#but this definitely isn't something thats been or is going to be forgotten about!
the-stars-forsaken · 5 months
Hey, is everything going okay? Noticed it's been a while
Hey, thanks for the little check in lol
I'm still working on pages and I definitely have no intention of stopping working on this so dw about that, I've just had a few personal things going on that've made deligating time toward TSF not as easy as I'd like it to be!
I'm currently in the works of trying to get a new phone after my old one keeled over, and with that having been the primary way I'd checked over the process of the page and gave updates outside of posting pages on comp it's left me a bit radio silent so apologies for that
I'm super close to being able to get that back though, and ideally once I've got that out of the way I'll be back to posting pages :D!
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miquella-everywhere · 4 months
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This lady is without a doubt Marika, there is absolutely no way she isn't
So with the official website saying that the Realm of Shadow was the place that Marika became a God and from what the trailer is saying about a betrayal, and her evidently taking something from someone, its easy to conclude that Marikas ascension was bloody and dramatic as hell
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Like look at that gate of bodies goddamn that goes hard
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Messie is a bad boy eternally waging war on a different side of reality just to spite his mother(possibly)
Edit: Oh? But then again it says "purge" and Marika did apparently go to great lengths to make sure the Realm of Shadow was hidden and forgotten, so perhaps Messmer is waging war, purging all that's there, on behalf of his mother in the shadows???? messmer is ultimate mamas boy confirmed lol
You can definitely see where he got his title as Impaler lol
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Hello hello, now who on earth are you 👀👀(this design is way to awesome to not be someone important! who could they be? could it be godwyn????)
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I've had a theory about these things stewing in my brain for a while now and it's that these beacons of light are obviously being left behind by Miquella. And since we are being guided by him, these beacons are our guides to him. But there are several things in both trailers that hint to me that Grace possibly does not exist in the Realm of Shadow, so then these rings will serve as the DLCs sites of grace curtesy of Miquella
Thats so kind of him lol
Speaking of kind! He has the new aptly fitting moniker of Miquella the Kind UwU god i love him 😭
I also love more proof contributing to the death of all "evil miquella" theories akdhsjsj
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Miquella abandoning his fate is somehow synonymous with Trina 🤔🤔🤔🤔
You know how I said that Miquella represented hope to me a while back?
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starlight-struggles · 10 months
ahh thanks for the reply to my previous ask! if you don’t mind, may i pls request tanjiro and muichiro attempting to tickle tengen and rengoku?
feel free to make this as chaotic as you wish😁
You're welcome, and of course I don't mind! (Apologies for taking so long to get this out) I wasn't sure which idea to go for since i had a few options in mind. However, I've now decided and I can definitely write that for you, so please, enjoy ✨️
Writers note: before we start, I know it isn't Halloween right now - it's just the idea I came up with. Also, I believe demon slayer was set around 1912 so thats why the date says that :)
Switches: Tanjiro Kamado, Tengen Uzui, Rengoku Kyojuro
Ler: Muichiro Tokito
'Hey Tokito-san? Did you know today was Halloween?'
Halloween.. ah yes, october 31, 1912. It happens every year, once a year though. Kinda like birthdays and other events. It's sad really, isn't it? They wished it would last longer.. the parties, the pumpkins, the costumes, the joy and happiness spread among everyone on that fateful, yet fun night.. oh, and let's not forget the free candy that parents give out to kids as they excitedly knock on their door. Ah yes.. now where were we? That's right.. two young men were currently sneaking around the butterfly mansion. Why? Well...
The surrounding area was illuminated by pumpkins and small candles. No-one else was around except for Uzui and Rengoku. They seemed to be having a somewhat serious conversation. Now now, since no-one was allowed to go on missions that night you may be wondering where the other hashira were. Well.. every year on Hallowen they throw a small party at the butterfly mansion. It was more of a traditional thing now and every hashira was on board with it, even Sanemi and Giyuu. Of course, Tanjiro and the others had been invited, but they decided not to go because they didn't want to intrude. Muichiro, however, had just completely forgotten as he did most years when something like this would happen. It didn't really bother him, though, and at least he got to hang out with Tanjiro, so it wasn't all bad.
They had heard that tonight was also the night where the hashira would have a so-called "prank war" with each other, and according to Gyomei, it could get really chaotic sometimes. After a few minutes of walking around, they noticed the two older men and decided to watch them in amusement. They couldn't really make out what the others were talking about, but they knew something was up. They were definitely planning something, but what?
A few more minutes passed before Tanjiro said, 'You should go now Tokito-san' 'alright,' he'd reply, making his way over to Uzui and Rengoku. Originally, their target was going to be Giyuu. However, it seems that they had changed their minds..
While Muichiro was busy distracting the others, it gave Tanjiro a chance to sneak up on them.. or so he thought..
'Young Kamado! What brings you here?' Shoot.. Rengoku had noticed him, and now that Uzui also realised he was here.. Well, it's too late now- might as well just do it, right? Yeah..
Tanjiro lunged at Rengoku, successfully taking down his mentor as his fingers dug into his hips, making the other squirm a bit as he tried to firmly, yet gently, push the younger boy away in an attempt to free himself.
'Now young Kamado.. I don't think this is a good idea..' Rengoku said, looking down at Tanjiro.
'Why not, too ticklish?' He replied somewhat cocky as his nimble fingers lightly skittered up and down his sides in an attempt to make the other break.
'I-It's not that, it's just-' his sentence was cut short when a shriek erupted from Tanjiro. He quickly rolled off of Rengoku and onto the floor as he brought his hands to his sides, trying to protect himself against the fingers that were now scribbling against his lower ribs and sides.
'M-Mr Uzui! Wahahahait!' He squeaked when Uzui dug into his ribs, making sure to get in between the bones of each one, which made Tanjiro squeal loudly. Uzui would just smirk as he looked at him.
'What's up Tanjiro? Is there something wrong?'
'Wahahahait- plehehehehehese! Don't!'
'Don't what..?'
He's tricking you.. it's a trick, it's a trick Tanjiro- don't fall for this again-
'T-Tihihihckle me?'
Dammit.. to fall for this..? That childish tease? He wasn't a little kid anymore, yet he fell for it every single time.. It was quite a common fact really and almost everyone knows that Tanjiro can not stand teasing- so they'd use it to their advantage when tickling him.
'Why, of course, Young Kamado! What did you think we were going to do?' Rengoku chimed in, using his left hand to gently squeeze the younger boy's side while chuckling.
Muichiro, however, was not having it.. he pounced onto Uzui, sending both of them, tumbling to the floor in a mess.. surprisingly, for a 14 year old, Muichiro was pretty strong and managed to pin Uzui down as he started tickling him relentlessly while dodging Uzui's attempts to stop him.
By the end of the night, they were all tired out..
Tanjiro was curled up into a ball asleep next to Rengoku while he was also asleep, Uzui's was all tired out as Muichiro slowly rolled off him, the only thing keeping him in place was Uzui's hand gripping the back of shirt.. At least that's how the other hashiras found them, having no idea what took place moments before..
(Sorry if this is not to your liking or is too short, I'm quite new to writing still)
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trainer--mimico · 11 months
Risetober 2023 Day 24: Meat Sweats
I apologize for the delay. There has been some things in my personal life. I really needed to focus on that before I could continue this. It's all good now, and I will be working on getting caught back up with risetober.
Blue's Journal
Purple has been acting strangely. Well he is a Donatello so I guess not too strangely.
He has locked himself in his lab and will not let any of us in. Donnie did something similar, but he wasn't as manic as Purple is about it.
Purple has locked the doors and hisses at anyone who tries to get in. He keeps saying that he is working on something, that it's a surprise, or my genius is not ready to be seen.
Red has been anxiously pacing around the lab doors. He has been grabbing onto anyone who gets to close and starts to out mother mother hens.
I swear Red is worse than Leo when it comes to mother henning, and that's saying something. Never thought Leo would be out mother henned.
This just means that me and Orange have been hanging out more and avoiding the wrath of Purple and the mother henning of Red.
The two of us have mostly just been hanging out in his room, the kitchen, or the living room. Well we hang out in the living room if Red isn't anxiously pacing around in there.
Today we where watching one of Oranges favorite cooking shows while cooking along. I honestly don't care for the show myself. It makes my skin crawl when the chef yells at or insults the contestants. It reminds me of training with Shredder sometimes.
The show is called Condescending Kitchen. The host, Rupert Swaggart, is a piece of work. Orange swears by his recipes though.
Today's show was showing us how to make the perfect pork risotto. Orange was on cooking duty while I was in charge of prepping and assisting.
During the show, when Swaggart was yelling and smacking at one of the contestants with a pork loin, I noticed one if the oozequitoes from Draxums lab. Orange noticed it too when it bit his idol.
Just like that, in front of use and hundreds of other, Rupert Swaggart mutated.
It was just as horrific to watch as it was when we saw the delivery guy mutate in Draxum's lab. His body broke apart and rebuilt itself on live television this time. So many people saw it.
I have no idea what's going to happen now. The people of this world seem more accepting or blind to these things than the one I am use to, but this is right there. It is impossible to hide or explain away.
Things are going to get harder. The government is going to get involved and we are going to be hunted. This is so not good.
I thought Orange agreed with me. He seemed shocked and devastated that this happened. Then the timer on his risotto went off and everything that just happened was forgotten.
We just watched his idol mutate on live television. If the government doesn't get involved then with Swaggarts personality he is most definitely going to become a villain. Either way the fall out is going to effect us.
It seems Orange has completely forgotten this has happened. He saved his risotto and is working on the other dishes like nothing happened.
You know what thats fine. My brothers are innocent to the world. I want them to stay innocent for as long as possible. If Swaggart does show up again, or if the government comes around, I will take care of it. I will do everything to protect them.
I don't think I will tell the others. They might not thing it's a big deal. After all they tend to ignore a lot of safety precautions when going out. Then again this world is also safer to go out in then what I'm use to.
No it's better if I just keep it to myself for now. I don't want them to think I'm more paranoid than they already think I am. I don't want them to think I'm to much of a burden.
If something happens I will take care of it. If this comes up as an issue I will tell them. Until then I will just have to be cautious and keep a look out.
The risotto was delicious by the way. Orange was right. Swaggart is a jerk who makes my skin craw, but his recipe's are really good.
Day 23/ Day 25
Master Post
Part 1
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numerowah · 1 year
So, in your AU, Wario and Waluigi are not antagonists, while Shokora and Rosalina are? Is Waluigi some sort of father figure who wears a pretty blue dress?
Correct! Both Wario and Waluigi spent quite a while isolated in some form, so I have them a bit more mild-mannered than their canon selves.
This shouldn't be too long so real quick, Shokora is rivalling with Peach, and Rosalina and Daisy are quick to be at each other's throats. Rosalina, as a nod to her cosmic canon self, is very spacey and kinda forgetful, though one look at Daisy and she switches to Kill Mode pretty much lol
Okay, so I ended up rambling again so I put the read more thing, and I REALLY ended up rambling again so I'm gonna reblog this with Waluigi's part of the story because oh my god I have more thoughts than I thought I did. ^-^
Wario, in taking over Shokora's role, actively ruled over his kingdom a few thousand years ago. I feel it's overall a fair amount of time, due to the language in the game ["...the ruins appear to be the pyramid of the sleeping princess of the king who reigned over the area long ago..." from one of the game guides.], and the fact that the kingdom isn't described in the present day. I take that last point to mean the kingdom doesn't exist anymore, and since the ruins were recently discovered, it HAD to have been absent for enough time that people forgot about it. SO! Princess Wario gets cursed a few thousand years from the present day into an amorphous but usually feline black blob, which while strips him of being able to reign his kingdom also keeps him alive that long so, eh, tradeoff. As I said, he IS more mild-mannered [after all, I don't think royalty, much less royalty that could afford having a golden pyramid and all the treasure you find in-game, can be made to be AS greedy as Canon-Wario is. Definitely still greedy, but he doesn't have to go treasure hunting or stealing anything, he can be civil X)], but it is still Wario, and he doesn't take that lying down. So although his efforts are fruitless, he spends that time trying to get into the Pyramid and take his kingdom back from the Golden Diva. When Shokora finds him, she finds a big black cat with ruffled whiskers that is very injured. Being the money-focused treasure hunter in this world, she wouldn't normally go out of her way to help anyone, but that cat was pretty hurt, and it's gonna be distracting her the whole time she's looting the ruins. And stars, if she ignores the cat and it dies?? She might have to hang up her treasure hunting hat!
So Shokora, somewhat begrudgingly, takes the cat into the city, gets it proper help [which proves very difficult. This cat has a temper, and seems to really want to be somewhere else.] and leaves it in a nice alley in Diamond City. [also sidenote, while Wario Land 4 begins with Wario almost running the cat over, cmon man thats your wife be careful, I think Princess Wario has never been there due to being so persistent at trying to regain his kingdom.] But when she gets back to the ruins, she finds out the cat had stowed away on her bike, and she watches it run up to the Pyramid and resume its previous attempted invasion. After some thinking, Shokora decides that there's something wrong with this cat in a good way, and with its knowledge of the ruins and Shokora's abilities+opposable thumbs, Wario Land 4 continues as normal, just with the roles swapped. At the end, Princess Wario gets his curse lifted, celebratory 'you saved me so you get a kiss', and bam he is now a part of the crew >:]
Waluigi is both chronologically and mentally much, much older. His kingdom, which used to stand where the Mushroom Kingdom is today, is long forgotten from the memory of modern people...
Aaaand that's where I'll leave this one off. I'll reblog right away with Waluigi's stuff and just go ahead and apologize in advance for that LMAO
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adulting-sucks · 1 year
Dont know if this will be posted, but I'm going to say it anyways. I'm not going to touch on the topic of what is going on in tumblr between the blogs but the actual nature of the discussion of racism. I think for the most part POC have their own beliefs of what they deem racist based on their own experiences with it. There is obvious things that every POC and decent nonPOC can agree fall under racism and there's the other things that may differ based on what people have experienced or seen for them to label someone or something racist. As a POC myself, I do believe CEs recent actions and affiliations fall under racist. Yes, he isn't in the category of a white supremacist or a nazi but he is still not antiracist. If he was truly antiracist and actually cared for what POC go through he would be nowhere near these people and would make sure they stayed far away from him and his homes. He has continually spent time with these people even after everything was discovered about them. You can say it is because of the PR contract and he has no choice but that doesnt cut it. My family owns businesses, we amend or null contracts all the time. He has a choice, contracts can be amended, theres ways to get around having to actually spend physical time with that group, and theres definitely ways to make sure those people dont ever come into his home(s). Even the most lucrative contracts have termination clauses in them and also have options for future amendments. He can always buy himself out of a contract, a contract with a unknown actress from a foreign country would never be that expensive. This isn't a contract between 2 A-listers.
Being okay with spending any quality time with racists is counterproductive to being an ally. He was okay with calling out Trump and other politicians when he needed to but has totally been silent when it comes to the girl he has claimed as his gf, that isn't antiracist. If he wanted he or his team could have talked her into addressing her participation in culture appropriation and being friends with nazi sympathizers and apologizing but instead she ignores it while he continues to associate with them. I see no difference in her being friends with racists and him 'dating' her and hanging out with her bff, its the same thing the exception is her culture appropriation. Theyre both associating with racists, that alone doesnt exclude them from racism. Racism has levels, there are those have subconscious racism, there are those that are aggressive and physical with their racism, and theres systemic racism. Just because he hasn't said or done anything obvious racist doesn't mean he doesnt fall under a category of racism. Ignorance can make a person racist. He knows exactly what racism is considering he has called out people on it before but still he continues to be with these people. This includes his family and friends that are participating in this whole charade. His brother was literally posting about nazis, but has been spending time with people who are friends with a nazi sympathizer, like does he not see his hypocrisy. It would be better for all involved to not speak out on racism, body shaming, culture appropriation or anything related to what the Portugal group has been accused of because it makes them look like hypocrites when they spend time with the very same type of people they are calling out.
And thats why it is frustrating for me and i'm sure some other POC to see all this drooling over him that has been happening since the con all over tumblr. It seems like some of the people that had an issue with him and him associating with that group have totally forgotten about that because he looked good to them. And this is probably what it is going to look like once or when the girl and her friends are no longer in the picture. Many are going to go back to thirsting on him and supporting him even though they were calling him out. They're going to pretend that he never let a group of racists into his homes, that he never spent quality time with those racists, and that he never claimed a girl from that group as his girlfriend. Even if this is PR, he still made a choice to get involved with her for whatever benefit he is going to get. His team failed to research and that is on him and the people he pays. This being PR shouldnt excuse the fact that he is okay being associated with racism and for me it doesn't excuse his association with racism either.
I’ll always post a different point of view. Always. And you are perfectly right to feel the way you do per your experiences.
I only speak to my experiences and why I think and feel the way I do. I won’t ever presume to speak on yours or anyone else’s behalf.
I absolutely understand where you stand. And I can absolutely understand the frustration. I just don’t believe a person changes into a racist overnight. And that’s my opinion.
And you’re not the only person who feels the way you do, just like I’m not the only one who feels the way that I do. That’s the biggest hurdle, being able to see that this is different from this, but it’s okay to discuss it
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riverstardis · 2 years
series 32 episode 34:
this is the anniversary of cal's death ep💔
connie's back!
surely it's been at least a week since ethan stood down as clinical lead now but he's still using the parking permit? i suppose he might as well since no one else was using the space. connie leaves a slightly passive aggressive note on his windscreen lmao
"the wife is saying that he was bent over the dishwasher and that the carving knife was sticking out" *elle laughs* "what, you don't believe her?" "i do not. you wanna know why? because in 14 years i never saw my husband so much as open a dishwasher. on the other hand i often though about, you know! ..... joking!" LMAO😭😭
ethan looking at the flowers charlie left by where cal was stabbed😥😥😥😥😥
oh yeah this is quite a leigh-anne heavy episode isn't it urgh
alicia's got the keys to her new house!
louise, noel, and rash are trying to get her to have a housewarming party and she's looking excited about it until robyn reminds her about cal. so she says she has plans? i don't get why she doesn't just say the real reason i mean it's not like it's a secret, it's just that everybody's forgotten??? like surely louise and noel would definitely understand and rash didn't know cal but would probably also understand???
also i hate the way they wrote alicia as like not that bothered about cal's death even though she was somewhat close to him??? i suppose in the immediate aftermath you could say she was being strong for ethan but it's the fact that i don't think we see her grieve at all. and a year later she's forgotten about it?
chekhov's axe
connie wants to open a trauma theatre but charlie doesn't think it's a good idea and he says he can think of a good name for it though: the connie beauchamp trauma theatre SDSFJJHFD
ethan's back in scrubs THATS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE
lmao elle tells him that connie's looking for him and he says he thought she might be but then starts phoning leigh-anne's landlord for some reason and connie walks up behind him and goes "dr hardy." and he jumps and looks round sjsdjdjfgj
leigh-anne phoning ethan to say she can't cope anymore and that she's leaving kiegan in a safe place and "i know you'll take better care of him than i can" girl what??? i know he's got inappropriately involved in your life but you can't just go leaving babies to people like that😭😭 also didn't she only try to cope for like a few hours max???
alicia finally giving in to everyone asking about the party and robyn says "maybe it's what cal would've wanted" which is a good point tbf but it isn't just about how cal would feel about it, given that he's dead it doesn't really matter that much, it's more about how ethan would feel about it, and alicia obviously thinks he wouldn't like it because she tells them not to invite anyone else while watching ethan. and then noel immediately goes and invites elle😭 i don't understand why they all seem to not have heard robyn mention cal except alicia???
noo not ethan bringing up scott😭 leigh-anne says she wasted enough tears on him when he was alive and ethan says she's still grieving though and says he knows enough about grief to know and she asks who he's lost and he says "my brother" hmm there's a little too much hand holding going on for my liking rn
ethan says there's something he has to tell her???? don't tell me he was planning to tell her that scott killed cal???? how would that help anyone😭
kiegan's being taken into temporary foster care for the night but ethan offers to take him but obviously they don't let him
connie gets involved and tells him that getting involved in patients' lives isn't what they do there and he gets angry "what do we do here? just out of interest." "excuse me?" "do you want us just to patch them up and pack them off, is that it?" and they carry on having a bit of a shouting match until charlie interrupts😭
then ethan just walks off and connie's like "oh that's it, walk away!" and charlie's like "give him a break, will you! today of all days?!" and connie goes "oh what, because it's my first day back?" and charlie's like "WHAT? NO! because today is the anniversary of cal's death. cal died 1 year ago today, it's not always about you, you know." and connie's face is like shit😭😭😭😭
oop rash stood gem up because connie had him doing some work over his lunch break but she doesn't believe him because "even she's not that bad"😬 lmaoo iain asks rash if he has to keep on eye on him
elle asks ethan if he's going to the party before she notices alicia shaking her head to stop her😭 he's like "no, i'm not." and walks off and alicia goes after him and goes "ethan, i didn't want a party tonight, i swear" "it's alright" "i don't want you to think that i'd forgotten. you're more than welcome to come, i just assumed you wouldn't fancy it" "no. it's fine, honestly" okay but she HAD forgotten though. tbh he probs wouldn't have gone even if it was a different day bc they're still fallen out after rage in resus
"dr hardy" "mrs beauchamp, i've actually finished my shift, okay? i've had a really trying day" "yes, i understand. look, i know this will be no consolation but i just thought you might like to know that i plan to install a trauma theatre here in the ed, and i firmly believe if we'd had the resources last year then-" "what? then my brother might still be alive?! yeah, you're right, it's no consolation at all."😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥 WHY WOULD SHE SAY THAT TO HIM😭😭😭
lmaoo alicia, noel, louise, and gem coming in incredibly hungover the next day and alicia's saying how she knew there was a reason she'd given up alcohol sjsjdsdjf
connie's showing charlie the space for the trauma theatre and he still doesn't agree with it and she brings up cal and he gets angry
urghhhh ethan and leigh-anne kissing🙄 were we meant to be on board this ship or something????
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miblife · 2 years
(This is the result of one too many salty twitter stans)
(Yes there are almost definitely some mistakes here but my point is hopefully clear either way)
With MCC today, people are back on their bullshit about buildmart, you know the ones
'Oh buildmart sucks it should be removed mememememememe'
The current games are in 3 different 'categories': PVP, last man standing and teamwork.
PVP is obviously battle box, survival games and sky battle, where the players must always fight to the death (or launch themselves into the void).
Last man standing would be games like Hole in the Wall, TGTTOSAWAF, Ace Race and Rocket Spleef, where there is only one solo winner.
Teamwork would be Buildmart, Meltdown, Grid Runners and Sands of Time, where the goal is ultimately to collect coins and work together with full cooperation.
While Meltdown could count as PVP, its balanced enough that teamwork is more of a priority. Parkour Tag also works as a mix of all three.
Buildmart evens out the playing field, as 3 of the current 12 games are solely pvp related, not counting games like parkour tag, where the player is constantly concentrating on running from a hunter, or tgttosawaf/rocket spleef, where there are always hands beng thrown
It is one of the few games with no pvp at all, no players constantly punching each other, and that can be a welcome break for some participants, especially people who just want to chill, they can just place blocks
Contrary to popular belief, it is not just a building game. Buildmart is focused on teamwork, and comes into the same category as something like Sands of Time, but is solely peaceful.
Yet because it is just a building game, some people really dislike it
I dont understand why! (Well I do, its because some of the participants unfairly criticise Buildmart in comparison to almost every other game, and I dont want to be mean or rude because obviously Buildmart isn't going to be everybody's cup of tea, but come on! It's one game!)
Of all the participants, there are many who come from backgrounds of PVP or Building or Speedrunning or Variety. Some even do all of them!
There's games for people who constantly do PVP fights, who know exactly the correct timing to get the perfect crits and the best angle to fire a bow at
There's games for the hunters, for people who know exactly where to time a 4 block jump, who can perfect their mouse movements to never stop running
Theres games for people who thrive in multifaceted games, where every action is different and a bit of a challenge, but not so much so that its frustrating
And the Builders have Buildmart, which in its consistant updates, is beautiful, has creative yet simple builds, clearly labelled sections for materials and inspires talking and cooperation
But only Buildmart is, for lack of better terms, absolutely shat on.
While yes, some games are moaned at when they come up for personal preference, like Battle Box for a non-PVP team, I've never seen a game hated more than Buildmart (except maybe Parkour Warrior but thats a whole other can of worms, also as it's been removed for quite a while and doesn't seem to be coming back (Apollo dont interact))
Despite the fact that it's a game that evens the playing field a lot for players who just like to chill and make things in minecraft, which I can also assume is many fans favourite thing to do
Ig that's about it, even though I've probably forgotten some stuff but hey, theres some things
TL:DR - Buildmart is not as bad as people make it out to be, and it helps make things less stressful in terms of thinking on your feet and constant adrenaline
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animalinvestigator · 3 years
If I remember right (feel free to ignore this if I remembered wrong), you've said you think that the meaning of Petscop is one one could interpret it in many ways. If it isn't too personal, what's it's meaning to you?
Hello apologies for the late correspondence! I certainly think that's true. There's definitely something its "about" but pretty much anyone could interpret the finer details than that in basically any way they wanted to and that's a really neat thing about the art. I think the guy who made it puts it in a way that makes a lot more sense than I ever could -
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(This is from this stellar interview which is really important to me and the way i interact w/ the work - i'm guilty as charged for the shit he talks about not being his intention + thats why ive rly changed my angle on how i talk about it lately LOL)
My interpretation is really personal, but it's pretty in line with the core themes that the interview talks about - child abuse, identity, and memory are i think the three things I would describe as the main subjects of my personal read of the story.
I guess to summarize my main takeaway very quickly and reductively (and this is massive simplification because theres like at least 3 or 4 subnarratives going on behind this LOL) i read petscop as a story about a game that serves as the last remaining piece of evidence about a history of familial abuse that was buried, ignored, repressed and forgotten, and what happens when one of the people in the family finds it and has to grapple with slowly being drip-fed the details of his own childhood + all of the horrific shit that happened to him that he never knew about.
in my head it's kind of about like.. what if something happened to you that changed you forever, you could never go back to the way you were before, you ostensibly become a different person, and then you just forgot that it ever happened and went about your entire life thinking that you had been that new person all along. what happens when you remember it later? how do you even cope with something like that. that's the main emotional thread that i get out of petscop.
and beyond that, it's about taking that and figuring out how to move forward, even when your vulnerability is weaponized against you. and reclaiming tools of victimization to rebuild yourself and embody the person that your experiences made you into.
it's a really special kind of story to me. if you want to ask about more details on my interpretation, please feel free. i leave things kind of nebulous but im happy to articulate further because i like to talk about it because it's important to me.
hope that all makes sense!!
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catboykins · 3 years
𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐐𝐈𝐍𝐆 — 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲
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🌀,, pairing : ganyu x keqing
🌀,, basic summary : keqing forgets about valentines day and gives ganyu flowers 4 valentines :D
🌀,, a/n : bunny KNOWS its not valentines day but bun needed soft ganqing ok + they r just adorable
also 4 sum reason this feels really cringe but honestly bunny doesnt care
…FEBRUARY 15 , also known as the most stressful day ever . well , in keqings opinion anyway . keqing had almost fully forgotten about valentines day actually , until ningguang reminded her the day before . (shes confused on whether she hates or loves ningguang for reminding her .)
kits an unusual site seeing the yuheng of the liyue qixing in such a rush , especially when shes sprinting among the people of liyue . a couple of confused stares is nothing keqing isn't used to though , and she continues her stressful search for the perfect gift .
a few stalls later though , she realizes none of these people have the perfect thing , well , perhaps shes just a perfectionist , but no vendors have what she wants .
sometimes you just have to make things yourself for it to be perfect .
flowers . a bouquet of flowers . thats what keqing had decided to make for ganyu . it couldn't be that hard , right ? you just get a ton of flowers , arrange them , and give them to the person you made them for .
apparently she was very wrong , because 3 hours later she had what seemed to be hundreds of picked flowers on the floor of her room and not one bouquet .
"maybe you should just get her something else ?" ningguang spoke behind her , cursed to watch keqing fail over and over again at her flower arranging .
"no . i'm making ganyu flowers ." keqing huffed as another failed bouquet fell to the floor and scattered around .
after a sigh , ningguang kneeled down next to keqing , "this is how you make a bouquet ."
the way ningguang did it looked so easy and way better than the method keqing was attempting to do , so after another frankly chaotic 2 hours a pretty bouquet of qingxin and glaze lilies , accompanied with a starconch on the ribbon holding the flowers together was completed and ready to gift to ganyu .
checking the time it was now...6 am on february 15th . (of course she'd stayed up all night -- how dumb .) and ganyu would've probably been awake , and the footsteps going closer to the door after hearing a knock proved that .
the door opened and ganyu looked more or less completely deprived of sleep , but she still gave a sleepy smile when keqing greeted her .
"good morning ganyu ." keqing cleared her throat , (oh my god this is so embarrassing -- what if she doesn't like them ?) "i made you something ."
ganyu gave a surprised expression at keqing , very clearly not noticing the way keqing was uncomfortably putting her hands behind her back .
"ah , really ? you're so nice to me ." she gave a soft kiss to keqing's forehead , ganyu's words were still as soft-spoken as they always were .
keqing thinks shes going to die from overheating one day .
"well-- um , here ." keqing shoved the bouquet of flowers into ganyu's hands , which she almost completely dropped on the floor . "i made them for you . happy valentines day ."
a wide grin spread across ganyu's face at the flowers in-front of her , they were really pretty -- ganyu didnt want to know how long it took to make them . "these are amazing , thank you ." ganyu kissed her again , a short kiss on the lips .
yep , keqing is definitely overheating now .
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cloneforceenby · 3 years
Headcanon: Omega's room used to be Crosshair's space when he wanted to be alone. And how I think Omega and Crosshair would bond if he returned to the squad.
I think the gunner's mount, Omega's room, was once a place where Crosshair would go to get some space and quiet time away from the others. He's not much of a conversationalist, I think he'd probably need a quiet space from time to time. There isn't a huge amount of space on the Marauder, and especially once Echo joined the squad thats even less space per person. It makes sense to me that the gunner's mount is the only real space for anyone to be truly away from the others.
So, had Crosshair rejoined Clone Force 99 at the end of the season, how would he react to Omega taking this space?
I don't think he'd be best pleased, it would be yet another thing to convince him that he really has been replaced by Omega (no one tell him about the wrist comm pls), but I don't think he would hold it against Omega and kick her out her space.
There's enough for me to infer that Crosshair has some level of concern for her, and holds no malice against her. He doesn't necessarily like her (at first, at least), but I think he would appreciate that she has shown him a lot of kindness, even if he didn't act very grateful. Its entirely possible that when she talks to him in the brig in Aftermath, he's still actively trying to fight the chip, and even if he reacted dismissively, her understanding over his squad's "what's wrong with you?" response to his change in behaviour might not have been forgotten.
He probably stands by his order to send Omega away, both because he believes its no life for a child, and he wants his squad back like old times. He probably can't understand why Hunter and the others are so set on keeping her around. That being said, I don't think he could bring himself to kick her out this space on the ship that is now so clearly hers. I also don't think that Omega would let Crosshair give up this space because of her, and they would end up sharing the space.
Omega seems to usually spend time by the ladder, behind the seat, while I imagine Crosshair would be in the seat to get away from the others. Providing Omega is being quiet, Crosshair can probably tolerate her presence behind the seat. Otherwise, Omega will leave him alone and hang out with the others, because in the early days of his return to the squad, tensions are still high, relationships are strained.
Despite promises to be quiet, Omega probably tries to make conversation with Crosshair, something that eventually evolves from being immediately shut down to actually engaging in conversation. Crosshair wouldn't want to show that he's grown fond of the young clone, of course he wouldn't. His fondness would lie deep beneath layers of snarky comments and scowls, but I think Omega could get a smile out of him, usually just small smirks, but occasionally a real smile. I think with time, he would come around, and regret what he said to her in Nala Se's lab. She is undoubtedly one of them, and she is most definitely his vod'ika 💕
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weebsinstash · 4 years
Coming from someone who's genderfluid, I'm thriving off the recent posts you're making
It's honestly sort of weird and undefined for me, cause like
I noticed quite a few years ago that I started having a lot of sort of, I guess you could say questioning thoughts about gender over the years. I've been thinking about it a lot recently in particular because a friend of mine came out as nonbinary, and also I was having a lot of those sort of prompt ideas I was joking about earlier with like, a Reader character who feels their identity on a sliding scale based on how they're feeling, and at one point where I was daydreaming some sort of scenario, to myself I'm like "hey remember that time in middle school when you had a legitimate gender crisis crying as you hid in the basement at the thought of being rejected by your mother for not identifying as 100% female and your mental solution to that was 'my gender is just being me and existing as myself' and you actually still think that from time to time. Maybe thats like, indicative of something"
On the other hand due to traumas and anxieties and things like that, I always want to have "evidence" or "proof" when there's something about myself, like I need to be validated to actually "exist", and for gender that gets complicated because that's all social constructs? Gender roles change from culture to culture and most cultures have some sort of form of being another gender anyways so.... i guess.... every single time I start having the whole Gender Crisis, I always come to "gender isn't an inherently set in stone thing and I'm not actually hurting anyone by seeing how it feels to identify as something else" but I guess I never actually... put a name on whatever that something else was, or even went "im gonna do this for a while and see how it feels". I just feel like genderfluid best describes what I feel, but to be honest I have so much trauma from various sources that i worry I just have a lot of internalized misogyny and I'm experiencing some sort of shame over being a woman which is honestly why I've never even. Discussed any of this with another person. Like at all.
There was a thing that happened to me in second grade in elementary school that I still remember... the teacher was doing a game where she was giving all of the kids names for if they were the opposite gender (oh god would that not fly in today's social climate) and for me, Miranda, she picked out the name Michael, which I think was a name I already liked anyways, and I just. Have never forgotten... the weird affectionate sort of way I've carried that with me. Sometimes sitting and remembering when that happened or just thinking "Michael, huh..." and honestly i kind of looked in the mirror in the other day and felt a little voice go "hi Michael" and it felt. I dunno. Not bad. Not exactly wrong. And it definitely isn't true to call myself a transman because I know for certain that I don't feel, I guess, that definitive feeling of being the exact opposite of what I should be, I guess is how I would describe it? Sometimes I feel like I need small tweaks, not the whole renovation, you know? So I kind of identified... I guess in early childhood that there was sort of the "other" option.... i'm rambling i dunno...
So yeah gender is weird and I don't exactly know if I "qualify" but..... yeah. It's all weird and confusing for me to think about because it's all ultimately subjective but... I kinda just felt like opening the discussion I guess 👉👈
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ithinkim0kay · 4 years
My way of coping is with music. The only music I want to listen to is the sad stuff. The sad stuff that makes you cry.
I'm grieving for somebody thats still alive. They are just a phone call away. [But I'm not going to call] They are just a short drive away. [But I'm not going to go.]
When does this numb feeling go away? When does the "checked out" feeling go away?
I'm the definition of wreck if you look into my soul.
Story time: [dang girl, this isn't tiktok]
I was 11 when I was diagnosed with a chemical imbalance. It wasnt until I was in my late 20s, that a doctor pointed out that I had been misdiagnosed my entire life. It wasn't just depression....it was bipolar depression ll. Add PTSD from childhood trauma, dermatillomania from severe OCD as well as anxiety......you get the hot mess that I am today.
[I had a point to this story, but I've slightly forgotten]
Anyways, some people would know that if you back a ferral kitten into a corner its going to become angry. A triggered fight or flight response switches on in the kittens brain, and it will do anything to get out of the corner. So ATTACK! It becomes angry, aggressive and starts to hiss...giving for warning that it is uncomfortable. Till finally someone gets to close and it strikes.
Strikes with words.
Strikes with anger.
Strikes with all its might, to get out of the corner to be free.
The same goes for people with anxiety sometimes. And yes, I did just metaphorically compare myself to ferral cat. When I think about it, its so true.
I will be the first to admit, when something cause me anxiety-stress-imbalance. My first reaction is to put my metaphorical claws up.
Can you imagine how many people I've hurt...quiet a few. Infact, I have hurt him so much, that we have trauma bonded with one another. And as we continued to hurt-bond-hurt-bond [cycle] over and over and over....you catch my drift. As we trauma bonded, it brought us together in a negative way. Because now our relationship dynamic changes, we no longer do kind things for eachother. We started to coexist. I felt like the love was lost over time, and we fell in love with the idea of being together...even though we were unhealthy for eachother.
[If you caught that it was another metaphor, I'll let you guess]
I hope one day, this feeling will go away. The one were im completely numb and constantly crying; because i keep telling myself in my mind that "I do still love him" but we are toxic for eachother.
I'm lost, send help. I can't stop crying.
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a-baleful-howl · 7 years
Love your comments on D being "queen of the ashes." It's interesting to note, D isn't obsessed with ruling or being an effective queen or making compromises or learning how to not fail the common people. She's obsessed with power. That's all she's had. She hasn't had the love of the common people. She hasn't been effective. She hasn't enjoyed ruling. She just likes having power. If she continues down this path all season, I really wonder if J will sleep with her at all. Complete opposites.
Thanks so much! I agree, she is certainly obsessed with power now. But “thats all shes had” and “she hasn’t had the love of the common people” - I have to respectfully disagree.
She started out with nothing - no power, no people, no armies, not even really a title worth anything more than “the daughter of that mad king everyone hated”. She grew power slowly over time, bit by bit with sheer stubbornness and pride. She didn’t always have power - but she is obsessed with it now after shes gotten a taste. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Also, she has had the love of the common people - sometimes. Her brother and her were helped by loyalists growing up. As Khaleesi with Drogo, the Dothraki grew to love her. When most left after their Khal died, a few stayed with her, and their loyalty and love was reborn thrice when she rose from the flames. These people followed her when she had nothing but 3 newborn dragons amidst starvation and certain death.
Afaik, not a single unsullied dropped their weapon and ran when she “freed” them. Grey Worm says the best day of his life is when Dany freed him. When she freed the slaves of Meeren they praised her and loved her for freeing her - at first. Some slaves wanted to go back into slavery because it was what they were comfortable with. The masters hated her for obvious reasons.
Every where she went she saw people praising her, giving her a new title to slap on, worshipping her and her dragons. If there were people who hated her - she ignored them because…idk denial? Willful ignorance? Cockiness? She likes to think of herself as a savior and that she knows better than the common people. She started off with kindness as her motivation - she didnt like seeing people abused and enslaved like she was by her brother. But shes forgotten that now. She just wants power and revenge.
But “love and devotion” is definitely *not* something Dany lacks. Dothraki, Jorah, Beric, Grey Worm, Daario, slaves, red priestesses, Tyrion, Varys, High Garden, Dorne - to Dany, everywhere she goes is paved with roses and people who adore her. Even if thats not always true. But to her it is. (and, most of her “friends” are actually not equal to her. She doesnt allow herself to have any true equals. Even Missande is still technically her subordinate. Dany says she wants council but often ignores it for what she wants to do anyway.)
She hasn’t changed her style since the very beginning. Screaming for and taking what she thinks she is entitled to. She rules with fire, and by “buying” loyalty, in a way, by freeing slaves. Shes not a queen, she hasn’t learned how to rule - she comes in, fucks shit up, then heads out to a new place. She hasnt changed tactics at all or shown any sort of learning - and if she has any character development at all - its to become more darker and power hungry. She never listens to her council - often they tell her to use mercy, she doesnt, and then it bites her in the ass.
This is the complete opposite of Jon. Jon at least now is showing mercy because his personal revenge is NOTHING compared to the coming storm. He helped the Free Folk because he got to know them, grew empathy for them, sees them as people. He doesn’t see the free folk as being indebted to him, or his army now because he helped them. They choose to fight because its also their life on the line. He never expected to become Lord Commander or even KitN. He doesn’t feel entitled. He doesn’t rule with fire or fear. He rules with respect and by fighting for the survival of the people - not to get more power for himself. He truly is a ruler for the people. Started from humble beginnings as a bastard.
so - Targbang. I have no idea how that will make any sense in the plotline tbh. Unless my post about Jon screwing the first non-sister he sees to let off some steam holds true. Or maybe she seduces him (I frankly cant see Jon initiating sex first with ANYONE)
I have lots of Jonerys friends who are whole heartedly rooting for them as endgame. I just cant see it. They are totally different in their goals, their motivations, their personalities, their methods. Dany conquered and claimed lands - Jon was always VOTED into his positions of power. Chosen by the people - he didn’t kick the door in and proclaim himself king.
I cant see Dany playing fair with Jon, allying with him or being concerned with his fight against the white walkers. Shes just too cocky to put her quest for power aside. Shes growing restless. She wants the iron throne now. And she kills people who are in her way for the iron throne, so if she finds out he’s a Targ, she might not be too happy about that. (or maybe shell be happy to have another Targ - but come on, she killed the last remaining one)
once Jon hears or sees how Dany chooses to rule/fight/win, he would lose. his. cool. She is a villain on paper (except the whole freeing slaves, which is probably her single only redeeming quality) The entire show has shown that a quest for power is only sought by those dark of heart. She is more and more showing traits of the mad king - the show keeps blatantly pointing them out. Foreshadowing her potential to turn into him.
I honestly think she will become full dark at least by the end of this season. She might have a redeeming moment near the end of the series, but I honestly don’t think shes going to survive the show and her obsession with power and the iron throne will be her downfall. So even if Jon sleeps with her either before he finds out who she truly is or in a moment of weakness - an actual relationship cannot last. They are just too different people.
Also, Im REALLY hoping Varys and Tyrion will realize this and switch sides to take down evil!dany after shes full on corrupted by power. MUAHAHAHAHA
OK. rant over. Long post, sorry. TL;DR- I (mostly) totally agree with you. Thanks for the ask!
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