#but they are sick as fu k tho
eelqueen · 11 months
my dumb climbing shoes are from the 90s and they slam all my toes into a little point instead of shoving my big toe into a point and the rest of my toes into a gentle slope. and my dumb fucked up foot cramps up EVERY time i climb
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ezra-returns · 1 year
reflections from the 2nd semifinal
why is yulia's outfit lowkey giving maneskin
damn hannah is really the nikkie of 2023, she's so tall?? edit: lmao it's partially because yulia is 5'5
listening to reiley is like eating pure sugar, it's bad for you, makes you sick, and only children like it.
future lover is nice and she sang it really well, but the lyrics are so baddd, they don't match brunette's vibe at all
theodor needs to calm the hell down this instant, who let this horny teenager at eurovision?? the lyrics scare me tbh.
alika stan <3
the vocals make me so happy, this is the only ballad i'll allow
also the piano, how the fu-
obsessed with gustaph, he, konstrakta, and natalia gordienko are the midde aged gay icons of 2023, 2022, and 2021, respectively
young graham norton was... something
cyprus' song was boring at first but it got slightly more interesting, my guess is nq tho, the note on the first chorus was quite iffy
dilja did so good, def a bop
victor was shaky and he is dressed like a boy scout, but he's also really young, so his wardrobe transgressions are (mostly) forgiven.
also he looks like a male version of jerry heil and i don't like it
i've said it before but why do i lowkey want blanka to qualify??
did they revamp it or something? it's better than before-
p i n k f a r t .
damn, underwhelming dance break too?
joker out ate and left zero crumbs
it's giving potential winner?!?!?!?!
i would honestly be good with ljubljana 2024
i love iru but what is that fake workout sequence
beginning staging is giving amanda tenfjord?
wtf is happening to the audio??????
not me thinking that chamgaragara actually meant something in georgian-
everyone is clowning on the lyrics but the actual song is so good
also, the hosts are so pretty, hannah especially slayed
lithuania healed my soul
aussies got an entire car. thats it everyone can go home. they win.
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grassykitchenfloor · 4 years
Haikyu Boys with S/O Headcannons
- When I tell you this boy adores you I MEAN IT
- He likes to have you both bundled up in a blanket next to eachother when he’s playing on his game
-  He keeps a picture of you in his phone case (Lev makes fun of him for it before getting a kick from Yaku:))
- When you show up to his volleyball games he can become distracted at first when setting but then focuses back into his game because he wants to be good for you
- You made him a bracelet once and now he wears it all. the. time. 
- He likes holding hands but not when other people are around but also wants to make sure you’re okay with it first
- We all already know how endearing he would be with his S/O so let’s go 
- If you are at his practice matches he will HAVE you be near to the bench (if safe) so that you can see up close how cool he is (he did a cool spike once and when you cheered he ran off the court to hug you for like 30 seconds before the coach got mad and made him go back out)
- WHen he was tired one night he let you dye his hair and he liked the way you did it so much so he has you do it for him now
- When he gets sad he gets needy, so he likes when you bring him his fav drink and remind him why you love him so much and once he’s powered back up he cuddles you to death( if okay w/ you)
- When you’re sad he found out you like it when he hums a song so he’ll bring you into a soft bear hug and hum a nice song which makes you fall asleep in his arms( whispers “ I love you, blossom/bumblebee/ som’ cute idk.” than falls asleep with you in his arms)
- You both have made it official that every Friday night is blanket fort night and you hide in there and watch movies, eat snacks, gossip, open up if comfortable, k*ss, laugh, just have a good time together and bond
- He introduces you to Hinata and yes that means you are both looking after him now together, he is your son and you both support him(go parents! *high five*)
OMG my soft little- LIES he is a demon but I love him and his khaos:)
- You both talk SO MUCH SHIT it’s insane it usually goes like this when you enter practice( ur manger for this) “SUGA OMFG GUESS WHAT!” “Omg, what?” “You know how Asahi and Yama always go leave to the left of the building on Tuesdays even though they go right the other days?” “YEAH, WHAT DO U KNOW!??” “It’s cause each Tuesday I found out from Tsuki that they both go to the salon and spa to freshen up:0″ “OMG-wait that’s kinda cute tho:)” “IK it’s so cute but idk if they want others to know-” Daichi yells.”PRACTICE IS STARTING YOU TWO, HURRY UP>:(”
- Though you guys can be wine aunts together you’re also soft at times when no ones watching cause they can’t know
- You both bake lots of sweets together for yourselves and the team to have(they enjoy that part of your relationship)
- Once you both bumped into Oikawa and Iwazumi and you had to hold back the laughter after Suga whispered in your ear that when he falls on his ass the sound made is the same as the minecraft door shut effect
- You both go on late night walks in the park at 4 in the morning and feed the ducks that might be there and just have fu on the playground
- He likes it when you do his hair in funky ways and will keep it in even when the team is about to start a match
- Literally one of the best huggers in the show fight me on it
- When he sees you anywhere he will run full speed to you and jump into your arms and spin you around for a good bit
- He tries to scare you but fails 99% of the time because he’s always giggling from behind(if he does scare you he feels bad and quickly gets you a snack so that you feel better:))
- When you first meet the team they already know a lot about you since he talks about you a lot with them already and tells them how amazing and awesome you are to him(they aprove of you before they meet you)
- When you watch him play he is at an all time high of serotonin and gets really hyper so you also have to try and calm him down so that he can focus better and he does so you can be impressed on how well he plays
- When it rains you both run outside and play in it for more than 3 hours and then get sick together like lovebirds do
- His nicknames for you are food based but in a cute way like, muffin, strawberry, pumpkin, sugar, flour, bake at 350 degrees, cute things like that:)
-You both met when you needed help around the school and he offered to help, everyone including himself was suprised. the team was scared, he was confused, and you still didn’t know where to go and needed help. but that’s how love starts.
- You both send eachother dumb videos and like to “blackmail” Atsumu because you both hate him(no you don’t)
- The first time you saw him laugh out loud was when you slapped Atsumu in the back of the head for and I quote, “Doing that dumbass ass, thomas the train smirk you always do.”
- He likes to walk home with you to make sure you’re safe and just to spend more time together since volleyball takes up most of his time
- When you’re a his games to others it might seem like he’s the same but when he does a good block or move he gives a hand sign you both made that means you watch me, love:0
- He leaves you a note in you locker everyday for reminders ike eat well AND STAY HYDRATED FOR GODS SAKE
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
how dream would react to you getting the hiccups
genre: pure fluff, humour wordcount: 965 warnings: some foul language (1x s**t, 1x f**k) an: just soft fluff that i wrote when really tired oops. sorry for the sudden hiatus of sorts, i am starting to pick up studying again (hangeul & sociology) as well as cleaning the house since it makes them all so salty to trip over stuff all the time but then they never do anything about it. basically its going to take me a while to hit that balance between work & writing again so please bear with me gender neutral reader
~ all members below the cut ~
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
his immediate reaction would be to laugh at you
you would hiccup in between your words, and he would pause, stare at you with those puppy eyes and just 
“dude/babe was that a hiccup?!”
and then boom hes doing that contagious giggle he always does
especially if your hiccups aren’t the dainty little hic that the media portrays 
it’ll only get worse if you end up laughing with him bc how could you not or try to continue talking, only to be interrupted by your own hiccups
if they don’t go away quickly then he will likely offer you some water
but if you hiccup again while accepting it to the point that a small bit spills hes just going to laugh again
i’m sorry
he means well!
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
he is much more sensible than mark
and yet still would find himself instantly chuckling at how your hiccup sent you stuttering
however he’ll stifle it as best he can, maybe covering his mouth as he does
immediately offers to get you a drink if one isn’t already at hand
if you’re dating he’ll give you his without a thought
if it doesn’t work he may just google what will help, finding a spoonful of sugar as a remedy, and will drag your ass into the kitchen if you refuse
will spoon feed you if your hiccups are getting more annoying than endearing and you don’t want to take the sugar
idk why you wouldnt but then again my sweet-tooth is insane
if you stop him before he finds that page, or if your hiccup doesn’t sound like you’re suffocating then he will try to power on through with you
then i think he would just treat as normal after a bit tbh he’s not as giggly with it 
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
cue the samoyed smile!
ok but fr if you’re dating he’ll find it cute ok
may squish your cheeks if you let him
yeah he’s going to zone out while you talk a bit, just listening for the hiccup and then the slight embarrassment that follows
you’re cute when you’re shy and slightly frustrated 
if you want to get rid of them tho and ask for some water then he’ll give you his drink if you’re dating or will straight up buy you one if you’re not bc he’s a good friend :))
where can i get a jeno 
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
“it’s just disgusting how they think they can get away with that stuff all over again, the sick fu-IC-cks...”
oh boy he is going to tease you 
it’s a funny noise and the way it interrupted your rant mid curse word and just ruined all the passion you spoke with is just
it’s hilarious, tbh
i’m not saying he’ll impersonate the sound but he’ll give a good play of cuckoo bird, echoing your humiliating defeat
might coo a little bit too if you’re dating
“awww, have you got the wittle hiccupss yniee?! awww poor wittle—hey!”
steal his drink or his sweets to help and get your own back
trust me, he deserves it
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
is going to laugh at you 
but is going to find it endearing 
and unlike mark will help
will laugh straight out loud bc the hiccup was hardly dainty, and then immediately apologise and ask if you’re ok
that big charismatic smile is still very much on his lips tho throughout
will chuck his drink over if you’re dating or not
but will listen more intently if you’re dating, his smile brightening every time you hiccup and the blush/pout deepens as you continue to talk
“jaeminnn stop!”
“what! i’m not doing anything!”
“you’re laughing at me!”
“am not!”
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
finds it strangely cute, how shy you get
and so will smile and giggle quite loudly and ask if you want some water
if you choose to power on through you’ll just find his grin blinding and him laughing every time you hiccup
if you accept the water and whine when it doesn’t work he’ll look up what will help, leading him to get sweets for you
best friends or dating he will steal that shit for you he doesn’t care
and anyway maybe the tension of breaking into his manager’s room will scare them out of you
he’s a good friend
and will attempt the scare tactic on you once, in probably a really obvious and ineffective way
but it’s cute so who cares
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
a sweetheart
will immediately stifle his laughter as best he can but won’t make much of an effort to help 
until it dawns on him that scaring may work
i feel he has a devious streak, especially if you’re really close, so even when you show disdain that it won’t work
he will take it upon himself to make you jump for as long as it takes for the hiccups to go away
and if they last all day then
i’m so sorry boo
he’s adorable though, even if he is predictable
and on the off chance he does succeed in making you jump he will listen intently, even shushing you, to hear if the hiccups continue
and just by his luck that’ll be when they decide to stop and then you’re going to have a mildly smug best friend/boyfriend for the rest of the day
and boy he won’t let you forget it, in his own quieter way
“see? i saved you,” he would murmur, bumping your arm or putting an arm carefully round your waist
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
an: woop there it is. i hope these arent too samey :(( i also wanted to write it as if for both romantic and platonic scenarios since there’s not enough platonic stuff on here and bc this is quite a general topic
~ pls dont forget to offer comments on my work! they mean the world to me and really motivate me to work more :)) tysm! ~
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horny-haaland-hoes · 3 years
Quick question this has nothing to do with haaland or ø but yesgurday I was watching arsenal at home City I told Jack grealish to fo suck ya mum I got yelled at by my mum I told her to leave me alone she kept yellinh told her to fu k off now I'm an aggressive knifing little bitch. She now told by grandma and granda just been told of my grandad apparently telling Jack grealish to sick his mum is worse than or equal to how the black players were racially abused and I'm now apparently racist aswell even tho the man who is lecturing me about being "racist" is vry racist pls can I get ur opinion i don't know what to do and feel like shit thx :) bi anon
Well first of all, I’m sorry that happened to you. I know I’ve certainly yelled worse things while watching matches but I also don’t live at home anymore so I can’t relate to that.
Second, I’m white af so I can’t dictate what is and isnt racist but I personally don’t think that what you said is as bad as the racial abuse black players endure - it’s certainly not worse that’s for sure.
It was the heat of the moment, you said some not nice things to the television which shouldn’t be bad. Should you have yelled at your mom? Probably not but that’s okay. I don’t think she should’ve reacted that way. If you feel like apologising to her will help the situation somehow maybe do that? But I don’t really see what you’d have to apologize for other than your language towards her since she seems to be the one who took it way too far after that.
It happened, it’s over, and now you’ve just gotta move on. You’re definitely not racist for telling Jack to go fuck his mum and you shouldn’t feel like a bad person. I hope this helps xx
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conchstellations · 5 years
my class is watching the 1990 movie hoo boy
- “why are they underwater”
- “where is the shell thing”
- “haha he looks like my dad if i ever met him”
- “that kid don’t know what fucking glowstick is?”
- one kid repeated “big chungus” over and over whenever piggy came on screen
- “who the fuck is ralph? the blonde one? why’s he being so weird?”
- “why the fuck are they talking about jack getting some”
- “aren’t they twelve”
- “simon is baby”
- “god i love simon”
- “why is the old man there he’s gross”
- “lizard”
- “jack low key hot tho” “ok onision”
- “i would kill piggy too holy shit he’s annoying”
- “when does ralph die again?”
- “i’d put my dick in the conch!”
- “what’s going on”
- “they need to put clothes on please”
- “hell yea simon!”
- constant laughter when piggy is on screen bc there’s no reSPECT
- “ralph seemes gay in this movie and i don’t know why. i’m gay so i can say that.”
- “is the helicopter pilot blind? what the fuck?”
- “this helicopter dude is blind as shit”
- “i’m sick of ur shit and sos my gang!! shut the fuck up ur in choir”
- “is he decapi- what the fu k”
- “when does piggy die? soon?”
- “oh they’re just gonna show a pig head on a stick alright then”
- “simon has a glowstick” “i have a glow stick in my locker. it’s for tests.” “what?” “lucky charm”
- “piggy tits is my new go to insult”
- “oh my god a dead body!”
- “siMON!!!”
- “wait simon dies?? what?” “did u not read the book?” “no?”
- “which ones are the twins” “the fucking identical ones??”
- “i’d kill someone for piggy”
- “roger is gay for ralph? why is he like whistling”
- “piggy’s dead!”
- “got em.”
- “finally”
- “ralph gonna die”
- “army dude is savage as fuck”
- “10/10 acting”
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p-jiminaa · 5 years
Couple game. (Part 6)
Jeon Jeongguk and You.
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Summary: You finally tell him the truth.
Genre: Mix of everything. Get your tissue everyone. Lol kidding. 
Gif is not mine. Credit to the owner.
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |  Part 7 |  Part 8 |  Part 9 | Part 10  | Part 11 |  Part 12 | Part 13 |  Part 14 | Part 15 |
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You literally run towards Jeongguk who was standing outside your room and straightly embraced him. You nestled your head onto his neck. God I really miss him. It’s been twenty hours since you last talk to him but it felt longer than that. 
“I am sorry.” You says in sob. He didn’t say anything rather he stroke your back gently while kissing your head. “I should never treated you like that just because I am furious to her.”
“It’s fine Y/n. I should be the one that should not interfere with your family matters.” He said with a hint of regrets in his voice. “It’s just that you know I’m just trying to help you. I mean is she’s...” You furrows your eyebrows. Wait he’s still going to take her side? Even after he apologized to you?
You pulled your body at once without letting him finishing his words. “She’s not my mother. If that what you’re trying to say. She’s my father’s girlfriend. She’s taking care of me because that was my father’s will or should I say I am actually taking care of her.” He stare at you while you let out the revelation. “Surprise?” You asked him before you continue “Oh not only that actually. She almost got me into trouble. I reported her ex-boyfriend for causing injury to her one night and you know what she said when she was asked to give a testimony?” You asked with rose eyebrows with his eyes piercing onto yours. “She said I am lying. You don’t even know what the police said to me that time for giving a false report. You still now want to take her side?” You asked, serious tone covering your voice. 
But then his eyes move, to your behind and you assumed she heard your conversation with Jeongguk. “You should rest.” Jeongguk says as he marched towards her. You turned to see him standing beside your mother.
“Are you serious Jeongguk? You asked for my forgiveness just now. I even told you the reason I-”
And he cut you out before you’re able to finish your sentence. “I know Y/n. She told me. But doesn’t mean that you can actually treat her bad because of one mistake.”
“I treat her bad? Oh really then what about -”
“Y/n enough. She took care of you since you were five. Doesn’t that enough reason for you to actually respect her?” He retorted, disappointment apparent on his expression. “Yes she fu*k every man that she brought back to the apartment but never ever she felt that you’re a burden left by your father. Instead, she let you to live with her, took care of you and even paid for your education. She works in order to support you Y/n. If she want, she would chased you out but no, remembering you have no one she let you to stay with her. But how do you repay her? By moving out from the apartment and only moved back when you found her unconscious? I doubt that you would moved back if you didn’t found her sick that day.” He pause for a while and continue again “Y/n she literally sacrifice her time to take care of you who has no blood relation to her. Is this woman here didn’t have right to be respected even after what she’s been through in order to give you a good life?” He says as he studied your eyes, to see whether his words change your mind.
Your eyes blink few times as you were startled by his sudden outburst. So this is where he choose to stand. Fine then. Shaking your head in disbelief while staring intensely to her before you marched back to your bedroom and slamming the door harshly and locking it. You took out your luggage and throw every attire that you think is important while grabbing every important document and putting it inside. You swear this will be the last time you’ll be in this apartment. You walked towards the door but your step halted in the doorway. You turned, gaze on her door. It’s true. She took care of you, she paid for your education and she never asked for any repayment. Yes you hate her. You hate her because she never act like how a mother should act. A mother should never brought a man home when she knew that other is living with her. But then again, you’ve just realized how selfish you are. She took care of you, never have time to meet man while doing that and now that you’re an adult, she’s doing the thing that she should do in the past but instead she’s stuck with you. Maybe she assumed you would understand her action but then again, how should you understand her if she’s not telling you about it. You’re not a mind reader.
Slowly, you walked towards her door and that when you heard her vulnerable, weak voice talking to Jeongguk.
“You really should not said that to her Jeongguk, not for my sake.”
“It’s fine eomeonim. I only said that to make her realized that you’re in fact her mother although you have no blood relation to her and that she should respect you.” Jeongguk retorted instantly.
“I know but then that would disrupt you plan.”
“P-plan?” You heard Jeongguk stuttered and you even asked yourself the same question. What kind of plan?
You mother let out a small laugh. “You don’t think I didn’t know your plan? What this couple game that you do with her? You actually wanted her to fall in love with you right? Because you already fallen for her since day one you knew her.”
Never ever you heard Jeongguk answering something so fast and he did that when he heard that your mother in fact knew about his little plan. “Please don’t tell her about that eomeonim.” You could not believe your ears. He ... he love you? But then why did he wanted to do this game? Why don’t he just confess? He then continue “Yes I love her. I really do and I know it's really hard to make her to be mine, to make her fall in love with me. So that why I asked her to play the game with me.” He pause again. “Please eomeonim. Please keep this a secret.” He pleaded to her.
“I will Jeongguk. Just don’t break her heart.” You felt tears welling in your eyes when you heard her. She really love you and you’re blinded by the hate you’re pouring to her.
“Now, why don’t you go to her. You don’t want to spend another night without talking to her again.”
“But you’re-“
“I am fine. Plus you both are here. So if anything, I’ll just call.”
Hearing your mother said that, you walk swiftly towards your luggage and pull it back to your room and literally jump on your bed, covering your whole body with your thick fluffy blanket. You didn’t heard a knock rather a door being open. God, how stupid am I! I forgot to lock the door. You literally curse yourself in your head. 
But it’s weird when you didn’t hear any foot step but you know he’s still in your room as you heard he closed the door the moment he entered your room. So what am I stuck under this sheet now? You then heard a chuckles. He know you’re annoyed that he did not say anything yet. But you’re not going to give up, if he wanted to talk then he should initiate it. 
“Y/n you should get out. Aren’t you felt suffocated under the blanket?” He asked. Nope, not suffocated, YET. But you felt sweat formed in your body. “Hey Y/n... come on. Not again. Are we going to continue not talking to each other again?” He asked and now you felt the mattress shrink on your left side. That mean he sat beside you. You then felt movement beside your head and you assumed he sat on your bed, leaning his back against the headrest while stretching his leg in front of him. 
You wanted to meet him. You wanted to talk to him. You didn’t want to spend another night not talking with him again. However you were too ashamed to see him. So that why you decided to keep quiet, prefer not to say anything although you just heard his confession but then again until when you’re going to ... uh forget it. Let hear what he wanted to say first.
You felt his hand caressing your head. Not literally your head, but it was your blanket that covered your head. “I am sorry for talking to you like that Y/n. I just don’t want you to regret not treating her in a good way.” Yes, you understand his intention. He didn’t live with his parents since a very young age. It’s hard for him to meet them so a chance for him to actually repay whatever his parents did to him is low although he calls or send them money but that just not enough and since you have a chance to actually do that, he don’t want you to waste it. 
He let out a long sigh as he did not hear you’re responding to him or actually moving under the blanket. So he get up from the bed and as you heard he open the door and closing it afterward and you assumed he went out. 
You let out a sigh of relief and literally throw the blanket away as you could stand the hotness being covered but was surprised you is when you were attacked by him which made you fall back on your mattress and he’s literally hovering above you and soon after he leaned in to kiss you. Your eyes widened in surprise as you did not expect him to actually stay and kiss you. You felt his lips formed into a smirk and leaned in more towards you as he did not seems wanted to dis-attached yourself from him. He brought up his hand, caressing your left cheek softly and pull his face slowly from you to observe your reaction and resting his forehead into yours.
“I wanted to do that since long time.” He says with a smile and when you’re about to reply him, he lean in again before harshly pushing him away from you. You didn’t know that you’re that strong that you’re actually able to get up from the bed. Maybe it’s because he didn’t expect you to push him so that why it’s easier for you to push him away. 
You turned to him with a frown painted on your face. You were surprised when he’s now standing in front of you. “I don’t love you Jeongguk.”He couldn’t hide his surprised expression when you said that. It’s true. You have no feelings to him. The only reason you agreed to play the ‘couple game’ with him is because you thought this is only a normal game that you both always play plus you wanted that disneyland ticket so much. You did all the couple act only for the sake of winning the game, not more than that. “I never have any romantic feelings towards you other than a platonic one.” You says while observing his expression. You saw a tears welling up in his eyes but he held it back. “I am sorry if my action led you to think otherwise but I am just being honest here. I love you but only as a friend.” You sighed.
When a sadness expression washed over his face, you stomach dropped. Really, it’s not your intention to hurt him but he should know the truth rather than wasting time with this game and sooner or later he will know that you don’t have any feelings to him and that will also hurt him. You stared straight into his eyes and you saw how hard he tried not to break down, to act that your words did not affect him when it does. The looks of hurt is really apparent on his face and you wanted to pull him into embrace but then it will only make things worse. 
Jeongguk averted his gaze before he turned back to meet your gaze with a force smile to mask his sadness. “Okay.” He answer you short before he break his eye contact with you and walked out from your bedroom and straightly went to the door. 
Your eyes follows him as he walked towards the door and walked out from your apartment. Your mother then come out from her room.
“You did not just...”
You cut her out, didn’t want to hear anything at the moment. You just broke your best friend’s heart. “I don’t love him and will never will. He needs to know that.”
She shook her head and eyes fixated on you. “You’ll never find a guy that will love you just the way he love you.” 
“I will.” You replied confidently.
“Oh I want to see that happens. Don’t regret things that you say today when tomorrow he started to move on from you.”
“Let him then. It’s not like I am desperate for him. I don’t love him and will never be.” And without waiting for her answer you closed the door. Yeah, you’re being disrespectful again.
You took out your phone from your purse, tried to call Jeongguk but he rejected your call. After calling him twice and rejecting it twice, you received a text from him.
I am fine Noona. I am sorry but please don’t call me now and let’s not meet for the time being. I’ll call you when I am ready to meet. 
Of course he wouldn’t want to meet you. You just broke his heart but then rather than giving him false hope, better do it now. Right? You tried to assure yourself that whatever you did tonight is for his own good when deep in your heart you don’t even know if this is a right thing to do.  
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art-by-rozzai · 5 years
had a bad day so more band au headcannons
anyone who wants to write a fic for this is absolutely allowed if they tag me, i’m not gonna make any full length ones but i might post some one shots eventually
anyway i had a really shitty day so here’s me self projecting and creating more band headcannons
check out the first here~
check out the second here~
tag list~
@athenashipsthings @thelesbianspoon @flowersheep @insert--self--hatred @nafsbluebery @sunflowerss0 @nerdiegurlie @stars-and-rose
okays lets do this✨
so last when we left the boys, it’s the day before they release their album “death of a bachelor”
to celebrate, roman suggests they get dinner out and maybe go see a movie??
logan is suprisingly the first to agree, saying that if he doesn’t get to watch the “scary stories to tell in the dark” movie soon he will explode. plus there’s no food in the fridge
virgil is also down to go see the movie, but is more reluctant to get dinner. he hates formal things, so to make him feel more comfortable roman offers they go to the local diner that he knows has virgil’s favorite chicken parm dish and virgil can’t say no to that
patton doesn’t want to see the movie at first-he really doesn’t like scary movies. but he wants dinner with his friends and he might be able to latch onto logan during the scary parts so he goes with it
so patton offers go help virgil with his hair and they end up getting ready together! they talk about everything they can think of as patton does hair and virgil does makeup and they both do each other’s nails and then they’re ready to go out whooooppp
meanwhile roman collapsed on logan’s bed an hour ago and began complaining about how he needed to impress virgil to get him to fall in love with him and has been talking ever since
logan doesn’t mind tho, roman helps him pick out a nice outfit and gives tips on how to woo patt
even though it’s not a date
anyways they get to the diner and they all have an incredible time! by the end of the meal they’re in tears laughing at each other, from roman’s hysterical stories to virgil’s banter to logan’s fun facts and spilt tea to patton’s enthusiastic impressions
they love each over like family :)
and the movie is top notch. virgil is in love with it, him and logan spend the whole time guessing what’s going to happen while roman hides behind virgil and patton shoves his face full of popcorn and squish himself into logan’s arm
and yes virgil can’t stop laughing and logan’s immediate tensing up and blushing
after the movie they just don’t want to go to bed quite yet, so the friends head to the park and enjoy lying in the grass, talking and letting logan point out the stars while roman makes up stories of the aliens and space princesses that protect the galaxy
virgil makes everyone his famous hot chocolate and they stay up until midnight to release their songs
and then the clock strikes 12 and death of a bachelor is available to download
the boys decide that staying up and watching the comments flood in is a terrible idea and instead they put on some disney films and fall asleep on the couch
it’s nice
they wake up to millions of notifications
everyone is freaking the fuck out
this album ??? is beautiful ???
all of the fans are in love but also have a lot of questions-so the fab four start doing monthly live-streams to just chat and answer questions and catch up with their fans
“are y’all single?”
well yes
but uh
this question is not goOD ROMAN WHAT THE FU-
anyway virgil comes to patton one day, slams the door, puts his face in a pillow and screams “PATT IM SO GAY HELP”
because roman called his hair pretty this morning and yes it’s stupid and it happens all the time but this time was different
don’t worry tho they won’t admit their feelings to one and other for another three months
death of a bachelor does really well-all of the songs end up going either gold or platinum
their song “victorious” is played on the radio all of the time
so november rolls around and the friends decide it’s time to go on tour! starting with just north america, they post a video on the youtube channel that gives all the locations and dates
it’s to start in april:
virgil is extremely nervous. being on the road for so long and preforming live in front of thousands of people and will anyone even show up and-
logan is slightly nervous but honestly he really enjoys preforming-once he ties the tie around his head like a bandanna he almost transforms into the punk rock bassist he is known by the fans to be
patton!!! is!!! bouncy!!!!!!!! he wants to meet all these people!!!! and he can’t wait to give back to all of them by preforming and meet and greets and social interaction makes him really happy!!
roman is so excited-preforming is his thing. when he’s on a stage, he’s in his element! he can’t wait to show off and travel and be with his friends for even longer :)
but they can’t go on tour with their boring old instruments sooooo
roman and patton team up to paint and decorate all of the instruments
virgil’s piano matches his jacket, lots of purple and swirls and patton paints the classic nightmare before christmas scene on the front (u know, this one but stationary)
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and they decorate the microphone stand purple and silver and black
logan gets a dope space themed bass-the outside is dark blue and the inside is painted like a galaxy, with a plain silver pick
roman paints his gutair with a castle and sunset in the back, with a bright red pick to play
patton’s drums have clouds on them nowww like a sunny day with blue puffy clouds
they’re ready to go! but it’s still only december so u kNoW whAt ThaT mEaNs
since none of the squad are jewish, (although technically patton is half jew since his mom is, but he just really loves christmas and always celebrated that growing up so)
they decide to celebrate at their house
they invite all of their close family to the apartment and have a lovely dinner
and yeah virgil doesn’t invite anyone cuz he was adopted by a shitty family who he doesn’t talk to anymore, bcuz all they did was try and get money out of him
and yeah he has a panic attack when all of his best friends are excitedly talking about their family coming over
and y e a h roman helps him calm down and swears that he will always b there to protect virgil bcuz he’s never met anyone quite like him and it’s not easy to explain but he just wants virgil to know he’s safe with roman
and yeah virgil wishes he could stop falling for roman but the ground keeps disappearing beneath him
so time skip a bit closer to christmas and logan bursts into romans room with an idea
“i can rap”
“we know”
“you can rap”
“kind of but okay”
“christmas rap song for fun”
so they write “gonna kill santa claus” (look it up) and decide to post it on the youtube channel on christmas eve
they film a music video for it where they jokingly set up different traps for santa like poison cookies and fire cracker chimneys and more
virgil sings the chorus, logan raps the rap parts, roman does the bridge, and patton lays down a pretty sick beat
it comes out really nice and honestly really fucking funny
so after a delightful family dinner with everyone over, the friends release that video and the internet fucking dies it’s so funny and logan can rap (??????) and ohmygod all of them are so cute what the fuck
anyway back to christmas dinner
roman has like 6 little sisters, and his mom and dad and papa and nana over
(he’s latino, his mom and dad are both from the dominican republic)
patton invites his mom and dad and little brothers, thomas and dee
and logan invites his two moms
everyone comes over for lunch and gets along reallyyyyyy well
logan’s got the punk mom and soft mom dynamic whereas, patton’s family is all super kind and like homey and boisterous and romans family is wild and crazy and funny and they all instantly click
presents are passed around, lots of money and books and movies and stickers and jewelry
really sweet stuff
and then everyone goes home and the friends have their own little gift exchange
virgil got logan the stephen king book “insomnia” and a (sort of) joke blanket with benedict cumberbatch’s face on it that he can use when he goes stargazing at night
logan gets virgil some noise cancelling headphones and a framed picture of a wedding with virgil’s face cropped on one and gerard ways face on the other
they both can’t stop laughing at the fact they attacked each other’s celeb crush
virgil gets patton a cute little cat stuffed animal that when u push the hand it’s a recording of all of them saying “we love you!!!” and a really sweet card
patton gets virgil a eyore necklace that was super expensive but matches patton’s winnie the pooh one and a itunes card for him to buy more music (and yes a really sweet card)
virgil gets roman two tickets to see mean girls on broadway and a framed picture of the two of them
yeah roman tears up a bit fuck u
roman gets virgil a collage of him and roman and a handmade hoodie that virgil is never going to take off oh and also meet and greet passes to see dan and phil at their interactive introverts tour
and maybe virge gets a little teary too
roman gets patton a recipie book and an apron that says “you BAKE my day”
patton gets roman a new ukelele and a printed out pamphlete of theatre song chords that he can play
roman gets logan the sherlock script and an empty box just to fuck with him
logan gets roman the entire grimm fairytale series and tapes a note to the front that says “bcuz u are an illiterate fool😜”
patton gets logan a phone case with the stars that were out on the day they met, hand painted framed picture of him and logan, and comic con tickets for this spring
logan gets patton tickets to the art museum downtown, a gift card to the coffee shop next to it, and two gold hoop earrings with a note that says “next week, friday at 7. it’s a date ;)”
so christmas is pretty good for all :))))))
and that’s the end of this one i’ll make a part four soon lmao
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fleurdebleue · 5 years
While I’m uh, coh▎rent enough to talk and able to talk, I feel like telling a st▎ry. Maybe it won’t gl░tc▆ so much and everybody will be able to r▆ad it.
So, this was... ages ago. Like, I’m talking centuries. I could give you the exact amo▆▍t of years, but let’s round it up to 1200. Time acts fu▆▍y back where I’m from, that’s probably bec▀ ▍se of people like me. (We were kind of comm▎n, so people ended up ge▎▎ing used to the time distortions, since too much m▓ssing around with higher forces caused time to go all out of so▓ts for everyone.)
I was in a party with roughly five to six other people, situation depending. There was the “pal▚din” Aedn, the “cleric” Lily, the “▚arlock” Xav, the “▃ogue” Sky, ▎he “sword▊age” Marin, an▊ me, the... wel▒, I gu▂ss technically I’d be the “range▛”. Those are really loose labels, just so you ca▟ understand how all of us worked, more or less. As a whole, we were all consid▚red Hunters. T▌e best of the best, actually. If it weren’t for w▊at happened at the ▄nd, ▘e could have been legends. Now no one even speaks of us anymore. Ah, whatever, this i▜▕’t ▀hat sto▇y.
This ▟tory is about Aedn▐ Marin, an▇ I. The others were taking ▖are of their families, so us three were the only ▔nes ▒v▎ilable.
I ▓hink I was about uhhh... 28 at the ti▇▉? 28, 29. Somew▃ere around there. (I to▌▖ you. Time is weird there.)
▃ut! Regardless. We d▇cid▆d to go t▉ a taver▝ and get ourselves drunk as all ▟uck. It was ▍fter ▕ hunt, and our next one wasn▊t due for at LEAST another three weeks. (We▄re the ones y▄u call when things ha▖e gone t█ hell in a handbasket and cast▁es are being ripped to shred▁. Pretty t▖ll order of a group of five p▓ople, if you don’t count our Guild Leader occasionally joi▘ing us on a hunt.) You know, relax a little bit, h▓ve a little ▓un, pay for everybody’s drinks. Being gentlemen and whatnot.
Ma▎in, the bloody wank, dared me that I c█uldn’t outdrink Aedn. T▊ey knew I would take u▇ on t▁e dare because My Pride Is Stupid A▜d Weird L░ke That.
See, the problem was▖’▜ the drinking. The problem was w▀o I was drinking with. 
Aedn is w█at most w▚uld consider “the stereotype tank”. Big dude, heavy set wi▂h ▄uscle (not bodybuilder but like▎ BUILT to take hits be█ter than I was), for fuck’s sake his usual damned weapon was a greatsword built with ▋tarmetal. (Starmetal is alr▍ady heavy as it is, Aedn scared me ▓ll the time with ho▜ ▇asily he could swing that thing around like I did wi▂h chain-locked sickles▐) And most of all, he’s Glaswegian w▐o grew u▗ half in Glasgo▆ and half in the ▎hoddy parts of Dublin. He can f▁cki▗g drink my fellas▃
I grew up in Louisiana, around a stickler of a Lich who already didn’t care for drinking. 
(Leans into the mic.) You know this ▖sn’t going ▙o go well already but I’m telli▊g you anyway▐
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a ligh▎weight, Lucife▗ can tell you that much. But w▌ile I c▋n hold ▔y liquor ▏uite well, drinking to▇ much at once ░ill make me sick and shaky inste▄d ▊f get▓ing me d▇unk▕ The first ten drinks went down like no▒hing. E▗eventh, I could feel ▂ys▂lf trying to s▏op dri▒king and in▉tead wantin▏ to heave up everythin▏. My prideful arse tho▇ght it wo▕ld be a goo▀ idea to shove aside my n▋▟▛ea and keep drinking. Twentieth, I'm no▉ sure if I wa█ properly buz▌ed or so sick to my stomach that I could no longer get myself t▍ want to thro▂ up. Thirti▄th, there were bet▂ go▔ng up to see who would ▆o down fir▃t: Aedn or me. Th▒rty first? ▋ooking at the glass made me want to fuck▂▖▘ pass out. Logic said ▔o stop and take ▌are of myself p▀operly, pride said I could do it. Of cou▁se, I liste▕ed to my pride.
Even Aed▎ w▀s telli▁g me to take a break but lo and behold I took it as a c░allenge and not ▅ concerned ▆arning▝ I'm Booboo ▚he Fool.
S▆mewhere along th▋ ▊ine of my dri▊king I heard "I got a new shipmen▟ o▎ dwarve▟ brew" and I blacked ▄ut after that. I woke up t▛o ▊ays later t▉ a not so proud face of my Guild Leade▆ lookin▜ a▃ ▔e, with Aedn nervously sitti▃g at the ▎able in the ▚orner with a pint ▌f ale.
A▐▆arently I c▅all▎nged a noble to a fight ▓hile I was "bl▋cked out" a▙d embar▊assed him by winning. A s░ber trai▍ed noble lost a fight to a dru▇k exhausted Hunter. That is. Just s█d. An▞way I'm currently drinkin▒ now and I'm about to fucki█g pass out again on th▅ couch so see ya when I'm back to ▃ormal.
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heather-ouo · 2 years
My au story (Hana futa!reader)
Tw: lots of grammar mistake and stuff?, medicines??, first time writer T vT
This is my first time write a freaking long story so bare with me please, original I don’t want to do this but thx to my social anxiety and curiosity which I think back and forth for hours cause the Au idea I post up, there are three endings to this au so yea don’t forget to pick.
If no one is picking I guess I will write all three endings. Here Hana futa!au explain.
Laying in the bathtub of your apartment’s bathroom withered s/o color roses  and medicines can be seen all over the ground and the sink. 
Your body is covered with roses and so this one of your eye, you cant not feel  your body and out of the sudden an ear piercing ringtone break the silence.  Truth to do told you wish your friends would never find out what happened, tho they were a little suspicious when you stopped hanging out with them from  Weeks to months, months to years. 
You picked up the phone with all the leftover strength and answered the call. “Where had you been for the whole time ( your name)? We were worried sick, you haven’t been hanging out with anymore since (s/o/n)’s GF/BF confessed to (s/o/n).” ( friend’s name ) asked worried through the phone.  
“Sorry ( friend’s name ), im just caught up with stuff at home you know? Paperwork and (s/o) is been taken…” you tried to come up with the best lie you can think of. 
“ I understand but is years ago, actually you know what i’m coming and i hope you would tell me the truth. I am tired of you keep secret from me don’t argue I’m still coming to your house.”  
“ WAIT-! ” you shouted before the call ends. 
Great this is just so great you thought to yourself, but there’s nothing more to hide ( friend’s name ) is gonna know and they’ll make you to chose.                                       
                  Take the cure or continue to expecting and fade away
(S/o) the very person you loved and yet they friend zoned you treats you as their little siblings. It all started two years ago, your friend, (s/o name) and you went to the same university you’ve being there with (s/o) than that person who confessed to them. 
Funny stuff you didnt know (s/o) actually likes you, but they are dense as fu*k keep  saying “ oh, she is my BEST friend. ”  or  “ I only sees her as my little sibling. ( see what I did there? Now say that dense guy name!)   
It goes on for months love letters, flowers, giving water bottles and even small gift That can be seen on (s/o)’s table, after school given it in person. 
Tho (friend’s name) ship the two of you until “that” person came in she/he managed  to get from friend zone to dating and dating to girlfriend/boyfriend relationship. 
All you can do is watch not knowing the small bits of roses that started to grow around your wrist, you think is better in this way but in reality? It isn’t. That’s when you started to notice roses grows around wrist which now has covered  Half of your arm, you started to get sleepy throughout the days having a little trouble during classes to classes.
( the whole story is tired to write so god forbid just bare with me the part I didn’t rewrite is about the growing part where the roses covers everything part’s of the victim’s body except the head.)
A loud click and footsteps sounds can be heard around the house. 
“(Your name)?” 
( friend’s name ) calls your name around until they find wither roses which leads to your bathroom, panic start to fill in their mind. 
“(Your name)? This better is not what I think it is.” Their started rush to the bathroom roses can be seen more and more around, Opening the bathroom door with shaking hand. 
“ This better not be a prank this is not funny! I know is April and stuf- ” 
All they can do this looking at you, you laying in the bathtub with roses around and so is the ground. You turned to looked her with one eye that haven’t been covered, tears filling up blinding your eyesight but hope has arrived you tried to sit up, you can’t feel your body other than only your head.  
“ O-oh g-god…. (Your name)! H-hang in the-r-re and try to st-tay awake!”
Tiredness all you can feel is tiredness you couldn’t hear the last part, ambulance  sound could be heard around the neighbourhood, sounds of doctors and your Friend tried to keep you stay awake for your own sake.
Arriving at the hospital, the doctor give you three choices.
Bad/Good ending
Take the medicine to slow the growths of the roses, 
Waiting until (s/o) tell you the yes And no. If they says no, 
you will meet with death instantly. 
Bad/neutral ending
Slows the growths 
Do the surgery  
Forget all about (s/o) 
Unique ending 
Take the cure. 
But there’s chance of relapse. 
It will grow much faster than last time 
And the chance of meeting death are much faster.
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lunaehymn · 6 years
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ok so have some mother!luna headcanons, because i LOVE suffering. and i adore the idea of everyone in the citadel bein considered family to them.
while pregnant
wow, ok, so she wears the LONGEST, flowy dresses. she wears these because her feet swell up, so she just avoids shoes all together.
her cravings while pregnant are more on the savory side; which sucks for her, because she tries to avoid meat as much as possible. she’s fine with fish, she’ll have poultry on the occasion, but meats never settle well with her.
she finds herself in tenebrae, visiting her brother, quite often as well. noctis would want her to experience as little stress as possible; and staying home seemed to be best for her.
they find their favorite story books
luna talks to her belly whenever she’s alone. tell them any memories that suddenly come to mind, what the weather is like... she’s a little weirded out by the idea of someone ACTUALLY  growing inside her... but she’s also honored to be the one to give them life at the same time??
i... i honestly can’t imagine luna being in much pain??? honestly???? her delivery is probably so easy and that makes me so  ma  d!!
gentiana offers some cooling therapy to help with any pain she may have tho.
noctis is probably freakin tf out if i’m bein honest.
luna is calm and reposed the entire time, up until she’s actually holding her baby, then she is UGLY SOBBING.
family & friends
would kill for his niece / nephew.
probably insists that luna raise him in tenebrae.
ravus would wake up in the middle of the night and tend to the baby tbh.
there are many nights where both noctis and ravus show up outside the baby’s room... and just... ‘can i help you?’
the baby feels comfortable with only three women.
stella is one of them.
her and luna feel so similar, the aura is just so familiar and comforting to the baby.
stella would actually murder for this baby. first time she lays eyes on the baby, immediate guard mode, bye.
pryna and umbra
they PROTECT, they ATTACK, but most importantly they LOVE AND ADORE THIS SWEET CHILD.
they absolute teach the baby how to crawl too, that video?? you know the one, IT IS THEM !!!!
wow, it’s hard to beat an astral god-mother.
amuses the baby with ice magic.
the baby gets sick and gentiana is constantly holding the baby to break their fever.
literally the only nanny-esque person that luna with ever trust tbh.
hi, sorry, we interrupt this important hc post to introduce to you.... cor the mother fucking lionheart holding a small child.
luna asking him if he’d like to hold the baby, and he’s... stiff. at first. but luna every so gently passing them to him, she adjusts his arms, and just takes a step back.
wow i’m so sorry i’m sobbing
this is literally the cutest thing i’ve ever seen
yes, he is that amazing uncle who does everything that pisses off the other uncle.
ravus is the most competitive asshole when it comes to earning favoritism from his niece / nephew, and libertus barely even tries.
lib always talks to the baby like he’s an adult, no matter their age.
he’s always giving them piggy back rides as well. around the citadel, around the city, everywhere.
i’m sobbing b ye
like libertus, gladio doesn’t pull that baby talk voice.. at least not around others. for the most part, he always speaks like an adult to them, no matter the topic.
gladio, while having his occasional jab once they’re older, speaks to them like he would any other adult. better to start off right than have to change how you approach them on certain topics.
probably makes this baby a damn shield with his own uncle hands.
“they’ll grow into it.”
“gladio, they’re twelve minutes old.”
“i didn’t say they’d come out of the womb ready to fight, did i???”
the cool uncle
sneaks them into the city to have fun.
probably the one who makes them a hopeless romantic.
with all his talk and chatter of his own love life, but in his passionate over the top way, sets the bar for luna’s kid without DOUBT.
prompto would lay down the LAW.
the child’s first word is probably ‘chobo’ because prompto constantly sings the chocobo song.
sings to the baby about fruits and vegetables.
cries actual tears when this child enjoys fruit purees.
the child would also be fascinated with his swift dagger work, always asking him to do tricks.
so sorry i’m like-- actually sobbing now, wow. ignis is such father material, give him his own baby
big trigger warning tho
luna’s ptsd causing her to wake up in panics, she sprints to the baby’s room and hovers over the crib in tears. so worried that someone, or something, will come and take her baby from her.
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Fu*k this I'm sick so I can't go to the gym ugh might still work out at home tho
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carooozzi · 7 years
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w h a t   t h e   fu c k
welp, i’m sick and i wanted to draw something, so my mum suggested romhun and i said “oh sure even tho they aren’t my otp they would look hella cute together without fighting nor arguing” and then this shit happened
hope you guys like ittttt
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hunbomb · 8 years
dating doyoung!!1!2!!11
this is 1/? for the nct dating series  
lEts gEt sTaRteD
- first lets talk about love  how u guys started dating
- aight so y'all r bestfrienxz y’know
- you guys have been bestie since the womb considering y'all r neighbours
- anyway so you guys know everything about one and other eXCEPT THAT YOU BOTH ARE TOTALLY INLOVE W EACHOTHER
- anyway so y'all r bored as hell one day and decide to go to the park chill right
- nOpe cause doyoung decided to invite his friends lmaO BIG MISTAKE
- they would not stop teasing him about you/vice versa
-” eYY gUYs hOWs tHe rElatIoNshIp”
- “yuta stfu we rnt even”
-“ whAAAt bUt i thOUGHT YOU LiKed hEr??”
-“yuta,,,,,,, SHUT THE FU”
-“doyoung calm yo tits” - you
-its wasn't just yuta, it was donghyuck too lmao thOSE SNAKEZ
- k anyway, they pre much pressured u and doyoung to confess to each other
- it was so awkward like i swear jisung cried a lil
- “so,,, i- uh,, sorry about them hhhehahha lol” - doyoung
- “doyoung wtf r u gonna say smh or”
- “oH YEAh ahah i liKe yo- i mEAn- fUcK”
- “jfc doyougn” - all of nct
- lmao its cool tho cause u like him back 
- “lol boi ur lucky ass is saved cuz i like u back”
-and thats how u started dating!
- doyoung actually tried so be a nice boyfriend
- keyword : tried
- lmAo he couldn't be romantic to save his life 
- “ hey baby :) how ya doing”
- “doyoung what r u even”
- like he gives the best kisses
- like little nose pecks and forehead pecks yuagdsjsgshsgshs
- he just wraps u in his arms and uhknsxnxiebsjfbsj
- duDE ur first datE 
- y'all were still bestie and doyougn didn't know how to romantic cause shit
- u went to this fancy ass restaurant and omg it was so funny
- he knocked over his glass of water onto ur legs
- and he started wiping them aka his face was close to ur legs and his hands were on ur thighs
- aka y'all were in public too
- “cough”
- y'all had to leave cause u caused a scene lol rip
- one day, you went to his dorm 
- and omg all of nct bombarded u like
- diD hE FarT YET
- lil doyoungie was so flustered with his lil “hAJImAAaaA” u kno
- anyway u were like well were we besties since birth ofc I've seen him naked lol nice try
- and dude he farted once when we were in grade 7 does that count 
- cue doyoung dying
- like not so much in public, but when ure alone oh god 
-he like squeezes u and uagahushushus
- you know how he hugs donghyuck and the other members
- with his face pressed against yours and I'm dhuidbfksbcksdsk
- he always buys the best gifts for u
- like he got u a perfume that u looked at for 0.00000001 seconds but always low-key wanted
- and he is so sweet like
- you swear?
- you hurt yourself?
- you feel sick?
- omg we haven't covered sexy time doyoung
- lets just say that when he's needy, he goes full out
- likE JESUS
- once u used half of a foundation bottle thing to cover up all of the 14 hickeys he gave u (not just on yo neck ;)
- anyway, doyoung is the bOMB.ORG WHEN IT COMES TO BF’S
- you better love him forever cause he’s a keeper 
tbh this was v hard to write lmao 
love y'all :)
- emma
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luniyla · 8 years
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