#but they keep feeding him anyway and he kind of just stays and travels with them
wayfayrr · 5 days
For both botw and totk, I've had this odd habit overall where once I've done every single mission possible and basically completed the game, I leave the kork seed puzzles alone beyond the minimal needed so I had an excuse to continue playing. By the end I've ended up slowlt finding every puzzle bit by bit to extend more time on the game and feeding link good food/getting him to rest regularly between each discoverable one and entirely traveling to them on foot to re-explore the games map again for nostalgias sake. I always felt so horrible how exhausted he possibly felt constantly functioning at 100% at all times. :( the korok puzzles at this point is just a reason for me to spoil the absolute heck out of him. I always couldn't help but wonder if he'd get joy out of the extended time or not. The thought overall always made me giggle.
(Btw you're an absolutely incredible creator and writer, and the time and effort you put into your works and community is awe inspiring. I hope you're staying safe and well especially! Thank you for the time you give us <3)
Honestly that is a really good way to keep on playing (especially since neither of them have a new game+ or hero's mode like the rest of the games) I think he'd really appreciate the fact that you don't want to fully complete the game in order to spend more time with him!!! You like being around him and want to do it more than what the game really intentionally allows
I think that both of those links are more than a bit messed up from their stint in the sheika juice (hence why they can go so long without sleep) but like the others they more than appreciate a good nap there's also the whole thing of them not being 'real' and not needing anything a living person would but ehhhh what difference does that make The fact that you're treating them like they need to eat and sleep is so !!!!!! You make him feel real, and you keep coming back and keeping him out of the void!!!
theres nothing else he could really ask for that would be possible to give you, well besides your touch, but it's not like he'll be able to get that any time soon.
(Thank you for the kind words too!! I absolutely adore this community and most of the people it's allowed me to meet so I'm happy to be able to give back in anyway I can <33 and it's so lovely to get anything like this 💖 I'm staying safe and I hope you are too anon!!)
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aquaquadrant · 1 month
thoughts on the new character bios/interviews that the dreamworks twitter posted below the cut, as promised
so right off the bat, i’m trying to figure out when these interviews took place. it seems to be along the lines of a ‘where are they now?’ for the nublar six, so it’d be long enough after their rescue for them to be settled back in their lives. in terms of exact timing, my guess would be it’s 2-3 years before the time frame of chaos theory, and here’s why.
ben’s part mentions him starting college. if he was 14 during JWCC, he would be around 17 at the time of JW fallen kingdom (ie. during the epilogue scene) cuz it’s 3 years after JW. this would make him roughly 21 during chaos theory cuz it’s supposed to be around the same time as JW dominion (i think so, anyway, could be misremembering), which is 4 years after fallen kingdom. while it’s possible ben delayed his start at college bc of the whole ‘was stranded on dinosaur island for a while’ thing, starting at 21 seems pretty late. so this would most likely indicate the interviews were closer to the timing of the epilogue scene, maybe a year or two after (putting ben at 17-19).
more evidence: darius’s part portrays him as fairly well-adjusted and mentions him traveling to give talks, as we saw in the epilogue. we know that at the start of chaos theory, darius has been isolating himself for an unknown amount of time following brooklynn’s supposed death. i doubt ‘the dino times’ would’ve been able to get ahold of him for an interview.
final point: kenji’s part mentions his relationship with brooklynn and that “all is good in casa de kenji.” so like, it’s very unlikely brooklynn is ‘dead’ yet LMAO
the only thing that snags at me is sammy’s part saying she has her own ranch now. if this interview took place a couple years before chaos theory, she wouldn’t be older than 20. that’s a pretty damn young age to own and operate your own ranch- but since she comes from a family of ranchers, it wouldn’t be impossible. perhaps her family purchased some additional land for her to manage a smaller herd and they stay in close business with each other (providing surplus calves as replacement heifers for sammy’s herd, for example). either way, we stan a strong independent businesswoman.
also there’s the fact that they didn’t make one for brooklynn, when theoretically she would’ve still been alive at the time these interviews were done. but i think the dreamworks team might’ve just been concerned that ppl would confuse the timeline and use it as proof brooklynn is alive (full disclosure: i fully believe brooklynn is alive but ofc the show wants us to still think she’s dead) so i could see them leaving her out just for that reason.
now that the timeline junk is of the way, here’s more random thoughts.
yaz doesn’t seem to have returned to her career as an aspiring pro athlete (seems like something the interviewer would’ve mentioned if she had). this feeds my headcanon of her retaining permanent damage to her ankle quite well. also, the trauma. sammy’s part says they “don’t have time to keep worrying about all that running for our lives stuff.” maybe that’s part of it: yaz decided to just settle down and enjoy the quiet life on the ranch. good for her!!
kenji opened up a climbing school?? that’s random as fuck but i’m here for it. on the surface, it seems like the kinda thing rich tourists would sign up for- y’know, the ppl who travel to exotic places around the world to climb shit. but it’s actually a super useful skill to have in a post-dinosaur world, and kenji knows all too well how important these kinds of skills are for survival. so for me, it’s a choice that reflects the maturing he did during his character arc.
i’ve seen some ppl speculating that yasammy might’ve had a breakup/relationship issues. i sincerely hope that’s not the case- at the time of the interviews, they seemed to be in a very committed relationship, but since that was prob a couple years ago i guess there’s a chance something could’ve happened after. fingers crossed i’m wrong and we’ll just get loads of wonderful yasammy content in the show🤞
i’m curious what ben went/was going to college for. considering the epilogue slated him as researching with mae on mantah corp island, i wonder if he’d pursue some kind of neuro/psych/animal behavior thing.
yaz anxiety mention! god please let the show delve into all the PTSD these kids must’ve brought back from the island.
every new bit of info we get has me so excited like can the show just drop already 😩⚰️
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darylbae · 5 days
i wanna request another vampire Daryl x fem reader pretty pleaseee
I would write this myself but I do not trust my writing skills LOL. A basic summary would be a lone reader who kinda just travels around, and one night when seeking shelter from a thunderstorm she finds this guy named Daryl, barely alive, and nurses him back to health (as much as she can by feeding him rabbit and meat barely cooked per his request), before realizing that Daryl is a vampire but couldn't really care less ("There's dead people walking around and you think a guy sucking blood and being deathly allergic to garlic will astonish me?").
Maybe for some backstory the reader is looking for their dad (or something like that) who got taken by raiders, so she's traveling around trying to find him and killing anyone who gets in her way, so by the end Daryl and the reader make a deal that Daryl will help her, and she just has to provide the corpses.
Ofc, don't feel obligated to write this, I'm sure you get so many requests anyway 😭😭 Again, love your fics!
sweet thing — daryl dixon
in which you meet you make a deal with vamp!daryl, hoping to benefit each other
note: i hope this is what you wanted anon, and u are too kind! i am so grateful for every lovely comment i get, it really keeps me motivated to write.
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The rain was pricking at your cold skin, eyes almost closed to keep the droplets from invading your sight, and there wasn't an end in sight. You had to find him. Your dad, the only familiar sight left in this damned world, was gone. You'd sat around a fire one night, sharing a can of beans, giggling about another guess the song game you'd been playing. Then you'd woken up, and he was gone. You knew he'd been taken, it wasn't hard to realize, his stuff still surrounded you as you cried into his jacket that morning. There had been raiders on your trail for a while, it was actually a group you'd split away from a while ago. Looking to drag you back in. Why hadn't they taken you too? You wondered every day since, all thoughts leading to you feeling too useless to anyone. So now you wander, hoping to find a lead to get you back on track to finding your dad again. You'd spotted a metal panel propped between two trees, it had almost resembled a hut, and it seemed the only shelter for miles. It'll do for tonight.
You'd lost count of the days now, it all consisted of walking, stopping to eat and drink, kill walkers. Still in the same God forsaken woods that you lost your dad in. The raiders typically stayed in wooded areas, easier to conceal themselves, which was proving to be true. Leaning against the coarse bark of the tree beside you, you'd sighed deeply and readjusted the gun on your hip. Another stolen prize from the raiders which had helped you immensely in escaping. It was time to search for a place to stay. It had started raining again, however much worse than it had last time. Thunder was booming around you, the rain quick to soak your clothes and your hair becoming stuck to your skin. In the distance you could see a shed, or what looked like a small house. Your brain had squeezed onto the hope of shelter, picking up the pace as you broke free of the woods. It was, in fact, a small home. A bungalow of sorts, good enough for you for a few nights. It didn't seem occupied, but you were still cautious, so you'd equipped your blade and held it up as you breached the door. It was worn down, seemingly vacant since outbreak. But in the corner, by a fireplace, you had spotted a shadow. A moving shadow. You hadn't thought it through, you just rushed over to the person, in hopes it would have been your dad. It wasn't. But it was a man, who seemed to be on Death's door. Wheezing in and out, shivering as his coat laid over his body, ghastly pale. You'd thrown your bag off your shoulder, ripping it open to find your makeshift First Aid kit. "Hey, you still awake over there?" You asked, incredibly surprised at your confidence around a stranger. A wounded stranger. He grumbled, giving you enough confirmation to keep administering First Aid. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch."
Turns out he'd been stabbed, too weak to patch himself up. These were all just guesses, as he'd remained silent in the corner ever since you'd gotten here. However, he stayed. Even as you went out to find some dry firewood, after the rain had stopped, he was still sprawled out in the corner of the room. You'd started a fire, and sat comfortably in front of it as you let your food cook and clothes dry. "Do you have a name?" You asked, glancing over to the man. He met your eyes for one second, pulling them away from yours in the next. He remained quiet. "If we're going to inhabit the same home for a while then the least I expect is some information." You spoke, stabbing the bits of rabbit with a stick on your improvised grill made of wire and clothing hangers. "Daryl." He mumbled, taking the coat down from his face and sitting up. It was nice to see more of his face now, and strands of his hair stuck on his face. His voice was smoky, gruff, kinda hot. You hadn't thought about someone like that since before the world ended. It had just been you and your dad, except for the group of raiders you'd abandoned. You smiled into the fire, happy you were making progress. "Want some rabbit?" You offered, waving the end of the stick over at him with a cooked chunk of rabbit meat. He shook his head. "I'll find my own food." "Come on," you huffed, "eat some damn food. You need it if you want to heal." "I like it rare." "How rare?" You asked, ready to chuck some more on the grill. "Not touched the fire kinda rare." You grimaced, gesturing towards the cut up meat on the floor next to you. He leaned forward, wincing as he held his stitches, and stole a few pieces for himself. It didn't satisfy him like you probably would, but this was unbeknownst to you, he had to sit in the corner and control himself. You'd been nice enough to keep him alive, so he owed you that much. "So why do you eat raw meat? Won't you get sick from that?" You questioned, done with your food for the night and just using the fire for warmth. He shook his head. Guess that was too far. Silence lay heavily on the pair of you, Daryl too interested in a crack on the wall, and you watching the flames dance in front of you. It was you making all the conversation, so you had assumed that was it for the night. You'd climbed onto the couch, laying as comfortably as you could, and closing your eyes, hoping to have a dreamless night. "Ya won't believe me. You'll run." You heard, and you'd sat up, facing Daryl who was now sat up, arms resting on his knees with his head dipped down slightly. "Why?" You asked. "Why would I run?" Daryl paused. He didn't want to be alone again. As new as you were to his life, he liked company above all else. Even if you were pushy. "I prefer humans." "You're a cannibal?" You shivered, sat up properly now, ready to make a run for it. "NO." Daryl answered, "well, kinda." "Vampire?" You asked. Judging by his silence, you were right. And it shocked you how... normal you were about it. "Okay." You laid back down, clothes still damp and uncomfortable. But sleep was catching up quick. "Ya ain't gonna run?" He asked, and there was a hint of innocence you could hear. Like a child that had been walked out on one too many times. "No," you answered, still laid down but eyes open and looking at him, "the world has ended, the dead are alive, and you think a guy sucking blood and being deathly allergic to garlic will astonish me?" "Myth." You smiled, happy to close your eyes again. "You gonna suck my blood?" He wanted to, so bad. He wanted to taste that sweet blood pumping around that pretty body. "No. Don't wanna hurt ya." Your heart quickened, and you were embarrassed how much of an effect this stranger was having on you. You needed some action. Bad.
The fire was out when you'd woken up, and the man in the corner, Daryl, was gone. You lifted your head, noticing the coat that had once covered him, was now covering you. Your cheeks tinged pink at the sentiment, as you'd sat up fully now, still keeping the coat nicely snug around you. He hadn't left, surely? You'd made your way outside, the heavy thud of your boots alerting him of your presence, as you'd found him on the porch smoking. "So you can still smoke, huh?" You asked, sitting down next to him and observing his demeanor. Even the way he moved was hot. "Same as you are, just different diet." "Guess that answers my question of how you're in the sunlight." You giggled, and you could almost see a smirk threatening to show on his face. "Want your coat back?" "Nah," he croaked, mid-inhale, "looks better on ya." You couldn't quite believe your life had come to flirting with a vampire in the apocalypse. "Going somewhere?" He asked, and he was a lot more talkative than yesterday. You shook your head. "All I've done is wander the woods for God only knows how long, I plan on staying for a while." Daryl knew it was a topic for another night. So he stayed silent. "Gonna find some dinner. Stay inside." He instructed, standing up and stubbing the end of his smoke. You nodded your head at him, planning on making this home a bit more homely.
Daryl had been gone a while, and you'd cleaned up the place a bit. Making it look not-so-run-down. And you'd even found a book, to accompany you as you waited on dinner. He'd returned back after sunset, having been gone all day. And you were becoming ravenously hungry. "Took you a while." You commented, slamming the book closed and getting up to get the fire lit. "Yeah, sorry," he grumbled, "see ya kept ya'self busy." He looked around at the space you were sharing, seeing it didn't look nearly as bad as it did when he found it. You had only just looked up at him, seeing a sleeveless shirt and being more interested in that than the deer slung around his neck. His toned arms, patches of blood and debris from hunting all day, it was enough to drive you mad. "Hey," he clicked at you, and you felt shameful, "eyes are up here." He joked, and you smiled awkwardly at him. "Ready to eat?"
You'd eaten a good amount of meat, both of you now sharing the couch. Shoulders touching, thighs touching, your heart was beating loudly in your ears. "What's got ya out here?" He asked, his gruff voice sending goosebumps up your arms. But the question was something you didn't know if you were ready to share the answer to. But Daryl could help, he could get you closer to him. Finding your dad again was all that matters. "It's been me and my dad for the longest time. We'd met up with a group of raiders a while ago, who did things we just weren't okay with, so we up and left in the middle of the night." You sighed, heart aching for your dad and wherever he was. "They've been hunting us since. And we settled down one night, and when I woke up, he was gone. Taken. I've been trying to find him ever since." Daryl's hand found your thigh, and you almost jumped at the contact. "I'm sorry." He offered his condolences, and the feeling of his hand on your leg was starting to catch fire. "Not your fault, unless you were a raider." You turned to him, and he shook his head, that smirk appearing once more. "What's your plan next?" "I'm not sure, I just needed shelter for a few nights so I could conjure a plan, until I found you." You admitted, a sweet smile upon your lips and you looked at him. Friendships tended to form a lot faster in the apocalypse, but you weren't sure what this was. Daryl was silent for a moment. "You given up?" "No. Never." "Well let's look for him, together." He suggested. "I'll rip through that whole group if I have to." "You'd help me?" You asked in disbelief. "I like ya company," he confessed, like a dirty truth, "wanna keep ya around. Gotta help each other out." You were beaming on the inside, if this wasn't confirmation of a friendship, then you didn't know what was. "What do I do for you?" Daryl looked at you, your sweet, innocent features, eyes full of curiosity and hope. You'd seen things, but you were truly broken yet. "Help me find bodies, people, not worthy of life, and I'll help ya find ya dad." He demanded, but his voice was low. You found yourselves inching closer together, and Daryl's thumb delicately dragged over your cheekbone. "Sweet thing. I'll help ya."
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uh-oh-its-bird · 28 days
Offshoot of my "team Ro time travels to the founders era" post because @prinzgnomeovonchaos infected me with brain rot in the notes
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So buckle in baby it's time for
Sakumo and babyKashi time traveling to the warring states ✨️
So first thing to get out of the way; Modern Hatake's and warring states era Hatake's do not hold up to the same standards.
The Hatake's during the states were a very small clan with a very big reputation. Hailing from Iron, they were an almost famous wild clan even all the way in fire country. Distantly related to the Inuzuka's but leaning more towards wolves than dogs.
They had a proper kekkei genkai and everything, unnaturally fast and strong, often born with some form of enhanced senses— be it smell, sight, taste, or even touch. Their white chakra fed into it, and they'd feed their chakra with diets of raw meat and the occasional light cannibalism during some special clan celebrations and rituals.
Unfortunatley Sakumo knows very little about the above because he was very young when his clan was pretty much all wiped out. He was raised by the only other survivor, his grandmother, who was pretty young herself when the clan got wiped, and unfortunatley was never all too concious of many of the rituals and traditions of her clan until it was too late.
Sakumo grew up to village standards and was mostly declawed because of it, and Kakashi is only doubly so. And with that dulling of all the different traditions and specific diets also came the slow fading of their bloodline limit, which was already pretty subtle if you didn't know what you're looking for.
Anyways moving on, and if you want more details for my headcanons ab warring states Hatake's vs modern standard Hatake's look at my other time travel post bc I talk ab it more there.
So Kakashi is like 6 (holy shit he's a BABY baby)
Google keeps giving me conflicting numbers for Sakumo's age at his death so we're just gonna shrug and say he's in his early 30's.
Then for the founders;
Madara (23)
Hashirama (23)
Izuna (19)
Tobirama (18)
Sakumo is staring at these guys going through it bc they are BABIES to him. And like look, he's used to working with or even occasionally under people much younger than him, but like. Oh man that's the shodai hokage. And he's like a toddler.
(He's a 23 year old man but Sakumo is kind of having a crisis so he can't register that)
So like. All the founders have major daddy issues, right? Like we can all agree that's plausible? I'm so sorry I just think it'd be *really fucking funny* if they look at Sakumo and just kinda. Yeah.
You know what I mean.
No idea how they got there!! This is set maybe a week before Sakumo offed himself but now he can't kill himself bc that'd mean abandoning Kakashi to the fucking warring states.
Kakashi fits the warring states standards alarmingly well actually. Honestly I think even for that time period he's still scarily young to be on the field. People are giving Sakumo looks like 'it's so hard what we've been forced to do to our children, the battles we've pushed them into, the things they've seen and done all too young'
Sakumo is going *hrrg.* and having a good long look in the mirror actually. Proper crisis, lots of guilt, Kakashi should not be out in the field this young and at least before he was mostly getting baby missions but now they're stranded in time and keep running head first into trouble.
I want Izuna and Kakashi to fight and even though Kakashi absoloutley should NOT win that battle I want him to win just so that Madara and Tobirama can make fun of him for losing to an actual child
Izuna is mortified he wants that brat DEAD
Uhh I have some more but I'm at work and actually hit post too early on this post so I had to come back to rush add all these edits bc I meant for it to stay a draft I could keep adding too later. So I'll just come add more later fr
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could I request prompts 12 and 23 for norman bates from the slasher movie pyscho (1960s version)? Pairing is romantic
Was finally able to see Psycho on Netflix! I do indeed have a story idea I can do for this. My prompts were used for this.
Did not do character research for this, wrote it right after seeing the movie so I hope his character is correct :) I also wrote this late at night so there's that too, lol 😅 By the time I post this it'll be the next morning where I can look at this with a better mindset and edit it.
Yandere! Norman Bates Prompts 12 + 23
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...."
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Obsession at first sight, Clingy behavior, Murder, Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship, Darling is naive as serial killers weren't too common in the 1960s, Vomit, Violence, Norman actually has no chill.
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Norman had seen many people come to the motel before. Whenever he did grow attached to them, Mother scolded him. Mother never let the guests stay too long anyways.
Despite the desolate feeling of the motel and house, Norman never really felt alone. He's happy, mother's happy, things were great with just the two of them. There didn't need to be anyone else.
Then Norman met you, a tired traveler needing to rest. Norman had noticed you had a friend with you. The man thought nothing of you both, you'd probably end up like all the rest.
Then Norman started talking with you. By just standing in the office of the motel you managed to make him stutter, a shyness enveloping him and intoxicating his mind. You are so easy to talk to. You even seem to shy away from him as he did you.
Norman likes talking with you. He feels like he could talk for hours, actually. Norman sometimes felt this way towards guests... although with you it seems like a stronger feeling. Maybe mother would like this one....
Norman makes a promise to himself to be the best gentleman towards you. To you, he's a kind and sweet man who runs a motel and takes care of his sick mother. The person he didn't like was your friend....
Norman feels ill at the connection you two share. Perhaps he's envious, glowering at your friend and thinking about how close you two are. Norman just met you... you didn't know anything about him... and he already wanted everything to do with you.
"I can get you both some food! Then I'll show you to your rooms." Norman chirps, suddenly in a good mood.
"What rooms are available?" You ask, Norman being very attentive to your voice.
"There's twelve rooms, all vacant. You can have room one while your friend has room four!"
"Uh... we can share-" Your friend pipes up. Norman frowns at their voice, mood souring as soon as they spoke.
"Sorry, I can't do that. There's only one bed in a room and sharing a bed simply won't do! Can't have anything... unsavory, right?"
You and your friend grimace at the implication.
"Yeah, guess not...." You murmur. Norman smiles again, ushering you both outside.
"P-Please, take your room keys and wait for me! I'll deliver some food for the both of you."
You and your friend agree before taking the room keys and heading to your rooms. Norman couldn't stop smiling at the thought of you... he wanted to watch you through the hole in the wall but he had other matters to attend to at the moment.
Not only did he need to feed you... but mother has to know about you, too.
Norman consulted his mother about the two new guests he had met later in the night. The thought of you had made him excited! Although... he hates that you came with someone else.
His mother shared a similar sentiment. You seem very kind and just may treat her son right. Yet there was that issue with your little friend.
Norman pleaded with his mother to keep you. He wanted you over for dinner but it was too early for that to happen according to her. Norman was overjoyed when he watched you eat the food he brought back from the house, you said it was great!
Mother likes how you make her son happy. He's always gotten attached easily, though he may have picked right this time. She promises her dear son that she'll help him out a little....
Once she helps with that friend problem, the rest is on him, however.
After all the trouble she has to go through to make Norman happy, she hopes you're worth it.
You woke up late at night to the sound of shuffling outside your door. You yawn and try to open your eyes enough to see before wiping the crust from them. You thought it was some sort of animal or that Norman guy doing routine clean up....
Then you heard screaming.
Familiar screaming.
You shoot up with concern on your face, staring at the wooden door with uncertainty. Surely it wasn't anything bad, right...? The idea of being alone and without help frightened you.
The nearest payphone was a long walk.... The sheriff would take forever to come at the hour, too. Maybe you can ask Norman for help?
The screaming had stopped as quickly as it started. It was either silenced or the pain wasn't that bad. Maybe your friend just... hurt themselves?
The idea of a serial killer wasn't a very common idea around this time... which made you a bit naive.
Cautiously you exit your room, intending to find Norman. Looking down to room four you see the room open. Surely Norman was already looking into it....
Trying to calm your racing heart, you try to reassure yourself it's nothing big. There's nothing wrong... maybe your friend saw a roach or something? You walk towards the room. Must be... it couldn't be anything that ba-
You stop in your tracks. No, Norman wasn't in the room already.... Your friend was there, however...
Just with stab wounds in their chest and stomach, their blood pooling onto the floor.
You pause, the shock still clouding your cognitive ability at the moment. You slowly trace your gaze over your friend's corpse... then it sets in. Then it all sits in.
You collapse onto the ground in a spew of vomit. Bile puddles onto the floor, the room smelling of metal and rot. You want to scream... but you're in too much shock.
"Dear-" A voice says from behind you before cutting off. The voice sounds like Norman, yet you can't bear to turn. Does he think you did it?
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...." Norman panics. You are confused to what the young man means before it clicks. Norman's a murderer... and you're alone.
"Oh sorry, mother... I wasn't fast enough-" Norman mutters to himself before fully turning his attention to you. "Dear, you look so sick... I should get you cleaned up."
"Don't... call me that..." You manage to croak out, stumbling to your feet quickly. "Stay away from me!"
"Please sit down! You're scared, I can explain!"
Despite being trapped in the room, you try to squeeze past the man. Norman stops you, no amount of brute force working against him. His eyes weren't friendly...
They were cold and a bit nervous.
"We can work this out! I'll get you cleaned up a-and we'll talk! I p-promise you this is a misunderstanding!"
You don't listen and struggle more. Norman frowns at your desperation and attempts to wrangle you back. Both of you get a bit too desperate in your fighting...
Leading to Norman accidentally hitting your head too hard against the wall.
When you manage to comprehend your surroundings again you notice you're bandaged and cleaned. Rope ties a wrist of yours to a bed frame and you can tell this is an old unfamiliar house. You begin to panic again, using your other hand to fidget with the knot.
You freeze everything when you hear footsteps come up the stairs. You hold your breathe in anticipation but it wasn't like you could hide. When the door opened... any hope of this being some nightmare diminished.
Norman Bates, the man who supposedly murdered your friend, stood in front of you with a tray in hand.
Norman offers you a smile... one you don't return. He places the tray down on a small table and you notice it's full of food. The moment Norman looks at you... you want to cry.
"Good Morning... darling." Norman chuckles, appearing to like the idea of calling you such a sickeningly sweet name. "I brought breakfast."
"You put me here..." You whimper.
"Of course!" He says in a chipper tone. "M-Mother allowed you to stay... because you make me happy."
You feel yourself grow ill again.
"Why...?" You could've been saying 'why' for a lot of reasons. At this point you didn't care. Any answer probably wasn't good or satisfactory.
"Why...?" Norman looks puzzled. "I-I thought we could just... stay here and t-talk... I d-didn't want to see you go so soon."
"You killed them...."
"Them? I didn't- Mother said they weren't welcome... so she got rid of them. She approved of you, thankfully! Which is great... because I really l-l-like you." Norman confesses nervously.
You drop the conversation there. You weren't in any state for interrogation anyways. Something was wrong with this man... he was not right in the head... you hear yourself sob.
Norman picks up on this and frowns. His little bird was crying.... You must be so overwhelmed by this new place and him.
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away." Norman murmurs in what seemed to be a caring tone. The man sits on the bed a shifts closer. You try to run away with a loud sob, only for Norman to pull you roughly into his chest.
"Shhh..." He comforts, feeling you struggle and push to get away from him. Your sobs were loud yet he didn't mind. He wants to make his little bird feel better. "I'll take good care of you here. You'll never be lonely. It'll just be... us...."
You freeze when he kisses your forehead and presses your face into his chest. In your mind, you're doomed. This guy is insane... and probably was going to force you into something.
Norman, however, didn't plan on such a thing. He felt the love between you was stronger than anything. He wants to be a good boyfriend and husband... all he wants to do is hold you, nothing more.
"You're as cute as a bird." Norman smiles with a twisted attempt at flirting. He pecks your cheek with another kiss. "... I love birds..." Norman pauses, looking at your crying face with adoration. "I knew the moment I spoke with you I'd love you...!"
The twisted declaration of love from Norman sends another fit of sobbing out of you. Norman shushes you once more and keeps you suffocatingly close to his chest. You hated it here... you wished you just drove tired with your friend...
Yet Norman felt you'd enjoy your time here after you got to know each other.
Perhaps you, him, and mother can be happy here in this house together? Just the three of you....
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Family at the Core
Parts 1 & 2, Part 3
Part 4!
Learning that he had put his soul at risk in making a deal with a supernatural entity was unpleasant enough.
Learning that said entity was firmly in ‘nearly completely uncharted territory’ was just the cherry on top.
(Or was the cherry on top Constantine calling him an idiot to his face?)
The research they’d conducted after their JL Dark allies’ abrupt departure had come up just as Constantine had implied: empty.
They’d keep searching, of course, but it wasn’t looking good.
The next morning they awoke to chaos; a bomb had gone off at the Yuyan building and police had started swarming it.
Presumably, Kitty had done it to draw them there and complete her end of the bargain. He hoped that was the case, at least.
Despite the media swarm the night before, they hadn’t shared any of the footage of their meeting with the ghosts. And none of the news crews had sent out helicopters to try and record - at least self-aware enough to know that regular voices wouldn’t be heard over propeller blades. The odds of it being an outside bombing were slim - a League of Assassins member might’ve made it out when the ghosts were removing their fellows, but they wouldn’t have risked drawing that kind of attention to their own base.
Signal practically inhales his breakfast in his rush to get on-scene.
Watching his helmet feed showed a Yuyan building with criminal evidence practically set out as a buffet. 
Every hidden passage lay open and waiting, sticky notes and brief explanations pointing to the mechanisms, labels on weapons, an A4 sheet taped to a chair with an arrow pointing down to a desk and the words “murders committed &/or planned.”
No sign of the ghosts or the boy, however.
Not until 11, when Kitty calls to remind him of their ‘deal.’
Oracle mutes the feed and answers the phone on the batcomputer’s speakers.
Information on the attached number pops up before the call even connects, but it’s practically empty.
The number is new, no information attached to it, and the location signature is easy to find except that it bounces all around the globe like a ping-pong ball.
“Hey, Wayne. The building is getting raided as we speak. Hope you’re ready to put your money where your mouth is.”
“Or my soul, you mean?” Bruce asks pointedly.
“Isn’t it always, in business?” She laughs. “Chin up Bruce - can I call ya Bruce? We are parent-friends now - anyway, worst case scenario you default on the deal and I make you buy the building anyway. Plus a few extras - call it interest for lying. Lucky you I never developed a taste for the finer things in after-life. Ha, taste.”
All of them stiffen at that.
“Seriously though, Bruce, you are the one parent-friend and Gotham-friend my fright has at the moment. Try to refrain from making any more underly-specific deals sealed with handshakes with beings you don’t know, yeah?”
“Right,” Bruce swallows back his frustration, pulling his ‘hurt Brucie Wayne’ voice over it like a shroud. “It’s going to take at least a few days for them to complete a sweep of that size, but the building will likely be seized before the day is out. I’ll express my interest now, but it’ll likely be at least a week before we can close. If you need a place to stay until then-”
“No,” she cuts him off. “Appreciate it but we can stay out of sight well enough, and Danny…. He really shouldn’t be going anywhere just yet.”
“Is he alright?” Bruce doesn’t even have to play up the concern. The kid had been barely above catatonic when they’d seen him on the Joker’s broadcast.
She doesn’t answer, at first.
Then they hear a single, deep breath through the line - something that had been missing from their previous conversation with the ghost.
“He will be,” she settles on. “We’re gonna make sure of it.”
That tells him nothing.
“I know a great doctor, if y-”
“Nah,” she cuts him off. “Bullet ‘s going to the Far Frozen to see if someone can make a house call since Danny really shouldn’t be traveling. Given how fanatic they can be, I doubt they’ll say no.”
Bullet was the ‘deputy’ Walker had mentioned, Bruce recalled. The Far Frozen must be some kind of clinic.
“Fanatic?” he asks dubiously. The word rarely spells good things.
“Oh yeah. They’ve got murals. Anyway, I’ve got progress to monitor and a baby to check on. We’ll be waiting!”
She closes the line before he can even say goodbye. 
The first thing Signal says when he unmutes is “Well, at least we know the only thing she’ll hurt is your pocket?”
“Assuming she is telling the truth,” Damian replies skeptically.
The entrance to level with the Lazarus Pit is missing.
They watch as Signal searches, but there are no clear labels to mechanisms or secret passageways like everywhere else in the building, and even the access Bruce recalled discovering once was absent. 
Nothing below the level Signal was currently on was documented; the police wouldn’t blow out a wall or floor to search through what they thought was dirt.
On the one hand, it was a relief to not have the Pit exposed so publicly. 
On the other hand, what did that say about the new residents? 
Had they merely sealed that section away to have somewhere to stay until the building was bought? Or had they truly been after the Pit the whole time?
Four days later Brucie Wayne is touring the building, in full ‘air-headed rich boy’ mode - blathering on and on about like the view from the top and the fascinating architecture -  while his children use the time to do some exploring of their own. They don’t find anything new.
Six days later - two days after their tour - Bruce Wayne officially owns the Yuyan building.
And less than 24 hours later he’s being made to sign another contract - legal this time - granting the group of ghosts rights to the building. Not that he can say no, since “buying the building for us includes making it legally for us.”
Of course the whole thing blows up in the papers when the news catches wind of Bruce Wayne owning and managing the building but signing over all rights for use and access to the new ‘meta’ group.
A lot of “blink twice if you need us to call Superman” memes are floating around - mostly in the wake of the “Batman fails to defend his sugar daddy, same as ever #BrucieDeservesBetter” memes.
The whole thing is more than a bit of a circus, and every day they don’t get to check on the kid they all get a bit more anxious. The only relief they get on that front is the update Kitty gives them when Bruce asks before the more formal contract meeting can get started - their doctor, Frostbite, finally showed up with Bullet to get the kid a check and projected that he’d make a full recovery with ‘another few weeks of TLC,’ as she put it.
At least, it was a relief until Tim questioned what, exactly, a ghost might consider to be healthy.
Luckily, Kitty only asked they “give us a day to get the place all set up” before bringing Damian - and his other children, once she’d realized they exist - over to visit.
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you my friend have no idea what you have just started :)
(nightmare) The Feral nightmare au is kind of a what if to how the corruption might work differently. Essentially The corruption essentially inhibits the mind and erases memory. like thinking through a fog if that makes sense. The corruption also enhances negative emotions.
so instead of just gaining tentacles and going tyrant mode during the apple incident he just goes feral beast mode who is currently powered by fear and anger.
After the incident nightmare doesn't have the same drive most of his counterparts would have. also his memory is pretty much wiped. though he does remember certain emotions based on objects. apples make him feel anxious so he stays away from them while he collects other things such as books because they trigger a positive emotion even if he doesn't quite remember why. or how to read. His mind is much more survival driven and doesn't really care much about multiverse domination or even revenge.
he lives in an underground cave network under Dreamtale which by this time has been transformed into a shadow Forrest full of creatures that have been affected by the corruption and negativity. The place where the village and the tree of feelings was in completely barren though and everything avoids it. The cave network is mostly long twisting tunnels nightmare has made with a few massive natural caves that the tunnels connect.
Nightmare is still well known across the multiverse as he has the ability to travel between au's and he tends to cause a bit of a panic. You see nightmare feeds entirely off of negative emotions, mostly being fear. the usual way he get fear is by finding a random person and proceeding to scare the life out of them. he tries to find people who are alone because groups tend to attack more than a lone individual. Nightmare isn't exactly murderous as... he has no need to be. he doesn't eat people so. after he gets his negative emotions he usually leaves. unless the individual decides to attack then nightmare will probably kill them.
(the gang)
the gang only involves horror, killer, and dust. idk if you could really call them a gang because they are really just... well a group of sanses nightmare has kidnapped and brought to his burrow. none of them know why. none of them know anything about nightmare. they don't even know his real name or that he has one. he just kinda kidnapped them.
Not that they really mind that much. killer and dust where pretty much in an empty world at that point. and Horror had no more desire to go back anyway because his brother had died due to starvation.
Horror was the first of the gang that nightmare surprise adopted. he has been living with nightmare for about two years now. the underground river has a abundant amount of fish plus nightmare regularly goes on supply runs and grabs whatever he thinks the smaller skeleton creatures he shares a home with would like. horror is pretty good at navigating the tunnels by now.
Killer was actually the second one to be kidnapped by Nightmare. he finds living with the equivalent of a demon dragon (minus most of the dragonish part) to be rather cool. he calls nightmare Beasty but not in a bad way. he is the only one who can call him that and makes sure everyone else knows this. spends a lot of time carving wood but nightmare takes him to the surface of the au to make sure he doesn't get to bored. nightmare has to be nearby though so "the shadow creatures" don't attack killer.
Dust has only been in the burrow for about 6 months. please help this man he is so lost. what is this place and who are these people, who knows! why is this weird slimy skeleton creature keeping him hostage? he sure doesn't know. all he knows is that at least he isn't trapped in a loop anymore.
(star sanses)
Dream doesn't know what happend to his brother. he holds onto the hope that maybe he is alive out there somewhere in the multiverse but ultimately has no idea. he made friends with blue and ink and helps them protect the multiverse from all the other dangers to the multiverse because the gang wouldn't be the only one. Dream doesn't really know of his position as guardian... no one knew... he's just the guy that was also that statue Blue found in that weird desolate au.
Blue has been a sort of multiverse guard since learning about all the au's. he always wanted to do somthing like this and finda the travel and protection of the denizens of the multiverse to be quite rewarding. though he makes sure to still spend plenty of time back in under swap with his friends and brother. Dream lives with him and his brother as he needed help adjusting to modern society and stuff. Blue has a bit of a fued against nightmare as he is attempting to figure out where he keeps coming from and why he is randomly attacking people, nightmare has not been much help in this regard.
Ink id just there because Dream and Blue are his friends. and their adventures and "quests" they go on is fun and he likes spending time with them. nightmare doesn't really care about ink. Ink can just sort of watch him do stuff and he could not care less. Ink takes this opportunity many times to draw the weird goop creature. Nightmare is a little intrigued by the fact he cannot sense any emotions from ink.
(other stuff)
this au is mainly focused on how nightmare is able to slowly find himself after the corruption shattered his mind. which he is able to do somewhat. he will never be the same though.
Dream and nightmare have an interesting relationship. neither know at first that the other is their brother. Nightmare doesn't even remember having a brother beyond a vague collection of fragmented memories and sensations. but Dream definitely feels familer... and nightmare wants to know why. Dream can sense there is something familer about nightmare as well.
for anyone reading this feel free to ask any questions. it is how i share more about an au :D this ramble is just skimming the surface of lore and stuff >:3
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teecupangel · 11 months
Desmond owning a bakery on the Davenport Homestead!! Why not complete the trilogy?
Making various kinds of bread for the Mile's End to be served as sides for meals, using leftover goods make other kinds of meals and to feed Prudence's & Warren's animals, and the people of the homestead often visiting the bakery when taking breaks from their jobs.
I imagine Connor meeting Desmond for the first time on the Frontier when the latter was looking for better herbs to use in the bread he makes. Connor felt something familiar in him, prob thought "y not", and offered Desmond a chance to have a bakery at the homestead.
Even if Connor mayhaps isn't a big fan of sweets, someone else on the homestead certainly is (Godfrey's & Terry's kids have sweet teeth(?) for sure).
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Here’s the 3rd Crusade Baker version with Desmond using the power of looking a lot like Altaïr but with big bright smiles to unnerve and confuse the Al-Sayf brothers and the power of sweets to stop Altaïr from asking questions.
Here’s the Renaissance Italy Baker version where Ezio and Leonardo mistake Desmond as Giovanni’s illegitimate child and Desmond mistakes Leonardo’s ‘hints’ as Leonardo starting to figure out that he’s a time traveler with bonus oblivious Maria who just think Ezio and Leonardo really likes the bread and keeps asking Ezio to buy more.
Let’s combine both of your asks!
Desmond actually learns to bake in England. There’s a sweet old couple who needed help with their bakery and Desmond sorta got adopted by them. That’s where he learned the basics of how to bake.
He stayed with the sweet couple until they die peacefully of old age.
They lived a long life and Desmond doesn’t regret staying with them for this long.
Then their son who never even bothered to visit them took over the bakery and kicked Desmond out because he felt threatened by Desmond.
Desmond had half the mind to stab the asshole but he refrained from doing acts of violence because (1) he made a promise to himself that this life, he was going to try and be a pacifist (emphasis on try) and (2) he knows the sweet couple would be sad if Desmond stabs the asshole… in the leg… maybe twist it a bit… no, Desmond. Bad, Desmond.
So… knowing he was going to do something he had promised not to do if he stayed in England, he made his way for the first ship leaving the port, requesting to be taken in as kitchen help or something (even gave the captain his last batch of bread to sweeten the pot).
Here’s the thing.
Desmond had been deliberately ignoring whatever news he hears and the year. Because he knew if he knew the year, he’d be tempted to do something because he was around the time that Ratonhnhaké:ton would be born so…
He’s trying to be selfish here, okay?
He knows it’s not really the best way to go about it and he knows that he can, in theory, change history and all that grand stuff.
But Desmond doesn’t want to do that. He already saved the world. This is his retirement.
Why is this important?
Because Desmond would like to stress that it was a bloody coincidence that he boarded the same ship Haytham boarded to go to the colonies.
And now Haytham was observing him because he knows that Desmond was not part of the original crew which means he was suspicious.
So Desmond stays away from Haytham and keep his head down and… hope for the best, essentially.
Desmond would like to stress that he did not give Haytham food poisoning!
He was in charge of cutting ingredients, for god’s sake! He was nowhere near the pot OR Haytham’s fucking plate.
Also… is Haytham sure it’s not just seasickness?
… probably not but Desmond is innocent!
Oh, what he would do to wring the neck of the actual Assassin who failed in assassinating Haytham. If he was going to poison the man, at least double the dosage anyway to be sure!
Desmond is a pacifist… but dear god that kitchen knife was certainly looking quite sexy at the moment.
And most important.
Goodbye, Haytham!
Desmond should skedaddle and…
What’s that?
Someone needs help? Well… Desmond wasn’t heartless. He’d help.
Oh, wait.
Oh, fuck.
It was Benjamin Franklin.
Why yes, Desmond was looking for work.
What’s that?
Oh, he can cook but he makes a mean bread.
Uuuhh… it seemed Desmond just got hired by Benjamin Franklin to be part of his kitchen staff???
Desmond has no idea who the two Assassins were.
He has no idea why the two of them decided to visit Franklin this early in the morning.
What he does know is that Franklin turns into a whiny baby if he smells Desmond’s bread and can’t eat it so he’s serving them all fresh bread and tea just so Franklin doesn’t complain to him later on.
… was that the light of a POE?
Desmond must be seeing things.
Jesus Christ.
He doesn’t know why Franklin had been kidnapped and why he has to be kidnapped as well. He can, of course, just beat the crap out of all of them but…
That would destroy his ‘pacifist life’, right?
He did tell Franklin that he quit as soon as they got kidnapped though because this man was a magnet for trouble and the pay wasn’t worth all these.
Desmond knew Franklin would live a long life.
He just doesn’t want to be part of it.
Oh, look, it was the Assassin from before.
He looked different.
Doesn’t matter to Desmond.
Goodbye, Franklin. Thank you for the letter of recommendation!
Good news! He got his own bakery!
The rent was cheap and the neighborhood was alright.
Things were looking good.
Bad news! The landlord apparently died and the new landlord is a dick.
The rent has gone up.
Desmond’s bakery was still doing good so he can take the hit.
He’d just have to postpone any experiments he has planned to make pastries and bread he remembered from his time but don’t exactly remember the ingredients for now.
Well, fuck.
His bakery has apparently gotten the attention of Washington.
He has no idea.
But if he was going to make a guess. Some of Franklin’s servants would regularly buy bread from him so that old man must have been talking to some people.
But seriously.
Why the hell was Washington even buying bread himself?
Doesn’t he have servants to do that for him?
It… does not bode well for the future of Desmond’s bakery.
As he had expected…
So asshole landlord was loyal to the British Crown and, since it appeared that George Washington was now a fucking regular (what is this life, seriously???), that must mean Desmond was one of them.
Oh, for fuck’s sake!
And now he’s getting evicted without even getting his goddamn stuff?
Oh, to hell with that.
“What are you doing?”
Desmond turned to stare at Ratonhnhaké:ton who was suddenly standing just behind him, watching him dangle with one leg on the other side of the window of his no-longer-his bakery.
“Uuuhh… I’m not robbing the place?”
Ratonhnhaké:ton just stared at him.
“My asshole landlord kicked me out without letting me pack my things and chained the doors so I can’t get in.”
“I see… Would you like me to retrieve the key then?”
Desmond was pretty sure if he just adds a bit of waterworks, he can ask Ratonhnhaké:ton to beat the crap out of that asshole for him.
Again, Desmond was trying to be a pacifist this time around.
So violence doesn’t count if he’s not the one throwing hands.
“Nah. He’d just come back and get some goons to kick me out again…”
Desmond paused for a moment before he asked…
“If you have the time… mind helping me pack my entire life into small sad boxes?”
“I will find a big box we can use.”
“Thank you-” Desmond stopped himself before he could say Ratonhnhaké:ton’s name. He smiled as he asked, “What’s your name? If you’re helping me do some B&E, we should atleast know each other’s name. My name’s Desmond.”
“Connor.” Ratonhnhaké:ton replied.
“Okay, Connor.” Desmond said, although it felt a bit awkward not calling him by his real name, “Thanks.”
Desmond’s entire life fitted a small wagon that can easily be carried by a donkey.
Was that sad?
Or was this a sign that he was a minimalist?
To be fair, most of his belongings were stuff he used for baking.
Desmond sighed, “Guess I have to look for a new place to set up shop now.”
Maybe he’d cash in on Washington’s weird favoritism and rent a place with a landlord who hates the monarchy.
“I might know a place.” Ratonhnhaké:ton said as he stared at Desmond, “If you have no other place to go… perhaps…”
Was he…
Oh, he was asking Desmond to go to the homestead.
To be fair…
The homestead would definitely be peaceful.
Profit would probably not be as good as how it was here in the city though.
Then again…
It was never about the profit anyway.
Desmond turned to grin at Ratonhnhaké:ton as he said, “I’d love to.”
This was what Desmond wanted.
Waking up early, making freshly baked bread for the people of the homestead.
Spending a few minutes with each one just to talk about how yesterday went.
Checking the surrounding areas for things he could use as ingredients for his experiments.
Making sure his garden was thriving and waiting for the fruits and vegetables that he’d use on his experiments.
Giving sweetbreads and puddings to his little visitors who always bring him berries and other ingredients they find or their parents give them in exchange for the snack.
This was the life.
(I tried to make this sound like Desmond’s ranting without turning it to 1st POV. I hope it was okay XD)
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sl33py-day · 1 year
Hello! (Please forgive my English) I saw your requests open, but did not see any other guidelines other than no pedo or incest. I was wondering if you had any thought on how far a Yandere Bennett would go to keep you for himself? He has bad juju, he knows this. So would he confine you and watch from a distance. Interfering in your life when you got too close to anyone or would he struggle against his bad luck and cling to you for fear life?
That’s actually really interesting, I’m also not good With English either. So you good! Imma use the knowledge I’ve learned about poison, so get ready. Gender neutral reader like most times.
Warnings: Stalking, Murder, guilt tripping(?), let me now what I missed!
Yandere Bennett, the unlucky person of all humanity. There’s a few things that’s gonna happen so let’s talk about them.
He would try and watch from a distance, thinking that his bad luck would harm you on accident. He has that thinking way to much. Even with the traveler he would worry that something he did would hurt them. Maybe in this scenario you helped him when he was covered in bruises. While doing so he would tell you over and over again that you will get hurt. Still you helped him out before leaving, now you got his attention. He would follow you around Mondstadt, see what you like, what you do, who you talk to and so on. He’s ok with that, it’s the best he’s gonna get anyways.
That’s the stalking part, the beginning part. I feel like he would watch you for a while due to his bad luck. But he’s gonna get jealous of everyone being able to talk and hang out with you when he can’t do anything but watching from a distance. So after a few months maybe even a year goes by and he finally gets enough confidence to talk to you. He walks up to you waving and being all excited to see you. Then he trips, and falls on his face. But oh look you came rushing to see if he’s ok! Your still kind like the first time you met!
Bennett would hang out with you a few times before realizing, his bad luck might actually be good. He would fall due to his luck or get injured due to his luck and you would always be there to help him. He’s getting your attention because of his luck!
Remember when I said about poison? Yeah, I know some things. I’m just gonna imagine that the fatui has made white arsenic along with red and yellow arsenic.
Bennett knows a bit about poison, from Albedo for some reason. White arsenic can be put in water or any other drink without anything changing. The poison is tasteless, odorless, and colorless. No one’s gonna notice if he puts a little into the traveler coffee, right? I mean he will die and the place he got the coffee with be the cause. I don’t think they have any arsenic testing, except from albedo but albedo is helping Bennet so shush. So it would be labeled the stores fault. But he would start to ‘blame’ himself for the travelers death and how his bad luck has gotten worse. You comfort him telling him it’s not his fault it is and that he shouldn’t blame himself he should but he doesn’t care .
Also, a 1/8 of a teaspoon is enough to kill a healthy full grown adult much less for a child, person with impaired health, or is just really old. White arsenic that is, the other two is kinda hard to hide.
He’s gonna use his bad luck as a way to hurt or even kill anyone else who’s in the way.
In sort, he’s gonna start out innocent and start with stalking but once he gets feed up with jealousy he’s gonna use his bad luck to his advantage. He’s not gonna stay sweet and kind forever, some things can and will go sour.
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kindheart525 · 6 months
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As promised, here’s a look at the Thirdverse cast’s pets! Most of the cast has a little critter to love and care for (whether it be their own pet or the family pet) and most of them should make at least an appearance or two in the story, if not more!
1, 2, and 3. Each of the SugarJack kids gets a loyal dog to call their own! All of them are littermates and Winona’s grandpuppies.  First is Winnie, Blackberry Maple’s dog who was named in honor of the grandmother she resembles. She embodies the term “stallion’s best friend” wholeheartedly, accompanying her owner on many of his travels. Every now and then he embarks on a trip that he anticipates being dangerous or generally not dog friendly, in which case he leaves her at home to spend time with her littermates. But she’s always over the moon when he comes back, as shown in this little doodle! Second is Ethel, Orchard Sunrise’s dog. Her owner has her very well trained; she knows all kinds of tricks beyond the basic “sit,” “stay,” and “come,” and is always happy to show them off. While herding was already an instinct for her breed, Orchard has Ethel specifically trained to herd the rest of her family over when she needs them to do something for her. And of course Orchard keeps her very clean and well-groomed, fit for a proper show dog! Last but not least is Fireside Jam’s pup, Wilbur! She—yes, Wilbur is a girl—was the runt of the litter, but Jammy fell in love from his first look at her. The name comes from him assuming she was a boy puppy at first, but it stuck and she doesn’t care about gendered names anyway. She has a little bit of catching up to do with her siblings, not just physically as the runt, but because Jammy is still learning how to train her. Despite not always understanding the word “sit,” Wilbur is surprisingly gentle for such an active breed, and she’s well taken care of both by her favorite boy and his parents who are still really the ones in charge of her. Jammy is still growing up, but he’ll have his dog to grow up with him.
4. Celestial Blessing may have a strong command of dark spells like nopony else, but that doesn’t mean occasional mishaps and surprises still don’t come up for them. Nothing world-ending, thankfully, but that’s how they ended up with a live, magically-created manticore under their care. Sombra is fierce and intimidating, with a sting that can paralyze the mighty, except when it comes to the little dachshund she shares an owner with. Stygian is just as judgmental as his owner, if not more. One glaring look from his piercing blue eyes turns Sombra into a frightened, mewling kitten. He has never laid a paw on her and she could physically overpower him easily, but somehow she wouldn’t dare.  Yes, they were both named after the villains that once terrorized Equestria.
5. Bismuth Sun is extra busy, and she has only so many hooves and wings to do all the things she needs to get done. Lucky for her she has a few extra hands—more than a few, actually—to help her out. Pictured here are just a few members of the colony of meerkats who assist in her daily tasks. Scheduling, packing, even basic physical upkeep, she never has to fall too far behind with them around. All of them are named after great Equestrian legends, in keeping with Bissy’s family’s values. They include Starswirl the Bearded, Clover the Clever, Gusty the Great, and many more. Starswirl is the matriarch of the colony which she rules with an iron paw (look up meerkat social behaviors to see how brutal they get), but she’s kind to Bismuth and makes sure her fellow meerkats get things done.
6. Once upon a time, Laffy Taffy had a hamster named Creeper, named for one of her favorite video games. She took pretty good care of him, feeding him regularly and making sure he got the amount of attention he needed. Plus she’s practically nocturnal like hamsters are, so they had that to bond over. But hamsters are fragile creatures, and all it took was Laffy yelling at a lagging game a single decibel too loud to give Creeper a fatal heart attack (even though he was all the way across the room from her). Laffy misses him, but she’s not going to get another hamster just to watch it meet the same fate. Instead, she has a furby to keep her company now. This furby might as well be alive with how interactive it is, especially since it connects to a video game which she’s playing in this doodle. She has named her furby Candy Chomper (AKA “Tay-boo”) and has a lot of fun with him, although she sometimes forgets to put him to “sleep” when she should and wakes up to some very unsettling vocalizations in the dead of night.
7. Alligators in captivity can reportedly live up to 70 years, so Gummy is very much alive and well. He’s definitely not a baby anymore, and his bigger size and mouth full of teeth make that clear. Still, he’s the same gator he always was, silently contemplating the world around him and eating whatever treats his owners give him. He especially loves the kids. While he may look like he’s about to eat baby Galatea in this doodle, it’s common for alligators to carry their babies in their mouths so he’s just following the instincts of his foremothers. Kind of like Galatea is his own baby! Most ponies would expect him to be very territorial if he’s claiming the kids as his own like this, but he’s happy to share them with their actual parents. Gummy’s just another part of the family!
8. Fluttershy’s bunny Angel was still alive to meet her firstborn, although by then he was already quite a bit older than most normal bunnies would live to. Like the brat he is, Angel never liked Fluttershy’s husbands and he especially didn’t like that she was “replacing” him with a new baby. No, that thumping on her pregnant belly was not the happy kind. But he managed to tolerate the toddler Tiger Lily, only giving her a couple scratches which is much less than he wanted to give. Death would take him soon anyway. Tiger loved him to bits even when he did scratch or bite her, and she was quite overzealous with her love too. Not much has changed since then, as she is the same way with all of her mom’s other pets even when some of them aren’t the affectionate kind.
9. Somewhat similar to Angel, Rarity’s cat Opalescence also had an unfounded grudge against her first (step)daughter. Diamond Tiara didn’t even really do anything wrong, but neither did Rarity or Sweetie Belle and she liked to torment them sometimes too. That’s just how Opal is. There was also a little bit of jealousy with Opal not being the center of Rarity’s attention at home anymore, and new ponies entering her territory. Diamond Tiara didn’t really like Opal in return, but at least they stayed out of each other’s way for the most part. Opal would consider herself lucky she didn’t live to meet Rarity’s actual baby.
10, 11, and 12.Tank is still very much an integral part of the Dash family, and with how long tortoises live, he will be long after Dash herself is gone. He’s seen a lot of chaos in his owner’s life, from being there for some of her most difficult moments to also just watching all the hijinks the kids get up to. The three younger kids especially love including Tank in their activities. He’s been Moonray’s fashion model, Lantern’s therapy animal, Strawberry’s spinning toy, and more. Some of it he enjoys and some of it he very much does not, but Tank is glad to be there for the family regardless. Still, the three months a year he goes into hibernation are about the only quiet time he gets nowadays.
13. When they grow up, Earth Day and Princess Cut are not the only ones to become a couple. Like a love story straight out of a fairytale, their little poodles, Peep and Meringue, also take a liking to each other. They literally pull on their leashes to see each other whenever they catch so much as a whiff of the other’s presence, and they love nothing more than walks in the park together. It’s a win-win since it also gives their owners an excuse to meet up and bond more. It was meant to be from the first time Peep and Meringue tangled their owners up in their leashes and accidentally toppled them into a lake, and the fashion disaster of sopping wet clothes was worth it. There’s no doubt that Earth and Princess dolled their little dogs up in a bedazzled suit and dress a “wedding,” almost as extravagant as the wedding they would have themselves. And of course it won’t be long until a litter of puppies is on its way~
The Auraverse pets can be found here
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Alright, this might take some explaining, but basically this is just like an idea for an au I had based on my friend’s description of the premise of a show she and her mom are watching that I just decided I need to cross over with Cookie Run. Also I liked the premise
I’ll give you the rundown of what she told me right quick. Oh, also disclaimer, I don’t actually know what the show is called, nor do I know the names of any of the characters, since she didn’t tell me, as well as I believe the fact that she didn’t know how to translate the names into English
So basically, our main character is this prince who got exiled from his kingdom for being part of a rebellion. On his way leaving the kingdom, he gets accosted and loses all his magical items (I’m guessing the kingdom was either magic or divine in some way, I don’t remember if she explained), and basically is now stuck at the level of a normal person. So the prince ends up opening an inn in the mountains. Business isn’t the best but he’s getting by. Anyways, one day, a group of thugs comes in and basically demands the prince (he’s hiding his identity so no one knows he’s a prince and think he’s a regular dude, but I don’t know his name, so I’m calling just him that) lets them stay in his rooms, feed them breakfast (and I assume dinner) and basically do their bidding or they take him out. The prince says something along the lines of “you aren’t even worth a single thread on my jacket” and basically refuses. The thugs attack but it just so happens another traveler was at the inn at the time, and they use their martial arts to take out all the thugs, though in the process the inn gets destroyed. The traveler basically says their work here is done, but the prince is like “um no, you destroyed my inn! I can’t pay to have all this repaired, I don’t have that kind of money! You gotta pay for all of this!”. Now see, the traveler is going to this special tower (I think there might have been a tournament there?) which has something at the end of it. We don’t know what the traveler wants from the tower, but they want something. The traveler says to the prince that they’re going to this tower for a tournament and there will be a monetary reward, and once they win they’ll pay the prince back. The prince decides that they’ll go along, saying it’s to make sure they’ll actually keep their word and not run out on their debt (though my friend said that the traveler’s martial art school was known to be reliable and trustworthy, so he could trust them, it was for some other reason that they decided to join that I can’t remember). So yeah, the two set out towards this tower
And so yeah, in my brain as she was explaining this, I was connecting this to Dark Choco, and here we are. So in this au, Dark Choco takes the role of the prince (unsurprisingly), where after his banishment and losing all his stuff (I’m assuming that includes the Strawberry Jam Sword), he sets up an inn somewhere and one day meets a traveler by the name of Peach Cookie, and after an altercation that leaves his inn trashed, Peach promises to pay him back with money from this tournament at a tower (the only tower I know is the Tower of Frozen Waves, so maybe it’s there? But I don’t know much about that tower either), and Dark Choco, a bit suspicious, goes along with her, and they’re off on an adventure together towards this tower
Oh, or maybe this tournament has to do with that competition mentioned in Tiger Lily’s Golden Warrior costume? The one about the Temple in the Sky? Maybe it could be that instead, so it ties in more with actual Cookie Run stuff
Oh and as for the designs, I just wanted them to wear less conspicuous things (also Dark Choco might have lost his armor so he just has regular clothes), since I imagine they’re trying to keep a low profile. But maybe I should have drawn Peach Cookie in her normal outfit, that probably still would have worked. Unless au things change her backstory or something, I haven’t worked it out
I don’t know where this would go, but I thought the premise was neat and wanted to draw it. Also I just kind of want to see these two interact
Anyways yeah, I hope you enjoy the idea at least, even if there’s not much to look at
Edit: The show is called The Blood of Youth
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gn-bee · 3 months
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Very quick doodles of Sato, Hime and Masaharu.
Some more stuff about them under the cut!
Sato had a lot of promise as a swordsmith, but his habit of taking himself too seriously sometimes held him back from receiving constructive criticism from the more seasoned smiths of the village. He was working on it. He's the kind of guy that comes off as very friendly, like one of those people who you can talk to about anything. His fellow villagers would often sit with him while he worked and just vent about everything. His sword deliveries took longer than average because his clients would do the same. He gave decent advice, and he remembered everything. He'd ask about what he was told months later.
He was Masaharu's swordsmith. Hime interrupted the whole thing, leaving both men slightly irritated.
But, hey, Hime was really pretty. Sato couldn't stay irritated at her.
Hime was a very excitable and lively young woman, but was incredibly naive about the world due to the sheltered lifestyle she and Masaharu's mother made them live. She just didn't know a lot of anything and held a lot of childlike innocence. She was very affectionate and didn't really understand physical boundaries. Her clothes rarely ever fit her properly, and she refused to wear her hair up, claiming it hurt her head. Her appearance in general was usually pretty messy. She liked to paint, and was pretty good at it. Despite her blatant immaturity, she was a very good caretaker to her dying mother, and a very good partner to Sato. And Sato enjoyed indulging in her childish whimsy.
Hime and Sato never actually lived together for extended periods of time. Sato visited her as often as possible, and there were plans for her to move to the Swordsmith Village after Ume was born and her mother finally passed, but that never happened.
Masaharu isn't as naive as Hime, but his sheltered upbringing affected him in different ways. He's painfully awkward, everyone and everything makes him nervous and uncomfortable. His mother opened their home up to traveling samurai, giving them a place to lay their head and rest (she had to feed her kids somehow, and did a good job keeping all that a secret. It wasn't until years and years later that Masaharu realized what was really going on.). Masaharu spent a lot of time watching the samurai practice their swordsmanship, until one of them eventually took him under their wing and taught him some things. He joined the Corps when his mother got sick, so he could support her and his sister. He also just desperately wanted to get out from under his mother.
Masaharu ended up raising Ume from a young age, after Sato and Hime passed (haven't decided how they died yet. Probably just got sick.). It was difficult for him, and while he loved his niece, he didn't really bond with her until she was older and showed interest in learning how to use a sword. He did his best with her, and would truly do anything for her. He did NOT want her to join the Corps. When Ume quit and went quiet and didn't return home, he was distraught.
He never married or had any children of his own. A few women attempted to court him throughout the years, but gave up because he was just so awkward that being around him was uncomfortable. He wasn't interested in women, anyway.
He got on well with Hotaru, the few times they met. Their social ineptitude bounced off each other and made for something that looked like a normal interaction.
Anyway. If you read all that, thanks (:
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lazuli-writes · 1 year
summary: Jeonghan hates the avengers.
pairing: Parent Yoon Jeonghan & Son Lee Chan | Dino
genre: domestic / spy au
estimated word count: 800 words
a/n: Remember folks, copying other people’s works is plagiarism and that’s illegal. Don’t be that kind of person. Anyways, hope you all enjoy it :)
©little-lazuli. Do not copy, repost, or translate without permission
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This had to be the most dehumanizing thing Jeonghan had ever had to do.
Never in his entire existence had he ever been forced to endure such a strenuous and brutal torture on behalf of another. Like seriously, how did the tiny creature of his have the will power to sit through this god’s forsaken movie.
Two to three hours for a movie about people with powers time traveling to save the decimation of their peoples, it was exhausting. Jeonghan had wished to have returned to the underground life for only a split second. But the constant sounds exuding from his son was the only thing keeping the single father sane and grounded.
How Chan came to adore the Avengers must be Jeonghan’s greatest setback throughout his tenure as a father.
‘But then again, most seven year old boys liked this kind of stuff right?’
Jeonghan could only assume so. There was no way his son would be hypnotized by something so fictitious without it being in relation to his former occupation. Much to Jeonghan’s relief, it was not in most ways unrelated to his past career. So his worries about overly-exposing Chan were unfounded when it came to the Avengers. Hopefully it stayed that way.
“Thank you for the movie papa!”
Chan’s elated nature always found a way to bring light to Jeonghan’s broody nature. If being a single father meant enduring hours upon hours of cinema he didn’t understand; just to see a genuine smile on his child’s face… then Jeonghan agreed it was a decent enough trade.
Happiness did take time, the last time Jeonghan checked.
“It’s no problem Channie. But please can we watch something more… ‘fun’ next time?” Preferably some opera or some live theatre.
“What part of Avengers: Endgame wasn’t fun? It had everything! Fighting, jokes and fighting.”
“It would seem we have some very different definitions of the word fun.”
“No, you like watching ancient people screaming. I like watching superheroes.”
Jeonghan’s wipped down to his son’s direction so fast, brain processing and reprocessing his song’s crude depiction of real art.
“How dare you! Opera is a sophisticated art, only the greatest beings take pleasure in opera.”
Chan broke out in a fit of giggles at his father’s defense of the opera. Jeonghan however, puffed up his chest in an attempt to seem more durable in his son’s vision. As if that was gonna aid in changing his son’s mind.
His son’s laughter was one of the most cherished sounds Jeonghan could ever hear. He made that discovery after this one time when he slipped on some baby food that found its way on the floor. That was back during Jeonghan’s first few years as a dad. Chan’s screaming was just about to win over his sanity after he struggled to feed his son, a failed effort to halt his son’s tears. Jeonghan had thought in that moment, he would suffer his very first loss as a parent. Being forced to know he held the inability to comfort his own son.
But some spilled baby food and a single misstep was enough to bring the man to the ground. Oddly enough, he came down in the same manner that most animated characters do when stepping on a banana peel. And with the temporary pain that engulfed him, came out the bursting of laughter from Chan’s young mouth.
Granted, there has been a long journey and change from when Chan was an infant to now as a seven year old. But the sentiment remained. Jeonghan’s typical displeasure equated to some form of laughing outburst from his dear child.
“Don’t worry papa. I still love you and your screaming music.”
Jeonghan could only close his eyes and groan, triggering more giggles to erupt from Chan.
He was lucky Jeonghan loved him.
Love was surprisingly an inauspicious thing for Jeonghan. His parents, his siblings and almost every failed relationship. All of it seemed to have left a bitter taste on the former agent. But with Chan, love seemed different. At the expense of one life, Jeonghan had learned what true love was in this new life.
Chan was the center of his world. Nothing but his smile was the ultimate goal for Jeonghan to achieve. The former spy figured, since he failed at being a son, a brother and a lover, the least he could do is try to be the best father he could. At least then he’d be worthy of being loved.
And eventually through his efforts he was.
“Yes, little one?”
“Can we watch Black Widow tomorrow?”
“Now why would we watch a movie on a spider?”
“Not the spider papa” the happy child laughed out, “The Superhero. It comes after Avengers: Endgame.”
“Another superhero movie?”
Jeonghan’s exhausted tone does nothing to halt Chan’s optimism.
“Yes papa! Please!”
Another brutal couple hours of more superhero cinema he has yet to understand. Damn… he spoiled his son too much.
“Fine. After breakfast tomorrow we’ll come back and watch your revengers movie.”
Chan’s quick little victory jump into the air and his radiant smile warmed Jeonghan’s heart, and just then he realized something for the hundredth time.
‘Maybe this won’t be so brutal after all.’
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cafeinthemoon · 2 years
Portrait of a Monk - Chapter XV
Chapter 15/?
Wordcount 3k
Title The Priest's Honeymoon (Part II)
Fandom Jujustu Kaisen
Pairing Geto Suguru X reader
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14
⭕ . ➕ . 🖤
Warning (s): Implied intimate/sexual activity; Geto continues to be overprotective lol
Tagging: @darling-imobsessed @wasurenagusaa I hope I tagged you correctly 😭 (if you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just send an ask or a message, or leave a comment on this chapter 😉)
A. N.: So this is just the continuation of the hot springs saga from the previous chapter lol By the end of this one, we will have a hint of what waits for reader in the next days. Also I know it's been hard to tell, but this is actually a dark story, with hints of mystery and thriller (I guess), but sometimes I wonder if I'm doing a good job in this sense. Idk it's jut something that comes to me from time to time whenever I sit down to work on it...
Anyways, hope you enjoy this new chapter ❤
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The days you’ve spent at the hot springs were something you would define as a stay in a dimension designed for you, somewhere between dream and reality. 
The first reason for this was the place you were hosted: it was located in the middle of the mountains, and formed by a group of traditional buildings prepared to accommodate a large number of visitors with all the possible comfort; between one and another, there was what you would call a small marketplace with the appearance of an ancient village where all sorts of items were for sale, for all imaginable prices. About the baths themselves, though you couldn’t see all of them, you noticed they were of different types for all kinds of people or groups; Geto told you how each of them worked as you passed by their entries, and after being informed of their rules, you decided that the small, particular pool you had in your room was the only one you wanted to enter. The food was also wonderful, but you would almost always eat in your chambers, because you didn’t feel at will being surrounded by people during meals and your husband didn’t enjoy crowds as well. 
You would spend most of your time in your own room or taking walks at the secret gardens around your building, where only a few would stay (there was a little tax people had to pay to stay at the secluded parts of them, and Geto wouldn’t hesitate in giving up his money to have the trees and flowers only for him and his y/n-chan). You would rarely go out alone, and when you did, you would take a small, inoffensive curse with you that you should send back to Geto in case something went wrong; no one seemed to see it over your shoulder, except for one time when you were buying a souvenir at a tent and a child kept staring at you, and later when an elderly woman did the same, but in both cases, you just ignored them and didn’t say anything to your husband. 
If right in the first day after your wedding night you had this sensation that Geto was having fun treating you like a doll, this feeling turned into certainty as the other days came. 
He would ask to do small things for you with no apparent reason, something that you didn’t see as unusual in the beginning – you were his disciple and lover, after all; but those favors became more and more frequent, regardless of your capacity of doing the said things. He would insist, for example, in feeding you just like he did in the morning of your travel, except when you were eating outside the room; usually, he would do it with you on his lap while you held the bowls and plates in your hands, but he wouldn’t mind placing you on the bed or the floor around the small table for quick meals you had at the bed area, keeping the recipients with him. 
Another thing he would do was to bathe and dress you up, from the undergarment to the shoes. At first, you hesitated in letting yourself exposed to his attentive sight, but you sort of let this feeling aside when you discovered those intimate, affectionate moments could be as enjoyable as the rest: the little noises of the warm water of the shower running down relaxed your senses as his hands would go across your skin, spreading fragrant soap and lotions while massaging your body, then rinsing it and taking you out to dry you with soft towels, his eyes glued on your curves; he would take you out of the bathroom nestled in his arms, wrapped in the towel, your face hidden in his chest, and put you on the bed as he prepared the clothes he would dress you with. There were times, while he was using the towel, when he would touch you with such insistence that he would end up laying you down and making love to you instead of putting you in your clothes. There was no way to know exactly when this would happen, but it wasn’t bad: after a mess of kisses, caresses and passion, he would carry you back to the bathroom and restart his session of care; then, back to the bed, he would lay you down again and take the place by your side, watching you fall asleep with a sweet numbness on your limbs. 
The moments when he would brush your hair and style it with the hairpins he bought for you in the previous weeks (you brought most of them with you) were also passionate, full of kisses and small, playful licks that tickled your neck and shoulders, when he would enjoy your timid laughter and the little startles you did when he approached to smell your hair as his fingers ran through it, dividing it in sections to make the styling easier. Sometimes, he would do your makeup as well, but in this aspect, he admitted to not be an expert, limiting himself to the place of an observer. 
Things were not different when you were together at the pool: sometimes he would enter the water first and stretch an inviting hand for you, who would accept it with modesty and take the place by his side, but other times he would take you in his arms and enter the water with you. He would use it to scratch your back and shoulders and massage your hands, but there was one time or two when he placed you on the opposite edge of the pool and caressed your feet; there were moments when you would just lay your head on his chest and close your eyes, after which you would only wake up on the bed, wrapped in soft blankets. There were also times when you would offer to caress his back and shoulders, when he would laugh at your worried observations about his muscles being too tense, assuming that stress must be the main cause for this, but he would prefer you to do this in the room, with the help of hydrating oils and lotions, just like you used to do at the temple before helping him out with the sacred garment. Honestly, despite your efforts in this sense, the only moments when he seemed to be relaxed were the ones when you were kneeling behind him, taking care of his hair, or the moments after he touched you. 
Regarding love, there wasn’t really anything you would complain about: despite his eagerness, Geto was never rude to you, neither he would insist in doing things you weren’t at will to try. You remembered this time when he was holding you too tight and you gave him a sign that you were finding hard to breathe, to which he relaxed his grip around you, covering you in kisses and apologizing right after; there was another day, after you woke up from a nap, when you said something about being sore and he immediately called an attendant to order painkillers and other necessary items, staying with you in his arms until you were able to go back to sleep without any discomfort. 
Unlike you did in your room at home, there you would spend most of the time in undergarments or baby dolls while Geto would stay in his robes: complete attire was almost reserved to the occasions in public. There were valid reasons for that, of course – the privacy granted by the distance from the people of the temple and the fact that it made it easier for you to undress for the hot springs being the main ones – but you were also sure that making the sight of your exposed figures something as casual as the air you breathe, facilitating the access to each other’s bodies, was the way he found to get you used to your new position as his wife. 
If it was a common thing in marriage about which people didn’t use to talk or just another eccentricity of your husband, you didn’t know, but it was working. 
With the significant amount of people sharing the same space in the days that preceded Winter, it shouldn’t be surprising to notice cursed spirits of all sizes and shapes walking, crawling or flying around the buildings and the trees, but somehow you would startle whenever you caught a glimpse of them among the people. Maybe you weren’t used to see them moving with such freedom because Geto’s children would clean the temple’s surroundings on a regular basis, but would leave the stronger ones for your husband to consume, so they were never a real reason for worry there. 
The curses were as visible to Geto as they were to you, of course, but he was better in disguise it, acting like they were just part of the landscape; he would even tease you while you struggled to act normal. 
There was one time when you decided to have dinner at one of the restaurants near your building and spend some time at the place’s garden before going back to your room. You were passing by a small footbridge painted with red; you were in the middle of it, distracted by the water passing under it, when a hiss made you shiver: you looked up and found a curse which appearance resembled an insect upon the guardrail, a few centimeters of your face; the creature’s eyes were big, elliptical, divided in various smaller pieces like the eyes of a fly. You stopped for a few seconds, then stumbled back when you tried to keep distance from it, being supported by your husband, who held you in his arms and involved you in a tight hug. 
– Hm… what happened? – he whispered – Did some terrible monster scare my y/n-chan? 
There were some people approaching your spot at that moment, and you were afraid they would notice something strange when they reached you. 
– Geto-sama… why don’t we go back to the restaurant? – your cheeks heated up despite the cold air. 
He stared at you with the shadow of a smirk on his lips. 
– Back? Are you sure? 
The people were passing by you now. You glanced at them with anxiety, but they didn’t even look at your direction, nor seemed to sense the presence of the curse, that hissed at them with insistence. 
– Yes – you replied with low voice – My feet are hurting. 
Geto’s response was to raise a hand at the curse without looking at it. You thought he was going to turn it into a black orb, but he just made a movement with his fingers in a cutting movement; the curse let out one last, disgusting noise before exploding in the air. 
– Are they hurting this much, my dear? – he kissed the top of your head as his fingers caressed your nape – Do you want me to carry you back? 
You knew that one word from you and he would do as he proposed, but you weren’t uninhibited to the point of allowing this. 
– There’s no need for such thing, my Lord. 
He smiled with gentleness. 
– If you say so. 
You went back to the restaurant and he ordered some sweets to help you forget the episode. 
As expected, you weren’t taken to the hot springs only to rest: being that space a place built by the people and for the people of the outside world, as you used to think of anyone who wasn’t part of your community, Geto would obviously take the opportunity to teach you about the real nature of your relationship with them. 
The main role you had regarding the common people was to collect or to eliminate the curses inadvertently created and carried by them, in a sort of exchange of favors: you would refine your skills with the use of cursed energy and have an endless source of power at your will while they would be released from the suffering caused by the presence of the curses, aggravated by the fact that most of them had no idea of their existence. 
One evening, you left a restaurant and were taking a walk, as you used to do before returning to your room. You passed by a narrow path made of stones, surrounded by wooden benches on both sides. In one of them, you saw an elderly man alone, distracted by the landscape, holding a cane before him with both of his fragile hands; on the upper side of his back, there was a small curse sitting and holding him like a baby monkey carried by its mother. 
You looked at Geto and noticed he was observing the scene with vivid interest. 
– Remember when I told you about the people who will come to us by this time of the year? – he whispered without looking at you – Let me show you what we do in favor of them. 
With your arms entwined, you approached the old man. 
Your husband started the conversation using his sweetest tone, one that he used whenever he wanted to make sure the listeners would give him attention without sensing the contact as an intrusion: 
– Evening, my good man. It is a beautiful weather despite the time of the year, don’t you think? 
The man gave you both a tired smile. 
– Well, well, it’s really beautiful, just like the couple I have before me! And I’m glad I was able to stay here to appreciate it. I’ve been feeling so tired lately, you know? – and shrugging – It’s like I’m always carrying a heavy weight on my back. I don’t know what it might be, but it gets worse by this hour. 
You didn’t say anything in response, waiting for Geto to lead the contact. You turned to him and saw a strange glimmer in his eyes when he heard what the other man said, but the gentleness didn’t disappear from his voice. 
– Would you mind if I check it out, my friend? It’s really sad to hear that you haven’t enjoying your stay as much as you could because of this. 
The old man stared at the young priest with curiosity and a bit of suspicion, as if he couldn’t see how this stranger could do anything about a problem that he clearly saw as insoluble. 
– Really? –  and with a cunning note on his voice – Do you know some medicine for this, my boy? 
A slight blush came up to Geto’s cheeks when he replied. 
– Well, it’s even better. Now, just take a deep breath and relax… 
Without waiting for a response, he stretched a hand toward the man and absorbed the small curse, hiding the orb on his sleeve. It happened so fast that the man didn’t have time to question or to get scared by the gesture; instead, he moved on his seat and found out he was able to straight up his spine without difficulty. He even stood up with relative ease, despite depending on his cane for this. 
He raised his eyes to you two with surprise and joy. 
– What is it? It's... gone! – he touched his back and laughed – I’m feeling as light as a feather! I feel like I could fly! I have no idea what you did, my boy, but it seems a miracle! A miracle! 
Geto observed him with sympathy. You looked at that elderly citizen, once soaked in sadness but now almost jumping like a child, and something in his face made your heart warm. So, this was the work you were going to dedicate your time to in the near future – you were anxious and a bit insecure about your own role in it, but witnessing the good results of your husband’s act calmed down your worries. 
The man offered a good payment for the service, but Geto refused it. You said goodbye to him and followed your way back to your room. 
You were snoring softly with your head leaning on your husband’s chest, your legs surrounding his body while you rested on his lap, his arms keeping you warm, close to him, as a smooth hand massaged your lower back. 
Moments ago, Geto brought you back to the room, after which you were bathed and taken to the bed, where he made love to you. Now, he was leaning his back on a pile of pillows while having you with him, a bit tired from the walking and the subsequent, intimate activity. 
That time, you were the first to talk. 
– Geto-sama... – you called without opening your eyes. 
– Yes, my dear? 
– Why didn’t you accept that old man’s offer? – you asked with a sleepy voice – It’s your job, isn’t it? 
– It wasn’t necessary. That time, I just wanted to use the occasion to show you what to expect once they start coming to us at the temple. Besides, the curse wasn’t that difficult; in different circumstances, I’d just make it disappear. Now, I’ll probably use it as a vigilant or something. Wouldn't it be absurd to accept money for this? – he giggled – It couldn’t be even called a work, right? 
You chuckled. 
– Yes, probably. 
– The differences between what we did today and what is waiting for us in the next days are the quantity of curses we will have to exorcise or absorb and the variety of them – he continued – Some people carry more than one curse at the same time, and even more than one type depending on how they were born. There will be people desperate for help, trusting in everything we will say to them, while others will be coming for the first time, full of suspicions. In any case, we will do what we need to solve their problems, and they will pay us for it, and everyone will be happy. 
You sighed. 
– It sounds easy when you talk, my Lord. 
He laughed. 
– Really? 
– Yes, but I like it – you smiled, opening your eyes for a bit – It makes me feel safe. 
His hand patted your back and tickled your skin, making you shiver and smile. You sensed him inclining to kiss your hair. 
– And that’s good to hear.
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truly-morgan · 8 months
[a|b|o, α!Mob wants to mark his mate with cum (18+)]
MobRei | Mob Psycho 100 Omergaverse 23-05-2023
[#mobrei, bukkake, a/b/o]
Reigen wasn't so sure what had come over his mate, really he wasn't usually like this, even when in rut. Mob had never been this possessive, marking every inch of his body with bite marks, hickeys and his scent. As if it wasn't enough to make everyone know that Reigen was /his/.
Maybe suddenly having many alpha clients coming to the office hadn't helped, especially when many had tried being handsy and flirty with him. Probably didn't help that he had tried teaching Serizawa how to massage people, which had led to the other alpha's scent sticking to him a little bit due to Reigen being the test dummy. Poor Serizawa had looked pitiful under Mob's glare and low growl when he came back to that.
All of this cumulated with Mob's upcoming rut had likely not helped.
Reigen had never really been into being come onto, it felt kinda gross when it cumulated too much. Yet today it was as if Mob just decided to ignore his whine about it, doing it over and over again (not that he was allowed to do so inside without proper protection anyway).
Reigen could tell he was marking him some more like this, knowing it was kind of common for alpha to smear cum all over their omega to scent them more strongly, but Mob had never really shown any interest in doing that, even less with Reigen's distaste for it.
Reigen was coming down from yet another high of pleasure, feeling tired after the many rounds (he wasn't young anymore). He felt a bit confused when he felt Mob moving up the bed, straddling his upper torso and keeping him from moving much.
"Arataka" the alpha mumbled, hand working on himself, gripping at his forming knot.
Reigen was a bit too late to realise what he wanted to do to stop it, closing his eyes by instinct as Mob started coming all over his face.
Reigen could feel the hot semen landing on his face, some likely messing his hair up even more. Could feel drip a little, making a sticky mess of his face.
He didn't like it at all, maybe he should scold Mob later.
But his inner omega was revelling in the act.
He felt embarrassed at how he was whining and purring at the action, not moving at all as he took it all. Something deep in him overjoyed that his alpha was marking him like this, was using such a method to do so on him.
He felt drunk on the heavy scent it was leaving behind.
Really, the only thing he could smell at the moment was Mob, all over and around him.
When he finally opened his eyes again (not without cringing a little at some having landed close to his eyes and stuck to his eyelashes), he found Mob looking down at him, looking so pleased with what he had just down. He could feel the happy rumble coming from him, travelling through him and only feeding his inner omega even more.
They stayed like this for a while, Mob lazily smearing his come around, until he finally moved off of him.
He nuzzled against his mate's neck, kissing him and calling out to him as he carried him to their bathroom. At least his young alpha still had enough mind to try and make his mate comfortable after what he did.
Reigen hope this wasn't going to become a trend, even though instinct wanted it to.
Although, he would lie if he said he wasn't at least a little happy that Mob wanted to mark him that badly to show off who he belong too that he would use that method.
(sorry this one is shorter, bukkake ain't my thing tbqh 😂😭 prolly turned more to facial, I am no bukkake expert, but I didn't want to turn it into multisomme when that option lost in the poll 😂)
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ladyloveandjustice · 2 years
Carmilla: The End
The ending bit of Carmilla is definitely my least favorite, not because she dies, which I knew was going to happen, but because Carmilla herself isn’t actually in it a bunch, which makes everything 100% less entertaining.
Also the way she’s taken out is just anticlimactic and eh.
Basically, Carmilla offers Laura one of the ‘anti-vampire charms’ they were sold, crowing about how great and effective it is, then merrily continues feeding on Laura. Queen shit, and the best part of this section. Laura starts getting sick, a doctor comes and kind of guesses what’s going on, people start staying up with her.
After that, Carmilla’s Dad’s Friend whose daughter mysteriously died comes by, clearly hunting Carmilla. He, Dad, and Laura head to the ruins of the Karnstein castle (aka where Carmilla lived when she was alive), he relates a very long story about how he took in a beautiful young girl who was abandoned by her mysterious mother, how his daughter was in love with her, how his daughter got sick and died, and how he found a weird creature over her and went after it with a sword and it turned into the girl and fled. AND THAT GIRL...WAS CARMILLA! yes we all knew that.
Anyway he’s tracked her, because these assholes hate to see a girlboss winning, and when Carmilla comes he swings his axe at her, but she catches his hand and makes him drop it, Again, queen shit, but after that she just peaces out. And then Laura goes home and the dudes  just...find Carmilla’s grave later, where she is sleeping (also with her eyes open so this was a vampire lore thing we don’t do anymore for some reason, WHY NOT, IT’S COOL) and drive a stake through her heart (and beheads her and stuff). THE END.
It’s really unsatisfying and boring, because Laura never gets to talk to Carmilla after the reveal of what she is, or even really react to it, when the entire story up to that point had been their relationship. It’s just “and you listen to this story, and the men save the day in the most banal way possible, the end”. You can still have the men save they day and have Laura and Carmilla talk! Having Carmilla try to get to Laura one last time, come with a final offer of temptation- and keep in ambiguous whether she really wants them to run off as vampires or is just going to kill her, have Laura not know what to do/be upset at the betrayal/reject her/be tempted/whatever the hell works for your victorian mores just have her feel SOMETHING- and then the men swoop in and fight her off, whatever, that would STILL be more satisfying that what we got here.
There’s also so many loose ends to this story you’d think LeFanu wanted to do a sequel- who were Carmilla’s mother and henchmen? Where are they? Why does nobody try to find them and just act like the threat is over now that Carmilla’s dead? Who turned Carmilla into a vampire? Also, I guess the implication is Carmilla HAS to go back to her grave to sleep sometimes, but it sounds like she’s been traveling all over the place, how does she always get back there, idk. 
There were some really funny vampire lore stuff here though- like according to LeFanu, It is part of the Vampire Curse they can only use dumb anagrams if they use a different name (Carmilla’s real name was Mircalla and she also went by Millarca) which is incredibly funny. Like would Carmilla burst into flame if she called herself Marcy. Also Laura is all like “the idea vampires are pallid is just melodramatic fiction” because nothing else that happens in this book is melodramatic.
Overall my thoughts are ‘it’s okay’, interesting beginning, boring ending, at least it’s a quick read, Carmilla IS an icon and the best character. I liked that she enjoyed being a vampire and would actually defend her lifestyle and genuinely seemed to believe death was a blessing therefore she wasn’t doing anything wrong, it made her a little more complex than ‘IM EVIL’.
As for the implications, it’s definitely meant to be a cautionary tale and any sources who think it’s ‘doesn’t present homosexuality as antagonistic’ are kidding themselves- whenever Carmilla hits on Laura it’s very clear she’s also tempting Laura towards death, meaning lesbianism is tied up in ‘die and lose your soul to be with me’- which is cool for me, a modern reader, who’d love to run off and be a vampire with a cute girl, but from a Victorian perspective it’s damning your immortal soul and Bad. And though the book is clear in the epilogue that vampires do this to people of all genders, aka that there are het vampires killing people too, which does make the messaging a little more neutral, Carmilla only targets and kills women. It doesn’t blatantly say “beware the gays’ but I think the implications ARE supposed to be there, which is unsurprising. That doesn’t make it any less fun though, because as a modern reader, I love Carmilla, love her weird seductive techniques.
The books attitude towards women is interesting, and I think one thing I can say for it versus Dracula so far is (in addition to going SO much harder on the homoeroticism), it’s less blatantly misogynist in as far as actual text. There’s stuff you could interpret subtextually- Carmilla the independent woman with no father, just a “mother”, bought down by fathers, the fact that the father’s listening to their daughters pleas for female companionship invites death and calamity- but there’s no lines that slap you in the face with “This is a Female Character Written by an Insufferable Victorian Man” like the line about how “men are too good for women we don’t deseeeerve them” in Dracula.
Like Laura’s narration is pretty believable, it never even says “I do X because I am a woman”, which I was braced for. Women are overall presented pretty neutrally, and even though she’s a villain, it’s clear Le Fanu was somewhat fascinated by Carmilla’s intelligence and power, as we get so much of her.
Laura’s also noted to be intelligent in the prologue, and her dad is just as easily fooled as she is and even dismisses some of the things Laura picks up on- Like Carmilla’s ancestor looking just like her- to his folly. Him dismissing “peasant superstitions” is a clear sign of his folly, so that’s nice,
Anyway, disappointing ending aside, it was a quick read with a great vampire, and it’s fun to consider it’s place in gothic fiction, and I’m glad I read it. Definitely interested in the retelling that was mentioned to me in the comments, since it’s free on Kindle, I’ll read that sometime!
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