hyn-hyperlaser · 3 months
Ok so my garage has been cleared out!!! And i have space for all my physical art again :D
And my mum is setting up a sewing room that shes gonna let me use so i can finally finish my phighting plushies :3
I also got more screenprinting paints so i can so more of that now!!!!!
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ryssbelle · 3 months
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Brozone reunion concepts for this little thing based on this ask
As stated in the ask idk fully how this moment would go, this concept was mostly building off the premise presented within the ask :D
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jondoe279 · 4 months
atp i genuinely doooon’t care if the old guard two is the worst thing put to film i just want to see the best character of all time (andromache the scythian) and her loser henchmen and everyone’s favorite girl nile freeman again
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freakurodani · 24 days
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introducing two very good boys!!!
(be kind to sokka, food is scarce)
part 2 of the atla zombie au
[Part 1]
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Riot Kings, page 179.1
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quinn-pop · 9 months
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dedede gets attached to every small creature he comes across at this point lol
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mokutone · 2 years
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first day of @tendaysoftenzo !! the prompt is:
Day 1, November 1st: Tenz-O-Ween (Holidays) | Supernatural 
I went with Yamato telling a (immersive) ghost story! this has been a fragment of an idea in my head for a while and this prompt gave me the shove i needed to actually put pencil to paper.
obviously as it is right now it's unfinished, the tree still needs to be drawn in a lot more detail w/ more human bones around it, and the whole thing is in pencils—when it IS done, i intend for it to be a linework-heavy black and white piece, but that won't be for a little while 'cause we've got 9 more days of tenzō to go!!!
the entity that yamato is talking about is somewhat-loosely based on the Jubokko (樹木子, "tree child") which as far as I'm aware is a fictional yōkai created by Shigeru Mizuki.
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sludgewolf · 2 months
We need to talk about the lack of "filler" in series that're been released recently
I just watched a video about ATLA and it's filler or lack there of and, they're right, ATLA doesn't have filler episodes as we define "filler episodes" now. Our understanding of filler is closer to what's used for anime that is, non canon episodes that are made so the anime doesn't catch up with the manga. Applying this to western animation (I say animation bc I graduated in it thus a better understanding and I don't really watch many live action series so I don't have much of a say) we ended up with the impression that it means "episodes that don't move the plot forward"
Which, doesn't make sense with Western animation since most of it isn't a adaptation of something else, or with comic adaptations for ex, they're mostly adaptations of various arcs coming together as a single story. Smt very different from the manga to anime adaptation process
Comparing ATLA who positively doesn't have "filler" and X-men 97 who negatively doesn't have "filler" is a good example of what I'm trying to say.
Not all of ATLA episodes move the "learn the elements and defeat the firelord" plot forward and that's good thank fuck not all episodes are rushing ahead to throwing this 12yo we barely know into a battle with a full grown adult who's perpetrating a war against the rest of the world. Instead we actually get to know the characters, we see them traveling from the South to the North Pole instead of spawning where the plot demands, we see Aang adapt to the world post iceberg nap and learn to be the avatar, we see the effect the 100 year war had in this world. And most of all, the more "filler" episodes contributed to the pacing of the series, when binging the series now I still feel like the Gaang traveled across the whole world and didn't just teleport to the plot.
Opposed to X-men 97, don't get me wrong I'm absolutely loving it but the story is always being racing forward at a breakneck speed. They did try to pace it better inter cutting the main plot with Scott, Jean, Madelyne, Wolverine's whole deal and the "LifeDeath " plot, but if there wasn't the weekly wait for the next episode we would not have any time to breathe and digest what happened in the episodes.
I'm still confused on how Madelyne went from trying to have a normal life outside the x-men to being in Genosha's council. Still on Madelyne, I didn't care that they had to part ways with Nathan, ik he's their baby and all that, but as soon as they named the baby Nathan I knew they were throwing that baby to the future to complete the time loop of him being in the original series. And that's because they never got the chance to try to make us care, the writing team couldn't waste time with that since they only had 8 episodes to tell all these stories, the speed that the plot is being taken makes me believe that when writing this season Disney still hadn't signed on the second season and when they did it was too late to rework the script.
This whole thing is reminding me of Hazbin Hotel's pacing problems, analyzing it as if I didn't watch the pilot, we just met the characters and suddenly had to care that they were going to die in six months, we don't really know Charlie other than 1. she's Lucifer's daughter, 2. daddy issues that aren't rly addressed besides jokes, 3. she's with Vaggie (other character we didn't get to know) and 4. she's the owner of the hotel and wants to rehabilitate the sinners. The worst part of it is, we teleported from the start of the season to 6 months later out of nowhere and suddenly we're at the finale with the big boss battle. Of course HuskDust is a more popular ship than Charlie and Vaggie, we never got the chance to see them being together other than in episodes when the characters are being dragged by the plot while Angel and Husk had an episode where we met them and got the time to see them interact without being pushed by the extermination plot
This is exactly why "filler episodes" are important, we should actually know who these characters are before the big fight at the end so we can actually care about what happens to them. X-men 97 may not suffer that much from it but it's because we already knew most of the characters, but we never got to meet this version of Madelyne, see her going out alone to a world that hates her existence, see her morn having been forced to send her baby off to the future and maybe not being able to see him ever again and finally see never see how did she even end up in Genosha.
Or Storm, sure we got a two parter, but how did she get to fuck knows where to meet Forge in that bar, what did she go through during the time she was traveling alone, it's not as if people wouldn't recognize her as a x-men even if she'd left the team, maybe see more of how the relationship between her and Forge developed, cuz I didn't get why she still wants to be with him even after he basically created the tec that was turned into the weapons used to kill mutants, that's smt one can't just forgive, and yes I'd like to see her as she struggles with not having her powers, smt other than she feeling lonely without the wind (this would work even as just a montage with sad music as she travels to the fuckall haunted desert)
On a rly quick note on Invincible I do think they did a good job with their pacing and character development with the time they had, I'd like to have seen a bit more of Rex's development from complete douche to Lizard Leader homemade lobotomy to where we are now, but on the Grayson family whole thing they did an amazing job at showing how they're dealing with the aftermath of season 1, there was just a little jump from Debbie downing a bottle of wine every day to full bug mom mode but I do think she'd step up to it no doubt.
Maybe just some scenes of her still working through s1 trauma and questioning wtf is wrong w Nolan bc from her perspective he just killed hundreds of ppl on Earth, almost killed Mark, fucked off to space and suddenly there's a purple half bug baby living in her house calling her mom. But I don't think that's strictly necessary since there's always fanfiction to bridge this gap and it's just a minor thing that bothered me
TLDR: Filler in western cartoons isn't really filler, these are just episodes to help develop the world or characters without having to rush with the plot and also episodes that help with the pacing of the story, thus showing the passage of time or great distances being crossed without having the characters spawn at the next plot point. And we do need it specially for shows that are intended for binging, such as most shows now. What determines good filler from bad filler here is good writing
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Not a question, but I love your blog so much. Makes me so happy :) I'm very excited to see the Yi City trio in your style.
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We're getting close to the Yi-City arc! In the meantime, have some behind-the-scenes sketches of me trying to figure out their designs!
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fconvicted · 8 months
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i dont usually post previews on my tumblr but im not using twitter as often so why the heck not.
i made the poor life decision of scripting and thumbnailing a comic about Sigma and now im in the clean up sketch process. ill either be back in several months with the finished piece or after october with some PS5 spiderman 2 illustrations
anyways, wish me luck. i know this project is gonna be an emotional rollercoaster for me but if i was able to complete symbiote switch im like 60% sure i can complete this.
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superangsty · 2 years
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wow I can’t believe they cut this scene out
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plumsodapop · 15 days
Guys I'm so excited
I have like
This 🤏 much of a commission left to do
And then I have to finish two projects for art school
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petricorah · 3 months
To play baldurs gate or to draw baldurs gate...the age old question
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quinn-pop · 9 months
mtdd week day 3 - caring (pt 2)
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just another night (and it's ours)
part 1
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fizzy-dizz · 5 months
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Lumiere's Sick Day: Pages 1-2 Lumiere catches the flu and is forced to stay in his room and rest. Cogsworth comes by to keep him company (whether he likes it or not!!!) Next
Ok so I've set myself a challenge this year to create a comic, and here it is! With these two buffoons <33 This is essentially just a generic sickfic except I'm not v good at writing so I'm drawing it instead LMAO
I'll be posting in two-page increments weekly, orrrr whenever I get them done. To the 3 ppl who care abt them pls enjoy!!!
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magnolia-sunrise · 6 months
well speaking of robots and wires, im realizing i definitely dont have enough time to finish both this and my actually new years themed piece in time without rushing one or the other, so im gonna shelve this one until after. but! a little wip preview for you
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