#but until Kenny confirms it
ginnyrules27 · 1 year
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You know, in terms of background extras, I think this guy deserves a big hug. He sees Julie on the stage, looks at his list (trying to see if she’s supposed to perform probably) and then just goes ‘eh’ and turns the sound up on Julie’s equipment. 
We know the guys haven’t added Julie’s name to the list because they didn’t even know how to pick stuff up yet. So this guy (who I’m calling Ben by the way, he needs a name!) really has no reason to help Julie out and yet does so anyway. 
Ben’s a good bean. 
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generalwildcat · 1 year
Disney in 2008: No, Ryan is not gay. Disney in 2019: Sharpay is trans.
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internet-chipmunk · 8 months
ahhhh what a wonderful day ignoring that troyella are in couple's therapy
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redbuddi · 1 year
What we know about the missing Sub
For whatever reason this story has absolutely grabbed my attention, and so I will be compiling the information that I can confirm in a decent timeline of events, feel free to message me if y'all feel like something needs to be changed/revised
A company known as OceanGate offers dives to view the wreck of the Titanic, charging 250,000 USD per ride. This sub is not approved by any regulatory body, and is controlled with an xbox controller. The inside is a small tube one would have to sit down to fit inside.
It is not a regular sub, but a submersible, which does not have the power to lauch itself and return on it's own, but instead must be launched and retrieved by a mothership. Thus, constant communication is of the utmost importance.
4 AM, June 18th, an expedition begins. Confirmed passengers are a pilot, a "Content Expert," Businessman Hamish Harding (who posted the linked instragram post,) and two other passengers who are as yet unconfirmed.
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Communications with the sub are lost 1 hour and 45 minutes into the dive.
The US and Canadian coast guard begin working together to try and find the sub. The vessel has an advertised 96 hours of oxygen.
The instagram post earlier is found by CNN, although they do not yet divulge who posted it. They reach out to OceanGate for comment and get none.
An additional vessel is dispatched to assist in the search.
The US Coast Guard holds a press conference where they discuss the difficulties in locating the vessel in the remote area it dove into.
Coast Guard surmises that there is 70 to 96 hours of oxygen remaining, although this was reported abt ten hours ago, so it's more like 60 to 86 now.
The coast guard also begins a twitter thread which they are continually updating. They have completed two flights over the area but have not found anything, they will dispatch another plane in the morning.
OceanGate claims to be taking "every step possible" to recover the missing vessel.
Twitter user Kenny Sharpe realizes that he had seen the vessel being towed out to it's expedition and posts photos that he took.
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LITERALLY FOUND THIS AS I WAS GETTING SOURCES, Daily Mail claims that the other two passengers are businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son, but given DM's dubious journalistic integrity (to put it nicely,) I would take this claim with a grain of salt until other sources confirm it.
I will update this as more info becomes available, feel free to message me with sources if you know anything.
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daisynik7 · 8 months
“Earned it” by The Weeknd for Levi Ackerman- Smut + Fluff
thank you
Earned It
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x f!reader
Word Count: ~7.0k
cw: yakuza au, modern setting au, adult themes, gang-related violence, mentions of blood, explicit language, fluff, smut – fingering, cunnilingus, PIV sex (doggy style), cream pie, unprotected sex
Summary: Levi is the current leader of a Yakuza organization called the Ackerman Clan. Fearless, ruthless, cold-blooded. Your deadbeat father owes a debt to his Uncle Kenny after borrowing a sum of money to gamble on horse races many years ago, a debt that hasn’t been forgotten. He has since abandoned you and one day, the Ackerman Clan tracks you down, claiming that you are now the owner of this debt. Without the means to pay for it out of pocket, Levi employs you to be his personal housekeeper until you’ve earned the money to pay it off. 
Author’s Note: Wow okay my first Levi fic EVER and I totally got carried away! I had so much fun writing this one, so I hope the rest of you enjoy it! Thanks for the request for the y2k karaoke party! This gave me the perfect excuse to finally write for Levi. MDNI divider credit to @/cafekitsune. Thank you for reading! Tagging @crazychaoticizzy!
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It's an average Wednesday when you receive a call from your mother in the middle of your workday. She usually doesn’t call unless it’s important, so you answer, already nervous for what she’s about to tell you. “Mom? Are you okay?”
Her tone is somber. “Honey, please come home. Now.” You can hear other people speaking in the background, alarm bells immediately ringing in your head. It’s been you and your mother alone for the past decade now, abandoned by your father before your high school graduation. You have no idea who would be in your home at this time. Freaking out, you ask, “What’s going on? What’s happening?!”
Before she can respond, there’s shuffling, then a man you don’t recognize on the other line. “You should listen to your mother.” His voice is cold, terse, sinister. It sends a chill down your spine.
Immediately, you excuse yourself from work, briefly describing a family emergency to your boss. You hop on the closest train, jittering in your seat, sweating bullets, stomach tight with anxiety. All you need to know is that your mom is safe. As soon as you’re out of the station, you remove the heels off your feet to run home. When you arrive, you notice a black car with tinted windows parked in the driveway and the front door already swung open. Winded and out of breath, you double over with the impulse to vomit, already expecting the worse. You swallow down the urge, collecting yourself, and walk inside.
You’re met by three strangers: two men and a woman. She looks young, gaze cold on yours, studying you carefully. The taller of the men is significantly older, hunched over, lanky, with a cigarette between his crooked smile. The other is short, but his domineering presence seems to overwhelm the rest of them. The cold gaze, the stagnant frown, the tightness in his brows. There’s an aura to him that shows he’s not one to be messed with. Before you can even confirm, you know that this man is the one who spoke to you earlier on the phone. Their leader. 
Your mom is seated on the couch, cowering in fear when she calls out to you. “Honey!”
You step towards them, wanting to approach her, but you’re stopped by the woman, staring daggers at you, her hand concealed inside her jacket, ready to attack if necessary. It’s a warning: Don’t come any closer or else. “Mikasa, relax. She ain’t even armed,” the older man says. He points to her, winking at you. “Sorry about my niece; she’s got some anger issues. Runs in the family, actually.”
Without removing her gaze from you, she mutters, “Shut up, Kenny.”
He laughs, puffs of smoke escaping his mouth. He removes the cigarette, tapping the ashes onto the hardwood floor of your living room before stepping closer towards you. “I should be the one upset here.” His eyes scan your figure up and down, smirking. “Right, Levi?”
You shiver from his wicked expression, glancing at your mother who stares wide-eyed at you in a panic. “What’s the meaning of this?” you ask shakily. 
The shorter man, apparently named Levi, comes forward, glaring at you. “You owe the Ackerman Clan money. Two million yen with all the interest that’s been accruing for the past ten years.” 
“We never borrowed money from you!” you argue. 
“You didn’t. But your father did,” Kenny interjects. “The dumbass didn’t know how to gamble on the right horse. Lost each race and came crawling back to me for more and more money. I gave him two years to pay me back without interest, but I suppose he ran off on you and your poor mother before he could pay it. Now, it’s way past due. I need my money back.”
That no-good, deadbeat father of yours. Of course he’s the one behind this. He’s always had a gambling addiction, ever since you were little. Borrowed money left and right from distant relatives, friends, coworkers, and apparently strangers. You thought he’d at least have the decency to pay them off on the occasions he actually scored big, but who are you kidding? All he spent his winnings on was more booze to drown out the fact that he never cared or provided for his family. You shake your head, tears welling in your eyes. “You should be asking him for the money, not us.”
Levi’s eyes narrow. “You don’t think we already tried looking for him? We can’t find him. He’s gone. Someone else has to be responsible for it now. And that means his wife and his kid. You.”
“We don’t have that kind of money just laying around,” you say, hoping that somehow, this Yakuza gang is nice enough to forgive the debt.
Kenny barks a laugh. “Well, you’re shit out of luck then, huh? Just like your lousy father.”
You wince at his harsh words, simultaneously agreeing with him. Levi sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “If you can’t pay off this debt within the next three months, we’ll be forced to take more severe action.”
“What do you mean?” you stutter. A variety of cruel punishments flash through your head, causing your knees to wobble in fear, though you manage to stay upright. 
“You don’t want to find out,” he threatens with a dark look.
You swallow loudly, unable to hide your dread any longer. Crying, you fall to your knees in a begging position, peering up at Levi with weepy eyes. “Please. I’ll do anything. Just don’t hurt my mom. Leave her out of this.”
Your mother sobs into her hands, your name muffled against her palms. Even through your blurred vision, you notice Levi’s expression waver just the slightest. 
“Maybe she can work for you,” Mikasa suggests. Her tone has changed to one of sympathy, unexpectedly considering her intimidating demeanor moments ago. 
Levi scoffs. “And what would she do for me? I doubt she can fight.”
There’s a pause as you watch them contemplate your fate. Kenny is the first one to offer an answer. “Housekeeper. She can be your housekeeper!”
Levi grimaces at the suggestion. “Excuse me?”
Kenny walks towards him, ruffling his nephew’s hair, much to his dismay. Levi swats him away, scowling as his uncle explains, “You spend so much goddamn time cleaning your own house, it’s about time you hire someone to do it for you. You’re the leader of the Ackerman Clan now. Time is money. You can’t be wasting it dusting when you can just make someone else do it for you.” He squats, legs spread wide, meeting you face-to-face. “Can you clean?”
You wipe away the tears streaming down your face, nodding.
“Can you cook?”
You nod again, more confidently this time. 
He slaps his knee. “Well, there you go! Looks like we found the solution. You’re hired. Levi will pay you at the end of each day. Your wages after three months should be enough to cover the debt you owe me. If you work overtime, you’ll earn extra cash. Sound good?” He sticks his hand out, waiting for you to shake on it. 
Three months of housekeeping and cooking for the leader of a Yakuza gang, who already looks like he despises you? It’s either that or whatever punishment he originally has in mind, which sounds much more painful and ominous. 
Before you agree, you ask, “What about my regular job?”
He strokes his chin, thinking. “Damn, forgot about that. Well, Little Levi here can compensate you for that as well. You’ll have to quit it in the meantime, but this gig is much better, don’t cha think?”
Levi raises his voice, angry now. “Don’t I get a say in this?! Who said I have the money to pay her?!”
Kenny waves him off, smirking. “You don’t drink, you don’t gamble, and you don’t fuck. So what else are you doing with all that money?”
At this, Levi gapes at his uncle, blushing. “I’m the fucking captain here, aren’t I? I won’t allow this.”
Kenny rolls his eyes, standing up to stretch his back. “Fine. Got a better idea? We don’t have all fucking day to argue about this, you know.”
After a few more disgruntled huffs from Levi without any other real suggestions, you are officially hired as Levi Ackerman’s housekeeper. 
Levi doesn’t need a fucking housekeeper. He’s the cleanest goddamn person in this entire godforsaken planet. Sure, he spends at least two hours at the start of his morning doing household chores to ensure that everything in his home is spick and span. But what’s so wrong about that? It’s the only solace he finds in this cruel world. The only aspect of his life that he can control. 
So, when his new hire arrives to his house seven o’clock sharp the very next day, Levi’s already in a bad mood. And when she smiles brightly at him, greeting him, “Good morning!” in an all-too-cheery voice that drips with enthusiasm and spirit despite the shitty situation she’s in, he can’t help but become even more irritated. She can’t possibly be excited about this. It’s all a façade, an act. Fake. He’s seen it before, from so-called friends, family members, strangers on the street. People only connect with him if there’s something to gain from it. And in this case, the money to pay her father’s debt is her end-goal, and nothing else. He reminds himself that she’s not here for him. No one ever is.
He doesn’t respond to her, turning on his heel to lead her inside. Without saying so, she removes her shoes, tucking them into an empty slot on the shoe rack, following him. Unfortunately, Kenny’s been here since half an hour ago, taking his usual breakfast: a cup of black coffee and a frozen waffle, toasted until lukewarm. And of course, there’s already crumbs on the table, but Levi ignores it, knowing that she’s responsible for this mess now, not him. 
“Morning,” Kenny drawls, raising his mug to her. She waves, still nervous around them, naturally, but her smile stays on. 
Levi hands her a sheet of paper, typed out with proper instructions. “Everything you need to know is on here. Unless you’re illiterate and can’t read, I won’t need to explain anything to you, right?”
She scans the document quickly, shaking her head at the end. “Seems simple enough.” 
“My nephew here likes things spotless,” Kenny adds, spit flying out of his mouth as he chews the rest of his breakfast. “Total clean freak and perfectionist. He’ll be on your ass about a simple speck of dust.”
“It’s not clean if there’s still dust,” he emphasizes. 
Her attention goes to the fridge. “What about meals? What do you like to eat?”
“I’m not picky. I usually don’t eat breakfast and lunch is brought to me at the office. So dinner is the only meal you have to cook. Like I said, I’m not picky. But it better not be instant ramen or something. I’m not paying you to feed me that processed shit.” Truthfully, he already eats that junk for lunch, often opting for fast food because it’s quick and easy while he’s out on a job. But what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. He shoots a glare at his uncle when he notices him snickering to himself, clearly aware of his less-than-ideal diet. 
After a brief tour of the house, not including his bedroom, which will remain off limits, him and Kenny leave to start the day. Levi is reluctant at first, unsure if she can live up to his high standards of tidiness, but even he can admit that it’s more productive when he arrives to their headquarters on time. 
The day goes by smoothly; the extra two hours that Levi gains by entrusting another person to his usual morning ritual proves to be beneficial for both him and his gang. They are able to add an extra stop to their daily rounds, collecting owed money from sleezy businesses and seedy underground organizations. They only resort to violence once, with Levi squeezing a man’s head between his shoe and the pavement until he coughs up the dough. In his eyes, today was a good day. 
Kenny drops him off back home around eight when it’s already dark out. The lights are on, glowing through the shaded windows. He digs into his pocket for the keys, retrieving them to unlock the door, his nostrils immediately hit with a sensational aroma wafting from the kitchen. Sliding out of his shoes, he steps further inside, following the scent. 
She’s leaning over the stove, steam puffing from whatever pan she’s cooking in. He drops his keys on the counter, clearing his throat to make his presence known. 
“Hello, Mr. Ackerman,” she says, turning to face him. “Perfect timing. Dinner is just about ready. I’ll serve it to you now.”
He slides a chair out from the dining table, taking a seat, watching as she moves around the kitchen. She scoops white rice into a bowl, then the food onto a plate, setting it front of him. It looks delicious; glazed meat scattered with a variety of fresh vegetables. “It’s chicken stir fry,” she explains. “It isn’t gourmet or anything, but it’s hearty and filling. I hope you like it.”
He remains silent, holding a piece of broccoli at the end of his chopstick, blowing on it before putting it in his mouth. The sauce is savory, pairing well with the typically bland vegetable. He digs into the chicken, enjoying how juicy and flavorful it is. It’s nothing he hasn’t had before, but still; it’s tasty. 
She stands beside him, watching him eat with a small grin on her face. “What would you like to drink?”
He swallows, replying, “I like tea. Hot tea. Decaf.”
“On it,” she says, heading back into the kitchen, filling a kettle with water to heat on the stove. Within ten minutes, she returns with a cup in one hand, the kettle in the other, pouring him freshly brewed tea. 
It’s quiet, Levi eating peacefully while she continues to observe him. He’s not quite sure what to say; do they make small talk? Does he compliment her cooking? How do people engage with others during a time like this?
Her stomach growls loudly, which he immediately notices. He raises a brow at her, pointing his chopsticks towards the kitchen. “You should eat too. If you’re hungry.”
“Is that alright?” 
He nods, looking down at his plate. “It’s better than watching me eat while you’re starving, right?”
She laughs, going back into the kitchen once again. “Yes, of course.” She comes back, sitting across from him to start eating. Not knowing what else to discuss over dinner, Levi asks her about the chores she should have accomplished today, to which she reports back in detail. It sounds as if she went through eat item on the list, though the true test will be when he inspects it himself. Their conversation flows well; he usually hates conversing with people when it isn’t necessary. He can’t remember the last time he shared a homecooked meal with someone else. He’s always at home after work, alone. Mikasa is too busy with her own family, and Levi can hardly stand his uncle’s presence to begin with, so he always preferred being alone. 
This, however, this he doesn’t mind. Surprisingly. 
Before he gets too comfortable with the idea, he reminds himself once more that this is simply the deal they agreed to. There’s no room for sentimentality. She’s here because she was forced into this role, not because she wants to be here. This is business. This is temporary.
And with that in mind, Levi strengthens the integrity of the walls he barricades around him, determined not to let anyone but himself in.
Your first month of employment go by as smoothly as you hope it would be, given your circumstances. Every day, you arrive at Levi’s house seven in the morning on the dot, greeting him with a smile. You figured it wouldn’t do you any good to show your fear of the Yakuza in front of the leader himself. And, in all honestly, you weren’t actually that scared of him. While he’s cold and blunt most of the time, he hasn’t done anything to frighten you yet, aside from your initial meeting. It helps that you only see him for a few minutes in the morning when he lets you in, and at most an hour at the end of the day, when you share dinner together. Before you leave, he hands you an envelope with your day’s wages, and that’s that. Based on the lack of criticism, you assume that you’re doing a good enough job.
On the second month, you begin to make lunches for him in addition to your usual routine. Uncle Kenny had mentioned several times in secret that Levi eats fast food because of the convenience. Sometimes, he skips a meal all together when they’re especially busy. 
When you arrive to his home, you greet him with your usual smile, while he gives you a curt nod, avoiding your gaze. He shouts behind him, “Kenny, let’s go!”
Before he walks out the door, you stop him, saying, “Oh, Mr. Ackerman! Before you leave, I prepared lunch for you.”
He whips around to face you, eyes narrowed as if you just insulted him. “What?”
Nervous now, you stammer, “I made you lunch. I heard that sometimes you skip meals, so I thought – ”
He steps towards you, glaring, not letting you finish. “This isn’t part of the list. I don’t need it. I don’t want it.” He turns on his heel, leaving you stunned as he heads for the car, slamming the door shut. 
You scurry into the kitchen, face hot, reeling over his unpleasant reaction to your simple gesture. Kenny leans back in his chair, feet up on the table, chugging the rest of his coffee. “Morning.”
“Hi Kenny.” You wash your hands at the sink, processing what just happened, growing increasingly upset. 
Kenny gets up, sliding his used mug beside you. “Thanks, darling.” Not wanting to waste your efforts, you call out to him, opening the fridge to retrieve the bento you prepared, handing it to him. 
“What’s this?” he asks, smirking.
“I made it for Mr. Ackerman, but he doesn’t want it. I don’t want it to go to waste,” you explain.
He smiles, genuinely grateful, the expression you were mistakenly expecting from Levi. “Thank you. Take care.” 
When he’s gone, you take a minute in the kitchen to relax, reminding yourself to stick to the list and not do anything extra just because you think he’d appreciate it. You’ve leaned your lesson based on today: Mr. Ackerman doesn’t appreciate anything or anyone. And you won’t be an exception.
Levi sulks silently in the car with his arms crossed over his chest, staring out the window while Kenny drives them to HQ. He’s replaying the interaction from earlier, recalling the hurt look in her eyes as he spat those harsh words to her. He’s an idiot. All he could have said was no thank you. He shouldn’t have berated her for doing something nice for him. At the same time, he didn’t want to appear vulnerable, like he needed her to do it for him. He doesn’t need her pity. He doesn’t need anyone to take care of him.
He catches Kenny shooting glances at him, but doesn’t say anything, knowing better than to rile his nephew up when he’s in one of these moods. They make it to headquarters as normal, and Levi goes about the day, almost forgetting about the incident. Almost.  
Around noon, Kenny drives Levi and two of his henchmen across town to collect money from a client who’s been skipping out on payments recently. Levi doesn’t expect to resort to violence, so he stays inside the car while the two muscles go out and fulfill their orders. Kenny reclines, reaching his long arm towards the backseat, retrieving a small bento box. “Grub time.”
Levi scowls. “What are you doing?”
“Eating lunch, what do you think?” He uncovers it, licking his lips as his picks up a tamago sando from inside. It looks delicious, from the soft bread to the golden yellow filling. Levi’s stomach growls as he stares at his uncle bite into it. “Damn, that’s good!”
“Where did you get that?” he asks, already knowing the answer.
He shrugs, engulfing the rest of the sandwich into his mouth. “Your housekeeper. Said you didn’t want it, so she gave it to me instead. Shit, that’s good!”
Levi huffs through his teeth, annoyed, but also very hungry. He snatches it from his uncle’s lap, inspecting it himself. Kenny doesn’t protest, only chuckles, licking his fingers. It’s truly an enticing sight, much better than the typical burger and fries he’s used to. He picks it up delicately, relishing how pillowy the bread is between his fingers. It’s devoured quickly, and Levi regrets watching his uncle eat part it, hoping he had it all for himself. In the bottom layer of the bento box are baby carrots and sliced cucumbers, which Levi munches on until his crew comes back, knuckles a bit bloodied and a stack of cash in their hands. 
At night, Levi enters the door, a pang of guilt in his chest. He doesn’t plan to mention it; he’d rather forget and move on, pretend it never even happened. Tonight’s dinner is yakisoba, a meal she has since perfected since starting a month ago. She serves it to him, pouring hot tea into his mug, then takes her usual spot, her expression neutral. She reports on each task she completed today, starting with the kitchen, where she cleans up whatever disgusting mess Kenny leaves at the table. She scrubs the counters until they’re sparkling, mops the floors, reorganizes the refrigerator, unloads the dishwasher from the night before. Next is the living room, where she vacuums the carpets, dusts all the drawers, wipes each and every appliance with a specialized solution to prevent streaks. Then It’s laundry, and she never mentions the splatters of blood that are sometimes on his dress shirts depending on what kind of day it is. She uses the exact method he uses to wash them until they look good as new, as if he isn’t part of the gang life. 
She finishes her list, looking at Levi, waiting for his nod of approval, which he gives. She’s done a decent job so far; in fact, his home looks just as tidy as it did when he spent two hours each morning doing it himself. He stares down at his plate, eating the rest of his noodles in silence.
“Mr. Ackerman?”
His jaw clenches at the sound of his name, anticipating whatever she’s about to say. Without looking up, he mutters, “What?”
She clears his throat nervously. “Earlier today, about lunch. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep my boundaries. I hope you can forgive me.”
He senses her gaze on him, but he’s too embarrassed to meet it, slurping the rest of his food without responding. She doesn’t say anything else, leaving it at that. When he’s done, she gathers the dirty dishes and loads them into the dishwasher, starting the cycle. Levi goes into his room, stuffing her payment for today in an envelope, staring at his reflection in the mirror. Just say it. Don’t be an asshole. She doesn’t deserve it.
She waits for him at the doorway, coat and shoes on, ready to leave. He hands her the money, keeping his grip on it when she accepts it. “You don’t have to apologize. I ate it, and it was delicious. So…thank you.” He looks at her this time, wanting to convey to her that he truly means it. 
Her eyes widen, clearly surprised by his sudden change in demeanor. He’s surprised himself; he just couldn’t let her leave thinking she didn’t anything wrong. “I’m sorry,” he adds. “For the way I reacted. I’m not used to people doing things like that for me.” He knows she doesn’t need an explanation from him, but he tells her anyways. 
She smiles. “It’s okay. I’m happy to do it. I prepared another one for tomorrow.”
Nodding, he lets go, watching her slide the envelope into her bag. “Goodnight, Mr. Ackerman.”
He opens the door for her. “Levi. You can call me Levi. It makes me feel old when you call me that. We’re around the same age, right?”
She giggles, making his chest swell. “Right. Well then, goodnight Levi.”
He waits until she disappears into the distance, heading to the nearby train station. With the door shut, he leans against it, sighing heavily, his heart beating rapidly.
This is bad. 
On the third month of working as a housekeeper and cook for Levi Ackerman, something extraordinary happens. 
You’ve gotten more cordial with each other in the past few weeks, ever since you began making lunches for him on a regular basis. You know he isn’t picky when it comes to food, but you’ve noticed subtle differences when he thanks you for the meal, which he always does now. If it ends in a simple thanks, you know that it was ordinary. If he adds in a compliment, you know that he really likes it. So, you cook more of the foods that he particularly enjoys. 
You’re still getting used to calling him by his first name. It still sounds foreign out of your mouth, almost like a treasured word you’re only supposed to say on special occasions. You still mostly call him Mr. Ackerman, though he doesn’t seem to mind. 
Other than what you see of him in the mornings and nights, you have no idea what Levi gets up to the rest of his day. It’s an unwritten part of the deal; you keep your private life to yourselves. And, knowing he’s in the Yakuza, maybe it’s better you don’t know. 
Tonight, you finish cooking dinner before Levi comes home. You cover the pan, keeping the oyakodon you prepared warm until he arrives, all the plates set up on the counter, ready for him. You sit in your usual chair, checking the clock: 8:30 PM, thirty minutes past his usual time. By nine, you start to worry. And by ten, your finger hovers over his contact information on your phone, tempted to call him, to make sure he’s okay. You debate with yourself for several minutes if you should go through with it. You were given this number only to use for emergencies. Would this be considered one? Surely, he has an entire team of people who look after him, being the leader and all. Why would he need you, his lowly housekeeper, looking out for him?
Deep down, it’s because you care. You care about him. You want him to be happy. And it’s not because he pays you at the end of the day. It’s because you truly, genuinely believe he deserves it. Even in the short time that you’ve known him, it’s plain to see how miserable he is in this life of crime. Dead eyes, permanent frown on his face, tense muscles from having no moment throughout his day to relax. No one, not even a Yakuza leader himself, deserves to be under this much stress.  
You’re about ready to dial his number when you hear the distinct jingle of keys from the front door. Levi walks in, hunched over with his jacket tossed over his shoulder, big splotches of blood painted on his shirt. You can see it clearly even from the end of the hallway. He doesn’t greet you, doesn’t look at you, as he drags his feet into the living to plop himself onto the couch, sighing. 
“Mr. Ackerman?” you call out, trembling. You’ve never seen him like this before. Is he injured? Or is he the one who did the injuring? Does it matter to you what the answer is? All you know is that you’re concerned about him and you want to be by his side. 
Levi hears her but doesn’t respond. He sinks deeper into the couch, eyes shut, hoping she ignores him, not wanting her to see him in this sorry state. He listens to the sound of her footsteps approaching closer, then feels her sit beside him. With one eye open, he peeks at her, surprised to see her staring at him with genuine concern, a steaming mug of tea in her hands. “Mr. Ackerman,” she repeats.
“What do you want?” he asks tersely. He doesn’t mean for it to come out rudely. Or maybe he does to push her away. He doesn’t want her to witness this vulnerability, this weakness.  
“I brought you some tea,” she answers quietly.
Before he can spit out an argument about how the caffeine will prevent him from sleeping, she adds, “It’s decaf, of course.”
He’s speechless for a moment, unable to come up with a smart response. His heart beats against his chest and he’s not sure what’s happening to him. Is he going into cardiac arrest? Or is this something different? Something good? Too exhausted to maintain the same frigid persona he puts up for her, he relaxes, reaching for her hands to grab the handle of the mug. He grazes her fingers wrapped around the ceramic, lingering for a second longer, then brings it to his lips, blowing air across the surface before taking a sip. It’s hot down his throat, filling his tired body with warmth and comfort. 
He peeks at her once more, focusing on the gentle smile on her lips. “What are you so happy about?” he asks, taking another sip. 
She looks down at her lap, shy now that she’s been called out. “I’m just happy you’re back in one piece.”
He scoffs, displaying his bruised and stained knuckles. “You call this one piece?”
She stares at his hands with terror or fascination, maybe even both. Levi can’t tell. All he knows is that she isn’t flinching away from him like he’s some monster; she leans closer, inspecting it carefully. “Hold on,” she says, standing up to retreat back into the kitchen.
Levi rests his head against the couch, stomach grumbling with hunger. He hasn’t eaten since lunch, and beating the shit out of people takes a toll on him. But the job is done and now he’s home. And for the first time, he realizes how grateful he is not to be alone. 
Minutes later, she returns with a tray, carrying a steaming bowl of oyakodon and two warm towels beside it. She sets it next to him on the couch, kneeling on the floor in front of him, beside his knees. He gulps, suddenly aware at how compromising this position may seem. Though, he doesn’t mind it. He slowly reaches over to grab hold on the chopsticks, digging into the bowl of food to take a bite. It’s warm and soothing in his mouth, exactly what he needed. 
“May I?” She peers up at him, pointing to his other hand, holding the damp towel. 
He’s hesitant at first, aware that she’ll be touching him. This is definitely crossing a line, right? However, the thought of being pampered in this moment when he’s so fucking tired is too enticing to refuse. He stretches his arms out, offering his fist to her. She surrounds him in the soft fabric, rubbing gently between his knuckles, wiping away all the grime from tonight’s violence. His skin is on fire from her indirect touch and he can’t help but wonder what effect she could have on his body if she were actually touching him. 
Skin in pristine condition, despite the temporary bruises, she switches to the other hand once he’s finished with his meal. He watches her in silence, holding back a moan, embarrassed at how much he’s enjoying this. She finishes him off with the second towel, the clean one, giving both hands a little massage. “Is that better?”
He nods, muttering a tired, “Thank you.”
She smiles, gaze flickering to the stains on his shirt. “I can wash this for you tomorrow. Just leave it in the laundry room.”
He nods again, unsure what else to say. She gets up, carrying the empty bowl and soiled towels back into the kitchen to clean up. It’s almost eleven now when Levi flips his wrist to check the time on his watch. Trains stop running by midnight, so he shouldn’t keep her here any longer. “You should head home now. It’s late,” he says, loud enough for her to hear. He stands up, slightly limping towards his bedroom to give her the payment. He slides an extra couple of bills to compensate for working overtime. Noticing how horrid he looks with blood all over him, he strips out of his shirt, thankful none of it seeped directly onto his skin. Without thinking, he rushes towards the front door, where she waits for him in her coat and shoes. 
He hands her the money. “I’m giving you a small bonus today, just in case you’re wondering why there’s more in there.” 
She glances at his chiseled abs before looking down at her feet. Heat rushes into his cheeks, finally aware that he’s shirtless in front of his housekeeper. This is definitely crossing a line. 
“It’s okay, I don’t want the extra money,” she says.
“Take it. You’ve earned it,” he insists.
“I didn’t do it for that. I did it because I care about you. I want to - ” She gazes at him, swallowing hard, afraid to finish her thought. 
There’s a flutter in his stomach as he steps closer to her, eager to hear it. “What?”
“I want to take care of you, Mr. Ackerman.”
It happens so fast that as soon as he realizes it, his lips are already on hers, kissing her passionately. His immediate reaction is to stop because he’s sure this isn’t what she intended. But when she places her hands on his chest, clinging to his bare skin to deepen the kiss, he can’t resist. 
Clothes are discarded on the way to his bedroom. By the time you’re lying flat on his mattress, you’re both completely naked, him on top of you, caging you between his muscular arms. He kisses your figure, from your neck trailing down to your chest, his lips puckered at your nipple, sucking on it until it’s taut in his mouth. One hand travels along the curve of your hips, then the plush of your inner thigh, until he’s pressed to your throbbing clit. “Can I touch you here?” he asks, his voice low and trembling. 
“Yes,” you breathe out, completely enraptured by him.
He flicks your bud with his middle finger, tapping on it until it’s puffy against him. He glides down to your wet slit, collecting your arousal to smear onto your clit, rubbing it faster. Pleasure courses through you as you whine into his mouth, kissing him sloppily. Soon, he slips inside you, pumping two of his fingers in and out of your pussy. You squirm for him, so close to your climax.  
“You like my fingers inside this fucking cunt, huh?” he growls into your ear. He pulls out, stroking your clit with his wet digits. “How about here? You like them on your little clit too, right pretty girl?”
Your tongue lolls out of your mouth, eyes glazed over in a daze. “Yes, Mr. Ackerman. Fuck.”
“Levi,” he grunts, circling your bud. “I told you to call me Levi.” He slips back in, pummeling your pussy while his thumb taps on your swollen core. 
You grab the bedsheets beneath you, clenching it between your fists, bucking your hips towards him, approaching your orgasm. “Coming,” you manage to whimper, unraveling. He slows his pace, riding it out with you until you relax in his hold, spent and blissed out. 
There’s a wild look in his eyes, animalistic almost. He removes himself from you, bringing his wet fingers to your mouth, inching them past your lips. “Taste yourself for me.”
You obey, opening wide for him to swipe your own cum across your tongue. He sticks it further down your throat while you surround him, sucking your slick off. His erection is hard against you, begging for attention. You slide your hand between his thighs, palming at his stiff cock, twitching at your touch. 
“Fuck,” he swears under his breath. You start stroking him, his cock hot and pulsating in your fist. He bucks into your grasp, moaning as you rub your thumb over his glossy tip, making him shudder. “You’re driving me fucking crazy, fuck. Get on top of me. Please. Need to taste you.”
You obey, readjusting yourself to straddle his face, lowering yourself carefully until your pressed to his open mouth. “Just enjoy it, sweetheart. You’ve earned it,” he says before lapping you up greedily. You ride his face, dragging your pussy lips across his flattened tongue, moaning when he puckers around you, suckling on your swelling bud. He’s sloppy and noisy, exactly how you like it. You find yourself unraveling quickly above him, convinced you can come just like this, without him entering you at all. He senses this, grabbing firmly to your ass cheeks, guiding you to rock against him faster. “That’s it, princess. Come for me,” he muffles against your skin, slurping at your leaking cunt. No longer able to resist, you moan loudly, reaching your climax, gushing all over his face. He smacks your ass, licking off every drop of your arousal before removing himself from you. “I need to be inside you. Need to fuck this pretty pussy right fucking now.”
All control lost, you whine, “Fuck me, Levi. Fuck me, please.”
He positions himself behind you, dragging your bottom towards him, rubbing his erection between your ass cheeks. “Think you’ve earned this cock? Think you deserve it?”
You nod frantically. “Yes. I’ve been so good.”
He chuckles, guiding himself inside you, stretching you out slowly as he inches his way deeper. “You’re right. You’ve been very good. You are good. So fucking good to me.” He pounds into you, fucking your sweet spot, chasing that high you’re both so desperate to reach. After a few more thrusts, your pussy squeezes around him, coming once more. He follows with his own orgasm, shooting his load inside you, filling you up with his cum.
He pulls out, rolling beside you, breathing heavily. You turn to your side, facing him, your senses gradually returning. He glances at you and breaks into a smile, the first you’ve ever seen from him. “Don’t look at me like that.”
You grin, scooting closer to nuzzle your nose with his. “Like what?”
His eyes gaze into yours, flickering down your lips. “Like you want to kiss me.”
You inch closer. “Why is that so bad?”
“Because I won’t be able to stop,” he whispers, closing the gap, kissing you.
On her last day, Levi leaves her final payment on the top of his dresser. It’s next to a thicker envelope that she’s collected the entirety of her father’s debt in, ready to hand over to Kenny first thing in the morning. She could have paid it off sooner, a week sooner, to be exact. But she decides to finish the remainder of the month employed as Levi’s housekeeper. She doesn’t explain why, and he doesn’t ask. 
They snuggle together in his bed, ready to sleep after fucking each other stupid just minutes earlier. This is another added part of their routine. Sometimes, she leaves to check in on her mother back home. Other times, she stays the night, which Levi prefers, though he won’t admit it out loud. It’s the best sleep he’s gotten in years.
He can tell she’s on the verge of sleep by the way her eyes flutter closed and how her head falls into his chest, relaxed. His mind is racing with thoughts, so he’s wide awake, wondering what tomorrow will hold. Will she say goodbye to him forever? Is this really over? What will he do when she’s gone?
He realizes his true feelings for her almost immediately after they begin sleeping together. He’s never relinquished control to anyone else before. But for him, giving it to her was easy. Maybe because he knew he could trust her. Though, now with her employment coming to an end, he’s not so sure what to think.
“Levi?” Her soft voice surprises him. 
“Hey,” he whispers. “Go back to sleep.”
She tips her chin up, peering at him. “Not yet. I want to say something to you.” 
He stares at her, confused and anxious, listening. “I care about you, Levi. I don’t want this to stop just because whatever arrangement we had before is over.”
He swallows hard, trying to maintain a neutral expression as his heart races with joy. “So, what then? Do you want to keep being my housekeeper? I already feel weird paying you because of what we do.”
She giggles, shaking her head. “I don’t want to be your housekeeper. I want to be your girlfriend.”
“Yes, Levi. Your girlfriend,” she reiterates, smiling. 
He lets out a small laugh. “That sounds so normal.”
She cups his face, squeezing his cheeks. “Well, maybe Mr. Ackerman deserves a little something normal for once.”
He chuckles, nuzzling into her touch. “So, how is this going to work, then? You being my girlfriend.”
“Well, I’ll get my old job back. And in the meantime, I can move in here so I can still do all the cooking and cleaning.”
“No,” he interjects. “Together. We’ll cook and clean together. Like a normal couple.”
She beams at him. “Alright. Together it is, then.”
He allows himself to smile completely now, pressing his forehead to hers. “Can it really be this simple?” 
“I think it can,” she replies. “It’s worth a shot, right?”
For most of his life, Levi has never had it easy. Thirty years later, he finally has a chance at something normal, something good. Does he deserve it? With her by his side, holding his hand so lovingly in hers, he actually believes it. “Yeah. You’re absolutely right.”
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betasquads · 5 months
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summary: you and Niko became friends quickly when your group got big, and therefore, you collabed with the beta squad. they liked your energy and your friends' energy, and let's say, it wasn't hard for the friendship to form. You and Niko were practically hanging out everyday, and you've always seen him as your friend. That was until fans began shipping you with him, and those thoughts were enough to make you open your eyes and realize he was more than that.
A/N: my first smut ever with one of the beta squad 🤭 IM REALLY WORRIED AS THIS IS REALLY DETAILED. so read at your own risk ! (i have never cringed so much while writing smut)
warnings: really detailed smut
You laugh as you make your way out of the house, "Alright, I think we should definitely go go Nando's for today." You nudge Niko's arms as you walk to his car.
He runs around to open the door for you and you chuckle, it always made you feel that you had a really good friend.
"I can open the door for myself." You narrow your eyes at him.
"I simply know and i simply don't care. If I want to open the door for you, then I'll do it." He shrugs, pointing towards your seat.
You comply and slide in smoothly, and he closes the door, running around to sit in the driver's seat.
"I was thinking of going somewhere else. I'm getting tired of nandos. And you're very well dressed for Nandos, you deserve a higher place than going there." Niko sighs, putting his seat belt on.
You smile at his comment, he was right. You were wearing a tight dress for the occasion, but you did it incase there were paparazzi laying around the area. You always made sure you looked presentable.
"When am I never well dressed? I'm craving for nandos. Those are your favorite. Well besides wagamama, those are your top one. So you can't be actually tired of nandos–" You ramble.
"Fine, fine. Nandos it is." He cuts you off and you grin.
You hum as you scroll through your feed, smiling when you come across the your own post that you had posted yesterday.
Your curious to look at the comments and you view all of them, reading each one by one.
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Liked by niko, johnnycarey_7, and 154,039 others
Y/N Y/L/N : always an opportunity to work with these people ❤️ make sure to check the NDL's most recent as Niko did a banger by bringing all the four of us into one video 😮‍💨
View all 2,097 comments
niko: I made it a banger by inviting you
^ Y/N Y/LN: 🥹❤️
^ nikoandy/nsbiggestshipper: SCREAMING
kingkennytv: y/n and niko have a got a friendship like no other , his comment proves it ❤️
y/nandnikoshipper: just finished it. THE WAY NIKO IS LOOKING AT HER IN THE ENTIRE VIDEO.
^ yungfilly: agreed innit
^ user3939210: they have to be blind because they SOOO like each other.
ajshabeel: this video is just 30 minutes of niko and y/n flirting 🙏🏾
^ niko: this is just not true
^ niko: your breath stinks man you can't be spitting both bad breath AND lies
^ harrypinero: I was there and I could confirm that it's them flirting 100%
^ chunkz: couldn't even invite me so I could be the judge of that 🤦
Another feed appears and you look at the caption that says, "1 minute of Niko and y/n flirting (from the most recent NDL vid.) *LITERAL.*"
You lower the volume as you watch the subtitles, shifting uncomfortably in your seat.
You bite your lip in focus as you decorate the cake and Niko observes the way you were so focused on winning this. You were stood on your shared workstation, Niko and you both had to share one and both Harry Pinero and Aj were working on one. Kenny was going to be the judge.
Everyone was working individually though.
"Oh that looks horror." He says to piss you off and you push him playfully, a flirty smile on display.
"Oh, you so like it. You just won't admit it. I bet you're jealous aswell." You bat your eyes at him and for a second you catch Niko biting his lip while looking at yours.
"Whatever that makes you feel better, schmuck." He says as his lips ghost over your ears.
You push him at his closeness, "You're a creep."
"Did you eat some of the butter cream from mine?" Niko questions and you shake your head.
"No I didn't." You send a side glance at Niko.
"The white cream on the corner of your mouth says otherwise." He says in a low hushed tone.
you're about to wipe it off with your thumb and that's when he takes your hand and places it down, slowly and gently taking it off himself. His thumb lingers on your bottom lip for too long, in which you didn't notice.
He licks the leftover cream from his thumb, making sure you were looking the entire time. The eye contact was far from innocent, Niko's eyes are hooded and yours are just looking up at him 'innocently'.
"What a gentleman." You mock in his face.
"Always at your service." He says in a low, hushed tone.
"Stop flirting, there's like 10 minutes left." Aj interrupts, sighing deeply in annoyance at how the both of them seemed to have some tension going on, but you being clueless, you didn't mean it as flirting at all.
"Me? Flirting with that thing? Yeah, no. Nice try Aje, but you are trying to set me up." You jokingly say but Niko forces a grin, although it did hurt him.
"Crazy, crazy." Niko mutters under his breath as he shakes his head, the forced grin still on display.
"Gal already broke his heart for they started a ting." Harry remarks and Aj laughs, slapping Harry's arm.
You pout sarcastically and go behind Niko, even though you couldn't see as he's way taller than you, but you poke your head to the side. "I'll make it up to you. Let me help you with this horror. You aren't seriously serving this to Kenny looking like this, are you?" You scold him half–heartedly and he stays silent.
He looked nervous as your body was pushed against his back, but you in your mind, it was nothing more than he thought.
"I don't think this is allowed. George– is this allowed?" Aj argues.
"Yes it is allowed." George says calmly behind the camera.
You send a teasing smile to Aj, turning around and adding your own buttercream to his to cover the mess that he had made.
"You're ruining it–" Niko argues just to piss you off, but you cut him off sharply.
"Shut up. It has never looked better." You bite your lip in concentration, Niko's eyes only fixed on you.
You started scraping the edges to make it look smoother, and tried to make it neat aswell.
"Done." You smile. Before Niko could thank you, the time was already up.
Kenny had tasted all of the cakes except yours, it was time for his judgment.
You were nervous, the fans always rooted for you to win each time you appeared on the NDL channel. It felt like your responsibility, even if it was just a video.
Niko must've noticed it, so he leans towards your ears to whisper, "Don't worry, you're definitely winning. Like always." Niko nudges your shoulder softly, a wide, genuine smile on display.
"You think so?" You questioned, your eyes still fixed on Kenny who was currently judging your cake, pointing out that the cake might've been a little overcooked.
"I know so." He reassures you.
After Kenny had judged every cake, he was now taking the decision, "Alright. I was hesitant on two cakes, but I finally made my decision."
You lean a little closer, and Niko leans towards Kenny aswell. You thought it was because he wanted to hear his name, but secretly he jad wanted for you to win.
"The winner is.... y/n!" You smiled so wide when you heard your name, Niko's smile might've been even wider.
"What the hell is he smiling about? He just lost." Aj remarks loudly.
"They're in love. He wanted her to win. It's so clear, man." Harry says defeatedly, disappointed that he didn't win although his cake looked like it was made out of a horror movie.
"Now that is just not true." You squint your eyes at Harry.
"Told you." His lips ghosts over your ears and you move away, giggling as this spot was ticklish.
And the video was now finished. It began replaying from the beginning.
When you went to the comments, they were just fixated on the both of you. They shipped you, and even pointed out the obvious. The obvious that you thought wasn't even there.
You could feel your mouth go dry. Everyone thought that both you and Niko had common feelings for one another. You always viewed Niko as you friend, nothing more.
You look over at Niko who was focused on his driving, your eyes slowly trailing down to his hands that were tightly holding the wheel and the other holding the stick.
You wondered what his large hands could do– what the fuck. You shouldn't be thinking of him like that. He was your friend. But those hands...
You let out a shaky sigh and shift uncomfortably at the feelings starting to appear out of nowhere. This made you really uncomfortable.
"Something wrong?" His voice was hushed as he asks you, and it almost drove you crazy. How have you never noticed how raspy his voice was?
What the hell was going on?
"No, everything's fine."
He puts a hand over your thighs, and you knew to him, that didn't mean anything, "You sure?" He looks over at you for a second and his eyebrows are furrowed deeply in worry.
Your eyes shift from his face to the hand that was on your thigh, your filthy brain began to make up scenarios. His hands were veiny, large, and overall could get the job.
Your body was already getting hot and weak at one touch on your thigh, you knew you were damned as soon as this man gets on top of you.
You hum in response, not wanting to talk. Otherwise you knew a voice crack would occur.
You could feel your eyelids getting heavier and you shake your head to get out of the trance that you were in.
"Alright we're here." You let out a sigh that you didn't know you were holding. You knew you were thankful as now you were going to be in an open place surrounded by people.
You get out the car, not waiting for another second for him to open it for you.
"What'd I say about you opening your own–"
"Yeah shut up. I'm really hungry and I can't waste a second." You come up with an excuse.
"Crazy. You're always eating real good–" Niko teases and began laughing at your failed attempt of hitting him.
"Oh look– a seat by the window!" He points and you both start running for it.
you make your way first which makes him roll his eyes, "I definitely made you win."
"You always say that. You're a liar." You send a smile towards him.
"Good evening, my name is Arthur, I'll be your waiter for the evening. Any starters? Or we'll get right through with–" He says welcomingly, his eyes only on you.
"Yeah, no starters." Niko says a little too aggressive, like he wanted for the waiter to be aware that he was there.
He nods, but Arthur was too lost in looking at your eyes, "Alright. Do you need time to think about–"
"No." Niko cuts him off sharply.
You send a glare at Niko which only makes him rolls his eyes, "Sorry, he's just in a terrible mood. You know, his girlfriend just broke up with him." You say a bit tad dramatically, sending another glare to give an indication to Niko that he should stop doing whatever he was doing.
You place your head over your hand, "Anyway, we'll get our usual, the Full Platter. Right Niko? Or do you want anything else?" You say, a little worried on why he was acting out.
He nods, not daring to say another word.
"Been there. But there will always be a better replacement." The waiter says as he doesn't look away from you. You could feel your cheeks turning red, a small flirty smile displayed on your face.
Niko swallows and looks down at his hands, not liking where this was going.
"So, any drinks? Or sides?"
"Coke zero. And you?" You raise your eyebrows at Niko who sat opposed you.
"I'll have the same thing." He mumbles.
"Alright. Full Platter and two coke zeros. Coming up in 15 minutes." He smiles politely before going back inside.
Niko sunk in his seat and began fidgeting with his hands, "You didn't have to lie. I never had a girlfriend to begin with." Niko mumbles right after the waiter left.
"Well, I'm not letting anyone take a bad image on you. You're a great person. So stop whatever that is that you're doing." You eye him suspiciously.
The two of you had finally finished eating the main in dead silence, which wasn't really common as the both of you always spoke. "Alright. I'll go to the toilet and I'll be back in just a second so we could leave." You felt the need to say so you could break of the awkward silence.
You go up to the sink, placing your bag on a place specialized for bags. You grabbed a tissue, wiping your lips as it had some grease left from the food, and your lipstick was slightly messed up. You smile as you realize you had the entire toilet for yourself as no one was there.
You hum as you wash your hands, and that's when the deep thoughts began to form. Why the hell was Niko acting like that? Why wasn't he speaking to you the entire time you ate? It was confusing, but you just stayed silent for him as he didn't seem to want that option.
You hear someone enter and lock the door lock which interrupts your deep thoughts. You were about to turn around, a little scared on why someone would lock it, but that's when you hear a familiar voice.
"I didn't like how that waiter was flirting with you." Niko states as he makes his way to the sink, washing his hands. You flinch since it was unexpected that Niko would come aswell.
"You scared me."
You furrow your eyebrows once you repeat the words he had said, "It's time I quit being a loner and have someone for my own. Isn't that great?" You smile widely, as you reapply your lipstick.
"You're not hearing me. I don't like him." He emphasizes, taking tissues and drying his hands.
"And I. don't. care. I didn't ask for your opinion Niko. That's what you've been doing my entire life. Is that you drive every man I meet away from me. You have no control over me."
"Why not?" His question was followed by an angry tone. What was going on? Niko never acted out. He seemed pissed.
"Well I don't know mister, maybe because we're just friends!" You say, and you knew it was far from the truth. It was as if you were trying to convince yourself.
What the hell were you and Niko?
He stayed silent for a few, just looking you up and down, which made you shift uncomfortably.
He finally spoke, "We are far from friends. And we both know that." His voice dropped down a few octaves and you could feel your breath being caught by it.
You chuckle nervously, "What are you talking about?" You furrow your eyebrows as you look at him from the mirror of the bathroom.
His eyes scan your entire body and he goes up to you, both arms extending to the bathroom sink. Your eyes are wide and his are hooded, "I see the way you look at me. And i know that you're aware of how i look at you."
He had you trapped and his body was too close.
"Um– what? I– no that– Niko–" Words spilled from your mouth when you weren't aware of what you even wanted to say.
Your chest was moving rapidly from your deep breaths, "Niko?" You turn around, Niko still having both of his arms locking you on both sides.
Ah, now you had gotten the message.
"Are you jealous?" You squinted your eyes at him, the bottom of your stomach twisted with something similar to excitement and mostly, you felt nervous now that you had said it out loud.
"What if I am?" He replied almost too boldly, his eyes hooded. You swallowed, your eyes widening.
He was waiting for you to make the next move. Your eyes shifted from his own eyes to his lips. He did the same, and he dampened his lips and pursues them against each other.
You just wanted one taste. That's all. It won't ruin the friendship, would it?
Both your hands reach to cup his face, bringing his lips to yours. It was one long peck and you disconnected right away. But it didn't seem enough. One taste wasn't enough.
You enjoyed it, you craved it even though it had lasted for 5 seconds. And so did he. His eyes are wide and so was yours and the both of you just knew it.
Youn both needed each other, so fucking bad.
He pushed you up against the wall with some force, letting his hand slip up the bottom of your dress and grab onto your ass with a hard squeeze.
The chill from his cold hands prickled through your entire body, eliciting a breathy moan from your lips. Then his hands slipped upwards, roaming over your hips and waist before climbing up the stretch of bare skin at your back.
You never thought Nikolas Omilana would be craving you. The way his eyes were trying to memorize each part of your curve, it made him look like a hungry man, waiting to feed on its prey. And that made your spine shiver.
You felt the delicate work of his fingers undoing the knot at the back of your neck which fastened your dress. Once it was undone, he helped guide the dress to the floor, letting the smooth satin fabric skim over your skin on the way down.
Then all you were left standing in was a pair of red lacy underwear, and your stilettos, in exactly the same shade of red.
His hands slipped over your body once more, but this time there was no barrier between his skin and yours. His velvety touch travelled over over hips and stomach, before reaching your breasts and stopping momentarily to give them a hungry squeeze.
"y/n," He breathed, surprised, eyes still fixed on your body. "This feels so wrong." He remarks, although he knew damn well he was waiting for this moment, for too long.
Your answer was only a giggle, as you pulled him back into your body, and connected both of your lips in a passionate kiss. Your breasts pushed firmly against his bare chest, and his hands had now slipped into your hair, using his fingers as a vice to keep your head close and your lips intertwined with his.
"It does feel wrong," You pause for a second.
";but thats what makes it feel so right." You say against his lips. He whines at your sentence.
With a quick burst of strength, you flipped your positions so Niko was the one pushed up against the wall. A short grunt fell through his lips as his back slammed into the drywall.
You pulled back from the kiss grinning, finally getting a proper look at his face for the first time. You couldn't help but chuckle as you noticed the smears of red lipstick all over his mouth. His chest is moving rapidly and his mouth is slightly opened in awe, studying every part of your features.
"You've got red lipstick all over your face." You giggled, using your fingers to wipe some of it away.
"Mmm." He mumbled, seizing hold of your waist, and looking deep into your eyes. "You wanna get it all over somewhere else?" He says as he lazily kisses your earlobe, biting it playfully. You instinctively lean backwards, he must've know that you were sensitive in that particular place.
Biting into your lip while his words repeated in your head, You let your hand trail up the inseam of his pants, until you finally reached his crotch. His erection was pushed up against the fabric, hardening even more as your hand skimmed over it. "Mmm hmm." You hummed. "I do."
He hums, pleased at your hand placements. "Perfect." He whispered.
"You locked the door, right?"
He nods eagerly in response.
Then with no warning he scooped you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and carrying you towards the sink.
As soon as you were on the sink, you kicked your heels over the edge and Niko stripped off his pants, leaving him only in boxers, which were now stretched considerably by his stiffened length. He kept his eyes trained on you, and you kept your eyes fixed below his waist. It was hard not to look at it.
As he drew closer to your body, his height made him have an advantage, and you felt weak just by looking up at him the more you knelt down for him. Your eyes met in one of the most intense gazes you'd ever experienced, and you could've sworn you saw his pupils expand, growing into huge black holes.
You swirled your tongue around his tip, keeping your eyes fixed on his. As your tongue circled him, he sputtered out a desperate moan, tilting his head back in pleasure. Mid-moan you pulled away again, letting your dampened lips twitch into a small grin.
"Say please." You demand.
He ground his teeth together, locking his eyes onto you. You flicked your tongue over your lips. He groaned inwardly.
"P-Please." He stuttered politely, his eyes almost closed and desperate.
A satisfied smirk took residence on your lips, but it only lasted a second. Then your head dipped forward, and you took him into your mouth. You felt his grip on your hair pull tighter as you pushed him deep inside of you, allowing him to brush the back of your throat. Then with each inward motion, you took him in a little further, letting him moan a little louder.
Your motions got quicker and wetter, and you found yourself enjoying the growing tension on youe scalp from where Niko was tugging your hair.
He must've noticed, because his eyes were filled with worry for a second, "I'm sorry if im hurting you–"
You shake your head and send him a lustful look to indicate that you were enjoying every moment of this.
But what you enjoyed most of all was the sounds that fell through his lips. God, they made you tingle. Each one loud and desperate. A gorgeous little product of his pleasure.
"y/n, oh God. Oh my– oh." He blurted through a moan, as you finally managed to take a good amount of his length. "You're so good. So, so good. Oh, God."
You look up at him to find him trying to hold the noises, which made you tut in disapproval. Your tut made a vibration against his tip, which makes him let out the moan he desperately tried to hold.
You rub his sensitive inner thigh, "Make more noises for me, baby. Don't hold back, let them out for me." You reassure him.
Your tone with your delicate touch made him whimper, and slowly he releases his bottom lip and began comfortably moaning as loud as possible, just for you.
"Mmmmm, y/n," He says as he grunts, feeling his entire body heating up at the pleasure building inside his lower belly.
Now he was just sputtering words that made no sense, which brought great pleasure to you. He was so lost for words at your work.
"Oh, oh. God, oh God. y/n, I'm so close."
You only managed to go all the way down once more before he released a deep grunt and pulled your head back.
"I wanna finish with you." He says through a breath of moans, tilting your chin upwards so your eyes connected.
Then before you had time to move, he somehow managed to grab you and flip you over, so you were bent over the sink, you could watch every movement Niko made from the mirror.
Then you felt his fingers curl into the waistband of your underwear and slowly tug them downwards. A second later you felt the tip of his dick sliding through the dampness in between your legs, teasing you gently. You dug your teeth into your lower lip to stifle a moan.
He looks at you to get his approval, and once you nodded, in one swift movement he pushed inside of you, causing a sharp burst of pleasure to ripple below your stomach. You couldn't stifle the moan, it came out loud and needy. And there was many more to follow, as each slam of his hips sent a jolt of overwhelming pleasure to course through your body.
His fingers pressed deep into the skin on your hips, helping pull you into him as he thrust hard inside of you, making each movement into a pleasure filled collision. And with each one, you felt yourself edging a little closer to your finish. You didn't know how he did it, but somehow, he hit the perfect spot every single time. It was like his body was made for you.
The mixed sounds of the both of you made echoed in the bathroom sent an unknown amount of pleasure to your stomach.
What made your body feel like it was hot, was the loud noises Niko sputters out. It made you feel like you wanted to listen to this everyday.
With a few more twists of his hips, you felt your nerve endings begin to electrify, the pleasure inside of you now growing so intense that it was unbearable. Then with one more drive of his hips, the tension inside of you released in a perfect burst, eliciting a moan which was broken through desperate breaths.
"You did so good." You hear Niko purr from behind you.
"Your turn." You whispered against his earlobe, which made his breath catch.
Catching your breath again, he groaned with pleasure, gripping onto your waist as pleasure began bubbling inside his lower stomach.
You dragged your thumb slowly down his lower lip, staring right into his brown lustrous eyes.
You make sure to put in effort to help him finish as you moved all the way from his tip to his base. His grip on your waist grew firmer, and his moans grew more frequent. You couldn't help but admire the way his face twitched with pleasure whenever you pushed your hips up. It was like his body couldn't find a way to cope with the feeling that was coursing through him. And you took great satisfaction in that.
With every motion your thighs began to burn more intensely, but you relished in the pain, knowing he was drawing closer to finishing. You could see it in his face. In the way he bit into his lip so hard you thought he might draw blood. Then finally, you heard a deep grunt push through his lips.
Your hips slowed into nothing, and his grip on you loosened. His chest heaved with deep and frantic breaths, and his brow prickled with beads of sweat. For quite a while, the only sound in the room was the rasps of his breaths.
He couldn't even talk.
Both you and Niko sung out one of his favorite song like there was no tomorrow, laughter, flirting, and touching was involved the entire night.
He had stopped infront of your house, getting outside the car with you to make sure you went inside safely.
"Before you go, I have one question." He was nervous, shifting from side to side.
You smile so widely. You had waited for him to ask this question the entire ride home. "What is it, Omilana?"
"Can i be your boyfriend?" His voice cracks slightly as he spoke.
You squint your eyes, like you were in deep thought. "No, bye." You shrug and turn around, which makes his heart sink for a second.
You began laughing, "Of course, dumbass. C'mere." You whisper the last words and pull him to an unexpected kiss.
His eyes widen and closes immediately, enjoying the way his soft lips were pressed against yours. This kiss wasn't filled with any lust, but filled with innocence.
You felt him smile in the kiss, which caused your lips to twitch into a wide smile aswell.
"You're an idiot, do you know that?" He says against your lips.
You give him a few pecks before you responded, "And you're even more idiotic."
"I think that shows how we're fit for each other." He says in-between kissing. You giggle against his lips, about to say something that was on your mind.
He must've known it, because he was the first one to speak, "Shut up and let me kiss you."
You couldn't stop smiling, he was everything you've been looking for.
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jewbeloved · 2 months
stan,kenny and wendy with a ghost s/o? like s/o died in south park (cause,i mean cmon,if you dont have plot armour are you really gonna survive?) and they just kinda haunt sp.they also have similar abilities to damien (flight,telekinesis,teleportation,ect),maybe they even have a human/physical form like him too 😃?
Stan, Kenny, and Wendy with a ghost s/o💙🧡🩷
warnings: Plasmophobia (If you have it)
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh ⚽
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Blud thought he was hearing things because someone kept calling his name and he didn't know where it was coming from.
Stan began to get irritated and demanded whoever was calling his name multiple times to show themselves.
You just now realized that you were invisible to Stan and he obviously cannot see you. So you make yourself visible while making the place around you cold asf.
The gif above is Stan's brief reaction before he jumps back in complete shock.
It took him a while to realize it was you but in the form of a ghost.....
Stan wasn't really close to you at all when you first came to south park. Probably because he didn't even notice you were there.
He did hear about one of the students dying on the news but he didn't think it was you.
But since you're a ghost that death that occurred confirms it was you after all. He feels guilty that he never spoken to you, not even once before you died.
You both started to have a lot of conversations with each other after your first meeting. Stan obviously snuck out during lunch or free time to go talk to you behind the school.
Stan always talked about you to Kyle though. Kyle thought he had a screw loose since Kyle can't even see you.
You like to tease Stan with your powers and scare him a lot. I'd like to think Stan always puffs his cheeks whenever he's angry and you find that cute :)
If physical contact was possible he would be so happy. If you allow him to be able to touch💙💙💙💙
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🍄
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You both already know about each other.
You always remembered the times Kenny has died and comforted him after he regenerates the next day.
But when he heard that you died he was so sad that he couldn't stop crying because you weren't immortal like him so you couldn't come back to life.
That all changed when he started shivering because his room got cold all of a sudden and this woke him up out of his sleep.
He thought that he accidentally left the window open so got up to go look, only for him to find out that it was never opened.
He then felt a soft tap on his shoulder and turned around immediately while flinching.
"Oh for heavens sake Kenny, It's just me (Name)...".
Wait what?
A ghost?
I guess he shouldn't be surprised just by seeing that. He was so happy and relieved to hear that it was just you.
You really came back to see him...well in a ghostly form anyway because you're dead.... Kenny's happy nonetheless!
You both can go back to interacting with each other again! But he's still a bit sad that he isn't able to feel your heartbeat anymore whenever he hugs you. Please cheer him up.
Since Kenny is immortal, you both can literally spend the rest of your lives together forever now that you're here <33333🧡🧡🧡🧡
🩷 Wendy Testaburger 💮
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Like Kenny, you and her have known each other ever since you moved to south park.....or whatever you did in order to get there.
She one day saw that you weren't home at all and she panicked thinking you went missing.
It wasn't until your parents told her that you recently had died (Or if she finds out on her own if you don't have any parents).
You and her had a close bonding relationship and she was devastated to hear the news.
She will wear anything you had left behind before you died (hats, scarfs, etc.)
When she was cleaning out her locker for her next class. She saw a bunch of students running away from the janitor's closet, screaming about how the closet is haunted or something.
Wendy brushed it off as them being weird until Bebe told her that she saw a ghost in the closet. Wendy signed and went to check it out for herself since she trusts Bebe.
She opened the closet door and saw nothing inside.
She was about to go and confront Bebe for lying to her until she saw a ghostly figure that looked exactly like her.
She screamed until you shifted back into your normal self and reassured her that it was just only you.
She couldn't believe it, she always thought ghosts weren't real...how is it possible for someone to be able to see ghosts????
She's going through the five stages of grief right now that she can't even mutter another word out. Eventually she can't escape reality in the end.
She doesn't know exactly what to do now that she is seeing you again as a ghost?? But those tears streaming down her cheeks told you everything you needed to know about how she feels.
You noticed that she was wearing your stuff (If you had any) while you were hugging her.
You kept hugging and comforting her until she stopped crying. Telling her that you would never leave her even in death. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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outrunningthedark · 1 month
Love how people think oliver doesn't like lou because he doesn't share his stuff when
1. They are grown men not children communicating secret message through social media
2. They harrass the living daylights out of oliver and everyone else whenever something not buddie favourable is shared
Pretty sure nobody knew Lou and Kenny were still friends after six years until Kenny confirmed it in an interview (while celebrating Tommy being back...😏), but y'no, if it's not on social media, it doesn't count. The fact that anyone is bothering to try and "prove" why Oliver likes Ryan better shows just how much of a threat they think Tommy/Lou is. If Ryan is fine with Eddie continuing to play the hetero guy who's the true ally and Oliver actually likes what the show is doing with Buck and Tommy or Buck and any other male LI who comes after (if it got to that point)...bye bye Buddie (in canon)!
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kennysboxergf · 10 months
Chunkz’s sister ~ Sharky
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“Downstairs.” Flashed the message on Sharky’s screen. Ominous, but not too far left out of the ordinary for Chunkz. He often sent weird messages that had no meaning for the fun of it.
But then again it could be something serious. Damn this, Sharky really hated when he didn’t know something. He descended the stairs, trying not to speed up or slow down from his normal pace, but now he couldn’t even remember what his normal pace was.
He tripped down the stairs like a mad man and surveyed the room he was entering. Chunkz was standing next to the couch (weird) and his eyes followed Sharky as he entered the room (also weird). Niko was out with George right now, he knew that and didn’t expect him to be here and AJ didn’t come downstairs unless he was needed. Kenny was sitting in the corner of their L shaped sofa, his body folded up to fit into the corner cushions. He refused to look up from his phone, but had no earphones in (even more weird).
This text was definitely not a haha funny text. As he stepped closer to the couch he tried to rack his brain for anything he had done recently. He got the groceries, didn’t post anything revealing and hadn’t fucked anything up honestly. Except… no. 
No he didn’t know about you. Sharky had fought tooth and nail to keep your relationship away from Chunkz, at least until he could slowly ease him into the concept. A man like Chunkz would react horrendously to his friend dating his younger sister. Sharky would know too, he had been there first hand to witness how Chunkz had talked about your last boyfriend, who could say what he would do if he had daily access to the guy his sister was dating. 
With thoughts of you and your relationship with him getting exposed he sat on the couch, trying not to be too stoic. He relaxed his body, trying to play it off cool.
“You got something to tell me?” Chunkz said, face and tone revealing no emotion.
Sharky shrugged and shook his head, trying his best to act confused.
“Kenny here,” Chunkz continued, his manner and way of speaking made it feel like he knew something which ran Sharky’s blood cold. “He told me something very interesting and I was wondering if you had any idea about what it could be?” Sharky watched Chunkz put a wide arm on Kenny’s shoulder. He thought the hold was just a little too hard to be comfortable.
Chunkz smiled, and suddenly Sharky didn’t feel like the Shark in the room any more. Of course Kenny was the weak link. Chunkz definitely knew. And Sharky didn’t know how to confirm that he knew that Chunkz knew.
“I don’t know, maybe he has a new match or something?” Sharky replied, thinking the best way to deal with this situation is to ignore it completely.
“No, it actually has something to do with y/n, you know y/n? My little sister y/n?” All those statements were definitely questions but it did not feel like it. They felt like crimes, and Sharky was about to receive his sentence.
“Ohh, I remember her, how’s she doing?” Nonchalance, nonchalance was the way to go. 
“You. Tell. Me.” Chunkz said, sitting down way too close for comfort and slinging an arm around Sharky’s shoulders. Something he does quite often but this time was different. His touch was harsh, his movements hard. Sharky winced at the contact. 
Out of the corner of his eye Sharky could see Kenny also grimacing, uncomfortable with the situation he had created. Reassuring, wasn’t it?
“H-how would I know?” Sharky replied, stuttering despite his best efforts. 
“Kenny tells me you have been spending a lot of time together recently.” Chunkz said, pulling Sharky in even closer.
“No, not really, I mean I saw her last week at the mall” Sharky said, unsure of how much longer he could keep a secret.
“What did you do?” Chunkz asked, everything about his could be taken as just a friend asking questions but then again, his voice was rigid, his hold tight around Sharky’s body. The heat from his body burned onto Sharky’s and it didn’t help that he was already sweating out of nervousness.
“We uhh..” Sharky tried to shuffle away from Chunkz but was blocked by the end cushions of the sofa. Chunkz noticed the small gap he had created between the two of them and took it as invitation to creep in even closer. “Had lunch?”
“Who else was there?”
Sharky gulped, “no one”
Chunkz nodded in response. And then no one spoke. For a while. Sharky, growing more and more paranoid by the second, spoke up to cover the silence.
“Could you move away?” Sharky said, whispering the words into the room, making them seem less commanding.
“Could you tell me next time you want to date my sister?” Chunkz answered.
Sharky turned to face him with wide eyes. He knew this was coming, he knew he knew but he wasn’t expecting him to come out with it so readily. Part of him was relived they stopped playing tennis with the information.
“Uhhh..” Sharky started, gathering the thoughts in his head to present this information from his side but also keep him brotherly instincts at bay. 
“Let’s walk.” Chunkz said, getting up from the couch and extending an arm for Sharky. Sharky looked around frantically from Chunkz’s hand to his face to Kenny, who was also sitting very still, trying not to bring attention to himself.
“Can’t we talk in here?” Sharky glanced at Kenny, “with witnesses?”
Shark reluctantly extended his hand to meet Chunkz’s, who moved it away before Sharky could grab it. Added embarrassment to the nervousness he was already feeling. He moved the rejected hand to the Sofa and lifted himself off, dragging his feet behind Chunkz as he led the pair of them out the living room.
Ten thousand thoughts ran through Sharky’s head as he stepped through the door, he barely even noticed stepping aside so Chunkz could shut the door. He stood there, staring at his feet.
“So..” Chunkz started, folding his hands over his chest, leaning his weight backwards on one leg.
“So.. wait.. let me just.” Sharky staryed, his speech speeding up “ok so- I can explain gimmeliketwosecondsChunkz” he rambled, raising his hands in a show of acceptance.
“Sharky!” Chunkz yelled, kinda loud so Sharky could hear him through the thoughts running through his head. He also banged the door with his fist to give poor Kenny in the living room a heart attack.
“Listen to me. I’m not angry at you for dating my sister, unless you’re doing it for poor reasons”
“No-no of course not” Sharky interrupted with a shake of his head.
“To be honest with you, out of the mandem you’re the one I would want dating my sister, wallah I would. I know you’re gonna be treating her right”
“Of course, I will, I Am” he replied, a smile growing on his face as he realised Chunkz wasn’t truly mad at him.
“That little stint in there was just to mess with you and Kenny a bit yeah?” Said Chunkz with a hand om Sharky’s shoulder.
“Of course, yeah yeah” Sharky nodded.
“But you gotta answer this truthfully right now, what are your intentions with y/n?” He said, tightening his grip on Sharky’s shoulder.
“Ok bro, honest, I know she likes me, I know I like her, right now we’re just trying something to see where it goes, I don’t have a clue, I don’t know if she does, but with the way it’s going I think it’s going to be a nice part of both our lives, one that we will look back to with joy. I hope that answers your question, I don’t mean any I’ll with your sister, Chunkz, I swear.” Sharky declared. These weren’t things he had said outlays before but saying them felt nice. It felt nice talking to someone about how he liked you. 
Chunkz pulled Sharky in for a hug, squeezing him tight. Sharky returned the gesture. This was the furthest Chunkz was going to get to saying he accepted the two of you and Sharky was going to absorb every moment of it.
They pulled away, and left on their own paths, Sharky had a huge weight lifted off his shoulder and went straight to call you. Chunkz also tried to contact you, spamming you so you would reply. You talked to your boyfriend on the call while also replying to all of your brother’s messages, glad they could sort it out with minimum casualties.
Well, except for poor Kenny in the living room who still hadn’t moved, scared to walk into anything and getting dragged in it.
ya so that was a story worm but then I gave up on it halfway then I forced myself to finish it so I hope it’s alr 🫶
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writingforcuteppl · 1 year
Letting Kenny Free-use You As A Birthday Present NSFW Headcanons
PAIRING: Kenny McCormick x Best Friend Roommate!Reader
SUMMARY: “FREE USE: A fetish where partners are allowed to fuck any part of their partner at any time”
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So you were going down a spiral trying to come up with a birthday present for Kenny since his birthday was in a few days, and you didn’t know what to give him.
Kenny always told you he didn’t want you to get him a present, he didn’t like the idea of you spending on him but you didn’t really care about his opinion.
You usually gave him a significant gift that showed how much he meant to you, but this year you didn’t have any ideas at all.
Until one day, when Kenny left, his computer turned on
You knew it was wrong to be snooping around, but you were desperate to find the perfect gift for him
You went and read his browser history, and what you saw was intriguing. You already knew Kenny had interesting preferences, and his history was just a confirmation of it.
You noticed most of the porn links that were visited in the last days had the phrase “free-use.”
That night you did the research and found out this “free-use” thing was basically letting someone fuck you whenever and wherever they wanted
Then that’s when your idea came. What if, for a week, you let Kenny free-use you? It’s not like the two of you haven’t fucked before, so nothing will really be put at risk.
And the thought of Kenny fucking you whenever he wanted was something you would also like to experience
The day of his birthday, before all your friends arrived at your shared department to celebrate, you gave Kenny an envelope and told him he could open it after the party.
More to his dismay, he accepted that condition.
Of course, his curiosity won over him, and he opened the envelope in the middle of the party. Kenny wanted to know why you told him, and after reading the content, he understood.
“As a birthday present, I will let you free-use me for a week :).”
Kenny felt his pants tighten at the thought. Was this real? How did you know his recent fetish?
Kenny couldn’t care less, the fact that you were giving him this as a present was everything he could’ve asked for.
Now Kenny had a new dilemma. If he told you he wanted to fuck you in that instant, you would find out he didn’t wait for the party to end as you told him, and what if that was enough reason for you to not give him that present. Kenny couldn’t let that happen.
So he exited his room and tried to distract himself, but it was Kenny. Let’s be honest. He’s horny 24/7
Instead of enjoying the rest of the party, he could only think about where he will fuck you. A week where you will let him do whatever he wants. If he wanted, he could be inside your pussy all day long.
Ok, maybe not to that extent, but still, a week fucking all the time he wanted has pure heaven.
When the party ended, Stan, Wendy, Kyle, and Bebe stayed behind to help you and Kenny clean the mess that was left.
When you were almost finished, Kenny grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you to his room. You hadn’t finished closing his door when he already had you pinned over it, holding both of your hands to each side of your head, and you smirked.
“So you’ve read it.”
“You have no idea of all the things I’m gonna do to you.”
Before he could do something else, you heard Bebe and Wendy shouting they were finished, and after telling them you would call them tomorrow and thank them, you listened to the front door shut.
And that’s basically how it started the Free-use week.
During the "free-use" week
Kenny took the free-use thing seriously.
He woke you up, eating you out like you were his last meal, and then proceeded to fucking you.
Making you give him a blowjob whenever he was watching TV or playing video games. Hell, he would even make you suck him off if he was on a call with the guys or if he was at class. He didn’t care.
He also took advantage of the fact that you were having online classes too, and since he wanted to feel his cock inside you but didn’t want to disturb you that much, he told you he wanted you to cockwarm him.
You didn’t fully understand his request at first, but after a brief explanation of the term, you accepted.
Not only because, in the end, it was his birthday gift, but the idea of him just inside you was excellent.
And, of course, after your classes, he proceeded to pin you down on your bed and fuck you until you came at least 3 times.
He also didn’t care if you were showering or preparing food. He just fucked you right there.
But what you liked about all this thing it was that Kenny also made sure you were enjoying it as much as he was.
There were times when some classes required you to turn on your camera, so during those classes, you just gave Kenny a handjob.
What you really enjoyed was all the dirty things Kenny said to you during this week.
Your favorite one being, “I can’t believe even after fucking you restless, you’re still so tight for me.”
Something about the fact that only for him you would ever do this helped him to treasure this even more.
After every fuck, he made sure you were pleased, and he also gave you aftercare.
Even if free use meant fucking whenever Kenny wanted, there were moments when he could see you were tired, so he only asked you to cuddle him, which was really sweet, but still, you ended up doing something sexual after every cuddle session.
It was like the two of you couldn’t get enough of each other
When the last day of the week arrived, you and Kenny took your time; for some reason knowing this was going to be the last time you would fuck so freely made the two of you enjoy it more
It wasn’t as hard and wild as all the time you fucked this week. It was slow and sweet
Kenny washed your body with wet kisses and filled your head with so many compliments that it made you lightheaded
It was almost midnight when the two of you were just lying on his bed, enjoying each other’s presence in silence
“Did you like your present?” you asked Kenny. You already knew the answer but needed to hear him say it.
“I loved it. I’m bummed out it’s finishing tho,” he sighed. You lifted your body and used your arm as a support so you could see his face.
“Well, we’re still within the week. Is there something you wanna do before the week finishes?”
Kenny only wanted to do one thing he didn’t do during the week.
He grabbed your cheek and kissed you on the lips. You could feel his tongue wanting to enter your mouth.
You were surprised at first, but you quickly let him enter your mouth
Kenny moved your body so you could straddle him
You stopped when the two of you were starting to get out of breath, which, to be honest, both of you hated since you were enjoying the kiss.
While you waited for Kenny to say something, you fixed the hair that was falling on his forehead that was also covering part of his eyes.
Kenny didn’t want to stop. For the first time, he was able to have you whenever he wanted without the fear of telling you he wanted you more than a friend and ruining your friendship, and he didn’t want to say goodbye to that ever.
“I don’t want this to be over.”
You also didn’t want it to finish, you knew Kenny pretty well, and you knew he wasn’t referring to only the sex.
“As I said, is there something else you want?” you asked again but changed your word selection this time, hoping Kenny would catch up with what you were implying.
Fortunately, Kenny did understand this time.
“Be mine, please.”
You smiled and only nodded in response
This definitely was Kenny’s best birthday present ever
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n a v i g a t i o n
Kenny’s Birthday Week Celebration.
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
i have another request it goes to my other one about you getting injured how about aew boys reaction to you returning after getting injured 🫶🏼🫶🏼
AEW Stars React to: You Returning From Injury (Part 2/Standalone)
Pairings: Hook x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, MJF x Reader, Dante Martin x Reader, Kenny Omega x Reader, Daniel Garcia x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader
Word Count: 957
Supreme Speaks: heyyy, this was supposed to be out sooner but my internet cut out and my shit erased (not my bad but my bad). thank you @cassiesworldsworld for requesting a part two and for supporting me. I shall upload tomorrow as well. I hope everyone is having a great day and please know that you are appreciated and loved.
Warnings: not proofread (just grammarly), reader pronouns are not specified (gender-neutral)
Taglist: @cassiesworldsworld @wwenhlimagines @triscillal @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Link to Part 1
Your return:
After being out for 1 1/2 months, you were finally given the green light to return to the ring
Even though it was less than 2 months, it felt like two years of being away from the ring
Arriving at the arena, you decide to surprise everyone; so you went straight to a private locker and changed into your gear
For your return, you either run out and help a talent going against the Outcasts or a heel tag team (think of Willow helping Skye Blue or Rodrick Strong helping Adam Cole)
Or you answer an open challenge from a person (male or female) and win the match to the crowd cheering and chanting your name (or make up your own, it’s your world)
When you get backstage, you were met with a smile from your boyfriend and or best friend
Dante Martin:
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He’s feelin a bit bittersweet
It was nice to have someone with him while he was on the shelf; he didn’t feel lonely
But now he feels like gonna be back to square 1
Until you ran up and gave him a big hug (still being mindful of his leg)
You let him know that he never getting rid of you and you’ll always be his person
He smiles and says “Well 1 1/2 person is better than just 1” (get it? Cause he’s still injured so he’s the 1/2 per-)
Posts you on Instagram saying how proud he is of you
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Mans smiling from ear to ear backstage
Gladly picks you up while hugging you
“You’re gonna kill it. I know it”
Still keeps asking you how you feel about your shoulder
Mans wouldn’t say anything to anyone, but everyone could see how happy he is
I think depending on how your return goes, he would go out and establish an on-screen “friendship”
Would definitely celebrate with you afterward
Like Dante, he would definitely post a picture of you in his signature black-and-white scheme
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Posts a tweet confirming your return even though you didn’t tell him (he bribed the doctor to tell him the news)
Cuts a promo and references you
“My best friend/significant other is back, better than ever, better than you, and you know it.”
Will take all the credit for you getting better (to which you throw a shoe at him)
After congratulating you for making your return, he goes right back to roasting you on Twitter and on commentary
Is just pleased that you’re in a healthy position
Is very happy that you’re back and will try to figure out how to get you two in a storyline
If you say no, he will start some drama (will take back the scarf he made)
Eddie Kingston:
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Is EXCITED to see you back; again runs around with his head cut off
Makes a small tweet about you
“Hey @Y/N, nice to see you back…now pay me for taking care of your fragile ass dawg.”
Will still be careful when imitating physical contact (hugs and etc.)
Continues to do almost everything for you out of habit
But he'll say it's because you're still depend it on him (to which you hit up side his head)
Like MJF, he will reference you in a promo (but will actually praise you for your durability and fearlessness)
Playfully will hold this over your head and says that you owe him if he gets injured
Ricky Starks:
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You couldn’t keep the secret and told him that you were returning the minute you found out
Somehow, he managed to pull strings to get you involved with his storyline
He says it’s because he really just wanna work with you
But you know it’s because he wants to keep an eye on you (and to get even closer to you)
“It’s because you’re a child and I need to look after you.”
Still has a lot of your stuff on standby just in case something happens (always check on you to make sure that you’re comfortable)
Hangs your bedazzled cast/brace up in your living room
Daniel Garcia:
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Daniel had a match after your return match/segment
And dancing at the club (just look at Isiah’s last vlog)
Will drag you on what he calls a “comeback tour”; and if you thought he was acting up when you were injured, wait until now
“Dude, it’s only 2 AM…why are you trying to go to sleep?” “-_-“
Is happy that you’re relationship/friendship was strengthened
Now that you are on the road, you were made his permanent road buddy (especially with Isiah being out of action)
“Zay, don’t blame me…blame Y/N, they insisted that I replace you because they have no friends”
Kenny Omega:
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(side note; i need another kenny gif cause this one is causing me to gain more feelings for this man)
When you first appeared and the crowd roared, a smile grew on his face
Was training with you up til you returned (you had to tell him cause essentially he is your boss)
Hugged you tightly and frequently checked up on your shoulder throughout the convo
He’s still scared that you’re not 100 percent
You: Kenny, you don’t need to keep checking on me
Kenny: Yeah, but- I think I see your bone poking through…Are you a zombie?
Will perform your signature move as a nod to your relationship
Does it all with a smile
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sydsaint · 25 days
Evil Jack Perry my little meow meow
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Summary: Double or Nothing night rolls around and reader helps of Tony Khan the best that she can for the night. When The Elite look to target Khan once again during the main event, the reader finds herself face to face with Jack Perry once again.
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Double or Nothing has been one hell of a PPV thus far. The night is winding down to an end and it's time for the last main event of the night, Anarchy in the Arena.
You're sat backstage next to Tony, helping make sure that everything is running smoothly. You notice the slight look of worry on Tony's face as The Elite make their way out to the ring for their match.
"You, ready for this, Tony." You nudge Khan on the arm to catch his attention.
"Yeah, as I'll ever be, I guess." Tony shrugs. "Hopefully Kenny and I managed to put together a good enough team to put an end to all of this nonsense." He adds in a hopeful tone.
You nod in agreement and turn back to the monitors set up in front of the table.
The fight between The Elite and team AEW wastes no time in getting started. Both teams fight all throughout the area, leaving no stone unturned when it comes to creative ways to hurt each other. You and Tony watch the violence unfold from the safety of the backstage area. That is until the fight between Darby and Jack spills into said area.
"Tony! Get up!" You spot Darby and Jack trading blows with reckless abandon first.
You and Khan shoot out of your seats and move out of the way of the fighting men. You stand in front of Tony and watch in horror as Jack and Darby go at it. Darby eventually loses the struggle and is disposed of by Jack for a while. And with Darby taken care of, Jack sets his sights on Tony still standing next to you.
"YN." Jack lays his intense gaze on you first. "Do me a favor, sweetheart, and move out of the way." He asks you.
In any other situation, you'd be enchanted by Jack's manners. But his intense gaze coupled with the ill-intent written on his face makes a chill run up your spine.
"Leave Tony alone, Jack. He's been through enough." You protest and stand your ground, confident that Jack won't hurt you.
"YN." Jack replies, his jaw twitching in annoyance. "Move, please." He asks you again and advances toward you and Tony.
Your feet remain set in stone, protecting Tony from Jack's murderous gaze. Jack comes up to you and stares down at you in a display of intimidation.
"If you want Tony, you're going to have to go through me first, Jack." You cross your arms over your chest. "And I know that deep down, you don't want to hurt me." You stare at him.
"You're right." Jack nods. "I don't want to hurt you." He confirms your assumption. "But you are vastly overestimating your ability to be a bodyguard, sweetheart." He adds.
In one fell swoop, you are off of your feet and in Jack's arms bridal style. You let out a gasp of surprise as Jack turns behind him and sets you back onto your feet gently.
"Sorry, sweetie." Jack apologizes for his brashness before turning back around and setting his sights back onto Tony.
You stumble on your feet and take a second to regain your balance. You watch helplessly as Jack stalks toward Tony. You wrestle with the thought of trying to stop him again when Darby rises from his grave and consoles you.
"YN, are you okay?" Darby sets a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"Darby!" You are startled by his sudden presence, but relieved to see him nonetheless. "I'm fine, yeah. But, Tony." You point to your poor CEO being stalked like a wild animal by Jack.
Darby nods and shakes out his shoulders to prepare himself for another brawl. "I've got it." He assures you before taking off toward Jack.
You remain out of the way and watch Darby stomp over to Jack. From this posistion Darby can execute a sneak attack and take Jack out from behind, rendering Jack out of the fight. So what is this sense of dread washing over you all of a sudden.
Before your brain can process what you're doing, you shout Jack's name.
"Jack! Look out!" You shout, clamping a hand over your mouth as soon as the words leave your mouth.
Jack turns around at the sound of you calling his name. The warning gives him just enough to see Darby coming. Jack swivels around and tackles Darby into the table with a loud crash.
Why the hell did you do that?
Jack emerges from the wreckage of the table with a cocky grin. He stands up and is slightly disapointed to find Tony gone. But you're still here for some reason.
"Nice looking out, YN." Jack kicks some debris out of his path and walks over to you.
"I-i-i didn't mean to..." You shake your head, utterly shocked by your actions.
Jack reaches your side and comes to a stop about a foot in front of you. You cast your gaze to the floor sheepishly and shake your head again. Jack's hand comes into view and he places a gentle finger under your chin, lifting your head to meet his gaze.
"Admit it, YN. You're tired of being Tony's obedient little pet." Jack taunts you. "Join me. I know that Matt and Nick would love to have you."
You swallow hard, not trusting yourself to give Jack an answer. But you don't say no. Jack cracks a knowing grin and his hand slides across your jaw. He cups either side of your face and kisses you deeply. Your eyes flutter shut and you hate how good it feels to be in his arms. You hate how adddicting he tastes as he kisses you.
Jack pulls away after a minute and strokes your face with his hand. "Think about it, okay, sweetheart?" He asks you. "It's time to stop worrying about guys like Tony Khan, and time to live for yourself." He playfully nudges your chin one last time before walking off to join back up with his team.
You remain frozen in place, utterly awestruck at everything that is happening to you. You should be worried about a million things right now. If Tony is alright. How Darby is doing. If team AEW is winning or not. But you don't care about any of it. And try as you might, there is only one thing on your mind right now.
Jack Perry.
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livingstonegordo · 3 months
I've been saying I want Eddie to be the last to know, but honestly the more I think about it the more I change my mind. It's Buck's relationship with Eddie that will -potentially- be effected the most by Buck's new revelation but Eddie and Marisol crashing his first date with Tommy is probably going to expedite that conversation.
SO now I'm thinking: Chimney is the last to know.
I don't mean that he's 100% out of the loop- I'm convinced Buddie are something Madney discusses a lot. They're convinced that buddie will end up together long before it becomes a reality.
I mean that Chimney is the last to hear/see the verbal/physical confirmation.
Maddie will probably be the first and out of respect for her brother she would keep it to herself. She loves her brother enough to know this is something that needs to happen at his own pace and would try her very hardest not to bretray his confidence. She might gossip with her fellow dispatchers, but I think with the other members of 118 she wouldn't out him. Maddie can do exactly what Chimney always does with a secret - make not-so-vague references and literally run away when pressed leaving every one confused and amused.
I think it'd been even funnier if Buck just, like, forgets to tell Chim. Or maybe he just assumes Maddie blurted it out to him the moment she got home so he doesn’t think he needs too. Whatever it is, no one mentions to Chim the fact that Buck is dating a guy.
And so, Chimeny, oblivious as he is, doesn't put the pieces together until Buck is literally saying the words or maybe he sees Buck and Tommy be physical in some way, an intimate touch, a kiss, etc. And so Chimeny can have a comical freak out, as Kenny is so amazing at doing, and when he's done he should be like: "Wait, what about Eddie?"
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buddiebitch · 1 month
anon you cannot take that ‘eddie is heterosexual’ quote as proof of anything. 1) up until 7x04, buck was also canon heterosexual. then in the very next episode, he canon wasn’t. 2) up until 7x04, tommy was referred to as buck’s ‘friend’. then in the very next episode, they kissed. i understand taking what the cast say in interviews about characterization etc as canon, they know their characters. but what they say about current and future plot lines doesn’t mean anything bc they’re only going to comment on what is happening right now. right now/in 7x04 under the context of the heterosexual comment, eddie is exactly that. the cast aren’t gonna go blabbing about big future plot lines, especially if that’s something as massive as eddie not being heterosexual. stop taking interviews as hard straight facts that will never change, because that’s just not the case. and the jlh/kenny live comments? be for real, they’re not gonna confirm or deny anything like that in an insta live, especially not the biggest fandom ship that literally brings in new viewers and so much hype. also similar to the heterosexual comment, they are talking about what’s happening in canon right now, not what could be happening in the future.
i don’t really have anything to add to this but it’s facts and i love you anon
honestly i love hearing actors’ opinions on how they’re playing characters and where they think their characters are going but it really doesn’t hold any weight on the show.
i’ve always loved when the actors indicate that they like buddie in interviews or interact with buddie fanart or whatever, but i’ve never thought it actually indicated anything about the show. i just think it’s strange that people are trying to write off vague and possibly misleading interviews as absolute fact. how is anyone actually convinced that they fully know where the show is going at this point, how could you? it’s so weird to insist that we should stop speculating because a few comments might indicate that the show isn’t going that direction, especially when just as many interviews indicate the exact opposite.
okay sorry it turns out i did have stuff to add.
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talktonytome · 1 month
I’m hoping we get a hint or something either through Tim or someone else that Lou will be back next season. I think with the abc instagram following him it’s a hopefully good sign!
I don’t know if they’ll confirm 100% until s8, but based on all the evidence and the way they’ve reintroduced Tommy and set bucktommy up, I have all the confidence he’s here to stay. 🥰 it just wouldn’t really make sense otherwise, especially with the way Tim, Oliver, Lou, and even Kenny have talked about the relationship.
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jewbeloved · 3 months
heyyyy! I saw the thing with Craig with a s/o who has the same powers as Isabella and it was so cute! so I'm asking if you can a one of the main 4 seperatley (I CANT FOCKING SPELL IT) with a s/o (f!reader if you don't mind) who has the same powers, and like what happens in the movie, reader has the mindset that she needs to be perfect, but they help her realize she doesn't need to and kinda goes wild with her powers (again, like what happens in the movie)
thank you so so much if you do this! but either way have an amazing week!
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Sure thing! ^^
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Team Stan with a s/o who can bloom flowers like Isabella✿𖣘ᰔᩚ
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh 🍼
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Tbh he never knew about your powers until you pranked him and his friends while they were playing superheroes.
Cartman cursed you out while Stan was just staring at you in awe. You were planning on showing Stan your powers but you decided to do it in a mischievous way.
He doesn't have much to say except the fact that he really loves your ability. (100% wanted you to be on the freedom pals team after he invited you to come play superheroes.)
"Can you make poison flowers bloom?".
"No Stan I don't wanna kill anyone.... except for the fatass".
Definitely will vomit anytime you make him a gift made from the flowers you bloom.
💚 Kyle Broflovski ✡️
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Just casually waking up in the morning only for him to look out his window and see you doing the family guy death pose on a.....lily flower...?
Rubs his eyes multiple times to make sure he isn't seeing things.
Surprised pikachu face when you created a flower from underneath him and lifted him up into the air.
Doesn't stay surprised for long because he has pretty much seen so many crazy stuff nowadays. He can't muster up the energy to say shocked for too long.
Also thinks your ability is pretty unique and cool! Can you make Cartman's room look like a prison jungle-?
No seriously, what else can you do besides make them bloom outta nowhere? Tell him (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠).💚💚💚💚💚
❤️ Eric Cartman 💅
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Believe it or not he actually had a dream about you having some crazy ass weird ability causing mayhem with it.
You blooming daisy flower prison bars over his door to prank him confirms his dream has came to reality.
Cartman has a bunch of stuff going through his mind so he probably believes in supernatural and doesn't really care that you have the ability to bloom flowers out of nowhere.
Obviously will exploit your powers to rip people off of their money or use it to plot revenge plans on his enemies.
You spoil and put up with his psychopathic devious self. So you indulge Cartman in helping him with his plans to see how far he gets before he screws himself over XD
You and Cartman mess with Kyle for the rest of the week. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 💀
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He saw your ability right after you accidentally impaled and killed him by blooming roses that had sharp thorns on them.
Cue you apologizing to him many times the next day he regenerates and tells you it's okay. He thinks your powers are neat! ✨
You showcase all of the flowers you can bloom to him. He might even ask if you could make a vase full of flowers that he can give to his sister. ♥️
Either it's your clumsy summoning or Kenny's bad luck.
But the amount of times this dude has died from being impaled or shot up into the skies and hitting the ground hard from you blooming flowers without noticing Kenny is right there. 💀
Kenny doesn't really mind, at least you always remember his deaths unlike everyone who just forgets he even died in the first place.🧡🧡🧡🧡
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Did I just use "bloom" so many times while writing this? I swear, I'm so insecure about how I write my stories sometimes 😭😭😭😭
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