#but this one aspect is hard not to fixate on 😂
juniperhillpatient · 9 months
ok I like this show but the inconsistency of katie mcgrath’s accent is gonna drive me nuts lmao. is she british? american? irish? she keeps going back & forth. at first I thought her character was sometimes saying some things in a different accent as a joke but now I’m not so sure 💀
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astrologydayz · 6 months
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LUST ASTEROID - 4386 IN SAGITTARIUS = sexually attracted 2 people from different countries/different religions/or 2 teachers/mentors. They love exploring their fantasies, & are usually not afraid 2 try everything, at least once - "u can never be 100%sure u don't like something, if you never try it" kinda mentality here. They can get turned on by people who's not afraid 2 throw a line at em/not afraid of taking the initiative! They find that sexy as hell, as they typically can be the ones initiating things! Cultured, curious, & smart people def gets them going - turned on by people who's ready2 explore their fantasies, without any inhibitions! They can be a big fan of spontaneous, wild, & free sex - can also get really turned on by hips/thighs usually<33.
LUST ASTEROID - 4386 IN VIRGO = sexually attracted 2/turned on by people younger than them/younger looking people/people who's more inexperienced than them/people they can "teach" sexually/clean looking people/clean in general. These people are usually more than willing 2 put their sexual partners fantasies/sexual desires/urges before their own - they want 2 learn how their partner's body works, & they work hard 2 get that O in, in their books for sure. They can get off simply by getting their partner off a lot of the time. These people can actually be quite freaky/kinky in bed, when they feel safe/secure enough 2 show that part of themselves.
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SUN CONJUNCT/TRINE MARS IN A WOMAN'S CHART, & SHE'S INTO MEN = usually really sexually attracted 2 really manly looking men - & she can also be really sexually attracted 2 alpha men, but only the confident, secure, & kind ones - not the cocky, conceited, "my dick is bigger than yours" loser ones. MOON CONJUNCT/TRINE MARS IN A MAN'S CHART can show us a man that loves sex being full of feelings/emotions, passion, teasing, & most important of all - security. If he wants 2 cry during sex, he wants 2 do it without someone maybe laughing right in his face. Or if he has some kind of fantasy/fetish, he isn't quite comfortable with himself yet = he won't risk telling just anybody - he really needs that trust, before opening up 100% sexually. MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE/SEXTILE URANUS can be really into phone sex/getting off from videos, & pictures2📹📱💻. These people can also get sexually aroused outta nowhere, or they just suddenly feel the need 2get off, NOW. These people can love the most unused sex positions, they can even invent a sex position of their own - they like it more when they're the ones creating. JUPITER CONJUNCT/SQUARE NYMPHE ASTEROID - 875 can show a person wanting to have sex/get sexual/get off A LOT. Like, If they could = they would probably fuck their whole life away😭😂. No but fr, they can be really really fixated on gratification/sex in general.
5TH HOUSE is that passionate, fun, & "casual/dating sex". 8TH HOUSE is that deep intimate soul merging/transformative sex.
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LUST ASTEROID - 4386 CONJUNCT NORTH NODE = people whose life purpose is part of exploring their sexual urges/desires, really figuring that out4 themselves, since it's not common for them with the opposition 2 South Node - it's something completely NEW 2 them! They can feel so uncomfortable with baring themselves in the beginning, but once they get going, &get comfortable = new kind of confidence unlocked baby✅. MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE/SEXTILE WILD ASTEROID - 1941 can show a person being into some really unseen/wild shit when it comes 2 sex - getting sexual/or they're just wild in bed in general/can be the type 2 not really say no2 anything, unless they're just not that into u/or REALLY just not that into whatever thing they get asked about.
VENUS ASPECTING BLACK MOON LILITH are the ones being sexually attracted 2 people from a different "class"/race/country/religion - or they can feel sexually attracted 2 people they shouldn't really feel a sexual attraction2 sometimes - "taboo shit".
MARS IN 5TH HOUSE can be a big fan of casual sex/friends with benefits arrangements/or be a big fan of having sex with date partners before the date ends/or ofc just a fan of fucking around4fun. MARS IN 8TH HOUSE do not fuck4fun, or for casualty. They need a soul/deep connection with someone 1st. They don't give out their sexual energy freely like that - u have 2 prove you're worthy 1st - whatever they deem that is. Time doesn't matter here - it's about the connection, & the intimacy - so they could easily have sex with someone on the 1st night, but there HAS 2 be some deep unexplainable connection of some kind! - Which rarely happens 4 these natives.
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5TH HOUSE RULER IN 7TH HOUSE are usually the dating 2 marry type, & they're also the ones that can wait with having sex until marriage. 5TH HOUSE RULER IN 11TH HOUSE can date/get into "love affairs" with people they're friends with/with friends friends/step siblings friends/with people they collaborate with/meet online/or with people they meet through mutual shared causes! VENUS/JUNO IN 5TH HOUSE can show a person mostly dating around, not really committing 100% a lot - &when they do find somebody2 commit2 = if they break up, they're usually out dating around again pretty fast - "the best way 2 get over someone, is 2 get under someone else". NORTH NODE IN 5TH HOUSE can show that exploring one's sexuality/exploring pleasures/desires while dating/dating around is part of one's life purpose.
WOMEN WITH KLETT ASTEROID - 2199 IN VIRGO can be REALLY picky when it comes 2 who they let hit/get sexual with🙅🏼‍♀️ - That's also why they can be quite inexperienced at times. Masturbation isn't really a thing they care about either, - usually. Very into the health/cleanliness of their vagina.
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MEN WITH DICK ASTEROID - 17458 IN CANCER got that safe, & secure boyfriend dick💋. U know what u get almost every time, AFTER the 1st time - so you're never left disappointed. MEN WITH DICK ASTEROID - 17458 IN CAPRICORN Can be very "clumsy" sexually/in the sexual department throughout their teenage years/young adult years - but they're usually sexually "advanced" at around 30-35 years of age💚.
MEN WITH DICK ASTEROID - 17458 IN AQUARIUS = def not a basic boyfriend dick. Something about it can be alien like - not in a bad way, daddy chill😭😂😂. But the length, the thickness, the way it stands when erected/or simply the look of it in general IS DIFFERENT. Not a basic dick, okay. Appreciate it! MEN WITH SATURN CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE DICK ASTEROID - 17458 can show them holding forever in bed💀😭😂 - Can also show that they're talented at withholding themselves from cumming!🫰🏼 Also pretty good self esteem when it comes2their dick usually.
MEN WITH SATURN SQUARE/QUINCUNX DICK ASTEROID - 17458 can show performing issues - problems with getting erections/feeling bad about their dick - self esteem issues/or issues with cumming2fast.
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thatpunkmaximoff · 5 months
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[Book Five of..]
Story: 5 out of 5 Smut: 2.5 out of 5
Wow. This priest/stripper story is the best I’ve ever read. And that’s something I never thought I’d say lol.
The forbidden aspect between these two, and the angst and drama will definitely keep you coming back for more.
Amaya’s definitely had a hard life, all thanks to her jealous mother that abandons them. She ends up having to pay her mother’s debt to Parker… and let’s just say that you’re gonna wish a thousand bad things to happen to Parker and her mother. Serious bad things.
And then there’s Father Cade who’s not quite the normal priest. Seriously, his darkness is off the charts, but he’s someone you’ll be pulling for no matter what.
I did not see how this was going to have a happy ending, but leave it to Emily McIntire to figure it out. Though I was nervous about how this could possibly end on a good note, I couldn’t be happier about how all the loose ends were tied up.
* Damn. We kick off the book with Father Cade murdering someone. I like this man already 😂
* Amaya’s mom Chantelle is a total bitch for ditching the way she did. And the mom’s bf Parker would sell her? But since she dipped, Amaya has to take her place? wtf! I hope Cade kills him.
* Deh. Pissing contest between Father Cade and Parker. I love it. Put his little bitch ass where he belongs.
* Fuck. Parker raped Amaya? Oh hell no. Cade really does need to kill him.
* Damn. Father Cade is super horny for Amaya, but he thinks her a demon and it’s his job to snuff out demons 😬
* I fucking loathe Parker.
* Oh fuck. Sister Genevieve is Amaya’s mother, isn’t she? Bitch is hiding out as a nun.
* Wow. Chantelle (Amaya’s mom) and Florence (Parker’s side piece) are fucking cunts. They rather hate Amaya for his fixation on her rather than hate the man who’s stringing them along 🤦🏻‍♀️ And then Chantelle fled in the middle of the night? What a bitch. I hope Amaya finds her and makes her pay for all the shit she’s been put through.
* Father Cade sticking up for Quinten (Amaya’s little brother) makes me so happy. Now Cade just needs to get over the obsession of wanting to kill Amaya 😂
* “Leave it to me to finally have sexual attraction to a man who’s so off limits, he’s a one way ticket to hell.”
* Damn. Cade killed the guy who tried assaulting Amaya in the alley. That’s my priest! Lol.
* Wow. Father Cade finger fucked Amaya and then told her she’s worse than a whore. Why does that hurt me so much?
* Aw fuck. She went to Parker for help. This is going to end so badly.
* Damnnn. Father Cade is not impressed that Amaya is marrying Parker. KILL HIM!!!
* So Cade has finally realized he doesn’t wanna kill Amaya. Good. Now he’s gotta make her the perfect little catholic wife. Pft. Good luck with that.
* Oohhh. Cade is piecing together why Amaya is suddenly dating Parker. And that she went to him first, only for him to turn her away.
* Damn. He killed another man to give Amaya an alibi. That’s my guy right there lol.
* “You consume me, Amaya. Break apart my faith with the fire of a thousand suns and dominate every nightmare until all I dream is you. You think you’re obsessed, petite pécheresse? You don’t know the meaning of the word.”
* Oh shit. He fucked her. He finally did it. Now murder Parker and Amaya’s mom who I know is that fucking nun in the mountains.
* I fucking hate Parker with a passion.
* Fuck yes! She beat the fuck out of that jealous slut Florence! Possibly killed her too 😂
* Oh. Oh no. He’s taking her to the mountain. She’s gonna see her mom 👀
* Oh no. He fucking assaulted and killed Amaya’s best friend 😔 He fucking has the little brother Quinten!
* Holy fuck. Cade really did a number on Parker 😬
* lol. Bye-bye, mother dearest. Knew she wasn’t gonna last long. Dumb bitch.
* Ahahahaha. He blackmailed Florence into pinning it all on Parker!
* Holy shit. He didn’t make Amaya sign a pre-nup so now everything is hers!
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I won't tag this with the fandom's tags 'cause it probably won't make sense to anyone but me but I am going to attempt to put my Daniel and Elise brainrot thoughts into words
Everyone who's in the Amnesia fandom has one specific aspect of one of the games that they particularly fixate on I've noticed, like there's one thing more than everything else that just really catches your fancy and takes your breath away about these games
For me that one thing is Daniel and Elise obviously hehe
There are so many parallels to be had with them that just eat away at my soul and so much potential with her haunting him that makes my brain go OFF but my thoughts about them have gone down so deep at this point that they have gained a consciousness of their own and I've lost all control of where it's taken me
But here's the long and short of it
I feel like Daniel and Elise's fates are on an inextricable collision course that cannot be stopped. Like. And again these are just my own personal thoughts but no matter what version of them it is, what timeline in the game or what AU, their destinies are entwined and there is nothing either of them can do about it no matter how hard they try (and they have, trust me)
And Daniel always ruins her life too. Without fail. Most of the time it's by killing her but in a couple of AUs she doesn't die but her life is still ruined and they're still bound together from that time on. The part that makes it the worst (which makes it the BEST) is how perfectly suited they were to be friends, with their backstories and personalities being so similar, but they can n e v e r be friends, because of his actions. The most they ever achieve is strained tolerance.
I also have this thought that Daniel was placed by fate in the castle so that he would be able to save Elise and he went not only against God and man but their destiny itself by killing her instead
So yeah. They're intrinsically connected. They're inescapably linked together for forever even before they meet and they have no idea. This is why I tagged them as this one tumblr post I saw that said, "Not romantic connection or platonic connection but a secret third option (like stray cats that have bonded together and now can't be separated)" LIKE YEP that's them, they're stuck in this hell together so might as well assist each other in sticking it out
That's also why I think Elise wants to see Daniel redeem himself, 'cause if she has to be around him forever she'd rather he be doing something good than just going around being a psycho
Okay so apparently I could find the words to explain it 😂 don't know if it makes any sense outside of my head though but I hope my few Amnesia followers enjoy the thought 'cause this is my entire personality since playing this game
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eth3real-ess3nce · 2 years
My Astro Observations (part 4)
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😳 Neptune in the 7th or Venus-Neptune aspects, is a catfish placement. This could both go ways, like they could be the one who has catfished OR could have been catfished by someone else before.
🐠 Mercury in Pisces can't type a sentence or a text without using emojis. Hey, it makes speech look more alive. 😂
🙄 Chiron in the 9th house or Sagittarius makes the individual incline towards a nihilistic mindset. It seems like their faith has been let down a lot in their lifetime, so they adopt a certain kind of philoshopy that "rejects" the meaningfulness of life overall. This usually stems from a self-loathing wound and they use such beliefs in order to avoid facing it. They believe everything is inherently pointless and the irony is that they gradually tend to jump from philoshopy to philosophy in order to find the meaning they've been subconsciously chasing after.
💙 Moon-Uranus or Venus-Uranus must have experienced online/long distance relationship at least once in their lives. Or long time crushes. Could mean that you met your s/o online too.
💭 Moon in Pisces can get lost in their primal, sexual desires and sometimes the individual can get hooked on pornography.
🦁‌ Leo Mars in the natal chart could indicate high blood pressure.
💻 Sun conjunct Mercury and Sun in the 5th house might choose a career path that has to do with lots of analysis (computers, psychology, etc)
‌🥀 Females with Venus/Moon aspects to Pluto, might have fallen victims of oversexualization and/or meaningless hookups. I've seen this a lot. Even if some of them wouldn't see themselves as stunners, they have this dark magnetism that tends to attract potential partners like moths to light. From a young age, they see this as a power of theirs and might engage in sexual acts just to gain validation + to feel like they are in control. This is more likely to happen after rejection, a breakup or during an emotionally intese period. Most of the time they regret it. And even if multiple hook-ups isn't the case, sexual trauma is almost always an issue for them.
🍒 Most girls I know that have Aries placements, have dyed their hair in red shades before.
🚢‌ I've seen too many men with Sagittarius placements / midheaven follow a career that is related to the sea , specifically traveling by it or working on-board! I just love it when the traveler archetype perfectly plays out 😂
‌🐏 There is a reason why Aries is so opinionated and fixated on what they have to say. Besides the quick-tempered nature Mars gives them, Aries is ruled by Mercury in esoteric astrology. People with prominent aries placements will always feel like they have to speak their minds. They're born to teach, to analyze, to understand. To bring new and fresh perspectives on the table and fight for them is one of their highest callings. Self-awareness is important though, in order to avoid being perceived as arrogant. 😅
🔮 Everyone is divinely protected in some way, but people with their natal Jupiter in water signs and/or water houses (especially pisces and 12th), are more protected more than most. This is because of good karma and their selfless acts.
💔 Hard aspects (square,opposition,conjuction) between Sun-Chiron and/or Moon-Chiron ; these people have inherited their parents' trauma and they're given the opportunity to heal their ancestry line. Known also as generational trauma, basically it's all the unhealed wounds from our ancestors being passed down to us. Such aspects indicate that the individual will indeed suffer in life, but as they spiritually evolve, they will be able to stop the generational wounding with their own healing. Their self-awareness is high so they will be able to see the trauma in themselves and other family members too. Chiron is literally the 'wounded healer' and this path of yours is full of loneliness, but it grants you tranquility in the end.
🌕 Women with an ill-dignified moon (moon with negative aspects to personal planets) might experience issues with their womanhood and tend to take visits to the obgyn more frequently than most.
🔥‌ Your 5th house ruler shows your sexual preferences and potential "kinks". For example let's say someone has scorpio in the 5th. Scorpio is originally ruled by Mars, their Mars is in taurus in the 10th house. Therefore the individual likes their sexual acts sensual and dominating.
‌🏆 Why do people with 10th house placements feel like they're never enough or that they are underaccomplished in comparison to their peers? It's because 10th house opposes their 4th house which represents what they learnt from home. Therefore, they feel that they live to meet their family's standards which might contradict their own. There's a constant battle between who family/society wants you to be and who you aspire to be. Don't be afraid to make a difference.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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mcfudgie · 4 years
30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2020
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I borrowed from @autie-jake​‘s list of question prompts about describing your autistic experiences and I couldn’t resist the allure of filling out an organised list of questions... anyways I’m gonna store my ramblings under the cut so it doesn’t clog up anyone’s dashboards >w> feel free to read 
April 3: Talk about special interests. Do you have any? What are they? How long have you had them? What does it feel like to have special interests? What does having special interests mean to you? Talk about your past special interests
Oh boy DO I HAVE SOME SPECIAL INTERESTS! I’ve always been interested in doodling and making funny things, so it’s not a surprise I went onto study Animation and haven’t stopped being obsessed with all the practical theory behind it. As for more tangible things, I’m lately obsessed with Invader Zim and a little bit of Undertale. Undertale was my previous fixation but it’s calmed down a bit. My interests usually manifest as a fandom but outside of that kind of context, I enjoy studying behavioural patterns and observing the way in which people interact with the world (force of habit really).
Having a special interest feels like a burning passion in my bones. I get swept up in the feeling of wanting to find out everything I can about a topic and then making stuff about it and generally being very inspired. Although sometimes it can consume me a little too much and I forget to attend to my important business but nonetheless I have fun feeling so energised. 
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April 4: Do you consider your autism to be an important part of your identity?
I consider it an important part of my person since it’s not exactly removable. It impacts greatly on my identity but I try to not let it be my only defining feature. I’m a person too y’know. Got lots of facets both inside and outside. 
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April 5: Talk about your living situation. Do you live with your parents? Do you live on your own? Have roommates? Etc. If you live on your own how hard was it to get used to?
I moved out of my parent’s home 5 years ago and currently live with my best friend. I’ll admit, the first year living on the outside was difficult to adjust to because suddenly there were all these new things I had to learn in order to become a proper adult. I hadn’t been prepped much before so the learning curve was STEEP but eventually I got what I needed to get by. Over the years I’ve been experiencing so many new aspects of adulthood that are sometimes fun and sometimes difficult. Thankfully my housemate has been super supportive and understanding, so he usually helps me cope with the bigger changes.
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April 6: Are you able to drive? If you can, was it hard for you to learn? If not, what alternatives do you use, if any?
I can drive! At first, it was extremely difficult to learn because I had been told to just ‘observe’ and try to replicate but I wasn’t aware of what to actually look for so the entire process was incredibly frustrating. I cried so much 😂 But eventually my Dad was patient enough to go through the process with me step-by-step and I got better at driving. 
I used to be pretty scared of it but now I count it as one of the most relaxing activities. Nothing better than rolling down the highway at 4am in the morning, windows down, listening to synthwave as the orange streetlights pass overhead. I like driving best when there isn’t a lot of traffic so usually super early mornings and late nights are the best times to drive.
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***soz for the gaps, I skipped a couple of questions bc I didn’t wanna answer them lol
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