#but yeah! been thinkin abt this
gaygxnslinger · 1 year
Cayde makes laboured breathing noises as he lays there, slowly bleeding out from the shot to his chest, coughing despite the lack of lungs. Perhaps it brings him a degree of comfort, coping like this as he heaves and tries to push himself up unsuccessfully.
That hit did some real damage to him. He probably can’t walk. And it’s not like he can just drag himself to safety, he’s a hundred floors down from anyone and everything down here is wrecked because of his own stunt anyway. Cayde gives a bitter laugh amongst his sputtering...he really is his own worst enemy, isn’t he?
One thought repeats in his mind: he’s going to die here.
He can’t. And it makes him feel pathetic -- Cayde has spent his whole life running, from responsibility, from love, from everything, and he presumes death would be different. He’ll accept it, embrace it even, like a true Hunter who isn’t scared of anything.
But he’s scared now. At least he’ll see Andal again.
Then footsteps. Uldren’s smug words echo in his mind, though he isn’t entirely sure if he’s hearing things or not, all Cayde feels is a hand on his chest. His optics are fuzzy.
“...Hey... How’s...how’s my hair?” The Exo’s voice is broken, distorted.
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high-voltage-rat · 1 year
something I do appreciate about red vs blue is its particular brand of “came back wrong”. you were brought back, but you’re just a memory of the person you’re supposed to be. you’re just the expectations of them. you’re just the pieces everyone else saw and remembered. you’re tough like the original, but you’ll always fail no matter how tough you are, because the original failed, too. you’ve got a personality like the original, but it’s not quite right because you didn’t actually live the life they did. there’s this person you love- who you would kill or suffer or die for- but you don’t know why, you just know you’re supposed to be together because that’s what you were made for.
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3416 · 7 months
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the tINY HAPPY SMILES.. when he's asked about his parents.... and then when he's asked about mitch....... please........
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ukenceto · 11 months
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Out of the night comes a song that I know Twisted and ruined and black I can remember the people they were nobody knows if they ever come back __________
Soldier76 cause the feels sure are hittin' again
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clowningaroundmars · 9 months
still suffering from bad motorcity brainrot so my brain conjured up a funny ass scenario where the gang finally learns more about texas' family.
well, more than just "texas has a real big family"
based off of chris p's confirmation that texas was going to have cerebral parents who are the exact opposite of him
Mike is of course the first one to interrupt the conversation and greet him, noticing all the screens his best friend had pulled up. Then, when a semi-preoccupied Chuck didnt immediately answer back, Mike sat up and leaned his elbows on his knees.
Chuck shuffles in on socked feet to the pile of Burners casually lounging in their main living room area and chatting.
"Hey, Chuckles. I said good morning!"
Chuck looked up suddenly, as if just realizing where he was.
"O-OH yeah hey guys, morning ahaha..." Chuck ran a nervous hand through his hair, revealing a furrowed brow that Mike immediately noticed.
"What's with all the screens so early in the day? You're usually halfway through breakfast before pulling one of those up," Mike chided jokingly.
"Uh so, like, late last night--"
"Morning. You mean early in the morning," Mike grinned, and then exclaimed when Chuck reached for a pillow to toss at his face.
"Last night..." Chuck continued, "I noticed something going on with the east gate. It's weird, the battery we found should have been full enough to last us 'til the end of the year but uh... yeah it's totally drained now, guys." By now, Chuck was taking a seat next to Mike and letting his friend lean into his space to study the screens. "And I was lookin' at the new motion sensors we installed recently and it seems like it drained fast right after someone... or something moved near it a couple nights ago."
Julie waggled her head, considering Chuck's words. "Could be a lot of things, honestly. That fusion battery wasn't really meant to last long anyways, it was only a temporary fix at the time."
"Yeah but if someone's trying to siphon off battery power from the gates, that could be a real big problem in the future," Dutch put in.
Texas kicked his legs in the air from where he laid on a beanbag at everyone's feet. "Wait, the eastern gate? Isn't that gate the one that was havin' problems that one time Kane busted in like about a year ago?" He crunched on some mystery substance in a plastic container.
Most likely something from Jacob's kitchen.
Mike laughed. "The very same, buddy."
"Tch'aaww that gate's lame. It keeps breakin' all the time! I wouldn't be surprised if it's just old and basically turning into total junk."
Julie turned to Mike and Dutch. "Y'know, he might be right--"
"Duh, Texas is always right!"
"...That gate really does have some history. It was the first offically maintained entrance into Motorcity years ago when Deluxe was first being built. I'm pretty sure Kane abandoned it on purpose after our crazy battle with those Ultra Golems."
Mike shook his head. "So he most likely cut the power from that gate then, huh. Makes sense why the battery's almost dead! That's a lot of heavy lifting for only one battery."
Chuck stopped typing on his screens for a second. "Why didn't we just scavenge for a newer battery after you beat that big robot Kane sent in? We secured that gate after, didnt we?"
Dutch and Julie smirked at each other.
"Someone might've gotten a bit distracted by an opportunity that ended up bein' a little too good to be true," Dutch elbowed Mike.
Mike guffawed and immediately tried to downplay the mistake. "Aw man, I mean yeah-- that, aaannd also we got that distress call from Doc Hudson not long after, too... so I mean--"
"Mmnn yeah, gotcha." Chuck deadpanned, returning back to triple-checking his maps and motion sensor logs.
"Anyways," Texas cuts in, "that gate's old an' dusty. It totally needs an overhaul, Texas-style. Hoo-WAH!!" He kicks his legs in the air in a flurry and uses the hand not holding his container to do a quick karate chop.
Everyone looks at him.
"Texas," Dutch starts patiently, "we're not construction workers, man. That's up to the Motorcity council to decide when the whole thing gets fixed now. I'm pretty sure they'd know about the power being cut off by now."
"Yeah, they should since I just pinged one of the council members about it too," Chuck piped up.
Texas shakes his head like a father explaining something to a child who isn't understanding what he's saying at all. "Yeah duh I know, guys, I'm not dumb!"
Dutch bites back a mean retort. Julie smirks again behind a carefully placed hand.
"I could just go to my mom and tell her everything! Then she can just send her construction worker dudes to tear down the thing and like, I dunno, hook it up to our own power supply or whatever. No effort on our part!" He flexes an arm casually.
A pause.
Mike was the first to speak up. "Wait, what? Your mom?"
"Uh, yeah, you guys didnt know my mom's head of the council?"
Dutch does a double take. "Head of the council?!"
"Yeah, Stretch. Head of the Motorcity council! She's been leadin' it since I was like a tiny Texas baby. She just keeps gettin' re-elected, heh. Makes sense since she's cleaned up and expanded a lot of stuff, I guess."
"...And she gave birth to you?!"
Mike elbowed Dutch back, hissing "dude!" under his breath. Chuck snorted.
Texas, as usual, lets the insult sail right over his head. "I know right? Both my parents are totally lame and boring. Not like Texas, hwa-CHAA!! They don't know anything about martial arts movies, sweet Muay Thai kicks or Texasifyin' stuff! They just wear boring suits and go to like a million meetings! My dad's not like in city council or whatever but he's a uh... a... what's-it-called. An archic-tech. He doesn't even build the stupid buildings and junk, he just designs 'em."
Everyone stares for a couple of seconds, Dutch rubbing his chin in disbelief.
"Wait, your dad's an architect?" Chuck asks incredulously.
Texas shrugs and stuffs his mouth with the mystery food. "Yeah? I thought I told you guys all about this!"
Mike leans forward and asks Texas directly, "does your dad only design buildings? Or does he help your mom with the city planning too?"
Texas munches for a few seconds before answering. "Mnnyeah, he's like... he plans and draws pretty much everything in Motorcity, like where the hotels and shops and stuff can go. He designed the whole downtown area I think. Obviously they're not done fixin' up the place, but the public bathhouse was his idea, so."
"He's an urban planner, Texas! Wow, not just an architect either, he does both!" Julie admires out loud.
Dutch leans back on the couch dramatically and sighs. "The bathhouse, oh damn."
Everyone took a quick second to reminisce about their trip to the bathhouse with fond smiles. It was a gorgeous Greek-inspired building as tall and beautiful as it was comforting, a recent addition to the bustle of downtown Motorcity. It had sleek marble walls, cozy alcoves for private meetups, grand staircases seemingly everywhere and polished golden accents gleaming in every corner.
The building was split into two sections with a giant-- and equally beautiful-- indoor garden separating the halves, and a courtyard with a net in the middle stationed out back for friendly games of volleyball or tennis. The bath itself sat like a reigning king in the front, right past the fancy lobby and locker rooms. In the back half, the indoor pool stayed open for swimming only in the summer. During the cold winter months the pool was frozen and turned into a makeshift ice skating rink.
Both pool and bath were massive and alive day after day with Motorcitizens relaxing after a hard day's work, meeting up with friends, or just taking the kids out to a fun day of swimming.
It was everyone's favorite spot to relax and hang out during chilly days thanks to the saunas as well.
Motorcity's gang members have officially sectioned the bathhouse and the immediate area off as a neutral zone, strictly banning violence and disputes from there. That decision was introduced by Julie and quickly adopted after everyone figured it'd be hard to tell which member was from which gang when they were all naked.
Knowing that Texas' father-- of all people-- was the man most likely responsible for that slice of heaven in an otherwise grimy and dark city was... well, it was weird.
"So," Chuck said, scratching his head, "your dad designs things and your mom orders the funds around. For, like, the whole city."
"Yyyup." Texas answers.
"Sooo... what does the rest of your family do?"
Texas takes a minute to think. "My grandma owns a shop downtown. All my sisters are out studying with people, doin' apprenticeships n' stuff. They mostly like to build and program stuff, one of them's over at the Cablers' right now. Oh yeah, my oldest sister is in a band! She's the lead guitarist and everything! She's badass, like Texas."
Dutch nods slowly, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Uh huh. Mhm. This idiot's family is super smart and accomplished. Now I've seen everything."
Mike huffs out a laugh. "Wow, Tex. That's uhm... yeah, that's great! Think we can shoot your parents a quick message and maybe pass along some ideas?"
"I've got tons of ideas for a more efficient electrical wiring system!! With better security in place too! And a failsafe just in case!" Chuck blurts out. He then realizes his excitement and leans back self-consciously. "AHA-- ahem, that is if they're uh, if they're, y'know-- if it's not too much to impose on them, of course!"
Mike smiles warmly at Chuck and turns back to Texas. "No, I think they'd probably love the help, right Tex?"
Texas guffaws, spewing a few crumbs everywhere. "Tchyyyeaah!! Texas' parents are always so dang busy all the time like... ugh. Yeah, Skinny over here would probably be their favorite guy for a while just for takin' on some o' the work."
Chuck grins and opens up a new screen with some schematics, and gets right to work.
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seaquestions · 7 months
i dont know how it took me this long to fully come to terms with it but. im literally just aro. or something to that effect.
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simonlynch · 4 months
these r special 2 me
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dullahandyke · 4 months
didnt even touch on the sandra lynn stuff int he tags of the last post bcos if i talk about her im liable to explode. get behind me, middle-aged divorced woman proficient in archery
#wasnt around for sy as it aired but ive seen the remnants of the liveblogging and its so foul#the genuine misogyny....#saw someone claim gilear was a better parent than her and i had to turn off my computer#i know we all love gilear and hes been tbh redeemed by comedy where sandra lynn doesnt get that#but like. be serious.#that tonal shift in difference of how gilear and sandra lynn are received is wicked interesting to me#and like pre-emptive disclaimer this isnt Gilear Problematic I Want Discourse. im just thinkin thoughts here#the way fy episode 1 gilear actively left his wife n daughter and calls her a demon even if he doesnt mean it that way#but then fig/emily takes an interest in him and from there hes a radically different character whos just kind of. pathetic.#im hesitant to call it flanderization because initial gilear only got like 10 minutes of screentime before wet cat gilear took the stage#but like. in ep1 both faeth parents are shown as equally flawed and on an even narrative playing field#which is then upset as fig latches onto gilear as a comedic force and hes not as much 'dad with tense relationship to daughter he disowned'#as 'guy the pcs do bits with'. esp in fy he doesnt do much but let fig live in his apartment sometimes#(and if u rlly wanna analyse u could say something abt her basically taking care of him instead of the other way around)#this then rlly impacts sandra lynn! bcos now fig has One tense parental relationship to rest all her angst on#and where gilear gets bits. sandra lynn really doesnt get much spotlight until the prison sequence#and the lack of focus on sandra lynn Is lampshaded in-universe and i like the resolution#and then u get to sy where sandra lynn gets as much spotlight as gilear but she doesnt have his comedic shield#so instead she has the dramatic spotlight and both the story and the characters are weirdly obsessed w her sex life#and yeah i know im an aro autist maybe i take cheating a bit lightly. but its in the same category as the 'zelda is mad at gorgug' shit#shes made a spectacle but because shes not gilear and society has notions about sex she gets judged for it#like something abt gilear disowning fig getting dropped while sandra lynn is scrutinised so much rlly rubs me the wrong way#she is FLAWED that is what THE JAIL EP WAS ABOUT!!!#she is TRYING arguably more than GILEAR but she doesnt have the absolution of rule of funny to fall back on#i go insane. i go insane#post not mentioning jy bcos i havent seen it. once again middle-aged divorced women proficient in archery get behind me ill protect u
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sho-haizono · 7 months
stares at u... i miss hiiai... i miss ttmy .....
SAME ........ i keep telling myself I just have to make it through this week ..(<- has been saying that for the past 3 weeks now.) But in other news I think they're officially littleb bugs now . to me <3
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thwackk · 2 years
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okay before i dissapear for two days here’s some of my favorite scott panels. byyyeee
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aeide-thea · 1 year
also totally unrelated but like. thinking abt how many american transmascs have identified with figures like disney's mulan and joan of arc and how it's like. i super get it but also that identification rests on such a violent wrenching of those figures out of their original contexts…
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chalk0utlined · 6 months
update on the last post - saw the dude leave without the jacket and went back in.
mans put it back exactly where he left it.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 1 year
Crying into my hands okay this is so cringe I need to put it under a read more but fuck it I'll still post it cuz I deserve to talk abt self ship on my self shipping blog, anyways uhhh DONT LOOK 😳😳
Okay ngl over the past few days during flights when my mind is allowed to be full of its typical nonsense, I have.... I have been saying "Cortex" to myself to the tune of Peaches from the Mario movie >_< I'm not proud of this fact but... yes I've done it a few times. Maybe more than a few. Out loud.
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waywardsalt · 1 year
shut the fuck up i’m thinking about link and linebeck being foils to each other
#rubbing my autistic hands together thinking of ways to make them compliment and contrast each other beyond what is presented in canon#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#link#linebeck#ok but. linebeck is like the best foil to link that i think exists in canon even more than ravio. unless i got them autism blinders on#if so lmk i'll still be thinking about link and linebeck being rlly good foils#okokok listen. a lot of their traits (most of links are implied but hear me out) contrast and can make up for the others#like yeah yeah linebeck's traits are typically portrayed as negative but they could have their uses if link's are taken to an extreme#like ive been thinkin abt linebeck w/ low empathy and link w/ high empathy and how that can work#link being much more willing to help others but linebeck being more capable of being more level-headed about it all#also their designs are like. kind of opposite to each other its great why not take it further huh its fun to think abt#im no character designer but like. link drawn with more circles and round shapes and soft angles vs#using more triangles and harsher angles and harder shapes for linebeck. do you see my vision here#like genuinely if you expand more on their traits and skillsets you've got a good duo that could compliment each other rlly well#this is absolutely delving into fanon but like. linebeck exists in ph a lot of the time to be used to show how cool n shit link is#the reverse doesnt really happen which sucks but it absolutely could#salty talks#im not good with the more technical parts of writing i'll admit so i may be a little off abt how character foils work#but i am thinking abt it here. as someone who writes and thinks about these two in tandem a lot
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waloeders · 10 months
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clive abt to sic torgal on me (i stole one of his pins) /lh
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on one hand yes a fetus requires nutrients from the parent’s body but on the other hand. sometimes people calling it a parasite feels a little strange
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