#but thats fine :)
meloodle · 6 months
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( genshin oc <333 )
uh wait how does the character drip marketing format go. nvm this isnt his splash art anyways jaofjlksfjdjf .. anyways say hi this is qian he is my silly billy from liyue w a pyro vision .. ask questions about him if u want :>
@papiliotao get your ass over here /aff
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myymi · 9 months
i want to talk about the paradox prism for a minute because it's really interesting to me
[everything below is purely speculation / headcanon - please don't mistake it for canon. beware of spoilers for sonic prime part 3]
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similar to the master/chaos emeralds, the paradox prism has a level a sentience. not anywhere close to the same level as the emeralds, but there's still something there
the chaos emeralds tend to set up a line of dominos to cause a future event (ex; sonic taking tails under his wing and learning to become more responsible from it)
the paradox prism doesn't do anything close to that, but it does share something with the master emerald; it holds memories
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the prism was able to create more versions of the people it saw based on the emotions it saw them project (tails, knuckles, amy, rouge, and eggman)
the different shards / shatterspaces are made up from other major events. whether from this timeline or another is different for each shatterspace
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new yoke was created from the group's frustration with sonic + an ending where eggman's almost won (i believe this could be pulled from the events of forces, considering the enforcers)
i think the reason new yoke is the only shatterspace to have a version of eggman is because it's the only one that makes sense to have one
it's pretty well known by now that eggman will need a helping hand if he wants any chance at taking over the world
the only thing better than an evil genius is five evil geniuses, right?
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the new yoke group are, as i said, everyone's frustration
nine is frustrated with his past. reminiscing about his tormentors brings him more anger than pain, and living in solitude definitely does not help
rebel and knux are frustrated by the loss of their home (and the egg council in general). having watched their home be destroyed was more heartbreaking than anything at first, it eventually grew to an anger that spurred them on to fix it
rusty is frustrated with those who disobey/fight against the council, but her anger eventually ends up directed towards the council for the way they used her.
i could go more in depth about the new yoke group, but this post is gonna be long enough as is wefoefwof
the shard being red could simply be because that's the color that represents anger, but i'd like to think that-going back to forces-it was a bit influenced by the phantom ruby/infinite as well
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no place is formed by the underlying sadness + a devastating event that permanently changed the world (chaos' rampage)
im not connecting no place to chaos because of the fact it's flooded, im connecting it because of the way the stories parallelled
chaos' rampage begun when pachacamac attempted to steal and harness the power of the chaos emeralds for his own gain
dread seeks out the 'devil's ligthouse' solely to prove he is a legend, nearly killing his original crew trying to do so
both protagonists of these stories are selfish and caused destruction for their own gain
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dread's, well, dread comes from his failure of proving himself to be the most feared pirate to ever live.
him failing to collect the shard caused him to believe that he truly wasn't a good pirate, leaving him to spiral into a life of cowardice.
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the rest of the pirates' dread comes from their longing to be actual pirates.
because of his failure and cowardice, dread now leads a peaceful crew. they don't do any 'pirating', which leaves much to be desired
they enjoy the parties and all, but their true fun comes from being pirates, which dread deprives them of
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boscage maze comes from the protectiveness surging between everyone + a world where harmony between enemies is possible to achieve (possibly comes from a timeline where eggman simply doesnt exist, leaving mobius to grow peacefully)
boscage is the shatterspace with the most life. it's full of all kinds of plants because nobody there is destroying it (intentionally, anyways)
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thorn rose is protective over birdie and the green. she does what she can to protect both, even if it means hurting people she once called friends
keeping the jungle and birdie safe is her #1 priority, and nothing will ever change that (that's not to say something else can't join them in being her priority)
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the scavengers are protective over their belongings and, no matter how strangely they show it, each other
gnarly was nervous when sonic touched his house, immediately turning aggressive to make sure he wouldn't damage it
instead of hiding the berry, prim showed it to the others for a chance they could all share it
instead of running off on his own, mangey let the scavengers follow him as he sniffed out the berry (+ him fetching the one that fell off the treetops, showing it off to the group)
hangry allows mangey to crawl around him, which we can assume means it happens a lot off screen as well
they stick together and cover each other's backs, no matter how hard the fight gets
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while we don't know what this shatterspace was before it turned into the grim, it's pretty safe to assume that it was apocalyptic
who or whatever used to live here is long gone. the only thing standing are the purple crystal things.
my guess is it's a timeline where eggman won. he won, and the world died out because he ruined the ecosystem from building so many machines.
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while purple is usually associated with royalty or mystery, it's also associated with power, ambition, peace, and independence
whatever happened to the world before the grim, it's very probable that it was out of high ambition with a need for more power. eventually, the world found its peace and is now independent
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ghost hill is the blueprint. the time before sonic & co. make their mark on the world. a blank canvas.
maybe a timeline where they don't get a chance to make their mark on the world
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yellow is a very light, energetic color. the feeling of happiness at the chance to create something new and fun.
ghost hill and the grim don't have much in terms of characters and design, but i think the colors of their respective shards give us plenty of information about them
the paradox prism is nothing like the chaos emeralds, but is also just like them at the same time. it's powered by pure chaos with no sort of indication on how it was created or why it has the powers it does
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i wonder if eggman knew what the prism was exactly or if he only knew that it was powerful
did he know breaking it would cause the world to shatter? did he know how may memories it holds? how many lifetimes it's lived?
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i also wonder if the prism knew sonic would shatter it, and that it was already preparing the shatterspaces; hence why it glows brighter
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maybe it understood that sonic is a hands-on learner. maybe it knew he needed to experience the lessons first hand, needed them to-quite literally-slap him in the face
maybe it knew they all had their own flaws that they needed to be aware of. maybe it lived through the timeline where sonic never shattered the prism.
maybe the prism planned to be shattered by someone so it could share its memories. maybe there was some sort of pull that told sonic it needed to be shattered.
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esthyradler · 1 month
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Excuse the very old art, but I'm looking through my old files and I need to share this doodle I drew ages ago before I delete it thank you
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d3c3as3d3l1 · 1 year
Why have therapy when you can have Sprolden? And Solitaire? And beloved Tori Spring? And amazing Michael Holden?
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beelaboola · 9 months
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that one artwork of lyra and toby, the text above basically says:
lyra: tobyy… its my turn to use the pc… i need to update my myspace…. toby: girl wtf happened to you
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hakusins · 2 months
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i panicked tonight when i thought i couldn't draw men anymore, so i quickly doodled saber!Arthur and fan design for lancer!Arthur
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God I love imperfect art. I love imperfect music. I love voice cracks and string noise and buzzing and gasps for breath. I love seeing the human underneath the lights and the image and the sparkle. I love songs that sound like they're recorded on a ten year old iPhone. I love songs with no drums just a guitar or piano and a voice. I love singers who say they aren't singers. I love people who think they aren't good so they pour their heart into everything they do to make up for it. God I love the imperfections in art because in the cracks of perfection leaks the beauty of humanity.
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Yandere Alastor with S/O as a Video Game character bought back to life. At first, Charlie and Vaggie curiously picks up the gaming cartridge until Charlie play as S/O, accidentally bought S/O back to life end up meet Alastor. But S/O wants to go back to the gaming world.
I got you 👍
Romantic Yandere Alastor
When Charlie and Vaggie first for the game they had been planning on doing a fun game night with the hotel residents
But those plans went to shit when they powered the game up for a test drive
The screen started glitching as the TV let out a loud popping sound and smoke rose from the circuits
Disappointed Charlie went to see what went wrong, but as she went to move the TV she noticed it shaking
To the horror of everyone in the room (except for alastor) a hand burst through the screen, followed by another hand
Then a head
Your head
You crawled out of the TV slowly (like from that horror thing) until you had only one leg in the screen still
Your head moved up to look around, but before you could get a sense of your surroundings -
You tripped
And fell hard on your face
Vaggie grimaced as charlie rushed to help you up
Charlie gasped as she saw your face, and noticed that you were one of the characters on the game
Everyone else quickly noticed as well
You looked around the room blearily, squinting from the lighting like you had just woken up
"Where am I?"
Over the next few weeks the residents of the happy hotel did their best to help you feel comfortable in your new (temporary) home
Mainly just charlie and vaggie
Over your time at the hotel you got to know and get close with both angle and husk
Though you tried to avoid alastor
Vaggie had told you about him on your second night, and had warned you to be careful of him
However, your character was well known for being a clumsy small bean
So one day you accidentally bumped into alastor
To anyone else this wouldn't seem like a big deal
But alastor hated being touched
And you hated making people uncomfortable
So what happened after was terrible for both of you
As soon as you touched him a loud screeching sound went through the air
Like a record screeching to a stop (idk)
The air felt thick with static as alastor looked down dangerously at you
Immediately you started apologizing and bowing your head as a sign of respect and submission
For some reason, watching you submitting yourself to him out of fear felt weird to alastor
And he could tell it was purely accidental
So alastor waved you off but warned you not to do it again
(he also knew charlie would be pissed if he harmed you)
Over the course of the next week or so alastor found himself watching you more
He would study you during dinner and even in your sleep
He found that over time he had fallen in love with you
All from a little trip
Ok maybe a bit more then that
He found that he lived your personality
You were funny and clever
Yet clumsy and terribly awkward at times
You were also very small
Not just compared to him, but everyone else in the hotel
You were only taller then Nifty by a foot
He felt a strange need to protect and claim (not sexually)
Deer instincts kicking in
You had noticed that alastor had started paying more attention to you
Sitting closer then necessary
Talking to you more
And a increase in pet names like "my darling" and "my doe"
You liked it when he called you those things
It made you feel special
One night when you were unable to sleep you realized you had feelings for alastor
Oh you were so fucked
That morning you skipped breakfast and instead went to the main hotel living room
The room where you first appeared
You curled up on a couch and fell asleep
Alastor had noticed that you skipped breakfast
So he went to your room to check on you
When he found that you weren't there he sent his shadows to go find you around the hotel
After a minute or two one came back and told him they found you
Alastor appeared in the main living room
Only to find you curled up on the couch out cold
In a moment pure instinct and need he snatched you from the couch and held you close to his chest
Then he teleported to his cabin/mansion in the woods
He locked all the doors and windows to keep you stuck there
When you woke up you panicked at first
But then alastor explained that he brought you here because he was in love with you
You were so shocked that you couldn't think of anything to say
You stood up wanting to leave the room
But alastor grabbed you wrist and pulled you towards him
Instead of fighting like he had initially expected you just laid your head against his chest
Taking this as another sign of submission from you he pulled you closer and sat down bringing you with him
Then you two cuddled bc I need this
You grew to like living with alastor, even if you couldn't leave the mansion
Yet you still felt a longing to be home
Not back at the hotel
But your actual home
Even if it was just a video game
You hadn't dared voiced your homesickness at the hotel
And you refused to breath a word of it to alastor
Though Kinda already knew
But he knew that he couldn't -- wouldn't send you back
So he didn't everything in his power to make you feel happy with him
I mean, why shouldn't you be happy with him?
He was your one true love
No one else would ever have you
Only him
"I love you, my darling doe. I'm sure you will be quite happy here with me~"
Once more, I am so sorry this is late, I had a tiny baby burnout then forgot I had a life...
Anyways hope yall enjoyed, also hope this was ok 😆
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"It's just you now. Take care of mother."
i have the normal amount of emotions about them (lying) <3
#a redraw but also not really cus i ended up tracing a lot from the old one hfldsjdfs#it was only supposed to be for reference but i ended up keep messing w it instead of redrawing it proper......#feel like i got his expression down better in the old one; looks more strained/ hearbroken like i feel#but thats fine#my art#my ocs#oc: liam hawke#i'm still not sure if liam or varric is the one who deals the killing blow#love both the thought of liam having his own sisters blood on his hands and never being able to wash it off fully#or his (future) best friend saving him that fate but now having that stand between them#cus liam would be grateful for it but part of him would always remember that and hold it against him#(both options also make the bartrand encounter crunchy in slightly different ways)#either way in that moment he kind of hates varric for even just being there. and fenris too#(though tbh im not sure how realistic it would be for him to take sb else except bethy and varric down into the deep roads)#((so maybe in canon fen wouldnt be there idk. havent decided this yet either))#logically he knows its not fair ofc but it just feels like an invasion of privacy. it feels Wrong.#they have no place in this they shouldnt have been there they shouldnt have been part of it they shouldnt have seen him like this#but its sth that binds them too#the rest of the trek is miserable and awkward for all of them in any case#but yeah.#idk if they would be able to bury her down here properly so maybe they end up doing it via lava?#theyre not leaving her body out in the open to rot and/or become food for darkspawn or spiders thats for sure
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gamon428 · 2 months
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sooo I was watching yesterday's vod and uhhhh
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girlchomp · 11 months
his intense need for control, homosexual attitude, and awkward autistic swagger have captivated me.
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i am now Abnormal abt him.
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yuki5847 · 2 months
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bride butterscotch??!?
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ot3 · 6 months
my notifications are filled with evil rn
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Hello Tumblr, haven't been here a while have a little oc drawing I did
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trans-axolotl · 22 days
$7 left in my bank account i just need to make it to payday on friday 🙏
(TYSM to whoever just sent me money i appreciate it so much 💜💜💜)
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sallymew4 · 5 months
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Someone had an Oopsies
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some edited variations cuz i think theyre neat : )
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