#but yeah i mean sure true crime is not a good and pure genre and if it's not for you it's not for you
vvaspoppie · 11 months
Doc Ock x Symbiote!Reader
→ Author’s Note: Requested this from another writer (that’s also really cool), and decided to also write my own version. No specified version of Ock, pre and post evil versions are mentioned.
→⚠ Warnings ⚠: unethical science,
→ Fandom: Unspecified
→ Genre: Headcanons
→  Pronouns: They/Them
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The Backstory:
You were a scientist who worked on studying the organic matter samples Colonel Jameson had brought to earth. Unfortunately, one of those samples was capable of a lot more movement than originally believed.
Long story short: Some of it bonded with you, you quit soon after due to not wanting anyone to get suspicious then started working at Oscorp.
Pre Tentacles:
He, and almost every other co-worker, is a little bit curious about the fact that you quit your last job to work at Oscorp but drops the subject after the mention of an NDA (which wasn’t true)
Notices you talking to yourself a lot, but doesn’t question it much. Most of the scientists he works with have an odd habit or two.
You totally slip up and call yourself 'we' in a conversation, which he does bring up
"There's a perfectly reasonable explanation if you give me enough time to think of a lie."
On to the actual dating
You guys keep it on the down low and by that I mean absolutely nobody knows. He likes privacy
His love language is talking about his experiments and asking you about yours (and physical touch but that takes a while)
The symbiote makes the relationship difficult, especially because he doesn't know about it
You don’t ever tell him about the symbiote, the symbiote speaks for itself (literally, and to a disastrous extent)
He takes a while to process it, but once he does he shares his work on his tentacles
He tries not to think of the moral implications of the whole situation because he loves you and knows you wouldn't do harm intentionally (he is wrong)
Post Tentacles:
Ok so in most versions Otto goes missing for a brief time after the accident™
So what happens in this brief time?
Chaos. Pure chaos and fear
Not only are you distraught and angry but your symbiote also formed an emotional attachment
Absolutely no one gets a break. Criminals, civilians, co workers, Norman even Spider-Man
The streets are filled with nothing but fear and it stays like that until you get your Otto back
At which point:
Yay, evil power-couple time!
I mean what did you expect, you’re the host to a symbiote that eats people to survive and likes to commit crimes; there is almost nothing he could do that you either 1) haven’t already done or 2) had to literally fight yourself not to do
He changed after the accident, and it reminds you of when you first bonded with your symbiote. You try and be patient, knowing that he's still the same person, just with a different attitude and outlook on life.
With some communication skills being flexed, the relationship works out well
He also gains a new thing to be mad at the world about (Tabloids keep calling him a monsterfucker and so does your Symbiote)
It's that whole Roger and Jessica Rabbit thing except no one knows who's Roger or Jessica at any given moment.
You keep working at Oscorp to keep suspicions low and provide insider information
Yes, the suit makes you look very good - now do you want to be part of the Insidious Sinister Six or not?
You don’t want to fight Spider-Man head-on most of the time (much to the Symbiote's chagrin) so you agree to work with them, but not be on the team.
Anyway you end up kicking ass and now half the team is scared of you (Much to the Symbiote’s delight) (remember that episode in the 90s show were Venom Spider-Man almost kills Rhino and Shocker? Yeah you do something like that)
His ego may be nearing the size of the sun, but even then he’s slightly scared of what would happen if your symbiote gained full control. (Your symbiote likes him so his nerves are good, but still makes sure nothing happens that affects your memories)
Speaking of which he wants to do some - totally not evil because he loves you- experiments revolving around the Symbiote
Overall, the relationship is wholesome, if not unconventional.
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six-of-ravens · 2 years
been thinking about this a lot (and this is the 3rd post I've tried to make bc I keep getting on a tangent. this is literally the TLDR of the TLDR) but I think why I like true crime so much is bc it tells you the why.
every time I see some kind of disaster or murder or otherwise horrible event I'm like "why" and "how could this happen" and true crime or disaster-based media will tell you both (what shows/books/whatever you consume and how well-told vs. exploitative they are is up to you). however so much of social media is embroiled in purity culture that people nowadays seem to just want to cover their ears and shout "IT HAPPENED BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLE WERE EVIL AND BAD AND MEAN AND PROBLEMATIC!!!!" and that is not fulfilling to me, someone who loves learning and wants an answer to everything.
this is also why I sometimes binge watch physics videos on youtube and go on tangents about how much I love & appreciate the Higgs Boson at 2 a.m.
0 notes
atinydise · 4 years
Fake Boyfriend
❦ Genre: Fluff, light suggestive.
❦ Pairing: Seonghwa.
❦ Word count: 1551.
❦ A/N: Day 30 of “Ateez New Year Writings, Edition 2021” 🦋
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"Do you remember the plan?" You asked before exiting the taxi. Seonghwa sighed, already done. "For the thousand times Y/N... yes!" "We can't fail tonight." You claimed. "Why do you need to do that? It's not a crime to be single." "You don't know my friends." You sighed. "There are the worst when it comes to dating." "I can imagine that, if I need to be your fake boyfriend tonight." "I know it's ridiculous, but I'm not in mood to be the single one at the table and to listen them telling 'oh Y/N, you should find someone, you are not getting younger you know. Look at me! I'm being married soon'." You imitated. Seonghwa smirked. You were really done with your friends' behavior. "Just tonight okay? I'll tell them later that it didn't work out." You held his hand in your, begging him. Because of the look on your face, he accepted. Of course, he wouldn't let run away at the last minute. "Let's go." He claimed. "Wait! Let's do a last check." You said. "We checked that everything was perfect the whole week Y/N..." he sighed. "One last time please?" You insisted. "FINE!" He growled. "You are going to have a fun night young boy." Laughed the taxi driver, listening everything. Seonghwa nodded and waited for you to question him. "Where and when did we met?" "At a café, 2 months ago." "Which café?" "The one next to your work." "How did you ask me on a date?" "You were studying in the same café for a month, so I came there almost every day and one day I offered you a drink and asked you to go at the theater with me." "What did I wear for our first date?" "Argh, we are ready Y/N!" He complained. "What did I wear?" You repeated. Seonghwa sighed again. If he could, he would stay on this taxi for the whole night. "A white dress with flowers." You admitted that all his answers were perfect, he was ready. "Okay I stop there. Let's go." "Good luck kids!" Giggled the taxi driver before you both could go out.
You started to walk toward the restaurant when Seonghwa stopped you. "What? Are you freaking out? Because I am." You admitted. "Give me your hand." He handed his. "For what?" "Are we a couple or not? Let's act like one, dumbass." You sneered at him, "I don't know you were into romantic stuff." A bit shy, but too pretentious to show it, he held your hand. You gasped at the warm feeling against yours. Without saying anything, he opened the door restaurant and prepared his best smile. You were still a bit confused by the way he was holding your hand that you realized a bit late, that your friend was waving at you. "Y/N! Over here!" Unconsciously, your grip on his hand tightened. Seonghwa understood that you were freaking out. "Everything will be fine." He whispered, rubbing his thumb on your hand. You both walked slowly but quickly at the same time. Seonghwa could definitively feel your friends scanning every of his moves, but no way he would let them know the truth in only 10 seconds. "It's nice to see you Y/N! It's been a while." Smiled your friend, Chaerin. "Yeah!" You smiled. Seonghwa bowed politely next to you. "Girls, here's Seonghwa. Seonghwa here's my friends." You introduced him awkwardly. They both wave at him, joyfully. "Nice to see that you are real!" Said the other one, wrapped around her boyfriend's arm. Seonghwa raised a brow, "real? what do you mean?" "Shut up Anna!" sighed the other one. "Sit down, you won't eat standing up." Joked Anna's boyfriend, trying to relax the atmosphere. Before you could pull your chair, Seonghwa did it for you. "Oh, you are such a gentleman Seonghwa!" Giggled Chaerin. You whispered a little 'thank you' and sat down. If a simple action made your heart flutter, how could you survive the rest of the night? "So how you both met? Y/N never told us!" Asked Anna, pinching your arm. You laughed awkwardly, "you know I like to keep things for myself." "Yeah, that's why I didn't believe you when you said you were taken." She stated, sipping her drink. "She was persuaded that you would find an excuse or saying that he left you right before going to the restaurant." Added Chaerin. "Ah... really." You laughed nervously. "We've met at the café next to her work." Said Seonghwa, holding your hand on the table. You stared right at his hand on yours. You ignored why but, it felt so normal. Like if his fingers were meant to be there. "I've saw her studying almost every day. I was too shy to talk to her, so I've waited like a month before having the strength to offer her a drink." "So cute!" Clapped your joyful friend. "Why?" Asked Anna. "Why what?" You repeated, freaking out. You never thought they would ask a question like this. This was not in the plan. "Why her?" Seonghwa definitively admitted that this Anna was rude. Trying to put your self-esteem at the lowest. "Isn't it obvious?" He asked, a bit coldly. Your friends were a bit took a back at this sudden aggressivity. Your 'boyfriend' coughed and smiled back. "I mean, look at her." He was dead looking at you, making you blush, shy and insecure at the same time. "She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen. And she's so nice!" He replied. "Wow Y/N, you are a lucky one." Said Chaerin's boyfriend. "Yeah... I'm lucky to have him." You smiled, looking at Seonghwa. He understood that you were grateful for everything he was doing. It motivated him to do his best. "But everyone has defaults right? What is the thing you don't like about her?" "Stop talking about me," you giggled awkwardly. "It's okay babe." Replied Seonghwa. "I can talk about you for hours." Your heart melted in your chest. This romantic, kind and safe Seonghwa was totally different from the one you knew, and you needed to admit that you like it. Maybe too much. "As you said everyone has default, I would say for Y/N..." he let a quick silence, faking to think, even if he had one already. "She's too nice. People are taking advantage of that." "Ah yeah true." Agreed Chaerin. "I told her that a bunch of time." "She always has been the kind, pure and naive girl type." Added Anna. "Do you remember when this boy asked her to go out, but she thought he wanted something else?" Giggled Chaerin. "I'm pretty sure he wanted to sleep with me. Only." You rolled your eyes. "Who wants to sleep with you Y/N?" Sneered your friend. Without thinking twice, Seonghwa replied: "Me." Your cheeks were in fire. It was definitively not the plan. Trying to be discreet as possible, you poked his hip with your elbow. "If I can be honest..." He started. Right at this moment, you saw his face changing; it was not anymore, the shy and kind boy, but the bad one. The lust on his eyes gave you chills. "I've had girlfriends before or just one night stand. And she's the best. You guys can't even imagine." He pointed at the 2 other boys around the table. "Seonghwa..." you mumbled. "No babe, it's okay. Your friend seems pretty curious." He intertwined his fingers with yours. "She looks pure and kind. But in bed... that's different." He started. "That's like riding a roller coaster." "Ah really?" Growled Anna, a bit jealous. "Yes Ma'am." He nodded. "And when she does this thing with her mouth, it's-" "Okay stop!" You put your hand against his mouth. "Babe, you are going to embarrass everyone." "Ah sorry," he smirked, being absolutely not sorry. Because of his well detailed answers, your friends finally changed the subject. You were participating to the conversation, but your mind was fighting against the heartbeat between your legs and the warm feeling of Seonghwa's hand on yours. "It's going well, right?" Whispered your 'boyfriend' to your ear. You nodded; he was playing the perfect fake boyfriend. "Thank you so much." Proud of him, he finally removed his hand to slid it under the table to squeeze your thigh. You succeeded to suppress the gasp coming of your mouth. "Are you okay Y/N? You look flustered?" Asked Chaerin, a bit worried. "Yeah, it's just a little bit... hot there." You fanned your face with a tissue. "That's because of your sexy boyfriend." She giggled. Seonghwa smiled proudly, grateful of this compliment. "She's right." He whispered. "Shut up." You rolled your eyes. "What about we go to my place when we are done with this ‘living-hell dinner’?" "You want to see if my mouth does this thing that you like so much?" You smirked, mentioning what he said earlier. "So, you can be smart sometimes." "Take care because I can bite too if you are too rude with me." "Grr, savage." He squeezed your thigh tighter. "You are incredible." You rested your hand on his. "So, it's a yes?" "It's a definitively a yes." "Hey lovebirds! Talk with us too!" Smiled Chaerin, trying to get your attention back. Lovebirds. You liked this nickname more than you should.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
hae interrogationes multae respondeant quia demens .
if you read this entire ask post you deserve a gold star and financial recompensation
Um, Obviously because when you’re adopted by a white guy you automatically become white duhhh
this is about this post lmao and yeah youre absolutely right, you have to hand your poc card in when you get adopted by a white guy.
Do you think Cass would listen to Yanni, the YouTube channel epic symphonic rock, or some other stuff? There's some cool mashups but idk if that's up your alley, I kinda feel like I'm pushing it with my weird taste of music by recommending an orchestra cover of metal, but i just love that sort of thing and mashups :P @harvestyourcherries 
i haven’t heard of that? but in my personal (correct) opinion steph listens to classical music, and then both modern and older, and then also stuff like black sabbath, iron maiden, but also hardrock and hardcore. i like the idea of cass just liking the most extreme screaming songs full of noise and then also listen to pachelbel’s 370th sonata yanno? THANK YOU for the rec tho
speaking of ur cass playlist hc...reminds of the time (yesterday) i found 2 playlists randomly on spotify from the same user. one was abt 3 hours of instrumental/classical "dark" & "nostalgic" music. the other almost 11 hours of nothing but hardcore bass/synth/electronic music. just an incredible tightrope act to put on in public. the synth one was also called like "psalms for synth sluts" which is Also incredible
tbh i LOVE synth SO MUCH like for no reason at all but then also cannot handle a poppy electronic beat lmao. but this seems like the kinda thing i’d do but just in one (1) playlist bc i just sort songs by vibe instead of genre? that’s how i end up with britney spears and billy ray cyrus in the same playlist. 
Oh, I want Kate Kane playlist next! It would be amazing if you could do one when you have time and will 🙏
how rude would it be of me to just say no? like sorry kate but idk you and also you seem way too keen on the us military for an institution that homophobically targeted you? (and also commits war crimes) but let’s unpack the fact that the institution that caused the death of your mom and sister and also got you blacklisted for being gay is still one you align with???
'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' --- when i tell you i fucking screamed LOL!!!!!!! i can imagine the cameraman not knowing if he should cut to commercial or keep it on these two weirdos fighting on stage (bruce definitely ruffled dick's hair/noogied him right?? 
about this post but yeah lmao. this cameraman just turns to like the audience to get a reaction and it’s just multiple moments of CLEAR shock.
you are the only funny person on this hellsite
how egotistical is it for me to say that i get this ask multiple times a month? bc it literally happens so often it’s hilarious to me.
Wish there was more john/Bruce content 😔😔😔 was so hungry I actually looked at canon media 😔😔😔 (Justice League Dark babeeeyyyyyy)
check out batman: damned for some mediocre content but at least it’s john/bruce (also very interesting story and stuff, just got very >:( over this weird part where harley quinn tried to r*pe bruce or something? it’s not for everyone)
dick grayson but he's nicki minaj
his anaconda don’t want none,,, unless...... 
Dick Grayson was never a cop, he played Marshall on Paw Patrol
you are SO right. also paw patrol is a fucking good show idc. that shit could’ve been the new steven universe on this hellsite.
why do people keep reposting my CONTENT. if you are not funny yourself don’t just grab shit off of tumblr and post it on insta,,, get a life. sidenote: should i start an insta and get all these ppl to take my content down that would be funny as hell.
Might I suggest for a Gotham City Meme: something about the true crime fandom thirsting for the rogues gallery
ok can i just say something slightly controversial?? no? i don’t find true crime ppl who are into criminals funny, that shits disturbing irl im not gonna bring that into my very chill universe.
i may have never seen a 'jason cleaning guns in sink' fic but i do know he WOULD
bestie im sorry to say this to you but while you can, and people do wash their guns in the sink, that is a lot of lead in a very vital part of the kitchen.
people tend to do it in the bathtub.
WHY???? like damn why do you even have guns
i dont think i read many gun sink fics exactly but i have read lots of fics where jason cleanes his guns in the living room. usualy dissembles them and cleans them with a rag i think
lmao fair enough, like i think that’s a large part of what i remember as well.
if you say you've seen/read gun sink fics I believe you. I think those of us who didn't see them are lucky or maybe didn't search for fics by tags or something idk
i mean ive never sought them out but i HAVE seen them,, like definitely i know almost for certain.
saw your tags and I'm interested in Steph/Kara now. They would be the most chaotic couple <3
literally thoooo, i have a wip where they get together in a zombie apocalypse and like UGGGHhhh i am so in love with them.
I am the Breece anon. Thanks for the recommendation; am reading now. I’ve always been a hardcore Superman fan because I love my pure himbo farm boy. My logic is, if one Bruce is a Broose, then multiple Broose are a herd of Breece. And this is a hill upon which I will perish.
fair enough,,,, like moose, meese, goose, geese, bruce, breece. i get your logic and i stand by it as well. (glad you enjoyed the comic recs!!!!)
It's a beautiful day in Gotham, and you are a group of horrible Breece
OH my god dude lmao
there only being 42 fics on ao3 for tim and bernard is honestly so sad i need more
it’s like twice that now!!! we did it lads. (tho very sad that my fic isnt number one but like number 4 :((((  )
i'm too late you already did the poll lol but may i suggest bethy (bernard + timothy)
shit dude that wouldve been so fucking funnyyyyy. think ppl have just stuck to timber tho, tim/bernard kinda died down recently and i think it’s too bad, they’re a great couple and i love them.
Wait, hear me out
Bernothy @redlightofdawn
great recommendation (lmao this ask is from like a month ago) but very sorry to announce that NARDTH is the superior shipname
Wait, we know that bernard likes milfs (Tim's step-mom) but what about dilfs? gilfs?
Wait no, I regret sending that ask
these were two seperate asks and they’re HILARIOUS. in my personal opinion tho,,, milfs, gilfs, dilfs are just about vibes and bernard is just attracted to sexy ppl who may sometimes be milfs, dilfs, or EVEN gilfs.
crime in bludhaven would drop to half if nightwing had a boob window. in this essay i will-
Wait if Barbra and Tim r at opposite ends at all times what happened to Barbra once everyone’s Tim’s ever love before started dying lol
she won a lottery ticket and spent 2 weeks on a resort in the bahamas before returning home and finding out that the joker was arrested for tax evasion and then spent a month staying at her big tiddie goth girlfriend’s house before conner came back to life and she broke her pinkie playing table hockey.
Why is the opposite end thing so funny and compelling to me. Tim comes back from his depression quest for Bruce and Babs is now a literal god
lmao when tim loses his spleen barbara reaches nirvana.
Are you still taking music recs because I have three songs that remind me of Jason that I think you'd like
send to me or lose a toe
🌸 ⭐ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! ⭐🌸😋
thanks, i wont tho on account of i wont.
This is the whole of Blüdhaven and everyone anywhere.
Nightwings ass alone saves more people in a calendar year and does more for so society than most heroes do their whole career.Also u are one of the funniest tumblr pages out there. The vibes are unmatched and the memes and tags ✨send me✨.Thank u and goodnight @julia-flow 
fanksss also lmao.
That's going to be a little bit difficult to explain, but
There's some music that you listen to and you think, "oh my gosh, I can perfectly imagine Dick Grayson singing this song, with the same voice as the singer because that voice matches with Dick Grayson"?
oh yeah totally lmao. i have a lot of songs that i think are just entirely dick grayson yanno? kind of all of my playlists have that vibe, but i really find bleachers to fit with dick? idk.
"Lois lane/Superman" fics this, "Lois lane/Clark Kent" fics that, (/lh) let's get into the real good stuff. Some people ship Lois, Clark, and Superman as a throuple. Most popular fic tag for sure
yes totally, i think they’d be absolutely killer on ao3 and clark gets so fucking embarassed about it.
I miss your post, hope you’re doing okay!!
haha this was like 2 months ago, but i was doing fine then too! just didn’t have a lot of inspiration in terms of content.
Doot doot!
noot noot
I’m confused. What did DC do now? Like with nightwing? And another sibling? Please spoil everything for me
lmao they gave him a secret sister plotline where they had his dad cheat on his mom with tony zucco’s wife, bc dick’s life wasn’t traumatic enough yet.
sorry but it's so funny that batman is called "the dark knight" when the gotham city baseball team is called the gotham knights. it'd be like if a vigilante was running around new york called like "the scary yankee"
lmaooo no. but like yankee comes from dutch names or something so wouldnt it be HILARIOUS if gotham knights came from like german names and bruce would be running around called the dark KLAUS UND NIEK @graysonnightwing 
(not a batcest shipper) it’s so funny to me that the responses are “i’m a batcest shipper because i can differentiate fiction from reality and and it doesn’t bother me personally, but i understand why you oils think it’s weird” to “i wish all batcest shippers a very fucking die”
yeah lmaoo. i personally basically flipped my entire stance around to ‘i dont care please leave me and everybody else alone’ bc i think there’s really no point in starting a moral dillema over some fucking fandom bullshit. Please just,,, go home,,, log off, find a nice forest to have a little walk in and remember that somewhere in history, somebody probably died in the place you’re standing. and you will also die someday, and somebody will have to look at your internet usage and see you fighting multiple people anonymously while being named ‘nightwingsbuttchin200186′ like... calm down, we’re all gonna die this is not the thing to worry about.
so since like "wards" don't really exist in modern society almost all the batkids are foster kids, right? i used to work in the system and imagine: monthly visits from social workers and guardian ad litems, bruce having to get permission to take the boys anywhere out of state, calling their social worker at like 8 a.m. like "yeah dick broke his arm again... a gymnastics accident this time...." their poor social worker. bruce send her a huge bouquet and box of chocolates every month to stay on her good side
i imagine the social worker just getting into the case like ‘yeah let’s get this kid a good guardian’ and then ending up having to work with 22 y/o bruce wayne and his 50 y/o dad. and so this social worker is like ‘okay we can work with this, this is the best home i can find’ and then like it ends up landing on its feet and then the kid gets adopted and then they get a call a year later like ‘uhm so hi, this kid tried to steal my tyres can i adopt him?’ and like 3 years later. ‘okay so basically, my neighbours’ kid imprinted on me and now they’re dead, can i keep him?’ two years later it’s like ‘okay so this assassin child-’
ever since I saw that one post of yours, the meme that's something like "I know that abba's backup dancer got me" with a picture of discowing, I've been haunted. Every once in a while I'll be minding my own business then the image of abba's backup dancer dick grayson aka nightwing aka discowing will flash in my mind and I'll be frozen in place. Today at work I was in the middle of folding clothes and suddenly once again discowing entered my mind and I suddenly lost the ability to see anything except He. Thank you.
wow. the IMPACT.
Braver than any US marine man props to you🤝
this shit is about the time i wrote an article on batcest, like man,,, the fact that i didn’t get cancelled is MIRACULOUS. also like,,, uh if anybody on here did gossip on me,, send screenshots i’d love to see it.
Hello, just wanted to say your article was great. Thank you for taking the time to provide an unbaised answer. It should provide people with nuances they couldn't possibly conjure on their own.
May I ask where your username originates from?
yes you may (also thanks!!!) i thought it up when i was trying to find an original username bc i didnt want to be called like ‘timdrakes something something’ or ‘jason todd something smoething’ or ‘dick grayson something something’ yanno? so i thought batarangs, they sound so dumb and that’s my username story... now it’s my whole entire brand lmao.
yno that bit in kick ass where red mist asks kick ass if he wants a hit of his blunt, was that the inspo for stoner tim
no? it’s bc i think stoners are hilarious and drugs are great. (dont do drugs tho) 
How would u feel if someone actually wore one of those bruce or ollie pride shirts u edited
fenomenal next question.
Dick as lil huddy and Jason as James gave me radiation poisoning and now I’m screaming crying throwing up so thx for that
(Rico suave as Tim is perfect tho literally no changes needed)
i was so funny for that shit wasn’t i??? lmao i loved those weird ass fancasts
You're doing the Lord's work by providing us with all these Gotham/Metropolis citizens memes, thank you for being so relentlessly funny @nellethiel-aranel
you’re welcome!! i really enjoy making memes, but getting validation for my content and my memes is REALLY nice.
Bruce is such a slut in your memes and honestly i love that for him @rhodey-rhudert-rhodes-main 
he’s that much of a slut irl too dw.
Bruce and Alfred have an emergency pride flag for the batkids. Oliver Queen printed an emergency "I love my gay son" t-shirt and as soon as Roy told him he was dating Jason, Oliver started wearing that shirt everyday and Roy always cringes when he sees it. Oliver also has an emergency "I love my lesbian daughter" shirt just in case for Cissie.
lmao YES i had a post like this bc like all of their kids/family members are so gayy
stop bringing back batfam fancasts it is not real it is not real it is not- 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
oh yes it is my darling.
did discowing burn down the notredam because he hates the bees? @allulily
no he did it bc fuck the french.
im gonna beg for 1 thing and 1 thing only. please please please put physical by olivia newton john on dick's playlist
okay then beg. bc i wont. physical reminds me too much of glee and that hurts me mentally.
your playlist is sorely missing some Madonna. Specifically Into the Groove, Like a Prayer, and Vogue
i’m scared of madonna that’s why she’s not on there. she haunts me in my dreams.
suggestion: son of batman by aaron dews for dick’s playlist🤩
sorry, i listened to it and the vibe didn’t agree with me.
Hear me out, metropolis citizens sending rare pair fics of Clark Kent x Superman fics to Lois to edit
yes, absolutely hilarious. even more funny if they send like physical copies, no address attached and lois sends it back marked with red ink, SOMEHOW
Imagine all the smut Clark must of read editing the fics
clark reads smut confirmeeed
hc that alfred is a meta that boosts healing factor of the people around him. if the bats are injured as much as they seem to be they would be doing bat stuff MAYBE half the year. no one including alfred knows about this. whenever the kids move out they inexplicably dont recover from injuries as fast and feel better whenever they visit the manor they just chalk it up to homesickness. bruce just thinks he heals really fast. alfred thinks everyone doesnt take care of themselves properly @finchcollector
that’s actually such a great idea, but i think that alfred would find out and learn how to concentrate it better so he can help more people, bc he’s great and i love him.
One of your dickfast posts reminded me of that tweet that goes: 'so you've had sex how many times? Yeah technically that's not a bromance' lol that's dickwally or dickroy
literally tho. like that’s all of dick’s friendships. once it gets past a certain time dick is like ‘wow i wonder what it would be like to make out with wally, wally come make out with me’ and wally’s like ‘we’ve done this like 40 times, dick, you know what it’s like’ and dick is like ‘sorry are you complaining?’ and they just make out.
superfam and batfam associations??
-batman and superman
-dick/barabara and supergirl?
-conner and tim
-jon and damian
pls enlighten me I am confused
nope,,, uhm batman and superman, but dick and superman as well, and then conner and tim, jon and damian and steph + babs with supergirl
I came across a fic in which Wonder Woman calls Batman "Stella" (like Stellaluna, the children's book) and I can imagine the batkids hop on the trend and maybe copies of the book appear at random places (aka, everywhere Bruce frequents)
sorry can’t reciprocate that was the name of my high school chemistry teacher and it gives me nightmares to think about.
good human what are your pronouns?
wouldn’t you like to know?
I need me some gothamites preferring harley over joker memes
everyone prefers harley over joker youre just very fucked up if you dont
don't understand why people try to add like veteran policy to the batfamily
dick pulling out his veteran batfam member card so he can eat first: step aside, peasants
Do you know the song Simmer by Haley Williams? It (the first verse anyways) reminds me of Jason? It's about rage.
damn yeah i LOVE HAYLEY!!!! youre right thoo
Okay so I like listen to your stoner Tim Drake playlist 24/7 but would he listen to skegss? Also I keep adding songs mentally it’s killing me 😩✋🏼 Anyways,, I literally love and worship your playlist 😃🤞🏼 And uh yeah have a good day ✨
stoner tim drake playlist is lyfeeee. also dont know who skeggs is? i’m stupid? have a good day!!
All the Robins (and Batgirl) decide to trade costumes for one night just to fuck with Batman and all the villains in Gotham. @subspacecadet 
batman knows it’s them youknow but like,,, what does he call them? he’s like ‘red hood?’ and 3 people answer and he’s not about to compromise some identities so he’s just Pissed.
I aspire to treat cops the way my dad treats them. This man is a 45 year old Asian immigrant to the US and the treats them like his pets. He talks about them like unruly children. Sometimes he pays off local cops to shut up and stop acting racist. And usually it works. I don’t know why but I can see Oliver Queen doing this
vibes... and also yes? oliver queen handing a local cop a donut to shut the fuck up lmao. but yanno i commit enough crimes to not really want to ever see a cop ever, so they kinda scare the everloving fuck out of me.
seeing as tim hasn't aged in years, that means he was 17 at peak emo tumblr era. im back on my emo tim bullshit and im not letting it go
emo tim had a wattpad account send tweet
People seem to think that batman is so dark and serious when the rainbow batsuit is right there. He wore it with no shame.
dude the 60s were a DIFFERENT TIME
dick grew up in a circus, jason grew up on the streets, and tim was probably raised by the internet
all of them cuss every other word and you cannot tell me otherwise
bitch i KNOW but dc has to change to an 18+ rating if they want to sell comix with swear words in them so we gotta deal with imagining the swear words in ourselves
thoughts on teen titans and young justice
haven’t seen teen titans on account of havent seen it and young justice was LITERALLY my favourite thing ever, tho i do gotta admit it’s not at all similar to the young justice comics unfortunately. i really wouldve liked to see timmy bart kon cassie and cissie animated on tv!!
ew ew ew how to delete batcest shippers I genuinely digust them
log off tumblr?
Okay as poc who was called racist for calling an Italian pastabrain: in the batfam are Italians bit Damian just yells various insults about the others being Italian. Just him yelling “What are you doing you moronic spaghettihead!” At steph etc
huh? i meant real italians. homeboy is telling steph he hopes she chokes on her fucking garlic.
I think it's dumb as hell to pull the batman is the best fighter in the batfam argument because like it's just irresponsible of Bruce to let his kids fight when they couldn't possibly be on his league or something
fair enough, but also like who cares they could all kill you just sit down and take a beating.
lady shiva, thalia al ghul and Selina Kyle are all milfs @notanothertimburtonenthusiastugh 
unfortunately, i have to admit,,, you’re right
why tf didn't someone give joker a death sentence already? like he's a mass murderer...give him the electric chair treatment wtf
idk i think plenty of people would have tried to murder him already (boring answer is: he is a popular character so they can’t kill him off bc he brings in lots of money)
There’s no such thing as “ copaganda”.
all american media is propaganda. happy to clear this up for you
is it bad that I find lady shiva owa owa
no. find her as owa owa as you want.
aight I'm guessing the order of your favs in batfam:
1. tim
2. Steph
3. dick
4. Duke
5. the rest
you’re wrong but it’s cute that you tried, i generally don’t have favourites, but i have a special place in my heart for steph, tim, dick and cass. bc they were like my introduction to batfam. but damian, jason, duke, bruce, babs and alfred are NOT FORGOTTEN OR UNLOVED
oh my god i was literally just readily willing to believe that italians werent white ty for clarifying it was a joke im so dumb sdkvjskdfs
i mean some italians aren’t white? italian is a nationality as well as an ethnicity, so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
since I saw so many people doing headcanons about the nationalities of batboys, I see Dick as an Italian.
dont know if youre serious or not, but sure.
super random but
jason 🤝 damian
old english
lmao fair enough.
tim absolutely has 1 gay uncle and his parents shit talk said uncle all the time so after bruce adopts him he specifically reaches out to this uncle to be like "heyyyy just so you know you majorly influenced my life yes i know i havent seen you since i was 5 and at the family reunion yes i know you dont remember my name idc thank you im gay too" and then they never talk again.
yuppp lmao that’s definitely something that could happen. i can also consider tim having no family members, like none. until he does like a dna test and he realises he has like an aunt living barely 2 miles away from him who’s like some illegitimate child of his grandpa.
I dare you one of them sends clark superman/clark fic and clark corrects the shit out of it and then goes like ps his dick is not that big, just telling as someone who has seen it. internet either explodes or goes who tf did he not fuck at this point.
i think everybody would call clark a buzzkill and try to cancel him over that.
so you're telling me Tim Drake wouldn't buy Starbucks?
no. dunkin donuts all the way
One of my favorite things is imagining people finding out jason came back from the dead and being like "oh no does he have magic powers now?!?!?" and he just pulls out a gun and tries to shoot joker
now he doesn’t even have the gun :) lmao
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
bruce gets codename ‘ugh’ everytime. he hates it.
crazy that tim being a 17 y/o ceo and a stoner who does brand deals are all actual canon things written in detective comics comics and not made up for shits and giggles by you, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb @rowdeyclown
batman au where everything is the same but his utility belt is bright pink
absolutely, but i raise you, his boots light up like sketchers when he kicks people.
unbeknownst to the superhero fandom writers in the dcuniverse, clark and BRUCE are one of the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag on ao3. clark writes the best lois x superman angst, full of unhappy endings and scenes that are a so detailed you'd think you were in the middle of a superhero beatdown. bruce made an ao3 account to fuel "the do the butts match" thing, and makes batman/bruce fics from time to time. he wrote a superbat fic as a joke but ended up making it REAL porny. @concrastinator
dude they’re WAY too busy for that. Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan on the other hand are the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag writing what is Mostly porn.
When the dining table topic gets to politics, Steph says "eat the rich" as the solution
bruce just silently takes away her fork and knife while she’s talking.
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yoondoze · 4 years
make a wish | jjk - 2
jeongguk didn’t know it, but his wish came true. as the best things in life do, it comes back around.
alternatively: a compilation of scenes in the after of “make a wish” and how they pile up and weigh you down until it’s too much to handle.
Tumblr media
pairing: jeon jeongguk x reader
word count: 6.4k
genre: angst, fluff, romance, best friend!au, mutual pining... shh
warnings: language. besides that, this is pretty tame! only slightly edited bc its 2 in the morning and i just want to get this up lol
a/n: didn’t mean for this to be so long but i got a little carried away. this wraps up make a wish, so i hope you guys like it! also, feedback is always appreciated in any way shape or form <3 muah!
It’s just as you’re leaving when Jeongguk’s phone rings. His eyes widen in disquiet as he stares at the number displayed at the top of his phone. In preparation, he shakes out his limbs dramatically and takes a deep, exaggerated breath. Considering it’s for your entertainment, you roll your eyes and wave him on.
He picks up.
The voice on the other end is muffled as you try your best to listen in. Your heart pounds in anticipation, gripping onto the straps of your purse with white knuckles.
“Yeah. Okay. Okay, great.”
He paces around the room aimlessly. His fingers fiddle with a loose thread on his sweatpants as he listens closely. You’re sure he’s already sweating, more nervous than you could imagine despite the playful act he put on before answering.
“Yeah. That’s fine! Okay, thank you so much. Alright, bye.”
He’s facing away from you as he clicks the end call button. Just as you’re about to ask, he spins on his heel, lips pursed as he holds back a grin.
“Guess who got the job?”
A toothy grin spreads across his face as he singsongs. Jeongguk’s expression of pure excitement is a privilege to see. It’s impossible to deny how it lights up your own.
“Oh my god, you got the job?”
“I got the job!”
His bangs bounce as he jumps with both fists raised in glory. You squeal, going in for a tight hug and swaying back and forth as you congratulate him.
“I’m proud of you, Gguk,” you say into his shoulder. “Really, I am.”
And when you say it, you mean it. After so many months of struggling at his old company, he took the leap and applied for a position at a more well-known film studio. The late night introduction practices with you, which included him reciting prepared resume-esque lines and weeks of tiring interviews had paid off like you knew he deserved it to.
“Okay. I should get home,” you try, voice strained as his arms crush your diaphragm like walls in a deadly escape room. Upon hearing your winded sentence, he loosens his grip.
You don’t even think about what it might mean before you place a departing kiss to Jeongguk’s cheek, fueled by the elation running through you at the upward turn of events. It’s an accident, it just happens naturally as if it was something you’ve done a thousand times. It only hits you that you shouldn’t have after it’s already done.
Sure, you make out and kiss all the time, but the difference is that’s only when you’re taking advantage of the benefits you worked out. That kissing is all attraction, nothing chaste or romantic like this. So when you pull away from the hug, you expect to see his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and giving you a look of disgust.  
“Uh-” you sputter, ever a wordsmith, trying to think of some rational explanation to excuse why you might have kissed him like that. The previous bouts of joy sparking in your heart fly out the window.
However, his eyes only show a mild, innocent surprise. At his silence, it doesn’t seem like he’s going to address it, and you assume he’ll assume it was just congratulatory. You can work with that.
“Bye. I’ll text you when I get home,” you blurt as untroubled as it can come, spinning on your heel and hurrying out the door. After closing it behind you, you slump back against it for a breath.
God, what were you thinking? Were you fucking stupid? Your fingers find your forehead finds as you try to convince yourself it wasn’t that bad. You’re prone to over analyzing, anyway. Jeongguk’s too occupied to think about it like that. He just got his new job, he has a thousand new things to worry about. He won’t read into it. If he does, he’ll think of it as a heat of the moment sort of thing.
Inside, Jeongguk pauses, staring at where you were standing just a second ago and scratches the back of his neck. The corners of his mouth turn up slowly. 
He finds himself checking his phone every five minutes for a text from you, which never comes.
At the end of the day, it was your fault. 
It was your thoughtless action that made Jeongguk think that incorporating romantic gestures like that into your relationship could still be platonic. You rocked the boat with that one, but it wasn’t enough to completely capsize your vessel, and for that you were grateful. 
Still, your heart now tore itself into smaller and smaller pieces every time he kissed you goodbye or grabbed your hand to swing it back and forth or wrapped his arm around you after cleaning up. 
“By the way,” he says, tossing you one of his shirts from his place in front of his dresser. He pulls on a clean pair of boxers as you cover up. “There’s this work dinner I have to go to next week for networking and stuff, and it’s a buffet-type thing so they charge you for a spot. But, I found out that there is a couple’s discount and was wondering if maybe… you’d want to come with me?”
The hopeful sparkle in his eyes is one you just can’t ignore. Doing so would feel like a one-way ticket to hell, the only valid consequence for such a rotten crime.
“Yeah, sure.”
His smile at your compliance takes away all the apprehension you might have had, at least for a second. He wears it like a medal.
“Okay, good. I have to talk to a lot of people so I’d just feel better if you were there.”
Your brows draw together as you watch him get dressed. “But Gguk, you’re good at talking to people,” you say, going as far as to admit teasingly, “You’re fairly charming.”
He laughs, hopping into his slacks. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I don’t freak out inside. It’s scary!” The dark brown mop of hair atop his head jostles into his eyes as he adds, “There’s gonna be a lot of well-known people there so it’s my chance to make some connections.”
Despite that, you’re sure he’ll be just fine. By nature, Jeongguk is inviting and easy to talk to. That is one of the reasons why you became such fast friends, and probably why you lasted so long. Along with his agreeable presence, his captivating looks probably wouldn’t hurt in striking up a deal either, though you’d never say that to his face.
“What’s the dress code?”
“Semi-formal I think?” He says, looking out of the corner of his eye. “I don’t know what that constitutes in terms of dresses but…”
A certain memory tugs at the back of his head. He considers just leaving it there, maybe slightly sentimental for his usual image, but what’s the harm in bringing it up?
“Do you remember the dress you wore for my brother’s graduation dinner? The blue one?”
You, on the other hand, are just surprised he remembers something like that. It must have been years ago by now. Still, it’s a good memory. It was a breezy evening by the shore to celebrate his brother’s graduation from college. The dinner was nice, but the best part was when you and Jeongguk ended up sneaking off to go sit on the beach later on in the night.  
Jeongguk is intertwined into nearly every lasting memory you make. It’s hard to imagine a world where he isn’t a part of each story you retell or each thought that crosses your mind.
“Oh, yeah, of course. It’s probably buried in my closet somewhere.” 
He’s relieved you don’t question him.
You might have to do some digging when you get home to find it, but you definitely still have it. It’s not like you have the money to be purchasing new semi-formal dresses for every occasion.
“That would be good. Or something like it, I don’t know.” He finishes buttoning up his shirt and tugs on the cuffs to straighten them out. His reflection in the mirror sends you a beaming smile, at this point accepting how his heart rate seems to spike every time he sees you in one of his shirts nowadays. He’s gotten very good at lending them to you casually.
He continues after a glance at the clock tells him he’s been letting his time with you slip on for more time than he can afford even though he wishes he could stay. “Anyway, I have to get going so make sure you lock the door behind you when you leave.” And then he’s padding out the door, car keys jingling in his hand as he picks them up from the dish on the kitchen counter.
“Oh, and Y/N?” He pokes his head around the hallway entrance to see you. “There’s coffee out here for you when you want it.”
He dashes off before you have the chance to react or even say thank you, a sheepish grin tugging at his features as he walks to his car. When you go out to see, it’s already made with cream and sugar, just the way you like.
“You look really pretty tonight, Y/N,” Jeongguk says, voice soft as ever, eyeing your dress as you step out of the car. “Seriously, I mean it.” The heels you wear click evenly like a metronome’s beat on the pavement as you walk around to join him at his side.
You ignore the heat in your cheeks, rather offering an endearing grin as you grip the clutch in your hand. “You too, Gguk. You’ll do great tonight. I wouldn’t be surprised if you made everyone here fall for you while you’re at it.”
His initial thought is to ask if that includes you, but his better judgment tells him it’s too bold. Instead, he just laughs and hands his car keys to the valet.
The dinner is a week later at a stunning three-floor, dimly lit fine dining restaurant decorated with dark hardwood and intricate chandeliers that make the soreness in your neck seem worth it while observing them.
Jeongguk cleans up nice, and even though you’ve already known this for a long time, you consider it a treat since this attire rarely, if ever, sees the light of day. 
He props out his elbow and nudges for you to take it, which you so graciously do. Together you walk to the glass doors, through which you can see the party has just started. You can already hear the muffled music and chatter in the background.
“By the way,” he says, leaning down to your ear, like what he’s about to tell you is no big deal. “I… might have told my coworkers that we’re engaged-”
“Engaged!?” you whisper, eyes wide and staring at him incredulously. 
So maybe he should have told you earlier. In his defense, he needed the extra time to produce an irrefutable excuse. In the end, it was only sort of reasonable, but he was hoping you would just roll with it. Isn’t that what the two of you always did?
“I know, I know! But listen. It just makes more sense in terms of you being my plus one and it also makes me seem like I have my shit together. And it’s always good for me to seem like I have my shit together, right?”
You sigh, narrowing your line of sight at him. “Okay. What do I do if someone asks why I’m not wearing my ring then?”
He mutters, “Oh, yeah.” Then he’s fishing through his side pocket and out comes a shiny silver ring with a small diamond placed into the center, held so flippant between his fingertips. “It’s my grandma’s. Borrowed it from home for this weekend.”
His heart pounds. Was that smooth enough? He has a lot of talents, but he isn’t sure if this was one of them just yet. Jeongguk tenses as he waits for your reaction. Best case scenario, his carefree attitude about it will rub off onto you.
“I figured it’d fit you,” he adds.
When it slides on perfectly, you know there’s no going back. Yet somehow, it is completely in character of him. You should have expected something like this because Jeongguk always has and always will be a man of spontaneity.
You’ll have to ask him how he knows your ring size sometime.
Inside, he introduces you to his coworkers. There are too many to remember but you catch a few here and there that you recall him talking about before, like Namjoon, the diligent Production Assistant and Taehyung, another member of the crew who he often eats lunch with. It’s an initial blur of faces and few-worded exchanges before you can take a breather off to the side.
“Not bad?” he asks, his thumb tracing circles over your knuckles. The way it makes your heart flutter is addictive. He has you in his palm and he doesn’t even know it. Unfortunately, you don’t know if it’s something you can give up yet, not without it being messy.
There’s a short line behind a board that displays the seating arrangement, and though it’s moving quickly, it allows you a moment of space from the other guests.
A tired smile pulls at your lips. “Not bad.” You squeeze his hand in yours.
The people in front of you move from the board into the dining hall so both of you can inch up. Jeongguk’s eyes trace the small handwriting, eventually spotting the two of you in the far corner of the room.
Dinner goes well, and Jeongguk does the most of the talking. It’s nice to see him so bright as he laughs with his coworkers. It’s that part of him that he’s had since he was a kid, the part that made him fit in so naturally and charm every person around him. Seeing it out in the open and no longer repressed from emotional baggage is heartwarming. Compared to a few months ago, you might not recognize him at all.
After a while, Jeongguk wipes his mouth with his napkin and pushes his chair out from the table. “Alright, I’m gonna head to the bar lounge for a little while and see who I can talk to. Are you gonna be fine on your own?”
He’s nervous, you can tell. By the way his eyes dart around the room, the way he’s biting the inside of his bottom lip. 
“Yeah, go ahead,” you nod, taking a sip of water. “I’ll just stick around here.”
He gives himself a once over and wipes his palms on his slacks.
You tap his shoulder, bringing him down so you can whisper to him a small, “You’ll do great.”
He pulls back with a shy, one-sided smile. “Thank you. I hope so. Text me if you need anything.” Effortlessly, he plants a chaste kiss to your cheekbone that has your face ablaze and excuses himself from the table. The feeling of his lips on your skin sticks well after he’s gone.
Ryujin, the script supervisor, puts down her drink with a roll of her eyes. “Finally, all the boys are gone. I’ve been trying to talk to you the entire time but he’s always butting in!”
It pulls a laugh from you. “No, no, he’s just trying to help,” you explain, “I’m new to everyone here so he just doesn’t want me to feel awkward.”
“Yada yada,” says a bubbly Chaeryoung, a PA, waving it off with her hand. “I expected him to be protective with how much he talks about you, but wow. It’s cute though. Sometimes I wish I had someone like that.”
“Yeah, I’m really lucky,” you nod, reminded that you’re just pretending. You’re lucky, but not that lucky. “But… wait, what kind of stuff does he say about me?”
Ryujin chortles at your worry. “Oh, only good things. Just stuff you do together, jokes, those kinds of things. You’re involved in a lot of stories in some way or another.”
“Like, “This one time in high school, Y/N and I got in a fight...” or “Last week, we went to this new brunch spot and Y/N got this sandwich…’” Chaeryoung clarifies, but it only makes you want to pry further.
As she says it, both of the memories come floating back clear as day. You can’t remember what exactly you argued over, but it had been when you were paired as partners in a history class. The sandwich, you recall, was heaven on earth. The images are picture-perfect despite how they’d been buried.
The fact that Chaeryoung remembered things you didn’t is mildly startling, but you’re more surprised that Jeongguk shared so much. Not that it’s an issue, you just didn’t think you’d find yourself being perceived by so many people you had no prior knowledge of. The idea of him spilling your high school gossip fits like a puzzle to his persona, but the thought never occurred to you that he might think about you when you’re not there.
But you won’t let yourself become too optimistic.
“Yeah,” you laugh, “I think it’s different since we grew up together as family friends. He’s in a lot of my stories, too.”
“Ugh, that’s cute,” Ryujin sighs. If only. “So when did you start liking each other? Or start dating?”
You take a deep breath as if you’re looking back on the day when in reality you’re just trying to come up with the most believable love story you can manage. It’s also your most ideal. Maybe if your current situation went the way you wanted.
“I think we liked each other at different times over the years. Y’know, I liked him when we were kids, he liked me when we were teenagers, kind of on and off like that. But sometime after college, I think the cycle lined up once and for all and…“
Do you think you could manifest it by speaking it into existence?
“...here we are.”
That thought was stupid. You make yourself forget about it. Stop with the hope, remember?
When you finish your spiel, you think you’ve finally made it in the clear. Until another question comes.
“So what was your first date like? Was it weird?”
You know they’re just trying to make conversation, but god, you’re not ready for this. You’re preoccupied with other problems. If only they knew how your brain was short-circuiting in an effort to think up an explanation that will make you sound versed and most importantly, convincing. You go with what you wish had happened. 
“Um, a little bit, but since we had been close friends for such a long time, I think we had that mutual understanding of how things were so we could laugh about it. We just…” you say, shaking your head along, lips pursing as your train of thought rolls through the detailed daydream you know so well. “...went out to dinner one night... and it was sort of a process to transition to something more romantic, I guess, but it just kind of happened.”
But it feels nice to be Jeongguk’s girl. Even if you’re just playing a part. If you sink yourself into the atmosphere, tune into the clinking of the glasses, and the relaxing jazz in the background, you can pretend you’re really engaged and sharing your love story to whoever will listen.
Would it hurt too much to hold out on it one day become reality?
“I’m always so happy when the company hosts these events,” Chaeryoung comments, leaning back in her chair to take in the room. “It’s the only time I can come to a place like this since you know I can’t afford it with my own money.” A small talk sort of laugh bubbles up from her as she says it. There is an inkling of confusion that strikes you at her words, but you think you’ll just brush it off for the sake of being casual.
Ryujin looks to you as she adds, “And they even let you bring a plus one for free! You know, I was thinking of bringing my boyfriend, but I just felt like it might have been too soon…”
Your brows furrow as you recall the conversation with Jeongguk. Didn’t he say that it was a pay per guest scenario?
“So the company pays for these dinners?” you ask out of pure curiosity and with no hint of suspicion weaved in your tone.
“Yeah!” says Chaeryoung. “It’s all from the company’s budget since this is technically a networking event. Usually, people swap ideas or come up with deals that turn into projects a couple of weeks down the line.”
You nod along as she explains eagerly, but all you can hear is that there never was a price to pay to begin with, and more importantly meaning that there never was a discount. Not one that Jeongguk needed you around for. 
But why would he lie? 
Maybe Jeongguk was embarrassed asking for your company or didn’t want his ego bruised by telling you it was free and he wouldn’t have to pay for you. It’s the benefit of the doubt for your best friend (and love of your life, but that’s a separate issue) that makes it your first thought. In reality, thinking about the boy you know, it doesn’t make sense. At this point, he shouldn’t have to feel like that when it comes to you. 
Whatever the case may be, you hope that he knows he’d never need an excuse to invite you somewhere. It’s not like you’d ever refuse. You’d never refuse him, not in any life.
It’s the middle of the night when another bad dream jolts you awake with a pounding heartbeat. Your eyes flutter open, brimmed with tears, to reveal that the moon is still high in the sky above the towering buildings, and a shift to the side facing the nightstand lets you know you have another three hours before you have to start your day and leave Jeongguk’s apartment.
The last few weeks, the dreams have been growing more and more common. Not enough for you to dread going to sleep just yet, but definitely something you’re quickly getting sick of. At this point, you’re tired of going to sleep just to wake up freaked out in a cold sweat. You chalk it up to the stress piling on you, not only that of regular adult life but that of your messy relationship with your best friend.
How ironic that must be, considering the whole reason it started was to relieve stress when now it’s your main source.
You empty your lungs with a shaky sigh and slide to the edge of the bed, intending to fetch a glass of water to calm yourself down. Before you can reach your feet, Jeongguk’s arm catches you at your waist, and then you’re being reeled back under the covers.
“Easy,” he mumbles, his voice grainy and low from sleep, “You’re fine. Talk to me.”
You swallow thickly, the scenes from your subconscious flashing back to you. “Um, that’s alright. Not a big deal.”
You wish he’ll just leave it at that and fall back asleep like he usually does. When his breathing steadies, you think you’re in the clear, but you are horribly mistaken when he yawns and adds, “You’ve been having a lot of nightmares recently.”
Is it another prompt for you to talk? You’re not sure what to say. 
In fact, you’re never sure what to say anymore. Never sure what’s too much, what’s too little, what the difference is between what you say and what you mean. The line blurred months ago and now you’re wandering blind.
You’d enjoy moments like this if it wasn’t for the stark fact that the person you’re with doesn’t love you like you love him. 
 “Yeah…” you agree. Right now, your chest is heavy and not strong enough to support a conversation. You hope that he’s not too drowsy to take the hint.
A small sound from him makes it seem like another sleepy sentence is in the works, but fortunately, the tension in your chest begins to fade when nothing comes out. His hair shuffles against the pillow and he presses a featherlight kiss to the back of your neck, lips lingering there for a second too long before he sinks back into his position.
When you’re sure he’s slipped under the veil of slumber again, you carefully slide out of his grasp and squeeze into your own space at the edge of the bed. You don’t know how much longer you can last like this.
“She texted me.”
The sentence makes you stop chewing. Your movements stop aside from an absent blinking, gears spinning overtime to process it.
“She uh, she wants to meet up,” he tacks on. “I think I should go.”
“Why would you do that?”
Jeongguk slowly twists the pasta around his fork, taking a blatant newfound interest in his dinner. He takes a deep breath, but when he opens his mouth, the words catch in his throat.
“I don’t know. I think we need to talk about what happened.”
You scoff, and he takes an immediate offense to it. His eyebrows knit together as a wounded expression takes form on his features.
“What happened? Gguk, she dumped you because you were going through a hard time and she didn’t want to ‘deal’ with it.”
It’s not just you playing the protective best friend role and trying to talk sense into him. It’s not jealousy, either. And sure, maybe you never liked her to begin with, but for good reason. She ended up doing exactly what you thought she would - shattering his heart into a million pieces and leaving it for someone else to pick up the pieces. And considering that’s been you on a multitude of occasions, you think your point of view is valid.
“Listen, I don’t blame her… That can be really hard on someone.”
“So it’s okay for them to just pop in out of the blue, say they can’t handle your emotional issues and bounce? Someone who they claimed to love for over a year and a half? Someone who they were thinking about marrying?”
Jeongguk purses his lips as you speak, a hefty exhale coming through his nose in frustration.
“I just miss her sometimes!”
And you really wish Jeongguk would love you back, but we can’t all get our way, can we?
Not to throw yourself a pity party, though. It’s not like he owes you anything for what you do because you brought it on yourself. He doesn’t control your feelings, even when you want to blame the nerve he has for smiling because it makes you get all jittery. 
“She doesn’t even give a shit about me anymore! She’s out with other guys, doing all this shit, posting it everywhere. I… I loved her so bad and she acts like she has no clue.”
You give him pep talks when he’s about to go out with someone else. You comfort him when he’s distraught over someone else. You love him when he loves someone else. 
And then-
“You don’t know what that’s like.”
You freeze. Your heart leaps to your throat, closing the gate on your lungs until you forcibly open them again as subtle as possible. A stinging feeling you know all too well burns in your eyes as you try to hold back. Jeongguk doesn’t notice in the slightest as his gaze is still fixated on his food.
Your initial reaction is anger. All you want to do is yell, tell him wrong, tell him that you know it all too well because you love him and he’s pathetically oblivious whether by his nature or by choice. Everything you want to say, shouts and confessions, float across your mind and bounce around the walls as each one brings you further to opening your mouth and letting them spill. Then you just want to cry.
But you won’t do any of that. Your situation won’t allow it, not if you want to risk losing him. It’s not a risk you’re willing to take, even if it means suffering in it by yourself and letting the irony of his words go unrealized.
“Yeah, you’re right,” you sigh, the fork gripped by your white knuckles tapping mindlessly against the side of the bowl as you swallow the feeling back down. Your hand comes up to scratch at the corner of your eye, wiping away the wetness beginning to pool composedly so he won’t notice.
“I don’t.”
It’s on a Tuesday evening a couple of weeks in the future when you next see him. 
Maybe more than a couple. Maybe a few. Maybe too many. Just enough for his tone to turn to something more confrontational than just casual when he sends you a text saying that he wants to see you again. Particularly when he specified that no, he needed to see you again.
He suggests the park by the river. You’ve been there a few times with him for lunches and to hang out, but the energy is different this time around. Both of you know why you’re here, even though you never thought you’d have to be. 
For a while, you didn’t want to make things weird, so you’d come over when he’d ask and leave as soon as you could in an attempt to curb the damage on your heart. It wasn’t until three weeks ago that you actively started flaking on him. You’d let his calls ring until he hung up or left a message and say you were busy when there was absolutely nothing going on. 
He stopped by your apartment at one point, too. You were freaking out after he texted you he’d be visiting, pacing around and wondering what to do, what to respond, if to respond at all. The knock at your door came sooner than you expected. Before you were about to pull it open and face what you’d been so casual about denying for so long, it occurred to you: You could simply not open the door.
So you waited. He knocked a few more times, sighing so loud you could hear through the door. He called out your name softly, as if he knew you were right on the other side. He stayed for a few more minutes. Then came the sound of his footsteps padding away. You were safe for another day, but the awful feeling stuck in your chest for days.
It stuck in his, too. He knew he should have never gone that far, never said anything that night, but he also wondered if he could have done it any other way. Standing at your door and having to face the fact that you were undeniably steering clear of him, because of him, was a nightmare. It was stupid of him, but you’d see past it - wouldn’t you?
And now you’re seeing him live and in person for the first time in god knows how long. It’s a foreign feeling you’ve never felt with Jeongguk before, and you hate it. It’s been long enough for the sense of familiarity to fade, or at least be buried by time. 
Is this how a comet feels when it passes earth again after so many years apart? Does it feel new every time seeing how things have changed, or are they old friends who pick up where they left off?
“ So… what’s been going on with you?” Jeongguk asks nonchalantly, leaning back on his elbows and shaking the hair out of his eyes. “It’s been a while.”
“Uhh, I don’t know,” you shrug, vision focused on the calm waters in front of you. You tug at the grass under your fingertips, loosely hugging your knees to your chest as you sit beside him. “Not much I guess. Just work as usual, you know.”
“Yeah, but how are you?” he presses, trying to find your eyes as you avoid his.
He knew something was wrong from the evident distance and your attitude, but he didn’t think it’d be this bad. He didn’t think he’d fucked up this bad.
Your laugh is awkward and forced. “I’ve been fine. Been good.”
Thinking about the past few weeks, it’s not hard to remember but incredibly hard to grasp. It’s the same moments over and over, sourced from a lonely routine. Day by day spending time with yourself, missing Jeongguk, thinking about texting him but never doing it. Wash, rinse, repeat.
His face turns from you and you miss it the second you can’t see it. The feeling is off and both of you know it. He sucks his lower lip into his mouth, biting at it as he thinks of what to say. If the wrong thing comes out, he’s worried he’ll chase you even further away. It took so much to even get you here.
“Listen, can I be honest with you?” he says.
Honesty is the best policy, isn’t it? He’s tired of beating around the bush. The two of you know so much more than bland small talk.
He takes a deep breath. “I always thought that nothing could ever be uncomfortable with you and me. Like we could be straightforward and blunt without it being weird. But things right now are really weird and I don’t know what happened. You’re avoiding me and you don’t want to see me. It’s not like it used to be.”
Your nails scrape beneath each other, entangled in your lap. Clearly things aren’t the same, but you don’t have the energy to be snarky. There are so many things to address and you’re ignorant on where to start.
“I know there wasn’t a discount for the work dinner.”
He nods, looking out over the river. “Yeah, figured.”
“So why’d you lie?”
It’s his turn to shrug. “I just wanted you there and I didn’t know how to ask you. I… was starting to feel the shift and I wasn’t sure what to do about it. Saying that just gave me an excuse to take any of the weight off.”
He adds quietly, “Your turn.”
“Gguk,” you start, shaking your head as you try to find the right words. You think of the kiss, the dinner, the ring, the argument.
“We act like a couple. We do things couples do. We pretend we’re a couple. But... we aren’t a couple.”
He’s silent. He knows where you’re going. He knew it before you even got here because if you didn’t bring it up first, he would have.
“I think you already know what’s going on, but if you need it spelled out for you, I kinda caught feelings for you. And then you give me your grandmother’s wedding ring and tell me you love me and it hurts so fucking bad because I know you don’t mean it like that. Not the way I wish you did.”
The words dissipate into the fresh evening air, soon filled by delicate chirps and birdsongs. Distant laughter floats around the park, with muffled ferry horns layered behind it all.
“How do you know?”
Your hand pauses, chlorophyll green blades pulled taut between your fingers. No fucking way.
He scratches the back of his neck before locking his eyes with yours. “How do you know... that I don’t mean it like that?”
He’s not playing with you, is he? No, he wouldn’t. You respond slightly confused, hesitant to lean into his words just yet.
“Are you saying that you do?”
He laughs and it makes your chest feel like it might burst open. “You’re kidding, right? I’ve been saying it. I mean, I thought I was being obvious.”
You suppress the excitement bubbling in your stomach for a second longer to throw him a questionable expression with an extended palm for emphasis. “You told me you wanted to go see your ex-girlfriend and were talking about how you loved her.”
He exhales through his teeth as he squints at you. “Yeah, that went a little far...”
“Only a little?”
“I’m apologizing, so let me, please?” He says, eyes wide with a small smile tweaking up at his lips. “It was stupid. I wanted to see what you would say or if you would get jealous. ‘Cause I thought you might have felt the same and at the time that was the only thing I could think of doing.”
Your expression falls.
“Wait, so did you actually meet up with her?”
“No, no!” He exclaims, rushing to refute such a bizarre idea. “Yes, she texted me, but I said no. Everything you said was right, so… it wasn’t worth it.”
He thinks he’s done, until he sees your stare still lingering on him. What’d he miss? He flops over on his stomach, elbows in the grass as his chin rests on his palms to look at you.
“You also said I didn’t know what it was like to love someone who didn’t love me back.”
A cheeky grin grows on him. “Okay... but technically you don’t because I loved you back the whole time.” One of his arms lowers to the ground, his fingers finding your own. He weaves them together with an affectionate squeeze. “You just didn’t know.”
The way your heart flutters is different this time. Gone are the tiring nerves and teary eyes and the weight of stress on your shoulders. It’s a comfortable sort of excitement, one that you’re in love with almost as much as you are with the boy himself.
“Since when?” you ask shyly, feeling the tingle in your cheeks. 
It’s a relief to have Jeongguk back. A life without him wouldn’t be one you could ever get used to. 
He was there at the start, he’s here now, and he will be here for as long as he possibly can. When it comes to you, there’s no doubt. He’s yours every time.      
His deep brown eyes sparkle under the setting sun, golden and glowing, as he makes a point to find your own. Tone dulcet and tender, he says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Since always.”
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nctzendreamz · 5 years
Crazy, Rich, and They Hate Me :: Part Eight
Jaehyun finally takes you home, but he forgets to mention that his family is the richest in South Korea.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Part Six Part Seven
Jaehyun x Reader ft. NCT
Genre: Angst/ Fluff
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“The royal wedding.” Heechul whispered as the three of you pulled up to the expensive scene. There were cameras everywhere. Multiple limos continues to line up behind the mustang you currently sat in, and even though they didn’t know you saw them, everyone wanted to know who was in this car.
“You don’t seem nervous.” Jasmine questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m a good liar.” You whispered, unconsciously tapping your leg out of their view.
“You look beautiful, okay? And you’re at Park Rosé’ wedding. And she actually likes you.” Heechul said in shock.
“What’s the supposed to mean?” You asked in an offended tone.
“Look, all I’m saying, is that you have an opportunity here. Just like we told you at the house, show these snobs that you can look better, be better, and arrive all alone. You got this.”
“I got this.” You assured yourself, before taking a deep breath, and stepping outside of the vehicle. You felt like a celebrity who had to put on an act as a smile immediately found its way to your cheeks. The lights flashing at you made you sweat even more, but the closer you got to the wedding entrance, the more confidence you felt.”
“That dress.” You heard a reporter whisper, clearly in awe of you.
“Everyone this way!” Another yelled, and you realized that their attention was previously on Yuna and her posse. A genuine smile crept on your cheeks at how angry she looked. She stormed inside as well as the rest of her friends, while you continued to pose on the red carpet.
When you finally did get inside, you could spot your biggest fear. She walked with her cousins and sisters, and rolled Grandma through the semi crowded hallway. You looked up at where you were, and you couldn’t believe that most of the people in here were used to this. The white walls were pure, just as they should be. It reminded you of Johnny and Rosé, and how their relationship isn’t about how much wealth they could gain together in the future. It was about love.
When you walked into the room where the ceremony was being held, your eyes enlarged even more if that was even possible.
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You had never seen anything like it. The lanterns, the plants scattered all around. It was so beautiful. People were all around, some mingling, and some trying to figure out the best place to sit. Your eyes were on Mrs. Jung, as you finally were able to handle the verdict.
She was never going to approve of you. She was never going to accept you.
“You look absolutely stunning, Mrs. Jung.” You bowed as you approached her on the front row. Everyone looked as if you had the biggest balls they’d ever come across.
She was silent for a moment, before she nodded her head gently. “Thank you. You look...nice as well.”
“And you too ladies.” You greeted. “So beautiful.” You whispered.
“Us? Look at you!” One of them spoke. “That dress? Divine.”
You watched as Jaehyun’s mother gave her the side eye, clearly not enjoying the compliments you were receiving, but you felt no pain. You also noticed the way she kept her purse in place so you couldn’t sit down with the rest of the family, but that didn’t surprise you either.
You turned around swiftly, and scanned around for a place to sit. All of a sudden you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Are you Y/N?” An older woman questioned. She was wearing red just like you, and her eyes were unmistakably those of the bride.
“Yes ma’am.” You said with a bright smile, taking her hand.
“Would you mind escorting me to my seat? I’m getting a little up there in age.” She smiled back.
“Of course, but you don’t look a day over 25. Don’t you know?”
As you sat her down, you saw her pat the space beside her. “I see why my daughter speaks so highly of you. I’m sure you’ve figured out I’m her mother.”
“Those eyes are hard to ignore.”
She giggled softly, clearly reminiscing about her only child. “Ah, yes. She’s always looked like me.”
“Are you sad about today?” You questioned, rubbing her back softly.
“No.” And in her eyes, you could see that she meant it. “Rosé used to always say to me, ‘Mom, no one will ever love me.’ I used to think she sounded absolutely ridiculous until she got older and explained to me what she actually meant.”
“And what was that?”
“I think you know.” She smirked, placing her hand on yours.
All of a sudden, you remembered the conversation you and Rosé had on the beach. The one where she vented to you about how she feels people only see her for her status, and not for her.
“Oh, yes.” You recalled. “She told you about that?”
“She told all of us. She also talked to Johnny about it.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “She did?”
“As I told you, she very much so adores you. And so does Jaehyun.”
The mention of Jaehyun’s name made every memory from the previous night to aflame in your mind. God, you missed him. You had no idea if he wanted to see you, but you wanted to apologize.
“He was there too.” She said, snapping you out of your thoughts. “He was so frantic, saying he ruined everything.”
Your heart was breaking the more and more she spoke.
“But in the end, he was alright. He’s a good boy. Always has been.”
“Was Johnny upset? I hate for all of this to happen during his wedding.”
“Johnny will always be better than okay. My son and Jaehyun are like brothers, and family doesn’t turn away from eachother. We love eachother, and I believe we all needed last night. It was like a last goodbye, almost. Johnny is officially a man after today.” She chuckled once again.
You couldn’t even speak as your eyes rested on your hands.
“In life, I’ve learned to never focus on the people that don’t like you.” She said suddenly. “It’ll only put you in a bad mood, and can deter you away from the ones you love, and the people that love you.”
Just a few feet away, eyes were burning into your features.
“Is she here?” Johnny questioned.
“Yeah.” Jaehyun said in a shocked tone. Deep down, he knew you were coming. God, you looked so amazing. You always did. “She’s talking to your mom.”
“Really?” Johnny was the surprised one now, peeking his head from behind the curtain. “Holy shit that’s a lot of people.” He breathed out nervously.
“Everything is going to be fine. You look great, the venue looks great.” Jaehyun placed a hand on his broad shoulder. “It’s finally here.”
“It’s finally here.” His voice trembled as he spoke. “I get to marry the girl of my dreams.”
“The love of your life.”
“The love of my life.” He confirmed. “With my bestfriend by my side.”
“With your bestfriend by your side.” Jaehyun grinned, his dimple coming out with pride.
“Are you guys done making out yet?” Lucas yawned.
“Yeah pretty boy.” Jaehyun promptly snatched the glasses off of his face, throwing them on the ground.
“Those were expensive!”
“Yeah? Well I think the people would rather see your eyes. I promise you no sponsors are watching.”
“I hope they are.” Taeyong snarked as he rested on the corner. “Maybe it’ll digress his ego.”
“Did mommy yell at you again last night?” Yuta joined in, squeezing his cousins cheek.
Taeyong was silent for a minute, before removing his hand from his face in dramatic fashion. “Not anymore than usual. I’m just...”
“Realizing this is our last boyish moment?” Haechan said.
“Yeah.” He whispered.
“Oh, don’t even get me started.” Johnny sighed, eyes up to the ceiling. He didn’t want to cry before the wedding even started.
“Remember that time when Jaehyun broke the statue of Buddha in the foyer, but he really wanted to go to the fencing tournament so we all took the blame for him?” Lucas said in a somber tone, even though he was laughing.
“And he never payed us back for it.” Yuta eyed.
“That was my one crime!” Jaehyun explained. “Let’s talk about I was always covering for you two.” He pointed at Yuta and Lucas, “for always sneaking girls in. I was risking my life.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Yuta sighed. “Remember that time we all got mad at Haechan and Taeyong because they told on us.”
“And we made up because we saw those spoiled brats messing with the two of them at school, and beat them up.” Johnny couldn’t breathe at this point.”
“I’ll never forget that one.” Taeyong smiled. “It was the first time I felt like I had brothers.”
“Me too.” Haechan agreed.
Now there was silence. It was pure. It was loving.
“It’s true that we can’t be kids forever.” Lucas sighed. “But what we have is something that can never be broken.”
“A brotherhood that lasts forever.” Johnny whispered.
“Forever.” The rest of them said in unison.
“And we’ll always be here.” Jaehyun added. “No matter what.”
“And Taeyong.” Yuta spoke suddenly. “I’m sorry if you think we’re like your parents. We know how good you are at what you do, and we’ve always been proud of you.”
“Thanks, bro.”
“And Jae.” Lucas sighed dramatically. “What I said about Y/N wasn’t cool. But...if you guys are about to break up...”
“And there he is.” They all said.
Together, they all came to Johnny in a group hug, squeezing the life out of him. They stood there for what felt like forever.
Suddenly, the slow ballad began, and they knew it was their que.
One by one, they approached the alter. Johnny couldn’t breathe, and Jaehyun couldn’t help but to look at you for a quick second. He could tell you didn’t notice. The woman hired to sing set the mood perfectly, and the instruments matched the theme. The floral designs everywhere made it all so real for everyone.
The flower girls came out first. They gained awe’s from the crowd who ruffled their hair gently as they threw their flowers out.
The melody continued as they made their way to the alter, giving Johnny and they rest of the cousins big hugs. You couldn’t help but tear up at the sight of Jaehyun. You wanted kids with him. You wanted this moment with him.
Suddenly the lights lowered, and the singing stopped. You were told before the wedding started that this was where the lanterns were supposed to be brought out hanging for the bride to walk through. Together, everyone followed instructions and lit the aisle up. It was so beautiful. Her bridesmaids appeared for a short moment before they moved out of the way and revealed Rosé while water flowed through the aisle. It was guaranteed the most perfection thing you had ever seen.
“Wow.” You whispered. She looked essentric. “She cut her hair.” You smiled as a tear finally dropped down onto your hand.
Now you couldn’t help but to let your eyes go back to Jaehyun, who was finally looking at you too. Time really did stop as the two of you looked at eachother. It always did. It was almost telepathic as you both apologized with your begging, watery eyes. The beginning of your journey replayed like a flash, and you both knew. You knew this was far from over, and that not even the worst could make you two not be soulmates. You can’t mess with fate.
I love you. He mouthed as he bit his lip to contain his tears.
I love you. You mouthed back, wiping the river from your eyes.
Jaehyun then put his hand on Johnny’s shoulder, comforting his brother as he couldn’t contain his tears either.
Rosé had finally made her way to the steps of the alter, her father giving her away and Johnny assisting her.
“Before we join these two in marriage, they have vows.” The minister said, stepping back.
“Johnny.” Rosé spoke in a shaky voice, paper in hand. “These past few years with you have been the best years of my life. When I first met you, I was scared. I was so scared because you were so convincing. For the first time I felt myself falling in love with someone, but better yet, I could tell he was falling in love with me too and it was absolutely horrifying. I wanted to see this day so bad, but I knew something bad would happen, or you were going to break my heart...but you didn’t. And now, I get to call you my husband, and start a family with you, and I just...love you.” A smile radiated across her cheeks as she placed the ring on his finger.
“Rosé.” Johnny sniffled, causing everyone in the audience to awe at his transparent nature. “You are the reason I’m the man I am today. Before we met, I didn’t know myself at all. You showed me that I was human. You’re the one who’s always there for me, you’re the one who showed me just how beautiful life can be—the one who showed me happiness in its purest form. There are so many words that fit with you because you are that amazing, but the most important is that you are the love of my life. I can’t believe God blessed me with you, but I vow today that I will never take advantage of this opportunity. I won’t let you down.” He slipped the huge diamond onto her finger.
Jaehyun once again took a peak at you. As he listened to the vows being said, he noticed that this is exactly how he felt towards you. You were the only person he wanted to see when he hated the world. Even when he didn’t, all he wanted was you. You made him feel human. Not just some rich boy who could take care of you. You saw him for who he actually was. A man who could be insecure, awkward, and could make mistakes. You could take his mind off anything he didn’t want to think about. You are the love of his life.
“Do you, Johnny Suh, take Rosé to be your wife?”
“I do.”
“Do you, Rosé Park, take Johnny Suh to be your husband?”
“I do.”
“Well on that touching note, I now prounouce you, husband and wife.”
Cheers and confetti erupted from the venue. Johnny and Rosé connect in a passionate kiss before joining hands and stepping back into the watered aisle.
Now it was time to party.
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knjoodles · 5 years
mismatched pages; jimin x reader
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pairing: writer!jimin x writer!reader
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 1.2K
summary: you love writing. it’s your passion, it’s what you dream to do forever. up until you find out the guy you really like also happens to be the guy who’s stealing your ideas. then it sucks.
lowercase intended.
02 (a lot longer than this first chapter)
“shit!” you exclaimed, tumbling out of your dorm and into the hallway. you were 15 minutes late to class, and it takes 15 minutes to walk there. you stood in front of the elevator, tapping your foot out of pure terror and nerve. “okay,” you said to yourself, “elevator’s not fast. stairs, stairs!” you whipped towards the stairwell on the other side of the hall and dashed towards them, scurrying down the stairs and nearly tripping over at least twice. 
once you reached the ground floor, you let yourself take a breather. “i need to get back into shape.” you groaned, rubbing your temples before adjusting the uncomfortable way your sock was sitting on your foot and, again, setting off to run to your class. “fuck!” you muttered. “dr. yang is going to kick my ASS!”
thanks to the cup of iced latte you downed in ten minutes, your body running on pure adrenaline, and that leftover chinese from last night, you reached your class in 7 minutes. embarrassed that you were out of breath, you spent about 30 seconds catching it before walking in.
you opened the door slowly so to not be embarrassed about your entire class eyeing you for being late and were nicely surprised as none of them even bat an eye at you. dr. yang, your professor, raised his eyebrows at you and motioned for you to make your way over to his desk before starting your classwork.
“(y/n),” he said, “can you explain to me why you were late?”
“i, um,” you fiddled with the corner of your jacket and made eye contact with him; eye contact that was way too direct to not be awkward. “i stayed up last night working on the project you assigned, and then i went to sleep late. i woke up 40 minutes ago and realized how late i was. i'm sorry, it won’t happen again.”  you bowed.
dr. yang sighed, laying down the stack of papers he was filing and looked up at you. “(y/n), why are you working so hard?”
personally? you were stunned by that question. you never imagined in all your life that a teacher would ask you that question. 
“i mean, i assigned that a week ago! it’s due at the end of the semester!” he chuckled, shocked that you’d start that early. 
“but sir, everyone else has started!” you argued, trying justify why you slept at 5 a.m. last night. 
“well, has this ‘everyone else’ stayed up so late that they’re late to the class that the grade is for?” dr. yang queried. “(y/n). i don’t want to discourage hard work and hard working people, but you already excel in this class. you don’t need to do this, and?  it’s better if you don’t. you should live your life the way you want to, but please, if not for you than for your teacher, let yourself rest.”
you were appalled to say the least. you could barely say a word; your teacher just told you to stop working so hard? “i,”  you started, forgetting how to form coherent sentences. “i understand, dr. yang.”
“good. now, if you were here for the first 20-something minutes of class, you’d know that there were two assignments today.” he teased as he stood up. “one assignment was to work on the semester project. but, i knew some people like you would be almost completely done with that. so, i created the second assignment: an in-class assignment, which doubles as me entering my students in a contest. you must write up a fully original short story. it can be about anything you like, any theme you want, any genre, etc. then, once it has been proofread by another student, it’ll be read by a panel of judges, who’ll be judging short stories from all over the world. the top ten writers will then move on to a sequel competition. the top three writers will be awarded a large sum of money, and, if one of my students wins, they will earn 30% extra credit on their final exam. it’s one of the toughest writing competitions out there, so great achievements deserve great rewards. and, everything will be done-” he paused, looking at you.
“wow,” you exclaimed, feeling like the wind was knocked out of you. 30% extra credit on your final exam? that’s so many points, you could drown in them. “that sounds amazing, im so glad you’re giving us this opportunity to-“
“-in partners.” he finished, watching your eyes grow like saucers and your jaw drop ever so slightly.
“in... in partners?” you stumbled over your words. ideas for this were already flying through your head. but now you have to work with someone else? in a class where you only talk to two other people? who you’ve known since you were in middle school? 
“yes!” dr. yang hummed, ridding the whiteboard of tiny marks. “but, partners have already been chosen. fortunately, there’s someone else who thought they could get by by themselves.”
“sir, im not sure if i want to-"
“park jimin. he’ll be your partner.” dr. yang turned to you and smiled, placing his whiteboard eraser rag in a drawer and sitting back down in his chair.
“park jimin? you mean, that park jimin?” you motioned over to a man sitting with his nose so close to his laptop, his face was basically part of it.
“do you know any other park jimins in this class?” dr. yang asked, opening his laptop to reply to emails. “get to introducing yourself. he thinks he’s working by himself too.”
with dr. yang quite literally shoo-ing you away with silence and a hand wave, you realized that park jimin was probably going to have to be your best friend until the end of the year. and so you set off, racing up the stairs of your lecture hall, making a beeline for jimin. “excuse me?”
“mhm?” he hummed, turning to you. it would be an understatement to say that it was a change of scenery and what you thought he looked like. you barely saw him; the times you did look at him, his face was masked by his laptop. and the rest of the time, you didn’t really pay attention to him. now, getting a chance to get a good look at him, you studied his features. he had a very attractive facial structure, with high cheekbones and plump lips. his hair was a sleek black color, which really complemented his outfit of beige and dusty blue. you noted how sharp his nose was and how nicely his eyes were shaped. this made life a little easier. at least he wasn’t an eyesore. 
“hi, i'm (y/n).” you held out your hand, which he stared at for a couple seconds before getting the memo that he was supposed to shake it.
“hi, (y/n),” he smiled, clasping your hand with both of his and giving a firm handshake. “do you need something from me? do you need me to write your essay for you?” he giggled.
“no,” you laughed awkwardly. “about the second assignment, the contest one?”
“yeah?” he nodded, resting his head in his right hand.
“dr. yang assigned us as partners, so here i am!”
“dr. yang assigned us as-” he paused to laugh to himself. “him letting me go solo that easily sounded too good to be true.”
a pang of embarrassment washed over you. “i mean, if you don’t want to work with me-”
“no, no! it’s not that at all,” he assured you, pulling over the chair next to him and motioning for to sit down. “i knew he’d do something like this was what i was saying. nothing against you. i’ve just met you!” 
“that's good to know, i guess,” you smiled. “i know that you’re really creative, so maybe later today we can go to a library and bounce ideas off each other?”
“why don’t i treat you to lunch and get to know you better?” he asked. from how introverted he acted in class, you never expected that he’d be so social from the get-go. “i know this really good café only a 10 minute drive from here.”
“well, if you insist,” you said, his smile overtaking any sort of anxiety you felt. you rubbed your thumb on top of your palm in excitement. in huge contrast to high-school, you’re not too social right now.
“great. meet me in front of ginam hall and then we can go!” jimin promised before turning back to his laptop to work on whatever he was on his laptop.
you awkwardly stood up. was that it? dr. yang directly told you to start working on your project after he lectured you. you waited for a solid minute, quietly chewing on your lip and expecting that jimin would offer to share ideas or something. 
“uh, jimin?” you blurted, the weight of your uncomfortableness outweighing your patience at that point. he turned and raised his eyebrows, lowering his laptop screen and laying his hand on the table.
“yup?” he asked, crossing his legs.
“did dr. yang not tell you our project starts now? like we have to work on it today?” 
“he didn’t say we had to work on it together, today! see it this way, we both brainstorm some deas for our story; plan it out, write down a summary of the plot, make like three of them. then, when we meet up in the library when both of our classes are over we can 
you almost imploded at this idea. it wasn’t  bad or anything, but three plot ideas? three of them? and who said that we were meeting up after lunch? you thought jimin’s replacement for meeting up at the library was lunch! you didn’t sign up for two. “i, um,” you stuttered. “i guess that’s alright?”
jimin beamed, the large round ceiling lights making his eyes glitter. “great! i’ll see you at 12:15 at ginam, right?”
“mhm!” you hummed, flashing him a frail smile and giving two thumbs up before turning around and skittering to your partners in crime, jung hyeyeon and kang jaehyun.
“since when do you talk to park jimin?” hyeyeon pondered, drumming her fingers against the gray of her macbook. 
“yeah, that was weird.” jaehyun nodded. 
“stop it!” you silently scolded, sitting down in between them and fishing out your laptop, letting your bag drop under the desk and on the floor. “it’s ‘cause dr. yang put us in a group since him and i are almost completely finished with our semester project.”
“seriously? is that why you were late?” jaehyun gawked. “i could barely find a topic to report on! how did you finish so fast?”
“i mean, i'm not done done,” you explained, waving your hands as you waited for your laptop to load your project. “i just need someone to proofread so i can make edits. then i'm done.”
“so basically, you’re done.” hyeyeon snickered. “but you and jimin…” she nudged you with her elbow, raising her eyebrows.
“oh, come on!” you laughed. “don’t even start with that. i’ve known him for literally 10 minutes.”
“you guys wouldn’t even look bad!” hyeyeon defended herself, spinning on her chair in jaehyun’s direction. “right, jaehyun?”
“she isn’t wrong,” jaehyun agreed, spinning his pencil with his fingers. “it wouldn’t be ugly.”
“i only know his face and his name. it’s not like i know all of his deep, dark secrets or something. lay off, please?” you half laughed, half begged. 
“fine, fine,” hyeyeon raised her hands in defeat and scuttled her way back to her desk on her swivel chair. “we’ll shut up.” 
you turned your head to the other side of the room to look at jimin, typing away on his computer. you smiled to yourself, thinking about how, as different as you thought the two of you were, you were actually quite similar.
how nice.
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grigori77 · 5 years
2019 in Movies - My Top 30 Fave Movies (Part 1)
30.  GLASS – back in 2000, I went from liking the work of The Sixth Sense’s writer-director M. Night Shyamalan to becoming a genuine FAN thanks to his sneakily revisionist deconstruction of superhero tropes, Unbreakable.  It’s STILL my favourite film of his to date, and one of my Top Ten superhero movies EVER, not just a fascinating examination of the mechanics of the genre but also a very satisfying screen origin story – needless to say I’m one of MANY fans who’ve spent nearly two decades holding out hope for a sequel.  Flash forward to 2016 and Shyamalan’s long-overdue return-to-form sleeper hit, Split, which not only finally put his career back on course but also dropped a particularly killer end twist by actually being that very sequel.  Needless to say 2019 was the year we FINALLY got our PROPER reward for all our patience – Glass is the TRUE continuation of the Unbreakable universe and the closer of a long-intended trilogy.  Turns out, though, that it’s also his most CONTROVERSIAL film for YEARS, dividing audiences and critics alike with its unapologetically polarizing plot and execution – I guess that, after a decade of MCU and a powerhouse trilogy of Batman movies from Chris Nolan, we were expecting an epic, explosive action-fest to close things out, but that means we forgot exactly what it is about Shyamalan we got to love so much, namely his unerring ability to subvert and deconstruct whatever genre he’s playing around in.  And he really doesn’t DO spectacle, does he?  That said, this film is still a surprisingly BIG, sprawling piece of work, even if it the action is, for the most part, MUCH more internalised than most superhero movies.  Not wanting to drop any major spoilers on the few who still haven’t seen it, I won’t give away any major plot points, suffice to say that ALL the major players from both Unbreakable and Split have returned – former security guard David Dunn (Bruce Willis) has spent the past nineteen years exploring his super-strength and near-invulnerability while keeping Philadelphia marginally safer as hooded vigilante the Overseer, and the latest target of his crime-fighting crusade is Kevin Wendell Crumb (James McAvoy), the vessel of 24 split personalities collectively known as the Horde, who’s continuing his cannibalistic serial-murder spree through the streets.  Both are being hunted by the police, as well as Dr. Ellie Staple (series newcomer Sarah Paulson), a clinical psychiatrist specialising in treating individuals who suffer the delusional belief that they’re superheroes, her project also encompassing David’s former mentor-turned-nemesis Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson), the eponymous Mr. Glass, whose life-long suffering from a crippling bone disease that makes his body dangerously fragile has done nothing to blunt the  genius-level intellect that’s made him a ruthlessly accomplished criminal mastermind. How these remarkable individuals are brought together makes for fascinating viewing, and while it may be a good deal slower and talkier than some might have preferred, this is still VERY MUCH the Shyamalan we first came to admire – fiendishly inventive, slow-burn suspenseful and absolutely DRIPPING with cool earworm dialogue, his characteristically mischievous sense of humour still present and correct, and he’s retained that unswerving ability to wrong-foot us at every turn, right up to one of his most surprising twist endings to date.  The cast are, as ever, on fire, the returning hands all superb while those new to the universe easily measure up to the quality of talent on display – Willis and Jackson are, as you’d expect, PERFECT throughout, brilliantly building on the incredibly solid groundwork laid in Unbreakable, while it’s a huge pleasure to see Anya Taylor-Joy, Spencer Treat Clark (a fine actor we don’t see NEARLY enough of, in my opinion) and Charlayne Woodard get MUCH bigger, more prominent roles this time out, while Paulson delivers an understated but frequently mesmerising turn as the ultimate unshakable sceptic.  As with Split, however, the film is comprehensively stolen by McAvoy, whose truly chameleonic performance actually manages to eclipse its predecessor in its levels of sheer genius.  Altogether this is another sure-footed step in the right direction for a director who’s finally regained his singular auteur prowess – say what you will about that ending, but it certainly is a game-changer, as boldly revisionist as anything that’s preceded it and therefore, in my opinion, exactly how it SHOULD have gone.  If nothing else, this is a film that should be applauded for its BALLS …
29.  THE PEANUT BUTTER FALCON – quite possibly the year’s most adorable indie, this dramatic feature debut from documentarian writer-directors Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz largely snuck in under the radar on release, but has gone on to garner some well-deserved critical appreciation and sleeper hit success.  The lion’s share of the film’s success must surely go to the inspired casting, particularly in the central trio who drive the action – Nilson and Schwartz devised the film with Zack Gotsagen, an exceptionally talented young actor with Down’s Syndrome, specifically in mind for the role of Zak, a wrestling obsessive languishing in a North Carolina retirement home who dreams of escaping his stifling confines and going to the training camp of his hero, the Saltwater Redneck (Thomas Haden Church), where he can learn to become a pro wrestler; after slipping free, Zak enlists the initially wary help of down-at-heel criminal fisherman Tyler (Shia LaBaouf) in reaching his intended destination, while the pair are pursued by Zak’s primary caregiver, Eleanor (Dakota Johnson).  Needless to say the unlikely pair bond on the road, and when Eleanor is reluctantly forced to tag along with them, a surrogate family is formed … yeah, the plot is so predictable you can see every twist signposted from miles back, but that familiarity is never a problem because these characters are so lovingly written and beautifully played that you’ve fallen for them within five minutes of meeting them, so you’re effortlessly swept along for the ride. The three leads are pure gold – this is the most laid back and cuddly Shia’s been for years, but his lackadaisical charm is pleasingly tempered with affecting pathos driven by a tragic loss in Tyler’s recent past, while Johnson is sensible, sweet and likeably grounded, even when Eleanor’s at her most exasperated, but Gotsagen is the real surprise, delivering an endearingly unpredictable, livewire performance that blazes with true, honest purity and total defiance in the face of any potential difficulties society may try to throw at Zak – while there’s excellent support from Church in a charmingly awkward late-film turn that goes a long way to reminding us just what an acting treasure he is, as well as John Hawkes and rapper Yelawolf as a pair of lowlife crab-fishermen hunting for Tyler, intending to wreak (not entirely undeserved) revenge on him for an ill-judged professional slight.  Enjoying a gentle sense of humour and absolutely CRAMMED with heartfelt emotional heft, this really was one of the most downright LOVEABLE films of 2019.
28.  PET SEMATARY – first off, let me say that I never saw the 1989 feature adaptation of Stephen King’s story, so I have no comparative frame of reference there – I WILL say, however, that the original novel is, in my opinion, one of the strongest offerings from America’s undisputed master of literary horror, so any attempt made to bring it to the big screen had better be a good one.  Thankfully, this version more than delivers in that capacity, proving to be one of the more impressive of his cinematic outings in recent years (not quite up to the standard of The Mist or It Chapter 1, perhaps, but certainly on a par with the criminally overlooked 1408), as well as one of the year’s top horror offerings.  This may be the feature debut of directing double-act Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer, but they both display a wealth of natural talent here, wrangling bone-chilling scares and a pervading atmosphere of oppressive dread to deliver a top-notch screen fright-fest that works its way under your skin and stays put for days after.  Jason Clarke is a classic King everyman hero as Boston doctor Louis Creed, displaced to the small Maine town of Ludlow as he trades the ER for a quiet clinic practice so he can spent more time with his family – Amy Seimetz (Upstream Color, Stranger Things), excellent throughout as his haunted, emotionally fragile wife Rachel, toddler son Gage (twins Hugo and Lucas Lavole), and daughter Ellie (newcomer Jeté Laurence, BY FAR the film’s biggest revelation, delivering to the highest degree even when her role becomes particularly intense).  Their new home seems idyllic, the only blots being the main road at the end of their drive which experiences heavy traffic from speeding trucks, and the children’s pet cemetery in the woods at the back of their garden, which has become something of a local landmark.  But there’s something far darker in the deeper places beyond, an ancient place of terrible power Louis is introduced to by their well-meaning but ultimately fallible elderly neighbour Jud (one of the best performances I’ve ever seen from screen legend John Lithgow) when his daughter’s beloved cat Church is run over. The cat genuinely comes back, but he’s irrevocably changed, the once gentle and lovable furball now transformed into a menacingly mangy little psychopath, and his resurrection sets off a chain of horrific events destined to devour the entire family … this is supernatural horror at its most inherently unnerving, mercilessly twisting the screws throughout its slow-burn build to the inevitable third act bloodbath and reaching a bleak, soul-crushing climax that comes close to rivalling the still unparalleled sucker-punch of The Mist – the adaptation skews significantly from King’s original at the mid-point, but even purists will be hard-pressed to deny that this is still VERY MUCH in keeping with the spirit of the book right up to its harrowing closing shot.  The King of Horror has been well served once again – fans can rest assured that his dark imagination continues to inspire some truly great cinematic scares …
27.  THE REPORT – the CIA’s notorious use of torture to acquire information from detainees in Guantanamo Bay and various other sites around the world in the wake of September 11, 2001, has been a particularly spiky political subject for years now, one which has gained particular traction with cinema-goers over the years thanks to films like Rendition and, of course, controversial Oscar-troubler Zero Dark Thirty.  It’s also a particular bugbear of screenwriter Scott Z. Burns (The Bourne Ultimatum, Contagion, Side Effects) – his parents are both psychologists, and he found it particularly offensive that a profession he knows was created to help people could have been turned into such a damaging weapon against the human psyche, inexorably leading him to taking up this passion project, championed by its producer, and Burns’ long-time friend and collaborator, Steven Soderbergh.  It tells the true story of Senate staffer Daniel Jones’ five-year battle to bring his damning 6,300-page study of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program, commissioned by the Senate Intelligence Committee, into the light of day in the face of increasingly intense and frequently underhanded resistance from the Agency and various high-ranking officials within the US Government whose careers could be harmed should their own collusion be revealed. In lesser hands this could have been a clunky, unappetisingly dense excuse for a slow-burn political thriller that drowned in its own exposition, but Burns handles the admittedly heavyweight material with deft skill and makes each increasingly alarming revelation breathlessly compelling while he ratchets up the tension by showing just what a seemingly impossible task Jones and his small but driven team faced.  The film would have been nought, however, without a strong cast, and this one has a killer – taking a break from maintaining his muscle-mass for Star Wars, Adam Driver provides a suitably robust narrative focus as Jones, an initially understated workman who slowly transforms into an incensed moral crusader as he grows increasingly filled with righteous indignation by the vile subject matter he’s repeatedly faced with, and he’s provided with sterling support from the likes of Annette Bening, delivering her best performance in years as Senator Dianne Feinstein, Jones’ staunchest supporter, the ever-wonderful Ted Levine as oily CIA director John O. Brennan, Tim Blake Nelson as a physician contracted by the CIA to assist with interrogations who became genuinely disgusted by the horrors he witnessed, and Matthew Rhys as an unnamed New York Times reporter Jones considers leaking the report to when it looks like it might never be released.  This is powerful stuff, and while it may only mark Burns’ second directorial feature (after his obscure debut Pu-239), he handles the gig like a seasoned pro, milking the material for every drop of dramatic tension while keeping the narrative as honest, forthright and straightforward as possible, and the end result makes for sobering, distressing and thoroughly engrossing viewing.  Definitely one of the most important films not only of 2019, but of the decade itself, and one that NEEDS to be seen.
26.  DARK PHOENIX – wow, this really has been a year for mistreated sequels, hasn’t it?  There’s a seriously stinky cloud of controversy surrounding what is now, in light of recent developments between Disney and Twentieth Century Fox, the last true Singer-era X-Men movie, a film which saw two mooted release dates (first November 2018 then the following February, before finally limping onto screens with very little fanfare in June 2019, almost as if Fox wanted to bury it. Certainly rumours of its compromise were rife, particularly regarding supposed rushed reshoots because of clashing similarities with Marvel’s major tent-pole release Captain Marvel (and given the all-conquering nature of the MCU there was no way they were having that, was there?), so like many I was expecting a clunky mess, maybe even a true stinker to rival X-Men Origins: Wolverine.  In truth, while it’s not perfect, the end result is nothing like the turd we all feared – the final film is, in fact, largely a success, worthy of favourable comparison with its stronger predecessors.  It certainly makes much needed amends for the disappointing mismanagement of the source comics’ legendary Dark Phoenix saga in 2006’s decidedly compromised original X-Men trilogy capper The Last Stand, this time treating the story with the due reverence and respect it deserves as well as serving as a suitably powerful send-off for more than one beloved key character.  Following the “rebooted” path of the post-Days of Future Past timeline, it’s now 1992, and after the world-changing events of Apocalypse the X-Men have become a respected superhero team with legions of fans and their own personal line to the White House, while mutants at large have mostly become accepted by the regular humans around them.  Then a hastily planned mission into space takes a turn for the worst and Jean Grey (Game of Thrones’ Sophie Turner) winds up absorbing an immensely powerful, thoroughly inexplicable cosmic force that makes her powers go haywire while also knocking loose repressed childhood traumas Professor Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) would rather had stayed buried, sending her on a dangerous spiral out of control which leads to a destructive confrontation and the inadvertent death of a teammate.  Needless to say, the situation soon becomes desperate as Jean goes on the run and the world starts to turn against them all once again … all in all, then, it’s business as usual for the cast and crew of one of Fox’s flagship franchises, and it SHOULD have gone off without a hitch.  When Bryan Singer opted not to return this time around (instead setting his sights on Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody), key series writer Simon Kinberg stepped into the breach for his directorial debut, and it turns out he’s got a real talent for it, giving us just the kind of robust, pacy, thrilling action-packed epic his compatriot would have delivered, filled with the same thumping great set-pieces (the final act’s stirring, protracted train battle is the unequivocal highlight here), well-observed character beats and emotional resonance we’ve come to expect from the series as a whole (then again, he does know these movies back to frond having at least co-written his fair share).  The cast, similarly, are all on top form – McAvoy and Michael Fassbender (as fan favourite Erik Lehnsherr, aka Magneto) know their roles so well now they can do this stuff in their sleep, but we still get to see them explore interesting new facets of their characters (particularly McAvoy, who gets to reveal an intriguing dark side to the Professor we’ve only ever seen hinted at before now), while Turner finally gets to really breathe in a role which felt a little stiff and underexplored in her series debut in Apocalypse (she EASILY forges the requisite connective tissue to Famke Janssen’s more mature and assured take in the earlier films); conversely Tye Sheridan (Cyclops), Alexandra Shipp (Storm), Kodi Smit-McPhee (Nightcrawler) and Evan Peters (Quicksilver) get somewhat short shrift but nonetheless do A LOT with what little they have, and at least Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult still get to do plenty of dramatic heavy lifting as the last of Xavier’s original class, Raven (Mystique) and Hank McCoy (Beast); the only real weak link in the cast is the villain, Vuk, a shape-shifting alien whose quest to seize the power Jean’s appropriated is murkily defined at best, but at least Jessica Chastain manages to invest her with enough icy menace to keep things from getting boring.  All in all, then, this is very much a case of business as usual, Kinberg and co keeping the action thundering along at a suitably cracking pace throughout (powered by a typically epic score from Hans Zimmer), and the film only really comes off the rails in its final moments, when that aforementioned train finally comes off its tracks and the reported reshoots must surely kick in – as a result this is, to me, most reminiscent of previous X-flick The Wolverine, which was a rousing success for the majority of its runtime, only coming apart in its finale thanks to that bloody ridiculous robot samurai.  The climax is, therefore, a disappointment, too clunky and sudden and overly neat in its denouement (we really could have done with a proper examination of the larger social impact of these events), but it’s little enough that it doesn’t spoil what came before … which just makes the film’s mismanagement and resulting failure, as well as its subsequent treatment from critics and fans alike, all the more frustrating.  This film deserved much better, but ultimately looks set to be disowned and glossed over by most of the fanbase as the property as a whole goes through the inevitable overhaul now that Disney/Marvel owns Fox and plans to bring the X-Men and their fellow mutants into the MCU fold.  I feel genuinely sorry for the one remaining X-film, The New Mutants, which is surely destined for spectacular failure after its similarly shoddy round of reschedules finally comes to an end this summer …
25.  IT CHAPTER 2 – back in 2017, Mama director Andy Muschietti delivered the first half of his ambitious two-film adaptation of one of Stephen King’s most popular and personal novels, which had long been considered un-filmable (the 90s miniseries had a stab, but while it deserves its cult favourite status it certainly fell short in several places) until Muschietti and screenwriters Cary Joji Fukunaga and Gary Dauberman seemingly did the impossible, and the end result was the top horror hit of the year.  Ultimately, then, it was gonna be a tough act to follow, and there was MAJOR conjecture whether they could repeat that success with this second half.  Would lightning strike twice?  Well, the simple answer is … mostly.  2017’s Chapter 1 was a stone-cold masterpiece, and one of the strongest elements in its favour was the extremely game young cast of newcomers and relative unknown child actors who brought the already much beloved Loser’s Club to perfectly-cast life, a seven-strong gang of gawky pre-teen underdogs you couldn’t help loving, which made it oh-so-easy to root for them as they faced off against that nightmarish shape-shifting child-eating monster, Pennywise the Dancing Clown.  It was primal, it was terrifying, and it was BURSTING with childhood nostalgia that thoroughly resonated with an audience hungry for more 80s-set coming-of-age genre fare after the runaway success of Stranger Things.  Bringing the story into the present day with the Losers now returning to their childhood home of Derry, Maine as forty-something adults, Chapter 2 was NEVER going to achieve the same pulse-quickening electric charge the first film pulled off, was it?  Thankfully, with the same director and (mostly) the same writing crew on hand (Fukunaga jumped ship but Dauberman was there to finish up with the help of Jason Fuchs and an uncredited Jeffrey Jurgensen) there’s still plenty of that old magic left over, so while it’s not quite the same second time round, this still feels very much like the same adventure, just older, wiser and a bit more cynical.  Here’s a more relevant reality check, mind – those who didn’t approve of the first film’s major changes from the book are going to be even more incensed by this, but the differences here are at least organic and in keeping with the groundwork laid in Chapter 1, and indeed this film in particular is a VERY different beast from the source material, but these differences are actually kind of a strength here, Muschietti and co. delivering something that works MUCH better cinematically than a more faithful take would have. Anyway, the Loser’s Club are back, all grown up and (for the most part) wildly successful living FAR AWAY from Derry with dream careers and seemingly perfect lives.  Only Mike Hanlon has remained behind to hold vigil over the town and its monstrous secret, and when a new spree of disappearances and grisly murders begins he calls his old friends back home to fulfil the pact they all swore to uphold years ago – stop Pennywise once and for all.  The new cast are just as excellent as their youthful counterparts – Jessica Chastain and James McAvoy are, of course, the big leads here as grown up Beverley Marsh and Bill Denbrough, bringing every watt of star power they can muster, but the others hold more interest, with Bill Hader perfectly cast (both director and child actor’s personal first choice) as smart-mouth Richie Tozier, Isaiah Mustafah (best known as the Old Spice guy from those hilarious commercials) playing VERY MUCH against type as Mike, Jay Ryan (successful on the small screen in Top of the Lake and Beauty & the Beast, but very much getting his cinematic big break here) as a slimmed-down and seriously buffed-out Ben Hanscom, James Ransone (Sinister) as neurotic hypochondriac Eddie Kaspbrak, and Andy Bean (Power, the recent Swamp Thing series) as ever-rational Stan Uris – but we still get to hang out with the original kids too in new flashbacks that (understandably) make for some of the film’s best scenes, while Bill Skarsgard is as terrifying as ever as he brings new ferocity, insidious creepiness and even a touch of curious back-story to Pennywise.  I am happy to report this new one IS just as scary as its predecessor, a skin-crawling, spine-tingling, pants-wetting cold sweat of a horror-fest that works its way in throughout its substantial running time and, as before, sticks with you LONG after the credits have rolled, but it’s also got the same amount of heart, emotional heft and pathos, nostalgic charm (albeit more grown-up and sullied) and playful, sometimes decidedly mischievous geeky humour, so that as soon as you’re settled in it really does feel like you’ve come home. It’s also fiendishly inventive, the final act in particular skewing in some VERY surprising new directions that there’s NO WAY you’ll see coming, and the climax also, interestingly, redresses one particularly frustrating imbalance that always bugged me about the book, making for an especially moving, heartbreaking denouement.  Interestingly, there’s a running joke in the film that pokes fun at a perceived view from some quarters that Stephen King’s endings often disappoint – there’s no such fault with THIS particular adaptation.  For me, this was altogether JUST the concluding half I was hoping for, so while it’s not as good as the first, it should leave you satisfied all the same.
24.  MOTHERLESS BROOKLYN – it’s taken Edward Norton twenty years to get his passion project adaptation of Jonathan Lethem’s novel to the big screen, but the final film was certainly worth the wait, a cool-as-ice noir thriller in which its writer-director also, of course, stars as one of the most unusual ‘tecs around.  Lionel Essrog suffers from Tourette syndrome, prone to uncontrollable ticks and vocal outbursts as well as obsessive-compulsive spirals that can really ruin his day, but he’s also got a genius-level intellect and a photographic memory, which means he’s the perfect fit for the detective agency of accomplished, highly successful New York gumshoe Frank Minna (Bruce Willis).  But when their latest case goes horribly wrong and Frank dies in a back-alley gunfight, the remaining members of the agency are left to pick up the pieces and try to find out what went wrong, Lionel battling his own personal, mental and physical demons as he tries to unravel an increasingly labyrinthine tangle of lies, deceit, corporate corruption and criminal enterprise that reaches to the highest levels of the city’s government.  Those familiar with the original novel will know that it’s set in roughly the present day, but Norton felt many aspects of the story lent themselves much better to the early 1950s, and it really was a good choice – Lionel is a man very much out his time, a very odd fit in an age of stuffy morals and repression, while the themes of racial upheaval, rampant urban renewal and massive, unchecked corporate greed feel very much of the period. Besides, there’s few things as seductive than a good noir thriller, and Norton has crafted a real GEM right here. The pace can be a little glacial at times, but this simply gives the unfolding plot and extremely rich collection of characters plenty of room to grow, while the jazzy score (from up-and-comer Daniel Pemberton, composer on Steve Jobs, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) provides a surprising complimentary accompaniment to the rather free-form narrative style and Lionel’s own scattershot, bebop style.  Norton is exceptional in the lead, landing his best role in years with an exquisitely un-self-conscious ease that makes for thoroughly compelling viewing (surely more than one nod will be due come awards-season), but he doesn’t hog ALL the limelight, letting his uniformly stellar supporting cast shine bright as well – Willis doesn’t get a huge amount of screen time, but delivers a typically strong, nuanced performance that makes his absence throughout the rest of the film keenly felt, Gugu Mbatha-Raw continues to build an impressive run of work as Laura, the seemingly unimportant woman Lionel befriends, who could actually be the key to the whole case, Alec Baldwin is coolly menacing as power-hungry property magnate and heavyweight city official Moses Randolph, the film’s nominal big-bad, Willem Dafoe is absolutely electrifying as his down-at-heel, insignificant genius brother Lou, and Boardwalk Empire’s Michael K. Williams is quietly outstanding as mysterious jazz musician Trumpet Man, while Bobby Canavale, Ethan Suplee and Dallas Roberts are all excellent as the other hands in Minna’s detective agency.  It’s a chilled-out affair, happy to hang back and let its slow-burn plot simmer while Lionel tries to navigate his job and life in general while battling his many personal difficulties, but due to the incredible calibre of the talent on offer, the incredibly rich dialogue and obligatory hardboiled gumshoe voiceover, compelling story and frequently achingly beautiful visuals, this is about as compulsively rewarding as cinema gets. Norton’s crafted a film noir worthy of comparison with the likes of L.A. Confidential and Chinatown, proving that he’s a triple-threat cinematic talent to be reckoned with.
23.  PROSPECT – I love a good cinematic underdog, there’s always some dynamite indies and sleepers that just about slip through the cracks that I end up championing every year, and one of 2019’s favourites was a minor sensation at 2018’s South By Southwest film festival, a singularly original ultra-low-budget sci-fi adventure that made a genuine virtue of its miniscule budget.  Riffing on classic eco-minded space flicks like Silent Running, it introduces a father-and-daughter prospecting team who land a potentially DEEPLY lucrative contract mining for an incredibly rare element on a toxic jungle moon – widower Damon (Transparent’s Jay Duplass), who’s downtrodden and world-weary but still a dreamer, and teenager Cee (relative newcomer Sophie Thatcher), an introverted bookworm with hidden reserves of ingenuity and fortitude.  The job starts well, Damon setting his sights on a rumoured “queen’s layer” that could make them rich beyond their wildest dreams, but when they meet smooth-talking scavenger Ezra (Narcos’ Pedro Pascal), things take a turn for the worse – Damon is killed and Cee is forced to team up with Ezra to have any hope for survival on this hostile, unforgiving moon.  Thatcher is an understated joy throughout, her seemingly detached manner belying hidden depths of intense feeling, while Pascal, far from playing a straight villain, turns Ezra into something of a tragic, charismatic antihero we eventually start to sympathise with, and the complex relationship that develops between them is a powerful, mercurial thing, the constantly shifting dynamic providing a powerful driving force for the film.  Debuting writer-directors Zeek Earl and Chris Caldwell have crafted a wonderfully introspective, multi-layered tone poem of aching beauty, using subtle visual effects and a steamy, glow-heavy colour palette to make the lush forest environs into something nonetheless eerie and inhospitable, while the various weird and colourful denizens of this deadly little world prove that Ezra may be the LEAST of the dangers Cee faces in her quest for escape.  Inventive, intriguing and a veritable feast for the eyes and intellect, this is top-notch indie sci-fi and a sign of great things to come from its creators, thoroughly deserving of major cult recognition in the future.
22.  DRAGGED ACROSS CONCRETE – S. Craig Zahler is a writer-director who’s become a major fixture on my ones-to-watch list in recent years, instantly winning me over with his dynamite debut feature Bone Tomahawk before cementing that status with awesome follow-up Brawl On Cell Block 99.  His latest is another undeniable hit that starts deceptively simply before snowballing into a sprawling urban crime epic as it follows its main protagonists – disgraced Bulwark City cops Brett Ridgeman (Mel Gibson) and Tony Lurasetti (BOCB99’s Vince Vaughn), on unpaid suspension after their latest bust leads to a PR nightmare – on a descent into a hellish criminal underworld as they set out to “seek compensation” for their situation by ripping off the score from a bank robbery spearheaded by ruthlessly efficient professional thief Lorentz Vogelmann (Thomas Kretschmann).  In lesser hands, this two-hour-forty-minute feature might have felt like a painfully padded effort that would have passed far better chopped down to a breezy 90-minutes, but Zahler is such a compellingly rich and resourceful writer that every scene is essential viewing, overflowing with exquisitely drawn characters spouting endlessly quotable, gold-plated dialogue, and the constantly shifting narrative focus brings such consistent freshness that the increasingly complex plot remains rewarding right to the end.  The two leads are both typically excellent – Vaughn gets to let loose with a far more showy, garrulous turn here than his more reserved character in his first collaboration with Zahler, while this is EASILY the best performance I’ve seen Gibson deliver in YEARS, the grizzled veteran clearly having a fine old time getting his teeth into a particularly meaty role that very much plays to his strengths – and they’re brilliantly bolstered by an excellent supporting cast – Get Rich Or Die Tryin’s Tory Kittles easily matches them in his equally weighty scenes as Henry Johns, a newly-released ex-con also out to improve his family’s situation with a major score, while Kretschmann is at his most chilling as the brutal killer who executes his plans with cold-blooded precision, and there are wonderful scene-stealing offerings from Jennifer Carpenter, Udo Kier, Don Johnson (three more Zahler regulars, each featured with Vaughn on BOCB99), Michael Jai White, Laurie Holden and newcomer Miles Truitt.  This is a proper meaty film, dark, intense, gritty and unflinching in its portrayal of honest, unglamorous violence and its messy aftermath, but fans of grown-up filmmaking will find PLENTY to enjoy here, Zahler crafting a crime epic comparable to the heady best of Scorsese and Tarantino.  Another sure-fire winner from one of the best new filmmakers around.
21.  FAST COLOR – intriguingly, the most INTERESTING superhero movie of the year was NOT a major franchise property, or even a comic book adapted to the screen at all, but a wholly original indie which snuck in very much under the radar on its release but is surely destined for cult greatness in the future, not least due to some much-deserved critical acclaim.  Set in an unspecified future where it hasn’t rained for years, a homeless vagabond named Ruth (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) is making her aimless way across a desolate American Midwest, tormented by violent seizures which cause strange localised earthquakes, and hunted by Bill (Argo’s Christopher Denham), a rogue scientist who wants to capture her so he can study her abilities.  Ultimately she’s left with no other recourse than to run home, sheltering with her mother Bo (Middle of Nowhere and Orange is the New Black’s Lorraine Toussaint), and her young daughter Lila (The Passage’s Saniyya Sidney), both of whom also have weird and wondrous powers of their own.  As the estranged family reconnect, Ruth finally learns to control her powers as she’s forced to confront her own troubled past, but as Bill closes in it looks like their idyll might be short-lived … this might only be the second feature of writer-director Julie Hart (who cut her teeth penning well-regarded indie western The Keeping Room before making her own debut helming South By Southwest Film Festival hit Miss Stevens), but it’s a blinding statement of intent for the future, a deceptively understated thing of beauty that eschews classic superhero cinema conventions of big spectacle and rousing action in favour of a quiet, introspective character-driven story where the unveiling and exploration of Ruth and her kin’s abilities are secondary to the examination of how their familial dynamics work (or often DON’T), while Hart and cinematographer Michael Fimognari (probably best known for his frequent work for Mike Flanagan) bring a ruined but bleakly beautiful future to life through inventively understated production design and sweeping, dramatic vistas largely devoid of visual effects.  Subtlety is the watchword, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t fireworks here, it’s just that they’re generally performance-based – awards-darling Mbatha-Raw (Belle) gives a raw, heartfelt performance, painting Ruth in vivid shades of grey, while Toussaint is restrained but powerfully memorable and Sidney builds on her already memorable work to deliver what might be her best turn to date, and there are strong supporting turns from Denham (who makes his nominal villain surprisingly sympathetic) and Hollywood great David Strathairn as gentle small town sheriff Ellis. Leisurely paced and understated it may be, but this is still an incendiary piece of work, sure to become a breakout sleeper hit for a filmmaking talent from whom I expect GREAT THINGS in the future, and since the story’s been picked up for expansion into a TV series with Hart in charge that looks like a no-brainer.  And it most assuredly IS a bona fide superhero movie, despite appearances to the contrary …
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codenamesazanka · 5 years
Forgive this, but I gotta rant!
I don’t really like Deku! I feel his character has unutilized potential - or, rather, the character he is supposed to be isn’t the character he is. Of course, this is my opinion.
But yeah! I get it - he wants to be a Hero, he wants to ‘save people with a smile on his face’, but he’s quirkless. Still, supposedly he had this great determination and heroic qualities even before meeting All Might - his hero analyses, him applying to UA... which really means nothing. And that’s all he did.
Sure, he’s a kid, he’s 14, give him a break, but there was so much he could’ve done!!! Learn first aid(!), learn self defense, volunteer, community service, all that. He’s said to be smart, sure, but even better way to show this is to have him realized or had planned for his future Hero career by gaining supplement skills before he ever applied to UA. I really really wish we could’ve seen the UA kids learn first aid.
Biggest problem I have - though, granted, this is brought up in the story - is that everyone still thinks being a Hero is punching bad guys, when it should mean helping people. And yeah, it’s not just Deku, but he’s supposed to be so different All Might thought he should be his successor. The scene where he saves Bakugou, honestly he was also standing in the crowd hoping for a Hero to come - its only when he realizes it’s his friend, that he says his body moved in its own. Which, true, is brave; but him helping a unlucky rando without a second thought might have been better. Have him Good Samaritan the heck out of strangers.
It’s just, the story makes him out to be so kind and gentle and self-sacrificing, and yeah, I can see the times where those shine through; but I also am reminded of that time he heard Todoroki’s family life and decided the appropriate response is to focus on their upcoming match, and when he helps out Bakugou and Eri, it’s because it was relevant to him (recognizing Overhaul in the latter case). Sure, it’s just how stories and plot conveniences are - but there should be other times too for randos; just like two panels of it at the beginning of the chapter.
(Which is why I like the protag from Vigilante much better! In his spare him he just decides to pick up litter and help ppl in small ways, to destress! Yes! He missed his high school entrance exam saving a stranger from drowning! He’s got his flaws, he’s not pure heroic either, but he’s much more aware of his to help people than Deku)
The base for his character was Jack Midoriya from the oneshot My Hero; but Jack fitted well for his story. Iirc, He didn’t want to be the greatest hero ever, he didn’t even really wanted to save everyone really - he just wanted to be a ‘hero’ and help out. At least that’s more honest. He couldn’t be a hero tho, but he showed initiative in trying to get as close as he could to it - working for a support item company to get his hands in support items to be a hero with, going vigilante. But transplant that character to BnHA then try to say Deku is selfless and kind and determined from the get go is a bit of a mistake.
He’s also really not that smart. You know who’s really smart? Shigaraki Tomura!!! Hero analyses, sure, but besides brief tactical brains when relevant to plot, most of his fights is just punching. IIRC.
And why did he care so much about Kouta not liking Heroes? Leave the kid alone, let him hate cops if he wants
(Another pet peeve - the fandom’s focus on his quirklessness and how he meant he suffered great discrimination. He was obviously bullied for it, and I don’t doubt there is discrimination for quirkless people - but I don’t think it’s as bad as others make it out to be. I’m ready to eat my words, but I just don’t feel the story supports this - but again, it could be fault of the creator for now showing.
Like, just looking at him doesn’t tell you he’s quirkless. There’s no visible marker of it. He’s not gonna be called a ‘mutt’ or ‘dumb lizard man’ at first glance. Appearance-wise, he’s still the ‘norm’ in the universe - no appendages, no physical transformation.
Besides that, there a lot of people with ‘useless quirks’ - quirks that don’t do much at all, factor very little into their everyday life or skills. This is a superpowered society, sure, but it’s one where people are forbidden to use quirks unless licensed and where you still need boring old accountants and taxi drivers and real estate agents and busboys. These jobs don’t require quirks.
Instead, often we see it’s that people with the more ‘unheroic’ quirks that gets the short end of the stick. Mutant discrimination, quirks that can easily harm people if not very careful, quirks that violate human taboos (like blood drinking). I think, yeah, there is a hierarchy of valuing people for their quirks, definitely, but it’s not a clear hierarchy with quirkless people at the bottom. I do wish we see more quirkless people doing stuff!! But honestly I think there’s very little difference between someone quirkless and someone who has ‘bendy fingers’ (David Shield) for a quirk.)
Moreover - tho this is more the fault of the author I guess? - is that only according to genre and story conventions do we know Deku and Shigaraki will duke it out, or otherwise confront each other. There’s very very little interaction between the two beyond their actions effecting each other (and not on purpose, it just so happens because they’re on hero and villain sides). Their goals don’t even factor each other in beyond the vague
There’s still ample time for Deku to find out more about Shigaraki but the idea of Deku extending a hand to help Shigaraki is kinda laughable right now. Honestly Bakugou and Shigaraki had better connection and potential; for one, one of Shigaraki’s schemes was all to capture Bakugou and recruit him; for another, Bakugou learning that being a Hero isn’t punching out bad guys and having to save people’s hearts is an actual, interesting storyline that develops both characters, IMO.
All Might reaching out to Shigaraki and redeeming/ trying to redeem him? I’ll accept because I love whacked up Shimura family drama! The connection between the two, AFO’s meddling with them both, all that buried history and mystery to uncover, all those emotions of hatred and guilt, and the emotional consequences of Shigaraki getting incarcerated or executed for his crimes and All Might willing to try his hardest to prevent that / soften that for him, which contradicts his supposedly heroic and impartial justice law-abiding gimmick; and the fate of the story and effects on society resting absurdly on how their relationship turns out, bringing up questions about sacrifice and familial duty and justice - yes, absolutely!!!
Deku saving Shigaraki? :/ nothing to back that for now, still.
Petty, but it’s partly why I don’t wanna see allying-with-the-heroes-type-redemption for Shigaraki if it means Deku helping him lmao. Anyone else who’s relevant, sure! Fucking Gran Torino could work.
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krreader · 6 years
chance encounter or fate?
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pairing: im jaebum x reader ; min yoongi x reader (fwb) fandom: bts ; got7 warnings: language ; mentions of sex ; fwb relationship genre: angst ; fluff
summary: got7 was looking for a new producer. and if yoongi didn’t want to see your talent, jaebum would. and he found much more than a producer in you..
a/n: I understand babe. that man is.. PHEW. anyways, I hope you like it ♥
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Yoongi pulled out of you with a moan, immediately pulling off the condom and throwing it into the trash, while you slowly stood up straight again, a little scared your legs might give in after that sex session.
“You were good,” he kissed your shoulder blade and helped you pull up your panties and jeans, “Thanks for stopping by.”
“Thank you for calling,” you laughed as you made your way over to the couch to relax for a second, “I needed that today.”
“Stressed?” he sat down on his chair opposite of you, so that you could talk for a bit. You might not be in a relationship, but you were still close.. in a sense.
“A little, yeah. My boss is being a bitch again, as always..”
“You should really quit if you're so unhappy, you know? Do something you love,” he turned around to his computer, “Like me,” then he smiled happily.
But that was exactly the problem, wasn't it?
You've been fucking Yoongi casually for over a year now and continued to drop hints that you really liked producing music as well. And you weren't too bad at it, you knew that. It was just so hard to get into this industry, so you definitely needed to know the right people. And for god's sake, you were having sex with one of the best producers around right now.. if anyone could get you in, it was him.
But he either didn't want you to do the same thing he was doing, or really didn't understand your hints.
And you didn't want to be blunt either, because you didn't want to make it seem like you were using him and having sex with him, so that you could get benefits from it.
No, you were having sex with him because you really enjoyed it and he relieved a lot of tension. And quite frankly, Yoongi was the best guy you’ve ever slept with..
“Yeah, I guess I should,” you sighed heavily and got up, “I'll get going. Call me this weekend?”
“As always,” there was no goodbye kiss or whatsoever.
This relationship was purely sexual. You both knew that and you have never crossed that line.
People always said women couldn't have these kind of relationships without catching feelings, but honestly? This has been going on for more than a year and the only feelings you had for Yoongi were attraction in the sexual sense. You wanted him to fuck you, not to love you.
You weren't attracted to him in that way.
That's what made this so easy for you both.
The perfect agreement.
And yes, you'd obviously love to find someone who'd love you one day, but until then, you would enjoy your time with Yoongi to the fullest.
On your way out, you couldn't help but stop by at one of the empty studios.
You always checked the schedule on the door and made sure it would be empty for a while and so far, nobody had noticed that you had ever even been in there.
And since you didn't have equipment at home, this was all you had. All you could ever really use..
At the same time, Jaebum entered BigHit, clearly a little upset.
“I don't understand why we have to work with someone from BigHit. We have our own people for this..”
“True.. but we want your next song to be different. And when it comes to different, BigHit is the spot to look for good producers.”
He hated this, hated having to look for producers like those of JYP were shit. Or maybe he just hated having to come here to look for them.
Sure BTS was doing great and Jaebum was happy for them, but GOT7 was doing great too, right? They didn't really need BigHit..
“Wait here,” his manager said as he walked into an office.
So Jaebum did. He pulled out his phone and texted his band members, telling them just how much he hated this until he heard sounds coming out of a studio to his left that were the kind of different his manager had talked about before. They sounded new and fresh.. they sounded fantastic, to be honest.
Curiosity got the better of him and he pushed the door open just a tiny bit and was surprised to find only one person in the room.. and a pretty person at that.
He watched you play around with the buttons like you were destined to do so, watched you smile when something sounded good and watched you bop your head with the rhythm. And then he watched you stare right back into his eyes. That’s when his jaw dropped a little.
“Oh my god, I'm so sorry,” why were you apologizing to him? He had been the one to intrude, hadn't he?
“It's fine,” he quickly said and shook his head, but you continued bowing as if you had just committed a crime.
“Please don't tell anyone I was in here.. I'm begging you.”
“I.. I won't,” he laughed, “I'm not from here.. I'm from JYP.”
You took a deep breath, releasing it a moment later, clearly being relieved. But why?
“Thank god.. you're not going to rat me out, then?”
“Why would I do that? And anyways, you're incredibly talented.. you should be in that studio and getting paid for it.”
“Wh..- What?” your eyes widened.
“Did nobody ever tell you that? You're amazing..”
No. Nobody ever told you that, mostly because nobody knew about your talent in music production. Nobody had ever cared enough to ask and if they had, they just shrugged it off, because how could you, not involved with any music company, have talent in that area?
“Thank you so much.. that.. you don't know how much that means to me,” you beamed from ear to ear, brushing your hair behind your ear.
“I'm Jaebum, by the way,” he extended his hand.
“Oh! Hold on.. I know you! GOT7, right?” shit. He did look familiar.
“You're ahead of me, I'm afraid,” he laughed, but you thankfully shook his hand a moment later. That would have been majorly awkward otherwise.
“I'm (Y/N). I'm uhm.. a friend of Min Yoongi.”
“Yoongi, huh? Didn't know he had a lot of friends.”
He didn’t. But you didn't want to say that.
And speaking of which, a moment later, Yoongi came out with another guy. A guy that turned out to be Jaebum’s producer.
“(Y/N)? What are you still doing here?” Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.
“I was just..-” oh god.. if he found out you were playing with the equipment, BigHit’s equipment, he'd definitely end this thing between you two. So you had to come up with a lie.. quickly. However..-
“I want her to be our producer,” Jaebum smiled at his manager, “She's not from BigHit, so we wouldn't have that connection to them. No offense, Yoongi.”
“None taken, but.. (Y/N) is no producer, though?”
“Yet,” Jaebum shrugged, turning his head to look at you “All she needs is a chance. And I'm willing to give it to her.”
That's more than anyone else ever had..
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A knock on the door made you look up from your laptop, a happy smile on your face when you saw the man you owed all this to walk in.
“I thought you might want something to eat..”
“You're amazing.. thank you so much,” you gladly took the cup of Ramen and crossed your legs, immediately beginning to eat.
“How's it going?” Jaebum sat down next to you, looking at the screen of your laptop.
“Really good,” you quickly gulped down the food in your mouth, “I think you guys are going to like it.. It's new, it's different and it's hopefully going to bring you a few awards.”
“Know that if so, that's all your doing,” he smiled and leaned his elbow on the desk, simply watching you eat.
After you had shown JYP your talent, they had been quick to hire you, agreeing with JB that you were one of a kind and that they had to get you to work for them, before someone else would see your talent and snatch you away from them. That was almost two months ago, now.
Two months that Jaebum saw you almost every single day. Two months that he got to know you and two months that he had fallen for you.
Which was so easy, to be honest.
You were yourself around him, had never tried to be someone else and he loved that. He fell for your personality, the real you. He fell for your talent and your beauty. 
But he knew that there was something going on between you and Yoongi, so he never told you about his feelings. But it just got harder and harder, day by day. All he wanted to do was at least try to ask you out and see if you said yes.
But that fear of rejection..
..we all know that.
“Do you have anything planned for this weekend?” you asked as you wiped your mouth.
“Don't think so.. why?”
“Someone from my family is having this party that I need to go to and I don't really want to go alone, so.. I was hoping you'd come with me.”
“To meet your family?” he raised his eyebrows, “Shouldn't you ask.. I don't know.. Yoongi to a party like that?”
“Yoongi?” you snorted, “No. I don't think my family wants to meet Yoongi. Besides, I only ever told them about you.. they wouldn't even know who Yoongi is,” and you doubted they would like that introduction: ‘Hi, fam, this is Yoongi, the guy that has been banging me for the past year’.
Yeah, no. That didn’t sound too good.
“You.. told your family about me?” his eyes widened, clearly surprised to hear that.
“Yeah.. the wanted to know who they had to thank for helping me get this job.. and now they kind of do want to thank you,” you scratched the back of your head, “I know it's weird and you probably don't want to, but..-”
“I do! I do want to!” he quickly said, but then cleared his throat right away and repeated it a bit calmer and an octave lower, “I mean. I'd love to meet your family.”
“Great.. I'll tell them later tonight.”
But what neither Jaebum nor you knew and only found out on the day you both arrived at the party, was that your entire family thought you were a couple. You didn't know if you had accidentally made it sound like you were, or if it was just the way you two were so comfortable around each other when you talked, but everyone told you how handsome he was and how lucky you were to have him by your side.
“Your family thinks we're dating,” he muttered under his breath when he showed up next to you at the buffet.
“I know.. did you.. tell them otherwise?” you looked up at him with questioning eyes.
“You?” he asked, almost a bit hesitantly.
“I asked you first.”
He let out a sigh and shook his head, “Didn't.”
“Me neither.”
This is it, Jaebum thought. Ask her out now, now is the perfect time.
“(Y/N).. when we get back.. do you think.. well.. you and me could.. I don't know.. get some.. you know coffee or something? Like.. as in.. uhm.. a date?”
He was so bad at this. You'd think he was better at it and just go all in, but nope. He was so awkward.. and yet so sweet and gentle that it made your heart flutter.
“You want to take me out?” you were genuinely surprised. Had you developed feelings for him? Absolutely. How could you not have after everything he had done for you. Did you think he would ever reciprocate these feelings? Not in the slightest, mainly because you thought he only ever was interested in what you brought to the company..
Seems as if you had been wrong all along.
“I mean.. only if you and Yoongi..-”
“Jaebum,” you grabbed his hand to stop him from talking any further, “I ended things with Yoongi a month ago.. when I realized I wanted to date someone else,” not that you ever thought you had a chance with Jaebum, but you suddenly felt really bad that when you were sleeping with Yoongi, you kept thinking about JB. That wasn’t fair to you, and definitely not to Yoongi.
..who had taken it surprisingly well and you still called each other up every now and then to just talk and see how the other one was doing. So that was nice.
“You ended things with him? Really?”
“Yeah.. even though.. I never thought you’d be interested in more than my talent.”
“I am interested in so much more,” he grinned and interlinked your fingers with his as you were still holding his hand, “So is that a yes, then? A date?”
You tried to keep yourself from smiling, but it was so hard not to, when he looked at you with so much happiness, “Yes.”
You always wanted to fall in love.. maybe you now finally could.. maybe he was the one.
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voltagefangirl19 · 6 years
Too Late (kbtbb fic)
Summary: In an AU where MC (Sakurai Yuuki) helps all bidders but doesn’t start an immediate relationship with neither, she gets kidnapped by a very resourceful and strong Mafia. Are the bidders able to save her on time?   Genre: angst Masterpost
<-- Previous  Chapter 1   Next -->
She tries to breathe, that’s all she can do in the middle of the darkness and confusion, after all. To keep her mind busy, she starts counting the seconds, remembering how she got into the situation she’s currently in
Today is the IVC, it has been several months since the managers bought me in the illegal auction I, accidentally, stumbled in. So much has happened since then... I can’t stop reminiscing while working in one of the guest’s room: From when I helped Ichinomiya to make a deal with an Italian mob pretending to be his girlfriend to when I posed as MayLee Ling, one Chinese mob boss’ daughter that was under Soryu’s protection and I turned out to be her tour guide when she was in Japan, ‘At the end I think we end up as good friends’. My little and discreet smile at my memories transforms into a giggle as I remember how I got to be Baba’s partner in crime and Ota’s pet, not that it bothers me really, I just wish that the little artist would be more honest with himself, like when he got his art stolen, he was upset, but he didn’t say anything, it was good that he got the recognition he deserved afterward though, ‘after all, the bluebird was gorgeous’, I think while I enter my last room and start cleaning, it’s a bit messy, but nothing like Mamoru’s apartment, which I had to clean after the whole cult thing because how anyone can live like that? it really amazes me until now
As the memories keep flowing through my mind, a new coworker enters the room “Wow, you do a great job indeed, no wonder why you are the penthouse maid Sakurai” his comment is a bit odd, but I take it as a compliment anyway “Thank you!, you see, working in this hotel is no easy job, but it’s very rewarding” I say in a peaceful voice, but he looks more interested in the VIPs, of course I understand, it’s not like you always are close to the rich and famous, so while I continue cleaning, the new one keeps asking me about how they are, if it’s true that the CEO is living in the hotel, if it’s really Ota Kisaki who is staying here, etc. I remain careful to not tell anything dangerous though, those guys trust me, even if I don’t know why, but I want to keep it that way.  We start walking through the hallway and I try to think an excuse to drove him away when the pager does that for me “Sorry, I gotta go” I say just as I feel the vibration in my pocket  “Oh… sure I mean… let’s talk more later” that’s the last thing I hear him saying
I arrive at the lounge a bit before the 5 min rule ends “What’s up?” I ask casually, with all the things that had happened, I don’t see them only as my bosses or ‘owners’, but as friends. “Coffee” Eisuke answers with his usual expression, I roll my eyes but smile inwardly, I am used to it. I make a cup for everybody and put them on the table in front of the bidders, I stand next to them.  “Anything else I can do for you?” I smile, for some reason, I’m really relaxed and happy “Did something happened today Yuuki? You are oddly cheerful this morning” Baba says with his usual gentlemanly tone.  “Yeah, did someone declared to you or something?” Ota asks teasingly  “O-of course not! I- I was just remembering all the time we’ve spent together, that’s all” I explain, my face feels warm, which is really embarrassing… But, I really wouldn’t mind if he did declare to me, to be honest; Even though I like all the bidders the same there’s one that makes my heart beat fast, yet my love is purely platonic, with zero probabilities that he would take me seriously. I try to stay away from depressing thoughts by asking them again after making sure all of them have coffee in their cups “Anything else you need?”  “You’ll accompany us to the auction tonight, be sure to wear something appropriate if you don’t have any we can buy you something” king Eisuke says while looking at some documents  “Understood” I answer with a smile and finally get out, I doubt that my heart would be able to resist any more time with him there; I let a sigh of unrequited love and get back to work with the satisfaction of being able to see him at least once in the day, I make a mental note to look out for a beautiful outfit for the night.
 Through the lace that’s covering her eyes, the girl sees a light, interrupting the darkness as well as any form of thought  “So she is the special one huh?” a deep and creepy voice sounds close   “We are certain that she is their protected, we think that the clients are going to be pleased with the product and with her origins” another deep voice answers ’who are they?’ ’What are they going to do with me’ ’how can I escape’ are the only things that fill her mind 
While she is busy trying to listen and feel anything that can mean her to escape, the two other men walk aside to discuss the types of clients, the starting bidding and most important… how are they going to get her out of the Three Spades Hotel before the auctioneers know who’s the person being sold “We must do it quickly, she has to be the very first item to be auctioned, because, if I know them, and I am certain that I do, they won’t compromise the entire mad hatter’s party just for a tiny guess” The older man said very confident “Also I need two or three of your men to act as eyes, and if the case presents, as a distraction inside the hotel” “Alright… what about the Ice Dragons?” “They already checked and interviewed our double, they won’t realize until is too late, but if you aren’t sure enough, the double will be in the buyer car at the checkout point, then we will be waiting for three blocks ahead to make the exchange, we will take her out in the trunk” The younger man was about to make a comment when they heard a commotion behind them, the girl was a troublemaker  “Tie her tighter” the young boss says, his men do as they are told and she can’t move anymore because it only makes the ropes cut more into her wrists and ankles, which is very painful. The other businessman comes closer, looks at her struggling and smile, it’s a twisted and lustful smile “A fighter one huh? those are exactly my type, shame that I have to give her away… the virgins are the ones they pay for the most” “Take her away and prepare her, she has to look like the double” the men obey; after they are gone, the boss looks over at the older man with curiosity “You are taking a hell of a lot of risks here, why don’t just kidnap and sell her in the other black market auction directly?” “It wouldn’t be nearly as fun as to see their distressed and frustrated faces when they realize that she was in the auction and they could’ve saved her, but they didn’t” “You really want to get revenge on them, don’t you?” “Oh... The revenge part is only to take away their protected one and to make her suffer while I make a lot of money, this? this is just personal fun” The man says while his twisted smile grows wider.
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lovelyyyoongi · 6 years
kryptonite i.
pairing: Taehyung x Reader
genre: super!au; fluff / future angst
length: 3.0k words
warnings: mild language
summary: Sometimes, a weakness isn’t just some disadvantage or fault you might have that prevents you from accomplishing something. In fact, it could be a person who just makes you feel and act a certain way and you can’t even control yourself. When you met Kim Taehyung, you didn’t expect him to be your weakness. But when he met you, he knew you were his. You were his kryptonite.
a/n: it’s a super!au series!!! This isn’t going to be a whole series like Terminus or Sophrosyne so hopefully these won’t take forever to post heheh. i’ve been wanting to write on of these for agessss but i never got around to thinking of a plot until now! Also, i edited the picture you see below and I wanna know what you think? Should I stick to gifs or do you like the picture with the title? Hmm, please let me know!
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“Y/N, you’ve got the papers handled,” your boss’ voice rose an octave higher by the end of her statement as you watched her flick her eyes up from the magazine she was reading to you, “don’t you?”
Clearing your suddenly dry throat, you sent her a pressed smile, “Of course, Miss Hwang.”
“Good,” she mused, casting her eyes back down to the magazine. When you thought your assistance was no longer needed, you turned to go, swiftly grabbing the large stack of papers at the edge of her desk.
“What do you see, Y/N?” Her voice caused you to jump and you turned your attention back to her. Noticing her holding up a magazine, In a Flash, you squinted your eyes, peering at the front page. 
“The Blue Bandit robbing another bank.” Your reply was blunt, but your eyebrows creased in concern at the mention of the thief. 
“Mhm, that darn Blue Bandit,” Miss Hwang tutted to herself, shaking her head. “I know we’re not a magazine of bad news but don’t you see how well this news is doing?”
Frowning, you looked around, wondering why on Earth she’d be asking you, an intern, about such a thing as publications. 
“Of course I understand it,” Miss Hwang waved a manicured hand nonchalantly before licking her index finger and turning the page. “It seems what the people want are super stories.”
“Well, it does bring a certain excitement to society,” you tilted your head to the side, tightening your grip around the stack of papers which began to grow heavy.
It was true. Since as long as you could remember, you’ve heard stories of the men and women with inexplicable powers who saved the world everyday. You used to believe they were just stories made by people and a big budget––just some people wearing costumes connected to wires behind a green screen.
But now? Everyday there was some sort of bad happening in your city which ended with some person flying out of nowhere to kick the crap out of the culprit. You’ve seen the explosions. You’ve witnessed a super flying over your city to fix it.
It was all over the news. 
Magazines were made solely for the purpose of spreading Super News! as it was called. T.V. shows were made to tribute these heroes and yet, what was one thing you could never understand was how society didn’t know who these people were behind their masks by now.
I mean, come on. You’re interviewing some dude who can spit fire, literally, and you never once try to pry off his mask?
Maybe I’m just too curious, you thought. 
“Hm, I suppose you’re right,” she looked up and gazed at you with squinted eyes. “Do me a favor and call in Seokjin into my office. Let’s hope he’s found anything worth reporting that’ll bring this decline to an end.”
“Yes ma’am,” you looked down and scurried out of her office.
Plopping yourself at your desk, you placed the stack of papers in front of you and released a long sigh. 
“You were in there for a while.”
Rolling your eyes toward your best friend and colleague, you snickered. “She’s going crazy,” you revealed, turning your swivel chair so you were facing his desk. 
“She’s been going crazy. This isn’t news,” Yoongi retorted, pursing his lips together with raised eyebrows. 
“I feel kind of bad, you know?” You frowned, looking toward the glass doors you had just exited out of. “Mr. Choi is practically killing her with his good sales.”
“We just need to find a good superhero and have one of our guys stalk him,” Yoongi shrugged, turning in his seat and began to click away on his desktop.
“Shoot, that reminds me,” you stood up and walked across the office. 
“Ah, Y/N,” Jin greeted with a playful smile, “What can I do for you?”
“Miss Hwang wants to see you.”
Groaning in frustration, he stood up and muttered, “If she makes me walk the streets and look around for any suspicious looking people who could be a potential super, I sweat to on all that is green...”
“Sorry buddy,” you frowned, patting his shoulder assuringly. 
He left his desk and walked past you without another word and you turned to go before a voice rang out, “You busy today?”
Turning your head, you raised an eyebrow toward Namjoon, another coworker of yours. He was in the editing department. While Jin went out and got the inside scoop, Namjoon would edit Jin’s findings before they made it into the magazine. 
“Not really. Miss Hwang mentioned a new intern coming in today so I’ll have to show him around,” you sighed with a tired smile.
“Him?” Namjoon pressed, looking at you suspiciously.
“Don’t get jealous now, you big baby. He’s probably young.”
“You’re young, Y/N,” Namjoon reminded, pouting. 
Sending him a pointed expression, you deadpanned, “You know what I mean.”
“Alright, alright. Go have fun with the new intern,” he shooed you away, playfully, “But we’re still on for dinner tonight, right?”
Walking around the desk, you pecked his cheek softly and smiled, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Okay, so maybe he wasn’t just another coworker of yours.
Smiling satisfied, Namjoon nodded and gestured toward your desk at the far end of the room. “Wouldn’t want Hwang on your ass today so you should handle that mountain of paperwork she gave you to do.”
“Aw, my hero,” you rolled your eyes sarcastically, “saving me from the pure wrath of our boss.”
“Hey, thank me when she isn’t making you go on a third coffee run this morning––”
“Y/N! I need a caramel macchiato, venti, skim, extra shot, extra-hot, and extra-whip!” 
Looking away sheepishly, Namjoon mumbled, “Spoke too soon.”
“Now I’m off on a coffee run,” you sighed, leaning your head back to stare at the ceiling. “How many coffee runs do you think I’ll go on ‘till I get promoted?”
You didn’t wait for Namjoon to answer. Turning your body away from him, you hunched your shoulders and grabbed your purse from your desk.
Walking into the coffee shop, the strong scent of freshly bakes pastries and, of course, coffee engulfed your senses. Approaching the barista at the cash register, you sent a polite smile. “Miss Hwangs usual please?”
Nodding her head, as if having the order memorized, she wrote down a name on the cup and handed it off to another barista before pressing a few keys onto the register. “$4.56.”
You handed her the five dollar bill and something caught your attention in the top corner of your eye. In the corner of the store, above the breakfast bar seating was a small t.v. with a news program playing. You were used to the usual heroics of the well known supers residing in your city but this super, no, he was new. 
“Do you know who that is?” You asked, pointing to the t.v. where a man was seen pulling a bus from hanging off of a bridge.
Looking up to catch a glimpse at the t.v., the barista shook her head. “Nah, this is a rerun from what happened last night down by the Greenlight Bridge. Apparently some guy tried to knock a tour bus off of it but this dude, whoever he is, saved them.”
“Huh,” you nodded, pouting in approval. With the rising crime rate in your cty, you were grateful another super was helping out. “Hopefully we see more of him.”
“Yeah, our city could use as many superheroes as we can get,” the barista agreed, handing you a brown paper bag. “Here’s your change, Miss.”
After thanking her, you headed back out and walked back into the office building just a few blocks away from the coffee shop.
“Y/N!” A voice shouted when you walked into the lobby, and what followed was the sound of footsteps hurdling toward you.
“Don’t knock me over, I have coffee!” You warned, closing your eyes, expecting what was to come. 
“I learned my lesson before,” Hoseok smiled with a raised brow, stopping in front of you.
“What’re you doing here? Aren’t you on super watch taking pictures?” You referred to the Canon camera hanging off his neck.
“Well, I was, but then I got nothing so I sent Jimin to finish the job for me,” he shrugged.
Tutting disapprovingly, you scolded, “Sending a younger boy to do your work? Bad Hobi.”
“Hey, he’s my apprentice. He’s the one who wants to be a big shot magazine photographer so this is a minor job I’m giving him to test his skills.”
“Fair enough,” you nodded at his excuse to get out of work.
“You?” Hoseok eyed the bag and smirked. “Coffee run?”
“Oh, shut up,” you scowled, moving the bag so it was out of sight. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Hwang needs her coffee.”
“Mhm, I bet she does,” Hoseok agreed with a pressed smile. He was never good at hiding how amused he was. He just loved to rub in your face how you were still doing coffee runs. Especially after you’d told him on your first day that within a few months you’d be promoted and working right alongside Miss Hwang.
Well, you were nearly six months in and...nada. You’re still getting coffee.
Stepping into the elevator and clicking the button for the top floor, you straightened your posture and took a deep breath. Walking into Miss Hwang’s office, you took the coffee out of the bag and gave it to her to test. Crumpling the bag into a ball, you tossed it into the recycling bin in front of her desk.
“Oh, thank you, Y/N dear,” Miss Hwang took a long sip of her drink and smacked her lips a few times, making sure the order was right. Nodding her head to herself in satisfaction, she set the coffee down beside her and gestured to the young looking man standing near her desk. 
“Y/N, I’d like you to meet Mr. Kim Taehyung. He’s the new intern I told you about.”
“Oh!” You smiled politely, shuffling over to him and extending your hand out for him to shake. “Nice to meet you.”
“You, too,” he took your hand and shook it with a light squeeze.
“I expect you to give him a thorough tour of the office and make sure he knows all the rules by lunch. Yes?”
“Yes, ma’am,” you nodded with a confident smile.
“Okay, now shoo. I have heaps of work to do,” she looked back down at her desktop computer, waving you off with her hand. 
“Yeesh,” Taehyung mumbled once you two had exited the office, “Is she always like that?”
“Yes,” you replied, curtly, “but you’ll get used to it. She’s really not that bad.”
“That’s reassuring,” Taehyung admitted, looking back at Miss Hwang’s office for a split second.
“Here’s your desk,” you pointed toward the empty desk beside Yoongi’s and you smacked his head when he didn’t even bother to acknowledge the new intern. 
“Ow, what was that for?” Yoongi groaned, rubbing the spot where you hit him. 
“This is the new intern and I expect you to be friendly and not scare him off like you did the last––”
“Woah, woah,” Yoongi interjected, holding his hand up to stop you, “I did not scare him off. Sure, I might’ve intimidated him but it’s business!”
“He was quivering in fear when you were in the same room as him,” you stated flatly and brought up a warning finger. “And that better not happen to Taehyung or else.”
“Don’t worry about me, Y/N. I’m not usually scared by most things,” Taehyung cut into your conversation with a grin.
“You say that now,” you raised an eyebrow, eyeing Yoongi with a glare, “but wait ‘till you’ll have to sit next to him everyday.”
“Now, you��re just ruining first impressions, Y/N,” Yoongi scolded, placing a hand on his heart as he feigned being hurt. “Not cool.”
“Sorry about him,” you apologized, standing in front of Yoongi so he was no longer in the view of Taehyung. “He’s great, too, don’t worry. A lot of working here is getting used to the environment. Now, if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you the break room.”
Taehyung trailed behind you, looking around the halls of the well maintained building. “Have you lived here your whole life?” Taehyung asked breaking the silence between you two as you walked.
“Psh,” you scoffed, slowing your pace so you were walking beside him, “I grew up in a small town a few hours away from here. All I wanted to do was to move to the city and work in a tall building like I am. So after college, I packed my bags and left.”
“You’re brave,” Taehyung mumbled, smiling at how headstrong you seemed.
“My parents hated the idea, so of course, I had to prove them wrong,” you added with a chuckle. “What about you? You from the big city?”
“Me? Oh, no. I was raised on a farm far away from here. I didn’t come until recently when I thought about making a difference.”
“Hey, at least you have a moral reason to be here. I came here for my own selfish reasons,” you shrugged.
“Selfish? I don’t think leaving a place you weren’t happy in is being selfish. I find it admirable you’d pick up your things and leave.”
Stopping in your tracks, you blinked at the man beside you. Admirable? I’m...admirable? 
“Sorry, was that too mushy?” Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, shutting his eyes in embarrassment.
“No, no! It’s just...no one’s ever said that to me before,” you said, lowly, fighting the grin fighting to spread on your face. 
“I find that extremely hard to believe,” Taehyung smiled, coyly, at you. 
Was he flirting with you?
And if so...why was it affecting you so much?
Clearing your throat, you averted your gaze to the light blue door you stopped in front of. “Here’s the break room. Usually people come in here to talk crap about Miss Hwang...Don’t hang out with those people. She has ears everywhere,” you warned, staring at Taehyung with utter seriousness.
Taehyung coughed and nodded, “Got it.”
“Now, let me show you the printing room.”
“So, you think you got everything?” You asked, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, watching Taehyung walk toward his desk. 
“Like I said the four other times you’ve asked, yes, Y/N, I got everything,” Taehyung reassured, offering a thumbs up and convincing grin.
“Okay, well,” you sighed, patted your hands onto your skirt, “if you have any questions, just ask.”
“I do have one,” Taehyung piped, looking away bashfully. At this, Yoongi slyly looked up from his computer and looked between the two of you, curiously.
“I just moved here and I’ve only been to one restaurant before and it’s a pretty damn good one. So, I was wondering if you’d be willing to go to dinner with me...as colleagues, of course.”
Smiling at his offer, you were about to nod your head when you remembered your plans. Smacking your forehead, you sighed, “Gosh, Taehyung, I’d love to but I have plans with Joon tonight.”
“Joon?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
“Her boyfriend,” Yoongi answered, flatly. It wasn’t that Yoongi didn’t like Namjoon. Being your best friend, he tried to but he always felt you could do better. But then, you’d immediately shush him and assure that no one was better than Namjoon and you were happy. Finally Yoongi let go, accepting the fact that you were with a guy that made you happy.
“Oh,” Taehyung’s voice formed an ‘o’ shape and he nodded slowly. Cracking a smile, he offered, “Another time?”
“Of course,” you grinned, relieved that he didn’t pry into your love life by asking questions.
The three of you sat in your shared area of desks, occasionally talking about yourselves in attempt to get Yoongi to warm up to Taehyung. 
And man, was it working. That boy was so charming, you could notice Yoongi engaging in more conversations than he’s ever engaged in before aside from the ones you’ve shared. 
“It’s getting pretty late, Yoongs,” you gestured out the windows, revealing the night sky above the flickering lights of buildings across from yours, “You sure you’re staying? You’re going to be so tired tomorrow.”
“I’m always tired,” Yoongi stated, not bothering to look up at you. “Besides, Taehyung offered to stick around and get my coffee when I need it.”
Raising your eyebrows in surprise, you turned toward Taehyung for confirmation and he nodded his head with a pleased smile. “It’s the least I could do since you two have been such a great help today.”
Man, this guy was perfect.
“Uh, okay,” you stammered, unsure of how you felt about Yoongi’s unusual welcoming behavior. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“Mhm,” Yoongi hummed, making a kissing noise and blowing air out of his mouth, still not bothering to turn to you. Even this boy’s flying kisses were lazy, you thought with an eye roll.
“Bye, Y/N,” Taehyung waved before hovering over Yoongi’s shoulder, watching closely at what Yoongi was writing. 
You stepped out of the office and shivered instinctively as a cold gust of wind blew past you. Checking your watch, you debated on taking a cab to the restaurant or simply walking. 
Determining that it wasn’t that cold and you still had enough time to go and not be late, you decided to walk. Only, what you didn’t know was the eventual danger coming your way.
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chewykookie11 · 6 years
Bonding Desire jjk | 1
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chapters: 1/17
genre: bts mystery, romance, some crime and fluff
pairing: jungkook x oc
summary: all she did was speak her mind at a fan meet. not a good idea when jungkook is in one of his moods. little did she know that she was destined to meet him. destined to be forced to remain within 45 feet of the idol.
status: complete | editing
masterlist | next chapter
The line continues to slowly move, and I feel the excitement build up inside of me. I’m going to meet BTS! And most importantly, my bias, Kookie. At last, I can see the white table, and I crane my neck to get a glimpse of the boys. My eyes narrow at the first face I see. Kookie. He looks like he would rather be in hell than sitting at the table. He greets the fans with a look full of annoyance and gives them the most pathetic high-five I have ever seen. I can see the slight disappointment in the fans' faces. I walk up to the table, standing directly in front of him, but I act as if he doesn't exist.
"Aren't you going to give me a high-five? You paid like 200 dollars to meet us," he snarks.
I glance at him in irritation. "Why would I high-five someone who looks like he could care less about his fans. I paid 200 dollars to meet BTS. Whether you're a part of that, or not, is up to you." I leave the stunned idol, and move on to Jin, who is smiling brightly at the girl ahead of me. Jungkook may be a famous idol, but that doesn't mean I have to treat him any differently. I hear a chair screech behind me before a hand clasps tightly on my wrist and yanks me towards the table. I found myself in a glaring contest with Jungkook, his face inches from mine. Jin had jumped from his chair, and was trying to calm the maknae, but Jungkook wasn’t backing down. The look of pure rage in his eyes catches me off guard at first, but I can't let myself waver.
"Take back what you said," he growls.
I narrow my eyes. "Apologize to all of the fans who paid to see your awful attitude."
"I don't have anything to apologize for," he argues. My lips press together in irritation. So much for loving and caring for your fans.
"Then I have nothing to take back," I snark back.
"Take her backstage!" He barks, releasing my wrist forcefully, I watch him walk back to his seat before a meaty hand grips my shoulder and pushes me away from the table, and the crowd of confused fans.
"Hey, wait!" The door slams in my face before my cries of protest can be heard. I don't even know where I am. Is this legal? Kidnapping is illegal, isn't it? Is this technically kidnapping? I plop onto the couch with a huff. This is all because burnt Kookie decided to be on his period today. At least there's food. I look at the array of dishes laid out on the table. Score! They have mini sausages! I pile a few on my plate before leaning back, and munching on the meaty delicacies. Who knew how long I'd be in here for.
"YAH!" I cring at Hyung's voice. I know I had it coming for me. "Really Jungkook? I thought you got over these moody fits when you became of age. I mean, what even happened out there!? First you act like you don't care about your fans, and then you're calling security on one of them for just telling the truth?"
"I know Hyung, I screwed up," I sigh rubbing the nape of my neck
"Yeah, you did, and you're going to fix it yourself." I watch him storm off towards the dressing room. Jin sure looked angelic in public, but you don't want to cross him. He’s really like a mom. I know what I did was wrong, but that girl just... No one had ever treated me like that before. While I'll admit it was pretty hot, I'm not letting my guard down. I can't lose to her. Now I just have to find her.
I yelp as the door flies open back up in fear of the figure standing in front of me. Jungkook. His sharp features soften as he sees my fearful state. He runs his hand through his hair, and I can't help but stare at his profile. He is my bias after all.
"Look, I'm sorry..." he begins, but I don’t let him finish.
"Why?" I ask shortly.
"What? What do you mean why?" I cross my arms. He doesn’t seriously think he can make this all better with a simple little apology, does he?
"Why are you apologizing to me? While my experience wasn’t the most pleasant, I asked for it by opening my big fat mouth. But the other fans didn't do anything wrong, so why are you apologizing to me?"
"Look, it doesn't matter now. The fans are gone."
"And at least a seventh of them will go home really upset."
"A seventh?"
"There are seven members, so about a seventh of your fans will have you as their bias. Probably even more. Who knows? But if I were you, I would feel like complete crap."
"Yeah, well, you're not me," he rolls his eyes, irritated.
"I didn't think the media could cover up and lie about so much, but they completely changed your personality. Forget the innocent golden maknae, you're just downright rude.”
"You don't even know me," he growls.
"You're right, I don't, and I hope I never do."
"All of our fans would kill to be in your place right now."
“That may be true, but none of them have the guts to go against their own bias.” My hand flies to my mouth. Well there goes that.
“So, I’m your bias huh?” he smirks. I just had to go and bloat his ego even more.
“What does it matter to you? I’m just another fan,” I say trying to keep my composure as my cheeks grow hot.
“Oh no, you are not just another fan,” he whispers, backing me up against the wall. “I’ve never met a fan like you.” What is he talking about? I try to push him away, but he is too strong for my weak arms. “Just come with me,” he mutters in my ear. My spine tingles, and my cheeks grow hotter at the close contact. He grabs my wrist and leads me out of the room.
“Well aren’t you two looking close,” Jimin teases. I snatch my wrist from Jungkook’s grasp and take a few steps away from him. I look around at the 6 members in front of me. They really do look even better in person. I didn’t know that was possible.
“I’m really sorry for how he acted earlier, it was a bit uncalled for,” he says apologetically.
I look at Seokjin and smirk. “A bit?” The oldest member throws a glare at the maknae. It was scary how quickly his face went from kind and caring to angry Mama Jin. “How can we make it up to you?” Namjoon steps in before the tension grows any thicker.
I blink my eyes in confusion. “Make it up to me?” I ask hesitantly. I just assumed I’d get an apology and be sent on my way back home.
The members begin throwing out ideas left and right. “What if we give her a bunch of merchandise?” Jimin suggests.
“We could always refund her money,” Yoongi says
“Free tickets to our next concert in America?” Hoseok adds.
“I really don’t need anything,” I try to pipe in, but they continue to drown me out with their suggestions.
“Can she come with us to South Korea and be our translator?”
“We have Namjoon for that,” Jungkook retorts.
“Can I just go home?” I cry desperately.
“No!” They all yell in unison. I hold up my hands in defeat. I see Taehyung lean towards Namjoon and whisper something in his ear. The leader’s eyes widen, making me curious as to what Taehyung had said to him.
I don’t have to wait long to find out. “We want you to come to South Korea with us,” Namjoon announces.
I stare at him with a blank face, trying to comprehend what he had just said. “You want me to up and leave my home, and move to another country to become your manager? How does that benefit me at all?” I object.
“We will pay for your college and living costs, and in return, you become our personal manager,” Jin throws in.
“Don’t you already have a manager?”
“A personal manager is different. You take care of the things that are more private.”
“And what if I say no?”
“Why are you so stubborn?!” Can’t you just be grateful for this opportunity?” Jungkook snaps. I turn my head and raise an eyebrow at him.
“From what I remember, I’m the one you’re trying to make up to,” I snap back.
“Have you forgotten who I am?” He takes a step towards me.
“Have you forgotten I don’t care?” I glower, shortening the distance even more. Our heads snap down to our hands when we hear a loud click. Silver handcuffs hang loosely on our wrists, joining us together by a short chain. Jungkook tries to pull away, causing me to lose my balance. I yelp at the sharp pain in my wrist as tears fill my eyes. Jin rushes to my side and inspects my wrist. Jungkook could care less about the pain I was in.
“Remove them hyung,” he growls at the leader. Could someone please slap this boy?
“I’ve never met someone who can compete with your attitude, Jungkook. This will be good for you,” he says lightly, not even sparing the maknae a glance. Jin helps me stand up and leans over to whisper in my ear.
“Namjoon is having one of his philosophical moments. Once he decides to do something, it’s set. I’m sorry, but can you just deal with this until he moves on?” I stare at him incredulously. He seriously expects me to be ok with this?
“So, you’re telling me this is normal for him?” He just smiles innocently at me, shrugging slightly. I let out a huff before turning to face the rest of the group. “But how will this work? You guys have to fly back to Korea. I can’t be seen in public with you guys, especially not like this.” I look up at Jungkook in irritation, who was giving Namjoon a death glare.
“We’ll take special precautions to keep your identity safe,” Namjoon promises. Something in his eyes make me feel as if I can’t say no. It was like some king of magic in his eyes
I nod reluctantly and sigh. “I’ll have to transfer from my college here. I’m not taking any classes right now, so it shouldn’t be a big deal. My mother passed away when I was 12 and I never knew my father, so I don’t really have any family to say goodbye to.”
“Wait, you’re not seriously going along with this, are you?” I glanced over at the outraged maknae. He was now sending me a death glare.
“Why? Are you against it?” I snort.
I smirked. “Then I’m extremely for it.”
“So, the point is to make me look like a dude?” I glance at myself in the full-length mirror. My long brown hair is nipped and tucked into a snapback, while sunglasses sit on the bridge of my nose to hide my hazel eyes, and a mask covers the rest of my face. A large sweatshirt conceals my curves, and a pair of sweatpants hangs loosely on my hips. “Aren’t people going to think I’m a homeless man?” I mutter as I twist and turn in front of the mirror.
I hear Jungkook snort before looking at Jin, waiting for an answer. “We’ll just say you’re our new assistant whose luggage got lost, and this was all you had to wear,” he quickly reasons.
“Very convincing,” I mutter sarcastically, lightly tugging at the sweatshirt. At least it’s comfortable. I hope it’s not too hot in Korea.
“I need to finish packing,” Jin announces before leaving the two of us alone in the small dressing room.
I sneak a glance at the boy sitting next to me. His sharp features are distorted with faint annoyance as he stares at his phone. Is this the real Jungkook? He’s always so kind and charismatic on the screen. Meeting him in real life has really opened my eyes to the deception of media.
As if he can feel my eyes watching him, he snaps his head up to look at me, and I quickly look away. “I still don’t understand why you’re doing this,” he grumbles.
I look up to see his tall frame standing behind me in the mirror. “Well first of all, it doesn’t really look like I have a choice. Namjoon isn’t going to take these off until he wants to. Second, because you’re completely against it,” I smirk.
“You’re doing this to purposely irritate me?” He raises an eyebrow at me. I couldn’t help but stare at his face. He may be rude, but he is still a very attractive man.
“If that’s how you want to take it, sure,” I shrug. He rolls his eyes.
Jimin pops his head through the door. “Are you ready yet? Can we go now?” he asks impatiently. I look at Jungkook, who is already back at his chair getting his stuff, before nodding my head. Guess I don’t have a choice. It was go time.
I begin to worry about what could happen when we get off the plane. I am about to be spotted in public with BTS, disguised as a guy. We board the plane and take our seats after storing our carry-ons. Jin, who sat in front of me next to Namjoon, turns around to check up on me.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’ve been better,” I chuckle softly. “Not much of a plane person,” I mutter.
“Now you tell us,” Jungkook mutters next to me, his face buries in his phone. Jin shoots him a glare before turning back to me.
“If you need anything just let us know,” he smiles. I thank him with a smile.
“Don’t bother my hyungs. If you need anything just ask me. They’ve got enough on their plates.” I look over at the boy next to me, who now has his eyes closed and headphones in, blasting music. I sigh and settle into the back of the uncomfortable airplane seat, waiting for them to make an announcement that the plane was taking off. This was the only part of flying that freaked me out. In my eyes, so much could go wrong during take-off. My hands were shaking, and my eyes darted around the plane as I anxiously waited for the metal bird to lift off the ground and possibly combust into flames. I couldn’t even distract myself with my phone.
“Passengers, make sure your seatbelt is securely buckled, and all personal belongings are stored under the seat in front of you.”
This is it. My knuckles turn white as they gripped onto the arm rests. My breathing grows quicker, but I do my best to hide it, not wanting anyone to notice I was freaking out. I glance around at the members, all of them either asleep or preoccupied with something else. This was easy for them. They fly all the time. Everything is going to be ok Cathleen. At least if you die today, you’ll die next to BTS. I continue to reassure myself trying to soothe my nerves. A pair of headphones are slid over my ears, blocking out any noise with beautiful piano melodies that instantly relaxes my body. A strong hand holds my shaking cold one in a firm grasp. I look over to thank him, but he’s already asleep, his head facing away from me. I try to relax, only gripping onto his hand for dear life the moment the plane lifts off the ground. Not wanting to take away anymore of his music listening time, I slid the headphones off and carefully place them onto the sleeping boy’s lap. Now that we can have technology out, I rummage through my backpack and pull out my laptop.
“I’ve never met a Korean with light hair and hazel eyes.” I jump a little at his voice, not knowing he was awake.
“I’m half. My father is Korean and my mother was Irish. Until I was 12, I had dark brown eyes and stick straight black hair, but I guess my mother’s genes decided to take over when I went through puberty.” I shrug.
“TMI,” he mumbles.
“You brought it up,” I retort quietly before turning back to my laptop.
“Do you hate your father?” The question catches me completely off guard. I’ve never talked about my dad, and no one ever bothered to ask about him either.
“How can I hate someone I’ve never met?” He nods in understanding.
“Do you hate me?” I slowly turn my head to look at him. His eyes are plastered to the fidgeting hands in his lap. As much of a jerk he’s been to me, I can tell he’s more than that. Whether it’s a mask or ‘just a phase,’ I don’t know, but he’s not completely heartless and evil.
“No,” I whisper. His head snaps up to meet my eyes, a look of relief on his face. He goes back to doing his own thing for the rest of plane ride, and I try not to bother him as much as possible.
Half way through the flight, my throat grows dry and I realize my water bottle is empty. Dang flight regulations. Can’t bring liquids through security. I tap Jungkook lightly on the shoulder and watch him slip his headphones off one ear.
“Is it possible to get some water?”
“There’s always the bathroom,” he smirks.
“Are your telling me to drink from the faucet in a plane bathroom?” He just shrugs before slipping his headphones back on.
Moments later, a flight attendant comes to our aisle with a glass of ice water. “Sir, are you the one who ordered the water?” He doesn’t spare her a glance, and points at me. I narrow my eyes at him. Cut the jerk act Jungkook.
Wonder if there’s a way I can test the maknae.
next chapter
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silence-burns · 7 years
To Move On
Fandom: Lucifer (TV show)             Genres: grief, denial, friendship
Summary: After the death of his brother, Lucifer can’t pull himself back together, even if he tries to deny it. His attitude becomes problematic when you and Chloe try to catch a murderer, but he is your friend and you can’t leave it like that.
Word count: 2,250
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The bodies were being photographed by three men. You were surprised that none of them had stepped into one of the big pools of blood yet, given how much of it was splattered everywhere around. Ella seemed to be thinking the same thing, with a very impressed look.
“I should have gone to those ballet classes,” she mumbled, chewing her sandwich. Both of you had to wait for the men to finish before starting your part of the job. Chloe was circling around them impatiently, already pumped up with adrenaline and probably more than a hundred theories to check out.
“My mother wanted me to be a chef,” you said, taking a big bite from her sandwich. She always ate the good, expensive ones. “I guess I wouldn’t be able to hold the food in my stomach if I became one and then saw something like this.”
“Yup. And they say that life as an investigator is easy and doesn’t require any special skills. Look at Joe – poor guy is as green as the grass around him.”
You nodded, glancing at one of your colleagues, who tried to regain his composure on the back of the crime scene and pretending that he had nothing to do with the fresh puddle of vomit to his left. It wasn’t really his fault – he usually worked behind the desk and only packed or checked the papers from the investigations. If your bureau had more free officers, he would have been left in his cozy, corner office, but because most of them were occupied with another murder on the other side of the city, someone had to help with this one. If it was up to you, you would let him go home and rest, but unfortunately you weren’t the one in charge.
Watching Joe, you noticed another man heading in your direction from behind him. A very well-known man, not only because of his (rather interesting) looks.
You frowned. Lucifer looked quite… disheveled, which was unheard of for him.
“Hello,” he welcomed both of you rather terse after approaching you. Although he was smiling, he seemed different and uneasy.
“Are you drunk?” Ella asked him directly, eyeing him suspiciously.
“Or high?” you added, leaning in to smell him.
“No and no – unfortunately, but I’m working on it,” Lucifer flashed a wide smile, which was obviously not entirely honest.
He passed by you, moving to the table with all kinds of food and drinks. The murder took place at a wedding, so there was still plenty of it left over. The guests were also asked to stay until all of their testimony were taken, so now some of them were observing Lucifer moping up the fancy cake, completely uncaring about a tragedy that had happened here just a half an hour ago.
“Is he even serious?” Ella’s eyes went wide, just like yours. “I mean, he was always a bit weird and stand-offish, but this is weird even for him…”
“Yeah… I’ll take care of him, you go to Chloe, it looks like the boys are finished,” you muttered, leaving her side and pulling a plate from Lucifer’s hands.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you hissed.
He looked at you with pure surprise on his face.
“I thought eating was a rather normal action for a human…”
“Lucifer, for… whoever’s sake, you are at a crime scene and eating possible evidence!”
“You’re exaggerating as always, there’s no need to…”
“First, you don’t know, and neither do we, if it isn’t poisoned, because, guess what, it wouldn’t be such a surprise since we already have dead bodies. Second, it’s not up to you to decide what goes where and what can be thrown out or eaten! What’s wrong with you? It’s not your first ride, Luci,” you said, trying to look at him directly, but Lucifer didn’t want to catch your gaze and avoided it. From so close you could see that he was indeed a walking mess and looked like a completely different person. There was almost nothing left of the man you’d come to know.
“Whatever,” he murmured before trying to go somewhere else.
You wanted to stop him, but before you grabbed his arm, you heard Chloe calling for you. You let out a small groan, noticing Lucifer approaching a group of the witnesses, still shaking and sobbing. It was an easy way to cause a disaster, but you noticed a few officers standing nearby, so you hoped they would eventually stop Lucifer before it was too late for whatever he had in mind. You had no idea what had shaken him up so much, but it had to be something big. If you knew anything about this man, it was that he had built walls around him so tall that only something extreme could pass them. You definitely considered yourself one of his few friends and you decided to make him talk about it sometime later. You just couldn’t watch him in this state.
With a sorry feeling still clouding your thoughts, you turned around and approached Chloe and Ella crouching nearby the massacred body.
“Any ideas?” you asked, trying to sound normal, but Chloe had seen through you immediately, frowning.
“Is everything okay?” she asked the question you had no answer to. “And what about Lucifer?”
“He said… he was going to check something first,” you stuttered, but fortunately she didn’t push. Ella was unusually silent.
“The shooter must have had some training,” was the first thing she said, not even looking in your direction. “Or it was a very lucky shot. Either way, no ambulance could have saved this girl, even if the medics started to work on bringing her back right in the moment she got shot.”
“So he shot to kill, efficiently and without second-thoughts,” Chloe murmured to herself.
“You think it was some kind of a revenge?” you asked. “You know, it’s pretty symbolic here – the wedding, the bride killed right before she entered a new chapter in her life…”
Chloe opened her mouth to say something, but the three of you stopped when you heard a sudden fuss behind you.
Well, if you hoped for the officers to have a close watch on Lucifer and his actions, you probably should have told them that face to face. Or do it yourself.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Chloe almost teared Lucifer from one of the female witnesses he was heavily making out with on one of the tables.
He looked at her rather unfocused, definitely not seeing anything bad in his latest actions.
“Just helping the poor lady come back to her senses!” he exclaimed with passion. “You are a detective, detective! You should know what she’s been through. She needs to calm down and think about something less drastic and relax…”
“So you think it’s just fine to screw her in the middle of an open-field investigation?” Chloe corrected him with disbelief. You’ve never seen her so angry but you felt the same way.
“Well, it’s not like she wasn’t up to some fun…” Lucifer purred over his shoulder into the woman’s direction with a sly smile.
Chloe grabbed his arm, turning him back and tried to reason with him, but you could clearly see it wasn’t working. You were standing a few feet behind her, watching them with a heavy weight on your shoulders. The Detective had also noticed the drastic change in Lucifer’s attitude and tried to convince him to let her help if he couldn’t handle whatever has happened, but he ignored her.
A few minutes later you watched Lucifer’s back as he left the crime scene, not even once looking back at you. You worried if he was able to get back to the Lux on his own, but you had work to do. You decided to pay him a quick visit on your way back home and check on him.
“So, um… Do we have any witnesses who had seen the murderer?” you asked Chloe, getting back to the body.
She rubbed her face tiredly.
“I’m not sure, I have to ask the officer…”
“I’ll do it! You don’t move and just help Ella,” you offered quickly, giving her a warm smile.
“Thanks,” she agreed gladly.
A few hours later, you entered the Lux quite surprised at how many people had already been there as the parties usually started late in the evening. The music was blasting from the speakers, almost deafening. The crowd flowed through the colorful space. A few waiters were maneuvering with experience, never spilling a drop of champagne. It wasn’t anything new for this place. Parties at Lucifer’s were always  of the best sort.
It took you some time before you pushed your way to the bar in the hopes of finding Maze and asking her about Lucifer, but when you got there, it became clear you didn’t need any help with that.
Dancing like a true devil with three barely clothed girls, downing glass after glass, it was a miracle Lucifer hadn’t already fallen down. You sighed. You should have probably guessed how Lucifer would choose to deal with whatever was bothering him. Alcohol, girls, and endless partying – just another night at Lux.
“Lucifer!” you shouted after approaching him, trying to outshout the noise.
He reacted immediately, turning around so fast he almost hit you.
“What a surprise!” he mumbled barely understandable, visibly unsteady on his feet. Two girls in heavy makeup were hanging on his shoulders lustfully, but it didn’t stop him from coming closer to you with a strange look in his darkened eyes.
“We need to talk.”
“Sure, honey, whatever you want,” he whispered, leaning in close to you. His charm would work better if he didn’t stink like a distillery.
“Not here,” you quickly moved away, but grabbed his arm and forced him to follow you, completely ignoring his unusual wandering hands.
You almost pushed him into the elevator, tearing his hands off you angrily.
“Just stop it!” you growled and he raised his hands in a defensive gesture.
“Whatever…,” he murmured.
Before he could do anything else, the elevator stopped and you moved him outside, earning a surprised look from him.
You slapped him hard, not bothering to restrain yourself. At that point you were too angry to hold on.
“What is wrong with you?!” you yelled at him before he could regain himself and do anything. The pure shock on his face was a rare view. “First that bullshit on the crime scene, now this? Lucifer, I’m scared of you!”
He blinked a few times, still speechless. It was clear he never expected such an action from you.
“Well, you certainly don’t look scared…,” was the only thing he managed to mumble, moving away from you to lean on the counter on his left.
“But I am! This… This whole thing… It’s not you. It’s not the Lucifer that I know. I am your friend and that means if you ever have any problems, I will try to help you out with whatever is bothering you. But it also means that I will not allow this bullshit and you screwing up so badly in your life to the point there is no way back – and don’t even start saying that I’m exaggerating again, because let’s be honest, you don’t know where to stop once you start something. Lucifer, just tell me what happened. Just tell me what I can do to bring you back.”
You were looking straight into his eyes. The silence in his apartment was laying heavy around you, the dim light separating you from the rest of the world. At that moment you could clearly see that something deep inside Lucifer was tearing him apart and every one of his past actions was meant to hide it both from the outside world and from himself.
“What if I don’t want to bring back what I used to be?” Lucifer whispered barely audibly, finally tearing his gaze from you.
“Then at least explain it to me.”
“Why do you care so much?” he seemed not to understand your stubbornness.
“I told you. You are my friend. I don’t need any more reasons,” you lightly touched his hand, smiling encouragingly.
Hesitating a little, you closed your arms around his shoulders, embracing him in a rather awkward hug. At first he stiffened and you were almost sure he would move away from you, but he surprised you, hiding his face in your shoulder.
“But what if I’ve done something truly horrible and I don’t know if I can ever forgive myself?” Lucifer whispered into your hair.
“Forgiveness may come with time or it can never come, it rarely depends on us,” you said, gently stroking his disheveled hair. “The only thing we can do is to move on with that and live our lives the best way we can. Hurting yourself, you hurt people that care about you too. And that may cause you even more pain.”
“Life is more difficult than I thought,” Lucifer huffed, not moving a bit.
“But you’re not dealing with it alone,” you said. “No one is. And that’s what gives us strength to move on.”
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Clone Wars    Senate Spy
       Season 2 Episode 4
Yea,      This     Sound    -s     Good
  A true heart should never     be doubted
    Doubt     is generally a bad thing
     You’re either certain a person’s an          asshole
       Or not
        (Gosh darn it is this going to be in Asoka episode?)
             I just get that feeling
“Treachery        in         the     Senate”
    So a      Tuesday         (I will     not make     any more     political     jokes)
    Tak          Ing         Part...
     Oh no he hang out            ....
        with the wrong clique!
         Of enablers!
          (It’s so petty              but makes               sense
            Like;              Seriously
       Is Obi-Wan              Going               to walk over there?
       And            be like;
      ‘Heard you were hanging out with grievous..
   They’re         grown       adults...
                           (This is why we do accountability)
     Like       they’re even framed like a       cliche
     [Narrator             Voice;
         ‘this is me and my            clique,
           Also, hey
          Watton-boar’s                 In                 Prison!
           No             Ret-cons!
         (I thought that           episode was           relatively good!)
            Do you mean  he thinks they’re               peanuts?
            Or “Plot,”?
           As in he’s           plotting to destroy         them?
      Senator            From           Skipp-io          (We          have             to read              his text             messages!)
        [Okay, that’s the last          joke, but            Seriously,           the           military            gives a shit            what this guy             thinks?]
     And what.          happens       if he answers             “yes”,             (Or decides to say to stay            neutral?]
        Don’t really           have a plan             for that
       [Or is this you didn’t join our cliques so you get to spend the night in         prison,]              Rules?
         How is not blasting every detail of your communications     “spying?”
         Like that’s pretty lambasting for kid                Who’s crime-
      -Wait            what did he even do?
       [Think Yoda’s             snooping again,]
           Anakin               Sky-     Walker
             That’s a pretty              posh looking hotel                           (Makes sense                 for a senator)
        Okay,              so he’s not there,
       Isn’t he supposed to be            her bodyguard?
      Leading fecking,            what,  mate?
         - Get a                    Boomer Bait promotion?
       Because they treated him like                                                     shit last time I checked
      Like          he’s        below        Obi-Wan-
“Now      he    returns,”
  Clearly wasn’t that    important
    With his        wife...
    Did the      writing get any better(?)
    (Preferably not quasi(?)
   - Oh
    Hasn’t       spoken          a         word
     I         guess        that’s        Ok-ay
   What       do      they      have        in    common?
   What          do       they        like,           About          Each          Other?   
      (I mean             they’re going to have to spend some time in silence
        Looking adoringly              At the               Other                  Person-               Talk-               About                  The               Thing...
           Where’s                  the                 vibing?
             Padme’s                  tone                      is                   way                      too                   uneven...
                  And                          A                      Question?
                     I’ve                     covered                       before                         but..
                    Questions                          are                          sign                           of                         distrust
         (She              seems                 ner              vous)
                         If                           you                           trust,                           your                          partner                             says                           their                              thing                             you                             say                            yours                                . . .                            And you just                                vibe
                           (Or you                                don’t)
                             Cargo                                 Freighter
                              Military                                transport
                                   Dis                                      -trust
But   more   import   -antly        how       are       they                                ....      Avoiding        the        war?
       Like dude I’m pretty sure this was           tox before it              began?
           To abandon                  your productive                            And account                   -able                    Res-                     Pons                    Ibil                    ities?
                Like, even                 as-suming,                    (In the best                  cir- cumstances)                      They’re                           Entertain-ment                       focuses                        purely,                       Shouldn’t                        they                        have                       waited                         for                          the                        all                        clear?
Their      Gen    Leader       to       fix       everything       up?
  (There are blaring signs here that say         things are not alright,)
                                   These                                        two                                        are                                        far                                        from                                      innocent                                          (And por-)                                           Point                                          being                                             there                                             should                                              be                                               a                                               lot                                                Less                                            “Innocence”                                                Lot                                                 More;                                                 “We                                             shouldn’t                                                   do                                                     this,”                                                   To                                                     “I                                                   Don’t                                                   Care,”                                                       To                                                     “So                                                        -Bad,”                                                          [On                                                           Both                                                             Sides                                                          - Looking at you                                                               Amidala’s                                                                Char-                                                                ara                                                                  cter                                                                 Iza                                                                 Tion-                                                                  She’s                                                                   Not                                                                 Anymore                                                                   In-nocent                                                                     Than                                                                   Sky-                                                                    Walker-
                                                                    - In this af                                                                           -fair
                                                             And                                                                 harps                                                               should                                                                definitely                                                                  not be                                                                 playing
                                                               Over                                                                   one                                                                     of                                                                    the                                                                most                                                               severe                                                                rule                                                               break                                                                you                                                               can                                                               do
                                                          (Besides                                                               Gen                                                              -erational                                                               over                                                                     lay)
                                                         (It’s not                                                              cute)
                                                               It                                                                   isn’t                                                                    the                                                                 enabling                                                                       (Self                                                                        Less-                                                                power                                                                     of                                                                    love
                                                               This                                                                       is                                                                     purely                                                                   selfish                                
                                                            And should have clear “fuck society”                                                                 overtones (know                                                               ledg                                                                       ab                                                                       L                                                                     -e-
                                                                  [As                                                                   Adults.                                                                   ..]                                                                    . The     alter   -native         far        more      disturbin     g
   (A con-      versation      about        the          Over        sex       ualization           of      children-         And how         you      should      definitely           not         be      playing        harp       music        over        it
-is not a    con   -versation      I wanna       have with     this      movie
   But it won’t    commit     to      either        tone
 Dis-   turbingly!
  (Any way.     .)
   “It      blew       up”
Dude   you’re   supposed      to      be      making    sure     things      didn’t     stagnate      or         get       tox
 That should be   pain-     ted as a lot more malicious
Like;             “ oh yeah       ‘someone’      (Boomers          Or       (Corrupt)             Z-           Tried          to           kill         me            -         screw       holding        those            guys      accountable-             -        “Society’”        Can          deal            with                it”
        Hey               -                  that               was                        something                  -                  But              the             light             music               needs                to                fuck                 off                 (Very               Light-            Ly-            )           . . .
     Already premade?
           Then it   was-
         - Home-
          [Seriously what    was I supposed to get from that ?
         [Like her head bobbled  
         there was no emotion in eyes             [which is bad     considering she’s an adult 
 and should always have emotion                               in her.                      Eyes]
          That           “head bobbling           talking             when              spoken                 to...”    
          More befitting of a   child
        -Reacting   upon      given      orders-
      Is Padme.. like     an arc    -h        it      ec       t?
  (That sounded like something straight out      of a    bad    parent        In    an       Adop      tion        flix)
   (If they were good      they wouldn’t         say it)
    And Padme        Is not a          bad par-        She’s         His         Wife (Bo     -omer          humor         what’s           the      difference         can          go          right            to hell,)
     Nothing             (?)
        It’s the place you            live (?)          Why would you     name it?
      (And some     thing so impersonal,”
       Like not like the        “home that builds other homes,?”            (Since Padme =        Model arch       -tect?)
      It’s           Fine...
     (Just don’t know       why’d         you’d         name            it        that.)
    Naboo       Am-        bassador
   Right    next to the glass fucking windows,
 Oh,        God,
  They’re still       supposed to be secret        right?
  (Like, writers,        The           Scen-ery                Is contra-       dicting the themes)
     Like just the,  “they’re were supposed to keep the     secret,”
     Then they should meet           In close         quarters no light
      For thematic           appropriateness,
       Did the Ambassador...              Give the senator.                  Clothes?               (Like isn’t that               seriously               offensive?)                Like;                “I don’t like your clothing          style?”
           Like that’s pretty assumed authority        right      there
   (Unless        they        were        really        close       friends)
      Five        Blossom        Bread
   “Her        Spec        -ial           Ity,       Wouldn’t         it         be        her       preference-
 Cause        she’s         not      cooking        Also this is feeling very      Boomer.   right       now;         The        Wife         Cooks;       
   (But (as) if there’s anything wrong with cooking        if she likes cooking         and likes         cooking      for all      others?
    What are we going to get any      further    el-aboration         on        that?   
‘Cause it feels      kinda boomer      right now,
   Special-          Ity
 Special- ty       Again,    stop questioning her      and let her do what makes her happy
   Like seriously      You should be so head over heels     that you would listen to them talk about      nail polish for an hour.    (As in,      hearing them talk about paint dry would be interesting
  Because they are so        fecking            cool
      That’s          how           heavy        in the vibes         you should           be-
      (Also what did the ambassador     give      her.. .?)
     Except for galactic     peace
[I know that was a     low blow,]
  “Little,”         Oh          No
 “Every        Day-”
     Who ordered the small been to cook?
      Just...wanna .. to talk,
        And why is bring(ing) that tox                into the relationship            seen as a good thing
    (Also productive interest surfaces     at 22, excessive after)
  So, how young is        22?
   (Because ...     )  
   “I’ve         Been          . Sav-”
     Spec            Ial..
      You            Know...
      That’s          almost          ad-orable              What was          that           transition?
        Bread.         Then             Chest           Hug...
        Shouldn’t             she be            getting                  the               bread?
            (And the               cute-ness                  come from them enjoying it together?)
             With                   You
             Dude. ..            that was the moment           you wanted to lighten up               on the tone                  .      (Not to the point of        being not adult,)  
   Put in a dreamy       complementary       ‘I could hear you          .. talk about, anything”
     Special             ....   
     [WHAT ABOUT THE Bread?!]
      I’m sorry,           but there was a lot of opportunity            for cute
             But the tone...              was off
 [His pupils need to be wider         And the focus needs to be on that
   That he’s so in love with          Amidala
     (Whether             it’s             right or wrong,)
        Her            Lan-guish              Ing                In                Un-              Con              Dit               Ion               al                (Romantic)            Love            More   
 Okay. .
  That’s           a   building
  And       a    reminder           ...
   Of        all      the-        -            They’re     enabling
   One      less        day        to fix it            .....
   Bank-ing      (Bank-he?                If         so,         good       consis-      tency-)
Discover        the truth    in this    matter      we must
   What does that     have to do with the           other         Guy?
    Yoda..     must          Snoop
  “I         Couldn’t,”
    Obi-won          is down         to        snoop              ...
    Sen         a-tor  
 Am-idal            a
     Good for       her
  Not getting pulled into this       Jedi bullshit      ‘Padme,...
‘(muffled) Weneedyoutospyon      Clovis..
    Change            her        mind
        (Assumed auth-)
            Hella                      Tox. .
  [Also, do the Jedi order          have a literally           no other         senators?
Like no one else      semi-willing to        Partake           In their  degeneracy?
(I mean   good for    them.)
 He just left...
He’s on vaca
  Or     shore leave
[Well at least he temporary went    No Contact with the abuser ]
  He’s Amidala bodyguard      , right?
  [like I know it’s implied that he went to    a bar or something..]
 But       Like.. .
 Who’s watching    Amidala             then?
 On    the clock?
 [In front of    a huge freakin window
 [Scenery          /=/         Reason           To          Tor          -ped            O
     You         have           to         pace     yourself,      writers!
     Save the art         for the dramatic             Thematically              appropriate               scenes!
           You’re hit-          ting that button          every five seconds !
     Standing beside a HUGE fucking window-
           [i’m sorry the window-             thing really bothers me-]
           Mostly because it screws              with the rest of the story!
           [they shouldn’t be I                    love our life and                      everything                       involved                          in it,”                           This                         should                              be,                            “Oh I wish we could go                           public, we’re so screwed if the                             Jedi catch us,
                         It’s all about the                           yearn-ing                            [From                               my knowledge                           of the genre,]
“Me too,”
  I love    keeping      our love a secret from everyone else      From    everyone else-
   Only getting to see each other   on rare occasions
  And living in terror        About my          Narc...      Authority   Ass-   umers..
    Finding out about our relationship     and     shaming       me
  [Great society       we live in,]
    [Of my own       negli        gence..]
   *Just       Not       -ic-ed
   Yeah,  missed that detail
   Like missing a lot of unrequited yearning               [For- bid            den-]
        Love        In this      forbidden                 “love” story
  So, why wasn’t it beeping   nonstop?
  Also, Dick   move
  Rais-ing him      on break    just to get some   tea..
 De        -lay
  Yeah, we’re just gloss-ing over that?
  That Obi-Wan will literally send a         police brigade       If     Anakin       (An      Adult)            Doesn’t answer     him          (On        Break)
  Damn,      That’s        tox
 Must’ve    been        a     shit   childhood        -      With   Mister   authority   assumer   over   there       . . .    I’ve      been      Ducking..  ...
 Yeah that’s real    tox
      Assumed authority
     Expecting things         of others          (Apart           from         basic        human       decency)
       There’s too much        tox           in this scene         for me to cover
       But           seriously,          Yeet          the          authority            assumer..
      Angry. .
     As you   should     be..
 At the authority      assumer.. ...
   “don’t think you could read my   mind,”
     (Yeah, but then again this is a relationship you’re supposed to be                vibing
       Still a dick move he was like I know what        you’re thinking
       But saying           it isn’t going to               fix the         problem             ...
       Per-formative           statements                 Towards                  The                 Abuse-
            Isn’t going   to fix the very                  clear problem
If you want a healthy relationship     you’ve got a kick     them
  And      act    accountably
      Still a dick move             that he tried that though
     “You shouldn’t take this      personally,”
       We’re taking in this relationship             as the world around us         burns...
         Where               you         expecting           roses,
                                             [i’m sorry but this really doesn’t work in                                                     an unrequited love story                                                          (For-bidden]
                     “Duty   comes    first,”
             Except                  with                 society                     and                accountability
               (He’s                    not                   noble)
                   It should be more so                       in jest                          When he says                        “duty calls”                          Having                          noticeably                           flaun-ted                          the rules                           knowledgeabl   -y
                      Every note                          sardonic
                                        [They tried to play it                                                 straight.]  
           [This is just a badly         written love story,]
                                      They’re                                            both                                          adults
[Or   should be      if you don’t      wanna get into      sexualization       of          children         territory,]
                                               Neither is   in-   nocent
                                                          Either                                                                is                                                                un-knowledgeable
                                                             Or                                                               Should  
Dis-  -gus       t-       ing         - 
   No     Emotion! 
   None       what-         so- ever!
     [That’s          how             you          know               -                 it’s a good       love story                 -     S/
  .....  .
   Sorry...  I’m late
   But      she won’t answer our calls...
   Yeah there’s like     50 other      senators             They         all         said        no...
  Good        Friend(s
  Seriously,        that’s not suspicious
   Having non-mutual      friends is pretty common
   As is   Ana-kin not knowing this
 Obi-Wan   knock it off
   You don’t     know anything
  Nor was Sky     -walker’s
 Anything different than a general       who just takes       An     advanced     interest        In       Targets
   Point        Being;        This is a council of      snoopers that behavior isn’t a notable
Nor   worthy of the   eyebrow     raise. .
Know them, why would you
Cause, he’s a general?
 Like, seriously
Is social   studies      forbid        den         In       The       Council         Of       Snoops?
  (They are treating this        way more severe than it actually is]
  Also Anakin’s screwed if   the council of hypocrites      Only   allows elder -ly members.    to join    in the   gossip   circles
Yoda’s        A      Snoop.       -      Refuse.      -
  Emotionally    manipulate   ...
Your     girl   ..friend       ....
 Gas       Ligh        t-       Ing
Women       (Yes I use this because the      innocence tone            literally only             Acts up             More            Sever            Ly-            Around           Her)
   Can’t        make          Their         Own         Dec-         isi          On              -          Er
      I’m sorry but the whole tone is just         wrong                And none of this is       pres-        ented as a bad thing
   Tone is      kept neutral         As if Anakin       still beholden to their     orders        And not     accountable       for their own actions
  [and it’s been like this the       whole episode...   
  Like Amidala somehow the innocent flower that needs to be protected and corrected from her decisions
     -and none of it is presented       creepily
    [with the correct music choice or like this is toxically       en-courage         Ing          Som     e          one          to       be       a      dick         to      their   spouse    (Boomer-        term-       Partner)
 Okay       -    Al        right        -     Time        for-
   That is more like       an     adult         ...   
   But     know        ledgeably         and intentionally   tox
     Dear           Frick,
    Why is Amidala     acting like      an       adult?
  While Skywalker can’t even pull off   human?
  Neither the     knowledg       ability of an adult
   Nor        The      un-accountability       of a child
   [An adult      would know        why she was angry            And         Any feigned ignorance                     Toxic                 Flirt
    Here     Anakin‘s portrayed as too Stupid to Live  
          [For a              Sentient]
     [This is a         Boomer comics          level stupid,
       Like;        “Haha,        I don’t know           why my wife’s mad,”
       [despite both being human and that being a          backhanded insult to both yours and hers humanity  
       -And                    Developed
          As an attempt to avoid            accountability for              toxicity
Future does    n’t find it cute      mate
Reason    -able
  “Old        Friend,”
   Dude,       stop
    Gas-      lighting-
   To- gether
   Oh yeah you can’t have male       friends
    [Or     friends of         any     distinction]
   Okay well at least he’s   acting as a bodyguard
   So that    line might      make sense
  That he’s worried      for her safety
    Accompanying            her  
         As              Such
   In the    Council     chamber
[Accoun-t-       ability!]
   Also that’s      just    gossip
   You know- if she wants to play       she said he said so be it
  Less so,        With the tone       refusing to hold Anakin accountable
    And Amidala only acting like an adult,          For the           “shrew-ish wife,” joke                  To make Anakin’s actions,                   Which it refuses to hold to the same standard and adult tone,                    Seem less terrible                     And Male-                       cious
This is an open   aud-itorium   with people      clearly     floating     around,
  “Let         me,”
   The        writers...
     Didn’t earn        that...
     He seems         like a nice guy  
      [Like, yeah          standard           assumed              authority, but            personally he’s at least decent]
        If just a          mix match
       Okay never mind             it just got bad
         His eyes
         Weird shiny                 Thing
              This                   just                 got                 power
              Not              in-tentionally                    Good
           Po                   Liti                     Cal                  Definitely                  political,
              Nothing                   ‘bout                       that
Lady, red flags,       Red flags!
  This is more like        the con       versation         between        Amidala and         Anakin
    Should          be         like
      If          the       writers             -          Had         the        balls            -          To write him like an         adult
 “Owo, too         Stupid             To           Live          Abom.        Un-less           Angry,”
    Ena-          bling
     [oh and ob-      viously slightly less evil,]
      Old - Times
        Don’t            Know
That was almost nice          If it,        didn’t completely dropped the ball        On the power thing
     Now it’s just         spaghetti
      Inconsistent          Character             reaction
On   one   hand     Anakin    has   nothing     to fear     because        dude      clearly         has more interest        in power    than his wife
    That’s different
Dude,      Chill
  While the characterization has been        inconsistent and shaky at best
    Dude, clearly
    I fecking       hate both of them
Dude,      Doesn’t       Care         That        Much
Being       “a   more,     ‘I can’t       believe    the        condition      of the      airplane,”
   “Feck’in        Don’t         Mind          Me,”
    Like Anakin is being a   paranoid      dick
    This dude.     Isn’t great   is toxic in his ambition.     Of auth   ority.... over   people
  And     Padme...
  This is just a     toxic     mess         . .
Dude, doesn’t have his own ship   and   Captain        ...
 Also, so      they’re taking   her   ship       ...
That’s nice-    (The only initi-ative        This movie     has taken     other         than   portraying       Amidala         as a           shrewd          wife          —-    
      I        mean          the      insult,        Not any-        thing positive        about         being      shrewd        - -
   Fly       Ship
 - - -     What?
  Like is it a greeting thing?
  [Because dude      has shown      no interest]
    Except        power
   And Anakin is being way too   judge-mental
 Clearly,  Nothing       Behind         It
  And   Amidala        can        handle     herself
  (As can     any      adult)
   [put the   tri-umphant music back-       That wasn’t        cool]
  Blast        It
 Yeah,  if I suddenly had my arms and legs      restrained-
Also - I think     Amidala’s starting to pity him
 [And      I am too]
  Yeah like dude          a little too ambitious
  You’re tormenting him
  Or something that didn’t even seem    re-latively serious
 And could’ve just been    kind of some weird    custom
  [See-         Ing       as      dude      doesn’t         even      seem     remotely    interested,]
   She’s       Tr-ying
 Aw,      That’s        Nice-
    At least he has some humor
      Looks           like               a           de-ranged          superhero                 -            Aight
Trophy      Wives?
         That’s-                nice
 Fresh       S tart..
That was      Forced
   Hope        ...
 Clovis        ...
  Second         Chances-
       Again- what did he do?
    Like, episode insists on         lambasting this guy...
     On a Rumor                             Mill...
    And         something that happened when they were                                                                      kids.?
       (I know it’s implied                           relation-ship)
           But, seriously?
        “he didn’t take it well?”
           Dude, has shown no                                        interest
                                       Being about the                                            power
I half- convinced     “not taking it well,”        Was dude eating like a     pint of ice cream..
   And, y’know
   Just break         Up
    Don’t      continue             to         lambaste           the           guy
       Over            “Yoda”              The              Gossip’s      Pre-       Sence-
           Years                Later
   Good,       everyone’s       being        friendly,
   [Don’t fuck          it up       Anakin,”
     My          Bad-
      So         the          uniform
      [but then again             he did          explicitly say        that             was why he was coming,”
    And dude pretty smart for not wanting to be 
   gang-ed up                 on
                  So inn-ocent                        Enough
See, everything’s    completely     fine..
  See,     Normal
  Never mind-
          But, seriously
How is that          a problem?
  Specifically        Amidala’s        business?
      When She doesn’t help stop the war either?
 Also yeah     way to invite the senator  to your meeting..
  He       Right..
  Walk         ...
  Good       for       her
  What         ...   
   Okay          ...
  Showing       some        initiative-
    Good          for
   Lighting         Does-           n’t         necess     -arily        Make        him        evil..
    Again..         Terr-          Ifying      wolf cub
      Dude has no            teeth
        Nor energy           for what         he’s             saying
        He          has             a           point...
    Again he’s an absolute     .doofus
     She didn’t see         that?
      Or hear          that?
       Like, they don’t have           any guards?
     Ain’t the            Boss
       Like, seriously        according to them            she just got lost;
       Were you expecting her to stay in           her bedroom?
         My             Dear
         That’s               Very                 Nice-
           Also,                they              legit               hid           behind                the             columns                  ...
              In                their                   own                 house...
                After telling her           they were having a meeting
              This is a     “Did    you    get   lost?”     reaction            -worthy
    Not         “Hid,         Pillars,”
    “Dressed           for dinner,”
        That’s kinda             dick move
  Unless...    it’s a custom..
     Why        only         him?
    Seriously         that’s just -       particularly      bad negotiations-        Reactions-
Maybe I’m missing something..
I feel
  Have          To
    They’re going to sell him        out?
    Weak        -ness
     Dude has just been   plain   friendly    this entire time
       Like             No             In-
       Poison            Amadela
          Geez               -us
          That went from                  1 to 5!
             Why not just plant the     plans on him?
               Also that’s not necessarily a     rom-antic thing                          Like doesn’t matter   who’s before me  
                 I think I would care   whether a person lived or died
                 Even if   -grudgingly 
                 (That’s a                      human!)
Again,      It’s still leaves the    rest     of whatever organization he’s in
   And the concept of “duress,”           To       disqualify it
    (Like so      far he’s just a spokesperson        ; A Senator,
   Oh it’s that     ration      thing     . . .
   Okay,  Anakin took a chill pill
   Light        Drink
   Oh,         It          Is         A      Custom’s         Thing,         ...
    Good           Friend          ...
    Too       Disney
And with that weird   marriage thing in the back    
*Spoof      -y
 Acceptab    ly-
 Just      Stand-     ing
Helpless-     Hapless     (More   accurate)
  Drink      -      With       Me-
    Are we sure Clovis isn’t going to get drunk/       Poison
   Medic      -
   Look          At        Him;
Tumblr media
Face of evil
    Feckin Doofus..  
     Nothing            Too            Bad..
But,      also;        Shouldn’t         take her      to a secluded area
      After             Sick..
A little weird           but ok
     -          ...
  Good for you
  Never mind jerk       Anakin is back?
   Senator      Clovis
   Private         Tour
    No      it was just a tour,”
   Everything there      was pretty friendly
    Anakin’s gonna         ....
   There      it is.. though     actually sounds more like a guard.
 Not too     Bad...
Warn her
*Not too      bad   
      Wait...didn’t it        already?
    Wait that’s not disgust     that’s headache
Climate      Change  
Ahah      ha-
(I’m   sorry,     that’s      so out     of place         ... 
 It’s      Hi-     Lar-        Ious
   Aight          ....
  “I mean that    is childhood friend
   Or friend
  That’s       Nice-
    Not sus.        picious at all?
  . .
   [just put the drink down...
     Say           That
Also hugs can be      platonic...      (No              Rom...)
     Also good      skipped that     miscommunication       ...
  Racing          ...
   Even Dude knows when        to        Back          It...
   Where did that come     from?
   Like, seriously,
    Dude- She’s drugged
  (Take care of yourself      before you take care of others         moral)
   The tox        ...literally killed her
    Boundaries are     good...
   Medical       droid..
    Smart       decision
  Ack  nowledgemeant-
   If       I-
   Stupid plan-
   No     Matter
   They’re   negotiators-
   Poi-      Son     Ed-           Your-
    No shit
   How did he know that?
Tumblr media
   [The Republic Senator    I invited here                Might            not            like           the        Separatists?          Impossible!]
     Dude’s bordering on Himbo             (Corrupt)          But             Still             Trust              -ing
       Okay. .
    She’s      dying..
    That’s        Feck’in         Tame. .
     Also, hey          He did         get the          antidote..
I honestly     -feel for the guy
   Like, yeah he’s corrupt-        But so is     Padme      In terms   of       finishing the          war
With- his one thing-       Being      Friend       -ship
   (Which       Padme         likely       knew,  
   And      she    betrayed           it
   Like,        that’s      gotta      sting          -       More than the Senate    /Sep     art-       Ist-     -
  Dude is acting pretty     tame-
  Still betray   ..ed his friendship
Like,       Those...        A different      layers of     shitty          .
 Suppor-         ting a different sports      team
   Steal-         Ing         Your         Friend’s         Merch,           To         Lambaste him in front of a crowd          ...
   (Best       comparison        I can       come up        with..)
  Dude, It was a manu   facturing business
    Not like-
  Dude, like how many     clone    insta-llations do they have?
     He’s at least not          directly           Screwing            them over  
        Imm-ed      - iately
       Get           Away
       Dude, they were just talking about             their emotions...
      Jedi from        -1 to 10-
  Ha ha
   Dude just stands there
  Like,        What?
  Don’t       get me           wrong?
     A        random pilot just came bursting into his room
    Told him not to     touch
    (Which           he         wasn’t-
     You’d- be a little     ‘who the heck is this guy?’
     She’s          Fine?
    Like, to him        she’s just tired?
    Nothing seems        noticeably off. .
    The       Medical droid?
       Take        Coursant
     Dude, she’s been dying for like half an hour-
      He’s trying to be a good friend-
   Dude, he just gave you    advice on how to get the antidote
 Ain’t       Inter-      Sted-
   And I’ll       get
  [Honestly that comes across very concerned.]
   Like imagine some random pilot dude      Just-           Broke      into the room
   And said he was going to fight a dude     with       clearly     shady dealings        (Poison       up      his sleeve)
    And very    likely guns...
   You’d        Be like dude ‘hold up
(Note; Toxin      Logic- where        Author     -ity       Assum     -ed         Means    So     me-    thing,
 I still   believe    they      could     both     take    this     guy)
   But     Re-       ason- able         (Technically)
   You can’t
   Like,       Dude,        I know         You        Have        Some    Acc-        But          This         Dude         Does-          n’t
     -          -  
    Nor-mally,          I’d say      ‘accountability’           But they          actually  made him a         relatively good sympathetic           villain
   Like, yeah        that’s true         He could’ve       (Should’ve)         But       this        is        now     toxin vs. toxin        (aka.)
    Like, already, he screwed himself and humanity over,        And         that’s            Kinda               Sad...    
        You can’t help hope that they get    held accountable            soon
        To         stop         dig-           ging              ...            The            Hole               ...   
       They          dug          for            him           (self)            ...
     Not helped that he doesn’t really do anything evil
      (Moderately upset button (N     -ot Be-zerk) when          Padme betrays his friendship
      Her life..
    Good friend         Clovis,
     ‘Love           Her,’
   (What?    love can be platonic,      Dude     hasn’t shown any      real interest,”
     (Seriously Padme has used the                “lonely” line so many times                Dude’s only            response;  
         Cool, let’s go on a trip             together (Bond                              -ing)
          Cool, let me take you to your              room (non- sexual)
                       No interest
                       -No energy -Neat
      Lot          -Dot
     Come          with           me-
     There are witnesses-
       Just got him out of a           ultimatum-
      Dead-             Damn,           Clovis,           Fucking,           1/10
       around          - Don’t mess   
       With his friends-
[Seems     more   Anakin]
          Pay this
           Total             Weak-lings
          Even then             he’s nice
         [Though              sounds              like a           goblin...]
        More               so voice. .
          Clovis- do            n’t fuck               Around.
         Sur-vival               Skills
    Dude          He did that under stress         of his friend dying-
      Dick           Move-                 Whelp-
      Body guard was nowhere to be seen
     With the   - eye path
     There            He              Is.
 “sorry, sorry for what?
   Anakin wasn’t right about anything-
     Isn’t deserving         of an apology-
   But, They already knew it was       there...?
   No shit
   Can-      We          Play-             That              Back-
 “ I made you doubt me,”
   What kind of              -gaslighting-?      
           - - -   Er-
       The first                     part          absolute     boomer mess   
        Clovis’s             Struggle              With          Friend-               Ship?     
         End?          Nope In general,
    The tone           is a      confused mess
                    * Clovis                      a saving grace
0 notes
popcartoonkabala · 7 years
The Superman in super-heroism: Tipheret in Yesod because the problem starts from need.
Before was created the yawning absence through which reality was made possible, by getting out of the way, and inviting a world to be, as if, completely devoid of The Perfect and whatever That is-- 
--there was no drama. 
No injury. No boundary violable. No story and no crime. No world, for all this trouble is impossible in the Pure Presence of whatever perfect used to be. That was a long time ago, by definition. History is made of the bouncing and pop! that filled the absence of that initial pre-day with movement, passion, novelty and accident. The God thing that could be described was entirely problematic, mercenary according to the sensory capacities of the most honest and expressive demand, animal and then human and more human. Maybe memory, maybe dream. What’s noticed when gazing down the absence, back at the Source of all Flavors in the appendage-tips of Allah Most High. Because, lets say, there are at least two fundamentally different ways we, popularly, when not being overtly facetious or ironic nowadays use the idea of “god” --The characters we identify with fundamental popular priorities. As regional as the priorities themselves, the local Elohim. 
--The real that we cannot perceive, because it’s too big and all inclusive. The actual-beyond-regional. Whatever that is, the mystery behind science, maybe trivial, maybe utterly present and involved
Either the Real, or the True that discredits the Real. The core experienced that we cannot help but notice, identify, love and fear. This what what religion and popular media both formed as tools for relating to, but also, for unmasking and ritually stripping the power of, so that we could feel like we understand enough to at least relate to, safely. The forces that insist on being Problem, Solution, or Phenomenal Mystery Theater for the whole. This is what Kabbalah, historical and ongoing, traditional and experimental, aspires to clarify, that we might be empowered to at least understand how we are relating to Being. And solving problems! This is the moral aspiration in Kabbalah: overcoming cycles through perspective.                                                          --- Hi! My name’s Yoseph and this is Pop Cartoon Kabala, where I try and relate the historic mystical language that offers to contextualize and decode the meaning behind All The Stories, in the simplest terms available, breaking them down into convenient and accessible little codenames, elaborated and associated at length later on, as has been the history of written mysticsm. Start cryptic, because you can say more with less and so you won’t get in trouble, and then let generations build up to more detail the less was understood from context. Pop media mostly eschews this model? Only for a while. Every series, every program serially produced finds its way back from it’s novel pilot distinction to Approaching the Ancient of Days, delving into genre, history or just cliche for lack of the compelling in the unelaborated novel. It’s one of the blessings of the super-modern Netflix era, the extra episodes and spaces for character-or-theme development, deleted scenes, and all the nuance that remains peripheral and thus esoteric, saved for those who love enough to long for more detail and understanding. Written esoterica, i.e. Judaism but also all the rest is characterized by its infinite and expanding corpus of Apocrypha and commentary, each one more obscure than the last until or unless it emerges as Super-Canonical and becomes a certain kind of defining text for the whole community for the rest of all time. All the books, canonical and extra-- these compilations and elaborations became the main source that most communities have for their entire connection to the original source texts, and the original and everdefined divine expressed and experienced through them. This is the virtue and danger in making anything clearer. Responsibility for the update, the main work of the Tzaddik, the Hero, the Foundation, the protagonist: authentic and balanced sensitivity, as much as could be wanted, whatever will compels and continues to compel an engagement with. In this groping for language, personification and relation, is the beginning of the euphemisms that shine with our truest will and the testimony behind them. 
The Problem With People, even and especially the most sweetest amongst us: Manipulative dishonesty or unapologetic insistence on unhelpful satisfactions. It’s the sort of problem that goes until noticed except half unconsciously, making us uncomfortable until a language emerges to express the problem.  This is the problem with deific language that seems to constantly demand heresy and blasphemy, just to be honest, righteous or real. It’s one of the radical kindnesses of post biblical modernity, the vicious hostility to divinity, even as much as divinity is the main voice speaking, and purest sought thing. It’s why arch-cynics can have the 10 commandments on their desks: the invitation in even the worst excesses of religious dogma is a certain amount of re-clarified honesty. And the main concern that allows fundamentalists and evangels to intrude upon Our peace is the fear that we do not even understand ourselves, what we yearn for or mean. And so, rightness swivels and moves to be, according to the natural excess that it longs to offset. Hero literature invites clarification of a certain kind of super best good. This is what a Superman is for: Truth, etc. “Justice” is clarification, resolution, a harmony purchased through effort, and even sacrifice, for clarity’s sake. Super = Tipheret & Man = Yesod. Because need is the void that pulls imaginary hero into being. Win the war, whichever war is rightest and closest.  Exciting mediums of moral conflict, in which fantasies of relative scales of infinite power and success are used to express a yearning for constantly changing and renewing stories of “justice.” The main difference between the previously revealed and popularly acknowledged-as-torah torah is only in the use of the visual/verbal fusion in the emerging comic book language.     --- Yoel Chajes, scion of a long dynasty of rabbinic scholars and musicians, as well as mighty whalers and religious dissenters, once gave a “vort” at his Bar Mitzva comparing the visions of the mighty G-d of Israel and his power at the Song of the Sea following the exodus, just as the sea is splitting, with King David’s victory anthem, both ritually chanted on the seventh day of Passover, when his Bar Mitzva happened to come out. To do this, he contrasted the original vision of a merely super-powerful Superman circa Action Comics #15 with the nigh-invincible demi-god that Superman would become, transitioning from leaping really high (wow! Over a building? Whoa!) to flying at light speed around the sun to go back in time at his leisure (“yeah, sure. I can do that. Whatever.”) As if to say: the same El takes on different scales of role, depending on how much we need to be impressed and redeemed. From simple gravity? Or from Life and Death themselves? The more infinite Superman’s powers are, the more responsible he is to explain why he isn’t doing more, so theological answers start to be given for why Superman must allow some bad things to happen so humanity can work their shit out. The best and wholest of these efforts range from the generous to the theodic, with the mystery laying on Where Are The Limits of Our Expectation? Paul Dini and Alex Ross’s Superman: Peace on Earth, where, at least, he does try, features a beautiful shot of Him weeping as the food supplies he was carrying to African refugees smolder around him, destroyed by a rocket fired by some faction or another, intent on controlling the food. This is contrasted by a similar frustration in Garth Ennis and John Mcrea’s Hitman #34, where Superman is weeping bemoaning his own limitation in not being able to rescue an Astronaut. In Ennis’s story, there is nothing to be done, because nature and space and limits are what they are. In Dini’s story, the problem is more just the human heart. Both stories, notably, are Christmas stories. Because Superman is a super-Christ, as is known, a Solar deity in the aspect of Tipheret, often killed and resurrected. Often limited but the virtue is not giving up.    Like G-d, the more infinite Superman’s power is, the harder it is to feel good about him, because after all: he’s letting the bad structure that rules the world endure.  He must have his nifty reasons always, but the more he accepts his own limits, the sooner he becomes the lame tool of stories like Dark Knight Returns, endlessly justifying the sanctity of the status quo, until the point of nightmarish dystopian demiurgency. Who feels inspired by a god like that? Only the wicked.   That’s a short history of world religion, and the development of the Theology in “the” Torah for you:  God/the world/good is described in a certain way, to arouse the heart to excite people to a certain truth about how good is repressed and must not be accepted as such by any one in a position to do anything about it, until the limitations of that position are recognized by, like, everybody, and the relationship towards the responsibility evolves in response to the popular interest, now easier to track than ever thanks to sales figures (er… not counting all the torrented copies, alas--) 
Ignored in the context of talking about Superman is his fictionality: Why not just take His presence in the world seriously? He is a metaphor for the power that is wielded by Something, and could be wielded by Us… if only we knew how? Enter the One hero, whose victory defines us, and hopes to survive us, in every sense in that he is certainly us, once.  But the first could not last there alone for long. My theory here, that every hero is Superman in the same way that every God is Yahweh is the only god that any one can worship, or hero that one can revere: whichever one we're looking at now.  Superman is the Christ that always wins, that's what he means, and I reckon, what the Christ is supposed to mean. There are only three things that can happen to superman, that have been discovered, that can be the end of his infinite saga of transendence. He can become evil, fall in love, or go off into space to approach bigger concerns, not to return to earth until the final crisis.  This is how many Return of Superman sagas have begun, from the failed Superman Returns movie to Rob Liefeld's Supreme pastiche, which began as a violent superman ripoff in the context of early nineties grizzle, but emerged as the introduction of Alan Moore's Kabbalistic mythologization theory, where all retreads and retcons could make sense as part of one cosmic untidy poly-continuum, a principle which would soon become normative in all comic book universes, now unfettered from the need for an internally consistent alternate-reality justifying theory. It is all just narrative now, and some patterns for that narrative have been described.
Superman can only return from his slumber or distant war for the sake of One Last Victory, at the end of which he must be honored forever. This is the difference between Superman and Captain America, someone in many ways very similar, except that Captain America is defined, upon his resurrection, by his dissonant anachronism, as opposed to superman who can never function as an anachronism for long. Superman must fully assimilate into super-competence, including socially, in order to be, and if not, he must degrade into something less-useful, an intolerable situation, from which he must flee as soon as possible, to where he can super-function again.  This can be any kind of need, from the powered down adventures on Kandor, or New Krypton, or in the 30th century--  That's ok, he can handle that, AS LONG AS THERE IS A NEED FOR HIM.
This is the hall mark of the Sephiros-- they are summoned by need. On the higher levels, it's unclear whose need-- there is little distinction when everyone is in the same boat. Superman's defeat of his enemies is special, in that even his enemies tend to ultimately benefit from his victory. This total victory is beyond distinction, and climbs up the ladder to the very highest priority.    Tipheret is the center of the tree, bound to the highest and lowest of it's aspirations and sources. The irony of the kabbalistic tree is the degree to which it is upside down-- it's roots are singular and monistic, it's branches ultimately more like leaves.  If you want to defeat Superman, you must make his priorities change. 
   Therein lies the mystery of the evolving living god, the emerging better priority of Harmony: adaptation to emerging need and emerging morality, the daughter of need. Law is a boy in love with a girl named need, and seeking to impress her, and superman has never given up on his first love, the one his mother inspired: devotion to the best and most modern good. “The American way” gave up to some better term for the righteousness that superman MUST represent if he's not going to be terrible, just as Christ has to die a little in order to not be as flawed a god as his father was (and he is) before the great sacrifice.  Same with Dumuzi and Horus, the elohei tipheret, who represent the new order and it's marriage to infinite power. Batman is so different somehow, the Yesod hovering over malchus, closer to where the bad world becomes good. Maybe he's as high as Daas, but no, his virtue is too much about goodness and discipline. In some contexts, he could represent something closer to gevurah, but the truth is, Yesod is where he lives. Alan Moore's thelemic Kabbalah relates Yesod to the imagination, but that's not the association that we get with it in Jerusalem. Here, it's identified rather exclusively with righteousness, piety, faith and devotion, a certain kind of grounded harmony, the perfect balance between giving for the needs of the giver and giving for the needs of the receiver, a level of true sensitivity and intimacy that the Tipherets of infinite pre-packaged perfection can never touch. Yesod comes down to kiss reality in a way that Truth never can, and this is why Batman is always going to have a deeper and better relationship with Wonder Woman than Superman will, and why Batman is ultimately more resonant forever. The Saints are always going to be cooler than the Christ, no matter how much they love each other. There is much more to say about this, and so we will (G-d willing) every day or so, for the next week and half, relating to these last few days of Sephirat Haomer, until the Pentacost. So much for intro into the middle!  I’ve been working on this for while, and it’s still a work in progress. Feel free to comment, ask questions, argue, clarify, or anything. What Id’ really appreciate is as much art as y’all want to send me; this project is being published as a big Art Book eventually, and the finest of submissions here will be paid for permission to use. But more than that: we’re trying to illuminate, take the resonant and spin it into the profoundly meaningful, the core that is appreciated inside of the noise and medium clarified like pure gold. Won’t you help me? Any illustrations inspired by the words above, please.
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