#but yea this is the basic jist
thediktatortot · 11 months
Love youre ST art, but if you dont mind me asking, why Billy? Theres just so much about his character I cant get passed enough to like him outside of peoples art.
I appreciate the cordial ask Anon, as most who do not like Billy would not do so: I love Billy for many reasons! Sorry, this is gonna be a fairly long response because I want to encapsulate not only my own points of enjoyment, but ones that a majority of the Billy side of fandom have as well.
First reason being: Billy is WONDERFULLY acted out by his actor. Dacre Montgomery did what is probably one of the top handful of performances on the show (probably rivalling the way I feel about Mason Dye's [Jason Carver] performance.) and that alone gives me some of the first reasons to love Billy as a character.
He's well done. He feels real, he gives depth and complications like real humans! That in part due to Dacre's representation of him. Dacre himself has put a lot of his own experiences into Billy's character, both in just the small things we notice and some of the larger aspects like having dealt with abuse in the home regarding his father as well as neurodivergencies and weight.
I'm a sucker for a well made character!
Second reason!: He's a bombshell, and not in just a 'hot' way. His character draws attention, he wants to be seen and noticed and heard! He's not great at going about it in a way that doesn't cause himself problems because...well he's still a child!
He's bound to mess up, especially in a time that does not see children as vulnerable members of a community, in a new culture (midwest) that he is unfamiliar with and unaccustomed to their social norms as well as being under the rules and obligations of a man who not only keeps him vulnerable but actively undermines him both mentally, physically and emotionally.
I empathize with and for him. I myself have never been abused by a parent, but I know what abuse feels like and it doesn't feel good. I have experience with sibling and spousal abuse, but even then it's not the same as being abused by your support structure, the person(s) who are supposed to be there to love and nurture you.
He has lost one of his major support structures in his life and is damaged for it.
But back to the bombshell title: He fits some of my favorite character tropes, Femme fatale & Antihero.
He's MADE to be destructive, he's an abused bull placed into a china shop by his own father and if that isn't sad, I don't know what it. No matter what he does, he cannot help but break something! His narrative was constructed by the show to always put him in a position of destruction and it's such a sad existence.
My third reason: He's an AMAZING foil to Steve as a character. He's everything Steve both wants and hates. He's 'carefree' and interruptive, he's hot and nasty, he's strong but has a hairtrigger-
He challenges Steve as a character to both think and do better in ways he doesn't realize yet.
These are all just basic reasons why I love him as a character. The fandom as a whole could lead you down a bigger path as to why, but there's a lot to love in Billy.
I can completely understand why someone might not like him, he is brash, rude, destructive, mean- and it can be hard to work around those issues when those things are actually damaging in real life.
But I see him as an opportunity to delve deeper into the "why". Why is Billy brash? Why is Billy rude? Why is he destructive and mean? That's the meat and potatoes.
In the end, I love Billy because he's a character who turned out the way he did, because he lacked the appropriate amount of love in his life, and we can see that by his actions and memories before his death.
He craved touch. He craved closeness and friends. He missed his mother, he feared his father. He had EMOTIONS that deserve to be expressed and heard.
He's what so many people can become, because no one takes the time to just give a shit. That's why I love him. Because I think he, in the real world, would have benefited from that. Just to be seen and heard and understood, even if no one could fix his situation, at least he would have the ability to have a safe place to confide in long enough to get himself out of his situation.
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 2 months
“But she uses he/him pronouns in all her songs, they are all about men-“
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niyanoireee · 6 months
Hiii!! Rlly interested abt what vanguardtale is about, like is chara physical? How? Does the au still take place in the underground? Or well whats the overall idea? Love the art btw ♡
hi okay so!! this will be a short summary!!
Vanguard!Tale starts at the very end of the pacifist route. Instead of the barrier breaking, It had stayed completely shut for currently mysterious reasons. Asgore would have normally sacrificed himself so Frisk can pass, however Frisk talked him out of it, as she assured him that she'd find another way.
KEEP IN MIND THE STORY IS STILL PROGRESSING cuz.. everyone who’s part of it is insanely slow.
— > Frisk is female in vanguardtale , Chara is male.
For the next 7 years, Frisk stays underground. She's now 17, soon to be 18. During this time, War rages out on the surface which further prevents the monsters from leaving the underground. Due to war and the danger of humanity on the surface, The seven souls are currently kept under even heavier containment as Asgore decides what to do. . . The name vanguardtale comes from the fact that Asgore will eventually give 6 monsters one of the 6 souls; So eventually they can go on the surface and not have to worry about being attacked by humans. This is just a lil summary there’s so much more lore :3 but that’s like the jist. As for some of the MAIN characters. . .
Frisk starts off as 10 almost 11, but is now 17 and soon to be 18. Unknown to most, She's done numerous genocide runs years before her final Pacifist run, only to be remembered by Chara. She is, at her core, a murderer. But with the power of DETERMINATION, she came to a realization that she has the ability to change who she is. She will always have the urges to start another route, however her willpower to be a better person and change lives is much stronger than the halfhanded urges. She now resides at New Home and has somewhat replaced Sans as "The Judge".
Toriel has remained basically the same with the slight addition of a new nickname; Cari. Even though shes very similar to UT!Toriel, She has become slightly less reserved in fights. She will only kill when provoked by someone who's proven to be irredeemable, in which she will not hesistate or falter. She excells in almost all fields above most monsters, however shes especially skilled in defense. As for appearance, she looks far more royal than before. She wears purple underneath her white cape and white DELTARUNE symbol connecting the jacket/cape together
Sans, appearance wise.. is the same. Literally the exact same. He's lazy, did you expect much different? However he DID find a "blue heart sticker" that hes worn ever since. (Possible redesign soon) As for personality, he's much more canon than fanon. He will, in fact, NOT push out a blaster at the slightest inconvinience! With Frisk now taking the job of Judge, he's pretty much living carefree.
Nope! Chara is not physical as you asked! He’s a ghost and god knows how he ages. Chara HATES Frisk; And that’s alot coming from someone who would kiss the ground she used to walk on. Any route they took, Chara would support. Every genocide she did, Chara was rooting. But eventually something changed. After Flowey had completely given up on trying to stop Frisk; Chara took a step up and began that job. Not because he hates Frisk for what she’s done; but because they’re insanely tired of being in this world. Imagine how many resets of genocide and then some random ass postponed pacifist. Yea, he’s fucking fed up.
the whole au generally requires a lot of explanation so if you have more questions about something u want more detail on lmk. ALSO IK I DIDNT COVER EVERY CHARACTER BUT THERES SO MUCH TO COVER AND I JS WANGED TO GIVE A QUICK SUMMARY OF WHATS MOST IMPORTANT
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gloomforrestrunes · 2 years
Do you have more art from the mythics au or more info about it? That is if you guys would be comfortable showing more.
oh i have PLENTY of mythics art between stuff that I made and the stuff that sophie's (@sopjiesa) made!(also with some collabs in there) ill do a big art dump of mythics stuff under the cut!
as for info, basically mythics started out as a kinda roleplay/story of what would happen if we put our characters from their respective stories into a highschool together. its sorta funny because both of our stories are originally high fantasies so setting them in a modern au is a lot of fun. soph and I are actually planning to completely rewrite at least the beginning of the story, as the old document for it is. bad. its just bad LMAO. but the basic jist of the story remains the same. so basically things start to devolve when we introduced the villains to the story, the main ones being question, nex, and redacted(soph's oc) question and redacted are married in this AU, and have adopted nex into their little crime family. question and redacted also have a lot of backstory regarding prior kids and things get messy hgfdjhf. the family all have animal masks to hide their identity when doing crime stuff. so a LOT of things happen when the main cast gets mixed up with this crime family. two characters (laxo and meca) go missing and one of them is presumed dead after a specific incident involving the family (which ended in a building exploding hfdjh) and the rest of the kids are left to find out what happened, as well as what exactly is going on with this family. some of the kids get sucked into the family itself while others are left trying to solve the case, some begin to turn on each other.
obviously im leaving out a LOT of things but yea pretty chaotic, super fun to write ghdfjdhjf
some art under the cut! some of the art was done by sophie, others by me, and a couple were a collab! (im also including character names c:)
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nephra, sakura, opal, art by me
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soph and i shipping question and redacted, collab
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flora, art by soph
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nephra, art by soph
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maxx, art by me
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kane and laxo, collab
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nephra and opal, art by me
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crackedmarrow · 1 year
I watched the learning tree today and I wrote a lot I could see to everyone else newt was trying to be the good guy the forgiving guy but in a sense I understood also why one would hate him. Marcus was influenced by his father who was a bad influence who was also full of anger and rage and that led to the deaths of both. Some of the movie to came to me as if I already knew what was going to happen however I did expect a different outcome especially from newt. I’ll say he kept his composure the hold time his white friend slept with the girl he loved and got her pregnant and he forgave the girl and even got her a birthday gift just to go to her house and see it was empty.
It was a lot to unravel however at the end I still felt like when Marcus tried to kill newt and newt had a chance to kill Marcus he didn’t… he shouldn’t have anyway. Marcus didn’t get to kill newt but got killed just like his dad and newt played a part to me in the father killing himself all in order to do the right thing by saving a white man but as soon as he said who was the killer they all turned and started calling the man ( Marcus ) father a nigger but I think the judge explained it best once Marcus father had killed himself while trying to escape the court. The people killed him they had killed him before he could kill himself. They had started getting ready to rally and retaliate immediately and that was the very reason newt kept what he saw to himself. Newt was also called Sambo a few times of course an uncle toms cabin reference. I admire newt for his courage but a little part of me disliked his character I felt that he should of stood up for himself but then again I also see the lesson in the lesson sometimes you don’t have to say anything for you to be strong or to get your feelings across. Newt saw a girl he had grown to love get in a car with a white boy who was suppose to be his friend and when her parents accused him of getting her pregnant he knew who did it but he still didn’t say. I feel if I were newt I would of been like that white boy Chauncey did it. He didn’t though he let her tell it which when he sat on the bed and she asked for his forgiveness he said he would forgive her. He did he bought her a gift and she was out of town. Chauncey was flirting with her even when they were at the drug store getting cokes asking newt questions about her I knew right then he took a liking to her not to mention in earlier parts in the movie he was sleeping around with girls and newts mom who I believe was a house keeper told him to get the girls out the house. Speaking of his mother I enjoyed the film because it made something very clear
We don’t know if there is a heaven or hell but we do know there is some type of power some people choose the name god basically his mama said I don’t know if his real name is god but you get the jist. Newt expressed how he was scared of death and she said everyone is scared of it at one point in there life and it reminded me of when I was that was when I was hella young I knew death was inevitable. Seeing people die at young ages or people getting shot in the head right in front of me and me hiding in a basket. It’s a lot of stuff I don’t talk about nor do I care to ever talk about but I did understand that feeling once. He said when we die do we have to be Christian his mother said no. I can’t lie I know that church plays a big part in black history but I think what bothers me is the root of it all I know I’ve read and I’ve heard I’ve even seen before Christianity black people had there own beliefs why did the beliefs of the people who beat and chained and whipped them become the very thing they live by. Yea they may have rewritten it but why is the image of Jesus always some white man in passion of the Christ Mel Gibson could of used a black man a Nubian man but no he chose Christ. I feel like the face of any religion matches the face of the followers which leads me back to a scene where Marcus was locked up and he was telling the pastor about how he was getting beat up and called them uncle toms because they worshipped a white Jesus tell me why the cop colored the picture of Jesus and said here’s your black Jesus nigger… like omg like I would of cut up but that’s obviously the very reason I wasn’t Sadé in the 1920’s
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iluailu · 4 years
Hshsjwha could you please draw what you think Amanda Brotzman would look like as a SU gem? 👉👈🥺💕
asksfjfgm yes of course thank u for the ask!! <3
ok so basically i thought a lot about this last night and came up w many theories for a crossover but when i came to drawing today i sort of realized that in terms of ur actual question i had.. absolutely no idea what i wanted her to look like so obfkgbkd heres what i came up with briefly anyways,,:
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its not that thought out bc i was really stumped w visuals but this whole idea as a whole was really fun to think about so tysm for the inspiration!! 🥺💖💕✨
#alright so im gonna explain some of my theories maybe#so first of all. the drawing asdfkf#basically i jist made her a saphire bc future vision bla bla u know#and at first i thought yk.. maybe shes an off colour#i wanted to include her praribulitis as something like maybe its a 'flaw' in her gem that affects her powers#but tyen there more i explored the ideas the more i realised i dont really have any experience with chronic illness and so#albeit fictional im kinda afraid to misrepresent it in sowm way through this idk#but anyways yeah#so another theory was that shed actually been controlled by wd#and then i guess been abandoned after the war?#oh that was another thing abt her powers i thought#that her gem can only predict the most negative outcome#if she were an off colour i assume#but somehow she learns to use that to her advantage? idk im trying to tie it into the plotline of dghda here sdkfgkd#but yea anothe things was that the rowdies & dirk & atc could be sort of alternate universe crystal gems?#so when she finds her way doen to earth she eventually meets them and ---#whatever lol#i also found it really fun bringing up the existing parallel between these shows which is#well imo anyways#the fact that both the crystal gems and the blackwing subjects are both considered outcasts/rebel groups#and how those themes sort of make them walking metaphors for the way neurodivergent & disabled & lgbt people fit into society#u know!!#like idk thats just so nice to think about assdkfs#so yeah angway i am rambling lol#thank u again alectheintrepid this was rlly fun to do 🥺💗#art tag#su#dghda
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park-seonghwa · 5 years
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the-videodame · 2 years
I know painfully little about your ocs and this must change 😩 you should introduce 3 of your ocs in as much or as little detail as you like. For personal scientific study
OOHOOHGOGH BOY god, i have so many that i love but alas i must only pick the current Big Three™
bless u friend for making my entire month by asking this 🥺💕
OCs I'll ramble about: Signe (TES: Skyrim), Parker (Danganronpa), and Adelynn (My Hero Academia)
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🐲❄ Signe Snow-Strider ❄🐲
Fandom: The Elder Scrolls (Specifically V: Skyrim)
[Toyhouse profile]
Signe, my dearest and longest-sustained oc.... how I love her SO much
My beloved Dragonborn.... I've had her for going on 8 or 9 years now?? She's goofy, brash, has total himbo energy, and yet is so totally tragic and symbolic and it's GREAT. I actually have a 12 page document of her backstory and I'm not even half way done through the game's story LMAO
I could ramble about her backstory and characterization for DAYS, but instead I'll just link you to her tag on my TES blog SDFAFGF
[A face claim that works perfectly for her is Lagertha from Vikings!]
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art by: @ thana-topsy
Some original shots of her:
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And some shots from Elder Scrolls Online, with more accurate armor to what I imagine her in:
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🌲🐕 Parker Rosenberg 🐕🌲
Fandom: Danganronpa
Oh Parker, one of my newer babies whom I project so much on it's insane. She's basically the 'helping' role in my own Fanganronpa story, Trailblazers! She and like, 14 other students. Yea I've fleshed this out quite a bit LMAO
She's the Ultimate Ranger, with her service/SAR dog Rosie! Gained recognition for her talent after leading a project to replant an entire forest after the Tragedy struck, which now in her college years, serves as the place for the next Killing Game. With the help of the Ultimate Jack-Of-All-Trades, Rowan, Parker does what she can to ensure her fellow classmates make it out of the botched winterim semester out on the field. Unfortunately, her restoration efforts go up in flames as rampant wildfires spread through the forest she spent years caring for, as a motive by Monokuma to the students to hurry up and kill.
Student profile:
Name: Parker Rosenberg Aliases & Titles: - "Parks"
            - "Ranger"
           - "The Arsonist" (despair arc)
- "Warden of the Woods" (title given by Gundham) Talent: - Ultimate Ranger
              - Ultimate Park Ranger
              - Ultimate SAR Team (w/ Rosie)
              - Super High-School Level
                Ranger (formerly)
              - Super College Level Ranger
                (currently) Gender: Female Height: 5'4 (165 cm) Weight: 148 lbs Birth date: Sept 23rd Chest size: 32 in Blood type: AB Nationality: Norwegian/American Likes: Wildlife Dislikes: Loud & sudden noises
I really need to work on a solid appearance for her, but heres the jist of it!
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🦇🌙 Adelynn Knight 🌙🦇
Fandom: My Hero Academia
[Toyhouse profile]
[OC Tag]
Addie, another tragic baby of mine, yet is also one of the baddest bitches I've ever made. Leader of her own villain group AND practically owns a sick night club.
A villain by societal standards, Adelynn was dealt a pretty shitty deck in life. After a head injury in her younger years, her Quirk Dreamstride was mutated into Parasomnia (i previously called it Mahr), allowing her to inflict horrifying hallucinations and invoke various levels of fear and paranoia on others through eye contact. The intensity of these hallucinations scale with the amount of sleep she has: the less sleep, the more intense the visions. This also causes her brain to process anxiety almost constantly in small amounts, making it extremely hard to fall asleep. Because of her insomnia, she too experiences terrifying visions and other sensory hallucinations.
After a Quirk related incident caused by a recreational drug laced with Trigger, Adelynn endured over a year of psychiatric "treatment" and a horrendous "behavior management" camp. Demanding the country provide proper treatment for a Quirk she never asked for, instead of being treated like a high-risk criminal and stripped of her basic rights, Adelynn ends up gathering a group of other "villains" that were treated poorly by the system and sets out to prove that "malicious" Quirks don't make malicious people.
- Alias: Night Terror - Name: Adelynn Knight - Quirk: Parasomnia (currently), Dreamstride (previously) - Quirk type: Emitter; Transformation (when on trigger); Sub-type: Accumulation - Affiliations: Carpe Noctem; Meta Liberation Army (currently distant); Paranormal Liberation Front (eventually) - Combat style: Long distance; psychological; melee
Here's a giant-ass post with an overview of my BNHA ocs and the overall story I have for them!!
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And an older concept doodle, along with another oc who is second in command in her group:
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AA THANK U AGAIN FOR ASKING BRO!!! i'd kill and die for you a thousand times over
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kupahdraws · 4 years
Ok so humans over the span in which toons have existed have mutated a tiiiny bit? Like nothing physically, but humans have the ability to take certain gags from toons under very certain circumstances, i.e. having REALLY good timing. Dropping a conveniently strung up piano? Humans probably gonna die. Bonking a human with a comedically large mallet if in time with a bit? Human will probably be fine. However since the circumstances of humans taking gags and being ok are alot more specific in comparison to toons, typically toons just dont play gags on them.
Because this is a wasteland riddled with scraps, theres alot of raider communities out there. Theres the small iscolated towns, the the communities trying to keep afloat, and raider communities. Usually theyre very built up and fortified! However sometimes there might be a more travel oriented group who keeps their presence minimal. Raiding societies are most entirely human, though sometimes you might find a very human adjacent toon.
Speaking of which, theres just a few defining traits between toons and humans! The main ines are 4 fingers, and pie cut eyes. Those are generally the most basic features that define toons, however that doesnt mean that thats what toons are limited too. I hope thats apparent with the british rat and the sunflower haha, but yea! In the case you were to find a fully greyscaled, stable formed toon, most likely they’ll maintain features from what they once looked like. Like a toon just looks the exact same, a human just taking on the most basic defined features and maybe something else.
Theres games in the wasteland! Its...not entirely legal, however people do still play it. Its essentially a scrap arena. The basic rules go as such: within the grounds of playing there is the inner ring, where people play, and the outer ring, where ink is kept. The basic jist of the game is to be the last one standing within the rings, either knocked out by the other challenger, or succumbing to the ink and scraps that lie within. This game has a very high rate for casualties, and is why its very. Very illegal. Usually the game is played by raiding societies, and even then, is typically used to make decisions.
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wolfling06 · 3 years
Tickle hcs pt. 2
on with Senpai and Spirit to start us off!
Senpai is one of the biggest lees out there and everyone at the school knows when he’s in a mood. he is quite the opposite of what you might expect. his clothes aren’t always properly tucked or tied (i.e; his shirt and tie) but, when in ‘the mood’ he will freshen those up. his tie put on right and with immaculate form, along with his shirt, not a wrinkle or loos fold in sight. thats the green flag for everyone else to wreck his shit.
he has a very goofy laugh but covers it with a fake laugh he tries to hide. his real laugh goes everywhere and is FILLED with squeaks and squeals, along with the occasional snort. his hips and sides are big spots for him and he bounces in place a LOT. he might halfheartedly bat at your hands but that’s about it. he is a very wiggly worm lol
as a ler he’s very teasy and ruthless he will take pleasure in making his lee squeal and squirm before he even touches them! “aww, why so giggly? i’m not even touching you!” “aww lookit you, so filled with laughter, your filled to the brim with it! we gotta chase all the laughter out of you!” very playful and teasy and just- asdfghjk
on to Spirit!
he, being a non physical being, he can’t really be touched and isnt accustomed to it in general, let alone tickling. so he was very surprised when he found out he is fully capable of ticklishness. quite, in fact.
he shares a link with Senpai that allows him to feel what he feels. you get the jist.
(directed at the ler, about to give Senpai a tickle jumpscare) “what are you doing to Senpa-AAAAEEEEIIIII!!!!!”
basically a 2 birds 1 stone deal here. do with that as you will. the other students can only hear him if he wants them to. otherwise it’s just Senpai. 
his own spots are different from Senpai’s
but, given he doesnt have a body..
makes it hard to keep track of them. but that isnt too bad given he is ticklish all over!
Tankman Time!!
it is cononical that he wheezes so do with that as you will
very much a fighter when tickled, that man can bruise some shit if your not careful.
Steve found that out the hard way..
very loud and bellowing laughter. deep and rumbling with wheezy cackles. 
his sides and ribs are a deathspot i shit you not
and of course, when all else fails, he’ll start begging for his life. 
he coughs some in between laughs but dont be too concerned, sometimes he’ll do that for affect. you would be able to tell if it were genuine and when he needs a break to breathe
as a ler he wrecks SHIT
he gives off chaotic dad energy so there’s no way in HELL that he wont be using said energy to his advantage. from teasing to laughing with you, he would be enjoying it as much as you would be (dont lie >:))
some of his teases might come off as taunts (like in the game) but he doesn’t mean any real harm and is careful of what he says.
“heh, damn your just all OVER the place! i’ve gotta keep an eye on ya or you might wiggle away!”
“was that a snort? how cute~ i didnt know id’d be tickling a lil piggie today, what a surprise~”
yea, rest yo ass in pieces if he decides to tickle you
thats all for now! im thinking about doing some more in the future but we shall see. maybe some Tabi or Agoti hcs? give me some ideas or hc of your own if y’all got any!
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m0th-rambles · 3 years
Ok im gonna shut up i swear im jist thinking (long post also very cringe i apologize)
So rn i have it that Lupin definitely knew he had a hit on him and somehow cause he’s lupin he was able to figure out where Moth would be when trying to get him.
I like thinking that both goemon and jigen actually got to moth right before they were gonna do anything.(goemon slashed their gun) So basically they failed.
They’re given one more chance with an easier hit and if they can’t get it they shouldn’t show their face again. Well guess who shows up? None other than lupin to finally meet face to face with his almost assassin. I drew a little show off between them cause im thinking moth thinks this is their chance to redeem themselves but Lupin ends up talking them out of doing anything to him again(the monkey charm works wonders ig)
Idk how he found them and asked them to join his gang. Im thinking maybe he mentioned it and how they’d be a great addition and they just went “I would never...” to which he probably responded “How is this any better than what I’m offering to you. Just think about it yea?” And then he just left
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sebbysheepie · 4 years
Hi! So, i have an actual genuine question, but i really don't know how to word it. The jist of it though, is this: what's your opinion on the 'horror farms'? Like, the ones shown in 'documentaries', where the animals ARE treated terribly. Cows raised on corn and chickens that can't walk, that kinda stuff. Like, should i stay away from that meat, or does it actually matter at all? If I'm misinformed, please let me know, I'm just trying to educate myself!
It’s fine, ask away. I’m very blunt myself so just saying stuff works best I always find.
Horror farms. Yea I wanted some of those shows and honestly how would they stay in business? We have animal welfare checks and health inspectors that are by law allowed to come in and check any time they want too in anywhere they wish to see. Something they don’t like. They shut you down. Normally they give you a written warning with what they want fixed and a date to have it done by in which time they return to check and heaven help you if you didn’t do it.
We are under such tight scrutiny with health and animal care that what I’ve seen on some of those shows cannot be happening with the systems we have in place, that leads me to believe that what they show are places that do not have the same guidelines or systems.
That being said thou there are some factors that are true but are grossly exaggerated, let’s take the cattle eating corn. Yes. They do. Dairy need high energy foods to make milk otherwise they lose condition and that’s when you see cattle that look like all bones. Putting aside illness. Cattle are like athletes, they need proper nutrition to work and produce at peek levels. Corn is a high energy food. It’s also a useful crop, some of us grow it. Sell the seed grain which is the only part edible by humans. Then use the rest as cattle feed. We mulch it and mix it with other food stuffs for the cattle. That also works as a finishing feed for beef. We can also grow a fast growing type of corn I just call cattle corn. It’s smaller. Bitter and tough. We tend to mulch everything for the animals. In our case we silo it and ferment it for them. Every day. Two times in our case we have an automatic feeder that which the girls are in the barn it goes around and drops a pre set amount of feed in front of the cow to eat while we milk. This system has been in place since the 90s. Old but serves well. Our cattle have enjoyed it since they came in the line. Corn doesn’t kill. Same as fast food. If you eat too much you can get issues but when it’s coupled with exercise and roughage the cattle do well. As for beef. The pure corn diet is rarely the case because like candy. You can’t go long term on that. You get so many issues. That’s a short term diet for fattening up before market. Think of it like bulking up because we get paid by weight. But that animal is not fed that diet all it’s life. It would not survive on pure corn. The vast majority are grass fed till the last few weeks when they are moved to lots and fed up.
This one follows a lot like what we do here
Now as for chickens. I’m not a big scale chicken farmer. What we do is chickens and turkeys for ourselves. But since my family is huge we have plenty. My sister does this area these days. But we all pitch in. Now. What you see in places like wal mart is the massive chicken breasts. Those are often from the chickens that only love about six to eight weeks. Called a Cornish cross. We’ve tried them before and honestly. You have to butcher them soon because if you let them go longer that’s when you see the issues of being unable to walk and sickness. They are bred to be fast growing and huge. Truthfully this is what the markets want. Lots of meat for little cost. As terrible as it sounds. Think of it this way. You get a bunch of chickens this month you can be eating next month or shortly after. Feed cost is low and they grow big. I’m really torn on it myself because for people that have little food these animals could be a massive difference in food security. Yet their hearts and lungs give out due to the rate at which they grow. To feed people they are amazing. But for the animals themselves to have any quality of life, it’s gotta be short. We tend to have longer living animals that usually grow to fall and more laying hens. I can’t say there is right or wrong on this topic because again. It’s easy to say “ that’s terrible they live so short and I’m gonna eat something that lives longer” when you can afford to wait and put extra into the feed costs. But for some people that don’t have any money to spare and hardly any food.. what right do we have to demand they eat something someone else feels more ethical. I’m not going to judge it. It’s just not something I would raise personally.
Basically. If you live in a place that has long cold winters. The fresh strawberries in the store are not local.. hence they have been shipped in from somewhere, maybe go with something like potato’s. If you don’t live near an ocean and you want fresh seafood. Maybe not the right choice, you gotta see what farms are around you. Goats? Sheep? Cattle? Or your in a place that has loads of seafood and wildlife but few farms. Hence. Seafood and wild game might be better. You know your area better then me. Or you should learn it. Then decide from that what is best for local foods. I know it’s not easy to meet local farmers but you can go to a butcher shop and talk with them. You can get a good feel from a well run work environment that way and they usually won’t buy from poorly run places or stop buying if something about the animals isn’t right. I find a new tactic these days is buying into something as a group. We’ve been having these. A few people ask to buy a steer and each buy a share. Which they divy up after the butcher is done. I’ve seen groups of seven people all buy into one animal and I think that’s great. Nothing goes to waste and they all communicate amoung themselves to what they want and sometimes pop up to see how things are going. That’s an option too. Same as talking with smaller farms and ordering the finished meat too. You figure what your comfortable trying and if that’s just going to Walmart. Then you go there. Look past the labels because really. Grain fed organic beef in one freezer isn’t gonna be much different from the no name in another area <<. Grain fed means corn usually btw!. Then maybe work your way into farmers markets and buying there to someday maybe buying right from the farmer yourself. Good luck!
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that-wizard-oki · 4 years
okay this is going to seem like a REACH but my brain can't stop saying Twisted Threads by the mechanisms,, has some lines with morganthe vibes
HONESTLY ANON after listening to it i dont think its that far of a reach at all- It’s not something i’d put on my playlist personally, but there are some really nice lyrics that i def think could be applicable to Morganthe’s life/surrounding characters!!
In particular I thought these stanza’s were nice:
(from morganthe’s perspective, imo)
Thank you for all the chances you brought But I've surpassed all the lessons you taught I'm too good to just be part of your plot To trap me in your web I will not be caught
(from cob’s perspective, imo)
You turn down my generosity When I'm the one who put you on your feet Leave now and crawl back on your knees Because you are nothing without me
Like yea, damn that is basically the jist of what happened between them lmao
Thanks for sharing anon :D
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hunger-and-desire · 4 years
The Battle for the Mirrorverse, Pt 5
Based off an old idea Crow/ @ghostsandmirrors​ and I were throwing around. Was seized with the need to write it. So here’s the first of what will be I don’t know how many parts.
Basic jist: The horsemen have teamed up with Misfortune to overthrow the Lady of the Mirror and take over. After a surprise attack, Famine, Bringer, and the Mirrorverse folk are scrambling to defend themselves and the Mirror World from the attackers. It doesn’t go their way.
Disclaimer: I don’t know what this place looks like so I just made it up. Sorry, Crow.
“Fuck!” Famine spit the word out as her body hurdled itself back into the land of the living and did not like what it found. Bringer started from where they were stood looking out the window and quickly stepped over to the horseman as she sat up, body rattling with coughs. They sat on the bed beside her, cautiously putting a hand on her back as if that would help. She looked over to them and offered a smile. “Hello,” she croaked.
“Famine, are you alright?” they asked.
“Blood…in my lungs…makes it…hard…to breath,” she said between coughs. Flecks of dried blood speckled her arm as she coughed into it.
“I’d imagine so.”
They sat there a minute, Famine coughing violently as the Bringer rubbed her back. “This is…awful,” Famine growled, words sounding slightly less strangled, but only just.
Bringer hummed quietly in agreement, remembering Pestilence’s request. “Your brother would agree.”
Famine shot them a look. “Which fucking brother…did you talk to? And when the fuck…did you talk to him?”
"Pestilence,” they said with a casual shrug, as if it were everyday they talked to the golden haired brat, “He told me to tell you to go fuck yourself, or to slit your throat and see how you liked coming back from that.”
“The bitter bastard,” she snarled. Taking a deep, shuttering breath, Famine straightened and looked at Bringer with a seriousness in her eyes that was unusual. “I would ask you kindly that, if you are ever in a position where you need to kill me, don’t slit my throat. If you love me at all, do not slit my throat.”
“How about we just avoid a situation where I have to kill you,” they suggested.
“Yea, that works.”
A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. “Girnber?” the General slowly opened the door, “I’m sorry to bother you, but—” His eyes went wide when he saw Famine, very much alive, peering around Bringer. She smiled, rather wickedly, and waved. Bringer followed the General’s line of sight to Famine and realized, rather belatedly, no one else knew Famine was very hard to kill.
“Oh, yes, she’s not dead,” Bringer sighed, looking back to the General.
“I can see that.”
“Horsemen only die temporarily,” they explained, “Can you even truly die?” Bringer, glanced over to Famine.
“Oh of course. Everything can die permanently, even God.” A fit of coughs overtook her at her last words and she bent double once more, expelling more dried blood.
"God didn’t like you saying that,” the Bringer said dryly. That earned them a nasty glare from Famine.
The General cleared his throat, after to draw attention to the fact that he was still there. “We need to figure out our next move. We don’t want to be attacked unawares again.”
“Yes, of course.” Bringer stood, quickly followed by Famine who realized her legs were not quite with the whole ‘being alive again’ thing yet and stumbled. She reached for the wall as Bringer grabbed for her elbow, only to realize they were closing their fingers on bare skin and quickly let go again. Famine hit the wall with a bang, but stayed on her feet.
“I’m okay,” she muttered, “I’m good. It’s fine.” The General stared at her a moment longer, expression something between confusion and vague horror, before he simply nodded and stepped back out into the hall.
“You don’t have to come,” Bringer said, even as they gathered her great coat from where it was tossed over the back of a chair.
“Do you really think I’ll stay here and just do nothing?”
They held out the jacket to her. “No, of course not. Why would you do the sensible thing?” She sneered at them as she took the jacket.
Famine pulled the jacket on as they started off down the hall. “How long was I out?”
“A day…day in a half,” they answered, “Not very long.”
Famine looked like she wanted to argue, but moved on, “Anything happen?” The Bringer shook their head, but that was all the answer she got.
The pair stepped into a larger room that Famine had never seen before. The General was already there, talking to Renrait, and Liaxee was sat in a chair, head propped on his hand, staring distantly at the ground. He looked up when Bringer and Famine stepped in and, upon spotting the horseman, his face lit up. “Eminfam!” he boomed, causing the rest of the room’s inhabitants to jump. The large man swooped towards her and snatched her up in a hug. “I knew you would be okay! You are strong!” He put her down again and simply beamed at her.
Famine tentatively smiled up at him. “It’s good to see you too, Liaxee.”
The assembled gathered around a table in the center of the room. A map was spread across it. Famine looked at the various markings and figures drawn on it, trying to make any sense of a world she was not overly familiar with, when she realized no one was saying anything. She looked up and then to Bringer, who seemed as confused as she was. “I thought you said there were things to discuss, Nergale?” they said, looking to the man. The General was standing there, lips pressed in a thin line, uneasy about something but saying nothing. “What’s going on?” Bringer insisted, looking at the other’s around the table.
Renrait was the first to speak. “Why is she here?” Though it was clear she was talking about Famine, she was looking at Bringer.
“Because she wanted to come,” Bringer responded, words hesitant as if they were unsure why this needed to even be asked, “And she is the only one who really knows her siblings so her input could be rather valuable.” There was the smallest hint of sass to Bringer’s words, but it never showed on their face.
“Don’t you think that’s a problem?”
“That’s she might have valuable input?” Bringer snarked, “No, I actually think it might be helpful.”
“If you have something to say, Renrait, say it,” Famine growled, glaring daggers at the woman, “No need to beat around the bush.”
Renrait looked coolly at Famine before turning her focus back to Bringer. “We don’t know that the horseman is on our side.”
From the other side of the table, Liaxee laughed gruffly. “Renrait, you are being ridiculous.”
“Am I?” the trainer mused, “None of this would be happening if she wasn’t here.”    
“Oh, so I am the root of all problems?” Famine laughed darkly, “How original. How very like my siblings.”
Renrait turned to face Famine, fury in her eyes. “It was your brother who killed the Lady,” she hissed.
“He certainly did not do that under any direction from me. In case you have forgotten, I tried to save her.”
“And failed.”
A laugh of disbelief left Famine’s lips, “Does that make me guilty? By that same logic-” Famine’s words collide with Bringer’s hand that called for her silence.
“Renrait, Famine is on our side,” they said, words deliberate as if that would make them knock sense into her.
“Give me one good reason to trust her.”
“Well, she hasn’t killed me yet.” The answer drew only confused looks. “She would have been well within her rights to kills me a handful of times and she hasn’t, so I’ve chosen to trust her,” they explained, “Plus, she’d not one for working with her siblings. Or anyone, really.” Now it was Famine’s turn to give Bringer a look.
“Excuse me,” she hissed. “Who’s side are you on?”
“Yours, but it is true.”
“That doesn’t mean you have to say it.” They shrugged, seeming entirely unapologetic about what they had said.
Renrait sat back in her seat, arms crossed. “That’s really all you’ve got, Bringer?” she asked.
“It’s good enough for me, it should be good enough for you,” they said, “Now can we please discuss that actual problem at hand?” They looked to the General, only to find him less than willing to say anything. “You don’t trust her either?”
“I think it is something we should consider,” he confessed.
From beside Bringer, Famine let out an exasperated laugh. “This is ridiculous,” she said, “If you’re looking for an enemy, Renrait, don’t work to find one in me when you already have several out there to blame.” Famine’s words seemed to do little to convince the trainer. “Tell me, what exactly have I done to make you mistrust me so?”
“Latri wouldn’t have the horsemen’s help without you,” Renrait said.
“Oh, is that so?”
A very loud bang made every jump. Liaxee had slammed a hand on the table and was pushing to his feet. “Renrait, you are very skilled and talented fighter, but now you are being very dumb,” he said, “Eminfam is good.”
“You think everyone is good,” Renrait spat, “And that blinds you to the fact that some people are monsters.” The last words were directed at Famine and the horseman tensed.
“So that’s what you think of me, hm?” she hummed quietly.
“Isn’t it what most people think of you? A cruel, heartless monster who only knows how to love murder and slaughter?”
There was a flicker of hurt in Famine’s eyes but she shoved it down. “You are probably right, that is what most people think,” she conceded, “but that is because they don’t know me.” With that, she shoved herself to her feet, the chair screeching against the stone floor. “But if you want me to leave, I will leave.” She started towards the door, her long coat sweeping the floor.
She wasn’t even to the door when she heard Renrait say to Bringer, “How could you love something like that?”
“Well,” Famine sighed, turning in a swirl of coat tails, “the Lady loved you, Renrait, so I’d ask her, but,” Famine shrugged with a nonchalance that did not match her words. Renrait started from her seat, murderous intent in her eyes, but Liaxee put a hand on her shoulder. When they looked back to the door, Famine was long gone.
 Bringer followed the trail of dead grass in the garden to find Famine sitting on her jacket,  surrounded by dead flower petals. She was still peeling them off one rose when Bringer approached. “I know I should not have said that to Renrait, but I would prefer you save the lecture,” she hissed, glancing up with brilliantly green eyes.
“I wasn’t going to lecture,” they muttered. They motioned to her spread out coat, “May I?” She gave a quick shrug and went back to plucking at the rose petals. Bringer sat down next to her, crunching petals into dust. “Are you alright?” She gave them another glance, eyes narrowed as if to say ‘what the fuck do you think?’ “I did my best to convince them that you are on our side. I think I changed Nergale’s mind, but I’m not sure about Renrait.” Famine nodded, but remained silent, concentrating on her almost completely decimated rose. Bringer watched her a moment, unsure if they should press and try and figure out what she was thinking or just let her be.
Famine let the rose fall onto her jacket before she looked to Bringer. “Do you really love me?” she asked.
The answer came without hesitation: “Yes, of course I do.”
Famine smiled and quickly looked back to her pile of petals, but not before Bringer caught the hint of tears in her eyes. “Why do you ask?” they questioned gently.
With a deep breath, Famine looked up at the sky, brushing away a stray tear as she did so. “Renrait.”
The Bringer sighed. “My dear, why would you listen to—”
“Why did I listen to Death? To War?” she interrupted, glancing to them. “It’s still hard not to hold people’s opinions of me of importance. I crave validation too much for that.” A smile crossed her face but it was far too watery to be happy.
The pair sat in silence, afternoon garden sounds settling over them. Famine picked absently at the edge of her pants as Bringer watched her. “Did you all learn anything?” she eventually asked.
“Nergale sent out some spies last night and they found where Misfortune and your siblings are,” they said, “Nergale recommends another battle.”
“No.” It was said so confidently, so sharply, that it shocked Bringer.
Famine looked to them, dry eyed and serious. “If we know where they are, we take a small group, not an army, and we strike when they least expect it. Tonight, maybe?” she shrugged, “If we have another full out battle, we will only be giving Death more corpses and more time to make more Mercenaries. We will be feeding the enemy. If we strike now, he won’t have time, they’ll have their guard down.”
The Bringer nodded slowly, mulling the idea over. “We could do it,” they finally said.
“Just us two?” A smile crossed Famine’s lips, “That sounds more like a plan I would suggest, the two of us taking on an army. Becoming ruler has changed you.”
Bringer rolled their eyes.
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ajabsusbjsbsbanns · 6 years
I wanna go into detail on my dragon au for warriors
So basically. The end of a warriors tail is very VERY important. As a "kit" (yea... Uhh.. a dragon kit) their tails are blank. And they stay as just blank tipped tails as they age. Once they get their warrior names they recieve a special tail end. Now each warrior may have a different tail end. However
The jist is that:
Leaders have a star on the end. The star can have however many points as they wish. The dragon will have a normal tail end and once they recieve their lives their tail tip becomes a star
Med dragons have herbs or flowers. It doesn't matter what kind and it doesn't have to pertain to their name. But no matter what they will have something herb or flower related.
Warriors can have any shape. Whether it be spikes or a mace shape.
Elders tail pieces will shrink. Once a dragon retires their tail end pieces will become smaller.
Pets are domesticated dragons. Their tail ends tend to be smooth and feathery due to their softer nature.
Rogues/loners have a similar tail end to warriors. Although they almost always have some kind of spikes due to being on their own and needing to defend themselves.
Deputies have a tail similar to a flag (or a nightfury). Large fan-like wings on the end.
Dragon tail ends can change throughout their life. However a dragon does not get a tail tip until they recieve their warrior name. (this is why ravenpaw forever has a bare-tail).
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dean-strider · 2 years
alrighty yall lets get a pinned post out of the way
i dont type exactly like my source self. deal with it
im a dean strider FICTIVE IN A SYSTEM. if you try to rp with me or any shit like that im not tolerating it and blocking you.
i use mirror pronouns but unless you use she/her pronouns. if you only use she/her just use the collective pronouns for us [it/glitch]
idk if ill have a tagging deal ill think of it. pseudomems/canon memories are going to be tagged with "dean pseudos" though.
basic dni criteria applies etc etc you get that jist.
now, for another dni, i'd heavily prefer it if you don't discuss the yandere trope/obssession thing with me. i know that lovestuck has that in the actual game in canon, but it's a squick of mine to discuss this. do not romanticize disorders, it's ableist as fuck.
anyways yea have fun w me and my stupid existence lol
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