#but the games are held back by their gameplay. :((
parab0mb · 3 days
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Sergey synthesizes up a treat for Lea on this special day.
...Yeah I didn't have time or any ideas to make an actually good celebration piece (could you tell?) so please enjoy this shitpost. Don't feel too bad for her though; the True Ending is under the cut:
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But seriously,
Happy 6th Anniversary to one of the games ever!
I initially played Crosscode back in 2020 and while I did enjoy it, I feel like replaying it again this year has given me a newfound appreciation for the game and let me take in more of the story/gameplay details I glossed over the first time (and of course I played the DLC this time around, so getting a more gratifying conclusion was a plus).
It may not be my personal "Game of All Time" but after my 2nd playthrough its definitely high up on my list of favorite games, and I enjoyed it to the point where I've had the brainrot for it for pretty much the whole year so far. Honestly the fact that I want to give some other games a chance is the only thing that's held me back from jumping straight into new game plus.
And of course this time around I've gotten (at least somewhat) involved with the fandom. It's small, but honestly I think that made it much more approachable (for me at least). And I feel like I've gotten a lot more comfy with doing fanart in general thanks to this game and the community, and gushing about the game and shitposting has been good fun, so I just wanted to say I appreciate all of y'all 😄
So uh... yeah. That's kinda it. Kinda surprised this game is only 6 years old :/. Also I'd normally say PLAY CROSSCODE but I'm pretty everyone read this probably already soooo... PLAY IT AGAIN!!
(I swear I'll draw some actually good art again at some point).
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pandasaurio-espacial · 2 months
Cult of the Lamb achievements on steam are crazy like:
1. Get your first follower <(˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)>
2. Defeat God without getting hit (ง ◣_◢)ง
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autoboros · 5 months
I've only recently picked up the H-3 Nozzlenose (because for the longest time I thought I'd be awful at it) but it's honestly crazy just how fun it is
I haven't had so much fun with a weapon in a while. It is so satisfying I swear
The sound for the direct shots... both their kits... the way you can continuous fire by timing inputs right... fucking around
Wish I could put my Splatoon thoughts into words. I love this weapon
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olberic · 9 months
i wanna hear your law talesofarise thoughts then
ohh this is a can of worms you’re opening rn. im so obsessed with this guy and am always thinking about how the game does him dirty so please share in this with me
(obviously spoilers ahead for tales of arise) (and a few for beyond the dawn)
(and yes im being dead serious about this)
more than anything else or any of the major criticisms you hear about tales of arise, literally my biggest problem with it is how law is treated, both by the other party members and by the writing itself.
so let’s start with why law immediately caught my attention as a character at the beginning: hes a turncoat! he’s a dahnan actively working with the renans! the story bring you straight from calaglia, where that would have been UNTHINKABLE, to show you “hey! not only do dahnans work with the renans, some of them go so far as to prioritize that work over their own family!” which is fascinating! we get thrown into a fight with law, where he clearly uses the same fighting skills as his father, he has calaglian instrumentation in his fight music, and he doesnt show any mercy. all this while knowing hes going to become a party member! because then we learn through the course of that chapter (and a little bit later in the game) that law’s working there under duress, that he watched his comrades be killed in front of him, that he was left alive if he joined with the snake eyes. and he still has nightmares about that. we learn that he DOESNT hate his father, just left on bad terms and couldnt reconcile with his father’s way of being a father. he couldnt stand how overbearing and patronizing zephyr was, and the first thing zephyr does when they reunite is do exactly that! no wonder law was frustrated at him! but then you get to see his absolute loneliness as a dahnan working for the snake eyes. he gets no sympathy from the renans who treat him as other because hes a dahnan, and active dislike from dahnans because hes working with renans. but if his other option was to be killed, then we as the audience have to ask if this was a decision that’s sympathetic. but we do get this conversation:
law: “i never did tell you how i ended ip hanging around with the snake eyes, did i?”
alphen: “not properly. all i know is you had a falling-out with your dad and ran away from home.”
law: “getting to cyslodia almost killed me. once there, though, i actually ended up joining a resistance organization, believe it or not. of course, before long someone ratted us out, and we were ambushed by the snake eyes. i’d never seen such brutality. if i hadn’t surrendered…”
alphen: “law?”
law: “i don't know why they let me live. they made me watch as they butchered my friends right in front of my eyes. i still have nightmares. i hear roars of zeugles as my friends scream, the snow stained red with blood. and all the while those bastards, laughing. i thought that with ganabelt defeated, i’d be able to put it all behind me. turns out that was a little optimistic. i was terrified they would kill me, too. so i wound up betraying the memory of my friends, and getting my old man killed in the process. i wonder if i’m any braver now. what if one day i panic again, and end up running away like always?”
alphen: “and leave us behind? you really think you’d do that?”
law: “i hope not. but who’s to say what i’m really capable of?”
[lies down]
so there’s the whole thing with law trying to free zephyr and fight back against the snake eyes. as a dahnan that’d be a death sentence even if it weren’t coming from a member of the snake eyes. and yes cyslodia’s built on betrayal, but it establishes law as somebody who betrayed his father, who betrayed his people, and who betrayed his pledged loyalty. it also establishes that when push comes to shove, he cant stand by as an observer and enforcer — hes a protector at heart. and it gets proven again and again throughout the game when hes the first one to jump into things that he isnt made to be an observer! as a person hes so fundamentally opposed to what the snake eyes do but still managed to be convinced to work with them for his own well being. we see in beyond the dawn that he experiences deep regret for what he did and for how he was directly responsible for the suffering of other dahnans he sent to the pylons. hell, even when alphen gets him come along with them, theres this little interaction:
law: its not like theres anyone waiting for me in calaglia either. …plenty of ditches along the road. maybe i’ll find one to die in.”
alphen: “how about a fresh start?”
law: “after the kinds of things ive done? i don't know where id even begin.”
so we need to keep in mind that even if he doesnt talk about it, even if he puts on a front, that he a) thinks hes irredeemable, b) feels intense guilt for what hes done, c) still has nightmares about seeing his friends be killed, and d) is living with the knowledge that if it weren’t for his actions, his father would still be alive. (and its important to note that he recognizes it’s not just his own personal loss, he’s well aware how deeply zephyr’s death affects both the party and the crimson crows.)
and here i’ve got to talk about an under appreciated law detail that i love about him so very much: law, the loudmouthed, immature-acting brawler of the party, has the capacity and skills to have been a great snake eye. look — we saw how he acted with zephyr. but in the “stowaway law” skit he says “eh, lets just say i’ve always had a knack for sneaking around since i was little” to explain how he escaped calaglia. hell, for months, as a kid in a brand new realm, he managed to join a resistance cell and avoid getting caught (for a while). when he helps zephyr escape, he uses smoke bombs. when the party is getting tailed by kisara in viscint, hes not only the only person who notices, he manages to fall back, sneak up on HER unaware, and get a blade to her throat! the woman who's supposed to be the best guardsman in the realm! in beyond the dawn, he can sense the party's being followed and calls out nazamil even when she's invisible. and when that zeugle is attacking pharia ranch, law's the first person to be able to track this invisible creature. law’s perceptive, sneaky, unafraid to dirty his hands for the sake of others, and this trait is soooo fucking underutilized in this game…
which probably brings me to why i cant stand tales of arise sometimes. for every incident of law doing this, or showing literally any emotional vulnerability, theres three incidents of the other party members (rinwell) disparaging him. and it pisses me off SO MUCH. its obvious from that first conversation when he joins the party that while he does have a lighthearted nature, hes got a ton of guilt and self-hatred and regret that take precedence, and he’ll put on a joking front to cover that up. because how can he let himself be who is he when he just got his father killed? and this slips out plenty of times in the game — tons of skits have him start to bring up how it felt to lose his father — but every goddamn time he starts to talk about himself, rinwell insults him.
im not fucking joking! ive played this game twice through. i copy down every skit and conversation that law’s involved in for the entire game. law can’t get a fucking SENTENCE out about who he is as a person without rinwell insulting him. the game tries to play this off as banter when its ALWAYS one sided. rinwell gets to have her emotional scenes with other characters without law jumping in. hell, if she starts to be serious with him, he listens! but heaven forbid he get the same respect in turn! and its not just her. shionne never hears him out (and hell, i love shionne the most, but i really dont like that part of her) and its clear she doesnt see much past his front. kisara and dohalim both see him as totally immature.
“but zad,” you say, “law IS immature.” yeah! of course he is! hes 16 and hes never been allowed to have a childhood! hes been involved with the crimson crows since the day he was born! he escapes calaglia as a kid! hes had time to join a resistance cell and end up working with the snake eyes all by the time he’s 16!!! he says it himself, traveling with the party is the first time hes been allowed to be himself. he wears silly wolf decorations because he thinks they look cool and he doesnt have anywhere else to put them. he playfights with alphen. he lets himself have fun in fights. he (unsuccessfully) flirts. he eats good food and learns to cook. hes got immature taste because hes a teenager. i know i sure was the same! he makes ill-timed jokes because he hasnt been able to be a normal part of friendly conversation before. he has a hard time reading other people because he’s only had people patronize him or suspect him until now.
but the fact is that for all his silliness and immaturity, he is more than that. hes sneaky and traumatized and guilt-ridden and has such a big heart that the first things he does when finding himself is to protect others. (hell, he even says “if im not training, its easy for me to get anxious.” ) and it frequently feel like the writers forget his backstory and motivations and treat him solely as comic relief and as a tool to develop other characters (rinwell).
the most egregious example of this is the almeidrea incident, which i can hardly watch. law’s a character who joins the party and immediately gets revenge on the guy who killed his father (which is still an awesome scene), realizes that doesnt bring him back or undo law’s complicity, then stews with that knowledge and doesnt tell anybody. i love a good revenge plot, but i can see where he comes from when he says “killing the person who wronged you doesnt undo what they did”. but what really and utterly kills me is that all of that is a throwaway line used to develop rinwell’s story. time and time again in this game law’s completely disregarded and im honestly so fucking sick of it 😭 the most we get is this line:
alphen: “law left home because of how much he hated his father. i think law spent a lot of time thinking about how they never got to make things right. and if i had to guess, killing ganabelt didn't make any of those feelings go away.”
and the handful of good scenes (law’s pep talk to alphen when shionne’s kidnapped, law’s conversation with the traitor dahnan and the informants)
so yeah. i dont have a conclusion to this. i adore that law’s a traitor and hes sneaky and hes competent and fights like his dad and wears a silly wolf decoration and lives with unimaginable guilt and has nightmares and has favourite foods and flirts badly and likes being a farmer. im just like cheering for this guy and supporting him unconditionally because the game itself sure won’t.
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sprunkrat · 2 years
you should play jazztronauts
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300iqprower · 1 month
Now all we need is a Shadows of the Damned "remaster" that has no english voice acting or whatever, and the trifecta of "Suda51 lazily ports his old greats in a desperate cash grab and calls the resulting downgrade a remaster" will be complete
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piplupod · 10 months
was using my dbt skills SOOOO well at the very end of dbt class today when one of the classmates and one of the group leaders/teachers (that I like and respect -_-) started talking about how good of a game the hogwarts game is 😭😭 just biting my tongue so hard as i got my coat on so fast to leave before I said anything and telling myself it isnt worth it
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I've been wanting to request this ask for a long time now, and I think it's too cute not to send in.
May I request MC playing a scary video game with Idia and get so scared that they hug him in surprise?
Idia Shroud:
Idia didn’t play games for the sake of others often.
He never imagined that someone would get enjoyment out of watching him play let alone you, the person who he desired to have close to him at all times (which is a lot for an introvert). He almost thought you were just toying with him when you brought up the game, just seeing if he had heard of it and if it was worth your time to play. He never expected you to come knocking at his door late into the night, almost having a heart attack as he pulled you into his room and hoped no other Ignihyde member had caught sight of you.
“It’s better to play scary games in the dark, right?” You held up the game with a smile on your face, Idia’s heart having no chance to recover from your first attack. “Come on, you’re not scared, right~?”
Your teasing tone, while not like others who might think a nerd like him couldn’t handle a game full of jump scares and purposely poor graphics, was still egging him on and it was a challenge he couldn’t deny. Not when you were the one issuing it.
You eagerly pulled a seat closer to him and he inched over to make room, trying to steady his breathing as you were barely an inch away from him. He wasn’t used to anyone being in his space like this and it made his fingers twitchy, hitting wrong keys as he tried to optimize the playing experience by messing around in the settings. You don’t seem to notice, reading the back of the game case with a smile on your face; it seemed you were genuinely excited to watch him play.
When the game finally starts up an eerie tune fills the room, and you quickly locked on to the computer screen. Your shoulder brushed against his and he tensed, finger gripping his mouse like his life depended on it. You’re observing every little detail of the opening cutscene as Idia can’t stop stealing glances at you, your face only visible from the glow of the screen yet remaining just as beautiful as it always was.
The story is established, some stupid teens going into a forbidden place haunted by a legend that had hints of an unavoidable supernatural truth. They brazenly wanted to explore the seemingly empty woods only highlighted by the moon, hoping to finally put the violent spirit to rest. The gameplay is basic, with Idia having little fear of making himself look like a fool in front of you. Not that you would notice, as you seemed completely enraptured by the story, eyes darting everywhere as you try to figure out where the ghost will approach from first.
The first jump scare is loud and jarring, annoying to Idia who had seen it coming a mile away and almost sighed from how basic it was. He would’ve complained if it wasn’t for the way you had jumped nearly ten feet in the air, grabbing onto his arm that was closest to you. Were you scared? No way, right? Idia glanced at you and saw your face was half-hidden behind his arm which you held in front of you like a shield, unwilling to completely look away but still trying to protect yourself.
Idia wanted to scream. How cute could you be?!
This game would be the death of him, but not for the reason you might assume.
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The Heartbeat of Nekoma
Word Count: 809
Warnings: None
Headcanons: Nekoma x Fem! Manager ︶��꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
The gymnasium of Nekoma High was alive with the sound of volleyballs thumping against the floor, the sharp whistle of the coach, and the occasional cheer or groan from the team. In the midst of this controlled chaos was Y/N, the team’s manager and the only girl among these lions. She moved with a purpose, her clipboard clutched in one hand and a first aid kit swinging from the other.
Kenma Kozume, usually lost in his own world, often found himself watching Y/N. Her ability to anticipate the team’s needs before they even voiced them was something he admired silently. He didn’t say much, but when he did, she always listened, her nods and thoughtful hums encouraging him to share more than he usually would. She knew exactly when to offer a silent nod of encouragement or a gentle nudge to join the team’s activities. Her notes on his gameplay were always precise, helping him refine his strategies without a word wasted.
Tetsurou Kuroo, with his wild hair and wilder schemes, relied on Y/N to keep him grounded. She had a knack for cutting through his antics with a sharp word or a pointed look, bringing him back to the task at hand. Yet, she was always there to share a laugh or a moment of triumph, her presence a steady beat in the rhythm of the team.
Lev Haiba, his enthusiasm often got the better of him, leading to more than his fair share of scrapes and bruises. Y/N was always there, her first aid kit at the ready, her gentle chiding mingling with Lev’s sheepish apologies. “You’re like a guardian angel,” he’d say, and she’d roll her eyes but smile all the same while she patched up another scrape. Her gentle scolding about being careful was something he secretly looked forward to.
Morisuke Yaku, the team’s rock, appreciated Y/N’s quiet strength. Her meticulous records helped him track his progress, and her motivational words before matches always seemed to strike the right chord, pushing him to dive deeper and reach further.
Taketora Yamamoto, would often find himself pouring out his heart to Y/N, her easy manner inviting confidences. She listened with an open heart, her advice always practical yet kind. She reminded him that fire needed air to burn bright, a lesson he took to heart both on and off the court.
Nobuyuki Kai, the vice-captain, saw Y/N as the glue that held the team together. Her organizational skills ensured that every practice ran smoothly, and her ability to juggle responsibilities was nothing short of miraculous.
Shouhei Fukunaga, ever the quiet observer, found a kindred spirit in Y/N. Their conversations were often just shared glances and knowing smiles, but the understanding between them ran deep. He enjoyed the quiet moments he shared with her, often helping her collect the volleyballs after practice. Her soft-spoken advice resonated with him, teaching him that strength didn’t always have to be loud.
Sō Inuoka, loved Y/N’s encouraging pep talks. Her pep talks were the fuel to his fire, her words igniting a passion for the game that he channeled into every leap and dive. 
Coach Yasufumi Nekomata, saw Y/N as a rare gem, her dedication to the team’s well-being reminding him of the true spirit of the sport. Their discussions on strategy and player development were highlights of his day, her insights often illuminating paths he hadn’t considered. 
Despite her involvement in other clubs and her tendency to stretch herself thin, Y/N never let it show. The team knew, though. They saw the exhaustion hidden behind her smile and the way her eyes would sometimes flutter shut during long strategy meetings.
It was during one such after school practice that Y/N’s head began to nod, her pen slipping from her fingers. Kenma was the first to notice, gently propping her up with a cushion. Kuroo signaling for a break, Lev draping a jacket over her like a blanket. Yaku adjusted the air conditioning to ensure she was comfortable, and Yamamoto stood guard, ensuring no one disturbed her rest. As Y/N slept, the team exchanged looks of silent agreement. They would finish practice early today. It was their turn to take care of the person who always took care of them.
When Y/N awoke, she found herself surrounded by her team, their practice finished, each face wearing a soft smile. “We’ve got it from here,” Kuroo said, handing her a bottle of water. “You’ve done enough for today.” Her heart swelled with affection for these boys, her team.  Kai  “You take care of us; now let us take care of you.” They were more than just players she managed; they were her family. And as they walked out of the gym together, she knew that together, they were unstoppable.
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directdogman · 23 days
Hi, I hope you're having a decent day! I'm sorry if this is an invasive set of questions - feel free not to answer - but do you still actively like DSaF as your own creation, or is it more of a "it was fun while it lasted but i outgrew it and it's for the best to leave it behind" kind of project? Do you ever regret making the games? If you knew they would get so popular, is there anything you would have changed about them? Is there anywhere I could read more of your writing.
It fluctuates a bit. These last couple of years, I've really just been sorta nostalgic for it. I've seen a lot of people discuss those games being a source of comfort during bad times in their lives, people talking about how much the characters mean to them and it's hard not to smile when you see that.
It's a funny thing for close friends of yours to see people WITH fanmade DSaF merch out in the wild, or to watch a random youtube video and being hit with a DSaF reference outta nowhere. It happens from time to time, even today. On a few occasions, I've even had a person reference my work to me in real life and not realize who they were talking to, believe it or not. It's really fun to play dumb and get someone to explain your work to you like you don't know what it is.
I certainly didn't think any of that would happen when I first made the series, or even during development. I think the normal assumption would be to look at DSaF as it exists now and assume its release was a peak for it, but believe it or not, the official discord only had 30 people in it shortly before 3 dropped! The archive listing of the series (reposted to a single page after the series ended) is now sitting at over 1.1 MILLION downloads.
People kinda assume the true heyday of something is when it's new, when it's fresh and novel. For instance, some people look back at when FNaF itself was new and see that time as its peak because it had a lot of internet cultural relevance as big new indie thing on the block. But, raw numbers don't lie. The series has been continually growing since its conception and that growth has similarly bled over to its fan projects. This explains why DSaF, despite not having a new series release in almost 6 years, seems to be inexplicably growing.
Just recently, I saw someone post footage of a scene from DSaF 2 on Twitter, which got over 16k likes. People praised its writing and largely celebrated the scene. The ironic thing about that particular scene is that I remembered being unsure if it was good or not, so I showed it off in one of the FNaF community hubs. The response was broadly lukewarm to negative. Now, it's held up as one of the best scenes in those games. That's kind of the point I'm trying to make, my thoughts on the series have certainly changed with everyone's else with years of hindsight.
Heh. I'm not sure if I've talked about this in a long time, but y'know, the very first scene I implemented in-game was actually the very first Phone Guy scene in DSaF 1, more or less exactly how it appears in-game today. This was before I'd even written the bulk of the game. I was pretty unfamiliar with visual novels as a whole, pretty unsure if something like this would be palatable to a fandom that was really just used to sit 'n' survive stuff that were far more gameplay than text. I mean, there wasn't any FNaF fangames really LIKE DSaF before that point. Closest was FNaFb, a jokey turn based RPG made in the same engine.
The engine I made the game in is also not exactly fit for VNs out of the box either, and I wasn't 100% sure the idea would actually work. But, the very first time I added the image of the prize corner, Phone Guy, the audio of that iconic cheesy stock track and booted up a test screen, I had a little moment where I said "Oh. I think I'm onto something interesting here." I kinda remembering instantly realizing in that single moment how much potential the idea had. Over 8 years later, I still remember that moment like it was yesterday.
I think lately, that's the sort of stuff I think of when I see people coming to me and asking about the series. Yes, it's really rough around the edges, yes, there's jokes that've aged poorly. But, it is a source of comfort for people and entertains tens of thousands of people each month. And that's gotta count for something, right?
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primaviva · 9 months
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featuring. hockey!ellie williams x fem!reader synopsis. after winning the final game of the season, ellie wants you to join her in celebrating in the locker room. warnings. descriptions of the female body, suggestive content, hardcore making out ( i. e. breast play, grinding, hair pulling…) read at your own discretion
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eighty six—the number that defined your girlfriend's prowess on the ice.
it was the number you witnessed gliding effortlessly across the frozen surface, scoring goals with a mighty grip on the hockey stick. it was the number you saw when her frustration reached its peak, her helmet flying across the room, marked unmistakably with that bold eighty six.
and now, as you watched the game unfold, you proudly donned the same number on your back. the vibrant red jersey draped your frame in a comfortably oversized, boyfriend-style fit. originally ellie's, she had lovingly given it to you, fully aware of your affinity for wearing her clothes, with the added sentiment that it’s her team jersey adorning your figure as you cheered her on during games.
in the highly anticipated matchup against the seattle krakens, ellie found herself facing off against her arch-nemesis, abby anderson, who always seemed to harbor an unspoken animosity towards her. perhaps it stemmed from abby's envy of ellie's successes in the industry, or maybe it was fueled by a longing to occupy the same position. whatever the reason, their encounters invariably generated newsworthy headlines.
ellie was well aware of the power of making headlines, understanding that the public loved a good rivalry. the crowd, amused by the tension between ellie and abby, eagerly absorbed every moment of them clashing on the monitors. well, everyone but you. unlike the spectators, you knew the toll it took on ellie. while you delighted in witnessing the furrow of ellie's brows and the intensity in her evergreen gaze, you understood the weight of her anger, knowing how overwhelming those emotions could be for her during gameplay. ellie also just didn’t like getting angry, as she knew how terrible she could get when succumbing to the emotion.
as the game against the seattle krakens reached its exhilarating climax, the scoreboard displayed a tense deadlock. "ellie" and "abby" reverberated through the arena, transforming into a fierce battle of vocal support among the spectators. the names echoed through the crowd, each fan fervently chanting for their favorite player to emerge victorious.
you leaned forward, leaning over the barrier that separated the passionate crowd from the icy battleground. eager to catch a glimpse of the unfolding spectacle, you yearned for a front-row view of the action.
"kick her ass!" your voice rang out, carried by a surge of adrenaline as you fervently waved your hands in the air, willing ellie to triumph with every fiber of your being.
with each stride, ellie's instincts took over. in a swift, fluid motion, ellie seized control of the puck, effortlessly maneuvering past defenders with her unmatched skill. among the sea of opponents, her eyes locked onto abby, her greatest rival, who relentlessly pursued her, driven by a desire to strip ellie of the puck. with precision and agility, ellie danced around abby's relentless advances, her stickwork a symphony of finesse. the crowd watched in awe as the two players engaged in a thrilling duel, but with a burst of speed, your girlfriend left abby in her wake, weaving through the defense.the crowd held their breath, captivated by the scene before them.
the ice seemed to tremble beneath her skates as she closed in on the goal, her heart pounding in her chest. time seemed to stand still as she unleashed a powerful shot, puck sailing through the air and evading the outstretched glove of the goaltender, finding the back of the net. satisfying, it reverberated with a resounding thud as the puck found its mark, securing victory for ellie's team. the arena erupted in a chorus of thunderous cheers, the crowd's jubilation mirroring the euphoria in ellie's own heart.
as the final buzzer echoed through the arena, signaling the end of the intense match, the spectators began to disperse, their cheers fading into the background. ellie along with her team members, elated by their hard-fought victory, eagerly made their way to the locker room to celebrate.
that was the routine of those games. the teams would go to the locker rooms to change out of their gear until they come back out to wait for their bus which left a little later as the coaches made sure the media got some press with the stars of the teams. you would wait for ellie outside of the lockers to greet her with a well deserved kiss and hug before it was time to hit the road.
however, what wasn’t apart of the routine was ellie taking much longer than her teammates, to the point where everyone had left the lockers to go outside and get some fresh air in the dark night sky. usually ellie was eager to get out of her sweaty uniform and lay flat on the floor in relief that it was over, one time she had practically taken her shirt off before leaving the rink.
as you contemplated walking inside, dina, one of ellie's teammates, approached you with a knowing look.
"dina, where's ellie?" you inquired, crossing your arms over your chest as you eagerly awaited her answer.
the raven-head sighed softly, her eyes conveying a sense of understanding to your anxious state. "she's still in the locker room," dina replied, voice laced with empathy. "she needed a moment to calm down. it got pretty intense out there."
your heart skipped a beat as you took in dina's words. you knew all too well how overwhelming emotions could be for ellie, especially in the aftermath of a fiercely contested game like this one. without a second thought, you made your way towards the locker room.
as you entered the dimly lit space, the air was heavy with exhaustion. and there, in the corner, you spotted ellie, her figure slumped on a bench, her equipment scattered haphazardly around her. the sweat glistening on her forehead and the lingering fire in her eyes showed you all you needed to know.
her distant expression revealed a mind lost in deep contemplation, seemingly oblivious to the world around her, including your presence at the doorway.
"ellie," you softly called out, breaking the spell of her introspection.
in an instant, her head snapped up, the fog of her thoughts dissipating as a radiant, toothy smile graced her face. it was the kind of infectious grin that only ellie, with her unique brand of endearing quirkiness, could effortlessly rock. rising from the bench, standing tall as she strode purposefully towards you.
closing the distance between you, ellie enveloped you in her strong arms, lifting you up effortlessly off the ground. her face nestled into the crook of your neck, her warm breath sending gentle shivers down your spine.
the world outside the locker room faded away—as she held you, you could feel the weight of the game lifting from alongside her.
"there you are," she murmured against your neck, her voice muffled but happy nonetheless.
amidst stifled laughter, you attempted to speak. "did you hear me cheering?" you managed to ask.
"how could i not hear you, baby? you were the loudest one out there," ellie retorted, another smile gracing her face. she loved how supportive you always were of her. "thank you for always being there for my games. it means a lot to me, having my beautiful girl cheering me on."
tenderly, she tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, her pale green eyes brimming with warmth and love. on the field, ellie exuded toughness and fierceness, but with you, her armor melted away, revealing a softer, caring side that you brought out in her.
you couldn't help but chuckle at her remark about being the loudest, preferring to describe her as passionate. "you good?" you asked, your gaze fixed on her as your vision readjusted from being taken to the ground. "i know how much it gets to you when abby tries to rile you up during games."
ellie let out a sigh at the mention of abby. "i'm fine, don't worry about her," she replied, her voice laced with frustration, her hand absentmindedly rubbing the back of her neck.
but you could see the tension in her jaw, the way her body seemed to hold onto the irritation caused by abby's actions.
"thanks for checking on me," she expressed, her voice softer now. ellie leaned down, resting her forehead against yours, and released a deep sigh. it felt as if she were fully surrendering her body weight onto you, relying on your support. she was exhausted, both mentally and physically.
you weren’t buying tickets to her act.
as you studied her face, you noticed her tightly shut eyes and the creases forming around them. "i find it hard to believe you're okay. you look exhausted. sit," you firmly stated, placing your hands on her shoulders and gently guiding her back down onto the bench, encouraging her to rest.
ellie sighed and didn't resist as you made her sit back down on the bench. as tough as she was, she knew better than to argue with you when you used that tone.
"you know me too well,” ellie noted as she relaxed her shoulders and leaned back, closing her eyes. you always seemed to see right through her facade of being fine. the game had taken more out of her than she cared to admit.
you sat there, quietly observing her presence. the sheen of sweat adorned her forehead, causing strands of stray hair to cling to the sides. her skin appeared moist, a clear indication that she had recently stepped off the rink. your eyes remained fixed on her, capturing the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each inhale and exhale, a rhythmic cadence that grew slower and more deliberate. as you watched, your mind couldn't help but wander, envisioning the strength and definition of her abs concealed beneath her jersey. surely, the intensity of her performance left her core muscles taut and sculpted.
"will you sit with me for a bit?" she questioned, opening one eye to look at you hopefully. ellie just wanted a few quiet moments with you before the crowds dispersed. your presence alone seemed to ease her fatigue.
you nodded silently, a wordless affirmation of your unwavering support, before settling down beside her. her eyes attentively followed your every movement, capturing each subtle motion as you took your place next to her. she kept her gaze fixed on you, her emerald eyes shimmering in the softly lit room, as if trying to memorize every detail before finally closing them, her head finding solace against the wall.
"i really do appreciate you," she spoke amongst the silence. reaching for your hand, she brought it to her lips, pressing a gentle kiss upon it.
ellie, the dominant force on the field, always had a calm vulnerability in your presence. you provided the equilibrium she needed, a balance that no one else could offer.
you couldn't help but giggle at the sensations elicited by her tender kiss on your hand. "don't thank me," you playfully responded, a mischievous glimmer in your eyes. "come on, let me help you get undressed." as you rose from your seat, you noticed a devilish smirk on her face. "i didn't mean it like that, so don't even think about it," you emphasized, walking between her open legs as she sat, firmly grasping the bottom of her jersey.
she teasingly placed her hands behind your thighs, as if mockingly trying to keep you in place, before finally relenting and allowing you to proceed with removing her from her sweaty uniform.
"you know i can’t help myself around you," ellie playfully remarked, punctuating her words with a wink. however, as you tended to her, ellie surrendered herself to your caring touch, feeling the tightness in her muscles melt away.
she raised her arms, a silent invitation for you to remove her jersey. with gentle and skillful movements, you carefully pulled the fabric over her head, revealing the glistening sheen of perspiration on her skin. moving on, you deftly unfastened her shoulder pads, followed by her elbow pads. the expression on her face spoke volumes, a mixture of relief and gratitude as the weight of the protective gear was lifted from her.
ellie grinned up at you, thoroughly enjoying teasing you even when exhausted. you were just so cute when you got flustered. but she resisted making any other suggestive comments as you helped remove her pads and gear. she could tell you were going into protective girlfriend mode to take care of her.
as the last piece came off, ellie sighed in relief. "god, that’s so much better, thank you. i feel lighter already." she pulled you closer between her legs so your bodies were pressed together, though mindful not to squeeze you too tightly in her tired state. the tension began to ease from her muscles.
you just had that calming presence which soothed ellie's nerves. just being close to you helped her unwind after the stress of competition. she leaned back and closed her eyes contentedly.
"come here," ellie beckoned, extending her arm towards you, her desire for your closeness evident. "i just want to hold my girl before having to sit through a three-hour bus ride," she joked, a bit of truth in her statement.
with hesitation and curiosity, you placed your hand in hers, uncertain of what she had in mind. but before you could fully anticipate her next move, ellie swiftly pulled you into her lap, enveloping you in her embrace.
the suddenness of the action surprised you, but as you settled into her lap, you felt a wave of warmth and security wash over you. nestled against her, you could hear the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.
ellie wrapped her strong arms securely around your waist as you settled into her lap. she rested her chin on your shoulder and breathed you in deeply.
"mmm, there's my girl,” she whispered. holding you always made ellie feel centered. like the rest of the world faded away and it was just the two of you. she nuzzled softly against your neck, placing gentle kisses along your skin. "i love you so much," she spoke while holding you tighter, hoping you knew how much you meant to her.
ellie's tired muscles relaxed further as she embraced you. your presence alone seemed to ease the strain from her body. she rocked you gently in her arms, enjoying this quiet moment of intimacy.
"i love you too," you whispered in response, your words filled with nothing less of love. ellie's gaze locked onto yours, her pupils dilating as she immersed herself in the depths of your eyes. in that intimate exchange, she sought to discover every shade, every intricate detail that made your eyes uniquely yours.
her hand, which had secured your waist, embarked on a slow and agonizing path up your back, sending a tantalizing shiver along your spine. it finally settled at the nape of your neck, her touch both gentle and possessive. with a firm grasp, she guided your head towards hers, closing the distance between your lips.
ellie kissed you softly yet deeply, savoring the feeling of your lips against hers. all the anxiety and frustration from the game seemed to melt away in your affectionate embrace.
she gently traced her tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance in a way that was loving yet dominant. her hand cradled the back of your head tenderly even as she pulled you in closer.
kissing you always made ellie feel possessive yet protective at the same time. like she never wanted to let you go. she loved you so fiercely it sometimes scared her. but she knew you were the only one who truly saw her for who she was—not just an athlete but a person.
as your lips moved in perfect harmony, a sensuous dance of desire, you became lost in the intoxicating rhythm. the magnetic pull between you seemed irresistible, drawing you into a world where nothing else mattered but her body. the wetness of her mouth and the mingling of saliva heightened the intensity, an unspoken language shared between you both.
when you reluctantly parted to catch your breath, a thin strand of saliva lingered, connecting you both momentarily. ellie leaned her forehead against yours, her breaths heavy and labored. her pale green eyes bore into yours, radiating warmth and unbridled desire. “i need you,” she expressed with a raw simplicity, her voice husky and filled with need. in your embrace, ellie found solace, the only place where true tranquility resided.
ellie craved an outlet, a means to divert her frustrations and escape the overwhelming demands of the game. and in that moment, there was no better distraction than being consumed by thoughts of you, her mind freed from pucks and goalies.
with a swift gesture, she wiped away the saliva from her chin before firmly gripping your jaw, drawing your lips back to hers. the kiss intensified, akin to the crashing of rough waves against a sailor's vessel. each crash left an imprint, and you could sense the tender fullness of your lips bruising under the passionate onslaught.
a deep, resonant moan escaped your throat, merging with the union of your mouths. your hands found purchase on her shoulders as you adjusted yourself, straddling her waist with a sense of urgency.
ellie growled low in her throat at your moan, arousal spiking through her body in an instant. she gripped your hips tighter, grinding you against her as your movements stirred her growing need.
kissing you deeper, ellie dominated your mouth with her tongue, possessing you completely. one hand slid up your back, fingers clutching possessively. the other tangled in your hair to hold you right where she wanted.
she kissed like she played—with a fiery intensity and competitive drive to claim victory. ellie poured all her pent up passion and longing into the kiss, asserting her dominance yet caring for you completely.
when you finally broke apart again, panting heavily, ellie gazed at you with lust-darkened eyes. "fuck, baby, you're so hot,” she groaned, nipping along your jaw and down your neck, leaving her mark.
ellie was throbbing with want, craving the intimate release only you could give her after a game.
"ellie, did you forget we're in the locker room?" you began to protest, but ellie's touch interrupted your words, cupping your clothed boobs and giving them a slow yet tender squeeze. you hated how flustered she got you, especially when there were other people around. “cut the shit," you pleaded, but deep down, you knew that you were just as eager to help ellie find release from her stress.
ellie chuckled low in her throat at how easily she could rile you up. your flushed cheeks and dilated pupils told her exactly how turned on you were despite your words.
with a mischievous grin, ellie met your plea while giving your breasts another b squeeze. "aw, come on, baby, don't pretend you don't love it when i get you all hot and bothered," she teased, her voice low and seductive.
ellie lived for the challenge of pushing your buttons and claiming your body as her own, even with others so close. the thrill of potentially getting caught only served to heighten her arousal.
she leaned in to nibble your earlobe sensually, "bet i can make you cum before we even leave this room." ellie's hand slid down your stomach to cup your clit through your jeans.
"what do you say? want to put on a little after show for me?" she gripped your ass firmly with her other hand, grinding you down against her. ellie knew all your secrets and weaknesses, and was more than willing to exploit them.
you couldn't help but mumble, "fuck," as your hands gripped on her hair. you moved in for another kiss without thinking twice as you were too needy to keep her mouth to yourself.
ellie kissed you hungrily, all her earlier arousal igniting into an inferno. she moaned against your mouth at the feel of your hands gripping her hair firmly. oh, how the girl loved it when you took charge and matched her dominance with your own.
it was as if she was starving for you, devouring your mouth possessively. she grounded up against your core, feeling how wet you were already through your jeans. ellie delighted in unraveling your composure and leaving you a panting, wanting mess.
her hands roamed your body possessively, gripping your ass to grind you down harder. ellie sucked your bottom lip between her teeth, nipping teasingly. she wanted you aching and desperate for her. your girlfriend loved how responsive your body was to her touch, how you melted under her.
breaking the kiss momentarily, ellie gazed up at you with eyes dark with lust. "god, you're so fucking hot. think anyone would notice if i made you come right here?"
she traced delicate patterns on your warm skin, teasing ever closer to your core. ellie lived to unravel you, reduce you to a flushed, quivering mess before claiming your pleasure as her own. she rolled her hips up in a slow, deep circle, applying delicious friction directly against your clit now. ellie was determined to push you over the edge before letting you leave this locker room.
ellie groaned at your nails scraping across her scalp, spurring her desire higher. she kissed you back fervently, delving her tongue between your lips to tangle with your own.
your desperate little noises only served to spur her on. ellie was going to thoroughly ravish you right here, right now, and to hell with anyone who might catch them. you were hers.
"you're gonna make a mess of your uniform," you managed to gasp out, your words challenged by hushed breaths and the rapid beating of your heart. in the grand scheme of things, her uniform should have been the least of your concerns, but your mind was clouded, rendering you unable to think clearly.
ellie chuckled low in her throat as you panted and squirmed in her lap. you were always so cute when she had you this worked up.
"that's what the showers are for, baby." she rolled her hips up in another slow, deep grind against your clit. ellie nibbled along your neck hungrily, branding you with love bites. "don't care about the uniform, i just want you,” she declared while kissing you hard, refusing to break eye contact as her hand slid under your low waisted jeans.
ellie knew exactly how to unravel you, where to touch to draw out your pleasure. she could feel your arousal soaking through your underwear as you ground yourself down against her hand. your girlfriend swallowed your soft moans, owning your mouth completely as your hips began to ride her expert fingers.
her hands slid under the famous eighty six jersey she lent you to caress and squeeze your breasts skin on skin. ellie tweaked your nipples between her fingertips, rubbing them into stiff peaks.
"bet you’re close already," ellie muttered. she kissed you fiercely, tongue plunging into your mouth in time with her grinding hips.
ellie was throbbing with her own needs but lived for your pleasure above her own. she would push you over the edge a thousand times just to see your blissful expression.
the hockey player took such pride and satisfaction in reducing you to a quivering mess so quickly. and she hadn't even fucked you properly yet. by the time she was through, you'd be putty in her hands.
she smirked, loving how close she had you already. you began subconsciously grinding yourself on her through, back and forth as you sucked her tongue in your mouth. your moans of pleasure were like music to her ears.
"that's it baby, ride my thigh. feel how wet you're making me?" she continued to talk you through, emphasizing her words by grinding up against your core once more.
ellie captivated your lips in another searing kiss, swallowing your cries of ecstasy. her hands gripped your ass possessively, helping lift and lower your hips.
“ellie,” you mumbled, the intensity of the moment consuming you, as rational thoughts and the ability to express them struggled to break through the haze of desire.
the brunette's head quipped up as soon as she saw your beautiful visage. it was one of her favorite things to do at these times, to simply observe the obscene looks on your face that she made herself, tight with pleasure.
ellie took such pride and satisfaction in reducing you to a quivering mess so quickly. and she hadn't even fucked you properly yet. by the time she was through, you'd be putty in her hands.
“yeah? if you have something to say, you gotta use your words (y/n). so if you want it, then tell me you want to cum all over my hand while i fuck you right here,” ellie taunted, now nipping at your bottom lip, her husky voice dripping dominance and desire.
the words that escaped her lips left you stunned, rendering you momentarily speechless. your eyes watched her intently as she adjusted her stance against the wall. her every movement seemed deliberate, commanding your attention.
with trembling hands, you reached out to steady yourself against a nearby surface, the weight of her words sinking in as you opted for the wall behind ellie. as she moved her arm once more, your gaze followed. her strong fingers dipped past the fabric to tease your entrance eagerly. "come on baby, don't leave me hanging,” ellie ordered gruffly, knowing the sound of her voice could send you over the edge.
she held you flush against her body, grinding up to meet your every roll of hips. you swallowed each other's moans with deep kisses, tongues tangling erotically. ellie was determined to push you over the edge right here in this very locker room.
all of a sudden, a disruptive knocking sound echoed through the locker room door, shattering the fragile bubble of intimacy that had enveloped you both. a voice, belonging to joel, ellie's hockey coach, seeped through the other side, brimming with impatience.
"ellie, hurry up! the bus is outside, and our asses will leave you here to hitchhike if you don't come out in the next five minutes," joel's voice boomed, giving his last warning to your girlfriend.
you exchanged a knowing glance, the disappointment and longing apparent in your eyes. ellie growled in frustration as joel's voice interrupted your intense moment. of course, right when she was finally forgetting her problems, the problem came knocking on the door.
"shit," she muttered under her breath. ellie rested her forehead against yours as you both panted from being out of breath, the rhythm of your heartbeats gradually slowing, but the desire within you remaining unquenched.
"we're not done here," ellie whispered huskily, giving your ass a possessive squeeze.
louder so joel could hear, she called out, "yeah yeah, we're coming!" you tried not to laugh, but ellie giggled to herself, a sly smile on her face at the double meaning which caused you to roll your eyes.
ellie's lips pressed against yours for one final, ravenous kiss, a bittersweet taste that left you yearning for more. "we’re gonna finish this later, i promise,” she declared in a hushed tone, fueling what already thrummed between you.
with a playful slap on your ass whilst she got off the bench, ellie teased you, her touch electric against your skin. time was of the essence as you swiftly assisted her in changing out of her hockey gear and into more comfortable clothes.
the weight of disappointment settled upon both of you, and with mutual understanding, you tenderly brushed each other's disheveled hair back into place. gently, you attempted to wipe the sweat from each other's faces, trying to look as unsuspecting as possible. Not to mention, it was also severely embarrassing.
leaving the confines of the locker room, you stepped outside and joined ellie's teammates on the bus. taking your places among them, you immersed yourself in the multiple topics that would usually take place, ranging from animated discussions about the game to reflections on personal improvement and snippets of their everyday lives. or, they simply just talked shit about the other team and how stupid their name was—it could even go as far as saying how ugly and mismatched the team colors would be.
ellie knew you'd be aching for her touch until then. it would be a long, frustrating bus ride for both of you back to jackson. but the anticipation would make the payoff so much sweeter.
she knew she would get her after-game reward.
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803 notes · View notes
johnbrand · 3 months
Call of Duty: Next Potential Chief
With @mrrharper
Inspired by nothing but boredom, Craig booted up his older brother’s console. If he found out that Craig was touching his stuff, his brother would have easily put him in the hospital. The two often fought, being on either end of the masculine spectrum. Craig, the liberal, more effeminate gay, had nothing in common with his conservative, ultra macho douchebag of a brother. Their fights were more or less his older brother shouting slurs at him for being girly, “a pussy” and “a fag," before landing numerous kicks and punches.
The home screen of the console displayed an array of games, most of which were the standard first person shooters. One however caught the short, slim boy’s eyes: Call of Duty: New Potential Chief. He was unfamiliar with any of the COD titles, but this one appeared to be new. At least, that’s what the small “NEW” banner above the icon hinted at. Intrigued, Craig decided to engage, opening the application. It took a while for the game to load, but eventually he was brought to the main menu. 
Complete the Entry Campaign before joining online.
Craig assumed that was reasonable; he would have to endure a tutorial if he wanted to play the game properly. As soon as his finger accepted the prompt, a piercing electric shock paralyzed his entire body. Frozen, Craig now sat completely still as the screen continued forward, ready to engage its program.
Entry Campaign activated, downloading Physicality package…
The screen in front of Craig began to display multiple bars with different characteristics. 
HEIGHT - 68/77 Units
WEIGHT - 152/200 Units
FEET - 8/15 Units
PHALLUS - 5/9 Units
The standardized inputs confused Craig at first, who although unable to move, still held some consciousness to the situation around him. After the first bones began to crack however, he began to understand the situation a bit more. Fearfully, Craig desperately attempted to move any portion of his body while tendons and ligaments shifted and expanded. As his HEIGHT bar slowly ticked further, Craig could literally hear himself stretching larger and larger, eventually reaching a height of 6’5.
Craig began to plead internally for escape as his muscles proceeded to bloat. His lanky body was quickly evolving, broadening with power. His calves and upper arms swelled, thickening with strength and testosterone. His quads widened, bolstering incredible durability along with his newly-prominent muscle gut. Craig’s seat expanded beneath him, plumping while his hardware opposite upgraded into a juicy 9 inches. Although still paralyzed, Craig’s legs were forcibly separated to accommodate the masculinized bundle, his soles inflating into obscenely large monsters.
Physicality package downloaded. Installing required MASCULINITY data points…
STRENGTH - 21/85%
Craig’s head naturally arched back as an emerging Adam’s apple distended from his neck, his vocal chords sculpting an uncommonly deep bass. His jaw was restructured as it jutted forward, stretching his nose and accentuating his brow along with it. A beard quickly grew in to cover the squaring shape, with dark hair flowing through Craig’s pits, down the sternum, across his crotch, and along his arms and legs.
Still fighting for release, Craig felt his inward ambition grow stronger, more offensive. In his mind, he had begun cursing the game, swearing to do unholy things to it and its creator once freed. His language and manner became cruder, brasher, and brutish–akin to his older brother’s demeanor that he had typically admonished. Craig's less analytical behavior distracted him from the the final set of downloads that were being made.
Finalizing Subordination supplements…
Initializing GAMEPLAY package, uploading TF4971-Wolf onto virtual network…
Without realization, Craig’s protests slowly became weaker and less deliberate. His specific remarks began to loosen, his targeted opinions evaporating as the progress bars ticked towards their end quotients. While his aggressive demeanor remained, Craig gradually lost the language he wished to use. Eventually, even his reasoning was wiped away, diluting his directed anger into simplistic barbarism. 
Once his numbers matched the game’s standards, Craig’s brain was completely devoid of any independent thought. His head was cluttered with only the required media truly necessary. Images of loyal men, bulky men, masculine men in specific uniforms established only one precedent. Instructions on how to shoot, when to shoot, and who to shoot became his only scripture. His mind absorbed the gameplay, understanding its commands.
Now unable to process anything but the mission, TF4971-Wolf did not comprehend his teleportation into an online match in the game. He stood at one end of a battleground, surrounded by other men with the same objective. They all wore the same camo utility pants, thick jackets, and beige caps. They held the rifles they were all programmed to easily operate.
TF4971-Wolf did not question who he was, where he was, or even why he was as he proceeded towards the battleground. He was nothing more than a strong, masculine soldier NPC with permanent instructions to follow the COD programming and win the next match.
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weirdmarioenemies · 5 months
If you're even vaguely familiar with Kirby, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that one of the most iconic abilities is Parasol. It's a unique ability, it gets a ton of merch, and it's cute, to boot!
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But when you think about it, there's not a whole lot of enemies for Parasol, is there? There's a lot of enemies that hold Parasols, there's the Parasol itself, which may or may not be sentient, but Parasol doesn't bring a wide variety of enemies to mind like, say, Fire or Spark might.
Believe it or not, there actually are a few enemies that give Parasol that neither HOLD a Parasol nor ARE "just" the Parasol...but they're wholly exclusive to a few games, and have not had a proper reappearance in the games since the SNES era. So, let me introduce you to all of them! Maybe there will even be some you like, or wish would come back!
But first, an honorary mention...
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Name: Parasol (Kirby's Dream Land)
Debut: Kirby's Dream Land
You know it, you love it, it's...Parasol?!
That's right! Before it became the ability we all know and love, Parasol actually debuted in the same game Kirby did, which you might note did NOT have copy abilities! Like Waddle Doo and Sir Kibble, this is a classic example of an enemy that had an ability based around it, rather than vice versa.
I want to talk about specifically its iteration in this game, which is a bit different compared to future entries. First off and most noticeably, its appearance is wholly different! The hood is smaller and shaded but with no discernable pattern, the handle is thinner and the hook itself looks more rounded! Secondly, all Waddle Doos and Dees will let go of their parasol once they land, with none spawning while holding them or keeping them when they land anyway.
And another thing: you can't even dang inhale them when they're being held! The Waddler in question will be swallowed, but the Parasol will drift away or, in the Extra Game, even hone in on you! I told you they were debatably sentient! It actually does that in a few future games like Kirby's Adventure, but not nearly as commonly as it did in the original Extra Game. So strange!
OKAY OKAY time for what the post promised you now I promise. Hold my hand (and your Parasol) as I take you through The Parasol Enemies That Time Forgot:
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Name: Floaty the Drifter
Debut: Kirby's Dream Land 2
"Floaty the Drifter", not to be confused with Floaty the Cell Core, is such a wonderful name. "Floaty" would already be a sillily obvious name on its own, on par with names like Flamer and Chilly and Cappy, but adding "the Drifter" makes it even moreso. Is that its species? Its title? Is Floaty an individual? Probably not, we see multiple of them in the same level and often, and this is not like Vividria where it's canonically an individual that just so happens to be fought in pairs for gameplay, but it's funny to consider. Imagine if they followed through with other enemies, like "Spikey the Poker", "Burnis the Scorcher", "Elec the Trocuter"…
Floaty the Drifter actually acts as the main provider for Parasol in this game, wholly replacing the titular object itself except for when Kirby uses it. On its own, it doesn't do much floating OR drifting, instead hopping around in its own little world, kind of akin to Cappy, but it lives up to its name when a Waddle Dee holds it, in which...it will just act like a normal Parasol! Wholly and entirely. Even when dropped, it flies off rather than initiate its normal grounded behavior. I think I've heard some of them fly at you when released, but I can't think of any instances of that, and that's still a Parasol behavior anyhow.
As you can tell, Floaty the Drifter's claim to fame is in its unique design, bearing a single mischievous eye and a stark green coloration only seen in artwork. In fact, despite being a one-off mook, this would even grant it its own role in the anime!
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Floaty the Drifter, or just "Drifters" as they're called here (I guess it is a species!) are bought by King Dedede in the episode "Escargoon Rules" to attack Escargoon and his mother after presumably being "I'm With Stupid"’d all day. I did not watch the anime! According to the wiki, they're about as fragile as you'd expect a swarm of umbrellas to be, as while they swarm towards and wrap around victims, they are easily KO'd by Fire and knocked away by Kirby's own Parasol ability.
You might be wondering why, exactly, Floaty the Drifter even has one eye in the first place, considering that its role is largely the same as Parasol. To answer that, we'll have to move on to the next creature to feature:
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Name: Jumpershoot
Debut: Kirby's Dream Land 2
I bet you never expected an ability like Parasol to have its own, dedicated midboss, did you? And such a sophisticated one, at that! It's even one of the few Kirby characters with toes, for the freaks in the audience!
As you may have guessed, Jumpershoot and, to a lesser extent, Floaty the Drifter are both based on the kasa-obake, perhaps one of the most ubiquitous yokai! And this is despite not really ever having appeared in folktales, if ever. I was always under the assumption that the kasa-obake was a tsukumogami, an umbrella after it had lived for 100 years, but apparently even this isn't set in stone, either!
Jumpershoot first appears in Big Forest, the second world of the game, and guards Coo because...some reason! I don't think it's ever mentioned why the Animal Friends are kidnapped, they kind of just are! And as for Jumpershoot, does he work for King Dedede? Dark Matter? I don't know how employed midbosses are. Mr. Frosty is on the Halberd once.
Our favorite umbrella attacks by jumping and gently falling towards the ground, then makes a rapid, Tornado-like spin around the room that, after a bit, repels attacks! Then, rather than dropping Stars, he throws his own sandal at you that you can shoot back at him! Don't worry, it regenerates, so you don't have to feel guilty for robbing him of footwear!
I really really like Jumpershoot. And apparently, so did Shimomura, because he reappears in Kirby's Dream Land 3, acting much the same but with more detailed sprites! He's such...a cool character, you know? You wouldn't expect a Parasol midboss to be a yokai, of all things, especially one that acts so rowdy! I love him!
Sadly, as much as we'd all love to, there is no game where you can play as Jumpershoot. Tragic, but true! But...you can get a taste, a crumb of its rapid spin attack by having the Parasol ability while riding Coo, which makes Coo spin around invulnerably just as he does! And while he would later find himself joining the foray of midbosses abandoned after Kirby's Dream Land 3, Parasol Coo still appears in Kirby Star Allies, so his soul is still with us...
This would be the end of the road for Jumpershoot, in terms of games, but luckily for Jumpershootheads, he would make one final appearance in a piece of Twitter art, joining a medley of other monsters by spooking Channel PPP! He's still got it!
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Sadly, this wraps up the Jumpershoot section of this post, and thusly we have no more Dream Land 2 Parasol enemies to speak of. But don't worry, we still have more parasolic beasts in the next title...
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Name: Sasuke
Debut: Kirby's Dream Land 3
Although Floaty had a cute design, it's rather appropriate that the enemy that replaced the Parasol of Kirby's Dream Land would itself get replaced in Kirby's Dream Land 3, isn't it? But Sasuke is no mere living umbrella!
Sasuke's design might bring to mind Bumber for our veteran readers, and its behavior is much the same! It drifts down slowly and steadily, and starts walking back and forth on whatever block it lands on, just like Parasol Waddle Dee, but its hat never detaches, so it will never not give Parasol! Personally speaking, though, I think Bumber is MUCH more cute and memorable...sorry, Sasuke! At least you will always have Naruto to confide in.
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Sasuke also made an appearance in the anime, where he's built a lot more like Lololo & Lalala. Here, he draws a gun at King Dedede and Escargoon, an
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Name: Klinko
Debut: Kirby's Dream Land 3
The oddest Parasol appearance in both looks and functionality, and our final Parasol giver, is Klinko! It looks like it would give Cleaning if anything, with its hat reminiscent of a besom! It doesn't even drift down slowly like every other Parasol enemy does at some point–in fact, while it hops around, it doesn't share any traits with the Parasol ability at all, and is the only Parasol enemy like that! So, why does it give Parasol, then?!
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The answer is: it's not wearing an old broom, but actually a straw umbrella, because it's based on yet ANOTHER yokai! Shimomura seemed to think yokai were the future of the Parasol ability, and who wouldn't!
The amefurikozō, unlike the kasa-obake, has a bit more concrete lore, being children that appear in and sometimes cause rainfall, hence why they wear straw umbrellas. This is true of Klinko, too, as it appears in cloudy stages or stages with heavy snowfall! Its Japanese name, Kinko, might also suggest some relation to the separate yokai Yukinko, a child associated with heavy snow, which could also explain its tendency towards icy levels.
It's easy to see why such an unparasolic enemy would not be used any further, but I kind of like them more for it. They're an anomaly! Sure, this is essentially just Floaty the Drifter's hopping behavior, but the lack of any other Parasol attributes than just wearing an umbrella really make it stand out to me! And that's the beauty of these enemies—the longer Parasol goes without any new enemies, the more these guys will always stand out, and that's wonderful, I think!
What do you guys think? Is the time right for some of these guys to make a comeback? Is Parasol better with the limited enemies they use now? Or should they make new ones? Tell me! I can't do anything with your suggestions but I have nothing better to do than read them!
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sakumz · 13 days
[ n. gen x fem reader ]
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" vice captain l/n is so cool! " narumi couldn't help the vein popping in from hearing such comments. the poor civilian just wanted to comment on their favourite leader and narumi can't enjoy a simple meal outside without hearing all the compliments on your latest victory.
so what if you've killed a huge kaiju? he had killed plenty more. you're a newly appointed vice captain in the sixth division. he had never met you face to face but if he did, he might beat you into a pulp to assert dominance... of course he wouldn't do that.
lost in his thoughts, shinomiya had to slap him.
" what!? can't a man enjoy his meal! " he held his cheek as he glared daggers her.
" we got to get back to headquarters now! vice captain l/n is here! " shinomiya shouts as the man can't feel bothered to go.
" and why should I go? it's my day off, tell them to go home. " he turned to look out the window.
" she's here to temporarily replace vice captain hasegawa since he's in another base, let's go meet her now! what kind of example are you setting if you're not going to greet her. " she pulls his arm as he doesn't budge.
contemplating before agreeing, hasegawa would kill him if he doesn't greet you properly after all the nation regards you as a flower more like a rose, too pretty and one with deadly thorns.
upon arriving at the building, you sat in the dining table alone. with a cup and a notebook placed on the table and your hands aggressively tapping away from your phone.
you placed your phone down and then slammed your hands on the table. the action caused narumi and shinomiya to jolt.
" h-h-hi vice captain l/n, welcome to the first division. " shinomiya greets you as she tapped narumi, hoping he'll say something.
" hello- " you were cut short.
" you play that game too?! " he shouts, noticing the similar game and the lose written over. how embarrassing for you.
" that game sucks, the gameplay and gacha are both definitely rigged! the maximum level your characters can get to is level 90 but the enemies go up to 100 with a ton of hp. " you ranted out as a smirk tugs upon his lips.
" skill issue much? " he says with a triumph smirk plastered on his face as he leans down to your seated self.
" HUH!?! " you slam a hand as you got up.
" why don't you try it? " you hand him your phone as he quickly takes a sit on your seat. you and shinomiya by his side as you watch him play.
" if you lose, you should buy me the limited figure of [character] , " you bet as narumi stared at you.
" and if I win, you should give me a big ol kiss on the lips. " he bets as he points to you, leaving you and shinomiya stunned.
" ew gross, im leaving. see you around vice captain l/n, " she bids farewell as you say your goodbyes. looking back at your phone and the wonders of narumis hands.
narumi wants to win so bad, you're so pretty. you can't be single well even if you had a boyfriend he'd rather make your love life hell.
" see? skill issue, " he says as he stands up and hands you, your phone. the victory staring back at you, he won.
" you! color me impressed, " you say as he grabs your chin.
" now for my reward, " he leans down as you quickly shut your eyes. no way is this gremlin stealing your first kiss.
after a minute or two, he didn't kiss you. you open your eyes to see him staring back at you. he's trying not to laugh as you flushed red in embarrassment.
" hey, were you really expecting a kiss from a man you just met? " he teased as you looked down.
" just admit it, you're a wuss! I bet you've never dated before, " you grab his hand that's holding your chin.
" so what if I've never dated? I bet you haven't too. seeing you get all worked up over a kiss, adorable. " you flushed harder if possible, tears threatening to spill. he's making fun of you.
" shut up- " he pats you, catching you off guard.
" I'm sorry, I'm not that mean. ya know? " he jokes as he starts to ruffle your hair.
" stop that! " you pushed his hand away, he laughs at your antics. maybe you weren't so bad after all.
" hey if you wanted to kiss me so bad, why not just hit a few dates with me? you wouldn't want your first kiss to be that miserable, right? nation's little rose. " you can't help but blush over the title.
" yeah sure whatever, just admit you fell head over heels for me too. " this time you've rendered the man speechless.
when news got around on how you and narumi started dating, let's say the hoshina brothers won't stop teasing both of you. the nation fell in love with your relationship too, having tag narumi in all your kaiju fighting clips or even interviews well as long as you're in the media.
um idk how to end lol
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juli19varez · 1 year
Action! | Pablo Gavi X Reader
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summary: where gavi decided to create a twitch account to stream on his free time.
warnings: none, pure fluff and cute stuff with a cutie patootie streamer!gavi ^^
author note: this is my very first time writing in english and it's not my first language sooooo... sorry for any mistake! (also didn't proofread). it came shorter than expected, enjoy the story!
since the season has ended, gavi started to do live streams on twitch, sometimes playing games or just chilling and chatting with the fans. it was 2 weeks since he started doing this, you were at the kitchen making some sandwiches for him, once it was done you headed to his "new studio" (an empty room with no use before), just at that moment realizing that he was, actually, doing live.
he noticed you in the room few moments after with a little smile, taking off his headphones and looking at you. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were already recording, I came to give you a snack..." being said in a whisper.
"hey, that's okay amor, wanna come and say hi? seguro que les gustará " he said while giving his hand, as a small gesture of courage, which was gladly accepted. you sat down as he placed another chair there, moving closer to the camera as he took the plate and put on the table, starting to introduce you to the audience. "as you all may know, this is mi nena, y/n. she doesn't appear on the streams because of her schedule and shyness, but now she's on vacation! and i will make her play with us" he said with a lot of excitement, placing your hand in his lap, fingers intertwined.
"hello! its good to be here with you all." pablo smiled even more, continuing with the stream while eating and talking. "esto es muy bueno! thank you, bebé" he left a kiss on your cheek, making the chat go crazy.
after talking about the vacation, his training seasons and some video games, like valorant, you decided that it was time to leave, but before you could get up, he held your wrist, stopping you to go. "where are you going amor?" "im going to the living room, this chair is a little uncomfortable and..." he took the chair away before you could finish the sentence and pulled you gently by the arm.
"c'mere, you can seat in my lap until I'm done, vale?" you blushed slightly remembering the camera in front of us, but i complied with his request, sitting on his lap and resting my head on his shoulder. he placed a kiss on the top of your head and started stroking your hair. "what are we going to do now?" "hmm, let's go with the valorant topic again as the game starts" you nodded and started discussing about the gameplay and which agent was better, coming to a consensus on Sage, while choosing who to use.
hours passed away fast, and he finished the stream, saying goodbye to the viewers and turning the computer off, when everything was done, he looked at you and went back to stroking my hair, now resting his head on your shoulder. "thank you for participating in the stream" he said while smiling. "i would do everything for you"
"i love you" "i love you too, mi chico"
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markrosewater · 1 month
Thank you for the newest State of Design. Reading this year’s, even more so than previous, made my own feelings feel seen and valid. Nearly everything you mentioned on both the highlights and lessons I agreed with, and it refreshes a lot of confidence in the future that an authoritative figure in MtG is able to identify so much, and communicate so well, of what worked and what missed.
The one thing I felt you didn’t touch on was play boosters in limited, sealed specifically. My sealed plays have been a nightmare since play boosters. The lopsided-ness between someone opening 6 rares vs someone opening 12 is immense, and it has lead to a much higher percentage of games that feel their outcomes were completely dictated by the sealed pools and not by deckbuilding skill or gameplay skill.
I communicated to you a similar experience shortly after play boosters went live, and your response was along the lines that too few people play sealed for it to meaningfully influence concern on its own. Since then, my sealed experiences have consistently been just as nightmarishly swingy, and when playing on Arena in the sealed events that are held quite often, I don’t spend a ton of time waiting in queue. It doesn’t feel like there’s no one playing sealed, but it does feel like sealed has been broken by play boosters.
In the spirit of your state of design article, in reflection, I’d like to ask: is the sealed environment with play boosters something that warrants concern? Or are things more or less the same back when you first responded when play boosters came out, that too few people play sealed for it to meaningfully influence concern on its own? Thanks.
I might be just repeating what I said last time you asked, but it's hard to remember all my answers. Here's the challenge. Something like 95% of all sanctioned sealed play is at prereleases. Prereleases are played with prelrelease boxes which give us some ability to help balance things if we feel there's a problem. Being blunt, I don't think affecting the remaining 5% of sealed play is going to outweigh all the other factors we're dealing with when crafting play boosters.
I'll note that things could always change and alter our calculations.
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