#but then again he is like an angry cat
f1inl3ey · 1 year
i just realized I turned Vance into a cat, the gargoyle sitting, the staring, the little blep thing, the clingy ness
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ba1laur · 5 months
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"darkstalker" idk i didnt read
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i’m fully convinced Argyle does the pspspspsps thing you do to cats, but he does it to Jonathan
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worstloki · 3 months
Loki who can hold the Tesseract not because it has no effect on him but because the pain receptors in his fingers/hands have long since fizzled out
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inkz123 · 2 years
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He got loose aee 👀💦
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bonefall · 1 year
I'm glad you're keeping the part where Thunder puts himself between Clear Sky and Grey Wing, willingly showing that he would rather die before letting Clear Sky kill his dad.
That's actually a Bones Addition. You just think it's canon because it literally should have been there from the very beginning. Thunder doesn't get between them at any point during the battle, he runs towards them only to get interrupted by 2 people trying to kill him.
First was Falling Feather, who Jackdaw's Cry then jumps on and dies fighting with, sister killing brother.
Second was Leaf, who's a diehard Clear Sky supporter and general bully.
In canon, Clear Sky stops the battle after Gray Wing says the line, non-fucking-sensically imo. Killing his BROTHER is too far, but killing someone who wasn't even attacking him? A noncombatant who said something mildly insulting? That wasn't. Rainswept Flower did the SAME thing Gray Wing did and still got bumped off for it;
“Is this worth it?” he heard Clear Sky hiss at Rainswept Flower. Scrambling to her paws, she faced him. “What do you mean?” Clear Sky flattened his ears menacingly. “Are you ready to die just to stop me from making borders?” Rainswept Flower curled her lip. “You’ll keep stealing land as long as we let you.” “Stealing land?” Clear Sky’s mew trembled with rage, “I’m just making sure my cats never starve.” Rainswept Flower’s gaze flitted around the lush slopes of the hollow. “How could any cat starve here? There’s so much. Wanting more is just greedy!” “How dare you!” With a snarl, Clear Sky leaped for her, grabbing her throat between his jaws. Her paws flailed desperately, lashing out at thin air as he shook her like prey. Then she hung still. Clear Sky dropped her, gazing coldly at her lifeless body. “You never understood. I’m not greedy. I’m just strong.”
-The First Battle, Chapter 20
Then in Clear Sky's pathetic wet beast scene, he stares down at Rainswept's corpse, and thinks "I was so angry I don't remember killing her :("
So how, exactly, does this same character keep his cool when Gray Wing says the same shit but worse?? Is he really so controlled by emotion that his logical processes flip off, or fucking not? Gray Wing was refusing to submit, lunging at him, calling him power hungry and taunting him that he would kill his own littermate for it, and THAT manages to get through Clear Sky's blood-poisoned head?
"ouuugh it's his brotherr that's why his personality completely changes for him" the fucking guy tried to have this same brother murdered in Sun Trail by Fox. The first book. He EXILED HIS OTHER BROTHER for having a broken leg because he, "didn't want to look biased"
Again; is he controlled by his fear and anger or not? Is this a man who would snap the neck of someone he cares about because he feels insulted, or not?
The answer is that the Erins are breaking their spines bending over backwards to try and keep him "redeemable" when he shouldn't be. He's whatever the plot needs him to be, but the most consistent character traits point towards Clear Sky being the kind of person who would never have wanted to change his ways.
So, they write Clear Sky ridiculously backing down for Gray Wing, calling off the battle and "coming to his senses" instead of having Thunder do WHAT HE SHOULD HAVE DONE and jump to his REAL dad's defense.
This is what I mean when I mention how firmly I feel that Clear Sky's Redemption Arc was a mistake. He works best as a villain, a fearful, proud, controlling monster, understood by his impacts on other characters rather than as a person the story should concern itself with sympathy for.
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jrueships · 8 months
looooool lololololol
#sorry im pondering over the thought of diggs/allen afters*x sorry#they have very much opposite actions after doing it#josh loves his naps and his cuddles so he will want to call it an early night night after one handjobbie even#unless hes angry or frustrated. then diggs is gonna be on for a long. aching haul#but stef could go literally 700 rounds in the same night and still try to get up and wobble around the house doing whatever#his strange mind is set to#even with *** still dripping out his ***#obvs hes gonna clean it soon or just lick some of it off like hes a dirty h*e but hes not a dirty h*e u know#but when u have to make sure the singleperson chair is tilted just enough to capture ur good angle when u lay down like a cat in it#u have to make sure t(im not rewriting all that. i forgor)#u know!!#and ok maybe some of the wandering stems from diggs hating to display uncontrollable neediness/beauty in front of the people he cares about#MAYBE HE GETS A LITTLE EMBARRASSED ABT THE WAY HIS THIGHS TREMBLE AND THE MUSCLE JIGGLES THEN TENSES FROM CONSTANT CHANGE#MAYBE HE HATES THAT HE LOVES HOW HE HATES THE WAY HE LOVES WHEN ALLEN'S STUPIDLY BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYES ARE OVERTAKEN BY BLACK#FROM HIS PUPILS BLOWING AND HIS LIPS PARTING IN NOTHING BUT ADORATION AND ADMIRATION OVER HIS WR#and the bliss he's been put in OKAY MAYBE ! MAYBE !!#AND MAYBE BY GETTING AWAY FOR A BIT LIKE AN APATHETIC BLACK CAT SLINKING AWAY INTO THE NIGHT HELPS#KEEP STEF FROM COMPLIMENTING JOSH OVERANDOVERANDOVERAND- AGAIN. BCS HES JUST SO. UGHH. AND HE GETS SO. uGh#when stef compliments him and stef LOVES complimenting him bcs stef LOVES speaking the truth and what he says IS the truth#and josh LOVES hearing it and . UGHHH it's so MUSHY it's GROSS!!!!!!!@! grosser than the *** still in his ***#... even grosser than the fact that stef will sometimes hold off on cleaning up while walking away bcs he knows josh#as tired as he is.. will make the bed heave a great strain of spring and coils from the owner's devoted departure#following stef with blankets towels some freshly brewed tea and wrapping him into a big hug#as he breaks the singleperson couch from trying to cuddle like a giant dog that doesnt know it's a giant dog#MAYBE THEYRE GROSS AND SICK AND STUPID AND DOMESTIC OR WHATEVER! AND MAYBE DIGGS HATESLOVESHATESLOVESLOVES IT???#THATS THEIR BUSINESS !! AND IM UP PONDERIN IT 🗣‼️‼️ SORRY#ted sus#diggs/allen#ted redacted#it's late so ihope noone sees this LOL it's embarrassingfr 😭😭 IHATELOVE
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girlwithfish · 19 days
leaning into his chest and him stroking my hair Who said that would actually fix me rn and rid my soul and psyche of all anger and bitterness and rage and id be a sweet normal girl again.
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thecaroliner · 26 days
I can’t even sleep. I just want my baby back. and I think I’ve made myself even more sick
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the-casbah-way · 10 months
i feel like everyone is going to eventually get annoyed at me for still being sad about simba or still talking about it but posting abt it is easier than telling someone because i don’t know how to do that and i’d rather be annoying here where people can scroll past and ignore it and not feel obligated to reply
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cartarg · 1 month
friend do u sell ur art.. would love to have a print 😭🩷
ahh well i've definitely considered prints before but there's nothing currently no :< i think my main hangup abt it is just not rly knowing what art of mine is "print worthy" i suppose?? tysm for ur interest though 🥺❤
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gibbearish · 3 months
eternal fight between wanting to correct a misconception abt cats but also knowing that it was just a silly joke and i shouldnt take it so seriously but also something being a joke doesnt mean you shouldnt still point things out but also i have no expertise beyond just "i have multiple cats and spend way too much time watching them and thinking about the way they interact w each other and what that means about how their brains work" which means i would just be talking out of my ass anyways because i have no way of telling if my interpretations are right or if im anthropomorphizing them
#origibberish#anyways. your cat isnt trying to steal your food#he doesnt understand 'your' food vs 'my' food he just understands 'food'#and sees you as another cat and when cats are eating and another cat wants some they just. walk up and partake#so if youre having issues with that you gotta start using cat language to tell them to back off#like growling/hissing at your cat is allowed they do it at each other all the time for a reason#actually slight correction they do understand 'my' food but only in terms of 'i caught this so it is my trophy'#food thats just Around is communal#so think like a cat and say no this is MY kill in cat words#i killed this sandwich and IM going to eat it#like theres a part of me thats like 'no you cant hiss at your cat thats mean!' but thats looking at it through human eyes#we see hissing as mean because its The Mad Sound and mad is Bad and Angry and Personal#but for cats mad is different#theres no values or anything behind it‚ mad just means 'stop what youre doing or ill hit you'#and like you know actually hitting your cat would be shitty and abusive and that threatening smth like that to a child would be equally#and abusive so in ur brain ur like 'i cant threaten him in cat speak'#but like its not a threat for them!! its just a warning so that they know the other cat Doesnt Like What Theyre Doing!!!#thats how they establish boundaries!!! so not only are you allowed to use it i would even say trying to actually bring yourself to your#cats level in terms of communication is probably like. better?#but i mean again. this is all based entirely off of half remembered cat facts books from childhood and spending way too long#watching the endless drama between my children#so. take literally all of that with a grain of salt#actually scratch that ive decided i am an expert now. universities i am willing to be a professor of cat psychology
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garlique · 6 months
god oh my god this sucks so fucking much, i knew today would be the worst day so far but holy fucking shit i truly just wish i was fucking dead!!
#i have a job interview tomorrow and there was ONE THING that i needed to do this weekend to prepare for it#and we were both going through withdrawals so badly that i DIDNT FUCKING DO IT#im literally just so angry at myself and at everything else in the world and i've been so fucking mean to the cats today and i hate myself#about it#i dont even WANT to go to the fucking interview tomorrow i just want to kill myself and cry and die and fucking give up on it all#this sucks so fucking badly oh my fucking god and i would bet you all like 500 fucking dollars#that ethan relapses on it today while he's at work and comes home fucking STINKING and making it worse for me#YET AGAIN#oh my god im so fucking angry im so fucking angry i just wanna scream and punch and throw and smash#AND I JUST HAVE TO KEEP IT ALL LOCKED UP INSIDE ME THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION NO FUCING OPTIONS NO CHOICES NOTHING#there will never be anything for me in this life and i dont know why i've been pretending otherwise#GOD it hasnt even been 72 hours yet can i please just be done#can i please find the first man who smoked tobacco and mass marketed it#AND FUCKING STRANGLE HIM TO DEATH????????????#im gonna kill and cry and die and hate my life my self my everything#ive just been crying so many fucking angry tears#like i'll be so angry and when it does come out it comes as tears and i personally???? hate that shit so much#makes me feel so fucking weak#fuck everybody fuck god fuck nice people fuck mean people fuck the normalizing of horrible drugs fuck addiction and fuck myself#just gotta keep telling myself i dont need it
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torgawl · 7 months
do you think part of the reason diluc still struggles with his resentment towards kaeya is because kaeya is more like what crepus wished diluc to be? crepus was so proud of diluc for his accomplishments as a knight and lived his dream through him as well and we know how much crepus' approval meant for diluc, more than any title or doing. i sometimes wonder if diluc feels hurt knowing that kaeya gets to live the equivalent to his past life as a knight as if nothing happened when he had to make sacrifices for his own peace of mind and sense of justice. i wonder if that's what pains him the most, not the fact kaeya ommited the truth about his past for so many years but having felt like he was the only one who cared to do something regarding his father's death and who showed any sense of uprightness when confronted with the knights' request to cover their mistake and negligence. i always think about how diluc might have felt like everything was a lie and his sense of betrayal. but maybe that didn't matter as much as having the support of his brother and someone he could share his pain with would have mattered. maybe the worst thing wasn't what kaeya did but what he didn't do; maybe it was never about his actions but the lack thereof.
#i just keep thinking about how lonely diluc must have felt#we know they kept in contact but it wasn't the same#but i also feel so much for kaeya who must have been deeply worried all the time diluc spent away all the times his letters were unanswered#do you think kaeya checked diluc's vision frequently to see if it ever faultered?#my heart clenches whenever i think about them#as much as i love to dwell on the angst of their relationship i feel so happy to see an accurate representation of what healing is like#and the usage of time as a way of storytelling#how it's a slow process and how you get there little by little#how conflicting it is#you have diluc's simultaneously passionate/fierce and stoic personality vs his more vulnerable anonymous messaged in cat's tail board#he admits it pains him and he reminisces of the past yet it's so easy to get angry and it's so easy to build up walls#and then you have kaeya who comes across as confident charming laid-back but who's so hard to read#there's a sadness in him even though he's mostly well resolved#you wonder if some of his diligence is actually his or compensation for his guilt#i just really enjoy them both and how different they are yet so similar#how they are both deeply lonely how they draw a line at anyone putting people at risk#they're not my favourite characters by chance i really think they're extremely well characterised and i think they're easy to relate to#and even though kaeya uses the term anti-hero with attitude problems to describe himself they're both genuinely kind hearted people#they're both warm in their own way#and i hope they hug one day i hope by the end of this stupid game that they get to properly be in each others lives again#the way kaeya called diluc his brother in his hangouts warmed my heart a lot i'm just so glad despite everything they're still able to keep#the other around even if diluc is a silly grumpy guy the fact they dined together like the old times already means something too#my boys <3#sometimes i want to hit diluc because it's him who pushes kaeya away the most but i also understand that the process of getting ready to#fully let go of his struggles and forgive kaeya takes time#i'm simultaneously hitting him with a cardboard tube and giving him a big big hug#i still think they should be put in the get along t-shirt though 😂 i think that's what they're lacking that would work for sure
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peppermintbutch · 8 months
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Anton compilation
#i miss him so much going through old photos on my laptop and like every second photo i took was an anton photo#there were so many little things about him that will never be there again. But I'm so happy i got to see them even the disgusting ones.#he would lay on my feet when i was cutting vegetables. he would flatten his ears as a way of saying hi.#he would do his best impression of a human hello when encountering people on his walks. he loved to eat carrots#and whenever he got one he'd run off to his bed with it and the crunching would be so loud.#he could notice when people were angry or sad and he'd try to comfort me and lick my face when i was crying.#we'd throw sticks for him into wheat fields and he'd lose them in there and prance like a deer only his ears sticking out.#he smelled really awful most of the time. he loved to eat shit and dead animals.#he was really scared of sheep and skylarks and our neighbors cat#he loved swimming and when he first learned how he splashed around so much like a little fountain.#he liked to sleep with his head on my shoes. at night i would hear the tap of his little feet#and then a thump when he'd lay down against my parents bedroom door and then a really loud sigh.#he once got on the table and ate the bolognaise when my mom was picking me up from school but he left a plateful for me#he made genuinely the strangest noises I've ever heard a dog produce.#after i moved out he was always so happy when i came to visit. he loved people#when he was younger there were a few trigger words that made him so excited he'd run up the stairs and howl. one of them was my sisters nam#as he got older he became more of a baby and so cuddly and calm.#i'm really sad that i didn't get to say goodbye to him or be there when he died but i hope he knew how much i love him
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love-at-first-bite · 1 year
I wish I actually liked Morgana, even a little bit, look how fucking cute this is.
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