#but the drawing (and reference) has a horn on the face so idk
maulfucker · 9 months
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Star Wars oc time,, the most pathetic looking bounty hunter you'll ever hire
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terrified-spider · 11 months
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kunshokunsho · 7 months
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ninjago OC !
been seeing a lot of dad! jay so i wanted to share my take on it :) lore is under the cut !!
TW abuse ! ALSO i am no means a writer and i’m definitely illiterate and this is my first time ever writing my ocs lore down (usually i keep it in my brain) so i hope it’s easy to understand 🥲 anywho
Ino is from the kingdom of wildness and is an oni. in oni cultural the runt of the litter is used to do all their dirty work, Ino being the weakest and youngest of his ‘family’ is abused, and treated like a slave.
when jay finds him he is malnourished and neglected, his hair is long and tangled, he has bruises and cuts on his face and old unclean bandages wrapped around his body. The oni have no use for ino, despite him doing all the chores around his house so jay buys him off of them.
it basically goes like this lol
jay- how much for the kid.
oni - ?????? bruh idk like 3 bucks
jay- k. *takes ino and leaves*
after the merge,Jay had taken refuge on a small inhabited island with a few other people from ninjago, they create a village, and are living quite nicely despite them living in a new world. Jay takes Ino to his home and get him cleaned up, but not a single time had ino said a word to jay, did they speak the same language? had he been so scared that he wouldn’t say anything? well it was both. Ino is in-fact, scared and can only speak the old tongue of the oni. Never in his life had he meet a human before, well besides that one fiery girl with red hair, who’s dragon attempted to eat him. but he didn’t count her, she was…. interesting. He did not speak their human language and he looked so different from him so why did the man in blue take him in? but that didn’t matter anymore, Jay had washed him up, gave him fresh clothing, cut his overgrown hair and nails as well as give him a name, a home, and most importantly, a family.
time skip a few years (it can vary depending on how long you think the merge timeskip was)
as time goes by jay teaches ino how to fight and how to maintain his oni powers, along the line he learns spinjitzu. a few years later when jay is corrupted by the kingdom of madness, he loses his memories and joins the administration, unknowingly jay passes his elemental power down to ino as way of saying goodbye.
and that’s kinda what i have lolz, somewhere along the line sora and arin see him doing spinjitzu and are like WOAHHH join our ninja team!!! but he doesn’t cause he’s awkward and wants to keep the jay situation a secret.
some facts! ~~
- ino is quite smart and it did not take him long to learn the ninjago language
- Despite being oni he mostly stays in his human form for fear of being judge
- i draw him with horns, but he canonically doesn’t have them unless his emotions get the best of him and struggles to keep his human appearance
- when he was younger jay had told him many stories about lloyd and wu as his way of saying “well not all oni are bad”, he even mentions mystake but leaves the part of him being drugged by her(season 8)
- jay had given him the name Ino, he saw somewhere that it meant storm and was like COOL but he wasnt aware that it also meant bad
- when ino talks about jay he refers to him as his father or dad, but never actually calls him that (jay has no problem referring to ino as his son)
- before the merge, when ino was younger, he used to play with wildfyre and even prank the lava-tides together, but their friendship didn’t last very long due to the onis and dragons hating eachother ( heatwave wouldn’t let wildfyre play)
- ino meets arin sora and wildfyre in a random village, they get to know each other but later that night the village is attacked by a strange monster. ino loses control of himself when he sees his new friends get hurt and loses control of his oni self.
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theheromira · 8 months
Nimona appreciation post (Part 3 of idk even know how many)
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Hi guys, I'm back with Part 3. Sorry about the delay, I tend to procrastinate even if something has to do with my newest hyperfixation lol (Pic for attention, like always lol)
at the beginning he says to Amb that he's not brooding and now he tells Nimona that "Knights don't mope, they brood."
"Murder him, murdder her, murder everyone!" aaand there is Amb standing int the door and Bals pose XD
Amb lil smile when he sees Bal. He probably thought that he killed Bal and seems glas that he's not
Also him just looking at Bals arm
Nimonas lil "Gesundheit" is way better in the english version ngl
Nemesis 😈
"Oh, look! It's Gloreth!" and the knights behind them actually look in the direction she pointed at
Amb acting like he was about to draw his sword and looking like they just caught him doing something forbidden like I don't even know
Bals almost defeated face at the beginning of the closet scene
Nimona just casually ripping that pipe out of the wall
Bals hamster cheeks when she grabs his face
that die-in-the-closet-dialogue felt very strange to me but I still don't completely understand how people can hate people who have a different orientation than them (sexual or not, I don't know how to say that exactly but I hope you kinda understand me?). There shouldn't be a problem about dying in a closet in real life and I really understand why people are so close-minded and this is still happening, I guess. Why does this "kids movie" motivate me to think about this kind of issue so much? But I guess it's a good thing, I'm probably/definitely not the only one who watched Nimona and really started to think about this (and the other themes of this movie)
also Nimona literally coming out of the closet (as a shape-shifter) is like really nice, I love little things like that in movies that you maybe not even register at first
I like to think that the axe opening the door is a little "Shining" reference
Nimona casually catching the arrow before her face
Bal being the competent idiot that he is grabbing the first thing his hand finds to use as a weapon without even looking
"Even if you see the horn?"
"I will not freak… Uhhh" with that face XD
I just looove her line "This is the part where you run.", how she looks at the knights and how they start to panic
Bals face while getting out of the closet is like: What the everloving hell did just happen/is just happening?
"Yeah" "Oh no! Stay away! Get back! No! This is not happening!" XD
Amb just being bamboozled and proving that he's at least a bit of a Nerd (who other then a Nerd or a Zoologist would call a Rhino by it's full name)
"Leave that guy alone!" "Take that" bonks him away with her horn lol, they are such a good duo
Stairs are either your best friend (Nimona seemingly) or your worst enemy (Kungfu Panda)
Bal just being completely like a fish out of water by what is happening during that chase is also kinda hilarious
Also him still having the brain to tell her she needs to go right in all of this mayhem is very competent of him, I stan him just a bit ngl
the whale
hey def needed a meeting table that round, they are a kingdom of knights
loving that Todd gets the tiny d*** joke, one of the best jokes in the movie and this movie has a lot of good ones
Now he wants the staircase, Bal really should make up his mind XD
I'm a bit sad that the original BlueSky-Scene where she changes into a dragon didn't make it in there but this is also fine, I guess
How did Bal survive that fall?
also loving how he just slides the last few metres face down lol
Nimona looking at Bal before she says her "Something, something, something, we win." was kinda cute
Explosions! "Metal" Also: stuff like this reminds me of a kind of old scetch from a comedian (I know the guy from some youtube vids of different poetry slams but he is a comedian now) I like pertaining bear catapults (I def will get myself some tickets if he ever does a show near me, the guy is hilarious)
Bal looking kinda chill (he prob has a concussion and isn't quite there, I guess) at the different things that fly towards them and then focusing on that little bit of debris that knocks him out (and the sound he makes when he gets hit) lol
Sooo, that was it for part 3. Short I know, but I think I will try to get these posts out and ngl my attention span is a bit short at the moment… with this kind of post thats more on the short site I believe I can stay on the topic and not procrastinate that much. Maybe there will also be some longer ones inbetween, we will see. Have a good one guys ^^
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delunesnumberonefan · 2 months
sketch time
you will sit down. you will look at my horrible little women. And You Will Appreciate Them
no this is NOT going under a cut you will see the blood sweat and tears i put into belialah's demon form and you will appreciate it, me, and saskia's off the charts world class monsterfucker status
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we got saskia. we're familiar with saskia--or at least you should be. go look at the art by korppipoika and give them so many notes--this post will wait. and while you're out, look at the post about the matriarchs too. and if you're not up to date on saskia and belialah, here's another one for your list. i'll be here when you get back.
up to date? excited? horny? me too!!
so we got those two. in order for the images: saskia (recent), belialah (first draft, still happy with this and haven't been able to capture this vision since)
we got their dynamic:
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saskia being a bitch and belialah being, despite everything, head over heels. still can't quite nail belialah's human face, but we're learning
...it took me a long time to nail down belialah's demon form. it went through a lot of drafts---many of which i am not sharing. this one is the oldest one i'm willing to share:
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i believe this is draft 3? patch notes from earlier drafts: 4 fingers instead of three, took out "humanoid" eyes, added floaty halo bits. other than that, this is what it's mostly stayed true to. chase gave me an inspo and i remixed it and made it worse because i love body horror. so we have this! extra joint between the wrist and elbow, loads and loads of eyes, sharp teeth (yum!), wings, and a broken halo plus the big horn. love her. she has spider legs below her waist--she has "skirts" that are made from her skin that she usually wears (has?) over them.
made some eensy sketches for ideas:
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i tinkered on size, proportion, posture, etc. it's vague, but not exact for either of them. i want a bigger height difference and this is for me first and foremost
i settled on this body type for saskia:
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no nipples so she's not naked :) this is for anatomy reference, tumblr. ANATOMY. be so nice to me ;-;
ignore the stuff at the edges, this is part of a larger project idk if i'll finish where i look at all the matriarchs and their body types. saskia is the most...well, besides ethalind, the most hourglass shape. this is the most recent drawing of her i have besides the one at the very end, this is the one i would say is most canon. hence why it is included--the last one i have doesn't quite hit right for me. still working on consistency.
as i improved my art, i wanted to take another stab at belialah. which meant figuring out her lower half.
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i did these ones reeaaally recently. i looked at so many things for inspo: crabs, spiders, human pelvises, centaur speculative biology, drider speculative biology, an introspective look at how much of a monsterfucker i am, etc. until i found something i was happy with. these are within the last few days. the lil sketches at the far bottom right of the first page are what i settled on. after that, i tinkered with how she looks with skirts vs no skirts---ignore the sword, it's no longer accurate to what it actually looks like, but that's endgame shit and no spoilers :)
i'm really happy with how she's turned out and i think she's kickass and awesome and i can't wait to beat her and saskia into the ground.
and then we have:
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team gaslight gatekeep girlboss :)
i drew this last night!! really happy with how my art is coming along. i hesitated on whether to draw the skirts, because i think the spider legs are so fucking cool and i know logically the skirts are there but tbh its funner drawing the spider legs than the skirts :(
i want to make it very clear: belialah is submissive in the way a guard dog is submissive, to quote a post i once tagged as gilt and lost. belialah is loyal, devoted, willing to protect--but will wait for an order before acting
btw, to make something else clear: saskia? saw the demon form first. is more attracted to the demon form than the human form. is far more willing to smash with belialah in demon form. i love my weirdest little freak of a woman <3
ok that's all bye
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class-1b-bull · 11 months
What do you think the class 1b kids think of their own quirks?
This was actually kinda fun to write :>
Not proof read we die like men.
Awase -
He honestly really likes his quirk. I like to think awase grew up around welders so when he got his quirk as a kid, his family was ecstatic <3 he still thinks back to his parents reaction to him getting his quirk today.
Sen -
Hes kinda neutral about it. Thats all I got for his bitchass (i love him sm but my brain is drawing a blank lmaoo)
Kamakiri -
He says he doesn't care for it but he really likes his quirk. The blades being able to come out of any part of his body + how they can change in shape makes his quirk really versatile.
Kuroiro -
He loves his quirk. Its dark and edgy just like him and he can make so many references to the darkness because of it. Lmaoo
Kendo -
When she was a kid she didnt really like her quirk, but as she grew older she learned to like it more and now she really has a lot of fun with it.
Kodai -
Shes pretty neutral about her quirk. Other people like how well it works with others but at the same time her quirk isnt that versatile.
Komori -
She likes her quirk. She does wish it was a little more versatile tho because theres only so much you can do with growning mushrooms on people. (She still powerful asf tho)
Shiozaki -
She really likes her quirk. It represents a good balance between her interests and her religion. (Gardening + the thorn crown jesus wore)
Shishida -
Hes pretty neutral about it. He likes how it can be used in battle but overall he doesnt really have an opinion.
Shoda -
He does kinda wish he was able to do more on his own but overall he does like how helpful he can be for others. Hes more on the positive side about his quirk overall <3
Pony -
She really loves her quirk but sometimes she forgets that she has giant ass horns on her head and they get caught on something and send her reeling backwards. (Only when that happens does she hate her quirk but she forgets about it in like 5 minutes or so)
Tsubaraba -
When he was a little kid I think he liked it a lot less because he didnt have as much lung compasity (idk how to spell it lol) but now that hes trained for it he can do a lot more with it. :)
Tetsutetsu -
He has always loved his quirk. Not only does it fit his personality really well but its also really fun for him to use.
Tokage -
She really likes her quirk, it comes with a lot of room for pranking her friends and things like that.
Manga -
He really likes it. When he was in middle school I feel like he got in trouble for using his quirk a lot because he would show it off to little kids to watch their faces light up at how cool it is. (His dream is to make all the kids in the world to smile btw, cannon fact) :)
Honenuki -
He was probably teased for the way he looked when he was a kid (as most people with mutations probably were) but at the same time he was one of the most popular kids in middle school so hes kinda 50/50 about his quirk and its mutation. Overall tho he has a more positive leaning opinion of it.
Bondo -
He was teased for the way he looked as a kid probably (most ppl with mutations were) and it didnt help that he wasn't outgoing and popular but over time he grew to like his quirk. <3
Monoma -
He actually doesn't like his quirk very much, when he was little he liked it but after all the bullying he went through in school he grew to hate it. (He is starting to like it again because of class b)
Reiko -
She adores her quirk. She stays calm and neutral when talking to other people about it bus she secretly really likes showing her quirk off. (Bonus points for fitting her personality)
Rin -
He really likes his quirk and how it ties in with his culture quite a bit but he dislikes how he cant really fight in the cold. Its a dangerous aspect of his quirk but theres nothing he can do.
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kirango-rouge · 11 months
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(to all my undertale followers, i deeply appologize for these drawings coming out of nowhere on your dashboard ><)
lotr Melkor and Mairon doodles heavily inspired by @ranuunculus 's work! i love their art style, it has this dark softness/soft darkness aura that i appreciate. (some of their drawings were used as references in pic 1 and 3 and in hair/horn designs while i was searching myself in drawing the two world peace menaces, as i never drew them ever before).
go check their 🎨[work]🎨, it's amazing! ^w^
pics legends under cut
pic 1: the experimental pic where i tried to visualize how i wanted to draw my version of Morgoth. Idk why but i immediately imagined him with nocturnal vibes, like a very moody owl, so i literally gave him an owl mask and made him very fluffy and poofy (do not be afraid of him stretching his neck, come closer). The crown was the hardest part. i initially wanted to draw something different from other artists, but i wasn't very successful at that.
pic 2: my take on the man Sauron. He was easier to do as i was parasitized by his design in the movies, but i still wanted to try something different. Even though i am not very satisfied with his armor, i still like the idea of a giant single blazing eye-opening on the helmet. I also like his more straight and rigid horns compared to Morgoth's more wavy and untamed ones.
pic 3: trying a mentor/lieutenant pose, because why not.
pic 4: my attempt at drawing humanoid faces (which I'm not used to at all xD) Yet i very much like the result!
pic 5: "interest"
pic 6: surely my favourite pic! Morgoth is here closer from what i picture him in my head: a wild force of raw emotions coated in a fae-like shape. Both terrifying and yet attractive like a black hole.
pic 7: "before everything went wrong" featuring Melkor the owl, Manwe the eagle, and Nienna the hummingbird (because i like her a lot, and i just decided that all Valar now have bird masks).
pic 8: literally Sauron as a wolf and Morgoth as a cuban prehistoric owl (or Ornimegalonyx for when you'll check Wikipedia. and yes, this thing did actually exist and i had to make it xD).
and there were the pics! thank you for watching ^w^.
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wigglepiggle · 1 year
fun facts about my creature designs bc idk anymore
this was only supposed to be about journal and TC i got a little too silly this is pretty long
journal's paper feathers can't really be written on in the same way as his pages can (this is a hc but i think he can just think of something and just write things in himself with his mind), he has to use an actual pencil to draw the patterns himself. objects that have feathers like this will opt to use whatever drawing thing to draw with
It's sorta like nail polish ig how it slowly goes away over time and has to be replaced a lot, as the pencil will rub off smudge whatever in high contact areas like his arm feathers. the pencil marks can obv be removed with erasers. I think he would like to change his patterns a decent amount to whatever he was interested in that day so he probably wouldn't want to draw on himself with pen
journal used to be on top of making sure his feather patterns were clean looking until his mental health started to decline so as of now they're probably decently deteriorated by now
journal is a great horned owl, because i saw one picture of an owlet sleeping flat on his face and for some reason it reminded me of him faceplanting twice
treasure chest's scales are actually straight up gold, to fit with his theme of treasure he is also the treasure heh. it's probably kind of heavy but whatever he can handle it he probably sounds like a bunch of coins jingling when he moves around
I'm not sure what all of his scales would be worth but i wouldn't recommend trying to steal them from him that would hurt him
tc has probably had many occurrences of objects pulling on his scales and asking if it's actual gold
tc is a gold dust molly, because gold and also it can live in saltwater which is what I was aiming for
paint palette was actually supposed to be a wolf literally wearing wool, like in lockdown she wouldn't be wearing the sheep wool but she'd put it on in lockout
but i didn't like that it felt a bit too cliché ig so she's just a sheep but she still has the vibe
unlike journal notebook's creature features are not made out of typical paper they're made out of cardboard like a notebook cover no reason for this i just felt like it
notebook is a dino specifically bc that one scene in sob where they just go "RAAARGGGH" after being provoked sometimes i put deep thought into the animals for my creature objects and other times it's literally just one thing that speaks to me /silly
bucket can make really interesting noises considering he's a mix of a cat and a dog/kittydog, he might not do that in front of random people but when he's alone/with his friends
I don't know what sounds kittydogs make i just assume they make noises like a mix of noises from both animals (like a meowbark??? I made that up idk)
now that i think of it i can't remember why bucket's a kittydog anyway but i like it so it stays
rook being a guinea pig is because of the guinea pig's history in being pets that different royalty had
he also has a blue earring on his ear, this references shieldy
idk where he got that earring from tbh on the ground somewhere maybe??
shieldy has a gold one to match rook, along with being the same breed of guinea pig iirc (abyssinian) i can't remember if that breed specifically was a breed that royalty had maybe it was
I remember the earring connections being unintentional i think but by the time I designed shieldy i did make it intentionally
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grokebaby · 2 years
Vision vs finished product
Hell's high judgements
(this is just me rambling about my initial ideas and process for their character designs)
Tw for a(n image of a) sort of veiny eyeball creature (okhula from fran bow)
Delilah - I think pretty early on, like almost from the start I decided to have her be Deirdre's sister so i already had some footing and reference to go off of for her design. Tho it's possible that at some point in the hazy beginning I hadn't thought of that yet but nonetheless my image of her was some kind of large horned demon. I may have pictured the character as more masculine, or at least not a woman initially but I think that changed really quickly bc like I said she became Deirdre's sister pretty much upon conception. Her initial idea wasn't very different from what we ended up with, my first vision was just a vague, tall, intimidating looking demon who had like their head mysteriously in the shadow and the only way you could tell where the face is was thanks to her glowing horns. Her first vision was more of an aesthetic and a vibe bc being one of twins, she was very easy to design from then on. I also pretty much immediately knew I wanted her to be heavily scarred, particularly on the face, but it took me a bit to figure out how, specifically. I think at first I thought of her missing even more eyes than she is now. Her designing had a clumsy first few steps but it wasn't difficult to settle on. What ended up being difficult was redrawing her at all lmao, I still feel like i do her disservice every other time I draw her ;-; Idk why she's so hard for me to make look decent bc she's not intended to look off-putting or anything like some of my designs intentionally are. Aside from struggling to learn to draw her, it was pretty straightforward. I would say I'm pleased w the final product if I was confident in how I draw her but as of rn I feel like the problem is more me than the design lol :')
Hart - My idea was an indistinguishable mass of eldritchean tentacles, sprinkle in some eyes and whatever extra freaky stuff and yeah. The final product ended up having alot more distinguishing features bc originally I had them be like, an actual black blob. Void with eyes. Like those black cats you only see when they open their eyes. My idea did develop a little from there and I thought of adding onto the "What is this" factor by having them sort of resemble having a legit body structure but twisted and twirled into such knots that it'd be impossible to tell where everything was actually meant to be. Like just, the most tangled uncanny mess. It had this kind of theme, an idea of being folded into itself and having multiple parts that could open and be straightened out and it'd be like this interesting thing w Hart looking a bit different when they're actually completely unfolded. Sort of like how hedgehogs are just spike balls when in defense mode, but w a Lovecraftian horror who is maddeningly dizzying to interpret. Just a weird, uncanny, what am I looking at creature, of resembling body parts that actually aren't those body parts but just placed and knotted to look like them. I'm not sure if I achieved that vibe, tbh the final product looks more like just a generic Tentacle monster with a flavor of Toothless from how to train your dragon but hey. It looks charming and expressive and I'm fine w that :]
Xerxes - He's probably the most visually different from the first idea. I actually actively challenged myself w him, particularly to diverge from the very first idea somehow and do something a little different. Only thing that stayed constant, and the thing I knew I wanted for him from the start, was One Eye. And look at that, he still only has one eye. Technically. My very first visual was this sort of weird.. This. I wasn't sure how else to describe it
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Like, that, but just very muscular lol. This sort of. Muscle eyeball demon. Kinda grotesque looking now that I think about it but it felt fitting for a hell demon or Wrath. Just a massive eye. My idea evolved slightly into like an orc or a cyclops after that but this is where I diverged to challenge myself and I thought maybe it could be some beastly looking animal, closer to a minotaur or some animal warrior you'd find in an mmorpg, stuff like that. Initially I had Xerxes be quadrupedal tho, like a feral animal, but still be sentient and demonic somehow. I wanted him to look really fierce and I designed armor and really heavy chains around his neck. I did really like the chains aesthetic but I decided instantly that I WILL NOT be drawing chains that often no sir! When I made him more centaur in body structure I still kept him like, a cyclops for a little while until I decided he could just have battle scars and just lost the other eye. I actually had him resemble a boar at first, I'm not sure when he shifted to being a bull. I could be remembering this part wrong too but I just remember trying to practice drawing a very fierce looking (herbivore) animal. I specifically wanted him to not be a predator animal ykno. I felt like a lion or something would've been too generic or predictable and I wanted some practice, and hey, I've since become pretty attached to bulls specifically. Apparently. Which is neat I think, not sure why I'm so fond of them but I sure am now. Thanks Xerxes. From then on he's mostly evolved to just look more, uh, Idk, better represented as the animal he is? I just know I was poor at drawing bovines and similar animals way back then but have since gotten notably better so I think Xerxes looks amazing these days. I didn't struggle learning to draw him nearly as much as Delilah, he was actually fairly easy bc I proceeded to draw him a fair amount once I really learned him. But like I said I've gotten practice and improved in things like drawing buff people since then so, the final product is great, even though I draw his armor way, way less lol. I'm not that great w armor and besides, I don't draw him in battle all that often..
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
((so i was gonna open up my askbox again but I got distracted doing this and watching streams i think idr what i did the past few hours, buuut there's something I need to cover first, especially since there are so many new people around! Hello! Especially since so many of you are playing OCs/MCs.
Don't worry, it's a tip to hopefully help you along! It may get a little long, especially as I try and provide examples. . .but hopefully it'll help.
I'm gonna talk a lot about OCs but this applies to canon characters too a bit. It certainly helps.
Tl;dr, you should have a character profile page.
(also remember that tumblr mobile doesn't really have direct access to Pages made with the Pages function on desktop, so you'll have to link them manually in your pinned or description or host them on another site(I used Google Docs in the apst) or in a regular post(this makes it very easy to lose as a forewarning) for maximum accessibility!)
(rules pages are also really really handy if you have alot of resteictions.)
So, in general, OCs have a bit of a lower reception rate in rp. Idk if that'll be the case here with MCs because they're, well, the main character. Housamo is also a series that lends itself well to OCs pretty well, especially non-human ones, but I figured I'd warn for that.
BUT. That doesn't mean you shouldn't play an OC! It just means there are things you need to keep in mind!
Think of all of the OCs you've seen--you all seem to be fun and wonderful people, and your characters are surely interesting. But. . .if you don't tell anybody about them, nobody will know what's going on or where to start, which makes asking questions a little hard, right? That's easier to work around with MC characters--we've played the game, we know the story, we know the characters, so we can figure out questions fairly easily based on that alone and go from there.
But with other OCs, especially those that don't represent charactera from mythology or fiction like many other characters in housamo do, there's like. Nowhere to start. We may see a face or some dialogue, but otherwise we don't have a frame of reference.
That's where a profile comes in!
Azazel-mun, I don't want to share all of the info about my character at once!
What if I don't know everything about my OC yet and want to figure it out along thw way?
The profile doesn't have to be super detailed! At most it shoule include things like the character's name and age and probably things like their location, profession, grade in school or place of work, etc., and anything you'd notice on the surface like their apperance. It's never a bad thing to include a description of their personality too, or a small section about their history/background. Little things that even you should probably know, too.
You can also section your profile off a bit into things like "surface info," "meta info," "things you could easily figure out about them," etc. That way, no one can spoil themself. Making lists like this can help you think these things through if you haven't already as well.
Let's use Azazel, a character that you probably know already, as an example here. I don't have a profile set
Name: Azazel
Species: Fallen Angel; Capra Therian - an anthropomorphic Goat (?)
Gender(pronouns): Male(he/him)
Age: difficult to calculate; several thousand years old?
Apperance age: hard to say, he's not human. Adult.
Origins: banished from his home world of Eden, has been in the human world for several thousand years
Profession: Priest of dubious denomination, most likely Catholic or Protestant; teacher at Daikanyama Academy; de facto head of the Missionaries Non-Profit charity Organization; supervisor of the Aoyama Missionaries
Role & Rule: Watcher; Revelation - allows him to see anything within the territory of the Aoyama Missionaries and anywhere the pages of his Artifact see
Apperance: Azazel is a 5'10"(180cm) tall, anthropomorphic goat of ambiguous breed, with fawn fur all over his body and lighter fur on his head and around his neck. He has brown, riged horns which curve out and back. Though his eyes are often closed, when opened they're red. He always carried around a leather bound bible with an eye on the cover, and is never seen without several chains on his person, although only the one(s) around his neck can be seen unless he's undressed.
He wears a black priest's cassock with a maroon sash and a capelet of the same color, with the same eye as on his bible on the shoulders of the cape, and brown dress shoes. The front of the robe is always open to expose his bare chest and the chains beneath.
Personality: Azazel is kind and doting, very fitting of both a teacher and priest, although his openly flirtatious, lustful, and secretive nature causes others to distrust him. He doesn't mind this at all. He has a strong adoration for humans, and values love in all of its forms more than anything. He's a bit of a passive person, often being unmotivated but working hard regardless, and seems to prefer to watch others and the world go by, although he won't decline most invitations to take part in it. He is always aware of anything that happens within the extensive territory of the Missionaries, and seems to know and see just about everything about anyone he meets, from their surface to their soul. . . .
If you know Azazel, or take note of some of the wording or question marks, you'll note I didn't explain everything(although I may have shared more than you want to.) This is just a bare bones exampe of how I do my profiles--but it can get even more bare!
I'll do two this time, a more vague version of Azazel's, and another that obscures information all together, using the same or a similar format to the above.
Name: Azazel
Species: anthropomorphic goat
Gender(pronouns): male (he/him)
Age: unquestionably an adult
Origins: Eden
Profession: Priest; teacher; head of a charity NPO; member of the Missionaries
Apperance: Horned goatman of slightly above average human height. Light brown fur, blond fur-hair, red eyes. Wears priest robes and a gold chain around his neck and chest. Carries around a bible with an eye on it?
Personality: Kind of eerie, but friendly and affectionate. A little flirtatious, especially towards humans. Seems to know everything about people for some reason?
Compare it to the one before--see how I've left even more things off or left things ambiguous while still sharing what's necessary or surface level? However, it's also not as engaging or as informative as the other one where I gave more information.
As someone who plays him, profiles like this aren't as helpful for me lol since he knows so much about everyone and everything, having a lot of details helps me play my character!
Now, as helpful as this is, this is also a character you probably know. So how about I do this with an OC? Normally I'm extremely detailed in my profiles and such, especially for OCs, sharing headcanons and ideas for relationships between characters. But, again, I'll try and show how you can show some info while leaving some up to people to ask about to later be filled in.
Name: Kezia
Faceclaim/Art Source: [this is where you would put where you get the art for any icons you use--if you draw it yourself, say so; if you use official art from a series, credit the name of the character and the series; if you use picrews, link the specific picrews. DO NOT USE ART YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PERMITTED TO USE. DO NOT STEAL ART. IF YOU CAN'T FIND THE CREDIT, ASK SOMEONE TO HELP YOU, DO NOT JUST SAY THAT IT ISN'T YOURS. DO NOT USE ART YOU HAVE NOT BEEN GIVEN PERMISSION TO USE OR THAT ISN'T FROM A SERIES OF SOME SORT.]
Species: Human
Gender(pronouns): Female (she/her)
Age: mid 20's~early 30's?
Apperance age: older than she looks?
Origins: Tokyo?
Profession: Professor; Witch
Apperance: A fidgety woman who looks older than she is. She looks anxious and confused as often as she looks curious and confident. Wavy light brown hair. Often carries around schoolbooks and is never alone, always with a Rattus Therian and often with a Nyarlathotep.
Personality: seemingly anxious, but curious and exploratative nonetheless. On the awkward side, but can still keep up with the Nyarls that accompany her. Gets into trouble when she gets ahead of herself in exploring and learning about the arcane, but her Rule allows her to disappear easily.
History: Has always been curious about magic and attempted to run through a Gate when they began to open up. Performed a summon and brought a certain transients to Tokyo and recieved her familiar and the magic to use her Rule as a result. Currently teaches at a college. She stumbled into a certain someone while attempting to explore time, and became a fan ever since.
That tells you a fair amount, doesn't it? Even for someone you don't know? It may even raise some questions that you could ask. At the same time, it doesn't tell you that much, and that can be as much of a hindrance for coming up with questions as saying too much can. It's really up to you what's too much and too little. Here's a more detailed version! Some things have been left vague or confusing in such a way that they could be filled in after being revealed through asks and play. That way, people are encouraged to/given ideas of what to ask--and you can still share things in the long run.
Name: Kezia
Faceclaim/Art Source: [N/A]
Species: Human
Gender(pronouns): Female (she/her)
Age: mid 20's~early 30's?
Apperance age: somewhere in her 30's, maybe even a little older
Origins: Tokyo, with some sort of connection to at least one other world
Profession: Professor of [?] at [?] Academy; Witch
Role & Rule: [?] & [?]
Artifact, Summon, Familiar?: Always accompanied by at least one Nyarlathotep and some sort of man-rat? She also carries around a book that's labeled as a Grimoire, but it's rare for someone to be both a summon-user and an Artifact-user. . . .
Apperance: A fidgety older woman wearing a labcoat and a witch's hat. She looks quite stressed and has trouble sitting still. Her ashy brown hair is thin and a little wavy, with some strands of gray. Although she often squints, she doesn't wear glasses. She carries around a lot of books relating to maths and sciences and one labeled 'Grimoire' decorated with arcane symbols from Gehenna and Old Ones. She's always accompanied by at least one Nyarlathotep and a very short, bearded man who can best be described as a brown rat therian with a human-like face. Sometimes there's a normal rat on her person or in her pockets.
Personality: Kezia is a fidgety and anxious magic practitioner. She's very curious about other worlds and has been since the Gates appeared in this Tokyo since she was a child, however she has been pursuing magic before then. She often appears somewhat confused about or fascenated by even her usual surroundings, but, at other times moves through the world with confidence even in unfamiliar territory. She also likes rats and other rodents, and as such will often avoid felines and birds of prey. She has a tendency to disappear, seeming to walk through walls despite assuredly being alive.
She's a little bit awkward with people, but somehow keeps up with Nyarlathoteps nonetheless. She's a good teacher, once she figures out how to explain things in ways others can understand easily, but can be a bit difficult to follow and flighty up until then. Aware of this, she's rather patient, if a little down on herself at times. However, she most often simply has her mind elsewhere. Despite this and the company she keeps, she's relatively sane. . .most of the time.
She shares a name with a witch from the world of Old Ones who made a pact with Nyarlathotep, believing him to be the Devil. . .and the ratman always at her side uses the same name as that witch's familiar as well. It's. . .probably just a coincidence. . .who would rightfully make a pact with Nyarlathotep?
History: Kezia is an adult human from this Tokyo before the apperance of the Gates and construction of the Walls. She's explored various witchcraft pursuits since she was a child, with what was originally a mere imaginative curiosity and fascination. After the arrival of the Gates when she was still young, she snuck over the fences built around one and attempted to go inside the massive pillar of light, which she attributes to the reason she often seems to struggle with her vision. Several years later, she performed a successful summon and she recieved her familiar, Brown Jenkin, transformed into a somewhat therian form from one of her pet rats, and was given some powers from Nyarlathotep. She has no discernable control over any of the chaotic creatures, however they seem to spend time around her regardless.
At present she's a professor of a subject that interests her at a certain college. She's had other dangerous run-ins due to her excitement over the arcane and "darker" arts, but doesn't seem to show any signs of stopping. However, after an incident in an attempt to explore time itself, she encountered a certain guardian of time and feels reluctant for once to explore it further. . .although she's become quite a big fan of his.
. . .i ran out of steam amd kinda lost track of where i was going. idk if that helped at all really. But maybe it did! I hope it did. You don't need to use any of those things exactly by any means, but that's the kind of thing you usually see in profile pages. Basics like someone's name and birthday and age and apperance and a little about their personality, maybe some history. Oftentimes things like powers and weapons and the like. Interests, hobbies, ways they could be intereacted with, etc. Just stuff that'd help you know the character.
I write everything in paragraph form, but everyone is more than welcome to use a more script format. I love making profiles, myself--it really helps to think about the character and details about them. Normally I make really, really detailed profiles, but maybe I'll try and be more simple about it this time around. depends on how i'm feeling.
I know this seems weirdly hypocritical given I don't have one but when I first made this blog there were like four of us including myself. I didn't see the need for a rules or profile page because I didn't anticipate that there'd be so many of us or, like, people from other fandoms or who aren't familiar with certain characters. I'll rectify that soon hopefully. But I figured I'd pass along this idea/knowledge to others.
. . .I'm gonna go reopen my askbox now. Feel free to send asks again, ask about this, etc! You can send me an IM too if you want. I'll properly close up the guest event tomorrow. I'm real tired rn lol so idk how much i'll get done, but i usually do things super late at night my time, so i have some time to pull my shit together haha))
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thegreatyin · 3 years
✨ the great yin original character list ✨ see what i did there
or just a list of my ocs idk. this is the pinned post because i talk about my characters a lot, and i feel like it's good to know at least some context so you can understand a single cent of my content at all times. following this blog essentially dooms you to subscribing to a newsletter about these terrible mentally ill little buggers. you've been warned.
consider this my way of shooting guns in the air to keep the rent cheap.
other things to know before reading:
this a little long. i have a lot of characters.
some of this is fandom-oriented! specifically undertale. if that bothers you... sorry?
i did my best to explain minor details and give context to certain words or phrases (particularly in apf) but it may clutter the character description a little. my apologies.
not every character has a drawn reference posted on tumblr, but the ones that do will have either their most recent reference linked OR the closest available thing to one.
some characters are rp-centric ocs and their information can change seemingly randomly. the list will be updated accordingly to reflect this.
this isn't all the ocs i have! just the ones that i talk about/mention most often/are just generally "major" ocs of mine. when i open drawing requests and/or ask games for my ocs, the ones listed here are the ones i'm referring to. ocs that are technically "major" but still not entirely fleshed out will not be mentioned, so if you wonder why someone isn't on the list, this is why.
• APF (Acts, Promises, and Faith) •
An original world of my own creation, planned to be made into a webcomic... someday. Eventually. I'll get around to it. (Tag)
Rigel - He/him or they/them, Gay and Acespec (Sex-Indifferent), at least 2,000 years old. Royal Divinain, or a person with two sets of horns, wings, and sometimes a halo. Head Monarch and basically king of Arboret, he's very relaxed and friendly... but he does have a few secrets that he'll go to great lengths to keep. Also my favorite character. Happily platonically married to Betel. (Reference)
Betelgeuse - They/them, Aromantic (Romance-Repulsed) and Asexual (Sex-Repulsed), 1,380 years old. Royal Divinain. Betel for short. Second Monarch of Arboret and technically Rigel's second in command, they're very rambunctious and often pick fights over laughably minor offenses. Value honesty. Happily platonically married to Rigel. (Reference)
Pollux - Ey/elz, Pansexual, 551 years old. Royal Divinain. Third Monarch of Arboret and the prettiest angel around, ey are very lazy and prefer fashion and small talk over pretty much anything and everything else. Lost elz left eye after tripping and falling face-first onto a rock a few decades ago. (Reference) (second image)
Aldebaran - She/her, they/them, or he/him, Bisexual, 376 years old. Royal Divinain. Aldeba for short. Fourth Monarch of Arboret and the designated parent friend. They're very hard-working and try to tend to the needs of everyone around them, but often neglects themself in the process. A genderfluid icon. (Reference) (third image)
Fomalhaut - He/him, Gay and Acespec (Sex-Indifferent), Xenogender (specifically a forest), 50 years old. Royal Divinain mutant, meaning he can't do magic of any shape or form. Fomal for short. Fifth and latest Monarch of Arboret, he's grumpy and closed-off after being shunned nearly his entire life just for being "incapable". Only became a monarch in the past two years. (Reference) (fourth image)
Altair - He/him, Gay and Xenogender (specifically the night sky), 48 years old. Royal Coloran, or basically a normal human with horns and the power to turn into a sea serpent. King of Requies, he's... distant at best, and emotionless at worst. Was blinded in an accident 22 years ago, and hasn't been the same since. (Reference)
Canis - He/him or they/them, Pansexual, 44 years old. Royal Lavian, or a humanoid with horns, wings, and a long furred tail. King of Sanctus, he's recently become nervous and quiet, but still earnestly wants to help everyone around him. Has taken to wearing a mask recently, and refuses to take it off. (Reference)
• "Above" •
Nobody is quite sure where these strangers came from... something to do with the sky, perhaps? AKA an unrelated second original world because I really like biblical angel aesthetics. Has no real story, is mostly just for sandbox fun.
Reguel - They/them, Omnisexual, 1,982,643 years old. Some kind of biblical angel, and can change their form to something vaguely humanoid at will. Unironically a cult leader and all-around horrible person. Loves their datemate, Ophiel. Also known as The First Authority, or just The Authority. (Reference) (on throne on left)
Ophiel - Ve/vir, Demiromantic and Asexual (Sex-Repulsed), 120,643 years old. Some kind of biblical angel, and can change vir form to something vaguely humanoid at will. Reguel's right-hand-enby, ve are also a horrible person, happily indulging in torturing vir own species without a care. Loves vir datemate, Reguel. Also known as The Judge. (Reference) (Beside throne on right)
Cassioel - She/her, Bisexual, 1,642 years old. Some kind of biblical angel, and can change her form to something vaguely humanoid at will. Tired, stressed, and wrecked with guilt, she just wants a normal life. Also known as The Second Authority, or just The Authority. No reference.
Rasael - De/der, a fledgeling, 1 month old. Some kind of biblical angel, but hasn't learned to change der form yet. Spoiled even worse than Archer, and has some volitile uncontrolled magic to boot. The offspring of Reguel and Ophiel. (Reference)
Hubel - Sil/Silv, definitely queer, around 121,000 years old. Some kind of biblical angel, and can change silv's form to something vaguely humanoid at will. Narcissistic and vain, sil only care about three things: being pampered, being loved, and being specifically pampered and loved by Reguel. Sil tend to switch between being male or female at the drop of a hat, but don't change silv's own pronouns. (Reference) (afab form only)
• The Omniverse •
A big collective UTMV (Undertale Multiverse) RP that I'm part of. Managed through Tumblr RP blogs. (Tag)
Nintendo - He/him, Gay, 29 years old. Sentient magic skeleton with creation magic (which is exactly what it sounds like). Formerly a grumpy assassin with an addiction problem, he's retired and is now just a slightly-grumpy dad that finally got over the aformentioned addiction. Currently engaged to his boyfriend. Ink Alternate. (Reference)
Lark - He/him, Bisexual, 35 years old. Sentient magic skeleton that's "errored", or constantly glitching in and out of existence. Formerly a manipulative bastard, he's gone through several traumas and lost his left eye and right arm in the process. Currently lives in space with some of his family. Nintendo's step-brother. Swap Sans Alternate. (Closest thing I have to a reference) (first image, on the right)
Archer - He/him or they/them, a child, 1 year old. Nintendo's baby, and a guardian/sentient magic skeleton hybrid. Can teleport, run, and generate an infinite amount of paint from his hands. Very curious, easily-excited, and spoiled rotten. (Reference)
Greylu - He/him, Bisexual, 524 years old. A corrupted dryad taking the form of a sentient magic skeleton, also is made out of grey tar. Can manipulate and travel through darkness, create illusions, and summon a trident to fight with. Self-proclaimed king of his Multiverse that very recently became an actual king. Happily married with at least 20 children*, he's mostly kind and polite, and would do absolutely anything for his family. Gained tiny wings from an incident involving a certain reality-warping button and refusing to let go of it. Nightmare Alternate. (Reference) (on the right, disregard nintendo's old one)
Hood - He/him, Gay, 524 years old. A dryad with the body of a sentient magic skeleton. Can manipulate and travel through light, and summon a bow to fight with. Ex-god of a cult that's currently living his best life being a dad* and doing some gardening. Sweet, quiet, and just trying his best. Greylu's brother. Dream Alternate. (Reference)
*children not included in character list for my own sanity. maybe if you pay me enough i'll do it (i do not have a bank account. you cannot pay me.)
Caeru - He/him, Panromantic and Asexual (Sex-Repulsed), 34 years old. Sentient magic skeleton that can teleport himself and small-to-medium-sized objects... and that's about all the magic he can do. Perpetually tired and deeply traumatized, he's constantly on edge and grieving for his former self. Also a huge nerd that writes everything down. Also also a DID system, seven alters. Swap Sans Alternate. (Closest thing I have to a reference) (third image, on the left)
Asteri - He/him, Aromantic (Romance-Repulsed) and Asexual (Sex-Repulsed), 229 years old. Sentient magic skeleton with creation magic (same as Nintendo). Formerly naive and cheerful, he's gone through a bit of a trauma conga line and become serious, resentful, and jaded. Used to be friends with Caeru and Hood, but has since drifted away. Ink Alternate. (Closest thing I have to a reference) (third image, on the right)
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mushroom-for-art · 3 years
Soo I made some ocs for Rhyme and Reason made by juicedoesthings. Hopefully art inspiration stays with me enough to draw these guys with their characters! Meet Bo-Beep and Ornet!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Bo-Beep is a carebot, they were made to take care of someone before he inevitably died. Reference shows when she was likely first activated brought to life with magic as I'm not 100% how it works though in later depictions she will have clothes as I assume robots when activated get to like, choose their outfits?? Idk but she was activated with adult intellect and full caring knowledge obviously and has been active for 23 years. Now I'm not sure how the system works so this is me spitballing but I assume that care robots like people need to have a license to do so to keep track of obvious the robots caring people probably for insurance reasons and to make sure they're not practicing with outdated knowledge, the gentleman she was caring for died not long after she updated her licence which would be a private one meaning she could only care for that person so currently would be in the process of getting a public care licence to let her legally care for more people this likely involves tests updates lots of chasing people up and paperwork but she's getting there fighting her programming to care for anyone she can until she can legally do so. Bos wool is natural likely attributed to magic and can create static to help recharge her batteries to keep her running throughout the day, her face is actually a screen though when using it normally it's hard to tell but when damaged or endangered Bo will enter a defensive mode, likely attributed to the man who built her trying to keep out robbers building a robot might have been expensive he likely had objects he wanted to protect, and her face will become blank, usually like this she will let out a defensive blast of electricity from two horns that can extend from her head this will leave her slightly tired especially if she uses it multiple times. She is fitted with a defibrillator and scanning technology to allow her to scan people objects foods most anything to be able to determine life signals, density, radioactivity or isolate allergens a very useful tool. Bo enjoys wearing different clothes and expressing themselves different ways and are used to being referred to as she or they and happy to respond to it, despite their programing they have a somewhat naivity to them in the sense they will assume friend if friendly tone. Currently likely has a store job somewhere until she can get her license and lives with Ornet!
Next up is Ornet! Who is a grumpy angsty engineer mechanic robot Doctor guy, he has a license for it he got his whole degree in robotics and engineering mechanical fixtures so legally can fix up a robot and often helps patch up Bo-Beep in exchange for lemon pie, seeing as furries exist he's a bird furry or feathery I'm not sure, but he's also part slime (specifically blue slime) so is in a sense a hybrid due to magic, because of his slime genetics his interior is made of the stuff and cutting him open would reveal a blue slimy form with certain areas having more muscular properties to correspond with his external appearance, I imagine there's a layer of more stretchy slime that behaves like a skin layer with the feathers growing out, it's very possible he's all slime just the feathery genetics let's him copy the dna structure of their features and look like a normal feathery furry bird person. He was in an accident when young that severed his leg from his body with the limb being destroyed so it couldn't reattach, meaning now he uses a metal leg likely of his own design to get around though will use crutches if working on his leg. Has a nasty smoking and drinking habit both of with Bo-Beep is trying to curve to little avail, he smells of machinery oil and cigarettes. Has defaced multiple Bible to hide alcohol flasks inside. Ornet likely needed a lodger to make ends meet for the bills and Bo-Beep was luckily the perfect if sometimes annoying candidate. Being part slime Ornet also has a confusing relationship with the concept of gender, as slimes likely don't have genders though he jokes slime is a gender in of itself and will go by he/it and Slale (Slime Male, at least he's having fun with it) and generally prefers to wear oversized hoodies and baggy clothes when out and about, though when inside having a smoke it's more of a dicks out look he's allowed he pays the rent.
Oh I wonder how Rhyme is going to make their lives hell (she says as if she hasn't thought of It)
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ashenhartkrie · 3 years
No-one asked, but here’s why I think it’s Andruil, and NOT Ghilan’nain that’s going to make an appearance in da4.
Not gunna use gifs because I don’t have my own and don’t wanna steal somebody elses, but for clarification I’m referenceing the archer figure with the horned helm that appears stalking something in the snowy wilderness and fighting something in a.... red lyrium... flesh.... cave? Idk.
The most obvious connection is. Archer. Andruil is cited as being the one who created the Vir Assan and other archery related... stuff. BUT, one of the codexes on her also mentions THIS:
Andruil put on armor made of the Void, and all forgot her true face. She made weapons of darkness, and plague ate her lands. --> source 
So in the video, or gifs that are floating around, what do we see? A shadowed figure wearing a helm that bears a suspicious resemblance to Flemythal’s famous horned hairdo, and a bow. The codex also mentions that “all forgot her true face” and in the teaser the character appears to be wearing a mask. 
The bow isn’t just any bow either, but a bow that uses elements that are EXTREMELY SIMILAR to the fade energy that the Inquisitor harnessed. That cannot have been a random choice. You can also see that the actual bow itself seems to be crafted from or imbued with, something similar to fade or spirit energy, but the bow itself doesn’t have a string, and the character has no quivers. In fact, they don’t even nock an arrow, the arrow is CREATED by the bow as they draw. 
They also appear to be fighting a monster - perhaps darkspawn - in a dark, shadowed area lit by something that appears to be.... fleshy red lyrium? Or some form of blight. 
From what we know of Andruil, we know that she hunted monsters (the Forgotten or Empty Ones), created weapons of darkness, and may have unleashed the Blight, or something akin to the Blight from the Abyss. She ALSO is noted to have ‘gone mad’ from her frequent forays into the Abyss, and the other Evanuris feared she would hunt them in turn. 
So.... maybe she is?
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faunusrights · 4 years
On the other end of the line, Cinder let out a tight sigh. “Yeah. Okay, well—I’m in a difficult position right now. I’m balancing a lot. So, that wasn’t, you know, directed at you or whatever… I’m just trying to deliver you to Atlas. That’s all.”
“Yeah,” Glynda said. “This apology sucks.”
it’s been a WHILE but i’m STILL HERE!!!!!!!!! also i’m a little late to the draw and also unlike w/ prior chaps i did actually read this one when it came out so i’ve had my first run already. BUT that means i actually get 2 Focus so lets get this party started
so we’re now entering into the New Umbraroot Arc which Frightens me on a deep and intrinsic scale because now i have no padding to ready me for whatever the Hell is going to occur, but i do know it will be gay(er) than the current content was (is/shall be) and here’s the proof
It had only been a day, but the sound of Cinder’s voice was a relief to Glynda’s senses.
glynda that’s gay. hey. hey. glynda have u been told yr a lesbian. lesbeeb. besbion--
“Not at all.” Thank god. It was one thing to be traveling with Cinder Fall. It was entirely another to have her checking in on Glynda’s well-being.
cinder: my well-being is SHIT but thankfully there’s someone nearby doing WORSE than me, which makes me feel better at least,
“Oh.” Our sounded strange in her mouth.
my favourite thing abt any gay media and content is that it’s gay in ways that hettie(tm) nonsense can only dream of being. when a story is abt a guy and a gal all the romantic tension comes from like. looking at a tiddy or getting naked or w/e the shit. here? it’s literally found entirely in the use of the word our. such power. i love it.
I went from unknown to one of Atlas’ most wanted overnight, which is charming… And also annoying, because they refuse to stop pasting wanted posters on every street corner.
i feel like cinder is the type of bitch to send pics of them back to emerald like ‘is my face ACTUALLY that janky??? my hair is a state. you think they’ll use a selfie if i ask nicely???’
Cinder hummed, affirmative. “Which would be unnecessary, if you hadn’t reported me.”
Glynda returned, “I wouldn’t have reported you if you hadn’t been committing a crime.”
glynda you snitch. you narc. you bootlicker. does be gay do crime mean NOTHING to you,
We left a funny taste in her mouth, almost as strange as when Cinder had said our. She tried not to examine it too closely.
again. look at this shit. this is real slowburn hours. this is how u DO IT.
Her heart was beginning to feel like a pin cushion with all the needles pulled out, little holes left in their wake.
would i be showing my age if i glanced at this and wondered if it were a reference to the inciting og offal hunt inspiration fic or. it does doesnt it. okay moving on.
“Okay.” And then, in an effort to change the subject to something lighter: “I’ve never broken into a country before.”
glynda’s complete and continuous inability to actually like. do what she plans on doing is SO funny to me. she’s going to be stealthy, she says, throwing a man aside in obvious fashion. i’m going to be subtle, she says, being as conspicuous as possible. she’s a disaster and i live for it.
"The Faunus." Cinder's voice was cold. "Don't speak to her."
this part of this fic is subtitled ‘cinder’s rank opinions time’, apparently. not that u can tell. but it is. dsfhgjsdfghjghfjdk
In the silence that followed, Glynda thought of the stunted horns jutting above Cinder's hairline at the restaurant.
Glynda murmured, "That’s a horrible thing to say."
"Don’t start." There was no concession in her words. “I mean it.”
“...I just didn’t expect that from you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
There was something in Cinder’s tone that told Glynda that nothing she said would be correct. She said nothing.
cinder’s! rank! opinions! time! honestly this section victimises me the MOST as i very famously cried over an earlier section in which cinder thought abt all the faunus she grew up with, so i know that kc and diesel were looking to hurt me directly. that said i DO find it funny that cinder, yet again, looks like a pile of shit.  she can’t do anything right. naturally inclined to be the villain completely unintentionally. what a moron.
A harsh laugh. “What do you think we are, friends?”
“Well, no—um. Not really, but—”
“Then, just—just listen to me. I’m going to get us there. I p-promise.” There was a soft sound, like disgust or the prelude to a gag. “Urgh, your soul—give me more space.”
cinder: i’m inclined to being an asshole glynda: every time yr mean 2 me i’ll make u feel worse cinder: ah no. ah shit. i have to be nice??? ah fuck. what the shit is this.
Glynda thought of Ozpin. It wasn’t a comforting thought—more like the memory of a near-accident, like sliding on ice and feeling the world shift beneath you. It was a flinch-thought, and it would have made her miserable instead of just homesick had she not shut it out so quickly.
god the writing in this fic is so especially pristine. everything feels so real and visceral and you just know Exactly how that feels. it’s brilliantly punchy and i adore the way u get have the exact sensation click into place. it’s SO good.
She wondered if it was the same moon Bacia and Vivienne had looked upon. If they had felt the same beneath its pale light. The Great War had seen two shatterings of the moon, so perhaps it had appeared different, but… Glynda couldn’t help but wish that it was something they shared, even lifetimes apart.
actually im a little nervous abt doing fingerguns because WHAT IF SMTHNG HAS CHANGED... but i think this bit is. safe. maybe. diesel. kc. am i safe,
Glynda closed her eyes and tried to feel out that instinctual power within her. Tried to know herself better. It resonated around her like a water in a tank, nearly palpable.
again this is just GREAT storytelling. i just LOVE how well kc and diesel turn abstract ideas into such physical manifestations it’s completely unreal. r y’all seein this shit???
upon checking his number, she’d discovered it had been blocked.
i love that glynda is abt as knowledgeable abt little jumps like this as the reader is. are we surprised as a reader? yes. is glynda also surprised? HELL YEAH SHE IS. SHE AIN’T GOT A FUCKIN CLUE MY DUDE.
Remembering the notes to herself not to trust Winter, Glynda opened the log hesitantly.
glynda no yr sending read receipts to yr future gf and thats a bad move on everybodys part
The indicator showed this wasn’t the first time Glynda had accessed the message. She couldn’t remember doing so. 
“Special Operative Schnee, things are…” Glynda paused, searching for something suitably vague to say. “Proceeding.
do you see what i mean abt glynda’s ineptitude. it’s slapstick levels of ridiculous and i’m living for it.
Do you suspect she’s attempting to cross the border?”
‘sure,’ glynda says. ‘you could word it like that if you wanted to.’
“Bold of her, if nothing else. She should know there will—” Glynda skimmed through the rest of the paragraph to reach the end, the corners of her mouth curling. “—can make arrangements. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.”
its like in fallout 4 when someone tells u important info and when u click past it the main character just goes ‘uh huh’ ‘yeah’ ‘okay’ ‘sure’ ‘mm-hm’ as the text boxes whizz by GLYNDA PLEASE
Bubbles appeared, showing that Cinder was typing. Glynda waited.
And waited.
And waited.
The bubbles appeared and disappeared four times.
She flipped back to Cinder’s conversation and found that, after all that time, Cinder had finally settled on a reply.
It said:
i just had to pair these up for a second if only to say: dis me lol
okay let’s double back for a second just to cover this Juicy Lore:
If you’d like, I can arrange a bouquet of flowers to be left at your mothers’ memorial site. My thoughts are with you.”
For a long moment, Glynda simply stared at the screen. [...] In quick succession, she realized that it had been sixteen days since she’d met with Cinder in the restaurant and that it was soon to be the anniversary of her mothers’ deaths.
WHAT IS THIS LORE MA’AM AND MX??? **MA’X**??? firstly idk what the HELL the Black March tragedy is but im fascinated but also: did u have to do that. can ONE person in this fic not have [spoilers redacted cant say that yet no sir] problems??? no??? die. dsfhjgghjkfsddf
Glynda picked herself up from the armchair, neat and tidy, and disassembled into bed, pulling the covers up to her throat. With her Semblance, she turned off the lights. She closed her eyes.
It was quiet. Cold. The only thing she felt was the weight of her soul.
Her Scroll buzzed. Glynda answered it.
“Glynda.” It was Cinder. “I can feel that.”
okay following on from cinder’s text message, i just. love that cinder’s having such direct repercussions to her shitty shitty actions. like this is all tying together in some 👈😎👈 instances but having cinder be her usual callous self and having to literally turn around and start fucking Being Nice For Once is VERY gratifying. fuck you you lil round-faced one-braincelled baby. time to learn to have some Manners. jgdsfghsdfghfjd
She’d simply resigned to the loneliness of having no one to trust but Cinder, and then, not even having her.
... thats gay. hey lads is that gay? its gay. it feels gay.
On the other end of the line, Cinder let out a tight sigh. “Yeah. Okay, well—I’m in a difficult position right now. I’m balancing a lot. So, that wasn’t, you know, directed at you or whatever… I’m just trying to deliver you to Atlas. That’s all.”
“Yeah,” Glynda said. “This apology sucks.”
this feels like a reference to 👈👈👈😎👈👈👈 (IS IT. AM I RIGHT. IT IS ISNT IT) but also: LOOK AT CINDER GO. TRYING. BADLY. BUT TRYING. i love her she sucks so much shes such a dumbass. feel the consequences. feel them.
Glynda chided herself; Cinder Fall wasn’t capable of remorse, but she was more than capable of simple math. It seemed the worse she treated Glynda, the worse she herself would feel.
glynda: she’s doing this because it makes her feel better, not me cinder in like idk 20 chapters down the line:
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(i guess thats another 👈😎👈 moment but for GOOD REASON)
There was a shift, like Cinder was rolling over, or maybe propping herself up. Was she in bed also? It triggered the remembrance of Glynda’s own physicality, and she turned over as well, searching in the dark for the nightstand and the lamp upon it. The light clicked on. The room brightened. Glynda settled in, ready.
OOOOOH THE PARALLELS. glynda turning the lights off and sinking into darkness and the void versus perking up and sitting up and turning the lights on when talking to cinder!!!!!!! POETIC CINEMA. OOF. OOF. HOW DOES FIFTEEN POINTS OF LOVE TASTE.
“Great! Lovely. Glad to hear it.” Fangs rounded out the words like scissors. A pleasant sense of satisfaction unfurled in Glynda’s chest. “So, once upon a fucking time—”
there were two gays and they were enemies to lovers but didnt know it yet. but they will be.
THATS CHAPTER 14 BABEY!!!!!!!! i LOVED this chap and i can rly feel kc and diesel gearing up for umbraroot. its great being able to like. feel the shift of focus goin on here and im SO ready to see this arc play out. once again offal hunt is the best fic ever made. this is a fact.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
Okay before we start: CD I first saw this submission through my mobile browser and therefore had no idea that you sent it and was gonna message you to BEG you to hold it for me. I love them so much holy shit. And I have some ideas.
Alternia, Beforus, or AU: Alternia
Themes/Story: Corday is nb and uses he/they/she interchangeably. He’s basically Theater Kid taken to its logical extreme. They’re a master of the art of disguise and utilize this skill to aid the rebellion. And also do some assassinations. So there’s her themes; theater, disguise, assassination. 
Thank you for giving this offering to me, an Adjacent to Theater Kid. I am planning a murder mystery party for my birthday. My birthday was three months ago. Corday is invited.
Name: Corday Nopper
Corday is a reference to Charlotte Corday, Marat’s assassin. Nopper references Noppera-bō, a mythical creature that disguises itself as human and can wipe off its face like a chalkboard. 
I…I never knew about Charlotte Corady before I read this holy shit.
Age: 9 sweeps,19.5 human years
Strife Specibus: Knifekind
I wanted to keep it simple and discrete for him. It’s also just subtly, just a little bit a reference to the assassination of Julius Caesar.  
I think you could also maybe get away with Staffkind if he’s into musical theater because of the pun.
Fetch Modus: Monologue Modus. They have to monologue for a minute about an object without saying the name of the object and their modus has to guess which item he’s talking about.
My main concern with this modus is that it doesn’t seem like Corday would use this one because it would require too much noise if they were sneaking around. Maybe a CHARADES MODUS? It plays into the acting without them needing to speak, and it lends itself to comedy when they need to retrieve, for example, a Perfectly Generic Object.
Blood Color: Indigo
They’re described as the enthusiasts of the spectrum and I thought that fit well for the level of Passion she brings to her job. 
Special Abilities: Nothing aside from the usual blueblood strength. 
Symbol and Meaning: I’ve been split between Sagio and Sagirius. I’m leaning Sagirius though since it’s called “the Bardic.” 
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I can see either one working for her tbh, but I LOVE Hope players so I side very strongly with Sagirius.
Trolltag: zealousDeathspian. Zealous references their enthusiasm, Deathspian is a portmanteau of Death and Thespian. 
DEATHSPIAN IS SO GOOD. What about dramaticMurd–I’m kidding I’m kidding. If you wanna go even harder on the theme maybe Deathspion to include “espion” in the title?
Quirk: As neutral as they can possibly make it. Outside of their acts, they like to project a relatively neutral image to make them harder to pin down. They are partial to (~: emojis, though. Their one identifying marker. 
Ex: Just as normal as can be. Definitely not a fun assassin or anything. (~: 
They change the quirk up between disguises, though! 
Lusus: Probably a big raccoon with many faces. As a reference to shapeshifting racoons in Japanese mythology.
Personality: Have you ever met a method actor? He buys into roles with all the enthusiasm possible. If you have any question about her disguises’ lives or personalities or likes or dislikes, she has a thorough answer. If she has a long mission playing a character with a broken arm, she will Break Her Arm. 
They’re committed to this because they thoroughly believe in the good of the cause and that if everyone just works hard enough, they’ll succeed, and succeed Soon. They’re definitely an optimist to a somewhat critical degree. They expect most things to go right simply because they believe in it. 
He also has a tendency towards the ruthless. When he’s got a mark, the mark will die. He’ll do anything to accomplish his goal. He has a strict moral sense, but that moral sense includes Never Fail To Follow Through On A Promise. 
She’s predisposed to drama and acting over the top when hanging out with friends, but can actually be a very serious and competent person when she needs to be. Dedicated and focused and responsive and passionate. 
Interests: Theater, Musicals, Costumes, Makeup, Sculpting, Glassblowing, Jewelry Making- Basically anything to do with costume making. Soap Operas, Trashy Dramatic Tabloid Magazines, A Good Knife. 
Title: Witch of Hope
Hope seems to fit her because of her strong convictions and optimism as well as her willingness to do anything to reach her goal. He has a strong personality, so an active class makes sense. But the Witch comes in in the active change, the need to shape and mold the nature of all that potential and optimism that he holds into a usable form. 
Land: Land of Drapes and Pinion 
Dream Planet: Derse
Design party…: 
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Leftmost: Their True Appearance/how they dress in front of friends. They hacked off their horns so they could put fakes in their place because they’re just that hardcore. And he also designed a new symbol to do a little more anonymity preservation. The shoes are from fan-troll. 
Blue: This is what she wears if she wants to walk around discretely. The goal is to be as generic as possible. The shoes are John’s! 
Purple: He disguises himself as a Bartender/Candy Vendor and runs in highblood circles to get Intel. The symbol is meant to look a bit like a lollipop. There’s sopor candies stuck in his hair. And I couldn’t decide on a good makeup so I did like… paint that looks like drool and a black eye. The suit and pants are both from fan-troll. 
Violet: Her most recent disguise, she assassinated a violet Career Adviser and took on her role. And uses this as a way to meet people she can convince to join the rebellion.  
Listen…I love him so so much my redesign is the MOST minimal thank you for this joy. I especially love that you kept visual continuity with the eyes without compromising your vision for him as a master of disguise.
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Okay SO. Minimal minimal changes idk if I’d even go top to bottom. Let’s go left to right?
True Self
I liked how you gave Corday’s casual duds this very “hanging out backstage before curtain call” vibe so I pinned their hair back the way one might if they were gonna wear a wig over it.
I also figured like. Breaking her horns its badass and all but it may be difficult to fit a prosthetic horn over that? So I gave her slightly shaved down horns (she could even do this with her knife!) that could potentially fit a prosthetic over them.
For his mouth I really liked the look of his teeth but I figured if they stuck out too much then they would difficult to conceal when he was undercover so I colored their outline in grey to keep the definition while visually implying that they’re set further back from his gums.
For their shirt, I gave them their real symbol. If we’re gonna push that this is how they are with their friends then that’s them at their messiest and most relaxed, which would include aspects of their True Self.
Other than that just a few outline changed but all in all it’s a real good look.
So I edited the symbol you originally gave to her true self and shifted it over, mostly so it could feasibly comply with multiple sign languages? I also edited the horns so they’re just pointy and not so arrowlike.
For their disguise, I wanna explain my reasoning. So we know that hemoanonymity is effective in that people genuinely can’t tell what your blood color is, but that it’s also see as childish and immaturely rebellious, so doing so may bring you attention in a way that simply wearing a shirt with a blood colored symbol may not.
A really, really effective disguise makes the onlooker draw their own conclusions and feel much smarter than you are. So, fine! Let his symbol be hemonanon! Deck him out in grey-colored clothing that’s indistinguishable from others’ fashion choices.
If you look closely you’ll see that they’re wearing bronze ankle socks. They’re very small! Barely noticeable! Almost like something they’d worn them by mistake.
Someone speaking to her would obviously roll their eyes at her greyed-out sign and cast about for hints of her “real” blood color and see the socks. Aha, they’d think, she’s slipped up. Forgot to leave those at home, huh? And now that they think of it, it’s obvious she’s a bronzeblood. It’s not just the circle in her sign either; she may not be dressed to the nines, but look at the touch of mascara around her lower lashes! The slight gleam of her lip gloss. Typical bronzebloods. They can try to hide their blood color all they want, but their desire for creature comforts will always give them away.
Once again, not much to change here. Made the white threads in their suit yellow for that little pop, and swapped out the tie for a loud bow tie for the whimsy. I also adjusted a few stands of hair that felt like they were laying oddly.
For the face paint, between the candy association and the single sharp snaggletooth, he’s already halfway to being a jack-o-lantern, so that’s what I used for his makeup! Other than that he was perfect.
Career Advisor
I lengthened her jacket collar and her sideburns to more deliberately cover up the space where there would be a line between her face and her fin; we don’t really know how far practical makeup can take us in this instance. Aside from that though I really didn’t have any fixes and tbh that was more because I felt like I had to futz with the sprite a little bit.
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[Title: Survivor!Modern!bendy reference sheet + doodles] idk why i made this just felt like drawing something in art class today and than this came out. i figured since this would how my bendy would appear if he was in clyde’s studio. also another fun fact! the reason why this design of my bendy looks like that is because of how dangerous clyde’s studio is. modern is always using his powers every single day evenutally he became an litterly fused between his forms minus the berserker state. he has henry’s old axe to keep him armed. he would barley take any care of himself. usually clyde would try to talk some sense into him or at least allow him to patch him up. survivor!modern doesn’t talk that much as due to his unstable form being infused into him he only perfers speaking to those that he is close with for example like henry. and above all that one of his eyes has an horrible scar on it along with the ink covering haft of his face. it doesnt help for the fact that he’s always suffering inside and out but he’s even more tired cause of all the fighting and running. at one point there was an accident where one of his other horns were broken and drained of their black color hence why it’s so gray and ripped. he does have his bowtie back but that’s beside the point. also yes that is a purple tint on his eyes cause why not. ----- clyde- @one-eyed-twin
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