#but the road towards that is inherently painful
danielcalmdown · 4 months
Here's a few thoughts i have about Disco Elysium and it's lack of philosophical approach towards Harry's experiences. (Not to mistake it with psychology. There is plenty of that in Disco and the characters and ideologies are pulled apart in many fun ways.)
Explanation below the cut, so it's not a long-ass post.
So, Harry is very much suffering. He says "I am in pain. I have no idea how to get better, I'm about to fucking give up." What he gets as response, from his own mind and other people, is things like: "Get your shit together. You have to go through this hell. It will be awful, depressing and boring. Forget her. Stay strong, don't give up, you will eventually feel better. This is how normal people live. Do it for the (...)." This is encouragement. What it does is it keeps him on his feet and helps him move forward. But it's the only type of response he ever gets. What it doesn't do is challenge how he experiences his life in the first place. There is not a single sentence, a thought, any kind of spark in the game that would begin some sort of reform within him. He's the same sad, old Harry utill the end. The rest is accessories.
Beyond that, the gameplay is screaming at you: SEIZE THE MOMENT! There is so much work put into describing things happening around Harry. And so much fondness towards that world. But it's just there, next to him and his pain. Beautiful and worth living for, but it's not used to reveal anything that would inspire him to change. Something about humanity, the meaning of his suffering, maybe a hint about that hole in the world. Yknow, philosophical stuff. Even the miracle of the story, the phasmid, answers Harry's most existential question with "I don’t know, nobody knows." It's not there to guide him away from the vicious circle he's stuck in. It's more like a pat on the back. "Look, something incredible happened today! Life can be great sometimes." Here are a few statements meant by the game to be impactful: "Something beautiful is going to happen", "The night is always darkest before the dawn", "One day, i will return to your side", "The road to healing is going to be a long one. You will make it, some day." They sound like coping mechanism. They are motivational, hopeful, but don't speak about reality. "I'm suffering RIGHT NOW. The world and my head are still fucking broken. Heelp!" Harry cries out. "Hope for a better future. Go for a run. Focus on your job, get a hobby, take your mind off the pain." Try to be happier while remaining the same. Switch alcohol and drugs for non destructive activities to help you endure through that persisting pain. Look out of the window each morning, wait for that special thing to happen. And when it happens? The core stays unmoved. You don't even know what it is about you, where lies the first mistake. You learned nothing new about yourself.
I think all of this fits with the creators' views, which are sparsely hinted at throughout the game. "God is indifferent. This is our curse", "The world is inherently meaningless", "True love is possible in the next world, for new people, it's too late for us." Maybe that's why the game didn't allow Harry to change, because it doesn't believe there is anything out there that could help him. He's a human, therefore he has no choice but to think and suffer exactly the way he does. So yeah, that's my thoughts on it. Feel free to comment, disagree and enlighten me if you think i'm wrong. I'm always open to change my mind.
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grenade-maid · 3 months
By far the weirdest, dumbest part of the whole "well intentioned progressives tried leading West Coast cities but failed, causing the homelessness crisis" thing is that for all of the press places like Seattle get for having wild radical progressive lefty politicians like... It's a rich city that is highly segregated and home to powerful moneyed interests ranging from business associations, massive corporations, to "regular everyday homeowners" whose homes are worth upwards of 1.7 mil who all lobby very very hard to buy political power. Hundreds become homeless every year thus removing them from the voting pool, misinformation in favor of moneyed interests is rampant in local coverage, and rents force residents to move frequently thus making it hard to become connected enough to a council district that they'd know the candidates or the primary neighborhood concerns (which inherently grants even more power to homeowners). The politics of Seattle are primarily directed towards STOPPING progressives, and you can see this happen very openly in mayors and city councils over the decades. Even when voters, for example, vote to form social housing, the powers that be simply refuse to allocate funds towards it. Very little progressive policy actually gets tried, and even when it is pushed through by great pains on part of local activists and their (usually few) allies in city council it gets undermined into oblivion by the mayor, more conservative council members, and local lobbying. You can see this happening in real time right now, even, with the council president on the warpath to repeal a recent bill requiring a livable wage for delivery drivers and outright rejecting research backed community led proposals for affordable housing that was years in the making. Similar stories can be found all the way up to the state legislature. Quite frankly we are more of a libertarian state than a leftist stronghold. The whole "road to hell paved with good intentions" narrative is ridiculous. Not least of all because even Seattle political leaders are so vehemently anti-tax that we don't even build roads in the first place, least of all enough of them to reach hell.
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cosmicjoke · 6 months
Okay, this is a bit of a call-out post, which I don't like to engage in, but some of the stuff that's been brought to my attention, that's apparently been being said about me and, by extension, people who share my views, isn't really something I can let stand.
So apparently there's some blogs going around vague posting about Levi fans who dare (oh the horror) to call Levi a good man and a hero, saying stuff like doing so is how one treads down the path toward Nazism, because it's a "denial" of Levi's faults, and if we don't condemn his violence as outright bad or wrong, then we're liable to start making excuses for and justifying all forms of violence.
Do I even need to lay out why this argument is absurd and absolutely childish at its core? I don't think so, but I will anyway.
One of the overarching and main themes of AoT is that we shouldn't flatly condemn people for their actions without first understanding the context of those actions. That nothing is ever so simple as being flatly right or wrong, good or bad. That there can be and are complicating factors that might lead to any, given person's actions or behavior.
Levi himself is a prime example of this, and we see the error of flatly condemning and writing him off as "bad" in the form of Jean's and Mikasa's judgmental and dismissive attitude toward him after seeing him engage in acts of violence, only to themselves be forced into similar acts moments later.
The stupidity inherent to uniformly condemning all violence as bad or wrong lies in its total failure to consider any mitigating circumstances that might have lead to the violence in the first place, and, ironically, it's THAT sort of basic and simplistic thinking that leads toward the kind of fanatical, ideological foundations of Nazism and other, similar movements. Nuanced thought, consideration, empathy and critical thinking are never the things that lead down that road. Moralistic and generalized view points are what do that. To call Levi a "morally grey" character is to fundamentally misunderstand that morality itself is a "grey" concept. There's no such thing a black and white morality. Almost nothing is always right and always wrong, including violence. Very few things, if anything, can be definitely categorized as right and wrong in and of itself. The argument that some things need to be wholly condemned or eradicated is, for example, the same sort of logic that people who advocate for censorship apply. All pornography is bad or wrong? Better to just flatly condemn and ban all of it, then. Oh my, you're going to let two men marry each other? What if someone wants to marry an animal next? Better just make gay marriage illegal then, I guess. Many Jews are bankers, and banking is a corrupt business that preys on people's vulnerabilities, thus, all Jews are really just money launders and loan sharks and need to be stopped. Killing and violence is always wrong, and so people who kill or commit acts of violence are always criminals and bad people with malicious intent or who reveal in other people's pain. See how that works? All generalizations like that lead to is mass persecution, either of a concept or of a person/group of people, without taking into consideration the actual complexity or nuanced reasoning for why something or someone might be a certain way or do a certain thing. That's what's dangerous.
To deny Levi is a good man or a hero because he commits acts of violence is to totaly deny and strip him of all the many aspects and characteristics of his personality that makes him who he actually is. Levi's violence doesn't define him. It isn't who he is. Rather, it's a product of the world he lives in and the circumstances of his upbringing and life. It doesn't signify the person he is at his core. It doesn't negate the immense compassion, kindness, empathy and sensitivity with which he regards and treats other people. It doesn't render his heroism worthless or questionable. It doesn't undermine his intentions or motivations. It doesn't rob his many sacrifices of their selflessness. That's why I say Levi is a good man. Not because he's on the "good guy side" or because he holds a certain set of ideological beliefs, but because of those inherent qualities which define him as a good man. Compassion, kindness, empathy, emotional intelligence, and a genuine desire to help others for others sake. He's a good person because he actually, truly cares about other people. Is that assessment of him supposed to somehow lead down the road to fanaticism? How absurd.
That's not to say Levi doesn't have flaws. Of course he does. He's a human being, and all human's are flawed. Nobody ever said Levi was a "perfect" hero, just that he is a hero. Understanding Levi's violence and where it comes from and why he engages in it doesn't mean we're excusing it or calling it "good". It's simply an attempt to understand and acknowledge one of the main themes of AoT, which is that a person committing a "bad act" doesn't in and of itself make them a "bad person", and that certain actions and behaviors that are deemed "bad" by society can and often do have reasonable and justifiable explanations at their root. Does Levi resort to violence too often and too easily? Sure. I've said that and acknowledged it on multiple occasions. I've dedicated entire, long-winded analysis posts to exploring the duality of Levi's compassionate and empathetic nature with the fact that he's one of the most violent characters in AoT. His knee-jerk reaction and response to most situations is to apply physical force of one kind or another. Levi is also an extremely emotional character, and is given at times to bouts of emotionally excessive response. When he kicks Eren and Jean after his conversation with Erwin. When he manhandles Historia for her initial, flat refusal to take the throne. When he kicks Eren's teeth in during the RtS arc, or on the airship in Liberio. When he tortures Zeke in the cart on the way to the capital. These are all instances of Levi giving in to his emotion and responding violently. And no, it's not good, but it also doesn't make Levi bad. It doesn't make his intentions malicious or cruel in nature. In all of these instances of violence on Levi's part, it's driven by an intense emotional response, generally in regard to some traumatic event. Levi learning Erwin might not be the good man he thought he was. Levi having to torture a man for specific information, only to have the point of it threatened by Historia's self-pity. Eren interfering with Levi's direct command during a situation in which time was severely limited in making a decision. Eren slaughtering countless innocent people. Zeke forcing Levi to kill more than two dozen of his own soldiers. All of the examples one could point to of Levi being "unnecessarily" violent, meaning in a way that didn't further some larger goal or cause, were all moments of emotional reaction linked either to trauma or urgency or both. Most of these responses from Levi, in fact, came about because he was upset about someone else getting hurt, or at the possibility of people getting hurt. They're rooted, at their core, in Levi's compassion for others. They're emotional responses triggered by Levi's empathy and care. He gets angry because he's scared or grief stricken over someone else' suffering. And that's my and other fans' only point. Levi's violence might be considered bad by some, but the underlying reasons for it almost always prove Levi's goodness. He responds so strongly because he cares. So to refuse to acknowledge the circumstances and context surrounding those acts of violence and to refuse to acknowledge the influence of his upbringing in his inclination to respond with violence is grossly unjust and unfair to who Levi is as a person. To pretend that his very nature can't be contradictory to his actions and behavior is to deny, not just Levi's complexity as a person, but the complexity of people overall. Because Levi's nature is, much of the time, contradictory to his actions, especially when one only looks at his actions in a vacuum instead of in context. He's a violent man who also holds more kindness and compassion in his heart for people than any other character in the story. That's a contradiction. But it's true, nonetheless. You can be a good person who does bad things, or things deemed wrong by others and society.
Levi doesn't enjoy violence, and anyone who says he does or tries to claim he does is flatly wrong. To say, just because Levi is good at violence, that must mean he's somehow born to it, or that it's in his nature to want to commit it, is equally unjust and unfair in the way it dismisses the circumstances of his life and upbringing. A person can be forced into doing something that goes against their core temperament and personality due to forces outside of their control, and acknowledging that about Levi and his violence isn't the same as claiming him to be a "perfect hero". He's not perfect, but he is a hero. He's a hero because he's inherently selfless and kind and empathetic toward other people and their suffering, because he's willing to do all he can to help other people, despite an upbringing which forced violence and a familiarity with violence into his life, despite a childhood and young adulthood filled with deprivation and poverty. He wasn't born with a violent temperament, he was raised in an environment that necessitated a reliance on violence in order to survive, and so we see that manifest in Levi as an adult. A reliance on violence to survive. Again, to not acknowledge that and the impact it had on Levi's behavior and actions is unjust and unfair to him as a person. A stupid oversimplification of not just Levi as a character, but of people in general, and of the concept of justifiable violence too. Pacifism is an ideal, but one which doesn't and can't always coexist with reality. To judge someone and condemn then for engaging in violence, no matter the circumstances surrounding that violence, when nature itself is predicated on violence, is absurd.
Context matters. Circumstances matter. Intent matters. Levi's violence was never ideological in its reasoning. He never committed acts of violence in service to some abstract school of thought or philosophy. He never killed anyone because he thought they represented or symbolized some great evil or threat to the world and needed to be eradicated as a result. Levi's acts of violence have always been practical in nature. Defense of himself and others against people directly threatening their well being. And further, Levi has never, not once, tried to impose his way of thinking or doing on a single, other person. He's always, always, allowed everyone to decide for themselves. To come to their own conclusions of what they believe is right and wrong, good or bad. He's always allowed everyone their own agency. He's never manipulated or badgered or bullied anyone into agreeing with him or tried to brainwash anyone into a certain set of ideological beliefs. He's only ever wanted and tried to ensure people the freedom to make those decisions for themselves, and he's only ever tried to protect people, more often than not at great cost to himself.
He's the very definition of a hero, and to accuse people who call him that of exhibiting the kind of ideological thinking that leads to Nazism is not only absurd, but a massive insult, both to Levi's character and to the intelligence of his fans. As if they're incapable of understanding the nature of violence because they differentiate between acts of violence by applying critical thought to outside factors and mitigating circumstances. I guess our justice system is similarly incapable of understanding the nature of violence too, then, because it also dares to weigh outside factors and mitigating circumstances when judging a person's "crimes" or "guilt". It isn't the people who apply nuanced thought and consideration to Levi's actions who are susceptible to fanaticism, it's the people making those sorts of accusations who are, in exposing their total inability to divorce themselves from their black and white view of reality.
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extra-vertebrae · 1 year
Picked up Tears of the Kingdom for my birthday this year and played it over an art sabbatical. After beating it, I have some thoughts about a pair of critters.
Consider this a "spoiler" line for those who haven't beaten the game.
I've been pondering over the Light Dragon and the Tears associated with her transformation. When you take everything given about the transformation at face value, this dragon bursts into being with no sense of self, but presumably still carrying intact though likely scattered memories of when she was still Zelda. Her first act is to shed tears, presumably created through an intense sorrow borne out of thoughts, concerns, and memories that she no longer understands. Her "new" mind is struck with immense emotional pain that now probably just repeats itself over and over as she aimlessly patrols the skies of Hyrule for thousands of years until a man pulls a toothpick out of her forehead. Alternatively, the shedding of tears is symbolic of the final vestiges of Zelda's self as it ebbs away in her new existence, leaving her mind a blank slate unable to recall, process, or attribute anything to anything.
Of course, the game pulls a cop-out and goes "oh, she was just sleeping this whole time!" at the end, which I think is bullshit, but fine, we can't have Zelda scarred for the remainder of her life. We'll just say her memories of flying aimlessly for however long were just yeeted by the mercy of Sophia and Rauru and leave it at that. The implication is probably a reversal via some super powered Recall, but still.
Then comes Ganon, who takes the same road in an effort to cling to power. A new dragon that, just like Zelda, has no self - just a ream of memories and what is probably a deep, directionless, unfathomable anger towards an insignificant entity. How awful must these paired existences be? How aware are they, truly?
A repeated note in the compendium entries for all of the dragons is: "it causes [x deadly phenomena when people are in close range], but it means no harm." I thought about this later and played with the idea that, what if, even taking story circumstances in hand, Ganon's dragon was the same as the rest in this specific regard - creating phenomena out of no actual intent to harm so much as an instinctual self defence mechanism against an unknown "thing" approaching him. Does Ganon still actually recognise Link from all of 30 seconds ago? Or is he just an animal with the same blank slate as Zelda? Whichever the case, despite all the damage he's done, this feels like an especially tragic end for Ganondorf in the sense that, he technically becomes an entirely new entity that has done absolutely nothing except be confronted by a pair of unfamiliar creatures, and is smote in barely a few minutes. Minutes of existence either fraught with confusing memories of anger and violence, or a blank mind with no comprehensive ability, snuffed out due to an inherent danger he poses through, in a way, no "fault" of his own in this new body and mind.
Just a fun thought I had. I've been wondering since I started playing and seeing all of the Memories, if at any point Ganondorf (or Link and Zelda for that matter) has ever actually possessed free will in being the manifestation (?) of the Triforce of Power (or its spirit? My Zelda lore is rusty as hell and super limited).
ETA: also, I really appreciate the addition of a pig's nose on Ganon's dragon form. A+, I love it.
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imustbenuts · 5 months
Who's your Delicious in Fire Emblem dream adventurer party-- We've talked meals, but who's gonna go diving into dungeons to hunt these monsters?
oooh this is a pretty interesting spin and tough to answer. theres so many characters in FE its a difficult to pin down. anyway throught process time
for this ask im going to interpret this into the following problem. 1) be good at cooking mons, 2) and be okay with eating mons.
theres def a lot of them who are objectively good at hunting, but the mon part will trip them up.
further, my problem with the majority of the FE cast is that i trust very few of these people to be both of those things. majority of these characters are also either too aristocrat-y or not adventerous enough in terms of food... at least in my head. more under the cut bc long post ;o
like i cant expect chrom to be all 'sure lets eat some fried lizards', dude grew up on fancy feasts and field rations. even if his STR is through the roof and eats unpeeled oranges hes just not really the type to be enthusiastic on monster food. alcryst would panic at the thought of it and ill spare him from this hypothetical. culturally, takumi might not be ok with eating mons bc they could be too 'unclean' for shinto. similarly, as capable as some cooks are, non-conventional monster parts on the chopping block is probably not something they'd wanna touch.
also for the purpose of this post im sniping bunet and frederick straight out of the pool bc both are such an easy pick. bunet bc he would absolutely respect the food to cook it perfectly, and frederick bc he'd be decent but will be a pain in the ass to deal with without blackmailing chrom or something. bam bam.
so ding dong the first victims of the fire emblem dangly ronply has been found. lets move on
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so here are the shortlisted canidates: lukas, nephenee, petra, byleths, nyx and shez. not necessarily a party, bc personality might not gel well together :c, but at least one of these in a party and the run should have a decent chance of succeeding.
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1. lukas
lukas is choosen here bc he would not be bothered too much by the idea of eating monsters. in fact, he would be okay at prepping a slain mon for food even if he cant cook decently. his inherent lack of strong emotions or feelings towards things is also going to be a big plus for this specific scenario. some people have interpreted him being a high functioning sociopath or just someone who has very repressed emotions.
either way he isnt too bound by conventional thinking. and also he'd be the party's tank and foward. lukas the tank engine. never forget.
2. nepheene.
she would probably squick a bit here at the thought of eating monsters not bc monsters are ick but bc society thinks the act of eating monsters is ick. so itd take some time getting used to it but she would quickly adapt in a dunmeshi setting given her country bumpkin background.
mon prep, no issues. i also think she might be good at foraging. cooking hearty meals might come easy due to her growing up with multiple siblings. shes also very tough in survival, so i think she'll do okay :)
3. petra
this girl's got it. shes good at hunting, good at trapping, probably okay at recognizing and disabling traps considering her perception honed from her hunting culture and skill.
mon prep isnt going to be a big problem. generally speaking, cultures where hunters are present typically try not to waste any part of their kills, and butchering is an essential skill to have. in terms of taste it might be a little difficult for others to get used to, but im sure she'll be a massive boon to any dungeon food party.
4. byleth / byleths
oh yeah. they are DEFINITELY not going to have a problem with this. considering they're mercenaries and are on the road often, hunting and cooking would be a basic survival skill. they wouldnt be picky about food either
given how they might be very objective orientated, giving them a mission of hunting monsters for food will not go wrong. i hope. as long as sothis doesnt get in the way--
5. shez
to prevent sothis from activating, place a face down shez in defense position and summon a byleth in attack position. then, activate Tea Time and upon the appearance of sothis, activate Swords Of Revealing Light. this will lock sothis down while the two have a chat and realize they're exactly the same except where shez is suckier at general mercenary stuff, they're infinitely better at cooking
once that gets resolved feel free to put shez either solo or together with byleth. they're a squishier byleth but def will get the job done AND feed you yum yums.
6. nyx
nyx is a very very powerful magic user who embodies the lolibaba trope. but for her case, she doesnt follow conventional thinking, and is a very powerful mage who might appreciate taking a mission of dungeon monster hunting to train and get her abilities under control
above all, bc of her curse trapping her physical age to be a young girl, shes mentally an old lady, so shes mature and kind and seems to really want to act on those feelings. her bringing a bunch of dead mons for the youngins to eat might do her good for her mental health :D
further, i think shes the type to pick up maternal-ish skills like cooking and sewing for another person or poor meowmeows if she gets attatched enough.
and bc shes good at magic she can easily disable magical traps or detect magical BS. shes definitely a learned mage by the time we run in to her in fates
thats all folks (this took hours to write hrbrhrh)
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alovelyburn · 2 years
Do you think the only thing that keeps Griffith and Guts so close together is their miscommunication? I read someone’s tags about them that basically were saying that if they worked pass their issues they would just find out they are completely incompatible and that’s why they never work as a pair in other AUs. I can’t stop thinking about it. Thoughts?
I'm pretty sure I saw that tag while I was bored browsing one day, and my reaction was the same then as it is now - what a weird take.
Okay we're going to address this in two parts - the fanfic/AU thing and the canon thing.
First up! Fanfic/fandom.
The claim that their apparent incompatibility is why they don't work out in AUs is already kind of odd - first of all what AUs are they reading? Because obviously they must mean fanfiction but if they don't think any Berserk fanfic ends with a happy ending for them they must not be reading a lot of Berserk fanfic? I mean I don't read a lot of fanfic and I've run into plenty of happy ending AUs.
But even more than that, speaking as someone who seemingly is incapable of writing a happy ending for them, I think any dearth of happy endings has more to do with the kind of person that tends to gravitate to G/G, really - or rather the tastes of said people - than it has to do with any like inherent incompatibility between their personalities. Because it's not exactly a happy/healthy relationship, so if you're drawn to it you probably enjoy bittersweet things or dysfunctional things or pain, so you might end up writing bittersweet painful dysfunction.
(Ima write a happy ending one day though I just have to locate an opportunity, lmao.)
Anyway that's the fanfic/fandom/au portion. Now let's talk canon.
I think the way Guts and Griffith's personalities interact, they can be incredibly good for each other or they can be incredibly destructive toward each other. I'll explain why I think that in a second, but basically it's just like, you're never going to get a middle of the road relationship dynamic with them.
So the explanation: they can be good for each other because the things one of them wants is always something the other is wholly capable of giving.
Griffith is plagued with self-doubt and thinks he's a terrible person. He's also incredibly guarded and emotionally locked up - he needs someone he can show himself to, good and bad, who won't turn away or think poorly of him because of the things he's done. Guts is absolutely a person who can do that - he doesn't think the things Griffith has been hating himself for are bad to begin with. He's a confidante, a co-conspirator, a cheerleader, and he sees Griffith's positive qualities in a way that Griffith himself struggles to do. Griffith also needs an outlet from the stress of his position, and no one else makes him laugh or relax the way Guts does. Guts also gets Griffith in touch with his own heart, which he spends a great time trying to suppress.
Guts is plagued with poor self-esteem and an inability to believe in his own worth. He has a hard time conforming himself to behavioral standards imposed by others due to his temper and his willfulness. Most of all he wants somewhere to belong, and for someone he admires and respects to respect and value him - he wants to be seen. And Griffith is absolutely the person who can do that - even before they know each other Griffith breaks his own rules to pursue Guts. Griffith provides a kind of structure to his life that he never was able to manage on his own - and still hasn't - but does so without being overbearing or controlling or taking him for granted. And Griffith, the person Guts admires more than anything or anyone, consistently demonstrates how much he values Guts not only as a soldier but as a person. He's also a package deal with the Hawks, Guts' only real family, and not only does Griffith see him, in a lot of ways Griffith can't see anything but him.
I mean that's just off the top of my head, but basically they are incredibly compatible - even the ways they're different are complementary - Griffith's mind strengthen's Guts' passion and vice versa. If they worked it out they really could do anything - secure a kingdom, sure. Leave it behind? Guts is the only one that Griffith could ever choose over his dream.
But there's also the other side of it - the way their fears reinforce and trigger one another when they make a misstep.
Take the actual canon sequence of events that destroyed everything for example:
Guts overhears Griffith saying some shit that didn't even apply to him to Charlotte, and because he has a hard time believing in his own value and worth, he immediately takes it to heart. He accepts the "fact" of his worthlessness as a given so immediately that he doesn't even bother to ask about it. Not Griffith, not Casca, no one. Instead he upends his entire life to try to address that thing that's bothering him. He doesn't tell Griffith he's leaving probably at least in part because he doesn't think it matters that much, but of course it does matter and that's where Guts' insecurity - the way he withdraws to protect himself - ends up triggering Griffith's self-hatred.
Now because of Griffith's self-loathing, he takes Guts' decision to leave via sneakout as a sign that Guts hates him and can't wait to get away from him. He accepts the "fact" of his repulsiveness as a given so immediately that he doesn't ask for an explanation or anything! He just goes into panic mode.
But because Guts is so insecure, he can't perceive Griffith's reaction as a personal issue and just takes it as a sign that he's still useful as a soldier and Griffith doesn't want to lose a tool. So it just makes him double down.
And his doubling down makes Griffith even more certain that Guts hates him because if he didn't why would he be so calm and sure about leaving?
Basically, once one of them is thrown off and takes an emotionally defensive step back, it triggers the other's insecurities which triggers the first one's insecurities and it just spirals into oblivion. Because if one of them starts the bad ball rolling, its very difficult for the other to be rational enough about it to slow the fall.
And so we can say they're perfectly capable of destroying each other, but we knew that because they do in canon.
But the thing is, it's a roll of the dice. Or more specifically, its a misplayed hand of cards or something, like they had everything they would have needed to win but they just made some missteps. And the reason they ended up making those missteps is... Destiny and Stuff.
But if you take the stringpulling deities out of the picture there's nothing that guarantees that they'd have to mess it up. There's no reason they couldn't turn out just fine.
It's a matter of trying to navigate those landmines long enough for the positive/supportive aspects of their dynamic to kind of wear those down a bit, really.
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majoringinsarcasm · 7 months
The thing about TERFs is that they’ll talk about the issues women face and how things are unfair or not designed with women in mind and how society was shaped around men and how it still is like that in many many places.
But instead of seeing that as a system that needs to be changed, they take all of that as Inherent and Biological when that’s not the case. And in fact is just adhering to what the system has been from the start.
More rambling underneath idk I’ve just been thinking about stuff lately
“Men are born hating women. They are born with this instinct to harass and assault and it’s only a matter of time before they do. You cannot transition into a women because you are not socialized the same was a them. You didn’t suffer what they suffered. You don’t know all the True Ways of being a women so anything you do is a mockery.”
And I just have to wonder. Who taught you about women hood? I don’t mean what did society tell you or show you. Who taught you as an individual why being a woman meant To Them.
Because there are a lot of women in this world who wake up and are so happy to be women. Who feel pride in not just their body but their mind and goals and ideals and dreams. Who see womanhood as something to strive towards. Not one thing to earn by doing the right things but panting to gain For The Self. The way they carry themselves and treat others, the way they see and want to shape the world.
I am not cis, but not because I was scared or felt that I was failing at being a girl. I didn’t feel like one. All of that Inherent and Biological stuff I was meant to feel as a girl and future women wasn’t clicking. All the talking points that TERFs and transphobes make about this or that. It wasn’t clicking. I was a Girl no doubt, because I wasn’t a boy and those were my only options. And it was fine for me because I wasn’t taught to hate it. I was surrounded by women who enjoyed being women. I don’t reject my upbringing bc it’s the only one I had. It was fine because My Life more or less wasn’t filled with that kind of suffering.
I do not define my identity by suffering. I tried to once and that almost killed me. I was taught by other queer people that I had to hate my body or I wasn’t really trans. I’ve never been assaulted for being queer but I’m not out at work. I don’t feel safe and I know I don’t look any different. It took me ages to just be okay with My Body being a trans body I’m not sure when I’ll be ready to take that next step. But I’ll make it in my on time if I ever do.
But I’m trans bc I LACK the euphoria of being a woman. There is no joy or pride. I was a Weird Girl bc no other word existed for me back then. I was a human but a girl. I was a person but a girl. And when I discovered there were other words I felt happy. I didn’t need to be a Different from the rest girl or a Late Blooming girl. Nonbinary came along. Trans came along. Agender came along. I had new words to try out and they fit me in the way Weird Girl no longer needed to act as a placeholder.
I say All of this just to reiterate how stupid those biological talking points are. On both sides mind you because the queer community from what I’ve seen is not kind to AMAB people and that upsetting. Because there is no inherent evil of birth sex or body. There is no way to tell who is Good and Safe and who is Harmful other than their actions. This is not me ignoring society structure. This is me saying that
“You don’t know my pain so you’re not a real X”
Sounds a lot like
“If all you need to be X is the desire and genuine euphoria with identifying as such to the point of choosing a scary series of events and possible hatred from others, all because you will be happy at the end of the road, then My suffering doesn’t mean I’m worthy of this title. I am just someone who suffered.”
And it’s fucked up the way we live now. And there is no blank slate. And we STILL act as a group on these issues. But it doesn’t need to stay that way. We as individuals can make that change day by day until we don’t need to fear or resent each other to feel safe. Where we won’t have to fight over scraps. But we won’t get there by listening to people who wish us harm or who make up criteria that even other cis people don’t meet.
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nutteu · 1 year
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to come home
[AO3] [moonsea series] [Tiếng Việt translation]
It had been such a long day for Jake. [Jake/Steven; canon divergence; published 2022-06-29; word count: 2,870]
There was a deep-seated hypocrisy in freedom.
Many people spent their whole life looking for it—freedom in finding themselves, in being themselves, in breaking the shackles of their thoughts, their past. Freedom was a sweet memory of a fever dream that couldn’t be recalled without being fragmented. Wasn’t it hilarious that something that was supposed to be freeing, to be relieving, could only be achieved with such tremendous price?
The world was a big plaza of trade; of truths and lies, of kindness and ignorance, of struggle and freedom.
Here Jake was, driving his taxi, that was acquired through an actual job application; wearing clothes that he bought from his meager salary; waiting for the time for his shift to be done so he could go back and rest—not going anywhere he didn’t want to, not doing something that he had no choice in. He was a man cleansed of sins, starting anew with freedom on his back.
It felt like shackles, still, sometimes.
He swallowed, and put on his earphones. It was a new habit. Half of it was because he could block out the chatters of the passengers and the streets around him, half of it was because of Steven.
When Jake had his own form, no longer chained to the contract as Khonshu’s avatar, Steven had brutally pointed out about his anger management issues and his inclination towards violence. It was inherent, born from Marc’s fear and resentment. Jake had been indignant, ready to argue. But Steven just sighed and closed his palms over Jake’s hand, rubbing callused fingers on his skin gently.
“But you don’t have to be,” Steven had told him, leaning their foreheads together. “Not anymore.”
So, Jake learned how to be not so angry, not so quick on lashing out with physical altercations, not to be so cynical about the world. It couldn’t be so bad if the world had given him Steven. But Jake was thirty-six, and he had spent decades knowing only violence as the foremost option in everything he faced. It was hard to uproot a tree that had grown so tall and strong; hack it down and you’d risk your safety and the environment around, look for the roots and you’d find that it had spread too far to be tracked.
It was futile, he had told Steven, and felt like his heart was torn apart when Steven cried silently, holding Jake close in a warm embrace. Jake could only close his eyes and wrap his arms around the man, careful and gentle, trying, trying so hard not to be a monster. Steven’s tears were salty when they fell down to Jake’s face, trailing down to the side of his lips. He pressed a fleeting kiss on Steven’s collarbones, trying to sooth him without ever learning how.
He had never learned how to cradle a fragile heart on a palm full of thorns.
“The roots might still be there, but it doesn’t mean that something else couldn’t grow anew,” Steven had said another time. “Something different. Something you choose on your own. Would you like that?”
He didn’t know. Did he want to go through a painful struggle of letting go of who he had thought he was, and then walk on an endless road just to piece himself back together with something gentler, something kinder?
He didn’t. But he would, for Steven.
“Everything that you are, I cherish them,” Steven told him, a smile pulling on his lips. Jake leaned up to kiss them without thinking, and Steven sighed softly into his mouth. “But those things you’re made of, they aren’t kind to you. I just want you to be kinder to yourself, Jake.”
The only kindness he knew was painless death. But was it not kindness to wake up thinking that he wouldn’t bring his gun, that he could just go about without tarnishing his hands with blood? Was it not kindness to hold Steven in arms so stiff because they weren’t used to touching gently, instead of breaking something apart? Was it not kindness to let himself be loved?
It felt like walking on shards of sharp glass. Every step hurt; every step was terrifying for he wouldn’t know whether he’d fall off the cliff he couldn’t see. The road was misty and he was blind. He could only follow Steven’s voice, trying, trying so hard because the voices in his head were much louder. They crooned and promised him of sweet, sweet relief—if only he would turn back to the road he had known like the back of his hand.
But Steven wouldn’t be there. Steven wouldn’t be there either if he were to walk forward. Because this was something that only Jake could tread on. Steven would only be there in the agonizing steps, in every will he had to wake up and live as someone kinder to himself, in the touch of fingers that were used to be stained with blood of another’s. Steven would only exist in a heart willing to mend itself.
“Love is painful,” Steven had said, lying between Jake’s legs, leaning against his chest. He looked up and reached to touch Jake’s lips. “Loving you is painful. But it’s impossible to ever stop, because I don’t want you to ever feel unloved. Even mine won’t be enough, unless you learn how to forgive yourself; learn how to love every part you never wanted to acknowledge. Every part that you’re afraid of.”
Jake had thought, all his life, that he knew himself, and thus he was fearless. He was only a fragment of a mind torn apart from anguish, but he had stood on the destiny he was served with. He had never known fear until he knew how to love Steven. There were parts of him that he rejected, both the good and the bad; there were parts of him he murdered in cold blood, because they weren’t needed for his purpose.
But it wasn’t a purpose of his own. It wasn’t out of his own volition. When everything was said and done, Jake was a man lost in a world he had thought he understood.
“If you can’t find yourself yet,” Steven whispered against his lips, his touch bespoke of reverence on Jake’s skin. “Then find me.”
When time didn’t wait, didn’t care for his struggles, Jake cradled Steven’s face, at loss from the brewing emotions in his chest. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt. His ears were ringing and the world was deafening in its silence. Steven held him, arms closing around Jake as if he wanted nothing but to keep him there for a small eternity they could have.
“Cry, Jake,” he had said. “Allow yourself to cry, to feel the pain, to understand that you’re allowed to buckle under the burden. You’re not perfect, God, no. But you’re trying, and it’s one of the most painful things to do. So, cry, darling.”
He might have hurt Steven that time, holding him with immense fear clouding his head, the anguish tearing him apart, the deep-seated sadness that seemed unending. So, he cried, and he cried, and he cried until he could feel every single one of his pains, could discern them from one another, could accept that he had them, that they were his and they would stay as a part of him.
He felt weak and vulnerable, but he felt humane.
“Isn’t it great?” Steven asked, profound pride and affection for Jake in his eyes. “You did something. You could have just not. But you did it. It’s something amazing, your willingness.”
It was the day when Jake put on a new suit, and went out to put his application on a taxi company. They had a walk-in interview, and he went back feeling a bit bewildered. It felt so different, the first and the second time. It made all the difference in the world, knowing the comparison of the intent. It should have been something so mundane, but Steven had looked so proud of him.
“Nothing is mundane enough to be proud of, if it’s something you put your thoughts into,” Steven told him kindly. He fixed Jake’s tie, and tucked in his shirt neatly. “Even wanting to live tomorrow is hard. But we live regardless, when something else could have happened. A choice could mean a universe apart.”
A universe apart could mean that Steven wouldn’t be there. Jake didn’t think he would ever make a choice to see tomorrow if it came to that.
“Why wouldn’t you?” Steven asked, but his hands were cradling Jake’s face and there had never been reprimand on his face. “To live for someone else isn’t a wrong thing. For some people, it could be their only reason to hang onto. But, at one point, you will have to learn how to be free—of making choices, of decisions in reasoning, of dreams and hopes, of a heart and mind. Of a life: yours.”
Freedom could be found anywhere, but to teach himself to properly hold it was another rough trail he had to walk on. Attachment was of human’s nature, but to disregard oneself for that would just bring Jake back to square one. It wasn’t said, but he heard it loud and clear: to learn to be free also meant learning how to let go.
“I love you, with everything I can give, in any way I’m capable of,” Steven said, kissing Jake’s forehead, each of his eyelids, his nose, his lips. “Whoever you found yourself to be, I’ll love you. Even if it’s not the one you wanted, I’d still love you. With each step and each day your heart beats, I’ll love you. In every mistake and tears, I’ll love you. In pain and in warmth, I will love you the way you deserve to be loved.”
Jake worked and complained. He ate and watched soccer matches. He learned how to properly manage his salary. He went to the grocery store and divided his money wisely. He stayed in the bathtub for forty minutes on tiring days. He punched the wall and screamed. He sang and laughed when his voice broke. He hoped there will be a cheap house to buy. He cried, and held Steven, and learned slowly how to forgive himself.
It was hard to love himself when he had no love left to spare.
But he tried, because Steven loved him. It felt enough on some days, when he didn’t have the strength to be kind to himself. Because Steven would hold him gently when he felt like he didn’t deserve it, would love him when he couldn’t.
Freedom meant differently, then. Freedom could mean being a human with blood on a long history of violence; it could mean having his own body and mind, separated from the fractured world he had dwelled in; it could mean a mundane life filled with working hours and taxes and laughing at television show; it could mean hacking the tree off and planting a new seed despite not finding all the roots; it could mean being held in gentle arms with heart aching deeply; it could mean forgiveness and resentment and love and hatred.
It could mean a life he lived for himself.
“It’s alright to fall apart,” Steven whispered to him, holding his hands as the sky was dark and the clock ticked by on the wall. “And it’s alright to be vulnerable. Because there is pain in being okay. But, even if it is all the more painful still, allowing yourself to be okay is one of the kindest things you could do for yourself.”
Jake fell apart, and he heaved himself up with broken legs and a rough sob dragged from the bottom of his lungs. It was hard to wake up and think about walking the endless road with its mist and shards of glass. It was agonizing to think that he wanted to stop feeling this way. But he learned, he learned slowly, and he learned still. He wanted to be alright. He thought that he could allow himself to be alright.
“It’s not going to be easy,” Steven said, and he smiled so fondly at the atrocious flower crown Jake had made out of the blue. “But I hope you’ll keep walking forward. One day, I hope you’ll be proud of yourself, as much as I am proud of you.”
He put the flower crown on his head, and Jake kissed him slowly as they danced to a tune inside their heads in the small kitchen. Warm laughter and howl of pain as they stubbed their toes, not enough space for him to twirl Steven properly. Happiness, he learned, was scatter of freedom that could be found in the smallest of things that he often forgot about.
“I love you,” Steven said, earnest and sincere, as Jake presented him with a burnt toast and a bowl of salad that tasted like nothing but raw grass. “For everything that you are, and everything you have done. That is always going to be enough for me.”
Jake played chess with his colleagues and fellow drivers, cheering when he won. He saved up and bought Steven an expensive pen fountain. He danced and jested. He sang ballad songs in the shower. He brushed the tip of his fingers on Steven’s lashes as they lay side by side. He broke down and wailed until he couldn’t breathe. He punched the mirror until he saw a million fractures on the reflecting surface. He kissed Steven’s hands and told him that it was hard loving himself, that freedom seemed to be always out of reach, that he couldn’t find himself yet, but that was alright. He wanted to try, still.
“Keep this heart, and keep mine, too,” Steven said, smiling through his tears, lips marred with blood. “Keep my memories and yours, keep my wishes and your dreams. I will love you for whoever you are, whoever you will be. I’ll wait, always, for the time when you can be gentle to yourself, when you are someone you can love. For I love you without reserve, and loving you is the freedom I have chosen.”
A god lay on their feet, broken down and dead. A mortal had defeated him, and with it, his clutch perished. The moon would not have its master, and Jake’s heart broke apart for Steven’s gentle arms that had been holding it all this time were going cold.
Freedom could mean the choice in loving someone and oneself, despite the sharp shards and the long road ahead. And in the freedom of loving, there was willingness to be parted.
Love could mean sacrifices. Love could mean letting go.
Jake closed his eyes and played a long list of voice recordings, leaning back against the seat of the car. He needed to drop by the grocery store and buy some cheese. He also wanted to play some rounds of chess with his friends. This week, he learned how to make flower crowns that weren’t so wonky.
[I love you, dearly, wholeheartedly, unconditionally.]
The plumbing in the apartment had been fixed; Jake planned on wasting all the hot water in the tub while singing to some old songs he didn’t completely remember the lyrics of. He was invited to a family dinner of one of his colleagues, because it was also the eighth birthday of the daughter.
[In your pain, my heart will break apart. My apologies are the only ones I can offer.]
He had a bonus from his boss, for working so diligently. He could buy those shoes he’d been eyeing for the past four months. He also finally managed to get the tomato soup to taste right, instead of bland or too salty. The lady on the fifth floor said that he should drop by after work, because she baked some cookies, and she wanted to thank him for always helping her with groceries.
[There is no one I’m prouder of but you. In your mistakes and mishaps. In your trials and success.]
It was only two hours before he was finished with the shift. Perhaps, he should call his friends to remind them of the chess match. The vegetable smoothie he tried the other day tasted like shit, but the shop owner told him he should try other variants before giving up on it entirely. He agreed to come back again by the end of this week.
[Thank you for choosing to live as someone you can forgive.]
He rolled up his windows and let the tears fall. His heart ached still, but he learned to let it fall apart with each memory of Steven, because he had learned how to pick up the pieces and let himself be alright, allow himself to mend his heart. Two hours, he reminded himself.
[In this eternity, I will wait for you. I will always do.]
Just two more hours, after a long day, until he could—
[And when you’re here, after everything you’ve been through, after you've tried time and time again, I’ll open my arms at last, and say—]
—come home.
[Welcome home, Jake.]
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crossxskulled · 2 years
Ya see this? Good. Time to pop up some particular theme songs here for the muse.
Gonna be adding a lil extra descripts for my song reasoning though!
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Standard Theme: His World - Sonic '06
Easy one to dive into. He's someonewho lives by whole his whole heart, down to glory filled highs or reckless lows that can embody this song. Ryuji is someone who truly wants to have life charted out and lived his own way, and it's more of a song he grows into over the course of the story as he comes to find himself. While this way of living is by no means inherently wrong, it can just as easily grow into overindulgence or ego-stroking if he's not careful.
He intends to let that good side of his heart be not only the triumphing factor, but the leading force in this desire to truly live as he pleases. It even leans to choices more business oriented, never wanting to steer towards 'victory' as a means of success while everything else crashes down around him. He's a 'Bring 'em up' type of guy.
Battle Theme: Get Down to Business - Guilty Gear X2 Accent Core
This piece exemplifies the natural spirit that Ryuji carries within him. Keeping down and out has never been his style, come wind/rain or shine. So a beat that emphasizes that trucking momentum when duty calls nails how he'll always be there for what matters. The energy revving up after beginning 'start up' serves good as the note of him rolling and stirring that energy within his veins, refining it in order to rain some hell.
Then to follow, how the song keeps a steady rhythm reflects that all cylinders are fired up.
Emotional Theme: Persona PSP OST - Let Butterflies Spread Until The Dawn.
A lot of Ryuji's particular journey is made upon self reflection. A road like his is cemented by pain whether his own or the many, countless others he comes into contact with. The song keeps a harsh and harrowing tune, yet, it's given a hopeful current with these riffs that outline a more positive sign.
Despite the lyrics given a not that things are not and will continue to be not easy, that he has to often look deep for the strength that he needs to find. Learning how to make peace with his pain, himself, and getting a proper gauge of the world will be the only road to allow him to grow in a way he'd be personally satisfied with.
Boss Theme: Devil's Beat - Fire Force OST
This is a testament to Ryuji's natural intensity. No matter the circumstance, a lot of himself is thrown into that select mix of a situation. It may need a good kick in the ass to stir up, but the particular instance where the pieces properly fall into place. Where his heart, mind and soul are sound, it sparks. The instance could be considered as 'The Zone' phenomenon within the athletic field, a form of heightened perception and distinct awareness and peace within the world, and what he does, that it allows him to tune into force that can be rivaled to natural disasters.
He's aware, he's here, and this electric laced moment intends to crush any and all definitions of adversity from his very path.
Tagged by: @foolisharcanum OUT HERE BULLYIN' ME ON THESE 8(
Tagging: Any and all can come and get it. I'm a returning face, so now all sure who is still out here doin their thing!
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lilacookiee · 1 year
So today, I went through my iCloud and because it's been at max capacity from old photos for the longest of time, I could never actually thoroughly go through them to get rid of old photos but a year down the road, I never realised how big of a blessing that would be.
I stumbled upon hundreds of photos and videos of the life I shared with Jerry, I realised how truly real and gentle love had been with you, and how empty I must’ve felt, and how painful it must’ve felt for you to have to come to accept to let go of someone you loved so much because of unchangeable situation, and for me to have someone to love immediately after you. It must’ve been painful to watch me move on to someone with extreme passion that probably made you felt like you never meant anything at all. But surely that wasn’t the case. There will always be a space in my heart that remains filled with memories of you, more so than any partner I’ve ever had because 3 years is a long time, and I’ve grown the most with you and I’ve watched you grow time and time again, so it’s impossible to ever replace you. So in my heart you will remain, no matter who you are with, and who I am with.
I pray I find someone will love me just as much as you did, and I pray that when the time comes, it will last, and religion won’t be in the way again.
Looking back over the 6 months being single, I cried over a boy who’s love burnt with passion, but there wasn’t a bone in him that could commit to an everlasting love. Falling in love with him was like adrenaline, it was almost as if I was impulsively deciding on doing something crazy stupid, enjoying it, at risk of death or injury. It’s like an extreme sport, crazy fun, unpredictable, addicting but you have an inherent probability of dying or getting injured. Most times you’re lucky but when it falls through, coming back from it is more difficult than ever. It cuts you deeper than the loss of a soft love that just couldn’t work. But that’s just it isn’t it? I played with fire and I got burnt. Exciting, and then you realise it’s only fun and happy until it bites you back in the ass
But you know what helped me today? Looking at photos of the me before him. How real love towards me looks like. How you and I forgave each other time and time again, instances where we swore that we would never see each other again, we fought and you ran to your sister’s home and I would lock my doors and be so angry I wouldn’t want you to come back home, yet my heart would soften, and before I call you or when I do call you, you would already be on your way back home to see me.
Countless times, over the 3 years we fought, we always made up, times we thought one another would never change and we found ourselves unconsciously changing a few months down the road because we just really enjoyed each others presence so much that nothing that came between us was big enough of an obstacle to keep us apart. Petty or big issues just became a page of our history. Well, normal relationship problems aside, your ugly traits and mine aside, ultimately we only broke up for good when the love for one another was not enough to be a reason to forgo the love and commitment to our gods. But looking back at it despite the break and the mistakes, we had it all. I was anxious and you made me secure, each and everyday, I never delved deeply in what you did or how you made me feel that way, but looking back on our photos, I get it now.
I never realised how many photos we have of us where you were gently kissing my head, videos and pictures of you randomly embracing me without asking, how often you kissed me lovingly, how friendly you’d joke with me, how tender you were when you held me, how lovingly you looked at me, and how you would compliment me like I was the only girl that existed in your life. And funnily enough, as my memories are tied to photos, I remembered that before some of those photos and videos, we had big fights or silly altercations where I would sulk or get upset over little things, yet when I take videos after we made up, the love and how gently you treated me never changed.
You’d always remind me that you’ll love me even if I was jobless, even if I was handicapped, even if someone splashed acid all over my face, you’d still be by my side. It wasn’t just empty words you gave me, but from the way you loved me or treated me, it spoke louder than anything you could’ve said, no matter how bad you were at communicating.
I knew you loved me because I know it wasn’t because I’m able or I’m pretty, it was because you saw through my flaws, you held me through the hard times in my life and despite the pain of our differences that tore us apart, seeing and feeling the forgiveness you showered me with, truly define what love really is, and in turn, you softened my heart to love you the way you loved me.
Being in love with you made me learn to love more earnestly and honestly than I ever did, which is a good thing with the right person, but incredibly dangerous when given to a person who doesn’t treat my heart with care.
How can I ever thank you for loving me that much? You loved me despite my ugliest flaws and mistakes, forgave me countless times and kept the love flowing. You taught me how to love better despite my rough tendencies. Now, I love and forgive to the best I can, hoping I could even get close to how you could forgive me for the worst things I’ve ever done. Even though our paths have diverged and moved forward with the hands of time, I’m now relearning what it means to be loved, and how I should continue to love, despite all the pain I’m experiencing. I’m grateful I stumbled upon our photos and videos because it serves as a reminder to me that there is someone out there who would love me the way you did, to show that real love goes beyond time, space, and fights.
Seeing our love made me remember how safe it felt to be in a secure relationship with someone who chooses to love you despite your flaws and believes in a better future as a couple, rather than the addicting thrill and adventure of a fiery passionate love with the chance of love burning out or burning me at any moment. It also set the bar for me not to be so hung up over a boy who doesn’t know how to love someone enough to look for the light at the end of the tunnel, someone who isn’t strong enough to stay even despite the hurdles that come his way and to not love someone who is incapable of loving anybody enough to cherish their presence to make things work no matter how steep the mountain may seem at first.
It made me realise that I deserve someone honest, who doesn’t lie to me or himself to keep an imaginary happy image of a relationship going on to me, the world and himself afloat. That I deserve a love with someone who no matter how bad the fights get, or how far we run, or how hard it may seem, always comes back around because of the genuine love and forgiveness for each other that we share.
Thank you Jerry, you’ve thought me so much back then and even now, more than a year apart and without contact, you still manage to help me without even lifting a finger. I’m glad someone genuine loves you now, and I feel so genuinely happy seeing videos of the two of you. Although it didn’t always start off that way, but I’ll always have mad love for you because our love is never meant to intertwine more than what has already transpired, so I’ll smile and let a prayer slip through my lips for your happiness, whether it’s her, or if by the grace of God, me, should you ever convert and it leads you back to me, i don’t know.
I used to want to control what happens in my life, and worry and hurt in the process. But now I really don’t want to fight what’s in store for me, I let things go and unravel as it comes while loosely following a goal in my life, and if I meet someone who loves me along the way, whether it happens that ex I almost married, or you, or just about anybody I can open my heart to and is a person who is capable of loving me you the way you did, I’ll be eternally grateful.
I am hopeful and I am stronger now, because the me a year ago, could never be alone after a breakup, the me then would’ve never seen the beauty in the solitude you loved so much to bask in, and most definitely, the old me would have shattered at the sight of old happy memories, whether it may be Bryan. Jerry or him. But I don’t now. I’m so proud of me. Taking a trip down memory lane, something I didn’t expect to go through tonight, showed me that I am someone worth loving and I shouldn’t have been been treated nor destroyed the way I was last year.
I’ve been on my knees crawling day by day, and by the time I look back, the memory is so much further from me than what I my mind had exaggerated it to be. Truly eye opening. I’ll keep moving forward, smile and be happy with someone in the future. I know it’ll come.
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Excerpts from Gabor & Daniel Mate’s ‘The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture’ pg 374-431:
- “The emergence of new choices in place of old, preprogrammed dynamics is a sure sign of our authentic selves coming back online.” pg 376
- “Agency is the capacity to freely take responsibility for our existence.” pg 377
- “Until we recognize our commonality, we create more woe for ourselves and others: for ourselves, because we increase our distance from our humanity and get caught up in the tense psychological states of judgement and resistance; for others, because we trigger their shame and further isolation.” pg 386
- “Healing, in a sense, is about unlearning the notion that we need to protect ourselves from our own pain.” pg 387
- “Healing, not cure, is the blessing that disease bestowed on these people. Cure can never be guaranteed. Healing is another matter, and it is available until we draw our last breath. It is the movement toward experiencing oneself as a vital whole, whatever may be happening corporeally. Healing is not an endpoint: it is as much a process as disease is.” pg 391
- “These people who get better really change their beliefs about themselves or their beliefs about the universe.” pg 402
- “The aim of healing work is not to shed the personality entirely but to free ourselves from its automatic programming, granting us access to what’s underneath, to reconnect with what’s essential about us.” pg 409
- “To inquire compassionately takes openness, patience, and generosity.” pg 411
- “In compassion there is no exhortation that we should be other than the way we are, only an invitation to inquire into the what, how, and why of the beliefs and behaviours that do not serve us.” pg 411
- “Compassion...is an attitude, not a feeling. Unlike feelings, which come and go of their own accord. attitudes can be invited, generated, and nurtured in the face of any emotional state. The attitude here is one of inexhaustible non-judgement toward whatever one notices.” pg 411
- “Most of us, even the busy ones, have more time than we know what to do with; what we lack is a strong sense of intention for its use.” pg 412
- “Writing by hand rather than typing helps create a sense of connection with yourself.” pg 413
- “Resentment drives you further away because it will contaminate your love for that person.” pg 415
- “Healing cannot occur if we do not accept our worthiness--that we are worth healing.” - Mario Martinez, pg 422
- “While there is inherent value in knowing our stories as stories, what we ultimately want is to unfasten their hold on us.” pg 423
- “Only when attention is present can the mind rewire the brain.” pg 424
- “The quality of your present-moment experience is far more tied to that choice of responses than to anything fixed or preordained in the past.” pg 426
- “The road to hell is not paved with good intentions; it is paved with lack of intention.” pg 429
- “Everything within us, no matter how distressing, exists for a purpose; there is nothing that shouldn’t be there, troublesome and even debilitating though it may be.” pg 431
- “Agency is gained not through resistance to ourselves but by way of acceptance and understanding.” pg 431 
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The Intricacies of Waiting: Love, Expectations, and Life's Journey
Have you ever found yourself waiting for someone? Perhaps you’ve experienced myriad feelings wrapped up in those moments of anticipation. When waiting for just a few minutes, it might feel like a simple need—perhaps you're hungry, or simply eager to reconnect. When those minutes stretch into hours, the essence of your wait transforms; it morphs into a manifestation of trust. However, when days or weeks slip by and you find yourself still waiting, it’s no longer just about time; it speaks volumes about friendship and the bond shared.
But what happens when you wait, knowing deep down that the person you are longing for is not coming back? In that painful space of acceptance, you begin to understand what it truly means to love someone. Here, waiting transcends beyond a mere act; it becomes a testament to the strength of your feelings—a silent ode to a love that may not be reciprocated in the way you had hoped.
The Burden and Beauty of Expectations
Love comes with its own set of expectations. We often hear the adage, "never expect anything in return." But let’s face it: when we genuinely love someone, it's human nature to expect a little care, affection, or acknowledgment in return. This isn’t selfishness; it’s a reflection of our vulnerability and desire for connection. When we pour our hearts into someone, we naturally crave some mutual investment. It’s the inherent dance of relationships—give and take, sacrifice and fulfillment.
Yet, the reality is that not everyone we meet is intended to remain in our lives indefinitely. Some people drift in and out like passing ships in the night, each leaving behind a unique imprint on our souls. Recognizing and appreciating this transient nature of relationships can be both liberating and heartbreaking.
Blessings and Lessons: Navigating Our Encounters
Every individual you encounter is a brushstroke on the canvas of your life, contributing to the bigger picture of your experiences and emotional growth. Some are here to bring blessings—a comforting word, a shared laugh, or an enlightening conversation. Others, however, enter our lives as lessons, perhaps teaching us about resilience, heartbreak, or the importance of self-love.
These lessons can be challenging, often provoking uncomfortable emotions or reflecting a raw truth that we may not want to face. Yet, it’s through understanding and embracing these lessons that we cultivate character and depth within ourselves. Each encounter shapes us, preparing us for the deeper, more meaningful connections awaiting us further down the road.
The Journey Forward
As we navigate through relationships—both fleeting and lasting—it’s important to remember to cherish each moment. The wait might be hard, the longing intense, but understanding that every person that crosses our path plays a role in our journey helps us redefine the purpose of these interactions.
So, the next time you find yourself waiting or feeling the sting of unreciprocated love, hold onto the insight that this experience is foundational. It is sculpting your character, teaching you resilience, and ironically, guiding you toward the kind of love that is mutual and fulfilling.
In the tapestry of life, every thread—from brief encounters to profound relationships—contributes to the overall masterpiece. Embrace the ebb and flow of connections, cherish the lessons, and remain open to the joys that await you in the folds of your journey. Ultimately, remember that love, in all its forms, is an essential part of the human experience—it teaches, it transforms, and above all, it connects us deeply to one another.
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ashif544 · 2 months
How Do Luxury Sunglasses Offer Superior UV Protection?
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Luxury sunglasses are more than just a fashion statement; they are an essential investment in eye health. One of the most critical features of luxury sunglasses is their superior UV protection, which offers more than just aesthetic appeal. This blog delves into how luxury sunglasses provide exceptional UV protection, examining various aspects such as lens technology, materials, and design features that contribute to their effectiveness.
Understanding UV radiation and its risks
What is UV radiation?
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun. It is categorised into three types: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA rays have the longest wavelength and can penetrate deeper into the skin, leading to premature ageing and skin damage. UVB rays, with a shorter wavelength, are primarily responsible for sunburn and can contribute to skin cancer. UVC rays are the most harmful but are mostly absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere and do not reach the surface.
Understanding the types of UV radiation is crucial for comprehending why UV protection in sunglasses is essential. Both UVA and UVB rays can cause significant damage to the eyes, including cataracts, macular degeneration, and other forms of eye strain. Luxury sunglasses are designed to offer comprehensive protection against these harmful rays, ensuring that your eyes are safeguarded from long-term damage.
Why UV protection is important
UV protection is critical for maintaining eye health, as prolonged exposure to UV rays can lead to serious conditions. UV radiation can accelerate the development of cataracts, a clouding of the eye's lens that can impair vision. It can also contribute to macular degeneration, which affects the central vision and can lead to blindness. Additionally, UV exposure can cause photokeratitis, a painful condition akin to sunburn on the cornea.
Luxury sunglasses are designed with advanced UV-blocking technologies to mitigate these risks. By investing in high-quality sunglasses with superior UV protection, you are taking a proactive step toward preserving your eye health and preventing potential long-term damage.
Premium Lens Materials for Enhanced UV Protection
High-quality lens materials
Luxury sunglasses often use premium lens materials that provide superior UV protection. One such material is polycarbonate, known for its impact resistance and inherent UV-blocking properties. Polycarbonate lenses naturally absorb UV radiation, reducing the need for additional coatings. Another high-quality material used is Trivex, which combines optical clarity with UV protection and durability.
These materials not only enhance UV protection but also offer better clarity and visual comfort. Unlike lower-quality lenses, premium materials used in luxury sunglasses ensure that you receive comprehensive protection without compromising on optical performance. The choice of lens material plays a significant role in the overall effectiveness of UV protection.
Advanced lens coatings
In addition to high-quality materials, luxury sunglasses often feature advanced lens coatings that enhance UV protection. These coatings can include UV-absorbing layers that block 100% of UV radiation, ensuring that your eyes are fully protected. Some luxury brands also incorporate anti-reflective coatings to reduce glare and improve visual comfort.
These coatings are meticulously applied to ensure uniform protection across the entire lens surface. The added layers not only improve UV blocking but also enhance the durability and longevity of the lenses. By investing in sunglasses with advanced coatings, you ensure that your eyewear provides optimal protection and clarity.
Polarised lenses and UV protection
How Polarisation Works
Polarised lenses are designed to reduce glare from reflective surfaces, such as water or roads. They achieve this by filtering out horizontally polarised light, which is responsible for causing glare. While polarisation primarily enhances visual comfort and clarity, it also complements UV protection.
Polarised lenses are often combined with UV-blocking technologies to offer comprehensive protection. The polarisation helps reduce glare, which can contribute to eye strain and discomfort, while the UV protection safeguards your eyes from harmful rays. This combination ensures that you have clear vision and are protected from both glare and UV radiation.
The advantages of polarised lenses
Luxury sunglasses with polarised lenses provide several benefits beyond UV protection. They enhance visual clarity and contrast, making them ideal for outdoor activities such as driving, fishing, or skiing. Polarised lenses can also reduce eye fatigue and improve overall comfort by minimising glare.
In addition to these benefits, polarised lenses with UV protection ensure that your eyes are shielded from harmful rays while providing a clearer view of your surroundings. This dual benefit makes polarised luxury sunglasses a valuable investment for both visual comfort and eye health.
Frame design and UV protection
Importance of Frame Coverage
The design of the sunglasses frame plays a crucial role in UV protection. Luxury sunglasses often feature wraparound or oversized frames that provide better coverage and prevent UV rays from entering around the edges of the lenses. This design ensures that your eyes are protected from UV exposure from all angles.
Wraparound frames are particularly effective in blocking UV rays that can reach the eyes from the sides. This comprehensive coverage enhances the overall effectiveness of UV protection and provides a more secure fit. Luxury sunglasses with thoughtfully designed frames offer superior protection by minimising gaps and ensuring that your eyes are fully shielded.
Ergonomic and adjustable designs
Luxury sunglasses often come with ergonomic and adjustable designs that ensure a comfortable fit while maximising UV protection. Adjustable nose pads and temple tips allow for a customised fit, reducing the likelihood of gaps where UV rays can enter. These design features enhance comfort and ensure that the sunglasses stay securely in place during various activities.
The ability to adjust the fit also helps prevent slippage, which can compromise UV protection. A well-fitted pair of sunglasses ensures that the lenses cover the eyes completely and there are no gaps through which UV rays can penetrate. Luxury brands invest in these design features to provide both superior protection and optimal comfort.
UV Protection Standards and Certifications
Industry standards for UV protection
Luxury sunglasses adhere to strict industry standards for UV protection to ensure that they offer effective shielding against harmful rays. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) set guidelines for UV protection in eyewear. Sunglasses that meet these standards are tested for their ability to block UV radiation and provide adequate protection.
Luxury brands often exceed these minimum standards to offer enhanced protection. By adhering to stringent guidelines and conducting rigorous testing, luxury sunglasses ensure that they deliver superior UV blocking performance. These standards provide assurance that the sunglasses will effectively shield your eyes from harmful UV radiation.
Certification and Testing
Many luxury sunglasses come with certifications that validate their UV protection claims. These certifications are obtained through third-party testing and verification by independent laboratories. The tests ensure that the sunglasses meet or exceed the required UV protection levels and provide reliable shielding against UV radiation.
Certification and testing provide added confidence in the quality and effectiveness of luxury sunglasses. By choosing eyewear with recognised certifications, you are ensuring that you invest in a product that has been rigorously evaluated for UV protection and overall performance.
UV protection is durable and long-lasting.
UV protection's longevity
Luxury sunglasses are designed to provide long-lasting UV protection. The UV-blocking coatings and lens materials used in high-quality sunglasses are engineered to withstand prolonged exposure to sunlight without degrading. This ensures that the sunglasses continue to offer effective UV protection over time.
Unlike lower-quality sunglasses, luxury eyewear maintains its UV-blocking capabilities throughout its lifespan. The UV protection is durable, ensuring that your investment in luxury sunglasses provides ongoing benefits and protection for your eyes. Proper care and maintenance also contribute to the longevity of the UV protection.
Impact of Lens Scratches and Damage
Scratches and damage to the lenses can affect the UV protection provided by sunglasses. Luxury sunglasses are constructed with durable materials and coatings that resist scratching and impact. However, it is essential to handle and store the sunglasses properly to prevent damage.
Luxury brands often incorporate scratch-resistant coatings and protective features to maintain the integrity of the UV protection. By taking care of your sunglasses and avoiding damage, you ensure that the UV protection remains effective and that your eyes are consistently shielded from harmful rays.
Aesthetic Considerations and UV Protection
Balancing Style and Functionality
Luxury sunglasses often balance style and functionality, ensuring that aesthetic appeal does not compromise UV protection. High-end brands design sunglasses with both visual appeal and advanced UV-blocking technologies, offering eyewear that looks excellent while providing superior protection.
The integration of fashion and functionality allows you to choose sunglasses that reflect your personal style while ensuring that your eyes are protected from UV radiation. Luxury brands invest in design innovation to create sunglasses that are both stylish and effective in safeguarding your eye health.
Customisation and Personalisation
Many luxury brands offer customisation and personalisation options for sunglasses, allowing you to select frames, lenses, and colours that suit your preferences. Customisation options often include choices for lens tints, coatings, and frame materials, ensuring that you can tailor the sunglasses to your specific needs while maintaining superior UV protection.
Personalised luxury sunglasses provide a unique blend of style and function, allowing you to create eyewear that is both aesthetically pleasing and highly effective in UV protection. The ability to customise ensures that you receive a product that meets your individual requirements while offering comprehensive eye protection.
The Role of Brand Reputation in UV Protection
Established brands and quality assurance
Reputable luxury brands are known for their commitment to quality and performance. Established brands invest in research and development to create sunglasses that meet high standards for UV protection. Their reputation for excellence often reflects the effectiveness of their UV-blocking technologies.
By choosing sunglasses from well-known luxury brands, you are assured of the quality and reliability of the UV protection offered. These brands have a track record of delivering high-performance eyewear that provides superior protection against UV radiation.
Customer Reviews and Experiences
Customer reviews and experiences can provide valuable insights into the UV protection offered by luxury sunglasses. Positive feedback from users who have experienced the benefits of superior UV protection can validate the eyewear's effectiveness.
Luxury brands often have a loyal customer base that attests to the quality and performance of their sunglasses. Reading reviews and testimonials can help you make an informed decision and choose sunglasses that offer the level of UV protection you need.
Comparing Luxury Sunglasses to Standard Options
Advantages of Luxury Sunglasses
Luxury sunglasses offer several advantages over standard options when it comes to UV protection. The use of premium materials, advanced coatings, and rigorous testing ensures that luxury sunglasses provide superior shielding against harmful UV rays. Additionally, the attention to design and craftsmanship enhances both comfort and effectiveness.
Investing in luxury sunglasses means prioritising both style and functionality. The advanced technologies and high-quality materials used in luxury eyewear ensure that you receive the best possible protection for your eyes while enjoying a fashionable accessory.
Considerations for standard sunglasses
While standard sunglasses may offer basic UV protection, they often lack the advanced features found in luxury options. Standard sunglasses may use lower-quality materials and coatings that provide less comprehensive protection. They may not meet luxury sunglasses' rigorous standards and certifications.
For those seeking superior UV protection and enhanced performance, luxury sunglasses are a worthwhile investment. The benefits of advanced technologies and high-quality construction outweigh the cost differences, ensuring that you receive optimal protection for your eyes.
The Impact of UV Protection on Overall Eye Health
Long-Term Eye Health Benefits
Proper UV protection is essential for maintaining long-term eye health. Chronic exposure to UV radiation can lead to serious conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and skin cancer around the eyes. By investing in sunglasses with superior UV protection, you are taking proactive steps to prevent these issues and preserve your vision.
Luxury sunglasses with advanced UV-blocking technologies provide effective protection that reduces the risk of developing UV-related eye conditions. Regular use of high-quality eyewear helps protect your eyes from harmful rays and supports overall eye health.
Immediate Comfort and Protection
In addition to long-term benefits, luxury sunglasses offer immediate comfort and protection. The high-quality lenses and coatings reduce glare and improve visual clarity, making outdoor activities more enjoyable. Enhanced comfort and reduced eye strain contribute to a better overall experience while ensuring that your eyes are protected from UV radiation.
The Role of Technology in UV Protection
Innovations in Lens Technology
Advancements in lens technology play a crucial role in enhancing UV protection. Innovations such as photochromic lenses, which darken in response to sunlight, provide additional protection by adapting to varying light conditions. Similarly, polarised lenses reduce glare and improve visual comfort while offering UV protection.
Luxury sunglasses often incorporate these technological advancements to provide superior performance. The integration of cutting-edge technologies ensures that you receive the best possible protection and visual clarity.
Research and Development
Luxury brands invest in research and development to continuously improve UV protection technologies. Ongoing research leads to the development of new materials, coatings, and lens designs that enhance the effectiveness of UV protection. By choosing sunglasses from brands that prioritise innovation, you benefit from the latest advancements in eyewear technology.
Conclusion: Investing in Quality UV Protection
Choosing luxury sunglasses with superior UV protection is an investment in both style and eye health. The combination of high-quality materials, advanced coatings, and innovative technologies ensures that you receive comprehensive protection against harmful UV rays. By prioritising UV protection in your eyewear choices, you are taking proactive steps to safeguard your vision and enjoy enhanced visual comfort.
Whether you are seeking fashion-forward designs or advanced performance features, luxury sunglasses offer the best of both worlds. The investment in high-quality eyewear provides long-term benefits and ensures that your eyes are protected from the sun’s harmful rays while enjoying a stylish accessory.
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tomorrowedblog · 3 months
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Friday Releases for June 28
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for June 28 include Horizon: An American Saga, Service Merchandise, Across the Tracks, and more.
Horizon: An American Saga
Horizon: An American Saga, the new movie from Kevin Costner, is out today.
In the great tradition of Warner Bros. Pictures’ iconic Westerns, “Horizon: An American Saga” explores the lure of the Old West and how it was won—and lost—through the blood, sweat and tears of many. Spanning the four years of the Civil War, from 1861 to 1865, Costner’s ambitious cinematic adventure will take audiences on an emotional journey across a country at war with itself, experienced through the lens of families, friends and foes all attempting to discover what it truly means to be the United States of America.
Fancy Dance
Fancy Dance, the new movie from Erica Tremblay, is out today.
Since her sister’s disappearance, Jax (Lily Gladstone) has cared for her niece Roki (Isabel Deroy-Olson) by scraping by on the Seneca-Cayuga reservation in Oklahoma. Every spare minute goes into finding her missing sister while also helping Roki prepare for an upcoming powwow. At the risk of Jax losing custody to Roki’s grandfather, Frank (Shea Whigham), the pair hit the road and scour the backcountry to track down Roki’s mother in time for the powwow. What begins as a search gradually turns into a far deeper investigation into the complexities and contradictions of Indigenous women moving through a colonized world while at the mercy of a failed justice system.
The Vourdalak
The Vourdalak, the new movie from Adrien Beau, is out today.
When the Marquis d’Urfé, a noble emissary of the King of France, is attacked and abandoned in the remote countryside, he finds refuge at an eerie, isolated manor. The resident family, reluctant to take him in, exhibits strange behavior as they await the imminent return of their father, Gorcha. But what begins simply as strange quickly devolves into a full fledged nightmare when Gorcha returns, seemingly no longer himself…
A Quiet Place: Day One
A Quiet Place: Day One, the new movie from Michael Sarnoski, is out today.
Experience the day the world went quiet.
A Sacrifice
A Sacrifice, the new movie from Jordan Scott, is out today.
Inspired by Nicholas Hogg’s 2015 novel Tokyo Nobody, A Sacrifice is an emotionally turbulent story that follows American social psychologist Ben Monroe who is investigating a local Berlin cult connected to disturbing events. While he immerses himself in his work, his rebellious teenage daughter, Mazzy, becomes embroiled with a mysterious local boy who introduces her to the city’s underground party scene. As their two worlds head toward a dangerous intersection, Ben will need to race against the clock in order to save his daughter.
Daddio, the new movie from Christy Hall, is out today.
DADDIO celebrates the power found in those rare moments of pure human connection, even with the most unlikely person. This highly contained, yet kinetic character-study – encapsulated in one single cab ride – explores the complexities inherent to the secrets we keep, particularly the ones locked away on our phones. It’s about truth and illusion, how we so effortlessly substitute one for the other out of survival. It’s about the hurtful memories of childhood, how past trauma can manifest itself in profound ways. It’s about the dance between the pain and poetry that is the human experience.
WondLa, the new TV series from Bobs Gannaway, is out today.
No amount of training could prepare Eva for what she’d find beyond her bunker walls.
Service Merchandise
Service Merchandise, the new album from Previous Industries, is out today.
Across the Tracks
Across the Tracks, the new album from Boldy James and Conductor Williams, is out today.
Samurai, the new album from Lupe Fiasco, is out today.
MEGAN, the new album from Megan Thee Stallion, is out today.
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healths2wellness · 4 months
Reclaiming Active Life: Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Nagpur
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Chronic knee pain can be a debilitating condition, robbing you of the simple joys of movement and significantly impacting your daily life. If conservative treatments like medication and physical therapy haven’t provided lasting relief, total knee replacement surgery in Nagpur (TKR) could be the key to regaining your independence and enjoying an active life again. This in-depth guide delves into everything you need to know about Total Knee Replacement surgery in Nagpur, from understanding the procedure itself to navigating the path towards successful recovery.
Understanding Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Total knee replacement surgery is a surgical procedure where the damaged knee joint is replaced with artificial implants made of biocompatible metal and high-grade plastic. This surgery is typically recommended for individuals with severe osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease characterised by significant pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the knee joint. The worn-out cartilage, which cushions the bones during movement, is progressively destroyed in osteoarthritis, leading to bone-on-bone contact and excruciating pain.
Candidates for Total Knee Replacement Surgery
While TKR surgery can be a life-changing solution for many, it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Here’s a breakdown of who might benefit from this procedure:
Pre-Surgical Evaluation and Planning
Before scheduling your TKR surgery, a thorough pre-surgical evaluation is essential. This typically involves:
Discussing Surgical Options with Your Doctor
During the pre-surgical consultation, your doctor will discuss various aspects of TKR surgery in detail, including:
The Total Knee Replacement Surgical Procedure
Total knee replacement surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the surgical steps:
Advancements in Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Technological advancements have revolutionized TKR surgery, offering greater precision, improved outcomes, and faster recovery times. Here are some key trends:
The Road to Recovery After TKR Surgery
Following your TKR surgery, a dedicated rehabilitation program is vital for regaining strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the knee joint. This program typically involves a combination of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and pain management strategies.
Recovery Timeline
While recovery timelines vary depending on individual factors, here’s a general idea of what to expect:
Lifestyle Modifications for Long-Term Success
Following TKR surgery, certain lifestyle modifications can contribute to the longevity of your knee replacement and overall well-being:
Potential Risks and Complications
As with any surgery, TKR surgery carries some inherent risks and potential complications. Here’s a brief overview:
Choosing the Right Surgeon for Your Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Nagpur
Selecting the right surgeon for your TKR surgery is a crucial decision that significantly impacts your outcome. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a surgeon in Nagpur:
Dr. Swapnil Gadge, a Consultant Joint Replacement Surgeon at Gadge Hospital, Nagpur, is a highly regarded choice for TKR surgery. Here’s a closer look at his expertise:
Why Consider Dr. Swapnil Gadge for Your TKR Surgery in Nagpur 
Total knee replacement surgery in Nagpur can be a life-changing procedure for individuals suffering from severe knee pain and limited mobility. By understanding the procedure, managing expectations, choosing the right surgeon, and diligently following the rehabilitation program, you can embark on a successful journey towards reclaiming your active life. Remember, this article provides a general overview, and it’s crucial to consult with a qualified orthopedic surgeon like Dr. Swapnil Gadge in Nagpur to determine if TKR is the right treatment option for you. They can address your specific concerns, discuss the risks and benefits in detail, and guide you through the entire process.
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influencermagazineuk · 4 months
Why Entrepreneurs Need the Sportsmanship
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Why Entrepreneurs Need the Sportsmanship: Skills to Seek The world of entrepreneurship is often glamorized, painted as a fast track to success paved with innovation and overnight triumphs. However, the reality is far more demanding. Building a successful business requires resilience, adaptability, and a relentless drive – qualities that successful athletes possess in abundance. Here's why entrepreneurs should cultivate the spirit of sports within themselves. The Competitive Edge: Embracing the Challenge The business world, like any sport, is inherently competitive. Entrepreneurs face constant challenges from established competitors and ever-evolving market forces. The spirit of sports teaches them to embrace these challenges, to see them as opportunities to test their skills and push boundaries. Just like athletes who train tirelessly to outperform their opponents, entrepreneurs who cultivate a competitive spirit are more likely to persevere and find innovative solutions. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Collaboration is Key While the spotlight often falls on the solo entrepreneur, building a successful business is rarely a one-person endeavor. Entrepreneurs need to build strong teams, foster collaboration, and leverage the diverse skill sets of their employees. Sports offer a valuable lesson in teamwork. Athletes understand that success relies not just on individual talent, but on the ability to work seamlessly with teammates, communicate effectively, and support one another towards a common goal. Entrepreneurs who embrace this team mentality create a more cohesive and productive work environment where everyone feels valued and contributes to the overall success. The Art of the Comeback: Resilience in the Face of Setbacks The road to entrepreneurial success is rarely smooth. Setbacks, failures, and unexpected roadblocks are inevitable. Athletes understand that even the best players face losses. They learn to analyze their mistakes, pick themselves up, and strategize for a stronger comeback. This resilience is crucial for entrepreneurs. By cultivating a "never say die" attitude and a willingness to learn from their failures, they'll be better equipped to overcome challenges and navigate the inevitable ups and downs of the business world. Pushing Through Pain: Discipline and Perseverance Building a successful business requires immense dedication and sacrifice. Entrepreneurs often work long hours, face constant pressure, and need to make difficult decisions that might not always be popular. The spirit of sports teaches the importance of discipline and perseverance. Athletes understand that achieving peak performance requires rigorous training and the ability to push through discomfort. Entrepreneurs who can maintain focus, even when faced with challenges and setbacks, are more likely to see their ventures through to fruition. Adaptability on the Fly: Responding to a Changing Game The business landscape is constantly evolving. New technologies emerge, consumer preferences shift, and competition intensifies. Entrepreneurs need to be adaptable, constantly learning and adjusting their strategies to stay ahead of the curve. Athletes understand that the game can change in an instant, requiring them to react quickly and adjust their tactics. This ability to adapt and respond to unforeseen situations, honed through the challenges of sports, translates seamlessly to the ever-changing world of business. Celebrating the Wins: Motivation Through Recognition The journey of an entrepreneur can be isolating and demanding. Long hours and relentless work can lead to burnout and a sense of stagnation. The spirit of sports emphasizes the importance of celebrating wins, both big and small. The recognition and validation from teammates, coaches, and fans motivate athletes to keep pushing their limits. Entrepreneurs who learn to celebrate milestones, recognize achievements, and reward themselves for their hard work will stay motivated and maintain the drive needed for long-term success. Beyond the Finish Line: Building a Sustainable Future The spirit of sports goes beyond winning or losing. It's about sportsmanship, respecting competitors, and fostering a healthy work ethic. These values are crucial for entrepreneurs who want to build a sustainable business. Just as athletes take care of their physical well-being, entrepreneurs need to prioritize a healthy work-life balance and create a positive and supportive work environment for their team. By embodying the spirit of sports – from healthy competition to teamwork and perseverance – entrepreneurs can build not just successful businesses, but also thriving, sustainable organizations that contribute positively to their industries and communities. So, the next time you think of successful entrepreneurs, don't just picture them in boardrooms, envision them on the playing field, honing the skills that will lead them to victory in the business world. Read the full article
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