#but there it is!
courtsongs · 2 months
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‘ manny jacinto, cis male, he/him, 34 / 340 , high fae’ ― cauldron save you. it seems CAELAN LETRUSH has finally made it to the capital, the MERCENARY from NIGHT COURT is said to be SMART and is said to describe themselves with silent footsteps, the nimble nature of a cat, the determination of a dog and with all of this in mind their SNEAKY nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
NAME: Caelan Letrush AGE: 34 / 340 PRONOUNS: He/him SEXUALITY: Bisexual
HEIGHT: 5'9 HAIR COLOUR: Brown EYE COLOUR: Brown APPEARANCE: He's got sort of a dirty, scraggly look about him. He doesn't always look approachable, but that's his intention SPECIES: High fae STYLE: Nonexistent TATTOOS: None SCARRING: Many, including one long one that runs over his right eye, but most of them are on his back or legs
SOCIOLOGY OCCUPATION: Mercenary **COURT: ** Night **HOME LIFE: ** He doesn't really have anyone living at home with him, he has his own crappy little apartment by himself PETS: None FAMILY: None, not anymore **RELATIONSHIP STATUS: ** Single, never really been in a serious relationship, mostly flings **SOCIAL STATUS: ** He's sort of known to be an unapproachable, broke mercenary, which means he doesn't stand out anywhere and isn't considered important to anyone. What gold he has, he hoards close to his chest **TRAINING: ** He's had a bit of "underground" sword/dagger training from his mentor, but he's not a warrior by any means **VICES: ** Ale. Lots of it
PSYCHOLOGY SEX LIFE: Nonexistent MORAL STANDARDS: He's a bit selfish, very much all about him in the sense that what other people do is none of his business. So his moral standards aren't super valuable to him AMBITION: He doesn't have a lot of ambition. He likes gold, and he likes to sell his secrets. His sense of loyalty to his court isn't very strong. For the most part, he just wants to get by, just wants to survive. And may or may not be willing to do sketchy things for a dollar. He does have a secretive job he is considerably dedicated to, but that's a sense of loyalty to a person, not a court or royalty TEMPERAMENT: Pretty chill guy. Easily missable, which is what he prefers COMPLEXES: None ABILITIES: As high fae he has typical powers such as winnowing, immortality, heightened senses PERSONALITY: He's easy to talk to, and pretty chill
Caelan was born to a fae family without much money, who always sort of resented the night court's inner circle, mostly our of jealousy. From an early age they forced a "gold over all" lifestyle on him, although they weren't very capable of getting coin themselves. This sort of contradictory upbringing led to him becoming a bit of a criminal in his younger years, spending most of his time on the streets, away from his family and focused on himself. He was raised with six brothers and three sisters, so he always reserved his own things for himself, which has now led to him being a little selfish. Later on in life, he found himself under the protection of a mentor, a fellow mercenary who commited a lot of petty crimes for coin. He taught Caelan how to hold a dagger, how to use a sword, and how to defend himself. Eventually, he took on longer jobs, harder ones too, that required a bit of self defense. It was at one of these jobs that his mentor fell in front of him, and he was forced to leave him behind to protect himself. He blamed herself for it, and swore to never take on another partner. Now, many years later, Caelan finds himself with a long-term job he quite likes, and has even found himself in a partnership. However, he does not let them into his heart, keeping a facade of sorts so no one knows the real him.
Caelan is a very guarded man, he can be quite selfish, mostly out of a desire to protect himself. He is willing to do anything to protect himself. Once he cares for someone, then he finds it difficult to let go of them. On the streets, to strangers, he seems like a scrappy, messy man. His intellectualism is hidden under the surface. Most don't want to approach, or look at him at all, which makes it very easy for him to do what he does.
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jupitermoths · 4 months
for the WIP ask game..... fuck, tired, hand, hands, low, never, aaaaand ridiculous. :}
[Ask game]
FUCK; (swing and a miss, but we do have several instances of FUCKING, so close enough)
Don’t you fucking dare leave me alone in it.
“No, I could never get tired of you either,” Connor said, looking at her. HAND;
The cat’s head fit into the curve of its hand like a puzzle piece.
He gestured widely with his hands, like he could bottle the whole of the world with one sweeping motion.
On the lake’s shore, a man was pacing, muttering too low to make out his words.
NEVER; (well, technically the sentence for TIRED hit this one, but whaddaheck, here's another one)
You’re making a deliberate and conscious effort to never hurt them?
And how ridiculous that the answer could possibly be yes!
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postwarlevi · 2 years
❄️ If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 10 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not ! Let's get to know the person behind the blog ❄️
My sweet, wonderful Jelly! I apologize for letting this sit here (I say that a lot haha oops) but I'm finally able to get to my inbox!
After life troubles and work stress and writing at the last minute not procrastinating whatsoever on my writing, I'm heeeere! Okay okay, three things...
I watch NHL hockey and my top teams are Tampa Bay Lightning (I'm in Florida) and the New York Rangers and New York Islanders (my family is from New York). Also I like Soccer and am watching the World Cup!
If I could quit my job tomorrow I'd be very happy. It's just not the same anymore and I'd like to go visit family, some of whom I've never met. But not having insurance scares me and it doesn't seem like a good idea to just NOT have a job.
I love cats and have 4 and they're a pain in the butt but I always want more. Thankfully the other person in my house won't let me haha. But one day when there's less and if it's a good time I'd like to go to the local animal shelter and ask which one is having a hard time and take them home. More than one possible. An older one or whoever is just being overlooked.
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neutronstarsign · 2 years
i just realized that my main playlist is fucking rad so if you think you'd like sweet tunes collected by an unhinged 30-something finnish ace disaster here goes: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/08zC4WjnKHEddEN4WUKJzx?si=3200a51d13004dd3
i will continue updating it until 31st december 2029 so it will just vibe in real time until then.
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missmouse25 · 2 years
Nemesis - Max Fewtrell (Part Two)
gender nuetral first person pov // 1817 words // warning for some swearing and friends being not great but like not terrible // part one here
The next morning when people saw how Max was so perky, he told them he was just tougher than me. To which my response was to just pull faces at him. And it seemed to do the trick as no one questioned us further on the matter.
Our morning was spent on the beach, playing games, laughing a lot. And always teasing Max. But our back and forth had become almost playful. I was having fun with it.
I lay on my towel, watching the waves roll in. This really was the break we’d needed.
“So…” Sarah plopped herself down next to me. “You and Max.”
“There is no ‘me and Max,’” I said.
“Sure, there isn’t. Not like you two have been flirting with each other the entire morning.”
I nearly saw my brain my eyes rolled back so fast.
“I’m not flirting with him.”
“Ok, maybe you’re not flirting but something has changed between you two.” Sarah pulled her ‘you know I’m right’ face before lying down properly.
‘Maybe she’s right,’ I thought and something in the water caught my eye.
I’d seen Max shirtless (much to my detriment) many times before. But as I watched him come out of the waves, it dawned on me how attractive he actually was.
His firm, defined chest had been pressed against my back just yesterday. And his handsome face (which I’d only looked at properly because he’d stolen the duvet while we were sleeping last night) had been so close to mine.
The universe had taken my blinders off.
“Plus, it doesn’t really matter what I think,” Sarah continued, bringing me back to the present. “The fans think you guys are cute together.”
“The fans?”
“Haven’t you checked Instagram?”
“I’ve been on holiday!” I hastily dug my phone out of my beach bag. “I haven’t been looking at social media!”
After a short scroll down, there it was: a video of Max with his arms around me, whispering in my ear. My stomach churned as I read the comments.
‘Oh my gosh that’s so cute!’ ‘I didn’t know Max was in a relationship…’ ‘Still a better golfer than Lando.’ ‘They look so happy together ❤️’
This was too much and too far.
“Why are you avoiding me?”
The question hit me like a tonne of bricks. I knew exactly what he was talking about but I didn’t think he’d noticed. I thought I’d been subtle or that he simply wouldn’t care.
“I’m not…”
“Don’t lie to me,” Max interrupted. “You can’t lie to me; you have a tell.”
“You lick your top lip before you tell a lie.”
‘How does he even know that?’
Max got off the bed and stood in front of me, arms folded over his chest.
“Spit it out.”
“You can’t make me…” I tried to make a clever quip but the fire was gone. “You can’t…”
A sigh escaped my lips as I rubbed my eyes. Was I even sure of what I was doing? What I was feeling?
“Is this about the picture of us on Insta?”
Max’s words brought me back to reality.
“The picture?”
“Of us asleep on the plane,” he carried on. “It would be cute if you weren’t drooling on my shoulder.”
“Max, shut up about that there’s also a video!”
I watched as he closed his mouth slowly the wheels in his head turning.
“From the golf course! Sarah…” The realisation hit. “That sneaky little…”
“What are you on about!?”
“It’s the girls!” I grabbed Max’s arms, jostling him in the process. “They’ve had this planned the whole time! They’re setting us up!”
As I climbed into the bed and lay down next to the nemesis, I couldn’t help but grin. The rest of them had no idea what was coming their way in the morning.
The next few days were a walk in the park. With Max and I on the same page, all the activities that Sarah had planned, all the challenges, went by like a breeze.
‘Let them take as many pictures and videos as they want. Post it anywhere you like. We’re winning every competition you throw at us.’
And of course, Max and I still teased each other, old habits are hard to kill, but it was fun. Not annoying. Not over-the-top. Fun.
Whenever anyone else asked about it, I told them that I had ‘no clue what you’re talking about. We’re the same as we’ve ever been.’
On the last day, almost two weeks later, we all gathered in the villa’s lounge. I stood with my back against the wall and when Max walked in, he veered away from Lando and parked himself next to me.
“Took you long enough.”
“I was getting our victory speech ready.” Max grinned and I rolled my eyes.
“Ok, people!” Sarah’s loud voice caught the groups attention. “It is time to reveal who has won the coveted prize: a pan of my mom’s legendary chocolate brownies.”
We all ooh-ed (even though it had been the same prize for the past 3 years) before we were shushed into silence.
“It was a tight race but I can tell you that, despite their history, the winners are…” Sarah paused for dramatic effect. “Max and…”
She didn’t even get to finish before my screams of joy began. In my excitement, without thinking, I flung my arms around Max’s neck and pressed myself against him.
“Yes! We won!”
“Ow! You’re very loud in my ear.”
“Who gives a crap?” I pulled away from him. “Brownies for days!”
I was so busy celebrating; I didn’t notice everyone’s eyes on us. Nor the phone recording every second.
Message from: The Nemesis ‘You coming to the party on Tuesday? 😏’ ‘That is not the appropriate use of that emoji.’ ‘Then when else am I supposed to use it?’ ‘Like this: Wait and find out… 😏’ ‘Are you answering me and scolding me at the same time?’ ‘Wow, you do learn quickly.’ ‘Whatever. I’ll see you there 😏’ ‘Still not appropriate usage’
The fans had been speculating ever since the summer holiday and especially after someone posted the video of our, or rather my, victory celebration and all of our friends had been telling us to stop flirting and do something about it. Little did they know, I’d done something about it months ago.
It might’ve been my excitement in winning the holiday competition, maybe I’d had a bit too much to drink. But that last night in the villa, as Max was about to ask ‘what are you staring at?’ I’d grabbed hold of the front of his shirt and pulled him down till our lips touched. He didn’t have anything clever to say about that when I finally let go. Max simply leant down and kissed me again.
Since then, we’d been on the down low and it had made our back and forth bickering all the more entertaining to me. Because whatever he said under the guise of a quip, I knew what he really meant and how to get back at him later when we were alone.
“So, got anyone lined up for a New Year’s kiss?” Luisa asked as we made out way through the crowd.
“Pft, there’s no one here I want to kiss,” I said, suppressing the urge to lick my lip.
It was only 10pm but the venue was already filled to the brim. Our little group had found shelter in one of the back corners.
As Luisa and I joined them, I made eye-contact with Max and stuck my tongue out at him. He looked me up and down, almost expressionless. I could barely see the corners of his mouth turn upwards.
“Max says he isn’t going to kiss anyone at midnight,” Lando loudly announced to everyone.
“Maybe you two should kiss each other,” Luisa said, pointing between Max and I.
I scoffed before answering.
“I’d literally rather kiss anyone else in this building than him.”
“Ditto,” Max responded before taking a sip of his drink.
The rest of our friends sighed dramatically before giving up and getting on with the party.
“One minute to go!”
Commotion broke out as people rushed around getting one last drink; finding their partners.
I stuck to the wall and bumped into someone very familiar.
“We could do it quickly. Kiss at midnight I mean…” Max’s voice was soft in my ear. “Everyone else will be too busy to notice anyways.”
My pulse started to race at the thought of kissing him here, in front of all these people.
‘No one has to know…’
“Thirty seconds!”
“You don’t have to,” Max whispered again. “You can always just make it up to me tomorrow.”
With those few words, years and years of working on my nerves paid off and I made my mind up. As the countdown began, I turned to face my life-long nemesis, wondering if things had always been destined to end up this way.
“Three… two… one… Happy New Years!”
Just like the first time, I grabbed a hold of Max’s shirt and kissed him. His free hand gently brushed against my waist and I lingered a second longer than I intended. Quickly, before anyone could spot us, I let him go and dashed into the crowd, leaving him behind.
“Stop hogging the duvet…”
My words were muffled as pillow hit my face before being removed. Late morning sun trickled through the partially opened curtain and it gave Max a beautiful glow.
“Babe, we have bigger fish to fry.”
Max held his phone out for me to look at.
“What the hell…?”
There on the screen, captured in time was a photo from last night. Midnight to be precise. My first reaction was to be horrified that someone had managed to take a picture of us. But the more I looked at it, the more I felt… proud?
Max waited while I read the messages on the group chat.
Sarah: ‘We finally caught them in the act!’ Lando: ‘This was not what I wanted to see first thing in the morning.’ Luisa: ‘Finally!’ Sarah: ‘I’ve already posted it. People are going nuts!’ Lando: ‘What do you 2 have to say for yourselves!?’
Then a thousand more messages that I didn’t feel like reading.
“We have terrible friends,” I pushed the phone away and received another pillow to bury my face in.
“For once, I agree with you.”
My safety pillow was removed and Max pulled me closer to him.
“It’s not as bad as we think it is,” Max said quietly. “Maybe it was time to tell them anyways.”
In that quiet moment I tried to take in every detail of his face. His stupidly handsome face.
“But just to be clear, you’re still my nemesis,” I told Max, making him laugh.
“You’ll always be my nemesis too.”
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I keep seeing everyone make their own versions of that cute little art fight template but I can't seem to find it myself :( where did you find it?
For some reason, they don't have it linked on the main page.. but here's a link to the templates and the little badge things!
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hey! idk if you remember but i'm the person who asked if i could send in my own thoughts on ashura like way back when you were first getting to the celes arc :] sorry this is gonna be long admittedly my thoughts on him have changed since then, i think i first regarded him as a well meaning person bc, when i was a teen i saw a post in defense of him saying ashura was probably the one who taught fai about kindness and smiles. which with all i know about faux positivity now is. yeah. that's a lot to unpack ashura's whole thing with morally dubiously manipulating people he has power over (which he shares with clow reed actually) i think first and foremost serves to explore clamp's favorite narrative ploy: what claims to be the conflict between the self vs the world is actually the conflict between people's individual will and how power dynamics play into it. people like ashura (both in rg veda and trc) and clow reed and a load of other villains in clamp's other works expend the power of their will to make changes that they believe are good, in ignorance of others' wishes. but at the same time his relationship to fai is something just. incredibly fucked up and is bound to invite personal reactions
i think ashura really did care, or at the very least he personally believed what he did was the right thing, enough to justify the harm that he knew he was causing. i think in addition to that, it can be inferred that because of his condition he never functioned in the realms of human morality.
another thing to consider is how clamp approaches writing abusive parental/mentor figures. when people explore this kind of trauma it's entirely within their right to not humanize those who abused them. but they may also choose to do the opposite, not to justify the harm that was done but to come to terms with it, see the bigger picture of cycles of abuse, or any meaning they might find in it. i think clamp tends to do the latter. i can't claim to know ohkawa's original intents but, because of my asian upbringing i'm pretty close to the communal way of life that affects how people approach these things; works i know of that employs similar approaches are fruits basket and umineko no naku koro ni and they did a fantastic job with it. within clamp's own works, an example can be found in x/1999 (i'm not sure how far you are into it so i'll just leave it at that).
like you pointed out during your liveblogging clamp clearly laid out the horrifying nature of ashura's manipulation. but at the same time they spare him empathy, it's what they tend to do with their characters (even though people perceive them on the surface to be obsessed with writing suffering and that's another pet peeve i have with clamp fandom jokes...) but (x2) as a reader anyone can have their own feelings and interps of it it and i think that's what's important.
at the end of the day ashura is just one truly fucked up little man. i think we can all agree on that.
Ohoho I do remember! And thank you for giving me your thoughts! They are DELICIOUS, and I absolutely agree with what you say here.
I do think that Ashura cared for Fai, and thought he was doing the right thing for Fai - and was also willing to do great harm to a great number of people to achieve his version of love.
And considering how dark and heavy the entire plot thread is, I like that CLAMP don't present us with a "final answer" for what we should think about the situation. It's a complex and nuanced scenario that absolutely invites deeper thought and reflection, so, let's do that!
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But behind the cut, because of spoilers and content warnings and the like.
Just for clarity, the content warnings include emotional abuse, murder, and suicide.
Goodness, I've had a lot of time to reflect on Ashura.
The big thing with Ashura is that he only sees his own perspective. He doesn't see (or perhaps does not care) that what he's trying to do is utterly fucking up Fai in the process. Either his goal/his version of "caring for Fai" completely trumps Fai's own feelings, and this thought comforts him to the point of complete confidence in his actions, or it doesn't particularly matter to Ashura what Fai's emotional state is as long as the curse is broken.
Another big thing with Ashura is we know WHAT he was trying to do, in that he wanted to break Fai's curse and die in the process. But we don't know which of these two things was his original intention, and if it even matters. WAS he selflessly offering himself as tribute to free Fai from the curse, or was he using the curse as a way to free himself from his own dark existence? Was he breaking Fai's curse out of love, or out of a calculated goal? Is he just trying to accomplish this item despite what it will do to Fai, or is he doing this for Fai's sake, no matter what state it will leave him in? Is there even a distinction for Ashura?
The OTHER big thing about Ashura that really starts to sway this in a darker direction is that Evil Wolverine KNEW what killing this would do to Fai. He knew that there was an incredibly undeniably strong likelihood that Fai would immediately kill himself after having killed Ashura, so much so that Evil Wolverine banked on this happening from the very beginning. It was his plan from the start - that Ashura would manage to break the curse by getting Fai to kill him, and Fai would immediately die as a result of his heartbreak. So is Evil Wolverine knew this so easily, how did Ashura not see this coming? Or did he not care about this either? Was Ashura so set in his own correctness that he genuinely did not know Fai well enough to guess what this would do to him, when even Evil Wolverine knew? Or was that also beside the point for him?
Though I think this term has lost a lot of its meaning in recent years, Ashura is presented as beautifully Morally Grey. He does Bad Things to accomplish an ultimate Good Thing. He's doing a Good Thing but it will have a Bad Effect on the people that survive. There are so many varied ways to interpret Ashura's actions that defining them as "good" or "bad" ends up losing all meaning, and I feel that's the ultimate point. CLAMP present Ashura with such an intricate mix of positive and negative qualities that the morality scale doesn't properly encapsulate him whatsoever any more. If he's purely a villain, then how do we measure the loving home he gave to Fai, and how he gave him the longest period of happiness in a life that was purely traumatic suffering before then? How do we measure the idea that his good advice ended up causing life long emotional trauma to Fai and the people around him? And on the other hand, if his actions are "purely good" because he wanted a "good thing", how do we measure the fact that he slaughtered almost an entire world of living people to accomplish it? How do we measure the idea that he broke Fai's curse against the severe emotional fallout that would have caused Fai to kill himself?
There is no ultimate answer to Ashura. It all comes down to an individual reader's interpretation, what things ring truest to them, and what things that they choose to emphasise over the others. And that's how it should be! No two readers will have the EXACT same experience with any text, and the same goes for Tsubasa. The reader's feelings towards Ashura are entirely personal and individual, and by their very nature they will be correct for them, and not necessarily for anyone else.
And that's where I draw a little line about what I'm about to say and clarify that my interpretation of Ashura doesn't need to match anyone else's, and everyone SHOULD be able to judge him individually. But here's my very personal take!
For me personally, Ashura rings true as a depiction of... I don't even know the right combination of words for it. A selfish type of love - a well meaning but harmful love.
Because I do think Ashura cared for Fai, and had a good effect on him at times, and gave him a loving home when he needed it, but that's not the full picture. Ashura's love is a narcissistic type of love that puts HIS views of 'what is right for Fai' above anything Fai himself might feel, robs him of any choice or decision in the matter, and is willing to absolutely destroy Fai emotionally in order to get him to what Ashura sees is the 'correct' result. It's a type of situation that I relate a little too strongly to not have a biased opinion of Ashura -because I do feel like I've lived through a very Fai-like experience in my personal life over the last couple of years, so it's become impossible for me not to project my own experiences on to what Ashura does to Fai.
Even though Ashura meant for a good result, that does not mean his love was not abusive, and it doesn't mean he didn't deeply traumatise Fai in the process, and it doesn't mean Fai ever has to forgive him for what he did. Not that Fai has that chance, because Ashura robbed him of that too - but in real life things get a lot harder to navigate and understand, especially when you're still in the middle of it. Like Fai, you get stuck on some of the positives and think that the 'bad' things can't possibly be real, even while they poison you from the inside and drive you to a destruction that the other person is absolutely fine with because it will give them what they want. And even then, you want to be a "good person", especially if you define your self worth off of making other people happy, so you may find yourself wanting to forgive them, or feeling like you HAVE to forgive them. But you don't. You can choose these things for yourself. You can redefine your whole life and leave behind the people who treat you like Ashura does - even though it hurts you, and it hurts them, because they don't even see that they're doing anything wrong.
But at the end of the day YOU are worth more than anyone else's feelings - and this is what I absolutely ADORE about the way Kurogane treats Fai, because he has ALWAYS been about that from the very start. Kurogane shows us that Fai deserves to live, to be happy, to be safe, JUST because he's Fai, and for no other reason. And he does!
Kurogane's love for Fai has always had Fai's wellbeing as the priority. It causes friction between them in Acid Tokyo when they don't agree on what that means, and they don't always make the best decisions, but at the core Kurogane's love is selfless, nurturing, and protective.
Ashura's love for Fai always had Ashura's love for Fai as the priority. It hinges on what Ashura wants, and while it does have nice experiences for Fai along the way, Fai's thoughts, feelings, and decisions are not a factor that comes into play. This ultimately leads to a situation where Fai's mental distress, trauma, and ultimate suicide are not only on the table but practically guaranteed, if Evil Wolverine is to be believed. At its core, Ashura's love was love, but it was selfish, damaging, and destructive.
So that's my take on Ashura! I'm very happy for other people to have alternate takes on the situation, because that's the beautiful things about stories like this, and it doesn't even need a big thought process behind it. Some people can just like Ashura for no particular reason, because it matches their own experiences better, and that's completely ok!
But because this is my post Ashura is a piece of shit, and like you said, a fucked up little man.
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itsleese · 4 years
Wait, what, uh, what bakugou cheats on reader with Urakaka fic? I'm in the mood for some gut-wrenching and heartbreaking angst.
oooh it’s The Good China 😌✨
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alch3mic · 4 years
What is Prince’s phobia? I can’t find it anywhere aaaa
agoraphobia! in particular he dislikes being in public spaces because he feels like his back is exposed. he can travel outside his estate if need be, but prefers not to since it peaks his anxiety. he also has a phobia of the sky that he’s working towards getting over and can be outdoors from time to time, but it still spooks him a bit if he looks up at it for too long.
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stayndays · 4 years
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could you please post the eva+kate hand kiss video? i cant find it :(
I sure can!
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insvisiblestrings · 5 years
Hi I know I make a lot of personal posts and I want to tone that down so I’m gonna try to use my other blog more, @el-fighting its about anorexia + addiction recovery but its a lot of positivity and personal posts. so if you care about me and my sad posts that much?? check it out??
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bruces · 5 years
capricorn sun, aries moon, and scorpio venus for the mb thing! 💌
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tequiladimples · 5 years
queen do you want to share your elu playlist? 🥺
je suis ton premier?
it’s a tender one! 
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outofcalms-archived · 6 years
‘ So what would an adult do, then? ’
FFX Sentence Starters || Still accepting!
[✬☾✬]The question Soraposes only serves to addle her further. And for a moment, guilt isabout to pilot the reply she thinks to give him;lips part to begin, yet close after – the stare given directed tothe ground between them. What would an adult do? What answer could she give to assuage Sora’sconcerns?
None,except for what she knew...whichwas this:
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❝Idon’t know. I don’t think anyone does– not until they do, regardless of their age or experience. Doingthe right thing isn’t always so clear. Sometimes….it has to stareyou in the face before you  know. And when you finally do, it’s usually the most difficultdecision you’ll ever have to make. That’s how I’ve always known– because of how much it hurts.❞  
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bloodsworn-marshal · 6 years
Some info on the Mun
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NICKNAME :  Just call me Pipin...! GENDER :     Female ASTROLOGICAL SIGN :  Sagitarrius HEIGHT :    5'3″  ( 160 cm ) SEXUALITY :   Ace all around HOGWARTS HOUSE :   Hufflepuff FAVOURITE ANIMALS :  Cats / Buns / Meerkats AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP :  Typically between 6 and 8 NUMBER OF BLANKETS :   1 overly fluffy blanket + Fuzzy socks WHERE I AM FROM :  Louisiana...! The boot! DREAM TRIP :   Can I just stay home? No? Then perhaps the UK... WHEN I CREATED THIS ACCOUNT :   February 22nd as of last year...! WHY I CREATED THIS ACCOUNT :  I always really liked this character and a friend of mind constantly pushed for me to give it a try, despite no tumblr experience. And with what little content I saw for Pipin... I wished to create an outlet for all sorts of things! FOLLOWERS :   A wee bit over 500~
Tagged by: @sultana-dreaming @morganabrowne Tagging: I’m so late to the party... so anyone :’D;;
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