#but the champion also perishes in the end
beastsovrevelation · 5 months
I kept wondering why would Natalie be the Antler Queen's favorite, if Lottie's the most connected... Then, I remembered.
Lottie's the oracle of a God.
Natalie's the champion of a God.
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🖤🏎!she’s the boss!🏎 🖤
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Pairing : Toto Wolff x Mercedes f1 driver! Cherrie!
Word count : 7.5k
Summary : in which she’s always get what’s she wants ; and what she wants is him.
Warnings : fluff. Smut. Like rough , throat grabbing , booty shaking smut. Cherries a spoilt bitch, toto gives kinda sugar Daddy vibes . (She does call him daddy cause like , look at him. He’s daddy) also in this their team is dominating and mick is her teammate because I said so. Okay. That’s it. This is all on you guys , you wanted this. Dunno if it’s any good cause like I quickly wrote it at like 3am last night soooo…enjoy I guess? Lemme know what u think xoxo
Cherries steps were confident and lazy as she strolled down to his office as though she had all the time in the world, waving and saying hello to everyone she passed.
Winking at her teammate as she passed him, Mick just shaking his head at her with an amused grin on his face. More than used to seeing her deliberately turn up late just to wind their boss up , doing everything that she could to get underneath his skin.
She was probably the only person around that could get away with deliberately annoying toto like this. From turning up late , to refusing to turn up at all without an expensive initiative. To refusing his orders, calling him a Boring old fart to his face, and just flat out teasing him and winding him up for her own entertainment . She was walking the tightrope and she knew it.
But did she care? Fuck no.
Because she knew that despite his lectures and his 'do as I say or perish' attitude , there was no way in hell that he would ever get rid of her.
It was a nice, smug feeling to know that she could do whatever the hell she wanted and get away with it.
She might as well have been her own boss seeing as Toto just went along with her wildcard ways, instead sending a team to pick up the pieces and scramble to fix whatever hell she had created in her way.
Media control? Absolutely not. pr trained? Absolutely not.
She said and did as she pleased . A spoiled princess they called her. They were right of course but she didn't give a shit for the way they said it with distain and judgment .
Because at the end of the day, she was the current three time world champion at her young age. And she was going to continue to collect her Trophies and her titles for a long time to come.
She drove like a beast and won like one too. She was on such a domanent streak that even she was getting a little bored, hoping that the others teams would hurry up and make their cars even faster so she could have some more drivers to battle with.
She already struggled with getting bored easily , the attention span of a excitable child that only ever achieved greatly when she was getting her own way. Hence why toto just let her get away with it all because she was bringing them the points, bringing them the awards and the trophies . The money and the fame, she was the moment. Had been the moment for a while now.
She was unbeatable , unstoppable and the queen of the game.
She loved it and she loved winding her boss up just as much as she loved bringing home the points for him.
Loved to see him smile and have him clap her on the back, telling her that he never doubted her for a second. Loved the way she could bicker with him on the radio , the way she could tell him that she knew what she was doing and that he just needed to trust her.
He did. But not without a little argument . Getting riled up with the way she flat out told him that she would not be following the original plan halfway through the race. He would snap at her and tell her that she better know what she was doing.
and she did. She won again , and again and again. That shut the big man up real quick and there was nothing more that Cherrie loved than making toto speechless.
She didn't bother knocking , just barged right into his office like it was her own. So used to her behaviour, he didn't even flinch or glance up from his computer screen.
"You're very late." He told her firmly , face blank as he typed away.
Throwing herself down onto the chair in front of his desk, she turned her body sideways and threw her legs over the arm of the chair , swinging them lazily as she got comfortable.
"No I’m not. You're just very early." She responded just as quickly while yawning loudly . Gazing over at him , and admiring his tight white button shirt and black slacks , hating that he looked so damn good.
She knew that it was wrong to crave her boss the way she did. Had read enough Stories and seen enough films to know that getting involved with your boss was a bad idea. But that was because they were a superior and well…
Out of the two of them, Cherrie always had the final say. So...while she respected him and looked up to him, thought that he was really amazing and smart. Someone to admire and want to be like ..
He was also just a giant , handsome man for her to follow around and annoy. He could try and act all tough around her. Try and be strict and all bossy but they both knew who pulled the strings and who had the last word .
Toto just liked to cling onto the image of being in control but where Cherie was concerned...control had always been a struggle because she pushed at his limits. Testing him and daring him to give in. She had been getting on his nerves since day one, had gotten underneath his skin without even trying.
One sly wink and smug little smirk from her and he was wrapped around her little finger , and she knew it. Maybe that was the worst part of it all.
She knew the effect that she had on him. And she used it to her advantage because she wanted him. As clear as day , she never tried to hide it. And he never told her not to either.
Because secretly he liked the way she would run after him and ramble on about everything and everything.
The way she would demand and ask him to do things that others would balk at. Then grin in amazement when he would pull some strings and get her whatever she wanted without hesitation. 
He liked the way she would immediately come to him when something was wrong or she wanted something changing , trusting him with her entire being that he could fix it.
He liked the attention she gave him. He couldn't deny it. A young , insanely talented and insanely beautiful woman bossing him around and testing his self control everyday? He was a sucker for punishment . Because he looked forward to it. Anticipating what she would do next.
She kept him on his toes and made him feel young again. Having him run around after her like she was the boss.
And maybe she was.
"What have I told you about your little attitude?" He finally looked over at her, frowning. Taking a sip of his coffee knowing he would need it to deal with her, she wasn't about to make this meeting easy for him and he knew it..
She didn't even flinch at his hard tone of voice , simply laughed a little as she fiddled with her hair
"That you love it sir?" She teased, looking over at him beneath her lashes.
Blinking innocently at him, fighting back a smug smirk as she saw him tense up at her use of 'sir'. Biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from climbing into his big lap and saying it again .
She was working up to it because getting toto wolff was a challenge and well, she loved challenges. Especially giant , handsome ones that were glaring over at her in annoyance at her cheek.
He inhaled sharply and just shook his head in defeat "never mind. You know why you're here." He said bluntly as he brought up his iPad and clicked on it for a minute.
She did know.
Rolling her eyes a little, she looked up at the ceiling for a moment . Bored already.
“Am I here so you can teach me how to dance?" She sarcastically said. Snoring at herself . Finding herself far too funny .
Toto didn't.
He was already grinding his teeth as he glared over at her , fingers tightening around his iPad as he turned it around to show her the pictures on there.
"You're reputation is terrible right now Cherrie:" he stated unhappily , "and this photo of you leaving a sleezy bar with two men is trending right now. For all the wrong reasons." He tried to push down the green claw of jealousy in his chest . But he was sure his distain showed on his face.
Cherrie just snorted and said "I was just walking them back to their hotel room. I was being a gentleman." Looking down at the photo of her leaning aginst the car with her tongue in one guys mouth and the other guy mouthing at her neck, she frowned a little. Having not noticed the camera on them at all.
But oh well. She was allowed to have fun. Everyone else her age went to clubs and had fun, got laid with as many people as they wanted. Just because she drove around in circles for living didn't make her any different.
She liked sex. She got horny so she solved that problem very easily . It just so happened that this time she bagged two pretty guys instead of one. It was fun and she wasn't ashamed to admit that it had been a very good night.
Toto shook his head at her , displeased, as he straightened up in his seat and deleted the photos quickly . Not wanting to see them a second longer.
"I'm serious Cherrie." He snapped at her, wishing she would listen and take him seriously. "I don't want you being booed in the paddock and called names because of this."
Annoyed , she groaned loudly "I don't give a shit what anybody thinks of me." She snapped back just as quick.
Toto gritted his teeth "the sponsors do! Everything you do outside of here affects this team. Which affects me too. Do you understand that?" He told her sternly . Hands intwined as he stared her down .
She squirmed in her seat but for all the wrong reasons.
Grinning a little as she felt her belly grow hot as he glared at her, his hardened voice setting off that feeling Inside of her.
It was hot and she wanted to suck his dick right there and then but
Baby steps. Yeah. She was gonna ease into this one. Didn't want to give the big man a Heart-attack after all.
She had a feeling that he might go into shock if she just got down onto her knees right there and then.
So instead she smirked a little at him as she swung her legs back down to the floor. Catching the way his eyes flickered down to her bare legs in her shorts before darting back up to her face again just as quickly.
"You should sponsor me then. You've got enough money to fund me for life. You don't have to worry about others. Fuck them." She said casually , playing with a pen on his desk. She looked at its gold lid and pocketed it without any shame.
Toto just shaking his head at her in disbelief , running a hand through his hair with a loud sigh.
“why are you like this?" He groaned , giving in like he always did.
There was no point trying to tell her what to do. The more he told her no, the more she would do it just to get on his nerves some more.
She was a menace like that .
He started typing on his computer again , wondering how the hell he was supposed to keep his composure while she was grinning at him like that.
Why she had to be so fucking beautiful and look the way she did , it wasn't good for his heart at all
"What? Amazing?" She said with a grin as she got up from her seat and made her way over to his desk.
Not getting a reply , she sat at the edge of his desk and started nudging his shin with her foot over and over again.
Still , he kept his eyes on the screen. Stubbornly ignoring her. So she kicked him some more, eyes on his face as she watched his nose twitch ,  his eyes narrow as he struggled not to give in.
Giggling like a child , she spoke up after a couple minutes of silence between them. Poking him repeatedly  in his hard bicep this time with her finger , "toto?" No answer.
She sighed, then Flicked his arm this time.
"Totoooo" she sang not giving in. Laughing at the way his nostrils flared as he side eyed her .
"What?" He grunted , typing away a response to their team about what to do about her latest trending incident .
Nothing . He replied. It'll blow over. She'll do something else stupid soon enough , gear up for that instead. He responded in defeat .
She laughed a little as she watched him send that email off , knowing her team were going to need a regular blood pressure check to deal with her.
"If I win this race tomorrow will you buy me a Ferrari?" She asked him with hope written across her pretty face . having been browsing their collection and deciding last night that she wanted one.
She could buy one for herself of course , but where was the fun in that when she had a hot , older boss who would do anything for her ? She had to get her thrills somewhere.
Toto scoffed loudly at her. Turning in his seat to give her his full attention.
He pulled at her slightly lowered  sock and straightened it out so it matched the other one again absentmindedly.  Tapping her ankle as he did so.
"Why not a Mercedes?" He wanted to know. She could have as many as those as she wanted.
But Cherrie just groaned loudly "no. I want a Ferrari. They're sexier to look at and drive." She pulled out her phone to show him a picture of the red and black Ferrari that she wanted "this one." She said.
Toto immediately scowled , tightening his hold on her ankle as she placed her foot in his lap , placing her chin on her knee as she batted her lashes at him prettily .
"I'm going to pretend like you didn't say that. I'm not getting you one. There's already enough rumours about you leaving me. " he accidentally said , quickly trying to cover it up "I mean- leaving us! The team. To go drive for Ferrari. Getting you one wouldn't help that."
She frowned at him , huffing a little like the spoilt brat she was. "Maybe I will since you're such a mean bore." She muttered.
Getting off his desk and walking over to the door. Ready to leave now that she had done her favourite task of getting underneath his skin.
Toto felt the disappointment rush into his chest as the sight of her leaving , wishing he had a good excuse to get her to stay. But he didn't. And he wasn't going to beg her to either. He still had some of his pride left after all.
A tiny amount. But still.
"I could fire you for the way you talk to me." He called out to her, typing in the make of the Ferrari that she liked just evause he was curious. That was all.
She lingered by the doorway, grinning at him smugly over her shoulder as she replied without missing best "but you won't." Before wandering off without another glance behind her.
Leaving toto to sigh in defeat "but I won't." She was irreplaceable after all. One of a kind. And he was never going to just let her go without a fight.
She won. Because of course she did. She knew that she would and so did toto.
And as she made her way the parking lot to drive herself back to the hotel, she found her boss waiting for her with a Nonchalant look on his face. Arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the building wall behind him, casually nodding his head at her in hello.
"I won." She grinned at him excitedly , skipping over to him. Still pumped .
She ran her fingers through her still damp hair , the quick shower she had taken wiping away the stickiness from the champagne. She imagined celebrating her win with toto and him licking the champagne from her skin with his tongue , her sigh came out a little more dreamy than intended.
“Proud of me old man?" She nudged his arm , wanting praise.
He easily gave it to her. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder to hug her into his side , squeezing her tightly with pride.
“Of course. You drove like the champion you are. Congratulations. You did well like always." He told her , smiling . Pleased and so proud of her.
Cherrie felt her cheeks flush with colour and she laughed giddily . Squeezing her arm around his waist and making the most of his embrace while she could.
"Did you get my prize?" She asked him , biting down on Her bottom lip as she peered up at him cheekily.
Toto just rose a brow at her. Flicked her forehead with his finger before sighing loudly , nodding his head over to the parking lot where a brand new Ferrari waited for her.
"I did." He simply said.
Watching with a small grin on his face as she squealed loudly , snatched the car keys from his hand before sprinting over to it as fast as she could.
"Fuck yes! Oh my god" she ran her hand over the front of it with a excited grin , beaming over at him in happiness . "You're the best!"
Toto chuckled, hands in his pockets as he strolled over to her. Eyes on her smile and sparkling eyes.
"I know." He agreed as he took a picture on his phone of her posing with the Ferrari , shaking his head fondly at her . "You like it?" He asked despite already knowing the answer.
She scoffed in disbelief , "like it? I love it toto." She told him seriously as she sighed dreamily
"wanna kiss me in my new Ferrari?" She offered up to him shamelessly.
Making Toto choke on his breath , face flushing as he narrowed his eyes at her wink. Trying to remain stern and reign in his self control.
"No. I'm old enough to be your father Cherrie!" He scolded her , fighting back a grin. Heart racing in his chest as she kicked his shin with her foot lightly.
Smirking slyly at him "or my daddy." She replied without missing a beat. Then she simply shrugged and slid her way around to the drivers seat.
“But fine . suit yourself old man. There's no better mouth than mine."
And toto was fucked. Absolutely fucked. Hands on his hips as he swallowed thickly , gathered himself to speak again.
He could imagine her mouth when he was back at his hotel room , alone and in his bed. Shoving away the thoughts of all the ways he could shut her cheeky mouth up. He would be the boss then.
He inhaled deeply "don't forgot about the photoshoot on Friday Cherrie ." He said instead . Having to physically shake the thoughts from his head.
She groaned loudly and frowned up at him through the lowered window as she buckled herself in.
“Are you coming?" She asked him hopefully.
Toto shook his head "no. I have better things to do than watch you get your photos taken."
She pouted up at him unhappily "I'm not going then." She simply told him. Meaning it.
Toto knew not to take her threats lightly . He glared down at her sternly "yes you are. It's important Cherrie. You have to go."
She just rolled her eyes and sighed "what do I get if I do?" She asked him, enjoying the way he was scowling down at her in disbelief.
"You get to keep your job!" He exclaimed. Amazed by her cheek. And arrogance. It never ceased to amaze him what a cocky little shit she was.
Cherrie just shrugged "fine. I'll just go to Ferrari with my new Ferrari. They'll have me." She casually taunted . Not missing a best.
And toto caved. Because of course he did.
Because his driver was a beautiful menace who had him wrapped around her finger. And she always got what she wanted. She was the real boss there.
"Fine." The thought of her anywhere near another team with other drivers had him tensing up. She was his. Nobody else's. "What do you want?"
She hummed a little as she thought about it, turning on the engine of the Ferrari as she got ready to leave.
"A heart shaped Vivienne Westwood bag and some new diamond studs please." She said to him , tapping her earlobe gently "these ones just don't do it for me. Charles bought them for me-" she showed him the butterfly earrings .
Toto took one look at them and held out the palm of his hand , face calm as he muttered blandly "give them to me. They're not you."
"Not me?" She laughed in amusement . Enjoying the jealously far too much.
She took them out and handed them to him anyways . Give and take a little. She thought . He had gotten her a Ferrari after all, she could let him have a little bit of control.
Toto pocketed Charles gifted earrings and shrugged casually "yes. You want real diamonds?" He asked.
Cherrie pulled a face "well I don't want fake ones ." She replied in a duh tone.
“See you Friday boss!" She wiggled her fingers at him teasingly as she pulled out of the parking space. Ready to take her new baby for a spin.
Toto watched her go with a exasperated shake of his head. Chuckling In amusement as he headed back to his office to finish off some paperwork , and buy her the best diamond earrings he could find.
Friday came by and toto was waiting for her at the photoshoot building , two Vivienne Westwood bags and shining diamond earrings by his feet .
Cherrie gasped in excitement as she ran over to him, throwing her arms around his waist for a hug. Chin resting on his chest as she beamed up at him, dressed in simple joggers and a tank top, face bare and hair free.
Toto couldn't believe that she was real, that she was this beautiful .
"Thank you toto." She mumbled against his chest.
More affectionate than she usually would be in public but it was early , and she was still sleepy. So she clung onto him a little tighter , yawning into his chest as he held her close.
Rubbing circles into her back with his big hand , his other hand running fingers through her messy hair to detangle the knots she hasn't bothered brushing out.
"You're welcome. Have you eaten?" He asked her quietly in concern as he heard her stomach rumble. Seeing the team motioning for her to hurry up, he waved them off with a stern frown.
Cherrie shook her head and closed her eyes. Still not letting him go.
“No time." She mumbled.
Toto scowled and pulled away enough to glare down at her "very stupid. Breakfast is the most Important meal of the day. You'll be moody without it." He scolded her sternly before turning to the impatient photographer and telling him bluntly "you wait. She eats then you can take the stupid photos."
Ten minutes later and they were in the nearest cafe, a plate of pastries and fruit in front of them.
Toto pouring the chocolate fudge over her pastry for her as she put in her new diamond earrings he had gotten her .
Tucking her hair behind her ears, she wiggled her lobes at him with a grin . Perking up now that she was being fed.
"Look good?" She asked him through a mouthful of food. Chocolate staining her lips.
Toto his his fond grin behind his cup of coffee "sparkling." He simply said . "you like the bags, yes? I got both black and red."
Cherrie just sighed happily "love them." She smiled. Heart feeling so full she felt like it was going to burst out of her chest.
He swallows his bite before answering "yes?"
"I like your face." She told him bluntly.
Toto paused for a moment , cup halfway to his mouth. Then he laughed a little and muttered quietly "I like your face too."
She just giggled. He smiled at her without hiding his affection behind his cup this time.
The next couple of weeks went around the same way, she asked for whatever came to her mind first and Toto found ways to get her them.
It was almost like a challenge to see what strings he could pull and just how far he would go to please her.
She asked him for a golf cart with her logo and name on it. Even though she had never even played golf.
There was one waiting for her when she got home after the race. The steering wheel even had a fluffy cover on it.
At silverstone he had gotten her a tea set made of real gold. And a giant box of haribos after she had asked him to get her all the packets he could find . He did. And he even came out with her as she handed them to all the kids in the crowd too.
In Miami she asked for a metallica record. He got her that and vip tickets to their next show. Then let her drive them in her new Ferrari to the show. He Even let her sit on his shoulders the whole time too while she screamed along to all her favourite songs.
Then She asked for a life size giraffe teddy. He got a life size set of every animal she could name. She now had a room full of them. Her nephew loved them .
No matter what she asked for , or what she threw at him, he kept giving her it all. Always finding new ways to make her happy, to see her smile and gasp in excitement . Loving being the one to make her feel that way.
And  they grew closer as toto finally let down some of his walls and let her convince him to come along with her to different events or just to hang out.
He took her golfing , so she took him to a tiki bar. Then Got so plastered that he had to carry her back in his arms to the five star hotel they were staying at.
He stopped being so cautious and started giving in more and more. Everyone else around them noticing his lighter and much better mood he was in as he whistled his way around the paddock.
Still bickering with Cherrie over the radio during the race but always being the first one to applaud her when she won. Even when she sprayed him with champagne , cackling like the menace that she was as she dragged him into the celebrations . Refusing to do it without him.
And well. She always got what she wanted didn’t she?
She felt like pushing the line a little more than normal . Trailing her way to his hotel room in just an oversized shirt , blanket wrapped around her head. She knocked on his door loudly , yawning as she did so.
Toto opened the door and frowned at her , chest bare im nothing but checkered pj pants low on his waist.
He cleared his throat as he watched her zone out, eyes shamelessly roaming his torso as she reached out a finger to poke at his abs.
Toto slapping her hand away with a amused sigh, fighting back a smile as he watched her grumble. 
"why are you here?" He opened the door for her to come in nonetheless. Tapping the top of her blanket covered head as she pushed her way into his room happily.
"Can I stay here with you?" She asked him casually like it was no big deal. Eyeing the messy bed he had so clearly just rolled out of.
Toto paused , hesitated then muttered a weak "no.you cannot. I'm you're boss."
Cherrie just blinked up at him tiredly, pouting a little to get her way. "Please?"
"No." He muttered. Trying to stick to his weakening resolve .
She huffed and pettily responded "fine. I guess I'll go see if Charles will let me stay with him then-" she couldn't even get a step further before toto was scooping her up into his arms ,  a loud squeal escaping her lips as he roughly threw her down onto the bed.
Quickly throwing himself down next to her, he huffed "little shit." Grabbing her arms and manoeuvring her so that her head was laying on his chest , Cherrie cuddling up to him with a pleased little sigh .
Throwing her leg over his hip, she got comfortable , then laid a kiss gently over his heart.
“You still like my face?" She asked him after another yawn.
Toto just grinned up at the ceiling in the dark , huffing a soft laugh of disbelief that this was even happening. He rubbed between her shoulders gently , lightly scratching at her back just the way he knew that she liked it .
"I still like your face." He mumbled, amused.
She let out a pleased hum, struggling not to fall asleep . "Still like yours too." She let him know.
Toto chuckled "thanks. Very nice of you to say."
There was a few minutes of silence , the two of them just cuddling and letting the warmth of each other sink beneath their skin to warm their hearts. Before Cherrie felt the need to break it
Unable to help herself , she was born to be a little shit after all.
"Toto?" She whispered into the dark.
He sighed knowingly "yes?"
"I want a Rolex like yours." She whispered .
He laughed fondly "of course you do." He muttered in amusement having noticed her eyeing it on his wrist for days now. "Go to sleep."
"Will you get me one?"
"Go to sleep now Cherrie." He firmly told her.
She did as she was told for the first time in her life. Snoring away on his chest while toto ordered her a Rolex to match his.
Because he was very so clearly fucked.
Then her birthday came around and toto was stumped on what he should get her. Having spent the past few months buying whatever her heart desired, he had finally ran out of ideas. And for once, Cherrie hadn't asked him for anything.
So he turned up at her apartment with Empty hands and a worried frown on his face. Entering her place like it was his own. Having spent more time there than at his own recently .
He greeted her cats , gave them kisses before turning to Cherrie and telling her "I haven't bought you anything." Almost horrried with himself .
Cherrie just laughed "oh how scandalous!" She joked as she trailed off into her bedroom , dressed only in a small silk robe. Hair perfect and makeup done, meant to be getting ready for her birthday party at the club with friends.
She bit down on her lip as toto followed her to her room without any hesitation , side eyeing the way his white shirt fitted him tightly . So broad he barely fit through her doorway. She clenched her thighs and took a deep breath , cursing god for making her boss so damn delicious .
Toto was still frowning at her "Cherrie. It's your birthday." He stated like she didn't already know. Taking a seat at the end of her bed as he looked up at her , feeling terrible that he didn't come with a gift.
Little did he know, Cherrie had always pictured him with a big red bow on top. So she wasn't mad at all.
Smiling down at him in amusement , she slowly walked over to him till she was stood between his parted legs, looking down at him through her lashes slyly.
"I know." She said.
Toto swallowed , fingers lifting up to graze at the end of her silk dressing gown. Smelling the coconut oil on her skin that she had lathered herself in.
"What do you want them? Name it and I'll give it to you." He promised her softly , he would give her the whole world if he could.
But Cherrie only wanted one thing "I want you." She whispered honestly to him. Slowly Untying her silk robe Before letting it drop to the floor below them.
She wasn't wearing a single thing underneath . Not even a scrap of lace.
She took ahold of totos hands and slowly dragged them up up her bare waist , his eyes glued to the movement of his hands as she placed one hand over her breast , toto squeezing it gently . Caressing her soft skin.
Then she slid his other hand between her legs , he didn't need anymore guiding. He cupped her wet cunt with the palm of his hand and swallowed thickly.
"Oh." Was all he could let out.
Then he inhaled sharply , lifted his ankle and knocked her knees out from Beneath her .
"Shit!" She gasped out between a startled laugh As he pushed her down onto her bed , hair fanning out onto the white covers as he crawled over her body, twice the size she was. He covered her completely .
"Happy birthday you little shit." He mumbled while smiling down at her , eyes dark as he bowed his head and kissed her like he had been dreaming of doing for a while now.
Cherrie moaning against his mouth as she felt his hand slide back between her legs , breath hitching as she hurriedly placed her hand on his shirt and ripped the buttons clean off.
"Cherrie." He scolded her lightly , pulling briefly away from the kiss to glance down at his ripped shit. Rolling his eyes at her as she giggled and pulled it off him impatiently, laughing lightly Against her heated skin as he kissed all over her pretty face .
So in love it hurt.
"Fuck toto.." she sighed blissfully as she wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing his hand out from between her legs .
She held onto his wrist as she brought it up to her mouth , his lips parting for a hitched breath as she slid his wet fingers, full of her slick , between her lips and sucked them clean, swirling her tongue around his digits until he was yanking his fingers out of her mouth and wrapping them around her throat instead.
"Fucking brat!" He cursed out , free hand quickly reaching down to shove off his pants. Cock hard and heavy as it slapped aginst his stomach , he groaned deeply as he felt her reach up to kiss down his neck, titling his head to give her more access .
He rocked his hips up aginst her thigh as she sucked and mouthed  at his throat , writing her name acrosss his skin with her tonghe, slowly and carefully. He grunted.
"You've been teasing me..all the fucking time." He breathed out breathlessly as he grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her face away from his neck , her dark eyes gleaming up at him ,needy , as she panted Beneath him.
She just giggled like the minx that she was , laugh catching into a long moan when he suddenly leant down and took her tits between his mouth , sucking at one while his fingers pinched and twisted at the other until she bucking up her hips at him desperately.
"Please toto! Fuck- please!" She cried out, feeling his hard cock rubbing up aginst her hip as he thrust his hips up aginst her roughly . He slapped her breast in response . She moaned. "Fuck!"
"You like that huh? You like it hard? Want me to fuck you until you go dumb around my cock?" He growled into her ear as he hiked her thighs even higher around his waist , slotting himself between her legs as his free hand wrapped around her throat and squeezed gently . "Huh baby?"
Cherrie swallowed , chest heaving as she rapidly nodded her head the best that she could, feeling the wetness dripping between her lips as she squeezed her thighs around him.
Lips trembling as she breathed out a breathless "please toto! I want you so bad! Please fuck me!"
He grinned. Took in the sight of her spread out below him, his cock nudging at her dripping cunt , his large hand around her throat as she begged him to take her . He groaned , squeezed her jaw in his hand as he kissed her hard.
Their Nose knocking together As he bit at her bottom lip till she cried out, his tongue slipping into her mouth , fighting for Dominance.
Toto won this time as he finally thrust up into her hot cunt at the same time he sucked at her tongue , not even giving her chance to breath before he was fucking her into the mattress like she was some cheap whore .
Shrill cries and moans choking out of her lips as she tossed her head back in pleasure , nails scratching down his broad back as he pounded into her, fingers bruising her hips as he cursed against her skin.
"Fuck! Yeah! Oh! Oh!" She cried out, hips bucking up to meet his thrusts. Feeling his thumb flick at her clit , she trembled beneath him.
Sweat dripping down her chest , toto leaning down to lick it right back up as he sucked at her tits, marking his name into her skin with his mouth. Until TOTO was written across her soft skin in purple lovebites.
"Fuck!" He cursed as he felt her cunt squeeze around him, his head thrown back in a moan as he tried to catch his breath .
Hips slapping aginst the back of her thighs as he fucked her harder , messier , feeling her dripping all over his skin. His balls slapping against her ass as he hovered over her, leaning down to kiss her open mouth again.
"I love you." He Moaned aginst her chin, her eyes rolling back to her head as he hit her g spot over and over again. Thumb roughly sliding down to cuticle her clit "fucking love you so much. You little shit." He almost laughed, overwhelmed by her. Always.
The sweat dripping down from his face and onto her skin as she clung onto him, the bed frame slamming against the wall as he pounded into her ruthlessly , making her scream.
“Fuck! Just like that daddy! Harder!" She begged. Clawing at his shoulders with her sharp nails, drawing blood.
Toto gritted his teeth , eyes squeezing closed as he almost collapsed aginst her . Laughing against her mouth as he panted "say that again."
"Daddy! Fuck me daddy!"
He groaned and gripped her hips harder , practically bending her in half as he slammed into her, mouth hanging open as he gazed down at her below him, placing his palm over her stomach and feel how tight she was, he grinned "you gonna cum baby?"
She cried, tears falling from her faces as she sobbed in pleasure. Hips rising off the bed to meet each harsh thrust "yeah. Yeah! Yeah! Please..." she whined, cupping his Neck to pull his face down to her own.
She kissed him messily , open mouthed kisses all over his mouth , his chin and his face. Moaning his name into his jaw as she clenched around him "please!"
Feeling his own stomach tighten , his quickened his pace, trusts growing harder and sloppier as he felt the light approach the both of them.
He leaned his head down and licked a strip from her breasts and up her throat till he reached her mouth , sipping his tongue inside her mouth as she cried out
"Yeah! That's it baby! Give it to me! Shit!" He grunted , orgasm hitting him just as quickly as he fucked them both through it.
Moaning against her throat as he buried his face into her neck, feeling her fingers pulling at his hair as she came hard around his cock, milking him as he coated her cunt with his own.  Panting her name as he came.
"Shit.." he breathed out, collapsing down ontop of her .
Cherrie huffing at the sudden weight of him ontop of her, wrapping her legs around his waist , his softening cock still deep inside of her as they caught back thier breaths .
Cherrie grinning up at the ceiling as she hugged him close, kissing his jaw repeatedly .
He sighed softly , then turned his head to kiss over her heart gently . Then he mumbled quietly "say it back."
Cherrie hummed "say what?" Still dazed from the best fuck of her life . She nuzzled her nose aginst his shoulder, but toto pulled her head away by a handful of her hair.
Narrowing his eyes at her, he said firmly "I love you."
Realising what he wanted, she giggled happily "oh yeah. I love you . Best gift ever." She said.
Toto finally relaxed. Rolling his eyes at her with a grin as he rested his head begween her breasts , rubbing his hand soothingly up and down her side as she yawned . Their fucking having tired her out.
It went quite for a while between them . Toto eventually slipping out of her, cleaning her up and making sure that she was comfortable before sliding back into the bed with her.
Her head on his chest as she clung to him like a monkey , arms around his neck and legs around his waist as she kept yawning tiredly, toto barely keeping awake too.
She ignored her buzzing phone, friends no doubt wondering why she wasn't at her own birthday party. But she couldn't care less because she had finally gotten what she wanted.
Toto. In her bed. With her.
Telling her that he loved her over and over again between gentle kisses and back scratches. The rest of the world could get fucked because as far as she cared, it was just him and her now.
But she was still the same old little shit that enjoyed asking him for things and testing just what he would do for her. Especially now that she knew just how much he loved her too.
He enjoyed spoiling her just as much as she loved being spoiled.
So it wasn't a surprise when a little while later , half asleep , she whispered into the dark "toto?"
He laughed underneath his breath , spelling out his name on her spine with his fingertips. Then he wrote out her name too, changing it around. He knew what was coming. Waited for it patiently.
"I want a diamond ring . Teardrop shape. With little diamonds surrounding it too." She told him casually in a whisper.
He just kissed the top of her head , grinning against her soft hair as he muttered softly "so bossy."
And it was no surprise to her when she woke up the next morning to Toto’s head between her thighs and her new, sparking diamond ring on her finger. Teardrop shaped with little diamonds surrounding it.
She always got what she wanted after all. He was her boss and she was gonna be MRS boss now.
Cherrie Wolff kinda had a ring to it. Don't you think?
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izzabela · 1 month
Idk how to start with this but like how Hanzo is the last couple timlimes kinda clawed out of hell just to avenge his family and shit. Something along the lines of the reader doing it with one of the Lin Luei bros of your choice? Like they died during a mission gone wrong that ended in a massacre with only the Lin Kuei bro alive. So the reader just out of sheer desperation to get back to them bascially claws themselves out of the Netherrealm to try and get back to them. Their covered in burns and they look like shit, but their back
From the Depths of Hell - Kuai Liang x GN!reader
in which you come back home
a/n: DLC announcement, how we feelin?
ship[s]: kuai liang x gn!reader
warning(s): bodily injury(/ies)?, gore?, angst, non-kanon story, non-kanon lore LOL
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You looked at Kuai Liang's eyes as he stares at you. His eyes, that are usually focused and reserved, held a line of tears as he looks into your eyes.
The fight to defend the Fire Temple and Hourglass from another timeline threat ended, and the casualties in this were double Shang Tsung's atrocities.
While Liu Kang, his champions, and other titan allies remained relatively alright, mortal casualties from the Lin Kuei and the monks of the Wu Shi climb high.
This was not a war, not even a state of emergency. This was a bloodbath, a massacre- carnage.
It was so bad that the aid you and the Lin Kuei provided, most (if not all) of the men and women that were born into this clan, perished.
The lone survivors were you, Kuai Liang, Bi Han, and Tomas. Not even Sektor and Cyrax made it.
"My dear?" He calls out to you, and you smile as you happily close your eyes, arms are wide open for him to embrace you.
Except you can feel something pass through you. Like a wave of goosebumps, you don't feel the muscular body of Kuai Liang, nor the warmth of his arms.
You turn around and watch as he kneels on the ground, cradling a body that looks eerily similar to yours. You try to get his attention, waving your hands, screaming his name even. But when you try to grab his shoulder, your hand phases through it, and your eyes meet the gaze of your very own, lifeless, ones.
Kuai Liang's shoulders rack violently, rocking back and forth as he holds your cold body. There's a deep, ugly gash running down your collarbone to your stomach, scratches littering your usually clean face, and blood coming from the top of your head. You gasp, falling to your butt as you scoot away.
Your ghostly presence shakes again, this time two people passing through you.
"Brother..." Bi Han's voice is rough, but eerily soft as his eyes lay upon the situation at hand. Tomas is also by his side, and he looks into the sky as he fights the tears that threaten to fall.
"She told me she could handle it..." he mumbles, still rocking back and forth. "I let her go because she told me so..."
Suddenly, you could feel yourself slipping away from the bloodshed. Your arms tried to reach for something, anything, but the mysterious force that stole you from your dearest and his family was too strong.
One minute, you were in Earthrealm. Next, you found yourself in the chaos and eternal damnation of the Netherrealm.
The scenery of the realm frightened you. You had heard the rumors, learned from Ashrah as well, but seeing it in person was different. Jagged and sharp mountains painted the endless and borderless horizon. Echoes of the screams and cries of the damned can be heard throughout the realm, and no matter how much you cover your ears, it rings clearly through your hands.
"By the elder gods," you plea silently. Tears welled in your eyes, the overwhelming sorrow of this place filling your soul.
You begin to cry, wandering aimlessly in the terrain as your body begins to burn, scar, and tear at the elements it faces. What's worse, though, is that you couldn't feel it- not a single thing.
You couldn't feel the jagged stones and rocks that pierced through your feet and scraped your legs. You couldn't feel the fire that burned your arms and torso, your burns scarring over themselves as you wandered. And you couldn't even feel the tearing of your skin as debris from the whirling winds cut you up.
"No use... stay here... all alone... the fire welcomes me..." you mumble this mantra over and over again.
There is no possibility of keeping track of time here. Order, law, civilization as you once knew did not exist here- not when it's ruler-less, borderless, and populated with the most wicked.
And you had to walk through it all.
As you walked, Kuai Liang mourned. The loss of his clan was one thing, the loss of his beloved? You? Impossible to comprehend.
While everyone mourned differently, Kuai Liang was different. Fire is beautiful, but also dangerous. It can be wild, uncontrollable, an element of destruction. And by the elder gods, he was ready to explode.
The yellow-clad ninja's depression was violent and manic. He lashed out on everyone, almost burning his brothers and burning Liu Kang's champions. He did not sleep, his insomnia coming back full force to keep him training or sparring.
He wandered the empty palace, sometimes stopping in the courtyard and yelling exercise mantras- as if he still had initiates to train. He was falling deeper and deeper into a psychosis- and you weren't there to witness it.
Bi Han, Tomas, Liu Kang and his champions, hell even some of the Outworlders the Lin Kuei allied with, they all tried to help him, but it was no use. Kuai Liang was a ticking time bomb, and every little thing could be considered the ignition.
One night, Kuai Liang finally passes out from exhaustion of his insomnia. Tomas heard a thud in the hallways, and found one of the servants trying to pick him up. i know i said everyone died but do you honestly think servants go? Tomas tells the servant he's got it, and rushes to his brother in his study.
"B-Bi Han!" he stutters out, his brother on his back as he calls for the cryomancer.
Bi Han gets up immediately, and it's slightly scary for Tomas to watch him tie him down without saying a word.
However, it was for his own good, he'd been growing more and more unstable, taking him out traditionally would probably get one of them killed.
As Tomas watches his brother's chest rise and fall, Tomas prays for the first time in decades.
"God, whoever. If you can hear me, please..." he begs.
"Please return my brother."
You're not sure how long it's been since you've heard a noise other than a scream or cry.
But when you hear the faintest whisper of Tomas's voice, your tears cease and your humanity is brought back momentarily. You wipe your eyes and look left, right, down, and up, trying to figure out where and how you heard Tomas's voice.
"return?" you repeat what you heard.
The whisper grows into something more tangible, like a hushed tone someone used in the library. You can hear his voice more clearly, but not yet loud enough.
"Please- retu- bro-," you hear his voice whisper fragments of words.
You shut your eyes tightly, using the last bit of your energy to really zone in on his words.
"God... whoever. If you can hear me... Please. Please return my brother," his voice booms in your head. It's shaky, almost like he's holding in his tears.
"Oh Tomas..." you coo as your tears begin.
Tomas hasn't gone to church in decades. Being from Prague, The Czech Republic, catholicism used to be a major part of his identity. After his parents, he lost the spark and drive he had for the religion.
"The fact he is praying..." you mutter to yourself. "Oh elder gods."
Kuai Liang must've not taken your passing as well as his brothers. Death was natural in your line of work, Kuai Liang had hosted many burials in honor of his clans-people, but you were different. You weren't just a clan member, a ninja, or a woman.
You were Kuai Liang's, just as he was your man. You were his fire, his drive to fight, his partner for life. To be separated so soon... you can only imagine what it would be like in his shoes.
You wipe your tears as you get up from your spot on the ground. More burns appear, but they do nothing to you as you begin to tread for the end of this realm.
However, despite such a noble start, you realize the pain that once felt dull to you was creeping back in increments. Slowly, the agony began to settle in.
"I guess the more human I am, the more I'll feel again," you groan, walking the grounds of the Netherrealm as you try to find any semblance of an escape.
Finally, you stop at a huge wall. Looking up, you realize that it's emitting a haze of heat, just hovering your hand over it feeling like you got burned again. You think of stopping, returning back to the sad, yet easy life of a wandering spirit.
"No," you tell yourself. "Not when you have something to live for."
And so, you grabbed onto the stony wall, hoisting yourself up as you reach, grab, and pull yourself higher and higher. It's hot, scorching, melting your skin as more burns cover your body; you don't care.
Not when your beloved's brother prayed for the first time in years. Not when you realize the agony your beloved is living through as you lie here- wandering and helpless.
Blue and white.
It's cold, too.
You aren't sure how long you had been climbing, but when you make it back to Earthrealm. And while the chill bites you, it feels like a warm hug.
The warmest of hugs.
Using the last of your strength, you pull yourself up and land into the powdered snow. You gasp as you lay in the snow, rolling around in it like a husky.
You're on hands and knees as you take in your surroundings, and bits of yourself too.
This is Arctika, that's certain. The fir and maple trees that are around this part of the small nation, the constant snowfall the region has is also an indicator. You climbed out of hell to finally be home, but that's the least of your worries.
Looking down at your body, you examine the serious burns that mar your arm. Like a crazy artist on a canvas, your arms are painted in splotches of pink and brown.
But why can you only see one arm?
Your leg also experience this type of artistry, except scars of deep cuts add more depth to this painting. You knew your leg would be cut up from the climb, but you didn't realize to what extreme they would be.
You honestly don't want to look at your face, but when you lick your parched lips, you limp to the nearest body of water you could find.
By the gods, you had never been so... shocked. No words could describe what happened to your face, but it's not a secret when it's this obvious.
A huge, healed burn starts from your right eye, down diagonally across your nose and lips, and ending at your chin. You also realize why you can only see one body part.
Your left eye has been blinded, and there's a scar over your eye as well. You don't remember when this happened, but it doesn't matter when it's real and on your face. You stifle tears as the realization sets in, and all the adrenaline that kept you alive leaves, and you pass out next to the water.
Kuai Liang remains in his room, bound to his bed as his brothers stare him in the face. He's livid, body temperature rising as he tries to use his fire to melt the chains that hold him.
Too bad they're imbued with magic.
"Release me at once! Bi Han! Tomas!" he seethes, venom dripping from his words.
Both men look at one another as they meet with sad eyes. For the first time in years, these two agree on one thing- that their brother has become unstable and a threat.
"We cannot do that, brother," Tomas says softly, and Kuai Liang is practically pulling the chains off the walls before a servant bursts through the doors of the bedroom.
"Grandmaster! I come bearing news-" but the servant is immediately yelled at by Bi Han.
"What do you have for us that allow you such disobedience?!" Bi Han screeches, but the servant is out of his water as he keeps talking.
"Grandmaster, master Tomas... She is here." The young men stare at the servant with semi-lax faces, and they push out of the way as the servant locks eyes with the bound pyromancer.
"How do you mean?!" Kuai Liang yells, arms shaking the chains, but it falls on deaf ears as they run out of the room.
Bi Han and Tomas are in the courtyard, and the servants are trembling at their knees as they carry your slumped body. Bi Han and Tomas rush to them, the former carrying your head and the latter at your feet and legs.
"This... is a trap. We saw her die," Bi Han states matter of factly.
"But look, brother," Tomas points out a damning feature of yours. "No one else in the clan has such a part on their body."
"Agh...." you groan, moving around as best as you can. The men move more softly, trying to keep you comfortable.
"(Y/n)?" Tomas calls, and you blink multiple times before the vision of an ashen-haired man appears in your eye.
"Oh elder gods, you're real," you whisper, touching his cheek as Tomas turns pink. You turn to Bi Han and touch his face too.
"It's not a dream...." you mumble to yourself, and Bi Han sits you up so you can breathe properly.
"That... is not possible," Bi Han mutters. "We saw you....die. Kuai Liang held you, he-." You cut him off at the mention of your partner.
"Bi Han, where is he? How is he? I heard he has gone mad, show me where-" it seems everyone in this family has a habit of not letting people finish their sentences.
"Wait, how do you know he was going crazy? You've been dead for months!" Tomas gets up, pointing an accusing finger at you with an accompanied glare.
"I heard you pray, Tomas," you say, getting up slowly to your feet. Tomas is shocked, a bit scared, but he nods as helps you. You arm is over his shoulder, and you limp.
"You look well for what the Netherrealm has treated you," Bi Han quips, and you raise a brow at his dry humor.
As you walk upstairs together, entering the room, and you're met with such a heart-wrenching sight.
Kuai Liang has wrist burns where the chains hold him. His eyes are sunken in, and he has deep and heavy eye-bags under his dimmed eyes. His skin is dull, but there are littered bruises and cuts all over him.
"Kuai Liang?" you ask carefully, voice echoing into bedroom. His head is up, and his tired eyes are bright at the sight of you.
"Oh... darling," you whimper, limping over to him as you wrap your arms around him, his warmth crawling all over your skin as you breathe him in.
"I'm here, I am here. You do not need to be afraid or angry, please beloved," you beg, crying as your shoulder wrack and shake.
Kuai Liang breathes you in, that natural scent of yours with the slightest hint of death. But it doesn't overpower your smell. In fact, it compliments your scent.
Kuai Liang's chains are removed, and finally his hands wrap around you. He holds you, so tight that he was afraid you'd leave again. He tries to look at you, but you're shy.
Also, mangled at the face, you cannot forget that your face isn't what Kuai Liang fell in love with.
"Kuai, no, please do not look,' you whisper. "I am not the same as I was before..."
Kuai Liang just holds your cheek, rubbing it as he smiles tiredly.
"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." Your eyes well up in more tears as he kisses the scarred parts of your face.
You hold each other, your arms lovingly around his back.
It would take more than death to tear you apart from him.
no yap notes, see yall in the next fic!
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violynt-skies · 2 years
How Leo’s role as face man prevents him from confiding with his team
Watching throughout the entire series we see Leo constantly keep up with his role as the face man of the group
While on missions he can use his charisma and persuasion in order to get people to go along with his plans without letting people know what he’s really thinking
But he never seems to put it down
•Leos Emotional Guard
At first glance Leo’s entire personality revolves around being lenient laid back and chill, and to everyone else it makes him seem like a very open book, and that’s why the face man role works out for him
But it means that no one is really aware of anything beneath the surface. They never bother to ask because who would need to?
However, this also includes Leo’s family
Despite his chilled back personality Leo is one of the most emotionally guarded ones out of all of the brothers
Throughout the series we can see little moments of vulnerability from each members of the family, digging deeper into their emotions and their insecurities and then go on to discuss said feelings and gain some form of comfort or closure from their family. Most notable ones shown below
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Donnie in “Donnie vs Witch Town”
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Raph in “Anatawa Hitorijinai”
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Mikey in “Hidden City’s Most Wanted”
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April in “Always Be Brownies”
Splinter & Donnie in “Turtledega Nights”
•How Leo is Different
Similar to everyone else, Leo is shown to have these moments sprinkled in too but they never occur with his family
The two most memorable moments we have are shown in “Portaled Jacked” with Senor Hueso and during his one-on-one conversation with Casey
Why these two characters and not one of his close family members?
Because it’s easier talking about problems to strangers and people who don’t know you as they have no previous knowledge or connotations of you to fall back on and there’s no feelings of burden or guilt if you believe the topic will never be discussed with them again. There’s less feelings of consequences that comes with being vulnerable towards people who don’t know you well. Because if you open up more to the people who do, the risk that their opinion of you will change gets higher
Then we add in the fact that Leo is already extremely guarded of his emotions. He doesn’t want his brothers to think less of him because he already isn’t confident of his place in the team already and thus doesn’t confide in them
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•Deflecting with Humor
And then the two moments where we do see little slips in Leo’s carefully constructed masks that occur around his family, which we can find in “Minotaur Maze” and “Many Unhappy Returns”
He ends up immediately backtracking and deflecting with humor, thus changing the subject and preventing anyone from delving into it further and reacting to the quips instead
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“You know it’d really help me if you guys said that I was your champion.” “Just open it!”
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“This whole situation was my plan all along. If it wasn’t, then why’d I ask your tailor to make me this outfit?” “So we could both perish looking super fly?”
What makes it worse is that Leo has such a habit of doing it that his family expects it, which  then causes them to believe there’s no underlying issues beneath the surface and thus don’t react accordingly. (with the addition that both parties had valid reasons for being upset with him at the time)
But it causes a situation of Leo internalizing his emotions, and if he doesn’t expand on the topic himself, then his family won’t see a reason to either nor think there’s an issue to begin with
•The Movie
To add onto this point, we see Raph and Leo arguing over Leo’s role as leader. As usual Leo deflects the argument with humor and avoids the situation. But we can see during the argument that how Leo privately lets down his guard and for a second the audience is able to see how he’s really reacting to Raph’s words. However, it is apparent that Raph doesn’t  see this side of him and most likely never really has
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“You just don’t get it Leo”
Now as the audience it is very easy to draw to the conclusion that Leo has clear issues with his role as the leader and most likely many insecurities regarding it thus why he acts the way he does. Like any other serious situation, he copes with, he deflects with humor and tries to avoid it
This argument then implies that in the two years since Leo was made leader of the group, he never revealed his internal issues with it and never made it apparent to his brothers either because he hates being vulnerable
The face man role works for him because it requires skillful work in that you can manipulate people the way you want to without ever letting them know what your thinking. And Leo carries that role with him when it comes to his brothers and family as well. But this doesn’t work out for him anymore when he becomes the leader and communication becomes so important to the team. (I talk about this more on a different post)
Thus the events of the movie and why things played out the way they did
Naturally he learns how to trust in his team more when the situation becomes dire enough that he realizes he can no longer keep deflecting
But even after all the traumatic events that he went through. When it comes to the one time we see him really cry. He still only lets himself cry when he’s completely alone within the prison dimension
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TLDR: Leo’s role as the face man is kept on both on and off duty as we find that he is really one of the most emotionally guarded out of all of his brothers as he doesn’t want to let them know what he’s really feeling out of fear that they might think less of him as he is already insecure of his placement in the group and would rather confide in people who don’t know him well over his family where he runs the risk of them treating him differently
Honestly, “Mr. Emotionally Unavailable” has some real competition ahead of him
If we were being completely blunt, all of the brothers have trouble when it comes to letting go of their real emotions, Donnie just being out of his depth with them and it being uncomfortable, Raph wanting to be strong for his brothers, and Mikey most likely wanting to focus on his brother’s emotions over his own as the Therapist of the group, but i believe the Leo definitely has the worst case out of all of them.
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(you might get double of this same ask bc I'm not sure the last one went through so ignore this one if it did)
Just thought of a weird thing where cybertronians aren't created by the allspark or any other canon variation but are instead made a la vampire/cybermen from Doctor Who style, where already living organisms are turned into cybertronians. I just think it'd be interesting to see how this au would play out (especially with the kids- would they get turned by the Deceptions for some reason- evil or otherwise- or, in an angstier way, by the Bots?). I just think it'd be interesting
This concept has me in a CHOKEHOLD. Now I NEED to write for it. I've always found these sorts of ideas interesting. This is going to be LONG though.
The Weakness of Flesh
The legends said that during the beginning of all things, Unicron created his minions of chaos. They were wrapped in living material, organic matter, and cast out amongst the stars that were forged from Primus's radiant light. World filled with organic life flourished, creatures spring up left and right, and in that moment, life filled the previously empty universe. The preachers said that Primus saw this desecration of his holy lands and strove to return all to the light of his being in the creation of his own champions.
From the strongest of Unicron's minions, Primus took them unto himself and raised them up. He remade them piece by piece, stripping away the weakness of flesh for the eternity of a frame of metal. From his own frame he cut until the swirling nebula of his lifeblood fell upon the creations of Unicron he chose. The tainted creatures of Unicron basked in Primus's essence and consumed it, the impurity of their beings washed away with every sip. Many of the chosen perished in the light of Primus's essence, too tainted to survive. However thirteen endured the changes and were born anew, each strong and gifted with power unique to them based upon what they once were.
The records said that once they were made anew the first thirteen fought against the chaos god at Primus's bidding and struck him down. It is said that they then used their gifts to reforge Primus's slumbering frame to be a world upon which they could live. However none know precisely what happened, only that the thirteen gathered up organics made of the chaos god and brought them to Cybertron, the slumbering form of their Sire. There they each took upon themselves organic creations and shared their lifeblood as Primus had with them, changing the organics to match them in image. Then just as the work began, it ended with conflicts among the thirteen as those with the most converts fought amongst themselves.
Little is known of their battles, but in the end, Solus and Liege fell, many retreated to the stars, and Onyx, Micronus, Nexus, and the Thirteenth quietly vanished after draining their energon for others to consume. With time, those that remained also vanished into obscurity, lingering but never acting in any significant way.
Those were the times of legends, and that is what the preachers said.
Whatever really happened, Cybertron was born and on its surface a race reliant on others to reproduce was formed. Made of metal and with cores formed from the essence of the divine, Cybertronians stormed the galaxy with Primes, those with the purest bloodlines, on their side. Those who wished for young travelled far and wide across the stars, searching out organics who they found to fit their bloodline and be worthy of conversion.
While they lived, Predacons gathered the strongest young of organic species after having them fight to the death in pits. The young that lasted were treated as treasures during conversion and cared for with utmost patience and love as they endured the torment of transformation. Although when Predacons arrived to search out young, war almost always followed as the organic worlds they travelled to fought against them bitterly for the sake of their children.
Minicons searched out the most intuitive and thoughtful through trials of knowledge. They spent vorns dutifully travelling to places of learning and high activity to find ones who might be worthy. Often they were heralded with great gusto when they came as it was seen as a blessing for one's child to be made into an immortal. The young they took unto themselves were always treated gently and raised with care, for every convert is a blessing due to how dangerous the process was.
Grounders rarely left, but when they did hunt for young, they searched across the stars for those of stalwart hearts. Those they gathered under them in droves, often turning many at a time and training them all lovingly. The arrival of a grounder in search of young to convert was often seen as a blessing or a curse depending on the world. For a grounder searching out young will not leave until they have at least one, no matter the circumstances. The grounder in question would serve the community they were trying to collect a child from, but they were known to get aggressive when unable to take a child into their fold.
Fliers were similarly conservative in their hunts for young, but when they left to search, they too were not content with merely one when possible. Their arrival was heralded similarly as well, often leading to great celebration or debate. Fliers came in trines, and that meant more potential danger. Not only that, but they were not nearly as willing to bargain as grounders. If they found young they liked, they took them regardless of the parent species's feelings on the matter.
Beastformers wandered the stars carefully selecting young. They took in the lost and the homeless and never asked questions about the children they took in who came from broken homes. They gathered those that others didn't want, and that was fine with them. They needed no heralding, they only wanted family.
This was the way of things and all the galaxy knew of the Cybertronian hunts for young. Some would offer up children in tithes just to avoid conflict. Others would train to possibly be worthy of being accepted as an immortal. And some still fought bitterly against the waves of Cybertronians coming for young, waging war and fighting tooth and nail to keep their young to themselves. Whatever the case, this was the way and Cybertronians continued their existence through the welcoming of new blood.
Orion Pax was taken up from the rubble of a long forgotten world, the last survivor of a deadly plague while still a young child. None knew exactly what he was or where he came from considering his organic form did not match that of the race that lived upon the planet. Still, he wandered the surface, lost, starving, and struggling bitterly against death as he hunted for something, anything to keep him alive. He lived wild, hunting and rummaging through what he could to get by. Alpha Trion of all mecha sensed his presence and collected him, taking INCREADIBLE care when it came time to convert the organic child.
Orion Pax was not given just Alpha Trion's essence, no, he was also infused with the energon of the other Primes that Alpha Trion managed to save for this very purpose. Orion didn't know nor did he care. He survived the changes and his flesh was stripped away in favor of metal and a spark. All the Matrix did when he gained it was wake up the dormant power within him, forcing the power of the divine to change him into something greater, something purer.
Mortal to Immortal
The conversion process was by no means an easy thing to endure. There was a reason that potential young were taken only from among the strongest, be it in mind, body, or spirit. Few survived the process without dedicated care and love from their Sire. All sorts of issues could come up if a Sire was negligent or failed to provide adequate amounts of energon to sustain the young during the change.
Outliers formed randomly, there was no notable event that caused their existence. However ghouls, spark eaters, and terrorcons were a legitimate threat when young were not tended to. Ghouls were born of a lack of energon, their bodies unable to fully finish development due to the neglect or lack of a Sire leading to them having to supplement on the energon of others their whole lives. Spark eaters were born of a lack of love from a Sire, resulting in their sparks forming incorrectly and requiring the essence of others to try and stabilize their own self destructive being. And of course Terrorcons came from a sparkling perishing halfway through the process due to neglect and their unfinished frame being reclaimed by the chaos god.
So many threats were involved with the changes, and yet it was required to sustain their species. However with how time intensive the changes are, the war put a damper on reproductive efforts.
The only sparkling among the Autobots who was brought into the fold was Bumblebee, and that was only because he was on the brink of death in his mortal frame when Optimus and Ratchet took him in and agreed to bring him into the fold together. Even then Bumblebee's changes were carefully observed and every moment not at war was spent tending to him. There simply wasn't enough time or peace to really bring in more into the fold.
Thus when the Autobots and Decepticons arrived on earth and found it to be somewhat safe, the urge to bring more into their folds was strong but controllable... up until the children got involved. Cybertronians all have a natural urge to want to bring more into their fold once they are old enough and their bloodline stabilizes. It is even more powerful when there are too few of them. The Decepticons kept themselves in line, with few being willing to raise a sparkling during war. But the Autobots? With how often the children got into dangerous situations, they found themselves with little choice, especially after Starscream nearly nabbed Miko for his own purposes and Soundwave almost made off with Rafael.
There was no choice. The children needed to be brought into the fold before the Decepticons lost control and took them into theirs. It was a matter of safety, there was no other way. As such quietly the team prepared the necessary items and began designating Sire's while also readying their offerings to the humans in exchange for their young.
Arcee was given sole responsibility over Jack, a position she carried with pride when Optimus granted her his blessing for her to be Jack's Sire. Bulkhead and Wheeljack were given Miko to Sire, to which both were ecstatic and immediately began preparing the correct offerings. And lastly Rafael was taken on by Ratchet, and by extension Optimus. Bumblebee was too young to raise a sparkling, but Primus did he wish he could when the plan was announced. None were all too proud of having to take the children from their caretakers and their race of origin, but it was for the best.
June was offered respect whenever she came to base, often with Arcee bowing kindly and offering up small gifts and tokens which the nurse took with confusion. Miko's host family and biological parents found themselves wired with extra cash from an unknown source. Rafael's parents were anonymously gifted strange artworks and also wired cash. The children didn't know, but they didn't need to until the time came. It was best they remained unknowing.
As all that went on, Optimus worked with the team to carefully prepare small injections of energon to be given to the children. He took energon from the designated Sires and offered it to the children in drinks he bought using a holoform. It felt underhanded, but the changes would be easier if the children were unaware for as long as possible since it wouldn't stress the mind quite as much. He added some of his own energon to all the children's injections just to stabilize things and ensure the children came out strong, but beyond that the only child he focused his efforts on was Rafael. It was not his place to interfere with the others.
Day by day over the course of months, the changes began.
Arcee treated her boy as gently as possible as his body ached and his internals seemed to burn more with every passing day around his chest. She cradled him when he fell asleep at base, singing to his slowly forming spark to calm it and cause Jack the least pain. She took great care to ensure Jack didn't receive too much energon and was there to quietly run scans and slip his Cybertronian painkillers when the aches grew worse in order to hide the truth from June for as long as possible. She stopped raising her voice, attentive to her boy's sensitive hearing and vision during the changes. She knew the changes, although those memories were distant.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack tended to Miko with utmost care as she came to them exhausted and unknowingly searching for attention as her slowly forming spark cried out. They held her near their sparks and sang to her as she slumbered all while quietly doing their best to soothe aching muscles and burning limbs as metal overtook flesh. They gave her higher doses of energon in order to speed the process along, but they never rushed Miko to do anything, instead being soft and loving with her even when she grew angry or snapped as new emotions ravaged her mind.
Ratchet and Optimus were well acquainted with the changes and cared for Rafael with practiced ease. Ratchet soothed aching muscles and stressed skin with special ointments and massages meant to lessen the pain. Optimus sang and used his field to care for Rafael's young spark, knowing full and well that his larger energon donation in Rafael made the boy more open to his affections. Together Ratchet and Optimus worked as one unit, both caring for Rafael physically and emotionally as his Sire's to be and both allowing equal amounts of their energon to be given to the boy. Bumblebee for his part did what he could to keep Rafael distracted as his bones slowly were remade and he began to loose feeling in his limbs as flesh was converted to metal.
The changes were necessary for their own safety. It was better they were brought into the fold by Autobots instead of Decepticons, especially since with the changes, their minds would shift and alter too. However this reality did not make it any easier when the children began to grow aware of how they were changing and their parents grew suspicious too.
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house-fortemptations · 11 months
An excerpt from my little word doc of half-written fics. This is one of the more finished pieces, thought it does still end rather abruptly. Apologies ; w ; I also haven’t written in a while, so this is rusty and very self-indulgent. Basically just written word flânerie. Enjoy!
GN!WoL/Reader x Haurchefant
The soft sound of crunching snow alerted you to his presence before he even uttered a word. This was becoming the norm, it seems—a cold and blustery Coerthan day, the muted chatter of the camp from below, two mugs of hot chocolate, and the unlikely pair of them—the Commander of Camp Dragonhead and Eorzea’s Champion.
“You needn’t have troubled yourself, my lord.” You said, your words belying the truth as you graciously accepted the warm mug from the Elezen knight. “T’would be remiss of me to use up the camp’s supplies. Pray however will your men fare without your lovely hot chocolate?”
His boyish laughter filled your heart fit to burst with unadulterated fondness. Haurchefant took his place beside you, the steel of his chainmail clinking against the cold stone wall as he leaned back.
“Perish the thought, my friend! You are the camp’s most esteemed guest, and as such, I will personally attend to the long and arduous expedition of replenishing the necessary provisions if it pleases you.”
Though his tone was overtly joking, both of you knew the underlying truth to the jest. As scandalously flirtatious as the man was, no one could deny the special attention he lavished upon you at any opportunity.
You craned your neck to look up at him, a soft smile forming on your lips to which his gaze unabashedly lowered to. You felt your chest swell with an emotion so strong and unbidden, the beating of your heart loud and fast in your ears that you were certain the other could hear it too.
Haurchefant’s lips held a smile of his own, his gaze lifting briefly to meet yours before allowing them to drift back down. A silent plea. The air around you two seemed to thicken, further blocking off the din of noise below you. You two were in your own little world, free from the demands of your stations. Free to just…
“Haurche..” His smile widened at the breathy way you said his name, at the way your body seemed to tremble naught from the cold as his one hand found its way to your hip, just barely touching.
You were so close, just mere ilms apart, all he’s ever wanted within arms’ reach. Finally. Finally.
“Commander, ser, a missive from Ishgard.”
And just like that, you were pulled back to the rest of the world, the intimate moment slipping through your fingers as Eorzea beckons her champion and her knight to its aid once more.
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dragonbma · 1 year
Switching something up in the Possession AU: (Romeo’s first encounter with Vos)
[I originally had Romeo immediately lose interest in Vos as a choice of champion since he didn’t finish the challenge. However, I figured a brief encounter would fit into the story better and give reason as to why Romeo is so quick to abandon him…]
Since the first champion trial ended with no winner, Romeo had been secretly checking in on Jack hoping he would return to the Sea Temple. After roughly a year of watching and waiting, Romeo realized Jack had no interest in ever returning. (In that year, Jack had discarded the gauntlet, burned the map, reunited with Nurm, etc.) While trying to think of alternative champions, he remembered that one of the trio became locked in one of the challenge’s traps. Upon teleporting back to the temple, he is surprised to find the adventurer still alive. “Huh, I may have underestimated this one-”
Romeo decides to offer Vos the opportunity so he opens the cage and snaps the elder guardians away. He begins to explain that he has been looking for a new friend/champion for a long while and the position can be Vos’ if he accepts. “…the adventure of a lifetime! Deadly challenge rooms, monsters no human has ever seen before… everything an adventurer like you could ever want!” Vos is mostly confused, but also glad to be free and talking to someone after what feels like forever. All seems to be going well until Vos questions when the trials would be over and he can return home. Romeo is shocked that anyone would even want to go back home after being given such an opportunity- “Go home? You do understand what I’m offering you, right?” Vos tries to explain that he’s terribly homesick and misses his friend Jack, but Romeo takes it as an insult to his gift.
Time for a new approach. Trying to stay calm, Romeo offers Vos the ultimatum: either be his champion, or be left in the temple to rot. He then hands Vos an atlas and to show him that Jack has moved on. [I like to think the Admins are responsible for the creation of the atlas and each has their own personalized one.] “The one person who knows where you are thinks you’re dead. No one is coming to rescue you.” Seeing his friend alive and well brings a smile to his face, but Vos can’t dismiss the sinking feeling that he is truly alone. “He thinks you perished after your friend over there…” Confused, Vos turns around to see Sammy’s inventory pile strewn across the ground in the spot he watched her die. A chill runs down his spine and Romeo has to forcefully stop Vos from walking over to his friend’s belongings.
“So… what’ll it be then?”
From Vos’ perspective…
he can either accept the offer and escape the Sea Temple, but lose all hope of seeing Jack again
decline the offer, stay in the temple, and try to survive long enough on the off-chance someone rescues him
(He of course chooses the option that gives him a chance to reunite with his friend again much to Romeo’s dismay.)
From Romeo’s perspective, Vos literally has no other option but to join him or starve to death. And hearing Vos decline his offer is enough to set him off and commit to abandoning him there. Even Vos is taken aback at how poorly received his answer is and defensively backs up. With a wave of the hand, Romeo resets the room to how it was when he arrived, teleporting Vos back up into the obsidian cage and warping the guardians back to their places. No matter. Another champion will present themself in time. It’s just a matter of waiting.
Some extras for this snippet because idk where to add them in:
Vos does not blame Jack for not trying to save him. He knows that if Jack knew he was still alive, he’d do anything in his power to rescue him.
Romeo figured that if he tried to lie to Vos about why Jack hadn’t come back for him, Vos would never have believed it. So he opted to tell the truth (which still works in his favor.)
It crossed Romeo’s mind to kill Vos then and there after he declined the offer, but he wanted to see how long he could survive by himself.
Seeing how easy it was for Jack to discard the gauntlet inspired Romeo to add curse of binding to the next version.
This is the only face-to-face encounter between the two before the reveal in the Icy Palace.
For those of you who wanted more Vos Possession AU lore, I gift you this. Also stay tuned because I want to dedicate an entire week to just adding to this AU sometime this month. ^^ I’m also considering writing this AU out as an actual story / fanfiction at some point instead of just these rambling posts where I jot down ideas and such. I’ve never actually written fanfiction before so no promises on that.
[Back to original AU post.]
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spiderwarden · 2 months
When Minthara strode to her quarters, or what she called her base of operations, there lay a small offering, strewn over her maps and papers. Klagga had finally gotten brave enough to offer his beloved Drow a gift! There is a hastily written note, and a small, glass jar of interestingly colour spiders, most of which have long since died, due to him having not considered that they need oxygen. Though they are curled up and the rest are in a sorry state, they are almost pleasantly vivid.
For you, my excellently beautiful Minthara, a small gift of spiders, on account of your armour being crafted from their silk and all. You are the prettiest drow I have ever seen in my entire life, and I have eaten plenty in my life. May these spiders find you in both good health, and in your favour.
Lots of love, K - your secretest admirer.
Submit. OBEY. Scouts, missing again. Minthara's patience was at their wits end with the shame of a war band that she was given by their leaders. Their unification was a representation of their Chosen, a Champions of the Chosen as it were. Minthara, who arrived on behalf of Bhaal's Chosen - Orin. One of three, The Absolute's Leaders, who also had a hand in picking them, those who were suppose to be leading these wretched little creatures by her side. Little use they were, the Priestess Gut only found amusement in her branding, thinking herself so clever with her metal rods. A weakness reflected in the lack of control of her tadpole. Then there was Dror Ragzlin, who's only redeeming quality was his curious mind that drove him to be inquisitive and investigative. Obey. Minthara huffs, she should be commanding other drow ...
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Minthara moves over to the desk that she had to have brought up from the underbelly of the Temple so she'd have a proper operation of planning. Setting the plate of bland meat and tankard of stale ale down and returning to the map. Obey. The word echoes again in her mind, a powerful tone ringing between her ears, a reminder of the presence of their God, The Absolute. "I will find them, they will perish in the glory of your name." A small utter, a promise as she turns and takes a candle to light the one adjacent to the map - and that's when she sees it.
The Drow turns and plucks up one of the jars randomly littered across the surface - Minthara pauses and looks at one of the jars. Odd she never put those there. Her eyes roll with the revelation that one of the goblins may have thought she needed it. She sets the jar down on the corner of the map as she bends over it. Yes. The Drow Commander takes another one of the misplaced glasses and sets it on the other side - tracing her fingers across the boarder lines of the coast near the unnecessarily large pool of water that made up the ocean.
Her brow pinches with the stray paper in the way and flicks away to the surface and it flutters to the ground. Yes. Red eyes were lit with intrigue when she determines the direction the Druid came from with his little merry band of cowards - "Yes." She repeats out loud, pushing out with the tadpole to call the other Drow up immediately - she will send him with direction to here. Minthara's index traces the blank area of the map - yes. This had to be where the Sanctuary was, and she sneers with the thought before excitement tickles her nerves. "I will burn their hearth of infidels to the ground." She growled up, glaring at the map in question. "And I will have the weapon for you, in her name."
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tearsoffarosh · 1 year
My Personal Theory on the Zelda Timeline.
with TOTK featuring the classic Zelda event of the Imprisoning war, a lot of people have a lot of questions abt totk rewriting what happens in previous games & other aspects of the games.
SO im here to offer up my own explanation of what is going on in TOTK, and more widely the entire Zelda universe.
Major Spoilers for: Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, with more minor discussions of other Zelda games such as A Link Between Worlds.
this all starts in Skyward Sword & the awakening of Zelda as Hylia Reborn and Link as her chosen hero. During the final fight between Demise & Link with his final breath, the demon king curses Link and by extension, Zelda, that his hatred shall never die and that it will follow Link and Zelda's predecessors, those Born with the Soul of the Hero and the Spirit of the Goddess will forever be at war with the physical embodiment of his rage. and with that. the Demon King is vanquished. for now.
Though this is not the end. My hate...never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end! I will rise again! Those like you... Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero... They are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!” -Demise's Curse.
This paragraph, this curse, is what cements the events of every Zelda game going forward. Though everyone applies this curse to Ganondorf Specifically, this Anger, this rage being reincarnated can apply to any evil that Zelda and Link face in the games, Yuga, Vaati, and Majora. any other villain that appears in the games could be this evil reincarnated.
I personally think that Ganondorf cements himself as part of the Reincarnation cycle in Ocarina of Time when he steals the Triforce of Power, now I do think that Ganondorf was always a reincarnation of Demise's hate in this cycle BUT stealing the piece of the triforce permanently engraved him as part of the continuous cycle of rebirth, from now on- in the Majority of mainline releases, Ganon is present in one way or another, whether it be as the main villain, or as a puppet master controlling another villain.
Our next important title to explore is BOTW. this game takes place Thousands, if not Eons of years after any other Zelda game, meaning that when Zelda tells us that Ganon has given up on a physical form and has taken up this mass of malice- pure hatred. the words Zelda uses specifically do call back to Demise's curse, leading us to believe that Ganondorf the man is truly gone SPOILER- he isn't. We discover in TOTK that the mummified corpse of Ganondorf has been beneath Hyrule castle this whole time, being held there by the last morsel of Rauru's power. As we go through TOTK, we meet the Sages (who are not so subtly stand-ins for the ancient champions BUT im gonna touch on that later) and each Sage tells us about the Imprisoning war (sound familiar?) and that they helped Rauru seal Ganondorf away- but that he's gonna return and its links job- with aid from the new sages, to seal him once and for all.
got all that? good. Now, where the fuck am I going with this? well, Totk obviously isn't the first time an Imprisoning war is mentioned, the first mention of it is OOT where the event technically first occurs. where Link and the Sages, including Zelda, seal Ganon away with the power of the triforce, the master sword and whatever the Sages do. the War is then mentioned in A Link Between Worlds, when first visiting the castle you can read the paintings that tell us about the imprisoning war, but we're not entirely sure if this war is the same one from OOT. and totk has the same event just, with fewer sages, and the Zonai are also there.
so, why is the imprisoning war such an important event in the Zelda franchise? why does it pop up so often?. well, it's my personal belief that Demise's curse and the Triforce cycle, have triggered some kind of time loop, leading to repeated events within the timeline, TOTK has a repeating symbol of an Ouroboros, two dragons eating themselves in a continuous circle, which I think solidifies my point, obviously, it's also a solid reference to the whole "light can't exist without dark" theme that's shown by the literal light dragon and demon dragon.
so there's that, that's my theory- the Zelda franchise is in some kind of Time loop in which events repeat themselves, with slight differences in each loop. the Calamity & Link being asleep for 100 years disturbed this loop in some way but I wouldn't be surprised if in the next few years and in the next few games we see another Imprisioning war mentioned, with no Zonai and something new instead.
Have any questions abt this theory? or simply want me to clarify things! drop an ask and i'll try my best! :)
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skypxllar · 11 months
[OOC] Skye / Bagon Returns?
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// Hey guys! It's me-- wait, shit. Wrong FC
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// There we go. I'm BAAAAAACK! Yeah, I'm just as surprised as you are. It's been nearly 2 years since I posted closure for myself and 3 since I archived this blog. So much has changed both for me and in the RPC in seemingly such a short time, and honestly it's mostly for the better. I've been loving RPing over at my other blog on @mxstball but after all of this time, I wanted to use this blog for an interesting idea / experiment: let's make this blog and mxstball AUs of each other!
// Long story short: this blog will serve as an alternative storyline to Zinnia, Rayquaza, and the Shiny Latias that we all know and love. There's been a lot of things that's happened and changed in mxstball, including the names of characters, some of the lore, and the trajectory of the storyline. Instead for @skypxllar, we're picking up where we left off from the previous storyline, but with one caveat: we're time skipping straight to post-Freya's defeat! That's right! Straight to post-game we go, bby! So, let's talk about that!
// Note: you DO NOT need to know anything about @mxstball in order to understand what's going on here. Nothing that exclusively happened on there has happened here.
// Second note: Yes, @pokecheckpoint is also me and is a True Arcues!Heidi/Hera AU. The three blogs tie together in some way. IYKYK
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Hey! Remember Hera? Yes, that's still the name of the Shiny Latias centered around on this blog. Hera is still married to Rayquaza, still Zinnia's Pokémon, and still helps to take care of the place.
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What's NEW about Hera this time is that she now has an Arceus-lite form (FC: Durandal, Honkai Impact 3rd)! She and Helen worked together to develop what she calls her "RKS Forme," granting her the power to create and the power to oppose even other Arceus. In doing so, she and Helen signed a pact where, should Helen perishes, Hera would become the new Arceus.
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Yes, Helen / Sagira is still the name of the Arceus of this blog. She's still alive and is doing well. She and Hera formed a close mother-daughter bond to develop Hera's RKS Forme. No, she's not the type to be scheming.
However, what's newly INTERESTING about her is that she KNOWS the original Arceus of @mxstball and was even friends with her. Not relevant now but will be later.
One more thing: the name of the world that Helen takes care of is Ecumene, not Elysium. Elysium is the name of the world in @mxstball.
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Zinnia's NOT a gym leader in this verse. She's just a Lorekeeper. She's still working with both Rayquaza and Hera to ensure that the world remains safe. Her main goal right now is to gather the Legendary Pokémon together as one big family so they can prevent this world from coming under threat again.
Yes, Violet is still dead. No, she hasn't met Leaf.
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Yes, Zinnia has a Sylveon, not an Umbreon. She loves Sylveon very much.
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Rayquaza is still the happy dragon doing happy dragon things. Still adopting children and doing dumb Rayquaza things. However, with ONE exception, there's no major baby mamma drama on his end (Zuki's still his ex-wife from 2000 years ago, but she didn't go out of her way to try to fuck with Ray like in the other blog. Also, he doesn't have 4 Arceus children with some Arceus. iykyk).
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Cynthia's a major muse again! She's still the Champion of Sinnoh, too. She knows now that Helen is an Arceus, but found out on much more cordial terms. They're still besties, too!
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Hilda's back as a major muse! She's now close friends to Zinnia and helps out a lot around the Unova region.
Still stupid, though.
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Zygarde's doing fine. She's been more reclused in her cave and hangs out with Loki (Hera's Zygarde. Yes, bringing that name back too). Her and Rayquaza are not dating, and she's not even interested. Athena-Zygarde and Zacian are dating, though!
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Hi, yes. Kathy is no longer a part of the Kalos region in this world. She's still friends with Hera and maybe Zinnia, but Rayquaza hasn't adopted her. She and anyone related to her (Fairy Goon Squad, Lady Wyvern, etc.) are back to being a part of the Shokiko League with Bibi's blog (@oflegendariesandtrainers)
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Kathy is also now a Shiny Milotic Chosen in the Shokiko League. When in this form, she still calls herself "Mikoto," but is a combination between an Idol and a Pokémon Coordinator!
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// anyway, that's the updates so far. Will be making more posts and the like in the future, but I hope you guys don't mind the sudden changes and backtracking. Let's see how things go this time, alright?
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jedimaesteryoda · 2 years
Daeron II had enemies at court, first his royal father Aegon IV and later his half-brother/cousin Daemon I Blackfyre. However, both times he had his champions. 
The king's quarrels with his close kin became all the worse after his son Daeron grew old enough to voice his opinions. Kaeth's Lives of Four Kings makes it plain that the false accusations of the queen's adultery made by Ser Morgil Hastwyck were instigated by the king himself, though at the time Aegon denied it. These claims were disproved by Ser Morgil's death in a trial by combat against the Dragonknight.
During his father’s reign, Aegon tried to disinherit Aegon by having a proxy, Ser Morgil Hastwick, make accusations of adultery against Naerys. When Naerys originally asked for their marriage to be annulled, Aegon turned her down, but now we see Aegon wanting to end his marriage through false accusations of adultery despite his initial refusal to absolve their marriage when she asked. Aegon was looking for a justification for disinheriting his son without triggering a civil war as the accusations would undoubtedly call into question Daeron’s paternity. 
However, Naerys was able to call a trial by combat, and her champion was of course her beloved brother Aemon the Dragonknight who was also close with his nephew Daeron. Being the best knight in the realm, Aemon managed to dispatch Ser Morgil and cheque his brother. 
And there was his mortal error, for the Raven's Teeth had gained the top of Weeping Ridge, and Bloodraven saw his half brother's royal standard three hundred yards away, and Daemon and his sons beneath it. He slew Aegon first, the elder of the twins, for he knew that Daemon would never leave the boy whilst warmth lingered in his body, though white shafts fell like rain. Nor did he, though seven arrows pierced him, driven as much by sorcery as by Bloodraven's bow. Young Aemon took up Blackfyre when the blade slipped from his dying father's fingers, so Bloodraven slew him, too, the younger of the twins. Thus perished the black dragon and his sons.
- The Sworn Sword
Daemon I Blackfyre aspiried to the Iron Throne, and Bloodraven, likely Daeron’s Master of Whisperers, got wind of it and was able to warn Daeron. At the decisive battle in Redgrass Field, Bloodraven managed to end Daemon Blackfyre through weirwood bow and arrows.   
Ser Michael Mertyns was known “the White Owl” and Ser Alyn Connington as the “Pale Griffin.” Even Ser Gerold Hightower was known as the “White Bull” though not because of his sigil but his physique. It’s not unlikely that Aemon may have been the “White Dragon.” Likewise, among the Great Bastards, Daeron II had his supporter in Ser Brynden Rivers whose personal sigil was a white dragon. 
Daeron II always had the protection of the white dragon whether in the form of a noble Kingsguard knight or a Machiavellian greenseer spymaster. 
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manasurge · 1 year
Status: Best Friend; Mentor; Hero; Dream/Wyld Hunt Soulmate; Lover; Wife; (intermixed with a bit of awakening backstory) Ever since the earliest beginnings of Mourynn's long awaited awakening, Caithe was the first Sylvari she ever saw at the tail-end of her Dream as it began to fracture and fall apart, where the Shadow of the Dragon had began attacking the Physallus barrier created by Vallotash (Mordy's scion) which kept both Mourynn and herself isolated, cut off, and protected from the rest of the metaphysical plane. The Shadow of the Dragon, which had initially been kept out by the barrier, bided it's time, finally attacking as the Scion's last defences began to wane as she had gone dormant, finalizing the Metamorphosis, and the grafting and weaving of both Scion and Champion together into one being.
By this time as the Scion went dormant, Mourynn finally began to awaken, and the Pale Tree was finally able to see into her Dream now that the barrier was gone. Similar to the in-game intro, she was able to send Caithe in, seeing as they both shared the same Dream and adversary. If it wasn't for Caithe intercepting Mourynn's Dream, Mourynn would've surely perished due to her vulnerable and weakened mental and physical state (which will take months of recovery afterwards, due to her abnormal internal changes due to the Metamorphosis). It's due to this that she views Caithe in a heroic light, being the first person she'd seen and the first person who came to her rescue.
What isn't known to them is that they were supposed to experience the Dragon in the Dream together while they were both still in the pod. However, due to the Scion's interference, their Dream became fragmented and was split into two halves. _____
Upon awakening, Mourynn experienced "Dream Amnesia" (like what we have irl), which was an extra precaution triggered by the Scion for the sake of their combined protection, as any dream-link with any other Sylvari could expose them to the eventual realization of Mordremoth. Unfortunately what this also meant was that the year Mourynn spent alone and isolated in the Dream was hidden from her memory and forgotten (but is revisited later with Memory Seeds from the Scion), thus, she wasn't able to answer the dying questions the rest of the Firstborn had, as her survival was an anomaly due to her momentary death in the pod before the Metamorphosis took place. In addition to this, she couldn't actually remember her own name, let alone understood that other Sylvari just KNEW their names (and I'm still trying to figure out how she came to finally know her name, or if her original Firstborn name is lost to the Mists and she had to find/give herself/is given a new name/given a name from the Scion. Lowkey thinking of going with it deriving from literally "mourn" as she did actually die for a short period, but idk)
In addition to her having no memory outside of the Shadow of the Dragon attack and her very weak and frail state, it shed a lot of doubts whether or not she would actually be capable of sharing and partaking in the Wyld Hunt with Caithe. Caithe however, was patient with her, even if it was a little frustrating at times. She put up with her early naivety that a lot of newborn Sylvari often have, and was doing everything she could to help prepare her for their inevitable journey ahead. Unlike the others, she was able to pick up on her social cues and understood her distant and avoidant behaviours (being a loner herself and all), and over time was able to decipher her weird quirks, train of thought, and whimsical impulses (since being stuck alone in the Dream for so long gave her a peculiar frame of mind). _____
Once they are finally able to commence on with the beginnings of their shared Wyld Hunt (once Mourynn has had time to recover/adjust/acclimate to the outside world and discovers she has a Magic Deficiency™ and has had time to train and mature), they're both able to team up with Trahearne and the Pact in order to take down Zhaitan (with more involvement from Caithe than in game), however due to the trauma and dramatic situation Caithe is experiencing with Faolain, this creates a bit of a fragmented rift between the two (as Caithe is struggling hard with her own situation while trying to balance the one with Mourynn).
Mourynn feels lost and depressed whenever she's not around (Mourynn's a weeeee bit co-dependant at this time + technically all the time, but she gets better at coping with it as time goes on), as she'd grown so reliant on her (and admired her a lot) and felt more at ease in her presence. However she knew that she had to face the real world and the current state of things, but would still go back to help Caithe out with Faolain in Twilight Arbor (technically this is a 3 person ordeal as Mourynn is also involved with Faolain…).
In reality Mourynn is quite frightened (albeit curious and fascinated) with the world outside the Grove, but due to her unique existential status and constant struggle to properly connect with most people, she's on the constant search for some kind of comfort, especially as her mental state becomes more exposed to horrific and tragic events (which push her towards becoming the Lucid Dreamer, which start affecting her illusions and her unstable usage of Chaos magic). _____
Whenever Caithe is not around, she has to find other forms of comfort, and when she's unable to, she often vanishes somewhere to be alone, much to the dismay of her Pact comrades, planting a seed of doubt about whether or not she's right for the role. Trahearne thankfully reassures them of this, but the special link she shares with Caithe affects her deeply the further and longer they are away. While they are sharing their Wyld Hunt, Mourynn wants to do everything she can to not let her (or Trahearne) down, seeing as she always feels like she has a lot to prove, and she puts extreme amounts of pressure on herself, resulting in her extreme lack of confidence and self-esteem.
However she does her best to hide this, but it doesn't go unnoticed, making her especially vulnerable to certain individuals and situations. Despite Caithe often being away for some excursions, she's always in contact with her, leaving Mourynn feeling a ray of comfort and hope, saving all of her letters as something to look back upon whenever she's feeling mentally and emotionally unwell.
As time goes on and Mourynn becomes stronger and more capable, Caithe becomes more proud of her and is relieved, and with Caithe also experiencing a lot of loss and hardship during this time, the two of them often find themselves leaning on each other as each other's backbone. In a way, you could think of them as having a Symbiotic relationship of their own. _____
Once the Zhaitan is defeated and their Wyld Hunt had concluded, she ecstatic that they were able to achieve this together (but sadly didn't feel the relief or satisfaction like what was supposed to happen), but she still felt a deep saddened emptiness in her gut. One, being her unknown state of grief for Zhaitan from Vallotash's reaction to the death, and two, the deep dread and sadness she felt thinking their journey partnership was now over.
She didn't know what to do next and didn't want to part ways, but luckily Caithe was still going to be with her along the rest of their journey no matter where it took them around Tyria (aka I'm giving her more involvement in parts of the story where she isn't actually there because I CAN! :3), and even if she wasn't there, they would still reunite at many different times as a promise they would make (and also Mourynn was helping Caithe through her traumas and grievances as well, especially with the Faolain situation, as she's the only other person who understands this on a personal level due to their shared involvement).
Once this reaches the Aurene arc and the two of them basically become parents to little Aurene, they both experience vehemently hostile judgements from their companions AND Aurene's protectors "the Exalted", constantly finding themselves at arms with the beings that are supposed to be their allies, deeming the two of them as a threat (due to the backlash Caithe experiences from stealing the egg, and Mourynn being a literal Jungle Dragon as they discover the reveal of Mordremoth's Scion), they wind up having to protect each other as well as Aurene, and they both actually share the same destiny in being Aurene's Champion (Symbiotic Destiny, as Mourynn is also technically Vallotash's champion), and Caithe is the first one to come to Mourynn's protection and defence when she undergoes yet another Metamorphosis, as Vallotash awakens within her and changes her form into that of the Scion. _____
The rest from this point leads up to present day to the end of the Dragon cycle and Aurene going to rest. I think at this point they're basically considered "married" as Sylvari don't technically have this tradition, but it is basically just considered to be as such by context and everyone else who knows them. Even if they did it a "traditional" way, they'd just probably elope anyways >:3 loner depressed gfs for life <3
Anything from this point on afterwards is basically wife status, but due to duty reasons, Mourynn still does Commander stuff, but she also has a lot of other side story stuff going on unique to her/their situation, as well as a lot of excluded Sylvari lore and just, more Sylvari stuff since there isn't a lot in game. .
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lilyware · 1 year
I still have yet to figure out a lore-friendly way that my (imperial) oblivion oc is also my skyrim oc other than like, "ooooh she was frozen in a magical coma or something oooooo"
it seems very mary sue-ish unless she was an elf and could actually live that long but the possibilities are so good
putting it under the cut cause it ending up being long
- has to deal with the whole world being different cause 200 years had passed
- the angst of feeling like she failed the world and the empire by not being there for the great war
- maya is very religious and takes the following of the divines very seriously (think your average paladin or cleric) so 1 god of the pantheon suddenly being shunned would confuse her
- the JUICE of what's essentially a paladin falling in love with a vampire (serana)....
- the implication that she was dragonborn the entire time and could have potentially lit the dragonfires in martin's place, thus preventing the chain of events that led to his death
- reading old history books and manuscripts that theorize the disappearance of the champion of cyrodiil. did she perish? did she abandon tamriel? did the divines take her to their side after her mission was complete? every citizen has their own theory
- seeing the guy in dawnstar with the mythic dawn museum 🫠
- not a single soul believing her when she says who she is. even going back to bruma where there is a statue of her, people assumed she's just a distant ancestor that happens to look like her. maybe the first person to believe her was an elf (a thalmor??? 👀) who was there during the crisis
- her not being there for the downfall of the blades when she was one of the most prominent members.
- she believes that the divines had kept her aside until they needed her, but why now? why not during the great war? when the blades were being hunted? why must they store her away until she needs to be "used" again? does she truly have no free will or agency? i love the juice of her faith being rattled because of it. whether it was the divines will or just a string of bad luck is anyone's guess.
this was originally going to be a pros and cons list but i kind of convinced myself to keep it while typing this LMAO. surely in a realm where you can create your own spells, there's something that can put somebody in sleeping-beauty-cryostasis lmao
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troybeecham · 1 year
Today the Church honors Sts. Barses and Eulogius, Bishops of Edessa, and Protogenes the Confessor, Bishop of Carrhae and Companions.
Orate pro nobis.
Sts. Barses, Eulogius, Protogenes, and companions suffered from the heretical Arians in the second half of the fourth century. The emperor Valentius Valens (364-378 AD), wishing to propagate the Arian heresy, fiercely persecuted the Orthodox.
In the city of Edessa, he removed Saint Barses, a champion for Orthodoxy, from the bishop’s throne. He sent him for confinement on the island of Arad. The Orthodox population there received the exiled bishop with great honor. The emperor, furious, banished him farther, to the Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchos, but there also the warm welcome was repeated. Then St. Barses was banished to the very frontier of the imperial realm, to the faraway city of Thenon where, exhausted by his exiles, he died.
At Edessa, the emperor Valentius Valens placed the Arian pseudo-bishop Lupus upon the episcopal cathedra. Wolflike in name and deed, he scattered the sheep of Christ’s flock. The Orthodox population of Edessa, both clergy and laity, ceased to attend their church, which had been seized by the Arians. They gathered outside the city and celebrated the divine services in an open area.
After he learned of this, the emperor ordered the eparch Modestus to kill all the Orthodox who met for divine services outside the city. The eparch pitied the city, and he informed the Orthodox that they should not attend divine services. The Orthodox, fervent in the FaithChrist, went as one to the place where they usually gathered for prayer.
Eparch Modestus, obeying his orders, went there with his armed soldiers. Along the way he saw a woman who hastened to the services with her small child, so as not to deprive him of the Sacraments. Shaken, Modestus turned back with his soldiers. Appearing before the emperor Valentius Valens, he urged him to cancel the decree to kill all the Orthodox and to apply it only to the clergy.
The emperor agreed, and so they led persons of spiritual rank to the emperor, and in the lead the oldest presbyter Eulogius. The emperor urged them to enter into communion with the pseudo-bishop Lupus, but they all refused. After this, they sent eighty men of clerical rank in chains to prison in Thrace. The Orthodox met them along the way, revering them as confessors, and furnished them all the necessities. Learning of this, the emperor ordered the martyrs to be taken two by two, and to disperse them to remote areas.
The holy presbyters Eulogius and Protogenes were sent to the Thebaid city of Antinoe in Egypt. There by their preaching they converted many idol-worshippers to Christ and baptized them. When the emperor Valentius Valens perished and was succeeded on the throne by the holy emperor Theodosius (379-395), the Orthodox confessors remaining alive after the persecution were returned from exile. The holy presbyters Eulogius and Protogenes returned to Edessa. In place of the dead and banished Saint Barses, presbyter Eulogius was elevated to Bishop of Edessa, and the holy presbyter Protogenes was made bishop in the Mesopotamian city of Carrhae. Both saints guided their flocks until their death, which occurred at the end of the fourth century.
Almighty God, who gave to your servants Barses, Eulogius, Protogenes, and companions boldness to confess the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world, and courage to die for this faith: Grant that we may always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us, and to suffer gladly for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
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strangeoctober · 2 years
The Golden Cloak of Kwaku Asiamah
This long, beautiful wrap cloak is a masterfully woven garment of fine, midnight black silk and delicate pure golden thread in a fashion reminiscent of kente. It is less colourful than typical kente styles, but the vibrant shine of the patterned golden threads as they catch the light is breathtaking to behold! And if you were to examine the patterns very carefully you might might just see the barely perceptible hermetic runes hidden in the weave...
This cloak was created by the famous Order of Hermes Master Kwaku Asiamah in the early 18th century. Master Asiamah was a renowned and celebrated hunter of nephandi, infernalists and other malicious awakened forces. Indeed, he was perhaps the most successful the Nine Traditions has ever seen! And much of his success was down to this very cloak. Early in his career, Asiamah apprenticed with a cabal of passionate hermetic warriors who sought to proactively protect the Nine Traditions from their enemies. While this cabal was doubtlessly formidable, they were reckless and suffered terribly in their battles. In their final battle, only Asiamah walked away alive. Wounded and cursed, but alive.
These harrowing experiences had a profound effect on Asiamah. He came to the conclusion that the nephandi and other diabolic forces were the most profound threat the world faced and that all others were merely a distraction. He also refined his fighting style, developing an approach that utilised a sudden, decisive assault that allowed for only the most frantic defence. But he knew that even with but a mere moment to act, a potent mystic could level terrible curses before they perished, not to mention whatever magickal contingencies they might have in place. To protect himself, Kwaku Asiamah started to weave…
Creating any wonder is a demanding endeavour, but Master Asiamah’s diaries of that time paint a vivid picture of months of arduous high ritual, deciphering fragments of ancient magicks that were all but forgotten, sanctifying gold and blessing silk. Success was far from assured and even Asiamah himself was not certain how effective his work would be. But in the end, Master Asiahman produced this masterpiece. One of the greatest wonders of the age!
The purpose of the golden cloak is as simple as it is profound. It repels magick of all kinds, both awakened and more prosaic sorcery, either nullifying the effects entirely or blunting them to a survivable level. With raiment such as this, it is little wonder that the enemies of the Nine Traditions came to fear Asiamah’s wrath. Legend has it that even the mere rumour of his presence in a region would send infernalists scurrying into the shadows.
Master Asiamah’s technique and skill rarely allowed his enemies to escape and his merciless approach ensured there were no survivors to tell of their experiences. Asiamah himself never spoke of the qualities of his creation, knowing that the information could easily find it’s way into the hands of his enemies. But sadly, in time, his fame became significant factor in his undoing. A cabal of nephandi assembled to unravel the secrets of Master Asiamah’s success. They collected together whatever rumous, hearsay and legends they could of Master Asiamah and soon came to a conclusion. While the golden cloak was astoundingly effective at deterring direct magickal assaults, it was far less effective when it came to indirect magickal attack. With this theory in hand, they prepared an ambush.
When Master Asiamah did not return from his last hunt, his assistants set out to find him. And find him they did. Impaled by many spears of stone, glass and wood. But it was a pyrrhic victory for the infernal cabal, as they all lay slain around Master Asiamah, joining the great Master in death.
The golden cloak went on to grace many champions of the Nine Traditions, but it’s fame had grown so widespread that it’s qualities, and vulnerabilities, were well known in awakened circles. It was even stolen on one occasion, only to be recovered years later. Today, the golden cloak is on display in the Library in all it’s golden beauty as both a memorial to Master Kwaku Asiamah and as an inspiration to all those who aspire to craft wonders.
The golden cloak is only available for use in the most profound of emergencies, but if you feel your situation warrants it, please submit an application to Library staff and it will be presented to a panel Order of Hermes Masters for consideration.
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sunsrefuge · 2 years
have 1, 2, 17, and 18 from the gw2 asks for whoever you'd like to answer for! :D @kerra-and-company
ah !! thank you !! hm,, for this one, im actually gonna answer with my Commander, Phoenix !!
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1. Write a basic lowdown of your OC. What's their deal? Phoenix is the current acting Commander, and Champion of Aurene! She's super short, pretty spunky, loves to banter during a fight, and if she can't make something fun; she will die... not really, but she'll be really dramatic about it afterward lmao. She's also amnesiac, so she spends her free time outside the main story trying to find details about her previous life!
2. What's their class/elite spec? Weapon of choice? Did they purposely train for it or did it just sort of happen? She's a Revenant! Not something she trained for at all, and technically lore-breaking because she's a Revenant before they're introduced. Her family heritage turns out to be full of talented Necromancers, (and Thieves,) so she basically just took 'talking to the dead' to her own level! :D She turns out to be a Renegade, and quite fond of Kalla! She absolutely does banter with Kalla casually, and thinks it's funny when people are confused from only hearing one side. ^^
17. People with Commander ocs, is there any part of the main story where your oc's story diverges? Everyone else, is there a part of your oc's story that follows the canon one? Her story diverges in a couple places! First, her backstory doesn't match the personal story at all: she's an amnesiac human teen who just kinda... turns up in Mount Maelstrom of all places. The Pact is already made by this point and are the people who find her, but no one can figure out how she ended up there! Later on, The Departing is special for her because (instead of personal story things) she gets glimpses of her family and what made her turn up in Mount Maelstrom! (The family details do shift depending on AU though, since I have an AU problem lol) - And again! Diverges heavily at the end of All or Nothing! As I've said, she's a human... but clearly there's a sylvari pictured up top. :D Phoenix ends up perishing at the end of the episode, and gets revived with War Eternal. (There's another character in my personal AU with a tie to Aurene, so they help revive Dragon & Champion!) Her sylvari form does mimic her previous appearance in some ways, but now she's tied much closer to the Mists, and to Aurene! <3
18. Which antagonist did they have the biggest vendetta against (doesn't have to be canon)? Balthazar!! All that she does know about her life pre-amnesia, is that she has a necklace with his sigil on it. After he murders her - she finds out that she is technically blessed by him! She decides that this makes it more personal than it was before :) She's very much a menace to Joko and his forces for this reason, because she's so laser-focused on Balthazar, which ofc comes back to bite her later lol. She's alright though, her buddies are able to reel her in somewhat every time she gets super heated again aksjdhsdgs
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