#but things scalated so quickly
lepmldraws · 1 year
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Getting Pulled Down
That's not what happens. But i mean, he tried.
I've used the LU design though, I've got used to it already.
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lendeah · 9 months
A small prompt because I needed soft Astarion for once :)
Prompt: Astarion has a nightmare in the Underdark.
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader
Words: 804
Tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
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You rest peacefully, enjoying the calm breathing of Astarion beside you. Your bodies naturally meld together, having grown so accustomed to sharing the same bedroll since the first night you spent together, both seeking the closeness of having another body or soul. Suddenly, the elf begins to mumble, and his breathing grows rough and fast. His nightmares have really worsened since they entered the underdark, the scenery reminding him too much of his old life in the shadows.
His mumbling quickly starts scalating.
"No, please… Cazador… please…" 
The elf's breathing is shallow, his face scrunched in agony.
"Please, not the rats again… Not the blood… please…" 
Rising from your bedroll, you gently shake Astarion. 
"Hey," you whisper gently. "Hey, Astarion..." 
Despite your efforts, he continues to twist and hyperventilate.
“N-No! Please! I'll do as yo-you say, just don't…" Desperation echoes in his pleading voice.
You climb on top of him, shaking forcefully to pull him from his nightmare. "Astarion! You're not there! Wake up!"
He awakens with a sharp inhale and a shiver, pupils dilated, body trembling. His breathing is heavy, and tears stream down his cheeks. You breathe a sigh of relief, taking a moment to gently wipe away the tears with your thumbs. 
“You’re okay,” you whisper softly, your voice comforting. “Cazador is very far away. You are safe now.”
His tear-streaked gaze meets yours, but the sobbing lingers, accompanied by quivering breaths and trembling body. He wraps his arms around you, his tears soaking your shirt. Even if he’s awake and no longer dreaming you can’t seem to put his mind at ease. He squeezes you, tightly, as if this is the only thing keeping him from falling apart. 
His intense reaction catches you off guard; it’s the first time you have seen him this affected by a nightmare. You wrap your arms around him, holding him close to your body and gently caressing his bare back in a soothing rhythm. Gradually, his body relaxes, and the sobs subside into quiet sniffles against your chest. 
“Was it a bad one?” you whisper, your lips brushing against his hair.
Astarion doesn't withdraw; instead, he melts into your embrace, burying his head in the crook of your neck. There's a pause before he speaks, inhaling slow, shaky breaths until the shuddering subsides. In a weak, hoarse voice, he finally responds, "Yes..." but he remains tightly pressed against your body. "Cazador..." he manages to say, as if uttering the vampire's name demands a considerable effort.
You silently nod in understanding, letting one of your hands move up to gently bury in his hair, fingers caressing the soft strands. "Is it the darkness? Does it make it worse?" you ask softly.
"Dark... yes... and the caves... so... many caves..." his voice still trembles. "It's... too dark here," he murmurs against your chest.
“We’re all a bit frightened of the dark at times. A little light can make it more bearable,” you reply softly, conjuring dancing lights with a subtle flick of your wrist. The small tent is then bathed in a gentle glow, pushing back the shadows and offering a comforting radiance.
Gradually, he starts to relax in your arms, but to your surprise, doesn’t release his hold on you.
“This…this is better,” he sighs, “Thank you… I really miss the sun,” he says softly. 
You smile against his hair, murmuring, “I know you do. We’ll be back up in no time. I promise.”
Though you can’t see his face, the way he seems to curl into you adds an intimate air.
“Could you hold me?” he asks, uncertainty lacing his words.
The request surprises you, causing your heart to squeeze, but you conceal the reaction, not letting it show. Under normal circumstances,  you would have messed with him for his tender disposition. However, this moment feels too delicate to disrupt, so you simply nod in silence. You lie back down on the bedroll, guiding his head to rest on your chest, fingers gently threading through his hair once more.
As his breathing gradually slows, the only audible sound is his own quiet exhales. He’s so close that you can feel his cold body,  the velvety touch of his soft skin against your own.
“Thank you,” he says quietly, so softly that you almost can’t hear him. The tiny lights seem to dance in his hair, creating a somewhat angelic aura around him.
You tighten your embrace around his frame, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head before closing your eyes.  A quiet sigh escapes him, and in the gentle ambiance created by the dancing lights above and the distant, faint sounds outside the tent, neither of you utters a word. The space is transformed into something more than a tent – in that fleeting moment, an unexpected sense of home envelops you both.
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Protective Demons | HCS |
Summary: They are your demons and they protect.
Notes: Violence - Blood - The Borderlands
Includes: Chishiya/Banda Sunato/Niragi
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◇ Chishiya
Chishiya calculates his games. He knows who he needs to leave behind and who he must keep close. He alwyas plans how to win or at least came out with almost no injuries if possible. This includes you. You are close to be his priority besides himself. Thats why its important that you follow each thing he says you must do.
However, life its not that simple. And sometimes the games end being worse because of the players. Chishiya prefers to keep a low profile and not reveal himself. But things change with it comes to you.
Time was ticking and the others were stressed and scared and that ends in violence. Chishiya knows this, he was ready to take you away from the group when suddendly another player decided that taking you hostage and scream to however was making the games would solve things.
Chishiya can see the fear in your eyes as the man presses the blade closer to your neck. No one moves, Chishiya takes a few tentative steps to the player trying to reason with them. When the player directs their weapon to him he nods subtly at you. Your head hits their chin and Chishiya quickly runs to them, his stun in his hand.
And it ends. The player ends on the ground screaming profanities to Chishiya who takes their weapon away and tells you to go and wait for him.
Because Chishiya its a composed Man till he is not. Knowing well the anatomy of the body thanks to his studies he will use this chance to hurt this player, not only for have tried to hurt you but he has so much stress inside.
Once he is done the player's face cant be recognized and Chishiya never felt better in a long time.
Once you two reunite and you ask about the blood on his clothes he would just ignore you and push you into a hug. Not caring if its something odd for him to do, winning the games and keeping you safe are the reasons he is still here.
◇ Banda Sunato
Banda and You have been together since the start. Even if he is unghiened crazy, mean and sadistic he still managed to make you fall for him. And saddly he likes you back. Too much.
Each game its an oportunity for him to kill others and enjoy himself. He tries to not have you around when doing it but he cant help it sometimes.
The times someone has take you hostage to try and get an advantage over Banda it has ended bad for them. Banda its not someone who jokes when it comes to "do whatever it takes to win", you may come out hurt but alive.
The others? Not so much. Depending on his mood and the time the game gives Banda will torment them and causes them lots of pain. He will later tend your wounds while making silly comments to try and calm you down.
Its only when it comes down to strategy games that he is more subtle about his ways of playing. He has no problem if someone tries to pick a fight with him, when it comes to you he is besides you in a second. The smart ones will leave before things scalate but not all of them are smart.
◇ Niragi
Niragi its someone who loves the games and the violence it comes with them. He can be free and forget about his past life and the abuse.
He only has eyes for you, the only one who he swears he will keep safe. He prefers if you two are together during all of the game. However, sometimes separating its better to win, Niragi takes advantage of high ground to take the shots. He still keeps an extra eye out for you.
When he hears your screm he is changing target quickly looking for you.
He can see you laying on the ground with a nasty wound on your leg, too much blood coming out.
When he sees the one who caused it he is shooting at them with no remorse. Will leave the high grounds till he is bext to you, taking you on his arms. He swears he will track down the rest of the players and kill all of them even if they have no connection with the one who hurt you.
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AITA for deleting someone from Facebook?
➕➕➕➕ (< so I know this ask was published and not devoured by Tumblr)
Okay so buckle-up because this was absolutely wild to me and my friends. Full disclaimer first: my friends said I wasn't the asshole. However, I still would like to share this thing here.
Ages and genders ain't important. Heads up for mention of animal abuse and selfharm.
It all started when my partner asked me if it was okay for them to invite a friend to the chatgroup I created for all of our friends in common. I say yes, of course, making friends is always exciting! So their friend, J, joined. J presented themselves and we instantly started to hit it off real good, because we all had a lot in common (specially hobbies and fandoms). It was all good for about a month. J sometimes was absent in the chatgroup, but that was fine, we all had our busy lives and problems.
One day a topic regarding animal abuse was circulating on Facebook and that shit I don't like. I saw people making jokes about it. So I gave a heads up on my Facebook, that if I saw anyone sharing memes about that awful thing, I'd delete them for the time being. I reiterated that in the chatgroup, but my friends told me that wouldn't be a problem because they were also deleting and muting people for that. I ended up deleting like four people I had added, including J.
Now, I didn't consider that a problem, because like J was in the chatgroup. I was (more like I'm) really active in the chatgroup, not that so on Facebook, more of a lurker in there to see things of people I wasn't in direct contact with. I also thought that J wouldn't have a problem because they weren't that active either in their Facebook and was really rare of them to interact with me on Facebook.
After that the chatgroup went silent because we were all busy that day. But like, after one hour or so, J sent a message to the chatgroup tagging me and asking if I deleted them from Facebook. I said "yeah, I did, you shared a meme about this topic and I said both here and on Facebook that I'd delete all people doing that". It all scalated so quickly. J inmediately asked me why only them, and I said that it wasn't only them, I also deleted others... Then they told me why I was comparing them with others, that I was a "piece of shit" (citing their words) for doing so. Then, they left the chatgroup. Me and the others were... perplexed, to say the least.
Short after, a friend who was also a friend of J (not my partner), I'll call them M, said that what I did was wrong because I didn't tell I was going to deleted people. But I did, three times. One on Facebook, the post being the only one I had made for days and it was the first thing people would see if they checked my profile or were in their feed and followed me; and two in the chat, after I posted on Facebook and the clarification to J. Then M said that J was not that much on Facebook, which is exactly why I also said I was going to deleted people on the chat. M stopped responding at that for a couple of minutes. The others and I tried to relax, chaging to topic to something more cheeeful... Then M sent a screenshot of a post J made on Facebook, that said: "A person I considered a friend deleted me and I feel so bad I started cutting myself again". I and the others were like ????? What the fuck dude, why did you sent that. M said it was so that I knew how J was feeling and... Was M trying to fucking guilt-trip me? I'm still not sure.
Apparently I wasn't the only one thinking that because one of my friends asked exactly that. M said that it wasn't with that intention, that they didn't think I'd come cross as it and apologized, and that they'd talk to J to calm them down. We all said "okay, let's know how it goes".
By that time, my partner was absent in the chat, but usually that's because their low spoons to manage social interaction, and so we still chat privately. So I sent them a private message. They didn't respond, but it was fine, probably busy. Three days passes without hearing from them in private and all the others were worried too. So I asked them what was wrong, in hopes they'd answer. They did, almost right away, that they felt so so sad because of J telling them in private how awful I was for deleting them from Facebook. We talked for hours in a call to set all up.
But man, I was fucking pissed. Not at my partner, but at J. Why the fuck did they have to drag my partner into a problem that was between me and them (if we consider deleting someone from Facebook a problem + J calling me a piece of shit for doing that)?
Hours passed and M sent me a private message. First, they asked about my partner, I said they were fine. But then M dropped the real bomb: asked me if I was willing to talk to J to settle up the things between us. I was still pissed and I said no, not at the moment when they did something awful to my partner. (I still find odd that J could have send me a private message since they did block me and could unblock me, but instead sent M to ask me.) M said "okay, let me know when you feel better". I did, the next day, after talking some more with my partner and they convinced to talk with J. M said "great, I'll let them know and they'll contact you".
A week passed. No message from J. I asked M if something was wrong or what, but they said that no, everything was fine and that J probably forgot and they'd remind J to message me. Another week passed. I was at that point tired, and I let M know. The problem by me was pretty much notexistent and I already moved on and J should do the same if they were not willing to message me and if J message me, I wouldn't respond.
Well, surprise! That same day J created a group and added M, my partner and I to it to finally talk. Why the fuck did they add M and my partner? I don't know. The first thing I did after seeing that was sending a message stating what I told M in private, then I left the group. J then unblocked me and send me five paragraphs of text. I'm gonna be quite honest, I didn't read them at the time. I wasn't willing to talk to then anymore, so I repeated myself as a response to J messages and deleted the conversation.
My other friends then asked me about it and I told them all of this, and said I wasn't the asshole at all, but M had a different opinion and said I was indeed the asshole. My partner also said I wasn't the one. So... AITA?
(Postdata: I probably won't respond to any INFO. This is all the story. What thought process M and J followed I don't know. We did not have any other problems between us, all of this happened started because I deleted J from my Facebook.)
What are these acronyms?
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
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author's note: here's a list of the works i loved to read during the month of may that i can't quite recomend enough with just a reblog, so i decided to do a whole post about them!! enjoy them and don't forget to leave feedback, it's always appreciated by writers <3
indicators: (s) for smut, (f) for fluff, (a) for angst.
martin ødegaard
captain's lucky charm by @fallinforerling (f)
martin needs a bit of extra motivation to perfom at his best during training, and taking you with him to the training center is just what he needs (even if his teammates tease him about you being his lucky charm).
make up by @808heartz (a/f)
your jokes about forgetting your date with martin make him more upset than you expected.
to have and to heal by @yellowkitkieran
single working dad martin odegaard is navigating the ups and downs of parenthood all on his own, and he’s struggling. that’s not to mention football, life and... love?
joão félix
untitled by @yuoluver (f)
joão is your college crush, and you are his. he comes every day, 5 minutes earlier than you, and requests that we have your coffee ready before you arrive.
j’suis sa baby by @minnlix (s)
fwb with joao can never end well when feelings are involved.
white-hot forever by @minnlix (a/f)
you didn’t realize how quickly your life would spin out of control when he leaves to play football in another country, and you definitely couldn’t have predicted his going-away gift either.
kai havertz
trouble by @greykitkepa (a/f)
kai thinks he won’t have a problem having a fwb relationship with tuchel’s niece, since you’re only in town for the summer. he is so, so wrong.
rúben dias
mani joahae by @masonjpg (f)
following his third premier league win, you question the nature of you and ruben's relationship.
selfie partner by @rubendiasatl (f)
finding your neighboord taking selfies in the elevator can be the start of something.
most important by @melanieph321 (f)
you can always count on rúben, even if he knows that you son will always be the most important person to you.
(untitled) by @bluenumbernine (s)
rúben's breeding kink comes to the light.
headcanons: height gap by @oh-saints (f)
princess by @oh-saints (f)
planing to surprise your boyfriend for his birthday. domestic!rúben is good for the soul.
paddock by @oh-saints (f)
rúben was only supposed to enjoy another favourite sport of his over the weekend in monaco and she was only supposed to drag george russell from the william’s garage, for the driver hung around too much with alex albon. but life, as we know it, never made it as simple as it seemed.
2+1 by @808heartz (f)
when you and rúben start posting less of each other, fans start to speculate.
just best "friends" by @didishawn (s)
even if everyone thinks you two are already dating, you two are keen on mantaining you're just friends. but you two very much like each other, and things scalate when you start playing fight.
secret by @pedrithink (f)
everyone thinks you and gavi are dating, but you have eyes for someone else.
tret alexander arnold
untitled by @judeswhore (s)
dirty talk is what trent enjoys the most, joined by having being between your legs.
gio reyna
more than friends by @808heartz (f)
one second you’re making a pillow fort and the next you’re telling your childhood best friend that you love him.
john stones
(untitled) by @bluenumbernine (f)
you can always count on john to calm your racing thoughts.
it's me, isn't it? by @bluemoonstonesy
riling each other up turns out to be you two's favorite sport.
pablo torre
campeón by @pedriscroquettes (f)
protective!pablo headcanons (especially at the celebrations for winning la liga!)
leandro trossard
for lovers who hesitate by @808heartz (f)
drunken confessions and pounding headaches with a fearful regret in the morning. but at least, he takes your makeup off for you at night.
sure thing by @808heartz (f)
meeting leandro’s teammates isn’t as bad as you thought it’d be.
mason mount
been here all along by @mm-xix (a/f)
mason's new girlfriend is driving him away from you and your friend group, and it wouldn't be so bad (although it is) if he hadn't forgotten to attend his best friend's birthday party.
ben chilwell
(untitled) by @englishfairylights (f)
stealing ben's hoodies comes with a sweet revelation.
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mostlikelytofangirl · 11 months
Imagine during sunshot WRH gets in the habit of rewarding MY with sex. Son of a whore but it's the sect leader that's rewarding his subordinate with sex. MY makes a particularly entertaining spectacle in the Fire Palace and WRH gives him a handjob right there. The person he was torturing is not even dead yet
Oh hoho, if I told you that this is one of my fave flavors of ruoyaos :'D. And I'm very pleasantly surprised with the fact that there's an actual small handful of fics with this premise!
I guess it's just such a fascinating and likely way to explore their power dynamics. I mean, it'd be very easy for someone so powerful to just take what he wants in this regards (like JGS), but I think one of the things that make WRH unpredictable is that he can switch things up and still be the one in control and having the other submitting.
Like. I've seen a couple fics with him servicing MY (either with blowjobs or eating him out) and legitimately not interested in the favor being returned. Not even fucking him (well, not in the fic), bc the act of having this perfect little composed guy come undone by his hand is already enough of a treat.
Pain? Pain is too easy and unelegant. Pleasure? Now that's a whole new, fun way to have someone crumble for him. Especially when it's someone he doesn't really intent on hurting but that would be just so FUN to see how much he can open them.
NOW, the context you mention is honestly perhaps the only time in which MY, the infamous son of a whore, would actually accept it. Not only bc of the implicit rule of 'you just don't oppose what Sect Leader Wen wants of you', but actually seeing it as the reward it is bc WRH doesn't make it about his pleasure, but about MY's. And for someone with so much trauma and repression about that matter, letting himself be an actualy sexual person beyond what society says of him is something he'd probably find very difficult to do if he wasn't kindasorta dubcon'd into it. At first, at least.
As I see it, MY could have been very much ready to close his eyes and think of England until it all finished the first time he was "offered" such reward. But it would be clear soon enough that WRH is legit not doing it just bc he wants to fuck him (which, let's be real, he didn't need any excuse of ploy to have that anyways). And funnily enough, I do think psycho daddy can be a very selfless lover bc of course he'd memorize what got him the best reactions out of the boy and he's totally not above using that info to reduce his flawless, professional aide to a moaning, trashing mess as quickly/slowly as he wants :'D.
And eventually scalating it until he is rewarding MY in front of others? Honestly? After a certain point I can see it as the ultimate way to elevate MY bc one thing would have been to take the boy in front of everybody, that's humiliation (although it would depend on the situation and dynamics imo), but Sect Leader Wen servicing someone regardless of his own complition??? ALL WHILE SINGING HIS PRAISES????? DUDE. This is the man that has probably never poured his own cup!
Also can we just all agree that these two happily fucking on a bloody floor while semi-conscious tortured prisioners watch is just very inherently sexy 😌
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hypegirl1 · 1 year
May the Evil rise again (Part 2)
Part 1 here
Summary:After Aurora finds out about her family,she's looking for real answers from them,but things don't go out as planned
Word count:1534
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"Mom...destroyed the magic?"
"Oh she did,and your grandma and aunt helped her,and your mom was going to be the next queen of Mewni,but turns out that it wasn't as they expected"
"How do you know all this..."
I could hear my mom screaming in the background,I don't know where she was or how they found out I was here,but now I was in problems,and it wasn't good.I panicked and started running to some stairs that led to a big hall upstairs,but it was too late,my parents already found me.
"Aurora,we need to leave,this place is dangerous"
"No!I want answers!What was that woman talking about?You destroyed the magic?!And you were part of a royal family?!What were all those paintings?!"
"Aurora listen,we'll explain it to you outside,it's dangerous to stay here"
"But dad,I-"
I didn't knew what to say at this point,I exited the building with my parents and went home,the whole way back was very quiet,I was in very big trouble.When we arrived my parents made me sit on the couch,oh no,no no no.
"Aurora,we need to talk"
"Yes mom,I escaped to see the castle and scared you,grounded for 1 month?2 months?"
"What?No Aurora you´re not grounded"
"We...want to talk about what you saw there.Yes,we were part of the royal family,the Butterfly´s,I was the princess back then,and your grandparents were the king and queen of Mewni,then,Mina,one of Mewni´s biggest warriors kinda lost herself and decided that she wanted to destroy Eclipsa"
"Well not kinda,she was determined to destroy her at all costs and leave your grandma as the queen"
"She-she wanted to destroy aunt Eclipsa?why?"
"When your aunt became queen,she learned dark magic,and for everyone that was seen as evil and dangerous,even though she never commited any kind of crimes.Well maybe also the part that she fell in love with your uncle Globgor when she was supposed to be with Shastacan"
"I understand,so why did you destroyed the magic?"
"Because it was too powerful,we couldn´t destroy Mina with magic,so destroying the magic was the best choice"
"But- I´m sure there could have been a better choice! You´re telling me that if nothing like that ever happened,I would be a princess now,and you and dad would be the king and queen,and I could do magic and-"
"Aurora,no,I don´t want to hear anything about magic again,we almost died with it.Your aunt is now the queen,the crown is hers now"
"Marco,without magic we wouldn´t have met,do you remember?"
"Star! Aurora literally escaped the house and went to the castle,and now you´re saying that?"
"Sorry sorry,you´re so cute when you get mad"
Uhh,well,the situation was definitely scalating quickly.
"Fine,sorry for escaping,I just wanted answers,why did you hid this from me?"
"Because we wanted you to grow safe and sound,we didn´t wanted you to get hurt if you discovered all of this"
"But I´m safe,I´m mad that you hid our family history and the whole story about the magic!"
"Aurora,you have to understand that we did it for your own good"
Well,maybe they were right?But if aunt Eclipsa could do dark magic and also mom and grandma,what was the problem?
"I understand...sorry for escaping"
"Apologies accepted,but you´re grounded for 1 month"
"Marco!Don´t punish her,she just wanted answers,leave it for today"
"Alright...why do you have to be such a good person?"
"Let´s just forget this and continue with our lives,alright sweetie?Go to bed now,it´s late"
No,I wasn´t going to bed,I had to do something about it,they destroyed the magic because of some crazy girl? That´s stupid! There must be a way of bringing the magic back,but I don´t know it...
"If they destroyed the magic,it must have been with a spell?"
That´s when I had an idea,in mom and dad´s room there is a hidden compartiment in the closet that mom always told me to not open,maybe there is something related to the magic there...maybe she didn´t destroyed all the magic and saved a bit?But I couldn´t do nothing now,they both were asleep,I had to wait til next morning.
When I woke up next morning,it was 12 am,wow,how come I slept so much? I got out of bed and put one of my favorite dresses on,brushed my hair and went downstairs,my dad was on the kitchen table reading something
"Dad!Can I ask you something?"
"Don´t you say good morning to me now?"
"Sorry,good morning"
"Good,what did you wanted to ask?"
"Well,now that I know almost everything,there is no reason to hide the rest of the secrets right?"
"I guess you´re right...what do you want to know?"
"How did mom,grandma and auntie destroyed the magic?"
"I don´t know the details 100%,why don´t you go ask your auntie?Your mom is bussy"
"Alright,thank you I love you!"
"I love you too"
I went outside to find my mom doing some gardening
"Mom,uhm,can I ask you something quick?"
"Sure,what is it?"
"I´m going to auntie's Eclipsa´s place to ask her about how you destroyed the magic,can I?"
"Aurora I- sigh* yes,go ahead,maybe we went a little too far hiding this to you,you have all the rights to know about your family and their past,go honey,I´m sorry for what we´ve done"
"No mom don't say that,you just wanted to protect me,I understand,maybe I also went a little too far yesterday night"
"It´s alright,I´m glad you´re okay,go ahead,your auntie will ve bery happy to see you,tell her I said hi"
"Thank you mom,I love you,bye!"
I hugged my mom and went running to my aunt´s castle,there were a few guards around,but they knew me
"Hi Aurora!"
I knocked on their door and waited for an answer,that´s when uncle Globgor opened the door
"Yes?Oh Aurora! Hi honey,what are you doing here alone?"
"I came for a visit and to ask auntie Eclipsa something,is she busy?"
"No,you can come in,I´m happy you always visit us"
"Yeah me too,I mean we live very close"
My uncle guided me through some rooms to my auntie´s garden,where she was resting
"Eclipsa,we have visitors"
"Oh? Aurora my baby! How are you doing? How come you came alone? Where are your parents?"
"They are at home,I came to visit you and to ask you something,can I?"
"Sure honey,anything"
"I´ll leave you girls alone then"
Uncle Globgor left the room,leaving me and auntie Eclipsa sitting on the soft grass
"What is it?"
"Well,uhm,yesterday I found out our family history and the past..."
"Oh...I´m sorry honey,we all thought it was better for the new generations to hide it..."
"No no it´s alright,I understand,but I wanted to ask,mom said you helped her and grandma Moon to destroy the magic,how did you do that?"
"Well,we casted a spell called The Whispering Spell in the magic dimenssion,it destroyed all the magic forever"
"Mhm,and what was the spell like?"
"I think it was something like break the bond,tear the fabric,cleave the stone,stop the magic,it was many years ago so maybe I´m wrong"
"Wow,that sounds very cool"
"It wasn´t cool at all..."
"No it´s fine honey"
"And...how do you go to the magic dimenssion?"
"You had to enter through one of the waterfalls that were at the sanctuary"
"And where was the sanctuary?"
"Wow,you can tell that you´re Star´s daughter haha,it was close to the forest of certain death I think?The magic came from the magic dimenssion and to the sanctuary,I don´t remember very well Aurora sorry"
"No it´s fine!Thank you so much"
"You´re welcome sweetie,do you want to stay for lunch?"
I stayed with my family for lunch,were me,uncle Globgor,auntie Eclipsa,and my cousin Meteora had a lot of fun.When I got back home I knew there would be something I had to do.
"Hi I´m back"
I entered the house running upstairs,I had no time,I had to search that sanctuary,I had to bring the magic back
Part 3 coming soon...
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kaito-is-baby · 3 years
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
from this event: “I can’t do the dishes if you keep on hugging me.” +  “well, you’re extra clingy today.” + clingy and extremely cute Shoto Todoroki I love him so much 🥺
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The amazing dinner Momo and Sato had prepared and how much you had missed your classmates -and now roommates- made you feel happier than any time you could remember, especailly after what you had to endure saving Eri
But the laughs soon turned to yells and insults when Denki refused to wash the dishes and blamed it on Bakugo who was, as always, acarily angry which made it scalate quickly into a fight between the whole A-class 
“Well, before you left to the internship it was your turn to wash the dishes Y/N” Mina finally found an end to your discussion 
“Really? You won’t let me rest even tought I just came back?” You jocked exagaratedly and comically angry “Alright, I will do it if you just shut up and have fun again“
The food was tasty, yeah it was but the hundred of glasses and plates you had now in your sink, the wet and disgusting chunks of food touching your fingers and the dirty spoons making the water splash towards your face had ruined it without a doubt
Luckily, Shoto was there for you
And even luckier, no one else was around
Which meant clingy Shoto cuddling you all the time in your small privite moment
“I can’t do the dishes if you keep on hugging me.” You laughed with your boyfriend’s arms tangled around your waist and his head hiden in your neck, forehead resting on your soulder
He placed small slopy kisses on your neck which made you laugh  and drop your just cleaned plate back into the dirty water
"Baby, you are extra clingy today" you laughed "whats going on Sho?" You asked sweetly, planting a kiss on his cheek
"I've missed you so much, you were on the internship and I barely got to see you"
"Yes, I've missed you too baby but you aren’t usually this clingy, not that I don't like it but... aren’t you being too affective to be on public?” You laughed knowing your boyfrind rather shy nature
He snuggled his nose into your neck as a response
“Are you sure that's all? You missed me? We can watch movies all night and skip classes tomorrow if you want to spend some quality time together"
"No skipping clases" he reprimanded you which made you fake a sad pout
"Then tell me the truth"
"Your quirk is developing really fast love" he buried his face in your neck
Yeah, you knew that, you were able to control people's emotions and lately weird things had happened when your own emotions were too much to handle, when your quirk went too far some memories or thoughts you had were also played in your targets without your consent
"You had a nightmare yesterday, I don't know what happened but you did that thing again and I felt so scared... I could see you dead and fighting a guy with a mask I... I'm scared of losing you now. I was scared of losing you when you left already but I trusted you. Its just... after last night I think that mission was bigger than you told me and I don’t want to ever lose you"
You turned to face him and caressed his cheek
"You will never lose me, you want me to tell you about what happened while we share a bath?"
You felt him nod on your neck
Come on baby, no matter what I dreamt last night or what we may face someday we will always come back to each other, kay?"
"Okay" he whispered avoiding your eyes
"I love you" you picked his lips
"I love you too" Shoto answered taking you by your waist and deepening the kiss
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leoneslover · 3 years
Lollipop ⊹ ۪ ˑ ִ ֗ ִ
Buddha(snv) x reader(fem!)
Prompt: I wonder if his lips taste as sweet as the candy he eats...
Warnings: NSFW!suggestive, semi-public, oral fixiation, biting, spit swapping, food play?? (Just toying with a lollipop).
A/n: this is EXTREMELY self-indulgent and I am not sorry for it. Buddha got me down bad ngl 🤕🤕
· • —–٠ ⊹ ★ ⊹ ٠—– • ·
You watched intensely at the god in front of you, the silence between you two thick with tension, though you weren’t so sure of what kind. The whole ragnarok situation got everyone pretty uneasy, and you weren’t an exception at that, fidgeting in your spot as you waited.
He wasn’t really looking back at you, his back against the wall, staring to his side at the other end of the hallway, waiting as well. And you’d be doing the same, if it wasn’t for the lollipop that he kept rolling in his mouth. For some reason you just couldn’t keep your eyes away from it. The sounds of the little stick clashing against his fangs as he toyed with it seemed to pull you in a trance.
The fact that he was pretty handsome as well wasn’t helping at all. You’ve never really got a chance to interact with Buddah in the past, you’ve seen him a couple of times sure, maybe even made eye contact once, but that was really it. But now he was standing in front of you, an indescribable aura around him as he lazily pulled the candy out of his mouth. Cherry red glistening as he rolled it in between his fingers.
It was almost hypnotizing, the way he slowly brought it back towards his mouth, tongue coming out to give it a couple of tentative licks, his fangs poking out slightly as he slid the lollipop down his flat tongue. You could feel your own mouth going dry, heat going up your face at the lewdness of his actions. His lips puckered up as he just kept playing with the candy, that was now almost completely covered with his spit, making it glisten in the light of the hallway and staining his lips with a shiny red tint.
“Do you like cherries?” He broke the silence suddendly. His voice taking you out of your little trance, just to find out he was now staring at you right in the eyes.
A shiver ran down your spine, his gaze lazily hinting at something as he offered you a small smile. And even though you felt pretty embarrassed (for both staring and from his earlier actions), there was something about him that made you relax a little, as if he was giving you the green light to play along his teasing game if you wanted to. And oh how you really wanted to.
“Did nobody ever tell you to not play with your food before you eat it?” The double implication of your words hanging heavy in the air as he raised his eyebrows in surprise, before laughing lightly.
“Hmm probably, but I can’t really remember...” he trailed off, getting off the wall and slowly making his way towards you, “but I know you’re not supposed to answer a question with another question, right?”
He stopped right in front of you, taking the lollipop back into his mouth as he waited for your next move. You smiled sideways, looking up to him with your arms crossed in front of your chest.
“I suppose you’re right” you leaned back into the wall, and as you were going to reply with something else, he interrupted you by taking the candy out of his mouth again with a popping sound.
“Want some?” He offered you with a glint of playfulness in his eyes, barely masked by the glasses that rested low on his nose bridge. You rose a brow, a little confused as to what he was offering you exactly. But curiosity got the best of you, giving in once more to his little teasing game.
You nodded, and he smiled. An almost mischievous expression as he got even closer to you, leaning down until your heads were lined up. His intense gaze bored into yours, and you thought he might just go and kiss you, the mere thinking of it being enough to make your heartbeat pick up speed. However he just stayed there, calm as ever, as he brought the lollipop up to your mouth-
His cherry stained lips curled into a different smirk as you parted your lips for him, letting him push the candy into your mouth as he watched intently. It was sweet, as sweet as a lollipop could be, and you couldn’t ignore the fact that he was the one sucking on it before. Your breath hitched as he held the little stick for you, gaze traveling down to where your lips were sealed around it.
You licked around the candy in your mouth, playing with it as it’s sweet strong cherry flavor coated your senses. He didn’t say anything, just stared as you repeated some of his earlier ministrations yourself, a bit of drool pooling at the sides of your mouth from all the licking and sucking.
His eyes shot up to your eyes again, just to find out you were already staring at him, and that you have been all this time. Softly, he popped the candy out of your mouth, now staring in awe at your shiny lips.
“So pretty..” he hummed, voice low as he got even closer, a hand coming up to cup your face, thumb traveling down to your lips, pressing against them as he swiped it through the mix of sticky melted candy and saliva. “Who knew you could look so pretty, (y/n)-chan~”
You felt your own face getting warm at the situation. The way he pronounced your name having you weak at the knees, even though you didn’t really remember telling him your name right now.
His breath was tickling your face, and as he placed his other hand in the wall behind you, right my your head, trapping you against him, you couldn’t help but to start feeling a little hot all over. He pulled your lower lip down slightly, just enough for your mouth to open a bit so he could finally plant a kiss on them.
His own lips were wet as well, sliding perfectly against yours in a kiss that seemed to scalate pretty quickly. You closed your eyes and gave in to kiss, letting him take over as he shoved his tongue in your mouth, the taste of cherry combined with his own flavor erupting a pleased noise from the back of your throat. The hand that cupped your cheek slowly slid down the side of your neck, ghosting over your chest and finally stopping to get a grip of your waist.
He broke the kiss, giving you a break to catch your breath as his own fanned over your mouth, heavy breathing sounds being the only thing that broke the silence between you. He smirked, placing another shorter kiss on your lips before bringing his other hand down. He placed the lollipop back against your lips, and you didn’t think twice before taking it back into your mouth, cold and sweet against your heated tongue.
He didn’t hold the stick for you this time, letting you do as you pleased as he placed his hand on your hip instead. His head hung low right next to yours, breath tickling your neck, lips ghosting over your pulse point in hopes of getting some sort of reaction. And he did, not missing the way your breath hitched and how you tilted your neck for him, giving him more access.
He placed light kisses all over your jaw, slowly moving down as he switched for deeper kisses this time. Eventually you could feel him sucking on your skin, open mouthed kisses in search of your weak spot. You placed a hand on his shoulder, a light moan finally escaping your lips as you tried your best to not lose it right there and then. The hand that was holding your hip softly made its way under your shirt, warm fingers traveling towards your lower back to press you agasint him, only your shoulders being supported by the wall behind you as he held you in place.
His fangs grazed your soft skin and you shivered, feeling goosebumps rise on your skin at the sensation. And like always, he noticed. He did it again, purposely this time, and then again, dragging them with a little bit of pressure all the way from your jaw to almost your collarbone. You moaned, a little louder this time, almost dropping the lollipop that you were still holding in your mouth.
Encouraged by your reaction, he bit down softly on your weak spot, immediately soothing any posible sting with his tongue. But you just moaned again, nails now pressing against the bare skin of his shoulder were you placed your hand earlier. He bit down again, harder, and the feeling of you involuntarily rolling your hips upwards against his had him groaning agasint your skin.
He continued to nibble and kiss on your neck, definitely leaving a couple of marks that you were going to have to worry about later on. But you didn’t really care right now. You didn’t really care about anything else right now. Not even about the fact that you were in the middle of a hallway, where anyone who were to pass by could clearly see you. Or about how you were supposed to be patiently waiting for... who were you even waiting for?? You forgot, clearly, and your head was too busy with what was happening to remember.
He raised his head slightly, enough for his breath to tickle your ear as he spoke, “I think we’re gonna have to continue this later darling, if you still want to~”.
You frowned, a little confused. Why did he had to stop now, just as you were getting to the good part. You were going to reply, but he suddenly stood up, letting you down against the wall again and taking the lollipop out of your mouth to place it on his once again.
The sudden noise of steps being heard in the distance was all the answer you needed as he stepped back into his previous spot across from you, not before gifting you a playful smirk that promised more fun for later.
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flor-e-ncia · 4 years
oh man. i just had the wildest thought.
imagine Albus facing a boggart, and despite all the possibilities Albus had thought about, it turns out to be Harry
and Albus knows what this means. he knows what boggart-Harry will say. he knows his biggest fear is knowing that his family doesnt like him, that they think he's a dissapointment and an embarrassment. and he knows that out of all of them, his dad has always been the one he's been the most insecure about
so when the boggart approaches him, Albus doesn't even let him talk. he knows what he's going to say. he's heard it hundreds of times in his own head.
so he quickly casts Ridikulus and the boggart is gone
however, when he turns back, he notices all his classmates looking at him with a mixture of confusion, shock and worry.
Albus doesn't know what this means until later on at lunch, where everyone is talking about the fact that, apparently: Harry is abusive.
and so aaaall the rumors start. because what everyone saw was left pretty open to interpretation. after all, Albus biggest fear being his father raises a couple of questions.
and it all keeps scalating. first Lily rushes to him concerned, then James, then Rose, Hugo, every single one of his cousins, eventually some teachers and even Neville, until Albus is sure that he's about to lose it for good.
but it all turns to utter chaos when the rumors reach the Prophet, and Albus sees the published article, and his heart drops to his feet.
and he feels guilty because he knows that most of his fears are dumb and baseless, and despite everything his dad doesn't deserve all this rumors and people thinking that he's a bad person
(he cries himself to sleep about it despite Scorpius trying to reassure him)
and it doesn't take more than two days before Harry requests a visit to talk to Albus, and Albus is mortified at the idea of having to explain all of it
but he does, and despite reassuring Harry about the meaning of his boggart, Harry feels like the worst trash in the world at the idea of being one of his children's boggart, no matter what reason.
Harry doesn't cry, but Albus notices that he wants to, and the realization that he made his dad cries finally breaks Albus down and he is the one that ends up crying and apologizing
the conversation ends up being really messy and emotional. they reassure the other the best that they can, but both of them end up feeling like the worst person. still, this gives them the oportunity to talk about a lot of things they had yet to talk about.
so everything is still a little messy, but the rumors eventually die down, and the biggest consecuence is the impact this whole thing had on Harry and Albus' relationship
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tobiomlk · 4 years
39 for kageyama if you can ....... please :')
𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿. kageyama tobio
𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘁. #39 “don’t cry.”
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲. hurt / comfort !!! tobio is no good with tears and i love him
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Kageyama knows it’s bad when Suga-senpai confronts him about it.
“So,” he ambushes him during lunch time, around the vending machine (Of course he waits around the vending machine, Kageyama’s favoured spot to get his daily dose of milk). “What happened?”
Kageyama frowns. “About what?”
“You know what I mean.” However, Sugawara smiles, in that nurturing way of his that always makes Kageyama feel a little lighter. And a little troubled as well, because he can’t believe how utterly transparent he could be at times.
Kageyama chooses to direct his glowering towards the vending machine, gaze flickering between a carton of milk or yogurt, a predicament he struggled with each day— but which was considerably easier to deal with, next to the one he currently had at hand, that’s it. He growls when he notices the guilt is dawning upon him, again.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Sugawa asks, gently as ever, and Kageyama wants to say no, because a part of him does not wants to talk about it. But the other part, the vulnerable, insecure one, seems to be taking over him more often than not these days, and so he decides there’s no harm in speaking to a familiar face.
Far too violently, Kageyama presses both buttons simultaneously and lets the vending machine do the decision for him. “We had a fight,” he says, quietly. 
“So I heard,” Sugawara recognizes, but Kageyama isn’t really phased about it. Suga is, like, everyone’s go-to when it came for a comforting presence. He’s reliable, a good listener, and just as great at offering advice. He’s the type of person with lots of strengths that Kageyama himself lacks, and Kageyama can’t help but envy him, just a tiny bit. “It was that bad?” he probes, and Kageyama purses his lips in a flat line.
To put it truthfully, it wasn’t supposed to be that bad. To put it very frankly, it was incredibly and thoroughly moronic of both of you to have gotten so worked up over such a silly argument. Because that’s what it was; a silly argument, a minor discussion that the two of you blowed out of proportion and allowed to scalate the way it did. Stupid, sensitive teenagers.
“Have you tried talking to them?” Sugarawa asks.
“Yes,” Kageyama replies, but he doesn’t seem precisely happy. “but they don’t wanna talk to me.”
“The cold shoulder, huh?” Sugawara sighs, very much like a father would do. “Well, they can be quite petty, too.”
Kageyama nods in silence, lacking for better words. It frustrates him to no end, to be on such terms with you, to have you completely overlooking his existence. It frustrates him. And he doesn’t even gets to apologize or raise the flag of truce because you won’t even look his way. The mere thought is enough to have him slamming his head into the wall and scream at the top of his lungs.
“What are you planning to do, then?” 
Kageyama stops himself from doing so, though. “What can I do? They’re gonna ignore me anyways.”
“But you don’t want to let things go on like this, do you?”
Kageyama’s frowns deepens (if that’s even possible), but before his brain’s broken wires can sort out a way out of this fucking mess, his focus is taken away by a tiny little drop in his right cheek— followed by another one, and other one—
“Well, no one told me that it would be raining today,” Sugawara says as he looks up, gray clouds gathering above them. “C’mon, let’s get going before we get soaked.”
Kageyama agrees, although half-heartedly. For whatever reason, the light drizzle failing upon them seems to be reminding him of something, but he can’t exactly put his finger as to what it is. He always brings his umbrella, he couldn’t possibly have forgotten it—
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“Oh, fuck it.”
Powerless, you stand at the entrance of the school as you take in how the harmless rain at the beginning of the day had evolved into a massive downpour. Most of the students proceed to head off under the shelter of their respective umbrellas; shelter you can’t afford because, mind you, you rarely cared enough to bring an umbrella of your own. 
Tobio always shared his with me, after all…
No. Don’t think about Tobio. Don’t think about Tobio and his pouty face and how he always puts up a fight before letting you get away with whatever you want, the space under his umbrella included. Don’t you think about it. You’re supposed to be mad at him, and rightfully so. He was mean (and so were you) and said mean things (and so did you) and you weren’t going to let it slide just like that. You had a pride to keep. Yes. You had one. 
(But what about him?) No, this isn’t about him. This isn’t about him. (He’s probably hurt, too) And that’s on him. He started it all (let’s be real, you kinda were at fault as well) and he’s gotta live with it. (But he tried? To apologize? Several times?) NO. You don’t wanna hear it. You’re mad, reasonably mad, and it’s perfectly warranted. You could be mad for the rest of your life, if you wanted to (but you didn’t). End of the discussion.
The rain comes down steadily. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to stop any time soon. Fuck it. You’re not letting the rain keep you stuck with your inner conflict any longer. You bend forward to make sure your shoes are strongly tied and place your backpack over your head, making the perfect shield. You’re Unstoppable now. No rain is getting into your way.
Ready, steady...
“What are you doing, dumbass?”
Go— Ok, no go.
You’re torn between offering him a snarky reply, scowling at him or simply icing him out, but once you lock eyes with Tobio all you want to do is (redacted). Oh, would you look at that, you brain has already repressed that memory!
“None of your concern,” you end up saying, immediately averting his gaze. Tobio can’t even feel glad about you finally breaking your vow of silence towards him.
“Is that so,” he replies, and you hate how defeated he sounds. How can you be mad at him if he doesn’t make it easy for you?
“Are you heading home?” he tries once again, and you’re definitely not endeared by it.
“Well, I was going to before someone stopped me.” 
“It’s raining,” he points out.
“It certainly is,” you agree.
An uncomfortable silence follows. It’s one you aren’t used to at all, especially around Tobio. It felt so wrong.
You’re oh-so interested into the tip of your shoes that it startles you a little when a familiar umbrella suddenly appears in your field of vision. You didn’t even feel Kageyama coming closer, but there he was; standing a few steps away from you, handing his very own blue-ish umbrella. It takes you a second to take in the whole situation.
“Here,” he says, not budging an inch from his position. There are so many things you could question, but you can’t even find your voice to do so. Kageyama scoffs. “Don’t give me that look. You never bring one yourself, do you?”
And then it hits you. Violently, like a sudden epiphany, even when it’s something you’ve known for a long time now.
He cares.
Seeing you aren’t trying to accept the offer, Tobio nudges the umbrella in your direction, vehemently. Nothing. He knits his brows together. He knows you’re stubborn, but so is he, and he isn’t taking a no for answer— Wait.
“... Are you crying?” 
It’s crazy how all it takes for you to crack are three words, because suddenly you’re choking on your own tears, so it’s kinda pointless to try to keep appearances now. And Kageyama dies a little, because oh my god you’re crying.
“Hey… Hey!” he flails, voice admittedly cracking. “Why are you crying? It’s— It’s something I did?”
But since you’re in no condition to speak up, his questions remain unanswered. He has never been at such a loss for words as he stares at you, sobbing and whimpering and scrubbing at your face just to let more tears stream down your cheeks, pretty much like a kid would do, which only makes it all the more heart-wrenching. All the more unbearable to witness.
Kageyama unconsciously searches in his pockets for a handkerchief or a tissue or anything that would make you stop crying, really, only to realize he doesn’t even has one of those to offer up. But there’s something in the way you cry your heart out that shakes him to the very core, that disarms him and calls for desperate measures. So, he does something he usually wouldn’t.
You flinch noticeably when a hand hesitantly brushes against your cheek. The touch is awkward, yet undeniably gentle, and you momentarily stop your crying to blink up at him through the tears. It’s blurry, but you can still make out his deep blue eyes. The way he freezes as soon as he’s caught, like he’s just broken some sort of unspoken rule by initiating physical contact and is waiting for divine retribution or something. His lips pursing in that signature pout of his. You take in every part of him, gratefully.
“You hate me?” You don’t even realize how uncalled for your question sounds until it’s out, but what is done is done, and Kageyama seems so genuinely bewildered— It’s almost laughable.
“How could I possibly hate you?”
And that’s all you need to put aside every bit of your stubborn pride.
“I don’t wanna fight anymore,” you state, finally.
Kageyama needs an actual second to register your words. “Ok,”
“I hate fighting.”
“Me too,” he admits, far too quickly to be insincere, far too unfiltered for your liking.
“I don’t wanna be mad at you,” You’re probably just running your mouth at this point, but you just can’t bring yourself to stop. “and I don’t want you to be mad at me, either.”
“I’m not mad at you.” he says, and it’s as comforting as it is nerve-wrecking. “And you don’t have to be mad, if you don’t want to.”
Sniffle. A tiny, selfish tear attempts to slip away, but Tobio wipes it before she gets too far. “So don’t cry…”
But crying does not obeys anyone’s command, so you keep sniffing and snivelling for a while until you’re finally done with it, and Tobio stays. He’d stay forever, if you’d let him.
Eventually, the rain ceases.
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shamankingreread · 4 years
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Chapter 11
The Shaman Life
Commentary by @legendarywarriors-sk​ using scalations by ShinGan from #MangaProject on Dalnet
Summer vacation has just passed and Manta wasn't able to see Yoh during all of it. We see him again back at school with bruises and scars all over his body from "Anna special training program"
We see Yoh tired and cranky for all the hard work he has to do but he also mentioned how he wants to be worthy of Amidamaru, show us the reader how Ren's words and almost losing Amidamaru deeply affected him. He then explains to Manta how Anna forced him to train and study all summer long while Manta slyly mentions how impressed he is of her, since she was able to force Yoh to do all those things. Anna surprised both by being the new transferred student. Now we know this will be a new life Yoh needs to get used to, not only to protect his good friend but also to achieve his goal to be the Shaman King, for that he needs to be prepared for everything and Anna is here to make sure he is in tiptop shape for it.
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Later we found Ren in what it used to be the burned building back in chapter 5. Making the building look abandoned and burned out to don't attract attention while he lives there, since he is now the owner of the place. Once again we found Ryu in search for his Best place with his gang after being chased out of the cemetery and the boxing ring, but they are quickly dispersed by Ren.
Enraged by his failure to get Amidamaru, he takes his frustrations out on Bason. Which his older sister scolded him for it, reminded him that is not a proper way to act. We are informed Ren is also the heir of a proud and powerful shaman family just like Yoh, and who wants to help him win the position of King, which Ren declined saying he will want to win this for his own sake and not for the family, showing us once again how Ren is not great as a team even with his family.
Then, It's finally revealed what's inside the ominous black box in the middle of the room, a very strong looking corpse called Lee Bailong, controlled by Jun herself, she is a Dao-shi a "Corpse herder", I particularly love how many more types of shamans and spirits we are shown, telling us there is not one way to be a shaman.
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Random Trivia!
-Did you notice the Butsu Zone looking characters entering the school? You can see Jizo, Senju, Anna, Sachi, Bato and Ashura (the last two I'm not so sure) -We can see a little Takei on the cover of the chapter -Anna is from Shimokita, Aomori prefecture, this is a peninsula district, up north of the country. This in reference to Hiroyuki Takei himself since he is from Yomigita, Aomori. -Ryu's gang are homeless, that's why Ryu always make comments about housing in Tokyo, a place where is very hard to find a place to stay if you don't have enough money to pay rent several months in advance. -This is the second time Ryu gets his hair chop off -Tao Ren and Bason names in mandarin are Dao Lian and Ma-Sun
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mxsfire · 4 years
(Librarian!Au) Conveniently, the books Roger wants are in the very background of the library 👀 Brian reachs up to grab the books Roger wants and when he turns around Roger's very close to him with a little smirk on his face. They start kissing and thing scalated pretty quickly and they're making out and basically groping and rutting against each other (thank god the library it's almost empty)
I really like this Au! Sorry to keep you waiting💗
Is just a coincidence that the book Roger wanted is literally in the background of the library, isn’t it?
Brian is trying to play it cool, ignoring Roger’s eyes on him and some slightly touch.
«That one» Roger points to the book on the top shelf, Brian reaches up to grab it and when he turns around Roger’s face is close to his. Brian blushes bubbling «H-Here»
Their face are so close that he can feel Roger’s hot breath on his lips, his eyes go down to the blonde’s mouth and so does Roger’s. Before Brian realizes it, Roger is kissing him.
His back slams against the wall, Roger’s hands are all over his body groping his ass, Brian moans under his touch. His pants are getting tight
«Shh, baby» Roger bites his lower lip «We’re lucky the library is almost empty or otherwise somebody would hear you»
They stay there for almost ten minutes kissing and groping against each other until they hear footsteps approaching.
«W-We should go back»
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hollywwav · 5 years
Climbing the Corporate Ladder (DiaDop fanfic)  Chapter 2
Summary: The new president and his young assitant come to change things for good on Passione Inc., a company dedicated to make up and female beauty.
The young boy is secretely in love with his boss, but thanks to an embarassing accident he will have the chance to get more closer to him! Or not…?
An AU where Doppio, the Bucci gang and other characters work for Diavolo, with the special participation of La Squadra!
Warnings: none.
Chapter 2:  [TOUCH ME] //ΛLLNITELONG//     
So Diavolo got closer again to kiss him passionately, with much more strenght that before. Doppio just closed his eyes and got carried away with the pleasure his boss was giving, but it scalated quickly for him when Diavolo rubbed his leg between his crotch and ripped off his white shirt, making some buttons pop out and revealing the young boy’s pale chest. The boss was hungry for Doppio’s body and started to kiss and suck on his delicate skin. Doppio was so impacted by Diavolo’s actions, the only thing he could think in that moment was that everything wasn’t happening and it was a wonderful dream, that it couldn’t be possible... then he looked at the office’s door, glanced at the tiny picture frame of Trish above the desk and realized the gravity of the situation, pushing the boss away quickly, trying to escape from what he thought was a fantasy ...
“N-No!! Ahh... we can’t!!”
“Uhh?!! What?” said his boss, concerned about the boy’s reaction.
 “Oh... was I too rough for him, right?”
“We can’t... do this!... anyone could enter... to the office...”
“I can’t do this!... you’re married!... and your daughter...” said the boy trying to catch his breath, with little drops of pleasure tears running down his cheeks.
Diavolo stood there with a blank face for a moment and then started laughing for Doppio’s surprise.
“Oh, my Doppio... hahaha... you get worried for such silly things!... hahahaha...!!”
Diavolo touched the boy’s face softly and looked at him with a tender smile.
“I’m happily divorced since a couple of years ago, Doppio. And well, about Trish... she still visits me from time to time. I live alone in this moment.”
“...oh...” said Doppio, feeling dumb about the whole situation, and a bit relieved at the same time.
“And you... are single too?”
“So... there’s nothing wrong about what we are doing...would you like me to continue?”
“Well, actually...” the boy looked aside shyly and thought about the correct words to say.
“I don’t know... I really liked it, boss... but I think there is something wrong. We shouldn’t do these kind of things here... and also... I’m a bit surprised, I thought you would get mad. I really didn’t expect you to like me... at all”
“I understand. And yes, you’re right... we can’t do this here...” Diavolo crossed his arms and looked down, thoughtful.
“...So... what now...?” said the young boy, afraid about the destiny of all this issue.
“Let me propose you something, my Doppio. If you’re still interested in this... would you like me to take you to my favorite hotel after work? I promise nobody will know about this, if you’re worried about it...”
“Oh...” Doppio just stood there with a astonished face.
“I will give you some time to think about it. If you accept, please let me know before 7:30pm. If you’re still unsure and need more time, you can also tell me.”
“O-ok, boss... thank you”
“Now please go and wash your face. We have so much to do in so little time...”
“Understood. I will go and-” the boy stopped on his tracks and came back to Diavolo.
“What’s wrong?”
“I-I’m sorry, but you teared down my shirt. Now I will have to use the vest and fix my tie so no one notices it...”
Doppio washed his face and slapped his right cheek in an intent to check if he was still in the real world. Then looked at himself in the mirror, trying to process all that happened.
 “The boss... he kissed me... he touched me... he... he was going to rip all my clothes off...!!”
   “What should I do now? My dream came true and I don’t feel prepared for it... this sounds like a joke!!”
   “N-no, no, no... Calm down, Doppio. Now you will focus on the work, we don’t want to get hard again in front of other people!”
  “Yes, you will go and take care of the job... and just after that, you will say your boss you accept his invitation. Nothing can go wrong, the guy is divorced and lives alone. You can fill the emptiness of his heart easily... you will drive him crazy with your cuteness”  The boy felt a sudden sense of self-confidence, and he was going to take advantage of it. Yes, he felt capable of doing anything right now. Nothing was impossible.
Narancia, the assistant from the accounting department, entered the bathroom when Doppio was drying his hands.
“Hey Doppio, how you doing- Woah! You look feverous today! You got the flu, too?”
“Uhh... yeah... I think I’m getting sick too... I’d have to take care about myself but, well...”
The hours passed in a blink, literally, and the long-awaited hour was approaching. Doppio finished managing the last calls and checked the clock. 7:00 PM. He was nervous, but decided to go to the boss’ office anyways. He was more excited than anything. The young assistant knocked on Diavolo’s office, and quietly entered when he received the permission to do so.
“Umm... boss... can we talk about the proposition you made to me this morning?”
Diavolo stopped typing on his laptop, smirked, and crossed his legs.
“Of course, my Doppio. Have you decided yet?”
“Y-yes... I... I accept...” said shyly, looking down and scratching his neck a bit.
“Perfect. Let me arrange these things so we can leave in a few minutes. Do you still have to finish anything yet?”
“No, my work is done. But if you need anything else, I can take care of it right now”
Diavolo packed all his things in the briefcase and Doppio did the same with his belongings, then put on their coats and scarfs to cope with the cold temperature. The boss guided him outside to his black car, glued to the phone and talking to god knows who in another languaje the young assistant didn’t understand.
“It must be italian... I can’t really understand anything but... ahh... it sounds so romantic”
Doppio sat down in the soft car seat and Diavolo drove directly to the hotel, one of the highest and fanciest buildings in the city. The young boy was so excited to be in the same car with his boss, and glanced at him every second, admiring his facial features and long hair. Now the boy realized that Diavolo’s hair had a really nice scent, like strawberries. Doppio thought about asking him what shampoo did he use, because he never saw a product with that kind of fragance. Oh, he was so nervous. They didn’t say a word in the entire ride, so Doppio started laughing a bit, because of the nervousness and expectations.
Before entering the hotel room, Diavolo broke the silence.
“Oh, do you want anything to eat before this? Are you hungry?”
“N-Not really. Giorno brought sandwiches this afternoon from that artisan bakery he loves, and I think I had too much... ugh, I got full by eating so fast...”
“Oh... haha”
They both entered and placed their heavy coats on an armchair. Doppio glanced at the interior of the room and was amazed by such luxury. It looked like those photos from an 80’s department and home decor magazine. Ceramic floor with a dark crimson color, a large sofa ubicated around a small glass table, a couple of more black armchairs, geometric dim lights, silky curtains matching the crimson scheme and several palm pots distributed throughout the place. The curtain was half opened and Doppio could observe a bit of the dreamy vision of the night and luminous city.
“Woah... this place is amazing, boss!”
“I know, right?. That’s why it’s my favorite hotel. Do you want to drink something?”
“M-maybe a glass of water?” Doppio’s throat was really dry.
Diavolo walked to the bedroom and stopped when he realized the boy was distracted with the external view, not following him.
“Doppio... you can come in already...”
“Oh- Ok!”
The boy entered and sat on the king size bed, and started bouncing his leg, looking aside. His nervousness did not dissapear. Oh no. He was starting to feel unsure about what he was going to do. He felt like he couldn’t get on the mood again like he did in the morning. He was thinking about dropping out of this.
“Should I tell him I don’t want to do this anymore? He will get mad!! Could I please him exactly like he is expecting to? Am I worthy?? Am I capable???... oh no, I think I’m going to cry again...”  
“My Doppio... you don’t have to be nervous right now. Everything is gonna be ok” said his boss caressing his cheek.
“Come here” Diavolo wrapped his arms around the boy’s waist and helped to sit on his lap.
“W-what are we going to do, exactly?” the boss chuckled a bit.
“My sweet Doppio... you’re so innocent... I love that...”
Diavolo kissed him directly, a hot and juicy kiss that made the young boy melt. Then started to push his tounge inside, making the boy taste him completely. It’s was his first time french-kissing. For some reason Doppio thought about an acid candy. Strange. After some seconds they broke the kiss to catch the breath, and then Diavolo started to unbutton the boy’s vest and undo his red tie.
“I’m really sorry for tearing down your clothes...”
“Well... I... I actually liked it... I think that was kinda hot...”
“Really? Then... can I rip it completely? I will buy you a new one”
“Yes, please!” said the boy eagerly, with a full flushed face and dilated eyes.
The older man smirked completely satisfied with the boy's attitude and ripped off slowly his shirt with a loud groan. Doppio felt like he was going to be eaten by an enormous fantasy creature, like a werewolf or something like that. He looked so vulnerable in comparison. Diavolo finished tearing the fabric and enjoyed how the buttons popped out everywhere, and now he was facing at the assistant’s bare chest, inhaling and exhaling agitated by the growing arousal. Doppio’s heart was beating like crazy.
“Mmm...ohhhh.. boss...!!”
“Oh... Doppio... what cute nipples you have...”
The boy was pinned down to the bed and Diavolo started rubbing his nipples gently, as well the rest of his abdomen. It was like he wanted to touch and memorize every aspect of his employee’s body. Doppio closed his eyes and remembered the daydream from that morning. He started to drool a bit.
“Ohh... boss... you’re... you’re so nice with me...!”
Diavolo didn’t reply, instead wrapped his mouth around one of the rosy nipples and sucked and licked it slowly, making the boy’s dick twitch in his pants. Doppio felt like he was going to explode.
“Ohhh... ahhh...!!!”
The boss kissed him everywhere, focusing on his neck, and then unbuttoned his pants and slipped them off, revealing his purple boxers. Doppio thought he was going to take it off in that exact moment,but his boss just got closer to his member and gave a little kiss through the fabric. It made the young employee shudder and moan loudly.
“My Doppio... my sweet little Doppio... I wanted to do this since the first time I saw you...”
“W-what? R-Really, boss?...”
“Yes. I didn’t really know how to declare myself. I’m so glad you accepted to be with me tonight...”
“...H-Honestly... I still think this is a dream... everything is so perfect... you took me in your car... and then allowed me to be in your favorite hotel room... you’re touching me like no one ever did... I think I’m dead and went to my own heaven...” Diavolo stopped what he was doing and looked at the boy, perplexed. He didn’t ever heard those kind of things from anybody... not even his ex-wife.
“Woah. I’m really impressed... you’re so full of surprises, my Doppio... I think you do a job more than excellent... you deserve a special reward... you deserve to fulfill your biggest fantasies with me...” said the older man taking off slowly his shirt, teasing the boy, making him open his eyes and mouth wide.
Diavolo finished unbuttoning his clothing and slowly revealed his chest and strong arms. For the boy’s surprise, a pattern of black lines appeared and Doppio discovered his boss always had floral patterns as tattoos, but no one had seen them before.
“You say I’m full of surprises, but I could never have imagined you had tattoos!”
“What do you think? Do you like them? You can touch this all you want” said the older man caressing his chest and arms teasingly.
“Well, I never liked tatoos, it’s not really my thing... but yours are so pretty!”
“Haha... you’re saying that just to get a raise, do you?” said the boss raising an eyebrow, half joking and half saying it seriously.
“Eh? Of course not, boss! I-I’m being honest...actually...” Doppio examined his boss’ arms, touched his broad abdomen and fondled his toned chest, blushing and with half-lidded eyes. Also sighed heavily.
“I don’t want to sound cheesy... but you look like a greek sculpture to me... you’re so perfect... you’re perfect with or without clothes... I adore you, boss... I desire you...I mean it...”
Diavolo’s eyes dilated at the boy’s speech. He took off the boxers and trowed them away, huffing uncontrollably. Then opened the cap of a lube bottle. Those words stimulated his ego fairly good, and he wanted more.
“Oooh... Doppio... I’m going to fuck you so good...”
Diavolo covered his fingers with a good amount of liquid, and brought them closer to the boy’s entrance. He rubbed them in that spot for a moment before entering the first finger, making the boy yelp at the touch.
“My Doppio... is this your first time?”
“Y-yeah...” the boy was a bit ashamed, he never was intimately with anyone and didn’t have any experience at all. He felt like a loser around other men, specially his boss. Diavolo acted like a pro in everything he did.
“That’s perfectly fine, my Doppio. I’m happy to be the first person for you. I feel really lucky...”
Doppio’s heart was pounding from all that praise. He never felt so loved like in this moment.
“And so... what do you exactly like about me? I mean, do you like me just because I’m hot?”
“I-I don’t like you just beacuse of your looks, boss! I really like being with you... at least for some hours everyday. I... I love how you treat me so well... so kindly... maybe I’m dumb for liking those things but it’s the truth... and how you do all the things you do... you’re a perfect leader... you’re so confident and intelligent... I admire you...”
Diavolo moaned in response, adding more fingers and moving them in and out.
“Ohh... I see... and... is there something you like the most about me?”
“You- your hair!!” said the boy instantly without hesitation and between moans, surprising him.
“Ahh...! Y-Yours is the most beautiful hair I have ever seen... it makes you look exotic...” Diavolo huffed, taking off his pants and opening a condom he had saved in the back pocket.
“...and your lipstick... it’s the cherry on top”
“Oh... fuck... you’re so good, Doppio...”
Diavolo finished putting on the condom down his 8 inches, and Doppio glanced at the length, a bit concerned and intimidated. His dick was so tiny in comparison. In the other hand, he was flattered the older man cared about safe sex.
“Umm... boss... it is... it’s huge... it won’t fit!”
“Don’t worry, my Doppio... I promise to be gentle, and you will love it.”
“Ohh... ohhh... I think it’s... too much for me...!!” said the boy when Diavolo pushed his member slowly, making him hold onto the bed sheets, trembling because of the filling sensation.
“Ahh... you’re so tight...”
Diavolo stopped moving so the boy could feel used to the older man’s cock, and distracted him lowering himself and placing small kisses on his cheeks, nose, and eyelids.
“You’re the most lovely thing whom I had the pleasure to have sex with, mio dolce Doppio...”  
“Oh! That’s italian? P-Please, boss! Keep talking...!! I love when you speak like that!”
Diavolo did what his assistant asked, happy to discover the boy’s special kink while moving in and out, thrusting his sweet spot.
 “Doppio...ooh, Doppio... mio bello Doppio... ti  desidero  tanto...”
  “Boss...!!” the boy closed his eyes and panted uncontrollably.
   “S  ei così adorabile  ... voi fa un lavoro fantastico... s  ei perfetto per me  ...”
“Ah-! Boss! I-It hurts! You’re going too fast!”
“I’m sorry, my dear... I just can’t help it... is it better?”
Diavolo adjusted to the perfect pace for the young boy and made him cry of pleasure, embracing his boss tighly and groaning loudly.
“Ooohh... so good, boss! So gooood...!!”
“I wanted to fuck you so much... since so long... I needed to be inside you, like you don’t imagine...” said the boss huffing between words and thrusting at a quicker pace.
“B-Boss... I... I love working for you...!!”
“I would love to know... what kind of things you dreamed to do with me... did you wish to have my huge cock deep inside you?”
“Yes, boss!”
“Did you wish for me... to rip all your clothes off and eat you up?”
“Did you wish to touch me... to make me whisper you romantic things... and satisfy other kinks I don’t know?”
“Yes...!! yes...!! Ah- I’m gonna...!”
“Come with me, my sweet Doppio!” groaned the older man, grabbing the boy’s member and giving it a few pumps, just enough to finally release his seed and wet their bodies. Doppio thought about yelling “I love you” but for some reason he didn’t, he couldn’t think straight.
“Booooosssss...!!!” moaned out loudly, arching his back and rolling his eyes back.
Diavolo followed, slamming his hips for a last time and coming a lot inside the condom. He stood there for a few moments trying to recover oxygen, as well his young assistant. Then pulled out and gave the boy a sweet kiss in the forehead, before falling by his side, and giving him a tender but tired look.
“Oh, Doppio. You were fantastic... did you like it? It was like you imagined?”  
“I loved it! But, no... it wasn’t like what I figured in my mind...” Diavolo opened his eyes, almost afraid at the boy’s statement.
“...It was thousands of times better, boss... you were amazing”
“Oh... haha... well... I don’t want to sound rude, but... I’m really tired from today’s work and... I really need to sleep. Is it ok?”
“Oh. Well... it’s fine. I’m tired, too”
“Thanks for understanding... have a good night, my Doppio” said the boss kissing his cheek.
“Sleep well, boss.. Oh! But- wait!”
“I just wanted to thank you... thank you so much for letting me be with you!”
“Aw. You’re welcome, my sweet Doppio. Thank you so much for being you...”
Diavolo instantly fell asleep, it looked like he released a good amount of retained tension. Doppio had to wait like twenty minutes to finally sleep, he was overwhelmed by everything that happened that crazy day, and couldn’t know how to organize his thoughts. What was going to do from now? His boss took away his virginity, but he didn’t say he loved him... He just kept calling him “boss”...would he get to live with a busy man like him? Oh, Doppio... now you’re feeling insecure again... but the sleepiness is winning... uhhh...
The next morning, they both had a quick breakfast and the older man took him to the office in his car, passing by a Christian Dior store and buying him a new long sleeve white shirt. No one noticed the young boy entering with the company's president, everyone was involved on their business.
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slytherinbangchan · 5 years
Apado gwaenchana Chap14💖
Another fave chap btw 💖
Magazine workers (enemies to lovers AU)
Warning for this chap: Mention of alcohol, kissing games etc… (parties stuff)
Warnings2: kinda smutty.
Pairing: RenjunxReader (Only y/n’s actual name is ‘Skyler’ cause I love that name and that’s it but it’s still ‘y/n’ ok?) Btw I made everyone here older than they actually are cause they’re working at an office etc…
You (Skyler/BlueAbsinthe) work as an editor at an office for a magazine called ‘Fashion Killa’ along with your two besties, (Chloe/uwuBabe writer for the health and beauty department and Blair/NotARavenclaw, a photographer). And everything is fine untill you have to work along in an assesment with your ‘mortal enemies’.
(Dont mind the time on the chats I just write late at night, lol)
Nct members as:
Mark: Editor. Renjun: Photographer. Chenle: Editor Lucas: Model Doyoung: Model Park Jisung: Model Johnny: Model Yuta: Model Taeyong: Model Jungwoo: Model Other Idols:
Felix: As an Stray Kids member Han Jisung: As an Stray Kids member. Wonho from MX: As a model Joohoney from MX: As a model TOP from BB: As a model. Siwon from SUJU: As a model. BoA: As your boss
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-Sorry I woke you up earlier. -He says as he finishes lacing his shoes.
-Don't worry. It's almost imposible not to wake me up. I don't know why but the tiniest thing would wake me.
-I use to turn off my alarm clock while sleeping I think that's worse.
You laugh. -If I do that I just keep dreaming about the alarm ringing or me arriving late to places. Also most of the time I just wake up naturally 10 minutes before it rings.
-Ok, you win. What a nightmare. I'm sorry for you.
-Me too.
You both laugh and he gives you a little peck on the lips. -Ok, I gotta go. See you later before the hot spring thingy.
You walk him to the door. -Yeah. See you. -You kiss him goodbye one last time.
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You spend what is left of the afternoon with the guys, then go back to the hotel to move your things to the onsen place where you'll stay the last night before going back to Korea the next day. You hate packing so you didn't bring much stuff anyway. You share a cab with the girls trying to avoid Renjun's topic. Is not that you don't wanna tell them is just that you don't know what to tell them.
You open your case once you're in your room and put on a swinsuit and a bathrobe. Then go outside where everyone else is. Most of them are in the water but some still out drinking and chatting. It's too cold for you to stay out of the hot water so you just go in. The girls are already there anyway.
You look for the guys, you first spot fair haired Jisung between the others, then Mark and lastly Renjun who waves at you.
-Are we really allowed to drink here? -One of the model girls asks.
-Of course! Why not? We got the whole place to ourselves. -Says Lucas. There's shots swimming around in floating trays and coctels on the tables outside. You're pretty sure Lucas set those up himself .-Okay, everyone let's play!
You don't actually feel like playing tho. Your eyes are fixed on Renjun and his on you. Lucas has called everyone to the center of the onsen. He's explaining the rules of kiss or dare when there's no bottle to spin.
-I'll start. -Blair. Kiss or dare?
-Hm... Kiss.
-Okay, then kiss me. -He smirks at her and she laughs but kiss him anyways.
-My turn then. -Blair looks around for her victim. -Jisung, kiss or dare?
-Great, I always wondered something. Confess to the person you like if they are here right now.
-Seriously? -He asks while blushing.
-You can lose some clothes but you don't have a lot...
-It's okay, you said if I liked someone but I don't so...
-Bullshit. -She laughs.
-Let the baby gooo. -You shout at your friend and she laughs.
-Okaaay. Then it's your turn Jisung.
-Yey! Mark hyung. Kiss or dare?
-Hmm, cling to Lucas and do aegyo till the round ends.
-I hate you so much. -He says while walking next to Lucas and grabbing his arm. He'll be suffering from various internal breakdows during the dare. He hates skinship. -Oh, it's my turn right? I choose Renjun.
-Then I choose dare I guess. -He says.
-Why no one else wants to kiss today? -Blair asks.
Mark is looking around to see how he can mess with his friend. -Ah, I got it. Make out with her. -He's pointing at that model girl again. -You kissed him the other day right? -He asks her and she nods shyly.
Renjun looks at you but you don't know what to do. Is Mark being a jerk on purpose, or do people really don't know that you two have been sneaking out? And he told him to 'make out' that's more than just a kiss. Omg you just wanna kill Mark right now. You gulp down a shot from the floating tray. It's hella sweet so you make an ugly face after drinking it.
-C'mon guys, we are waitiiing. -Lucas can't wait anymore so he walks (or swims) to Renjun and the other girl and pushes them together so they kiss.
You're burning inside. Kinda feels like you're gonna cry but you won't. You quit the game after that. Which is not suspicious at all. Renjun quits right after you which is also not suspicious at all, and little by little people just walks away from the circle and just keep drinking near the walls. There's a point at the night where you're just too drunk and decide it's almost time to go. And you're not leaving without that idiot. There's just a few people left and Lucas made sure to remove almost every light in that place. Jisung went to bed a while ago and there's just Mark now talking and laughing with Renjun. You leave your friend's side without a warning and go visit Renjun.
-Oh, hi Skyl- -You shut his stupid mouth with a kiss.
-Oh wow. Okay... -Mark walks away just accepting somehow what just happened right in front of his salad.
You keep kissing Renjun like there's nobody else around. His body feels even softer there in the hot water. You can feel how you crave him more and more with every second that passes. Things scalate quickly. When you pull away from him you're both breathless. You walk out and put on the bath robe. It's cold outside the water. He follows you doing the same. Then you grab his hand and lead him to your room. There's no bed or hardly anything, just some futons where you lay as soon as you enter. You're out of your head right now and so is he. But you both know what you want. He starts kissing you again, and you bite his lip softly. He grunts then and deepens the kiss making you moan. There's not a lot of clothes between you two but he's getting rid of them already.
-You're so fucking beautiful, Skyler. -You can't help but smile. It's your mortal enemy right there praising you as he undresses the shit out of you.
His hands wandering your entire body. You've closed your eyes while he buries his face on your neck to bite it. Usually people biting you annoys you to the moon and back, you're the one biting, the one in charge. But Renjun it's so good at it you don't mind it at all. You're so into it you don't even realize you're shaking.
-Woah. -He stands up enough to look at you from above. -Are you okay?
You come back from heaven wondering why the hell he stopped. -Huh?? -You still kinda drunk so you just pull him back to you so he'd keep going.
-Wait. Skyler you're hot... like... your body. -You tilt your head to a side like a puppy. He must be kinda drunk too. -I mean, like, you're shaking you know? Maybe you got temperature from the cold and the hot water?
-What? Who cares? I'm okay.
-Well, I care. -He says, grabbing your hands to make you sit up. Then he throws the robe over you again.You feel kinda dizzy so you don't complain much more. He feels your forehead with his lips. -Ah yeah, you're definitely ill.
-Okay, I'm ill. Can we go on?
He chuckles. -I don't think so... You could get worse.
-No way. I never get sick, this is weird.
-Anyway, just in case, let's just sleep for now. Put on some dry clothes by the way.
-I don't wanna. -You pout. You're kinda sad he's back on his robe again too.
-Okay, at least let me dry your hair. -He says, picking up a towel and sitting next to you. He starts drying your hair with it, it's just the ends which are slightly wet but anyways.
-I hate you. -You say, still pouting.
-Okay. -He says, not leaving the towel.
You sit between his legs tho, facing him. He's focussed on his labor of drying hair so you just watch him silently. You rest your head on his chest after a while. Hugging him. -Thank you. -You say. He kiss the top of your head, hugging you back.
-Let's go to sleep, okay? -He asks. His voice so soft. You nod and get under the covers with him. -Good night. -He says letting you sleep on his chest.
-Good night. -After a couple seconds your hand slowly wanders to his crotch.
He chuckles lightly. -Skyler, please. -He says, shaking you with the arm he has around you.
-Okaay. -You say, sighing after.
He smiles to himself without opening his eyes and kisses you on top of your head again. -Good night.
-Hm, yeah. -You say, annoyed. Making him laugh again.
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padawanlost · 6 years
Imagine if Ahsoka had been badly injured defending Padme during the whole Aurra Sing thing.
I thinkPadmé would go full mamma bear mode and protect Ahsoka fiercely. She would makesure she gets the best treatment money can buy. Padmé would also feel terriblyguilty for allowing a teenager to get hurt and MAYBE that would open her eyesto fact Ahsoka is a child soldier, fighting a war no one seem too interested inending.
I don’tlike to think of my beautiful daughter in pain so I’ll say Padmé does realizehow wrong Ahsoka’s situation is. Once her mind is set, it’s not hard toconvince a dangerously distraught Anakin to do something to keep Ahsoka’s lifesafe for longer than the time it will take her to fully recover.
Padmédecides to approach the Jedi Council herself and question them herself aboutthe deployment of children and teenagers. The Council does not accept her intrusionand things quickly scalate into a heated debate between Padmé and Yoda. Unfortunately,senator Amidala is asked to leave before any kind of common ground is reached. Meanwhile,Anakin discovers that several younglings have gone missing throughout the yearswithout the Council doing anything to search for them or learn why they disappeared. Armed with this information, Padmé goespublic. Palpatine, of course, supports Padmé’s claims and creates a committeeto investigate the Order.  
The JediCouncil approaches Anakin and orders him to convince senator Amidala that Ahsokaand all the younglings are and always will be fiercely protected by them. Stressedand sleep deprived, Anakin reacts badly to this mission and argues that Padméand the public might have cause for concern. The meeting ends with Anakin quittingthe Order and promising them that Ahsoka will never again see a battlefield.
As thousandsof concerns families arrive on Coruscant demanding information on theirchildren, the public beings to wonder why was this ever allowed happened in the first place. Senators, fearingfor their careers, throw Palpatine under the bus, claiming he was in charge ofthe GAR and the Jedi Order. In a bold move, pressured by the people ofAlderaan, senator Bail Organa asks for a vote of no confidence. In less than aday Palpatine loses most of his power and influence over the Senate.
The newly-electedChancellor creates a law regulating the actions of the Jedi Order. Now, underpublic supervision, the Order is no longer allowed to do as they please and putchildren and teenagers in harm’s way.
By the timeAhsoka is fully recovered the war is nearly over, Palpatine and his allies arepowerless and in disgrace and Anakin is no longer a Jedi. With Padmé by hisside, he offers her a home in Naboo and new life with them away from war andpain. Ahsoka accepts and is never again asked to kill or hurt another livingbeing.
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