#but they'd take that the wrong way... i wanna tell them that it's them. it'll always be them. and im sorry.
steddieas-shegoes · 8 months
"Stevie, I am begging you, please don't tell Wayne."
Eddie was bleeding.
He was on the floor and he was bleeding.
Steve was standing in the doorway, shocked into silence, watching Eddie try to put pressure on a wound that should have mostly scarred over by now.
His last checkup had been good, they'd even said the stitches could come out on his next visit, and he could officially start physical therapy.
So why was he fucking bleeding?
"Dammit. Can you grab a wrap from my room?" Eddie asked him, tone entirely too calm.
"Shouldn't I take you to the hospital?" Steve managed to ask.
Eddie's head turned to him, eyes widening as he seemed to realized what was happening.
"No, I- this is kinda normal? It's happened a couple times," he tried to smile, shrug it off.
"A couple of times?! Eds, this isn't normal. They gotta stitch you up better or something, c'mon I can take you," Steve leaned in and tugged on the arm he was using to hold himself up, ready to take his weight and help him out the door.
"No!" Eddie sighed. "We can't."
"I can call Wayne, then, and he can come get you-"
"Stevie, I am begging you, please don't tell Wayne."
Steve froze.
How long had Eddie been hiding how bad this was?
"You haven't even told Wayne? Eds, you should be mostly healed. You were mostly healed at your last visit! What's happening?" Steve was doing his best to stay calm, but calm went out the window when he thought about Eddie being taken from them long after the threat was gone.
"I ripped a stitch a few days ago, so I've just tried to be careful, but sometimes I move wrong. It'll stop bleeding in a minute. It looks worse than it is," his eyes were pleading for Steve to just drop it, let him handle it on his own.
But Steve was not about to let something go wrong, not when it came to Eddie.
"I'm taking you to the hospital. I'm calling Wayne. You can hate me if you want, but I'd rather that than have to tell Dustin that you bled out on your fuckin' bathroom floor." Steve put his hand over Eddie's on his side, applying more pressure. "Can't believe you ripped your stitches and didn't tell anyone."
"I was handling it!"
"Poorly. Handling it poorly."
Eddie huffed, but surprisingly didn't argue further.
He actually stayed quiet for most of the ride to the ER, even kept his gaze lowered when Wayne walked into the room he was being stitched back up in.
He remained silent on the ride home, preferring to ride with Steve while Wayne followed behind in his truck.
He didn't wait for either of them before making his way to his bedroom.
"Thanks for callin'," Wayne said to Steve as he watched Eddie close the front door behind him. "You can head out, I'll stay with him until the kids come by tomorrow."
"If it's alright, I think I'd like to stay," Steve hesitantly replied. "I'll take the couch. Just don't wanna be too far."
Wayne looked him up and down, much like he'd done the first night Steve refused to leave Eddie's side in the hospital.
Whatever he found, he seemed to accept, smiling at Steve.
"Might as well stay in his bed. Gotta keep a close eye on that one," Wayne winked and walked inside without an answer from Steve.
A close eye was really all Steve had intended, but of course, when they woke up tangled together the next morning, his intentions started to shift.
They shifted more when Eddie, half-asleep and on some minor pain meds, pressed a soft kiss to Steve's chest before falling back asleep.
I could have done anything with this line and I chose dramatics. Happy Tuesday.
ATTENTION: I reached 5! This is 1/5 and the rest will probably be posted throughout today.
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matchadobo · 6 months
KIDD; christmas headcanons
warning/s: mention of sex but no narrative of the actual thing, all fluff!
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* kidd knows abt christmas, he just doesn't care 😩
* not until he met you and you wanted THE ULTIMATE christmas celebration with the crew
* he would act annoyed and as if he didn't want to participate in your activities
* but trust me when i say he'll fall in love with you more with the way you're acting like a wife with all the decors and food and gifts
* you'd go and ask him to accompany you when buying stuff, asking him what decors he'd like, he'd say "whatever you want,"
* "you're giving gifts to everyone?
"yeah, something wrong?"
"there's like... fucking thirty of us."
* he'd carry the boxes upon boxes of christmas decor, complaining why you bought so much for the ship but will still do it for you
* when you decorate the entirety of victoria and you start getting tired, he'll give you snacks and water and he'll begrudginly help, shouting at the crew to come help you with your bullshit
* garlands across the ship railings, wreaths on each door, bells and lights adorned the edges of the walls. the victoria looked like an ABSOLUTE amusement park kids asked if it was allowed to explore on😭
* he'd be irritated by the festivity and the brightness of his ship, but once he sees you all smiley as you ask him if he loves it, he'll soon grow to love it
* when you tell him about the concept of mistletoes, that man will take advantage of it every chance he gets. you'll just be surprised he'd pin you at random parts of the ship and will kiss you even if you're in the middle of something, even a conversation! it was your msitake in agreeing to entrust him with the mistletoe placements
* since the weather is cold, the crew would add more layers to their once thin outfits. kidd would look so cute with knitted sweaters and a scarf around his neck. just imagine his rosy nose and cheeks when the cold really hits! he'd be asking for more hugs and will really coop up in the blankets ☁️
* he'd also firmly adjusting your beanies, coats, and scarves so you're keeping yourself warm
* he'd catch you playing by the snow
"the fuck are you doing?"
"a snowman?"
"i'd make a better looking one than you i'd bet."
and it'll end up as a snowman-making contest. he wouldn't go easy on you, he'd make his EXTRA EXTRA bigger than you with a punk aesthetic 🥺
* and aaaah christmas movies! you two'd always watch movies in midnight by the deck, sometimes the crew'd join but they'd rather not witness how you two get so touchy with each other. sometimes,,,, movies would either drift you off to sleep or off to sex 😓
* ICE SKATING!! he'd take you to frozen lakes and teach you how to skate! or maybe the other way around! imagine holding his hand as you glide across the snow ❄️
* you'd REALLY persuade him to help you when bakinh, you'd wanna bake with him 😍
"no can do,"
"come ooooon, love. please? for me?"
"...why the hell do i have to do it?"
"because i want to bake with you."
* he'd wear a cute ass apron that belonged to you and it was too big for you but tight for him. but it's manageable, he'd take it if it means you'll giggle when you see him. he'd say he just want to get it over with
* but imagined how he'd knead the dough tho 👀 those arms i mean hooooo. he'd catch you staring by telling you that the pastries in the oven are burning even tho you just slid them in there a few minutes ago
* he'd be soooo focused on decorating tho it's the cutest thing 😍 just imagine he'll be asking for a chair so he can work at "maximum efficiency" as he says. he'll be stoked in putting funny/evil faces and designs on the cupcakes and cookies
* you two'd reach until super late at christmas eve baking stuff before it struck midnight
* you'd be surprised he's got you a gift! it'd be a whole bunch of things; he'll brush it off as he doesn't know what to get you so he got everything🥺. there'd be knicknacks and jewelry he made, perfume and cosmetics, and clothes he'd love on you (lingerie, tight dresses, and anything that highlights your figure 🤭). but what you love the most is the tiny, knitted tulip plush that was about the size of your palm he personlly handcrafted for you 😫, it was a bit loose but other than that it looks flawless! he'd later tell you he's been practicing since the start of december 🥺😭
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MERRY CHRISTMAS MY LOVES!! let's all celebrate with our faves 🎄🌷 here's my gift to you!
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impactedfates · 9 months
I really love your blade and pregnant wife fic! Can I request their lives after the reader joins him on Stellaron Hunters?
A/N: I'M BACK, NO MORE WRITERS BLOCK. And hiii, thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)) And of course!! Here's some mini scenarios and HCs of what happened after the reader joined the Stellaron Hunters
Warnings: None (I hope, correct me if I'm wrong)
Extra: AFAB! Reader (GN terms/pronouns used aside from wife and mother) // OOC Blade most likely // Not proofread, as always correct me if I did smt wrong // PT 1 of the Blade x Pregnant Wife Fic here here.
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SilverWolf definitely used you as a way to get Blade to do whatever she wants. If she wants to play a game with him and he says no? All she needs to do is mention you once and suddenly his hands all better and he can play.
He very much cuddles with you in bed (if you don't mind) Just note that if he has his arms around you, then it'll be difficult for you to leave.
When your kid is finally born, he's not exactly the best father but not the worst either. He knows his...demeaner can be scary to others, and he usually doesn't care. But if he scares his kid? I can see him sulking as you try to comfort your child and tell him the "scary old man" is in fact his father.
He asked Elio for some time off to help the kid settle in, as well, Being born in pretty much a criminal family isn't the best.
The child definitely sees Kafka and SilverWolf as their aunties and Sam as their uncle.
For some reason, I'd find it funny that when Elio was showing his more human form (he has one right-?) the child called him Grandpa. Didn't matter how young he looked.
Blade will protect you and his kid with his life, he instructs the two of you to stay put as he does his missions. He hasn't seen you in forever and he's not risking loosing you.
Maybe after the kid is born and has grown up a bit to be able to look after themselves and you're capable, he might be okay with you joining in on his missions.
Jing Yuan is disappointed you joined the Stellaron Hunters but not surprised when he found out. He either found out due to Cloud Knights who put two and two together/saw you with Blade OR you and Blade met him during a mission on the Loufu.
Okay but think of this, y'know how the Stellaron Hunters can bascially make a hologram of themselves onto the express? Imagine Blade trying to intimidate the express then his child just appears like-
Blade: "And I'll ensure my blade pierces through your-" Child: *Random child hologram appears* "Dada!!" Blade: *His demeanor changes as the mini hologram of his child appears, he looks at the child* "You're meant to be asleep...here let me take you to bed or else your mother will be mad"
*Cue The Astral Express Family Confusion*
He refuses to admit he has a weakness to you and his child. Like no he is not making you breakfast in bed just because and no he did not just steal a shop full of toys for his kid.
Blade lets you and your kid style is hair and if he's feeling up to it, he might let you put silly make up on. Imagine him going into a Stellaron Hunter meeting and his hair is braided into pigtails and he has pink sparkly make up on.
He cares about his small family...a lot...so if he sees you or his kid with the slightest cut he'll be quick to patch it up and if you ask nicely enough. Maybe kiss it better. (He won't admit he was worried though, just lecture you to be careful)
You're the only one who can see his more soft and caring side, especially alone. If you're with him with others, people will definitely notice how he treats you better then them.
You probably have scary dog privileges, he doesn't trust anyone to not hurt you so he'll come with you everywhere. And if you insist to go alone? He'll ask someone else to go with you so he can ensure your safety. (He's just doesn't wanna loose you again)
His child is home-schooled, even though he is scary and can probably convince someone to teach him at a school, he has a feeling they'd get bullied and/or no one will come near them if they knew he was the father.
All the Stellaron Hunters help teach them, and they even teach them additional things...
Blade: Kafka. Stop teaching them how to shoot a gun Kafka: Come now Bladie, they should know how to protect themselves. Blade: THEY'RE 4.
Your kids eyes are the same colour as yours and their hair the same as Blade...well his old hair anyways.
He's a good husband still, perhaps a bit more violent...never to you and your kid though of course. Just cold to others ESEPCAILLY if they're taking bad about you or his kid.
One of the reasons he acts this way towards youse is because he wants to make up for the amount of time lost when he was gone. So making you happy and ensuring you're still okay and healthy is his top priority. If you or your kid thinks he's getting too much than tell him and he'll agree to stop. He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable either. He just want you and your kid to be safe and happy.
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Will be working on the other 2 current requests I have as soon as I can, apologies for the small break :>
This is most definitely not my best work but I hope you like it regardless (┳◡┳)
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indouloureux · 2 years
basically you and Joseph are good friends since being cast together on s4. he comes over to your sleeping place one day, and asks you on advice on telling a girl he's known for a while that he likes her. little does oblivious reader know that the girl is us👹. basically you give him advice (choice), and he thanks you and walks out. in legit a minute he walks back into your house and does the thing you advised him to do.
I apologize for the crappy writing, I thought this scenario up at 3 am
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when he asked if he could come over and "hang out," you don't expect him to be standing like a lost, nervous child in front of you, with his hands on his sides and head ducked low, eyes on his gently tapping feet.
"what's up?" you say, cautiously, like one wrong word and he'd snap into something preternatural.
joseph's head lifts, wide and glossed with nervousness. he offers you what is a forced smile, laughing dryly before he sits on the couch beside you, patting his sweaty palms onto the denim of his jeans. so wet that they'd grown darker than their usual color.
"so, um, i need...advice," he begins, scratching the hair behind his ear. "it's um- relationship. related."
your heart drops to your feet, shattering on the carpeted floor because it didn't need the porcelain tiles to break it's structure. like a film reel does imaginations of joseph with someone else flip like a lugubrious flashback, but you manage to put a feigned surprised smile on your face.
"oh!" you raise your eyebrows. "tell me."
"i want to, um, ask this girl out," he laughs nervously, almost too forced like he's reliving a faux pas inside his head. "she's um, i think you know her."
"well, i hope i do," you match his de rigueur smile, top teeth poking out between your two pink lips to at least show him how genuinely happy you are. and you really are. really, really fucking happy. "because then it'll be easier to know if they'll treat my friend right."
friend friend friend
fucking friend.
"hah. well, um, she's really close with us," joseph's looking at your lap, hand stops scratching the spot behind his ear to gesticulate into the air. "she's, er, really nice. very kind. humor is out of this world. i really think she's the only person who can make me laugh hard other than my dad and, well, jamie."
you bite the scream that tries to escape, maybe you're even trying not to strangle him at the mention of some different girl making him laugh harder than you do. "what else?"
"she makes these, like, pastas that taste horrible but somehow i still love it because, well, she made it," he smiles, shoulder's relaxing into a slump. "we like to— she indulges in all my food tomfoolery. she listens like, like i'm the most important person in the world and...she's the only person who can truly understand me."
you wonder what his words could break if your heart's already broken down his feet. maybe its your lungs, the way the pain tightens the passage and hinders air coming through. or your stomach and the incessant pit that's forming down there. maybe your fingers as you clench them tightly to stop yourself from harming anything.
because after all this time, you thought you'd been that person he's talking about. turns out you were just delusional — your naive self grasping onto the hope that he might have felt the same, when in reality that hope's linked to a chain that leads into a void; where you wish you could fall into than fall for him endlessly despite the pain.
"that's, that's great, jo," you swallow the thorns around your throat, clearing it off. "w-what's the advice again?"
"i wanna ask her out."
"great!" you scratch your eye, joseph watching right on the corner of your vision. "um, well, obviously you have to buy her flowers. or something that she likes, like chocolate? maybe, if she wants that. then knock on her door and ask her out because asking someone over text is just really lazy."
joseph nods, taking a huge puff of breath, the slapping of his hands on his knees snapping you out of your miserable daze. "smart. great thinking. you're really smart, love."
before you say anything, he's pressing a quick, burning kiss on your temple, the aftermath of his fire still sizzling on your skin. he stands up as well, crossing over the carpeted floor in quick strides that by the time you had registered what he's done, he's already putting his coat on.
"wait, where are you going?"
"i'm gonna ask her out."
"today?" he nods. "i thought we were gonna hang out?"
"i'm sorry but i just, really need to do this," he gives you a sad smile. you stand up from the couch, joseph spraying alcohol on his hands before he twists the doorknob. "i'll see you tomorrow, though!"
the word stutters in your mouth, useless when he disappears behind your door. the loud slam is what opens the faucet, unknown to you that there's tears already dripping down your cheeks.
you drown in the sink of self-pity, bottom lip wobbling and sniffling the snot that drips down your nose as you sob, heart broken by someone who wasn't even your boyfriend.
feet dragging across the floor, they lead you to the kitchen where you take out a pint of ice cream — pistachio, the only one you have, which is very ironic. your hands reach for the wooden handle of the kitchen drawer, taking out a spoon for you to take the sorbet into the silver cutlery and eat the dejected ice cream.
but then the door knocks, and you accidentally choke on a sob as you take your ice cream with you, mind believing that it's impossible that it's him because his urgency to leave was quite obvious he was never coming back until tomorrow.
you twist the doorknob, opening it to see him with a box of chocolates tucked between his elbow, a smile so bright like he'd just won the grandest prize of them all.
"hi, will you— are you crying?" his smile falls, lips turned into an upside down crescent of worry, hands gently placing the box on the table to place them on your shoulders. "what's wrong? is that pistachio?"
you don't answer him, feeling the heavy rock around your throat come back and push your tears through again. you let yourself cry in front of him, pint tucked to your chest that the ice melts onto your shirt along with the tears that race down to your neck.
joseph comes in, closing the door behind him as he hugs you like he doesn't expect you to cry, pushing your head to his chest and it's like he wants you to hear his steady heartbeat, each thump a soft whisper asking you to calm down. he's gently shushing, hands running through your hair like he'd always do when you're sad, or when you're asleep in his arms (as a friend.)
"it's — is it because of the date?" joseph murmurs, pushing your arms away so he'd take a better look at you. he tilts his head down to see you better, eyelashes fluttering at his rapid blinks. he's unconvinced when you shake your head. "oh love—"
"did you leave anything behind?" you place the ice cream on the side, leaving the spoon stuck in the thick dessert. tugging on your cheeks to wipe your tears away, he takes your wrists to stop you, holding it down to the space between.
"is it about the date?"
his repetition makes you finally nod your head.
"aw. babe, i— i was going to ask you out."
you blink the tears away from your lashes. "what?"
"i was going to do what you said," he takes the box into his hands. "i was going to come here, with something that you liked and ask you out. it's — it's the only way that i could think of that sounded cute."
the film reel rewinds the way your heart that's left on the carpet has risen to mend itself. but instead of jumping into his arms with dire contact, you punch his shoulder, mad at him for an irrational reason of him giving you a temporary, fake heartbreak.
"you're such a jackass. a dickhead!" he laughs, in pain, rubbing the spot on his shoulder. "you made me cry and thought it was the end of the world."
"i'm sorry," his thumbs wipe the tear stains off your cheeks. "i'm sorry, darling. never again."
joseph pulls you into his chest, head deep into his tactile touch, smiling when he kisses the top of your head. "god. i was about to strangle you when you said someone else made you laugh harder than i do."
"‘m sorry," he chuckles. "now, will you eat these chocolates and go out with me?"
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reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
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neverevan · 2 months
(random, sorry) I agree it could be so much better on abc now than it could have been on fox. I'm so happy they already got renewed it almost makes up for the sadness over what could have been with the shooting and the will and all...I would have loved to see what they wanted to write. I am still worried though that because time is running out, they see them as just that now – endgame. That we might not get to see their relationship, just an ending?
I don't know... when I think about it, there's always this list of circumstances, you know? things that we have to account for when considering how it is most likely to go down.
1) is Tim sticking around? was he really forcibly removed because of the buddie thing or was that just a coincidence? if someone else takes over the writing again, which way would that sway the story? also, would it be someone new or someone who worked on the show before?
2) the actors. Oliver especially has been very loud about how important it is for him to tell an authentic story for the character and for the people Buck represents; that comes with all sorts of bi and queer stereotypes they'd wanna avoid dipping into, which again would sway the story (of Buck and Eddie together at least) into specific directions. then there's Ryan, who has said many times over the years that he's open to wherever the road takes them with buddie, but he also emphasised truthfulness to the story and characters — we know Tim is interested in their input, we don't know how another writer would go about it.
3) ratings and reception. in many ways, bucktommy was a buddie soft-launch. don't get me wrong, I love bucktommy with all my heart and am very adamant on keeping their story separate from buddie because it isn't about buddie within the realms of the show, it is somewhat about buddie irl though.
making a lead (male) character canonically bisexual was a big leap of faith. yes, it is a Ryan Murphy show and yes, the show had a lot of queer rep already, but we never had a man-on-man on-camera kiss before on the show and we all know how differently general audiences react to two women kissing and two men kissing — which is, again, why this storyline on such a big primetime TV show is so so important. they calculated the risks, went for it and it all worked out; the ratings were great and the response was overwhelmingly positive. that's a great step one into the direction of canon buddie.
4) writing. buddie going canon however would make 3 of the 5 lead characters queer and not only that but all of them would be in relationships, bringing in outsider recurring or even guest star characters somewhat harder to write, unless they branched out and brought new people in to be part of the lead ensemble (Ravi main, abc, I'm begging!!). not to mention the people who'd call it pandering; and even though the story between Buck and Eddie is there to see for everyone already, it'd be harder to defend when the numbers would be 3:5 compared to the intial first season's 1:5.
all that being said, we are on a good path right now; we are renewed for season 8 and that, at least, gives us time to develop the story without rushing through it and I have my fingers crossed that the stars will align and the show will do justice to this beautiful love story that has been in the making for years.
until then, I'm just immensely grateful for abc and the budget and freedom they gave to the writers, cast and crew and I'm here for whatever they'll give us, because I know it'll be great.
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saltydumplings · 2 years
What about a hero who is accustomed to suppression self restraint who's finally reached their limit with hero work (lack of appreciation, overworked, sleep deprived, so on), who finally says "fuck all this, I'm done, I wanna be a villain's pet;" all to the great delight of the villain who's been flirting with them for months.
Bonus points if the hero's severely touch starved.
Request #16
Cw: suggestive. Though it actually turned out low-key really wholesome, lmao.
The villain's hands had been twitching over the button all morning. They were sat in the back of an inconspicuous van, watching surveillance footage of an alleyway just a little ways down from them - eyes staring at the screen intently as they waited.
The hero always took this route.
Sure, their patrol paths changed each week but this was the one constant between them. The villain knew it well: they'd spent months studying the other's patterns. Months digging into every little detail they could find - all things from the way in which they liked to fight to how they took their coffee; the measurements of their uniform and the growing list of villains they'd defeated... And now it was time to finally put that information to good use.
A few minutes passed and the villain found themself fiddling with the item in their pocket, their left leg bouncing up and down excitedly as they continued to wait - patience not generally being their strong suit but in this case they were sure it would be well rewarded. Or, at least, they hoped it would be.
Their eyes flickered over to the time on their watch and then back again.
They tried to remind themself that this was their first true attempt at catching the other - that if it didn't go to plan then it would only make their next attempt even stronger. But they wanted it to go to plan. They wanted it to work - had spent months researching to make sure that it did work or...well, actually the research was more for after it worked... which it would.
It would.
They checked the time on their watch again, frowning at the fact the hero still hadn't made an appearance yet.
Did they get it wrong? No, they couldn't have: they'd surveyed this alley all week and the hero had come down it every day without fault. Was another villain delaying them - perhaps they got sidetracked.
Or perhaps the villain really should have spent less time fantasising about what they'd do with the hero once they'd caught them, and spent more time focusing on the actual catching them part...
They eyed the button in front of them with a newfound uncertainty, wondering now whether they should have gone with something a little more complex. But a cage was classic: it was easy, affordable and good for transport. Not to mention the hero would look absolutely delectable behind bars.
It was kind of obvious though.
Actually, all the hero had to do was look up and the whole plan would be ruined.
It'll be ruined anyway if they don't even show up, the villain thought mournfully, taking note of the time once more before unlocking their phone - doing a quick browse of the local news. As far as they could tell, no fights involving the hero had been reported. They continued to scroll down, seeing if anything had arisen earlier without their knowledge but nothing was coming up. They refreshed the page, half expecting something to appear when a flash of movement caught their eye - their gaze darting up to stare at the camera footage and nearly dropping their phone in the sudden fit of excitement that seized them.
The hero was in the alleyway.
They were there - right there - just a few steps away from where the villain needed them to be.
The villain quickly deposited their phone off to the side, hands hovering over the button as their focus remained transfixed on the screen.
Yes, just a little further. Yes, yes - so close!
They watched as the hero moved forwards, clearly not a clue in the world as to what was about to happen.
Yes, a little more - that's it, almost there. Just four tiny steps away - yes, yes! - one, two...
The hero looked up.
They stopped.
The villain internally cursed themself - what the hell had they been thinking?! Stupid cage. Stupid, obvious plan; stupid hero looking up and seeing the damn thing; stupid, stupid, stupid--
They groaned in exasperation, hands retreating away from the button to instead cover their face as the defeat hit them in waves.
They wanted it so badly... Wanted the hero so, so badly.
They glanced back up towards the screen, eyes scanning wistfully over the hero's frame as they stood beneath the villain's trap before they turned back to the rest of the van, figuring they'd better start packing up before--
The villain rushed to turn back around, the sight of the hero standing exactly where they needed them almost making them giddy. Were they dreaming? Was - was this real? They slammed their hand down upon the button, watching as the cage dropped down to entrap the other - the hero not even trying to move aside as the bars blocked all ways of escape. The villain could hardly believe it - they caught them! They caught the hero, they did it, they caught them, they caught them!
They threw open the van's doors and scrambled out, all but running to the alleyway and squealing with delight at what they saw, making to run down it when--
Was this a trap?
Suddenly they forced themself to a halt, eyeing the other before them suspiciously. The hero had seen the cage, right? The villain had watched them look up - had thought for sure their plans had been foiled and yet...
They took a tentative step closer, head cocking to the side as they examined the hero within their trap: they were sat upon the ground, resting their head in one hand whilst the other tapped idly against the bars. They seemed...tired? Burnt out, even.
The villain's excitement turned to slight concern, closing the final bit of distance between them and soon coming to look down upon the other.
"Hero?" they asked.
The hero simply hummed, not bothering to turn their gaze upwards.
"You...you saw that this was a trap, right?"
"Yes," the hero said.
The villain frowned. "Then why step into it?"
At this, the hero sighed as they came to stare up at them, gaze weary as they regarded the villain with a look that was almost pleading. "Because," they said, "I need a holiday...if that's alright with you."
"You - you need a holiday?" the villain parroted.
"Yeah, and I, um, I already used up all my a-annual leave so..."
The villain blinked. "So you came to me?"
The hero blushed a little and the villain's eyes widened at the sight, a little of their excitement starting to return at the implication.
"Well, y-yeah," the hero said. "I-I mean you're always talking about, y-you know, and I just thought that - if I couldn't have a legal holiday then..."
"You consider being kidnapped by me a holiday?"
Oh, the hero was adorable - the villain had never seen them so shy before and they were revelling in it. Usually the other was so conserved when they fought, barely letting anything slip whenever the villain made their comments but here, now, they were like an open book, ready for the villain to read from.
The hero had come to them willingly - the villain could have danced: this was better than any plan they could have ever conjured!
The red tint covering the hero's cheeks seemed to darken slightly, their gaze flitting away for a moment. "On holidays you're meant to, um, enjoy yourself, right? Well, last time we spoke, you said that y-you would...spoil me. I-If you caught me which, now, you have."
The villain nodded eagerly, hands itching to touch the other as they leant down a little, wanting to get closer.
"Oh, Hero, I'll give you everything," they said, perhaps a little too quickly. They reigned themself back a bit - trying not to show too much of their excitement as they cleared their throat. "I-In return for good behaviour, of course," they added.
The hero huffed a laugh - the more confident side of them that the villain was well acquainted with starting to seep back through. "Villain, I'm a hero: good behaviour is kind of my thing."
"Then you won't have a problem getting on your knees for me?"
The villain had meant it as a command but it ended up coming out as a question instead. As much as they wanted this - oh, how they wanted this - they were still trying to play it somewhat carefully: they didn't want to scare the hero away, especially when it seemed the other was trusting them to give them the escape they clearly needed.
They held their breath, waiting to see what the other would do.
And the hero did not disappoint.
In seconds, the hero shifted their position, moving up a little and readjusting their legs so they were kneeling - their hands clasped neatly in their lap as their blush showed fully. Their gaze focused down to the floor and the villain dared to reach a hand through the bars, catching the hero's chin and softly tilting their head back a bit. The movement was smooth - the hero putting up no resistance whatsoever - and as soon as they met the villain's eyes the scene was perfect.
So completely, utterly, perfect - the hero was so perfect; so obedient, so cute, so completely theirs...
The villain couldn't help the delighted squeal of excitement that escaped their throat: they could dance, they could sing! Oh, it was all better than they could have ever dreamed, they were finally getting a pet - getting the hero as their pet, yes, yes, yes--
They cleared their throat, trying to get their mood to sober a little when they caught the hero smiling at them - an amused curl tugging up the corners of their lips. The hero wasn't meant to be amused, they were meant to be scared damnit! Well, not scared scared - the good kind of scared: suspense. Anticipation.
"G-Good," the villain said, ignoring the knowing look in the hero's eyes and trying to get back on track. "That's good - very good."
Their hand came up to stroke through the hero's hair, the other's amusement waning slightly as they shivered under the soft touch - practically melting. The villain used it to their advantage immediately, making sure to remind the hero exactly who was in charge here before they got any smart ideas.
"Now," they said, "just how long did you plan on this little holiday being?"
The hero bit their lip, hands fidgetting in their lap as they thought. "N-No longer than two weeks, I think."
The villain smiled. "Make it three."
"What? No! I have interviews coming up at the end of next month, the hero agency needs--"
"Hero, love, either you make it three or I'll make it four." The villain's hand came to a halt and gripped the hero's hair instead, just barely tugging at it in warning. It was nowhere near enough to hurt but certainly enough to get their point across.
A few seconds of silence passed between them, the hero pouting a little but their blush told the villain all they needed to know. They tightened their hold just the tiniest bit more - heart fluttering at the small sound that escaped the hero's throat.
"F-Fine," the hero said eventually. "Three weeks - b-but no more!"
The villain grinned and let go, revelling in the way the hero almost seemed to chase after their touch - their eyes practically fixed onto the villain's hand as it retreated back through the bars.
Oh yes, perfect - so perfect!
"We'll see about that..." they said. "You never know: perhaps after three weeks you'll want to stay."
The hero huffed. "I think it would take a lot of spoiling on your part," they replied.
"Well then, it's a good thing you didn't manage to catch me when I robbed the bank last month, isn't it?" the villain said with a small hum, knowing they'd won when the hero simply glared a little in response. They took a moment just to look the other over once more, eyes scanning up and down with an intensity that was almost feverish before they prepared to turn away. "Now, you just sit there and look pretty while I fetch the van - it's just around the corner, I'll barely be a minute so--"
They'd started walking back up the alley but they quickly turned back, spying the hero looking at them with that same knowing smile from before.
"Yes?" they asked, somewhat anxiously.
The hero couldn't possibly change their mind now...could they?
The hero cocked their head to the side slightly, the manner of their voice taking on a more playful tone. "You know, you're allowed to be excited about this, right?"
The villain flushed a little, trying not to let their embarrassment show as they snapped out a reply. "O-Of course I know that!"
"Good," the hero said. Their hands came to rest upon the bars, legs moving to shuffle just a little closer. "You, um, you're cute when you're excited..."
A pause.
The villain could hardly find the words to speak so they didn't, simply turning back and all but sprinting down the alley and out of sight, rushing to fish the van keys from their pocket and get the hero back to their lair as soon as possible. If they happened to twirl around a lamppost or two on their way there then what of it?
The hero was right - they were allowed to be excited - but they'd be damned if they let the other know it.
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good-vs-evo · 1 month
fenglian coded songs!
because i'm actually so ill about them </3 plus this gives flashbacks to those english assignments in high school where you'd choose songs based on a piece of literature and explain ur choices... wait u didnt. u didnt do that. uh. moving along.
time to expose my mildly terrible music taste HSDGFH
boy by isaac dunbar!
"if only we were right, seasoned with time" god. they were right person, wrong time vibes genuinely it makes me so insane to think about. i love hualian dearly, ofc, but fenglian has such a special place in my heart because just think about everything they shared and everything they did and everything feng xin sacrificed for xie lian that xl was too young and too hurt to see
"if i were homesick, you're remedy-wired / picking up herbs in the morning time / i'd wait for something more" hello? already heavy on the pining vibes, plus i love the fenglian "you are my home" vibes... sobs... fx would take care of xl to the end
tell her by bruno major!
just like. listen to it as a love letter from xl to fx...
"still she will come back around / nothing could shake her / repeat or replace her / i've finally figured that out", xl realizing how much he always needed fx, xl realizing that he was perfectly loyal but xl was too scared
"tell her she's more than i dreamed i would find / she's always there in the back of my mind / if you should see her, ask her if we'll work it out" fx was literally so perfect you don't understand dies loudly... and he definitely left a lasting impact on xl forever
leaving the last two lines for of the song as a surprise if you haven't heard it yet and you decided to give it a listen, i promise it'll be great :]
lover's rock by tv girl!
"because love can burn like a cigarette / and leave you with nothing" i have. no more to say. just. that's everything i have to say about this i could talk sm more but that's what i want to leave it at
dear my all by mingginyu!
this one's in korean, so allow me to be your terrible translator (genuinely my korean skills are so bad nobody ever taught me so let's see if i can cook) (alternatively, use google translate)
"you can tell me everything, all your secrets / i'll never hurt you again" xl to fx, telling him that he can lean on him and promising o be better this time <3
"you're allowed to rest, you've been running for so long / it's okay to blame the things that have hurt you" fx to xl, telling him that's entitled to peace and happiness after everything he's been through
i tried google translating some of this because i didn't know if mine made sense but aughhh i can't explain it but the translations on google are all... awkward? i can't tell if it's just the context of the way my family speaks korean and the way i've come to understand the use of certain words but either way i'll leave it at that SDHFGJSD
late again by peter manos!
"yesterday came and went / you are my closest friend / i'll never understand / don't want you to see me cry / even though i've seen you cry" they truly were. pretty good friends despite the way their relationship formed. they would've had a much better relationship if they weren't prince and servant but whatever that's still a trope HSDGF so we take that W. they both seem like they'd struggle a bit to be vulnerable with each other but slowly grow more comfortable and that makes me so soft
"i wanna tell you everything is alright / begging you to tell me everything is alright" this one makes me lose it. the first one gives xl vibes (wanting to tell fx that he's okay and he's sorry and things worked out okay) and the second is fx vibes (wanting to know that xl is okay, regretting leaving even though xl told him to leave, wanting to know he's safe)
untitled v.2 by cavetown!
i'm literally never gonna be free from cavetown getting associated with media i'm into am i
"i know my hands aren't warm enough to hold your cold, cold heart" fx feeling like a failure when it came to being able to save xl from The Horrors
"and i know my bones aren't strong enough to keep me from falling apart" both of them fr, they were going through it like crazy. they were constantly on the brink of collapse. someone send some help
"and did you know that every night i play your favourite songs on repeat? it helps me sleep" i think. when they were separated for so many years, they kept reminders of the other around with them. for a little bit of bittersweet comfort
back to you by flower face!
"don't fight back / don't look at me like that / don't forget I'll never quite forgive you / but i'll pretend to" okay but xl realistically thinks nobody will ever forgive him. he would eternally believe that fx holds things against him aughguhaguuhguh angst has me in a chokeholdd
"how will I release you now? / how can I forgive myself when I'm still in love with you?" yeah. pining and separted fenglian keeps me up at night can u tell lmao
"and it's always back to you again / always back to you, my friend" because it really is always back to them! time and time again it's back to them, the two of them together again in differently painful situations and it makes me die inside
i am a world class yapper, please forgive me </3 i also went hard on the angst i just i love my ships a lil angsty (<- writes fluff 80% of the time)
also i didn't forget abt the role jian lan played in fx's life during the time when xl was banished and struggling! this is just focused on only xl and fx's relationship during those times. besides, a lot of signs indicate that fx loved them both dearly, and it hurt a lot to lose them both.
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cryo-mastercomputer · 11 days
Okay im literally so bored soooo
@pastelclovds ' isekai AU for Wren again bc i LOVE WRITING!!!
Wrens Isekai life!! Pt. 2!
When they get to the apartment luckily it seemed furnitured but bland enough to still decorate
Wren began to sign to CAM
"Which room would you like, oldest gets to pick first"
RAM a bit offended sighs and takes the L on this one
CAM picked the middle room, not too big, not too small
"RAM would you like the bigger room, I don't wanna be selfish and take it if you want it instead!"
RAM would take it normally, but with the size of the big room it would be better for Wren to take it, since they need the wheelchair in there...
Or maybe they can share this room?
"We can share, the smallest room will be CAM and I office"
"Fair, and sorry if Im being annoying but can you place me on the couch? I'll fidgure out something i can do, don't want to be a mooch ahah!"
Wren felt bad that their useless this time around
Normally they'd be dancing, helping move anything, preparing dinner or even going to their job
But in this world they really can't move with any support
For now they'll just be doing laundry and unpacking boxes for RAM and CAM
Speaking of the two
"Hey RAM, get CAM I need to talk to the two of you!"
They both sit next to Wren as they look at the two
"Okay now that were in a world were I'm familiar with we need to get you better names, I think CAM will be Cameron or Cam for short, its obvious, but RAM...Why don't I call you...Ramon? Just for now! I'll still call the you Ram and Cam but more as nicknames...luckily my name is a normal name so unless the two of you want to share a last name then we need some type of household name"
RAM was barely following along while CAM took notes\
After Wren's rambles they finally got RAM's attention
"Now Ram, Cam if anyone ask you two are born from the same mom different dads, also we should find out if AM is here as well..II know you all don't get along but it'll be nice to see if he has a new identity here as well"
"He won't live here right?"
"Of course not, if he has a house or whatever we'll visit him"
Ram nodded and Cam seemed a bit off with that idea but Wren knows how to lie better than the two of them
"If we can...I kinda wanna see if we can live here as long as we can.."
Wren spoke with a bit of sadness, Ram and Cam knew somewhat why they would wanna stay here but not for what they think
"So, lets fine jobs and I'll lie my candy ass off to make sure no one knows of who we we're before"
They both nod
Night falls and Wren is sitting on the couch knitting a blanket for winter, Cam usually gets cold often so this would be a nice surpise for Christmas
"Whats up Ram..."
Ram sighs as he sits next to Wren trying to keep them as close as possible
"What is bothering you..I know something is wrong...I may be apathetic to others but for you it's different..I've been in you're mind but I know you kept secrets from me..You're in despair...i know it..."
"I..its..its a long story....And I know I've known you for a while I just...I don't know if you'd hate me for it"
Wren confested as they pinned the chain they were on and packed it into a bag for safe keeping
"When I think you're ready I'll tell you the truth"
Ram seemed a bit upset but he knows its for the best
"I'll put faith you'll tell me"
Ram spoke so softly
Even with his accent he still manages to sound so soft
"heh...I love your scars by the way...they look really cool, can...can I touch them? If you want you can touch mine as well!"
Wren smiled as Ram shook his head
"You may...but you don't have to if you don't want to"
Wren smiled wider as they removed their jacket for him to see the tank top they wore
Their scars ran up their spine and into their hair, they had some on their shoulders and knees but most where on their head
"Oh but I do Ram~"
Adding spicy moments soon~
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phasesofpencils · 2 years
Ok so one more post i wanna say to the rise fandom, and forgive me if i get something wrong I've only been here for 2 weeks.
1) Remain CAUTIOUSLY optimistic! Keep your expectations in check. Hope for the best but don't expect much, if something does come of this I'd imagine it might take longer than a week to hear any definitive news on the fate of the show, good or bad. I'd give it a month and that might still be a little early.
2) i know we all want the show on Netflix, damn I do paramount sucks, but there's probably some legal hoops they'd have to go through to make that happen if they even could. Paramount is now officially Nick's hosting service for their shows for streaming. Pretty sure the only reason Netflix got the exclusive rights for the movie was because at the time of development i don't think paramount plus even existed yet. Now that it does, and it's the only legal place to watch season 2 (in the US) if we get more seasons i think its more likely it'll be on Paramount.
3) if the show does get renewed expect at least about a year for it to return or to get trailers. I know we got boards out there but idk how far into development they got on those deleted episodes. I also don't know like who has like custody of those boards ya know? I imagine Nick but i also feel like the artist who worked on those boards have been releasing them i think? Either way the point is those episodes aren't finished. And the show has been on pause for like what, 2 years right? It would be pretty difficult to get everyone back. I garuntee a large number of the people involved have moved onto other projects and don't have the time to return to the show. Plus what was already developed might still need to be edited or cut due to the sudden change in dynamic at the end of the season 2 finale (mostly leo being dubbed the leader)
4) who is this man??? (/srs /lh)
Tumblr media
And why does it seem like we're taking his word as gospel on the fate of this show? Unless I'm getting people confused here, Everyone seemed to be talking about him talking about the show. So much so i assumed he was one of the creators, but i looked into it and he's not? Idk i kinda just glanced at his info but it seemed like the only involvement he had in Rise was creating a calendar (?) And i think creating the krangified challenge? I even asked my friend who got me into the show who was following it when it was airing and even they don't know who he is. Genuinely who is this person, just let me know if he's even a credible or reliable source. Cus unless it's coming right from the creators themselves im not convinced.
5) last thing. Please do not harrass people about the show! I've seen people try and pressure at least one youtube reviewer into reviewing it like he was the only thing standing in the way of season 3 like Nick was holding thw show at gun point til he reviewed it. (Not like that dramatic but also i don't think its going to make that much of a difference. Pretty sure these studios don't look at who's reviewing their show unless they're trying to copyright strike them) and please don't bug the people who were with or on the show. They probably can't tell you anything anyways cus ya know NDAs are a thing. Just please be civil 🙏 (but the Nick and Maybe Netflix and Paramount that's fine probably. It is always morally correct to bully corporations /hj)
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titanicfreija · 2 months
Something Else
Even before they got close, they could smell the death. The bodies strewn nearest the entrance clutched weapons and a few featured steaming green wounds. Not fresh but not old either.
"Our work?" asked Freija. "Looks like we've been here."
"I can't tell if it's us or Hive. It's really hard to tell," said Thomas. "It doesn't help that we take our enemies' weapons so often. There's definitely Hive magic here, but it could be relics or Thorn or Striga..." He shrugged.
"If it was the Hive, they'd still be here," Rex said.
"Then they've either gone or they've hidden their energy signatures," Sunny replied.
"Glimmer says the latter," Thomas agreed, checking his Perpetualis and adjusting his gloves.
Freija and Thomas ventured into the derelict Golden Age building, Ghosts over shoulders providing light. The lobby was empty except for puddles and dust and Eliksni corpses.
"I'm gonna guess you're more okay with genocide when it's Hive?" Thomas asked.
"In a cultural sense," Freija admitted. "Dunno about the species, but genocidal cultures get to die by the sword. Or gun. Whatever. It was your line, you know what I mean."
"It's another old one. Live by the sword, die by the sword," Thomas said. "I was being cynical at the time."
"I know. But Xivu is literally genocidal. There is no treaty to be had here. If-- when we get them down to the last thrall, it'll be trying to kill us just as hard as Xivu Arath herself, because all it wants is to kill. If this is where hunting to feed takes the Hive, they need a predator to keep them in check or they need to be wiped out."
"At least two entities in the universe believe that about us," Rex said snidely.
"I don't think they're wrong about us needing to kill, but we can kill each other just fine. If left to our own devices.... That's pretty much exactly what the Warlords did."
Rex didn't answer, but Thomas chuckled quietly. "He likes you."
"This looks a lot like hating you," Sunny said. "It means he'll actually hunt you down to be antagonistic."
"Oh. Then he's liked me for a while. Since the Imbaru Engine." Freija looked back at Thomas. "He all but stalked me any time I came back to the Tower, giving me shit about my names for the Hive symbols."
"Aww," teased Thomas. 
"If the Hive have been in here, they decided it wasn't worth nesting in," Freija said. "Looks like Guardian work."
"Corpse count is high. We're normally pretty bad about disintegrating everything."
"I don't see dead --ohhh."
The facility opened into a huge room of desks with screens, littered with Hive and Eliksni corpses. Mostly acolytes and dregs, with a couple of knights and Captains. A single wizard lay amongst them.
"If anyone survived, they fled," Thomas said. "Not that I blame them."
Sunny and Rex scanned the ruined computers while Thomas and Freija searched the room. Just corpses. Couple of ether tanks.
"There's another server room down the hall," Rex said. He and Thomas strode ahead while Freija watched his back.
Freija shot by reflex, immediately regretting it when she finally saw the dreg, but they didn't fall. They ran back into cover, glowing shield from its servitor saving it from the Guardian.
"Hey-- velaask?" Freija called.
Thomas watched the crack in the wall where they vanished into.
"I hate to kill a last survivor. Always feels dirty," Freija complained. "Why the fuck do they keep trying to fight?"
"Wouldn't you?"
"I'm immortal, that's different."
"If it was Hive?"
Freija's mouth twisted. "I wanna say I would be smarter than that but I'd be lying," she admitted. "So good point. Either way." She directed her external comm into the ruined wall. "Look, guy, we're here for data retrieval and nothing else. Not fighting. Get out. Illa tokal aaska."
Thomas turned back to his task, trusting her to handle this. "Your enunciation has gotten a lot better. You getting practice?"
"A little."
She deliberately moved past the gap so the alien could see her do it, went to a t-junction of the corridor, and pretended to ignore them. She watched her radar as they snuck through the wall and up the hall, away from them and toward the exit. She stuck her head into the room to check for others, finding nothing threatening.
Thomas banged around in the closed room and Freija did her best to keep still as he swore at the terminal and a chair he kicked, and the soft crackle of electricity immediately followed by a hiss of pain.
Sunny ventured in and Rex hovered out, refusing to look at any of them. Freija could hear the low hum of electric device working for the first time in centuries.
After a few minutes of silence, she called in. "Anything?"
"My name," Thomas said. "And an employment history. Apparently I did tech work. My name was-- You're kidding."
"Ambros Zaunbrecher."
"What, like ambrosia? Or amber?"
"It translates to immortal. Roughly. Zaunbrecher means 'fence-breaker'."
Freija didn't make a sound, to the extent that Thomas wondered if she muted or changed channels.
"When we figure out time travel, I'm going to ask my original parents why," he promised himself. "I was cursed from the first life," he added under his breath. "Let me find out my middle name was wizard or something.... No. Schreiber. I think that might be worse. Cursed, cursed, cursed. And I'm a second! There's no way the other guy with this name is still dead! Suddenly I understand your feelings, Freija, calling him my father felt weird."
"Right? Even after Crow pointed out that dead family is still family. Got anything else?"
"Not much. I was with a Braytech subsidiary, doing network maintenance, according to this. Nearly ten years. Clean disciplinary file except one time listed as "insubordination" with no details, that sounds fun. Termination date 30-6-2471. Less than a year after that write-up."
"Sounds like you found the good dirt," Freija chuckled.
"With the name, I can find lots of other things, but not here. I won't have data in the Tower like you did, but first name and last name is fantastic. Secondary education was Heinmann Polytech, they're gonna have more details. Can maybe look up some news stories if I can find a good catalogue...."
"I could make a hobby of this," sighed Sunny happily.
"Did we want to make sure the Hive are cleared out?" Freija asked.
"What happened to sparing the last survivor?" Thomas teased.
"Shut up, I know it's a double standard, but Eliksni run and Hive don't," she grumbled. "I'll be right back."
When Freija came back out, covered in ashes and carrying a lump of cloth, she found Thomas holding a glaive at the servitor's eye while it and the dreg dangled helplessly, tangled in green threads.
"I spared them for your sake," he told Freija. "But it shot first."
"I found why," Freija said, shifting the bundle. Thomas sucked a breath when he saw that the hatchling was dead.
The Eliksni struggled in its bonds with a harsh squawk and loud chittering. The servitor groaned as it tried to get an eye on them, fighting hard and losing.
"Tell me you didn't," he breathed. "And you brought it back up here?"
Freija shook her head solemnly and wrapped the bundle, securing the cloth. "I didn't. They wouldn't have gone if it was alive when we got here. They were guarding the body. They were trying to keep us away from it. Let them down." Thomas backed off and let the hold fall away. Instantly, the servitor shielded the Eliksni, which charged at Freija with two knives. She knocked one knife away and curled a shoulder as if protecting the hatchling. The Eliksni stopped short, stumbling back, second knife falling wayside.
Freija waited to make sure the attack stopped, and she held the bundle out. The Eliksni crept up cautiously and took it at the length of their reach. They brought the bundle to their chest, clutching it with their lower stumps and one upper arm. The other slowly moved across their torso to stop near the other shoulder, and they offered the subtlest of nods. Freija nodded in return and said, "Illa tokal aaska," again. "Sunny, can you give the servitor coordinates?"
"I... think so?"
"Can you send them to a waypoint and contact Three?"
Thomas almost cried out in surprise. "Three? You call up Three? Ever? Don't you guys hate each other?"
"Mutual distaste, but we agree on some stuff, including that the Eliksni need help, not war." Freija stepped away from the Eliksni, holding her hands clear of her weapons. Both Eliksni and servitor stepped backward, refusing to look away from the Guardians until they backed around the building's lobby door, out of sight.
Thomas watched Freija for several long moments, then sighed and shook his head. "I'll hear about this in the city later," he declared incredulously. "I'll go to the Eliksni quarter and I'm going to hear about this Guardian that found the sole survivor of a Hive attack and sent her a ride to the Tower with her dead hatchling for proper funeral rites. And you make this look easy, like it's easy to just peacemake, like she didn't try to kill both of us twice. You know fifteen words in their entire language and at least two of them are swears, and you--" he shook his head and turned away with a heavy breath. "You are something else."
"The Eliksni don't want to fight," Freija said with a shrug. "Most, anyway. Some of them are angry at us for stealing the Traveler, still, and some of them are angry because of what we've done to them and theirs, but fuckloads, even the raiders and warriors, would rather just fucking not. I can't do it in big groups or anything, laying down arms in front of an army is a great way to die, but one on one, one on a few, they  know I'm the biggest threat in the area, and if I stop, they don't wanna start."
Thomas nodded slowly and fixed his Perpetualis under his arm. "Something else," he repeated.
The Database
Something Else
Campfire Stories
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hiiii i found your blog and saw that you’re talking abt tae’s current situation i wanna say thank you for your kind words as i’m feeling overwhelmed too abt the news. i always seek comfort by reading his fics whenever i’m feeling down but now when im sad abt this i cant read his fics bcs he’s the reason why im sad. i know it’s weird and cringed but how do i overcome this huaaaaa :(
(sorry for ranting and sorry if this post made you uncomfortable you can just ignore it if you feel so!)
Hey bean, first of all this did not make me uncomfortable in the slightest, and you have no reason to apologize for your feelings.
Lots of people are feeling this way and have been made time and time again to feel ashamed for it. I think that's wrong. None of you deserve to be ridiculed and made to stuff your feelings down deep so that you don't get targeted.
I'm sorry you've all felt so alone during this. I promise you that you are not alone.
ARMY, let's do better.
These are our friends, basically our family at times. Why do we have to shun them just to make ourselves look "better"? How disappointed do you think BTS would be in some of us to find out how some of their beloved fans were treated for having feelings?
I for one don't think they'd be all too proud.
Nonnie, it is totally normal for you to be avoiding fics about him right now. Like I said in earlier posts, the love is very much real and along with that comes the very real heartbreak, even if some people can't understand it.
Things that used to make you happy are now a direct trigger.
As for overcoming it, there are things that work for some people and things that don't work at all for others. Do what feels right to you, okay?
You can face it head on and bulldoze your way through it, that's how some people heal and feel better.
Or you can find other things that make you happy. It seems like a distraction that won't help in the long run but if this way works for you it isn't that. It's simply filling your life with so many things that bring you joy that you will eventually realize there's more to life than you thought, and it won't hurt as much anymore.
The first step is acknowledging it, which you have done, and I'm so proud of you for that.
Right now, it probably feels like it'll never stop hurting. That you'll never be able to come back from this.
I'm not gonna tell you that you can or cannot.
That's up to you, bean.
This is your story.
You make the rules.
You are the main character in your life, no one can take that from you.
What does that character we love so much do?
Does the book end here, or do we get to see another chapter?
Will our MC give up, or will they break only to become so so much more beautiful?
A character with no struggles is hardly one we can connect with. We root for them because they are broken, and yet we love them and fully believe that they will pick themselves back up and keep going. It's okay to stay down there for a while, it's okay to sit there and cry. We'll all be crying there with you.
But I truly hope the story does not end there.
I for one would love to turn the page and keep reading.
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plcapuche7 · 6 months
31 December 2023
... And i talk to them.. And they talk about how they want '' him '' to be.. What to wear.. How to look like.. And i feel sad.. Cuz you took me the way i was.. I try to reorganise things in my head from 0 again.. Cuz i almost can't believe you're not here anymore.. I almost think you're here for couple of time.. I dont want another season.. You're my one and only reason
There was a time when i just wanted to live and focus on my goals When i wanted to not go back in time When my mind was consumed I just wanted you to stay Both staying.. Getting through life.. I made mistakes.. but i wanted us to meet
But i didnt know.. How rare it would be to be chosen and loved.. And to like back that person.. All that vibe.. I thought it will never be like my childhood times again.. That i'd get more chances.. But yeah.. Sometimes that becomes your normal.. You think it would last long
But we don't have to be like them.. we don't have to live by their rules.. When i'm down there with their shit, tell me whats wrong.. Tell me what bothers you.. Remind me of how far we made it in life.. Cuz i dont wanna be like them..
But what can a man like me really want? A good sunset and being able to see the sky.. An early morning train trip.. Not having to worry about someone staying or not.. Yes i want a blowjob.. By time, it'll become normal too.. Hopefully we dont keep chasing for more when few things get normal.. And when they do, it's ok cause i wanna relieve that and redo them with you.. Sharing these deep thoughts and passions.. We all are trash.. Mostly on the outside.. I hope you dig enough to find the real me.. And believe in it.. I broke your heart.. I thought about other girls too sometimes.. But i'd still talk about it.. I'd say i'm wrong.. I'm aware.. And i wanna change.. How can this artistic mind cause this much pain.. We talk about life like we know shit.. Once it gets confusing and we run out of answers, we just do whatever it is on our mind.. Maybe i wanted an answer.. Sth like what the hell are you doing?.. Are we gonna stay like this?..
But no matter how much i thought about them all things in life.. There was these mysterious pieces like people, love and relationships..... Love.. How would i know that love exists ?.. The love that i feel and hear in old Coldplay albums.. Only by tearing my heart apart.. How would i know who's right for me? Only by making mistakes.. Let the midday walks and sunshine dry your tears.. Dry the tears trying to not let them fall in your eyes while you're outside.. I loved your hometown.. Passing by in the car.. I loved everything about you.. I worried.. And holding that continous feeling of love.. It was tiring.. You gave up on it anyways..
But eachone of us does sth in this world.. Some just stay inside all daylong.. Some look for pussy.. Some are ok with staying in peace and dying.. Some prioritise their religion.. Some dedicate their lives to a thing or two.. Some want a car.. Money.. Shit.. Some just wanna have fun Some just wanna get high We dont really have to choose.. We don't have to define .. We dont have to be like them.. We get close to being like them sometimes..
Bodies are sick Look into my soul (if you want an answer)
Nobody gives a shit.. So why giving a fuck about their opinions? Only people who experienced that would know.. Some people wrote and felt love.. Others laughed at them or never truly knew the meaning behind.. If you take my soul and fit it, would it fit? it would.. Maybe thats the definition of a soulmate
We'll live talking shit.. They'd be like.. What happened with your ex? You'd be like.. He was like this and that.. I'm glad i am your ex somehow.. It feels like an honour.. Now you got a new boyfriend.. Do you miss me sometimes?
We first started talking on a hopeless 3 pm like this.. On a very sunny time.. While i'm alone in my room.. We shared music.. Everything welt welcomed..
-He was just 19 We vibed to everything -He's still a kid I built logic by my own.. I'd hear you, recognise my mistake and get down on the floor to kiss your feet and apologise cuz i really mean it.. Cuz you really mean to me -He wasn't responsible I wanted to be a graphic designer.. I wanted to exercise.. I wanted to make art.. I wanted to pass the year.. I had to deal with money, food, rent, family shit, past issues.. -He stopped talking I was suffering -He lost interest We had infinite interests.. It felt timeless -He was dumb I was dumb -He went to talk to other girls Yes i did.. I had a feeling i was wrong.. Later i said i was wrong -He didnt express his love much Thats how he is.. But he tries.. You're his everything.. And thats not easy to manage..
Lets just get out of there and be humble.. Say things like '' for real.... For real..... ''... Expressing how we truly feel and think.. Reexperience our love again.. Lets not do anything else until we get the connection back from our souls.. Until they give us an answer... ... -Do you love me? -Yes i do baby ...
I'm an old soul.. At that age.. I just didnt know much more than the good sunrises.. Old coldplay albums and the long talking sessions with myself.. How that was our moment and chance.. Cuz it gets taugh by time..
You remind me of my grandma.. Cuz i simply loved her.. Even though i didnt know why.. She'd be proud if i had you I love your hometown.. It's cause i love you.. I might end up loving everyone related to you.. Everyone you like.. cause i like you Forget? I tried to, i swear.. My cousin told me our family members aren't good with emotional things.. It felt so random that i think he knew.... Maybe the solution is la haine.. THAT WASN'T ME.. THAT WASN'T ME.. It was just me dealing with this world.. But i'm aware.. Like i told you 350 days ago.. I'm sober.. For this.. I died a little inside.. I stubbed myself and died too many times this year.. Alive? Not really.. What kept me alive is that hope that i had in us going back to talking..
17:23 Wow now i realised this time is leaving I got no happy new year or anything I got the feeling that i should be like a '' gangster ''.. I got the feeling that she's whispering to me.. '' yeah this is what you get ''.. And to be honest, i diserve it.. We diserve it.. Cheers to them.. They spend it however they spend it.. I just chill in my room.. I made some small design about her..
I realised these kids are tiring to date man.. It's not gonna get anywhere that way..
It's ok.. I get up everyday.. If i didnt dream about her last night, I'd think of her and think she's still here for couple of seconds until i realise she's not.. The place changed.. In your heart.. And mind..and physically.. Lets talk about the past.. Lets relieve the moments.. Lets get back to where we used to be.. 2023.. I'm still in the same place.. No one is here to share the moment..
This new year's eve.. I wrote too much.. Even though i dont feel like talking to anyone or feeling good.. I feel sad.. Also empty and free in a way.. Cuz i know deep down i diserve it.. Somehow this sadness is all i wanted in a way.. This wouldn't feel special if things were good between eachothers.. Funny.. Right? It would feel special though if i go with the flow.. I think less.. And just share the moment with you limitlessly.. Damn.. Ithas been 11 months at least tryin'..
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Recently, I actually discovered for a fact the names of the first set of harassers who resided in that house: Paul Shazel and Lashawna Denise Shazel. Interestingly enough, when I googled the address--608 38th Street South St. Petersburg FL 33711--the police department website pulled up as part of the search results. Interesting indeed. I was actually trying to discover the identities of who lives there now, to no avail. The house was resold in 2021, but it doesn't go into details on who purchased it. Recently, I asked my dad how he knew Paul, as he would sometimes go over there. I'd assumed it was because they lived there so long and our backyards are so close despite not being right behind one another. He revealed Paul used to work for the same company my aunt worked for back in the day. I played nonchalant so he wouldn't ask why I was asking. It'd always disturbed me he knew those people despite the fact they'd do what they could to torment me the moment I stepped foot in the backyard. Unfortunately, he, like the rest of my intermediate family has never once believed me no matter what I tell them of what's really going on against all of us, not just me.
The wife was the worst, so verbally aggressive, much like this new Psycho broad. At least this one doesn't sound like a 50 year smoker lol The Program became aware of me attempting to find out who they are; the first day I began my research, they had an undercover cop post up on my street. An intimidation tactic which failed miserably. I kept right on digging until exhausting all avenues. I purposely passed down their street one day, inching through to try and figure out which house was theirs. I'm unfamiliar with that back street so I had to try and peer from front yards to backyards to recognize my own. I came close, but got the wrong one. My goal had been to snap some pictures to put across social media just to expose them. Next to the wrong house happened to be the right house; two men--one thin, bald and older, the other, short, dark skinned, heavy set and dressed in all black looking every bit like the epotime of some wanna-be thug--were standing out front. They saw me. The shorter one waved at me while the older one scrambled for his phone, no doubt being notified of what I was trying to accomplish. I saw him scrolling lol Both wore guarded looks, nothing of the bravado they seem to possess when I'm at a distance, as expected. It's different when they don't know what I'm going to do, and driving by had been a spur of the moment choice on my end. So had parking and taking pictures. Unaware I was snapping pics of the wrong house, I'd pretty much ignored them, and they'd played it cool, pretending like they were suddenly ignoring me. The loudmouth Psycho lady was nowhere in sight. In hindsight, I'd like to think maybe for once she was inside taking care of what I'm assuming is her young son, as they use him as well to shout at me over the fence. More than likely however, she was probably sitting on her ass in their living room watching my every move on the live stream while also on guard. Those people rarely ever seem to leave their house. Any time of day or night I go outside, they do the same. Their "jobs" seemingly revolve around attempting to make my life miserable from one street over. Poor sucker pawns, wasting their time, energy and effort every single day lol Anyhow, I gave up on finding out who they really are. Unlike the last neighbors, they probably go by fake aliases as delegated by the Program to help keep them covered. Still, there are other ways of exposing them. It's just a matter of do I really want to invest so much of my energy into doing so since it'll still be doubted by Untargeted Individuals not associated to the Program.
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yan-sideblog · 2 years
(NOTE: This is based off my own headcanon/theory concerning the MC's past.)
"You know I'm not a naturally angry person." Alan spoke to the man sat a ways from him against a tree. He wasn't worried about him running though.
'not with that mangled ankle'.
"I'm also not what you'd call chatty but i think it's important you understand WHY this is happening." as he spoke he sat down his hatchet before walking over. "Wouldn't wanna have a slip up." he mused kneeling in front of the man.
"Especially with just how angry i am with you."
Truth be told angry doesn't begin to cover how he feels. What he feels twords the bastard in front of him is more like a deep seething loathing. Something that couldn't be snuffed out by any other means.
'If it could i wouldn't be in this situation. Boss isn't gonna be to happy with me when they find out'. The first part was a lie and he damn well knew it. Even IF there was an alternative he still would've picked the option that ended with this guy six feet under.
"Now i have more important things to do with someone infinitely more important to me so let's cut to the chase." he places his right hand on his shoulder and squeezes HARD. The unnamed man flinched from the combined pain of his ankle and the hand on his shoulder but he didn't dare speak in fear it'd make the situation worse.
Not that it'll help.
"I wanna have a little chat about Y/N." at the mention of his doe eyes name recognition flashes across the man's face. 'That's good' he thinks 'i won't have to waste time encouraging him to remember'.
"Now to me my doe eyes is a sweet, thoughtful, adorable and absolutely beautiful individual. Easily the only good person in my life therefore the most important person in it." he can't help the dreamy look that passes over his face as he speaks.
His mind drifts back to them, sound asleep in their bed where he left them. 'Hopefully I'll be finished here before they wake up' he'd hate to make them worry over his sudden absence.
But, like with all good things, those happy thoughts end as he refocuses on the bastard in front of him.
"So imagine my surprise when i find out someone had the fucking nerve to harm even a single hair on their head!" with every word his grip tightens. If the man were to wake up tomorrow there'd surely be a nasty bruise on his shoulder.
"Especially when that someone was a person who claimed to love them." he wonders what's running through this bastard's mind right now. 'Not that it matters' and it really doesn't.
His fate was sealed the second he heard what he'd done.
He can still clearly remember the terrified sound that tore from their throat as they jolted awake a few nights ago. Before he could even asks what was wrong they'd scrambled out of their bed to sit against the wall. Legs pulled up to their chest and head ducked under their arms protectively. All the while struggling to take in panicked breaths.
It took some time for Alan to help them realize they were safe and to help get their breathing under control. Once he was confident they were mentally present he, after making sure they were comfortable being touched, took them in his arms surprised by just how much they were shaking as they clung to him.
Now Alan might not be the smartest guy but he's by no means stupid. He knew enough about people partially through his own past experiences to know that something was wrong.
After some gentle prodding it was like the floodgates opened as they broke down again. It felt like it took hours for them to tell him everything. Both because they kept having to pause to calm down enough to speak and because of just how much there was to tell.
By the time they were finished they had fallen asleep again, and Alan had made his decision. That decision is what led him here and why this poor excuse of a man would be dead soon.
"Do you have any idea just how much you hurt them? How much they're still affected by what you put them through?!" as he spoke his other hand came to wrap around his neck. 'See how much HE likes not being able to breath'.
"I - I'm not. . I d-didn't. .!!" whatever excuses he had were quickly cut off by pressure around his neck. Not enough to kill him but enough to warn him to keep his mouth shut.
"That was a rhetorical question! I couldn't give less of a shit what you know or think." he spat. His already limited patience was running out fast 'i need to hurry this along before i fucking loose it'.
"Trurh be told they could be perfectly fine. Completely unaffected by everything you did to them and we'd still be here!" the hand around his neck began tightening. "And do you know why?" his hand starts cutting off his oxygen and this time the poor bastard tries struggling. Unfortunately for him even if Alan wasn't wearing his fingerless gloves he wouldn't feel his nails digging in.
'Still rude to do while I'm talking' it only takes his head slamming back against the tree to get the message across. "You done?" he nods frantically causing Alan to ease up on the pressure just a bit "Good. Now as i was saying it doesn't matter because your actions alone are irredeemable.".
"Because treating them any less than how they deserve is an offense i can't allow. And you did far worse than that." at this point both hands are wrapped around his neck and it takes EVERYTHING in him not to just snap it right thrre.
'Can't have that though' and so with great effort he removes his hands and stands back up. The injured man, who's now shaking like a leaf, briefly thinks it might be over. That hope is short lived as Alan picks up the hatchet he had discardee earlier before making his way back over.
"It's ok though. In time you won't occupy even a fraction of their thoughts." a genuine smile spread across his face. "And the first step to make that a reality is for you to no longer be breathing.".
Before he could utter so much as another syllable Alan brought his hatchet down with force splitting his head open. He wastes no time wrenching it free, allowing the now lifeless body to fall to the forest floor as blood pours from the wound. He let's some time pass before slipping his hatchet into a belt loop and hoisting the corpse over his shoulders.
'Now all i gotta do is drop it off and let nature do the rest.' he had planned this out thoroughly. Having lived there for 7 years he knew what paths would be traveled and when. Nobody would run across the body until winter was well over.
'By that time the elements and critters will have done their job' he mused with a smile. More than a few like to gnaw on bones so maybe the head wound wouldn't be noticeable by then. 'Hopefully that's the case' he thinks starting his journey 'sure would go a long way twords boss letting this one slide'.
Truthfully he wasn't to worried though. He & the boss were on good terms and Alan has established himself as a trustworthy, dependable individual. Even if they weren't he still would've done what he did.
"After all doe eyes only deserves to feel loved, protected and safe. And it's my job to keep them that way.".
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cozymoko · 3 years
hii may I ask for a yandere Sasuke and Kakashi with a s/o who's kind of a big rebel. like she doesn't to wanna give up so she fights, and answers back you know? like she just doesn't want to leave her life behind so she tries to make it hard for them. And how they'd react like what would they do about it. Also if you only write one character per request please choose whoever you prefer.
🍙 I've always mentioned how Sasuke doesn't want a nonchalant lover, as he is relatively vacant himself. It's like fighting fire with fire, he frankly needs someone who declares what's on their mind. Who isn't too timid to oppose his actions. But a rebel wasn't what he had in mind.
❂——"You're something else indeed, I'm surprised you have even a little bit of will left."
🍙 You not leaving your new life behind is acceptable, Sasuke hasn't either. Although if it causes you to rebel against him it won't mean anything to him. He's greedy as an adult or juvenile, but not outwardly once he matured.
🍙 Sasuke isn't a kind man, overall, at least not in his days of youth. Your advances are nothing more than a setback that he'll ultimately overcome. It may take a while but he anticipated nothing less.
❂——"Why do you insist on fighting so much? We both know the outcome will be the same."
🍙 As violent as he can be that doesn't mean he doesn't at least enjoy watching your chaotic nature. You undoubtedly keep him on his toes, in more ways than one. In all honesty, he prefers it, you remind him of Naruto in numerous aspects. You stir a fire in him in ways that only Naruto was capable of, Sasuke was right when he deemed you special.
🍙 In the end, Sasuke might just manipulate you as that's what he does best. He'll make you want to abide with him, he'll make you believe he has overall reasonable intentions. He'll compel you to see it through his eyes, see through his trauma. Telling you his reasons are nothing but pure!
❂——"I'm not asking you to leave your family, am I? I'm asking for you to love me, am I really the selfish one, {Name}?"
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📚 Any challenge is appreciated and Kakashi won't give in that easily. If you want a fight, he'll give you one and there's no backing out from it. He'll turn it into a game, which will make him impossible to deal with.
📕——"This is a challenge, huh? What hardships will I face by your 'almighty' hands?" He joked, lending you his signature closed eye smile.
📚 I believe Kakashi to be a very family-oriented man, despite not getting to experience a family of his own. But if he has his eyes set on you he'll be damned if he lets you go. After everything he's been through in life he can be selfish for once, right?
📚 This man can outsmart you without a doubt. With every step you take he five more ahead of you, he honestly wants to see how long it'll last, how long until you give in, and trust me, he can wait pretty damn long. Kakashi doesn't take you too seriously. If you'd like to test it he's got all day.
📕——"Ah, mind games? You didn't actually think this could get me, right {Name}? For such a high-ranked ninja I thought you'd think smarter."
📚 With him, he won't let you slip through his fingers of course, but he won't necessarily force you to stay put. He's always watching, no doubt, though he'll show you that you "need" him and he's not doing this for his selfishness. If you're capable to protect yourself or not he'll always end up saving you over and over again.
📚 In the end, he's more of a person to wait, to tire you out into his arms. He's thinking about the long-term effects of just forcing you, Kakashi would rather not give you a reason to blame him. Therefore he'll just let you fully come to him and accept your fate since he technically didn't "force you." He's playing this game just as much as you are.
📕——"Ah, Ah, Ah, Not so fast, If my memory is correct it was you who wanted to be together. What's wrong, cat got your tongue? That's a new one."
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baka-monarch · 2 years
You want to know what the most tiring thing as a content creator is?
And technically I am one because I make content on Tumblr and I am an influencer through having a blog (albeit, I used to have a bigger influence than I do know because when I was more popular in the mcyt g/t community I was pretty big there and had a lot of influence before getting into Dreblr)
But like- you wanna know what the most tiring thing about creating content is?
It's other people trying to control it
Now this can be tiring in different ways, emotionally, it can drain your mental health, it can aggravate you, annoy you, make you cry, make you self conscious- it's just all around tiring
But there will always be people who will try to control what you make, no matter how small or large of a creator you are and it fucking sucks
Because we make what we want because that's what we enjoy, but the people on the outside also enjoy it- so for them whenever something happens that they don't like there's always a chance someone will take it personally and try to make you change it
Now for me personally obviously I've never gotten anything as bad as the big ccs have, but I have gotten some stuff from making content but then not making it the way a specific person wanted it (I've gotten passive aggressive asks before where people try to push on me their idea for an au where even if I answer their asks telling them how I want MY au to go they'll ignore it and keep trying to push how they want the au to be on me- now if the au started through an ask they sent me then I get it because that was their idea, but I've had people look at my old aus and then send me paragraphs about how they want the au to go and how they want the characters to be while completely ignoring things that I've made obvious and said multiple times- so they didn't miss some of these facts, and this is especially true for my aus where I make Dream a good guy, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable when people tell me how to write a character when I'm not even writing the character as they are in canon because it's an au. Another thing I've had happen multiple times is people seeing me post an au, then either reblog it and @ their friends to help them plot for it without asking me if this is what I want for my aus, and alternatively, I've had people link the first post about an au I have into discord so that they can make it into a story with their friends when I've already posted the story for the au- and they'll usually only put the link in discord after I post the story for the au, and then don't even know about the discord conversation until later and it's too late because they've already taken my au. It is very annoying)
This is also very bad for beginning creators because I remember when I was smaller and the NEED to make other people happy with your content is larger than the need to make yourself happy, and it's easy to get sucked down into this idea that you're creations are worthless. That you are worthless- because people don't like what you make and keep taking it and "making it better", which completely unmotivates smaller creators from creating because they don't think it'll be good enough. If you've seen Encanto, then think about like being Mirabel (or even the entire family Madrigal) and everyone else looking at what you're making is abuela. It's never good enough and creators end up second guessing themselves to the point that they won't ever actually create for the au and will just let everyone else have free reign with their headcannons (that's why when I started getting popular in mcyt g/t instead of constantly posting stories the way I wanted them- some of which were about Dream being a good guy even back then- instead I let my aus stories be decided by the asks people sent about them instead of by me. Because any time I would post an idea I liked more than someone else's, they'd then show up to my ask box and tell me that I'm wrong and how I should be going with their idea- which would then spiral into people who agree with them blowing me up about how they considered that person's idea canon to my au when I didn't want it to be. But I was so scared of people getting mad at me like how I saw happen to other people that I'd just let them have it instead of putting my foot down)
This happens to all content- and it sucks. It should be more normalized to be able to tell people that you don't want their idea without being attacked for being "selfish" or "dumb" for making what you like. You can see it happen to both large creators and small creators, and it seems to always lead to some sort of paranoia or imposter syndrome if only by a little bit- because it takes awhile to get used to people looking at your ideas and then spreading their own, it takes time to know how to deal with that- so when someone sudden blows up and has loads of people doing that it definitely hurts their mental health so much, and it does the same for people who don't blow up just as much since there's the fear of their friends hating their ideas (I don't charge my Dream ideas with some of my friends anymore because I know they hate his character, and even now I have to remind them to not share their ideas about a manipulative c!Dream with me because I hate that and get uncomfortable with it and slowly they're starting to do that- not talk about the c!Dream being "evil" stuff) and it sucks. We should be supporting people and what they make, not oppressing then and forcing them to create content we like. Then nothing will get made because the creator won't have fun anymore!
Idk what else to say I just felt like ranting about this thing that I think about sometimes finally, I just- if you don't like what someone makes. Leave. Unfollow them, block them, block the tag of their Tumblr/Twitter creation, or just don't watch the videos about it at all! No one is forcing you to look at content you don't like so don't force someone to change it to content they don't like!
Good night!
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