#but yeah just checked and i got (just under) 7 hours sleep so thank fuck it doesnt mess w it too much !!
toastsnaffler · 2 months
okaaaayyy I can sleep on elvanse let's fucking go
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
"This Means the World to Me" Part 2
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wc: 2.2k
Story Page | Story Tag
You woke up with only a little bit of a headache and a smile on your face like you had been having an excellent dream. You couldn’t remember the details but all you wanted to do was slip back into it. You had just closed your eyes when you remembered yesterday HAD happened and you shot upright to check the time. 
7 am. Saturday. Thank god you were always an early riser when you’d been drinking. And…two texts from an unknown number. 
Unknown: Looking forward to some good old fashioned American soccer, Y/N? [Link] 😉 - 12:30 am
Unknown: Still down to go? - 15 minutes ago
Jesus you couldn’t believe you had left Jason on read but you had been several drinks past sober at that time of night. You also couldn’t believe Jason had gone to sleep thinking of you and maybe woke up thinking of you too. You thought about teasing him, asking who it was and how they got this number but you knew it was some combination of Sasha and James. Besides it was too early for fooling around, not when everything felt this light and giddy. 
Y/N: Fell asleep trying to decide whether I should support the local team or follow my heart [Picture]. Thoughts?
You sent a picture of the local team jersey on a hanger next to your Roy Kent AFC Richmond jersey
Jason: Wow… not a Lasso fan, huh? Go local we’ll match
You sent a laughing emoji and decided to leave it there before your wit ran out. Besides, “we’ll match” had your hands shaking it was so sweet. You sat your phone down and went to the bathroom, looking at yourself hard in the mirror. It was time to have a little come-to-Jesus moment. 
Were you attracted to Jason? Yes, of course. 
Was he attracted to you? You thought back through the events of last night, his thumb wiping a tear from your cheek, his reaction when you made a flirty joke…you decided it was a maybe. An incredibly unlikely maybe, but not a complete no. 
If he wanted to sleep with you…would you go for it? You weren’t usually one for one night stands, but you had had a couple and this seemed like special circumstances. So…yeah you think you would. 
If he wanted to date you…? You laughed at just the thought. It didn’t seem likely, and it certainly didn’t seem worth it to deny yourself sleeping with the man of your dreams in hopes it became something more. Besides, he was 20 years your senior with 2 kids, it didn’t seem like a romance written in the stars. But still, you couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like, what he would be like as a boyfriend. Jesus, you rolled your eyes at yourself, for all you know he’s a fucking dick. But even as you thought it, you didn’t believe it. He had shown up for you after all. He hadn’t let you down. 
A few hours later you were getting out of your Uber at the stadium, texting Jason that you were here as you walked to find your seat. Of course the seats were excellent, close to the field and the supporter section, but Jason was nowhere to be found. You looked around for James too, assuming of course that this was not a real date and his assistant was probably there, but you shrugged finding yourself alone and took a quick selfie. As soon as you brought your phone down you got a text. 
Jason: Whatcha drinking?
Y/N: Blue moon?
Jason: Coming up! 
You posted your selfie on your instagram story and Willa immediately dm’d you.
Willa: Where’s your husband?!!
You laughed quietly to yourself, but heard footsteps behind you and put your phone away before you could respond. 
“What’s so funny?”
“The fact that I’m here right now I suppose,” you smiled and looked up at him and saw him carrying a whole load of things: Two beers held in one large hand, a container of popcorn tucked under his arm and a paper basket of nachos balanced on top of a paper basket of chicken tenders that he was holding tightly against his chest. “Oh jesus, let me help you,” you rushed to stand up taking a beer and the stack of paper baskets from him as he fell into the seat next to you. “Yeah I mighta over did it,” he chuckled. It was still early so sections were only just beginning to fill in around you. You glanced around again for James when Jason caught your eye. 
“Expecting someone?” His eyes crinkled as he said it, his dimple appearing just on the side of his mustache and you tamped down the overwhelming urge to press your thumb to it. Looking at him directly was difficult, like looking at the sun, but you thought you were getting used to it. 
“Yeah I’ve actually got this hot date…” You smirked at him, ready to lay your cards on the table. 
“Oh yeah? What’s he look like maybe I can help you find him.” 
You looked him over, eyes never leaving his body while you answered, “oh well, he’s about 6 feet tall or so, dark hair, dark eyes, incredibly handsome. Great taste in shoes.” 
Jason chuckled and looked around playfully, “I hate to break it to you, but that could be just about anybody.” 
“Oh no,” you responded with mock seriousness, “see this guy is distinct, he’s got this great mustache…” you laughed. Jason grinned, offering you some popcorn. 
“What about you,” you said, before trying and failing to cram too much popcorn in your mouth. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as you watched him watch you. “Got a date?” 
“Oh,” he responded quickly, “I certainly did.” You tried to hold your face steady at the past tense, no sign that you were thinking of anything other than bantering back and forth. “But then I saw you doing your best impression of a chipmunk and decided to ditch her, stick with you instead.” You laughed and nearly choked on a popcorn kernel, chugging your beer to cover your embarrassment as the game began.
You thought it might be awkward with no one to moderate your feelings or to distract when you felt yourself gawking. But you quickly felt at ease next to him, watching the game with true interest. Every once in a while he’d lean over and tell you something he had learned about soccer on Ted Lasso, or comentate on the game but for the most part the two of you just passed snacks back and forth and took it all in. You offered to go get another round of drinks at the half and he argued a little but acquiesced. As soon as you were out of his eyesight you responded to Willa, he was getting snacks!!! Willa sent you a rather inappropriate gif and you were glad you had walked away from Jason before you messaged her. 
Upon your return you saw the camera was moving around the stadium to the audience which was always fun, but a little nervewracking as you realized it would assuredly swing to Jason. Everyone would be pumped to know Ted Lasso was here. You sat back down in your seat and he slung an arm around the back of your chair, not touching your body, but you felt held all the same. It sent a rush of warmth through you that you blamed on the overpriced beer. 
Just as you turned to ask if the stadium knew he was here, there was a familiar Mumford and Sons riff and his face on the big screen. They were playing the Ted Lasso theme. You knew you had just been caught gazing at him adoringly when he pointed up for you to wave and you looked at your own embarrassed face on the massive screen. You thought he might move his arm but he didn’t, left it draped over your chair as he saluted the screen and it finally, finally swung away to the field as play resumed. If Jason felt some sort of way about being publically seen with you, he didn’t say anything. And considering you weren’t a celebrity by any means, no one would assume it was a date anyway, so maybe it was okay if you both relaxed into this a little. 
To put the cherry on top of the already perfect sundae that was your day spent with Jason, the local team won and the spirit of the stadium was palpable. 
“So,” Jason said, “we watched some soccer. Fantastic soccer that it was. But I didn’t really get to ask you any of my burnin’ questions.” 
“Oh, I wasn’t aware you had ‘burnin’ questions’,” you put on his accent hoping to get a smile from him, and you were pleased when it was successful. “I know we just had a shit ton of snacks but how about some dessert? We can walk and talk, I’m an open book.” 
“Sounds great,” he responded, guiding you through the crowd teeming out of the stadium with a gentle hand on your lower back. You clocked it, and catalogued the touch to talk about with Willa later, but you were impressed that his star power was affecting you less. It did still feel romantic, however, so the butterflies in your stomach fluttered just the same. 
You were leading him to an ice cream place a few blocks away and Jason starts in on the questions about writing. Some of them you felt were just him humoring you—after all he was a writer himself—but he assured you that television writing was much different than a novel. He asked detailed questions about your characters and where your ideas came from, and he seemed tickled when you told him about ideas you had that hadn’t made it in the book. 
Conversing over ice cream was easy and thankfully you were much more comfortable meeting his gaze when he locked eyes with you. Talking about your writing transitions into talking about your family and your life and you asked after his. Some of the answers you knew, but you pretended like you didn’t because it was easier that way. You hoped it was easier for him too, that it also felt natural to be strolling aimlessly eating ice cream together like he wasn't a celebrity. Yours coffee, his strawberry. Every once in a while, you snuck in a compliment or told him about your favorite things he’s done, the way his clever humor impacted your writing, but you tried not to overdo it. And every once in a while he got noticed by a stranger and happily stopped for a picture or autograph. 
“I don’t understand autographs,” you said after another stranger walked away from the two of you. You finished your ice cream cone and wiped your hands, and Jason followed suit, quirking an eyebrow at you. 
“You just had a book signing,” he responded with amusement.
You laughed, “I know. That’s what makes it worse. There’s something a little strange about giving someone something they want when you don’t know why they want it, but it's tradition I guess.” 
“Is it that different than a picture?”
“Well yeah, people want a picture with you because you’re hot.” 
He laughed and shrugged, “So you’re saying you don’t want my autograph?”
“I gotta be honest here,” you chuckled, “I do not want your autograph.” 
“Well what if I wanted a picture?”
You stiffened wondering if he was really implying what it sounded like he was implying. Did he think you were hot? Or was he just teasing? It was taking too long for you to respond and you glanced up at him to see him waiting patiently, no hint in his face that he knew how what he said affected you. It was late afternoon now, almost evening and the setting sun made his eyes look almost gold.
“Alright,” you smile at him, "if you insist," not thinking he’d meant it, but he slipped his phone from his pocket and leans back, so both of you fit in the frame the warm light hitting you both. You couldn’t help but think you looked good together, despite the age difference. Your own phone buzzed and you checked it quickly to see Willa invited you to a bar. She wanted to get all the details about Jason with no idea that you were still hanging out with him. You could just imagine the squeals she’d be emitting when she found out. 
“Need to go?”
“Go? I’m your tour guide! I go when you do. How long are you in town?”
“My flight out is tomorrow afternoon.”
“Oh! So what’s your plan for the evening?”
He winked at you. “You’re the tour guide.”
“Well my friend Willa invited me for drinks—”
“Oh, I don’t want to hold you. I can entertain mys—”
“I was going to ask if you wanted to come with? I know being a celebrity probably makes shit hard, so if that’s not your scene I totally get it. But I can tell my friends not to be weird.” 
“I’d love to meet your not weird friends,” he smiled at you. 
You laughed at and lead the way.
AN: I promise its only going to get sexier from here (thought I've never written smut so we're probably talking a teen rating but I'll do my best haha) Also I've never seen this laughing JS gif before, if anyone knows where its from let me know! And seriously, thanks to anyone who reads my JS brainrot it makes me feel like I'm not alone in this obsession <3
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romrombot · 2 years
Chilly: Winter
* kim minjeong x male/neutral reader - angst to fluff scenario/oneshot
“ hi!! can you write a soloist!male!reader x winter oneshot where they’ve both been busy with schedules but when they have a day off the reader is focused on videogames (could it be angst to fluff) thank u sm in advance! 
(pouty winter) “
warning/s: a curse word or two.
a/n: this doesn’t really implement anything that this is a f to m pairing but i hope you still enjoy! i used aespa’s real names for this. sorry i’ve been gone for so long :D thank you for requesting!
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You awoke from your slumber one chilly Saturday morning. Groaning half asleep, you checked the time on the clock above your bedroom’s doorframe-- ‘7:17′. You were rarely given a day off, so as soon as the numbers on the device made sense in your head, all you wanted was to go back to sleep. It was just too early to start the day, so you let your eyelids fall and tried to drift back to dreamland.
“~~~ ~~” Not even a second later, your phone shook you back awake. You sighed out annoyed, wanting to enjoy your much-needed rest, and pulled the device out from under your pillow. “Hello?” You grumbled out with your eyes still shut. “Hey, baby!” You heard a familiar voice chirp from the other side of the line. “Oh hey love.” You greeted back, your throat itching as you did. You felt a bit better knowing it was your girlfriend calling on your day off, but you still felt exhausted-- your brain not able to fully process what was happening, so subconsciously, you nodded your head at her instead of replying verbally. “Babe?” Your girlfriend called out to you in a confused tone. “Huh? Oh yeah, of course, baby.”
Hours later, a shower, and two meals after your morning call with Minjeong, you were sat on the black leather gaming chair in your room, hands busy as you ran a game on your computer.
"Babe look at thi-" Minjeong trailed off before she could finish her sentence. She watched as your eyebrows furrowed at the screen in front of you, nose scrunching in displeasure from time to time. “Mhmm.” The short-haired girl hummed out in annoyance. She placed the stuffed animal she was about to show you back down on her bed and bit her lip-- a habit that came out whenever she was feeling irritated. Maybe it was just because she was drained from practice, but it seemed like every time she would call you you were focused on everything else but her. The thought made her scoff, but she didn't want to start a fight.  "Whoa did you see that?!" You suddenly exclaimed making the girl jump. She knew you weren't talking to her, but the person you were playing with that spoke to you through your headset. She huffed out one more time before picking herself up and exiting her room in small stomps.
"No... no way..." "What the fuck?!" You continued to babble to no one. You were sweating as you gamed, the air conditioning in your room not doing you any justice as strands of your hair stuck themselves on your forehead. There was frustration evident on your face, wrinkles showing themselves whenever you got stuck between enemies. But it would never get to touch what your girlfriend was feeling. Minjeong was nothing but pissed off-- she could feel her face slowly burn up at your actions. Hissing at your ignorance, your girlfriend mumbled a small ‘Seriously Y/n’ as she entered her room and sat back in her seat. Unfortunately for her, you heard the ghost of her words; "Yeah baby? What was that?" You questioned dumbfounded as you spammed the keys on your keyboard.
“It's nothing, don't worry about it." The blonde-haired girl spat at you in a quiet tone as she rolled her eyes. If it was any other day she would have stopped herself from doing so-- the action made you mad, and you've talked to her before about it. But at that moment, she couldn't care less if you saw her.
Minjeong stabbed the vegetables that rested in the styrofoam container she had brought to her room to eat, her grip tight on the plastic fork in her hand, her jaw clenching as she glared at her phone screen-- you were still ignoring her presence, and her bottled-up emotions were slowly getting the best of her.
"Are you oka- HACKS! I'M TELLING YOU, THEY'RE HACKING!" Was all you needed to shout for the short-haired girl to break. "I'm gonna go, Y/n.” Minjeong quickly bid you goodbye as the brittle utensil snapped between her thumb and pointer finger.
"Huh? Oh okay. I lov-" Your head turned to your phone as the sound of the video call ending with your girlfriend bounced around in your room. “I... did I do something?”
"She's pissed pissed." Aeri told you in a scolding tone, emphasizing the first 'pissed' as she let you into Aespa’s dormitory. "Yeah, I kinda got that when we called." You winced out ashamed. You could feel the older girl's eyes on your skull as you trailed yours to the floor underneath you. The guilt that slowly swallowed you in the car ride to the four girl’s home now completely engulfing you. “Mhmm, I’m sure you’ll end up making it up to her,” Aeri tried to comfort you as she noticed how nervous you were. You looked up to the singer, giving her a small tight-lipped smile as a response. “Just be gentle with her, we had practice up until 5 this morning and she's been up since waiting for you." The older girl let you off, finally taking her chocolate orbs off of you and closing the front door. "Thanks, Aeri." You told her sincerely, earning a nod from the young woman before leaving you to your business. You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down as you walked towards your girlfriend’s room and swallowed the knot in your throat that tied itself there from talking to Giselle.
Wiping the sweat off of the palm of your free hand on your shirt, you raised your fist to knock on the wooden entryway. You knocked in a rhythm; mimicking the way Anna had knocked on Elsa’s door from the first Frozen movie, and patiently waited for a response.
On the other side of the entryway, wrapped around her warm duvet, Minjeong’s ears perked up at the sudden noise. Her finger stopped scrolling through her phone screen and she took one of her earpods off as she tried to observe the unusual activity that had broken her peace. A couple of seconds later, she heard the same knocking pattern. “Minjeong-ie, are you in there?” A voice accompanied the thumping on the wooden portal.
The blonde eventually realized who was on the other side of the locked door, her heartbeat speeding up as the movie reference finally sounded familiar to her.
For a second it seemed like your girlfriend wasn’t even the tiniest bit mad at you, but her chest still ached at the realization that you had driven to her home to apologize. Glancing in the mirror to check on her worn-out features, Minjeong pulled on the sleeves of her fluffy jacket and turned to the door to twist the doorknob. “Hey.” You greeted out, surprised at how quickly she had chosen to let you in. You had expected that she would put up a fight with you before you could even see her face again. “Hi.” The tired singer replied in a quiet tone, her bloodshot eyes meeting yours.
You stood there grip tight on the plastic bags you had in your hand as your girlfriend tapped her nails on the back of her phone, the both of you not knowing what to do or say next. “I’m sorry, Minjeong-ah.” You finally blurted out to the girl. The short-haired singer bit her lip, her orbs once again brimming with tears as you gave her an empathetic look. “I know what I did wrong... and I’m sorry, love. I never thought of it but now I know that what I’ve been doing hurts you... I’m sorry.”
Minjeong’s legs felt like jelly. The girl in front of you sniffled as tears started rolling down her cheeks like a waterfall. “Baby...” You called out to her. Minjeong couldn't help but let herself fall, her hands covering her mouth as her shoulders shook. There was a pang in your chest as you watched her do so. You bent down to her folded figure, setting the snacks you had brought with you down on the floor, and engulfed her in a hug. “I’m so sorry.” You apologized in a whisper, your hand caressing her back. “I-it’s okay.” You heard the girl mutter back in a shaky voice, her body leaning into yours. “Let me make it up to you, love.”
Sometime after, you slowly retracted from the hug. Your hand came up to her features and wiped the stray tears away from her face. Minjeong’s hand held your wrist as you did, the tip of her nose turning red as she sniffled. “Awe baby~” You cooed at her, a sad smile creeping up to your face as she held the same expression. You kissed Minjeong's forehead, finger lifting her chin after and placing a soft peck on her lips. “I’m sorry.” You told the girl as you locked eyes with her. This made Minjeong pout, her brown orbs brimming with tears one last time. “Jagi~ Look I bought you snacks~” You cooed at the girl trying to change the tension in the room as you pulled away from her for a second and shuffled your hands to grab the snacks you had picked out from the plastic bags they were stuffed in. "T-thank you."
As you laid with your girlfriend on her bed you couldn't help but let your eyes wander to the decor she had put up around the space. Various polaroids and printed pictures danced around the walls, pastel stickers held onto the random furniture she had stuck them on, and you couldn't help but grin at the sight of the gifts you had given the girl on different occasions displayed on her desk and nightstand.
"Hey, you aren't listening again." Minjeong's voice broke you out of your trance. "I'm sorry, love." You chuckled at her as you closed the gap between your faces and placed a kiss on the big pout she had on her face. "What's on your mind?" Your girlfriend asked as she held your face, keeping you close to her. "Mhmm, nothing, my love. I was just looking at the decor in your room." You told her truthfully, the warmth of her hands waking the butterflies in your stomach.  
"What about it?" The blonde singer questioned in a confused tone as she turned to the ornaments in her space. "Nothing, love." You laughed at her innocent concern. Minjeong rolled her eyes at your antics, her hand retracting from your cheek and gently slapping your chest. You smiled at your girlfriend, your fingers tucking a loose strand of her bleached hair behind her ear.
"I love you, Minjeong-ah." You whispered out to the girl. The singer could feel her cheeks turn red at your sudden words. But she didn't want to lose to your attack. Minjeong leaned towards you, her face lazily getting closer to yours as her eyes became hooded; "Go love your stupid video game, Y/n-ah."
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dadbodosamu · 3 years
only you || part ii
Stepdad Osamu x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: slight (consensual!!) somnophilia, cockwarming, public sex, semi-public sex, daddy kink, oral (m+f receiving), Osamu has a dick piercing
3.3k words
part i || part ii || part iii || part iv || part v || part vi || extras || only you, too
You woke up to Osamu crawling into your bed.
“Good morning, princess,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around you.
“Morning,” you mumbled as he kissed your forehead.
“Go back to sleep, baby. I just wanted to hold ya for a lil’ while,” he said. You nodded and closed your eyes again.
Osamu’s cock was pressing against your clothed cunt.
“Samu,” you groaned.
“Just sleep, princess,” he mumbled, pushing down his boxers. He rutted his cock against your pussy. He buried his face in your neck, kissing and sucking along your skin as he rutted against you. You spread your legs slightly, giving him a better angle.
“Good girl,” he breathed. He reached down, rubbing your clit through your thin panties.
“Want more,” you moaned.
“Wanna warm my cock, princess?” Osamu asked.
“Please,” you whimpered as he played with your clit. He pushed your panties to the side and slowly slid inside you. You moaned as he pulled your leg over his hip to push deeper inside of you.
“There we go,” Osamu sighed. You sighed as you closed your eyes and cuddled against his broad chest. “Go back to sleep, baby.”
You yawned and nodded, drifting back to sleep, stretched and full.
The second time you woke up, Osamu was gently rocking into you.
“Samu,” you mumbled as his cock brushed against that spongy spot inside you.
“Shh, shh, baby, let me take care of ya,” he said. He reached down and circled your clit with his fingers. You moaned softly.
“Ya were squeezin’ me so tight in yer sleep, must’ve been havin’ a good dream,” Osamu teased.
You had, in fact, dreamed of something along the lines of this.
“Dreamt about you,” you moaned, moving your hips against his.
“Yeah?” Osamu asked, timing his slow thrusts with yours. “What about me?”
“This,” you said. “‘Cept you kissed me.”
“Like this?” He asked, kissing you softly. You sighed into the kiss.
“Yeah,” you said, breathlessly after he pulled away.
He leaned his forehead against yours, looking at you with soft, grey eyes.
“Gonna fill ya up again, okay?” Osamu asked. You nodded.
You whined as he pinched your clit, driving you closer to your own orgasm.
“Samu,” you moaned. “Gonna cum.”
“Cum with me, baby,” he moaned. You cried out as you creamed around his cock as he painted your insides white.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.
“Good morning,” you said, pulling away from him.
“Do you want to go to Osaka with me today?” He asked. “I’m opening a new location and need to look at a few different areas.”
“If you make me breakfast,” you said, smiling.
“Deal.” Osamu pecked your lips and slowly pulled out of you before hopping out of your bed.
You sighed happily and laid back in bed for a moment. You listened to Osamu moving around in the kitchen before hopping up and walking into your bathroom.
You quickly showered and brushed your teeth before getting dressed in a short, black skirt and a white Onigiri Miya shirt.
In the kitchen, Osamu had opted to make omurice. He was just plating the second plate when you entered.
“Who said ya could be so cute?” Osamu asked, looking you up and down. You smiled as your cheeks burned.
“Who said you could be so handsome?” You shot back. Even in just a pair of black briefs, Osamu was the most handsome man you’d ever seen.
“Bon appetit,” he said, placing both plates on the table. You smiled as he pulled your chair out for you.
“Thank you,” you said. You ate in relative silence, playing a childish game of footsies under the table.
“Let me go get dressed and we’ll leave,” Osamu said after the two of you finished eating.
“I’ll be here,” you said as he kissed your forehead.
You fiddled with your phone as you waited. You had a few new texts, all from the MSBY boys who had all apparently gotten your number from Osamu the day before.
‘hey it’s uncle tsumu,’ Atsumu texted. You smiled and saved his number under ‘Uncle Tsumu’ before texting back.
‘hi uncle tsumu,’ you responded. You opened and responded to the rest of the boys, saving their numbers and momentarily fangirling over the fact that you now had your favourite volleyball players’ numbers.
“Ready?” Osamu asked, stepping into the kitchen. He was dressed casually, in jeans and an Onigiri Miya shirt that matched your own.
“Nice shirt,” you teased.
“It’s my restaurant,” Osamu said.
You laughed as you followed him out of the door and to the car.
“We have to be back by 7 to pick up yer mom,” Osamu said as he started the car.
You frowned at the mention of her.
“Hey, no pouting,” he said. “I didn’t even sleep with her last night. Like you asked.”
“She’s still your wife, you’re going to have to eventually fuck her again,” you said.
“What do ya want me to do?” Osamu asked. “Leave her?”
You stayed silent.
“Give it some time, it’ll be suspicious if I ask for a divorce right after I met ya,” he said, resting a hand on your thigh.
“How much time?” You asked.
“Let’s say, six months,” he said. “That’s long enough that it doesn’t seem suspicious.”
“You won’t sleep with her?” You asked.
“Promise, princess,” he said.
“What about when I go back to school?” You asked.
“I’ll come visit you,” he said. You nodded, satisfied with his answers.
The ride was long and filled with questions of you and Osamu getting to know each other better.
When you finally arrived in Osaka, Osamu grabbed your hand as you walked towards the subway. You smiled widely and intertwined your fingers with his.
“Don’t wanna lose ya in the crowd,” he teased, pulling you closer to him. You grabbed onto his arm and smiled up at him.
“You’re so tall, I’m pretty sure you could spot me if we got separated,” you said.
“Maybe I just want to hold yer hand,” he said.
“Maybe I want to hold yours,” you said.
He smiled down at you.
It took a few hours to check out three locations for the new Onigiri Miya.
“We still have a few hours before we have to be back,” Osamu said. “Ya wanna go get lunch?”
“Are you asking me on a date, Osamu?” You teased.
“If I am?” He said.
“I’d say yes,” you said.
“Then, I definitely am,” he said, leaning down to press his lips against yours.
You ended up in a small restaurant near the last location you had checked on.
“You come here often?” Osamu joked as you sat at a small table.
“I actually do go to school around here,” you said.
“Really?” Osamu asked. You nodded.
“Kansai University in Suita,” you said.
“Oh, so yer not just good at volleyball, yer smart too?” Osamu asked.
“I am,” you said.
“And humble, wow,” he said. You smiled at him.
“Where did you go to school?” You asked.
“Otemae in Nishinomiya,” Osamu said. “Majored in business.”
“And then you opened Onigiri Miya right after you graduated?” You asked.
“Yep,” he said. The two of you chatted as you ate.
“Ooo, we still have two hours before we have to leave,” Osamu said, glancing at his phone.
“We can just walk around until we find something,” you said. “Who knows, we might find somewhere to put Onigiri Miya.”
Osamu nodded as he paid for your food.
You grabbed his hand as you stepped out onto the street and immediately pulled him down a street of cute, little shops. You wandered into shop after shop, dragging Osamu behind you as you tried on clothes.
“That’s cute,” Osamu said as you twirled around in a sundress covered in sunflowers.
“You think?” You asked. “Not too short?”
“Oh, definitely,” Osamu said, running his hand up your bare thigh. “I can already see the cute little panties you wore today.”
“Samu!” You exclaimed as he popped the elastic of your panties.
“Come on, try something else on,” he said, pushing you back into the dressing room. He closed the door behind him and pushed you against the wall before kneeling in front of you
“Samu,” you whispered as he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder.
“Cute, little cunt,” he said, shamelessly licking over your already wet panties. “Wanted to taste ya since I first saw ya.”
“Samu!” You hissed as he pulled your panties to the side and licked deep into your core.
“Taste so good, baby,” he moaned. You bit back a moan of your own as his plush lips wrapped around your clit.
“Samu,” you moaned softly. You heard a knock at the door.
“Is everything alright in there, Miss?” An employee called.
Osamu sucked harshly at your clit as you tried to respond.
“Ev-everything is fine!” You called back. “Just a little trouble with a zipper.”
“Okay, let me know if you would like any help,” she said.
“Thank you,” you responded.
“Cum for me, princess,” Osamu whispered, inserting two fingers in your sopping cunt. He curled them just right, pressing against that spot inside of you.
“Fuck, Samu,” you moaned. “Gonna cum.”
“Come on, let me taste ya for real,” he said.
You leaned against the wall and tangled your fingers in Osamu’s hair, shoving his face deeper in your pussy as you gushed all over his face.
Osamu pulled back as you breathed heavily. His face glistened with your juices as he smiled widely up at you.
“Fuck you,” you gasped out.
“That’ll have to come later, baby,” he said, standing up. “I’m buying you that dress.”
“Okay,” you said, not having the energy to argue. You slowly redressed in your original clothes and followed Osamu out of the dressing room with the sundress in hand.
The employee pursed her lips as she noticed there were no zippers to be found.
You smiled at her apologetically and left quickly after Osamu paid.
“Wanna suck my dick in a public restroom?” Osamu asked, only half-joking.
“Thought you’d never ask,” you said, smiling as you pushed him into the bathroom only a few doors down from the shop you’d just been in.
You locked the door behind you and fell to your knees in front of Osamu. His cock was straining against his jeans, begging to be let out.
You quickly undid his jeans, pushing them down. His cock bobbed heavily as you pulled his briefs down.
“Fuck,” you mumbled, wrapping your hands around his length. The girth was so great your fingers couldn’t wrap all the way around it. You placed a kitten lick on the pierced tip, slurping up the leaking precum.
“Go ‘head, princess,” Osamu said, grabbing your hair.
“It’s so big,” you said, marvelling at his size. “Is the piercing sensitive?”
“Why don’t ya find out, baby?” Osamu asked. You nodded and took just the tip in your mouth. You gently tongued at the apadravya as Osamu moaned above you.
“Fuck,” he hissed, struggling not to just force his cock down your throat and you sucked the tip. “Can ya take more, princess?”
You hummed and slowly took a few extra inches into your mouth. Your lips were stretched around his cock as you struggled to take more down your throat. You wrapped a hand around the remaining inches and pumped him slowly as you bobbed your head up and down his length.
“Fuck, so good for me,” Osamu moaned. “Made to take my cock, huh? My lil’ cock sleeve.”
You moaned as he pulled you back by your hair. His cock fell from your mouth along with a whine.
“‘m sorry, baby, just need t’ be in ya,” Osamu said. “Promise I’ll let ya suck my cock later.”
Osamu shoved your skirt up and pulled your soaked panties to the side before plunging two fingers in your cunt.
“So wet and ready for me,” Osamu said, curling his fingers inside of you. He pulled his fingers out and sucked them into his mouth, licking them clean. Osamu pushed you against the sink, lifting you up and sitting you on the cool porcelain.
“In me,” you moaned as Osamu’s cock teased your wet folds. “Samu, please.”
“I know ya need me, princess,” Osamu said. “Need me fillin’ up yer sweet, lil’ cunt.”
“Need it,” you whined. He slowly pressed his cock into you, stretching your walls. Your mouth fell open in a silent moan.
“Samu,” you moaned, softly. He nodded as he gently rutted into your tight cunt.
“S’good ‘n tight around me, princess,” Osamu moaned. He reached down and his fingers circled your clit. “Not gonna last long, baby.”
“Make me cum, please, daddy,” you begged.
“What was that, princess?” Osamu asked, moving his fingers faster over your clit. His hips snapped against yours roughly.
“Wanna cum on your cock, daddy,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you.
Osamu groaned as his hips moved faster. “Say that again, princess.”
“Daddy,” you moaned lightly in his ear. Osamu moaned as your walls clenched around him.
“Gonna make you cum on daddy’s cock, princess,” Osamu said. His forehead leaned against yours as he thrusted into you harder. Your walls fluttered as your stomach tightened.
“Daddy, gonna cum,” you gasped. Osamu teased your clit with long fingers.
“Cum around daddy’s cock, baby,” he cooed. You bit his shoulder to muffle your cry as you came. His cock twitched deep inside you and Osamu filled you up.
“Fuck,” Osamu groaned as he came. The two of you panted for a moment, trying to catch your breath.
“Oh,” you breathed as Osamu slowly pulled out of you. He pulled your underwear back over your pussy and helped you stand and straighten out your skirt.
“We’re insatiable,” you said, smiling widely. “Like a bunch of horny teenagers.”
“If you give me a few minutes, we can go again,” Osamu said, fixing his hair in the mirror.
“Well, if we leave now, we can probably fuck in the car on the way back,” you said.
“After you, princess,” Osamu said, holding the door open.
“How was Osaka?” Your mom asked as the three of you sat around the table.
“Fine,” Osamu said. “None of the locations were right, though.”
“We did go to this cute, little restaurant, though,” you said, taking a bite of rice. “And there was this nice boutique we went to.”
“You get anything?” Your mom asked.
“Just a sundress,” you said. “Might wear it to the game tomorrow.”
Osamu coughed and banged on the table as he choked. You patted his back as your mom handed him a glass of water.
“Okay?” You asked as he stopped coughing.
“Fine, fine,” Osamu said, taking a sip of water. “Wrong pipe.”
“You should try on the dress, let me see it,” your mom said, leaning back in her chair as Osamu calmed down.
You bit back a smirk as you nodded. “Of course, Mom. Give me one second.”
You padded down the hallway to your room and quickly changed into the dress.
You twirled around in your dress as you stood in front of your mom and Osamu.
Osamu narrowed his eyes at you as you faced them.
“It’s-It’s a little short, no?” Your mom asked.
“I think it’s cute,” you said, smiling.
“It is a lil’ short,” Osamu said, casually. You glared at him. “Maybe ya should wear something else to the game?”
“Wouldn’t want to distract the players,” your mom said. “Or let someone get too handsy with you.”
“They’re professional athletes, they won’t be distracted,” you said, waving their comments away. “And I’ll be with Osamu, so I’m sure no one would try anything.”
“Wear what ya want,” Osamu said, going back to his dinner.
You rolled your eyes as you sat down at the table. “Was planning on it.”
“Hey, I don’t want you two to argue over this,” your mom said. “You’ve been getting along so well.”
“I’m going to go get ready for bed,” Osamu said. He stood up abruptly, shaking the table.
“Osamu,” your mom called as he walked down the hallway. “What has gotten into him?”
“He’s a man,” you said. “He’s just pissed I wouldn’t listen to him.”
“He probably just wants you to be safe,” your mom said.
“I’m going to change,” you mumbled, standing up. You were walking down the hallway when Osamu pulled you into the bathroom suddenly.
“What the fuck?” You asked as he pushed you against the door. “Mom’s right in the kitchen.”
The shower was running and steam was filling the bathroom quickly.
“It’s that fuckin’ dress,” Osamu said, grinding against you. The towel wrapped low on his hips threatened to fall to the floor. “Jus’ wanna rip it off ya.”
“You’ll have to wait until tomorrow,” you said, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Ya better not leave my side,” he said, kissing your lips.
“Promise,” you mumbled against his plush lips. “Now let me go before my mom catches us in a precarious situation.”
“Get outta here,” Osamu said, opening the door. He smacked your ass as you crossed the hallway into your room.
You changed into a t-shirt and shorts before going to the living room where your mom was watching TV.
“So,” your mom said, looking over at you, “I noticed you had a few… bruises on your neck.”
Your eyes widened as you pulled your phone out and used the camera to look at your neck. It looked like you’d been in a fight.
“I can explain, Mom,” you started.
“So which one is it? I figure it’s one of Osamu’s friends you met yesterday at the restaurant?” She said.
“Uh, yes! Exactly!” You exclaimed. “I actually didn’t work at the restaurant all day.”
“So which one?” Your mom asked excitedly. “Is it Hinata? He’s so cute, I just want to eat him up! Ooo, maybe Sakusa? He’s so dark and mysterious.”
“It’s, um, well,” you stuttered. Osamu chose that moment to enter the room, wearing just a pair of basketball shorts.
“What are we talking about?” He asked, sitting next to your mom. You tried not to frown as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side.
“Just which one of your friends Y/n here was with yesterday,” your mom said, leaning into Osamu’s touch.
“Yesterday?” Osamu asked.
“Oh, you don’t have to keep covering for her,” she said. “Look at her neck! You’re the only one she’s been with, so surely you didn’t give her those.”
“Ah, her neck,” Osamu said. He mouthed an apology as your mom turned back towards you.
“So which one was it?” She asked.
“Um, Bokuto,” you said quickly.
“Bokuto?” She questioned. She looked back at Osamu. “Isn’t he older than you? Sweetie, isn’t he a little too old for you?”
“Surely you don’t have a problem with age gaps,” you said, looking at Osamu pointedly. “Bo’s twenty-six. That’s only five years.”
“You should bring him to dinner before you leave,” your mom said. “Wouldn’t that be nice?”
“Mom, we’re not really, like, a thing,” you said. “It’s really just a casual thing.”
“Nonsense! Invite him over,” she exclaimed.
“I’ll, um, see if he’s free tomorrow at the game,” you said.
“Oh, I wish I could go now!” She said. “I should’ve taken off work.”
“It’s too bad,” you said.
“I’m glad you and Osamu are bonding, though,” she said. “Maybe you’ll come visit more often.”
“Maybe,” you said, noncommittally.
“Well, I’m going to bed,” Osamu said with a yawn. “You two have fun talking boys.”
“I’m actually going to head to bed, too,” you said. “Guess all that travelling today wore me out.”
“Night, you two,” your mom called after you.
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blogevaawrites · 3 years
Keeping to the schedule
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: angst, sad, marriage, divorce, smut
Summary: After seven years of being married, two daughters and a difficult divorce, they try to understand what went wrong and why they let that happen.
Part I   Part II
I tried to process the whole information he was sharing and for the first time I believed I made a mistake. I saw it then, why he has been incredibly mad at me.
Sure, at first our separation was hard, but now he was looking happy, at least that’s what he shows me. I also was well, I still loved him but deep in my heart I thought it was the best for both of us. Now everything seems so wrong.
“There was another way. You could have told me everything, we could have dealt with all of that. You let this happen to us.” I said, full of resentment. His face was different then, he came here full of concern and then all what I was seeing was frustration.  
“What are you talking about? You filed for divorce. You decided unilaterally when we were done. You ran away from our marriage at first obstacle. This is not my fucking blame.” His words were like a knife in my skin. I never took it like that. All what I could see was his unhappiness and coldness, in my heart I was doing the right thing.
Tears fell down through my cheeks uncontrollably, our seven years together seemed thrown away. I could feel him moving around the room, he was trying to calm down himself.
“I thought you were being distant because you blamed me for the infection, and then when anything seemed to change, I thought you weren’t happy and that you didn’t know how to leave me.” I said after I got my shit together. I saw him shaking his head, I wasn't sure if he wasn’t satisfied with my words or if he was answering the accusation.
He didn’t response right away, he took a few minutes to breathe loudly.
“I felt ashamed of being the one who needed help after what you went through.” He said without looking at me, he was staring the wall behind me. “I could have never ever blamed you for something like that.” He finished. His hand went to caress my face before pulling me to his embrace.
“I’m sorry” I babbled between tears.
I let myself cry my eyes out in his arms. I felt like I threw out our life because I couldn’t put aside my anger to talk our problems out , like I put my daughters through all of that because I got mad at my husband. I knew he wasn't innocent at all but guiltiness took over my whole body and couldn’t shake it off.
His hands ran all over my back and the back of my neck; the feeling of security invaded my body and the need of get out of my own thoughts grew.
He was so close to me that I couldn’t help kissing him.
His hands didn’t take long before holding my face closer to him, in the perfect position to let our tongues connect with each other.
Needing for air we broke the kiss but not for long, he kissed me again letting his hand go to hold me up from my butt. I just could follow his actions; I didn’t want to do anything else. He took me to our bedroom quickly, he sat at the edge of the bed making me straddle him.
Without leaving my mouth, he moved the strips of my shirt away from my shoulders, leaving my breast on full display for him. His hands played with my nipples before taking them in his mouth. I just could moan, moving my hips to find some friction against his bulge. He showed me his excitement pushing my hips even closer to him.
“I love you so much” he mumbled against my collarbone. His words made my noxious thoughts hunt my mind, I knew he loves me, I loved him too; it wasn’t the first time he said it after our divorce, but it was wrong now. I stood up quickly, he looked at me confused while I tried to put my shirt on again.
“What’s wrong?” he asked extending his arm to reach me.
“Who am I now? Your sidechick. Isn’t works in the other way? From a sidechick to a wife?” I said with a sardonic laugh, rubbing my eyes, trying to concentrate again.
He laughed, laying down on the bed. I looked at him completely horrified by his reaction. He took his phone from his jeans and scrolled around it for a few seconds before handing it to me.
It was a kind of a contract, an agreement to release seven pictures along with a misleading and suggestive headline.
“Meghan asked me because her team want her to be related to a certain kind of people.” He explained, I knew that this is part of his job, and he was used to it before we got together.
“It’s a pap walk.” I said understanding what he meant, I wasn’t familiar to it because he hadn’t done one since we met.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. That’s what I wanted to tell you when I came the last time.” He took my hand to bring me closer to him while he continued explaining “I shouldn’t have agreed to it, but I realized of it too late and I wanted to talk to you before the pictures got release. I didn’t want you to feel disappointed or mad and don’t worry! I already asked her and Meghan to shut down any rumor.” He guided my legs to straddle him again. “I tried to bail out of it after what happened between us, but I just couldn’t.”
“Okay.” I felt relieved. I wasn’t ready to see him with someone else, and thank God, he said he wasn’t ready to date again.
“Let’s just put you to sleep, okay?” He said caressing my head and taking my hair away from my face. He saw my face and quickly he explained to me his change of mind.
“The girls are with Scott, but he has a flight to catch in a couple hours. I need to pick them up. Okay?” he said forcing me to look at him. “Hey! Listen to me I will call you as soon as they fall sleep, will that be okay?” he asked again.  
I nodded, getting up. I thought he was going to leave right away but he did not. He uncovered the bed for me to get in and laid next to me for a few minutes.
“You will always be the one. I promise.” He slurred against my temple, after kissing it.
He left the room without waiting for an answer, he must have thought I was sleeping because he tried not to make many noises.
After a few hours, my phone rang, and I didn’t wait a second to respond.
“I wasn’t sure if you were going to be up.” he said. I could hear him closing a door. I haven’t been in his new house, but I know his style very well, enough at least, to imagine it.
“I’m a light sleeper.”
“I know.” He let go a sad laugh. “I wanted to call you early, but Anna was interrogating my ass about my quick trip of tonight.” he said cooling off the environment.  
“Oh! Yeah! She can be very tough, it’s probably a phase.” I said with a smile, remembering the last time I had a quick conversation with our neighbor, and she thought I was dating him.
“Yeah! I guess, but I think we should check on her, maybe she’s experiencing anxiety because of the changes or something like that. I’ve been reading about kids with divorced parents can suffers these kinds of things.” I knew he was just worried about them; I was too, but right then I felt guilty, I felt like I did this to them.
“Okay” I murmured.
I was excited about his call, I wanted to figure it out what we could do to save this, but maybe it was too late. We held on everything for so long, and now it’s probably just too late.
“What do you want to do?” he asked calmly, completely away from my thoughts.
“I don’t know.”
“Tomorrow my sister is going to the lake house. She wanted me to take the girls, but I could let them go with her and we could hang out. I don’t know, we could have a kind of a date and talk, we could try to sort this out.”  
“Is everything alright?” I knew he was asking because of my monosyllabic answers.
“Yes, I’m just kind of sleepy.” I didn’t want to talk anymore.
“Okay.” his voice sounded disappointed now. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“I love you” he said after a few seconds quiet.
I didn’t know what I was supposed to say, I loved him, but it felt like I was accepting everything, it felt like I was saying “yes, I broke us, our family”.
“Me too”  
I couldn’t say much else. I said bye and hung up.
He picked me up at 7:00 p.m, he told he wanted to spend the day with the girls because they wanted to spend the night over there with their cousins. We decided to just have a dinner at his house in order to have more privacy and also, we could be in a kind of neutral environment since he doesn’t feel it like home, and I don’t even know the house.
“You want a tour?” he asked as soon as we got in the house. I nodded and followed him through the house. I wasn’t wrong about this style, the house it was almost a copy of ours, and it felt weird.
“It’s very similar to ours, isn’t?” I said softly, I wasn’t sure how he was going to take it.
“Yeah, I know, Scott said the same thing, but I don’t know, I’m living here, and this has to be home now.” He said and all at once I felt the guiltiness coming back to my body, it was like I kicked him out of his home.
“We have your favorite for dinner” he said completely unaware of my harmful thoughts.
“Great.” I didn’t want to spoil any possible progress.
He took my hand guiding me to the dinning room. We had a nice dinner, just talking about our past, when we met, when I got pregnant with Anna, when we took her to Disney for the first time… we had a happy life.
We talked about everything, but we didn’t talk about why we let this happened to us. It was like we weren’t seeing the big fat elephant in the room. After the dinner he took me outside to have the dessert in front the fireplace.
“Are you okay?” he asked worried, I wasn’t being very talkative, and he knows me well enough to let it pass.
“Yes.” I said taking a spoon of mousse.
He took my dessert from my hands.
“You sure?” he asked, forcing me to look at him by my chin. I just could nod; I didn’t know what else to do.
He took my chin to his head, kissing me deeply. He got his body closer to mine and his hand went to hip and the other one didn’t leave the back of my neck. I kept to his leading until I felt his hand get under my dress, touching my naked thigh. I pushed him away from me softly. I stood up and rubbed my face trying to find the right words.
“This is not my fault.” I dopped. He smiled in confusion.
“Well, I guess it’s not, I started to kiss you, but…” he started to say.
“I didn’t break us. I may have been the one who made it official, but you decided not to tell me what was going on.” As I said that his eyes went dark. I knew he was ready to fight back, I have seen those eyes too many times.
“It wasn’t exactly an easy journey, I couldn’t…” he was accepting that he blamed me. His voice also changed; it wasn’t the same voice he used to used when we were married. This one was ironic, rough, and mean, the one he use since we were divorced.
“Mine wasn’t easy either! It wasn’t just a rough patch for me, Chris. I felt you were abandoning me, and you knew what I was feeling.”  My eyes were getting wet, and I tried to do everything not to cry.
“How I could have known that?” he sounded irritated, not just because he was talking louder but he also because his head was resting in his hands.
“Because I told you, Chris! I asked you to come back home million of times, and you rather take our daughters to the other side of the world than come back home with your wife.” I said, recalling the last time I asked him when he was going to be back. He didn’t answer, instead of that he set a whole plan. He made Scott flight to Boston to pick up the girls and then take them to Japan where he was filming his fifth film of the year.  
“I was working…” He said with a different voice.
“That’s bullshit and you know it.” The air got cooler; we weren’t yelling anymore. He wasn’t looking at me when I started to walk out.
“I don’t think we can do this.” I said, ready to leave.
“We have to try it.” He caught my attention.
“Emma and Anna will be alright; they are fine now.” I’ve always thought that keeping kids in a unhappy marriage it’s way more dangerous that have a civilized divorce. I knew he was worried about them, but it wasn’t right.  
“Not because of them, because I love you and I know you love me too.” He was right.
“Maybe it’s not enough anymore.”
“Yes, it is! It has to be! I don’t want to be alone the rest of my life and if it’s not with you I will be, don’t you see it? It’s been almost a year and I still thinking of you as my wife.” He stood up to get closer to me.
It broke my heart that he was right. I can’t imagine myself with another man, and it could be just a matter of time, but I honestly didn’t think so.
“How could this work? We’re going to end hating each other.” I said verbalizing one of my biggest fears.
“We won’t. I promise.” He said pulling my body to his arms.
 @moonlacebeam @denisemarieangelina @lovebittenbyevans @popteest @aubageddon91 @hey-diddly-ho-neighborino @impala1967666 @firoozehmoon
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azaleavi · 3 years
“All of the songs are about you”
Requested by anon: Hi, first of all I want to thank you for all your amazing work that you share with us, I absolutely adore everything that you write!!! Secondly, I was wondering if I could request something with Sebastian, where reader is a famous singer and younger than him, and when they reveal their relationship, people start saying that he is only using her and he gets worried that she will leave him for someone her age. Once again, thank you! 😚
Word count: 2k
Author's note: Thank you for your kind words dear nonnie! I hope you like it.
Warning(s): language
Feedback is always appreciated and don’t forget to reblog and like if you enjoyed it and want to see more. Thank you!
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Both of you being famous wasn't easy with you being a singer and Sebastian being an actor. Especially when you wanted to keep your relationship a secret and you were quite younger than him. You have been dating for a while now and you couldn't be more in love with him. He was your muse for many of your songs, but the fans didn't know that. They did notice though that you started writing more love songs than before. You got questions about it almost every day, but you never answered them. They had their speculations, but you never confirmed any of it. It might be selfish, but you wanted to keep him all to yourself and both of you agreed to wait a little more before going public. He was promoting his new movie and you didn't want people to think that you announced your relationship only to give more publicity to it. But sometimes the universe doesn't care what you want.
It was a normal day, like any other, when you were at Sebastian's house and you started craving some McDonald's. The weather was nice for the time being past 10 pm so you decided to go out to buy it instead of ordering. It was dark already so you weren't afraid that anybody would see or recognize you. It was a five minute walk from his house and you thought it would be nice have a short walk. You waited for Sebastian to lock the front door then started walking down the street hand in hand. It probably wasn't the best idea, but you really didn't think that any paparazzi would be near you. You went into the fast food place to buy what you needed, then started walking back to his place, laughing at a story he was telling you. You loved these late night walks, the dark giving you a sense of comfort.
"Baby" he stopped walking as still giggled, making you stop as well. You turned to him, eyebrows raised in question, a smile still on your face. "I love you" he blurted out, intently looking at you, waiting for your reaction. He never said it before, despite dating for almost 6 months now. You didn't say it either yet, not wanting to make him uncomfortable or rush him. After his last relationship he wanted to be extra sure when saying the three words and you understood him. Your heart skipped a few beats at his confession, the smile widening on your lips.
"I love you too, Seb." you beamed, stepping closer to him and pulling him into a hug.
"Thank god." he mumbled into your hair, making you pull away.
"What do you mean 'thank god'? How could I not feel the same way about you? Haven't you heard the songs I wrote lately?" you asked jokingly in disbelief, but knowing he didn't mean it like that.
"You know what I mean" he blushed under the light of the streetlamp.
"I do" your arms going around his neck you pulled him down into a deep kiss. When you broke apart you walked back to his house to finally eat.
What you didn't realize was that there was a paparazzi following you, getting the perfect angle of your kiss, taking a series of photos.
The next morning you were woken up by your phone essentially exploding with calls and messages. You groaned as you reached for it, barely being able to touch it as Sebastian refused to let go of your waist.
"Why is your phone waking us up at the ass crack of dawn?" he groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"I don't know" you unlocked it to see at least 25 calls from your manager and another few from friends and family. Around the same amount of texts were sent as well, making you sit up in bed, confused. "Something is wrong." he sat up at your tone to look at your phone. You dialed your manager, putting it on speaker. She picked up right away.
"What the fuck are you doing?" she almost screamed into the device, making Sebastian look at you.
"I was sleeping. It's 7 am." you explained.
"Care to tell me why is you and Sebastian kissing plastered on every news site on the internet right now?" your whole world stopped at her words.
"What did you say?" Sebastian spoke up as you were still frozen in your spot.
"Oh your partner in crime is there too? Great. I don't have to say this twice." she was being sarcastic, but you didn't care. You just wanted an explanation.
"Tell us what is happening, please" you pleaded.
"There are multiple pictures of you going around. They are claiming that they took them last night." she explained, but that wasn't enough.
"What pictures?" you asked.
"Pictures of you holding hands and kissing." you ran your hand through your hair.
"Fuck" Sebastian sighed.
"That's an understatement." you heard shuffling on the other side. "So I recommend you guys figure out what you are going to do and do it real fast because it is getting out of hand."
"Yeah, sure we will do that." he took the phone from you. "Thanks."
"Just doing my work." she ended the call with a sigh. Sebastian looked at you as you stared at your legs, deep in thought.
"Hey" he brushed his hand up your back, shaking you out of your mind.
"Yeah?" you looked at him, startled.
"We need to do something." he explained.
"Yeah, yeah, sure. What should we do? Go public? I mean we don't really have any other choice." you furrowed your brows.
"Do you want that?" he wanted you to be hundred percent okay with whatever you were going to do.
"Yes, I just hoped it wouldn't happen like this." you sighed. "Do you want that?" you asked back.
"Yes. We already talked about going public so I guess we will have to do it now." he shrugged.
"How are we doing this then?" you stood up to get dressed, getting ready for the day.
"Posting a video on TikTok?" he grinned.
"Absolutely not. We are not posting on Tiktok." you shook your head, laughing.
"So where do you want it? Facebook?" he raised his eyebrows, joking.
"No." you laughed. "I was thinking about posting a pic on Instagram." you threw out the idea. Both of you used the app a lot so it would be the best choice.
"Okay, let's find a picture." he also stood up.
"Ah-ah" you held out your hand to stop him. "You talk to your manager while I pick out a picture to post on my account and you can post one on yours if you want to. Mine is going to be a surprise." you grinned, already having one in mind. It was your favorite picture of you, taken by a friend without your knowledge. You were in a parking lot at the beach, you sitting on the hood of his car while he was standing between your legs, kissing you. There was a second picture, where you were leaning your forehead against his, both of you laughing at your friends shouting at you to get a room. Both of your faces were clearly seen on them so you decided to post both of them.
'All of the songs are about you' the caption read. In seconds your notifications were blowing up with comments from fans. You didn't want to read them, because you knew how people on the internet could get and you knew that you being younger than him would bother some of them. Sebastian came out of the bedroom to sit next to you.
"You posted it?" he asked, taking out his phone.
"Yep" you smiled. You leaned your head against his shoulder as he opened the app, waiting for his reaction. He immediately searched up your name and tapped on the photo. His thumb froze on the little heart as he read the caption. He put the phone down and grabbed your chin to pull you to his soft lips in a kiss.
"I love you." he mumbled into your lips.
"I love you too." you giggled. He pulled away to pick up the phone to leave a comment. 'If I wrote songs mine would be about you too' you snorted at it. "You are cute"
A few days later you had enough courage to check the comments people were leaving online. Maybe it wasn't the best idea.
'Jesus. Isn't he like 12 years older than her?? Gross'
'He is definitely using her lmao but I can't blame him, get that coin king'
'Y'all think she calls him daddy in the bedroom kjsdnhs'
'She is just using him to write songs'
There were nice comments as well, calling you cute together and wishing you well. The mean comments always stuck with you more though and you didn't want Sebastian to read them. It was enough that you went through them. Both of you were a little insecure about your age gap, but you loved each other so you helped the other through the harder times.
You got to his house and walked in as he asked you to not to knock anymore. You found him sitting on his couch, phone in hand. Hoping that he wasn't doing what you thought he was doing you sat down next to him. He had instagram open.
"Seb" you sighed, taking the phone out of his hands.
"What? I just wanted to see what they were saying." he tried to defend himself.
"You shouldn't read these." you shook your head. "So you wanna watch a movie?" you changed the subject. He agreed with your suggestion.
The movie had been playing for a half an hour when he pulled away from your cuddling.
"What if they are right?" his voice was so quiet so almost didn't hear him. You paused the movie to look at him.
"What do you mean?" you asked, confused by his sudden outburst.
"The comments saying that you could do so much better than me" he kept looking at his feet. You sat up and grabbed his chin to turn his head towards you, your heart breaking at his words. This was exactly why you didn't want him to read them.
"Baby" you sighed. "They are not right. Not even by far. I could not find anyone better than you even if I tried. But I'm not trying because I have you with me and you are the best thing that happened to me in a long time. So get that thought out of your head." you stared into his eyes to get your point across.
"But don't you want someone your age?"
"No I don't." you shook your head. "I am perfectly happy with you and I don't need anyone else." you held his cheeks between your palms. "Plus I like it that you are older." you smirked making him chuckle lightly. Climbing onto his lap you pulled him closer. "I love it that you are more experienced." you pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. "I love it that you are taller." a kiss under his ear. "I love it that you are always so so sweet to everyone you meet." a kiss on his nose. Your right hand went into his hair as your lips kissed down to his neck. "And I love the way you make me feel when it's just the two of us." you whispered into his ear, your breath hitting his skin, making him let out a moan. He grabbed your waist in a strong grip. "I love how big your hands are." you nipped at his skin on his neck earning another noise of pleasure and his fingers digging into your skin. "But most importantly" you pulled away so you could look into his eyes to show your sincerity. "I love you. All of you. With everything I have." his eyes softened as he pulled you into a passionate kiss.
"I love you too."
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If you’re still taking prompts:
“Keeping a secret from your best friend is difficult... but when that secret is that you're madly in love with her, it's downright impossible. At least that's what Cassian thought, until he was a little tipsy and sharing a sleeping bag with said best friend. (College, modern AU)”
With smut please?🧎🏾‍♀️🙏🏽👀🥺
Oh hey bestie! So I think maybe you had like after a college party in mind for this but I went a… different way. Also it’s only smut-adjacent because I think good smut requires a Drabble of its own I think I’m sorry. Hope you enjoy!!!
Nesta had two weeks between the end of her internship and the beginning of her last year of college, and somehow, she let herself get dragged along on her sister’s annual camping trip.
Their whole friend group was weird and twisted around like Ivy vines with who was closest to who, who was related to who, who was dating who, who had slept with who’s father (looking at you MOR!), and Nesta tended to avoid the big group things.
But this was only Feyre, Rhys, Azriel, and the real reason she was there… Cassian. Fucking Cassian dragging her off into the woods.
Nesta loved her sisters. She did. She wouldn’t spend time with them and pretend she didn’t hate their boyfriends if she didn’t love them. (Pretending not to hate Rhys and Lucien, for Nesta, pretty much required the energy of a full time job.)
She loved her sisters. But she was there for Cassian. Because she liked Cassian. Genuinely and entirely liked him. Nesta Archeron liked another human being. They’d been best friends since eighth grade when he tried to ask her out on the swing set and she elbowed him in the jaw.
Saying yes to that middle school date would’ve been the worst mistake of her life. Because then she’d have had this short drama filled relationship with Cassian and she wouldn’t have gotten to keep him. And she really loved that she got to keep him. Even if sometimes she wished he’d been her first kiss instead of Tomas.
Anyway, when he said he was going on this camping trip Nesta realized she had to go too. Because there was no way she was spending her free time somewhere that he wasn’t. He was her person. The person she wanted to spend her free time with.
“Pathetic,” Cassian grinned, plucking the pack right off of her back as if it weighed no more than a purse. As if she hadn’t been struggling under its weight for the past 4 kilometres.
“I agreed to camping. I didn’t realize a 7 hour hike was involved to get to the damn place.”
“Two hours at most, sweetheart.” Nesta scowled, pretending, as she always did, to hate his little endearments. “And all of the best spots require a hike. Otherwise they’re overcrowded.”
“Maybe overcrowded is a good thing. Maybe overcrowded means loud and safe instead of offering ourselves up to be a bear buffet.”
“I’ll protect you from any bears, I promise, Nes.”
Nesta glared. “You’re going to fight off a bear if it tries to eat me?”
“Of course I am,” Cassian nodded. “These muscles aren’t just for show.”
Nesta laughed. “How sad I’m going to lose my best friend on this trip. Don’t worry I’ll come up with something nice for the tombstone. “Here lies Cassian. Tried to fight a bear so his muscles would have a purpose.”
“I take it back, you can get eaten by the bear.”
“I’m going to shove you in front of the bear.”
Their water break had landed then both a few hundred feet behind Feyre, Rhys, and Azriel, so Cassian kept hold of her backpack as they moved, teasing her that he was still faster with two packs than she was with none.
When they arrived at the little clearing Nesta had to admit it was beautiful. Serene. A big patch of grass surrounded by trees with a stunning view over the mountains from a clearing just a few feet away.
“Worth the hike?” Cassian asked as he set up their tent. That was the deal. If Nesta was going to camp then he had to do all of the work. Because she didn’t know how to do it. Also he had to share his tent with her because seriously? Why would she own a tent? She wasn’t a damn mountain man.
“It is really pretty.”
“I told you you’d like camping, Nesta!” Feyre called out from over fifty feet away where Azriel, Cassian, and Nesta all banded together to force her and Rhys to put their tent. Far away from the other two. Nesta was so not sleeping on the ground AND listening to her little sister have sex all night.
“Cassian?” Consciousness pulled lightly through Cassian’s sleepy mind. “Cass? CASS!” He shot bolt upright, body instinctively turning to Nesta, looking her over, checking her for injuries or any other thing that might have her yelling his name into the pitch black tent.
“Oh good, you’re awake.”
Cassian laughed. It was probably 3am and she’d just woken him up, and still he was laughing. Man he had it bad.
“What’s up, buttercup?” He made a show of flipping around to face her even though he couldn’t really see her.
“I’m freezing.”
As his eyes adjusted, Cassian looked her over with a frown. She was bundled up in her sleeping bag, wearing his sweater… which he hadn’t given her, but he had discarded in between them before he went to sleep so that was fair game he guessed. It was far from the first time in over a decade of friendship that she’d stolen his sweater, but man… it still did something to him.
“Your sleeping bag isn’t made for below freezing temperatures, is it?”
Nesta stared at him. Blinked. “No. Why would it have to be? It’s August!”
“It’s colder up in the mountains,” Cassian explained. “Especially over night.”
“Great. I’ve been brought into the mountains to freeze to death and now Eris is going to win the gold medal for our year.”
Cassian laughed, “Well I can’t allow that. The horror.” This was probably a bad idea. No it was definitely a bad idea, but the words couldn’t be stopped from leaving his mouth once they popped into his mind. “Come share mine.”
Cassian half unzipped his sleeping bag and made a show of shuffling himself over.
“You’re too big.” She said.
“Thanks I work out,” Nesta glared at his cocky smirk. “Come on Nes, it’s this or letting Eris win the gold medal.”
Nesta huffed, but unzipped her sleeping bag and crawled over to his, her legs were cool as they tangled with his in the tight sleeping bag. Cassian pulled her in, one arm wrapping instinctively around her shoulders to pull her against his chest, before he zipped the sleeping bag up again after her.
This had been such a bad idea. But what could he do? Let her freeze?
Cassian told Nesta everything, so it was already difficult enough to be keeping a secret from his best friend... but when that secret was that he had been madly in love with her since middle school, the situation became impossible. And pulling her perfect body tight up against his and wrapping her in his arms, hands moving up and down her shoulders quickly to try and warm her up, was not helping the situation.
“Thanks,” Nesta murmured sleepily. “I’m already a lot more comfortable.”
Me too, Cassian thought but would never say.
“Hey Cass?” Nesta’s voice was teasing. “What do we do if you wake up with morning wood?”
Cassian chuckled into her hair, a little bit drunk on the familiar scent of rosehips and iron will.
“Then I guess we’ll finally have sex.” He deadpanned.
Nesta’s jaw dropped. Ok. Bad joke. “I’m not having sex with you for the first time in a tent Cassian!”
Now Cassian’s jaw dropped. That was her issue with his suggestion? “I… Nesta I was joking. But… the tent is the problem? The only problem?”
“Grow a pair!” Nesta batted at him with her hand, an impressive feat considering she was all but pinned between him and the sleeping bag. “I thought this was you finally making a move.”
Cassian stared down at her. It was pitch black, but even with just the shadowy outlines of her features, he could see her exact expression in his mind.
“I wouldn’t use you freezing as a ploy to make a move, Nesta.”
“And why not?” She humphed, “it’s the perfect opportunity.”
“It’s… coercive.”
“Do I look coerced to you, Cassian?” Nesta ran her foot up his bare calf and Cassian shuddered.
“I can’t have sex with you if you’re looking for a friends with benefits, Nes.” Nesta paused her movements. “I… fuck, our friendship means so much to me and I’m so afraid to fuck it up. And if we start having sex I won’t be able to handle it being just sex and you’ll start to resent me so we just… shouldn’t go there.”
Nesta’s arms wrapped around him now, struggling to span the full width of his chest. “And if it wasn’t just sex?”
“Please don’t fuck with me about this,” he whispered. Low and Ernest in a way he almost never was.
“Dont joke about this if you’re playing around or I don’t… you have to know, Nes. You have to know how completely in love with you I am.”
“Yeah,” Nesta tucked her head under his chin. “I know. I’ve just been waiting for you to make a move.”
It was dark. Cassian could barely see her. But there, with his arms around his best friend in the world, sharing a sleeping bag to keep her warm, Cassian nudged her out of his chest and found her lips in the pitch black.
Why had he kept this secret for so long? Everything in the world was better when he was kissing his best friend.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 7 - After Midnight [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s an extra chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Missions require stealth.
Series Masterlist
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For a spy, working at unusual hours was nothing new. During your training at the academy they would wake you up at ungodly hours to drag you to exercise just so that you would get used to being ready to fight anytime.
So technically you weren’t supposed to be this tired, but you hadn’t gotten any sleep last night. To your surprise, at around 5 in the morning you were assigned to a new mission to capture and bring another member of HYDRA in. It was unexpected because your superiors had told you earlier that earning Bucky’s trust and getting information from him was the priority, and they hadn’t sent you after any target for days up until this morning. You weren’t exactly complaining anyway, other missions weren’t your priority.
Even if you kept telling yourself what you were doing was just business, somehow talking to him didn’t feel like it.
“God damn it,” you muttered to yourself when the sight of your reflection in the elevator mirror caught your eye, making you heave a sigh and push the button to your apartment. Your shirt was stained with so much blood that you could hardly see the white and you licked your thumb before trying to scrub off the dried blood on your cheekbone. The elevator made a small noise before the door opened and you stepped outside, dragging your weary self to your door.
“What’s up neighbor?”
You jumped out of your skin and turned to Keith who was watching you with a grin on his face, holding a cup of coffee.
“What the fuck?”
“Likewise. Why are you covered in blood, you normal civilian you?”
You opened your door and stepped inside with him following you suit.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, “Young lady, look me in the eye and tell me you didn’t kill the Winter Soldier.”
“What? No!” you made a face, “I could never- it was another kind of a mission.”
“You already have a mission, didn’t you tell them you’re supposed to focus on that one?”
“The target was heavily protected and it needed my expertise.”
“Nobody likes a brag.”
You rolled your eyes, “Keith, General literally told me that before sending me there.”
“You’re not supposed to get close to targets anymore,” he reminded you and you shifted your weight from one foot to other, biting inside your cheek.
“It got out of control,” you murmured, making him sigh.
“It’s not like I wanted to!” you defended yourself, “It was just necessary, that’s all.”
“If you get in close combat with a target you might end up with visible injuries, and that would compromise your cover as a civilian and tip Barnes off.”
“I know, I know…” you murmured as you walked to the sink to wash your hands, then switched the coffee maker on.  
“Do you?” he insisted, “Because from where I’m standing, it looks like you’re looking for trouble.”
You grabbed a cup from the shelf and turned to him.
“I just wanted to get it over with,” you said, “Okay? I have other things in mind.”
He pulled his brows together, “Like what?”
“Like…” you waved your hands, trying to find the words, “Like other stuff. Like my main mission— by the way I couldn’t ask the other night, why did they locate you here?”
“General said your relationship with Barnes is progressing well. It’s better to have another agent close by, just in case he decides to make a late night visit.”
The innuendo wasn’t lost on you and you raised your brows, “I feel like I’m working in a dark alternate version of a matchmaking system where they hook you up with a date you can’t trust.”
“So every dating app out there?” he asked, making you laugh as you sipped your coffee.
“Speaking of dates,” you started, but was cut off your phone beeped and you checked the time, then cursed under your breath.
“I can’t believe I’m working at a stupid milkshake shop,” you grumbled, “I need to take a shower and get to work, see yourself out.”
“You know, you could bring some milkshake home,” he said as you walked to the bathroom, “That’s what a good neighbor would do.”
“Goodbye Keith!” you called out and closed the bathroom door.
You really, really needed something to snap you out of this sleeplessness. Preferably coffee, preferably in an I.V. or something because you had a feeling drinking it wouldn’t be enough at this point.
“Thank you and bon appetite!” you smiled brightly at the customer after serving them their milkshake, then dropped the smile and pulled the small apron off your uniform.
“I’m going to take a break and get some coffee,” you told your coworker “You want anything?”
“No thank you,” she said and you fixed your hair before walking outside to make your way to the coffee shop.
Keith had a point. It was stupid to get in close combat with a target, especially now. General had sent you there with clear orders of you keeping your distance and using your sniper rifle, not your dagger and in the heat of the moment, you had decided to go after him when you couldn’t get a clear shot.
“Hi, can I get a hot red eye please?” you asked the barista, “Actually no- make it a black eye, largest cup you have.”
She smiled slightly, “Long night?”
“You have no idea.”
She swiped your card before giving it to you and you walked to the waiting counter to lean against it, nibbling on your lip.
You really, really wanted to believe that your sour mood was a result of you not getting enough sleep, but deep down you knew it wasn’t like you to take unnecessary risks.
It was the fact that you had been too distracted to take the shot at the right time because you were looking down at your phone when the target had walked out of his building.
But after all, it was your main mission, wasn’t it? You had to make sure to get Bucky’s attention to get closer to him. Maybe two missions at the same time had these kind of disadvantages, but it wasn’t as if you could walk there and tell them not to give you side missions.
If you wanted to be a handler, you had to prove yourself.
You took the lid off the cup, the scent of hot liquid filling your nostrils and you grabbed the sugar packets before tearing the top off to pour sugar into it. You dipped the thin stir stick into the beverage to stir it, then put the stick between your lips but as soon as you turned around and saw who had just gotten his coffee, you held your breath.
“Hi!” you said breathlessly, pulling the thin stick off your mouth, “Um- Captain—Captain America sir.”
“Oh God no, please call me Sam.” He offered you his hand and you shook it.
“Hi Sam.”
“It’s Y/N, right?”
“Yes!” you said, “Yes, it’s wonderful to see you again. Under much better conditions where I haven’t been shot at.”  
“Bucky just went to that uh….” He paused, “Milkshake shop right? He just went there to see you.”
You scrunched up your nose, “Oh no, I literally just went on my break.”
“That’s alright,” he said, “He’ll be back here. Would you like to sit down?”
Nope, you did not want to sit down.
You had planned a whole strategy to pull the wool over Bucky’s eyes, but Sam’s file told you that he was an excellent judge of character, much better at reading people than Bucky. Everything that you had told Bucky to manipulate him had worked so far but persuading Sam wouldn’t be that easy.
Seeing that any small sign could tip him off, you had to put even more of an effort into the illusion.  
“I’d love to!” you said and followed him to the nearest table. You sat down and pushed your hair behind you ear, smiling up at him.
“I never got to say thank you,” you said, “For saving me back there.”
“Don’t mention it, really,” he said, “How’s your arm?”
“It got better,” you said, “I thought I was dying but as it turns out, it was just a graze. Only thing that’s hurting right now is my ego.”
“Oh it happens.”
“Even you have to admit, that was a bad first impression.”
He grinned, “For what exactly?”
“For—um… for a first—first impression. In general,” you stammered and sipped your coffee while he sat back.
“So how do you find New York?” he asked, “Bucky mentioned you just moved here.”
“It’s been a month, yes,” you said, clearing your throat, “I like it so far. I mean, aside from getting mugged, I enjoy it. It’s very different than where I grew up in but like— it’s very new.”
“Yeah, especially if you’re from a small town…” he mused, “Where did you say you moved from by the way?”
“Cannon Beach, Oregon.”
“I love small towns,” he said, “Very peaceful.”
“They are!” you said, “I mean sometimes a little too peaceful with nothing to do but…”
“You know, visiting Oregon has been in my list for a while now,” he said, “Any advice on where to go if I end up visiting there?”
Oh he is good.
If you weren’t a trained spy, you wouldn’t have even noticed that he was trying to see whether you could be trusted or not. Bucky, being secretive himself hadn’t even asked anything about your so called hometown but Sam knew exactly what to ask to see if you were hiding something.
You thanked Chloe for making you read everything about your file the other day in your mind before you pursed your lips, deep in thought.
“Well my hometown doesn’t have much to offer but— do you like hiking?”
“Sure, why not?”
“We have a state park,” you said, “I think you’d enjoy it. Natural view, all green and peaceful. Back in high school, every semester break my friends dragged me there and the there was this one time we were all there, I got stung by this huge wasp and it was just before the school dance and I ended up not getting asked out by my crush—anyway, it’s a long way of saying I don’t hike anymore.”
That made him chuckle and he seemed to be convinced that you were sincere, thankfully.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said as his eyes went over your shoulder, making you look up and gasp.
Jesus, as it turned out you weren’t the only one with a mission who required you to get in close combat.
“Oh my God.” You covered your mouth with your hands, staring up at his bruised face half hidden by his hat. Sam pushed his chair back, clearing his throat.
“I should probably step outside,” he said as he stood up, “Gotta make a call, I’ll see you later.”
“Thanks man.”
“What happened?” you asked as Sam walked out of the coffee shop and Bucky sat down across from you to the seat Sam had just left. He tried to offer you a small smile.
“It’s nothing.”
“Bucky it doesn’t look like nothing…” you mumbled, your brows pulled together “Does it hurt?”
“Does it hurt?”
You weren’t supposed to ask that, you were supposed to gather info on where he went and what he was doing on missions of his own.
“Not at all,” he assured you and you took a shaky breath.
“What happened?”
“There’s this thing me and Sam are working on,” he said, “Don’t worry about it. I went to the milkshake shop to see you but…”
You wanted to ask for more details but something told you it could create a problem to insist this early so you decided against it.
“Just tell me you’re safe?”
A soft light crossed his eyes, “I am,” he said, “I promise.”
You paused for a moment before you pushed your hair behind your ear. “I gather you’re kind of used to getting hurt then?”
“A little,” he admitted, “That’s why I couldn’t call you or anything. I got caught up in something.”  
Ah. He wasn’t giving you any details even if he thought you were a civilian.
He could like you, but he still couldn’t trust you. Maybe it was a precaution, maybe he wanted to keep you away from his mess, but either way, it was very clear that he had trust issues.
You took a mental note to put it on your report for General and shook your head.
“Of course,” you said, “You don’t need to explain anything, I’m just glad that you’re well and safe. Bruises aside.”
“Looks that bad huh?”
“No!” you said quickly, “No I wouldn’t say bad. Not by a long shot, you’re still pret—uh…dashing. Cute as a bug’s ear I’d say. Looking—looking aces. Dynamite even!”
He pulled his brows together, keeping his eyes on you.
“I may or may not have checked some early to mid 20th century slang just in case,” you admitted, making him tilt his head in confusion.
“Just in case of what?”
“Just in case you said something and I didn’t understand on the second date,” you said, “And let me tell you something, you guys spoke a completely different language back then.”
“You’re joking,” he said with a small smile and you crossed your arms.
“You don’t believe me?”
“Say one more term and I will.”
You thought for a moment, “Fine. Are you ready for this?”
“Absolutely, bring it on.”
“I will….” You trailed off, searching your mind for the right words you had checked online the other night, “I will snap my cap if you spook me showing up looking like you were about the buy the farm last night.”
A clear laugh escaped from his lips as it lit up his whole face and that was when you realized how rare it was to hear him laugh out loud. A warmth filled your stomach and you raised your brows, your nose in the air.
“See? Told you,” you pointed out and stole a look at him, “Was it—was it good?”
“It was great,” he said when he could pull himself together, “Absolutely perfect.”
“Why thank you,” you sipped your coffee as he cleared his throat.
“Speaking of the second date…” he said, making you bite down a smile, “Any chance you’re free tonight?”
“I am,” you said, “But you’re not.”
He pulled his brows together, “Hm?”
“Have you seen yourself?” you insisted, “You look like you—you almost died or something!”
“It wasn’t a big deal, really.”
“Well, those bruises say otherwise,” you said, “You need some rest. How much sleep did you get last night?”
He averted his eyes and waved a hand, “Some. Enough.”
“Bucky,” you said, leaning in slightly, “How much?”
Everything the government and your division had gathered on Bucky suggested the same thing; The Winter Soldier was basically created for war. He was the perfect soldier, and there was no way anyone could get any information from him. There was a reason why they had sent you into this mission, trying to get intel from him by force was absolutely impossible.
Even the government knew that.
But the same unstoppable soldier who would probably die before saying anything to the enemy caved in when you batted your lashes.
“Two hours.”
Your jaw dropped and you shook your head, “Nuh uh.”
“It’s enough, it’s more than—“
“Nope,” you cut him off, “You’re going to rest at home and—eat soup and watch garbage TV, mister. No dates for you on two hours of sleep.”
A soft smile pulled at his lips, “I can function with two hours of sleep darling.”
Your heart did not skip a beat at that, it was just you being very focused on your own cover and that was it.
“Well I don’t want you to just function,” you mumbled, “You need to take care of yourself too.”
Judging by his expression you could see that he wasn’t used to hearing that and you put your coffee on the table, then reached out to gently put your hand over his vibranium one. His hand twitched like a gun recoiling in your hand, even if you knew it was involuntary and a look of disbelief crossed his features, as if he hadn’t expected you –or anyone to touch that, as if he was afraid that you would be scared.
But of course, that was the spy in you speaking. Your cover wasn’t supposed to notice anything of the sort.
“How about…” you trailed off, “We have a date tomorrow? You go and get some rest tonight, and I’ll pick what I’m gonna wear for tomorrow and spam my friends with outfit ideas.”
“You sure?”
“Of course,” you said, “We have all the time in the world for dates. And I happen to live here, you know? It’s not like I’m going anywhere.”
He smiled and turned his hand to entwine his fingers with yours, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
“Good,” he rasped out, “I like the sound of that.”
You should’ve known your superiors wouldn’t make it easy for you. This time, you were allowed to take your team with you because as it turned out, the right hand of the target you had brought in last night had gotten away, so now you had to take him down for your superiors to cut a deal with the target.
The first part of the mission had gone splendidly. He was alone and in hiding, so setting your gear up on the rooftop and pulling the trigger hadn’t been difficult whatsoever. You watched as a couple of agents burst through his door so that they could retrieve his body and fixed your ski mask before starting to dissemble your rifle to carry it easier.
“Anyone wants to grab some dinner?” Keith’s voice reached your earpiece and you yawned.
“Nah,” you said, “I’m going to go home and sleep for a year or something.”
“Deleting the security cam footage of the building right now,” Chloe let you know, “And I want dinner, I’ve been running on multiple cups of coffee.”
“You got it.”
“Are you buying?” one of the agents in your team asked, “If you are, we’re coming too.”
“Yeah man, I’m buying. Tacos?”
“Sounds good, just let me check—“ Chloe started but then gasped, “Shrike, get out of there right now!”
It was almost instinctual. You grabbed the small pistol out of your boots and turned around to point it at the person behind you but as soon as you recognized who he was, your heart started pacing.
Bucky had decided not to rest at home after all.
“Hi soldier,” you managed to say, “We have to stop meeting like this.”
Chapter 8
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-Shanghai Swap Meat - Part 1
‘’What’s wrong with you dude? Have you unclogged the toilet yet?’’ My cousin asked.
‘’No, I haven’t done that ... yet.’‘
‘’Then what’s bothering you?’’
‘’Oh, nothing except that I’m the biggest loser of the family, and my life kind of sucks.’’
‘’Oh don’t be so hard on yourself Alan you’re not the brightest star of our family but you’re not the biggest failure either.’’
‘’Thanx cousin but let’s be honest I kinda screwed up. Dropped out twice, failing my classes again, and kicked out by dad because he’s embarrassed by his low-life son. We’re both 23 years old cousin but you already have your own butchery. Small business, but you build something yourself, you achieved something. What did I achieve? High School, that’s pretty much it.’’
‘’Don’t worry too much Alan you’re a late bloomer good things will come to you eventually. Until then, I don’t mind you here helping me in the shop in exchange for sleeping on my couch.’’
‘’Awesome, so in what way does that make my life suck any less? A young, late bloomer, dropout, kicked out, working for free in his cousin’s butchery and sleeping on his couch in downtown Shanghai, no offense cousin. You’re right I’m living the life!’’
I turned and ran into something massive and got pushed back to the display.
‘’Can’t you watch where you walk runt?!’’ A booming voice said. 
I looked up and I saw a man... no a mountain of solid muscles. From a quick glance, I noticed his thick pecs, wide boulder-sized shoulder, arms and legs thick as tree trunks, and the thickest ass in Asia.
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‘’Move aside runt. Do you have my order ready butcher?’’ 
‘’But of course Mr. Kang I have already set it apart for you.’’ My cousin walked to the fridge. 
‘’Here is your order Mr. Kang: 7 Chicken breast, 5 pork chops, 3 lean steaks, and the rest of your order. Only the best quality for you Mr. Kang.’’ With difficulty, my cousin got the heavy bags with raw meat on the counter. 
‘’Finally.’’ Said the enormous brute said with his deep baritone manly voice. With one arm, he easily picked up the bags my cousin struggled to get up earlier from the counter. I was amazed by his build. This guy weighed at least 330 lbs with an impressive 6’5 height.
‘’Do you have in here someplace where I can take a piss?’’
‘’Of course, Mr. Kang toilet is in the back second door on the right.’’ My cousin replied. The bodybuilder walked past us, walking to the back. 
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‘’Who was that God cousin?‘’
‘’God? No Alan customer, a big spender. Samual Kang is a former pro bodybuilder living here in Shanghai. He’s now founder and CEO of a successful chain of gyms across China, produces and sells nutrition and I thought he did some acting and modeling too. He always buys here his meat and a lot of it because it has not yet been processed.’’
"What does he have that I don't have?" "I asked him, feeling like my life sucked even more than I thought... reality just hit me hard.
‘’Well.... money, a penthouse, a gorgeous model as his girlfriend, money, a successful business, fans, a great body and again money.’’
‘’Haha, if you only were as good at making me feel better as you are at cutting meat’‘. 
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‘‘I wish I had his life, he seems to have his shit in order. And have you seen his body?! It takes years of dedication to get so puffed up! I would look awsome!’‘
‘’So you want to be like Mr. Kang don’t you Allen?’’ My cousin began staring seriously at me, he had never been so creepy.
''Uhm yeah kind of, didn't you hear me the first time cousin?''
He picked up a small plastic bottle with some green gunk under the counter. ‘’Drink this cousin!’’
‘’What is this?! How long did you keep this?’’’ I opened the bottle and the smell was horrific! ‘’Ugh, this smells awful cousin like grandpa’s feet, just throw it into the trashcan’’.
‘’Just drink it, Alan. For once just listen and do something that is going to make a difference in your life.’’ 
My cousin still had this creepy serious expression on his face. I felt I had to prove something to him by drinking it but I also didn’t want to drink whatever was inside this bottle. 
‘’Alright alright, I will drink it!’’ 
I opened the bottle again and knocked back the disgusting green juice all at once down my throat. 
‘’See... happy now cousin? Now let’s do a reality check… did drinking this turn my life upside down?... Uhm, nope it didn’t. It only left a bitter taste in my mouth  ugh...so thanks for that cousin very helpful.’’
‘’Just give it some time’’. My cousin said.
‘’But we’re almost closing, so I’m going to bed... I mean the couch’’.
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Then it hit me, I suddenly felt an enormous rush. Out of nowhere, I felt an enormous pressure on my bladder.
''What did you do to me cousin?!'' I yelled. ''Oh man, this is going bad! Out of my way cousin!'' I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom in the back. It felt like I could snap anytime.
I stormed into the bathroom to the toilet. Shit, I forget to unclog it. I turn to the only urinal seeing Samual Kang standing in front of it. 
‘’Can you hurry up, please?!’’ Damn, I can’t hold it anymore! I got pulled to the urinal as something forced me to.
‘’Shut up runt can’t you see I’m busy! And don’t you dare to look!’’ Mr. Kang shouted at me.
‘’Oh, come on hurry up!!!’’ I couldn’t handle it anymore! And then my feet got off the ground and I smashed right into Mr. Kang’s back. 
‘’Didn’t I tell you to sh...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING GET OFF ME!’’
‘’I’m so sorry Mr. Kang I don’t know what is happening!’’ I tried to apologize and to get off Mr. Kang’’s large back, I put my hands on his back to push me off, but somehow I sank through into his back! 
‘’WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME!’’ (*we said simultaneously*)
My arms sank deeper into Mr. Kang’s back as well as my legs that were already halfway in.
‘’Please, stop! It hurts… get out!’’ Mr. Kang yelled and began to stumble as he tried to walk away. 
‘’Stand still before you make us fall and we break something!’’ We stopped. Wait did I just do that did I just controlled his legs?!
I pushed my second arm into Kang’s right arm and use both to slowly pull my body into his. I tried to move my fingers inside Mr. Kang´s large hands. His large sausage fingers moved on my command! 
‘’Dude I’m somehow connected to your body! Looks like I can control this body. Awesome!’’ I shouted.
‘’No this isn’t possible!’’ Kang stumbles around the room as the two of us fight for control. Spasming and swinging his arms, Kang attempts to push me out. But I  sleeved my skinny arms into his and now control these massive arms.
With a malicious grin splitting on my own face, I bring Sam’s hands up to his face and began to feel it and then going down to caress his muscles. It’s so weird I feel like I’m feeling it with my own hands. Mr. Kang almost collapses on the ground as I continue pushing. 
‘’No, no big guy can’t let that happen, these strong legs of ours can easily hold us both!’’ I forced Mr. Kang into a standing position with my arms against the toilet wall. Mr. Kang Still trembling with an occasional spasmatic twitching, while I’m moving around inside him. I get deeper and deeper inside his body. It’s warm inside and a bit tight. I can feel Samual Kang’s cock getting hard as I shove mine errected cock into his. Samual groans and gasps in a mixture of agony and pleasure. I chuckle at the thought of what I was doing to Samual and continue exploring his body in this new exciting way.
 "That's enough! Get out of me...leave my body alone!"
‘’Nah why stop now? Now let’s see what’s inside that head of yours Samual Kang.’’  
I push my head into Kang’s and the last of me into him. I had now been fully absorbed by Mr. Kang’s bodybuilder body.
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I opened my eyes looking at this amazing muscle bod now fully under my control. First let’s take this shirt off MY muscles deserve to be seen. I flexed my biceps.
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We left one last moan... and then a flash of light appeared. We were pulled out of eachother, separated. Everything went dark. 
Samual Kang fell behind on the floor while Allen fell forward into the urinal.
...A few hours passed...
‘’Uhm, Come on cousin just a few more minutes. I… I just had the weirdest dream ever. That green stuff... ugh you gave me was strong or was that also a part of the dream. I...I just need a little bit more sleep’’...
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*beep* Mr. Kang you have 38 messages.
Latest message received 1 minute ago.
*beep* (Allen’s voice:) ‘’Answer the phone! I don’t know how the fuck you did this little runt  but I’m, uh, I think I'm in the wrong body, your body’’. 
*beep* (Allen’s voice:) ‘‘Allen that’s your name right ‘‘Allen’‘, check your friggin voicemail please we have to fix this. Damn it! Oh my head still hurts! Did you really have to smash this head into the fucking urinal?! Call me back.’‘
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                                       - To be continued -
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ahockeywrites · 3 years
4 times you stayed at his + the 1 time he stayed at yours - Matthew Tkachuk
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A/N: Hi everyone! I had this idea and within 48 hours I had it fully written. I hope you enjoy this 5k of fluffy Matty! Thanks to @calgarycanuck for proof reading this!!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, explicit fem!reader
It was a typical Saturday night for the Calgary Flames who were celebrating a big win over the Canucks. Your best friend, Matthew Tkachuk, had invited you and your roommate out to come to the bars. Jess had been quite friendly with Noah Hanifin, and you just hoped they wouldn’t be using your apartment as a place to spend the night.
You tugged down the sleeve of your deep green bodysuit and looked across to the bar, hoping to see Matthew ordering you another rum and coke but instead saw him surrounded by 5 beautiful women. Women who you thought were more beautiful than you. As you let out a small sigh, you turned to Lauren and struck up a conversation with her. She had persuaded you to join her for a hot yoga class followed by a brunch in the next few days to catch up properly as you had been working so much. The friends you had made through meeting Matthew were amazing, but it didn’t take a genius to notice that the feelings you had for him were slightly more than friendly. 
“I’m gonna go and get myself a drink,” you announced to no one in particular. As you pushed your way to the bar, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist. “Hey you,” you heard the voice of Noah in your ear. “You want a drink?” he asked. You nodded and asked him for a double dark rum and coke. If Matthew was busy with girls, you thought, you might as well let someone else get you a drink.
Noah passed you the finished drink and you took a large gulp of it. “Please tell me this isn’t a bribe so I can let you and Jess go and fuck in our apartment?” you groaned, figuring out what he was doing. Noah did this often; when he wanted you to take Jess out of the apartment to set up for a dinner date or more often than not when he wanted the apartment to be empty so the two of them could spend time wrapped up in each other.
“I’m sorry, it’s not my fault she’s so hot,” he complained. You rolled your eyes telling him that you’d find somewhere to crash. Usually, it was the Giordano’s spare room, but after you quickly scanned the bar, you noticed they had already left. It turns out, the only people left at the bar were Matthew and his entourage, Jess, Noah and you. You had no choice but to try and pry him away from the girls surrounding him.
You finished your drink and made your way over to where he was sitting at the bar. As you tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around to see you and offered you a huge smile. Matthew got up out of his seat, pushing the girls away and gave you a large hug. “How are you going?” he asked, genuinely as he hadn’t seen you much during the night. A few of the girls gave you a dirty look, but you ignored them knowing that Matthew would rather spend quality time with you.
“I’m good, just not sure where I’m gonna be sleeping tonight,” you mentioned hoping he would get the hint.
“Noah and Jess going at it like rabbits again?” he questioned, knowing what you had to deal with. You nodded and told him that Gio had already gone home so using their spare room was out of the equation. “Just stay at mine, it's no bother,” he said with a smile. “You wanna go now?” he asked.
Matthew had never offered you his spare room to stay at, no matter how close the two of you were. Or was it that Lauren always took you under her wing and he wasn’t able to offer you the room? He thought that it was a simple offer but you were freaking out inside. The not so little crush you were harbouring on him was going to be made more obvious, surely?
“Yeah, I’m working an afternoon shift tomorrow so kinda need the sleep,” you replied. 
“Sure, lemme close up my tab and order an Uber,” he smiled back. Matthew reached over to grab the attention of the closest bartender and passed across his credit card. He pulled you into his grasp to make sure you didn’t blend into the crowd. As he pulled out his phone from his jacket pocket, he led the two of you to a slightly less crowded area so he could easily order the car home.
The outside air was cold, and Matthew noticed that you began to shiver as the wind picked up. Quickly, he slid his jacket off and placed it over your shoulders, “the car is only a minute away,” he informed you as you tried to warm up under his jacket. It wasn’t like Matthew was warm in just his jeans and t-shirt, but he knew his mother would kill him if he didn’t even offer you his jacket.
Matthew didn’t know why he just got up and left the girls at the bar as he was sure one of them would have come home with him. The friendship the two of you shared was strong and slightly flirty, but he also knew that the girls who were at the bar all arrived together and if he didn’t take you home safely, he would be worrying about it all night. For his sanity, this was what he kept telling himself, not that, god forbid, his feelings for you exceeded the bounds of friendship.
As if the car he ordered knew he needed to stop thinking, it arrived stopping directly in front of the pair of you. The driver lowered the window and Matthew checked it was for him and going to the right place. Once he was sure this was actually for the two of you, he opened the door for you allowing you to slide into the back seats. You shuffled your way across to let Matthew have some space. The drive back to his place was short, but he never let go of your hand, even letting his thumb brush over your knuckles occasionally. It felt more than friendly to the both of you.
The car abruptly stopped outside of Matthew’s apartment building and he jumped out to open the car door for you. It was strange, his behaviour, you thought, but maybe it was because you had never stayed the night in his guest room. He greeted the concierge in the lobby and directed you towards the elevator.
You had been to Matthew’s apartment before, but not like this. You knew he lived on the 35th floor and he had an amazing view of Calgary out of his bedroom window, but you had probably spent a total of one hour there, aside from the pre-drinks he occasionally held. He led you into his apartment quickly and stood in the kitchen, unsure what he should do. “I don’t know what you usually wear to sleep, but I can grab a shirt for you? And I think Taryn left makeup wipes in the spare bathroom when she was last here?” he seemed to be questioning himself more than asking you. One of his arms reached up to scratch his neck to add to the awkwardness.
“Yeah,” you said quietly, “a shirt would be great thanks.” Matthew pointed you in the direction of the spare bathroom and you started taking your makeup off. You looked at yourself in the mirror and just hoped that Matthew wasn’t gonna see what you looked like barefaced. In your mind, he couldn’t see you without your additional layer of confidence. You walked back through to the spare room to see him sitting on the side of the bed with a shirt in his hands. “Urm, I hope this is comfy enough,” he stuttered, unsure of what he should say.
“Thanks, Matty,” you replied, taking the shirt from him but not wanting to undress in front of him. He stood quiet for a second before realising he should leave and let you sleep.
“Goodnight Y/N, sleep well,” he said, bringing you in for a hug.
“Goodnight Matty,” you replied.
You walked back into the bathroom to change out of your restricting jeans and bodysuit to put on the soft shirt. Initially, you didn’t notice what he had given you, but when you looked in the mirror you saw the logo of the London Knights. And sure enough, on the back was the number 7 and the name Tkachuk. You laughed softly, he knew you weren’t a Flames fan so he would never be able to get you to wear his current jersey, but this was a step closer to him getting his best friend in his jersey.
He didn’t mean to let you stay over again, you were just so tired after being his plus one to a Flames event. It wasn’t like you had found the event boring at all, just after an afternoon shift at the restaurant, followed by getting ready with Lauren and Jess and then having to control Matthew at the charity event, you were tired and ready to sleep.
Matthew had to almost drag you out of the Uber because you had fallen asleep on his shoulder in the car. “Y/N, c’mon, just a little further then you can crash for the night,” he encouraged you. You lifted your arms up, indicating that you wanted him to carry you up to his apartment. He groaned but lifted you up to carry you bridal style through his apartment complex. Somehow, you had fallen back asleep in the elevator on the way up and he had to try and open his apartment door without waking you up. He was successful and gently walked through his apartment to lay you down on his guest bed. 
It took a few moments for him to remember where the makeup wipes were but as soon as he figured it out he went to find them and started slowly removing your makeup. He thought he was doing a good job until he figured out you had put on a pair of fake eyelashes. There was no way he would be able to take these off without waking you up or hurting you and he decided that the former would be the safest option.
“Hey,” Matthew whispered softly whilst gently shaking your shoulder. You stirred slightly in your sleep so he shook your shoulder again with a little more force. Slowly, your eyes fluttered open to see a shirtless Matthew with a slightly dirty makeup wipe in one hand and a confused look on his face.
“You didn’t have to take my makeup off for me,” you spoke with a lot of sleep in your voice. 
“It’s okay,” he replied, “I was almost there but you’ve got these things stuck to your eyes and I really don’t want to hurt you.” You laughed having forgotten that you had put falsies on and told him to wait there and you’d try and take them off without your usual products. Luckily, Matthew had been able to detach the inner corner of both sets of lashes and you quickly pulled them off. It was slightly painful as you didn’t use your normal cleanser to help them detach, but they were removed and that was the main thing. You quickly disposed of them in the trash can in the bathroom and saw Matthew waiting on the edge of the bed with a shirt for you to wear. He handed it across and let you go back into the bathroom to change into it.
“Matty,” you began, “do you still have the makeup wipes out there?” You wanted to take off the rest of your eye makeup but were pretty certain that he had them somewhere near him.
“Yeah I do, come back out here so I can take the rest of it off for you,” he replied. You were slightly confused but went back through to sit opposite Matthew on the bed. He tugged you so you were straddling his lap and started removing the rest of your makeup. He was so deep in concentration that he didn’t notice you placing your hands on his hips to keep yourself still. If you didn’t do this, you were almost certain his hockey strength would have sent you flying. 
You asked him if he was done and he nodded telling you to get comfy in bed. Obliging, you made your way under the comforter and almost instantly you fell asleep. Matthew walked back in to see you completely knocked out and went to brush some hair off of your face. “Goodnight Y/N,” he whispered.
Best friends stay over at each other’s houses, right? You convinced yourself that staying at Matthew’s house whilst he was on a week-long road trip was okay, simply because he had a better kitchen than you and his bathroom had a bath compared to just a shower in your apartment.
Matthew had given you his spare key to use when you needed to go in and check on the houseplants his mother had given him as an apartment warming gift. You did question why Chantal had given him a selection of plants but you didn’t complain as it meant you could take advantage of the amazing kitchen set up he had. As you dragged your bags filled with baking ingredients into the apartment, you noticed that there was a note left on the kitchen counter. It read:
Y/N, thanks for watering the plants on this roadie! I may have taken the extra brownies you made for me on this trip because the boys wanted something to remind them of Calgary. Stay safe, Matt :)
You smiled, knowing that the team always devoured any baked goods you brought along and you had even helped some of the children who were at the events with decorating fairy cakes. The kids adored you to the point some of the parents would get you to babysit them when they wanted a date night and how could you resist? It seemed like each of the children had you wrapped around their little finger as you found it hard to put them to bed at their usual bedtime as all they wanted to do was something creative.
The memories you had made with the children had to be pushed aside as you were here to bake, and you were unsure of how much you were going to make. First, you put the milk and butter in the fridge to make sure it was cold and unpacked everything else onto the kitchen counter. Then, you grabbed your laptop out of your backpack and loaded up the recipes you were planning on making. A batch of chocolate chip cookies, a tray of brownies and an apple pie was the bare minimum you wanted to make. You hoped that there would be enough time to make a set of 24 blueberry muffins too but would be happy to snack on the blueberries throughout the day. 
You fiddled with the dials on the oven to allow it to preheat and connected your phone to the fancy speaker system Matthew had in his house. The playlist you chose was one you and Matthew had curated to be perfect for relaxing days and it was exactly what you needed on your day off. The music allowed you to become lost in the baking and you didn’t realise the time was so late until you looked out of the large windows. The sun had set so you took a quick look at your watch to notice that it was nearing 9 in the evening. How you had become so engrossed in the cooking was a mystery to you as this seldom happened.
Notifications lit up your phone and you chose to reply to Matthew first, letting him know that his plants had been watered and you had even bought some fertiliser to help them grow. Then you dropped a quick text to Jess letting her know you were just going to stay at Matthew’s apartment for the night rather than risking an Uber alone at night. Sometimes you hated being a woman and not trusting society but you knew that Matthew wouldn’t mind you staying at his place as long as he knew you were safe.
It seemed as if your tiredness hit you quickly because once you ordered some food for a late dinner and had watched the Flames game, you were half asleep on the couch in the living room. Slowly, you peeled yourself off the couch and removed the blankets you had been hiding under to the other couch. The walk to the spare room seemed too natural and you noticed that there was a small collection of skincare products sitting on the counter next to the sink. You realised that they were minis of the same things you used. Matthew couldn’t have gone out of his way to figure out what you used and get some for you in case you stayed over again, could he? It seemed like something he could do but you thought he would do that for someone he considered to be more than a friend, unless? No, you thought to yourself, he couldn’t like you in the same way you liked him. 
Shaking your head to try and rid yourself of these thoughts, you started to cleanse your face and then add the moisturiser on top. Once you had finished your nighttime routine, you walked through to Matthew’s bedroom and his closet to try and find something to wear to bed. The shirt you were looking for was the same one you had worn the first two times you had stayed over at his place. It was slightly hidden behind a few pairs of jeans and the occasional St Louis t-shirt but you found it and it was just as soft as you remembered. You slipped back into his spare room and quickly changed into the shirt.
There was just one more thing you needed to do and that was to box up all the baked goods you had created earlier. You made your way back to the kitchen and found the Tupperware you brought along solely for this purpose, then popped them on the kitchen island with a note for Matthew telling him that you were in his spare room and that he could eat as many of the snacks as his meal plan allowed him to. You also sent him a text warning him that you were staying at his in the spare room for the night as you didn’t want to head back to your place by yourself in the dark and he should be quiet if he arrives back before you were awake. He did reply, but much later so you were already asleep.
Matthew gently opened the front door to his apartment, not wanting to accidentally wake you from your sleep, seeing as it was 5 am. He placed his equipment bag down in the hallway and took in a deep breath, inhaling the smell of many different baked goods. Even if it was 5 am, there was no way in hell he was going to turn down something you had made. He waltzed his way across to the kitchen and was greeted by multiple boxes, each with a label on informing him what was inside each of them. A small giggle left his mouth as he read the note that you had left on top of the boxes and he chose to have a piece of the brownie before he went to check on you in the spare room.
The large comforter engulfed your body and he noticed how at peace you looked. Matthew wondered if you would ever be the one he came home to after a long road trip.
6-0 loss. 10 minutes in the penalty box. Ejected from the game. This was the worst game you had ever seen from Matthew and knew that he would need space, so The text you received from him was unexpected.
Come over
Short and straight to the point. You were unsure what to expect but replied saying you were catching an Uber and were gonna be over in about 15 minutes.
Knocking on the door felt more appropriate rather than using the key he had gifted to you to use as you didn’t want to walk in to see him destroying plates and glasses. As the door swung open, a dishevelled Matthew silently greeted you. He was shirtless, displaying the bruises he had obtained from a night of hockey. You followed him into his place and went to get two glasses of water because you knew that he wouldn’t have drunk anything for himself.
The sounds of muffled crying filled the apartment and it tugged on your heartstrings. The feelings that you had developed for the St Louis native made you almost drop the glasses, but you were able to make your way back to the family room. 
Matthew was curled up, in the foetus position, on the largest couch. Tears flowed from his eyes, he was feeling emotions that he rarely felt after a game. He was a player who left all his feelings from a game on the ice, but it was impossible to do this when you’ve been ejected from a game. 
He knew you wouldn’t turn down an invitation to see him because he had noticed the extra time you spent at his apartment. But he thought it was for the kitchen, not the feelings you had for him.
It wasn’t like Matthew didn’t have feelings for you, ever since the first night you had spent at his place, he knew he wanted to be more than friends with you. But he was respectful, he knew how he would want someone to treat Taryn, so he treated you the same way. He assumed that you wanted to be no more than friends, and he was happy with that. 
The advice you gave him, the jokes you made (often at the expense of his teammates), just the company you offered him when he needed it. He couldn’t lose that, you were too good of a friend for him.
You placed down the drinks on the coffee table and just looked at him. He looked broken on the outside and it just made you think how broken he must be on the inside. It wasn’t a good game for the entire team, but his individual performance wasn’t brilliant either. Matthew was competitive, anyone who had ever seen him knew that.
“Matty,” you said. There it was, he thought, the one nickname that no one else could call him except you. 
You ran your hands through his hair, letting his tears continue to flow. It was hard for you, as a friend, to see someone this close to you go through this. But you knew that he needed to let his feelings out, and just be there for him when he needed you, whenever that was.
His right hand reached for one of yours and you offered it to him. It grounded him, knowing that he was safe in his house, safe with you, safe with his emotions. “I played shit, I don’t deserve to play in the NHL, let alone have the ‘A’ on my chest,” he spoke aimlessly. 
“Matty,” you consoled him, “one game does not define you as a player, you as a team member.” After this, you pulled him into your body, hoping that he would accept it. You remembered that he liked hugs when he wasn’t feeling amazing, so you knew it wouldn’t be pushing his boundaries. 
He continued to cry, wetting your T-shirt in the process, but he needed this. You pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, hoping that wouldn’t be too far.
“Y/N,” Matthew sniffled, “I just wanna be held as I sleep.” 
“Of course, anything for you,” you replied softly. You gently unwrapped yourself from around him and offered him your hand to walk to his bedroom. He followed you and sat down on the side of the bed. “Just gotta brush your teeth, Matty,” you encouraged. He sighed but followed you to his en-suite.
“I’ll let you brush your teeth, I’m gonna find something to wear to bed,” you informed him. He pouted slightly but let your past. You were familiar with his closet and the exact shirt you were looking for. A London Knights game-worn jersey, it was soft and perfect for sleeping in.
It wasn’t the first time Matthew had seen you in his jersey, and he hoped that it wouldn’t be the last time. He smiled to himself, the first time he had been genuinely happy all night. He tried to stop you from going to the bathroom to brush your teeth and take your makeup off but you were able to make your way past.
You tried to be quick with your skincare routine, somehow you had a bottle of everything you needed in Matthew’s bathroom, but knew you couldn’t rush any of the steps. As you were applying your final product, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. “I thought you were gonna be quick,” Matthew complained as he nuzzled his head into your neck.
“I was trying,” you replied as you turned to face him. He was so close that your foreheads were touching and you were able to look directly into his eyes. “We should-,” you started.
“Bed, yes,” he finished for you. All you wanted to do was kiss him, but you couldn’t take advantage of him when he wasn’t feeling good. He unwrapped his arms from you and offered you his hand so you could walk back to his bedroom. Matthew refused to let go of your hand as you both got into bed, and you allowed him to be the little spoon because he needed to be in someone’s embrace tonight. 
“Goodnight Matty,” you whispered, but he didn’t hear you as he was already asleep.
plus one
It was a drunk mistake that should never have happened he said, but nothing he said could prepare you to see photos of your now ex-boyfriend making out with some random girl when he had been on a ‘work trip’. Jess tried her best to help you by bringing you ice cream and watching shitty television with you but there was only so much she could do when Noah came over to take her out on a date. You were happy for her, you really were but seeing someone happy in a relationship was not what you needed right now. 
You allowed yourself to think over the good times you had with him, but they were so few and far between. He had pulled you away from the friends you had made out of the Flames players and they all became worried about you and suddenly you realised how toxic the short relationship was. Quickly, you scrambled to find your phone and noticed it had been two weeks since you had last texted Lauren when usually you would be texting daily and you hadn’t spoken to Matthew in three weeks. Normally, it was common for the two of you to physically see each other at least every day.
But then it clicked, your ex must have been jealous of the friendship you had with Matthew and his teammates. You understood slightly as you did have a crush on Matthew but that died down when you started dating him. It was a trust issue, he didn’t trust that you would stay just friends with them so he had to pull you away. It was slightly ironic, how he didn’t trust you as he thought you might cheat on him, but then he went and cheated on you.
There was only one person who could make you feel better and he would understand how shitty your ex was and how you needed to rebuild the friendship with him. As soon as you sent him a message, he was quick to reply saying that he was on his way to your apartment with Chinese food and a pint of your favourite ice cream. It was at this you noticed the butterflies forming in your stomach, the crush you had never went away, did it? 
You were brought out of your thoughts by a knock on your apartment door and went over to open it. As soon as you saw Matthew’s face you broke down in tears again. Quickly, he brought you into a tight hug, somehow not dropping the food he had brought. “C’mon, Y/N, let’s head to the couch and enjoy the takeout I’ve got?” he asked, unsure if he was asking you or himself. Your head might have been pretty much attached to his chest but he could feel you gently nod in response. 
He offered you his hand and walked towards the couch. You sat down first and he started unpacking the food onto the coffee table. “Just sit back and find something to watch,” he instructed. You followed as he said and he quickly left to grab some cutlery from the kitchen. You flicked through Netflix and settled on Brooklyn 99 because it could just stay on in the background. Sighing, you picked up your phone and reread the DM you had received from the girl’s best friend. You didn’t notice Matthew standing behind you until he picked your phone out of your hands and put it in his pocket. “Tonight, we’re gonna watch Jake Peralta attempt to solve some crimes, enjoy the takeout, maybe drink some wine, and forget about that asshole,” Matthew affirmed. You sighed again but knew that he would be getting his way. 
Matthew passed you a plate and some cutlery before disappearing back into the kitchen to collect a bottle of your favourite wine and some wine glasses. He sat down next to you on the couch and poured two generous glasses of wine. As soon as the food was opened, it was like the two of you hadn’t spent any time away from each other. The conversation flowed perfectly, as did the wine and after two episodes of B99, the two of you were slightly wine drunk, which you continued to tell Matthew was the best type of drunk.
“I missed you, Matty,” you admitted. He sent you a soft smile but knew that he felt the exact same way. Your ex was toxic for you and he was glad that you had gotten out of that relationship. The smile you had on your face was real and one of the purest he had ever seen in his entire life. Your happiness radiated to him too and he started laughing as you began to make silly faces at him.
You were lucky that Matthew had seen you wine drunk before and knew you were getting close to crashing and needing to be near a bed was almost a necessity. He wasn’t sure how, but he was able to get you to your bathroom, even as you were stumbling the entire way there. There was no makeup on your face so he quickly used a face cloth to clean your skin and was able to find some moisturiser to use on both of your faces. It was the most genuine smile he had seen you ever have in a long time and he was able to adore your beauty. 
“‘M sleepy,” you groaned, giving Matthew a small shove to try and encourage him to move out of your way.
“I know babe,” he replied, not noticing the term of endearment he had used for the first time. “You just need to put something on that you can sleep in.” You nodded your head and dramatically walked to your dresser and pulled out a matching set of short black satin pyjamas. It wasn’t a pair you usually chose to wear, but they looked nice. Clearly, your drunk head was trying to impress Matthew. You jumped directly on top of the soft comforter and didn’t care that you should have been underneath the blanket because you fell asleep almost immediately. 
Matthew came out to see you sleeping softly on the bed and gently picked you up to place you under the duvet and onto the mattress. A soft kiss from him was pressed to your temple and you subconsciously smiled in your sleep. He moved around to the other side of the bed and wrapped you in his arms, hoping this was the last night you were in his arms but not his girlfriend.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Revenge
Cillian and y/n had been together for 5 years, only these last few months he'd become seriously complacent and distant. Time for a wake up call.
Warnings - smut. This was a request from @being-worthy , I hope you like it!!
7pm. 7:15pm. 7:30pm. You kept glancing at your watch, the waiter bringing you another glass of wine as you sat, positively seething at the table. The third date night in a row he'd missed, and this was made you especially mad. Your anniversary meal. 5 years to the day since he asked you to be with him, properly be with him, after 2 months of being fuck buddies on the set of Peaky Blinders. You'd bagged the job of being his umbrella girl, so spent most of your time with him, and one thing had led to another after he'd invited you in for a game of cards and a bottle of Jameson's. Strip poker became your new favourite game.
You downed the wine, paid the bill and called a taxi back to your shared apartment. Walking in, he was nowhere to be found. Locking the door, seeing his keys still on the table in the hallway, you turned your phone off and went to bed.
"Sleep on the fucking porch, dickhead."
Waking up the following morning and turning on you phone to 17 missed calls and 7 voicemails, she smiled. Deleting all of them, she slipped one of his shirts on, and made her way downstairs to hear the front door being pounded. Smiling, you opened it to see Cillian stood there with a look of pure rage.
"Morning baby, have a good evening?" You opened it allowing him to enter.
"Where the fuck were you?? I've just spent the night sleeping in the fucking car y/n, why was your phone turned off?" He barged his way in, pushing past you to get to the toilet, his bladder screaming from inside him.
"Sleeping. Battery must have died. Shouldn't have left your house keys, should you?"
"Fucks sake... I'm going to bed." He stalked upstairs, not looking at you and went to bed. Now, you were really angry.
When he came back down a couple of hours later, he was still mad at you. Wouldn't say two words to you as you sat in the living room watching TV, coffee in hand. Into the kitchen he sulked, slamming cupboard doors to make his frustration clear to you. You just smiled.
You were showered now, but still wearing his shirt, buttons done low, exposing your cleavage, with no underwater underneath. You were determined now, plan in action, he was going to suffer for this. Walking into the kitchen, you opened the fridge to get some orange juice, bending completely Dr the waist, exposing your bare backside under the shirt. You felt his eyes on you, watching you, and inwardly grinned, though he couldn't see as your hips swayed slightly as you bent further to grab the juice at the bottom of the fridge. Standing back up, you turned to face him, shirt hanging off your shoulder now exposing almost down to your bare nipple, you straightened your body to drink from the carton, then bent again to place it back in the fridge. His eyes didn't leave your body once as he sat at the breakfast bar with a slice of toast.
"You mad at me, y/n?"
"Hmm? Why would I be made at you, now Cillian?" You smiled sweetly, noticing a small drop of juice on your finger, you licked it as seductively as possible, winked and left the room. Now he was confused... And hard. You smiled, knowing exactly what effect you'd had on him and went upstairs to get ready.
"I'm meeting Orla for lunch, I'll be back by 4." You called from the stairs.
"Tell my sister I said hello, yeah?"
"Maybe." You went upstairs to get dressed, within 20minutes you were out the door.
The following morning, you woke to find Cillian in his office downstairs on his laptop. You'd avoided him most of the previous evening, making him sleep in the guest bedroom. Sure to keep him out of the bedroom you shared, you'd locked your door.
Perking your nipples slightly to harden them, you stood at his office door.
"Hey... Um..." He glanced at you at the door and had to swallow a gasp. You winked at him, before making your way back upstairs. You heard him growl slightly, close his laptop and follow you. Sadly for him, you made your way into the bathroom, and locked the door. Bath time.
Sinking your body under the water, you could hear Cillian moving around upstairs, just outside the bathroom door.
"Y/n will you tell me what it is I'm supposed to have done wrong?" He paused outside the door knocking lightly.
"Mmm.... God this bath feels nice... Warm water on my skin... Fuck I needed this..." You moaned as seductively as possible, keeping your voice just loud enough so he could hear you.
"Y/n open the door... I can make that bath even better..." His voice deepened. This was working like a dream.
"Mm.... Don't you have another appointment with your agent Cillian?" He knew he was in trouble. You never called him by his full name, it was 'Cill', 'babe', but only Cillian when he'd pissed you off. Which he'd clearly done, but had no clue as to how.
Over the course of the following fortnight, you'd kept Cillian at bay, he was still sleeping in the guest room, your bedroom door remained locked overnight (he'd tried, you'd heard him, it was fucking hysterical) while you continued to seduce and tease him mercilessly. Orla had called to say he'd even tried calling her to find out what he'd done, but good as gold, she told him she had no idea what he was talking about.
Cillian had had enough at this point. He'd even tried getting himself off at night but he couldn't do it - his hands just weren't as good as yours, it wasn't the same. He genuinely thought his balls were going to explode, the tension inside him was driving him insane. He called his sister Orla again when you went out to do the food shop, desperate this time.
"Orla I need your help please, I'm your brother... Please? Surely she's told you what it is I'm supposed to have done wrong? All I did was go out with Adam for one night and she's barely spoken to me and hasn't TOUCHED me since!"
"Woah now, that's waaaay to much info for your sister to be hearing now!" She laughed at the other end of the phone, rolling her eyes. Y/n had done very well to keep this up for two whole weeks.. maybe it was time for some sisterly advice for her older brother.
"Cillian when did you go out? What date?"
"Few days after my birthday, so the 30th May I think, why?"
"No, it wasn't the 30th. Think again. Check your dates." He put his phone on loudspeaker and checked his calendar. Then it dawned on him. Oh fuck... Oh shit... Shit shit shit!!
"The 27th.. oh fuck Orla it was the 27th.. and I'm looking at the fucking calender entry for our date night saved as a fucking DRAFT!! I didn't set it properly... Oh fuck Orla I'm a dead man, how's she not killed me?"
"I think in a way she has Cillian!! You've got some serious making up to do - not like the first time it's happened now is it?" He groaned... This would be the hat trick. Three date nights missed because he couldn't work the fucking calendar app on his new phone properly.. but that excuse wasn't going to wash now, he'd had plenty of opportunity to sort his sorry ass out. And to miss their anniversary dinner? No. He'd make this right. He thanked his sister, ended the call and opened a different app on his phone. Operation Clemency was in motion.
You left your friends house on Friday afternoon to see Cillian's car parked outside. You could see bags on the back seat, him standing by the open passenger side door waiting for you.
"What are you doing Cillian?"
"Surprising my girlfriend. Listen y/n, I've been a fucking idiot okay? Missing our anniversary date, after missing two before that.. neglecting you, neglecting US... Let me make it up to you, yeah?" You couldn't help but smile, nodding your head you took his hand as he led you into the passenger seat, closing the door behind you.
All the way there you stole glances at one another, Cillian refusing to tell you exactly where you were going. You couldn't help the feeling of excitement - never in 5 years had he done anything like this, you'd have to make a habit of punishing him if this was the outcome..
Pulling up outside a large manor house an hour later, you gasped in shock.
"Shit.. Cill this is beautiful!"
"It's ours." You nearly had whiplash from the sudden head turn in his direction. "I bought it last month, I was waiting until your birthday next week to surprise you, but now seemed like a much better option. Welcome to our new holiday home baby." You couldn't help the tears forming in your eyes.
"Oh my god... But how? When? I don't understand!"
"All those appointments with my agent? Didn't you wonder why I wasn't getting any work from it all? I was at the bank sorting the mortgage for this place! Picked the keys up yesterday, it's fully furnished and ready for us. I figured we could spend the Summers here. Beach is less than a 5 minute walk away, the boys will love it." You were stunned. Well and truly stunned.
Leaving the car, you walked to the front door, Cillian handing you the keys. You opened it and walked inside into the most beautiful setting - it was newly decorated exactly to your liking. It was perfect. You turned to face him.
"You know, I might just forgive you after all..."
"Nope. Not yet. I'm not done." He smirked. "I want you to go upstairs - our room is second on the left. Lay down on the bed and I'll be up in 15 minutes." Raising an eyebrow, you complied, walking up the stairs eagerly anticipating what he had planned. "Fully clothed y/n... Don't remove a damn thing."
You walked in to find a large double bed with fresh sheets, covered in rose petals. Candles lined most of the hard surfaces in the room. It brought a lump to your throat. A fresh bouquet of flowers on the chest of drawers under the window, with a small envelope under them, your name written in Cillians hand writing. You opened it to find a two tickets to the new Enda Walsh play showing at the Gaiety later that week - it was sold out and you remembered telling him you were disappointed to miss it, but when you're Cillian Murphy, sold out meant nothing.
Hearing him coming up the stairs you quickly lay down on top of dozens of rose petals on the bed. He walked in slowly, casting an eye over your body. This would be the hardest thing to do now, trying to control himself, but he was determined to make this last as long as possible. Moving to the old record player in the corner of the room, he turned it on, allowing the gentle sounds of the music to fill the room softly. Making his way over to you, he kneeled on the bed, eyes never leaving yours.
"You're not to move unless I tell you to, okay? Just relax. Sit up." You sat up as he lifted your t shirt over your head, swiftly followed by your bra. Pushing you back down and turning you onto your front, he carefully sat himself across your legs, opening a small bottle of something you couldn't see. Suddenly his hands were on your back, smoothing the oil into your skin, putting pressure all over it. Closing your eyes, you relaxed into the massage as he skilfully eased away as many knots as he could find in your slender muscles.
"Fuck... Cill that feels amazing... Don't stop, please..." He bit his lip, he could feel his erection forming under his jeans and willed himself to have self control. Two weeks without touching you was a long time...
He moved his hands lower, teasing the waistband of your jeans as he moved his body down, pulling them over your hips, underwear following. Now you were completely bare, his hands now expertly rubbing hard circles over your thighs, your calves, then your feet. Your core was burning now, his touch, even after 5 years, doing things to your body you still couldn't believe we're possible. Your hips twitched slightly with the throbbing feeling you couldn't ignore deep in your groin. He could almost smell it, the need in you. Smiling, his hands moved back up your legs, dipping between your thighs and moving closer to where you desperately needed him. He grinned, and teased his fingers closer, then pulled them away. Back over your firm cheeks, up your spine slowly. You groaned, you were positively on fire now.
"Patience..." You bit your lip as he whispered in your ear. He turned you onto your back, now running his hands over your belly as he moved back to hover over your waist. Hands moving higher, he kneaded your breasts, knowing it would drive you crazy.
"Ahh... Fuck Cill... Baby please..." He chuckled, this was more fun than he anticipated, why had he never thought of this before?
Leaning down, he trailed a line of kisses long your exposed neck, your head flung back as he continued his assault on your breasts. Nipping the skin, sucking lightly, you arched against him. You felt close to an orgasm already and he hadn't even got to the good part yet. Your breath coming out in short bursts as his lips moved lower over your collarbone.
"Feel good baby? Feeling close huh? Keep those noises coming, fuck you're turning me on right now..." His voice was intoxicating, his hands roaming, now his lips, you couldn't stop the heat rising in your belly, that familiar knot forming, how was this even possible? You didn't care, and you couldn't stop it - you came hard, bucking your hips up to meet his as it overtook you.
"Fuck... Baby oh my god...." You came down from your high and looked into his eyes, now darker and desperate. He was trying so hard to control it but the control had gone. He hadn't expected you to cum from this alone, clearly he wasn't the only one who'd gone without these last 2 weeks.
"Take them off." He didn't argue. His clothes were removed quick as lightening as he opened your still quivering legs. He quickly pushed himself inside and stopped, just enjoying the feeling of your core swallowing him again.
"Jesus.. I swear you got tighter..." You raised your hands to his face and glared at him.
"Shut up, and fuck me Mr Murphy." With pleasure, he thought to himself, as he pounded into you hard and fast, both of you groaning into each others mouths as you kissed hungrily, desperate to get as physically close as possible. You rolled him onto his back, keeping him inside you, as you leaned back and rode him hard. You moved his hands to hold onto the bed frame behind him.
"You've touched me enough, it's my turn." Your hands roamed over your own breasts now, hips still rocking against his, your second orgasm fast approaching. You knew, after 2 weeks of abstinence, he wouldn't last long and you were right.
"Baby.. slow down.. I can't... Oh fuck... Ah... Feels too good..." He was raising his hips to meet yours, you felt your orgasm taking over.
"Cum baby... Need to feel you... Fill me up... Drown in me..." He couldn't hold back any longer and with a final, hard groan he came, filling you. His hands came to rest at your frozen hips, he felt your walls clench around him as you came alongside him, both of you breathing heavily as you came back down to earth from the most exquisite high either of you had ever had. Leaning your body back down to kiss his lips, you gave him one more squeeze of your walls, emitting a twitch and a gasp from him, before collapsing next to him.
"Fuck... My god Cill, I'm gonna have to punish you like this more often..."
"The fuck you are y/n, never again are we going more than 24 hours without sex, ever.. I don't care how mad you are at me.." you both laughed, curling up in each others arms, Cillian whispering how sorry he was in your ear, how much he loved you, as you gently fell asleep.
The following morning you woke to an empty bed, but you could smell coffee and breakfast being prepared downstairs. You made your way down wearing just his T shirt from the day before and found a full breakfast waiting for you. Sausages, eggs, bacon, toast, juice, croissants... All there on the countertop. A plate, cutlery and a coffee waiting for you.
"Just missing the pinny Mr Murphy..." You giggled as he turned and stuck his tongue out at you cheekily.
"Eat up and get dressed y/n, I'm taking you for a walk this morning." Smiling, you ate, and an hour later you were stood on the beautiful golden sands of the beach 5minutes from your new holiday home. Watching the waves crash, you were the happiest you'd felt in a long time. You heard Cillian behind you.
"Turn around, y/n." As you did, he took your hands in his and kissed your lips.
"If I have to spend every single day for the rest of my life saying how sorry I am, I will. If I have to spend every second making it up to you, I will. You have completed my life y/n.. after my divorce, I didn't think I'd ever be lucky enough to find love again. Then you came along and everything slotted into place. My boys adore you.. their Dad couldn't live without you.. y/n..." He sank down to the ground, reaching into his jeans pocket. Bringing a small, velvet box back up to you, your breath caught in your throat, tears already in your eyes.
"Make me the luckiest man in the world y/n.. marry me?" You fell to the floor alongside him, tears openly falling now as you cried, pulling him close, kissing him softly.
"Yes!! Oh my god a million times over, yes I'll marry you!!" You both grinned, standing now as he held out your left hand, slipping the simple, white gold band and diamond onto your finger. Nothing else mattering in that moment apart from the dreams you both shared of the amazing future you had ahead of you.
@queenshelby @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @being-worthy @margoo0 @cloudofdisney
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leon-scott-kennedy · 3 years
Chreon, Rated-T
Read on Ao3
For a price, anyone could check into a seedy motel, even three people covered in blood, guts, and grime, no questions asked, especially with the ashes of Raccoon City still cooling 100 miles away. So the horizon still held a faint glow of destruction when Leon and Claire stumbled, barely conscious, through the front door of the Tadpole motel at 2 PM October 1st, using each other as support and Sherry clinging to Leon’s back like a koala if a koala drooled and snored.
Two other motels along the highway turned the odd couple away, rumours already flying about Raccoon City, zombies, and a nuclear cover-up. But at the right price, triple the going rate, Claire managed to convince the manager to let them bunk down, courtesy of Leon’s stressed credit card.
The fact Leon’s credit card worked, or that he even still had his credit card, was a miracle. His wallet hadn’t exactly been a priority, and honestly, they could sleep in a cockroach-infested basement, and Leon would be happy because they were dead on their feet after hiking on foot what Leon estimated to be a good 30 miles of rough terrain to get to the nearest town. The sun barely peeked over the horizon when the sky behind them exploded.
Raccoon City was gone. The people Leon had sworn to defend were gone. Sherry and Claire were all he managed to protect, and he’d be damned if he failed now.
The motel room wasn’t terrible; two double beds, a small tube TV, and a leaky faucet. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t something out of a horrible nightmare. They’d left that behind them.
“I’m glad we don’t have a blacklight,” Claire joked, but her tone fell flat.
Leon nudged the bed farthest from the door suspiciously with his boot, dragged back the yellow duvet, and inspected the mattress before he lay Sherry down and tucked her in. He even let Claire shower first, insisted, while he watched Sherry sleep, tossing and turning and whimpering from reliving the horrors in her dreams until Claire emerged from the bathroom, hair still damp, and crawled into bed beside Sherry.
By the time Leon scrubbed his skin raw, the water was cold, and Claire had passed out cold with Sherry cuddled up beside her, little hand tangled in the front of Claire’s dirty tank top like a lifeline. Leon passed out face first on the other bed. He couldn’t even muster the energy to get under the covers.
Movement woke Leon. He jolted awake, reaching for his gun on the bedside table, only to find Claire, fully dressed, perched on the end of his bed and tugging one of her boots. She smiled sadly at the gun levelled at her head.
Leon lowered Matilda, gasping for air. His arm fell limply to his side. “Claire?”
“Hey.” Claire pulled on her second boot. “Sorry.”
Leon blinked at the sleep crusting his eyes. “What... what are you doing?”
Claire sighed and set her foot back down solidly on the ground, hands grasping her thighs. “I need to find Chris. I need... I need to know he’s okay.”
“Now?” Leon glanced at the clock. The bright red numbers read 7:46. The setting sun outside glowed faintly behind the curtains.
“If you ever need me...”
“Forget me. What about Sherry?” Leon snapped, somewhat mollified when Claire winced.
“I know you’ll take good care of her.” Claire’s attention briefly snapped to the sleeping 12-year-old that had survived literal hell. “Leon... if I didn’t have to.”
“Yeah. Yeah, whatever,” Leon scoffed, then rolled over. His heart thundered in his chest. He heard Claire briefly wake up Sherry to say goodbye, promising they’d be in touch, that if Sherry ever needed her, all she needed to do was call.
The door creaked open. Leon clenched his eyes shut, willing down the panic swelling in his chest until it ached. This was it. He was all Sherry had left. They were on their own.
“Take care of our girl for me.” Claire’s voice was barely a whisper.
Leon’s hands trembled, buried in the sheets and pillows, he struggled to suck down air, and his hearing fuzzed. Claire was gone.
For hours, Leon faded in and out of consciousness, barely able to keep the crush of dread at bay. Finally, at some point around 3 AM, he gave up all pretense to sleep and kept a vigilant guard. He jumped at a car alarm, tensed at the slam of a door, and clenched Matilda tightly when soft footfalls passed their door. Eventually, Sherry climbed into his bed to watch early morning cartoons with him.
“Is Claire going to be okay?” Sherry asked softly. She hugged Leon’s arm, cuddling into his side like he used to with his grandma.
“Yeah. Don’t worry about her,” Leon said. He slumped to the side, gently resting his head on top of Sherry’s. “She’ll be fine, kiddo.”
When the sun rose, Leon and Sherry trekked down to the front office to extend their stay another night, then hiked into town searching for clothes and sustenance. Being out in public, surrounded by people, set both Leon and Sherry on edge. They jumped at the slightest sound, and Sherry refused to release Leon’s hand for anything less than going to the bathroom, and even then, he had to stand guard outside the stall. Thank god he had pissed before they left the motel because Sherry was clinging to the back of his jacket while he tried seemed ridiculous.
Their shopping trip was quick. They grabbed what they could, Sherry setting a brisk pace through the little thrift store they found, dragging Leon from rack to rack. They scrounged up a few changes of clothes, socks, underwear, which Leon was a little uncertain of, a jacket that fits over his side holster since he had a license to carry, and a backpack that they filled with snacks and a deck of cards from a little corner store. It turns out Leon’s palette was similar to a twelve-year-old.
The tenuous credit limit finally crapped out on Leon when he tried to buy a six-pack at a shady liquor store on the way back to the motel.
“No job. No money. Just great,” Leon sighed.
For the rest of the day, they holed up in their room munching on junk food, watching terrible daytime TV, and playing Go Fish until Leon made the brilliant decision to teach Sherry how to play poker, and she fleeced him for all the Cheetos.
Leon had no plan beyond survive, and he hadn’t even planned for that. His body ached from being tossed by mutated monsters and shot. His wrapped shoulder twinged.
“Shit,” Leon cursed and clutched his wound. They needed help. He needed help. Taking care of a kid without any resources would be impossible; never mind, he’d never taken care of a person in his life. He had no siblings, no parents. His grandma died when he was nine.
Leon smiled at Sherry in reassurance when she questioned him. This little girl couldn’t be another statistic of the system. He could fix that. He would fix that.
Covered in orange Cheeto dust, Sherry crashed around 8 in the evening. The glow of the sun behind the curtain reminded Leon of the mushroom cloud that had enveloped the sky 36 hours ago. Leon’s stomach twisted in knots. Every creak, every thump, every squeaky break, Leon tensed, waiting for something to crash through the door and disrupt the precarious peace.
Leon hunkered down on his bed, the one closest to the door and any potential threat that came for them, and prepared for another sleepless night on edge.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Around one in the morning, his eyes beginning to droop, Leon nearly fell off the bed in his mad scramble for his gun when someone knocked heavily on the door. Checking his clip, Leon cautiously crept to the door, motioning for now very awake Sherry to stay out of sight.
“Who is it,” Leon called.
“Hi. Look, I’m sorry to bother you. My name is Chris Redfield. I’m looking for my sister Claire.”
Leon blinked and glanced back at Sherry, whose head had popped out of the blanket at the sound of Claire’s name. Then, double-checking he had bolted the chain, Leon opened the door a crack to peek out.
A man a little taller than Leon stood under the flickering light outside the door, his hair cut short and a 5 o’clock shadow. Chris Redfield, decorated member of the Racoon City Stars Division. Leon recognized him from the old photo Claire had shown him, but also the records he’d run across during his frantic hunt through the Police Department.
“Chris?” Leon said, astonished it was actually him. He slammed the door, unbolted the chain, and flung the door open again. “What the- Claire’s looking for you. What are you doing here?”
Chris, who eyed the gun uncertainly, brightened at the mention of his sister. “Is she here? The manager at the front recognized her. Said she was here with some guy and a kid.” Chris glanced past Leon into the room to Sherry curled up in the other bed peering out with curious fear from under the blankets.
Leon shook his head, eyes scanning the parking lot. “She’s not here. She left this morning to find you.”
“Fuck.” Chris winced and glanced at Sherry again. “Shit, sorry.”
Sherry giggled into her hands, and Leon rolled his eyes. “I think she’s dealt with worse.” Like the apocalypse.
“But she’s okay. She’s alive?” Chris asked.
“Who? Claire? Yeah. Yeah, she’s fine. Saved my ass more than a few times.” Leon smiled wistfully and then frowned. So Claire had left, and now, here, her brother was trying to track her down. It must be nice to have someone that gave a damn about you.
“Oh, thank god.” Then, finally, all the tension and stiffness in Chris’ posture melted. “I got her message, and...”
Leon scanned the dark parking lot again for any sign of life, then gestured into the motel room. “You should come in.”
“No.” Chris waved off the invitation. “No, I need to find her.” But the fatigue in his voice threatened to topple him, and that would definitely fell Leon if he tried to catch him.
“Dude, you’re dead on your feet,” Leon said. “It’s the middle of the night. Crash for a few hours.”
“Yeah!” Sherry chimed in, bouncing on her bed. “Stay!”
Chris shook his head. “I can’t.”
Leon pursed his lips. “Look, I don’t know you, man. But I do know that if you pass out behind the wheel and wrap yourself around a pole, you’re pretty damn useless to her.”
Chris opened his mouth to argue, and Leon sighed, tilting his head to the side, ready to give up when Chris snapped his mouth closed and cleared his throat. He studied Leon closely, scrutinizing him like he would a suspect, but Chris must have been satisfied with what he found - weakness, terror, immaturity - because he finally said, “just a few hours.” And the anxiety squeezing the life out of Leon eased, just a tiny bit. Enough that he could breathe.
Chris excused himself to run and grab his go-bag, and Leon cursed his stupidity because nothing was stopping Chris from running. That tightness immediately returned, but a few minutes later, another sharp knock sounded at the door.
Leon smiled tiredly and welcomed Chris into the room, relieved to have the company, someone who knew what they were doing; an adult. Leon grew up fast, but he’d never been an adult in his life. Racoon City was supposed to be a fresh start, and now, he was back to square one. Not even. He was in the basement of square one—the root cellar.
Leon finally caught a good look at Sherry with the lights on, still covered in orange dust, her fingers and cheeks stained. “Jesus. Did you eat the Cheetos or roll in them?”
Sherry laughed. “Leon taught me to play poker, and then I won all the cheezies,” she said to Chris, who grinned.
“Nice job.” Chris offered her a high-five, which she eagerly accepted. The hero worship was already forming.
“He gets a little wrinkle right here when he lies,” Sherry said, pointing a small finger between her eyebrows.
“Okay,” Leon said, scooping Sherry off the bed and carrying her off under one arm. “Let’s get you cleaned up and back in bed, munchkin.”
Cheeto dust proved a formidable adversary, but they managed. When they walked back into the room, Chris was standing exactly where they had left him, his bag still slung over his shoulder and his boots laced.
Getting Sherry tucked back into bed became a struggle now that the brand new company hyped her up; no hesitation whatsoever. She liked Chris. She even made Chris put her to bed, Leon faking offence at being disregarded for the new guy, but there was something about seeing a six-foot boulder of a man coax a tiny twelve-year-old back to sleep that made Leon’s chest ache. Especially when Chris told the story of how Claire was convinced that if she left fake teeth under her pillow, she could trick the tooth fairy into giving her more money. It never worked. The tooth fairy left chocolate coins instead. Fake money for a fake tooth.
Leon watched perched on the edge of the other bed, a little envious of Chris’ skill with kids. He double-checked the safety on his handgun, then the clip. Chris eyed Leon as he set his weapon back down on the bedside table, and Leon couldn’t muster the energy to be self-conscious about his paranoia.
Chris may be Claire’s sister and a fellow survivor of Raccoon City, but Leon didn’t actually know him. For all he knew, he was a traitor like Irons or Wesker. Maybe he wasn’t the man Claire believed him to be. What the hell had he been thinking? Inviting a stranger to stay with them?
With Sherry asleep again, Leon and Chris were left to settle in for the remainder of the night. For Chris, that meant shedding his bulky jacket and combat boots.
“It’s Leon, right?” Chris said. He stood awkwardly beside the bed, watching Leon click off the light and climb under the blankets, tucking himself up against the edge of the mattress as close as he possibly could without toppling off. “Claire mentioned you in one of her messages.”
Leon almost facepalmed. He hadn’t introduced himself. He really was doing everything backwards. “Yeah. That’s me. Leon S. Kennedy.” He curled up into a small ball.
“Jesus Christ.” Chris swiped his palm across his mouth. “You’re the new rookie.”
Leon chuckled humourlessly, his hands tightening into fists around the sheets pulled up to his neck. “Was a hell of a first day.”
Chris picked up real quick that Leon didn’t want to talk about it. So instead, he climbed into his side of the bed, the one closest to the door. The mattress dipped under his weight, and Leon tensed. Where else would Chris have slept? The floor? The last person Leon shared a bed with was his ex, who had seemingly saved his life. If she hadn’t broken up with him, if he hadn’t gotten drunk, if he hadn’t slept in hungover as hell, he would have arrived right in the middle of the initial panic, and who knows if he would have survived that. No one else in the department had.
What would it have been like? The screams, the moans, the pleas for help- the sounds still played on repeat in Leon’s head. Lieutenant Marvin Branagh, mouth agape, stumbling towards him with his hands out. Leon had put two bullets between his eyes.
The first indications of a panic attack slammed into Leon. Abruptly, his throat closed. He couldn’t breathe, his vision slid out of focus, and his chest compressed. Like someone reached into his chest and squeezed his heart in a vice. His entire body shook.
Suddenly, a warm voice murmured in his ear, the soothing tone talking him down, calming him. Leon wasn’t alone. He wasn’t trapped in the police station battling endless waves of the undead, the people of Raccoon City he’d taken an oath to serve and protect.
“Leon, kid, you need to breathe,” Chris said. His presence was a solid wall behind Leon. “I’m going to touch you, okay?”
Leon focused on Chris’ voice. His vision began to swim back into focus, his hearing rushed back in a sudden wall of familiar night noises like the drip of the faucet in the bathroom or the lonely car that passed on the highway. He nodded, not fully understanding what Chris was saying. An arm slid around his waist and pulled him back into a firm chest. Leon flailed, seconds from panic again when Chris’ voice rumbled in his ear.
“You’re going to be okay. I got you.”
Leon grasped Chris’ arm, his grip probably tight enough to leave bruises, and he choked on a shuddering sob.
“It’s okay, Leon. You’re going to be okay.”
Gasping for air, Leon rolled over and buried his face in Chris’ chest, and Chris let him. Leon’s sobs were muffled in Chris’ arms, not wanting to disturb Sherry in the next bed. He felt every subtle muscle flex when Chris tightened his grip or shifted them into a more comfortable position. That’s how Leon passed out, wrapped in the reassuring embrace of a complete stranger, one who understood the hell he’d lived through and the fear and uncertainty he felt in his soul.
Morning came quickly. Leon woke up still curled into Chris’ chest with a death grip on the other man’s faded t-shirt. Chris’ nose was buried in Leon’s hair, each soft snore ruffling his hair, but his embrace hadn’t lessened overnight.
The warmth of embarrassment burning, Leon snuck out of bed, anxiously loosening Chris’ hold and dashing for the safety and solitude of the bathroom, horrified at his complete lack of control the night before. No one had held him like that before, at least not since he was a child and his grandma would sit up with him after a nightmare. But, sadly, this was another type of nightmare, a waking one.
When Leon finally mustered the courage to wander back into the room, Chris was up, sitting on the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees.
“You okay?” Chris asked the same time Leon burst out, “I’m sorry!”
Chris sighed. “You didn’t do anything wrong. When I showed up on your doorstep last night, I saw right away that you were barely holding it together.”
Leon’s fists clenched at his side. He couldn’t meet Chris’ gentle gaze.
Chris crossed the room in two enormous strides and considerately grasped Leon by the shoulders. “It was the shock finally hitting you. It happened to me too, but I was alone,” Chris admitted. “Hey. Hey, come on. Look at me.”
Leon bit his lower lip, but he slowly looked up, eyes stinging. “I don’t know what to do.”
Telegraphing his movements, Chris gently pulled Leon into a tight hug. “You’re not alone. We’re going to do this together. I want to take Umbrella down, but first, I wanna make sure you’re okay.”
Leon jerked back so fast Chris stumbled. “I want to help. I want to make those sons of bitches pay.”
Chris smiled. “Good. But first, I have a safe house.”
Together, they set the plans. Leon and Sherry would meet Chris in two days, hopefully with Claire in tow, at Chris’ new safehouse three states over. Sherry and Leon could catch a bus a couple miles down the highway to get them most of the way. The trick would be getting up the mountain to the cabin. But they were in this together. Hope simmered once again.
Armed with a freshly drawn map on motel stationery, Leon watched Chris pack. Umbrella wouldn’t know what hit them.
“Here. Take it.”Chris handed Leon two rumpled twenties, a five, and a few ones he dug out of his wallet. “It’s all the cash I have on me, but it should be enough to get you there. I’ll drop you off-”
“No.” Leon took the cash, but waved off Chris’ offer to give him and Sherry a lift to the bus station. “It’s in the opposite direction. We’ll be fine.”
“Two days,” Chris promised. Sherry had climbed out of bed and now clung to Chris’ arm as if he couldn’t leave as long as she was attached. He ruffled her hair. “With or without Claire, I’ll be there and we’ll go from there.” Chris grabbed Leon by the back of the neck and dragged him into a gruff hug, their foreheads lightly pressed together. “It’s gonna be okay, kid.”
And Leon believed him. That is, until two hours later when an unmarked vehicle pulled up on Leon and Sherry hiking down the side of the road, hand in hand. They never made it to the rendezvous.
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happysoldlady · 3 years
Game Night - Ezekiel Reyes
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a/n: sorry that I went MIA again. y’all know how it is. here’s this. I cried. 
taglist: @woahitslucyylu​ @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly @peaches007​ @cocotheclown​
You and EZ had been together for a little over a year, him being patched for a few months now. Most of the time the two of you were too exhausted to do much of anything but eat dinner and sleep. But once a month, at least, the two of you hosted game night for the club at your house. It wasn’t anything crazy, as all the members brought their wives and Coco usually brought Letty. It was something for all of you to do as a group that didn’t involve killing anyone, so everyone was on board. 
You had taken off work early today, and then wasn’t scheduled for tomorrow and you thought that tonight would be a great night for the infamous game night. You had been cooking literally all day, as feeding the whole crew was a job in itself. EZ had made sure that everyone knew to be there around 7:30, so they could all eat with plenty of time to play whatever game they decided on. It was nearing on 6:30 now, and you had a little mix of everything. The large spread calling your name as the smells made for a delicious enticement. 
You were keeping an eye on the rolls in the oven when you heard EZ’s bike pull up. You immediately smiled and peeked out the kitchen window to see him backing the bike up toward your garage so that all the other members could park with ease. 
You cracked the oven open to see your rolls a crispy brown. You grin, grabbing an oven-mitt and pulling them out.  You’re arranging them into a oblong bowl when EZ walks through the door, throwing his keys onto the small table beside it. He strolls into the kitchen and you swear you almost hear him moan at the spread of food. 
“How long have you been cooking?” EZ asks, walking into the kitchen and leaning against the counter, watching you. 
You place the last roll in the bowl, and then grab the cling wrap from underneath the sink to wrap around them hoping to keep them fresh for when the men start rolling in. 
“Feels like forever.” You say, leaning to give him a sweet kiss before pulling the cling wrap out of it’s box. 
You spend the next hour swatting at his hands, and then forcing him to go shower before everyone got there. You just hear the water turn on when you hear the first few bikes pull up. 
You touch up your lipstick and then open the door to step out onto the porch to greet everyone. Angel, of course, is first, him planting a kiss to your cheek as he walks inside. Then, Coco strolls up your porch, with a less than enthused Letty in toll. 
“Coco...” You greet with a grin, pulling him into a hug. You feel his jaw twitch as he bites back a smile. He also presses a kiss to your cheek and then strolls inside, stopping under the door frame to wait on Letty. She gives you a tight smile and a nod and you return it with a friendly grin, watching as they disappear inside. 
Gilly jogs up the steps and pulls you into hug. “I’m gonna give you a hug while EZ isn’t around to get pissed about it.” You both laugh, and he presses a kiss to your cheek before he also walks inside. 
You follow him inside to wait for the other members. Angel, Gilly and Coco always show up early so that they feel like they get first dibs on the food. You swat Angel’s hand away from the fried tortillas and then wink at Letty as she swipes a strawberry from the fruit tray. 
“Boy scout in the shower?” Coco asks, leaning against a wall. 
You smile and nod. “He should be almost done.” 
Angel, Gilly and Coco all exchange a look before they’re rushing down the hallway to the bathroom to pester him. 
You laugh and move the bowl of rolls to the end of the spread, and then making sure everything still looks fresh. 
“No lemonade this time?” Letty asks. Her eyes are peering at you from the opening in the kitchen and you smile. 
“You know, I forgot all about it. Do you wanna make some while we wait for the others?” You ask, walking to a cabinet above the stove and pulling out the lemonade mix. 
Letty hesitates for a second and then nods. “Yeah, that’d be cool.” 
You wave her over and show her how much mixture to put into the pitcher and then how much water. She nods, and then starts scooping. You smile encouragingly and then ask about her day. Of course she only gives you simple answers but you figure that that’s better than nothing. 
“I fucking hate you guys.” You hear EZ grumble and you see the three of them shoving each other as they return back to the living room. You and Coco make eye contact and he looks proud to see Letty doing something productive. 
“And I just fill the water up to this line?” Letty asks for clarification, holding the pitcher up to the light to get a better look. You hum and nod, pointing to the line in question. “Seems too easy.” She says, shaking her head, but she sticks the pitcher under the faucet and turns it on anyway. 
“I like to stir mine as I fill it up, but that’s up to you.” You say, laying a spoon down on the counter. You decide leave her be, but as your turning to cross into the living room, she picks the spoon up and starts stirring. 
EZ’s in a freshly ironed black t-shirt (thanks to you) and a different pair of jeans. His cut is folded over the back of one of the recliners as he ties his boots on. 
“Well don’t you look handsome.” You comment, and the boyish grin he gives you makes you smile. He finishes tying his boots and then stands, giving you a short kiss. His hand lingers on your hip and there’s a familiar twinkle in his eye that you can’t wait to explore later. 
“I don’t think y’all have time for a quickie.” Angel remarks, and then picks up the clock to look at for emphasis. Gilly and Coco both laugh but EZ just shakes his head. 
The five of you sit in the living room and talk for a little while before Letty strolls in carrying two glasses of lemonade. She hands one to you with a proud look on her face. 
“It’s not bad.” She says, taking a sip of her own and then looking at you expectantly. 
You smile and then take a drink. “This is really good! Better than mine, for sure.” 
Letty smiles proudly, lifting her head a little and then takes a seat next to Coco who gives her a soft look. 
It isn’t much longer until you hear the motorcycles rolling up outside. You stand and smooth out your dress, and EZ pulls his cut over his shoulders. The two of you open up the front door and greet the older Mayans as the walk in, along with their wives. 
Before you know it, everyone’s already eaten and are scattered across your living room with a handful of cards, and a drink. Gilly, Coco, Riz and Angel are all playing a game of poker. Bishop, Tranq, and almost all of the wives are focused on a game of rummy. And you, Letty, EZ and Creeper are playing monopoly. Creeper is losing badly and he’s already so deflated by Letty’s natural gift toward capitalizing that he’s not even putting up a fight anymore. 
“Shit, man!” Creeper curses as Letty lands on yet another free parking. You want to be mad for your own game but you can’t help but feel at least a little responsible for the wicked grin on Letty’s face as she scoops all of the monopoly money towards her pile. 
EZ’s been particularly touchy for most of the night. Little things. A hand on your back as you offer drinks. A helping hand when someone actually takes you up on your offer. A hand on your thigh while the four of you rotate through your monopoly turns. A kiss to the hairline when he catches you gleaming at a giddy Letty. 
After most of the house clears out, and you’re waving goodbye to the slew of bikes rumbling down your street, you make your way inside to see EZ picking up beer bottles and paper plates, his hands balancing way too many. You smile, and rush over to him, praying to god he doesn’t spill any remains on your floors. 
“You don’t have to do that, baby.” You say, taking some of the plates from his grasp to lessen the load. He shakes his head, and continues to help straighten up your house. 
After most of the trash is picked up and the dirty dishes are at least near the sink, EZ’s focus turns to you. His hands slithering around your waist as your scrubbing one of the pans. 
“Leave that for tomorrow.” He mutters, planting wet kisses up your neck. You smile and lean into him. 
“If I do it now, then I don’t have to do it tomorrow, though.” You say, and you feel his chest rumble from behind you. 
“Fair enough.” He sighs, and then picks up a sponge. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, shaking your head. “You don’t have to do that. I got it.” 
“If we both do it, it gets done faster.” He says, giving you a sly grin. So there the two of you are, in your kitchen, talking softly over the soapy bubbles as you wash the dishes and he dries them. And he’s right, in less than twenty minutes, the entire kitchen is cleaned up, and the dishes are put away. 
You plop down on the couch with an exasperated breath, and EZ sits down next to you. 
“Thank you for tonight.” He says, his eyes gleaming with gratitude. 
“It was my pleasure.” You say, grinning. “But fuck, if I’m not exhausted.” 
He laughs. “It’s because of Angel, isn’t it? Can’t get his own beer for anything in this world.” 
“Definitely Angel.” You joke back, before leaning down to take off your wedges. Your ankles were definitely going to be sore tomorrow. 
EZ’s quiet for several moments and when you look up, he’s staring at you. A very different look on his face and it makes your stomach drop. 
“What?” You ask, your hand immediately swiping against your cheeks to check for anything. 
You watch as he swallows, and then opens his mouth, “Marry me.” 
You blink, mouth agape, and shake your head. “EZ, wha-”
And before you can ask him anything, he’s getting on a knee in front of you. 
“I don’t have a ring because I just looked at you just now and realized that I won’t ever be happy if I don’t have this forever. So, we can pick out a ring tomorrow, but will you marry me?” He says, taking one of your hands into his own. 
You’re crying. Of course you’re crying. “Of course! Yes!” You say, squealing as he lifts you off the couch, wrapping your legs around his waist. He buries his head in your neck, his strong arms holding you tightly against him. 
“I love you so much, Ezekiel.” You whisper, pressing a sloppy kiss to his lips through your tears. 
“I love you, Y/N. I can’t wait to be your husband.” He whispers back. 
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dreamsfreckles · 3 years
[7:21p.m.] A Couple of Whipped Besties, One Could Say...
Sapnap x reader
A couple of sus betsies - enjoy!
Sapnap smiled proudly at the beautiful view in front of him: you sitting in his gaming chair, beating the shit out of George on a minecraft PVP server.
Naturally, as Sapnap’s best friend, today marked your third night sleeping over at his house, the usual.
You two simply couldn’t get sick of each other.
Sure, he was annoying and relentless sometimes, and maybe you were a bit stubborn and moody; but regardless, both of your personalities clashed and complimented each other perfectly - creating a close friendship. 
Even though your friendship was his most precious treasure, Sapnap couldn’t help but be dissatisfied with it. 
Not because he wasn’t happy with you... but because he wasn’t happy with you. 
incase you need further elaboration:
Sapnap done went and caught feelings for you. (no earnings)
Leaning over your left shoulder as you gamed, Sapnap side-eyed your facial expressions as you passionately played on the computer monitor in front of you, flexing your weirdly amazing skill at PVP.
He admired you; you looked cute while concentrated. Critting George’s player with your diamond axe was Sapnap’s favorite sight to see. Your eyebrows furrowed the slightest bit and your eyes shined as you attempted to predict George’s next move. 
Not to mention you were also hot as fuck. Sapnap didn’t need to admit that though...
Not only were you his cute best friend, but you were also a super skilled player. He seemed to get the best of both worlds when it came to you.
You can be risky, fun, daring and stupid, but at the same time smart, soft, sweet, and safe. It’s rare to have someone as unique and different as you. You were irreplaceable. 
It also just makes things 1000x better when you’re the reason George regrets his entire PVP career.
Sapnap leaned back into his spare chair, laughing in disbelief at you mercilessly owning George in the game. He could hear George’s screams of absolute terror leaking from the headset on your head; his headset. (dollar tree)
Goddamn he’s whipped. (what a shrimp)
The headphones were a little big on you, which added to the cuteness. Sapnap secretly peered at you love-sickly, sighing in content. It was rare for him to be completely in a haze by you simply doing nothing; for some reason you had him completely under your control today.
Your sudden yell broke Sapnap from his trance and brought his attention to the monitor showing the signature “victory” screen. You squealed hopping up from your chair and doing a small victory dance, laughing at George as he wallowed in defeat. You turn to Sapnap, a wide smile on your face. “Were you watching that? George is SHIT!” You laughed. Sapnap shook his head in disbelief. “Have you been practicing? I have to get you to duel Dream... I doubt you could beat him though. Gogy is just trash.” You giggled with Sapnap at his open criticism towards George, while the trash PVP player on the call scoffed and mumbled incoherent curse words. (ignoring the fact Sapnap lowkey called you trash)
“Well,” you start, relaxing back into his gaming chair. “I’m kind of hungry now. Do you want to go get Chick-fil-a or something?” Just before Sapnap could respond, he was rudely interrupted by George screaming on his headset. “YOU’RE GOING TO GET CHICK-FIL-A?!” The headphones rung. “Are you trying to get cancelled Sapnap?” George joked, making literally no one laugh. You glanced at Sapnap in amusement. His face is twisted in playful annoyance as he ends the call with George. “I guess George is right... Don’t want our precious Sappy getting cancelled.” Sapnap scoffs and rolls his eyes at you playing along with George, a smile on his face. You smirk evilly, standing up to walk across his room to grab your purse. “Whelp, looks like you gotta get your own fast food.” You sling your purse over your shoulder and start heading towards his bedroom door.
Sapnap’s eyes widen at your statement. There’s no way he’s letting you go along with George’s stupid-ass joke.
Before you could leave, Sapnap scrambled to wedge himself between you and his door, stopping you from exiting the room. “Um? You’re dog water if you think you’re pulling that bullshit on me?” He sasses, backing you away from his door.
You hold in your laugh and shrug, putting up a serious face. “We should probably have a break from each other anyway... Why don’t you go out and get McDonald’s instead? I’ll be back in like,” you check your phone for affect. “Like 45 minutes.” You state, looking back up to his pretty eyes filled with betrayal.
Sapnap is frozen. He didn’t think that this Chick-fil-a joke would actually be taken some-what seriously. You wanted time away from him? What the fuck? You two have always been clingy to each other! You can barely go to his fucking kitchen by yourself! 
He took a second longer looking into your shining eyes. Then it all clicked.
You little rat. How cruel are you to be playing with his little heart like that?
Sapnap could turn this situation around in a few different ways.
1.) He could call out your cap right now and you two would go out and get your chick-fil-a, or whatever you want to eat.
2.) He could football tackle you to the fucking ground and make you apologize for saying such buffoonery.
3.) He could go along with your cruel joke, and make you think that he 100% agrees that you two “need to take a break.” He can even go as far as calling it a night and telling you that he’s too tired for another sleepover night.
Sapnap was never the merciful type. As much as he is unconditionally in love with you, he don’t play. 
Option 3 was game.
Sapnap looked up and to the side, pretending to think about your suggestion of “taking a break” like it was a valid choice. Stepping away from his place in between you and the door, Sapnap motions for you to go. “You know what, you’re kinda right. You can go ahead, I think I’m going to call someone.” Sapnap whips out his phone from his back jean pocket and turns away from you, pretending to scroll through his contacts.
This makes you stumble for a second. Did he just... agree with you..? Your heart stops beating for a split second and you debate if you should tell him that you were joking or not. You can barely go to the kitchen by yourself, why isn’t he catching on that it was a joke? You stand still there, looking at his turned back. “Okay... I’m just going to go then.” You say, still not making a move to leave. After a moment of him not acknowledging a word you just said, you start again. “Do you like...” you pause. “want me to bring you back something...” Sapnap turns back to you at that, suddenly deciding to pay attention to you. “Uh no thanks, I’ll just eat something here. You should probably call your mom, she probably wants you home. You’ve been here for what-” he checks his phone for the date. “Like 4 days?” He states, looking back up to you.
Your mouth drops. Hurt fills you heart. Did he really just say that?
Yeah... you have been at his house for a while... but you didn’t think that he was getting sick of you. You usually stayed over there for 4 nights on average before you went home.
You’ve stayed there for 6 days before! And you both STILL mourned the loss of each other’s presence when you left!
(Isn’t this simp culture?)
What does this mean? You stand there is silence just looking at him. It’s not like you could argue; you were the one who said you needed a break first.
You felt like crying. Yes... Sapnap is your best friend and this literally isn’t that big of a deal, but... you love Sapnap. You’d spend forever with him if you could. And you thought he would too. You stiffen for a moment. You know he isn’t your boyfriend; as much as you wish he was, you need to stop acting like he is. 
Him saying he wants to be alone shouldn’t be that big of a deal to you! You guys are friends! He’s standing there, looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to go on, do anything.
While you stand there debating your life choices with hurt written all over your face, Sapnap’s mind is racing a million miles an hour. He literally can’t decide if he should burst out laughing from how well his plan worked or hug you and say sorry for being so mean.
He literally can’t decide - so he does both.
Just as you feel your eyes getting the tinniest bit glassy, Sapnap roars with laughter and pulls you into a bear hug, squeezing your waist with one arm and using the other to pet your hair fondly. “I’m so sorry, I had to, it was too good, that literally couldn’t have gone better-” he rambles. You immediately sulk and smack his shoulder, aggressively hugging him back. “YOU ASSHOLE I GOT SO SCARED!” You groan in embarrassment. You literally almost cried.
Sapnap giggles and hugs you tighter, his smile couldn’t possibly get wider. You sigh in relief, snuggling into his arms. “You actually scared me so bad. That was so weird.” Sapnap laughs again, leaning back from you slightly to get a look at your pretty face. You were pouting. Cute. Sapnap smirked and squeezed your cheek with the hand that was previously petting your semi-tangled hair. “You did it to me first you dimwit, what the hell did you think I felt like?!” He exclaimed. “You literally told me to go home you asshole!” You exasperated. Sapnap threw his head back laughing, pulling you back towards him again. He nuzzled into the side of your neck, sighing happily.
As hilarious as it was watching you go through the 5 stages of grief over this situation, it was also heart breaking all at the same time. He hopes he never has to see that again on a serious note, if he’s being honest. If you ever looked like that when you guys were being legit - it would quite literally kill him.
After what felt like 20 minutes of hugging, you pulled back from the hug and looked up at Sapnap, his arms still attached to the ends of your sweatshirt, keeping you in place. 
As he stared down at your pink cheeks and flustered expression, he felt like he could stand with you here for hours. He wishes he could kiss you.
You rolled your eyes at him as he giggled. “Whatever.” You state, walking out of his hold and over to his bed side table. Sapnap watches your movements in confusion. Once at the table, you open the top drawer and snatch his wallet from inside, your back facing him. “I’m getting fucking Chick-fil-a and if you don’t come, I’m literally going to buy the entire menu with this.” You turn facing him and hold up his wallet. Sapnap’s eyes widen in realization at what’s in your possession. He makes a move to run over to you and snatch it back. Unluckily for him, you were already bolting out the door and to his car.
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Hello 🥺
I hope u enjoyed sorry it took so long hehee
I’ve had lack of motivation, as we all in this tough pandemic - I hope you guys are all doing well and stay happy and safe 💕
Thankfully we have our fav mcyt gang to help us through tough times :)
Ik sapnap says fuck you, but think of it in an endearing way LOL LOVE U GUYS
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dynyamight · 3 years
meet cute number 47 is interesting!
send me a writting ask
47. Texting the incorrect number but continuing the conversation.
“You got all that, right?” Shinsou asks, readjusting his stance, so others can leave their classroom door easily.
Midoriya hums absentmindedly. He’s still quickly jotting down the last few digits onto his planner. “And, you said tomorrow morning, around 7? At the library?”
“Yeah,” Shinsou shrugs, “Or anytime really. The deadline isn’t until next month, you know.”
“I kinda just want to get it done, as soon as possible.”
Shinsou breathes out a snort. “Figured you’d say that much. Just make sure you got my number. Repeat it, if you need to.”
“No time.” Midoriya drops his bag to the side, shoving his now closed notebook inside. “Thank you! I’ll text you later tonight!” He offers hurriedly, before taking off down the campus halls.
Shinsou’s warning falls deaf to his rushed mind.
He has to run the entire way, in order to graciously catch the last bus for the hour. Sweaty and flushed, Midoriya slumps into his seat in relief. Fortunately, he was able to cop a seat for himself, settling by the window and his backpack right next to him.
Staring out, Midoriya tries to remind himself of the rest of his priorities he needed to do.
He still needed to start on Doctor Chiyo’s online Physiology exam, and gather his notes for the open book portion. It was a bit bothersome to handle tests online, but if the rest of class prefers it, there’s nothing Midoriya can do about it.
Speaking of which, Ochako had requested for copies of those exact same notes, since apparently she barely writes anything during lectures. He wants to suggest to her to just simply take better notes, but alas, he will gladly help her out.
And, finally, Midoriya has to collect reliable, approved research articles for his and Shinsou’s debate, in their argumentative project in Communications. Being assigned “PRO SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE”, while being the most uninvolved people on the internet, Midoriya and Shinsou had a lot of work to do.
Not to mention it was already 18:00 by the time he reached the school’s dormitories. And yet, he needed to shower, make dinner, water his plants, and watch the newest episode of his favorite drama, airing tonight.
University was eating him alive.
Thankfully, he’s able to complete half of his list.
He finishes the exam with a 98%, and quickly snaps the pages of his notes over to Ochako and Iida, making sure to highlight the main topics questioned in the exam. Ochako sends a ‘thank you’ gif, and Iida texts a long, yet endearing message of gratitude.
Midoriya doesn’t have time to shower, instead blasting the TV volume loud, as he waters his indoor plants at the same time. He overwaters them a little bit, busy glancing back at the screen for too long. But, at least he’s able to watch the episode. He pouts when it ends on a cliffhanger, almost drowning his bonsai tree in frustration.
He’s only able to warm up a plate of leftovers, and read through only one research article, by the time it’s already blinking 21:30 on his phone. Sighing, Midoriya closes his laptop and grabs his cell phone instead.
An all nighter wasn’t preferable. But, if Shinsou is working overtime at his late night job, Midoriya supposes he can stay up and keep looking through more articles, until he has at least the required ten.
Flipping open his planner, Midoriya inputs Shinsou’s number into his phone. He adds his name, a contact photo of him sleeping, and finally taps a quick message.
(21:38) < You working?
When Shinsou doesn’t respond right away, Midoriya simply sets aside his phone on his desk. Stretching his arms, he sighs in defeat, now expecting Shinsou to be stuck at work.
He’s never worked at a restaurant, but he bets Friday nights can get pretty busy. And, Shinsou always complains that group outings and dates tend to stay over, even after the place is supposed to close. And, Midoriya trusts his word.
So, by the time his phone dings, Midoriya has been clicking through more articles on social media, bookmarking a few to go over later, as he went.
He lifts his phone, and with a bright screen, a message stares back at him.
shinsou hitoshi (21:58) > Who’s this
Oh, he did forget to specify. But, Midoriya smiles, having a small prank in mind. There was no harm in teasing his friends, let alone Shinsou, who definitely needed a good laugh, now and then.
(21:58) < It's the cutie from your communications class ;)
shinsou hitoshi (21:58) > So, no one
(21:59) < Haha! I guess you’re right about that
(21:59) < Anyways, it’s Izuku! You still working late, Hitoshi?
shinsou hitoshi (21:59) > This ain’t Hitoshi
Midoriya's face drops, blinking. Oh god, did he mistype the number?
(21:38) < Wait, you’re not???
Another text pops up, shortly after.
shinsou hitoshi (22:02) > You got the wrong number
Embarrassment burning his entire face red, Midoriya wishes he could delete himself from the world.
(22:03) < I’m so so so so sorry!
(22:03) < God, I thought I wrote down my friend’s number right
(22:03) < But, I was in this stupid rush to get on the bus that I didn’t make sure
(22:04) < And, listen, if I had missed that bus, I would’ve had to wait
(22:04) < Not like a few minutes wait
(22:04) < Like, a whole two hours wait!
shinsou hitoshi (22:05) > I didn’t ask
Deleting the conversation, Midoriya erases the new contact completely. And instead, he looks back to his planner, and retypes the numbers in his phone onto a new conversation.
Hopefully, he has typed the correct series of digits.
(22:07) < Hey, Hitoshi! It’s Izuku
unknown (22:08) > ...
unknown (22:08) > What the actual fuck
unknown (22:08) > You've still got the wrong number, you goddamn idiot
Slamming his phone onto his desk, Midoriya grabs a pillow off his bed and shoves it in his face. The temptation to scream sounds awfully pleasant, but it’s too late at night to do so. His dorm neighbors would definitely wonder what the hell is wrong with him.
What’s wrong? Oh, he has completely done one of the most dreaded imaginary scenarios in his head; text a complete stranger. Twice.
What was he supposed to do now? Never text back? Delete it? Block it?
How is he supposed to contact Shinsou now?
His phone dings again.
Lifting the pillow off his face slightly, Midoriya eyes his phone warily from his swivel chair.
That definitely wasn’t supposed to happen. Another text from the same stranger sounds a bit unheard of.
After a seconds-long hesitation, Midoriya lifts his phone and opens it once more.
unknown (22:13) > Double check next time
unknown (22:13) > You can fucking wait the two hours, dumbass
Midoriya grows a little irked. He has a bad feeling that his stranger isn’t too friendly, to say that least.
There was literally no reason to text back something so rude.
(22:14) < Well, that wasn’t nice
unknown (22:15) > Wasn’t trying to be
(22:15) < ..Are you always like this?
unknown (22:16) > Pretty much
(22:16) < That’s sad
unknown (22:17) > What’s fucking sad is that I was woken up from my sleep
unknown (22:17) > Because a damn moron didn’t write down the right number
Midoriya winces. He hadn’t even thought about the other person’s predicament, let alone if he had interrupted anything.
(22:20) > I really didn’t mean to do that, I’m sorry :(
unknown (22:22) > Yeah whatever
(22:24) > You should try to go back to sleep, then
unknown (22:25) > I was
unknown (22:25) > But the same moron from before keeps texting me
(22:27) > Who?
(22:33) > Oh.
(22:33) > It’s me, huh?
unknown (22:34) > No shit
(22:35) > Right, of course. My bad!
(22:35) > I’m going to just stop now
unknown (22:36) > Thanks
(22:36) > For the umpteenth time, sorry! ><
(22:37) > Okay, Okay! I’m stopping now, for real
Midoriya desperately needs to call it a night.
After going through his nightly routine, he slips under his bedsheets, exhausted. He sets an alarm for 5:00 on his phone, hoping Shinsou will show up at the library, regardless of the missing confirmation text on Midoriya’s end.
He keeps his phone on awhile longer, swiping through his professors’ emails, before a surprising text notification pops in front of him.
unknown (23:01) > FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
(23:02) > …
(23:02) > What was that for??
unknown (23:04) > I CAN’T SLEEP
unknown (23:05) > AND IT’S YOUR FAULT
(23:06) > What do you expect me to do????
unknown (23:07) > HAHAHAHA OH DON’T WORRY
unknown (23:07) > IF I CAN’T SLEEP, NEITHER CAN YOU
(23:09) > Wait
(23:09) > No, please
(23:09) > My alarm is on my phone, I need it on
(23:10) > I need to go to an important meeting for a group project at 7:00!
unknown (23:10) > Aw, really? :0?!
(23:11) > Yeah! I really do!
unknown (23:11) > Sike. I don’t fucking care
unknown (23:12) > Hope you eat shit tomorrow
(23:13) > ..Why are you like this?
(23:13) > I could literally be a twelve year old, for all you know
unknown (23:14) > I doubt fucking twelve years do group projects
unknown (23:15) > But whether you’re a damn infant, or grown adult, I hate you
(23:16) > I wouldn’t say I hate you. That’s too harsh
(23:16) > But, wow, you are very unlikable :/
unknown (23:17) > That’s the fucking nicest thing anyone has said about me
(23:18) > It wasn’t supposed
(23:19) > Nevermind.
(23:19) > Do you have any friends? Just might as well ask
unknown (23:21) > Surprisingly yeah
(23:22) > Oh, so you also agree. That it’s a surprise
(23:22) > At least you’re self aware :0
unknown (23:23) > Yeah, they are annoying as hell
unknown (23:24) > But, also pretty good people, I guess
(23:25) > Pretty good or pretty dumb?
unknown (23:26) > SHUT IT
unknown (23:27) > Only I can make fun of them
unknown (23:27) > You. Don’t.
(23:28) > You’re right, I shouldn’t have said that
(23:29) > I’m sorry :(
unknown (23:30) > You like apologizing, huh
(23:29) > There’s a lot to apologize for tonight
unknown (23:30) > Still, you don’t have to say it every damn minute
(23:32) > You probably don’t ever apologize
unknown (23:33) > Fuck no
(23:35) > Right, of course
(23:36) > Well, you know what I need to do tomorrow
unknown (23:37) > Unfortunately
(23:38) > What about you?
unknown (23:39) > I’m covering a shift at my shit job at the ass crack of dawn
(23:40) > Unnecessary visual, but I digress
(23:40) > Uh, where do you work?
unknown (23:42) > No. I don’t even know your damn name
(23:43) > I told you?? It was in my first text
unknown (23:44) > Yeah, I ain’t scrolling
(23:48) > Well, it’s Izuku. Midoriya Izuku :)
unknown (23:49) > Great. I still ain’t giving you mine
(23:50) > ?? Is there anything I can know about you??
(23:50) > You know more about me, than I do about you
unknown (23:51) > You know I hate you
unknown (23:51) > That’s plenty
(23:52) > But, I have been staying up for you :(
unknown (23:53) > Because it’s your fault I can’t sleep
(23:54) > You aren’t feeling sleepy yet?
unknown (23:56) > ..Are you
(23:57) > I asked you first
unknown (23:58) > I asked you second
(23:59) > That
(23:59) > Look, it’s almost midnight
(24:00) > Oh, now, it’s actually midnight
unknown (00:01) > I have fucking eyes. I can see the time
(00:02) > And we BOTH have places to be tomorrow
(00:02) > So, let’s just sleep. Call a truce, please
unknown (00:03) > What about my petty retribution
unknown (00:10) > FUCK
unknown (00:10) > FINE
The rest of the night, Midoriya hears his phone go off, but he doesn’t bother to open the messages. Fortunately for him, the time staying awake quickly catches up to his body, the moment he shuts his eyes. And, in an instant, he falls asleep, heavy.
However, he’s jolted awake by the ringing of his phone, the tone alerting him of an incoming phone call. Banging his head on the headboard, Midoriya blindly grabs and answers his phone. “Uh, H-Hello?” He blurts quickly.
“Tch.” A low voice emits, “You owe me, Deku.”
Click. The phone call ends.
Confused, Midoriya hurriedly rubs his eyes open. Running his messy curls through his fingers, he lifts his bangs up, in order to correctly look at the time.
The time was 5:10. And, his 5:00 alarm had been off the entire time.
And, instead, that same unknown number from last night was his saving grace.
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More Then a Woman | Frank Woods x Fem!Reader | Chapter 7 - Finale
It all comes down to this. Will Frank be able to make things right?
Tags: Slow burn, fluff, age difference, angst
Tag requests: @direwolfspostsrandomshit
Chpt 1 | Chpt 2 | Chpt 3 | Chpt 4 | Chpt 5 | Chpt 6 Warnings: strong language, age difference, and references to depression like symptoms and past childhood trauma
Another hour passes. Another beer down.
The television drones on in the background while he stares right through it. Why is he even watching this? He hates TV.
He should be training today, maybe the gym or the firing range, but… He just doesn’t feel like it.
His stomach growls. He looks at the clock. He should get something to eat, but… He doesn’t feel like that either.
At last the cramping moves him to action, and sluggishly he gets up and wanders to the kitchen. He grabs his go-to as of late, a bag of chocolate chips for baking. His diet’s been such shit lately, and he knows it’s not helping. He hates that. And he loves it. Because right now he’ll do anything just to get even a flicker of feeling.
Good. Bad. He doesn’t care.
He just wants to feel.
It’s been a couple weeks since he last saw you, out back behind the CIA gym, and he’s been numb ever since. Mason’s been trying to bring him out of it all this time.
‘You did the right thing’, he says. ‘She’s just a kid, she doesn’t know what she’s doing’, and then, ‘If anything, you did her a favor. She doesn’t really want to get caught up like that with an old guy, right?’, he laughs.
He eats another handful of chocolate and looks down at himself. ‘She doesn’t want to...’ Is he really that repulsive? He runs a hand over his belly. It’s been feeling more rounded than usual.
For a moment, that same old burning, consuming flare of fury he’s so used to getting rises up. He grips the plastic bag so tightly, his knuckles turn white.
His discipline has been getting looser and his belt has been getting tighter, the polar fucking opposite of how things should be. His nostrils flare and lips draw back to reveal tightly clenched teeth, like a dog readying for an attack. Every muscle in his body tenses as he bores holes into nothing in particular. He starts to cock his arm back.
Throwing something will help him feel better.
He aims for the wall and winds up for an all star pitch, and then…
and then…
He can’t even muster the motivation for that.
As quickly as it came, the anger leaves, and as he lets out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, his entire body relaxes once more. What the fuck is wrong with him anyway?
What, mommy and daddy didn’t love him enough, so now he throws little tantrums whenever the fuck he feels like it? He mocks himself, feeling almost ashamed suddenly of all his outbursts, but when he thinks about it…
Maybe that...
He sighs, suddenly feeling extremely defeated and very alone. Maybe he shouldn't be surprised you left him. Everyone else who ever loved him did.
Woods drops the bag of chocolate from his limply hanging arm and watches the pieces scatter and roll all over the floor.
Whatever. He’ll eat something else.
This is how it’s been for weeks and this how it’ll be for the foreseeable future. He lazes around, completely numb to the outside world, grazing his pantry and doing anything to distract himself from his thoughts. If only any of it worked. Then at night he’ll lay awake well past midnight, until either regular exhaustion or exertion from shedding tears sends him to sleep.
But it wasn’t always like this.
After the first few days since he chased you off, he tried to make up for it.
He called.
He tried to see you at work.
He even sent you some fucking flowers and a letter.
Not a word back.
Well, aside from the ‘Get the fuck out of here, and don’t you fucking dare come back’ he got when he came to your office. After that one…
He hasn’t cried that hard over a woman in… Well… Ever.
And that’s what really gets to him, isn’t it? Just a woman. You’re just a fucking woman. There’s billions of others out there… And yet, he can’t manage to land even one, can he?
This message plays back in his mind over, and over, and over again.
Even now, as a slow stream of tears leak from his eyes to his pillowcase. He looks over just a few inches away to the empty half of his bed. Frank sniffs and swipes at his nose before gently plopping his hand on the pillow beside his. The fabric is icy cold against his skin.
You know, Alex told him once that he’ll lay in his wife's spot on the bed to warm up the sheets for her at night.
She hates the cold, and Alaskan nights are no joke. Would you like that? He wonders. He heard once that women are always fucking cold. He’d warm up your sheets for you, you know. Or maybe, you’d like a blanket? He’d get you one. A nice one! Fresh and new, not any of the tattered shit he keeps in his linen closet.
Or, maybe, you’d like it more if he just… Held you? He could keep you warm all by himself if you wanted him to. Would you even like him to?
Would that make you happy?
Would he make you happy?
A fresh round of tears breaks over him.
He closes his eyes and curls in on himself as he lets the sobs take over him. Damn it, he promised himself he wouldn’t do this again… He thinks about you far too much. All the time, really. And where does it get him? Somewhere about like he is now, he supposes.
He stews in his own wretchedness like this for quite some time, and it’s not until a few days later that anything changes.
Mason pounds on the door of the dingy little house, “Frank?”, he calls, “Frank, open up you bastard, I know you’re in there!”
Truthfully, he’s only in town on some work related business, but… He can’t just stand by and let his friend suffer like this.
So, he waits and waits, and pounds and pounds until he's sure the door is about to come off the hinges. Mason cups his hands to the crack of the door, shouting into it as loud as he dare, “I’m not leaving until you come out here asshole!”
At last, a quiet voice comes from the other side, “What do you want?”
For a moment, Mason is rather dumbfounded. Never before has he ever heard his friend sound so soulless. So… broken. He shakes his head, and pulls himself out of it, “Frank will you open up? I’m here to check on you man!”
Woods sighs, “Don’t waste your time”, the voice trails off as though he’s walking away.
“Hey!”, Mason pounds on the door again, “Son of a bitch, get back here!”
The door swings open abruptly, and Mason nearly falls over as the door’s taken out from him. He stumbles a moment, then catches himself as he stands up straight.
Mason locks eyes with his old friend, and Woods says nothing. Alex takes in the sight of him. His stubble is out of control, the bags under his eyes are dark and purple, and the undershirt he’s wearing could’ve used a wash about a week ago.
“Jesus…You look like shit”
“Thanks”, Woods replies flatly, “Now go away”
He makes to close the door, but Mason stops him, “Wait wait wait… Ok, I’m sorry, I just… Wow, um… Can I come in at least? Let’s talk about this”, Alex motions to Woods in his entirety.
“Do I have a choice?”
Mason pushes the door all the way open, letting himself in and taking his friend by the shoulders as he leads him further into the house, “No, we’re having a fucking intervention”
He leads him to the living room and clears a pile of clothes and trash off the cushions so they can sit down. Alex commands his friend to take a seat, then follows suit. Once they’re both settled, Mason grows serious but maintains a cautious, sympathetic veneer.
Mason rubs his hands together and gives it to him straight, “Look, I know you feel like you fucked up. I know you’re feeling lonely and it’s got you in the dumps. But… Come on man, look what’s been going on with you!”, He gestures to the living space around them.
Dirty laundry and neglected trash sit in little piles all around in a room that smells of old must with a faint, queasy scent of booze. “This is no way to live, buddy!”
Frank says nothing. Instead, he sits and listens without even attempting to make eye contact, like a child receiving a tiresome lecture.
Alex grits his teeth and tries to keep his temper in check. “So… What I’m trying to say is…. Maybe you need to get out of here, you know? Go to a game, take a vacation, something!”, he scoots a bit closer, taking on a more personal tone with his old friend, “I don’t want to see you destroy yourself like this Frank…”
Woods recoils at that, snapping to life as though he’d just now entered the conversation, “I’m not! I just… I need some time to get over this, alright!”
Mason casts an exaggeratedly doubtful look at the other man. Frank jumps to defend himself once more, but Alex cuts him off, “Ok ok! How about this, let’s you and me go out for a little bit huh? Have some beers, some guy time! I just want you to get out of this place for a little while, is that so bad?”
Frank grumbles a bit, but somewhere in there is an agreement. Mason cheers, "That's the spirit!", and drags his friend upstairs to clean up. He pushes him off to shave and shower before going downstairs to help himself to the kitchen.
It takes far longer than he anticipated, but Alex doesn’t go up to pressure the old Sargent even once. At last, the staircase creaks softly as Woods descends. He looks like a new man. Clean clothes, shaped up beard, and a gentle wafting of clean, musky shampoo emanating from him.
Woods walks up without much fanfare for himself, but Alex offers him a smile and a firm pat on the back, “There, now isn’t that better? You look great!”
Frank grunts and perhaps even mutters a thank you, but Mason is too busy trying to keep the momentum up. Once more, he drags his friend along and out to the car. The sun is starting to set and options for places to go are beginning to dwindle. Woods wonders where they’re going, and yet as the streets race by, he finds himself caring less and less.
By the time the car comes to a stop, he’s nearly fallen asleep.
Mason turns off the engine and shakes him awake, “Hey don’t fall asleep on me now, we’re just getting started!”
Woods snaps awake, but has to shield his eyes immediately. It seems impossibly bright out considering how late it is. He blinks a few times and rubs his eyes. Once they're fully adjusted, he finds that what he sees does nearly nothing to alleviate his confusion.
Before him stands the front of a pulsating night club. Blue and purple neon blaze in the dusky twilight. He can only imagine how they must look in the dead of night. A pounding beat comes from somewhere within, no doubt the drum track to some popular, modern song. Small clusters of younger people and a handful of adults hang around the doors pregaming for what they must be anticipating to be a long, wild night.
The pair get out of the car, but Woods is bewildered all the while. When Alex finally comes around to him, he can’t keep silent any longer, “What the fuck did you bring me here for?”
Mason seems almost taken aback, “For some fun? Come on, I know this isn’t really your scene but maybe that’s exactly what you need! Something new and fun, right?”, he doesn’t wait for a response, instead he pushes his friend along as they head towards the entrance.
The air seems thick and hazy around him, a fact only highlighted by the glowing miasma created by the neon interior. If Alex wasn’t pulling him along, he’s sure he’d get lost.
Alex takes him over to a table buried back in the corner. They take a seat and despite being right across from each other, Mason nearly has to shout to be heard over all the noise, “Want a drink?”
Woods thinks about it for a moment, still taking in the environment as he does so. He’s trying to find the bar, and when he does he figures it’s impossible to miss. A huge back wall of glass bottles, all lit up by a halo of purple neon and cool fluorescent lights stands bright as a beacon behind a solid bar top and array of stools and customers.
“Sure, I can get my own”
“Great! Hey, grab my usual would ya? I’m gonna take a leak real quick”, he points over his shoulder and excuses himself as he makes for the restrooms.
This… is not at all what he wanted.
Suddenly, Woods feels trapped and alone again, no better than he was back in his own home. Except now he’s surrounded by the heat, noise, and stench of over a hundred other people.
The lights feel heavy and blinding, the pulsating pop music, deafening. He trudges up to the bar slowly yet surely, but with every step he comes closer to committing to his plan of escaping back to Alex’s car.
He never should’ve went along with this… he was just fine at home, damn it.
Lost in his thoughts and half blinded by the smoke and lights, he runs smack into another person. With a dampened thud, they hit the ground hard. Wood swears under his breath and figures he can at least offer a hand. He bends down to help up the fallen individual, only to see…
Suddenly, it’s as if all the haze and fog has cleared from his eyes. He can see you clear as day down here, and the noise and smells of the crowd all fade away. A soft blue glow highlights your features, and an electric magenta bounces off your hair. The sparkling, sequined little dress you wear glitters in the halo of light descending around you, and a thousand flecks of light reflect back onto his worn, tired face.
Woods' hand hangs in mid air, half way through it’s journey to assist you. He whispers your name, quietly and fondly, as though he never thought he’d see you again.
For the first time in what must have been days, a smile breaks free from his stern glower.
But all you see is the asshole who teased you along for weeks, only to give you the highest embarrassment by sending you off like a misbehaving child after you were at your most vulnerable with him.
You were ready to give him your very body, and he only felt up what he wanted and sent you off.
With a sneer, you slap his hand away and hop up on your own. You don’t even bother to spare him a word. Instead, you stare daggers into him and walk off.
For a moment. For a second time… He watches you go.
He should let you walk away.
After what he did, you deserve at least the privacy. And that’s aside from the fact that you’re clearly pissed.
But he can’t. Not again.
“Hey, wait!”, he dashes after you, shoving his way through the crowd. A little too roughly, he grabs your upper arm and spins you around. You yank yourself free from his grip and glare right through him. Even through all the rage…
You look so beautiful in this light.
“I… I- uh. Hey”
“Hey?”, your blood is boiling. Is that all he has to say for himself?
The venom in your voice makes him recoil, shrinking back into himself. But still… “I uh, I just… H-how are you… I didn’t think you’d be in a place like this, heh…”
Out of pure manners, you respond, “Fine. What are you doing here?”, you cross your arms, defensive, but genuinely curious.
Woods looks over his shoulder then all round, searching for any sign of Mason. Nothing. He snaps his attention back to you, trying to come up with any reason at all to explain himself. Frank stutters for an answer, but you end your indulgent lapse before he can say anything coherent and turn to walk away.
“Wait! I… I-I miss you...”
You whip around, seething with anger. Then, very seriously, you ask, “Are you following me?”
“What? No! Fuck no! I just… I miss you, that’s all!”
You scoff, “Well maybe you should’ve fucking thought of that first”
“...You’re right”
That stops you dead. This is nothing like the Woods you know… You can’t recall a single time he’s had the humility, let alone the balls, to admit that he’s wrong.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah…”, he sighs, and even in the darkness of the club you can see a glimpse of just how much pain he’s in, “Look… I shouldn’t have done that, back there behind the gym. You trusted me and I fucked it up. I know. It’s just… I was scared”
A biting edge creeps back into your voice. You don’t buy that. “Scared? Of what, getting caught?”
“What? No! I was scared… that I was taking advantage of you, alright?”
You blink, and suddenly all the rage leaves you, as though the hot air was deflated right out of you. “Wh-what do you mean?”
“Well I mean… You know… Y-you’re just a kid, and I’m… not. I just- It didn’t feel right. Hell, I didn’t even get a chance to ask if you really wanted all that, I just… went for it”
You take a little step closer, your hard gaze softening just a touch, “Well… It’s not like I was saying no”, you chuckle
“Yeah, but that’s not the fucking same, you know?”
You look away, “Yeah…”
“So… Anyway… I’m sorry, alright?”
At last, you turn back and smile at him, “Alright. I forgive you, and… thanks. For saying that”
Woods nods and accepts your thanks. The two of you share a little smile and a short pause of uncertain silence until he breaks the silence, “So… What now?”
You look him up and down. He’s wearing jeans and a tightly fitting flannel, a stark contrast to all the trendy, flashy fashion of the rest of the clubbers, and yet it’s so… him. You trace a finger down his limp, tattooed arm, stopping at his fingers to intertwine them with yours.
“How about a dance?”, you tug his hand gently, then nod towards the dance floor.
A feeling like euphoria washes over him, and time seems slow as he floats along while you tug him through the crowd. Somewhere in the beautiful, prismatic show of lights, he hears himself agree. You lead him to a cramped, but vacant spot on the glowing dance floor and turn an ear to the music, “Hey, I love this song…”
Woods perks up to listen, just in time to catch the start of More Than A Woman, muffled slightly by all the noise and bustle of the crowd.
It’s like it’s playing from within a dream.
You rest your hands on his chest, letting them slide down so that the heels of your palms sit where the curve of his stomach begins to swell out. Frank has his hands on your waist, swaying in time with you slowly to the music. He clears his throat and looks away from your sparkling, gorgeous eyes, a nervous blush creeping up his neck.
He knows you’ve been over this before, but… “Yeah, uh… so, you know, I’ve been thinking I should lose some weight... You know, while you’ve been… gone”, he moves your hands up from his belly to clasp behind his neck.
You quirk up your brow, a confused smile on your lips, “Why?”
“Uh, I don’t know… I think it makes me look old, I guess”
You laugh and come a little closer, your bodies nearly touching, “Well, if it means anything... I don’t think so”, You inch up and kiss his cheek, bringing one hand down to rest on his softened pect. He huffs a nervous laugh and masks the flattered embarrassment with a timid smile as he covers your hand with his, holding it there just a little while more.
He's never forgotten how amazing your touch alone feels.
He clears his throat and re-establishes eye contact. A whole kaleidoscope of color plays inside your eyes. He could get lost in them for the rest of his life. “You uh… wow. You- you look beautiful tonight...”, he steals a quick glance as your little, sparkly dress and the neon rainbow refracting off the thousands of tiny sequins, “Nearly gave this old man a heart attack when I first saw you”, he laughs.
“Oh?”, you smirk and lead him into a turn, “ In that case, you should see me take it off”
His heart pounds underneath your palm, but his face looks frozen with surprise. He doesn’t hear women say that kind of stuff to him often…
“D-do you… Do you mean that?”
“Well, I mean… Maybe after this, I’d love t-”
“No, not that. I mean… Me. D-do you really feel that way about me?”
You stop dancing for a moment.
His words cut deeply with the quiver of hope they carry, as though it had never crossed his mind that someone would want to be with him.
“Of course I do. But… I want you more then just for that you know”, you chuckle.
His cheeks go pink, “Oh. Damn, so you like that kind of st-?”
You place a single finger to his lips, shushing him. “I meant… I love you”
Your words echo back to him in slow motion, as though reality and time itself are breaking all around him to unveil a haven of euphoria. His heart is beating in his ears, and yet it sounds slow and calm, just like the wild crowd and the blaring music all around him.
Everything grows quieter and softer until it all fades away, leaving behind just you and him.
He wracks his brain, trying to remember the last time he heard those words, only to come up empty handed. It’s been so long… He can’t even remember.
Frank looks back at you, a little neon angel clinging to his beat up old shirt. Gorgeous. That’s all he can think of when he sees you. He almost feels like he shouldn't even have the privilege to do so. You bat long lashes up at him and a slow smile draws across your soft, glossy lips.
More than a woman…
Slowly, you come up to meet your lips to his. You’ve kissed before, but this… It feels like the first kiss of his entire life.
He presses back gently, sucking softly as he draws you close. You smell like dark cherry and amber, some combination of perfume and lip gloss. The faint smell of whisky and musk radiating off of him mingles with the divine scent of you.
He can taste it all on his tongue, even as he slides it over to flick across yours.
More than a woman to me…
At long last you part, breathing softly as your eyes drift up to meet one another's. And when he looks down into those deep, glittering pools, he wonders how he never saw all the love and warmth they hold for him. The love they always had.
“I love you too…”, he whispers, tears stinging at his eyes and voice, before he leans in to press a kiss to your forehead.
And now? The love they always will.
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