#but when towa does it i just watch on like ‘oh towa
floofymeow · 6 months
i love towa not in a platonic, romantic or carnal way, but as if he’s the small animal in a tank and I’m the one tapping on the glass trying to desperately get him to look over my way. it’s the joy of watching a tiny reptile wander around while understanding he’s just a silly little guy and I cannot force him to do things but by god i will harass him every step of the way (affectionate). i just want to pick the fleas out of his dirty alley cat (loving) hair and pinch his cheeks and pat the dust off his shoulders (he will stab me and that’s not ok but im fully aware of the risk).
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aayakashii · 3 months
I received a super cute ask requesting a hc of the Jabberwock boys getting a plushie from the MC, but tumblr effed up my post for some reason?? So I'm posting again!
ANON THAT WAS SUCH A CUTE REQUEST AND I LOVED WRITING IT!!! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ Thank you for sending it!! I based each plushie on the animal that's been assigned to their chibis, I hope that's okay!
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How Jabberwock boys react after receiving a cute little plushie from MC
Otonashi Towa – bee plushie
Towa is a little bit confused because plushies aren't a huge part of his life and he never really played much with any.
But receiving anything from you makes him very happy because you're one of his favorite people, so he loves it regardless!!
He loved getting a little chubby bee because bees like flowers and he likes flowers so!! They're basically the same!
Towa likes his new little friend so much that he keeps it on him 24/7, even when he's frolicking in the Jabberwock meadows.
Which in turn makes the plushie all damp and dirty, but please don't be upset!
He tries giving it a bath every now and then, but having fun outside is one of the things he loves the most...
So the fact that he takes your gift with him every single time just means he treasures it a lot!!
He keeps on putting dandelions on the bee though, so keeping it clean is a hard task. But it's all because it remembers him of you! He has no regrets.
Speaking of regrets, be ready to get a teary-eyed Towa handing you the plushie, asking you to sew it back together after some bad encounter with an anomaly from time to time...
He will take a lot more care next time!! He promises!
Shiranami Ren – shark plushie
At first, he's gonna look at you like you grew three heads all of a sudden.
Why would you give him a cute gift like that? Do you want something from him???? Also does he look like someone who likes plushies cmon MC-
Yes. Yes, he does love plushies. And he is absolutely in love with your gift.
Ren will mostly keep his new friend inside his room, away from prying eyes (Haru's eyes, he means).
But after a while, he might stuff it inside his backpack whenever he has an exam or something hard he gotta do, because he considers it his moral support (also it is adorable and looking at cute things is great for your health-)
Mostly, however, they'll hang out together inside his room. Ren will hug it while playing one of his mobile games, and he swears the plushie is giving him a little bit more luck when he pulls the gacha...
After a while, Ren might begrudgingly ask you if you know how to sew little clothes, because he saw online how some people buy tons of clothes for their nuis and he kinda wants to do the same...
Don't laugh though! It took him a whole lot of courage to come ask this of you! He'll kick you out of his guild if you laugh!
Please sew clothes for his shark friend. Ren wants little cosplays of his favorite games and you're the only one who gets him.
Sagara Haru – kangaroo plushie
"Why didn't you tell me you were expecting our kid?! I will take full responsibility, let's get married and take care of him together and–"
"Haru. That's literally just a plushie I sewed for you."
"Haha, I know!! I'm just joking, I'm just joking!! You ARE the other parent, though."
Needless to say, Haru absolutely loves it to death, and he WILL keep making jokes like that forever, even if you two are just friends and never even smooched.
He also takes it everywhere, but mostly because Peekaboo loved the plushie just as much as him and is convinced he is a big brother.
Like father, like son...
Peekaboo insists Haru puts the little plushie right beside him on his baby wrap, just the head peeking out so it can "breathe and watch everything" properly.
With all the hard work Haru does, the plushie also gets a bit dirty, but he cleans it thoroughly almost everyday! Can't have his youngest son dirty, right?
Haru lets Peekaboo keep it during the day, but during the night, he takes it to bed with him, on the rare occasions in which he sleeps for more than 3 hours
He loves cuddling his plushie son and might ask you someday to make more friends for it!
Of course, he does that by joking about how you two are ready to expand the family, and how he would like to have more kids. He's just a silly goofy guy like that.
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danieyells · 4 months
After Hotaburi's chapter i was very curious about Zenji voicelines! Can i ask for them, please?
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@yuri-is-online YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT OVERWHELMING ME although I appreciate the concern!! If I get overwhelmed or need a break I just put it aside until I'm ready or have the time and energy and attention span or ideas if necessary haha so no need to worry there 'u' (Also. . .good luck with those fics lolol)
ZENJI IS OUR LAST BOI. Until we get Ed and Lyca anyway. Which will honestly probably be in like. A week or two. Possibly less. I had my suspicions when I first read his that he was a ghost lol knowing he is. . .it gives them a little different feeling I guess haha.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Why, hello there, my dear. Suppose we kick off another swanky day here?"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Come now, read those messages out, won't you? They're fan letters for me, aren't they? ...They're not?"
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"You want to know the meaning of my words? I see— I'll have to give you a lecture on romanticism."
"What's this? Well, it's a biwa, of course. It's a biwa just as you are yourself."
what does that mean tho. . .i mean i get what it means but also it feels like it must mean something. . . .
"Girls, be ambitious... Dream big, my dear."
proud women enjoyer zenji kotodama
"A man who's everywhere but can be found nowhere... That's what it means to be an inspired man of the quill."
i think that's just what it means to be a ghost bby. . . . . . . . . . .
"Heh. There's no doubt about it. Zenji Kotodama is once again the most styling man on campus. These glad rags are the cat's pajamas."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Come now, let's depart in search of something sensational."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh, have you come to see me? This is troubling. I'm afraid I'm out of autographs."
where have you been distributing them. . .?
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What am I doing here? ...I'm people-watching."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ordinarily I ask for write-ins for my advice salon on the World Wide Web...but tonight, I'm taking it out into the field."
i wonder if he's waiting to encounter people who'll be able to see and hear him or if he's just like. . .genuinely ignoring/forgetting/disregarding that he isn't seen or heard. . .or maybe he was ignored a lot in his lifetime too so he doesn't question that people don't respond. . . .
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"The moon is beautiful... I always look forward to passing the hours in conversation with you and Towa on nights like these."
i thought you didn't hang around jabberwock after dark because the dark was dangerous tho. . .maybe if the moon is big and bright he doesn't mind because it's not as dark lolol
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"My folktale videos? I filmed them at Haku's behest, but I can't imagine these old things will capture my fans' hearts..."
based on that the Urashima Taro video has his voice in it but his character story recording doesn't have him or his voice in it(and Haku deliberately tries to make the background interesting because he knows it'll only be the background and biwa sounds,) I think his voice can be recorded but if he's visibly in the recording it won't be captured? That or Haku has recording equipment that can capture ghost voices, but not images???
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"It truly is the age of YouTube. Can you fathom the romance of my artistry spreading to all four corners of the globe?"
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Every tool has its own knack you've got to acquire to use it properly. Behold— my mastery with a fishing pole!"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"This doll here is special. The moment I met him I felt a destiny such that I knew we couldn't be strangers."
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Oh, I didn't mean to give you a fright... I ought to have expected this. A sudden brush with an inspired man of the quill would take anyone's breath away."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Have you got any siblings, my dear? Why no, I don't mean anything by it. Just a little morning conversation."
i can imagine him looking fondly at his doll as he says he doesn't mean anything by it. His sibling isn't one of the most important things in the world to him or anything. He's just making conversation. btw in Japanese he says "morning talk" which sounds an awful lot like "pillow talk" to me and idk how many people would be comfortable discussing their siblings after the deed--
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Are you going to Mortkranken, my dear? ...I see. No, I don't mean anything by it. Are you hurt? I hope you'll take care."
so while it makes sense for Zenji to ask this as he is noted in his profile to be a worrywart, not to mention he died on campus, but also. . .y'know, his brother lives there.
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you. Apparently my footsteps give the general students the heebie-jeebies..."
In Japanese it does clarify that he moves without the sound of footsteps at all because the general students freak out hearing his footsteps since they can't see him
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"A swanky morning calls for a swanky breakfast, and some swanky radio calisthenics."
apparently radio calisthenics are still pretty popular in japan. in any case man are you sure you died like a year ago you sound so old
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Why, Subaru hasn't risen yet. Go ahead and wake him, won't you, my dear? I'll accompany your efforts from here with my biwa."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"A burst of inspiration has taken hold of me... No. The ghost of artistry has possessed my soul!"
okay well be careful with ghosts taking over your soul you don't have a ton left if you lose that--
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"To be a Darkwick student is to greet danger as an old friend... But I hope that Haku and Subaru have a long life ahead of them."
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Zenji Kotodama is a wonderful name, don't you think? A sensational name befitting of my sensational sensibilities."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Trouble sleeping? Then I'll read you a story. How about Urashima Taro?"
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"I was standing by your pillow last night? Horsefeathers, I'd never. I was there the night before last."
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Go ahead and eat. No, don't give me another thought—I'm on a diet, you see. Watching you is enough food for my soul."
you see why i suspected initially that he didn't know he was dead? can you eat at all buddy?? i don't think it's a diet if you've lost the ability to consume food. . . .
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Haku's busy today—film me in his stead, won't you?"
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I've got a little story about a hapless fool of a man... I'm sure it's hardly worth listening to. I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to share it with you?"
the true stories seem like the ones he wants to avoid. . .'a hapless fool of a man's story that isn't worth listening to but i'd still like to share' sounds an awful lot like it must be about him and his life. . . . In Japanese he says 「救いようのない、馬鹿な男の物語さ」 "it's the story of an irredeemable/hopeless, stupid man.". . .who did you hurt, Zenji?
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"To be able to look into your eyes and bid you good night... I'm the luckiest fella for miles around."
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Maybe we did meet too late. But it's all right. I promise I'll find you in the next life."
but. . .but we have this life. . .although this is one of the few acknowledgements he really gives of his own ghostly nature. He wants to be able to live with you. To be tangibly there for you, to touch you and support you, to be able to show you off to others. . .but he can't be recognized. He can't be seen or heard but by a select few, it's only thanks to Haku that he can be seen or heard by you. It's too late for something 'real' now. So he can plan for the future. For the next life. He'll find you when you're both alive and then you can do everything you'd want to do with a real physical boyfriend. He promises.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"In spring, the dawn... Red tinges the slowly paling mountain rim... Ah... These mountain fellas must've been goofy for some doll..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"There is hope buried under the cherry trees... It means that spring is the season of chance encounters."
isn't the like. rumor that cherry blossoms are pink because they dye their petals with the blood of corpses buried beneath them or something? i swear i read that somewhere. apparently it comes from a poem. is hope a body buried under a sakura tree. is that where they buried you, Zenji?
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The cherry blossoms of Hotarubi are ephemeral—they bloom only to be quickly washed away by the rain. But I am rather fond of that way of life."
Zenji simultaneously lives in Acceptance and Denial stages of grief it seems lol
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The beauty of the cherry blossoms under the night sky inspired me to pick up my pen... Oh, it has gotten easier to lift."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Have you seen him!? Who? Why, my doll, of course! This is very troubling. I've got to find him before the boogeymen stir!"
. . .somehow this reminds me of the Jiro dialogue where he's like "if Yuri asks where I am, tell him i went to bed, i'm going out" lol if the doll reminds him of Jiro, it seems to make sense that now and then it wanders off on its own. I wonder where it's going though?
(between 11am and 4pm)
"My ideal summer vacation? I wish to lay down my burdens in the springs of Yugawara and pursue my wordsmithery in peace, as so many greats have done before me."
Yugawara is a hot spring town in Japan! Apparently since the Meiji era people would go there for inspiration and such thanks to the atmosphere
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"This master wordsmith studied by the light of fireflies... I see. Haku! Turn out the lights!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I heard a frightful rumor... Apparently the ghost of a dead student has been spotted around Hotarubi..."
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Fall is the perfect season for a new book, and I have the perfect one for you... From inspired man of the quill Zenji Kotodama, the fruit of his sweat and blood... "Body.""
(between 11am and 4pm)
"A song for you in the season of the arts... From inspired lute priest Zenji Kotod— Wait, where are you going!?"
why is this the one time 'biwa' is translated to 'lute' lol. . .although 'lute priest' does sound way better than 'biwa priest'
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Gauging the literary significance of this video by something as insignificant as views... Horsefeathers, isn't it?"
yeah!!! don't judge your worth by views or follows, zenji!!!
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I've decided to make you the heroine of my next work... A beautiful princess who bites into a poisoned apple and falls into a deep slumber... and seven of you!"
a fascinating retelling of Snow White. . .Snow White And The Seven Snow Whites. . . .
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning, fellas! Time for my biwa recital to color the chill of this frigid sunrise! I call it "Six O'Clock in the Morning.""
(between 11am and 4pm)
"There's a rumor going around that you can hear a biwa playing in the music room when no one's there... I go all the time though, and I've never heard it..."
again. . .that's because it's you. . . .
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The setting sun... The sky dyed purple... Your beautiful profile, obscured... (gasp) I've been struck by inspiration!! My dear, I have to leave you here!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Are you cold? Then let me warm you up... My dear, why are you scooting away? I'll only make you colder...?"
it really seems like he forgets he's a ghost pretty often lmao
His birthday: (June 19th)
"Is this...a birthday present...? (hic) (sob) I'm the luckiest fella around...!"
people don't give him gifts often huh. . .or he's just very emotional. both could be true.
Your birthday:
"I've planned the perfect day to celebrate the miracle of your birth... We'll start with an ode to you, accompanied by my biwa."
he planned you a whole outing or maybe a party! with all day musical accompaniment!! What a sweetheart!!
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year, my dear. I'll be making the first shrine visit with Haku—care to join us?"
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"My dear...is this for me? (hic) (sob) I'll treasure it always...!"
well given he probably can't eat it. . .fair reaction
White Day: (March 13th)
"I'm sorry... I did try to explain that a biwa recital would make a better gift, but Haku insisted I present you with confections instead..."
thanks haku you a real one lmao although music wouldn't be bad just. . . .
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"No, I would never lie to you. An inspired man spins fiction with his quill, not his mouth, after all."
y'know, i love the honesty! you keep making stories and being open, zenji!
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Why, you gave me quite a fright in that getup! What a marvelously queer celebration this is! So this is the legacy of westernization..."
no the marvelously queer celebrations are in june. although halloween is also marvelously queer sometimes--
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Merry Christmas! I've completed a new fairy tale. May my wishes reach the hearts of children everywhere..."
not a gift for you, but for the children! can a ghoul ghost and a human have--
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...And they lived happily ever after. How did you like my new story? I'd love to hear your— What? You weren't listening!?"
(13 affinity and above)
"Can you see me? Phew... You've been so quiet, you had me worried, my dear."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Ah, I'm so relieved you're all right, my dear. I wondered if something had happened on a mission... I'm glad my fears had no teeth."
THAT'S ALL OF EM. He's really. . .he is himself the whole way through huh lol. At the same time when he does acknowledge his ghostliness(and oftentimes he does the exact opposite, simply lacking in self-awareness) he seems a little lonely and regretful. . .I wonder if he was always such a worrywart or if he started worrying more after he died, realizing first hand just how dangerous things could be. I'm surprised how few acknowledgements his doll gets, although I don't think he carries it on the home screen?
I wonder how different his personality was when he was alive. Probably not very different tbh.
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anotherdestinyslave · 3 months
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+18 content, minors do not interact.
character: shiranami ren contains: fem reader, 2.5k words, smut no plot, gamer first touch with a woman lmao, body fluids, face and mouth ejaculation, saliva, orgasm, cunnilinguis, little shyness, little talk.
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It's a somewhat warm night on the Jabberwock campus, you're there because Haru asked you to help Ren take care of Calamari.
Ren, what a big jerk he can be at times. Haru and Towa won't be back until the next morning from their expedition, and you don't know if you're going to be able to survive the night having to put up with someone so stubborn and disinterested. Although Ren certainly has his sweet side from time to time, especially when he does household chores, Ren would never admit it out loud, but performing those small acts of service is his way of being kind, and this is demonstrated once again when without even hesitating or asking, Ren has started cooking dinner for both of them.
"Hey..." You approached Ren a bit hesitantly as he finished serving the ramen he had prepared. "Thanks for making dinner."
He scratched the back of his neck avoiding eye contact. "It's no big deal. It's just instant ramen." He subtly rolled his eyes. No matter what happened, he never accepted a single compliment, and the worst part is that not only did he not accept compliments, but he was rude all the time. It made you nervous.
You ate mostly in silence, Ren surely knew how annoying his comments were, he could tell by your slightly furrowed brow, although he knew you were too polite to want to argue with him over something so small. As you ate, Calamari jumped onto Ren's lap, surprising both of you.
"Woah, don't even think about it." With a face that showed disgust, Ren hesitated whether it would be a good idea to touch the anomaly. Although it completely ignored him and instead, tried to point to Ren's cell phone with one of its tentacles. "Oh, so you want to watch another movie? I'll think about it if you get down." The little anomaly jumped with joy and left Ren alone.
"Another movie?" You raised an eyebrow while smiling.
Ren, realizing that he had revealed his little silly secret, which was nothing more than a show of kindness to the little anomaly, cleared his throat before speaking. "Well, it likes to watch horror movies with me, that way I get it to go to sleep in its cage and leave me alone." You smiled, sometimes Ren could be someone cute after all, and, you really couldn't deny the attraction between the two of you either. More than once you wished to hit him in the same way you wished to kiss him, although the latter was rather scarce as you always ended up arguing over his personality.
When you finished eating, you cleaned up and washed everything, then Ren set up a movie on the living room TV, and, a little embarrassed, he invited you to join him. It was one of those horror movies that he likes, you think the title was something like 'SUPER ZOMBIE MASSACRE 3: MORE BLOOD THAN EVER', you laughed just thinking about it, and it was quite surprising when as it progressed you couldn't decide if the movie was too bad or satirical. Although everything has a limit, for example, your precious sleep, the movie seemed endless, but when you noticed Calamari slowly closing its eyes to sleep on a small pillow that was in the room, you allowed yourself to relax and get more comfortable on the couch, to the point of simply falling asleep without realizing it. The weight of your exhausted body was falling, but before you could hurt yourself and wake up from the impact, a big warm hand caught your head and gently laid it on the couch.
"Tchk." Ren sighed as he turned off the TV and watched you sleep. He took Calamari back to its cage and prepared to head to his bedroom, but he wasn't really sure if it was just curiosity, however he returned to the living room once more just to contemplate you, you fell asleep with your uniform on, and the skirt you had simply slid slightly, showing a little more of your thighs, surely it moved when you fell asleep. Ren swallowed, he wasn't even sure why he was watching you, and he was even less sure when he slowly approached your face, moving your hair behind your ear, exposing your relaxed face, a semblance that he doesn't see often in his presence -he really knew how to get on your nerves-. The tips of his fingers, a bit rough after he started working at Jabberwock, caressed your cheeks slowly, but his thumb stopped at your lips. Ren bit his lips, as if trying to restrain himself from doing something stupid, he sighed and finally moved away from you, intending to let you sleep, although that wouldn't be possible, because his rough hands had awakened you, and when he turned around, his hands were already intertwined.
"Ren..? Where are you going?" You asked sleepily while holding him with your grip. Ren turned to see you startled, a little scared also to think that you were awake.
"How long have you been awake?" The words escaped his mouth, definitely if he didn't want to look suspicious, it was already too late.
Without breaking eye contact, you slowly brought his hand back to your lips. "Long enough to know that you did this." Ren stopped looking at you only to direct his attention to your fingers on your lips once more, almost instinctively he moved his fingertips slowly over them, and looked at you again, waiting for your rejection or some kind of signal to back off, but instead your eyes sparkled, while your heart raced, you opened your lips to say something, but found it more opportune to take Ren's thumb with your mouth, let the actions speak for themselves. Ren took this as a signal to advance, and without hesitating he took his chance to take your face with his two big palms and kiss you. It was a passionate kiss, although he was much more than desperate to touch you. He kept advancing until you stumbled on the couch, he held you and positioned himself on top of you while his hands now wrapped around your waist and squeezed. You let out a sigh when they separated to catch their breath, and a small thread of saliva fell from their mouths, then you took one of his hands with the intention of guiding it to your thighs, but Ren stopped in his tracks, and although the room was dark, you could see the dark gleam in his eyes.
"What do you want me to do?" He whispered in a hoarse voice, denoting need. He wants to hear you say it.
You frowned a bit annoyed, you were a bit embarrassed to speak out loud in a suggestive way, you sighed already nervous and without thinking you said the magic words. "Just touch me already." Ren sighed almost in a moan against the skin of your neck, while he kissed you and his hands ran up your thighs, squeezing them, his hands were so big that he could take your whole thigh with his palm and leave marks while squeezing. His erection became evident and rubbed shamelessly against your thighs. Although Ren was already desperate, he needed you fast, he lifted your skirt and rubbed his erection on your panties, while moaning in your neck.
"God, can I do it?" You could feel a bit of his saliva sliding down your neck, the tone of desperation in his voice, and the warmth that emanated from his hands.
"Ask nicely." You replied while grabbing his hair and pulling him to look at you.
"Let me stick it in, for god's sake." He said in a groan, while waiting for your answer, he caressed your clitoris over your panties, could feel the wetness that indicated that you were wet and ready. You moaned as you tightened his hair and nodded, then with a movement Ren took off his shirt and opened his zipper, quickly lifted your legs to the height of your head, leaving all your intimacy exposed. He lifted your panties almost tearing them in the process, and had to wipe the saliva that escaped from his mouth at seeing you underneath him with your legs open, then decided to do something with it and put his mouth on your clitoris, sucking and letting his saliva lubricate you further.
"Ah! Ren!" You threw your head back in pleasure as your legs trembled, and although you tried to move them or close them you couldn't as Ren held them tightly. He separated, considering that it was enough, and wiped his mouth on your thighs, to which you opened your mouth to complain but were surprised by his penis entering without warning inside you, it slid so easily because of the amount of fluids that it was fast, but his thick penis stretched your walls without warning, causing only more and more moans. He put your legs over his shoulders while sighing.
"God, you're so hot inside." Ren closed his eyes as he whispered moaning, with a thick voice, almost like a growl, but then he squeezed your thighs and began to move inside you, going deeper and deeper, while your moans of pleasure, his heavy breaths, the splashing they made as they bounced on each other's genitals, the thickness continued to surprise you every time he moved with more force, you couldn't believe that something so fat entered and exited so easily from you, and with so many fluids flowing in your vagina the splashing intensified. "I need to finish-" It seemed that Ren was reaching his ecstasy, as he intensified the movements for speed, and closed his eyes tightly, you heard him babble your name between sighs. "God, please, let me finish you." He said in a pleasureful growl, completely desperate, while his penis was enveloped and tightened by you.
"D-do it." You sighed softly, giving the green light. You had no idea what Ren would do. He continued going deep inside you, although increasingly slow, to the point of occasionally withdrawing his penis to stimulate you with his tip, then you noticed how he masturbated quickly, and before you could understand, Ren lowered your legs and placed his penis on your face, trying to position it on your lips, but it was already too late, he began to ejaculate on your face while growling and watching you. Then you opened your mouth and tried to make the rest of the semen end up there before it got worse. But Ren put his entire penis in your mouth, choking you and depositing everything in your throat, until some small tears and moans came out of you, then he took the penis out of your mouth and cleaned your lips with his hands. You swallowed everything because there really wasn't a place within reach to spit it out. And before you could react you felt a naughty stimulus on your clitoris, it was Ren's fingers. "Mhp! Wait!" But Ren continued with curiosity, touching you as if they were buttons and he's discovering what each one does.
"I also want to swallow you." Said Ren and brought his face to your vagina, allowing you to feel his strong and heated breath, before feeling his warm tongue, quite fat just like his penis, lick all your surface, sucking your fluids at the moment, to then put itself inside you and continue sucking. He alternated between your hole and your vulva, sucking and sucking as if you were a delicious ice cream, rather as if you were the last drop of water in a desert. The lascivious sound of his lips on your vagina could be heard almost as much as his moans and whimpers. By then you were a bit stimulated, to which when he found your clitoris with his tongue. it didn't cost you to reach orgasm in his mouth while you kept moaning his name, restraining yourself from not screaming.
Ren finished sucking everything he could from you and used your thighs once more as a napkin. "Hey jerk, don't do that." But there was no response from the green-haired boy, he had lain on your belly while wrapping your legs with his arms. It seemed that both of you were too exhausted and hot to endure a discussion, a second round, or to have a sense of where and how you were going to fall asleep.
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© Ini. please don't copy or repost. translates are allowed with credit. ^^
P.D: this is my first drabble smut in years.
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that-one-enby-ranger · 2 months
It is Roger Meddows Taylor's birthday today so of course I have to make it all of yours problems and yap about it.
We've gotta start off with how talented this man is. He is the KING of drummers in my eyes and will always be. Watched a full concert today to celebrate, and I was just focusing on how fast he could move, and he wasnt always looking at the drums. And his little solo in the Montreal concert and I was staring at him and oh my gosh he can move fast. He looked tired afterwards. And his voice is amazing in its own unique way. I love it. I love listening to live songs and looking out for his baking vocals. I died everytime. My favourite song to hear live is Crazy Little Thing Called Love just because of Roger's rEaDy FreDdIe 🤠. I die every single time I hear and go insane you don't even know. His backing vocals are just *mwah* CHEF'S kiss 🤌.
And his high pitched screaming in In the Lap of the Gods is amazing. Theres a video of Roger Taylor blessing your ears for an hour and a half and it's just him screaming in that song and it really does bless your ears.
Plus he's got solo albums. And unless I'm horribly wrong, he has the most solo albums out of the entire band. I don't have a favourite album but a couple of my fav songs are The Key, Man on Fire and Strange Frontier.
He's written lots of hits and great songs including Radio Gaga, A Kind of Magic, One Vision, These are the Days of Our Lives, The Invisible Man and of course, I'm in Love With My Car.
Then there's the underrated songs that I love like Drowse, Action This Day, Ride the Wild Wind and others that I forgot and I cant be bothered to look up.
He also studied dentistry in uni. I don't know if he would have actually ended up being a dentist if he hadn't joined. But just think if he did.
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I just watched a video while writing this called the genius of Roger Taylor and they talked about how good he is on drums and used drum talk that even though I play drums, I haven't been playing long enough to understand, so they go into more depth on how talented he is on the drums. Its called The Genius Of Roger Taylor by Drumeo.
And you've gotta talk about his heart warming lyrics.
"With my hand on my grease gun,
Ooooo it's like a disease son."
And what makes that even better is that sometimes during concert he would mix the lyrics around, whether on accident or purpose, I don't know, but he would say "with YOUR hand on MY grease gun." Life changing.
But seriously you wanna know some good lyrics listen to the whole of These Are The Days of Our Lives. And then try not to cry.
Moving on from talent, we gotta talk about some more amazing things about him.
He's a funny little boy. Watch some clips of him and you'll see what I mean. I don't care if you don't agree with me, I know he's a funny little boy.
"He threw my best fucking pair of maracas. Great sounding maracas, took me HOURS to steal them, and he just..." I can't write the next part without it seeming like it's a roleplay because it's a motion he makes of throwing stuff away in the air.
Anyways, it was his idea to dress up in drag for the I Want to Break Free video and that was one of his best ideas ever. Rogerina looked amazing.
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What a goddess. And when I Want to Break Free got canceled in America, he would help stand up for the video and wouldnt feel ashamed that they did it and said they had a great time and it was fun.
And somewhat similarly, but more importantly, after Freddie died, and the press were being homophobic perverts and saying stuff like Freddie had it coming, or he lived a promiscuous life style, Roger (and Brian) would go on TV and stand up for Freddie and would be like "thats not true at all, you fucking pricks." That's not what they actually said. And he would then go on about how the press were massive dicks to Freddie while trying to get into his private life especially towards the end.
Hes adorable. Sweetie. My love.
"I'd like to make it.. naked 😏, and raw."
"1 and 3/7ths sugars please." "No one and 3/7ths 😠"
"I've just written this new one, WHICH IM REALLY EXCITED ABOUT"
Just some quotes there.
Also, APPARENTLY, my sources are shit, I've only heard this once, has not been backed up, but I'm including it anyways, but apparently when Roger wasn't allowed to have Stone lions out the front of his house, he thought outside the box and put up hundreds of glow and the dark gnomes.
He also apparently had to legally fight his neighbour to keep his giant statue of Freddie Mercury he had in his backyard because the neighbour APPARENTLY thought that it was "rUiNinG tHe laNdScApe"
He kissed Brian when he was drunk.
He was called sex on legs.
Grew a beard because people kept mistaking him as a girl.
His eyes.
"There was lots of sex and drugs. Actually there wasn't that much sex and ... Well there wasn't much drugs"
There's also some lovely sad stories with him. Mainly the 300 yards and I don't feel like crying again so I'm not gonna write it out.
I'm gonna stop this here because my finger feels weird from having a plaster on it for three days and I wanna focus on more Roger videos that I've been watching in the background for about an hour now. I'm just gonna say he is shemxy.
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And then you've got this:
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Love him. Appreciate him. I'm gonna marry him one day, mark my words.
There is a lot more on him. This is all I've got. For now.
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asordinaryppl · 5 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 18: Leaving the Nest
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!! this chapter makes a spoilery reference to act 12! act 12 is currently being translated by otomehoneyybearr here!
Muku: It’s going to get lonely without the Spring Troupe here.
Misumi: I’ll give you a triangle for good luck~
Sakuya: What a beautiful shell. Thank you very much!
Citron: I won’t never forget about any of you~!
Tsuzuru: You gotta use ever here.
Taichi: And you’re exaggeratin’! 
Yuki: We’re having a farewell party even though you’re coming back?
Omi: I guess it’s more like a send-off party?
Homare: Hm! This is a meeting to encourage the Spring Troupe as they embark on a new adventure! I shall start by offering a poem to celebrate your departure!
Izumi: The green curry is ready~
Azami: Why’s the menu a set of sushi and curry?
Citron: The sushi was my request~
Izumi: I want the Spring Troupe to remember the taste of the MANKAI dorm’s curry…!
Sakyo: This thing has become the MANKAI dorm’s specialty.
Manager: I’ve decided on our next goods!
Sakyo: Quit while you’re ahead. It’s too elaborate, and we won’t be able to have it in stock forever.
Izumi: No compromises!
Tasuku: All of you leaving right before the performance period is pretty bold, though.
Azuma: I think that’s exactly why they’re doing it.
Banri: Sometimes you gotta try out new things to get a breakthrough.
Tsumugi: Being a Director’s assistant was that for you. Even though each of their goals is different, but it makes you want to cheer them on, doesn’t it?
Omi: Even if it seems like an unnecessary detour, you might end up finding something you need.
Sakuya: Oh, also. Should we use the app Towa-kun uses to chat?
Itaru: BlooCha?
Sakuya: I know we already have LIME, but this one shows when you’re online, and it seems to keep logs of when you leave and enter the chat room, so it’ll feel like we’re in the same place.
Chikage: Why not?
Itaru: The timing’s perfect. BlooCha’s been blowing up lately.
Citron: I’ll download it right away!
Tsuzuru: Seems like you’re asked to create an avatar after registering.
Masumi: There’s no curry avatar…
Chikage: Obviously not.
Citron: My avatar is done!
Sakuya: Eh, is this a cat? No, a worm? Wha???
Itaru: How on earth did you make that.
Citron: I combined a lot of things!
Tsuzuru: I feel like I'll watch the world end if I see this thing talking the way Citron-san does.
Sakuya: Chikage-san’s name is “UC”?
Chikage: I mean, it’s a safe choice.
Citron: Too safe! I feel like we’ll mistake you for an error message!
Sakuya: Sorry for leaving so early in the morning.
Izumi: It’s alright. I already saw everyone else off, so I have to see you off too.
Izumi: Did you forget anything? Did you take medicine and the like with you?
Sakuya: You’re worrying too much.
Izumi: Fufu, you’re right. You can buy medicine anywhere, and if you forgot anything, you can just come back to get it.
Izumi: (I saw him off like this when we pseudo-disbanded. But this time it’s so sudden, it feels different.)
Izumi: (With the situation being what it was back then, we all made that decision together.)
Izumi: (This time it feels like he’s really leaving…)
Izumi: It’ll be kinda lonely.
Sakuya: This is not a goodbye. We’re just… leaving the nest. For the sake of our future.
Izumi: That’s true.
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun has grown so big and dependable.)
Izumi: (He’s grown so much that he can think for his and the company’s future, and take action accordingly.)
Izumi: Take care. Stay safe.
Sakuya: I’m off!
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duhragonball · 1 year
Super Dragon Ball Heroes 47-49
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All right, it’s about time we wrapped this web-anime up...
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So Demigra gained Dark Factor powers, plus he controls the Scroll of Eternity, so he’s riding high at the moment.  The first thing he does is alter the landscape of Aeos’ tournament battleground.   I’m not sure why this matters, since none of these environments were real or anything, right?
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Then he summons various bad guys to fight the warriors on the battleground. And not just the usual suspects, either.  We’re talking deep cuts, like Chilled from “Episode of Bardock”, and Fin, a Majin from the SDBH manga.  I think Towa created Fin, but I’m not sure. 
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Also, some of Mechikabura’s crew from the Dark Empire saga, again seen in the manga.  This is weird, because a number of these guys would consider Demigra an enemy, although maybe they’d sing a different tune since he’s the Dark King.
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We finally got Super 13 and Lord Slug in this show.  So now the only classic movie baddies left unused are Garlic Junior and Bio-Broly.  I’ll be looking for them down the line, when SDBH releases the “Fugliest Yaoi Couple” Arc.
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Oh, and here’s Baby Vegeta and Hatchiyack, ready to take on Jiren.  See, what irks me about this series is that this would actually be pretty fun to watch.  Would these two brutes stand a chance, or would Jiren blow them away with his awesome strength? But instead we just get this one shot to tease the idea, with no follow-through.  And that would make sense, considering that we have a main plot to follow, but that main plot always involves the same characters doing the same moves over and over again.
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And we’ve got Cell, but so what?  This show already brought back Cell and didn’t do anything with him, so why should I get excited when they do it a second time?
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Also, SSJ4 Broly is here, but Xeno Gogeta takes care of him.  I’m not clear on whether this was a bad guy Demigra arranged to help him, or if this is the same Broly who was entered in Aeos’s tournament, and he just wandered over here on his own. 
Seriously, this is really weak stuff.  We’ve seen fusion in this show at least ten times now, and this is the second or third time they’ve had Broly barge into the story as a wildcard.  I was going to say they had Broly fight Gogeta already, but no, that was Vegito the last time, my mistake.  I mean, what the hell?  The whole appeal of Dragon Ball Heroes was the plethora of what if scenarios and weird dream matches that you couldn’t get anywhere else.  But this show’s been running for five years now, and what do they do?  Broly vs. Gogeta.  Yeah, that’s totally fresh and novel.  It’s not like they made a feature film about it or anything. 
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Goku tries to stop Demigra, but he gets wiped out, so Aeos tries to beat him with some big special move she rarely uses.   Also no sale.  Demigra just powers out of it the same as anything else.
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Meanwhile, I gues Chilled must have killed Vidro’s people, because he talks about finishing the job when he sees her, and this gets her all fired up.
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Vidro and Yamcha do a combo move where he makes a Soukidan and she covers it in broken glass, and they drop it on Chilled’s head.  Then Vidro proposes to Yamcha, so things are moving very quickly here.
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Demigra’s got Goku dead to rights, but then Vegeta shows up to make the save, and that gives Chronoa and idea.  She asks Aeos to keep Demigra busy while she executes a plan to save the day.  Is it fusion?  Yes, yes it is.
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Meanwhile, Trunks and Future Gohan are getting beat down, and Gohan apologizes for letting him down, but Trunks tells him that they can protect each other this time, and fight side-by-side.  And I guess that’s a dream come true for both of them, since Trunks never had the chance in his timeline, and this version of Gohan comes from a world where he survived but his Trunks got killed.
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So Vegito seems to turn the tide against Demigra, but he’s not too worried because he estimates that their fusion will dissolve relatively quickly if he keeps fighting at this level.  So Demigra weathers the storm and...
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Yeah, they come apart, and Demigra takes out Vegeta just to make sure they don’t try this again.
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Demigra powers up and powers up his minions, then shoots a big energy ball down at Goku.  He tries his best to stop it, but he can’t do it alone.
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But then he’s joined by Future Gohan, who reluctantly left Trunks to fight alone so he could lend support to Goku. 
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But Trunks isn’t alone for long, as a bunch of good guys start showing up to help.  Are these the other fighters from the tournament?  Didn’t Aeos erase them already?
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Then Bardock shows up to help Gohan and Goku against Demigra.  He gives them a pep talk and they power up some more.  Goku goes Ultra Instinct, Bardock turns Super Saiyan 4...
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... And I don’t think Future Gohan changes at all.  Well, anyway, their combined power finally pushes Demigra back...
... and that’s it.  We’ll have to wait until Episode 50 comes out to see if Demigra is defeated or not.  I would think this would do the trick.  I mean, they already used Fusion as a false finish, so if this triple Kamehameha can’t do it, I don’t know what else there is to try.
So for now, that takes care of Super Dragon Ball Heroes.  It’s a fun little diversion, but it’s pretty weak on plot and long-term storytelling.  The show mainly depends on namedropping and cramming as many power ups and characters into each episode to get attention.  I’m glad I waited this long to watch the whole thing in a short period of time, because checking this thing out in 9 minute installments once every 6-8 weeks would get really, really frustrating. 
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phyrestartr · 5 months
Hello! I'm that burnt out anon that sent in that too-long message about Divine Favour part 1 (I'm glad you like comments because I have thoughts :D) and instead of revising for my exams I just finished reading part 2. Which is much more interesting and fun than revision. I love you so much for this nugget of hope. Anyway, I hope you don't mind my very tired but excited surface level thoughts part 2 electric boogaloo. Oh, and are you okay with emoji anons? Because if the rest of this series is as good as these two parts (which I have no doubt about and I'm hooked either way) I'm definitely doing to appear more often. I don't even read a series that often because I have the attention span of a walnut with ADHD but I'm so invested.
First off, the obligatory URAUME I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHH!!! I'm genuinely so happy we're friends with Uraume because I love them so much omg. I'm so happy they like their overcoat :D.
I also feel so bad for poor Yuji. Poor bby is being thrown for a loop :( but I want to know what other memories he's seeing! Is Sukuna consciously sharing his memories with Yuji, or is it unconscious? Maybe I'm reading into that one line too much and he can actually just feel the weight of Sukuna's emotions - which, if that's the case, means that Sukuna does care about the reader a lot, even more than he's letting on.
Anyway, speaking of reading into one line too much, that "You are." ???? ARE YOU TRYING TO RIP MY HEART OUT? Actually take it because I'd probably be less stressed but AAAAAAAAA . I came here for a break from revision and now I'm halfway crying at poor bby Sukuna just being so confused about these foreign emotions he feels so strongly but doesn't understand.
but then, even when Sukuna doesn't seem capable of recognising his emotions he's still so soft with the reader? Letting him curl up against him as a fox?? Letting him wear his kimono??? Having him turn around to cuddle???? Rubbing his body to try and revive him???????? I'm so aaaaaa I just love him so much and poor baby he's trying his best even if he doesn't understand completely what's going on.
I also want to know what Kenjaku is cooking up. Why did the reader end up in some nasty curse soup in a coffin somewhere instead of Uraume keeping watch over him? I think the plan is obviously to use the reader somehow to resurrect Sukuna. I'm not sure hoe exactly that would work. The reader's taken Sukuna as his mate, though, so maybe there's some funky yokai magic going on. Probably not. The other thing that's intriguing me is the:
“If I didn't know any better, I'd think you actually cared about that kitsune.” 
“Then you don't know what this is,”
I want to know what it is. Tell me. Tell me, Sukuna. Please :> I think it must be more than just a plan to resurrect him. Didn't Sukuna tell Yuji at one point that even if Yujo were to die, there were still fingers left over to be consumed? That suggests he isn't in much of a hurry to be resurrected even a thousand years. If the reader's burial was just to one day resurrect Sukuna, he wouldn't care so much.
I am obsessed with this series. Thank you so much for writing it. I'm gonna go back to my revision now, but thank you for taking the time to read this nonsensical rant :D
HEY HEY MY BURNT OUT BUDDY!! Hope you're doing well my dude :'D I'm totally 5000% ok with emoji anons, so ofc just lmk in another ask or whatnot what you'd like to take! I think I have a 💀 anon already but p much everything else is free for the taking I believe uwu
AND I AM ALWAYS SO FREAKING DOWN AND EXCITED TO GET YOUR ANALYSIS ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! my brain is also BRRRR ADHD (which is why I always have 400 stories going at once lmao) so I totally understand and HEY I'm glad I can provide a bit of a getaway from doing revisions and uni work you feel me u7u we all need sweet, sweet breaks to read about monster fucking!!!
I'M SO GLAD YOU LOVE URAUME. THEY ARE BABY (RESPECTFULLY). Idk I just enjoy the way they are towards Sukuna, and therefore towards people they like/respect. They need to have some EQUALS in their life frfr and reader is just the sort to be like "I have accepted you and so you must accept that I accept you" and Uraume just rolls with it, silently very happy LOL. Ig they see reader as an extension of Sukuna, too
Omg yeah we love torturing Yuuji in this house (respectfully)!!! Idk he's just a fun, emotional little nugget so he's srsly a great character to use for emotional gut punches. And the way Yuuji is perceiving Sukuna's emotions and memories is elaborated on a little further in the next part, so stay tuned 👀
"YOU ARE" IS LIKE SO CORNY AND CHEESY BUT I JUST LIKE CATCHING SUKUNA OFF GUARD LIKE THAT. BRO IS TRYING TO BE LIKE "DAMN BITCH U DIFFICULT" and reader is just like "u da best tho." Incredible. Impeccable. Sukuna doesn't know how to bother reader sometimes and just has to take a fat L and get mad bc he's having EMOTION loool
YEAH I don't think Sukuna is one for saying loving things in an appropriate way (Ex: no "you're beautiful and i care for you," more like "nice ass") but in the manga, he's explained to be someone that operates on the premise of 'pleasure and displeasure,' so imo heian sukuna categorizes every living thing as 'like that/don't like that' and then the nuance of that is a bit more annoying to him in regards to 'how much do i like that' 'how much do i hate that' etc etc. He's an interesting character to try and understand when writing, and I do have to think hard about how he'd react to gentle/soft/emotional situations since he's a stupid asshole but clearly can give praise/recognition when it's due
KENJAKU RAAAAAH it's clarified a tiny bit more in the next part!
BEHEHEHEEHH Idk if Sukuna will ever fully say it or reveal what THIS is, but reader and context clues should!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GIFTING ME SUCH A FIRE ANALYSIS AND UR THOUGHTS ONCE AGAIN!! Bro I get so stoked when you hit me with an ask like this like asdjkf;l coming at me with expositional essay analysis like SHEE!!
Seriously though, it's so so so cool and exciting when folks pick up on the little bits and pieces of foreshadowing/weird wording/etc and then start speculating on it. Makes the effort of writing in that stuff so worth it!!
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freezethunder · 1 year
3, 4, 5, 6 and 7!
We might as well do the rest of the numbers at this rate…
3. “Did you have a character you hated at first, and then fell in love with? Who and why?”
So about that, so remember when I said that I watched the DR2 Climatic trials before seeing anything else about the game. I saw Gundam’s dark design and immediately went, “Oh yeah. Of course he’s the killer. Look at him” and I didn’t like him for a long time. Then as the years passed, I got over it, and now he’s one of my favorites of the cast.
4. “Which character can you absolutely not stand?”
Haiji Towa. But if you don’t want an EASY answer Korekiyo Shinguuji.
5. “Which character would you hypothetically die for?”
Hajime and Chiaki. My two scrunkly blorbos! Their happiness is my happiness!
6. “Do you have a fan character? Tell us about them!”
D-Do I have a-HA! HAHAHAHA!!! D-Do I have a fan character?! Pfffftttt! Ahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! Aaaahhh… You fool, I HAVE TONS OF FAN CHARACTERS! Pick one! I will talk about any! But I guess I should limit myself to one, and since this is going to be reblogged to The New Future, I’ll talk about Reika Tenten.
Reika Tenten, Ultimate Prosecutor, attended Class 50 of Hope’s Peak Academy, has a job of Chief Prosecutor now, and she’s 48 going by DR3’s time. Reika is a very career focused woman, always taking on cases and working on not only hers but assigning her subordinates to handle other cases. She’s very focused in and doesn’t make time to socialize with others unnecessarily, be it when she was in Hope’s Peak or now. Even then she hardly looks back on that time frame, she can hardly remember her classmates or her bullies’ faces. Reika did have a husband and two kids with expecting a third, but they were killed during a break-in causing her to miscarry. But deep down, Reika does care for others, like Asahina. She just rarely shows it.
And I think that’s all I’ll say for now about her. Got to have some secrets up my sleeve ;)
7. “You get the chance to reassign five characters new talents. Who do you choose, and which new talents do they get?”
Ooooh, give 5 characters new talents? Sounds fun! ………Wait….I don’t know how to do that, everyone had good talents as is I think, how can I just change them now?!
Well I guess give Rantaro that Ultimate Adventure or Traveler talent instead of it being unknown or the “Ultimate Survivor”. But that’s all I got….sorry….
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What I’m trying to say is, what type of personality and voice would you portray each character?
The characters I’ve been introduced to are:
If you would give a brief description of their personality and how they would sound like (or voice claims, which basically means that character would sound like this actor/character), that would be really helpful!
— Midge
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Oh! I think I understand it now.
Fuyuhiko: Back in hopespeak he was pretty stand-offish and kind of rude to others around him. Social interaction wasn't exactly his forte. The only people he felt any sort of connection was Peko and his sister. That was till he met Teru. When they spoke to each other for the first time, Fuyuhiko felt more relaxed and less agitated over little things. He still does have a slight temper but he mostly uses his rage against anyone who hurts his family. The person to voice him would be Derek Stephen Prince. He voices the English dub in the game and executes the character pretty well in my opinion
Teruteru: Back in hopespeak he was actually rather shy. He wasn't really the type to speak up or ask others for help even when he really needed it. He preferred to be by himself if it meant there would be no one around to hurt him. That was till he met Fuyu. When the spoke to each other, Teruteru felt he had more courage to speak up more. Much like his husband (Fuyuhiko) he does have a temper but he has more control over it. He only really ever gets angry when someone hurts his family or purposefully pushes him to his breaking point. The person to voice him would be Todd Haberkorn. I love his voice in game and I feel it really suits his character.
Hiyoko: Given her background of constant bullying in her previous schools, safe to say she wasn't going to let that happen during her time in hopespeak. She'd do anything to insure that no one would mess with her. Then one day she met Teruteru and Fuyuhiko. They were very good friends and still are to this very day. She feels happy knowing that she doesn't have to fight alone. Hiyoko is definitely the one with the biggest temper. She get agitated by little things pretty easily. Kira Buckland is the one who voices her and she nails the character pretty well.
Monaca: Poor girl was born into a ruthless household. Neglectful parents, abusive brother, her life was basically the song Look who's inside again by Bo burnham. She felt she had to lie in order to get the attention and love that she was deprived of. Well, she used to. A few months after the tragic event on Towa city, FF was planning on what exactly they should do with the WOH. They saw the pain of 4 of them, but not Monaca. They planned to "eliminate" her. Their plan would've succeeded if not for Teruteru. He was the only person who saw through it all. He was the only one willing to save her. He was the only person who saved her. At this point in time Monaca lives her life happily under the watchful eye of her fathers. Her English VA Cristina Valenzuela does an excellent job at her character.
Yayoi: He doesn't really much like his past so we're just gonna skip that part. The world to him is vast and wonderous. He wishes to explore every bit that he can. And he won't have to do it alone with Nagito by his side. Nagito is Yayoi's first ever friend after all. He's never one to get angry at all. He's very optimistic and willing to try new things. He's got quite the intelligence which at times is pushed to the side for his child like wonder of the world around him. I have a feeling that He'd have the same voice actor as Teruteru. Sense they're in a way the same person.
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That's all for now! Feel free to ask any more question you may have.
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caramelmochacrow · 2 years
ok. yk what im gonna tell u my first thoughts on each band and band members in bandori bc why not? (i did not watch the anime before i played the game btw, i just read their character profiles)
Poppin' Party: wait so theyre like the main characters of this right? they look so normal.... all of them have normal hair colors.
Kasumi: why does she have cat ears? also wait that's kyoko?
Tae: is her name pronounced ta-eh or taye?
Rimi: she.... wait who's that again? ooohhh the one w the cool pink bass ok, also u blush when u see kaoru? yeah u arent gay at all. /s
Saya: she has a bakery? also wait i thought u had pigtails not a ponytail...
Arisa: arisa ichiGAYa? ok she's totally not gay w kasumi at all/s
Afterglow: childhood friends? theyre totally not gay w each other at all /s really like their cover of Roki.
Ran: she looks like she would like MCR, also i like her voice.
Moca: she's me fr!!! her birthday is sep. 3 and she likes bread!!! also she looks like she smokes weed
Himari: you blush every time u see kaoru? i know that youre gay.
Tomoe: oooh she's an older sister, has red hair, cares abt her friends a lot, and likes ramen? yeahhhh i dont like her at all. (denial)
Tsugumi: wait what's her name again? tsumugi? yeah i think that's her name.
Pastel * Palettes: oooh okay these guys are like photon maiden but idols alright, theyre kinda alright.
Aya: wait, is that himari? also why r u with chisato a lot?
Hina: wait.... is that towa? is she the towa of the group? she's kinda silly
Chisato: she's like the bitchy blonde girl lol, also she's childhood friends w kaoru that's so sweet!!
Maya: who are u?
Eve: why does she like bushido a lot?
Kokoro: oooh she's kinda silly haha!
Kaoru: why are you a womanizer and lying about your favorite food?
Hagumi: ooh she's kinda sil-- SHE PLAYS BASEBALL HELL YEAH!!!
Kanon: she looks like a wet cold shaking kitten, is she ok?
Misaki: wait ur the actual DJ? michelle is just a costume? ahh alright.
Roselia: hmmm.... they might become my favorite bc theyre like rondo
Yukina: who are u?
Sayo: why are you soo strict the hell? also wait u kinda look like that pastel palette girl, are u related?
Lisa: she looks so normal, also she's kinda silly and works w moca? swag.
Ako: oooh she's like kaido from saiki k!!! she's kinda funny haha, WAIT HER OLDER SISTER IS TOMOE??
Rinko: oooh has the same va as rei? i can hear it in her voice, why is she so scared poor thing... also arima kousei moment
Morfonica: oooh they have a violin that's cool!!!
Mashiro: wait.... that's moca right? no she looks too scared to be moca...
Toko: she's like lisa but blonde and plays guitar, that's cool! she has nice clothes!
Nanami: she's the girl that looks high at that one card right? she's kinda funny.
Tsukushi: wait ur the leader? i thought it was mashiro.... i think ur lying to urself, sorry, also it must suck to be the only middle school student in ur band huh...
Rui: OOH SHE THE VIOLINIST?? i knew she would be like that.
Raise A Suillen: oooh cool they look so cool!! why are their names so non binary?
LAYER: wait... ur tae right? oh wait u play bass and sing? that's so cool!!! like mio....
LOCK: woagh she looks cool!!! wait u wear glasses? girl ur gonna be so blind...
PAREO: oooh she looks cute!!!! she's so silly!!!
MASKING: WOAGH SHE DRUMS AND HER NICKNAME WAS MAD DOG!!! THAT'S COOL!!! she. hm. she also seems to know how to make drinks and bake? yeahhhh no i TOTALLY dont like her at all. (denial)
CHU2: she looks like a cat and djs that's pretty cool!!! she goes to an international school that's why she has good english? same!!
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faggotmox · 3 months
title: heartbreak kid series: briar patches (the final installment) rating: g pairing: Jon Moxley/Bryan Danielson word count: 855 warnings: pre teen heartbreak lol summary: Typically when it comes to everything Mox is the go to parent. Except when it comes to matter's of the heart.
[link to ao3]
“Thank God you’re home, babe.” Mox sighed in relief when Bryan stepped through the door.
“What’s wrong?” Bryan asked slowly as he tried to gauge if there was an actual problem or a normal Mox problem.
“So, I picked the kid up from school, right? And he’s being really quiet the whole way home. I’m trying to talk to him and he’s answering but not really talking to me. Finally I’m like what’s wrong.” Mox takes a deep breath. “And he’s saying he’s fine and stuff. So we get home and I guess I pushed too hard and he started crying and said he just wanted to wait until you got home because he wants to talk to you about it.”
“Oh-kay.” Bryan stood there awkwardly. “That’s weird.”
“What?” Mox frowned.
“You’re the go to parent.” Bryan pointed out.
“What’s that mean?” Mox shook his head. “Look, that doesn’t matter. Please go talk to him? Tell him I’m sorry or whatever.”
“Jon, I’m sure it’s fine. I’ll go talk to him.” Bryan put his keys down before heading upstairs.
Bryan made sure to knock and wait to be let in. There was silence on the other end. Maybe Mox had been up here still asking.
“Briar, it’s me. Dad told me you wanted to talk to me?” Bryan finally spoke up through the door.
There was some rustling before the door opened. As soon as Bryan got a good look at his son he knew. The saddest, red rimmed eyes imaginable, tear stained cheeks, and a book of poetry in his hand.
“Oh, buddy. Can I come in and sit down with you?” Bryan nodded towards the bean bag chairs before being led to them by his son. He made sure to shut the door before laying down on a bean bag. “Is that the book Eddie got you?”
“Yeah. Shakespeare poems.” Briar shrugged as he thumbed the pages. “I like it.”
“You’ve read it a lot.” Bryan watched Briar tuck his strawberry blonde hair behind his ear. They had to fight with the school about Briar’s hair being so long, but Briar had cried at the mention of cutting it and Bryan hated the idea. His little boy always had long hair.
“I love reading.” Briar pushed a page aside. “Eddie has some good ones but Uncle Wheeler picks out the best books.”
“You know what the first activity I did with you was?” Bryan reached over to start running his fingers through his son’s hair as the pre-teen shook his head. “After you were born I held you a few times between you being taken for tests and back. Finally when I got to sit down with you, and your father was still afraid to hold you, I read to you.”
“Must be why I like it so much.” Briar frowned a little as he let the silence stretch between them. “Can you read to me now?”
“I can always read to you, buddy.” Bryan smiled as he took the held out book. “Still want poems? We can do that.”
For a while they sat together as Bryan read aloud. Eventually Briar climbed over to snuggle up to his father. After a few poems Briar finally opened up.
“My girlfriend broke up with me.” He rubbed the tears from his eyes.
“I’m really sorry.” Bryan closed the book to look down at his son.
“It’s stupid.” Briar sighed, his head resting on Bryan’s shoulder. “She broke up with me for a dumb reason.”
“What reason?” Bryan cocked his head to the side as he tried to think of why pre-teens would break up.
“She asked me out because she liked my hair,” Briar explained. “But today she said she couldn’t be with someone who has better hair than her! It’s so dumb!”
“That’s why?” Bryan had to hold back a laugh, he didn’t want to make fun of his son’s pain but that was objectively funny. His son had better hair than his girlfriend. “I’m sorry she’s jealous. Your hair is awesome.”
“She is jealous.” Briar sighed. “Just sucks.”
“It does, buddy.” Bryan put his arm around his son.
“Can you read more?” Briar asked as he pushed the book towards Bryan again.
It took awhile for Briar to fall asleep, but when he did Bryan put him to bed. Today must have been a long day for the kid. Once he was sure his son was tucked in, Bryan headed downstairs to find Mox still anxiously pacing around the house.
“You’ve been up there for hours!” Mox threw his hands up. “Is he okay?”
“Yeah, just heartbroken. His girlfriend broke up with him because his hair is better than her hair.” Bryan started giggling. “That’s insane, right?”
“Seriously?” Mox started laughing. “Oh my god. That’s fucking stupid.” Mox wrapped his husband up in a hug.
“That’s what Briar said. I think he just feels used.” Bryan explained as they wrapped their arms around each other. “She asked him out because of his hair, and then broke up with him for the same reason.”
“Wow.” Mox shook his head. “Our boy’s first heartbreak.”
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aayakashii · 27 days
“Favorite movie.” Ren asks, staring at his cellphone's screen instead of you.
You purse your lips, thinking about it for a second, before coming up with your answer.
“Frances Ha.”
He scoffs.
“Frances what? Is this one of those cult french movies? Are you trying to sound intellectual right now? Be for real.”
You roll your eyes and look up from your own phone, where you were writing Ren's own answers to the 20 questions game you were forcing him to play.
Haru had almost begged you to try and actually become Ren's friend, just like a concerned father with a problem child. How could you possibly say no to one of the few people who liked you?
Ren isn't a problem child, though. He's just incredibly, terribly, horribly annoying.
“It's not a cult movie. Maybe if you didn't watch only B-horror movies, you'd know about it” you stick out your tongue and flip your middle finger at him.
The “Become friends with Ren” plan was going great.
“Oh yeah? Then tell me about it and I'll be the judge of whether or not it's worth watching.” he flips his own middle finger back at you and then grabs a chip from the ridiculously big bowl of snacks you had prepared for the game. You were pretty sure you had depleted Darkwick's stock of chips just to be sure you had at least one type Ren would like.
Hey, no one could ever say you'd ever half-ass a mission after all. Maybe Leo could. But he doesn't count.
“Since when are you the judge of whether or not movies are good? You'd give Rubber an Oscar if you could.”
Ren gasps at the mention of that movie, almost choking with the handful of chips he had stuffed in his mouth.
“You know Rubber?!” he mumbles almost incoherently in between chews.
“The horror movie about a freaking homicidal car tire? Yeah, Ren, I think everyone knows about that movie because it's basically a meme… You're the only one that takes it seriously” you sigh, shaking your head. Why weren't you surprised that he knew and liked that abomination. What was wrong with him. God.
He sneers at you, shrugging.
“You just don't get the irony of it. The sarcasm! And you also can't appreciate the special effects, okay? Don't blame me just because you're a close minded uncultured human.”
You groan loudly.
“Oh goooood, before you try to fight for that movie's honor, can we please continue the game?” you say, exasperated.
“Not before you tell me why you like the cult french movie.” he puts his phone on the table face down and dramatically crosses his arms, adamant about continuing on the same topic. Suddenly you could understand why Towa called him Wolfsbane.
“It's not french!” you sigh “Fine, what do you want to know?”
Ren hums in thought for a moment, tapping his chin with his index finger.
“Why do you like it?” he finally asks, and you widen your eyes.
You weren't actually expecting him to ask why you liked the movie. You thought he'd ask about the plot or the cast or the cinematography, but not about your personal connection to it. Maybe it was just a whim or pure and random curiosity, but you still grab that and run with the idea that he is finally warming up to you and getting interested in knowing about his new “friend”. Haru would probably accept that as a sign too.
“I… relate to the main character, I think. She's, uh. Messy, has a hard time with relationships and all that.” you try to answer, avoiding his gaze and scratching your head. How much could you share with him, truly? Does he REALLY want you to step on a soap box and tell all of the reasons why you like the movie and why you relate to the main character? You hardly see Ren as someone who likes emotional or deep things if his disdain for cult movies is anything to go by. So you just say the bare minimum.
Ren deadpans.
“Wow, you gave me so much information to work with right now.” he says, voice dripping with sarcasm.
You roll your eyes.
“Do you really want to know why I like it?”
“Well, yeah? That's why I asked?” Ren raises an eyebrow.
Huh. Okay, I guess. Here goes nothing, you think.
“Okay. There's this monologue in which she talks about what she wants from love.”
Ren groans, loud and dramatic, slapping his own forehead.
“Nooooooo! Not the cheesy shit!”
You shush him, getting flustered in spite of yourself.
“Goddammit Ren, I KNEW you'd act like this! But you asked! Now let me finish!” you croak, embarrassed, avoiding his eyes.
“She says she wants to love someone in such a way that... when her eyes meet the eyes of that person, even if they're distant or in a crowd, they know they have something special. Like there's a whole secret world between them. Then she would know that that is her person in this life.”
You pause for a moment.
“And in the end, you find out that this special person, for her, is actually her best friend! I like this idea, you know. This depiction of- of love. And that's… uh, that's it.” you finish, clearing your throat and getting more embarrassed with every word you said.
Ren stares at you in silence for a long while after you finish.
“Well?” you ask, anxiously.
He stretches his arms wide, elbows and shoulders popping after being hunched over the table for so long, and then leans back on his chair, folding his hands in front of him.
“Well. It is some cheesy shit after all.” Ren says, flatly.
And then he starts laughing.
Ohhhh, this JERK. You spilled your most personal thoughts about your favorite movie right in front of him and he had THE GALL to laugh and mock you!
You grab a handful of chips and quickly throw them at him. He shields himself with his hands, still laughing.
“Hey! That's harassment! Abuse of power!” He says in between his laughs. “I'll call Ritsu! I'll sue you! I have a case against you!”
“You're insufferable!” you yell, cheeks tingling with embarrassment, and you hide your mouth with your hands to keep him from seeing the small smile that was appearing on your lips at the sound of his laugh.
Right as you were going to grab another handful of chips to throw at him, the entrance door slams open, and Haru saunters in. The red head gasps loudly at the scene unfolding in front of him.
“Ohhh, will you look at that! Ren laughing! Now that's a sight for sore eyes!” Haru says, voice brimming with joy.
“Ugh… The creep is back” Ren quickly morphs back into his gloomy mood like his happy switch had been turned off at the mere sight of Jabberwock's captain.
He grabs his phone, putting it inside his pocket, before grabbing a handful of chips from the bowl.
“Wait, you're leaving? We barely started the game!” you protest, picking up the chips that had fallen to the ground during your "attack".
“Yeah, he ruined the mood, obviously” Ren says, rolling his eyes and quickly making way to the stairs that led to the bedrooms.
“Awww, don't be shy to interact with your friend, Ren!” Haru says, blatantly winking at you at the word ‘friend’.
Ren only grumbles a complaint, to which Haru just sighs and shakes his head. He turns to you, immediately changing the subject to some errand he would love to get some help since his dorm mates definitely weren't going to fulfill their responsibilities at all and how you are the only one he can trust.
As Haru goes on and on about how you'd be a lifesaver if you just lent him a hand for a moment, your eyes flit towards the top of the stairs.
Ren was slowly dragging his feet through the last steps, lazily looking down at where you were standing.
Your eyes meet despite the distance between you two and, even though he blushes, startled, when you meet his stare, he sustains your gaze.
You smile.
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Get it? Get it? Please tell me you got the end
Anyway here's the monologue mentioned in this fic! Frances Ha isn't my favorite movie but I love it deeply <3 wrote this on a whim because there's barely any Ren love here! I know he's this close 🤏 to being an incel but we can fix him 😔
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danieyells · 4 months
Normally, to me, the thought of free use is kinda scary. Definitely wouldn't do it irl cause um. Yeah lmao. I am too shy and insecure and chicken for that sort of thing. However, I am a Towa liker. And we kinda know how he is: he does whatever he likes whenever he feels like it and no one can stop him (unless it's maybe Haru. Maybe.) So like, I would not mind letting him use me whenever he feels like it, even if it's in a public space :') (same goes for Haru, but that poor man rarely has any time to do what he wants sadly).
It's okay to be into ideas just as fantasies! Nothing wrong with exploring something in the safety of your own imagination!
And, yeah, I can absolutely see Towa just. Deciding when it's time to fuck, no matter where or when you are. Like yes there are times where he understands 'maybe this should wait' like if you're on a dangerous mission or something but for the most part Towa sees life so casually. Towa having little to no awareness of 'that's inappropriate in public' or simply not caring and wanting it now so I guess your pants are going down and he's rubbing his dick between your thighs in front of the main building. Yes, there are people here, what about them? This isn't about them, this is about that it's hard to do anything when his dick is hard and you're very good at fixing that.
Towa does listen, especially to the PC sometimes, so I think if you were really clearly upset about him trying to take off your clothes in front of half the campus he'd stop if you provided an explanation he approved of or you seemed desperate enough. But like once you're out of the situation it's fine, right? You're all in the auditorium but if he makes you stay behind with him and everybody leaves and you're alone in there now is fine, right? You can't complain about other people because you're alone so???? Time for sex! Nope, no more excuses, spread your legs before he spreads em for you!
Towa is often very selfish I think--but also he wants you to enjoy things, so he'd make sure you feel good too! He's not even aware of that you feel insecure--you seem nervous so he tries to help you relax by going kind of slow and focusing on you more than himself. You keep putting your arms in the way which is kind of annoying, so he's going to have to hold your wrists, but he is very good at using his mouth, so no worries there! Also he only needs one hand to hold you, you'reweak compared to him after all. But one hand and his mouth is more than enough for what he's after! Plants and animals mate outside, why can't you? It's natural! And also he wants it! He doesn't care if people are looking. They don't mean anything to him unless they try and touch you or stop him. This is about him and you right now.
(On the other hand, he might show off. I mean why wouldn't he? He has you. Even if you feel shy and insecure, he doesn't have to feel shy and insecure about you--on the contrary, maybe he'll hold you up so everyone can see! This is his human! His beautiful and beloved human who makes him feel good and whom he makes feel good! He gets to kiss you and hold you and strip you and touch you and taste you and do things to you that no one else does (except Haru) whenever he wants! And you get to be the same with him! Other people are going to see? Good! Maybe they'll leave you alone then and he can have you all to himself and Haru!! It doesn't matter if they watch as long as they don't get in the way.)
And once he's done he'll clean you up with his mouth and put your clothes back together and cuddle you all the way back to. . .whatever you were doing. Probably wasn't as important as his boner was because he forgot!
You are both later scolded for indecent exposure. And being reminded of it(oh god there's security camera footage oh god it's on wickhive oh god your phones are blowing up with texts and calls) just kind of makes Towa excited again but he does have some situational awareness. . .but only enough to grab your hand and press it against the growing bulge in his pants. Maybe he'll sneak his hand in your pants too. He'll pout while he's scolded and sulk even more if you don't wanna play right now, but that just means that once you're out of the office it's back to messing around! Okay, sure, maybe you can go in a bathroom or classroom or closet or something first since you just got scolded, fine! As long as it's now!
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asoulofatlantis · 1 year
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Yeah... he is that good.
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This is ALMOST as satisfying as watching Jusis hit Rufus in CS4 XD Some people just deserve a hard punch in the face ;P
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Right! Give it to him! He deserves it!
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Well it was supposed to hurt!
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Imagin someone who can even surprise Cao... this woman is going to be dangerous as heck. And when she eventually marries that man and they work together... urg, what a nightmare! Heiyuu will be unstoppable!
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I wonder if the symbols on that thing have any meaning. Like that every Genesis stands for something. And all those somethings together, will form whatever is necessary to stop the end of the world.
Or something along the lines like this.
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Oh so we know that already? I totally forgot ^^' But... influence life... was does that even mean?
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Uh... I am not sure if I am happy about that or not ^^' But my grudge is probably totally stupid anyway, if Rean shows up here will probably be all buddy-buddy with her and I will feel like an idiot for being salty when he himself isn't... so... uh... hurray? ^^'
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Thats tough. Like to get chased around by a caused Celis or...
Walkthrough says we have to do them both anyway eventually, so let just start with the first one for once. Maybe we work with Towa again... because I am not homesick enough yet XD
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Something tells me that as soon as the game reveals who she really is we will all be: "OF COURSE!" after being shocked for a minute or two that is XD But seriously, I am at a loss. I have a few ideas, but they all sounds ridiculous if you think about them a bit longer. But there is no way in hell this isn't someone we know.
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I almost forgot that I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning to check if my illness is better and because of that I have to wash my hair (I am a bit lazy with it when I am home sick, to be honest ^^') and then make my Steam Deck ready to be shipped, as I am sending it back because I am absolutely disappointed by it.
It was meant for gaming merly when I can not use my big (and expensive) tower-computer so I though around 700€ would spare me the money for a bigger and heavier gaming-laptop. However, I should have payed the extra money, as the Steam Deck is just... dare I say it? Cheap! From the 111 games I own (WOW!) only around 20 were Steam Deck compatible and there is no system behind it which one is and which one isn't. Cold Steel 1 is, but 2, 3 and 4 are not. Reverie is but Kuro 2 is not. Makes no sense whatsoever. ALSO Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games who always come out for the Switch too, so should be ready for a Console like this, are not compatible either. Not to mention that it took my over half an hour to get that thing even running do to an issue that A LOT of people have for years now... this thing was just not worth 700€. So I send it back.
Eventually I will get a gaming laptop. Might be more expensive, but I will buy one for around 1000€ in a sale around black Friday or so if there is a good offer than and than at least I can not just play ALL Steam games, but also ones from the other platforms, like Sims 4 from EA for example. And I can use Tumblr for Live-Reactions and watch Videos and so on. Its really more convenient to begin with and thus probably worth the extra money.
Anyway, that said, I have to get the Steam Deck ready to get shipped back so this is were my little trip to Kuro 2 ends.
0 notes
dragondemoness · 2 years
You can write for the monojoker dorky dad idea if you want :)
Oh, you bet I do
Monojoker - Warriors of Hope x Dorky Dad Reader Part Three
You had an idea.
A brilliant idea.
An idea that would spread your silly dad jokes even when you weren't there.
You found some leftover parts from Shirokuma and Kurokuma, as well of some other spare parts, and got to work. The kids were away on one of Monaca's missions, so you were alone.
You entered Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Engineer, which came in great handy here. 
At some point, Kurokuma walked in and asked what you were doing.
"Yo, (Name), how's it ha- Woah, what the fuck is that?! A Monokuma? What the fuck dude, am I not awesome enough for ya?!"
You chuckled. "No, Kurokuma. It's a different kind of Monokuma. It's made for telling jokes."
"Huh. You're not gonna add missiles or guns or nothin'? That's fuckin' lame!"
"Feel free to watch, Kurokuma," You said in a teasing manner.
He did, as he'd never seen a Monokuma be made before.
And after a couple of hours, your greatest creation has been built. 
And soon after, the kids came back.
Masaru Diamon 
"Wh- (Name), what the heck is that?"
With an evil smirk, you pressed a button and activated your creation
"Hey, Masaru! Y'know, my fingers are pretty great, cuz I can count on all of them."
His face turned red from anger and he stomped his foot
"You don't even have fingers! (Name)! Why'd you make a Monokuma just to tell your stupid jokes?!"
"That's what he does! I call him 'Monojoker!'"
He ran up to you and punched you in the stomach
Several times
It hurt like hell, but his reaction was worth it
Jataro Kemuri 
"Huh? You made a Monokuma?"
You pressed the button and your creation came to life
"Hey, Jataro! Why do seagulls fly over the ocean? Because if they flew over the bay, we'd call them bagels."
"Why would we call them that? A seagull is a bird, and a bagel is a food."
He's just confused
You'll have to have Monojoker explain the joke to him
Kotoko Utsugi 
"Hey, what's that Monokuma for?"
You pressed the button, and let your machine do the talking
"Hey, Kotoko! Have you ever seen the movie 'Constipation'? No, you didn't, cuz it never came out!"
She pouts at you
"Ewww, (Name), that's gross!"
She is not happy with Monojoker
Or with you
Nagisa Shingetsu 
He sighs
"(Name), what is this?"
Without saying a word, you pressed the button and let Monojoker do its thing
"Hey, Nagisa! Why did the math book look so sad? Because of all of its problems!"
"The only problem I see is your jokes."
With that, he turns and leaves the room
Monaca Towa 
"Oh? You made a Monokuma?"
Watches with curiosity as you activate Monojoker
"Hey, Monaca! What do you call a factory that makes okay products? A satisfactory."
She just looks at Monojoker, and then at you
Then she silently rolls her wheelchair over to the bear and pressed the 'silent mode' button
Shirokuma and Kurokuma both had one, so she knew that this one would, too
You made a mental note to remove it later
Then she smiles at you before leaving the room
"Welp, looks like they hated it," Kurokuma commented.
"That was the point," you said with a smirk.
Kurokuma gave you a confused look, then burst out laughing.
"Hah! So you made that stupid thing to piss them off? That's hilarious!"
You turned to Monojoker and gave it a pat on the head. "Good job, buddy."
Monojoker took a bow. 
You smiled to yourself. Mission success.
Note: Okay, tell me what Monojoker looks like so I can draw him. I'm actually really curious
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