#but this idea wouldn't leave me alone and i thought it was cute so enjoy!
jaylver · 7 months
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synopsis: setting up a deal with a frat boy you've just met at a party turned out to be a stupidly cute idea. who knew his drake reference and the deal involving his pinky ring would soon score him a date with you.
pairings: frat boy!jake x afab!reader
genre: strangers to lovers, frat boy + football player jake, college au, romance, fluff
warning(s): profanities, party, alcohol
wc: 2.9k
a/n: a very late contribution to jakeday! this was much longer than planned so i hope you all enjoy it! apologies in advance if the writing sucks since i've been tired all week T-T please leave a feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated! muah xx
masterlist | © jaylver all rights reserved.
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Wandering into a frat party alone was quite literally the least sane thing you've done in a while.
Your best friend, Yunjin, had called you up to meet her at a frat party at the most random hour of the night. The temptation got to you for the worst as you caved in and placed aside your studies in order to get some free booze, even if they're low budget ones.
That only explained why you were there then. Looking between your phone and the sight before you as you walked, trying to get a hold of your friend. She was probably somewhere wasted and you wouldn't be surprised if it was true. 
Once you sent her a text announcing your arrival and hoping for a text back, you slipped your phone away and wandered into the kitchen area, further from the crowded area filled with people dancing quite scandalously.
Whatever dodgy concoction they had prepared there, you took some and sniffed it before taking a sip, shrugging in half approval. You'd take what you have. Soon, you settled yourself in by leaning against the counter, pulling out your phone as it had started buzzing.
You were distracted by the chiming of your phone, realising Yunjin texted back and you immediately replied back. She was, in fact, somewhere in the house, except she was with a guy. Wait, a frat boy, Jay Park? Oh, you've heard of him. 
You didn't want to say much and just texted her back to call you when it's time to leave, or if she's even leaving at all. Meanwhile, you were unaware of the additional presence who had wandered into the kitchen as you typed out your last text.
You glanced up from your phone the moment you pressed 'send', staring back at a guy that you swore you've seen somewhere before, he was too familiar. He wasn't just a guy though, he was a hot one. Backwards cap on, dressed in a casual black hoodie and ripped jeans, dyed blond hair peeking out from his cap. 
That was a sight to see. 
“Hey,” you could tell he wasn't expecting your presence in the kitchen just the same as you were.
The corner of his lips twitched, head tilted to one side. “New around here? I think this is the first time I've seen you at our party,”
Our? Was he a part of the frat?
“I don't usually wander into frat parties,” you shrugged, and he nodded, smiling. 
“I'm Jake, by the way. Jake Sim. I'm a part of the frat, we usually have these types of parties on the weekend,” he extended his hand out for a handshake, to which you accepted, staring a little too longingly at his pretty hands and fingers. Don’t be a creep. 
“Am I missing out? I'm Y/N L/N,”
“Well, Y/N, maybe you are,” an apparent accent flowed from his voice, and the way he said your name shouldn't have made you scream inside. “You should come by more often, I'd love to see more of you here,”
“We'll see. I wasn't even meant to be here, but my friend called and I thought ‘why not’ so here I am,”
“It's fated, then. We're meant to meet,” he clapped, lips stretched into a cheery smile that had you swooning.
“I suppose it is,” you let him join your side in leaning against the counter, feeling the fabric of his hoodie brushing against your bare skin. “You know, you look very familiar to me, I think I've seen you before,”
“Yeah?” His tongue swept across his bottom lip, eyebrow quirking with interest.
“Football team. It's you, isn't it? The striker,”
“How did you know?” He seemed genuinely surprised, and you were in disbelief as well. He was much different compared to what you remembered.
“My friend's on the team too, Kim Sunoo,”
“Yes, him! I went to one of the matches and you scored in it, it was a great match," you could still recall the faint memory of Jake scoring, his name blasting from the speakers, back when his hair was coloured black.
“Wow,” Jake stared in amazement, his smile never wavered, only widening. “We're much connected than I thought,”
“We are,” you couldn't help smiling as well, finding his energy contagious and severely intoxicating. You had to turn around and take a sip of your drink as a way to not become flustered around him, but only to notice the rings resting on his fingers.
“Nice rings,” you complimented, and it seemed to be his turn to become flustered. Immediately bringing his hands up for you to look closer and showcasing his rings.
“Thanks,” he said, sounding pleased.
“You have a pinky ring too?” You pointed at his pinky, noticing the silver ring gleaming under the light.
“Pinky ring till I get a wedding ring,”
It didn't hit you until a beat later. He was quoting Drake. 
“Drake? Seriously?” A teasing grin travelled to your lips, nudging him slightly ever so naturally. He didn't complain, just reciprocated your smile, seemingly glad that you caught onto his reference.
“Hey, I'm a big fan. Sue me,”
“No judgement, I like Drake too,” you spoke your half truth, shrugging lightly.
Jake turned to look at you, a light sparkling in his eyes, telling you he had something in mind. “Hey, why don't I give you my pinky ring, and the next time we meet, you give it back to me?”
“Let fate decide our next meeting. If we bump into each other again, you hand me back my ring, and I'll get your number. Deal?”
“Sounds good,” why were you doing this?
Even as your consciousness was telling you what stupid idea this was, you couldn’t help but feel confident. There was definitely a next time. You were sure of it. Even after Jake slipped his ring onto your pinky, feeling his skin graze against yours, you were confident that fate would bring you to him, or even him to you.
You bid him a small goodbye, watching his bright energy disappear through the door and be left with yourself, wanting him to come back. Did Yunjin and you somehow suddenly share the same taste in men? Frat boys?
Soon, you abandoned your drink and walked out of the kitchen into the party scene. To your relief, you spotted Yunjin waving at you, a tall boy with silver hair standing right beside her. That was probably Jay.
“Oh my God, I thought I lost you,” she engulfed you into one of her warm hugs while you didn't miss the lovesick smile she always had whenever she was around a crush.
“I would say the same for you,” you nudged her slightly, eyeing her romeo of the night.
“Oh—Jay, this is my best friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Jay,” Yunjin introduced, and Jay gave you a friendly hug as a greeting. Off the bat, you could tell he was a decent guy despite being in a frat.
“You're not joining your friends for beer pong?” Yunjin pointed out to Jay and you took notice of said beer pong going on across the room. 
There he was. Jake. Standing out amongst the bunch of guys that were most likely his friends, catching your attention in an instant. His baseball cap was no longer worn backwards, sleeves rolled up and showcasing the protruding veins decorating the expanse of his arm. He was holding onto a ping pong ball, aiming at one of the red shot cups and eventually shot it in successfully, letting out a loud laugh while throwing his arms up into a flexing pose and hitting his chest.
What a frat boy. But you think he's a cute frat boy. He was an exception.
“Should we leave soon?” Yunjin had to poke your shoulder to gain your attention back to her. At that realisation, you visibly flushed a tinge of pink, coughing and nodding rather stiffly. You could tell your best friend was suspicious of you, but didn’t press on and told you Jay was dropping you two off.
What you didn’t catch onto as you left the room was Jake’s lingering gaze on you. 
He was going to get his ring back. He was confident about it.
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“You’re telling me you’re missing Jay’s friend?”
“I am doing exactly that,”
He wasn’t just Jay’s friend, he was also his frat brother. Yet, Jay was oblivious you two knew each other, or at least that’s what you think in your perspective. 
Telling Yunjin about your happenings from that party was both a good and bad decision. The good part was that she was happy for you. The bad part was realising how predictable you were. In her words, she knew you would fall for Jake especially since you had a weak spot for men with cute smiles. Dammit.
It has been a week since that night at the frat house. To be honest, you could be crazy and just go back to find Jake, but were you going to chase a man like that? No, wake up! But, you were also shamelessly missing him and mulling over the fact that the ring was still on your pinky. 
“This is so stupid, why is he waiting on fate to act?”
“I think it’s cute,”
“You’re hopeless,” Yunjin rolled her eyes, but you just laughed, because you, too, knew it was dumb. A stupid game that tortured you but you enjoyed the anticipation as well. “Anyway, Jay’s going to a football match later in the evening, apparently the team is playing. Before you say no, consider this, he’s paying for dinner after,”
“I like him,” you gave her your seal of approval, and from the looks of her giddy smile, she was satisfied. 
Yunjin was more than happy when she led you through the stands, locating where Jay was sitting. You threw a knowing glance at her, to which she noticed and only rolled her eyes. He greeted you with a friendly smile, saving an even brighter smile for your best friend. It was sickening, but in an affectionate way. 
Realising how you were third wheeling, you took the queue and left, wandering down the stands to get a closer look at the field. You figured that'd be a better idea now that you realised the team was warming up there.
“Y/N!” you were barely halfway down the stairs when you heard your name being called, a familiar face running towards you. 
“Jake!” You jogged a little, reaching the barrier that separated the stands and the field, essentially separating you and Jake as well.
“You're here! At a football game,” he breathed out in a daze, as if he couldn't believe you were standing in front of him.
“Jay brought me and Yunjin here,” you slyly pointed at the duo that sat further up the stands, meeting Jake's playful smirk. You two had the same thought in mind. “Oh right—pinky ring,”
You raised up your right hand, his ring still wrapped around your pinky. At that, Jake's eyes only lit up, flickering between your face and the ring, his smile growing wider.
“You wear it everywhere?”
A rush of heat spread across your cheeks, you found yourself shying away from his gaze. “I didn't know where I'd find you,”
“Guess you finally found me, and I found you too,”
“I'm glad,” you fidgeted the ring mindlessly, looking between it and Jake before you realised the deal. "Should I hand it back to you first?”
“No—wait—maybe after the game?” His indecisiveness was killing him, and having you standing in front of him, it made him extra jittery, he was grateful the barriers were there. “I have a feeling you wearing it will somehow pass on good luck to me,”
Your eyebrows furrowed, a smile pulling at your lips. “Don't know how that works, but I'll do whatever you say,”
“It's true! It's called intuition. I'll win the game and score a goal,” he said ever so confidently, a grin that was challenging your doubts. 
“I believe you,” you said in between giggles, unaware of Jake's smile growing wider as he watched you laugh. “Go and win this one like you always do,”
“I will! Meet me after the game! Get your number and the ring ready,” he casted a wink at you, waving a small momentary goodbye before joining his team back in warming up. 
You eventually joined the two lovebirds and waited for the game to start, a certain feeling of giddiness bubbling in your abdomen. When it was finally time, you watched intently as the referee blew the whistle and the home team began the game. The number five on his back was easy to detect, your eyes followed it the whole time as he ran past defenders and scored a goal.
You and your friends jumped out of your seats in excitement. Yelling and cheering the moment you heard his name being blasted from the speakers. He did prove you right, he scored a goal. The next thing you knew before you could even process it was him pointing up at you. It was clearly directly at you, no mistake at all. As cliche it could get, he sent you a flying kiss, and you only matched his energy, catching it and laughing like some school girl.
He was soon tackled by his teammates and whisked away to resume the game. You were left in the stands smiling like a fool, unable to hide your happiness and blushing cheeks even though people around you had witnessed it whole, including your own friends. But who cares, right?
The game ended with the home team winning and obviously, everyone was in great spirits after. You told Yunjin that you’re finding Jake first, and as she left with Jay, you swore you heard him asking ‘since when did they know each other?’ 
Heading down the stands, you spotted Jake immediately. The team was still lingering around the field, but the second Jake’s eyes landed on you, he excused himself and ran towards you. The widest smile was present on his face, he was shining brightly under the dark skies. 
“Hey!” he pulled you in a hug, reaching over the barrier for you. He was sweaty, but you didn’t mind it. It was his presence and tight hold that you focused on.
“Congrats on the win! You did great,” you said as you pulled away, reciprocating his smile. 
“Thank you. It’s nothing,”
“Okay, you scoring a goal is not ‘nothing’,”  
“But I was right, wasn’t I?”
You rolled your eyes at him, hating that he wasn’t entirely wrong. “Whatever,” you said dismissively, earning a light laugh from him. You took the chance to slip the ring off your pinky, taking his hand in yours, instantly surprising him since it was a totally unexpected move. “Your pinky ring, as promised,”
“Oh, almost forgot,” he let you slip the ring back to the original spot, feeling your touch on his skin and reeling from your close proximity. 
“As for my number … I’ll give it to you once you’re done, I don’t have anything to write on,” you waved your phone in hand, casting him an apologetic smile.
“It’s totally fine. Will you be willing to wait?”
“I’m alright with it. I thought you’re joining us for dinner?”
“Right, Jay told me,” he snapped his fingers, recalling his friend’s text message. How could he have forgotten? He almost asked you out for dinner later as a date. 
“He’s paying,”
“Sweet,” he basically hollered, punching the air stiffly and you laughed at his demeanour. He’s so weird, but in a cute way.
Jake was biting on his lips once a short silence settled between you two. You could tell he was pondering and thinking about his next words. That sweet smile returned back to his lips. “Can I take you out for dinner soon?”
How could you say no?
“I’m down. Definitely yes,”
Jake almost looked relieved, but there was also a sparkle that you saw in his eyes that shined brightly once you’ve given him your answer. You could feel your own heart swelling at the sight of him. His gaze held everything he needed to say. He stared at you with a kind of longing and pining that you couldn’t pinpoint. 
“Great, fantastic,” Jake whispered under his breath, seemingly in disbelief and his dazed look only made you giggle. “I’ll catch up with you after I shower, give me some time and wait for me!”
“I will! The three of us will wait for you so go wash up,”
“Alright, alright,” he threw his hands up in surrender, hesitant to walk away as he wished to talk to you more, but he stank and was covered with sweat, so he didn’t have much choice. 
“Wait for me!” he said, slowly inching away with the silliest grin, eyes crinkling at the edges. 
You responded by gesturing your thumbs up, watching as he turned his back on you, but not even a second later he turned his head back, a small smile still remained. He then started jogging towards the benches, and you definitely didn’t miss his excited jump. 
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How were you supposed to survive that dinner date with an endearing, sweet and cute guy like him? 
The truth was, you weren’t.
( © jaylver all rights reserved. do NOT copy, plagiarise or edit my work and repost whatsoever. once discovered will be exposed and blacklisted. )
☆ permanent taglist (open):
@silentkarnival @strvlveera @freshsaladbowl @bejewelledgirl @fakeuwus @yenqa @hsgwrld @ilovegyuvin @enhacatalog @aishigrey @shinrjj @kgneptun
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bunnyhugs77 · 4 months
I literally cried so much reading Angel Eyes but it's so beautifully writen i loved it! >.< Please tell me u have some happy scenes from them🥺
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The Honeymoon
𓆩♡𓆪 Part of the angel eyes! au but can be read as a stand alone.
𓆩♡𓆪WC: 1.4k
𓆩♡𓆪In my head happy means smutty! lol enjoy
Content Warning: Smut! Honeymoons, fucking making love, jk can't last, oral sex (f! receiving), begging, desperate, dom! jk, making out, alcohol consumption, unprotected sex (newly weds smh), mentions of public sex, reader is a bit bratty (but jk kinda likes it), light teasing.
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The moment the two of you return to your suite from your couple's massage you immediately jump face down onto the bed of rose petals that are redone for you and Jungkook every night of your stay at the all-inclusive resort.
Your honeymoon suite was simply stunning. It was your own little bungalow with an ocean-side view of the very private island the hotel was on with your neighbours being more than 50 yards away.
You couldn't believe you went from saving a view like this into your Pinterest board and now you were looking at it first hand, although it couldn't beat the sight of your handsome husband who groaned a sigh of relief as he walked into the room behind you, leaving his crutches against the wall.
Rubbing his neck he praises the service he'd just received, "Goddamn, I think that's the best massage I've ever had--and I've been doing physio for almost a year and a half."
You weren't listening to him.
His skin was absolutely glowing, it must've been the oil they used or maybe Jungkook was just naturally this radiant. Your husband is hot as fuck, you wouldn't put it past him.
"What's that face?" Jungkook looks down at you with an arched brow. Just when you thought he couldn't get any hotter. In his stupid tropical palm-tree-themed button-down that was left open over the white wife beater that hugged his buff chest a little too well.
Your thoughts had gone straight to a sinful place and you were going to make sure to take Jungkook down with you. There's no way he didn't know what he was doing.
It felt like he'd been teasing you all day, from the way he licked the syrup off his fingers at breakfast to the way he moaned softly every so often during the massage.
"Want you to fuck me." You say, on your back, legs spreading on their own accord letting the flimsy material of your sundress give him a brief sight of the black thong that left little to the imagination.
He clears his throat, suddenly fanning his face. You'd never been this bold before. Even with all the sneaky hospital hand jobs and the quickies in storage closets, he'd never seen you get like this before. So... desperate.
"Yeah? What am I supposed to do about that?" His voice was smooth like butter and oozing with confidence. You pout and he just wants to kiss you, "Fine. I'll do it myself." You quip, dropping your hand down between your legs, but before they could even make contact, a strong hand is gripping your wrist.
"What's your problem today? You've been short-tempered all day." He walks towards you, close enough to be standing between your open legs. "Oh, like you don't know." You scoff and suddenly there's a light spank to your outer thigh where your dress had rolled up.
A whorish whine rumbles from your throat, never wanting to admit how much that turned you on. "Be nice." He warns and you roll your eyes, taking a deep breath before your head turns to the side, facing out the window to the beautiful ocean that reflected the setting sun.
"You've been teasing me all day, licking your fingers this morning, then moaning during the massage." Jungkook had to laugh. You were just so cute when you got like this, he could get used to it.
Carefully working you out of your underwear as he spoke, "I had no idea you got so hot and bothered this easily. Is this all it takes?" Bunching up your dress in his hands and pushing it to pool around your stomach as he slowly drops to his knees.
"Let me make it up to you," He purrs, and you can feel the warm air from his lips hit your center sending chills to creep up your spine.
With such little time to react to the feeling of his tongue working skillfully along your wet pussy your hands reached down for his hair, tugging gently. "Oh fuck, that feels so good." Your voice was airy and breathless as your eyes closed, too caught up in the pleasure to keep them open.
Jungkook was a passionate pussy eater, always has been, and always will be. Some guys try to overplay the role of being a 'giver' in bed, thinking it makes them some kind of next-level gentleman who deserves to be praised, but Jungkook was different.
He'd once come untouched just from eating you out and he couldn't look you in the eyes for a good two hours after that.
His soft grunts send a soundwave through your body and add an extra flame into your burning core, flooding with arousal. "Yeah, j-just like that." You moan, grip tightening in his hair and he has to stop his hips from grinding in the air.
His cock was throbbing beneath his shorts and it wanted nothing more than to find solace in the warm walls of your cunt. Meanwhile, he kept himself busy with the brutal pace he'd set with the wet, flat muscle in his mouth.
Flicking your clit rigorously until your moans became higher and more rapid. "Jungkook!-" Your chest began to dampen with sweat as it raised and fell with shallow breaths as you came undone on his tongue, but he refused to pull away until he'd licked up every drop.
Collecting the last of it on his fingers before standing and making lustful eye contact with you, sucking it off his fingers just as you'd imagined he would at breakfast this morning.
With haste, he shimmies out of the rest of his clothes while you toss your dress off to the side and out of mind. Your brain is only able to focus on the swollen head of his cock prodding at your entrance.
"My wife just has the prettiest pussy doesn't she?" The question was rhetorical, but the official title did things to you. It made you want to do bad bad things to him. The kinds of things that could put him back in that wheelchair.
Pushing in slightly then pulling out, the sounds from this action alone left you scatterbrained. "Jungkook. Please!" You begged, pursing your lips with displeasure and he chuckles.
With his arms caging you in at the sides of your head he pushed in, letting his arms leverage him down to drop a wet kiss on your lips, one that you hardly responded to.
Mouth slightly agape as your walls stretched around his girth, "Shit." You curse, "Are you okay? Let me know when I-" Cutting him off with your lips, making a sound of approval that prompted Jungkook to slowly rock his hips forward.
Your cunt sucked in every last inch of him until he bottomed out. "You feel so good, baby." He pants, the strained tone of his words telling you all you need to know.
He wasn't going to last long at all. Jungkook always tried his best to hold out as long as he could when he was with you, and he's sure he would have been able to before the accident but he just couldn't seem to control himself, especially not with you moaning beneath him like this.
"fuck-" He curses, rolling his hips into you with a steady pace. With every thrust your mind goes blank and your nose scrunches. It was a cute habit Jungkook hadn't noticed till recently. The way your nose would scrunch when you were close to your orgasm.
"I'm-" You warn and he grunts, hips rutting into you, deeper, slower.
"Look at me, Y/n." The use of your name was able to have your eyes fluttering to meet his. The eye contact was all too much for you, to look at him while you finished was overstimulating in every sense of the word.
All it took was one glance and you were moaning his name at the top of your lungs and reaching your climax, suddenly thankful that your neighbours were so far away. With one last squeeze of your walls around him, he felt his composure crumble, shooting his hot cum inside you.
Toppling down beside you. The both of you stare up at the ceiling with laboured breaths before turning to face each other.
"What if I just got you pregnant?" You snort, "You just always have something to say don't you?" He smiles, "I'm serious, you never know." Inching towards him, never breaking eye contact, "I think we can handle whatever life throws our way."
After the last year the two of you had gone through, that was most certainly true.
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milaisreading · 6 months
🌱🩷: So... this happened...
Yandere!Kainess x Crossdresser!Yn
Warnings: Reader uses she/her, but the characters use he/him when talking about/to her. It's a yandere story, read at your own risk. Requests are open fyi
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura
"What?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as she stared at Ness and Kaiser, the two Germans having her cornered in the hallway late at night. She didn't really dislike the duo she was forced to room with, but that didn't mean she enjoyed talking to them much. After all, one is bossy and a show off, while the other was overall alright unless someone insults Kaiser. So, that's why (Y/n) mostly kept her conversations with Ness and Kaiser at a minimum and as polite as possible. That being said, she was never polite to the point where the duo could believe they could boss her around or demand anything. So how she found herself in this situation was beyond her understanding.
"You heard me." Kaiser's voice cut off her stream of thoughts and she looked back at the blonde.
"I want you to play with Ness and I. After all, you are wasting your skills and potential on Yoichi and his little crowd." Kaiser smirked as he saw (Y/n)'s confused face turn into a frown.
"Besides, wouldn't it be better to play for someone you know will score. Join us instead." Ness added in, sporting his usual smile.
"I already said it once, I play with Isagi. The Manshine and Barcha matches showed you as much. Leave me alone." (Y/n) said, agitated with Kaiser and Ness's pestering. It's been going on ever since the Barcha match ended.
"Oh? Really? So it's a definite no from you?" Although Kaiser was smirking, both Ness and (Y/n) could hear the agitated tone in his voice.
"Yes." She rolled her eyes, pushing both Germans away so that she could make her way back to Noa's room.
"I have to go and look after Isagi. I don't have time for your shenanigans."
Both Kaiser and Ness watched as the player walked off, not offering them even one glance back.
"Just wait, you little prick! You will end up at our mercy eventually!" Ness yelled in frustration, which was fueled even more as he only received a light-hearted wave in return. Kaiser, once she was gone, dropped his smile and he punched the wall.
"Kaiser?" Ness turned to look at the blonde, equally mad.
"That little dumbass... that cute little dumbass." A smirk slowly re-appeared.
"I hate it when people don't listen to me, but at the same time I like that defiant nature of his. Will be all the more fun to watch that crumble. I will have the loyalty of that little midfielder, not Yoichi, not anyone."
"And how are we supposed to get him on our side now?" Ness finally spoke, frustrated that the player rejected them like that.
"We will find a way."
Later that night, Kaiser went to take a shower while (Y/n) was still out with her Blue Lock teammates. This gave Ness some alone time to think over everything that had happened ever since they arrived at Blue Lock. He really didn't expect things to get this complicated. All he planned with Kaiser was to crush Isagi and go back to Germany, but now... The plans were pretty much shifted. They didn't expect a certain midfielder (and defender) would somehow capture both of their hearts. There was just something about (Y/n) that Ness couldn't really put his finger on. Was it the player's tolerance of his and Kaiser's ideas? His willingness to speak up to them? Or the way he would get flustered when mad? Or was it the face (Y/n) made when one of them insulted her? Maybe it was even the adorable blush on her face when she ate something good?
"Ahhh... that adorable idiot! Why is he so stubborn? Can't he see that Kaiser and I would treat him like royalty? All he has to do is submit to us." Ness groaned into his pillow. Peeking from his pillow, the player's eyes landed on (Y/n) bed. Ness' eyes full of love and craziness.
"You will be ours... you will be mine, you adorable idiot. Even if I have to kill people."
He whispered. It was silent for a moment, and Ness started finding comfort in it when Kaiser entered the room. The magenta-eyed boy looked at the star striker who looked all flustered, but also like he discovered a cure for some disease.
"I finally figured out how we can make (Y/n) ours! And a way to end his defiance towards us both." Kaiser smirked as he sat on his bed. Now this! This caused Ness to sit up and look at his teammate in wonder.
"Well, turns out our dear little midfielder has been hiding who he is...or better said, who she is." Kaiser chuckled.
"She?" Ness' eyebrow was raised at that.
Minutes prior...
Kaiser had finished his shower and was planning on foing back to the room he shared with Ness and (Y/n). The 2nd midfielder still on the boy's mind.
'Such a stubborn and cute midfielder. I need to crush him and make him mine. As much as his constant rejections and protests are a turn on, they do get boring.' Kaiser hummed,  trying to think of ways to force (Y/n) into submission.
"So, how long do you plan on keeping this secret? I always get nervous it will be revealed during a game." Isagi's worried voice stopped Kaiser in his tracks.
'Huh? Yoichi? What is he talking about?' The blonde thought, trying to find out where the voice was coming from.
"I don't know. Ego-san said he will come up with something so I don't end up getting selected for the Japanese team."
'(Y/n)?! What does he mean by that?' Kaiser furrowed his eyebrows, peeking from the corner where he saw the duo. Both looked nervous as they spoke. What was going on?
"I am surprised nobody else figured out you were a girl. But I am also happy. Imagine all the mess it would have caused with the other teams."
"Right? And the press would have had a field day with this one as well." The two laughed a little, not knowing that Kaiser heard everything. The German held back a gasp as he moved away a little, not to be spotted.
'A girl?! (Y/n)... was a girl this whole time?' Kaiser's eyes were as wide as plates as those words finally sunk in.
"Say, want to go and get food sometime after Blue lock is over? Just the two of us?"
"Sure! "
As the duo talked, Kaiser slowly and quietly walked away from the spot, making his way back to the bedroom.
'A girl? Huh? Explains a lot of (Y/n)'s odd behavior. Like not wanting to shower with the rest of us or change clothes.' Kaiser's face grew redder at the thought.
"But... this is great. Finally I found a way I could control hi-her..." The blonde smirked as a plan was formed in his head.
Present time...
Ness' face was beet red as Kaiser finished his story.
"A girl? (Y/n) has been a girl this whole time?" The boy asked again, earning a nod from the blonde striker.
"Oh.... explains a lot then..." Ness said as he felt his heartbeat increase.
"This discovery came at the right time." Kaiser laughed a little, causing Ness to wake up from his own thoughts.
"Think of it, Ness. This way we will have an easier time getting her to submit. After all, imagine the scandal and shame Japanese football would get if this came out."
"Blackmail? I like that plan." Ness smirked, finally realizing what Kaiser meant.
"Tonight's going to be fun."
After a few hours, (Y/n) finally came back fromhe hang out with Isagi and the rest. Yawning as she walked inside, she paid no mind to the two Germans and went straight to her bed. But, jer plans got cut short as she felt a pair of hands wrapping around her waist, stopping her in her tracks.
"Huh?" She blinked and looked behind her, only to find Ness grinning as his hold tightened.
"The hell, Ness? Let me go! It's rude to grab people like that." She glared at the boy, but he just gave her a nonchalant smile.
"Nope~ I like it like this more. You are quite soft, too." The boy answered, resting his head on her shoulder.
"What the-"
But before she could say more a hand grabbed her chin, causing her to look directly at a smug Kaiser.
"Now now, that's not a language a lady should be using,no?" The blonde felt his smile grow as he saw the panic in her eyes for a few seconds.
"Shut up, Kaiser. Let me go, you both." (Y/n) said back as anxiety started to bubble up in her gut.
"What? Nothing much to say for the first part? How long were you planning on playing a guy?" Kaiser challenged and as expected, got no answer in return.
"Aww~ you are cute when you are arguing with us. But, seeing you so silent is even better." Ness teased, playing with a few strands of her hair.
"You... you are funny, Kaiser. I am a guy, why would I pretend?-"
"Oh, really? That's not what you and Yoichi talked about a few hours ago. Cut the crap, we know you are a girl." Kaiser rolled his eyes, leaning closer into her.
"I... what do you want?" (Y/n) sighed in defeat, there was really no point to argue with them. Especially when she felt Ness' hold tighten even more.
"Easy, give me your loyalty and  play for me om the field. Discard Yoichi and the rest."
"Forget it-"
Before (Y/n) could protest more, Ness cut her off.
"Oh? So you want us to expose you instead? Imagine Japan becoming a laughing stock in the football world. And what about the team? Their chances of playing professionally might get destroyed, too."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened at his words, her body shaking a little. Kaiser smiled at the reaction and Ness chuckled a little.
"Just as I thought. Unless you don't want to get shamed and ruining everyone's progress in Blue lock, you better listen to us. Got it?" Kaiser challenged again, this time earning a slow nod from her.
"Good!" Ness cheered, kissing the back of her neck.
Kaiser chuckled a little and pulled the girl into a kiss. They finally got what they wanted.
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bettyfrommars · 11 months
Okay. An idea. Eddie and you, drive in, b movie monster marathon, nice crisp autumn night.
I’m over summer, sue me.
Hope this puts a smile on your face Meg 🧡
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Eddie Munson x Reader
18+ONLY, mature themes, smoking the devil's lettuce, b-movie references, friends to lovers, use of "baby" but no she/her or y/n, pure fluff, just some cute nonsense, Eddie and reader are in their early 20's. wc: 1.4k
I'm just a sucker (for you)
“Got it,” you crawled up into the squishy van seat with Eddie’s infamous drug lunchbox in your hand, plopping down with a theatrical smile on your face.  “I knew I felt its presence.”
Eddie sat there looking so proud, as if you’d just pulled it out of a magic hat.  “My baby is a bloodhound when it comes to the devil’s lettuce.”
You took a sharp inhale and choked a little at the use of the pet name.  You and Eddie were not romantic like that, you’d only ever been weed buddies who met through Reefer Rick.  Recently you’d discovered that he also enjoyed getting stoned or buzzed at the drive-in on Wednesday nights when they offered the cheesy, cinematic glory of b-movies by the likes of Burt I. Gordon and Roger Corman.
You’d both showed up alone to the drive-in, and on your way back to your car with a popcorn bucket almost too big for the crook of your arm, Eddie whistled to get your attention.  It was a wolf-whistle, the likes of which made you frown as you searched for who the dead man was.  His arm lolled out of the van window in a wave, and he gave you a finger gun.  
“Oh, it’s just you,” you snorted, shoving a few kernels in your mouth, fingers glistening from all of the butter.  You didn’t mind that kind of attention from Eddie because you knew he was harmless. Wasn’t he? Neither one of you had any attraction to each other, whatsoever, as far as you knew.
But then, you stopped in your tracks a few cars down, thinking about how you’d smoked your last bowl earlier, and Eddie would for sure have a decent supply on him.  Maybe it wouldn’t kill you to hang out with a fellow freak for a bit.  
The October nights were chilly, and you thought to grab a hoodie out of your car before you made your way back to his van.  The grass at your feet was scattered in burnt orange and gold leaves, and the air was crisp, yet warm, with the smell of rain and freshly cut wood.
Eddie saw you walking back and jumped out of his vehicle this time, determined to get your attention.  He held his hands behind his back, lifting up on his toes, tentatively.  “Did you come back to give me a kiss?”
His mannerisms made you chuckle.  “Keep dreaming, Munson,” you pushed the popcorn tub into his chest, and he grunted, taking it with both hands. “I thought you might like some company.”
Eddie squinted at you, whispering, leaning in, “you came to smoke all my weed like a little feral, stoner raccoon.”
The movie started —Attack of the Crab Monsters—and Eddie feared he’d left his lunchbox at home. You weren’t sure why, but you were about to stay and watch the movie with him even without the weed, but then you decided to take a chance and check around his messy van, just in case.  
“Why is there a bed set up in the back?” You asked, wondering if maybe he was in between living situations at the moment.  You’d been staying with your mom since you dropped out of college, and most days, you wished you were living in your car.  
Eddie wiggled his eyebrows at you as he fingered a joint and slipped it behind his ear, snapping the lunchbox closed.  “Wouldn't you like to know.”
You rolled your eyes.  “Please, you have about as much game as I do.  There’s no way you’re getting laid that often in this van.”
“You know what they say,” he looked around, making sure no one was walking by as he passed you the lighter.  “If the van’s a rockin’, don’t bother knockin’.”
You checked around too, and then sank down in your seat to take a long drag, passing it back to him, fanning the smoke away, coughing a few times, while the scenes from the black and white film flickered across your face. Just beyond the movie screen stretched a line of trees dressed in fall colors, and a big, bright, dark blue sky that burned purple over the hills.  
You shared sneaky pulls off of the joint for the rest of the movie, each of you getting progressively invested in the loose plot, and giggly about it all at once. Eddie asked you a few personal questions, which you weren’t expecting, and sometimes you could feel his eyes on you.  It was a double-feature night, and right after the crab monsters they were showing a personal favorite of yours: The Monster Club with Vincent Price.  
It also happened to be one of Eddie’s favorites. 
“There’s no way,” he shook his head dramatically, brushing his bangs off his forehead.  “Nope. It’s impossible you love this movie, too.  No one I know has ever even heard of it.”
“Well,” you had one foot hanging out the open window, sucking from your straw. “I feel bad for the ones who haven’t heard of it.  It’s a masterpiece.”
You let him know that you had to run to the restroom but that you would be right back, because you didn’t want to miss the beginning, and you asked if you could get him anything.  As you said it, you could tell he was doing his best to contain the smile yanking at the corners of his mouth, but his efforts were fruitless.  
“So,” he crossed his arms, tilting his head sideways to give you a curious look.  “I guess you do like spending time with me?”
“Absolutely not,” you teased, slamming his door shut on your way toward the concessions.  
There were butterflies in your stomach as you returned to the van, though; an undiagnosed thrill in your veins that had something to do with seeing his face again. 
With Vincent Price’s face looming over the parked cars, Eddie cleared his throat.  “Do you, um,  have any plans for Halloween?”
“I never have plans,” you gave a self-deprecating bark of a laugh.  Your favorite holiday was in a couple days and the most you had done was carve a few jack-o-lanterns.  “I mean, used to, when I was kid, but these last couple years have been…rough.”
Eddie kept his eyes on the screen, plucking at the steering wheel with his thumb.  “Do you, um, think you might want to come see a band with me?”
You snapped your head to look at him, but his eyes only flicked to you once before returning to the movie.  
“A buddy of mine is in a cover band and, um, they’re playing at the haunted maze,” he pressed his lips together and then blew them out on a puff of air.  “But I totally understand if it’s not your scene.  I’ve got a shit ton of old horror movies at my place, too, or I’ve got friends at Family Video, we could—”
“Eddie Munson,” you had a funny feeling flopping its way from your stomach to your heart.  “Are you asking me out on a date? Or are you just asking me to join you as a friend?”
 “Now that all depends,” he lowered his chin, wiping something imaginary off of his jeans.  “What would you say if I did ask you out? Would you, um, be into that sort of thing?”
“Shhhh,” you halted, eyes straight ahead.  “Hold on, I love this part.”
You used it as an excuse to reach over and grab his forearm, to touch him, to give the type of reassurance that words couldn’t.  You squeezed him through his leather jacket a few times, only a couple seconds, and Eddie watched it in slow motion, aching to take your hand.  The distance was suddenly too far.  
It was a song sequence with a vampire band on stage at the Monster Club singing “I’m just a sucker for your love.”
“You come from Pennsylvania
I’m from Transylvania
And I’m a pain in the neck...
When I kiss and fondle her
It’s like making love to a 
You could hear Eddie mumbling the lyrics and tapping his thumb, because he knew the obscure song by heart.  
 “Yes, Eddie,” you kept your attention on the screen, and now it was you losing the battle with a smile so big it pushed up your cheeks.  “I think I would like to go on a date with you.”
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thisonehere · 1 month
I thought your recent post on Smoke x reader was funny, who would think Tomas would have this side of him 🤣
Can you do a part 2 where Kuai Liang notices the awkward sexual tension and embarrass Tomas by mentioning Tomas's crush on the reader as payback for the reader?
A/n: Lol I love that idea. Perfect so long energy between the two.
Tags: MK 1, Post-MK1, drabble, SFW, Sibking bimeing siblings
C/w: Kuai Embarrassed Tomas
Last part
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Tomas had you in a chokehold. Ever since you were screaming from his room you've been a mess around him, and Tomas enjoyed every second of it. He was shy and awkward about everything else, but it came to you, he was dominant and very, very naughty. He didn’t hesitate to flash you either. I'm serious, the moment he sees you he lifts his shirt slightly so you can catch a glimpse of his abs. He'd laugh at how you gag and cough because you choke on the air at the sight of it.
Kuai saw the strange way you two were acting, he didn't know what was happening but he knew something was up. He wasn't blind, he saw the blush that would immediately appear on your face the moment you saw Tomas walk in or the way Tomas likes to purposely flex his muscles in front of you. He has no idea when Tomas got bold, nor when you got to sheepish...he did not like this shift in your dynamic. So, ever the good big brother, he decided that he'd embarrass Tomas in front of you on your behalf.
He waited until you and him were alone, he chose this specific place because he knew Tomas would be walking in at that moment. He watched as you immediately shrink as Tomas walks. He saw the smirk on Tomas's face when he laid his eyes on you. "Y/n, you're drooling again." He joked.
He blushed as you hid your race. You attempt to rise and quickly leave, but Kuai is quick to act.
"Just like you used to do." Kuai happily said. Both you and Tomas swung your heads over to him. "W-What?" Tomas said, already you could be Tomas's confidence waning. "Well, I'm just saying, you always seemed to drool whenever Y/n so much as walked by, you wouldn't even drool just at the mention of their name." At this, you slowly rise as your ears pick up this this.
"Kuai, No!"
Kuai's smile grew when he saw how both your demeanors changed. "But it's true. You used to have the biggest crush on Y/n. I remember how you acted the moment you first met, Tomas couldn't stop blushing for weeks. He couldn't seem to stop talking about you, Y/n " Kuai immediately mimics Tomas's shy and gentle manner.
"Everyday, it was 'Did Y/n ask about me? Did you see how amazing they looked? When can we see them again?' " Kuai looked over to you and saw you were now trying to contain a giggle as you looked over at Tomas, who was now covering his in shame. But you could see the blush behind his hands. "I hate you so much right now."
"I love you too." Kuai, now pleased, rose from his seat and walked out of the room. You mouth 'thank you' to him as you wickedly look over to Tomas.
"Careful, Tomas, you're drooling again."
After that day, things went back to normal, Tomas was back to being super shy around you and you walked with an air of confidence around you. So everything is back to the usual...sort of. The sexual tension between the two of you had gone down but not fizzled out. He noticed you two steal a glance when the other wasn't looking, he heard you two banter sometimes, it was cute and awkward with a hint of horny in it, just as it should be. Kuai smiled to himself. "It seems those two have a lot to work out" Harumi noted at seeing you two together. Kuai chuckled as he nodded his head in agreement. "True, I have confidence that they'll do great together. But if Tomas ever gets too confident, I'll be sure to tell Y/n another story."
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Sunset Serenity (Fluff)
Rise!Leonardo x reader
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A/N: My first ROTTMNT x reader!💚 It’s a short one, but I thought it was a cute idea to start out with. I have so many ROTTMNT ideas, and hopefully I’ll get to write on the soon❤️💙💜🧡
Warnings: None💙 (other than my horrid spelling)
The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the forest. The turtles, along with you, decided to take a break and enjoy a peaceful evening by the river. The four turtles and you found yourselves perched on the edge of the riverbank. The gentle murmur of the water and the fading sounds of the world around you created a serene atmosphere.
As you sat next to Leo, you couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty of the setting sun. The sky transformed into a canvas of warm hues - a breathtaking masterpiece that mirrored the colors in Leo's eyes. Those god damn eyes, that you had found yourself staring at more times than you’d like to admit.
"So, how will everyone rate my forest idea?" Donatello asked, breaking the peaceful silence, resting on the sun bed and sipping on a cool drink that had emerged from his battle shell. “Great? Fantastic? Absolutely genius?”
"It’s awesome!”, Mikey chimed in with a grin. “But I gotta say, this sunset makes this day so much more awesome!”
“It really does”, Raph said, his eyes fixed on the horizon, resting on his shell with a content smile.
Leonardo nodded in agreement before he turned to you, a soft smile on his face. "And how about you? How's your day been?"
You returned his smile, appreciating the concern in his tone. "It's been great, Leo. A bit hectic, but moments like these make it all worth it", you said, remembering the absolute chaos that had been the four brothers finding a good place to set up camp in the forest.
Leo hummed at that answer, his eyes lingering on you for a moment, before he turned back towards the sunset.
The turtles settled into a comfortable quiet, each lost in their thoughts as the sun continued its descent. The river reflected the changing colors, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over you.
The sun had finally dipped below the horizon, leaving behind a canvas of stars above your heads. The turtles and you stood up, stretching after the peaceful interlude, getting ready to head back towards the campsite. But you lingered for a moment, looking at the stars above you in awe.
Leonardo noticed this and stayed with you, watching as his brothers left, their laughter slowly disappearing between the trees, as the night settled around you like a comfortable blanket. Leo stood and looked at you for a moment, taking in your beautiful features. Your hair, your skin, your eyes, your nose, your lips. Leo could not deny the feelings that had blossomed between the two of you. Ever since the Kraang invasion, something had shifted between you and him. Your friendship had grown stronger in a way that he had never tried before. Lingering eyes and need to be near each other. And now, as he stood alone with you under the stars, he felt bravery wash over him. After the things he had been through, what he was about to do felt easy yet extremely terrifying.
In the soft moonlight, he took your hand, his touch gentle yet firm. You looked from the stars to his eyes, finding the same sparks in them as you had done in the sky.
"Thank you for being here with me", Leo whispered, his eyes locked onto yours and his thumb softly stroked your hand.
You smiled, feeling the unspoken emotions between you, just like you had done so many times these past few months. "Anytime, Leo. I wouldn't want to share this moment with anyone else".
In that quiet, intimate space, surrounded by the soft sounds of the river, Leonardo leaned in. The distance between you disappeared, and your lips met in a tender kiss. It was a moment frozen in time, a culmination of unspoken feelings and shared dreams.
As you pulled away, Leonardo's gaze held yours, a genuine smile still plastered all over his face. "I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that I want you in it".
You smiled at the slider, your hand holding onto his neck. “Good thing that I aren’t going anywhere, Leon”, you said, pulling him in for another sweet kiss under the stars.
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wonwoosthetic · 6 months
Hi there! Hope you are doing well! thanks for responding to my ask, I totally don't expect you to respond immediately. I really enjoyed the latest fan videos and social media posts you've uploaded!!! I'd also love a Minnie-Dino video! She'd be so supportive of his mixtape <3 All those variety shows you listed would be fun, also seeing how she and BM can bond over being in co-ed groups would be interesting. I wish Jessi's showterview was still a thing. Maybe Somi's yes or hot? --boo's pld anon
series masterlist
word count – 15k
a/n: I had troubles with the tags, but I think this will show up… let’s hope so🥲 thank you babes for your opinion and help! I decided to start with the minnie x dino fan video since I’ve also gotten private requests on my google form for a chapter like this so a big thank you to everyone you has sent in ideas for this through my form ˙ᵕ˙ Minnie and BM would be PURE chaos as well and I can’t wait to write something about them hahaha I thought maybe about doing a past Jessie‘s showterview kind of chapter bc I just love those videos so much, she’s so unhinged😭 but yes! Somi‘s yes or hot could also be an idea, I’ve only ever seen clips from her with hyuna, but I loved it hahah🩷 anyways, I hope you and everyone else enjoys this chapter, thank you as always and please stay happy and healthy🫶🏼
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minnie and dino: the adorable noona-dongsaeng duo of seventeen
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[welcome, welcome]
[this video will for one, warm your heart]
[and two, tear you to shreds when you remember that you neither have a minnie or a dino in your life]
[have fun]
[when I tell you, this woman would literally defend this man with HER LIFE]
[i mean it]
The mood was abruptly changed to 'anger', already calling out for chaos as Minghao was just passing around the bottles of different drinks he had brought for the group. Speaking normally was unknown to the members from that moment on. They only knew how to converse in shouting.
Hoshi had come up to the '97 Liner, ordering him to go back again and get more drinks.
[the entire episode was so chaotic, good god]
He got on his way but stopped a few feet away from the rest of the group to ask for specific wishes as to what drinks the members would want. When Dino offered to come along and help him, Hao shouted at him.
[everything about this scene was so freaking funny]
[i literally almost peed my pants]
Getting an immediate response from the maknae in doing exactly that. The girl next to him chuckled, hiding her grin behind her hand as she tried to keep the juice she had just drank from the bottle in her mouth. It was rare to see Minghao in such a state of anger, even if he was just acting. The dancer disappeared around the corner when at the same time, Jeonghan decided to speak up.
"Dino, go with him!" He demanded.
The youngest, who was just about to sit back down between Minnie and Jun, decided to stay up and turn around.
"But he- he doesn't- he said DON'T!" He shouted out, making all of the other members chuckle and laugh out loud. 
[okay but why do i kinda want dino to scream at me now...]
Hoshi leaned onto the female member, almost unable to control his laughter.
"I want to, but he says not to!" Dino continued to argue with the '95 Line on the far left in the camera view as they continued to order him around, trying to get him to follow Minghao.
"Ya!" Minnie surprised everyone by suddenly standing up, "Leave him alone!" 
[minnie not taking shit from man, even if it's just acting, even if it's her own members, LET'S GOOO]
Getting a hold of the maknae's lower arm. "If you want your drinks, go get them yourselves!"
[her defending him is so fucking cute omg]
"You can go with him if you talk back to us like that!" S.Coups stood up, making the girl subconsciously take a small step back.
[not minnie or dino related, but i just KNOW that was muscle memory and our girl here was SCARED]
[i mean, who wouldn't be, yk]
[but i'd also be turned on bc it's scoups]
"Yeah, go with him!" Joshua joined.
Followed by Jeonghan, "You have to respect your elders, Minnie!"
[why could i actually hear them fr using these arguments with her omg]
She was just about to open her mouth again, a small smirk making her lips curl that she tried to hide so hard when she felt a soft tug on her arm.
[oh she was ready to go OFF on them]
[i'm so sad she didn't]
[i need the evidence of scoups constantly talkign about minnie talking back to him]
[i need it]
"Come on, noona," Dino dragged her along with him. "They're not worth it."
With a sarcastic shake of her head, she sent one last glare towards the three eldest of the group before following the younger member.
[the comedic duo we never knew we needed just disrespecting elders]
In the Soop 2 Ep. 2
[there's wayyyyy too much in the soop content]
[i should make a solo video of just minnie moments with certain members from in the soop bc it's literally my fave thing ever]
[but anyways, here we go]
Some of the members had gathered outside, drinking a bit and eating their dinner even though it was already late at night. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Dino, who before had been on their own in a tent a little further away from the others, joined them - some other members, like Wonwoo and Vernon, had already left, leaving Seungkwan, Dino, Dokyeom and Minghao on one side of the table, while Seungcheol and Jeonghan were occupying the other seats opposite of them. 
[they're were just enjoying their time together so much and i'm praying they'll get to do this OR things with na pd more often]
[pledis pls]
[but i know these bitches won't listen]
Minnie and Mingyu had decided to stand up with the rapper standing closer to the maknae line, his position fixed at the grill, and the girl resting her hands on Cheol's shoulders. The oldest member had put his right hand on top of hers, his thumb gliding over her skin comfortably. 
[again: not dino-minnie related, BUT LIKE...]
[are we interrupting something here?!]
[i mean we know how close they are... platonically... right...]
[we'll never know]
[but it was a cute scene either way, so you better bet i kept it in]
After the not-so-few few drinks she had had, she needed every little bit of support she could get.
She had blended out most of the conversation that was going on around the table, too occupied with trying to understand what Mingyu was trying to tell her - how the hell am I supposed to be able to read lips while drunk, she thought to herself. 
[i don't know what kind of messages they were sending each other but istg minnie and mingyu are something else]
[or maybe just when they're in the soop, i don't know]
[but i freaking love it]
Only snapping back into the present when Dino's voice rang through her ear.
"Have you ever lit a campfire before?"
Jeonghan's answer, was, as expected, "No, I haven't."
"Oh, he hasn't!"
"So, let's try lightening it tomorrow," the '95 Liner proposed.
Minnie let her hand drop from the leader's shoulder before walking to the other side of the table, passing Joshua, who had also joined them again. S.Coups' eyes followed her form as she walked up to Mingyu. To whisper something into his ear, she placed her hand on one of his arms, that he had crossed over his chest, to make him lean down to her height. As he raked himself up again only two seconds later, he smiled with a nod.
Her attention was then immediately back on the maknae.
"If there's no fan with your mouth-" he spoke but stopped to show them how to blow onto the imaginary fire he was trying to create. "You have to blow like this to light it up," he continued explaining.
The female member was already grinning from ear to ear, listening attentively to every word the youngest was saying.
[she loves him so much, i can't]
[he's literally just talking and our girly here is looking at him like that]
"Honestly," Jeonghan pointed at him, "You did this to look cute, right?" Minnie smiled to herself as this was exactly what she was also thinking.
[oh he most definitely did]
[gotta impress the noona]
As soon as the '95 Liner and Seungkwan started to imitate Dino's antics, there was no going back for him. They reenacted his pretended cuteness, getting chuckles from everyone at the table.
"Ok ok, then let's say that's not it and say it again," Jeonghan tried his best to get the maknae to repeat himself.
"Yeah," Dino started again. "When I went camping with my friend, we tried to light a fire, but we couldn't."
The '95 Liner played along. "Oh, then how did you light it?"
[jeonghan is such a parent HAHAHAHAHA]
[gotta love him]
"So, I just- I thought I should blow on it a lot. Like this-" the youngest repeated his action, adding an extra tint of cuteness as he imitated a 'blowing onto a fire' facial expression.
Not able to hold back anymore, along with the rest of the members, Minnie started cheering and laughing out loud at the over-the-top cute antics of their maknae. 
With quick steps, she was right behind him, throwing her arms over his shoulders to pull him back against her.
"Aaaah, our Dino's so cute! So grown up, but still so cute!" She squealed, getting a chuckle from the man in her embrace as he petted her arms. 
[mine's a rat fr]
[but for minnie...]
[it's like once she looks at dino, nothing else is important anymore]
[but tbh, same]
The two swayed slightly before she released him again. In the next second though, her hands hand his cheeks, squishing his face in between her palms.
"Look how cute he is!" Getting another round of giggles from the guys surrounding them. 
[i love how this seems such normal behaviour for them]
[i desperately need to drink with them one day]
[i want to be hugged and squeezed like that by minnie]
"Our little maknae!" She let go of him completely after pressing a kiss on the top of his head.
Minnie Birthday Live 231222
The female member's eyes were fixed on the screen in front of her, frantically moving up and down and left and right as she tried to read through the comments Carats were writing. The cake she had only eaten a little bit of, was still in front of her, on the table in the hotel room she was staying in.
[i have so much to say about this birthday live]
[and just want to quickly adress how proud i am of her for adressing the airport issue]
[a queen]
[and now back to how much dino and her love eacht other]
"'What are you listening to these days?'" She read out loud, a small smile immediately appearing on her lips. "Well... I don't know if you've heard about it, but there's a new song that came out in... November- at the end of November. It's called 'Wait' and it's by this really cool artist called Dino," she couldn't help but chuckle at her own antics. 
[and y'all are still arguing over who is the biggest dinonara, when this girl right here exists]
"So, yeah. In case you haven't looked up that song, I highly recommend it."
[of course you'd just try to mention him literally whenever you can]
[and of course, i've already listened to the song]
Right away, the comment section was filled with different coloured hearts - mostly pink and blue ones.
She giggled. "But jokes aside, I really have been listening to Wait a lot. It's really good and I really enjoy seeing this side of Dino. It's different... a little. But... it's good. And I'm really proud of him, so I want to support him, of course."
[she really is the best big sister ever wtf]
"Oh, is Dino watching? Some of you guys are saying Dino's watching." 
[he can't miss his noona's live]
The girl looked down at her own phone, which she wasn't filming with, chuckling down at the screen. "Ah yes, he is watching. He asked me how much longer I'll be live. Wait a second, Carats."
[he's actually a fan just like us, i'm telling you]
After a few taps on her phone, she put the speaker up to her ear. Only a couple seconds later, she spoke up.
"Hi, I think I'm still gonna be live for a while. Do you want to join me?" 
[i'm actually convinced her voice changes slightly whenever she talks to him]
[but i'm also delusional af, so it's probably just my brain telling me that tbh]
The corners of her lips curled up at what came from the other side of the call.
"Ok, ok. I understand. Of course, yeah. Alright, we'll see. Bye-bye." She ended the call and looked back into the camera.
"Dino's gonna make a quick trip to the gym downstairs, and then he might join us," she explained and grinned at the end of the statement.
A knock echoing through the room made her head shoot up towards the door.
"I'll be right back, Carats." She was quick to leave.
[girl is SPRINTING to let in her favourite little brother]
In the background laughter could be heard, coming from both male and female voices - everyone obviously immediately knew who was out of the camera's view.
After a few short moments, steps became louder and heavier as the two got closer to the table again.
"Look who's joining me!" Minnie called out, letting the maknae appear on the right side of the screen. "Dino-yaaa." 
[shout it out girl, yes]
With a big smile, she patted the empty chair next to her. Without having to be told twice, the youngest sat down and right away, scooched closer towards the female member, both now perfectly filling out the screen.
"Hi everyone!" He greeted into the camera, waving his hands. "How was the live so far? Is Minnie entertaining you enough?"
[i could literally watch her just sit and it would be entertaining enough]
[i wish i was joking]
With a smile, the girl shook her head. "I've been entertaining them very well," she answered for herself.
"Have you been enjoying the cake?" He turned towards her, looking at her with expecting big eyes as she nodded.
"Yess. It's really good, thank you." She patted his arm comfortably. "Do you want a little bit?" Not even waiting for his answer, she was already putting some of the cake's dough, along with the icing onto a fork. But before she could bring it up close to his mouth, he stopped her.
"No, no, thank you."
[he broke her heart with that, i just know it]
With a pout, she glanced at him. The fork still in midair. "Why not?"
"I just came from the gym. I have to be careful what I'm eating."
"Because of your diet?"
Dino nodded quietly. Minnie wasn't going to let him go off like that so easily.
"But it's good if you have a little bit of cake. Just a little."
[minnie lot letting him diet is soo big sister of her]
The maknae chuckled at her. "Says who?"
"Me!" She exclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, chuckling afterwards along with him. 
[i agree]
A few seconds later, she was back in her 'big sister agenda', "But it's really not good to diet too strictly. If you eat cake you'll be happy. And being happy is more important than to be in good shame." She kept up her guard by still holding the fork.
[i love her so much]
With a sigh, he gave in. "I know, you're right." Leaning forward to eat the small piece of cake. "Noona's always right."
[jesus christ]
[they're so much closer than just siblings]
[this is the kind of platonic love i just don't get]
[but i love it]
Minnie laughed out loud as he chewed. "I'd be careful with that statement. I might use that against you later," she pointed out.
[i mean, at least she's warning him]
"Oh," his face dropped immediately, "you're right." 
[this, my friends, is the look of immediate regret]
Before laughing together with her, knowing damn well she will FOR SURE use it later at some point.
The two continued to spend a comfortable time together, going through some more comments, and talking about the tour, the upcoming concert, a little bit about the Christmas time, and his mixtape.
[they kept talking and talking and talking, like damn...]
"'Minnie and Dino haven't done the 'Wait' challenge yet', you're right!" The youngest member pointed at the screen in front of them. "We haven't yet. We still need to."
[i was actually so surprised that she wasn't one of the first ones though]
Without missing a beat, the girl just spat out, "Do you wanna do it now?"
[i love her]
Dino turned his head to look at her. "Do you know it?"
"Of course, I know it!" She scoffed. "How dare you think I wouldn't!"
[she was so offended omg haha]
He raised his arms in defence. "I don't know! We haven't learned it together yet, so I wasn't sure."
"Let's do it now," Minnie impulsively decided, standing up quickly and getting her chair out of the way - Dino copied her every move. 
[there wasn't even a 'yes' or 'sure' from him]
[she just wanted to show everyone that she knew the dance even without actively learning it]
[bc I BET she watched that mv an unhealthy amount of times]
[girly is probably half of the streams]
Soon enough, they had also moved the phone they were filming with a little further back, giving them more room and showing more space of the hotel they were staying in.
"Wait, we need the music," the maknae remembered, looking around to find his phone.
Minnie pointed towards something on the right side of the screen, "You can take mine."
Dino looked at her with scrunched eyebrows. "I thought you were using your phone for the live? Who's- ah, ok," he started but cut himself off before walking over to where she had pointed, coming back into the shot with the female's member phone in his grasp. He unlocked it, and a few taps later, the intro for his Mixtape was already playing. 
[such a small thing, but i just noticed it: he knows her passcode?!]
To get to the chorus quicker, he moved the bar on the music app, stopping shortly before the part they'd be dancing would start.
"Are you sure you know it?"
Minnie just nodded enthusiastically. "Of course!"
And sure enough, she did.
[she freaking killed it]
[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] Golden Disk Award Sketch
The group was in the middle of their practice session for the upcoming award show. Diverted into different small groups, the members were scattered around the room.
The group consisting of Jeonghan, Dino, Seungkwan, Hoshi and S.Coups, was up next to not only practice their own little moment but also ready to perform it and let their choreographer film it.
Youngjoon growled as soon as Seventeen's leader walked up to the camera. But once Dino had stepped into view, it was Minnie's voice that called out from the background.
[wonwoo and minnie are fr fighting for biggest dinonara and she is giving it 110%]
"LET'S GO DINO!" Getting a smirk from the maknae before he started his solo movements.
"WOW, SO COOL," she continued to cheer him on, making not only him but every other member too, chuckle, along with their choreographer. 
[imagine being loved as much as dino is]
As soon as Hoshi moved into the middle, she fell quiet again.
In the next shot, after the practice round was finished, the camera was on the '96 Liner, who just looked at something out of view. A pout was evident on his lips.
Minnie chuckled, making the cameraman move over to her, letting everyone know that it was her, who Hoshi was looking at. "What?" She giggled.
"Why were you only cheering on Dino? What was that?" He asked her, keeping up the disappointed expression. 
[compare this moment to all those stories they told about minnie being literally terrified of hoshi]
[how are these the same people HAHAHA]
This only made her chuckle again.
"Well," she sighed, "I guess you just have to work harder for me to cheer on you too."
Before the performance unit leader could say anything, their maknae appeared from the right side, rushing over to the female member. 
"No, Minnie just likes me more than you," immediately throwing an arm around her shoulder. 
The girl giggled against his side before wrapping both arms around his torso, cuddling even deeper into him, as he put his other free arm around her frame as well - both now just standing in each other's embrace with big grins decorating their faces.
[i would actually do anything and everything for them]
Hoshi just continued to stare at them.
Dino was in the middle of getting interviewed by the cameraman when in the middle of the sentence, the female member of the group surprisingly appeared. She engulfed him in a side embrace, her arms around his upper body and arms, holding him close as she let her chin rest on his shoulder. 
[just IMAGINE being minnie and just getting to do that on the regular]
[he literally just continued talking as if this was nothing new to him]
Absentmindedly, she nodded along to everything the youngest was saying. After a few moments, he stopped and looked moved his head to look at her.
She answered him with a simple nod and smile before opening her mouth to answer him.
"But don't worry Carats, Dino's body will keep me warm." Her comment got a chuckle out of the maknae, whose hands had started to rub her arm, trying to create some form of warmth, knowing she was one of the members to easily get cold.
"You know," she glanced into the camera. "Whenever I'm hugging Dino these days, it feels like I'm hugging Mingyu." 
[but she just had to mention it once again]
She dropped her arms to free him just in time as her compliment made the maknae laugh out loud, giving her his signature contagious bright smile as he threw his head back. She grinned at him.
He shyly smiled at her, "Ah, noona, don't overreact-"
[don't get all shy now]
"Hugging Mingyu?" Suddenly the familiar voice of her fellow '97 Liner appeared from the side she had just come from as well. "What about hugging me? Do you want a hug?" 
[this man has ears EVERYWHERE when it comes to minnie]
[my god, my guy, she just mentioned you, calm down]
Without waiting for an answer, Mingyu copied her stance from before, wrapping both of his arms around her shoulders, her left arm buried into his muscular chest as she chuckled.
"I just said that hugging Dino feels like hugging you nowadays," Minnie glanced up into his eyes. "He's been working out a lot."
[also: can we talk about when the hell minnie went from pushing mingyu away to literally MELTING in his embrace?!]
[what chapter did i skip?!]
[bc i literally remember her avoiding his hugs to annoy him like it's yesterday]
[and now she's suddenly like this?!]
The rapper nodded, both of the '97 Liners smiling at the youngest, who had a subtle, yet noticeable blush brightening his cheeks.
"That's true."
"But be careful not to get too big, Dino," the girl added, still in the embrace of the older member.
With a frown, Mingyu looked down at her, his arms loosening around her frame. "Are you saying I'm too big?" He wondered. 
[no mingyu, don't worry]
[minnie noona is just looking out for her favourite little dongsaeng]
No answer, just a pat on his chest and a loud laughter from the maknae followed.
'sleepover live hihi'
[i really do think that we as carats have moved on way too fast from this]
[their sleepovers... who seem to be like an almost REGULAR occurrence?!]
[but anyways, here are some of my favourite moments]
[mind you, this live is almost two freaking hours long... it's so hard to cut out only a few parts for this video]
The live started with no members in frame. The only thing Carats could see was the edge of a table and a navy couch in the background.
The comments were skipping over the screen at a quick pace.
'Who is this?'
'Which member put on the live and forgot?'
'Who's sofa is this?'
'omg they're having a sleepover????'
Then all of a sudden, two heads popped into the frame from each side.
Minnie and Dino greeted the livestream with wide smiles as they showed their faces, scooching in closer to sit right next to each other. Both of them were not wearing any makeup and in sweats, along with him in a black sweatshirt and her with, what appeared to be the same one in cream.
"Hi Carats," the girl leaned forward with a grin, her eyes scanning the comments. "Ah, everyone's so shocked to see us."
[not surprised]
[but i definitely wasn't expecting it ngl]
[but this has to be one of the best lives in svt history]
"That means our surprise worked," the maknae added, a proud smirk on his lips. He leaned back against the sofa, swiftly brushing a hand through his hair.
Minnie nodded, "Looks like it." She stopped for a second before continuing. "'Dino and Minnie look so cute so late at night'" Thank you," she chuckled. "Even though we've already had a few drinks, Carats still say such nice things about us."
[i feel like she gets so giggly when drunk and just even more beautiful fr]
[y'all see that GLOW?!]
"Mm," the youngest nodded, now joining the girl by leaning forward to also read through the comments. "Yeah, we've already had a few drinks, but we only now decided to put on the livestream."
"I think not a lot of Carats expected us to drink together like this."
"Hm, yeah, that could be true," Dino stated before his eyes fixed on one specific comment. "'Are you really having a sleepover?'-"
"Yes!" Minnie showed a bright smile to the camera, stretching out her arms to the sides.
[you gotta love her, come on]
The youngest changed his seating position slightly. "Minnie invited me over to her place."
[defo not crying]
"Because you haven't slept over here yet," she glanced at him as he nodded.
"That's right, not here yet."
[didn't know wtf they were talking about back then]
[now we know: mimiwon moved into a new apartment]
[and minnie needed dino and her to have a sleepover at the new place]
A yawn escaped her lips, making Minnie cover her mouth and close her eyes for a second. "But I'm more tired than I expected, to be honest," she commented.
Dino smiled at her, his hand patting her shoulder comfortably. "We've been preparing for the album very hard, that's why maybe."
"Mm, probably."
After a few minutes of just casual conversation flowing between the two idols, as if the camera wasn't even recording, the girl had gotten up to get them something more to drink.
It was now Dino who was in charge of entertainment.
"Okay," he looked down at his own phone, which he had put on the livestream, so he could read through the comments more easily. "'Do you have sleepovers like this often?'" He read out before speaking up slightly louder, looking to the right side of the screen where the girl had disappeared into. "Would you say we do this often, noona?"
[there's just something... about him... he's just too adorable]
Minnie's distant voice could be heard in the background. "Not as often as I would like to." Her comment got a wide grin from the maknae in return, who tilted his head to the side.
"Awww, noona! You're so cute!" He almost squealed, making her laugh out loud. 
"Carats, Minnie-noona is really so sweet, right?' For a second he went quiet, now back to looking at his phone. "They're all saying how sweet you are!" Dino called out to let her know.
[well, gotta let the queen know that we love her, yk]
Minnie chuckled, "Thank you, guys!" She shouted out to make sure her voice could be heard in the live.
"Oh-" the maknae suddenly stopped mid-sentence.
"Some are saying Vernon is watching- is he watching? Hold on" After tapping around his phone, his lips curled up. "Aaah, he really is watching. He commented 'Wow, now I'm jealous', 'Minnie is making drinks for you?'"
[of course vernon is jealous of them]
[i'd be too]
[minnie pls take good care of him as well]
[god... minnie and vernon are also so adorable together]
With quick steps, the girl was back in the living room,
"What? No! I asked him if he wanted to come too, and he said no!" She whined out loud as the sound of clinking glass rang through the background, coming from everything she was placing on the table for them to drink.
[missed his chance i guess]
"He's regretting his choice now," Dino stated. 
[i'd be regretting it for weeks tbh]
Once the girl went back into the kitchen, the youngest's eyes went wide as soon as they landed on the amount of liquor on the table that was hidden from the view of the livestream.
"Noona! You really think we're gonna drink that much?"
[let's gooooooo]
"I don't know, maybe," she just answered. "Maybe Mingyu wants to drink something too."
[she really thinks of everyone, doesn't she?]
[god, i'm gonna cry]
"Aaah, ok ok," Dino nodded, going back to reading through the comments while the girl came back with takeout containers, putting them somewhere behind the camera and onto the floor before she made herself comfortable again next to the maknae. "'Is Mingyu invited too?' He... I don't- I don't know, is he invited?" Directing the last question to the girl, who just chuckled.
"I can't not invite him. He lives here."
[she knows that we know and i know that we know, but will i ever get enough of mimiwon living together? No.]
[i need all the domestic shit about them, pretty please]
[including dino, their child, having fun sleepovers at their place]
"Exactly!" A loud voice surprised the two younger members, making them jump up and look to the right side, groaning when they came to sight of the culprit.
Minnie was holding her chest. "You idiot! Stooop! Don't scare us like that!"
Mingyu ignored her scolder and started chuckling, "Did you buy the entire liquor store? Are you crazy?"
[not him judging her for that]
[bro, when i tell you i bet he drinks even more than her]
"I can buy whatever I want. It's my money, and I'm an adult," she fought back and sat up straighter, making the maknae clap and nod proudly as he was just sitting there, listening to the two '97 Liners bickering around.
[love supportive feminist dino]
"Wow," the rapper sighed, "You two... you guys are really- wow..."
[he's so done]
[he is sooooo done HAHAHAHA]
"'Dance cover now please'" Minnie chuckled after reading a comment she found amusing, "Right now? I don't think that's a good idea." And oh how right she was, but that wasn't gonna stop the maknae.
"No, noona, let's do it!" 
He turned towards the camera, "We've been wanting to film a Danceology video, but we can never decide on just one song. We have so many songs we want to do, so it's hard. But we can show you now." Without wasting another second, he pushed himself up from the floor, only for Minnie to quickly reach out for him.
"No, Dino, stop," she laughed, "You're gonna hurt yourself. Don't. We can do it another time, but not after drinking," she assured him with a nod.
[when i tell you: she will in fact be the most amazing mom]
[i don't care that they're 'only' two years apart]
[the way she acts with him, takes care of him, AND TALKS TO HIM]
[perfect sister and perfect future mom]
[minnie pls adopt me]
Slowly, but surely, Dino lowered himself onto the floor again, landing on his butt with a heavy sigh. "When did you become so responsible?" 
[but in all seriousness: jesus, just call her out like that]
[minnie just gets responsible when it's about dino]
[her favourite]
Making the girl laugh out loud.
[melting every single time.]
"Hm?" Minnie hummed in wonder while her eyes were still trained on the comment section on her phone in front of the duo.
Dino, who was still looking at his own screen, leaned forward, tapping his older sister on the shoulder to make her turn towards him as he pointed at the screen.
"Read it," she told him with a nod, but he shook his head.
"I don't know how to pronounce it."
Her frown at first quickly turned into a kind smile as she tilted her head in awe. "Yes, you do. You can speak English. Read it."
"Ah, noona, I don't want to. You do it." Pushing his phone towards her.
But even with his cute voice ringing through her ears, Minnie stood her ground, "No, you can do it."
[the way she keeps insisting on him reading it]
[like yes, go on]
[i love how supportive he is of every member whenever they speak english or want to speak it]
"Then I will look for a different comment," he shook his head and leaned back against the couch, getting another chuckle from the girl.
[but then, she also doesn't push him to make him feel uncomfortable, but just lets him do his thing]
[UGH, probably looking way too much into this, you don't have to tell me, but just leave me to it pls]
"'Is Dino... your... fa-vourite member?'" Dino read out loud in English.
With a wide smile, the girl turned her head to glance at him, "Of course, you are."
"Ah, noona!" With a shy squeal, he hit her arm, making both of them chuckle in synch. "You are my favourite member... too."
[stop, he's actually the cutest]
"I'd hope so."
"It means I would hope that that's true."
The maknae surprised the female member with his sudden laughter.
"'Minnie and Dino have couple hoodies?'" 
"What?!" She whipped her head to look at him, shock written all across her face. "Those aren't couple hoodies!" Minnie whined out while all Dino could do was fall onto the floor, his laughing continuing.
"Why would we own couple hoodies?!" She wondered out loud, more to herself than to anyone in particular, before looking back into the camera. "You guys," she pointed a strict finger. "Ew, why would we wear something like that?"
"Hey!" The youngest pushed himself up again, glaring at the girl. "Why 'ew'?"
[oh no dinooo]
Minnie sent him an unamused facial expression. "What else am I supposed to say? It's weird."
Dino shrugged, "It's funny. Maybe they are couple hoodies and we didn't realise when we bought them."
With a pout, the female idol leaned back against the couch. "Now I don't know if I want to wear them anymore."
[she's so dramatic, i love it]
"No, you can't take it off," the maknae was quick to tell her, his eyes giving her a serious look.
"Why not?"
"Because... I would be really hurt," he simply told her, making Minnie giggle. 
[well now she REALLY can't]
[she'd never do that to him, we all know that]
She threw her head back against the cushion, reaching forward with one hand to push the younger member away from her.
Dino chuckled at her reaction, touching the spot where she had shoved him. "I mean it, noona. Let's just continue wearing them."
[love how persistent he is about this]
"Okay, okay," Minnie agreed, running her fingers through her hair to get them out of her face. "But let's not call them couple hoodies."
"Yeah... it feels a bit weird," the youngest admitted shyly, sending a quick look towards the camera when a sudden touch from the girl surprised him.
"I told you!"
[you gotta understand]
[if dancers do a livestream, they gotta also dance]
'That That' by Psy feat. Suga was blasting through the speakers in the living room of the apartment. The coffee table had been pushed back, the phone still prompt up on it. Minnie and Dino's bodies were eliminated by the colours reflecting on them from the video the beamer was displaying on the wall. The duo had the choreography perfectly memorised- of course, they did.
[i just imagine wonwoo and mingyu somewhere in the apartment, just praying that minnie and dino will get tired and just go to sleep]
[it was way too late for them to be up and have this much energy for dancing like this istg]
Along with the, at this point probably too much, alcohol in their system, singing and dancing had become much harder than each of them expected - now rather slurring and panting through the lyrics of the song. 
Shortly before the song had reached the end, the female member fell to the floor, her hands on her knees.
"Jesus..." she breathed out heavily.
A laugh erupted from the maknae as his eyes fell on her crouched frame. "Noona! You're a main dancer, come on!" Reaching out and grabbing her arm to pull her back up.
[oh to have dino's energy]
Minnie groaned as she straightened her back, "I'm not as young as you anymore, Channie." Only making him shake his head and laugh even more.
[she really just took over jeonghan's old person personality]
He turned around to snatch the phone from where he had thrown it onto the couch and tapped on its screen. "What do you want to do next?" He moved his body around to let the girl get a look at the screen as well. "This?" He asked her, to which she nodded,
"Let's do that."
[whatever the baby wants, the baby gets]
Vernon stepped into the shot first, greeting the camera with a quick "Hello" as he passed the cameraman. Dokyeom, Wonwoo and Minnie were already taking their seats by a table that wouldn't be used in the scene the crew and Dino were filming.
"Our Dino's first mixtape," Seokmin smiled into the camera as he spoke. Behind him, the girl was standing up with her phone in her hand, filming and taking pictures with a big grin on her face.
[insert kris jenner's camera meme]
Wonwoo took a quick glance to his left, the same direction Minnie was focused on. "Woah, so cool!" He shouted out proudly, getting a chuckle from the other members.
[again: the fight for biggest dinonara continues]
[why not just agree they're both the unofficial parents and leaders of the dino fanclub?]
"Dino-ya!" The female member called out, making the maknae turn around, immediately smiling when he saw her with her phone on him. He sent her a quick grin and a thumbs up. The girl's smile widened.
[she's such a mom omg]
One last picture later, she put her phone down, turning towards the other members, who were looking at her in amusement, when she noticed the camera was still filming her.
"I'm gonna send those pictures to Dino's parents." She explained, taking a seat opposite Wonwoo, who was still gazing at the youngest member.
[her sending his parents pictures of their son, omg stop i'm already about to cry myself to sleep]
[this is too much for my heart]
Seungkwan and Mingyu had joined the group, also deciding to visit their maknae on set. The younger of the two was speaking into the microphone as Minnie joined them, walking up to them behind her fellow '97 Liner to stop by his right side. With her arms crossed she kept her eyes on the younger member, who had started to comment on Dino's hair.
[i love how literally whenever there's seungkwan bickering with dino, there's minnie showering him with even more love]
The girl suddenly got closer to Seungkwan, motioning for him to hand her the microphone, not wasting a second, to voice her opinion.
"I love your hair, Dino-ya!" She smiled brightly. "And I love you too!" 
[gotta let the world know yk]
Her quick addition earned her a gentle smack on her arm by the '98 Liner while Mingyu just chuckled at the duo, as Minnie had started to hit him back.
[don't even get me started on seungkwan and minnie, my god]
DINO Mixtape 'Making of Wait' EP.1
The youngest member was in the studio with Seventeen's main lead vocalist and producer. The two were going through the lyrics Dino had written for his upcoming solo.
"Minnie said she'll be here in ten minutes," he explained to Woozi. "I want to show her before we record."
[stop being so adorable, dino, please]
[for the sake of my well-being]
"Ok ok," came as an answer from the '96 Liner who was out of the shot, his voice only barely noticeable.
The maknae turned towards the camera after reaching for his water bottle on the couch behind him. "I really trust noona when it comes to lyrics. Maybe she has better ideas for them."
[you don't want to know the noise i made when he said that]
The next moment, Minnie entered the studio, greeting the room with a cheery, "Hi!" Getting a wide smile from the '99 Liner in return. His eyes lit up as a plastic cup of coffee was placed right in front of him, slightly covering the camera's view.
"Wow, thank you, noona." As Dino reached out for it, the female member gently patted his head with a grin before letting herself fall onto the sofa.
"Oh-" he stopped himself before he went to take a sip, snatching a piece of paper from the table the camera was placed on. "Here are the lyrics." Turning around to face her, Minnie stopped him by waving her phone.
"I read through them on the file you sent me."
"You already looked at them?"
With scrunched eyebrows and a slightly shocked facial expression, the girl gazed at him. "Of course, why wouldn't I?"
[how dare him even question this]
Dino shrugged, taking a sip from the Iced Americano. "I thought you were busy maybe."
Minnie had started to hunch over her phone, her screen brightening up the lower half of her face as she looked up at him. "Yeah, but this is important to you. Of course, I'm gonna look at it right when you send it to me."
[... i am so not okay]
[i don't even think i know people that care this much]
Before the youngest could answer her again, Woozi spoke up from the right side of the screen. "You never do that with my lyrics. You always text 'I'll take a look later, I'm busy now.' And then you never do."
[lee, i'm so done with this girl but i also love and cherrish her so much and even let her stay in my studio when i'm not here and will always support her but also annoy the hell out of her and be an annoying ass brother who just loves her so dearly and will support her till my last day, jihoon]
"Stop lying!" Minnie exclaimed. "I don't say that! And you never look at MY lyrics!"
[the money i would pay to be a fly on the wall in the studio when they're there]
The maknae chuckled at the silly argument going on behind him, laughing out loud as Minnie tried to throw a pillow at their producer.
[and he's just sitting there enjoying this PLS HAHAHA]
"Alright," she took a deep breath as she pushed herself up to her feet. "I'm gonna go now."
"You're not staying?" Dino turned around, looking up at the older member.
Minnie stopped in her tracks, "You wanted me to stay?"
He shrugged, "No no, I just thought maybe you want to."
"Aah..." she let out a sigh, "I'm sorry. I'm meeting up with someone. If I knew you wanted me to stay, I wouldn't have made plans."
[just drop them, minnie]
[drop them]
[stay with him]
[pls he needs you]
"It's okay, don't worry," he assured her. "Go, don't make them wait."
[noooo dinooooo]
The girl couldn't help but chuckle after she finished putting on her jacket again. "I shouldn't 'tell them, wait'," she imitated the sound of the song he was about to record, getting a laugh from him in return.
[... girl has been spending too much time with wonwoo bc good god, that was even worse than a dad joke]
"Exactly," he chuckled.
Before she left the duo to finish the recording, Minnie leaned down to be back in the camera's shot.
"Carats, please support Dino's solo well. It's gonna be really good and I know you're gonna love it."
[and she was right]
[we did]
[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] UNESCO Youth Forum Special Video Sketch
Seungkwan was grasping onto the sheets of paper in his hand, the maknae of the group right by his side as they read through the lyrics they had printed out. They were going through the English version of the group's song 'Together'. With both of them unsure about their pronunciation, Dino started looking around.
His eyes stopped scanning the room. "Noona!" He called out for the female member who was out of the cameraman's view. 
[i could literally make a compilation of just him shouting out for her and wouldn't get tired of it]
"Can you help us?"
With quick steps, Minnie jogged up towards the two, coming to a halt by his left side. "Hm?" She hummed as her eyes fell onto the black-on-white text in front of them.
[girl was so quick]
[she'd definitely drop everyone and everything to help him]
[reminds me of when wonwoo called her with na pd-nim and she was on her way literally while they were still talking]
[she loves them so much, like HOW]
"You and I are never losing our way. You and I, we will be walking straight." The two younger members sang along to the song that was playing in the background. Seungkwan went over the lyrics with slightly more ease than Dino, who started chuckling at his own struggle.
"Try going slower first," the female member placed a comforting hand on the younger's upper arm.
[she is so patient]
[... god... please let me have my own minnie]
[or dino honestly too]
"But it's supposed to be sung at a quick pace," he told her.
Minnie nodded. "Yeah, but try speaking the lyrics slowly first and then increase the speed. That way your pronunciation will be clearer and you won't stumble over your words."
[the way she's also explaining it to him so softly]
[as if he was delicate keramic]
[what a comparison, wow...]
With a grin, Dino turned towards the camera, "Everyone," his arm was thrown over the petite shoulders of the '97 Liner. "I have the best English teacher." 
Getting a shy giggle out of her and a smack towards his chest, making him chuckle.
After his somewhat decent acrostic poem to UNESCO, Dino called out for the girl as she walked past the cameraman's back. Without having to be asked twice, Minnie showed up right next to the younger member.
"We're filming for UNESCO right now and we'll be in Paris in a few days, right?"
"Mm," the female performer nodded with a grin, the strong wind blowing through her hair, making her squint her eyes and tighten the colourful jacket around her body.
"Are you excited?"
"Of course," she smiled, "I can't wait to finally be in France with almost all of the members."
Dino nodded along with her answer. "Should we learn a little bit of French? Can you teach me something?"
[he really wants her to teach him, stoooop]
[omg imagine if he just started learning french from her]
[he'd be unstoppable]
Minnie chuckled, "What do you want to say?"
The maknae looked around the open field for a second as he thought to himself, the girls' eyes never leaving his form. He turned back towards her. "Something like 'thank you for your support'."
"Merci pour votre soutien."
[fuck, she's so hot]
"W-What?" Dino just glanced at her dumbfounded, taken aback by her quick answer, not remembering a single syllable that just dropped from her mouth. "What did you just say?"
[same dino, same]
Minnie couldn't help but laugh out loud at his reaction, stumbling back a few steps. Her cheerful sounds must've caught the attention of Wonwoo as he suddenly showed up next to her, bringing the girl into the middle of the two male members.
[and oop, there we go, the next dinonara appeared]
"'Thank you for your support' is 'merci pour votre soutien'"
"Ok," the youngest nodded slowly, "Merci-"
"Hm," Minnie supported him with a smile, "pour."
"V- Votre."
"Soutien. Sou-"
"Tien. Soutien?"
"Exactly," she nodded proudly.
"Merci pour-" Dino stopped himself before continuing, glancing at her with squinted eyes as he tried to remember the correct pronunciation.
"Votre soutien," Wonwoo suddenly spoke up. "Merci pour votre soutien."
[just when we thought he couldn't get hotter...]
With a shocked facial expression, the maknae looked at the '96 Liner. He pointed at him, "Who on earth do you know how to say it so perfectly?" 
[i mean i'm no french expert but that sounded pretty freaking good]
[also: if you have minnie as a teacher, you're gonna learn well either way]
Getting the rapper's signature deep laugh in return.
"I already taught him," Minnie chuckled, looking back at the other member as he caught himself again, a small smile still on his lips.
[this is a minnie x dino video, so could you quit acting like the cutest freaking lovebirds, my god]
"Aaah, ok ok," the '99 Liner smiled along with the older duo. "Ok, so... Merci pour... votre... and then?"
"Soutien is support?"
Minnie nodded.
"Merci pour votre soutien," Dino repeated her phrase slowly, looking straight at the French speaker of the group, whose eyes went wide in pride.
"Yes!" The girl clapped her hands, Wonwoo joining her.
[#proud #oursonisagenius]
The youngest turned towards the camera. "Carats, merci pour votre soutien."
"Well done," she patted his back, the proud grin not leaving her face.
[i could actually cry from the way she looks at him]
[Relay Pick] BALANCE GAME with SEVENTEEN ┃Performance Team
[teacher minnie strikes again]
[but yk, sometimes you gotta teach 'em about life]
The next two scenarios were presented to the unit.
"Peeling perilla leaves or peeling shrimps," Hoshi read out loud. Minnie's head popped out from behind his shoulder, trying to get a look at the screen ahead of them.
Dino, who was standing right behind her shook his head, "I don't really know this."
"Really?" The female member whipped her head around, looking up into the wide eyes of the maknae. "You never heard of that?" But he just shook his head. 
"Do you know this?" He asked her, to which she nodded.
"Of course, it was a big debate."
Jun, who was just as lost as the youngest of the group, had walked up to the screen, disappearing out of the camera's view.
"Look, it's like this, Jun," the performance unit leader started explaining. He took a step back, urging the others to do the same to create more space between them as he started.
"But why must it be perilla leaves?" Dino suddenly wondered, getting a chuckle out of the female member and making her turn around to describe the situation to him.
"Perilla leaves get easily stuck together, that's why they chose it."
He nodded along, "Aaah, ok ok."
[just accepting everything she tells him]
[i love them]
Mingyu's sudden voice surprised the duo that was deep into their own conversation.
"You're seriously so old fashioned," the '97 Liner commented, "it's a famous topic nowadays-"
"But that just means that he doesn't get jealous easily, that's good," Minnie fought back to the man she shared an apartment with.
[oh- there we go again hahahahaha]
"But he's part of the MZ generation, come on."
"No," a gentle pout formed on her lips as she took a small step back to place a hand on Dino's upper arm, "He's not the jealous type, it's a good thing. Old fashioned isn't bad anyways."
With a smirk, the youngest turned towards his older sister. "But that means that you're really jealous, right? You know a lot about this topic."
[wow dino...]
[she got called out fr]
Minnie's expression changed when she glanced up at him with an open mouth, surprised by his statement. Hoshi moved to the side to take a look at the duo, chuckling at the situation when laughter in the background could also be heard, followed by Minghao and Jun who joined in.
"No!" The girl defended herself quickly, shoving him away from her. "I'm just... I'm into popular stuff at the moment, so I know about discussions like this."
[MH, sure...]
"No, noona. You just admitted that if you know about this, you're a person that gets easily jealous-"
"Alright, but it's not a good thing!" She quickly gave in, getting another round of laughter from the members in front of and behind the camera.
[this is were the real sibling energy is coming through]
[why would he call her out like that in front of the camera hahahaha]
"But how can it be considered normal for a friend to do things like that with your partner?" She whined out loud.
"Well," Hoshi answered her, "It depends on how good their relationship is, I guess."
"It's TOO GOOD if my friend does these things!" 
[ngl... i feel a very deep and desperate need to see jealous minnie]
[i NEED it]
A soft hit on her shoulder made her chuckle. Turning to the side, she found the youngest leaning into her, his laughter ringing through her ears.
"It's okay, noona." Infecting her with his joy.
[little siblings, istg...]
"I'm okay with peeling shrimps," the leader made his final decision, "but the perilla leaf one is weird." He stepped to the side to leave a stunned Minnie in the middle - Dino, with a matching facial expression, right behind her.
"Amazing..." Minghao added to the shock.
[they were NOT having it]
[but i get it bc same]
"Peeling it by hands like this," the maknae imitated the action of peeling a shrimp to the rest of the group.
"That's so much worse!" The girl agreed with him. "You take your time to peel it... only to then give it to the partner of your best friend?!" She turned to Hoshi. "That's not okay."
"I agree," Dino nodded, linking his arm with hers as he dragged her in the opposite direction in which their leader had gone.
[dino went from not knowing anything about this topic to agreeing with his noona]
[gotta love them]
[i'm so obsessed with every pi cheolin x minnie/a minnie character interaction]
[why do her characters literally ALWAYS have beef with him HAHAHA]
[but i think that might need to be a seperate video ngl]
[anyways, the following few scenes have still made it into this video just bc i love them so much]
"And I've also been working with a lyricist recently," Woozi explained to the man in front of him.
"Ooh," Pi Cheolin sat up straighter, "Who is this new lyricist?"
"Her name is Minnie, but she sometimes goes by Minhee."
"Minhee?" The man's face scrunched up in almost disgust. "I don't like that name." 
['i don't like her name' when it's literally her government name😭]
Getting a chuckle out of Woozi that he couldn't hold back. "Where's she from?"
"She's from abroad. Europe," the '96 Liner continued. "Young and very talented."
"I see..." Dino, deep into his character, glanced around the room. "Then she must be really good in English, right?"
Woozi nodded, "Yeah, she lived in England before. She writes a lot of her lyrics in English, actually. And I, ehm-" he cleared his throat. "I actually asked her to accompany me here today to this meeting, I hope that's okay."
"Oh, of course, of course!" Pi Cheolin raised his arms up into the air. "The more, the better!"
The producer nodded with a smile, "Good, good. She should be here any second, I think." Just right after he had said that, a knock shook through the door.
"Come in!" Pi Cheolin shouted out. 
Only a second later, the door opened to reveal the face of the girl they had just mentioned, peaking in to look around. Her eyes held still on Woozi's form, but before she could say anything, the man in the hat shot up from the chair.
"Minnie! You must be Minnie!" With a hard push, he jumped up onto his feet, his chair hitting the wooden shelves behind him before rushing over to the female member. 
[bruh HAHAHA]
"What a beautiful young lady!" 
[he's too good in this role, i love him]
Without warning, he grabbed her by her upper arms and pulled her in, letting first their right cheeks touch, then the left ones. Each time, he added an overly dramatic kissing sound.
"O- Oh- ok-," Minnie looked at him taken aback as soon as they were face to face again.
[so this was definitely not scripted, i guess]
Pi Cheolin smiled brightly at her. "That's how you greet people in Europe, right?"
"I- sure? I guess?" She just shrugged.
[her new personality: europe]
Harsher than needed, the man patted her arms, making her almost wince.
[i can't] 
"I'm glad to finally meet you!" Without looking at her again, he turned back around to go to his seat. "Please, take a seat! I heard so much about you."
Minnie directed her eyes towards Woozi as she claimed the chair right next to him, raising her eyebrows to ask him 'Really?"
He shrugged, "I only just started telling him about you. I don't know what he's talking about."
With a slow and unsure nod, she sat down.
[they're too good]
"I have to be honest with you, Minnie," Pi Cheolin suddenly turned seriously after the three had just negotiated the producer-writer duo to join his agency.
"Ok..." the girl carefully answered, fiddling with her fingers in her lap.
With his teeth tightly pressed together, he hissed in a breath. "Minhee. Your other name."
"My legal name, yes."
"We have to change it." He simply stated.
"What?" Minnie stopped with every little action she was previously doing, glancing over at the man. "But that's my real name. My grandma gave me-"
"We need to change it," he interrupted her, making her send an unamused look right into the camera. 
[he really don't give a fuck about the grandma huh?]
For a second the room fell into complete silence. Pi Cheolin had a finger on his chin, looking like he was deep in his thoughts. "What about..." he spoke before stopping for a bit again. "Minstar!" He shouted out, surprising both members, making them cover their mouths as chuckles escaped their lips.
"Minstar?" The girl wondered.
The man nodded. "Yeah. 'Min', from Minnie. And 'star' because you are A STAR!" The sudden change to English was all it took for another round of quiet chuckles to fill the room.
[he's so random for what]
After not getting an answer in return, with Woozi covering his face with one hand and Minnie turned around towards the wall, trying to calm down her laughter, Pi Cheolin continued.
With his arms opened wide and a big grin plastered on his face, he stared at the two. "Do you love it or do you love it?"
The girl just sent him a thumbs-up.
[i just KNOW i could never hold it together in front of the camera]
[i know, out of all the members minnie falls out of character the most, but i would be so much worse omg]
[how could you not if you have someone in front of you playing this old man just a little too well for it not to be real?!]
As soon as the three walked into the recording studio, where Wonwoo, Jeonghan and Dokyeom aka Leo, Charles and Seokmin, Minnie was holding her hand up to cover her mouth, unable to keep any grins hidden as soon as her eyes fell on her fellow members.
[she was having a hard time keeping it together for literally the entire episode]
[but who could blame her]
They stood up to greet the CEO, producer and lyricist.
"Have you seen these guys before?" Pi Cheolin asked, pointing at the trio in front of them.
Minnie and Woozi shook their head. "We've never met them before," the '96 Liner answered for both of them as the female member was busy wiping away the tears that had fallen from her eyes due to her laughter.
"Oh, is that right?" The man exclaimed. "Then I'll introduce you-" As soon as he turned to the girl, who was crouched over, he stopped. "Are you okay? What's so funny?" 
She was quick to catch herself, standing up straight again, "Nothing. Nothing. I'm okay."
With a slight squint, Pi Cheolin glared at her. "Lyricists need to be a bit more serious, I think."
[oh okay]
"I'll try my best," she promised him.
"Well then, let me introduce you to the best singers in the industry! Say hello, starting with you," he pointed at the '95 Liner, who revealed his age and name, followed by Wonwoo until they landed on Dokyeom.
But instead of talking to them, the '97 Liner started moving around, showing them a variety of what could only be described as 'tiktok moves from 2019'. Minnie couldn't hold it again and gave in as she turned to the side slightly, trying to ignore her fellow member in front of her. Pi Cheolin was having none of that.
"No, no," he grabbed her shoulders and turned her back around. "It's rude not to look at people when they introduce themselves." The girl just nodded.
After a few more seconds, the CEO took the word again. "Your name... what's your name?"
"Seokminie," Dokyeom answered him.
"Oh, Seokminie?" Pi Cheolin's eyes widened. He surprised the girl with a slap on the back. 
[why is he like this]
"See! Another reason why you have to change your name." But she just continued to stare at him. "So people don't confuse you two!" Pointing between the '97 Liners.
"So they don't confuse us?"
"Yes! Look at you two. You could be twins. Both young. Both attractive." 
No comment was made to his statement as everyone was trying to hold in their giggles. Minnie shook her head.
After a few more jokes back and forth, including Seokmin shouting into their ears and bursting their eardrums, everyone had sat down.
"So!" Pi Cheolin suddenly stood up again. "Now, I'll introduce my trusted people right here." He placed both of his hands on the female member's shoulders, making her tense up slightly, which he noticed right away.
"Aah, don't be so tense, Minstar," he started massaging her shoulders, clearly not in a comforting way though as her face scrunched up and she tried to free herself from his grasp. 
[he's really going through with it]
After a few seconds, he stopped, only to squish her face in between his hands. "This is Minnie. We call her Minstar because she is A STAR!" His hands started moving around, squishing her cheeks a slight bit more. "
[minnie is so much stronger than i am bc i would actually beat him up as soon as the cameras go down, but i just know she lets him do this bc he's dino and she loves him]
[bc imagine if this was seungkwan]
I mean look at her." The room went quiet. "Look at her beauty. Her talent. You can smell her intelligence." Another moment of silence washed over the group after he took a big and loud sniff. 
"I see, you agree with me." He freed her again, making her touch her own cheeks again and frown at the camera.
"Let's move on to Woozi, the genius producer!"
[something about dino in this episode was just so pure and cute]
The members cleaned up nicely. Each one of them was wearing a personalised, colour-coded outfit for the filming of the third part of their Don't Lie series. Minnie was sharing the couch with Minghao, Seungkwan and Jeonghan, sitting between the '95 and '98 Liner.
After going through the casualties and flaming Mingyu along the way, the group decided to let Dino be the first in the starting round of the Lie Detector test.
He got down to the floor, to sit right in front of the coffee table with the machine on top of it. After securing his hand with the velcro seal, one of the producers behind the camera started to explain the rules.
"After detecting your heart rate, when you're asked a question, press the button and answer-" 
The members listened attentively, some nodding along to her words, but the maknae seemed as lost as he possibly could be. Dino looked to his left, making the girl chuckle as she could practically see the wheels in his head turning.
"How?" He suddenly asked, his eyes wide in lostness. 
[oh dino]
The group couldn't hold back laughing at his reaction.
Not even a second later, Minnie was already up on her feet, Jeonghan's hand on her back, dropping down to his side. 
[she literally only smiled before she SHOT UP to get to him]
[the older sister instincts KICKED IN]
[also: pretty sure jeonghan kinda like pushed her forward bc he saw his baby in need]
She walked over to him and crouched down on the floor, her knees hitting the carpet as she tried to explain it again in simpler terms. But his eyes told her everything she needed to know - he still had no idea what to do. It just made her chuckle even more.
[minnie pls he just needs your help]
[pls help him]
"I'll do it for you. I'll activate it," Minnie placed a hand on his shoulder while her other one was on top of the coffee table, close to the lie detector. All Dino now had to do was listen to the question and answer truthfully.
The female member whipped her head around at the sound of the youngest's voice. An awaiting smile was already plastered on her face.
With quick but short steps, Dino was right in front of her within a second.
"Is there a pharmacist?" He wondered in a hushed tone.
[i love how she was the first person he thought of to ask]
With scrunched eyebrows, clearly confused by the random question, the girl looked at him.
"Is there a pharmacist in the game?"
"A pharmacist? Like... someone that works in a pharmacy?" She repeated his words, still unsure if she had understood him correctly. After getting a nod from the maknae, she spoke up again. "Why?"
Dino quickly glanced at his left and right, before leaning into her just a little bit closer and lowering his voice. "Jeonghan said he's the pharmacist," he explained, "I didn't even know there was such a role."
[well ngl i wouldn't believe anything that comes from jeonghan's mouth after being with him in the same group for this long of a time]
[the trust issues i have with this man are unreal]
"Aaah," Minnie nodded, almost unable to hold back her chuckle. After having dealt with the older's mischief for far too long, and getting involved in it for just as long, she immediately saw right through the lie.
You could see her eyes looking around the room as she debated her next statement - she could play into it, or she could tell him the truth.
But with those boba eyes looking right at her, she only had one option.
"No," she shook her head with a grin. "He's just joking with you. There's no pharmacist role."
"Really? Are you sure?"
Minnie nodded.
"But he keeps on collecting little pieces of paper that he finds," Dino imitated the size of the mentioned paper slips.
"I don't know... maybe he wrote them earlier? He was writing something before we started filming." The female member dropped the truth, making the youngest look at her with an open mouth.
[she even reveals jeonghan's secrets to dino, like what]
"Aaah... wow..." he shook his head. "He's really passionate about this game."
[he IS REALLY passionate about that game]
[but so is everyone else of you, sooo...]
The female member laughed as she agreed with him by nodding again.
[GOING SEVENTEEN] Runner-Up Sports Day #2
Part of the members were standing in a line, waiting for the next instructions during their filming. Vernon was holding the ball they'd be using for the dodgeball match that was coming up. It was fairly windy, but Minnie had found out the Mingyu was a good wind blocker, explaining why she was standing to his left. 
[the gose producer's caption 'the great wall of mingyu' was perfect]
Dino was next to her, on her other side.
The group had fallen into a comfortable conversation, forgetting about the multiple cameras on them for just a few minutes.
After finding out that the only members to know about 'Shaun the Sheep' were Vernon and Minnie, Dokyeom had another question,
"Who knows 'Fairly Odd Parents?"
The youngest member of the hip-hop unit turned to the '97 Liner, continuing to subconsciously play with the ball in his hand.
"Ah, the Nickelodean cartoon?"
Dokyeom confirmed his wonder.
Minnie was fixing her hair when the maknae spoke up after a chuckle fell from his lips,
"My nickname in elementary school was Jimmy Neutron." The girl next to him fell into a fit of giggles, her head falling back as she was surprised and most definitely amused by the sudden comment. "My head was so big back then," Dino continued to explain.
With a pout, the female member reached out to touch his arm, leaning forward to rest her forehead on his shoulder, hiding her amusement.
[she adores this man so much]
Without even thinking twice, Mingyu opened his mouth, "It still is." Followed by a chuckle.
[no filter]
Minnie's head immediately shot up. Her eyes wide, but her lips pressed together, trying to keep the corner of her lips from curling. She turned to her side and got a groan from her fellow '97 Liner in return as his hand flew up to where she had just smacked him on the chest.
[go off big sister minnie!]
[getting ready for defence]
With a sarcastic unamused facial expression, Dino commented on his statement. "You say such nice things." To which the girl was quick to turn to him, 
"Awww," she laughed out and let her hand come up to cup his cheek, leaning onto his shoulder once again.
In the Soop 1 Ep. 2
[what i want to say:]
[i am very sorry to end this video with this in the soop moment]
[it's literally probably my all time favourite minnie x dino moment, EVER]
[we see them always acting all sweet and loving and just caring for each other]
[but this... this was so much than that]
[and i still cry whenever i watch it]
All of the members left to do their individual things. Some had started getting ready for bed. Others were already sleeping. A few had gone into the kitchen for snacks. The only ones left outside were Dino and Minnie. As it was starting to get colder, Minnie had thrown a blanket around her body, while the maknae had chosen a jacket to keep him warm. The girl had started to collect some of the trash left behind by the other guys and put together the empty bottles of alcohol, so they'd have it easier to throw away.
It was quiet. The only sounds filling the open outdoors were coming from the river from a distance and the crickets and other insects that you'd find close to the woods.
Dino's eyes were trained on the female member, following her every movement. 
[i don't know what it is, but dino just gazing at her is something that hits me so hard]
[like, a lot of the members look at minnie in a specific way, but dino... it's very special]
[again: pure adoration]
He stayed quiet, feeling just a bit sorry that he wasn't helping her, but the sudden rush of tiredness had surprised him - Minnie knew that and wouldn't comment on it.
Then the maknae suddenly broke the comfortable silence, "I'm really proud of you, noona."
The girl stopped in her tracks. She lifted her head to meet his gaze. "What?" She chuckled. "All of a sudden?"
"No," he shook his head almost shyly, immediately crossing his arms in front of his chest. "I've been wanting to tell you things like that, but... I've never found the right time."
The female member stopped her actions, taking a seat in the chair that Seungkwan had previously occupied. 
[notice how she literally dropped everything and just sat down to listen?]
"Well..." she took a deep breath, "Do you think now is the right time? Do you want to talk to me?"
"I always want to talk to you, but...," Dino admitted, looking down at his hands before up at the older member again. "I don't really know... how to say it well."
"You can always talk to me. I'm always all ears for you, you know that," Minnie reached out to get a hold of the glass of water one of the members had left for her.
[first tears started falling]
"I know- Of course, I know." The maknae gulped. "But I really am proud of you."
The girl's eyebrows shot up as she tried to fight a pout. "Thank you, I'm really proud of you too."
Dino nodded. "You've been working so hard, so I... I just wanted to tell you that. Especially this year, you've been working a lot- I mean, you've always been working very hard with writing lyrics and helping Woozi... and also doing photoshoots and promoting Seventeen so well."
"Thank you, Channie," she smiled at her younger member who had been trying to avoid her gaze. 
[something about her using his real name seems so special]
[i mean, maybe it was the alcohol]
[but also maybe not]
She continued, "But you should be really proud of yourself too. You've been doing a lot for not only the group but also for yourself. You've grown a lot over the past few years. You can be very proud of that."
Dino's eyes were fixed on nothing specific as he just glanced into the dark emptiness to his right.
"Do-" he suddenly started again. Minnie was still waiting patiently for him to speak, a soft smile plastered on her face as she couldn't take her eyes off the maknae. "Do you ever feel like you've missed out on something?"
She scrunched her eyebrows, "What do you mean with 'something'?"
He took a deep breath, brushing his hands over his thighs as he looked down. "That's something I've always wanted to ask you... but I was never sure if... if you wanted to talk about it." He took another second to let the question fall from his lips. "...Do... you ever feel... like you've missed out on something because you're in a group with us?"
"Because you're guys?" She wondered.
The maknae nodded. "I've been wondering about that for a long time I think, but especially now... and... after our contract renewal- I don't know-" he shook his head slightly. "I just... I was asking myself that. And if... like- do you ever think about how you're life as an idol in a girl group would've been?"
[bc of the contract renewal]
[makes me kinda think what if he was scared that she wouldn't want to renew it bc of that exact reason]
[brb gotta dry my tears]
A nearly sad chuckle tumbled from Minnie's lips as she looked at the younger member in front of her. "Why are you wondering about that?" Sounding almost concerned.
[fr don't make us cry like that]
Dino shrugged. "I was always wondering about you... and the group... but... when the contract renewal became a topic... I... almost started to feel bad, I think." Minnie decided to stay quiet to let him continue and give him as much time as he needed. "I was thinking about if...if we were maybe taking something from you... or... just in general... if you feel pressured into resigning maybe for some reason."
"Ah..." Minnie sighed, looking down at her own hands, "Why are you worrying so much, Dino?" As soon as she looked up again, the camera, as well as the youngest, caught her glassy eyes. She didn't get an answer from him in return as he just continued to look at her.
"I..." she started quietly, her right hand brushing through her hair as she looked up at the sky and gulped. "I definitely- during the contract negotiations, thought a lot about the future and... also, of course, the past and... everything that has happened and what we've been through and... also how my mindset used to be in the beginning, you know? Because it changed a lot."
"What do you mean?"
"I... I- like you asked about me missing out on something. I never felt like that. I never thought that I was missing out on... for example, being in a girl group. Because... all of you make me so so happy. And... I know that every single member is, like- I know that all of your guys' kindness and support, and... just everything about you... I couldn't ask for anything more, because... it's so much more than I could've ever imagined already. And so much better and... I don't deserve any-"
"No no, stop," he was quick to interrupt her. "You deserve everything, noona. You deserve so much more."
[i don't want to interrupt this beautiful moment but yes, I'm crying]
"No, stop!" She chuckled.
"You really deserve this."
"Well, you do too!"
"But you're doubting yourself right now!" He argued back with a sad smile.
Minnie stopped him with a wave of her hand. "No, no, I'm not, don't worry. I mean... I don't know who even in this world would deserve a group as wonderful as Seventeen, you know?"
"You do, noona."
"Ah, stop, you're gonna make me cry!" 
[you and me both sis]
The female member chuckled as she covered her sight with one hand before trying to wipe away the tears that had gathered in the corner of her eyes.
"No, don't! Please don't" Dino giggled along with her trying to find a napkin he could hand her. After his eyes landed on one clean one, he reached out with it for her to grab. Minnie thanked him.
"There were definitely times where... I doubted if I should be in a group like this, you know?" 
She continued, and the maknae nodded while listening attentively. "Especially shortly after our debut... and during our trainee years," she cleared her throat, sitting up just a bit straighter. "None of the members have ever made me feel... like... I'm not a part of the group. You've always made me feel very included and... accepted... and just... never made me feel different, but... just... my own mindset and a lot of other things, you know? It sometimes told me that... I'm not- I'm not supposed to be here. That it's supposed to be only you guys-"
"But without you, something would definitely be missing."
"Thank you," she whispered, feeling the tears pool up again. "But I've learned not to listen to that and... just enjoy the time that we have right now. And... that made me realise that there is nothing better I could ever ask for. During our trainee days, I- I've definitely felt a bit lonely at times, of course, because... I was also growing into an adult, and that's a hard time already. But... I'm just so thankful for all of you... that's why I renewed it. I definitely didn't feel pressured by anything. I just... I couldn't imagine what else I would be doing, you know? I love you all so much, and I'm so thankful... I just want to hold onto every single member for as long as I can."
By the end of Minnie's speech, Dino's eyes had also turned slightly more glassy than before, but he continued to nod along to every word she spoke.
[seeing him like this in front of her is actually breaking my heart]
"During our trainee days, I don't think I thought much about it, but as I'm getting older, I started to realise that some times must've been very lonely for you. And I couldn't help but to feel sorry about that. Because... I don't want you to ever feel lonely. We all appreciate you so much and we hope that you can see and feel that... we really do. But when I was younger, all I thought was that it was weird but cool to have so many older brothers and one older sister because I never had that. And then... especially to have you as a sister... someone I know I can always rely on and ask for help and who I know will support me... but getting older, I just had to start thinking about what this all must be like for you. And that it must be very- ah, noona!"
And this point, there were already too many tears to count that were running down Minnie's face. She chuckled at the youngest's reaction, trying to pat away the stains on her cheeks, the silence of the night now also filled with her sobs.
"I didn't want you to cry, I'm sorry," the maknae spoke gently as he stood up, quickly wiping away his own tears that had started to fall before he pushed one of the chairs as close as possible to her. After taking a seat, he was quick to wrap his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a comforting side hug.
"I just wanted to talk to you about this because I was thinking about it and I noticed that you're never complaining about it and have never said anything about this."
[i will stop interrupting now bc i don't even know what to say anymore]
[i love them so much]
[both of them deserve the world]
"What?" He chuckled at her sigh.
"You've grown so much. You shouldn't be worrying about me or us in general like that," the tears were still running down her cheeks, but she was able to speak normally.
The maknae shook his head, "Don't say that. We all worry about each other."
"Yeah, but," she snuffled, "You're our maknae..." and looked up at him as his grip around her softened. "You haven't acted like a maknae since... I don't even know... since never. And... it's kind of... really hard to watch you grow up so quickly because... it's okay if you want to act like the maknae. You can act like a maknae! It's okay. That's what we expect from you. To see you all grown up like this and think so much about worries that shouldn't even cross your mind is really scary..."
Now it was Dino's time to look up, trying to blink away his tears. Minnie took his hand into her grasp with a sad smile.
"Please don't think that you have to grow up quickly. I feel like you couldn't even enjoy your youth much because you became a trainee so young-"
"You became a trainee at 13 too," the youngest told her with a somewhat chuckle.
Minnie nodded with a smile, "Yeah, but I was almost an adult when we debuted. You weren't. And... I feel like that may have made you want to grow up quicker than we wanted you to." She reached out to touch his cheek, running her thumb over the fresh tears that had escaped his eyes. "Please don't worry about us so much. Focus on your youth and enjoy it. And be a maknae at times. Don't be so mature, you're gonna make me sad to see you grow up!" Her scolding made both of them laugh and lean into each other.
"But-" Dino cleared his throat, "I feel like you never talk about your struggle and that worries me. I can't help but worry. You're a special person in the group. Of course, I'm gonna worry about my older sister."
"But you shouldn't," she patted his hand again. "I... I sometimes do talk to... Coups-oppa, especially. But you know... everyone has their own worries, so I don't want to hurt anyone with my worries even more."
"I know..." the maknae copied her soft tone.
"It's hard sometimes, but... yeah... everyone is struggling a little bit differently, but we all learn how to deal with it. And... we know that we can always rely on each other."
Dino nodded again. "And I just wanted you to know that you can always also rely on me."
"I know," Minnie told him in a whisper, another round of tears already making their way down her cheeks again. "But don't worry," She took a deep breath, "A lot of happy things have happened recently, so... I'm very happy as well." And smiled shyly, making the maknae copy her expression.
"I'm really happy for you." His whisper hit her ears oh so softly.
"Thank you." With a big smile, she wrapped her arms around the muscular frame of the '99 Liner. "Just remember that you'll always be our maknae. You're not the oldest here, so don't feel pressured to act like it."
"I know," he buried his face deeper into her neck. "You're a very important part of the group. And also to me. I mean it... I don't know what I would do without you, noona. I really love you."
"I love you too, Channie," she tightened the hug, noticing him doing the same, making her smile. After they released each other again, the female member took another look at the maknae. 
"And you can always talk to me. You don't have to wait for a good moment or something like that. If you need to talk to me, I will listen. Doesn't matter when or where."
Dino decided to just nod, scared of the lump in his throat that was about to appear again.
[they both have been through literally so much individually]
[i'm so glad they found towards each other]
[if none of the moments from before convinced you that they need each other, i hope this one did]
[i really hope that they will be forever happy and healthy]
[i'm actually convinced that finding someone that cares about me as much as minnie and dino care about each other would heal me from inside out]
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
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4ln-stay8 · 7 months
Disney movie marathon
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>summary: its a cold day and you and Lando have a disney movie marathon
>author’s note: I was watching some disney movies and I thought it would be a cute idea
>warnings: fluff, cute nicknames
It was a cold day today. You and Lando, your lovely boyfriend enjoyed the winter break in the comfort of your shared apartment. You missed him so much during all those times of the year when he was away and you just couldn't join him.
As the weather outside was perfect for a lazy day inside, cuddled in bed with a good movie playing, you thought about asking Lando to join you for a movie marathon.
"Babe, do you have plans today?" you softly asked your boyfriend
"Not really love, I was thinking of streaming a little today but I don't know, why you asking?" said Lando raising his eyes from his phone
"I was thinking, maybe you would like to join me for a Disney movie marathon?" You asked shyly
Lando grinned as he watched you. "A Disney marathon, seriously babe?" he chuckled, teasing you.
You shot him a playful glare. "What's wrong with reliving some childhood magic? Plus, Disney movies are timeless!"
Lando raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on his lips. "How old are you again?"
You huffed, feigning annoyance. "Age is just a number, Lando. You're never too old for Disney magic."
He couldn't contain his laughter, prompting you to pout. "Fine, laugh all you want. You can go do something else if you don't want to join." You said leaving him alone in the living room.
Undeterred, you retreated to your bedroom, determined to start the marathon alone. As you scrolled through the movie options, Lando felt a pang of guilt. Realizing he might have hurt your feelings, he decided to make amends.
Entering the room with a tray of snacks and drinks, Lando wore a mischievous grin. "So, what are we watching first?"
You looked up, surprised. "You're joining?"
He nodded, handing you a bowl of popcorn. "Wouldn't miss it for the world. Now, what's our first movie?"
"I was thinking about starting with The Beauty and the Beast." you said grinning at him and kissing his cheek.
"The Beauty and the Beast it is then" said Lando making himself comfortable, pulling you closer to him.
As the movie began, you couldn't resist the urge to sing along with the characters. Your voice, filled with passion and joy, echoed through the room, captivating Lando's attention. He sat there, stunned and amused, watching the animated expressions on your face as you belted out every lyric flawlessly.
Lando couldn't help but tease you, a playful grin forming on his face. "Well, aren't you the Disney maestro? Didn't know I was dating a singing sensation." he said trying to contain his laughter
You laughed, your eyes sparkling with delight. "What can I say? Disney songs are irresistible. Don't act like you're not secretly enjoying it." you said giving him a big smile
Lando winked, playfully nudging you. "Maybe a little. But you, my love, are stealing the show. I didn't know I signed up for a private concert."
Throughout the movie, you exchanged banter, sharing laughter and commentary on the characters and plot. You occasionally stole glances at Lando, reveling in the shared experience. As the credits rolled, you turned to him, a mischievous twinkle in your eyes.
"So, what did you think of my musical performance babe?" you asked, a teasing smile playing on your lips.
Lando chuckled, pulling you even closer. "I must admit love, it was quite the show. Maybe we should have a Disney karaoke night sometime."
You grinned, leaning in for a sweet kiss. "Deal. But only if you promise not to make fun of my singing too much."
As you cuddled on the bed, the room still filled with animated characters and nostalgic tunes you couldn't be more happier. Between movies, you shared stories of your favorite childhood memories and debated which Disney character you related to the most.
"Admit it babe, you're secretly a Disney fan," you teased, nudging Lando.
He smirked. "Maybe I am. Only because you make it look so much fun."
The marathon continued late into the night, with both of you immersed in the magic of Disney. Lando couldn't believe how much he was enjoying himself, realizing that age was indeed just a number when it came to reliving childhood joy with someone you cared about.
As the credits rolled on the final movie, you yawned, feeling a sense of contentment. Lando wrapped his arm around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Thanks for showing me that Disney magic doesn't have an age limit."
You smiled sleepily. "Anytime, my love. Now, let's get some rest and dream of fairy tales."
“I don’t need to dream fairy tales, I’m already living in one with you!” he said softly giving you a kiss
“I love you so much!” you said kissing him again
“I love you more!” he said kissing your forehead
You got more comfortable in bed, holding each other tight, grateful for the shared laughter, snacks, and a newfound appreciation for the timeless enchantment of Disney movies.
Even if Lando disagreed at first you knew that he really enjoyed the movie marathon. Maybe he just enjoyed the time he spent with you and maybe he enjoyed the movies as well, but he definitely enjoyed the memories he made with you today.
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sucker4colby · 1 year
Mixed signals
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Warning: little bit of angst, alcohol
Summary: Colby decides to be a wingman for his best friend but no one can match up to him. Drunken actions lead to feelings being unraveled.
Length: 2360 words
Pairing: Colby x best friend!Female reader
I didn't participate in dating, people irritated the hell out of me and the idea of going on dates and having to start all over and get to know each new person sounded like a nightmare . The ken doll look alike my generous best friends set me up with was talking my ear off about some frat party he had attended not noticing the signals I sent of me being uninterested. He was cute but to basic for my liking and he couldn’t take a hint about when to stop talking making me roll my eyes.
I looked around the house hoping something would steal my attention from him, and lucky me I caught a pair of blue eyes already looking at me. Colby one of my best friends was observing us and he seemed to be enjoying my misery since he wore a smug smile on his face . He and Sam thought that as my best friends they had the obligation to find " the one " for me so they set me up with this frat boy we met while getting lunch earlier. I glared at him making his grin grow wider, he nudged Sam making him direct his attention over to me. I looked away from them to face my "date" who was tapping my shoulder causing me to take a deep breath in annoyance . " yes?" I asked him irritation laced in my tone. " I was just asking if you wanted to dance." He yelled over the loud music of the house party we were currently at.
I stared at him not making an effort to respond , I was hoping he'd catch on and leave me alone but he went to repeat himself once more. He was cut off by a familiar tattooed arm wrapping around my shoulder. " hey man thanks for keeping her company. We're about to head out though ." Colby told him trying to rescue me from the situation he and our other imbecile friend put me in. I didn't wait for whatever his name was to respond, I hopped off my seat grabbing a hold of Colby's hand and pulling him away.
I could hear Colby laugh before pulling me into his chest. " you were a little mean back there don't you think grumpy." He teased me making me roll my eyes. If only he knew he was the reason my dates went wrong, I pushed off him turning to face him . "Maybe if you guys stopped playing Cupid I wouldn’t be so grumpy. Are we actually leaving ?" I asked him having to look up at him since I only reached his chin. I knew my friends very well and there was no way we were leaving so early, he just used that excuse to get me away from my failed date. "Leave ? We haven't even had any fun . Come on Sam and Katrina are dancing we can probably find some shots or drinks." He told me mischief clear in his blue eyes causing a smile to form on my face.
I have no idea where we got alcohol from but we had way to much at this point. I was acting on impulse and all my thoughts were nonsense. Colby wasn't any better off either and it was only a matter of time before we combined our last brain cells to form a ridiculous plan that would get us into Trouble.
It didn’t take long for us geniuses to conjure up our plan for the night. We were hysterically laughing about Colby almost tripping on the way down to the pool we found out the house had, where we decided would be the perfect place to hang out. Obviously it wasn’t a good plan considering our drunken state and mixing that with all the risk that come with a pool we were bound to get into Trouble. " Colbs we're going to get caught ." I attempted to whisper yell but it was anything but a whisper. If we were to get caught we wouldn't necessarily get in Trouble but my altered mindset seemed to think back to when we were teenagers sneaking around . " shut up no we're not , come on you're walking so slow." He playfully snapped at me poking my side causing me to squirm and giggle.
He ended up giving me a piggyback ride the rest of the way, both his hand were wrapped around my bare thighs and my cheek was pressed against his shoulder where I would occasionally blow a raspberry into his neck to make him squirm. We never minded being so close to one another but sometimes it was bittersweet because I wanted nothing more them for it to be more than platonic interactions , but I settle for it because I’d rather have this than nothing at all.
I blew one last one right below his ear before his hand dropped from under my thighs, frightened because he dropped me so suddenly I held on tighter to him and brought him down with me causing both of us to let out frightened noises as we crashed to the floor. I had no idea he was dropping me onto a pool chair but either way we landed making so much noise I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a noise complaint the next morning . We laid still for a moment before we busted out laughing.
He pushed off me sitting down and pulling my calf's onto his lap gently rubbing his hand up and down. We sat in silence enjoying each other's presence occasionally looking at each other and letting out a quiet giggle. I started getting bored again but a thought came to me and I giggled imagining it. " I dare you to jump into the pool ." I told him my bright idea looking at him with a big smile . He gave me a look of unamusement before getting up off the chair and pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it at my face. I let out a loud laugh tossing it aside just in time to see him belly splash into the pool causing me to laugh even louder. I kicked his shoes away that were laying on the ground before walking over to where he was resurfacing. I sat down removing my heels and putting my feet in, he came over resting his forearms on my thighs getting me all wet but I wasn't even a concern to me. I didn’t think he would jump in I just wanted to push his buttons a bit.
I ran my fingers through his hair causing him to move one arm down around my leg and letting his head fall over the other arm. "Sams not going to want to give us a ride if you're wet." I told him remembering our blonde friend was our designated driver. He looked up at me with his pretty blue eyes. I never let myself get lost in his eyes because I knew how easily I’d fold if I did and he could easily persuade me to do anything he wanted " we'll just walk home." He told me caressing his hand along my calf causing me to lean closer to him. " you can walk , I'm not wet." I teased him pulling at a strand of his hair. "I can get you wet ." He smirked at me but I didn't have time to process what he meant before he fully wrapped his hand around my leg and giving it a tug causing me to fall into the pool with him.
He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his body since I couldn't reach the floor on this side of the pool. He laughed as I tried to move my wet hair away from my face. " Colby this dress was new and now it's ruined" I huffed out hitting him gently. "baby it was ruined when you bought it." He joked moving a hand away from one of my thighs that was wrapped around his back to a strand of hair that was still in my face moving it behind my ear. I tried to ignore the fluttering feeling in my belly I got from him calling me baby and watched him as he caressed my face. This was new, we had shared a kiss thanks to a dare and we’ve invade each other’s personal space before but this was something I hadn’t felt before. For a moment I felt like he was seeing me in the way I saw him and it had my heart racing. I let my eyes flutter shut as he nuzzled his nose into my cheek, and when he pulled away the slightest bit I anticipated that I would get to feel his plush lips against mine.
Except I anticipated wrong because we jumped apart due to a familiar voice calling out for us causing me to fall back into the water. Sams great timing ruined our moment, he was walking down the stairs with kat in tow speeding up when he saw me splashing back up coughing from the water I swallowed. Colby attempted to help me reaching out to grab me all while cursing and apologizing but I ignored his hands and swam away towards the edge of the pool where Sam held his hand out to pull me out. " what the hell are you guys doing? We've been looking every for you." He scolded us like kids but I was more focused on not meeting Colby's gaze. I was embarrassed and for some reason hurt he jumped back so quickly, I mean yeah I didn't want Sam to catch us and maybe I was overthinking things but it didn't hurt any less.
Sam was still giving us a lecture about the dangers of being drunk and being around the pool alone as we made our way up the stairs. Neither him or Kat caught onto the newly formed tension between Colby and I probably dismissing our behavior as us being drunk. Kat had gone off to get towels for us once we reached the house while Sam took us around and walked us the side walk so he could bring the car around.
Colby turned to face me once Sam was a good distance away " hey are we good, I don’t want things to be weird between us because we got caught up in the moment.” He unintentionally twisted the knife spreading the hurt I felt. But he was right, nothing happened and I was probably reading the whole situation wrong. I convinced myself I was overthinking because I was tipsy and I looked over at him forcing a smile " yeah we're good." I nodded trying to sound sure for the both of us , but I knew neither one of us was very convinced but we left it at that and waited for Sam and Kat In awkward silence.
Sam had driven us all back to their house like we had done many times before, where I was supposed to sleep in Colby’s room like I always did when I slept over. All I wanted to do was go home and try to sleep off this feeling but I couldn’t bring myself to ask them to drop me off at my house not wanting to make things worse between Colby and I . I also didn’t want Sam and Kat being suspicious of something being wrong .We said goodnight to the couple before walking into Colby’s room where I felt as if the walls were going to close in on me.
I stood awkwardly in the center of his room in my semi wet clothes shivering while he went into his closet. Had it been like any other night I would’ve jumped onto his bed or even gone to steal his clothes but I felt as foreign as the new atmosphere around us. “You want boxers?” He asked me walking out of the closet with some plaid boxers and one of his T shirts. He didn’t even need an answer already knowing I prefer shorts or his boxers over sweats for bed. I smiled at him taking the clothes before muttering a quick thanks and walking quickly to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
I gave myself a quick pep talk reminding myself we’ve slept in the same bed before. He was already under the covers on his usual side of the bed as I came out. My belly filled with butterflies and I gave a shy smile as he lifted the covers for me gesturing to lay down next to him. The bed seemed far smaller than I remembered as I tried to leave space between our bodies when I rested my head on one of his dark pillows. My body had finally relaxed settling into bed when I felt his warm hand wrap around my torso pulling me into the warmth of his body. I let out a sigh calling his name in frustration.
He hushed me before I could get out my frustration about the mixed signals he was sending me. “ can you just.. let me hold you tonight. Let me pretend that we could have this. That we could be something we’re not.” He whispered in my ear. “ why can’t we “ I asked in a small voice hurt that he wasn’t letting us try if he wanted the same as me. “Because I love you so much I don’t ever want you not to be in my life, if we change this, I don’t think I could ever go back to being just your friend after getting a taste of what we could be.” I turned my body to face his laying my forehead against his. “I don’t think I can pretend to only see you as a friend anymore colbs, i don’t think we can go back to just being friends after tonight.” I sniffled fed up with hiding my feelings for him. “What If we mess this up?” He asked his lips ghosting over mine causing my mind to fog up. “ what if we miss out on something real?” I responding before connecting my lips to his.
I hope you guys enjoyed !!!
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outofboundsarchives · 8 months
all my self-dignity leaves once incel!charlie is brought up pls bring him back ):
I'm so bad at writing about incel behaviors in a relationship, so here's him being a perv before you two start dating.
/Fem reader/
CW for: Stalking, Somno, manipulative behavior, pervy behavior
(Also send me your requests🖤)
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•Charlie has always been perverted. He just knew how to hide it.
•You had been friends with Robbie first, which Charlie pushed for you two to become closer because he knew it would give him the opportunity to be around you and create common ground.
•The most he had been able to get from you was when you so graciously stood next to his desk as you talked to one of your friends that sat next to him. With your back to him, the bottom of your skirt caught on the edge of his desk.
•"God that skirt is so fucking short, how has she not been dressed coded yet," He thinks to himself before slipping his pen under the hem of your skirt and lifting it until he saw the bottom of your ass where it met the top of your thighs. "Wouldn't tell her to cover up either if it meant I could look at that cute little ass, fucking pervs,"
•After Charlie squirmed his way into your friendship with Robbie, suggesting all three of you work on school projects or the occasional hang out at the mall, you felt comfortable around him and even enjoyed all of you doing stuff together.
•Which is why you didn't think twice when he suggested they used your house to work on the physics presentation.
•"If not, it's okay. Robbies Dad works from home, and my internet can barely handle one laptop, let alone three. We can always use the library, but everyone else probably has that same idea,"
•Of course you accepted. After starting the project at your place and mostly messing around for an hour, Charlie left to use the restroom. You told him which door down the hall was the right one, and he left the dining room with a small thanks and a smile.
•He wasn't actually using the restroom but sneaking into your room to snatch a pair of used panties out of your hamper.
•He slid into your room and quickly grabbed them, knowing exactly where to look.
•Just because your window faces your backyard doesn't mean no one's looking.
•After a few more hours and little work getting done, you all called it a night. When Charlie got home, he collapsed on his bed, pulling the balled up fabric from his pocket, holding it up to his face as he inhaled deeply and grabbed his aching cock with his other hand.
•He scrambled to open the front of his jeans before wrapping the used underwear around his shaft, his leaking tip soaking precum into the gusset as he jerked himself off. The thought of your pussy pressing against the same fabric he was using sent him over the edge and he drenched the panties in his cum. They were absolutely ruined, but it was fine. He could always get another pair.
•Eventually your friendship grew, and you would sometimes hang out with just him without Robbie.
•Charlie's favorite thing was to watch horror movies. His favorite was the first Stab, so when he put it on for the millionth time, you dozed off a little more than halfway through, just like you did the last few times you watched it.
•Charlie waited a bit before his fingers started to rub circles across the top of your thigh. When you had no reaction, he moved a little higher, still nothing.
•He completely disregarded the movie as he looked down at your baggy shorts. His fingers gently pushed up the thin fabric until he could see the front of your panties.
•"God it's almost stupid how easy you are. Who wears something like this when they're hanging out with a friend?" He thinks to himself.
•When your unaware body has no reaction to his advances, he presses his pointer finger against your slit, rubbing up and down until the fabric becomes dark and slick with pre cum.
•You squirm a little at the touch but don't show any signs of waking, so Charlie lets his other hand fall to his buldge and begins to slowly undo his pants.
•His cock is hot and twitching as he removes it from his underwear and starts to stroke it. He spits into his palm and jerks himself off as he feels the slippery wetness beneath the fabric of your underwear.
•Charlie always edged himself before you hung out, so the feeling of your juices against his fingers drove him crazy. He relaxed his head against the back of the couch and watched as your brows furrow in pleasure.
•He couldn't stop the thoughts of pulling your underwear to the side and ramming his cock into your poor unprepared pussy. He craved the sounds of your pained gasp as your eyes snapped open and watched as he hammers into you, your walls painfully accepting his intrusion as you grab at his flannel and hair, desperate for an anchor to reality.
•He jolts slightly before pulling his hand from between your legs and shoving his soaked fingers into his mouth, getting lost in the taste of your slick melting onto his tongue, his cum pouring down his hand and onto his pale stomach.
•After cleaning himself up in your bathroom, he sneaks into your room to grab another pair of panties, knowing he'd have to be back for the ones you have on now later.
Also, I'm thinking about doing one of Charlie leaning more into being Ghostface and becoming more violent with the reader, what's are yalls thoughts?
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luckybunny555 · 11 months
Gwen patching you up after a mission
You and Gwen had just finished a particularly difficult and demanding mission, so when you both finally arrive to your apartment, she helps you take care of your bruises and scratches. You return the favor, taking care of her too
🕷 Gwen Stacy x Spider!GN!Reader 🕷
Warnings: mention of injuries, cursing, not very angsty, more like fluff actually, reader lives alone because I wanted to?? but not necessarily 18+, in my head it makes sense. SFW ofc
A/N: reader is kinda chaotic and clumsy?? because I was writing some HCs for this type of reader when I had the idea for this scenario so... it's kinda complementing my HCs post(that I haven't posted yet). Also, I didn't specify the relationship she has with the reader, so you can choose whether or not you guys are dating or something else, but it is romantic(cute feelings and kisses yay!). Proofread and written at 3am so idk if this is good but let's gooo.
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She might’ve never admitted it out loud, but Gwen loved being paired with you for missions. That was one of the ways she found to keep an eye on you and make sure you were safe during dangerous fights. The two of you had slowly gotten closer with time– you met her through the Spider Society, of course, and despite her attempts to keep her emotional walls up and high, you managed to find a way into her heart. And when you did? Oh boy, she could not let go of you.
It was her instinct to become more and more protective of you, given everything she's gone through. Besides, that's what happens when you feel a deep connection to someone. She wants to protect you, keep you safe, make sure nothing bad ever happens to her precious spidey. And you were very aware of that. It was obvious, from the way she would find any excuse and moment to casually touch you, to how she'd stand closer to you whenever Miguel's anger over some mishap in a mission was starting to get out of hand, or when she'd keep her gaze on you from a distance whenever you were up to some trouble, always ready to rescue you when needed. You could tell how protective she was over you, and it made your heart grow warmer each time she showed you.
But even with all the protection she could offer you, keeping you completely unharmed was a very difficult task. You were a free spirited person, guided by your curiosity and passion, and there was not a single person in the entire multiverse who could get you to settle down and chill out. In other words, getting into trouble was a daily occurrence to you.
You had a tendency to dive head first into danger, and your passion for your "spider-duties" and keeping people safe encouraged you to jump into action without second thought. And of course, your approach wasn't always successful. This time wasn't very different.
Miguel had assigned you both to a particularly difficult mission. This anomaly you had to contain was unlike your usual villains, which is why you were caught by surprise and unprepared. Even though it demanded more effort than your average missions, you and Gwen were actually able to knock out this unconventional villain, but unfortunately, not before it did a number on both of you.
The nasty wound on your knee that caused you to limp was enough reason for her to not leave you unsupervised for a single moment. She refused to let go of you when heading back to the HQ, carefully helping you walk as she slung your arm over her shoulders to support you. No matter how much you protested(not much anyways, because you enjoyed how close she was to you...) and tried to convince her your bruise wasn't that serious, she simply wouldn't listen. She had to make sure herself that you were fine, and she wouldn't rest until she took proper care of your injury.
"Gwen, it's not that bad! I can still walk, I'm just slower than-"
"Shut up, you got hurt and I'm gonna take you home to make sure you're fine. Forgive me if I don't trust your words, troublemaker, but with the frequency you get yourself hurt, I have reason to worry," she tells you in a scolding tone, but you know she's not serious, seeing the hint of a smile on the corner of her lips, causing you to chuckle.
"Aw, you're worried about me?" you tease her, your gaze fixed on her as she narrows her eyes at you, playfully pretending to be fed up with your attitude. You laughed to yourself.
After a quick word with Miguel to make sure everything went okay with the mission, she insists on taking you home. Even though she had some injuries herself, she pushed them to the back of her mind, focusing on making sure your wound was properly taken care of before she worried about her own.
So, once you crawl inside through your window with her help, you allow your body to fall on your bed, letting out a loud sigh as you dramatically throw your arms up and cross them over your eyes. Gwen lets out a chuckle while watching you, your playfulness soothing her nerves since you don't seem to be too affected by your bruised knee. At this point, she knew your apartment like the back of her hand, so she hurried to get the first aid kit you kept in your bathroom cabinet.
Coming back into your bedroom, she sat with her legs crossed on your bed, placing the box beside her. She positioned your legs over each of her thighs, sitting between them so she could take proper care of your knee.
"Use the Hello Kitty[or whatever character you'd like] band-aids this time," you say, jokingly pretending to be mad at her, uncovering your eyes to look at her.
"Oh, you think those band-aids are gonna cover this wound? Cute," she teases you, laughing as she takes a few items from the first aid kit.
"It's not that bad," you dramatically let your arms fall on the bed, causing her to look at you. She knew she could get overly worried at times, but judging from your expression, you didn't seem mad at her. "I mean, usually it's a lot less worse, though. But did you see that villain? They were huge!" she chuckles, listening to your rant as she starts to clean the big scratch on your skin.
You kept rambling about the mission, as you usually do, letting Gwen do her thing. And in the back of your mind, you noticed how nice it felt. Not the wound, obviously. But how gentle she was when taking care of you. You had kind of a taste for danger, whether intentionally or not, but you were glad to have someone so patient and caring to patch you up every time you needed. And you could handle her totally non-threatening scolds, neither of you taking it seriously, knowing it wouldn't keep you from getting yourself hurt again.
You also started realizing how attentive she was. I mean, she was very focused on your bruise, carefully cleaning it to prevent any infections. But she also seemed to pay attention to your whole rant, complementing your comments with her own experiences from the mission. Most people would've tuned it out now, or wouldn't be able to focus on both things.
Your talk started to slow down, and as you fixed your gaze on her, admiring her focused expression, you noticed your breaths getting deeper and slower. You couldn't help noticing how pretty she looked. The bedroom was only dimly lit, the lamp on your bedside table illuminating your wound enough for her, but you could faintly see her freckles, and her soft smile that had appeared during your conversation, and how her hair was covering part of her face, her head tilted, eyes on your bruise...
Realizing that you had gone quiet for a moment, she looked up at you with a curious expression. Her hands stopped cleaning the scratch on your leg when she noticed the way you were looking at her. You weren't aware of it, of course, but she felt her heart skip a beat in that moment. "Why are you staring at me like that, you weirdo?" she joked, letting out a nervous chuckle. You hesitate for a moment.
Propping yourself up on your hands, you shift closer as you keep your gaze on hers. Her breath hitches with your sudden movement, surprised and curious about your intentions. "Because you look really pretty," you confess, trying to ignore how fast your heart is beating. Her eyes slightly widen at your words, and you can see a bit of her tooth gap as her lips slightly part when she lets out a subtle gasp. You brush a strand of hair away from her face, allowing you to have a better look at her, and it sends a shiver down her spine. "Thank you for putting up with me, and always taking care of me when I get hurt. Which is often," you let out a low chuckle, admiring her eyes as you straighten your seated position, your faces only a few inches apart.
Gwen's mind went blank for a moment, thoughts clouded as time seemed to melt while she was seated in front of you, closer than she would've dared, but not close enough for her liking. Your words make her scoff, slightly smiling as she shakes her head, "Yeah, more often than I'd like." She drops the cloth she was using to clean your scratch, allowing her hands to rest on your thighs. "It would be great if you could be more careful, but we both know that's not gonna happen," she quietly laughs, her gaze traveling across your face, observing all your features, that she adores so much.
You giggle, shaking your head from side to side, "No..." a playful grin appears on your face, knowing this scene would keep repeating itself, in different ways and settings, but reveling in the idea that she'd still be there for you. "Good thing I always have my princess charming to catch me right in time, right?" you say, tilting your head slightly to the side, wrapping your arms around her shoulders as you bring her closer. The grin that appears on her face matches yours, and she can't help but chuckle at your choice of words.
"Yeah, you always do," taking one last look at your eyes, she says before closing the distance between you two. Her hands move towards your waist, bringing you even closer as she kisses you. Even with your lips connected, you can feel the both of you smiling.
When you two pull back, breaking the kiss, you notice the softness and admiration in her gaze. You can only assume your eyes express the same for her. Breaking the silence, she turns her gaze to your bruise once again. "Alright, stop distracting me now, your knee still needs bandage," she tells you, and you let out a loud sigh as you let you body drop on the bed once more, but unable to hold back your giggles as you continue to gaze at her.
She quickly finishes patching you up, placing a large band-aid on your knee before reaching out to grab one of the colorful pens you keep on your bedside table. She draws [whatever character you like] over it, remembering how you wanted her to use your cuter, but unfortunately smaller, band-aids. "Done, are you happy now?" she asks, teasing you.
Sitting up again, you notice her drawing on your bandage, which makes your eyes light up. To her, the look on your face was the equivalent to cartoon characters having stars in their big, wide eyes, and seeing you like that made her giggle. You quickly embrace her in a tight hug, only pulling back to pepper kisses on her face, causing you both to laugh.
"Thank you, it looks super cute," you say with a sweet smile on your face. Despite the darker setting, you could almost see a slight shade of pink on her cheeks. "Did you get any bad bruises too?" you ask, concerned about her state as well, even though she hadn't complained about any injuries.
She shakes her head, a small smile still on her face as her expression softens at your gentleness and concern. "Nothing a shower can't take care of," she replies, reassuring you. You nod, slowly pulling away your arms from her shoulders.
The two of you had gotten used to this. You enjoyed having company in your apartment, so you'd always invite her over, sometimes for a sleepover, and sometimes it would last a few days... You got used to her borrowing your clothes, eating your food, sleeping on your bed(because you refused to let her sleep on the couch, even though she said it would be fine). It was nice to constantly have her as a house guest.
So you get up, carefully as to not hurt your knee again, and make your way towards your closet, finding clean, comfortable clothes for her to borrow. Handing them to her, she gets up from your bed and plants a kiss on your forehead as a thank you, heading to your bathroom to take a shower.
While you wait for her, you notice the sounds coming from your stomach, and you assume she might be hungry as well. Since you have time, but not a lot of energy since you got back from a mission, you decide to make a quick and easy meal just for the two of you.
Right after her, you take a quick shower, feeling more comfortable and warm. You bring the two bowls with food to your bedroom, sitting down in bed with Gwen, your backs against the headboard as you turn on the TV to watch something while you eat.
Despite the intensity of the day, it feels relaxing to simply enjoy a simple meal in bed, right beside her as you laugh at the TV screen. For these few moments, there's no Spider duty, no problems that need to be solved. She could finally relax, knowing the both of you were safe and okay.
After a while, both plates finished and now in an almost laid down position, the tiredness from the day started setting in. A few yawns were let out by both of you as your eyes wanted to drift closed, but neither of you wanted to give in, enjoying each other's company too much to let your exhaustion get in the way.
Unable to resist any longer, and partially because you wanted to feel Gwen closer to you, you finally decide to turn off the lights. Laying down and finding a comfortable position, you wrap your arms around her, bringing her down to lay next to you. You gently hold her face, laying her head on your chest as your arms wrap tightly yet comfortably around her.
Gwen was a bit surprised by your actions. Of course you had already slept in the same bed before, but being this close to you? That's a new one. It took her a moment to really adjust to it.
She started noticing how softly you were holding her, even though your grip was tight enough to keep her close. It made her feel comforted and wanted. And when you started playing with her hair, oh, she melted under your touch.
Almost instinctively, she buried her head deeper into your chest, her arms wrapping tightly around your waist. You could tell what it meant for her to be held like that, so you placed a soft kiss on the top of her head, glad to offer her comfort in return for how caring and gentle she was with you.
Truly, it meant a lot for you too. You might be reckless, like, 90% of the time, but being able to witness this, to notice how all of her muscles relax while you're lovingly holding her, how her breath starts to slow down and get steadier with each second, it was like being bathed in sunlight. As you felt both of you drifting asleep, all you wished for was that this moment would last for as long as it could.
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neptuneiris · 9 months
brooklyn baby (04/?)
i'm feeling all my fucking feelings
pairing: rockstar!aemond × fem!reader
summary: a new night out with your cousins and friends that makes you get to know aemond better and he gets to know you too, being the beginning of everything.
word count: 8.8k
previous part • series masterlist
hello beautiful people! here again another chapter that I have loved writing, I hope you like it a lot :) don't worry, the next chapter the concerts start, drama and the smut maybe?? i won't say more haha!
i look forward to your comments and opinions anxiously, I love reading and responding to them, thanks for reading loves. enjoy!
warnings: alcohol, smoking, kissing, language.
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After you finish playing spin the bottle and…. after you and Aemond shared another kiss that completely stole your breath in that bathroom and was even better than the last time you kissed, once the seven minutes are up and you both leave, most announce that it's been enough for the night.
You thank William for lending his room so you can play and everyone starts to leave. Baela gestures to you with her head, indicating it's time to go home, and you follow her.
However, before you leave the room, he stops you by grabbing your arm, knowing perfectly well that he was behind you.
Curious and attentive, you turn to him, both of you remaining alone in the room. And you see how he is still affected by what happened a few moments ago in the bathroom, just like you, just wanting more, watching you with complete attention and not letting you go… yet.
"I meant what I said before, Y/N," he tells you softly, slowly closing the distance between you both again, "I just want to make sure I've been clear and if you'll let me… prove it to you. Although I'll understand if you tell me no," he tells you instantly, "What happened before doesn't mean you've already made up your mind, I understand that too."
You let out a long breath, watching him intently, as he too watches you in the same way, also soft and willing. Then you bite your lips and lower your gaze for a moment, considering his words from before.
You understand that he thought he probably wouldn't see you again, besides, you weren't really upset because he did that, but because you thought that's what he was looking for from you from the beginning, that more than anything else is what made you feel disappointed.
Other than that, you and he are single, neither of you owe anyone anything and both of you can do whatever you want.
But now that things are clear and he's explained to you that he wasn't looking for that from the beginning from you nor will you be another girl for just one night, maybe the idea of starting to hang out with him now that the band is taking a break…doesn't sound bad.
"I guess," you start to say, raising your gaze to him, "I'm willing to try to see what will come of all this too and where it will lead."
Then a soft smile appears on his lips, barely visible but being there, looking so cute despite his dark style. His whole face softens it, looking somehow relieved, while you too smile in the same way he does, infecting you and unable to help it.
"Are you sure?"
You frown slightly, still smiling.
"Am I sure? What do you mean by that?"
"Hmm," he says, averting his gaze for a moment, actually sounding like a small chuckle, to focus back on you, "I just want to make sure that you really want to do this because you want to, not because you feel pressured by me or anything."
"What? No," you say in an instant, absurd, "No, I've never felt pressured by you or anything like that, really," you assure him, "No, I-I… I really want to do it."
He doesn't say anything else, just nods slowly in your direction, watching your whole face intently, his gaze falling briefly to your lips, resisting the urge at this instant to grab you by the cheeks and kiss you hard, needy, not letting you go, like a few moments ago in the bathroom.
And this immediately makes you feel nervous, him watching your face in such detail, as if he wants to etch every texture in his mind, even with his eye glinting slightly in desire, making you feel so… wanted.
And God, the thoughts you've had of this man alone in your room since you met him in Brooklyn, they don't compare.
he says almost in a whisper, only to watch as he takes his phone from his jacket pocket, unlocks it and hands it to you, "Can I have your number?"
You avoid smiling big, taking it.
Adding you in his contacts takes you no time, though you know Baela must be waiting for you, but you don't care, not when you're here with him and this feels right.
he asks you softly, as you hand him back his phone and he puts it back in his pocket.
"Oh no, Baela will drive," you tell him instantly, slightly apologetic, "But thanks for offering."
"Well… another time it will be," he says as his grin appears now, looking so sexy.
"Yes," you observe her beautiful sapphire eye, as well as her whole face, "Another time."
After that, you have no choice but to finally leave the room, where downstairs you meet your cousins and the boys, so you all as a group leave the house, saying goodbye to William, Cregan, Alysanne and Jason.
You say goodbye to Aegon, Luke, Jace, Daeron and finally Aemond, so soon enough you find yourself in the car with Baela and Rhaena, driving through the city.
Baela parks outside Rhaena's residence, who says thank you and wishes you goodnight and then heads to her building, while Baela and you make sure Rhaena gets through the doors and then finally head home.
"Don't think you'll get rid of me," Baela says to you in amusement, turning the music down a bit.
"And now why?" you look at her tiredly.
"Why?" she repeats incredulously, "What happened to the whole I don't want to be another girl in the crowd and I'd better take my distance?" she repeats teasingly, "Huh? Remember that?"
"Ugh, leave me alone," you look away from her, actually resisting a small smile escaping you.
"Oh no, you'll tell me everything," she assures you, "So… what happened with the sexy guitarist?"
And you really have no choice but to tell her all about it.
After that, your Sunday passes fast, watching movies with Baela in her apartment and enjoying your last quiet, stress-free day, knowing that tomorrow your head, back and neck pains will start.
And just as you expected, the week starts and you face new days of stress.
You do your class work and study at the same time, being a complete mess but unfortunately… being effective. Next week you are facing exams and now you feel like you are on a roller coaster.
Your whole desk in your room is completely disorganized, full of papers, folders, notebooks and your laptop in the middle of it all, while you do projects, research and so on, writing down in your calendar the days that will be the exams of each class.
You are good in your classes, if not the best, always willing, competitive, the one who answers questions and also the one who asks them, all the time with your coffee in hand and paying attention to your professors.
Your grades are excellent and you never leave anything to the last, always pushing yourself even though sometimes you don't sleep, feel stressed or anxious.
However, you know that breaks are important and of course you give yourself them in order to be able to continue and function properly, doing so on weekends. But whenever exams are approaching, like now, the need to continue studying is great.
When the weekend arrives, you finish your last class of the day and head home finally, only to continue in your room studying some subjects, but at that moment the distraction appears.
You hear the sound of a new message from your phone and when you look at the screen, you forget for a moment everything you are doing.
Unknown Number: hi, this is aemond
Unknown Number: my cousins and aegon will go tomorrow to the shades of green pub
Unknown Number: jace said your cousins will come, what do you say?
This immediately catches your attention, watching the messages silently and completely still, without saying or doing anything.
Honestly, since you gave him your number, as soon as Monday started, Aemond was no longer in your thoughts. Or well… yes he was but to a minor extent, since you were busy with college, more than usual and also because of the exams.
You never expected a message from him and that relieves you a lot now that you realize it, as you would have been more anxious than usual, when it's clear that he and you have things to do.
And now that he finally has, inviting you to the pub, a wave of excitement washes over you but… you don't know.
Part of you tells you that you have to study and study hard, but another part of you says: you know what? Stop being so hard on yourself and go out and have fun, it's the weekend, clear your head, go see the sexy guitarist.
But you still don't know.
You let out a long breath and decide to text Baela, asking her if she's going out tomorrow with Jace, just to confirm what Aemond has told you and she replies almost immediately that she is.
Fuck it.
You wait a few minutes, resuming your studies briefly, distracting yourself and after you see the time, a considerable amount of time has passed and you answer Aemond, since you were not going to answer him so soon and you tell him that yes, you will see him tomorrow, but not before adding him to your contacts.
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You don't know what's wrong with the color black lately, but that's the color you've been wearing every time you leave your house in your clothes.
Or is it because since you met a certain sexy guitarist who always wears that color in his clothes, you have started to wear that color too?
Your funny mind tells you, when you wanted to convince yourself otherwise, telling you that it has nothing to do with it. However, it's true, since you met Aemond, you've been wearing black a lot.
But you don't care, you know you look amazing and very sexy, like now when you choose a black denim skirt that fits perfectly to your waist making your hips stand out, together with a beautiful top also black long sleeve with its edges in the form of waves that exposes your abdomen.
This time you choose white tennis shoes, wanting to be comfortable on your feet, then you leave your hair completely loose and do your usual makeup, this time choosing a brown matte nude lipstick.
Baela sends you a message telling you she is ready and you reply that you are too, so soon you are both out of the building and then you are in the car. You pick Rhaena up at her residence and finally drive to the pub.
Strangely you don't feel any kind of nerves during the whole drive nor now that the three of you are entering the pub, quickly identifying the guys in a corner at a huge table.
And instantly you see him.
The three of you make your way over to them, you greeting Jace and Luke first, instantly feeling his piercing, burning gaze on you, which already makes you feel the nerves, but you don't let them get the better of you.
So you turn to him, with a shy little smile, as you see how he's already smoking, watching you, looking so sexy and so handsome in his black clothes and platinum hair just as majestic as ever. And the moment you approach him, he stands up and you both greet each other with a kiss on the cheek.
He then allows you the way to sit down, as the couch is a curved one, so if one is sitting in the middle and wants to get up to go to the bathroom or something, everyone has to get up on one side so he can get out.
You finally greet Aegon, who is sitting in the center, for Aemond to come back and sit next to you, you now being seated between him and Aegon.
"Since all the men are with their respective girls," Aegon says, catching everyone's attention, "I invited mine too, so she'll be here any minute. She's not my girlfriend but we're just hanging out."
Your cousins along with Jace and Luke ask him questions, but you don't listen as his comment about "all the men are with their respective girls" takes you a bit by surprise.
You watch Aemond out of the corner of your eye next to you, but he looks totally unconcerned, smoking the rest of his cigarette, his right profile being a sight to really admire.
Your left thigh very lightly touches his right thigh, suddenly feeling the need to move closer towards him, though his right arm is casually resting behind you on your part of the couch back, not touching your shoulders but the whole posture of him being really sexy and making you feel like you're close to him.
And god his cologne… it drives you absolutely crazy, ever since you greeted him.
"Where is Daeron?" you ask in general, getting curious.
"Yes, why isn't he here?" asks Rhaena confused as well.
"He doesn't like pubs, he prefers parties," replies Aegon.
"But how old is he?" asks Baela now, "Like sixteen?"
All the men laugh, except Aemond, but he is still attentive to the conversation.
"Actually he's eighteen, just like me," Luke tells her.
"You're eighteen!?" asks Baela, surprised.
"Yes," he replies in confusion, "You can't tell or what?"
Everyone at the table becomes incredibly serious, no one saying anything at all.
"You don't look bro," Jace tells him, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder, with a face of understanding.
"Whatever," Luke says grumpily, "Daeron and I are graduating in October, owing a lot of credits but we will."
"Oh really? And what do you plan to study in college?" still asks Baela, now interested.
"Humm…" he suddenly gets nervous, "We don't know yet, you know, because of the band."
You frown slightly, interested at that, as does Baela, even Rhaena, but before Baela can ask again, Aegon suddenly speaks up.
"Oh, there's my girl," he says as he looks at the entrance to the pub and then turns to you and Aemond, "I don't want to bother but I have to go out and if it bothers you, too bad but I don't care."
Obviously you and he have no choice left so you both get up and clear a path for him, instantly Aegon turns to his girl and you take your seat again, with Aemond immediately following.
Aegon introduces you all to his friend or… his girl, who says hello looking a bit shy, and then they take a seat where you and Aemond were sitting before. Then Aegon himself is the one who puts the order and everyone starts ordering drinks.
And that's when the night begins.
Ice buckets with bottles of beer, mojitos, caipirinha, even margaritas and negroni, but more beer bottles is what is placed on top of the huge table in front of everyone.
You're already on your third beer, not wanting to drink any more, while Aegon, Jace and Luke are making everyone laugh, having a good time, while Aemond next to you… is completely calm and relaxed, still laughing softly with a few comments from Aegon.
He hasn't had much to drink, you notice, you guess because he has to drive, while you and he continue without talking much, only a while ago he asked you what you wanted to drink, but it's not strange or weird, in fact the mood with everyone and with him is very comfortable, calm and pleases you.
Until you are the one who decides to start a topic of conversation with him, turning your whole body sideways towards him, touching your knee with his.
"So what do you say?" you smile softly at him, with your beer bottle in hand, "Have you already started rehearsals?"
He watches you the instant he hears your voice and also positions his whole body sideways towards you, getting comfortable.
"Yes, since Tuesday."
"And how did it go?" you take a sip of your beer.
He makes a gesture on his face.
"So far so good. It's only a matter of time before Aegon wants to start improvising and trying new things, being a pain in the ass."
You let out a laugh.
"Is it that bad?"
"You have no idea."
He shakes his head softly and you continue to watch him amused, only to have him look you straight in the eye, just that way, the usual way that makes you feel things you can't really explain, watching your face in detail.
And of course it makes you nervous, but you try to dissimulate as you take another sip of your beer.
"And you?" he asks softly, watching you attentively, "How is the college?"
"It's also a pain in the ass," you instantly say as he does, making him laugh softly, "No but I'm serious," you insist, "This semester has been a nightmare, I haven't had a single week where I don't go through stress and this one has been insufferable. Next week is exams, I've been studying longer hours than usual and it's…" you let out a sigh, "Horrible."
You observe an unimportant point, thinking for a second about it, exams and college, to again focus on Aemond, who watches you with a small grin, attentive.
And you get embarrassed.
"Sorry," you say to him instantly, "Surely you don't want to hear my uni complaints, it's just me and my boring….
"Of course I want to hear it," he says, interrupting you, watching you with his soft gaze, "You look so cute."
Oh no.
Here we go again.
You lower your gaze, smiling apologetically and nervously, blushing slightly, having no idea what to say or what to do, him actually making you very nervous.
"But don't worry," he says, turning your attention back to him, " I don't really know anything about your degree or how you study, but I'm sure you'll do fine."
You smile softly in his direction, unable to help it, that strangely relieving, but in a nice way, realizing you needed to hear that, since you don't normally share your worries with anyone.
"Thank you," you tell him honestly, "And you'll do well in your rehearsals too," you add, "I wish I could play guitar like you, by the way how do you do it?"
You look at him completely interested and he smiles softly again.
"I've been playing since I was eleven."
"Really?" you look at him surprised and he nods, "And it was very hard?"
"At first," he nods to you, " Actually it depends for each person, but it was my uncle who taught me and he was very patient with me. He also played in a band at the time and he taught me everything I know."
You nod, listening to him and watching him intently.
"So it's not hard?"
He shrugs his shoulders.
"You'd have to find out. I can teach you if you want."
He says to you suddenly, watching you intently and with some intensity, also willingly, definitely surprising you, not expecting that, but you widen your smile a little more and lean a little towards him, interested.
"Oh really?" you tilt your head to the side, "And you'll be patient with me?"
"I'm a very patient person," he assures you, with his grin.
"Oh yeah? Because I'm taking it seriously," you warn him, amused.
"So am I."
You both look at each other without saying anything else, as at that moment the boys catch your attention and you both turn your focus back to them, listening to more stories of Aegon, Jace and Luke.
You laugh and take another beer, while Aemond next to you lights another cigarette, making sure the smoke doesn't go towards you, while also listening to Aegon's stories and drinking little in comparison to the others.
He feels comfortable and cool with everyone here, he likes the vibe, but he wants to talk more with you, to get to know you better and that no one interrupts the conversation, that's why after you stop talking and laughing with your cousins and the boys and he sees you a bit calmer, he decides to make his move.
Meanwhile you, you feel a shiver run through your whole body as Aemond leans completely towards you to talk in your ear, turning all your attention on him.
"Want to go get a drink?" he points to the bar, watching you intently.
And you, even though you're having a good time here with everyone, are more excited to talk and get to know Aemond more since his talk earlier was kinda interesting, so you nod with a soft smile in his direction.
You both get up and ask Aegon and his girl to please let you out, instantly causing everyone to make fun of you two, all shouting where you are going and what you are going to do, laughing.
You smile nervously, lowering your gaze, following Aemond and saying nothing, while he doesn't care and continues on his way.
You both take seats on stools and almost immediately the bar tender tends to you, so you order a gin and tonic and Aemond orders a martini.
"So rehearsals will soon turn into a nightmare," you tell him, picking up the conversation from earlier.
"Yeah," he lets out a long breath, "Not like uni, of course," he tells you with a soft smile.
You smile.
"But it's still not too bad," you assure him, "Well, I think so. It also depends on the degree, but business management can be tough."
"And did you choose to study that for yourself or for your parents?" he asks you interested.
"For myself. Although my mother did want me to study medicine because she is a surgeon, but I didn't want to. The career did appeal to me but it's very heavy and tiring," you tell him, "My father told me to choose what I wanted and he and my mother supported me in the end."
"Hmm," he nods, in understanding, "Your father is also a surgeon?"
"No, he's a biological chemist," you explain, "His brother, Baela and Rhaena's father works with him."
He nods again, understanding and looking slightly thoughtful, when in fact he is processing the information, which is what he normally does when he starts to get to know a new person and you seem like a very interesting girl to him.
At that moment the bar tender returns with your drinks and you both thank him, so you give your full attention back to Aemond, taking a sip of your gin and tonic.
"And what about you? Did you go to college?" you ask him interested.
He's about to answer you but you jump in to say something else, surprised.
"Wait, I don't even know how old you are," he laughs softly, "Oh my god-how old are you?" you ask him instantly, causing Aemond to look at you amused.
"Oh," you nod, now feeling relieved to know.
"Why? How many did you think I had?" he continues to look at you amused.
"Exactly that or about my age, twenty," you shrug, "But anyway, you never went to college?" you take up the question and he gently denies.
"As soon as I graduated from high school, I decided to work with my uncle at his company. I still had no idea what to study and wanted first to know what I would face if I chose the same as you, business management."
"Oh really?" you look at him more interested than before, listening to him carefully.
He nods.
"But I quit when Aegon started planning the whole band thing."
You continue to watch him intently, curious, as he takes a sip of his martini and doesn't say anything more to you, in fact it seems he won't say anything more to you, as he keeps his lowered gaze fixed on the floor.
And you, you don't know if you should, you suppose that's a sign that he doesn't want to talk to you about it anymore, but the alcohol from before and the gin and tonic now make you ask, feeling more capable.
"And you didn't think about studying anymore?" you ask him softly, interested to know more.
He lets out a snort along with a small smile, watching you back attentively, gently shaking his head.
"I'm sure you won't want to hear it, it's… complicated," he says then purses his lips, averting his gaze once more from you.
You frown slightly at him.
"I do want to hear it and do we have time or not?"
He watches you back, not saying anything to you again, as you continue your willing and attentive gaze on him, to which he seems to consider it for a few moments. When suddenly, you slowly begin to feel embarrassed.
What if it's too personal, and I'm still insisting on it?
You ask yourself, terrified.
"I'm sorry," you tell him instantly, "If it's something personal I understand, it's not like I'm a gossip, I was just saying that to get to know you better, but if I'm crossing the line with topics you don't want to talk about, I….
"No, no," he interrupts you immediately, "It's not that, relax," he says softly and you continue to watch him attentively, "It's just that I don't want to bore you."
And he tells you just like that, so unsure and as if he doesn't want to ruin the moment, while you soften your whole look now in understanding, then smile softly in his direction and shake your head.
"You won't."
"Are you sure?"
"Very," you assure him.
You tell him with willing, attentive, but he continues a bit hesitantly and you give him a moment until he clears his thoughts, as he seems to be thinking too fast. Then he finally convinces himself to talk to you about that matter in his life.
"My father also owns a company just like my uncle," he starts to tell you and you give him your full attention, "In fact his company and my uncle's company work together. But from the beginning I didn't want to work with my father because he wanted, in fact he still wants, me to study business management, but… the pressure is too much."
You watch him intently and curiously.
"You don't want to work with your own family except your uncle?"
"I don't want to work with my father," he clarifies softly, "I never had a very good relationship with him, neither did Aegon," he lets you know, "At first it was Aegon because he was the eldest who was considered the next head of the company and the one who would be in charge of continuing the inheritance, but he was never interested, he always wanted to make music," he purses his lips, "And then everyone noticed me but… I didn't feel nor do I feel now ready for such a responsibility."
You make an affirmative gesture, continuing to watch and listen to him intently.
You honestly didn't think his family would go into what you are putting so much effort into doing in the future. But now that you know… it makes sense to you that they are important people and have this kind of empire.
"So you don't really want to do it?" you ask him softly.
He grimaces slightly as he shakes his head.
"I don't know yet," he takes a sip of his martini, "My relationship with him has always been very complicated," he tells you, "In fact it's all very complicated to explain."
"Don't worry," you assure him softly, "If you want to talk about it that's fine, I'm sure I can handle it."
Yet he again looks at you not entirely convinced.
"Are you sure?"
You smile softly at him, nodding.
"Well," he clears his throat, "Before my mother, my father had his first wife with whom he had a daughter, my half-sister Rhaenyra."
He begins to explain and you raise your eyebrows slightly in surprise as it didn't cross your mind that he had a sister.
"I really don't know much but his wife died in childbirth where neither she nor the baby was saved, Rhaenyra was about fourteen. Then my father married my mother but it was all for a political arrangement… and since Aegon was born, he never paid any attention to me or my other siblings for giving all his attention and preference to Rhaenyra."
You nod slightly, understanding and processing the information, fully attentive.
"Not even to Helaena, my sister," he observes you for a second, "She's in London, studying biology, she's two years older than me and we don't really see much of her since she left for college, but she's our number one fan."
He says with a small, rather nostalgic smile and you can't help but smile a little too, Helaena sounding like a very good sister.
"My father still missed his first wife, you could tell, he never got over her. He never really loved my mother and neither did she love him but… at least he could have pretended to care about us when we were children," he says softly but with bitterness, "At least Rhaenyra tried, you know? She never looked down on us and treated us like what we are, brother and sister, also with Helaena."
You bite your lips, settling better in your seat, controlling the emotions on your face, as you don't want him to see you watching him with some pity.
Honestly you can't imagine not having your father's love and support that knowing he never had it… you see how he really needed it.
"How I lost my eye is not something I go around telling people, only my family knows and it's something from my private life that I want it to stay that way," he says softly and you nod, understanding, "But it happened when I was ten years old, it was an accident."
Again you try to keep your face neutral, not wanting to show your shock and disbelief, much less pity because you really don't know anything about it. Although… you sense that her father probably didn't care.
"Everyone was there except my father," he says and lets out a long breath, "Going to therapy was very difficult, learning and adapting was very difficult and it made me hate hospitals. That's why my uncle offered to teach me how to play the guitar, to have a new hobby that I would enjoy and not be stuck with what happened to me," he explains to you, "So how am I supposed to do my father the favor of continuing his company when he never really cared about me?"
You grimace slightly, now understanding his position and indecision.
"There was a time where I decided not to hold a grudge against him anymore, you know? For my peace of mind," he tells you thoughtfully, "I really wanted to study business management and work with him. I was willing and I told him that he could teach me everything he knows, but he told me it wasn't necessary."
You begin to feel anger wash over you, unable to help yourself, also beginning to feel anger for his father and you don't even know him.
"He said no because he began to see potential in Rhaenyra, until she told him no," he observes you, "She married young also to a very important businessman and decided to support him to run their company together. Until her husband died of an illness and she inherited the company. Then she remarried and had Jace, Luke and another younger son, Joffrey."
You frown slightly, as he watches you with a slightly amused smile, while you finish processing the information completely.
"Wait, she had Jace and Luke?" you repeat confused, "Your sister?"
"Your sister," you point at him, still confused, "And there's another one? Joffrey?"
"Yes," he nods to you, still amused, "Actually they are my nephews, not my cousins."
You look at him now surprised.
"Then why do you say they ….
"Criston decided," he interrupts you, understanding your confusion, "When we formed the band he said it was best to make it public that the two of them are our cousins since Luke and Daeron are the same age and Jace and I are a year apart. Besides we've always treated each other more like cousins, not uncles and nephews," he clarifies to you.
"Oh," you say, still surprised, "Wow."
He lets out a small laugh.
"I told you it's complicated."
"It's not complicated," you tell him tactfully, "It's just… a lot of context," you smile softly at him to watch him again attentively and curiously, "And what happened after your sister told him no?"
"Well," he resumes the matter, "I got very angry with him since he told me no because he didn't even give me the chance and since then I decided I could study management and work somewhere else, just to annoy him, you know?" you nod, understanding, "Then my uncle also told him no since he decided to start a company of his own to inherit it to his sons….
"The one who taught you to play guitar?" you ask him quickly, just to clarify.
"Yes," he nods to you, "Then Aegon refused to go to college, Helaena wanted nothing to do with it and that's only when he became aware of my existence and as a lifeboat so his company wouldn't sink or fall into the hands of people outside the family."
You slowly deny in his direction, not really understanding his father.
"When I graduated and started working with my uncle was when he started pressuring me to apply to college, telling me that so later I could work with him and run his company in the future, but I always said no, mostly out of pride," he tells you honestly, "Until my mother also started talking to me about it, then my grandfather and finally my uncle, but my uncle was never insistent, he would just tell me that inheriting a company of such magnitude was a great opportunity, but that he understood my position because of my relationship with him and told me that I would always have a place in his company. "
"And then Aegon came up with this band idea," you assume and he nods.
"I didn't take it seriously at first, I thought he was joking, until I saw that he had already taken over by recording a song and then shooting a music video. Until he convinced Daeron to join, then Luke, Jace and finally me."
You look at him curiously
"You didn't want to join?"
He denies.
"Not at first because I was working with my uncle. But when my father started pushing me, I saw the idea of Aegon as a distraction or an excuse rather," he explains to you, "I would try to prolong the college and the company thing until I made a decision while I lived as a musician and afforded myself a life without asking anyone for anything."
You nod slowly, surprised, as you don't know what you would have done if you were in his place, you wouldn't even have had the courage to decide for yourself and what you wanted to please others to begin with.
A weakness you are still working on, in fact.
But Aemond… you can tell he's more independent and in fact you can tell he learned to be independent from a very young age when he didn't have to be, clearly because of all this he lived through.
"And what did your father say to you when you decided to do this?"
"He went crazy," he tells you honestly, "We had a big fight as he didn't want me to stop working with my uncle to join a band, it seemed stupid and pointless to him. But obviously I didn't care," he lets out a long breath, "And to this day I haven't made up my mind."
And after that, you both sink into a comfortable silence, him not saying anything more and you neither, only hearing in the background the laughter of the guys, some more people in the pub and the rock music of the place.
His father seems like a bad man and a bad father to you, at least with him and his other siblings since he didn't pay attention to his other children either, but you can't tell him that.
However, you are relieved that within all his bad relationship with him, he had the support and love of his mother, that of his brothers, his uncle and even his half-sister, who was more understanding than his own father.
And as for what he wants to do… the decision is entirely his.
He has already told you that he doesn't know what to do yet and that's totally fine, it's okay to take all the time necessary, no pressure and no second opinions as the decision is his and his alone.
"So this is my life," he tells you, breaking the silence, with a soft look, "This whole company thing is a fucking mess, I still don't know what to do and my dad is a totally dick."
You smile, taking a sip of your gin and tonic.
"At least you said so."
"Yeah," he lets out a sigh, with a small smile, "But what about you?" now he's watching you interested and attentive, "We've already talked a lot about me."
You laugh, watching him also interested.
"And what do you want to know about me?"
"I don't know," he shrugs, "Your family is just as complicated as mine?"
"There are some differences but nothing like yours, believe me," you assure her, "Besides we're not a big family. My mom's family lives in Texas, so we spend more time with my dad's family."
"You're an only child?" he asks you curious.
"Yeah, but with Baela and Rhaena it doesn't seem like it," you smile, "I was supposed to have a younger brother, but my mom had a miscarriage when I was like sixteen or seventeen."
"Oh," you say slightly surprised, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to….
"No, no, it's okay, you didn't know," you assure him instantly, "After that, my parents were afraid to try again and decided not to have any more children."
" They both live here in New York?"
"No, in Boston," you clarify, "That's where I was born and raised, I actually liked Boston, but when I started applying to college, I wanted to try applying here just for a change and luckily I was accepted."
The talk about you with Aemond goes on for a while longer, where he knows your favorite food, your favorite color, your favorite TV shows and movies, you even tell him about how the business management program at NYU works.
He also tells you about his favorite color, what he likes, what he doesn't like and you also talk about music, although of course you don't know any more than he does, you just let him know about your love for Queen, Lana del Rey, Billy Joel and Harry Styles.
Until later they decide to go back to the table with the guys where the rounds of drinks continue.
Aegon and his girl are now closer, kissing from time to time, Jace and Baela too but their kisses are more discreet while Luke and Rhaena are quieter, relaxed and drinking.
Aemond and you resume your drinks, you deciding that this is the last one you will have as you start to feel a little dizzy, while you watch as Aemond continues to be calm and unaffected by the alcohol at all, guessing he must have a lot of endurance.
Then the alcohol starts to take its effect on you, but not in a bad way, you are still more than conscious but you feel more confident and more daring.
You are the one who dares to have more physical contact with Aemond, leaning completely sideways to him, your body pressed against his and raising one of your hands to take his hand as his arm is above your shoulders on the back of the sofa.
This catches Aemond off guard, definitely not expecting it but not disliking it at all either, quite the opposite, so he enjoys your closeness and contact.
Aegon and Jace again start telling their stories and making the whole group laugh, while you laugh and take your bottle of beer with your free hand, feeling so good to be this way with Aemond, having a very good time.
Sometimes when you let go of his hand, he still keeps his arm around your shoulders and you feel his thumb gently caress your shoulder, sending shivers all over your body. He also does this when he holds your hand and does the same movement on your thumb.
Suddenly Jace starts talking about something to Aemond along with Luke, who stops paying attention to you for a moment to pay attention to them, while you don't know what they are talking about and you don't really care, as you continue to focus on him.
You watch his face closely close to yours, as he has leaned in to better hear Jace and Luke, having it right in front of him and admiring his right profile again.
You think, admiring the shape of his jaw, his nose, cheeks and lips, thinking about how incredibly handsome he is, in fact his brothers and nephews are too, though to you he is the most handsome and you don't doubt that his sister and half-sister are also very beautiful.
You think to yourself that then his mother and father must also be good looking people, as those genes, also the hair, are incredible.
Out of everything you are admiring about him, then you focus completely on his lips, unable to help yourself. He's talking but you don't know what exactly, just concentrating on the movement of them.
And you know; you want to kiss him.
Of course, if he kisses you, you wouldn't complain either. But you want to feel his lips, badly and now. You want to remember the sensation, the way they feel, the way they move and the way they make you feel things all over your body, making you forget about the world for a moment.
However, at that moment you can only watch and nothing else, as Aemond leans his back against the back of the couch again and continues to talk to his nephews, while you too drop your back between his arm and chest, never taking your eyes off him or his lips.
When then Aemond turns his gaze to you laughing softly, for which you react a second late as he notices how you were watching his lips and you watch him in the eye, smiling softly in his direction.
His smile doesn't disappear, rather he places a grin and leans more slowly towards you, now him seeing between your eyes and your lips on purpose.
"What are you thinking about?"
He asks you in a low, absolutely sexy murmur to you, watching you again with that intensity and desire as he watches your lips, pleased that you are like this with him, both of you so close.
And you shake your head softly, avoiding smiling big.
"Nothing?" he repeats without his grin disappearing, "It doesn't look like nothing to me."
"And what do you think I'm thinking?" you observe him amused.
"Hmm," he says thoughtfully, "I don't know. Maybe some things I'm thinking too."
You lean a little closer to him.
"And what are you thinking?" you ask him in a low murmur.
He gently shakes his head, as he places his hand gently on your cheek, stroking your skin with his thumb and watching you in detail, then tucking a strand of hair behind your ear delicately.
You keep smiling softly throughout, his gestures feeling cute and making you blush slightly, especially as he continues to watch you intently and with that slight glow in his blue eye.
You lean a little closer to him, wanting more… needing more.
"I'm thinking…" he says, caressing your cheek, "About how absolutely beautiful you are," he confesses to you in a soft, low murmur, "And about how much I want to kiss you," he adds, watching your lips.
You watch his too, both of you talking at that moment almost in whispers, as if sharing secrets you don't want anyone else to hear, both of you immersed in your own bubble and forgetting at that moment about everyone.
"And why don't you?" you murmur back.
He gently denies again, tracing your cheek with his thumb.
"Let's just say… it's not a proper kiss in public."
You let out a small laugh, watching him with your small smile and with a certain adoration or rather desire in your eyes, observing his whole face again, looking like an old Greek God.
You had certainly never met a boy like Aemond before. You had never met a boy who would play in a band, let alone have the similarity of his appearance, at all.
Nor had you ever met a guy so direct and so clear with what he wants, all the guys you've dated before even if it was casual were immature, incomprehensible and didn't know what they wanted, all the time acting like children.
And now with Aemond… even though you haven't known him long and he hasn't known you long, he already makes you feel things you haven't felt with anyone before.
"You are also very beautiful," you tell him in a low, honest whisper.
At that moment Aemond feels a warm sensation envelop him completely, starting with his chest, while you continue to admire him and only affirm him more with your words that are completely honest.
Then he finally rests his forehead with yours, while you close your eyes and seek to bring your lips closer to his, unable to help it due to the few centimeters that are now between him and you.
Aemond noticing this, starts to test you, bringing his lips closer to touch yours very softly, brushing them and you move forward, wanting to feel them completely, but he pulls back, amused, wanting to see how far you will go and if you will do anything about it.
Then you moan under your breath to finally leave a soft, chaste kiss on his lips that he reciprocates almost instantly, still smiling and you open your eyes to watch him.
"That's a proper kiss for the public?"
He laughs softly.
"Yes, I liked it very much," he nods, "But I prefer to kiss you in another way."
You nod, watching him now thoughtfully.
"Very well," you murmur, still close to his lips, "Then we can go outside."
"Yes, actually…" you observe him between amused and serious, "I've noticed that you have a cigarette habit and so as not to disturb the other customers with smoke, you should leave here to go outside to smoke."
He watches you with his half smile, instantly understanding what you are implying with this excuse.
"Sure, we don't want to piss them off, do we?"
"No because we're good people and we respect society," you add and he nods, amused, stifling his laughter.
"Besides the owner has strictly forbidden customers to smoke in here."
"Oh really? I didn't know that," he tells you even though that's not true and you shrug.
"Now you know."
He nods slightly again, then points to the huge pub door with his gaze.
"Do you want to come with me?"
"Yes, I can keep you company."
"Just to smoke?" he observes you attentively and amused.
"Just to smoke," you affirm him.
Clearly that doesn't happen. Aemond doesn't even light the cigarette.
The first thing you felt as you both left the pub, was Aemond's hand grabbing your waist to turn you toward him in a quick, calculated move to kiss you deep and needy.
Now he is leaning against the wall and you are almost on top of him, kissing him with the same need as he is in a slow but deep kiss, both of you are hidden in a small alley next to the pub but anyone passing by on the sidewalk could see you.
However, this doesn't bother or matter to you, as you are very busy and so is he, caring less than you do.
And how you are enjoying this. You enjoy the sensation, his full lips moving nimbly against yours without so much haste and in the perfect way to let you feel it all and enjoy it more, as you so desired.
Both of your hands are in his hair and neck, clinging to him, as he keeps one of his hands on your waist, holding you tight against him while his other hand is on your cheek, gently caressing it every second the kiss continues.
You snort into his mouth as you both pull apart for air for just a second, only to resume the kiss again, both of you taking in one of his hands a piece of each other's clothing to pull them against you, not wanting to let go.
You let out a low involuntary moan as he gently bites your lip but with enough force to make you react just the way he wants to and work his way between your lips with his tongue to enter your mouth.
You respond to him in kind, gasping in mid-kiss as it is now a more demanding and more exciting kiss, both of you exploring each other's mouths. You don't want this to end, ever.
The movements of his lips and tongue send delicious shivers and tingling sensations all over your stomach and a kind of explosion throughout your body as you cling tighter towards him and Aemond…. can't get enough.
"I can't believe I waited all this time to kiss you again."
He tells you on a sigh in between your mouths, immediately kissing you again, making you gasp.
"Don't stop," you sigh in supplication as well, attacking his lips again in an instant.
He smiles in the middle of the kiss, responding to your kisses with the same sensuality and slowness, but all in a deep and calculated way, to then take your lower lip with his teeth and gently pull it back, delighting in your panting and low moaning.
He kisses you again for a few more seconds, completely closing you in his arms, not wanting to stop feeling against him or wanting you to move away so that he can observe and have your face close to him.
When despite your desire in not wanting to stop, he does it to talk.
"You know that there is no turning back after this, right?"
He asks you in a low, hoarse whisper, while you internally complain about not feeling his lips with yours anymore and you watch him, leaning towards him to at least feel the touch of his nose rubbing against yours.
Although you see how terribly honest and serious he is being with you inside all the desire in his gaze and you don't want to do anything else, just kiss him until you have enough.
"What do you mean?"you ask him in a murmur, agitated by all the above but not wanting apart from him, at all.
"I want to keep seeing you. I can't wait a whole week until I see you again," he says to you as he brings his forehead together with yours and closes his eye, "After your exam week is over, maybe we could go out again?"
He asks you not entirely convinced by hearing a yes answer, while you smile gently and lean more towards him.
"Sure," you tell him completely willing, in a murmur.
Aemond also smiles a little, to begin to lightly brush his lips with yours again, testing you, not kissing you at all, backing away when you lean towards him to feel his lips, making you laugh with a pleading gesture.
"Stop doing that."
He continues smiling amused, to finally leave a soft and chaste kiss on your lips that you instantly reciprocate, making you smile.
"We have rehearsal every day in the afternoon except Saturdays and Sundays, do you want to come after your exams?"he gently asks you, "When I'm done we could go get dinner or something."
"Yes," you say softly, nodding, "It sounds perfect," you assure him.
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taglist fic:
@melsunshine @fan-goddess @toodlesxcuddles @helaenaluvr @at-a-rax-ia @iloveallmyboys @nockerin @manonmccrory @tsujifreya @persephonerinyes @happinessinthebeing @zenka69 @diannnnsss @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @gloryekaterina @strangersunghoon @ttkttt @spinachtz @bellstwd @boofy1998
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cauliplea · 3 months
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Authors Note: Starting this off with an apology because I have lost the request for this. (I'm not good with Tumblr.) I also apologize for being away for so long; I just didn't feel like writing. As the name suggests, this is all the headcanons me and my beta reader (Dandelion) have come up with. Please enjoy. 
I do love yandere stuff; however, the anon requested Angst headcanons, but I'm not sure how to make this angsty since they're headcanons, so here are some general headcanons:
☆ At first he'd be confused about his feelings; the man knows the textbook definition of love, not the actual emotion, especially not when it's the unhealthy kind. 
☆ After the initial shock, the next stage is denial. No matter how much he tries to reject his feelings, he can't help the way his eyes follow you every time and how his thoughts are filled with you. 
☆ his obsession would start off small, just watching your every move and keeping mental notes of your schedule, but soon the mental thoughts manifested themselves into an actual book only for his eyes to see. 
☆  He finds it cute but also so frustrating how oblivious you are to his advances; he could gauge out his heart and hand it to you, yet you'd still look at him in a dumbfounded way. 
☆ This man is obsessed with knowledge; he knows you better than you know yourself. your friends? He has already researched all of them and made sure they wouldn't get in his way. You have to go somewhere? He's already following you from behind and making sure you don't get into any accidents.
☆ However, if you did get in an accident, he's the type of person to scold you while bandaging your wounds. Outside, his brows might be furrowed and his voice might be sharp, but inside, his heart is racing at the opportunity of feeling your skin. 
☆ He is very possessive; he doesn't like people touching his belongings, and that includes you. literally. If anyone ever tried taking you away from him, he would immediately get them in trouble. He won't do it directly; oh no, he can't risk his reputation like that. The man might be head over heels for you, but he still cares about his image. 
☆ He wouldn't kill or injure people. 
Unless it's absolutely necessary, it's a waste of time, and he doesn't want to dirty his hands. The method he uses to get them out of the picture is to get them expelled or suspended. (Bad comparison, I know, but it's like the expelling method in yandere simulator.) The teachers trust him, so they take his words as fact.
☆ if that doesn't work, he'd dig up dirt on the person and badmouth them until you subconsciously start avoiding them, or belittle the person to the point of insecurity until they leave you alone. cruel, I know, but that's how yanderes are. 
☆ if he had to result in violence, then he wouldn't have to do much; just one hit with his book is enough to knock a man down. With his knowledge of science, he wouldn't leave any evidence behind either. 
☆ he'd insult your intelligence in classes and then propose the idea of letting him tutor you, begging himself in his head that you'd agree. And in those said tutoring lessons, you can practically count how many times he "accidentally" touched your hand while correcting your mistakes.
☆ he'd love taking photos of you; the book he had of you would contain a lot of them, but he doesn't stop at photos, he'd make an entire statue of you to admire it. 
☆ personal opinion, but I think this many would be into body worship; he recognizes beauty, and he'd be on his knees for you, but he also wants the same treatment for himself. 
☆ the way he'd confess would be perfect— too perfect, actually. He has done so much research that he knows exactly how you'd want to get asked out and where. He'd play out your fantasies as if it were a stage play to make sure you'd fall in love with him even if you weren't earlier. 
☆ His obsession wouldn't waver at all when you two got into a relationship— quite the opposite. He loves the idea that he could now take photos of you freely and admire your actual body rather than a mere stone replacement of you. 
☆ his jealousy would worsen too, but he would never dare to hurt you in any way; he'd rather bang his head against the wall repeatedly than lay a hand on you. He rather takes his jealousy out in more tame ways, like wrapping his arm around your waist or standing ominously behind you and glaring at the person, even though he hates PDA. 
Author's note (again): I feel like I might turn this into a series. I do deeply apologize if this wasn't what you wanted, Anon. Please feel free to submit again. <3
P.S: Is it obvious in starting to get rid of doing the whole "eye-pleasing aesthetic" thing?
Cauliplea On Ao3.
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ghostboneswrites2 · 4 months
Bit || One Shot
New account! @ghostbones was banned! Transferring all my work here slowly!
A/N// This was the first one shot I ever posted here! This was the story that started everything lol
Summary: You were bitten before he found you.
18+ MDNI || WARNINGS: sad, death, profanity
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        The sounds of the forest lulled you in and out of sleep. Sun rays rained down through the leaves. A lovely sight when you could manage to open your eyes. Your back against a tree, sweat beading over your forehead, you winced in pain. Your whole body ached. Down to your very bones, pain was present. The fever was raging, boiling you from within. You scolded yourself internally. How could you let it come to this?
        You recalled the chain of events that led you here. You knew you were taking a risk when you tried to loot that old store, but you had no idea just how bad it could get. The coast was clear when you went in, but somehow there were tens of them when you came back out. You ran as fast as you could but there were just so many. Eventually you slowed down, got tired, but they didn't. They never did. They were mindless killing machines. Exhaustion meant nothing to them.
        They caught up with you. You fought. You fought hard, but they won. They always did. This time, you were just the unlucky loser. You got bit, but you took it down. The adrenaline and fear from the bite kicked you back into gear. You ran again, and didn't stop until the fever debilitated you. Damn, was it fast. A single bite, and your life was over. What a sick joke.
        You thought you heard footsteps in the distance but you made no effort to investigate. You were already gone. It was probably a straggler, coming to finish you off, or a person strolling by that might show you some mercy and put a bullet in your skull. No, not a bullet. They wouldn't draw that much attention to themselves. Maybe a quick knife through the base of your skull, that would work nicely.
        A crunch snapped your eyes open, and a pair of long, grungy gray jeans stood before you. You followed the pants up to a shirt, then up to a face. It was hard to make out with the bright sun behind it.
        "Ya bit?" A gruff voice asked. It was weird how it sounded like you were under water, or like they were a mile away. You held your arm up, displaying the wound. You dared not look, but the smell told you all you needed to know. It was bad. "'M sorry." They grunted sympathetically, turning and walking away.
        "Wait." You croaked. They stopped. "Don't let me die alone." You begged.
        The person stood for a moment, back turned to you, seemingly considering your request. After a few moments they turned back and sat down against a tree right across from you. Down at your level you could make out the stranger as a handsome archer with his crossbow sat right beside him. His knees were up with his hands rested on top of them as he eyed you curiously, a hint of sadness in those narrowed eyes.
        "What's your name?" You asked.
        "Daryl." He said.
        "(Y/N)." You told him, coughing a little.
        "How'd ya get bit?"
        "Looting a store. There was too many."
        "'M  sorry." He repeated.
        "Yeah, me too." You chuckled, humorlessly. You groaned at a random ache. "You know, my dad always told me pain lets you know you're still alive. I don't feel so alive right now."
        "My brother always said the same thing." He confessed. "How long ago ya get bit?"
        "Don't know. Fever's getting bad though. I'll be out of your hair soon."
        "Ain't botherin'  me. Got nothin' better to do." He shrugged.
        "Really? Nothing better than watching me die?"
        "Nah. Shouldn't have to do it alone." He told you. You offered a weak smile.
        "Nice guy. Cute too. Wish we met under different circumstances. got a cigarette?"
        He tossed you one, and a lighter. You lit it and resisted a cough, enjoying the burn in your lungs as they filled with smoky chemicals.
        "Sound like my brother. Askin' for a smoke in your last moments." He said.
        "Brother sounds like my kind of people." You croaked.
        "Nah, he was real ass." He said, sadly.
        "He was bit, too."
        "Sorry to hear it. All my family's gone."
        "Sorry to hear it."
        "Nah," you smiled sadly. "They died in a crash. Before all this. Glad they didn't have  to live this way. Or, die this way, in my case. Just hate that their memory and mine dies with me."
        "I won't forget ya." He assured. 
        "Guess that's  worth something." You rasped. "Thanks for staying."
        "Surprised you didn't ask me to put you out. Looks like it hurts."
        "Yeah." You nodded. "Hurts bad. To be honest you're the first friendly face I've seen in weeks. Might as well enjoy it 'til I can't."
        His throat tightened a little. He was sad for you. To have felt so lonely you'd suffer to the end just to feel the presence of another person.
        "'M sorry." He said again.
        "Don't be." You told him. "Got nothing to be sorry for. You're here with me now, that's more than I could've asked for. You got a group or somethin'?"
        "Mhm. Got a prison we took. It's safe. Fences, walls, gardens."
        "Damn. Now that's somethin' I would've liked to see."
        "I would've took you there." He said. 
        "Too bad." You coughed. "Too bad, indeed"
        You were getting paler by the minute. Your eyes could barely open. He took in your features, noting to remember your pretty face. He wouldn't let you go forgotten, because that was what he told you. Your breathing was so shallow he couldn't see your chest rise anymore.
        "Ya still there?" He asked.
        "Mm." You grunted. "Still here."
        "You wanna be buried?" 
        "You walk around with a shovel?"
        "Nah. Prison's not far. I can bury you there, next to our people."
        "Oh." You breathed. "That's real nice." 
        "We bury our people." He said, recalling Glenn's words that day outside Atlanta after the camp got attacked by walkers. Daryl was gonna burn all the bodied, but Glenn insisted their own people be buried properly. He'd be sure to extend that same sentiment to you.
        "That's good. Humanity prevails, and all that shit." 
        "Somethin' like that."
        It grew silent again. He watched you closely. 
        "(Y/N)?" He called. No response. His heart sped up. "(Y/N)." He said, louder. You were gone. He swallowed the lump in his throat, ignoring the feelings of despair as he stood and walked over to you. He gently pulled your head forward and plunged his blade into the back of your head. He looked you over, noticing a rope necklace around your neck with some wooden beads strung over it. He untied it from the back of your neck and tied it around his own, before he lifted you in his arms and carried you to the prison.
        When he arrived, he got plenty of questioning stares. Rick approached him.
        "You know her?" He asked.
        "Just met her. She was bit. Asked me to stay." Daryl said as he laid your body down gently on the grass. It took him over an hour to dig your grave, and a good while to fashion a marker for your grave. He stood there over your buried body for a while, wondering what life could have been for you if he found you earlier, if he found you before the bite, if you lived to see another day. He wiped the signal tear he shed for you before retreating inside, to his cell, to seclude himself and mourn the potential that was lost with your life.
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dreamyenskz · 1 year
days like this || bang chan x fem!reader (ft. skz)
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↳ you go on a road trip with the boys
↳ masterlist
genre: fluff
warnings/notes: chan and reader are disgustingly cute, reader is the same age as chan, kinda short
*lowercase intended
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"are we almost there?"
"i'm so tired!"
"get your feet off of me!"
"i need to go to the bathroom~"
"han is drooling on me!"
"why are you touching my butt?"
"why did we agree to thi-"
the group reaches a stop light. chan decided to take the chance to turn around. "hey, respectfully.. shut up!" he yells at them.
the boy's immediately go silent while you were in the passenger seat, stifling your laughter. you looked back at the kids and you felt a little bad. you know that they're all tired and can't seem to keep still, but poor channie has to take care of his seven grown children. you grab his hand and caress it with your thumb to comfort him. chan looks over at you and smiles. he brings your hand to his mouth and kisses it.
you can hear the low sounds of disgust coming from behind you two.
"if i had realized earlier that we'd have to be stuck with this for hours, i wouldn't have come." hyunjin whines.
you and chan look at each other. it's like you two communicate telepathically and know exactly what to do. that's when you both lean in to peck each other on the lips. when you separate, all the boys groan in disgust and whine like little kids. you and chan start giggling at their reactions.
it's 12 am. you guys were currently on a road trip. it was one of those spontaneous ideas that the boys have thought of. (i honestly have no idea where lmfao let your imagination run free). chan has been driving for the past 3 hours with a couple breaks in between. you could see how tired he was. it didn't help that the kids were complaining and asking questions. chan was glad that you came along. it was originally supposed to just be a group thing, but he knew that he was gonna need the extra help to stay sane. when chan asked the rest of the boys if you could come, they were more than happy to say yes. they all really enjoy having you around. they depend on you like the mother of the group. your relationship with each of the boys developed at different rates. half of them, you immediately clicked with. for the rest of them, it took a while to warm up to you. now, you get along with all of them fairly. every moment you spend with them gets pretty chaotic but you enjoy it nonetheless.
after about a half hour more of driving, chan pulls up to another gas station. he turns the ignition off and turns around. "if any of you guys need to get food or use the bathroom, go now." all of the boys get out to stretch out, leaving you and chan alone in the van.
"thank you for being here, y/n. i think i'd be going crazy the moment we got into the van if you weren't here. we all really needed this small vacation before going back to work, but i guess i kind of forgot that the kids can be pretty crazy." he chuckles and looks over at you. he has a soft smile on his face but you can still see those beautiful dimples trying to peek out
"of course, channie. i love spending time with all of you. the kids drive me crazy too, but god it would be so boring without them in my life. i have you to thank for giving my life more adventure. after meeting you, i wouldn't have it any other way." you say, leaning in closer to chan.
you start getting closer and your faces are only an inch apart until the kids quickly start coming back into the van. they all seem to have a little more energy after putting some more food into their system. this causes you and chan to part and jump a little.
"alright let's get back on the road!" felix says excitedly
chan starts the van and grabs your hand. you look over at him and he leans over to give you a quick peck on the lips. good lord the butterflies he is giving you is no joke.
you hear tiny mumbles and sounds of disgust. "we'll let this one slide because i guess you guys are somewhat cute." seungmin said. you guys start laughing and shaking your head. chan put the van on drive and goes back onto the road. for the rest of the drive, you and the boys sing and dance along to a bunch of kpop songs.
while you're having fun, you look around at the boys. you realize how grateful you are for the life that's been given to you. you have chan to partially thank for that. he's been nothing but the best and you appreciate everything he's done. you can't help but just stare at him as he's singing. he just looks so happy and you would do everything in your power to keep seeing him like that.
the screaming of the kids brought you back to reality, and you continue to sing along very off key with them.
it's days like this that you wouldn't trade for the world.
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i've been having a lot of chan soft thoughts lately so yeah lol
i hope you guys enjoyed this one! if you did check out my other works :)
please give feedback or reblog if you find this!
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propertyofkylar · 9 months
rescue - whitney x gn!pc
Being attacked was nothing new in this town, obviously, but that didn't mean it didn't suck every time. You sucked in a raggedy breath as you leaned your head against the wall, trying to remember if you were supposed to tilt your head up or down when you had a nosebleed.
You'd manage to kick your attackers off and send them scrambling away, but you didn't leave without injuries of your own. Your ankle hurt too much for you to move right now, so you sat in the alley and hoped it would feel better soon so you could hobble home before someone else came after you. At least you still had another pepper spray canister - Kylar was good for some things. You almost wished that he would find you here. He had that knife, and he was sort of caring in an insane way...
It was then that you heard more footsteps coming down the alleyway. You tensed up and held out the pepper spray. "Don't fucking come another step closer," you called out, hoping your voice wasn't shaking as badly as you thought it was.
"That's so cute that you think that could stop me," a familiar voice came. You almost jumped up in surprise, but your ankle gave out and you crashed back down to the pavement.
"You could just say hi for once, Whitney," you groaned, turning your head so he wouldn't notice the nosebleed. It always felt humiliating for him to see you like that, especially because he enjoyed seeing you so weak.
"Wouldn't be as fun," you could hear the smirk in his voice. "You look like shit, slut."
You groaned again and turned to face him, feeling blood drip from your nose. "Thanks. I had no idea."
A brief look of what seemed like panic flashed on his face before his expression settled into his normal smug look, making you wonder if you were just seeing things. "The fuck happened to you?"
You didn't answer. You thought it was pretty obvious.
"Who did it? Where'd they go?" He looked around, as if the attackers were still right there. "Messing with my fucking property..."
"I don't fucking know. It doesn't matter," you sighed. You really weren't in the mood to deal with him at the moment for obvious reasons.
He paused for a moment. "Stay right there, slut."
"Whitney -" you started, but he was already gone. Fucking great. And not like you were going anywhere in this state anyway.
It wasn't too long before he came back, gripping a bunch of crumpled-up napkins in one hand and a cup in another. Whitney squatted down next to you and set the cup on the ground. It was a milkshake.
You tilted your head, silently asking him why. He rolled his eyes.
"You've got blood all over your face. Grabbed napkins from the cafe, and thought I might as well get something out of this," he moved the cup so it was pressed against your ankle, providing sweet relief. At the same time, he leaned in and took a hold of your chin, gently wiping your face.
"Be a good slut and hold still," he murmured. The intensity of his stare made you feel frozen in place, anyway.
The tender way he touched you reminded of you of when you were little and Robin would fall and skin his knee. You would sit next to him with a damp towel and gently wipe at the injury, soothing his tears. It was a nurturing sort of action - not at all what you would expect from Whitney.
Once Whitney was finished, he grabbed the milkshake and leaned against the wall, taking a sip. He wrapped one arm around your shoulder and with the other, offered you the cup, which you took with a small smile.
"Where are your friends?" You asked. It was rare to see him without a gang following him.
Whitney shrugged. "Ditched 'em. Looked like it might rain." That seemed to be all you would get out of him on that topic.
You sat and idly chatted as you shared the milkshake. When it had been drained, Whitney stood up.
"Alright. C'mere. Let's get you home," he said, reaching out a hand.
"Huh?" You blinked in surprise. Whitney rolled his eyes again.
"I'm not gonna leave my best slut alone and injured in an alley. The fuck would that do for me?" He hoisted you up and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Put your arm around my shoulder. And don't put weight on your ankle."
You did as he asked, considering there wasn't much else you could do. Besides, his arm felt nice around you.
Luckily, you weren't too far from the orphanage, so the walk wasn't awful. Resting had helped a lot, and your ankle honestly was barely hurting anymore. But Whitney still held you up, and you let him.
He paused out front and gave you an odd look. Suddenly, he sighed and looked away. "Just...be more careful next time. I can't be your knight in shining armor all the time."
You frowned. "I mean, it's not like I asked you. You kinda just showed up."
He shrugged. "You were in my alley." He paused again before leaning in to kiss you. His lips tasted like vanilla and stale cigarettes.
Then he pulled away and slapped your ass. "See ya tomorrow, slut," Whitney smirked as he walked away. "I'm expecting an extra good thanks for saving your life and shit."
You couldn't help but smile as you watched him leave.
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