#but those do like alot of weird stuff to my style so im not too sure
hyn-hyperlaser · 6 months
Ok so my garage has been cleared out!!! And i have space for all my physical art again :D
And my mum is setting up a sewing room that shes gonna let me use so i can finally finish my phighting plushies :3
I also got more screenprinting paints so i can so more of that now!!!!!
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stinkcoke · 5 months
ur so cool like omg- also do you have any recommendations of someone wants to learn how do a more cartoony style? Like what resources should I use because i love the look of your style and others and im just struggling on how to do it- again- ur so cool- sorry if this is worded weird or blocky I don’t know how to really communicate well
thank u ^^!!! also ur good! as for your question (this might be long and it may not be the best so forgive me)
I wanna give a disclaimer in advance that you're free to just straight up not listen to me at all if any of my advice doesn't sound like it'll help you!!!
I usually try to draw inspiration from different eras of cartoons that appeals to me. I grew up watching ALOT of cartoons from different places and decades and just having that type of exposure really does broaden the line of what a "cartoony style" can be. I don't think there's really any certain way to draw cartoons, I think it all depends on the artist. if you say your art is cartoony then it is! you don't have to follow specific rules and parameters to fit into that category imo, just do what works for you!
For resources I'd say to just look for cartoons and artists* that you think would be good to take inspiration and learn from! (and since you already mentioned that you love the style of others, you can use those as resources lol)
this is a personal thing that i believe would be considered a resource, and you dont have to follow this but if you haven't learned (what I consider) some of the basics of art (i.e proportions and how to see shapes in objects/bodies etc) then i think it's good to start with that first. learning the basics to then know how to use them and break them is probably my biggest advantage when it comes to drawing but thats just me
*when taking inspiration from artists it's always important to transform what you're learning into something that best reflects you and your style. straight up taking someone's style will not feel as satisfying as being able to come up with your own way of drawing. if you like the way someone uses colors in their art then use that as a stepping stone and not as the ONLY way to color. ALSO ALWAYS BE SURE TO CREDIT IF YOU POST IT!!!!!!!!! it's better to be open that you're learning and using an artist as a resource rather than say nothing and have people assume you're copying or something ykyk
sorry that a lot of this is just me repeating the same thing over and over but it's true lol, having inspiration is the best way to transform your art into something that's more appealing to you
also sorry for taking so long to respond to this ^^; i'm not too good with being concise when it comes to giving advice so i was trying to really simplify this and also irl stuff was goin on :3 but if you have any more questions then i'd be happy to answer!
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
April 2005
April 5, 2005
i've got a flame gun for all the cute ones
so let's start this one out with how great spring is. seriously. we're in love. jay-z called my phone the other day. for real this is how the conversation went:
jayz: yo pete
me: hello
j: this is j
me: jay who
j: jay-z
me: yeah right
j: no. it is. we're gonna let em know right
me: are you fucking serious
j: we're gonna let the world know about fall out boy
me: yeah. we can do whateveer you want
j: aight . ill see you at one of your new york shows
me: are you serious, this is jay-z
j: ::click::
me: man you are so fucking awesome
j: dialtone
total fan moment.
i guess cause he is the president of defjam and we're on island/defjam that's how come he called. uh WTF?
new things on the horizon:
tentatively titled: the boy with the thorn in his side in "i am the dream, you are the dreamer" - me and travis from gym class and a couple of others began working on this. it will be a slightly different format - about 150-200 pages illustration every 5 pages. similiarly styled but trust me the other was simply an introduction. this won't be out till winter probably.
before that: two pack ultra limited "boy with the thorn" and "rattail" broken heart two pack toy. possibly at the end of summer.
and also, tentatively titled: "rainy day kids" - about 130 pages no illustrations. this book comprises writing from the last 5 years - on the directors cut it was mistakingly called "young hearts be free" - these read alot closer to my journal entries. this should be out by fall...
lots of more stuff coming soon: clandestine.buzznet.com... get over to your local hot topic and pick up some gear - so then maybe they'll grab some of this new stuff to sell too!
the tour has been amazing. we are shooting a new video in the next week or so.
patrick: sing-y/stinky
joe: coughy/nakedy
andy: vegany/music-y
pete: sleepy/no-sleepy
korean dan suh: drunky/more drunky
merch jim: angry/too much merchy
dirty: dirty/dirty
p.s. thanks for showing me all of those new bands. i liked a bunch of them. if you guys know any bands that kind of sound like hellogoodbye (smaller unsigned ones only cause the bigger ones i have heard)--- lemme know. cause that band rules.
April 5, 2005
dear trophy boys and secrets girls-
welcome to the next phase of our life. we hope we can look at the world in a new way. we're really excited for may 3 and warped tour but until then come on out to the FBR friends and family tour. long live our car crash hearts.
April 13, 2005
hey girls. special post for you. i am looking for a womens blazer that would fit a dude about my size- black or striped or whatever. ill trade you something cool. collar shirts too. im down for whatever. bring it to the show, ill trade you up. love peter
btw- xs in dudes, probably m or l in girls.... aaaaaaannnnd dont feel like you gotta bring anything but your smile- woo.
- petey
April 13, 2005
Love. We got you. Tour has been amazing. Midtown just dropped off, silverstein picked it up. People will be missed, new friends will be made. We got you on the bussiness end of the barrel. Get into it or drop out, hit it or quit it. New record soon. We just shot a new video for "sugar we're going down", its kind of weird. Its definitely the most time and money we have ever spent on a video. We hope you love it. Lets just say there is a fireplace, a bear head, deers and upstate new york outdoors involved. Our friend matt lenski who shot all those cute little baby chick mtv commercials. "We should move somewherer deep in the middle of july" she said. You know how I get down (and out). They say he could have anyone but that just means no one. And I'm foggy like london but without all the class and dignity. More like northern florida in august. I'm getting off(line). Sweating it out in the dark. I am all breaths and heartbeats. Goddamn baby, it not me its you. Or whatever.
Today was a good day.
I didn't have to use my a.k.
Make me electric. Peter
April 14, 2005
the list:
ins/outs of 2005:
snapping bras
panic at the disco
drama and gossip
waking up at 10am
makeup that makes you look like a girl
huge watches make your wrist hurt
phonecalls home
brutal honesty
real life friend cuts
pretending to be girls on myspace and messing with dudes who are creepy
windy city heat
saying you knew fall out boy way back when
wearing underwear
makeup that makes you look goth
going to sleep at 10am
huge belt buckles that make your waist hurt
phonecalls to ______ _____
livejournal friend cuts
being a creepy dude on myspace and sending girls messages
being friends with fall out boy now
April 19, 2005
“naked peek a boo what.”
brendanP!ATD: Dude my mouth and mostly my tongue is all leathery from eating too many gobstoppers.
BrendanP!ATD: its so shitty
PeteFOB: hahaha
PeteFOB: thats the price of sweetness
oh yeah. just to ruin your crush on me i went and dyed my hair black and purple. hehe. oh and yes i do have a sister.
i want a girl that doesnt have time to think things through
April 21, 2005
“namedrop it like it’s hot”
sorry cincinatti, we had an early buscall and patricks sick and im sick in the head. i let a ghost catch me.
sometimes its (not) okay to lose your mind.
04/21/05 Q&A
pete. brendon urie or ryan ross?
neither. im a spence kind of boy. definitely. cause then his name would be Spence Wentz
Pete, Do you ever have any “Wet Dreams”? If so of whom? hmmm…?
once i fell asleep in the van between two dudes and had a crazy wet dream when i woke up they were both looking at me. but not like a “oh boy you rule” look more like a “what just happened” look but oh boy did it rule.
April 24, 2005
guys and stellasssss. this tour is amazing. we are lining up some fun things for may- including a mini-tour and maybe a couple of other suprises for you. i hate to have to bring the drama but.
1. i do not have a girlfriend
2. i do not have a boyfriend
3. lindsey lohan is just a friend
i found this amazing band you'll fall in love with soon.
xxoo peter
April 24, 2005
Okay the last entry was obviously a joke. Pretty much I am in love with being on tour but my private life will always be my private life. The people I date or don't date aren't really worth IMing me about. xxoo peeeeeete.
William Beckett vs. Peter Wentz for the title of FBR Sex Symbol… who wins and why?
mike cardin because he just said “butcher tell your dyke ass mom to stop calling my phone”- and thats just insane. besides what me and bill do behind closed doors is our thing not fbrs.
April 26, 2005
Here we are under the radar across the border. I’m sorry I seem to have lost my mind.
Me: how bad did I look on tv?
You: you looked okay
You: would it be gay of my to tell you that the purple brought out you eyes?
Me: hahahaha
Patricks birthday is tommorrow. I am in love with him so give him presents.
Still l i/o ving
my boyfriend is tall and asian and has a boycrush on pete. if you ever see him would you give him a smooch on the cheek?
i already have one asian boy i’m dating and his name is korean tom cruise.
April 30, 2005
I'm sore throat singing through the curtain at you down the hall in the dark and you're asleep or just a good actor. In my head this is the way we'll always be. Me walking out dripping wet, trailing my finger nails against the picture frames on the walls. Slipping back into whatever and being careful shut the door so I don't wake anyone.
Washington d.c. Has got us under this amazing spell. We are on our way to bamboozle fest, see you in new jersey tommorrow. Ill be up at 9am looking for the sun. Stop by the clandestine booth all weekend, we'll be giving away clandestine slap bracelets (you know like the ones that everyone loved in the 80s).
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cookinguptales · 2 years
Seeing you mention you jump at the chance to talk about fics youve written made me think "Ah i didnt know this person i follow writes, let me see if theres any stuff i wanna check out" only to open your ao3 and discover... my god have you done Work for the Karabita community. I was hardcore obsessed with Karabita for several years and then i kinda faded out, there werent alot of fics out there when i was into it, and now i can tell im about to fall back in to the Karabita brainrot hole, thankyou in advance for that.
huhhhh I'm not sure what to tell you! I started writing it right after the first season ended, so I think my work was probably around when you were into the pairing! Maybe you just didn't like my style, haha.
(And that's fine, too! It wasn't for everyone.)
I didn't really love the direction the second season took so I stopped writing the pairing at that point, but mannnnn was I hardcore into writing OTT feelings for the dumbest show on earth at one point. It really had a way of being idiotically stupid dick jokes 97% of the time but that last 3% would punch you in the face with feelings.
(Much... like my current fandom.)
But yeah, I was so into the idea of these two broken people healing for each other's sake and learning to make a home together. I just ignored the last episode of s1, much like the rest of fandom. haha.
I think it also helped that no matter how fucking weird I went, I couldn't go any weirder than the show did.
Yeah, though. Now that I'm looking at my AO3 stats for this pseud, if you added together my 2nd and 3rd most commonly written fandoms (WWDITS and Sleep No More at 18 and 17 fics respectively), added them together, then doubled that... you'd get my output for karabita. Especially bc there were a few ficlets I don't think ever made it to AO3.
It was kind of a weird time in my life and I was really stressed (it was right around my senior year of college) so I spent a lot of time writing for ask games and stuff. There's something soothing about writing crack fic taken deadly serious. lmao
Anyway! If you do read it and you ever wanna talk, it would be fun to take a stroll down memory lane. Some of those fics were... not great, but some of them I'm still reasonably proud of. I think my soul mark and hanahaki fics were the most popular? But I'm still partial to the flower shop AU and the Kingdom Hearts crossover that literally no one asked for. (And...... they didn't really like it, either. lmao)
....yeah, saying it all like that, my output really was as weird as the show was sometimes. Canon AUs are such fun to play with. lmao. Like I literally wrote a Bat Boy fusion once. And you know what? It was good! haha
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animeheadspace · 3 years
hope I ain’t to late- if so then feel free to ignore this!
for the matchup:) I’d like a Tokyo rev char.
- my personality is pretty chaotic, I’m a huge ambivert and socially awkward- mostly with new people or just random,though sometimes around family members N friends,rarely. When I’m feeling talkative I’m a huge chatter, pray that I’m not talking about a anime or manga I read,because honey, ill go on for hours. Other times when I’m feeling quiet, I just sit and do my own thing. with friends I can be so extra and dramatic,some times well all the time I crack flirty jokes and VERY flirty nicknames,mainly to get my friends to laugh! I like seeing people in good moods,negative ones just like bummer. Leading into Ive been told i can’t read between the lines or I’m oblivious- which leads to a lot of my friendships ending. I’m also pretty like quick to change things, my mind just races everywhere. I can get pretty angry,depending on what it is. I can handle it the right way, walk away,not speak on it and be nice. But if it bothers me, I’m a whole bomb,I will explode on someone and not hold back, which is more of than often what I do,but I know when something aint worth it. Though I do a lot of extra stuff, I’m shy- I can’t even talk to a cashier without stuttering Or just wanting someone to help. (like they ask me ‘speak up’ I CANT JUST GIVE ME MY STUFF’). But mostly I’m called weird, which is because of my view points on things, more about someones style, or what people like in relationships. laziness is me, i will cry if I have to get up and do anythin… I will procrastinate to the max. I’m also very understanding and supportive, I try to be the best help and listen, I hate judgmental people, I feel like everyone should be able to speak there mind and feel comfy. Which I expect back for me :).
my likes/dislikes - I like food- more sweet foods! indie/alt music, editing n writing! Chatting with close friends, oversized clothes, and monsters (the energy drink.) anime n manga, deep talks about personal issues (I just like to get it out,with someone I trust ofc)
now some things I dislike, BUGS. I hate them to the max, I will scream,run. Any type of bug,even a ladybug,I’m gone, really loud noises (like yknow them cars with loud engines? Or like a sink disposal , those sounds bother me.), hot weather, bullying, people who think they can talk to someone however, and lastly people who eat,with,there,mouth,open. LIKE CLOSE UR MOUTH JESUS. my love language is Quality time. I’m not really big on like touching n stuff, I wouldn’t mind it,yknow if the other person is into it, but certain times, I just cringe at it. Hand holding and stuff cool,but cuddling i cannot do unless Im tired. I will give 10 minutes to cuddle before I need to move around. I JuSt nEed Movement and I’d be too awkward. But like I said, if the person wants it, I’ll try. (If i like em enough JDJDJDJJD)
pass time activities, learning piano, I’m trynna practice my writing alot more! Tho mainly watching YT.
My appearance! I’m around 5’2-5’3, it think more to 5’3 though, I’m very close In height to someone 5’4,but there is a pretty noticeable difference. I have medium length black hair, in the front, my hair is orange/darker brown from the top (FROM A FAILED HAIR DYE ATTEMPT) they call me splotch bc it literally is. Splotch on my head fading to black👁👄👁. I have dark brown eyes! I have a kinda chubby face, chubby cheeks :> my body is curvy, with chubbiness ( insecure go brr-) which I like to hide in oversized clothes. Thick thighs save lives 🦵🏻🦵🏻
my pronouns are she/they!
I hope this is good,make sure to drink water bub!!!
hi! you aren’t too late, so dw about that…thank u for participating <3
ah, so you get the king of them all, sano manjiro. you included so much here and all the arrows point to mikey!! yall definitely met in a dorayaki shop. he was in front of you in line, attempting to buy his share with the change he had in his hand, but it was obvious that he didn’t have enough. you walked forward, a little bit embarrassed, and paid for the rest of mikey’s dorayaki with what extra you had on you - you share the love of dorayaki and what kind of person would you be to deprive another of sweet food? and mikey was shocked. he was so unused to people doing nice things for him, caring for him, that he asked if you wanted to share his dorayaki with him after leaving the cashier. you shook your head, pointing to your own dorayaki in your hand, but before you knew it, mikey had already shoved half in your mouth, awaiting your reaction. your mouth closed around the sweet cake and your eyes gleamed, despite your previous attempts at telling him you didn’t want it. mikey laughed a bit, and decided that he was never going to let you out of his sight.
obviously, you share his love with sweet food and snacks. his favorite activity to do with you is to go food hopping throughout tokyo, trying out new stuff with his hand in yours. mikey absolutely loves it when you fill up your conversation with whatever you’re obsessed with at the time - as someone who is canonically an introvert, mikey enjoys it when someone can talk to him casually in not an overbearing way. you always try to put a smile on mikeys face, especially after knowing about what happened to his family, and mikey couldnt be more appreciative of your kindness. he loves your weirdness, and never ever puts you in a situation where you feel uncomfortable. mans is literally leader of toman, a feared fighter known throughout tokyo and then he eventually becomes leader of bonten?? yeah, no one is touching a single hair on your head without his permission. he likes your hair too - he thinks that it definitely fits your personality!! he couldn’t care less about your chubbiness, instead choosing to see the real you through your passions of writing and playing the piano.
i think mikey is just as scared of bugs as you are though (cue draken coming in and rescuing the both of you). and i also think that mikey’s bluntness is just something you’d have to get used to, but you know that mikey would never intentionally hurt you. when whatever happened to emma and draken, you know happened, you became the sole tether he had to love, and you made sure to shower him with it every single day, telling him that he was enough. you even worked with takemitchy too to ensure that mikey could get the help he needed. yeah, he may have still formed bonten and consequently was paranoid about keeping you safe, but at least he wasn’t easily influenced by kisaki’s manipulation tactics - you help save hinata. mikey is complicated, but you’re there for him, and he knows you’re there for him too, which leads me to believe that everything will turn out perfect for the two of you.
hope you liked it!! also btw, im obsessed with your blog imma be participating some time soon 💕💕
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sastrugie · 4 years
my christmas break starts this friday as well! what’s up with your coworker? have her test results come back? is she doing okay?
alright, so my fav topics include:
- the russian revolution, as already stated :D
- the cold war (mostly from the east european point of view)
- the tudors
- victorian era england
i also really love peaky blinders (the show) and i occasionally enjoy reading about how different gangs operated back in those days but i don’t know much lmao
also, monarchy is just such a terrible system but i completely get your interest in the people! for example, i also adore reading and learning about the tudors and the romanovs but only as a part of history and not because i’m such a big fan of the monarchy? lmao if that makes sense.
and like, i lowkey get why the bolsheviks thought they needed to assassinate the whole family but it’s also really sketchy, dude ://
i think i like britain’s history just because it’s so rich and influential, but like we simply can’t ignore the fucked up shit they’ve done through the centuries. so again, i enjoy it but mostly because i love judging them for their actions lmao
and to answer your question, i don’t really know if i have many historical favs? i feel like i enjoy way too many problematic people lmao. nevertheless, the ones i’m most interested in atm are: lenin (shockers), anne boleyn, anne bonny, malcolm x - this list shifts constantly depending on my mood though.
oh shush you, i’m sure your style is bombing based on everything i just read :)
lmao i actually do that sometimes, but mostly in my mother tongue! but i also just love shakespearean insults in english, those are impeccable
and merci beaucoup! good luck with russian; maybe you’ll be able teach me a few phrases in the future :D
ooh what are you studying atm? if you don’t mind sharing, that is.
and me, i’d like to become a psychologist some day, so that’s pretty far from history as well haha but i never want the enthusiasm to die ever and i’m really loving how the two of us can just scream to each other about history in every single ask/answer :D
thank you so much for these beautiful recommendations, i’ll definitely check them out!!
here are some of mine:
- maria stuart by stefan zweig (german author, so it shouldn’t be too hard for you to find it!!)
- red crosses by sasha filipenko (fiction about the stalinist regime)
- the age of light by whitney scharer (historical fiction again lmao; tells the story of photographers lee miller and man ray’s romance in the 30s with little snippets into wwii through lee’s pov; the writing was stunning)
- sapiens by yuval noah harari (basically the history of mankind; so informative and enjoyable, i adored it)
- the real peaky blinders by carl chinn (what the title says, really; the actual gangs of birmingham and their not so shiny careers)
these are the best ones i read in 2020 but i’ll let you know if i remember any of my other reads!!
i also haven’t read any actual books about the 1917 revolution because i haven’t really had the chance to go to the library yet and i’ve been busy doing my research on the internet haha (it’s a fairly new hyperfixation of mine, to be frank). however, i’ll hit you up if i find anything worthwhile <3
- the russian revolution (the title speaks for itself lmao)
- genius of the modern world (3-part docuseries about marx, nietzsche and freud)
- world war ii in colour (lmao just a classic, innit)
- secrets of great british castles
- the last tzars (tho i’m pretty sure you’re quite familiar with this one haha)
- forbidden history
- secrets of the six wives
- anything by lucy worsley, tbh
these are all off the top of my head but again, i’ll let you know if i remember any more!!
oml i apologise for the long message and i hope your week is going well :D
dont apologize for long messages! <3 im always happy to talk to you 
sadly her test was positive UGH which means i have to get myself tested too (today) and if the worst case happens: i´ll have to spend christmas alone in my student flat bc then i obviously cant go home to my family (my grandparents live there..) so yeah, today 14:20 o clock... i have the test :( cross your fingers for me pls huhuhu
thats cool that we have the russian revolution and vicxtorian era as common interest ^^ i read a book recently its called “the ordeal” and its a triology written by alexej tolstoi during the times of the revolution. its a story about two sister and their love interests during the war times and its really good!!! 
oh i barely know anything about the tudors! pls hmu
ah yes.. the cold war... i have to admit im rather interested in the music and sociology of the cold war times but the political stuff is super interesting too! esp as you said from an east european view, so we can talk about that too!
yep. monarchy sucks! i understanbd from like a logical point of view why they shot them all, but the human side of me thinks its just cruel.. i mean yeah tsar nicholas wasnt a good politician but he wasnt a bad person either. but yeah, a difficult topic.. tbh he´s the only romanov im really interested in (i really dislike his wife alexandra tho lmao) hbu? 
leninnn :D i kinda excpected that! i havent really read much about him but he seems to be an interesting person! and who is anne boyd? malcom X yes! im really interested into the civil rights movement as well. I really like martin luther king jr.
englands history really fascinates me, and i honestly cant tell you why... but it is what is is hahhaa! nand duuudeeee omg they fucked so many shit up.. the british are a funny nation. but honestly none is unproblematic and every nation screwed up big time once:D judging is really important when youre intereste din history! like im interested in king george and queen mary but not solely for political reasons, more actually for their personal lives and victorian times and how they were as a couple, but i know... they did bad stuff too!
omg teach me some shakespearean insults pls! i only know a few victorian ones! and a bit of sixties slang :D 
im gonna reblog this and add some russian phrases bc my russian keyboard in on my phone :) but i use duolingo so the sentences are ... really weird lmao
im studying physical geography in Erlangen right now and am in my 7th semester.) im actually writing my bachelor thesis rn UGHHHHHHH
ohhhhh psychology is cool!! im really intersted in it, sadly i cant ever be one bc i suffer from poor mental health too much myself, in fact i have an appointment my therapist in a few minutes haha BUT i think youre super trustworthy and nice and easy to talk to so these are really good qualities for a therapist <3<3<3<3
i already read sapiens! its so good! and i know maria stuart by schiller haha but oml i love stefan zweig so imma add it on my list
ok and i will watch ALL of these (except the last tsars bc yeah i already saw it! and liked it ... kinda .. i didnt like the actor they chose for nicky, he didnt remind me of him at all)
i have alot of historical fiction books to recomment too: 
if you like ww2 “a time to live and a time to die”
ww1: “all quiet on the western front”
russian revolution and war time “the ordeal”
“intrige” by robert harris is also good (france 1896)
oh and documentary wise:
they shall not grow old is a coloured ww1 docu!
thank you so much for everything again i love talking to you :) have a nice day <3 (sorry for typos i was in a hurry)
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junosartsthetic · 4 years
(1-2)✨ how's your day been so far ? I hope your doing well! I would like a matchup for parts 3-5 I'm a straight pale 5'9 teen with I semi muscular build. I like to draw, sing, and I'm in theater. My fashion consistent of hoodies, sweat pants, sneakers and a ponytail. I have dark blue eyes and long wavey dirty blonde hair. When you first meet me I'm very closed off but once we begin to become friends im very clingy and loud. I often say I'm sorry because we'll manipulation by two girls.
(2-2) ✨ and often think I do something wrong so I'm too hard on myself without realizing. I'm almost always the one to start a conversation and send Memes alot. Sometimes I get werid boost of energy and won't sleep till I finshed what I'm doing so I normally get to bed around 3-4am. I love to read about Greek mythology and thats one of the things I stay up late doing. Sometimes when I do dress up I wear poofy dresses with floors I have a secret girly side haha. I've never done this before. Ty 💞
Here you are!
For part 3 I match you with... Kakyoin!
Memelord couple
You’ll send him something and suddenly you two are laughing in the middle of a quiet and peaceful dinner with the crusaders
If you’re up late doing something he’ll try to coax you into bed with promises of being able to cuddle
Even though sometimes he’ll stay up pretty late when there’s a new game he really likes, he knows it’s not good 
He actually loves that you’re almost the same height 
No weird leaning down or anything 
For part 4 I match you with... Okuyasu!
He loves hearing you talk about mythology even though he gets lost super easily
Okuyasu is confused about the stuff happening around Morioh, so when you throw in Greek Gods he is fascinated but also it makes his brain hurt
Memes are his everything as well so he’ll spam you with them whenever he gets the chance
If you’re ever too hard on yourself he’ll call you out on it
For part 5 I match you with... Mista!
He digs your casual and comfy style
When you do dress up he knows he’s found the one
Like those scenes in movies when the guy sees the girl and you can see in his eyes that he is well and truly in love?
Yeah that
Also he’ll steal your clothes and try them on just for fun
(sharing sweatshirts sharing sweatshirts shar-)
His loud nature will just combine with yours
Abba might yell at y’all to keep it down but ignore him
Actually maybe don’t
You might get beat
Or yelled at
But also do because Abba is just grouchy and doesn’t like y’all having fun
Hope you enjoyed! <3
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This is a script style chat.
Bro [BRO] joined chat.
turntechGodhead [TG] joined chat.
TG: bro
BRO: Hmm.
TG: i got rejected
TG: so hard
TG: maximum strength rejection
BRO: Who’d you ask out again?
TG: not important
BRO: Super important.
BRO: Was it John?
TG: dammnit bro
TG: …
TG: yes
BRO: Man, why’d he reject you?
TG: im not even sure
TG: maybe im not his type, dunno
BRO: Lame.
TG: yea
TG: i know
TG: but i really liked him
TG: more lame for me than anything else
BRO: You want some bro cuddles to cheer you up?
TG: …
TG: yes
TG: can we watch my little pony
BRO: Sure.
TG: -dave leaves his room and walks into the living room, plopping down onto the futon- life sucks
BRO: Shh. *He quickly pulls Dave into a hug, petting his hair.*
TG: -dave leans into it closing his eyes- its sucks more because i really fucking thought i had a chance
BRO: Hey, you never know. He might come around.
TG: whatever, i dont care anymore
BRO: It’s alright to be upset, li'l man.
TG: i think he likes that karkat kid
BRO: Well, fuck those guys, then.
TG: -dave sighs- why cant there just be a guy thats like you, bro? hella cool, straight forward, not into trolls, as far as i know, just fuck
BRO: Not all of us can be perfect.
TG: -dave groans- yea but at least you dont lead people on
TG: not perfect
TG: just
TG: certain shit should be a given, man
TG: right?
BRO: Yeah, I guess so.
BRO: It’ll be alright in the end, promise.
BRO: You’ll find somebody hella cool.
TG: do you think its cus of my rhymes, i spew out some lame shit that comes to mind sometimes to let the flow go, i write better stuff
TG: maybe
TG: im not attractive?
TG: i mean i think im pretty decent
TG: but i dont know
TG: maybe its my ego
TG: i just
BRO: Dave.
TG: why am i not good enough
BRO: Don’t talk like that, alright?
TG: nah maybe its me with the problem
TG: maybe im not funny enough
TG: or interesting enough
TG: i dont watch rom coms
BRO: You can maybe it to death, Dave.
BRO: But honestly? I think John made a mistake.
TG: oh yeah? how?
BRO: What do you mean?
TG: im just some weird kid with freakish eyes that fights with shitty katanas and writes lame raps
TG: thats it
BRO: You write some pretty nice raps.
TG: pft
BRO: And you look great, man.
TG: you just say that cus youre my bro, man
TG: look im sorry for laying all this shit on you
BRO: It’s kinda my job.
TG: but i just, its just got my mind all fucked up
BRO: Well then try not to think about it for a bit.
BRO: Just relax, Dave.
TG: -dave sighs- i dont know if i can
BRO: Look, I’ll put on the tv, we can lay down, and just take a nap or something.
TG: -dave rubs his temples and sighs again- bro
BRO: What?
TG: do you think im self absorbed
BRO: Not really, why?
TG: -dave shrugs-
BRO: Did someone say you are?
TG: -dave looks down and shrugs, biting his lip- yea
BRO: John?
TG: -dave stays silent-
BRO: It was John. *He hugs Dave again, sighing.*
TG: bro do you think im attractive
BRO: Yeah. Didn’t I say that?
TG: a general boyish handsome attractive or sexy?
BRO: Well, I’m your brother, I don’t think I should really say you’re sexy whether I think you are or not.
TG: c'mon, bro to bro
BRO: I guess you’re pretty sexy, yeah.
TG: -dave bites his lip again and stares at bro silently-
BRO: What?
TG: -dave looks away- n-nothing, man.
BRO: C'mon, what’s on your mind?
BRO: Can’t help if you don’t tell me.
TG: nah, im being dumb, ignore it, honestly.
BRO: *He sighs, poking Dave in the stomach.*
TG: hm?
BRO: I’m sure people think you’re attractive, dude. They’d be stupid not to.
TG: thanks bro -dave mutters-
BRO: Is that not what’s wrong?
TG: -dave looks back at bro about to say something, but shuts his mouth-
BRO: *He shrugs and leans back on the couch, lacing his fingers behind his head.* Tell me when you’re ready, I guess.
TG: -dave reaches over and pulls bros shades off-
TG: -dave folds them and puts them on the table, taking off his own as well-
BRO: *He glances back towards Dave, raising an eyebrow.*
TG: -dave stares into bros eyes studying the orange color hes rarely graced with, feeling a bit intimidated-
BRO: What’s up, kid?
TG: alot
BRO: Well, you wanna talk about any of it?
TG: would your opinion of me, change?
BRO: If what?
TG: if i told you what i was thinking
BRO: I doubt it.
TG: bro, i think im attracted to you and its freaking me out
BRO: Attracted as in … sexually?
TG: Yea -dave said seriously, not breaking eye contact-
BRO: *He blinks a few times and smooths his hair back.* Wow, alright.
TG: -daves gaze travels down to bros lips a few times- y-yea
BRO: I don’t, uh … Not sure what I’m supposed to say?
TG: -dave looks down at his feet- me neither, man
TG: but you could start with how you’re feeling, seems fair
BRO: Well. Flattered? And I guess a little concerned.
TG: -dave pulls his legs up to his chest- mhm -dave hangs his arms around his knees and puts his face down-
BRO: *He reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder gently.*
TG: -dave just sits there silently-
BRO: I don’t think any different of you, you know.
TG: even if you did feel the same way, theres no way in hell you would ever even admit it right? which you obviously dont, anyway. why did i even bother, honestly
BRO: C'mon, how about we lay down.
TG: im not tired
BRO: Not the point.
TG: -dave sighs-
BRO: Please?
TG: fuckyou -dave says under his breath and lays down facing bro- good enough?
BRO: *He lays down across the couch and pulls Dave onto his chest, loosely wrapping his arms around him.*
TG: -dave stiffens up- seriously, bro.
BRO: What? I’m not allowed to be affectionate?
TG: …
TG: i dont even know how to respond to you
BRO: *He runs a hand through Dave’s hair and shrugs.* You don’t have to.
TG: -dave relaxes a bit- bro
BRO: Hmm?
TG: can i kiss you -dave mutters-
BRO: … I can’t see how it would hurt.
TG: -dave moves his head from bros chest and stares at bro in shock for a moment, hesitating before carding his fingers through bros hair, leaning in and locking lips with him-
BRO: *He kisses him back gently, but pulls away before Dave can get too into it.*
TG: -dave bites his lip and breathes heavily- again? p-please -dave said needily-
BRO: I-I mean, I just don’t want it to go too far or something.
TG: It’s just kissing, bro -dave said innocently-
BRO: *He chews on his lip a little, looking conflicted.*
TG: -dave licks his lips- please
BRO: You get one.
TG: aw c'mon, ill be a good boy, bro -dave pouts a bit nudging bro-
BRO: *He glances away, rubbing his face.* Fine.
TG: -dave smirks and cups bros chin, leaning back in pressing his lips against bros, nipping his bottom lip-
BRO: *He moves his hand back into Dave’s hair, kissing him back rather hard.*
TG: -dave responds kissing back feverishly, wrapping an arm around bros neck to deepen the kiss-
BRO: *He runs his free hand along his back idly and slides his tongue lightly over his lips.*
TG: -daves hand trails down to bros waist, dave takes bros tongue into his mouth, sucking it and rubbing his tongue along it, digging his nails into bros waist-
BRO: *Sliding his hand into the back of Dave’s shirt, he lightly drags his fingernails across his back.*
TG: -dave arches his back, letting out a low moan into bros mouth, he kisses bro, hard.-
BRO: *He pulls back and covers his slightly flushed face, taking a deep breath.* We should probably stop.
TG: -dave pants lightly staring into bros eyes- i said i would be good, i just, that turned me on
BRO: And that’s why we should probably stop.
TG: look, man, i can suppress, it, it’s fine. i can stop myself ya know. -dave frowns- or do you not trust yourself?
BRO: No comment.
TG: hmph -dave kisses bros cheek- you dont do you.
BRO: I don’t wanna do something we’ll both regret.
TG: that you’ll regret, don’t speak for me, bro. i make my own decisions
BRO: Have you had sex before?
TG: yea
TG: remember my math tutor?
BRO: Sadly.
TG: yep
TG: brad and i
BRO: I guess there’s slightly less for me to worry about, then …
TG: -dave smirks- mhm
BRO: Don’t gimme that look.
TG: -dave bites his lip- dont act like you dont like it
BRO: I ain’t gonna encourage you.
TG: -dave leans in close and whispers into bros ear- encourage what? -dave licks the shell of bros ear nipping down the lobe-
BRO: *He breathes out a little shakily, flicking Dave’s shoulder lightly.* That.
TG: what you gonna turn me into your little attention whore? -dave laughs lightly- fine -dave starts to suck on a patch of skin on bros neck biting down lightly running his hand down bros chest-
BRO: *He hums quietly and tries to ignore him, biting the inside of his lip.* Not turnin’ you into anything.
TG: -dave pulls back with a pop and kisses the forming mark- then dont make me fight for your attention, hn? -dave pauses for a moment and begins to take off his own shirt dropping it onto the floor-
BRO: We’re related, you know.
TG: no shit, related?? news to my ears. damn. -dave sits up next to bro- get up
BRO: *He gives Dave a look.* What the hell for?
TG: -dave rolls his eyes- why the fuck not
BRO: *After a moment, he sits up, shrugging.* This good?
TG: -dave smiles softly and gets ontop of bro’s lap, fidgeting a bit to get comfortable.- yea -dave pulls bros shirt up a bit looking him in the eyes-
BRO: *He rolls his eyes and pushes Dave’s hand away, before pulling his shirt off over his head and tossing it aside.* Happy?
TG: -dave smirks and runs his hand down bros firm chest making a pleased grunt-
TG: -dave laps his tongue up bros chest-
BRO: Does that mean you’re done trying to give me hickeys?
TG: -dave rolls his eyes- i only gave you one
TG: and if you have a problem with it why don’t you just repay the ‘unfavorable’ favor.
BRO: Well obviously you’d like that too much.
TG: …fuck you
BRO: So I’m right.
TG: 'No comment.’
BRO: *He shrugs and leans back against the couch.* I just don’t wanna fuck up.
BRO: I mean I kind of already have.
TG: Fuck up?
TG: How would you fuck up?
BRO: By fucking you, mostly.
TG: what if i want you to fuck me up?
BRO: I’m still a little leery, kid.
TG: would it help if i called you by your real name, dirk?
BRO: Not sure.
BRO: It’s really weird to hear from you.
TG: aight. well maybe you should just, ya know, let go?
TG: relax.
BRO: It’s kind of illegal, Dave.
TG: cus’ ill be sure to go on telling the police my brother and i had sex
BRO: *He sighs and shakes his head.* You’re not gonna give up, are you?
TG: nope
BRO: *Shaking his head, he covers his face again.* Fine.
TG: no more holding back?
BRO: Yeah.
TG: -dave hovers over bros ear- please fuck me -dave bites down lightly on bros ear waiting for a response-
BRO: *He moans quietly and grabs onto Dave’s hips, leaning in to bite harshly on his collarbone.*
TG: f-fuck -dave curses into bros ear-
BRO: *He moves up and crushes their lips together, raking his fingernails along Dave’s hips.*
TG: -dave moans into the kiss snaking his arms around bros neck and bucking his hips against bros-
BRO: *He bites Dave’s lip and pulls away momentarily.* You sure you don’t want me to hold back? I can be rough.
TG: -dave goes half lidded- mutilate me
BRO: *He leans forward again, starting to leave a trail of hickeys down his neck, accompanied by a trail of scratch marks along his side.*
TG: -dave arches his back, rolling his hips against bros, moaning lowly, scratching down bros back-
BRO: *He chuckles quietly and moves a hand to unbutton Dave’s pants, licking up his neck slowly.*
TG: -dave shivers reaching down, undoing bros pants in unison.-
BRO: *He pushes Dave sideways, down onto the couch, hovering over him and sliding a hand into his pants.*
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99centthoughts · 5 years
i keep reading 'orion' as 'onion' so thats. who they are to me now
ONION……………………….. now im picturing orion as onion from steven universe and i am very stressed out by the thought
MORE ASKS UNDER THE CUT!!! (a lot of asks im sorry)
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1) D..DONT DIE YET ANON……….. SOON!!! I have a break coming up and i wanna do more comics stuff 😭
2) LOL omg IM SORRY !!!! I Messed up the layout a couple of times while editing it so it must have been weird 😨
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1) Hiya! Honestly I think it would be best to get comfortable with more realistic proportions before you branch out into cartoon/anime style! I did it the other way round and I regret it a lot, bc I think it made my foundations really shaky and inconsistent. THAT’S NOT TO SAY u have to master the traditional art style before u start drawing any cartoons though!! I think it’s fine to do them together, just don’t neglect traditional anatomy and all that, bc it will help you a lot in the future regardless of the style you eventually choose to stick to!
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thank YOU for enjoying my drawings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ahhhh thank you so much for such a sweet message oh gosh ANON YOU’RE MAKING MY HEART GROW 3 SIZES!!! Messages like this make me want to share everything with everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M HONESTLY SO HAPPY that my silly little tips and stuff can make drawing fun for you BC THERE IS NOTHING BETTER THAN HAVING FUN WHILE DRAWING!!! MAY YOU INSPIRE LOTS AND LOTS OF PEOPLE and most importantly I hope you always find joy in your own art!!!! THIS MESSAGE MEANS THE WORLD TO ME AND YOU DO TOO ILU ANON!!! IM GONNA KEEP THIS FOREVER
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1) A NERD AND A PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) omg I have thought about basically every combination o f my ocs at least once anon lKMDLskdlj they would be cute!!!!!!! and a very calm couple… I feel like emmett would be patient enough to handle fay though it would take a lot to get there bc rn emmett is low key terrified of fay LOL 
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2) OH I googled around a bit bc tbh I have no idea what they are called too, and I think it’s called the terminator/ half tone?? it’s basically the bit of colour between the light and the core shadow (the darkest part of where the shadow starts) 
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THe coloured outline of shadows that alot of artists do is an exaggeration of how it looks in rl but it is pretty neat bc it makes the object look like it’s glowing haha 
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1) AW THANK YOU ANON!!!!!!!!! it’s so sweet that you’ve stuck around for so long and that you take the time to do that!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE I’LL KEEP DRAWING AND MAKING ART THAT YOU ENJOY FOR YEARS TO COME!!!! 
2) OH no that plant is a random plant that I made up hahhaaa 
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1) HELLO AGAIN AND thank you ahhh it means a lot to me that you take the time to interpret and think about my art in such a thoughtful manner😭😭😭 It’s really sweet and it makes me look at my art in a different way? I was thinking that the redrawn version seems more stiff and I wasn’t sure if I liked them more than the old ones, but after seeing this message I was like ohhh that is true I did try different things with the new versions and that is something I should appreciate and be proud of !! so thank YOU for the lovely words, it is my absolute pleasure to share my art with u!! 
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1) I like using poses from magazines to study anatomy!! I either follow blogs that post magazine scans or I buy them myself when i can! Another thing I’ve found rly helpful was using fitness books/ videos as references… like those for muscle-building/ weight lifters, where there are diagrams of which muscles are working for a specific exercise. YOUTUBE has a lot of fitness videos, just type xxx workout, pause the video at any random frame, and u should be able to get a nice reference to study muscles with!! If u want references for the muscles themselves, some good books I’ve found helpful are: Strength training Anatomy and Anatomy for sculptors (I can give them to you off anon if you’d like)!
2) I HOPE YOU ARE enjoying the brushes !!! NO WORRIES AT ALL I’m happy to share my brushes with anyone who might want to try using htem!! SENDS YOU ALL OF MY LOVE BACK I HOPE YOU ARE ALWAYS HAPPY AND INSPIRED ❤❤
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1) omg this is so hard bc there are 213213 options and I could picture them as more than 1 type of fantasy creature tbh ……… BUT FIRST ONES THAT COME TO MIND WOULD BE : some kind faerie for fay haha, werewolf for tyler, centaur for emmett, vampire for jc, some kinda elemental spirit for cyrus, an orc for wade, and UHH some kind of wise gate guarding creature for parisi LOL 
ILY TOO AND thank YOU for loving my silly boys!!!!!!!!! 
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1) OR PERHAPS PARISI IS JUST ENORMOUS but also yes it’s true baby tyler is a tiny baby bean
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1) omg anon this is a lie I am terrible at drawing anything symmetrically and if I somehow produced anything to make u think so, it’s probably because I spent 10 hours on getting it to look ok LOL I.. TRY TO USE GUIDELINES and flip my canvas to check that things are balanced… that helps me out a lot :’D 
2) thank u anon for this ask it is beautiful and I will frame it and keep it in my room to encourage myself to start drawing batfam art again 
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1) HEY ANON and thank u! I have a list of resources that I’ve found helpful here (at the bottom of the page) !! I hope some of that might be useful for you and feel free to drop me another msg if u need more/ want something more specific!!!!!!! ALL THE BEST
2) omg I havent replied to asks in so long that I didnt even rmb what picture this was referring to and I had to go back and look LOL HE’S TRYING HIS BEST ANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE CANT HELP BEING AN AVERAGE MAN SURROUNDED BY MODELS HOW RIDICULOUS OF THEM !!!! 
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bobowhooo · 6 years
Potent Savages
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Chapter 1 Part 2 : Disruptive
genre : Thriller/Angst/trigger warningsss/smut/exo, oc, and blackpink gang au
Summary : This fast paced kind of life style isnt for everyone, but for these young rich savages this stuff is second nature.
I told you i would catch you up, and im a girl of my word when i want to be. So imma take you back, Back before the drama with jiyong the dragon. Back before i even knew baekhyuns weird ass was a member of the notorious exo gang. Before he knew i was a member of the infamous blackpink gang. Before we all started to hate eachother.
“I am so gonna make a virgin cry tonight” jennie spoke to herself while looking in the mirror as if she was taking a selfie, which i love watching her do for some reason, but in my defense she does look really hot. Looks like tonight is going to be one of those nights that we put on our less expensive clothes and act like we’re regular teenagers, i hate these nights, i’d much rather be at the club in balenciaga, sitting in the vip lounge with jiyong, but my girls wanted me to go and if my girls want something from me the word no always goes into hiding.
“Ayyye lit wayyy.” lisa sang out as she took a picture in the mirror with jennie
I looked over to the room that jisoo and rosé share in our three bedroom condo,  I wasnt getting a good enough look at them so i decided to go inside of the room, i know i sound like some kind of crazy smother but the relationship between me and my girls is not normal and probably never will be. I cant be away from them for too long and if im not close to them i have to atleast be able to lay my eyes on them or i just might kill someone. Yes i do tell you alot but i dont know if im ready to talk too much about that, so lets change the topic.
Snapping out of my thoughts, i realized that jisoo and rosé still werent ready at all. Instead of intervening or saying anything, i decided to just do something else, guess ill call my mans.
“honeyy, how is the party going?” 
“Haii oppaa” i said with a higher voice than usual you know the one you use when you talk to the boy you like? yeah that one. “im not there yet oppa”
“Aaahhh okayyy i seee” judging from the way he was using that sly sexy voice of his, i think he wants something from me.
“What is it oppa?”i said, i dont know why im getting an unfamiliar feeling about this.
“babyy, at that party tonight....”
what the hell does he want with this dumb high school party, i should be the only thing in his mind that has anything to do with high school... okay im kidding....alittle.
“Some of my associates will be there i want you to keep an eye on them.” his voice switched up this time.
“What the fuck jiyong, who the hell are these “associates”?”
“exo.” well he never was one to beat around the bush for too long, i could already hear it in his voice he was getting impatient.
“First of all, fix your tone, and second, boi you know i know most of all that the whole damn exo gang hates you and all your men, dont talk to me like im just another one of those dumb skanks you like to play with.”
What did you just ask? oh, well let me tell you alittle more about him. Jiyong the dragon is the top dog the ultimate big man in this business. He was one of those get down or lay down type of guys, of course that shit didnt work on me and my girls, which was the reason why he took such a liking to me in the first place. Does that cure your curiosity? what do you mean you didnt ask that!? 
“Hahahhah” hes laughing at me.
“ugh, oppa im supposed to be relaxing at this party.”
“i know babyyy, all you have to do is keep an eye on maybe three of them and...”
“Aaand make sure they dont leave until my men get there.”
“What!?, jiyong are you seriously going to try to kill them at a highschool party!?”
“Who said anything about killing themm...babyy come onn for mee?”
“You know that type of shit dosent work on me oppa.”
“please baby? ill owe you one big time.”
That caught my attention “ owe me huh?” thats what i like to hear. I could care less if those exo guys die or get kidnapped or whatever jiyong is gonna do with them, and the mention of him owing me sounds so delicious “hmmm....”
I hear a little laughter on his side before i make my decision,
“You got yourself a deal oppa” i say with a sinister smirk. And with that we say our goodbyes and i hang up.
My girls are so quiet.......shit.
I whip my head around quickly, with my anxiety building up, getting ready to run to where ever they are, whether it is in the house or not. 
“Cha cha?” jisoo called out. My real name is park bong cha, aya is just a street name. Not alot of people know my real name, and i like it like that.
My girls were standing in the doorway of my room which i share with no one due to the fact that all of the extra space in the room is filled with all of our weapons and money. 
“Damn i wish you saw the way your head turned just now” rosé said with a small giggle. She and jisoo looked like they were finally done getting ready. 
“Lets dip girls.” i said, actually feeling alittle excited to go now, which is such a first.
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I was posted up on the wall with some concoction lisa had some girl she was macking on make for me. It tasted good though. I had already informed the girls about the little deal i made with jiyong, they took it well thankfully. i have been occupying my eyes with this cute guy who is dancing his ass off. And just when the song finally changes and he notices, the entrance door swings open and some heads turn, and mine follows the others.
Just the boys i wanted to see, i think to myself while smiling.
I let my girls know by text and we all, being on the same floor of the house, exchange looks. 
shall we?
I watched the exo gang walk in all together, some were rubbing their hands together like fuckboys, and others just looking around observing the party and the people, easily you could tell they are a close-knit group like me and my girls.
I decided to keep my eyes on the linky big eared one, the one who looked like he wanted to scream in someones face, and the one-
“omg” I said under my breath as I watched one of the exo members slightly bite on his beautiful index and middle fingers.
Lisa quickly slapped my shoulder with a grin “aye, you thirsty girl?” she said as she tilted her drink towards me with her adorable smile, “shut the fuck up.” I said with a dead expression.
The other girls came up to us in three different directions. “So whats the plan?” rosé asked while referring to my end of the deal I made with jiyong oppa. I wasn't listening though, still stealing glances at the exo members mouth and fingers.
“Stop bitching guys, I will remember what she looks like, trust me, damn.” chanyeol stated as he scrunched up his face a little. All I can think is that its such a damn shame chanyeol is the only one who saw jiyongs girl, putting all our eggs in chanyeols fucked up basket is really fucking annoying. “Baekhyun, I know what your thinking, and no im not stupid enough to put all our eggs in chanyeols fucked up basket, just know that.” Suho spoke while he squeezed my shoulder as if he was trying to make me feel his words,  what the hell is he? a fucking mind reader!? 
We already know what jiyong the fucking snake is going to try to pull tonight, we heard from a mole hes going to have some girl hes been fucking to watch us all night, but we came here tonight in spite of that to do our usual rounds, because not a lot of things are better than money and confrontation.
“Alright split, chanyeol stay with Baekhyun” Suho said with an exhale
Chanyeol puts his arm around my shoulders as we walk towards the crowd of dancing teens. “Anybody lookin familiar?” my voice giving off my bored and annoyed mood, I spoke with a quick elbow into his stomach. “Nahh, just lemme go get a drink real quick. want one?” chanyeol asked and got a nod yes in return.
I start looking around, eyeing all the girls in the room.
“Girls really love this song huh?” I said to myself as I watched a swarm of girls running to the impromptu dance floor as they screamed and giggled.
My eyes automatically land on two girls that looked like they just jumped off a runway stage or some shit, “damn” I said out loud on accident, could they be jiyongs? 
“Damn is right.” chanyeols deep voice crept from behind me, “all the girls in the kitchen were uggos.” he tilted a red plastic cup my way.
I took it from him and stole a quick sip, “those two girls right there ring any bells?” I asked as I brought up my left hand to wipe my mouth and used the index finger of the hand holding my cup to point in the direction of the girls I was talking about.
Chanyeol licked his lips, “I don't know I think I need a closer look.” he voiced as he rubbed his hands together, his fuckboy mode starting to kick into gear.
I smirked at the possibilities.
“Okay I guess we can have some fun then.” 
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“You know if you don't make this shot im going to make you strip right?” the guy I now know as Baekhyun spoke to me sexily with a sharp smirk on his face while he held a ping pong ball that had earlier been cover in cheap beer.
“Well maybe I want to strip.” I stated, readying another ping pong ball. Hopefully I can finally make a shot.
Baekhyun, and his friend who is also an exo member, chanyeol came up to me and jennie a little while ago, the convenience being too perfect, we've been talking to them ever since, and somehow I ended up in a game of beer pong with Baekhyun, while jennie and chanyeol decided to look through each others instagrams on the couch next to us.
I finally flick my wrist with hopes I get it into one of the cups on baekhyuns side.
“Yess.” I said as my ball landed in a cup on the left of Baekhyun.
“aahh noo” Baekhyun spoke playfully.
my phone buzzes at that. I quickly look at jennie, Jiyongs men might be....
“What is it?” Baekhyun speaks. I don't answer, instead I remove my phone from the back pocket of my jeans to see if my earlier thought was right.
  my men are there baby where are you
“Aye jennie the girls are looking for us we should go.”
“awww already?” chanyeol said, his voice giving off a new dangerous tone.
They know.
I saw ayas face change after chanyeols comment.
that's right bitch, feel it. 
chanyeol told me she was the one three minutes into talking to her. I have to admit shes good. I totally would have fallen for her act. too bad I didn't.
“Jennie lets move now!” aya yelled at the other girl as we heard screams coming from all around the house.
“Grab her chanyeol!” 
The moment I jump on the ping pong table and take out my gun, jennie jumps off the couch, chanyeol grabs her, and Baekhyun pulls out the gun hes been hiding so well. 
Jennie struggles in the hold of the huge man, while I stare Baekhyun down. Both our guns pointing at each others head. aiming for an instant kill.
“You don't think im about to just give up do you?” 
I quickly shoot at the gun in Baekhyuns hand and roll off the table, about to shoot at chanyeols foot, he kicks the shit out of me, and jennie took the chance to get out of his hold, all of a sudden a crowd of people fill the room. 
Jiyongs men come running in like the CIA.
I start shooting the men coming at me. suho and d.o run into the room probably getting ready to carry out plan b.
Me and chanyeol somehow end up back to back in the middle of jiyongs men, this isn't looking to damn good.
I grab jennie and run to the exit of the room in full panic mode because I don't know where the hell my other girls are. 
A exo member with bushy eyebrows comes out of nowhere and stands in front of us looking like satan himself, looking calm despite all the chaos going on. 
I don't have time for this.
I push jennie backwards getting ready to jump out of the next window I see, until I turn around and see another exo member staring us down with one of his eyebrows lifted, as more of the exo gang pile in the room to help with jiyongs men. fuuuck meee.
I charge in the other direction gripping jennies wrist, and my girls come out in front of us rushing to get to the men chasing behind.
Me and jennie continue running with intentions of getting the car ready, hating the fact that I have to leave the other girls here. 
We reach a window and I look for something in the room I could use to break it. I find golf clubs in the closet and take a hard swing at my target, breaking it in one go. we both jump out and sprint for the car we came-
My eyes feel like led but I finally start to open them, looking around to only find darkness. shit I must have gotten knocked out by one of the exo boys.
my eyes widen. jennie.
I feel her breathe on my neck as she tries to get closer.
“same plan as usual?”
“ Yeah.”
These exo assholes should have fucking killed me when they had the chance, they should know never to cage wild beasts.
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When the car finally came to a stop I realized my eyes were closed in anger the whole time.
I heard muffled voices and doors opening before closing right back.
My eyes shot open in anticipation.
Open the trunk, I dare you.
as if on cue the trunk door pops open and the exo men look down on us laying in their trunk, this isn't all of them though, where are the rest? I look up at them wishing looks could kill.
“awww you are such a good girl, I didn't even have to gag youu.” a dinosaur looking exo member said as he bent down to get me out of the trunk.
This time, this time when I shoot I wont miss.
The moment my feet touch the ground I feel a rush of adrenaline, I keep my composure until jennies feet does the same.
I close my eyes again readying myself for the moves im about to make. as they start walking us to what seems like a rundown hideout.
They are circled around me and jennie as we walk towards the destination and I look at the men in front of me, eyeing them up and down in search of a knife.
Spinning around as fast as I can in the direction of the knife in the mans pocket on the left of me, jennie quickly backs up planning on distracting atleast two of them.
I get my hands on it and move swift and fast cutting myself loose, cutting up an exo members leg and whatever else is in the way of jennie,
I cut her loose and spin again, always trying to use my speed as an element of surprise, I grab hold of a gun in someones hand and start shooting at everyone around us, as jennie follows my actions.
my shoulder takes a shot, as jennie grabs my hand and makes a run for it. 
we keep running into the dark forest for our lives as we try our best to avoid the bullets the are flying from behind us.
What a fucking night.
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We spent the rest of night running through the woods and making sure I don't bleed to death. When we got back to condo, the sun was up and the rest of the girls were crying and loading machine guns. 
“We thought you guys were never going to come back!” they cried at us. I couldn't help but feel like shit, I wasn't on my a game last night and because of that my girls suffered. 
After that my shoulder was tended to by jisoo and we made our way to jiyongs place to talk about everything.
“I cant fucking believe this shit!”
“Jiyong what the hell are you talking about?” I said as I walked into his office with my girls
“im never gonna trust you with shit ever again.” oppa spoke in a vicious tone while walking towards me.
“Chill the fuck out jiyong!”  jisoo said about to step in front me, I put my arm out in front of her and walk into his personal space.
“Got a fucking problem?”
“Its your fault they got away, you unprofessional piece of trash. Do you know how much that night cost me!” well look at the balls on this one.
“I tried my best you fucking asshole don't do that to me I held up my end of the deal all you said I had to do was keep them there!” 
“Get the fuck out of my face aya, you and your girls are making me sick to my stomach, and don't even think for a second I was serious about me owing you!”
Ah shit my hands are gonna misbehave. suddenly my fist made their way to his jaw and accidently on purpose clocked the shit out of him.
My girls start giggling at the scene and I back away from jiyong as his eyes become wild with anger.
“Do you have a fucking death wish you bitch!?” yes.
“Nah, not really.”
He starts walking towards me again and I can finally tell that he’s not sober. He takes a slow swing at me and my face scrunches up in disgust.
I push his head backwards and he falls completely over. What a pig.
“Jiyong stop come on your better than this.” I said with a frustrated tone.
“DIGGIE” he screams for his body guard who does all his dirty work. Truth is jiyongs actually a little bitch, but hey gotta fake it till you make right?
“Do you really think that guy can kill our crazy asses?” rosé speaks with a raised eyebrow to jiyong, who is on the floor looking completely distressed.
“diggie” his cry for his body guard becomes soft as he starts to sob.
“Come on, lets get outta here girls, he’s obviously really fucked up right now.”
“Don't worry jiyong, we’ll leave diggies head at the door for you.” 
All caught up?
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AUTHORS NOTE : woooo! im doneeeee ayyy I had a lot of fun with this chapterrrr. I hope you guys enjoyed it! its like 5 30 right now sooo imma go to sleep nowww but thanks for reading! kisses <3 ~ laila
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creepypocky · 3 years
Hello! I hope you're day/night is going great! I would like to please request a matchup; either romantic or nsfw. Here's all about me:
Straight/ yet would 100 percent marry my best friend if she asked me to
Pisces ascendant
Scorpio moon
My height is 5'7
Dark brown hair/eyes.
My hair is pretty wavy and is shoulder length.
Pretty average weight: not skinny/fat. My skin tone is like beige/warm beige. Im Central American.
I have scars and stuff. I mean, who doesn't but my childhood was... nice.
Personality (if I even have one):
Ok I always have no idea what to say on personality stuff
My personality is always switching
ive been in the hellish thing known as Creepypasta/slenderverse/Marble hornets shit for more than a decade and its the reason i turned out to be a piece of shit.
Uh oh and my love for it has turned into obsession.
Ok so I took one of those MBTI tests on quotev and
I got ISTP. But then I got tied with a bunch others.
So yeah...
I guess I have pretty dull style. I like street wear. But I usually wear shirts from fucking walmart, jeans/loose jeans, hoodies/jackets.
My hair is always in either a low bun/ponytail.
Im... not very smart :D
I wanna talk to people but I suck at it.
I stutter a lot and nothing I ever say comes out like I want it.
I'm terrible at explaining myself and always freak out when I'm being talked to.
I have a weird sense of humor... Some might consider it morbid for some reason. But, I mean,,,, i laugh at fart sounds
I procrastinate.
i don't know why its so hard for me to get stuff done and i have so much on my plate right now lol.
You know, I love to consider myself badass and careless and fun.
Yet im too shy to ask the cashier for an extra bag :(
I want to hang out with alot of friends and do whatever I'd like...
Yet im actually pretty alone.. :/
I'm always thinking about pp but no man will ever love my virgin ass.
I have no skills or talent lol
But that won't stop me from messing around with things I know I shouldn't do
I always have headphones on, much to my mom's dismay, so i love to listen to music
I love to write.
Yet im lazy to do it :(
I have this uncompleted edward scissorhands x reader on ao3 and i feel bad for the people who are waiting for another chapter.
I love to draw too! I prefer digital.
Also pretty lazy
I have so many unfinished stuff
I guess I also have in baking. But i burn everything.
I would love to go outdoors and go for walks. Especially in forests and stuff.
I love Michigan weather :)
Exploring is also super fun to me!
In relationships:
I... Wouldn't know what to do-
I know I'd be super shy at first...
Im sure I'd open up more
And thats where it all goes to hell-
I know id be a super bottom
Id really like someone to do stupid shit with
Not that into public affection but if like someone affectionate and stuff
He's definitely someone who starts off the conversation and likes to talk to me.
...I guess that's all I have...??
I'm sorry you had to read all that.
And sorry if it's not much/not enough
I can't thank you enough!!! Omg thank you. I hope you have a good day/night again!! I live your blog and how it creepypasta oriented omg 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Heyy!!!! So, since you said either romantic or NSFW, I'm assuming you only want one, so I'll only do romantic if thats okay with you! Thank you for requesting and I hope you're doing well! And don’t worry, I didn’t mind reading this.
|| I match you with: Ticci Toby! ||
I swear to god Toby just, relates, to you so much, it’s really insane. He really really understands wanting to do something or wanting to be good at something and then ending up just, sucking at it. BUT, he does think you’re really awesome and he encourages you to work hard in stuff you enjoy doing. If you feel comfortable with it, of course. He also procrastinates a lot and would spend that time he’s supposed to be doing work, with you. He knows Slenderman will get mad at him for it but he doesn’t care as long as he can spend time with you.
If you ever feel really lonely he will be there for you and will try to encourage other people to go talk to you (gently) if you feel too uncomfortable to start up a conversation with anyone. He will also be there for you if you’re too scared to talk to people and will do his best to start conversations with you and try to get you out of your shell.
He would love to read the stuff you write and see the art you make. He would probably also request you to write or draw stuff for him (when you want to) because it would honestly make him really happy.
He finds it cute when you’re shy, and would do what he can to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible. He loves you and the last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable around him or feel too weirded out. He loves it when you open up more though because he wants to learn more about you and thinks you’re a really great and interesting person to be with. Toby doesn’t mind public affection but if it makes you uncomfortable then he won’t force it on you. He is very affectionate to you in private, though.
Thank you again for requesting, this was very fun to write and I hope you’re having a good day/night! <3
0 notes
aharris00britney · 7 years
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wow I let this build up didn’t I.... updates on the ViVi inspired hair, Sim download info, some sweet people, some K-Pop, and other stuff below
@agentwashsims​ said: I️ knew you wouldn’t disappoint on the curly hairs!
Thank youu! lmao it is a pretty basic edit but I’m glad you like it ;-;
Anonymous said: Could you convert the solid colored EA Cruella DeVille style for girls or tots?
Actually it has already been converted HERE (warning: she uses an ad thing :( )
@pierce-the-rachel​ said: Okay hello I just love your cc so much!!! Like you're amazing I what you do. Much love<3   
Thank you so much omgg I am not nearly close to being amazing but I appreciate it <3
Anonymous said: Hi! Is there any chance your sim that modeled the Braxton hair will be up for download? Along with his cc?
Yes! In the next week he 100% will be. Taylor will be posted tomorrow :)
Anonymous said: What skin do you use on your male models? It looks the same as the female one but I can’t find it in CAS.
Check my resource page for my default. I don’t have the overlay labeled on there but in the next few days when I have my male model for download it will be listed there.
Anonymous said: I love your whistle skinny jeans alot, I was wondering if you were ever thinking about making one without the jacket around the waist? Sorry for wasting your time :P
That is sadly out of my ability :( but I am glad u like my whistle skinny jeans!! Not a waste of time to give someone a compliment
Anonymous said: Not exactly an ask but. I love your cc, you create beautiful content, and no matter what others say someone is gonna like it :)
Thank you soooo much omfg I really fucking appreciate stuff like this.
Anonymous said: Your creations are so awesome! I always love coming to your page and seeing all of your amazing creations!!
Thank you!!!!!! omg I feel bad that I never respond to these until I do these things, you guys that send these prob think I ignore them ;-; but for the people who read these and who send them: I really appreciate it like so much ;-; it has been a meh couple of weeks which is why CC has been slow but I love you all so much <3
@raivynmoon​ said: Omg why do you always get so much hate from anons? I’ll tell you why, because you’re doing things right and toxic people get jealous. Don’t mind the haters, you’re amazing! Happy new year ❤️ 
I actually don’t get that much hate! I never really pay them any mind bc I know as long as it is something I like that I will release it. People do def prob get jealous they can’t mesh stuff that well, not saying I am the god at it, but I do have some talent in that area from doing it for a while. Happy new year to you too!!! and thank you for the ask <3
Anonymous said: hey i just want to say that all of your cc is amazing, you put so much time and effort into it. of course everyone can give you feedback and opinions about what you make, but you are the creator so you can do whatever you want with it. that anon below was just rude, inconsiderate, and isn’t really helping anyone. that person obviously doesn’t make cc hair, because im sure then they would understand and not be a total jerk about it. maybe they should just stick to makeup, instead of hating.
<-- what she said (thank youuu)
Anonymous said: well I think that all of the hair you make is really great, even if not everyone likes it. You spend so much time making these amazing hairs and shout-out to the person below: why would you waste your time hating on somebody else’s hard work when you could be creating makeup cc? You don’t put your effort and time into creating this kind of stuff, of course I know you were also giving feedback.
Thank you <3
Anonymous said: THE HAIR IS CUTE AF
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Anonymous said: Wcif the hair in your "In The Time Spent With You" post? Thank you!♡
Deleted :( I never got it to look how I wanted so I never finished it
Anonymous said: I'd just like to say that the hair looks pretty, honestly your hairs are always high quality and never fail to dissapoint, I'd just say that it could be a little puffier on the sides, and over all ignore the haters, they probably couldn't make anything close to what you're making! Luvs. 
Thank you!! I tried puffing the sides up some, here is a comparison pic:
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(brown is now) (blonde is before)
@twirlyb​ said: I love the idea of the hair and I think it looks good so far but so you think that there's anyway to add for volume? I love the hair that it's based on and I really want to have it in game. I Completely understand if it's not an option but I though I would ask anyway. Btw I think your hairs are amazing. I went mostly cc free for a while (not anymore could handle not having cc but) and the only things I kept were my defaults and some of your hairs that I absolutely can not live without.
Refer above lmao
@cutesimmer23​ said: Hi , anonimus , I have a message for you. If you think Austin's cc is trashy , it's just your opinion. His ccs are one of my top favourites , and I support him in all that he does , even if that's not too good. He tries to do something and , even it's not perfect at the first time , he tries to perfect it. I really love his cc . And I have something more to say. If you are that good at cc give Austin a message (not anonimously) and then we will see who's the best. We love you, Austin!
Thank you <3 You're lovely for sending me this
Anonymous said: heyy love your blog and all of your creations. wcif ALL of your sims? do you ever upload them to the gallery?
Macie is already posted, link on my resource page. Taylor will be posted tomorrow, and my male model will be posted next week. The rest idk
Anonymous said: um can that damn anon piss off. your content is absolutely amazing and some things aren't for everyone but someone out there will love and appreciate it. also the hair in your profile picture looks gorgeous. is it released yet? and the wip you posted is cute af. ignore those haters <3
Thank you <3 Hair in my profile pic is my HyunA hair :)
Anonymous said: Hi, so sorry if anyone has already asked this, but I was wondering hat your origin ID was, since your sims are super cute!? Ps. I'm totally in love with your blog!!!
My origin is Spotharris but it does not have much on it right now, Ps. thank you
Anonymous said: Do you have any K-Pop albums? Which ones?
Oh my! I have a few! I have Red Velvet’s Perfect Velvet, and 6 LOONA albums (Kim Lip, Jinsoul, Choerry, Yves, Mix & Match, and Max & Match)
 Anonymous said: I miss you having Macie as your icon :(     
Me too jush she needs to make a comeback     
Anonymous said: Hey I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on how to make a middle parted hair side parted ?? please
I might do a livestream sometime in the future that is me remaking a hair like Joy or something where I did that. I am really bad at video stuff though so like... someone help?
Anonymous said: Can I just say how much I absolutely love all of your hairs? Like your so talented in making cc. Please keep up the great work!
Thank you!
Anonymous said: Can you convert the cupid eyes you posted for dogs/cats? It's fine if you can't, jw!
rip I can but I really don’t want to ;-;
Anonymous said: I just want to say I love you so much! All your creations are so beautiful and I use them ALL the time. Happy Holidays! ~ V
Happy late holidays!
Anonymous said: Do you have all of your own CC in your game?
Nooooo lmao
Anonymous said: does ur hyuna hair work with the ombres?
She does not :(
Anonymous said: make more diverse sims
Anonymous said: yo i remember when you first started out and you were just starting.  now you've improved a HELL of a lot. like WOAH (i love your cc)
we don’t speak of those times in my life ok
Anonymous said: I don't know if you are open to cc requests, so if you are, would you ever consider separating them utility jacket from cats and dogs? I've seen so many people recolor it but I can't find it as an accessory, and I've looked everywhere.
A friend of mine tried it but it was really glitchy :( Maybe in the future I could give it a go?
Anonymous said: LIPS, HIPS LIPS, HIPS (ahh, ahh) L-LIPS, HIPS (ahh, ahh) Hi-hi-hi-hi-hip (POP!)
yes i agree with everything
Anonymous said: I have the same b-day as you
only legends were born on that day. and December 2nd.
Anonymous said: Your birthday is the day before mine and the day after my sister's            
So close to being legends.... sad
Anonymous said: I thought, you're female😅😅🔫
rip ur mind after i blew it up by being a male
Anonymous said: damn didnt know u were homophobic lol
Anonymous said: fmk: danny devito, shrek, and jim carrey's the grinch
fuck danny bc idk who it is and i know a hot danny. marry the grinch bc he i like mayor of whoville after the movie. kill shrek and take the donkey.
Anonymous said: ahHHHhhHh idk why but i love you so much(not in a weird way u pervery xddd)
thanks babessss
Anonymous said: You should start a gameplay
I dont have the computer or the time for that I am sorry to say
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deardiary152-blog · 7 years
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September 19,2017 9:45 AM Dear Diary, Gonna just make this shit short for the fact that I just poured my heart out and this shitty app won’t upload the story …Well I haven’t been around for a few days been trying out some apps but i think I’m gonna just rest that for now .I made 200usd off one but western union sent back the money to the developers I guess its because the name i sent it to has been collecting money with too many different names. BUT I am to be blamed because three other persons sent me money in my ex name and it was put on “hold” and i was told the senders “cancelled"the money which was a lie as to how i see it it looks like western union actually sent back the money to the senders.But i just thought i was going to try again as I cannot collect the money for the fact that i cannot go anywhere because of my odor and the shame my ex has brought on me (which i will get into another time)and also to the fact that moneygran wasnt a option on the site the other options needed a bank account .Well its pretty clear they blocked him from western union now ….anyway i asked them if they can use moneygram as a withdraw option as that is not a option on the site they haven’t replied to my email as yet .However ,the person said they will remove western union as a pay out option.I kinda think western union is brainwashing the people that send us money I mean why would they send back the 200 usd and then the app developer is gonna say they are gonna remove western union as a pay out option.Anyway the app developer/admin says they are going to add back the money in my app’s account until i find a other option to get it (#bankaccount needed) I think I’m going to open the bank account in my ex name as I am unable to go anywhere now as I am still smelling like a dead rat and I have not cleared up the infection as yet .I made 80usd lastweek from a guy I met off the website .If u asked me where the money went I couldn’t tell you had to pay my ex 3000jmd to collect it being for the fact that we are not having sex and he had to leave his work to collect it I just told him to take it plus he has been collecting money for me for months now so that’s the least I could do.Besides there are not alot of men who allow you to stay at their yard without sexual advance well .In regards to his penis it’s better now or should i say is healing as the pink skin is hard but dark part is not over it as yet epidermis or dermis?lol Anyways …I think I’m gonna leave these site things out for a while as it’s taking up too much time and im not sure of the profits .And the one that I find that seems to b honest western union came with their bullshit 😞Badluck or Stupidity?Hmmmmm well Im gonna try a different stragedy to make some cash one i was using the other day till I messed it up yes!!!! me!!! don’t even want to get into it but I think I’m gonna make a comeback wondering if I should change the brandname tho?What u think???Hmmm but I’m gonna need possibly 5,000JMD to start it up for the fact that I only have 2,000jmd left from the 8,000 3000 to pay the receiver also bought a phone charger well my ex bought it and it didn’t even last a fucking day and yes i finally got the mask he bought couple week ago not my style but they serve for the purpose .The rest I used to bought food and phonecard leaving me now with 2,000JMD I also think I’m gonna need a new phone but when is that as I’m broke as hell hmmm.(phone starts runnung low very easily)I cant wait to be able to go on the road and start doing things on my own again .1.I buy better quality things than my ex 2.Being for the fact that he is also broke at the moment i have seen signs of his behaviour like he does not like to see me with money because he don’t have any my money is drained faster but when I’m in control of my moves and action I’m able to conserve more.Fuck I just don’t know what to do .Hmmm I told him to buy the insert Tabs the other day he said he forgot so he said or perhaps he’s making his ego get the best of him but by right I should be the one doing those stuff for myself so thanks to him for atleadt always trying to be there for me.Welk i want to try my new way but don’t know when I’ll start need some credit and 5,000 JMD yes im gonna be using websites as promo but i not the ones i was using before as this is a slightly different procedure (not gonna disclose what it is as yet)fuck i don’t know how im going to manage this month end will be 75,000 on my goal amount and not 65,000 And all now I have not one cent put down to work towards my goal( room for improvement asap) Well my ex greeted e with a scornful trying to be nice hypocritical look this morning I was taking in my sleep so I guess whatever I said turned him off I can’t explain it was like I was half sleeping I was able to hear myself talking but I couldn’t stop it I think something is wrong with me I was saying something about me being a opportunist I don’t remember everything but it was weird I mean why would u say im a opportunist even if I really was and I was uncontrollable of the things I was saying these things are scaring me a bit .Anyway he’s not here now so when he come I will try and find out what he heard that’s if he ever spills the beans hmmm.Im wondering if I’m being tormented or possessed by a demon/demons or perhaps it was because I ate late I don’t know .Maybe I need to seek a pastor or mother woman/man but I don’t think that would be now as I am broke and smelly …. hope this shitty ass app post my story this time the only things it’s good for is to promote immoral life 😟If u can help me with the 5,000 please contact me
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minthalo · 7 years
All of the fanfiction asks!
oh boy okay here we go
1. What was your first fic and could you stand to reread it today?
my first fic was “Do you want to build a Sand Castle With Me?” and I can reread it only because i rewrote it a few months ago and posted over the original 
2. What’s your most recent fic and how far do you think you’ve come?
my most recent fic is “Cobrababy Nate” and I think i’ve improved a lot since the first fics i’ve written... at least i hope i have
3. In your opinion, what’s your best fic?
my favorite fic has to be “Meet me by the lake”
4. In your opinion and without looking at any numbers, what’s your most popular fic?
Probably my first fic “Do you want to build a sand castle with me?”
5. Is there any fic that makes you super happy to reread and remember you wrote that?
Yes!!! my favorite one is “You have a nice voice”
6. Is there any fic that makes you super embarrassed to reread and remember you wrote that?
Y e s and it’s “Ooh Santa Travie”
7. What’s the fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)?
I have this one Joncer au that i’ve never posted and I’m in Love With but i can’t find the motivation to write anything lately so it’s just sitting in my google drive unfinished staring at me until i complete it
8. What’s the oldest (longest since last update) fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)?
hmmm I have this one Brencer au that i never posted that i haven’t touched in Forever so probably that one, i really want to finish it
9. Have you ever written for a fandom without watching/reading/playing the source material?
no but i’ve thought about it
10. Have you ever written for a fandom without reading other fanfic for it?
no i usually read a bunch of fics before writing my own
11. Have you ever written a fic for a concept you know someone else has done before? How did it impact your writing process or feelings after posting?
Yeah, i used to take prompts off those big posts full of them, and I know there are a million more popular fics with the same idea. I usually try to let it not bother me too much
12. Have you ever written a fic and decided never to publish it? Why?
Yes, i wasn’t comfortable with people reading that side of my writing. Maybe one day it’ll change
13. What’s the biggest change between your style when you started in fandom and today?
I use proper grammar
14. What’s the biggest change in your taste between when you started in fandom and today?
I look for more short and sweet fics rather than long ones like i used to
15. Have you ever purposefully written one fandom/fic idea over another because you knew it’d be more popular?
Yup, i would write frerard fics because i knew it would get a lot of attention even though i wasnt really into that ship
16. Have you ever stopped writing a fic/for a fandom because it wasn’t receiving enough attention?
yup. I love rywalk but no one reads it so i stopped writing for that pairing
17. In your opinion, what’s your most overrated fic?
“Hot Shirtless Plant Guy” its like the second fic i ever wrote and its not very good. I went back and rewrote it because it was so bad
18. What’s your most underrated fic?
literally any of my rywalk fics. they deserve better
19. If you had to pick one fic/scene/chapter of your work to describe your entire portfolio to a stranger, which would you pick?
Shit i dont know, maybe the scene in “Do you want to build a sand castle with me” where Pete wakes Mikey up and they walk around their neighborhood in the middle of the night. I like that scene
20. Have/Would you ever rewrite a fic? If yes, would you take the original down?
Yes i have. I posted over most of my old fics with revised versions of them because the originals were so bad. I didn’t change much, just fixed the Many spelling and grammar errors 
21. If someone starts kudosing and commenting your fics in a spree and has a few works of their own, would you go look through theirs?
Yes!! if they have an account i always go on it to see their fics and if it is in a fandom i like i’ll try to read them
22. Has there ever been anyone who’s made you freak out because they read your work and followed/favorited/reviewed?
Y E S theres this one fic “Fragile Capricorn” and the author left kudos on my santa travie fic and i freaked out but also cried because thats the worst fic i’ve ever written but thats the one fic they read
23. What’s the nicest review you’ve ever gotten?
literally all my reviews are nice it makes me cry but my favorite was one on “Phone Call” and it was “ THIS. this is the fic that got me into joetrick a while ago. thank u for showing me the light.” it makes me so happy i can convert people to ships i like
24. What’s the meanest review you’ve ever gotten? Do you think the reviewer intended it?
I’ve never gotten a mean review on my fics but i have gotten people sending me anon hate here for them, and yeah i do think that person meant for it to be insulting.
25. What constructive criticism, however well-meaning, always makes you feel bad when you see it in a review?
“Please update faster!!” I know they mean well but writing is hard
26. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised?
that I write well at all because I have a million doubts in my head that my fics are shit
27. If you could only ever write crossovers or single-fandom fics ever again, which would you pick?
single fandom fics
28. if you could only ever write for a single crossover or a single fandom again, which would you pick?
probably bandom
29. Does the division of your writing across fandoms line up with your reading? What’s the biggest discrepancy?
I like to think so but alot of these fics are amazing and Im just like,, basic
30. Do you continue to write for a fandom after you’ve moved on or do you focus solely on the new one?
I jump between fandoms for a while before stopping and moving on, its usually a slow change
31. Who’s the one character you’ve just never managed to get perfectly right?
Mikey way tbh
32. Who’s the one character who shines without you even trying?
literally none of them theyre all so hard to write
33. Is there any particular character whose scenes always wind up being longer/more frequent than you expected? Does the quality hold up?
not really
34. Was there any fic that you wrote that really surprised you in the fandom reaction? Was it just by the numbers or did they take it an entirely different way?
Yes my first Joetrick fic is one of my most popular fics and I didn’t expect that at all, I never realized how popular that ship is
35. Have you ever written a ship into a fic without meaning to?
surprisingly no, all my ships are planned out
36. Have you ever sincerely written a ship you do not support into a fic?
Yes. I hate ryden and i put it in my first fic for the sole purpose to break them up in a horrible way
37. Have you ever purposefully bashed a character/ship in a fic?
Yes. I hate ryden and i put them in “Do you want to build a sand castle with me?” only to break them up
38. Have you ever purposefully written something you know your readers would find uncomfortable/would not enjoy? If yes, why?
yes. I write in sad things because i know itll make readers sad
39. Do you consider yourself to have a readership?
My ao3 stats say I have 16 people subscribed to my account but i have a hard time believing that many people like my fics that much
40. Do you feel like you put out enough content?
No. I have major writers block (and also depression) so i never have motivation to write fics even though i really want to, i never feel like i put out enough fics
41. If you cross-post your fics on multiple sites, do you have a favorite? Are there certain fics you would only post on certain site?
I dont cross post but my favorite site is ao3
42. How many views has your most popular fic gotten?
most popular fic is “Do you want to build a sand castle with me?” and it has 1,922 hits on ao3 
43. Your least popular?
Least popular fic is “What could have been” and it has 56 hits on ao3
44. Do you follow/favorite/kudos/comment/review more stories than you have received?
I think so. I kudos every fic i read
45. If you had to call yourself an author of a single genre (besides fanfic) what label would you give yourself?
romance definitely  
46. Do you consider yourself a diverse author?
Not really i write pretty basic stuff
47. If someone you know in real life who isn’t involved in fandoms asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first?
depends who they are but mostly yes, I would probably give them either “meet me by the lake” or “Do you want to build a sand castle with me?”
48. Does anyone you know from outside of fandom know you write fanfic? Are they involved in the same fandom too?
Yes all my friends know I write fanfiction. It’s not really something I’m ashamed of, and they usually think its less weird after I tell them I dont write porn
49. Has anyone in your life ever read your fanfic just because you wrote it?
Yes!! My friend Veronica reads all my fics because I wrote them!! she barley even know the fandoms I write for
50. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive?
Yes it has had a big impact on my life, and I say its mostly positive. I’ve met some of my best friends because of writing fanfiction and that means the world to me
You can find all of my fics on ao3 Here!!
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grungebeauty666 · 8 years
I got chu. (This is my main blog.... I dont know if I've told you that? Or if you knew? Tbh I almost forgot what I was doing as I was getting ready to send this) but! You should do all of them because they are adorable af and ily and wanna know more about you!
I got chu! I think you never told me, but now I know :D Awe, ily too ^-^
1. What have you eaten today?
Oreo’s and a Cripsy Chicken Burger from Burgerking

2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant?
I think it was with one of my best friend. More or less, we do it kinda like a greeting, idk is that weird 

3. What color shoes did you last wear?

4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week?
We watched Prison Break and I called Mike a »Snekay Weasel«

5. What is your favorite scent?
Natural one probably would be tea; Perfume whise Chloé Lovestory

6. What is your favorite season? Why?
Fall or Winter, because my skin is very sensitive to heat, and it itches and it’s just a no from me

7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel?
I used to, but then I got fat lmao

8. What color are your nails?

9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be?
A little heart under my right eye

10. What is something you find romantic?
Netflix and Chill

11. Are you happy?

12. Is there anything in particular making you happy orsad?
My best friends make me happy. Money makes me happy, because I can spend it on shit I don’t need; Part of my family makes me sad

13. Dogs or Cats?

15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?
Museum, I loved the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam

15. What is your style?
Really weird, because I like alot of stuff so; Grunge, Goth, Hipster, “Instagram-Ish”, Geeky, Cute and alot more mixed 

16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be?
Travel somewhere

17. Are you in a relationship or single?

18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now?
I actually don’t like one right now

19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with?
If I had a partner, I wouldn’t. 

20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? Sure, many things. Mostly feelings 😂

21. How did you celebrate last Halloween?
I went for trick and treating with my nieces!

22. Have you recently made any big decisions?

23. Were you ever in a school play?
No, but we didn’t had those anyway

24. What movie would you use to describe your life?
To Write Love On Her Arms maybe, without the drug part

25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
Youtube, and I didn’t started because my confidence is pretty low

26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”
Everything, even though I already have my best friend for that 

27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex?
Nothing tbh 

28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex?
Nothing tbh 

29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
I only had one day of school

30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it?
Alot of things

31. How long was your longest relationship?
Romantic: Never happendFriendship: About 14 years now 

32. Have you ever been in love?

33. Are you currently in love?
With myself

34. Why did your last relationship end?
It didn’t

35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it?
I’m wearing a septum but I guess that’s not really jewelry, is it 😂

36. When was the last time you cried and why?
Yesterday, and for the most stupid thing ever. I’m really shy and have social phobia, and my mother and her husband renovate the hall, and it’s really small and I couldn’t pass her husband and I didn’t want to say that I need to go pass him so I left the hall, went back to my room and started crying. He’s really weird, in a bad way, and I dislike him, for my defense.

37. Name someone pretty.
Emilie Autumn

38. What did you receive last Valentines Day?
A text from my bestfriend 😂

39. Do you get jealous easily?
I do

40. Have you ever been cheated on?
Friendship whise definitely 

41. Do you trust your partner/best friend?
Yes, I do.

42. Ever had detention?
Yeah, I skipped classes alot when I was in highschool

43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?
City. I like the countryside, but I like privacy. Not knowing everyone, not getting judged by a bunch of old people

44. What do people call you?

45. What was the last book you read?
To all the boys I’ve loved before by Jenny Han

46. How big of a nerd/dork are you?
Way to big

47. What kind of music do you listen to?
Everything actually

48. How tall are you?
“””Tall”””; Im 4”9

49. Do you like kids?
Yes, I love kids! 

50. Favorite fruits?
I usually don’t like fruits, but probably bananas

51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
Leggins all the way

52. What’s your earliest memory?
My sisters trying to throw me into a river as a joke

53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you?
Yes, by my niece

54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Both, but only if I take the pictures

55. Do you have a collection of anything?
Pencil’s, life of an artist am I right

56. Do you save money or spend it?
I used to spend it, but I’m trying to save more now, since I’m moving out soon

57. What would your dream house be like?
I prefer smaller ones because I’m paranoid

58. What top 5 things make you the angriest?
Ignorance, racism, sexism, violence, doublestandarts

59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face?
Food, netflix, books, friends, free wifi

60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Well, I get fired then

61. You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) Everyoneb) Probably still watching netflix and youtube alldayc) No, I’d be glad it’s over

62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
People that are completely happy and share their happiness with other people, to make them happy too

63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
England or Switzerland, since two of my friends live there

64. Do you like the beach?

65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special?
Define special, to me everyone that I love is special, so I guess

66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it!
Mine is Marie 

67. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, I do that alot

68. Describe your hair.
Short, wavy/curly, silver-blue 

69. What is the meaning of life.
I don’t know yet 

70. What is your ideal partner like?

71. Do you want to get married?

72. Do you want to have kids?
Maybe, I’m not sure

73. Like or dislike your family?
I dislike most of them

74. Are you Chunky or Slim?
Just fat
75. Would you consider yourself smart?
I’d like to, but I think I’m rather stupid

76. What would you change about your life?

77. Religious or Not?

78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
Probably my best friend 

79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
No, I love him lmao

80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?

81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
Watching netflix, eating pizza and drinking alcohol 

82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?

83. Do you like when people play with your hair?
Yeeeeeees, I love that, it feels so good

84. Do you like bubble baths?
Yes! I also love bathbombs especially from lush

85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop?
Nah, I can’t drive

86. Have you ever danced in the rain?
As a kid

87. Do you trust anyone with your life?

88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
My neck hurts

89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week)
EnglandSwitzerlandJapanItalyAmericaFranceGreeceMexicoThailandParts of Germany maybe, I don’t travel around much here

90. How was your day today?

91. Play an instrument?
No, I tried playing piano, but my fingers are too small lmao 

92. Describe the what you think of the ocean.
I hate it, it’s deep and scary and dark, just no

93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
Ghosts, yes

94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be?

95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side?
It’s my only side 🌚

96. When are you vulnerable?
When I’m confused

97. How much free time do you have?

98. Do you like to go hiking?
No omg 

99. Odd or Even Numbers?

100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities?
No, no, no, no, no, no and no
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court-of-pokemuses · 5 years
Every Kukui ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny, usually about ship names italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work * by name=I just think it’s a wildly random ship bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship
Took out category of Kukui and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up.
Took out category of Kukui with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon.
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Kukui w/ Villian
Top rated ships: LabSafetyShipping
Bottom rated ships: FieryNutShipping
DarkParadiseShipping - Guzma & Professor Kukui 4/10 I don’t think it’s bad I just genuinely love Plumeria and Guzma so much. Also they’re both unwilling to say sorry to fix their friendship I don't think that’s a good sign for long term. Maybe in the early days tho.
*FieryNutShipping - Lysandre & Professor Kukui 1/10 Who named this ship, I just want to talk. Anyways I get Lysandre has a thing for profs but c’mon now Kukui is too down to earth for this guy.
LabSafetyShipping - Colress & Professor Kukui 7/10 Colress smacking him left and right for not having proper safety. Tbh tho it could be kinda cute. Like Kukui is more brass tax and put em up approach to science meeting cool calculated and methodic. 
PurescienceShipping - Faba & Professor Kukui 3/10 Ok so we know Faba has a man crush at the minimum on The Masked Royal. I don’t think it’d be reciprocated on Kukui’s end tho makes for fun plot.
Kukui w/ Elite
GrandSlamShipping - Kahili & Professor Kukui 5/10 I mean this is one of those that depends on interpretation cause we don’t get too much info on Kahili from the games. In pokemon Masters she’s pretty cool though so I’d give it a shot. 
*NowWeHereShipping - Drake (Hoenn) & Professor Kukui 3/10 I love the name cause it’s like,”yeah...yeah why not this, heck!” So Drake and Kukui would be interesting, I think there’s a bit of an age gap between them which would make somethings awkward but also I can just see them both enjoying exploring things together. 
Kukui w/ Gym leader or trial captain
EducationalbattleShipping - Ilima & Professor Kukui 0/10 Ok so according to the internet Ilima is either 11 or 19??? Just kind of a weird age thing there cause Kukui looks like 28 to me and they seem to of known each other awhile so no on this. 
*HotMovesShipping - Professor Kukui & Flannery 0/10 Heh, 2 high energy people in a room together. Yeah this seems great to me as a friendship because Flannery is 18 folks and again that’s just kind of a weird age thing. If they met which she was older sure, but rn it’s squeaky.
*MasochisticShipping - Professor Kukui & Gardenia 8/10 I think this could be kinda cute. She’s got the high energy of Flannery with the explorer side of the coin, and some gentleness about her. Yeah I like this alot
OldNutsShipping - Hala & Professor Kukui 0/10 Oof that name, yeah I don’t like that. Ok so it’s cannon they met when Kukui was young. Hala was like a mentor to Kukui. Yeah this just kinda reads bad, don’t like that connotation. 
Kukui w/ Professor or Assistant 
Top rated ships: EternalHoneymoonShipping
Bottom rated ships: TropicalNutShipping
*DreamAttackShipping - Professor Kukui & Fennel 7/10 Yes, please yes. I’m a sucker for high energy meets soft energy and Fennel is certainly a soft gal. Also heck maybe after the dream service closed down she moved to Alola to retire and met this cool nut.
EternalHoneymoonShipping - Professor Kukui & Professor Burnet 100/10 You mean my Kukui OTP? Yes I ship this, it’s cute. They’re relationship is some of the few episodes I’ve seen and they’re adorable man. Seriously I suggest go taking a look at those clips on youtube.
*SturdyGlassesShipping - Professor Kukui & Professor Willow 8/10 The two manly young professors shipped. I mean...ye I’m down. Willow definitely got that yearn for adventure and Kukui brings the chaos. It’d be a cute time. 
TreeNutShipping - Professor Kukui & Professor Sycamore 3/10 I hmmm, I mean maybe? I just idk how they’d work or what they’d have in common really? I just think they’d be good friends but I can’t envision any sparks of romance happening. 
*TropicalNutShipping - Professor Birch & Professor Kukui 0/10 Naw dude. If original Hoenn games are anything to go by Birch for one seems kinda like the stereotypical white straight guy so that’s a killer there. But even past that he couldn’t fight a poochyena, and I don’t think Kukui would be too impressed by that. 
Kukui w/ minor GAME npc
*ArtificialMovesShipping - Professor Kukui & Viscountess Julia 0/10 Look I like this trainer class ok, they’re cool, but like ya’ll she’s like 80??? Um yeah no.
*MoveInversionShipping - Inver & Professor Kukui 4/10 I do think that they’d get along great especially what with this guy twisting moves around and doing cool stuff with em. I’d give it a shot yeah.
Kukui w/ mange character
MoveExpertShipping - Professor Kukui & Ultima 0/10 Again she’s like 80???? No, but he’d love to know how she teaches these cool moves.
Kukui w/ minor MOVIE or ANIME npc
Top rated ships: TreeResinShipping
Bottom rated ships: NewScience, and ScientificUnderstanding shipping
*BeachFireShipping - Macy & Professor Kukui 0/10 And she’s an actual child. that’s a big no.
*FistTechniquesShipping - Clayton & Professor Kukui 6/10 I mean he’s a secluded boi and Kukui is vibrant so maybe it could work with the opposite attract couple. Also Clayton would helped the masked man train.
*IslandStudyShipping - Professor Kukui & Professor Westwood V 0/10 Ya’ll he also super old wtf. Also he isn’t the most trustworthy with scientific information and I don’t see Kukui vining with someone who does that. 
*MoveStudyShipping - Professor Kukui & Marble 2/10 I think they’d get along via adventure, but she seems a bit on the young side. I feel like he’d enjoy mentoring her though.
***MyislandhomeShipping - Professor Kukui & Caroline 5/10 So this is May and Max, wife to Norman. Uhhhhh yeah so home wrecker Kukui? I men if she’s already divorced then I can see it, but Kukui would certainly not be a home wrecker.
*NewScienceShipping - Jarvis & Professor Kukui 0/10 Kukui is in no way a bad guy, he’s all pure, so this is not gonna happen. 
*ScientificUnderstandingShipping - Dr. Akihabara & Professor Kukui 0/10 This is the guy who’s episode caused seizures. So about this ship, the guys a bit crazy so I don’t really see it personally. 
*TreeResinShipping - Meyer & Professor Kukui 7/10 It’s another person with kiddos! Ok so I don’t know if this guy is married or not, cause again Kukui is no home wrecker. But besides that I can maybe see it. Tbh might be cute if they meet both in costume first and fall for each other that way.
 Kukui w/ multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
Top rated ships: PhylogeneticTree, ColorlessParadise, Copse, Cousin, and Osteology shipping
Bottom rated ships: HotRoastedTreeNut, and HotRoastedTropicalTreeNut shipping 
ColorlessParadiseShipping - Colress, Guzma & Kukui 10/10 I can see them all hanging out for sure. You have the nerd, the rebel, and the jock all in one room and I ship that friendship.
CopseShipping - Professor Birch, Professor Elm, Professor Kukui, Professor Oak, Professor Rowan, Professor Sycamore & Professor Juniper (Gen infinite) 10/10 It’s the pokemon professors! Yeah I wish there was more with them all interactiong and hanging out cause I think they’d get up to some fun shenanigans.  CousinShipping - Professor Kukui, Sun (game) & Moon (game) 10/10 I mean he already hangs out with these nerds and I see it as a mentorship kind of thing which is like what he had with Hala but in his own style.  GreyparadiseShipping - Faba, Guzma & Professor Kukui 9/10 Again we have nerd, rebel, and jock. In a bit more sleepy of a way though. Anime this would work, game no cause Faba betrayed like everyone. Also not as seamless as ColorlessParadiseshipping.
**HotRoastedTreeNutShipping - Lysandre, Professor Kukui & Professor Sycamore 0/10 Oh no the name tho....ooohhhh boi. This would be a situation where Lysandre and Sycamore wanted to bring a third person in. I don’t see it going well though.
**HotRoastedTropicalTreeNutShipping - Lysandre, Professor Birch, Professor Kukui & Professor Sycamore 0/10 Bruh these names with Kukui x3. Ok so again I don’t see this working cause what I said with Birch and Kukui just throws a wrench into the flow with Sycamore and Lysandre.  LeagueChallengerShipping - Challenger Tristan, Faba, Gladion, Hau, Molayne, Professor Kukui, Ryuki, Sophocles, Hapu & Plumeria 5/10 All of them doing big training sessions sounds about right to me, or just them all challenging the league one at a time one day just to see who can get the farthest.  OsteologyShipping - Guzma, Professor Kukui & Professor Burnet 10/10 Osteology, ah yes the study of bones. Kukui and Burnet try to figure out how the fudge Guzma’s brain works. Nah I’m kidding just do think that they’d get together every so often for game night, add Plumeria in there too though! PhylogeneticTreeShipping - Professor Kukui, Professor Sycamore & Professor Juniper 10/10 This is just all the pretty professors minus Sonia. I can see them going to get drinks together though or after a professor meeting going to stay up late at a bar and cheer each other on as they try to flirt or talk to people.  TropicalTreeNutShipping - Professor Birch, Professor Kukui & Professor Sycamore 5/10 Eh kinda, maybe I can see them talking about maybe how mega evolution and habitats go together and maybe how that effects moves. I just see them getting along but only work/research related. 
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