#you won’t be seeing the babies as teens for a long ass time like I have plans for them
gravehags · 1 month
hold me now
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!Reader (Curator!Reader)
Rating: Teen
Tags: couple fight, well less a fight than copia fucking up supremely, hurt/comfort, self esteem issues, anxiety, secondo once again being a real one
Words: 2,587
Summary: You've never heard that tone from Copia before period let alone directed at you.
a/n: copia baby your anxiety and freeze response...
He can feel the headache coming on, throbbing right behind his eyes and the base of his skull from staring too long at spreadsheets and numbers and stupid fucking emails from his fellow clergy members. 
Sister Imperator on his ass, like always. Nihil on his ass, like always. You’re pacing back and forth in front of his desk, chattering animatedly about…he’s not even sure, all he can focus on is the static in his brain and the blood rushing in his ears and the noise of your voice and–
He barks your name once. That’s all it takes to have you stopped in your tracks, slowly turning to face him. When the next words out of his mouth come sharp like a whip crack, he sees you physically recoil.
Enough. Quiet.
Immediately he’s filled with regret as he watches you back away towards the door, fidgeting with your fingers. He knows what he needs to do - what he needs to say - but he’s paralyzed with fear and exhaustion. His mouth opens but no sound comes out.
“S-sorry,” you say, your voice uncharacteristically small and high, the way it gets when you’re holding back tears, “sorry I’ll just–”
By the time he reaches out to you, still unable to speak, you’ve already got your back turned to him and he watches you leave and shut his door with a gentle snap. In an instant he forgets about his headache, about the stressors, about everything that isn’t the horror that settles in his belly like lead. He wants to get up, go after you, apologize on bended knee but he just…sits. 
Sathanas, what have I done?
You’re proud of yourself, you don’t cry until after you return to your office. As soon as the door shuts though, an ugly sob is wrenched from your throat and you collapse into the empty chair opposite your desk. You can’t form a coherent thought, all you can do is bawl into your hands and shake.
He’s done with you, that familiar, horrid little voice says. He’s finally had enough of your verbal diarrhea, of the silly inconsequential things that come out of you. He realized your mouth is only good for one thing and nattering isn’t it.
You know the wail that comes out of you is pathetic as snot and tears pour down your face and you slide out of the chair and onto the floor. Pressing your back against the desk, you draw your legs up as tight as you can, rocking gently back and forth. The look on his face - the anger, the annoyance - is burned into your memory. It’s wholly unlike your love but the fact that he hasn’t come after you…well. Clearly he meant what he said. You heave a shaky sigh and lean forward to fumble behind you for the box of tissues on your desk. It was a good run, you suppose. You always thought you were unlovable and here’s the proof. To think that he would tolerate you and your annoying habits for the rest of your lives was simply naive. 
You’re just a naive, stupid, annoying little girl.
Your tears slowly cease and you diligently wipe up the streaks of mascara on your cheeks.
You won’t bother him anymore.
Two days. Almost three. That’s how long has passed since his horrific outburst in his office and he still hasn’t apologized to you. The guilt gnaws at him, tearing him up, but in all truth he’s not sure how to make the situation right. And he’s embarrassed, Sathanas, looking and sounding like an irritable old man. It’s the longest he’s gone without seeing you in ages and fuck, he misses you desperately. Misses your smile, your laugh, how excitable you get when you’re talking about something you care about. Misses the very thing he chastised you and hurt your feelings for, fotutto idiota. He doesn’t blame you for not coming to his quarters or visiting him during work hours. He certainly wouldn’t blame you for being done with him, with this relationship. The lump in his throat gets worse and worse as he hustles down the corridor, tears blurring his vision. He’s nowhere near his office when he slams into something solid.
“Watch where you’re–oh, Cardinal.”
“Mi scusi,” he chokes out, dodging Secondo’s gaze and trying to hurry past him before his brother can see the streaks of black running down his cheeks but judging from the way one large hand wraps around his bicep, it’s too late.
“Copia, what is wrong?” Secondo’s voice is low and concerned as he steers him into an empty seminar room, shutting the door behind them. As soon as the latch clicks Copia lets out a whimper and then a sob.
“I hurt her!” he cries and Secondo starts.
“What do you mean you hurt her? Copia, I know you did not physically harm her because brother or not, if you laid a hand on her you know I’d–”
“No!” Copia gasps, astonished and sickened at the implication. “I would sooner cut off my own hand than raise it to her, you know this. No I-I…I hurt her feelings.”
Secondo seems relieved, but only slightly.
“What did you do?”
His lip trembles as he recalls the events of the other day to his brother. When he’s finished, Secondo crosses his arms.
“And you did not go after her? Che cazzo, stronzo?” he growls, shoving Copia into a chair. “What must she think now that her beloved was cruel to her and did not offer an apology? Copia you’ve always been self-sabotaging but this is a new low.”
“I…I don’t know what came over me after she left my office. My heart told me to chase after her, to make it right but I just…couldn’t move. It was like…like my brain was telling me that I didn’t deserve her in the first place so I shouldn’t push my luck. That she deserves someone…better.”
“What utter bullshit,” Secondo scoffs, and Copia can feel his face go red in shame, “You don’t deserve her? Well maybe you don’t after this but Copia she chose to be with you. To love you and care for you. And you insult her and her choice by trying to make the choice for her with your wretched behavior? Vergognatevi, Copia Emeritus.”
Copia knows Secondo is right but it doesn’t make the dull ache in his chest any better.
“How do I fix this?” he asks quietly.
“Go to her, firstly, you fucking idiot. Bring her something nice, that will make her smile. But wait until she’s back in her rooms tonight, I’m sure she’s had enough of crying in her office. And tell her how you truly feel and how sorry you are. And if she forgives you then don’t be this stupid again. If she doesn’t forgive you, well…perhaps I’ll treat her better.”
Copia’s head jerks up and Secondo looks down at him with a smirk.
“So you better work hard to make her forgive you, huh? Otherwise she’s getting a ride on the Italian Stallion, capisci?”
“Ugh disgusting,” Copia grunts, standing up, “I don’t know why I was always worried about Terzo stealing her when you’re even worse. Stay away from my amore.”
“Then you better work damn hard to make sure she remains your amore.”
“Any eh, tips?”
“I don’t know, flagellate yourself in front of her,” Secondo says, turning to leave, “She looks like she’s into that.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Copia grumbles as they exit the classroom. A passing elderly sister looks at him and jumps with her hand over her heart.
“Clean yourself up first, huh?” Secondo says, straightening Copia’s cassock, “You look like the nun from The Nun.”
“Grazie mille, shithead. I think I know exactly what to do.”
“Bene. Now get to work.” With a clap on his shoulder and a wink, Secondo strides away. 
Right, Copia thinks, first the bathroom, then Primo’s greenhouse.
He only hopes it’s not too late.
Two days. Two fucking days and he hasn’t said shit to you. Hasn’t even attempted to say shit to you. Your pain and embarrassment morphs into anger on the dawn of the second day when you check your phone and see no texts, no missed calls. The hurt is still there, that ache in your chest that doesn’t really go away, but you’re truly floored that he could be so casually cruel to you then act like you simply don’t exist. Maybe it’s over (and the notion makes tears well in your eyes and makes you choke on each breath) but don’t you deserve to hear it from his lips? That’s all it takes to have you sobbing again as you attempt to brush your teeth, dejectedly spitting out toothpaste into the sink. It’s early, ridiculously early to be in your nightgown getting ready for bed but every night without Copia has been agony and all you want is to no longer be conscious. You pad over to your nightstand and are about to check your phone simply out of habit when there’s a loud knock at the door and you freeze. Part of you - the petty, horrible part - considers ignoring it the way he’s ignored you. Letting him stew. But your heart is ultimately what pulls you towards the door and has you opening it. Your lip wobbles when you see him before you - in his clean red cassock, no biretta  - but you pride yourself on remaining tearless. He looks incredibly nervous and nauseated as he beholds you.
“Eh…may I come in?”
You say nothing but stand aside and gesture for him to enter. It’s not until he’s fully inside your apartment you see the healthy bouquet of lily of the valley behind his back and your icy demeanor melts a little. He hands them to you, eyes dodging yours like a fifth grader with a crush. It’s charming, you can’t lie. You take the flowers from him and he watches you carefully as you fill up a vase and place them in it.
“Kinda…kinda gives you déjà vu, no?” he laughs nervously, “Except–”
“Except you brought me orange roses the first time.”
His cheeks go red.
“Right, right,” another half a minute passes of you resting your weight on your hip with your arms crossed and him fidgeting with his cuffs. You’re about to ask him to get it over with if he’s breaking up with you when–
“Amore, I do not have sufficient words to describe how incredibly sorry I am for my behavior the other day. And then for abandoning you in the days since…not only have I insulted you but I have insulted this relationship. Our relationship. Something horrid came over me that day and you did not deserve to bear the brunt of my foul mood. I know it must mean little now but as soon as I said it I-I felt sick to my stomach.”
“You didn’t come after me,” you say, sniffling and staring ahead at the bejeweled grucifix on his chest, “I knew I really fucked up when you didn’t come after me–”
“Amore you…you think what I did was a reflection on you? That you…don’t tell me you believe you deserved this?”
Your vision is going blurry and you swear internally.
“I thought you were, y’know, done with me. Done with my chatter a-and annoying habits and–”
Copia crosses the floor and takes your hands in his.
“How could I be ‘done’ with everything that makes you…you? Dolcezza, I love all of your facets, even the ones you believe to be ‘annoying’. How could I deny anything that is a part of you?”
“Then why did you tell me to be quiet? Why didn’t you come after me? Why did you just let me sit all these days assuming the worst?”
Silence rings out in the small apartment after your last loud statement and Copia looks as if he wants nothing more than to tear his heart out of his chest and present it to you, still beating in his palm.
“Oh cara,” he whispers, “I was having such a-a difficult day. Everything had gone wrong and I could feel a migraine starting and…none of it matters. I should never have lashed out at you and I curse my brain and body for not allowing me to chase after you. There’s no excuse for what I did…for how I abandoned you these past few days and…I understand if you would like to end our relationship.”
Your heart plummets.
“Is that what you want?” you ask softly, voice cracking pathetically, “I just…I assumed the worst after you didn’t try to see me–”
A noise halfway between a sob and a sigh is wrenched from Copia as he falls to his knees before you.
“Amata mia, all I want in this world is you. Your love. Nothing else matters. Only death can rid you of me, I swear to Sathanas. Do…do you feel the same?”
Tears are freely pouring down your cheeks as you look upon the man you love and the way his eyes are upturned to you seeking repentance.
“You know I love you more than anything,” you whisper, “God, we really fucked this one up, huh?”
“Not you, amore mio, me. From start to finish this was my fault and for that I am so, so sorry. I hope you will somehow forgive me–”
You scoff wetly, looking down at him with a smile.
“Is this just what two people with anxiety in love are like?”
He lets out a small laugh.
“Heh…maybe. Surely we’re not the first. Or the last.”
“We should start a support group,” you say, letting go of his hands and gripping his shoulders, “and as pretty as you look in your vestments on your knees, you can get up, my love.”
“I would stay here forever should you command it.”
Hmm. That sounds nice.
“Come to bed with me, Cardinal,” you say softly and obediently he rises to his feet. “I’ve slept like shit without you.”
“And I you,” Copia says, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to your lips. Abruptly, you wrap your arms around him and hold him tight.
“I love you,” you murmur into the red wool covering his chest.
“Love you too, anima mia,” he whispers, kissing the top of your head, “and I am sorry for everything.”
The two of you embrace one another in the quiet for a moment before you speak.
“Hmm did we just have our first fight?”
“Eh, I don’t know if it was as much a fight as it was me being a fucking idiot and you having the infinite grace to forgive me.”
“Oh, okay. I guess that rules out make-up sex, then?”
You hide your grin in his pellegrina as he makes a noise of outrage.
“Amore, anything can be make-up sex if you try hard enough. Shall I eh, call you some filthy names and get the ball rolling?”
You giggle as you tug him towards the bedroom.
“Oh, I insist, Your Eminence.”
He growls, trying his best to undo the buttons of his cassock with one hand after you lift your nightgown over your head and let it fall to the floor.
“Think I’m getting eh, a Pavlovian reaction to you using my title, dolcezza.”
You look down at the bulge in the red fabric and smile.
“I’ll be sure to remember that on really inconvenient occasions.”
He sighs.
“I know you will.”
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chamomiletealeaf · 8 months
This fic is inspired by this art from @furaitsu on Twitter. You all should follow them. They draw amazing art of the COD boys.
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Pairing: plus!sized!reader (but tbh could really be any reader :)) x Johnny “Soap” Mactavish
Warnings: m!dom to m!sub dynamics kinda, f!dom, p in v sex, choking, clothing fetish???
You buy a cute little outfit to show off in for Johnny, but to be honest… you kinda wanna see what he would look like in it muahaha.
“Well, whaddya think?” You ask your boyfriend Johnny. You’re standing in front of him and do a twirl, showing off the cute outfit you had on just for him.
You’re wearing black thigh highs that squeeze your thighs so perfectly, a red and black plaid skirt with a chain on the front, and a little cropped mesh top, that doesn’t really leave much to the imagination.
Johnny sits on the couch in front of you, legs spread out as he leans back and stares at you in awe, raking his eyes up and down your body with his thick arms crossed over his chest.
“Fuckin’ hell.” Johnny says through his teeth, nearly growling at you like a wolf would to its prey before it attacks.
You giggle at his reaction. This is exactly how you wanted him to react.
“C’mere bonnie.” Johnny says, leaning his elbows on his knees and gesturing for you to come his way.
You walk up to him and stand between his thighs. He places his chin on your soft tummy and looks up at you while he runs his hands up your thighs and eventually under your skirt, grabbing your ass, which earns him a little shriek out of you.
“Fuck baby. Holy shit you look fuckin’ stunning.” Johnny says nuzzling his face into the side of your waist as he lets his hands wander.
“Need to fuck you in this, but I’m afraid it won’t last very long. Would have it in shreds by the time we’re done. Would hate to see this cute lil outfit go to waste.” He says with a laugh, nipping his teeth at the waistband of your skirt.
And as you look down at him looking up at you, already drunk off of you. An idea of how your pretty little outfit won’t go to waste pops into your head and you smile mischievously down at him.
Johnny was a big, thick man. Even though you weren’t the smallest yourself, he still dwarfed you with the sheer mass of himself. But the material of your outfit was super stretchy. It’s what made you buy it in the first place. It was size inclusive.
“Well pretty boy.” You say as you lift his chin from your midsection forcing him to make eyecontact with you.
“Why don’t you wear it then. That way it won’t go to waste.” You say, your sly smile widening. Now you were the one who looked like a wolf about to pounce on its prey.
Johnny’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. But he looked amused.
“You want me to wear it?” He laughs, eyes still wide as saucers. “I don’t think it’ll fit me as well as it does you love. Might rip something.”
“Nah I don’t think so.” You say. “It’s pretty stretchy.”
Johnny glances to the side as if he’s considering it. Then he smiles.
“Besides, bet you’d look hot as fuck in it with those thighs of yours.” You tease, earning a chuckle out of Johnny.
“Ok, yeah, fuck it. I would look good as hell wouldn’t I.” He boasts, and you both get to undressing while you giggle like teens hooking up for the first time.
When you both get undressed, and Johnny has finally slipped into what was your outfit, you took a second to admire that gorgeous body of his. The outfit really did suit him.
“Ah fuck, ‘s a bit tight yeah?” Johnny says pulling the thigh highs up that keep rolling down.
He looked so. damn. delicious.
You zone out, ignoring his comments laughing at how you can see the bottom of his ass if he bent down just barely, and if he could trick his teammates into thinking this was actually a kilt. You were too busy drinking in the sight of him and his muscular, thick thighs that spilled over the top of the stockings and his arms and chest stretching the fabric that adorned his body ever so slightly.
“Yeah I know, I look silly.” He chuckles, responding to your silent ogling.
“On the couch.” You demand, catching him off guard.
“Oh.” He says amused. “Guess I don’t look silly then.” He smirks.
“Shut up and sit down on the couch.”
He obeys, sitting down, and you walk up to him, not caring that you’re fully naked and he wasn’t. You kinda liked it that way anyway.
You straddle his waist and run your hands up his chest, your body hovering over where his dick would be, since it was covered by the skirt. I mean, it was kind of easy to spot anyhow, with the way it was starting to make a tent in the skirt.
You sloppily kiss and lick up his neck, nice and messy, just the way he likes it. His hands grip your hips and he grinds up into you through the fabric of the skirt.
“Fuck. Keep doin’ that and you’ll be the death of me lass.” He moans out breathily.
You wrap a hand around his throat as you continue marking his neck but very lightly squeeze as a sign to tell him to stop talking, and he throws his head back and moans at the way you’re handling him.
He bucks his hips up into you in pleasure of you slightly choking him.
“Mmph- fuck, harder- squeeze harder.” He whines. And you do, earning a pornographic moan out of him as his eyes roll to the back of his head.
You grind your bare pussy down over the skirt onto the print of his dick and he’s so hard he whimpers at the sensation.
Your hand still around his neck, you whisper in his ear.
“My pretty boy wanna get fucked hm?”
Johnny turns his head to you, placing his forehead on yours.
“Go on bonnie, fuck me.”
And with that you flip up the skirt, revealing his hard and leaking cock. The sight makes your pussy pulse with anticipation of feeling it in you.
You line yourself up and sink down easily onto him, making both of you moan.
Johnny grips your hips tighter, trying to thrust up into you.
“Mm-mm, not yet. Gonna take my time.” You say.
You slide down to the hilt and lean your hands back on his knees and begin to move your hips back and forth in a circling motion slowly.
You look down and see the tops of his thighs peaking out from the skirt and thigh highs and it almost numbs your brain from how fucking hot he looks like this.
“Please- faster- fuck go faster- ride me.” He begs.
You stop your motions and look at him.
“What did I just say? I’m gonna take my time with you.”
He whimpers again and throws his head back as you start your pace again, moaning his name. You continue that until Johnny can’t take it anymore and is a panting, whining, and squirming mess under you.
“Aww ok baby, I’ll fuck you good now.”
You sit up and place both hands at the top of his thighs while you lean in to kiss him. He kisses you back hungrily, as if trying to reassert his dominance, but you pull away just in time, placing your hands over the mesh top on his chest and pushing him back into the couch holding him in place.
You start to bounce up and down on his cock, picking up your pace, and his hands go to squeeze your thighs. His thick length hitting every perfect spot, stretching you out so good and you let out a loud moan.
“God fuck bonnie just like that. Fuck me like that.”
You lean into him, placing your mouth by his ear.
“Yeah you like that hm? You like when I ride you like this?”
“Y- yeah- just like that- you know how to fuck me.”
You continue bouncing on him, admiring the way his chest heaves, stretching the fishnet-like fabric of the croptop he’s wearing, and the way the skirt is up around his hips the way it is when he’s the one fucking you, and how the material of the thigh highs and his thighs are coated in both of your arousal. He looked angelic like this, and you smiled at how perfect he was in this moment.
With his grip moving from its tight hold on your thighs to your hips, he started thrusting up into you, trying to meet you half way desperate for your pussy.
“F- fuck bonnie gonna cum. Fuck I’m gonna cum.” He pants, and you feel your own orgasm approaching quickly as well.
You nuzzle your face into his neck again as you continue to ride his cock like a dildo, using him like a toy.
“Fuck Johnny.” You moan.
“Choke me. Fuck choke me again. Need to cum with your hand around my throat.” He begs desperately, trying to get his demand in before it’s too late.
You bring your hand up and squeeze his thick neck while you place the other on his cheek, turning his head so your foreheads touch again.
“Go on. Cum for me. Show me how good I fuck you.”
And with you cutting off his airway, your tight cunt squeezing and pulsing around his cock, and your words, he spills his cum inside of you.
Johnny cums with a choked, slutty moan, eyes rolled to the back of his head.
You both cum at the same time, his orgasm sending you over the edge as well and you both slow your hips as you sob out your own moans cumming around Johnny’s cock.
You both sit panting, foreheads still touching with the bliss of the moment still in its passing.
“Y’know what?” Johnny says breathless with a smile.
“Hm?” You respond curiously and breathless yourself.
“Maybe we can share the outfit.” He says half jokingly.
And you both chuckle, ending the moment with a kiss full of giggles.
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star-girl69 · 8 months
OMG THE LITTLE FAMILY STUFF IS SO CUTE now imagine ivy like accidentally calling the reader amd clarisse mom for the first time OR OR someone (percy) like coming over and being like "hey I don't think this parenthood is a good idea here" (bc just imagine clarisse junior in the future) and ivy is wtf so she starts defending them and being like THOSE ARE MY PARENTS (10 yo vs 12 yo standoff go!!)
the first time ivy calls you mom it’s not on purpose
you just basically are her mom
all she knows is you treat her how a mom is supposed to treat their daughter
you’re probably like dropping her off at arts and crafts class and she casually goes
“ok bye mom see you later!”
cue the tears
you’re screaming and crying and hyperventilating and RUNNING straight to clarisse who is training and she’s like OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY
and you’re like
“i-i-i-ivy oh my god clar ivy-”
“SOMETHING HAPPENED TO IVY?!?!??!?” protective mom mode activated
“I KNOW” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
clarisse is so happy she’s like aw omg she’s a little jealous on the inside but she’s fine she’s fine she’s fine
she’s not fine if you couldn’t tell
but clarisse doesn’t have to wait too long bc the next day clarisse wakes up at like 3am and has to go to the bathroom and little adorable baby ivy sits up too rubbing her eyes and is like
“mom? where are you going?”
she’s about to LOSE. HER. SHIT.
but it’s late and she doesn’t want to overwhelm ivy so she keeps it cool and just says she’s going to the bathroom she’ll be back soon
anyways later you both sit ivy down and ivy is like WOAH WOAH WOAH WHATS HAPPENING
and you’re trying to be professional and adult about it
happy family ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
so let’s pretend it’s just another random rude ass 12 year old who’s name will be…. hm…… mark!
so mark and ivy are like chilling around at the training grounds waiting for their turn and then mark is like “oh my god you’re so bad you can even hold the sword correctly”
ivy is ????? she’s holding it the way clarisse taught her to hold it so what…….
“um? idk…. this is how you hold it dude…..”
and then you come over innocently and you’re like “hi ivy baby you forgot your water i’m gonna leave it right here!” and she’s like “ok mom!” bc you’re her mom and she loves you
so then mark is like “NO WAYYYYY YOU CALL HER MOM????”
“i just feel sorry for you like your own parents didn’t want you so the best you could get was two random teen girls??? LMAOOOO i bet they’re horrible ‘parents’ too ”
ivy may be tiny but she uses that to her advantage and jumps on top of people
so she starts scratching and kicking and hitting screaming “TAKE IT BACK TAKE IT BACK TAKE IT BACK”
bro mark is crying
one of mark’s friends drag ivy off of him and then you and clarisse run over at the commotion
and all you see is this kid crying, another kid holding ivy back- her hairs all messy and she’s kicking and screaming still
the kid very quickly drops ivy when he sees you
you have to THROW yourself in front of her so she won’t attack him again
clarisse just presses the tip of her spear into mark’s armor and he’s like “IM SORRY IM SORRY WAHHHHH WAHHHHHHHH”
clarisse is proud but confused
ivy is hugging you, her face pressed in your stomach when clarisse crouches down next to her
“you wanna tell me what happened?”
“well first he said i was holding my sword wrong but I WASNT i was holding it like this the way you taught me and then mom came over and then he started laughing when i called her mom and then he said you guys were probably horrible parents and i was SO MAD so i started attacking him”
ivy rn: 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
you’re horrified shocked and angry like it’s not an idea situation but ivy is loved and safe what more do they want from you?
you feel kinda shitty bc you love ivy so much but if you’re not what’s best for her than you’ll do anything
clarisse hugs her and kisses her head “good job protecting this family little warrior”
and you’re like “yes ivy you did an amazing job but remember violence is not always the answer”
(clarisse and ivy share their secret look again)
but later that night while ivy is getting ready for bed you’re telling clarisse that you’re concerned, maybe everyone who throws you the dirty looks are right, maybe you’re not what’s best for ivy
clarisse is ???
“ivy…. baby….. uh…. equals…. mine??? ….confused..”
but ivy overhears you and then SHE starts yelling at YOU
ok 🫡
eventually clarisse expresses it more articulately to you than ivy can, “who cares about what anyone else thinks? i’m happy, your happy and ivy’s happy. everyone else can get punched in the face!”
anyways happy family again ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex @luvrrish
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desired-misery · 21 days
Whumptober WIP | Ingrid Hunnigan's POV [Post-Resident Evil 4]
[quick context: Condor = Leon Kennedy Tony = another FOS agent like Ingrid Webster = FOS agent/mission commander, was in charge of Ingrid and Condor during RE4 This is the first time Ingrid and Leon work together after Spain. This scene happens over the comms]
Condor sighs. “Why am I being coddled? This is probably the most straightforward—”
Tony looks up, not quite rolling his eyes. “No one is coddling you, Condor. If anything, it's to help out our new FOS agent—”
“So I've been demoted to training material now? Fantastic.” There is Condor’s scathing sarcasm. Did not take him long at all to get there. 
“Hello, Condor,” Ingrid jumps in to see if she can shake Condor’s irritation from getting any worse.
Condor’s tone flips into something friendlier. “Is that Hunnigan? You got looped into my bullshit, too?”
Ingrid smiles faintly. “It’s good to work with you again.”
“No, don’t say that. You won’t mean it in about…” Condor hums, thinking. “Ten missions, tops.”
That tells her more about how realistic Condor’s reputation is more than anything else. Ingrid’s smile falters into a grimace.
“Ten is generous,” Tony says. “Are you planning on being nice?”
Condor chuckles, then sighs. “I’m being babied right now, Tony. Look at the shit they’ve got me doing.”
“It’s pretty basic, which is good for you. Both of you,” Tony says. “Hunnigan is new, and I was informed you’ve been on medical leave for a while.”
Condor groans. “Christ, how many hoops do I gotta jump through to prove—”
“It’s good to take things nice and easy,” Tony says, but Condor is not in the mood to be soothed.
“Fuck taking things easy, I’ve been sitting on my ass for months,” Condor snaps.
Ingrid wonders how anger-prone Condor is, because Tony doesn’t react at all.
Condor continues. “If this is all they’re gonna give me, I’m gonna—”
“That is all you’re going to get, Condor, until you have proven to be back in the saddle.” Webster’s voice flows through the line, an unusual break from his usual silence.
“Ugh, not you, too,” Condor replies. “Seriously?”
“It’s standard, Condor. Do well, get better assignments.” Webster says, unfazed.
“I gotta earn this shit?” Condor asks, disgusted. 
“I am sure you will go back to your usual fare as soon as possible. Maybe quicker, if things go really well.” Webster replies without the slightest shift in his flat, unbothered tone. 
“I can’t believe it,” Condor says. “I was cleared, I’m fine—”
“For this,” Webster interrupts again, firm without reacting.
“Fuckin’ hell.” But then Condor sighs, letting out all his frustration. “Fine. I’ll do your stupid fetch quest— god, the boredom is going to put me back in medical...”
“Boredom is good, that’s what we want,” Tony says. 
“It’s not what I want,” Condor shoots back, as petulant as an angsty teen. “Not right now. I’m sick of being bored—”
“Please, Condor, let’s keep things boring for a little while, okay?” Ingrid asks. “I’d like to know what counts as boring to you, just this one time?”
“I guess I can try boring for you,” Condor replies, his mood lightening.
“I would really appreciate that,” Ingrid replies.
“I probably owe you that, don’t I? For saving my ass.” Obviously, Ingrid cannot see him, but she is sure that Condor is smiling based on his tone.
“Let’s go with that.”
Condor chuckles, low and warm. “Fine, we can keep things easy.”
“Why don’t we try for ‘calm’, see where that gets us,” Ingrid offers instead.
Condor laughs.
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seokjinsonlyone · 2 years
#anonheadcanon time 🫣 this long ass delusional rant is inspired by your latest headcanon (cause all your hc’s are amazing but this one hit such a soft spot for me) so now I give you ✨bts as dads✨
Having a family will give Jin happiness and fulfillment like never before so he’s gonna make sure to repay that back to his children in every way he can! This means he’s taking his kids traveling and out on vaca’s like all the time and all sorts of random adventures both indoor and outdoor for them to explore and enjoy the world as much as they want!
Don’t get it twisted though! Jin will indeed teach his children generosity and humbleness, he loves them to death but he’ll teach them better for sure and with that being said I imagine him as a bit of a stern father figure in which he would absolutely put his foot down when needed but he still has a major soft spot for his kids, but again Jin has no problem play “bad cop” if needed when things need to get done; he just won’t stick to that stern setting for long yk!
A very affectionate father, he’s gonna be kissing all up on his children so much! But honestly if his babies have his cheeks how can he not?! He’ll make kisses a tradition, no one can leave the house until he gets a kiss and morning and goodnight kisses will be an everyday occurrence. This will not falter when his kids get older, he will still kiss their cheeks and foreheads and expect one before they leave the house! He’d say every kiss was his good luck charm for them day 🥺
Acts of service and words of affirmation you said? Jin is the dad who wakes up with his kids for school to prepare them breakfast and see them off. Jin is the dad who says I love you every morning, night, and in between as well as never skipping a beat to affirm to his children how proud he is of what they’ve accomplished and who they are becoming. Jin is the dad to teach his children the skills he already knows as he wants to be the one who’s right there watching them grow and being the one to give them the help they need when they get stuck (imagine cooking with his kids 🥲)
Definitely the type of dad to not complain when his toddlers pull him away to jump around or do some sort of dramatic play but I def see him to be the type playfully whine and groan about it when they’re a little older but still comply like he wasn’t complaining before lol
When they’re teens he’s gonna be the one to teach them how to drive and be the type to scream and shout when they turn too fast or hit the brake to hard. As his children grow older he’ll playfully make them do things for him like drive him places and help him do things he can obviously do 💀
Jin would be a very protective father, he would never put his children in stressful or harmful situations and avoid them ever having to be in any. Jin won’t think twice when it comes to his family’s protection both physically and emotionally, he’ll ruin your life quick and easy if you ever come and test his devotion. (My man got that lawyer money fr)
Not tryna be emo or anything but Yoongi’s goal with fatherhood is to give his children the freedom of a childhood he never got to have 🥺 he’ll be the type to give them room to explore who they are and their own interest as well as take them to places that allows them to feel free (kinda like Jin)
Another stern dad here, as he will teach his children both hard work and humbleness and teach them all the great things they could earn from doing both just like he did before he had them!
Yoongi is gonna be so so affectionate with his kids like he’s gonna hold them as much as he can at any age. Newborn? They’re laying on his bare chest as he’s fallen asleep in the rocking chair. Toddler? Carrying them in his arms as he sits in his chair in the studio and they lay their head on his shoulder. Child? Arms wrapped around their shoulders as he stands behind them and they wait for the bus to pick them up for school.
Quality time and acts of service you said? Yoongi is the dad to help his children pick out their clothes for the next day the night before with them and play a sort of dress up and even set up all their outfits to match. Yoongi is the dad to pack his children’s lunches and make every single bottle for them when scheduled or without even being asked. Yoongi is the dad to do whatever his child asks him to do with them because how could he ever say no?
Definitely the dad to let his kids use him in any way to play, like he’s def gonna sit there and be a jungle gym for his kids or dress him up in anything he wants as he sits on the floor and responds to their little dialogue 🥰
When they’re teens he’ll be a bit of a nagging parent who gives unsolicited advice on their situations or just general topics his kids bring up especially when they’re driving lmfao his kids will just be like “pa please I literally am going 26 at a 25 i’m not gonna crash” and he’ll be like “it’s important to follow the speed limit! You know back in my day-“ 😭
Yoongi is a papa bear like don’t play with his family, his children mean the absolute world to him and he won’t let anybody put them in any negative situation. My mans also got lawyer money but unlike Jin he won’t just let the law handle it he gonna get his lick back too especially when it comes to his babies!!
For Hobi fatherhood is gonna be so rewarding for him, i can just feel it 😭. He’s gonna be so in tune and enthusiastic with his kids and he’s gonna use all his resources to raise his children to the fullest, like they’ll have everything they need and more when having Hobi as their dad
I feel his children would be spoiled a bit but they’d never be raised to act like it. Hobi will be a strict father as he will be teaching his children to be humble, kind and diligent as he would show them that everything they were able to have was through his own perseverance and hard work.
Another very affectionate father as he would always be squeezing and holding his babies like they’re just too cute for him not to. Forehead kisses and face grabs are a every day, few times a day occurrence and at some point his children won’t even bat an eye to him doing that to them in any setting because they’re so used to it 🥺
Gift giving you said? Hobi is the dad who would go all out for holidays and birthdays as he wants all his children to feel special and important and loved by him, for example they’d get gifts that they’d enjoy on their birthdays and themed baskets for holidays like one for Valentines day that is filled with letters of love and sweets. Hobi is the dad to leave the house to go to the corner store to look for a few items needed but come back with his children favorite snacks and items cause he saw them and knew he had to get it for them. Hobi is the dad to make his children special matching jewelry, toys and items that connect them all together and show how much love he has for them.
Definitely the dad to let his kids pick out what he wears for a day. If he has more than one they’ll all be assigned different sections of clothing like his footwear, jewelry, shirt, etc. Hobi will not care about how “out there” the outfit may look he’s gonna post and brag about how his babies dressed him that day and about the entire process to whoever’s willing to listen!
When they’re teens he’s gonna be a teacher and guide that they go to when they need support or another opinion regarding situations. The type of dad to be so serious during the process of teaching them how to drive and giving his kids tips that is until they park the car and he immediately starts cheering and clapping his hands like a mad man telling them how proud he is
Hobi stated himself that when you get him angry its hard for him to get out of that mindset or stop feeling angry, so imagine if somebody were to mess with his little ones? It would definitely not go well for them at all, like i’m talking he’d handle them so quick like he the richest member he know where to put his money to end somebody life lmfao and honestly I def see him writing a statement and use the person who put his family’s safety at risk as a example of how he’ll do the same and worse to anyone else 🫣
Honestly I see Namjoon being a little hesitant and afraid (lol) when he first becomes a dad but as time goes on it’ll come so easy to him once he becomes attached to his children! He’ll definitely be a compassionate father who does his best to be as emotionally involved with his children, like he’s gonna try to be as committed and invested into his children’s lives as he can be.
Namjoon’s children will respect him so much like I can’t see it any other way. He’s definitely a soft strict parent who’ll be someone they look up to for sure as he’ll prioritize teaching them the lessons he feels he should have learned early in life as well as his own dilemma regarding respectability and positive traits that’ll get them through this world.
A very nurturing father for example he’s definitely going to be the one to hold his babies as they get their first shots and hold and comfort them while they cry! When they’re toddlers he’ll be the one to hold them and comfort them when they develop their first fears. As children they’ll develop a tradition where no one can leave the house before he gets his hug, because just like Jin he says he can’t start his day without their little hugs to fuel him up 🥺
Physical affections and words of affirmation you said? Joon is the dad who is seen holding his children in every photo taken of them whether that be in his arms or he has them wrapped in them. Joon is the dad who never falters to tell his children how proud he is of them, they learn how to roll over-he’s cheering them on so loud he accidentally startles them, they read a word off a page in a book-he’s clapping and repeating out good job, they get a good grade when they’re in school-he tells them how proud he is and how they get to pick where to go for dessert as a reward! Joon is the dad who never turns down his children physical affections or touch, if they want to be carried he’ll carry them and if they want to be hugged he’ll hug them!!
Definitely the dad to offer to read his children to bed every night but some nights he’s so tired that he’ll end up falling asleep while reading and end up knocked out in his kids bed. If the child is old enough they’ll probably tuck him into their bed and spend the night sleeping on his chest, if they’re not he’ll probably have fallen asleep on a chair with them on his lap and they’ll probably be so confused but they’ll probably play with the book until they fall asleep on top of him. Unless his children are fussy and want him to wake up he’s sleeping in their room all night 😭
When they’re teens he’s gonna be the dad that they ultimately go to for advice, like they’ll take his words so seriously and prioritize his opinion when they ask for it. Out of all the other members he’s gonna be the parent who’s most chill when his children are driving with him in the car, like he’ll tell them what they did good and how to do better for future reference, like he won’t be a teacher like Hobi or a nuisance like Jin lol, he’ll give honest and helpful tips throughout their experience and in the end cheer them on and tell them how proud he is!
Namjoon don’t play period, and he not gonna let nobody play with his family. Super SUPER protective, he gets defensive when it comes to his family like he’s got no problem putting his foot down to anybody who’s got something negative to say about his babies. Like he’d tell people to f right off when it came to them, his family is his priority if anybody thinks they gonna get away talking any mess or making things difficult for them well i wish you luck dealing with a pissed off and rightfully vengeful Namjoon 🫡
Jimin’s gonna be such an enthusiastic father like fatherhood for him is going to be a positive experience in which he cherishes and cares for his children everyday and all the time! He’ll provide so much for his children like trips, adventures and everything they could ask for. He’ll never leave them ever needing for more
With that being said^ I see Jimin having boundary issues with his kids lol like he’ll definitely have a bit of a hard time saying no to his babies and just like Hobi he’ll spoil them too. But don’t get it twisted he’s gonna be teaching his kids that honesty is the best policy and teach them both how to be kind and giving just like he is. His children will be little angels in the making 🥺
So so so so very affectionate! Holding his children is a must for him like they don’t even have to ask, if he sees them he’s picking them up and loving all up on them until they get tired of his antics and push him away. As a father Jimin will be the dad to have a child in his arms and one attached to his hip! Also the dad to cuddle his babies when they’re sick or having bad days, their bad days are his bad days so he’d say they both need the cuddling to cheer them up!
Physical affection and quality time you said! Jimin is the dad to be overdramatic when he hasn’t seen his kids for more than two hours and run to them the next time he sees them and scoop them up into a big gigantic hug until they’re all on the floor laughing and cuddling. Jimin is the dad who plans and hosts all his children’s birthdays and does his best to be involved in every activity his child is doing to make sure they’re having fun and ofc to have fun with them! Jimin is the dad who makes every activity with his children an adventure as family time is something valuable to him and he cherishes every moment so he wants to make every moment special for his kids as well 🥰
Definitely the dad to be a bit overbearing at times lol, like at any event for his children do you know who’s gonna be the loudest in the room? Jimin. Do you know who’s gonna have the biggest sign with his kids name on it? Jimin. Do you know who’s gonna make custom shirts with his children’s names and outfit color for him and the rest of the family watching to wear? Jimin. Above and beyond is the type of dad Jimin is gonna be and his children will both love a loath this aspect of his lol
When they’re teens just like they were children Jimin is still gonna be so in tune with their emotions. Like he knew what every cry meant when they were babies but now he’ll know what their tells are when they’re not feeling so good and he’ll definitely be that emotional outlet for them when they need him. When it comes to driving, he’s a bit useless due to the fact that he can’t fathom that the little baby he used to put into a car seat is now driving him around like by the time the car is parked his eyes will be all puffy and red 😭
Jimin is just as protective as he is overbearing, like you do NOT want to mess with this mans family in any way shape or form. You got beef with his babies, guess what? You got beef with him like he don’t play. He’ll fight for his little ones to ensure their safety and well being at all costs, he’s really not the one to be pushed when it comes to them like you really risking your wellbeing messing with this mans family fr
For Taehyung fatherhood has always been a lifelong dream as he’s always wanted to replicate the love he was given from his father. So when I tell you that children for him will be a transformative experience, trust me 🫡. He’ll be so dedicated and devoted to his children and their lives, its the upmost priority for him to give them what his father gave him and much much more.
I do see Taehyung being a stern and respectful father towards his children. He’ll be the type to teach his children both how to be humble and how to get anything in this world they’ll have to work hard. As much as he would be stern he’ll definitely be the type of dad to be like “your mom doesn’t have to know” when doing sneaky things with his babies.
Loving on his children is gonna be second nature for Taehyung. Like once his babies have his attention good luck getting it because they’re all off in their own world. Just like his counterpart (Jimin lol) holding them is an all the time thing especially when they’re babies. Affection between him and his children will be a regular every day thing especially holding hands, he and his kids will hold hands crossing the street, walking together, eating together, and sleeping together lol.
Words of affirmation you said? Taehyung is the type of dad who is giving everyone of his children their own sweet and special pet name that’ll last them throughout their entire lifetime. Taehyung is the type of dad who would always praise his children for any small little thing, they drank all of their milk-cheers and applause, they placed a toy right where it belongs-cheers and applause, they drew him a picture-cheers and applause. Taehyung is the type of dad who takes pictures of anything that reminds him of his babies and keeps them for himself to show and discuss them with his little ones later.
Definitely the type of dad to answer to all of his children’s babbling and dialogue. As babies he’s having full on conversations with them that range from the most simple to the most strangest topics. I can also see him with a toddler in like the super market strolling down the aisle as he answers every single one of their questions, the answer will either be reasonable or just questionably strange to anyone who’s in listening range 💀
When they’re teens he’s definitely the type to take his kids out without any plan and let them decide where to go and what to do, i’m imaging that card decision trend on tik tok where the kids take a card and they go where it says, yeah thats like every weekend with Taehyung lol. When they’re driving he’s gonna be like Jin in the way that he’s gonna use his kids to drive him places or just simply be cargo as they do things throughout the day lmfao. Idk why but teaching them how to drive would be a bit difficult with Taehyung cause he’s just gonna sit there in silence until they park the car and then he’ll tell them if they did good or need more practice lmfaoo
Messing with Tae’s babies? Death Sentence. And i’m not even kidding like I don’t know who’s stupid enough to mess with the most important and innocent people in his life but whoever it is they better prepare for whats coming to them. Taehyung will pull every string to make sure that person’s life is ruined the way they tried to ruin his family’s life (or aspects of it), because Tae DONT PLAY 😤
In my opinion, fatherhood is gonna be such a growing and learning experience for Jungkook. His children will better who he is once he has them and he’s honestly gonna be such a family man doing his best to provide his best to his children in every way he can 🥺
Jungkook is gonna pass all the knowledge he developed in his life time to his kids. Like he’s gonna teach them the hardships of life but gift them the ability to persevere through it all just like he did. He’s gonna push them to be the best they can be in everything that they involve themselves in and be a vessel of guidance for them when they need him to be.
A very attentive father who’s going to be there when he feels his children need him the most. The type to encourage his children through physical affection and remind them just how much he loves them through that as well. He’s a fun type of dad who’ll mix up his ways of being affectionate towards his kids like he’ll definitely carry his children on his neck or back and also dangle them from their feet while joking about dropping them. Cliche and overused but he would absolutely use his children’s affection as an award when working out such as having them under him as his does push ups and gives them a kiss as they giggle away.
Physical affection you said? Jungkook is the dad who latches onto his children the moment he sees them, like I mean grabbing them sideways and give them a whole bunch of kisses as he holds them close. Jungkook is the dad who needs to be in close contact with his children as much as possible, attached to the hip is an understatement when it comes to Jk and his babies, he has to have them at arms length to hold them close or get a hold of them if needed. Jungkook is the dad who will bother his children with his affections when he sees the chance to, they’re sitting down on the couch-Jk’s right there next to them pulling them onto his lap and playing with their hands or if they’re laying down somewhere where he can fit-well he’s right there to initiate a cuddling session regardless of the environment 🤭
Definitely the type of dad to want to do everything with his children! Oh they’re going to paint a picture, he’s coming with. Oh they’re gonna go play outside, looks like he need some fresh air. Oh they’re gonna go take a nap, seems like he’s feeling tired. This would be the case when they were young but it really doesn’t change when they’re older either cause if they say they’re gonna go out to run some errands he’s jumping up from where he is and asking where “they’re” going 😭.
When they’re teens the fun dad persona goes up a notch a bit as he’s always so playful with them both verbally and physically since they’re older now. When it comes to driving he’s a bit unhelpful at times as he’s always joking and spooking them when it comes to them hitting the brake or he’s joking that they took the wrong turn lol. But just like Jimin, when the car is parked he takes a minute to take in the fact that the baby who he can’t carry in his arms anymore just drove him around their home town, yeah baby’s definitely gonna shed some tears before he gets out of the car 🥺
Crazy. Crazy insane is what i’d call the person who tried to mess with his family’s wellbeing and safety. Like Jungkook do got the money and funds to ruin this persons life but honestly if he had the chance to be in person with the idiot oof is my only response. Mans got hands for days and his babies ain’t something he play about, he’s definitely the type to provide for his family and he’ll provide in every way possible including protection!
Ok i’m done, now we’re also going to ignore the time I sent this because I fell asleep when I was in the middle of writing Hobi’s part and I woke up and finished it. Honestly idk if you can even see the time but if not, i’m lying and I sent this at a reasonable time 😚! Anyways sorry for the length but I hope you enjoyed and I can’t wait to see what you think 🫶🏾
FIRST OF ALL i did indeed see the timestamp and 4am is crazy 💀 AND ALL FOR LIL OLE MEEEEEE i'm honoured 😚
SECOND sooooo good love how you incorporated my predictions on their love language in there and how that would translate to the babies and the teen years 😭😭😭
i think my favorite bits were about yoongi being a jungle gym for the babies bc he definitely would just sit there and let them do whatever they wanted to him and hobi spoiling his kids bc that's 100% gon happen like he spoiled so it's only a natural reaction 💀 OH! and namjoon being the comforter for the kids like yeah he definitely the one they go to when they down in the dumps for whatever reason and jimin being a dance mom essentially yeah i can see that LOVED THIS THANK YOU FOR SHARINNGGGG 🫶
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ls-daydreams · 2 years
~ WIP Intro ~
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“[...] believing a whole-ass person doesn’t exist over the idea that maybe your son lied to you is fucking stupid. Like, you can hear it, right?” “[...] You never lied. You were a good, quiet boy who studied and liked physics and spent all his time with his baby sister. I’m sorry that’s boring to you, but that’s who you were and that’s all that ever was.” “That you know of.” [...] “Then where is he? If he’s real and you hid him from me, where is he now? And if he’s so wonderful and smart and amazing, why did you hide him? Why did he leave you?” He didn’t, Mal thinks. Not really. “He’s in Arjoy. [...] I found him, when you had the surgery and I stayed at the Poly dorms. You know how I know it was him?” She waits with bated breath. “He turned the light off when I walked in. He didn’t want me to see his face. But he fucked me like he loved me.”
summary: Set in the tiny fictional town of Plain River, the story follows 25-year-old Malachi Azevedo as he tries to regain his memories after an "accident" erases the first 18 years of his life. Stuck caring for his ever-ailing mother, plagued by intrusive thoughts of self-harm, and constantly feeling like an impostor living in the wrong skin, Malachi latches onto The Void - a familiar voice in his head - to cope. He’s convinced The Void was someone important to his former self and tries to find him despite everyone around him denying such a person ever existed. It's this desperate search, along with his fight for independence, which lead Mal down a rabbit hole of love, violence, and hidden truths that force him to finally reconcile with the person he used to be.
♥ deets under the cut ♥
genre: psychological, crime, mystery, romance
themes & tropes: nature vs. nurture, familial relationships (and the generational trauma that come with them), the illusion of choice, small town vs. vast city, morally gray characters, sun & moon couple, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, murder gays 💜
(some) characters: Mal (the protag; the sad, troubled, tragic, pathetic, perpetually pining gay), Gabe (the caring, gentle sweetness posing as a cold and entitled smartass), Lu (the long-suffering younger sister, the one forced into independence), Carmen (the Mother, everything’s always about her), Olivia (the ruthless, relentless teen), Kai (the overeager energizer bunny with a big fat crush on-), Michael (the loner nerd rich boy)
status: currently writing draft 1 (it’s gonna be a long one, folks)
warnings: lots of swearing, blood, gore, death, attempted suicide, abuse, kidnapping, amnesia, mentions of SA
more details and links on WIP page
This is my baby and my pride and joy, the story that made me want to be a writer 5 centuries ago. It’s been through many iterations and I’ve never actually finished it, but Mal won’t release my mind to do other stuff until I get him to the finish line this time, so whatever he wants he gets.
The places I’ve been, people I’ve met, and stories I’ve heard from them or even experienced myself make up about 80% of this story. The other 20% is just a nice padding of murder and requited love to make everything worse for Mal and more fun for the reader.
In the following weeks I’ll be posting some character profiles and playlists, snippets and other stuff~ If any of this piques your interest and you want to stay updated on my progress and this story, let me know and I’ll make a proper taglist!
For now, tagging the lovely @marinesocks​  💜
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radioactive-mouse · 3 months
it’s like almost 3AM which means maybe i’m just feeling weird and sentimental but there’s such a weird feeling to being queer in a more conservative area bc like. i’ve lived in the same city in the midwest since the day i was born and i feel like there’s this weird experience of growing up and being constantly excluded and ostracized by a community you’ve known literally your entire life and then finding that weird internet space where people are like “i hate being from [location] it’s homophobic and bad” and growing to despise the place you’ve lived for as long as you can remember. i see this a lot with the midwest specifically (i mean like. the first thing you think of when you imagine the midwest is it being flat and dreary and bad) and like. as is your god given right but for me personally i found that holding that constant resentment and hate for the place you grew up in is like. so isolating. i Need to hate the place that made me who i am because it rejected me. idk i just like, for so many of my teen years i was like i hate it here it’s flat and terrible and all i want is to leave and now in my 20s i’m like. i genuinely don’t know how to conceptualize living anywhere else. i would miss my city. i would miss the specific ass landmarks i’ve used to find my way around for years. yeah man maybe i would even miss the flat plains of grass that go on forever and ever and there’s nothing in the distance except maybe some trees a barn and a telephone pole. like yeah maybe i won’t stay here forever, but the idea of like. trying to burn away the fact that i ever lived here from my identity just feels like it would leave me so empty and goddamn did i try for a very long time. and like not even in the Presenting Myself To Others way but just like, not being able to love anything about where you live makes you so miserable man. like maybe it’s different for people who’ve moved around a bit but like, i do love my city. i tried not to for a very long time, but i do. i love taking the bus down town on my way to school and i love the big towering buildings and the kind of shitty beat up music venues. idk man but tldr im such a midwest baby and i’ve only actually realized it in the past year or two . i need to go see a proper field sometime soon or i will Die
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dogwittaablog · 10 months
i think she probably had met him once cause supposedly her dad is an OHL coach, but she’s defiantly boosting it for clout. like i’ve met a ton of hockey players and they’re normal guys but would never describe them as “nice and respectful” as many times as she does
So I never even knew she existed till that submission I got, and weirdly all of a sudden I kept getting a bunch of messages all at the same time in this same text/grammar/punctuation format LMAO… which concludes to me she defs sent them in.
I tragically did a deep dive into her blog before I formed opinions and speculations, just to see if anything wasn’t actually bs. Though the more I read the more sus I got about a bunch of stuff.
She allegedly claims she’s known or was around Nolan and her family when she was young, because their dads golfed together (I literally do not think his dads much of a golfer either lmaooo) + her dad and his uncle were coaches together… Anytime a question is brought up about Nolan she constantly brushes it off cause she wants to respect his privacy… listen if I genuinely know people personally or have the respect for them as she claims, I wouldn’t even be entertaining one word let alone let it be known that I even know them… on a blog… 😭💀
Bro I fr don’t even want to get into the her having two kids and her having a child allegedly at 16, not that it’s even a issue, cause not my problem, but their is something sus about that whole ass thing too. She also seems to constantly wanting to lie or hide about her age, or not disclose it… which I find weird, cause if you do the math even by her kids alleged ages you’d know she’s at least early 20’s but claim she’s in her mid 20’s, idek. It’s probably some literal teen running it. Respectfully if I had 2 kids I wouldn’t be up on some Tumblr blog posting what she posts??? Something about the way she writes in terms of punctuation comes off juvenile. Nothing radiates baby mama of 2… oops. Also the sus life story idek man.
(One of her post regarding nolpats)
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So as I said she’s someone who claims to know nolan on a not super close but a still personal level lol. Yet says he doesn’t have any reputation… be for real with me 💀💀💀 “cause no one is really that aware of him”. You could pay me with a cheese burger to personally fly out to Winnipeg to ask people around and I bet you they’d know who the kid is also Winnipeg isnt huge and the communities are small, everyone mutually knows each other especially when you’re born and raised there. Nothing adds up to her even knowing him.
Also claiming she’s on his private account, I’m sure babe… that account is strictly for family and friends he’s known closely for years. Not some random that allegedly got pregnant at 16 and then left Winnipeg for 4+ years (as she’s said) and never was in contact with him for years LMAOOOO. Also to publicly claim you’re on it too, interesting.
Long story short I’m sorry home girl @ urhockeymilf you defs are making up half to all of or pre much everything you’ve claimed… I know you send yourself submissions too on your own blog… so I cannot wait for your submissions in my inbox after you potentially see this.
I’ll also add I do run this blog myself but I won’t be stupid enough to start claiming I PERSONALLY know anyone. I share info I gather from others, and express they’re just rumours and speculations, and when making points on why I think something seems true I’ll always try to provide proof and a logical answer to why, rather then just talking out my ass or making shit up lmao.
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nightshadedawn · 1 month
Anime Life Simulator
I don't think I've put this on here yet, but I could be entirely wrong! (Also, I wrote this forever ago, so thing may come around wonky even though I tried to look over it to make it coherent as possible!)
Okay, okay, okay. If you follow this blog, you know I love anime. What might not be clear is that I also love life simulation games. (It’s disappointing that the only major one is the Sims, and I can’t get ahold of the Sims 2 and Sims 3 refuses to work on my computer) With the influx of new life sim games out, like Paralives and Inzoi I’ve been thinking hard about what I really, really want out of a life sim. And, honestly, why not have something that caters to both my biggest loves? And doing what I do best- make long ass rambling posts about it! (See Persona 6 posts XD)
Imagine playing out an anime. You go in and create your family, with the ability to dictate one or more of the characters as “main characters” to the story you’re playing. But that doesn’t mean they’re the “main character” of the world. (Multiple of these may exist) Choices you make regarding outfit, hair, hairstyle, and personality would all effect that. Speaking of this character, when you design a character, you won’t just be designing their current age, but what they’ll look like in the future. (Just like, body wise, not clothing, all other life stages would just be wearing generic clothing, similar but different clothing being what the characters age up wearing) So if you make a child, you’ll also customize what they’ll look like as a preteen, teen, young adult, adult, and elder (I feel like there's gotta be a nice simple word for between adult and elder but brain isn't braining), but you can’t customize what they’ll look like as a baby, toddler, or young child. For generational play, the first time you go in to customize a new baby you’d get the opportunity for more customization than you would going to change clothes, more similar to when you’re creating the character from scratch. Say, for example, the character grows up to be trans. You can set that up for different ages. As a child hasn’t realized it yet, but by the time they’re a preteen they know and are beginning to change, and as a teen are full presenting as their true self. Doing this, you’d be able to see the effects of experiences on all ages. Say you have a character who gets a scar in gameplay. They’ll keep that scar for the rest of their life. Or maybe you want a character to age out of freckles, or get more as they get older. You could design that without the hassle of it coming off weird and having to fix it every time you age them up.
Every character, even ones you don’t make and are instead randomized, would have a setting of things like MC, mob, villain, etc. Things you’d be able to change in gameplay, but characters would be going through anime plots all around you, and if you wanted, you could literally just be a mob character.
Randomized events and missions to kickstart different plots. You find a love letter in your locker? Time to find out who it’s from. There’s a rumor about some special place to confess to someone? Gotta decide who to confess to. Helped the wrong person? You now have the yakuza knocking at your door. But you could literally just bypass all of them if you wanted, they’re not mandatory. 
Hair, clothes, accessories, and even previous generations would effect what sort of events crop up. Give a mom the Death Ponytail, and she definitely dies sooner rather than later, giving the children a Tragic Backstory, and more likely to get main character events. Take the yakuza example. Parent leaves the yakuza before kids are born? Kids, or even grandkids, might get roped into the yakuza again, or in a police storyline to be on the opposite side of the law. Or having a famous parent would allow easier access to their kids getting famous, even if in a different section of entertainment. 
Obviously, “anime” is not a genre. There’s tons of different types of anime out there. What I think the main game would focus on would be more “normal” genres of anime. Romance, sports, slice of life, even harem to an extent. I would also include crime anime, entertainment careers like acting, singing, modeling, mangaka, other jobs related to all, medical anime, just as a few things to fluff out the world with some real jobs people actually have. That’s just the minimum off the top of my head. 
But like, obviously, there’s other anime types out there. Fantasy, isekai, horror, science and aliens, mecha, and literal thousands of others. But things with extreme genres, like I mentioned, would probably be outside media, or add ons that aren’t required. Fantasy could include things like magical girls (just as a genre, not limited just to girls), where you can design your magical transformation and build or join a team based on the colors you choose as your main ones for your transformation. Horror would add in monsters and full on vile ghosts. (I imagine gentle ghosts would exist in the game already, because seeing flickers of passed on loved ones is a trope in non-supernatural anime sometimes, but the creepy kind would be included in the horror, I would do more research on this aspect but frankly, I am a scardy cat, and would rather not try to read up on things I know will prevent me from sleeping at night; I'm just acknowledging things)
Any isekai stories, while I think they would be fun, would probably be an entire spinoff. (It would definitely allow more room for stories to be told in that case) I can’t think of how you would add something like that to something that would already have so much in it. But I do think you’d have the choice of choosing a media as your favorite either by declaring or by reading/watching it enough, and then when the isekai plot starts, you end up in it. It would have a bit more linear story to it, as you either get to choose to follow the story or break from the path. If it's a spin off, there'd probably be different "starter" stories you can enter, with premade leads, plot beats, and probably custom cutscenes. But then I'd like if there was an option to build your own stories. You can keep things random, or you could build it from the ground up. (Random character appearances, storyline, setting) This hypothetical isekai spinoff would actually have win conditions, which would involve completing the story. (Holy shit, I actually really want to play this particular game now)
Plenty of storylines you’d be able to follow or break from (back to OG game here, not spinoff), but also ways to make your own storylines, following your preferred plot beats, mixing and matching any and everything. 
Cutscenes are a must for big, important moments. There’d be extras that aren’t really used in gameplay that you’d be able to add in to your own storylines. I imagine that’s how characters would age up. And if you greatly wanna pass time to get your character to a specific age, you’d be able to do that, and a cutscene would play after you choose certain options of things that happen in the time that passes. Hence the designing all life stages for your characters. (On second thought, maybe you can design past versions of your character for flashback cutscenes? Moving on)
Regarding the schools, there would probably be four to start. An all girl’s, an all boy’s, and two mixed, a higher class and lower class one (economical), for middle and high school, at least. Daycare and elementary schools there’d probably be only one or two. There’s probably be specialized schools in each add on. A fantasy add on would have a magic school, the mecha one would have a school to learn how to pilot and fix them, etc. For high school and middle school, there’d be a list of rules concerning dress code, randomized each generation to imply the passage of time. Such as “knee length skirts, full blazers, creme colored” or whatnot for the first generation "simple skirts, buttoned shirts, maroon colored" for the second, for example. Randomized, obviously But otherwise, you’d be able to customize your uniform, including any embellishments. This would also effect MC status, as the more embellished and unrecognizable it is as a uniform, the more MC your character would be coded as. Maybe a point system in the uniform creation space? Like, maybe six to eight point maximum before it becomes unusable as a uniform. Not to say they couldn’t have a perfect uniform and be a main character. It’s possible.
Each top/bottom piece would have “base” setting that mob characters would automatically wear, as well as alternatives for higher position randomized characters would wear, just to keep things coherent. The other school issued clothes, like gym clothes or maybe swimsuits, would be the required color automatically and remain the same style generation to generation.
Think of Persona 5 in gameplay, almost? Like, you can do one event a day. Depending on your choices, you’d have deadlines. On a sports team? The Big Game will be coming up eventually. Tests are always around the corner, so you better study. That special day to confess? It’ll pass before you miss it. Events would include studying for students, or alternatively finishing a proposition for an adult in business, or memorizing a script for an actor. But also things like spending time with other characters. Personality traits, past history, and current relationship would all influence how characters felt on particular outings. Things like going to the movies, sitting at home together playing video games, getting food, going shopping. Some might be cutscenes. 
Also like Persona 5, there’d be things like travel and going out into the world that had nothing to do with events. Very short conversations about the day, greeting people, purchasing goods. All things that you can do while time is passing, or maybe do like Persona 5 still and not have time pass until an event is done.
All characters outside your household would be generated with a few different background bits that can be applied to your character, and would autonomously make your characters act similarly, to help develop their personality, and as you level up friendship and with some romance, you’d be able to unlock bits and pieces of their backstory as they open up to you. 
I don’t really think there’d be much, if any, voice acting in the game. There would just be too many alterations to everything, too much dialogue. So if it was actually stated what was said instead of implied through actions, it would probably just be in subtitles. 
If I was playing this game instead of just thinking about it, the first family I would probably play would be a high school girl who lives alone with her dad and was a nothing in middle school but became something in high school after she joined basketball, and ends up falling in love with her rival from the all girl’s school basketball team. Maybe becomes a magical girl. Definitely becomes a magical girl.
This is very rambly, but it is 6AM and I have not been to bed yet. I just think it would be neat. It would also be useful for people to tell the stories they struggle telling in other mediums. If you are interested, please talk to me. This is the most interesting idea I’ve had in weeks.
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honoredalone · 4 months
sex life with the jjk men + links
this idea came into my head and i couldn’t resist
my dead dilfs <3 i love them more than anything. let’s pretend the recent leaks didn’t happen because i can’t handle thinking about them.
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𐙚 SATORU GOJO, the strongest and sexiest
how he moans - i think it’s unspoken but agreed upon that satoru is a whiner, a moaner, a VOCALIST. he starts off with deeps groans, grunts but as time passes, he gets more inpatient, more whiney, more desperate.
how he does foreplay - he’s an EATER. for sure. no doubt in my mind. he seems like the type who’d come home from a long exhausting day and just eat you ferociously. he’s obsessed with the way you taste. not just your pussy, but your skin, your lips, your tongue. of course like any man he loves a blowjob but if he had to choose between eating you out or getting blown, he wouldn’t hesitate to pick going down on you.
how he fucks you - fanon gojo is WRONG, he’s not a sex addict. considering his infinity and his trauma from the hidden inventory arc and just aspects of his life in general. he definitely is the type to keep touch sacred so why would he just go around fucking people… right. he wouldn’t. he won’t have sex unless he can look at you, it’s more intimate. you’re special, why wouldn’t he want to look at you.
𐙚 KENTO NANAMI, 7-3 more like 24/7
how he moans - DEEP grunts. deep breaths. small whispers. that’s all. and it’s all hot.
how he does foreplay - he likes to spank. FOR SURE. he’s a sweet lover but he loves the idea of you getting soaked from the sting of his palm and long fingers on your ass. just know after he’ll rub them, kiss them and leave hickeys on them.
how he fucks you - hard but LOVING. he loves missionary, he’ll spice it up though. choking you, tying you up, pinning your hands above your head, lifting your hips off the bed etc. his pace is slow but hard. assertive but gentle.
CHOSO KAMO, death painting womb i’d like to fuck
how he moans - i think regardless of if he’s in control or not he has the WHINIEST moans ever. whimper audio? you got it. he is shamelessly a whimpering god. when he’s on top he’s in your ear practically sobbing and when you’re on top his head is lazily held up while he writhes beneath you. big sweet baby ^o^
how he does foreplay - he loves tits, he loves all of you but he fucking LOVES your tits. sucking on them, kneading them, fucking them. anything to do with your tits gets him hard and sometimes he can’t help but slide a hand down to relieve himself.
how he fucks you - fanon choso is also wrong in MY opinion. let me explain. he has never TRULY lived, so how could he be this subby puppy baby when he hasn’t tried anything like be for real. he likes to be in charge most of the time, but he’ll let you take control. he likes to have you in different positions just to experiment with different things, but he knows he likes to see your face when having sex.
TOJI FUSHIGURO, sorcerer killer? nah. feminist killer
how he moans - i don’t think toji is a big moaner, but more of a dirty talker. BUT if he did moan once in a blue moon, i picture it like this.
how he does foreplay - now this man likes a blowjob, but again i don’t think he’d shove his cock down your throat until you’re gagging uncontrollably and crying. he likes you to take your time while sometimes grabbing your hair and gently guiding your head lower onto his shaft.
how he fucks you - he likes rough but PLEASURABLE sex, folding you in half and fucking you hard. same with gojo, he’s not going around fucking women, maybe as a teen but for sure not after the passing of his wife. he values his time so he’ll take his time with you, prepping you, fucking you and aftercare.
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sorry i’m not a huge fan of fanon characterizations of gojo, choso and toji, sue me. i just think knowing their stories, a lot of things that are “canon” to the jjk fandom are just abundantly wrong and it grinds my gears like no other.
pls don’t hurt me it’s my opinion D:
god forbid someone has an opinion.
feed back is VERY appreciated and if y’all have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to let me know
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llama-head · 2 years
Sometimes I think no one in the Garcias looks alike then I put all their headshots together and I’m like “oh no they do”
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1st Year (one shot)
Regulus Black AU 
Request:  Can you do a one shot on where Regulus x Reader thinks their daughter will be in Hufflepuff but ends up in Gryffindor?
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: Teen
AO3 Link
“Are you sure she’s ready? I don’t think that I am ready…”
You looked up at Regulus, who was again peaking into your 11-year-old daughter’s room with a forlorn expression on his face. Regulus had been like this for the past week since the realization that Rose was about to go away to Hogwarts for the first time. You had expected yourself to be the one that went to pieces and Regulus, as always, would be the strong one. Now it appeared that the roles had been reversed.
“Reg, she’s 11. She is more than ready. Stop worrying so much and come have a seat before you wake her up.”
Regulus stood a bit longer before coming to join you on the couch. His eyes remained locked on Rose’s door as if the child would sneak off in the middle of the night.
“I don’t think she’s ready.”
He commented again. You took a breath before putting your book down. When Rose was born you never expected Regulus to completely go to pieces over having a daughter. In fact, he was a bit disappointed when it was determined that Rose was a girl and not a boy. That thinking, however, went flying out the window the moment that the baby girl was placed in Regulus’ arms for the first time.
You could still see the look of awe and wonder all over Regulus’ face as he stared down at the baby. Regulus sat in silence as he looked her over. From her tiny little nose to her itsy bitsy fingers, everything about Rose was perfect. She was the one good thing that Regulus was able to do with his life up until that point…and he adored her.
“Reggie, baby, it's time that Rose goes to school. I know that you are worried about…”
“Heathen boys like me or worse, Sirius looking at her. She’s still so little and doesn’t need that aggravation in her lift.”
Regulus interrupted, looking clearly livid at the prospect of some boy looking at his daughter. You reached out and pulled Regulus down to lie with his head on your lap. Stroking your fingers through his curls, you gave him a gentle smile.
“I know that you are worried but we have to let Rose grow up at some point. She knows how to handle boys…or anyone that gives her grief really. I don’t know why you are so worried about how you were as a teenager. You were always a perfect gentleman to me.”
Regulus locked his eyes on you with an expression of confusion.
“Excuse me but we were snogging in a broom cupboard in third year. I’m pretty sure that I was feeling you up too.”
You chuckled.
“Oh, you were. Look, I know that you are worried about Rose but she had plenty of people to look after her. Harry won’t let anyone mess with her.”
Regulus was silent a moment and considered writing a letter to Sirius to “encourage him” to “encourage Harry” to keep a closer eye on Rose than what you were thinking.
“He won’t be able to keep an eye on her all of the time. We both know that Rose will be going to Hufflepuff…like you.”
You smirked at Regulus’ comment before going back to twirling his hair around your finger. The two of you had come to the agreement that Rose would not be like Regulus and go to Slytherin instead she would end up in Hufflepuff. Regulus wasn’t disappointed by that in the slightest either. The baby on the way could be the one that went to Slytherin and if that child didn’t…so what?
“Maybe she can find someone in Slytherin to look after her?”
You suggested earning another scowl from your husband. Fighting a chuckle, you knew it was bad to be egging this on but seeing Regulus going to pieces over the prospect of his only daughter growing up was heartwarming…and you wanted to see more of it.
“Ugh, this is what I get for being such a whore for you. Its all coming back to bite me in the ass. Before long Rose is going to bring some horny hyped up on Merlin only knows what good for nothing boy home to us who gives us some cheesy lame line about how much he cares for our daughter while having only one thing on his mind….I haven’t killed anyone before…it may be time to expand my horizons.”
“Regulus Arcturus Black, you are not killing some boy for looking at our daughter.”
Regulus scowled at you.
“I could if I wanted to.”
“But your not. Now come on. We need to go to bed. Long day tomorrow and as it is you won’t be sleeping any.”
The next morning, Regulus was still not in much better of a mood. The realization that today was the day that the two of you would have to say goodbye to your daughter until Christmas was really hitting home. Walking through the train station, Rose held tightly to his hand while trying to stop and pet her Pygmy Puff.
“Daddy, I need to brush Matilda’s fur. It's getting all sloppy.”
Regulus sighed as you nudged your daughter along.
“You can brush her fur on the train, Rose. Daddy is about to go to pieces.”
Rose gave Regulus’ hand a little squeeze as the three of you continued along.
“Don’t worry daddy. I’m not going ot be interested in yucky boys this year. No promises on next year though.”
Rose said with a smirk as Sirius waved from his place near the platform.
“Please don’t tell me that, love.”
Regulus commented as Rose let go of his hand to go talk to Harry. He shook his head as Sirius came over. One look at his younger brother’s face told Sirius exactly what he was worried about.
“She will be fine, Reg. I already told Harry to keep an eye on her.”
Regulus only nodded as Sirius turned to you. The two of you exchanged a small smile while Regulus continued to pout.
“Has he been like this all day?”
Sirius asked softly. You wrapped your hand through Regulus and gave him a small squeeze.
“Since last night actually.”
Sirius smiled back at his younger brother. He was thrilled that Regulus turned out to be such a wonderful father. When Rose was born, Sirius was afraid that Regulus would be as hands off as their own father was. He was beyond proud when Regulus turned out to be the most hands on father possible.
“Reg, I promise it will be okay. Besides, the two of you have another baby about to be born that you can go to pieces over.”
Sirius commented. Originally, Regulus and yourself only planned for one child. Now here you were expecting the son that Regulus had originally wanted.
“There will be two of them…”
Regulus muttered as Rose ran over.
“I have to go. I’ll be home at Christmas. Bye!”
You held a hand up.
“Wait a moment, sugar.”
Rose smiled as your wrapped your arms around her.
“I want you to be a good girl this year. Listen to your professors and have lots of fun.”
You leaned down to whisper in the little girl’s ear.
“Don’t do anything to give your poor father a heart attack.”
Rose gave you a little giggle before going over and wrapping her arms around Regulus’ waist. It took his all of three seconds to kneel down and wrap his arms around her.
“I won’t get married while I’m going, daddy.”
Rose said, with a smirk. Regulus shook his head before kissing Rose’s cheek.
“None of that…most definitely none of that. I want you to have a wonderful year. Write us every day…(Rose gives Regulus one of his annoyed expressions) okay, every other day.”
Regulus stands back up as Rose hugs him one more time before moving to walk away.
Rose turns back around from her place by Harry. Regulus bites his lip for a moment. There are a lot of things that he wants to say but knows that he doesn’t have the time.
“Rose, your mother and I love you a lot.”
You gave Rose a gentle nod.
“I love you too, dad.”
Rose replied before turning and going to board the train with Harry.
The next afternoon, you sat across from Regulus as he stirred his tea with a moody expression on his face. Neither of you were entirely used to the silence of the house and probably wouldn’t be for some time. While the silence was temporary, you knew it was beyond deafening. Neither Regulus nor yourself seemed to know what either of you did before Rose was born.
“How much longer until the baby is born again?”
Regulus asked softly. You put your spoon down before looking up.
“Three weeks, love. You should enjoy sleeping all night while you can.”
Regulus leaned back in his chair looking thoughtful. Not sleeping through the night didn’t worry Regulus in the slightest. He didn’t sleep much as it was. Since childhood, he was up and down throughout the night.
Maybe that was what helped you with Rose the most. You were able to get the rest that you needed while Regulus was awake. He would take Rose into the living room while he read then return her to her cot beside the bed when he was ready to sleep.
“We had a good teamwork thing going with Rose.”
Regulus commented. You nodded in agreement. Having a newborn with Regulus was as easy as breathing…just as you knew it would be. You always knew that Regulus would be a good father. He would be nothing like Orion…and when Rose was born, Regulus proved you 100% correct.
“We sure did and we’ll do it again.”
Regulus said before reaching out and wrapping his hand around yours. A giant pecking on the window broke the soft romance of the moment. Regulus stood up the moment that he saw an owl with a little letter in its mouth.
“Here we go.”
He said with a smile before going to fetch the letter from the owl. You sat back in your chair as Regulus handed the envelope to you.
“You read it.”
He said before going to look out the window as you opened the letter. You smiled seeing Rose’s neat handwriting. Before beginning to read, you gave Regulus a gentle smile. This little letter is everything that he needed at the moment.
“Dear Mummy and Daddy. School has been good so far. I have a surprise! I didn’t go to Hufflepuff like the two of you thought. I am in Gryffindor! I bet you didn’t see that coming! Tell uncle Sirius for me. Love, Rose.”
You smiled folding up the envelope. Rose was in Gryffindor. You didn’t see that coming but it was a welcomed surprise. It didn’t matter to you which house your daughter ended up in because any of them would do. If she was in Slytherin, she would have continued the Black legacy. If she was in Hufflepuff, she would have continued yours. If she was in Gryffindor, she would really make her uncle proud and if she went to Ravenclaw, then she would have gone to the house that her father should have been in.
The Black Legacy…
Part of you was worried about how the rest of the family would take it but the rational side said that Regulus would shut the lot of them in an instant. Regulus would never let his parents nor anyone else say anything back about his daughter.
Looking up at Regulus, he had a faint smile on his face. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know that the was proud of this outcome.
“Would you look at that?”
He said with a smile before coming back to join you at the table. Taking a sip of his tea, he met your pleased face.
“Things work out perfectly.”
@amelie-black @justfinishthis @jessyballet @knreidy1 @georgeweasleydumbhoe @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @valvlry @daddyslittlevillain @pan-pride-12 @f4iryluvy @regulusblackswhorecrux @missgorldafirst @saramaple @i-love-scott-mccall @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @s-we-e-t-t-ea @haroldpotterson @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @aurorasnape12 @eclipsejune @quinis @gugggu6gvai @mentally-unstable-hoe @yousmellikecaca @jag9000 @lostarc24 @buttercup-beeee @un-lovesherself @melaninnbarbie @dumybitch @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @bennyberry @rubyroscoe1 @criminalyetminimal @whymyparentscheckmyphone @moonythemilf @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77  @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @hankypranky @untoldshortsofthefandoms @tas898 @li0nh34rt @rogue-nyx88 @deanwherescas @sprnaturallover @marichromatic @authoressskr @wontlookaway @mycuddlycorner @shitfaceddaniel-blog 
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
STOPPP teen reader being adored by LOV clan & todoroki clan AND dating Bakugou, she’s gonna be coddled so hard
But like imagine if when Bakugou is kidnapped by the LOV reader just walks past like “ayo” and goes to make some cereal or something like this is a daily occurrence, and she knows (or hopes) that the LOV won’t acc hurt her bf lol
& Bakugou is just switching between “hey babe 😁” to reader and “I’LL KILL U ALL” to LOV lmaooo
Imagine how the LoV and Todoroki clan reacts when the baby of the family comes over to them looking very nervous as she tells that she's dating someone and wants them to meet him. Dabi and Shigaraki are the first is the first one to outright say "No." rejecting the idea even before you said Katsuki's name, not even when you give your puppy eyes. The others? Well, they try not to outright reject the idea, mostly because that would break your heart and they don't wanna be the bad guys in your book, but also because they want you to say the name so that they can go ahead and intimidate that boy into leaving you alone.
But when you bring the loud, brash, overconfident Katsuki Bakugou over for dinner, everyone is shocked. Like they all know nobody will ever be good for you, but what the hell did you even see in the blonde brat? He's the complete opposite of you, you two have nothing in common.
They don't understand that Katsuki is a completely different person to you. He's so soft, never raises his voice at you, lets you put stickers on his face and does all the lovey dovey romantic shit, all for you. Just as long you don't ever breathe a word of it to anyone else.
Everyone is trying their best not to kill the rat for plaguing your pure mind, hell even Aunty Himiko is being sweet and welcoming (only so that she can prick him and whisper threats in his ear).
I do see the LoV being more accepting of the relationship than Todoroki clan, because 1. they do understand that you need to have a romantic relationship with someone 2. if they accept the relationship first, then they will also gain your favour when time comes to choose between them and the Todoroki clan.
When shit goes down and you and Dabi part ways with Todoroki clan, the LoV decide its high time to kidnap Bakugou, either to convince him to join them (so that they won't have to worry about him taking you away from them) or to kill him, getting rid of him permanently (you made them all pinky swear they won't hurt a hair on his head, yes even a very upset, grumbling Shigaraki and Dabi- there's a joke in the LoV that Shigaraki and Dabi are a bickering couple)
And the whole scene is so fucking funny omg like imagine the villains are like trying to convince Katsuki to join them, and he's yelling insults at them and then reader just walks in like "Oh, hey babe!😄🌸" And Katsuki stops yelling, looks at reader and smiles "Hey princess! 🥰" and then goes back to yelling when you go into the kitchen to make some food for everyone with Kurogiri, only stomping in back when you hear Dabi threaten to chop him up and burn him to ashes. Cue the LoV trying to hold back their laughter and a very confused Katsuki, who are looking at Dabi pouting when he's being scolded by his own daughter. "You will not chop up Katsuki, dad! And you will not burn him! He's my boyfriend😤" you say, while wearing a pink frilly apron and wagging your Hello Kitty spatula at him.
And when the LoV decide to lock Katsuki in the basement without food and water (because you refuse to let them torture him, so this is the only option for them), they're all face palming when they see you through the cameras set up, going to the basement, and setting down the tray that contained a whole ass feast. Twice just smacks his head against the wall when you begin feeding Katsuki, asking if the food tastes good. Dabi and Shigaraki shriek and practically sprint down to the basement when you begin kissing Katsuki, pulling you off as they drag you out of the basement. Dabi wanted to go back and kill Katsuki for touching you (even tho it was u who initiated the kiss) but he was too busy washing your mouth with soap and mumbling about how his sweet innocent baby angel is getting tainted, while Shigaraki was actually considering calling up Overhaul to purify you of Katsuki's germs or... cooties?
In simple words, I love this family vs Katsuki vs family thing.
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hakkais-hoe · 3 years
Dilf Hanma
18+ nsfw
Well fuck me sideways the things I would let this man do to me 😮‍💨
Wrote more than I acc meant to 😂
Let’s get one thing straight Dilf Hanma is a complete tease and a cocky little (old) shit.
Dilf Hanma likes to show his darlings body off to his co-workers, Kisaki especially. He’s got your legs splayed either side of his spread knees, your back pressed against his tailored suit ring covered fingers stuffed in your pulsing hole, languidly thrusting in and out of you during meetings with the other Toman execs the squelching his long fingers create as the churn your walls fills the room, even over half the conversations it can be heard. Only lets you moan a few times before his other tattooed hand clamps tightly over your drooling lips, tears of frustration covering your pretty cheeks when he denies your finish, gets everyone’s attention when he hikes your legs up over the chairs arms.
Dilf Hanma that “chases” younger girls/guys. Let’s be real tho this man would chase no one you’ll know when he’s after you babes, those piercing yellow, now accentuated by gentle crows feet signs of his light ageing. A flirty smirk and wink thrown at you when you catch his eye.
Dilf Hanma that no longer enjoys physically sharing his “belongings”, personally I think he’d get possessive with age. If you’re fucking him then no one else gets to touch you. You’re his while it lasts babes ;)
Dilf Hanma that won’t hesitate to show anyone who you belong to, when the other execs get rowdy and have the nerve to flirt with you Dilf Hanma won’t be shy, he’ll throw your body straight onto the table in front of him, legs thrown over his shoulders as he pounds you to high heaven in front of those assholes, now he lets you scream as much as you want his hands rest on your hips then up to grip your throat, flexing and tightening with every slap of his hips. Dilf Hanma that uses his hands to make you cum before him so that he can make you milk his cock till he’s shooting blanks.
Dilf Hanma bites :)
Dilf Hanma that pulls out at shoots white ropes all up your stomach then just because he’s a dick he rubs it in and wipes some on your face. Gross but hilarious for him, sits himself back down after and just grins at your limp body over the table, catches the eye of whoever is across from the two of you to see if any of them have dared to jack off to you.
Dilf Hanma that buys you pretty jewellery with his name on it, Dilf Hanma that’s love language is still bulling you like he’s a teen again.
Dilf Hanma that grows attached to you too fast and try’s to avoid you at first, gets offended when you don’t look for him (we don’t do chasing men darlin), comes to find you. Finds you in a club with other men n has a bit of a internal paddy, cockily strides in and pulls your body into his away from anyone else.
“Did ya miss me, baby? ♡”
Dilf Hanma that’s toxic enough to baby trap you (if you identify as femal)
Or Dilf Hanma that toxic enough to gas light you enough to make you hate him but you know you couldn’t leave his toxic ass.
Dilf Hanma that can’t say ‘I love you’ instead he uses his body to show you how he feels.
Dilf Hanma that probably has a kid somewhere ngl, might not be in contact with them or might be who knows.
Requests are open loves :)
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Pack x Reader
Request Summary: You're Scotts twin sister and make a sacrifice for the good of the pack
Warnings: death, panic attack, angst, murder described, death described, reader death; I know for a fact I've missed some and this one is pretty fucking rough, as always read at your own risk.
A/N: This one is angsty, and just a tad longer than normal, consider it my apology to nonnie for taking so damn long on this request. I hope you guys love it, and again, this one is rough, read at your own risk.
You're able to grab one of the fucking resilient demonic ninja's off of Isaac. You could smell his pain, his blood, and you could smell Allisons determination. The second one on Isaac was shot with Allisons arrow, it's glowing green, fighting with the clear pain it's experiencing. With a split decision you're next to Allison, pushing her out of the way, a sharp pain through your chest, and then you're numb.
Allison's face is rampant with fear, her shirt holding a tiny cut that didn't grace the skin. Good, she's okay, and then you're falling.
You don't hit the ground though, your brother, Scott, holding your face with a stray tear falling down his face. You reach up and wipe it away, "It's okay Scotty, it doesn't hurt." Scott chokes back a sob, his hand gently rubbing yours, "Is everyone else okay?" Scott starts to speak, his voice betraying him, sounding mangled, "Yeah, everyone is okay Y/n, you're gonna be okay too." You shook your head, "Not in the way you think I am," Scott finally releases a sob, "no, no, big brother," he tries to laugh, trying to give you a little peace with your joke that even though he's minutes older, he's still older, "it's okay, yeah? Me and you, fighting tooth and nail. This was the best gift I could've ever gotten, I love you, and I love the pack. This is okay." You reach behind him, fingers tangled into his hair, you pull him to you and kiss his forehead. "Don't let them blame themselves, and don't blame yourself," another kiss to his cheek, "I love you big brother."
Scott's memories with you flashes before his eyes as the color in yours goes out, how did we get here?
"Scott! You okay?" You look over his body for injuries, he hisses at you making contact with his torso. "Scott, what's wrong? Did you get bit by something too?" Scott's eyebrows raise, "What do you mean 'too'? Did you get bit?" You roll your eyes and turn around, shirt stained with blood, "Yeah, I managed to get away from the fucker while rolling down some hill, now let me see yours." You swat him away, lifting his shirt and taking a good look at the bite mark, "Okay, not too bad, you fix me up and I'll fix you up? Not a word to mom, got it?" Scott nods, walking with you into the house to take care of the bite marks.
Scott can't feel anything, surrounded by you, your lifeless body. His anger, no, pain, soars through him as his eyes glow, a roar deep within him. The only thing anyone in his pack can hear is the scream from Lydia's lips and the roar of pain from Scott.
Isaac barely notices the sound around him, only his own heartbeat in his ears as he listened to yours fade away.
"Isaac you fucking idiot!" You slapped Isaac on the back of the head, he looks at you with lost, glowing, puppy dog eyes, "Sorry, Y/n." His eyes dull to his normal brown and you frown, "You've gotta do better honey, you can't lose control like that, you'll kill someone and I know that's not what you want." Isaac sits on the metal bench in the locker room, head in his hands, "I don't know that I'll ever be able to."
You sigh, sitting next to him with your hand rubbing his back, "You will, just give it time, until then, you've gotta find something that works for you, something that prevents you from breaking someone fucking ribs Isaac." You voice becomes elevated again towards the end, irritated at Isaac's recklessness. "Yeah," he leans his head down to your shoulder, "I know firecracker."
Scott is blind to the feeling on his bloody hand, only noticing it when Allison's tears hit it. Allison brushes a hair out of your face, you looked peaceful, she's eternally grateful for you, for what you did for her tonight and what you've done for her up until this point.
"Allison, fuck," you huff, pulling yourself up from the ground, "let's do it again, I know that this isn't you, your aim is perfect, let it all go and focus on me okay?" She sighs, shaking the bow in her hand, "Maybe the fact that I could actually hurt you isn't helping." You're eye to eye with her, both hands on her face, eyes glowing, "No, you won't hurt me, I'm invincible remember?" She laughs, shaking her head, "Alright, last time." You grin ear to ear and took off running. Allison brings the bow up, listening to you run. She sees glimpses of you, through the trees, and the arrow is gone. She sighs, she didn't hit you, she's shouting at you "I told you! I can't do it!"
You touch her back, startling her, she lets out a small yelp and turns to you. Her eyes go wide when she sees the arrow sticking out of your shoulder. "Oh, Jesus Y/n," her bow drops and she's bringing her hands up to try and get it to stop bleeding. "Oh quit being a pussy and pull it out," you rolled your eyes, grabbing her wrist and bringing it to the arrow in your shoulder. "I'm so sorry I hit you-" she pulls it out and you let out a long groan, already feeling better with the object dislodged. "Don't be sorry, you hit me, let's do it again." Allisons eyes widen, if that's even possible, and shakes her head, "No, absolutely not." You laugh, "Lighten up buttercup, I'm invincible remember? And this time I'm not going easy." She scoffs at you, "Easy? Oh I see how it is, run little wolf, run." With that, you take off running, Allison laughing at your excitement.
Kira is frozen, she feels like she died, you were her best friend. Over anyone else, you'd been the first to accept her, the first to fight for her, the first one she'd confided in.
"Kira, what the hell are you saying?" You're sitting with your arms crossed at a picnic table, nose in your homework. "I-I know that we were friends first, so I was going to tell you first, before I said any-" You slam your hand one the table, "Kira, baby, spit it out, fuck." This is the you realize that Kira's scent holds fear and anxiety. "Kira, what's wrong?" You're more serious now, waiting for the bomb to drop that there's another fight to be had. "I like Scott, like like him, Jesus please don't be mad." You burst into full laughter, tears streaming from your eyes.
When you calm down Kira is staring at you, piddling with the strings on her sleeves. "Oh, my god," you laugh again, trying to calm yourself. "You're not mad?" You laugh harder, smacking the table a few times, "Jesus Christ no, I can't believe-" you stand up still laughing, hugging her. "I don't give a shit," rubbing her back, "you had nothing to worry about, as long as you don't get mad if I fuck your dad." Kira jerks back, shock on her face, "Y/n!" You laugh harder, "I'm fucking kidding, jeez," you sit back down, "fucking sit down and gush to me about my brother."
She shakes herself out of it when she feels her mother enclose her in a hug. Tears finally falling.
Lydia's scream has finally ended, and she's inconsolable. Memories flooding through her head as she lays her head on an unconscious Stiles.
"Lydia god dammit," you truck to the pool, "did you find another one?" You stop at the strong scent of blood, rushing to Lydia, Stiles right behind you. "Are you hurt?" Lydia shakes her head, staring at you, "I already called 911." Stiles looks hurt, arguing with Lydia over why she should call him before the police, but you push him to the side. "Heya honey," you wrap your arms around her waist, "it's okay, don't listen to Stiles grumpy ass, let's me and you go sit." You're not sure why you aren't phased by the body next to you, but you let Stiles do whatever he needs to do for Scott while you try and get Lydia's head back down to Earth.
"Hey Lyds, dontcha think you're a little overdressed to come to the pool?" She lets out a small chuckle and you relax a little, "This can't be my new normal, Y/n. Finding dead bodies? I can't take this." You hold her hand, sighing, "None of us asked for this Lydia, I'm so sorry. If you want I can stay with you for a few days, follow you if you zonk out again?" Lydia just nods, and she feels for the first time that you're as much her best friend as Allison.
Lydia can't stop crying, Scott is trying to get ahold of himself, Kira is crying with her mother, Isaac is breathless and in pain, and Allison is held by her father.
"She did it for me dad," Allison sobs, her father already made sure she wasn't hurt, "she did it for me and I don't know why." Chris shushes her, running his fingers through her hair, grateful for your sacrifice so his beautiful girl could live. "She did it because she loved you," Allison sobs harder, "I know sweet girl, but listen, we have to deal with this. You can cry, scream, break things later, but now? Now we get our stories straight." Allison nods, and her dad is off to Scott to prep him.
When Stiles finds out, it's like every cell in his body failed him. Scott caught him and pulled him into a hug, tears streaming down his face. "I know. I know brother." Stiles can't breathe, it's been a long time since he's had a panic attack, but here he is, without you, panicking.
"Stiles," you sigh, throwing a ball against his ceiling and back into your hand, sprawled out on his bed, "you've gotta stop." Stiles shakes his head, "No, no there is something here!" He tosses the books to the floor, you get off the bed, wrapping your arms around him from behind, "You'll find it but you're not going to without sleep. Come on." You tug him back to his bed, "Let's nap, and then we'll come back to all," you gesture to his board covered in multicolored string, "this." Stiles sighs heavily, letting you pull him to the bed. It's not the first time, and certainly wouldn't be the last, that you've convinced him to sleep. He crawls in next to you and you throw your arm open, allowing him to lay his head over your heart. He falls asleep to the lull of the thump thump thump.
Stiles shakes himself out of the memory, remembering that he'll never hear that beautiful sound again and vows to hold onto it. He lets out a pained, choked sob, "Scott-" Scotts arms are around him still, Scott can smell the guilt coming off of the small man, "Don't - It was not your fault Stiles. It wasn't anyone's fault." Scott lets Stiles cry, mourn his best friend, the woman he's come to love like his own sister. "Have you told Derek?" Scott sighs, Stiles already knows the answer.
When they get to Derek's place, Derek opens the door, already smelling them and their horribly displaced emotions. "What is it?" Scott lets himself in, Stiles following close behind him and he's checking for his little flame, and when you're nowhere to be found, his heart sinks. "Where's Y/n?" Derek can smell the grief coming off of Scott in waves, not missing the anger that hides beneath it. "Fuck, my little flame," his voice sounds broken, barely audible to the human boy who stares sorrowful at him.
"Derek Hale!" You kick the door open to home, "Derek Hale! Get your ass out here!" Derek almost materializes behind you, but you're just as quick as he is. "Derek Hale! I oughtta kill you, you son of a bitch!" You march to him, taking him off guard by your fist that collides into his face. He's knocked back a couple feet, staring at you with glowing eyes. Your eyes match his, "I am not afraid of your eyes, wolf boy! You turned three people!" Derek shrugs, "So what if I did?" You go for a second punch, this time caught by Derek, he can't smell a single ounce of fear, only fury.
"They knew what they were getting into," Derek lets go of your hand. "Oh, fuck you, Derek," you shove him back, "you can spin that stupid story to whoever you want, but you and I know better." Derek shrugs, "So what? They're better now, stronger, and they like it." You let out a deep growl, "Did you tell them about the death?" You step forward towards him, "Did you tell them how they'd be pulled into every murder in this town?" You shove him back again, following his step backwards, "Did you tell them of the pain? Did you? Of course not." Your hand grasps his chin, squeezing painfully with your claws out, making him look at you, "Hear me Derek Hale and hear me good. If anything," you squeezed him harder, bringing a hiss from him, "and I mean anything, happens to them, I will hurt you." You back away and head out of his house, stopping at his door, "And trust me, I'm a fire you can't put out." He laughs, watching you walk away, but mumbling just where you can barely hear, "I have a feeling I don't want to be burned by your flame."
A growl explodes from his lips, pain filling his entire being. You've been the glue that holds them all together, bringing them back from the brink again and again. How could they survive without you?
Months after your death, they've settled back into the groove of things, nothing ever feels the same without you though.
They talk about you all the time, Stiles has a tendency to try and calm people down like you did. Trying to help keep everyone grounded. He's nowhere near as good at it like you were, but he's trying. Allison keeps your memory around by never changing her lock screen, a picture of everyone in the pack resting on the screen she checks every five minutes. Isaac has found a new anchor, with Scott's help, using himself to be able to control the rage that flurries inside of him after your death. Lydia lives for adopting your fire, absolutely never keeping her mouth shut much to everyone's dismay, but it's a way to keep your image around. Kira has become closer to Allison and Lydia, but she knows they'll never replace you. They don't laugh at her like you did when she talks about Scott, and it's a painful memory. Derek's become much more involved with Scott's pack, dedicated to doing what he can for not fighting by your side the right you died, a debt he'll never repay. Scott finds his peace in his pack, but the hole in his heart for his sister will never fade, like the newly placed fire tattoo on his forearm will never fade.
They are all eternally grateful.
They all know it'll never be the same.
They all hate your sacrifice.
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letarasstuff · 3 years
(A/N): This was requested by an anon, I hope you like it :)
Summary: In the middle of midterms, Spencer's daughter has enough and for the first time in her life, she rants to the team
Warnings: one swear word, school, school stress, mental breakdown, shitty friends, a bit of angst (but there is fluff to balance that out), weird grammatical sentences that are according to google correct
Wordcount: 2.3k
✨Masterlist✨ _____________________________ As a teenager, Spencer was pretty closed off. But this had several reasons, like being a child (or moreover a teen prodigy) at college and getting his first Ph.D, or that he hadn’t had a safety net of people he could have gone to. So as he became a father himself, he tried everything possible to assure his own daughter that her feelings and thoughts are always welcome and valid.
Unfortunately (Y/N) herself has developed the same habit starting high school and ever since Spencer can’t do anything to get her to open up to him. It’s not like they don’t have a good relationship, they have one of the strongest father-daughter bonds the BAU has ever witnessed. The girl simply has other ways to cope with her feelings and how to act them out in the safety of her own four walls. Her father learned to accept it, knowing that he can’t and won’t force her to talk to him.
So what follows now not only shocked Spencer. But also his work family.
It’s the time every teen in high school dreads: Midterms.
A word a teacher can mutter and a shiver goes through the rows of students in the classroom. Or at least it feels like it to (Y/N). She takes her school work very seriously. In her mind every single grade determines her future.
The rational part in her knows that the grades in her sophomore year doesn’t matter. That they are even long forgotten when she graduates. There is just so much pressure on her. But it isn’t coming from her father.
Spencer is pretty laid-back regarding school. He knows his daughter is trying her best and that it’s just the tenth grade and not the end of the world. School is not everything life has to offer, especially he has to know it as a scholar and profiler flying through the country in a jet back and forth.
It’s (Y/N)’s classmates, who pressure her to get good grades.
“We depend on you and your notes”, Tyler exclaims as he jogs next to her through the busy hallway. “Ty, I know. But I don’t have the time to get them done for all of you to understand by tomorrow. They are still a mess that only I know to see through. I still have to finish my history project and I go to my Dad’s work this afternoon, which means I won’t get much done and I still have to do the homework I got today before sorting my notes for the test in two days.”
At her locker, the boy still doesn’t let go of the subject. “Do you want to say that our grades don’t matter as much as yours? Because this would be a true selfish statement.” Maybe it is the lack of sleep, because she pulled three all-nighters in two weeks, or the fact that she is slowly getting fed up being treated like an unpaid private teacher, but (Y/N) can’t stop her sassy answer. “Tyler, you wouldn't even know how to tell apart your ass from your head if it weren’t for me and my help in biology. You wouldn’t even know how to spell selfish if I didn’t let you copy my answers in spelling tests in elementary school.”
Done with the day and her friend’s shit, she slams the door of her locker shut and leaves a flabbergasted boy behind. Half an hour later the teenager enters the bullpen with her visitor badge clipped to the pocket of her sweater.
On the way there she was fuming. The audacity of her friends. It’s not only Tyler, who tried to get her notes of a unit, she was the only one listening, even though the teacher said loud and clear that this will be important for midterms. A few other friends out of the group she usually hangs out with texted her the same question of when her notes will be given to them. Understandably, (Y/N) comes into the office in the worst mood anyone from the team ever saw, including her own father.
“Hey Sweetheart”, he tries to greet her with a hug. Even though both of them are not big on touch, they are extra affectionate with people they are close to.
To everybody’s surprise, the girl takes a step back, effectively avoiding his open arms. “Hey”, she grumbles out before taking a seat in the chair already waiting for her. Nobody is allowed to sit in this one, except for her. Not even Derek has ever put his butt on this one, knowing the sacredness of it.
Without sparing anyone another glance, (Y/N) gets the needed stuff for that history project out and continues working on it. The team resorts to throwing a questiongly look to Spencer, who shrugs his shoulders with a look of despair. So everyone resumes their work without even daring to say a word.
The general silence is occasionally broken by an unnerved sigh leaving the teenager’s lips. “Is the conference room occupied?” She asks, her voice clearly showing how annoyed she is. Her father shakes his head. “No, not that I know of. Do you need help with your school work?” This is obviously the wrong thing to say. “Do I look like a baby? I don’t need anyone to help with that, I have been going to school for ten years now, I think I can handle this project as perfectly fine as I did since day one. It’s just your keyboard typing that will be the reason for my first grey hairs if I don’t get out of here soon.”
Quickly (Y/N) gathers her stuff and storms off into the conference room. Immediately the team crowds her father’s desk. “What happened?” “Who hurt her?” “Go, talk to her!”
“Guys, I don’t know what’s going on. I’m at the same loss as all of you. The only thing I know is that (Y/N) is under pressure, because it’s midterms. But judging by the way she reacted, I don’t want to go near her. It’s safer to try to defuse a bomb than talk to her in that mood. Last time I saw something similar, her favorite show was declared finished, got a revival and then didn’t get one and nobody mentioned it again. She was so mad, I think it took three years of her life.” A silence of uncertainty spreads through the room.
“What about we give her some room until she calms down?” JJ suggests, being unsure herself how to deal with a teenage girl. But the rest agrees and goes back to filling out their paperwork.
This continues for about 20 minutes, till a loud bang and a frustrated scream is heard followed by “DON’T THEY WANT TO GET IT OR ARE THEY JUST STUPID?!” Alerted by that, seven people (yes, even Dave and Aaron leave their offices, while Penelope was already in the bullpen) storm into the round table room only to see a more than outraged (Y/N).
“Sweetheart”, Spencer speaks to her in the gentlest voice they ever heard from him and slowly moves towards his daughter, “What’s going on?”
Her response is delayed by several deep breaths she has to take in order to be able to talk without seething. “ALL OF MY SO CALLED FRIENDS ARE ASKING ME FOR MY NOTES, like do I look like a personal tutor? And when I tell them that I got a life, a life outside of school and grades, because otherwise I go completely bananas, just like all of you say, they get mad. Now they act like I’m the most selfish person in the whole world. I’m so done, can’t they understand that they are old enough to take care of their own stuff? I’m not responsible for them, their grades or anything regarding their lives. Otherwise I would be the mother of at least four toddlers and one baby and at the age of sixteen I’m not ready for that kind of responsibility. I know friends are there for eachother, and I really don’t mind helping them from time to time. But what they are doing is terror. Terror.
“Oh and don’t get me started on their tormention if I get something lower than an A-. Then they suddenly transform into geniuses, like they suddenly know everything possible. Of course, I’m the dumb one. I should have studied more.
“I am under an insane amount of pressure, because I know they rely on me, but enough is enough. I tell them that if anyone asks me for anything school related again and they act like I owe them an answer, I’ll cut off all ties to all of them. What am I, a roboter just there for their needs, without some of my own?”
After her long rant, (Y/N) takes a couple more breaths. It’s pretty much the only sound right now, because the team is stunned. None of them heard her talking, no ranting, like that. Not even her Spencer has seen her like that.
Realizing what she just said, the teenager fidgets nervously with her hands. “I’m, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, you know, blow up like that. I, I really don’t know where this came from.” Nervously she scratches the back of her head. It really wasn’t her intention to let it out like that. Her plan was just to come home tonight and deal in the confinement of her own four walls with all of her feelings. It’s easier to be honest to yourself when you are alone than having an audience watching you losing it.
Suddenly (Y/N) finds herself engulfed in a massive bear hug. “Oh, my sweet sweet summerchild. You needed to rant to us and I’m so happy you did. Even though your uhm, friends, sound like big douchebags, we can help you sort something out”, Penelope tells her while keeping her arms around the teen.
“Just like lil mama said, we are here for you, Baby Reid. Don’t ever be afraid to tell us something, may it even be as small as you having stubbed your toe.” Morgan ruffles her hair and gives her a reassuring smile.
Just like them everybody shows her their support, be it encouraging words or affectionately gestures. Rossi invites her to a calm and quiet dinner at his mansion, cooking class included. Hotch assures her that she will get through this rough patch, with or without these fake people. JJ suggests (Y/N) comes over to her home and she can participate in a family game night at their home.
When it’s Emily’s turn, she makes sure to get her message loud and clear by looking the teen in the eyes (not as deep as it sounds, because some people make an intense stare really uncomfortable): “If those kids give you a hard time again, tell me. I’ll pay them a visit in classic protective godmother fashion, because nobody traits MY godchild like this. Just give me their names and I’ll handle the rest.” Obviously she doesn’t say this aloud in front of everyone, else Hotch will have her head, knowing she goes through with her threats. Instead she whispers it into the teen’s ear. Still, it makes (Y/N) smile, having such a strong support net.
Sensing the family’s need for time of their own to talk about the whole situation, the team leaves the room. Spencer gestures to her to take a seat after moving two chairs opposite each other. He wants her not to feel trapped.
“Do you still want to talk about it? It doesn’t have to be now, we can do it tonight, tomorrow, in a week or in a month. Just, please don’t shut me out. I know it’s difficult to be a teenager, especially in times like these. But it won’t do you any good keeping all of this for yourself. Today you took it out through anger. How will it look next time?
I don’t want to pressure you into talking. We don’t need to. We can find other coping mechanisms. We can try and reduce your stress. Anything. But we both know that this is not the right way.” While speaking, he takes his daughter’s hand, making her look up to him.
(Y/N) nods. Her eyes fill with tears. “I just can’t keep going like this.” She whispers, feeling all the stress, pressure and the intensity of the last few weeks crashing down on her. Quickly Spencer gathers her in his arms, letting her cry in his embrace.
After calming down, she looks up to her father with bloodshot eyes. “We can talk tonight. But I need you to do me a favor.” “Anything”, he assures her, stroking a hand along her back. “I, uhm, I need a new phone. I may or may not have thrown mine against the wall after getting a text from Tyler.”
Spencer looks at the crooked cell laying on the floor, the screen cracked. “I think we can get that sorted”, he tells her with a smile and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
The two of them leave the office earlier, having many things to talk about and many problems to solve. But with the help of her family (Y/N) gets through this, a time where people unfortunately only like her for her smarts and not being herself.
All works:
@dindjarinsspouse @big-galaxy-chaos @jswessie187 @kneelforloki
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962 @ellyhotchner
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