#but who cares!! i've had art block for like a month lol
para-psych-doodles · 1 year
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getvalentined · 2 months
Hey, so, I'm gonna be public and overt about this for the first time because apparently there is some bullshit going on related back to this, and I'm tired of walking on eggshells.
First: whoever the fuck is throwing anon hate at BBSC/birdblacksocialclub's friendgroup, STOP IT.
You are impacting my friends and my emotional wellbeing by stirring up shit that you don't know in full. If you genuinely care about any of the people involved here more than you care about getting a chance to bite back, you will not do this again. Period. Full fucking stop.
Now, to break down the situation. There is years-old beef between BBSC and I as a result of a friend of mine reporting her to the FF Charity Auction event over on Twitter for tracing way back in 2022. The organizers of the event apparently spoke to her, she promised not to trace for the event, and they opted not to do anything about it. This was within their right, as the organizers of the event, but I was quite sad about it over on my own account because it was part of a greater trend within fandom spaces of excusing popular creators for bad behavior, no matter how much of a pattern that behavior formed.
A different friend of mine commented on BBSC's listing on the event's Twitter saying, as far as I remember, "lol I'm not paying $$$ for traced art," which led to a huge blowup. To my understanding, BBSC stepped away from the event of her own free will, the organizers made a statement, and that was the end of it on that avenue.
One of BBSC's friends came into my thread lamenting this greater issue (it was not only about BBSC! I mentioned things in that thread that she had never done! It wasn't about her, it was about the trend!) to leave a bunch of vitriol, said he was being intentionally cruel, kind of implied that he hoped I would kill myself, and then ended his tirade with "you are loved" as if that would make up for the rest of it. He then blocked me so I couldn't actually see this response, which was a strange choice. I only found out about it because one of my best friends saw it and asked if I was going to respond.
I did not engage directly at any point.
When I went public a couple months later with my partner having abused me for the prior year, another of BBSC's friends commented on a reblog-with-commentary of my thread asserting that I had abused "her friend" by lying to get her kicked off of zines.
Fact check:
I did not report BBSC. I will admit that I'm the one who caught her tracing and thus had the evidence and talking points that I passed along to said friend, who used a throwaway to report it. We went back and forth on what they should say to the event organizers, I got screenshots of the responses, but it wasn't me delivering any of it.
Even if it had been me, the tracing that was reported was not a lie, and there are overlays under the cut to prove it. Reporting someone for unethical behavior in an art space when they are being put up on a pedestal within said art space is not abuse.
The project was not a zine, it was a charity art auction.
As far as I'm aware, she was not kicked off the project, she stepped down of her own accord. I believe this was stated by the event organizers—if they did remove her for tracing after all and then lied about it to save face, that's super fucked up and I'm sorry that happened.
I'm not giving the name of this person because she wasn't directly involved in anything, and didn't know the full story. Nobody really does, so it's not her fault that she believed her friend.
I genuinely, sincerely hope that BBSC is having a great time with her friends. I hope that she has stopped tracing. I hope her fandom experience is the best it can possibly be. I wish that she would talk to me so we could reach some kind of conclusion on this whole thing, but she doesn't have to and it's not like I'm going to block-evade to see what's going on with her. I see her drift across my dash sometimes, because tumblr's block function is garbage, but I've done my best to keep her name off my fandom experience.
I'd like to keep it that way, but I won't have other people getting wrapped up in this when nobody knows the extent of what happened.
I am turning off notifications on this post and will not be replying to anyone in any capacity related to this. BBSC and I have each other mutually blocked, and that should have been enough. It wasn't.
Overlays and screenshots under the cut, because the entire issue here is that I apparently lied about BBSC tracing, and that's why she hates me, but I didn't lie and she did trace, so this is fucking ridiculous.
I want to reiterate that this was two and a half fucking years ago. January 2022. I literally would not care if it didn't keep getting dredged up and fucking things up for people I care about. I'm tired of being called an abusive liar, and I will not abide by people who don't know what happened getting treated like shit because they had the AUDACITY to TRUST THEIR GODDAMN FRIEND.
Now everyone knows what happened. I don't care if this doesn't hit any goalposts for you, I don't care if you love your friend enough that this doesn't matter. I am glad that BBSC has people that are ride or die for her, she seems like she can be a really good friend. She's very creative. Her work is not bad, even when she's not tracing.
But now everyone, finally, is fully informed, so we're done. This is over. The end. Leave everyone the fuck alone.
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My sad thread and MG Glass' response:
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That one comment calling me abusive:
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aerkame · 7 months
Any advice on how to break out of an insane long art/writing block? My minds been going crazy with ideas, yet my hands say “Nope! lol!” Mode for some time.
I absolutely hate art blocks they're the worst. I've had some that lasted for months on end, sometimes a whole year so I'll give what advice I can to help you break out of this funk. 👍
Important bits are highlighted.
I suggest changing up your drawing environment for a bit, declutter anything on your desk or drawing spot, clean anything that could be in the way. Sometimes a change in your environment can help you feel less stressed. Cluttered spaces can change how we behave and it can also mess up our thinking process without us even noticing it so give that a try. (This applies to studying and doing homework as well!)
If you can, go to a new location and just try relaxing. Try going to a park, a colorful part of a city, a zoo you never went to, or even just walk around a neighborhood. This works similar to the above advice with changing your environment.
Write down the drawing idea you had for later and sketch something else lazily, do not put effort into the sketch, just feel and do whatever. After that, practice SKETCHING (sketching, not drawing, this does not need to be perfect or a masterpiece or a final product of sorts) parts of your desired drawing idea. Do this until you feel yourself being more comfortable.
RELAX! A lot of times when I start to feel an art block coming on mid-drawing, I notice my hand and face is not relaxed. If you feel yourself gripping a pencil/pen hard when drawing, take deep breaths in and out and relax. Drawing with your hands gripped is a sign of stress and art should be relaxing, not a stressful chore.
This follows up on number 4. Try lightly exercising. And I emphasize lightly. Especially if you are not someone who regularly exercises (remember to stretch before). Do something to get your heart going just a little bit. Sometimes doing this helps relives stress you may not be aware of and it also makes you feel more loose and energetic afterwards. This is because your body will release endorphins (the hormones that make you happy) into the body after exercising. Along that, make sure you're hydrated. No really, drink water.
SLEEP WELL! Make sure you are taking care of your body by getting enough sleep.
Draw out of your comfort zone. Try to start practicing on drawing things you are not usually used to drawing. Your Kryptonite basically. Personally, my kryptonite is cars and mechanical things.
That's all I can think of for now. If I think of more, I will reblog this with the attached new list.
You may or may not be confused on why I am focusing so much on the body and not actual drawing part itself. The thing is, art block is both a mental thing and physical thing that results from stress, exhaustion, or other factors you may not be aware of that can be helped (usually). An example? When I'm busy with college or when I had my first job last year I was so stressed out that the very idea of getting out my graphics tablet and drawing made me feel like I didn't want to draw anymore. I lost interest in doing something I really like. The same happened when I was in a STEM high school. I was too stressed out to pick up a pencil and draw.
You need to make sure your brain is stimulated and relaxed before you draw and after you draw and that can be done through exercise, new changes to the environment, or simply just trying new things with art. Your brain is in charge of so many things and that includes how you're feeling, so do what you can to take care of it.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
A Family Affair
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Book:                   Open Heart (Book 3 Timeline)
Pairing:                Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey)
Rating:                 Teen
Warnings: Some characters are anti-pride/queerphobic
Summary:   Several months into their relationship, Tobias takes Casey to meet his late father's family. Casey is apprehensive. The rich and powerful Carricks occupy a world she is not comfortable with. The evening is tense but bearable until the topic of pride month is broached.
Words: 4,900
A/N: I've been working on this for a while, and OMG, once my dog got sick, writer's block hit hard. It's a very important fic to me, so I hope it did it justice; the brain is still kind of mush, but I don't want to sit on this any longer. I'll likely read it tomorrow, cry, and edit. lol Participating in @choicesficwriterscreations pride bingo, family, @choicesjunechallenge pride month, and @choicespride familial relationships
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He had imagined this for some time now.  Ever since the night Casey confirmed she loved him every bit as much as he loved her, it took all of Tobias’s restraint not to shout it from the rooftops.  He was thirty-seven before the seemingly impossible was achieved: he found a woman that made forever seem like too short a time.  Now that she was here, he wanted to tell the world. But the world included his family, even his late father’s side, who he tended to avoid.  His father was no longer here, but his family was.  So when his Aunt Pauline invited him to a gathering at her Washington, DC home, he jumped at the chance to attend. An act that left him a bit baffled and left Casey a bit terrified. 
Today, she was a bright, rising star in the medical world. With an Ivy League education and a string of publications under her belt, everyone knew Dr. Casey MacTavish was destined for great things. But deep down, she would always be that little girl that grew up in South Philly. The one for whom back-to-school shopping didn't entail a trip downtown or to the mall but sifting through her cousin’s hand-me-downs on the living room floor. While she always knew food would always be on the table, it could be… creative at times. Cars and vacations? They only existed on the family’s small, antiquated television that always seemed to be on the fritz. Still, she knew she was rich in many ways.  Her loving, accepting family provided her with all the tools she needed to become the woman she was today.
Tobias wasn’t a complete stranger to the life Casey had led; his mother’s family shared a similar background, so he had a point of reference; but he was born a Carrick and lived in another world.  A place so foreign to most, it may as well have been thousands of miles away. Old money, accompanied by the power and trappings that came with it. His childhood was filled with homes that rivaled museums.  Servants, cars, travel, and excess most could only imagine were part of his daily life. But all that glitters is not gold. 
Demanding, unaccepting, and unforgiving of those who didn’t follow family edicts would pay a price.  Sure, they were careful to present a united front to the world; polite society required it.  But when the doors were shut,  a darker picture emerged. Tobias bore the scars of his childhood; still, as an adult, he knew how to navigate his family’s world with ease, even if it was with a touch of disdain. But tonight, the man was too enamored to believe anything could go wrong.
He waited at the bottom of the grand staircase that was the centerpiece of his childhood home as Casey descended.  Dressed in the elegant black silk sheath and matching shawl he gifted her, it was nothing a newly minted doctor with a mountain of debt could afford on her own. His mother's geometric gold necklace adorned her neck; it was stunning, even if not exactly to her taste.  It looked like a work of art and had a price tag that could back that claim.   
She was a vision, and Tobias couldn’t peel his eyes away.  Heat rose to Casey’s cheeks under his gaze, and she turned to him with a coy smile. 
“What are you looking at?” She teased.
“The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he answered at once.
“You’re smooth as ever, aren’t you, Carrick?”
“If I’m talking to you, it’s not being smooth; I’m simply stating facts. Are you ready to go?” 
Casey let out a deep breath, careful to conceal her apprehension with a warrior’s smile. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
She was uncharacteristically quiet as the couple’s Town Car meandered through the congested city streets.  Her eyes were glued to the window, and her grip on his hand seemed to tighten with every second that passed.  She could do this; she reminded herself.  She could fit into his world, even if it was a world she had no desire to fit into. 
Most would consider it a bonus, learning the person they fell in love with came from enormous wealth, but Casey wasn't most people. She had already fallen in love with Tobias when she learned he was one of the Carricks… and she was less than thrilled.  But, if she wanted a future with him, and she wanted that with all her heart, she had to find a way to make his world a part of her own…  at least when they visited.
"You don’t have to be worried about tonight,” he reassured.
"I'm not," she half-smiled.
"You lie like a cheap rug,” he snickered, happy to see her laugh.  Tobias may have been part of this world, but he was a man of his own design. 
"It's just...." she stalled with a huff.
"You're nervous... I get it… this side of my family can be a lot, even for me. But remember, no one in that room means more to me than you… and you've already won over the only Carrick who matters."
"Your mother?" she grinned.
"Well, obviously,” he laughed. “But I meant me. Don’t worry, Casey, everything will be fine.”
He told her who would be in attendance in advance to help put her at ease.  His Aunt Pauline, the hostess, and her husband, Harold.  Any number of their many children or grandchildren could be there.  His late father’s brother William, also known as Uncle Bill, and his wife Mandy would be there.  They were the safe spot, he advised.  When in doubt, stick with them.   A multitude of distant cousins were on the guest list, though he didn’t know who would show. 
“... and of course, Jordan will be there, so you’ll know someone other than me.”
“I wish your Mom were going,” Casey sighed wearily.  “She wouldn’t let anyone mess with me.”
“And you think I will!” he blurted as they pulled up in front of the impressive home. “Come on, sweetheart.  We’ve got this.” 
For a while, it seemed like they did. Everyone was eager to meet her. After all, she was the shiny new thing. Tobias was finally bringing a woman home, and they were quite certain many showed up tonight just to make sure it was true. While comment after comment was made about how amazed they were; many left her feeling she wasn’t necessarily who they would have cast in the role. 
“So this is who Vivian keeps going on and on about….” “You’re also a physician, I hear ….” “I hear you graduated from Perelman.. that’s impressive, especially given your background….” “You grew up in Philadelphia.  Were you acquainted with Marses? If you went to the St. Martin Country Club, you simply had to….” 
Casey handled it well, despite her desire to return home.��Then, William Carrick arrived.  His late father’s only sibling, Tobias’s eyes went bright when he entered the room.
“Uncle Bill!” he yelled, earning judgemental stares for his outburst.  “That’s my dad’s brother. One of the few people I like here,” he whispered.  “He’s going to adore you.”
Casey smiled graciously while shaking the kind-faced, grey-haired man’s hand. He was easy to talk to and immediately put her at ease. His wife, Mandy, was just as lovely. Tobias’s brother, Jordan, arrived and joined the group.  Matching his brother’s energy, he threw his arm around Casey with a smile, and for the first time that night, she breathed a sigh of relief; perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
Dinner was finally served, and Casey was flanked by Tobias and Jordan.  The former joked that he was seated at the kid's section when several cousins, closer in age to Casey and Jordan than himself, sat nearby. After introductions were made, the cousins continued the conversation they were previously engaged in without making an attempt to bring the others in.
“So, you’re working on his campaign,” a flaxen-hared man in an overpriced dinner jacket asked.
“Of course!” his prematurely balding counterpart replied. “Virginia is still a swing state. It’s imperative we do all we can to change that.”
“Your favorite color was always red,” his date replied to a chorus of laughter.  
Casey bit her cheek.  She was well aware that many present had different beliefs than she, or even Tobias, held. But that wasn’t anything she wanted to bring to the forefront tonight. Tobias caught her eye and gave her a little smirk.
“Don’t worry,” she whispered. “I’ll behave.”
“I didn’t ask you to behave.”
“I will anyway.” 
And she did.  As the conversation turned to “that dreaded Senator Sanders” and how healthcare for all would destroy the country, she clenched her napkin and didn’t share how the fight for equal access to healthcare was something she worked tirelessly for.  A calling she felt as a doctor. She poured another glass of wine just before immigration became the topic of discussion, and this time, someone asked her opinion. 
“We all descend from immigrants, did we not?” she said through clenched teeth. “I think it’s important to remember that.” 
Tobias’s Uncle Bill shot her a sympathetic smile from down the table and did his best to change the topic to something more benign. But despite his best efforts, it always veered back to something divisive. 
“Do they serve anything stronger than wine at these soirees?” Casey whispered to Tobias. “Because I’m starting to think I may need it.” 
“Is this too much?” he asked. “We can go if you like.”
“Dessert hasn’t even been served yet. I’m assuming that’s when we’ll have a reflection on the teachings of Ayn Rand…who would want to miss that?”
“Oh, I wish Ma was here to see this,” he laughed. “She’s been dying for some companionship at these events.”
“I’m sure. But how are you?” she asked. “You float among them so easily, but it’s like….”
“I’m a square peg in a round hole,” he finished before downing the rest of his wine. “That’s exactly what I am. Trust, except for Uncle Bill and Aunt Mandy, you won’t see these people more than once every two years… and at funerals.”
“You said funeral with too much delight,” she chuckled.
“Only certain funerals.  I’m going to head to the restroom. Care to join me,” he said, with a wiggle of his brows. 
“Oh, sure!” She grinned. “Being caught getting frisky with you in the bathroom is not something I plan to do on my first meeting with these people.” 
“You’re right,” he nodded as he stood up. “We should wait until at least your third visit for that.” 
When Tobias returned to the table, Aunt Pauline met his gaze with a sparkle in her eye.
“Tobias, Casey is just delightful. Please tell me you're serious with her," she swooned. 
Tobias placed his arm around Casey’s shoulder and pulled her close.  
“Very much so. I have no intention of letting her get away.”
“Is that why we were instructed to lock the doors upon your arrival?” Uncle Bill teased.
“Hey, I’m not taking my chances,” Tobias chortled.
“Well, I couldn’t be happier!” Aunt Pauline beamed. “Your mother was right! She was worth the wait. You’re a lucky man, Tobias.”
“Thank you,” Casey blushed. “But trust me, I’m the lucky one.”
A cousin sipping an after-dinner drink scoffed at her remark. “No doubt you are,” he sneered. While Casey heard him perfectly clear, the remark appeared to go unnoticed by everyone else. 
“Pauline, darling,” Her husband, Harold, chimed in. “It’s a beautiful evening.  Should I instruct the staff to serve dessert on the patio?” 
Pauline harumphed with a wave of her hand. “On any other night, I’d say yes, but not tonight!”
“Why not tonight?” Uncle Bill asked. “It’s the perfect weather for it.”
“It would be,” Pauline replied. “If only we didn’t have to be subjected to the debauchery about to begin outside.”
Casey wrinkled her nose and leaned to whisper in Tobias’s ear. “I didn’t know debauchery was on the agenda?”
“I wasn’t aware either,” he whispered back. “I assumed that was reserved for us when we get back to the townhome later on.”
Casey giggled as she turned back to the conversation, which had continued while they momentarily escaped into their own little world.
“It’s pathetic!” someone else stated. “We can't even enjoy a night outside… we shouldn’t be subjected to this.”
“I don’t disagree,” Pauline grumbled. “Had I realized the date sooner, I would have rescheduled our dinner. But if you get in your cars and head south, you’ll be spared the bulk of the depravity.”
“Depravity?” Casey giggled curiously. “What on earth is going on outside?”
“The neighborhood pride festival,” a cousin answered with disdain. 
“There was a time this neighborhood escaped such things,” another chimed in. “But those days are long gone.” 
Casey’s jaw went slack and she was sure blood was going to start dripping out of her mouth from biting her tongue all night, and she was nearing her breaking point.
“And how does the festival hurt you, Lars?” Aunt Mandy asked angrily.  
“It doesn’t hurt me, per se. But it hurts society. Do you know nearly twenty percent of Gen Z identifies as queer? Twenty percent! That’s up staggeringly from previous generations, and this is why! They’re bombarded with the gay agenda from the moment they’re born!” 
Casey sat upright in her chair, slamming her wine glass on the table much louder than she had intended. 
“Agenda?” She spat.  “Outside wishing to be respected and have the same rights afforded to other Americans, can you please tell me what is on this… agenda? Because I must have missed the memo.” 
“The agenda is clear,” Lars replied.  “It’s to turn people into… them.  That’s why there are so many of them now.” 
“Oh, so you’re delusional enough to believe that there were fewer queer people in previous generations. Or do you think that, maybe, people were just forced to live in closets?”
Lars emptied his glass and motioned to a server for another. “Better in their closets than out on my streets!”
“Your streets?” Casey scoffed.
“Lars,” an older relative jumped in. “What does it matter if they’re gay? It’s not as if it’s going to turn you gay.”
Casey briefly thought there may have been an iota of common sense in the room, but that ended quickly.
“But I understand where you’re coming from, and it’s overdone. Gay pride month? Come on… when do we get straight pride month.” 
When a rumble of laughter filled the room, Casey unfurled.
“Do you have any idea how insulting that is?” she barked.  “Straight pride month? You should be happy that you don’t need a straight pride month?  When was the last time you had to forgo holding your partner’s hand in public because it could endanger your life?  Has a landlord ever denied you an apartment because they found out you were moving in with your straight partner?  Or has anyone gone to court to ask for the right not to sell you a freaking cake? Or to say it’s against their values to provide you with medical care? Medical care! When has being straight ever caused a problem like this for you? Tell me. I’ll wait.” 
Her arms were crossed defiantly in front of her chest, and her face began turning their favorite color… red. As silence hung, several looked to Tobias to intervene.
“Don’t look at me,” he shrugged. “Casey asked a question, and I believe the polite thing to do would be to answer. Anyone?”
“Uhm, I see,” Pauline stuttered. “I didn’t… we didn’t realize this was a … a sensitive subject for you.”
“It’s not sensitive. But I do want an answer. If you can tell me why a straight pride month is needed, I promise, I’ll help plan it.”
“Casey,” a relative she hadn’t previously spoken to chimed in. “I assure you, they aren’t bad people. It’s just their… exposure to people different than themselves is limited… they don’t even know any queer people.”
“Oh,” Casey scoffed.  “I assure you, they do. They probably don’t feel comfortable enough to let them know it… but they do.”
“She’s right,” Tobias backed up. “But for argument's sake, let's just say they didn’t.  Then maybe you should get out there and meet some. Being exposed to different people than yourselves. What a concept? That's how you learn and grow, and that’s not a bad thing.  Is it?” 
“Casey,” Pauline interrupted, growing uncomfortable with the scene that had emerged.  “I would like to apologize. We didn’t know… I assume you have… gay…  people in your life.”
“Yeah,” Casey sighed.  “I do, and, as of tonight, so do you.”
“I… I don’t understand,” the elderly woman queried.
“I’m bisexual. And until this moment, you really seemed to like me. Does this change your mind? Because I assure you, I was just as bisexual when I arrived tonight as I am now. Nothing about me has changed.”
“Wait…” Lars interrupted. “You can't be bisexual. You’re dating Tobias.”
Casey rolled her eyes. “Do you even know what bisexual means? It means I’m attracted to more than one gender… which includes men. Being that Tobias is a man, he fits the bill.”
“I’m grateful for that…” Tobias injected.
“Well, that’s all right, dear…” Harold stated. “You seem to be a lovely young woman, and this whole…thing… won’t be an issue. You’re with our great-nephew… and… people will assume you’re a normal couple. We don’t need to announce to the world that you are….” His words trailed, and Aunt Mandy stepped in. 
“Bisexual,” she offered with a smile. 
“Normal?” Casey spat.  “If you want normal, you can find that setting on your washing machine. Of course, you’re probably about as acquainted with washing machines as you are with people like me. And sorry, I’m not going back into a closet for anyone.”
“Well,” the old man said, wringing his hands. “It’s just that if… say… you and Tobias should say… get married one day….you’d be a Carrick, and…”
“Oh, that’s the plan…” Tobias jumped in. “I told you, I have no intention of letting her go.”
“Well … we’ve never had this in the family!”
“You probably have,” Casey insisted. “But I have no problem leading the way if you haven't. Hell, it may even help your image! Bring you into this century!” 
“But there is no need to announce it,” Pauline pleaded.
“If you Google my name, you’ll see who I am. I’ve been an activist since college. It’s out there…and I’m proud of it.”
“Well, we are a powerful family,” Harold stated. “We could have that all wiped clean well in advance of any potential announcements….”
Casey was about to strike that down, but Tobias beat her to the punch. 
“Over my dead body,” he blurted, taking Casey’s hand.  “Casey knows who she is, and I’m never going to ask her to be any less.  Because she’s just perfect in my book.” 
Casey met his eyes with a grateful smile, then turned back to the family. 
“I’m comfortable with and proud of who I am. But I’m not comfortable being here any longer.” 
“That’s my queue,” Tobias hummed, finishing off his drink before standing up from the table. 
“Tobias,” Lars sputtered. “You’re all right with this? You finally settle down and she's... bisexual. Do you want to be cheated on?"
“Whoa…you think I’ll be unfaithful because I’m bisexual? Holy fucked up stereotypes, Batman! Like straight people have cornered the market on fidelity? I’m sure none of the straight folk in this room have ever dealt with that, right?” A low rumble filled the room before she continued. “Trust me, Tobias has nothing to worry about. He’s the person in my life, and I adore him.  Hard stop. You have so much to learn, but I’m done teaching today.”
Casey and Tobias were almost at the door when she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to find Uncle Bill. 
“Casey, I’d like to apologize on behalf of my family. You were a guest tonight and weren’t treated very hospitably. Unfortunately, the small-mindedness of some here knows no bounds. I hope you’ll come to visit Mandy and me at our home.  We’d like to introduce you to our daughters and grandchildren, even our sons-in-law,” he chuckled.  “Seriously, we want to get to know the woman who finally took our nephew out of circulation.”
Bill grinned at Tobias. “I can see why she did. She’s something else, isn’t she?”  
“Uncle Bill,” Tobias beamed, “You have no idea.”
He clapped Tobias on the back and pulled him into a hug. “I wish your father were here… he would have been so proud… of both of you.”
“Well," Tobias replied. "He was a bit of a rabble-rouser, too, wasn’t he?”
“Yes!” Bill grinned. “He had no tolerance for this bullshit.”
“Good trouble. That’s what he and Ma used to say.”
“Exactly! Now, come you two. Let me walk you out.”
Alone in the back seat of the car, Casey asked the driver to raise the privacy partition, then turned to Tobias, slightly abashed. 
“I’m really sorry that I….”
“Stop,” he interrupted.  “You don’t owe me an apology.  I think I owe you one.”
“Yeah, I avoid the majority of the people in that room tonight like the plague. I don’t know what I was thinking exposing you to them.  It’s just… not having my dad here anymore… I thought the next best thing would be introducing you to them. In retrospect, I should have limited that to Uncle Bill and Aunt Mandy.” 
“Tobias, do you think I don’t have people like that in my family? You think I don’t run into people like them every day… you don’t have to apologize for their behavior. But…” she stalled.  “I suppose we should talk.”
“About what?” he asked nervously.
“I never actually told you I was bisexual.”
“Well,” Tobias laughed, “When Jessica was in town, and you introduced her to me as your ex-girlfriend, I kind of got the hint. .”
“I don’t think it’s something people should have to share.  I mean, straight people don’t have to declare it at the start of a relationship, do they? So, I’ve always felt I shouldn’t either.  But I really want a life with you, and I need to know if this is a problem for you.” 
“A problem? No, it's not a problem.  I love you for you, and I meant what I said back there.  You are perfect just the way you are.  I wouldn't change a thing about you... except maybe the way you're always stealing the covers at night."
Casey reached over and caressed his cheek.  “This is just one of the reasons I love you.  But if you want to discuss it, you can ask me anything. I’m an open book to you.” 
“That goes in reverse. You can ask me anything you want, any time. No secrets between us.”
“Well,” she smirked, snuggling closer to him. “I mean, I love you and all, but we have established you were quite the ho before you met me. I just assumed it was because you were straight.”
“Oh, really!” he laughed heartily. “We will have no slut shaming in this car, young lady… and no disparaging any sexual orientation… including mine.”
“You know I’m joking,” she laughed. “About everything except that I love you.”
“Good, 'cause that’s the only part that matters. But… you know… the way you put my family in place,” he smiled salaciously.  “I’m not going to lie; I’m so fucking turned on right now.” 
“Are you,” Casey laughed, “then a good thing your mother’s away, and we have the townhome to ourselves.”
Just then, the car pulled in front of the home, and Tobias cursed under his breath.  
“What’s wrong?” Casey asked. 
“Look,” he pointed to the front steps Jordan was sitting, all man spread with a bottle of beer in his hand. “So much for alone.”
“He’s not staying here,” Casey giggled. “Let's go chat; he won't be here all night. A little patience, Dr. Carrick.”
“Jordan! What’s up?” Tobias asked as they approached.  “What are you doing outside?” 
“Waiting on you,” he said, handing each of them a cold bottle of beer.  “But I went inside to get these first.” 
“Sitting on the front steps drinking beer?” Casey gasped.  “Isn’t this going to lower the Carrick’s standing in polite society?”
“Like these Carricks ever gave a fuck about that,” Tobias laughed, but Jordan stayed silent. 
“Casey, you were really something back there,” he mumbled, staring down at his feet.  “You’re a strong woman. I’m impressed.” 
“Well, thank you. But all I did was speak my truth.  Sometimes it’s not easy, but I’ve found it’s easier than living a lie.”
“Is it?” he asked.
“I think so.  Now, I’m not sure if I’ll be invited to the next Carrick family gathering,” she laughed, “But….”
“Pfft,” Tobias spat. “If we are, we’re not gracing them with our presence.” 
“Except for Uncle Bill,” Jordan smiled. 
“Uncle Bill seems awesome,” Casey agreed.  “I think he and Aunt Mandy are the only two Carricks not mortified over having someone like me associated with the family. Hell, it’s 2021.  It’s about time the Carricks queered up a little. I’m happy to the first."
“Except… you’re not,” Jordan muttered.
Casey tilted her head in Jordan’s direction. “I’m not?” 
“Nope.  You’re just the first with the nerve to be honest... and open.  I’ve never told anyone in the family,” he looked to Tobias.  “Not even you… but I’m bisexual.” 
Casey sat down on the step next to Jordan, placing a supportive hand on his shoulder.  
“Jordan… I had no idea.”
“You wouldn’t,” he shrugged.  “I’ve kept it a well-guarded secret.” 
“Why?” Tobias asked. “I mean, I get from the others, but why from me?” 
Jordan shrugged. “I’m bisexual; it’s easy to hide in plain sight if I want to.  And you know our family. I wasn’t ever planning on letting them know, so… why not keep it to myself.” 
“And that’s your prerogative,” Casey said, widening her eyes in Tobias’s direction to stave off the line of questioning she knew was about to begin. “I was much happier once I was out.  But that’s only my experience, and it should never dictate yours.  When and if you decide to be out... that’s up to you and only you.” 
Jordan placed his hand on Casey’s knee and smiled. “And until tonight, my answer to that would have been that it’s never going to happen.  But now… I’m not so sure.” 
“Well, just know if you decide to do so, you know you have my support….” Tobias assured. “At least, I hope you know that.” 
“I do,” Jordan smiled.  “Outside of a couple of friends, you two are the first people I’ve ever told, and… you know what… it feels good. I have to process this a little more, but I think I’d like to tell Ma.  Do you think she’ll be pissed?”
“You’re her son, and Mom is going to love you no matter what,” Tobias insisted. “Besides, you know Mom’s always been cool about this stuff. She’s not… the Carricks." 
“That’s a relief,” Casey sighed.  “I’m sure news of tonight's shenanigans will get back to her, and I was worried she might dislike me now.  See, this is what sucks.  Sometimes people like me until they find out… then I’m shunned.  I try not to let it bother me, but…”
“But, you’re human,” Jordan smiled. 
“Would you like to go inside and talk?” Casey asked.  “I know it’s late, but…”
“No,” Jordan smiled as he rose to his feet.  “I’m going to walk back to my place.  I have a lot to think about, but I just wanted to get this off my chest. Thank you for letting me.”
Casey stood to give Jordayna hug.  “Hey, you’re not excluding me from this!” Tobias smiled as he joined in. 
“You sure you don’t want to come in?” Casey asked again.
“Nah.  Even if I did, I know my brother,” he winked. “After what you did tonight… standing up to those people... he has to so fucking turned on!"
"I told you!" Tobias yelled as Casey covered her face.
"You sure do know him," she laughed.
"Now, get out of here. Go home, get some sleep.”
“And you get inside…," Jordan grinned at his brother. "And do… whatever you’re going to do.” 
Tobias and Casey returned to the steps. He wrapped his arm around her, and she nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck. They sat silent for several minutes as they watched Jordan walk away.
“Well, that was quite a night,” Tobias sighed.
“It didn't go exactly as you expected, did it?” 
“Nah, but in this family…I’ve seen much, much worse.”  He lifted her chin from his shoulder, turning to look her in the eye. “I love you, Casey MacTavish. I keep saying I can’t possibly love you anymore, but you keep proving me wrong.” 
“Mmm.  Let’s see if I can keep that up for the rest of our lives,” she smiled.  “Now.  You mentioned something about being all turned on? That wasn't all talk, was it?"
A wicked grin spread slowly across his moonlit face. “I’ll race you to the bedroom."
Tags on reblog.
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I think @kennyomegasweave tagged me in this OTP meme like...months ago? And I just found it half-finished in my drafts and decided to actually get it done.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore? 20s, not my teens, but I used to be utterly obsessed with Jack/Kent from Check Please and now, IDEK what happened. I still love them, but I have old fic I saved and never read and can't bring myself to care anymore. IDK it makes me sad.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one? Hmm probably Betsy/Joe from the Betsy Tacy series or Anne/Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables? My first ships when I actually got into fandom were Sawyer/Kate and Sara/Grissom from CSI.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple? Magnus/Alec!!! I never thought I would write fic and then I watched season 1 of Shadowhunters and banged out (lol) 7 fics and almost 30k of porn in less than 2 months in 2016. They all have an insane number of hits (like. the highest has 54,878 hits and the lowest has 15,836 hits.........) and I still get kudos on them almost every day, it's wild.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over? Genuinely no idea, but the first one in my fan art tag is Katniss/Peeta from 2012 <3
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse? My first instinct whenever I see someone talk about something I don't like is to mute/block, so perhaps not actively, but I'm sure I have at some point.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently? LOL. Yes. I still fucking HATE Jack/Kate from Lost and always will. Also Dan/Blair from Gossip Girl. Lately...I'm such a multi-shipper but I gotta say Kate/Anthony from Bridgerton bc I've genuinely had to restrain myself from bitching about how much I hate them SO many times since s3 came out lol.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? I finished a rewatch of Beyond Evil last night so I've been rereading some of my old bookmarks bc I've read almost everything that's out there 😔. Shout out to the masterpiece simple & clean by whir.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs? So many!!! Taemin/Kai is still my #1, but also Juwon/Dongsik from Beyond Evil, PatPran from Bad Buddy (it took me several episodes to actually get into the show but once I did I cried...so much over them and how much they love each other LOL), KunTen from WayV, Louis/Lestat...I feel kinda bad that I don't have a major current f/f OTP but I'm literally checking my kpop tags multiple times a week for rule 63 fic and most of my current WIPs are rule 63 f/f so there's that. (Two KunTen including what hopefully is gonna be a long one, plus a Jigyu I started yesterday for a fest that I'm hoping I'll be able to get done - not because of the length, but because I've never written Seventeen before)
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? So many??? I feel like I have to say Dean/Cas.......Lee/Kara never really got together so them for sure. Sawyer/Kate from Lost even though I 100% choose to believe they got together post-canon pre-flash-sideways. Oh my god I'm looking through my "forever bitter" tag and it's a lot of Cooper/Audrey from Twin Peaks as I expected, but I forgot about Mini/Franky from Skins. and ABSOLUTELY THEM. Everything about series 5 was terrible but that especially.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? IDK I feel like I don't usually change my mind like that. I wouldn't go as far as saying "kind of interesting" but I guess I don't hate Bree/Roger from Outlander AS much on the show as I did in the books lol.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? Hmm...Cesare/Lucrezia maybe? If not them almost definitely Norma/Dylan from Bates Motel LOL.
12. What was your favorite crack ship? I was gonna say I couldn't remember any that truly fit this definition, but then I remembered the Kent Parson/Claude Giroux series #dirtbags and that was great. Actually no my real answer is Syd/Richie from The Bear. Now *I* don't think it's a crackship but they have that vibe.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of? Here's a side by side view of my most bookmarked ships vs the tags I have saved rn on my front page. Unfortunately you can only have 20 but I think it's a pretty good representation. (Other than the ENHA ship, where I legit don't know anything about them or frankly even what they look like, but that tag produces so much incredible unhinged porn that I read canon-blind.)
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common? I feel like I have several different ~types, but: friends to lovers, I LOVE bicker-y couples, age gap relationships, especially when one of them is a mentor-ish figure, and power dynamics in general.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship? Nice Guy characters, whether they're a guy or a girl. The OG example is Xander (duh) and Chloe from Smallville but you also see it with characters like Sol on My Stand In...there's def more things I hate but that's one of most major ones for me.
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mimimariet · 2 months
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Posting this here cause twitter limit and whoever cares to read or relate lol-:
I don't know how to properly convey my feelings with this rant. My best friend told me I'm sure other creatives could relate. The short story is I've lost my hyperfixation that keeps me alive. I'm so emotionally and physically fatigued and arts been hard. In 2010 I dabbled with my OCs, and later on down the road it became my lifeline. I had invested such a huge part of me into my characters and building their world and stories. However, there came this period.. currently.. that I'm struggling to overcome.
A little background, my OCs were definitely an outlet for me. I had been in several relationships where I felt like I needed to beg for love. I thought I had found someone who truly loved me! Heartbreak can write some amazing stories and songs. Though for my mental wellbeing.. being in a toxic and abusive relationship has only left me damaged. Somehow it has taken my creativity away.. I have these experiences I can work and work thru on a personal level AND an artistic level but..
I'm now in a relatively healthy relationship. We both have our struggles but I'm at this point where I'm.. content with the feeling of "loved". I've lost the mourning connection of my OCs and their stories cause I'm content and at peace. I'm still forever damaged and even with the 10 months that have passed by.. I'm not fully recovered. I still strongly desire to work on my stories. I don't know when that'll be.. with a job I'm fed up with and with a heart in recovery.. I just don't know. Simply put, I am stuck. I miss my youth and energy to create. I hope it gets better for me soon.
I have no idea if this even makes sense! I'm trying to explain how.. there was the me back then, who was used and abused and all stretched thin with such a DRIVE to use those emotions to put into a story to tell.. the manic late night episodes of me making comics.. using heartbreak to fuel a story with my dumb little OCs. I used the hurt to make something happy, to live out my desires into my little personalities that are mostly named Billy. Now I'm content.. with love.. Not so much my job I'm TRYING to find a new one LMAO. It's been so difficult. I'm trying to find a new peace, I know I mention Kesha A LOT and shes a huge part of my life, too. "Too Far Gone" from her album Gag Order fits the vibe. "Am I missing you, or am I missing pieces of me?" I guess another word to describe me is optimistic and I always try to look on the bright side of things. Considering "if I can't be happy I can make my little guys happy! But they will be angsty along the way of course!" I'm severely stumped.. I've written so much for my comics and I'm just.. oddly art blocked and overwhelmed into creation. That and my job is whats KILLING my creative mojo. Sorry y'all. <3 I'll get there. I miss drawing so much. My current "fixation" at least.. is Kesha. So I can still create something..!! She's kinda taken the place of my OCs lmao. My brain should be studied, I dunno!! I'm not going anywhere so no need to be worried about that. :B I'm on.. an artistic life support, is all.
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sleepykas · 2 years
Even though it's been following you for less than an hour, I could kind of take a swing at this; for the "reblog about what your art tells me about you":
You're facing burnout, lol, Wouldn't be too much of a stretch to be right. You are an artist, you will face burnout and art block and I am sorry for that. But when you decide to draw your art is amazing, don't doubt yourself.
If you ever feel reluctant to post something because it doesn't "look right". Please remember that people cannot see the final image you wanted to have that's in your head. We only see what you present us with, and as I hope you've learned we eat it up. Even rough sketches paint a picture for us.
You have such great story ideas. And you enjoy prompts that people may create in the tags, are you by chance also wanting to be a writer even if it's only for AUs?
I feel if that is the case, you also would like to write a book. Probably on one of these AUs you love, But you're smart and worry about copyright infringement. If that is the case, get a fic going. And towards the end when you want to publish, for a month every day, just post that you're going to change their names subtly. Their designs are already different, you may have to rename the locations for events. But I bet you could get a book out, I'd buy it 😉
Your work is lovely, so glad I found you and I look forward to what you post in the future. Don't give up on what you love. Stay determined, there are people out there who care for you. ❤️
Thank you for sending me this! I'm glad you love enjoyed my art and I appreciate your support :]
As for your guesses: some of them are correct!
Burnout is not something I've ever dealt with - I've had minor bouts of artblock that I just pushed through, but artistic burnout hasn't been an issue for me (academic burnout, however... /lh).
I am never reluctant to post stuff! I post pretty much everything I draw and if people don't like it, welp, I do, so that's good enough for me. :] And yes, you guys do eat up pretty much everything I post, haha.
As for AUs and writing and such, I've got two projects I'm currently brewing up (one will have the elusive Y/N character along with our beloved celestial boys >:3)
I don't have any plans for writing a book as of now, simply because I work better when there's a basis for me to work with and I don't have to make up everything myself - BUT I do enjoy making OCs and giving them (tragic) backstories. I have over 100 that I can remember off the top of my head LOL.
Anyways, thank you for the message, I greatly appreciate the interaction and I love how much thought was put into this. Have a nice day, friend :]
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theeretblr · 3 years
Hi Eret, how do you feel about being a important figure to a big part of your followers?
It's honestly an insane experience, because I'm just me, a regular person. (Heads up, this gets quite long lol)
Put yourself in my position, kinda doing your own thing, discovering and learning about yourself, but on the side you like playing video games, specifically Minecraft and stream as a hobby with no expectations of making it big.
Suddenly, one day, your audience goes from around 100-200 viewers into the thousands then tens of thousands. Your follower count goes from around 10,000 that you grew over the course of about 8 months to hundreds of thousands in just a few weeks.
Nothing could have prepared you for this, you don't have a team, you don't have much experience at all. You're just you and having to suddenly learn how to be a big content creator and lead a community bigger than anything you've ever done before by orders of magnitude. All the while wanting to be the best person you can be!
You're terrified of fucking up and letting people down, because there are now thousands of people who look up to you, see you as a role model, but you're still the same person you were a few months ago. Of course you've learned and changed somewhat, but ultimately the same person. Being put on a pedestal is terrifying and sites like Twitter seem perfectly designed to tear you down when you make even the slightest slip of the tongue or don't word something well.
There are thousands trying to demonise you, saying you've said and done terrible things that you never did or got misinterpreted. And when you do make mistakes, you apologise and try to learn and be better... it doesn't matter, they don't care, they just want to hate you for the sake of hating you. The mental health strain this causes leads you to not want to stream or post on social media at all. You ask yourself "Did they win?"
However, there are vastly more people who still support and look up to you. There's so much positivity, but the hate direted towards you had blinded you to it.
You get help.
You realise that people who choose to hate are not people you want in your community and your time is better spent focusing on those who do appreciate you.
Even when you're not streaming, or creating content, for potentially weeks or months, there are still hundreds, if not thousands of people talking about you. Creating art, stories, being active in your discord, or even literally counting the days until you come back.
They are what motivates you, you want to be the best you can be. Things are finally seeming to get into place and set up in a position that you would have liked to be in almost 2 years ago now. The future is bright, still intimidating, but that's part of the journey!
I'm still just me, but now I've got all of you supporting me and allowing me to do things I'd never have thought possible. I want to make sure everyone feels welcome and comfortable in this community. We have the power to do so much good in the world and I'm excited to see what we can do!
There are still some mental blocks that I'm working through, but I want to make this year an amazing one!
Thank you everyone for all the support you give me every single day. I love you all! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
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mdverse · 2 years
What are some of your favourite Glee ships and why? I'm thinking like... top five? Or more if you feel like it :)
ooh this is a fun one because anything after my top ship can and will change at the drop of a hat lmao
1: brittana
hopefully this will come as a shock to no one aksdjhfsk,,, brittana is actually a ship i found out about before i watched glee. like i would see all of these compilations on youtube of glee moments out of context, and idk how exactly but it led to seeing clips of brittana. i remember being salty bc some of my friends at the time had seen glee and not a single one of them told me that there was a wlw relationship i would've liked lol.
but yeah there's just something really compelling about getting to see these two girls who start out as background characters with funny one-liners grow into an actual couple that gets happily married in the end. especially because i don't remember really seeing any wlw relationships get any kind of focus or open acknowledgement before brittana? at least not any relationships that lasted more than a couple of episodes? and maybe i just wasn't watching the right shows bc i only started watching glee less than 2 years ago lol but their development on the show, while very flawed thanks to the writers, was just super special for me. and it still is. i have a lot of love for them and even though i haven't drawn much brittana lately, i'd like to think that my love for them shows in some of my older art :)
also? wanting to draw brittana is what got me out of months-long art block and depressive episode where i just did not have any inspiration or motivation to draw anything, and it quickly became the catalyst for so much of the artistic growth i've made over the past almost 2 years. idk if that means much to u guys but to me it really means the world and i don't think i even have the words to explain it asksdhfk i just. i love them a lot.
2: hevans
ok listen to be completely honest, i don't think about hevans that much but once in a while i think about s2 hevans and how that would've been so nice? like,,, s2 sam was so refreshing because he arrived at a time where i was used to seeing the glee boys (finn and puck in particular) being like "oh we get called gay for being in glee club and associating with kurt, a gay kid :( and that's bad :( we don't like the idea of being seen as gay :(" and sam just did not care. he didn't care that singing a duet with another guy might be seen as weird, he didn't care that he might get bullied for it, he just cared that kurt had a lovely voice and he wasn't gonna go back on his promise to sing with kurt. and then we got rumours and kurt not even hesitating to keep sam's secret, even though his friends immediately accused him of cheating on blaine. idk hevans just had this bond in s2 that wasn't explored enough after that, and then sam was dumbed down in s4 and onwards and ugh i miss s2 sam goddammit fuck the writers for turning him into whatever the fuck we got in s4-6
also hevans makes me consider an artist!sam x model!kurt au? like when i drew kurt as the boy with a basket of fruits i could picture sam being a painter and having kurt as his model/inspiration, and i have a second very unfinished wip based on another painting in the same vein. lowkey veering into a picture of dorian grey moment now lol but is that not compelling??? i can't believe i only thought of that just now aksdjhf i love that book,,, also there's yet another painting i'd like to redraw as hevans but who knows when i'll get around to it
3: quinntina
i don't think the writers were ever gonna give us quinntina and idk if there are even many quinntina moments in the show aside from like,,, teeny tiny background moments here and there. also the show butchered them both so i'm not basing this ship in canon at all. i just think they would have an interesting dynamic i guess? popular girl quinn fabray and shy tina cohen-chang possibly wishing they could switch positions for a while because quinn is exhausted from all the pressure she puts on herself and tina wonders what it would be like to be in the spotlight? slowly bonding in glee club because tina realises quinn isn't the bitch tina assumed she'd be, and quinn finds it refreshing to be around a sweetheart like tina? indulging each other's dramatic moments but also keeping each other grounded? the mental image of tina helping quinn dye her hair pink? that time in s6 where we got half a quinntina duet in jagged little tapestry, which for the record, i think would've been a mashup of so far away and ironic? (also, vb au quinntina sharing the brain cells of the friend group?) idk i think it would've been nice and i am once again cursing the writers
4: wildebrams
i don't have much of an actual explanation as to why i like wildebrams because it feels like i haven't seen s4-5 in forever, but iirc their relationship allowed us to see a much softer side to kitty and i really loved that. like,,, kitty being nervous about committing to a relationship but then opening up to the glee club about her feelings for artie? wholesome shit i love it
i can't think of anymore ships rn because i'm not deeply invested in any ships besides brittana but this feels like a solid mini list. i feel like im forgetting a lot of the big ones so feel free to specify any other ships you'd like me to talk about :)
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casiavium · 3 years
Hello👋 I go by Cherry, you can also call me Max or Sky because honestly I don't answer to my own name. I ramble a lot
-I am an adult. When I joined these fandoms I was not. Your interests don't magically disappear when you turn 18
-I'm lesbian, so if your first thought when you see that is :/ you're not welcome here! Lesbian is not a dirty word and it does not inherently mean terf or biphobic. Check your own community before demonizing another. I'm also genderfluid (sort of a girl-nonbinary-agender spectrum) so if you think that cancels it out same thing! I am not afraid of coming off as a mean fucking dyke I am tired of this shit
-I swear a lot
-suggestive content sometimes (nsft, nsft-ish, and nsft mention are the tags to block)
-no offense but I really don't care about mutuals status. Unless we're actually friends, if you post stuff I'm not interested in/move onto a different fandom I'm not following ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ call me boring but I don't like cluttering my dash with stuff I know nothing about. Please don't take it personally if I unfollow you, I follow like 50 people max and it's still a lot for me
-I ship ghiralink. Saying this now because it's apparently a big thing
My version of Sky Link is >18 because the game starts with him graduating school and becoming a knight, I started the game as a 17 1/2 yr old about to graduate high school and beat it the day before I went to college so I'm hella projecting onto it, like you're supposed to with a blank player character. Most of the stuff I make is post canon, the events of the game taking 6+ months. If you have a problem with Ghiralink you should also have a problem with Midlink, Shadlink, Miphlink, Sidlink, Revalink, Zelimpa (or their x Zelda counterparts) and countless other Zelda ships with nonhuman characters and/or a lack of canon age/consistent age equivalency before trying to claim the moral high ground. If you don't like it you don't like it, stop pretending anyone who does is a monster
This is my main blog, it doesn't have a theme, but I post/reblog
-Legend of Zelda (mostly Skyward Sword Ghirahim/Ghiralink )
-general internet culture
-fan art
-original artwork
-Update of shame: Star Wars
My stuff is tagged cherryskyart/writing/etc because I usually split posting it between here and my skyward sword sideblog
I'm not really into these fandoms anymore so if you're following me for that you'll be disappointed
-Harry Potter (do not talk to me about anything Harry Potter. I do not want it in my life anymore. Even anti-HP stuff I just Do Not Want to deal with anything related to it)
-Percy Jackson
-Doctor Who
-Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity (anything not skyward sword, tbh)
-Lord of the Flies
(if that list wasn't a red flag)
I also use @skyview-temple-spring (Skyward Sword) and @hylimpa (WLW in LoZ). See the linktree in my bio for usernames on other sites
Please ask if you want me to tag any content (I tag most generally triggering things but if there's something else that's not one of the main ones let me know, it's no big deal. Anon is on)
I don't really have a DNI, I block first ask questions later and don't offer second chances anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if you think it was a mistake, log out and send me an ask on anon, I won't post it and call you out or anything
Here's my block criteria anyway. I like reading people's DNI lol
Reposting is fine just credit me and don't use shipping tags unless it's said so in the main post
adding something about reposting my artwork. If you get harassed about it, please delete the post and block the user, do not engage with them!! For any post really, as likes and views are not worth your mental health, but I feel bad because I've not had many problems and this is twice now someone has reposted something of mine and they're the ones that took the fall for it. I have many people blocked already (Tumblr and Instagram, still working on Twitter) that wouldn't see it to begin with, but you may not! If they can't yell at the source they'll take it out on you, and even if you do try arguing often times they'll switch up their argument and keep it going once they realize you're right.
I don't have a problem with tagging my art as your kin/id or whatever. Maybe don't use "me" because that comes off as you made it. I'm uncomfortable with my art being tagged as your "fictional other", husband, or wife.
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anarchist-billy · 5 years
hi sweet pal! yeah I'm super new to the fandom so I've just been recced a bunch of 'classic' fics if you get my drift so they're pretty much all bottom steve, ain't nothing with that but bottom billy is just so delicious to me! you mentioned a fic rec list? yes please thank youuuu!!!
Hello, darling! First of all - WELCOME to the Harringrove fandom! I’m so excited you’re here to add to this incredible group of people in this wonderful, wild fandom of ours! 🖤
I’ll admit, I am not as well-read as some other folks around these parts, but I am the absolute madman that decided to head up the Harringrove Library project, so I do have access to a lengthy list of fics. Huge shoutout to all my cohorts who have been logging away with me for the last…Jesus….Six months? Yikes. We’ll get the blog live eventually, I promise!
Anyway…suffice all that to say, this is by no means an extensive list, merely a little smorgasbord of fics I could find that have been labeled as Bottom!Billy.
Ride the Lightning by @womenseemwicked - 11k
Billy takes Steve to a concert in Indianapolis. Steve does his damn best to fit in. His best is still preppy as shit.
you should find your way home (i’ll be at your front door) by @lucybrown45 - 10k
Billy’s California is not what Steve expects, but it’s good. It’s what he needs. For once he feels like he’s in the right place at the right time.
so this one I read some time ago, and I’m like 93% sure it’s just bottom!Billy, but don’t hold me to it if it ends up being verse. Either way, it’s such a good fic and definitely worth a read imho.
One Wild Night by KittyleFay - 8k
Upon discovering that Steve likes boys, Billy offers to take him to a gay bar on the edge of town to get him laid. There’s one problem: Billy keeps cock-blocking Steve.
It’s Not a One Way Street by im_your_hope - 6k
Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.
(“Get warm, you fucker,” he whispers aggressively in Billy’s ear.)
This one features one of my favorite tropes - cuddling for warmth. ;)
We’re a Thousand Miles from Comfort (But There’s No Place I’d Rather Be) by HobbitSpaceCase - 5k
Insomnia and too many bad memories send Steve out looking for something to take his mind off his lonely life. What he finds is Billy Hargrove, a mysterious substance in the woods, and the fulfillment of his most deeply buried fantasies.
A Man After Midnight by moonflowers - 4k
When Steve first spotted him, Macho Man was, somewhat ironically, blasting out over the speakers. The dress was electric blue, and probably a little more eighties than seventies, but Steve wasn’t about to nitpick.
Honey Whiskey by quinnvicious - 4k
When they get to a point where they can just barely hear the thumping of the music over the chirping crickets, Billy’s serious expression cracks and he bursts out laughing like a drunken, deranged hyena. Steve can’t help but join in, and then they’re both giggling and stumbling around the forest like idiots. Steve bumps into him to snatch the bottle of whiskey from his fist and takes a burning swallow. It warms his blood too much in the balm of the edge-of-summer night and he drags the back of a hand over his mouth with a ragged sound before passing it back. Billy snickers at his expense and fishes a cigarette out of his pack.
Up Is Down and Down Is Up by dragonspell - 4k
A few short weeks ago, Steve would never have guessed in a million years that he would find himself here, watching Billy Hargrove fight back the urge to come just because Steve’s inside him. The thought would have been ludicrous; the idea of Billy in Steve’s bed absurd. And yet here they are, Billy pretending that he’s on a date with some girl while parking a few blocks down from Steve’s house. When Steve’s parents are home, he sneaks in through the window, but tonight, he’d used the front door.
(Or, a flimsy excuse to write Harringrove porn)
You love this, you need it. by Anonymous - 4k
Billy and Steve have a little dom and sub relationship. It helps billy when he needs to let go.
Plastic Bruises by spaceagelovesong - 3.5k
“slap bracelets,” billy repeats. “sounds like some kinky shit to me—“ he breaks off into another laugh.
steve practically glows. he loves seeing billy laugh. it’s scary, but, like, in a sexy way.
“you want me to get kinky,” steve says, in his best billy voice. “we can get kinky.”
Whoever logged this for the library put in the notes “If anyone has a snap bracelet fetish, do I have the fic for you…” lol
Lucky You by retoxification - 3.5k
All that Billy really wants in life is his hot boyfriend to fuck him until he can’t think.
That’s it, that’s the plot.
Fresh Blood by @sightetsound - 3k
Never had a lap-dance before,” Steve replied impishly.
The intensity of Billy’s stare wiped Steve’s grin clean off his face.
“You want a lap-dance so bad, I’ll give you one.
Anniversary by spaceagelovesong - 2k
billy hargrove knows how to fuck, but steve harrington knows how to make love.
it’s been about a year, but neither of them are counting. after all, every night together is a celebration.
we love making (whispers) by pally (palliris) - 2k
Steve loves breaking Billy apart; loves being torn apart, himself.
Sore by @womenseemwicked - 1.5k
Sometimes Billy works out too hard and can hardly move the next day. Lucky he has Steve to take care of him then.
And now…Not sure if A/B/O is your thing, but I figured I’d include two fics that are Omega!Billy, just in case. ;) I love both of these fics a lot and they’re hot as heck.
Heatstroke by HobbitSpaceCase - 8k
Billy is out of suppressants and going into Heat. Steve finds him. It’s too bad Billy can’t have this every time.
Don’t Belong To Anyone (Else) by @sparkleeye - 30k
Billy is a stubborn idiot and goes to school during his heat.
Honorable Mention: Those American Thighs by tracy7307 - 1.5k
He placed his hands on the tops of Billy’s golden thighs – spread his fingers apart and rubbed from his knees up, up, until his fingertips dipped under the legs of Billy’s shorts. The hair rasped under his hands. His thighs were still a bit slick from that suntan oil that Billy loved to use and from the sweat of working outdoors on a summer day.
This one isn’t Bottom!Billy per se, as it’s intercrural, but it’s Billy’s thighs that are being fucked and gosh golly it is HOT. I’m kinda obsessed with it. So it gets a shoutout here.
I also found a couple Tumblr drabbles buried in my reblogs for you:
Prompt fill by @trashmouse
Prompt fill by thebeautyinchains
And here’s a post/drabble I forgot I wrote about some first time Bottom!Billy. ;)
Finally, I will leave you with this art piece I found in my hunt by @delphineygt. I think most of the Sexy fanart has been banished from tungl dot com at this point, but this gem survived and I’m so happy about it so I wanted to share.
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got to offer for now. Happy reading, friend! 🤗
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
(1) Hey! So sorry for replying late, a lot has happened these past couple of days D: but I hope you've been doing good! (I say as if I've been gone for months aksjdf) anyway, yeah, they're definitely scary. I think it'll be worth being able to be that soft and open with someone though. And I'm glad it did have a positive impact on you! Even if they were hard you came out stronger or wiser in some way. And thank you, you're so sweet :') So do you hon ❤️
hey honeymoon! sorry for taking my time to respond, i hope everything’s been alright with you! 
(2) Terushima really does just seem like a big dork who loves volleyball haha. I feel like his initial vibe would make me not want to interact v much lol but once you get to know him he's actually a good person. and that tongue piercing tho 👀. "that one definitely hurts a lot more than Falling does" then I think I'm good for awhile hahaha. I've already read a sad hospital AU so I'm going to stay FAR away for now. Honestly I wish there was an interesting story behind it but there's not :')
(3) basically I had an art blog and the name of it was kind of a pun with the word "honeydew." but that nickname was already taken and I wanted to be ~original~ sso I didn't want to use it lol. I still liked the honey aspect though and I thought Honeymoon sounded cute. I'm also kind of a secret hopeless romantic and at the time I kept my identity on my art blog a secret, so it kind of felt like an "alter ego" of mine? long story short I liked the nickname and it kinda stuck haha
ok i mean, to be fair, he was super aggressive when he was meeting kiyoko. but i definitely feel like there’s that dorky side to him LMAO.
oooof idk if I can handle any angst rn tbh so i can definitely relate 😭 
that’s honestly such a cute story though??? like, that’s literally so freakin’ adorable. what type of art did you use to do? (and honestly girl, this whole blog is on the DL and i tried super hard to keep it hidden from my life LOL).
there’s nothing wrong with being a hopeless romantic though! it gives you a chance to day-dream hehe 💞 what’s your favorite romantic trope? it could be as cliche or non-cliche as you’d like! 
(4) "i’m sorry for being a sadistic fk 🥰" 😀 something tells me you're kind of not LOL (really though I know you're sweet and don't actually want to hurt people akdhf) and honestly I'm glad you decided to expand on it! Chapter one is also great as a standalone but I'm so grateful for the rest so far, and you're doing an amazing job with it love 💖 I understand the chara x chara thing. I don't know if I've ever actually shipped anything to the point of me /wanting/ it to be canon
(6) like, it'd be cool if it was, but I don't actually care y'know? unless it was actual romantic tension built up in the movie/book/series. Fanart and fic is what mostly got me lol. I think the HQ fandom is super diverse/creative in its shipping. Not only because of an incredible story with great characters, but great fans and creators as well. And yes! someone else who likes KuroIwa!! I think that ship is really cute (and they're my top 2 faves so I'm biased haha) have you seen neutinya's art?
i swear i’m nice 💞 thank you so much for the love!! 🥺 i’ve been having writer’s block for a bit, and your comments have honestly motivated me to write so much more for it LOL
i definitely agree though, like, i can’t aggressively fight for one ship over another because it’s literally just not canon. it just feels wrong to “shove that agenda”, so to speak. but it’s always interesting to see all the different character combinations. i never would’ve imagined half of the ones out there if not for this fandom LOL
neutinya’s literally why I have a thing for KuroIwa!! LMAO. i really like the art that they put out. same with bright_stars_45 on IG. Their stuff is literally why i ship Bokuaka soooo hard. 
(7) (did I skip 5?) I really hope I'm numbering those right it's 12:30 am here lol. anyway, it's probably a good thing you weren't in the fandom then. I don't know how it is now, but it was p chaotic and toxic and there was actually controversy surrounding one of those fics. I'm sorry about you and your sister love :( I don't know if you'd ever want to have a strong one with her but I hope you do if you do! and if not then there will always be people you share that with, blood or not 💕
LOL you did skip 5, but it’s okay bby 💖 it’s not too serious tbh. i’m not really close to my family, so i’ve always believed in the “my family is the one’s i choose, not necessarily the one’s i’m blood-related to” :) 
(8) Piglet has always been my fave, but Eeyore and Lumpy are also great. do you have any favorite characters or ones that mean a lot to you? and that's really cool too!! I know being mixed can get super complicated but knowing you have all of those cultures in you in some way is pretty amazing. Honestly I've been undecided for the past 2 years but after everything going on in 2020, I've felt this need to release the truth? no matter what that may be. I know a lot of people say journalism 
(9) isn't an honest profession but, and this will sound arrogant, I want to change that. Even if that just means me being an independent journalist while being an editor to make a living, I'm okay with that. Also it can give you the opportunity to travel, and writing has always been my strong suit. socio is so I can have a better understanding of the world and learn to be less biased and more objective and understanding. What about you? :O
my favorite Disney character is honestly Tiana from Princess and the Frog! her hard-working story is hella relatable to me, and it inspired me to be better for myself if that makes sense? 
TBH the most annoying part of being mixed is being called eXoTiC by guys who are tryna sleep with me 💀 there’s definitely a lot of fetishization about it lol
i hella respect that! the need to release the truth. journalism is honestly a raw and authentic profession that people underestimate because they read from biased sources or the things they read isn’t accurate. i have mad respect for you for following that career path! if there’s anything i could do to help, lmk love 💖 TBH, i chose business because i wanted to open my own business and i love psych because i love understanding the world and the people in my lives. psycho-analysing is one of my hobbies hehe. so similar as to why you did socio!
(10) and yes!!!! tbh I've always liked theatre but was never really one for the stage. I was in a child friendly version of macbeth in 6th grade and that was it lol. In my senior year of high school I performed a slam poem about my depression and my teacher called me emotionally constipated lmaoo. and because of how hs went down for me I never got to take classes anyway. I started getting into sfx/film makeup though and I really want to do that! I also just love the energy of backstage tbh
(11) this is getting really long akfdjh. but yeah I want to learn more! I'm actually kind of struggling in my stage management class right now because I honestly don't know much about theatre so it's overwhelming. I haven't even seen a lot of shows (I did see The Lion King when I was a kid though!! and a few hs productions). enough about me though, what's your favorite part, or what are some of your best memories? I love seeing that it makes you so happy :D
omg i’m so sorry that your teacher called you that. that’s so inappropriate, especially considering the subject matter. i hope that you’ve had a more positive experience involving your work since then. if you ever want to talk about your struggle, please feel free to reach out, ok? 
you must be pretty talented with makeup though! that’s so cool 🤩 i’ve always admired sfx and people who are talented with makeup tbh. what’s your favorite part about it so far? 
i was fortunate enough that my hs had a super talented theatre program that i could be a part of. i had the opportunity to be in both tech, management, and on-stage. i honestly really enjoyed being behind-the-scenes in the management part! it was so great seeing a production from start to finish and knowing that i was involved with that process. i’m a huge theatre nerd tbh 😅 i love watching shows like Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton, RENT and I’ll routinely watch them haha. 
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codyh412 · 6 years
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My pen pal Taylor and I understand the pain humanity has gone through with drugs. There's a reason why they are illegal, and it's to prevent people from finding God or Love. I was first homeless at 19, where I stayed at a shelter for 2 years studying the Bible. I ended up avoiding prison by staying off heroin at this Church but got 9 months of jail with 3 years of probation. In 2015 I got off but violated twice so I ended up doing 8 months of county on top of the 9 I already did. The rest of the time was pretty much in rehab cause I kept using heroin. I've ODed, sold to people who died, one guy fell asleep with a ciggarette and burnt his mom's house down, I got my first class 2 felony for Narcotic sales when I was 17. Today I'm on probation for Arson of an Occupied Structure class 2 dangerous felony. Went to prison for a year cause of paraphernalia #323959 is my number. But despite all of this, I still use drugs and finally managed to get a higher Dimensional spirit give me the 7fold Spirit of Karma and Luck. Now look at the life I live? I'm a Mystic who teaches women how to get a spirit guide and become a medium with the help of meth and heroin. Your tolerance to the drugs will not increase from this, that first hit stays the first hit and lasts an extremely long time. It's because your brain gets rewired as we get high and I teach you the secrets while showing you love and empathy. It's amazing how a lot of women notice they use less and less as the knowledge gets them just as high with one hit. Don't believe me? That's fine we will let the foolish be themselves but some people are really struggling and need this so don't put me down because I don't get anything out of this, in fact I even pay for the drugs. Well actually I do get happiness when I see these women succeed. They are all extremely beautiful and also way more wise than you think. Also they are psychic mediums so if you lust after these women you will never get one to marry you let alone sleep with you lololol. It's so fucked up I know guys, I get plenty of Karma from my own Spirit guide for looking at busty women. How could you not though??? Someone else will figure it out and teach us, I'm only here to turn addiction into Cosmic Connection whether it's chemical, perfection, gambling, self harm, hurting others behind a computer screen, Selfishness, sex, technology, and whatever else we distract ourselves constantly with instead of using it for Spirituality and Wisdom.
The South Atlantic Anomoly is gonna cause the poles to reverse soon. The north and south pole will end up on the Equator while the Earth floods. And of course all the animals migrate to the new North Pole (like Noah's time) and Vladmir Putin claimed this block of ice that will be over the land as well, do your research people. There's a reason why Angels have come to Earth, I'm actually a Demon and an Angel, I communicate with both. Psychic abilities are gray magic through the 5th element Ether.
I'm a really caring and compassionate person for you all, so it's sad that I've been so disrespected and put down for being different and saying things that others can't comprehend. No I'm not in a psychosis or have schizophernia, and I proved this to my probation officer as well as my family and friends from rehab. Multiple SMI evaluations and x-rays plus MRI's I think it was? They scanned my brain while playing high pitched sounds to notice how my brain processed a sound I shouldn't be able to hear. I proved telepathy to be real to one of the counselors giving me my SMI evaluation. She didn't believe I actually heard a spirit give me the answer but oh well. Anyways I still couldn't get diagnosed with anything, no ADD, Bi polar, PTSD, Psychosis, and the thing is that they can't find what's wrong with my head. Maybe they never will cause there is nothing wrong.
Right now I'm all alone trying my hardest to teach my friends in jail or prison but it's hard for me because I'm all alone. Taylor doesn't get out till September, and the other females have years :/
This is just a blog for the end of war on drugs here in Arizona. And the blessing of the addicts into Demi God's like myself because Man who can rid himself of negative human emotions and thoughts will let in a Spiritual Energy that will rebuild the brain to Ascend Man. The person has become one with the Divine Spirit as that Spirit becomes one with the Flesh.
A Mystic or Magician is born. Mystics do miracles while magicians do magic. The Bible says do not practice dark arts so good thing my art is Gray and Light magic lol.
We had to live in all this darkness for so long, doing this means we can learn from the pain we went through.
Ecc. 2 something I don't remember but it says something like Having more sorrow leads to more knowledge, Pain equals Wisdom.
When Taylor and I write our own book for addicts of all kind to take home after our Mystic Drug Therapy sessions we will make sure to have the proper facts.
unless we strongly advise that our edit to it is actually the correct writing.
Until then I'm looking for women here in Payson AZ that want to give it a chance. It's just my mother and I up here and she just got out of prison so she had no where to stay but with me. Anyone who realizes how much they can help me will get so much Luck and appreciation from the sevenfold Spirit. I can't do this alone, I've only been able to make my own life one that flourishes now.
The red box is my heroin nectar collector, I stashed my meth in there. I smoked the dope off foil to show the different qualities I was getting. When you're a good person and always pay your debts your dealer will front you quads when you're struggling. And getting out of prison makes you broke as shit so I had to do that. Shitty thing is all the dirtbags keep you from the good people so the money doesn't go far. So fuck it, if you're a hot chick and need to get high then it will cost you. Nothing material, it will cost your old way of life and the belief that you are better than what society tells you. Once again though you ladies realize how hard it is to prove I'm legit all by myself? My family and especially my probation officer don't want me teaching this shit LOL.
Even if we video chat and smoke together that's better than nothing right? Gotta start somewhere and I bet my clouds for God will be bigger and more dense!!
No one said this would be easy but it is the apocalypse and I'm the Demi God of War (on drugs). We can't rid the world of drugs but we can rid our minds of ego, selfishness, sexual unsatisfaction, and lots of other negative ways of thinking. So that addiction does not exist in the mind but Divine connection instead.
I'm not perfect either btw, far from it. I love learning cool hobbies and organization skills from my female friends. Oh and of course the sex is awesome for us lol.
My name? Dakota Sparrow Humphreys
Spirits names Ether, Yougan, Jesza, Rainie, Maysee, Michael, Trayuls.
They are karma and luck spirits and wish you all good luck when shit hits the fan. Allowing them to help you will get us all closer to Heaven.
Even a simple comment made on here or in your head can be acknowledged. Don't believe in God or my Spirits but believe in my cause? I will be your Higher Power of Consciousness and mine will be our Highest Power of Consciousness. One that is infinite as the Universe expands and Almighty. You will have to seriously question me and understand so that you don't worship a false idol or false prophet or a magician.
Can't handle your shit? Well neither can I and I'm doing just fine
so it's time you figured it out, you don't wanna learn this shit in a dark realm of existence do you? It takes for fucking ever without our help, thousands of years in hell to get into Heaven and can't use anything materialistic? Or drugs, making love, art, music and instruments, gel pens and HBO go for less than a year for the same results and access to Heaven. Also you get to survive through the apocalypse while we all are given drugs and have a good end times.
Don't believe me? Hahah can you prove or disprove me? I've already proved myself to the people I care for, because they gave me the chance to care for them. You get it?
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