#but today i tried working downstairs since my brother is studying too and. the moment he took a break to go cook smth. it was over
icedille · 5 months
i might have issues with focusing actually
0 notes
laurentspup · 3 years
Friends... Is that what we are? (Lamen AU) Part 7.5
Author’s note: 
Hey it’s been so long since I updated this! It still takes a lot of me to think of dialogue and edit the messages, so this isn’t new content. It is, however, what really happened in part 7 (when Damen went to Laurent’s house and read him a book, and kissed his forehead). I always thought this was better in paragraphs than soc med format, so here it is. I actually drafted this before part 7 and I finished it now! 
I hope you all enjoy this new chapter and I promise I will be back with a new update soon. I just have to get used to driving (just passed my license a month ago), college (it’s my last year), and work (first year in person). 
Okay that was a lot, now onto this chapter full of sweetness and pining.
Part 7.5
It’s past midnight, but Laurent still has a big smile on his face since his call with Damen. It has been a few hours after Damen simply talked about his day, about his brother, about the yacht his parents bought because they had too much money and nothing more to spend it on, anything he could think of. Laurent was more than happy to sit there and listen to his voice. He liked the man too much to do anything else about it.
He is currently studying for his upcoming biology exam on Tuesday. It’s not too bad of an exam, but there are endless terms, endless body functions, and he hates that all he can do is memorize everything. It’s not learning but it does result in an A. His phone buzzes beside him, and welcoming any distraction, he picks it up to see a text from Damen. He’s downstairs.
Laurent runs to his window to check if it’s true. Damen, knowing exactly what Laurent does every time he surprises Laurent with a visit, is looking up at him, waving. Damen’s at Laurent’s door. He isn’t supposed to be home yet, back in this city, but here he is, glowing under the porch light, gorgeous in his hoodie, and everything Laurent ever wanted. He’s speaking but Laurent, shaking his head with a look of disbelief, can’t hear him. 
“Wait one sec.” He whispers with a gesture and turns around to go downstairs in a hurry. Before opening the door, he fixes his hair and assumes a relaxed position, as if his heart isn’t pounding miles a minute at the prospect of Damen outside his house, at midnight. As if this doesn’t happen almost everyday.
Once he’s face to face with Damen’s kind eyes, with the smile that can only be read as extremely happy to see him, his heart hammers harder in his chest.
“What are you doing here?” Laurent breathlessly asks him with wide eyes, confusion and excitement evident on his face, try as he might to mask it.
Damen is also breathless, though Laurent can’t think of any reason why.
“I missed you.”
It’s a punch to all the right places in Laurent’s heart. It’s something he can never say to Damen out loud, but he feels it all the same, right down to his bones. It’s something he didn’t know Damen had the nerve to say out loud to him. 
“I mean-” Damen begins and Laurent’s face twitches. Damen must have caught it because he stops. “I mean yeah. I missed you so I drove back since there’s nothing to do at my parent’s anymore. And I got you this.”
Laurent doesn’t see the Target plastic bag in Damen’s hand until he lifts it. 
“It’s from my mom. She insisted I give you a home-cooked meal since she knows you’re mostly alone nowadays. She doesn’t stop hinting at my dad that she wants to go on a European tour too, see Paris- what? Why are you smiling?”
Laurent doesn’t know he’s smiling. He tries to school his expression even though it’s too late.
“Nothing. You’re here. No- it’s just- I don’t know what I’m saying. Come in.” He quickly says the sentences after the other, making Damen laugh and his cheeks flush. “Shut up.”
“I wasn’t saying anything!” Damen enters behind him, shaking with happiness. 
Laurent leads him to the kitchen, so he can put the food in the fridge. It’s too late to eat right now and he has a few more chapters to read.
Damen gives him the plastic bag and sits on the stool by the island. He stares at Laurent as he unpacks the tupperwares, then puts it in the fridge. A comfortable silence surrounds them, but Laurent is too conscious of Damen’s stare. It’s as if he can hear the dangerous somersaults Laurent’s heart was doing. 
“You still studying tonight?” 
“Yeah. Bio’s kicking my ass.”
“I’ll stay up with you. Nik’s not home yet, anyway. He visited his parents too since he was there already.”
“You don’t have to stay up.”
“No, I want-”
“But you can stay.”
“Well, I’m staying up and you can’t stop me.” Damen is right in front of Laurent's face when he turns to face him. He steps back quickly. “Cool?”
“Do whatever you want.” Laurent replies, heart in his throat, rushing to leave the kitchen and get to his room before Damen sees his face turn dangerously red. 
Laurent’s head is bent, back to Damen, busy reading the last chapter for his exam. Nothing is entering his brain anymore, but he has to read all of these at least two times to store it in his brain until his test. He’s been yawning since the third paragraph, and he has a massive headache which began in the previous chapter. 
It has been two hours since Laurent started studying and let Damen just be in the background. He would hear Damen’s little laughs, gasps, or groans at whatever game he was playing on his phone. He feels Damen’s gaze on his back, conscious of him being conscious of his every move. It was a normal routine for them at three am, but somehow, today, it was more. 
Laurent yawns again. This chapter about the reproductive system is very intriguing, but exasperating. He would rather do it himself than read about it. If only the man currently on his bed knew how much he has been thinking about him and this. He sighs at the idea, then hears Damen shuffle on his bed.
“I think you need to take a break.”
“Be quiet. I’m studying.”
“Take a break, Laurent. You’ve been reading nonstop for two hours. I got so bored I started counting how much you’re yawning. It's thirty-seven by the way.”
“That’s weird. Stop staring at me while I’m studying.”
“But I like looking at you all concentrated.” 
Laurent ignores him. “Just shut up. I have five more pages to go.”
Damen stands up and takes Laurent’s book. He holds it up above his head. Laurent rolls his eyes but doesn’t stand up.
“Give it back to me right now.” He crosses his arms like a stubborn child.
“Nope. You can try to grab it though.” The real stubborn child says.
“Just because you’re half a foot taller than me, doesn’t mean I can’t reach it.”
“I’m not in the mood for your games, Damen.”
“I’m not playing. Take a break.”
“Dude, I wanna sleep too. Just let me finish.”
“Dude?” Damen says, offended. Laurent ignores his tone again. He stares at Damen with eyebrows raised, trying to be intimidating, knowing well that it won’t work on Damen. “Fine. If you go to bed I’ll give it back to you. Even if you look super sleepy.”
“I’m not sleepy.” Just as Laurent finishes the last word, he yawns. 
Damen raises his eyebrows at him. “Thirty-eight.”
“Ha ha. Give me back the book.”
“When you go to bed.”
“I’m not falling for that.”
Damen falls back on Laurent’s bed. Maybe if he offered something else, Laurent might say yes. Maybe Laurent is just tired. 
“You gotta get this book one way or another.” Damen shrugs. 
Laurent stubbornly stays on his chair, staring daggers at Damen. What the hell is his problem? He didn’t ask him to stay up with him, he told him not to!
Laurent watches Damen flip through the book, knowing he hates it because he’s going to lose his spot. Still, he notices how Damen's index finger remains on the page he’s reading. It’s sweet, but Damen still sucks for making him take a break.
“Ugh.” Annoyed, Laurent stands and goes beside his bed. “I’m here. Hand it back.” 
“I have an idea.” Damen answers, not looking at him.
“Damen.” Laurent says, getting more aggravated by the second.
“Look, your eyes are so tired right now.”
“You’re not looking at me, and I can’t see my own eyes.”
Damen ignores him. “Did you even sleep last night?”
Laurent flushes when he remembers the reason why he hasn't slept well at all yet. It’s because of this annoying, clueless brute lying on his bed and he doesn’t even know! All the hours he spends pining for him, yet this is all that ever happens to them. 
“See? You haven’t.” Damen answers, interpreting Laurent’s expression as guilt and embarrassment. “Lie down right now and close your eyes.”
“Stop telling me what to do. I have to finish studying.” 
Laurent can just take the book, but he knows Damen will pull him and force him to lie down. God, if only Damen is going to do that for other reasons, he’d have done it the moment Damen told him to go to bed.
“I’ll read it to you.” 
“You’re going to what?” Laurent asks, genuinely taken aback.
“I'm gonna read to you while you rest your eyes. Saves time. You rest while you still learn. It’s a win-win.” Damen looks at him and smiles expectantly.
“That’s stupid, Damen. It’s five pages long. And it won’t go into my brain.” Laurent is exasperated. He’s losing patience. Hell, he doesn’t even know why he’s still keeping up this conversation. He could kick out Damen anytime. This is his house.
“Yes it would. You take in everything you hear fast.” Laurent opens his mouth to spit a vicious remark but Damen talks first. “Just let me help you. Please.”
Laurent closes his eyes, trying so hard, even though he doesn’t know why, to keep calm. He equally hates and loves Damen for making him take a break and for offering to read five pages of the reproductive system. He grits his teeth because he’s going to say yes, and he’s going to hear Damen talk about sex and sex parts without knowing what it will do to Laurent.
“You’re so annoying.” Laurent sits on the bed. Damen scoots to give him space with a wide smile on his face. “Why can’t I say no to you?” 
“It’s because secretly you really like me.”
He wants to strangle Damen. He wishes he could shake him and look him in the eye and scream “YES I FUCKING DO. DO YOU LIKE ME BACK, ASSHOLE?” Fuck him. It’s true. It’s so true, but Laurent is never going to admit that… first.
“Just read. Annoying prick.” He mumbles and makes himself comfortable on the bed. He makes sure there’s at least a foot gap between him and the idiot beside him.
“You can come closer. I don't bite.” Damen says, staring at Laurent with that glint in his eye, patting the space next to him.
“So fucking bossy.” Laurent says angrily and still scoots over. He’ll get over feeling Damen’s warmth and not being in his arms instead. “If I sleep, you better wake me up or I'm killing you.” 
He huffs as his head hits the soft pillow and his eyes close. It feels good. He thinks he hasn’t closed his eyes to blink in the past hours. 
“Can’t kill me if you’re sleeping.” Damen answers with confidence, settling back on the bed. Laurent feels him move until their shoulders touch, despite the purposeful one inch gap that Laurent left so this won’t happen. Now, he’s really annoyed and conflicted. But he doesn’t move away.
“Give me back the book.” 
“Just start.”
“So fucking bossy.” Damen teases. 
Laurent opens his eyes, ready to smack Damen or kick him out or maybe kiss him too, but he opens the book and starts reading loudly. “The penis is part of the male reproductive system. See Damen’s for ref-”
“I’m pretty sure it doesn't say your-” Laurent cuts him off.
“Shh, I’m reading.”
“Read properly, then. And I’m on the top of that page, first paragraph.”
Damen hushes him again. Laurent rolls his eyes but stays quiet. When Damen begins once more, he reads what Laurent told him to. Laurent feels his heart leap at that, desperate to reach out to Damen, put his head on his shoulder and listen from there. But he keeps his hands to himself. 
As Damen reads about functions of the reproductive organs, Laurent soaks in his voice and his warmth. Maybe, this isn’t such a bad idea. He can actually focus better. His eyes don’t hurt as much now, and he can picture the words that Damen reads. His deep voice compels him to listen, and it tugs at his heartstrings at the same time. He can’t even fathom how amazing it is to have Damen read a Biology book to him. 
This can’t be just a friendly gesture, Laurent’s brain nags at him. But he quickly kicks all thoughts of more because he knows Damen. Damen has probably done this with all of his friends. He’s just a nice guy who brings Laurent food and makes him take a break and reads his book for him, and Laurent just happens to like him. There’s nothing more.
He listens to Damen flip to the next page, and shuts off the part of his brain that continues to pine for the man beside him. He’ll take this right now and he’ll think about the repercussions tomorrow. Right now, he’ll let himself feel the warmth and comfort of Damen. Right now, he’ll listen to Damen’s voice, soothing him like a lullaby.
Laurent opens his eyes. It’s not dark, his lights are left on, and there’s an unfamiliar warmth beside him, something he’s unaccustomed to when he wakes alone. His head is on a harder surface, not on a pillow but- 
He shifts his eyes to the left and sees Damen's clothed chest. The chest his head is resting on right now. The chest his head rested on while he slept. The chest that’s steadily falling and rising. 
He slept and somehow, he ended up on Damen’s chest. He asked to be woken up if he slept, but he should have never trusted Damen. 
Damen, annoying, clueless Damen, whose clothed chest is under his head right now. 
He wants to move away, badly, but also, he can't. Because he wants to be here too, badly. 
Physically, there were no obstacles stopping Laurent from moving away. Damen’s arms aren’t even enveloping him. Somehow, he slept without touching Laurent, probably because he knows Laurent doesn’t like to be touched without permission. God, why is Damen so?
For a few moments, he imagines this is real. That Damen is his to sleep on, to cuddle with. That if Damen wakes right now, he’ll kiss Laurent sleepily, a lazy smile spreading across his face. So he stays for a few seconds, tempted to move his arm on top of Damen's torso and snuggle closer. He wants this to be what they are. But it’s not.
Before Laurent could do anything that he can’t explain to Damen without spilling his heart open, he sighs and prepares to move away. He no longer wants to hurt and delude himself further. He doesn’t want to think of this as a mistake, but it is. Damen doesn’t feel the same way he does. Damen is his best friend and he should stay that way. 
He moves back a little, but Damen shifts. He abruptly stops moving for a second to not wake him, but Damen puts his arms on top of him and brings him closer. 
“Don’t go.” A sleepy voice whispers as a kiss is pressed on Laurent’s forehead.
Laurent freezes. He must still be dreaming. There’s no way in hell or heaven that Damen just kissed him on the forehead, asleep or not. He swallows, too afraid to look up and find out if Damen did this on purpose or in his dream. In this position, Laurent’s head is even closer to Damen’s clothed chest and he can hear his steady heartbeat, can see the rise and fall of his chest, and can determine Damen isn’t awake at all. 
Laurent is going crazy. That’s it. He needs to leave, right now, but he can't move anymore. What the fuck is Damen doing to him? What the fuck is he dreaming about? Why can’t he just tell Laurent now that he likes him too, that nothing is ever simply friendly between them?
Once more, he tries to leave the embrace but Damen hugs him tighter. 
“Don’t go.” Damen whispers again. “Laurent, I love you.”
Laurent cannot move, cannot breathe, cannot close his eyes. He’s sure now. He’s the one dreaming.  
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 3
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
You bring Taehyung to the hospital for a check up and Yoongi insists on tagging along. Finally, you sit him down and find out why he has been acting weird the past few days.
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“It’s your house, (y/n).” Yoongi crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. You sighed, rubbing your temples. 
“I told you to stop saying that. This is OUR house. You and Jin both have a say in this too. I want to hear your opinions on it.” You leaned back on your hands and stared back at both your hybrids. Jin had remained silent, the arctic fox mainly looking between you and his black panther brother. 
“We just got Jin hyung back. It’s a little unfair to suddenly be getting another hybrid here.” Yoongi spoke. 
“I know. I’m sorry, Jin.” You squeezed his hand. 
“It’s alright, (y/n). I know you just wanna help as many hybrids as possible. Honestly, I’m fine with whatever you choose. As long as you’re happy. But I think we should ask Taehyung what he wants to do.” Jin said. 
It’s true. The tiger hybrid didn’t leave the next morning, to your surprise. He continued to stay and it was his 5th day here. He mainly kept to himself, having small conversations with you and Jin but tried to avoid Yoongi as much as possible. Jin told you it could be a feline territory thing. Luckily, you could count on him when you were at work. 
“What if... I don’t want him here?” Yoongi asked cautiously. 
“Then I would respect that. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable in your own home, Yoongi. I would try to arrange for him to go to a sanctuary or hybrid shelter.” You nodded your head. 
“I don’t know, (y/n).” Yoongi looked away. 
“Let’s try fostering him. If he is open to it, that is. At the end of the fostering period, then we’ll make a decision.” Jin suggested. You gave Yoongi a hesitant look but the panther actually nodded his head to the older’s words. He stalked over and pulled you into his arms. 
“Alright, let’s talk to Taehyung. If he’s alright with it, I’ll bring him in with me for a check up.” You smiled, stroking the space between Yoongi’s ears. The three of you headed downstairs to see Taehyung sitting on the couch. 
“Tae?” You called and his head shot up, ears turning to your direction. The tiger blinked at you. 
“The boys and I have been talking. It has been a pleasure to have you here with us. And if you would like to, I would like to foster you.” You smiled. 
“R-Really? Foster me?” His eyes showed shock. 
“Yeah. I wouldn’t want to force you into adoption right away. At least with foster, I can give you medical care and house you without any legal issues. This will also give the 3 of you time to see if you’re comfortable with one another. Once the foster period is over, we can decide if you would like to permanently be part of our family.” You explained. 
Hearing you say ‘our family’ made Jin and Yoongi’s heart soar. This just constantly reaffirmed that they had the best owner any hybrid could ever ask for. You were a human that lived for the well being of hybrids. 
“Is that okay?” Taehyung turned to the two boys. Yoongi shrugged but nodded while Jin gave a thumbs up. 
“I would like that. Thank you.” Taehyung threw his arms around you to hug you. That caught you by surprise but you smiled softly and patted his back. 
“I’m going to head to the hospital. You’ll have to come with me for a check up and I’ll get your paper work.” You informed. 
“I’ll come with!” Jin raised his hand. 
“I... don’t have classes today.” Yoongi said and you knew that meant that Yoongi wanted to tag along as well. You nodded your head and all of you went to get ready. Yoongi always did a reminder check with you to make sure that you had all your things. He even (reluctantly) sprays your body with a scent mask, which was necessary since you didn’t want your hybrids’ scents to scare off your patients. 
“Let’s go.” Yoongi held your hand and led you to the car. 
“Hey Fran! I’m doing good. How are you?... Yeah, I’m going to be fostering, do you think you could help me pull up the file? I’ll be bringing him in for a check up today... Tiger hybrid, Kim Taehyung... Alright, thank you!” You spoke to your friend and hung up. 
Taehyung looked at you in amazement as you chatted animatedly with Yoongi, who was driving. He had only seen the cold panther smile around you. 
“You three follow Jin and get registered. I’m going to clock in.” You told them. Yoongi and Jin gave you pecks on the cheek. You ruffled Taehyung’s hair and he watched you disappear behind the staff doors. 
“(y/n)! I saw your boys in the waiting room.” Your colleague, Dr Yu, popped her head into your office. 
“Yeah. I’m gonna foster a tiger hybrid so he needs his check up.” You replied, opening the file that the hospital’s adoption agent had dropped off on your desk. 
“No one can beat your heart of gold, (y/n).” Dr Yu sat opposite you as you studied Taehyung’s file. You laughed at her words, not looking up. Taehyung’s file was quite clean. He had all his shots and no serious medical history. It says his old owner passed away. But nothing about how he became homeless. 
“Is Yoongi okay with another feline?” Dr Yu asked. 
“He’s... getting used to it.” You let out an awkward chuckle. One rule was that a doctor cannot conduct a check up on his/ her own hybrid because of a biased incident years ago. 
“Dr Yu, do you think you could...” You started. 
“Thought you’d never ask! Don’t worry, you can count on me.” She took Taehyung’s file, winking before leaving. You wore your coat and started your rounds, already running slightly late. As you walked with both your nurses, you ran into Jin and Taehyung. 
“Where’s Yoongi?” You asked. 
“He said he had to go to the bathroom. We’re heading for Taehyung’s x-ray now.” Jin said and you nodded your head. 
“Anything about the wolf hybrid in ICU 2?” You asked and your nurses shook their heads. 
“We couldn’t find any family in the system but someone comes to leave flowers every day. No one has seen who the mysterious flower sender is though.” Your nurse informed and you nodded your head. The 3 of you made your way to said hybrid’s ICU room. But you froze when you saw someone through the viewing glass. 
“Yoongi?” You whispered. 
“Dr (y/l/n), isn’t that your hybrid?” The other nurse asked. You nodded. With his sharp senses, Yoongi heard you and smelt you. His head whipped to you standing at the door with your nurses. You couldn’t even hide the shock on your face as you looked at him. 
“Kitt- (y/n).” Yoongi acknowledged but you cleared your throat. 
“Check all his vitals and get me an ECG. Take some blood and send it to the lab for the works. We’ll change his dressing as well.” You ignored him and walked to the unconscious wolf. 
“(y/n).” Yoongi called softly. 
“We’ll talk later. Please step outside.” You said, not turning to face him as you used your flashlight to test his reflexes. Yoongi’s ears dropped, flattening against his head before leaving the room. You cleaned the wolf’s wounds, happy to see no sign of infection and a speedy recovery. 
“I’ll send his blood to the lab.” One of the nurses bowed and left. After making sure everything was okay, you took the folder from the end of the bed and opened it. 
“Can you help me key these files in first? I’ll just update this and go to the nurses’ station.” You told the other nurse in the room. 
“Yes, doctor.” She grabbed the stack of folders of the other patients you saw and left. You were left alone in the room with the wolf hybrid. Sighing, you sat on the chair and took your pen out to begin scribbling today’s report on a fresh page. You heard the door open. 
“Kitten.” Yoongi called out to you. You hummed as a signal that you were listening to him. 
“Are you mad? I’m sorry.” He spoke. 
“I’m not mad. I’m hurt you didn’t trust me enough to tell me anything.” You replied. You weren’t lying. Yoongi could smell the disappointment and hurt from your being. 
“You know I have been wrecking my brain to find out whatever I can about him. Where he comes from, how he ended up on the streets, how he was hurt. I don’t even know his name, Yoongi. You knew and you didn’t even think to mention it. You even come in everyday and leave flowers for him.” You let out a huff of frustration. 
“Is this why you have been acting off? You saw him the night we came in to see the lion right? That’s why you were in my office, looking so distraught.” 
“Yes. I saw him that night I was heading to your office. His name is Namjoon. We’re... from the same fighting ring. He was probably hurt by our ring master, the same person who hurt me.” Yoongi revealed. 
“The cut on his abdomen was meant to kill him. That’s how ring masters kill their fighters.” He continued. 
“When you found me 3 years ago, I should have went back to save him but I didn’t. He must have thought I was dead.” Yoongi cursed, guilt filling his system. 
“It’s not your fault, Yoongi. I don’t think Namjoon would blame you too.” You got up and wrapped your arms around him. Yoongi’s body slumped against yours as his tail curled around your waist. The beeper in your coat went off and for a moment, you forgot you were still working. 
“I need to go. Let Jin and Tae know you’re here, okay? Jin would worry that you are gone for so long.” You patted his head, making him purr. 
“(y/n), I know it’s too much to ask but... when Namjoon wakes up...” He stuttered, looking down. 
“Of course, Yoongi. He’s always welcomed to stay with us but bear in mind, that’s his decision to make. We can’t make others conform to our wants.” You smiled softly and squeezed his hand before you left. 
By the time you returned to your hybrids, it was close to midnight. You yawned and dropped onto the couch tiredly. You heard doors opening and footsteps down the stairs. 
“Oh, Taehyung.” You gave a tired smile. 
“Jin hyung’s heat came earlier and Yoongi hyung tried to help. They’re sleeping now.” Taehyung explained, a slightly blushed creeping up his cheeks. You nodded your head, not affected by it at all. It was a natural thing for hybrids to have heat and you were thankful your hybrids could cope with it on their own. There wasn’t anything awkward about it. 
“I have your file ready.” You said, holding up the folder. 
“C-Can I see?” He asked. 
“Of course, silly. It’s your file.” You giggled and patted the space next to you. Taehyung immediately gave you a boxy grin and tucked himself under your arm as you opened the file. He didn’t really understand all the medical words but you were quick to verbally explain things to him. 
“Although, we did find that one of your ribs was broken in a past injury. The x-ray showed a misalignment, which means it didn’t really heal properly.” You showed him the image in the light. 
“Oh...” Taehyung gulped.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” You patted his head. 
“I was disobedient and they would punish me. They said I deserved it for being bad.” He stuttered nervously, ears drooping down. 
“Oh, Tae. No wonder it didn’t heal properly.” You sighed. 
“B-But! I promise, I-I’m not disobedient anymore! Really! I’m a good boy.” He was quick to grab your hands. 
“Tae, listen to me. Listen to my voice. Calm down, breathe, baby. What those people did to you was horrible and illegal. I know you’re a good boy. No one is going to hurt you anymore, I promise. You’re safe here.” You hugged him and he wrapped his arms around your torso tightly, seeking comfort in your radiating warmth. His cries were reduced to small sniffles. 
“I’ll need to wrap your ribs to try and realign them. Is that okay?” You asked and he nodded his head. 
“Let me take a shower first. I probably smell like a thousand hybrids.” You chuckled and shuffled upstairs to shower. Before entering your room, you stopped by Jin’s room to check on him and Yoongi. The two were fast asleep under the covers, making you smile. 
“Come on, baby.” You called Taehyung to your room.
“Lift your shirt.” You instructed, taking the gauze and sports tape you took from the hospital, specifically for him. Turning around, you saw Taehyung fiddling with the hem of his shirt. 
“I... I... There are scars...” He kept his gaze down. 
“It’s alright, Taehyung. Everyone has their own scars.” You smiled, comforting him. Slowly, he removed his shirt. You tried not to gasp at the whip scars on his back. Taking a deep breath, you began to put the sports tape to hold everything in place as you wrapped him up. When you were done, you handed him his shirt and he quickly put it on. 
“I’ll tidy up.” Taehyung watched you put things away. You laid down beside him, yawning. 
“Goodnight Taehyung.” You closed your eyes. He held you in his arms, his orange tail curling itself around your ankle. He made a mental note to ask you about it tomorrow. 
The next morning, you were on call from home so you didn’t have to go into the hospital unless they were short staffed. The three hybrids sat by the kitchen island, eating their breakfast as you fixed yourself a coffee. 
“Iced Americano for Yoongi, hot latte for Jin and tea for Taehyung.” You placed all 3 cups down. 
“Do you usually get called in?” Taehyung asked. 
“Not really. But I do have some papers to go through and reports to update so I’m not completely free today even if I get to be at home.” You chuckled, drinking your iced black coffee. Yoongi placed his plate in the sink and wrapped his arms around you. 
“Unfortunately, I have classes today.” He kissed your cheek. You laughed and stroked his head. 
“Have a good day.” You wished and he gave you another kiss on the temple. He let Jin kiss him on the cheek and ruffled Taehyung’s hair before he left. His actions left you with raised eyebrows but nonetheless, your heart swelled. 
“Plans for today, Jin?” You asked as you washed up. 
“It’s my first day back at the nursery.” Jin reminded. Before Jin went to the institution, he actually worked at a plant nursery, tending to all the plants and learning all about plant care from the old man who owned it. You nodded, remembering he mentioned it to you recently. Jin came and gave you a kiss as well, heading to his room to get ready. 
“Looks like it’s just you and me then.” You grinned. 
“I don’t mind.” Taehyung flashed a boxy smile. With both older boys at their jobs, you were in your room, sitting at your desk with your laptop and report folders around you. 
Taehyung stayed by your side, sitting on the ground, his head in your lap. You would run your fingers through his hair as you were deep in thought. 
“Hmm...” You scratched your head, reading through the patient files. Suddenly, your phone rang, making both you and Taehyung jump. You quickly answered the phone. As you heard the person on the opposite line, you looked down at Taehyung uneasily. 
“I see... I understand.” You frowned and hung up.
“Tae, I don’t know how to tell you this but... They arrested your owner. He is in police custody and you will need to help with investigations.” You explained. Taehyung’s eyes widened in alarm. 
“Please! I don’t want to go back! I can’t! I promise I didn’t do anything, (y/n)! Please believe me!” He got on his knees to beg, tears streaming down his cheeks. 
“I won’t let them take you back, Tae. They just want to ask you some questions. I don’t want you going either but if I don’t bring you in, they’ll come to take you in by force.” You stroked his head. He hugged your torso, crying into the material of your shirt. 
“I’m sorry, Tae.” You didn’t know what to do. Taehyung cried as he changed and got ready. Even in the car, he cried in the passenger seat, his tail curled around your thigh as you drove to the police investigation headquarters. 
“Hi, I’m here to see Officer Kim Jooyeon?” You went to the receptionist, holding Taehyung’s hand. 
“Dr (y/n) (y/l/n)?” An officer headed to you. You had to force a smile and shake his hand. He cleared his throat, seeing Taehyung so distraught, his arms and tail wrapped around you tightly. You stroked the back of his head to try and comfort him. 
“This is his file. We just filed for foster care yesterday.” You handed the officer Taehyung’s paw printed file. 
“Right. Don’t worry, we just need to ask Taehyung some questions as a witness to lock up that man. He will return to your foster care the moment investigations are over.” He explained. 
“How long? He’s still injured and needs to be tended to.” You asked. 
“I can’t give you an exact answer now, I’m afraid. You can come see him as his doctor, I’ll let my boss know. But that’s the best I can do for you now.” Officer Kim said. You sighed and nodded your head. Taehyung had grown so attached to you over the week and he didn’t want to be separated for you so quickly. You cupped his face in your hands, wiping his tears. 
“Hey, baby. Breathe. It’s only gonna be a while. You’ll be home before you know it.” You comforted. 
“I don’t want to see him.” Taehyung cried. 
“You won’t. You will be separated from him.” Officer Kim assured. Kissing Taehyung on the forehead, you left him with Officer Kim and closed your eyes, using all your will power to turn and leave. 
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janetbrown711 · 3 years
“   it’s  okay ,   i’m  here .   i’ll  always  be  here .   ” Wakko yakko dot
Wakko wasn’t sure how much longer he could take this. 
He was barely holding on as it was, always trying to keep on a happy face for his sibs, make them believe everything was okay. Dot was a lot easier to trick than Yakko, but even he could be swayed with very little effort. After all, it was very clear that their parents were never going to come back...
It had been almost a year. Wakko still missed them every day. He missed their protection... Yakko was trying, that was true, but even he could get distracted. Sometimes he’d be studying off in the library when Wakko needed food, so he’d have to figure it out on his own because God knows he couldn’t ask his grandmother for anything. Wakko figured it out for the most part, but it was easy to say he missed quite a few meals over the years because of fear of disturbing Her. 
Wakko knew she placed his room by hers for the specific purpose of making his life a living hell without his sibs. After all, she hated him. The only reason she’d want to be near is if she wanted to keep an eye out, or if she wanted to hurt him somehow. Well- she succeeded on that end anyway, though perhaps the better word was torture. 
Sure, sometimes Wakko could manage to sneak past if he crawled on his hands and knees and put socks on his feet and hands, but he was filled with anxiety that simply wouldn’t leave him the whole time. He was terrified of getting his sibs in danger- a trait he knew he shared with both of them. 
They were all putting on a happy face, he supposed. 
He couldn’t say it was all bad... he was getting better at reading. Dot read easy stuff which helped him boost his confidence, while Yakko read more difficult stuff to make sure he was actually learning, which- while Wakko kinda hated it- he couldn’t deny worked. He was getting better- he was actually learning things, which felt nice. 
Though they had had a few close calls here and there...
Wakko wasn’t sure what would happen if they got caught, but he was pretty sure they’d get into serious trouble. For whatever reason, Angelina really hated the fact Wakko was stupid but hated him trying to better himself even more. It was like she wanted a bug under her shoe to squish just for fun... the thought made Wakko shudder. 
So... the year had its good moments, but... a year had really taken it’s tole. The only major good part was that Angelina stopped wearing that stupid veil and pretended to be grieving. Now you knew what she was thinking and saying, which... well... good and bad. 
Good and bad. 
“What’s this word, Wakko?” Yakko asked, pointing to a particularly long one on the page in front of Wakko. He frowned at it. 
“I dunno,” he shrugged. 
“You’re a smart kid, sound it out,” Yakko said. Wakko winced a little and looked at the page. 
In truth, he sometimes debated with himself whether it was better to be stupid or to be smart. He wanted to know things, but at the same time knowledge seemed like a burden more than anything. At least- that’s what he got from observing Yakko. Yakko always had something on his mind, something big, while Wakko hardly ever thought about things other than food or some imaginary story he likes playing on repeat to keep himself busy while his sibs were gone. 
“in... for...ma...ti..own?” He looked at his elder brother. 
“Close. Information. Tion sounds like shun,” Yakko pointed out. 
“Right, that’s information,” he nodded. He knew the words, he was nine after all, but reading just make them look unfamiliar. 
Yakko was then going to make him read the full sentence again, but a familiar shout was heard right outside, and the boys froze as the door swung open. 
“Yakko- calm this child down,” Angelina shoved Dot, who was crying, towards Yakko, when her eyes feel upon them. 
“What on earth is going on here?” She glared at Wakko, and he felt his heart beat faster. 
“W-well I-i was just-” Yakko tried to think of what to say as Dot went to him, but Angelina yanked Dot back, before going to Yakko herself and slapping him across the face and he slammed into a bookshelf, books spilling out onto him.
“What did I tell you?! You are not to educate that bastard creature, lest you and him face serious consequences,” She fumed. 
“No!!! Don’t hurt him!!!” Dot continued to cry. Wakko growled and just about lept out of the chair, but Angelina grabbed him by the ears. 
“This is on you,” She spat, and began to drag Wakko out of the room. 
“No! It’s my fault! I forgot the dress type! Please! Punish me instead!” Dot insisted, stepping out in front of Angelina. 
“Oh Angelina,” The queen shook her head, placing a soft hand against Dot’s face. Dot froze.
“If you get in my way again I assure you his punishment will be increased ten fold.” She whispered harshly. 
“Now be a good girl Angelina, and run along now. You have much to study,” She smiled sweetly. 
“My name is Dot,” She muttered to herself, bearing her teeth.
“Dot, no,” Wakko pleaded with her. Angelina tightened her pull on his ears. 
“It’d be wise for you to listen to him for once,” She smiled more. Dot growled again, but stepped backward, and looked back at Wakko. 
“Angelina. Move,” She ordered. Dot looked at the arm holding Wakko, a very obvious thought popping into her head. Angelina growled. 
“I expected more from you,” She said, before kicking Dot to the ground and moving on, giving Wakko’s ears a massive tug before continuing on. 
Wakko heard Dot get up from behind, trying to keep her distance, but her tears made her noticeable. 
Quickly and painfully, they turned around halls and owners of the castle, before Wakko realized she wasn’t going to be putting him in his room, and he was filled his dread and terror. 
“Wh-where are you taking him?!” Dot shouted at her, once she had the same thought. 
“That is none of your concern, Yakko.” She said coldly. “I’m teaching you three a lesson.”
“Let go of him!” Dot shouted again as Angelina started to go up the enormous stairwell. The queen ignored her, climbing higher and higher. 
“I said let him go!” Dot shouted, pulling on her dress like she had a year ago. Angelina froze, before turning around, dangling Wakko off of the stairs above the at least 20 foot drop below, only holding him by his neck.
“Shout at me again young lady, and I will,” She threatened. Dot gasped, covering her mouth. 
“Wait- please! Don’t hurt him-!” She begged, and Wakko did his best not to be terrified for his life but uh- 20 ft drop. 
“Go back downstairs, Angelina. You’ve done enough today,” She spat in her face. Dot wanted to protest, but the queen lifted Wakko higher and Dot backed down, lowering her head in shame as more tears streamed down. 
“Good girl,” The queen smiled, and patted her head, before turning around and continuing to drag Wakko up, Dot’s sobs echoing as they went all the way to the top. At this point, Wakko was pounding and kicking against her best he could, but she proved herself to have gotten wiser about that, as her long silk gloves prevented scratches or bites to her skin, and her pure gold bracelets also didn’t help. 
Eventually, she reached the top of the familiar tower, and she tossed him in like an animal. She closed and locked the heavy iron door and the sound made Wakko’s head hurt. 
“How long do you plan to leave me here, huh?!” He demanded, running to the door. However, to his horror, she left without a word to him. He listened closely to the door, still hearing Dot’s cries when he heard her yelp in pain. Wakko pounded on the door, but since it was no longer wood, all that ended up doing was hurting his hand. Wakko cringed in the pain, but knew there was nothing he could do. 
He was locked in here... for who knows how long. Could be days, weeks... months...
If she even bothered to keep him alive, which was something she was clearly starting to debate more and more as time passed. Wakko didn’t want to die-
At least... not yet. 
Perhaps it was foolish, but he did still have a shred of hope for his future, though it only got cloudier and cloudier as days passed. He tried to remember the advice and optimism of his dad, but that only brought up the painful feeling of him being gone. The same thing happened when he tried to imagine his mom comforting him too. 
After awhile of him just sitting on the cold and filthy floor in shock and pain, he heard pounding on the door. 
“Wakko? Wakko? Are you in there?” Yakko called from outside. 
“Y-yeah!” he replied, wiping his eyes. 
“We-we’re gonna get you out Wakko. I promise,” he declared. 
“Yakko, you can’t promise that,” Wakko frowned. 
“Yes I can Wakko. We’re going to get you out,” He asserted. 
“She’ll kill you- she’ll kill me if you try,” Wakko pleaded. 
“I know... but... w-we’ll escape. Run away to a far off town where no one will find you two. We’ll be safe,” Yakko said, becoming more and more desperate.
“You’ve said it yourself: a place like that doesn’t exist,” Wakko crossed his arms, leaning against the cold door.  He heard Yakko do the same. 
“We... we could...” Yakko tried to think. 
“Yakko... you should just forget about me. You and Dot would be fine without me, I hold you two down. I should just- stay up here and- and die,” Wakko pulled his knees to his chest. 
“Wakko!” he gasped. “Don’t say that!” he said, much softer. 
“Grandma will never care about me, a-and mum and d-daddoo are gone s-so... it would just be easier for me to stay here... away from you two... just like she wants,” He suppressed tears best he could, but choken on the lump in his throat. 
“Wakko, no.” Wakko heard him turn around to face the door again. 
“No matter what happens, we are not going to give up on you. I’m here- I’m always gonna be here, Wak,” He spoke softly. 
“Mum and Dad said they’d be here too...”
A painful silence hummed through the air. It hurt to even breathe after he spoke. Wakko gave in and cried. 
“Wak... I-i... I don’t know what to say...” Yakko said. 
“Just go away- before you get locked away too,” He sobbed. 
Yakko didn’t respond, staying there for a long, long time. 
Wakko didn’t say anything either. 
“We will rescue you Wak... I promise,” Yakko repeated, before standing up and going. 
Wakko stayed on the floor the rest of the day. 
Angelina hadn’t been sending servants to give him food, only water. 
Wakko had been up there for three days and it was easily the most miserable he had ever been in his life. 
He knew his mother had been sent up there at least once. He could see her carvings in the wall, and scratches on the floor, which he traced over his finger and slowly read. 
“Yakko? Slacky? Wacky?” and “Harold the 9th” were written beside the bed. There was a tally for what he assumed were days next to the broken mirror. Other random words he couldn’t quite read were sprawled all around. 
Yakko came up to talk every now and then, but he never could stay long. Wakko kept meaning to ask him for food, but he knew Angelina was strict on eating hours, so it was unlikely he could sneak into the kitchen to grab anything anymore. It just... wasn’t that simple any more. 
He also promised he was thinking of an escape. Wakko thanked him for the effort, but his hope wasn’t high.
Dot came at one point too. She cried and apologized and explained how it was her fault their grandmother got mad, saying how she hadn’t read the page she was supposed to the night before and didn’t know the types of dresses and she got mad, which made her cry, which made her take her to Yakko, which caused everything else. Wakko told her not to blame herself, but he knew that wasn’t going to resinate. Just another way their grandmother tightened her grip around them. 
But for the most part, he was alone. Utterly and perfectly alone...
He had his little imaginary games in his mind, but even those ran out eventually, mostly due to the cold. Stupid early winters...
One particularly cold night, Wakko said “screw it” and went to the window an looked out at the stars. 
They shined a lot better all the way up here, at least that was nice...
As he looked up, a chill ran through him and he was reminded of just how hungry he was. He cringed in the pain, and looked up at the stars, having run out of tears days ago. 
“I... I wish mum and dad were still here... If they were alive everything would go back to being okay...” he whispered weakly to the brightest star he could see. The stars twinkled back. 
Wakko sighed, lowering his head, continuing to look when he noticed that the star appeared to be growing larger- that wasn’t normal, right? And if it’s not, was it actually happening, or was he just seeing things because he was hungry?
It also appeared to be growing closer- that wasn’t good. Too close and it’d probably destroy the whole castle. Wakko scrambled back from the window and pounded on the door for help, but nobody heard or came. Wakko braced himself as the light got brighter and brighter and eventually filled the dark tower. 
However, nothing crashed or burned or turned him into goop, so Wakko slowly turned around and opened his eyes, and he saw a glowing figure in a really poor looking rope, cheap wand, and wings. 
Well- that was interesting. 
“Uh- who are you?” Wakko asked, really uncomfortable with the idea of a stranger popping into his prison out of nowhere. 
“I’m your desire fulfillment facilitator, Pip,” the desire fulfillment facilitator said dryly. Wakko blinked. 
“Uh- hi, Pip,” he said. 
“Congradulations Wakko, you did it. Out of all of the stars in the night sky, you made your wish up the wishing star,” He said, so monotone Wakko wanted to tears his ears off despite the fact that he was saying good news. 
“The Wishing Star? I’ve never heard of a Wishing Star,” He frowned. 
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you stories?” He asked. Wakko shook his head. 
“Hm... doesn’t matter. You did it anyway. It was your request for a wish that brought me here,” he said. 
���Wait- so- you can bring my parents back?” Wakko realized. He nodded, and Wakko almost passed out. 
“You’ve decided on your wish?” He asked. 
“I just said-”
“Right, right. Welp- here it goes,” Pip snapped his fingers, and ball of green light shot across the sky, and crashed far, far away- behind the mountains in the horizon. Wakko frowned. 
“Hey, what gives? It couldn’t be any closer than that?” He frowned. 
“Oh whoops, too late to fix now,” Pip scratched the back of his neck. Wakko gave him a look. “Looks like you have quite the trek ahead of you.”
“Yeah... I guess so,” Wakko couldn’t be sour for long, now entranced by the bright light. 
“And you better be going if you don’t want competition to build up,” Pip added. 
“What?! How am I supposed to reach it if I’m stuck in this tower! These rules are completely unfair,” Wakko crossed his arms. 
“Don’t worry Wakko, your siblings will be coming to get you soon, you’ll just have to tell them where to go,” Pip explained. 
“Huh?” He tilted his head when he heard footsteps not far away from the door. 
“I must go now- just remember this: the one who touches the fallen star first gets their wish. If you aren’t first, you don’t get it,” He said.
“What’s the point of me wishing on the star then, if it’s just up for grabs? that’s lame,” He crossed his arms. 
“Whoops- I gotta go, bye,” He waved and turned to star dust before disappearing completely, right before he heard a knock at the door. 
So much for that guys help. 
“Wakko?” It was Yakko. 
“Yakko? What’re you doing here?” Wakko asked. 
“We’ve come to break you out,” Dot chimed in, and a very, very, very long rope made of several sheets was pushed through his “meal slot”. 
Wakko didn’t know what to say. 
“Tie one end to the hook by the window and climb down- my advice is to not look down and pretend like it’s just training with Dad. Plus, me and Dot will be waiting for you at the bottom,” Yakko explained. 
“Wait- I have to tell you,” Wakko interrupted. 
“What?” Yakko asked, surprised Wakko wasn’t protesting. 
“I-i made a wish at a star tonight and well- apparently it was the wishing star so now we have to go- like... really actually go so I can make my wish and then everything will be okay and happy just like it used to be,” Wakko said. 
“The... wishing star? I thought that was just some kiddy bedtime story...” Yakko said, mostly to himself. 
“Well- apparently not,” Wakko said, taking one end and tying it to the hook like Yakko said. Yakko sighed. 
“We’ll talk about this once you’re down. Me and Dot are gonna wait at the bottom,” He said. 
“Okay... see you on the other side,” Wakko said, making the mistake at looking at how far away down was, but was surprised the rope actually went all the way down. 
That was a lot of sheets. 
“You got this Wakko!” Dot encouraged, before he heard the two of them go. 
Right. He had this. 
He may not have been very smart, but he was a good climber. He could do this...
At least, he hoped anyway. 
He promised right then and there that if he was going to make it out of this alive, he was definitely going to go to the Wishing Star- it couldn’t be more dangerous than climbing down a 50 foot rope made of tied sheets, 
...Could it?
Lena despised being in recovery more than anything. She had been rendered practically immobile because of her broken leg, and her weakened muscles took months of physical therapy to rest and recover. 
Every day she thought of her children, and missed them dearly. She knew when all of their birthdays were and was overcome with grief as each passed. 
She was supposed to be there, with them. Celebrating, laughing, protecting.
Now she was in William’s hometown, mooching off of their generosity because of her title, feeling utterly and totally useless. 
After months and months of healing and resting and physical therapy she was finally back to semi-functionality. Sure, she could now go for strolls at night with William (it was part of her physical therapy- stupid leg injuries), but she knew she still couldn’t actually do anything- she still couldn’t go back to the castle and put an end to her mother’s reign. They’d be caught- called imposters and possibly be killed. 
Lena couldn’t imagine making her children go through them dying twice. 
“Lena..? What are you thinking about this night?” William asked softly, and Lena remembered where she was. 
“Just... everything,” she sighed. William kissed her hand. 
“We’ll figure it out, I promise,” He said. Lena closed her eyes and tried to believe it. 
“A year William... My mother must’ve done numerous unspeakable things to them by now...” She looked away at the plaza. He squeezed her hand. 
“I was thinking of the same thing...” he said. Lena put her head on his shoulder. 
“I miss Wakko’s jokes... I miss Yakko’s wit... I miss Dot’s smile,” Lena said, smiling a little at the memory. 
“We’ll figure it out soon, i promise,” he kissed her head and closed his eyes as they sat on a bench outside the hospital.
“Soon...” she echoed. 
Soon her ass. 
Soon was a ridiculous unit of time. No matter how much time had passed, everything seemed to be “soon”. The word drove her mad. 
She was going to say something about this, when suddenly a bright green shooting star suddenly soared through the sky, grabbing her attention as it went all the way down before suddenly crashing down behind the Acme Mountains. 
“William- did you see that?” Lena tugged on his arm. 
“See what?” He tilted his head. 
“That star- it crashed just behind Acme Moutains,” She shook him so he opened his eyes and he quickly saw it. 
“That’s- no... that couldn’t be..? Could it?” He squinted at it. 
“I think it is...” Lena said. 
“You think the Wishing Star could actually be real?” He asked. 
“My father taught me about it when I was a little girl, the books are still in the library. My mother never approved of fictional books- it has to be true,” Lena quickly stood up. 
“Careful Lena, you’re still-”
“Oh hush William. Don’t you know what this means?” She asked. “This is our chance- we reach the wishing star we can reunite with the kids- and take down my mother for good.” 
“And everything would be perfect again...” William couldn’t help but smile. He stood and kissed her. 
“C’mon- we haven’t a moment to waste,” Lena said. 
“Woah, woah, woah. Lena, it’s very late. We need to go to sleep,” He said. 
“But- William- it’s right there,” She frowned. 
“Yes, but we’ll have to get a horse or two to share and it’ll be a long and treacherous journey- those mountains aren’t exactly easy to get through,” William warned. Lena sighed. 
“But... it’s right there... Our kids...” She looked at it. 
“I know... but I promise Lena, it’ll still be there in the morning. Wishing Stars aren’t common knowledge, and we’ll have the distance advantage,” William said. “So please... let’s get some rest before we go out, alright?” 
Lena sighed. “I hate when you’re right.”
“You love me,” He teased. 
“I know,” She rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. “But.. tomorrow?”
He nodded. “Tomorrow. We’ll head out first thing in the morning.”
“To the Wishing Star...” She smiled. 
They were going to see their kids again after all. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
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tooruluv · 4 years
Tooru Oikawa x F!Reader ( part 3 )
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❝ my love for him is much like winter, a skeleton for the world to see. too bad he never liked the cold. ❞
description: being the neighbor and lifelong best friend of tooru oikawa definitely had it’s perks. you were never an outcast, always had a seat at lunch, got into volleyball games for free. the problem was, however, that being in love with him outweighed those perks. you would never tell him that, though, even if it hurt like hell.
genre: best friends to lovers, angst, unrequited love, fluff if you squint hard enough
word count: 2,210
warnings/notes: um yeah. this one moves fast, but this whole fic is basically about this one scene, this one part. so enjoy. no serious warnings, just strong language and some gay shit. angst.
tag list: @afuckingunicornn​
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“You’re... gay?” you whispered.
“It isn’t a fucking slur, you drunk ass.” Iwaizumi spoke, shoving you with his arm (making you hit your head on the door, but you barely noticed). “And I don’t know what exactly I am, but I just know it’s not straight.”
“Matsu?” you turned to the other boy. 
“I’ve been gay, and Iwa is sexy as fuck so who am I to deny his sexual awakening?”
It almost made you laugh.
It was hot in the closet. Dark. And you were squished in between two (very tall) men. A single light hung from the ceiling, swaying slightly.
“I uh,” You were so numb. You played with your sleeves. “I watched ‘Kawa make out with this girl. Stood there like an idiot and watched it happen. And it… it sucks to like know about it but to see it…to watch it happen…it’s way worse.”
“Oh,” They both said, sadness laced behind a whisper.
“You were going to tell him, weren’t you?” Matsukawa inquired.
You gasped, turning wide-eyed to Iwaizumi. He held his hands up in surrender. “You told him?” and “I didn’t tell him I swear!” coming out of both of you at once.
“I knew for, like, years now.” Matsukawa interrupted. “You’re the most obvious person ever, just so you know. You might as well be the fucking heart eye emoji whenever you look at him.” He paused to gauge your reaction, which was nothing. “Back to my question: you were going to tell him, weren’t you?”
“I..” you bit the inside of your cheek. “Yeah, I think so? I don’t know. I just know I really wanted to talk to him and see him and hear his voice. And I still do. But now my mind is full of him and the really pretty brown-haired girl exchanging spit.”
“Maybe we should get out of the closet and get some air.”
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The next morning, you woke up on the floor in the guest bedroom. Iwaizumi had taped a piece of paper to your forehead (“drink water” it said), and a blanket was wrapped around your upper body. You could not remember what happened after leaving the closet, how you ended up in the guest room, or why you were on the floor and not in the perfectly good bed above you.
But, nonetheless, you got up and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Where the fuck is Oikawa?
A loud thump interrupted your thoughts. Yup, there he was. You let out an annoyed groan as he decided to make the most noise possible on his way to the kitchen.
You pulled yourself onto the counter, wanting to slam your head against the cabinet. You never got hangovers, why was today the day you got one?
“Well don’t you look beautiful this fine morning.” Oikawa greeted, smiling.
He always looked his best in the morning, you thought. He may come across as perfect, but it makes your heart do flips when he comes in with bed head and his glasses on. Not to mention he looked absolutely gorgeous in the morning sunlight, beaming and bright.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” Your eyes were still closed.
You heard movement, a cabinet open then close, and only opened your eyes when he stood in front of you (in between your legs, no less). You held your breath.
“I look amazing, and you know it.” He was so close you could feel his breath. He brushed his teeth, the smell of mint circling you. Why was he so close?
He reached forward, pressing his hand to your forehead. Still half awake and clearly extremely hungover, you leaned into his touch as he moved his hands to your cheeks. His eyes scanned your face, but your eyes never moved from his.
His hands paused and stayed on your neck, just below your jaw. Hovering.
Unconsciously, you leaned forward. Only a little bit.
And he did too.
Your lips were so close. If you wanted to, you could kiss him. Just like that. A few centimeters away, and you could do what you’ve wanted to do for years. Feel what it would be like to be one of the many girls who had their lips against his. The air was so tense, so full of something you couldn’t explain. Just a few centimeters. Was he leaning in too?
He moved back.
“Medicine for your head, and you have a little bit of a fever so there’s something for that too.” Oikawa spoke. His voice sounded deeper, but maybe you were just thinking things. A small cough from him. He put pills into your hand. “You get something to drink. I’ll start picking up trash, you’re on…”
“Cups and cans duty.” You finished. It was always the routine. “Thank you.”
“Don’t slack off too much, you fucking drunk.” He joked, smiling at you with a trash bag in his hand.
You rolled your eyes at him, throwing the nearest empty can at him. You smiled, but your heart was aching.
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The first time Oikawa had ever thrown a party, it was a disaster. 
People flooded the house, though it was only supposed to be a small get-together and ended up a huge banger. The school talked about it for a while. An increase in his popularity.
The two of you were left to pick up the mess. 
“Where the fuck do we start?” you asked, staring into the abyss that was once his living room.
“I’ll pick up the garbage and you pick up the cans and bottles?” Oikawa suggested. “If my mom finds any alcoholic beverage in this house she will pelt me with my own volleyballs.”
“I’ll help too.” Oikawa’s older brother said from the doorway, trashbag in hand. “Let’s get to work. We only have until six.”
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Matsukawa soon joined your routine.
For the past month or so, Iwaizumi would eat lunch with you in the library as you studied for the entrance exams. Oikawa would join sometimes, or he would come right before lunch was over. He liked to eat lunch in the cafeteria, liked to “have that break from studies”. You two didn’t mind, you got more done without him distracting anyway.
Matsukawa had become your third-party during Lunch Study Dates. You didn’t complain, and you didn’t ask the two of them what exactly their relationship was. You joked with Iwaizumi that you were simply there to hide the fact they never stopped flirting. He would just laugh.
“Wait, you almost kissed?” Iwaizumi asked, studies long forgotten.
“I think so, yeah.” You kept your eyes on your paper. “It was weird, and the air was super heavy. And he hasn’t talked to me since. Not even while we were cleaning.”
“Not even a text?” Matsukawa asked.
“Not even a wave in the hallway.”
“Now that’s weird.”
“You’re telling me.” You finally looked up. “I.. Nothing has ever happened between us like that. Ever. And it was so out of nowhere, like, you would think our first almost kiss would be some cool moment or something. But it was just us, and I was hungover as fuck, and we just spent the rest of the afternoon in silence. And all that there has been since is just that. Silence.”
“I’m sorry, love.” Matsukawa reached over to place his hand over your wrist. “You know what. Tooru is an idiot. He is. I would have kissed you.”
“You’re gay.”
“And I would’ve kissed you. That’s the highest compliment you can receive. Accept it, woman.”
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Growing up with Tooru Oikawa, you knew many things about the boy that many didn’t. You knew that he always put extra syrup on his pancakes and waffles, you knew that he always preferred hot showers rather than the cold ones his mother always tells him to take for soreness, and you knew that he practiced more than anyone could imagine.
He grew up with a volleyball attached to his side. He set it whenever he could, he would serve it into your yard (and then go get it and serve it back into his). He would ask you to join, but you always just watched.
Growing up with Tooru Oikawa also made you witness his growth. And you think that’s another reason you fell in love with him.
His passion was indescribable. You couldn’t count how many times people (including yourself) have told him to relax, take a day off, remind him to eat and drink. But his heart was in it, no matter how much it distracted him from daily fleets. You admired him for that.
You didn’t have that Thing growing up. You tried a lot of different things, different hobbies and sports and classes. But you never had that thing that you had so much passion for that you had to remind yourself to breathe.
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One week of silence. One week of nothing from your best friend. Not a text, a call, a smile sent your way. Not even an eye contact.
It was strange. Your entire life had revolved around being around him, your routine included smiling and walking with him in the hallway, fixing his tie in the morning.
He was already in class when you came to school. And his tie was straight.
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You decided to spend most of your free time in the library, knowing that Oikawa didn’t find himself in there very often. If he was going to avoid you without an explanation, you could avoid him just as hard and for just as long. That was your logic.
Iwaizumi joined you, plopping himself down on the couch beside you. It sat in the back of the library, in the corner away from everything. You were being Sad TM.
It was so stupid, of course. To be upset or sad about something that didn’t even happen; at something that almost happened but never did. Iwaizumi reminded you that it wasn’t about the near kiss, but the silence after.
A body appeared out of thin air in front of you. You wouldn’t mistake the boy for anyone in the world.
“’Kawa.” You said, looking up. He looked way taller from your position on the couch. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He said. No “nut” this time. He fidgeted with his fingers. “Can I get my jersey back? The one you wear to the games?”
Your eyes shot up.
“’M sorry?”
“Can I get my jersey back?” he asked again.
You felt Iwaizumi put his hand on your thigh. You must’ve been shaking. One week of complete silence and complete rejection and absence only to be met with the break of a tradition.
“Um, yeah.” You blinked. “Yeah. I have it at home, I can stop by later and give it to you.”
“Just bring it tomorrow. Before the game.” He spoke. But his voice didn’t sound like his. It was forced. Since when was talking to you a task?
“O.. Okay.”
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A pinky promise was something taken very seriously. As kids, it was treated with the upmost respect and honor.
It was middle school, and the team announced that for a special tournament, and for school spirit, that the players would pick their best friend to wear their jersey to the games.
Oikawa immediately came to you with his “away” jersey, proudly holding it up. “Pinky promise me that you will always wear my jersey to my games!”
“Pinky promise!” you had told him.
You wore the jersey as you wrapped your pinky around his. Wearing his jersey became one of your favorite parts of going to his games.
Guess in high school, pinky promises don’t mean the same thing.
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The thing about Tooru Oikawa is he never dates. This was something you knew for certain. He has never once had an official girlfriend, and he always talked about how he never planned on having one (“They’re both a distraction and a big responsibility,” he would say. “Besides, what would I need a girlfriend for when I already have a girl who does everything for me?” he would add).
Which is why you were surprised to see him hand in hand with a very familiar girl later that day. The long perfect brown hair, the long legs. After seven days of not speaking to you, he had a girl wrapped around his arm as though it was the most casual thing of him to be doing.
You stopped in front of them, trying your very best to hide your confusion.
“Oh!” he smiled, saying your name. Acting as though he hadn’t just asked you to turn in something that had meant something important to your friendship (at least it did to you). “You haven’t met Sana. My girlfriend.”
The aforementioned girl, Sana, smiled at you. Perfect teeth, of course. She gave a slight bow before reaching out her hand. Girlfriend.
“Hi! It’s so nice to meet you, I’ve been waiting to meet Tooru’s best friend!”
You forced a smile as you shook her hand. “Nice to meet you too, Sana.”
You looked over her shoulder, to Oikawa (who looked nervous, fidgety in fact), and to Iwaizumi and Matsukawa (who stood a bit further away, but just as shook and confused as you).
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lycanthrop-ee · 4 years
Ghosting - Empty House
A/N: !!!!! It’s here! I’m so, so pumped for this- welcome to the Empty House AU! This is the first piece of content I’m publishing and it’s a one-shot from a bigger universe, but it’s also absolutely a stand-alone fic. It’s a self-indulgent, analogical-centric human AU that’s has been floating around my hollow skull for months now, so there’s a lot of doodles backed up if any of yall would like to see that ;) There will be an AU taglist, but I also have an individual writing taglist!
Synopsis: Logan has finally moved out of his childhood home into a family-sized house where he plans to finish college online. His simple plans are complicated when a strange, sad-looking boy starts showing up outside...
Word count: 4,306
Ships: Endgame romantic Analogical
CW: (spoilers) Pre-plot major character death, swearing, anxiety attack, very mildly implied previous parental abuse, be safe kiddos and ask to tag!
The first time Logan saw the boy was the day he moved in. 
The empty house had stood hollowly beside its driveway, Logan feeling small without his siblings or parents or any of his rarely acquired friends by his side. He wasn’t a sociable person, but he’d always been surrounded by noise at home, and lots of it… he’d never been in a house as still as the one he stepped into that day. The dark wooden floors were cleanly swept, except for the corners and trimmings which had little fields of grey dust dotting the deep brown. The refrigerator made a hungry humming noise, protesting its suddenly empty shelves- Logan knew a family of four had lived there before, and that they’d given him a pretty hefty discount on the house. That’s all he knew.
The floor in the entrance hall creaked underfoot, and the walls seemed to turn away as they saw him- not who they’d been expecting, not worth their attention. That was fair. 
The house had three bedrooms and two floors- altogether a strange layout. Two of the bedrooms were downstairs, situated in a small hallway off the kitchen, and one was tucked into a little corner upstairs, where the only other rooms consisted of a bathroom and a large, carpeted playroom that was mostly empty now. Logan figured it would have been a favorite of the kids when they were smaller, but now the only furniture was a faux leather couch and a television, as well as a couple of out-of-place armchairs that had never gotten much human use from the look of their fur-covered seats.
With just him taking up the whole house, he hardly saw the point in using the upstairs bedroom. The house felt big already- rationally, it would be better to localize downstairs. All he really needed was his room, the kitchen, and the little living room next to the entrance. That was enough for him- in fact, even that was too silent. He missed the screams of his brothers as affectionately as anyone could- which honestly varied day to day. 
Today, he was disproportionately affectionate. 
It paired well with the fear.
Logan was just about ready to start tearing himself apart over the family members he’d left behind- the only ones that mattered- when the boy caught his eye.
The day had been gray and dreary, the trees heavy with the prospect of rain and the air cool enough to promise it, but it had only started drizzling in the few minutes since Logan had been inside. The sky had seemed to darken remarkably quickly, especially strange without the presence of thunder or even heavy rain, and in the middle of it all was a lanky figure who looked for all the world like a member of the fae.
He stood at the side of the road, looking in the house’s general direction- in Logan’s general direction, although he was sure the other wouldn’t be able to see through his windows. His face would’ve been hidden by the dark hair poking out from under his hood were he not so painfully pale, and his brown irises were visible to Logan only because of the piercing contrast of his skin. 
His jacket was oversized, but his beanpole frame managed to show through regardless. The rainwater gradually weighed it down until the boy looked almost a skeleton, Logan frozen watching him for what could have been minutes- and then the frame heaved in a breath and ambled stiffly away. 
Obviously Logan’s first worries had to do with an unhinged white male teenager breaking into his new house- the one he had full responsibility for and few precious savings to repair. It was irrational, he knew, but his second thought was that the boy hadn’t looked capable of any harm- or really of much at all. He looked weighed down, depressed, and Logan was sure that it wasn’t just the water soaking his sweatshirt. The boy had looked sad. 
And he continued to. Frighteningly often, the teenager appeared outside Logan’s house. Each time he looked quite the same: above average height but considerably shorter than Logan himself, skinny, and almost other-worldly in his strange mish-mash of dark eyes and pearly flesh. While Logan knew that his first sight of the boy had been strange in the sudden change of weather, he could- and completely intended to- count it as a coincidence of Florida’s strange climate.  
He settled into a sort of pattern, although the boy didn’t seem to follow one. Each time he saw the figure outside his house, he would take a break from his endless work. He’d make himself some tea, sit in the window, and wait for the boy to leave. This way, he told himself, if he tried anything, Logan would be there to intercept him. He chose not to think about the possibility of it happening at night or while he was away, and he kept far away from the crime shows he’d occasionally enjoyed in the past. This way, too, he could get a good look at his visitor each time. It was almost as though he was keeping tabs on him, and at the tail end of his fear came a strange protectiveness. 
It was after about a month of this- Logan looking for job applications and living off of his savings, edgewise- that Logan pulled into his driveway at one of the key moments of his life. The boy stood unsteadily at the side of the road, sweatshirt ever-present even in the heat. Logan got out of his car carefully, his heart in his throat- though, really, did any part of him think the boy capable of much at this point? 
He’d have expected the kid to run as soon as he’d pulled in, but when Logan looked him over he saw the boy studying him, bouncing on the balls of his feet. It struck Logan anew in their close proximity how thin he was.
Almost thoughtlessly, he started across the lawn towards the boy. He had to remind himself to uphold formalities- no matter how many times they’d stared at each other across the way, they’d never once spoken. He didn’t know this kid, not really- and now it occurred to him that the boy was more than a kid. He couldn’t be much younger than himself. Logan halted a few respectful steps from the boy, who eyed him strangely.
Close up… he looked, somehow, the same as he did from across the lawn. His features were simple, small mouth and nose easy to overlook for his huge, shadowed eyes. He really did remind one of a fairytale, or even- perhaps more accurately- a Tim Burton. 
Logan opened his mouth to speak, but paused for a moment. They watched each other.
“Would you like to come in for tea?” He finally inquired, the words escaping him overly familiar. The boy raised his eyebrows almost undetectably, seeming confused, and Logan caught himself almost leaning forward in anticipation of the other’s first words to him.
“You’re not Patton,” the boy said, voice just above a murmur and hoarse. Logan hesitated, confused, and studied the expression that would’ve been bored were it not for the slight tremble in his lips and a hint of surprise- Logan supposed neither of them had planned what had escaped their mouths. He reached up with a thin arm and brushed the back of his hand gently across his eyes. A spark of something strange flickered in Logan’s chest- this man was possibly not all there. He wracked his brain for labels- depression? Mild psychosis? Dissociation?
Either way, this was not someone he should invite into his house without more information- but as that regretfully occurred to him, the first drops of afternoon rain hit the tip of his noise. He wondered if the boy would stand out here after Logan went outside, and if so, for how long. 
“No, I’m not,” he found himself saying. “My name is Logan. It is raining- would you like to come in?”
He was exceedingly aware of the boy’s breathing as they stepped out of the rain, something that would normally drive him insane- somehow he didn’t mind this time. His presence was almost calming after weeks of bringing a break from Logan’s ceaseless work. It assured him that the ghostly pale man was real, which was never a problem he thought he’d be debating... but here was this skeleton-thin, strange-mannered man entering his house as though he’d been there a million times before.
He carefully slid his shoes off, paying close attention to the floor- and no attention to Logan. 
“I’ll make tea,” the latter found himself mumbling. “Do you want to come into the kitchen?”
“I’m gonna go upstairs,” the boy said. Logan blinked.
“I- you… this is my house?” He stuttered, trying to be assertive- surely that crossed a line? He’d never seen this kid before a month ago- but there he went, lugging himself up the stairs like he belonged there. O-kay. 
Logan backed into the drafty kitchen to put the kettle on.
Time to listen to his voice of reason, he decided. Clearly this boy had been in the house before- hopefully before Logan had moved in- and knew his way around. And clearly his mental state had some connection to the house- whether positive or negative, Logan couldn’t yet tell. So, he concluded, it’s possible that he had lived here before. The married couple that had sold him the house had mentioned a son, but they’d been moving out of town- how would the boy have made his way back almost daily? There was a bus line in the area... but who was Patton, and why had his absence been unexpected?
There was clearly missing information here, and thus the situation was theoretically dangerous. The logical thing to do would be to contact the authorities for more information- maybe the boy was a local that they were familiar with. If that were the case, they would know how to handle him. 
On the other hand… it was, put simply, a puzzle. Wasn’t it? Logan was smart; he was in online college and he was passing quite well. He had an A in psych so far. He just needed a few more minutes with the boy and he’d figure it out. He could help him... why else would he show up outside his house? 
He needed Logan.
There goes rational thought, Logan sighed as the kettle started to whistle, turning off the stovetop and moving the pot to the side. Something made him turn around- the boy was watching him from the doorway, looking almost more upset than usual. His wide eyes were watery, and as Logan hesitated he wiped an arm across his face again, expression turning to frustration. He avoided Logan’s gaze. “You said you were making tea?” He said, carefully controlled voice just above a whisper. Logan was startled out of his stupor by the boy’s coherence.
“I, um- yes! Yes, would you- what kind?”
“Earl grey? No sugar, just a bit of milk...” he carefully pulled a chair from the small table, slumping into it and reaching to fidget with the salt shaker. “Please.”
The boy’s words stirred Logan into movement and he grabbed two mugs out of the mostly barren cabinet before pulling a pre-packaged tea bag from the tea box on the counter. He unwrapped the tea and dropped one bag in each mug, pouring steaming water from the kettle into them with a satisfying noise. The warm humidity and pleasant smell caressed Logan’s face, and he took a moment to bask in it before returning to the present moment- if begrudgingly. As he set the empty kettle aside, the room quieted, the only sound the rain drizzling over the side of the roof. Logan crossed the space self-consciously to close the window. The boy’s eyes were pointedly focused on the table in front of him- Logan thought he felt more awkward this way than if the boy had been staring at him flat-out. Either way, he could feel his awareness of Logan like a thick fog. He snuck another look at the boy as he hovered beside a chair, unsure whether to sit opposite him. 
“My name is Logan,” he prompted, thoughts stumbling over each other to curse him for the repetition. 
“Thank you for the tea, Logan.”
...Well, at least that was something. His name sounded strange in the other boy’s hoarse, delicate voice- less mundane, somehow. He stood at the head of a table for one more moment that seemed to stretch out an eternity- the boy carefully spun the salt shaker around in his nimble fingers, swearing softly as some of the seasoning fell onto the table. Logan’s startled eyes studied the other’s flushed face.
And then his head caught up to him, and he shuttered into motion, rushing to the mostly empty fridge for milk and fetching the small bag of sugar he’d mercifully bought a few days before. 
“I... I’ve seen you around,” Logan’s mouth betrayed him again. That was creepy- although, looking at it objectively, it was much less creepy than being ‘around’ the way the boy had. The table behind was quiet for too long as he poured the milk. 
“...When’d you move in?” The voice was quiet and held a fragility that Logan hadn’t yet heard from the other. He was relieved to finally have an easy answer to one of the many questions he faced. And, indeed, his mouth finally obeyed him, even and direct.
“About a month ago.” He turned to face the table, the boy’s tea held stiffly between his hands. 
“Sorry,” he whispered as Logan set down the tea. “I knew someone’d moved in, but I guess… it was you.” The boy let out a hollow laugh, and Logan was swept with protectiveness once more.
“Don’t worry, I won’t alert the authorities.” Because that was the most comforting thing he could think of- he’d never been very tactful with delicate emotional situations. Predictably, the boy tensed. Logan decided it’d be advisable for him to move on. “What is your name, pray tell?”
Pray tell. Pray fucking tell? What was wrong with him? The boy cut him off before he could overthink the foot he’d just shoved in his mouth with the eloquence of an 1800s era schoolboy. 
“Patton.” A moment passed before a look of horror came over his face. “Or- no, I- it’s- Virgil! Virgil.”
Now- once again, logically- forgetting one's name was not a good sign. Of general coherence nor moral innocence. Logan knew this. 
Still, the boy looked uniquely upset by the mistake. 
Logan fetched his tea and sat down opposite him.
The other boy fidgeted incessantly, and Logan felt it fell on him to make Virgil more comfortable. He threw tact to the wind- it was tiresome anyway- in favor of distracting the other and himself from the strange fumble.
“Are you a local?”
He got a nod in response, Virgil holding the tea tightly between his hands. Logan couldn’t help but feel he’d made yet another mistake- obviously the boy wasn’t comfortable talking about himself, but was it worth Logan filling the silence with unprompted facts about himself? Would that bore Virgil? Was that rude? He let the gap in conversation rest for a moment before deciding he didn’t much care what was rude.
“This is my second year enrolled in online college- I skipped my senior year.”
The stupid non-sequitor sat in the middle of the table, sinking like a rock. Virgil managed to give him an incredulous look, even in the depths of... whatever it was that was affecting him. Logan panicked. 
Here are a few things about Logan Croft that were usually a given:
                  1. He often said things without regard to the effect they would have on others. 
                  2. He did not say things he didn’t believe to be true.
                  3. He did not readily employ personal information.
All of these rules had apparently been thrown out the window the second Virgil walked in his door. As soon as he realized this, he worked to reclaim them. “Virgil.”
The wind immediately blew out of his sails, and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Speaking abrasively had never been difficult for him, and this was not the time to adopt a new weakness. “I need to know who you are. You have shown up outside of my house for the past month, and while the reasoning behind this is presumably personal and not necessarily critical for me to know, I will at least need you to tell me your full name. Against my better judgement, I will not contact the authorities about your incessant invasion of my privacy, because I don’t altogether mind it- but if you are to have regular access to my house, we can’t continue this one-sided conversation.” Regular access to his house? When had Logan considered that option? As soon as he asked himself the question, he knew the answer- the feeling of someone appearing in the doorway, seeking Logan’s company… it was something that he’d missed sorely. It was something he needed.
The boy looked startled and altogether terrified by the long stream of words. Logan, still working hard to recover his sense and new to the inclination of softening his words on the behalf of strangers, disregarded this as best he could as he waited for an answer. 
It didn’t look like he was going to get one.
Virgil opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water, putting the salt shaker down on it’s side like he’d been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to. Logan felt a tug in his stomach to right it, afraid he’d get more salt on his table, but now didn’t seem like the time. 
As the moment stretched forward, his attention was grabbed away anyways, trying to decipher Virgil’s expression. It didn’t look good. 
In fact, it made his heart drop.
The boy looked withdrawn, fearful- like a bird with an injured wing or a snared fox. Damn it, damn it, damn it- Logan’s split-second adopted mantra was less than helpful, but it showed no signs of tapering off to make room for useful thoughts. Virgil’s eyes squeezed shut, and the instincts left over from Logan’s career as an older brother took over. 
He rushed to Virgil’s side on blind autopilot, laying a warm hand over his bony back. The boy jumped at the unexpected touch- and then leaned into it, a choked sob tearing itself from his throat. Oh no. Oh god. Damn it. 
Logan didn’t consider himself good with emotions. He did his best to comfort his younger brothers- god knows they needed it- but strangers were a whole new situation and honestly he didn’t feel much better about this than he expected the boy did.
“Hey, I-” he took a knee to lower himself to Virgil’s level, steadying himself against the table awkwardly. “Um-”
He choked on what to say, but his mind latched to the one thing he knew. Virgil had responded positively to touch- and with little further thought, Logan bundled the shivering boy into his arms.
Logan would’ve immediately taken back the show of affection by any means necessary if Virgil hadn’t melted into the touch so readily- Logan was reminded of an oversized cat. 
That being said, Logan was holding a sobbing stranger in his arms in his new house, alone. Damn it, damn it, damn it.
Logan had always been the kid at family gatherings who did everything in his power to ward off physical contact from his overbearing relatives. Although this situation was completely different and altogether impossible to plan for and avoid, he found himself reacting in somewhat of the same way- each place that Virgil’s thin, trembling body touched his screamed at him to recoil.
He did not.
He brought to mind his brothers- not that they’d ever been particularly physically affectionate with him. They’d always turned to each other, and he’d been left to himself. Understandably. But he imagined if they had seeked his reassurance, if they’d ever been as upset as this stranger was now. If they’d let him in. 
But now someone was leaning on him for comfort, and he was determined to provide for them. Imagine if Remus had come to him for help, he kept thinking. Imagine if it were Roman. 
And all of a sudden he had to hold back tears himself. He tensed, carefully leaning Virgill back onto his chair- Logan’s chair. Sensing the other’s discomfort, the boy came back to himself like a fire blazing across dry wood. 
“Fuck- fuck, I-I’m-” the boy was off at a rushed stutter, scrambling to right himself and wiping his eyes angrily. Logan shook his head, patting Virgil’s shoulder awkwardly. 
“Drink your tea,” Logan said stiffly. “It’s okay. I don’t- do you need something?” Good job, he thought sarcastically. Just pretend it never happened. Show him that, apologies, you seem to have made him think you’re an emotional resource. He was wrong, you’re actually a sociopath. Once again, sorry for any inconvenience. 
Logan’s thoughts stuttered and shouted as he tried to fix whatever he’d done. Virgil was quite obviously shaking, almost unable to hold his tea to his lips although he did make an effort, and Logan resorted back to psych class- maybe not a panic attack, but certainly an emotional breakdown and possibly an anxiety attack. “Do you have a history of generalized anxiety disorder?” Logan asked automatically, the place where he should have held a capacity for compassion currently void for whatever stupid reason. “Or even a suspected case?” The thunderstorm in his mind froze entirely as Virgil’s watery brown eyes focused on him. 
“...I guess,” he rasped quietly, eyes flickering back to his hands as they picked at each other violently. “I dunno.”
Logan let out a long breath, sliding furtively into the chair opposite Virgil. 
“If you’re having an anxiety attack, it could be caused by a persistent disorder or a recent traumatic event- although recent is a problematically inspecific measurement-” 
“Uh, then I- I dunno. Still. I guess…” He shrugged, looking away. “How recent is recently?”
Logan tried to hold back a sigh of relief at the comparatively simple question.
“Generally, anxiety attacks are caused by a buildup of unfinished tasks or other irritants, although there’s often an overarching problem or incident. A traumatic event can cause emotional turmoil for years after it occurs- or for the remainder of one’s life, depending on it’s nature- but in most to all cases, the effects lessen as time goes on.” Virgil nodded slowly. 
“And- and what are the symptoms? Of an anxiety attack?” He pulled his legs up to his chest, presumably placating the urge to make himself smaller. Logan rattled off the characteristics quickly.
“Shaking, a feeling of unease, impulsive thoughts, nausea, panic, the sensation of being trapped or cornered, restlessness, hyperventilation, trouble concentrating, dyspnea- shortness of breath, that is- am I making sense?” He wrapped his hands around the cooling cup of tea in front of him, feeling the need to steady himself. Virgil nodded again- it was apparent he was a man of few words. That worked out wonderfully, Logan thought, as he himself seemed so bent on talking as much as humanly possible. 
“Yeah,” Virgil muttered- then stood up abruptly. “Um- I should probably go. Sorry for… yeah.” Logan, decidedly more alarmed at the idea than he should’ve been, got to his feet as well.
“No- I mean, you don’t… have to. If you’d rather- but if you feel the need to go- I mean, I don’t want you to…” Logan paused, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to get his damn mouth under the control of his brain. Had he said something wrong? Well, obviously he’d said many things wrong in the past minutes, but… he thought over the conversation. He’d only been saying the facts- just what he knew. Was there something he should have kept to himself? Was any of it too personal? It was just facts, statistics, symptoms- he cursed himself mentally, although he couldn’t tell precisely what for.
While he’d been deliberating- not panicking, never panicking- Virgil had frozen in place. Right. The whole blazing trainwreck of words he’d let out for no apparent reason. Where the hell had that even come from? He’d known this kid for a month- five minutes face-to-face- and he was already being weird and nonsensical. It took considerable effort to bring the circumstances of their meeting to mind and even the playing field in his subconscious. If they were both creepy, did it even out? “I-I meant... you’re welcome here.” 
Logan could see the gears turning in Virgil’s head as he fell back into his chair. A weight slid off of his shoulders as the air between them settled- they were even. Or something. 
As much as he expected to regret his words, he was surprised at the lack of protest from his thoughts. It was, for once, blessedly quiet both inside his head and out. Logan sat back down warily. “You obviously have some- some connection to this house.” Like some sort of undead apparition, he thought- but he had the sense to keep that, at least, inside. “I can’t tell if it has a positive or negative effect on your mental state as I seem to be an uncalled for variable in your visit. I’m no psychological authority... I know you’ll come back either way, and I don’t like imagining you back out in the rain.” A shiver went through the boy like a roll of thunder, and he nodded. 
“When can I come here again?”
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lilyvandersteen · 3 years
The Christmas Guest Chapter 10
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Author’s Note: Here’s Blaine’s point of view of the kiss and what comes after. Fluff galore. Enjoy!
Read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, the Interlude, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 here on Tumblr, or read the story on AO3 or FF.net.
Chapter 10: Part of the Family
As soon as Blaine’s lips touched Kurt’s, he felt Kurt freeze for a moment, but just when he wanted to draw back and apologize, Kurt let out the softest sigh and melted against him. He also started kissing back, and held Blaine as if he’d never let go again. It made Blaine completely forget where he was and why. All that existed was Kurt, and how he felt, and how he tasted, and how he made Blaine’s head whirl with the simplest touch.
Blaine had no idea how much time had passed when the two of them were jolted apart by another party-goer, but it was not nearly long enough. He blinked hazily at Kurt, who looked as kiss-drunk as Blaine felt, and then at the people around them, who were… counting?
Oh. Right. New Year. Oh, brilliant, then we can kiss some more!
As soon as everybody started yelling Happy New Year, Blaine kissed Kurt again, reveling in the fact that he could, and that Kurt seemed to welcome his attentions. They needed to talk about this, yes, but first… First, he was going to enjoy this!
Again, he had to stop before he was ready to, this time because one of Kurt’s friends took offence to their PDA. They were quickly defended by Kurt’s other friends, but Blaine could tell Kurt felt uncomfortable, so he didn’t protest when Kurt wanted to go home, though he was a bit apprehensive about the conversation they would be having once they were back in Kurt’s room. Had he overstepped Kurt’s boundaries without realizing? Had Kurt only kissed back to keep up appearances? Surely, Blaine couldn’t have misread the situation that badly?
He chanced a quick glance at Kurt, who hadn’t said a word since they left the party, but his face was unreadable. He was shivering, though, and at once, Blaine’s preoccupations flew out of his head and he only thought of warming up Kurt.
In thanks for his efforts, Kurt sent him a glowing smile, which kept Blaine going until they were back in Kurt’s bedroom, putting their pajamas on, still in silence. By the time Blaine slipped into bed, his skin was skittering with all the feelings and words cooped up inside of him. As he cuddled up to Kurt, he couldn’t keep it all in anymore, and he burst out into an apology – right at the same time as Kurt started talking.
Well, not so much talking as asking for an explanation. Which was only fair, of course. Only… What answer did he expect? Could Blaine be honest and tell Kurt he’d tumbled head over heels in love with him? Would he dare?
Blaine hedged a bit, but Kurt pressed on, and his resistance crumbled. He could no more lie to Kurt than he could to himself. And maybe it was crazy to feel this way about someone he’d only known for a few days, but if by some miracle, Kurt felt the same way, maybe they could try dating for real?
He didn’t have to wait long for an answer. Kurt’s lips found his, and his heart leapt happily. Yes!
When Blaine woke up the next morning, Kurt was still deeply asleep, his head on Blaine’s bicep and his arm thrown over Blaine’s chest.
Blaine smiled up at the ceiling, happier than he could remember ever being, and enjoying this quiet private time holding Kurt in his arms.
This Christmas break had been nothing like he’d expected, but it had been everything he needed. Relaxing. A slice of home and family. Scrumptious food and fun pastimes. And most importantly: Kurt.
My boyfriend.
Oh, it felt good to think those words and know they were finally true. It felt so right. Like it had from the very beginning, when Kurt sat down next to him on the plane, and Blaine had smiled at him as though they’d known each other forever.
Well, maybe in another life they had.
Blaine heard floorboards creak, and a second later, Burt’s head peeped in.
“Good morning!” Blaine whispered. “And Happy New Year!”
“Kurt still asleep?”
“Dead to the world.”
“Glad you got home okay. Did Finn’s girl sleep over too?”
“Yes. We were all exhausted.”
“That late?”
“Just after midnight. That’s late enough for me.”
Burt hummed in assent. “Well, come down to breakfast if you can pry Mr. Koala loose. Carole’s making blueberry pancakes.”
That made Blaine’s mouth water. He looked down at Kurt sleeping peacefully, and then back at Burt, torn.
Burt chuckled. “Or not. You can always whip up a batch yourself later, if you want a bit of a lie-in. But no shenanigans, you hear me?”
Blaine nodded, and the door closed again.
Blaine closed his eyes and softly stroked Kurt’s hair.
“What time izzit?” came a sleepy inquiry.
Blaine smiled and told Kurt, “Way too early for you. Go back to sleep, sweetie.”
Kurt curled into him like a contented cat, rubbing his head against Blaine’s hand. “Feels good when you do that.”
So Blaine kept up his gentle caresses until Kurt’s face went slack, and he nodded off again himself a while later.
By the time they made their way downstairs, it was past ten o’clock, and Blaine’s stomach was rumbling in protest.
“Morning, sleepyheads,” said Carole. “Burt’s off to work already, and Finn finished all the pancakes, I’m afraid. I swear he’s got some sixth sense for food cooking. Always shows up seconds after the pan starts sizzling.”
Kurt yawned. “No worries, Carole, we’ll fend for ourselves. Are there still eggs?”
Twenty minutes later, Finn came into the kitchen, sniffing like a dog. “Is that cinnamon toast I smell?”
Blaine hid a smile. Carole had spoken the absolute truth. Finn had shown up not even a minute after the first toast had hit the pan.
Kurt swatted at Finn with the spatula. “Out! Yes, it’s cinnamon toast, and no, you can’t have any. You’ve already had breakfast, and you finished your own as well as ours, says Carole.”
“I was hungry!”
“Well, now WE are hungry and don’t want to share. Clear out!”
“Aw, come on!”
“Maybe that works on Cathy, but not on me. What did you do, swipe half of her pancake while she was talking to Carole?”
“No! She had a whole one herself. And then she let me finish her second one.”
Kurt fake-swooned. “Aw, true love! Where’s Cathy, anyway?”
Finn pouted. “She went home already. Said she still had tons of work to do. Lessons to prepare. For next week.”
“Well, at least one of you takes their studies seriously. Why don’t you take her good example and get some work done as well? Not much else to do, ‘cause Puck and the other New Directions will be hungover, and Blaine and I will be packing because we’re going back to New York.”
“Hang on, you’re leaving today?”
That was news to Blaine too. His plane ticket back to New York was for two days later, as he didn’t have class until Tuesday afternoon. Still, he could try and get his flight rebooked. He just wished he’d known a bit earlier.
As soon as Finn had left the kitchen, Blaine asked Kurt what flight he was taking, and then spent a good half hour on the phone to sort things out. When he hung up with a triumphant smile, having scored not only the flight but also the exact seat he wanted, Kurt shook his head, smirking.
“When you start pouring on the charm, I don’t think anyone could say no to you if they tried.”
Blaine cocked his head to the side and moved a bit closer. “Hmm… You can’t say no to me? Now that’s interesting…”
Kurt squeaked in apprehension  – actually squeaked, and Blaine grinned.
Kurt’s chin went up. “I’ll learn to say no. So there. I’ll become immune, after a while.”
Blaine’s grin widened. “I wouldn’t be too sure, if I were you.”
“Oh, hush you!”
“Make me.”
And then he lost both his words and his grin when Kurt grabbed his head and kissed him.
They didn’t stop kissing until Finn came stomping into the kitchen looking for a snack, and asked, “Weren’t you going to pack?”
When Burt drove them to the airport that evening, he looked at Blaine in the rear-view mirror – they’d opted to both sit in the back again – and asked, “So are you sad you didn’t get to spend the holidays with your own folks, bud?”
Blaine squeezed Kurt’s hand, looked at him with all his love showing, and answered, “Not a bit. I had a marvelous time. Again, thank you so much for your hospitality.”
“Happy to have you, kid. Feel free to tag along every year from now on. We’ve all accepted you as part of the family.”
Blaine felt ridiculously close to tears, even as the corners of his mouth curved up, and could not manage a response. It made him happy to be so accepted, yet he felt guilty, too, for deceiving Burt.
Kurt kissed his cheek and announced, “Good, ‘cause Blaine is here to stay. Though, Blaine, I do want to meet your family too, someday.”
As soon as Blaine could strings words together again, he promised, “You will. We can go see my parents this summer. And Skype with Cooper one of these days. Though… I apologize in advance for all the ridiculous things Cooper is going to say.”
“Brothers,” Kurt nodded knowingly.
Kurt hugged his father tightly at the airport. When he let go, Blaine held out his hand for Burt to shake, but instead, Burt wrapped him up in a bear hug, too.
“Take care, kiddo. And look after Kurt for me, will you? Make him eat enough and sleep enough and have some fun in between all his work.”
“I will. I promise.”
Burt let him go and clapped him on the shoulder. “You’re a good kid. Wouldn’t mind having you as my son-in-law one day.”
“Daaaaad!” Kurt moaned.
“What, like you haven’t planned the wedding already in your head?”
Kurt looked as if he wanted to sink through the floor. “Dad, please! Do you want Blaine to run for the hills? We’ve only just become boyfriends!”
Well, isn’t that the truth… But I can totally picture myself married to you, so I’m not running anywhere but into your arms.
“I don’t think Blaine’s the kind to be easily scared off. He let us kidnap him when he didn’t know us from Adam, didn’t he?”
Both Kurt and Blaine gaped at Burt.
He chuckled at their gob-smacked expressions. “I heard you, kid. Inviting Blaine ‘as a friend’ because he’d been nice to you on the plane. I saw you making goo-goo eyes at each other. But Blaine didn’t dare say yes. So I made him come with us. And I don’t regret it. Do you?”
Kurt closed his mouth with a snap, and shook his head slowly, his eyes misty and his smile radiant.
Blaine shook his head as well. “Best thing that ever happened to me.”
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antigoneidk · 4 years
A super angsty Holland!sister fic where the reader who is Harry & Sam’s triplet gets into a really bad car accident? 🥺
Not ready for goodbye|t.h.
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a/n: thank you so much for your request love and sorry for the waiting I hope you like it❤
warnings: none
It was your first day at your new job. You were so excited the day before with your smile lighting every room you stepped into. Your family seemed happy just by looking at your face  or hearing your passionate words about your job that you wanted since middle school. You had preparing things all night and especially yourself by speaking wisely and working on interacting with your co-workers.
But the day found you sleeping in your desk tired from the night before and running off your schedule.
You opened your eyes just a little and checked your clock before realizing that you had less than thirty minutes to get ready and got up rushing to your bathroom. You opened the door and crushed with your brother's body.
"Watch where you're going you psycho" Sam told you as he stepped aside to let you in.
"Shut up" you closed the door behind you and grabbed your toothbrush and toothpaste, acting like a maniac while you tried at the same time to make your hair. You got back to your room and thanked yourself for finding your outfit the night before so that you wouldn't have that in mind too. After a few moments you were into a super cute -yet casual- look, your makeup as natural as possible and your bad in your hand.
You quickly got downstairs just so you could say a goodbye to your family.
"Good luck y/n" Paddy said with a huge smile on his face, forcing you to do the same.
"Come sit for a moment. You haven't eat anything"
"No mum thanks but I'm already late and it's my first day"you moved closer to her offering a hug to her, her arms squeezing your waist and taking all of your negative thoughts.
"Good luck but I'm sure you don't need it" your other brother Harry shouted from the other room making you laugh just as you were about to leave the house.
"Thanks brother" you replied to him and sprinted to your car as fast as you could.
You tried to remain calm and relaxed, keeping your self busy from all the bad thoughts and scenarios that your mind kept imagining. Maybe there was a reason that you didn't woke up the right time or that you were already 5 minutes late on your first day.
You watched as the light was about to turn red. Your feet on the pedal pushed even harder and your car moved faster than what it was supposed to. At that time the only thing that kept running to your head was your boss and co workers all screaming at you about how irresponsible you are.
And then everything stopped. It was only memories from the past replaying in your head plus some noises from far away screaming words you didn't have the strength to clearly hear them, then you flying away from your seat, cracking noises, loud voices, memories and again the same all over again.
"Where is she?" Tom screamed as he approached his parents, fear painted in his face.
"We have no idea, we just- they told us that-" Harry broke down in tears, his hands came up to his face covering the pain he was feeling. The pain of losing his sister, the girl he loved the most in the world- beside his mother, the girl he spent 9 months side to side, the girl he always fought with, the girl that knew things others didn't.
Tom hugged his brother letting silent tears rolling down his faces throughout the time he tried to stay calm for his family. But how could he when his little sister was inside in a room, not understanding why this happened, or what was the purpose of it.
His parents were all just sitting completely shocked, silent. What if she couldn't make it? What if they lost her already? What if they wouldn't see her smile again? Or dance around the house like she used to? Or hear her laugh louder that anyone in a room, her angelic voice telling them that is gonna be okay? What if they wouldn't hug her again, touch her?
Sam was standing in front of her door, his red eyes looking down, his arms crossed to his chest. He denied everything. It was just a awful nightmare and in any moment he would wake up and look over only to find her sleeping with all of the blankets around her.
"She left the house and she is at work right?" he questioned, all off his family turning to him. "What are we doing here? She is at work. Come on let's go guys" he continued, taking his brothers by their hands.
"Sam" Tom stopped him "Everything is gonna be okay" he squeezed him into his arms.
"She was happy, I remember it. She talked non-stop about her dream coming alive, how she would act, what she would say. She had a plan, she knew and studied every detail. And today she-" Sam sobbed, his whole body shaking."She was in a rush, I called her psycho, she told me to shut up laughing. My mood fixed completely by her, just the sound of her. It was her day today right? I mean it was supposed to be a fucking wonderful day for her.." his brittle voice stopped and he just started crying in his brother's arm.
"I can't say goodbye yet"
It was painful for all of them. They couldn't lose their girl. They had planned to surprise her with a magical dinner at a little cute restaurant  just a couple of minutes away from her workplace. They wanted to show their support, to give her just a small taste of what they had been receiving from y/n years now. All of the unconditional love she have for them and how they affected them in different ways.
She was a tough girl as a child, different from the other girls, way more mature for her age, always with a smile on her lips, with good manners, usually dancing or helping her mum, or fighting with her siblings. And her beauty that took everyone's breath away.
There she was at a bed naked with a robe covering her bruises, her scars that she would have for a lifetime, doctors running around her, blood all over her.
And all she could see was black, endless black and her ears receiving voices from far away."Is everything supposed to look this dark?" She wondered.
"I can't feel my body" "Everything hurts" "Help me"
She screamed at the top of her lungs but none of the voices listened or stopped. It was just her and her loneliness.
"I am not ready to say goodbye" she mumbled under her breath feeling her arms touching her body slightly. Her family was waiting for her a couple meters away, yet it felt like miles and she wasn't that strong.
"I love you all"
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
Love Is The Biggest Spell
A/N : Chapter three is here. Lingering feelings are getting too strong to handle as the dynamic of some relationships starts changing. Hope you like this chapter. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Warlock Tom Holland x half mortal reader
Summary : Witches are forbidden to fall in love with mortals. But what if your long lost love returns to you as a mortal, can you defy your heart? Any spell any magic seems useless in front of the magic of love. Let's join our lovers in their magical conquest beyond life and death as they fight for their love unraveling dark mysteries of the past along their way.
Warnings : 18+,mention of sex, light smut, mature content, language
Mini Playlist : Tick tock by Mabel.
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Next day at your college you and Jane were standing in front of your lockers talking about some stuff whilst Tony dropped in. 
"Hey girls what's the tea?" 
"Jane over here was hit by a truck named Harrison yesterday and since then she has been gushing about his icy blue eyes, golden hair, perfect jawline and most probably on point dick game." You explained with a dramatic voice. 
"How can you not? Have you ever looked into his eyes? I just felt like I could drown in those ocean blue eyes." Jane gushed with dreamy eyes. 
"See?" you said proving your point. 
"I really wish I could meet him again." And as soon as those words rolled out of Jane's tongue your eyes were met with those familiar blue orbs with spects across the hall and right back at him you caught a glimpse of that luscious mop of brown hair and honey brown eyes walking right at your direction. Jane followed your gaze and turned around to look at the guy she was fantasizing about a few seconds ago. She thought she might faint, her legs felt wobbly. 
They walked making heads turn. It looked like one of those slow motion college movie scenes where the hero makes an entry and everyone is gaping at the hot and dashing newcomers, boys getting envious and girls going crazy. 
"Is today make a wish day? Then I would really like to be a billionaire." You joked. 
"Hi Jane nice to see you again." Harrison came up to her. Jane was dumbfounded.
"Jane, honey will you speak up?" you teased. 
"Please don't mind, she is a little out of order today." You joked. 
"What?! you were the one being numb."
"Sorry I was lost in my thoughts."
"Of yours." You chuckled. Jane elbowed you hard. ''Ow!"
"Hi Y/N nice to see you again too." Tom greeted you with that ever adorable smile. Now it was your turn to get the jitters. 
"Yeah Hi" you said timidly. If you weren't to lie you yourself felt your heart flutter seeing Tom. You know it was wrong, so wrong you have a boyfriend who you love dearly but that smile that damned smile did things to you. 
They walked away to the principal’s office.You all went for your history class. After sometime Tom and Harrison walked in your class escorted by Professor Brown. 
"Students I would like to introduce you to our new transfer students. Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield." your jaws dropped seeing your new classmates. Tom and Harrison walked past you and took a seat at the back. The class started as Professor Brown made some announcements.
"So class as per your assignments are concerned you are going to work in pairs. And I'll be making the pairs."
"Boris and Lucy.." Mr Brown continued announcing the pairs. 
"Jane and Harrison." You and Jane exchanged glances amused. 
"Damn, you lucky bitch!!" You punched her arm lightly. Jane giggled, turning her head around shyly to glance at Harrison. He raised his eyes from his book and gave her a subtle wink, her face turning red.
"Next is Y/N.." Cole turned back towards you smiling. 
"And Tom." Mr Brown announced shocking you both. You looked at each other puzzled. 
"What?! but Sir we used to do projects together every time." Cole protested.
"Cole this time you do with Tony. Tom and Harrison have joined in the middle of the semester. It will be better if my best students help them through the assignment. Is it okay with you Y/N?"
"Yes sir it's absolutely fine with me." The class ended after sometime.
"Can't believe professor Brown would do that." Cole muttered.
"It's just an assignment, you will be fine. Tony isn't that bad a partner." You rubbed his shoulder comfortingly and then walked to the back where Tom was sitting. 
"So hello new partner! Let's get to work shall we?" Tom shut his notebook turning his attention to you. 
"Yeah sure." You took a seat in front of him. 
''We need to decide on the topic we will be doing our assignment, any suggestions?" 
"How about the witch trials?"
"You want to do the assignment on witch trials?" You were a little taken aback. 
"No, I was just suggesting we can do whatever you want to do." He said nervously. 
"No it's fine I had always wanted to do an assignment on that but unfortunately Cole never agreed upon doing that. Why do you want to do that?" 
"Umm I just feel that those witch trials were barbaric and many innocent women and men were killed." 
"You think that too?! That’s awesome! So what are we waiting for? C'mon let's get started” You pulled him by his hand and dragged him to the library. The mere touch of your hand on his sent electric impulses through his body he just followed you as if he were in a trance. You went to the history section of the library and pulled out the books you needed to take home for research. 
"Okay then we can go to my house. Oh sorry or you want to go to your house?" 
"Your house is fine."
"Here give me some, they seem heavy." Tom extended his hands to take a few books from you. 
"Yeah thanks." While you were walking to your home you tried have a conversation with him because you knew very little about him.
"As far as I remember you said you were done with your studies then what brings you in our history class?" 
"I said I was done studying in London, not completed, my family needed me back here for our business so I had to return."
"So you guys are brothers or something?"
"Oh no Harrison is my best friend, our fathers are business partners you see."
"Who are there in your family?"
"Mum,dad, three younger brothers and my lovely dog Tessa." 
"You have a dog?! Great! I have a cat!" You chirped. 
"Not to be rude but not a fan of cats."
"That's fine nobody's judging you."
"So what about your family?" he asked.
"Mom and dad. I'm their only daughter. My cousin sister and aunt live with us after their husbands passed away. We were the only ones they had as family."
"Sorry to hear that."
"It's okay we are past it.'' 
Reaching your house you rang the doorbell. Your sister opened the door. 
"You are early today." She remarked as she let you in. 
"Yeah have some research to do for an assignment."
"Oi why are you standing out there? come in!" You called out to Tom. Erica turned to see whom you have brought in with you and as she saw Tom a smirk formed on her face. 
"You finally dumped that dumbass?" She teased. You rolled your eyes. 
"Unfortunately no, Cole is still my boyfriend. This is Tom, he is a transfer student and my project partner." 
"And this is my very nosy cousin Erica." You introduced her to Tom. 
"If being concerned about your well being is nosy I have nothing to say. Nice to meet you by the way." She turned to Tom. 
"The pleasure is all mine." 
"Boy you don't know what you have signed up for she is a bit of a crackhead sometimes."
"I think I can handle a little bit of crazy." he looked at you smiling. 
"That's enough for today, if you would excuse us we need to start working on our assignment." You slipped your hand in Tom's arm dragging him up the stairs. 
"Yeah sure unless the topic of the assignment is jumping on his bones."
"You're seriously unbelievable!" you glared at her ushering Tom to your room. 
"Sorry for my sister, she's a bit outspoken." You apologized. 
"It's okay she seems to be a fun person. And she should be in a happy mood at this time. How far is she by the way?"
"Five months can't wait to be an aunt you know."
"Though I really feel bad for them. That poor baby will never get to see his dad."
"What happened if I may ask." 
"Car accident he was returning from work on a rainy night. The car skidded and toppled on the road near the mystic forests; he was severely injured but couldn't make it to the hospital." there was a moment of silence in between you two. 
Your cat meowed at the doorway startling you both. 
"Madeleine, come here baby!" You cooed as she slowly walked to you and started growling as soon as she looked at Tom
"No bad kitty." You scolded her but she continued to pur at Tom. 
"Strange she never does that to anyone." You frowned picking her in your arms.
"I think she doesn't like me" 
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok the feeling is mutual dear." He brushes her fur and Madeleine jumps off your hands.
"Where did you buy this cat? Black cats with red eyes are really rare to find." 
"Oh no I didn't buy her. I found her toiling alone near the forest on my 21st birthday. She seemed a bit weak and hungry, I really felt bad and brought her home with me. And since then she's part of our family." 
"That was very generous of you. 'As always' he said that in his mind. 
"Thank you"
"Okay I'll just go and quickly freshen up you sit here for a while."
"Yeah sure." 
It was the perfect chance he thought to carry out his plan. The whole assignment thing was an excuse. The sole reason he came to your house was something else. He got up and went near your dressing table and stood in front of the mirror. He sucked in his index finger and then traced it on the edges of the mirror. Then he went downstairs and did the same in all the mirrors of your house casting a scrying spell on them. So that he can watch over you anytime. 
Madeleine was hovering in between his legs. He lifted her and she was still hissing at him. 
"I thought you were dead because familiars cannot stay alive without their masters." Madeleine purred again. Tom arched his brows amused. 
"Why am I here? You know it very well why am I here Madeleine." She purred. 
"You also know she doesn't belong here and I'm going to take her back to where she actually belongs, to her home."
He heard the unlocking of the bathroom door as Madeleine jumped from his arms and ran away. 
"Sorry for keeping you waiting" 
"It's okay." You both worked together doing a case study on various journals, articles and books you brought from the library. Tom left in the evening though he didn’t want to leave you but he had no other choice.
"The power of persuasion always works doesn't it? Was quite easy to get into that Principal and that dumbass Professor's heads." Harrison remarked cockily. 
"Yeah at least now we can be near them and get our work done." Tom agreed.
"So how was your day?" 
"Quite insightful to be honest. Tom exhaled. 
"She has her familiar." 
"What! Madeleine is alive?" 
"Yup, she had been around her all these years protecting her against all possible threats. And keeping her existence hidden from us." 
"That sly cat!" 
"How was your day?"
"It was quite adventurous for me." 
"Don't tell me you did…" 
"No not yet but Jane is totally smitten by me." Harrison stated proudly.
"See Haz we just need Jane to get close to Y/N that's it. Nothing more than that." 
"Yeah, yeah I know and that is what I'm doing, apparently your lady love is having visions from her past life." 
"What?! really??" 
"Yes that is what Jane told me" he shrugged. 
"Now that's a good head start, now she just needs a little push and our work will be done."
"But Harrison please don't get involved with Jane in such a way that she or you have to regret later." he warned.
"I know but if she keeps throwing herself at me how do you expect me to control myself?" he said cockily. 
"Then try to control, you were the one giving me the lecture on that we shouldn't mingle with the mortals then what is this?" 
"Yeah what's the big deal anyways. I don't love her." he replied nonchalantly. 
"But what if she does Haz?"
"Once Jane finds out the truth she will hate me anyways. Let me have some fun dude."
Tom's phone dinged and his eyes lit up seeing the text. 
Y: Hey it's Y/N.. you reached home? 
He replied instantly. 
T: Just did. 
You didn't know what to say next , should you say goodnight? bye? Or just a smiling emoji with heart? no, no, no not heart. You wrote the text and everytime pressed backspace. 
T: You needed something? You were relieved that he texted something back. 
Y: Yeah actually just thinking of if we got something more than the library books I feel they are quite one sided we need to know both sides' stories to come to a conclusion. 
T: I got some books in my house which might be useful. I'll bring them tomorrow at your house. 
Y: Great! See you tomorrow then. Goodnight. 
T: Goodnight love. 
You blushed a little at the last text. 
Your life went through a smooth transition. You got to see more of Tom and Harrison as they became your regular customers at your cafe. You were spending more time with Tom than Cole. Though you both had your reasons Cole was busy training for the upcoming intercollege basketball tournament and you were busy with the project you took up. But you were happy with Tom. How much ever you wanted to go away something pulled you back towards him. He seemed a mystery to you, a mystery you were dying to solve. He intrigued you in many different ways that you couldn't describe. 
"Where did you even get these books? These are just so full of valuable information.'' you turned the pages.
"My mom is an antique curator she bought these from a woman back then."
"Thanks to your mom we are gonna nail this assignment!" You sat next to him at the table. 
''By the way our varsity basketball tryouts are going to happen tomorrow  you and Harrison can totally give it a shot.''
"I don't think I can. Plus your boyfriend seems to have a special dislike for me."
"Cole is just a little bit reserved around new people he will be fine and anyways our team sucks could use some new talents like you"
"Will you come to cheer for us?" 
"Then I may give it a thought." 
"Maybe who knows?" you said cockily. Your faces were so close, his breath fanning your face. You zoned out looking into his eyes as your gaze dropped to his lips, it looked so tempting, you wondered how they would taste, feel in your mouth. Tom cleared his throat and you were snapped out of the daze moving away from him averting your gaze. Your cheeks heating up at the inappropriate thoughts you were having. The tension in the room was so thick that it could be cut through a knife.
"Uhh I must get going, it's already quite late." he said awkwardly breaking the silence.
"Yeah right." you agreed. Tom got up and you followed him to see him off. As you were passing by the fireplace something dropped from Tom's hand making a metal clinking sound and jumped right into the fire. 
"Oh shit! My ring!" Tom exclaimed. 
"Let me bring water to put out the fire." You offered. 
"No the ring is antique it will rust with slightest contact with water." That was the lamest reason you have ever heard. 
"then how do you wash your hands?"
"I take it off." You still weren't satisfied with the answer but decided not to argue. Taking a deep breath you looked at him furrowing your eyebrows. 
"Is it really that important to you?" 
"Yeah it's a family heirloom." 
"Okay I'll get that for you. But whatever you are about to see just don't freak out ok?" You bent down near the fireplace and were about to put your hand in the raging fire. 
"Wait! What are you doing?!" 
"Getting your ring dumbo! As we can't use water." you sassed.
"But that's fire you'll get burned."
"Trust me I'll be fine." You assured him and put your hand in the burning wood and retrieved his ring easily without a single burn on your hand. A wide smile spread across Tom's face, you passed the test unharmed. What more does he want? He is ready to look like an idiot in front of you to make you realize your true identity. When you turned around he quickly changed his facial expression, his mouth forming an 'o' pretending to be shocked at what you just did. 
"I know just don't tell anyone ok you will be the first one to know except my family."
"I have a condition" you shrugged 
"I have no sense towards anything hot that means fire. But actually I don't get burned either, which nobody is aware of, not even my mother because she is already so worried about me and I don't want her to get stressed out more. You'll be the first one to know. So your silence will be appreciated."
"My lips are sealed." Tom assured you, he was about to take the ring from you but you moved it away. 
"I wouldn't touch it if I were you. It's still hot I guess" You were inspecting the ring and frowned.
"Hey it's quite similar to the one I have." 
"You also have one?" 
"Yeah, see?" you extended your hand showing him your ring. He held your hand. 
"Where did you get this?!" he exclaimed, clutching on to your hand.
"Uh my mother gave it to me." You looked at him awkwardly. He let go of your hand. 
"Oh sorry!" 
"She brought it from the church, said that it's blessed and I should not take it off. Will kind of protect me from what I don't know." You rolled your eyes. 
"Your mother loves you."
"Yeah I know that is why I'm wearing this or else I wouldn't if anyone else asked me to." 
"I think you are being late, you should get going now."
''Yeah bye see you tomorrow during class." Tom left saying that.
''I told you Amber would never do anything without any reason and that enchanted ring on Y/N's hand is the proof." 
"Amber was really way ahead of us. But if Y/N's mother gave her that do you think she knows about who Y/N really is?" 
"I believe Y/N's mother knows something that none of us know, she might also know what exactly happened that night before Amber disappeared."
Tom waved his hand across the mirror in his room and your room became clearly visible on it. He smiled like a child glancing at his ring. 
"Can't believe she's actually wearing our engagement ring."
Suddenly you and Cole stumbled into your room. His hands roaming around your body as you kissed frantically, teeth clashing, sloppy and messy kisses. You fumbled with the buttons of his shirt pushing him onto the bed and got up to straddle him around his hips. He sat up propping on his arms, your lips meeting again for a hot kiss, you kept grinding yourself on his crotch. He moaned in the kiss his hands went under your sweatshirt drawing lazy circles on your skin. You took the hint and pulled off your sweatshirt.
"Oh missed this view so much." Cole gasped. 
"Me too." You said biting your lips breathing heavily.
"Thank god your family is out of town."
"Yeah you should actually thank my uncle who got a heart attack so that is why they went to see him." You both giggled sealing your lips together, you couldn't get enough of each other as you grabbed on to each other. 
Tom clenched his jaws while Harrison had a grin plastered on his face as they saw you through the mirror. 
"Damn she really has a crazy sex drive. I don't remember Amber to be so aggressive." Harrison joked. Tom couldn't take it anymore, fuming from inside.
"A little impotence will not harm I guess.'' Tom mumbled something under his breath gazing at the mirror. 
"Mmmph" Cole pulled away from the kiss
"What happened?" You asked with concern. 
"I don't know but I can't get it up." 
"What??" You had a puzzled look in your eyes. 
"I can't get hard" 
"Oh" you got down his lap sitting beside him. 
"Sorry babe." 
"Hey it's okay, it happens sometimes in old age you know, performance issues. It's gonna be fine don't worry." You burst out laughing putting back your sweatshirt on.
"Seriously Y/N it's not funny." He grimaced. 
"Okay I'm sorry, let's cuddle?" You extended your arms pouting . He took them welcomingly. You both laid down. 
"You may be just tired with all the practise. You need rest."You both snuggled close to each other, he ran his fingers through your hair playing with them.
"Are you coming tomorrow?" 
"How can I not? Who else will cheer for my boyfriend huh?" 
"No you are just so busy these days with your project with Tom. I thought.. " You cradled his face in your hands. 
"Hey nothing is more important than you to me, do you understand?" 
"Yes mam." he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. 
You rested your head over his chest, listening to his strong and steady heart beat lulling you to sleep. 
"Man that was savage! Where did your morales go suddenly? " Harrison chuckled.
"We need to severe her bonds with the mortal world." Tom said coldly gritting his teeth
You had come to cheer for your boyfriend but your eyes were practically glued to that curly haired brunette the whole time. You were shamelessly staring at his chiseled body, rippling with muscles as sweat dripped off them. Never in your life have you had this strong urge to run your hand through someone's body. As for Harrison he looked no less than a Greek God. His tousled golden hair and perfectly sculpted body can take anyone's breath away. Both of them probably gave a hormonal outburst to each and every ovary present in the room watching the game. 
"You're staring." Jane smirked. 
"So are you." You quipped. 
"I don't have a boyfriend."
"It's-- it's a healthy kind of staring you know just appreciating the piece of art his body is nothing sexual." You clarified.
They gave a tough competition to the college team scoring goals after goals surprising each one of you with their skills. After the game got over you went to Cole who was a little upset and rubbed his shoulder comforting him, occasionally stealing glances of Tom who was surrounded by a swarm of girls which made you feel jealous for no reason. 
Harrison headed for the shower room to freshen up. 
"I'll be back." Jane said and went away.
Harrison was still in shower, when Jane came into the room. She walked into the shower. Her lips parted as she inhaled deeply, the site was a turn on for her. The water dripped down his hair softly. And the drops slowly made their way to his body and the perfect abs he had. The water defined his well, organized and obviously worked out body.
"Darling don't you think you are at the wrong place?" He turned grinning. 
"I'm one hundred percent sure that I'm at the right place." Jane said with a sultry voice. His eyes darkened with lust as he pushed her inside the shower. Her back hitting the cold wall. His lips brush her. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. In this minty moment, her senses have been seduced and she could no longer think straight. “Jane” he whispers slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. She smiles, her heart fluttering at his voice as she clasps her hands on either side of his face. Never before has her name ever felt so wonderful, she thinks, as she leans in for another… In an instant she pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against my own, before she drew back into his lips. 
"Are you sure about this?" Harrison asked rather breathlessly. Jane hummed in response.
"Words darling."
"Yes Haz I need you."
The next thing she knew, he had slammed his lips to hers and nearly knocked all wind from her lungs.
Jane hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of her lips and, at her grant of access, delved inside her mouth. It was a very sloppy kiss, her arms reached up and tangled around his thick, strong neck. As water trickled down their bodies the dress Jane was wearing sticking to her body Harrison bunched up her dress his fingers went down to rubbing her clothed core eliciting a moan out of her, his other hand gently massaging her boobs. Harrison was already naked and Jane could feel his hard on brushing against her thigh. Harrison lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands grasping onto his shoulders. 
Something raw, primal was in that moment as their senses were clouded with lust and desire. Their bodies craving for each other everything just felt so good. For a brief moment of time Tom's words buzzed in his mind but he couldn't care less. He knew it was wrong he had hated mortals all his life but when it comes to your carnal desires you can't think straight and being a satanic witch amplifies these feelings to another level. Her heart was pure filled with love for him but his was sinful full of darkness. He knows he is eventually going to break Jane's heart once Tom gets you back, he doesn't have to though but some things are better to be forbidden. It makes it more thrilling when you can't have something for a lifetime. 
"I love you." Jane said panting whilst Harrison put her down slowly. 
"Me too." he gave a tight lipped smile and then kissed her softly for one last time. 
You were discussing something with Tony and Cole as Jane dropped in after sometime. 
"Hey guys what's up?" 
"Nothing, we are just planning to go clubbing tonight. It has been a long time since we went, need to loosen up a bit." 
"Great! Can Haz  join us?" 
"Haz?" You quirked your eyebrow and suddenly frowned, examining her up and down. 
''Why is your hair wet? And what happened to the dress you were wear…'' Jane gulped, your eyes shifted to Harrison, his hair was wet as well and a cocky grin on his face, you connected the dots immediately as you coughed, clearing your throat awkwardly. 
"Yeah Haz can totally join us, the more the merrier."
“And you too Tom, will be really happy if you come with us.
"Who am I to say no to you, love." Tom quipped.
'Love' never have you ever thought in your life that a single word can be such a turn on for you. Everytime a pet name rolled out of his tongue for you in that ridiculously seductive British accent it sent shivers down your spine. You just wished he keeps on calling you that again and again. Your eyes were fixated at him. You were feeling guilty and annoyed at the current predicament you have got yourself into. One side is your longtime boyfriend whom you were falling out of love slowly on the other side is a man whom you barely know but he has started to live in your mind rent free, he makes your mind go haywire. You felt a certain connection with him. You were startled out of your thoughts when Cole pulled you aside. 
"Why did you invite Tom?" he seethed.
"What is with you and Tom? He's a really good guy Cole, just relax."
"Seriously Y/N how can you be so naive? Don't you see? he's trying to woo you." 
"Am I sensing some male rivalry." You narrowed your eyes mischievously. Cole scoffed, rolling his eyes. 
"You know what life's gotten really boring for me with just one man in my life for the past 15 years. It will be fun to watch two men fighting for me. So best of luck" you joked.
Later in the evening you all met at the local club of the town. As you entered the club Jane pointed out.
"Seriously you have to wear that necklace with everything? It just kills the look girl." Jane remarked pointing to the antique necklace with an amber colored stone pendant on your neck. 
"What choice do I have?" You scoff. "My mom will kill me if I take this off and I've been wearing this since I was 5." You tucked the necklace inside the seam of your dress. 
Harrison and Tom joined in after sometime. 
“Hi darling” Harrison pecked Jane’s cheek.
“Hi babe.” The boys went away to order their drinks.
"Two bourbon neat." You ordered the bartender taking a seat at the bar. 
"So you guys are a thing now?" you quirked your eyebrow. 
"Mind telling me what were two upto today?'' 
"A lady never kisses and tells Y/N."
"Oh I see now things are like that huh?" you smirked.
“Hey no! It’s nothing like that. I’ll tell you everything later.”
"No need I'm not interested in your little sexcapade in the shower rooms anyways" you shrugged having a little sip of your drink. 
“So how’s it been with you and Cole lately?”
“We are good, just a little caught with personal stuff.” your eyes wandered off to Tom checking him out through the rim of the glass.
'' I know you and Cole have been together for all these years but are you really together?"
“What- what makes you say that?!”
“Honey you and Cole claim to be together but you both are so far from each other with no emotional attachment. You really don’t have any problem when he is flirting with other girls.” Jane pointed at his direction.
“Because I’m not a clingy or an over possessive girlfriend we are not engaged or married so let him live his life.” you reasoned.
"Then why aren’t you living yours? You know it's okay if you have started to have feelings for someone else. Y/N the more you try to resist it the more you'll get pulled towards it." you understood whom Jane was referring to and you were baffled at the confrontation. You can’t admit it, not yet because you yourself were confused with your lingering feelings towards Tom.
"You know what you're totally drunk, that is why you are blabbering all this bluff. I'm very happy with Cole and I'm gonna go and dance with my boyfriend." you finished your drink before making your way to the dancefloor. Jane tsked, shaking her head seeing your denial towards your true feelings. You danced to the song playing and smirked when you felt a familiar pair of hands around your waist. Cole turned you around, your hands went on to hold on to his shoulders. You were looking around the club when your eyes went to Tom staring at you. Tom was quite amused at your free spirited nature. You were a totally different person to him right now. A contrasting image of yourself with less inhibitions and raw emotions. Who didn't care much of the world. 
You winked at him, smiling mischievously. He averted his gaze from you flustered. You laughed internally.
Tick Tock starts playing… 
I don't need no other, I'm satisfied
Doing it on my own
Only takes one lover to change your vibe
Ain't that the way it go
"Hey Cole!" Some of his friends called out. 
"Come here man!"
"Yeah coming! Gotta go babe." He pecked your cheeks and left. You huffed on the way he ditched you. 
I don't need nobody, but you on replay
Caught in the memory
When you touch my body and you say my name
Giving me what I need (tick tock, tick tock, tick tock)
You felt a light tap on your shoulder.
"You know if you want I can fill in for your boyfriend. I'm not that bad a dancer."
"Wouldn’t be that bad I guess.” you looked at him with flirty eyes.
Every minute, so lost in it
Like you're in my bed
Every hour, give you power
I'm losing mine instead (tick tock, tick tock)
"You sure your boyfriend will not mind?" you looked at him occupied with some other girls annoying you. 
"Screw him." You said and pulled Tom dangerously close taking his hands and placing them on your waist. You rested your palms on his chest lightly holding on to his jacket. 
24/7 got you on my mind
Think about you all the time
My body wants you night and day
But my head is screaming, "go away" (tick tock, tick tock, tick tock)
You gazed in his hazel brown eyes the purple lights dancing on his face highlighting his features,the alcohol kicking in as you swayed to the beat. Your hands creeping up to his broad shoulders  as you nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck inhaling the intoxicating smell of his cologne. Your head was reeling as you felt so good a warmth creeping inside your heart. You didn't want to let go of him caring less of the fact that Cole is right there in the club with his friends. You felt like you were under some kind of spell. Tom held you close to him placing his hands on your back. Both of you lovedrunk. 
24/7 got you on my mind
Darling, I don't have the time
My body wants you night and day
I'm losing all control of me 
Song continues………. 
"Good for nothing you all are!" Agatha Layman yelled. Zendaya, Laura and Angourie flinched in fear.
"The only job you had was to keep an eye on Thomas that too you couldn't do!" 
"But mother I did everything you asked me to do." Zendaya stated.
"If you did what I had asked you to do then why am I getting to know now that Amber is alive!" 
"What!? That's not possible." Zendaya frowned in disbelief. 
"Yes my dear. She has returned in the form of a human though she has no recollection of her past life nor she has her powers."
"If she has returned and if Tom knows about her then he will do anything to bring her back here." Laura remarked. 
"No, no, no this can't happen. All these years of planning, plotting can't go to waste!'' Agatha paced across the room panicking. 
"The only dream I had was to see you as the high priestess of the coven. And take over this coven and lead the way according to the Dark lord's wishes." She cupped Zendaya's face. 
"Amber has to die and if you girls can't do that then I'll do it myself!"
"Mother, give us one last  chance we will not disappoint you this time." 
"Go then I want that half breed dead." Agatha ordered with a deep menacing voice.
@sleepybesson​​​ @sophs-library​​ @spideyparkerstark​​​ @itstaskeen​​​ @milli86​​​ @biebsmylife95​​​ @quaksonhehe​​​ @hannahholland1811​​ ​​ @awhollandx​​​ @joyleenl​​​  @greatpizzascissorstaco​​​ @tomhollandsotherpinkytoe​​​ @jjandreidsgirl​​​ @brighterthanthesunx​​​ @adevilallthetime​​ @panicattheeverywherekid​​​ @onewithnomightypowers​​​ @itsnotmeh24  @bitchinwpei @astridcommings​​ @hollandprkr​​​  @hollandsobrien​​​ @timotayswriter​​​ @kiki-hines​​​ @casualprincess77​​​ @spideyth​​​ @perspectiveparker​​​ @thevelvetseries​​​ @tempo-rary-fix​ @onebigolemess​  @itsbqueenthings​ @chingonaconcha​ @yoongi-holland​ @l0lmk​ @itsemohours​ @fanficscuziranout​​  @allthisfortommy​
Taglist:To be added send me an ask or message I’ll be happy to add you in the following chapters.
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Hey gyns, I know a lot of you come here for the positivity and today I am writing something which feels a bit double.
Past year I did my bachelor's thesis and got a bloody great grade on it. My courses to be let into my master's were a succes and I passed all of them, 2 even with pretty great grades for Dutch standards. I got into my master of choice right away and got my bachelor's degree. All quite impressive things considering how much I struggled with no structure or guiding deadlines from uni. I struggled with my motivation and concentration and sometimes I felt like I would be able to have done more if I just did not have ADD.
The first quarantine I was able to meet a friend once in a while face to face while we kept our distance. Friends were better at keeping up and tried to keep up online. After the summer it went okay. In summer we were a bit more free, while trying our best to stay safe. Around October people stopped trying, some even stopped coming over eventhough I saw no one outside of 1 day a week babysitting. I was lucky to speak a friend once a month online. Christmas and New Year were lonely. My younger brother had a few friends that did their best to jeep in touch and hang out safely outside with him. It felt, still feels, heartbreaking that after everything my friends supported me with the past years, a pandemic was what made us lose touch with one another.
And now it is March again. I sometimes see a friend, not often. I still only see my babysit children and with the curfew my mom and I can't go on an evening walk when the house feels too small. It doesn't feel as if my master has started. In all this I bled through the pill, since I forgot that I was already taking it for 3 months (deal with my doctor, talked about this extensively). So, I needed to stop. I also have an exam this wednesday eventhough it doesn't feel like my master has started. It doesn't feel like I have an exam, so something keeps me from studying. My emotion eating out of loneliness has become worse, although we do not have enough snacks in the house and even then I do not crave it as much as I used to. All these things now seem to come together and I feel like I am in a slump.
I have decided that I am only going to focus on the assignment that I need to hand in as a part of my grade. Will make the exam ofcourse, but I am not going to study as if my life depended on me and already accepted that I probably need to take the resit. It is what is best for my mental health at the moment. A few years ago I never could have taken this descision and would have worked myself to headaches and even worse emotion eating. I am proud of what I have accomplished, but because the only people that seem to congratulate me are family and all of you, it feels hollow. I miss being able to celebrate it with friends, but what is worse is that I do not speak them outside of these little messages once every few months. I have been sick of being the one that always messages first of to carry a conversation. It is honestly exhausting having only my mom to talk, which is why I am glad to be here. I wanted to write this down, not only to get this off my chest, but also to show to others that we are all going through things sometimes and it is okay to make descisions that feel wrong, because you finally put your mental health first.
As I am typing this, I honestly feel like crying. But my mom and younger brother are still downstairs and I do not feel like making a big deal out of this, since I know it is from feeling isolated and we are all going through this. I hope my story might help one of you, like you helped me stay sane during this insane year.
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alj4890 · 3 years
May the Fourth Be With You Drabble
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(Thomas Hunt x OC) in a And Then I Met You Drabble.
A/N I am a big, we're talking huge, Star Wars dork. I also love the books by Jeffrey Brown showing Darth Vader as a father to little Luke and Leia. Since Thomas and Amanda have a set of fraternal twins after their daughter, Kathleen, in this AU; this idea came to me today.
@lxaah11   @alleksa16   @penguininapinktuxedo   @blackcoffee85   @stopforamoment           @krsnlove     @annekebbphotography        @hopelessromantic1352   . @sunflowergirl05      @greywitchyshots   @lilyoffandoms  @moodyvalentinestories  @emceesynonymroll   @my-heart-beats-for-ya @aworldoffandoms   @ab1901     @lolablackwrites     @flyawayboo   @sophxwithers​   @trappedinfandoms   @esmckenzie. @choicesficwriterscreations
May The Fourth
Every few minutes there was some type of pounding of footsteps running past or squeals. An occasional argument could be detected, yet mercifully Thomas couldn't make out the words.
Of all the days, why had Amanda agreed to host a playdate between their three children and Addison and Matt's brood of five?
He tried once more to focus his attention on a potential screenplay he had been given. There were some scenes that he had difficulty picturing as the voices beyond his study door rose and fell like the tide.
He jumped when his door was thrown open and his son, Ian, burst in. Out of breath, the little four year old quickly shut the door and pressed his body to it.
"Ian, I thought I told you I didn't want to be disturbed." Thomas reminded him. "When that door is shut, it means I am working."
"Sorry." Ian whispered. "But it's May the fourth!"
Thomas merely blinked. "And?"
"And they're after me because I'm your son!" Ian gleefully explained.
Kathleen poked her head inside. "There you are! Hurry! We found a way past the guards!"
"Coming!" Ian dashed after his older sister.
Thomas softly groaned and shut his door once more.
Just as he was deep within another scene, he was startled by his youngest child peeping over his arm.
Four year old Elizabeth' s eyes narrowed at the paper in his hand. "Are those the plans?"
"Elizabeth," Thomas muttered. "Go play with your siblings and friends."
He made the mistake of looking at her face. Her big hazel eyes, so like her mother's, were filled with sadness when she turned toward him.
"But Daddy, it's May the Fourth!" She pointed at her hair made up with two small buns at her ears and the white nightgown she was wearing. "It's your turn!"
"Turn for what?"
"To be in the story!" Elizabeth took his hand and tugged. "Come on, Daddy!"
"I am working." He reminded her. "When I finish, I will come see what it is you're talking about."
"But then it will be too late!" She wailed.
"Elizabeth, I don't--"
Just then Ian appeared with a toy lightsaber.
"There you are, princess!" Ian said with all the drama worthy of being a director's son. "I'm here to rescue you!"
Elizabeth sighed. "You forgot to say who you are."
Ian's frown firmed at that. "I'm Luke Skywalker."
"And?" Elizabeth prompted.
"Oh! I came with Ben Kenobi."
"Obi-wan! Here!" She replied.
"Yeah." Ian grabbed her hand and tugged.
"Aren't you going to fight Daddy?" Elizabeth asked her twin.
"I don't fight him now. Mommy does." Ian explained.
"But, I'm with him." She looked up at their father.
Ian tilted his head too at this unexpected development. "But he isn't in costume yet!"
"Oh." Elizabeth's shoulders dropped. "Daddy! You have to change! Your part is coming up."
Knowing it was futile to keep arguing with these two, Thomas set the screenplay in his desk drawer."
"Those were the Death Star plans." Elizabeth said in a loud whisper.
"They were?" Ian's eyes widened.
Thomas's lips trembled with mirth. "It is fully operational."
Ian and Elizabeth's mouths dropped open at his deep voice reminding them what the Death Star was capable of. They both had to fight their giddiness at finally having their father play with them.
When Thomas followed them out, he saw the complete transformation of his home. The living room had multiple rolling chairs in different positions. A tan blanket covered the floor in one corner with stuffed Jawas strewn about.
He noticed his daughter, Kathleen, dressed in gold and moving like a robot with Addison's youngest, Myles, wearing a blue shirt and a silver mixing bowl on his head.
Michael and Marcus jumped out from behind the couch toward their two little sisters. Marcus was clearly Han Solo while his tall older brother was Chewbacca. Both of the Rodriguez girls were Storm Troopers.
As they made pew pew sounds while aiming toy guns at each other, he saw Ian help his twin up on a recliner. The two looked down while Elizabeth wrapped her arms around her brother.
Ian mimed throwing a rope at the ceiling fan. His little face scrunched in disgust when Elizabeth kissed his cheek.
"For luck." She told him.
The two jumped off the chair, neither able to hide their smiles as they ran off once more.
While dodging the Rodriguez battle, Thomas made his way upstairs.
"Stupid beard." He could hear his wife mutter in the master bathroom. "Why do men even bother?"
Thomas leaned against the doorframe and watched her try to loop the beard just so around her ears. She had on one of his old tan bathrobes with the hood pulled up to hide her dark hair in a bun.
She smiled when she noticed him. "There you are!" She kissed his cheek while hurrying to point out his costume she had prepared on the bed. "Hurry. Our big lightsaber battle is about to start."
"So I heard." He folded his arms. "I was trying to get some work in before we leave for Cordonia."
"But it's May the Fourth." Amanda replied, as if he should automatically know what that meant.
"Yes, our children have been repeating the date to me with each interruption." He reached out to straighten her lopsided beard. "Why does that matter?"
"May the Fourth?" She repeated. "May the Force Be with You."
"Ah." His children had become obsessed with the franchise. "And I'm Darth Vader."
"Well, not to point out the obvious," Amanda's smile brought his own out, "but you are the father of twins."
He snorted softly.
She wrapped her arms around him. "I know you wanted to work, but these moments we have with them are rushing by so fast. Soon they won't want us to play with them." She raised her hand to his cheek. "An hour or so won't matter with work but it will to them."
She had hit in the one area he could never say no to. If there was one group of people he would drop everything for, it was his family.
"What am I supposed to wear?"
She kissed him then burst out laughing when he told her she better shave before doing that again.
Within minutes he was dressed in all black, had a cape on, and the voice modulated Vader mask had been placed over his head.
Amanda tossed him a red lightsaber while snatching up a blue one.
"Just in case you forgot," her eyes twinkled with mischief, "I was trained in fencing by some of the best masters in Europe."
"Yes, but I'm the master now." He taunted back.
Her smile, so like the excited ones on their children's faces, brought out his own once more as he followed her downstairs.
All the children froze when they heard the familiar breathing sound.
"Rebel scum." He greeted with a slight bow. "Princess, shouldn't you still be in your cell?"
Elizabeth clasped her hands over her mouth while bouncing in excitement.
"You'll never get ahold of her again!" Ian yelled out. "Right, Marcus-I mean Han?"
"Yeah! Chewie and I are getting paid for this rescue." Marcus nudged his brother.
Michael tried to do the growl, causing Kathleen to giggle.
"Lord Vader!" Ashley and Ally saluted him. "We've rounded them up for you."
"Excellent." He replied. "Though I sense something I haven't felt in a long time."
"Get him Ben!" Ian cheered when his mother turned her lightsaber on.
All the children sat down and watched the two adults fight. The couple gave them a sparring match that had them cheering with each near blow.
Amanda winked at Thomas. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
Lifting his lightsaber, he slowly brought it across her. She fell to the ground, his large robe hiding her body perfectly.
The children gasped. Ian, remembering that he was supposed to react to Ben dying, jumped to his feet and yelled out, no.
The rest of the time was spent with the kids in various rolling chairs, pretending to fly and dodge each other. Thomas remained behind his son until Michael and Marcus sneaked up behind him, sending his chair to spin as it rolled off into a corner.
After Elizabeth gave them medals, Amanda called an end to their playing by saying that lunch was ready.
Thomas collapsed on the sofa after pulling his mask and cape off. He wished he had thought to film their play. Each one had truly tried to be the characters they portrayed.
Amanda leaned over his shoulder and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"I shaved for you." She teased.
He chuckled while tugging her around to sit with him.
"Do you think they had a good time?" He asked.
The children's excited voices could be heard, each fighting for a chance to share their favorite parts.
"Very much so." She replied, resting her head on his shoulder. "They will remember this...always."
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snowdice · 4 years
Road Trips and Missing Persons (Part 23)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Virgil, Virgil & Janus, Logan & Patton, Emile & Remy, Roman & Remus & Janus
Characters: Patton, Virgil, Janus, Remus, Roman, Logan, Emile, Remy
Summary: Patton was just getting groceries. The next thing he knew, there was a knife at his throat and he was an unwilling uber driver. Virgil’s on the run after the murder of his dad, and it’s not just his paranoia that’s telling him he’s being chased down. He has to get somewhere safe, somewhere he can trust, and all he has is a couple of stories from his dad and a name: “Green Bellow Foods and Dispensary.”
Meanwhile, everyone else is trying to find a missing 15 year old, all with different pieces of the puzzle about where he is. It really is too bad that no one is answering their phones.
Notes: Secret Agents AU, knives, carjacking, kidnapping, murder mentioned, guns mentioned, pepper spray, blood mentioned, drugs mentioned, explosions, car crashes (more to be added)
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve affectionately named it the Goblin Brain Fic because it’s helping my brain actually get motivated for studying. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 My Master Post
“Would anyone care to explain themselves?” Logan asked the room filled with the most frustrating human being he’d ever met. He must have infused his voice with the desired amount of ire, because everyone in the room seemed to wince simultaneously except…
“No thanks!” Remus chirped. Logan shot him a tired look and stepped forward. “Wait! Dad! No!” In a move he’d been using since Remus was a rambunctious child, Logan swiftly put him in a headlock.
“We’re going downstairs,” he told the others. His son was a bit wiggly when Logan started to pull him towards the elevator in the other room, but he didn’t actually put up a fight. In fact, the wiggling usually meant he was pleased with the attention.
He let Remus go when they got to their destination. The elevator was small enough that they ended up taking it in two groups. Logan ended up in an elevator with Lena, his sons, and his brother.
There were a couple of moments of awkward elevator music. “I am very displeased with everyone in this elevator,” Logan informed them all.
No one responded but Patton who patted him on the shoulder. Logan turned on him. “You are at the pinnacle of my ire.”
There were a few seconds of drawn out silence, and then Patton removed his hand. “Wow,” he said after a moment. “You could hear a pen-acle drop.”
“Kids, you no longer have an uncle,” Logan said coolly.
“That’s right,” Patton said with a smile despite the glare Logan was sending him. “You only have a puncle now.”
Roman snorted out a laugh but looked quickly away when Logan glared at him.
The elevator came to a stop and they climbed out of it. “You all go to the conference room while I wait for the rest. Except you,” he pointed at Lena and her bloody nose. “Fred can debrief me. You go get that checked out.” She shot him a thumbs up (because apparently the lack of disrespect for his authority had rubbed off on her) and wandered off towards medical.
“Um,” Roman said tentatively.
“Yes?” Logan asked, already even more tired.
“Also, Janus may or may not have a broken rib. At least he said he might have.”
“Why on Earth is he walking around, then?” Roman just shrugged in response to Logan’s question.
“And send someone down to look at his Janus apparently,” he called after Lena right before she turned the corner. “Anything else pressing?” he asked the three still with him. “No? Then I’ll see you all in the conference room in a few minutes.”
“Conference room 16 or 17?” Remus asked.
“Remus, everyone here is aware that room 17 is a broom closet,” Logan said. “No one is falling for that again.”
Remus sent him finger guns. “Conference room 17 it is,” he said turning to strut off down the hall. Roman shot Logan an awkward half smile before following after his brother, and Logan’s own brother jerked forward to smack his lips against Logan’s forehead before waltzing off after them.
Why was his family like this?
He turned to wait for the elevator to go back up to the factory and down again. He crossed his arms as it arrived. “You’re injured?” Logan asked as the doors opened.
Most of the occupants looked confused, but Janus looked slightly annoyed. “Remus,” he muttered.
“Roman actually,” Logan corrected. “I’m having someone sent down to look at you.”
“I’m f-”
“Don’t even try to argue right now; your second on my list today.”
“Remus is first?” Janus asked.
“Of course, Remus is first.”
“Where am I on the shit list?” Remy asked with interest.
“Somehow, only 5th.”
“But you’re inexorably moving up.”
“But I’m not in the top three.”
“No, my children and brother fill up the spots above you.”
“You said I was second,” Janus said with a frown.
“Yes,” Logan said. “Also, you’re grounded.” Then, he turned to walk towards the conference room.
“Wait, Logan, what does that mean?!” Janus asked his back.
“It means, Logan owes me a buttload of child support,” said Remy.
“I am not your kid. You are not my dad.”
“Sure, son.”
When Logan made it to the correct room, his family was already hard at work making his life a series of aggravations. Patton and Roman were already bent over some sort of project that involved markers, but Remus was missing. Before even stepping into the room, he turned to the opposite side of the hallway and opened the door to the supply closet.
“Get in the correct room before I make you get into the correct room,” Logan said.
“Come on dad, you know it’s not nice to force someone out of the closet.” On most days, Logan would not have found that at all funny, but today for some reason, it elicited a snort of surprised laughter. Remus smiled up at him from his seat on the floor like he always did when he’d done (or thought he’d done) something clever.
“Don’t,” Logan warned, wagging a finger at him, and trying to smooth the smile off his face. It was difficult since his chest was light with the relief of everyone he cared for being relatively unharmed. “Don’t. That doesn’t mean your forgiven. I am very, very unhappy with you.”
Remus just kept grinning.
“I’m relieved that you are safe and happy to have you back with me,” Logan said, “but I am also very angry.”
“Eh, that’s fair.”
“Now get out of the closet.”
Remus found it fit to obey him for the moment, and stood, following him to the conference room where the others had gathered. Patton had somehow found a stack of name tags somewhere and had managed to convince Roman to help him draw little pictures on them along with the names. Patton stuck one with a broom drawn on it onto Remus when he came in. He noticed Virgil’s had a knife drawn on it and Remy’s a cup of coffee. Logan’s own was, aggravatingly, a mobile phone.
Remy and Fredrick were currently forcing Janus into a chair while Roman avoided the glare the injured man was sending at him, and Emile was talking quietly to Virgil.
“Okay,” Logan said. “Let’s start with the ones who haven’t started to explain yet. Roman?”
“My phone got broken probably somewhere between Janus tackling me and hitting me in the face.”
“Oh, is that why Dad texted me about where you were a thousand times?” Remus asked
“Yes,” Logan said, “and you said you didn’t know.”
“I didn’t say that actually.”
“I was in the middle of something! …And then I forgot.”
“And then it ended up in the bottom of a lake,” Roman said.
“And then it ended up in the bottom of a lake!” Remus agreed. “Along with Roman’s car and us for a minute.”
“You drove your car into a lake?” Logan asked Roman. He felt like his eyes was going to start twitching. “Is that why you are all wet?!”
“Yes, he did!” Remus said.
“Hey! No!” Roman said. “I managed to stop the car before it went into the lake. It’s not my fault the guys behind us aren’t as good drivers as me and slammed into us!”
“Roman destroyed another car!” Remus crooned, and there was the eye twitch. “What’s that? Three? And you say Janus is cursed!”
“I take so responsibility for the Taurus or for this one!”
“Two’s a coincidence; three’s a pattern!” Remus sang joyfully.
Logan shook his head at them and chose to look over at Janus instead. “And you?” he asked. “You looked at your mission details and never responded.”
“You were trying to send me on a wild goose chase when my brother was missing!” He tried to stand up and Remy pushed him back down again.
“I was trying to get you in a controlled environment before telling you of the issues for fear you would overreact and do something careless if you found out on your own.”
“I already knew,” Janus growled, “and that is not your call to make.”
Logan considered that. “Perhaps it wasn’t,” he agreed, “but you still should have attempted to communicate with me, at the very least so I would have known you were okay. For all I knew, Nelson had caught you in a lie and your cover had been blown.”
“It is blown,” Janus muttered. “I smashed her phone, blew up her car, and disobeyed her. She sent men to kill me.”
That information was honestly a relief in a way. Janus had been in danger constantly while being a double agent and Logan had grown more than fond of the man in the last few years. Not having to play nice with Barbara all the time would do him some good.
“We’ll have to reassign you,” Logan said. “As well as Remus, and you’ll both need new permanent residences.”
“We already decided we’re getting an apartment together,” Remus said.
“You decided,” Janus said weakly, clearly not actually interested in protesting, but needing to keep up appearances.
“And we’re going to get a kitty.”
“Ah,” Logan said. “Well, in that case, I would highly suggest you verify it is in fact a ‘kitty’ before you allow it on the premises. I have made that mistake before.”
“You love Raphael,” Remus claimed.
“Possum,” Roman explained at Janus’s questioning look.
“In fact,” Logan said. “It may be advisable that Remington consider moving as well. Nelson very much knows where you live and will likely be unhappy with your continued existence. At least, you should consider taking up residence somewhere else temporarily. For tonight, I’ll get everyone set up in some of the rooms in the base, but that will come later. For now, we need to get everything sorted out. I have a good overall idea about what happened at this point, is there any other important information I need to deal with immediately?”
Most everyone shook their heads and Logan was about to move on to getting more detailed reports when Remus raised his hand.
“Yes?” Logan asked.
“There are two of Barbara Nelson’s men tied up in the trunk of Lena’s car,” he offered.
“What?” Logan asked.
“They were the guys shooting at us that caused Roman to drive into the pond.”
“I did not drive into the pond.” Roman said.
“You were shot at?!”
Want to read more? Click below!
Part 24
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Rewind Chapter 2
Stan’s head was full of cotton. He mumbled and buried his face into his pillow, wishing he could block out the world. Had he been hit in the head during gym class? He couldn’t remember, but that might explain the fuzziness in his brain and why his arms felt all weak and noodly.
Someone was talking to him, probably Ford, trying to get him up for school. Ew, school. Did he have a test today? Stan could have sworn there was one coming up but he never really paid attention to when. Not like studying would change his score much anyway. He had to squint to read the questions and it took him way longer than everyone else to answer anything at all. Pa said it was because he was stupid.
He didn’t want to go to school today. His head was all stuffy and he was tired. Was he sick? If he was sick maybe Pa would let him stay home. It was Ford’s schooling he cared about anyway.
But no, that would leave Ford alone all day! He couldn’t leave his brother with that stupid Crampelter. Ford tried to hide how the other kids picked on him when Stan wasn’t there, but Stan wasn’t a total idiot. He knew it got worse when he wasn’t by his brother’s side, fists clenched and rearing for a fight. They would take advantage of his absence to mess with his brother.
No, he’d have to go to school, for Sixer. Filled with indignation on the part of his brother Stan lifted his face from his pillow-
And froze.
He wasn’t in his room, on the bottom bunk while Ford leaned over from the top bunk to talk to him. He wasn’t in his room at all.
The bed he was on was big and messy with slightly grubby sheets. It sat in a weird room that looked like it was part of a log cabin, rife with random objects that sat on boxes or desks or were pinned to a corkboard on the wall. And there was someone standing over him.
Stan yelped and threw himself away from the reaching hand, only to topple off the bed and let out a pained cry when his elbows scraped the wooden floor. The person rushed around towards him. Heart pounding, Stan rolled under the bed and curled up as far in as he could get.
It was cold down here, and dusty, spider webs crisscrossing the beams above his head. Stan hugged his knees and gasped for breath.
Where the heck was he? Who was this guy? Where were Ford, and Ma, and his room and his house?
“Stanley?” A voice called. Deep and male and it sounded like Pa but not quite. Stan would have taken being alone with Pa over this. There was rustling as the person knelt next to the bed. Stan whimpered and curled up tighter. Maybe if he stayed still and very quiet, they would go away.
A man’s face peered into the shadows. His glasses reflected the light but – there was something familiar about those brown curls, the shape of his mouth, the concerned tilt of his brows.
“Ford?” Stan blurted. Ford – because it was Ford, wasn’t it, even though he was grown up? – nodded, seemingly at a loss for what to do. They sat there for a moment before Ford reached a hand towards him.
It was probably to help him out from under the bed, but Stanley took the chance to count his fingers. One, two, three, four, five, six. Yep, this was Ford alright. He grabbed the huge hand and crawled out of the dusty shadows.
Ford was huge. He looked like an adult, Stan realized as he shook dust from his clothes and sneezed. He looked like Pa, but without the sunglasses and the scowl and the grey hair.
“What happened to you?” Stan demanded. “You’re all – big.”
Ford’s eyes widened slightly. He hadn’t made a move to stand up from where he was kneeling. To be honest, Stan didn’t want him to stand up – he didn’t like the idea of his brother looming over him.
“You don’t remember?” Ford’s voice was deeper than he was used to. It still sounded like a nerd’s voice, though, so that was something. Stan frowned.
“Remember what? This isn’t home. Where are we? And you – you’re old. What’s going on?”
Ford ran a hand across his face and groaned. “Okay. This is fine. So you reverted to a child in memories as well. Just – great.”
And then he stood up and started walking. Stan trailed after his brother as he sat at a desk and started writing in a big book. Stan wasn’t tall enough to see what he was writing.
“Uh, Ford?”
No answer. Stan stood there awkwardly while Ford scratched away in his book. He really wasn’t liking how – how weird his brother was being. He felt like he’d missed something big. But with the way Ford was acting Stan was nervous to ask, and that made him even more worried. Ford had never been this distant before.
“I called you here.” Ford said suddenly, making Stan jump. The nerd still wasn’t looking up from his book. “I needed your help hiding my journals. You came to my house. Do you remember that?”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” A thought struck Stan and he blinked. “Wait, are we in the future?”
“In a manner of speaking, you are.” Ford sighed. “Listen carefully, Stanley. I asked you to come, so you could take my journal far away and hide it.”
“It contains very dangerous information. I have to keep it out of the wrong hands.”
“Oh, okay.” Yeah, that made sense. That kind of stuff was always happening in the new Sci-Fi show Ford loved. Of course, that was a show, but they’d seen weird things before. Like the Jersey Devil! Plus, if anyone was gonna write something epic and powerful and smart, it would be Ford.
His brother sent him an odd look out of the corner of his eye but continued.
“When you got here – you were my age then – we got into an argument. You knocked into one of my samples and got it all over you. Then you turned into – this. A younger version of yourself.”
Stan blinked. “I was old?”
“We’re twenty seven, Stanley ­– or at least I am. I was investigating water from the spring of youth, but I only came across it recently so I haven’t had time to work out how to undo its effects. I’ll have to get a new sample to experiment on, since you destroyed the only one I had.”
Destroyed? Stan rubbed the back of his neck, shame twisting in his stomach. “Aw man, bro, sorry I broke your thing.”
Ford stiffened. Stan rushed to continue, afraid he’d said something wrong.
“But you can – can get a new one, right? And I can help. And then we can do the thing you wanted, hide the book, right? It’ll be like burying pirate treasure! Oh! If this is the future, did we get the Stan O’ War fixed?” He vibrated with excitement. “Is she seaworthy? Do we go sailing?”
“I’m trying to write, Stanley.” Ford said stiffly, coldly. He’d never used that voice with Stan before. It was unnerving. “Why don’t you go downstairs and get something to eat?”
“Uh… okay. Sure.” Stan mumbled, subdued. Maybe the Stan O’ War could wait.
For the first time he noticed the state of his clothes – well, cloth, since there was only one piece – a too-big shirt that hung off him like a huge smock. He considered asking for a change of clothes. But if he used to be a grownup, they would probably only have grownup clothes. Plus, Ford seemed pretty upset and Stan didn’t want to bother him.
So he held his tongue and wandered out of the room, into the rest of the house. It was big, and super messy. Stan passed what looked like a – a triangle shine? – as he explored a room that may have been a lounge. He poked his tongue out at it. The grumble of his stomach seemed very loud in the quiet. Ford was right, he hadn’t even realized he was hungry!
Eventually he found the kitchen. An investigation of the fridge showed it was empty except a quarter-full jar of peanut butter. Well, better than nothing. Stan found a spoon among the dishes and shuffled over to the dingy table to eat. He had to brush a few papers away to make space.
Okay. So this was really weird. Definitely not scary though. Stan refused to be scared. Even if he desperately missed the security of home, of having his brother by his side-
But this Ford was his brother –  just a bit older. And wasn’t that good? Ford was older, he knew what was going on, he could fix it. Stan just had to wait for him to make things go back to normal. And wasn’t it so cool that his nerd brother would grow up to be a nerdy scientist? He couldn’t wait to go back home and tell his Ford the adventure he’d gone on.
Secure once again, Stan decided to investigate this weird place. His Ford would wanna ask a lot of questions about it, after all. He shoved a final spoon of peanut butter into his mouth and jumped up to explore.
There was so much weird stuff here! Stan had no idea what half of it did. Though, that was true of a lot of things. He peered into some kind of office room with a chalk circle on the floor and candles scattered around, before deciding Ford probably wouldn’t like it if he messed with his stuff.
There was a door that, once opened, showed a dark, yawning staircase stretching out below. Stan peered around for a light switch. Finding none, he shrugged to himself and decided to brave it.
The stairs seemed to go on forever. Stan’s breathing and the tap-tap-tap of his footsteps seemed uncomfortably loud in the enclosed space. A flickering bluish light lit up whatever was below. Stan squinted to try and figure out what it was.
He soon found out, however, when he ended up in some huge lab. The majority of the space was taken up by some gigantic structure, a big circle like the kind you’d blow bubbles with but surrounded with technology junk. It looked like something straight out of Star Trek!
Stan walked over to a console to stare at all the buttons. Did Ford know how to use this thing? Did Ford build it? Jeez, he’d always known Ford was the smart twin but this was epic. And if Ford could build this thing, between the two of them the Stan O’ War was gonna be the greatest ship ever!
Stan paused. He knew he really shouldn’t be messing with Ford’s stuff, but that big red button was tempting him. Surely it couldn’t hurt to find out what this thing could do?
Stanley bit his lip, tossing up his options. He was spared from having to make a decision by stomping footsteps and a shout.
In hindsight, letting a child roam freely around a house that doubled as a lab and testing site was… not the smartest move to make. In Ford’s defence he had been distracted when he suggested it. Stan had started talking about breaking projects, and that stupid boat, and it took every iota of Ford’s self-control to not snap and yell at him.
He’s a child. He has no memories of what happened. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.
After about twenty minutes of writing observations in his journal Ford had come to the conclusion that letting a child – even worse, Stanley – loose in this place could be dangerous. He closed his journal and descended to make sure he was staying out of trouble.
But Stanley wasn’t downstairs. He wasn’t anywhere Ford checked. With increasing distress Ford stuck his head outside to see if the child had ventured into the woods. No sign of him, and the thick layer of snow was untouched. But the only other place he could have gone was-
The lab.                                                                    
Ford cursed himself for not noticing that the door to the lab was hanging ajar. Stupid sleep deprivation! Ford stormed down the stairs, caught between fury and concern. What if Stan hurt himself?
When he reached the bottom, however, and found his brother staring at the portal’s controls, fury won out.
Stan snapped around guiltily. “Uh, hey, Ford-”
“What are you doing down here? This is my lab, it’s dangerous! You can’t touch anything!” Ford marched over and snatched his brother away from the controls. “What if you broke something? Or got hurt?”
Stan yelped. Ford tucked him under one arm and started back up the stairs, gritting his teeth.
“From now on you are not to come down here. Understood?”
“Mm hmm.” Stan mumbled. Once at the top of the stairs Ford placed him down to close and lock the door firmly. He turned back to Stan to continue the scolding, but… Stan looked like he was about to cry. His face was screwed up and he stared at the floor as if he could will away the tears that Ford could see gathering in his eyes.
A surge of guilt washed over Ford, which was ridiculous, because he had nothing to be guilty about. He sighed.
“Stanley, I…” What was there to say? “It’s late. I’ll set you up in the spare room.”
Stan sniffed and nodded.
  Luckily Stan had always been resilient, and he perked back up while Ford went about preparing the bed in the spare room. He hadn’t had visitors for so long that he’d started using it as a workbench.
This had been Fiddleford’s room, back when they had worked together. The thought of his old research assistant sent a spike of guilt through him. Yet another warning that he had ignored, and in the process he’d destroyed the one human friendship he had.
No, he didn’t have time to reminisce. Not with Stanley to deal with and the threat of Bill looming over him at any given time. Ford harshly shoved all thoughts of Fiddleford from his mind and threw a blanket over the bed. It wasn’t very thick but it would have to do.
He was lost in thought as he absently picked up his brother and placed him on the bed. There, problem solved. Ford had more important work to do. For starters, he had to figure out some way to get the unicorn hair he needed for a protective spell against Bill. Until he could put up the barrier it wouldn’t be safe to dismantle the portal, which meant Bill had a much better chance of figuring out how to get in and activate it.
He paused in the doorway to glance at his watch. What was the time, somewhere after midnight? Two-ish apparently. At daybreak he could try again to get the unicorn hair. But he also had to figure out how to cure Stan. Would it be better to leave that until after he had Bill-proofed his house? Stan would be in the way the whole time, but he would be less of an obstacle than he would be as an adult.
But then again, an adult Stan could drive away and be out of the equation entirely. While he was a child Ford was stuck with him. Also, adult Stan also might agree to take the journal when he found out that Ford had cured him. Yes, it was probably better to do that first-
“I can almost see yer ears smoking!”
The chirp made him jump. Ford whipped around to stare at Stanley, who was blinking at him from his spot on the bed.
“Ya were standing in the doorway looking blank for like, five minutes.” The child explained at Ford’s stare. “Watcha thinking about?”
Ford took a slow, steadying breath. “Truthfully? The situation I’m currently in. I have far too much on my plate, and very little time to deal with it.”
“Well, is there anything I can do?” Stan tipped his head. The action made him look rather like a puppy. Despite his tiredness and frustration, the sight made Ford’s mouth tip into a smile.
“I don’t suppose you can charm unicorns as well as you charm old people into giving you sweets?”
“Hey, I don’t make ‘em give me stuff, they just wanna! All I gotta do is play it up a bit.” Then Stan seemed to register the first statement. “Whoa, hold up. Did you say unicorns?”
“Yes, but believe me, they’re not quite as pleasant as the kind you’re imagining. And they very much dislike parting with their hair.” Ford’s lip curled. “Quite irritating, actually.”
“Where did you find unicorns?” Stan demanded excitedly, slipping off the bed to rush to Ford and grab his coat in chubby fists.
“The forest, of course. Gravity Falls is home to numerous creatures not found anywhere else in the world. Why do you think I moved here?” Ford couldn’t quite hold in a snort at the way his brother’s eyes sparkled. “I’m surprised you haven’t seen any gnomes already. They often sneak in to raid the pantry.”
“Are they here now? Can I see ‘em?” Stanley gasped out in a rush.
“No. I do have some sketches in my journal though…”
Stanley let out a whoop and darted past him. Ford watched him scramble up the stairs to where Ford’s room was. How did he… no, he’d woken up in Ford’s room, of course he knew where it was.
“Stanley!” Ford called after him. “Stan, you should be in bed!”
“I’m not tired!”
Oh, for the love of…
Ford sighed and followed, albeit at a slower pace. He had no idea how they’d had that much energy as children. It seemed boundless.
At any rate, he doubted Stanley would be getting to sleep any time soon, and he had to keep an eye on the child to make sure he didn’t get into any trouble. At least his presence shouldn’t hinder Ford too much. Stan could draw or look at pictures or whatever children did while Ford worked on finding a cure.
“FO-ORD!” Stanley yelled. “Come on, hurry up! You got so many books here! Are there mermaids in this weird place too? Oh my gosh there’s mermaids aren’t there? Which one’s your diary thing? I wanna SEE!”
“Coming.” Ford huffed out another sigh and picked up the pace.
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avversiera-writes · 3 years
try again; in every day we breathe life [tobirama senju/you] - chapter 8
Summary: A revenge plan sends you fighting for you life. 
Word Count: ~4.5k ish? almost 5k
available on AO3. 
Chapter 1 - Now | Chapter 2 - Then, part 1 | Chapter 2 - Then, part 2 | Chapter 3 - Now | Chapter 4 - Then | Chapter 5 - Then | Chapter 6 - Now | Chapter 7 - Then | 
tw// poisoning, attempted murder, drowning
Silence is a powerful implication. It may mean the quiet of loneliness, or the lack of chatter in the background and the absence of any sound. Silence is absolute, and there is a helplessness that comes with it. It is the music that plays when there is nothing else to be done, that even no matter how much you scream, there is no one there to hear. 
 That is silence. 
 It is to be feared, as no such ignoble acts take place with as much of a cry. 
 Silence is the home for secrets and plans, and it haunts and it pervades every space it can occupy. It is not peace, as peace is warmth and golden in color. Silence is blue, cold, and piercing. 
And it will always be there, waiting for its moment to take over. 
Your womb is now a little bigger and more pronounced as you near the fifth month of your pregnancy. You and Tobirama can no longer keep this from the rest of the Senju, and while you celebrate with them and share their excitement as Hashirama’s sons will finally have their first cousin, you are growing more tired and withdrawn. 
 Tobirama notices this and limits his family’s visits in your house, and insists that you rest all the time. Your complexion is not any better, and sometimes, your blood feels sluggish or too hot, as if you are burning from the inside. Your body also feels heavier, and you often feel like your lungs are too small to take in air. However, this is alleviated when Tobirama puts a hand on your forehead and lets his chakra trickle all over you. 
Concern is always written on his face as he checks on you, but he does not divulge too much to keep you from stressing. 
Mito comes by sometimes to keep an eye on you, since Tobirama is still busy with the peaceful negotiations leading up to the ceremony with Kumogakure, but most of the time, you are alone. When you are awake, you are busying yourself with arranging your child’s room, or you are studying and reading books. You have also made it a habit to rest your hand on your womb. Sometimes, you sing to your child or talk to them about Tobirama, or read them the stories from the books you read. 
 Mito says that your child will be kicking, any time now. 
 You can hardly wait for it. 
Your condition finally becomes better, and finally, you are able to walk around the house with ease. Today, Tobirama is working from home, and you leave him be since you can see that he is hard at work. You stand around the engawa, letting the cool morning relax you when you find Hashirama and two of his sons hauling a crib over the gate of your house. 
 Hashirama greets you cheerfully, and you walk towards them with the same sentiment. 
“Lord Hashirama,” you greet and then you look at the load that they brought in. “What is all of this?” 
 Hashirama’s eyes are practically lit with excitement. “Well, it is my present to you and my brother. This is a crib for your child. I made it!” 
Your hand goes to your mouth and your eyes become teary. 
 “Oh my! Are you alright? Is it terrible?” Hashirama asks in concern, his face falling in disappointment. 
 “Dad,” one of his sons tries to calm him down. The other sighs in exasperation.
 “No, no,” you reassure him. “I...this is so touching. Thank you, Lord Hashirama.” 
Hashirama sighs in relief. “How is he?” 
 You shrug and smile at his sons. “Busy, as usual.” 
 Hashirama rolls his eyes. “He needs to cut himself some slack.”
 “That is what I tell him. He refuses. I think he likes to be stressed.” 
“He is listening right here,” Tobirama interrupts with his usual rough voice. 
His nephews light up in excitement and they go to him to give him a hug. They receive awkward pats on the head after, and he walks up to his elder brother. 
 These days, their relationship has improved, and you can feel it in the air because it does not feel stormy and thick with power. 
Your eyes go to the crib, and you note the Senju crest on its board. It has a rocker beneath, a tool to console your child or to lull them to sleep. You put your hand on it, and you smile as it rocks slightly. It is made from white oak, with streaks the color of ash and they follow the pattern of tree rings. It is beautiful. 
“Come on, I will show you where to place the crib,” Tobirama says, and his brother and his nephews follow him. 
You follow right behind them, taking your time in case you trip or suddenly get dizzy, as is the case at times. You do not want to worry your husband any further. 
You finally arrive in the room, and you lean against the wall for support and to catch your breath. Since Tobirama is the most particular, down to designs, he is the one guiding his brother and nephews on which spot to put it. 
 The room is almost complete: there are stuffed toys lined on top of a long drawer, where baby blankets and clothes are stored. There is a nice carpet in the middle of the room, and there is a chair to rest on, and a small bookshelf. Most of this was already taken care of by your husband, as he has more direction and practical home decorating tendencies than you, but you are the one who picked the colors of the blankets and clothes, because you know something that he does not. However, most of them are neutral colors and in neutral designs so that you do not give yourself away immediately. 
 Which reminds you, that you have to tell him soon. 
“Are you okay?” Hashirama asks, and that snaps you out of your reverie. 
 Tobirama glances at you in full alert. 
Hashirama approaches you, and studies your face. “Do you want to sit down?” He guides you to the chair in the room, and gives you a warm smile. “The first is always hard. I have got to hand it to Mito, since it really took a toll on her when she was pregnant with our first son.” 
Hashirama then glances at his brother accusingly. “You better be treating her right.” 
 Tobirama’s nephews laugh, and Tobirama glowers at his brother. 
“Of course,” Tobirama almost snaps. 
 Hashirama takes your hands. “Your hands are cold,” he notes. “But sometimes that can happen, as circulation is relegated to focus on your child.” 
Then, Hashirama puts his fingers on the inside of your wrist, just below your thumb. 
“Your heart rate is normal, and your child’s is as well,” Hashirama tells you. “If you are light-headed, sometimes, pregnancy can cause anemia, so you should eat some more iron-rich foods, like liver. Or that your blood pressure is too high. Make sure to look for ringing ears and unbearable headaches if you suspect high blood pressure.” 
 You nod, and you give your brother-in-law a grateful smile. “Thank you.” 
“Of course. I take it that Tobirama ensures that you are going to the hospital for your check-ups?” Hashirama glances at his brother again, as if Tobirama is being irresponsible. 
 “Yes,” you let out a weak chuckle. “Sometimes I’d think he is the one who is pregnant here.”
 Hashirama leans back, satisfied with your answer. “Good. Make sure to take your supplements. Your child will be kicking soon, I reckon.” 
 “So I have heard.” 
Tobirama’s expression gets a little better, and he steps closer to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. 
“Well, I think I have overstayed my welcome here,” Hashirama laughs. “Come on boys, your mother will be looking for you soon.” 
 “Goodbye uncle,” Hashirama’s sons say. “Goodbye auntie.” 
You wave at them, and when their steps have disappeared downstairs, Tobirama kneels in front of you. His hands rest on your knees, and for a while, the two of you do not say anything. 
 “You will tell me, if you are not feeling well, right?” Tobirama finally asks. His voice is hushed and gushing with concern. 
 “Yes, of course,” you reply. 
 Tobirama stares at you, and then at your womb. “I promise that the moment the ceremony ends, I will head straight home. Do not worry about me, all right? I will write to you every day.”
 “Every day?” The corner of your lips perk up. 
 “Everyday, without fail,” Tobirama states it as a promise. 
You take your hands and brush his wild, spiky hair out of his face. “Okay.” 
You hold his face, and you lean forward to plant a chaste kiss on his lips. 
“I know that I have not been available these past few months, but I will make it up to you,” Tobirama continues. 
 “I know,” you tell him gently. “I know. It’s not your fault. You are the Hokage. No one is better suited on this job but you.” 
 “I am glad that you think that, as I feel myself becoming more and more divided every day.” 
 “I have faith in you.” 
Tobirama nods, and you kiss him again. 
 “I will not keep you from your work,” you say and you give him one last kiss. 
Tobirama takes a deep breath and he stands himself up. He takes one long look at you, and then he leaves you alone in the room. You let the silence wash over you, and it makes you aware of the different sounds in your house. 
 You hear your husband’s quiet footsteps down the hallway, the thuds of feet on the ground floor as servants rush about to keep the house clean and orderly. You hear the kitchen running, with stoves and pots being used to prepare the next meal. On the window of your future child’s room, you see the branches of a tree sway, indicating the wind passing by. 
 You rest your hand on your womb, and caress it gently. 
 “Come soon, love,” you tell your baby. 
As the peace ceremony with Kumogakure comes nearer, Tobirama opts to work from home most of the time to watch over his wife. It is inconvenient, but he wants to accompany her before he goes away to travel to Kumo. Besides, her health is not consistent these days, and the only way to help her at times is to let his chakra flow into her. He constantly checks up on her, and when she is around him, his eyes never stray too far from her. 
 When she is on the bed, Tobirama stays in the room with her, occasionally looking up whenever she walks towards the bathroom, watching her steps closely and the way she stands. 
 She often complains of being too hot, and at times that makes her restless. 
Tobirama tries his best to be there, but the village takes precedence in the most inconvenient ways. How sometimes he wishes that he does not have to choose. 
 How he wishes that the choices are few and favorable, but the reality is, they are not. 
 That is how things have been for him, for all of his life. 
When you wake up, it is still dark outside, but you know that it is morning as your husband is already up and about, rummaging and preparing to take a bath. 
 Today is the day that he will start his travel to Kumo, and while the peace ceremony is a great thing, you can sense that Tobirama is no longer feeling up to the task of going away to be apart from you. He still does everything perfectly, but the worry between his forehead is not missed by you. 
 For a moment, you wait in the silence, listening to his quiet footsteps and his movements–the faucet in the bathroom turning and the trickle of water coming down on the tub. You hear the water fill the tub, and Tobirama wading in and settling inside it. You smile to yourself that he makes the effort of trying not to wake up, when in truth, you wake the moment he does, and it is harder to fall asleep without him next to you. 
 You have gotten used to his presence, and despite the warm silence that makes up your relationship when the two of you are not bickering, Tobirama offers a security that you cannot find anywhere else. With him, there is little to fear. 
He has his transgressions and his moments, but you know his heart, and where he stands even if they become unclear. 
You slowly get to your feet, and you put a hand on your womb as you make your way towards the bathroom. You stand by the doorway, staring at your husband visibly relaxing from the hot water of the tub. You smile at him gently when he turns his head to glance at you. You watch as his eyes soften and round at the corners of his usually harsh gaze, and then, he holds out a hand to prompt you to get closer. 
 You walk towards him, and you take a sit by the ledge, just beside him and he takes your hand and rests it on his shoulder. You take a cloth with your free hand and you submerge it into the water. 
“You look chipper,” you comment as you gently dab at your husband’s face. 
 “I have had better days,” Tobirama lets out a small, amused smirk. He willingly turns his face towards yours so that you are able to clean the rest of his face and neck. 
“Luckily for you, I help you a lot,” you chuckle, and you dip the cloth into the water again. You take a few drops of the body wash nearby, and you slather it into the cloth. 
 “Lucky me,” Tobirama dryly says. 
“The house seems quiet,” you whisper as your hand trails down from his shoulders, his chest and now, his stomach. 
 “I told everybody to take the rest of the week off,” Tobirama says. “I will be back by then.” 
You lower yourself to the ground, and you let go of the cloth and your hand trails down Tobirama’s torso sensually. You lean towards the side of his face, and you give his ear a lick, and then you start planting kisses on his jaw, and on his neck. Your hand in the water grasps at his cock and you tug at it, earning a pleased sound from your husband. 
 Your arm winds around his shoulders and you hold him down by his chest. Tobirama turns his head to you and he gives you an open-mouthed kiss as you start to pump his cock in a consistent rhythm. His neck grows red and he becomes a little breathless, so you take this as a sign to build your speed, twisting at the head of his cock and down to the base. 
 Tobirama comes with a groan, and he throws his head back and his chest heaves from the breaths he has to take in. 
“Better?” You mumble lowly into his ear. 
 Tobirama’s glare is piercing. “Come here.” 
“Lord Nidaime,” you scoff at him playfully, but nevertheless, you follow his command. 
 He assists you into the tub as you step into the hot water, and he guides you into his lap, making sure to do it slowly so that you do not slip. Finally seated on his lap with your legs framing his thighs, he pulls you towards him by the waist. 
 You stop him by pressing your arms on his chest and you smile beguilingly. “Do you have the time for this?” 
 Tobirama smirks. “I am the fastest man alive right now. I think I can afford to waste time.” 
You gasp mockingly. “Such hubris, Lord Nidaime. It will be your downfall.”
 “You know, I would like you to address me with more respect when you are calling me with my title, but I guess a man cannot ask for too much,” Tobirama sarcastically says. 
 You laugh and you cannot help but lean forward to capture his lips. Tobirama kisses you deeply, and his hand rests on the back of your neck as he turns his head and licks the roof of your mouth and then your tongue, before sucking it on it and swirling his own against it. 
 When he pulls away, Tobirama’s eyes are alive and you frame his face with your hands. 
 “I know I am not allowed to say this since we have established that there will be no such thing as goodbyes,” you begin. “But I will miss you as you go on your merry way.”
 Tobirama rolls his eyes and he runs his hands down your waist and settles on your hips. “There is no merry way, but I rather you send me away with no such sorry sentiments.” 
Tobirama meets your eyes. “Have me go with your love.” 
 Your breath catches in your throat. You blink at his sincerity, and you struggle to recollect yourself for a moment. 
“You will go nowhere without it,” you finally say, your chest squeezing a little. It always makes you uneasy whenever he is away on a mission, but you just have to trust him to make his way back. 
 Tobirama nods, and the two of you kiss again with passion so urgent, that it takes your breaths away. 
In the moment of silence your bond can only afford, you help your husband dress in his armor, even if he can do it by himself. Before, he does not let you touch a thing of his, now, you are even the one polishing and repairing it so that it does not have to occupy a lot of his time. You also help take care of his weapons, making sure that they are always sharp and ready to use. 
 After getting his armor on his torso, you clasp his fur collar onto his shoulders, and then you start by tying his shoulder guards and his arm plates. You feel Tobirama’s eyes on you, seemingly yearning as you move around him, and making sure that his armor is tied in all the right places. When you finish, you let out a sigh and you hold his arm with both of your hands. 
 Tobirama waits, his eyes still on you. 
 Daylight begins to come up the horizon. 
You place his hand on your womb, and you cover it with both of your hands. 
“I think it’s a girl,” you whisper to him, but you are unable to contain the grin that is spreading from your lips and your whole face. 
 You meet Tobirama’s eyes, and you see them widen, brimming with emotion that he often does not let out. His face falls open in wonder, and your heart begins to race. You hear his breath pick up, and you smile at him tearfully. 
 Tobirama keeps staring at you, his mind racing, but to boil it down to one emotion: he is happy. An unfamiliar warmth spreads through his chest, one that scares him but he embraces willingly. So this is how it feels like to be an expecting parent.
  It’s a girl , Tobirama thinks. 
Tobirama lets out a shaky breath that is uncharacteristic of him, and he clears his throat. He straightens up and tries to compose himself into a more pristine state, but he is evidently broken open. 
 “Right,” he manages to utter out. He is surprised that it does not come out as a croak. He takes back his hand, and he looks at your womb. 
 You press your lips together, and you roll your eyes. “Go,” you tell him. “You have my blessing.” 
Tobirama nods again, and he takes off. 
Tobirama’s first letter arrives the next day, as he has promised to write everyday. You do not know how he will manage it, but Tobirama somehow always finds a way. You learn of the sights that he encounters, and the long and tiring travel. He describes Kumogakure, and its mountainous village and the high altitude that it sits on. He describes the culture and compares Konohagakure, taking pride that his village is a little bit more advanced. His descriptions of the weather are a bit choppy, but that is what you expect from Tobirama. 
 At this, you roll your eyes. This bastard . 
So, you write back. 
Lord Nidaime,  
  You and your pride. You must reel yourself in and defer a little bit. You are in a foreign land. Do not get in trouble, as your wife is not in a predicament to bail you out. You said so yourself, that I cannot take the turbulent trip to Kumogakure. I want you back, whole and with your limbs intact, and with your handsome face free of injury that may deform it. However, I do expect that you return in a rougher state, as you are closer to the sun and it is hot there. 
  –Your lovely wife.
And the next day, comes his reply. 
My wife, whose middle name spells vexating, 
  I only speak of the truth. I cannot take the heat, as you know that I do not tan, but I get sunburnt easily. My eyes are quite sensitive to the dry air up here, and so I opt to wear my hat all the time to protect myself. The heat becomes bearable as the wind is often blowing here. 
  I hope that it is a comfort to you that I will return with all my limbs intact, but is that the only appendage you want from me that is intact? I reckon not.
 – Your exasperated husband.  
You chuckle yourself, as you read his letter, and you find yourself growing giddy as you write your next letter. 
My bastard of a husband,
  Your words shock me, my lord. Konoha cannot be privy to your lewd words as they may get the shock of their lives. 
  And before you ask, I am doing well and I am resting all the time. I go to your brother’s home for dinner as you have told me to do, as Mito and her cooks make the most delicious foods that I have ever tasted. Better than yours, I suppose, but you are my husband and if asked, I tell them that you cook the best. 
  Before I end this letter, I must ask: does the Hokage have a special and speedy hawk for these fast deliveries? Or did you train your hawk to be well-versed in the Flying Raijin Jutsu? I am asking for science, and I will not put it past you to do such a thing. You are, in the most simplified words, an overachiever and a perfectionist, my love. 
 – Your maddening, but irresistible wife. 
You wait for your husband’s next letter, and since your body’s condition is getting better, you busy yourself with cleaning around the house and filling the pantry with groceries as there is no one around to tend to these things in the meantime. You take long breaks in between, as you are not the trained shinobi you were, being able to last in stressful environments until you drop. 
 You hang out in the engawa often, as you find the cool afternoon air very therapeutic. 
 The gate opens and you look up, expecting to see Hashirama’s sons to accompany you to their house, but you find Kimiko instead. 
You smile easily, and before you can stand up to meet her, she is already hurrying towards you. 
“My lady, I was worried about you,” Kimiko says. “I came to check on you.” 
 “Oh, I am alright, Kimiko, but thank you,” you tell her. “I am about to go to Lord Hashirama’s house for dinner, would you like to accompany me?” 
Kimiko suddenly looks uneasy, but you try to abate her discomfort. 
“Do not worry, I am sure that they have another room for one more,” you say. “You come with me.” 
The gate to your house opens and you hear Hashirama’s sons loudly talking. All of them, except for the eldest, have come here for a field trip. 
 “Auntie!” One of them calls. 
 “I’m coming,” you say, and you tug Kimiko by the arm so that she can walk with you. 
You need to be kind, and kinder to those you have inflicted pain on. There needs to be more compassion when there is sadness and hatred. 
Hashirama’s house is always warm and loud. It smells of savory foods that makes you a bit nauseous, so you immediately sit down and sip some ginger tea that has been prepared just for you. Hashirama’s youngest son, who is the only one who has not reached the age of double digits, sits on his father’s lap, nibbling on a cookie. 
 The other boys are on the lawn, shouting and rough-housing, and they earn their father’s booming laughs. 
 The scene amuses you, and you cannot help but smile at this Senju household’s shenanigans. Hopefully, that your own household will be just as loud and happy. 
Mito appears on the engawa, followed by her personal maids that are carrying the dishes for dinner. She nods at you gracefully and kindly, and when she settles beside her husband, the maids lay out the foods, starting with the main meal in the center of the table, and then the side dishes and rice, and then the plates, bowls and cups that are to be used. 
 The rest of the children take their seat, and Mito waits for Hashirama to pick up his utensil and take his portion of the food. 
“I hope that my children did not act as raucous as of now when they fetched you,” Mito comments with amusement. 
 “Darling, they are youthful boys, they have to let out all that energy,” Hashirama reasons. 
 “Yes, dear, but manners,” Mito smiles. 
You laugh and shake your head. “I do not mind. Besides, they fill up the house with noise. Unfortunately, we do not get enough of that.” 
 Mito laughs and Hashirama chuckles knowingly. 
“That is my brother for you,” Hashirama says with pride. 
You take your time to eat, and you focus on each food you chew on. If you get too full, sometimes, you get a little bit of acid reflux. 
 When it is time to go home, you bid your farewells and you let Kimiko accompany you. The streets of the Senju compound are peaceful, and while it is nice to be around a different family dynamic, you find solace in the quietness, having been used to it. The air is cool, and the sun is slowly setting, painting the streets purple and pink. 
You finally arrive at your house, and it is empty and without life, but it is welcoming. The lanterns in the garden are unlit, but Kimiko has fetched the matches to bring them light. 
 You come inside and light the hallways and a few rooms, and you settle in the sitting room, which is often used to receive visitors. You open the doors so that you can see the garden, and you sit at the table with a lantern beside you. 
“Shall I get you something before I go, my lady?” Kimiko asks. Her hands fold in front of her. 
 “Some tea that will prevent bloating would be nice,” you suggest. “And please, you are welcome to stay here if you desire. I may call on you when I need you.” 
 Kimiko bows slightly. “I am glad to be of service.” 
 You nod and when she is gone, you rest your hand on your womb. There is pen and paper nearby, so you decide to prepare a letter for Tobirama. You try not to worry about him missing a day to write you a letter as he is probably busy with the peace ceremony. You hope that it all goes well. 
As you draft your letter to your husband, Kimiko arrives with lavender tea, and you let out a pleased sound as it is set before you. 
 “Thank you, Kimiko-san,” you tell her as she pours you a cup. 
 “Of course, my lady,” Kimiko says. 
“Sit,” you urge her. 
You see that Kimiko is uncomfortable, so you remind yourself not to come on too strong and to keep her for long. 
“Is your pregnancy going well?” Kimiko asks. 
 “I think so,” you reply. “Hashirama says the first one is always hard.”
“How many children do you and Lord Nidaime intend to have?” 
 “Oh, I do not know. He says three or four, but I hope that he is up to it.” 
 Kimiko lets out a small chuckle. “Like a genin team.” 
 “Like a genin team,” you roll your eyes. “He is ridiculous sometimes, but I guess, Senjus have a thing for big families. I would have never pegged him as a big family man.” 
Kimiko shrugs. “Maybe he’s changed his point of view.”
 You smile as you take a sip. “Maybe.” 
You open your eyes, sweating all over. Your skin is burning up and it feels like it is coming from within. Your head is heavy, and you notice that your breathing is way too fast for your liking. You turn to your side, trying to see if you can will this away, but it proves to be impossible. You swing your legs to the side of your bed and you rush to the bathroom to prepare yourself a cold bath. 
 As the water fills the tub, you sit on the sidelines, about to pass out, so you splash the cold water on your face to make yourself all alert. 
 There is no sound but the rushing water of the faucet. 
The silence makes you uneasy. 
You hear Kimiko call your name, and you jump, a cold fear running through you. 
“My lady, is everything all right?” 
 “Will you please fetch Lord Hashirama? I think something is wrong,” you call out. 
The burning sensation spreads to the rest of your body, raising your temperature. Your heartbeat picks up its pace, making you lightheaded. 
You stick your hand into the water, satisfied that the tub is filled enough. Just as you are about to stand up and wade into the tub, a hand grabs your neck and pushes you down into the water. 
 You scramble to get your balance, but the hand keeps you down. Water pours into your mouth, your nose. Everything sounds muffled, even your own gasps. You manage to break out to the surface with a strangled scream, but you are pushed down once again. 
 You cannot breathe. 
There is no sound but your struggle for your life, and the splashes of water and the squeaks of your feet on the ground.  
 Your lungs begin to spasm, but you remember that you are not the only one fighting for your life. Pooling your strength, you push back and elbow your attacker. You fall to the floor, gasping for air, hand on your womb. 
You glance at your attacker, and it is Kimiko. 
 She quickly recovers and she towers over you. 
“Stop,” you choke out. Your strength continues to wane. 
Kimiko grabs you by the shoulder and you fight against her. 
You do not like the feeling of drowning, and you will not die here. 
“Why?!” You kick at her, and she pins you to the floor and takes her hands to your neck. 
 “For my daughter,” she grits her teeth. 
“No!” You cry out, and you manage to punch her to her face. 
You scramble from the floor, your senses betraying you, but you need to get out of here. 
 Kimiko grabs at your legs, but you kick back, and finally, you get to your feet. 
 Pain pierces below your belly, but you trudge on, hurrying out of the house, and into the silent street. 
 It is dark, and the world offers no comfort. Only a cold retribution as you run for your life. You want to scream, but the pain in your body keeps you going. The silence sews your mouth shut, and you can only hear yourself breathe heavily as you blindly make your way to a safer spot. 
 You end up in the forest, and you keep going, putting a distance between you and Kimiko. You know that screaming is futile now, as there is no one in the world that will hear you. 
You hear a running stream nearby, and you buckle to your knees, unable to catch your breath. You feel like you are on fire inside, and the pain overwhelms you. Something warm and sticky trickles on the inside of your thigh. You fall to the ground, and you curl into yourself.
 To be continued...
Chapter 9 - Then >>
11 notes · View notes
earphonekiyouka · 4 years
Milk Bread
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Summary: You are the older sister of Tobio Kageyama, who happens to study at Aoba Johsai Highschool. You and your brother get along well with the shared love for volleyball, but what happens when his arch enemy is your boyfriend.
Pt: 1 2 3 4&5
The weekday's passed by in a blur, the only thing you were focused on for the rest of the week was that your date with Tooru was at the weekend. Akari and Ichika wanted to do a group study for their English assignment so you agreed to help them on Friday night at your home.
 "Tobio I'm having my friend's over, stay away from my room!" Tobio rolled his eyes as he nodded and went to his room, you never knew what secret your friends would spill if they found your brother at your room and they were always so loud everywhere they go. "There are some snacks in the kitchen if you want any" He says before he retreats back to his room "Thanks Tobio you're the best!" you shout at him before you hear your doorbell ring, you run downstairs to open the door as you finally see Akari and Ichika.
 "There's the smart one in our group, I hope you're ready to teach two bird brain this afternoon"
 "What would you guys do without me?"
 "I don't know we'll probably fail and take extra classes without you" You sighed as you lead them to your room after they greeted your mom who also said hi. After you got settled down at your room, you started tutoring both of them about the homework that you all had. They learn quickly due to you explaining it well for them to understand in a pinch.
 Some time has passed as you finally finished the homework that you were given, so now you were just chatting about random stuff about school, volleyball, or any other hobbies that the three of loved doing.
 "Hey, (Y/N)-chan how is your relationship with Oikawa-kun?" Akari asked as Ichika also bounced at the sudden topic brought up. "Oh yeah! aren't you two going out this weekend?" Ichiko said a little bit too loudly which made you cover her mouth before your brother hears. You were afraid this would happen, they always had big mouths when it comes to talking about relationships. "Shh! Bigmouth much? I hadn't told anyone in my family about Tooru!"
 "Ooo First name basis with your senior?"
 "Look! his name on her phone is 'My Love'!" Akari was looking at the screen of your phone which had a message notification from Tooru. You ran to snatch your phone so they couldn't see but unfortunately, they were teaming up to get your phone. Luckily a knock on your door had distracted them enough to let go of off you. "Girls, dinner's ready! (Y/N), tell them to eat before they leave" The three of you immediately bolted to the kitchen where there was a lot of food prepared for everyone.
 "You have a lovely mother (Y/N)-chan, I'll be eating good tonight!" Just then Tobio came down the stairs with his phone in hand. "Oh, Onēsan how was the tutoring," Tobio asks as he put his phone back in his pocket. "Hey! you're that setter everyone talks about in middle school! (Y/N)-chan you didn't tell us he was your brother!"
 "Literally what are you talking about didn't you at least look at his last name" You loved your friends to death but sometimes they could be so forgetful you didn't know how they even pass some of their tests. "He was always referred to as 'King of the Court'! How was I supposed to know!"
 "I don't know Ichika maybe if you took the time to look at his last name you would've seen 'Kageyama' there" Tobio ignored the banter between you and your friends as he sat down at the table followed by the three of you. "Did you finish your homework yet, Tobio?" He froze at the question you asked him with a raised brow, it wasn't that he wasn't smart it's just that he devoted most of his time on volleyball. "What did I tell you about balancing volleyball and your school works? If you don't keep your grades up you can get kicked off the team you know" Tobio looked away as he murmured an 'I'll do it later'
 "Speaking of volleyball" Akari spoke up after she shoved food in her mouth and gave a pleasing hum. "Do you know about Oika-" You quickly covered her mouth as you shoved an onigiri in her face to avoid her from talking.
 "What was that hun?" Your mom asked Akari but you glared at her as she playfully pouted and looked down.
 "Don't worry about her mom, she was probably just talking about... Our homework!" You struggled to make an excuse so you blurted out a horrible alibi, you see Ichika laughing at the corner of your eye as she tried to cover her mouth. "Onēsan it's not nice to shove food in peoples mouth" In all honesty, Tobio wanted to know what Akari was about to say because it'd looked like something you didn't want your family to know and he'd grown curious about the person you were talking too at the phone late at night.
 "Just drop it Tobio continue eating your vegetables," You said rather harshly he quickly shut his mouth as he can see that the topic was making you uncomfortable.
 After you all finished eating Akari and Ichika announced that they should go home, you walked them to the front of your house as you chatted about the upcoming practice match next week. "Well you should practice those spikes for Tuesday we wouldn't wanna lose to them now would we?"
 "Of course not, now shoo I don't want your parents to worry about any of you" you hugged both of them as they started to walk further and further from your house.
 You went back inside straight to your room just as you got a message from Tooru.
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 That night you and Tooru talked about what you would be doing during your date aside from eating at the cafe, you suggested playing volleyball at the court in the park in which he agreed. Even though it was no fancy dinner or an expensive breakfast, simple dates with Tooru would always be your happiest moments with him. Sometimes you would even teach each other tricks about volleyball or tips on how to improve on different aspects of volleyball.
 It was finally the weekend and you were so excited that you immediately jumped from the bed at 11 am and took a shower, you ate a decent breakfast and chose an outfit that would be fashionable but still be suitable for playing volleyball. After all that you looked at the clock which read 12:55 AM and started to put the necessary items in your bag, you figured Tooru would be the one to bring the ball so you didn't bother getting yours.
 "Where are you going?" You look behind you and see your younger brother with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. "Well as far as I'm concerned you don't need to know that, but being the nice older sister I am I'll tell you that I'm going out with Akari and Ichika"
 "But you just hang out with them yesterday!"
 You sighed as you let go of the doorknob that would lead you outside your house and turned to face Tobio, "Look I know you worry about me a lot but I'll be fine plus we Kageyama's are strong aren't we? So stop worrying, I'll be back at 6-ish" You hugged your brother as he also returned the gesture, once that was settled with you opened the door and left the house. The cafe was kinda far since it was near your school rather than your house so you took your bike to reach your destination faster.
 Once you got there you put your bike on the area designated for it then you walked inside the cafe, you look at your phone's watch as it read 1:05 pm. Which was kind of the definition for '1-ish'
 "You looking for me cutie?" You turned around and saw Tooru with a bouquet of flowers in hand. You quickly wrapped your arms around him as you enveloped him in a tight hug. "Missed me already? we just saw each other yesterday" He snickered as he also wrapped you up in his arms. "Shut up you know that's different, we actually get a weekend all for ourselves!" You let him go as he gave you the bouquet which was filled with roses, you always received a single flower or two on weekdays when you're in school but it was never as big as this.
 "You really outdid yourself with the flowers today"
 "Only the best for you cutie, now should we take a seat people are starting to stare" You looked around as you indeed saw that people are starting to stare, your cheeks flushed as you found a table and sat down with a smile. "I already got the Milk Bread, and I ordered you a coffee just before I saw you walk in" He always knew what you wanted and it was little things like remembering your pet peeves or remembering how you loved the color of your volleyball uniform that would immediately be locked in his memory. "Just what I needed"
 After eating at the cafe the two of you walked to the nearby park that was surprisingly not filled with a lot of people, which meant you had the volleyball court all to yourself. "So how's your ankle?"
 "Well doesn't hurt as much as it did but I should probably just do sets and not move around too much after I stretch" You nodded as you watch him take off his Turquoise volleyball jacket. "Maybe I'm better at you in serving now that I have an advantage" You stuck your tongue out at him as he squishes your face with both his hands. "Even if you are it's because of those tips I taught you"
 "Hey! I work very hard to improve my skills in volleyball, Thank you very much!" You remove his hands that were at your face and grabbed the ball that was at his foot.
 The day went on as usual as you both practiced volleyball but you advised Tooru to take more breaks than usual, at the end of the day as you saw that the sun was about to set you and him decided to just sit at the bench in the park.
 You laid your head against his shoulder as you watched the sunset, you took in every detail about the moment so it could be engraved in your memory forever. At that moment you have never loved Oikawa Tooru as much as you did now.
 "Hey Tooru"
 "I love you, will you be my boyfriend?"
 He looked at you for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter.
 "Danm it (Y/N)-chan, that was supposed to be me asking you to be my girlfriend"
 "So is that a yes?
 "Umm let me think~"
 "I'm just kidding of course I'll be your boyfriend" He stared at your eyes and cupped your cheeks as he closed the gap between your lips, it was sweet, tender and made your heart melt. Yes, it truly was the happiest day of your life.
 "Now let's take a pic, (Y/N)-chan, I wouldn't want to waste the moment" He took out his phone as put his arms around you and smiled brightly at the camera before he snapped the picture you kissed his cheeks just as the flash met your faces.
Taglist: @aegeanblues​
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apriorisea · 4 years
BTS Imagine Series: Don’t Leave Me, Pt. 4
Hoseok x You
“I can’t believe you guys have to go back already,” you say, wrapping your arms around Hoseok from behind. “I think you need more sleep.”      He finishes brushing his hair and puts his hands over yours with a sigh. “More sleep?” He smiles as he meets your eyes in the mirror. “I almost slept for 20 hours when I got home.”      Planting a kiss in-between his shoulder blades, you say stubbornly, “You still need more.”     “So,” he says, twisting to face you and locking his arms around your waist, “You’re saying you’ll call out from work and I’ll call out from work and we’ll spend the whole day together again?”      You frown. “You know I have to go to work.”      “Me, too.”      “But I didn’t just spend 3.5 weeks on the road,” you dig-in. “And---”      He leans down and kisses you softly. “Angel, it’s okay. We won’t have much to do today. And I’ll try to be home early.”      Accepting defeat, you hug him tight, burying your fact against his chest. “....I have an idea.”      “What?” he laughs, unable to interpret your muffled words.      Tipping your head back to look up at him, you put on your best persuasive face and say again: “I have an idea.”      He eyes you suspiciously but nods. “Go on.”      “After I leave work, I’ll come to you and we can get dinner,” you say slowly, “And then we come home and cuddle all night.”      The perfect happiness that fills his face makes your heart squirm. Reaching out to cradle your face in his hands, he kisses you once. “That--” twice “sounds--” three times “amazing, angel.”      You squeeze him tight, satisfied. “Perfect. I’ll text you when I’m on my way over, okay?”       “Sounds good.” His gaze goes to the clock on the bathroom wall. “Oops, little koala,” he teases. “Time to let go again: you’re going to be late for work!”      You look at your watch and curse at the time. “Okay,” you plant a quick kiss on his chin and then pull away, grabbing your purse off the counter as you go. “See you tonight! Have a good day!”      “I love you.”
As you enter the company building that evening, the first person you’re hoping to see is Namjoon; instead, you nearly run right into Jimin as you get off the elevator on the practice room floor.      “Hi!” He says your name excitedly and wraps you in a quick, tight hug. “How are you??”      You smile, trading places with him as he releases you but holds the elevator doors. “Good. I missed you guys!”      He grins back. “Us, too. You’re heading to the rehearsal?”      “Oh.” No wonder Hoseok hadn’t answered your text; you hadn’t been aware that they would be rehearsing again so soon. “Um, yeah. Where are you going?”      “Just a quick trip downstairs and back,” Jimin winks. “I’ll see you soon!”      The doors close before you can answer, and you turn to head down the hallways alone.       A rehearsal? So soon after returning from tour? Your stomach feels uneasy. Normally, an added rehearsal from some of the most hard-working men in the country wouldn’t be anything to wonder at, but now...after this week....       Even though the two of you had spent a total of 36 consecutive hours together and things had been fine, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was actually off. But anytime you had tried to bring it up, Hoseok had shrugged it off with a smile, a cheerful answer, and, usually, a kiss.       What aren’t you telling me?       You push open the door to the main practice room and the strains of familiar music wash over you. The six members (minus Jimin) are running through the choreography again, though not full-out this time, and soon after you enter the room, the choreographer stops the music and makes them return to the previous 8-count.      You sidle along the wall, coming to stop next to one of the bodyguards that you were most comfortable with. “Hi,” you greet in a low voice, your eyes still on your boyfriend.       He grins. “Hey there. Good to see you.”      “You too,” you say honestly, looking over at him quickly. “Did you have a good time on the trip?”      He pulls a face that makes your heart sink. “It was all right. Not the best, not the worst.”      Calm down, you remind yourself. At this point, you were pretty sure you were just paranoid, looking for mountains in the tiniest molehills. “Oh? Glad to be back?”      “Definitely.”      You smile and turn to watch the practice again. “I didn’t realize they’d have a dance rehearsal so soon after coming back...”      “Yeah,” he sighs. “They just got the word about a new music show promotion this weekend, so they’re doing some touch-ups.” He frowns slightly as he watches the members go through the movements. “Honestly, I think it’s too soon,” he confides without prompting.      “I agree,” you say, studying each of the guys’ faces. “They must be exhausted still.”      “Well, yeah,” he agrees. “But especially in light of Hoseok’s recent troubles, I would’ve thought they’d wait a few days.”      Your hands go cold as your stomach sinks to your shoes. “T-troubles?” You clear your throat, turning to look at him.       He glances at you briefly, then refocuses on the rehearsal. “Yeah.....look, I haven’t told anyone else and I obviously won’t, but I figured since it’s, you know, you, it doesn’t matter.”      It hurts that you can’t agree with that sentiment. “Um..yeah. Could you...could you just tell me what exactly you’re talking about?”     “Of course.” He lowers his voice and leans a little closer to you. “Well you know he had that problem with his knee---thank God it wasn’t worse.”     You feel like crying, but manage to keep the tears back, instead nodding once. “Right,” you choke out.      “But that night, as I was walking with him back from the doctor, he admitted that he was really worried.”      There was a moment of silence, and when you chanced a look at his face, you could see solemn concern written all over it. “About?” you prompt.      “His dance career,” he sighed heavily. “This injury was really close to being pretty bad, and he was afraid it was going to affect his dancing. I....” he chews on his lip for a moment before continuing. “I’ve never seen him that upset or scared.”      “Oh.”      Thankfully, at that exact moment, the bodyguard is called away---saving him from the barrage of teary questions you were ready to throw at him.      I knew it, your heart screams. I knew something was wrong! He lied. He lied again and again. Why? Why doesn’t he trust me? Why won’t he talk to me??      Before you have a chance to sort through your feelings, the music cuts for the final time and the members break their huddle quicker than usual. You panic suddenly: you’re not ready to face him, you hadn’t figured out what to think, what to ask. All you’re aware of is hurt.       Fumbling in your purse, you pull out your phone and hold it to your ear, sliding back along the wall. As you pass one of the managers, you catch his attention: “Please tell Hoseok I’m on the phone, but I’ll be waiting for him in the hall.”      You slip into the hallway and press your back against the wall, trying to breathe deeply through your nose. If he’s lied about this, what else is he lying about?     Does he even love me?      ...Why doesn’t he trust me?     Far too soon, the doors are flung open again and you remember to put on a fake-conversation. Jungkook is the first one out: spotting you, he rushes to where you stand and wraps you in a big hug. When he sees that you’re on the phone---well, holding the phone to your ear---he freezes, mutters a hurried “Sorry, noona” and releases you. You smile to let him know it’s okay and return his happy wave as he turns to go.     Taehyung and Hoseok exit together, and you feel your heart start pounding. This time you turn a little, showing them the phone glued to your ear before they can interrupt. Hoseok still moves to your side, but turns away and continues his quiet conversation with his little brother.      What do I say? How can he act like nothing is wrong?      Yoongi, Jin, and Jimin appear next; they get your message immediately, but you still accept a kiss on the cheek from Jimin, a quick side-hug from Yoongi, and a playful (maddening) ruffling of your hair from Jin. By the time Namjoon steps into the hallway, Taehyung is ready to go home. They both give you a fistbump and happy smile before disappearing.      Traitor, you mentally hiss at Namjoon’s back.      But then it’s just you and Hoseok. The tears you’d fought back climb into your throat again. Dropping the pretense, and your phone, you say only, “We need to talk,” before pushing away from the wall and walking down the hall towards his studio.      Confused, Hoseok trails behind you.      You wait until you’re both inside the room before you shut the door and turn towards him. Keeping your eyes on the ground---unable to look at him---you say quietly, “How was your trip, Hoseok?”     Tension is radiating from every muscle in his body. “Angel, what’s wrong?” He takes a step forward, but stops in shock when you move away automatically. He says your name in confusion. “What is it?”      Finally, you look up and meet his eye. “How was the trip?” you repeat.      You can almost see his thoughts race as he studies you. “It was fine,” he says carefully.       You scoff. “Fine? How’s your injury?”      His face pales a little. Clearing his throat, he says, “It’s fine now. It wasn’t as bad---”      “As it could be,” you finish for him, seething with anger now. “Yeah. I heard.”      “You heard?” he repeats. “From who?”      “Not you.” The tears grow hotter; why wasn’t he even ashamed?? “That’s the important thing.”     “Angel, look,” he says in a calm voice, trying again to step towards you. “It’s really okay. Sometimes little injuries happen on tour, and we---”      “Don’t,” you cut him off. “You got hurt. Hurt bad enough that you were worried about your career.” You keep your eyes on his face so you can see how he reacts to this. You’re vindicated---and devastated---when you see the confirmation in his expression. Closing your eyes for a moment is a mistake, because when they open again, your vision is blurred with unchecked tears. “I asked you every night if everything was okay. You never told me that you were injured, you never told me that you were worried!”      “I didn’t want to worry you,” he says, looking pained. “It’s not a big deal.”      IF I HEAR THAT ONE MORE TIME, I’M GOING TO SCREAM.       “We took care of it on tour, I’m extra careful with it, it’s okay. It’s really not a big deal.”      You’re amazed that he can’t see how hurt you are, that he can’t understand that every one of his words is digging into you, tearing chunks away. And he doesn’t even care. Something ugly inside you rears its head. Taking another step back, you muster all the venom you can and say, “If you don’t even want to talk to me, why the hell would you want to date me???”      His face goes red, finally as flustered and uncomfortable as you felt. “That’s not fair,” he says, trying to keep his voice even. “The real question is why can’t you just believe me? You don’t trust me? You think I’m a liar???”      Your mouth falls open, and for a moment you stand there, silent, trying to find the right words. Before they appear, your frustration boils over and the tears spill down your face. “What else do you call someone who lies straight to my face??” you say, your voice growing a little louder.        “I wasn’t try to hurt you!” he says, changing tracks. “I really just didn’t want to worry you, especially while we were apart and---”      “It’s not just about that!” you say through your tears. “You keep me out! You never tell me everything. You want to talk about trust? Do you even realize how much you keep from me?? And I’m the one with trust issues???”      He runs both hands through his hair in frustration. “Please don’t cry, angel. It’s not like that, obviously---”      “You don’t get to say obviously when it obviously IS like that!!” you shout over him, the end of your accusation getting lost in a sob. “Why don’t you let me in? Why don’t you trust me? Don’t you love me??”      He looks like you slapped him. “Don’t say that. Of course I love you, but...”      “But?” you stare at him through your tears. “You love me but???”      “Stop!” he finally raises his voice, unable to keep his frustration in check. “That’s not what I meant. Just calm down and listen to me for one second.”      You exhale, and the noise is so devastating that it catches him off guard. “Listen to you,” you repeat, wiping at your nose with a trembling hand. “That’s the thing, Hoseok: I’ve been trying to listen to you. But how can I listen when you won’t talk to me? How can I listen to you when I have to get the truth from somebody else all the time?”      “Somebody else,” he repeats derisively. “You mean like Namjoon?” When you don’t respond, he goes on. “Yeah, I know about that. Trying to get Namjoon to spy on me---why can’t you just trust me??”      “Namjoon---or one of your new bodyguards,” you say hotly. “Who the hell knows, maybe next time I’ll get pertinent information about your life from a random taxi driver!”      “That’s not fair.”      You shake your head. “You know what’s really not fair?” You’re having a hard time speaking through the tears that are shaking your entire body. “Trying to love someone who doesn’t love or trust you enough to let you in. Trying to be in a relationship where your partner can’t even tell you the truth, that’s not fair.”      “I love you! And it’s not about trust. I would never try to hurt you like that.”      But you’re finished. Your heart is breaking so loudly and painfully that you feel like you can’t breathe, and everything hurts, and all you want to be is miles away from this conversation, from him. Choking on your sobs, you shake your head and say loudly, “Fine! Lie to me, I don’t care, I’m done!” You turn to go.      “Wait---” he reaches out for you, grabbing your hand to stop you from leaving.       Turning on him, you yank your hand out of his grasp. “Don’t you touch me!” you snap. When he withdraws his arm, you reach for the door handle. “Don’t call me, don’t talk to me,” you go on, your hurt fueling every action at this point. “In fact, why don’t you just go talk to your bodyguard, since you’d rather share with anyone else than with me!”       The last thing you see before you slam the door shut is the devastation on his face. It doesn’t make you feel better. Still in tears, you race back to the parking garage, climbing in your car and angrily locking the doors behind you. Your phone buzzes with a text message and you practically throw it into the passenger seat.      It buzzes the entire way home. You don’t look until you’re parked in your spot outside your apartment building.      MY HOPE: I’m not a liar.      MY HOPE: I love you.     MY HOPE: Of course I trust you.     MY HOPE: Why don’t you believe me? Am I really that bad of a guy?     MY HOPE: I’m just trying to protect you.     MY HOPE: I didn’t mean to hurt you.      MISSED CALL     MY HOPE: This is a misunderstanding. Please let me explain.      MISSED CALL     MY HOPE: Please answer your phone.      MY HOPE: Angel?     MISSED CALL     MY HOPE: Are you safe? Please pick up your phone.      MY HOPE: Just let me explain.      Through your tears, you send a single message back: Please don’t.      The incoming messages go silent.      You rest your head against the steering wheel and sob. 
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