#but yeah languages are so mixed up in my head I feel like verbally I'm basically incomprehensible
threadsun · 1 year
JDA Asks: "OH FUN FACT !! Completely off topic ask btw just random convo—
-JDA here sorry for the random conv LMFOA-
Spanish is actually one of the fastest languages alongside Japanese I think, apparently it’s words can have many syllables it makes the whole language sound fast, ok idk if that makes sense—
Also THIRD language??? Fancy oooo, I’m also learning my third language (the other two being English and Spanish obv) it’s French and I have very basic knowledge of how to speak but it’s fun and sounds nice !!
I thought it would be easier tbh, cuz I was understanding pretty well how to connect words and how to mush them into a sentence,,, then I decided to look a mini movie in French to practice my listening and never understood what it was about—"
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Oooooh that's really cool!! And yeah, it's always so much harder to understand shows and movies in a new language for some reason. Something about the way actors talk make it much harder than language learning apps and stuff. I guess it's more natural to how native speakers talk though?
French is a fun one! The spelling is a lot to process at first, but once you figure out what sounds things make, it becomes more intuitive from what I've heard.
My first language is uhhhh... Yinglish, which is a mix of English and Yiddish. I grew up in an immigrant community that included a lot of Jewish USSR refugees who only spoke Yiddish (and sometimes Russian) as a common language, so a lot of their kids generally spoke Yiddish and English interchangeably until it meshed into one language and that a lot of us speak now. My grandparents and their whole families were fluent in Yiddish, but my immediate family only know Yinglish now.
So like my primary language is probably about... 90% English? But then a solid 5% is Yiddish words thrown into English sentences and another 5% is direct translations of Yiddish phrases into English in a way native English speakers don't usually do. And no one ever taught me which words weren't English, so I can't separate the two languages from my speech now. So Yinglish it is! Though I make a conscious effort to keep my writing as fully English as possible.
Then I've also been speaking/learning Hebrew (ancient and modern :3c) since kindergarten, so that's my second language. I can speak and understand it pretty fluently, but my reading and writing isn't great. If you've ever seen the Hebrew alphabet, especially the script, you'll see why lmao
My mum is fluent in French and German, so I have a very basic knowledge of both of those. As I said, I grew up around lots of Russian speakers, so I've got a bit of that... But nothing really fluently. It's fun though, knowing bits and pieces of different languages!
I'm trying very hard to learn Spanish so I can talk to my partner's family in their native language, but I've got dyslexia and aphasia so... yeah, the Spanish learning ain't going great, unfortunately 😔 But we stay silly! I'm gonna keep trying!
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sochawrites · 2 years
Here I am again, with another request! So Yautja x gn! S/O, where the reader fights like this guy in this video. Oneshot or Headcanons you choose.
Synopsis: it has been a while since you moved to the Yautja’s spaceship with your new alien boyfriend, all of the Yautjas have been mean towards both of you, since your boyfriend is warrior who fell in love with a mere and powerless human. But there is one Yautja that made you finally snap! You challenge him into a knife fight! Your boyfriend tried to intervene, but little did he know that you are great in combat! With your interesting movements and fight style.
You can choose if it’s going to be a draw or the reader wins.
Feel free to ignore for being too confusing.
Thank you!
I'm sorry it took so long! qwq I have to get back into the mind space I had and it's not as easy as I thought...
Hope you'll be satisfied with what my head chewed up!
The Rasputin style (HCs)
Yautja x GN! reader
For those curious, here's the vid
You were supposed to stay on the ship
But 'supposed' never cut it with you, not when there was an infinite quantity of vast worlds you could explore
So there you were, currently on Yautja Prime, once again, trailing close behind your mate 
After you had to promise and swear on your life to not provoke other yautjas, and to keep a low profile
You were on thin ice ever since you met another one of his species, and you didn't even get to make a proper impression! 
They were quick to judge you based on the fact that you were human, a species not even worth the time and effort to hunt most of the time
Sure, there were some exceptions, but they had a lot more than just another yautjas word to back up their skill 
Although, you were content with the rules 
You were the intruder here, after all, you and your mate breaking the long-set rules his race lived by for centuries, you'd probably get the same looks if you ever went back to Earth
If only looks were the only thing you received
You were with your boyfriend long enough to learn their body language, to know that they were laughing at you
And at your mate as well, presumably
He noticed it too, but he didn't react, just to keep his face, a sense of dignity
So you let it slip as well
Until their remarks got verbal
You were prepared for a lot and ready to let plenty of things slide, you didn't want to cause any trouble for your boyfriend, but you had to draw the line somewhere
So you turned around and ran your mouth, more or less calling out one of the loudest ones for a fight
You were kind of glad you didn't get to see the flashes of emotional turmoil on your partner's face
The mix of fear, confusion, anger, disappointment...
Yeah, you didn't need to see that, you had a lecture coming your way either way
You spilt your mind, hoping they had their translator on, not realizing a crowd started to form
And two sharp razors were glistening in the sun soon after
Good thing you noticed those
You swiftly moved out of the way and circled the attacker
Well, danced around them really
They were slow to turn around, giving you enough time to pull out your own weapon
The confusion was quite evident on their face
They growled and charged at you 
And you twirled around, again, leaving a little cut on your opponent's side behind as a warning
A warning they didn't head
You hold back, for the most part, they had a physical advantage after all, but you managed to avoid getting hit, along with slashing them here and there when you got an opening
You twirled, and jumped in an expressionistic manner, working up your opponent, exhausting them and slowing them down
You might have been lucky with them being young blood, more experienced fighters would not let your movements deceive them so easily
You caught a few looks at your mate during the fight, he looked quite disappointed, which was understandable, you broke a promise after all
But the fight had to come to an end at some point, and ending it without a winner wasn't an option, you were not going to try and break the honour codex, it was you who challenged them after all
So you waited and waited until your opponent's movements started to get sloppy
These fights were meant to be a life-and-death situation
They finally fell to their knees, and two options open for you
Slow and painful
Or fast and painless
They were not very nice to you, sure, but that wasn't enough to let them bleed out
So you chose fast and painless
You twirled for the last time, getting enough force in your movement to lent the final blow, and slice the other's head right off with your blade
Looking around at the crowd, they all looked baffled, bamboozled
Humans were a weird race
You tiptoed back to your partner, an innocent smile on your lips, and embraced his arm
"So, where were we going?"
He ruffled at your hair, patting it at the process with his free hand, clicking slowly with his tusks
He might not be angry, he certainly wasn't happy with you, but he was certainly proud you were able to stand your ground against someone who wasn't him
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mama-qwerty · 1 year
I am still thinking about what if the chaotix were with Callie if Eclipse and there and-
Callie, coming home: Where's Eclipse?
Espio: I put him in the crate, he was acting insane again
Callie:.... where's the crate
Espio: He teleported away with it
Oh, you just had to go there.
Callie walked into the house, grocery bags in hand, and Vector came running to help her. He and his boys had been staying with Callie for the past few weeks, and he'd been quite the gentleman the entire time--helping around the house, watching her two boys so she could run errands alone, and just being an all around good house guest.
"H-here, Miss Callie," the crocodile said now, taking the bags from her arms. He pulled his lips back into an odd smile. "L-lemme help you with those."
"Thanks, Vector," the librarian responded, her eyes narrowing as he hurried away toward the kitchen. She glanced toward the living room, where Silver, Espio, and Charmy stood. Each boy had a different expression, but all three avoided her gaze. "All right. What's going on?"
Silver flinched, and looked up at her, his large amber eyes wide with what looked like fear. His hands twisting and pulling at one of his long head spikes. Charmy hovered slightly behind Silver, turned away and biting his lip with his fists pulled to his chest. Espio stood to Silver's left, his arms crossed and looking rather indignant.
A word suddenly flashed in Callie's mind. Guilty. They all looked guilty.
And there was one child suspiciously missing.
"Where's Eclipse?"
Silver flinched again, and looked to Espio. The chameleon flicked his eyes to the hedgehog, before looking away again.
Callie heaved a sigh. Eclipse and Espio hadn't been getting along very well. The darkling's sudden absence brought up feelings of worry and annoyance.
"Where's Eclipse?" she asked again, her voice more firm. The boys all shrank from her gaze, even Espio, and she decided she wasn't going to get any answers from them. She turned to Vector, who stood in the archway between the living room and kitchen. "If I've gotta ask again there's gonna be some more colorful language thrown into the mix. Where's my kid, Vector?"
The large croc rubbed the back of his neck, and stepped forward. "Well, ya see, Miss Callie, we were having some fun and playing games and such while you were gone, and . . ."
"He was being a big jerk!" Charmy shouted, flying over to hover before Vector. His hands were still in tight fists, but now were straight at his sides in his anger. "We were all playing nice, but then Eclipse started being a big meanie!"
Callie rolled her eyes and gave a long sigh. Yeah, that sounded like her second son. "So where is he?"
"We tried to get him to settle down, Mom, but he just wouldn't!" Silver chimed in, moving to stand next to her. "He wouldn't listen!"
"Okay, so where is he?"
"When he wouldn't calm, I had to take drastic measures," Espio said, his voice calm, but stern.
"I restrained him."
"The large crate from the garage."
". . . hoo boy." She knew what he was talking about. When Eclipse first came, he was . . . well, kind of feral. And on some occasions she'd had to use the crate to keep him from hurting himself or others. Eclipse HATED that crate. "So he's in the garage?"
Silver bit his lip. "Well . . . he was."
Callie rubbed her temples. This felt like a game of verbal ping pong. "Okay, I'm starting to get a headache. Someone tell me without me having to prompt every freaking word, where my darkling child is!"
Vector stepped forward. "We don't know. He kinda . . . teleported away. With the crate."
The librarian ran a hand down her face. Of course he did.
"Did anyone check his room?"
Pure silence greeted her, as they all stared at her with wide eyes. She'd take that as a 'no'.
Uttering a long sigh, Callie walked upstairs, with a crocodile, hedgehog, bee, and chameleon following close behind. She stopped in front of Eclipse's room, and leaned against the door to listen. Silence for a beat, then, a soft snore.
She cast Vector a raised eyebrow, before turning the knob and stepping into Eclipse's room. There, in the middle of the floor--and a mess created, no doubt, when the boy appeared and tried unsuccessfully to escape his prison--was the dog crate, with a sleeping darkling inside. He must have tired himself out.
Callie turned and shooed the rest of the group out, before opening the door of the crate and pulling her sleeping child out. Eclipse flinched slightly, but settled into a deeper sleep once she cradled him against her chest.
With another sigh, the librarian took a moment to dwell on just how strange her life had become.
Like this? Check out my other shorties. Reblogs are appreciated!
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writer-ish · 3 years
The 3rd Annual Bloom Edenbrook Fundraising Gala
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Brooke Spiers) Word Count: 2.9k Rating: Mostly T (innuendo, language, smooches)
Premise: Dr. Brooke Spiers and Dr. Ethan Ramsey get coerced into answering anonymous questions submitted by generous donors at this year's hospital fundraising gala. They have about as much fun with it as you'd expect.
This idea is all thanks to THIS ASK from the lovely @lem-20. The concept and all questions are hers! Thank you, darling Leah! ♥️
Author’s Note: My first time with a mixed-media type post(!!!) and the writing part has been done almost script-style, similar to the "Not Yet Wed" questions courtesy of @jamespotterthefirst, which you can find HERE. Hope you all enjoy. 🥰
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Bonus Raffle
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SETTING - Diagnostics Office - 5:15 PM
TWO DOCTORS in formal attire sit across from one another. The male, DR. ETHAN RAMSEY, late-30s, devastatingly handsome, leans against a desk, arms crossed. The female, DR. BROOKE SPIERS, late-20s, charmingly attractive, sits on a larger table further away, legs swinging.
Ethan: I can't believe you talked me into this.
Brooke: [smirking] Why does this feel like deja vu?
Ethan: You know exactly why. You coerced me into the same sort of nonsense in your intern year for that magazine—whatever it was.
Brooke: Yeah, and remember how much publicity the hospital got that year? You're welcome.
Ethan: How can you be sure our "publicity" had to do with that article and not the fact that a first-year intern stole from a large pharamceutical company to administer an unapproved drug to—
Brooke: [hands up] Okay, okay, we get it. Regardless, you have to admit I was responsible for all the publicity. [grins]
Ethan: [can't help but grin back] Touche. [sighs deeply] Let's go home.
Brooke: Can't, babe. We're the main event.
Ethan: How did this even come about? Is there not some code of ethics against this sort of thing?
Brooke: [laughs] It's just staff and donors. All adults. We're showing that we're good sports and it's for a good cause.
Ethan: [grumbles] I don't know why people care so much about us.
Brooke: You don't? I mean, have you seen us?
Ethan: [dryly] And so humble, too.
Brooke: Lord knows you aren't with me for my humility.
Ethan: Indeed. [picks up a glass from the desk at his side, swirling the amber liquid] Well, I hope you're prepared.
Brooke: [amused] Prepared?
Ethan: You're used to me being reticent in situations like this and holding back? [downs the liquid in one shot] Not today.
Brooke: [wary] What does that mean?
DR. RAMSEY stands up, crossing the room towards DR. SPIERS until the latter is forced to open her legs to accommodate his presence. He braces a hand on either side of her, leaning forward until their lips are almost touching. Her face flushes. He notices, and a slow, lazy smile spreads.
Ethan: It means [kisses her slightly open mouth softly] I'm answering all their questions.
Brooke: [giggles nervously] All of them? But what if—
Ethan: [punctuating each word with a kiss] All. Of. Them.
He leans forward and captures her mouth in a deep, searing kiss. Her arms twine around his neck and she lets out a soft moan. Drawing her ankles around his legs she pulls him even closer and he places one hand on the desk as the other glides up her back. They stay like that, interlocked for a moment, before he pulls away.
Brooke: [eyes still closed] Hmph.
Ethan: Let's go get this over with.
Brooke: [slowly opens eyes and peers at him, disgruntled] What kinds of questions do you think people are submitting?
Ethan: Like you said, Dr. Spiers... [a slow smile spreads] Have you seen us?
DR. SPIERS laughs as she follows DR. RAMSEY out.
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A.N. PLEASE do not look too closely at this very badly photoshopped pic 😂
SETTING - Bloom Edenbrook Hospital, Main Atrium - 6:25 PM
Our two doctors sit beside each other on a makeshift stage. A semi-recognizable third-year resident is the host for the evening. DR. RAMSEY dusts an imaginary piece of lint off his sleeve. DR. SPIERS has her hands in lap, knee shaking slightly. Noticing, Dr. Ramsey reaches over and rests his hand on her leg. She looks over with a small smile and places her hand over his.
Thank you to our very own Chief of Medicine, Dr. Ethan Ramsey, and his partner, head of the Diagnostics Team, Dr. Brooke Spiers, for being here with us today for a good cause. Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Spiers, are you prepared to answer some questions provided by our generous, anonymous donors?
Brooke: Sure, why not.
Ethan: [through gritted teeth] For a good cause.
Alright, excellent. I will be drawing these questions at random. Thank you to all who donated for the opportunity to submit a question.
Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Spiers, you will both be posed a question. If you choose to answer, you must both answer. If you choose not to, you must match the donation made by the donor, in lieu of a verbal response. Are you ready to begin?
Ethan: Mmm.
Brooke: [nervous laugh] I suppose.
Alright, here we go!
First question: If he/she could take one thing to a desert island what would it be?
Brooke: Me.
[Audience whoops and laughs]
Ethan: [can't hide his smirk, before clearing his throat] Brooke would take her phone. Heaven forbid she can't post about something on Pictagram.
Brooke: It's true. I'm sorry for being such a young millennial needy for external validation.
What are your nicknames for each other?
Brooke and Ethan: [look at each other. Brooke laughs.]
Ethan: Just say it.
Brooke: I mean, it's nothing too embarassing. I call him babe usually, or baby sometimes if I'm feeling extra nice. He calls me—[blushes and looks over at Ethan]
Ethan: [sighs] 'My love'. I call her 'my love'.
[Audience "awwww"s]
Who’s the better cook?
Brooke: Oh, Ethan. A hundred percent.
Ethan: It's true.
Brooke: I'm abysmal.
Ethan: Normally I would demur when it comes to Dr. Spiers' perceived faults, but in this case she's correct.
Brooke: Thanks, babe.
Ethan: You have many wonderful qualities that don't involve ovens, my love.
[A squeal from the audience that sounds suspiciously like Sienna]
Who has the last word in an argument?
[simultaneously] Brooke: Ethan Ethan: Brooke
[They look at each other]
Brooke: [laughs incredulously] Seriously?
Ethan: You think I don't hear you muttering to yourself after you walk away, almost every single time?
Brooke: Oh, so cursing your name and your very existence counts as the last word and not you shouting [affects deep voice] "And that's final!"? Duly noted.
Ethan: I don't sound like that or say that.
Brooke: Mm, sure.
Who is best at keeping secrets?
Brooke: Uh, neither of us?
Ethan: I had a secret once and it was hell keeping it.
Brooke: You've had a couple.
Ethan: True. I'm done with secrets.
Brooke: In lighter news, we kept [gestures between the two of them] this thing a secret for a bit. No?
Ethan: [opens his mouth to agree, when he's interrupted by a shout from the audience—]
Audience member that sounds suspiciously like Elijah: Nope! We all knew!
[Audience loudly murmurs in agreement]
Brooke: Never mind, then.
Who wears the trousers in the relationship?
Ethan: Neither of us subscribes to antiquated beliefs of superiority in a relationship. We're partners and teammates and work together accordingly. Sometimes she helps and guides me and sometimes I do the same for her. There is no one person who holds higher ground over the other and to imply otherwise would be foolish.
Brooke: [literal heart eyes at Ethan] What he said. [stage whisper] Except it's me.
[Audience laughs as Ethan rolls his eyes]
What is his/her worst habit?
Brooke: Workaholic, poor communication skills, yells first and asks questions later… I could go on.
Ethan: Charming. I have two words for you: messy packrat.
Brooke: Excuse me?
Ethan: If I had a nickel for every useless piece of garbage you kept "just in case" or for each article of clothing on the floor of my bedr—[clears throat] Just trust me.
Brooke: [smirks and whispers against Ethan's ear so only he can hear] Sorry, who is responsible for my clothes on the floor…?
Ethan: [says nothing but smirks as well]
[Audience murmurs in scandal]
What three words would you use to describe them?
Brooke: Hmm. Let me think.
Ethan: Passionate, caring, intelligent.
Brooke: [looks at him fondly] You came up with those fast.
Ethan: [matter-of-factly] I could give them ten more easily.
[Audience "awww"s]
Brooke: [to the audience] No, no, no don't be fooled, he doesn't mean only the flattering words, trust me.
Ethan: I believe it's your turn.
Brooke: Dedicated, compassionate, brilliant.
Ethan: [smiles softly at Brooke, who avoids his gaze. He reaches over and squeezes her hand.]
Brooke: [mutters] Yeah, yeah.
What celebrity do you/they think they most look like?
[Both Ethan and Brooke look at the announcer quizzically.]
Brooke: Celebrity? Uhh…
Ethan: I don't even know how I would begin to answer this question.
Brooke: Ryan Reynolds?
[Audience laughs and loudly disagrees]
Ethan: Who?
Brooke: [laughs and shakes her head] I don't know! I just named a random hot guy. You name a redhead actress. Jessica Chastain?
Ethan: [confused] Do you mean Jessica Rabbit?
Brooke: No I don't mean— [looks at him incredulously] Are you saying you think I look like Jessica Rabbit?
Ethan: No, I thought that's what you were saying and I was about to tell you how incorrect you were. Er, that is to say—
Brooke: I feel like you're digging yourself into a hole here.
Ethan: Agreed.
Who is the most vain?
Ethan: Both of us have more pressing concerns than our physical appearance.
Brooke: Ethan.
Ethan: [splutters]
Brooke: If you're going based off who spends more time on their hair in the bathroom? Ethan.
Ethan: [crosses his arms and glowers, but doesn't disagree]
What is his/her guilty pleasure?
Brooke: Ethan's is cooking shows, particularly Nigella.
Ethan: It's true. Brooke's is high calorie indulgences like—what's the freezer cake you made me buy the other day? With no identifiable or even passably edible ingredients?
Brooke: Ooh, Deep 'n Delicious. So good.
Ethan: [rolls eyes] Yes, because we all need our daily dose of hydrogenated oils and preservatives.
If they had a free pass, which celebrity would they choose to sleep with?
[Look at each other blankly]
Brooke: Uhh… Nigella?
Ethan: This Ryan Reynolds fellow?
Brooke: [laughs] I don't even like him!
Ethan: So who, then?
Brooke: [crosses her arms] I notice you didn't deny Nigella.
Ethan: This question is stupid. Next question.
Where and when did you go on your first date?
Brooke: Derry Roasters
Ethan: What? No. I took you to Sorellina—
Brooke: What, three years after we first met? No. Our first date was Derry Roasters when you caught me following you that time.
Ethan: Ah, so she finally admits it. I thought at the time I was… what was it, "paranoid"?
Brooke: [laughs only a touch guiltily] Did I say that?
Ethan: So you're treating the first time you trailed after me to the local coffee shop as our first date?
Brooke: Well, you paid.
Ethan: Yeah, after you "forgot" your wallet.
Brooke: What, you thought I pursued you for your good looks? No, sir. I like a man with deep pockets. Plus, you know how I know it was a first date?
Ethan: Please, enlighten me.
Brooke: You ordered for me and I didn't get annoyed and it was horrible, but I still drank the whole thing.
Ethan: The espresso Romano is not horr—
Brooke: Horrible. Coffee and lemon? [shudders] That's how I knew I was into you.
Ethan: [intrigued] Really? Way back then?
Brooke: [nods, blushing slightly, and rolls her eyes] Oh brother, don't act so shocked. You knew.
[Audience laughs and whoops]
Ethan: [shell-shocked face showing he absolutely did not know]
Where was your first kiss?
Brooke: [sheepishly] Miami.
[Audience murmurs in surprise]
Ethan: [sighs] Yes.
Brooke: Is that—are Harper and Naveen exchanging money?
Naveen: [from the audience] Dr. Emery should know better than to question my instincts!
Ethan: [loudly groans] Next question.
Who is the loudest in bed?
Brooke: [yelps and, remembering Ethan's earlier warning, throws her hand over his mouth]
Ethan: [from behind her hand] You probably could have made the answer less obvious.
Brooke: [blushes and groans]
[Audience roars its approval]
Which of your friends do you think he/she is most likely to have a crush on?
Brooke: Ohhh, this is awkward.
Ethan: My friends?
Brooke: Considering we can list your friends on one hand…and some of them intersect with mine. [bites lip] What do we do with this one?
Ethan: [to the host] What did the donor pay?
Ethan: To submit this question. How much?
Oh, uhh—[checks] $200.
Ethan: I'll write you a cheque for $200. Next question.
Brooke: [shakes her head laughing] All the questions, huh?
Ethan: At my discretion, yes.
Bryce: [from the audience] You know the answer was me for both of you, anyway!
Ethan: [scoffs] Fat chance, Lahela.
Brooke: [pointedly silent, staring straight ahead]
Ohh-kay. Next question. Who had feelings first?
Brooke: Ha, me. For sure.
Ethan: Are you sure?
Brooke: [looks at him incredulously] I just told you I liked you even after you bought me lemon coffee at Derry Roasters three years ago. [sits up to look at him more fully] No chance you liked me earlier than that. I mean, like-liked me.
Ethan: "Like-liked you"? Are we twelve?
Brooke: You know what I mean. You were such a grouch and I was just your annoying intern.
Ethan: [irritatedly] The annoying intern I kissed in Miami, what, a week later? Is that how obvious my lack of feelings for you were?
Brooke: [opens her mouth to respond and then closes it again]
Ethan: That's what I thought.
Who’s more dramatic?
Brooke: Ethan.
Ethan: I am absolutely not—
Brooke: See? Honestly, he's exhausting.
Ethan: [glowers]
Who has the weirdest orgasm face?
Brooke: Weirdest?
Ethan: Oh for the love of—
$5000 to not answer this one, doctors.
Brooke and Ethan: [jaws drop simultaneously]
Brooke: Someone paid five-thousand dollars—
Ethan: What kind of a pervert—? Fine, say it's me.
Brooke: It's really not.
Ethan: [quietly] Well, it's certainly not you.
Brooke: Yeah, but—
I believe we have our answer!
Ethan: We'll take it. Next!
What are you most likely to argue about?
Ethan: Brooke believes I could be more communicative about my feelings, especially when I have a problem.
Brooke: You do listen!
Ethan: Of course. We also argue about when she's going to move in with me.
[Audience gasps and murmurs in gleeful scandal]
Brooke: [jaw drops] Ethan!
Ethan: It's true. [turns to host] I believe it should have already happened. She believes she needs to maintain a tenuous hold on a bedroom she rarely occupies for a group of roommates who would be happy for her to move on.
Brooke: [fuming] Of all the high-handed—
Jackie, from the audience: He's right, girl, bigger and better awaits.
Brooke: [through gritted teeth, as Sienna, Ethan, and Aurora all nod and give her thumbs up] Maybe this is something we can talk about later—
Ethan: Whatever you say, my love.
Brooke: Oh, yeah, now with the "my love"s—
On that note! Here is our final question.
What’s the most romantic thing they’ve done for you?
Ethan: [looks at Brooke, who is still glowering] Most romantic?
Brooke: [glares]
Ethan: With Brooke, it's the little things. She'll notice when I'm having a bad day and bring me my favourite donut. Or a well-timed hand on my shoulder or knee when she can see I'm getting riled up.
Brooke: [glare softens a bit]
Ethan: She's thoughtful and kind and extremely empathetic. She knows what I need even before I know that I need it. It's not—candlelit dinners or what have you, but I've already prided myself on being a practical person and this intersection of—of practicality and care? That's what I find… [struggles to get the word out] romantic.
[Audience "awww"s]
Brooke: [screws up her mouth before leaning over to kiss Ethan on the cheek] Okay, that was sweet. [Thoughtfully] Most romantic thing Ethan has done for me? Well… [side-eyes him, before continuing] The HAZMAT suit sleepover last year was probably up there.
Ethan: [uncomfortable] I don't want that to be classified as—
Brooke: You were there for me at a time when I needed you most. If that's not romance, I don't know what is.
Ethan: [increasingly agitated] That's not romance, dammit, that's—that was a necessity. That was vital. I needed to be there. I needed to make sure you—that you—[cuts himself off, clenching his jaw]
Brooke: [eyes soft as she looks at him. Reaching out she rests her hand on top of his clenched fist until it unfurls slowly underneath hers and he releases his breath slowly] See? [softly] Romance.
Ethan: [sighs deeply, then links his fingers with hers and gruffly kisses the top of her hand] All this tells me is that I've neglected you on the "romance" side of things.
Brooke: [still smiling softly] No complaints. [looks out at the audience] Are we done here? [affects a deep voice] Are you not entertained?
Ethan: [fondly] And she says I'm the dramatic one.
I think we got what we needed, doctors. Thank you for helping out for a good cause. This raffle ticket session alone raised a total of $23,000 for Bloom Edenbook Hospital!
Ethan: [dumbfounded] That is insane.
Brooke: I promise we aren't that interesting.
The people beg to differ. Round of applause for Dr. Brooke Spiers and Dr. Ethan Ramsey for being such good sports. Until next time, doctors!
Ethan: [over thunderous applause] There absolutely won't be a next time.
Brooke: [laughs and stands up, smoothing out her dress]
Audience member that sounds suspiciously like Jackie: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
Rest of the audience chimes in: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
Brooke: [crosses her arms, smirking at Ethan]
Ethan: Oh for the love of— [acts like he's walking away, then loops an arm around her waist and pulls her close, tilting her back and kissing her thoroughly]
[Audience roars its approval]
Ethan: [pulls away slowly and sets her upright, chucking her chin with an affectionate and slightly devilish smirk. He starts to guide her away from the host and off the makeshift stage]
Brooke: [mutters, still a bit dazedly] Told you. Drama.
[Laughing, they walk off stage together.]
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
I'm doing a Haikyuu male reader next of my own devising since hoes don't want to request 🙄.Fyi i write smut, angst, and fluff just tell me yeah charcter, category and plot of you want.
Sukuna x Gojo x femReader
Tumblr media
Don't ask the time period i don't even know man😓😭 I'd like to say it's set in Africa during like the era when Japan still had emperor's.
Once again sorry I'm working so slow sometimes plots don't work and i have to restart.
But reciving the news of my teacher/second father's death this morning has urged me to bury myself in work.
Yokai Gojo and Sukuna
When they speak japanese it will be bold
Warnings: manipulation, behind the scenes murder, hidden angst
You were a fool for venturing out in the wilderness by yourself. Have you learned nothing from your grandmother?!
The sound of crows and cicadas vibrated around you as you walked through the forest. You were only out here for some berries, so how on earth did you get lost?
Your feet were bare and sore, and the sky was only getting darker as the sun lowered. Finally deciding that continuing to walk wouldn't help, you opt to climb a tree.
As you climbed further, you prayed that you wouldn't fall as numerous species of insects crawled throughout the tree and unfortunately on your hands and back.
Reaching a height great enough that you could see over the trees, you spot water in the distance. It was the river just east from your village and that was a promising sign that you weren't a complete idiot.
Climbing down the tree with less grace than you came, you head in the direction of the river, and soon the forest floor is shrouded in shadows as the sun finally sets. You hug yourself and press your arms close to your shaking body.
As you walked, you noticed warm light peeking through shrubbery ahead. You slowed your steps and walked with your feet at an angle. By some miracle, you avoided the sticks below you. "Wait till I tell father about this he'll have to let me hunt with him"
You grimace, "Assuming he'll let me leave home ever again after this" Thinking of your father put a sour taste in your mouth. The man loved you, truly, but the only way he deemed you safe is if you are at home all the time or if you are with your future husband at all times. One of which you were not ready for, and the other you'd rather not.
You got as close to the light as you could without being noticed, and crouched. Two men stood next to each other facing a fire in the opposite direction of you. Good, you could stay down wind. A rough voice spoke, but you were not able to understand the strange language he spoke.
They were tall and pale and the clothes they wore, was not of your region. The closest you could compare it to was the robes worn by the elders once they reached a certain age.
Their hair color was strange as well. The tallest one had hair the color of winter snow meanwhile the other's hair was pink like your mother's roses. They spoke more but you still couldn't understand what they were saying.
The one with white hair seemed familiar to you yet you couldn't quite place it. Either way, you didn't feel safe approaching them on your own so you decided to walk around.
You shift from one foot to the other and fall back on your bottom as something flies over your head. Looking behind, you saw a knife in a tree behind you.
"Screw this!" You whispered to yourself, taking off. You run blindly through the forest, jumping over fallen trees and on many occasions running on all fours when you fell down.
Fear should have been on your mind but all you could think of was how your mother would kill you when she saw the tears that were most likely forming on your clothes.
After you get a good distance, you stop and take in your surroundings. To your left, you gaze with wide eyes, at the reflection of the moon on the lake. Hopefulness filled your heart as you saw twinkling fire coming from your village in the distance.
You were finally home, is all you thought as you took a step forward. You freeze as a shiver goes down your spine and moments later, something wraps itself around your ankles, dragging you back into the dark forest.
You cover your face as you're dragged across the floor. It was a long while till you stopped and when you did, you found yourself back to the two men as they towered over you.
They looked down at you, well one did, the others eyes were covered and that scared you more than the man grinning sinisterly above you.
"Would you look at that, you got pretty far,, my vine couldn't even reach you till you stopped." The vine releases you and you quickly crawl back. "You should have kept running I love a good chase." The man with white hair grinned down at you, hands in the sleeves of his robe.
The pink haired man crouched in front of you, and you flinch as your see fangs flash in the fun light. "Demon." You whimper as you look at the smaller eyes surrounding his normal ones.
Black markings surrounded his face and down his chest that was strangely bare despite the cool air. "You like what you see?" While you couldn't understand him verbally, it was obvious that he was gloating.
You turn your face haughtily, "She doesn't speak Japanese." Gojo finally spoke up, looking at you with subtle interest. He recognized you from his visit to your village. Well it wasn't necessarily a 'visit' more like he watched from afar.
You had seen him before though, whether you knew it or not.
Gojo cleared his throat, "Can you tell us what you were doing in the bushes?" Your eyes widened at his ability to speak your language. While it was comforting, it was even more suspicious.
"I was going home, and your light caught my attention." You said calmly. It's best that they don't know you were lost. Your eyes darted to the pink haired man who stayed crouched in front of you.
He raises his hand towards you, and you swallow as his sharp nails come into view. "You're a pretty little thing aren't you?" You resist the urge to slap his hands away as he uses the back of his finger to caress your cheek.
These men are dangerous, one clearly more reckless than the other. All it took was one wrong move and you'd be on the receiving end of that danger. "I would like to be on my way, sorry for bothering you."
You stand up and take a few steps back. A warm chest stops your retreat and you look up to see the white haired man standing behind you. "What's the rush, can't we have a little fun? Look, if you entertain us a bit, we'll walk you home." The pink haired man said in a singsong voice.
You shook your head and walked around the white haired man. "No thank you, it's not that far." The white haired man shrugged and watched you walk away. "We really gonna let a good piece of ass like that go?" Sukuna grumbled as he watched the darkness swallow your form.
Gojo placed his hands behind his head, "She'll be back don't worry."
You walked in the direction you had before, but it seemed as if you were no closer to leaving the forest like before. You climbed a tree and saw the river once again and walked towards it. But it seemed as if you were truly making no moves towards it whatsoever.
After a while of sitting in the nerve racking darkness, you walk back in the direction of the men, hoping they haven't left yet. It was against your better judgement, but they were the only option you had left.
To your luck, they hadn't left and were tending to their own flames. When you came back into view, they looked up at you. And you tried to ignore the rose haired man's knowing smirk.
The white hair man, that you have come to trust more than the other, waved at you slightly as you got closer to the fire. "I thought you were going home?" You shrugged your shoulders embarrassed.
"I got lost." Both men humed with mock concern. The pink haired man walked towards you loosely. "That's not good, I'm sure your family is worried sick." You nodded absent-mindedly. An arm is slung around your shoulder and you lean into it, basking in the warmth.
"Well we can't have that now can we Gojo?" The pink haired man looked at the man next to you, Gojo. "No I don't think I'd be able to sleep easily if I left you alone, how about you Sukuna."
If one were to have looked up. One would have noticed a strangeness to the sky above. Almost as if being covered by a bubble the sky closed and got considerably darker.
A barrier. After all, wouldn't want anyone to hear you scream.
"So do you promise to entertain?" Sukuna held out his hand and you looked at it. The black lines wrapping around his arms seemed to move but you summed it up to being a truck of the light. "What kind of entertainment?"
Gojo squeezed your shoulders and you shivered as his warm breath brushed against your ear. "Nothing you won't enjoy as well, we're all adults here aren't we?" You could feel your face warm at the implications. "I-I don't think I can do that."
You go to stand and the barrier above stops. "Aw what a shame." Sukuna turns back around as if heading to sit down but stopping. "But how will you get home!?" You furrow your berries, weren't they still going to take you?
Gojo noticed your face, "Ah, my dear this is a world of give and take. So I'm afraid we can't do things without a price. But if you feel better off on your own figuring your way through the dark woods, then we respect your decision."
You didn't want to do that and they both knew it.
"What do you want in return?" Gojo and Sukuna shared a look with each other. Your eyes widened as Gojo's hand trailed down your back, drawing circles when it got just above your butt. "Just a little pleasure…mixed with a little pain." Sukuna's teeth shined in the fire's light.
"Pain?! Out here?!? No, anyone could see!" You stood up, Gojo following suit. He had yet to say anything but knew Sukuna could handle it.
Like a snake, the tatted man came close to you and held your chin as one arm wrapped around your waist. "Oh calm down sweet cheeks, a little pain never hurt anybody." He leaned forward closer to your neck and you suck in a breath as you feel him nibble on your earlobe. "I'll make sure of it."
Gojo pressed against your back, "Don't worry about being seen." He clicked his fingers and suddenly you found yourself shrouded in darkness. In the middle of said darkness, was a large bed with a bright sourceless light glaring down at it.
Hands are on you in an instant, and you are pulled into the bed with Sukuna behind you and Gojo in front.
Because you were only wearing short bottoms, your legs were easily accessible. Hot wet kisses are layed on your caves as Gojo travels up your body.
Sukuna was less attentive. Taking your face in a harsh grip and kissing you roughly. You squeaked as his thumb nail pierced your cheek. A red red stream of blood falls down your cheek and Sukuna laps it up like a starved animal.
"Be gentle with her." Gojo tutted at his rude counterpart who only scoffed. "Why should I when breaking them is the best part?!" Your neck was gripped tightly and forced you to watch Gojo nip at your clothed thighs. "You like that don't you?" You shook your head embarrassed as Gojo's hands went behind you, cupping your ass.
He skillfully massages them before tugging your pants down. "You're moving too damn slow Satoru."
Sukuna's rough voice made you turn as it vibrates against the shell of your ear. "Patience, wouldn't want to hurt them." "That's the point as far as I'm concerned."
Sukuna puts his hands under your shirt and goes to cup your small chest. "I usually prefer mine with a little more here but I guess you'll have to do." Your body twitches as Sukuna mercilessly pinches and pulls at your nipples till they became puffy.
You close your eyes as you feel Gojo's warm mouth cover your pussy. His tongue played with your lips before pushing farther. You were beyond wet at this point and his tongue was simply sinful.
Sukuna was starting to feel ignored, so it was no surprise when he made it known. He pushes at Gojo's head with his foot before turning you around to face him on your knees. Fingers swipe over your lips before trailing up to your head.
You wince as his fingers curl into your fro, pulling your face to his crotch. "Why don't you put that pretty mouth of yours to use?" You fumble clumsily with the soft cloth of his robes before finally finding the prize. You lost all nerve when you saw how thick it was.
Forget going inside of you, you doubt it could even fit in your mouth. Sukuna pressed your face closer, urging you to start. You stick your tongue out hesitantly and collect the salty fluids dripping out of the tip. Just from that small simulation, Sukuna groans lowly.
Gojo had long since resumed his meal, and the sounds leaving his mouth was obscene. You couldn't see it but Sukuna watched with curious eyes as Gojo's face developed into a bit of a red color as he pressed his mouth against you.
Faint whimpers could be heard from him and the vibrations shook your core the louder he got. "Hey Satoru what's with that face, you're moaning like a bitch." Gojo doesn't respond as he grips your thighs harder. Sukuna pressed your face closer to his dick and you have no choice but to take him in your mouth.
You bobbed your head as his hand guided you relentlessly. With his other hand, Sukuna leaned forward and tugged at Gojo's blindfold.
Gojo's face was just as lewd as the noises he made. His sky blue eyes were shining with unshed tears and Sukuna had never seen a man look as content. You stop sucking when something wet hits your lower leg.
Looking in between your thighs, Sukuna laughs as he sees Gojo helplessly humping the air as warm ropes of cum spurted from his exposed cock. Sakuna gripped Gojo's now limp hair and the snow blond man glared at him through his dazed eyes. "You really are a bitch aren't you?"
Gojo reached forward and gripped Sukuna's face just as harshly, "Yes but this bitch knows how to please a woman." With that, he kisses Sukuna, forcing his tongue past his lips and exploring his mouth.
You watched, mouth agape as the men showed such an intimate display of dominance. Sukuna's fingers trailed down your back as he tongue fucked Gojo. Gaining more dominance, Sukuna fluidly pushes Gojo back far enough that he could slip two of his fingers inside of you.
While it was uncomfortable due to his sharp nails, you couldn't help but get a thrill as they scraped against your walls. Sukuna jerks his head away, his ruby eyes flared with lust and confidence. "Let's see about that."
You find yourself on your back with your head hanging off of the bed as Sukuna takes place over you and Gojo stands above you. The white haired man was beyond red and his dick was fairing no better.
It was long and an angry purple, dripping with so much pre cum that it had made his dick slick and shiny.
As if under a spell you open your mouth and Gojo quickly slides inside, gripping the sheets next to your head tightly as he face fucks you. You gag profusely as the head relentlessly slides down your throat without stopping.
You bring your hands to grip his thighs to try and gain some bearing but that only spurs him on as his thrust became rougher, and the sound of you choking becomes rhythmic as drool collects in the corner of your mouth.
"What happened to treating her gently?" Sukuna smirks as he watches the skin around your neck bulge with each thrust. "S-Sorry, young lady, but your mouth is so fucking warm and tight." Gojo slows himself into a slow grind, tapping his fingers against the bulge in your neck. You finally get a chance to breathe through your nose.
Sukuna finger fucks you a little bit more, scraping his nails uncomfortably against the walls of your cunt. When he pulls them out, they are soaked and he licks his fingers clean, humming at the taste.
He positions himself at your entrance and pushes in without stopping. Your pained moan is muffled by the sound of Gojo's balls hitting your forehead but Sukuna still hears it and mutters out a quick apology as he goes slower. "Fu-ah~, what happened to breaking them?" Gojo said mockingly.
Sukuna glares before snapping his hips forward, sheathing himself completely inside of you. Your nails dug into Gojo's skin, and his hips stutterd as he moaned. Sukuna grips your chests and uses them for momentum as he opens you up on his dick. "For someone that was so reluctant, you sure are fucking wet down here."
Sukuna uses his thumb to circle your clit and your hips raised unapologetically from the shocks of pleasure. "Filthy little human." Sukuna laughed as he continued to play with your swollen clit.
Mixed with your lack of property oxygen, the boys running to your head, and the two sources of pleasure, your thighs shake and you cum around Sukuna's dick. He laughs darkly, speeding up his thrusts as he holds your limp legs in the air. "Yes, cum again. I want to feel your pathetic pussy squeeze my dick."
Gojo had stilled and was breathing heavily as he watched Sukuna disappear inside of you. "My turn." His still hard cock slips out of your mouth and you find yourself thrown into a coughing fit.
Sukuna begrudgingly switches spots with Gojo but takes joy in holding your head as he uses your mouth like a fleshlight. "Fuuuuuck. Perfect little mouth for me. I want you to swallow my cum wench!" You whined as Gojo pushes his cock inside of you.
It was longer than Sukuna's and you could already feel the soreness as the tip grazed against your cervix. Gojo adjusts your legs to rest on his shoulders as he folds you over.
The sensations are entirely too much as air is pushed out of you from the restricting position. The sensitive walls of your cunt both sucked and pushed Gojo's cock as he delivered deliberately slow strokes. "So messy down here." Gojo uses the palm of his hand to quickly swish at your clit.
Your brown legs tremble around your head and Sukuna uses this chance to grab your feet as leverage.
By now, your mouth had completely gone slack as he abused your throat, completely ignoring the scrape of your teeth around his shaft. "Fuck I'm gonna cum." Sukuna groans, speeding up. Gojo speeds up as well, "Shit me too, you better cum with me you two-faced bastard.!"
You grip the sheets for dear life and between you and me, you blacked out as the two filled your holes with milky cum. The tangling of body's unraveled and rested together as you all came down from your highs.
Well the boys did, you fell asleep.
They tuck you into the bed after Gojo changed the sheets. "So you said you can keep her in your zone?" Gojo nodded as he did his best to put your 4c hair into braids.
"Yeah, but what are we gonna do if she asks to go home." Sukuna smiled as he looked at his nails. Sinister later fills the empty abyss of Gojo's zone and the man looked boredly as Sukuna laughed.
"She can't go somewhere that no longer exists."
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fireblaze5555 · 4 years
Hi All! After discovering a love for the Kastle ship and reading numerous excellent fics about them I decided to give it a try myself. This is just a oneshot I thought of yesterday but I do have a full story I am working on at the moment.
This is explicit, sexual content and language so beware if you are not a fan of either of those!
You can also find it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23396581
Thanks for reading!
Title: Distance
Summary: Post TPS2, Karen gets injured chasing a lead, Frank finds her in bad shape, helping patch her up and also unwillingly dealing with his feelings for Karen.
Karen's hands were shaking and covered in her own blood. It seemed so much easier sewing someone else's skin together, hell, she had so much practice on Frank by now she should be a professional. An honorary nurse. As it was, she could barely thread the needle much less start to put herself back together. She was still bleeding pretty heavily, maybe she made a bad judgement call, not going to the hospital. But at the hospital they would ask a lot of questions and she couldn't afford that at this point. She had pushed a little too hard on the lead for this Smithson case and really didn't want to hear from Mahoney, once again, that if he caught her trespassing for information one more time he was going to have her locked up. He may actually mean it this time. Not to mention Matt would start with the preaching and she just didn't have the energy for it right now.
So there she sat, on the edge of her bathtub trying, for the sake of clean up later, to bleed into the tub and not on her floor. A knife wound on her side that she had to bend awkwardly to access and a needle with no thread clutched in her blood slicked hands. The blow to the head she had received exacerbating the lightheadedness from her blood loss. However, a last ditch effort to thread the needle was successful and she gave a quiet woop before having to steady herself, clutching the tub tightly with her free hand.
"Easy does it. I don't think Frank tips himself out of the tub every time he stitches himself up." The image made her giggle before she hissed, starting the first stitch.
Frank seemed to have a sixth sense when it came to Karen Page and trouble. He was working on cleaning his arsenal when he got that itch, an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. That's how he found himself at her door, getting ready to knock when he saw the smear of blood on the door handle. It wasn't a small amount, it looked as though a hand had been completely soaked with blood when it gripped the handle.
Cursing, he pushed the unlocked door open, his gun in hand. He scanned the room with the proficiency of a soldier before looking down and seeing the drips of blood, a morbid trail to the small bathroom of her apartment. Fear gripped his heart. It was too much blood. He didn't let the panic take over, still watching for potential threats and only once he had cleared the apartment did he enter the bathroom.
That's where he found her, painting her bathroom with her own blood. Her beautiful blonde hair was matted with a mix of dark red and fresh bright red at the temple. She was in a pair of jeans that she had opened the button on and a bra, her shirt discarded by the door. One small capable hand gripped the side of the tub while the other was braced against the shower wall, still holding a needle. She was slumped awkwardly and when Frank got to her side in a rush, he realized she was just barely conscious.
"Goddamn it Page. What the hell did you get into now?" He tried to sound scathing but he's pretty sure it came out softer and more panicked than he had intended. She gave a slight jump, her delicate brows coming together as she looked at him fuzzily, as if she couldn't decide if he was actually there.
Her voice was thick and quiet, "Frank?" He moved quickly, taking the needle out of her hand and dropping to his knees to inspect the wound on her side. It was deep, thankfully not deep enough to hit any organs but enough to bleed excessively.
She had managed to get several stitches in but still had several more to go. His voice was rough with restrained rage when he answered her, "Yeah, it's me. Want to tell me why you are bleedin' out in your bathroom?" Her eyes closed as he pushed the needle through her skin. He let the anger drain away all at once. He could be angry after, feed his bloodlust later. He needed to focus now. Putting as much authority into his voice as he could muster, Frank ordered, "Eyes open, Page." When she didn't comply he spoke louder, "Karen. Open. Your. Eyes." She did, sluggishly, turning her head to look down at him.
"Why are you in my bathroom?" Her voice confused but she followed his hands as he pulled another stitch through.
"See my previous statement about you bleedin' out in your bathroom." He grabbed some gauze from the open first aid kit and used it to dab away the blood that was now sluggishly seeping from the remaining open wound. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"
"Uh...someone hit me in the head pretty good with something. I'm not sure but I think I might have gotten a broken finger somewhere along the way too." She waved the hand closest to him around almost drunkenly and, sure enough, her pinky was at an odd angle. Snipping the string on the last stitch, Frank cleaned it up and smeared salve over it before putting a bandage in place.
He stood, ignoring the protest in his knees to look at her temple. Karen's large blue eyes followed him as he stood which nearly caused her to tip over the side. Frank had both hands on her quickly to steady her, raising an eyebrow when she let out a small laugh. Even in her disoriented state she must have sensed his look because she simply stated, "That's not the first time that has almost happened tonight."
There was a sizable bump on her temple just inside the hairline and a gash to go along with it. This one, thankfully, didn't look like it would need stitches and had stopped bleeding on its own. Carefully, Frank used fresh gauze to clean away dried and crusted blood before prodding gently at the area to check her skull for cracks. Karen hissed and made an unsavory comment about his lineage.
Despite himself, Frank let out a bark of laughter, "Now, now Page. That kind of abuse and I may have to take my nursing skills and go." He wouldn't dream of it. Lord knows how often she had dealt with his cranky ass, stopping by for help patching himself up. Bleeding all over this very bathroom. Hell, he considered it a privilege to be verbally abused by Karen Page.
Guilt twisted in his guts though when she grasped his hand, broken pinky and all and whispered quietly, "Please don't go." She wasn't looking directly at him but he could see the pain and grim acceptance she always had in her eyes when he made himself walk away.
Christ, he was an asshole. He should stay away for good but instead he keeps coming back, reopening their shared wounds every time he turns around and leaves again.
"Hey," he spoke quietly, his voice full of gravel. He rested a blood covered hand on her cheek before setting his forehead gently against hers, "I'm not going anywhere, yeah?"
A few small tears seeped from the corners of her eyes before he felt her give a slight nod. Giving his own nod, he set back to work. Looking over the rest of her, head, torso, arms and legs he didn't see any more injuries. That meant it was time to reset her pinky.
He switched back to business, feeling around the digit to sort out the best way to set it. "Alright Karen, I'm going to reset this finger. I'm gonna count, okay? On three. One..." He snapped it back in place as he said two, making her curse loudly. He showed up often enough with dislocated and broken fingers that there were splinting materials in the first aid kit as well. However, before he did that he wanted to get her cleaned up a bit.
Frank had her lifted from the edge of the tub and had her sitting on the toilet before Karen could register so she just sat there dazedly as he ran a shallow bath. When he turned back, she was still unsteady but he could see some of her usual alertness returning. He realized that the next step would be getting her clothes off and suddenly his handle on the situation slipped a bit. She needed to be cleaned up, less of a chance of infection and she would just feel better not being covered in blood and grime.
Frank had always been very careful about keeping that distance between them. Hell, they held so much intimacy between them without getting physical he was afraid of what would happen if those barriers were gone. He was terrified he wouldn't be able to make himself walk away after that.
This is not the time to be a brooding asshole, just help her get cleaned up idiot. She's your patient. Just another soldier needing some first aid. He told himself a lot of things to rationalize his thoughts when he was around Karen Page.
His voice was rough when he finally spoke, "We uh...need to get you cleaned up." Karen blinked at him owlishly for a moment before she reached the arm with all five working fingers behind her to unclasp the bra and let it fall to the bathroom floor. Frank was frozen in place for a second before mentally slapping himself into action. She had attempted to pull her jeans down but they were tight and blood loss had left her weak and uncoordinated.
Frank knelt again, this time in front of her and rested his hands on her waist, over her smaller hands. He couldn't seem to find the words but she read the question in his eyes. Even with a head wound she never missed anything with him.
Her voice was quiet as she rested a careful hand on his cheek, "It's okay Frank. It's not exactly how I imagined it would happen but it's okay." If he hadn't been so gobsmacked by that statement he would have laughed at how she managed to become even paler, despite blood loss, at her statement.
He did manage a small smirk, "Thought about it, have you Ms. Page?" Before he could stop himself he continued, "Yeah it's not how I would have hoped either." Fuck. He really hopes she didn't catch that.
He kept careful eyes on the bathroom tiles as he peeled the denim from her legs, taking her underwear with them. "Alright, stand up, real easy. I'll help you in." Karen stood, a touch too quickly and swayed unsteadily at her full height. Frank placed steadying hands on her, gaze involuntarily trailing down her body to assess potential injury from the movement.
He was struck dumb. Frank knew he shouldn't be ogling her in such a state but goddamn she was beautiful. The blood splashed across her body a stark contrast to her beautiful pale skin. Her long, graceful legs standing her at equal height to him, her long blonde hair laying over straight shoulders and determination in her crystal blue eyes. She looked like a valkyrie, straight from the battlefield, standing tall and proud before him. Karen Page was a survivor, a warrior. It's no wonder he couldn't stay away from her.
Before he did something stupid, like tell her she was most incredibly thing he had ever seen, he helped her lower herself into the tub. With a clean washcloth he began gingerly wiping the blood from her face before moving down her body. Carefully removing every bit of grime he saw. He placed another cloth over her bandaged side to keep the gauze from getting wet but he knew it was going to have to be changed either way. Once he was satisfied he'd removed the dirt and blood from her body he shifted his focus to her hair.
Thankfully her showerhead was detachable, so he drained the tub, pulling the showerhead down to wet her hair. Karen was pliable in his hands, shifting at gentle nudges or instructions from him. Her unwavering trust in him always astounded Frank. He didn't feel like he deserved it but she always offered it, no questions asked.
Eventually he had worked the last of the blood from her hair, shampooing it quickly before shutting the water off and pulling a large towel from the rack. Karen managed to look both rejuvenated and completely exhausted. He helped her stand, wrapping the towel around her shoulders.
"Can you dry yourself while I go get you some clean clothes?" When she gave a nod, Frank waited for just a moment to assess how steady she was on her feet. She was shaky but he wouldn't be gone long. He went straight to the drawer in her bedroom he knew she kept her sleeping clothes, wondering for only a moment when he became comfortable enough in Karen's apartment to know where she kept her things.
She had managed to dry herself for the most part but he could tell the effort had sapped what little energy she had left. Frank helped her dress as quickly as he could, careful of her injuries, rewrapping her side with a fresh bandage before sliding the shirt over her head.
Without preamble, he had an arm under her legs, the other supporting her shoulders as he bridal carried her to her bedroom. She made a noise in the back of her throat in protest. Good, she was coming back to herself little by little.
Frank was glad he had the foresight to pull back her covers when he came in for her pajamas because he was able to lay her down easily, pulling the covers back over her. Karen snagged his hand, meeting his eyes clearly for the first time that night.
Her voice was exhausted and quiet, "Thank you Frank. I'm sorry you had to do all this."
Frank didn't need a lot of things but he definitely never needed gratitude from her, he most certainly didn't deserve it, "Don't mention it. You've put me back together enough times I think I owe you this." He didn't mention that he would walk through Hell to get her bag for her if she asked him to. "Just get some rest."
She didn't let go of his hand, "Will you stay?"
He gave her hand a light squeeze, mindful of her splinted finger, "I'm not goin' anywhere. Rest."
"I mean will you stay in here with me?" Her voice was even quieter, like she felt she was asking too much of him. His brain screamed at him that he shouldn't do this, he would be closing that distance even more, succumbing to his weakness for her. His body, the traitorous prick it was, had already sat on the corner of the bed to strip off his boots and socks. The gun he had tucked in the back of his waistband rested on the nightstand by the opposite side of the bed and his shirt draped over the footboard. He slid in next to her with his pants still on. They were damp from helping her bathe but he didn't mind.
She rolled, looking at him with tired eyes, he saw the aching question in them as he tucked some hair behind her ear, "I'll be here when you wake up. You can tell me how you got in this shape in the morning." His voice was gruff and he found he was tired as well as the adrenaline drained from him.
Karen gave him the sweetest smile, a mix of relief, gratitude, affection and something so profound he couldn't bring himself to name it. But it made his heart ache in the most terrifying and exhilarating way. Who knew the Punisher could be brought to his knees with a pretty smile from a beautiful blonde. Of course he knew that not just any pretty blonde would do.
"Yeah, yeah, don't think being cute will keep you from telling me everything tomorrow." He tried to hide the tightness in his throat by pulling her flush against him, mindful of her injuries. She huffed out a laugh and it sounded like she attempted a reply but it turned into a light snore before she could finish.
Frank lay completely still, letting the weight of her head on his shoulder ground him. He thought back to a time several months ago when he was lying in a hospital bed and Karen held his hand. A time when he pushed her away with what little strength he had left. A time when he told her he didn't want to find someone else to love.
As he lay there with her pressed against him, her breath sliding over his collarbone, reaffirming her life to him, Frank heard his own words echoing around in his head, 'I don't want to.' He vividly remembers the flash of pain and defeat on her face before it turned into frustration. He was good at letting her down. But she believed him, because Frank didn't lie to her. She was very clear that was something she appreciated most, honesty. Of course, the whole gesture was wasted when a couple of months later they crossed paths again, and just as it always happens with them, they stayed in each other's orbit.
What Karen didn't know is that, while he absolutely did not lie to her, Frank was proficient at lying to himself. He told himself he didn't want to but lying here with her curled around him shook Frank to his core. That distance he so carefully crafted between them had disintegrated in a single blood soaked night and what he was going to do with that knowledge, he had no idea.
Frank woke to a deep ache in his shoulder, his arm asleep and Karen stirring awake beside him with a groan. He had slept fitfully, waking up periodically to check on Karen. He had enough concussions in his life to know how serious they could be so it wasn't until the first rays of light started to come in through the window did he finally fall into a deeper sleep.
With concentrated effort, Frank pulled his arm gently from under her and made his way to the bathroom. He was back in a matter of minutes holding a couple of tylenol and a large glass of water. Karen was squinting in the morning light, she took the glass of water and watched as Frank made his way back around the bed to lay on top of the covers.
She placed the medication carefully on her tongue before downing half of the water. Her voice was hoarse when she spoke, "Did you sleep in jeans the whole night?"
Frank raised an eyebrow at her as he laid back reaching an arm over his head to bury it under the pillow. He did his best to ignore the liquid hot gaze Karen trailed over his bare torso before he answered, "Maybe I like sleeping in denim." He didn't but if he woke up with/ended up with a hard on while in bed with her, it would be much easier to hide with jeans on. Besides, the hot look she had just given him paired with her bed head and flimsy tank top, he had made the right choice.
Karen gave a hard scoff but cut it off quickly with a wince as she sat up against the headboard. She took assessment of her own body, feeling gingerly around the cut on her temple, lifting her shirt to prod gently at the bandage there and finally looked over her splinted pinky. Finally she said tiredly, "I feel like someone tossed me off a building, my everything aches."
That reminded Frank that he had not yet gotten an explanation out of her as to what happened the night before. "What did happen Karen?" Her eyes shifted away from his quickly. Frank was having none of it, he leaned down to catch her eyes and looked at her expectantly.
With a sigh, Karen rubbed a hand over her face. Her voice was steady as she recounted her evening. "I went to a factory on the east end for a case we are working on. It's a clothing factory and one of the workers came to Nelson, Murdock and Page to file an unsafe work environment lawsuit. He had been injured due to improper maintenance on the machinery. So I went down last week to ask some questions for the case." She gave him a rueful smile, "They weren't exactly happy to see me. Wouldn't even let me in the door and had some choice words for me as a I left. So of course, I went back last night to see what they were hiding."
Frank clicked his tongue but didn't comment. Karen eyed him irritably before continuing, "I knew there was something else going on. They reacted too strongly for it simply to be negligence on machinery maintenance so I spoke to one of the night guards and convinced him to let in to look around a bit."
Frank was drawn in as he always was when Karen talked about a case she was working on. Her eyes always lit up with determined fire and her passion rekindled a little bit of his dead soul as she filled him in on the details.
"I was looking for the maintenance records when I came across a file that listed very generic products, something that this particular factory shouldn't be dealing with, so I went to the storage facility to check it out." The way she paused to take a drink of water told him he probably wasn't going to like this next bit. "When I got there, there were firearms everywhere. I mean, some big money, definitely not legal firearms. I took a few pictures and was about to leave when, uh..when someone grabbed me."
Frank was scowling, he knew he was but it didn't slow her down, "One of them hit me pretty hard," she gestured loosely to her temple, "I think it was a billy club or something. I managed to get away from him but the guard that let me in was at the door waiting." Now she was scowling, "Dickhead. I pulled out my gun but they managed to grab me again. Somewhere in the struggle I got my pinky caught. I was kinda out of it from where they hit me but I'm pretty sure I winged one of them with a bullet which made everybody take a step back. That gave me enough time to book it out of there. I guess adrenaline kept me moving for the most part cause I was halfway back here when I realized I had been stabbed. I didn't realize how bad it was when I decided to patch it up myself, it was hard to check while I was driving." She looked like she had more to say but paused when she looked at his face.
Before she could continue he said roughly, "You know, if you knew it was something suspicious you should have given it to Red. Or me. We could have looked into it."
The glare she set upon him was so fierce it made his breath catch. He knew he was going to regret that statement but, god, that look was exhilarating. Her voice was sharp, "I was already there, I could handle it. I can take care of myself Frank."
He knows she can, he never made the mistake of underestimating Karen Page. So many often did, among them was a dead man and another behind bars, hopefully for life. It didn't mean she couldn't ask for help. Damn stubborn woman.
Frank figured she was already fired up, why not stoke it, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Yeah, right, you really had it covered last night. The morning light really shows how well you took care of yourself, 31 stitches in your side, a broken finger and a busted up head. I'd say you really had it under control." He let a bit of his earlier anger bleed into his voice.
"That's really rich coming from you Frank. You've definitely never showed up here beat all to shit after running headlong into something." Her lip was drawn up in a snarl, a little color had risen to her cheeks, not that she had much to spare after last night but he was a master of bringing up her ire.
Frank shook his head sharply coming up to his elbow to face her more fully, his voice growing rough with intensity, "Yeah, Karen, I get beat to shit, that's my job, that's what I do. You-,"
"THIS is my job Frank! It's what I do!" She put heavy emphasis on 'I' to fire his words back at him, "I was there doing my job. I'm not going to sit behind a desk and pretend like stuff like this isn't happening around me! No, it's not safe but it has to be done and I am not going to be sorry about that." She was leaning towards him, breathing heavy, her full lips parted still as her clear blue eyes burned with hellfire.
Christ, this woman was going to be the death of him and what a sweet death it would be. Before he realized what he was doing, Frank had a hand around the back of her neck, burying his fingers in her long hair and cradling her skull. He jerked her towards him and covered her mouth with his, devouring her anger.
Karen didn't miss a beat, matching him at each turn of his head. He let out a rumbling groan when she gripped his deltoid to steady herself before nipping and licking at his bottom lip. Frank opened his mouth and then her sweet tongue was sliding over his and he was lost.
He surged forward, pushing her back as gently as he could, still conscious of her injuries. She made the most beautiful keening sound as he trailed down her jaw then her neck with dragging kisses and nips. Frank had half covered her with his own body when he reached the neckline of her tank top with his mouth. Resting his chin on her sternum he looked up at her, lips swollen and red, breathing hard and obvious desire in her eyes. He almost didn't recognize his own voice when he spoke, and he had to force the words out like they were jagged glass, "We should stop, you just got attacked, injuries are still too fresh."
Karen brought a soft hand to his face, giving him a small smile before sliding her hand up into his hair and giving it a rough tug, she had his undivided attention, her voice low with need and so sexy he now regretted opting to keep his jeans on, "We should most definitely not stop." To punctuate her point she pulled her tank top from under him before pulling it over her head. She winced when it stretched her stitches but gave him a challenging look.
He really should push back harder. Re-establish the distance he needed to have between them, let her know how bad of an idea this was but as he set his mouth to work on one of her perfect breasts he couldn't bring himself to do it. Frank nipped and sucked at one dark pink nipple roughly while his hand worked the other breast over, feeling the weight of it in his palm. Her hip was pressed into his erection and as she squirmed under his ministrations it caused him to let out a low moan into her skin.
She wasn't in any better shape, letting out gasping moans with every tug of his mouth, her hand still in his hair, dragging over his scalp slowly which only fed his growing need. He rocked his hips into her seeking the glorious friction it granted him before he released her nipple with a wet pop. He surveyed his handiwork for a moment, little red marks mottled her pale skin from his teeth and lips, he growled in satisfaction. Sure, maybe it made him caveman to be so turned on by leaving his mark on her but goddamn, she looked so good under him. Despite his alpha male bullshit, he knew he was only able to do this because she allowed it. Karen Page wasn't one to be owned or controlled but she allowed him this and it made him want her even more. If that was even possible.
Pulling the blanket off of her, he rolled himself between her legs. Frank laved a slow kiss to her sternum before slowly working his way down, looking up at her through his lashes as he went. She never broke eye contact with him but he saw and felt every breath hitch in her chest with every new kiss to her abdomen. He reached her waistline, the hands he had been slowly running down her sides stopped at the swell of her hips but his thumbs continued little circles, dipping below the elastic of her sweatpants from time to time.
"You sure about this?" He wanted to kick himself, he'd rather run himself through than stop now but if Karen didn't want to continue he would not hesitate to step away. "If you want me to stop, you just gotta say it, yeah?"
A little bit of mirth flared in her eyes behind the desire, "This is more how I imagined it happening."
Frank let out a low chuckle before sliding his large hands around her hips, under her waistband to firmly grip her ass. He drug his teeth over a now exposed hipbone making her moan prettily. As he began sliding her pants down he growled into her skin, "Yeah this is more what I was hoping for too."
He slid her pants past her feet, kicking his off in the process. He let out an almost imperceptible sigh when his cock sprung free of the confines of his pants. Karen had her bottom lip drawn prettily between her teeth as she took him in, when she realized he was commando she raised an eyebrow at him.
He settled back between her legs, running his tongue up her inner thigh before he mumbled into the crease where her leg met her body, "I had a bad feeling last night so I showered quick and threw on some clothes before I came over without really thinking." She let out a slow gasping laugh but it cut off to a sharp intake of air when he ran the flat of his tongue over the seam of her pussy.
"God Frank." The breathy way she said his name made his heart stutter in his chest before he began to devour her. She tasted as sweet as she smelled and it was a humbling experience, going down on Karen Page. One he never thought he would have the privilege of experiencing. He intended to take full advantage. He brought one of her long legs up over his shoulder pressing the calloused hand on that side into the flat of her stomach. He felt every flex and twitch in her abdomen move in time to the attention he was giving her clit.
He nipped and teased, listening to her moans amp up before slowly pushing a finger into her. Frank let out a rough moan when he felt how wet she was, he was nearly dizzy with the heady feel and taste of her. He added another finger, pumping both into her in a steady rhythm. Karen had a hand fisted in the hair at the crown of his head and when he glanced up at her he felt his ego swell a little. Among other things. Her head was thrown back against the pillow and she could only get gasping pleas past her lips.
"Please, I'm so close...fuck." Her hips were lifting to meet his strokes so Frank began curling his fingers, giving a few firm licks to her clit before sucking hard. He felt her body go rigid just as he felt her clamp down over his fingers and then she was falling apart around him. It was one of the most beautiful things he has ever seen. Frank rutted into the bed a few times just to relieve the incredible pressure that had built up.
Karen slowly came down with heaving breaths, she placed a gentle hand to her bandaged side but otherwise didn't show any pain. He didn't miss the gesture though. Climbing up her body, careful to keep most of his weight off her he gave her a languid kiss. She hummed appreciatively into his mouth, wrapping both hands around his neck. After a moment he pulled back, asking softly, "Are you alright? Didn't hurt your side did I?"
She prevented him from pulling away, keeping her hands locked around his neck before she rolled her hips into his arousal. Frank's eyes closed as he drew in a ragged breath. Karen's voice was low and sultry when she answered, "I'm way more than alright." She kissed and nipped at the underside of his jaw, raising her hips again until she felt him at her entrance.
Frank was wrecked, every muscle taut with hard won self control but before he could say anything, Karen cut him off, "If you ask me if I'm sure, I will personally shoot you with your own gun. Don't make me wait any longer than I already have Castle."
He settled his hips lower, bracing himself on his elbows while he ran a line of kisses from the juncture of her neck to the shell of her ear, "Yes, ma'am."
And then he was sinking into her. She keened in his ear as he fought hard to control the urge to slam into her. She was hot and slick, cinched around his dick like she was made just for him. "Fuck, Karen, you feel so goddamn good." Once he was fully seated against her he paused. She turned her head to look at him, her crystal blue holding his coffee brown eyes and it seemed like everything stood still.
There wouldn't be distance between them anymore, they both knew that. He was fooling himself if he thought he could walk away from her for good. A flurry of unsaid words passed between them in that gaze and after a moment Frank gently rested his forehead to hers, closing his eyes to the bliss as he began to move inside her.
In the beginning he wanted to slam into her, be rough, re-affirm that they were both still alive despite their attempts to the contrary. But suddenly the urgency was gone and he savored the slow drag of her walls against him. Their breaths mingled as they stayed close together, every once in a while he would twist his hips just right and she would gasp, rewarding him with a dragging kiss across his lips.
He felt the telltale tingling in his spine, Karen felt so exquisite around him, he knew he was going to be able to last much longer. Especially not with the way she was dragging her nails down his back so deliciously.
Frank sat up, pulling her hips to him. He braced her with one arm to, hopefully, keep from jostling her side too much and his other hand moved to run an urgent thumb over her clit. He snapped his hips forward.
"Frank. Fuck, do it again." Anything for her. He pulled out slowly before slamming back into place, his thumb keeping pace all the while. Another tantalizing pull and then he was bottomed out inside her again. Karen had been running her hand down his chest when her orgasm hit her. She gave a breathy scream, sinking her nails into his hips as he snapped them into her again.
Watching her come undone ruined the rest of Frank's control. He slammed into her in quick succession, leaning back over to press his head to hers. It was only a few strokes before he was spilling into her with a low growl, his hands buried in her hair on either side of her head, holding it in place. As he came down he realized her hands were gently stroking his jaw, her eyes were wet and her mouth was set in an adoring watery smile.
Frank's chest ached. He told himself he would never feel this again. That he didn't deserve it and he still believes he doesn't. But it didn't change the fact that he felt it.
Instead of telling her everything that was roiling around in his head, 'You're incredible. I don't deserve this and definitely don't deserve you. You're the strongest person I know. I fucking love you.', he gave her a long, slow kiss. Trying to put everything he was thinking into it, hoping she understood him with this like she did with everything else.
When he pulled back, her smile was no longer watery but firmly in place as she ran gentle fingers from his brow bone, down his cheek to cup his jaw. She understood him, she always did.
Frank helped her clean up in bed before checking her stitches, thankfully none pulled. He settled back in beside her. She nestled back against him much like last night this time resting a hand over his heart. He had his larger hand over hers, absentmindedly running a thumb over her wrist.
Her sleepy voice filtered up to him, she was still low on blood and the exertion of their activities left her exhausted. "You'd better be here when I wake up, Frank. And then you should feed me."
He laughed low in his chest, watching a slow smile form on her lips. His voice rumbled quietly, "I'll be here. I'll feed you if you're nice. Get some rest, Page." She huffed out a laugh before he breathing evened out.
As she slept, Frank prepared himself for the next row they would have before long. He had every intention of finding and killing the men who attacked her. He was still the Punisher after all and his retribution was swift. She probably already knew it was going to happen, the arguing about it was just a formality at this point.
Resting his cheek against her hair he began to doze off as well. Last night he wasn't sure what he was going to do with the knowledge that there was no more distance between them. Today, he knew he was going to use it to love Karen Page.
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I found this post and I really love the prompt so it goes like this "you're unfairly good at everyhting but I'm strong enough to carry you bride-style and this for some reason renders you speachless" I'm sorry it's not a nermaid thing.
It doesn’t have to be a mermaid thing! You’re good! I just thought it would be On Theme for the month dfshgdfg
ANYWAY YES THIS IS A TOP-TIER PROMPT it’s,,, Kirishima @ Bakugou tbh
so um. it might have taken a while to write this but have like, a whole 4k fic? i don’t know how to drabble,, apparently,,,
Eijirou was in love.
Okay, well, maybe that was a little over-exaggeration of his feelings. Maybe it was being dramatic - especially since he wasn’t actually with the object of his affections (yet) - but dramatic suited his would-be suitor.
Or, Eijirou thought. Am I the suitor?
It wasn’t like he was actively persuing anything… Whatever, the point was that Eijirou was desperately in love with one Bakugou Katsuki, his long-time best friend and the owner of his entire heart and most of his soul. And who could blame him? Bakugou was perfect.
It might not be an opinion that everyone shared of the blond bombshell. He was prickly and wore an almost permanent scowl. He was the grumpiest, grouchiest bastard that Eijirou had ever met. He swore liberally, was unapologetically self-confident almost to the point of arrogance, and he exploded stuff. He’d been even worse when he was younger.
The thing was, as Bakugou’s best friend, Eijirou saw the other side of him, too. Where Bakugou’s walls were raised high around him, he’d carved out a small door for Eijirou and a few of their closest friends to let them in.
Where most saw Bakugou as a unfriendly and standoffish guy, Eijirou saw the introverted young man who was shy and just didn’t want to admit it. Where most heard the blistering language that rolled off of Bakugou’s tongue, Eijirou heard the Bakugou who was bad with words and at a loss for how to really express himself. Bakugou was way more into physical expression than verbal. He didn’t like to talk about feelings or ‘gross sappy shit like that’.
Most people didn’t bother trying to get through Bakugou’s walls to see the part of him that really, truly cared about people. It had been a stunted, shrivelled sort of thing when Bakugou had started at UA. Now, five years later and two into actual hero work, it was like a tree in full bloom. Bakugou cared, in his own way.
His drive was unparalleled. Once Bakugou Katsuki set his mind on something, god, he was gonna get it. Eijirou didn’t doubt for a second that he’d snag the Number One Hero spot at some point in his career. Bakugou inspired Eijirou, he always had.
Bakugou was also absolutely, mind-bendingly smoking hot. Which, you know, that didn’t hurt Eijirou’s attraction to him one bit.
One of the things that Eijirou found most appealing about his friend was his sheer level of competency. In like, any situation. Eijirou would think that maybe they were stuck on something - in a hopeless situation, on an investigation, anything, really - and then Bakugou’s face would do the thing. He’d get one of his special thinky-faces on, the one that meant he was trying to remember something. Then his eyes - bright and shiny and the most gorgeous deep red - would widen slightly as he pulled on all the strings inside his head and found himself weaving up a thought.
Bakugou would bark out a laugh, one of Eijirou’s favourite Bakugou laughs because this one meant I’ve got it, we’ve won, and proceed to obliterate whatever their obstacle was. Bakugou had done a whole lot of things, somehow. He’d done ballet and acrobatics in addition to martial arts to shape his movements as he fought. He was musical. Origami swans had saved their necks twice, somehow, and Eijirou had nearly died for other reasons that one time Katsuki had had to teach him how to tango for that one undercover mission they’d gone on. Both of them had worn awful wigs. Eijirou remembered the mission fondly.
One thing that Bakugou Katsuki still wasn’t great at doing, however, was knowing when he was beaten. Kaminari often joked that Bakugou had no off-switch. He never stopped.
Not even when his leg was cut up from hip-to-calf and there were seven other heroes on the scene.
“Don’t make me call timeout on you, Zero,” Eijirou growled, holding onto Bakugou’s shoulder to stop him rushing after the villain that Eijirou was pretty sure Battle Fist had already smacked down into the ground. Bakugou tried to keep walking. “You’re bleeding. Like, badly.”
“They can stitch it later,” Bakugou said, eyes darting around.
Eijirou narrowed his own eyes. “Once you’ve passed out from blood loss, you mean?”
Bakugou glared at him and tried to shake Eijirou’s hand off his shoulder. “Don’t mother-hen me, Red.”
“Oh yeah,” Eijirou huffed, doubling down on his grip. “Because not wanting my partner to drop ‘cause he’s being stubborn is unreasonable.”
“Exactly,” Bakugou said, raising one hand. It was already popping a little. Was he going to try and blast Eijirou’s hand off of him? He ought to know that wouldn’t work by now.
Eijirou sighed. “Well, if you’re gonna act like a baby about it… It’s timeout time.”
Bakugou only had time to frown at him before Eijirou was scooping him up into a bridal-style lift. Bakugou squawked and let off a couple of bangs from his hands. They achieved exactly nothing.
“Let me go, you bastard!” Bakugou snapped. He wasn’t wriggling too much, though. His leg must have been really painful. Eijirou tried not to jostle it. “Put me down!”
“Nope!” Eijirou said, and he looked around to see if he could see any medical assistance. If not, well, the hospital wasn’t too far from here… Bakugou folded his arms over his chest and pouted. Good, he’d accepted his fate.
There were no medics set up around here, so Eijirou set off at a light jog towards the route to the hospital. He could feel warmth dripping down one of his arms and grimaced to himself. Bakugou really was losing blood, huh? He was lucky that the villain hadn’t caught one of his major blood vessels.
It didn’t take very long until the hospital was in sight, and Eijirou glanced down at Bakugou, who was staring fixedly at his own knees with a weird expression on his face.
“Hey man, you holding up?” Eijirou asked, wondering if Bakugou was in more pain than he’d thought or like, fainting or something. He shifted Bakugou’s weight in his arms a little.
Bakugou nodded, flushing pink? “Just get me to the docs already.”
“You got it, dude,” Eijirou said, jogging around the hospital building until he saw the sign for A&E. People moving outside the hospital caught sight of them and ogled. Man, they were probably both covered in blood, huh? This’d probably make the news.
It was worth it if Bakugou was okay, though. Eijirou was beginning to get worried - his friend had gone pale again, paler than he should be, and quiet, too. Quiet and Bakugou did not mix. He sped up a little and then all of a sudden he was at the desk in A&E.
“Uh,” Eijirou managed to get out, but the receptionist had seen them coming and a doctor was already rushing over.
“Over here, Red Riot,” the doctor said, showing Eijirou to a free bed. He laid Bakugou down on it as gently as he could. Nurses swarmed under the doctor’s direction, and before Eijirou knew what was going on, he was being bundled into a waiting room chair with a shock blanket and a mug of cocoa.
He texted Mina to go to his and Bakugou’s apartment to pick up some fresh clothes for them both as she had a spare key, and then he was just waiting. He offered himself as a blood donor - as an O-Neg he was a universal donor - but the doctors had deemed it unnecessary. They had plenty of blood for Bakugou to have. That was good. He thought that they had probably stitched him up by now, and maybe even used a medical quirk.
“Red Riot?”
Eijirou looked up. One of the nurses from earlier stood in front of him. “Oh, uh, hi! How’s Ground Zero doing?”
“Good,” said the nurse. “His injuries have been treated and he’s currently being given painkillers for it. He is currently asleep, but would you like to sit in with him?”
Eijirou glanced down at his soiled clothes. “Am I allowed, with all of this gunk on me?”
“His injuries have all been cleaned and dressed, so unless you try to remove any of them, I think you’ll be safe,” the nurse grinned. “Follow me.”
Eijirou did. He was led through a few different corridors and into a ward with individual rooms. The nurse pushed one door open and then there was Bakugou. He looked a lot cleaner and was a far better colour than he had been. Eijirou let out a sigh of relief and went to sit on one of the visitors’ chairs.
“Thanks,” he told the nurse, who smiled again and left the room after telling Eijirou to yell if anything was amiss.
Eijirou stared at Bakugou’s face. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
One of Bakugou’s eyes cracked open. “Yeah.”
“Huh,” Eijirou said. “No arguing with me any more? Those painkillers must be strong.”
“I’m so fuckin’ high right now,” Bakugou agreed. “Sorry.”
“Apologies, too? Man, I should keep some of this stuff and slip it to you the next time you get too grumpy.”
Bakugou grinned at him. “Nah, ya like me when I’m grumpy.”
Damn, well, that was true.
“Yeah, I do,” Eijirou said, and prodded Bakugou’s chest. “So stop ending up in here. This one’s gonna leave a real nasty scar.”
“Mmhmm,” Bakugou said, closing his eyes again. “Sooner I rest up, sooner I’ll be cleared to leave this fuckin’ place. So shut ya trap.”
“Charming,” Eijirou said with a snort.
“I know I am,” Bakugou mumbled. “Shut up.”
Eijirou patted Bakugou on the shoulder. “Yeah. I’ll be here when you wake up again, yeah?”
“Better fuckin’ be,” Bakugou said, and then his face dropped into the genuine relaxation of sleep.
Mina was a goddamn lifesaver. She had brought them their clothes, informed Bakugou that he was a moron for making everyone worry about him, and then swept herself off with no wriggling eyebrows or probing about Eijirou basically gluing himself to Bakugou’s side. She had also taken away their dirtied costumes ‘to be burned’.
The hospital staff had given Bakugou the A-Okay to head home (and rest his leg, which Eijirou was going to have to enforce, somehow). Now all they had to do was physically get out of the hospital.
That was easier said than done.
“I do not need a fuckin’ wheelchair,” Bakugou insisted, despite the fact he wasn’t really supposed to walk in case his stitches ripped. He had woken up on the wrong side of everything, let alone the bed, and now that they’d taken him off the strong painkillers the reality of his injury had settled in.
Eijirou was losing his patience with his friend. “Stop swearing at the staff, Bakugou.”
“I do whatever I damn well please,” Bakugou spat, glowering. “Fucking antibiotics, feel like shit. I’m allowed to cuss, I’m an adult.”
“It’s not professional, man,” Eijirou said. “What if a kid in the hospital hears you? They’re gonna repeat what Ground Zero says.”
“It’s education.”
Eijirou’s mouth threatened to twitch up. No! He wasn’t amused!
“Dude,” said Eijirou. “You suck.”
Bakugou scowled at him. “You wish.”
Eijirou took a moment for himself to scream internally. Being head over heels for this man was incredibly testing at times. He had a suspicion that Bakugou knew, from comments like that, but he could never be sure. Eijirou pinched the bridge of his nose. “Are you going to get into the chair? Or are you hoping that you’ll start spontaneously levitating?”
“I just don’t want the press to get me in one of those things,” Bakugou said, pouting to the side.
“There’s literally nothing wrong with being in a wheelchair, Bakugou,” Eijirou said.
Bakugou scoffed. “Of course not! But the tabloids’ll overreact and make out like I’m dying or I’ve lost my leg or some stupid shit like that. It’ll affect the rankings.”
Eijirou sighed. Bakugou narrowed his eyes and Eijirou held up his hands. “I get it, bro, the world is stupid. They probably already got me carrying you in here covered in blood, though. I could carry you back out again?”
“And do what, carry me the whole way home?” Bakugou snapped.
“Sure, why not?” Eijirou shrugged. “If it gets you out of the hospital.”
Bakugou glared at him. “Why n- We live three fuckin’ miles away, dipshit!”
Bakugou blinked. “And that’s a fuckin’ long way to go if you’re lugging someone along with you.”
“Not really, ‘cause I’m like,” Eijirou paused to reorganise his words. “I’ve definitely carried more than you for further before.”
“Excuse me,” said one of the nurses. “So will you be using the wheelchair or not?”
“Not,” Bakugou said.
Oh, wait, so the carrying thing wasn’t hypothetical. Okay.
“Alright, let’s go then,” Eijirou said, walking over to where Bakugou was sitting with his legs dangling over the side of the hospital bed, signed discharge papers in his hand ready to give to reception. Eijirou tried to pretend that his heart wasn’t thundering in his chest. He failed.
No use agonising over it! Eijirou scooped Bakugou up. Bakugou slung one of his arms around Eijirou’s neck - for balance, probably - and lay the other with the discharge papers over his lap.
“You good?” Eijirou asked. Bakugou nodded. “I’m not grabbing your cut, right?”
Bakugou shook his head.
“Comfy?” Eijirou asked. Bakugou nodded. Okay, that was weird, he’d gone quiet. And slightly red. Was that like, a symptom of something, or? “Cat got ya tongue, man?”
Bakugou went pale, and then red again, almost like some kind of squid thing that Eijirou had seen on a wildlife documentary once.
“Just go already,” Bakugou muttered, scowling at the papers he was holding.
“Alright,” Eijirou said, thanking the nurse and striding from the room.
“Home, sweet home,” Eijirou said, setting Bakugou down for the first time since they’d left the hospital. They weren’t quite in yet, but Eijirou did sort of need to unlock the door. He kept ahold of Bakugou’s arm to make sure he stood in one place, and then the door was open and he was picking Bakugou up again.
So what if he was enjoying all this extra contact? Sue him.
“Sofa or bed, Bakugou?” Eijirou asked, and Bakugou jumped slightly in his arms. He’d have his Thinking Really Hard face on all the way home and had barely said a word.
“Sofa,” Bakugou said. Eijirou set him down and Bakugou leant back into the cushions with his Thoughtful Scowl on again.
Eijirou sat next to him, breathing out a sigh of relief that they were finally home and mostly back in one piece after the fight today. Eijirou had dealt with knife quirks before - on his hero debut, even! - but while his quirk protected him from the worst of any sharp things, it meant that he no longer really got aimed at and it was harder for him to take hits.
Man, if the knife villain had gotten Eijirou? He’d’ve come away from the battle totally unharmed and desperately seeking a new pair of trousers or something. But no. The villain had got his best friend instead, and now everything was going to be a hassle for a while. Patrols without Bakugou didn’t suck, but they did get a little dull, and Eijirou would always be worrying that Bakugou had fallen over or something and injured himself more without anyone around to help him.
“You wanna get take out tonight?” Eijirou asked. He was gonna order it anyway because he didn’t want to cook and he wasn’t gonna let Bakugou do it. Bakugou grunted - probably in agreement - and Eijirou realised that he was still on his no-talking thing. “Dude, what’s up?”
Bakugou levelled a glare at him. “Take a wild guess.”
“Nuh uh, that ain’t gonna fly,” Eijirou said. “You’re moping, or something. Injuries make you angry. You get louder. Not whatever this is.”
“The fuck do you know?” Bakugou grumbled. Eijirou reached out and whacked Bakugou’s shoulder lightly.
“I know you, man,” Eijirou said.
“Ugh,” Bakugou said. “I guess you do.”
He was still looking at Eijirou, expression shifting and shifting so quickly that Eijirou couldn’t keep up. Bakugou’s thoughts must have been racing - and for such a quick-thinking guy that speed must be intense.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Eijirou said, launching into his usual get-Bakugou-to-open-up-about-things spiel. “But I’m here for ya, Bakugou.”
“Yeah, you are,” Bakugou said, face moving into a frown. Huh? “Why?”
“Why are you here?” Bakugou asked. “Why do you want to be here?”
Well, this was not exactly the conversation Eijirou had envisioned having… Like, ever. “You’re my best frien-”
“That’s not what I meant, Kirishima,”Bakugou growled, cutting Eijirou off with a glare. What, was Eijirou not giving the right answer to his vague and nebulous question? “It- Ugh. What do you want from me?”
Eijirou blinked. “What? Nothing.”
“No, there isn’t nothing,” Bakugou snapped. Huh? Eijirou didn’t understand what Bakugou was saying. Was this just from all the pain meds, even if the loopy ones weren’t being used any more? Did Bakugou think that Eijirou was only hanging out with him for… For what? Personal gain? What would that even be? Years of friendship (and feelings) down the line and Bakugou thought this? Bakugou clacked his teeth together and frowned harder. “Stop- Stop thinking whatever you’re thinking.”
“No, fuck, let me just,” Bakugou grimaced, looking off to the side. Oh, this was some weird feelings thing, wasn’t it? No wonder Bakugou wasn’t making any sense. Eijirou still felt tense, but not quite as alarmed. “You carried me home for three fucking miles, Kirishima! What do I- How the hell am I supposed to- Ugh!”
Oh, Eijirou thought he could see the picture of things, now. “You don’t need to give anything back to me for that, Bakugou! It’d be selfish to ask for you to repay me for something I volunteered to do!”
“Well, maybe you should be,” Bakugou said. Eijirou tilted his head. Bakugou glanced at him and away again. “Be selfish, I mean! You’re always fucking giving. Giving and giving and never taking a single thing back for yourself and it drives me up the fucking wall!”
Eijirou shook his head. “There’s nothing I need from anyone that I don’t already have.”
“What about what you want,” Bakugou said. He fixed Eijirou with his stare again and something in his expression made Eijirou’s stomach do somersaults. “Is there anything you want from me that I could give you?”
Eijirou met Bakugou’s burning gaze.
Everything, his brain supplied.
Bakugou’s eyes widened slightly, and Eijirou realised that he’d said the word aloud. Before he could even think about being horrified, Bakugou’s scowl slipped from his face. It was replaced by a triumphant grin.
“Oh thank fuck you finally said it,” Bakugou said, leaning over into Eijirou’s space. Eijirou could feel his whole face burning. “‘Cause if I never got the chance to tell you how god damned hot it is that you can carry me in your arms for three fucking miles without even breaking a sweat, I think I would’ve died.”
Eijirou couldn’t provide a response to that. His lips were occupied, all of a sudden. With Bakugou. Because Bakugou was kissing him, and kind of insistently. Eijirou allowed himself a few more moments to be utterly confused, and then he wrapped his arms around Bakugou and kissed him back with just as much enthusiasm as Bakugou was putting in.
“That’s a little dramatic,” Eijirou said, when they parted to breathe.
Bakugou snorted. “You know who you’re dealing with.”
“Mmhm,” Eijirou said, kissing Bakugou again and finding himself delighted by the way he reacted. When had Bakugou crawled into his lap? “Uh… We should probably talk about this.”
“I’m fuckin’ crazy about you. We’re dating now. That enough talkin’ for ya?”
Probably not, but- Bakugou kissed him again. And again. And again. Eijirou laughed into the kisses, and began to run his hands down Bakugou’s sides. “Wait, um. So does this make you my boyfriend, Katsuki?“
“Fuck, yes,” Bakugou said. Or should it just be Katsuki now? Yeah, Eijirou liked the sound of that. “You- Ow! Watch it!”
Eijirou winced, pulling his hand away from Katsuki’s hip. “Oops! I forgot! Are you okay?”
“Dumbass,” Katsuki said, but fondly.
“For the record, I’m crazy about you, too,” Eijirou said, taking advantage of the lull to speak. “I’ve been kind of head over heels for you since school.“
“I know,” Katsuki said. Oh.
“Wait,” Eijirou raised an eyebrow. “You knew? Like, since when?”
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “Since forever. You’re not subtle.”
Eijirou blinked. “What? Then- Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I dunno,” Katsuki said, pulling himself back to lay against the sofa cushions again. “I was confused about it for a long-ass while.”
“So, you’re not confused any more?” Eijirou asked. It didn’t really need to be asked, given the way that Katsuki had kissed him just now, but Eijirou wanted everything out in the open.
“No,” Katsuki lifted his good leg and prodded Eijirou’s chest with his foot. “I’ve been flirting with you for like, a fuckin’ year now. Thought it’d finally spur you to action but noooo, you have to be all self-depreciating and second-guessing shit all the time.”
“A year?” Eijirou said, feeling his mouth fall open. His brain scanned through all of their recent interactions - there was a lot to sift through. Oh, that explained a few things. Eijirou put a hand over his face. “God, I’m an idiot.”
“Yeah,” Katsuki said. He beckoned Eijirou over with a finger. “But you’re my idiot now, so come here.”
Eijirou crawled over him, mindful of Katsuki’s injured leg. Katsuki hooked his arms around Eijirou’s neck and drew him into a languid kiss.
“I love you,” Eijirou said, feeling a shiver down his spine as the words left his mouth. Wait, fuck, it was too soon for that and Katsuki was probably going to-
“Holy shit,” Katsuki said, turning bright red. “Fuck- Fucking warn a guy if you’re gonna say something that sappy!”
“I’m sorry, I, uh-”
Katsuki slammed a hand over Eijirou’s mouth. “Don’t you fucking dare take it back, Eijirou.”
Oh, Eijirou thought. That was the first time he used my given name.
“I,” Katsuki swallowed, his flushed face darkening further. “I love you too.”
The shiver that followed Katsuki’s statement dwarfed any he’d experienced previously. It felt like his soul was on fire. Eijirou didn’t know how to respond, so he kissed Katsuki again.
“I love you,” he said, pressing his lips to Katsuki’s jaw. “I love you,” he said, kissing Katsuki’s cheek. He continued, saying those three words over and over and peppering kisses all over Katsuki’s face. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
Katsuki grinned, happier than Eijirou had ever seen. He could feel Katsuki’s fingers running through his hair at the back of his head. “Fuck, I love you. So fucking much.”
Eijirou pressed their foreheads together.
“Katsuki,” Eijirou said, but not for any particular reason. He just wanted to say Katsuki’s name.
“Eijirou,” Katsuki echoed. “We still have to order food.”
“Oh, right!” Eijirou sat up.”Whaddya want?”
Eijirou flushed. “Babe. Er, can I call you that?“
“Fuck, call me whatever you want,” Katsuki said, matching the shade of Eijirou’s face. “Curry?”
“Curry it is!” Eijirou said, climbing off of Katsuki and the sofa and making his way over to the phone to call their usual place. He rattled off their order, maybe a little quicker than usual. Once it was confirmed, he put the phone down and turned to stare at Katsuki.
Katsuki looked back at him. Eijirou didn’t think he’d looked away, and that was just. It was something. Eijirou’s stomach flipped and flopped. Katsuki patted the space next to him on the sofa and Eijirou made his way back over. No sooner had he sat down, than Katsuki’s arm circled his waist and pulled him close. Katsuki buried his face into Eijirou’s shoulder, and Eijirou echoed his hum.
“Wish you’d wised up sooner,” Bakugou said, voice slightly muffled. “Coulda been doing this for fuckin’ ages.”
“Well, we can do it now, and as much as we want,” Eijirou said, twisting to press a kiss into Katsuki’s hair.
“Mm,” Katsuki mumbled, pushing his face down harder. “Wanna post something mushy on social media?”
“Shouldn’t we run it by the PR team, first?” Eijirou asked.
Katsuki looked up at him. “Fuck that. Tell the world you’re in love with me already.“
Eijirou grinned, because he did.
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So, I went back to rewatch the very much talked about last scene of KinnPorsche ep 4. First, I won't really talk about the fact that it's basically rape because I've already covered that in another post and this one is about something else. In fact I will only talk about the beginning of the scene and the dialogue because many things happen on an emotional level. They kind of break the ice there and the scene goes deeper than just lust or desire or something. So, I'm gonna break the scene down bit by bit.
PS: this turned into a more detailed analysis of Kinn's feelings and emotions than I wanted lmao
Kinn wants Porsche to shower
The overall idea behind this scene is surprisingly pure-hearted of Kinn because in the end, he has a soft heart but tends to hide it behind a mask.
But the scene spoilers itself. The intention was right and Kinn wanted to stay with Porsche in case something would happen. He wanted to wait until Porsche was sober again and stayed save during the process. So far, so good. But the bathroom is lit with some candles and nothing else. It's really dark in there. A dark-green shadow mixing with the orange light. This scene screams for a romantic interaction between those two. Dark-green is Kinn's color and the fact that the yellow/orange blends in smoothly, symbolizing Porsche, already shows something is about to happen.
Porsche is really high
Kinn tries to lecture Porsche, telling him to focus but Porsche is way too much out of it.
"Oh, you wanna see me nacked?"
Porsche seeks physical contact, leaning against Kinn's chest but we're still at a point when Kinn cares but is annoyed because Porsche doesn't seem to appreciate him doing all of this. Demanding "go take a shower" doesn't work because Porsche finds it even funnier when Kinn is pissed.
Yeah well, Porsche then pokes the window, so Kinn now fully understands and sees how high Porsche really is, but he's still annoyed.
Kinn seeks intimacy
Porsche's legs stop working and he falls down. Kinn is there to help him up. His hands rest on Porsche's hips a little too long which Porsche teasingly points out.
"Whoa! Here we go again."
At this point, you can just see Kinn is angry. His hands are fists and he takes a deep breath to tell himself that Porsche is just intoxicated. It's not the real person in front of him. It's not someone balanced. It's someone else. And it's annoying and frustrating. I think to a certain level, Kinn is even a bit unsure of himself. If it was even the right decision to go there or if it would've been better to send Porsche to sleep right away. So Kinn chooses to talk Porsche off.
"My type is nice, not like you."
Porsche gets touchy
This is where the scene gets uncomfortable but at the same time, the most interesting afterwards.
But right now, it's just uncomfortable because Porsche is obviously invading private space and it would count as harrasment in a different context. He just straight up touches Kinn's crotch and Kinn is now really pissed. He even slaps Porsche's hand away but still, Porsche continues to flick his chest. Kinn is really not amused and tries to hold it together and not say something stupid but his fists are relaxed. The second Porsche touches him, he's only angry verbally. His body language is still tense but something changed and it looks like he just chose to let it happen. Like he thought "he is high, let him have his five minutes".
Don't get me wrong here, Kinn is still annoyed. Porsche grabs his hand to touch him but Kinn pulls his hand away and his jaw is very tight.
Kinn tells Porsche to focus but then something happens. Porsche half-hugs him. His head rests against Kinn's chest and he calms down. Kinn supports his head, obviously in relief because he takes a deep breath. Porsche is half asleep at this point or at least his eyes are closed. Before, he always looked at Kinn but now his eyelids are too heavy. Like he used all of his last energy.
First kiss
Instead of continuing with his plan to wash Porsche, Kinn leans in for a kiss I'm still not sure has a reason. Maybe it was out of the relief that the "worst part" is finally over. People do all kinds of things when their tension falls off. But I don't think that's it. Sorry, I'm lost, can't tell you what he thinks right there because his eyes turn into a soft gaze but his body language is still tense.
Kinn pulls away really quickly and his face is really something. It's anger against himself. He looks like he's about to cry because he did something bad. Porsche looks at him, all innocent and I think Kinn is like "how could I do this to such a lost person". He is confused, still frustrated but with himself and angry for letting his desire take over.
Change of power
Kinn is all ashamed, looks away because he can't bear Porsche's innocent look. It reminds him too much of what he'd done. Despite other people out here saying, I think Kinn still has a concience and I even think it's a strong one, hating his life and what he does to other people in order to please his father. He turned cold but he doesn't like it and he can still destinguish between right and wrong. Here, he knows it was wrong.
And then Porsche grabs his neck which he tries to fight but he no longer has the power. Porsche has power over him. It's very symbolic because Porsche only got involved in his life so much because Kinn thought he was interesting and Kinn took the first step. But then it's Porsche giving him what he wants not the other way around. The show may seem like "Kinn shows Porsche what he truly wants" but it's the other way around with these two. Instead of ignoring happened events, Porsche acts on it. Kinn looks away here, trying to ignore what happened but Porsche grabs him to force a look into his eyes.
The second Kinn looks into Porsche's eyes again, he doesn't fight against his grab any more.
"I'll show you the real deal"
Porsche pulls him in into an aggressive kiss of want. Kinn is just surprised, doesn't really move but his hand wanders up to Porsche's cheek. Still, Kinn is not high, he knows what he's doing and pulls away. I can only say, right here, he has the choice to break the tension or embrace it. He can run off, tell Porsche to take his shower and put him to sleep, or he gives into desire and love which would be VERY queationable.
Even if he pulled away, he's not moving an inch. Their faces aren't touching but Kinn is too overwhelmed to take a step back. His face shows confusion and frustration about himself and surprise.
Rubbing the spit off his lips is a move with which he tries to remind himself of the situation he's in. To get out of a dizzy headspace, you move your body. It helps you get back, so Kinn whipes his lips. He tries to remind himself to think before actions can make this even worse. He blinks and his eyes changed. He's more aware now, more in reality. The foggy mind is gone, like he splashed cold water into his face. Porsche continues to tease.
"He's awake now."
Kinn's foggy state of mind was clearly not very helpful in that matter and his body felt arousal even if he shouldn't have. But the body doesn't have a concience and if your brain stops thinking, then what should it do?
Clear mind
Porsche touches him again and Kinn looks out of the window. It looks like he really doesn't want to be in this situation any more. Like it's a bad dream and he is angry at himself. He never stopped being angry here and his body definetely didn't help him, only made things worse. He again, presses his teeth togther.
"Just admit it that you like me".
Porsche knows, he still has all the power in his hands. Kinn's head is weak right now, so of he says the rights things, maybe stuff will happen.
Porsche knows about the pier
It looks like all of Kinn's feared ghosts returned because the way he looks at Porsche is full surprise and I feel some sort of panic. But this changes everything. Porsche remembers, Porsche knows and he's smiling at him widely, head against the cold window, just looking at him. Kinn can't help it but find out if the kiss still feels right and if it changed after they both know it.
With kissing Porsche in such a slow and tender way, Kinn admits to it all. I think the fact that Porsche is not in any way sober, gives him some courage the judgement wouldn't exist. No resentment or fear but that's just stupid, naïve to think and fucked up. Kinn uses the opportunity to get what he wants so much because Porsche is too high to be anything different but what he wants him to be like. Porsche has no sense of justice in his head. Only want to feel some skin on his skin, so he opens Kinn's trousers. You can see, it's more Kinn doing all the things and Porsche is just there, overwhelmed by all these touches and explosions in his head.
Kinn had the choice. He was angry at himself for going to far but that didn't help and he wanted to go the easiest way for himself and numb all of it. Zooning it out and giving in to what he surpresses.
The rest is history, hope you liked this.
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