#but the bracket was seeded by number of nominations
mechsbrackets · 2 years
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[I.D.: a 32 team single elimination bracket titled "Most Gender Mechanisms Character!". It consists of 16 matchups listed below /End I.D.]
We now have a bracket! The matchups are listed and linked below! All polls will be tagged with #most gender mechanisms character bracket.
Ashes O'Reilly vs. Scuzz Nishimura (this poll is being WEIRD, please vote on the first version (the one linked here) that only seems to be visible through if you go through the tags. Tumblr why)
The Aurora vs. Yog-Sothoth
Nastya Rasputina vs. The Octokittens
Lancelot vs. Ulysses
Lyfrassir Edda vs. Alice
Galahad vs. Dr. Carmilla
Ivy Alexandria vs. Orpheus
Arthur Pendragon vs. Loki
The Toy Soldier vs. Rose Red
Majors Hatter & Hare vs. Raphaella la Cognizi
Marius von Raum vs. Guinevere
Blogbot vs. Mordred
Jonny d'Ville vs. Odin
Captain Joseph Robert Mathea vs. Drumbot Brian
Frankenstein's AI vs. Iphis
Comsat Cheshire vs. Gunpowder Tim
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beefy-babe-showdown · 2 years
This is just a joke please don’t come for my fragile ass.
The gay awaking at 12 wasn’t though. Have been a huge pathetic bottom lesbian ever since.
everyone share their gay women muscle connoisseur stats in the comments below and don't forget to like and subscribe
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janmisali · 3 months
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"I'm-a Luigi! Number-a one!"
SEED: 2 (104 nominations)
DEBUT: Mario Bros. (Game & Watch)
NOMINATION EXAMPLE: Luigi's just been my favorite Mario character since I was little. I probably started liking him because green is my favorite color, and I'd say I like him now because of how much personality and charm Nintendo gives him.
[Super Mario Wiki article]
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"I'm The Old Psychic Lady with the Evil Eye Who Reads Fortunes and Knows Everything Before It Happens."
The Old Psychic Lady with the Evil Eye Who Reads Fortunes and Knows Everything Before It Happens
SEED: 38 (17 nominations)
DEBUT: The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!
NOMINATION EXAMPLE: I'm gonna be honest I have not seen a single episode of the Super Mario Super Show, but her name instantly made her my favourite character of the franchise.
[Super Mario Wiki article]
[link to all polls]
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zedecksiew · 9 months
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(If you just want to skip to the list of BLOGGIE finalists, scroll to the "Who Are The BLOGGIES?" section below.)
Awards for some of the best tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) blog posts to come out in 2022. There will be five awards: Best Theory Blogpost, Best Gameable Blogpost, Best Advice Blogpost, Best Review Blogpost, and, the biggest one, Best Blogpost.
I won Best Blogpost, last year. So I am hosting the BLOGGIES, this year.
Blogs are worth celebrating. Barring the actual playing of actual games, they are our most fertile field, our most volatile laboratory. Longform, text-based, and informal---they are a place to jot down our most outre design ideas. Free and publicly available---they are a vector for open debate and serendipitous discourse. Perhaps most importantly: relatively free of algorithmic social-media pressures---they are the best chance we have at a cultural memory.
I got into TTRPGs because of blogs.
The BLOGGIES are, at best, an affirmation of the above. At least, they are a way to celebrate 64 excellent blog posts from the last year, and maybe get them in front of people who did not read them the first time.
Nominations: I put an open call for blog-post nominations on Christmas 2023; I also canvassed the TTRPG communities I am part of. Nominated posts had to be from between 1 December 2022 to 31 December 2023.
I closed the nomination period on 1 Jan 2024 with 149 blog posts for consideration. I read / re-read them all.
I chose a slate of 64 finalists, according to the following metrics, in order:
Enthusiasm---a post got multiple nominations;
Diversity---no one blog was allowed to be a finalist more than once in a category (except the Reviews category, where this rule was tied to individual writers, due to shared review blogs);
Notability---a post was extraordinary in presenting a novel idea, addressing an important subject, or reflecting a community current.
Obviously, that last metric is highly subjective, and limited to my knowledge and perspective in the scene. I did my best.
I will not have final final say. Finalists will go head to head, vying for to be anointed best of the best by ballot. The bracket was seeded in order of number of nominations received. The BLOGGIES await your vote, o TTRPG folx.
Throughout January 2024! Voting is >>>NOW OPEN<<< on Google Forms according to the following schedule (I will link to the forms and result threads as I post them):
First Week January - THEORY
3 January: Round of 16
4 January: Round of 8
5 January: Round of 4
6 January: Quarterfinals (winners in category) - Results
Second Week January - GAMEABLE
10 January: Round of 16
11 January: Round of 8
12 January: Round of 4
13 January: Quarterfinals (winners in category) - Results
Third Week January - ADVICE
17 January: Round of 16
18 January: Round of 8
19 January: Round of 4
20 January: Quarterfinals (winners in category) - Results
Fourth Week January - REVIEW
24 January: Round of 16
25 January: Round of 8
26 January: Round of 4
27 January: Quarterfinals (winners in category) - Results
31 January - FINALS
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Your BLOGGIES 2023 FINALISTS are (presented in bracket order):
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(High-res version here)
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🥉 (1) being a problem - playable orcs at the limits of humanity, from Majestic Fly Whisk Some deep thinking about the racialisation of the orc in elfgames, why mainstream fixes fall short, and ways to move beyond.
(16) #132: Axes of Game Design, from The Indie RPG Newsletter An exploration of the design axes / spectrums on which every TTRPG may fall.
(8) The Genres the OSR Can't Do, from A Knight At The Opera Sketching the limits of the OSR playstyle by looking at genres which are too differently-bound for it to emulate.
(9) RPG Transcript Analysis: Critical Role, from Trilemma Adventures Examining a style of play through transcript analysis (looking at what is actually being said during a session), with Critical Role as case study.
🥈 (5) Critical GLOG: Base Resolution Mechanics, from Goblin Punch A deep dive into dice and resolution mechanics, and what they do in practice.
(12) My favorite problems, from Failure Tolerated A list of design problems in TTRPGs, and a case for game design and theory to be driven by problem-solving.
(4) Roleplay Is Folk Art, from Wizard Thief Fighter An impassioned call to consider TTRPGs as folk art as opposed to corpocratic walled-garden IPs.
(13) ART, PRODUCT, BOARD GAMES AND MAUSRITTER, from Fail Forward Critique of reviews that accuse TTRPGs for being too slick; interrogating the assumptions behind the label “commercial”.
(6) Toolbox Design, from The Dododecahedron Considering the principles of designing TTRPGs like toolboxes, through the lens of Cairn RPG and similar.
(11) Mario vs ActRaiser vs Final Fantasy vs Zelda - Types of Advancement in RPGs, from Rise Up Comus Identifying some general types of advancement in TTRPGs, using videogames as a comparative lens.
(3) Posters, Posers and POSR(s), from Prismatic Wasteland Relitigating whether the OSR is dead, and defining its successor, the Post-OSR.
(14) psychosis is badly written in tabletop games, from paper cult “Attempting to mechanize something so intensely personal, different, and mutable as mental illness is complicated. I think that makes these depictions bad!”
(7) “Rules Elide” and Its Consequences, from Jared Considering the implications of the maxim that "a game is about X when you have rules for everything but X".
(10) Models of High-Level Play, from Benign Brown Beast Loose but useful classifications for types of high-level play: domains; god-like play; etc.
🥇 (2) OSR Rules Families, from Traverse Fantasy Sketching the landscape of the OSR, how various systems function, and how their attributes cluster and trend together.
(15) Moralising and manipulation in tabletop roleplaying games, from Playful Void The importance of having design preferences without tying these preferences to moral judgments.
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🥉 (1) Flux Space, from Papers & Pencils A point-crawl procedure specifically designed for labyrinths / dungeons that are architecturally confusing / samey.
(16) Generating Elevation in a Hexcrawl, from Traveler's Rest Procedures and advice on how to generate a mountain-crawl: hiking-focused adventure geography.
(8) The Autumn of Summers, from False Machine God-monsters born of summer, the hunting culture around such beasts, and random tables to generate their attributes.
(9) MIMICS, from Vaults Of Vaarn A spread of novel pretender-creatures, with ecological and social implications.
(5) Another take on demihumans as social constructs, from Cavegirl's Game Stuff What if we consider fantasy races not as separate species, but as differing social roles?
(12) The Apocalypse Archive, from Bearded Devil An unfinished by exemplary #dungeon23 attempt that includes wonderful maps and soundtrack notes.
🥈 (4) Pointcrawling Character Creation, from Rise Up Comus A framework for tying character generation to a geography, generating history and familiarity with campaign locales.
(13) how to be erased, from Straits Of Anian Procedures for getting lost and getting led astray, and the kith and spirits one meets in those places.
(6) Dungeon Skirmishing, from All Dead Generations Feature-complete skirmish combat mechanics for OD&D, and the design rationales thereof.
(11) Zelda-Style NPC Personalities, from To Distant Lands A system of generating quick and punchy NPCs, inspired by the way Zelda videogames present NPCs.
(3) GULCH, from Mindstorm A starter town specifically designed for contemporary (horror, urban fantasy, non-fantasy) campaigns.
(14) Down the Road: Local Situation Design, from Deeper In The Game A procedure for quickly generating a powderkeg situation in a local geography of play.
🥇 (7) Laws of the Land: meaningful terrain via in-fiction limits and conditions, from Was It Likely? A method to generate meaningful diegetic terrain and tone in an adventuring region.
(10) False Equivalent Exchange, from The Graverobber's Guide A novel magic system, done in natural language, with discussion on how it could be used in play.
(2) Deeper Catacombs, from Benign Brown Beast Iteration notes and a presentation of a comprehensive dungeon tracking procedure.
(15) Inadvisable Decisions (GLΔG), from The Nothic's Eye An evocative alienist character class, based on drawing the attention of alter-describable things from beyond.
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🥈 (1) How to Handle Parley as an OSR DM, from Goblin Punch Comprehensive notes on how to run non-combat encounters without resorting to boring rolls.
(16) GM Pointers: Live-Text Games, from Shadow & Fae Good reminders on how to run live-text games better, so they are better coordinated and don't take forever.
(8) ONLY Roll Initiative, from Bastionland Considerations on how to adjudicate combats, if initiative were the only dice roll in a combat system.
(9) Action Mysteries, from A Knight At The Opera Asserting that good TTRPGs mysteries involve action---not just figuring out the truth but opposing the antagonist's goals.
(5) Modular Ecology, from The Graverobber's Guide A practical approach to including gameable ecology in TTRPGs, by tying materials to specific locations and conditions of the world.
(12) ULTIMATE ANIMIST MECHANIC: EVERYTHING IS A REACTION, from Alone In The Labyrinth How to run a game where all actions are resolved by reaction roll: everything in the world responds by how much they like you.
(4) Game Mastering Like A Park Ranger, from SILVERARM Advice about GM-ing, based on the real-world work experience of being a park ranger.
(13) An OSR approach to Spotlight, from Permanent Cranial Damage The suggestion that intentionally spotlighting characters solves the real-life problem of spotlighting players nicely.
(6) #Dungeon23, from Win Conditions The idea that spawned a thousand notebook dungeons, plus salient advice on how to start / keep going.
(11) The Storyteller Technique, from Possum Creek Games When writing TTRPGs, imagine your game text as a diegetic artefact in the world of the game.
🥉 (3) RANSACKING THE ROOM, from Mindstorm A simple and powerful three-step method to handle room-searching in games: inspect, search, and ransack.
(14) Cairn Crash Course, from Widdershins Wanderings A masterclass example on how to write player guides to a game, for Cairn RPG.
(7) AN EXAMPLE OF FKR (NEAR-)DICELESS COMBAT (WITH COSMIC ORRERY!), from Underground Adventures Describing combat in a Free Kriegsspiel Roleplaying (FKR) game, useful in understanding that playstyle.
🥇 (10) Re-inventing the Wilderness: Part 1 - Introduction, from sachagoat Figuring out problems with wilderness exploration, and applying a mental-map framework from urban-theory academia.
(2) Dungeon Design, Process and Keys, from All Dead Generations A detailed process to designing and keying a traditional dungeon adventure.
(15) THE D&D IN MY HEAD: In Only 6 Load-Bearing Numbers, from I Cast Light! Identifying the essential and minimum rules you need to remember, to run D&D.
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🥇 (1) An Empty Africa - PF2E's The Mwangi Expanse and the strange career of Black Atlanticism, from Majestic Fly Whisk A review of Pathfinder’s "The Mwangi Expanse", and a discussion of Black Atlanticism's fraught relationship with its sourcelands.
(16) What Hull Breach Teaches Us, from Mazirian's Garden An assessment of the Mothership RPG third-party "Hull Breach" anthology as a "new standard for anthology companions".
(8) Grave Trespass - Jim Henson's Labyrinth: The Adventure Game, from Bones Of Contention A review of the Labyrinth RPG. It’s got all these things which are "bad" in RPGs, so why does it work?
(9) The First Rumor Tables, Part 2: Caverns of Thracia or Caverns of Quasqueton?, from Tom Van Winkle's Return To Gaming An investigation into the origins of rumour tables in TTRPGs. Did TSR plagiarise Jaquays?
(5) Standing up for D&D's Gen X: 2e (Part 1), from Mythlands Of Erce A full-throated defense of D&D2E, viewing it in the context of its time and as a refinement over 1E.
(12) Systemcrawl: Break!! RPG, from Widdershins Wanderings A review and system analysis of Break!! RPG, which marries JRPG and OSR inspirations.
(4) Dungeon Crawls in Cinema, from Directsun Games Evaluating several films on the basis of how well they function as dungeon crawls.
(13) Reasonable Reviews, from Rise Up Comus A general overview of TTRPG reviews, and what may or may not make them useful.
(6) Deep Dive: A|STATE, from The Indie Game Reading Club A review of a|state, and how it builds on and departs from the Blades In The Dark formula.
(11) I Read Cloud Empress, from Playful Void A review of Cloud Empress, the first descendant of the Mothership RPG ruleset.
🥈 (3) Plagiarism in Unconquered (2022), from Traverse Fantasy A forensic analysis of how Unconquered plagiarised Ultraviolet Grasslands and Vaults Of Vaarn.
(14) Rod, Reel, & Fist (Review), from Benign Brown Beast A substantial review of Rod, Reel, & Fist, a "system-forward fishing simulation RPG".
(7) Pedantic Wasteland - Vampire Cruise, from Bones Of Contention A review of Vampire Cruise, a largely system-neutral horror-comedy adventure set at sea.
(10) Dragon Magazine: Player Advice Collection Overview, from Attronarch Athenaeum A comprehensive read-through and rating of 143 Dragon Magazine advice articles.
(2) Spire: The Monstrosity of Empire, the Necessity of Violence, from A A Voigt A comparative-literature analysis of Spire RPG through R F Kuang’s spec-fic novel "Babel, or the Necessity of Violence".
🥉 (15) MICROBLOG: CHILDREN'S BOOKS AND TABLETOP GAMES, from Fail Forward Considering the influence of children’s books on TTRPG designers and works like "Barkeep on the Borderlands".
It is difficult to describe how hard it was for me to whittle down the list of nominees to these finalists. I consider each of these 64 a landmark in 2023's TTRPG thinkings, and the folks from which they issue essential reading, going forward. They already deserve a prize.
So here it is, dear bloggers: a hand-carved linocut "finalist's pin" graphic you are free to use on your sites / posts, should you wish:
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(High-res downloadable version HERE)
Thank you for writing! And good luck in the coming rounds of voting!
CORRECTION: A blog post from 2021 (Not All Crunch Is the Same, from A Knight At The Opera), was included in the soft-launch posting of this list. An error on the part of its nominator, compounded by a data-entry error on my part. It has since been replaced by a post from the same blog with the actual most nominations (The Genres the OSR Can't Do). I have also double-checked my lists and all finalists. Apologies for my error!
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ao3topshipsbracket · 11 months
hi, I don't understand sportsball at all, can you explain , like if I'm pre k, how seeding works ?
I thought yall just took the top 96 ships and broke them up into pairs ?
Seeding is a process of putting pairs into a bracket in an order determined by their ranking, so that the highest-ranked teams don't meet until later in the competition. This is intended to ensure that a very good team (or, in our case, ship) doesn't lose in round one because they were put against the only team better than them, and to make it so that the most exciting fights happen in the finals after steadily increasing hype rather than all the exciting matchups happening right at the beginning and leaving the bracket with a boring final.
To anyone reading this blog who might be interested in running your own bracket, I highly recommend seeding it rather than just choosing pairs at random; if you have a nominations period, you can seed by number of nominations, if you are drawing from a list that ranks them by popularity you can seed by that, etc. You can find lots of samples of bracket seeding on google to copy; here's an example of a 96-team seeded bracket from google images, but there are lots of other examples with different numbers of teams:
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Of course, "number of ao3 fics" is an imperfect proxy for how well the ships actually did--Mulder/Scully and Spock/Kirk were both seeded fairly low due to not having many fics on ao3, but ended up as our finalists due to being such important pairings for fandom history. The fact that Mulder/Scully went against Destiel so early in the bracket is one of the mod team's only regrets about how this went--if we were redoing it, we would leave all the seeding the same except for changing Spirk and MSR to be seeded somewhere in the top 3 ships (either 1+2 or 2+3), rather than being 47th and 68th respectively!
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mcytblrsexymen · 2 years
How the Sexyman Bracket Will Work
AKA, oh god, why did you people choose a 96-man seeded single-elimination bracket and what do we do about it?
So, as you all know, originally the plan was for a simple, 64-man bracket. However, we got a wild number of nominations, and after looking at the list ourselves, we didn't want to leave it off at 64 - there were some really interesting people just below the cutoff, and also this way we didn't have to heavily tiebreak, whereas with the 64-man tournament we would have needed to tiebreak for the bottom seed.
After some discussion, we determined that the field was too wide if we went all the way out to 128, and began discussing byes. It was determined we'd go out to 96. How a 96-man bracket works as is follows: the 64 lower-seed players are paired, and will face each other. Then, after the winners of those matches are determined, the top 32 players, who each have a bye, face the winners of the first round. After that, it is structured like a normal tournament. This means there will be two rounds of 64, and that the most popular sexymen will not compete in the first round. So keep an eye out!
This introduces some new advantages to how the bracket will work, as well as lets us pull in a few more of the weird and fun guys you all rallied behind, instead of just the big names! Plus, since this is not a power of 2 and therefore gives the highest seeds a bye, it means those little guys are guaranteed a somewhat closer matchup at the beginning - you don't have to worry your small streamer had to face Scar round one. We save that for round two.
Additionally, why are we doing seeded, as opposed to randomizing the matchups or choosing bespoke matchups? For one, we had easy seeds - the nomination rankings determined where we seeded each nominee. If we already had everyone ranked, may as well use it!
Additionally, we here believe that a seeded tournament leads to the most interesting sexyman matchups, as it is designed to make sure the most exciting matches, between the most evenly-matched players, will be last, as opposed to happening early and then allowing someone to cruise to an easy victory (or be robbed of their chances). It also prevents us from being able to attempt to make our personal favorite guys have an easier time of it, makes sure each side of the bracket is approximately evenly matched, and makes the underdog stories more spectacular when they happen, as those underdogs will have had to have competed in a real battle to win!
So there you have it: the reasoning for why we're using a slightly unusual tournament structure, and what to expect tomorrow when the actual bracket is released.
the TL;DR is: expect a bracket that looks like the below, but much prettier, because we have gotten some help making a more readable version of this!
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[image ID: a 96-man bracket. /end ID]
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disabilityshowdown · 2 years
Disabled Character Showdown
Loving the tournaments like @autismswagsummit, @aroaceswagcompetition, @adhdswagcompetition, @bisexualswagcompetition, haven't yet seen a showdown for disabled characters yet, so let's give that a go!
As usual, no real people, etc
Both mental and physical disabilities are allowed, though I'd ask no responses that are just adhd/autism as they've had their own showdowns, we wanna showcase other disabilities here
(Chronic pain also counts)
I'm on the fence about including characters who aren't disabled in canon but are in popular headcanon (eg Essek from Critical Role), so I think for now, you can submit them, but let me know in the form, and we'll make that decision later depending on the responses I get
No "Oh this character isn't REALLY disabled bc they have a perfect disability aid/don't suffer" arguments pls, different representation means different things to different people, a disability is a disability no matter how sci fi your setting
Submit as many characters as you like but only submit each character once! (I'll use number of responses where relevant to help with seeding the bracket)
EDIT: Please use the google form, no longer counting submissions in my inbox unless you have a real good reason for not using the form
Form is HERE, submissions will be open until the end of Sunday, 5th March (NZDT)
(That's Saturday 4th if you're American)
Characters I'm already pretty confident will get submitted a ton so will get an automatic nomination: Toph (AtLA), Terezi + Tavros (Homestuck), Daredevil (Marvel), Ed Elric (FMA), Kaz Brekker (SoC), Shiro (VLD), Geordi La Forge (TNG)
I can't guarantee I'll include every single character that gets submitted, especially if this goes similar to some other blogs who've gotten like 500 characters all with one vote each? (Alas, I am but a simple human being and have multiple disabilities myself), but I'm willing to do a pretty big bracket/have some qualifying rounds beforehand, so good luck, and I look forward to hearing about a whole bunch of disabled characters I didn't know before!
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Rarepair Nominations are Now Open!
Alright everyone, it is time! I realize I'm posting this at what is likely an inopportune time, as it's the middle of the week and my posts aren't even showing up in tags yet, but that's okay! I just wanna go ahead and make this form available. I will leave this open until Sunday (May 5th) so get your choices in there.
Invader Zim Rarepair Nominations
Do not nominate ZaDR (Zim/Dib), ZaGR (Zim/Gaz), ZaTR (Zim/Tak), ZaSR (Zim/Skoodge), DaTR (Dib/Tak), TaGR (Tak/Gaz), or RaPR (Red/Purple). These are all big ships in the fandom, whether we take into account past or present shipping trends, and so they are the ones I am disqualifying. Everything else, I will take.
What is considered a "rarepair" is totally at your discretion! It could be two characters who literally only showed up once, or it could be two major characters who nonetheless don't have near as many fanworks as one of the big ships I listed above. I will not be policing what ships are nominated. If it's not one of the above, I'll take it!
Only nominate pairings (two characters), no OT3s or more, please! Perhaps if this goes well we can do a special OT3 bracket later on.
When writing in a pairing, please actually write their names, for example Zim/Keef instead of just ZaKR. This is so I can know for sure exactly which pairing is getting nominated. If you just say ZaZR, I have no way of knowing if you mean Zim/Zim or Zim/Zita, as a random example. So just use the names, please.
You have to nominate at least one pairing, but you can send in up to five different pairs! One pairing per line.
Do not spam the form! I won't be requiring logins because I want people to have their anonymity, so I am requesting that you be reasonable, please. Only fill it out once, and if you happen to have more pairs you want to send, then I can't stop anyone from sending in a new form with those different pairings. But please don't use it as a way to duplicate ones you've already sent in. I intend to seed the bracket so I want the numbers to be accurate to what's actually being nominated.
No ships are off limits! If it's two Invader Zim characters who have appeared at some point in the show, movie, or comics, you can send it in! I understand this may mean some unpleasant or disturbing ships could be nominated and become part of the bracket. It comes with the territory. But Invader Zim is a dark show and the fandom has always embraced more twisted, grotesque themes. I will embrace it as well. So please do not send me requests that (insert badwrong pairing) be disqualified. If the presence of problematic ships in this bracket will bother you, please do not take part in the tournament.
You're more than welcome to start a good clean wholesome rarepair tournament of your own if you like :)
But yes, I think that's it! Go ahead and send in your nominations, and please share this far and wide. We can get wild but ultimately I want us to have fun here.
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spinthetags · 8 months
Welcome to the spinthetags March Madness!
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Winter is leaving and March is approaching, and you know what that means: time for March Madness!
Here’s the deal: every March, the person running the official South Park twitter does their own South Park song March Madness, but they always forget tumblr! Plus, the songs chosen aren’t always up to par with all the awesome and ridiculous songs that South Park has to offer. So, we’re doing our own right here on spinthetags!
Starting today and going until February 29th, Tumblr-based South Park lovers will be able to nominate songs of their choosing to be in march madness. To nominate, all you need to do is reblog the nomination post - which will be linked right here as soon as it’s up - and put the songs you want involved within the tags! We’re aiming to seed the bracket with 64 songs. Below are the guidelines for nomination
1. Songs must be original South Park songs - not covers, and not other songs involved in the show! This means that songs like Cartman’s Poker Face wouldn’t count. As much as we love covers, we want this to be all original!
2. Each user can nominate up to five songs a week. This is so we can have some diversity in nominations! Once one week passes, feel free to reblog and add 5 new songs!
3. Seeds will be based on the number of nomination each song has. Feel free to re-nominate songs that someone else has nominated, but don’t forget to nominate your favorites - especially if they haven’t been nominated before - so we have plenty of songs to go through!
If we have over 64 unique nominations, we’ll start cutting down the least nominated ones. If we have less, the mods will add in some nominations of their own!
That’s about it for guidelines! When March arrives, we’ll release the brackets and begin putting up polls! We’re super excited to find out what the highs and lows of the South Park song scene are on here. Good luck, and may the best song win!
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do you have that guy you look at and the only word that comes to mind is "pretty"? maybe "beautiful"? possibly "bishounen"?
youve come to the right place! run by the same person as @qpr-competition
submissions are open until i get enough; i will put a date on it at some point but i dont know when that will be. the bracket will consist of 32 or 64 contestants depending on turnout
no real people! live action characters are allowed, but i will prioritize those that arent live action
edit: submit however many characters you want, but only submit each character once
the character has to be a man. if the character has something weird going on with their gender (for example, its not clear if theyre a crossdresser or transfem), they might be allowed, but please tell me about what their deal is - thats one of the things that the last option in the form is for. edit: this applies to characters with which its not clear if theyre a crossdresser or transmasc!
the character doesnt have to be from a visual media, but they have to have a canon design. it can be a description, it can be official art, but it has to exist
i am planning to seed the bracket based on the number of nominations; there are two characters i would like to put in either way, but id rather not skew the data (...immediately) by revealing who
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mechsbrackets · 2 years
YES!! Captain Mathea is in !! :D
Yeah!! 8 of us ended up nominating him!!!
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tboyswagcompetition · 2 years
EDIT: FINAL RESULTS (characters knocked out are greyed)
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There will be 80 participants in the tboy swag competition! I tried to pick a variety of characters from the nominations :) The bracket will be seeded (more popular characters will face off against less popular) and a list of character names, the series they're from, and the total number of nominations they received will be under the cut.
Voting will start tomorrow! (2/19/23)
here is the bracket so far:
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Jesse Pinkman | Breaking Bad: 15
Danny Fenton | Danny Phantom: 10
Sonic | Sonic The Hedgehog: 10
Barney Guttman | Dead End Paranormal Park: 10
Dipper Pines | Gravity Falls: 8
Hunter | The Owl House: 8
Link | The Legend Of Zelda: 7
Apollo Justice | Ace Attorney: 6
Herbert West | Re-animator: 6
Mettaton | Undertale: 6
Kurapika | Hunter X Hunter: 5
Gomez Addams| The Addams Family: 4
Kim Kitsuragi | Disco Elysium: 4
The Scout | Team Fortress 2: 4
Will Graham | Hannibal: 4
James Bonde | Moriarty The Patriot: 4
Edward Elric | Fullmetal Alchemist: 4
Caspar Von Bergliez | Fire Emblem: 3
Peter Parker | Spider-Man: 3
Pete Conlan | Dimension 20: 3
Zuko | Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3
Dave Strider | Homestuck: 3
Mafuyu Asahina | Project Sekai: 3
Naoto Shirogane | Persona 4: 3
Leonardo | Rise Of The TMNT: 3
Leon S. Kennedy | Resident Evil: 3
Saiki Kusuo | The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K: 3
Reigen Arataka | Mob Psycho 100: 3
Miles Morales | Spider-Man: 3
James T. Kirk | Star Trek: 3
Len Kagamine | Vocaloid: 2
Casey Jones | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012): 2
Robin | Teen Titans: 2
Guzma | Pokemon: 2
Felix Hugo Fraldarius | Fire Emblem: 2
Chip | Just Roll With It: 2
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight | Saw: 2
Julian Bashir | Star Trek: 2
Alphonse Elric | Fullmetal Alchemist: 2
Shadow | Sonic The Hedgehog: 2
Shin | Dorohedoro: 2
Akito Shinonome | Project Sekai: 2
Ash Williams | Evil Dead: 2
Columbo | Columbo: 2
Benoit Blanc | Knives Out/Glass Onion: 2
Tsukasa tenma | Project Sekai: 2
Michael The Distortion | The Magnus Archives: 2
Robin | Fire Emblem: 1
Zagreus | Hades: 1
Yamato | One Piece: 1
Prompto Argentum | Final Fantasy XV: 1
Vash The Stampede | Trigun: 1
Vax'ildan | Critical Role: 1
Vanitas | Vanitas No Carte: 1
Blue | Pokemon: 1
Johnny Joestar | Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: 1
N | Pokemon: 1
Shatterstar | X-Men: 1
Party Poison | The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: 1
Ryuji Sakamoto | Persona 5: 1
Warabi | Splatoon: 1
Keaya | Genshin Impact: 1
Mont Leonis | War of the Visions Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: 1
Soren | Fire Emblem: 1
Teruki Hanazawa | Mob Psycho 100: 1
Percy Jackson | Percy Jackson & the Olympians: 1
Jotaro kujo | Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: 1
Chai | Hi-Fi Rush: 1
Goro Akechi | Persona 5: 1
Dabi/Touya Todoroki | Boku No Hero Academia: 1
Laios | Dungeon Meshi: 1
Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Phineas And Ferb: 1
Puss In Boots | Shrek: 1
Galo Thymos | Promare: 1
Beast Boy | Teen Titans: 1
Ingo | Pokemon : 1
Emmet | Pokemon: 1
Ford Pines | Gravity Falls: 1
Stan Pines | Gravity Falls: 1
Luke Skywalker | Star wars: 1
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school-of-all-time · 1 year
School of All Time Tournament
Let's make fictional learning institutions fight!
After 851 submissions and 347 total schools, submissions are now officially closed. The bracket rounds will consist of 256 schools (divided into either four brackets of 64 or eight brackets of 32). All schools that got two or more submissions are guaranteed a place in the bracket rounds.
Schools that got only one submission will have to go through qualifying rounds to get to the brackets. There are 215 schools with only one nomination, and 124 available spots in the bracket. Following the qualifiers, schools will be seeded according to the number of submissions they received.
Qualifying rounds will commence soon. In the meantime, happy Shavuot to my fellow Jews!
You can submit any and all fictional schools or universities. Magic schools are certainly eligible and encouraged (though nothing Harry Potter related) but so are normal ass public schools, community colleges, etc.
The schools must be fictional. No real schools and no fictionalized versions of real schools either. It's got to be fake. (Real life institutions come with real life baggage and politics the likes of which I would like to avoid in my silly tumblr tournament.)
The point of this tournament is not to judge the actual quality of the schools in question. Shitty schools are welcome and encouraged! We're treating the schools like our blorbos. Maybe you like the school because there's something deeply wrong with it. Maybe it's experienced a lot of trauma in its time. Maybe it's sitting on top of a hellmouth. So long as you feel the school is suitably iconic it is worth submitting.
It's got to be an educational institution of some kind. I'm willing to be broad in my definitions here, but not so broad that the institution in question is no longer, at it's core, a school.
Submit as many schools as you want but only submit each school once, you know the drill.
No school will be included automatically! Submit your school of choice no matter how popular or obscure it is!
Submissions will be open until May 24.
Inspired by @character-of-all-time, @canonjewstournament, @found-family-tournament, @cantfuckbracket, @protagonistpolling, @bisexual-protagonist-competiton, @all-seeing-ifer, @fictionalband-bracket, @ultimate-tragic-couples-showdown, and @bestshipsmackdown
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janmisali · 3 months
Super Mario Bracket: LUIGI vs MR. L
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"I'm-a Luigi! Number-a one!"
SEED: 2 (104 nominations)
DEBUT: Mario Bros. (Game & Watch)
NOMINATION EXAMPLE: he’s just kinda goofy but also relatable. I enjoy witnessing his personality and playing as him in other Mario games (regardless of if he plays the same as Mario or not) feels like a nice change of pace. plus, it’s super satisfying to root for the underdog and see him surpass his more prominent bro in some cases. he’s pretty chill. I would be friends with him.
[Super Mario Wiki article]
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"The Green Thunder strikes like lightning!"
Mr. L
SEED: 31 (21 nominations)
DEBUT: Super Paper Mario
NOMINATION EXAMPLE: He’s a funny guy. We don’t know a lot about him, e.g. his true identity, his relationships with other characters, or why he only appears when Luigi is missing, but for what we do know about him, he is a daring, charming hunk of a man. His character arc becoming intertwined with becoming the final boss is such a strong twist especially since he only appears midway, and refines TTYD’s method of a fake-out final boss since this one is more subtle.
[Super Mario Wiki article]
[link to all polls]
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autismswagsummit · 2 years
any advice for a smaller tournament blog trying to sort through 500+ submissions? im feeling kind of overwhelmed and not sure where to start.
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Ok, I can help with this.
Ctrl + F is your best friend, especially if you have a character with a lot of different spellings of their names. This is only really necessary if you're counting up exact vote numbers though and if you're not (or if you want a shortcut)...
Sorting your Google form responses by question is about the fastest way to find your top characters, and from there you can work top-down (using tip 1 for more precise vote counts/seeding)
At some point you're going to find that a bunch of characters have the same or very similar amounts of nominations, when there's no possible way to fit all of them into your bracket. Pick these characters with what you think feels right, this may not be perfect advice but it is advice that gets your bracket done on time
Your judgement is the most important judgement. If you're not comfortable including a given character in your bracket, then don't, because you're not going to have a good time if you don't make your poll something you're comfortable with. I'm personally guilty of this myself, disqualifying a character from the show Criminal Minds despite clearing the nominations bar because i felt personally uncomfortable including a character from explicitly police-positive media in my poll
With all of that in mind, good luck! I hope your poll goes well!
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