#but thats my least favorite part of his character and i would not be angry if he quit the force
br1ghtestlight · 1 year
Any Sergeant bosco headcannons hmm?
THIS ASK SOUNDS SO PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE AND JUDGEY LMAO but yes i love bosco and think about him maybe too much considering he's a cop. he's genuinely one of my favorite bobs burgers characters
expanding upon the fact that he canonically has adult kids i think he and his wife were in a bad marriage but decided to stay together until their kids were adults to get divorced, but there was a lot of fighting and it probably would've been healthier for everyone if they just split up when the kids were younger. his kids resent him for their kinda shitty childhood so he doesn't talk to them very much and they moved far away to like new york city or whatever, he does love and care about him but he maybe isn't the best at showing them that or communicating (he also is probably not great with kids in general as shown by his interactions with the burger babies)
he didn't really ever WANT TO be a cop he's just a cop bcuz he figured that was an easy career and its what his parents encouraged but when he sees younger officers joining for the same reason he tries to convince them to quit and do what theyre actually passionate about i thimk he would've enjoyed music when he was younger
he and bob very occasionally get together and have a few drinks and just talk about shit after the restaurant is closed, neither of them would call each other friends but they are definitely friends they're just grumpy old men about it <3
he really respects louise and she's honestly his favorite belcher child and at one point louise asks him to come into her class and do a presentation on police work for like a celebrating heroes thing and he's actually very emotional bcuz his own kids never wanted him to come by their school for anything, louise just wanted to brag about how she knows an actual cop with a gun but she respects bosco too bcuz he doesn't treat her like a child and actually stands up to her bullshit
bosco is more fond of the belcher family than he would like to admit, like they're crazy and they make his life miserable sometimes but he does genuinely care about them and enjoys their shenanigans and they're probably some of the only people outside the police force who he's actual friends with and he does like linda and bob specifically, he's ambivalent towards gene and tina bcuz he doesn't really understand kids or get along with them
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charliesinfern0 · 10 months
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my osomatsu-san oc, Ai! :D
more details for her under the cut! :3
She's 5 ft 4 in (i hc the matsuno bros to be 5 ft 7 in, so shes 3 inches shorter than them ^^)
Her outfits come in different colors! Her shirt and socks can be either black or white, and her dress can be blue, red, purple, pink, yellow, green, or black! :) (also her shirt can be short sleeve or long sleeve, and her socks can be thigh high, knee high, or ankle high!)
Initially did not intend for her to have connections to the moon (part of her last name 'Tsuki' means moon, the bunny charm on her phone) but in the middle of making this ref i was like 'eh why not'
Dekapan is the one that created her, so hes kind of like her weird dad
She has a big crush on Ichimatsu, but to be honest she has a crush on all of the Matsuno bros hehe
She moved away from Akatsuka to go to college, but moved back to do some of her studying and assignments back home (also she was feeling very homesick)
A running gag is that her major changes each time she talks about it (in the beach episode she says her major is photography, in the super detergent episode she says her major is painting, continues ad nauseam)
Her favorite season is winter! (fall is second, spring is third, summer is fourth)
I'm mainly refering to her with she/her pronouns right now, but she also uses they/them and it/its!
Her relationships with the characters:
Osomatsu: He just loooves hanging out with her lolol whenever they all hang out in a group Osomatsu is the first to try and take a spot next to her. They're usually on the same wavelength, always able to connect with each other, but sometimes Ai can get pretty fed up with whatever antics he tries to pull. He always ends up getting nervous whenever they have one of their deep one-on-one talks.
Karamatsu: Ai loves his "painfulness", but she sometimes has her limits lol. Usually tries to help him write songs, and they like to sing together. They're both very supportive of each other, playing off of each other's energy.
Choromatsu: He tries to be so polite and formal in front of her despite knowing her since they were kids. Ai tries to get him to loosen up, and he's gotten a bit better at being himself in front of her.
Ichimatsu: They're in loooooove, they wanna kiiiiiiss~ ehehe, but besides that they both connect with the fact that they love their quiet time, and also cats. Ai is very understanding and patient, and that both comforts ichimatsu and freaks him the hell out.
Jyushimatsu: Ai cannot keep up with him, but she tries. At least he helps her stay active! They just both like making each other happy, whether that means going out to play baseball, or staying inside and doing some paper craft (with Ichimatsu's assistance)
Todomatsu: Besties :3 they message each other a lot, and Todomatsu is always lowkey asking her out to do things with him. Usually though, either just the two of them go out or Totty's older brothers end up tagging along. They mutually vent to each other sometimes just to let out some frustration, and they trust each other enough to keep secrets between them.
Totoko: Good friends, though they don't always see eye to eye. But thats mostly because of confusion on Ai's part at the antics Totoko tries to pull. She thinks its really cool that Totoko is an idol, and Totoko always insists that Ai could be one too, but they both dont want her to be one for different reasons (Totoko thinks that Ai would be more popular than her, and Ai doesn't like the idea of singing in front of big crowds)
Iyami: She thinks he's skeevy as hell, not much else to say. Always finds a way to get angry at him, even if he hasnt done anything wrong (at the moment)
Chibita: Also good friends, they both admire each other for what they do. She always leaves a big tip whenever she eats at his oden stand to show her appreciation (and to hopefully make up for the sextuplets' tab they have yet to pay)
Matsuyo and Matsuzo: They love her, don't know what their sons did to deserve such a nice friend who is also a girl (kind of). They simultaneously hope that she could maybe start dating one of their sons, and also think that she could do so much better lol Ai is always bringing them gifts and helps around the house, she almost gave them a heart attack when they came home to a squeaky clean kitchen after Ai and the sextuplets had made dinner together for them ^^
Dekapan and Dayon: Her creator and his weird maid/friend/lover? They're basically her weird estranged dads. They barely interact, except for rare moments when she needs emergency maintenance
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
I know that everyone expects Crowley to be super depressed and suicidal and doing nothing at the start of S3 but like. I really hope they DON'T do that and use this to showcase Growth and some of my favorite things about Book Crowley. He loves life and creation!! He's an optimist! In the book he thinks Aziraphale is dead and the forces of Hell are hunting him and the world is ending but he still chooses to drive to Tadfield without any angelic intervention! He's still going to try! He loves humanity too much to give up on them even at his lowest- thats an essential point to him. And TV Crowley knows they're planning another Apocalypse. I have faith in Crowley. Crossing my fingers that it isn't misplaced because I want to see it.
i agree with you 100% nonnie✨ this is - whether he admits it or not at least in the show - the core of crowley's character and it would be a shame if he were portrayed as otherwise. given that s3 is going to be more in line with what terry and neil had planned for a book sequel, i think we can rest assured that he will be characterised in the way he was in the original book!!!
i mean, it'd be strange if he weren't sad... but i don't want to see it be his only manner of expression. i want rage, and numbness, and single-minded determination to Carry On. i want the hard shell he has around his heart to callous and toughen even further, i want him to be practically impenetrable because that would feel the most authentic reaction to the ep6 scene... and it layered underneath swagger and cockiness and confidence that we have also seen from him, but like a thousand-fold.
i want to see him hate aziraphale, because he doesn't know how else he can tolerate what happened. i know that's possibly controversial, but i do - i want him to see aziraphale as the Enemy to his side, formerly Their Side. i want him to think that aziraphale has fully regressed to the devout angel he used to be, and villify him because he can't reconcile that the image of him he had in his head is the same angel that chose to go back. this isn't to make crowley seem like the bad guy - i want the same reflection from aziraphale, too!
but then out of that i want crowley to take the opportunity to look at why he rejected heaven in that scene, and by extension aziraphale. why does this part of aziraphale, this constant need to do good and do the right thing (by his account) scare him? why did he interpret what aziraphale was saying in the way he did? why does he feel he doesn't need, want, or deserve to help build a better heaven? why does he feel the constant need to run? we have our speculations but im so excited to see his introspection and possibly discover that actually, he's allowed to be angry and hurt, but he's allowed equally to be vulnerable and to heal.
crowley has his own brand of bravery. to my mind, it's not the same bravery as aziraphale's, which despite being a bit jittery and trepidatious, is deep and fervent... crowley's is impulsive and instinctive, afraid to fly but will leap off and dive with little regard for the consequences given a push. aziraphale is usually that push, but i would love to see crowley find it just for himself, because he deserves to fight for himself as well as aziraphale and the rest of humanity✨
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ddejavvu · 1 year
ohh i have SUCH a controversial jennifer jareau opinion. and this is probably gonna be more like an essay. i wish i could say i was sorry.
everyone always says theyre anti jj slander, which is fine ofc, but just weird bc i NEVER see anyone slandering her. in my 3 years in the fandom, ive seen it happen maybe 5 times total, which sucks because she deserves so. much. more. hate.
(spoilers for *that* jeid plotline, as well as some other things)
in season 7, spencer tells her that she has mean girl vibes and she replies "i was a nice girl, especially to guys like you" which ALWAYS pissed me off because she literally just confirmed what he said? and everyone acts like it was a funny joke. she said that shit with her whole chest and meant it, and it wouldnt be *that* big of a deal if it was the only time. but shes consistently mean to him throughout the show, ignoring him, walking away, etc. spencer isnt even the only one shes like this to. and she just has a sense of superiority, idk how to describe it. just by the way she talks and interacts with those around her, you can tell. (while we're on that note, she also ignores her privileged a LOT. maybe not all the time, but theres been multiple times where she acts like she went through hell to get where she is. other than her sister passing, she had it completely easy. in terms of resources, opportunities, etc., she was basically born with a golden spoon in her mouth.)
in s14 when she confesses to spencer that shes always been in love with him, it just makes my blood boil. obviously he had been over her a long time (imo), but that was something she should've kept to herself bc it just brought alllll those feelings back to the surface. not to mention that hes the godfather of her children, and shes married, and will probably (definitely) doesnt know how she feels. thats literally emotional cheating on her part, even though reid didnt reciprocate it, it was still wrong of her to be that close to him without will knowing how she really felt.
there are other things i dont like abt her too, but those are the main things and im trying to keep this as short as possible. but i literally cant stand her, shes by far my least favorite character, and everyone acts like shes an angel sent from heaven, when really shes just a privileged bitch.
i like JJ a lot (i want her to be my mom </3) but i do agree with several of your points - she's definitely not the worst character, each and every character has a list of flaws that we could make, so this by no means makes her the worst, but it does make me angry <3
i just rewatched that 'mean girl' episode!! she doesn't even hesitate before saying 'guys like you', which, you're totally right, means he was right, and she was definitely a mean girl in high school. or even if she didn't say any of it out loud, she was still silently judging 'guys like him' and in high school you can always tells who's silently judging you. they're teenagers. they're not silent about it. the nasty looks they give you?? oh man. but i do think that the blame for ignoring spencer needs to be placed on all of the team members, because they do it all the time too, it's not just her. she has some pretty bad moments with him, but it's definitely something they all do and she shouldn't take the full blame
lmao don't talk about jeid. the writers actually deserve the death penalty for that, god it was so nasty and weird. i know that it was something she confessed in the heat of the moment, like she wasn't sure she was gonna make it out alive and didn't wanna die without saying it but ??? WHY WOULD YOU PUT IT ON HIM TO DIE THREE SECONDS AFTER FINDING OUT ??? like great it's off your chest but now he's gonna spend the (very short) rest of his life thinking about it?? AND THEN THEY DIDN'T EVEN DIE LMFAO SO HE WAS JUST STUCK WITH THAT !! and yeah!! will!! what about will!! or her kids!! it was so... writers i'm watching you...
one scene of hers that really pissed me off was in reid's kidnapping two-parter in s2 (the hankel incident) where she was almost attacked by those rabid (?) dogs and she shot them and she's obviously shaken up and she tries finding reid and realizes what happened and she feels so much guilt for splitting up with him - which was not her fault, she didn't know and should not be held responsible for what happened to him - that she started trying to make other people mad at her?? she cornered derek who was grieving and stressed at the loss of his best friend and they're both sleep deprived and she says something like 'admit it, you hate me, you think it's my fault' AND I???? GIRL. he is being so nice to you?? he was literally like oh honey if you need time off i know you're really shaken up and we can take care of this and and and AND SHE WAS LIKE oH yeah suRe just admit it i'm the worSt everybody hATEs mE- I WAS... this is not about you. go get therapy for the dog attack that you just almost suffered?? do not stand around a crime scene and pester the victim's best friend and delay the investigation because you're feeling guilty. go talk to someone about it. take a few days off. again, i totally get that she was shaken up and hopped up on adrenaline, but everyone told her to go get some rest and she was like no i think i will make myself the problem instead <3
all of that being said i still love her </3 i was not kidding when i say that i wish she was my mom holy shit i would have loved to grow up as her kid but she definitely has her flaws just like the rest of the BAU, and logical, critical breakdowns of a characters flaws aren't slandering, they're analysis, so i think everybody needs to stop shitting on people who criticize or analyze their faves lmao
send me your unpopular fandom opinions
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sleepis4theweak · 8 months
FLASHBACK AU QUESTIONS, YOU SAY? FLASHBACK AU QUESTIONS YOU SHALL RECEIVE (Or at least somewhat related to the au questions...)!!
How did you originally come up with the story? Have you planned it out? Have you made any changes since you first thought of it?
What's your fav Mikey dynamic? Do you think it shows in the comic? My personal fav is PB & J duo :>>
Who's your least favorite character in the comic to draw?
Who's your favorite character to draw?
Where did Madame Bishop (I forgot her name- she had one didn't she?..was it Joanne? MAN I HAVE AMNESIA) get that scar from?
Can we have a sneak peek by any chance? :3
What do you think Madame Bishop (...yeah might be Joanne...) would have been like in the doomed timeline?
ALRIGHT THAT'S ALL I CAN THINK OF, I'LL LEAVE YOU OFF WITH A PUN : Have you heard of the theory that no two people see color the same? I guess that would mean color is just a pigment of our imagination 🤔
1- This was honestly supposed to be a two part comic. The entire au is based off of experiences I have had (minus the whole dying part of course) with my cousins and or brother. The first part was about Donnie and Mikey- and Mikey having the puppy dog eyes that Donnie couldn't do. That was about my cousin! It was supposed to just be like oh look Mikey can do puppy eyes. And then I saw something about how kids that struggle with understanding emotions can practice expressions in the mirror sometimes* and was like haha I should add this since it's actually something I used to do as well! THEN I wrote the line about him wanting to be the youngest and I mean... my brain went straight to "now what if Mikey dies"...
I didn't expect people to like it as much as they did tbh... so when people started to really comment on it I was like okay I should bring Mikey back to life... But then it turned into a whole au...
It's almost entirely planned out now! And most comics are still based off of stories of things that have happened with my cousins or brother! (Like how I smashed my cousins legos because I was angry at him.... its a long story lol).
*(It can also be something that kids with autism do... and someone actually pointed it out! ->)
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2- Thats a really hard one... I think my fav has to do with the situation I guess? Or how I'm feeling? But Donnie and Mikey are probably my favorite overall! But only by a teensy tiny bit.
Raph and Mikey are my favorite angst wise, and the ones I can relate to the most. Leo and Mikey are really fun, and I really like using it to explore responsibility.
I think it does show in the comic! I mean I went straight to the PB & J duo- and then with Leo and Mikey I really explored responsibility. With Raph and Mikey it was shorter, but it was a lot more emotional for me personally. And right now Raph and Mikey are really getting the spotlight. Though Leo and Mikey are the main ones in the next update! :)
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4- I think Leo is the easiest to draw, with Mikey coming in second! My favorite to draw though is definitely Mikey. I like his mask tails :) Also he's my favorite in general hehehe
She got that scar from an experiment! Idk which one... but she was experimenting on something and it freaked and scratched her! :3
It isn't too important to the story, but it may add some depth/explanation to some of her reactions later on.
6- ... lemme tell you, I have gotten this ask so many times... BUT CONGRATS I WONT DELETE THE ASK THIS TIME JUST FOR YOU <3
Usually I answer the ask, wait until I'm sure the person sending it saw my response and delete it to keep the mystery alive hehe... but I won't delete this one.
No. Mikey is not gonna stay dead. I mentioned it in the first one, but the comic was supposed to end with him maybe dead maybe not... but since the au is continuing... I don't like it when characters die :( Its sad so he was never gonna be actually dead. So yes, he will come back! Its just gonna take a bit...
7- YOU MAY! I was considering which spoiler to give you... but I've decided to give you a big spoiler... just cropped. :) Because I'm evil like that :))
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8- Hmmm.... idk to be honest, I haven't thought about it... I think she would be just... even crazier. Like batshit insane.
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shoheiakagi · 1 year
Can you give me your thoughts of what you think of Homra alphabet boys? It could be who’s your favorite and who’s not, what you like and hate about them, who would you date and why. Etc etc…
of course i can!
i absolutely adore all of the abc boys and wish there was sooo much more content on them - fan and official content. although im a little more biased to some of them more than the others, i dont think im capable of disliking/hating any of them. theyre a lot more interesting and attractive than a lot of the major characters to me
i would literally be content with reading more stories on them getting drunk and causing chaos, despite serving no relevance to the plot lol
im gonna share some opinion/headcanons on each of the boys, so more under the cut:
Ask me shit!
akagi shouhei:
i think anyone that scrolls through my blog for like atleast 5-10 minutes will figure out that he's my favorite character in the entire series, even though he is a minor character. he's different from a lot of the other male characters that i typically go far (i usually go far guys with darker hair who have a similar personality to yata or even a quiet, cold personality similar to fushimi), but i remember reading mor for the first time and finding him super cute?? thats when i realized that even tho i typically prefer darker hair, im a huge sucker for guys with messy hair in general, especially when its tucked under a baseball cap. especially if theyre the rebellious type 🤭 think i got more interested in him when i reread mor around late 2018 and started analyzing the little details (he owned a motorcycle before joining homra, how he was all cocky and smirking when he raided that gang who kept his friend captive) that gave me this impression that hes not this generic nice guy that he likes to portray himself as. not ashamed to label this man as my fictional crush, 100% would date him irl, and 100% do think he gives chitose a run for his money when its comes to their face card (in the manga, at least). my least favorite thing about him has to be the lack of content on him. this applies to all of the boys, but i feel like the very few content we see on him, ends up relating back to bandou for the most part (i will get to that in a bit). like fuck, i want to know more about his daily routine, life before and outside of homra, his family, his friends out of homra, how hes like when hes drunk, how often does he party, whats his type, does he go to the gym, whats his views on life, etc. i also think that he can pull of the yandere stalker vibes very well cause first, he knows how hack into devices lol. second, i always see shouhei as someone who pulls this false, cheery facade to hide his true emotions. you can't really tell if hes angry or jealous unless youre closely paying attention and notice that his eyes seem darker than before, fists clenched, jaw locked, etc. and when he fights, he has this borderline psychotic grin on his face. like look at the material:
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like yes daddy, pls fuck me
bandou saburouta:
i dont remember if i ever mentioned it here but out of all the boys, i related to bandou a lot when i was younger, with the whole introverted earth sign with dark hair who is jealous of their extroverted best friend who has better luck with the opposite sex lmfao. i really adore this idiot and he has me dying with how petty he can get, and how he seems to be the punching bag for some of the members (*cough* yata *cough). its so weird tho cause physically hes more of my type, but i guess its bc hes always decked out in a hoodie and shades, its hard to remember that hes actually pretty cute. the only thing that rubs me the wrong way is how the writers made his dynamic with shouhei erase some of shouhei's individuality. like even tho mor started off from shouhei's perspective, the minute we find out about bandou and him being friends, the narrative switches to bandou's inferiority complex around him. i love bandou's plotline, it definitely gives him more depth, making him one of the more developed abc boys along with eric. but i HATE how the writers made everything about shouhei, relate back to bandou. mor started off with shouhei joining homra to save his friend, which he succeeded in, great! but i feel like we learn more about bandou as a character, and whatever we do learn about shouhei, its mostly from bandou's perspective. there was also this series of short stories for each character, and boyyyyy you dont know pissed i was to see that shouhei's story was about bandou being jealous of how popular and friendly he is with girls. but when you read bandou's story, it was cute little heartfelt conversation between him and anna. i do feel like this is a reoccurring issue with the homra abc boys (we learn more about chitose and eric than we do about dewa and fuji in their respective chapters) but fuck man, at least in dewa's short story, we learn that he runs the bar when kusanagi is not around, making him popular with women, and that he loves extremely spicy food. granted, shouhei's story does provide some details such as how well liked he is and that he would take anna out shopping if totsuka and kusanagi are busy, but then most of his story morphs into bandou being jealous of him....like we get it, can we please move on from that topic? platonic banshou? 10/10, fucking love that shit. romantic banshou?? ehh, im indifferent
chitose yo:
chitose is my third favorite abc boy!! he's hot and a super fun character. its truly a shame that hes a minor character so the anime has him just standing around with a blank expression and maybe have him making a one-liner or two. hes genuinely the type of person i cant imagine staying silent and not giving his two cents, whether its during the more serious moments or the chill, laidback moments. im currently rereading mor and some panels of chitose got me like 😳🥵 cause hes fucking hot lol. but! im not a big fan of playboys/womanizers, so i never got into him the same way i did with shouhei and eric. at first, i was happy when i read one of the more recent post rok stories where it was stated that he finally found someone and got into a stable relationship! but then thinking about it, i feel like the writers should have made him seek therapy first, and then get into a relationship. cause from what we know about chitose, he was so scarred by how his first relationship ended with his late gf passing away, he avoided committed relationships bc he does not want to be emotionally vulnerable like that ever again. so clearly the guy had some psychological issues, which should have been addressed with therapy, instead of drowning himself in casual sex and alcohol. so i cant help but feel a little skeptic about him being ready to enter another relationship so soon. also hate how the writers make him say some suggestive comments about anna (getting married by 16, proposing to buy red lingerie for her as a bday gift, worry about her gaining weight for eating at night). like stop it, that shit is fucking gross and its making chitose go from a relatively harmless playboy to a creepy pedo. i never read the lost small world manga, but i remember coming across this omake (?) where chitose and dewa were talking and chitose made some comment that implied that he was willing to (or already had) have sex with a drunk girl, which is a huge no.
dewa masaomi
i would totally date dewa tbh. he fits my type irl (dark hair, introverted, can be witty/sharp, etc). it also helps that since he hangs out with chitose a lot, hes not really fazed by conventionally attractive women lol. along with fuji, he lacks a lot of depth since we don't know much about them. but hey, thats what im here for! i like to think that dewa makes all of his life choices by doing the exact opposite of what chitose does. where chitose would date and sleep any pretty girl that comes his way, dewa would be super picky and not just fall for a pretty face. chitose loves women in mini skirts and cropped tops, dewa prefers his women in suits and form-fitting long dresses that accentuates their curves without showing any skin. i think a general consensus for dewa is that he joined homra bc of chitose, which i definitely agree with. although some of the members may not be as brash and aggressive as someone like yata, i can still see them fitting in. dewa, on the otherhand, seems to be the odd one out. like the man seems like he would fit in with s4 better. but i do like the hc of dewa, despite how different he is from the other boys, dislikes authority figures trying to control his life, which is why he chose to stay with homra. cause its easier to join a gang for a friend, but its harder to stay in a gang if they dont align with your values/goals. i also like to think that dewa actually comes from a well off family, which reflects on his mannerisms and sense of dressing. but he doesnt share a close relationship with his parents. while theyre not emotionally or physically abusive, they are very emotionally absent, which is why he grows up detached from them. that doesnt stop them from trying to make his life decisions for him (i.e. have him take over the family business after college, settle down with this girl who is also from this well off family, etc), so dewa doesnt think twice before moving out once he hits 18
eric soult
my baby boy, my second fave abc boy!!! i think hes probably the only white character i like in anime lol (but then again, i dont really watch a lot of anime). i was veryy attracted to eric when i first read mor and found him so handsome (still do tbh), but now i feel so soft towards him??? like i still would tap it, but did you eat??? you look so cold, let me wrap a blanket around you!!! oh, youre telling me to back off or else you'll stab me??? aww, youre soo cute 🥰 all jokes aside, him and bandou are the most developed out of the abc boys, which makes sense on why theyre more popular than the others. i also wish we saw more of his dynamic with yata, cause i felt like their banter was fucking hilarious and i loved how eric was not scared to show him sass despite being new to homra lol. i recently started having this headcanon that eric has this old fashion mindset where as a man, you have to provide for your girl, even if its the most ridiculous and expensive thing ever, so whenever the guys talk about buying gifts for anna or any other woman in their life, hes always suggesting expensive jewelry and clothes. this also makes him very vulnerable to the wrong women, who would probably drain his wallet and emotionally abuse him if she doesnt get what she wants. i actually got this hc from the mor movie where fuji tells him that he'd fall for the type of wrong girl when he proposes buying designer gifts for anna lol. i was soo emotional when i read that eric makes the choice to travel the world by himself and taking pictures of beautiful sights. cause not only does it seem like he's honoring one of totsuka's hobbies, he's also getting this opportunity to see the world from a different and healthier perspective!!! he's going to be able to see more color in a world that was previously in shades of black and white for him!!!!
fujishima kosuke
my fellow taurus!!!! i remember thinking that he was related to mikoto when i first read the manga cause of his hair lmaooo. idk why but i always visualize him to have a deeper voice?? hes just so manly but yet so caring and nurturing, so i cant imagine him without a deep voice. i like to think that out of all of the guys, hes the only one who has a good relationship with his family, hence why he still lives with them, despite being part of a gang and having a bad habit of taking in stray animals. i know that in the same official story where chitose ends up in a relationship, fuji ends up being a carpenter, but i like the idea of fuji deciding to go back to school and becoming a vet so that he can take care of sick/injured animals. or atleast opening up his own no-kill, animal rescue agency!
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cometzz · 10 months
ok im also doing these ghost quartet asks except im answering all of them so you all have to see my opinions. thanks @wolf-tm
1. Favorite character
soldier or camera shop rose
2. Favorite timeline
hmmm stardust (idk if everyone calls it that - scheherazade's timeline) or usher. or camera shop. three-way tie
3. Favorite song
changes by the day but bad men/soldier & rose rn
4. Favorite performer?
gelsey <3 need her bad
5. Live album or recordrd album?
live. the recorded version makes me angry it takes away so much personality
6. How much of the plot do you think you understand?
all of it. or at least i fully understand my interpretation of it. but analyzing this for 2-odd years gives you a bit of knowledge i think
7. Least favorite song/song u skip most often
photograph. its a great song but i dont like listening to gelsey screams while walking my dogs or whatever
8. Favorite non-sung/spoken line?
pearls "and it's the LAST piano in the world and it's KEYS cut his fingers with every note he plays" monologue. or roses "FUCK ALL YOUR FUCKING BOOKS" rant
9. Favorite lyric
very difficult choice but "if i told you this was special / and that love is more than chemicals / it's me and you and angels too / and time will end and we'll transcend / and rise above the ash and dirt / and baby i could never hurt you, 'cause you are me" or "how many people has rose been? / rose is the same as anyone else"
10. Do you have any ships for the show? If so what are they?
soldierrose. they are so important to me
11. What's your favorite non-confirmed theory?
idk LOL
12. Have you produced any artwork/content for Ghost Quartet?
drew all of the roses one time and i've drawn a few gelseys but thats abt it
13. Which role would you most like to play?
rose <3 (or would you call the role 'brittain'?)
14. Which Usher song is your favorite?
usher iii no competition
15. The Starchild, Roxie, Rose, or Rose Red?
rose. her awkward loserness has endeared me
16. Subway or the Photograph?
subway no competition
17. Four Friends or Any Kind of Dead Person?
any kind of dead person. or specifically gelseys four friends verse LOL
18.  The Gelsey/Brittain dance in Monk or the Dave/Brittain dance in Midnight?
gelsey/brittain dance tho the dave/brittain dance makes me feel things too
19. The Astronomer or The Telescope
hm. the telescope. both are good though
20. Fathers & Sons, or Lights Out?
fathers & sons
21. Tango Dancer or Hero?
very hard choice but hero because i love Brittain Ashford Depression Solos
22. How did you first get into Ghost Quartet
after i got into great comet i saw a lot of people talking abt gq so i checked it out and now i am forever changed. i don't remember how i got into great comet though LOL
23. When did you first start listening?
24. What's your favorite moment (musical or vocal) in the show?
that is such a difficult choice what the hell..... if i had to choose one itd be the overlapping parts in subway but. "you drove that train right through my HEAAAAARARRrtRTRTt" or gelseys audible disappointment on "staring at my phone." or "arabian nights?" "yeah :)" "alright." or gelseys four friends verse or literally any other bit in the show is an honorable mention
25. Are you going to/have u seen Ghost Quartet?
NO (peter griffin dead image)
26. What's your favorite bizarre connection in the show? (E.g., edgar telling the story of pearl and the pusher in usher pt 3, Shah Zaman becoming the Man In Iran in the Astronomer, etc)
hm. scheherazade telling the story of the camera shop
27. What moment would you love to see live/what moment did you love the most live?
i need to see any kind of dead person live i need to be the best damn tambourine player theyve ever seen
28. If you could ask Dave Malloy one question about the show, what would you ask?
why does rose tell roxie to cross over ???
29. Have you read either the fall of the house of usher or arabian nights?
30. Have you read the show's Genius annotations? If so, what's your favorite annotation by Dave?
"i mean literally what the fuck gelsey bell"
31. What part of the show disturbs you the most?
not really anything but if i had to choose probably gelseys screaming in photograph
32. What part of the show confuses you the most?
nothing my brain is huge and wise
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slowjamastan · 1 year
What do you think of sufin and what are your squicks when reading a fic about nordics?
kissing you on the lips im going to rant so much
SuFin is my everything
theyre my bread and butter and toast and jam and all the other things on top idk powdered sugar etc. changed my LIFE that my middle school yaoibait fandom straight up got told by word of god himself that One Guy (who is normal fr this wasn't one of the ones who is always naked or sm) was madly unequivocably and eternally in love with That Other Guy. this was such a big deal for me and still is lbr
SuFin is peak they are my bella and edward this is my thenotebook. AND they are canonically not together and over the years ive seen a pattern of fans who are either familiar with actual swedish-finnish relations or doing research into them concluding over and over that finland would not seriously go for sweden, outside of AUs or jsut bending canon bc they really want them together (valid.......)
i love when fin is holding grudges or uncomfortable with the implications of seriously pursuing a relationship with his former (current, culturally?) oppressor so they try to keep it casual and Fail Severely, OR, my #1 favorite dynamic, Finland is fully a straight man who is like "soz but we can be friends bro lmao" and calls sweden homophobic slurs behind his back (but no one else is allowed to but him, obviously). (this is for my personal funnyvalue and ive rarely rareeeeely seen this. im right tho.)
other than that last thing basically i think its very good if they Are mutually in love but logistics and politics and realism and everything keeps them apart or maybe just closeted about it. but they have shared custody of the dog and the kids etc and have couple fights that are more serious than most but are the most steady and happiest couple on the planet overall. soulmates Real. i love sufin its good in every flavor really ummmmmmmmmmm except hyperukefied finland
thats a good lead in to part 2 of this question actually
Nordic Fic Squicks / please stop doing this, im gonna read it anyway, but still
th's k'nd' typ'ng st'le...... y'kn'w wh't ' m''n
denmark and sweden r always angry and trying to beat each other up... we read the same comic, right? theyre buddies now cmonnn
the dynamic that's like DenNor, SuFin, and Iceland is alone 4evr
WHEN THE DENNOR + SUFIN GROUP DYNAMIC UKEFIES NOR AND FIN UNTIL THEYRE BASICALLY UWU GORLS... stop imposing hetero dynamics on gay ships i will Kill You. at least do it to everyone equally...
somewhat related, my ideal nordic five dynamic is Everyone Is A Divorced Dad and iceland is making fun of them on TikTok. second best dynamic is SuFin real, then Den + Nor are amicably divorced and iceland is their shared custody grown child making fun of them on TikTok
^iceland would not use tiktok he is a euphoric intellectual freak
when they make just norway a girl for no reason. babe, no one even draws nyo!norway that well...you're just projecting your desire to be fought over by hot buff men onto this poor dude. stop making me see this. you fucks have been doing this for over a decade.
ignoring history in canonverse. when ur writing modern present-day anything they have all known each other for like, ever. why would they act like they've just met..??? im not asking for tons of research, just awareness of who these characters are, like, at all
please just write the puffin out. no one rly likes him i prommy
scandinavian trio being Weird and Tense around each other in modern day. i disagree SO much, these guys would be hilarious
not realizing that smack halfway between nor and ice's birthdays is (give or take a few days) denmarks constitution day... himaruya......
overreliance on stereotypes. this is a general hetalia complaint
can we talk about the human names ive been dying to complain about the human names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just a little bit ill keep it to a minimum
tino isnt a feasible finnish name berwald isnt a good swedish name a lot of the common popular other ones get misspelled or just sound bad, and u cant just give them christian names for their early lives im sooooo serious give them old norse names pre-baptization pleaaaassseeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
somewhere deep in my #post tag i ranted ab my old name timeline for each of them but ive changed my mind a few times since then
for finland im a Timo truther and i have been forever
sweden is such a björn but also i like when his name at least starts with ber- .... but yall r so right when u said bjorn he does deserve that
im also a norway changes his name every few years truther. i think its funny and that he would do that
denmark is a magnus, period, formerly a magni, and this is my hill to die on
iceland makes me insane i change my name hc for him every so often but i have a few first and lasties for him for make me HOUUUGH like SoS turned me on to hrafnsson as a surname which makes me go insane now. im also a changes his name frequently truther for this guy but in a more nuanced way than nor does it
ran out of things to complain about but more will hit me later im sure, thank u for coming to another aphws ted talk by andy. MWAH
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theblackinnkeeper · 8 months
Was sakurajima bad for maki? A response to @linkspooky ( revision)
(Note this is a revision of a previous post meant to respond to linkspooky I looked over my previous objections and decided some of them weren’t good so I needed to make a change.). This is something I’ve been meaning to do all day and I’m going to do it now.a user on this platform named @linkspooky who makes meta’s on different forms of media she likes(mostly superhero comics and shonen manga) has answered an ask detailing her issues with the sakurajima colony arc in the culling games and I’m going to see if I can address them as well as offer a different perspective.now I used to be a follower of @linkspooky and I was a big fan of her meta’s but I decided to unfollow due to, A I felt I was bothering her with my asks and, B I felt I needed to start thinking for myself. Now after this my opinions on her meta’s haven’t aged well due to the fact that I feel that linkspooky has a habit of seeing the forest for the trees when it comes to her analyses. Now my perspective on sakurajima mostly comes from lighting446 for those of you who don’t know lightning is a translator for viz media who has done corrections on the original translations as well as translated other material. Now I doubt linkspooky will agree with his interpretation particularly due the fact the it doesn’t exactly match with her chain of analysis but I hope she’ll at least hear this out(rebuttal begins under the cut)
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Now I disagree with the mai is mishandled part due to the fact that while there are some interesting things about mai there weren’t enough to get me as engaged with her as much as others and I don’t mind her dying for maki’s development I feel we’ve spent the right amount of time with mai for her death to feel right because i mean better to go out with a purpose than the to stay with no purpose that’s how I feel and it’s one of the biggest points of contention i have with linkspooky because every sibling dynamic has to be starfire and black fire if it isn’t it’s probably mishandled. Like I get it you have a favorite thats great and all but to hold it as this objective Standard that every good sibling vs bad sibling dynamic should be just feels irritating because it just makes you look picky it should be about what they can bring to the table with this one and if it’s good not if it’s exactly like my favorite dynamic cause if everything was like the subversion you hold so high in regard would just end up becoming old and stale but I’m getting off topic. The problem with this is that I don’t think the was any need to yes Mai’s death was tragic but is there any need to mourn since Mai’s final wish and her death were avenged not to mention maki has been changed after this I mean she’s much more stoic than she’s actually been compared to her hothead self previously(keep in mind the zenin clan massacre happens after Yuji and Megumi recruit Hakari)but you want her to be in a tragedy like situation but different people respond to loss in different ways not everything has to be a sob scene I mean Roy mustang character arc didn’t turn into a tragedy when maes huges died don’t get me wrong he was affected but he released All that anger and sorrow onto greed when he finally had him cornered(your probably going to bring up the subversive part of jjk but what you’re treating jjk like is more akin to a deconstruction then a subversion).so why can’t we use the same logic here
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I feel the similarities stem from the fact that they are two people with similar powers created faced similar mistreatment and would prove to potentially be the zenin clans undoing (though maki was the one who followed up on that) and the fact that they succeeded in breaking away from the zenin clan.but why suggest maki attack random people in the first place when she has no reason to with toji it made sense for him to do that since he was angry at jujutsu society and was lashing out.but it doesn’t make since for maki since the cause of her trauma is removed she really has no reason for it now as well as the fact that toji’s trauma was allegedly worse.I can’t make a judgement on the trauma part but I’m pretty sure that not all trauma victims have to respond in the same way
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Okay okay I’ll address the main issue now with This alternative perspective since I can’t do that without showing it to you
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Now this was meant to refute linkspookies claim that this arc served no purpose other than to give maki a power up and I find it more believable than some of the jungian claims linkspooky makes since a lot of things in jujutsu kaisen have Buddhist influences so this being inspired by it sounds a tad more believable than some of spookies other stuff for reason that I feel that lightning is a tad more researched when in comes to the author I’ll also address some other objections. You claim that we are left with the same maki we received pre zenin clan really? I don’t recall maki ever being this stoic all the time I mean people respond to loss in different ways and you make it sound like maki should be bawling her eyes out. Kamo was going through this because his goal of reformation had been foiled add the fact that the only person who made him feel at home was dead and that’s why he acted like he was lost however maki’s goal was to become strong was to spite the zenin clan and unlike Kamo she avenged her sisters and it until she awakens that she overcomes Mai’s death so the sumo wrestling wasn’t for anything (sheesh for someone who frequently calls symbolism Buddhist ones never crossed you mind didn’t it).as far as the tragedy one goes we didn’t need to witness it because we did when i don’t know SHE DIES and as for the unhealthy thing it was for maki to wipe out the zenin clan we get this comment from her
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Why keep complaining that nobody calls maki out for the massacre when maki herself admits that she could have handled it differently confirming what you been trying to say! And why do you say it was weird for mai to congratulate maki for killing naoya and the zenin clan when your sweet innocent angel mai who was simply the victim of a bad sister and a bad family who could do not wrong WAS THE ONE WHO SUGGESTED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Okay @linkspooky I’ll admit I’m not going to be as friendly as I was in the original but this feels hypocritical because you question why people are saying that gojo’s death didn’t make since when you are practically doing similar things with mai death despite that looking back there were a few giveaways this feels like it was a hastily made rant that overlooks a few factors and details like you want maki to face punishment for what she did to the Zenin clan but when naoya arrives again the fact that this may be the stories way of saying that was bad idea seems to slip you head this seems to be because you want maki to be a violent psycho (because let me guess that’s more interesting). And you wish maki to mourn in an arc that’s about overcoming Mai’s death and you don’t seem to think that this signals the end of maki’s arc in the story and I’m just so frustrated because well I’ll use this quote to illustrate
You're the smartest person I ever met. But you're too stupid to see
That’s how I feel I I used to agree with almost everything you said but now I’m annoyed because so many things seem to go over your head I can’t take it anymore you want to disagree fine but please try and think things through before you criticize and I mean take into account other factors before you do this cause right now when i comes to your meta’s it feels like you’re so hung up on a certain detail not to mention (I’m going to brutally honest here) when it came to mai you put way too many eggs in the basket and acted upset when they broke I’m probably not going to be able to change you mind I’m probably just an idiot heck when I get this out you’re just going to brush me off as an idiot and ignore this but please just try to think about this more I mean you understand why Gojo died because the plot needed to move but with other characters it feels like they don’t get the same consideration just please hear me out.
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megabuild · 1 year
cherry blossom and broken heart about pix ^_^ or fwhip. your empires guys
🌸 my favorite headcanon
pix: tattoossss he has so many tattoos. near full sleeves and chest and back like newt geiszler pacific rim. i've seen a couple people do this before usually with it being linked to pixandrian religion and once he moves there that definitely is part of it (he also gets some unwilling scars/brands as part of the whole lightning shrine thing which sorta blend in) but he also had a lot before he moved just because he likes em! he still covers a lot of them up though out of force of habit
fwhip: iwas going to type out my actual fave ones but then i realised i sounded like an utter psychopath because theyre like. the most fucked up parts of his arc SORRY i do like to think of him as very restless though. constantly moving and tapping his fingers and feet and crossing and uncrossing his legs and he can't sit normally in a chair he has to lounge across it or sit upside down or flip it around and sit backwards. this is one of those things he would never dare do as a kid cause he had a pretty strict upbringing but now he's unstoppable. they haven't invented adderall yet
💔 what I don’t like about a character
pix: im going to heal the hater within me and not talk about this from a meta standpoint because ive said enough already about both characters wasted potential/unfinished storylines. SO i think he has a serious victim complex. especially in his relationship with fwhip but also just in general he takes things soooo hard and feels so responsible for everything but then it sort of turns round into an endless cycle of him beating himself up and its like Can you focus on the fucking matter at hand. It's difficult to say if this is something i Dislike because it's just a trait he has at the end of the day and a very essential one to his arc i would argue that his fate hinges on his inability to let things go so it's not like i would ever want to get rid of it but he makes me Angry.
fwhip: honestly he is just sort of an annoying cunt i can't be nice about that part cfwhip is known to be a bit of a dick. he's not even that malicious i just think he's very childish in the way he deals with shit? which isn't really his fault in some ways but. WAIT GOD THE ENTIRE ARC WITH JIMMY okay i take that all back sorry i was trying to think of an example of him being a weird dick for no reason and thats exactly it he gets sooo petty and cruel over the slightest of things. i also dont know if hes capable of genuine remorse without having to at least make a joke about it but . this is one that i genuinely do dislike again not in a way i'd try to ignore it or whatever because he's a fucked up kind of guy but the disc wars will always be the worst to me some of those streams genuinely fucked with me a bit when i watched them the first time. blows him up with a grenade launcher
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ducky-died-inside · 1 year
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I posted 12,316 times in 2022
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#camilo madrigal x reader - 29 posts
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#yes i will be doing this on everyday until i meet him - 22 posts
#no you can't stop me - 22 posts
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do you have anymore protective camilo and carlos . like shes the 2nd golden child and is supposed to be perfect ( at least thats what abuela thinks ) and they tell abuela off after seeing her finnaly cave ( and if your not comfortable with that ) someome insults reader and they get protective ( and if your not comfortable with that ) just protective camilo and carlos . also if you do not have time to right rn this can wait and pick the part that your the most comfortable with cause i dont know if any of this is crossing bondaries . have a good day / night .
I have so many ideas for protective Camilo and Carlos
Stuck: Protective Camilo x Fem reader (platonic), Protective Carlos x Fem reader (platonic)
Summary: You accidentally get stuck as an animal that Abuela doesn't like. She doesn't like that and gets mad at you. Camilo and Carlos tell her off and comfort you.
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Notes: You have the power to Shapeshift into animals while your brothers can do people
Warnings: Angry Camilo, Angry Carlos, Angry Abuela, Sad Reader
You stood in front of your mirror, trying to decide which animals would be "safe" according to your Abuela. Safe meant it was pretty and not dangerous. If was dangerous but pretty? Nope. If it wasn't dangerous but not pretty? Nope. It had to be perfect.
You went down through your list, crossing off animals that you knew wouldn't fit the mold. When you came across an animal that you weren't sure of, you would put a question mark next to it, so that you knew to ask Abuela later.
Abuela was constantly changing what she thought and animals that used to be ok were suddenly too dangerous or not good enough, so you had to go through the list at least once a month.
It was one of your favorite times of the month and one of your least favorites because you got to see all these animals that you could be, and weren't allowed to be.
As you went down the list, you got stuck. This happened sometimes when you used your power too much, or when you were shocked or surprised. You'd get stuck as the animal form you were in. This time it was an albino tiger. One that was pretty, but dangerous.
When this happened, only two people could ever get you to turn back. Your other two thirds, Carlos and Camilo.
You used your paws to open the door, looking around to see if anyone was coming. You thought it was clear, but then you heard your Abuela's voice filled with anger.
"Y/N? What are you doing?"
You slowly turned your head, fear in your eyes. You tried to shift back, but your powers wouldn't respond.
"Y/N, why do you look like that?! You know I don't like that animal!"
You ducked your head, scared of what was coming next.
"How can you help the miracle when you look like this? You were supposed to be perfect, not dangerous! You were supposed to be the responsible triplet! Not this! Change back ri-"
Camilo and Carlos heard her triade, and came out of their respective rooms as fast as possible.
"You want to finish that sentence, Alma?"
Carlos was the first to talk, anger in his eyes.
"Say it one more time, I dare you."
Your Abuela stepped back a bit, startled by Camilo's behavior. She expected this from Carlos, but never Camilo.
"How dare you?! I'm the head of this household and I won't accept this disrespect!"
"Disrepect? What about the disrespect from you?! You've been putting way too much pressure on Y/N! Why do you think she's stuck?! Because you are constantly changing what you approve of and she needs to figure it out once a month! Do you even know how many times this has happened?! No! Why?! Because you don't care about Y/N unless she is the perfect version you want her to be!"
Abuela opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it, not able to come up with a way to respond to that.
Camilo lead you to his room so that he and Carlos could get you to change back.
See the full post
210 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
I feel like Ride The Cyclone was less about the contest and more about how fucking horny all of them were
213 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Someone wanted more triplet au stuff so here I am! I'm just gonna do some headcannons for now while I work on a sequel to Bad Friends!
Camilo, Carlos and Reader Triplet Headcannons: Just cute things that would happen between you and your bros!
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Angsty, Carlos has a knife(yay), Carlos and Camilo threaten someone
When Camilo and Carlos get into fights, you're the one who breaks it up
Whenever you get asked out on a date, Carlos and Camilo will threaten them when you go to grab something
"Hey Y/N! You ready for our date?"
"I sure am! I just need to grab something really fast."
"Ok I'll just wait then"
Carlos grabbed his shoulder as soon as you were upstairs.
"You do anything to her, I gut you."
Camilo grabs the other side. "You kiss her before she's ready, you better learn to sleep with one eye open. Got it?"
The poor boy nodded as you came down the stairs, your smile reminding him why he's here.
He nods quickly, glancing back at your brothers.
"Remember what we said, Fernando. Have a great night!"
You looked at all three of them, confused. "Dios mio, what did you guys say to him?"
"Nothing much, just telling to have a good night with you."
Very overprotective bros
You love them to death though
You three would come up with the best pranks to play.
You would make them apologize when they went too far
Carlos will often carry around a pocket knife, making the phrase "put the knife away, Carlos." a regular thing heard around Encanto.
You three all worked together in your own weird way
Carlos was the evil one, you were the sensible one, and Camilo was the jokester that held you two in balance
You and Camilo are often put under the most pressure as Carlos doesn't do most of his chores if he does any
Carlos is definitely Abuela's least favorite as he doesn't do very much for the town
Camilo will sometimes forget his name and what he looks like due to using his gift so much
Seeing as Carlos doesn't use his gift as much as Camilo does, it doesn't happen to him almost at all
You and Carlos help Camilo get back to being himself whenever he has a hard time remembering
See the full post
307 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Request: Camilo and carlos with twin sister reader who can hear peoples thoughts and one day at dinner she gets overwhelmed and starts hyperventilating and abuela says " yn calm down " ( like that one scene ) and she does a coping mechanism ( like rubbing her thumb over her knuckles ) while saying " your fine , your fine " and they just snap and then comfort her .
Thoughts: Camilo x Fem reader (platonic), Carlos x Fem reader (platonic)
Summary: Abuela gets mad at you when your powers are too much.
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Notes: @kailoveswom3n please keep requesting! They are so much fun to write and you give so much detail in them! This takes place a month before the movie. Thought key: (pay attention to bolds)
Camilo, Carlos, Pepa, Félix, Mirabel, Dolores, Antonio, Abuela
Warnings: Angry Abuela, Angry Camilo, You run away,
You were an outcast. Your power made it so that you could hear peoples thoughts and people didn't like that. You didn't like it either, but you were stuck with it now. This made it very hard to find friends who would stay.
You were worse than Dolores and Bruno to them because Dolores could only hear sounds and Bruno at least left before doing more damage than he already had. But you? You could hear every secret thought even if someone didn't say it aloud. You liked to keep your head empty when you were younger, so when you learned a secret, you had to tell someone.
You don't do that anymore because Abuela started to accuse you of hurting the miracle by sharing the secrets you knew. So you became the image of good enough to Abuela. You didn't become absolutely perfect like Isabela, but not rowdy or an absolute menace like your brothers, Camilo and Carlos. The sweet middle spot for the sweet middle child.
You hurriedly got ready in front of your mirror, fixing your hair and makeup. The Diaz's, another very important family in Encanto, were coming over tonight for dinner, so that they could establish friendships with each other. As they got closer, a thought that wasn't yours entered your mind.
Food time!
You decided that if Camilo was ready for dinner, you should get downstairs. You didn't want all of the food to be gone before you got there. You grabbed your worry stone on your way out (A worry stone is a stone that has an indent for you to rub your thumb over). This was going to be a long dinner.
Dinner was running smoothly, everyone talking and joking. You could hear everyone's thoughts about each other, and they all seemed to have good opinions of each other. You rubbed your stone, trying to calm the mess of thoughts. As you listen, one string of thoughts catches your attention when you hear your name.
Y/N better not ruin this night for the Encanto. We need these relationships with others. She's already brought enough shame to my family.
Your eyes widen as you hear Abuela's thoughts. You try to stop the thoughts running through your head. Your breathing starts to get faster as the words repeat in your mind. Your rubbing of the stone gets faster and faster until you think you might break it. Tears start to roll down your cheeks, and your brothers see, but so does everyone else. Including Abuela.
"Y/N, calm down! We are trying to have a nice dinner tonight! How can we do that if you are breaking down constantly?"
You apologized and excused your self from the table. On either side of you, your brothers were fuming, glaring at Abuela.
You didn't notice for a while, trying to calm yourself with your stone and whispering "calm down, you're fine, just calm down, you don’t need to make a big deal, just calm down" to your self on repeat.
Camilo stood up and excused himself and Carlos from the table. He lead Carlos to kitchen so that you could talk to them.
"What happened? What did you hear?"
"It's nothing, Camilo. I'm fine now."
"It's obviously not nothing. If something got you to cry when you cry less than I do, it's obviously something."
You looked over to Carlos. He had a point. You sighed, trying to figure out the best way to say what Abuela had thought.
"Abuela was thinking that I was going to ruin the dinner with my gift, and thought that I already brought enough shame to her family. It's like she didn't even think I was part of the family."
Camilo clenched his fists and his eye started to twitch.
See the full post
313 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"Not all men" You're right. Noel Gruber, Mischa Bachinski, and Ricky Potts would never
859 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hi-there-cake · 1 year
do u have anythingf u want to say about ghost eyes so farrrR????
hm!!! i think its very inch resting!! there are some parts i dont like (emilio is. Like That without pills + carmello’s whole deal seeming unrealistic like when he stops bullying rudy after rudy pleads and his crush gets a hold of him (though i still need to read more of it!!) but otherwise i like it a lot! it feels a bit like a case study almost both due to being “uncensored” as well as the either intentional or unintentional themes. i like how pobodys nerfect in this story, like lots of them are just kind of dicks but in the end theyre still good people. expectations are kind of toyed with like when yfirst meet luther you think hes going to be one of those . stereotypical abusive angry uncles(IM SO SORRY LUTHER) BUT HES NOT!!! despite or even because of the way he is hes one of the most positive influences in tobias’s life ever. or rudy seeming sweet (he is) but theres always that undercurrent of him being sharper than he seems to be. i say sharper not as an allegory for smartness but like in tobias’s analogy- a cupcake but with needles inside. sweet but it can hurt. rudy is also interesting just for how he plays with the idea of being kind? like hes kind and he cares for others but hes not a doormat. he has self respect and will stop being friends with someone if they continue to hurt him (at least thats what i think so far). part of the way he is being in part due to ben and his experiences is very smart like. that Seems like it should be character writing 101 past being important but like. i guess i dont see it much (<- guy who is a botw fan and does not often read other media, i guess it feels like the past of other characters besides the main characters isnt really developed. though rudy is technically a main character but not The main charscyer. i could be very wrong however. the detail about the horror movies is something i like to see (not for rudy but as a writing detail). tobias being naive and opening up more/caring for others the more hes at school is so nice to me. that feels #real, and tobias learning and growing is just fun to see. the advocacy for rebelling with luther is my favorite part i think like YES KING ROB A BANK!!! LIFE IS YOUR OYSTER!!! and the life is your oyster despite the circumstances also feels a bit like a theme, what with tobias breaking the cycle of being totally sheltered as well as possibly being able to save himself from the edburt cycle. also i do like how misunderstandings arent played so… dramatically i guess? like when edburt takes control of tobias and says Shit to rudy and tobias breaks free instead of like. acting betrayed and trying to run from tobias/whatever is common with misunderstandings hes still there for tobias, for worse and for better. he still invites him to go to halloween and tobias is able to explain why he talked to carmello. he didnt mention edburt which is. understandable but worries me for their friendship but they were still there for each other. this is all surface level stuff im sure but it feels impactful. like a well written psa about friendship and instead of the problem being something like. small like “i forgor it was their birthday” youre actually a dick but you can still make it up to them (tbf i do also like psas like that (pokemon) but this isnt targeted for kids. its trying to get a very real message out there). at the same time it also doesnt tolerate abuse and shows the side effects of said abuse, as well as showing abuse that doesnt Seem major but still affects the person all the same (ben and rudy to me). dissing christianity like that is so based. it also shows how abusers are people all the same but it doesnt excuse their actions (ben). edburt having lore and metatext Reasons is very cool to me, like edburt himself is a metaphor in my eyes for. well i would say suppressing yourself and the consequences thereof but i dont think thats Really It. idk that scene of toby and rudy together before edburt comes for him means Something i just dont know what yet. its also interesting how emilio calls toby “a perfect creature” despite tobias
being . Like That (though its not his fault). i also dont know what that means but it means something especially with the pobodys nerfect notion. i wish i could say more but i dunno what else to say. well simons theology is very based. yeah Man i really do wish i could say more…….
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timeworncalamity · 1 year
✨ OOOO for the oc asks, Isca (love aliens...) and Vin AND omg is three in one ask too much,,, maybe Strike too?
Sorry this is late im out of town but for you Anon! Ilu thank you sm for all 3 of my kids
1: sexuality headcanon
Isca - Isca is a very strange person in general but i am going to say he is Bi. He just leans towards anyone who catches his interest.
Vin - Vin is Ace. He has always been Aro Ace but at least now he has some really nice platonic relationships with multiple characters.
Strike - their sexuality is kind of up in the air tbh bc i am trying to figure mine out and they are my sona but im just gonna say they are gay. (Non-binary gay dude)
2: otp
Isca - am i allowed to say??? Im not sure but lets just say hee hee. Yes.
Vin - I dont have a ship for Vin. He doesnt really feel romantic feelings for anyone. Hes always been Aro.
Strike - Coldcurrent. Hands down. My otp for strike is their bf Aiden.
3: brotp
Isca - rn his part in my bf's stroy is under construction so idk atm.
Vin - Ford. His best friend is Ford and tbh they are the reason Vin even started being active in my head again. Vin loves Ford sm okay.
Strike - oh they love Sulfur. They have been friends for a while and hang out all the time.
4: notp
Isca - i cant really think of someone right now??? For any AU where he looks human dont ship him with Ford or Vin.
Vin- Castor. Just dont they are twins and thats really gross.
Strike - strike and Oz. Strike literally hates Oz and that would be so unhealthy for them.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Isca - Isca is actually very strange in the way he speaks and acts. Hes generally rly positive but there is just something really eerie about him 99% of the time.
Vin - he can have tattoo sleeves that he can change the pattern of or even make disappear all together. The only tattoos that are always visible at all times are the diamonds around his biceps.
Strike - strike actually has some serious problems with insomnia. They are trying to work on it but they have alot on their mind at all times.
6: favorite line from this character
Gonna be honestttttt idk i dont write alot of dialogue stuff for ocs. Sorry.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Isca - he has alot of tropes i really like and sense of humor that makes me laugh
Vin - he has alot of my emotions of feeling betray an wanting answers shoved into him
Strike - well Strike is my sona so they have a ton of my in them tbh. They help me vent and get my emotions out, often times helping me when im in a bad mental place. They are very special to me tbh.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Isca - not.... to be nsfw but honestly how horny he can be at times oops.
Vin - how nasty and violent he can be. I get self conscious about having violent edgy characters now but alas that is who Vin is.
Strike - how fucking sensitive and upset that can get bc of how in their head they tend to be. They over think things alot.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Strike - ..... they just need a hug okay
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I'm only really today able to go back and look at a lot of things. It's been 20 days and im honestly still a wreck about it.
In 2020 my friend arcanist was posting about this minecraft guy in the foopets server. I thought that his little pig skin was funny, and it was a few ~30 second clips. sure ill watch these to be polite. But they were all very funny, most of them were potato war clips so I started there.
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and i watched more, and i just was like "wow i like this guy but that's it" and then he joined the dream smp so i caught up on all the lore that had happened up to that point (a much easier task than it is for any newcomers today LMAO). and all those minecraft youtubers were cool too. huh. and as I got further invested in this fandom i discovered more and more people i would stick with, wilbur, phil, and tommy (i was a sucker for sleepy bois as soon as i found out about them. i love them) and ranboo, and tubbo, and ponk and eret and quackity and karl and niki and jack and puffy and all of a sudden i have a gaggle of like 40+ comfort streamers. but techno was always my most favorite. I'm a Techno main to my core.
I would drop anything i was doing to watch every stream of his live. I truly do love him, his humor, his content, his character (in the human sense not dsmp though i will defend c!techno to the death). He was a light. He was good. He cared so much. He was always funny. Even when he announced something so devastating he made sure to drop a plushie ad in the middle, and remind you to buy channel memberships and subscribe. He made channel posts to let u know he was still alive, and look at this cool bird. He made jokes every step of the way. talking about how everyone was weaker than him because they didnt have the same number of bones.
I just felt better knowing somewhere, he was out there. I was never under any illusion we would meet or be friends. I didn't want to be. I'm just a number and thats good. That's all I need. But now I genuinely don't know how to navigate a world that he's not in anymore. The smallest things can still set me off. I was peeling potatoes for dinner and remembered he's dead and started crying. I'm crying writing this. and finally looking at the art and tributes and recollections from his friends. I still panic when i get a youtube notification because I can't ever have any notification hiding his last video. and then i remember thats his last video and im set off even further. The first few days i remember seeing everyone else move on with their lives, talk about the new stranger things, their fourth of july plans. and i was so fucking ANGRY even though I know logically. They weren't aware of him. Of course they were moving on, their whole world hadn't ground to a halt the way mine had.
I loved him, I love him. He meant so much to me, more than I can really express and I'm so glad he was a part of my existence for the time I had with him. Even before he died I had accidentally absorbed some of his speech patterns into my own. I'll always have that with me. They say nobody is truly dead until there's no one left to remember them, and the legacy techno left is so vast and deep. Nobody ever could. And that gives me some peace at least. It hurts less some days than others. And I still cry a fair bit. But I have to try, for him. He'd call me cringe if I gave up now.
Fly high technoblade. I'll miss you. But at least with fellow fans I'm in good company.
0 notes
charmixpower · 2 years
Rewatching season 1 (and actually paying attention to Sky to figure out what the fuck everyone is talking about): Part 5
EP 21:
Bloom will barely react to near death but will shun herself after a break up, nothing about her priorities are normal
✨⭐ Shine bright like a diamond ⭐✨
Stella should be exhausted from melting all this ice
Daphne is suddenly blue now
Who the FUCK is that voice when she grabbed the crown
"the king and queen of Domino, convinced they lost both their daughters chose to go into exile to grive."
.....I forgot that up to the first movie was planned, yeah them bitches were always ment to be alive huh
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If Bloom is about 5'6, and Daphne is more than full head taller than her
Daphne is at least 6'0 ok???
Also blue Daphne!!
"I'm off to find you!" Daphne is alive??? And hiding??? Also Bloom referring to Daphne in third person
This episode has one to the best pre transformation scenes!!! They way they all jump up!!!
I guess we all know if Flora would of passed the bringing life to a desolate planet exam now :)
Tecna should turn her hood into a helmet more often
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Musa finally using her focus in combat!!!!
(magical tools like Stella's "sword" and Nabu's staff are called focuses now bc they help focus magic, yes I'm bad at names)
"Isn't there a saying that goes the best defence is a good offence!"
Stella takes only offensive magic and basic magic classes confirmed
Tecna cracking so many jokes about Bloom being a princess
Musa's speaker spells are the best, just under her disco ball spells
I love how Bloom just hits shit when she can't transform, love her
Flora doesn't have any true offensive spells (spells that hurt on impact) she creates plants to attack (which is technically categorized as defensive and I need better names)
Stella: Cool ✨💖
Stella: wait I'm supposed to be mad at you, I retract that cool
Holy shit I didn't realize how fucking big that thing was until now
Bloom being a leader and telling Tecna what to do even while she can't do anything herself...it was ment to be
They could use version of convergence in s1, the mixing of magical spells, but cannot use true convergence, the mixing of raw magic
Stella is being so nice to Brandon for how angry she was
Bloom you are accepting Sky's apology wayyy too fucking fast
He doesn't get that apology accepted until at least the season finale, come on! Cheating is like one of the the biggest dick moves you can make in a relationship!!
Sky really really said "you always said I was your friend and nothing more", trying to put this on her omg, are the writers ok???
Bloom should of smacked the shit out of him for that one 💕💞
Winx club acknowledge that you have two of your male leads starting off as huge pieces of shit, and not just one 💗
"I forgive you" NO TF YOU DON'T
Oh wow this is making me angry at the writers. You had a another perfectly good meow meow in need of a redemption arc and a scene where he confronts the bad parts of himself and you throw it away to let Sky be the prince in shining armor
*ripping Sky out of the hands of the writers* I'll give him consequences!!!! And a character arc!!!!! AND ITS GONNA HAVE BLACK JACK AND—
Hmmmm of course the Sky Riven rivalry needs to be less one sided, to make it more obvious that their both bastards. Add a couple parallel scenes of Darcy/Riven, Sky/Diaspro (if I'm smart enough to do that), to set up Diaspro mind controlling Sky in s3. A few moments of each girl commenting on how Sky can be kinda a dick, a jokingly slightly snide comment about how "at least Riven isn't hiding he's a jackass", make a little Brandon glaring a hole though Sky's head all though out s1 on the top for flavor.....tbh I don't know what anyone was expecting. My favorite characters are Riven and Musa, I like it when characters are kinda bad people and have to learn to be better. Thats fucking god tier
If they just leaned into this angle of Sky being raised wrong and trying to unlearn his worst behaviors but still fucking up royally, with maybe a heart to heart about why he makes these horrible decisions sometimes, I'd like him a lot more!!
Idk in arguments with Bloom it's like he's not allowed to be straight up wrong, it's like none of the girls are allowed to be straight up wrong, cringe. I'm going to hit Sky with a stick labeled "character development" and "flavor" I'll be back
I'm actually going to punch Sky 💕💞, who told you your allowed to be happy rn? Your supposed to be as miserable as Riven rn, go to your corner cheater
EP 22:
Bloom should be way more unhappy about the Knut thing after her parents nearly died lol
Red Fountain castle....these schools are castles
Literally all of the Winx are making eye contact with eachother when Fragona says "the boys will stay here for now", Tecna may be aroace but she loves and supports her allos
Riven does (1) self reflection
Can he hear Stormy and Darcy talking out side of his cell about messing with his head???? Wait, kids show nvm
Why is Riven reacting so strongly, like he knows this is just Darcy right?
What is that thing??? Is that one of the army of decay but recolored or is that Darcy's original monster do not steal
Riven regains his sense of self with free help from Darcy!
Darcy's illusions...can be touched bestie
"There are many things I don't like about myself but I'm far from being a monster"
Would of loved if you expressed any of this BEFORE this moment
"I have a heart!!!!"
I'm not crying shut up
Ughh I just wanna give him a hug, is that so bad??
Riven bby understanding that becoming a better person isn't about making people forgive you, and no one owes your forgiveness if you become better
Sky definitely would struggle with that *laughs maniacally*
"I have a few friends too"
Hmmm I mean in the context of "hey I was manipulated and also Darcy was literally in my head" yeah
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My meow meow is more pathetic than yours
"hey! Kiddo!" Glad you finally decided to speak up Griffin
"it would of been impossible to guess what their planning"
They tried to kill people. Are we forgetting that?
"I've always been good a picking locks [....] The person hasn't been born yet who can keep me locked up."
And then this trait is never shown again
He just walks out
Griffin got a cooler lock than him lmao
Riven with magic is a fun headcanon exclusively if you don't give him enough to over power anyone, then he has to use his ingenuity—which is one of his best traits!!
Like Riven with enough fairy magic but can't transform and vice versa with witch magic
I think witch magic seems more complicated??? Compared to fairy?? Which would make it more fun to give him bc then hed have to really work to do weird shit
All of this to say:
That's the only thing Riven having magic is necessary for, bc then magic locks CAN keep him locked up and thats just not right babes
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Background characters that could of been main characters with designs that pretty number 1, the witch Hecate
Goddamn rocking that light blue and red combo
That chick in the background comes from the same planet as Riven, you can tell by the shonen anime hair
Griffin sounds genuinely scared for Riven
He changed into his specialist uniform...but didn't bring any weapons?? Wouldn't that just be on his suit?
"Is this were it ends? No. You'll never get me."
Riven going from "I'm going to die" to "I'm too spiteful to die" to "the only one that kills me is me"
Salidin remembering that Faragona is a lying liar
I need to think more about thoese twins that work at CT
Bloom????? Are you ok????
She doesn't feel fear apparently
Sky agreed too quickly for how upset he seemed
Icy: NO—! Oh well he chose his own fate
All of the Trix have pretty strong on Riven apparently
"it's the same story as always, your stubborn as a mule" SAY IT MUSA
You'd think that Bloom would have a suit or something rather than her nomral clothes
Stella: So. Your not a prince.
Brandon: unfortunately, no. I'm Brandon, Sky's page
(First a squire, now a page, which...his job description is still bodyguard)
Stella: So Sky tricked Bloom and you tricked me
Brandon: and that changes everything
Stella: maybe, maybe not
Brandon, unlike Sky who attempted to push blame off of himself and instantly apologized, seems to have done the emotional equivalent of rolling over and dying
Man's has given up
Stella should not have enough magic to go on this mission. She should of collapsed after unfreezing Domino Palace
Icy wants to torture Alfea
Knut is a fucking dumbass 💕
The fact that Stella hasn't set him on fire yes is astounding, I wouldn't have enough patience for this
You know, CT is alive but I wouldn't assume the tunnels under it would be too
Why does CT have a personal garbage dumb?
Oh that's why, they have bugs that eat them
"No! Wait! If we attack we run the risk of blowing our cover!" "True. If we kill one the witches will sense it and we can kiss our surprise attack goodbye."
What? Are the BUGS apart of the tower??
These bugs are made of metal what the fuck
Bloom is definitely up there with the girls that can get along fine in a fight without magic, she's so unhinged
I love it when Bloom growls
(no seriously why are these bugs made of metal)
Good afternoon blorbo
There has to be like different tracks one can go into at RF. What ever Riven is in he's clearly the best at it bc everyone is freaking the fuck out over him
Is this an excuse to make all the boys "top of their class" by having them in different sections? Yeah, absolutely. Why?
You should of broken so many bones
Sky is so excited to see Riven, did you to not hate eachother the last time you saw— you know what whatever, this is admittedly adorable
Riven tries to apologize and Sky accepts it before he can even finish
Bloom is even jumping on Riven
Y'all are too nice around here
He's so pointy
EP 23:
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Riven, babe, when did you have time to change clothes
This show is so poorly made (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Brandon sassing Sky and Riven in quick succession. What ever Brandon is being paid it's not enough
That eye thing is fucking disgusting
"I still can't get over what's happening! I mean....this should of been a normal school year. Instead, were involved in a major crisis and we've got to safe Alfea! And the magic dimension!"
Musa having some very normal thoughts
"Look at it this way. This experience is teaching us so much more than school books could. We're part of historical events. We've had to come up with spells that can never be reproduced! We've got to fight alongside some of the most powerful people in the dimension!"
Tecna being fucking badshit (affectionate)
"you find all that thrilling do you! Well I don't like it at all! I'd rather be safe!!! At home!! With my parents!!!"
Nomral thoughts from a very interesting looking background character (seriously. Spot the main character is weirdly hard in Winx)
Musa: Flora's right!!!! We're like a big orchestra!!!! And each one of us has a very important part to play!!!!
Shut up I love her
Musa: each one of us is absolutely essential
I could write an essay about this moment, I won't tho. Just understand that Musa is perfect and I love her
Musa, Flora, and Tecna rallying the troops fjsndne
Tecna, talking about love: it can't be that bad
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Knut: See! Over there is where they hide all their secrets!!
Riven: are you trying to make me homesick?
I—what the FUCK was your home life like to warrant this comment
How can Bloom not recognize her own power????
When Bloom growls >>>>
"most powerful", get swatted aside by Griffin
When did all these background witches get cloaks
Where are the other two teachers??? :(( Where are the other members of staff that I care about so deeply???? Cruel
And they can't teleport off planet?
Sky is really dedicated....to everything but taking responsibility for his own actions ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖💙
Hi Stormy, I see you've made it out of the cage
EP 24:
Adults stop being upset in front of the kids
Some of these characters look like normal humans and others are so obvious alien. That's never more clear than when Griffin and Faragonda talk
Griffin and Faragonda are divorced
Sky is a kind guy™ but he's also a weird selfish inconsiderate person, at the same time. Layers
I now hc that Sky is specifically Codatorta's best student (even tho it should really be Brandon)
Where is Alfea's magical barrier???
The only thing the weird s3 call back had on this was the dedication on maintaining the barrier
Separate then incinerate, guys, come on
What the fuck is Salidn's and Codatorta's relationship?? They seem like they should be related or something.... Son in law maybe?
Brandon: don't be scared, I'm right here with you
Stella: well that's exactly what I'm afraid of my darling prince
Brandon: I want to ask you to forgive me for-
(Brandon runs his hands though his hair when nervous)
Stella: making me believe your a prince when in fact your just a simple attendant
Brandon: yeah
Stella: dont worry about that Brandon, I don't care if your a prince or not. My parents are royalty and it hasn't done then any good, has it!
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What is with this show and giving characters horrible undercuts?!
I see people, rightfully, mocking Riven for his stupid hair and not enough people dragging Brandon for this tragedy on his head
Musa: Hey love birds~! What are you doing? It seems we can't leave you alone for a second
Flora: oh leave them alone, they're so cute together
Stella: don't you two have something better to do? *Magic's a pillow at Musa's face*
Brandon: Ha! You were three feet off the ground
Stella: Please. Be nice to my friends. I'm the only one allowed to torment them
Flora may be the mom friend of all mom friends, but Stella older sister friend reigns supreme
Sky really said as you wish, sir, did your tutor teach you that
There's nothing quite as cool as Stella teleporting mid battle
This music is so depressing
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Magixs is going to have a very strong therepy industry soon methinks
EP 25:
How have they not saved Mirta yet?
Omg Musa is so sassy about helping Mirta
Daphne is so pretty 🥰
I feel so bad for what I wanna do with this scene, but tbh Daphne makes no sense in canon (with the way she just disappears after s1) so I think I'm justified
Bloom how are you breathing underwater
Anyways Charmix should of been it's one transformation
Magic Winx gets a cutesy theme, Charmix would get a more metal one (like the RF theme), and Enchantix would keep the hauntingly beautiful one it has
And suddenly BOOM Charmix transformation
Bloom is BACK BABY!!!
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I can't believe they fridged Mirta for a whole season, that has got to be a crime
"don't be silly! I think I'll go for a walk."
Musa is so adorable and obvious about her crush. She tries to hard to not be like other girls, but in reality she's a blushing school girl though and though
Mirta being smug about them lmao
Stella: Riven!!! I think she's coming down!!!
Riven: oh god, oh fuck, I'm not ready—
This has got to be in Sky's top ten list for trauma, just the whole city dead
Tecna: must you always be joking Stella?
Stella: what do you want me to do! When I get serious I think of Bloom and I go nuts!
Tecna will always be bothered by Stella's main coping mechanism
"the children are beginning to show effects of battle fatigue" BEGINNING?!
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The chairs are fucking dope, ngl, this is sick as fuck
So much time dedicated to Sky fighting this thing, not enough time dedicated to Sky realizing that being a cheater makes him a fucking dick, cringe fail writers—
Hey Bloomy! Your amazing as always
Bloom absolutely carried Sky all the way to Alfea. This is just a fact
Icy's number one weakness is her pride
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
as for an instrument mc would play, i'd think maybe a harp or lyre. soft, quiet, and fits in relatively well with the other two. if not that, maybe a flute of some kind.
also have more ideas, except mostly blackspace themed so beware. also tried to keep things gender neutral but if a she or her slipped past me im so sorry
- occasionally something will appear behind mc for a split second, or in their shadow. looking at it for too long fills people with crippling fear, the kind one would feel seconds before death.
- mc often experiences delusions. seeing things that aren't there, not seeing things that are, like it's some major cognitive dissonance.
- occasionally the chain will get snippets of their dream, but not enough to make sense of anything.
- in this au, mc is part of sunny's family. in fact, they're twins. now think of how old sunny was when the accident happened. :)))
- instead of basil, mari goes missing in mc's headspace. i will leave you to think about why :)
- mari lives in this au, but besides that things proceed mostly as normal. her parents made her go to college even though she didn't want to leave sunny alone, and although she calls often, theres a clear rift between the two.
- as the chain's journey goes further on, they see more and more of what mc sees, and its frightening. especially, yknow, the imagery of blood and death and monstrous people who look vaguely human screaming at you. (it's implied mc subconsciously thought they were murdered on purpose, rather than involuntary manslaughter. after all, the last words they ever heard weren't exactly kind, even if they were only out of temporary anger.)
- the chain's goal concerning mc is figuring out what's tying them here and helping them move on. gets a bit more complicated once the whole murder thing comes out. yikes.
- in faraway, basil is kinda like aubrey now. angry at the friend group, simultaneously guilty and enraged and in denial about what happened. was the first to leave the group because he couldn't bear to see the face of mc's killer, which aubrey got on his case about. they hate eachother.
- hero didn't fall into catatonia- it was paranoia and repression, which is infinitely worse in ways i won't describe. instead, it was kel who was hit with the depresso train and then switched coping mechanisms to toxic positivity, as he was scared of hero lashing out. sunny is still in dreamy land, staunchly in denial of what happened. despite not doing anything, he still thinks of himself as the guilty party.
- the chain starts piecing together that they were murdered pretty early, but nobody knew how.
- there will be a scene where they witness mc's death. why? because i like traumatizing my favorite fictional characters.
- the details of the coverup are unknown, but sunny and basil are only witnesses here, and had nothing to do with mc's death beyond seeing it happen.
- the chain also enters headspace more in their dreams, until blackspace happens. thats when everything starts to unravel, and mc's mindscape is just as, if not uglier than canon sunny's. being murdered does that to you.
- while mc doesn't have the fear of drowning or spiders, they do have claustrophobia and nyctophobia. latter from the accident (it was dark in the house when it happened, and they couldn't see where the stairs were), and the former from another experience.
and last but not least, the one that will drive you bonkers:
mc was still alive after they fell.
- mold
Alright, this makes so sense to me and I'm kinda bridge between you and Kahoot atm so
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