate you, i hope you don't forget that after tonight." Would love to be graced with some more Billy angst pleaseeee :D
tags: @whiskeypowder @lil-stark @cultofmunson86 @findleynovadachs111 @sweetbabygirlsworld
— an: i thought this one would be better separated into two/three parts so there will be a part two posted within the next week or so. as always, read with care please.
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Billy isn’t quite sure what he’s done wrong — but, then, he never is. He comes home late, stumbling his way down the hall, half-drunk and half-ready to bury himself inside you after a long day of work that quickly led to too many drinks at the bar across the street. He holds a wilted bouquet of roses he spent his last ten bucks on that morning because, well… things haven’t been great between the two of you recently. You’re always angry at him, and your anger makes him angry, and before you know it, you’re both yelling: about bills, about him never being home, about some new guy you’ve been hanging out with at work. You turned into the nagging housewife overnight, and he wasn’t prepared. His instinct is to get defensive, to protect himself, because he spent long enough under fire from his dad and he doesn’t need it from you too. 
Even though he hates this, and sometimes wants to believe he hates you, he woke up this morning with cold fear lying heavy in the pit of his stomach and knew he had to try to make things right. To reignite the spark. He just hadn’t intended to be home so late in the process. 
After clumsily letting himself into your shared apartment, he’s surprised to find you’re not in your usual spot on the couch. He stumbles into the kitchen, shouting, “Babe?” — and stops abruptly. There are two plates of food on the dinner table. His favourite: steak and buttery potatoes. In the middle of it, a cake with candles not yet lit. 
His heart sinks. Your fucking birthday. He’d forgotten. He’s never been good with dates, but it’s your first birthday in your new apartment and… he forgot. 
The wilted flowers make him feel like a fucking asshole. He balls his fists, bites his knuckle, heaves a huge sigh as he prepares himself for the mess he has to clean up when he goes into the bedroom. 
And then he walks down the hallway to face you. 
You lie in bed, your back to the door, duvet tucked to your chin. He’s almost afraid to disturb you. Afraid of the inevitable look on your face when you face him. 
“Baby?” he murmurs quietly. 
“Don’t,” you whisper. And then, firmly if not a bit wobbly, “Don’t talk to me, Billy. We’ll fight tomorrow. I can’t do it tonight.”
He hovers, unsure what to do next. At least when you’re fighting him, you’re still here. He can’t reach you like this, and if he can’t reach you… 
You’re slipping through his fingers. He can feel it. His stomach tugs painfully with more fear, more desperation. “I’m sorry,” he rasps, closing his eyes and scraping a curl out of his eye. “Baby, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t realise…”
“What?” You kick the duvet down the bed in an instant, straightening into a seat to face him. Your eyes are red-rimmed, face puffy. You wear one of his old, tattered band tees and he thinks that has to mean something. If you’re still wearing his clothes, you’re still his. “What didn’t you realise?”
“The time.” He winces on his own lie. “A couple of guys wanted to go out after work, blow off some steam, and I didn’t mean to be out so late. I… I bought you flowers.” He extends the pathetic bouquet, petals raining down. 
You eye them sourly, shaking your head as you stand up and shove them away. They fall out of his hand, onto the floor, and he gulps, trying to keep his anger at bay. He doesn’t have a right to it, but it’s always there. It’s not even directed at you; it’s himself he hates. 
“I spent my birthday alone because you wanted to blow off some steam?” Your voice is mangled by tears. 
Billy has no excuse this time. But he still has fight, and as long as there’s that, things have to be okay. This is just what you do now. You fight. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, or you don’t love him. It doesn’t mean things can’t be fixed. “It wasn’t like that—”
“No, Billy, it wasn’t. I know you,” you say. “You didn’t even remember, did you?”
“Of course I did, baby,” he lies. 
“No!” You lift a hand, cutting him off. “No, you didn’t. Just fucking say it. Don't lie to me!”
Helpless, his hands slap to his sides and he lets out a long breath. “Fine. I forgot it was your birthday. I’m sorry, okay? I’m fucking sorry. What else do you want me to say?”
You take a step back as though winded, and something he’s never seen from you before crosses your face. Hatred. Cold, seething hatred. His knees almost buckle at the sight, but he still can’t get his mouth to say the right thing. Maybe he’s mad too. Maybe he’s tired of spending his days slaving away to keep you both afloat. You’re in college. You sit at a desk and study all day while he’s elbow-deep in grease and grime at the mechanic's across town, yet it’s you who always gets to be mad. You who always starts the fights. Maybe he’s fucking tired of that. 
“I don’t want you to say anything,” you say finally, quietly. You turn around, the frayed hem of his shirt brushing your bare thighs as you pull a duffel bag from under the bed. 
Dread turns Billy cold. “Don’t be so fucking dramatic.” He’s practically begging now, following you as you pace the room: wardrobe, dresser, bathroom. You throw whatever you come to in the bag. “Jesus, do we have to do this again? I apologised, alright? Come back to bed.” He tries to hold your hand, but you snatch your own away.
“No, Billy! No! I’m exhausted. I’m so tired of lugging around this relationship for the both of us!” Tears spill across your cheeks as you whip around, reflections warring in the mirror above the sink. He doesn’t recognise either of the people in it. This wasn’t supposed to turn out so… wrong. You were supposed to accept him as he was. You knew he wasn’t perfect when you signed up for this, after all.
“You’re tired?” he bites back. “You’re not on your feet all fucking day doing manual labour for next to nothing, and you’re tired?”
“I knew you that was your problem!” You jab a finger into his chest. “I’m working, too, Billy! I’m in lectures all day, and when I’m not studying, I’m serving fucking coffee because I’m trying to make something of myself!"
He scoffs. “Right. And I’m not. I’m just a waste of space, right? I’m in a dead-end job, no future. I only pay the fucking bills and put food on the table.”
“You’re never home to put anything on the damn table!” you shriek hysterically, voice echoing through the apartment. “You’re never here, Billy! I don’t care what the fuck you do with your life. I care that you come home late and drunk every fucking night. I care that I made my own damn birthday dinner for us with your favourite food and you couldn’t even be bothered to show up!” 
“Nothing I do is enough, is it?” He’s yelling now, too, so lost in his racing heart he can’t hear much else. “Why don’t you just fucking say it?”
“Say what?” You shove past him, throwing more shit into your bag before heading for your textbooks. 
“What this is really about!” He trails you, closer now so you can’t ignore him. “You think you’re better than me because you go to school. You think I’m some fucking idiot who's only good for changing a fucking tyre while you go and hang out with a bunch of arrogant losers every damn day and write in your little notebooks.” He snatches one of your notepads from you and dangles it as though it's something to laugh at.
“Right, yeah.” Your voice drips with sarcasm as you snatch it back. “You ever consider that those are your own insecurities, Billy?”
“You ever consider that you’re an ungrateful, prissy little bitch?” he retorts. 
He wants to take the word back as soon as it falls, especially when he sees your reaction. Your lips part with shock, eyes wide and glassy before your brow furrows. “Excuse me?”
But he can’t stop himself now. It all spills out of him like poison from a vial. He doesn’t know if it’s anger or alcohol or just self-destruction, but he knows that once he says it, there’s no going back. Yet still, it falls out of him. “You know what I think? You start these fucking arguments because you need a way to feel better about yourself — just like you flirt with the coffee guy for the same reason. You can’t live without attention, and, let’s face it, we all know fucking why. Daddy didn’t love you enough, right? Boo-fucking-who. Everybody has shitty dads. Not everybody has to be a whiny slut because of it.”
You blink as though you need a moment to absorb the words, the only movement your heaving chest as he waits, waits, waits. He regrets it. Wants to take it back. His fingernails dig into his palms so hard they leave red crescent moons in his flesh. But it’s too late. 
And then you gather your duffle bag and you spit out three words he never wanted to hear from you. “I hate you.”
He tilts his head, still unable to shake off the mask he’s always worn so well. “Promise, darlin'?”
Your lip curls in disgust. “I hate you, and I never want to see you again. You stay the fuck away from me from now on. I hate you, and don’t you ever fucking forget it after tonight. We’re done, Billy. We're fucking done.”
Finally, Billy pales as the weight of what he’s just done registers. 
He’s lost you.
And just to prove it, you walk out of the door, out of the apartment, out of his life, leaving him to suffocate in the bitter silence.
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bubblegumspacebxtch · 3 years
Keep It Quiet
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A/N: so it was only a matter of time before I indulged myself and made a smutty imagine for Fez so here's that. this is just porn tbh because this man does things to me. hope ya'll enjoy
warnings || 18+ smut, minors DNI, oral (f), fingering (f), dirty talk, praise kink, gagging (with panties and fingers), unprotected sex, squirting, creampie
"Fez please," you mewled. Your hand at the back of his head as you lightly scratched his scalp. He kisses down your chest, the rough pads of his fingers were a stark contrast to your delicate tits as he squeezed them. Fezco loved how soft you were. Always so warm whenever he held you. You were driving him crazy the whole day. Walking around in your little sundress, the back of your exposed thighs made him go feral, the overwhelming want to have you sit on his face becoming too much. He could go down on you for hours, but right now, he needed you to be quiet. "Don't be too loud, baby," he whispered to your stomach, before kissing either side of your hips. You squirmed at that.
You knew you couldn't make much noise with Ash just in the other room, but Fezco's mouth wasn't where you needed him. You felt his fingers pull at the waistband of your panties before snapping it back in place, teasing you. You moaned. God, he was being a smug asshole right now, smiling as he watches you clench your thighs to relieve some of the pressure. "You real wet down there, baby?" He peers up at you through his lashes, his eyes darker than they usually are.
After a second you nod, your eyes closing as you feel him drag your panties down your legs. You bend your knees to help him strip you completely. He tossed the drench material somewhere else in the bed before placing his strong hands on each of your knees, spreading your legs and exposing your pussy to him. Fuck, he really has no fucking clue what he did to deserve you. However hard life was to him, you being in it made it all worth everything.
You try to force your legs shut again with the heat of Fezco's stare making you suddenly feel all shy and shit. "It's okay baby. Just wanna get a look at ya," you let him part your legs again, exposing your cunt to the cold air of the room. Fez brings his thumb to part your folds, spreading your lips which made you whine at the contact. "Fez please, no more teasing." He only smirked at that, enjoying the view of you sprawled naked on his bed. He's a bastard for making you beg.
You felt him pull away to stand. You watch him undress at the foot of the bed, leaving only his chain. One of his hands is wrapped around his cock, his tip red and leaking. You watch him pump his throbbing length before getting back on the bed and settling once again between your wide-spread legs. “Oh fuck,” Fez breathes, his face coming close to your glistening folds. “Look how fucking wet you are for me,” he rasps, the gentleness of his tone only causing you to bite your lip. A moan gets caught in your throat as he buries his face in your heat. You let out a small 'fuck' as you try your best not to close around his head. His long licks have you arching your back off the bed.
Fez watches you while he laps up your slick, dipping his tongue into you. It wasn't until he wrapped his lips around your little clit and started sucking that you let out a small scream, prompting you to cover your mouth with your hand. "Can't fucking keep quiet, can ya?" Fez takes his hot mouth off your pussy, replacing it with a thick finger. With his other hand, he grabbed your panties from the corner of the bed. He meets your face to kiss you. You taste yourself off of him, and you moan. When Fez pulls away, he stuffs your panties in your mouth. He smirks at you before going back between your legs.
Fez flattens his tongue over your cunt. You squeal through your gag as he continues slurping up your juices. You feel a familiar pressure spread in your belly, and by now Fez has his facial hair soaked. "Cum on my face, Y/N. C'mon." He starts fingering you, curling his digits to hit that patch within you. You let out a muffled scream as you squirt out against his awaiting mouth. You hear Fez groan before licking you clean, raising his head to watch your chest breathe in and out deep.
He meets your face again to take your panties out of your mouth. "You did so good," he mumbles as he kisses you. Fez then moves to kneel on the bed, grabbing your shaking legs in each hand and shoving them back to bend your knees. He runs his cock up and down your slit, watching your eyes roll back. Fez lines himself up with you before sinking in. You gasp at the stretch. His cock stretching you good. He hooks his arms under your legs to open you up even more to him before pounding into you. He thrusts into you, his tip going so far that your mind goes blank and you go dumb on his cock.
"Look at you," Fez groaned. "So fucking pretty under me." You whimpered at that, unable to do anything but moan his name. A particularly deep thrust of his had you crying out, making him stuff his fingers in your mouth. The way you were clenching around his cock told him you were close. He took his fingers out of your mouth to rub them harshly on your clit. You caught your mouth in your hand before you let out a scream. He was fucking you so good you swear you might pass out.
Your release hits suddenly, and Fez fucks you through it, before following soon after. He came with a groan, chest vibrating as his cum pours into you. Fez thrusts a few more times causing you to mewl because you're so sensitive, pussy tingling. He pulls out with a groan, watching his cum leak out of you. You don’t know how long he stares between your thighs as you try to catch your breath. You meet his gaze a few minutes later and give him a tired smile. Fez returns it, crawling over to kiss you again.
"Lemme get something to clean you up," you watch him put his boxers on before heading to the bathroom. Fez returned a moment later with a cloth, using it to wipe between your thighs. You gasped as he brushed over your sensitive clit. “My bad, baby," he apologized. You only hummed in response as you felt your eyes get heavy with sleep. You felt yourself drifting off as Fez pulls you to his chest, his heart thumping beneath your head. "Get some rest, Y/N," Fez mumbled before kissing your head.
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holly-beary · 3 years
if you're still looking for jiglup inspiration, I have some ideas and headcanons... use whatever of it strikes your fancy
- first kiss! what must that have been like... I always picture it being something that happened after a long period of "is he interested or not" type pining, especially on Jigen's part, and when they finally kiss its so very desperate because finally.
- drunk goofy fooling around. of any sort. maybe it's just antics, like Jigen trying to give Lupin a piggyback, but they're both drunk off their asses and they end up in a heap of belly laughs on the ground. or maybe it's more steamy, like this just loosened them up enough to get really handsy with each other.
- I think it'd actually be interesting if Jigen was more than a little okay with Lupin's various obsessions with random women because when his pursuits end in failure (9 times out of 10), he always comes back to Jigen, and is usually... in a particular kind of mood, and frustrated in a particular kind of way, and it makes him very eager to have Jigen help him with that. Lupin seeks Jigen out independently enough of the time, so Jigen doesn't feel like he's only ever playing second fiddle... Lupin just has some complicated habits and rituals.
- one of them being very assertive, much to the other's mild surprise. Jigen holding Lupin down to force him to look him in the eye and be serious for a moment, but now Lupin is just distracted by how appealing Jigen is like this. or maybe Jigen getting a liiiiittle jealous of some girl that actually is giving Lupin a lot of attention lately, so Lupin decides to show Jigen just how insanely much he wants him, regardless of whoever else might be interesting him at the moment.
- the two of them sitting there in front of Zenigata, handcuffed, faces smudged with dirt and soot, clothes nearly in tatters, bruised and battered, while he yells at them for how much chaos they just caused. and as he's yelling, the two keep whispering things to each other and giggling, and Lupin might've stifled a laugh against Jigen's shoulder, or maybe his neck... and Zenigata is about to blow a gasket because could they take this seriously for even two minutes?? please??? the answer is no, they cannot.
- Lupin waking Jigen up with kisses in the morning. this can be sweet or spicy, either way, maybe both.
Holy shit anon, thanks for the very excellent treasure trove of art prompts! I'm totally obsessed with lupjig first kisses heavily saturated with pining, (I've drawn one before), so you can bet I will draw another one eventually. Someday I would actually love to do a fanart of the first kiss in Prosodi's Marks Come Before, Marks Come After, which might be my favourite lupjig fanfic ever, (ya'll should read it if you haven't). I subsequently head-canon in line with this fic that various other firsts would pretty immediately follow the latter because when you've been pining for that long and you're a horny thief you don't hesitate when you FINALLY know that your feelings are reciprocated. In addition, I think alcohol is probably that extra l push that's needed to loosen Lupin and Jigen's inhibitions up and bring those idiots to the realization that their feelings are mutual so YES. Drunken fooling around also.
I'm not really settled on how Jigen feels about Lupin's flings tbh. I think they probably really bother him before he and Lupin are a thing but maybe less so after, and then yeah, I can see him taking advantage of Lupin coming home in a mood when he gets turned down lol. LOVE the idea of Jigen being possessive/assertive though and Lupin being surprised at first and then maybe later pushing those buttons on purpose to get him all riled up.
Pfftt flirting in front of Zenigata A++. And morning kisses? So sweet.
Thank you for these!!!
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hailbop1701 · 4 years
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Welcome back to Prompt Wednesday everyone! We have prompt #42 chosen by @fandoms-and-sunshine!
Fandom: Almost Human
Type: John Kennex X Reader
Whiskey Business
Word Count: 2,424
Okay so this was supposed to be crack-ish but it ended being pure angst. 👀😅 I hope ya'll like it and please don't mind the typos I have no beta for these! Please note the reader is a paramedic in this and I don't know what they do day in and out. So if I got things wrong or it sounds a little off I'm sorry! I also wanted to say thank you to those who are Paramedics/EMS and firefighters. You guys do so much and I feel you should be recognized more often!
The day had been long and exhausting both emotionally and physically. Huffing out a frustrated breath still pent up on adrenaline and anger you took another big swig of whiskey. The bottle was half gone and you gave up on using a glass a while ago. Lifting the bottle you took another swig hoping to wash out the nasty taste that day’s events left you with. 
Your day started out like any other. It was rather dull until a call came in for a bad car accident downtown. You and your partner took the call and made it record time, 
“Traffic laws don’t apply to us,” your partner Jinnie tried to convince you as she hopped over the median strip. The rig jangled and bucked but was otherwise unharmed, you couldn’t help but laugh at her insanity and roll your eyes. 
“Marcus is going to kill you one of these days!” you chuckled thinking about your boss who wore a permanent scowl. Jinnie smirked and winked like she knew a funny joke and couldn’t wait to tell you the punch line, “Marcus and I have an understanding!” she giggled. You wrinkled your nose and shook your head, “Nasty Jin, just no,” 
She cackled as she made a sharp left turn; outside the rig, horns blared and honked, curses were thrown at you from afternoon commuters out hunting for a quick lunch. “Hey don’t knock it until you’ve tried it,” Jinnie said wickedly. You let out a pained groan and made a dramatic gagging sound, 
“Never gonna go there Jin, Marcus reminds me of my uncle Artie, who by the way is one pill away from the nuthouse, “ you said bracing your hands against the dash as the ambulance screeched to a halt at the call. The intersection held four smoking damaged beyond repair cars. One of which was overturned with blood coloring the windshield. Jinnie threw open her door tossing a “Call for backup” over her shoulder. 
Picking up the radio you made the call ordering more ambulancs and for police to hurry their collective asses up. Looking up you saw Jinnie climbing into the overturned car with her kit. Cursing you saw the crowd getting bigger and pushing their way closer to the scene. Tossing your radio to the side you kicked open your door the rest of the way-
The doorbell rang bringing you back to your dingy apartment. Safe, alive, and curled up on the couch clutching onto a now almost empty bottle like it was a lifeline. The doorbell rang again repeatedly like the person in the hall was trying to play chopsticks with the ringer; hissing in annoyance you set the whiskey bottle down noisily on the glass coffee table and stumbled toward the door. Blinking away the cotton and shaking the blurriness away you reached your front door without too much incident. Staring at the doorknob intently for a few seconds you waited until there were at least three of them, only then you decided to guess which one was the real one. 
Swinging the door open you blinked and glared at the moronic soul who dared disturb your grief-induced drinking binge. There stood John Kennex holding two large bags in his hands; you knew John easily enough. The two of you would run across each other often at scenes, whether they were accidents or not so much. You were actually one of the ones who kept John alive on the way to the hospital after the raid. That had been a bad day, just as bad as this one was. He contacted you again sometime after he woke up from his coma, the two of you have been hanging out and getting closer ever since. 
John pressed his lips into a thin line the both of you silent and appraising each other, 
“Are you sober?” 
you scoffed at the dumbass question, with a roll of your eyes you responded like any other time he’s asked you something dumb. You gave him the most smart-ass reply your whiskey drenched brain could come up with at that moment.
“I’m moderately functional,” 
John breathed out a heavy sigh catching the strong whiff of alcohol and depression coming from you. “I’ll take that as a no,” he muttered pushing his way into your apartment, you scowled at his back as he disappeared into your kitchen. 
“Please come right in,” you slurred dramatically bowing, gesturing for your imaginary friends in the hallway to join you. Slamming the door shut you carefully work your way to where John was rummaging around in your cupboards, you mumbled obscenities under your breath and made your way back to the living room where your bottle sat waiting for you. 
It was gone, “John what the actual fuck!” you whined stomping your taco slipper-clad foot down angrily. John shot you a grimace from the kitchen as he pulled down plates and grabbed forks, “You don’t need anymore, besides there was like a sip left so I drank it,” 
“Dick move Kennex,” you growled flopping down on the couch. The offending man gave you a sad smile, he walked in holding two plates piled high with Chinese food and balanced two bottles of soda under his arms. Pitying the poor struggling man you took the sodas from him so he could set down the plates. Sighing John flopped into the couch next to giving you a cheeky smile, 
“You brought me food,” you mumbled looking at the takeout confused. John hummed cracking open your soda and forcing it into your hands so you get something else in you other than cheap whiskey. Taking an automatic swig of the sugary beverage you winced at the change of pace. 
Your question threw him off guard a little; fork half-way to his mouth with noodles hanging off of it he looked at you like he was choosing his words carefully. John set his plate down and turned to face you, “Because you’re my friend (Y/N) and you’ve lost somebody. You shouldn’t have to be alone and I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to be drinking with a concussion,” he said adding the last part offhandedly.  
Your ears still rang and the pounding in your head -now that he’s reminded you- hurt like hell. But that’s not what made you flinch; what you’ve spent hours working to forget was flooding all back. 
The smell of gas unmistakable, your eyes searched the ground and around the other cars as you worked to stabilize a teen girl in an old Prius at the front of the pack. “Is everything okay?” the girl moaned out watching your darkening face, her own expression melting into one of panic. Turning back to her you give her a shaky reassuring smile, 
“Yeah, I just need you to hold still for me, okay?” The girl returned the shaky smile, her lips trembling, tears streamed down her face. You shushed her gently as you put a neck brace on her, “What’s your name sweetheart?” 
“Gwen, my-my name is Gwen,” she croaked, sniffing trying to put on a brave face. You gave her another smile trying to keep the apprehension from your voice. The smell of gas was getting stronger by the second. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Gwen, my name is (Y/N),” 
“I can’t move my legs,” Gwen whimpered struggling, you immediately stopped her. 
“Gwen I’m gonna need you to hold still for me hun,” 
The girl whimpered again in both fear and pain, “I just want to go home,” she cried tears flowing again. You nodded, “I know sweetheart, I know. We’ll get you out soon,” you promised and internally winced. Never make promises. 
Looking over your shoulder you saw Jinnie loading up your rig’s gurney. She looked at you and gestured to your surroundings in question. The lack of other ambulances and police were getting tiresome. You shook your head and gave a shrug; Jinnie huffed and talked into the comm that was on her vest. 
“(Y/N) I can smell gas, is that bad? That’s bad, right?” Gwen sobbed struggling against the steering wheel again. Her legs were pinned and you were going to need the fire department to get her out. Feeling helpless you tapped your comm. 
“Jin, where’s the FD? We’re going to need sand ASAP,” you kept your voice even and without the panic you were feeling. Gwen started breathing hard; the beginnings of an anxiety attack. 
“Gwen I need you to breathe, I can’t have you passing out on me now,” your voice seemed to soothe the girl so you kept going. Taking her hand you talked about anything and everything until her breathing was under control again. The sound of screeching tires and sirens pulled you from a story about your older brother, some firecrackers, and a little too much hooch. You heard Jinnie in the background berating anyone who would stop and listen to her, 
“Where in hell have you been?” her voice carried over the chaos. Looking in the side mirror you saw your best friend and partner shouting at another paramedic, who was shrinking back from the small woman. A firefighter was jogging up to you holding his helmet in place, 
“What do you need?” he asked breathlessly, giving you a flirty smile. Any other time you would have been flattered but right now you were just pissed off. “Sand and her legs are pinned,” 
At your tone of voice, the firefighter shrunk back a little and cleared his throat nervously. Hastily he spoke a few orders into his comm. Peering into the car the man muttered to Gwen that he was going to get her out of there by supper time. ‘Should have been earlier than that,’ you thought sourly. 
“(Y/N) I need your help over here!” Jinnie called waving a hand wildly. Biting your lip you tuned back to Gwen, “I’ll be right back okay Gwen? I’m going to be right over there,” you pointed in the direction of a group of ambulances. Gwen sniffed and nodded watching the firefighter work on pulling the driver’s side door open. 
You were a good twenty feet away when you heard a startled scream. Whipping around you saw Gwen’s car on fire; the firefighter struggled and fought with the car door trying to desperately get it open. 
“(Y/N)!” the girl screamed and before you knew it the fire spread to the cab. Gwen screamed in terror and pain as the fire engulfed the vehicle. You surged forward without thinking to try and help but a pair of arms stopped you from doing any further. Screaming out the girl’s name you elbowed the person who had a hold of you. Before you could run forward you were pushed back by an explosion. 
Landing on your back you looked up at the cloudless blue sky in a daze, someone was calling your name repeatedly but they seemed too far away to understand. 
“-(Y/N), I need you to calm down for me, okay?” 
The touch and sound of John pulled you back gasping. His hand held yours to his chest over his heart, it fluttered but beat steadily under your touch, his breathing even. “That’s it, sweetheart,” he encouraged softly as your own breathing slowed to match his. He rattled on about this, that, and the other thing. Your mind started to function almost normally again as he talked about how Dorian kept tuning into Korean radio. 
Tears streamed down your cheeks making him stop mid-sentence, scooting closer to you he slowly wrapped his arms around you. You stiffened in his for the briefest moment before breaking down. 
It was quite sometime later when you finally sat up and rubbed away any traces of tears and snot. “I’m sorry,” you whispered embarrassedly, eyeing the wet patch on his shirt. John waved it away his eyes searching your for any sign of panic or distress, 
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” he murmured gruffly, grabbing your discarded soda from the coffee table. You frowned at the offering, ‘When did I put that down?’ you questioned taking the beverage. Uncapping the soda you took a decent swig, the bubbles cleared your head a bit more. John stood and grabbed both of your still full plates and headed to the kitchen. You watched as he put them in the microwave one at a time. His gaze would flit to you every few seconds or so just to make sure you were still okay. 
Getting up you wandered over to him, pulling your sweatshirt tighter around yourself you give him a sad grateful smile. “Thank you,” you had said it so softly that he almost didn’t catch it. 
John pushed off the counter wrapping you into another hug, this one you fully returned. You both swayed to the hum of the microwave the smell of Chinese drifting through the air. John rested his chin on the crown of your head humming softly. “Tiny Dancer,” by Elton John you guessed by the tune. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle at how out of tune he was. “Don’t ruin the song, John,”  you murmured into his neck. His chest vibrated as he laughed, his fingers gently carding through your hair. “I’m not that bad,” he defends half-heartedly. You shook your head and pulled back just a little to raise an eyebrow. Upon seeing your expression John huffed and nodded, 
“I’m that bad,” he agreed. 
The microwave beeped signaling that the food was finally heated up and ready to eat. But neither of you wanted to pull away. Grumbling you glared at the offending machine mentally willing your food to float across the kitchen to where you were standing. When nothing happened you cursed at it instead, 
“Damn, the struggle is fucking real,” you sighed stepping away from John to retrieve your food. Picking up his plate John followed you back into the living room, he grabbed the remote for your TV and flicked it on to an old classic movie. The Jurassic Park theme echoing throughout the room made you smile in nostalgia. 
Sitting down you easily molded yourself into John’s side and for the rest of the night that’s where you stayed. You knew everything was going to be alright, even if your heart still ached for Gwen and the firefighter who you never knew. You accepted that you were going to be upset for a long time because of what happened but you were at least not going to be alone. 
Prompt Wednesday:
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99griffon · 5 years
This is a Gravity Falls fanfiction I wrote to accompany the artwork that I will put at the end for ya'll ^-^
A new anomaly has appeared and Ford takes Dipper along on his investigation. Their lives are put at stake when they reach their target.
    Dipper’s flashlight could barely pierce the darkness around him as he walked at his Great Uncle Ford’s side. The silence terrified him but… he couldn’t ask to go back. When Ford asked if he wanted to help him explore an uncharted cave, he immediately jumped onto the opportunity. He wasn’t expecting this but he couldn’t let his uncle down! Dipper glanced around the smooth rock walls that surrounded them. The cave had apparently just appeared overnight and it had gone much deeper than either of them had thought, though they were pretty well prepared regardless. Dipper had all of their supplies-- flashlight, back up flashlight, matches, food, water, rope, flares, even some of Ford’s ammo… just in case. The man’s face was practically glued to the tiny, dimly glowing screen of his anomaly detection device so Dipper would often have to stop him or tell his to turn or something like that.
     “Whatever made this cave is still a bit deeper in… perhaps we should take a break-- we have been walking for a while.” Ford suddenly spoke, and although his tone was hushed, he effectively killed the haunting silence that had suffocated them. “I’ll keep an eye on the anomaly and make sure it doesn’t come any nearer.” Dipper nodded, shining his flashlight into the path before him, just in case. The light flickered a bit so Dipper gave the flashlight a whack on the side. He squinted into the shadows, seeing if he could make anything out. Once satisfied that they were alone, he turned his light and found a little space where he could sit for a moment.
     “Yeah… I should probably check these batteries anyways.” The teen huffed and pulled the bag off as he sat. He set his flashlight down and pulled out the extra, flipping its switch a few times. Dead. “We probably should have checked these before we left.” Ford sighed, sitting down cross-legged on the rocky floor.
    “I know-- I did rush you. I’m sorry about that.”
    “No, no, it’s fine! I was super excited too, I didn’t really think about it.” He pulled out the batteries as silence fell over them again. “Do you have any idea on what this thing yet?”
    “No… well yes. It’s a fairly general assumption. I think it’s a serpent-creature--- a big one at that, based on the size of this ‘burrow’.” He paused. “I think you should head back.”
    “What?? Why? You know I can help you!” Dipper looked up from the now unscrewed backup flashlight.
    “I know, and you’re a great help, but I don’t think we’ll have the space to both fight this thing… and I can’t risk you getting hurt if we have to run.” Ford’s face was hard to see due to the light but Dipper could tell he sincerely meant the best. He took a deep breath and responded softly;
    “Well, I’m not going to risk you by leaving you here alone.” Dipper got back to work, emptying the flashlight and setting the dead batteries into an empty pocket on the backpack. Ford was quiet for a moment, just watching the boy. He was too determined for his own good but he couldn’t make himself say no. He shook his head, smiling weakly
     “Fine, fine… You can stay-- but if something goes wrong and I tell you to run, you do it, okay?” Dipper reluctantly agreed and replaced the batteries in silence. His mind began to wander as he twisted the cap back on. Did he come off as mad? He didn’t want to come off as mad because he simply wasn’t mad. He groaned and hit the heel of his hand to his face. He did, didn’t he? Ford frowned. “Are you alright?” Dipper perked up.
    “Oh, uh, yeah! I was just thinking, you know? Thinking…”
    “I’m not upset with you, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
    “What? No, I didn’t think you were… I uh… I was just worried that-- um-- I came off as upset.” Great, he was really messing it up now.
    “Dipper, you’re okay. “ Ford said softly, placing a hand on Dipper’s shoulder, scooting over. “You didn’t do anything wrong, alright? Now… how’s that flashlight doing?” Dipper looked down at the flashlight. Right! He hadn’t tested it.
    “Let me check…” He flipped the switch but nothing happened. “It’s busted, I guess.” He muttered, tossing it back into the bag.
    “That’s fine, we can make do with that one for now.” Ford pulled his hand away and let it rest in his lap. “So… we haven’t really talked about what you’re planning on doing once you’re home.”
    “Oh! Yeah, well I don’t have many plans yet but I’ve been talking to some friends and I’m going to DM a big D, D, & More D game! I’m really looking forward to it.”
    “Really now? Well, I’d love to hear about it!” He reached into the bag and pulled out a little packet of jelly beans. Dipper smiled and eagerly got to explaining the game.
    “Well, as I said, I’m the DM and I’ve been writing the campaign sorta based on the players’ characters... So it turns out I had five friends who were up for playing the game and apparently the school librarian was willing to be a sponsor so it could be a legit after-school club thing so now I gotta make some extra characters in case anyone wants to join in for a while.” Ford smiled, leaning back on one of his palms. He was glad the boy was able to find a group of people-- of friends-- back home. Dipper continued chatting on about how he structured the game and who was who and his story plans. Ford continued to listen, giving his two cents every now and then and praising Dipper on his work so far. That was when the noises started. Ford silently sushed the boy, picking up the flashlight and shifting it into the darkness. Nothing.
    “Did you hear that?” He asked the boy. Dipper answered quietly;
    “No, sorry, I was talking…”
    “Make sure everything is packed up.” Ford directed, handing Dipper the flashlight and picking up his tracker. “Shoot… It’s gotten so much closer.” he glanced over his shoulder. “Stay behind me, alright?” Dipper nodded, getting up before offering Ford a hand up. Ford accepted and fixed the boy’s hat. “Be ready for anything, my boy.” Ford watched as the dot approached, slowly, slowly coming upon them-- but they saw nothing in the deep black expanse of the cave. Ford gently took hold of Dipper’s shoulder, pulling him close silently. Dipper suddenly went stiff and shone the flashlight down at his ankle. “What? What happened?” Dipper pressed back against Ford, comforted by his presence.
    “S-something touched my ankle. I didn’t see.. I-- It was smooth..?” The boy stammered, flicking the light around a little, trying to find whatever brushed past him.
    “Just stay close to me, alright?” Ford tried to comfort his nephew. “I’m here to protect you.” He ha a firm grip on Dipper’s shoulder, dropping his detector and reaching for his gun. He felt a powerful tug from Dipper, followed by a sharp cry of shock and fear. The flashlight fell to the ground, going out on impact. He tightened his grip as to not lose him to the invisible beast in the dark. “Okay.. take a deep breath. Can you get the matches?” Dipper’s shaky voice responded, cutting through the shadows.
    “Yea...yeah I think.” Dipper felt around for the bag with his foot before bending to pick it up. He was shaking so he was a little glad it was dark. However, he quickly found the box of matches. Ford felt something slam into his back, knocking his glasses off.
    “Sh..oot!” He grunted, nearly falling over entirely. “It knocked my da..rn glasses off…”
    “I’ll get them-- gimme a second!” Dipper murmured quickly, fumbling with the matchbox and pulled out a stick, striking it once, twice, three times before it lit. The boy searched the stone floor for the glasses, eyes struggling to see in the still-dark cavern. That was when he saw it-- something moving just beyond the silhouettes of Ford’s legs. A faint glimmer of scales. “Grunkle Ford, behind you!!” The creature lunged forward, shoving the aging man to the floor. Ford cursed, holding his shoulder. It wasn’t bad, probably just a bruise. Dipper’s match went out, yet he still managed to find his uncle. “O-Oh jeez, what are we gonna do?” Ford took a deep breath, shoving himself up.
    “Get a flare out.” He ordered. Whatever this thing was, he was tired of it toying with them like this... and this whole match business wouldn't work out at all. Dipper pushed the matches to his uncle and reached into the bag.
    “It… It’s a snake.” Dipper said, hands shaking twice as much now. “I saw the scales.” He dug through the bag, feeling for the cylinder. A loud hiss rang out in the cave, prompting Dipper to move faster. Deep breaths… He would be okay. He felt the flare, quickly pulling it out. He passed the flare to his uncle, who pulled a match and struck it, moving so he could see his nephew.
    “No matter what happens... you're a fine young man and I’m proud of you.” He hugged Dipper with his free arm and stood, feeling Dipper holding onto him, still. Ford lit the flare’s fuse, a bright red light filling the space. The beast was indeed a snake, a huge one with spines jutting out from its head. Ford squinted, trying to see the blobby image better. Dipper squeezed Ford’s arm. “Do you have any idea..?”
    “I-I think… I think it’s a.. basilisk..?” The boy murmured.
    “Get my glasses-- please.” Ford shoved the flare forward, causing the snake to flinch a bit, yet it hissed in anger, lunging forward. Ford quickly ducked, pulling Dipper with him. The snake slammed into the wall, jerking back, dazed. Dipper grabbed Ford’s glasses while the monster was distracted. Dipper placed them on his uncle’s face.
    “There-- can you see it?” The boy asked, throwing the backpack on over his shoulders. “We… We gotta go..!” Ford scanned the snake, making sure Dipper was behind him. That was a basilisk alright… The issue is, he’d never interacted with the beast before… He didn’t know what of the myths were real and what wasn’t: the strength and sentience of its venom, if it breathed fire or not... Either way, he doubted both of them could just run out of the cave. Ford swallowed dryly, pulling out his gun. If the beast could be pierced… that would be a different story. He fired at the snake, watching the bullet slice in through its scales. A purple blood dripped down the basilisk’s head, falling to the ground and racing towards Ford. He dodged the venom as quickly as he could. The creature’s venom coursed through its blood, bringing death to whomever dared pierce its flesh. The sentient blood continued to run out, chasing after Ford as the beast wailed and threw its head about in the sheer pain of the bullet. Ford was fine dodging it himself, he was quite nimble after his time in the portal, but when the blood changed its course and ran after Dipper--
    “Mason, RUN!” Ford shouted. The boy was off like a bullet, though he could only run deeper into the shadows. Ford followed, fists clenched tight. “You need to keep going-- get out of here now!” Ford shouted. At some point the blood trail stopped, but there was no way he would stop running. Dipper skidded to a halt at the edge of the flare’s light.
    “Grunkle Ford--...”
    “I am not going to argue with you.”
    “Just listen I can’t--”
    “Mason, please!” He grabbed the boy’s shoulders. “I know you want to help, but this thing will keep chasing us unless I-- I stop it back there... I won’t let you go back and face it-- it’s my responsibility to keep you safe.” Ford pleaded. “Just please go to safety..!” Dipper’s defiant glare came back to his face and he opened his mouth to argue but he turned away.
    “I can’t just let you die.” He said, voice trembling. “I didn’t in the past and I won’t now. I am not just some dumb kid!”
    “I didn’t say you were--!” Ford was cut off by the basilisk’s angry cries and the rumble of its fast approaching. Ford whipped around, gripping his gun and the flare. In seconds, the basilisk was barreling into the two, knocking the to the wall. They yelled as they hit the wall. A loud crack sounded from Dipper. The boy slumped, face contorted in pain. Ford’s back ached, as did his head, yet he forced himself over. “Where are you hurt..?” Silence. “Please tell me…” The snake turned to them, baring his massive fangs, dripping with venom. Ford pulled the boy close to his chest, determined to protect him at all costs.
    “The flare… I need to see the flare…” Dipper whispered urgently. Ford pulled back, giving him a confused look, but picked the flare up and passed it to Dipper. Dipper grabbed Ford’s hand, squeezing it tight just in case his idea didn't work. As the basilisk lunged again, golden eyes gleaming in the red light, Dipper took a deep breath and threw the flare. The snake stopped dead in its tracks as the flare slid right past his jaws, the fire bumping against his muscles, scorching them. It let out a loud hiss, rearing back and hitting its head before turning and fleeing into the depths of its burrow. Seeing the opportunity, Ford scooped Dipper up and ran into the opposite direction. The pitch blackness of the burrow caused the man to stumble many times.. But he couldn’t fall. He had to keep going no matter what. He could feel Dipper gripping onto him as he saw the cave gradually grow lighter.
    “Grunkle Ford… uh… I’m pretty sure you can put me down now.” Dipper said rather awkwardly.
    “Oh-- I thought…”
    “The flashlight broke. It kinda jabbed at me but I’m okay.” He smiled weakly as Ford set him down. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier-- I was kinda really scared.”
     “No, no, it’s okay. You did an amazing job back there, my boy… I-- I’m glad you stayed but…”
     “I know, I know. I kinda put a lot at risk here but… We got outta there...relatively okay. I am going to feel all of this in the morning.” Ford chuckled.
    “Same here…” He led his nephew out of the cave, into the bright Oregon summer landscape. Ford draped his arm over Dipper's shoulders, extremely relieved. "My boy... you're not... you're not stupid-- or dumb-- whatever you said back there." Dipper looked up at Ford. The man smiled weakly. "You're determined-- it'll get you places in life but..." his smile fell. "...please don't let it get you killed." Dipper nodded, silently.
    "I love you Grunkle Ford."
    "I love you too." Silence fell over the two Pines men. Dipper glanced back at the cave
    “So uh… what are we gonna do about that thing?”
    “I’ll figure that out later… For now we both need rest-- a lot of it.”
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I'm Fine - Chen Li Nong
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A/n: Actually, I've been itching to write something for this little smol bean since a while ago. ❤️ I'm so glad that he seems happier in the recent episodes and I sincerely wish only the best for him. Anyways, this is my first time writing something on tumblr so yepp, hope ya'll like it.
Summary: When things get too overwhelming , he's just glad that you're there for him
Words: 1565 words.
Genre: angsty (but not too much?) + fluff
You woke up in the afternoon feeling all drowsy. Thankfully, it was the weekend, so you had no classes to attend.
The lights in your room were too bright for you to handle right after you wake up and you silently cursed when you realize you might have accidentally increased the electricity bills, along with the rate of yourself getting skin cancer.
Yet, remembering the reason you didn't switch off the lights in the first place had made you smile and with that, your sour mood faded away.
Last night, you were on the phone with one of your favorite human beings on Earth - Chen Li Nong.
He came back from Bei Jing yesterday and just like he promised, he had called you the moment he returned to home.
You two spoke for a bit on the phone and then switched to texting when it got too late at night because the both of you didn’t want to bother your families’ sleep.
While texting, you made sure your lights were switched on because he insisted it, saying that staring at your phone in the dark would spoil your eyes and since he was speaking from experience, you decided to take to his advice.
However, like always , you were the first to fall asleep while exchanging midnight texts with him.
You looked around your bed for your phone and found it under the pillow. You couldn’t help but smile at the baracade of texts he sent you after you fell asleep, one of them being a reminder to call him the moment you wake up.
Of course, that’s what you did after reading the sent text. It took a while, but you finally heard a click.
“Hey hey, you’re awake.”
“Mm, and I’m surprised you are too.”
You heard him chuckle from the other side of the line and that made you smile as well.
His chuckle suddenly came to a halt and you heard distant murmurs from the phone. You tried staying quiet and also to listen to what was going on, but you still failed to grasp the situation at the other side of the line.
Then, there was quiet sigh before he whispered to the phone hastily, “Um sorry, I’m a bit busy right now, is it alright if we meet up tonight?”
So, you and Li Nong quickly set the time and place of your sudden meet up.
Then, you were left at the other side of the line, feeling a bit worried for him after you both exchange your quick ‘goodbye’s.
Actually, 'worry' is sommething familiar for you by now.
In fact, you’ve been worried ever since antifans started spreading nasty rumours about Li Nong.
He hasn’t mention anything about that though, only telling you nice things like how awesome everyone is, how kind the staffs are and how he enjoyed his time there.
So, you decide not to think much about it and occupied yourself with other stuffs whilst waiting for time to pass.
And soon enough, time did pass and it was time for you to head out of your house to the usual place you two hang out.
When you see a familiar tall figure ahead, wearing his trademark yellow sweater, you immediately started to run to him.
Your footsteps weren’t the most quiet ones, so he didn’t take long to notice them. He turned around out of curiosity, only to be suddenly engulf into a big bear hug. He laughed heartily and thought that you were adorable, hugging you back just as tight.
You buried your face into his chest and his scent surrounded you in a way that made you feel light and dizzy.
“I miss you.” He spoke softly before proceeding to give you a soft kiss on your head.
This made you smile, and you had to pull yourself away from his chest so that you could take a look of the face you’ve missed.
The first thing you notice was his eyes. Li Nong was staring at you with the usual way he does and you swear you were going to choke and die from how much affection his eyes were drowning you in.
Still, you also noted that his dark circles were more prominent and he had lost some of his baby fats.
Honestly? He looked exhausted.
“You alright?” you asked worriedly.
He continued staring at your face for a long while before smiling and lying straight into your face, “I’m fine.”
“Tell me, what are you feeling right now?” you tried again.
“I’m happy, because I get to see you.”
You softened at his reply, knowing that it held some truth to it, “Me too, but I know that there’s something’s wrong.”
“I’m just kind of tired.”
“Not getting enough sleep?”
By then, you both were holding hands and walking through the park that held many of your memories.
After a moment of silence, Li Nong spoke again, “Have you heard anything about me?”
With that, your heart broke a little as you remembered the horrible things people said about him.
He stopped walking and turned to you to observe your face, worry evident in his eyes.
“They’re not true.” he told you, sincerity overflowing from his words.
You gave his hand a squeeze as a sign of assurance, "I know."
The worried look on his face didn't change and so you tried once again , "I know you, you're nothing like those stupid rumours. And if anyone cares to know the true you, they won't either, because those rumours don't define you."
"But the thing is, there are people who actually believe them. And I know I shouldn't bother with what they say but it's really hard not to let it affect me. And it makes me question whether I even deserve to be among the current top nine."
You kept quiet and listened , noting that his voice held deep sadness to them. Looking at his face, you also could see stress taking a huge toll on him.
You let go of his hand. Then, with your two hands, you cupped his face and tilted it downwards so that he was looking right into your eyes.
"You've worked very hard, and even if those people can't see how hard you've worked, I do. And it's not only me, your family who loves you does too. Not to mention, you have your fans full support. Believe me, I have seen brave fans standing up for you and also kind fans that never stop encouraging you."
You gave him a reassuring smile, "Whether or not you deserve to be on the top nine, no one can say anything about it because there are people voted for you to be there, alright?"
"Yeah, but-"
You interrupted him by squishing his cheeks, "Look, everyone has their own reasons of why they like you. It doesn't matter whether it's because you are attractive or because you are talented, those are their reasons and you couldn't force them to think otherwise, okay?"
He took a moment to process your speech and looked at you with uncertainty. Still, you do not look away, trying to assure him that everything you said were nothing but truth.
And once again, you prompted him to accept your word vomit filled with underlying flattery.
"Okay?" You asked gently, hoping to get your point accross.
His facial expressions softened and the corners of his lips lifted up into a small smile, "Okay" he replied as he nodded.
And you slowly rubbed his face with your thumb, "Now that's the smile that I love."
Li Nong smiled from ear to ear at the sound of your comment, but felt a bit bashful. You , on the other hand, felt butterflies in your stomach. A warm feeling slowly settled in your heart as you both kept eye contact with each other.
You loved how Li Nong was somehow still kind of shy when he was already in a relationship with you.
Then, you noticed the way his gaze briefly lowered to your lips and you felt all jittery when he looked back up to you.
"I want to kiss you." He stated, as a matter of fact.
He gently wrapped his hands around your waist, stepping closer to you and yet still not tearing his eyes away from you, "Um, may I?"
You loved how he was so polite about it. You didn't want to be too shy, but somehow Li Nong holding you in his hands had melted your insides. Not trusting yourself to speak, you nodded meekly.
He smiled and leaned forward, letting his lips meet yours. You felt like you were going crazy with how soft his lips were on yours, and even more when his lips lingered as he pulled away.
The two of you looked at each other for a while before bursting into small giggles, never looking away from each other.
His eyes shimmered with adoration for you, and he kept his hands around you securely.
At that moment, Li Nong knew exactly what he wanted for the future. He wanted to wake up every-day with you in his arms and he wanted to always be able to have you near to him.
With you by his side, he sincerely believes that everything will be fine and somehow, everything will get even better.
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ameerawritesstuff · 7 years
Uh, okay, from the prompt list ya posted: Garashir, 53, 98, 33, 50 (sorry if I've been blowing up ya'll's inbox lately), I hope you have a wonderful day/night/week!
Okay, these were a blast to write! Sorry this took so long, I got a little carried away at times, lol.
53 “Sit in my lap”
“Sit in my lap.” Julian hissed again.
“I could crush you.” Garak whispered. Julian rolled his eyes.
“I can handle it,” His eyes darted to the door as the sound of footsteps was heard. “Now sit in my lap or we’ll be in trouble.” Garak complied to the demand just in time for them to be in position when an Orion man entered the room with two Nausicaans. Now Garak realized that it was the Orion Syndicate that had abducted them from the runabout. But why?
This whole thing had started when Julian had commissioned Garak to make him a new suit. His words had been, “something ostentatious, like I have money and power.” Garak had asked if this was for a holo-program, since he’d heard the Chief was still off the station, but Julian had shook his head and asked it be ready as soon as possible. It was done two days later, as Garak had admittedly been curious to see what the suit was for, and he was excited to see Julian in his latest creation. The maroon and navy all in Tellarite silk really did look lovely on him, making Garak glad he’d lost a bit of money on it simply because he wanted to dress Julian in fineries. He knew he could never have the man, what did he have to offer? But that didn’t stop him from fantasizing and torturing himself. When Julian came to him in the suit stating that they were going to take a trip on a runabout, he was beyond ecstatic. But was his plan to be captured by the Orion Syndicate? And why did any of this require Garak to sit in his lap?
“Fa’dal!” Julian announced, addressing the Orion. “It’s lovely to make your acquaintance.” He then let the back of his hand gently stroke Garak’s cheek. “See, precious? I told you he wouldn’t keep us waiting long.”
“He shouldn’t have kept you waiting at all.” Garak glared at this Fa’dal. He knew that his role was obviously Julian’s plaything, and he would play his part well despite the humiliation. Julian smirked at him, probably just pleased he didn’t blow their cover.
“Now, now, I’m sure he had his reasons.” Julian then glanced at Fa’dal. “And I’m sure he’s very sorry to have been delayed.” It was a bold method. Projecting so much self-importance, but it wasn’t a bad plan. Garak just hoped there was more to Julian’s performance than parading Garak around and insulting their host.
“We were confirming that the latinum was transferred to our account.” Fa’dal said with a click of his tongue.
“You questioned whether or not I was good for the money?” Julian acted almost insulted.
“We questioned whether or not you could be trusted, Mr. Fleming.” He sniffed, though the way his sentence was phrased, it implied he now believed “Mr. Fleming.”
“Please,” Julian dismissed. “It’s Raul to my friends.”
“He’ll be transported to your runabout once you’re back on board.” Fa’dal said. Probably not wanting to be Julian’s friend. “So our business is done here.” He held out his hand and moved it toward Julian, but Garak smacked it away.
“Raul does not shake hands.” He snapped. If he was going to be Julian’s sex toy, he was going to be a flippant one. Fa’dal looked enraged before Julian chuckled.
“I don’t.” He shrugged. “But I believe we can agree that our dealings are concluded.” Fa’dal eyed Garak again and then nodded, leaving with his Nausicaan guards. Garak got up immediately.
“What is going on?” Garak demanded and Julian chuckled.
“We just saved Miles’ life.” Julian grinned. “I liked your character, by the way. Very mouthy.”
“And why did you require my ‘character’?” Garak asked, exasperated.
“Because I’m not the most physically intimidating.” Julian admitted. “But if I can tame an older Cardassian male lover? Well, that implies I’m someone more threatening.”
“Why didn’t you enlist Worf?” Garak scoffed. “Surely a Klingon would have done just as well.”
“Because I’m not attracted to Worf.” Julian smiled. “And I think he would break character if we had to kiss.”
“Wait…” Garak thought. “Does that mean you are attracted to me?”
“Bashir to the Rio Grande.” Julian quickly said, pulling his communicator out of his pocket. “Two to beam up.”  
98 “Where are your pants?”
“Where are your pants?” Julian had to laugh at Garak’s scandalized face and the fact that he couldn’t look away from Julian’s legs.
“It’s called a Skant uniform, Elim.” Julian explained. “Pants aren’t regulation while wearing it.”
“What sort of perverse admiral made that design choice?” The Cardassian was still staring below Julian’s waist.
“You’re the one making it into a big deal.” Julian said rolling his eyes. “They’re just legs. Most humanoids have them.” He sighed and walked closer to Garak. “Besides, it’s warmer in your quarters and I know that makes you more comfortable.” He brought his arms around Garak’s waist. “But this way I won’t be sweltering.”
“If you’re feeling warm, my dear.” Garak smirked. “You’re welcome to wear less.” The two kissed and the lack of pants was all but forgotten.
33 “Bite me.” “If you insist.”
“Bite me.” Julian said, rolling his eyes. That was an interesting response to Garak’s literary criticism, but Garak would hardly complain about such a lovely invitation.
“If you insist.” He said, licking his lips from across the lunch table. Julian turned bright red.
“No, no, no, that’s an expression!” He hurriedly explained. That was disappointing, but Garak still could work with this.
“An expression of desire, no doubt.” Garak scoffed. “Really, doctor, I’m worried you don’t know how to have a relationship without flirting.”
“That wasn’t flirting!” Julian insisted. “You should know what my flirting is like by now.” He grumbled.
“From watching you pursue skirts and other pretty young things?” Garak chuckled. Julian rolled his eyes again.
“From the way I’ve been flirting with you for years!” Julian practically shouted.
“I’m… sorry?”
“You should  be!” Julian stabbed his fork into his food. “And you’re going to make it up to me tonight at dinner.”
“I am?” Garak was still dumbfounded.
“I expect you to have an incredibly romantic evening planned. You’ve had years to prepare.” Julian smirked.
“Bite me.”
50 “Did you just flick me?”
“Did you just flick me?” Julian chuckled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“It wasn’t my intention to wake you.” Garak apologized. “But it’s just so…” He again flicked Julian’s earlobe, “curious.”
“I think you’re the curious one.” Julian lifted up the covers so his earlobes were covered, blocking off Garak’s access. “It’s not like I don’t find parts of you odd.”
“I don’t doubt it.” Garak smirked. “I wasn’t trying to make you self-conscious, my dear. I rather like them.”
“Thanks.” Julian smiled and reemerged from the covers. “They’re real.” He scoffed.
“I usually think of earlobes as being Ferengi attributes.” Garak continued. “But yours are far more attractive.”
“Lots of species have similar earlobes.” Julian said, rolling his eyes. “Trill, Bajorans, plenty more.”
“True,” Garak nodded. “But I’ve never slept with a Trill or a Bajoran.” Julian furrowed his brow.
“Did you just imply that you have slept with a Ferengi?” Garak’s look of horror had Julian howling with laughter.
“I do not find that image amusing.” Garak shivered. “I merely meant that Ferengi lobes are hard to ignore.”
“Harder when you’re giving oo-mox.” Julian teased. “Ow!” He yelped when Garak responded by flicking his earlobe again.
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bubblegumspacebxtch · 3 years
jealousy fic of reader seeing fez and lexi at the party and feeling jealous so trying to distract herself and fez gets jealous and it gets kinda heated and ahfjskjx confessions
A/N: hi!! so here's part 2 of Drunk, High, and Oblivious and it's based on this prompt so thank you to anon who sent it. i haven't written smut in a hot minute so hope ya'll like this one.
warnings || 18+ smut, minors DNI, oral (f), fingering (f), dirty talk, a smidge of degradation, praise kink, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, squirting, a bit of overstimulation, creampie
find part 1 here: Drunk, High, and Oblivious
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Hungover and Lovesick
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Fez looks up from his phone at the sound of your groan. The curtains on the glass windows facing you had not been entirely drawn, leaving a small gap for sunlight to stream in. You pull the blanket over your head to shield your eyes from the bright light. "Good morning," Fez calls from the dining table. You only grumble in response. He stands to fully close the curtains before making his way to the couch, sitting down by your feet. "How you feelin'?" You peel the blanket off your face to see his lips in a shy smile. “Terrible.” You rub your eyes as you sit up. “I’ll get you water.” Fez stands to get you a glass while you look around, noticing how quiet it was. “Where’s Ash?” You take the drink off of his hand. “He’s at the store," Fez replies as he settles across from you.
It was awkward. You both could tell. The two of you silently going over the events of last night in your heads. Fez cleared his throat, catching your attention. “Do you need anything? For uh your headache or something,” he trailed off. He can’t seem to keep eye contact for longer than 3 seconds. You take note of him scratching the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his. “No. I’m good. I think I need to shower though.” You grimace because you were still in last night’s party dress. “For sure. Let me get you some clothes." Fez stands to head to his room. You're up on your feet right after him to make your way to where the towels were. At this point, their place might as well be yours too, with the amount of time you've spent there.
Fez kept pretending to be doing something on his phone, but really he couldn't drown out the sound of the shower. He was uneasy, already dreading the conversation you'd be having about the party. Fez knew why he was mad last night, and while there was no excuse for him manhandling you, he also knew he didn't have the right to be upset in the first place. He wasn't your boyfriend. You were just friends. As much as he tried to remind himself, Fez couldn't deny that you've been more than a friend to him for months now. There were times he'd take the stares that lasted a few seconds too long or the lingering touches and smiles, as signs that you liked him too. Still, he couldn't bring himself to initiate anything.
When he was young, his grandma told him, "Don't ever fall in love. It's the one instinct you can't trust." It was hard to follow that advice with you around. You who never judged him. The only person other than Ash to come running whenever he needed help. It wasn't hard to fall for you. Your laugh that he swears is actually contagious. The way you carry yourself with enough kindness to warm anyone. Your hugs, and your occasional sass, all the little things Fez has grown fond of. It wasn't like he didn't want to be with you, because he did. He was held back by the gnawing thought that you were too good for him. "Hey," you call out to him softly. "You okay?" Fez was lost in thought he didn't notice you were already dressed, and staring at him from across the living room. "Yeah uh all good." You smile at him as you made your way to the couch.
A tense silence had settled between you two. You pick at your nails to avoid looking at Fez. "I'm sorry about last night." He blurts out which made you look up. "Shouldn't have dragged you out of there like I did." You nod slowly at his apology. "Why did you though?" Fez knew what you were trying to get at, and his brain scrambled for an answer. "Didn't want you to get taken advantage of, that's all." He saw your face drop. Fez knew you were giving him a chance to fess up, and still, like all the other times, he chose not to. "So, just a friend looking out for a friend?" You knew you were pushing, but after last night, you just couldn't take being friends with Fez anymore, especially if that meant watching him want to be with someone else.
Fez hesitantly nods at you, and your shoulders slump in response. "Right... okay. I think I need to go." You swiftly stand, making your way to his room to grab your things. Fez calls your name as he follows behind. You ignore him because you already felt like crying. "C'mon Y/N, I-" you cut him off. "Fez just stop, alright?" You pause, still hesitant to blatantly tell him how you feel, but you couldn't take it anymore. "You don't... see me that way. I get it, and it's okay." You swallow down your tears. "I just need space right now, so please." You turn around to make your way out the door, but Fez blocks you, leaving you no choice but to gaze up at him.
Looking at you on the verge of tears, Fez wanted to kick himself. He felt dread settle in his chest. By the looks of it, he was going to lose you. Without thinking, Fez grabbed your wrist to pull you close before leaning down to plant his lips on yours. You're taken aback, and you raise your free hand to push at his chest. "Fez, what-" You didn't get to finish. "I love you." His admission was quiet, but even with the loud beating of your heart in your chest, you heard him.
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Everything turned into a blur after that. The two of you not wasting another second. Months of tension and obvious yearning had led to this. You helped Fez out of his shirt as you sat at the end of his bed. He cupped the side of your face before kissing you again. The clear desperation making you moan into him. "You don't know how much I wanted to fuck you last night in that dress." You whimpered as he squeezed your breast through your shirt. "And now you're in my clothes. Fuck, Y/N I swear, the things you do to me," You felt yourself clench at his words. His stare sent goosebumps through you, looking like he wants to ruin you. You rid yourself of his shirt, and Fez groaned above you. He pushed you to lie down further on the bed. Fez kneels in between your legs before bending to kiss down your chest. You feel his breath on the sensitive skin of your tits, and you moan as he sucks one into his warm mouth. His tongue laps at your nipples, and your hand reaches out to grab his head when you feel his teeth lightly graze you skin. "Please," you whisper as Fez kisses downward, slowly pulling your bottoms off.
You close your eyes briefly, and for a moment you feel his touch leave you. When you open your eyes, you see Fez staring at your center. Oh, god. Fuck. He's going to tear you apart. Fez grabs an ankle in each hand before you could even think about closing your legs. Spreading you wider for him, Fez leans down to leave kisses on your inner thigh. You squirm at the act, feeling even more wetness gush out of you. His thick finger runs through your pussy, barely brushing your clit. Your legs instinctively try to close at the sensation. Fez brings his palm down to slap your thigh. "Open up." His voice was deep, almost like a growl, and you writhed under his demand. You spread yourself wide again. You let out a surprised whine as Fez spits on your cunt before bringing his fingers to spread it all over your slit. "Please, Fez I-" you stutter at his thumb rubbing your clit. "What do you want, baby? Tell me." Fez wanted to take his time with you, but your begging was making him impatient. "I want... I want your mouth," you answer in a shuddery breath, turning your head to side shyly.
Fez dips down to lick a stripe up your pussy. Your moan is loud, and Fez couldn't help but smirk. His lips close around your clit, sucking harshly on the bundle of nerves. "Fez! Fuck." You arch, making Fez lightly press down on your abdomen to keep you in place. He pushes a finger into your opening while he continues to lap at your cunt. Fez moaned into you as you clenched around his fingers, dripping down his chin in the process. A tingle spreads as Fez curls his digit, hitting a spot in you that made you yelp. You feel your orgasm approaching, and the lewd sound of your soaked pussy made Fez smirk. Just last night you were acting up, now, as he fervently eats you out, you're put in your place.
Fez grunts as you come suddenly, surprising him. He works you through your orgasm, lapping at your core till you're pushing his head away. Fez withdraws to watch you catch your breath. You look up at him, eyes glassy, and mouth parted. In no time, Fez was lowering himself again between your thighs. "One more. Give me another." Fez grumbles, and before you could protest, he's going down on you again. “Fez!” You squeal, and he slaps your clit in return. You feel Fez push in two fingers. It was overwhelming, but even as your mind blanks, your hips grind down against his tongue. Your orgasm comes quicker than the first one. You let out a scream as you squirt. “Already?” You couldn’t see Fez, but you knew he had a smug smirk across his face. Fez licks up all your release before bringing his fingers up to your lips. You suck on them, and you avert your eyes from his as he watches his fingers on your tongue.
Fez removes the rest of his clothes, and your eyes go wide at his cock. You did think he was big, you just didn't know he was that big. Your heart pounds against your chest as Fez strokes himself above you. "Gonna make you feel so good, baby." Fez leans down to kiss you before you feel his tip slide against your folds, gathering your wetness before pressing in. "Fuck, you're tight." You clench at his praise, and Fez moans as he starts moving his hips. There's a slight burn to the stretch, but Fez has stroked that spot inside that had you throwing your head back. You grab his shoulders to pull him closer, kissing him as he thrusts into you.
As your moans get louder, Fez drives into you faster, hitting deeper spots. "Fez... Fuck! Please I'm gonna cum." His fingers start to rub harshly against you swollen clit. Your legs start to shake as he brings you to the edge. "Fuck. Look at you." Fez drawls out and you preen at his admiration. "You like when I fuck you stupid?" What the fuck happened to the shy Fez you knew? You didn't know he had a mouth on him.
He grabs your tits in his hands, squeezing them as you go dizzy. He starts slamming into you, heat sweeping through you as you come undone again. Your cum spurts out, soaking the sheets underneath you. You clench hard one more time around his thick cock, and you tremble as Fez unloads deep in you. He groans as his cum seeps into you, and you whimper as you feel his length throb against your walls. His final thrust have you mewling. Feeling overstimulated, you can't help but wince when Fez pulls out. Fez wordlessly stands to find something to clean you up with. Your eyes try to refocus as you desperately try to even your breathing. You gasp as you feel Fezco's hands on you again, wiping off his cum and yours.
He fixes your limp body to lean against his side as he lies down on the bed. With your legs tangled together, and your cheek against his chest, the silence is comfortable. "I meant what I said," Fez mumbles, feeling shy once again. You nod. "I know you did." You feel Fez let out a deep exhale. "No more dancing around assholes at parties," Fez jokes, and you smile before moving to lean on your elbows to face him. "Fez, were you jealous?" you tease. "No more than you, baby." Fez smirks as you blush. You slap his chest as he laughs. "Shut up. I wasn't jealous," you defend. "Sure you weren't." He smiles again before leaving a kiss on your head. "Ash is for sure gonna rub it on our faces and say he told us so," you say. "Well, it ain't his fault we're idiots," You laugh, and Fez pulls you tighter against him, sighing in complete bliss.
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part 2 taglist below:
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