#but the last two tried so many new things that these new ones dont leave such a big wow feeling after!
4giorno · 2 years
:( yes i was sure that the quest would be left on a cliffhanger but its still so sad lmao
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highonakuweeds · 24 days
Who Says Money Can't Buy Happiness?
Sylus/right hand man!reader Part 2
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You'd been down on your luck for the past few years, scavenging for food no matter how disgusting it was. Anything to keep you alive, right?
That is until you bump into the leader of Onichynus, whose interest piqued due to the odd glow under the skin of your inner wrist, allowing you access to information within a single glance. In exchange for you to be his right hand man, his informant, you'll live under his roof.
“So, what do you say?” That low honey of a voice echoed in your mind as your jaw clenched, eyes darting around to assess the situation. Your health was as low as your wealth at that moment; you could not spare another day on the streets, else you might fall. Literally.
You glanced at the inside of your wrist, where a small spot in it, right above your pulse, glowed a soft red. Hesitantly, you looked back up at the leader of Onichynus, whose smirk never left him. “I just have to be your… your what— secretary, basically?”
He shrugged, and you envied the nonchalance present in every action he did. “If that’s what you want to call it, then by all means, kitten, yes. My secretary.”
You cringed at the nickname before deeply sighing, shoulders dropping as you lazily brought your right hand up, and the leader of Onichynus eyed your glowing wrist. “Alright then,” you finally said, smiling awkwardly as he grinned, shaking your hand firmly. “But don’t call me kitten.”
Sylus just laughed. “Okay, sweetie.”
“(Name) is just fine.”
“What about (Nickname)?”
You pondered over it, hand still gripping his. It didn’t sound that bad, and no one’s really called you that before. You nodded, shaking his hand once more. “Deal.”
If you think that the leader of Onichynus is a mystery, his right hand man is tenfold.
Always in the shadows yet never leaving their master’s side; that’s what others had usually taken note of. To conceal their identity, they wear a dark hood that covers half their face, only revealing a small upturn of their lips if you were truthful or worthy of their master’s attention or a slight frown if they realized you just tried to fool the leader of Onichynus. 
In fact, there would be times wherein he would visibly show care about the verdict of his right hand man. Just a simple shake of their head would send you begging and sobbing for mercy. Some had never even seen the light of day ever again.
Who this person actually was, no one knew. There were no discernable features about them except for one thing: a soft glow that despite the many layers of bandages tried to hide never actually shrouded its light on their right wrist. It would flicker and dim, yet in some cases pulse and glimmer. Was it a protocore imbued in their body? Or was it something else?
Many who lived to tell the tale of meeting the leader knew of his two henchmen, kept always close by their side, but not them. Never their right hand man.
You physically cringed and recoiled at the use of the word ‘master’ before removing your gaze at what Tara was reading from her phone. “That sounds so—”
“Cool? Intriguing?” Tara butted in, eyes gleaming at the sudden introduction to a new figure in the N109 Zone. You deadpanned, leaning down to swipe away from the app she was reading it from. She pouted at you before setting her phone down as you spoke. “No,” you countered. “Edgy.”
Tara’s shoulders slumped at your words. “It is not! This may be new information! Not many people talk about the N109 Zone, you know.” As you rolled your eyes at that statement, ready to refute her, she interrupted you before you even opened your mouth. “And besides, people are going crazy over this. See?”
She opened her phone once more to show you the comments of the post she read the excerpt from. Your lips curled in disgust as you read each one. 
“dont u think thats lowkey really hot” “wait whys that kinda…” “the hood stays on.” “how come we’ve never seen them before?” 
You snorted at the last one. At least they had common sense. “I don’t get the hype. It’s either a myth, or someone just trying to do their job.” You clasped your hands, startling Tara. “Which is what we should be doing right now! Isn’t that right, Tara? Don’t you have a bit of paperwork that you’ve been holding off on?”
She grunted, clearly stunned. “Wait, how’d you know that—”
“I’m off to do mine then! Toodle-loo!” You exclaimed, already halfway to your desk. When your face was finally out of your friend’s vision, you grimaced, a whine coming out of you. Who had the audacity to put that up on social media? You’ll have to ask Sylus to take it down later.
“Okay so,” you started, tapping the inside of your right wrist, a 3D diagram of a tall building appearing. “The auction, as you know, starts in 3 hours. Many of the underground’s elite are joining, and so are some people who got introduced to events like this via the Nest. There will be new faces so I am begging you, please keep your sassiness to yourself for just one day. I know it’ll be hard, but I promise you it’ll be harder if you just have extra nuisances. Oh, and by the way—”
“(Nickname),” his voice snapped you out of your rambling. “I think I’ll be fine.”
You whipped your head at him before scoffing, shrugging as you tapped your wrist again, removing the diagram. “Suit yourself.” As you sat down on the edge of Sylus’ bed (with that, you earned a slight raise of a brow from him, whose back was leaned on the bed’s headrest), you clicked your tongue. “And just so you know, there is a theme to this, so I’d rather you go with cool colors instead of your normal red—”
“Thank you, my right hand man, but I’m afraid I’m sticking with red,” your boss plainly interrupted, irking you. What irritated you even more was the use of your title. You hated being called Sylus’ “right hand man” despite it being true. 
You pursed your lips, nodding stiffly. “Right, about that whole ‘right hand man’ thing, there’s this post that’s been blowing up on social media about me, and it’s making me sound way worse than I am. Could you have it taken down?”
Sylus smirked, tilting his head ever so slightly before picking his phone up from the nightstand. After a quick while, he lazily showed you the exact post. “Is it this one?”
A sigh of relief escaped you as you nodded, lips curled up. That is until you realized he was the one that posted it in the first place. Your shoulders slumped as you quickly attacked him, trying to grab the phone from him as he reached it up. 
You heard a small grunt coming out of him when his back harshly hit the headboard, but you couldn’t care less. “Take it down!” You exclaimed, kneeling on his thighs to reach higher. Sylus swiftly brought it down, however, grinning when he saw the annoyance drawn all over your face. “And why should I? It gives you good face.”
“But it paints the wrong picture of me!” You whined, stooping down to grab his wrist. A shine of victory sparkled on your face when you did, but he only raised his brows, merely allowing you to do so. He’s going easy on you. “There are people thirsting over me!” 
At that, Sylus barked out laughter, ripping his wrist away from your grip. “There are? I haven’t checked the comments yet.” 
Suddenly, a wash of horror swept through you, and your efforts to catch the phone doubled. “Wait no, don’t—”
“‘Is this what the dark romance girlies were looking for?’” He read out, the shit-eating grin never leaving his face. He switched his phone to the other hand as you tried to grab it, but to no avail. “‘Why have the leader when you can have the right hand man?’ Okay, ouch.” Sylus sarcastically remarked, and you winced at the comments. “Enough, Sylus!”
“You should be flattered, (Nickname),” he said, causing you to stop in your antics. “It’s annoying. Now, take it down—”
You yelped the moment you felt his free hand on your chest, flipping your positions with ease. Jaw clenched, you glared at him, trying to pry off his hand. “How about this?” Sylus negotiated. “I’ll take the post down,” with that, you exhaled, a weight suddenly lifted from your shoulders. “If you go to the auction with me tonight.”
You scoffed as you stared at him, brows scrunching up. “I’ve never been to an auction with you before.”
“You have—”
“Not in person! I was always just a little crow pin on your coat.” You argued, sitting up on Sylus’ bed as he got off on top of you, rolling his eyes at your words. “What’s the difference?”
You blinked at him, scoffing incredulously. “‘What’s the difference?’ What’s the difference? The difference is that I actually have to talk to the damn people! And they’re gonna go all crazy because, ‘ooh, the leader of Onichynus has a new woman on his arm’!” 
He chuckled at your imagination and anxieties, standing up to go fix himself. “Alright then, the post stays up—”
“Wait!” You stopped, a hand out. Sylus looked at you expectantly, as if he already knew what your answer would be. You felt your eye twitch at his expression, and he just “innocently” smiled at it, though there was barely anything innocent about him. You sighed, posture slouching in defeat. “Fine. I’ll go with you,” you mumbled.
A smile of victory that was supposed to be on your face appeared on your boss’. “Perfect. The dress is already in your closet.”
Your face slowly contorted as you processed his words. ‘The dress’? Just as he was about to enter his bathroom to freshen up, you straightened your back on his bed. “What dress? Were you anticipating this?”
No response came from him except for low laughter, mocking you as you grumbled your way out of his room. 
Your boss is going to be the death of you, you swear.
As you walked the long hallway and took a sharp turn to your right to go to your room, you took a deep breath. This is going to be your first time actually showing yourself in public without any disguise, without any cover, ever since you decided to work under Sylus a couple years ago. Sure you knew a bit of social etiquette in terms of formal settings and such, but those were all from books; you never inclined yourself to actually join Sylus in any of them. From what you’ve heard from him, they were usually boring, where the filthy rich conversed whilst participating in illegal activities. And though the filthy rich part caught your attention, the “boring” did not. Nor did the illegal activities. You didn’t give a rat’s ass about what Sylus or people like him did behind the law’s back, but you were still technically a hunter. If word spreads that someone from Linkon City’s handful of heroes is engaging in sketchy weapon trading, then you would be utterly screwed.
You opened the door to your room with a sigh, though whether it was one of relaxation at the sight of your luxurious suite-like room, or one of frustration at how Sylus practically forced you to join him, you weren’t quite sure. Nevertheless, you bee-lined straight towards your walk-in closet, an addition Sylus willingly placed in your contract a week or so after when he realized just how material-oriented you were. 
Ah, right, Sylus loved spoiling you.
You could prove that fact by glancing at your wardrobe. It was certainly way bigger than the room you lived in (stolen) before working as Sylus’ right hand man. Lit up with warm pin lights outlining the perimeter on the top and on the bottom, clothes and jewelry alike made the room look like Heaven. And you would constantly ask yourself if this was Heaven, indeed. To your left were the fancier types of clothing, perfectly tailored to fit your measurements, and to the right were the clothes you would wear for day-to-day (designer, of course. Wouldn’t want Sylus’ money to go to waste). In the middle was a glass island with jewelry that cost more than a fortune, and probably more than your life. It gleamed horribly bright due to the mix of metals and gems. Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, you could probably name it all. Though you preferred some over others, a little bit of everything didn’t hurt anyone, right? Certainly not Sylus’ wallet.
You would’ve felt bad for buying more than half of what you have in your closet using Sylus’ money, but his closet cost more than yours ever could. And every time you’d borrow his sweet little black card to go shopping, he never said a word, just a single turn of his lips of approval as you skipped your way towards the most expensive shops you knew. And a good chunk of your belongings were gifts from him, too —”as a token of gratitude”, he’d always say (you never believed him)— so you knew that he didn’t care.
Whether you liked the idea of it or not, you had agreed to become his right hand woman —his secretary, even— so you couldn’t really complain when people called you that (despite not knowing who you really are). Plus, the job came with benefits, so might as well suck it up. 
One thing caught your eye, though, and that was a box on top of a cushioned chair in the corner of the closet. It was beige with a silver ribbon tied on the top, a deep contrast to the darker palette of your room. Stealthily, you walked towards it, brow raised, before your entire body relaxed when you noticed the familiar handwriting on a simple yet sophisticated card on top of it. Only thing written on it was, “wear this.”
You pursed your lips as you rolled your eyes, opening the box without any hesitation. And to say you were impressed at Sylus’ ability to constantly not follow rules he didn’t want to follow would be an understatement.
You scoffed as you brought the beautiful dress out of its cage. This edgelord decided to gift you with a wondrous deep red silk dress, its sweetheart neckline low enough to entice but not low enough to seduce. It accommodated for its lack of fabric in the higher chest area with puffy sleeves that you assumed were off the shoulder, catching the warm light in smooth lines. You brought it out fully, placing it against yourself and relishing at how it looked in the full-length mirror. Bottom-wise, it covered just about everything except for a rather daring slit that ended somewhere around your high thigh. Who did he think you were, a stripper? 
…Well if the money called for it—
You shook your head, carefully draping the dress on the matching chair on the other corner to freshen yourself up. You couldn’t wait to try it on. 
You let out an exhale when the last curl fell from the iron, the heat kissing your bare skin. You hissed at it but solved the problem by brushing it away from your neck. Your eyes trailed towards the faint glow on your right wrist, then the golden jewelry on your vanity table, then at yourself. Hesitance was written all over your features, eyes not leaving yours in the mirror as you place a rather glimmery bracelet on to cover your wrist. You always thought the shinier something is, the more the glow would dim. Would camouflage. 
What snapped you out of your thoughts were a familiar pair of hands gently grabbing the dainty necklace right in front of you, and clasping it around your neck. Your gaze left your own to lock with his, though his eyes were focused more on your hair (or neck?) than on you. 
It wasn’t long after that that he looked back at you with an amused turn of lips. “Are you ready?” His voice reverberated in your head, as it had been a good hour or two without the presence of one, the only thing your ears had been hearing up until his entrance being simple jazz instrumentals from your bedroom.
You glanced at your feet, which were currently bare, before shaking your head. “Give me a minute—”
But before you could even do anything, Sylus knelt down, picking up one red-bottomed stiletto from the pair and slipping it on your foot with ease. To a normal person, that would’ve certainly given them a scary amount of butterflies, having a man on his knees, practically serving you by being the one to put on your shoes for you. However, your boss had done this multiple times in the past. So many times that you’d grown accustomed to it. 
“These heels aren’t that bad, (Nickname), why don’t you use them more often?” He commented, placing the other one on your other foot. You snorted, an opposition to your current elegant figure. “I barely go out. What, you want me to wear these when I’m hunting wanderers or just in the house?”
Sylus shrugged, standing up. He placed a hand on his hip as you stood up as well. Despite you wearing a good couple inches worth of heels, he towered over you somehow. “Why not?”
You rolled your eyes, scoffing. “Let’s just go.” 
The moment Sylus stepped into the room, everyone’s eyes were on him. Or rather the pretty little thing linked on his arm.
Sylus’ expression remained that of indifference as he practically pranced around, and most people would assume he was showing you off. You’ve known him for long enough, though; you knew he wasn’t trying to. In fact, you assumed it was probably your stance.
Chin held up high, eyes sharply scanning the area through lazily held up eyelids, chest puffed out, shoulders pulled back, and stride confidently pompous. You were a new figure. Sure, your attitude was something the people inside of the building had seen one too many times; your position, however, was not. 
Who was this new woman beside Sylus, the leader of Onichynus? And why has she just popped up now, out of the blue? 
After a couple beats of silence, whispers erupted all around the two now most important figures of the event. And with that, a small smile ghosted on your lips. One that Sylus noticed.
“Enjoying the attention, I see,” he whispered, quiet enough for only you to hear. “Have I not been giving you enough?”
“Careful there,” you responded through a forced smile, eye twitching. “People might hear you acting like something comparable to a partner. Then I’d have a whole nother problem to deal with”
Sylus just laughed at your statement, unlinking your arms. You glanced at him, confusion clear in your expression. He leaned down, almost as if he was bowing, and you thought that that was exactly what he was about to do… until you noticed a very familiar card slotted between his pointer and middle finger.
Your eyes visibly gleamed at the sight as you gasped. “Really?”
He just shrugged, lips almost forming a pout as he straightened his posture. “Of course, if you don’t want it—”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you, Sylus?” You excitedly said, snatching the black card with the same amount of enthusiasm. He watched you memorize the numbers engraved on it (though he knew you had it burned in your retinas) with a chuckle. “Now, who sounds like a partner between the two of us?”
“Shut up,” you grumbled before changing your entire demeanor. Frankly, it was times like this that slightly intimidated Sylus, how money and wealth could easily change your mood. “I mean, thank you so much! I’ll see you in 30?”
He just nodded, amusement clear on his features. “You’ll see me in 30.”
And with that, you grinned, practically jumping in delight before bee-lining towards a protocore which glowed a beautiful pink, near nude, color. You were drawn to it from the very beginning, but didn’t want Sylus to see just how much you wanted it.
You glanced at the glow of your wrist, which was covered up by black lace gloves to avoid suspicion. It flickered softly underneath its cage, so quickly that the pulses between each flicker of light seemingly disappeared. You braced yourself, crossing your arms tightly to ground you to reality. Whenever you’d find a protocore this powerful, its memories, the things it sees, reels you in so hard, you would faint. Sylus had never seen that part of you before, though your first encounter with him was close. 
Well, it happened multiple times after that, too; you weren’t quite sure why. But after a while, it was habitual for you to feel a bit nauseous around Sylus until you would no longer feel it at all. 
This protocore’s pull was faint compared to that, but it made you falter in your footing nevertheless. You shook your head, taking a deep breath before calling one of the servers nearby. “15 million for this.”
His brows furrowed deeply. “But ma’am, this is only worth 100,000—”
“Then your pricing is foolish and incompetent. When I say something is worth 15 million, then I will buy it for 15 million. Do not doubt my decisions.”
The server froze in his place, and you could’ve sworn you saw the hair on his skin stand upright at your cold words. It almost put a smile on your otherwise apathetic face.
He bowed immediately, quickly following your orders. “Yes, ma’am.”
You nodded your head mindlessly, already striding to another pull. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder, cold and… nonhuman. A wanderer maybe? No, this felt different. You felt your body stop in its place, your chest heaving as you tried to gasp for breath. Wait, calm down. You could check what this was with your wrist. But wait, how come nothing was popping up? You— You needed to kill the thing behind you; you needed to—
“Are you okay, miss?” A smooth voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you whipped your head at it. You glanced at the man’s hand, which was clearly pulled back. Almost genuine concern covered his entire face, his eyes shining with care. 
You were quiet for a couple seconds before responding. “I-I’m alright, thank you.”
The man gestured one hand out, palm facing up, as if waiting for you. Reluctantly, you gave your left hand, and he slowly brought it up to his lips and kissed your knuckles. With your hand still quite close to his face, he stared at the intricate lace design of your gloves, and you felt your stomach flip. “I apologize; I did not mean to startle you. My name is Aries. I’m new here.” He admitted, his voice low enough to send your heart racing. 
You’ve never felt like this before. And it wasn’t romance you were feeling; it was something much more… forced. You held your guard up high, allowing him to treat you like this for longer. He might be a danger. 
So instead, you smiled, eyes locking with his as he stood up properly. “(Name). A pleasure to meet you, Aries. So, what brings you to a place like this?”
Aries sheepishly laughed, clearly nervous about the entire situation. You knew he fancied you, especially with the way his face was beet red. “Ah, my— my uncle encouraged me to go with him, even if I didn’t want to.”
You gasped, eyes lighting up when you finally realized that there was someone just like you here. “Me too!”
He tilted his head, brows scrunching together. “...Your… uncle dragged you here?”
A small stifle of laughter bubbled in your throat before you grinned, shaking your head. “Not my uncle. Just… a friend.”
Sylus’ eyes never left you as you strutted around the auction, most especially when he noticed you conversing with a man he had never seen before. He opened his mouth to ask you a question about him, a bit of basic information perhaps, but he immediately caught his mistake. Right. He was so used to having you by his side that he’d completely forgotten.
“I see you’re eyeing my nephew, Aries.” A man, at least a decade or two older than Sylus, approached him, his voice irritating the leader of Onichynus on the spot. He barely glanced at the shorter male, trying to figure out his name. He usually had you whisper it to him. Ugh, what was his name again? It was French for something… Chaton? Chateau? No, he just called this guy ‘castle’. It was a C- something… 
Ah, Ciel.
“Ciel,” Sylus said, boredness crystal clear in his voice. The older man laughed —a forced “rich” one, at that— before responding. “Ah, and here I thought you forgot my name. Yes, I—”
“What do you want?” Ciel flinched at the bluntness of Sylus’ tone, but answered him nevertheless. “So, what’s the deal? Who’s that pretty little minx you brought today? I’ve never seen you bring a plus one to these events before.”
Sylus’ face scrunched up slightly at Ciel’s words in disgust, but his eyes never left the conversing pair. “And why should I tell you?”
Ciel elbowed Sylus as if they were buddies, making the taller man grunt in distaste. “Oh come on, mate! Though she was so cold to everyone when she entered, she seems too bubbly to have been in the N109 Zone for a long while. Where’d you get her from, hmm?” Sylus’ brows raised slightly when Aries accidentally dropped a pen he somehow had (why the hell did he have a pen at an auction?) and you stopped him from getting it, bending down to pick it up. Your front was right in front of Sylus, which in turn meant right in front of Ciel. 
He whistled, grinning at the view you just accidentally gave him. “Now I see why you keep her around. Come on, Sy, mind letting a dear old friend borrow her for the night—”
“I’ve given you many chances to back off, mate. Too many as it seems.” Sylus’ grip on Ciel’s shoulder surprised him, and with how he winced and let out a small whimper of pain, it seemed as if Sylus was slowly getting angrier each second. “I’m being generous today, since it’s not ideal for me to get scolded as of the moment. But if you ever lay a finger on her in the future, I will make sure you never see the light of day. If she doesn’t beat me to it, that is. Understood?”
He could feel the atmosphere around them chill with Ciel’s fear as he nodded vigorously. “Y-Yes, Sy—
“Try again.”
“Yes, sir.”
You sucked in a breath as you watched Ciel and Sylus converse. The moment you noticed your boss’ eyes on you, they flickered away, towards his holster. When he glanced at you again, you shook your head slowly, and you almost cracked a grin when he huffed. It was barely noticeable, but you knew that look anywhere.
Aries seemed to be looking at them, too. “Yeesh,” he grimaced. “They are not getting along.”
Your head turned to the man you had just met, and your brows scrunched in confusion. “Who?”
“Oh,” Aries nervously grinned, clearly embarrassed and ashamed. Ah, you knew already. “The one on the left, h-he’s my uncle.”
Ciel has a nephew? How come I never knew that? You faked surprise, mouth turning into an “o”. “Oh, that makes more sense. In that case, I think I’ve heard about your uncle before. He does trade in… firearms, correct?” You didn’t want to disclose your relation with Sylus yet; it might backfire on you in the long run.
Aries’ eyes lit up at the mention of “firearms”. “Yes! His newest model was actually one of his best works if I do say so myself. Though I might be a bit biased if I say that because I made the blueprint—” He cut himself off, hand to his mouth. “I was rambling, wasn’t I?”
You giggled at his reaction before shaking your head, playfully hitting his arm. “No, it’s fine! So you work with Ciel, then?”
“How do you know his name is Ciel?”
“I know some figures. And your uncle’s pretty famous here.” You saved, internally cursing yourself at the slip up. You glanced at Aries to see if he believed you, and with that smile on his face it seemed as if he did. Thank God.
Sylus could feel his jaw tightening when he saw you practically flirting with that man. He knew how you were towards wealthy people; hell, you were like that to him a week or two after your deal with him. You were hitting that man’s arm playfully for his money. Totally.
But Sylus could give you whatever that man could possibly offer tenfold.
Wait, why did he care again? Right, he didn’t.
With Ciel finally gone, grumbling to himself as he left, Sylus was able to scan what exactly the auction was putting up for sale. Huh, just some gaudy protocores. It seems as if they finally ran out of things to sell.
His eyes went back at you, and his brows raised up in slight curiosity when you eye a protocore. Sylus watched as you walked towards it, and almost staggered on your footing. With furrowed brows, he walked towards you. Whether it was from concern or something else, he wasn’t quite sure. 
“7 million. Wrap it up.” You demanded, exuding an air of sophistication. The air around you was cold, but that was one of the things Sylus liked about you. “Just 7 million? Do you really want people thinking I’m broke around here?”
You tilted your head slightly, though your eyes never left the protocore. After a while, you shook your head. “And do you really want people thinking you don’t know how to strategize your finances? It’s only worth 7 million at max.”
He just shrugged at you. “Alright, then.”
Once you had the two protocores you needed, you took a deep breath. The tug you felt between the two was too much, and you could not extract information from them now. Plus with how weak you were beginning to feel because of having to keep up socially and physically, Sylus’ pull was getting worse by the second.
“What, tired from spending all my money?” Sylus teased, though even with his words, you could feel the soft heat radiating from his palm on the small of your back, aiding you to the car. You laughed humorlessly, not having any more energy after everything that happened today. “This isn’t even a dent in your wallet. And besides, we’ve been here for a couple hours; my social battery is dead.”
Sylus’ chuckle filled your entire brain, and it may be your exhaustion, but it left your cheeks flushed either way. “Speaking of your social life, who was that… man you were talking to?”
Oh, that left you intrigued. You smirked as he opened the door of the car for you, and you raised a brow. “Why, you jealous?” He scoffed as you sat down, and he closed the door, taking his sweet, sweet time to get to the driver’s seat. “What makes you think I’m jealous?” 
You pursed your lips as your boss started the car, tilting your head. “Maybe the fact that you asked?”
He just rolled his eyes at that, lazily removing one hand from the wheel and resting it on your seat to reverse the car. Sylus looked back, giving you a wonderful shot of his side profile. “Well,” oh dear, his voice was close to your ear. Nonchalantly, you turned to look at him. “For your information, I asked because he’s new— I’m going to assume. I hadn’t seen his face until today.”
You huffed, feeling your cheeks flush at his reversing. That’s such a weird thing to get flustered about, you thought to yourself. “Fine, then. His name is Aries, and… I don’t know anything about him.”
At your words, Sylus’ brows knit together in slight confusion and alarm in his face. “What do you mean, ‘you don’t know’? Use your wrist.”
You rolled your eyes at his words, crossing your arms and your legs as he began to drive. “I tried, but I couldn’t. For some reason, there wasn’t any dirt I could pick up on him. Only info I know is because he told me, like how Ciel is his uncle.”
“I knew that.”
“I saw you two speaking. Had a lovely chat?”
He merely grunted as a way of saying, ‘no, what the fuck are you talking about?’ And at that, you giggled. You kept your eyes on the road, though you slowly felt your lids drooping. “Anyway, he seems… intriguing. He works with Ciel in firearms sometimes. Plus, he asked me out.”
… “He asked you out? Where? When?”
“Oh, now you really sound jealous.” You grinned, leaning onto the seat belt so that you could use it as a cradle for your cheek. “I’m not telling you; you’re going to get Mephisto to follow us. He’s cute; I’ll give him a chance. Now,” you over-exaggerated your yawn, stretching slightly in your seat. “If you don’t mind, though I don’t really care if you do, I will sleep. Very tired. Good night.”
Sylus stayed silent for a moment, and just when he was about to respond to you, you were fast asleep the moment he turned to look at you. He shouldn’t be jealous. Er, was this jealousy? Maybe it was overprotection; Sylus was never keen about sharing what was his. And technically, given how you were his right hand woman, you were his. But then again, you going out with someone shouldn’t be his business, especially if said someone could be a valuable asset to Onichynus. But it didn’t make that uneasy feeling at the pit of his stomach settle.
“She’s cute, isn’t she?”
“Uh, yeah, she is. Are- are you sure I have to do this? She seems like a nice gal.”
“Shush! If we strike a deal with Onichynus, the collaboration would give us so many benefits, my boy! And wouldn’t you like to have a pretty little something by your side at the same time?”
“...I don’t know; I thought she and the leader were—”
“She and the leader are nothing. She’s probably just some whore he took pity on. Now, don’t ever doubt this plan again, okay?”
“Y-Yes, sir.”
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sharkboywrites · 6 months
Hello! May I ask for the BG3 gang with an autistic gn Tav who is. Very Very Large but also quite young (think like... Older teen.) who just decides that Astarion/Wyll/Halsin/Gale etc is their new favourite person and WILL NOT leave them alone.
It would be very funny if they just... didn't realise Tav was actually A Kid™ and thought they were just a weirdly clingy grownup. Except Halsin. Halsin would know Immediately.
Inspired by my dumb ass being enormous and this having happened to me irl many times.
Bg3 Characters With a Young Older Looking Autistic Tav
A/n: This idea is so silly I love it. This is obviously written as platonic because reader is younger and baulder's gate characters are older and I don't write weird stuff like that lol although I'm sure that's expected. Also also i did all of them together because I do not have the energy to write sperate headcannons for each of them, dont worry they all get their moment
Gn Reader, Child/teen Reader
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This was an... interesting situation
Everyone on the team assumed you were just assumed you were a bit childish for an adult
I mean could you blame them? You were massive, anyone would assume you were an adult
Except for Halsin
He could easily tell your age, but it's something he kept between the two of you, mainly for safety
Halsin takes more of a dad approach if you cling to him
He's very protective of you and teaches you new skills
He also keeps anyone else on the team from hitting on you, for obvious reasons, but wouldn't say why
He's also the most attentive when it comes to your autism, he's always keeping an eye out for you and helping when he can
It took the others longer to find, though
Wyll was the second to put two and two together
Once he realized, he grilled you about why you didn't tell anyone about it
He isn't too harsh though, and takes a more "fun uncle" role
He always makes sure to entertain you, he's the guy who's got fidgets on him just for you incase you need them
He also decides not to tell anyone for your safety after consulting with Halsin, but he does wish you said something sooner
Gale is the second to last to find out, after trying to teach you something about magic
He had questioned why you didn't know any of this, it was supposed to be common knowledge for someone your age
Or someone he thought was your age
He just stared at you blankly for a good minute after you told him how old you actually were
He's more upset at himself for not noticing to be honest
He realizes how that actually makes a lot of sense
Gale, like Halsin, also takes a more fatherly approach
he teaches you things you may have not known before, and is one of the most helpful when it comes to working through your autism
He's a knowledgeable man and can tell what you need, probably before you do
He's very protective, often insisting that you stay out of battles, but it's not like you listen to him in that department
For comedy's sake, Astarion is the last to find out, and he is pissed
He's mad that no one told him, even if it wasn't too long Gale found out and most of the party knew
He looked so dumbfounded when he found out and like Gale, was more mad that he didn't realize sooner
He's upset, but he gets over it quickly after a day or two of snarky comments and like Wyll, takes on a cool uncle postion
The whole party suddenly wants to protect you and it's suddenly become one of their top goals to return you to your parent/guardian if you have one, next to y'know, getting the worms out of your head
If you don't have somewhere to go they may or may not argue on who takes you once it's all over
Generally, you're taken good care of from then on, much better than you were before
Everyone's very attentive to you and tries to be aware of what you may need at any given point
Since they all have some type of trauma, they want to make sure the same doesn't happen to you, especially so young
Being in this situation is stressful for anyone, let alone a child, and a child with a disability
They do their best to make you happy and keep you safe
They may struggle, but they do their best, and now you have people to call family
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devzo · 6 months
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Tom kaulitz
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content: headcanons, fluff/smut
a/n: i haven’t gotten any requests and i couldn’t just not post something. So i decided to make ‘dating tom kaulitz’ headcanons. (it’s because i’m also bored)
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— Would buy you so many gifts. He doesn’t care if they’re expensive or not, he would buy you the world if he could.
— Talking about love languages, physical touch is probably another one of his. He always has to have his hands on you.
— When you’re on your period, he gets nervous because he doesn’t really know what to do. He’d ask Bill for advice. Once he gets it he’d buy you literally everything you want. Sweets, pads (he didn’t know which ones to get you) even stuffed animals.
— When you’re feeling down he always tries to comfort you. He cuddles you, prepares a movie night, places kisses all over face. He doesn’t like when you’re down.
— He takes pictures of you on his digital camera like everywhere, in restaurants while having dinner with the band, while you’re sleeping, walking. Literally everywhere. even in bed.
— He adoress you. He cannot last a minute without telling you ‘i love you’. Let’s say you were in an argument and he tells you he loves you but you dont reciprocate because you’re being too stubborn, He would literally whine in your ear until your say it. (And if you don’t he’d punish you.)
— He’s usually top, but he’s down baaad for you when you’re over him.
— He praises you every second. ‘you’re so good for me.’ ‘taking my cock so well.’ ‘you can take more, no? I know you can, you’re a good girl.’
— About the camera thing. Yes, he films you in bed.
His camera was in his right hand, while the other fondled with your breast making you whine. The camera captured everything, from your fucked out face to his dick sliding in and out of you at a fast pace.
— He doesn’t really have any kinks other than breeding and praise kink, also dacryphilia. (that’s how i imagine.) He’d probably try other kinks with you.
— He calls you so many things in bed: slut, whore, bitch. He probably likes humiliating you with those names. Of course, there’s other names he calls you in bed: baby, sweetheart, schatz…
— When you’re on top, which was very rare. He’d whine underneath you, telling you he didn’t like when you’re on top but he secretly did. He liked watching your breasts bouncing in his face.
— He likes trying new positions, but his all time favorites are doggy style or missionary. He likes watching your ass bouncing in time with his thrusts and watching tears run down your face.
— His aftercares are soo good. He would prepare you a warm bath and carry you (You promised you could walk. thats a lie. But he insisted on carrying you.)
— If he went too hard and made you use the safe word you two put. He would be so mad at himself, he would get up, get dressed and leave without you knowing where. He comes back with bags in his hands. He’d get you things you like and stuff that comforts you and shower you with kisses.
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animeshotsh · 9 months
Choso and Yuuji with a OP lil sister HCs
Notes: Completly random fic. Just brainrot moments. AU. Gojo its your adoptive Dad! We dont follow the plotline because we want to be happy. SFW. OP lil sis because I say so. PLATONIC.
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You are probably one of the many Kenjaku kids they had in their lifetime. Having human features but a big curse energy that envolves all your body and scares away the curses.
However, since that cursed energy showed itself late Kenjaku was sure you were a failure and left you.
You meet Yuuji first and he is confused about you being his lil sister till he sees you punch off a second grade curse giving him the most confused look when he runs to get you in his arms because you are so little and small? And you could have died? And poor Yuuji has lose too many people.
"But Gojo-sensei says im strong" add Gojo at the side nodding.
Under no reason you should be at Shibuya but you go because you have no sense of self preservation.
You also started to miss Yuuji and no one was back at the school to check on you.
Takes you few seconds to find Yuuji appearing behind him and staring to heal him. (So OP you know reverse curse technique Gojo is jealous).
"Big bro dont die! You promised we could go to the Park with Gumi-San (Megumi) and Kugi-san (Nobara)
Nobara its alive! You actually passed to say Hi to Yaga (who was pissed but no suprised to see you there). On your way to Yuuji and helped Shoko heal her.
When Choso hears "big bro" he turns to you and once you two make eye contact a flash of memories go into Choso's mind. You two being together since you were a few months old and how he would help you eat and walk.
Choso its in shock but if Itadori its his lil bro then you are his lil sis. No problem, he is happy he has a New family member.
And Kenjaku its pissed because how did such a perfect toll scape their sight?
Does not matter! Cause Yuuji and Choso are in big bro protective mode!!
Till you snap your fingers and Kenjaku brain explotes leaving behind Geto Suguru's Body and...a box?
A box you soon take cause its look strange and you are curious.
"....are these Gojo-sensei eyes?"
And somehow you end opening the box?
Last thing Gojo expected to see once out was you looking up to him confused (you look so cute he wants to hug you forever) and his best friends body (he needs theraphy).
Lets do a big time skip.
Choso is slowly adapting to the life in the school, he is so lucky to have Yuuji and You to help him!
Oh, and Yuuji grounded you because you went to Shibuya when he told you not to. But that same night you two slept together because he had nightmares.
Choso has so much big bro love towards you. He likes to chase you around and loves to let you do his hair. He is also amazed and scared of your powers. Would have loved if you had met his other brothers and sometimes cries because you are them when they were young.
Yuuji knows you longer than Choso does, he knows how Gojo raised you with Megumi, he has accepted that Megumi its your other big bro. But Choso cant seem to do it. The first time he saw you on Megumi's shoulders he went to his room and cried because he was not a good brother. (You never asked him to carry you on his shoulders so he feels bad).
But you are also a sneaky kid!! Since Gojo raised you, you got his sense of humor and ego so of course you go and scare both of them from time to time. Appearing at random times. Choso almost hitted you the first time and you almost broke his arm in self defense (amazing bonding).
He actually tells you, you can attack him if he tries to attack you first.
Missions are still happening and both Yuuji and Choso are so against you going out, even when Maki points out you are probably the next Gojo sussesor along side Yuuta.
-Its Yuuta another one I need to worry about?-
Choso thoughts because he is now worried you may have another big bro. (Who may be better than him and he cant risk it).
But no, you let him know only Megumi its your non biological big bro.
"And im your dad!" Gojo.
Anyway, Yuuji and Choso only let you go on missions if they can go with you. And most times they wont even let you fight.
So you are just there 🙍‍♀️ basically getting money from the missions by being a stand by.
One time a curse scaped Choso attack and decided you were its Next target.
It did not end well for the curse and Choso almost has a crisis because you ended covered in curse's blood.
Yuuji has to tell him the same happened while he was fightning a curse along side you to calm him down.
Somehow he gets stronger after it so no curse can Escape him. He PROTECTS.
Choso once decided to stay still all night because he could not bring himself to wake you up. Yuuji tried to tell him he could move but Choso insisted on not moving.
MOVIE NIGHTS. The three of you do lots of movie nights. During most of them you end sleeping in the middle of the movie on top of one of your big bros.
First time it happened to Yuuji he felt asleep too and Gojo took pics because you two looked so cute!!
Turns out you only wake up if you feel danger around you so now they can freely move you after you end sleeping again. (They end knowing this because you once feel asleep during a mission Gojo took you with him and when the curse got too close you woke up and vanished the curse). (Gojo was so proud of course he told everyone and got hate from Choso and Yuuji for putting you at risk).
Also, if Gojo spoiled you then your brothers now have a personal competition against him to spoil you more. You will be getting lots of gifts and treats!
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t0rturedangel · 2 months
Ohhh since you're writing for him could you write something about evil morty being jealous/possessive with the reader (in a romantic relationship) please and thank you!
𝟎𝟎𝟏. 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘴 [ 𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘷𝘦𝘳. ]
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› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟑. SYNOPSIS, Evil Morty is one hell of a bf, his jealousy and possesiveness is crazy.
› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟒. WARNINGS, Evil Morty, maybe a bit ooc, threats / threats of violence, ect
› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟓. AUTHOR'S NOTES, Happy to do another rick and morty request! I hope this one is good- i'm not too good when it comes to writing for characters like him but I'll try! ALSO SOME WORDS MIGHT BE SPELT WRONG
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🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤUnlike RICK, EVIL MORTY is well aware that he can get jealous and possesive over you- in fact most Morties are aware of that fact, and well you cant exactly blame them, love is something they dont get often, and when they do it doesn't last.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤSo it is no surprise that when you began to date EVIL MORTY, he was quick to become jealous and bitter to all other morties (even more than he already is). After all, now that your his significant other, others may be prone to want to go after you which is something that will bother EVIL MORTY.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤThis especially happens during his presidental run, now that he's making himself and, ultimately, you public- many would be bound to try and get you away from him for various reasons. Though don't worry too much, EVIL MORTY has it all sorted- pull a few strings and the rouge morties that tried to even interact with you will be gone, like they never exsisted.
"Morty.." you called out, staring at your boyfriend who was currently sifting through various files, persumebly all to do with the votes and campaign as he was running for president in the citadel- something you heavily encouraged because it would be good to have a new, democraticly elected, leader for the citadel and hey, if morty needed any help or things got to stressful you'd be able to help (I mean how hard can it be?). "Yeah [name]?" He lifted his head up, staring at you with a quirked brow, clearly wanting you to continue though under his gaze you felt slightly uncomfortable- jeez when did your boyfriend become so damn scary? "Do you know what happened to the two Morties that jumped me the other day? I was searching for them coz I found out they were trying to make bootleg portal fluid but they were gone" you picked at the skin around your nails, avoiding your Morty's gaze nervously though your attention was quickly brought back to him when he sighed "Don't worry about them [name], they've been dealt with..... now come on- can you help me with these papers" he smiled at you, gesturing to the seat next to him which you quickly sat down on. You can only assume that Morty sent the cops after them, and that they're now in prison.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤLet's say you're evil with him, meaning that you agree with what he does, and so when you met c-137 Rick and Morty you too pretened to be normal until you didn't- you were the first person the two were introduced to as you sat with them to eat food before evil morty appeared. Both of you then confessing to the fact that you hated ricks and the citadel.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤIf you were 'evil' like him, then it would be perfect- because then he would be able to leave everything behind with you! Which is brilliant coz that means it will be just the two of you together, no one else trying to disturb your relationship (until season seven episode five).
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤOverall, EVIL MORTY is a little extreme when it comes to his jealousy- he doesn't like being jealous so he takes care of the problems quickly and swiftly, the quicker the better.
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ohtobearandomftblog · 2 years
random dragon slayer headcanons so my brain will let me get back to writing a fic
bite. monchity cromchity. its their way of hugging. or it was before erza beat it into natsu that that was a No. the others learned through others, too, except for erik. he still bites. the dragon slayers dont hug each other though they only bite. not enough to break skin but enough to leave an indent for a few minutes.
stare. stareeeeeeeeee. stares so much that people wonder if they even blink. they do. but if theyre staring its that weird membrane thing that wets their eyes without obstructing their vision too much. not many people realize it and even fewer arent freaked out.
the raised slayers view the lacrima slayers as true dragon slayers. the lacrima slayers do not view themselves as true dragon slayers. the raised slayers do so much random shit trying to convince the lacrima slayers that they are, in fact, true dragon slayers.
they can tell emotions. generally. if someones sad they stick around as a shoulder to lean on or a wall to vent to. if someones angry they either get prickly too or stay far away. its like a pet.
can also tell if someones low in calcium or potassium or something similar. like a service pet. they almost never point it out, but they do bring like milk or bananas over or even drag people out into the sun and stare at them until they accept their new position.
sunbathe. they all sunbathe. yes even rogue. its not so much the brightness (except for sting and sometimes natsu) its the heat. yes even gajeel. they wouldve dragonized if they didnt view themselves as completely and wholly human. dragons are big lizards. lizards are cold blooded or somethin. need heat to function. sunbathe.
natural aversion to other slayers like god and demon/devil. has to work with the other slayers to get past the fight or flight instinct. took wendy a bit to view sherria as human and not an actual god. took everyone a bit to warm up to gray and not think he was going to pull pranks or shank someone in their sleep. the other slayers do not have this issue with anyone, even dragon slayers. no one knows why the dragons are like this.
have a draconic language. written and spoken. the raised ones spoke “human” only with their parent dragon and only at the beginning. the lacrima ones dont know draconic until the raised ones start to ‘bring them out of their shell’ or whatever makarov tries to say about it. laxus doesnt know nor does he care, and hes the only one that cares about this sudden language bit in his brain at all. not even erik was freaked out.
half-draconic forms, even after theyre not in danger of dragonizing. typically has claws, and more sharp teeth than just fangs, and different colored eyes, and scales, and wings, and maybe a tail. wings might be scaled or feathered. porlyusica hates them.
if they eat any fresh meat like they didnt drain most of the blood before cooking it has to be well-done. for natsu and sometimes laxus it has to be nearly burnt. cause they get the impression of the last emotion felt before the animal died and its a real appetite killer to suddenly be hit with pain and sadness yknow
yknow how they dont break skin when they bite? most of the time. sometimes they just want to taste some blood. only done to each other or family or loved ones and is kinda rare but it really helps them all calm down
alcohol doesnt work on any of them. almost any drug doesnt work actually. high metabolism or somethin. needs a lethal dose like three times over to even get a small amount of like pain killers or somethin
theyre all allergic to chocolate. like eating a regular sized brownie will have them in bed for two hours. erik was already used to that because whatever is in fiorean chocolate does not sit well with isvanians. speaking of isvanians after gray got that demon/devil slaying magic he could eat fiorean chocolate and rubs it in the slayers and lyon’s faces. theyre all so damn jealous
after tartaros the average s-class quest became normal quests and shit bordering 10 year quests became average s-class quests. even though everyone on tenrou got s-class near tartaros they all still hold onto the “true” s-class people (laxus mira erza gildarts) as ones qualified to run them. laxus is pestered so much by the slayers to pretty please go on an s-class quest please they would oh so like to check out this area and oop theres a quest just for that area would you oh so kindly take it so we can even get a bit of money pretty please
whenever erik’s around they all go on an s-class quest and pay erik his cut afterwards since he’s not in a fully legal guild yet
read more for lists of hcs instead of just bullet points:
they all smell of their element. faintly to mages, not at all to non-mages, and strongly to other slayers of any kind. they can also smell the main types of magic a mage uses, like the metal of erza or the ice of gray or the wet animal of lisanna and the terror of elfman and the blood of mirajane.
natsu smelled of fire and gray smelled of ice so even without knowing who gray was he immediately started to pick a fight with him. just because he smelled cold.
wendy got along well with everyone immediately because her own scent would bend just slightly to compliment anyone she was nearby. besides, fire needs wind to stay strong, lightning typically comes with storm winds, metal can be tempered and cooled with air, poison can be spread with a breeze, light bounces in strong winds, and darkness seeps into everything with heavy air.
laxus immediately sets off peoples fight or flight, typically. just from the ozone smell. even makarov, whos dad used lightning magic, needed to get used to it. it wasnt great when trying to make friends.
before the dragons got out of their slayers, they had very clear “what would my dragon parent say/do”, because the dragon parent was saying shit
erik and laxus will always have the dragon’s voice commenting on shit, even if they dont realize its the dragon itself
sting and rogue had Blaring dragon voices but when the dragons left they only have what the lacrima gives them
natsu gajeel and wendy have nothing now and got so reckless after the dragons left makarov had to sit them down and ask just what the fuck happened and if they needed psychological or mental help
once the exceeds got to earthland and built a village/scattered one found laxus and another found erik
the one following laxus stuck around in his exile the few weeks/months before the s-class trials because he saved them from some random bandits. the exceed tried to follow laxus to tenrou but laxus told them to get to fairy tail or to go home to wherever the exceeds village was. they stuck around the village until laxus came back seven years later where the exceed then joined fairy tail and would sometimes stick around with laxus or the thunder legion or just be on their own
the one with erik joined the magic council’s shenanigans and was on ‘feed the prisoners’ duty and took a liking to him. when erik got out the exceed left with him and also tried to find cubelious to the point of leaving erik many times for long times and coming back with nothing. even after they figured out where and who cubelious was the exceed stuck around because ‘in for a penny in for a pound’
rain calms them all down. even natsu. sure, he and gajeel and sting are gonna stay under cover when rain comes, but theyre also close to passing out bc its so calm. rogue loves the darkness that comes with it and deals with the water. wendy jumps in the rain and people swear she moves with the winds. laxus lays down wherever theres space and absorbs the rain and wind and lightning.
there were jokes that laxus was more of a storm dragon slayer than a lightning dragon slayer when people realized that not only was he not wet from the rain, but it didnt even roll off and soak the ground. he genuinely absorbs it.
laxus doesnt mind the jokes but does point out every single time that he doesnt use water or wind in his attacks. juvia wondered if it was because he never really fought in the middle of a storm. theyre all too scared to test it now (even laxus, cause gosh wouldnt that absolutely fuck with his mind?)
they all have a favored sense. and a weakest sense.
natsu's most powerful is taste. he can taste a difference in the air quality before anyone can notice it. he can taste all the individual herbs and spices used in making food. he eats most things plain because of it. his feeling is fucking awful. you could stab him with a pencil and a knife and a broadsword and hed only be able to tell because of the taste of blood in the air. he can feel big texture and temperature differences and thats basically it. he can feel when hes in water and when its cold and thats it. he wants to feel lucy’s and happy’s hugs he really does but he can only taste the metal of her keys and the fish in his pouch
gajeel's is feeling. every single seam on his clothes makes him want to adopt gray's habit. he can feel when someone sighs because it disturbs the wind just enough. he has piercings and metal everywhere he can because the smooth and cold difference is comforting. his worst is smell. if he was blind deaf and gagged he would not be able to tell who was in front of him. fire? blood? a nicely cooked steak? never smelled it. he wants to smell the shampoo levy uses and the polishing substance lily uses on his sword but all he can do is feel the smoothness of both
wendy has great smell. even in the middle of a tornado she can smell all the little details and can almost pinpoint where they came from. she can smell when food or the air has been tampered with. too strong smells like erza’s perfume give her a headache. her sight SUCKS. she has three pairs of glasses she needs at all times (close, general, and far (she begged erza to teach her requip magic Just for them)) and is colorblind. what kind of colorblind? no clue! blues are yellows reds are purples greens are blacks yellows are greys purples are orange whites are green blacks are white grey is cyan cyan is pink pink is turquoise turquoise is red or SOMETHING. she wants to see all the colors of the clothes carla picks for them both and the flowers they see in bouquets but all she can do is smell where the purple(?) dye is from and which fields the flowers came from
erik’s is hearing. no shit. he hears birds miles away. he hears through sound-proof lacrimas and walls. he hears thoughts. hes traumatized just from impulsive thoughts lets not even get into intrusive. his worst easily taste. he eats poison what do you mean his taste buds are fine??? those shits were chemically burnt off nearly the moment he got that lacrima in. before they were though he could barely stomach even cubelious’ poison because it tasted so bad. except for blood. it probably has to do with the smell too but he can mostly taste blood. now he wants to taste kinana’s cooking but all he can do is finally hear her thoughts and, wow, he really wishes his best and worst sense would just switch
sting’s sight is the best. he sees in the dark maybe because hes a glowstick but even without that. one-way glass means nothing to him. fog also means nothing. sometimes particularly thin walls mean nothing like shoji where people can see the shadows? nah that shits invisible to him. its like glass to a bird. his hearing is Not It. only gets garbled nonsense. needs hearing lacrima at All times and even then does that “what? huh? oh yeah i went to the store” thing and people cant tell if its because he really did need to hear it again or if he only finished processing it. also does not hear accents. words sure are words and he can barely understand it no matter what. does not know the difference between rogue and yukino’s voices either. and he wants to. oh how he wants to know the “dark and deep” voice of rogue and the “scratchy and soft” voice of lector but no, all he gets to know is the blemishes in rogue’s skin and the small spot on lector’s forehead that doesn’t grow hair
rogue is that weird sixth sense thing that he just calls instinct. hes got eyes on the back of his head. ears in the walls. nose in everyone’s business. touch sensors on his hair. taste buds on his fingertips. except he really doesnt, because all of those are his worst senses. he needs glasses, learned how to lipread because no one spoke too loudly near him, doesnt know what people mean by scented candles, has no clue what a papercut feels like, and can barely taste the spiciest shit imaginable again except for blood. he wants normal feeling in everything, but all he gets is knowing what you said four miles away and what you were wearing and how your hair felt and what your ice cream tasted like and what cologne the guy next to you had. he thinks its the shadows. he calls it instinct.
laxus. depends? one day he can hear thunder in crocus when hes in magnolia. another he can smell rain in a dry spell two weeks before it comes. another he can feel a bug under his bed frame that doesnt touch his mattress but sure keeps him up all night. another he can see all the way into blue pegasus’s guildhall sitting on the second story of fairy tail’s. another and he can taste blood even though no one is bleeding. sometimes it tastes like his own blood. hes never bleeding. and hes not really bad at any of the senses. theyre like a normal non-mage’s when theyre not heightened to hell and back. but his gramps and the thunder legion would say his instincts arent the greatest, especially for someone so fast. he cant dodge a sneak attack no matter how many times people teach him. he cant tell when someone lies to him no matter how stuttery they are or how fast their heart beats. he couldnt tell when his appendix almost fucking exploded. if his body didnt start expelling excess lightning hed absorb so much hed get sick. if he didnt collapse, he wouldnt have been able to tell that his body was full of bane particles, and would have just kept going. rarely does laxus admit that his instincts suck, but he does confide in the thunder legion and his gramps. about how he thinks his body heightens what it doesnt need one day and how it makes what he does need the worst it can get--his smell so good he can tell when rain will come but his hearing so bad he couldnt tell when someone lied about a trap straight to his face and would have murdered him if freed didnt look for him. its why he was so standoffish before tenrou.
literally none of their first language was modern fiorean, or modern english. no ones was draconic, either.
natsu and wendy share a native language. theyre from midi. its old midian, or latin. levy and freed are learning how to speak it from them, since they know written latin. natsu and wendy still critique their grammar and spelling.
sting rogue and gajeel share one. theyre from joya. its old joy, or old german. but gajeel has a different dialect that he says is its own language and not a dialect, but modern dutch was almost fully absorbed by modern german, so who knows what old dutch was actually counted as.
erik is from isvan, and speaks isvanish/spanish. he, like gray and lyon, get very pissed if you say spanish was in desierto. its different dialects, theyd say, and its not like they chose for the dialects to have the same damn name. he only learned fiorean in the tower of heaven
laxus. doesnt actually remember. neither does makarov. could be icebergen/russian, from gramps. a dialect from a small country that was absorbed by alvarez, from his grandma. or “oriental”, from his mom, but call it “oriental”  or “eastern” and he will throw lightning at you, because he knows three dialects (japanese, korean, and chinese), and its not clear what you mean when you say “oriental”.
the ones in the grand magic games confused the commentators by speaking their native languages to swear and it was only when some parents spoke up about it did a rule suddenly get put in place in the middle of the third day. they were jokingly furious, along with gray, lyon, jura, makarov, and the strauss siblings.
some magics just Dont Work on them
cana’s fortune telling doesnt work. at all. well, she learns it doesnt work on those raised by dragons, but does work on those with the lacrima. no one knows why until they learn the raised ones were sent around four hundred years in the future. then it all makes sense.
mirajane tried to see if her take-over would work on natsu when they learned he was e.n.d. could be because he chose to be fully human, but it didnt work at all. she could tell he was still a wee bit demonic, but honestly it was more likely to work on gray than on natsu.
mind control? good fucking luck. erik is only able to understand the others because hes a dragon slayer, but mind control magic? mest can attest, trying to implant false memories into natsu gajeel and wendy was a fucking pain and gave him a nose bleed.
after the slayers stopped dragonizing, the enchanting a personality onto them or whatever irene did just. never worked again.
one time, when he was young and the lacrima was implanted less than two months ago, someone tried to requip away laxus’s lacrima. everything they could requip in their mini space storage thing shot out around them. they couldnt use magic for two weeks. laxus told erik, sting, and rogue this recently, and they had that look of ‘i dont know what the fuck you expected’. he pointed out he was only seven when the lacrima was implanted. they realized common sense when it comes to kids is out the window, both for the kids themselves and the adults around them. they patted him on the back. he doesnt know what that means.
magic drain, yknow, like what aria did to incapacitate makarov during phantom’s bullshit? nope. magic drain works by taking the magic of someone and just spreading it out into the world. try that shit on natsu and the air will be on Fire. wendy? so much wind you cant breathe. gajeel? shit will start turning into metal. it doesnt work at all on laxus and erik since magic drain just doesnt work on lacrima at all. sting and rogue? what could be drained away just causes blinding light or blinding darkness, soooooo
can consume their elements like food and no its not just for magic energy
gray once dared natsu to survive off of only fire. literally everyone told natsu to Dont Fucking Do It. he only ate fire for two months and everyone was Concerned and gray finally told him to stop. he didnt for another month.
in phantom the only thing gajeel was allowed to eat was scrap metal. juvia would sneak him some regular food every once in a while because metal didnt actually give him that many nutrients. when they got into fairy tail juvia tried to sneak him some food again and mirajane saw and explained to them that theres no sneaking necessary he can just eat the food are you guys okay??? juvia thought she was in trouble for the rest of the day and gajeel got her out of it by eating a chicken leg at a random table in the guildhall. then natsu challenged him to a food fight and was concerned when everything thrown was just Eaten by gajeel
wendy forgets to eat food. especially in cait shelter because sometimes the illusion people would forget to make food at a good time and most of the time carla had to remind them that shes a growing child who needs food?? wendy was so used to just eating the air when traveling with mystogan that most of the time she was genuinely full before they even finished cooking. it kinda stayed when she got in fairy tail but now natsu gajeel and sometimes laxus just put food in front of her so often that she only eats air when on quests now
sabertooth was like phantom before sting became master and light and darkness were even Worse than metal. just before the gmg they were visibly malnourished and natsu focused more on that than how they supposedly killed their parents. like he dragged them to fairy tail’s hotel thing and when gajeel and wendy saw them they joined in the dragging to get these kids some fuckin Food
brain was also a bitch and gave cubelious raw meats Only and made erik eat her poison Only. erik would sneak in vegetables and fruits because cubelious could actually eat them (now he knows why) and cubelious would put some aside for erik cause even if he cant taste it she knows her poison is really just for magic and not actual nutrition. but like poisoned berries? fantastic for them both
laxus doesnt really eat. hes allowed to and he enjoys it when his taste isnt enhanced to hell and back. but like. most lacrimas after the tenrou shit have electricity in them. nice little snack. and he just summons lightning every once in a while and that more than makes up for the small magic it takes to summon it. besides eating proper food takes time and its messy and hes really got shit to do yknow
that combined slayer magic? like the lightning flame dragon and iron shadow dragon and white shadow dragon? yeah so
they can be anything. like natsu isnt stuck to just lightning. and theyre not even stuck to just other dragon slayers magic. like when he ate zancrow’s it was dragon god’s flame, he just didnt realize it. if wendy ate sherria’s it would be dragon god’s wind. if laxus ate orga’s hed be dragon god’s lightning.
again theyre not stuck to just their element and whatever was the first one they tried that wasnt. natsu can be a blinding flame or a burning shadow or a scorched metal or a heatwave (gray hates this one) or feverish poison. theyll all make him sick afterwards like lightning flame.
gajeel’s is shining iron and melting sword (yknow gallium? the metal that melts at body temp? basically) and scrap tornado and venomous blade and shocking steel. he gets weak after them instead of sick
wendy’s is prism and suffocating winds and scorching air and sharp wings and noxious breeze and storm (yes with water and more evidence of laxus being a storm dragon slayer but this time he will smack you upside the head if you mention it). she gets sleepy afterwards
sting’s is blazing light and cutting bright and prism (being the same as wendy’s which is Odd) and hurtful white and lightning’s blinding. he cant think clearly after
rogue’s is burning shadow and cutting darkness and night’s fog (not fog but it is a physical darkness) and blindingly nothing and encompassing and electric eclipse. he gets so hungry after
erik’s is blazing acid and venom and bane particles (laxus hates this one) and purify and comatose and seizing poison. he gets lethargic
laxus’s takes after everyone else except wendy. lightning flame, shocking steel, lightning’s blinding, electric eclipse, and seizing poison. instead of storm he just gets more powerful lightning but wendy says its because he actually is controlling the wind but he doesnt think so. everyone calls it dry lightning in front of him but they say this is another point for storm dragon slayer when hes way away from them (he still hears and still punches whoever said it when he gets to them).
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adidegmez · 2 months
x-men '97 spoilers
ep 1(To Me, My X-Men)
wow. i just finished x-men animated series. last eps were different than the other seasons. im glad they made this Show story wasnt ober yet. this new start is so good. artstyle is amazing. The visual effects were so cool. everything is great. it was fun. cyclops is struggling. There's a lot of pressure on him. and he is leaving x-men with Jean. Jean is pregnant. Charles really left everything to magnus?! and why is bishop still there i get that timeline is not right but they are not doing a certain thing to fix it. and im glad morph is back. and rogue and gambit i love them. logan and morph's friendship is nice.
ep 2(Mutant Liberation Begins)
Why did they suddenly start calling Magnus Erik? Okay, Erik is also his name i know, but they used to call him Magnus. Erik is an honorable man. I want to believe and trust him. I hope he doesn't have any evil plans. We'll see what happened between rogue and magneto. storm lost her Powers while trying to save magneto. magneto tried. he really did. humans suck(most of the times-in most of the universes). they dont deserve them. dr. rogue and baby is here. scott is being nice to magneto. its good for now. but not for long probably. ororo left. gambit's heart is broken. and 2 jean's?! I cried in the last two minutes of the episode more than I ever cried in the first 5 seasons. It was more painful. it happened in a much more perfect way. it was beautiful. I guess this is what happens when an animated series is made for adults. i really love it.
ep 3(Fire Made Flesh)
Why is Roberto in the mansion? Is he there to hang out with jubilee or is he staying there now? Since when is jean a clone? goblit queen is so powerfull. baby is gone. Madelyne is one but i think we'll see her again someday. hi, forge. i hope this is really forge and he can help storm.
ep 4(Motendo/Lifedeath - Part 1)
I want to see more gambit and rogue. and I want to see nightcrawler. not mojo again🤦🏻‍♀. jubilee's powers are cool. storm:(. i hope she can get her Powers back. i love forge. he did something bad but he wants to redeem himself. i hope he can.
ep 5(Remember It)
this Show makes me so happy. kurt is here. genosha is beautiful. mutants live in peace. madelyn is here. and i got gambit rogue and kurt:). I can't feel nostalgic. I just finished the x-men animeted series yesterday but this is so perfect. its just perfection. i love them so much. this Show pays tribute to what the other has done and takes it even further. I can only ask for more episodes, there is nothing else I can ask for(except maybe more gambit and rogue). scott is right. If the x-men were like humans, I think they would start thinking like the old Magneto. The x-men did not think about themselves, they always prioritized others. but in the end they were always hated. I don't understand how they can still do this. How do they hold on, how do they compromise themselves for those who still hate them? Mutants(not the bad ones) deserve great things, but all they get from the world they're trying to save is hatred. and scott is losing his fate in charles vision. he lost his son. his wife was a clone. There's a lot going on for Scott right now. but I hope he can get over this as soon as possible. jean kissed logan! she is confused to she has to remember so that she can be with scott again. and then maybe jean and scott could help eachother get better. i like seeing scott's eyes. scott is right i am not sure jean loves scott anymore. she remembers she loved him but i dont think she feel that way anymore. scott loves madelyn because she was jean and part of her is still jean. idk everything is complicated. it is painful to watch. i just want them all of them to be happy. but there's so much going on right now. I wanted gambit and rogue to be together. They were so beautiful together. But Magneto may be right, I can't be angry with him. But I just wish Rogue and Gambit could be more than friends. too many people are heartbroken rogue, gambit, jean, scott, (me). Did I just see Watcher? after gambit and rogue's talk. i think i did. i wish things were simple. cable is nathan. Why was he there and why did he leave? erik is gone. gambit is dead. they saved rogue. so many mutant died. leech trusted magneto. magneto gave hope to mutants and everything was great, i had hope things were getting better. mutants on genosha were happy. magneto he tried. he tried to save them. he tried to be like Charles. but World just wont let them be this good. he really tried. Would I be too delusional if I hoped that Remy and Erik would return? I need them both back. i cant feel you, this tells everything(reminds me of wanda). I knew it the moment I saw rogue touching gambit. I wish things could have happened differently. i knew I haven't cried this much while reading or watching a story in a long time. This episode really broke me. I'm not in a good mood. The world doesn't deserve X-Men. they never deserved the x-men and will never deserve them. Whatever the x-men do now, they will almost always be right.
ep 6(Lifedeath - Part 2)
lilandra and Charles are good together im happy for them. but i wouldnt mind if they come to earth and save x-men. storm and forge they are cute. but it probably wont last long, i wish it could last. i hope Charles can learn about what erik did. professor xavier, that was smart. yes, storm got her Powers back. Charles is Charles. i love him. his ideals are amazing but they are just ideas. to make them real they suffer they try and they fail over and over again. im glad hes returning to earth but it is too late. and things in spece wont be good when he left. and sinister! sinister killed all those mutants adn remy and erik. i hope he will have a painfull and an awful ending to his story.
ep 7(Bright Eyes)
not a funeral, please he has to come back. hi cap. normally i would say it is nice to see you but right now you're just reminding me how ridiculous mutant hatred is. Yes, there are people who hate superheroes too, but mutant hatred is on another level. And this is ridiculous. rogue is right to be mad. Humans expect mutants to compromise themselves in order to live with them, and they require this. Because humans are afraid of mutants, mutants have to hide their powers and not use them so that people do not feel threatened. Why do mutants follow their rules? because they are good. The "bad ones" don't suppress their power just because people want them to. But when it comes to humans, mutants who live their own nature as they wish are evil. i love kurt and rogues relationship. it feels good to see the X-Men being together and helping each other through all this bad stuff. oppenheimer… now i am become death the destroyers of worlds. trask destroyed all those mutants lifes. i cant say he didnt deserved death but rogue, she let him die. this is not who x-men is, at least WHO they were. she is angry she is grieving she is not in her right mind right now. if she was herself she wouldnt have let him die. i saw the sign for Strak Industries. I wish we could see Tony. In which universe, in which timeline are we right now? Is Tony dead here too? magneto is alive. bastion? i dont know anything about him i guess ill see. scott learned about cable.
ep 8(Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 1)
is madelyne dead? i thought she just get hurt not dead. kurt with swords, I've been waiting for this. Everything is in a very bad state right now, but this visuality and the fights are beautiful. Jean being a mother to cable(seatbelt:) ). wolverine's fight in the skys. yes! summers family. it was so cool. hi peter. but really magneto was right. Charles was just being naive. humans are the wortst. i wish humans and mutants could live together in peace but humans wont let them. mutants deserve better. Charles is back. It wasn't Magneto who started the war. humans wanted this war from the beginning. Mutants and X-Men have been patient, but now it's too much, how much longer should they be patient? It would be really nice if there was peace, but as long as people have this hatred, it seems impossible to make peace. Bastion ignited the war, but whether he started or not, the war would still happen one day. I hope the mutants can win. magneto can win. I think Charles is late. Before the war, they could have tried to implement Charles' ideals, but it was too late. The war has begun and mutants need a leader in the war and that leader must be Magneto.
ep 9(Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 2)
Why is everyone mad at Magneto? I understand humans being angry, it's usual hatred, but why are the x-men so angry? Okay, the order of the world has been disrupted, life has become difficult, the end of the world may even be near, but Magneto saved the mutants. If he had not done this, the mutants would probably have died. I've never been one for villains, I've rarely agreed with them. and this is one of those rare moments. magneto is right. I don't think he is the villain in this story bastion and humans are the bad guys. im glad rogue went with him. charles' ideals are nice to think but its impossible right now. we need magneto. black lether, I completely forgot this scene was coming. x-men are noble they are still trying to do the right thing(according to them). I'm still amazed at how they can endure so much and still try to do good. morph smash:) I wish mutants didn't fight each other. but really i wanted to say shut up to Charles when magneto did. things are bad, really bad. When I started watching '97', I thought I would watch something fun and light. I never thought it would be this dark. Logan should have at least thought once before attacking Magneto with his metal skeleton. He probably won't die, but I think this is an indication that Magneto didn't want to hurt them before. If he wanted to, he would have done this years ago, but he prioritized mutants and didn't want to harm mutants. Now he had to harm the X-Men to save many other mutants. scott confused me, yes the others needed time but why did this happen? Is Jean dead? forge and storm will surive too right?
ep 10(Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 3)
ironman! I wasn't surprised when I saw Ironman with Captain America, but Daredevil caught me off guard. Daredevil is one of my favorite Marvel characters. Is Doctor Strange in surgery?! wakanda! cloak and dagger! this cameos are amazing i hope we can see things like that in live action. I hope mister sinister is gone for good. t'chaka is black panther. Charles destroyed magnus. i hope he can bring him back. bastion is right, humanity would rather die than have kids like mutants. and that why i dont like them. mr. fantastic(morph but still its nice to see him)! humans say we did it. But all they do is bring about the end of the world over and over again. x-men saved the world, magneto saved, mutants saved the world. humans only made it a worse place. wanda and quicksilver off World? where are they? bishop. yes save the x-men. i need season 2 immediatly. x-men scattered through time. They found Nathan. en sabah nur(Apocalypse!!!). At least the series didn't end in a bad place. They defeated Bastion and Sinister. They fell apart, but they're not in a bad situation right now. When is gambit coming back? he has to come back.
this Show is amazing. Characters from MCU and X-Men are in the same universe together. It was very beautiful. I hope we can see more. I can watch so many seasons this way.
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sturn-saturn · 3 months
back to my place
synopsis: you meet chris at the club on your trip to LA
a/n: guys this is my first time writing something sorry if it sucks i swear i tried my best im so shit at work but any feedback is appreciated <3 (not proofread)
my best friend hallie and i were born and raised in the east coast. we decided to take a trip to LA after our last semester of our junior year of college as a way to let lose and have fun leaving all our stress behind.
we've been watching the sturniolo triplets for about a year now. we made it a tradition to have a sleepover at my house every friday night and watch their weekly friday video. i will say i love them all but matt is definitely my favorite. i feel i relate to him in many ways.
i expected LA to be hot but i didn't know it would be this hot. walking down the street i decided to get my mom a coach bag for her birthday that's coming up soon. we stumbled upon a thrift shop and there was one dress that caught my eye. a silver sequin dress that has that has some sort of shoelace design in the middle as well as on the sides where my hips would be.
hallie take notice of my silence. "are you thinking what i'm thinking?" She says. "oh we are so going clubbing tonight" i say excitedly. i purchase the dress and we make our way back to our airbnb and immediately get ready. my best friend rummaged through her luggage and luckily found something that fit the same vibe as the dress i bought earlier.
──── ♡ ────
"holy fuck Hallie there's so many people." i mumbled as my best friend takes a hold of my hand leading me through the loud room blasting "slut me out 2" by NLE choppa.
"i know! that's what makes this so exciting, more guys, more fun" She giggles.
"please don't get pregnant tonight im begging."
she whips her heard around and laughs "sheesh what kind of girl do you take me for?"
we stumbled upon the bar and i decided to get a mojito. i didn't want to drink too much considering i was in a new place and wanted to be cautious of my surroundings.
i take the first sip and i feel the ice cold drink running down inside my throat.
"yup. this drink is exactly what i-" hallie cuts me off hitting my arm. "ow hallie what the fuck why are you-"
"dont look now im so serious please but chris and nick are here." she whispers into my ear.
"hallie we don't know a nick or a chris here." i laughed.
she looks me dead in the eyes and i almost choked on my drink finally understanding.
"s-shut the fuck up right now where?" i stutter.
"they're by the front door i think they're talking to someone"
i turn around to see where she's looking and i take a quick glance at the two brothers. "holy fuck chris is even finer in person."
──── ♡ ────
hallie and i finish up our drink and make our way to the dance floor as we hear the melodious tune of "don't stop the music" by rihanna fill our ears.
whipping my head back and forth i feel myself lose balance and bump into someone. "omg i am so sorry. are you okay, i should've been more carefu-"
"no you're okay, im okay. dont worry about it"
i look up to see a guy with shaggy hair, a black t shirt, black baggy jeans, and black jean jacket.
"thats me" he smiles. "do i know you?"
"no but i love your content" i let out a small laugh
"thank you that means a lot. are you from around here?"
"nah my best friend hallie and i-" i turn around to point to her but i cant seem to find her. "she was just here but my best friend hallie and i are from jersey. we came for the week"
"how are you liking it?" he asks
"oh so far i'm loving it" i smirk at him
"you're very cute you know that?"
"mm so i've been told" i say looking up at the taller boy
"whats your name by the way?"
"y/n" i say
chris and i talk for a bit longer at the bar asking me questions about what im majoring in, what i wanna do with that, and so many other things. "so y/n, do you wanna get outta here? i have the house to myself."
i nod and he takes my hand in his.
──── ♡ ────
i head back to chris's house that he shares with his brothers and we make our way down to his room and i let out a giggle following behind him. he closes his door and locks it, just in case his brothers for some reason come back home.
he pushes me against the door and my purse immediately drops as he cups my cheek. i let out a shallow breath as his lips inch closer to mine. i tilt my head up, placing my fingers through his hair and he closes the gap. his lips as soft as pillows as his thumb caresses my cheek like i'm made of glass. he pulls apart and looks at me for a second seeing if there are any signs of discomfort.
"please" i whisper.
"what do you need y/n"
"your mouth" i let out as i rub my thighs together trying to create friction.
he pulls my arm and pushes me onto his bed. he rid himself of his black jean jacket as well as his t shirt.
"chris hurry please"
"oh you're a needy little thing aren't you"
i feel my cheeks heat up as he settles his body between my legs hovering over me.
"so who's your favorite triplet?" he smirks
"matt." i smirk back
"oh really?" he says in a husky voice looking down at my lips back to my eyes. "i can assure you i'll be your favorite by the end of the night sweetheart"
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warpweighted · 8 months
I have so many feelings about luo bingge hes supposed to be the ultimate power fantasy clearly to the extent that even he does not recognize how fundamentally empty his life has become. he was very open-hearted until Shen Qingqiu pushed him into the Abyss, at which point he reforged his fundamental worldview into the same one Shen Qingqiu ascribes to, which is: there are two types of people in the world, those who get hurt and those who do the hurting (optional type 3: women and children who are mostly innocent of either, by virtue of having someone do and/or receive the hurt on their behalf), and the only way to move from the first category is to place yourself firmly in the second. he does, I think, try to make himself better than SQQ, by maintaining his position only by hurting people who have already done harm (for whatever his threshold of "harm" is), but he definitely does not reject the worldview. because that would require him to be vulnerable! and look where that fucking got him the last time he tried it! it got him in the Abyss is where it got him!
which does not leave room for things like "love" or "care", but does ensure that he is extremely secure in his position (power fantasy) and that he will always have people to do whatever he wants (power fantasy) and that he will have every single one of his physical needs taken care of (power fantasy) and that because he is the most powerful person in the entire world, he will never be hurt again (power fantasyyyyyyy). which, given the entirety of his childhood and young adulthood, is understandable! I dont think he's ever been able to dream something more for himself than "I'm warm and I have enough to eat and no one hurts me." I doubt he thinks there is anything more than that. from all possible angles he has more than achieved his wildest dreams. what could there possibly be to be unhappy about? If he's discontent, that's just because he's gone too long without a conquest (a conquest of what type? take your pick).
But he is never satisfied with what he has, and he has no one who will treat him as a person to be loved rather than a lord to be appeased. which is by design! someone who treats him like a person is someone who is close enough to hurt him, and as long as there is some new power to be grabbed there is some avenue by which he is not yet all powerful, and therefore some way in which he can still be hurt.
which means that meeting SY!SQQ shakes the very foundations of his worldview, because here is a Shizun who cared for him. Hurt him, yes - in most of the ways that his own SQQ hurt him - but cared for him nonetheless, and is currently trying his best to care for him entirely and hurt him not at all, and who expects the same of Luo Bingge Binghe. This world's SQQ rejected the premise that avoiding harm necessitates harming others, and this world's (weak! vulnerable!) LBH also rejected this premise and somehow managed to live by it? symbolized very blatantly by having somehow managed to hold on to his mother's guanyin pendant. and this LBH is satisfied, he's happy despite having almost nothing at all, only one spouse and not even a quarter of the treasures LBG has and he fucking shattered Xin Mo, he hasnt taken out hardly any powerful enemies and there are still people in the world who can hurt him and somehow he's the one who got the genuine security and the loving relationship even though he's done nothing at all to deserve it -
And confronting all of that is going to require he internalizes that he did not deserve what SQQ did to him, and that the relations of power he thinks of as an immutable foundation to the world are not only not inherent but are actually wrong, and that all the security and safety he has acquired over his lifetime will not be what actually makes him happy, and actually being happy requires taking on the risk that he will be hurt again. which has got to be terrifying to him, but theres no way he can un-pop that bubble and go back to not remembering how it feels to receive a loving touch.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
I didnt know u were going to write a full on post on my Baxter request, I'm so touched by the sweet fluff and step 3 & 4 scenarios 😭 I read that Baxter post 5 times it is so good! Im happy that u can relate to my MC, I have so many thots on how I would change certain scenes to fit my MC's journey. (I hope u dont mind me sharing ☺️ I get so happy thinking about it)
Nervous, step 3 crush mode:
The confession scene where Baxter admits he wants to date MC, she is over the moon and flabbergasted he would confess after knowing him for a week--but the mentioning of flings again throws her off and she tells him she doesn't take things like relationships lightly. He apologises and rephrases the question of them dating. My MC, who is usually the one who encourages Cove to do daring and new things and take initiative, doesn't always take her own advice. Surprisingly, she finds herself taking small steps to become closer to this elusive boy she has crushed on in step 2 (he was so ADORABLE in step 2!), realizing that Baxter always gives her the choice to choose what happens next, regardless of what he wants to happen next (all the kisses, hugs, u name it!). It takes a good deal of willpower for my MC to not lose her nerve, but Baxter's warm presence makes her feel safe and strengthens her resolve--but in small steps.
Back to the confession, MC always wants to hold his hand to ground herself before doing something bold and does this before questioning him on certain things like him not going to ask other locals out on flings or asking if he's sure about dating her, quirks and all. After she agreed and he tried to say bid her a good night, MC looked at him, surprised. She was certain he would ask for a kiss, like in the movies. She takes his hand again and smiles softly as she gives him an eskimo kiss, gently pressing her nose to his nose and beaming up at him from that position, willing him to kiss her in their close proximity. How could Baxter say no after that? (Omg so cute, im blushing 🥰🥰🥰)
i didn't expect to make a long post either lol, but i started thinking abt it n then i started thinking abt step 4 and i got totally carried away but i dont regret it at all!!! ty for sending these asks im so happy to write more baxter <3333 also yes i dont mind, i'd love it if yall sent me your lil drabbles n stuff- i swear i'll try not to run away w it n write a lil novel every time😂😂
ooh imagine them on a date, and they've had so much fun on their outing. perhaps they went to a waterpark, and when you take a break from all the rides to get ice cream you tentatively feed him from your spoon.
baxter flushes a bit, but he accepts your bold action and feeds you a scoop of his own.
oh and imagine that every time, or almost every time, you give him a kiss on the cheek as farewell. and like i mentioned in the last post, i like to imagine you sneak into baxter's condo at night and you're laying in his queen bed, chatting and giggling.
maybe it's just because this adds to the ambiance of being up late at night with someone, especially someone you like, but its fun to whisper and shush each other even though theres no one in the house except you two.
and back to the kissing!!! i imagine you forget to kiss baxter after an outing, and before you go into the house baxters stops you and kisses your cheek himself. he quickly runs away into his condo, leaving you flustered on your ownsteps.
little do you know he's sliding down the door, face in hands because "oh my god i kissed them this time...."
baxter is always so whipped for you, even if you've only known each other for a week <333
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s0lar-ch3ri · 8 months
hey new draft making
i keep putting this off, but it today arrives! a ramble about ryan selucreh to fill tghe tag for once
so who even is ryan selucreh? well, hes a football jock and a big oaf, the stereotypical strong dumb athlete kid. however, theres more to ryan that we're diving into, years after the oneshot ended!
one thing to note on ryan is how his powers were gotten in a mix of ways aster and connor did. aster was born with them (assumed cause goddess mother), connor got them from a book (recieved from searching, wasnt born with it), ryan got his powers from squats. silly, sure, but like i said, its like the inbetween of the two. he has the power himself and doesnt need a book for them or anything, but he wasnt born with them either. i also wanna note how asters powers are like life (plants and the sun, both can symbolize life) and connors powers are like death (decay and disintegrating, both are related back to death), but ryans powers cant be "like" anything. its not something super showy, hes just super strong (strong enough to rip a mountainin half im pretty sure was confirmed).
lwts get into those comments ryan made, and how its reflected across the 3 episodes. yeah, the comments on faking his personality around people and how he doesnt know who he is anymore.
first showing of this is with the j crew. charlie gave a good idea (he was nicknamed jyan), but condi says he told them that. granted, it was probably to be funny, but theres other options to that. ryan missaid his name out of nervousness, the j crew misheard him, he wrote his name really wrong, so many different options that also are pretty comedic. yet, ryan told them he was jyan to join their team.
on the floatball jersey he wears, they didnt even have a 10 for him, simply a jersey with a 1 and a "poorly painted 0". did someone else use the 10? why didnt they have one? another way ryan changed for people symbolically, wearing one number but being another.
ryan joins in with the omnious curse speech despite it not being planned. an attempt to keep fitting in with his group there.
hell, ryan even was an ass to connor before when he was with the j crew, yet wasnt when he was with connor and aster alone.
he even goes out of his way to try and save asters dad, an act of carrying for her and her father. hes such a friendly and caring dude that hes trying to fit in with them all to keep up their friendships.
thats what makes the whole "i dont have a real personality" line mean so much. because he really doesnt. all that can be seen as his personality is simply to appeal to another person.
HELL IM FUCKING CONNECTING IN THE FACT THAR RYAN WAS A HISTORY MAJOR TO THIS! WHO EXPECTS THE JOCK TO LIKE HISTORY? NOT ME, I THOUGHT THAT WAS CONNOR, AND THATS WHY ITS SO INTERESTING, CAUSS NOTHING LEADS YOU TO BELIEVE RYANS INTERESTED IN THAT SHIT!!! ryan barely talks about his past or anything, minus the memory (but that was only to save professor aeliana), BUT HE DIDNT FUCKING BRING IT UP. kinda ironic, the character whos past is pretty unknown is in classes learning about our past.
oh yeah did i ever mention his parents are dead? cause they are (confirmed by condi a while back)
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maybe thats why he tries to be so appealing to everyone, to make up for that missing link. i mean, its not like that event wouldnt have some impact on you (also no jrwi pc has gone to therapy from what i know so safe to assume he has no coping skills PLUS ITS A CONDI PC YPU THINK HES MENTALLY STABLE??).
another thing i learned: ryans last name is a backwards hercules. fun call back to the name, yeah, but the actual story may have some weight here...
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the screenshot doesnt give the full story, of course, so i will. the picture leaves out how the reason he went through hardships was because he was driven to madness. according to research, hera was mad at hercules being born (for he was the product of zeus and a mortal woman), so she made him go crazy and slaughter his family. to make up for it, he was given 12 impossible tasks to do.
am i saying the full story applys? hell fucking no! i dont think ryan killed his parents or anything, but i think the jist can apply. a man trying to be forgiven by people for wrongdoings that wouldnt have happened if said people didnt make those wrongdoings happen. ryan trying to get the validation of his friends and acquaintances by pretending to be someone hes not, which wouldnt be needed if he could see friends accept people as themselves. given impossible missions (be someone else) to appease those who he looks to (whether its to the side or up to).
another thing to note is theres no episode cover with only ryan on it. cover 1 has all 3, cover 2 has background faceless frat members and connor, and cover 3 has only aster.
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it could be from how there was only 3 episodes of mythborne, yet this could be solved by having all 3 in a cover at once. while it would have been a lot, they had all 3 in the first and a total of 4 characyers in thr second cover. this of course was a purposeful choice, and it shows in a way who the focus is meant to be on in that ep (all of them, connor, aster).
so why coupdnt ryan have been focused on in episode 1? yeah he was directly related to the chaos (j crew being first vicitms and shit), yet that clearly had a more general showing. its because ryan isnt a character who can be focused on. he crutches to his friends like a team relys to eachother, thats how he has purpose, thats how hes even a person.
i woulsnt even doubt the stupid bit being an act! to play in a sport, you actually do need good grades (in my school experience, above a C+ in all classes), and ryans been on this team since he started college (infered from dialoge with j crew member), probably since kindergarten even (has known j cre since kindergarten). he learnt it from them, and found it to be a possibly appealing trait of himself to others, everyone likes the lovable idiot! sure, what he does to play an act can be extreme, but if this is really thr coping mechanism i think it is, its not too much for him (also wanna note how of all characters ryan is the biggest stereotype caharacyer).
the 3rd episode btw seemed a lot from the cover and namr and all like the whole world was a fake (for me atleast), and isnt it fitting that ryan was the first to fall off the stage? the man, who had an identity crisis outloud for once after it seemed like one friendgroupd was about to learn his secrets, the first to exit stage down (stage direction jokes). hes been playong a play himself for what feels like his whole life by now, he doesnt need a script.
i came in here to talk about ryan, put him under a microscope, see who he is. really, ryans a shell of a person, a muscle soulless being pretending to be a person someone can love and care about. maybe he too thinks about how connor had changed inside to save him. whatever it is, i think ive not learnt from this who ryan selucreh is, and maybe if he gets aomething like this, he can learn himself who ryan selucreh is.
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Les révolutions ont du moins l'avantage de hâter l'accomplissement des idées admises, mais dont la mise en pratique est difficile ou audacieuse ; elles hâtent l'éclosion de l'avenir paresseux.
Louis-Auguste Martin, L'esprit moral du XIXe siècle (1855)
The Fifth Republic is the name of France’s current government. It began in 1958, after a coup at the hands of the French military in colonial Algeria convinced officials in Paris to dissolve Parliament. Fearing that the military could extend their control beyond Africa, the government called former general Charles de Gaulle out of retirement to hold the country together, as he did during the post-liberation years of World War II. To do so, he crafted a new constitution. Under this government, the president has substantial power, holds a term of five years (it was originally seven) and, following a change to the constitution in 1962, is directly elected by the French people. (de Gaulle held the position until 1968.)
This system of government differs dramatically from previous republics, which relied on parliamentary rule. In the Fifth Republic, the head-of-state appoints a prime minister to lead the Parliament (which is comprised of a Senate and a National Assembly), controls the armed forces and France’s nuclear arsenal, can dissolve Parliament, and can hold referendums on laws or constitutional changes.
One caveat to the president’s powers is the possibility of “cohabitation,” when the president is from a different political party than the majority of politicians in the parliament. In these cases, the president must choose a prime minister who will be accepted by the parliament, and the two share powers of governing more equitably.
But while the conditions are likely not there to bring about a sixth republic in France, the current crisis could lead to other institutional changes.
Indeed, Macron already tried to amend the constitution during his first term, with a plan to add proportional voting to the parliamentary elections and to reduce the number of MPs.
He tried again after the "Yellow Vests" protest, with a reform that would have made it easier for the parliament and citizens to launch a shared referendum, but the law didn't come to fruition.
Will the Fifth Republic last?
French political commentators and scholars have been trying to answer this question since the Fifth Republic was first founded, and it’s impossible to do more than make educated guesses. Since de Gaulle first wrote out its constitution, there have been 24 revisions of it, which have affected 2/3 of its articles. Subsequent changes to the republic have even increased the president’s clout. A 1962 referendum had the president elected by popular vote, and a 2000 referendum resulted in an alignment of the presidential and parliamentary election calendars – something that has almost always resulted in an absolute majority for the president.
So far the constitution’s flexibility and the force of the past presidents has kept the Fifth afloat. But far left agitator and presidential candidate Jen-Luc Mélenchon has been leading a march for the “sixth republic” and Marine Le Pen talking about radically reshaping France’s domestic policies, there’s no telling what might happen by the time Macron leaves office and a new President is ushered in.
Many believe that a certain regime of politics is coming to an end, of which Emmanuel Macron is the epilogue. It is both the end of a regime in the political-institutional sense – hyper-presidentialism and the weakening of counter-powers – but also the exhaustion of a certain regime of "belief" in politics, i.e., the credit we give to men and institutions. It is a symbolic crisis as much as a legal-political one.
I suspect the Fifth Republic will chug along just fine. There may be a few bits of tinkering but not much. I suspect - much like the debates for Proportional Representation in the UK, politicians of all stripes say one thing but do the opposite one in power - once someone like Marine Le Pen comes into power (she is favoured to win the next presidential elections after Macron steps aside) then I doubt she would voluntarily give up her presidential powers any more than any other politician wanting to exercise power to make policy.
At the heart of these debates of changing the Fifth Republic is the very idea of France itself as it faces changes in its society and the challenges therein. In the mind of General de Gaulle, the French presidential system was intended to reaffirm France's independence and sovereignty in the bipolar world of the Cold War. Never have both appeared so threatened.
The decline of state sovereignty is a global phenomenon at the crossroads of several simultaneous revolutions. The first is the history of capitalism, with the financialisation and globalisation of markets and the new supranational actors that are the multinationals. The second is the institutional history of Europe, with the construction of Europe, which is deconstructing the nation-states of which it is composed. The third is the history of information and communication technologies with the emergence of the GAFA [Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon] and the new authoritarian algorithmic governance that is being imposed on States and citizens. And finally there is the strategic history of Europe with the end of the Cold War and the integration of France into the Western bloc under the aegis of NATO.
Any of these would be challenging for the nation state, but all five at once is enough to make any stable democracy shudder at the foundations.
Photo: President Emmanuel Macron presides over the fête nationale ceremony on the Champs-Elysées, 14 July 2023.
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chaos-of-the-endless · 8 months
A little fic request for @6-paris-6 that they asked for a million years ago. I'm a bad, bad writer!
I also love how Ian just ~talks until they feel like they've solved the problem. I get it. I really do. We try. lol
The Dragon Will Heal us.
Ians personal phone was ringing... at work. Everyone that they knew from the outside, which was the subtotal of about four people collectively, all knew that ringing them at work was not an option, unless death was on the horizon.
The buzzing was set to only get all the more intense in their pocket the longer it rang for. "Give me.... Three seconds... I've just gotta....." They were typing that last piece of code into Ziggy furiously before hitting the enter key and grabbing for their phone and answering it without even looking
"Someone better be dying." Their dark humor was something only the person on the other end of the phone would get.
"SOS" The persons breathless, pre-hyperventilating voice on the other end said. Oh.
"Give me ten minutes.. Meet me at Give me coffee, kay?" ... The code word they'd both divised for a certain kind of awful day, and the name of the coffee shop just ten minutes from their appartment. Save our soul, and Give me coffee or Give me death.
Having fantastic work colleagues that were also 99% of your friends group as a whole meant that leaving their genius friend Jen in charge of their very own rebooted creation wasn't a worry at all... They also knew she would find a great way to explain to the others why they'd rushed out the door with their coat half on and their bag slung over their shoulder.
"Twelve minutes. Holy shit. Two minutes over the ETA. I'm getting better. It used to be an hour." They laughed as they sat down opposite their partner who already had their hands wrapped around their coffee mug, their eyes puffy and, fuck, yeah, there wasn't much left of that spark they had before leaving on the Friday before New Year.
"I missed spending the new year with someone I love, to spend time with family that don't even respect me enough to..." They trailed off as Ian reached over the table and pealed their hand from that cup to hold in theirs.
"Hey... Honey... It's okay... We're gonna have ~so many more new years together... Maybe the Luna new year is our celebration this year.. y'know, it's the year of the mighty dragon." They smiled softly. All they wanted on this earth was to solve the problems of their loved ones and would do about anything to do exactly that.
"I.... "
"I know..."
"I don't understand.. well, I kinda do, I know it's not easy for people to change their whole vocabulary towards someone they've known their whole life but.. The ones that aren't actively throwing insults at my entire self across the dinner table are doing something even more hurtful... They don't even ~try. I think... I think that might be worse, you know?"
"I do know." While Ian always had a supportive family, they'd encountered more than one friend that they treated as family do exactly the same thing as what they where describing.
"I've tried to condone it to myself as 'I dont need them to validate me, this is a personal journey that isn't based on others' but.... Maybe it is? Does that make what i'm feeling not legitimate in some way?"
"No, not at all. It's a journey that ~is based very much on the language others use towards you. You're not looking for anything remarkable, just... The same respect everyone else takes for granted. To be acknowledged for who you are. It's.... it's so out of our control, it's frustrating at times. You lay your heart and soul out for them to see when you tell them, come out the them.. It's like you show them a part of yourself that you're not even fully done understanding yourself and they just.... Yeah.. long way of saying that I get it." They let out a soft sigh and took a sip from their own coffee, leaving a red lip stain around the papery take out cup. "Come on, lets.... go for a walk. Clear our heads. Bring your coffee." They nodded as they slipped their coat on and moved to take their lovers hand.
Nestling their arm between theirs, they headed in the general direction of.... Nowhere in particular. They took a breath. Their partners silence made them sad, talking was absolutely both their thing.
"All you can do is surround yourself with people that do understand, so those moments you go back and spend time with the ones that don't, you'll eventually have the confidence to polietly correct them. You should come to a quiz night with the team.. Watch us get every square inch of our ass kicked by some sassily named opposition..."
"I know how competeitve you get." They laughed, for the first time that whole week " - but wouldn't it be... Breaching some kinda govenment law for an outsider to be there?"
"You're my plus one. Everyone has one on the team now. It's fashionable to have a partner at home that gets you through the mental and physical torture of losing your best friend to what is, essentially, a time machine. Very en vogue." They smiled brightly over at them and shook their hand, slowing the walk to a stop to turn to face them.
"People like to ignore or judge what they don't understand... Some people come round to the understanding of a blindly new concept that not everyones the same" They rolled their eyes with a chuckle "Some never do. But there will always be a support network here for you... whether we're friends or lovers or... we'll be here. Figuring yourself out is... Far beyond any of the stuff that floats inbetween it all. You're my lover.... You're my best friend first and foremost... That will never change."
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
My last post has been stuck in my head and I NEED to read an au of these two motherfuckers.
Young and shy taker being hassled by champion fuck boy shawn, as he desperately tries to get his attention after seeing him at a bar 🥹
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Let's go (also 100% starting with shy taker and ending up with Mr steal yo bitch) I'm also under the impression that Shawn is in the wwf but taker isn't.. I might be wrong about that but that's what I've gone for in this, if I'm wrong honestly just say and I'll write you another one.
Also I cannot flirt to save my life so this will either be really cringe or make me want to die. In other words it's gonna be short because I can only flirt with my close friends and not a single other soul. I'm wired differently.
Hbtaker AU- Boy Toy Flusters
Taker taps his fingers against the bar. He tended to stay home and drink but Paul was not leaving him alone lately. And well, the bars were empty with wwf being in the valley. Taker doesn't know why they'd come here, but apparently it was a good idea. Taker hears the door open but ignores it. If it's Paul, he hopes if he does ignore him he'll just go away.
He lifts his whiskey to his mouth for a sip when a lean figure sits at the bar. Taker doesn't hesitate to check the figure out, and he's glad he does. A pretty young thing with a lot of skin on show. "Uh just as many shots as possible please" the blonde smiles at the bartender. Clearly not alone, which takers glad because he won't have to watch out for him, but it also means any chances he might of had are gone. Taker turns his attention back to his whiskey and whatever shitty sports game is on.
Shawn glances at the big guy before carrying the tray of shots back to his friends. "And what are these bad Boys?" Kevin asks as shawn places the tray down. "Hell if I know. A shot of courage if you ask me" shawn smirks before taking one and downing it and taking another and downing it. "If your going back to the bar the least you could do is get hunter a drink he can actually drink" Scott chuckles. "How did you know?" Shawn asks. "I saw you eye fucking that hunk, go get him tiger" Kevin smirks. "Just atleast order me a water" hunter huffs. Shawn nods and struts his way back to the bar.
"A water aswell please" the southern voice asks. "For that table too" he adds. Taker looks as the blonde sits next to him. "Shawn Michaels" Shawn smiles. Taker doesn't say anything and it causes Shawn to frown. "Cmon? Nothing? Just gonna ignore me?" Shawn pouts. Taker takes a sip of his drink and looks back at the news. "Come on hot stuff, I promise I'm worth it. I always deliver" Shawn practically purrs at him.
Taker sighs and decides, screw it? Paul ain't around, what harm could come?
"Undertaker" Taker mutters. "Undertaker? Hmm how about Takes or Taker?" Shawn asks. "Sure" Taker murmurs. "Dont talk much huh?" Shawn asks. Taker doesn't say anything, he just watches Shawn. "Thats okay hot stuff, I can do enough talking for us both" Shawn smiles resting his arms on the bar. Taker just watches him. He swears he's seen his face before. "You a wrestling fan?" Shawn asks. "Not really. Haven't got the time to watch it. Actually surprised they came to the valley for a show" Taker admits. "Best show so far if you ask me" shawn smirks. "Yeah?" Taker asks. "Oh yeah, became champ and everything." And takers face flushed. Of course. A face he didn't recognise? Of course he was here for the show.
Shawn giggles at the flush building on the mans face. "Its alright big guy. I won't take offence if you tell me you don't know who I am" Shawn teases. "Shoulda put two and two together" Taker huffs rubbing his neck. Shawn smiles slightly and looks at the bartender. "Another drink for him and a beer for me please" Shawn orders. "Thanks" Taker mumbles. "Anytime sugar" Shawn turns towards taker more, taker blushes as shawn rests his hand on takers knee. "You don't wanna be with your friends celebrating your win?" Taker asks quietly. "Trust me darling, we will have plenty of chances to celebrate wins like this" shawn mutters leaning closer. Taker looks at the blondes eyes.
Those dangerous blues.
Those addictive dangerous blues.
Shawn smirks slightly as he cups takers face. "Are you always this shy?" Shawn asks quietly. His smirk falls as Taker grabs his wrist in his much bigger hands and leans in. "Sure, at first" Taker smirks. Shawns eyes widen slightly. "But after the pretty little thing has had their fun, I like to have mine" Taker adds, turning fully towards Shawn.
Shawn doesn't know what's happened but he can say he likes the sudden shift in Taker. From shy and aloof to this? Yes please.
Shawn can feel his cheeks burning as Taker tilts his head down. "How about you let me thank you for the drink?" Taker asks quietly, cupping the area between his jaw and neck. Shawn stares at him in Awe before nodding slightly. "Whats wrong boy toy? What happened to that big cocky I can talk for both of us?" Taker smirks. Shawn decides to shut him up by pulling him into a kiss. Taker hums before kissing him back, moving one hand to his hip and squeezing it tightly.
Taker pulls back slightly after sometime and watches amused as shawn fumbles to get the drink money out of his wallet. "Eager?" Taker asks as he watches the money get thrown onto the bar. "Whats closer? My hotel or your house?" Shawn asks, no longer wanting to play whatever game he thinks this is. Taker smirks as shawn stands. "You gonna talk to your friends before running off with a stranger?" Taker asks. "Look, if it's big they'll understand when they find my dead body. Just give me a good time first yeah? It's been a rough week" Shawn huffs grabbing takers hand and pulling him off his stool and out of the bar.
Kid lifts his head from the table and looks towards the bar. "Uh...guys?" Kid asks. "What?" Scott groans. "Shawn's gone" Kid points at the bar. Kevin looks at the money and untouched drinks. "Its a small town. If he's not back to leave tomorrow we'll know who to look for." Scott states. "Shouldn't we look now?" Hunter asks. "I trust shawns judgement. I know you guys don't but he's a lot better at reading humans than you'd think. I'm just glad he's finally getting laid again" Kevin huffs. "Now, someone grab those drinks, don't let them goto waste" Scott orders.
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n3ssier · 2 years
HELLO im bacc >;)))
So I keep lookin at your introduction post and fsr I CANT DECIDE WHAT TO PICK- I just wanted to ask like, can ya write a headcanon, but it has both Crypto from Apex and Ppl from r6? Im so super grateful that you didnt mind the emount of characters I requested last time 😭😭 i hope its bot a burden if I request again cause i kinda simp for all of the. 💀
You can just tell me if u dont wanna do this, or just scratch sum characters if its too many :)))))
Can you pleease write a ff (or headcanons, ehatevs ya wnat) where female reader LOVES hugs and is a generally super chill yet chirpy friend and as soon as she gets recruited, she becomes all friendly and tries to befriedn them and after like 1st day of meeting, she alredy sees them as her bestfriend and hugs them from behind as a goodmorning the next day-
Chars: Crypto, Echo, Vigil, Kapkan, Glaz, Jäger (Ik its all the same characters but I cant help my simping, also as i said you can not include whoever you want)
Ik its confusing and as I said before, you aint gotta write this at all💀🤚
ALSO- MOOTS? Saw that you needed friends so we can be bfs >:DD
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG :( ive had a lot going on and ive also got a job now so i have been short on time but finally got round to writing again!! i hope ya dont mind me doing some hcs and also only doing 4 out of 6 sexy men, bc i worry that if i do fanfics with them all then this will be a v long post bc ill get lowkey carried away😞 (also bc im feeling lazy rn, out here getting up 4am sleeping 12pm😭best lifestyle)
∙you two first meet on your second day on the job, and he is taken aback by how talkative you are (not in a bad way tho dwdw :)
∙the other legends don’t rlly talk to him outside of the gunfights/workplace so he just doesn’t talk to them either, which is why he was so surprised when you came up to him and tried to befriend him as soon as you’d met him
∙the pride he feels when you start asking about his gadgets goes unmatched, he tries to explain them as easily as possible but gets carried away quickly, leaving you a confused mess and him an embarrassed one as he realises how distracted he got
∙the next morning he’s making breakfast in the break room when he feels you hug him from behind, and he honestly is so tempted to put his hands on yours and stay there but he wants to play it off cool ofc so he just greets you and continues preparing his food
∙this is the EXACT moment he fell for ya
∙he never expected you to be so talkative or cheery when you joined, but he was happy nonetheless
∙will intently listen to you while smiling and give you facts if he knows any on whatever you’re talking about
∙you guys end up talking for like 3 hours just about anything, he’s kinda curious about you, and ends up asking you a bit about your life in general 
∙would make a lot of effort to help and teach you things, seen as you’re new to r6
∙when you come up to him and hug him as a good morning he chuckles before turning around to hug you back quickly and loosely
∙he could get used to this tho
∙ngl he is annoyed at first when you talk to him for the first time, he finds the chat pointless, but after an hour or so he lets his guard down
∙he never realised that chatting with people was so fun until this day, or maybe it was just something about you specifically that gave him the good time, who knows !?
∙he honestly thinks ur pretty cute talking about all the random topics that peak your interest, asking him about 1000 questions aswell
∙when he feels your arms around him the next morning he freaks out
∙tries to push you off, as much as he enjoys it sadly he is too flustered and also not used to physical contact
∙he slowly stops pushing you away the more you come up to him and the more you are hanging round with him
∙when he first meets you he thinks you’re cool asf, especially when you strike a conversation with him
∙similar to crypto, he feels so much pride when you ask about his gadgets, its like a huge ego boost
∙you guys are sooooo chatty, talking about anything and everything, but make the cutest duo
∙you listen to his rambling and he will listen intently to you back
∙there is NEVER a dull moment between you two😭
∙the other gsg9 members are just happy that he has got someone to listen to him so that they don’t have to LMAO
∙when he feels you hug him from behind the next morning he is a little bit confused but happily hugs you back in return, he definitely thinks about it for the rest of the day tho
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