#but then his bf decides to fight a whole ass monsters by himself so now he needs to save a city. again.
lloydfrontera · 2 years
javier keeps expecting lloyd to come up w the plan first but like. sometimes that fails him and if he just says "hey there is no way i'm not fighting this threat what're you gonna do about it" he could just skip the "lloyd runs away, javier calls him a coward, lloyd doesn't see what's wrong w his actions, javier runs off to go fight the thing after giving his last words to lloyd to carry to the count and fam, lloyd reluctantly goes back to help javier" process.
llojavi is just two idiots constantly going:
"i'm going to fight the thing" "don't fight the thing" "i am fighting the thing" "*sigh* fine i'll help you fight the thing, but i'll complain the entire time about it!"
at each other and i think that's beautiful <33
stubborn bastard/stubborn bastard supremacy fr
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divine-draws · 2 years
Can I know more about this shindeku AU?
yesss thank you for asking!! I don't have like a huge amount thought out but this is what I've got so far. CW: mentions of suicidal ideology etc., mentions of bullying. all the content under the cut cause it gets long but tldr; izuku never goes to UA, never gets OFA, AFO was already defeated, shinsou (adopted by aizawa and yamada) follows the same path as in canon, later becomes an emt and in high school starts being a vigilante, izuku is a pain in aizawa's ass, meets shinsou starts dating and shinsou realizes that his bf is a vigilante and the meet the parents is very awkward bc aizawa recognizes the little shit he has to chase down often
basically, midoriya izuku is nothing if not stubborn and determined. even through relentless bullying, suicide baiting, and even being turned down by his idol he still never Really gave up his dreams to be a hero. i think he went through a REALLY rough period after all might told him no (he also never saw the sludge monster get bakugou so no power offer... not to mention for simplicity's sake afo is defeated before this). also vague mention of maybe he had a VERY BAD DAY or just a fucking horrible one but no injury minus that run in with the sludge monster. not necessary but eh you see it how you want to there. either way he never applies to UA. he goes to a normal high school and has normal aspirations and inko while relieved her son is choosing a less dangerous route feels fucking horrible because izuku just isnt himself. second or third year, though, he takes a 180. he's happier, he's working out a lot, he's investing in his health with food, and he has aspirations to work as an emt later. inko is relieved. unkown to her, izuku is out there fighting the good fight as a vigilante. he spent a little too much time online, got inspired by underground heroes like eraserhead and known vigilantes and said FUCK THIS and decided he's gunna be a vigilante. he is sort of not doing anything illegal but the whole crime fighting even without a quirk isnt like... that legal. he doesnt give a shit. even if eraserhead is highly concerned and also too tired to deal with this. there's a begrudging relationship and izuku becomes such a little shit. izuku helps him out and saves his ass at least once and aizawa doesnt arrest him so all is well. izuku also uses his job as an emt to his advantage for his vigilante work
now for shinsou, he follows basically the same path as in canon. he's also adopted by aizawa and yamada and is more than happy to have a little sister in eri. once he goes pro, hitoshi is obviously an underground hero like eraserhead. he has heard of the vigilante dekiru (i mean who hasnt really but aizawa complains about him enough) but has yet to actually SEE the guy. before he meets the vigilante, though, he has a pretty rough fight with some villains. when the emts arrive on the seen who is there but izuku. his hero worship has died down a LOT and he can be professional as he cares for hitoshi but hitoshi can def tell this guy is practically vibrating once he makes sure he's all good. he's cute and sweet and blushes a deep crimson when hitoshi points out his excitement and admits that he's surprised he has any fans to begin with. i mean the point was to stay unknown anyway. izuku shyly admits that he's been following him and his class since they first showed up on their first year sports festival. if hitoshi keeps vague tabs on the very caring and cute emt that's his business alone. funny enough izuku just so happens to run into him a few more times on the job. im not sure when they start dating. maybe it's around here? they meet off the job and continue to hit it off and then they go out finally. maybe it's later but either works
finally, hitoshi meets dekiru. him and izuku have been dating for a while. it's nice and he hasn't been happier and his friends are pestering the shit out of him to meet the mysterious boyfriend and his dads are also nudging him to invite him over to dinner one day (eri is instant as well). but hitoshi gets his shit ROCKED during a fight. the villains knew his quirk and anticipated it and while he's normally on his A game, he still gets fucked up. and then in comes dekiru saving the day as hitoshi lays there bleeding and concussed. the voice muffled by the mask is soothing and familiar and the sturdy hands are caring and gentle as they move from his face down his body as the vigilante checks him over for all of his injuries and he's having a hard time paying attention to what dekiru says but all he can think about is izuku and says as much as the vigilante looks at him with worry and calls for an ambulance. izuku is there later at the hospital and so are his dads and his sister and izuku and aizawa are sharing some odd looks and this was NOT how he wanted the meet the parents to go but oh fucking well... it takes some healing and a lot of dot connecting to make the conclusion of who izuku is on his off time and that explains the bruising and scars and random injuries that his boyfriend waves off constantly... he's not surprised per say and he isnt going to scold izuku or break up with him just a little upset he never told him.
the next big thing is introducing him to his friends which... well he hopes wont be more awkward or a mess than izuku meeting his dads. (spoilers: it's a shitshow and also hilarious in equal parts)
anyway if anyone wants to write a fic about this PLEASE do (and it would be great if you credited me with the idea) i would LOVE to read it and draw more art for it and even collab on ideas etc if you were interested. im shit at follow-through when it comes to writing and love reading ppls stuff
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crystal-moon-101 · 3 years
Ben Gen 10 - Live Reaction Review
Right, so since I’ve finally got my hands on the new crossover episodes, and since my favourite show of all time is Generator Rex, I thought I’d watch it and write down things along the way. Mostly just reactions to things happening as they go, and then probably a simple review at the in another post of what I liked, didn’t like, and maybe what other ways this episode could have gone.
Spoilers! Kind of, for those who haven’t seen it yet! But onto the watching!
Should probably mention I haven’t seen a whole lot of the Reboot Ben 10. Not awful from what I’ve seen, some interesting and well-done aspect even, but certainly not my cup of tea. But I’m here for my boi Rex anyway so…
This is actually quite a cute theme song intro, not gonna lie
Ah, yes, a very American opening in a very American location.
Lol, of course they use Heatblast as the first alien in the episode, got the same voice actor as Rex, nice touch.
Evil...trees? Are these actually villains in the show?
Also, that little girl is precious.
Ben, are you trying to start a forest fire in the middle of the park?!
Ha, Gwen gets it!
Ah, yes, more American stuff.
“Don’t wreck the precious monuments” should have seen what you did to Mount Rushmore in your past, Ben.
Sup, Hex.
Music is evil, got it.
So Ben’s aliens are pretty famous already, at least being treated more like celebrities than monster sightings.
“Burn the flute!” A.K.A nearly burn Hex in the process.
And that’s why Ben never passed music class.
And why exactly do you want the world, Hex?
“Hopefully the last one of the summer” Don’t jinx it Max!
Time goes by so fast, doesn’t it Ben? Especially with aliens, villains and timetravel.
Max is secretly an EVO with that kind of growl.
Yes, because as we all know, villains will stop trying to take over the world once summer is over. They must hibernate for the winter.
Also, Max, did you steal those marshmallows?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….Ben, you good there?....Did Hex do something to your brain?
Who thought this would be great to animate!?
We all have those existential crises and talk to smores.
Jesus, Rex, got ninja skills I see.
Some homeless kid and his monkey stole my food? Time to kick some ass!
My favourite alien, Canonballoon.
I’ve missed my boy and his chimp.
Awwwww they’re sharing! Also just….feel so bad for them already. Homeless and struggling for food, my poor boys.
So EVOs do exist here? Wonder how that will be explained.
Ben out here really trying to beat up some other kid, lol. What a great hero.
Bobo, you are great.
I feel like...Ben’s going through some issues.
Ah yaaaaaaaaaaa, bring on the EVO powers! BFS!
Look ma, no hands!
Rex 1, Ben 0
Ben really wants to commit murder or assault here, wow.
Overboard is the word I’d use, yes.
The life of a background character.
Nanites confirmed! And now they’re in the watch, that ain’t good.
Huh...not what I thought was gonna happen.
The little girl is still precious.
This would be fun to explain to Azmuth.
This ain’t good.
On the run from Providence I see.
Awww, poor Rex. Really doesn’t want to hurt anyone.
I can’t tell if these people are angry because of the DNA affect them, or they’re really just being angry in general.
See ya, Gwen and Max.
Interesting to see that the Providence aircraft looks straight out of the show.
Evening, Six.
Still a badass like normal.
He said Omega, he said the word!
Also, nice blame game there Ben. It’s not like you provoked Rex by, ya know, trying to crush him like a grape.
Um...Six...did you just….try to kill a kid? He didn’t know Ben had powers, that pillar could have easily crushed a normal human.
“This is how you try to convince me you’re not a threat?” Say the dude who just tried to murder a kid!!”
Oh no, he Naruto runs! 
Oh, hello Hex.
Also, what is Providence in this world? What are EVOs and Nanites in this world? None of this has been explained yet.
Ok, so that’s what Providence is...You’d think we would have seen them before based on all the aliens showing up who want to destroy the world.
EVO Generator....I wonder if that means that there aren’t very many EVOs, like maybe there is only a set group from the same lab, and Rex is considered the most dangerous because he can make EVOs.
Ben, do you even know what an EVO is?
Jeez, I know Six is like, the sixth deadliest man on the planet, but he just tackles alien Ben like it’s nothing. This guy should take on Vilgax.
Did he say nib libs?
My boi’s back!
I’m not liking this Six...very much not the character I’ve come to love. Who are you and what have you done with the real Six!
Lol, gotta make sure the kids at home know these aren’t real guns!
Using a net on one kid, and about to beat the crap out of the other, nice.
I do have to ask why Hex was picked to me the main villain, beyond whatever the hell Providence is doing. Why the magic dude and not a tech based villain? Someone who could be both interested in the watch and nanites.
What a covenant spell you have there, Hex.
Again, why do you want to take over the world?
“No, those are my aliens!” I think that’s the least of your concern there, Ben.
Bobo 1, Hex 0
Why is Bobo one of the best-written character’s here? Not that I hate Bobo, but just…
Lol, Rex did you just lay there, the entire time? What was that net made out of?
Ah, right. Let’s attack the children rather the magical manic who clearly stated he wanted to rule the world.
Those nets are fireproof apparently.
Ooof, ah….quite the sore spot there, Ben.
Just let me hug Rex, please…
Are there EVOs are are there not!?
I know this is supposed to connect with older fans, but most of this info would fly over the head of anyone who hasn’t watched Generator Rex. They act like everyone knows what EVOs and nanites are.
Still with the blame game are we, Ben?
Judging by that look, Rex’s parents are also dead in this world. Guess he’s not allowed nice things in this universe either.
That flashback was….so latching in the dramatic department. 
Now ya wanna help, Ben.
He’s so scared of himself, noooo!
Ya, but the different between you and him, Ben, is that he lost his parents, his home, got mutated, his memories became hazy, got locked up and called a monster, and now lives on the streets stealing smores. I think Rex has more of a reason to feel scared at being new with the hero business.
Bobo gets it.
Gotta love they added details on Gwen and Max’s alien forms to make them stick out from the rest. Don’t want to confuse anyone lol.
Thinking of a clever comeback on the spot is hard, not gonna lie.
Yes, Ben, drown him.
Again, with the American music, lol. It ruins the fight scene here.
What is this fight scene?
Original Providence agents would have died on screen rather than ditching the fight.
God, everyone’s made Rex feel like everything is his fault, poor guy.
Rock 1, Ben 0
This message and heartfelt moment falls flat, the build-up wasn’t there and it just...kind of happens. It lacks a lot of flavour and impact, and it doesn’t help with how most of these characters are written.
Old people jokes.
Now we shift the blame to Kevin.
Is Fourarms Gwen bigger? Because if so, nice touch, since we know female Tetramands are stronger/bigger than the men.
Ok, so attempted murder is fine when Six and Ben try to do it, but not Rex, got it.
Get in line Hex, you’re not the first who wants to ‘recruit’ Rex. You’ve got Providence, Van Kleiss, Quarry, Black Knight, that one band, and so on so fourth.
Why is this heartfelt moment suddenly happening now? This feels like it could have been placed back when Rex refused to fix the watch.
Ben…”I’ve already tried that!” Bruh, you tried beating him up, telling Six and Providence you saw him, basically acted like he wasn’t a good hero because he refuses to get over his trauma, and reached out your hand once because it benefited you....I get what they’re trying to do, but it just makes Ben look like a jerk. I get he’s ten, but still…
Just...slap him Bobo, please…
Why are we so nervous about Rex’s sword? Ben you have aliens that can burn, cut, smash and so on, and you barely care what you do. Remember how you nearly started that forest fire at the start?...
Yo, what!? What kind of logic is that, Providence? “Whelp, guess earth is screwed, might as well burn it”
Ya, remember that time when EVOs infected the whole world, and Providence decided to just burn everything down with lasers? 
Extendo blade.
Huh, so Six’s blades can break down Rex’s builds.
Salamander...don’t you mean...Skalamander?
One ship? What is Providence packing!?
Yasss, Punk Busters!
Rex is crying, how dare you!
Now we got Smack Hands, you’re in for it, Hex!
Ooooooooooooooonnnnn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttt!
Ah yes, the sixth most beautiful man on the planet.
Again...what is with the nuking?
Magical cloth fixing, just what I need.
Pure chaos with my boy.
Cracking his neck made me cringe.
Also why the sudden change in heart, Six? This feels out of character for the character who is out of character.
Look, Rex, you’re either gonna fix the watch, or you’re gonna start the self destruct countdown. Everything is going to hell, so might as well take that 50/50.
And it worked!
Ah ya, about that missile.
See’s missile inbound “I can handle it!”
Iron Giant vibes around here.
Screw ruling the world, I’m gonna murder this one child!
My cat’s the same.
So that’s his full name?
I think you need to work on those vacation days with your boss, Six.
You are not Six, I will never accept you.
So the episode starts with Rex being alone, homeless and being chased by Providence, and ends with him being alone, homeless and being chased by Providence. What was the improvement here? Self Confident?
Ben even just lets him go, doesn’t even offer him to stay with his family.
Rex deserves better.
Another heartfelt moment that just...falls flat…
“Always be family and be there for you, Ben” Until you go to college without telling him before hand
So!...That was the crossover. Not...amazing sadly. I didn’t have high hopes to begin with, and mostly was just happy enough to have Gen Rex be acknowledged. But this Crossover missed a lot of points, and fumbles quite a bit. It reminds me a lot of the Secret Saturdays Crossover and what was wrong there. But I’m tired and will do a break down/proper review another day, if people are keen for that. Thanks for reading this if you did, it was a rollercoster!
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
Bucky struggling to take steve first time post-serum? 😙
oof sis I-
- Bucky would definitely call Steve a dumb beefcake cuz he'd have to take several steps back just to LOOK 👀👀 at his whole ass bf
- but secretly Bucky would be happy that Steve isn't sick and fragile anymore even tho he definitely would miss being able to just pick him up and y'know. pipe down
- Steve would be insecure there fumbling, blushing, stammering
- "buck I understand you don't like me like that no more, I-"
- "dumbass you shut the hell up NOW"
- Bucky would reach *up* and shove his tongue down Steve's throat so the shutting up would actually happen
- Steve would be melting, gasping
- "you're still my little slut"
- Steve's chest flush, uknowhatimean
- Bucky's arms running all over Steve's back, admiring the muscle and suddenly realizing an army bed wouldn't be nearly enough to fit one (1) Steve in it much less them both
- he'd try and pick him up to put his perfect butt on the table but.... Look, Stevie's gotten THICC okay??
- "bend over that table , show yourself"
- Steve would absolutely scramble to obey tripping ass over his pants
- buck is just glad to see his dork is still there under that fuckton of delicious muscles
- he takes a nice (long, hard,oof) moment to admire his ass, spreading them cheeks, giving it a firm slap and enjoying Steve's keening moan
- "no need to prep buck I heal fast now"
- "oof" he goes and his pants do too, hanging around his ankles
- buck would spit on it still, he wouldn't want to hurt his cute boy
- "Soo fucking tight" it's like putting his dick inside one of them Chinese finger trap things
- apparently Steve's is more sensitive now b/c when buck slides his hand to stroke Steve's monster dick (he was well fucking hung even before the serum, for such a little guy. That Big Dick Energy ™ got him in all of the fucking fights smh) ,,,, Steve just comes and comes and comes all over his hand like the wanton cock whore he is
- "buck don't stop oh fuck don't stop"
- Steve is not running his mouth yet, Bucky contemplates, so he really must be good
- he thinks he's died and gone to heaven (or hell??) because Steve just keeps squeezing and moaning and they're both sure the table is broken somewhere
- when Steve FINALLY starts swearing and panting and arching his back like he can't decide between fucking himself on Bucky's cock or grinding his own half-boner into the table, Bucky knows itS ON
- "gonna take all of my cum like a good little slut?"
- Bucky just pounds and pounds and pounds against Steve's prostate, barely hearing cursing and mewling over the rush of blood in his ears
- he collapses on top of Steve, sweating literal Bucky buckets
- the table breaks
- it's Steve who's holding them both up, Bucky's soft dick still buried in his leaking ass
Idk if you like this but well i tried??
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pyronado-moved · 5 years
HEY ALEX :) hope itz alright bUT i wanna kno abt ur ocz if thtz ok!!!! aka basically *hands you a free pass 2 gush abt ur ocz* go wild. i wanna kno everything i can abt ur ocz bc im rlly interested !!!!!! :D
gasp tysm
this is an under the cut kinda thing bc i have... a lot to say abt my babies
okay so the main oc of this is carter and hes the anti-christ but hes actually super sweet and just a walking talking puppy with a heart of gold. he can do no wrong and i love him to death. he’s dedicated to loving his bf, his friends, and his mom and sometimes he dedicates himself to hating his dad.
then there’s his bf jackson who’s a sad boy until carter moves in w/ his mom who is jackson’s next door neighbor and they end up getting along rlly quickly and jackson is just suddenly ‘huh what if im worthy of love’ and suddenly he has friends and bf and hes baby
and carter’s friend serah is a half-angel who has 1 volume setting and its Loud As Fuck but thats okay. she’s a lowkey stereotypical dumb blonde but at the same time shes the only one of the group who knows the symbols for every element. she’s been dating brick for 6 years and has yet to even consider dating anyone else
and serah’s bff violet is just a normal human girl who’s head cheerleader and constantly angry. she pretends to not care abt a lot of things but she’s actually a total mother hen. she spends so much time around people in relationships that she starts hating them until she meets roga and suddenly decides love might not be That Bad Actually
vi’s twin brother and serah’s bf brick (aka chad but thats a dumb name so he goes by brick) is literally baby. he’s sick a lot so he lives his life to the fullest in any way possible. he worries abt his friends who constantly have to fight demons and monsters and shit but hes always ready to help no matter what.
carter’s bff and ex-boyfriend jae is an incubus with half a brain cell. he does not use it and is an idiot. he met violet and the two instantly decided that they would cause problems on purpose. hes basically the goose from that one game except gay. he and ara are stupid idiot bfs who are a whole ass foot apart in height and it only adds to the chaos. he dated carter for 1 whole month before they decided ‘nvm actually’ and went back to being best bros.
umm classic mean girls Paris, Trixie, and Chloe are there. Paris wants to use carter to summon the devil. trixie and chloe are just there bc theyve been friends since kindergarten and wanna make sure paris doesnt do anything super stupid. theyre all girls who support girls who want to summon the devil and thats rad.
AND THEN THERE WERE THE 7 DEADLY SINS WOW! They were hired to be the devil’s guardians but then they got bored of that so they fucked off to earth and tried to live normal lives until oops their ex-boss’ son is here now and they have to protect that ray of sunshine out of both spite and pity. they’re all basically siblings and stupid. also they dont meet carter and the gang until college years so like... all the ones up there are adults when they meet the guys down here to avoid any confusion.
Arazukiean is the sin of lust and he’s a siren. hes a trans king who met jae and decided that legally no one else could have him. all he does on earth is attend different colleges because he didnt register as a legal living human so now he just wanders around campus’ and sits in on diff classes. he doesnt rlly represent his sin bc he never even liked being a siren in the first damn place.
Panya is the sin of wrath and she’s a pheonix and I hate to love her but god i love her. shes not a good person and shes loud and seriously if i met her irl i’d deck her in the face. but at the same time she was the one who decided they should protect carter so like... +1 karma point i guess. she and mentu-ra knew each other b4 being hired by the devil so they’re rlly close
the sin of gluttony is Lilian. She’s an aswang but also she’s just soft baby. shes a total nerd and could probably beat jeopardy tbh. although she loves all 6 of her siblings, Ameera is her closest friend/sister and they do everything together.
Ammera is an al-mi'raj and the sin of sloth. shes actually not sleepy or lazy because she decided in order to keep herself from sleeping all day she chose to not sleep at all. shes an expert on all things video games and could probably beat you in mario kart with her eyes shut. on rainbow road. 
The sin of greed is represented by local dragon idiot Roga who owns a big rich company but never participates in anything involving it. he just collects the money. hes a capitalist until he meets violet who is the only person who’s ever put him in his place. he instantly gave up being greedy for money to be a very protective boyfriend to this fiery cheerleader. they dont look like a good couple on the outside but they’re really actually soft as fuck
pride is taken by mentu-ra, a sphinx who ran for state governor in rhode island and actually won despite being a complete fumbling moron. hes a very bad politician and just kinda... exists. he hangs out mostly with roga but he keeps tabs w/ panya the most since she was the one who got him out of scrapes before they were hired as the devil’s guards.
aand then there’s elva, the sin of envy. shes a pixie who decided instead of being envious of others, she’d make them envious of her. she’s a part-time model, part-time olympic figure skater, part-time olympic gymnast. she loves the spotlight more than anything else in the world and shes very annoying but less annoying than panya so she’s got that going for her.
also i was gonna have angels as the 7 heavenly virtues but i only got around to creating penelope, the virtue of purity so she’s there. she doesnt take other people’s shit and is actually serah’s shoulder to lean on as everyone grows and starts to do their own things.
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theklancecollection · 7 years
Do you know any vampire Keith fics?? Preferably longer ones but short fics are good too
Hey there Anon!
Sorry, it took me so long to reply. There’s really no good explanation except... life, I guess?? I am getting back into the fandom though so here’s to hoping this blog gets more active.
Anyways, here are 39 fics I have found where Keith is a vampire. As always read at your own discretion. =)
Happy Reading!
Just Another Trashy Vampire Lovestory - official_klancetrash
Word Count: 1, 961 (and counting)
Summary: Let's be real here. You have been plagued with different adaptations of vampires your whole life. From the well known classic "Nosferatu" to the garbage you call "Twilight". So it's time to add another version to the list. Keith is your almost average teenager apart from the fact he's half vampire. When Keith turned 17 his vampire side started to take form. He began having odd cravings and gained odd powers randomly. When his adoptive mother gave him a letter from his mother left for him as a child he learns the shady truth behind his existence. After learning about his true nature he decides he needs to learn the craft of hunting or well blood hunting. When a classmate and friend of his (that he admires secretly) accidentally cuts himself in science class his thirst gets ten times worse. Can Keith hold back his cravings or will his inner demons take control? 
The vampire's house - Justtokeepreading
Word Count: 2, 704
Summary: Lance is a vampire hunter that wants to help them more than he wants to kill them.
Keith just wants to be left alone.
Long Lost Second Chance - pink_nymphia
Word Count: 71, 968 (and counting)
Summary: Lance is a vampire hunter. But one night, he meets a vampire who challenges what he knows about the monsters he hunts. Forming a relationship with Keith throws him into the gray reality that exists beneath the world’s black and white exterior. 
That's New - Silas_Writes
Word Count: 580
Summary: ANONYMOUS WHISPERED: Hallpween klance. A vampire and their (currently) mortal bf who has a biting kink 
beautiful thinking - ollyalexander
Word Count: 2, 191 (and counting)
Summary: There are worse things than being a fairy of the water, but Lance is starting to doubt it. Especially when a wounded vampire with a revolting haircut shows up on his doorstep, practically, and it becomes increasingly more difficult for Lance to lead the normal life he hates. This is especially evident when the vampire—Keith, that's his name, not Vampy—agrees to Lance's deal, and things go downhill. (Uphill, too, but it's rarer.)
— OR, everyone is supernatural. Keith wants to go home, and Lance is home but wishes he wasn't allowed to be.
What The Hell is a Vegetarian - MaddieLuvsyou
Word Count: 8, 743 (and counting)
Summary: Keith stared at the dark night sky, sucking his blood bag through the straw. He yawned and layed onto his back, glaring up at the stars.
"What a pain in the ass..." He grumbled.-Klance Vampire Au
Meet Me at Midnight - Outerspaceracecar
Word Count: 1, 206
Summary: Keith hasn't seen his boyfriend in weeks and as he stands perched in this tree, he can feel his anticipation growing. 
I'd fall for you - Lennibug
Word Count: 2, 372
Summary: Vampire! Keith and Painter! Lance teasing each other under the clouded October skies. 
Alluring ways - LimabeanTM
Word Count: 4, 835
Summary: "Ah yes, I'm Keith, did you need something?" The priest smiled and held out her hand. Fuck. If Keith touched that hand he might very well die. He awkwardly stared at it and looked back up at her. She didn't seem to be backing down, "Nothing at all, just want to introduce myself"
She knew, she had to, God did exist and was punishing Keith for existing. It wasn't like he was a baby and decided to be a vampire, he kinda was born with it. He looked to the door and the big guy and cute scrawny guy were right there, waiting. He gave his best smile and threw the cup across the room right over her head, the moment he heard it crash he bolted. He scrambled to the back door, and he heard shouting. The owner was probably some Vampire hunter for the church, Keith saw it all now. Why else was their no garlic at the bar? Or shading all along the building, and no cross above the door? How could he be so stupid?
One Killer Smile - girlskylark
Word Count: 9, 165
Summary: After getting blackout drunk at a club, Keith wakes up in Lance's bed, and realizes that Worse Case Scenarios are actually possible.
The last thing Keith ever expected to do was turn a human—that was the vampire equivalent of killing a man, but that might have been a better option in hindsight.
Daylight - Alex (mermaid_lance)
Word Count: 1, 711
Summary: After a lead on his brother's whereabouts takes him to a run down warehouse full of vampires, Keith gets transformed into a vampire himself. He drags Lance and Hunk into the chaos, and Pidge follows right along. 
Dehydration - joidessin
Word Count: 5, 704 (and counting)
Summary: Keith didn't know what he was going to do.
He hadn't exactly planned to leave Earth when he woke up that morning, but now that he had, he wasn't going back anytime soon either. Which was kind of a problem, for many reasons, but mostly because...
Keith was a vampire.
And he hadn't had a meal for a couple days already.
And no one on the ship knew about this._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
In which Keith is a vampire, everyone is clueless, and Lance just wants to know if he can fly.
We Can Try It - vlo9089
Word Count:
Summary: Lance McClain is desperate for work so he resorts to being a feeder in a sketchy hotel
BUT, it's from Keith's POV.
We Wear Red (so they don't see us bleed) - DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee
Word Count: 12, 589 (and counting)
Summary: “Why isn’t Pidge the Slayer?” 
“Yeah, if Pidge was the Slayer those vampires would have been slain.” “So slain.” “If Pidge was the Slayer we’d be getting lattes and binge-watching Mythbusters by now.” “Yeah. Vampires? Done. No problem.” “Why’s Lance the Slayer? It just seems really inefficient.” “Yeah, I can barely get my math homework in on time, this seems like a really poor choice on the part of Destiny.”
Lance didn't ask to be a teenage vampire slayer. Keith didn't ask to be a teenage vampire-with-a-soul. Shiro did ask to be a Watcher but he's seriously regretting it now.
His Pack - orphan_account
Word Count: 3, 491 (and counting)
Summary: Lance had only known Keith for a few minutes and he was already getting on the werewolf's nerves. Did this vampire always have to argue?
"You don't know what my clan is like. They would take pride in murdering you, especially with the pack you're from." Keith spat, eyes burning red with fury. Lance almost wanted to punch him.
But he didn't.
"I don't care what they're like. They killed my family.
I want revenge."
Beautiful Nightmare - artisamu
Word Count: 17, 785 (and counting)
Summary: Every night I rush to my bed 
With hopes that maybe I'll get a chance To see you when I close my eyes.
Lance and Hunk start their new lives at college. Lance meets his former rival, which causes all kinds of chaos to ensue.
Blood Kiss - plumeriafairy14
Word Count: 4, 115
Summary: Lance doesn't like the idea of his boyfriend bent over someone else's neck and he convinces his vampire Galra boyfriend that he's more than happy to help him through.
But Keith's feeding method is, well... let's just say that it's a special one only reserved for Lance.
Sangre - oreosteaks
Word Count: 4, 820 (and counting)
Summary: "You mosquito," Lance shouted, his face flushing red from anger. His hand shot up and clasped his hand over the bite marks.
Keith did a double take. "M-Mosquito? I'm a vampire, you ignor--"
"Blah, blah, blah. Shut up, you blood-sucking cockroach!"
"Oh, so I'm a cockroach now?"
(Keith is a vampire AU)
Witch Cops - TheJollyPiplup
Word Count: 8, 445 (and counting)
Summary: After an accident, 17 year old Lance McClain finds out that he is an Altean, an elite group of Witches and Wizards warriors with the goal of protecting humanity from the supernatural. With his memories of his past life erased, Lance and his new teammates are ready to fight whatever comes their way! Besides, it's not like his past life was any more interesting? Right?
Otherwise known as: the Shadowhunters AU that no one asked for
Vamp - ihaveacleverfandomurl
Word Count: 3, 560
Summary: Lance felt the vampire’s lips first, mouthing over his skin, a touch of tongue sliding over his collarbone. He shuddered at the cold, screwing his eyes shut. The sting of fangs biting into him jolted him, tensing as the pain traveled up and down his body. One hand clenched at the sheets, the other at the man’s back, blunt nails digging in. 
prisoner - orphan_account
Word Count: 997
Summary: Lance glares at him, the hate evident in his eyes. "Keith."
In response, Keith smiles, barring all his teeth, including his fangs. "Lancelot."
Vampire!Keith AU
Deserving (original) - lancemccry
Word Count: 2, 160
Summary: "Keith lunged at Lance, his hands outstretched as if to grab Lance’s shoulders. His body made contact with Lance’s, and suddenly Keith was being swung around. Something hard and metal slammed into Keith’s hip, pain exploding up his spine. Keith tumbled into the open doorway, rolling down a couple of stairs. Shocked noises sprung from Keith’s mouth as he struggled to get up. The air was damp in the cellar, and he coughed on the mold hugging the walls. Keith choked on blood in his throat, and he peered up at Lance standing in the doorway.
“Filthy rat.” Lance spat, saliva hitting Keith’s face. Lance was backlit by the house lights, and the pouring rain splashed down around him."-Keith is a vampire, and all he really wants is Lance's blood.
Delicacy - Diamondisbackbitch
Word Count: 694
Summary: Lance is a tribute, part of the remaining population of humans, regularly taken by vampires as a food source or sometimes as pets. Humans are such fun creatures, after all, susceptible to simple praise and physical pleasure.
Keith just wanted dinner, but finds himself strangely interested in his monthly tribute.
Bliss - vlo9089
Word Count: 1, 881
Summary: Keith makes huge mistakes with his awful communication skills and almost ruins his relationship.
Lance's POV though.
one more off key anthem (let your teeth sink in) - maryams
Word Count: 2, 926
Summary: Keith sucks at being a vampire and Lance is going to hell. Nothing strange here.
or, supernatural boyfriends go shopping and are confounded by The Gayness™.
Sit, Boy - mulletpaladin
Word Count: 1, 091
Summary: “Sit boy,” the vampire commanded which Lance eagerly followed, his arms hanging from the chains attached securely to the bed. “I’m going to ride you all night long.”
My first smut, enjoy!
The Last of a Dying Breed - caimani
Word Count: 8, 998 (and counting)
Summary: Keith is a vampire, Lance is a werewolf, and the Bonding Moment is a universal constant. Based on redvioletz's art. 
A Thousand Years - SnowFairies1030
Word Count: 922
Summary: I've loved you for a thousand years and I'll love you for a thousand more 
but we have monsters inside of us - pinklesbian
Word Count: 2, 752
Summary: how long can keith kogane keep a very big secret from his oblivious boyfriend 
On A Midnight Clear - UselessReptile
Word Count: 17, 217 (and counting)
Summary: Keith does not want to do this, he does not want to go live with wolves! But he must in order to preserve peace between the coven and the pack next door. How will he survive? 
bite me (there’s a snake in my boot) - ljghtswood
Word Count: 4, 529
Summary: “But Lance! Doesn’t Keef have to dress up too? Where’s his costume?”
“Wow you’re right!” Lance rummages through his closet. He finds the outfit he wore for halloween the year before and holds it up saying, “Is this okay?”
Keith inwardly groans. Out of all the costumes Lance probably had, lance was making him go as a vampire?! He just gives him a you’ve got to be kidding me look.
Lance shrugs his shoulders. “Hey, it’s not my fault you have the complexion of a porcelain doll.” Plus, he thought, you’d make a hot vampire. Of course he’d never admit that out loud. Keith was still oblivious to his crush, and he planned to keep it that way. It was obvious he didn’t feel the same.
Just Trust Me - lakeshark
Word Count: 10, 793 (and counting)
Summary: “Gee, why wouldn't anyone willingly volunteer to house strangers who transform into wolves but can’t control it yet?” Keith replied sarcastically. There was a long pause where he could practically hear Shiro pouting. He sighed deeply, “Ok fine.” Keith really couldn't refuse the guy a favor if he tried. He just hoped that this wouldn’t end up drastically changing his lifestyle somehow. 
knew from the first - xintong
Word Count: 36, 098 (and counting)
Summary: When Pidge mentions one day that they think their brother is dating a vampire, Lance just laughs it off. The last year of high school may be full of surprises and obstacles, from college dance auditions to senior prom, but vampires are definitely not part of it, Lance is sure of that.
Funny how the universe bites back at him to prove him wrong.
Scarves of Red - Sheksper
Word Count: 29, 981 (and counting)
Summary: Lance is an overlooked and bullied high school student who can't wait to graduate so he can start over again in a new town. Everything changes for him when he meets his new neighbour, the mysterious Keith. They slowly form a close bond, and it soon becomes apparent that there's something off about Keith. Eventually, Lance finds out Keith's macabre secret, unravelling the mystery behind the string of bloody local murders. 
like a fine wine - shipperbitch
Word Count: 3, 625
Summary: Keith is so fucking hungry. It's lucky that Lance lives just a few floors down. 
Bite Me Like That - SageOrijima
Word Count: 270
Summary: Title makes it sound so much worse than it is, this is just two dorks making out 
When wound's are the start. - theospeaks
Word Count: 6, 146 (and counting)
Summary: When Keith's new family insist on him going to public school he finds his new abilities are the least of his worries, as Lance is now all he has on his mind. The boy with the good looks, smooth skin, and sweet scent. Keith could just eat him up. 
You and I - Three-chan (Techno_Zav)
Word Count: 1, 018
Summary: ''I don't care,'' Lance said, putting his hands on his hips and his heart on the table. ''I could never live without you.''
Basically, after fooling around on a generator for awful romance fics, I came upon a short drabble that I just couldn't leave alone.After changing pronouns, adding my artistic flair, toning down the cheese just a little bit, and adding on, here we are.
bloodstream - katsmovingcastle
Word Count: 16, 469 (and counting)
Summary: “Why were you searching for me, Lance?” Keith asks then, and that takes Lance by surprise, and he settles his hands on his knees, looking somewhere behind him before meeting his own eyes again.
“I was assigned a mission to find you, and I knew you were going to be here because I’ve been watching you, for the past few weeks,” Lance says, and Keith looks at him with another soft laugh falling from his lips, seemingly out of his control.
“Did you like what you found?” He asks then, and Lance gives him a slow to grow, genuine grin.
“I very much do, Keith Kogane.”
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
8x05: Blood Brother
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Benny, Dean, and Cas had one heck of a survivalist vacation. Sam’s brain broke (again) and he hallucinated a life outside the Life.
Benny! I really like Benny and am still really bummed that he’s gone. But right now, he’s topside and confronting his old nest. He wants to right some past wrongs -namely, them killing him. Cue machete time!
Sam and Dean are on the hunt for a very elusive Kevin Tran. They enter a motel room hoping to find him, but the room is empty.
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(Sidenote: Mid-century wooden plaque appreciation note. They use these again in 8x08.  Liz Lemon also has an orange one hanging behind her door on 30 Rock. Boris has one in her office too. :D) The boys are at each other’s necks about tracking Kevin (and shared animosity about how they handled the off season). Dean gets a distress call from Benny and grabs a Toblerone before hitting the road. 
For science:
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(What was up with early season 8? They’re just so tan and pretty.)
Dean’s trip to find Benny gives him lots of time to think about purgatory. Benny whistling in purgatory is kinda my jam. He draws the monsters in and they take them down as a team. This whole sequence is cinematic gold.
Sam sits down to do a little digging on where Kevin is hiding when he decides to stalk his ex a little. He’s distracted by a noise in the bathroom. He finds a broken fan and has his own flashback to his idyllic time fixing things after hitting a dog.
Here is a Sam Winchester plaid shirt appreciation picture:
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Dean finds Benny’s truck and a supply of AB negative, and wanders the docks a bit before finding his friend. Benny’s a little worse for wear. He doesn’t stay that way for long once he gets a little vamp food in his belly though. In fact, he’s back to normal in no time, much to Dean’s shock.
Benny thanks Dean and dismisses him, but Dean wants to know what he’s tangling with. “You and that whole friend thing, man.” That’s right, Dean is loyal (especially when you save the love of his life --uh, but I’m getting ahead of things). In purgatory, while Benny and Dean hack their way through monsters, Cas still smites them dead. He’s a magnet though and they need to keep moving or ditch the angel.
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Benny hides his contempt for Cas through sarcasm. Cas calls him out on his crap. Dean doesn’t like his new BFF and BF fighting.
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Cas argues that maybe Benny is right. It’s dangerous to travel with him, and chances are good that he won’t be able to pass through the door they’re hoping to find. “Cas, we're gonna shove your ass back through the eye of that needle if it kills all three of us.” Poetry, Dean, pure poetry.
Back on the docks, Benny tells Dean that he’s hunting his maker. “Why?” Dean wonders. ”Kill him, before he kills me, again.”
Sam is still struggling through his motel equipment induced psychosis. This time the ice machine reminds him of trying to fix Amelia’s backed up sink. She finds him in her motel room and becomes instantly combative.
Going through Benny’s old nest’s belongings, they find a list of yachts.
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It seems that’s how they would feed. Track yachts, board, burn, and bury it at sea. Dean picked up on the salient point of the story. “Vampire pirates. That’s what you guys are. Vampirates.” DEAN BEAN. I think Dean and Benny are friends because Benny actually enjoys Dean’s jokes.
They locate an address and head out. On the road, Dean gets Benny’s backstory on why he was killed. He was loyal to his maker, and the nest, until he met Andrea, a beautiful Greek heiress. They settled in Louisiana. His former vampire nest found them, tore out Andrea’s throat, and beheaded Benny. I haven’t heard a more tragic love story since a hunter traveling to the ends of purgatory to find his angel only for said hunter to lose the angel anyway.
Benny and Dean make it to their destination. Here is a picture of Dean just chilling on the bow of a boat. I never noticed that before. Heehee.
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They head into the opulent house, machetes drawn. Benny finds a picture of Andrea on a table. It’s recent and in full color. Benny panics over it when a door opens from above and Andrea walks down the stairs. He stares at her in shock while the rest of the nest creeps up on him and knocks him out. “Idiot,” Dean spits at Benny from where he’s hidden himself. Oh, Dean. Love does not make us weak.
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Benny wakes up to the taunts of his old nest while Dean prowls the hallways, blithely ignoring Sam’s phone calls.
Meanwhile, Sam stalks Amelia online in between irritated calls to Dean. Cut to a flashback of Amelia asking Sam, “You stalk helpless women and you break into their motel room and you fix their plumbing?” Listen. God bless you, Ben Edlund, for your delightful juxtapositions and also for the double entendre of “fix their plumbing.” You glorious canary. Anyway, Sam stares at her, gormless, and explains that he’s fixed the sink (that somebody shoved a ton of limes into). He stares at a fresh bag of limes on the counter. We all stare at the bag of limes on the counter. Amelia, what the fuck’s up with all the limes? And why are you so ashamed of them that you’re cramming them down the disposal? We learn that Amelia has “moved into town” by setting up residence at the local pay-by-the-week motel.
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(I hope limes factor into your “Amelia is a hallucination” theory, Boris.)
Back with Dean, he angrily calls Sam and demands to know why Sam called him. Oh, Dean Bean. Dean whisper-shouts to Sam that he’s stalking a vamp nest...while he’s stalking the vamp nest. Sam’s considerably concerned (pissed) that Dean is taking on a vamp nest alone. Dean protests that he’s not alone, he’s with a friend. Sam responds with, “All your friends are dead!” OUCH. Sam, ouch.
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Back with Benny, Andrea gives Benny a good slap, shoos away other vamps, and then leans in and...kisses him. Yay? When I first saw this episode I remember going YAY but, guys, I have seen this episode so I’m just going to weep gently for the rest of the recap. Benny and Andrea talk about their vampirism. Andrea slips a knife into Benny’s pocket and gives him the keys to his cuffs. She tells Benny to kill their master so that they can be together. Cue swelling music.
Back with Dean, he’s still having a shouty angry match with Sam when he detects a vampire. He uses Sam shouting on the phone as a lure (yesss) and slices off one vamp head, only to see another one just down the hall. His phone gets smashed in the fight. Oops.
Benny heads up with his guard to find his master in quiet contemplation in his study. The dude’s quite curious how Benny came to be topside, and wonders where he was while he was dead. Secrets secrets, man…
Meanwhile, Dean...
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Back in Purgatory-flashback land, Benny argues against Dean’s monster prejudice. He tells him, “I think we both know which of our kinds kills more humans.” Cas backs up Benny. Oh, the burn, the sick, sick BURN. 
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Benny tells Dean he’d gone clean before he died - donated blood only. There was too much good in humanity to kill it. While Dean and Benny squabble over the morality of vampires, Cas squints into the forest. Leviathan are approaching! They’re too close so there’s nothing for it but to run.
In the present Dean stalks the house…
In the present Sam heads off to find Dean…
Oops, we fell into the past again. Sam’s dog - named Dog? - runs into Amelia’s room and snuggles on her lap, drawing Sam awkwardly into her motel room. *eyebrow waggle* “I’ve seen a lot of stitches in my time and you got really good hands,” Sam tells her. SAM where did you learn pick up lines oh my god. Oh wait. You learned them from watching Dean, right? You learned them from watching Dean.
Amelia tells Sam that he must be a thrifty serial killer which...is certainly truth-adjacent. Sam asks her if she’s as shiftless as he is. She has nowhere to go because she has no one. Amelia nods. AMELIA my god if someone asks you if someone is going to miss you then you say YES this is stranger danger 101. She can’t resist his puppy eyes though. Amelia and Sam bond in the soft focus lighting.
Back with Benny in the present, the master continues to prowl around the study and boasts that he has everything he wants - both the sea and Andrea. Um. Okay. Benny tells him he doesn’t have Andrea, reveals his uncuffed hands, and then slices up the vamp lackey. The master tries to talk up how their long life is full of ennui and oh, wail wail, life is meaningless. Benny kills him.
After it’s done Benny finds Andrea. Yeah, baby! Let’s go live together in peace.
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Andrea wants to “ride the high seas, plunder together.” MmmmHMMM. Oh, but also she wants to be a vampirate and kill people with Benny.
He looks at her sadly. “What I love. It ain’t here anymore. It was snuffed out long ago by monsters like me. I think we’re all damned.” Andrea vamps out and lunges for Benny when Dean suddenly comes from behind, knifing her in the gut and then chopping off her head.
Later, Benny asks Dean why he resurrected him - a horrible monster. Dean looks at his friend with the concern of someone who’s seeing his friend drowning into suicidal misery. Dean thinks back to Purgatory...
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Sudden flashback to Purgatory! Leviathans zap in. There are two of them. Cas gets thrown to the ground by a leviathan whose mouth opens wide to swallow him down when….
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Benny kills it, and saves Cas. (Me: curls up in a ball whispering “Dean saved Benny because he saved Cas. He saved Caaaaas”)
Back at the mainland dock, Dean and Benny disembark to find Sam. There’s a long, slow, beautiful moment where Sam shakes Benny’s hand and realizes what he is. His fingers twitch towards his weapon and then Dean slowly and almost imperceptibly shakes his head. It’s such a lovely moment of silent communication fraught with tension on all sides. “I can see you two have a lot to talk about,” Benny observes. He gathers up his stuff and heads out while Dean and Sam glare eye daggers at each other.
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Benny, This is Quotes:
Mind if I take the Toblerone?
It does present a curious curl in the metaphysics, doesn't it? If you murder a monster in monster heaven, where does it go?
It’s good to know you’re as dumb as ever.
Was Fabio on the cover of that paperback?
I am evil after all. At least I’ve had that much to keep me cold at night.
Don’t touch the produce.
All your friends are dead.
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jamiedodgerart · 7 years
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hey i marathoned da2 over the course of a week at @1500birds‘s house and drew a lot of stuff for it. there’s info in the captions but im gonna talk more about him under the cut (spoilers for all of da2)
this is mal hawke! (short for malcolm, he was named for his dad.) he’s a rogue
mal’s pretty purple, his emotions are behind 7 layers of jokes but he’s very dedicated to his family. he took his role as eldest sibling seriously- haha, no, he teased the shit out of carver and let bethany climb irresponsibly tall trees with him, but he did really care and look out for them. he was kinda lowkey a highwayman before the blight- probably did some poaching, robbed a few rich merchant vans, stuff like that. gambled and got drunk a lot.
blight happens, ogre smushes carver. in the moment, his mother blames mal. and although later she apologized and forgave him, he never forgot, and never forgave himself.
(aveline killed the ogre btw. mal was taking care of grunts, halfway across the field)
he joined the smugglers when they got to kirkwall. it wasn’t too far from what he did before and he wasn’t keen on going out of his way to harm people. he was good at finishing fights, though, and he gained a reputation for it over his year with the smugglers. it got his family into the city, and for that it was worth it.
mal got along REALLY well with varric, merrill, and anders (whom he later fell in love with. more on that later) he didn’t always agree with aveline, but they were still close, and he really didn’t get along so well with isabela or fenris. ah well. he tried to be friends, tried to help, but it didn’t work out.
he almost took bethany to the deep roads. almost. but as he was planning who to take... well, out of the game, my friend bran spilled the beans and said something very bad would happen if i did. EDIT bran said i got that part wrong and that i figured it out myself, which i forgot, and ordered me to clear their name. official statement: bran kept that secret. so mal had a really bad gut feeling and took merrill instead. bUT SHIT, SHE GOT CAUGHT BY THE CHANTRY INSTEAD OF DYING. i GUESS that’s better. but still, mal blamed himself for not being there to protect her.
so apart from lingering guilt, mal’s doing pretty well in act 2. hes got a relationship going with anders, hes financially stable, bethany’s doing pretty well, considering, he’s got a cool house- oh and kirkwall’s headed towards possible war but that’s nothing new, is it. 
a bit more bg on mal hawke: he’s real fond of compromises. in his mind, there’s always a way out, always a third option. he’s pretty pro-mage, bc he did grow up w two mages in his family and never really learned to fear magic, and later because he spent a lot of time with anders, whose enthusiasm for mage rights is kind of infectious.
that third option thing? a really bad philosophy to have in kirkwall. why are people so polar. have none of you ever heard of nuance
anyway can’t remember a whole lot more bc this post was supposed to be done and posted in june, when i actually played, but his mother is murdered. because he wasn’t there/because he didn’t get to her fast enough/because he didn’t solve that mystery in time/because he screwed up. so guess who he blames (it’s himself)
so amidst mal’s grief the whole city is going to shit, because the qun won’t fuck off and isabela stole a book. mal asks if she’ll please give it back, because Everything Is Going To Shit, This Is The Best Resolution We Have, and she refuses bc if she does she’ll be in deep shit herself, and runs off with it. damn. so mal fights the arishok, wins, and decides hes had enough of kirkwall’s shit for a little while and takes a long-ass nap.
three years later, kirkwall’s going to shit again, because it just can’t keep it together. come on, kirkwall. the templars and mages are fighting, and everyone expects mal to have some kind of authority on the shituation. he doesn’t bc hes literally just some guy who happens to fight good that everyone seems to think has a handle on things. he asks meredith and orsino if they could maybe chill out for two seconds but of course they don’t because this is kirkwall and nobody knows how to chill in kirkwall except varric. mal ends up supporting the mages
anders asks mal for help with getting un-possessed. mal 100% wants his bf to not be possessed anymore, bc it’s getting scary, so he readily helps out getting the stuff anders needs. but. it’s a little fishy. look mate i know the qunari are the only ones who know what gunpowder is rn in history but you’re asking me for saltpeter and i dont think you’re supposed to ingest that. anders is like ok, i did lie a lil bit, but there’s a point to this- and mal’s pissed! bc anders lied to him! but agrees to help a little more
so that’s how mal ended up chatting with the grand cleric about the shituation and how there’d probably be an ok solution if people just sat down and chilled out a little, while anders set up the charges to blow up the chantry and escalate the whole thing to hell tier
as you might expect, mal’s hELLA PISSED when anders blows it, not just because he lied, not just because he took advantage of mal trusting him, but because now the templars are going to, yknow, kill every mage, so mal’s remaining family (bethany, and merrill, bc she counts as family too) are in danger, and at this point mal doesn’t have a lot of family left to lose. he tells anders to gtfo before he kills him.
aveline, varric, and merrill stick with him, and fenris leaves to join the templars. later on, they fight. mal doesn’t WANT to fight, and makes an attempt to hash out some ending that didn’t involve one of them dead, but fenris isn’t having any of it. he’s not a fan of mal never wanting to make a straight decision on anything, and forces him to make a choice: die, or fight and kill his former friend. 
fenris dies.
the remaining boss fights continue as expected- bethany rejoins the party, orsino panics and goes full corpse-monster, meredith goes nuts and full lyrium-monster, the mages and templars are left without leaders and if things weren’t on their way to hell in a handbasket they sure are now. mal decides it’s time to retire, and never set foot in kirkwall the hell city again. 
hes got a cabin in the woods, living out the lumberjack life and drinking away his problems
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primus-why · 8 years
Hit me up with them Bayverse Hot Rod predictions or what the heck you think is gonna happen. I'm disparate for the trash child
AIGHT, here’s a long-ass rant of what I think is gonna go down in Bayverse number 5:
I think, first and foremost, Unicron will be awakened. I think Unicron will have actually been around way back in the day (hence the King Arthur stuff?), and had Predicons under his command that became the myths and legends we humans interpret them as today (AKA “dragons”, “hydra”, “monsters”, etc.). Lockdown had been alluding to a big religious phenomenon while he was around in the last movie, and I don’t think it was just centered around Optimus. Remember how the Dinobots were on his ship? What if they were also minions to Unicron, originally? Basically Unicron employs big beasts to roam the planet, and I think Lockdown was using the humans to collect them– all under the guise of helping humanity, when in fact, I think he was going to release them upon the humans to take back the Earth and kick-start Unicron’s revival.
I think Unicron is gonna pull a Transformers Prime on us and possess some people, most notably, Optimus Prime. How, you may ask? Well, Optimus has become more and more flawed as the movies have gone on. If we think about Primus, a being associated with life-giving properties, Optimus does his best to ensure a certain quality of life for all those he meets. He would do what he could in the first film to uphold his religious teachings/obligations. “Do not harm humans” was a part of his Primely mantra for so long, but then what happened in the last two films? Optimus slays another Prime, another holy entity; Optimus kills humans out of rage and anguish. And let’s not forget, he has killed Decepticons. Sure, it’s in self defense, but what kind of Prime kills the people he is supposed to protect?
So, what I am getting at here is that Unicron will use this corrosion, this slight, way-less-than-other-Primes-but-still-there corruption of Optimus Prime as a means to enter his psyche. Thus, we get purple-eyed Optimus. And from here I’d like to believe that Megatron only get involved and tries to help our main heroes at some point because he’s under the impression that he can prove his resilience and strength to Unicron, who could then leave Optimus’ body and give him some ultimate power. BUT, right as Megatron is betraying our main group, making his case to Unicron/ Unicron-possessed Optimus, OUT STEPS MOTHERFUCKIN’ GALVATRON FROM THE BUSHES, and oh shit now it’s Megatron vs Galvatron!!!! Cuz Unicron is like “why would I take you, an obsolete original, when I already have the loyalty of your upgraded superior…? Finish him.”
Anywho, I’d also like to toss in some BS and say the Dinobot make a reappearance and are firmly on Team (good) Prime, er… I guess Team Bee at this point. Imma come up with something convoluted like, they imprinted with Optimus, or Optimus broke Unicron’s hold over them in the last movie when he beat them into submission, or whatever. I’d also hold some hope that the human characters might be the ones to give them speech– think about it. Team Bee is isolated from their usual leader, who is actually trying to kill them right now; we’ve got some rando, sort of silly French guy who’s really late to the party; Bumblebee, who might not be ready to lead just yet; and maybe if we’re lucky some bots/Wreckers from the last film. Maybe. Anyways the humans are frustrated because everyone is really lacking in the communication skills. Maybe then, one of the Dinobots walks up and curls around them, and a human companion offhandedly says something like “I wish you could talk, maybe you’d have some more information on Unicron…”
And then, BAM, Cade Yeager and his small friend (who I am gonna assume/hope again the odds is also a super smart engineer person) upgrade the Dinobots with a speech ability. This could explain why Grimlock and pals have limited speech– it was engineered by humans, which of course can only grasp so much of Cybertronian technology…
To get to what you were asking about, originally– where is Rodimus Hot Rod gonna fit into all this? I think he’s going to be very similar to Bee in the first movies (I think Bee seems a little more serious now, but that could just be speculation). He and Bee are gonna be BEST BROS. I think he’s going to be fun-loving, a little goofy, and probably really trusting towards humans (after he gets over a phobia of organics, perhaps???) Like Bee will be like “These are humans, they’re our friends” but then Hot Rod and friends are gonna get cornered by the government and Hot Rod is gonna be all “It’s okay, friends! We’re just here doing this-and-that, blah blah illegal things!” and Cade is gonna be like “THOSE guys AREN’T our friends!” Giggles will be had from the audience, they’ll be captured, and heck, maybe some bot is gonna die. IDK.
I think there’s gonna be some heart-to-heart scene while they are captured where Bee is like, being the stern one for once and is like “Take things more seriously!” but then it’s revealed that Hot Rod is always happy-go-lucky as a sort of front, as a way for him to deal with the awful shit he’s seen off-planet. And ANGST ANGST ANGST and PTSD. Like maybe if we look back after this reveal we’ll see signs that he really hates explosions or something– MAYBE when he arrives and he and Bee are being pals, a fight with an enemy group breaks out and it’s revealed that Hot Rod is actually super freaked out by explosions/battle or whatever. Freezes up. Hides. That sort of thing. Bee or other bots are like “What happened to the kick ass guy I used to train with?” and Hot Rod brushes it off with a joke. I wouldn’t put it past Bay since he seems like the kind of guy who would subscribe to the stereotype that French people are cowards.
Another thing Imma spin with: You know those pics of Cybertron crashing into Earth? Well, in Transformers Prime we’ve seen how Cybertron itself is Primus, while Earth is Unicron. Maybe these two planets so close together is what wakes up Unicron. Or maybe it’s the abominable experiments the humans made that have no spark (Galvatron)? Maybe it’s both lol. He could want to break free of his planetary form, and maybe only one Cybertronian god can release/destroy another, so he orchestrates the possession of Optimus Prime so as to use Primus’ own vessel to draw in Cybertron (Primus’ planetary form) until it destroys his planet form, then he would be free to wreak havoc across the universe. Or maybe he does it to destroy himself because he’s bitter and hate the humans crawling all over him. Or maybe it’s another thing that I will get to later.
AIGHT, so anyways I also want to take a moment to think about the title “The Last Knight”. I know Optimus is seen holding a sword, so maybe he’s gonna become a knight? I know that seems obvious, but hear me out on this. Armed with the knowledge that in other continuities, Hot Rod gains the Matrix and becomes Rodimus Prime, what if Optimus is slowly losing his connection to the Matrix? What if at some point Hot Rod does some daring do that then tunes the Matrix to him? Optimus may willingly die to be able to pass on the Matrix to someone else, someone better than his corrupt self. Remember “rethink your heroes”? What if that tag line is like a way to soften the blow of taking Optimus out of the Prime position (like instead of outright killing him in a shocking twist like in the G1 movie and then trying to replace him, they’re giving us a warning this time lol). HOWEVER, knowing Optimus’ life, he could get revived anyways (you know that OP floating in space clip), blessed once again by Primus for recognizing his faults, and instead of crowing two Primes, revives and anoints him to be a Knight of Cybertron. Then it becomes his duty to protect and be a mentor to the new Rodimus Prime. Rodimus gets to learn from one of the best, while forging his own path of Primacy. And his buddy Bee will be there all the way to support him too.
Final misc movie stuff: Cade’s daughter and her BF are never in this one. She’s in college or studying abroad or some BS. Young girl travelling with him NOW is/was a child prodigy of engineering. Bumblebee becomes a leader of his own small team, who peel off from Optimus’ main remaining ‘bots. Megatron and Galvatron’s battle takes them off a cliff, into the ocean where it’s up to the audience (or lol the next film) to find out who won who’s next you decide. Dinobots are turned loose after Grimlock proves to Optimus and Bee and Rodimus that he is a (pretty) intelligent, but capable leader for them, and agrees to keep in touch. aND THEN, OHHHH AND THEN–
I want it to be revealed at the end or implied throughout the film that the Quintessons have been orchestrating the whole thing, giving a set up for the next film. Maybe Quints are what gave Optimus the Unicron bug in the first place– perhaps he is doing some space meditation and feels this connection with a divine source, but he realizes too late that it is Unicron reaching into his mind. Maybe Primus and Unicron were just as much of a creation of theirs as the Cybertronians. Perhaps Cybertron/Primus was created as a factory for these Cybertronians, however it had developed an artificial intelligence which bled into and infected the things it created. Well, artificial/imperfect by their standards at least. So then they made Unicron, a polar opposite to Primus in every way to balance it out. Only something so large could be destroyed by an equal or greater entity, they reasoned. Unicron too developed an AI, but they anticipated this, and programmed him to only ever destroy. Perhaps Unicron becomes aware of this, and thus tries to kill himself and Primus to end his suffering. Or, perhaps the Quints programmed him to enforce a hard reset on their experiments– aka, programmed him with a self-destruct button. Anyways I want a looming threat of the Quints as the next film sets them up to formally “meet their makers” lol. (maybe they can kill one of them this film, and Bee can be like “what the hell was THAT” and Optimus can get all serious and be like “a quintesson”) also lol Primus/Unicron is dead after this flick, weeeee~
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