#but the twins don’t look related to Jax until I put there faces next to each other
llama-head · 2 years
Sometimes I think no one in the Garcias looks alike then I put all their headshots together and I’m like “oh no they do”
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theladykoyote · 5 years
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FULL VIEW BEST From Left To Right:
Top Row
Jerico Hernandez & Kassian Davies:  Naughty Kitty's at it again.  Jerico control yourself!
Dante Osiris (next two images) yes Nero's son, you know who I'm talking about, the creepy bastard who eats people!
Sloane Sato: Can't put a naughty kitty in here without drawing a good boi.  My inugami Federal Marshal, WitSec Officer, Jax's babysitter (also Jerico's but as long as Kass and Sloane are around the worst thing that happens is he does parkour on the ships in the bay and tries to kill his brother at home), and oh... may or may not be Inugami Royalty with a plan for revenge (yay backstory)
Second Row:
Captain Diedre 'BOUDICCA' O'Hara, the only woman in this piece, guess what people!  Meet Mama Deathless, the original holder of the Deathless Gene, though hers does work a bit differently (it mutated from her to what we now know), mother of Ryder's Twins but hey they didn't stick together, one-night stand kinda thing, not like Arro cared (Ask Isabella Falcon on how that works) and the second lovely lady Mayla and Leslie are both with.  The girls gotta stick together ya know.
Arronax Ryder: No idea what that tiny little grin is about.  Maybe Ryder's doing something in the distance who knows.  But have some Arronax.
Third Row:
Jax Wylder (Kinda Old Art): Older brother (yes He's the older brother folks!) of Jerico.  Entirely human but... hey look at these idgits and how they act.  They have to be related right?
Arronax: Just some practice for Arro's face cause he's hard as hell to draw ok?
Xavier 'CAINE' Gaumond: Umm... I just wanted to draw Caine making an angry face?
Fourth Row:
Colton Black: I had one goal with this, properly get a drawing of Colton's .44 done.  It's based off a Griswold Frame so that's the reference I used.
Caine: Cause if he's gunna be screaming like that let's get some nice Caine in there too.
Jerico, Kassian, Sloane:  I was experimenting with getting a chibi style I liked.  Found it!  I decided to give Sloane puppy ears and tail and then Cat said I should give Jerico a cat tail and panther ears.  Summing this up... Jerico is a very bad kitty and got put in timeout, and Sloane was a good boi and got taiyaki which is his favorite treat.  Kass is being spiteful and loving on Sloane cause bad kitty's don't get pets.
Bottom Row:
Addu (OLD ART): Ok this has been sitting around my damn computer for a while but it's time folks, to meet Ryder's Grandfather the entity Addu and pretty much the reason Ryder is a badass who can call storms and everything else.  He doesn't actually learn anything about his heritage for years, of course, how could he?  He was sold into slavery when he was 3.  Addu is known by other entities as The Maelstrom, as such Ryder has earned the title of The Rising Gale among the entities.  This is due to being the one descendant of any entity to show the powers of an entity (yes, they don't create other entities, they create demons when they bump uglies - not to say there aren't other ways to create demons... I know, I know, stop confusing us Koy! I'll get species sheets and historical shit up soon ahhhh!) and another incident I don't plan to reveal until I actually bring in Addu.  Even his father did not show this finesse though he was the son of not one but two entities (Addu's mate is Tiamat btw).  
Connor Brian Connelly: Cause why not draw a giant dhampir being all smiley
Axel: This is just my redesign attempt for Axel / Abby / Eros' tats, starring Axel cause idk, I was in the mood to draw Axel controlling their body?
Jerico, Kassian, Dante, Sloane, Diedre, Arronax, Jax, Caine, Colton, Addu, Connor & Axel / Abaddon / Eros © LadyKoyote 
Like my art? You can support me on Ko-Fi, and follow me on DA, Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram (Please Note: I will bye trying to get more active on these some of them have nothing at all on them yet) Ko-Fi (SFW) | Tumblr (SFW) | Twitter (SFW & NSFW) | Instagram (SFW) | PillowFort (SFW & NSFW) | Deviant Art (SFW & [dA Safe] NSFW)
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anemonestory · 6 years
Chapter One; Meeting The Seniors
The Seniors of Ruby High School boarded the train at approximately four am, way too early in Camellia’s opinion. No one should be up before the sun, it’s unholy. Originally her plan was not to go on this stupid senior trip but her adopted parents thought it would be a good chance for her to make friends before college. So far, that was not happening. She was the first on the train and forced into the back, not that she minded. It was darker than the rest of the train which wasn’t a bother, in fact, she prefers it. No one is talking to her and the most she can hear is a few students from physics class playing Dungeon and Dragons, mostly tiny yells and impressions of mythical creatures. She hummed lightly as she tossed her backpack next to her as she plopped into the seat. “Who’s the fucking weirdo in the back.”
Mason snarled, glancing back at the coffee haired girl in the back of the train. “Don’t say that about someone,” Ezra mumbled. The raven wasn’t one to step in and speak but something about the fact that they had to bully the one kid who literally hasn’t done anything to them. “Oh, is little Ezra standing up for the weird girl?” Elijah asked throwing his arm around his younger brother. “Don’t pick on your own brother, Elijah,” Noah spoke. Ezra shrugged his older brother’s arm off of him. “Okay, the three biggest idiots of known history, Ezra and I are leaving far away from you,” Clover commented, nudging her twin. “We’re both going to avoid you three like the plague until this trip is over.” She nudged Ezra along to the back of the train, two seats behind the Dungeon and Dragons group and about seven seats ahead of the mysterious girl.
While Ezra and Clover had a small conversation, nothing really in detail or all that important, Clover overheard the Dungeon and Dragons group talking about the girl in the back. “Ezra I know this is rare, but can you be quiet for a second? I am trying to eavesdrop here,” Clover whispered and gave her twin a small glare. Ezra looked at her and shook his head before pulling out his Clockwork Prince book. Though, out of pure curiosity, he listened to the conversation of seniors in front of them.
“I wish that Camellia would notice us. I bet she would like this game.” Mathew fawned while adjusting his shifted glasses. Clover then looked over at Ezra and mouthed ‘what’. Ezra just looked back at his book nodding. He looked up at his sister only for her to whisper “Sibling alert, hide.” “It’s not my fucking fault that you said that. Now the twins are mad.” Noah said, pointing towards the twins. Mason, who was leading them, stopped and looked back at his two brothers “Where the hell did they go?” He asked. “Are you serious and it looks like they’re not in the back with the weirdo,” Elijah said.  
The triplets glanced around the train. Once out of view, the twins sat back up. “Why do we have to be related to them?” Ezra mumbled while shoving his face into his book. “Because we were cursed, that’s why.’ Clover retorted, her dark green hair falling back onto her shoulders, messily. “Then how the hell do we break this cursed?” He chuckled lightly. ”Going to the back of the train and go talk to the girl…” Clover started saying then looking back to look at Camellia that seem to be upside down in a chair reading a book “Who seems to be reading a book upside down.” “What?” Ezra said in a confused voice “And we can’t because we don’t even know her name.” Ezra said as if Clover wouldn’t know or wouldn’t find out. “I’m pretty sure it’s Camellia,” Clover said. “We don’t know that,” Ezra said, knowing he already lost due to the fact that when Clover wants something, she goes after it. “Okay, then I will ask, even though I pretty sure it’s Camellia.”
“Hey, Mathew! What’s the girl’s name in the back of the train?” Clover asked in a flirty voice. Ezra looked at her displeased that she did that. “Umm, you're asking me? Well, I-” Mathew started but then Jack McCall finished his sentence. “Her name is Camellia and if she doesn’t talk to you, don’t take it offensively. She’s mute.” “Thank you,” Clover spoke and turned back to Ezra. “I told you so.” She smiled.  “Come on let's go, Ezra,” Clover said. “No, we need to wait to make sure that no one knows we go back there, especially our brothers.” Whispered Ezra, pointing back and forth between him and Clover. “It doesn’t matter what they think. I want to make a new friend!” Clover whispered happily. “It looks like she doesn’t want friends. Why pry?” Ezra whined. “Because I’m persistent! Let’s go!” Clover spoke grabbing her older twin’s arm and dragging him along.
Clover plopped down next to Camellia. That caused the girl to move away a little bit. “I’m Clover and this is my older brother, Ezra.” The dark haired girl introduced. Camellia gave a forced smile. Before Clover could force another question on her, the intercom went off. “We’ll be at the lodge shortly. Please clean up your mess. Thank you.”  When the intercom turned off Camellia tossed her trashed and packed up what little things she had brought out. She grabbed her things, most noticeable her black suitcase with a fake anemone hanging off her bag. Going to go sit down in a new seat farther in the back, she pushed up her thick black rimmed glasses and sat with her bag next to her, finishing off her water. “See she doesn't want to even sit by us.” Ezra mouthed to Clover thinking Camellia couldn’t see him mouthing words. “Well, I don’t care. She seems like a nice person and maybe… just forget it we will talk later.” Clover mouthed back.  
     “It doesn't matter we will get her to talk.”  “But sir she only a little kid-” “I don’t care if she’s a kid. She doesn’t know anything and we'll use that to make her into our best agent”
Camellia shook at the thought of her getting kidnapped.  
“Hey, I like your shoes,” Clover stated looking in Camellias direction. Giving a slight smile then looking down at her Alice in Wonderland themed heeled boots that had the Cheshire cat on it. “We are here please get off the train in an orderly fashion.” As the intercom spoke, Camellia waited till the two twins got off the train to get off before getting off herself.
Greeted by her music teacher Mrs.Mills. “I saw the two twins in the back of the train with you.”
Camellia grunted in response.”You know, you can’t be like this all the time. I know you can speak so please do so.” “Okay, now I regret letting you know that I can speak. Also, I have done this most my life why I can’t continue until college where I can speak again?” ”And let’s not start on the twins. I mean do they always talk that much?” But before Ms.Mills could talk again, Camellia interrupted her, “and the girl twin commented on my shoes? Like, who does that?” “Normal people sweetie. But we have to remember you’re not normal.” Camellia went back to being silent as they went into the ski lodge. Students filled the lounge talking obnoxiously loud (according to Camellia). Mr. Iken approached Camellia and Mrs. Mills. “Good of you to join us, Miss Grey.” He spoke. Mr. Iken was considered the popular teacher. He was young and good looking, to most high school girls, and he was the acting teacher. He was like the best friend of teachers.
Mr. Iken clapped his hands together, “okay students, pay attention.” He spoke. The lounge quieted down. “Now this wouldn’t be a school-related event if you get to choose your roommate so we’re doing a drawing. You’re separated by boys and girls.” A groan washed over the students and filled the lounge. “Come on, Mr. Iken! We’re not little kids.” Elijah shouted. “Says the one who quotes Spongebob in the middle of class.” The whole student body made comments like ‘burned’, ‘oh!’, and ‘he called you out!’. “Come up and look at the lists created by Mrs. Mills and I. Mrs. Mills has the girls, I have the boys.”
Students went up and looked at the list. “I got Camellia! Hell yeah!” Clover spoke to her twin. “I got Matthew Cook?” Ezra spoke. “That would be me.” He turned to be met with a tall brunette male who had almost rum colored eyes. “You’re the head of Dungeons And Dragons, right?” Clover asked. “I am.” “You don’t look nerdy at all,” Ezra mumbled. “Yeah, you kind of look like one of those Tumblr boys. I approve.” Clover spoke bluntly. “Thanks, I think?” He laughs lightly. So we’re roommates, cool.”
Clover left her brother and Matthew to run over to Camellia. Camellia sighed at the sight. “We’re roommates! It’s gonna be a fun week!” Before the greenette could speak she was interrupted by Mr. Iken. “You all have this afternoon free but tomorrow we’ll have planned activities. I was informed by one of the workers that a storm is moving in either tonight or tomorrow so if you do head out, please be careful.” With that, he dismissed the students. Everyone went to their rooms to put their stuff away. Camellia tried her best to ignore Clover.
“Knock, knock,” Jax said lightly tapping on the open door. Both girls looked at him. “Hey, Camellia, we’re starting a DnD session in the corner of the lounge where the books are.” He spoke. She nodded sending a thumbs up his way. “Can I join?” Clover asked happily. Camellia looked to Jax with a pleading look. Jax gave a cocky smile. “Absolutely. you’re Clover, right? The Smith siblings sister?” “Yup!” She replied. She hopped over to Jax. “Jax McCall, right?” He nodded. “Coming Camellia?” Jax asked, raven hair shifting against the door frame, emerald eyes darting around the room. She nods and grabs her cellphone before following the two out.
Clover darted ahead to her twin and Matthew’s room to get them. “So, Clover, huh?” Jax hums. Camellia’s face heated up lightly. She kicked his leg lightly. “Alright, alright. Sensitive subject.” He spoke. “She is cute though.” He commented. Camellia looks around to make sure no one can hear them. “Matthew, huh?” Camellia retorted. “How dare you!” Jax babbles, face turning redder than a ruby. “You guys coming or are you going to stand in the hallway glaring at each other?” Matthew laughed gently. Jax’s face kept the red tint. “Yeah! I heard Camellia’s the DnD queen!” Clover cheered. “Who knew she was so cool!” Red flooded back to Camellia’s face again. Ezra spoke, “let’s go.”
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