#but with the way people act you'd think he's mid-development
tarjapearce · 1 year
you got me thinking how delicious ranchero Miguel is ((and he is 🐺)) going back again to him literally training without a shirt…showing the aftermath of your night’s intimacy on his skin and I mean scratch marks on both his arms and back….👁️👁️
Tell me he won’t show that off to tease you 😭
Oh he would. 👀
He would wake up at crisp five am, his room although in the barn, would be properly conditioned with everything he needed. The least your parents could do was to give him a proper place since his job in the farm the first few weeks convinced them enough to stay.
Miguel slicked his hair back, removing the front bangs from his face as he looked in the mirror. He smirked at the scratches on his arms, his torso, and when he turned around, he saw some more littering the top of his back.
The sudden memory of him being buried womb-deep in you, made the hairs on his arms to rise. They were his battle scars, and of course would flaunt them off. He took a shower, got ready and got himself to work.
The blazing sun of mid day, made him remove his shirt. Sweat rolled down his back, the ripples of his muscle contracting and expanding as he shoveled Agustín food in his container.
The horse took a bit of work to manage, almost throwing him out the saddle at first, but slowly, Miguel earned his trust. It was the only time your father had actually acted out of his stuck up and despective persona to congratulate him. He had gotten Agustín as a gift from another farmer. Your father was a well known man in the community.
Miguel then moved to groom him. Soft bristle brushes, a bit of oils for the horse hair, multiple vitamin caplets and of course a new pair of shoes for Agustín front legs. He had taken a like to the horse, even had developed a distinct call just for him.
Another helper under his tutoring approached him with fresh hay for Luis, your horse, he couldn't help but notice the marks on his skin.
"Had a good night, boss?"
He chuckled and prepare the colt's bottle of milk.
"Este chamaco..." (This kid...) he'd mumble.
"I mean, if the Mrs. saw you like that she'd be horrified."
"Cuando no." (As usual) He tittered at the thought, that just evolved into an idea.
"Get Joaquín more hay, if he still refuses to eat, tell the upper boss." He threw Agustín's saddle over his shoulder and prepared him for another training session.
By this hour you and your mother would be awake and enjoying a bit of a brunch in the porch. After grooming and treating Agustín, he put the saddle on him, and rode him to stretch his legs. To his not surprise your mother was there, rambling about how some of your friends looked like they had already had intercourses.
The word made you giggle and you just earned another swat with her rolled newspaper.
He adored your laugh, before your mother could shoo him away, he tipped his hat and made a blow kissing gesture your way. You couldn't help but beam bashfully at him. The scratches of your previous night made your legs to cross in instinct. His torso bounced softly with every gallop Agustín did.
"How shameless. Parading his... unholy doings before us."
"It's awfully hot, mom. Might as well swimm a bit on the pool."
"Still, we have rules in this house, (Name)." She huffed and you rolled your eyes.
"I don't know how your father can allow him do such... things under our home! What would people say if they saw a tramp walking out from the bsrn! Oh Jesus Lord forbids it. We would be the talk of town. He should take in consideration your father's job as a head of the church."
After a few hours of hearing your mother's rambling and she taking her usual evening stroll with her friends, you'd sneak out in the barn, and hug him from behind.
"You made my mom flustered and angry" You giggled as he spun you around and kissed you deeply.
"Was she pissed?"
"Oh very. Called you inmoral." He smirked and bit your bottom lip, your hands raked on his head, putting his hat on your head.
"Then, I love to do inmoral things to you, chula." You giggled as he made you straddle his lap, kissing you deeper.
"That makes us two"
"Is she out?" You nodded and smirked with a teasing grind.
"Wanna do unholy things in the meantime?" He whispered in your ear with a tempting smile. Of course you'd do. Always.
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lokisprettygirl · 10 months
Close Ties (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Modern AU) (Non canon) (18+)
Read Chapter 7 // Series Masterlist
Chapter 8
Summary : After your respective confessions Daemon sits you down to discuss the new development in your relationship with him.
Warning: 18+, dad's best friend trope, canon (we don't know her..don't like don't read), feeling of hopelessness, slight uncle kink if you squint, familial uncle niece sort of relationship but he's not really her uncle, there will be more smut later, significant age gap but reader is in her mid twenties, mention of infidelity, divorce, smoking and alcohol drinking, physical violence implied
Note : i know in fiction we tend to dramatize things (as we should sometimes) so this chapter might feel boring, underwhelming or a bit too realistic but that's how I wanted to keep it for this series. Not a fan of grown men acting like teenagers hence my take on this Daemon is different. Okay enjoy 😊
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You were sitting in Daemon's cabin, your heart racing and palms sweating as you waited impatiently for him to return. Even as work hours had ended his work didn't stop. He had gone to meet some people and had asked you to wait there for him because he wanted to drop you home today.
And ofcourse discuss that unspoken thing between you two. You were kind of happy about the alone time you were getting to have in his absence because you needed some time to process what he had just said to you before he left. What was going to happen between you two now? All your life he has been your Uncle Daemon but now both of you had confessed to having romantic/sexual feelings for each other so where do you go from here?
As he finally returned your heart was pounding and threatening to explode in your chest, you couldn't bear the tension.
“Darling get your bag, your parents are back and they want to see you” he said as soon as he entered so you quickly got up from your chair and you were ready to go. On the drive back home you were quiet because you didn't know what to say, even he seemed lost for words, he wasn't even looking at you.
Was he embarrassed? God you hoped not.
“Ummm everything okay?” You asked finally as you couldn't bear the complete silence anymore,
One word answer? Yeah you didn't need that right now.
“Mom and dad are fine right?”
“They have been going on a lot of trips lately..that's nice, dad really never had much time in his youth and she always wanted to see the world” he turned his head to look at you as you said that.
That's not the reason why they were taking trips together but he couldn't tell you anything just yet.
As you reached home you found your parents right in the living room so you immediately went in for a big warm hug..
“How's my sweetie doing at work Daemon?” Your mum questioned him so he smiled.
“She's a fast learner.. Doing really well” you looked at him as he praised you and he quickly averted his gaze. Truth to be told he was feeling a bit ashamed of himself at the moment, not because of the confession but because of the way your parents trusted him so deeply to take care of their daughter, especially your mum.
What would they think of him once they find out about this situation between you two and that he didn't exactly have innocent intentions for their daughter?
At the dinner table, you struggled to keep your eyes off of Daemon who had taken the time to shower and change into a comfortable white t-shirt and trousers. All you wanted to do was snuggle against him. However you couldn't help but feel as if he was ignoring you, you didn't want to jump to conclusions so you figured that he was probably just trying to not give away anything in front of your parents.
You felt a level of guilt as well, if you and Daemon choose to go down this path it might just wreck havoc all over again and you didn't really want that, you didn't think you'd be able to get over if he was to leave again..
After dinner you spent some time with your mum as she seemed a bit stressed..you had put down your head in her lap so she began to caress your scalp.
“You know you should dress more appropriately in front of Uncle Daemon” you gulped as she said that, you just had a sling night dress on that barely went past your thighs.
“What do you mean? It's just a night dress” you chuckled as you sat up suddenly,
“I know..you know we have never stopped you from doing anything. You're a good girl but he's just a man, a single one now that he's divorced..” you couldn't help but giggle at her words, she was your mother afterall, could she sense that her old friend was up to something? You hoped not.
“Mumma he's not like that you know that”
“I know..he's a decent man, always has been..but in the end men are just that ..men and he had a fling with Cass didn't he? How is she by the way, I haven't seen her lately" she asked you and Cassandra really was the last person you wanted to discuss right now.
“How was your trip?” you asked her to change the subject so she sighed deeply.
“Tiring” she smiled “I bought a souvenir for you from the states. While we were in LA..we bumped into Stella. What are the odds?” you gulped again as she said that,
“You did? Ummm what did she say ..How does she look now?” your tone was inquisitive, you had never really liked Stella even when everyone was besotted with her, perhaps you were just jealous. You remembered her being mean to you on occasions, she had that typical rich snobby girl vibe that you disliked so much. And you were jealous.
“Well she's still the same as I remember her..she asked about Dae, she kept saying that she always wanted him to go back to London with her as she liked it here but he never budged”
You rolled your eyes as she said that.
“Of course she did…I feel like she's the reason why he left, maybe she didn't like it here and wanted to go back to her home so she influenced him somehow..did you ever find out what had happened between him and umm dad?” you asked her so she sighed again.
“I honestly don't know..I have tried enough times to make your father open up to me but he never did, he and Daemon are sewn from the same cloth. Both stubborn and insufferable at times" you chuckled as she said that. She wasn't wrong though. You had asked Daemon about what had gone down between them but he refused to tell you anything. You didn't really understand why.
As you ascended the stairs and made your way to Daemon's room, you knocked on the door, but he didn't answer so you turned the knob only to find an empty room. He hadn't come back yet, he was in your dad's office downstairs discussing business.
You probably should have turned around and left but a part of you wanted to bask in his scent that was soaked in every inch of that space. You found his clothes that he had worn today scattered all over the bed so you picked up his shirt and wrapped it around your shoulders .
“God you're such a creep y/n”
You placed the shirt back down and took a seat on the bed in a sensuous position with your legs crossed and arms placed elegantly on the mattress ..or you tried. You still didn't know the nature of your relationship with him so this felt blasphemous.
A few minutes later he finally entered his room and as he saw you he gave you a small smirk,
“Mum thinks i should dress appropriately in front of you..is this not appropriate Uncle?” He walked towards you as you said that, the smirk stayed.
“A nighty that is barely covering you is sure as hell not appropriate love”
God you wanted to moan just from him using that voice on you.
“What are you doing here?” He asked you so you stood back up.
“Just wanted to talk about..you know what” he sighed as you said that.
“We are going to talk..I'm not going to cross a line and ruin our familial relationship for a few nights of fun” Daemon's voice was serious and firm as he spoke, and you could tell that he was weighing his words carefully. He reached out to grab his coat from the bed and wrapped it around your shoulders, covering your exposed skin.
“Who said I wanted just a few nights of fun?” you argued so he smiled,
“I assumed..you're still young ..i had all my fun in my twenties” he reverted
“I'm not a slut like you” he winced as you said that.
“Touche..first thing first you need to stop calling me Uncle when it's just you and me” he told you and you agreed.
“ Okay Mister Daemon”
“Just Daemon is fine”
“Okay.. Just Daemon”
“Sit down” you sat down immediately as he said that, he reached closer to you and at first you thought he'd kiss you but he just cupped your cheeks and leaned down to kiss your forehead before he walked away from you, pulled an armless chair from the corner of the room and sat down right in front of you.
“Do you know how old I am?” he asked you.
Stupid question you thought.
“Mmhmm freshly turned forty three”
“Do you know how old you are?”
“Will soon turn twenty six”
“That's eighteen years of age gap..almost a generation apart”
“I know..my math is not that bad”
“Don't get sassy with me right now” You bit on your lips to stifle the smile that was threatening to escape your lips “Your dad is wealthy and famous...you could have anyone in the world you'd put your eyes on. Are you sure this is what you want? Even if temporarily” His tone was a mix of uncertainty and genuine concern he felt towards you.
“If I could have anyone then why not you? All my life I have been around people who just wanted to use me because of my dad. What makes you think I'd ever want a boyfriend or a husband who'd marry me for the same reasons?” you answered him confidently and it made him smile. You were always such a good girl and that's what made this harder for him. He didn't want to ruin you.
“What makes you think I'm not doing the same thing to you? I'm certainly broke and homeless and I desire to regain the wealth and status again. Who is better than one of the most influential men in all of the UK to bring me back to glory? After all what's his is going to be yours someday” His voice was low and laced with a subtle hint of sarcasm,
“You won't do that to me” you said to him softly,
“Why not? Perhaps I'm just playing the long game..”
“You're not ..i have felt it..your care, your beautiful heart, I know you Daemon Targaryen” he couldn't help but smile at your words,
“I do care of course, but how do you know that I'm also not lying to you and using you for my selfish purposes?” he asked you so you smiled.
“Because i have known you all my life and a wise man once told me to look into the eyes of the person you are talking to and you'd know whether they're being truthful to you or not..that's how I know you're not lying to me..i see it in your eyes” his eyes immediately and so quickly teared up as you said that “Besides if you wanted to use me you'd have made your move the first night itself but you didn't, you waited for me to do so, that tells me everything I need to know about your intentions”
He smiled as he looked down, he was so proud of the kind of person you had turned into, perhaps it was your upbringing.
“Alright.. Do you understand the consequences of this thing between us?” he asked you, his voice was turning softer and softer with every question.
“I do”
“Does it scare you?”
“Yes, alot”
“Do you think we can go back to being just uncle and niece if you're bored of me after a few nights? When you see the real me and not the man you have built up in your fantasies? When the mirage is broken and I am all bare in front of you?” He looked at you with a mixture of hope and fear in his eyes, his feelings for you evident in every word that came from his mouth.
You got down on your knees and placed your hands on his thighs which made him shudder so he leaned back into his chair, he was hoping you won't see the erection he had now after seeing you in that position.
“I don't think we can just go back but what makes you think you won't be the one to get bored of me? I'm nothing interesting…especially in bed” his brows furrowed as you said that. He couldn't imagine you being anything but a submissive little freak in bed, you just had that aura surrounding you, he noticed how your face flushed every time he was tough with you at work or commanded you to do something.
“Then I'll teach you my ways, I'm certainly not a novice in that department. I stayed in a broken marriage for more than a decade with a woman that wasn't half decent as you...what makes you think I'd give up on a girl who's finessed so perfectly inside out?”
Your face felt warmer as he said that, no man has ever made you feel so desirable as he did in that moment and he hadn't even touched you yet.
“What if we have no chemistry in bed? And it's all just the forbidden aspect of the relationship that's pulling us to each other?” you questioned him so he chuckled in response.
“Entirely possible but you don't need to worry about that, chemistry is precisely why we are in this predicament in the first place” his tone was playful as he said that. Even if there was that one percent chance that you both would have no compatibility in bed he was going to build it up from scratch but he won't hurt you for something so superficial.
“Mmmhm..i didn't think of that”
“What are you looking for in this relationship? Considering we will get to have one” he asked another question, he could feel your fingertips caressing his thighs gently, the touch was making him lose his concentration.
“I date to marry .. always have”
“What if I don't want to get married again..ever?”
“Then we don't marry”
Why did this feel so normal he wondered? Discussing such heavy subjects with you came so naturally to him.
“What if I want children in the future?? Is it something you'd want?” he asked you so you smiled
“Mm never thought about it..what if I don't want kids in future.. but just me and you?” the smirk on his face reappeared as you said that.
“I have gone forty years without procreating..could easily go forty more”
He was a dreamboat wasn't he?
“Mmmm..I'd have to address you as Uncle in public still”
“That is highly inappropriate but we don't have much of a choice here. What if I want to take this thing slow and don't wish to defile you the moment I have your consent?” he asked you so you smiled.
“You can go as slow as you want as long as you are mine..all mine”
“Words have meaning you know..you can't just speak to me like that if you don't really mean it”
“What makes you think I'm playing with you for fun?”
“Because I'm insecure, I don't think I am what you deserve or need in your life”
You stood up and sat down on his lap as he said that, god you had envisioned this scenario a million times in your head so when it was really happening, it felt really surreal, your arms curled around his neck as you hugged him tightly.
She did a number on him but you won't allow him to feel that way ever again, that if he'd be yours for eternity
He wrapped his arms around your waist, the coat he had put on you was discarded on the floor, he could feel the heat emanating from your body as you clutched onto him.
"You're all i have ever wanted..i literally had everything growing up but you" you whispered in his ear so he put his head down on your shoulder and sighed..
“Thiss is not easy for me" his voice quivered slightly as he continued "Acknowledging or accepting that I'm lusting after a girl I have known since she was twelve..it's not easy. What would she think of me?” he said to you softly so you pulled away a little and cupped his cheeks, he was torn between his feelings for you and his own sense of morality, and it was clear that he was struggling to come to terms with the situation.
“I know..but I have lusted for you since I was twelve, when I didn't even know what this meant and that girl that you're worried about disappointing? She knew her Uncle Daemon would never hurt her, she trusted him implicitly with her life and her safety and she never would have judged you for choosing to love her differently when she's all grown up, an adult in her mid twenties. You are lusting after me ..I'm not that child you knew, i have grown in every possible way and you're attracted to that part of me..but you have always cared about me..all parts of me”
Tears slipped down his eyes so you wiped them with your thumbs before you kissed his forehead, always wanted to do that and it felt as satisfactory as you thought it would.
"Also..that twelve year old me would be screaming right now if she could see this" he chuckled as you said that but then his smile faded again.
“You're so young my darling pixie. I don't want to be a mistake you'd regret all your life or be something that ends up holding you back. You have so much potential and a bright future ahead of you, and I want to make sure you're able to reach it." The words slipped from his mouth with an almost paternal affection, and you could hear the genuine concern in his voice. He truly did not want to be the cause of any harm or regret in your life - he wanted the best for you even if it meant he'd have to suffocate his own feelings.
“Even if it turns out to be a mistake you should know I'd never ever feel regret for you..” you said to him so he placed his fingers on your chin and made you look him in the eyes.
“Time is going to catch up with me..I'd only get older and less attractive..you'd not even be the age i am currently when I'm already hitting sixty” he said to you but it only made you smile.
“Is that supposed to discourage me because you have only gotten sexier with age so far”
“Mmmmhmm? You are going to lie and tell me that I look better now when I'm all pudgy then I did before when I had visible abs?” his voice was playful but you could tell he was insecure.
“You have no idea how badly I want to snuggle against you and this thick body of yours right now”
He gulped in nervousness as you said that and then his cheeks flushed. Everytime Stella cheated on him, the men she chose were always shredded and jacked, so he killed himself everyday to look the same but he had given up now, he didn't have to impress her and he certainly didn't need to impress you..you were willing to take him as he was.
He cupped your cheeks and his fingers brushed over lips, eyes looked at you as if you were the best thing in the world.
“Besides, it's not just your body I'm attracted to ..it's you ..all of you Uncle..your age is the last thing I think of when I am thinking about you” You squeezed your eyes as the word uncle slipped your mouth, force of habit you feared.
“That's so dirty”
“What is?”
“You calling me that when you're dressed so immodestly and straddling me like that” he murmured against your mouth, voice barely audible.
“Godd are you going to kiss me or not”
“Patience sweetheart..”
“I have been patient enough” you leaned into him so he grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you away from his lips,
“Mmhm? Have you been a good girl?”
“So good.. uncle” you said it on purpose this time because he seemed to enjoy it, the hard on was a clear indication.
“I must be a complete degenerate to get turned on by that” he whispered as he kissed the corner of your mouth, being as teasing as he could be.
“I don't mind that at all”
“Ofcourse you don't..you were always a naughty girl”
Your breath hitched in your chest as he talked down to you. God you really didn't want to be patient, you just wanted him to take you in his bed right now
“Worry not though, I'll make sure you never step out of line without my permission.”
And you were a goner.
None of your antics worked on him because he made you get off his lap and sent you back to your room soon after that, you got to keep the shirt of his that you were going to snuggle around with until it would lose his essence.
That night, after three months of torture Daemon finally had the luxury of jerking off to your thoughts, the way that silk night dress clung to your voluptuous body but left a mystery enough for his imagination and how you were so desperate to be played with was all he needed to pump his hard and swollen cock into his fist. The truth of the situation that you were his supposed niece turned him on even more even though it shouldn't.
He pictured your sweet face moaning and groaning underneath him, chanting his name like a prayer and it didn't take much as he combusted and painted his torso with thick spurts of his release.
Lord, how was he going to keep you away from him? Leave you so untouched when you were so desperate to give into him?
He was being a tease, he wanted to keep you on the edge you figured and you just wanted to give him whatever he desired. The conversation he had with you had made you realize that he was so unappreciated so you were going to appreciate the heck out of him, worship him the way a man like him deserved to be worshiped.
You were going to make him realize why you are the only woman he'd ever need in his life again.
Next day at the office you pretended to be the good girl he wanted you to be, especially in public and more importantly in the workplace..you had to be extremely careful, there was a sense of taboo attached to your relationship and you understood that well, you also knew that whenever this thing would go out in public he'd be the only one to take the hit for it, he'd be blamed and shamed for corrupting you but you won't let him take the fall all alone..you'd be there for him.
“Your father is sending me on a business trip to Japan” he said to you as he placed some documents in his briefcase, it was 5 pm so you no longer had to pretend that he was just your boss .
“Whatttt? For how long?” You asked him hurriedly so he sighed.
“Four days, could be five” he answered you and he could see how sullen you looked all of a sudden. Did you really need him around you that much? Were you always going to be so needy for him? He didn't really mind that, it has been a while since he had wanted to spoil someone so badly.
“Ohhhh umm.. okay uhhh okay” you mumbled in your mouth as you jumped up to sit down on his desk. You felt saddened that he would be gone for four days and you won't get to touch him, or bask in his scent, you really were obsessed with him.
He smiled as he walked around the desk to stand tall in front of you and placed his hands on your thighs to pull you closer to the edge of the desk and into his body, the sudden action had turned you on immensely. His hands caressed your thighs before they trailed up to your bosom for a brief moment and then he brought them up until he had your cheeks between his palms.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” He whispered against your mouth and you had to remember to breathe because you were definitely going to pass out from how wrecked your nerves were at the moment.
“Mmmm please” your voice came out all whiny and it made him smile.
“Or i should take you home and kiss you in my bed while you're underneath me love” he whispered against your mouth and your whole body shuddered, even he was able to feel you trembling.
“Ohhh God yess…that..i want that”
“Greedy” he mumbled as he kissed the tip of your nose.
“Tease” you quickly replied and that made him smirk “I'd miss you.. alot..you're going to come back right?” Your eyes teared up so he placed his forehead down on yours, an action that felt very familiar to you.
“Come back To you..for you? Absolutely” he kissed your forehead before he suddenly pulled away from you.
“Oh I forgot to tell you something” he mumbled as he grabbed his briefcase from the desk so you stepped down as well as he was going to drop you back home.
“What is it?” you asked him as you grabbed your purse
“Your father wants me to take my only intern slash assistant on this trip with me..you know for learning purposes”
The scream of excitement that you let out was deafening, he was lucky his cabin was soundproofed.
Sure taking this thing slow was his idea but he had a feeling he'd be the first one to break that rule as he finds himself with you all alone on this trip in a foreign place where he didn't have to pretend to be your Uncle.
Note: Hope this wasn't disappointing 😂 plenty of stuff to come..
@serving-targaryen-realness @annoyingsweetsstranger @anukulee @mcufan72 @insertsomethingsillyhereple-blog @silentf @ajthefujoshi @stupidthoughtsinwriting @ammo23 @shuichiakainx @daddylokisqueen @ipostwhtifeel @anehkael
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fallloverfic · 9 months
TGCF donghua Season 2, Episode 10 thoughts
This episode T-T T-T T-T T-T. Spoilers for the show and the book below. CW reference to suicide.
The dude being racist to An Le looks vaguely like a love child of Feng Xin and Nie Mingjue (the donghua version) roflmao. Animators have made little references to The Scum Villain's Self Saving System this season so I would not be surprised if someone snuck in a reference to the Mo Dao Zu Shi donghua, too lol And this is similar enough to at least one Meng Yao + Nie Mingjue scene that I can see why they'd do it here.
So the Xianle goons licking their lips is because, I imagine, whatever was in that pouch Qi Rong brought An Le infected them or maybe it was these actual soldiers or something. Makes it less mmm... Strange. Having seen recordings of an attempted assault on a principal government building with government officials inside and what bloodthirsty folks bent on literal murder of said officials get up to around that, I mean I guess it's not that..... strange......
Someone here let me know that the servant/friend is the same official from S02E01 who ran past Xie Lian to help Lang Qianqiu, which makes sense! I totally forgot he showed up then and wondered after S02E07 if he was An Le acting funny (though by the end of S02E09 he is clearly not). He does show up in the novel in that S02E01 scene, but he's not named so far as I can tell, and I don't think we see him in Yong'an flashbacks like we do here. It's neat to see the development of this side character, and how some officials reward people who support them in life (besides Xie Lian and Yin Yu).
Xie Lian seeing the guy nervously looking for Lang Qianqiu and then being like: -sigh- young love is such a trial. You should spend more time studying the blade!
Oh shit, we get a preview of Xie Lian's parents' suicide. Wow. Will we get the donghua that far please T-T
I'm just in love with Fangxin's cape. It's so beautiful trailing behind him.
I'm sorry but An Le screaming in the same way Nakahara Chuuya does whenever he's mid-Corruption in Bungo Stray Dogs made me laugh so hard roflmao Unexpected (and likely unintentional) cameo lol
Imma keep saying it, the animation in this episode is really good. The fight scene is wonderful. When they go back to Qi Rong cackling is good. The show is just pretty.
Qi Rong: "Why is everyone here so fond of crying!"
This man is tired. Can't you do a little mass murder and gloating in peace? Honestly. Hard times.
Qi Rong: "You want your parents? I haven't gone asking for mine yet!"
Aw Qi Rong, babe...
Qi Rong got anime slashed. Who could have foreseen??? /end sarcasm
Xie Lian having a sad moment about Qi Rong, thinking he died. I'm wondering what the crying scene is from, or if that's something new. Qi Rong did cry I think in one flashback (I think where he's complaining about something) but this looked sadder? And less "spoiled".
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Xie Lian sadly reaching out for Lang Qianqiu T-T
Xie Lian: "Is the truth so important? . . . What's the use of him knowing that? If I killed a few less people, would that make my reasons more justified?"
I really do love this so much. Just... sometimes the truth isn't important. Sometimes the truth is more painful/results in a worse outcome. Being bluntly honest isn't always the answer. You could argue that Xie Lian sacrificing himself isn't the answer either, and it's better overall that Lang Qianqiu knows things, but I love how this story brings up this idea, that maybe ignorance was better. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and Xie Lian did still intentionally murder two people, as part of a cover-up.
Also, "You'd rather be right than be loved," is something I think about a lot from personal experience. It's not Hua Cheng's intention, but this kind of thinking can lead down that path so easily.
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Hua Cheng really feeling that "fucked around and found out" part of this whole thing. Like I don't necessarily disagree with his goal here, and Xie Lian's plan is kind of well... imperfect (to put it lightly). But I do think this is a nice moment of Hua Cheng realizing that yes, he is Xie Lian's #1 fan, he is Xie Lian's strongest believer, and Xie Lian clearly cares deeply for him in return, but this does not mean that Hua Cheng understands Xie Lian perfectly, or knows all his thoughts (does Hua Cheng know a lot about him? Yes. But Xie Lian hides a lot of what he thinks, and has done so throughout his life). When thinking about Hua Cheng, I often think of Sosuke Aizen's line in Bleach chapter 170: "Admiration is the state furthest from understanding."
Unlike other people, Hua Cheng sets himself apart by not forcing his views on Xie Lian or trying to get Xie Lian to change to suit him, and he's realizing, "Oh shit, I fucked up with that here, didn't I," because in his quest for justice, to protect Xie Lian, he did just what he hates other people doing (to an extent, it's not nearly as bad as other folks). One thing I love so much about their relationship is how much they listen to each other, and learn from each other, and how Hua Cheng tries to see Xie Lian in ways other people don't. Even here, he's seeing Xie Lian (I really love that they focused so much on Hua Cheng's expressions here, even if he's not visually doing as much as Xie Lian, it's the little clear signs of upset that mean so much). He's not interrupting Xie Lian, he's not arguing his case (though to be fair, he already mostly has). He's trying to learn and be better. They recover from this because of that. And I love that about them.
Xie Lian: "I deserve whatever punishment I get and I can't die anyway. So why not put all the blame on me?"
T-T Crying in the club, folks. This man...
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Xie Lian realizing he's being mean to Hua Cheng and apologizing got me T-T He's so scared of himself and what he's capable of - and incapable of, given all his work to try and save lives and mend old anger has come to naught, and he can't fix it. He always doubts himself before others. The scars of Bai Wuxiang are all over this episode, and Xie Lian himself, figuratively and literally. All this episode I cry T-T
Xie Lian's Chinese voice actor has done such a good job. Everyone is amazing (Qi Rong's VA doing amazing), but dang, he is phenomenal this episode. You can really feel Xie Lian's desperation and sorrow.
All in all the subs were also better this episode! They still call Qi Rong the "Green Immor" for some reason, but outside maybe one slightly awkward sentence, I think it was okay! But that doesn't necessarily mean anything cause they've been good and then got worse again lol
An excellent episode. Truly phenomenal. I think one of my favorites, particularly for this ending bit with Xie Lian and Hua Cheng talking to each other.
Other episode thoughts for season 2 (didn't start till episode 3):
S02E10 (you are here)
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frogmanfae · 2 years
George Karim X GN! Reader- Talented
Summary: George gets left behind and becomes overwhelmed with intrusive thoughts. That is, until a certain someone let's him know just how important he is.
A/n- I really relate to George in the aspect of always being last choice, so I really feel for him. I hope if any of you relate to this, you realize you are significant
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George POV
Everyone looked around at each other as if they were deciding who to leave behind. We got commissioned to take care of a type one, a very simple case. There's no need for all four of us to go, in fact it's really a job two people can do on their own but ever since Lucy almost died going on a job with only Lockwood, he's been adamant about having at least three of us go.
"Why don't we just all go?" (Y/n) offered, though it seemed to be just a way to be nice.
"According to the house measurements the client submitted to me, it'll be crowded with just the three of you. It's a two room apartment with very little space between rooms, only about five feet wide corridor and a twenty square foot kitchen. Both rooms are about fifteen square feet. It's insensible for all four of us to go." I sigh and begin to go to the library. "Have fun, don't die."
"Wait, Georgie where are you going? We haven't decided yet." (Y/n) reaches out to grab my hand.
I pull my hand away. "As if. It's obviously me who's staying, don't act like that hasn't been decided this whole time. I'm a researcher, I've accepted that I'm only an agent when it's necessary. I'm just not as talented as you three."
"George, that's not true-" Lucy steps in.
"Go on, the sun will be setting soon." I continue to the library. "You'd best be off."
They all looked like they wanted to say something, but the setting sun was too much of a pressing matter and they all left.
(Y/n) lingered a bit after the other two. "You know, I think you underestimate yourself too much." And they were off.
I stood there for a moment, processing what they said, before going to the kitchen to get some tea and biscuits.
"Damn it..." I close the cabinet after being reminded that I finished off my preferred tea this morning and I already ate all but two of my favorite biscuits.
I start to go to the library again before stopping in my tracks mid step. On the table was a box of tea, my tea that nobody else really cared for, and a container of the biscuits I eat. Next to it there was a note written on the cloth, it was in (y/n)'s hand writing.
I noticed the cupboard was running low so I went to the store early in the morning. You really need to start putting your things on the grocery list when you start to run out, Georgie.
I smile to myself and put the kettle on. After I fixed my tea I finally went to the library and sat down in the chair opposite of the one Lockwood usually sits in.
Before Lucy came along, I'll admit I really felt something for him, so I would often sit in this chair while he spent his late nights reading magazines and worrying over bills. I've since given up on those feelings after we realized Lucy was more powerful than anyone since Marissa Fittes. I knew Lockwood would never feel the same way about a loser like me as opposed to someone like her.
But about a year after I finally let go of all my romantic interests for Lockwood, (y/n) joined our agency. It was completely on accident, we had been on a case and they were working freelance on the same one. They saved Lucy's life, then Lockwood saved their life and offered them a job and a place to stay. They share a room with Lucy just because it's the largest room in the house.
Since then I've began to develop the same feelings I once had for Lockwood but now for (y/n). I don't really know how to describe it, but I think I feel stronger feelings this time around. They're a lot nicer to me than Lockwood ever was, not that he's mean to me but he can definitely be a prick.
I sit in that chair with my thoughts, biscuits, and tea for about an hour before I go to my room and get ready for bed. I'm not planning on sleeping anytime soon but why wear pants when I can wear no pants?
I lay on top of the made bed for a while, and before I know it my head began to be filled with unwanted thoughts. Thoughts about how I'm a failure and untalented and insignificant.
I think about this a lot. I know that I mean something to the people around me, but that's really only three people. And it should be enough, but sometimes...
Well I don't know. Sometimes I wonder if they'd just be better off without me, though they would almost certainly die without me simply because nobody else researches as thoroughly. However, I think they would do just fine with the research (y/n) collects whenever they help me.
I look in the mirror across the room. I'm such a nerd. And a loser. I'm a nerdy loser. Wow. This is what I've become.
I cry for a while. I'm not entirely sure how long. It's not violent crying, but definitely messy and ugly and it lasts at least an hour.
I hate it when they leave me alone.
I hate being alone.
I hate that I never have good company by myself.
I hate myself.
I can't do this right now. I get up and just walk around the house. I go up and down the stairs probably six times, all the while tears are still falling from my eyes. I'm upstairs by my room when I hear the door open. I put on some sweatpants because I know how cold it gets after those three come home, the essence of a visitor still on them.
"Georgie! I'm back!" I hear (y/n) call from the ground floor.
I rush down the stairs. "Where are the othe- OH MY GOD YOUR ARM!"
"It's fine, Georgie I just need a band aid." They wave me off.
"Uh, no that needs to be taken care of! There's so much blood! Might I remind you your shirt was white before you left!" I go past them to grab some first aid items out of the kitchen but they stop me.
"Georgie you've been crying."
"What? No, I'm just... I'm a bit tired is all."
"No you've been crying, there are tear stains on your face." They bring their hand up to touch my cheek, wincing at the pain in their arm.
"Alright, no, you're in a lot of pain, go sit in Lockwood's library chair and I'll be right there."
I go to the kitchen and get a bowl of water and a rag, some disinfectant and cotton balls, bandages, and stitching supplies. I take it all into the library and ask (y/n) if they can roll up their sleeve.
"I think it'd be easier if I just took it off, don't you?"
I tried my hardest to conceal how flustered that made me feel and just nodded. They removed their shirt and sat in front of me in only their undershirt.
I wince at the sight of the fully exposed gash. "This is a nasty cut you've got, what happened?"
The cut was deep. So deep, in fact, I'm almost surprised I couldn't see their bone. It went up almost the whole side of their forearm and even a little bit up their pinky finger in a bit of a diagonal line. Bits of the surrounding skin were already turning a couple different colors, suggesting mild infection.
"I got distracted."
"Distracted? By what? And what exactly happened as a result?"
"It caught me off guard. It came up behind me and I jumped when it screamed. I pulled out my rapier, but it got caught on the side of my arm. It's been a couple jobs since I've properly cleaned the blade so it probably had a lot on it."
"What could have distracted you so much?" I take the rag and first use water to clean it before moving on to the disinfectant. "This might sting."
"Uh, you did."
"What?" I pressed the cotton ball in a bit too hard out of pure shock, causing them to inhale sharply, "oh! Sorry! Sorry!"
"It's alright..." They sighed. "It's okay, Georgie... I just felt bad about leaving you behind."
"What?" I set the disinfectant down and threaded the needle.
"Uh, can you finish stitching me up first? I don't much enjoy talking while I'm being sewn together."
I nod. "Right, understood."
I started stitching them up and almost began crying again at their occasional wince, I apologized probably twenty times throughout the whole process.
"Georgie, it's fine, really it's- gah-"
"Sorry! I'm sorry... Okay... All done." I took a fresh rag to clean the area, dry it, and then bandage it. "There... Better now?"
"A bit, thank you."
I clean up all the supplies and take it back to the kitchen to be properly dealt with later before returning to the library and sitting in my chair. "I'll have a look at that every day to disinfect it and eventually take the stitches out. Now, what about me distracted you?"
"Well... Why were you crying when I came home?"
"I wasn't."
"Yes you were, Georgie now out with it."
"I watched a sad movie."
"We don't have cable and our VHS player broke last week."
"Read a sad book."
"A whole book?"
"I had a lot of time to kill."
"Fine. I was thinking about how you guys are all better than me and how I'm always going to be every one of your last choices. I'm not as talented as any of you and I never will be. I will always be George the researcher, never George the agent."
"It's true, don't deny it."
"I don't think that way. I never have."
"Don't lie to me, it's patronizing."
"I'm not lying. George, I'm here right now, aren't I?"
"So? Wait- where are the others?" I stand up, worried something had happened.
"They went to get something to eat."
I stepped closer to them. "Why didn't you go with them?"
"Because I'd much rather be with you."
I was silent for a moment before I sat down on the floor. (Y/n) climbed down from their chair and sat across from me.
"What do you mean?" They tilted their head.
"Why would you rather be with me? They're the cool ones, I'm the nerdy loser."
They giggle. Shit that's adorable... "Nerdy loser? Who's put that in your head?"
"... I suppose I did."
"Well... Did you ever think that I happen to like nerdy losers?"
I shake my head. "No..."
"Well. I do. I think the world would cease to exist without nerdy losers. And I'm ever so grateful for them. I'm ever so grateful for you most of all."
I sit there with my mouth agape. Grateful? For me?
"What's that look?" They ask me.
"What look?"
"You've got a look in your eyes like... Well I don't quite know how to describe it."
They look at me and I just look back at them. Then I kiss them. I haven't a clue what got into me but I kissed them. And I haven't a clue why but they kissed back. It was magical. It was like we'd set off a flare. I would never have another kiss like this in my life.
"... Shit. Shit I'm so- I am so sorry." I stand up. "Oh my god I am so sorry!"
"Georgie calm down." They reached up and pulled me back down to the floor. "I've wanted to do that for months."
"What? Really? With me?"
"Yes with you silly." They smile. "I really like you."
"You do?"
They nod. "I do."
"I really like you too."
"Well if that's the case, why don't we go to breakfast tomorrow? Just the two of us."
"Like a..."
"Like a date."
I nod. "That sounds incredible."
"Perfect." They lean in again just as the front door opens and we hear Lockwood laughing.
"Lockwood you really aren't that funny." Lucy says as the door closes.
"Shut up, I'm hilarious. George! (y/n)! We're back!" He calls. "Where are they?"
(Y/n) stands up and leans on the doorframe of the library. "You sound like you're in a good mood."
"What happened to your arm?" Lucy gasped.
"Did you guys not see that?" I nearly yelled, somewhat out of anger and somewhat out of shock. "It was vile!"
"It wasn't that bad-" (y/n) began but I interrupted.
"Uh, no it was bad! As the guy who disinfected, stitched up, and bandaged it, it was bad!"
"It needed stitches? How could you not tell us?" Lockwood looked at (y/n).
"Uh, no, don't pin this on them! It was you who didn't see the foot long slice in their arm! Was nobody there when it happened?"
"We had all split up in the different rooms. They came right after."
"God, what's the point of sending three agents when you split up? That's every horror movie ever!" I throw my hands around.
"Georgie, calm down. It's okay now. I tried my best to keep it hidden so it wouldn't concern anyone, and really I didn't think it was that bad."
"They still should have noticed."
"You're right, we should have." Lockwood puts his rapier in the holder. "I'm sorry, I should have been more aware. Is it alright now?"
"It'll need some time to heal, but George patched me up pretty well."
He nods. "Right, well... Good work tonight. Have you showered yet? You can have the first one."
"I have to wrap your arm in plastic first. You can't get those bandages wet." I lightly touched part of the bandage with my finger. "I'll go get some, go sit back in the library."
"Yes, Dr. Karim." They said it with a taunting voice, but it made me feel something. I've always wanted to be a doctor. Whether that be a doctor of medicine or history or science or whatever I haven't yet decided. I had almost forgotten of that dream of mine.
Lucy and Lockwood went off to their respective rooms and I came to the library with a roll of clear plastic and shut the door behind me.
I kneeled in front of them as they held out their arm and silently began wrapping. There was so much I wanted to say, but I didn't dare. They probably didn't want to talk about it. I had been taking care of them, that's why they kissed me. It was the adrenaline. They surely regret it.
"Are you my boyfriend now?"
"Are we... Are we dating? Or...?"
"Well... I don't know, are we?"
"I mean... I'd like to be, if that's what you want."
"It is what I want. I want it a lot."
They nod slowly. "So... Are we...?"
"I... I think we are..." I smile. They kiss me again. "Hey, you know what would be funny?"
"If we didn't tell the others and just saw how long it took for them to realize."
"Dear god I think I might be in love, we share a brain!" I laugh.
They get warmer and giggle. "I should go shower. I'll see you in the morning for breakfast, yeah?" They get up and start walking out of the library.
"Yeah, definitely." I wait a second until I hear them go up the stairs, then I flop flat on my back with a wide smile and laugh. I don't know why I laugh. Perhaps I'm just filled with so much joy and don't know what to do with it other than let some of it out with laughter. It's almost overwhelming. Every moment I'm waiting to wake up, but I never do. Because, despite the voices in my head, I am good enough for someone. Not just someone, but (y/n). That's mad to me.
But, mad in the best way.
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hotsuqueen · 4 months
Yamato Hotsuin's Record Breaker Dialogue - Restorer Ending
Strong Breaker dialogue
Saturday 12:00 Strong Breaker
Shinsekai Tsuutenkaku
Someone suddenly calls to you from behind…
Yamato: Well, well, Hibiki. What are you doing here?
Hibiki Kuze: - Ahhh! - It's been a while… - Let's end this…!
Aaah! Yamato: Do you take me for a monster? It's rather rude, reacting to my presence in that manner.
It's been a while… Yamato: The last time we spoke was when I invited you to stand at my side.
Let's end this…! Yamato: Hahaha…! Ever the joker. Don't be so hasty…
Yamato: I heard you put down the Nagoya faction… Very well done, Hibiki. Kuriki hadn't a chance… Anyone who challenges you is a fool, save me of course.
Hibiki Kuze: - Don't make fun of him. - He fought well, but was no match for me.
Don't make fun of him. Yamato: Hahaha…! Forgive me. Could it have been my personality that drove you away?
He fought well, but was no match for me. Yamato: Hahaha! What a sharp tongue you've developed. Then again, you're more capable than he.
Yamato: I'll ask once more: Won't you come with me and help me realize my meritorious world?
Hibiki Kuze: - Sorry, but… No. - I'll pass.
Yamato: How unfortunate. Then let us put an end to this… I will be waiting at the Tsuutenkaku.
Daichi: Hibiki! *pant, pant*
Hibiki Kuze: - What up, Daich? - Hey, Daichi.
What up, Daich? Daichi: Don't "What up, Daich?" me! Wasn't that Yamato!?
Hey, Daichi. Daichi: Hey, man--Wait, no! Wasn't that Yamato!
Daichi: What's with the friendly chat just now!? What if you'd gotten yourself killed!? What did he want, anyway? I mean, what did you say to him?
Hibiki Kuze: - We're finally ending this. - He's waiting up ahead.
Daichi: Ngh… He sure is confident. Although, this may be our chance.
Hibiki Kuze: - What do you mean? - Definitely.
What do you mean? Daichi: Think, dummy! This is way better than having him ambush us!
Definitely. Daichi: This is much better than waiting for him to ambush us!
Daichi: Going up against Yamato… Man, I'm getting chills, but… we can do this!
Yamato: There you are, Hibiki… I was staring to wonder if you'd fled.
Hinako: You stupid jerk! He's not like that!
Yamato: Silence, fool! How dare you speak of him. You're Hibiki's cancer. You're the ones who corrupted him! This ends here. I will turn you all to ashes and dust to see that he comes to his senses!
Hibiki Kuze: - Stop this madness! - This is worse than I anticipated…
Stop this madness! Daichi: H-He's right, Yamato! I'm begging you, stop this right now!
This is worse than I anticipated… Daichi: What are you so calm for man!? Yamato, don't do this!
Io: Yeah! If you can leave your merit system behind, we can work together.
Yamato: Silence, pawns! You ignorant masses are all the same… You cling to people of worth and drag them down to your level, wasting their talents!
Jungo: That's not true! We're friends…! We're not dragging down anyone. You're wrong.
Yamato: I'm wrong? Speaking to those without a clear vision is a waste of time.
Io: Yamato… will never understand.
Yamato: I'll not waste my breath on you! Merely send you into death, myself!
Mid-battle, first turn: Yamato: Mwahaha…hahaha…hhahaha…! Hibiki, why do you think I chose this place for our battleground!? The Tsuutenkaku was built to harness the power of the Dragon Stream as a barrier! Hence, all the power to activate the Dragon Stream is already inside! If those same functions are used on a human, it will strengthen their inner power tremendously!
Yamato: I'm not finished yet! I still have some power remaining… Let's see if you can keep up!
Yamato will now act more frequently in battle…
Yamato: Hahaha! I've still got more tricks up my sleeve! I am far superior to you pawns!
Yamato will now act even more frequently in battle…
Engaging Yamato with Hibiki: Yamato: It's unfortunate, Hibiki… If you'd allied yourself with me, I could have easily reached my goals… But that doesn't matter anymore… I will have my new world. I shall stand as the lone victor!
Yamato: Ngh… Impossible…! I've been defeated!?
Yamato leaves the area…
Daichi: Holy crap, I nearly had a heart attack! How'd Yamato get so strong…?
Hinako: Seriously! I never thought he'd be that tough. No wonder he was the Chief of JP's.
Hibiki Kuze: - We won, though. - I'm glad that's over.
Hinako: I'm with you on that one. But hey, at least we defeated Osaka and Nagoya!
Io: Mmhm. I'm glad the infighting is finally over.
Daichi: Now all that's left is Benetnasch. Ugh… I'm not looking forward to that fight.
Hibiki Kuze: - We have to stop that attack. - We need a countermeasure.
Jungo: We gotta think of something. We have to stop its attack…
Hinako: *sigh* What're we gonna do? We still haven't decided what to do with this world.
Daichi: Hm… Well, we have some time. Let's table that for now.
Hinako: Welp, no good sitting around here. C'mon, let's go!
You say your farewells to everyone before leaving…
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selamat-linting · 8 months
overall a mid movie tbh. i mean its got some ideas and themes are there and i sure wouldnt call it a waste of time, but its very... unpolished. rough around the edges. its got something to say though, which is above most horror movie nowadays. there's a tried and true formula to make a blockbuster, some evil escaped, several people must work on stopping it, the characters are all good and likable and the only development is them being more brave and confident after vanquishing the outside monster who is painted as a universal evil with a lot of prayers and faith. its boring and empty.
girl on the third floor tries, although its execution leaves a lot to be desired. its views on feminism are well meaning, despite being aimed at a cishet audience. its got some good advice. i think other than don, the characters are all sympathetic despite the flaws. honestly i feel a little bad for don (disclaimer : im heavily compromised so my opinion on him is not to be trusted) but there's some writing cliches and the camera shots got repetitive at times.
the first half is well, boring. im not gonna lie to you, the first half is entertaining to me personally because i've seen both of my parents diy a house reno. i've helped them construct makeshift furniture, laid out carpets, and fix electrical wiring. im far from a carpenter, or any handyman but i know a thing or two about fixing up houses. seeing don absolutely fucking up a renovation like he'd never step foot on a house is hilarious the way you'd watch a car wreck.
the second half finally gets scary, but its hindered from the first half not showing much information despite talking up at least an hour, so it got to make sure the audience knows what's going on while tying up a satisfying conclusion. it came out rushed. how did they even deal with two dead bodies stuck in the walls of the house? the police would be questioning wtf is going on. however it does answer many of the questions set up in the beginning of the movie. i like sarah :) i think she and her deformed ghost sister is cool.
for the freaks, the house cums as they promised. so many precum and flesh and blood, and the house fucking SQUIRTS!!!! it gushes right out of the electrical socket. so much of the scene where don is destroying the walls and it cuts through to the house spurting various liquids as if its turned on while slowly dying with the abuse is just beautiful. reminiscent of sarah's own life in the brothel. i've watched a bunch of movies lately and girl on the third floor def had one of the better practical effects.
for the freaks of another flavor, yes don pathetically wipes off the floor, vomits, have weird sex dreams, screams, cries, jerks off from daddy kink porn, begs for his life, and fists a house. punk always delivers with his acting. i think someone made a super cut of all the housefucking he did here.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Been wondering about this one for a while and like to see your interpretation:
So, when I'm at home and won't go out again (or for a long while) I just take my bra off. It's not like I need it when I'm home.
So, two things:
1) the boys (TBB and anyone else you'd like to add) reacting to reader (pre-relationship or established) to being able to take their bra off with removing their shirt (as all bra people can do)
And 2) their reaction reader not liking to wear a bra during off times (when flying in space, at home, etc.)
Thank you
(Can be as fluffy or filthy as you like)
Okay I get your point. I'm guessing that's individual. I can't stand not wearing a bra. I have pretty big boobs for my stature and it feels super uncomfortable walking around without a bra, even in bed I wear a sports bra. It just feels better for me somehow. But I do know a lot of women who prefer it the way you do. But that's not what you asked for, forgive me :D Let me give you some HC's :))
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Bra-less Comfort
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Warnings: Might Be Partly Suggestive
Pre-relationship with feelings starting to develop
Magical Removal
You are talking about something more or less serious. last mission is done and for today there is nothing else to do, so you want to get comfortable.
Hunter begins stammering as you remove your bra without removing your shirt. When you pull it out from under your shirt, he just pauses mid sentence. Staring at the garment you just took off.
Finally your eyes meet. You realize he's pretty puzzled.
"How did you do that?"
He shakes his head. Feeling aroused by the whole thing makes him feel a little ashamed and he's retreating hastily.
"Never mind, I shouldn't have asked that"
Uncomfortable Comfort
Hunter can't help it. As soon as he realizes there is no bra under your shirt, he keeps trying to see your nipples through your shirts, tops or blouses, depending on what you are wearing. He's trying not too, but he catches himself doing it again and again. Hunter feels childish for doing it and he's dying inside when you catch him doing it.
"I'm so sorry... I really didn't mean to, it's just... so, so distracting"
You should take the advantage. Maybe suggest that you don't mind him looking. Maybe ask him if he want's to feel them too? If you're in the mood, go for it. He'll jump right at it.
Magical Removal
He's fascinated and speechless. In his mind he actually tries to find out how you did that. His stare is not suggestive, just puzzled. He'll be thinking about it all day and suddenly say.
"I think I know how you did it, took me all day, but I think I know it now"
"Did what?"
"Remove your bra"
You smile at him and ask with a smirk, "You thought about me and how I remove my bra?"
You'll see Tech get some pink-ish color on his cheeks.
Uncomfortable Comfort
It makes him nervous and uncomfortable. Tech want's to be mature about it, but it's so freaking distracting seeing your nipples poke through your top.
He can't help but look at it and imagine how it would feel to let his fingers glide over them, over the fabric und under it. Tech's getting hard and he hates himself for being this weak.
He's sooner or later, probably retreating. Later on, if you'll ever get to be in a relationship with each other, this scene will play out differently, of course. He'll act on his imagination, if you let him.
Magical Removal
At first he is perplexed and does not quite understand what is going on. However, as soon as he understands what you are doing, he hastily turns around.
"Echo relax. I'm taking off the bra this way so that no one will be affected".
Echo laughs nervously.
"Well, that's not going to work. The thought alone is distracting enough"
He stands with his back to you as long as you don't put anything else on or put the bra back on.
Uncomfortable Comfort
"We're not close enough that it would be okay to see you like this."
"But we could be"
He blinks and turns to you.
"Is that what you want?"
You smile at him and nod.
"Actually, I just wanted to get comfortable, but why not kill two birds with one stone?"
Echo is skeptical, although he actually likes you a lot, the whole thing is a bit too unromantic for him, this is not how he had imagined it. But he is also a man, he will still be tempted.
Magical Removal
He watches you quite unabashedly. Wrecker won't beat around the bush or puzzle around for long.
"You have to show me how you do it."
"But that's not the point of the action. The point is that you just don't see it"
Wrecker sighs.
"Hmm okay. But that's boring"
"Excuse me?"
He shrugs and grins.
"Sorry, but that's just how I see it".
Uncomfortable Comfort
As always, Wrecker doesn't hide or hold back. He feels turned on but he's not acting on it. Once again, though, he tells you very directly what he thinks.
"This is really very, very distracting"
"What is?"
"Your nipples," he says directly.
Hey chuckles, "Don't worry, it doesn't really bother me".
Magical Removal
He is neither confused nor ashamed. Crosshair watches you intently, folding his arms in front of his chest.
His gaze is interested and there's that cheeky glint in his eye that makes you pause for a moment before continuing.
When you have taken off the bra and put it aside, Crosshair takes it brazenly in his hand, holds it out to you and says, "Now put it back on without taking off the shirt."
Uncomfortable Comfort
Crosshair doesn't beat around the bush.
"Are you doing this for comfort or to turn me on?"
You look at him in surprise.
"It's obvious you're not wearing a bra."
"Oh… actually for comfort reasons"
Crosshair grumbles, "Hm. Too bad."
You could take the opportunity now if you feel like it. He's obviously interested.
"Does it turn you on?"
Crosshair slowly turns his head to look at you.
"I wouldn't have asked if it didn't."
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
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junniepop · 3 years
JJK men and a male reader
So I died and came back. Now my inbox is filled with a lot of Jujutsu Kaisen stuff with a male reader, so I looked around and noticed there aren't a lot of male writers or even gender neutral ones, meaning that's what I'll be doing for awhile. This first request is...
before I get started, if you'd like to request something, then please see my masterlist
JJK boys with a male s/o
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Warnings: aged up and language oh and some nsfw stuff cuz that's what they wanted.
Characters: I. Yuuji, F. Megumi, G. Satoru, N. Kento, R. Sukuna, T. Aoi
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I. Yuuji
Isn't hung up by you being male, I feel as Yuuji got older, the more open minded he became. His sexuality was something that evolved as he aged and had a big change in his mid teenage years when he was exploring himself. Into his late teens he began seeing people of all types of representation, he simply did not care how they presented themselves.
That leads us to you, our gorgeous male that has Yuuji simping. All seriousness, this man loves entirely, some might even find it to be smothering. He is the type to text you paragraphs of good morning and goodnight texts, always leaving something for you to eat in the fridge, brings something home because it reminded him of you, and always always makes time to call you before a mission.
Yuuji always has random thoughts about you. Like, "Should I make his favorite tonight?" "I wonder what he's doing." "Oh....that would look so cute on him, should I get it?" "AH this charm has our initials on it! that means it was meant to be!"
If you're a sorcerer, Yuuji d e m a n d s to be your partner on missions and he will have a fit if someone says no. Is constantly stressing himself out over your well being, even if he knows you can handle yourself. always asking about your technique and is amazed every time he sees it. Very protective, stands in front of you a lot and when he see's you struggling he doesn't hesitate to get the curse's attention regardless of his own situation.
Also just because I feel like he would: Yuuji gave you a promise ring when he realized you were the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.
He has this need to prove to you that he is a fit partner, Like showing you he can cook, has his own place, very responsible with his money and what not.
The type of guy to send you a million snaps a day. He will literally show you everything he did that day and wants the same in return.
Every date with him somehow includes a physical activity. Going out to dinner? chances are Yuuji will see an arcade and more specifically the DDR in the background.
In terms of sexual stuff, Yuuji seems like a top, but has definitely thought about bottoming and upon trying it- was not into it. Does not matter if you're much bigger than him or not, he will top you. However, Yuuji is rather submissive when it comes to his partner, he will say yes to whatever it is you want. You want him to be soft and gentle, he'll do it. You want him to absolutely wreck your ability to walk, he'll do it.
The first time Yuuji tried stuff with a guy, he for sure looked up if it would hurt and read that anal could be very painful, was TERRIFIED that he would hurt the guy. Definitely was asking with every movement if he was okay. With you he's more confident, but still askes if you're okay throughout the event.
Man is simple, likes very intimate positions where he can see your face. Heavily into pleasing you, he tries any kinks you're into even if he's not that into it. Loves being praised, it just does something to his brain, in that same line- any sounds you make go straight to his dick. Really enjoys marking, is proud to cover you in them too.
The type of guy to enjoy eating you out, like fully sit on his face. Plus it helps his dick slide in smoother.
Yuuji will lose his mind if you say you want to milk him. Yuuji usually never thinks about his own pleasure, so when you want to pleasure him until he's empty, mans is not readyyyy. Just stutters out an okay and proceeds to go stupid when you start.
Yuuji loves you entirely. Trusts you 100% and would do anything to keep your life stable and happy. Yuuji just wants to grow old with you tbh, so in love with the idea.
If you were to break up with him, he would be devastated, unable to continue on for a long time. I mean he placed his everything into you, why would you do this to him?
all in all, it is a very stable relationship as long as you don't take him for granted because he is prone to letting people use him.
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F. Megumi
Definitely did not care you were male. Megumi cares about a person's mentality, their goals and dreams, the way a person carries themselves. When Megumi met you, he found you quite attractive, your drive is what lured him in and from there his feelings developed.
Megumi is subtle in showing his affection. Little touches here, sticky notes meant just for you, always carrying 'extra' snacks. It actually might take you awhile to notice his affections for you, simply because it is so subtle. Megumi seems like the person to wait until you confess. However. Megumi would confess if he gets pushed to or knows he won't get rejected.
Once he confesses, his love is soft and soothing with a hint of awkwardness. Megumi in the beginning would be showing affection through words and small acts of service, always telling you how much he appreciates you and doing things for you. Some of these things would be things like picking up snacks for you, doing your laundry, leaving you some of his clothes. He likes to do these things without you knowing because I think it lessens the embarrassment he feels doing it.
Even if you are in a long term relationship with him, he always gets flustered by you. Megumi is naturally reserved, so telling him I love you with sincerity will cause him to malfunction. Poor boy freezes and stutters around his words while avoiding eye contact.
Now, physical contact in this relationship is a tell tale sign of how much Megumi trusts you and loves you. Megumi is the type of person to reserve physical touch for someone he completely trusts, so with you, this will let you know his true feelings.
Touch would start with closeness at first, just grazing hands or bumping knees, but would develop into hours of intimate cuddling because he's touched starved. KISSING, oh my lord- his kisses tell you everything he feels. so intense, no matter how soft he kisses you.
if you're a sorcerer, Megumi is the type to go on missions with you, but doesn't complain if he can't go with you. However, worries a lot and contemplates going after you. Unlike Yuuji, who would go to literal war, Megumi trusts your strength a lot. The only time he is like yuuji is against a particularly strong curse. Loves fighting together though, it shows how much you trust him.
Megumi gives me verse energy. Like he was a top for a long time, asked you if he could bottom once and was surprisingly into it. So now when the mood arises, its whatever you guys are in the mood for. You guys often take turns.
His first time was with you- Megumi just seems like a late bloomer and you were the only person he did stuff with. He's very gentle because he knows it can be painful, I think sexually his fear is not being good enough for you, so give him as much reassurance as you can.
Now this boy is rather kinky despite his personality. Loves when you beg, drives him mad to hear your pleas and whimpers. Likes the pain of you needing something to hold onto when he tops which results in scratches down his back and the pulling of his hair. Doesn't think condoms are necessary because you're the only person for him in his eyes- aka likes breeding. When he bottoms, he enjoys riding and wants to see your face as he does. Do not get it twisted though, he's very much into you messing him up and railing him.
SEND THIS BOY NUDES. DO IT. Mans will sprint home if he has to. Don't do it too often or he'll get used to it. Maybe like once every two-ish weeks. Or better yet do it while he's on a mission. Megumi always tries to answer you, so expecting something serious, he short circuits when its just a pic of you in some underwear he thought he ripped the last time you guys were intimate.
Shy boy into some kinky things with his partner. It might take him some time to develop a deep relationship with you because he's scared you'll leave, but as long as you provide him the security he needs, he'll stay by your side indefinitely.
If you were to break up with him, you're just like his dad in his eyes and the betrayal would result in him locking many people out. Unlike Yuuji, who's emotions pour out of him, many wouldn't know Megumi is barely scrapping by.
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G. Satoru
Gojo doesn't give a rats ass how you present yourself, he lives by the motto "a hole's a hole." What truly would make Gojo invest in more than casual hooking up is your personality. Gojo needs someone who doesn't need him and doesn't care about who he is in the sorcerer world. Someone like that would capture his eye rather quick and this man is like "Eh? I'm GOJO SATORU, you know top dog?" and you would just blink and go back to whatever it was you were doing.
Shows off so much trying to impress you. "ne ne (Y/n) did you see me squash that special grade into dust?" *sigh* "Yes Gojo, I also saw you split one into a thousand pieces and turn another into a ball." so unamused by his abilities.
The one time he saw amazement cross your features is when he was playing the piano (I feel Gojo's other talents were never looked at and everyone saw him as this god like being, all he wants is someone to look at other things he can do.) and his heart skipped a beat. Because his first goal was just get into your pants, he was quite surprised you were more interested in his normal talents. This is where he begins showing you his real side, still a teasing man child, but he begins asking you about your interests and seeing what you have in common.
The more he learns, the harder it is for him to find a way not to commit to you. You see Gojo subconsciously looks for a reason to leave, he hates being tied down and is super flighty. Then there's you, ticking all his boxes without even knowing it. There's only been one person to do that.
So he takes a leap and goes for it. He's still scared that he'll get burned like last time, but he's willing to try.
One of the requirements to being with Gojo is you need to be strong in your own right. Gojo is an extremely powerful man with many enemies, so his partner must be able to handle themselves. Being a sorcerer, Gojo would B E G you to go with him on literally every single mission and would throw the biggest tantrum until you say yes. Sometimes when he's being particularly childish, he'll stop fighting the curses to watch you do it. "You can do it (Y/n)-chan, if you win I'll give you kisses." Takes everything in your power not to launch your technique right at him as he sits there with his shit-eating grin.
This man in the beginning of your relationship is immediately extremely handsy. Just all up on you all the time, but little do you know is, this is really a protective measure for when you're out of the house. At home, he's still handsy, but you can just feel how different it is. He'll come and fall asleep on you, stand behind you when you're doing your skincare routine, always following you around the house.
Overtime, you'll become his place to rest when he needs to recharge. You're the only time Gojo gets a break from being at the top. It makes you wonder if he ever truly gets to be normal.
Overall, Gojo's love is deceptively delicate because his personality is quite childish, he uses it as a mask to hide how he's really feeling. So you might think everything is going swimmingly until he ups and leaves you. Once he starts showing you that real side of him, that's when you have him wrapped around your finger.
This man is incredibly horny. His stamina is very high and he's very kinky. Gojo is a dominant verse whore. It doesn't matter if he's taking or giving, he's always in control. Honey you were not first and you might not be the last, this man is very confident in pleasuring you.
Gojo like I said, is incredibly kinky. He enjoys degrading you, overstimulating you until you beg him to stop, he wants to break you and make you only crave him. Seriously, you might want to think about a safe word because this man won't stop until you're not even speaking coherent sentences. In saying that there are somethings that you can try (key word 'try') to do to make him lose his mind. One of those things is a blowjob, his dick is incredibly sensitive in certain areas, so he'll become a mind-numbed mess if you're good enough. Another is softly begging in his ear and saying how he's the only one who makes you feel this way aka call him your god in bed and he'll bust right then and there.
Phone sex. Legit will call you if you guys haven't been together for a few days and all you hear are his whines and groans. "Guess what I'm doing cutie~"
THIS MAN- you're never safe to answer your phone because one time you opened the snap and it was him lazily jacking his dick. You have a small heart attack every time the notif is a snap from Gojo, just praying you can open it in public and 9/10 you can't.
The type of guy to get handsy in public places. Just in your ear like "Baby pleeeeasssseeeee can we fuck in public, I promise you'll still be able to walk when I'm done."
Gojo is a rollercoaster of a relationship that needs it's rider to be okay with a lot of distance for awhile and sudden disappearances. Without the right criteria, the relationship is doomed to fail.
If you were to break up with him, he would immediately sleep with as many people as he can to numb himself from the pain of having a hole ripped right through him. He'd go back to that childish personality, but you can feel the edge in his words despite his tone.
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N. Kento
Nanami gives me 'gave up on the sex of my partner ages ago' energy. Like he has tried relationships with a lot of people and realized all people suck. So you being a man means nothing to him, you just have to prove to him you're not shitty like everyone else.
The type of guy that takes you out on proper dates in the beginning. It's usually dinner because of his job, but sometimes he'll ask you to lunch. Nanami will bring you small gifts like flowers or Knick knacks he thought you'd like.
Nanami likes someone a little younger than himself, probably around 23-24, they still have that idealistic thought process but with realistic foundations. He likes someone who can be serious, but still enjoys things like joyrides or going out bowling.
Nanami is a very uptight guy, so you're going to have to work to get him to relax. When you do, this is when he starts to see you as long time partner rather than someone who is just for fun. Literally goes from stick up his ass, to a big softie that just wants to curl up in bed with you. He'll start smiling more and doing intimate things like bathing together.
Nanami would probably rather have someone outside the sorcerer world so he doesn't have to think about work when he sees you. He wouldn't complain if you were though, gives him a lot less to worry about since he knows you can handle yourself. Doesn't even stress when you go on missions by yourself, he respects your strength.
Now Nanami is moderately kinky. He's definitely a top and will not change. He's into ddlb (dom daddy and little boy for my innocents out there.) Very much into control and making you take it, he's not one for brats and will tame that shit right out of you. Doesn't need a safe word, he's very good at gauging your reactions. Really really into deep throating and you better learn how to breathe or you'll be struggling. Likes breeding, so he would be glad you can't have children.
Nanami’s love is traditional and straight forward. He likes routine to a certain degree and that degree ends at stable relationship, everything else is not that fun without a level of risk to him, but he likes that when he comes home, you'll be right there.
if you were to break up with him, Nanami would sigh and say he told himself so. He's hurt, but it'll solidify that people are still and always will be shitty.
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R. Sukuna
Sukuna does not do love. period. The only way I could see him giving notice to someone is if they are powerful, someone who can bring him amusement. Sukuna only does thing for his own entertainment end of discussion.
I’m going to be using post-Yuuji Sukuna, so he’s restricted by Yuuji himself and can’t outright cause chaos at all times. This way Sukuna has to spend more time with people than he’d like to, normally he would just kill something once he’s bored, but now he has to deal with them.
Noticed your technique through Yuuji and was amused, much like Megumi, he thought your curse technique had a lot of potential to be devastating. As Yuuji spent more time with you, Sukuna began noticed more things about you, like that you cooked better than Yuuji, were extremely versatile in battle with your technique and so on.
The type to notice your attraction to him and act on it. He can’t really do much since he’s in Yuuji’s body, so he’s going to work with what he’s got. Didn’t care if you’re male or female, he just likes a strong partner so he can go harder during sex.
Your relationship would start with being his toy, something to bring him pleasure that is all. With Sukuna, you must both respect him and not fear him. He’s very big on respect and trust, but hates when someone he views as ‘important’ fears him because they’ll betray him the second they can. Everyone else can fear him, he doesn’t care.
Sukuna is also highly unpredictable and unstable, be prepared for death at a moments notice tbh. He’ll kill you if he feels like it. In a deeper relationship, Sukuna is a hard pressed tsundere, saying things quite harshly. Saying things like, “Here brat, I don’t need you breaking just yet.” “Dumbass, that curse was stronger than you.” “I took care of them because you’re weak.”
Trust between Sukuna and you is a game of high stakes chess, one wrong move and you’re nothing but trash to him. However, succeed in earning his trust and you’ll be rewarded with a loyal man. Though Sukuna hates showing vulnerability, so he’ll treat you the same in public places that he would treat anyone else. Alone, he’s alright with whatever as long as it doesn’t annoy him.
Surprisingly protective. He’ll kill curses he deems are a problem to you or rip a person limb from limb if he found a hair missing from your head. Doesn’t understand why you don’t let him handle it, he’s way stronger than you.
Is almost never soft with you unless he’s extremely tired or just waking up. Holding you as close as he can and telling you not to go. Don’t bring it up either, he’ll end you if you tell anyone.
Will never tell you, but likes touching you, you’re very soft compared to him. He’s the type of guy to have callous from years of fight and doesn’t really care about his skin to much because he’s a God in his eyes.
Would rather surrender himself to a church than admit he gets slightly giddy when you remember small details about him. Like this man has a lot of history, so when you know a tiny random detail about him, his non-existent heart shutters a little.
This man is extremely kinky during sex. I pray for your well being because honestly I don’t know if you’re going to live through sex with him. A dom top period, that last person to even insinuate they could top him was added to his innate domain permanently.
He’s into completely dominating you and make sure you know he owns you. B I G into impact play, slapping you a lot until you’re a beautiful red. Degrading and humiliating you, honestly would let people watch so they know that you’re his property.
Actually really likes his partner to be a brat, man loves breaking you and turning you into a submissive bunny just for him. Honestly he just likes pushing people beyond their limits, like really into emotional play, he wants to see your expressions when he does something. Ooo objectification, will use you like a foot stool and sit on you. Man in general will work you hard.
In saying all that, immaculate aftercare because he knows your mind is too far gone to remember him being this caring and soft for you. Literally bathes you and gets you into bed curled up on him. Also makes sure your body didn’t sustain a lot of damage during sex.
Do. Not. Taunt. Sukuna. It will not end well. “Huuuh? You think you can handle more little boy?” Eyes narrowed and smile too tight. You’ve awoken the beast and he’s not going to leave anything unbroken.
Sukuna’s love is... well a bike ride through hell? To be honest you’ll never know if he loves you. Everything about him is highly unpredictable and dangerous, you could end up as worm food in seconds.
Breaking up with Sukuna... you’re joking right? You don’t have the balls to tell a man who could split you into a million pieces with a flick of the wrist, you’re breaking up with him , right?
Seriously he’ll kill you, no hesitation. It’s either realize you’re stuck with him or die. I think most people would assume he never cared at first, but he did care and now you want to leave him? Absolutely not. He set everything down for you and he’ll be damned if he lets you live without him.
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T. Aoi
(First and foremost- why is it so hard to find Toudou headers.)
Okay, I’m sorry but Toudou to me is a straight guy, so I can’t really see him with a male. But, if it were to happen, I think it would go like this:
Being childhood friends with Toudou, you were used to his eccentric personality and sometimes extreme antics.
This man is EXTREMELY comfortable with you. You guys grew up together, so some of the things you guys do together would definitely be seen as way too much for friends. I’m talking sharing the same bed, bathing together, using each other’s things without permission. To you guys, you’ve been doing this since you were little, so neither of you think twice.
I think there would be a trigger that would make Toudou realize he’s more into you than being friends. Like maybe someone flirting with you, he’d at first think he’s being replaced as a friend, but it’s much deeper than that. Definitely debates in his head about what he’s feeling toward you. After going back and forth with his type of girl in his head, he’ll come to terms with it.
This is when he’ll start noticing things he’s never payed that much attention to before. Things like how small you’re compared to him, the way clothes fitted to your body, how pretty you actually were and most important difference- how he’s never noticed you have the fattest ass he’s ever seen.
Seriously this man’s sexuality went from women to women + you.
Toudou isn’t the type to wait either, as soon as he knows how he feels, he confesses. He’s the type of guy to say “take it or leave it, that is how I feel.”
You kinda just stand there. Like, huh? Toudou are you feeling okay? Have- have you been cursed? There’s no way, Toudou middle name pussy pounder Aoi just said he was into you romantically... right?
After the shock, you reciprocated his feelings and began dating.
Now, this man- S U P E R affectionate and devoted. Always wanting to hold hands or link arms. He loves cuddling and playing with your hair while you sleep on him. Puddy in your hands if you give him a massage.
Toudou is immensely dedicated. He knows your favorite foods down to the amount of salt you use on your fries, knows what sizes you prefer for hoodies, shirts, button ups and so on, and this man knows your favorite movies by heart.
He’s the type to buy you something simply because you said it was starting to give you problems.
Lovvvvessss dates. I mean he’s a hopeless romantic, he wants to take you on really cheesy dates that you’d see honeymoon couples go on.
The type to want to match clothing or jewelry.
If you’re a sorcerer, he’s wanting to train everyday, he likes seeing you in action. Double points if you can match him in strength too. He respects your strength enough to not worry about you, he’s confident in his S/o’s abilities.
Top. Enough said. Ok but seriously, he wants to clap you cheeks so bad.
Toudou has the biggest size kink too, I’m talking like he’s the type to point right at your navel and say “I’m right here baby~ can you feel me filling you?”
His definitely into railing. His favorite position is the mating press, allows him to hit deeply and as hard as he wants.
Lovesss when you whine and beg. He wants to see how much you can take before your begging him to let you cum.
The type of guy to leave your ass a nice reddish purple color. Just two big ass hand prints on you ass and hips.
✨i m m a c u l a t e✨ aftercare. It’s almost like he’s worshipping you when he’s cleaning you up and making sure you’re taken care of.
Being with Toudou is like being with an Aries, he’s high energy and can get easily bored. He enjoys someone who excites him both mentally and physically. Loves a challenge. Toudou’s love is like a concentrated ball of sunlight, it’s hot and bright. He’s overly devoted to you and tells you how much you mean to him all the time.
If you break up with him, he’s the type to hold his head high until he’s alone and then he breaks down, crying into his hands. Thinking, “Was I too much?” “Maybe I wasn’t enough?” He’s confident, but he’s still a person with insecurities.
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appledotcodotuk · 3 years
why the hive fckin suck at its job: a rant
spoilers for tgwdlm ahead!
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first of all, it's important to consider what exactly the hive's job is. my answer is... who the fuck knows. literally. what is the hive's aim. what do you want Paul? more like, what do you want hive? let's find out!
it kinda evolves, as the play progresses. the intial aim of the hive, and one that does actually remain consistent is the constant burning need to grow and devour and gain more and more (insert capitalism metaphor here).
however, this is distorted by the people it possess who influence that aim, as we'll see later.
also the fact it crashes into a theatre displaying Mamma Mia gives the hive the motive it need to fit the world around it to the structure of the musical. having no originality of its own, the hive instead just picks up what is given to it. kinda like an evil baby.
it wants uniformity, that is indeed its ultimate goal and desire, no duh. it thinks it can achieve that through musical theatre, shame that the hive is dead wrong. cause the hive fucking sucks at its own job / aim / ultimate purpose / one concrete goal that motivates all its actions.
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can't maintain control over its subjects
okay, so, the hive wants uniformity. it wants everyone to be dancing to the beat of its own tune. right? yeah. shame it literally can't keep its own possessed subjects in line at all. at the risk of sounding like the 10th doctor waxing lyrical abt humanity for the 50th time, humans are really difficult to control cause we're not really motivated by an altruistic allegiance to one primary good. we've got icky emotions that often move us to do stupid unpredictable stuff way more. it makes me wonder if the reason the hive wanted to use musical theatre to try and persuade ppl was cause it seems to think that is how theyll get emotive humans; through emotive songs. anyways. let's look at some examples shall weeeee?
Mr Davidson:
so, Mr Davidson. funnily enough, he's the guy whose in part acting as the hive trying to figure out what it wants through his interactions w/ Paul. every person it possess gives it just a bit more humanity and curiosity abt the world it is currently taking over. at least I think so. hence why as the musical develops u get character's like possessed!Alice wondering 'why does it hurt to love?' - the change in music and mood to something much more introspective really suggests to me that the hive is beginning to question the thoughts and emotions of its human hosts.
Mr Davidson is a family man through and through, he loves his wife Carol. she's his muse, his source of light. his feelings for her are not concrete or easy to explain and solve - hence why his sudden ahem demand of her is so hilarious and also jarring. it completely clashes with the 'I want song' which is simple, and often pushes forward a wider cause. not so with Mr Davidson, he just really loves his wife man. enough to break a frickin alien possession.
tbh I think its hilarious that (at least to me) the hive has to force him to forget and continue with the song, like, he straight up is just talking to his wife in that phone call, talking, not singing. so, no possession until he reverts back into song. ergo, the hive cannot maintain the uniformity it wants. even from the get go when theoretically its control should be stronger cause it has less ppl to co-ordinate. bad. at. its. job.
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this one hurts folks. yes, I know it's generally agreed, though somewhat debated that the state of Paul by the end of the tgwdlm is not purely possessed. I agree. once again, the hive is unable to truly enforce uniformity.
at this point, the motives of Paul and the hive are kinda just mixed, neither fully human nor fully alien. hence the constant shifts between pleeing for her to get away, to hide, to stay safe: 'what if the only choice is you have to sing to survive' and just full on old style hive nastiness 'let me puke in your mouth and just open your food bin girl' (so romantic 🥰 /j).
the hive has gone away from its original aim, and become something... different. no longer stuck to just one type of genre or style of song, it's really clever to show the developing complexity of the hive by showing how it is now juggling lots of different motifs with references to all the old songs from before recontextualised in a new way - its learning. evil baby... no longer uniform.
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general miscommunication:
there are several instances of the hive not fully having uniform control over its subjects. for instance, right after not your seed with the three teens having to like... calibrate. they aren't just completely connected then?? also, this is a very small thing, but uhhhh at the end of inevitable when Paul is about to say the apotheosis is upon... the chorus interrupts him with USSSSSSS. interruptions??? not very in sync of u hive.
I think this inability to exert uniformity is also shown in the contrast between genre of musical theatre. my alien abomination cannot decide whether it wants to be the more modern edgy rock musical (join us (and die), not your seed ) or super happy go lucky old style musical theatre (lah dee dah dah day, and inevitable). it tries to do both, even while trying to encourage union, and sticking to one thing. hypocrite!!!!!
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2. aims are guided by the people it possess
so, I mentioned this a bit already, but the hive isn't only mutating the humans, the humans are mutating the hive right back. this is more an interesting observation than any actual analysis but let's goooo.
greenpeace girl:
I think it's very likely that greenpeace girl is one of the first to be possessed. This is probably easily debunkable but whatever this analysis is flying by the seat or its pants anywayyyyy. why? cause where else would it pick up that whole 'this planet needs fixing' thing? it's interesting too, cause it morphs from expressing the desire to join hands and sing together, unity and peace with no actual action behind it. this then goes right to the other end, with the hive going 'fine I'll do it myself' and trying to save things by enforcing a dictatorship on the world. it develops and changes, and strays from its original means of accomplishing its aims! speaking oooooof...
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3. inconsistent in means of accomplishing aims
okay, ur an evil hive mind. u think musicals are the way to win over these silly humans cause they're all weak and emotive and seem to respond to them. but, wait! schwoopsie! you haven't realised that for emotional depth and growth to mean anything, you need there to be established development and well... growth. otherwise the sentiments are as vague as the ones expressed in What Do You Want, Paul?
this show has genuine emotional moments, just not really during the musical numbers WITH EXCEPTIONS. any strife is smoothed over quickly, and so the development and change that would have to go into such growth is just gone. (see, You Tied Up My Heart) all so it can achieve its own desire to grow and grow and grow, maybe a metaphor for art being killed under late stage capitalism??
what actually matters is the impact the songs have afterwards, in causing a death - because we have a bond and care abt these characters. those short scenes between Paul and Emma are actually way more resonant than any song. except... inevitable, and also not your seed a bit. at this point the hive has learnt a thing or two, and can actually twist human emotion a little. but for it to do that, it has to reject the uniformity it prizes, and be adaptable. point towards being more human than it first thought? methinks so. and yet it's just not enough...
it's also why let it out, to me, feels really ingenuine. Paul has expressed himself in much better ways already. what they're doing is clearly paining him, and hurting the guy. he's terrified bless.
you can't force someone into being emotional vulnerable, man.
it's why all the deaths for the characters who are forced to express themselves are really violent, involving them being ripped open - literally forcing them to expose themselves from the 'inside out' as Alice reflects in Not Your Seed. you can't force genuine emotional connection, it has to be fostered, shown in the much more affecting relationship of Paul and Emma. the only reason the hive actually has power over our characters is because of these genuine emotional connections, which it tries and often fails to take advantage of, resulting in just resorting to brute violence. messy hive, very messy.
at the core, the musical's a kinda attack on that toxic positivity mindst: trying to force people to reach the sort of easy solutions by sharing feelings in a way that feels pretty invasive and deciding you are instantly fixed. the problems these characters face are jarringly not really what you'd expect a character in a musical to face, cheating, a lot of it, mid-life crisis. problems that are bland, or wayyyy too real. this is purposefully done, to reveal just how silly the hive's aim to use musical theatre to solve everyone's problem is. life is more complex than that smh.
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4. a human can write a much more expressive, and genuine song than they ever could lol
u know which song I'm talking abt. what more is there to say. so much for making persuasive songs to tempt people over.
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5. make me sad cause they took some perfectly nice ppl and funked them up 😭
this was a stupid point lol. basically I'm just bitter that this hive took a bunch of perfectly okay ppl and gave them hive brain. screw u hive. I swear I'm gonna watch Black Friday soon, cause I'm sure it's gonna completely destroy every thought I've had so far, but whateve,,, just take this as a look at tgwdlm like it's a stand-alone piece.
these guys are supposed to all be 'individuals' on one level, but also 'appendages of a much larger organism'. there's a little too much individualism and fracturing to be cohesive enough to do that I feel. the hive to me is not an infallible, unstoppable force, in fact, every human it takes over only brings it closer to understanding us. so that's maybe a slight positive note??? idk ?! I just have lots of thoughts and feelings abt this musical even if this doesn't make sense I'm proud i wrote it down hehe.
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theuntoaster · 4 years
Pacing in RWBY
I just saw a post talking about how part of what makes RWBY so good is that it loves to subvert tropes. I saw another post last week about how many people say RWBY has a pacing problem, but it doesn't really. It just has a different narrational structure than we are used to in shows (another post pointed out it's structure is more similar to books).
I want to combine these topics and talk about how roosterteeth often uses unconventional pacing to make what would otherwise be predictable unexpected.
To start, we have the fall of Beacon and Pyrrha's death. The fall of Beacon is really the inciting incident of the whole plot of rwby. You'd expect it to occur relatively early, maybe at the end of the first season, so that the show can jump into "normal" and the main plot more quickly. But it ended up happening at the end of volume 3, giving us two and a half volumes of trying to figure out what the bad guys were up to before we have this huge shift. And I love that it took that long because even though we knew the bad guys had a plan, we didn't know when it would happen. So when it finally did, it caught us all off guard. And because we spent SO MUCH time with the status quo, we could relate to the characters that much better after their entire world was changed.
And because of how long they waited, the timing of Pyrrha's death was unexpected. I always saw Pyrrha as a character with major death flags. She was too good at fighting, too perfect, and heck, even her name was foreshadowing her death. Besides her relationship with Jaune, she didn't look like she had much room for development, a classic death flag in many books I've read. Then season 3 comes and she starts to get a lot more development, and she hasn't died yet, so I figured she would me a mid-series death, not a beginning of the series death. I remember distinctly thinking "she's probably safe for now. They wouldn't kill off such a major character this early in the series." And I remember when she died, thinking "what??? It's too early to kill off a major character" then seeing the title of the episode: the End of the Beginning. Because crwby paced the beginning of the series so unexpectedly, they surprised us with things we knew were going to happen, simply because we didn't know WHEN they would happen.
And they keep doing this (across all their shows, not just rwby): stretching out the pacing in unexpected ways until we question if/when things that are foreshadowed will happen. Most recently, they did this with Ironwood's fall. We watched Ironwood tightening Atlas security over the course of 6 volumes. We arrive in Atlas and are met with a police state. We expect the heroes to clash with Ironwood. Except...they don't. Ok. Cool. We've just had 4 volumes of trauma and recovery. Give the heroes a few episodes of "things are good" before Ironwood falls. That's fair. He'll probably fall by episode 4, at the end of the first act of the volume.
Except he doesn't. In fact, he is incredibly kind and understanding.
Ok. Fine. Build suspense. But he'll fall midway through the volume, when he learns Ruby lied and we hit the mid-volume disaster. Look. Penny just got framed, Robyn lost the election. That will trigger his fall.
Except it doesn't.
Ok, we're at the end of act 2. Starting act 3. Watts just turned off the heating grid. Ruby and Oscar just told Ironwood the truth. He HAS to fall here.
Nope. He took everything really well. Huh. This is all going smoothly. Actually, he's a pretty good guy. Look at him fighting watts and sacrificing his arm to win. Maybe he won't fall after -
*cinder places the chess piece on his desk 2.5 episodes before the end of the season*
The fact that they dragged out his fall past so many incidents where we expected it to happen made it that much less expected and more shocking when it finally did happen.
Sorry for the long rant. I just love the unexpected pacing of this show.
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