#but this popped up on my sidebar
coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
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Awwww fuck
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orchideae · 6 months
I apologize for the severe radio silence literally everywhere for the last 2/3 days! While Christmas and New Years Eve were immensely fun, my social batteries were depleted to the absolute max (which is very rare for me), along with coughing fits recommencing and so I needed some air (which didn't do my lungs well either, 'cause apparently I'm supposed to sit forever and rest and never live life), and then when I was inside, it was Sims time while waiting for my batteries to recharge. But now it's time to get 2024 started here.
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ssspringroll · 4 months
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this motherfucker...
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wrenhavenriver · 8 months
anatomy and physiology test tomorrow and i'm just sitting here extremely overcaffeinated like "i need to learn croatian immediately"
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bugpoasting · 25 days
johnmike is soooooo funny you dont get it it really is comedy
#for the record. unfortunately they would only hook up in girl au#but i just think its soooo fun#john keeping him in her apartment for the weekend#playing the recordings from the sessions and then as an afterthought being like 'oh lol you're in a band too do you wanna come down to the#studio or something'#and mike over here having his entire musical reality rearranged by this as he is quoted as saying#ogling at much more classically beautiful marianne while hes there but ultimately falling victim to the John Lennon Weirdgirl#Pussymatization Radius#and like john during this period is Very Much going through a prolonged breakdown and Also has the fuckiest haircut of all time and barely#registers him as there#and mike is sooooo into it all that it makes him furious. Because it's also john lennon#shes already doing his schtick but just five billion times More than whatever hes got going on. she Gets it but also she doesn't because sh#s fucking john lennon and is stratospheres above you ok i get that they were friends irl or whatever but this is funnier#and to add to the funny of it all a) as soon as john pops out with yoko she very loudly proclaims that she's a lesbian and mike reads#it in the papers and is like. Ah#and b) he brings it up to peter later when they're squabbling or whatever to throw it in her face over Something only for her to be like#ok and i fucked george soooooooo#ok sidebar i think powerscaling sex with the beatles is so funny and so stupid#but generally i just see it as a way for two people to wield Things as weapons against each other to hurt eachother#my favorite relationships :) when you hate each other and do everything within your power to hurt them
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strelitziareginaee · 7 months
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sharkieboi · 1 year
love the way I have to talk to my grandma on the phone that is simultaneously “you suck and you’re mean to my mom and also mean to the rest of the family, and you’ve also purposefully isolated yourself from a lot of our family so that’s why no one wants to answer your calls” and “I love you so much and you mean the world to me and i’m desperately trying not to make this an abandoned connection, both individually and for the family”
#shhh sharkie#there’s some part of me that’s like.#if I can just get nonna to have an actual relationship with me#and let me drive her and pop-pop up to family functions#cause i’m on the way. i’m in maryland and they’re in delaware. they’re literally on the way for my various New England destinations.#but they’ve become extremely combative with the rest of the family#which maybe i’m stupidly hopeful but a lot of conflict would be stopped by talking about the issue face to face and not over texting#anyway have maybe laid the foundation to build some bridges but either way#her main concern was whether or not I was dating someone 😆#and if i would use my older sisters’s wedding to try to find someone#i very gently told her no on both accounts. told her i’ve got a lot going on. and also that a wedding is a terrible place to meet someone#also did tell her no i don’t meet anyone at weddings cause me and my two other queer siblings just gang up and vibe#not in those words but yknow#told her ‘yeah we all just end up hanging out and dancing and drinking together so we don’t even really have the opportunity’#as if the real scenario is who the fuck hooks up with a rando at a wedding. especially when it’s your own family.#like. no. no thank you.#i’m not saying i’d object if the situation were to happen but like#at least most weddings i’ve gone to there’s a chance i’m at least 50% related to anyone attending#i’m just gonna hang out with my other queer siblings and enjoy being with them. yknow?#sidebar cause i went back to edit other things in the post but like#the abandonment and isolation are fuel for radicalization#and yeah half of me is like ‘just cut her off’ but also#my presence on its own is radicalizing. so since i’m apparently the family member she still wants to talk to#it’s apparently my duty#Nonna is gonna be liberal if it breaks my fucking mind#at this pint with the Bullshit i’m on a Mission
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gilligans-islands · 5 months
i love updating my desktop blog to match my current hyperfixation its so fun
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cheswirls · 10 months
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UH so did they jus completely get rid of the blog settings panel or
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astrxealis · 2 years
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( i hope you’ve been well omg here’s a heart too yes <3 )
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userbru · 2 months
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theme thirty-five ♡ by userbru live preview | buy it for $12 on ko-fi
540px posts
optional 300px sidebar image
50px icon on top menu
pop up about tab with 400px (width) - 200px (height) header image
you can fill out the about on the customization tab
custom colors for selected text
custom desktop title
custom desktop description
5 sidebar links
top menu icon from my yellowjackets icon pack
when buying the code on ko-fi, you will get access to the google docs with the instructions and the code to install this theme. but i'll be available for any questions u may have ♡ message me on @fadeintoyou1993 for further questions/help! (i rarely get notifications for this blog, so i tend to miss out on some!)
i accept theme commissions ♡
here's a masterlist with all of my FREE themes w/ the npf fix (updated april 09)
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ogord-fr · 4 months
i said this in my comment on the paisley/flair thread BUT. i really really wish that genes Known to be affected by a bug got a pop-up like you get for skin/accents while applying a gene to a dragon. Just to say "This gene for this breed is currently bugged; apply with caution" with a link to the error thread or something similar.
Like, we've had BIG errors that have been known for MONTHS but if you don't know the bug report threads exist then how are people going to know? It's so easy to loose track of them once they're out of the site sidebar. We've had dragons in site promo materials (Obelisk) and in official staff dragon generation ie Roundsey (right now) with bugged genes. How are people supposed to know? Especially when what is decided to be "bugged" looks completely consistent with how those genes appear on other breeds?
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brennacedria · 5 months
Tumblr Patio (aka Tumblr Tweetdeck) Tips
You can add columns for just about anything in the left sidebar. Just like on your normal dash, "Following" is your reverse-chronological dash content. "Activity" and "Messages" are the same content as the Activity pop-up from the side bar, etc.
Change to side blogs on Activity, Messages, etc by clicking the arrow next to the column name and choosing the blog you want. (This is different than/better than Tweetdeck, where you had to have multiple columns to have multiple accounts represented.)
(h/t to @transienturl for reminding me how to do this) You can rearrange columns by clicking on their icon and dragging them as needed.
Columns can be displayed normally, as a wide column, thumbnails, etc. Click the arrow on the right side of each column to change it's format. (My personal preference so far is to use a wide column for my dash feed, and regular columns for everything else.)
Click the top bar of a column to scroll all the way to the top. Click it again to refresh the column (posts notifications, etc).
I'll add more later if I think of anything.
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cry4mina · 3 months
Take Me Back To Eden - Aqua Regia (Part 3)
(Nayeon x fem!reader)
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Take Me Back To Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Take Me Back To Eden - Granite - Part 2
Word Count: 5.1k Angst/More Angst/Angry Fluff/A secret fourth thing? Summary: Reader has the name of the person who wrote the note and decides it's time to let the culprits know how they feel. TW: Mentions of drinking, confrontations, trapped in a small space, sitting in the rain, mentions of food, intimate moments sprinkled in there (Not sex, but like something you'd only do with your partner, if that makes sense??). Reader is half way on a war path, but is overwhelmed by their own emotions, lost of confusion. Let me know if I missed anything! A/N: WELP, this is the end of my first series. I do really appreciate all of the support shown and I look forward to posting more content for everyone in the future! If you haven't read the first two parts of this, they are linked above the word count! Thank you for reading<3
***after hearing feedback from everyone this will NOT be the end of this series! Stay tuned****
Reminder: My asks/requests and DMs are always open!
You stare at the screen of your phone in absolute disbelief as you read the singular name texted to you. Blood boils through your skin as your fear turns to anger.
The phone starts vibrating in your hand as Nayeon calls trying to get a hold of you again. You throw your phone across the room in a fit of rage. It continues to vibrate against the floor, refusing your want for silence.
You are dumbstruck and livid, fighting the water that threatens to fall from your eyes. Your feet are flat on the floor, elbows resting on your knees as you hunch over, head in hands.
You’re too angry to even begin to decipher exactly what your body needs as the trauma sinks its teeth into your bones. Cold poison taints the warmth of your soul.
You’ve spent years unearthing and healing old scars, only for the person who helped you through it to completely undo all the hard work.
You quickly stand up and retrieve your now shattered phone as it rings, making your way back to the couch when you see a cable tucked until the cushion.
You raise your eyebrow, placing your phone on the arm of the couch before tugging on the wire to reveal Nayeon’s ipad hiding between the seats of the love seat you plopped on.
“She’s probably pissed she forgot this.” you smile at the thought wishing for inconvenient things to happen to annoy her for the remainder of the day.
You’d never wish actual harm on her, you still loved her. You are definitely upset enough to wish for one of her nails to break enough to make them look uneven, or for her shirt to be caught on a door handle while walking through it.
You swipe up to unlock it but it reveals a keypad for a passcode. You hesitate. Was this something you really wanted to do? You no longer had any trust in her but would you breaking her trust make it any better?
You punch in the first code and the screen shakes. It’s not her birthday. You try your birthday, the lock shimmies back at you asking for another set of numbers. You think for a second before trying your anniversary and it opens.
A deep breath in, and you click on the messages. Searching for the name of the person who accompanied your partner in betrayal.
You notice in the sidebar your name with a heart and the banner underneath your name swiftly changing as it synchronizes with the pinging of your phone.
You fixate on the other names in the list. Momo, Sana, Mina, a few Twice group chats when the name pops up to the top of the list.
“Are you alright?”
You seeth knowing the hands that typed that message are the hands that touched Nayeon. You see the text bubble start to move and then stop only to start up again.
“No, I’m flying back home tonight instead of tomorrow. I’ll call you later.”
Great. You think about packing a bag and heading to Momo’s but this was your apartment. Why should you have to leave? You think about how long you have until Nayeon arrives.
You phone goes back to buzzing as she’s panic texting you. Telling you that she will be home later tonight and you can talk it through then. She begs you not to leave the apartment. You scoff.
The ipad pings again.
“Okay, just checking in. My plane just landed back home and I have a meeting. I should be home after that. If you need a place to stay, just let me know.”
Your stomach churns at the offer. Hands that aren’t yours trailing Nayeon’s body weighs heavy in your stomach. This person can’t be offering this to her. What if she says yes? You fixate on the screen as the chat bubble pops up.
“I really do appreciate that but I don’t think that y/n would want me to stay with you.”
“A little too late, no?” You say out loud annoyed that she’s trying to assert a boundary with this person. Knowing full well it already happened.
“So she knows now? When you said you got into an argument, I didn’t think it was about that…”
You grit your teeth. You hear your jaw crack under the pressure as your eyes widen, seeing the acknowledgement of the deed with your own eyes. It has your sights on red.
“Yes. I know now.” You type into the virtual keyboard hitting send immediately and tossing the ipad to the side. For a brief second, silence fills the room. No notifications, no pinging of text tones. Just pure silence.
You stand up hastily, leaving your electronics behind, not wanting another text notification or phone call. Grabbing your keys and wallet before walking out the door. You’ve got a meeting to get to.
You hop into the driver's seat and put your car in reverse and pull out of the parking spot and into the road. The tires are recklessly screeching behind you as you swerve through traffic
. You run through the red lights like they’re nothing. Not even blinking as you speed onto the freeway in silence. You know exactly where the meeting is and you plan on being present for it.
You get off on the exit, and pull up to the JYP building, parking in Nayeon’s spot knowing she wasn’t going to be in today. You rip the keys from the ignition, hear the scrape of the metal as you push the car door open and slam it behind you.
The fresh rage in your body physically manifests as you speed walk through the cold air, steam rising from your arms as you start to walk through the side entrance close to the elevators.
As you walk past the security guard. He stands to greet you and informs you that Nayeon isn’t in today. You look at him and he sees the absolute fury in your eyes, “Carry on, Y/n” and seats immediately back at the desk.
You return to your pace, reaching the elevator and slamming the “Up” button with your hands, probably too hard as it starts the woman also waiting.
You cross your arms; heart racing with your jaw and fists clenched, leaving the taste of copper in your mouth and indents in your palms as you “patiently” wait for the elevator to come down to pick you up.
You hear the ringing and snap your head up to see none other than Park Jihyo standing inside, about to get off when your eyes connect. Her smile fades quickly when she realizes what’s about to happen.
She tried to take a step out and greet you, but you put your hand on her shoulder and shove her lightly back into the elevator. The woman you previously startled hesitates so come in.
“Would you mind taking the next one?” You hiss at her. You don’t wait for an answer, hitting the button for floor 7, and turning to face the doors as they close.
The lights are bright and threatening as you ascend up. You count the floors as they pass, Jihyo silent behind you nervously playing with her hands when you reach out and hit the “Stop” button.
The elevator grinds to a halt between floors. You turn around to face Jihyo, eyebrows creased and lean against the walls of the 6ft wide box.
“When were you planning on telling me, Hyo?” You spit at her loudly. Your hands rise to pinch the bridge of your nose. She flinched at the tone and volume of your voice.
You weren’t going to hurt her, she knew that. She’s just never seen you like this before. She takes in your demeanor and slowly runs her eyes up your body taking note of your unkempt clothes, the bags under your eyes, and lack of jacket.
“Did you speed here after seeing that conversation?” She quizzically inquired while tilting her head at you. You roll your eyes, uninterested in the question. You feel like she’s challenging you, even if it is innocent.
“Here’s what we are going to do.” Firmly enunciating your words as they sputter out of your mouth.
“I’m going to ask you the questions and you are either going to answer them or we are going to be in this elevator for a very long time.”
Jihyo nods her head, understanding that this isn’t the time for her to try to ease the tension with playful banter. She does pity you though, knowing that she was part of the cause makes her eye shift to the floor as she begins to speak. Her empathy is losing its meaning in your apathy.
“Listen Y/n, I know that this is a lot and I can’t imagine what you are going through and feeling right now. I need you to know that it was a one time thing and it has never happened again. We were both drunk out of our minds.”
She lifted her head up to try to sneak a look at your face. She sees your eyes spilling over and winces. She hates this just as much as you do but you’re unsure of if it’s because the conversation is emotionally charged or just uncomfortable.
“It was a stupid mistake. We were going to tell you but we were trying to avoid this. It was years ago. I didn’t even know she was seeing someone until she told me the morning after. She was inconsolable. She was so scared to lose you that she couldn’t stop crying and shaking…I wrote her that note and stuck it in her wallet the night of thinking it would be funny to wake up too. I thought she would’ve thrown it away by now.” Jihyo sighed heavily, searching your face for signs that you were absorbing her story.
“I can tell you this much. I’ve never seen Nayeon look at anyone the way she looks at you. The way her eyes light up when she talks about you is something other people dream about when they think of love.”
You choke on your emotions. Dropping your angry mask to reveal the truth behind your eyes. Suffering. You squat down and hold your knees to your chest as you sob. Jihyo quickly follows, placing a hand on your back trying to console you.
Once you have some semblance of calm, Jihyo speaks again. “Do you remember the night that I called you from Nayeon's phone?” Hyo smiles at the memory. It lives happily in her brain too
. “I didn’t know how into you she was until she started crying about missing you…and when you got to my house and she almost tackled you in the snow, it only solidified how important you are to her. It was my idea not to say anything…”
You glare at her waiting for her to finish.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I really am. I just didn’t want to shatter something that was just starting. Look at the beautiful relationship you’ve built with her. I could tell when I saw you both together that you were meant for each other. I felt bad for it then and I feel even worse about it now.”
You feel yourself melting into sadness, once more. A heavy breath leaves your mouth when you realize you were so wrapped up in what was happening that you forgot you were in a stopped elevator.
You calmly stand and brush yourself off. You hit the stop button again and the elevator groans to the 7th floor. The doors open and a few people file in, not realizing the emotionally charged conversation that had just taken place, though you’re sure it’s displayed across your face.
A man in a suit pressed the “Ground level” button and the elevator descended to the lobby.
Once the doors open, you swiftly walk past security. Trying to leave behind the anger fueled attempt at a conversation, even if you didn’t say much.
The friendship you developed with Jihyo allowed her to know exactly what to say so keep you calm despite that being the first appearance of your unadulterated anger.
You leave JYP through the front doors, and start walking down the sidewalk through the rain. “Where are you going?” You hear Jihyo shout from the front of the building. You don’t even turn around, you just keep walking.
You find yourself in a park by a river and sit down on the wet bench. The light drizzle that threatened rain all day opened up and washed over your skin.
You should’ve brought a jacket, you think as you let the cool drops land on your back completely soaking you. You reach in your pocket, forgetting that your phone is at home.
The words “Missing something?” Unearths itself out of the rain with a black umbrella and sits next to you on the bench, shielding you from the downpour. “Didn’t want to be bothered by the constant ringing?” You sit in silence not wanting to interact with Jihyo.
She knows you well. You’ve been around each other for long enough to pick up on the little things. You roll your eyes wishing it wasn’t someone who could reflect you back to yourself. “Look, I know this is overwhelmin-“
“No, you don’t” cutting her off with a tone that could dissolve the strongest on metals.
Your face contorted with exasperation as you spew out the words, “You have NO idea what it’s like to look at the person you’ve spent the last 3 years with and question whether or not they are who they say. You don’t know what it’s like for that same partner to hide things behind your back with someone you consider family. Please tell me about a time you’ve experienced this level of betrayal, Hyo. You’ve got no clue what I’ve been struggling with these past few days and don’t you dare say that you have!”
Your words were harsh and she accepted them.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” She calmly states while holding eye contact with you.
You're more upset that she’s so polished in her responses. You maintain your angry demeanor turning to face the river in front of you.
The rain continues to fall as you sit in silence, Jihyo just sitting next to you waiting for you to speak.
“Why are you still here?” Annoyed at her presence.
“Because I’ve made you upset with my actions and you’re my friend.” The emotional whiplash your body is projecting is infuriating. Overwhelmed by the notion that two things could be true at once. On one hand, you’re livid with Jihyo and Nayeon. On the other, you respect the accountability of the person in front of you, even if it only instills anger in you further.
She’s sat here in silence with you, in the middle of a thunderstorm only to be yelled at.
“If I would have known this was the result of keeping it a secret, I would’ve told you years ago. I wouldn’t have convinced Nayeon not to say anything. Hell, I barely remember any of it, neither of us do. I really am sorry.”
Her words make you think about Nayeon. If she didn’t remember…if she wanted to tell you.
Nayeon had never broken your trust before. She was always honest, even overly honest. She would answer anything you asked her. You had trusted her with every detail of your life.
Every scar that ever calloused over your heart was shown to her. Whenever they started to ache again, she would kiss the wounds and soothe you. You crave that same comfort now, undecided if you are going to go and get it, reeling at the potential falsehood of it all.
Jihyo watched the cogs move in your head as you sorted through the information and filed it away where it belonged.
She stands up and looks over, “do you want a ride back to your car? The rain is only going to get worse from here.” You nod your head yes and walk back to the car, getting in the passenger side. You sit in silence the 4 minute drive back.
Your stomach starts to growl as you approach the JYP building. You wished you brought your phone with you so you could order something and have it be at the house by the time you got there.
“If you ever want to talk, please know I’m here for you” she says as you get out of the car in silence and close the door behind you.
You ended up stopping at a local cafe to get something to go. The girl behind the counter widening her eyes as she watches you walk in, absolutely drenched. You ordered your usual sandwich.
“Anything else?” The girl behind the register asks, still looking at you like you’ve got something on your face other than rain and tears.
“Yeah, actually. Can I get that one salad you guys have with the apples in it? I’m not really sure what it’s called.” You only know it by “Nayeon’s favorite”.
The girl rolls her eyes and punches in the order. You pay for it, and twiddle with your thumbs while you wait.
Pulling up to the apartment felt different this time. No people waiting for Nayeon outside, no cars blocking you from making a swift escape into the building. You wonder if she’s home yet as you get into the elevator.
The kitchen is lit up upon entry. You left all the lights on. Phone and ipad are still on the love seat but the sectional is occupied by a sleeping Nayeon.
She’s wrapped in the blanket you’ve been using and laying on your pillow. You quietly walk in and place the food on the counter and quickly step into the bedroom. You let out a light sigh, and decide it’s time you take a shower. Feeling grimey from the rain.
You emerge from the bedroom in sweatpants and a cropped tank top, hair still wet. You tie it up into a bun and quietly pull plates down from the cabinets.
You glance over to see Nayeon still asleep and notice that her phone is in her hands. She’s probably waiting to hear from you. Plating the take out, you quietly bring the dishes over to the living room and place them lightly on the coffee table.
You return to the kitchen and grab another bottle of wine from the refrigerator and a set of glasses. You pop the bottle open, and freeze as you hear a shift coming from the couch.
You don’t look back at the sound. Continuing pouring the wine into the glasses you had already set out. You hear a light gasp as she notices the food on the table. You hear the smile in it and fight back the upward pull of your lips.
Anxiety sets in as you remember what you’re walking into. You feel your fingers locking up as you reach for cutlery. It rattles in the drawer, drawing Nayeon’s attention. She stills as she feels her brain turn on, remembering what had happened hours beforehand.
Picking up the glasses and bringing them to the table, her eyes follow your every move. You place a glass down in front of her and hand her silverware. “Eat.”
She’s moving very cautiously through this unnavigated territory. Not only in the sense of “walking on eggshells” even her usually fluid movements were slow and strategized.
You take the sight of her in as you pick at your food. It looks like the nap she took was the first ounce of sleep she’s had in days. Eyes bloodshot and half lidded as she chews. She sets her fork down, takes a large sip of the wine and looks down at the floor.
“...Y/n…” she briefly looks up to see you already present and focused on her. You’re waiting for your explanation that she owes you.Her eyes return to the food in front of her to avoid adding discomfort to herself.
Her face beams a shade of red as her eyes close. It twists in a way you’ve seen many times before and she tries to hold it all together. Pools of tears start to collect and shed as she continues. Her words muffled underneath a thick layer of guilt.
“I made a mistake, a really bad one, at the very beginning of our relationship.” You wince at the sound of her voice cracking. The sharp edged subject matter slicing at you in the same way finding that note did.
“I need you to know that I do not remember any of it. I was that drunk and so was Jihyo.” Another twist of the knife in your chest. You remember to breathe and continue listening.
“Nothing has happened since, and nothing like this would ever happen again. I wanted to tell you but the person I was then and the person I am now are two completely different people. Even that version of myself would never dream of hurting you in such a way. I allowed myself to be convinced that not telling you was better than you leaving. Please understand that I would do anything to remove this from my past…our past.”
It all becomes too much as you shoot up from your seat and bring your plate to the kitchen and put it in the sink. Faucet on, you scrub the plate like it’s caked in dirt. Nayeon, who is still in the living room, stands up and follows you to the sink.
She’s sniffling behind you, covering her mouth with the sleeve of your sweater she was wearing. You tilt your head to face her, taking in the pure shame she was already putting herself through for the act that she committed. You turn the faucet off and dry your hands with the towel hanging on the oven’s handle while turning to fully face her.
You pitch the bridge of your nose trying not to break again. Wide eyes looking at you, studying your body language trying to determine what you’ll say…if you’ll say anything. She can see the stress emanating from you
“Please say something.” She breathes, reaching out to touch your shoulder in hopes to bring you back to the present. Hoping it’ll keep you from emotionally shutting down.
It sends a shock to your nervous system, almost jumping out of your skin as the soft familiar hand glides down your arm to your hand where she leaves it.
“I don’t know what to say, Nayeon.” You are battling yourself. You are both angry and so in love with this beautiful human in front of you. Even with tears in her eyes, she was magic to you. Effortlessly, stunning even in the face of fear.
You are endlessly baffled by the mistake made because she’s always been so attentive, so patient, so tender and caring that even her admitting it to your face felt like a lie. You know that’s not who she is, right? Wrong. You don’t know anything for certain. Logic and emotion argue as you stand there silently. Trying to figure out where to go next.
She reaches out and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, the other hand still in yours and tears still falling. You don’t want to let go of her hand, but you don’t want to tighten your hold on it either.
She’s patiently watching your eyes as they animate the war in your head. The two sides were fighting and you were standing on the fence of the choice you had to make. You ponder what life would be like without her and what life was like with her. Do all of those amazing moments count for nothing? Were they a waste of time?
You take a deep breath and look Nayeon right in the eyes. She feels almost violated by how deeply you are looking into her.
“I am devastated.” Your shoulders are feeling slightly lighter as you continue.
“I can’t believe you did this and didn’t tell me. For our entire relationship to be built on this foundation absolutely shatters me and everything we’ve ever built together. I feel like I don’t know who you are.”
The last sentence knocks the wind out of her. She’s gasping for air and holding back sobs.
“I just never expected this from you…” you said shakily while you watched her try to collect herself.
You rotate and sit down on the floor, sliding your back down the flat doors of your cabinets. She follows but on the other side, feet between yours. Trying to muffle the cries because she can’t bear the fact that she has caused this damage.
You feel the exhaustion take over. Your physical body has been tensing to hold the weight of the situation for days now. You yawn, Nayeon regulates her breath as you try to gain the energy to continue the conversation.
She stands up and lays her hand out for you, wordlessly. She doesn’t let go of it as she leads you to your shared bedroom, a bed left untouched sits right in the middle.
You are thinking about how great sleeping in your bed will feel after being on the couch for days. She’s out of the room as quickly as she brought you here.
You start to feel warm under your clothes. You remove them and fling them into a corner. Crawling under the comforter and settling in.
Nayeon returns, your pillow in hand. She notices you’re missing your tank top and shifts her eyes down out of respect. Not knowing if you wanted her to see you this way anymore.
She bends down and unplugs her phone charger and grabs her pillow. “I’ll sleep on the couch, I know how your back gets. Please get some rest.” She kneels on the bed for a second and leans in but hesitates.
Was it her place to kiss your forehead still? She took the risk and quickly walked out of the room.
You lay in bed for what feels like hours. Uncomfortably tossing and turning in the lonely sheets. You open your eyes and stare at the ceiling, getting lost in the patterns of the texture.
Exhaustion is no match for your mind and you really don’t want to be in this bed alone right now. You sit up, comforter falling to reveal your chest.
You think about how Nayeon is on the couch by herself right now. Probably overthinking everything and stressing herself out, no sleep in sight. In a moment of weakness, you stand up and saunter into the living room.
She lay splayed out in the sectional, phone in hand scrolling mindlessly in the warm light. A useless distraction, you were all that filled her mind.
You take note that she removed the sweater and was only in a sports bra now. You can’t help but daydream about how her skin feels on yours.
She notices you standing in the doorway, arms crossed, holding yourself. She looks away from her phone to acknowledge your presence, locking it and laying it on her chest.
“Having trouble sleeping too?” You nod and bite the inside of your cheek.
You take the risk, slowly wandering to the front of the sectional and climbing into the blanket with her. She’s surprised by the action but lifts the blanket so you can get comfortable, making sure you're covered.
“You’re so cold” she whispers as you press your face into her neck and wrap your arms around her causing her to shiver. You don’t have the same compulsion of not wanting her to touch you. She feels like Nayeon. She feels like home.
She starts tracing patterns on your shoulder as she leans her face on the top of your head. Both silently enjoy each other's comfort as you drift off to sleep.
Awoken by the sound of humming in the kitchen, you smile before you even open your eyes. You know what’s happening before you are even half awake.
You’re still wrapped in the soft blanket on the sectional taking up more space that you originally were now that the other person was up and about.
“Shit.” A whispered voice rings through the apartment.
“Too much creamer again?” You slyly say from the couch. You hear her jump, she must’ve not realized you were awake.
“I didn’t mean to wake you, ba-“ she stops herself from saying the pet name, not knowing what the boundaries were anymore.
“You didn’t wake me. I should be the one apologizing, I was the one who scared you.” You chuckle, getting up and stretching before throwing on the sweater, laid across the couch’s back, to cover up a little before you start your morning rituals.
When you turn around you see her cheeks fill with red. “You okay?” You ask her, grabbing the black mug, taking a sip.
“I think so…” she says slowly, unsure of her next step. “I think I just want to know what the next step is…for us.”
Her eyes flicker to your face waiting for a response. You start to walk over to the bedroom.
“Well, we usually shower next, have you forgotten our routine already? It was only a couple of days” Trying to make light of the situation.
She giggles “you know what I mean…I just need to know if I can mend this. To fix this. Falling asleep with you last night was the calmest I’ve felt… ” You interrupt her before she can cloud your brain with sweet things. She always knew how to break you with that.
“I’m still angry that you hid it from me” stoically expressing the truth. Both truths.
“But I love you.” She smiles, hopeful of what’s to come, walking towards you with her arms out. Wrapping them around your neck and pulling you in for a soft peck.
After a few more quick kisses, foreheads connected as her arms slid down to your waist.
“But I need to make it very clear that I cannot do this again. So if you’re hiding anything else, please tell me now.”
She cups your face in her hands and brings you in for a long kiss that makes you a little weak in the knees. “I’ll never hide anything from you again. Ever.”
“Good, will you start the shower then?”
She happily skips into the bathroom.
You start to pick out what clothes you’re wearing for the day when you hear a phone vibrate in the kitchen. Walking over to the counter and picking up the closest phone to see which one it was. It’s Nayeon’s phone with a message from Jihyo.
Your face drops as you read “Did she believe you or do we actually need to stop seeing each other?”
Take Me Back to Eden - Ascensionism - Part 4
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jpn-langblr · 14 days
Langblr community hath been created???
Tumblr media
This is, based on the banner and icon, a version of a community that I applied for/created via the beta emails in april (wildly misremembered when I did this in my reply to @nihongoseito on a different post of theirs).
It looks extremely bare bones - for one thing, I don't see the ruleset/guidelines for the community that I was prompted to fill in. Regardless, I'd be happy if some of you would help me test this? Mainly,
Can you look this up via the tumblr search? (See how it has two @'s before the community name, in comparison with the solo @ of a regular user.)
If not, and even/especially if you don't have Communities in your sidebar, can you follow this URL to it?
Are you, upon viewing the Community, presented with some sort of "accept these rules to join" kinda pop-up, or anything?
Can I invite some of you to see how this works/in which inbox it ends up? If yes, please let me know whether you already have Communities in your sidebar or not.
I'm gonna continue prodding around to see what I can do with this from an admin side of things and update here.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
..Oh good lord a video just popped up in my sidebar entitled The TRAGIC and UNTOLD Love Story in Coraline - it has a picture of the other mother and the cat with a broken heart emoji between them and the words "they were married" underneath. X_X I just....Really??
Are we missing some serious subtext here?
Everything you have ever wondered about Coraline theories is answered here:
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