#but yay!! tiff doll is back!!
goblin-a-gogo · 2 years
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🖤🔪She will search this wide world over, but she’ll never find another Good Guy like me🔪🖤
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happyaliennerdpeach · 3 years
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Long, Live, Love & Chucky
Tiffany's POV
I love chaos. The freshness of fear tormenting those who get affected by the outcome. It's a shame that the good want to end the chaos.
One could say, I am proud of Caroline and her fabulous work on killing her mom. It is never a bad thing to start them young, especially at her age.
"So Tiff. How is the other plan going?" Chucky asks me as we drove home from the late Michelle Cross home.
"Good, Nica just informed me they were about to start."
Unknown's POV
Have you ever wondered what true pain feels like?
I watched as the corrupted Junior take Lexy away. I can't imagine what those monsters are planning. My sibling and I are apart, but I know we can fix all of this before its too late.
As I walked to my car down the street, my sibling was there waiting. "So you finally decided to show up after leaving me for dead in that mess of a house."
"Come on, one of us had to stop that truck." They argue back.
"I wasn't the one who got taken by some creepy female doll."
"You shouldn't speak so loudly, dear." The Tiffany doll spoke coming out of nowhere with a gun in her hand.
"Just come with us and everything will be fine." My sibling told me.
"I will never go with this doll."
"Sorry, but that isn't an option." The Tiffany doll snaps her fingers, then everything goes dark.
Junior's POV
I woke up with a new driven attitude. I am finally back with my girlfriend. I stared at her as we shared a room at Tiffany mansion in the next town over from Hacksensack.
I took the opportunity when Lexy was sleeping to make her breakfast in bed, there's nothing more than spending Valentine's day by making the person you love food in bed, and bringing them flowers, and pampering them.
"Junior? Your making breakfast?" I heard Lexy ask rubbing her eyes in the door way.
"I am." I turn my attention towards her smiling to see her wear one of my sweatshirts. "But you should be resting back in bed." I pick her up carrying her back to our room.
"I love you." Lexy kissed me, as I place her back on the bed and kiss her back.
"I love you too, now don't move a muscle until I bring up your breakfast." I smile at her turning on the tv as the news was on.
"Good morning Junior." Nica called out to me after I reenter the kitchen.
"Morning Nica. Do you want some breakfast? I'm making some for Lexy." I ask her pour milk with the eggs to make scrambled eggs.
"I'm good thanks," Nica said as she grabbed a cereal from the cabinet. "So how is Lexy after everything? Does she remember any of it or leading into it?"
"No. I am grateful for that. The longer I can keep her from finding out the truth, the better I will feel."
"And what about her little sister? She can easily ruin everything even being here on Chucky's side." Said Nica.
"What if.." I get cut off by the sound of the front door opening and Caroline runs in and hugs Nica and me. "Hey Caroline." I laugh.
"Hi Junior. Can I see Lexy?" She ask me.
"Not right now Caroline. I have a big day planned for Lex." I tell her, then hand her a plate with food on it, "but for you, I'm alright with you bringing Lex her breakfast in bed."
"Yay!" Caroline smiled at me and starts to head to the room I instruct her to. I took a moment to look at Nica, "start the process for Caroline."
"Will do." Nica leaves taking a plate of food with her heading to the room.
Wasting no time, I gather up a plate for myself and Caroline and head back to mine and Lexy's room. I smiled as I saw Lexy and Caroline sitting on the bed together laughing. "What did I miss?" I ask.
"Not much, I told Lexy that mommy was going away for a long while," Caroline spoke.
"Caroline, can you do me a favor?"
"What is it?" Caroline spoke digging into Lexy side.
"After you finish breakfast Nica wants to see you, I hope you will go help her out today for us please." I say to Caroline.
"Is that okay with you sis?" Caroline asks Lexy.
I gave Lexy a stern look, and she nods. "It's okay Caroline. Junior and I have a lot of catching up to do, and we can do the same later I promise." Lexy tells her.
Once breakfast was finished Caroline went her way to meet with Nica. All that mattered at this moment was Lexy for me. "So what does my lovely girlfriend want to do?" I ask Lexy.
"Why did you think your plan to earse my past would work?"
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cult-of-dollbabies · 3 years
Enraged, the redhead pulled out his trusty gun. He would have torn that man apart, limb from limb, but he was nowhere to be seen.
He just dragged his dying old flame in and knelt before her.
"Tiff! Tiff, speak to me!"
  "Chucky, the dolls.." she managed to say, in a whisper. She was still alive! But something had to be done, and as quickly as possible!
"What? Oh!" 
In fact, just then Chucky's gaze met the pleasant display of dolls lining the wall.
He grabbed one, which sorta reminded him of Tiffany, and placed it in the middle of the room. What followed was the chant we all know. 
Once the chant was completed Tiffany woke up in her new vinyl body.
"What happened? I feel weird.." she said.
Chucky shushed her.
"You're alright" he said running his fingers through her ruffled hair, scattered on the floor. 
After returning rested and clear-headed she raised her torso, leaning on her arms.
"Thank you, Chucky, i owe you one" she said, gratefully.
"Aw, don't be silly" he replied, and cracked a smile.
After both of them recovered from their scare Tiffany stood up.
"I think i'll have a bath" she said. Then she took a nice, black, lacy dress and a pair of stiletto (both doll sized of course) from an old trunk and headed towards the bathroom.
First of all she took a shower and the water washed away all of the dust dirtying her whole vinyl body. A golden stream of light passed through the window, making the plastic of her wet, ivory flesh glisten. 
After drying off she caught herself in the mirror.
"Let's get gussied up!"
She exclaimed.
"Tiffany, what the heck are you doing? You've been in there ages!" Chucky asked from the bedroom. 
"One more second, i'm almost done!" she said.
"Let's hope she MEANS it" 
he muttered to himself while rolling his eyes.
Half an hour later the door finally opened revealing a true miniature Tiffany, except for the green eyes but who cares, they looked great on her.
"Barbie can kiss the entire seating of my butt" she said with a smug look on her face.
Chucky did not say a word. He just stared at her, stunned, lifting his eyebrows up and down.
"Aw, you're blown away, ain't ya?" she said between giggles.
"Amazing. You really surprise me, Tiff" 
he said. 
"And if you still want me to partake in that movie series of yours, well, i will gladly do so!" she grinned.
"Yay! You won't regret it, you'll see! Our talent will shine through!"
"You bet it will! Together we'll keep the audience in stitches!" 
she said.
"Haha. Doll, you're the BEST"
he said in a tone of voice he rarely had. 
Just then he embraced his old flame and before she could recover from her surprise he kissed her on the lips without hesitation, reaffirming their relationship.
Tiffany embraced him back and buried her face into his chest, squeezing out just a tear or two, which soaked his sweater. She felt happy, and loved.
This was the last part, fellas! I was pleased to share this thing with you all! Bye now! 💋
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sailoranime · 5 years
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A while back at work, Tiff got us some plants to brighten up the room, but most of them didn't make it. But I took over water duties, and two of them made a comeback! Then a couple of months ago, I got some more plants and I wanted to make a thread of those plants - then vs now:
Let’s start with the OGs - Regis (a snake plant) and Samantha (a jade kerky-bush)! I don't have their "before" pictures, but I do have pics of them now. Regis is a little limp since he got over-watered, but he's on his way back. Samantha started growing like crazy too so yay!
Next, we have Draconia (a croton) and Hedwig (a China Doll). Draconia is doing very well and is getting a more firey color I think Hedwig went into shock after being brought over from the store, but she does have a few new batches of leaves so I'm hoping she'll spring back!
Next are the succulents - Judith (a variegata), Opal (an opalina) and Winifred (an Ogre Ear). Opal lost some of her leaves in transplant which she now has back, Winifred is doing very well, and Judith is just sprawling all over the place lol
Cassandra, my aloe vera, is the first of my home-dwellers. And she seems to just be holding up perfectly! I am very proud of her.
The other 3 home-dwellers are Kiki (an alocasia), Luffy (a ficus elastica burgundy) and Naomi (an aglaonema). All three of them are doing very well and are getting a lot more leaves!
That's all for now, but I'll probably post more updates later~
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2lovekorea-blog · 3 years
Broken Dolls
TITLE: Broken Dolls
BY: @2lovekorea-blog
10-Minute Screenplay Format
Warnings: Cussing. Threats. Talk of Prostitution.
We are in a crappy diner away from the rest of the patrons.
BROKEN DOLLS has two main characters and a waitress. It can involve more people for background but is not necessary because the main characters are in a more secluded part of the diner.
DEBRA MILLER………………………………………… 30s. She is very plain looking. No make up and hair partially put back. She is dressed professionally.
TIFFANY “ANTOINETTE” ALVAREZ… Early 20s. Very pretty. Seems older than she is. She is wearing make up and her hair is down. She is dressed professionally.
TIME: late evening, Present
DEBRA and TIFFANY are having a conversation at a booth in the diner.
(DEBRA sits in a booth waiting. She looks very professional. She has a legal pad and a pen out. She taps her pen as she waits. She also has a large-ish purse next to her in the seat. TIFFANY finally walks in. TIFFANY and DEBRA see each other as DEBRA sweetly waves to TIFFANY with a smile. TIFFANY approaches the booth and DEBRA gets up to greet her.)
(Big smile)
Hi Tiffany. I’m glad you could make it.
(They shake hands)
(TIFFANY smiles)
No problem. I’m so sorry, what was your name again?
(DEBRA smiles as she says her name.)
Oh, yes, that’s right.
Have a seat. You hungry? You want anything to eat? Maybe something to drink? It’s on me.
(DEBRA smiles)
Oh, no. It’s ok. I’m good.
Alright then, lets get started. Could you state your name?
(DEBRA has her pen and paper ready to go.)
Tiffany Alvarez.
How old are you?
What is your current profession?
I’m a receptionist at Taemin Law.
Do you like it?
Being a receptionist?
Yeah, being a receptionist?
Oh, yeah. I love it.
I bet. (Beat) It seems better than your last job?
What do you mean?
(DEBRA grabs some photos out of her purse and tosses them on the table. TIFFANY sees what the photos are of and quickly pulls them toward her flipping through them.)
How did you get these?
Well, Antoinette…
(Interrupts in hushed tones)
I don’t go by that name anymore!
(Starts trying to leave)
Does Steve know that name?
(TIFFANY stops)
I said, does Steve know that name? What about sweet little ol’ Mrs. Kincaid from apartment 150? Does she know what you used to do for a living?
(TIFFANY sits)
How do you…
Know that? (Beat) I’ve kind-a made it my job to know, Tiff-an-y.
And why would you make that your job?
I have my reasons.
What do you want?
I don’t want something, I neeeed something from you.
What is it?
(The WAITRESS walks over to their table with a notepad and a pen. She stops next to TIFFANY’S side of the booth.)
Yay! You’re friend made it.
(WAITRESS smiles)
Now, what can I get started for you ladies?
I’d like a turkey club, please.
(DEBRA smiles.)
And my friend Tiffany here, or do you prefer Antoinette? Eh, it’s ok. She would like a stack of pancakes a mile high.
(DEBRA smiles big.)
Alright. I’ll get that started for you guys.
(WAITRESS walks away)
Look, Tiffany, I just need some information from you. That’s all. And you won’t have to worry about the safety of your handsome boyfriend Steve or Mrs. Kincaid.
If this is about Taemin Law, they don’t let me see the case files.
I don’t care about Taemin Law. This is about your hooking days. I’m interested in an old friend of yours, Sophia and a former ‘John’ she was involved with. (Beat) I wanna know where they are.
I left that life behind and everyone that was in it.
Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany.
(DEBRA pulls out her phone.)
If you are going to lie to me your only going to make things harder for yourself.
(DEBRA starts playing with her phone coyly.)
I don’t know what you want me to tell you. I don’t know where they are and I don’t care.
Well, you better start caring. Because if you don’t, something bad could happen.
I’m no stranger to bad things.
I know. But I thought you were making a change and trying to be more caring, more … open? (Beat) I guess you just don’t really care about Steve or that old lady.
(Through her teeth)
How am I suppose to get you information I don’t have?
I don’t know. Figure it out.
(The WAITRESS rushes back to their booth.)
Oh, my gosh, ladies. I am so sorry. I didn't even bother asking if you would’ve liked anything to drink. What can I get for you?
I’d just like some water. Antoinette, what would you like?
(Tiffany doesn’t answer, she just stares at the table)
Order any type of drink you want, it’ll be on the house.
(Tiffany still doesn’t answer. She just stares at the table. She is very stiff and still.)
(The WAITRESS looks to DEBRA.)
She’s having a bad day. Her boyfriend was in an accident.
That’s terrible. I am so sorry. I hope he’ll be ok.
(WAITRESS looks to DEBRA and says quietly)
I’ll bring two waters.
(WAITRESS leaves.)
You better pull yourself together…
(TIFFANY interrupts)
Or what? Something bad will happen.
You think you’re funny.
(DEBRA pulls up a video from her phone and shows it to TIFFANY.)
This is live!
Don’t you fucking hurt her. She doesn’t know anything.
Relax. We’re just keeping an eye on her. Nothing will happen to your sweet old lady as long as you cooperate.
(WAITRESS enters with two glasses of water.)
Here you are ladies. Please let me know if you’d like anything other than water to drink. The drinks will be on the house, ok?
Thank you.
(The WAITRESS rushes off. DEBRA gets up from her side of the booth and goes over to TIFFANY’S side and sits down.)
Tiffany, I’m gonna need you to cheer up. Can you do that for me?
Why are you doing this? What is so important about Sophia and that dude?
(DEBRA puts an arm around TIFFANY and squeezes her tight.)
Nothing, much. (Beat) Just they ruined my life.
(DEBRA squeezes TIFFANY harder and digs her fingernails into TIFFANY’S arm)
Ouch! You’re hurting me.
(DEBRA softens her grib.)
Sorry. I just get filled with a certain type of rage when I think about them.
Why??? What did they do to you?
Like I said, they ruined my life.
What? How would they have ruined your life?
Because you filthy whores do nothing but fuck with other women’s men and spread disease. You guys are fucking disgusting! Do you guys really like sex that damn much that you’ll just do it with anyone that walks by?
You think we sell our bodies because we like sex that much?! Are you kidding me? You have no idea what I had to go through on the streets. You don’t know what it’s like to do what I did! How dare you fucking judge us! You don’t even think of us as human do you? Or worthy of your time and compassion. Do you know what it’s like to be raped, and robbed, and then beaten by your fucking pimp, because you lost the money you spent hours earning? No, you fucking don’t! Do you know what it’s like to never be taken seriously by cops, especially when you need their fucking help? Or to be further victimized by those mother fuckers who have taken an oath to serve and protect?!
You’re right Tiffany, I have no idea. Plus, why would the cops waste their resources on the fleas of society. One of you could get knocked off, three more would pop up. You guys are like an infestation. It’s fucking sick.
I’m going to assume here that Sophia must have ran off with your guy. His name was Dave right? (Beat) You are fucking stupid if you really thought he ever gave a fucking shit about you. (Beat) You wanna know what he would say about you? (Beat) He would say.
(Giggles to herself)
He would say, “that bitch can’t suck cock for shit!” and he’d also say that when he would fuck you, you would just lay there like a dead fish.
(DEBRA grabs the butter knife off the table and jabs the blunt end into TIFFANY’S ribs. TIFFANY lets out a yelp.)
You don’t know what you’re talking about. What the fuck do you know?! You’re just some fucking slut!
(TIFFANY is now grabbing her side and trying to breathe without it hurting.)
You are going to be in so much shit.
And why’s that?
(TIFFANY trying to breathe through the pain.)
Because my cousin is in the FBI.
I’m surprised you didn’t know that since you’ve been following me around. (Beat) You’re right about the police not wanting to waste resources on us “filthy prostitutes.” But luckily for me my cousin has a soft spot for helping out those ‘fleas.’ (Beat) You fucked up. I texted him while you were talking to the waitress. He knows where I’m at and if I go missing, he will definitely find you.
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spookyknight · 7 years
Writer Asks
@reader115 tagged me to answer these writing questions so yay for interaction and writer friends!!
1) How many works do you currently have in progress?
Hehehehe ummmm... just in the current fandom of Voltron? In addition to Belonging which I really need to update, I’ve got 5 at various stages in my draft folder and two more concepts that grabbed me this week. Yikes!
I wasn’t tagged in this but I like the meme of sharing the last sentence written from a WIP, so here we go:
“What are you doing?” Keith asks, face judgy but amusement lacing his voice.
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
I have, I do, I will continue.
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Paper books. It’s a tactile experience for me. I often need to use a straight-edge to follow along so it helps to have a physical copy.
4) When did you start writing?
I started storytelling with dolls, puppets, anything I could get my hands on as far back as I can remember. My first recorded poems, short stories, and comics are from my second grade composition book, in which my teacher basically wrote “I appreciate your imagination but you need to stick to the assignment.” ...not much has changed.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
Betas are love, betas are life. I’ve had the privilege of working with some amazing writers. And my alpha reader knight often gets the first glance too.
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
My family used to have this vacation rental on the water and I got a lot of plotting, planning, and writing done there.
7) Favorite childhood book
Oh, man...that’s so hard. Probably The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I was a child in a very adult world so I related to Mary a lot.
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
I really want to work to get published someday, it’s the dream, but I’ve been trying to find more fulfillment in simply writing for myself and for fandom. There are no guarantees so if this is all I ever get to do, I should make it count!
9) Pen and paper or computer?
Definitely computer. I’m a better typist. My handwriting can’t keep up with my brain (sometimes my typing can’t either, but it’s better).
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
Yes. I’ve been to several writer’s workshops and am taking grad classes.
11) What inspires you to write?
For fandom, it’s the characters for sure. For some reason shipping usually draws me in...I’m a romantic? I love that happily ever after where a couple who compliments each other so well ride off into the sunset to do more good together. So if it’s not happening in canon, I wanna make it happen. Over and over in as many trope-y ways as possible. It’s predictable but fun.
I’m not around here enough but lemme wrangle some folks @melonbugg @tahinie @tiff-the-little-wanderer @fairylaughing @starboysinspace @writingbytooths @varevare
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