#but who is also the EXACT type of bitch to also go into medical school because she's 'so empathetic!!!!!!!'
nexus-nebulae · 7 months
i do not like the nurse in terraria
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bi-rising · 3 years
not to be rude or anything but... if you hate being fat, maybe you should just diet? make a bit of exercise? it isn't as hard as ppl think it is you just need constancy :)
"not to be rude but--" *proceeds to be rude*
no, it is exactly as hard as people think it is, so get the fuck out of here with that fatphobia. i have been overweight since i was in elementary school because my family grew up poor (still is poor) with a widowed mother who didn't have time to take us to the park or anything bc she was so busy working just to put food, any food, on the table. my body remembers that. my body holds onto every single fucking calorie it can because it's afraid i'm gonna go back to eating nothing but boxed mac n cheese for an entire summer bc that's all we could afford. you know those people who eat and eat and eat and they say "i can eat anything and i never gain any weight!" it works the other way, too.
my family is still poor. we still struggle to be able to afford ANY fresh foods, whether that be meat, fruit, or vegetables. not only that, but i have consistently gone to the gym or, when i couldn't afford the gym, working out at home for over four years now, on a five-day-a-week basis for at least an hour a day, trying everything from cardio to strength training to HIIT workouts to yoga to pilates. i have my own fucking boxing bag at home that i can go at for more than half an hour at a time, consistently. i am constantly in a calorie deficiency.
i'm still the exact same weight i was in my senior year of high school. no change. i know, because i weigh myself daily.
PLUS, you have absolutely no fucking idea what type of medical shit people go through. i have PCOS which is notorious for making people gain weight and have a difficult time getting it off. i'm on metformin and birth control pills to control that so that it doesn't turn into type 2 diabetes, which is GENETIC in my case, and has nothing to do with my diet and exercise. my doctor blames the PCOS and related hormone issues for why i can't lose weight. oh, and i also had brain surgery which means i can't participate in sports that have balls, bc if i get hit in the head with one or knock my head on the ground from falling, i could genuinely, literally die. the only thing that has ever worked, that made me lose two pounds exactly and keep it off, was the two months i was on ozempic, as a trial, but i had to stop taking that bc you want to know how much that cost?
four hundred dollars once insurance kicked in.
tell me how someone who struggles to buy groceries can afford a four hundred dollar a month medication.
so no. it is NOT that easy. don't you fucking dare tell us that it's "so much easier than people think". it's shitty and it's hard and it doesn't always work. you don't know anything about fat people's medical, diet, or exercise history, and you are not ENTITLED to them.
maybe have some fucking sympathy for fat people instead of seeing a fat person complain about the fatphobic society we live in and jumping to "just diet and exercise, it's not that hard! :)" and yes, i am being a bitch in this response, because i have had it with everyone in my life telling me to just diet and exercise and it'll all go away. my family had me doing workout videos when i was NINE YEARS OLD. i couldn't go with my friend to the swimming pool when i was EIGHT because my mother sat me down and made me cry telling me how everyone would point and laugh and stare because i was a fat girl in a swimming suit. i was shamed for my body in school to the point that i was afraid to sit on top of a desk even tho they clearly held people larger than i was bc i was afraid i was going to break the damn thing. i have HAD IT with some of y'all's fatphobic asses that do nothing but tear us down continually without taking a single MOMENT to have a drop of EMPATHY for us. or, you know, just letting us EXIST in our own bodies without making us out to be disgusting and revolting and ""in charge"" of our own weight.
fuck off. i don't want another message from you again unless it's an apology.
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briefololtragedy · 4 years
Bleed for me
Pairing: ShiSaku
Rating: M (for violence)
Summary: Shisui didn’t like people touching what was his
for day 3 of shiSaku weekend: Yakuza AU, obsession, You’re mine and only mine @shisakuweek
Also posted on AO3
A pale child laid in a hospital bed. Their skin almost blending into the stark white sheets that encased the bed. A man and woman sat beside the bed holding onto the child’s hand. Tears could be seen streaming down their faces. They spoke sweet nothings into her ear. The young girl could not hear what they were saying. It was hard to distinguish the small fragile body of the girl from the lines going to and from her. She was almost more machine than human at this point.
The click clack of heels could be heard nearing the door. A gentle knock took the couples attention from their child to the woman now in the room.
“Mr and Mrs. Sato, I’m Doctor Sakura Haruno and here to talk to you about Rin.” The married couple grasped onto each other. They stared at the woman before them, waiting on bated breath for good news.
“I am one of the transplant doctors who specialize in pediatric cardiothoracic surgery. Do you mind if I sit as we talk about Ms. Rin?” A gentle smile made its way onto Dr. Haruno’s face as the couple nodded their heads yes.
“As you know Rin was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. She has undergone the three stages of repair for her condition, but has now developed complications from not having a 4 chambered heart.” Sakura paused giving time for the parents to process. She always hated these conversations. She glanced at the child laying in the bed. It was likely that good news would not come to this family.
“She has started to develop heart failure in combination with protein losing enteropathy, PLE, as we call it. We do not know the exact reason why some children who have undergone the second or third stage of repair develop this condition. There are some experimental procedures that some surgery centers have tried with little improvement in the patient's condition.” Another pause.
“We are currently pumping the blood through her body artificially with the machine you see. I know when Rin was placed on this they told you what it entails. Her heart is no longer strong enough to function. The machine is giving her lungs a break as well. Right now the best chance Rin has is a heart transplant. She will be near the top of the list in her current state. However, I want you to prepare for the worst case scenario. I am not sure when there will be a donor who matches Rin’s needs…” The words faded into the background for the couple as the sobs overtook them. The doctor placed a hand on the wife’s back rubbing soothing circles. She hoped for a miracle, but life was a cruel bitch.
The doctor from before was sitting at a bar stool, her petal pink hair cascading down her back. She took a swig of the beer in her hand wanting to erase the day she had. She was dressed to kill with a body hugging backless dress. It was wine red in color, accentuating her alabaster skin. Her green eyes shined like emeralds.
She felt a calloused hands caress her back causing her muscles to twitch. She could smell the alcohol on the individual's breath.
“Aint you a pretty little thing. Let me buy you a drink and you can repay me later.” She had to roll her eyes.
“Beat it. I’m not interested.” She didn’t even bother looking at the man.
“Come on pinky. I can rock your world. You look like you need something stiff.” His laugh grated on her nerves. When he wouldn’t leave her alone, she got up and started to leave. The oaf of a man couldn’t take the hint and grabbed her waist, pulling her to him. She wanted to hurl fron the stench.
“You smell good pinky.” He was starting to rub his nose in her neck. Before she could send her elbow to the man’s skull he was already falling to the ground.
“Ahh!” The drunken idiot now had a foot crushing the bones in his hand. Sakura could hear the crunch of bone from where she was.
“I think the lady told you she wasn’t interested.” A rich baritone voice spoke.
“Oh you just want the bitch for yourself. Find your own. I saw this one first.” The man before her applied more force through his foot, causing the man below him to groan in agony.
“I think it would be best if you leave before something unsightly happens to you.” Sakura knew the man’s fate was dealt the moment he touched her. Sakura already saw a few men in the corner start to move. Once the drunk was up and moving to the exit, he was being followed.
“Was that really necessary, Shisui?” Sakura took the martini from him and started to sip it slowly. She melted when he wrapped his right arm around her. He brought his index finger to her chin and traced her bone structure. Shisui stopped once he was under her chin and turned her face to look at him.
“He was touching what was mine. Don’t forget you’re mine and only mine.” Shisui then sealed their lips together with a kiss.
“Hmm don’t forget you are mine as well.” Shisui smirked. He wouldn’t have it any other way. Shisui would do anything for her. _______________________________
Shisui sat in his leather chair listening to his lackeys talk about different shipments. He really didn’t care at the moment. Sakura was upset about one of her patients. While she told him most things, she always kept her work at arms length from him. Well she tried to for the most part.
When Itachi entered the room Shisui found his back straightening. The glint in Itachi’s eye told Shisui that he was successful in his mission.
“You three leave now.” The three scattered out the door faster than cockroaches clearing ,when a light was turned on. The two waited for the door to close before speaking.
“It appears Sakura has a patient who recently went on the heart transplant list. It's a young girl 8-9 years of age. She has two younger siblings. Mother is an elementary school teacher and father works for a bank. He is a low level teller. The nurses were saying how they don’t think a match will come in on time. Parents are preparing for the worse.”
Shisui leaned onto his clasped hands. “Did you get her blood type and cross matching?”
Itachi smirked and held up a file. “Of course I did. I also tracked down some of the regulars at that bar the two of you go to. I found one who is a match.”
This was just all too perfect.
“You know what to do. Sakura and I will be meeting there for drinks tonight.” Shisui got up from his desk and grabbed his jacket. He was going to kill two birds with one stone. Rid the world of a lowly excuse for a human being and make Sakura happy.
Shisui had gotten to the bar early to make sure he was sitting in a dark corner. He watched the man go to the bar and order his drink. The bartender glanced his way and Shisui gave a nod. The guy was too busy talking with his friends to see the purple liquid get added to his drink. In just 30-60 minutes the man would lose all inhibitions and fall into the trap.
Itachi was stationed with two others around the bar. The moment Sakura walked into the bar Shisui’s breath escaped his lungs. He could never figure out how she looked so ethereal.
Sakura snuggled to the man next to her. She buried her nose into his chest. He smelled of sandalwood.
“Hmm where did you go after we got home?” Sakura mumbled as she talked to him. Before he could answer her pager went off. Sakura jumped out of bed and grabbed her phone.
Soon she was kissing Shisui and rushing to get dressed. Shisui just leaned back in their shared bed. Thinking of earlier.
The blade ran up and down the man’s skin. Shisui made sure not to apply enough pressure to cut into the epidermis, at least not yet. The man’s arms and legs were bound to the table immobilizing him.
“Do you know why you are here...What’s your name again?” The man was a sobbing mess.
“K..Ken. Please I have a family.” Anger boiled in Shisui’s veins. He grabbed Ken’s chin, squeezing hard.
“You have a family? Do they know you were at a bar trying to force yourself on women?”
“I’ve never.” A forceful sob caused Ken’s body to jerk violently. Shisui squeezed harder on the man’s jaw. He could feel the bones give under his grip, with a flick of the wrist he jaw gave way.
“What were you doing tonight then? Touching what is mine.” Shisui knew he was not going to get an answer due to the dislocated jaw in his hand.
“Don’t worry your life will mean something once it is ended.” Shisui took his other hand and dug the knife at the base of Ken’s skull. He had read enough of Sakura’s medical textbooks to know the right place to hit to render someone brain dead. Ken would still have his brainstem functions allowing his heart to beat long enough for it to live in another.
In the corner sat Kabuto. While Shisui didn’t agree with his politics, he knew the man could keep a secret. Kabuto also knew better than to cross Shisui. Shisui would not waste any time adding more bodies to the bottom of the ocean.
“You know your part?” Shisui cleaned off his blade.
“Yes. I will take this man to the OR after declaring him brain dead. The nurses will find his organ donor card and alert the transplant team.”
“What are you waiting for? Go.” Shisui wanted to go back home and crawl into his bed. He knew his slumber was going to get distrubed in a few hours with the page Sakura was going to get.
Sakura was running around their bedroom grabbing the nearest article of clothing to dress in. Shisui threw the covers off his body and followed her.
“What are you doing?” Shisui just raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll take you to work so you can rest on the way there. I don’t have work in the morning so I can stay to drive you home.” Shisui melted when he saw her smile. He soon felt arms around his neck and a soft kiss.
“You’re amazing. I can never get over how kind of a husband I have.” Shisui just rested his head on hers before hurrying her to the car.
He was pacing back and forth. He could see a couple with two young children sitting in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs. Sakura had been in the OR for over 5 hours now. He was lucky she let him sleep in her office, but he was restless. Multiple what if questions ran through his brain. Shisui started chewing on his thumb nail. He ignored the pointed looks from the staff and visitors who passed him.
Shisui propped himself on the wall. He wanted a view of the OR doors when they opened. After another hour or two, the doors finally opened. Sakura’s hair was tucked under her scrub cap and part of her face obscured by her surgical mask, but she still looked stunning. As he watched her walk over to the family Shisui knew it was all worth it.
It just wasn’t tonight that was worth it. He thought back to when he first met his wife. She was a struggling medical student who his little cousin brought over to stitch him up. Shisui was ensnared in her beauty at that moment. She didn’t bat an eyelash when he cursed at her due to the pain. Sakura didn’t care who he was or how he would be taking the mantle of the Yakuza head.
Shisui spent months planning on how he would bump into her. He memorized her schedule, followed her some nights. She became his obsession. His life was consumed by her. He felt like a nervous fool asking her out the first time. They fell into a comfortable rhythm after that. She was always by his side. Shisui found that they shared a lot of the same ideals.
“Shisui did you get any sleep?” Her hand on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts.
“I got some. Let’s get you home. Was the surgery successful?” He held her close as they walked back to her office.
“It was. Thank you.” Her head rested on his shoulder as they walked.
“No need to thank me.” Shisui found himself against her office wall as she devoured him.
“Without you there would have been no surgery tonight. So thank you. You got Kabuto to help didn’t you?” Well hearing that rat's name killed the mood.
“You said you didn’t want to be involved anymore.” They stood in her office embracing.
“You know it’s best for me to not be involved. Let’s get back home to Hiroyuki, he’ll be missing us.” Sakura was right. Their son would be missing them.
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atxlxs · 3 years
Beyond The Veil: Chapter 2
The process to set up the identity and quirk registry was laughably easy. A few dead parents there, guardianship placed under a ‘family friend’ (Eras) here, a few medical appointment files and normal average family shit and ta dah! You have a fake identity!
It took maybe a month to backdate everything and erase any feeling of fakeness from the identity. That left Eras with 3 months to go through their businesses, all under different identities that have nothing to do with each other yet are run by the same person, and take some money out of her bank account to pay for the tuition when the time comes.
When she was done, one Muska Viridis had an application to sign in on testing day and a fool proof identity for when she attended the actual school. Sure she still had to pass but considering her abilities that wouldn’t be too hard.
Eras spent the last 2 months until the exam outlining everything that would be considered for the written portion of the exam and helping Muska study. It was, sadly, the reason for the nickname “teacher mommy” that became her phone's contact name for the rest of the time before the exam and Eras hated it. Which didn’t help with getting the nickname removed at all.
When the exam day came, Eras had to drag a sleeping witch out of her bed and shoved her towards her closet to get ready. The groaning and complaints fell on deaf ears as Eras literally wore noise canceling headphones for that exact reason. Heading to her own closet in the observatory, Eras got dressed in her protective motorcycle gear since she was the one driving Muska to the school. Hell to the no were they going to ride a train with people on it.
They met at the door and Eras handed Muska the extra helmet that was black with cat ears. A tribute to Tibbles. Speaking of the familiar, Muska said good bye and started cackling after the meow that followed. Again, Eras lamented being unable to hear the cat.
They walked together to the bike, a sleek motorcycle that was black besides the neon green highlights. Muska commented on the fact that Eras was obsessed with the color which only led to a snort of acceptance. Eras was self aware afterall.
A speedy delivery got them to the School gates of the obnoxiously sized highschool and Eras could practically feel the nerves coming off her friend. Ignoring all the looks from other examinees as they saw two people riding on what looked like a motorcycle from the future dressed in all black, (Eras had 5 PhD’s, she def built a motorcycle that trumps all the others) Eras flipped up her helmets visor and stared at Muska as she hopped off and took off her helmet.
“Kick ass witch bitch,” giving a smile of encouragement, Eras suppressed a fist bump in victory when Muska snorted and stopped being as nervous as before.
“You got it Teacher Mommy.”
Eh, some things are worth the sacrifice. If Muska stops being as nervous when she cracks that joke then Eras will only glare for a few seconds.
Ok, Muska thought as she approached the sign in table, just gotta kick gum and chew ass.
Stopping momentarily to gather her thoughts because that obviously was not what she meant to think, she allowed herself at least a snort and kept walking. Eras’s words followed her all the way to the written exam room and as she watched the other students file in.
Calming herself down, Muska kept all her focus on the task at hand. Vaguely she registered a green mop of hair sitting in front of her and a blond off the side of the green student. Ha, Eras would like him, she idly thought as the proctor walked in and introduced himself as the Pro hero ectoplasm.
Ignoring the excited vibrations coming off the student in front of her, she had practice with that since Eras would vibrate and gesture animatedly whenever speaking of the things she enjoyed, Muska watched as the exam booklets were passed out. Hopefully the exams were structured better to retain attention then the old standard tests in America but she had doubts.
To her surprise, the exam actually was structured differently. It was easier to read at least. At the end there were two questions that were moral based. Smart, considering she was applying for heroics.
What do you think of how today's society portrays heroes?
What's your opinion on the labels people put on quirks?
Oh, this was not what she was expecting. Despite being out of the loop physically, the media was always a good place to stay in touch with society. Eras was the one of the two to actually make trips into society monthly for necessities and to check up on her business attachments, yet Muska made sure to stay in touch. She really didn’t want to walk into town one day and understand nothing like a boomer.
This meant she knew exactly what to write.
When she finished those last two moral questions, she found herself finished an hour before the time was up. What the hell did Eras do to her? That was not a normal study cram if it meant she finished this early. Getting up, as was allowed, and ignoring the stares she walked up to Ectoplasm and dropped off her test before immediately leaving out the right side door to the waiting room. Not stopping to see the surprise mixed with fear on Ectoplasm's face.
(Somewhere a rat was cackling as he watched the cams to the written exam room.)
Thankfully, she was allowed to have her phone while waiting for the next part of the hero course requirement. The practical. Scrolling through her phone, she was somewhat aware of the slowly filling waiting room. It was a nice room, filled with chairs and bean bags. She was melting into a purple bean bag chair of her own, ironically her hair was the same color so it added to the effect.
An hour and a half passed before the group of examinees that stayed behind for the practical portion were led to a theater where an obnoxiously loud hero called Present Mic called their attention. Muska snuck a picture and sent it to Eras and said “Present Mic? Presentation Microphone.” not waiting for the response since she knew what to expect, Muska paid attention to the lecture.
A few “YEAHS?!?!?!?” That fell on stressed students with no outward reaction later, a boy with navy blue hair and robotic movements stood up with a raised hand. She already hated him.
After Presentation Microphone called on him with a “Yes Little Listener!?” Muska had to sit through one of the worst types of questions she had ever heard, literally they have an exam brief packet he was getting to that robot, and a fucking ettiqute lesson that was definitely not deserved.
She took her foot off of the empty seat in front of her and slammed it onto the floor. The steel toed combat boots caused a resounding sharp thud that silenced the students as she leaned back and spoke.
“Now I don’t know exactly why your panties are in a twist but Presentation Microphone over there was getting to the section of the packet if you would just shut up and wait. What are you going to do as a real hero? Rush the debriefer? Also, did you seriously call out someone for muttering and saying they're not serious about the exam when that's a natural way for some people to think? What did you want him to do? To not take this seriously just to be quiet? Unruly hair too? That's just rude, do you not know what the word curly means? Shut up you pretentious asshole.”
The navy blue boy in question was left a spluttering mess as he slowly descended into his seat. Present Mic looked stunned on stage before he hid a snort with his hand, which Muska definitely noticed, and shook his head before grabbing the students attention to continue. She could have sworn that the Blond hottie that she noticed before was shaking a bit with restrained laughter. Huh.
After skimping on the locker room, she never went to any middle school still in existence so she wore athletic gear to the exam, Muska loaded onto the bus for her exam site and waited until they were finally moving. She noticed that blue boy was also on her bus, still seeming shocked by what transpired earlier and Greenie was sparing her glances filled with curiosity and awe. Oh god, attention.
Thankfully, after her show earlier, people avoided talking to her. She walked up to the front near the gate and had the perfect view of a now normal again blue boy heading towards Greenie who seemed to have something to say to someone up front near her. Making sure he felt it, Muska glared. Putting a bit of energy behind it so that the boy felt it. Indeed, blue felt it and started to look around as Greenie escaped without knowing it. When the blue boy's attention landed on her he jumped. A feeling of satisfaction followed as he immediately avoided doing what he was about too.
Turns out, Greenie wanted to thank a bobbed brunette with permanent blush for saving him from tripping earlier. Wow, so nefarious. Suddenly Present Mic called out for attention and merely said ‘go’.
Fueled by chaotic energy and the ability to complain if she was wrong, Muska immediately set off into a sprint into the city to find a high building to crouch on. She noticed greenie had done the same and soon Blue passed by with car-like speed.
Ah, a speed quirk.
Deciding on a building of interest, Muska scaled it with help from the energy that surrounded her. She could feel that she really needed to use her quirk more often considering it was draining faster than she expected. She had enough to take out some scraps of metal but not enough to use continuously to enhance her physically. Thankfully, having a vampire best friend meant she had to be at least better than normal athletically. Eras, the bastard, didn’t have the word fatigue in their vocabulary. Being dead had perks.
Plus they lived on a mountain. Even walking was a form of exercise.
After scouting where she wanted to go, Muska made her way through back alley areas that were neglected and filled with 2 and 3 pointers. Perfect prey. Borrowing from Eras’s vocabulary, it was time to hunt.
Scraped robot after scraped robot, Muska lost count about how many points she had grabbed, time passing by fast yet indescribably slow at the same time. Soon enough, a rumble followed by shaking ground followed the 5 minute warning. Turning her attention up, past the buildings guarding the alley way she was in, she saw a fucking skyscraper of a robot.
What kind of high school exam bullshit is this????
Suddenly, the energy in the air and surrounding harmony spiked, gathering nearby into the shape of a person who was charging towards the robot. Dropping what she was doing, Muska ran. The energy was impressive. The largest she has ever seen used before and that's saying something.
Once she reached the open main road where the 0-pointer was terrorizing innocents, Muska sucked in a harsh breath. Brown hair was stuck under a slab and greenie was the origin of all that energy. It was pouring directly into his fist and legs, none of it staying in the main body as protection for whatever they were going to do. She cursed and started running towards brown hair first. She wasn’t going to be able to convince greenie in time to save his limbs if she wanted to help out Brown from being turned into a concrete slab.
Reaching the girl just as Greenie jumped and Muska had the sinking realization that they did in fact break their limbs, Muska flipped the concrete off and assessed the damage. A small fracture in her left ankle but otherwise unharmed. Nausea, but that looks to be quirk exhaustion in effect. Lightly touching the ankle, Muska focused on mending the bone beneath the skin, welding it back together and accelerating the healing.
Just as the girl's face started to lose some of it’s pale pain filled expression, Muska saw the exact moment when she looked up and probably saw Greenie do whatever caused that loud slam.
Suddenly, Brownie jumped up and slapped something, hard. Snapping her gaze up, Muska caught sight of greenie, positioned to slam into the ground, with a broken arm and legs, floating.
“Oh? Guess your quirk can turn obviously injured people into kites huh?” Muska said, all snark and sarcasm like usual. Newly dubbed GravityGirl looked like the snort she gave in response hurt, which while nauseous probably did.
Walking over and holding her arms out underneath greenie, Muska nodded to GravityGirl to release her quirk, leaving Greenie to fall into her arms bridal style. All knight in shining arm vibes as well.
“Hey Green, what the fuck were you thinking not protecting your body from that much energy?” Muska asked, there was obviously enough power in whatever greenie did (probably punched the bot) to wreck a city block let alone a robot designed to be destroyed.
Greenie looked shocked and devolved into a stuttering apology for whatever reason and Muska sighed. Then his eyes lit up and he went off on a tangent of questions about Muska’s probable quirk and what it probably could do.
Muska just nodded and listened as she sent a questioning glance to GravityGirl who gave a thumbs up despite the pale face. Feeling for Recovery Girl's presence, Muska jerked her head in the nurses direction and walked with Greenie still in her arms. Not that the guy could walk if he was put down.
When Greenie noticed he was rambling he slapped a hand over his mouth and started apologizing for bothering her, which didn’t sit well with Muska. That was a red flag.
“It's fine green, My quirks called energy manipulation which I can use in several ways,” Muska started, technically the healing wasn’t her quirk but that didn’t need to be known, “I can use it to sense other energy, make myself invisible, make a forcefield as a shield, and solidify it to act as solid ground in the air as well as boost myself physically in needed scenarios like climbing a wall, etcetera.”
“That's so cool! And oh my god I started rambling about your quirk despite not even telling you my name! I didn’t get to thank you earlier as well for defending me! My name's Midoriya Izuku.”
Whelp, greenies got a very green name, Muska thought with a suppressed snort.
“My name's Mus- well I guess I should introduce myself as Viridis Muska here. I’m used to first names then last. How about you GravityGirl?”
Said girl perked up at being included and smiled a million watt smile.
“Uraraka Ochako! GravityGirl is an adorable nickname! I've been wanting that as my hero title since I was a kid! But wait, used to introducing your first name before last? Are you not from japan?” She asked, tilting her head despite her wobbly steps to follow.
“Yea, I'm from Canada but I’ve been in japan for a few years now. Old habits die hard.”
They walked with small talk towards Recovery girl, Midoriya was still stuttering hard though so that's another red flag. It didn’t feel like shyness and more like learned nervousness. However, unless they saw each other in school, she couldn’t do much about it. When they came up to Recovery girl, Muska watched bemused as the older woman ripped into them for not being careful with themselves. Especially Midoriya. Muska was able to get away scott free and with some extra energizing gummies that were interesting. Maybe she could use them for something or at least figure out how they were made.
As she headed to the gate, Muska caught sight of a familiar figure leaned up against a motorcycle off the the left in front of the gate. The last bits of tension left her shoulders as she approached.
“How’d it go?” Eras asked, helmet still on and hiding her facial expression but the smirk could be heard in the tone.
Swatting a shoulder as she grabbed the extra helmet she sighed.
“Thanks to your personal version of hell and undead perks, The written exam was a breeze and I was more than ready for a light jog with the occasional scuffle with fucking robots.”
Eras laughed as she sat on the seat of the bike, turning the vehicle on and removing the peg. Muska slipped on and grabbed the hidden handles on Eras’s leather jacket. A personal touch so that she would have easy access to something to hold on to.
“Sounds like a blast, victory playlist?”
“Victory playlist.”
Shuffling to find the specific playlist, Eras connected to both of their helmets that had bluetooth in them so they could talk to each other and listen to music. Once started, Eras revved the bike once, startling nearby students.
Before they left, however, Muska spotted Midoriya and Hottie on their way out of the gate. Mido seemed to be trying to talk to the annoyed blond with little success. Flipping up her visor and tapping Eras to wait, Muska waved to them. The blond looked confused but also curious and Midoriya lit up like a thousand suns.
“Hey Midoriya, try not to break anything next time if you get in, wouldn’t want to harm that cute face huh?” She called out with a smirk. Eras turned her covered head to their direction and despite having a hidden face, the movement back and forth between them was universal language for confusion.
Midoriya stammered out an affirmative with a bright red blush and covered his face with his arms. The blond seemed annoyed so Muska made a decision. Deciding to be bold, she lost any and all social shame after the first century, muska called out to the blond as well.
“Hey blondie, hope to see you soon, it’d be a loss to not see that face again.”
Decidedly, confusion must not be normal in the blonds life if their face was any indication. He looked like the old math lady meme in the funniest of ways. Without allowing a response, Eras kicked the bike into gear. Knowing Muska wanted the dramatics of it. As they drove away, Muska gave a sly small tilt of the hand to come across as a wave as the gate to UA turned into a small speck in the distance.
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Hello people who follow me
For people who haven’t been following my blog all that much, I have Dissociative Identity Disoder, more commonly known as Spilt Personality, or Multiple Personality Disoder (which it’s no longer called this, the shortened version is DID)
DID is a disordercharacterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states. A reaction to trauma as a way to help a person avoid bad memories.
Symptoms are;
Behavioral: impulsivity, self-destructive behavior, or self-harm (check, check, and check)
Mood: anxiety, feeling detached from self, or mood swings (check, check, and check)
Psychological: altered consciousness, depression, or flashback (check, check, and check)
Also common: amnesia or blackout (huge check)
Let’s start this my early childhood-
I never had a dad, he was in and out of my life constantly. So I was always looking for a father figure.
It didn’t help my mom was hopping from man to man at the time.
However I had one man in my life that never left and loved me like his own. That man was my uncle. I loved him so much, I still do, but by no means was he a good role model. He was in to drugs, never took his medication, and I think was in a gang (that if he hung out with some really bad people). One memory I have of him is him letting me help him make a roll (weed roll) when I was three or four.
I had a been diagnosed with ADHD by the time I was five. It was severe when I was younger, I couldn’t sit still or focus on anything, including school.
Anyways, one day, I come home from school, like any other day. I was happy because my grandmother had picked me up and said she would be staying with me for a while. (Mind you, this is what I’ve been told, I have zero recollection of this month). I come home to strange people and cars around my home, but I go about my greetings as usual. My mom had a boyfriend at this point, his name was Angel, he was nice (we’ll get back to him later). I was told to stay in my room with my kitten, Ella (yes the same cat I talk about to this day) and my dog, Sassy. My grandmother would come in to make I was okay, which I was. The next day was even weirder, a lady in a police uniform watched me get dressed for the day. My teachers treated me differently and I had to leave school early. I was confused, I also hadn’t seen my uncle in two days without communication. I was asked multiple questions about my uncle and I answered them honestly. I later learned that he had buried a woman’s body, had he killed her or not is a mystery as there was someone else with him that day he buried her.
My uncle had schizophrenia, and he had just revealed to me that he had an episode when everything was happening and he was off his meds.
We had moved in December of that year due to people screaming slurs at me whenever I went outside. I don’t remember this, again I have no recollection of that month.
I developed severe emotional issues, including bottling things up and exploding in violent outburst. My ADHD made it hard to focus on schoolwork, specifically reading. I alway spaced out while reading, and heard a small distracting voice, telling me to play with my stuffed animals or watch TV (I didn’t tell my mom this and I still haven’t). My mom didn’t understand why I was like this. She thought I was acting out for attention. So first through third grade I suffered and started to hate school. I started to hate my classmates. So I started to let that little voice speak for me. Eventually I started blacking out during school.
I didn’t know this wasn’t normal.
I didn’t know that when my mom asked what did I do at school, she thought I just didn’t want to talk about school.
Time skip to sixth grade (the worst year of my entire life)-
I was eleven at the time. I had friends, I was a social butterfly. Yeah, sure I had people I didn’t like, but I didn’t let them effect me.
Until November 29, 2016 (yes I remember the exact date)
The weekend before I had slept over at my bestie’s house, then I went home because I had 4-H on Sunday. I got my phone taken away Sunday night because my ‘friend’ wouldn’t stop texting me. I saw on my google docs I had a new document, shared with my teachers. It was nice, complimenting them on their teaching skills. But I didn’t write it. It wasn’t my typing style.
I went to school on Monday like any other day, happy and cheerful. Around second period, I got called to the office. I was asked if I wrote the doc that was under my email. I said yes because it was nice, I didn’t think anything was wrong with it.
Boy, was I wrong... (holy shit I’m about to cry writing this)
I got called down a second time, this time my principal was saying I hacked into others school accounts and wrote a threatening letter on google docs under another student’s account. I started to deny that I wrote anything, that I thought the doc was written on a spur of the moment.
The third time I was called down, it was with my best friend, Angie. We both didn’t know what was going on and denied any and all accusations.
The fourth and final time I was called down was at the end of the day... my teachers were there. They wouldn’t listen... they didn’t care what I said... I was a sweet girl with dreams and passions. I loved my teachers with all my heart... it didn’t matter to them. Nothing mattered to them (here come the waterworks).
I said I did it to protect my friends from getting in trouble...
In the end, I got three days of in school suspension and a beating from my mom that I don’t remember.
The first day, they forgot I was there. I was in a little white room, with a chair and a desk. The social worker came in and asked me if I had really done it. I had a good relationship with her, I really liked her... I shouldn’t have trusted her.
The second day... the second day, the principal, vice principal, and social worker of the school came into the room and I was confused. Then the screaming started... the banging on the desk. They thought on Monday I had written another doc to my teachers, saying they didn’t scare me and they could go fuck themselves and I changed a student’s pfp to a bloody knife.
Then the principal came around behind me, still screaming her head off, and slammed her hands down on my shoulders and squeezed, hard, resulting in bruises later that day. After that, the little voice took over and started crying. Sobbing for them to leave us alone. They walked out leaving a broken child in their wake.
I had curled up under the desk and continued to cried, repeatedly saying, “I want to die, I don’t deserve to live...” the social worker came back in and tried to calm me down, but I looked at her and said I wanted to die. This was the first time of so many, that I had a suicidal thought.
211 services were called and I told them I felt bad about everything I’ve ever done, continuing the lie I’ve been dragged into. I can’t tell the truth... They wouldn’t believe me anyways... I had thought. I went home and stayed home for the rest of the week. That night I walked into my kitchen and opened my knife drawer and pulled out the biggest knife, mind completely blank. I gently slid it against my wrist, thinking about cutting. I didn’t. I put the knife away and went back to my room, empty. I felt lost, and like I was drowning.
A third voice slowly developed. It was a boy this time, he was sad and hated talking to others (I’ll get to my second voice development in a bit). He took over during school, all though I could think on my own and speak, he had main control. I had a mental breakdown later that week after my class had been too loud, I told my music teacher it was because I had sensitive hearing (which was part of the reason). I stayed hidden during recess, and I sat in the back of the lunchroom with people I didn’t like or know. My outbursts only got more violent and more frequent, to the point where I would push my mom and stepdad (remember Angel, yeah him), resulting in more beatings from my mom.
My aunt got a lawyer to extinguish the suspension from my permanent record. The lawyer didn’t want to help all that much because he thought I was hiding something, which I was, but I refused to tell. The suspension was extinguished and I was allowed to use the school computers again.
I went to a new school the next year and transferred to where I’m located now...
First-seventh grade (the second voice’s development)-
My stepdad (Angel) was nice the first year my mom dated him. Then everything started to change. He started coming home drunk. After my little brother was born, things only got worse (and no, I don’t blame my brother for the change, it was envitable). He started getting angry at my mom, and at me. He started calling me a bitch, a little shit, a mistake.
I started to have out of body experiences, whenever I violent towards him. Pushing him, slapping him, punching him, scratching him. One time he slapped my mom and my mom’s therapist called DCF on her. I’ve been told I had walked into the kitchen right when he slapped her. However I don’t remember, I just remember the feeling of uncontrollable rage spreading through my body.
I don’t remember there being a voice in the beginning, I remember being one place or doing one thing, get angry, and suddenly being somewhere else. Especially when Angel started calling me names.
Another time, right after my mom had carpal tunnel surgery, he left suddenly. I was in the basement reading and playing with my bunny at the time. I came back up when my mom started screaming for me. The front door was left wide open and my brother left in the living room. We had Max and Ella, it was the summer of 2016. My mom was hysterical, screaming at me, saying it was my fault he left, that everything was my fault. I left the house and stayed with my neighbors for an hour, waiting for my mom to calm down. I went back and was sent straight to my room. I remember being angry, so mad at myself for no reason. I hated myself. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression the next year.
There’s a shit ton of stories I could tell about Angel getting drunk or leaving the house and coming back drunk. I won’t. I’m not here to tell a sob story, I never will ask for pity. I’m telling you how small things to certain people can be huge to another. My mom didn’t think it affected my all that much, my therapists thought I didn’t need intense therapy despite everything. All because I didn’t know that hearing voices other than your own wasn’t normal.
I started looking up depression and anxiety to help manage it better, and stumbled upon an article about schizophrenia. I looked more into it and found out about DID when I was thirteen, two years ago. However I still didn’t tell anyone... I was scared.
I was a freak
I was unnatural
I had three voices, three other people, inside of me. They wanted control, they wanted a voice too. They became unbearable, and when I started high school, I broke.
I tried to kill myself. I started starving myself the previous school year and started cutting over that summer... I finally told someone about the voices but no one believed me, and still no does. They think I’m lying...
So I’m not diagnosed, but I know I have DID.
Who’s who-
Little was voice one- she’s a little, under the age of ten. Little isn’t her real name but I don’t want her name out there on the internet where people can manipulate her. She has ADHD and is incredibly hyper. This body doesn’t get much rest, so after someone else fronts, we usually have to sleep. She’s also a trauma holder, knowing what happened that month blackout. She has no interest in people romantically (obviously, she’s a child)
Lilith is angry blackout/voice two- she’s ageless, a prosecutor, and a secret keeper. She’s a trauma holder to the verbal and physical abuse I suffered when I was younger, really up until last year I was verbally abused by my mom. She has anger issues and severe mood swings. She rarely fronts, but when she does, Levi or I have to co-con with her so she doesn’t murder someone. She’s angry and is always aggressive towards me and Little. She leaves Levs out of her aggression though. Lilith is bisexual (no, not pan like I identify).
Levin/Levi/Lev(he goes by all of them however I prefer calling him Levi)- he has insomnia and major social anxiety. (Also is co-conscious with me rn) He’s apathetic and very neutral when it comes to opinions, but he’s humorous and super sarcastic when he’s comfortable. He’s a gatekeeper and he’s 18. He as food related anxiety, but no major eating disorders. He’s has no sexual desires, but is romantically attracted to girls.
Lennox(the writer of this)- they age with the body, so 15, and host/often front. They have social anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia, and is the first alter, or first recognized alter. They are nonbinary and pansexual.
I’m going to start labeling who your talking to, or who’s out at the time, like this
-Lennox (Kay?)
Thank you for reading!
I’mma tag some people I think should see this-
@one-pissed-off-child @madame-ree @queenzie-xo @anon-nom-nom95 @liveto-100 @aleiakit @gogetyoselfsomesoup @nadia-saaaaan @mai-ki-000 @martinidrinkingmartin @scalybunnypapi69 @pumpkineiji @cristinaweeb @pikaweebo @siyarduous-lazyaf @reijishiki
And to lighten my mood and for giggles-
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broken-clover · 4 years
AU-gust Day 12- Modern
Here comes a joker! I really did like the idea of a crime au, but I just couldn’t come up with anything. So here’s something I’ve been wanting to make for a while, kinda inspired by an ask I got from Rex way back when. I just liked the idea of Axl being Bedman’s adopted dad, I thought it was neat!
Also apologies in advance for me using my name headcanons again, it’s just so difficult to work with a character whose name is ‘Bedman.’ Seriously, does he have a less bizarre name in canon? Who the fuck would name their kids ‘Delilah’ and ‘Bedman?’ Guess we know who the favorite was...
“I don’t like you.”
Axl wasn’t sure what he’d expected when he first signed up for the local foster program. Well, he sorta did. Ideally, he’d expected to be tasked with taking care of a child, with whatever bizarreness it would entail. He knew he wasn’t exactly what a lot of people would consider ‘prime material’ for a foster parent- he was an unmarried twentysomething with no clear direction on where he wanted to go with his life, but he was financially stable, passed all the agency’s legal checks and drug screenings, and attended every mandatory pre-service class alongside a small crew of other aspiring parents. Despite his best efforts, he always got the impression that the agency took issue with him being there. Still, Axl did everything he was told, waited patiently, and chatted with his assigned caseworker until they had found a match for him to try out.
Matthew had come with a ratty purple backpack, a seemingly-permanent scowl, and a laundry list of behavior problems tacked onto his case file. Axl wasn’t his first foster parent, he’d already gone through nearly a dozen, all of which had sent him back. The reasons varied, from destroyed appliances to constant verbal fighting. And he made it clear right from the get-go that he despised his new foster home just as much from the first words he uttered.
“I don’t like you. Send me back.”
It seemed nobody really knew where the origin of his ire was. Being pushed back and forth through the foster system again and again for years seemed like a perfectly good reason to be cross, at least in Axl’s opinion, but the way the orphanage and his agent had spoken about it made it sound like Matthew was born with a scowl on his face and just didn’t know how to take it off. They seemed surprised by the concept that he was even being placed in another foster home. The repeated failures and inability to get along with anyone seemed to indicate that he was doomed to take the slow path, waiting a few more years until he turned 18 and aged out of the system on his own.
In spite of their initial rough meeting, Axl did his best to welcome him warmly. He’d set up and painted a room ahead of time for his new family member to live in, acquired all the legal documents he needed for everything from school enrollment to medical files, and stored up a plethora of dad jokes that he could use as he needed. Matthew was unimpressed with all of them.
“I hate this place. When are you sending me back?”
For all the snarky comments and indifference he could manage, Axl didn’t budge. He was patient. He would keep trying.
Though he only knew so much about him from his case file (Matthew despised small talk, and Axl didn’t drag him into it), he’d done his best to support the interests he saw. He bought the science books he noticed the boy staring at in the shop windows, and trying to pick out new cartridges for the game system he barely let out of his sight. He seemed like the intellectual type, reading college-level books on social sciences and linguistics, and he preferred strategy games over any other kind. Axl wasn’t much of a bookworm himself, maybe that’s what made it so difficult for them to connect. But even if he couldn’t match him on an intellectual level, maybe he could still do so on a more personal one.
So he stayed patient.
“Why are you being so stubborn…?”
Axl could tell he was at least getting somewhere. They didn’t exactly have casual time together, not really, but he wasn’t immediately shooed away. Matthew could play his games, or read a book, and Axl could sit on the other side of the room. Every time, he inched closer and closer, until the only option left was for them to sit on the same couch.
“Heya, Mattie, mind if I sit down for a sec?"
It had been a quiet evening, not especially remarkable in any way. Just another day of work and school for the both of them, and free time afterward to unwind.
His son glanced up at him, but only for the briefest of moments. “You have more than one chair.”
“Yeah, but I just wanted to sit with you today. Is that okay?”
“...Fine. But don’t touch me.”
Axl sat himself down on the other side of the sofa. “So...how was school?”
“Don’t want to talk about it.”
The sheer speed of his response threw him off-guard. “Well, okay. Um, did I already tell you that I like the neat thing you’ve got going on with your hair?” He pointed towards the boy’s messily-dyed purple locks.
“Eight times. Nine now.”
“You do it yourself?”
“In my last house’s bathtub.”
“Must’ve been a right mess! But it looks like it turned out good?”
“It was. My foster mom was mad about the mess I made. So she wound up screaming at me over it. And I screamed back. And before I knew it, she sent me back. It’s on my case file, I thought you said you read it.”
Axl felt his tongue stick to the roof of his mouth. Well, open mouth, insert foot. He had read it, multiple times, but all it had listed was ‘confrontational issues and repeated arguments.’ He’d wondered exactly what that had meant, but actually figuring it out made him feel the exact opposite of satisfied.
“...Oh. Sounds like a right bitch.”
“She was. Can you stop asking questions now? I’m bored of them.”
He complied, though the ensuing silence only made everything feel more uncomfortable. He just didn’t get why some people screamed at their kids, mistakes just happened sometimes. Children were still learning how things worked, it seemed natural sometimes it would end in a mess.
“I don’t wanna talk.”
“And I’m not gonna make you.” Axl stayed where he was. “Is it okay if I talk, though? You don’t have to say anything back.”
No response. But he didn’t get up and leave, like he had done in the past, so Axl took it as a cue to keep going. “I know you’re probably not gonna like me right away. And that’s ok. I’m still a total stranger, and you’re just expected to trust me to look after you. And I’ve seen all your paperwork, but that doesn’t mean I know anything about you as a person. We’re still strangers, the two of us.”
He paused. Matthew looked unfazed. “So I get it. I really do. I’m…” Axl tried to think of what he wanted to say. “I...
I’m not sending you back.”
Still no response. But Axl noticed the way his hands locked, and the little startled double-blink that came with it.
“If we’ve got issues, we can work ‘em out. I know you’ve been through a lot, so it’s ok if you have a rough time at first. And I’m not gonna throw you out as soon as you have a hard time. I totally get it. You’re not a bloody dog, I’m not gonna pretend like I can tame you with treats until you do whatever I tell you. There’s just some stuff we aren’t ever going to see eye-to-eye on. But no matter what, you’re my kid now, and you’re not going anywhere unless that’s what you really want.”
Slowly, uncertainly, he watched Matthew close his game and let it rest in his lap. He didn’t look up. “I want to be a good parent. I know I’m new at this, too, so I might fuck up a couple of times. I just want you to know that I’m ready to be your dad, and that means loving you no matter what.”
After another quiet, uncomfortable moment, a small voice piped up. “I’m not good at jokes, but yours aren’t funny.”
“It’s not a joke.” Axl replied. “I mean it.”
“It’s not funny!” It sounded more forceful the second time. His voice grew brittle. “You should send me back. Why won’t you send me back?”
“Why would I do that? You’re all set up in your room, and moving is a pain.” Axl tried to throw in a little friendly chuckle, but it didn't hide the unease in his voice. "Why would you think I would want to get rid of you?"
“I- I’m not-” His tone finally snapped, and his shoulders began to tremble. “I’m no good.”
He found himself hesitating for a moment, but Axl scooted closer, wrapping arms around his shoulders and giving his son a tight squeeze. “Nobody’s perfect. And I wouldn’t want you to be, anyway. I just want you to be you. Whatever that means.”
The two of them simply sat there for a while. This certainly hadn’t been in any of the advice books he’d read, but this was something Axl didn’t mind doing on his own. He just hoped he had expressed what he needed to.
He didn’t even think of letting go until he felt squirming against him. Matthew immediately picked up his game again and flipped it open. No acknowledgement at all. But...no, that was fine. He said he would accept him no matter what he was. If he didn’t like to talk about his feelings, then he didn’t need to force it.
“...help me with this turn.”
“Huh?” Curious, Axl shuffled closer to get a better look at his screen. “Wait, is this the one I got you?”
The boy nodded. “The mechanics are simplistic and the strategy elements are child’s play, but...I’ve had a lot of fun with it.” He tapped at something on his screen. “Alright. So right now my troops are stationed outside the dragon king’s fortress. How should they be organized when we open our assault?”
Well, he wasn’t much of a strategist, but he had no trouble giving it a go, anyway. “Uhh, definitely want to have some long-range stuff, right? So you can hit from a distance. Got anything for that?”
Another nod. “There’s a whole subclass for that, let me show you. There’s archers, a trebuchet, long-distance casters, and demolitionists. Each of them have a different set of stats and energy cost.”
“Why don’t you explain them to me a little more?”
“Sure. Archers have the best cost-to-efficiency ratio, but their projectiles are still on the weaker side. But if you take the trebuchet…”
It was a starting step, he realized, only a small one. But it was still something.
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Confessions of a past bachelorette
     I was the fish that could not get hooked. I was a serial dater, heartbreaker, bachelorette or whatever you want to call it. Was I a whore? Slut? Please, I have more class.  
 The story begins at age 18. I dated Duncan. He lived in the moment but couldn’t be serious or get his shit together to save his life. The first time he met my parents, he asked if he could do his laundry at their house. He lived in a shitty apartment in Old Louisville with his two cats. I remember his cats were panting all the time because the A/C was crap. One time, we visited this hippy couple in their thirties. They let their dog shit in the yard and they used the shit as fertilizer. Their garden was majestic. They had a tree with full grown green apples. They grew chili peppers and all types of vegetables. The couple said, “Yeah, we need help with our garden.” I jumped in to volunteer. Duncan just wanted the vegetables. He didn’t care about anything else. The next day he says, “Why did you do that? I’m pulling weeds and breaking a sweat like a Mexican.” He forgot all about it once the hippies cooked breakfast for us. Duncan would often go to the mall and take advantage of the free appetizers in the food court and pass it off as a meal.  Duncan was also the type that would go to his friends apartment with the pool and pass it off like he lived there. He would say, “They’ll never notice. Just say we live in apartment ABC.” Some would describe him as a freeloader. I describe him as a guy in his early 20′s on the struggle bus. Duncan was hilarious. There were good times but was this it for me? Nah.
     Next was Phi. My family adored him. Phi was the first person I dated outside of my race. He wouldn’t be the last. He was a Vietnamese immigrant. He came to this country at 15, became fluent in English and went to UofL for Speed School of Engineering. He treated me right and was a great guy but there was a problem. Phi was Catholic. My stubborn ass wasn’t. My mom knew I would never convert. We had arguments over religion. My family grieved him more then I did. Bye Phi. 
     Then there was James. James and I would often eat wings and beer with his parents and debate over politics. His dad was an Irish American trucker who used to be in the Marines. His mom was Japanese. They would have, I kid you not...10 drinks in one setting and gulp it down like it was nothing. They didn’t even act tipsy. There was no effect. I enjoyed my life with James. I thought...keyword, “thought” he was the one. I loved him. We went to church. We went to the gym. We had a routine. However, I had crippling social anxiety. He couldn’t handle it. He was my only social outlet. I depended on him for going out and having fun. That’s not a healthy relationship. That’s called, codependent. We had petty arguments and then he started talking to other women online. Guess you could say, shit hit the fan. Could he have at least found a woman who had a full set of teeth? Was he that desperate for a fuck? If you are a dad, James is the guy whose ass you’d want to kick. After everything calmed down, there was no bad blood. James admitted he wanted no commitment and I wanted more out of life then weekly wing and beer sessions.
Later on, I had a string of flings. Devlon. Derek. David. There seems to be a  pattern here...
     Cue in, Reese. The dynamic between Reese and I was similar to that of my grandparents. My grandmother had a short fuse, was dominant and my grandpa put up with it. Reese was extremely reserved, shy and inhibited. I clearly was not. I was impatient, impulsive with a fire in my belly. I enjoyed getting Reese out of his comfort zone. I liked taking him to new places. He never had pho. He’d never been to DC. I liked taking charge. I liked making the decisions but if he didn’t feel comfortable, I wasn’t understanding. I wasn’t accepting. I continued to grow and get out of my shell. I graduated college, got my own apartment and held a job. Reese wasn’t on the same page. What the fuck? When was he going to move out? Reese wanted to go to medical school. All I could think about was when he would get his shit together. I was a selfish bitch. I cussed at him when he didn’t deserve it out of frustration. I kicked him out of my apartment a million times. He was fiercely loyal just like my grandpa was loyal to my grandma no matter how many times she treated him like shit. I didn’t like who I was with him and I didn’t want to repeat that dynamic. Reese loved me unconditionally. I had conditions. If he could just improve on X, then I would be happy. He never felt good enough. He could never reach high enough. I didn’t understand why I wanted to pursue other people when I had a perfectly good guy? What the fuck was wrong with me? I was the asshole. We weren’t on the same wavelength. I wasn’t good for him and he wasn’t right for me.
After being completely frustrated and exhausted, I told myself, “Fuck this. I’m done.” I swore off dating. I was content with just having a good time. At a later time, an old friend invited me to Play. For those who are unfamiliar, Play is a trendy LGBT drag queen club. I thought, what the hell? I am free to do whatever I want. It’s a Saturday night. Let’s go. I’m enjoying my time at Play when my friend says her mom’s COPD was acting up so they had to leave early. I decide to order a drink for myself and go out on the deck. As I walk to the deck, I see out of the corner of my eye, this sophisticated, attractive man casually standing a few feet away away from me. He’s leaning on the deck, sipping on his beer, and we glance back and forth at each other. He looks like the type of guy you would see in a hallmark card OR movie, your pick. His skin was olive complexion, had thick curly black hair, and he had the most perfect muscle tone. He was confident. His style was classy yet modern. He had this essence and energy about him that was out of this world. He was sophisticated. His attitude was a mix of smooth Frank Sinatra while also tough, sarcastic Sylvester Stallone. Honestly, I could just eat him up. Unbeknownst to him, I’m having this inner battle of, “I told myself that I would be single. Dammit, look at him. I can’t go with out talking to him.” 5 minutes of overthinking pass by. “Okay. Who is going to make the first move?” After what feels like an eternity of stealing glances,  I take the leap of “fuck it” and go up to him. I think to myself, “What’s the worse that can happen? I make a total jackass of myself and never see him again. Let’s go for it.” I ask him if it’s his first time at Play and we hit it off like we’ve known each other our whole lives. 
What started off as light banter turns into talking for 5 hours. I didn’t make it home until 5:30 am. He fascinated me. I had to see him the next day, and the next. We spend each day craving more. As I get to know him, he tells me all the things that would have been deal-breakers for me in the past. He’s 50. He’s Catholic. He’s divorced. Yet I could give a single fuck. Family and friends were concerned. My mom reacted, “He’s 50!? What the fuck, Melissa?” and I remark, “Trust me. He sure don’t look it.” My friends thought, “What if he’s controlling you?” I snap back, “Do you not know me by now?” The people who were once able to dissuade me did not know what to do with me. Hell, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Everyone thought I had lost my damn mind.
I was no longer in control like I was once. I could no longer walk away. I could no longer say, “Fuck it” or “Next.” He wasn’t an option but a necessity. He turned my world upside down and changed everything about my life. He made me realized what was missing. He lives in the moment. He has wit and spunk. He’s in an established career yet maintains the youth and energy of a young 20-something. He’s not jaded by life. He takes life by the horns literally...(he got chased by a bull in Spain). I don’t feel held back like I did in the past or make up excuses on why things should end because I know nothing can hold me back from him. If he was in the same exact circumstances, and it’s him, my mindset would be, I have to have him. Nothing can top him. 
A similar story happened to a young bachelor man who had a string of ex-girlfriends who could never catch his interest---who could never quite keep him. He was that bachelor. He was that person. He never thought he would want a woman living with him. Why would he want that if he could bring a different one home every night? He never thought he would bring a girl down to meet his mom. Are you nuts?! No one is worthy enough. He never thought he would get down on one knee again after the hell he went through. Why take the risk when he has a great life? He thought this way until we found each other and we’ve been together ever since.
Guess we’re hooked for life.
I love you mi amor.
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liadavenport · 5 years
Is that ILIANA ‘LIA’ DAVENPORT? Wow, they do look a lot like MADDIE HASSON. I hear SHE is a SEVENTEEN year old JUNIOR who originally attended LUXOR Academy. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be IMPULSIVE and SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, but on the bright side they can also be RESILIENT and INTELLIGENT. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself. 
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hi, hi, i’m kara and i’m very excited to introduce you to lia!! also i’m too lazy to write a bio so it’s just some bullet points and, like, i didn’t proofread AT ALL so i apologize if there are any mistakes: 
Shakespearean Studies Statistics Russian Musical Theatre Psychology Creative Writing Astronomy
Basketball - point guard 
okay, so, her parents were married when they were really young, like when her mother was sixteen and her father was seventeen. they were those childhood sweethearts who fell madly in love with each other and didn’t heed the warning from their parents that their marriage probably wouldn’t last. 
when they turned eighteen, they moved to new york city, where their father started going to university for business and her mother’s music career blew up. everyone loved her music ( think the pipes of adele and the style of lana del ray ), mostly because her lyrics were written all by her with help from no one else, with the exception of any collaborations she did with other artists. 
her mom had to take a break from the music world about a year after her career blew up, when she was ninteen, because she got pregnant. nine months later came her first child, braxton jedediah davenport. two years later, on halloween, iliana came along.
with the arrival of a second child, it became incredibly difficult for josephine to continue with her music career, but she somehow managed, although she quit touring as often, onlyl doing so about once a year but she was still as popular of an artist as ever.
as for lia, she was definitely more of a mommy’s girl than a daddy’s girl. her mother gave her everything she wanted, without her ever really having to ask for it. although, she was closer to braxton more than anything else because her brother was the only member of her family she spent time around; the rest of her time was spent with their nannies, because their parents were always busy. 
from the very start, lia was sporty. she liked joining in with her brothers and his friends when they were playing basketball and it became the sport she enjoyed the most. when she wasn’t playing, she was writing or singing and learning how to play the guitar. she was as talented in music as her mother was, though she had no desire to pursue that as a career later on in life. 
even though she was relatively rich, it was never something she tried to shove in the faces of other people. of course it was easy to tell that she came from money because she hated cooking, orders take out more than necessary, and talked about her nannies a lot and the chef that would make them dinner. this was all just normal to her however and she never quite caught on to how obnoxious it was. 
tragedy struck their family when lia was fifteen, going into her freshman year of high school. her brother passed away in a tragic “accident” and lia hasn’t been the same since. everyone knew that her father was involved in some shady business bullshit but no one ever talked about it and both lia and her mother were certain that her brother’s death hadn’t actually been an accident. due to this, her parents’ marriage started to fall apart but they never divorced, which her mother would grow to regret that decision when her father was accused of murdering one of his clients. 
rather than face trial for the accusation and to prove his innocence ( IF he was innocent ), he fled and the only thing he left behind was his money for them to take care of themselves with, despite her mom having plenty of her own. she turned the majority of the money over to the police, but kept the rest to pay for lia’s tuition when she decided to send her to luxor. 
other facts: 
lia’s mother remarried recently and lia is more fond of him than she ever was of her father. 
her mom now owns a chain of bakers in nyc, and runs the one closest to home to her. being a baker had been her choice of back up career in case music fell through and she retired from music very recently. 
along with a step-father, she gained both a step-sister and a step-brother. her step-brother is a senior and originally attended carnifex and her sister has always attended luxor and is a sophmore, a year younger than her. 
lia is a hot mess. in the fun way, but not necessarily in the good way 
she’s incredibly intelligent but she plays dumb sometimes because she just doesn’t care about school?? like, she tries to care but her brother’s death still feels like it happened yesterday to her and it’s altered her personality in a lot of ways.
incredibly comptetive. anything you think you’re good at, she probably thinks she’s better than you at it but won’t say so unless you bring it up first. 
sarcasm is her first language. 
she loves learning new things so she’s fluent in several languages, the two she speaks almost as well as she speaks english are italian and japanese. 
she has several tattoos, the most important one being the one on the inside of her right arm, which is her brother’s birth and death date, with his initials. 
the locket she wears around her neck is one that her brother bought for her when she was thirteen and it has a picture of the both of them in it. she never takes it off because it’s the one thing she has left of him. 
she loves to sing, but mostly only in the shower even though she’s amazing at it and isn’t even really shy. she likes to write, draw, play guitar, and play piano in her free time. 
math is her best subject even though she actually hates it but she doesn’t have to try at it??? which is nice for her. 
she has a scar on her arm from a basketball injury ( at least this is what she tells people but the scar is ACTUALLY from her father a few days before he left. she refuses to tell anyone the truth. ) 
she suffers from major depressive disorder but doesn’t talk about it and refuses to admit it or get help, so she self-medicates with anti-depressants.
is addicted to pain killers and drinks way more than a seventeen year old should 
she’s crazy and she knows it but she doesn’t really give a shit
personality wise, she’s very driven, which isn’t obvious because she doesn’t act like she is?? but she actually has dreams and goals, it’s just that life has fucked with her a lot recently so it’s hard for her to channel that drive??? ummm she’s sarcastic af, super moody to the point that she tends to be very snappy even though her intention is never to hurt anyone’s feelings. she’s blunt, as in too honest but she doesn’t believe in lying?? at least not about anything but herself and how fucked up she feels she is. she’s very fun loving, loves to party-- some people might say that she parties too much. she has major commitment issues but also isn’t a fan of hooking up?? like, she won’t date you but she probably won’t sleep with you, either. she’s extremely trustworthy and is the exact type of person you would want to have on your side. distrusting as all hell and if you lose her trust, there is no way you are getting a second chance because she doesn’t believe in those. she’s 100% that bitch, or at least that’s what she’ll tell you because she’s full of herself sometimes. has resting bitch face 99.9% of the time so it’s hard to tell when she’s in a good mood, or if she’s actually being a brat but she’ll usually let you know and apologize if she’s ever unintentially rude. 
anywayyy, that is all i can think of right now. as for wanted connections/plot ideas, i would love maybe an ex-fling?? someone she met upon starting attending luxor, and for some reason it didn’t work out ( girl has major major commitment issues, as mentioned above ). definitely would love to have her step-siblings here. any friends are always welcome, would love a best guy friend and bestie girl friend for her, someone or two someones she can trust with anything and everything?? excluding her darkest secrets of course. acquaintances, frenemies, unrequited crush, etc. i am so down for anything and everything tbh.
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Bless the Broken Road - 17
Spencer finished filling the tank and looked around. Jane was nowhere in sight. 
He walked over to the dumpsters where she had gone to answer Jack’s call and his stomach lurched. Jane’s phone was left on the sidewalk next to a spattering of what looked like blood.
Trying to stay calm, he quickly pulled out his phone and called the team, telling them to get there as soon as possible.
The team arrived to find Reid pacing back and forth, running a hand through his hair over and over again impatiently.
Morgan ran over to him.
“She’s gone! She was over here taking a call from Jack while I filled the gas tank and then I turned around and she was gone!”
“Kid, calm down. We’ll find her,” Morgan assured him. “She’s smart and she’s strong. She’ll be alright. But you need to focus in order to work to find her.”
“I messed up, Morgan. I really messed up.”
“You had nothing to do with this. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I know that, but she was upset with me. There were girls at the strip club that flirted with me and she told me that I should go back there and get it out of my system and I, I told her that maybe I would. That’s the last thing I said to her!”
Morgan sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. “She knows you didn’t mean it.”
When Jane regained consciousness, she found herself tied to a chair in what looked like a basement of a house. A man stood in front of her, staring at her. She quickly recognized him as the gas station worker who was taking out the trash.
“What do you want with me?” she asked him.
“I couldn’t help but hear your conversation on the phone. It’s obvious you neglect your son and prioritize your work over him.”
Jane shook her head, wincing as she realized that that was a bad idea. “I don’t have a son. I was talking to my brother. You’ve made a mistake.”
He scowled at her. “You’re lying,” he claimed.
He raised his hand and began hitting her until she fell unconscious again.
“Alright, here’s what I’ve found,” Garcia began, on speaker with the team. “All of the victims other than Jane had children.”
“A stripper, a workaholic, a drug dealer, an alcoholic and a gambler. What if the UNSUB takes women he believes neglects their children by having these flaws?” JJ suggested.
“Then why take Jane?” Morgan asked. “She was talking to Jack on the phone,” Spencer spoke up. Everyone turned to look at him. He’d been quiet for a while now, still in shock by what happened. “The UNSUB could think she was talking to a child.” “We have a profile. Let’s hurry to deliver the profile,” Hotch ordered.
When Jane came to again, the UNSUB decided to beat her some more, clearly enjoying the torture he inflicted.
“Why are you doing this?” Jane asked.
“Your son deserves better. He needs someone who loves him and doesn’t neglect him like you do.”
Jane had given up on denying having a child. He was too delusional to believe her. Based on what she learned, she guessed he had a neglectful mother and that’s why he was targeting mothers he deemed neglectful. She only hoped the team would come to the same conclusion, and fast.
Garcia finished combing through the security footage and was able to find the same man at the casino and the strip club, but there were no cameras with a good angle at the gas station to see if it was the same man.
“What about footage inside the gas station?” JJ suggested.
“I will search and get back to you lightning fast!”
No more than ten minutes later, Garcia called back with results. “I found him! He’s a worker at the gas station. It looks like he hasn’t been to work since Jane was taken.”
“Do you have a name?” Morgan asked.
“Yes. Aidan Campbell, age 38. Looks like his dad died of cancer when he was 6. At the age of 9, he came home from school to find his mother passed out drunk on top of his 4-year-old brother, Caleb. Unable to push her off of him, he suffocated and died.”
”Where’s the mother now?” Rossi asked.
”She was in jail for the death of her son. Looks like she also was a drug user and worked as a prostitute back in the day.” Garcia paused as she typed. “She had a parole hearing a few weeks ago, shortly before the first murder to be exact.”
”That’s the trigger,” Hotch stated.
”He had to take care of his brother because his mother was incapable. Now he wants to punish mothers he believes treat their children poorly,” JJ said.
”I have a home address sent to you now!” Garcia informed them. “Now go bring our sweet Jane home.”
The team arrived at the house and Morgan kicked the door in. They ran in and quickly cleared the whole house. There was no sign of the UNSUB and no sign of Jane either.
Spencer ran out of the house, frustrated.
JJ followed after and found him staring at the ground. She pulled him into a hug and told him, “We’re going to find her. We’re not giving up.”
Aidan Campbell reached for Jane’s clothes and she bit at his hand.
“Don’t you dare touch me,” she spat.
He chuckled, darkly. “I’m so scared. Please don’t hit me,” he laughed.
He began to undress her, cutting her clothes so they’d be easier to remove. Jane tried her best to remain calm.
Once he had her naked, he grabbed an outfit from a drawer to dress her like a prostitute. He had to untie her feet to slip a thong on her. When he did so, she kicked him.
He groaned and slapped her in retaliation, hitting her to knock her out again so she couldn’t fight while he finished dressing her.
“Garcia, look into his past. Are there any other places he could be?” Hotch asked.
“There’s the house he grew up in. It was given over to the state after his mother was arrested but it looks like it remains empty.”
“Send us the address.”
Garcia obliged and they hurried to head out again, hoping this time they had the right location and that they’d make it in time.
The next time Jane woke up, the man wasn’t in the room. She looked down to see he’d dressed her like the other victims. She wrestled with the ties on her hands and noticed he hadn’t tied them tight enough after changing her clothes.
Quickly, she undid her feet but kept the rope around them to make it look as if she was still tied up.
He entered the room just after she put her hands back.
“The whore’s awake,” he greeted her.
He approached her and slapped her face. “Dirty bitch. What kind of mother neglects her child? You’re disgusting.”
He moved past her and opened a drawer, pulling a gun out of it.
She needed to act now.
Moving fast, she stood and came up behind him, knocking the gun out of his hand. He whipped around and grabbed her, pushing her back. She yelped as her head banged against the wall. He shook her, hitting her head multiple times. She dropped down and slipped under his arms but he caught her and pinned her down on the ground.
“Aiden Campbell, FBI,” Jane heard Spencer yell.
The team filed into the room, Spencer at the front of the pack with everyone else behind him.
Campbell grabbed the gun off the floor and pulled Jane to her feet, restraining her with an arm around her throat and a gun against her temple.
“Let her go. She’s done nothing wrong,” Spencer ordered, doing his best to stay calm.
“Yes, she has! She neglects her son!”
“She doesn’t have a son. You’ve made a mistake. She’s innocent.”
“No. You’re lying. She’s an evil woman. She has to pay for what she did!”
Jane’s eyes began to close as she started to lose consciousness from being knocked around so much.
They didn’t have time to reason with him anymore. Campbell continued to yell about why Jane needed to be punished. When he moved his body just enough away from Jane for it to be safe, Spencer took the shot.
Campbell fell to the floor, dead.
Spencer rushed forward to grab Jane, who had gone unconscious.
“We need a medic in here!” Morgan yelled.
The EMTs, whom they had ready on standby outside, rushed into the room and helped carry Jane out of the basement and outside onto a stretcher. Spencer insisted on riding along in the ambulance.
“She’s fading!” one of the EMTs yelled as they raced to the hospital.
Spencer sat next to her but stayed out of the way of the EMTs as they worked to save her.
Spencer’s breathing hitched in his throat as he heard the sound of the heartbeat monitor flatlining.
The EMTs gave her a shock to revive her. For a second, nothing happened. Then she gasped loudly as she woke up.
“Jane, my name is Kyle. You’re in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. It’s going to be alright,” the main EMT told her.
Spencer moved forward and took her hand.
Once they got to the hospital, they rushed Jane to the ER and Reid was forced to stay in the waiting room.
He collapsed into a chair, head in his hands. He didn’t even notice the rest of the team come in.
“Spence,” JJ spoke.
He stood up and she embraced him. He broke down, sobbing into her shoulder.
“They just took her back to the ER.”
“She’ll be alright,” Morgan assured him.
The team settled in, waiting to hear news on what was happening.
A couple of hours later, a doctor came out and approached them.
“She was touch and go for a while but now she’s been stabilized,” he told the group.
The team collectively breathed a sigh of relief.
“She’ll make a full recovery but it’ll take some time. She has a few broken ribs that punctured her lung. Also head trauma and lots of cuts and bruises. Two people at a time can go back and see her.”
“I’ll go with you,” Morgan said to Spencer.
Spencer stood and finally found his voice again. “Doctor, what do you mean by ‘touch and go’?”
The doctor frowned, looking reluctant to tell him. “Her heart stopped three more times.”
Spencer’s eyes widened.
Morgan gave him a gentle push forward and they headed back to Jane’s room.
Spencer immediately took a seat by her bed and grabbed her hand.
Jane opened her eyes and tried to speak but ended up having a coughing fit.
“I’ll go get you some water,” Morgan offered, exiting the room.
“What happened?” Jane asked when she finally stopped coughing.
Spencer filled her in on her injuries, hesitating to add that she had to be revived, but did so anyway.
“Did you catch the guy?”
“Reid shot the bastard,” Morgan clarified, reentering the room.
Jane took the cup of water from him and drank it.
JJ entered the room. “Spence, Hotch wants to speak to you.”
“Alright.” He turned to Jane. “I’ll be back.”
He exited the room and JJ and Morgan moved closer to talk to her.
Morgan’s phone went off a minute later and he left the room to answer it.
“Bella! It’s so good to see you,” Rossi cheered, coming into the room.
Jane smiled at the use of Italian. “Likewise,” she replied.
Spencer came back in a minute later with Hotch.
“Jane, take all the time you need to recover,” Hotch told her.
Morgan filed back in as well, holding his phone with Garcia on facetime.
“Jane Addison! You scared me so much! Never put me through that again!” Garcia scolded.
Jane laughed weakly. “I’ll do my best not to.”
“I can’t wait for you to come back home so I can squeeze you tight.”
A nurse came in, interrupting them. “I thought the doctor told you only two people at a time!” she nagged.
“I’m sorry,” Hotch apologized for the team.
“It’s almost the end of visiting hours anyway, we should head back,” Morgan suggested.
“We’ll be back in the morning,” Spencer told Jane. “Everyone else is going to head home tomorrow, but Hotch is letting me stay back with you until you’re well enough to fly home,” he explained.
Everyone took turns giving her gentle hugs goodnight before leaving for the hotel, allowing her to get some rest.
Bless The Broken Road Masterlist
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@cynbx @neon-deanmon @drw0301bieber @notsosmartbutcute  @banananna99
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bionic-egypt · 6 years
Magical Realism/Urban Fantasy Sanders Sides AU
Two people liked my post on whether or not they’d want to hear about a Sanders Sides AU I had come up with and, well, that’s good enough for me! It’s a Magical Realism/Urban Fantasy AU (which is the genre called?) where each of the boys are either magical creatures or affected by magic in some way. Inspiration from @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors series Love and Other Fairytales, which I’ll link here (it’s the ao3 link, since I have no idea how to link to tumblr. Let’s be honest I barely know how to tag people). Their series is so good! You guys should go read it. My AU doesn’t actually share any common elements with theirs other than the genre. I just thought it would be cool. Moving on to the actual AU idea.
As stated before, each of the characters is either a magical creature or has their life affected in some big way by magic. Character list now:
Patton Hart: a selkie. Not like ones in fanfictions I’ve seen, where if someone returns their coat to them they’re married. Nope. Just a normal selkie, where if someone has their coat they can’t return to the water. Patton is still a naturally kind person, but he never ever lets his coat out of his sight. 99% of the time, it’s tied snuggly and securely around his neck, though once he becomes super comfortable with someone and trusts them absolutely, he will sometimes let them borrow his coat when they’re upset, much like how people will drape a blanket around their friend’s shoulders when their friend is sad. But no matter how much he trusts them, he won’t let them leave with his coat. He meets Logan when they’re in elementary school and instantly decides he wants to be friends, even though it takes a while for Logan to warm up to him.
While he’s in human form, Patton doesn’t look completely normal. His eyes are just a bit too round and his ears slightly pointed (selkie are fae, after all). When he’s in seal form, his eyes are way too light for a normal seal and he looks like one of those Baikal seals (because they look like a seal plushie, just a round orb with a head and flippers. They’re adorable).
Roman Prince: a cursed human. When Roman was about five or six, he ran into a warlock in the woods while pretending to be a brave hero who needed to save the princess. The warlock, being an evil magic user, decided to curse the child that had annoyed him. Much like Elva in the Inheritance books, Roman is cursed to be a protector to anyone he sees in danger, even at the risk of his own life. At first, it doesn’t seem so bad to him. He gets to save the day and be a brave prince for everyone in trouble. But he realizes he has no control over even how he saves people after getting hit by a car while pushing someone out of the way. After that, he vows vengeance on the “evil snake-faced dragon witch” that cursed him *cough* Deceit *cough*. Unfortunately, Roman doesn’t know the different between different magic users, so he assumes all people who use magic are evil like the warlock. This causes some issues when he meets Virgil in college (oh my god they were roommates).
Roman starts dying his bangs red sometime in high school because a kid dared him he wouldn’t do it. It started out as stubbornness, but eventually he grew to like it and decided to keep it. He also constantly wears the letterman’s jacket he earned for track even way into college. Sometimes he’ll wear the prince outfit he stole from the theater program at his high school on the last day of senior year because he likes how it makes him feel regal and brave. It helps him pretend he doesn’t mind his curse as much as he actually does.
Virgil Knightly: a witch. Specifically, a storm witch. When he’s upset or angry or scared, it starts raining outside. When those particular emotions are exceptionally strong, lighting and thunder soon follow. He also goes outside during natural storms and just lets the wind and rain wash over him. It’s very calming. Because of his anxiety, he has a habit of making charmed worry stones and knotted bracelets. A few of the kids in his school end up buying them from him around exams, but they usually leave him alone because everyone in town knows the Knightlys are all witches and can hex people if they don’t like them. His older brother Remy is very well known for hexing people who annoy him. Virgil himself has never actually cast a hex before, since he’s always afraid it’ll backfire or the person will realize he hexed them and come after him. He meets Patton and Logan in high school and is instantly adopted by Patton. It does make him slightly uncomfortable at first, but eventually he comes to be grateful for his friends.
Because of his witchy heritage, Virgil’s eyes are two different colors, one green and one purple. Later on he ends up dying his hair purple because he thinks it looks cool. Sometimes he ironically wears a witch’s hat with sewn on patches, but most of the time he just wears his matching hoodie. After moving in with Roman, he wears the hat more and more just to mess with him.
Logan Picani: a Seer. The first born in his family is always a Seer. Because he is a direct descendant of the first Seer, his visions are stronger and more accurate than those of his eldest cousins. If the energy surrounding a person, place, or object is strong enough, he can get a vision by just being near it. Otherwise, he would actually have to touch the person/place/object. Because of this, he rarely, if ever, actually touches anyone. After he becomes very comfortable/familiar with someone, he has to actively try to have a vision, even if he’s touching them. It takes several years of being Patton’s friend for him to reach this stage, since he doesn’t want to risk seeing Patton’s future (sometimes he sees things he doesn’t want to see. Once he bumped into someone on the street and saw the exact way they were going to die). His first vision was of his younger sibling Emile’s future as a therapist, though he wasn’t sure what was happening at the time.
Normally, Logan’s eyes are a dark blue, somewhere between navy and sapphire. However, when he’s having a vision, his eyes turn pure white and start glowing slightly. In order to be taken seriously, because Seers are sometimes viewed as tacky fortune tellers, he starts wearing a light blue necktie in his freshman year of high school. It doesn’t help much, but it makes him feel more important, so he keeps it.
Remy Knightly: a witch. He doesn’t specialize in any particular type of magic, but he does enjoy reading fortunes in coffee grounds to piss off Logan after he meets him (he thinks Logan is too uptight and needs to chill out). He was hexed by another witch (though he doesn’t know exactly who) when he was in his early teens, but something went wrong and now no one can reverse the hex. It interferes with his sleep; normally he’s a little drowsy, but the more stressed he is, the less sleep he can get. It’s easy to gauge his stress levels by how many cups of coffee he drinks in a day. Normally this sort of curse could be bypassed by using magical solutions like charm sachets or teas, since medications are voided by the magic, but he has the unfortunate luck of being allergic to lavender, a common ingredient in these solutions (what do you mean I’m projecting my annoyance at being allergic to lavender and having sleep issues onto Remy that’s insane shut up). His parents got him a cat a while after the hex in hopes that it might help. It did not, but Remy loves Mocha, the cat, even if she does knock his crystals and candles off the shelves like the little bitch she is.
Due to his witchy heritage, Remy’s eyes are different colors, one green and one grey. He kind of doesn’t like them, so he wears dark sunglasses a lot. Besides, the glasses totally go along with his aesthetic. He paints his nails all the time, mostly staying in the dark color range, though sometimes he’ll paint them pastel colors. When he does this, he’ll usually try to convince Virgil to paint his the same shade, with a 50% success rate.
Emile Picani: the only completely normal human in the bunch. To the surprise of everyone in his family, Emile is perfectly fine with not being a Seer like his older brother. He even helps Logan out when he’s having/dealing with a vision. After helping Logan with the emotional toll seeing people’s futures has on him, Emile realizes he wants to help other people too. This leads to his decision to become a therapist. He applies his love of cartoons to his practice once he notices all of the parallels cartoon problems have to real life ones. Also, it annoys Logan because it works, which is a bonus. After realizing that Logan’s first vision was of him in his practice, however, he starts to doubt his choices. What if he’s only choosing this path because of what his brother saw? It is a bit of struggle for a while, but eventually he accepts that it was his choice, not fate, that made that version of the future reality. He meets Remy in college through Logan’s friend group and they start hanging out together. They’re an odd pairing, but they work somehow.
Emile is also genderfluid, shifting between male and nonbinary. On days they don’t feel like a man, they wear a little yellow star clip in their hair (which has the front dyed pink because screw gender stereotypes) given to them by their mom when they came out as genderfluid. It doesn’t hurt that the clip looks like the star from Steven Universe, which soon became their favorite show after it came out. When they want to be taken more seriously, they copy Logan and wear a tie, but they wear it under a sweater because they like how it looks. When they care less about being serious, they just wear a sweater or graphic tee for a cartoon they like. Sometimes they’ll even wear a dress or a cute skirt, but only sometimes.
 Plot? Um, right… plot… I think it would probably be about the main four meeting in college and learning how to interact with each other. Patton would try to get everyone to be friends instantly, Roman would want to hang out with Patton but not Virgil, Virgil would want Roman to stop being such an asshole to anyone who uses magic, and Logan wouldn’t really care if Roman joined their group or not. Maybe they would also help Roman break his curse. Or, drawing more from the Inheritance books, maybe they try to break his curse but they only lighten it a bit, enough to where he can ignore the need to save every single person he sees in danger.
The pairings would either end up being Prinxiety and Logicality or straight up LAMP, though I’m not sure which. There would be background Remile, though, that much is certain.
Would Thomas and his friends end up in the AU? Would other characters from Cartoon Therapy? Maybe. Dot and Larry would definitely be Logan and Emile’s parents, I can tell you that much. Maybe the others would be random classmates. If Thomas and his friends were to make an appearance in the AU, they would be background characters because I find it awkward writing about real people. (However, I think it would be funny if Thomas was a necromancer in the style of the Darkest Powers books because then he would be able to talk to ghosts no one else could see. Kind of like the Sanders Sides verse, depending on what you think actually happens when he talks to the sides.)
 Pictures under the cut because this is already super long and I don’t know how to make pictures any smaller. Also, excuse my crappy art. It’s the first time I’ve drawn the characters and the first time I tried to draw chibi characters.
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The ears were supposed to be a bit pointier, but oh well
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Why does the red in Roman’s hair look pink? I swear the pencil was red
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I’m actually kind of proud of this one, except for the weird bumps on the hat. Note: acrylic paint is not a good substitute for whiteout. Also, I just realized I forgot the stitches on the patches
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What even is his hair? Nail polish also is not a good substitute for whiteout, as seen by the side of his hair. I like his eyes though
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The cat was just to add some witchy-ness, but it’s become a character now. No take backs
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Hair. Is. My. Enemy.
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You know what Imma bitch about that adviser just a little bit more. This is a loooong rant so.
So, as you all may know I have an undergrad degree in molecular and cellular biology, and then I was out of school for like five years, then I got into the anthropology program and then decided on the first day of classes to switch track to the archaeology program. 
And you know what despite everything I’ve maintained a 4.0 GPA, just saying.
Ok, so like everyone knew this. Anyways I wanted to do a thesis focused on zooarchaeology so I was working with the person on staff who specialized in that. She also happens to be one of the people running the project I wanted to work with. So we talk a little before Christmas break I think its all fine.
After Christmas break? Jesus Christ. She was like “I’m not just going to hand you a thesis topic’’ and ‘you needed to shove four years worth of learning into break why didn’t you” She wouldn’t even tell me things that the project was looking into having done? She was like you need to go through all the reports and  figure something out (which is beyond cruel the reports are huge and to figure out what kind of zooarch remains were available I would have basically had to skim all of them). 
And then, like, I had decided I  wanted to go to Belize and work with this project. And she just kept pushing me away from it, she wanted me to do a southwest project. She freaked me out about finances, said that any archaeologist would kill to work om the material she had from *redacted* and just. 
So it gets to the point you know, crying in bars, crying after every meeting with her. I’m independently suicidal and depressed and crying myself to sleep like, every night. And totally overwhelmed by the workload of that semester. 
So I go to the graduate coordinator, who was an awesome person, and I tell her I’m having difficulty.Her advice? ‘Ok just tell her you’re going to work with *redacted*, like don’t let her get going.” (So people know what shes like) and she convinced me to do a more general thesis (which has worked out splendidly).
So I yeah,I try to do that. Somehow i end up getting the worst reaming yet, that ended with her telling me no one would let me do my own dig and what I wanted was impossible I should let my dreams die (very close to her exact words from what I can remember lol). So I end up making my way across campus (crying hysterically). End up crying in this random little hallways b/c i cant bring myself to go talk to anyone when I’m in this state. 
But I guess fate had other plans cause one of ,my professors found me. Takes me to her office and when I finally calm down enough I can form coherent sentences I tell her all the shit my adviser has been telling me. And she was so righteously angry on my behalf? TTold me she was full of shit? Then left me in her office talked to the guy who is now my adviser, talks to the grad coordinator. Well apparently the coordinator had already been talking to my now adviser. The three of them literally just worked it out so I wouldn’t have to talk to the horrible adviser at all. 
My new adviser gave me a project. He let me run my own dig (sure after a few weeks of field school but like, duh, needed that). I did.... I did pretty fucking well. All things considered, sure I needed help here and there but fuck shit for never having done it before I’m impressed with me. Now I have a thesis to turn in, work under my belt that will look very good when I apply to phd programs, and still have that 4.0 ya’ll. And that’s despite only getting medicated for ADHD again last semester. Despite having no background in this subject. Despite fighting against my own brain’s conviction that I should kill myself. 
And I guess, now I’m pretty well trained to think I’m fairly useless. But. Well, I think its pretty fucking impressive what I have managed so far. Anyways this has been my rant about practically nothing at all except that I’m very lucky and stupidly stubborn. (And a horrible type A personality, really its gross. I was sad about getting a 92 once b/c it was such a low A. We don’t have a +\- system. Calm down self).
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Answer all the questions
Wow, thats a-lot to wanna know.. But Lucky for you i’m trying to procrastinate atm. So here we gooooo.
Ask Me:
Kill your curiosity 
1. Last kiss- Sometime in December, not sure of an exact date. I don’t kiss, and tell, so thats all the info you get about that.
 2. Last phone call- My sister.
3. Last text message- Also with my sister, just her telling me she hates her new hair.
 4. Last song you listened to- Space Bound, By Eminem 
 5. Last time you cried- Like 3 days ago, but they were actually happy tears. Found out some really cool news.
 6. Dated someone twice- Yes, big mistake.
7. Been cheated on- Literally haven’t been in a relationship where I wasn’t.
 8. Self harmed- Yes, I used to cut stupid bad on my thigh. Also have some burn scars, from putting out cigarettes on myself. Thankfully thats not something i’ve done in years, and i’ve learned better ways to handle stuff like that. 
 9. Lost someone special- I’ve lost a few: My dad, my grandpa, and my childhood best friend.
10. Been depressed- Yea, but it’s a work in progress. I was on the worst medication I could’ve been on, which made it so much worse. Got admitted, now I’m on different meds for PTSD, and mood stabilizers. It’s helped A TON.
 11. Been drunk and threw up- I have been drunk, but rarely throw up.
12. Had sex- No, and don’t really expect that to change. Lol, it was a miracle I did last year..
13. How many people have you had sex with this year? 0 
14, and 16 are missing.. so we’re just gonna continue.
15. Made a new friend- Yes, i’ve made a couple.
17. Laughed until you cried- Yes!
 18. Met someone who changed you- Not this year, not yet.
19. Found out who your true friends were- It’s my sister, thats been every year. She’s the ONLY person I could ever trust.
20. Found out someone was talking about you- No, but it wouldn’t be anything new. I just don’t care what anyone has to say about me. 
26. What did you do for your last Birthday- Cried like a little bitch because my niece was hospitalized, I have never had a good birthday. 
 27. What time did you wake up today- 7am.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for- To start my new job!
 30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time- Well since I only have one sister, last night when me, and her went for drinks.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life- How other treat me, and get so tired of me so quickly.
32. What are you listening to right now- Crime Junkie!!!! If you haven’t hear their podcast, you’re missing out.
33. When is the last time you had sex? Sometime in December. 
 34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now- Myself.
35. Most visited webpage- Usually Tumblr, but lately i’ve been wildin out on FB.
36. Favorite color- Red 
37. Nicknames- My absolute favorite one is Moll’s, but i’ve also been called hot rod, hot tamale, and fight club.
38. Relationship Status- A joke.
39. Zodiac sign- I’m a Libra, can’t make my mind up for shit.
40. Male or female- Female 
 41. Primary school- Pinson Elementary 
42. Secondary School- Rudd 
43. High school/college- Pinson
44. Eye color- Hazel, they change weird ass colors.
 46. Height- 5′4
47. Do you have a crush on someone- Yeah, and they mf HATE me. So no new, news.
 48. What do you like about yourself- My eyes, and humor. 
 49. Piercings- 3 in each ear, 2 in my nose, belly button, and nipples.  
50. Tattoos- I have a pretty big piece on my right side of my ribs.
51. Righty or lefty- Righty. 
53. First piercing- I don’t remember getting my ear pierced, so belly button.
 54. First best friend- Literally an angel, I miss him more than I can ever really say. He was killed by a drunk driver, and it’s someone I still talk to daily. I literally just talk out loud, so he can hear me... even if I don’t get a response.
 55. First hookup- I’ve never been the type to “hookup”, but my first kiss ever was in a church if that say’s anything about me lol.
56. First Bestfriend- PLW
59. Eating- Nothing
 60. Drinking- A redbull.
 61. I’m about to- Finish this up, and then start sending out emails.
62. Listening to- This was already asked, and still listening to crime junkie. 
 63. Waiting for- Not a damn thing.
64. Want kids? Only way I would want a kid is if i’m 100% financially stable, and also found a good partner to have one with. I don’t want to bring a kid in this world, if both parents won’t be in the kid’s life.
 65. Get married? I honestly think marriage is a whole scam, and don’t even et me started on the bullshit of an engagement ring... However if I found someone that’s my bestfriend, and soul mate I would.
 66. Career- Oof I thought I knew, but now i’m kinda lost.
67. Lips or eyes- Eyes. I’m a sucker for brown eyes, not a fan of blue eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses- Either honestly.
69. Shorter or taller- Same height, or taller.
70. Older or Younger- Preferably older. 
71. Romantic or spontaneous- Romantic.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms- Nice arms.
73. Sensitive or loud- BOTH.
74. Hook-up or relationship- Relationship.
 76. Kissed a stranger- Yes, Halloween party like 4 years ago. That’s the only time i’ve ever really kissed a stranger that I can remember.
 77. Drank hard liquor- Yes, I was bartending before I was 21, so i took full advantage of that, and drank like a fish when I would get off.
78. Lost glasses/contacts- I constantly don’t know where my glasses are.
79. Had sex- Yea, but not with many. I don’t let a lot of people have that part of me.
80. Broken someone’s heart- No, it’s always me to have my heart broken.
 82. Been arrested- Never been arrested, I have however been in the back of a cop car 6 different times.  
 83. Turned someone down- Everyone who has ever tried to shoot their shot. I’m picky, so i’ll wait forever till I find someone who I think is right.
84. Cried when someone died- Well duh.
 85. Fallen for a friend- Yes. 
86. Yourself- Fully, I can get through anything
 87. Miracles- Yes, they just don’t happen for me.
88. Love at first sight- No.
89. Heaven- Ehhh, hard to say. 
90. Santa Clause- Wait, what?
 91. Kiss on the first date- No.
92. Angels- Yes.
93. How would you label yourself? Stupid, besides that I wouldn’t.
 94. Someone You Pray Everyday For- The people i’ve lost, the people I have, and the friends i have. I’m also a hopeless romantic, so I pray for the person I am mean’t to be with. I just want those people to have success, health, and happiness.
95. Did you sing today- I can’t sing, but that doesn’t stop me from singing everyday.
96. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About- I haven’t.
 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?- 7 years ago so I could tell him don’t get in the car. 
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For- My own happiness.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? Im scared of bridges, and falling in love. My two biggest fears in life.
100. Do you like the way you look? I’ve started to, after years of an eating disorder i’ve learned to live with my body. But I hate that it only will ever attract lust, and never anything more. I’ll ever only be liked for my looks, not personality. So in turn, i’ve started to hate my looks again.
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