#but we've only ever seen dad so far
mckitterick · 2 months
What Really Happened During the Atlanta Presidential Debate
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This (very long but deeply informative) exposé of American journalistic failure reveals not only the malice they've shown toward Biden but also their inexplicable gentleness toward the other candidate who'd almost certainly put them all out of their jobs.
Not reported anywhere I've seen is how badly tRump's mind has been failing (perhaps because they're so used to his mental instability) or that he spouted 602 lies in 40 minutes during the debate (perhaps because he's known to have told more than 30,000 lies while he occupied the White House). And we've never seen a full accounting of why Biden was tired that night (as anyone would be, regardless of age, after such a harrowing week).
Rather than talking about the 34-times-over felon's (who's also facing 54 more felonies) horrific performance during the debate, or that tRump's physical and mental health are far worse than Biden’s (who's about the same age, btw), the mainstream press is only talking about how tired Biden was after a grueling week of actual work.
And let us not forget the ableism inherent in mocking a stutterer rather than exposing the other candidate's actual mock-worthy performance - a guy who presents as a malignant narcissistic sociopath and career criminal who’d be unemployable and likely unhoused if not for a $400 million inheritance from his likely-KKK dad, who constantly lies to hide the fact he was born between third base and home, and who's lost more money than he's ever "earned."
Check out the deeply researched article for the full story of journalistic malpractice: X
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dorylinae-supremacy · 8 months
Thinking about an AU where Techno, Wilbur and Tommy are all the harbingers of the actual entire apocalypse and Phil (just some insane guy) decides that those are in fact his kids and starts gaslighting the absolute shit out of them about it.
Rambles under cut!
I wanna try something where they're just more insidious and passive killers than anything else, theyre mostly just biding their time and watching as wherever they're lingering around gets sicker and just starts withering away.
They're a slow moving threat that just can't be stopped and for some reason (because Kristin thinks its funny) Phil just isnt affected by them.
Phil: Oh Techno's always been like that ever since he was a baby Techno: I have literally never met you a day in my life Tommy: Idk man... you have always been like that Wilbur: Oh my death he's actually getting to us
Its a mix of that combined with that "how did he know I was a gemini" meme
Phil: Wil! I brought you some salmon, I know how much you love it! Wilbur: How the fuck did you know I like salmon Phil: I'm your dad silly, of course I'd know :-)
I just think itd be super fun since Phil in this au is literally just some insane dude. He literally lies about their entire childhood but does it so consistently and so realistically that it throws them off guard.
I also have a few ideas where they start referring to Phil as their dad in the beginning as a sarcastic / mocking thing but accidentally just getting themselves even more adopted as they do it.
Phil: Wilbur put on a coat Wilbur: I don't need one! Techno: Go on, Wil. Listen to dad Wilbur: Ugh fine. Only because dad wants it, though
Stranger: Whos this? Tommy: Oh thats our dad. He kinda just tags along Stranger: Aww thats so sweet! You got his nose and everything Tommy: I- wh- no he's not actually our da- Phil: I know he did! Isn't he the cutest, spitting image isnt he? Tommy: You're not my dad! Stranger: Oh someones embarrassed! Phil: Yeah he's going through a rebellious phase right now
Just a mixture of things like that where it starts as calling him it but then accidentally actually giving him parental authority along with that.
I also wanna explore how Kristin and Phils relationship would be like. Maybe her as death being very bemused by this silly human that just decided she was his wife one day.
She literally visits him in dreams and stuff and he just acts as if they're married and have been for years. He complains about their 'rambunctious kids' and how he has to threaten them with her so that they behave sometimes. She finds it so silly and just cant help but play pretend.
Kristin: Hello, human Phil: My love! Its been so long since I've seen you Kristin: We've never met Phil: Oh don't say that! It hasnt been that long. I've just been far too occupied with our boys to visit too much Kristin: Our boys? I made them Phil: And they came out beautiful! I'm so glad Wil and Tech got your eyes. I was hoping they would.
I think that'd be a core part of this AU as well. Everyone is playing pretend but then it just fuzzies and it all becomes real for them. At first its a joke that Phil is her husband and their father but then they get lost in the fantasy and fun of it all and actually accept him as such.
Phil has no ulterior motives either, he's literally just a strange insane man that heard stories about neotrio and started thinking they were his kids one day. He genuinely believes his delusion and they end up accidentally making it a reality.
He just makes lucky guesses and plausible lies often enough that he's still shiny and new, he's still fun to play with and thats what ends up 'tricking' them all.
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Some Much-Needed Downtime TBH
ok I kinda read these species-swap chapters quickly without commenting 2 nights ago bc I REALLY wanted to catch up to the show, and honestly I didn't have much to say? It was a fun showcase of some different species talents, and introduced multiple fun problems for the characters to solve [takes notes in DM]. But it didn't seem to move either plot or characters forward much. Some notes:
Honestly it's surprising that there's only been 1 count of food poisoning so far, when they're trying SO MANY new things. One must credit Senshi's cooking skills!
This might be the single funniest joke so far:
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I've seen multiple posts saying Senshi's elfsona reveals him to be feminine by dwarf standards, and I'm genuinely BAFFLED by that take because it is SO obvious that Senshi's elfsona reveals him to be 1. the Hottest Man You Have Ever Met, and 2. HAIRY. We have seen 0 other elves with facial hair. I dug up that showcase of different elves and 0 of them have facial hair. In the Tolkienien lore from which all modern fantasy, or certainly this sort of fantasy, is derived, exactly 2 elves in the history of the world are said to have had facial hair. Elf!Senshi has a tiny little moustache. Elf!Senshi isn't feminine, he is the HOTTEST, HAIRIEST bear in the metaphorical gay club.
...it's possible that he's more of a himbo than we realize, though.
I don't know what's up with Kensuke and I AM worried that it's being directed by the demon. I want it to be Laios's friend so bad...
It occurs to me that "the winged lion is actually the demon at the root of all of this" is probably the biggest spoiler I've gotten, and I didn't even realize how huge a spoiler it was because I DIDN'T get spoilered for the fact that, so far as the characters know, the lion is supposed to be a helpful god. Don't play with spoilers, kids! Even if you want to read the juicy meta!
This initial fight with the gargoyles is probably my new second-favorite "Laios is really quickly analytical and problem-solving in combat" moment (the living armor fight is still #1). He sees how everyone is failing, prevents more problems as he can, realizes they can't win and puts together what pieces they need to get out. In group social dynamics, he's a mediocre leader at best, but he's a superb combat tactician.
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Laios is just living in his own little after-school special, and I love him for that.
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That first panel is definitely support for the theory that the 50-60yr life expectancy of "short-lived" races like tallmen, orcs, kobolds and halffeet is shorter than it should be, relative to their ages of maturity, because the long-lived races control and hold most of the resources. It's even possible that their ages of maturity SHOULD be even older, but social conditions force them to become "adults" at a younger developmental age than dwarves, gnomes and especially elves!
Panel 3 is Marcille mentally shoving Chilchuck higher on her list of Lives to Extend by Whatever Magic I Can Learn.
I love how the way they figure out that the mushrooms' effects are easily reversible is literally by thinking through the greater social worldbuilding implications of the effects.
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^This is the single most Dad we've ever seen Chilchuck...topped only by that 'carry child like a football' a moment later. Actually, he yeets Marcille a LOT while tall - here, over the jump in the travel montage, with Laios to make a loop for the gargoyle...which I'm dead certain is an indication of how he physically treated his daughters. Those kids got casually, affectionately tossed like salad.
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...okay maybe I did have several thoughts about those 2 chapters.
"[Falin] was much tougher than I was. I hear she and our parents still write to each other" is SUCH a line for painting a picture of Laios and Falin's childhoods, and Laios's feelings on it.
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you can keep your Kabru Wink(TM)s, I am weak only for the Laios Fond Little Smile(TM).
I love how Senshi is still musing on this soul = egg metaphor, and I LOVE how both times now that we've seen Laios genuinely lose his temper, it's because someone was saying "why are you just being excited about eating monsters when Falin is in danger?!", and he's snapping because he is fucking NOT dismissing his sister in favor of eating monsters, he is doing EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER to save her and it just so happens that the only plans with a smidgen of success involve leaning into eating monsters. And by trying to stop him from that, you're stopping him from saving Falin.
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Laios, how tf do you remember the Wink? I'm 99% sure Kabru never once winked in your interactions; I WAS looking for it. Was he just exuding wink energy? (I mean...yes.)
The dramatic irony jokes in this chapter are on POINT. Chilchuck: "There's no way this thing still works" [tram door slams shut on his heels, cars immediately starts moving]. "You won't find a military company in the dungeon" [smash cut to Shuro, Namari and Kabru unhappily leading the Canaries into the dungeon]. Impeccable.
Stopping this one here in preparation for going nuts about implied elf-related worldbuilding in the next chapters!
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afictionalwhor3 · 9 months
Daddy's Little Girl
A/N: Ik this isn't top gun but I was looking through my drafts and thought this was the cutest ever so I decided to post :)
Warnings: Reader and Chris get into a little argument and Chris is a little sad but other than that fluff.
Mob!Dad!Chris Evans x Wife!Mom!Reader
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You missed the days when all Bella could do was babble incoherently in your and Chris' arms. She had recently turned four and you felt like time was going so fast. Too fast. She was more talkative than ever and just as curious. She was always asking questions and learning new words. Bella's new favorite pastime has become interrupting Chris when he has meetings at home.
Since before Bella was born, you knew she was going to be a daddy's girl. Chris has been promising her the world since the day you two found out you were pregnant. If it wasn't for you, she would probably already have an island named after her and a pony. The man could run all of Boston and more, but when his little girl wanted ice cream for breakfast, she got ice cream for breakfast.
No matter how hard he tried he couldn't tell his little girl no. Even when she would come and interrupt his meetings. He didn't have the heart to look into her eyes that reflected yours and say no. Time was always going by so quick and sooner than he'd like to. There's going to be a time when she doesn't come running to him, so while he still can he will always welcome her with open arms. You know how serious Chris' meetings can get, and because he can't say no, you do your best to keep her as far from his office as possible.
Chris was having one of his most intense meetings yet. He had told you of some of the problems they were having with shipping. Product was going "missing", getting stolen on routes, and mysteriously "disappearing". They had been going at it since dawn so you have done your very best to keep Bella distracted all day. You took her to the park this morning, then to your get nails done, then ice cream, until she started to get tired and you had to come home.
After her nap, you had to come up with new distractions. It started with dinner and then watching TV together, and now you and Bella are playing dolls together in her playroom. You had reservations about leaving her alone, but you really needed to pee. It was only thirty seconds. You could leave her alone for thirty seconds, but you knew you'd have to be quick.
"I gotta run to the bathroom Bella. Stay here, don't move" You say and Bella doesn't pay you any mind as she continues to play with her dolls. "Bella Grace look at me," You say and she finally looks you in the eye "Do not leave this room okay?" You say looking at her pointedly as you stand up.
"Yes mama" She says then goes back to playing. You take another look at her before quickly making your way to the bathroom.
All Bella had to do was wait for the bathroom door to click and she bolted out the door. She made sure to stay as quiet as possible while she quickly sprinted to her dad's office. She couldn't help herself. She hadn't seen him all day.
"I don't give a shit about that Grillo! Where the fuck is my product?! It doesn't magically go missing!" Chris says standing up and slamming his hands down on his mahogany wood desk. Grillo was in charge of all the shipping and exports. At this point, Chris was fed up with his b.s excuses. He and his top men had been at this since the sun came up. He hasn't eaten, or seen his wife or his little girl all day and the best they could give him was excuses? Unacceptable.
"Maybe you should calm do-" Anthony starts to say before Chris cuts him off. He could feel the vein sticking out of his neck
"You want me to calm down? We've been going at this all fucking day and we aren't any step closer to figuring out what the fuck is going on! One of our most profitable forms of revenue is falling to pieces! All of you are lucky I don't fucking fire you! I pay you all for what?! So you can sit here and waste my fu-" and it's Chris' turn to stop when he sees the door start to open. He figures it's you and now he gets worried because he knows you would only come in if it was an emergency.
Chris' team looks at the door expectantly when all they hear are giggles. Chris lets out a breath and tries to hide a smile as Bella's curly hair comes into view. Chris hears her laugh and her little footsteps as she runs around the expensive leather furniture to her dad. Chris picks her right up and kisses her forehead while she smiles like it's Christmas morning. Bella lays her on his shoulder pushing her hair out of her face and Chris can't help the own smile that takes over his face. He's spent quite literally all day pissed off and in a bad mood, so seeing one of his favorite girls is definitely already making him feel better.
"Where's mama baby?" Chris asks kissing her forehead. Any rage Chris might've been feeling suddenly dissipated while the most trusted members of the Evans family mob watched on. Almost all of them were used to the soft side of Chris that he reserved for you and his little girl.
"Bathroom. I escaped" She says giggling and Chris sighs just as you come through the door. You look around and Chris can see the worried look on your face.
"It's okay y/n. I got her," Chris says as you see Bella resting in his arms. You walk over and place your hands on your hips.
"Bella Grace I thought I told you to stay put. You can't keep disturbing your dad while he's working." You say putting your hands on your hips.
"It's okay y/n. She came in at the perfect time" Chris says looking at you. You hated when he undermined you like this, but you knew this was not the time or place to bring this up. "Meeting over. All of you get the hell out of here and find the answers I want," Chris says as everyone gets up to walk out. Anthony and Sebastian hang back to briefly talk to Chris and say hello to the two of you. After a few minutes however, they join the crowd and leave. When you look at Bella again she is on the verge of sleeping when Chris says,
"Go lay down. I'll put her in her bed for the night. I'll meet you in the room in a minute" He says kissing you softly before you pull away and make your way to the room. Chris can tell you're pissed at him but for now, focuses his attention on getting Bella in her pj's and in bed.
Getting back to yours and Chris' shared room you fall on the bed suddenly realizing how tired your are. The plush of the comforter welcoming you in. Keeping a wild four year old entertained all day was a lot harder than people sold it out to be. You could feel your eyes starting to drift closed when you hear Chris walk into the room.
"Hey I'm sure you're pissed I didn't do anything about her coming in the room but y/n I really can't say no to her. And she really did come in at a good time because I swear I was about to blow a gasket." Chris says coming to stand in front of you so you sit up.
"That's great Chris but you know I hate when you undermine me like that. Not only in front of the guys, but in front of Bella. It teaches her that she doesn't have to listen to me or anyone because you are always gonna be there to bail her out. I love your relationship with her I really do but it's unfair that I constantly have to be painted as the bad guy when I try to introduce any form of discipline," You express to Chris trying your best not to turn this into a screaming match. Chris gets down on one knee so he's eye level with you.
"I'm sorry y/n I really am. It is never my intention to undermine you I swear to that. It's just when I look at her I see so much of you. It's not an excuse but I can't tell you no either, I never could and I never will. And with Bella, she's only gonna be this small for so long. I can't even believe she's already four. Eventually there's gonna be a point where she doesn't run to me. Where she won't care enough to interrupt my meetings or she'll get too big to jump in my arms. I think I'm so scared for that day I don't want her to have any reason to start any sooner." Chris says looking at you his blue eyes slightly glossy as he looks at you and you sigh. You pull him into you and he wraps his arms around your frame and rests his head on your chest. You use one hand to play in his hair,
"I'm sorry Chris. I honestly never it saw it from your point of view. And I don't want you to think I'm mad at you either, it's just I don't want to be seen as the bad guy all the time cause I'm tryna prepare her for the world. I know you're scared about her outgrowing you but I promise she won't Chris. No matter how old or big she gets, she will always be daddy's little girl. And whenever she needs advice you will always be one of the first people she runs to. I can promise you that Chris," You say as Chris looks up at you. You press a soft kiss to his lips,
"Thank you y/n I really needed to hear that. And I promise to do my best to start trying to enforce rules with her as well. I promise." He says and you smile giving him another kiss.
"Thank you baby. Now when was the last time you ate? It's late and I need to make sure you get something in your system" You say looking at him curiously. Chris picks you up forcing you wrap your legs around his waist and gasp.
"I got a perfect meal right here," He says making you giggle as he lays you higher on the bed and spends a better part of the night pleasuring your body. While you lay soundly asleep on his chest he already has plans in motion for the cook to make all your and Bella'a favorite breakfast foods. Because at the end of the day, he wanted nothing but the best for his two favorite girls.
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
This is totally calling myself out with (why I’m anon 😭), but would you be comfortable doing unexpected pregnancy trope w/ Law. Or just the pregnancy trope in general. I absolutely adore it, but I do know a lot of people don’t/aren’t comfortable with it
Ough i have a request in my drafts that I'm working on that's got a tad more of an angstier spin on this so I'm gonna use this one to give him the happy ending we all hope he'd get :')
[Heads up!: fluff, married!law makes me wanna gnaw my arm off, afab/fem aligned reader, I think Law'd do his best to be a good dad and I will die on that hill]
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Truth be told, Law never thought he'd make it this far. There have been a hundred odds stacked against him, tipped the scales in their favor over his ㅡ and somehow, he's still here.
There are days where he wonders if it's worth it, if he's worth it ㅡ and then he remembers Sengoku's words about Cora's sacrifice for him.
"Don't ever attach a reason to the love you've been given."
He's been loved ㅡ by his parents, by Lami, by Cora. By his crew, his friends ㅡ and you. You, who've been patiently by his side this entire time, fighting for a future that's worth sticking around for.
And now he has it. The metal band around his finger is still new to him sometimes, and he fiddles with it when he's lost in thought, rotating it as the little stones shimmer. It's not anything extravagant ㅡ but neither of you had wanted that.
"Who cares about rocks and the money for them when I have you?" You'd said when he asked, staring at him with such conviction his chest hurt.
"Law?" Your voice brings him out of his thoughts, finding you standing a few feet away from where he'd been zoning out as he stared out the kitchen window over the sink. The house the two of you own is modest, but it suits the two of you and Law still has a tough time accepting the fact that he owns a house now, rather than just a submarine. (For man who's spent most of his life uncertain he'd get a tomorrow, he's settled into domesticity surprisingly well for the most part.)
"You were gone when I woke up," he says by way of greeting, catches the nervous fidget of your arms, tucked behind you as you rock back and forth on your feet. "Where'd you go?"
"Town," you answer and when he frowns, you sigh. "I wasn't there long, and I've never once seen a wanted poster. We're not pirates anymore, you know."
"Can never be too careful," he intones, watches you mouth the words with him in a way that suggests it's far from the first time you've heard him say it. (It's true. He's said it a lot.) "Does it have to do with what you're hiding behind your back?"
"Maybe," you singsong before you bring your arms out from behind you, a neatly wrapped box extended towards him. He blinks, then his brow furrows.
"Did I miss an anniversary?"
"Is it your birthday?"
"Is itㅡ"
"Just open it, Law." There's an undercurrent of nerves to your tone as he takes the box from you, watching him as he sits down at the table to unwrap the thin bow of red ribbon around it.
You wait with baited breath as he sets the ribbon aside, pops the lid off of it ㅡ and pulls the contents out. You know exactly what it is, having spent the last few days trying to come up with the perfect way to tell him.
Law stares at the cloth in his hands. It's small, made of soft fabric and little metal buttons at the bottom, spaced between where two legs should go ㅡ oh. Oh.
And all at once, it clicks.
"You're pregnant?" He doesn't mean for it to sound like an accusation, only that he's aware neither of you'd been really trying yet ㅡ content to take one day at a time, together.
You nod. "I'm way late on my cycle, and given how lousy I've felt recently..." You watch him stand, leftover nerves making you ramble as he approaches. "I mean I know we've talked about kids but haven't wanted to really try yetㅡ"
His arms wind around you, holding you to him gently. There are a thousand thoughts that race through his head, of what-ifs concerning your health, the baby's ㅡ the fear that he's somehow passed on the disease he's long since been rid of.
He exhales against the top of your head, pushes the worries and fears back. He can deal with those later. Instead, he focused on what he can handle right now. "How far are you?"
"Not sure," you answer. "If we go by cycle, a month or so? Could be earlier than that."
His grip tightens. "You're pregnant," he mumbles, almost to himself. "We're having a baby."
You nod, letting yourself cling to him the way he is to you. "You're going to be a dad, Law."
The thought of fatherhood both excites and terrifies him ㅡ what if he's a horrible dad? He knows absolutely nothing about babies beyond what he remembers from when Lami was born, which is hardly much of anything.
"It's okay to be scared, Law." Your voice is soft, whispered against his chest. "I am too. But we'll do this together, okay? We'll be fine."
Law holds you to him, presses his lips to the top of your head as he thinks of the future. You, him, and the little piece of you both, growing inside you.
"Yeah," he finally says. "We'll be just fine."
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR BEST FRIENDS FOREVER *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal action prompts
i never want to know a life without you.
you're a great friend to me.
you mean a lot to me. i hope you know that.
what would i do without you?
don't make me sit on you.
we have too many inside jokes.
i really missed you.
i'm here for you, no matter what.
you can count on me.
wanna hear a dad joke?
you left this at my house.
whatever you need, i'll do it.
that's what best friends are for.
we're friends, right? friends look out for each other.
they thought we were siblings! honestly, i don't blame them.
i really need a friend right now.
could you please come over?
stop making me laugh!
i wouldn't be able to survive this without you.
you can lean on me. i'll be there for you.
i won't just abandon you.
we've been friends for years.
why don't you come over tonight?
let's get a bite to eat. i'm starving.
last one there's a rotten egg!
i call shotgun!
move over! i'm coming in!
you know... you're my best friend.
i trust you more than anyone else.
do you pinky promise?
if you don't stop, i'll tickle you.
i'll bring the snacks!
let's sit at our favorite table.
i've known you since i was five!
they literally can't separate us.
i don't think they've ever seen us apart.
will you be at my wedding?
let's do this together.
of course i remember our handshake.
i don't know how to function if you're not there.
you're the best friend anyone could ever ask for.
do you remember how we met?
stop messing up my hair!
honey, i'm home!
this is basically your house, too.
i really need your help.
i'll be a shoulder to cry on.
if anyone hurts you, they have to answer to me.
you have to carry on without me.
we can do this.
you're the only person who ever really believed in me.
[ handshake ] sender and receiver perform their signature best friend handshake
[ pinky ] sender makes receiver pinky promise
[ steal ] sender steals a piece of clothing (like a hat) from receiver and puts it on
[ cheers ] sender and receiver lift their drink glasses in a celebratory toast
[ game ] sender challenges receiver to a board game
[ laughing fit ] sender and receiver end up in a hysterical laughing fit at a joke the sender made
[ keep away ] sender steals an item from receiver and plays keep away with them, holding it too far from their reach
[ splash ] while swimming together, sender splashes receiver
[ club ] sender and receiver go bar-hopping
[ movie night ] sender and receiver have a movie night complete with snacks, blankets, and lots of pillows
[ console ] sender is deeply distraught, so receiver comforts them
[ cuddle ] sender and receiver cuddle
[ sleep ] sender and receiver fall asleep together
[ toss ] sender keeps tossing items at receiver to get their attention
[ reach ] sender is about to fall to their death, and receiver reaches just in time to catch their hand and save them
[ tent ] sender and receiver attempt to pitch a tent together
[ rescue ] in a dramatic turn of events, receiver shows up in the nick of time to save sender's life
[ costume ] sender and receiver wear matching costumes to an event
[ pillow ] sender and receiver have a pillow fight
[ hobby ] sender and receiver enjoy their favorite hobby together
[ piggyback ] sender gives receiver a piggyback ride
[ treehouse ] sender and receiver hang out in a treehouse
[ notes ] sender and receiver pass secret notes to each other
[ fast food ] sender and receiver visit a fast food restaurant to grab a bite to eat
[ risk ] sender puts their life on the line to protect receiver
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misstrashchan · 1 year
We talk about "show don't tell" in stories, but in podcasts it's impressive when they can do that through the audio format specifically, and one example of this that always sticks with me is in the Silt Verses S1 EP7, It Carries Few It Drowns Many. We're introduced to Paige Duplass describing her daily routine in a life that is seemingly perfect, that she's incredibly lucky and priveliged to have ended up where she is, considering she never thought she would make it this far, and how harsh and hostile the world of the Silt Verses we've seen can be up to this point, for Paige everything seems normal and accepted, with their safe and sanitized gods that are kept as much removed from people's sight as possible.
She has a successful job that pays well, a nice apartment with a beautiful view, etc. This is all undercut with her following up with "this is how you make things worse" referring to her dad messaging and calling her every day asking for money, seemingly the one black spot in this perfect life Paige has built for herself.
One part of her day we do not ever hear her describe however is her drinking heavily after coming home from work each day. But she does. She's opening a bottle every day after work, we hear the popping of the cork and her pouring a glass for herself. It's something conveyed to us only through the audio. This in tandem with her contemplating that despite this life she's built up for herself, the kind of life that one should be content and happy with, it still feels hollow and devoid of purpose, and she's left wondering if this is what happiness and fulfillment is supposed to be.
It gets worse over the course of the next few days when she learns people are going to be let go and sacrificed as the company she works for rebrands and switches from the Bronze Savant to a new god, Crawling in Ecstasy, which includes her friend Vaghn, and she becomes more and more distressed with each passing day, and trying to reason that none of this can really be happening, that it's too crude, that they'd surely do something more elegant, that the company that she works for that's giving her the means for this comfortable life and nice car and free pastries and wellbeing workshops wouldn't do something like this, and if they do it'd only be to the people who really deserved it, the worst of the worst, and they'd do it out of sight, and if it's out of sight they can ignore it, because it's not really happening. (Paige is also drinking before any of this occurs to when she comes home from work each day though)
It's clear that the drinking is part of Paige trying to numb and distance herself from the realities of what this life and the world she lives in is built upon, because it's accepted and considered "normal", and is also a filling of the void and guilt she feels of having all this comfort in spite of this.
And after watching her friend Vaghn be sacrificed and transfigured into a Saint for the Crawling In Ecstasy and immediately killed, she comes home to her apartment, and we hear her popping open another bottle. A pause. And then the smashing of a bottle, the breaking point to which Paige can no longer numb herself to the cruelties and indifferences of this world and her life, that she can't continue on as she is now, as the world is now, and it's so fucking satisfying.
Again, very small part of storytelling in the series for one character in one episode, but I love it nonetheless.
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itsangelicasworld · 19 days
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*・῾ ⁺ Welcome to My Bridgerton Life 🌺 .*
Dearest Gentle Reader, As the new social season makes haste in its arrival, the ton is abuzz with fresh new debutantes sprouting along the marriage mart. Yet, amidst the collection of glimmering rare jewels, one young woman outshines them all. Lady Angelica Sinclair—the only daughter to the Earl and Countess of Ashbourne—has made her grand entrance into society, and is already drawing the eyes of many eligible gentlemen. Whether Miss Sinclair will secure a match worthy of her esteemed lineage or chart a more unconventional course remains to be seen. But rest assured, dear reader, as she navigates the treacherous claws of high society, all eyes will be upon her. I'm literally SOOO in love with this reality. I scripted out a lot of discrimination and such, so this is exclusively a reality where I get to dress up and have messy relationship drama🤭. I also don't have a S/O for this one, so we'll see who I end up with, if anyone
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🦢 ˗ˏˋ ABOUT ME .ᐟ
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NAME : Angelica Isadora Luciana Sinclair
NICKNAMES : Angel, Issy, Lucy
AGE : 20-years-old
LANGUAGES : English, Spanish, French, BSL
PRONOUNS : She/her/hers
ETHNICITY : Black and Hispanic
PERSONALITY : Lively, outgoing, comedic, rebellious, educated, poetic/artistic, open-minded, empathetic, playful, hopeless romantic
HOBBIES : Writing (prose and poetry), acrylic painting, debating, gardening, sculpting, dancing, astronomy, harp, pianoforte
VOICECLAIM : Hayley Atwell
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📜 ˗ˏˋ PARENTS .ᐟ
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My parents are Valerie and Manuel Sinclair, or as society calls them, the Earl and Countess of Ashbourne. They're basically like the Gomez and Morticia Addams of 19th century London🤭. My mom is where I get most of my personality from; she's incredibly free-spirited and intelligent but also very sophisticated. My dad is far more easygoing and is where I got my passion for art from. He's mainly there to offer endless support for his wife and daughter🛐. My family lineage is one of the most well-known and affluent family lines in London, because I'm the main character actually <333
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My family and the Bridgertons have been friends for years, so I have a specific relationship with all the siblings, but for brevity's sake, I'll only list out the important ones and my connections with non-Bridgertons!! GREGORY: Me and him are the same age in this reality, so we've been friends ever since birth. He's so much fun to hang out with. He loves to make me laugh (especially in serious situations), so we're always joking around. I LOVE GREG HE'S GREAT KATE: SCREAMING CRYING I LOVE KATE SO MUCH😭. She's the big sister I never had. We just connect so well, with both of us being very independent and witty. She also offers REALLY good advice BENEDICT: I grew up with two parents who held really high value in art, so it's a no-brainer that me and Benedict connect over that. He's the most unserious person I know asides from Gregory; he's really playful and I love him for it PENELOPE: Pen is a really sweet girl with a big personality. We used to clash heads a lot because of her attitude (not to mention the whole Lady Whistledown incident💀), but after her and Colin settled down, she matured significantly, and our little squabbles died down. We talk the most about literature and poetry, she's very skilled when it comes to writing
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⌛ ˗ˏˋ OUTRO .ᐟ
I'M SO EXCITED TO SHIFT HERE HUHYGTFRG. I'm really looking forward to all the balls and elegant dresses I'll get to wear. NOT TO MENTION THE RELATIONSHIP DRAMA?? I'm gonna turn this whole reality into a soap opera. As always, feel free to send in asks about this reality!! <33
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 *+:。.。 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. . . . . ╰──╮
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Risky Romance: A Series
Risky Romance
Max Verstappen x OC!Wolff x Daniel Ricciardo
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liked by lewishamilton, susiewolff and 182,582 others
mercedesamgf1 the day we've all been waiting for is back! baby boss has returned to the paddock! (to support her father, no other reason ...)
gisellewolff well... maybe another reason
danielricciardo hi, i'm the other reason 🙋
gisellewolff but so glad to be in the paddock with my parents this weekend! rooting for you lewishamilton and georgerussel63!
georgerussel63 carmen and i were so glad to get to catch up about your studies and the prema advances!
lewishamilton always great to see you elle :)
"Papa? I'm going to go visit Redbull," I alert my father, his head rising from the screens he'd been analyzing, glasses half down his nose.
"Just be sure to not bother the team too much. I do not need Christian coming for my head because you're distracting his driver."
"Danny is still reserve," I correct, the fact not a bother to me, but something my father seems to forget often, mentally still in the years of Daniel's hayday.
"I don't believe that's the driver he was referencing," Susie's voice chimes, her lips meeting the top of my head before I stand from my seat in hospitality.
"Suz, we've been over this-" Her brows raise, a look I've seen her give the Academy girls, or Christian Horner when he's running his mouth, and her hands meet her hips. "Yeah, I'm not going to get into this now, I have a feeling I won't be winning this conversation."
Papa's hand meets my shoulder, him having joined the both of us near the doorway, "Smart girl, there is no winning when the other side is Suzie."
Suz just smiles, shakes her head, and laughs. God they're disgustingly in love.
"Lewis, would you mind walking Giselle to Redbull?" Papa's voice is returning, earning the raise of my own brows as the driver makes his way through mechanics and media staff, the ever busy atmosphere being the only thing to slow him.
"Dad that's-"
"Not a problem in the slightest," Lew interrupts, making my father smirk.
In another life, Lewis Hamilton is his son, and I'm the milkman's daughter.
"Papa, there is no reason for one of your drivers to walk me to through the paddock," The attempt to reason rolls off my tongue, glancing around. "I'm sure James here could walk me, right James?" I question, pulling the random engineer under my arm, his lips forming a smirk.
"Of -"
"No, Lewis will do it," Papa interrupts, patting Lew on the back. "Enjoy Redbull, do not cause trouble," He instructs, waving before pulling James away with Suzie on his other side, the poor boy looking scared to death.
"Why is he like this?" I ask the man left beside me, his arm coming around my shoulder and pulling me into his side, starting our trek.
"Because James made a comment about wanting to sleep with you last team meeting and wasn't as quiet as he thought," Lew answers, ruffling my hair as he always does. "George almost kicked his ass."
"George did?" I can't help but laugh, the younger Brit being the most calm and docile person I have yet to meet. "That doesn't sound like Georgie."
"Okay, so maybe it was me, but can you blame me?"
"What is my girl blaming you for?" Danny's voice interrupts our conversation, the walk to Redbull being far shorter than when I was younger.
I can't help but giggle, Daniel's arms pulling me into him as Lew raises his brows, considering if it's worth poor James' life telling Danny the joke. "I was going to sock a Mercedes engineer for wanting to sleep with your girl."
"Lewis Hamilton! Don't make me get Christian to banish you!"
"You're lucky I don't banish you, Wolff," Chrisitian's voice interrupts, eyes showing the insincerity behind his words but as he approaches with Max and GP.
"And with that, I'm going to head back to Mercedes," Lew speaks up, not entirely a fan of the team principle in front of us. "I'll let your dad know that you're in safe hands, Ricciardo, Verstappen, take care of her."
"Always do," Daniel assures, arms squeezing around my hips.
"Thank you Lew, I'll be back for family dinner."
"Family dinner?" Max is the one to question as Christian and GP wander off, the latter giving his driver a smirk. The Dutchman takes their leave as an opportunity to take the few steps between us and and kiss my cheek, fist-bumping Danny before returning to where he had been.
"Mercedes team dinner. We always have one on quali night. Danny comes with if he doesn't have plans. I'm sure you'd be welcome as well, especially if you're our date," I can't help but invite along.
"If I was your date?"
"Our date, yes. Just tag along with Danny and I, you wouldn't mind, right love?" I ask, a smile bright on my face and eyes pouty.
Danny shakes his head, a knowing smile on his handsome face as he looks between Max and I.
I remember when Daniel had first told me about his and Max's "moments of weakness" from before I came around, the nights they had spent together while in drunk stupors.
I also remember asking Danny why he was with me when he so clearly loved Max. It took us a month and a half before I would say yes to being his girlfriend purely because I didn't believe he was interested in me for the right reasons.
But as I've gotten to know Max, I can see the appeal.
Hence inviting him to be our date.
"Please Maxie?" I request, pouty eyes turned on him this time around and his exterior crumbling, a smirk coming to his lips.
Because this isn't that young, awkward man that Danny had met all I met way back when. He's a grown man, older than I am, and there's something in his eyes that suggests he knows why I'm suggesting what I am.
And he doesn't look against it.
"Anything for you, Elle."
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blackstarchanx3new · 8 months
Four Swords Returns Pages 451-455
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The only thing that goes through my head when Dark asks "Would you like too?!"
is the fucking Lazy town meme:
"Have you ever heard the sound of a rubber ball breaking a window?" "Nuh-uh..." "WOULD YOU LIKE TOO!?"
I imagine dude's delivery would be about as manic.
Really long rant about Green and Dark's dynamic under the cut since I had a lot to say XD
Smth I just find very fun is showing off how everyone deals with Dark differently and what actually WORKS. Since so far we've mostly seen failure on actually communicating with this guy in a meaningful or productive way.
Shadow and Vaati escalated with Dark while Green's response is to deescalate and show compassion. Which is smth he chooses to do rather than it feeling obligated...which is a huge difference from Shadow already. More on that later.
Because the difference between Green and Vaati/Shadow is Green is approaching Dark not as this unstoppable entity or spooky mindless curse or purely as some evil guy hurting his team, but as a person.
An unhinged crazy manic but a person. And PEOPLE can be reasoned with...At least in theory.
The second he realized Dark wasn't what he expected (An immature, excitable person who's obviously lonely and apologizes weirdly enough vs what he thought was going to be an entity more similar to Shadow's scheming and cruelty) he shifted gears to work with this situation.
Vaati gave up on properly communicating with Dark and Shadow tries to exert too much control over the situation and gives into the smaller traps like caring what Dark calls him due to Dark's misunderstanding. "Don't call me Dad" "Don't call me Gannon" Shadow fundamentally gets distracted from the main things on the table instead trying to control Dark to his idea of what being a good guy is. And cause Dark knows a lot of it is selfish in nature he ain't up for it. (He isn't willing to apologize to Vio because he's not sorry and the lie isn't worth making himself look good to Vio or Shadow in Dark Link's idea of morality)
When Dark says concerning shit and shows his excitement in very unnerving ways, Green's response is to ask him to calm down and gently push him off him rather than being more physically violent (Even if I think everyone would understand if he DID do that considering Dark's behavior hah.) and feeding back into the loop by panicking and responding negatively verbally.
Like in a twisted way Dark and Green are working on the same wavelength. So this works into why Dark clearly has respect for Green where for Vaati and Shadow he doesn't.
Green: Is consistent. And Dark Link likes consistency.
Like Green isn't being fake around Dark at the moment. He's not being nice purely for self preservation or PURELY because he thinks it'll solve the problem. Green's motives are lining up with his actions. The dude's just nice. He doesn't want to hurt Dark Link knowing he's a person. And if you remember Shadow's motives being selfish or him lying about them is smth that deeply pissed Dark off.
I don't really have a proper conclusion to these thoughts but I'm excited to get deeper into Dark's relationship with the four Links and Link himself down the line.
It's very fun to think about.
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the-torchwood-archive · 8 months
I've been thinking a lot about how GDL is going to portray Ianto's father in Disco.
We've seen him twice so far, firstly in Blind Summit. Although not ever heard, he's pretty awful. Crashing in Ianto's shitty flat, out of his mind drunk and pissing on the carpet. Then in House Of The Dead, where he's a fairly well held together man, although a somewhat angry man. They're two very different portrayals, keeping in mind that HOTD is the only one of the three stories not penned by GDL.
Disco seems like it'll have to use time travel as a plot device, if the plan is to have adult Ianto and his dad meet in the late 80s. I really hope it's not going to be a case of 'Ianto meets his dad and sees things from his perspective. Maybe he's not such a bad guy after all', because its really going to cheapen things if it is.
GDL is good at writing dark stories and stories that expose Ianto's raw nerves and I'm going to be over the moon if this is another one like that. I don't want catharsis. I want it to hurt.
Very much looking forward to the release in May.
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ask-the-royal-absol · 2 months
(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) As Rimi approaching the castle, she gasps of how it looks so beautiful. Upon approaching Hope and King Flint, she smiles.
"Heya! It's nice to meetcha again! I'm impressed of how this place looks... Anyways...ya have a family, right?" now she facing the king "Can you tell some of your stories with Hope? Woulda be interestin' to hear them."
King Flint: Of course I have a family. Everyone in this castle is family to me. They've all helped in running this kingdom and raising Hope. The magmar you see there? One of the best advisors I've ever had. Stan the Hitmonlee? Superb bodyguard. Everyone is considered a part of the family.
King Flint: As for stories about my little girl, I have many! The time she got her head stuck in a bush, the time she almost fell into the volcano, that time she almost lost a race to a slugma. The tales I have about my little chic are endless.
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King Flint: But the embarrassing ones make you, well, you. They're just as important as your successes. Every part of your life develops you into the Pokémon you are today.
Hope: Please spare me the embarrassment.
King Flint: Alright, alright.
Destino: Coward.
King Flint: Oh? Coward, am I? Need I remind you that I'm in an alliance with your family? Or should I tell everyone here about the shower incident? The evolution party? The talent show? What about the-
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King Flint: Let me tell you all about the moment I was most proud of her. It was when she first learned how to write. Now, you can probably see that Hope is one to struggle with certain things due to her lack of arms. To be honest, I never thought it'd be possible. She had to use a scribe for a lot of her younger schooling. You found it frustrating having to have someone write down absolutely everything. One day, she'd had enough. She spent time and effort writing and writing and writing, finding new and more comfortable ways to do it. There were many times you gave up, weren't there?
Hope: Kinda hard to write when you're so behind all of your peers and nobody knew what to do with you.
King Flint: Pretty much. I was told by many of her teachers that she probably would never be able to develop the skill. Legs and feet just aren't designed to do that. She persevered though. I think you were about, what, 12 when you wrote me my first father's day card all by yourself. I couldn't help but cry.
Hope: Cry? You were bawling your eyes out!
King Flint: Hahaha! I suppose I was! I was just proud my little girl had achieved something that no one else thought possible. Sure, your spelling is a bit wonky at times, but I'm still so proud of the progress you've made. Of course, you've still needed your scribe sometimes and we've had to make a lot of adaptations to make things easier for you, but I'm still so proud of how far you've come.
*Destino listened to the kind words Hope's dad said about her. Had they ever received any meaningful praise from their parents? Their dad was one that barely spoke at the best of times. When he did want to talk to them, it was usually about royal duties and doing what's right for the kingdom. Their mother babied them every second she saw them but there was never a time Destino had ever heard anything about how proud they were of them. Was the absol envious of what they were seeing? Maybe a little. What would life have been like if their parents were more supportive of them or even just there for them? For half of their childhood, Destino was mainly raised by the two Bisharps, Roy and Hershel. It was only when they were 10 that their parents decided to take some responsibility for raising them.
Their face turned to a small frown for a second before they quickly corrected themselves. They couldn't show this simple story affected them. Destino wouldn't show any emotions that would make it seem like they weren't in control of themselves and their emotions. Not again. These Pokémon had already seen enough.*
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King Flint: Were you born like that?
*Destino moves in between the King and Rimi, looking at him*
Destino: You mean to tell me Rimbo over here is not supposed to look like that?
King Flint: Well, she certainly ain't like any lycanrocs here.
Destino: Wow, I knew you were weird, Rimbo, but this is on a whole nother level. I just assumed this is what your species looked like. No, turns out you're just some oddball. Couldn't be me. Thank goodness.
Hope: Is there anything wrong with Pokémon who are born looking different?
Destino: Of course not. I definitely don't look like your average Absol. In fact, I'm far better than the average. Flawless even. Definitely better than all of you. Guess I was just born perfect.
*Hope, breathing out a sigh of frustration, gives a small kick to Destino's legs. The absol lets out a little scream.*
Destino: How dare you?!
Hope: Oh, I'm sorry. Your incessant voice is just so unpleasant to my ears. I had to put an end to that. Nice scream by the way. Can't wait for that in the training grounds.
King Flint: Hey hey, now let's stop all that. No need to be fighting here. Save it for a more appropriate time. Hope, you know better. And Prime Destino, perhaps you should hold your tongue for now. You're funny but I don't wanna have anything start whilst I'm here, alright?
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sapphic-agent · 5 months
What a horrible day to have eyes. I go into the anti Aizawa tag and I'm greeted with this.
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You know, I don't even completely disagree about Eri. I love her, but Horikoshi didn't write her well. No one's doubting that. But if we're talking about her trauma not being handled well, she's far from the only case. Not to mention her quirk was the reason as to why she was abused, so the point about her power is irrelevant in my opinion.
(Also, the complaint about her being a "perfect" abuse victim is weird... She's a child. Children usually are perfect victims because they're either completely powerless or their innocence is being manipulated and taken advantage of or both. It's also funny how OP doesn't complain about Izuku too because at least Eri has some form of agency. At least she's allowed to look at Overhaul as her abuser. Izuku is reduced to supporting and validating his abuser's feelings. Why is trauma handled incorrectly in MHA until the minute it comes to Izuku's lack of negative feelings towards Bakugou)
But even considering all of that, blaming her for Aizawa's shortcomings as a character is wrong.
I genuinely don't know where this came from. They don't even have that many scenes together and we've almost never seen him being a "cutesy" dad to her. We hardly ever see him even act paternally towards her, he's mostly seen escorting her and being by her side. If anything, that sounds way more like fanon Dadzawa. And considering a lot of the manga was changed to meet the fans' expectations of certain characters (specifically for Aizawa and Bakugou), if he has been changed into a "cutesy dad," then that's the fandom's fault for perpetuating that trope, NOT Eri's.
But more importantly, complex? Interesting? AIZAWA?
OP is acting like Aizawa's role in the story isn't being whatever Horikoshi needs him to be at the time. Hell, most of his overall dialogue is commentary for telling the audience how they're supposed to feel. Part of the reason Bakugou's behavior is never condemned is because Aizawa is always conveniently placed to shut down any criticism about it and defend him.
You'll also notice that despite challenging "everything Deku's heroism is about in a nuanced way," Aizawa never actually tries to teach Izuku differently. He condemns and scolds him for it but never actually explains what's wrong with his concept of heroism and tries to teach him differently. So what exactly is he challenging? Because Izuku still holds onto his ideas of heroism and Aizawa never tried to correct it even prior to Eri.
So instead of blaming a six-year-old who wasn't even given that many scenes in the story, maybe take a look at your favorite's failings as a character.
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wjhik · 1 year
I'm Not Going Anywhere (Trent Alexander-Arnold) *Smut*
A/N: just so this doenst get too confusing. Y/N has a younger twin and an older brother. She is 25. She has a 24 year old and a 21 year old brother.
Y/N's POV:
Trent and I's families have known each other forever. Our parents got to know each other in college and have been friends ever since. They made it a point to always stay together, moving into the same neighborhood and eventually raising their kids together. I have been able to get on with the Alexander-Arnolds relatively well, but we've never been too close. My brothers are very close with them, having similar interests and being similar ages to all 3 boys. Being around all 7 boys, 4 being my brothers, was a hard environment to grow up in, so when I went away to uni, I was able to really find myself.
I haven't seen my family in a little over a few years. With quarantine and getting stuck in the U.S., far away from my home in LIverpool, and also getting stuck in finals and whatnot, I haven't been able to come back home. I just graduated from law school after getting my bachelors, and my family traveled to come see me for my ceremony. I finally got to go back home, just to find out that my family has a trip to Southern France with Trent and his family. I don't mind, but I was quite looking forward to going back to my hometown.
"Y/N, cheer up. You'll have fun." My mum tries to console me. "Mama, I'm fine. I just don't exactly want to spend my summer with 7 boys who tortured me my entire childhood." I tell her. "Oh, please. I didn't push YOU down the stairs." My little brother says. "You took my KitKat! You deserved it." I tell him. He scrunches my face and sticks his tongue out like a kid, despite being 24, only a year younger than me.
I walk into the beach chalet that my parents AirBNBed for the month. I set my very heavy bags down at the door and sit down on the large couch. I reach for the remote and turn on the T.V. and log into my Netflix account. "Y/N, go pick a room." My dad tells me, walking into the house with his many bags. I quickly walk to him and take his bags from him. I set them down. "Let the boys choose first. I'm sure all of them are fine." I tell him. "Just go choose before Michael and his family arrive" He tells me. I walk upstairs to take a look at the bedrooms. I choose the one that is quite small, but has a large balcony, giving me a chance to smoke in peace. It has ceiling to floor windows and an amazing view. Once I choose, I walk downstairs. "Max, can you help me with my bags?" I ask my twin. "Fuck no. Help yourself." He says. Why do these guys insist on being so difficult?
"I got them." I see Trent standing there, smiling at me. I walk down the stairs and give Trent a big hug. "How've you been?" He asks me. "I've been alright. Missed you lot." I say, hugging the rest of his family. I chat with his mum and dad a little bit, catching up with them and updating them. I'm interrupted by Trent asking me where I'm staying. I grab the bags I can and he grabs the rest and I guide him to my room. "Didn't you get first choice?"  Trent asks, looking at the small room I'm staying in. "It's got a balcony." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Hmm. You're still smoking? Thought you would grow out of it, to be honest." He says. Trent was well aware of my 'wild' lifestyle as a teenager. There had been countless times that I had called Trent after getting far too high or drunk, too afraid of receiving a lecture from my parents or brothers. I laugh at Trent's statement and thank him for helping me with my bags.
Trent and I go downstairs and help our siblings and parents settle in. Evening time rolls around and we're all chilling in our designated rooms. Knock. Knock. Knock. "Yeah?" I say, laying on my stomach on my bed. My door creaks open. "Hey. Dinner's gonna be here in a little." Trent tells me. "Oh. Yeah, alright." We ordered some pizza, all too tired to cook. "You wanna come in?" I ask, getting up. Trent walks in and shuts the door behind him. I grab a pack from my side table along with a lighter. I walk out to the balcony, Trent following behind me.
I cup the cigarette with my hand and light it. I take a puff from it and blow it, in the opposite direction of Trent. "So, where've you been lately?" Trent asks me. I give Trent an update on my life. Him and I spent a lot of time, chatting the sun away. "Hey! Food's been here for a while! C'mon then." Marcell interrupts our conversation. Trent gives me his hand and helps me up. We walk, side by side, to the kitchen table, where our families are taking their fair share of food.
"I am stuffed. I think we're going to call it a night." My dad says, rubbing his stomach. He helps my mom up and they go upstairs, to their designated bedroom. "I think I'm quite tired as well. Goodnight, kids." Mr. Arnold says. His wife follows after him shortly after. "Finally, we can do something fun." My youngest brother who is 21 says. He walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge. He takes out a very suspicious looking brown paper bag. "So, who's down to get shit faced?" He says, taking a smuggled, in secret from our parents, bottle of tequila. "And you guys think I'm the bad one." I say.
"Listen, I'm just saying. Who's to say that Gargamel isn't actually the good guy?" My very intoxicated brother slurs his words. "He killed the smurfs!!" Marcell adds. "What? No one killed anyone. It's a kids movie." Trent says. "But, he has a point! Maybe he's just misunderstood." I chime in. "What is with you and thinking people are misunderstood? First Captain Hook. Now Gargamel." Trent replies, taking a sip of his beer. "Hey, some people just need a little slack sometimes." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"Alright, I'm going to call it a night." Tyler says, following Marcell and 2 out of 4 of my brothers. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired, too. And I think this one has had enough as well." Max says, grabbing my brother and taking him to bed, leaving me alone with Trent. I pick up the bottle off the table and take a large swig out of it. "I've missed you, Mr. Hotshot." I say, being slightly hostile and breaking our silence. "Hey, I didn't leave to go to New York, did I?" He tells me. I ignore him and grab a cig and lighter. "Your mum's not gonna be too happy, you know." He jokes, trying to lighten the mood a little. "You could've called." I tell him, reopening the subject. "Could say the same for you." He tells me, bitterly. "I did! But all I could reach was 'please try again later' or your assistant telling me that you're too busy for me. That shit hurt, Trent." I tell him, the alcohol and tobacco in my system making me open up. "Let me make it up to you." Trent says. "How?"
"Fuck, Trent. That feels amazing." I moan very quietly, struggling to keep my voice down. Whether it was the alcohol in my system or my lack of dick, I let Trent in. I refused to let anyone in after my ex, but I let him in. I've always had a thing for Trent, but I convinced myself it was wrong. I felt as though I didn't know him well enough, or at least that's what I tried to convince myself. I know him well enough to let him eat me out of our family home for the month.
Trent stops his teasing on me, hearing a noise from upstairs. "Let's go to your room." He tells me. I sit up and he helps me put my panties on. Trent is sharing a room with Marcell. I'm the only one that has a room all to myself. Trent quickly shuts the door behind me and presses me against the door. He kisses me and I kiss him back. He moans into my mouth and puts his hands on my waist. He guides me through the room and lays me down on the bed. I take off my clothes as he impatiently unbuckles his jeans. "I can't wait anymore." He says, taking off his underwear. His hard dick springs out and hits his lower stomach. I knew he was big, but never did I think he was THAT big.
I lightly stroke over his tip, collecting some of his precum in my hand, and stroke him. He pushes my hand away and grabs his own dick. He reaches for a condom in his jean's pocket and rolls it on himself. He puts his dick at the entrance of my pussy. "Ready?" He asks me, leaning down for one more kiss. I nod and push up into him. He fully pushes into me and starts moving in and out. "You feel fucking amazing, princess." I feel butterflies in my stomach. Whether that is from the nickname or my nearing orgasm, I don't know, but It feels  good regardless. Trent continues fucking me. I wrap my arms around his neck and start kissing his neck. I move his hands away from the headboard and put them on my lower stomach, he pushed down and my eyes roll to the back of my head, my pleasure increasing. "Wait. Hold on." He says, coming to a complete stop. He grabs a pillow and puts it behind the headboard, muting the sound.
He continues fucking and giving me praises. I suck and lick and bite on his neck as I feel my orgasm approach. I bite down on his shoulder as I cum. He cums into the condom and pulls out. He takes it off and ties it up. He throws it into the garbage and grabs a tissue from the side table. He cleans me up and lays down next to me. I'm laying down, facing away from him. He slings his arm over me. Within a matter of minutes I hear snoring from behind me. I nuzzle back into him and close my eyes.
I open my eyes to see Trent at the foot of my bed, putting on his pants. I blink a few times and rub my eyes. I see him get up and walk towards the door. Is he leaving? "Trent?" I ask him. He looks back at me, nothing in his eyes. "Where are you going?" I ask him. "Y/N, you and I both know you mean nothing to me." How could he say that? After everything we spoke about yesterday. "What?" I say, unable to process this. "You were a good fuck, but nothing more. Besides, why would I want to be with someone like you?" He says. Someone like me. I feel unable to say anything as he walks out of the door.
I wake up in a fit of my tears to see Trent asleep next to me. Unable to calm my breathing, I stand up and walk outside the balcony. I grab my box of cigarettes and lighter I left out here yesterday and struggle to light it due to my shaking hands. I eventually get it lit and take a deep breath of the smoke into my lungs. Trying to stop my tears, I look back at Trent who is supposed to be laying in my bed, but isn't anymore. My eyes go wide as I start crying more. "Hey. Hey. I'm here. What's wrong?" Trent says. He was standing right behind me. He comes up to me and gives me a hug and a kiss on my forehead. "I mean something to you, right?" I ask him. He wipes the tears from my eyes and says, "Of course you do. I wouldn't have done this if you didn't mean anything to me." He's crouching down on the floor in front of me. I let out a sigh of relief and pull him into another hug. "What happened?" He asks me, rubbing my back. "Don't worry, I'm alright. Just stay with me." I tell him. "I'm not going anywhere, princess."
Wattpad: funkyfishfeet
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
Better Boyfriend
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha has been in love with you for years. The only thing preventing her from being with you is your toxic boyfriend, but she knows she can treat you better.
Word Count: 1,477
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Second Person POV:
Arguments between couples are normal, but these were far from the normal couple arguments. He would get mad when food wasn't cooked for him, when you stayed out too late, and especially when you didn't tell him every detail of where you were going.
This would result in verbal and even physical abuse from him. Whether it was calling you lazy, or pulling your hair and slapping you across the face, he would turn around 30 minutes later and tell you how sorry he was and how much he loved you. And you found ways to believe and forgive him because you thought you loved him too.
Your dad, Tony Stark, was skeptical about Hayden. He knew that something was off because you're his daughter and he pays attention to your body language and facial expressions whenever you're around Hayden. But he didn't know the extent of what was happening, so he kept it to himself.
You weren't technically an avenger like your dad, but the team considered you one because you were an inventor like he was, so you spent a lot of time at the compound making contraptions and technology that could benefit the team during missions.
During the time you spent at the compound, you've grown close with the whole team. Clint, Bruce, Thor, and Steve being uncle-figures to you. While Wanda, Natasha, Kate, and Yelena were your best friends. They all thought of you like family and they loved you so much.
Which is why you were currently sitting in the living room, participating in game night with the team to celebrate Kate's first mission as an official avenger.
Your POV:
"Oh come on that's not allowed!" Thor yelled as Peter just 'won' the game.
"You're just jealous that you lost so you don't get to choose the movie for the next movie night." Peter bragged as he relaxed back into the couch with his hands folded behind his head, feeling accomplished.
"We're not jealous, we just don't wanna watch another Star Wars movie for fourth time this month." Kate said as she rolled her eyes.
"Yeah no I swear we've seen like every single one at this point." I agreed as everyone laughed.
My phone then started to blow up with notifications as their conversation about Star Wars continued. I flipped my phone over to look at the screen to see who was texting me. It was Hayden.
"Where the hell are you?!"
"You didn't tell me you left Y/N."
"I want you home right fucking now. I did not say that you could leave."
Were only some of the messages he was sending me. I clicked my phone off and turned it back over, trying to ignore the dings hoping that he would eventually stop.
"Wow sounds like someone really wants to talk to you." Wanda said from next to me.
I just gave her a quick small smile and looked down as the notifications kept coming.
"Are you gonna answer them?" she asked.
"I will later, it's probably just one of my friends. They'll be fine." I told her hoping that she'll just let it go.
That was until my phone started ringing, indicating an incoming call. I knew at that point, there was no letting this go. I picked up my phone and walked into a different room as I answered the call from Hayden.
Wanda's POV:
I could see Y/N's face visibly drop when her phone started ringing. She even looked a little nervous as she got up and left the room.
"Hey Nat have you noticed how odd Y/N's been acting recently?" I asked her as she was sitting beside me.
I knew that Natasha liked Y/N more than friend. She has ever since they met almost 4 years ago. So she was heartbroken when Y/N introduced us to her boyfriend. There were times when Natasha would sit in my room late at night ranting to me about her love for her and I would just listen.
"Have I noticed? How has it taken you this long for you to notice?" she responded.
"I mean I've noticed it before, but I thought it was just me. This is the first time I've brought it up to someone." I told her.
"Almost a month after she started dating that douchebag of hers is when it started." she said with certainty.
I'm not surprised that she knows that because for one, she's a former spy. And two, she's been in love with that girl for 4 years, so she pays a lot of attention to her.
"Do you think if we asked her about it she would talk to us?" I asked her.
"Probably not. If it really does have something to do with Hayden, then she won't want to bring us into it." she said and I nodded understandingly.
Just as she finished her sentence, Y/N came back into the room and started reaching for her shoes to put on. Both Natasha and I could tell she was crying even thought she was looking down and trying to wipe the tears away.
"Y/N are you okay? What happened?" Natasha quietly asked her so she didn't draw any attention to us.
She looked at us as she wiped her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine I just have to go. Hayden wants me home." she said.
Nat and I looked at each other knowing that there's more to the story.
"Actually can we talk to you real quick, before you go." I asked her trying to get her to stay and talk to us about what she's going through.
"Guys I really-" she started but Natasha interrupted her.
"Y/N, please." she pleaded.
She looked down at her phone before looking back up at us, nodding her head.
We all stood up and walked into kitchen. Nat placed a comforting hand on Y/N's back, leading the way.
We sat her down in a chair and thought about how to we should approach this for a few seconds.
"Is everything okay. You know, with you and Hayden." Natasha asked her.
"Yeah everything's great." she quietly said with a small smile that we both knew was fake.
"We only ask because we've noticed you've been acting off recently." I added.
"Really guys I-I'm fine. Can I go now. I really need to get home." her voice was wavering and we could tell she was nervous.
"Y/N if you need help you can tell us. Whatever it is we'll help you." I said.
"I don't need help, I need to leave before-" she started, but interrupted herself.
"Before what?" I asked, but she stayed silent like she was trying to come to with something to say, but couldn't.
"Y/N is Hayden hurting you." Natasha asked, tired of beating around the bush and seeing Y/N so unlike herself.
"What?! No, no he would never. I-I mean sure he gets mad sometimes a-and we argue b-but-" she stopped and looked at us knowing that we weren't buying any of it.
"That's a ton of bullshit. I know he hurts you. Y/N, every time you're around him when you're with us you look just flat out scared. And this makeup-" she started as she leaned forward and wiped her thumb under Y/N's eye, smearing the makeup and partially revealing a bruise under her eye.
"I know you might have hid it well from some people but I care about you Y/N, okay. I notice when something wrong and there was no hiding that from me." she told her softly as her voice started to shake like she was about to cry from seeing the girl she loves like this.
Y/N was at a loss for words. We knew she was scared, but we could only help her if she let us.
"Let us help you, let me help you." Natasha pleaded to her.
"I'm fine and I can help myself." she said, holding back tears as she got up to grab her bag and tried to walk out of the door, but Natasha stopped her before she could.
"Y/N wait-" Natasha said as she grabbed Y/N's arm which made her flinch.
"I- Y/N...You know I would never do that to you-" Natasha told her, speechless yet softly.
"I'm sorry." Y/N said as she turned around to open the door and leave, leaving Nat standing there in shock.
Part 2 coming soon...
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soup-mother · 5 months
this is just me being fucking pissed and won't make any sense but i genuinely fucking despise Australia and our entire cultural identity as a nation. i barely have words.
our culture of militarism and hiding that behind "the Anzac spirit" (fucking joke) and whinging that we keep dying in someone elses war and then signing up for the next one. after ww1 we were straight back into the middle east at the behest of mother England.
massive nation of racist whingers.
STOP JOINING THE ARMY THEN CUNT. you're mad America sucks to be friends with then stop being friends with them. it's not like it'd be better if they were out wars either. stop whining when you fucking volunteered to join our racist fucking army. christ. you had a choice there you could have just not fucking joined the institution that exists to kill people. like you fully cannot get it through your fucking skull that soldiers kill people and joining the army puts you in harms way and a gun in your hands. fuck
or like i can't even stand looking at the eureka stockade flag it's like "aussie union spirit" for the fucking gold rush. fucking settler extraction colony since day fucking one. especially turning it into some fucking patriotic symbol some cunt will fly on a ute next to a "fuck off we're full" sticker.
we're super multicultural so *everyone* can take part in the Australian dream of being a massive cunt, don't you want to feel proud of the country that put your family in a detention centre for years? we've got lamb!
only one female Prime minister ever and every PM has been white btw.
the people who see some of those issues and then just fucking act like it'll be fine if we make a couple changes and become an *independent* asshole settler with a president who can be a white Christian man instead who enforces harsh border policy and keeps supporting fucking wars. fucking hell. can't believe anyone fucking believes this shit what a joke.
i can never find it but that post like "Australian larrakin culture wants to distract you from the fact we're a nation of bloodthirsty bootlicking hyperfascists" lives forever in my mind. fucking literally.
oh btw did you know our cops have their own thin blue line flag? and we have our own "woopsie daisy there's Nazis in the army" scandals? we can be just like the US just with more of a sunburn and more mullets.
oh yea did you know bluey the kids show bluey had an episode where someone's dad was in the army? to make kids feel represented for having army parents? even dog Australia is killing people in far off countries! doesn't that make you feel seen? that even dogs have warcriminal cunts in their family just like your mum and dad?
racist joke of a country that shouldn't fucking exist.
ok i think I've gotten that out of my system. fuck.
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