#bright teal with neon green laces???
eelqueen · 11 months
my dumb climbing shoes are from the 90s and they slam all my toes into a little point instead of shoving my big toe into a point and the rest of my toes into a gentle slope. and my dumb fucked up foot cramps up EVERY time i climb
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neopronouns · 8 months
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flag id: six flags with 9 stripes, with the second and eighth being smaller than the others, the first and ninth smaller than those, and the fifth the smallest.
the top left flag's stripes are pink, light silver, very light silver, bright purple, pink, bright pink, bright yellow, bright green, and blue. the top right flag's stripes are dark faded red, medium dark dull red, pale red, pale red-orange, dark red, pale purple, dull pink, dark faded red-pink, and very dark purple.
the middle left flag's stripes are brown, light red, very light red-pink, cream, dull pink, light yellow, light pink, red-pink, and very dark silver. the middle right flag's stripes are light brown, light sandy brown, very light sandy brown, cream, dull light pink, pinkish-white, very light pink, pale pink, and light pink.
the bottom left flag's stripes are bright pink-red, red, light red, very light red-orange, faded red, very light pink, light pink, light red-pink, and light brown. the bottom right flag's stripes are medium dark red-pink, faded red-pink, dull light pink-red, pale red, medium dark faded red, dull light purple, dull purple-pink, medium dark faded pink, and dark faded red-pink. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
magentacolauric | amaranthcolauric pinkcolauric | rosecolauric blushcolauric | winecolauric
magentacolauric: a colorgender related to the color magenta, splattered paint, glitter, childhood friends, neon, pleather, dance floors, and crystals
amaranthcolauric: a colorgender related to the color amaranth, bundled flowers, ribbon, merlot, overcoats, gemstones, lipstick prints, and red velvet
pinkcolauric: a colorgender related to the color pink, cupcakes, sunglasses, pink sands, starbursts, pinky promises, flower crowns, and ice cream
rosecolauric: a colorgender related to the color rose, lace, blown kisses, milk tea, paper fans, pillows, ballet slippers, and fairy wings
blushcolauric: a colorgender related to the color blush, lollipops, warm cheeks, lip gloss, flowers, flamingo feathers, painted nails, and heart glasses
winecolauric: a colorgender related to the color wine, plums, nail polish, planners, theaters, pursed lips, mosaics, and sewing thread
[pt:magentacolauric: a colorgender related to the color magenta, splattered paint, glitter, childhood friends, neon, pleather, dance floors, and crystals
amaranthcolauric: a colorgender related to the color amaranth, bundled flowers, ribbon, merlot, overcoats, gemstones, lipstick prints, and red velvet
pinkcolauric: a colorgender related to the color pink, cupcakes, sunglasses, pink sands, starbursts, pinky promises, flower crowns, and ice cream
rosecolauric: a colorgender related to the color rose, lace, blown kisses, milk tea, paper fans, pillows, ballet slippers, and fairy wings
blushcolauric: a colorgender related to the color blush, lollipops, warm cheeks, lip gloss, flowers, flamingo feathers, painted nails, and heart glasses
winecolauric: a colorgender related to the color wine, plums, nail polish, planners, theaters, pursed lips, mosaics, and sewing thread. end pt]
fifth set of colorgenders based on the results of this 'what color is your aura?' uquiz for anon!
these are in the colorgender flag format with the aura color from the uquiz as the center stripe and colors inspired by the listed things as the rest of the stripes. the terms are the aura color, 'col' from 'color, 'aur' from 'aura', + 'ic'!
tags: @radiomogai, @colorgendered | dni link
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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did a lot of oc drawing last night!! please welcome new characters of "THE JUNKYARD QUEENS" and "GIRL IN MINNIE'S CLASS SHE IS LEAVING 'GET OUT OF MY SCHOOL' TYPE NOTES FOR" and "THAT GIRL'S PARENTS". also davey and buck because we love them forever (I'm we)
[Image IDs/descriptions under cut!]
[Image 1 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Puzz's OCs, three beautiful women called "THE JUNKYARD QUEENS". All three have matching caps and jumpsuits. The left woman has long hair with scene-style stripes, heavy eyeshadow, fingerless gloves exposing long dark nails, and converse sneakers. Her jumpsuit is unbuttoned enough to slide off her left shoulder, exposing a black bra. She stands with one hand in her pocket, smirking slightly. The middle woman is heavyset with thick, curly hair and a mole on her right cheek. She is wearing fingerless gloves, rubber boots and a simple chain necklace. Her jumpsuit is unbuttoned to expose her cleavage. She is sticking out her tongue with a grin and doing a peace sign, right foot stepping up on a trash bag. The right woman is tall and strongly built with broad shoulders and muscular arms. Her jumpsuit is tied around her waist and her cap is backwards. She has short hair with slicked-up bangs and multiple facial piercings. Her arms are folded with a cocky grin. End ID.]
[Image 2 ID: A colored version of "THE JUNKYARD QUEENS". Their jumpsuits are a greenish-teal and their caps are a darker blue with an orange brim and light yellow decal on the front. The leftmost woman has light skin and pale green hair, and her socks are neon yellow-green. The middle woman has dark skin and hair, and she is wearing green rubber boots and has a gold necklace on. The rightmost woman has tanned skin with visible tan lines around her gloves and tank top, and she has blue-grey hair and dark brown gloves and boots. All three have bright yellow crowns drawn above their heads. End ID.]
[Image 3 ID: A black-and-white drawing of one of Puzz's OCs, a 13-year-old Black goth girl. She has a squat torso and long, thin limbs. She has a roughly heart-shaped face and hair in thick, stylized twists parted mostly to the left. She has small, thick brows and oval, heavy-lidded eyes with thick eyeliner. She is looking forward with a detached, disdainful expression, standing with her right arm to her side and the left raised, creating some kind of energy cloud. There are two outfit designs side by side. The first shows her wearing a collar with a simple round charm with an upside-down star, a black tank top that cuts off just above her navel, grey skinny jeans with tears in the knees, fingerless gloves with fishnet sleeves that reach just above the elbow, and simple socks. The second adds an oversized jersey on top, with a graphic of a skull with X eyes, and large boots with decorative belts. A silhouette of Minnie is behind the designs for height comparison; Minnie is slightly shorter. End ID.]
[Image 4 ID: A colored version of the Goth Girl. She has very dark skin and dark eyeshadow on. Her tank top is black while her jeans are grey; her oversized jersey is a desaturated purplish-blue with light-grey trim. The skull decal is also light grey. Her boots are are a slightly lighter grey than her jeans, with silver belt buckles. The charm on her collar is also silver. The cloud of energy she is creating with her right hand is a bright, saturated blue-purple color. End ID.]
[Image 5 ID: Sketches of two of Puzz's OCs, in two different outfit designs. On the left is a strongly-built Black woman with natural hair in a large afro. She is wearing sun-shaped earrings and posing with one hand on her hip and the other arm flexing. In the top sketch, she is wearing a button-up t-shirt tied at the waist, high-waisted shorts, and laced boots. In the bottom sketch, she is wearing a superhero outfit: a short sleeveless one-piece with solar-flare style train on the back, a sun-design tiara, gauntlet gloves, and knee-high heeled boots with sun decals. On the right is a thin, wide-shouldered Asian man with scruffy facial hair, a long flowing ponytail, and cowlicks that resemble small horns. He is standing with one hand up generating a cloud of energy. In the top sketch he is wearing a sweater-vest over a button-up and slacks. In the bottom sketch he his wearing a full suit and tie with popped collar, his cowlicks are longer and sharper, and he has a full goatee and dramatic eyeliner. End ID.]
[Image 6 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Puzz's OC Davey. He is a lanky, middle-aged Black man with an amputated right arm and scar going diagonally across his face. He has long, curly hair in a ponytail, large eyes with thick under-lashes, thick eyebrows, and sparse body hair. He is shirtless and wearing jeans, posing with left hand outstretched resting on his knee, leaning back with a wink and a grin. End ID.]
[Image 7 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Puzz's OC Buck, a middle-aged white man with a bushy mustache and barrel-chested build. He is wearing an outfit based on one of Eggman's disguises in a Sonic X comic - a tank-top with a skull-and-ribbons logo, which rides up over his navel, black tight pants, heeled boots, a bandanna on his head, and dark sunglasses. He is posing with both hands up in V-signs. End ID.]
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bloodblanks · 1 year
tili tili bom [eyeless jack x reader] — chapter iv.
Taken to the grim reaper’s realm, Y/N is met with both beauty and danger.
co-written with the lovely dawn_citrinitas! ♡
author's note: this fanfiction will not contain much, if any, dark or explicit content, but nonetheless,
please read at your own discretion.
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<- previous chapter
“Alright, whatever. Let’s go,” the reaper spoke, taking the first steps in a direction unknown to the girl. It wasn’t like she necessarily needed to know where exactly they were going, though. She was satisfied just following the charming demon that walked before her. 
As she took her first steps in this foreign land, Y/N could feel the wispy blades of scarlet grass tickling her ankles as well as the parts of her feet that her slippers did not cover. She giggled under her breath as she continued walking, eyes wide and gleaming, taking in her surroundings. 
As the duo delved deeper into the enchanting forest, she noticed an abundance of unusually stunning, exotic plants inherent in the demons’ haven. 
The first thing to catch her eye was mushrooms. The fungi were blue with a green tint, giving off a slight glow reminiscent of a neon sign. From underneath the turquoise hats, lace skirts of the same colour could be seen, covering their thin and light mushroom legs. The mushrooms were scattered in all directions; under the violet bushes, on the graphite bark of the trees, in explosive clusters that bloomed over every corner, it seemed that an entire colony of fungi had occupied this place. 
While the mushrooms were fascinating, they didn’t manage to hold Y/N’s attention for long as she tilted her head upwards, her eyes instantly locking onto another magical sight. With her eyes now raised up, she could see what appeared to be flowers. They were also blue, although a darker shade, closer to navy than the previous bright teal of the mushrooms. Still, they shared a similar luminosity, with the flora emitting a soft light. The petals of the individual flowers were shaped like bells, faintly reminding her of the common bluebell she’d often spotted in various locations back in her own world. 
The flowers hung from many of the trees surrounding them, their weight supported by the mauve vines they were dangling from. Illuminating their path through the ominous forest, she thought they seemed like lanterns, lit in mass for a festival of sorts. It wasn’t just the combination of the appearance of the bell-shaped flowers and their luminance that made her think so; it was also the sheer size of them. They were colossal. Despite the height they hung from, she could tell they were enormous, perhaps even twice the size of her own head. 
The demon and the girl continued on their path, with brief pauses in between as Y/N observed the exotic flora and fauna of this new realm. 
After having seen both the mushrooms and the oversized bluebells, she noticed a pattern when they stopped near what resembled a shrub. The shrub itself wasn’t too eye-catching, being simply a bunch of lilac leaves protruding from ashen black branches; however, what the small bush produced was extraordinary. 
She could only assume they were fruits, as she couldn’t think of anything else to even come close to these foreign, round balls—both the shape and colour reminded her of blueberries. Only here, the local berries followed the pattern of being blue and glowing, like both the flowers and the fungi she’d already seen. Similar to the flowers, they were pretty big, with each berry being the size of a small watermelon. 
However, the uniform azure halo of the fruits was broken by bursts of neon pink light. The light came from the next bush over, and while the leaves were similar, the berries produced by this plant were instead a blinding flamingo pink. Like the ‘blueberries’ she saw, these fruits were of great size, although their shape differed. Rather than a smooth, circular form, they were instead composed of multiple smaller beads, much like the raspberry she knew. Under the weight of the fruits, the black branches of the bushes were fastened down, covering the fruits with periwinkle foliage. 
Behind the multiple bushes of seemingly ordinary demon berries stood a lone fruit tree, thin and lanky. It had the same dark bark she was slowly getting accustomed to seeing. However, there were very few leaves on the tree, just a few poking out from where its fruits grew. They, too, were glowing, although the light seemed far eerier, with the fruits being a shade of crimson similar to the untamed grass she trod upon. They were a bit smaller, closer to the size of an apricot; they came in sets of two and felt like multiple pairs of eyes peeking out from the darkness of the forest, staring straight into the depths of her soul. 
The walk was long and silent. Admiring the local flora and fauna, it was almost as if Y/N had teleported into the future with how fast time flew by. She had only noticed it when her legs complained, with a dull, aching strain on them from the hours of continuous walking. 
Maybe I should ask for a break, the girl thought. She didn’t want to be bothersome; the demon certainly didn’t seem to mind the walk, but her body was already in poor condition from her illness and extended hospital stay. (Surprisingly, the cockroach-infested white prison didn’t have a gym for her to stay fit in.)
“Mr. Reaper?” Y/N spoke quietly and carefully, attracting the attention of her companion. 
“Yes?” Mr. Reaper responded, not bothering to turn and look at the person who had just broken the enchanting silence. 
“Is it okay if we take a small break?” the girl asked, her second question not any louder than her first. She didn’t really turn to look at him, either. Instead, her eyes were wandering about the surroundings, fearing a negative response from the reaper. 
“Sure,” the demon shrugged, coming to a slow halt. “Why don’t you write in the meantime?” he suggested, finally glancing at the young girl. 
Y/N, too, stopped. She hadn’t really put much thought into the whole writing thing, not since her initial conversation with the reaper, and she had just blurted out the first thing in mind then. Now that she thought about it again, she could feel her usual hesitations return. 
“To be honest, I’m not so sure about me writing,” she confessed. “I’ve always wanted to, but I don’t think I’ll be good enough to write anything worth reading.” 
Her words were nothing but the truth. Indeed, she had written a lot as a child, outstanding stories about fantasy worlds with all her childlike imagination. But long ago had she abandoned her foolish dreams, and any of her former writing skills—that she wasn’t even sure she had—certainly had gone to rust and decay over the years of disuse. Surely the quality of her work now would not be worthy of even being called reading material. 
She watched as the eyeless man walked over to a nearby tree, setting down his scythe and leaning against it. 
“I’m going to be frank with you,” the demon started, “you’re dying.” Those words caught her slightly off guard, further piquing her interest in the charming but odd man across from her. 
“You’ve only got so much time and nothing to lose,” he finished. His words were indeed blunt, lacking any preludes or attempts to console her, but it was a refreshing change from the sugarcoated words of the hospital staff. It wasn’t that the reaper cared whether the childhood dream of his dying companion came true or not, or at least that’s what he liked to think. Still, he couldn’t help the slight tug, the hint of longing that he felt when he looked at her. 
“I guess you’re right,” Y/N answered in a drooping voice, proceeding to sit on the scarlet grass close to where the reaper stood. As harsh as it was, he had a point. The only thing she had to lose at this point was time, and in her position, time was a vital resource. Dying without even trying to make something out of her remaining time would be wasteful. 
The young girl opened her notes application, taking out her phone from her bag. She thought for a couple of minutes, and then her fingers started quickly tapping over the virtual keyboard. 
After finishing the first chapter of what she thought to be a failed read, Y/N tore her gaze away from the screen and towards the sky. The celestial canvas had noticeably darkened, and beyond the soft luminescence of the glowing navy flowers and violet leaves was a coal-black sky, the vermillion tones having seemingly dissipated into the barest hint of rust. It appeared that dusk had arrived. 
“Is it already past sunset?” Y/N inquired, her eyes still on the sky. 
“There is no sun in Daemon Regnum. Or any natural light, for that matter,” the demon replied measuredly, counting the leaves on one of the trees with his eyes. The explanation of such obvious things was tiring and bothersome for the eyeless man. 
“What’s the change of lighting, then?” she followed up with another question, now turning her gaze to the man. She couldn’t help but be fascinated by the new, unknown world in which she found herself. Plus, she was going to be here for quite some time; it was best that she figured out how the world she was in worked. 
“We have a mimicry of the sun.” The demon didn’t bother meeting the eyes of his companion. For him, these conversations were identical to having to explain to a child that the sky is blue and the grass is green, something so obvious to a reaper but utterly unknown to a human. 
“What do you mean?” the girl spoke gingerly, not wanting to irritate the reaper too much but still wanting to satisfy her curiosity. 
“We daemons have the ability to conjure fire. Our sources of light consist of individual flames that each daemon can create, or the big fireball in the ‘sky’, which is meant to mimic the sun. It’s active for sixteen hours each day.” The eyeless reaper spoke monotonously, not paying much attention to his interlocutor. 
“You have the same length of days as us?” She was far too eager to know about this world. 
“Yes and no. There is no day or night in Daemon Regnum, but we use the same schedule as mortals, anyway.” The demon continued talking in the same indifferent tone, silently hoping she’d be done with her questions soon. 
“Why?” the girl questioned. 
“We had it originally,” the reaper grumbled, still not bothering to look at her. 
“But how did you come up with this if you don’t even have a sun?” As soon as she finished her question, the demon suddenly snapped his head towards her. She knew that he didn’t have eyes, but she also knew that if he did, they would be staring daggers into her soul right now. She could sense it immediately. 
“Shut up,” the man spoke. His tone was as flat as before, but this time it carried a sternness that wasn’t there previously. 
“Sorry,” Y/N apologized, her voice softened, lacking the earlier vigour. She couldn’t tell what it was exactly, but she could tell that she had overstepped somehow. It wasn’t in her intentions in any way to actually upset the demon, and so she stopped her questions for the meantime. To her surprise, however, he continued to speak. 
“Anyway, multiple different daemons take turns conjuring the ‘sun’ as part of their job. It takes about a thousand daemons to conjure a fire large enough,” he explained. “The sun rests above the very centre of Daemon Regnum, above the castles. So the centre receives the most light compared to the outer regions, that’s why it’s so dark here.”
“I see,” Y/N responded simply to acknowledge that she had heard what he said, keeping quiet, not wanting to be more bothersome than she already was. 
The reaper then took a step forward, straightening his posture and leaning away from the tree, rising to his full height. He picked up his scythe, a signal for her to get up and going. 
And so, the girl stood up, shaking off a few blades of scarlet grass that had stuck to her legs. Meeting the eyes of the empty voids in his mask where her companion’s eyes were supposed to be, she put aside her wandering questions about the reaper’s behaviour and got ready to leave. She placed her phone back into her bag, throwing the strap over her shoulder and quickly followed behind the demon, who was beginning to make his way forth into the forest. 
Crushing the sinisterly red grass of the demons’ haven with her favourite slippers, Y/N moved forward behind the reaper through the noticeably darkened forest. While the occasional bellflower, mushroom, or berry provided some light, it was still not enough to distract from the ominous feeling the forest now gave off, drenched in ebony shadows. 
What was once majestic and royally coloured nature now transformed into something more eerie, more sinister. As if ghastly creatures with a craving for human flesh were hiding within the shadows of the coal-black trees that now wholly surrounded her. 
The slight fear that she felt only served to heighten the sensation of delight in the young traveller. Delving deeper into the forest, she noticed a dark silhouette of enormous size sprawled upon the ground. With each step that she took toward the mysterious pool of darkness, she could almost feel it beckoning her somewhere behind the trees and into the depths unknown. 
It was then that she realized the direction the demon was taking was almost, if not precisely, straight toward the mysterious cluster of ebony. 
Is he so tired of me that he decided to feed me to a terrible demon creature? As that thought came to mind, she eyed the reaper cautiously with a playful pout on her lips, knowing that the demon before her wouldn’t see it. 
As they neared the silhouette, the reaper changed the trajectory of the path to walk around the shape that she had been eyeing. The slight swerve of the road led them to an area with slightly fewer trees, just enough for her to be able to see past the ashen trunks and violet leaves. 
She felt the tension that she did not know to previously be there leave as she saw the shadowy form for what it truly was—a lake. At least, that’s what it appeared to be. 
The girl reached into her bag, hand fishing around for a second to retrieve her phone. After taking it out, she turned it on, using the phone’s built-in flashlight to better illuminate what she was looking at. The luminescence from the phone contrasting against the rapidly darkening sky reflected off of and revealed what appeared to be a translucent pink body of water. She wasn’t so sure if it was pink or if it was the phone lighting was perhaps confusing her sights, but she saw an undeniable rosy tint to the water pooling tranquilly before her. 
If only it were ‘daytime’ or if there was proper light, the sight before her would resemble something out of a fairytale storybook, illustrated with the magical scenery of what she imagined would appear to be an oddly translucent, pastel pink lake, complete with shimmering lavender pebbles that spanned the entire bottom of said lake. The pink waters blended its edges with the scarlet grass that carpeted the forest floors, the colours ever so enchanting. 
The young traveller paused there, wanting a better look at the details of her new surroundings. The light, calm murmur of water echoed through the dark forest, a calming sound to her ears. 
“Wow,” she breathed out, intoxicated by the sight before her. The demon, too, stopped beside her, turning his head to his companion and chuckling to himself at the presence of the pure enthusiasm on her face. 
“Roseus lacus. One of my favourite things in Daemon Regnum.” Without waiting for an avalanche of questions, the eyeless reaper explained, side by side with the girl frozen in admiration. 
“The water is beautiful,” the young lady muttered under her breath, still in awe at the sight before her. 
“It’s not really water,” the demon continued to explain. “Water doesn’t exist here in Daemon Regnum. We have substances similar to water, but not what you humans know as H2O itself.” His gaze spanned over the large body of water, also examining it. 
“So this is like a replica?” Y/N asked, turning her head to the charming reaper, pleased to hear his explanation of the lake, despite not having asked herself. Perhaps he finally realized that his silence did nothing to deter her. 
“To some extent. The roseus lacus is my favourite of all the ‘lakes’ we have here. Not only are they extremely uncommon, only a few existing throughout the entire realm, they also have a sedating effect on the mind. Not sure how it works, but there’s one closer to Adytum that many daemons enjoy relaxing in.” The demon continued his monologue, his tone calm, matching the tranquillity of the lake. While she couldn’t know for sure with the blue mask that concealed his face, she could hear the glimpse of a smile in his voice. 
“Can I try?” The girl couldn’t imagine what the sedating effect would feel like for sure, and therefore she set about trying to figure it out empirically. She wondered if it would feel like what some of her medications did for her or something entirely different. 
Despite the fact that she was afraid of lakes and rivers even in her own, much more familiar mortal world, it wasn’t every day that she was given the opportunity to plunge into mystical pink waters. She didn’t want to miss this opportunity. 
“Go ahead,” the reaper spoke, nodding his head towards the mysterious lake, making it clear that she could try out the miraculous properties of this water. 
Y/N approached the rocky shore of the lake in just a couple of jumps, and standing at the very edge of the lake, she took a deep breath, casting her fears away to the back of her mind. 
Sliding off her slippers, she carefully placed them on the soft crimson grass, not wanting to accidentally ruin the only shoes that heroically protected her feet from the abundance of dry branches and thorny nature that strove to prick her. 
With her bag and jacket placed down next to her slippers, the young traveller gingerly stepped into the beautiful waters before her, but as soon as the tips of her toes landed on the periwinkle pebbles beneath, she felt a current run through her body. 
With each tiny nerve of hers pierced by a thousand even more miniature needles, the current came along with a jarring jolt of pain that her brain barely had the time to register before it shut off, her unconscious body splashing into the rosy depths. 
next chapter soon...
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Demonverse District Colour Palettes
By this I mean the colours associated with each Sin/District. Obviously this doesn't mean you like, can't wear a colour in a certain district, but it's moreso there's recurring themes (plus I like colour coding lol)
Pride: White, Yellow, Gold
I feel like these are very bright and regal colours. Naturally it's a District full of people who take, well, pride in their appearances, so I can imagine it being filled with very proud, majestic buildings. Red and purple are also not uncommon accent colours (purple having royal associations and red being very striking, and matches its Viceroy and King, Lucifer)
Greed: Black, Yellow, Gold
Now, this is fun, cause I feel like it'd be very similar to Pride with the love of gold, but I like the black as being more striking, or at least a different type. As it's full of people with expensive tastes, this District is luxuriously decorated on the surface, but most quickly run out of money as they spend it as recklessly as they did in life but forget they have no way of accumulating it back. Very much a facade of beauty but underlying sense of things crumbling, falling apart. Still has its own magnificence in a way, but less so than Pride. Purple is also favoured as an accent colour (again, royal colour), but they prefer green to red.
Gluttony: Red, Rainbow
Yep, I'm cheating with this one. Red is UNDOUBTEDLY a favoured colour; the colour of wine, of fruits, of meat, of blood. However, food comes in a variety of forms and flavours, and therefore, colours. Blue might be the least common colour, along with orange, but honestly, every colour is here (with the amount of candy themed demons I make, pastel pinks and purples and blues and yellows tend to be fairly common). Bright jewel tones are favoured, deep rich colours, but as said, anything goes, really.
Lust: Purple, Pink, Red
"I always knew, I always said / That silk and lace in black and red / will drive a man right off his head". That's from Bring On The Men from the Jekyll and Hyde musical, and it's true! We all know red and black is the sexiest colour combination, but black looks good with everything, and it's VERY damn sexy to pair with purple and/or pink. Mix and match these lovely colours for some great looks really! Yeah, these are simply the sexiest, most passionate colours I can think of that gets the mood across. Nothing like a dark room lit only by garish purple neon or dimmed pink lights, is there? Yes These Are My Favourite Colours Other Than Blue Why Do You Ask
Sloth: Blue, Teal, Silver
Sloth's a fun one because it's overall a very dreamy, slumber-esque place. Much softer colours here in contrast to the louder, brighter Districts. Soft yellows and white also tends to be common accent colours, but there is a heavy emphasis on starry night skies, soft beds, slumberous vibe to the place. Funnily enough, though, Hellborns from this District tend to be the busiest and hardest workers. Guess it's Belphegor's influence. Most people around here end up being sent to work elsewhere (ironic punishment for laziness I suppose), no wonder they're knackered and just wanna sleep when they return home. Beautiful place, though. Try not to let it lull you into a false sense of security.
Wrath: Orange, Red, Black
The most 'classic' Hell imagery. It's the hottest District filled with equally hot-headed people, many of them decked out in leather, even though that probably doesn't help with the heat, which probably makes them EXTRA cranky. Ah well, it's Hell for a reason, right? The roughest place, not one you want to brave alone if you like your limbs exactly where they are.
Envy: Green, Teal, Grey
I say green is one of the most common colours, as obvious as that may be, but it's true. However, teal, grey, even blue and black are favoured highly. In fact a lot of people are sick of the colour green (seriously I promise you you are NOT the first person to say 'green eyed monster' to them). In contrast with Wrath, it's the coldest District, and also the smallest, but also one of the roughest and meanest. The people are cold, defensive, and hostile to others, and it's dreary colour palette reflects that. Similar to Sloth's, but cold rather than comforting. Still, there's probably some strange beauty to be found here, like how the wet, slick streets of Great Yharnam and the Fishing Hamlet from Bloodborne communicate a dead place that's still, somehow, teaming with life.
0 notes
Style Headcanons
So basically, I’m a big hater to the way the costume team worked on them. The whole “All Isle kids wear Leather” and “Auradon Kids always look like they’re on their first kid and on the way to the country club” thing drives me crazy. It sorta feels like they made costumes before giving them personalities (The leather on Carlos  and Evie feels like it clashes with their personalities. Lonnie’s dresses in the first movie doesn’t fit the personality we see, even though she didn’t have much of a personality until movie two. Audrey dressed like a thirty-four year old mother who just picked up her kid before going to the country club. Ben’s only good outfit was his swim trunks.) So here are some personal headcanons and pictures of what I imagine for them. (I started making them at 1am last night lol)
Villain Kids 
As someone raised to want to be a princess, she wants to dress like how she imagines a princess would.
She loves pastels and is no stranger to pairing pastel blue with a neutral red or bright white. 
The only pants she really wears are either athletic shorts or those little flowy elastic shorts, otherwise she’s all skirts.
She’s sorta a prep but not in the same way a character like Audrey would be. 
Evie has respect for most aesthetics, even though she doesn’t fully fit just one. However, she hates crocs and those little pastel shorts that white boys wear, she will announce it often.
Wouldn’t be caught dead in neon colors. 
owns a blue fur coat (it’s fake fur, obviously)
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Baby boy is a total softie
You know that one gay little sweater in movie one, that’s where they went right, more of that.
He’s into the soft boy aesthetic and only strays from it for formal wear
loves layering sweaters over button ups
Cuffed jeans, always because ya know, bisexual 
Owns a floral button up from Jay, normally he hates patterned button ups but it’s his favorite shirt. 
Loves striped sweaters, he owns about 6 variations of them in different colors (all include red, white, or black of course)
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In theory, Jay doesn’t really have one aesthetic, he’s willing to try on just about anything
Most of his clothing was bought by Evie or Carlos, especially his formal wear
The only clothes that Jay will buy for himself is athletic wear
He doesn’t really see the point of buy clothing that he can’t go straight to practice in. 
Still has the beanie,  but he owns one in just about every color to match it to his outfit.
Listen, we know Jay’s main color is yellow/gold, but why did we always see him with more red/blue in the movie? What type of snow white aesthetic were they trying to give him?
Jay owns a button up that he write on, he refuses to wear it actually buttoned though
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She loves the grunge/alternative aesthetic, she thinks it makes her look more like she belongs to the Isle
She wouldn’t wear skirts until after she and Evie became friends, Evie bought her her first skirt (a purple plaid one) and she fell in love with it
Mal has a whole jewelry box of just chains, both necklaces and ones that attach to clothing 
Owns a pair of Demonia Swing-815 boots (black patent) and a pair of Demonia Camel-203 boots (holographic purple) 
100% owns one of those studded hot topic belts. 
Has a headband with little horns that symbolize her mother’s horns 
Instead of the leather half gloves from the movie, she has those little fishnet gloves and covers her hands in rings.
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Her style is similar to Mal’s because if Mal is going to do something, Uma will do it better.
Uma only wore outfits that were super Fem and had skirts until Mal started doing it
Then it was Uma always wearing pants, because of her love for plaid skirts she owns a whole collection of plaid pants
the only jeans she owns are black or dark wash. 
Her first ever large purchase was a pair of Doc Marten 1460 Zip Tartan Lace up boots (they’re green, black, and blue plaid) 
She and Harry bought matching Doc Marten Jadon platforms (his are more shiny though)
Isn’t as into chains as Mal, more into chockers. 
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When the E-boy aesthetic came out, Harry was all over it 
Harry definitely has one of those chains with a little lock on it. 
I’d like to imagine he has baby gauges
the before mentioned platform doc martens, he definitely treats them like his baby
Even though Harry dresses like an e-boy,  he always has his pirate hat on
Definitely wears cloth masks as a fashion piece he actually would wear his in the pandemic though, unlike some people who wore them before but not for safety 
Harry is actually really good at graphic liner, he owns a gold, red, and white eyeliner to add color to the outfit if it’s mainly black
Bought plaid pants because Uma did, he want’s to match with his captain
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As we know (maybe you don’t) it’s in the canon that Gil’s mother taught him to sew and he enjoys it. 
So Gil doesn't dress in one aesthetic or even close to being in one, he wants to try out everything, both making and wearing them.
He does stick to a monochrome color scheme though, mainly shades of brown with white or black thrown in. Sometimes he adds a little red or yellow though to “honor” Gaston
Most of his clothing is more comfortable than anything
Only owns three pairs of jeans, the rest are different types of pants (he loves corduroys) 
Owns a pants chain that harry bought him but he only really wears it when Harry and Uma are wearing one so he won’t feel left out on it. 
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Baby girl has seen the Isle steal the childhood innocence from people, she dresses in kidcore as a way to keep hers
Her outfits always has at least 4 different colors in it.
No stranger to neon colors, she has a pair of overalls that are neon rainbow and covered in gummy candy and she only wears them with a neon green tee, Evie and Carlos hate this outfits, Jay loves it because of the disappointment it brings to the two fashion fans 
Dizzy’s outfits in the movie were colorful obviously but they should have been just more over the top
She loves patterns and has no fear of pattern mixing
definitely owns some funky earrings, clay rings, and  statement necklaces
puts beads on her shoe laces, especially on her converse (they were white ones, she drew all over them) 
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Auradon Kids 
Okay so Ben’s animated and movie outfits were bad, you can’t convince me of anything else
Why was Ben not dressed in the soft boy aesthetic? You’re trying to tell me that Belle’s son wouldn’t be a soft boy?
He has a jean jacket with his father’s beast symbol painted on the back
Absolutely loves graphic crewnecks, often layers them over collared shirts
He and Carlos go shopping together often in their free time
Lover of funky crew socks,  ones with paintings, patterns, logos, whatever. But his socks always match
After he and Mal started Dating, he bought a white jean jacket and let her paint it, he wears it all the time even though it didn’t match his original clothing, he bought more clothes in her color scheme to match it
He owns like 6 pairs of high top converse (light blue, yellow, white, navy, black, and Purple after getting the jacket back from Mal)
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Listen, out of everyone he was the closest to how I imagined he should be, that being said, he had a little soft boy thing going on in some movies that I don’t think fit his personality
Polos and button ups are basically all he owns, but he does have some of those pastel simply southern esc graphic tees (Southern people probably know what I’m on about, all the guys who act like Chad at my school have like 5 of them each)
Owns 6 pairs of those horrid little southern boy pastel shorts in different shades of blue (plus 1 white pair)
Will not wear jeans, ever, the only pants he owns are khakis
All over the shirts that have logos embroidered into the shirt over the chest. 
Definitely gets asked if he’s on the way to golf/ the country club, the joke is that he is, he has to meet his father there after school
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Listen, I’m not an Audrey stan, but they did her so dirty in the first movie
She should have been the stereotypical mean girl outfit wise, I mean, mini skirts, all pastels
Owns a pink teddy coat, and a white one, she actually cares about if they get dirty though, takes good care of them
definitely has a collection of tennis skirts, pairs them with sweaters/crewnecks or blouses that have a slight puff to the sleeve
The type of girl to wear rufflely rompers on her birthday every year, pink, white, or baby blue obviously
loves those tiny shoulder bags
preppy and looks good in it. 
cropped polos and tube tops
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This account is a Jane should have been cottage core/ fairy core fan page, her outfits were almost there, just not there, she’s literally a fairy but can’t use magic nor did they let her dress like one, I hate it here
Baby girl loves gingham and floral patterns, some of her dresses are a little more to her mother’s taste than hers (her mother bought them) but as long as it’s a pattern she likes she will wear it. 
Cardigans are her best friend, she owns one in multiple shades of pink and blue, plus a white one (all of her clothing fits a pastel pink/blue/white color scheme)
Babydoll dresses her a her favorite style of them (the one I put in the top right corner is what I imagine her birthday dress as) 
People try to mockingly ask if she’s on her way to a tea party/picnic (like they do with Chad and the country club) if the answer isn’t actually yes one of her friends still say yes, no one can be rude to her about it 
She owns a corset (Evie bought it for her, it made her nervous at first but she loves it) 
Owns kitten heels and flats mainly also two pairs of mary janes (in white and blue) 
has one of those little pearl purses that aren’t really useful but they’re cute 
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Last but not least, our funky little lesbian (she is, Jay is just her emotional support queer man) Lonnie, she sticks to the teal, blue, and pink color scheme they gave her in movie one
She mainly wears sweats (or athletic clothing) otherwise it’s graphic tees tucked in (many of them are from the men’s section) 
Only wears sneakers, she has places to be but also collects them (also owns 1 pair of pink crocs, Evie tried to burn them)
Carlos and Ben talked her into wearing a collar shirt under a graphic tee once (they bought her a sleeveless button up which she hated at first) and now she does it anytime she wants to look like she put effort into her outfit. 
Wears a lot of necklaces and rings (she loves to layer necklaces, she thinks it makes her sweats look less boring) 
Uses a mini backpack instead of a purse, easier to carry more things.
Has two pairs of custom painted air forces. 
Hates wearing bracelets but always has to have a hair tie on her wrist so they don’t feel empty .
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ialwaysgobacktoit · 3 years
Markings, part 2.
Y'all. I think I have pretty much outdone myself. Yep, that's it. I really hope you like it, please don't refrain yourselves from commenting! (@meher-sumedha this is for you!!!!!! A part 2 AND a longer one 😎). Also its barely edited but nevermind that :)
Warnings: a bit steamy I guess
check out part 1!
As they exit the main hall of the party, they are greeted with silence. Not absolute silence, since the muffled sounds of music could still be heard through closed doors. But still, it is invigorating as the valkyrie and the shadowsinger walk a comfortable pace, hands absent-mindedly still intertwined.
She keeps looking around, but his gaze is fixed on her. On her profile, cheeks still shining with green neon paint, in a pattern his own marred hands had created. On her copper hair, like burnt coal under dim lights. He finds himself shivering, not aware if it is due to the alcohol he had previously indulged in, or the contact of her pinky and index finger loosely around his.
"OK, so where is it?"
He blinks, focusing back on her teal eyes.
"The bathroom?" She chuckles "Or somewhere with a mirror on it."
Oh, yeah. The mirror. He's supposed to know it, since he's been coming to Rita's for practically five centuries.
So he leads the way, until the end of the hallway, down the stairs to the left, where they meet with two different doors. Inbetween them, a thin full-bodied mirror, no line in sight. Giving the muffled sounds coming from inside one of the rooms, though, Azriel knows they are not alone.
As they approach it, not unlocking their fingers even as they climb down the stairs, Gwyn lets out a breathless laugh: "By the Mother, we look amazing", she states, examining her face, as they stand side by side in the tiny space.
Yes, he thinks, yes you do.
"Indeed", he answers.
Her constellations are linked by the trace of his finger in bright green. His forehead, jaw and nose are highlighted by her neon blue. Markings they left on each other, burning his skin from where she touched him.
They remain silent for a while, exchanging glances through the mirror, until she quirks her head to the side, listening, her gaze still locked with his:
"Seems they're having fun in there", she comments, voice laced with mirth.
His breath hitches. Just slightly. "Indeed", he finds himself repeating, tone effortlessly matching her own.
Azriel is suddenly way more aware of the lack of space between them, his tall form towering around her, his shadows clouding the room. She seems to realize it too, because there's a faint blush spreading across her cheeks in the mirror, her mouth still quirked into a smile.
He's inebriated by her scent and the traces of alcohol still lingering in his organism, but at the same time he's never been more lucid. He feel his hand moving then, leaving hers, tracing up her skin, holding her wrist. Touches he never allowed himself to with anyone, but with her it only seemed natural.
"Gwyn" He breathes, voice choked, as she turn around. Her back to the mirror, their chests inches apart.
"Azriel." Her voice a mere whisper.
His hand is still, but now hers is moving as she softly places it on his shoulder, the touch electric when she feels his muscles below his black tunic. This is different, Gwyn thinks, from holding at him for balance at training, or pushing on his shoulder playfully.
This is different.
This is what I want.
She comes even closer, her hand daringly moving from his shoulder to his neck, feeling his warmth beneath her. She's not breathing, he's not blinking.
And everything is absolutely quiet.
If it is because of his shadows, concealing them like a shield, she doesn't know. But everything is quiet as he leans over, as she falls into the hazel of his eyes and wonders maybe for the thousandth time what a beautiful contrast it is with the neon blue, as he feels her nose touching his.
Everything is quiet as he lets go of her wrist and his hand travels slowly to her waist, carefully and taking his time, but then holding onto it like a lifeline. As they share a breath, as she closes her eyes, as his other hand move to cup her head, everything is quiet.
Until their lips finally meet, a much awaited encounter, a feathery like touch, like they're both afraid the image would shatter, the other would disappear, they'd wake up. He holds the base of her head, fingers losing themselves on her silken strands, and she can't control sighing at his touch, because it's him, it's finally happening, it's him.
Then his arm enlaces her back while she crosses her own behind his neck, deepening the kiss, pulling him even closer in that dimly-lit tiny foyer, between bathroom doors, in front of a mirror, and he chuckles inbetween kisses because it had been her all along, it's always been her.
They pause, foreheads touching, their racing heartbeats the only audible sounds. And then Gwyn is laughing breathlessly, and Azriel is smiling alongside her. When she finally dares opening her eyes, she finds him staring at her, cheeks flushed and eyes darkened with lust.
Neither of them move, and his shadows start swirling back in place, and suddenly everything is louder. The tip of his nose is painted green just like hers, but Gwyn doesn't wipe it off.
"It's a great match, don't you think?" His voice rumbles, and she half-turns in his arms to look at herself, at them, in the mirror behind her.
His blue mixed with her green, the tips of her fingers printed against the fabric on his shoulder, the side of his neck. His hand marked on her wrist and on that spot in her waist, painting neon green her navy gown.
And their hands... Their hands a mix of blue and green and freckled and mottled brown skin. A beautiful match indeed.
He watches her smile through the mirror, and then she turns around.
"We should go back." She whispers once again, and he nuzzles the crook of her shoulder. "Before these two in there open the door".
He hums against her, and revels at the way she shivers. "Yes. We should."
"Azriel." She moans, his name like a song in her mouth, and all he want to do is hear it again and again.
But he oblige, he'd always oblige, and his mouth hovers on her lips before he pecks it once, turning to leave. Gwyn thinks Mother, what am I doing letting this male go, and before she even realizes she's pulling him back and his lips are on hers, urgent and heated and luscious.
"Cauldron, Gwyn" He groans against her, and her hands are on his raven hair, messing and tugging at it, his hand is bracing the mirror behind her head and they can't seem to stop, can't seem to let go of each other, can't help but thinking why did it took them so long to do this.
And as they reluctantly drift apart, as they follow each other up the stairs, onto the hallway, into the grand salon, with their hands intertwined, nobody asks them why they seem to be covered in blue and green. But every time he catches a glimpse of the skin on her wrist shining as he watches her dance from across the room, every time he's speaking with Rhys and she sees his jaw exhibiting a smudge of green, her fingerprints on his neck luminescent with neon paint, like a map of each other's touches; that's when they're reminded of how they've been deeply marked by one another.
In more ways than one.
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bread--quest · 3 years
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[ID: A digital drawing of multiple humanoid figures on a gray background. The figures in order from roughly top to bottom and left to right are as follows. A brown figure with a blank head and sunglasses, and bones for arms and legs, with brown text above them that reads “there’s no rule that says a bunch of meat CAN’T be a lawyer.” A headshot of a fire with a firefighters hat on top of it and a brown coat below it, with orange words next to it reading “a fire who is also a firefighter, somehow”. A figure made of neon pink, blue, and yellow stripes with a black circle for a head, doing the “muscle arms” pose, with pink text next to them reading “made out of neon and love (and their head is a barbell)”, with neon and love emphasized. A robot figure with a wrench for one arm and a hammer for the other, and a square head that is featureless aside from two glowing orange eyes, with orange text next to them reading “robot!! (one hand is a wrench and one’s a hammer).” A humanoid bird with a pie cut to resemble a smiling face for a head, with orange text next to them reading “pie who is also a bird, somehow”. A simplistic tiger head with orange text next to them reading “but like more intimidating then this (still likes headscritches though)”. A green, white, and red striped figure who’s round featureless head resembles a candy, wearing a black sweater, with green text next to them reading “candy but goth”. A blue blocky figure with pink dots on their chest and a head that looks like a phone with a smiley face on it, with blue text next to them reading “wtf...gay little robot...”. A figure in a gray shirt and blue flannel jacket, with an upside down guitar for a head, and a speech bubble with a music note in it next to their head, and red text above them reading “talks in music”. A medieval knight, complete with helmet and armor, clasping their hands together, with lipstick prints on the helmet and hearts next to their head, with “somehow able to wink despite being a knight” next to them in red. A figure drawn in blue glowing lines and surrounded by sparkles, smiling and reaching out to another figure who is entirely blue except for their body, which is gold. Blue text below the former reads “Spirit of Theater! (always has a spotlight following them)” and gold text below the latter reads “water in a cool gold suit (thanks Mechs!)”. A figure in a bright pink robe who’s made entirely of sparkly yellow dots, with yellow text reading “friendly glitter wizard” next to them. A bright yellow figure with a brightly glowing yellow orb for a head wearing an orange tank top that says “please don’t come to the hellmouth” on it, with the words “SUN SUN SUN SUN” written in orange next to them. An faintly glowing orb in several shades of blue, with pink triangle sunglasses and a smiling mouth on it, with the words “vaporwave personified” in teal next to them. A blurry blue figure with a smiley face and the words “Moist Friend” in blue next to them. A blue figure with laces up their arms and a shoe with a stitched-on smiley face for a head, with the words “idk how to draw shoes sorry” next to them. A figure in a black cloak with a black hat, and a purple-gray blur for a face, with a black smudge instead of words next to them. A figure made out of multiple colorful dots, with a rose for a head, with the words “a bunch of flowers!!!” next to them in magenta. A snail, with the words “worm in a shell” next to them in brown. A person made out of water, with sand for shoulders and a palm tree in place of a head and neck, with the words “chill palm tree island guy” next to them in blue. A slightly blurry figure with a taco for a head and arms that appear to be elongated tacos, with the words “multidimensional taco” next to them in green. A sketch in orange of a crab, with the words “literally just a large crab” above them in orange. A figure comprised of multiple red shapes outlined in white, holding a spatula in one hand and smiling kindly, with the words “Meat Father” in red next to them. End ID.] 
what if blaseball teams were also all little guys. i think that would be neat because then they could hold hands
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hollybrookesbcu · 4 years
Reference List
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·      Marchesa fringe dress. Available at: https://www.flare.com/fashion/kate-middleton-fashion-picks-nyfw/#gallery/kate-middleton-nyfw-looks/slide-1  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Marigold. Available at: https://www.flowerglossary.com/red-flowers/  (Accessed: 1/12/30)
·      Massive pockets. Available at: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2018/9/21/17886902/womens-clothing-with-pockets  (Accessed: 20/01/21)
·      Medina Theatre. Available at: http://www.medinatheatre.co.uk/dedvshop/2020/fashion/designers/christopher-john-rogers-fall-2020-collection-nyfw-1202920506/  (Accessed: 20/01/21)
·      MSGM. Available at: https://www.vogue.fr/vogue-hommes-en/article/mens-fashion-the-top-20-trends-for-springsummer-2020  (Accessed: 15/12/20)
·      Neon green cape. Available at: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/fashion/a23323743/neon-green-trend-2018/  (Accessed: 2/12/20)
·      Neon green silk. Available at: https://thimblesfabricsncrafts.co.uk/product/neon-green-silky-satin-fabric-dress-making-material-lining-150cm-60-copy/  (Accessed: 2/12/20)
·      Not-so-poison ivy at Jean Paul Gaultier Spring 2002 Couture. Available at: https://www.vogue.com/article/history-of-flower-dresses-moschino-spring-2018  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Off white neon green dress. Available at: https://hypebae.com/2018/9/off-white-virgil-abloh-spring-summer-2019-track-and-field-paris-fashion-week-show  (Accessed: 4/12/20)
·      Orange Flowering Plants. Available at: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/spaces/orange-garden-scheme-garden.htm  (Accessed:1/12/20)
·      Orange Ranunculus. Available at: https://www.flowerexplosion.com/ranunculus-orange.html  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Orange silk. Available at: https://www.ytfabric.com/product/reddish-orange-color-charmeuse-fabric-pure-silk-for-fashion/  https://www.shutterstock.com/search/orange+silk  (Accessed: 4/12/20)
·      Pale flowers of the primrose. Available at: https://www.alamy.com/pale-yellow-flowers-of-the-primrose-image7858968.html  (Accessed: 15/12/20)
·      Peach Dahlia Floral Photography. Available at: https://pixels.com  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Pink silk. Available at: https://www.topfabric.co.uk/neon-pink-silk-satin-112cm-wide.html  (Accessed: 4/12/20)
·      Pink yellow floral lampshade. Available at: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HANDMADE-BESPOKE-LAMPSHADE-made-in-liberty-tresco-neon-teal-pink-yellow-floral-/373104560286  (Accessed: 4/12/20)
·      Pockets. Available: http://kvadratinterwoven.com/pockets  (Accessed: 20/01/21)
·      Polyester Fabric. Available at: https://www.eysan.com.tw/product/light-thin-polyester-elastane-underwear-fabric/  (Accessed: 20/01/2021)
·      Pouch. Available at: https://www.bettergiftshop.com/products/jinkinoko-gallery-tim-comix-x-new-jack-boogie-pouch?variant=33184294436941  (Accessed: 15/12/20)
·      PRADA SS19. Available at: https://www.latimes.com/fashion/la-ig-fashion-psychedelic-style-menswear-20190607-story.html  (Accessed: 15/12/20)
·      Preen byThornton Bregazzi. Available at: https://www.matchesfashion.com/products/Preen-By-Thornton-Bregazzi-Tessie-off-the-shoulder-floral-lace-dress-1204886?qxjkl=tsid:30065%7Ccgn:tv2R4u9rImY&c3ch=LinkShare&c3nid=tv2R4u9rImY&utm_source=linkshare&utm_medium=affiliation&utm_campaign=uk&utm_content=tv2R4u9rImY&rffrid=aff.linkshare.3157217.35725  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Printed hoodie, Bershka. Available at: https://www.bershka.com/gb/men/new/printed-hoodie-c1010378021p102759004.html?colorId=800&stylismId=2  (Accessed: 15/12/20)
·      Printed jacket. Available at: https://www.bershka.com/gb/men/collection/best-sellers/faux-shearling-jacket-with-print-c1010242587p102498783.html?colorId=118  (Accessed: 15/12/20)
·      Psychedelic hand painted. Available: https://www.dreamstime.com/psychedelic-hand-painted-fantastic-fabric-psychedelic-hand-painted-fantastic-fabric-tie-dye-print-hand-drawn-paint-texture-shibori-image173884169  (Accessed: 20/01/2021)
·      Psychedelic menswear. Available at: https://www.trendhunter.com/slideshow/psychedelic-menswear-styles  (Accessed: 15/12/20)
·      Purple and yellow flowers. Available at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Unidentified_Purple_and_Yellow_Flowers_2300px.jpg  (Accessed: 11/12/20)
·      Purple pansie. Available at: https://www.flowerpicturegallery.com/v/pansies-flowers-pictures/Spring+flowers+pictures+of+a+beautiful+dark+purple+with+bright+yellow+in+the+center.JPG.html  (Accessed: 11/12/20)
·      Purple, yellow and white flowers by Mike Nellums (2012). Available at: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/purple-yellow-and-white-flowers-mike-nellums.html  (Accessed: 11/12/20)
·      Rain Anorak. Available at: https://www.vogue.com/article/anorak-athleisure-spring-2018-trends  (Accessed: 20/01/2021)
·      Red Dahlia. Available at: https://www.countryliving.com/gardening/garden-ideas/g25716875/red-flowers/?slide=8  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Red flower neon lights Art Board Print, designed by Vicksart. Available at: https://www.redbubble.com/i/art-board-print/Red-flower-neon-lights-by-vicksart/44435439.TR477  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Red marigold. Available at: https://www.flowerglossary.com/red-flowers/  (Accessed: 4/12/20)
·      Red Neon Rose Art Print  Available at: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/red-neon-rose-brenda-landdeck.html?product=art-print  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Red Ranunculus. Available at: https://www.easytogrowbulbs.com/products/ranunculus-red?variant=42687820428 (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Red silk. Available at: https://pixers.uk/wall-murals/red-silk-background-a-lot-of-crumpled-folds-44844807 (Accessed: 4/12/20)
·      Rita Sharma Glow in the dark makeup. Available at: https://www.boredpanda.com/colorful-neon-makeup-rita-synnove-sharma/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Rocktrumpet (Mandevilla). Available at: https://www.proflowers.com/blog/pink-flowers  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      SS19. Available at: https://www.teampeterstigter.com/catwalk/catwalk-streetwear-trend-spring-summer-2019-neon/  (Accessed: 4/12/20)
·      Subculture. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subculture  (Accessed: 20/01/21)
·      Takahiromiyashitathesoloist. Available at: https://www.highsnobiety.com/p/takahiromiyshita-thesoloist-show-fw19-pfw/  (Accessed: 20/01/21)
·      The red flowers in bloom. Available at: https://photodune.net/item/the-red-flowers-in-bloom/25097570 (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Trippy background poster. Available at: https://www.juniqe.co.uk/trippy-background-premium-poster-portrait-1153292.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiA2uH-BRCCARIsAEeef3kP9_HOrrdfbzml-Drto1uEZ2n-nz8Y9SdgjI_RAmxWMyJA4HdoNcwaAjBSEALw_wcB#step=design&productId=1153292&frameId=false  (Accessed: 20/01/21)
·      Tron inspired fashion. Available at: https://www.behance.net/gallery/13531653/TRON-INSPIRED-FASHION  (Accessed: 20/01/21)
·      Twinset. Available at: https://hollymcquillan.com/portfolio/twinset/  (Accessed: 20/01/21)
·      Unstable fashion industry. Available at: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/fashion-industry-carbon-unsustainable-environment-pollution/  (Accessed: 20/01/21)
·      Valentino Dress on the Haute Couture Spring 19 runway. Available at: https://www.popsugar.co.uk/fashion/photo-gallery/46817659/image/46817656/Valentino-Dress-on-Haute-Couture-Spring-2019-Runway  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Valentino Neon Green. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-50087110  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Valentino Spring 2019. Available at: https://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/spring-2019-couture/valentino/slideshow/collection  (Accessed: 15/12/20)
·      Valentino SS20. Available at: https://fashionpoliceng.com/fashion/wearing-neon-green-fashion-trend/  (Accessed:4/12/20)
·      Valentino SS20. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2019/oct/01/next-seasons-look-it-is-already-in-your-wardrobe   (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Versace FW12. Available at: https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/versace-fall-winter-2012  (Accessed: 15/12/20)
·      Versace. Available at: https://www.vogue.fr/vogue-hommes-en/article/mens-fashion-the-top-20-trends-for-springsummer-2020  (Accessed: 15/12/20)
·      Viktor and Rolf recycled. Available at: https://www.dezeen.com/2016/07/07/viktor-rolf-vagabonds-autumn-winter-2016-haute-couture-garments-recycled-fabrics/  (Accessed: 20/01/21)
·      Yellow and purple flower dress. Available at: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/marc-jacobs-nyfw-2019-show-joy-of-dressing-up  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Yellow Flower PNG. Available at: https://www.deviantart.com/bunny-with-camera/art/Yellow-Flower-PNG-747515211  (Accessed:1/12/20)
·      Yellow organza. Available at: https://www.dalstonmillfabrics.co.uk/organza-yellow.html  (Accessed:4/12/20)
·      Young designers make a statement at Paris Fashion Week. Available at: https://us.fashionnetwork.com/news/Young-designers-make-a-statement-at-paris-fashion-week,1140842.html  (Accessed at: 20/01/21)
·      Yves Sr. Laurent AW 1995. Available at: https://www.alamy.com/a-model-for-french-fashion-designer-yves-st-laurent-presents-this-black-and-red-floral-patterned-evening-dress-as-part-of-his-autumnwinter-1995-high-fashion-collection-july-12-image382055985.html  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
·      Zinnia Jade. Available at: https://dengarden.com/gardening/Green-Flowers-for-Gardens-and-Flower-Arrangements  (Accessed: 1/12/20)
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sell-our-skins · 4 years
Day 4 of Paradise Motel Week Post Canon AO3 Link ~ Hum Hallelujah “Trying to honor the dead is really difficult when the person who killed them is *right there*”
The Girl was struggling to close her backpack. It was a fairly cheap thing, recently bought by her mom. The shade reminded her of apricots, and all of the times she used to steal fruit flavored candies with Ghoul. Actual fruits were impossible to come by in the zones, or at least they used to be, but with BL/ind being gone, she supposed that she could try a real one now.
It was hot in the car. She was sitting in the passenger seat and the sun was beating down on her through the windshield. Her door was open, occasionally giving a short gust of wind. ‘Mom’s getting the keys,’ she told herself. Soon she could crank up the air conditioning and try to relax. That was, if the bag would actually close.
The zipper refused to budge. She gave it another exasperated tug, “Motherfucker,” she hissed out. Stupid zipper. Stupid backpack.
“Motorbaby?” Maya poked her head into the front seat of the van. Her dark hair, which was streaked with the occasional grey, was pulled up into a loose bun and a leather jacket thrown over a plain green tank top, “You need help?”
The Girl sighed, silently handing her mom the backpack in defeat. Maya smiled warmly, opening up the glovebox in front of the Girl with a gentle click. It was filled to the brim with trinkets from their adventures so far. The older Killjoy pulled out a half melted blue candle and began to carefully rub it over the zipper lining.
The Girl arched one of her eyebrows.
“Don’t question me, child of mine,” she warned with a chuckle, setting the candle down on the dashboard. Maya firmly grabbed the stubborn zipper, and closed the bag with ease.
“I take back my eyebrow raise. You’re clearly a deity in disguise,” Maya rolled her eyes, handing the Girl her bag and buckling herself up. The Girl carefully set the fruit-colored-bag in the backseat.
Maya started the van, and she started to head towards Route Guano. It was only now sinking in, what they were doing and where they were going. The Girl could feel her stomach flip with anxiety and her head filling with doubts.
It was apparently visible in her face, since her mom commented on it, “You know, we don’t have to do this. We could… make an altar for ourselves. Just a family thing.”
She actually considered it for a second, but no. She wasn’t going to let some asshole ruin her day
“I’ll be fine.”
The two Killjoys pulled up to the Ultra V hideout, which was formally some type of restaurant. A fast food place, most likely, but it was nearly unrecognizable. It was covered in spray painted tags and other interesting looking ornaments. However, today, it was also decorated with different types of desert wildflowers.
Pretty much as soon as the car had stopped, a teal haired Killjoy burst through the front of the restaurant, followed by their pink haired twin.
“KIIIIIIID! KID KIID!” the twins called out, running towards the car as fast as they could. The Girl felt a little smile appear on her face as she opened the door and hopped out of the van. Instantly, Vaya had pulled her into a tight hug and loudly exclaimed, “I can’t believe you actually came!”
“Yeah, glad you could make it, tumbleweed,” Vamos tried to play faer previous excitement off casually. Fae leaned against the van, a caricatured version of looking cool. Though they somehow made it work.
“Don’t scratch the paint, pup,” Maya piped up, hopping out of their car with a bag slung over her shoulder, “Can ya’ lend me a hand?”
“‘Course, Ms. Psychic,” Vaya called out, letting go of the girl and rushing to the other side of the van, their sibling following closely behind.
Merely a few seconds later, Vinyl came walking towards the group. The Girl gave him a wave, grabbing her apricot backpack from the backseat. Vinyl pointed at her backpack, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, uh, I got it. You can see if mom needs help, though,” he nodded at her words and travelled around the vehicle. The Girl glanced over at the doorway. The last member of the Ultra Vs was just standing there. Staring back at her and leaning against the doorway. His hair had faded slightly, turning a sort of pinkish red.
She sighed and looked up into the sky. Probably around 4.
‘You’ve been through hell and back you can deal with this,’ she ran a hand through her hair and made her way into the Ultra V hideout. Val’s eyes were practically staring right through her. Like a snake watching its prey. The Girl just tried to not acknowledge it.
She looked around at the now decorated restaurant. There were a handful of wildflowers in a variety of colors in cans and petals on the ground. A desk had been pushed out into the front room, making a makeshift altar. It was extremely plain, the only things on it being a faded polaroid of Volume in a soft yellow frame, a couple bad luck bead bracelets placed on the corners of the picture frame, a bag of chips, most likely stolen from Tommy, and a hair dye kit in Electric Frankenstein.
She opened up her bag and began to pull things out of it. Beads, photos, and other precious items. The Girl started to add things to their shared altar, making sure everyone had a section. Her family, her friends, no one was left out.
“Surprised you’re even here, halo head,” Val finally piped up, after what quite possibly could have been the most awkward silence.
‘Halo head,’ she mused to herself, ‘haven’t heard that one in a minute.’
“I’m here to help, don’t get sour,” she said with a sigh, carefully setting out both the battery powered and real candles.
“Help with what? None of this even… matters,” he moved away from his spot in the doorway and towards the altar she was working on.
She didn’t even dignify his sentence by turning to look at him, continuing to set out the picture frames. Val was just trying to get a rise out of her, she knew it.
“I mean, what deity is this for, again?”
“The Phoenix Witch,” the Girl strung a string of bad luck beads around the top of the desk.
“Yeah, the humanoid in a feather coat.”
She gave Val a somewhat annoyed look from over her shoulder, “Just a few months ago you saw me explode into a ball of green electricity,” she went back to what she was doing.
That seemed to set him off, really make him flare up, “I’m not gonna let some bomb with a silver tongue make my crew-”
“Heyyyyy!” Vaya announced their presence as they burst in through the front door. When they noticed how tense Val was, they cleared their throat, “Hope I didn’t interrupt your little get together.”
“Nope, we’re fine,” the Girl put on a fake smile. Apparently it was believable enough, because they let it go with a shrug.
Vaya was followed in by the rest of the Killjoys, all holding different bags filled with goodies.
Val’s anger seemed to fizzle out, since he practically slunk back into the background. It was like a sparkler, going from loud, bright, and fiery to silent in a matter of minutes. A sparkler in Poison Red hair dye. It still made her frown when she thought of it.
The altar was almost completely done, and Vamos was helping with the finishing touches. It was packed full of gifts and photographs, all meant to honor the ghosted. Maya, Vinyl, and Vaya were all in the restaurant’s kitchen, cooking both for the altar and for all of the other Killjoys. There was laughter coming from the kitchen. Well, Vaya and Maya were laughing, Vinyl was trying to fight the smile that wanted to appear on his face. The others were able to hear due to the openness of the restaurant. Val was hunched over on the couch, scribbling in his notebook.
“Lookin’ pretty shiny,” Vamos adjusted one of the frames near the back, since the glare of the lights had made it difficult to see. In it was a photo of Dr. Death Defying and Cherri Cola that the Girl had stolen out of Dr. Death’s station. Faer smile faded almost instantly.
“Christ, I kinda miss the old man,” fae mumbled, tone somewhat sorrowful, maybe even regretful. Fae brushed some of their neon hair out of faer eyes and continued to stare at the frame for a moment. Val shifted on the couch, no longer hunched over. No, now he was listening.
“Yeah, but, I guess… it happens… in a way?” the Girl struggled to find the words, she could feel herself getting somewhat choked up.
“It wasn’t his time,” Maya added, her tone laced with bitterness, “It’s a damn shame, but he’s with the witch now”
“God can you hear yourselves? He was a broken record. A dust angel. What’s the point of all of this?” Val’s voice snapped through the conversation. Everyone was tensely staring at Val, now. A stiff silence having come over the room.
“You wouldn’t know a broken record if you were hit over the head with one,” the Girl snapped back, after what felt an eternity, “The hell is wrong with you? Why can’t you just enjoy something for once?”
Val wrinkled his nose at her, storming out of the building without another word. Fuck.
“Guess you really blew up on him,” Maya tried, her joke falling flat.
It had only been around 15 minutes. The Girl hesitantly poked her head out of the door, looking at Val, who was sitting on the stairs.
“What?” he didn’t look up at her, like he thought the pavement was the most interesting thing in the zones. The stars were just starting to pop up in the sky, the sun sinking behind its spot in the hills.
The Girl just plopped down next to him and stared up at the sky, “You don’t have to like me, Val.”
Val looked up from his pavement, staring at the Girl with a look of mostly confusion.
“We just can’t keep pretending like we aren’t bothered by each other,” she ran a hand through her hair, focusing on a particularly bright star.
There was a beat of silence, “And I know you’re too stubborn to agree. It’s fine,” she hoped that her words came off as lighthearted. The last thing she needed was Val snapping at her again.
“You like the stars?” he finally spoke up.
She broke her staring contest with the bright star to glance at her fellow Killjoy, “Yeah, uh…” The Girl ran a hand through her hair again, debating whether to share what just popped into her head.
“Party, they used to tell me that when you got ghosted you would get turned into a star,” Val looked over at her, his face unreadable, “It always made me feel better, when I would hear people talking about claps going South on the radio. Made me feel like they were just… turning into stardust.”
He looked like he was processing her words, struggling to find the right response.
“Shiny,” is what he finally landed on.
“Yeah, shiny.”
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dreamscape-witch · 5 years
Tumblr media
My final gift for Honey_butter on a03, I really loved this piece and also drew it right before it was due.
[ID: A digital drawing of the crime crew all holding something birthday related to Juno Steel. On the far left is Jet, He has gray hair and a gray beard. he is wearing a brown jacket with dark pants and combat boots. He is also wearing a dark red shirt that matches Rita's dress. One boot has green laces and the other has orange laces. He looks very bored as he holds a multi-colored birthday cake for Juno.
In front of Jet is Peter, he has black slicked-back hair and looks like he is happy. He is wearing yellow framed glasses, a dark blue dress shirt that has little yellow stars on it. He is also wearing dark high waisted pants and knee-high boots. The boots are the same color as his and Juno's shirts. The boots have little suns, moons, and stars on them. Peter is holding two gift bags, the bags are light blue with dark blue dots on them, the bags also have a yellow paper on the inside of them.
Next is Buddy, she has long red hair, her eyes are closed but she is smiling. She is wearing a purple body outfit with gold trim. She is also wearing knee-high gold boots. She is holding a pink present with an orange bow for Juno.
In front of Buddy is Vespa who has short green hair and looks mildly upset. She has scars on her cheek and neck. She also has tattoos on her arm. She is wearing a sea-green shirt and light brown pants. She has a knife holder on her thigh and is wearing dark brown knee-high boots. She is holding a present under her right arm, the present is purple with a green ribbon.
Second to last is Rita, she has long bright pink hair. She has freckles and is wearing red-framed glasses. She seems to be talking. She is wearing a deep red sleeveless dress with black roses covering it. She is wearing black tights with deep red flats. She is holding a present that is neon green with a neon pink ribbon and bow. She is also wearing a teal friendship bracelet.
Finally on far right is the Birthday lady Juno. He looks very moody and has his arms crossed to prove his point. He has dark brown hair and a scar on his face over his nose. He is wearing a gold crown that reads Birthday Lady. He is wearing a dark blue sweater with yellow stars on it. He is also wearing dark blue jeans and dark blue ankle boots. The boots also have yellow suns, moons, and stars on them like Peter who he matching outfits with. END ID]
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bribe-the-door · 4 years
If every song from hs2 was a color, what would they be?
[Track 1] Golden
so.... this is “pretty much on the nose” for what color it should be but I see it as sunset golden... except it’s the shadows of the sunset. you know how you try to take pictures on the beach at sunset and it’s all silhouettes? exactly. it’s bright and warm and golden but ALSO dark and an outline of what you’re trying to capture. your [person] is outlined in golden hues and a slight baby pink or bright orange if the sun hits the water just right on the beach... but you can’t see the faces of those in the picture.
[Track 2] Watermelon Sugar
care-free and bright pink. you’re on a beach [again.... sorry] and you’re sleepy in the sun. you have a pink drink in hand [a strawberry daiquiri maybe?] and are dulling the sunlight by way of huge sunglasses because the ocean in front of you is insanely bright blue like the ‘electric blue’ Crayola marker. it’s a song that feels drunk and dizzy and tastes sweet even on the darkest and moody of days. fight me on this. this is my happy song. it is laced with vodka or tequila and only to be thought of as a sunset song. NEXT PLEASE
[Track 3] Adore You
this one is all earth  tones... a mossy green, a deep inland lake blue, some rich soil brown, all things to make up a spring-time island. there are slivers of grey and deep heather gray and an occasional metallic gold of sea life below the waters, but also hues of deep red-brown and turquoise (easily confused with black or gray under the ripples of water). it’s grainy like a vintage-film reel and smells of old books.
[Track 4] Lights Up
lights up? it’s dark, y’all. all of the colors are muted and murky, kind of like you’re drunk and trying to make out what is in front of you. it’s a deep green again, a very deep yellow or beige, despite the boldness of the sounds heard. it’s as if you’re trying to fight your way out of murky lake water and as the harmonies grow to be stronger, you’re reaching closer to the top [of the lake/pond/ocean/water]. you can finally take a deep breath of clear air once you come to the top... and it’s a clear pale blue. you made it, babe.
[Track 5] Cherry
this song screams early fall morning to me. it’s foggy, there is a hue over a big field of grey and a slight pink, but it’s too early to tell. soft colors; lilac, an olive green, so many hues of pink and white and the slightest tinge of ice blue. kind of like the most stereotypical farm/field-based Nicholas Sparks movie you can think of, but made it slow-motion and sad and also probably post-rainstorm. there is most definitely a cherry blossom tree in the background and also a small white farmhouse, too.
[Track 6] Falling
periwinkle. violet. a tiny bit of a mustard yellow. the cool hues outweigh the bright character of the yellow without fail but the yellow tries to peak out every so often, clearly outweighed by the darkness of blues and purples. it feels like the morning dew and sticks to you like the humidity of a late summer night before a storm rolls in. you feel clouded by the weight of the world but see an ounce of hope in the peaks of the harmonies, that goddamn yellow peeking though again.
[Track 7] To Be So Lonely
baby blue ONLY for the “little boy” mention. i will not take notes on this. also... this song screams groovy and crunchy colors like burnt orange and a vivid gold color, and also a nice cheery blue. kind of the sky blue you see in cartoons but also a navy blue, too. this isn’t color related but the diversity in instrumentals here is incredible, this song feels like a goddam rainbow, but muted. like a jewel-toned rainbow with some glitter. only because of the use of the phrase “an arrogant son of a bitch”. case closed.
[Track 8] She
smokey and deep red embers of a flame, somehow kept alive by a force unknown. there is a deep purple vibe to this song, too, almost confused by a black or the complete absence of color in the dark of night. there isn’t a single bright thing of this song, save for maybe a spark or fleeting ember from the fire in a blazing orange or yellow. maybe even a white [if things are hot enough]. this song is pink in nature but red in execution, only shown in the light with a deep hue of maroon and gold.
[Track 9] Sunflower Vol. 6
YELLOW! YELLOW! YELLOW! is this even an arguable POINT! it is yellow and orange and bright pink and all things HAPPY because sunflowers are warm and remind me of summer when things are okay and fine and LOVELY. also there is definitely a hint of bright green and blue and a little bit of rainbow sparkle.... but only a little. kind of like only around 1:28-:1:35... you know? it’s sparkly. get out of here if you say it’s not. the “boop boops” are also translucent like bubbles and that’s a FACT
[Track 10] Canyon Moon
transition of afternoon sun to a sunset... like dusk, but a color. oranges and yellows and the preparation that goes into a bonfire. also the golden perfection of a perfectly toasted marshmallow? crisp like the evening breeze... teal and purple with darkness but kept warm by the flames of the lasting embers of the flames in front of you.
[Track 11] Treat People With Kindness (THIS IS MY FAV)
it’s rainbow. don’t even try to fight me on this. this song can only be described as confetti cannons going off at all times. i wish i had more to say but i had too much fun jamming out to this song!!!!! it’s absolute madness!!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!! IT’S SO BRIGHT AND NEON AND HAPPY AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!
[Track 12] Fine Line
this one starts as a very, very dark green. it stays that hue for a while but slowly transitions into a brighter blue-green as the song progresses. little glimpses into the future of the melody show itself with golden and pink rays but they’re drowned out by the green-blue until the peak of the song when things transition into “we’ll be alright” over and over and over. it’s like a sunrise after fighting your way through the foliage of a dark night and not sure where you’ll end up. but you make it though it all and finally find the sun... golden and shadowy like this album started as. the change between dark and like are so obvious during this song.
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stainandscribble · 5 years
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Pairing: Kyungsoo (EXO D.O) X Reader feat. EXO
Genre: Coffee Shop AU; fluff; One Shot
Summary: Art supplies and coffee - couple that with a love for black and white film and a handsome barista with a heart shaped smile and you have yourself a love story.
You are a freelancing graphic designer, working on helping your older sister revamp her tea room. Your next door neighbours, Black Pearl, happen to be a very interesting bunch, and one stoic barista in particular, has caught your eye, and you have caught his.  
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This took like 3 months to write. I was empty of inspiration. 
Word Count: 5407
Just after graduating with a graphic design degree, your older sister had employed you to design a website for her business. She had also tasked you with making a menu and making and maintaining all social media sites for it, including the Instagram page.
It was a good job to land straight out of university, compared to all your other free-lance jobs.
So you moved out of the apartment you shared with your student friends, into a new one with your sister.
You worked on your laptop in her tea room, sitting at the very back, trying to feel the atmosphere of the place. It was also in close proximity to your sister, so you could always just ask her what she wanted to add or change in the designs you were making. The Tea Room was cosy, albeit a little cramped. It didn’t have any particular theme or colour scheme. It reminded you more of your grandma’s sitting room rather than a place that should be popular with students.
One thing you always liked about Black Pearl that was right next door was that Minseok and Junmyeon knew what they were doing business wise. Junmyeon had a degree in business, while Minseok had a degree in architecture. You never understood how they managed to come up with the idea to run a coffee shop together. Sure, Minseok was an avid coffee lover, but how does one go from being an architect to owning a coffee shop? What is the point in-between the two? You didn’t know, but whatever they were doing- they were doing it right. At least design wise. 
Black Pearl had a clear and modern aesthetic- all subdued off-whites and browns. Pops of colour included the bright neon sign with their name on one wall, and the other were the flowers Yixing brought in every few days.  Their interior was fresh- energising. You didn’t feel like you were about to have tea with your grandma when you sat down; something you felt right now, sitting in your sister’s tea room, thinking about all its faults. 
You were going to help your sister completely redefine her business- starting with the menu and finishing with the interior and exterior of the Tea Room.
You decided to illustrate all the tea’s and cakes for the menu. It had a cute, home-made vibe and allowed you and your sister more creative freedom than simple photographs.
That would take a time to design and then print, and you were going to be busy with it until the end of summer, along with the website you were designing.
Whenever you ran low on energy, you walked next door to Black Pearl and get yourself that sweet, sweet caffeine fix. 
On a particularly hot day in late June, you had decided to work in Black Pearl. It was nice to get out of your older sister’s way and have her out of your hair for a short while. With your laptop and your drawing tablet in your bag, you entered the café.  
“Hi Kyungsoo!” You greeted the stoic man standing at the cash register, as he focused his attention at you. His gaze seemed heavy as his almond eyes rested underneath a set of thick brows.
“Can I get a cold brew?” You asked, the inside of Black Pearl was nice and cool thanks to the air conditioning, but outside was scorching in the balmy summer heat. The temperature had left you tired and unmotivated. It seemed to be too hot to function. Even Kyungsoo was wearing a white t-shirt instead of the usual white button up.
“How are the illustrations getting along?” He asked, eyes cast down to the notebook snuggled under your arm.
“Good. Better than expected.” You told him, and he nodded, moving to the jugs on the counter behind him to make your drink. It wasn’t that early in the morning, but the café was empty save for a few patrons. During the summer your little college town was practically empty as the students went home and the halls emptied.
“Maybe your sister has low standards.” Kyungsoo teased you, handing you the refreshingly cold drink. The fact it was highly caffeinated made it even better.
“She is dating Baekhyun.” Sehun muttered from behind Kyungsoo, his tall frame casting a shadow over the smaller man. To that, both you and Kyungsoo laughed, and you had to rest your drink on the counter to stop it from spilling everywhere.
“How are you?” You finally asked him.
“Caffeinated and annoyed.” Kyungsoo did nothing to hide the annoyance that laced his deep, velvety voice.
“What did they do now?” You asked, a smile still forming over your lips.
“What didn’t they do?” He was frowning, eyes darting to glare at Sehun who pouted, feigning innocence.
“Don’t glare at the baby.” He fired back, earning a laugh from you, and another glare from Kyungsoo.
“I’ll leave you to it.” You told both boys as a new wave of customers entered the shop. You picked up your drink and sat down in the corner, far away from prying eyes
By lunchtime the coffee shop was brimming with people again. All the tables were taken, and people were still coming in to get coffee. Outside the sun was shining ferociously, and the streets were empty of people, especially the little alleys off the main routes like the one where Black Pearl stood.
“Did Y/N come around?” Baekhyun asked when he walked through the door with a few cups of iced tea in a cup holder. Today he was dressed in an obnoxiously orange shirt that was twice his size, and Kyungsoo was left wondering how Junmyeon had allowed this as appropriate work attire. Baekhyun handed out the teas to Sehun and Kyungsoo. The tea was wonderfully refreshing, with a hint of citrus. Kyungsoo wondered what Baekhyun had traded with his girlfriend in return. He thought it was probably cold brew or iced latte, since Y/N was running solely on coffee the last few days.
“She came in for a morning coffee.” Sehun told him, not looking up from his phone.
“Have you seen her illustrations?” Baekhyun had been dying to see what you were drawing for a while now, but you remained unyielding and did not let him see until the final product was ready. You and your older sister were still discussing the styles you wanted for the menu and had been going back and forth between designs. She had only decided on one last night.
“No. Why would I?” Kyungsoo answered. He didn’t even bother asking. You had clearly expressed that you were not going to show it to anyone. What was the point of pestering and irritating you, when you would not show them anyway?
“She isn’t letting me see them until the design is finalised.” Baekhyun whined, pouting as he sipped on his drink.
“Maybe if you ask nicely, she will show you.” Sehun prodded, a mischievous spark shone in his eyes.
“No. Her sister is not telling me either.” Baekhyun told them, walking behind the counter, ready to serve the customer who just walked in.
“Tough luck.” Kyungsoo laughed before disappearing at the back of the shop.
“What are you doing?” Baekhyun exclaimed, walking through the door of the Tea Room, his brown eyes falling on Y/N and her older sister, sitting at the table and taking pictures of the cheesecake and iced tea before them. Jongin and Kyungsoo entered after him, equally confused at what was happening.
“We aren’t open today, so we are starting to take some photos for the Instagram page and the website.” Y/N told them not taking her eyes off of the camera in her hands, as she played around with the settings to get a better photo. Kyungsoo’s eyes fell on the stack of books on the misplaced chair right beside Y/N. All the books had pretty covers. The corners of his lips quirked upwards when he noticed that among the titles were Leaving and Returning, as well as Love and Revelation. Jongdae was going to be going around, beaming when he would find out. He did brag about being the muse for Love and Revelation to them for a solid month after it came out.
“So you need a whole set up?” Jongin laughed, picking up a tea cup, one among many, standing on the surrounding tables. This one was as large as a mug and was a teal colour with a pearlescent sheen to it. Beside it, on a matching plate Y/N had sliced some lemon to add as decoration during the shoot.
“That is why she isn’t showing you anything.” Kyungsoo grumbled, taking the cup from Jongin’s hands.
“She isn’t showing you anything either.” Baekhyun pointed out, his arms wrapped around Y/N’s older sister, a puppy look in his eyes, as he pestered her about something. Y/N wasn’t paying much attention to their antics, already fixing another setup on the table.
“I didn’t ask to see it.” Kyungsoo threw back, before returning his attention to Y/N.
“You can drink that if you want Kyungsoo.” You told him, leaving the set up and reaching for a glass of iced tea that stood beside him, accidentally brushing against his back as you reached around for the tall glass.  None of the tea would go to waste, seeing as your sister had taken the liberty to gather most of it up and use it as samples. Now, anyone who was passing by had drank some of the tea’s you have already photographed. It was a business strategy you and your older sister used to increase people’s interests in the tea shop- along with promoting the revamping you were doing now.
“It’s lavender green tea.” You told him as he rose the cup to his full lips, sipping on the still hot liquid.
“It’s good.” He commented after a few more sips. You gestured for him to sit down at the next clear table, before you brought over some of the cake’s you have been taking pictures of.
“Do you want some pie?” You asked, brining over a slice of plum pie and a slice of cherry pie.
Kyungsoo smiled, his full lips forming a heart as he did so. You could feel your cheeks heat up, but you ignored the fluttering you felt in your stomach, and focused your attention on Kyungsoo, as he began telling you about the girl who tried fliting with Baekhyun before they came here. You were sure your sister would love to hear the story of how her boyfriend managed to get himself out of the tricky situation. When you were behind the counter, you had little space to run.
“So what did he say to her?” You asked, after you found out the girl was trying to ask Baekhyun out to an outdoor cinema hosted by the film and video department of the National Institute of Fine Art.
“My girlfriend loves Audrey Hepburn.” Kyungsoo relayed, delivering the line with such a blank stare and a stoic deep voice your composure broke and you burst out laughing. He laughed with you, eyes darting from you to Baekhyun who was still moping around, following your older sister like a lost puppy.
Jongin had long since taken the liberty to help himself to some tea and cake and was already on his second cheesecake.
“Do you want to go with me?” He asked, leaning closer, his large eyes staring into your own, the smell of coffee fragrant around him, burnt into his skin.
“Where?” You asked, wondering where he wanted to take you. Your heart beat a little faster at his proximity, his large eyes, framed by thick brows were fixated on you. Casually, he reached over for the cup of green tea in front of him, taking a sip, before putting it back down. The clink of china against the wooden table was the only sound between you, before he resumed speaking.
“Open Cinema.” He told you, referring to the place the girl tried to invite Baekhyun out to. A sly smile spread across his plush lips.
“They are playing Schindler’s List tomorrow night.” He continued, watching as your eyes lit up and a smile stretched across your lips.
“Okay. I’ll go with you.” You agreed without a moment’s hesitation, heart pounding at the prospect of going to watch your favourite film, with Kyungsoo to accompany you.
“I’ll pick you up from here.” He informed you, getting up from his chair.
“Late shift is on tomorrow; the film starts after.” He explained, before exiting the tea room, waving a small goodbye on his way out.
You smiled like an idiot, excited at the idea of spending three hours with Kyungsoo, sitting on one blanket, surrounded by the fragrant summer air. 
You walked through the door of Black Pearl, wearing comfortable trousers and a t-shirt. You had your denim jacket draped over your left arm, holding a picnic blanket in your hand.
“Hey Y/N are you ready?” Kyungsoo asked, leaving the keys to the café with Jongin, before walking towards you. He offered you an iced coffee, and you accepted, before would walked back out into the warm summer night. 
The university owned field was starting to fill up by the time you got there with students, as well as elders, who had all found their spaces, the majority going as close to the canvas screen as they were allowed, crowding in one area of the grassy field. 
Kyungsoo decided to move somewhere a little further, where you could stretch comfortably, without disrupting other viewers.
“This place is good.” He commented when you sat down, smiling at you as the announcers began speaking. 
Soon, the film was rolling, and despite the few people still whispering among each other, the open cinema was pleasantly quiet. 
Throughout the three hour film, Kyungsoo had scooted closer to you, bumping his knees with yours. You stole glances at each other, smiling when you noticed each other looking. From time to time, you could see Kyungsoo wipe away at his eyes, warm tears falling onto his cheeks; the same way yours were falling too. 
By the end of the film, you were leaning your head against Kyungsoo’s shoulder, your hands tangled together, watching the ending scene with burning eyes, tears threatening to spill. 
The film ended, and the audience clapped, before you got up and took your things, ready to go back home. 
 “I had a lovely time. Thank you.” You told him, unwrapping your arm from his.
He smiled at you, his lips formed a heart in the process, and you smiled back at him, eyes shining and alert despite the late hour. You were about to wish him a good night, but he beat you to it, pulling you into his warm embrace. His arms rested against your back and shoulders, warm and steady in the way he held you. You returned the hug, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“What’s that for?” You murmured, breathing in the smell of coffee that refused to fade away.
“After a film like this I think you need it.” He murmured back, before releasing you, giving you one last smile.
“Thank you.” You told him, smiling back.
“Good night.”
“Night.” You turned around, opening the door to your sister’s house, giving him one last glance before you disappeared inside.
“You and Kyungsoo?” Your sister asked, sitting on the kitchen counter as you walked in.
“Maybe.” You told her, your cheeks flushed and your heart still beating erratically in your chest from Kyungsoo’s hug.
“Stay safe kid.” She told you, a cheeky smile on her lips as you walked out of the kitchen. As if getting caught at three in the morning by your sister wasn’t embarrassing enough, you just had to bump into Baekhyun on the way to the bathroom. The mischievous man sent you a wink as he passed you on his way to the kitchen, and you swore that you could hear him mutter something about coming home late under his breath.
You scoffed, before locking the bathroom door and getting into the shower.
“Hey Y/N!” Baekhyun sang when you entered Black Pearl. Jongin had taken one look at you, glancing over Baekhyun to see you, before letting out a giggle. You frowned, but said nothing, not quite understanding why they were behaving strangely today. A few days had gone by since you and Kyungsoo had gone out, and since then, Baekhyun and Chanyeol had their eyes on you, their curious gazes following your every move. Jongin didn’t stare at you as much as the other two did, but he seemed to be nicer the last few days. Not that he wasn’t nice- but it did seem like he was trying harder to make conversation, and he smiled at you even more, if that was even possible.
“Hey! Can I get a cappuccino?” You told Baekhyun, who was standing at the front today.
“Sure.” He said, before turning to Jongin to give him your order.
“How is photography going so far?” Your sister’s boyfriend asked, his puppy eyes begging for an answer. You had been secretive about your progress so far. Your sister had thought it was quite amusing watching Baekhyun and Chanyeol get riled up when you refused to tell them. This week though, she finally decided to let you tell them. Since then they had pestered you less, but they were still incredulous.
“We are almost finished.” You told him, thinking back to the hundred something files that were now stored on a USB stick attached to your keychain. You had finished with the photography and the menu design on the most part. The only thing left was making the rest of the illustrations for the menu. You had dome some of them, but there was still a long way to go.
“How much is she paying you?” Junmyeon entered from the back. Today, he was wearing a suit and tie. Kyungsoo had mentioned that the new branch that had opened needed extra staff, seeing as most days Yixing and Jongdae couldn’t do it on their own. Kyungsoo was about to move to the knew branch, and Minseok was spending his time split between the two. It was touch managing two locations, seeing as all together they had nine staff members, including the two bosses-Minseok and Junmyeon.
“My rate isn’t very high. So far, I am taking $15 an hour, because I am freelancing and just started.” You told him, sipping on your cappuccino. “However many hours I put into this, I will charge.”
“Do you think you can help us with something?” Junmyeon asked, his fingers drumming on the table top.  “I was thinking about business cards and a stamp system. You know, for clients that keep coming back. Something like buy 5 get sixth free.”
You thought for a moment, thinking about when you could fit this in to your busy schedule. There wasn’t much time, but you could try and work on it in between illustrations.
“You will also need to design a stamp. The design isn’t that hard. The stamps will be more expensive. You also have to factor in production and printing costs.” You finally answered, watching as Junmyeon nodded, pondering over what they really needed to make the café more successful.
“He knows. He is a business major.” Baekhyun muttered, playing with his apron.
“That’s why he is stingy.” Jongin laughed, leaning against the coffee press, sipping on an iced tea from your sister’s tea room. You had bartered that for the cappuccino, and Jongin was more than happy about that.
“I feed you!” Junmyeon looked offended, shaking his head at the accusation.
“Irrelevant.” Kyungsoo muttered, walking out of the back.
“Are we ready to leave?” He asked Junmyeon, eyes fixated on his watch, before looking up at you, his lips forming a hears shaped smile as he greeted you.
“Let’s go.” Junmyeon answered, before leading the way out.
“Is he transferring today?” You asked when the door closed behind them. You moved from the register, letting the customer behind you through.
“Yeah. Yixing really needs the extra help.” Jongin told you, preparing a new coffee for their customer. You nodded, sipping on your cappuccino. You wondered how Yixing and Jongdae had managed to keep a café running by themselves, with occasional help from Minseok and Junmyeon.
“Why did Yixing move?” You asked. From what you knew, they all kind of wanted to stay in Black Pearl here, seeing as there was a lot of work being done; especially during term time. Now that business was a little slower, they could afford less staff, but they surely would have to hire someone else to help, or they would have to change up the staff- putting someone else there with Yixing and Jongdae for full time.
“The new branch is closer to his home, so he doesn’t have to take a bus every morning.” Jongin answered, before handing the customer their coffee. This time it was an affogato, and to be honest you were kind of jealous, really craving some vanilla ice cream right now.
Kyungsoo walked into Black Pearl a few days after his transfer, happy to be back at their original location. His shift had ended, so he had decided to come over to find you. It was just his luck that you were sitting at the very back of Black Pearl, a pack of colouring pencils and a set of water colours littered the table you were sitting at, your fingers stained with pencil lead and dried paint.
“Want help?” He asked, smiling at you as he sat down on the opposite chair, twirling a purple colouring pencil in his hand.
“You can tell me if they are good.” You told him, passing over a few pages of finished illustrations. So far you have finished drawing out all the teas and had digitalised and printed them out.
“These are beautiful.” He answered honestly, eyes wide as he scanned over the colourful pictures.
He ran a hand through his short hair absentmindedly, making some strands stick up. You reached over to smooth his hair back out. Kyungsoo smiled, feeling your gentle fingers comb through his hair.
“Do you want help?” He asked again, watching you smile, before you handed him a pad of paper and some pencils.
“You think you can draw some cakes for me?” You asked, handing him a few reference photos.
“I’m not bad at drawing.” He answered sheepishly, picking up the pencils you gave him.
He could feel your eyes on him, warm and precise, scanning him as he drew. He felt the way they lingered on his face, and the way they shyly moved away before he caught you staring. From time to time, a smile stretched across his lips, knowing that you felt the same warm and fuzzy feeling he did. It didn’t take a genius to figure out the reason for your stolen glances, nor the way you bumped your knee with his from time to time, content at the warm feeling between the two of you.
“Can I get that purple?” He asked, causing your head to snap up, before he reached out, hand coming towards your face. At first, you were startled, waiting for what he was about to do, frozen still like a deer in the headlights. Then, to your surprise, he reached behind your ear, pulling the colouring pencil out, before tucking the fallen strand of hair back behind your ear. His knuckles brushed against your cheek as he did so, and he relished in the rosy blush that flowered over your cheeks.
“Do you want to see another film with me?” He asked, hand moving away from your face.
“They are playing Casablanca today.” A knowing smile adorned his face, and his eyes shone softly.
“I’d love to.” You told him, watching as he leaned back in his chair, basking in the warmth of the coffee shop and in the way you looked at him, eyes shining, and cheeks rosy from when he touched you.
You managed to land the same place as last time, this time, watching Casablanca, although incomparable to Schindler’s List, had been very pleasant. There were no tears, and Kyungsoo was much less shy than then. This time, he had pulled her closer early on. He let her rest her head against his shoulder, and from time to time, as the love story progressed, he pressed his lips against her hair, their hands intertwined, sitting on her lap.
Breaking apart at the end of the film was strange. The proximity had felt so natural, the warmth coming off of your body had made Kyungsoo so comfortable, he was sure he could fall asleep at nay moment. Breaking apart felt like waking up from a really good dream, and Kyungsoo felt so light he could be floating.
“I had a great time tonight.” You told him, not quite ready to break apart from him just yet.
“I did too.” He told you, taking a moment to look deep into your eyes, before leaning in.
“Can I kiss you?” He muttered, face so close you could feel the ghost of his lips brush against your own as he spoke.
You nodded, and he closed the space between you, his lips falling firmly against your own. His hands cupped your face, thumbs brushing against the warm skin of your cheeks. His lips moved against yours, and you mirrored his movement, wrapping your arms around his waist, bringing him a little closer. 
Everything about him was warm. His embrace. The way his lips moved against your own. His hands, stroking your face as he looked deep into your eyes, staring into them with his large round eyes, their brown hue warming you up like the cup of coffee you were craving. You had invited him over to the place you shared with your sister. You two were sneaking around in the middle of the night, feeling like rebellious teenagers all over again. 
Kyungsoo liked the way you looked at him, as if this was more exciting than it really was, looking at him as if he was wonderful- matching his gaze as he looked on at you in adoration. He grasped your hand, still covered in pencil lead and stained with watercolour as he let you pull him up to your room, before closing the door
“Kyungsoo! Do you want tea?” Your sister asked, bringing you out of your unplanned afternoon nap. You rose, watching sleepily as Kyungsoo’s form moved across the shop.
“Sleepy Cinnamon would be great.” He told her, leaning against the counter.
“It does not remove the caffeine from your blood.” She laughed.
“Maybe we should add that to the menu” You muttered, eyeing your laptop, open to the right page of the menu for editing.
“Doesn’t matter.” Kyungsoo waved her off, his deep voice was like velvet, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Hey Y/N! Do you want a tea?” Your sister called out, amusement lacing her voice at the way your half closed eyes gazed at your boyfriend.
“Sleepy Cinnamon.” You muttered, straightening your back.
“Are you going to sleep on the job?” Kyungsoo asked, before walking over to you with both teas.
“Maybe.” You told him, moving the laptop away from you, so that you could see him clearly.
“Are you humming Bryan Adams?”
“Everything I do, I do it for you!” He sang softly, making you giggle, and you sister hum along.
You liked the way he lit up when he sang, and the way he laughed awkwardly at the end. You reached out your hand, taking his warm larger one in your own, tangling your fingers together, before laying your head back down, eyes tracing over the lines of Kyungsoo’s face, basking in the way his eyes looked down at you, their brown colour swirling in his irises like fresh coffee that he was so fond of.
“What design do you want on the cards?” You ask him, rising to open a new file on your laptop, ready to start writing down the ideas the boys had come up with. Instead of telling you, Kyungsoo pulled out a couple pieces of paper.
“I drew this.” He told you, sliding the pages your way. “It’s what we are thinking about.”
You looked at the drawing. It was a simple design; the name of their coffee shop at the top, the addresses of both of their locations at the bottom of the card. The boys had written up extra pointers for you, telling you about the colour schemes they were considering, and other ideas, like fonts and the sizing of all the writing. Junmyeon and Minseok had left no stone unturned, having written down their exact wishes, and you knew from speaking with them beforehand, what it was they wanted.
“Little coffee cups?” You laughed, eyeing the simple line drawing of empty white mugs. There were five of them- three on the top, and two at the bottom. The sixth cup was already filled- you could tell by the black colour that filled the centre, with ‘free’ written underneath.
“Why not?” Kyungsoo laughed, looking down at his little drawing.
“They still want the stamp to be a full cup?” You asked, reading through the notes on the side.
Kyungsoo hummed in confirmation, eyes tracing the design for the stamp that Junmyeon made him draw.
“Okay.” You told him, putting the paper’s away into your bag.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in comfortable silence, from time to time, Kyungsoo hummed along to the songs playing through the speakers of your laptop, seeing as your sister did not have any music playing yet.
The summer was drawing to a close, and with it all the work you and your sister had done on the tea room. The company you hired had finished installing the shop sign yesterday, and your sister had Baekhyun help out in repainting the walls white, with the very back wall painted a light yellow. The tables and chairs had stayed the same, but the couches had been changed to teal, and your sister had bought decorative cushions. You had also hanged a chandelier on the main bulb, and then hanged simple white flower shaped lampshades on all the other lights.
The tea room now looked a lot better, and it was much more relaxing to sit around in it.
“Thanks so much for helping!” Your sister called out to her boyfriend, the rest of Black Pearl was sitting around, admiring the newly printed menus that had come in just this morning.
“Baekhyun!” Your sister called out in annoyance after Baekhyun had swooped in kissing her before twirling away to sit with Chanyeol on the new couch. You laughed along, watching as your sister got everyone’s attention.
“Welcome to Lemon Balm!” She called out, rising her flute of champagne, watching gleefully as the boys and their girlfriends toasted along with her. It was a nice moment, almost picture perfect. Yixing’s girlfriend has seemed to read your mind, as she stood at the side with her camera, photographing the event.
“You worked really hard. I’m proud of you.” Kyungsoo whispered behind you, wrapping you up in a back hug.
“Thank you.” You told him, smiling at your sister as she chatted away with your shared friends.
“Kiss! Kiss!” Baekhyun started chanting when he saw you two hugging. Soon enough Chanyeol, Jongdae and Jongin had joined in, creating a ruckus.
You laughed at their antics, eyeing Kyungsoo from the side as he unwrapped himself from you.
“You are making me uncomfortable.” He stated, he sounded serious, and his face has lost its smile in favour of a stoic expression. You however, could see the amused twinkle in his eyes, and you had no doubt his friends had seen it too.
You gave him one last look, before turning him towards you, and pressing a kiss to his lips.
Out of habit, he cupped your face, stroking your cheeks with the pads of his thumbs as he moved his lips against yours purposefully, ignoring the cheers and laughter that erupted around you.
“I love you.” You whispered against his lips when you broke apart.
“I love you too.” He murmured, pressing a kiss into your hair.
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ironbloodccd · 4 years
Appearance Headcanons
Tagged by: @hyaciiintho​~ Tagging:  @eebon​, @doomstarmagician​, @blackincantation​
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Long legs. Short legs. Average legs. Slender thighs. Toned thighs. Thick thighs. Muscular thighs. Skinny arms. Toned arms. Soft arms. Muscular arms. Toned stomach. Flat stomach. Flabby Stomach. Soft stomach. Six-pack. Beer belly. Lean frame. Beefy/muscular frame. Voluptuous frame. Petite frame. Lanky frame. Short nails. Long nails. Manicured nails. Dirty nails. Flat ass. Toned ass. Bubble butt. Thick ass. Small waist. Long waist. Thick waist. Narrow hips. Average hips. Wide hips. Big feet. Average feet. Small feet. Soft feet. Slender feet. Calloused hands. Soft hands. Big hands. Average hands. Small hands. Long fingers. Short fingers. Average fingers. Broad shoulders. Narrow shoulders. Underweight. Average weight. Overweight.
Shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm to 150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 172 cm. 173 cm to 180 cm. 181 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2 m. Taller than 2 m.
Pale. Rosy. Olive. Dark. Tanned. Blotchy. Smooth. Acne. Dry. Freckled. Greasy. Soft. Scarred.
Small. Large. Average. Grey. Brown. Blue. Green. Gold. Hazel. Teal. Doe-eyed. Almond. Close-set. Wide-set. Monolid. Epicanthic fold. Heavy eyelids. Upturned. Downturned
Thin. Thick. Fine. Normal. Greasy. Dry. Soft. Shiny. Curly. Frizzy. Wild. Unruly. Straight. Smooth. Wavy. Floppy. Cropped. Pixie-cut. Shoulder length. Back length. Waist length. Buzz cut. Undercut. Bald. A bit below the jaw length. Mullet. Mohawk. White. Platinum blonde. Orange blonde. Golden blonde. Redhead. Dirty blonde. Blonde. Ombre. Light brown. Mouse brown. Chestnut brown. Chocolate brown. Dark brown. Jet black. Ginger. Auburn. Copper. Dyed red. Dyed any unnatural color. Unnatural Color. Thin eyebrows. Average eyebrows. Thick eyebrows.
Full sleeve. Thigh tattoo. Neck tattoo. Chest tattoo. One tattoo. A few here and there. Multiple. No tattoo. Monroe piercing. Nose piercing. Septum. Nipple piercing(s). Genital piercing(s). Industrial piercings. Earlobe piercing. Prince Albert piercing. Eyebrow piercing(s). Tongue piercing(s). Lip piercing(s). Tragus piercing. Angelbites. Labret. Stretches out ears. Navel piercing. Inverse navel piercing. Cheek piercing(s). Smiley. Nape piercing(s). No piercing.
Eyeliner. Light eyeliner. Heavy eyeliner. Cat eyes. Mascara. Fake eyelashes. Matte lipstick. Regular lipstick. Lipgloss. Red lips. Pink lips. Dark lips. Bronzer. Highlighter. Eyeshadow. Neutral eyeshadow. Smoky eyes. Colorful eyeshadow. Blush. Lipliner. Light contouring. Heavy contouring. Powder. Matte foundation. Shiny foundation. Concealer. Wears make up regularly. Wears it from time to time. Uses only light makeup. Never wears make-up.
Floral. Fruity. Perfumes. Aftershave. Cocoa. Moisturizer. Shampoo. Cigarettes. Leather. Sweat. Food. Incense. Marijuana. Alcohol. Cologne. Whiskey. Wine. Fried food. Blood. Raw earth. Candles. Herbs.
Jeans. Tight pants. Stockings. Slacks. Work pants. Overknee socks. Tights. Leggings. Yoga pants. Pencil skirt. Tight skirt. Loose skirt. Tight/formfitting dress. Cardigans. Blouse. Button up shirt. Band-T-shirt. Sports T-shirt. Sweatpants. Tank top. Fur. Faux fur. Leather. Designer. High street. Online stores. Thrift. Lingerie. Long skirt. Miniskirt. Maxidress. Sun dress. Tie. Tuxedo. Cocktail dress. Highslit dress/skirt. T-shirt. Loose clothing. Tight clothing. Suspenders. Jean shorts. Sweater. Sweater vest. Waistcoat. Khaki pants. Suit. Hoodie. Harem pants. Basketball shorts. Boxers. Briefs. Thong. Hotpants. Hipster panties. Bra. Sports bra. Crop top. Corset. Ballerina skirt. Leotard. Polka dot. Stripes. Glitter. Silk. Lace. Velvet. Chemise. Patterns. Florals. Plain. Neon colors. Pastels. Black. Dark colors. Bright colors.
Sneakers. Slip-ons. Flats. Slippers. Sandals. High heels. Kitten heels. Ankle boots. Combat boots. Knee-high boots. Thigh highs. Platforms. Stripper heels. Barefoot. Loafers. Oxfords. Gladiator shoes.
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shiftingpath · 5 years
To My Exalted Secret Santa
3 characters below the cut. well, two characters. Manus is just there twice.
1) Ledaal Manus, Twilight Caste Solar, Origin Manus is a beautiful, feminine, very privileged young Dynast-turned-mastermind. He acts as spy, diplomat, and advisor to his small Circle as they work to protect and establish themselves in the myriad dangers of Towersong and its neighbors in the North. Manus works hard to appear harmless, despite carrying a silver rapier; he cultivates a soft, pretty look and frames his face with loose strands of his white hair, pulling the rest back in a 4-foot long braid dyed to blue at the end. He dresses extravagantly and loves clothes, though most of them share a sort of fantasy Victorian look in Thorns' romantic duelling style, which he idolizes and imitates. Brocade vests, slim trousers, paired with high Realm collars and wide sleeves. He favours purple, silver, and always wears a token of his loyalty to his Air Aspect father- a cravat, handkerchief, or trim in that same pale icy blue.
Early on in his exalted life, he loses one of his eyes to a surprise Lunar, so his right is his family's pale icy blue, and the left is a darker, warmer blue (the closest a witch could find on short notice). He is slim, average height, and pale (though still recognizably Realm in ethnicity, closest to Chinese). He wears small oval spectacles and looks bookish and short-sighted. He doesn't wear much jewellery now that he's had a brass gear ring nailed through his middle finger, though he does still carry a silver pocket watch.
He is subtle and secretive. Few know he is exalted. He keeps this safe with a strong sense of paranoia and by using his first spell, a clockwork version of Corrupted Words, to seal others to secrecy on the matter. He is nervous and eager to please, and terrified of revealing himself as a person of power for fear of losing everything his father has worked to provide him for- most of all his father himself. He's chock full of anxiety and ill-placed loyalty to the Realm, and he's just really confused and trying to cling to the princely life he's always known while dealing with suddenly being Anathema. Despite this, he can't help applying his new power to ravenously learning, devouring books and practice in swordplay, scouting, society manners, manipulation, theft, art...
His anima banner is gold in the center and fluxes to reds and purples towards the edges. The image is a hand presented like the Vitruvian Man, fingers extended and closed simultaneously. An eye opens wide in the palm. Lines of proportion encircle the fingers and their joints and extend out into the rest of the world to display the symmetry of Creation.
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2) Ledaal Manus, Twilight Caste Solar, Legend Manus is now a powerful Solar in a potent Circle, personally seeing to the running of over half a dozen cities across the North, a diplomat and conciliator adept at making deals, and a prophet and sorcerer of strange and alien powers. 
Still pale and white-haired, his blue-dyed braid was shorn off and taken as a trophy by Ligier. It now adorns the starmetal-laced handle of Manus' moonsilver daiklave Silver Riddle like a long tassel. What is left is shoulder length and pure white, caught in a low ponytail at the base of his neck. He still loves purple, but now accents with charcoal and gold to compliment his Queen's colours, and dresses in more of a Karnese (Viking) style, like a Northern adventurer, though he continues to favour high Realm collars. He wears a simple gold circlet on his brow and many significant pieces of small jewellery- a garnet-and-gold necklace, a silver pin of the hand of his anima banner, as well as the gear ring still nailed into his finger. He has a brand around his bicep of a chain sealed with a crown, and a bioluminescent tattoo around one wrist that looks like a glowing blue string of beads.
His other artifacts are the blue jade chain shirt Clarity Shell he now wears openly, and one of a pair of orichalcum-and-blue jade assassin's blades, shared with his father, the Sun-and-Wind Talons, showing a brilliant gold sun in a bright blue sky. He also wears a black jade badge of the mons of House Ledaal, his Air Aspected spouse Niruz wearing a matching Tepet one.
He has sacrificed his eye permanently for occult power, so now has one icy blue eye and one glass, with a pupil of aquamarine like an hourglass severed in the middle. It does not quite look like an eye, though he mitigates the effect slightly by continuing to wear his oval spectacles. He is a very weird sorcerer, initiated into the Solar Circle and replete with odd effects to show it. He carries a brass bell with which to take people's memories; clocks and timepieces run strangely in his presence- sand flowing upward, clock hands functioning as compasses, etc. He can vanish while the world stays still, disappearing into a silent, teal-hued clock realm he moves through like a ghost. Prophecy, controlling the stars, terrible visions in his dreams, Autochthon-styled stigmata, are all par for the course. He is the heir to the Mask of Winters' exaltation, and though he has few memories of being Hidden Hand, still has a unique and personal understanding of the Mask's ways. The two of them are nearly parallel in their strange occult strivings, eye symbolism, and connection to Autochthon.
He is ruthless, resourceful, and cunning, a brilliant bureaucrat and problem-solver. Rivals and enemies begin to fear him most of his Circle, the single member ready to commit atrocities to keep his people safe. Manus can pull the stars from the sky and raise armies of the dead to assault his foes, but he'd really prefer it if his enemies would just chat politely with him over dinner and decide to make friends after all. It's much easier that way. Nonetheless he has lost much of his nervousness and anxiety in the gruelling process of surviving, and has an edge of cool threatening ruthlessness apparent in the sheer amount of power he does not need to lie about bringing to bear. 
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3) Tabaq Twin-Faced, No Moon Golden Jackal Lunar
Tabaq is a young person from the Kingdom of the Elephant, a Lunar dominion to the far Southeast on the Dreaming Sea. She is lazy, conniving, sneaky, and often takes the easy way out of any problem. She adores shapeshifting and does it constantly, altering little details on her human form, whimsically making up a new body, or flipping into her animal or demi form.
She is easily bored and pays attention poorly, so her mentor has bedecked her with the Mark of Many Lessons, an addition to her moonsilver tattooing that inks silver stories across her skin for her to learn from and teach to others. Her caste tattoos include a straight silver line down the bridge of her nose, declaring her to be exploring her gender in a shorthand of her home, which she has rendered permanent.
Tabaq's skin is a medium warm brown, her hair black and straight, cropped around her shoulders with a bit in a top knot. Her eyes are brown-gold, the same colour as her spirit shape. She has a few symmetrical ear piercings of gold in each ear, and dresses casually and comfortably, her clothes often stained, dirty, or looking like she's slept in them. Nonetheless she is lovable and charming, championing the poor and lonely and truly enjoying punishing jerks in the most threatening and roundabout methods. Her ankles are thick and her hips are wide, and she appears relatively androgynous.
Her most noticeable feature is her Tell, her always-present smile, a sharp and happily vicious thing. Her canine teeth curve outward in sickles, and she takes great pleasure in her malicious joy. She often snorts when she laughs. Her anima banner is a blue-silver image of the moon held like a pearl in the cracked jawbone of a huge predator.
Tabaq's best friend and darling boy is another golden jackal, her familiar Dish-Eating Dog. Dog is less intelligent than Tabaq but really you can hardly tell. He loves leftovers, garbage, and nosing around into things. Tabaq loves taking jackal form and making the two of them look like a two-jackal team of horrible smug resourcefulness. She also carries him in her backpack with his front paws on her shoulders, where he can snap at passers-by and their food.
I have not played her for long so I haven't gotten all my dream charms for her, but I hope eventually to get a ton of the Stamina poison set and have her half-jackal form leaking neon green ooze from her mouth. (Depictions of this welcome.)
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sketchy-vii-writes · 6 years
Fighting Against Instinct
Pairing: Doppo x Hifumi
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 3065
TW: Allusions to past sexual abuse, anxiety, panic attacks
Summary: Hifumi’s host persona didn’t come out of nowhere. It took many nights of careful crafting to force himself into that person. It wasn’t an easy feat, and those first few nights take their toll on the host.
Reality will break your heart,
Survival will not be the hardest part,
It’s keeping all your hopes alive,
When all the rest of you has died,
So let it break your heart.
Paramore - 26
Dim lights fill the club, casting an air of intimacy throughout the room. Deep colored hues shine down upon the plush couches strewn about the club. Dust hangs in the thick strands of light, lazily floating by his eyes. The air is thick with perfume, a cocktail of sweet and floral enveloping him. The scent is both foreign and sickeningly familiar as he eases himself into the seat of the couch. His suit fits snuggly around him, pulling against his thin frame as he attempts to find a position to make himself appear comfortable. Music is blaring across the space, attempting to create an open and fun atmosphere for the clientele of the club. Each night he leaves his ears ring for hours due to the volume it is kept it. It’s an odd ambiance set within the space, one meant to feel both intimate and chaotic, open and private. It’s a space for those willing to pay for the time and company of others, and those willing to give that time.
Glancing up through blond fringe, he meets the eyes of the woman seated beside him. She is pretty, long black hair framing a heart shaped face. Her bright green eyes sparkle as he meets them, a painted smile stretching across her features. In another life he may have found her attractive, may have loved the opportunity to spend a moment with her, a day, a night, but not in this life. Not when the mere knowledge of her gender makes his stomach riot, causes anxiety to start sparking across his skin as if he were electric. He can feel his breath attempt to quicken, his heart rate begin to spike. He forces himself to coyly smile as he shuts his eyes. He grips the red stone hanging from the cord around his neck, long enough to hang where the habit does not appear out of place. He pushes his worry into the smooth surface of the pendant as he breathes out slowly. He counts in his head with his slow breath before speaking slowly.
“So, kitten,” he starts, willing his eyes open, golden hooded irises staring across the couch, “how was your day?”
Hours pass, one after another as new women are brought to share his company. This is his job, his way of living and he knows that, but a scared and broken part of him feels like he had crafted a personal hell for himself to be tormented in. With each new face he feels himself splitting. His mind dissociating, pulling away from himself and reality. The man talking to these women is not him. He is trapped, screaming within his own head to run and hide and never look back as his outward self flirts, coyly smiling and smirking his way into his companion’s wallet. He is not cut out for this, not made for this, what was he thinking? Of all places to find himself within, how did he find himself here? Cursing his own stupid thinking he spins as another patron enters his booth. He’s asking questions he already knows the answer to. He knows he has been through too much, suffered, and survived too much. He has found himself standing on the other side with a nagging voice in his head that maybe he is nothing more than a pretty face. Maybe every ghostly voice whispering in his ear is right, that he is nothing more than the face he was born with, and that every touch he feels tear across his skin in the dead of night was warranted because he will never truly amount to anything more than a burden. Maybe though, he thinks maybe, standing on the other side of everything, he can use what he was born with and can help him, help the man who gave him everything and expected nothing in return.
Glancing up across the couch he sees his new patron, and for a moment the redhead in his booth is not a torturous visage into past pain, but him. For a moment he sees tired teal eyes and the weight of the world sat on sagging shoulders, and just for a moment he can breathe. He thinks of everything that man has done for him, helping him escape the home he never truly had, helping him find solace here in Shinjuku, helping him recover, learn, live, breathe again. He took this tormentous job because he thought, maybe, just maybe, that this will help him… and maybe himself too. Maybe if he bathes himself in his nightmares he could come out of this the self he should have become. If he spends every night surrounded by the one thing that sends his mind spinning into irrational fear, maybe he can become the man he should have been. The man his world deserves.
A pressure weighs upon his wrist and the sight is gone, he is gone and she is back and his skin is burning. It takes every ounce of self-control to not yank his hand back at the unexpected contact. He swallows the panic creeping up his throat, righting himself and fixing his gaze on her.
“Sorry, kitten,” his voice is laced in honey, but his mind is screaming for escape. “I got lost there for a moment.” He laughs, the fake version of himself shoving him back into the depths of his mind. He is watching himself from within, screaming at himself to get out, but he can’t. This is all a con he is playing on himself to prove he is better, prove he has left his ghosts in the past and his healed. He puts his jacket on each night and loses the true him, becomes someone that he is not, he never was, but it is the only way he knows how to survive and thrive here. So he does it, and so far he has done it well. He may be new, but he is already well received by the club’s clientele. It leaves a hollow feeling of accomplishment in his chest, to be loved by what he fears. If the women brought before him knew the real him would run from the room in tears, what would they think of him then?
The night wears on much the same. Each hour a new face before him until he cannot differentiate anymore between them. It is a blur of perfume and champagne calls, the combination wreaking havoc on his nerves. The potent cocktail of alcohol and anxious triggers putting him on an edge he would rather step away from instead of feeling like he will teeter over any moment.
She is brought before him, his last client of the night, and he can feel the relief flooding through him. One more hour and he can free himself from the noose like grip of his blazer’s collar, breathe deep the impending dawn, and find his way home to the warmth awaiting him. Her smile is bright, but drooping, alcohol clearly already taking its toll on her. It is not his first drunken client, and it will not be his last, but he always feels on edge when they get this close. The job too new, and the wounds not yet scars, he finds old habits hard to break. He tenses briefly at her quick closeness before his host self takes over again, the late hour making it harder to focus. He adjusts himself on the couch, crossing his lithe legs and bows his head towards her. He extends a hand, silver rings winking under the multi-colored lights.
“It’s a pleasure, my dear.” He is tired, but he wants to do his job right. She reaches for his hand and encircles his wrist with her slender fingers. The action is startling, but he keeps himself from reacting.
“I-it’s nice to -hic- mee’ you.” She’s slurring as he returns to his typical posture. She pushes closer to him, and he can smell the alcohol on her breath, the perfume on her skin, traces of her shampoo, it’s all swarming around him as he tries to remain calm and even. He just wants to do his job right.
The time goes by relatively smoothly, he offers her drinks while she talks of her day and troubles with her boyfriend. She spends most of the time just within his sphere of comfort. She is almost too close, almost touching, almost sending him over the edge. He can feel himself teetering further over that ledge in his mind, willing every ounce of his strength to throw him back.
The hour ends and he stands abruptly, putting out a hand to help her from the couch. She stands on uncertain legs as he begins bringing her towards the door to see her out into the neon night. She is wobbly on too high heels, and he fears she may careen towards the concerte once she leaves the club. He has a guiding hand hovering behind her as they approach the front door. Turning, he bows towards his final client. A sigh of relief rushes out of him as he feels the weight of his necklaces swing forward. He is almost home.
“I hope you had a good evening, kitten.” His voice is scratchy with fatigue as he stands, winking in her direction as she giggles. His mind is hazy with an awful combination of weariness and alcohol, his thoughts are swimming as he gives his final goodbye. Not focusing on his client as he prepares to leave her, he does not register her movement until she is already around him. Her arms wrap loosely around his neck, head delved into his shoulder. His mind is whirring, stomach and thoughts churning as her scent is oozing into him. She is too close and his is panicking. She drops a quick kiss on his cheek and laughs while falling back to her feet, and he is burning. Anxiety is crashing over him in unending waves and he cannot tell if the hands he feels on his skin are hers or phantom touches from his past.
“Goodnight,” she titters behind her hand before tucking out of the club.
He is frozen in place, tremors working their way through him as he tries to pull himself together. It was not supposed to be like this. He was better, is better. He took this job to be better, not to fall down upon old ways and bitter fears. Without realizing, he is moving through the club, pushing his way to the back. Part of him registers other hosts asking if he is okay, but in this moment, he cannot tell if they are here with him or not.
He comes to himself within the employee bathroom, door locked and seated on the floor. The air around him feels stale and suffocating as he tries to pull himself out of the depths of his panic. He briefly notices his jacket is thrown on the other side of the room as he is raking his fingers through his hair. Product and sweat is collecting across his fingers as he rocks back and forth on the dingy concrete floor. He is shaking in a way that he hasn’t in so long. He didn’t know. He didn’t know one touch could drag him all the way back here. It hurts to breathe, each breath feeling like a red hot pain searing its way through him as he tries to rid himself of the memory of every awful touch he has ever felt. He is clawing at himself, scrubbing his palms over his neck and face to overwrite the caustic feeling scoring through him.
Without thinking, his phone is in his hand, dialing the only person he has ever been able to rely on. He presses the phone tight to his head, the edges of the phone digging into the hard edge of his ear, his other hand still pulling at his skin hoping against everything to stop this unending pain. The line is ringing before he is able to curse himself for calling at such an hour, but he doesn’t know what else to do. He is reeling in this moment, and the only person who has ever been able to talk him down is the redhead on the other end of the phone.
“Hello? Hifumi?” Doppo sounds so tired, but not awoken, and Hifumi wonders for a second if he is up waiting for him. He is panting into the receiver, trying to regulate himself enough to not tip off the other man.
“Hifumi? Are you there?” Worry. That is all Hifumi can hear in Doppo’s voice, and he is kicking himself for worrying him again. This was dumb. He should have taken care of this on his own and pulled himself together and gotten himself home on his o- “Are you having a- is it a bad night over there?” There’s rustling on the other end of of the phone, Doppo is probably righting his frame on the couch to fully invest himself in the conversation. Pulling thin legs beneath him to sit more comfortably. Thinking about the mundane movement gives him something to picture instead of fixating on the suffocating anxiety curling over his throat.
“I’m fine, Doppo.” He forces his voice to sound bubbly, more like his true self. He does not want to hear the broken person he has let himself become. “Everything is going great!” He lies, the bitter taste of the words coating his mouth. “I-I just wanted to check in on my Doppo before heading home.”
“Mhm… just tired… like always.” Hifumi lets out a small laugh, finding comfort in the banal conversation.
“Oh, Doppo, Doppo, Doppo, why don’t you get some sleep.” There’s a grumpy sigh on the other end of the phone. He can almost picture Doppo rolling his eyes before placing his forehead into the palm of his hand.
“I’m waiting up for you.” Hifumi’s chest tightens at the soft words, tears brimming in his eyes at the over abundance of emotions inundating him.
“Doppo, you don’t have to do something like this for me.” His voice has softened, unable to keep his true emotions from seeping into his words.
“I’m doing it, now shut up.” The blond smiles, finding Doppo’s ever present discomfort with overt affection endearing. The simplest things about his partner always giving him true comfort. “Just… just get home safe, Hifumi, okay?”
His breath hitches, the panic in his chest giving way to a comforting warmth. His body is buzzing with the after effects of everything, but the knowledge of the home waiting for him gives him the strength to keep going.
“Of course. Doppo. I’ll… I’ll see you soon.”
“Alright… I-I love you, Hifumi.” He bows his head, the words breaking over him in a soothing crest. They don’t fix everything, nothing but time can mend the wounds he has, but they do offer the comforting knowledge that there is good and kindness in this world, not just the darkness he was forced to face.
“I love you too, Doppo.”
He ends the call and places his head on his knees. His body is still trembling with the aftershocks of his panic. Adrenaline is still coursing through him making him feel like a live wire. His face and neck are aching, and he knows he probably has the marks to prove it blooming across his skin. In this moment, however, he doesn’t really care. In this moment he just wants to curl into the warm pocket in his chest and make a home there. He wants to pool himself into those tender emotions and never step out again. He knows though, that life is not like that. He knows that if he did not live through all that he has gone through that he would not cherish the good that he has now. So with the last ounce of strength he has, he hauls himself up from the floor, dusting himself off and throws on his jacket. He spares a quick glance in the mirror to check the damage he has done. His eyes are ringed in red, face blotchy with pink watercolor stains earned from the toxic emotions he let out. He can see growing scratches littering one side of his face he gained from his attempts to rid himself of her touch. Staring forward he sees a man, a broken man just trying his hardest to forget a past that won’t let him go when the darkness of night comes creeping in. His eyes are wide with dying panic, and he can see his frame still shaking faintly as his body continues to try and find its new normal.
He closes his eyes, willing himself to stop thinking such things of himself. He raises his head, staring into the mirror again and looking harder, trying to force himself to see the things Doppo is always telling him to look for. The man that Doppo sees. He’s looking at himself, and tries to see a man with a caring air, a large and strong heart that just wants to live in a world he doesn’t have to be afraid of. A man that does not want to hide from his fears, but face them everyday and learn from them. Hifumi doesn’t always see what Doppo tells him he sees every time he looks at him, but it doesn’t stop him from trying, and right now… he is a little closer to seeing that version of himself, the self he wants to be. He glances down, running his trembling fingers over the red stone hanging against his chest, the same red as copper hair in sunlight, and turns to leave and finally make his way home.
He knows that tonight will not be the last night he feels this way. Knows that he will struggle and falter and fall for the rest of his life. He has known all of this for a long time, but he also knows that he is growing. He knows that he is stronger than before, and he will get stronger with every day. He does not need to be perfect now, or ever, all he wants is normal. Doppo tells him that normal is overrated, and that he does not have to be anything but happy. Doppo just wants him to be happy. He smiles at the thought as he enters the brisk Shinjuku night. Staring up at the expanse of neon, he sighs. He does not know if he will always be happy, or if he will ever reach a normal that suits him. What he does know is that here and now, he is content with what he has, and happy with the home he is heading to. He knows, for now, that is all he needs.
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