#but the difference is that china and russia are big countries
lordendsavior · 2 years
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sayruq · 8 months
Today was a big for the resistance. It seems people were right, they were waiting for Biden to leave so they can respond to the Ah Ahli Hospital massacre (the tweets below are arranged from the earliest reports I saw to the latest in order to show the coordination between different groups in different countries and the escalation)
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Like I said, a big day for the resistance
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And I see no signs of things slowing down
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The Palestinian resistance has a list of objectives for this operation including damaging Israel's economy, forcing Israel citizens to flee the country, and slowing down immigration to Israel in the long term (because that leads to new settlements)
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In other news, Biden's bloodlust was enough to disgust an arms dealer.
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Several of his staff have also expressed discomfort with the administration's choices the past few weeks
Nonetheless, American troops have been told to prepare for deployment
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The past few days I've been pointing out how Russia has gone from pro Israel to carefully neutral to increasingly critical of Israel and now we have this.
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I'm so glad that Israel has continued to shoot itself on its foot by isolating itself from Russia and China
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Russia is actively intervening to ensure that America and its allies can't use the Black Sea to counter the resistance in West Asia which is a big deal
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So far, all signs are pointing to a regional conflict
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This has to be a huge blow to Israel seeing so many countries, even a NATO nation, coming together to ensure that it can't annihilate Palestine.
More importantly, it shows that Palestine does not stand alone.
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dosesofcommonsense · 6 months
From BioClandestine on Telegram
If Trump wins 2024, he will halt all funding for Ukraine, negotiate an end to conflict with Putin, thus preventing WW3.
The reason Biden and the Deep State cannot negotiate with Putin, is because Putin wants their heads for crimes against humanity, namely for manufacturing C19.
This is not speculation on my part. Russian MIL literally listed Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Soros, as being the main ideologists behind the plot to manufacture coronavirus strains in Ukraine, with US DoD funding, and there is an open source paper trail to back it up. You can debate on whether or not you believe them, but the reality is, Putin wants the “Western Elites” and Xi agrees with him.
It’s not hyperbolic to say that this is life or death for the Deep State actors. If Trump wins and negotiates a settlement with Putin, Russian MIL have already been demanding for activation of Articles V and VI of the Biological Weapons Treaty, which would result in a Security Council investigation and international military tribunals. That’s what Russian MIL have been demanding at the UN for nearly 2 years now. And that’s just the biological stuff, not even accounting for the whole 2014 coup, shelling the Donbas, funding and supporting Ukraine in 2022, Nord Stream, etc.
What do you think Trump is going to say? No? Trump wants to prosecute the exact same people for crimes against humanity! Putin is literally demanding that all of Trump’s enemies trying to imprison him, must be prosecuted by military tribunal… How could Trump say no to that?! He’d be killing multiple birds with one stone. And Trump’s DOJ wouldn’t have to do the prosecuting. It would be a coalition of military judges from different countries around the world. It would be far more legitimate and no way could the Dems cry “partisanship”. It’s international law.
Y’all might think it’s crazy, but this is the trajectory we are headed on if Trump wins, which is why the Biden regime are going to do everything in their power to prevent Trump from winning. If they fail, they will be treated as international war criminals, and will face the ultimate penalty.
Extinction Level Event (for the deep state, for globalism, for all their synvophants in levels of government and the MSM).
Let’s say Russia and China are lying, and the US did not manufacture C19.
Then why would Fauci, Collins, and the US government, put so much effort into covering up the lab origins?
Why are the US and their allies the only ones NOT interested in who caused a global pandemic?
Why did government health agencies and Big Tech censor scientists and journalists who pointed out its lab origins? If someone else created this virus, why are the US government so invested in covering up who is responsible? Over a million Americans died, shouldn’t they be tirelessly trying to find out who killed all those people?
Who benefited from the pandemic? American Pharmaceutical companies, that began the vaccine development BEFORE the pandemic. Who funds the MSM and Deep State politicians? Big Pharma.
If Russia and China are lying, why is it that the US veto every request at the UN Security Council for a joint investigation into the origins of C19?
There are two options. Elements within the US are responsible, or, a different entity is responsible and the US government went out of their way to cover it up.
The paper trail confirms it’s the former, but either way, heads must roll.
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Hey, I saw you wanted some requests. So, can I have how the Allies act when they have a crush? ✨Thank you✨
Allies when they have a crush
note: sorry it took so long. it was england's fault, i hate british people (joke ofc). oh also probably mischaracterized a lot. (sorry again)
He's trying to be subtle, but he really isn't.
Tries to wait it out until it goes away. It wasn't a success
Would eventually try and show how cool he is, did you know he met Henry the VIII?
You get to munch on his speciality too! Burnt crumpets with some british tea. Please tell him it's good.
Doesn't mean he'll suck up to you though! You’re not special, or anything.. (Yes u very much are)
He’s trying to be impressive and cool without making it obvious.
Not really showboating though. He just wants to prove he can be a reader’s man, not Superman.
Y’know how I said England won’t showboat? Yeah well, this guy will.
He’d try and show you how strong he is by inviting you to hang out with him while he works out. (He doesn’t even work out usually, he just wants to look badass)
Would take you out often, not like a date of course. Just lunch, Y’know?
Also trying to be a reader’s man. He’ll hold the door open or pull your chair out for you.
Gets you very nice gifts that he knows you’ll love, he tries to remember your likes.
He will attempt to sneak his hand into yours when you two walk together
Always offers (and ends up) helping you when he thinks you need it
He twirls his hair and kicks his feet while talking to you on the phone.
Would love to cook you something good to eat, he tries extra hard to make sure you enjoy the dish he makes. (He’ll be glancing at you to see your reaction when eating it)
Takes you to the different beauties throughout his country
This might be off topic, but I feel like he adores people with strong admirable qualities.
He would like to take you shopping with him. You don’t have to though, but he will still try and dress you up. He just finds it fun.
Very affectionate with you, he keeps an arm around you when walking or sitting together.
He won’t flirt with anyone anymore now that you’re his main romantic focus.
The fact he even has a crush is kinda wild, but here he is. Anyways, I feel like he’d be good at hiding it for awhile (until he chooses not to anymore).
Once he’s stopped hiding it as much he’ll start giving you nice gifts. (Necklaces, snacks you like, things that reminded him of you.)
He’ll take you to gardens and temples so you can enjoy his culture, he just likes them and hopes you do too.
Plays the role of your (ancient) best friend who gives amazing advice and comforts you when your in pain.
He would listen to anything you say, and if it seems like he isn’t paying attention, he really is.
Might be a bit off topic, but he definitely gives you the most gifts on your birthday. Expect 20 of those bitches when you wake up.
Not much else to comment on, he does his role in your life well.
It’s pretty easy to tell he likes you for the most part, but you’d somehow never be able to tell he’s interested in you, though others might. (the baltics and his sisters)
The type to put on a scary movie if you’re scared of them, so you can hold onto him when startled.
He likes to go on walks with you, no specific area, it can be the park or in the middle of nowhere. He doesn’t really care where.
Very much a big fan of being affectionate with you. He likes to hug you a lot, sometimes the hugs feel like he’s strangling the life out of you, and sometimes they’re gentle and sweet.
Also holds your hand often, but he ain’t even sneaky about it. Just does it to be sure you’re there, he’s always a bit worried you’re gonna abandon him.
He’s also pretty protective of you and wouldn’t let a single thing harm you physically or emotionally.
Gets along with your parents very well, he’s a sweet gentleman to you.
Everyone knows. Everybody. Knows. His crush is no secret, but that doesn’t make it any less adorable.
He loves you because you remember him every time, and he appreciates that more than you can fathom.
Trying to be the bestest bud you can have, would love to have lazy Sundays with you where all you do is pancakes and movies.
He likes to check up on you often to see how you’re doing, would do anything to make you happy if you’re sad.
The type of guy who’ll invite you camping or hiking. He enjoys the outdoors and would appreciate if you enjoyed them with him.
He gets you loads of stuffed animals, he’d probably spend forever at a claw machine trying to win you a prize.
Kumajirou likes you, and you two get along well. When Canada mentions his crush on you to him, he’ll encourage him to confess.
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I know this is being presented as an Invictus related recce visit by the Sussexes. But let's be honest, there is no way that Nigeria would be able to host Invictus. Not now not in 2027.
Invictus involves participation of 23 different countries. The wounded vets of these 23 countries are treated as national assets. At least officially, on paper and in world stage they are. Nigeria being a security threat, level 4 in some places of the country, would be a big no no. Govt of these 23 countries would not allow their nationals, let alone decorated veterans, to go enmass to a country like that. The govt protocol would simply not allow that.
It's not about whether Nigeria can afford financially to host the event. It's not about how well this so-called tour goes. It's not about tourism and promoting it (which again, for the same reasons as above, becomes practically impossible).
A speculation is that this is probably about some behind the scenes deals. Since the military is involved we know this is true to some extent. We know the UK is not involved, but Harry has worked with the US military closely over the past 2 years. (For what purpose, God only knows). So maybe they are involved. And this tour is a good stage setting to take some meetings while everyone is focussed on Meghan's fashion. Lol
I would be interested in seeing who accompanies them. How big or small their entoury is. Who exactly is travelling with them. Or travel for this thing. All the names. Who meets them. How they travel to and from the country. What events they attend and where.
Since you are the national security anon I wouldn't need to spell this out for you, but you know how these would/could. I think this is a dummy visit, the real purpose is something else. And Harry and Meghan are just getting the money for Invictus and good PR in return so they are going along with it. I wouldn't go so far as to say H is a secret agent, he isn't smart enough for that. But he is a good patsy. A willing patsy. All he needs is his ego massaged. So he is a usable patsy.
Nigeria would be hosting the 2029 games. Plenty of time for them to turn it around if they wanted to but I think Nigeria is just playing chess, using the Sussexes to get more from the UK/Commonwealth while balancing offers from Russia and China too.
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Going off of one of my previous reblogs, i attempted to make a list of where in the world every Disney Animated Canon movie takes place
Pablo the Cold-Blooded Penguin (The Three Caballeros) (Pablo starts out living in the South Pole and then he goes to Chile, Peru, and Ecuador)
The Lion King
Aladdin is set in a mishmash of Middle Eastern countries. It was supposed to be in Iraq, but because of the Persian Gulf War, Disney said no, so it takes place in the fictional country of Agrabah, which is inspired by Baghdad in Iraq.
Raya and the Last Dragon is set in a mishmash of Southeast Asian countries, but takes the most inspiration from Vietnam
China: Mulan
India: The Jungle Book
England: The Wind in the Willows (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad), Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, 101 Dalmatians, The Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, Winnie the Pooh, The Great Mouse Detective
France: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Aristocats, Beauty and the Beast, The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Germany: Snow White, Tangled
Greece: The Pastoral Symphony (Fantasia), Hercules
Italy: Pinocchio
Norway: Frozen (Arendelle is heavily inspired by Norway)
Russia: Peter and the Wolf (Make Mine Music)
Spain: Wish (Rosas is inspired by Spain and located off the Iberian Peninsula)
Turkey: Pomp and Circumstance (Fantasia 2000) is about Noah's Ark, and many people believe that the ark landed at Mount Ararat in present-day Turkey
Ukraine: Night on Bald Mountain/Ave Maria (Fantasia) (the real Bald Mountain is Mount Triglaf, near Kyiv in Ukraine)
Wales: The Black Cauldron
North America
Las Posadas
Mexico: Pátzcuaro, Veracruz and Acapulco
You Belong to My Heart/Donald's Surreal Reverie (all from The Three Caballeros)
United States:
Different towns in Massachusetts and California have claimed to be the Mudville that Casey at the Bat (Make Mine Music) takes place in, but the author of the original poem said it has no basis in fact.
The Legend of Johnny Appleseed (Melody Time) - the real Johnny Appleseed (real name John Chapman) planted apple trees in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Ontario, and West Virginia
Lady and the Tramp could take place somewhere in New England
The Fox and the Hound looks like it takes place in Appalachia, so maybe Pennsylvania or Virginia
Home on the Range is somewhere in the Old West
Bolt takes place across America: starts out in California, the title character ends up in New York, visits Ohio, and is back to California by the end
Alaska: Brother Bear
California: Wreck it Ralph (Ralph Breaks the Internet reveals that Litwak's Arcade is in California), Big Hero 6
Florida: Dumbo
Hawaii: Lilo and Stitch
Louisiana: Blue Bayou (Make Mine Music), most of The Rescuers, The Princess and the Frog
Maine: Bambi (the forest was based on Maine and the animators traveled to Maine for reference)
New York: Johnny Fedora and Alice Blue Bonnet, The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met (Make Mine Music) (the Metropolitan Opera is in NYC), Little Toot (Melody Time), The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad) (the real Sleepy Hollow is in New York), The Rescuers (the Rescue Aid Society headquarters is in NYC), Oliver and Company, Rhapsody in Blue (Fantasia 2000)
Texas: Pecos Bill (Melody Time)
Virginia: Pocahontas
Washington, DC: Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Milo works at the Smithsonian
The Rescuers Down Under: Australia
Moana: Polynesia
The Rite of Spring (Fantasia)
South America
Argentina: Pedro, El Gaucho Goofy (Saludos Amigos)
Bolivia: Lake Titicaca (Saludos Amigos)
Brazil: Aquarela do Brasil (Saludos Amigos), Baia (The Three Caballeros), Blame It on the Samba (Melody Time),
Chile: Pedro (Saludos Amigos) (The title character delivers the mail in the Andes, between Santiago, Chile, and Mendoza, Argentina), Pablo the Cold-Blooded Penguin (The Three Caballeros)
Colombia: Encanto
Ecuador: Pablo the Cold-Blooded Penguin (The Three Caballeros) (Pablo goes to the Galapagos Islands, which is an archipelago in Ecuador)
Peru: Lake Titicaca (Saludos Amigos) (the lake is at the border between Peru and Bolivia), Pablo the Cold-Blooded Penguin (The Three Caballeros), The Emperor's New Groove
Uruguay: The Flying Gauchito (The Three Caballeros)
Unknown/does not take place in our world
Any of the package film segments not mentioned here
The Little Mermaid seems like it takes place in the Mediterranean Sea, but it could also take place in the Caribbean, which would explain Sebastian's accent
Fantasia 2000: "Pines of Rome" is set in the Arctic, so it could be anywhere from Canada to Alaska to Finland to Russia
Most of Atlantis: the Lost Empire, since the city of Atlantis is completely made up
Treasure Planet
Chicken Little
Meet the Robinsons
Strange World
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rikeijo · 25 days
Today's translation #648
Go Yuri!!! Go official fanbook, Hirose Izumi's interview
Part 3.
-- In the skating performance scenes, the stones and sequins on the costumes are sparkling all the time, but I suppose it was very difficult to achieve this effect in animation?
Hirose: I think that skills of photography team members played a big role here. The Director and I watch figure skating live, so we know very well how sparkly the stones on costumes actually are. But the majority of staff members have never seen a skating competition in person, so we thought that first of all, we should share our experience. I think that people who watch figure skating know this well, but often, a part of costume that looks like there is nothing on it suddenly starts to sparkle impossibly bright! It depends on the size and type of rhinestones, but often the light flickers a lot, and sometimes, it's really dazzling. I was using footage of Johnny Weir's ice show performances, Ando Miki and Asada Mao's videos etc. as reference, while making sure that it matched with the image the Director had in her mind.
-- From the middle part of the story onward, we see a lot of scenes that take place on the ice. What were you conscious of when working on those scenes?
Hirose: The rink is of course white. When a person wearing dark clothes goes to a bright place, because of the contrast, the clothes look even darker. I was mindful to balance the colors, so that the dark colors look sleek and cool.
-- Talking about the competition venues, was there anything else that you kept in mind?
Hirose: At the competitions abroad, I used colors to represent that the audience are foreigners. I used, for example, different hair colors for China and Russia competitions, in an attempt to represent as much as I could, the differences between the countries and races.
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eruverse · 9 months
Another (unpopular) Russia sexuality headcanon
- Not gay
- Prefers to be around women than men because he just finds them more appealing. Not exactly for sexual reasons tho, and more often than not he seeks women out for platonic companionship. Women’s touches are just much more comfortable for him, women’s softer aesthetics more up his alley. Women >>>>>>>
- HOWEVER, much of his meaningful relationships have been with men. Can’t be helped since he is mostly surrounded by male nations, from Asia to Europe. Not that he’s had any kind of relationship (either sexual or romantic or both) with absolutely ALL of them, because he has deep trust issues/also hedgehog’s dilemma plus a myriad of other stuffs and is therefore pretty picky. It can’t just be Anyone or else he’ll want to die. He has a lot of troubles letting people in and romantic/sexual relationships inherently require you to be vulnerable. However he does look like someone who gets it on with everyone supposedly close, because he is physically touchy with almost everyone and can be very overbearing and possessive.
- The overbearing and possessive attitudes are from deep paranoia and distrust of anything ‘outside’, of anything he has no control over. But he also has fascination with all those things, and just like all isolationists, always want to be included (these are two things that exist in him simultaneously, always fighting each other).
- Ultimately tho what he wants most is familial relationships and affection. He wants someone (or more than one person) who will always be there for him. He is not exactly desiring for romance nor sex in the sense that it’s just not his utmost priority. While he has pretty healthy libido he’s okay taking care of it himself and for the most part he really does. I hc him as honestly one of the least sexual people in the big USSR house because I want to explore different alternatives than Vanya just exerting sexual power over his colonies, it’s boring, he can still bully his colonies without resorting to assault yanno. One-on-one connection matters less for him than familial-communal, that kind of thing.
- But also, no one among his colonies is OBVIOUSLY quite in his league enough to pursue serious partnership with. I rather think he’ll be quite conscious of this fact in a way? One reason he becomes interested in America, China, and some European countries is because they’re powerful/aligning more with his own league (or that’s what he hoped/s) and Ivan is attracted to power (as are all nations, and esp more powerful nations). I hc that his colonies got on with each other in the big USSR house and not with him, sans rare and very specific occasions, even tho everyone for ex Alfred thought it’s just one big Russia’s harem.
- Yes, usually the women he has had any semblance of relationship with are human, simply because there is no female nations around him (tho I do ship him with some nyos), and living around where he himself lives. Many of them are when he was much younger tho; dude tumbled a lot with young maidens in the hay. He was rather popular.
- His type in relationships: someone who provides comfortable, stable and safe space for him and isn’t the type who likes to argue or fights a lot with him. Someone he can at least trust (but no one so far has his whole trust). Someone who does boring stuff with him, like lazying around in the bed and tending to the garden. Someone who understands and accepts him, and is gentle to him. Basically, his desires out of any semblance of relationship are really boring and domestic.
- The women he likes are the ‘soft but assertive’ type tho. He likes women who can ‘take the wheel’ mentally because man is so tired he wishes to sleep for 637353 years. Has a thing for mentally more mature women who can mommy him.
- The men he likes are those who can respect him, and are chill. Those who can see him an equal, or would defer to him in some respects and not trigger his sensibilities too much. Ivan knows that he can be abusive to partners who are too weak against him, or to anyone ever, for sure. He actually rather respects those who can speak up against him, just that please don’t get loud and annoying about it lol
- Kinda is the type who wishes nice perfect people will fall from the sky and hug him to sleep be always there for him kind of thing. Doesn’t get that.
Expanding on some of the relationships he’s had and what type it is:
- With Golden Horde, it was purely platonic because he’d been a child and he… grew up really slow and was a particular late bloomer.
(No, no r*pe, since I also have an established Golden Horde OC and he developed into this person who is some kind of people hater and didn’t perceive any kind of sexuality up until he met this person who wasn’t Ivan, not even with one being used as a tool to assert power. Besides, Vanya was so weak hearted he would cry just from being trolled just a little bit. Basically Golden Horde had 3782739493832772638282 ways to traumatize little Vanya without using r*pe)
- With France, it was easily sexual because France himself also desired Ivan sexually. Their relationship developed fast because of this. These days Ivan still likes him, but it’s not sexually.
- Germany/Prussia: Ivan has never done anything with Ludwig, but likes him (platonically) a lot. Sometimes gets in on with Gilbert in modern era, but their coupling is pretty few and far in between. Gil likes him, tho he doesn’t want to admit.
- England: hate-admiration relationship and neither actually tries to get on with the other.
- Netherlands: Ned would fuck anyone so probably yes. All in the past tho.
- America: Ivan was not impressed with him when they first met, but tolerated him better than many others. Gradually getting more interested in him up until CW, where it developed into some kind of tense crush (not strictly sexual, BUT imbued by sexuality) but I’m on fence on whether they had gone around to actually do it. Maybe once, though. The 90s onward tanked his respect and affection to America and in modern time it’s like. Zero point five. Ivan has goosebumps thinking of the time he could ever like America like EW. America isn’t actually his type of partner BY FAR, so the fact that he could actually like America is betrayal to his own principles and sense of self and it’s super disorientating. When he was flirting with America, there was just too many chaotic moments and rollercoaster of emotions that while at the time was exhilarating now he truly realizes aren’t for him. There’s also one thing tho: Alfred was the only one who could handle his abuses while staying mostly intact, so you could say that this made Ivan soar.
- China: Yao isn’t a woman, but his aesthetics are really up Ivan’s alley (that balance on soft and hard, soft outside but firm inside). Definitely sexual though Ivan also seeks Yao quite a lot just for platonic companionship. If Ivan’s relationship with America is getting worse the more time passes, with China it’s just getting better.
- Mongolia: surprisingly chill if they don’t come to each other for serious things, occasionally sexual, Mongolia is daddy tho not quite with Ivan in that respect (nyo!Mongolia, however…)
- Central Asia: with Kazakhstan it’s mostly friendly (caveat: has to be some healthy distance between them for best possible friendliness, but ‘healthy distance’ is difficult for them for obvious reasons), sometimes they fight and break bones, ever-present low-riding tension Kazakhstan tries to keep at minimum for his own sake (there’re only so many sleepless nights he can handle), and generally complicated feelings. Uzbekistan hates Ivan even though is good at masking it.
- Turkey: obvious distrust between each other, fucked sometimes (less often than otherwise assumed) in the past. There’s certain side of you you can show to people you distrust, and that’s quite the howling mawing clawing animal side.
- Belarus: his sweet sister, idk which one is older and in the end doesn’t matter to me? Both of them are honestly unhinged tho, so I guess it’s not that Ivan is afraid of Natasha per se, it’s that he can see their, his, fucked-upness in her and he doesn’t really know how to deal with that, since he doesn’t need to see it if he’s living it himself but he HAS to see it if it’s reflected in another. It’s not that he’s afraid of her, perhaps it’s that he’s afraid of himself. But perhaps no one understands him more than she does.
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irithnova · 3 months
Can't believe I'm discourse posting again but whatever.
While I may not have 100% been on board with the uh. Rusame edging response post because I have extremely "problematic" ships myself and have described Mongolia and China's relationship as being "married/divorced" so I'm not really any better than the edging shit in that sense, I think a lot of the replies were made in extremely bad faith and some pretty nasty people took advantage of the situation in their own ways.
The person who was vagued about had the right to respond of course and yeah it can be classified as ship hate considering it was put in the tags however people are seriously running over the fact that the poster themselves are Uzbek-Korean so yeah they'd understandably have some complex feelings about Russia and America if you know even the general history. The post perhaps wasn't worded that well and was an attack on rusame simply because of a comedic analogy of the relationship made by a shipper, but that anger didn't just come from like. Absolutely nowhere.
You had people in the comments slinging fucking 4chan lingo at OP (same person who did this supports a well known Zionist in the fandom why am I not surprised) and then much bigger content creators making posts and comments about how OP and their entire friendgroup are nothing more than butthurt sjws who are pushing people out of the fandom (and I can't believe people are still unironically using "sjw" in 2024 I guess anything is possible).
Extremely bad faith actors coming out of the woodworks who have had problems with OP and their friendgroup for completely different reasons using OPs hate post about rusame and the subsequent dogpiling as an excuse to publicly lie about the nature of the friendship and how it broke down. I find it extremely cowardly that months ago, when confronted privately about bad behaviour such as gossiping behind people's backs and confronted with the fact the person she was gossipping with is a prolific emotional abuser and racist, Verta blocked everyone and said she didn't want to get involved in "drama".
Now that someone within the group - a minor no less, who barely engaged with Verta herself during the course of her contact with them group, is being publicly dogpiled by multiple big creators - NOW Verta has the courage to come rear her head, engage in drama be like "they're all a bunch of sjws who hate white people!".
If you want to go back to 2016 for fresh "SJWS/feminists OWNED!" compilations, be my guest.
I find it extremely ironic how Verta is calling OP "fandom police" when Verta herself tried to gatekeep someone's identity/relationship to China....over hetalia art. I guess it's not policing when you want to be a bigot, but it's policing when someone from a certain background has unpleasant feelings towards a ship.
A lot of the vague posting about "WOW I LOVE RUSAME SO MUCH" afterwards I think was also extremely childish considering *gestures to the fact that OP is Uzbek-Korean* so yeah. They made an angry post about rusame that should have been handled privately between them and the person they were vaguing about however they do have some extremely personal reasons as to why they may have strong feelings about it.
It wasn't just an ordinary "rusame sucks and rusame shippers should die lol!" post made by an angry rando who likes perhaps Russia x [different country] and is butthurt at the attention rusame is getting but the way people are responding with "rusame is the beat ship evaa <33" posts in response to it - you'd think that was what OP posted instead of like. An emotionally charged (but poorly handled) post about Russian and American imperialism as someone who's family/countries has been affected by both.
Again I'm not in a place to judge rusame shippers considering the shit I ship and say - you can do what you want and I actually like cold war stuff myself. I just find a few of the responses extremely childish considering the circumstances surrounding why the post was made and a few were absolutely done in bad faith in order to paint OP as being nothing more than an angry sJw!!1 when. Again. *Gestures at Uzbekistan's history with Russia and Korea's history with America*
Also. I'm sorry but rusame is the most popular ship in the fandom right now. You guys will live if (1) child who comes from that background makes an emotionally charged post about it. There's no need for an onslaught of personal attacks and hateful anons. Jesus Christ I received death threats for shipping Monchu and I didn't even respond like that.
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aphfanficwriters · 5 months
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Monthly Members' Fics — Jan 2024
In the year of a dragon by mossy_man (China/Russia, Russia/Spain) “I neglected your needs,” Yao sighs and scuttles closer and there is a slice of persimmon at Ivan’s lips. The gel slides over his lower lip and he catches it with his tongue. “Forgive me, Vanya. Blinded by my own bitterness, I was a poor host and a poor giver.”
Euphoria by Delgumo (Canada/Russia) Matthew enjoys a drunken quickie with a somewhat strange gentleman.
Before The Reyse (Part One) by proosh (Lithuania/Prussia) Day 1 - Soulmate tattoo/childhood promise. Tolys could smell the ocean from where he waited... It was just before the raiding season would begin in full and his brother was late.
Before The Reyse (Part Two) by proosh (Lithuania/Prussia) Day 7 - Not for you/mistaken identity It was their usual meeting spot before each of the raiding seasons, midsummer and midwinter. He could smell the ocean from here, bitter and churning from the autumn storms… Tolys was late.
The Hunt (Part One) by proosh (Lithuania/Prussia, implied Prussia/Russia) Day 2 - Omegaverse/hunting party All Russia had been summoned to the call to chase the French from their lands, and the winter in all its fury had come with them… Next to his brothers stood the interloper.
The Hunt (Part Two) by proosh (Lithuania/Prussia) Day 4 - Gifts/trophies They fell upon the stragglers at the frozen gully… Tolys didn’t get a chance to have a good look at them before the killing started.
Better than Gold by Jestemburakiem (Lithuania/Prussia, past Lithuania/Russia) Written for day four of Lietpru week The Story of Lithuania during the most pivotal moments of the modern history of his country: The 1992 Summer Olympic Men's Basketball Tournament. Prussia takes notice of this.
Макдоналдс by Delgumo (America/Russia) Russia and America host the grand opening of the first McDonald's in Russia.
So pour the champagne by mossy_man (Prussia/Russia) Some would love a house with white fence, a dozen or so of kids and a dog. Not Gilbert. Gilbert is perfectly fine as he is.
1001 Ways To Die — Chapter 7: Dying Days 2 by NashTea (Fishandnear) (Germay/Japan) Another impromptu session between Kiku and Ludwig partaking in their favourite activity, this time, it's a little different for Kiku.
Joy in Punishment by Delgumo (Canada/Russia) [no summary]
Little lamb by mossy_man (Mongolia/Russia) “Mongolia is like the sun,” he says. His big hands map Mongolia's face. “Lie down, for I am going to fuck you.”
we begin again by hopeless_nostalgia (England/Japan) After Kiku finds a bunch of old photos, he and Arthur go through them, causing old feelings to resurface.
because it's you, I'm fine by hopeless_nostalgia (England/Japan) Arthur is training to be an idol in Japan, which (obviously) requires him to learn Japanese. But it's a struggle… he keeps failing at the same points, over and over again. He feels so hopeless that he decides to skip class, go for a walk, and decide if it was even worth it—because at this rate, it will take years before he comes even close to debuting...
a scene without you by hopeless_nostalgia (England/Japan) Two years ago, Arthur graduated and went back to London. Kiku lost all contact with him a month before he boarded the plane, when in an odd little café, they decided that a long-distance relationship wouldn't work for them and that breaking up would be for the best. Now that these two years have passed, Kiku knows that that was not true. He sits in that same café, at that same table, and wishes there was a way to turn back time…
my heaven by hopeless_nostalgia (England/Japan) “You know… If you want to, we can still have a wedding,” Kiku suggested. “That might not be a bad idea,” Arthur chuckled weakly. “Maybe we should.”
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klapollo · 1 year
the localization of beyblade makes no fucking sense btw. they would change names that were already common in america, leave others alone and change others around. like okay let me explain
a big theme of beyblade was that the characters came from all over the world and were all different ethnicities, because the teams were typically representing a specific country (like bai hu zu from china) or geographic area (like the majestics, which was pan-europe). there was a team from russia, the demolition boys. in the original japanese they have russian names -- yuriy, boris, sergei and ivan. in the dub they were inexplicably changed to tala, bryan, spencer and ian. okay fine. but then they renamed a completely SEPARATE character, who was originally named balkov, to boris. why! no one knows.
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copperbadge · 2 years
Hi, Sam! somewhat contradictory, i don't know if this goes on Radio Free or not? But maybe with the bird microblog imploding, people should get on archiving stuff on there? Not just screenshots but internet archive and ao3
Oh sure, that can go in RFM -- I'd consider it "News To Know". My unfamiliarity with Twitter means I'm not qualified to discuss how that's done (I don't know how to and don't plan to archive mine) but if people want to link to tutorials on how to archive their own work or others', they can do so here. If I get a bunch of different entries I'll weed through for the best couple of links, as I generally do.
For what it's worth, I don't think twitter is going anywhere; nobody is too big to fail, of course, but too many important people use it for too much validation. There would be a genuine mental health crisis amongst the elite of the world if Twitter suddenly vanished forever.
I think what is likely to happen after Twitter goes private tomorrow is that either someone at Twitter will be able to manage him and sort shit out, in which case people who like Twitter have no reason to worry, or Musk will continue to failwhale until there is a very real peril of Twitter going down for good. At which point either his creditors will approach him, or he will approach them, about how they fix this. He's going to end up wiping his debt by trading chunks of Twitter away to whoever holds his IOUs, because Twitter genuinely is an extremely valuable property and people with the kind of money to lose lending it to Elon Musk know that. The new owners will invest a bit in getting it back to where it was, then take it public again and probably make a killing as people try to get in on the ground floor of Twitter's Resurgence.
I don't think Musk planned this because I don't credit him with the good sense nature gave a cat, but that's my prediction.
Ultimately, right now an insecure narcissist with a shitload of debt has the world's greatest addiction in the palm of his hand, but someone's got his balls in their fist. If Russia or China really wanted to fuck the West, they'd start buying up Musk's debt now, and offer him the option of paying it off by ceding ownership of the company to, say, a conglomerate of local billionaires. Both countries have well enough billionaires, and enough government leverage over them, to make that happen.
But yeah, I don't think twitter's going anywhere, it's just going to suck more than usual until someone buys him out. Then things really get exciting.
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polebearfriend14 · 2 years
The problems witch CH Fandom
Hello there im here to doing “rant or review” about CH Fandom so I Want talk the Problems in the CH So i want clear ones things:First im going to be Neutral, Second you can disagree witch me or debate but witch respect and no fight and Last this a one view all generally all problems of the mojority in the CH Fandon im concient what not all fans in CH Fandom are the same and had people good this is going to a the problems not the person well I can start. 
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How evething know CH is a ver human of the Countrys but how everyone know the CH Fandom is one the problematic Fandom and catalogue one the Worst ones but why well im here witch one points why is CH Fandom Hated:
1.-The use and Personality of the Country.
Every CH Had different personality and differences of couse some ones try adapt or create one version of them country but others dont know to do a clear version of their Country or use bad tropes in to do one good ver of the CH how is in case witch USA, Japan, Russia, Korean, China, Colombia, etc. the problem is the Fandom dont know do witch the Country adapt or The Fandom Dont know abaut Geografy or History this is a problem because create missinformation of the Country yeah the Country had a lot History and ones want adapt one moment in time but instead create a a sterotipe Country or make a one edgy boy. Of course the clothes are the most good because represent good the clothes of the Country but in Character no.
2.-  Dont take seriusly the most serius moments or reprsent the Bad Form
Ones Big Problem is try to represent the good form a one Dark Moment in the History how is the WWII everything know about is event in the History know the Dark and Cruel well in CH Cant take this how are Serius moment epecially witch the CH Nazi and CH URSS 
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this a good example how divide CH Fandom is it especially in Russia and Germany and then me a other BIG Problem.
3.- The Ships and Romantize in CH Fandom
And the Controversy this Fandom is the ships and their problem is the Relationship in each Country Example if one Country had problems witch the other  how USA witch other Country this looks bad especially try to Romantize them witch the differences in the Countrys or try to Romantize Dark moment how is Nazi x URSS is a bad example how this CH Fandom are.
4.- Conclusion
How a said in the Begging I know not all CH Fans are bad people but the majority of persons do this problems talks bad and I know are good people but sadly more persons or fans remember CH Fandom how Bad are and this because the same because no wants CH or join them or Remember how are Gringe are.
Of course I Dont Hate CH but im not really liked especially how CH Iniate witch Potencial a one Derivate of CountryBalls and inspired in Heatalia but a long CH is a distorsioned their Imagine. 
Thanks for reading this and of couse repect this and The Artists this a point of view some one like give and share Opinions.
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frukmerunning · 1 year
Shrine Tour
1at last, for your viewing pleasure, here is every piece of hetalia march (plus some other stuff) that I have in my collection. I’ve been growing my collection for years, and if you want some tips and tricks on how to save money on some of this stuff, please don’t hesitate to ask me questions. I’m very money conscious and I’m fortunate to be able to set aside some money for buying things I enjoy, but I know that diving into the world of anime merch can be scary. I will include where I purchased each of these items, along with a base price, shipping will be different depending on what country you’re from! 
Anyway, please don’t make fun of me too much for all of this lmaooo. Enjoy
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Hetalia PUPPELA Finger Mascots - Purchased from CD Japan ~$7 Each 
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#753 Nendoroid Japan - Purchased from Amazon $45
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#1231 Nendoroid Germany - Purchased from Tokyo Otaku Mode $44
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#881 Nendoroid UK - Purchased from a seller on Tumblr $50 
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#1638 Nendoroid France - Purchased from TOM $38
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#1621 Nendoroid UK (WS) - Purchased from TOM $37
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#1088 Nendoroid USA - Purchased from Amazon $60
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#1489 Nendoroid Russia - Purchased from TOM $46
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#1756 Nendoroid China - Purchased from CD Japan $38
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#1219 Nendoroid Italy - Purchased from Ukiyo Kumo $46
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#1283 Nendoroid Japan (WS) - Purchased from Ukiyo Kumo $40
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Alice in Wonderland Acrylic Diorama - Purchased from CD Japan $29
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Italy Brothers Mug - Purchased from AmiAmi $19
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Ear Cuffs (UK, France, Japan, Italy vers.) - Purchased from CD Japan ~$14 E
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Folding Fan (Germany ver.) - Purchased from AmiAmi (on sale) $10
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Folding Fan (Romano ver.) - Purchased from AmiAmi (on sale) $10
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AZONE America Doll - Purchased from Bay (not in great condition) $75
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AZONE UK Doll - Purchased from Ebay (in worse condition than America) $75
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AZONE Japan Doll - Purchased (new) from YAHOO Japan via Buyee $113
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AZONE Italy Doll - Purchased (new) from Mandrake in Japan $150
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Hetalia Season 5 Talking Mascot (China ver.) - Purchased from Mercari $15
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Hetalia WS Small Arcyllic Standees - Purchased from Mercari ~$4-$6 E
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Kotobukiya Coin Grande Figures Series 1 - various places ~$8-$11 E
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Kotobukiya Coin Grande Figures Series 2 - Purchased from Mercari $70 ($7 E)
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Movic Trading Mascots Series 1 - Purchased from Mercari Japan via Buyee $20
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Movic Trading Mascots Series 2 - Purchased from Mercari Japan via Buyee $20
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Hetalia WS Clear Folder - Came with a Shonen Jump magazine $5 
WS Germany Mascot - Purchased from Mercari $10 
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APH Germany Acrylic Phone Stand, World Twinkle England Badge - Both were purchased in the Animate Store in Akihabara, Japan for probably $11 
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Various Austria things! Most of these were gifts, the acrylic stand was also bought in Japan, maybe $7. The Movic plush was stolen at an anime convention by my sister. I do not condone this behavior, but I treasure him all the same
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APH Character Songs CDs (except Russia...), Sleep ASMR with Japan and China, World Twinkle UK + France Character Songs - all of these were bought from Ebay for like $1 each. If anyone has Russia’s CD I will smooch you for it
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WS Acrylic Standees (and freebie postcards) - Purchased from AmiAmi, Italy was $9 and Japan was $12 
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Movic Acrylic Standees - Purchased from Animate USA $7 E 
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Alice in Wonderland Big Acrylic Standees - Purchased from CD Japan $13 E
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WS Japan and Italy Plushies - Purchased from CD Japan proxy service $18 E
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Italy and Japan Shikishi boards - Purchased from Mercari $7 E
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@raven6229​ 3D printed this and painted it for me! It’s some art I posted on ask-ash-axis :D it is the best thing I own 
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Japan and Italy Acrylic rockers - Purchased from CD Japan $14 E
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Italy and Japan tiny acrylic standees - Purchased from AmiAmi $6 E
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I actually don’t know what these are called, they’re acrylic. Bought em from a seller on instagram ~$15 each
Now for some non-hetalia stuff! I don’t know the brands for most of my figures sorry 
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I have no idea what these are... bought em in an arcade for like $10 each 
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Sakura Miku figure - Purchased at a convention $45 
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TAITO Figure - Purchased at a convention $40
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This was part of a princess series they did?? I think this one is supposed to be from 1001 Arabian Nights. Anyway I bought it in Canada and I don’t understand Canadian dollars but in Canada it was like $70 maybe? 
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#239 Nendoroid Racing Miku 2012 ver. - Purchased at Mandrake in Japan $20
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#190 Nendoroid Len Kagamine: Cheerful Japan - bought second hand from a friend for $15. I used to have the Rin version but I lost the bottom half of her body somehow and I still haven’t found it so I’m always searching for a replacement
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KAITO new ver. Figma - Purchased at a convention $45 
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Racing Miku 2016 ver. figure - found at an arcade, I think I paid like $50 for this 
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Remote Controller Rin figure - Purchased at Mandrake in Japan $10 also I cried when I found her 
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NekoMimi Switch Miku figure - my sister also stole this one at an anime convention... she had a problem 
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Fimga Phoenix Wright - Purchased from Amazon $80, this might be a bootleg tbh always be careful when purchasing from Amazon. I have no evidence to support that he is a bootleg but his head is weirdly tiny. That could just be how the product ended up tho
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#1761 Nendoroid Phoenix Wright - purchased from CD Japan $40 
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#1762 Nendoroid Miles Edgeworth - Purchased from CD Japan $40 
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#1596 Nendoroid Dark Magician Girl - Purchased from TOM $40
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#1863 Nendoroid Yami Sakura - Purchased from Goodsmile US $60 
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#1069 Nendoroid Yami Yugi - purchased from a seller on Tumblr for a very discounted price... these normally go for $70-$100 online 
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THE ONLY FUNKO POP I OWN... MR SETO KAIBA.. My sister bought this for me legally 
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#733 Nendoroid Link BOTW ver. - my sister got this for me at an anime convention... illegally 
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#989 Nendoroid Joker - purchased from Mercari $60 
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#999 Harry Potter - found him at a swap-meet $35 
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#1034 Nendoroid Hermione Granger - found at the same swap-meet $35 
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#1022 Nendoroid Ron Weasley - Purchased from Mercari $41
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#461 Nendoroid Shoyo Hinata - this was my sisters and I’m 99% sure she purchased it legally 
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#791 Nendoroid Kotaro Bokuto - my sister definitely stole this from an anime convention 
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Cleaning Levi figure - Purchased at a convention $25 
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Hanji Zoe figure (plus some little dudes) - Purchased at a convention $40 (idk how much the little dudes were, got em at barnes and noble) 
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TAITO Big Italy and Japan plush - these and the pillow were gifts! 
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Lastly I have plethora of buttons and keychains that I stick on this barely functioning cork board!
I hope you have a little less respect for me now! Also I have some stuff preordered that won’t be delivered for a while. (side-eyeing cd japan for holding my pop up parade figures hostage). I also have a wishlist a mile long so my collection isn’t anywhere near completion :D 
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class1akids · 1 year
One of the funniest things in how BNHA (mainly Deku and his close people) treat quirklessness as if it was so weird that not many meet a quirkless person. When, by what Izuku tells us that there's a 20% of quirkless people, that would mean if BNHA's world has around 8 billion people as ours, around 1'6 billion people would be quirkless, which is around as many people are in China and Russia together (source: worldmeters.info).
This tells us that Japan has a really low density of quirkless people, which means other countries would have a high density of quirkless people, and so, the hero work wouldn't be seen as it seen in Japan.
Or probably HK used an 80/20 to show that there's much more people with quirks than quirkless people and not taking in account how many people the 20% are, or he did corrected it somewhere and I don't remember.
But he also says that in each generation, it becomes rarer. All Might said that even in his generation, it was unusual, but not as rare as in Deku's generation. So an overwhelming majority of that 20% would be people in their 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s - old people.
I think also that quirklessness is only a big issue in school, when all the kids are getting their quirks, are still aspiring to be heroes. Then at the end of middle school, a select few get on the hero track, while everyone else goes to study regular things.
Since non-heroes aren't allowed to use their quirks in public anyway, I think quirklessness becomes less of an issue. There is no functional difference in quality of life or employability options for a quirkless person or someone like Bakugou's mom, whose skin moisturizes.
From what we have seen in-universe, having a heteromorph quirk is way more stigmatizing and difficult than simply being quirkless. I think people made the assumption that "quirkless discrimination" will become a huge plotline and projected a lot of real-life disabilities into it.
But now we know that Bakugou bullying Deku was highly personal and much more than just "I hate quirkless kids" - it was about hero values and an inferiority complex he felt towards a friend whom he couldn't understand and who made him feel uneasy.
In Aoyama's story, we see that it was more an issue of the parents not being able to accept their kid being different and trying to "fix" him. But we never see any of the other UA students exhibit any kind of disdain or hate towards the quirkless.
The level of bullying is something anyone who is different in any way can be a victim of in school.
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theculturedmarxist · 8 months
The principal news items on Russian state television this evening were the reception Vladimir Putin was given by Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing and the succession of meetings that he had with other heads of state who are participating in the 10th anniversary celebrations of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
You won’t find a word about the Russian President’s visit to Beijing in this evening’s online New York Times, but the paper’s editorial board is slow to post news about Putin, probably waiting for the State Department to suggest the proper ‘spin.’ However, The Financial Times online gives Putin ‘front page’ coverage in two articles: one is an overview of his scheduled meetings and the other focuses on his talks with one leader in particular, prime minister Viktor Orban of Hungary.
Let us stop for a moment to consider what the FT wants us to know about Putin in Beijing.  And after that we can come back to the Russian coverage, which not only casts a different light on what you read in FT but provides a good deal more factual information to take in.
In keeping with its regular propagandistic journalism, the FT cannot print an article about Putin without reminding its readers what a pariah he is, a man pursued by international courts, a man who is isolated and weak. The title itself already sets the tone: “Vladimir Putin visits Beijing for first time since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”
Yes, they concede in the first paragraph that he arrived in China “for a high-level meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping,” but then take the air out of that by saying it was the Kremlin which described Putin as the ‘main guest’ at the event, not their own reporter on the ground in Beijing.
Two lines down we read: “The Russian leader cut back his foreign travel after the war in Ukraine began and until last week had not left the country since a war crimes indictment from the International Criminal Court in March.”  We are reminded that Putin skipped the G20 meetings in Indonesia and in India in September.
Thus, almost half the article is spent telling us about where Putin has not traveled to and nothing about this visit to Beijing.
Moving on, the authors speak about how “Russia had become increasingly dependent on China as an economic lifeline” ever since the launch of its Special Military Operation and imposition of sanctions by the West. This is a quote from a former political adviser at the European parliament who is now with a university in Taiwan. The same expert completes the downgrading of Russia by explaining that it is the ‘junior partner’ in the relationship with China.
After kicking the tires of the Belt and Road Initiative in general for having to renegotiate or write off $79 billion in bad loans, the authors give us four lines at the end that actually contain some news, of which I quote two below:
“Putin met Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban and Vietnamese president Vo Van Thuong on Tuesday, ahead of further meetings with Thai, Mongolian and Laotian leaders.”
The space allotted to the close-up photo of Putin and Xi smiling complacently to one another at the head of the article is six times bigger than the actual news in the text of the article.
The separate article “Orban meets Putin in bid to ‘save everything possible’ in bilateral relations” might be said to be marginally better journalism though the same Max Seddon in Riga is a co-author of both. The editors have done their best to spoil everything by giving it the subtitle “European head is first western leader to meet Russian president since issue of war crimes warrant for his arrest.” Once again the big photo of Orban and Putin, clasping hands at their meeting, tells more than the text.
There are some of the same general reminders here of Putin’s alleged isolation and pariah status, but they are given more force by a quotation from the U.S. ambassador to Hungary condemning the meeting: “…Orban chooses to stand with a man whose forces are responsible for crimes against humanity in Ukraine…” 
The only neutral remarks in the article catalog the common business interests of Russia and Hungary, including natural gas supply and a nuclear power plant under construction by Rosatom.
Russian television news support the view that Putin is the main guest at the BRI gathering in Beijing by videos showing the entry of the participants to the state banquet this evening:  the procession is led by Putin and Xi side by side. Just behind them is Xi’s wife and Kazakhstan president Tokaev. The several dozen others follow behind.  Similarly in the video of all the leaders lined up for their group photo, Putin and Xi are together in the very center chatting to one another.  Questions anyone about who is who, and what is what?
Perhaps the Russians go overboard in stressing the great demand of other participants for one-on-one time with Putin at the large residence which the Chinese made available for holding these tête-à-têtes in discrete luxury. Pavel Zarubin, the host of the Sunday evening program Moskva, Kremlin, Putin is a master at showing off details like the line of limousines of leaders waiting outside for their time in the sun with Putin.
Aside from footage from the meeting with Orban, Russian television presented to viewers the public part of Putin’s meeting with the president of Laos, who opened the conversation speaking passable if heavily accented Russian. As we learned, he was studying at Leningrad University during the same years as Putin, though in a different department.  The Vietnamese president also made reference to studies in the Soviet Union in their opening remarks for the cameras.  His talks with Putin were likely about energy first of all since Gazprom is fairly active in the country. Gazprom chairman Alexei Miller is in the Russian delegation.  As for the meeting that Putin had with the interim president of Pakistan, who is an English speaker, we know that they discussed energy projects and deliveries of more than a million tons of Russian grain to Pakistan, presumably paid for in yuan. With the Mongolian president, Vesti tells us they discussed a new gas pipeline which apparently is intended to supply Mongolia itself and not only serve as a transit route to China.
However, from the Russian perspective these side meetings with other BRI Forum participants are small beer. What they are awaiting with great anticipation is the several hours tomorrow that Putin and Xi will spend one-on-one and then are joined by their respective delegations. We know that the situation in the Middle East is at the top of their agenda, with a secondary focus on the Ukraine war and remaining time devoted to further development of economic ties.
The one tantalizing tidbit that Russian news (Sixty Minutes) threw out to viewers is that whereas Putin returns to Moscow tomorrow evening, Foreign Minister Lavrov flies to North Korea for a meeting with Kim.
©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023
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