#but yeah my insert is his ghoul
dewdrops-whammy-bar · 6 months
Playing Doctor
@cirrus-ghoulette made this fun post about Aether doing a pelvic exam on someone, which I reblogged with a VERY horny string of tags. Turns out people liked it (got yelled at in rbs) sooooo I was inspired to write this. Enjoy!
Tags: trans Dew, med kink, speculum use, aftercare, vibrators, established kink scene, use of safeword (yellow), checking in, aftercare, pwp
Terms used for Dew's genitals: cunt, pussy, vagina, walls, labia, clit, Tdick, dick, cock
Note: if you want a better idea of the speculum used, it’s a Cusco model. Yes I went down a rabbit hole of speculum research for this kinky gay fanfic.
Aether’s tail flicked idly back and forth as he arranged his tools on the countertop of the exam room. He was taking his time, knowing it would just make Dew more worked up. They had been planning this scene all day, going over boundaries (and more importantly, how to be inconspicuous). Dew had snuck into a rarely-used exam room in the infirmary while Aether distracted Omega, then Aether had slipped away and joined him. It was risky, but it was late at night and the older rooms were basically abandoned anyway.
Aether pulled a pair of latex gloves from the box on the counter and pulled them onto his hand with a sharp snap. He looked over at Dew, who was laid out on the exam table. He was fidgeting with the hem of his hoodie while watching Aether.
“Color?” Aether asked softly.
“Green,” Dew replied. His tail flicked against the paper on the table, giving away his excitement. Aether gave a pleased chuff before he closed his eyes for a moment and let himself step into his role for the scene.
“Could you open your legs for me?” Aether asked in his “nurse voice”- professional, detached, and clinical. He wasn’t sure why Dew got so turned on by it, but he certainly wasn’t complaining.
Dew’s cheeks flushed a darker red and his legs spread. Aether could see his hard and throbbing T-dick peeking out from the bush of soft blonde curls between his legs. 
“What are you having problems with again?” Aether asked, using his gloved thumbs to spread Dew’s labia in a mock exam. The smaller ghoul let out a shaky breath and cleared his throat.
”Um- I’ve been uh… unusually sensitive down there.” Dew replied. “It’s making me… aroused all the time and it’s really hard to focus on anything.” He shifted his hips, his cunt clenching and dripping. Aether placed a hand on his lower belly, gently holding his hips in place.
”Hold still, please.” He told Dew. “I’ll need to perform a full pelvic exam, if you’re comfortable with it.”
”Yes.” Dew blurted quickly. Aether’s lips twitched upward in a brief smirk before settling back into their previous neutrality.
”Alright. I’m going to use my fingers to palpate the inside of your vagina.” The Quintessence ghoul explained. “Deep breath in… and… out.”
Dew made an absolutely sinful noise as Aether inserted two gloved fingers into his cunt. He clenched around his fingers, more slick drooling from around the digits.
”Any discomfort?” Aether asked, curling his fingers upward into Dew’s G-spot. The fire ghoul whimpered and shook his head.
”N-no, just, um, pleasure.” Dew replied shakily. Aether hummed in acknowledgement and pressed his fingers deeper. Dew’s hips bucked.
“Hold still,” Aether said, his hand pressing harder on the smaller ghoul’s belly. “It’s normal to feel pleasure or even orgasm during the exam. Just let me know if anything feels painful or weird, alright?”
“Yeah.” Dew’s voice was breathy. He let out a whine as Aether’s free hand pulled back the hood of his clit. Aether had to stop himself from leaning down and taking it into his mouth.
“Your bottom growth is coming along well,” Aether commented. “You’re a lot bigger than you were at your last exam. How long have you been on hormones again? Three years?”
“Y- yeah.” Dew repeated. Aether glanced up at him, admiring his flushed cheeks and slightly parted lips.
“Is it giving you any discomfort?” Aether asked, rubbing his thumb over Dew’s twitching dick. “Oversensitivity or anything like that?”
“No, not- not before the rest of the o-oversensitivity.” Dew stammered, his breath hitching as Aether’s fingers explored his cunt. Aether hummed in acknowledgement.
“Alright, I’m not feeling anything out of the ordinary right now so I’m going to use the speculum.” Aether slowly slid his fingers out of Dew’s pussy, much to the dismay of his partner (if the needy whimper that escaped his throat was to be interpreted correctly).
Dew watched in anticipation as Aether applied lube to the tool. It was a metal one, rather than the more comfortable plastic speculums that the infirmary currently stocked. Aether knew Dew would like the cold temperature.
“Okay, relax for me.” Aether requested, positioning the tool at Dew’s entrance. Dew let out a surprised squeak as he felt the cold metal on him.
“Legs wider,” Aether told him, tapping the insides of his thighs. Dew obliged.
Aether’s thumb rubbed tiny circles at the base of Dew’s cock as he inserted the tool. Dew clapped a hand over his mouth to muffle the wanton cry that escaped his lips. Aether pressed his hand to the smaller ghoul’s stomach again to prevent his hips from bucking.
“Oh Lucifer…” Dew breathed. His thighs clamped around Aether’s broad shoulders. Aether took a few moments to sit back and admire the view.
Dew’s cunt pulsed and clenched around the tool. Aether watched in satisfaction as another glob of milky slick oozed onto the paper on the exam table, joining the already impressive puddle there. Dew’s water traits were few, but one of the remaining ones was how wet he got. Not enough to rival Rain, but definitely enough to require a towel to be put down on the bed before sex.
“Color?” Aether asked softly.
“Green,” Dew replied immediately.
 “I’m gonna open it now, alright?” Aether asked. Dew nodded and let his head fall back on the crinkly paper of the exam table. Aether squeezed the handles of the speculum, slowly spreading Dew open. His inner walls were soaked, strands of gooey slick stringing between the jaws of the tool.
“Looks good so far,” Aether remarked. He pulled a penlight out of the breast pocket of his scrubs and clicked it on, shining it inside Dew’s spread-open cunt. “Nice healthy cervix…” He scooted his chair closer and used one finger to gently stroke Dew’s inner walls. He let out an amused hum as Dew clenched in response, a broken whine being quickly muffled by his hand.
“Try to relax.” Aether murmured. His finger lightly explored Dew’s exposed flesh, drawing whimpers out of his “patient”. Now that he was opened up, slick pooled in the curved bottom jaw of the speculum. He dragged his finger through the pool and smeared it on Dew’s dick, making him twitch. He resisted the urge to lick it off, to bury his nose in the soft curls framing Dew’s cock and suck on it until the smaller man was incoherent. He shook his head slightly to clear his thoughts. That wasn’t part of the scene, it could wait for another time.
“Mhm.” Dew hummed. His tight clenching slowed, though he still fluttered beautifully at every touch.
“Hmmm… I’ll try a different angle” Aether mused. He slowly rotated the speculum, now exposing the top and bottom walls of Dew’s cunt. He ran his finger along his bottom wall first, from up near his cervix down to his taint.
“How does that feel?” Aether asked. He bit back a love or a darling. It was tough to not praise Dew, to tell him how pretty he looked and how good he’d make him feel.
“Good.” Dew breathed. “Really good.”
Aether’s lips twitched in a smirk. He moved his finger to the top wall of Dew’s cunt and slowly dragged his finger toward himself, searching for the spot that would make Dew unravel at the seams.
There. The soft, spongy spot just behind his pubic bone. Aether applied pressure to the spot and Dew keened.
“Ah.” Aether chuckled. “There we are.” He rubbed tiny circles against the spot, drawing lewd noises out of Dew. His finger withdrew after a moment and Dew panted, his eyes dazed and unfocused. 
Aether reached into the breast pocket of his shirt again and pulled out a small bullet vibrator.
“I’ll test your sensitivity now, alright?” Aether told Dew. The smaller ghoul nodded, hands gripping the side of the exam table.
Aether clicked the button on the end of the vibrator and it buzzed to life on its lowest setting. Using his penlight to guide him, he slid the tip of the toy against Dew’s upper wall until it pressed perfectly against that perfect little bundle of nerves.
Dew’s hand flew to his mouth again, this time shoving his fingers inside to muffle his noises. Aether clicked the button again, the vibrations increasing in intensity. He pressed his hand against Dew’s stomach to stop his hips from bucking. Dew’s tail lashed and reached out to curl around Aether’s arm.
“Sensitivity is high.” Aether muttered to himself. He was having trouble holding onto the little toy from all the slick on his fingers and as he readjusted his grip, the angle of the tip changed slightly. Dew let out a muffled cry, biting down on his fingers. His cunt clenched hard around the speculum and then he was gone.
 Aether watched with satisfaction (and a little amazement) as Dew’s pussy spasmed and pulsed. It was a totally new and not unpleasant experience to watch his orgasm from the inside, his muscles clenching and releasing, slick drooling onto the table below him. He was transfixed.
“Y-yellow- '' Dew panted, snapping Aether back to reality. He pulled the vibrator away and looked up at Dew with concern.
“You alright?” Aether asked. Dew nodded, a dazed look on his face.
“Mhm, mostly. I- I wanna end the scene.” Dew replied. Aether nodded and gently closed the speculum, then slid it out of Dew. He kissed the inside of his thigh and set the tool aside before rolling his chair over to Dew’s side.
“How you feeling?” Aether asked, brushing some of his partner’s hair out of his face.
“Fuzzy brain.” Dew mumbled. “I liked that.”
“That’s good. Scale of 1-10, how fuzzy are you?” He always asked this question during aftercare to gauge the level of care Dew would need.
“Mmm… Four.” Dew mumbled. “Want cuddles.” He reached out for Aether and grabbed his hand.
“Can you wait a bit, firefly?” Aether asked. “I gotta clean up the room, but then we can cuddle all night long.”
Dew sighed and nodded. “Okay… that’s fair. Can I have the blanket?”
Aether retrieved the blanket he’d brought from the chair in the corner and draped it over Dew. “I’m gonna clean you up a bit down there, is that okay?”
“Mhm.” Dew nodded. Aether could hear him start to purr as he buried his face in the fuzzy blanket. Using a soft towel and some warm water from the sink, he wiped away most of the mess Dew had made of himself with a gentle hand. Then he helped Dew into clean underwear and sweatpants, his partner purring the whole time.
Fifteen minutes later, the exam room was spotless and Dew was still purring in his blanket cocoon. Aether scooped the smaller ghoul up effortlessly and nestled him against his chest.
“Mmmm…” Dew hummed, burying his face in Aether’s chest. “You’re so strong.”
“You’re not that heavy.” Aether chuckled, using his knee to turn the door handle and turning off the lights with his elbow. His voice dropped to a whisper once they were in the hallway. “I could carry two of you, no problem.”
“Suuure.” Dew’s whisper was as sarcastic as ever, but he shut up as Aether carried him through the back hallways of the infirmary and out a side door. He was fast asleep in Aether’s arms even before they got back to the den.
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iamthecomet · 9 months
-flops down in your inbox and rolls around-
Happy the day after Christmas (not to date this ask lmao), I come bearing the gift of "and there was only one bed" style Dew/your ghoul of choice shenanigans.
So, set-up: Dew and -insert ghoul here- had to go away on some ministry business, maybe they went with a whole group of people or it's just the two of them alone, but either way they wind up having to stay a couple days longer due to the weather being shit back home, making it kind of risky to head back now as they'd be driving into a storm or something.
Anyway, they wind up having to move hotels since the one they're at is booked solid past their original check out date, and they wind up at a smaller hotel -paid for on the ministry's dime, because neither of them feel like they should have to given the circumstances- which leads to the whole, "and there was only one bed" scenario.
Originally, they both had separate rooms, it was a small enough group that the ministry was like, "Yeah, sure, have as much space as you need." but now they've only got one room, and, man, is it weird sharing a confined space with someone else, especially if the two are maybe not on great terms at the moment.
Maybe they fought or they're just not sure about each other yet so it's uncomfortable, but either way one of them is constructing a pillow barrier in the bed on day one... which eventually turns into them spooning on day three or four depending on how long you wanna drag it out for.
Added bonus: Since they're technically not working or on call for anything, they have time to do some shopping/touristy things they didn't get to chance to do on the initial trip, and keep getting asked if they're a couple, because they're carrying each others bags, giving opinions on outfits along the lines of, "Yeah, but it covers up your ass. You have a nice ass, you should flaunt it more." and, "Oh, shut it, you look lovely. Blue is a good color on you!"
Also sharing their food, holdings hands -"SO WE DON'T LOSE EACH OTHER IN THE CROWD!"- and watching other people on dates and going, "Aw, I wanna do that..."
Something, something, Dew doing cheesy romantic gestures to feed into the "joke" that they're on a date, getting the same cheesy romantic gestures in return as a "joke" and both of them catching feelings and nervously realizing that maybe they... they like that kind of stuff when it's that person doing it.
-flips onto my front and sleeps-
*tip-toeing around, trying not to wake you* You're giving me Aeon/Dew thoughts. Dew not so sure about the new quint ghoul. Being stuck with him on this trip to begin with has been frustrating and difficult. Trying to navigate his feelings about there being a new quint at all AND trying to make sure Aeon doesn't do anything stupid since he's still adjusting to life topside. (His glamor only slips once though, Dew has to give him that). And I think Aeon's inexperience is what leads Dew to be like "ok fine let's go do some stuff". Might as well take advantage of their time. But also show the new ghoul a thing or two. Let him buy himself some stuff he actually likes. But also, Dew is glued to him. He's not losing the new ghoul. He's not having that over his head. So they are attached at the hip. Whispering to each other and sitting close together at restuarant tables. Always touching. Less and less pillows in the barrier every night. You could even throw my favorite part of the "one bed" trope in there. Aeon shivering on his side of the bed. Curled up tight, but so cold he's shaking the bed and keeping Dew up. So, Dew just grabs him. Curls an arm around his waist and hauls him backwards, his back to Dew's unnaturally warm chest. Dew ramping up his heat little just to make sure the other ghoul stays warm.
He tells himself it's just because he can't have Aeon freezing to death on his watch--he doesn't want to get sent back to the pit. But really, it's just nice to have someone to hold.
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finniestoncrane · 3 months
Hey! I'm sorry I'm late with the whole anon stuff, but I just wanted to hop on the train and say that you really shouldn't listen to the rubbish that they're spewing. That's all it is, rubbish. You have a large community that absolutely adores your content and how you write characters (myself included - seriously, I freaking love your Riddlers and Scarecrows), so as long as you remember that - and that your mental health comes first - then they're powerless.
You're spreading positivity and those idiots are spreading negativity. They're clearly the ones in the wrong.
Keep being you, because that's who your community loves.
PS: Could we hear more about your OC?? I absolutely adore their design and the art I've seen for them!
thank you!! i have no way of expressing how much it means to me to be surrounded by other kind people and pleasant messages every day on here ;-;
even just one person who is nice outweighs three people who are horrible, it's easier to say that than to feel it, but i know that's true u-u 💚💚💚 ALSO YES PLEASE i love talking about my ocs, i assume you mean connie? (or maybe morrigan...) but i'll bung them in below the read more!!
connie is my self-insert who is braver and cuter than me lol she's in her angst era right now, i'm thinking of writing a lot of will they won't they but probably they won't stuff for her and eddie because i am feeling things about him not wanting to commit to a) anyone, b) a weirdo who offers him no social clout, and c) a fat girl given the way he sometimes speaks about oswald so yeah it'll be neat to explore that >:3
i was adapting her for a fallout au but i made a new oc instead, so connie can live safely in her non irradiated (but still terrible) home with eddie for now lol
i also need to flesh out more about her little dog i gave her, who is called bingly and who she found in the sewers (i think he'd look like the below puppies!!)
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i gotta get back to morrigan too, i wanted to write about her and jonathan's relationship since she's his favourite student (and since she's the only mature student in her class he's the only one who she feels she can talk to) but i got distracted by ghouls HOWEVER since the new design for arkham scarecrow looks a lot like my jonathan, i think once i've watched the gameplay i'll be ready to give morrigan her horrible ever after with her beloved professor crane >:3c
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uwukillmenowowo · 3 months
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥 [Tokyo Debunker X F!Reader]
[ 10 | A Ring?]『💍』
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Key's for the story: Insert - Narrative - And then she stared at her reflection in the mirror [Insert] - Author speaking - [Eyyy there- wazzup readers] "Insert" - Talking - "Hey there!" [But can also be air quotes] 'Insert' - Thinking - 'Dame he's cute...' "Insert" - Whispering - "I- I messed up..." [But can also be an emphasis on a word/phrase, or flashback] (Insert) - Inner mind..? - (Deadass doesn't know how to explain it here) *Insert* - Action - *Sighs with their head down* [INSERT] - Magic - [OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!] or [IGGNAIM!]
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 9 | Hera's Snakes] 『🐍』
[Book 0] The Academy of Ghouls
[Chapter 10] A Veil? A Ring? Congrats On Your Marriage~!
{Your POV}
The three of us then made it to a staircase. "*Huff* *Huff* *Phew*... That guy's pretty slow, so we should be safe from him here..." Kaito explained. "*Huff* *Huff*... I'm really sorry.. This is all my fault." I admitted and looked down. "You didn't know the veil was an anomaly. That part of this situation was out of your control. Also, it doesn't seem intending to harm us for now. Let's take a moment to catch our breath and reevaluate."
"Eeek! I was so pissed at Luca I forgot, but that thing's an anomaly, isn't it..? Oh my god..." Kaito complained, taking a step back. "If we don't figure out how to remove it though, it could become violent again." Luca explained and looked down at the veil I was wearing. "Is it even safe now?! You sure it's not gonna randomly go snake mode again?!" I shook my head. "I'm not sure... It does seem calm at the moment..." 
 Thankfully the only person it attacked was Romeo... "What's the matter? are you hurt?" Luca asked me. "No... I'm okay. I was just thinking... the moment before the veil started attacking, Romeo grabbed my arm harshly... May it was just reacting to that?" Kaito then joined in, "H-Hold on. If that's true, then why didn't it attack us? I kind of... clung to you back there... Sorry about that..." Then Luca also added, "And i was quite rough with you when I was questioning your intentions, though I didn't mean to be..."
I hummed. "But I never thought at any point that either of you were trying to hurt me." Kaito smiled. "O-Of course not! I'm not like Romeo! My gram always told me to treat women with more care than you would a hangnail!" I giggled. "I think this veil might have understood that. I don't think it's attacking people. I think it might be trying to protect me from people with malicious intentions."
"E-Even if you're right, you can't take it off, right?" I groaned and nodded. "I think we should ask the academy for help..." I sighed. "You're ri-" "Just a moment." I looked over to Luca in confusion. "When I first met you two, I touched the veil." I blinked twice. "When we first met..?" I made an "Oh!" sound as I remembered Luca lifting up the veil. "Both Kaito and I moved the veil when we touch it, didn't we?"
"You're right! Because I tried to see your- U-Umm... nevermind..." Kaito stopped himself so Luca spoke next, "But you've been saying you can't take it off. Why is that?" I shrugged. "Maybe it's the type you can't remove yourself?" Kaito asked. "The type you can't remove yourself..? What do you mean?" I asked what he meant. "I swear I've head about it in class before... Hmmmmm..." "As a rule, anomalies that provide great power instantly come with a great cost."
"Yeah! Something like that!" Kaito snapped his fingers and nodded. "Nice work, Kaito. So you do pay attention in class." "I listen! I just can't remember it all!" I laughed because Kaito really did remind me of Ace.  then Luca approached me and lifted up the veil.
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I felt my face getting even warmer as Luca and I made eye contact. I didn't even hear what Kaito was saying. Until he walked over to me. "Is that you..?" Kaito then pointed at a board and pinned in the center was my own face. "Wanted..? What?" "They said this anomaly escaped" Luca then furrowed his brows and glared at me. "Did you steal it?"
I waved my hands and shook my head. "I can explain! I just meant to borrow it, I didn't know it was an anomaly! I was hiding in the closet and I found it in there..." Kaito blinked and asked, "The closet? Where we first met?" I nodded but then Luca interrupted. "Then why are you wanted by the academy? Who are you?" There was hurt in their eyes as they both stared at me, awaiting my answer. I hung my head. "I...I'm not actually a student at Darkwick. I'm not a transfer student either..." I admitted, playing with the hem of my NRC uniform skirt.
"Then what are you doing here?" Luca asked, his glare a bit softer. "I don't really know all the detail, but the chancellor said I've been cursed..." Kaito then went from scared to panic. "Cursed?! Seriously?!" I nodded. "I was just trying to get home... I just got on a train... But I was attacked by an anomaly then brought here without a clue." Luca sighed. "I see... To break the curse, I assume." "Apparently" I said with a shrug.
"But... Then why are you trying to escape? If you stay here, they can help you, right?!" Kaito asked worriedly. "They said they don't know how to break it yet..." I admitted and looked off to the side. They both gasped so I continued, "And they told me I couldn't leave until it was broken..." "What...? But they just dragged you here out of the blue, didn't they?" Kaito asked, crossing his arms. "They can't just dump all that on you and expect you to do what they want..."
"That's how I felt... That's why I thought I'd just do home first, then decide what to do. I never thought all this would happen... I'm really sorry for not being honest with you." I apologized and looked down at my feet. "S-Stop, don't apologize! You didn't do anything wrong!" Kaito  told me. "I understand the situation now. Please don't hang your head." Luca encouraged.
I slowly looked up, happy that they weren't mad at me. 'These two practically are the opposite of Ace and Deuce.' "Thank you... Both of you..." Having finally admitted the truth, I felt the clouds that had been gathering in my heart instantly dissipate. "You said you're not a student here, correct?" I hummed. "No, I'm not."
"Then please give me your contact details." I felt embarrassed at how sudden that was and said nothing. Kaito on the other hand, "What?! Who asks that at a time like this?! Read the room, dude!!" Luca just ignored Kaito and pulled out his phone. "Even if you're able to leave, you'll still be cursed. I'll serch for a way to break your curse. Please go back to your regular life, and wait for me to call." I bit my lip. 'He's so nice!' I thought and covered my mouth to not squeal.
"H-Hey... Are you sure that's okay? The sign says to report her..." I flinched at Kaito's words but Luca explained his reasonings, "She's a civilian, not a Darkwick student. We have a duty to protect her. We can make the report after we send her home." "Luca..." I awed. "R-Right! Yeah, let's do that! Just leave everything to us, [Y/n]." Kaito added, giving me a closed eye smile. "S-So, could you give me your number t-"
Before Kaito finished his sentenced the veil started glowing, which shocked and confused the three of us. The veil floated off my head. 'This glow. It's warm.' I thought as the veil shrunk and floated to my finger, making me gasp at how hot it was. But when the glow vanished I looked at my finger to see... A ring..?
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"It... turned into a ring?" Luca asked. "What? Why? What is happening?" Kaito questioned. I just shrugged and then a gunshot rung out through the halls. "He- *Cough* HEY! Quit it with the smoke, you one trick pony!" When the smoke cleared a bit, I saw Romeo heading our way. "I only brought one type of bullet today! It's your fault for running away all the time! Just shut up and hand over Hera's-..... Huh? Hey! What did you do with Hera's Snakes!?" Romeo yelled, pointing at me.
"The anomaly you're looking for turned into a ring. It's on her finger." Luca told him. "What the fuck?! Quit blubbering half assed lies and tell me where you put it!" Romeo glared at us. "We really aren't lying this time." Kaito said firmly. "What..?" Romeo stated in confusion so I spoke up, "Sorry, but it's true" I held up my right hand to show him the ring, but that only seemed to make him angrier. "All right, fine! I'll have it with your finger still attached!"
Romeo pointed his rifle and me and I went to get my wand. "I'll handle him." Luca whispered to me and took my hand in his. "[Iggnaim]" Luca said.... But unlike last time where the bullet disappeared... A tentacle appeared and slapped the bullet away. 'Something's off' I thought and slowly turned around to see a big monster. My jaw dropped and the monster let out a scream.
I turned to Luca, who now had a look of horror on his face. 
"What did you just do..?" 
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𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 11 | Ghouls]『👺』
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wrathofrats · 3 months
*emerges from the shadows*
Feel free to completely ignore this is if it isn’t your cup of tea, but-
I’ve been thinking about Mist going feral for period sex, specifically oral. She can always smell it, creeping to knock on whoever’s door. She’d be sweet at first, making an offer that sounds like she wants to help make them feel better, make them feel good. It’s always a trap, she’s selfish and greedy and won’t stop until she gets her fill, clawed hands keeping their thighs to bed as she takes what she wants. And yet they always agree, because she’s *good* at it. And it’s hours later that she finally lifts her head, a sharp grin on her face and teeth and lips stained red. Maybe after that she’ll use her fingers, and then after that grind against them until they lose their mind.
And you can insert any ghoul you want in there, all pussy is good pussy and Mist certainly doesn’t discriminate.
Hi slay!
Warning in advance this is more of a conversation about logistics than it is me giving any substantial headcanons so if you’re not looking to hear me ramble about not ghoul shit feel free to scroll for this one
But I do agree with this. I’ve debated writing period kink before because as much as I’d be kinda interested i know it’s one of the ones most people hate. Which shouldn’t be super discouraging lmao this is my house and I post weird kink all the time and tag it properly!
I think I’d def be willing to write mild period stuff, maybe not orally but I’ve thrown other ideas about it out there. I think there’s absolutely something to be said for sexualizing it!
But yeah no I agree with this post even if I’m letting u know I probably wouldn’t write it going this far, mist is so shark lmao she’s absolutely weird about periods.
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x-heesy · 7 months
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Yeah, uh
Uh, uh (Got the beat by Powers and we just made a banger)
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah
Pull up with the grr, pow, onomatopoeia
Hopping out the Burban, big body like Madea
Put some holes in him, now he spotted like a cheetah
How the fuck you living? Good, I wouldn't wanna be ya
I'm with your bitch and her back arched like Tina
Look to the back at you boys, you can't keep up
Bulletproof vest, looking like I'm Vegeta
Quickdraw from my hip, make him dance like Shakira, uh
Spot him outside, hold up, skrrt, hit the brakes, uh
Call him Might Guy, send his ass to the gates, uh
Y'all so pussy to the bone, need a spay, uh
Beat him up, boots to the face, uh
"Kxll, why you tripping like that? I don't like you"
Love how my foes get to bolting like a Raichu
Said he wanna get close to God, I could guide you
Money stacked up like the letters in a haiku (Yeah)
D-Dirty little bastard, yeah bitch, I'm rancid
I keep a Glock by my dick where my pants sit
He acting odd, like Cosmo, he vanish
Run up, see this shit ain't here just to brandish
Lay him down, on top his casket, I'm prancing
Stretching these bands like my money elastic
Sex, money, violence, revenge, what I practice
He disrespect, that's a suicide tactic
Uh, I just send a text, she get wet, okay, cool, uh
Say that boy feel vexed, Smith & Wess' correct moods, uh
Insert when erect, pierce cervix, she get skewed, uh
Bullets on Rize, eat your flesh, Tokyo Ghoul (Uh, yeah)
Pull up with the grr, pow, onomatopoeia
Hopping out the Burban, big body like Madea
Put some holes in him, now he spotted like a cheetah
How the fuck you living? Good, I wouldn't wanna be ya
I'm with your bitch and her back arched like Tina
Look to the back at you boys, you can't keep up
Bulletproof vest, looking like I'm Vegeta
Quickdraw from my hip, make him dance like Shakira, uh, yeah @bethanythestrange @luna---zylum @bigbonzo @boanerges20 @seanisnothing
COSMO by Kxllswxtch, Powers Pleasant
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tehriel · 1 year
Alright, a few ideas for you. Any of these can be turned into filth, and I will be delighted. I imagine the reader as a Ghoul and nonbinary/afab, but it doesn't matter:
- Sodo and a shy reader that has a crush on him. He has noticed them watching him, but they'll never be the one to make the first move.
- Mountain and a ghoul reader who have been friends for a while. The reader has developed feelings for Mountain but is afraid to admit them and risk losing him, but Mountain can tell something is up.
- Omega has noticed that the reader has been around him more often and coming to him with work related questions. He begins to realize they have a crush on him, and they’re just trying to spend more time with him but are too nervous to just ask to hang out.
I got you friend~ Thank you for your prompts
I find shy readers really close to home to write about haha, I might try it one day it just would be so close to how I act in real life, and I just wanna escapppeee kekek
I took the Mountain prompt, fluffed around with it, gave him some insecurities. He is just a sweetie pie. I added a self-insert, let me know if you spot them, weheheh
The very mature rating can be found under the line and the explicit on AO3. Over 18 please my friends~
If anyone else wants to send me prompts, I prefer scenarios to kinks~ I am a bit on the demi/ace spectrum. Romance/feelings>smut and i like the option of not writing smut if I am not feeling it :3
I have a fun Swiss one coming up next~
Thank you for reading!
“Eyy, _____.”
“How’s it hanging, Swiss?” You walked to your usual meeting spot with Mountain, your usual surveillance partner in tow. The spot was where the ministry grounds met the edge of the surrounding pine forest. The pines were made for privacy but also hid unwelcome visitors from view, which meant there always had to be at least one pair of ghouls watching the treeline. The sun was beginning to down so you were trading shifts with Swiss and Dewdrop.
Swiss had to think momentarily and cocked his head of long dreads. “To the left, I think,” he replied, squinting.
“Huh, unusual for you,” you shrugged. You could feel Moutain beside you; you had had a new awareness for him of late. He was a big creature of few words hidden behind a pair of thick-rimmed glasses and a thick fringe of hair. 
“Eh, switching it up a little bit,” Swiss gave a trademark grin.
“How about you, Dew?” You prompted.
“I’m afraid you’re just going to have to check for yourself, _____,” he had a mean smile, which wasn’t something he could help; his brows were always in a kind of downcast scowl regardless of mood.
“Is that a challenge?” You piqued a brow, “you know that generally doesn’t work out well for you, dickweed.”
Mountain stood a little taller beside you.
He may not speak much, but you could tell when chaos mode was about to engage. He usually followed you into any bullshit your mouth got you into.
“Your big fuzzy protector has been clipped, _____,” Dew smirked. 
“I don’t need help pantsing you, short shit,” you chuckled.
“Bring it on, Peanut,” Dew leered; a ghoul after your own heart, almost always looking for violence.
“Speaking of clipping,” Swiss interrupted what was going to be a ghoulish brawl followed by many ripped pants. “Mountain, it’s your first day back, right?”
“Yeah,” he looked down at the cast on his arm. He was bound up with a sling and still had a few plasters on his face. Ghouls healed fast—just not that fast.
Your gaze fell, playfulness leaching from you. You were trying not to acknowledge it like it could be any other day. Mountain’s arm had been broken in four places during your last watch together.
“You good to do this? You need a third?” Sodo prompted. He was genuine, and you hated when he was genuine because that usually meant something was wrong.
You would usually pass him off in an instant, but in that moment, you deemed it not your call to make.
You felt Mountain’s awareness on you; you could feel it more intensely these days—it was nothing he was doing on purpose. It was all you. 
“Nah, I only need one hand,” his voice was softer than his appearance might suggest and was tipped with an accent he’d picked up with some time in Australia.
“You see anything to look out for?” You asked as if it was completely fine, and you had this, and you had all the confidence in the world for returning to the job.
“Uh… there was a Nymph?” Swiss said after a while of thinking, “But it will probably try to seduce you more than anything.”
“Huh, it’s been a while since I’ve seen a Nymph,” you frowned.
“I wouldn’t go near it,” Dew wrinkled his nose, “that weird pollen shit.”
You rolled your eyes; the real reason why Dew wouldn’t go near it was because it wasn’t on any kind of hitlist. If murder wasn’t on the table, neither was Dew. “Right, if that’s it, you can skedaddle, lads,” you thumbed over your shoulder back towards the cathedral.
“Get some rest,” Mountain agreed.
Dew clicked his tongue, “If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure if you stay any longer, you will be without pants,” you promised.
“Peanut…” Dew warned, and Swiss threw an arm around him to tug him away.
“Later, _____,” Swiss grinned.
“See you at breakfast,” you handed out two stealthy ass-smacks as they passed.
“Ooo, I’m gonna…” Dew grumbled as Swiss laughed, dragging him away.
You chuckled, and it was quiet again without them. Just you and Mountain, the way it always was—the way it should be. Your big, tall lampshade of a companion. Your brother from another demonic nightmare. Your good time boy. Silence had never been awkward between you two, so who should it be then? He was usually quiet anyway, happy to listen as you run your mouth. Nothing should be different. Nothing would be different.
You had a track you usually followed through the treeline, under and over logs, scouting up certain trees. Finding the peaks of the valley and surveying was commonplace, but what wasn’t typical was that you didn’t know what to do with your hands as you walked. Pockets(?) How much hands swaying as you walked was too much hand swaying? Arms crossed just looked defensive. 
“What’s up, Mounty?” You had chosen to rest your arms behind your head like some anime character. Looked cool in anime—less cool in real life.
“Something’s wrong.”
You stopped, you listened. You peeled your eyes to the underbrush. You couldn’t sense anything, but Mountain had pointier ears than yours; you’d always wondered if he heard more. “What’s up? Is it the nymph?” Your voice was barely a breath in volume.
“With you, _____,” he smiled softly at your readiness.
You sagged. “Ya scared me; what do you mean?” You asked and continued on your usual winding path. It was a bright moon, your pupils dilated, and you saw much of the forest as you would during the day, just bluer.
“You’re acting strange.”
“Feels like that’s on brand for me,” you shrugged.
“You’ve usually tried to climb me three times by now.”
“Not my fault, you’re very high ground,” you muttered. “Fine, you’re injured, Mounty… so it’s…”
“You think I can’t handle you while I’m like this?” He chuckled.
You swallowed. It was as innocent as anything Mountain usually said to you. He was right, of course; the guard duty was long and tedious, and you liked to try and wrestle him most days. He could throw you over his shoulder and put you in the bin easily enough, but he always indulged you anyway. He was your best friend. Your partner in crime. You needed him to be that. “Yeah, you’re delicate goods right now,” you grinned at him to shrug it off. Well, ‘at him’ was a general term—you’d been having trouble looking at him of late.
“Delicate goods?” You heard the frown in his voice. “Can’t have saying things like that.” He said and bobbed down.
It was so sudden you took some staggered steps forward and had to tune around to figure out what he was up to. “Huh?”
“Hop aboard, ______.”
“Oh…” it shouldn’t be weird; it wasn’t weird; riding Mountain’s shoulders was commonplace. He was slow-moving, so anyone quick enough could usually climb up and hop aboard. He never seemed to mind. “Yeah… yeah…” You eased yourself into the idea; yeah, that made sense—It was Mountain; he was literally named for climbing.
You swung a leg over him, and he stood quickly. 
“You good up there, Peanut?”
Peanut was something stupid some of the other ghouls tended to call you; it was odd to hear it from him. Maybe it was an accident? “Hell, yeah, the best seat in the house—Ghoul Rangers battle morph~” you tried to screw around with your usual shenanigans, but your ears felt hot. “Forest better prepare its anus; we’re in our final form!”
He chuckled and petted one of your thighs before continuing on your usual path.
Fucking hell, what was happening? He always did that, but… why was it different? You didn’t want it to be different.
“You know I…” Mountain murmured but lost the words.
Where did you put your hands? It was usually his hair or horns… but that felt… too much. Fuck, just do it like you used to. You reached into his soft, scruffy locks, his scalp warm against your fingertips. Your gut was jelly. “What’s up, big guy?” Somehow, your voice didn’t waver.
“I know I took this hit—but I can still protect you,” he squeezed your thigh.
Damn it. What was he doing to you? “Mounty…”
“You’ve seemed distant recently, ______.”
At least from this position, you didn’t have to look him in the eye. Unless he somehow pulled an exorcist on you. That’d be weird. “Have I? I think I’m just aware I’m a bit, uh, rough… sometimes—“
“I’m still strong enough to be at your side.” He had added a little gravel to give voice.
You tried to hide the shiver in your spine by stretching. Was he hurting that you had withdrawn ever since the accident with the nephilim? He was still your best friend. “It’s… It’s not that big guy.”
“What is it?”
“I’m your partner, so I shouldn’t have let you get hurt like that. You like protecting me—but it’s my job to watch your back too.” You ran your fingers against him as a self-indulgence. “And seeing you hurt like that…” made you realise a few things about how important he was to you. “I failed you, Mounty.”
“Nah,” he shook his head, “no way, Peanut—it just happens sometimes. And I saw you turn on the bugger, extremely fucking sexy; I’ve never seen you go to town like that.”
Nothing new to call each other sexy. Banter was what you both thrived off. Never before had you been so scarlet. You could only hope the blood rush didn’t reach your legs in his purview. You had to segue. “What’s up with the Peanut?”
“Oh, I just thought Dew called you that, so it was just… and you guys seem close, so…” you felt him shrug.
“Dickwad only calls me that because he said if I ever grew a dick, it would look like a peanut—which feels very pot calling the kettle… Dude has a fucking acorn.”
You felt his shoulder quake with mirth. “Do the rest of the pack know that?”
“Sometimes things just stick,” you grimaced.
“Either way… You never have to worry about being too rough with me, ______.” He said softly, “I—I’ve missed you,” his head rested to the side for a moment, and you felt his cheek against your thigh.
So then you imagined his lips on your thigh, just a chaste moment. Just… you swallowed. Sparks rippled over your skin. You had to stow it, and you had to do it quickly.
You heard him sniff. “______?” Was his voice deeper, or were you imagining it?
“There’s a nymph in this forest…” he muttered. His hand slid over your leg, and you felt the sweat of his palm through your uniform pants.
“Oh…” and what ‘oh’ meant was there was a little forest trickster running around with weird, sexy pollen powers. Hopefully, what you were feeling could be blamed solely on that. “You good?”
“Yeah.. yeah… she’ll be right.”
You were so close you could usually tell what he meant regardless of what his mouth said. He was turned on then. The idea ignited something you wanted to stay unlit. “Yeah, we’re big ghouls, plus we’re best friends, so we wouldn’t…”
“We wouldn’t…?”
“Yeah, we’re like a hundred years of plutonic companionship impervious to nymphy bullshit, right?”
“Y-yeah, exactly.”
“Hey, tree person, fuck off!!” You called. “Earth is kinda your domain, right? How do we scare the jerk away?”
He didn’t immediately answer.
“Oh, they’re just looking for fun.”
“See we just… be unexciting?” But what could be more salacious to a nymph than a person suddenly wanting their own best friend? Suddenly realising you loved them and wanted them to yourself—that you were suddenly jealous of anyone he looked at? That his body, which you knew as well as your own, called to you? You’d dreamt of him, too. 
He hummed softly, and you felt the vibrations of it between your legs. 
“Right, you gotta let me down—“
“______?” He whispered your name and paused.
“We should maybe split up,” you muttered.
“Ah.. right, good… yep..” he bobbed back down.
You stepped from his shoulder and couldn’t really look at him. You ran a sweaty hand through your hair. “I’ll just go the opposite direction and find you on the road again, hum?”
“That… sounds right.” He wasn’t looking at you, either.
“Uh, yell if you need me, Mounty.” 
You didn’t stall; you walked away quickly. You had a very old friendship to preserve, which meant finding yourself a nymph.
You didn’t stay on the path.
You were out for blood. Your stomach only churned harder the deeper you got into the underbrush. The want for your best friend became unbridled lust, and you fought for the centre of the pollen cloud. He meant more to you than some little shit’s entertainment.
“Where are you, you little shit?” You glowered. Mountain was nature and strength. A gentle giant. You were a hot head; you were speed, tracking and assassination. You were going to peel the flesh from its little bones… You could smell it. It was something sweeter than grass and a little bit citrusy. Like lemonade during a summer’s picnic. The closer you got, the more flushed you got.
There came a break in the trees. Moonlight shimmered in a pool of water, and with it, the green glimmer of a nymph. You would wring its little pixie neck, you would... 
“Oh, hello, friend~!” They sat on a rock in the middle of the lake.
Oh no. No. They were cute. Green skin, big broccoli hair, twinkly doe eyes and a sweet smile. The nymph had a book in their hands and was writing in it with a teeny quill while they hitched up their thick coke-bottle glasses.
“F-friend?” You choked and felt you had to hide your claws.
“Uh, huh,” they beamed and hid their weeny little diary behind their back. Just what had they been writing in there? “How did it go?! Did you confess your love to one another?” They stood up, fixed their little petal dress, and beamed at you. They were… so smol.
“N-no… hey, I don’t want… we don’t want. We both… and it’s not like that…”
They frowned, “Nu-uh,” you pouted childishly. “I can smell the butterflies in your stomach, the tingles in your nose all the way to your toes~~~”
“Well, I don’t want it.”
“Don’t… don’t want it?” Their eyes somehow got even bigger.
“Just.. I don’t want…” you sighed. “Relationships come and go, but Mountain is my forever partner.”
“You love him~” they sparkled, ignoring the whole ‘I don’t want’ statement.
“I do. More than wanting sort of… all this…” You gestured to all the invisible pollen in the air.
They actually started crying.
“Oh… oh…. That’s… there are plenty of ghouls to screw around with, you know… I’m good not, uh, doing this… There is one called Dew; he sometimes goes by Sodomiser. It would be very funny to screw around with him,” you nodded fervently.
“Friend….” They sniffled on their rock in the middle of the pond.
“Please—let me make my own choices,” you sagged.
Their lip trembled.
They nodded slowly, and you felt some of the grip lessen over your stomach.
“Thank you,” you sighed. 
“I hope you reconsider,” she sniffed. 
“It’s… not likely,” you grimaced, and your stomach dropped a little for the first time at the idea of it. Companions for life, but… You would both eventually find other ghouls, wouldn’t you? What then? And you shouldn’t act just at the possibility of him having someone else. He saw you like a sibling—you approaching him like that out of the blue would be uncomfortable for him, and then you really would ruin everything. You massaged your head. 
You heard Mountain call your name, and your head whipped. “I have to go…” You began walking backwards.
“I’ll see you later, friend~” they sparkled.
You began stealthing. What could be out here that you didn’t smell? Was he okay? You remembered the nephilim standing over him; he’d been thrown back into the treeline, felling at least three trees before his body had come to a stop. His head had cracked back. You’d thought for a moment he was dead. Mountain. Your great Mountain. You’d seen red. That couldn’t happen again. 
You moved through the branches of the fir forest with a light step and bloodlust humming in your veins. Anyone who dared touch Moutnain would… He wasn’t on the track, and he was alone.
“….______….” His voice was low and broken. He faced a tree trunk, forehead pressed to the bark. A short, frustrated sound came from him like he hated something. He was in loathing.
Was he okay? Was there an enemy you couldn’t see? You perched on the bough and waited to pounce.
“I… hmm…” Mountain’s gentle voice came out strained. He whimpered, pained.
You were about to rush to him.
“Fuck, _____, just like that… I… shouldn’t… I want you. D-damn it…” he groaned low, hunching further to drag his horns against the trunk like a rutting bull elk.
Oh. You took in the slack of the ghoul’s uniform pants around his waist. The slight thrust of his hips. You recognised the wet sounds. You had thought the nymph’s thrall was over… it was over, wasn’t it? You went beet red. You shouldn’t see this, you should leave. You turned around and stepped for the next branch to give him privacy.
“______… don’t look at Dew like that…” There then came a low, tortured groan. Seemed he was in pain. Your best friend was hurting. “My… my… love… you’re so… I hate myself for…”
Your heart was cleaved clean in two.
Mountain froze as he felt the pressure of your forehead against the middle of his back. “______?… shit… Sorry, the nymph…”
You rubbed your face against him. “The nymph isn’t controlling us any more.” 
“I.. I’m sorry… I…”
When had he started hurting like this? You curled your tail to his leg and snuggled his body to you. “Are you okay, Mounty?”
He sagged into you. “No.”
“Me neither,” you murmured. “…what do we do?”
“I don’t know.”
“Neither do I,” you held him tighter like he would somehow disappear. “I think I love you Mountain,” You wanted to hide in him; your voice trembled.
“I love you too, ______.”
You stayed hidden behind him as if nothing would change if you didn’t move. You felt his cast rub at your arms around his middle. You heard the clumsy one-handed zip of his pants being done up.
“Broke the wrong hand, huh?” You chuckled into his back.
“Yeah.” His shoulders relaxed, and he laughed softly. 
You’d made a joke, which somehow meant you’d both be okay. “Maybe I’ll give you a hand later, huh?” You grinned.
“_______,” he moaned, and you felt the tuft of his tail run against your leg. “Uh… sorry…” he tugged his tail to him. He looked back at you, worry knitting his brows, and his glasses still fogged.
You let him go so that he could turn around properly. “Hey, big guy.”
“Hey,” His green eyes washed down your face. “I… want to kiss you,” he averted his gaze, “Is that something we do now or should we not…? I can’t lose you, so I don’t know…”
“I can’t lose you either. I also want to kiss you, though—maybe it will be weird, and we would hate it, and then we can just return to how it was?” You guessed.
“Yeah.. that..” he swallowed and hesitantly leaned down for you to reach for him, leaving you with the decision to make.
You tentatively reached for his neck. Your nose brushed his like an electric current ran you through. You kissed your best friend’s mouth—and he kissed you back with hunger, groaning into your mouth. He teased your tongue with his own. You only parted when you were both breathless.
“I…” your bridge pressed his, “I didn’t hate it…”
He hummed, his eyes closed, and brows contorted in pain. “More..” he growled softly to your lips before he took them for himself. His unbound arm wrapped your waist. Were his hands always so large?
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gojuo · 1 year
Tell us now your top 5 most hated characters on ASOAIF and F&B please!
My no.1 most hated ASOIAF character is Tywin Lannister. I hate this man. I hate him very much. I wish he would go away and die somewhere where he will inconvenience no one but the vultures. I loathe his manner. I loathe his style. I loathe the fact that he dares draw breath in a world where my loved ones do not or rather cannot because he murdered them. I loathe that he was rewarded for behavior which, in-universe, he should have been quartered for. I want him dead. I want to kill him and destroy him. I want him died. #SCENE #ANGER #FUCK #DIE #HATERED
There is not a single ounce — not even a miniscule amount ­— of sympathy I have for this scumbag. Not a single thing likeable about him. Not a single redeeming quality he has to his name. From the first moment he showed up on page until the very last mention of him, he was nothing short of disgusting. He is diabolical, satanic, monstrous, loathsome, ghoulish, sadistic, cruel, insert every single synonym of the term demonic here, etc. etc. I hate him. I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him.
The whole “Yeah he’s evil uwu but Charles Dance is so granddaddy I can fix him <3" sales pitch this low IQ fandom has been pushing since the dawn of that accursed adaptation on top of it all only makes the intense disgust I hold for him so much fucking worse. Tywin Lannister has no conscience, no charisma, no morals, and he has no honor — all of that in an un-sexy way, one of the greatest crimes a villain with no traumatic backstory could objectively ever commit. Never mind the beyond immoral execution of the Red Wedding (“Machiavellian” my ass. Any stupid fool who says this crap needs to go back to elementary school in order to relearn how to read and how to interpret literature and themes in literature right the fuck now), never mind the severe mental torture he’s put his own flesh and blood through to the point where two of them are in a destructive incestuous relationship with each other and the other pushed to the point of patricide, this monster had his son's fourteen-year-old little child-wife gangraped by his guards, had each of them give her a silver coin after one was done with her, then had thirteen-year-old Tyrion rape her last and, contrary to the others, give her a gold coin because “Lannisters are worth more”. All because she was a common-born little girl who dared to marry the disabled son he hated so much. Am I supposed to think this piece of shit falls under the sexy evil category of villains? What sad backstory does this trash have to his name that would woobify him enough to “if villain bad why sexy” him? His father had a few mistresses after his mother died and gave them gifts and cared for them? Was that the tragic past of his that elevated him enough for people to wash their conscience clean so to cross moral boundaries all to lust after this so-called “sexy villain”? Tywin Lannister had his father’s mistress, who was nothing but a poor common-born daughter of a candle-maker, stripped naked and paraded through the streets of Lannisport for two whole goddamn weeks, and forced her to tell every man she came across that she was a thief and a whore, quite alike to what he did to Tysha as well. This man hates women. I cannot stress this enough, like Tywin Lannister hates women. And not just women, but especially commoner women. His modus operandi is inflicting sadistic sexual violence on any and all women he doesn’t like (which is like, all of them). As a true “if villain bad then why sexy” connoisseur and quite frankly, the president of the club, this man is not, never was and never will be a part of that esteemed category of villains.
And you know something that’s a veeery personal ick of mine — and this is really the icing on the cake for me — is shit-for-brains dickriders of this ghoul having the gall to pretend like he did not explicitly order the murder of Elia and her babies, that he apparently just “let” Clegane and Lorch loose on them. These low IQ fucks know what that demon did to his father’s poor mistress and what he did to little Tysha, and then somehow they still think this sadist with a severely fragile ego did not tell Clegane and Lorch to do what they did to her with his own mouth? Any waste-of-space who parrots this BNF-drivel (all said in order to minimize what happened to Elia, Rhaenys and the baby in place for Aegon) is not only going on my blocklist like immediately, they also need to die. Respectfully.
Now, I mostly spoke on his character from a moral standpoint, but I want to make clear that this loser’s shortcomings aren’t only morality-based. All the shit-for-brains stans this demon has know he has no morals so they always deflect to the “b-b-but he’s a military genius, that’s why I like him, I’m so edgy!!!” excuse and I want to emphasize how fucking stupid you have to be to believe Tywin is anything but brainless. AFFC is literally right there. GRRM’s explicitly spells out to the reader through Jaime’s POV how fucking stupid Tywin was in everything that he did. How the only show of military genius this demon had was through being nothing but a bully. All his work unraveled the second he died. He built nothing, and he will go down in history as nothing. That’s why his one and only legacy will always be that he got murdered on the shitter by his own son, like the fucking loser that he is.
I hate this fucking character with every fiber of my being.
On number 2 stands Aerys II Targeryen. Do I even need to explain this? What I said about Tywin applies to this racist, rapist, fascist piece of shit as well. I’m not going to waste my time and money psychoanalyzing this bottom-of-the-barrel trash. Aerys is the pinnacular culmination of three hundred years of Targaryen delusion, self-worship, egotism and five thousand years of Valyrian hubris, god-complex, and megalomania. Him and his daughter both, but I’ll get to her in a minute. This man’s lucky he’s only got 2 stans — and those two are only stanning just to be contrarians — unlike Tywin, who’s got an actual dedicated fanbase. Ugh. Two peas in a pod. One edge he has over Tywin is that at the very least Aerys has some sort of tragic backstory that’s actually valid. Too bad for him idgaf. Pour one out for Rhaella :(
My third most hated is ... Daenerys. Man… How do I even open this can of worms… I’ve a whole tag dedicated to hating her, soooo awkwardly waves hand in that direction. Everything about Daenerys is just so … racist. Racist on an in-universe level, racist on a meta level and racist on a fandom level, so I was never going to like Daenerys no matter what. The fact that she has the most insane and delusional and downright disgusting fanbase ever in all of media history really doesn’t help her case. If they hadn’t been this rabid and racist, then I don’t think I would have hated her this much. Because then I could’ve just had her character be as she is: the Paul Astreides of the series. A false Messiah, basically. The meta-level racism (GRRM making every single antagonist in her plotline nothing but walking, talking Reel Bad Arabs tropes; the use of POV trap which leads to none of the brown and black supporting characters in her story having a voice; GRRM’s own racism as in exotic-erotic tropes for all of the Essosi people, really badly researched POC cultures he based the Essosi off of, using brown and black people as nothing but props for the main white girl) and Daenerys’ in-universe racism (conquering and colonizing lands and peoples; white saviorism; imperialism; her hypocritical use of slavery) would still be there, of course, and I still would not have been able to stomach it meaning I still would not have rooted for her in any way, but then at the very least I would not have been subjected to a long decade of fandom racism being justified through the excuse of her freeing slaves from evil Reel Bad Arabs (spoiler alert: she is not freeing anybody).
Ugh, I don’t wanna talk about her. Everything about her from her character to the plot and storyline and her place in the narrative is downright insulting to me as a WOC, and quite frankly, any WOC that lays down their lives to defend this girl baffles me. Like, stop it. Please have some self-respect.
Then comes Jaehaerys the Old King. Father and inventor of misogyny. It’s crazy.
No. 5 is Rhaenys I and Daeron I the Young Dragon. EVERY TONGUE THAT RISES AGAINST THE DORNISH SHALL FALL!!!
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ficbrish · 1 year
Waking Up With You Chapter 1
“That… was amazing” [AO3]
Rating: Explicit, 18+ only
Tags: During Canon, POV Alternating, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Developing Relationship, Shameless Smut, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Some Humor, She falls first, He falls harder, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, First Kiss, First Time, Kissing, Bathing/Washing, Shower Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Fisting, Oral Sex, Ass to Mouth
[[TW/CW: Smoking, alcohol]]
They say people can’t get too close in the Commonwealth. You always know every day could be the last, so you separate yourself from the people you like before you can love them too hard.
Renée called bullshit.
You knew every day could be the last. That every moment could be your final. It made the people here love harder, faster. Death being more imminent didn’t make life duller; it did the opposite. Love in her world was expected, responsible, domestic. Love in this world was surprising, dangerous, and primal.
Renée felt her stomach flip as MacCready lifted her up and twirled her around. She shrieked. He laughed.
“We did it!”
They’d just gotten the cure to Daisy.
With Hancock having met them afterwards at the Third Rail to celebrate, Renée wondered how MacCready was still steady on two feet. That ghoul could drink, and he kept sending for rounds of shots. They tossed them back until MacCready finally told Hancock they had to fu—udge off and go to sleep.
They’d planned on booking a night at the Rexford, but Hancock offered them use of one of the statehouse’s spare rooms instead (and his security team that came with it). Now Renée and MacCready were alone, and she flew as he spun her around. Her chest felt crushed against his leathers. A buckle pressed into one of her ribs.
She could smell their evening on his breath as he spoke.
“Man, I could kiss you right now!”
He didn’t mean it.
“You got a cigarette?” she asked.
He put her down to pull two of them out of his pack. MacCready put them both between his lips and lit them with the same flame in one inhale.
“Here,” he said, handing her one, “Pretty ladies never light their own.”
Renée smirked, “Smooth as always, RJ.”
The first drag felt like magic whenever she was drunk. Her head felt surreal, beyond presence. When the smoke flew out from her lips, she felt like a queen.
“Forgot if he said we could smoke in here.”
Renée just shrugged and took another pull. Her response made them break into giggles like school kids.
They rolled out their sleeping bags as they smoked. Hancock’s generous offer was a pantry on the third floor across from his office. Believe it or not, it spoke to the immense respect he had for the both of them. It was actually one of the bigger closets he had to give, with only one shelf and an old TV crammed in there with them. There was even enough room to spread out, but they zipped their bags together anyway.
“You good there?” MacCready growled when they eventually crawled in.
He was lying on his back, and she wrapped an arm across his chest and rested her head on his shoulder. He placed an arm along her side too.
It was more comfortable that way.
She either nodded or nestled into him.
“’So you know,” he teased sleepily, “I don’t get this cozy with all my clients.”
She snort-laughed, “I’m special?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “You’re special.”
She took a pause before excitedly exclaiming, “OH BOY!” right in his ear. It was the most unserious thing, way too loud, and sent them both into hysterics.
Then they fell asleep.
Her last waking thoughts left a smile on her face.
Their nights now were such a contrast to those first ones; back before they trusted each other, when they were still strangers who’d formed a partnership over as little caps as she could get away with. Those strangers would never believe they’d be where they are now.
MacCready was so nervous the first night that he kept saying things like “after you” and inserting “excuse me” into the wrong parts of sentences. Renée knew she absolutely had to fuck with him the moment he started with those forced manners. She already deserved a reward for not saying anything about the way he’d stop himself mid-curse.
“Relax,” she’d teased, “I didn’t hire you to be my boy slut.”
He’d coughed and cleared his throat to cover the way he’d choked on it.
She’d laughed so hard he had to remind her to be quiet—Too much noise would attract nasties. His hand went to her mouth without thinking. He spoke his warning so close she could taste his cigarette.
She blushed when she didn’t hate that.
Renée didn’t tease her mercenary for the rest of that night. He didn’t talk to her either.
MacCready broke their silence the next day when he discovered she’d fallen asleep on her watch.
“Don’t do that!” he’d roared.
“I didn’t mean to!”
They didn’t shut up after that argument. They got tired of shouting, but never of talking. And eventually, story after story, buckets of spilled blood between them, they trusted each other.
It was all fine and good until the yearning set in.
Fuck the butterflies fluttering around her stomach when they were met with obliviousness on his face.
And how could those feelings even be trusted when she still wore another man’s ring?
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
The poor man looked like he’d been shot. MacCready had just finished opening up about his dead wife. Lucy’s name still hung between them like it was a memorial.
Renée truly picked the perfect time to tell him she was in love with him.
To be fair to her, sharing feelings about each other was the main purpose of this heavy, first thing in the morning talk. And it was all his idea in the first place!
RJ had just broken Renée’s heart with the most sentimental thing he’d ever said to her, “I just want you to know how much your friendship means to me.”
Then those words slipped out, “I was hoping what we had together could be more than friendship.”
It came out as a suggestive flirtation, but it was really the sound of her heart breaking.
Now he was shocked and stuttering. There was panic in his ice-blue eyes as they stood across from each other in the pantry. They were hung over and hungry, and he just told her that his wife was dead, ripped apart in front of him.
All he could muster was, “I… I don’t know.”
Renée kept fiddling with the toy soldier in her fingers, the one from Lucy that he never went without. He’d given it to her so sincerely right before she ruined everything, like it was a ring.
“Then I met you.” Hope had bloomed in her chest despite her best efforts to tug out its roots.
He’d pushed her hair back behind her ears, “You have the world’s problems on your back and here you are helping me with mine… lending me your shoulder like Lucy did.”
There was no denying Renée was important to him. The toy in her hand proved it.
It just wasn’t the right kind of important.
Renée shut her eyes. She resented his scent as it gorged her starving senses like a favorite food.
“I mean,” MacCready kept stuttering, “I never thought of us that way.”
Yep. There it was.
“What about your husband?” he asked, searching for solid ground to stand on, “I know he’s gone, but you still love him, don’t you?”
The pit in her stomach flipped again. She was so confused. The way he said it held no accusations. It wasn’t another widow shaming her for losing the “holding on” contest. It was a genuine question. It even—it had a tone to it.
Renée looked back up at him. She could feel her pulse fluttering in her throat, choking her.
And what about Nate? What about the way he showed up almost every time she shut her eyes?
“Would it bother you if I still love him?”
“I don’t know,” MacCready admitted, “I mean, we’re two sides of the same coin, right? It’s true, I miss Lucy to death… but at some point we have to move on, don’t you think?”
Now she was really confused, and her confusion started to feel like possibility.
“That’s the past,” Renée said like it was her last shot in the dark, “You’re all that matters to me now.”
That was way too much.
“I… I don’t really know what to say.”
That was way too little.
But it did the trick. They both blushed.
MacCready took her hand, running his thumb over the back of it. She took a deep breath to steel herself against the electric shivers running up her neck. His hands were like a powerful drug.
“I know I was taking a chance dumping all my feelings on the table,” his tone was light and full of relief, “But now that I know how you really feel about me… It was definitely worth the risk.”
They chuckled and she squeezed his hand. Renée felt a wave of heat ignite through her, coming off him. It was like she could feel his pulse by experiencing it as her own. There was no turning back now. Whatever thin, red line kept that boundary up between them was severed by that little squeeze.
MacCready stepped in a bit closer.
“For once in my life, everything’s going right and I have you to thank for it. I don’t think anyone in the world could ask for a greater gift than that. Thank you.”
His hand moved to her hip, pulling her into his arms.
Renée looked up into the face of desire. Now RJ knew he could look at her like that, it was like a dam had broken. She felt his whole body press against hers and was overwhelmed by it.
With a slight turn of her head, her lips brushed against his neck, “You could have even more than that.”
MacCready lifted her chin. They kept looking at each other like they’d just walked in on something they shouldn’t have.
He tested the waters with a gentle tap on her nose from his. When she didn’t flinch or slap him away, he rested his forehead on hers.
Renée could already taste him inside her mouth when he asked, “Sure this is all right?”
She nodded, and the gesture made their noses nuzzle together.
“Fuc—” he stopped his slip of the tongue with her lips.
Their first kiss was gentle and hesitant. A caress of her slightly parted mouth.
Then it possessed them.
They reached out with desperate tongues; groans escaped their throats and vibrated across each other’s teeth. It wasn’t just the person. It was the taste and a feeling that grabbed at their whole being. It turned every urge into an action like instinct.
He got so hard Renée thought she’d bruise where he pressed up against her hip bone. She rubbed herself against him anyway, pushing into the pain.
“I need you,” she pleaded.
“Holy shit!” MacCready exclaimed as if to say, You actually want me! His face looked like Christmas morning.
Renée could only laugh, consumed by the irony of every time she held a dull ache in her heart from being so sure he’d never feel this way. She brought his face back down to devour him again. MacCready barely let her breathe, unwilling to relent on his new discovery.
Her hands went to work on his belt as they gasped in the spaces between kisses. She was dying to get into his road leathers.
“Breaking your vows today, RJ?”
“Sooo many of them,” he promised breathlessly as he trailed his hands up the inside of her dress, touching all the parts of her thighs that were new to him. MacCready usually cursed her habit of wearing a dress whenever they were in town, but today he blessed it.
Her skin shivered when he touched it.
“Please,” she begged, lifting his hand further up her thigh.
He practically moaned his question, “I can touch you?”
Renée gasped when he did, trailing his trigger finger between her legs. Her greed bucked into his palm.
“This is insane,” he said, moving her underwear to the side like he was lining up a shot and not quite believing it. His eyes rolled back as he stroked her soaked skin.
“I know.”
She caught his lips in hers. Something about his body chemistry made her head explode. Every kiss satisfied without sating, starving her further. Renée lost control of herself completely, and she couldn’t give a shit.
His finger practically fell into her with a slight shift of her hips. The groan started at the base of his throat and came out as, “God, you’re so wet…”
“I want you so much!”
He sucked her lower lip and bit it. It got a moan out of her.
Renée pushed him back into the wall and he hit it with a thud that made the stuff on the shelf shake. She jumped up, and he wrapped her legs around his hips. Their mouths kept tearing at each other until she cried, “Fuck me!”
“We already put away the sleeping bags,” he said stupidly.
“Turn around.”
He did and her back pressed into the wall.
“Oh, right.”
MacCready kissed her again before she could tease him for that. Renée caressed his cock for the first time as his pants fell down around his ankles.
“Holy shit!” they said together. Now Renée’s face looked like Christmas morning.
“Get inside me already, dumbass!” she murmured with affectionate impatience.
She gasped as he pressed his dick between her thighs, his smooth skin fumbling against hers, seeking entrance. It left the same magic on her skin as his lips and his hands and slid all the way in the moment it found her wetness. He filled her up so thick it felt like being torn in two, but instead of pain, there was a tight, sweet feeling she needed more and more and more of.
“I’m going to fuck you silly, Renée,” he said deep inside her, brushing the hair out of her face as he held her steady against the wall.
“Then fuck me.”
His tongue met hers before he started moving his hips. It came as a shock to her system to feel something so immensely within just a few thrusts. Pleasure was always something she gave, not something given. Not before the war. Not that it wasn’t fine with Nate, but…
No—Don’t think of Nate!                                              
She moaned his name to bring herself back to him. He seemed to like it, groaning into her neck in response.
So she said it again, “RJ…”
She said it right against his ear. Low, like a prayer.
“Fuck! I don’t want to cum yet.”
“You can.”
“No,” he insisted firmly, “You first.”
He brought one of her arms over her head, pinning it by the wrist.
“I need to feel you cum,” he whispered on her lips.
Talk like that usually made her nervous, put her on the spot. Her mind was tricky. If Renée tried to feel warm, she’d just get colder. But a burn would always result from touching a hot stove. It was bound to happen if he kept doing what he did.
“Don’t stop!”
“Never… never…” he panted.
That’s when the tightness started, and soon she was a body of fireworks, a living cliché. Her whole being shuddered, and the all-encompassing sensation beat her mind senseless. She held onto him like her life depended on it. If she let go, she’d burst into a billion parts.
His hard, fast pumping left MacCready panting; his face buried in her chest. As Renée’s ecstatic moment started to taper, he let out a course, animalistic sound low in his throat. His movement grew slower, and he twitched a few times. A wave of pleasure that couldn’t have been her own shot through Renée and died at the tip of her tongue with a whine.
He held her there tight. Neither of them moved until they stopped shaking.
MacCready looked up at her, breathless with a stupid smile slapped across his face. Then he kissed her, gentle and appreciative. And again. And then one more.
Only when she started laughing and saying, “Get off me!” was he able to take his cock out of her.
It would have been possible to look at each other directly while they cleaned up and got dressed if they felt anything less than they did. Renée was fighting her face to control it, while MacCready didn’t do anything to hide his happiness at all.
When they were ready to head out, he remembered something important.
“Fu—um… You’re on some sort of birth control, right?”
“Jesus, RJ! This is how Duncan happened, isn’t it?”
“Are you?!”
“Of course!”
There was a knock at the door.
Hancock’s voice sounded gloating, “Sorry to interrupt you two lovebirds, but I need the uh… that bucket in there.”
“What the fu-uh—la-la does he need a bucket for?”
Renée rolled her eyes, “You can open the door, you know.”
It came open slowly with a creak, Hancock waiting on the other side, “I know. It’s my door.”
“Still need that bucket, buddy?”
“No,” Hancock wore an evil grin, “Just wanted you to know I could hear you two all the way from my room. So, when’s the wedding?”
Renée dragged a knuckle across her eyebrow, “You know…”
“Thanks for the closet,” MacCready said, “It was a real pleasure.”
Renée shook her head.
“Better not have gotten any scuzz stains on my wood, MacCready.”
“Oh?” he raised his brow, “I can leave scuzz stains on your wood, all right.”
“Promises, promises.”
They could have gone on like that for hours but took pity on Renée’s suffering.
MacCready reached for her hand and squeezed it, “Come on, you relic. I owe you breakfast.”
[Next Chapter]
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nanaosaki3940 · 2 years
You Will Realize I Wasn’t A Mistake!!
The Crimson Butterfly [My Hero Academia & Tokyo Ghoul]
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Synopsis: It wasn’t until he met her for the first time that their encounter made him believe that the world is just as beautiful as her. She was brighter than the summer sun, prettier than the spring flowers, kinder than the winter moon & warmer than his blue flames. She was his first and only love, his life, his biggest fan, his supporter, his playmate, his healer, his everything... Even after his supposed ‘death’.
|| My Hero Academia ft. Tokyo Ghoul || (Follows the canon storyline of MHA & is up-to-date with the manga.) 
Pairing: Touya Todoroki X OC/Reader X Shoto Todoroki
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Angst. 
Note: Shoto and my OC are of the same age (16 yrs old) and Dabi/Touya is 8 yrs older than them (24 yrs old) - Just like how it is in the manga.
I know this is an xOC fic, but you can read it as a self-insert if you like.
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Nana’s POV (2 days after the Paranormal Liberation War)
“I said the same thing to Gran Torino as well, but…” the doctor stated to my old man Aizawa. “If you had waited even a moment longer, it would have been even worse. Thanks to Rock Lock, Manual, and the others prioritizing your life you’re here.”
Right now, I was in Aizawa’s cabin with Present Mic with my old man lying down on his hospital bed. After Shigaraki shot the quirk-destroying bullet in his right leg, Aizawa had to cut off his leg on the battlefield in order to prevent the drug from destroying his quirk.
“Thank god, you’re okay…” I sighed as I put my head on Aizawa’s shoulder. “I thought you would’ve died, you old geezer…”
“The world can’t get rid of me that easily, brat…” Aizawa responded, gently patting my head.
“Even Kayama senpai… Why…” Mic trailed off.
“Please don’t say it, Mic…” I mumbled, biting my bottom lip as tears started to form in my eyes. “It’s too much for me, you know… First my parents… then one of my mentors, Sir Nighteye… now my foster mother, Midnight… I just can’t…”
Aizawa quickly pulled me into a hug, burying my face into his chest.
“Don’t say it, Yamada…” Aizawa stated. “Just tell me how the students are doing…”
Mic let out a heavy sigh.
“Well…” Mic trailed off. “Almost every student has either regained consciousness or gotten better after receiving medical attention… well except for Midoriya…”
“What?” Aizawa asked.
“Izuku is the only one who still hasn’t shown any sign of waking up.” I added.
Aizawa’s eyes widened in shock as he looked over at us with a puzzled expression.
“Don’t worry…” I sighed before getting up and walking over to the door. “Toshi-chan is with him now…”
“Where are you going, Nana-chan?” Mic asked.
“To see Shoto.” I responded before closing the door behind me.  
I then slowly made my way towards Shoto’s cabin. When I reached there, I slid the door open. I noticed that the people in the room turned to look at me.
“Nana-san.” Yaoyorozu greeted me with a small smile.
“Nana!” Kirishima grinned at me
“Hey, guys.” I greeted them back, walking up to them. “Looks like you finally woke up, Shoto.”
“Yeah…” Shoto replied meekly in a raspy voice.
“His throat is burnt, so…” Mina stated.
“I see…” I nodded my head before taking my seat beside Shoto on the bed. “How’re you doing now, Shoto?”
“How’re you doing, Nana?” Shoto asked.
I stared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh, looking away.
“What do you think, huh Shoto?” I muttered. “Touya was my friend… my fiancé… we were in love with each other… Eleven years ago, we all believed he passed away, but now all of a sudden he came back into our lives… Not as Touya, but as a murderous villain Dabi...”
Suddenly my eyes started to get all blurry. My breath hitched as I wept, tears starting to roll down my cheeks.
“Nana-san!” Yaoyorozu gasped, rushing to my side and pulling me into a hug. “Please calm down!”
“I…I-I’m not okay, Shoto!!” I sobbed out loudly, as Yaoyorozu tightened her grip around me, gently rubbing my back. “I’m not okay, you hear me?! This is not okay! Touya being Dabi is not okay! None of this is okay! I couldn’t save my lover from walking down the path of destruction! I failed to save him! When the League kidnapped me and Katsuki, I speculated that Dabi was Touya, but I wanted to believe that I was wrong! That it was all just a misunderstanding! But, no! It’s a despicable truth and now it hurts, Shoto! Dammit! I love Touya so much, it hurts!!”
Shoto remained completely silent as he stared at me in shock. He looked as if I broke his heart or something.
“Nana…” Mina mumbled sorrowfully.
“That kiss…” Shoji muttered. “It’s all over the news and internet now…”
“Those bloody reporters!” Kirishima growled in anger, clenching his fists. “Has nothing else better to do other than screwing up people’s lives!”
Suddenly the door slid open and we all looked up to see who it was, noticing that it was Fuyumi and Natsuo.
“Shoto…” Fuyumi called out.
“Pleasure to meet you!” Kirishima smiled at her.
“Todoroki’s older brother and sister!” Mina grinned. “His throat is burnt so he is still…”
I sensed someone else was standing there behind the older Todoroki siblings.
“Rei-san, you’re here as well?” I called.
Shoto’s breath hitched and his eyes went wide open.
“M-Mom…” Shoto gasped.
“Shoto.” Rei mumbled softly, stepping inside the room with Fuyumi and Natsuo.
“I think we should give them some space.” I stated, standing up from the bed.
“You’re right, Nana-san.” Yaoyorozu agreed.
I looked over to Rei and smiled at her.
“You guys take your time.” I said. “If you need anything, just call us.”
Rei flashed out a warm smile and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug.
“You’re an amazing woman, Nana.” Rei commented. “Like Junko-chan and Nemuri-san… Just stay strong dear.”
I smiled again and returned her the hug.
“I will, Rei-san…” I responded.
With that we excused ourselves before walking out the room, giving the space and time the Todoroki family needed to talk to each other.
“Nana, if you don’t mind, can I ask you something?” Mina asked.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Whatever Dabi said in that video, were they all true?” she asked.
I sighed and nodded my head.
“Touya… He always wanted to become a hero… A greater hero than Enji-san and Toshi-chan.” I stated. “Enji-san had this aim to surpass Toshi-chan, but when he realized that he couldn’t do it, he planned on making a perfect weapon to reach his goals. And when I said weapon, I mean creating a perfect child. Touya was his eldest son, so he had high hopes for him as Touya inherited a greater fire quirk than Enji-san himself. However, Touya inherited Rei-san’s genes, meaning he can resist ice, not fire. For that whenever Touya used his flames, his skin got burnt. As a responsible father, Enji-san should’ve helped his son, but instead, he tossed Touya to the side and abandoned him.”
“How cruel.” Yaoyorozu commented.
“Touya worked his ass off to get Enji-san's acknowledgment and respect, but he got nothing.” I continued. “It was clear that Touya needed love and attention, especially from his father… but Enji-san as a father failed to give him that. Eleven years ago, when Touya was thirteen, he got burnt by his own flames at the peak of Sekoto hill and we all assumed that he passed away. But apparently, we were all wrong the entire time.”
“But I don’t get one thing.” Kirishima stated. “Why did Endeavor send a quirk marriage proposal of Dabi and you to your parents years ago? I mean, he engaged himself into a quirk marriage with Rei-san in order to create a prodigy to surpass All Might, but why you and Dabi? It doesn’t make sense.”
“Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing.” Shoji added.
“Honestly, even I don’t know.” I sighed. “I was like 4-5 at that time, so I don’t remember too much. Maybe my parents knew, but I don’t.”
“Did anyone from our class know about your and Touya-san’s past relationship?” Yaoyorozu asked.
“Only Shoto, Katsuki, Izuku, and Iida knew about it.” I replied.
Then suddenly we noticed Shoto and his family come out of his room and make their way toward us.
“Is something wrong, Todoroki?” Kirishima asked Shoto.
“We’re going to meet our father now.” Shoto replied, before looking over at me. “Nana, come with us. We need to talk to him about Touya-Nii.”
“Okay.” I nodded my head as I looked at my friends. “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Okay!” Mina grinned.
“See you, Nana-san.” Yaoyorozu smiled.
I bade my farewell to my friends before I headed off to visit Endeavor with the Todoroki family. When we reached our destination, Shoto opened up the door. I looked inside and noticed Endeavor bawling his eyes out. Seeing him crying, Shoto quickly shut the door close.
“He is crying…!” Shoto stated.  
“Shotoooo!!” Endeavor yelled out, demanding him to come inside.
Shoto again opened the door and we all walked in.
“Dad… how convenient!” Fuyumi smiled. “We all just got here!”
“Are you guys unharmed?” Endeavor sniffled.
“Why are you crying?” Natsuo frowned at his father.
“Sorry… I’m truly sorry…” Endeavor wailed. “Sorry… it's too late… the regret and guilt for my crimes… it's weighing on me now! Now my heart is…”
“Your heart is what?” Rei asked, stepping inside the room. “Regrets, guilt…. everybody is carrying those feelings much more than you…”
“Rei, why are you here?!” Endeavor gasped.
“I came to talk about our family… and about Touya…” Rei responded.
“Rei… Are you okay?” Endeavor asked, worriedly.
“Okay?” Rei repeated. “No, I’m not. That’s why I’m here… You don’t get to claim you’re hurting more than anyone and you are now not the only one who refused to look at that child, Enji…”
“Enji-san.” I called, making everyone look at me as my burning gaze met the turquoise eyes of the Todoroki patriarch. “I want to know exactly what happened to Touya eleven years ago. I deserve an answer from you. I was 4 or 5 years old back then, so my memories are all hazy. And besides, you’re the one who got me involved in Touya’s life and the Todoroki family in the first place. So, don’t you dare call me an outsider and push me to the side cause I’ve all the right to ask you anything regarding Touya. I demand an answer, Enji Todoroki. What did you do to my Touya?”
Endeavor let out a heavy sigh and looked down at his lap. 
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Years ago, a young Enji Todoroki met with Rei's family, the Himura Family, for the very first time. Rei’s family members expressed great joy and honor in being reached out to by the man who was said to be the next No. 1 hero. The person explained that the Himura Family was also considered a prestigious family, so it was only fitting that a man of his accomplishments would take a Himura woman as a wife.
Enji thought that even though Rei knew this marriage was a quirk marriage, she still agreed to it for her family's sake. As the two were getting to know each other, Enji learned that Rei had a liking for a certain blue flower. He described her as a woman much like ice herself, but she seemed so strong despite possibly melting away at the slightest touch.
Enji and Rei’s first son Touya Todoroki was born with a fire quirk that was even more powerful than Enji's Hellflame quirk. When Touya was five years old, Enji started to notice that a bit of Touya’s red hair was starting to turn white, but little Touya always laughed it off as nothing important while enthusiastically looking forward to learning his father’s ultimate move, which made Endeavor proud and happy.
Enji thought that while Touya didn't harbor his mother's ice quirk, his firepower was far stronger than his own. Despite not having the ability to overcome the downside of overheating, he still planned on raising Touya to be a hero. He still sought a child with Half-Cold Half-Hot and Rei wanted more children, believing they could encourage each other, which ultimately led to Fuyumi's birth. Sadly, she only inherited Rei's ice quirk and not his fire, but Enji was still happy either way because he felt that since Touya had more potential, he could place all his ambitions on him.
Even when his skin started to burn, Endeavor felt Touya could reach his eternal goal and that all of the darkness he bore inside his heart could have been destroyed by his son.
But then, unfortunately, it all started to change.
“I have been waiting for ages for you to have a day off so we could train together!!” a five-year-old Touya yelled stubbornly at his father. “You got a day off today, right? So you got to do quick training with me! Why are you saying you can't do it now?! Why would you change your mind all of a sudden, huh?!”
“I have told you several times already…” Enji sighed as he was getting ready to go to work. “I’m doing this for your own good…”
Touya simply glared at his father with displeasure while Enji looked away from his son as he didn’t know what to say to him.
“Quite the peculiar case…” a doctor stated to Enji and Rei, looking at the reports in his hands. “In regards to his quirk, your son has inherited your fire however his body is dominated by his mother's gene. To be precise he has developed a body that has an aptitude for the cold rather than a tolerance to fire. Well, this method of designing children… it's a taboo in this generation of quirks… So, I can’t advise it… It's better you quit now, Todororki-san…”
Enji looked down at his lap with a frown as his own words started to ring in his ears.
‘Touya, if it’s you… you can surpass All Might…’
And it only deepened his frown, still feeling that Touya could surpass All Might, whom he desperately wanted to catch up to.
“Fuyumi-chan…” Touya stated as he and his sister who was a year younger than him watched the news about All Might on TV. “So what if I get burned a bit, I can handle it! I am the one who understands my body best…”
“But I don’t like when you get hurt either, Touya-Nii…” a four-year-old Fuyumi responded worriedly while munching her snacks.
This made Touya throw a dirty glare at his sister before hopping down from the couch and walking away.
“What do you know anyway?!” Touya yelled. “Girls just don't understand!!”
“But I’m worried!!” Fuyumi responded.
“I already got it in my head that I got to surpass All Might!!” Touya stated in a firm tone with determination. “Dad is the one who ignited that fire under me!!”
“But that’s too much!” Rei cried out. “It's just cruel! Especially now that Touya knows what you are hoping to achieve through the children!”
“No matter how much I tried telling him… he shows up with new burns every day.” Enji responded as he sat in front of the TV, watching the news about All Might saving 62 towns in a single day. “He has inherited my foolishness as well… If we want him to give it up, then we have no choice… Since he will never be the one to surpass… Touya can’t surpass All Might…”
Rei simply stood there in front of her husband with absolute shock and horror after hearing those despicable words which came from him while noticing a dark furious look on his face.
This ultimately led to Natsuo's conception, which made Touya start falling into more despair because he clearly understood that he was rejected, and was considered a failure in his father’s eyes while Enji's desire and aggression to surpass All Might continued to grow even more day by day. Eventually, Shoto, Enji’s perfect masterpiece, was born three years later after Natsuo’s birth, but an eight-year-old Touya refused to accept that his youngest brother would be the one to surpass All Might, not him. So, he continued to train in a forest with his fire, telling himself that his father had to look at him because of how powerful his flames already were.
“No dad…” little Touya mumbled to himself, panting while training hard to improve his flames at the peak of Sekoto hill. “I can do it too! I can surpass All Might! See look how strong my flames are already… Look at me…!!”
But things got even worse when Touya reached home that evening.
“Stop it!” Enji scolded Touya, holding his shoulders. “Why don’t you understand?! You're getting this burnt and you still don't realize?! Touya, you need to look elsewhere! Look beyond all this! Play with your siblings! Make friends in school! There is a whole other world besides the hero stuff… I know you understand that! Eventually, you'll forget all about it and this will be a distant memory soon.”  
“B-But everyone at school says they are going to be heroes.” Touya responded, tears rolling down his cheeks while his whole body was trembling. “I can’t understand that... Because I have got you for a father…”
“We have to cool him down!” Rei cried out in worry.
“You lit this fire in me, Dad and it’s not going out!” Touya added as flames started to unleash from different parts of his body while he glared up at his father with hatred. “I just can't get it out of my head! I can’t just pretend it’s not there! Look at me, Endeavor! Look at me!!”
And with that, little Touya quickly turned around to launch an attack on his newborn baby brother, Shoto Todoroki who was being carried into his mother’s arms. A seven-year-old Fuyumi quickly pushed a three-year-old Natsuo out of the way, while Rei screamed out to Enji to stop Touya. And before any serious damage could occur, Enji quickly stepped in and held Touya back.
Later that night, when everything went back to somewhat normal, Enji went to his bedroom to talk to Rei.
“After the incident, Shoto's siblings are banned from interacting with him.” Enji ordered Rei who was sitting beside a sleeping Shoto. “I have to work, so I can’t keep looking after him, which is why I have hired someone else… Keep your eye on Touya…”
“Touya just wants you to look at him, to notice him…” Rei responded in a vacant tone, feeling completely dead inside after what happened a few hours ago. “He just wants your acknowledgment. That’s all.”
“I can’t show him anything but the world of a hero…” Enji commented with a sigh before he started to walk away.
“Hero?” Rei mocked as she looked up at her husband with a glare, her voice was filled with resentment and disappointment. “Some hero you are… running away…”
But Enji simply stood there with no words coming out of his mouth as he glared back at his wife.
Four years had passed since that incident. Now Touya was twelve, Fuyumi was eleven, Natsuo was seven and Shoto was four. That year, Enji’s high school friends, Daisuke Osaki and Junko Saotome sent invitations to him and some of their friends for a party which was held at the Osaki mansion. And that was the first time Enji got the opportunity to meet Daisuke and Junko’s only child and daughter, Nana Osaki. Nana was the as same age as Shoto, meaning she was eight years younger than Touya.
"Your daughter is so polite and well-mannered, Daisuke. I heard she has got your quirk." Enji stated as he looked over to the four years old Nana in front of him.
"Thanks, Enji. And yeah, she has got Ghoul quirk like me.” Daisuke chuckled, patting his daughter’s head.
"I see… Well, I also brought two of my kids with me. Let me introduce them to you all. Kids! Come here!" Endeavor called out, as Touya and Fuyumi walked in and stood by his side. "This is Touya, my eldest son. And this is Fuyumi, my second child and my only daughter.”
“Nana.” Daisuke smiled down at his daughter. “Go and play with Touya and Fuyumi, okay?”
“Okay!” Nana giggled before she skipped toward the older kids.
Enji and Daisuke went inside the house while the three kids stayed back in the garden of the Osaki household. Touya and Fuyumi also walked toward Nana with a smile.
"Hello! My name is Touya. And this is my sister, Fuyumi. What's your name?" Touya smiled at the little girl.
"My name is Nana, Nana Osaki..." Nana grinned at him. “Hey, can you show me your quirk, Touya-kun?”
“H-Huh?” Touya stuttered, taken back by her sudden question.
“I want to see what your quirk is! I heard it’s really cool!” Nana said with a smile.
He bit his bottom lip as he didn’t know what to do. But for some reason, the way Nana was looking at him made it impossible for him to say no to her. He rolled up his sleeves before igniting his palm, making Nana’s eyes widen in amazement.
“The color of your fire is bluish! It’s so pretty! I wish I had a pretty quirk like you…" she beamed, staring deeply into the captivating red-bluish flames the boy held in his hand.
That comment caught Touya completely off guard.
Pretty wasn’t the exact word to describe his quirk as this quirk of his was slowly destroying him, bit by bit.
"Uh, thanks, I guess." he said dumbly, slightly blushing.
“Is that a blush I see, Touya-Nii?” Fuyumi smirked at her older brother.
“Shut up, Fuyumi.” Touya grumbled, throwing a dirty glare at his sister.
"I bet you're gonna become a pro someday, Touya-kun." Nana beamed.
And with that, Touya became a blushing mess as if his whole body was on fire. When his own father rejected him, tossed him to the side, and considered him a failure, this four-year-old little girl who he just met told him those exact words he wanted to hear from his father for so long; that he had the potential of becoming a pro hero.
Touya Todoroki still had hope.
A year had passed since Nana and Touya first met. And as time went by Nana and Touya grew super close and also started spending more time with each other. Now Nana was only five while Touya was thirteen years old. And that was the time when Enji sent a quirk marriage proposal of the two kids to Daisuke and Junko.
“I can’t believe this, Enji.” Daisuke glared at the No. 2 hero. “Is this why you called me to meet you all the way to your agency?! Seriously?! A quirk marriage?!”
“Daisuke, calm down.” Enji sighed. “Please listen to me… I’m doing this for Touya.”
“For Touya?” Daisuke raised an eyebrow before realization hit him and he flashed a mocking smirk at his friend. “Oh, I get it now… Now I get it why you were so interested to know what my daughter’s quirk was when you first met her and looked really happy when I said that she got my quirk…”
“You’re after my daughter’s Ghoul quirk, aren’t you?” Daisuke glared at Enji. “Ghoul quirk has an extremely powerful regenerative and healing ability. As Touya’s own quirk hurts him, so you want your son and Nana to have a child in the future in order to fulfill your dream.”
“Not my dream, Daisuke… It’s Touya’s dream.” Enji responded. “He always wanted to become a hero, but as his own quirk burns him, I’m just trying to figure out a way to fulfill his passion and dream.”
“By turning him into a monster and toxic human being like you?!” Daisuke yelled, shooting up from his seat.
“Daisuke, tune down your voice!” Enji yelled back. “Or else-“
“Or else what, huh?!” Daisuke mocked. “You’ve really turned into a shitty person, you know that Enji!! At first, in order to surpass Toshinori, you married Rei and had kids and then used those kids of yours as weapons! To you, only Shoto is important while Touya and the others are just a waste of space! You showed Touya the dreams of surpassing Toshinori and then stripped it away from the poor child! Now you’re trying to fill his head with those same disgusting toxic thoughts and goals of yours! Are you crazy, Enji?! And I’m not a petty person like you! Nana’s my only child and her happiness means everything to me! Besides, I’ve my own dignity and pride! Do you really think I, the Daisuke Osaki, will sell away my only loving daughter to you like how the Himuras sold off Rei to you years ago, huh?!”
“Daisuke!!” Enji roared out.
���What?! Did I hit the nerve?!” Daisuke smirked. “Good! Cause what I said just now is all true and you know it, Enji!!”
With that Todoroki male went silent and hung his head in shame. Daisuke let out a sigh, running a hand through his raven locks.
“I personally don’t have anything against you and Touya, Enji.” Daisuke stated in a calming tone. “Moreover, I like your kid. Touya is a really good boy with limitless talent and potential. I won’t mind if Touya and Nana date each other in the future. Rather I would be really happy and glad if they do. Touya’s simply just unlucky to have someone like you as a father. People have kids cause they want to, whereas you had them to fulfill your stupid dream. You know Enji, you don’t know what is meant to be a father… how to be a father. If you did, you won’t have tried to handle Touya’s situation like this. You already have four kids, but you’ve no sense of responsibility of an ideal father. I mean who treats their kids like this. I pity your children, you know. It really sucks for them to have you as a parent... Mend your ways, Enji... before it's too late...”
Daisuke turned around and started to walk away.
“I’ll accept the proposal, Enji.” Daisuke continued, making Enji look up at him with surprise. “If and only if Touya and Nana ever want this… If they ever fall in love… if they ever want to start a family of their own purely based on their love… then and only then I’ll accept your proposal… Not to fulfill you and your son’s dreams, but for the sake of Nana and Touya’s happiness…”
Daisuke stopped in front of the door and turned to look back at Enji one last time with a harsh glare.
“Next time you bring up the proposal… I expect it to be a simple marriage proposal… not a quirk marriage proposal, Enji Todoroki…” Daisuke stated in a dark tone.
And with that Daisuke Osaki walked out of the room before slamming the door shut behind him. 
But that next time never came because three months later, Daisuke Osaki and Junko Saotome were killed in a villain’s attack at I-Island where they went to attend an important conference held by scientists from all over the world that year.
“Hey Touya-Nii, let’s play!” a twelve-year-old Fuyumi called out with a ball in her hands.
“Yeah, let’s go, Touya-Nii!” an eight-year Natsuo called as well.
Touya looked up from his computer screen and gazed at his younger siblings.
“Oh, okay.” Touya replied.
While Touya, Natsuo, and Fuyumi played soccer in the backyard, a five-year-old Shoto simply watched his older siblings from the balcony with a sorrowful look, wishing to be able to play with them. Enji suddenly came in and pulled Shoto away from there.
“Don’t look at them, Shoto.” Enji stated. “You live in a different world from them.”
“Just once okay?” Shoto cried out. “I want to play with them just once! Please!”
“No. it's time to train your output capacity.” Enji responded coldly.
As Enji and Shoto passed by, Touya simply looked up from the yard with a glare, eyes filled with nothing but jealousy. Later that night, when Touya and Natsuo went to bed, the older Todoroki brother started to vent to his younger brother about Enji.
“I mean that one time was my fault! Little Shoto did not do anything wrong…” Touya stated. “But Dad is to blame too! He doesn't even look at us! We are failures to him. We are his failed creations. Is that what modern heroes are all about? Making all these kids they don't even need? Deciding their sons are useless and ditching them?”
A sleepy Natsuo turned to look at his older brother with a bit of annoyance.
“Why can’t you rant to Nee-chan about this stuff once in a while?” Natsuo mumbled drowsily. “Or rant to that girlfriend of yours? What’s her name again? Kana… or Hana something?”
Touya gasped, shocked to hear those words coming from his brother's mouth.
“Are you going to ignore me too, Natsu-kun?!” Touya cried, tears rolling down his cheeks, bruised by his brother’s words. “You’re telling me to buzz off too?! Even you, Natsu-kun?! Don't do this to me! I’m talking to you because only you can understand me besides Nana-chan!! You know that the girls in this household can't understand!!”
But Natsuo didn’t reply back as he fell fast asleep again.
“Wait, you’re trying on going to the hill again?!” Rei asked, trying to stop Touya from walking out of the house. “Why don't you play with your friends?!”
“I don’t need any friends!” Touya responded. “We are in different worlds!”
“Touya, do you even want to be a hero?” Rei asked softly. “As your mother, it looks to me like you are suffocating because of who your father is and you are suffering for it… So obsessed with the father… Touya, the world is such a large place and you can do anything. Look at everything else around you, not just your father! Find the person you really want to be in this world.”
“What the hell do you know, Mom?!” Touya glared at Rei. “Where did you get that tidbit? Some self-help book?! You think Dad is the only person that got me going?! Your family was poor so they sold you away. You had no choice and you had no say in the matter. Isn’t that why I was born in the first place?! You have a part in this too… you are guilty too, Mom!!”
Rei was taken aback by her son’s words.
“And don’t think I don’t know what Dad wants from Nana-chan as well!” Touya added. “I know for what and why Dad used to pester Uncle Daisuke all the time. Just let you know… I’m not like Dad! I’ll never marry Nana-chan and have babies with her to fulfill my dreams like how Dad is doing! This is my dream and I’ll try to accomplish it with my own capability! I’ll never use Nana-chan and destroy her life how Dad is destroying ours! I love Nana-chan too much to do such sort of things to her!”
Touya then turned around and quickly walked out of the house. He made his way to the Sekoto hill where he began his secret training session. For the past few months, thirteen years old Touya’s small body started to noticeably grow and develop and that was when his fire changed color from red to blue.
“So that’s it!” Touya said happily, looking around at his own blue flames. “It's because of my body's composition! The fire is directly connected to my intense emotions! I’m pretty awesome if I do say so myself. If I can do this then dad will definitely be surprised too!”
Then he noticed that tears started to roll down his cheeks.
“But dang…” Touya chuckled. “When I get all excited… for some reason I end up crying…”
After his training was over, he quickly made his way to meet Nana at the neighborhood park.
“Does it hurt now?” she asked in a soft voice after she finished giving him medical attention.
“Not anymore.” Touya muttered in response. “Thank you, Nana-chan.”
“You should stop this, Touya-kun.” Nana frowned, her bottom lip quivered. “You’re simply hurting yourself.”
“No, I can’t, Nana-chan.” Touya shook his head, determination on his face. “I’ve to show my old man that I’m capable of becoming a hero.”
“But you’re pushing yourself too hard, Touya-kun!” Nana exclaimed as tears started to roll down her cheeks. “Can’t you see?! It’ll kill you one day! I don’t get it! Why is Enji-san being like this?! It’s literally abuse! So much so, that your physical appearance has started to change!”
Touya’s eye widened at Nana’s sudden outburst and he quickly wrapped his arms around her small frame, holding her close.
“I’m scared, Touya-kun.” Nana sniffled, burying her face into his chest. “I’m scared that one day I’ll lose you, like how I lost my parents.”
Touya’s turquoise eyes softened as he looked at her. He gently buried his face into her raven locks as he tightened his grip around her.
“You wouldn’t lose me, Nana-chan.” He mumbled softly.
“Touya-kun…” Nana whispered as she rested her face on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
Nana and Touya often had their moments where they would simply just hold each other closely in their arms and kiss their foreheads or their cheeks. Most kids both of their ages believed that girls were annoying and boys were gross, but Touya and Nana never cared about those rumors. They were quite different from everyone else.
"How was the school for you, Touya-kun?" Nana asked.
She looked at him gently as her eyes softened while she felt more relaxed. Touya averted his eyes.
"It was fine I guess..." Touya replied, melancholy filling in his tone. "But coming back home wasn't any better..."
The tone of his voice was filled with melancholy and venom as he looked down at his arms and narrowed his eyes. As time went on, Touya’s life was becoming a living hell as he kept on trying to get his father’s attention, but failed miserably every single time. Sometimes he felt like he would go completely insane whenever he was in his own home around with his own family members. To him, his home was hell. But those feelings immediately disappeared once he came to visit Nana. Nana was Touya's savior, his sanity. And even if she couldn't save him from his awful life, she was the light of his life, literally.
Nana nodded her head as she looked at him, not wanting to pressure him to talk about it anymore. His eyes softened as he looked at her with a gentle smile while throwing his negative emotions out of the window.
"But, I'm here with you now!” he grinned. “And my day is a million times better!”
Nana’s beamed up in joy as she smiled brightly at him while her eyes softened even more. And this look of Nana was absolutely breathtaking in Touya’s opinion.
"I'm glad that I can make you feel better, Touya-kun!" she giggled, hugging him once again.
Later that night, Touya happily went to his father with a bright grin on his face.
“Dad, during the holiday break coming up… come to the Sekoto hill!” Touya stated.
Enji narrowed his eyes at his son before he grabbed him and pulled up his shirt to find bandages wrapped around his new burnt chest.
“Damn it, again?!” Enji growled. “You're still!!”
“No, wait!” Touya quickly spoke up, interrupting his father. “What I can do now is really cool! You have to come and see! I think Shoto has got some serious competition! I might be as awesome as Shoto sooner or later! But I’m not sure if it’s enough against All Might yet though! Maybe I will eventually become better than All Might someday if I work harder! It’s something you have to see, Dad!”
Tears rolled down Touya’s cheeks uncontrollably as he started to pull his white hair.
“Then you will give me some respect, Dad!!” he cried. “You will be glad you created me! I just know it! You will realize I wasn’t a mistake!!”
Enji didn’t respond to his son as he stomped off to his room and when he went reached there, he started to show his aggression to his wife.
“Why didn’t you stop him Rei!!” Enji roared in fury. “You were supposed to watch over him!! Dammit!! That’s all I asked you to do!!”
“Don’t bully mommy!” five-year-old Shoto cried, trying to protect his mother. “Stop it! Don't be mean to her!!”
“Get out, Shoto!” Enji yelled, pushing his youngest son away. “It's none of your business!!”
Rei looked up to her husband with tearful frightened eyes.
“I can’t stop him…” she responded back meekly in a shaky voice and upon hearing that, Enji snapped even more before he grabbed Rei by the collar of her shirt and started to yell in her face. 
"You'd better! I ain't keeping an eye on him!" he roared out again, showing more of his violent side towards her. 
For Touya, the night was always dark, cold, and claustrophobic where demons howled in his head while begging for him; demons who didn’t want him to get a peaceful sleep.
For that he often had nightmares. To him, a nightmare was a horse that would carry him home after he had explored the dark. They were the demons of dreams, came to educate him if he was brave enough to look into these dark recesses of the brain. So there were countless times when he would spend such sleepless nights.
And on those nights he would always find himself running away from his home and his feet always took him to only one place and that one being the Osaki household where he would sit on the rooftop with Nana and watch the moon shower its platinum-gold beam onto the Musutafu City. Unlike hell, the place he called home, Touya felt like a free bird whenever he came over to the Osaki household especially to meet and spend time with Nana.
"Can’t sleep again, huh Touya-kun?" Nana asked as she took a seat beside him on the rooftop of her household.
“Yeah…” He responded softly.
"Well that makes the two of us, I guess." She giggled.
"Dad is coming over to the Sekoto hill today." he stated. 
"You're gonna show him your new blue flames right?" Nana beamed. "I bet he's gonna be so happy and proud!" 
"I hope so." Touya chuckled in response. 
Touya smiled at her before looking back at the moon in the sky. In the monochrome musings, the moon was a deep silver ballerina, turning pirouettes with perfect form. The moon also looked like the mother of the sky who watched over every beating heart, steady and true. At that moment Touya found the moon really beautiful and maybe it was because of Nana. Whenever Nana was around him, he found everything beautiful, everything positive.
The night didn’t feel like forever anymore now that Touya was with Nana. They talked and laughed as if there was no tomorrow. Time passed on and now the sun slowly started to rise from its slumber.
“Hey, Touya-kun, let’s go to the park right now.” Nana spoke up.
“Right now?” he raised an eyebrow.
Nana smiled and nodded her head before standing up and reaching out her hand to him. Touya without any hesitation grabbed her hand and Nana activated her Gravity Manipulation quirk to alter their gravities and they both flew up in the air before heading to their destination.
As they walked together in the park while holding hands, Touya realized that he had known Nana for almost more than a year now and whenever they were together Touya felt as if he was in a different world, a world full of sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns. He felt alive and happy. But sometimes he felt that his happiness might not live long, that one day the world would crash and go against them.
"What's wrong?" Nana asked.
Touya looked down at her innocent cute face and gently smiled at her. Right now just seeing her face was enough for him. Nothing mattered to him as long as she was there beside him, alive and healthy.
“I was wondering if we can still share these exact same moments if we meet in another lifetime or dimension…” Touya responded softly.
Nana blinked at him in confusion before letting out a giggle.
“You’re so silly, Touya-kun!” Nana said as she pulled his arms. “Come on! Let’s race over there!”
As they ran while holding onto each other’s hands, Touya again felt as if his whole body was on fire. The power of Nana’s flames had to be really powerful and strong for making him feel this way every single time. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach and trickled through his veins when Nana’s soft giggles reached into his ears. Touya was hopelessly in love with Nana and this love was inevitable.
“Nana-chan.” Touya called out as the said girl looked up at him. “I’ve something to tell you.”
“What is it, Touya-kun?” she asked, tilting her head a bit.
Touya took a deep breath and looked deeply into her eyes.
“Nana-chan... I love you.” he confessed.
“Huh?” she mumbled as her eyes went wide in surprise.
After hearing his confession, Nana’s face went completely red; so red that it could put a tomato to shame.
“I’m in love with you, Nana Osaki.” Touya repeated. “You may not understand what it means to be in love with someone because you're still too young. But always remember… I love you and I always will love you, Nana-chan...”
Nana softened her gaze and smiled softly at the Todoroki boy as she slowly reached out and held his bigger hands in her smaller ones.
“I love you too, Touya-kun...”
Later that day, Touya quickly went to the peak of the Sekoto hill and waited for his father’s arrival. He waited, waited, and waited, but his father never showed up. And this hurt Touya like hell; completely broke his heart into millions of pieces.
“He didn’t show up!” Touya wailed, bawling his eyes out uncontrollably while rubbing his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt. “Quit crying already! Stupid tears… Dammit… Dad…”
Then suddenly Touya realized that his body started to heat up and his own blue flames then unleashed from different parts of his body which suddenly went out of control.
“What?!” Touya cried out, panicking in shock and horror as he didn’t know what to do. “It's hot!! They won’t stop!! My flames!!!”
Touya started to scream out in pain and agony, desperately trying to search for help, but there was no one else with him at that moment. He was completely alone. Touya even tried to control his own flames but failed because the only thing that Enji ever taught him was how to turn up the heat. This then led to Touya’s slowly engulfing the entirety of himself and the mountains in flames and when Enji did finally reach there to save his son, he found nothing but ashes everywhere only.
Flashback ended  
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“And then you didn’t go…” Rei mumbled.
“It would have just fanned the flames…” Enji responded. “No, that's not it… the truth is I had no idea what to say to him… I didn’t know how to talk to him…”
“Neither did I…” Rei added.
“After everything… after killing Touya… I couldn’t let myself take a step back and all I could do was obsess over Shoto… At the expense of everything else…” Enji continued.
"Eventually, I couldn’t stand the sight of you and it got so bad that I even started seeing hints of you in the children’s faces. After my incident with Shoto, I was put in isolation at the facility. And then... When I heard how Touya met his end, my heart shattered, my mind snapped..." Rei stated. 
“I know our family was broken but I was too scared to interfere… all I could do was to try to fix things just to keep up appearances. I was all talk and nothing else.” Fuyumi spoke up.
“It was you who started all of this.” Natsuo stated. “You are the root cause but… Maybe if I had just slugged you in the face and made you have a few serious talks with Touya-Nii… Or maybe if I had just made myself face Touya-Nii instead and knocked some sense into him… maybe Dabi wouldn't have been born. He could have even treated Shoto to some cold soba…”
“The responsibility for this doesn’t just fall onto you… this issue is all of ours to bear.” Rei stated firmly. “Even if our hearts are scattered, we will get up and stand tall. You have no choice but to fight Dabi.”
“Are you really, Rei?” Enji asked in shock. “Are you really the woman I married?”
“One of our children… one who has suffered much more than us… despite having every right to resent me he has started calling me mom again.” Rei continued, looking over to Shoto. “He has been making friends at UA and now he is the one saving us. Shoto is our family’s hero…”
Shoto coughed a bit before speaking up.
“It’s all because of Nana.” Shoto muttered. “She was the one who saved me from walking down the path of darkness. She was the one who told me to reconnect with Mom again. It’s all thanks to her. And she’s the only one who can bring Touya-Nii back. Maybe we all can stop him, but if anyone can actually bring him back, then that’s Nana. Cause back on the battlefield, Touya-Nii clearly showcased through his actions that the only person he still loves and cares about is Nana.”
Shoto then turned to look at me.
“We need your help, Nana.” Shoto stated. “Only you can bring him back to our family.”
“You don’t need to say that, Shoto.” I responded with a small frown. “I would still go after Touya even if you tell me not to. Touya is important to me, as much as he’s important to you all. I love him dearly and I can’t take the chance of letting him go again… even if it means sacrificing my own life.”
I then looked at Enji-san and frowned at him.
“You messed up, old man. Big time.” I stated in a firm tone. “You know a part of me hates you and will never forgive you for what you did to Touya. You were really a shitty dude and an extremely horrible father back then. Tossing Touya away to the side and considering him as a failure or more specifically your 'failed creation' or 'failed experiment', when he clearly needed your love, care, support, attention, respect, and acknowledgment was a super shitty and terrible move as a father, Enji-san. Maybe you didn’t torture Touya physically as you did to Shoto, but you mentally and emotionally abused him. And abuse is abuse; it doesn't matter if it's physical, mental, or emotional. There isn't one that's worse than the other. Just because you didn't hit Touya physically, doesn't mean you weren't abusive. You were still an abusive father and Touya was mentally and emotionally abused by you. People have kids cause they want to have kids, cause they want to start a family of their own. Whereas, you weren't having kids, to begin with. You were creating a perfect 'weapon' to surpass Toshi-chan. And Touya was a smart child. He knew that from the very beginning. Even as a kid, he knew what was going on around him... but still after all that, he just wanted to impress you... wanted to make you feel proud... wanted your love and attention. He was even willing to destroy himself if that's what it takes to get your acknowledgment. But you simply rejected him, tossed him away like trash, and then completely ignored him. Because to you, Touya was a 'failed product', a waste of space. And not just only Touya, but also Natsuo-san and Fuyumi-san were considered 'failed creations' in your eyes. To you, Shoto was everything as he was the one to surpass Toshi-chan and for that, you gave all your time and energy to your youngest child while you simply ignored the older ones. That's not how a responsible father should act, old man. Besides, you can't just fill a kid's head with all these big dreams of becoming a great hero and then abandon him. Touya believed that this was his destiny, his birthright, his reason for living, and then you take it away from him just like that? Even if you wanted what's best for Touya, you went about it all wrong. You don't just give your kid a dream and then take it away from him and expect him to move on. You and Rei-san didn't even try to help him move on from his ambition to become a hero. You both just discarded him, expecting him to just accept his fate and move on. Touya clearly needed support, love, and understanding but got none of that. He obsessed over what was promised to him, the expectations placed on him by society, and his father's approval. I'm not saying that it justifies Touya's choices of actions in recent times, but he's still the victim here. He might be a monster, but you all turned him into that monster. And you're saying that you didn't go to the Sekoto peak even when Touya asked you so many times, cause you didn't know what to say to him. Well, let me tell you one thing, old man... You still should have gone there for your son cause that's what responsible fathers do. As a father you failed miserably to raise your kid properly, but if you really want to fix your past mistakes… if you really want to redeem yourself… then stop crying like a little pussy, you old man… Get your ass out there, save your son and bring him back…”
Shoto stared at me for a moment before looking away.
“I see... Nana’s right…” Shoto sighed, before looking back at his father, reaching out his hand to him. “Before coming here, I talked to Mom. I didn’t think you would be able to fight anymore and that I would have to do it myself… but that doesn't seem to be the case… when you're done crying, get up and we’ll all go stop Touya-Nii together and bring him back home…”
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To read the entire fic, check it out on -
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And if you wanna read the snippets of the fanfic, then here are some links -
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ghostballz · 11 months
What if I said... Disabled ghouls? Anyways, self-insert with my specific disability and how I feel about it... Also trans!Dewdrop even if this doesn't come to sex, they're heavily making out on the couch. Read under the cut!
It was good. So perfect. Making out on the couch like teenagers. Swiss rested his hand on Dew’s thigh so gently, like he’d break if Swiss was too rough, too stern. Dew loved that feeling, when others were careful with him, it made him think that maybe, just maybe, no one wanted to hurt him ever again. Dew sighed softly against Swiss’ lips, his hands came up from where they rested against Swiss’ thighs and wrapped around the ghoul’s neck, fingers coming to his hair and pulling. Yeah… Dew isn’t too fond of too gentle for too long, maybe.
Swiss groaned, pleased, groped at Dew’s thigh, and pulled him closer by his hold on it. But Dew hissed, not in pleasure but in pain, the wrong kind of pain. And everything stopped. Swiss pulled away and looked Dew in the eyes, let his leg go, pushed Dew away half an inch, he didn’t say a word though, waiting for Dew to speak instead. “I’m good.” Dew murmured and leaned in for another kiss, to keep making out with Swiss. But the multi ghoul gently held his face, stopping him, looking deeper into his eyes. “You sure?” And Dew nodded.
Dew was badly injured, disabled. He wouldn’t admit it though, not even to himself. His transition from water to fire was rough, his bones got hurt, the worst was his hip. It really hurt from time to time. Dew refused to use a cane when he wasn’t performing, refused Aether’s massages, Cumulus’ warm baths, all aid and help. Dew didn’t want any of that because “I am no cripple!” according to his own protests.
Swiss sighed, but didn’t mention it again, instead, he leaned against Dew, kissed him again. Dew chirped, content to be kissing Swiss. Their make out was on again, this time filthier, more tongues, more hands roaming and both ghouls were groaning and panting now. Dew was getting wet, needy, he shuffled closer and swung a leg over Swiss’ thighs. But when Dew was lowering himself to sit on Swiss’ lap, his hip snapped. He fell abruptly in Swiss’ lap, slumping forward as his head thumped against Swiss’ shoulder and his hands held on the ghoul’s shoulders with too much strength.
“Shit… Don’t move, Dew. Don’t do anything, let me move you.” Tears welled up on Dew’s eyes and he stayed unmoving, letting Swiss move him instead. Swiss gently put a hand under Dew’s left thigh, his good leg, and slowly removed the smaller ghoul from his lap, immediately making him lay on his back on the couch. “There you go…” He murmured, kissing Dew’s cheek with a small smile. “Hey, hey, Dew. What’s up? It’s okay, we can keep going like this.”
Dew hadn’t realized he actually started crying, not until Swiss said it. And then Swiss was about to kiss him again and Dew just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “I’m sorry.” With his head turned away from Swiss and tears still falling down his face, Dew murmured. “No need to apologize, love.” Swiss replied, trying to act like seeing Dew like this didn’t affect him at all, both ghouls knew it did affect Swiss, knowing that it did only made Dew hurt more. Swiss leaned down again, laying half his body on Dew’s, he kissed the smaller ghoul’s neck, went down and down…
Dew was still crying.
Swiss sighed and pulled away, instead, laying besides Dew on the couch and holding him there.
“Come on, Dew. You know I don’t mind your injuries having us change positions. You know I don’t- “
“This isn’t about you.” Dew sniffled, his hand was on his own hair now, holding tightly, hurting his own scalp. More than hurt, he sounded angry. “Not everything is about you.” That, he spat out.
It hurt Swiss.
“Stop that.” Swiss spoke as softly as possible and ignored the fact that the words hurt him, instead, gently holding Dew’s hand and trying to make him untangle his fingers from his own hair. Dew punched him with his free hand, right on his chest, it didn’t really hurt but that was definitely something that Swiss wouldn’t take. “Oh, so it’s my fault you can’t accept that you’re disabled?” And, okay maybe it wasn’t the best way to put it, maybe saying it like that wasn’t Swiss’ best choice, but what was he supposed to do when Dew managed to insult him twice in the span of two minutes? First by basically calling him selfish and now hitting him.
Dew froze. Then sighed. Then put both his hands down on his own thighs and finally, finally looked at Swiss again. The tears had stopped but the pain was still in his eyes. “I just… It’s not even that bad of an injury, why does it hurt like this? I have worse knee problems and they don’t affect me as much as my fucking hip, it feels like I’m faking it all the time. I can do shit on stage but once I’m walking in the ministry it hurts like my leg isn’t even mine, but then again, it’s not a big injury, it doesn’t make me disabled, and- “
“Dew, you’re not faking anything.” Swiss sighed for the umpteenth time that evening. “If it hurts then it’s enough reason to use the help we offer, y’know?” And now, as Swiss speaks as quietly as he can as to not scare Dew off, Dew only stares, focusing, so Swiss continues. “You can use the cane Rain got you when you don’t feel your best to walk on your own, you can let Aether give you nice massages, you can let Cumulus run you a warm bath, you can let me move you and kiss you while you don’t move a single muscle, hm? Wouldn’t it be nice to let go and just let us help?”
And then, silence fell between them. Dew relaxed a bit against the couch, reached up to Swiss’ cheek to slowly indulge him downwards. They kissed again, Dew sighed and smiled into it. He was bad at saying “Thank you’s”, this was his way and gladly Swiss knew it.
Soon they were back to making out, Swiss’ hand gently squeezing and holding Dew’s waist, almost serving as a reminder for him to not move too much. Dew was glad that Swiss was always so gentle, so caring.
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autumnaaltonen · 2 years
How does the concept of virginity work in your fic’s universe? Ie, what constitutes a loss of virginity? Is oral and hand stuff ok? Is it just having a penis inserted into a hole that takes your virginity? If so, would a dildo take it too?
In other words, would alucard and reader be able to theoretically get down and dirty without her virginity being lost?
So, in the Hellsing Canon, anyone who is not a "virgin" is constituted to be turned into a ghoul when bitten by a vampire. If you still have your V card, you instead turn into another vampire (or sometimes reffered to as a fledgling, until they drink blood for the first time).
As an ex-Catholic, I think the entire concept of virginity is a stupid, made-up, old world belief that was created to control and shame women for being sexual beings. But, for the sake of keeping some canon to drive the story, it's still a thing in this universe.
What my former church constituted as "loosing your V card" was penetrating or being penetrated through the vaginal or anal organ with another sexual organ (my friends and I laughed at that cus it meant lesbians were totally kosher). That's what I'm using as a guideline for my fic. But as I said, virginity is made up, anyone is welcome to make their own rules about it. idc.
So, theoretically, as long as Alucard doesn't bang reader with his bombastic dick, she's still got her holy membership. So, yeah. They could totally go down on each other when the time comes 😛
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uwukillmenowowo · 4 months
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥 [Tokyo Debunker X F!Reader]
[ 5 | Quiz] 『❓』
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Key's for the story: Insert - Narrative - And then she stared at her reflection in the mirror [Insert] - Author speaking - [Eyyy there- wazzup readers] "Insert" - Talking - "Hey there!" [But can also be air quotes] 'Insert' - Thinking - 'Dame he's cute...' "Insert" - Whispering - "I- I messed up..." [But can also be an emphasis on a word/phrase, or flashback] (Insert) - Inner mind..? - (Deadass doesn't know how to explain it here) *Insert* - Action - *Sighs with their head down*[INSERT] - Magic - [OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!] or [IGGNAIM!]
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 4 | Academy] 『🖤』
[Book 0] The Academy of Ghouls
[Chapter 5] Time for the Dorm Quiz!
{Your POV}
After both Haku and professor Nicolas left, it was just me and professor Hyde. "Do you remember the anomaly you encountered on the train?" I tilted my head. "Anomaly..?" The professor gave me a surprised look. "Wait, no one gave you the brief yet? How'd you get here?" I hummed and explained. "Um... A monster attacked me on the train, then a a red haired boy... I believe his name was Taiga? Yeah, he showed up."
The professor nodded. "Right." Then I continued to explain, "Then he attacked me too for some reason, but Haku saved me..." Professor Hyde became even more surprised. "No way, Taiga did what? Sory, gonna have to pretend I didn't hear that part... So then you rode the Galexy Express all the way to our hallowed halls of learning without a clue, huh?" I nodded.
"Well, if you've seen that much, this won't take long. All the weird stuff you just described? They're all what we call anomalies." I asked more about what anomalies were. "There are things in this world that defy the rules society has deemed common sense. The kinds of things people call the occult or paranormal phenomena or cryptids. We're a global organization that searches out anomalies so we can study and regulate them. Darkwick Academy is our cover, as well as our training facility. In other words, we're the Japan branch of a heroic organization that defends world peace from the shadows."
I just blinked twice and nodded slowly. "Okay..." At least half of what Professor Hyde said went over my head... But having seen the anomalies he was describing with my own eyes, it was difficult for me to refute it. 'It's hard to believe but I guess this means that anomalies are the same as phantoms...'
"And not only am I a professor at Darkwick, I'm also one of the world's leading anomalous researchers~ I'm sure you've figured this out already, but I'm brilliant, so just lay back and spill all your secrets." 'I'd... rather not' I thought and sweatdropped. "Come on now, no need to be nervous! Let's get down to business." Professor Hyde sat back and called out merrily.
"Hodge! Podge! It's counseling time!" That's when two floating hands came in, holding a typewriter. 'Surprisingly... that's not the most shocking thing I've seen.' "I'm going to ask you some questions. All you have to do is answer truthfully. Don't overthink it." I nodded and the floating hands started typing. 
"Your said you encountered an anomaly covered head to toe in flowering plants, correct?" I nodded, "Yes, I did." "Did you see it's eye?" "An.. eye..?" I thought back to when I met the flower monster. "Yeah... It had one big eye where its face should have been." "Did you make eye contact?" He asked to which I nodded again. "I see... That's a shame. Hodge, Podge, write "Confirmed""
The sound of the letters being inscribed into the paper echoed throughout the quiet room. I laughed nervously. "Hmm? Oh sorry, are they distracting you? They like to people watch. The right hand with the red ribbon is Hodge. The left hand with the black lace glove is Podge." I just nodded again. "Don't worry. We just want to understand what happened to you." The right hand with the ribbon waved and me and I waved back. Meanwhile, the left hand tapped its index finger on the table somewhat impatiently.
"All right, let's take a peek inside your noggin next, shall we? Hopefully it didn't mess around in there too much. Take a look at these questions and pick the answer that vibes with you most. Just go with your first instinct."
[This does not really affect the main story. But I'm getting you Frostheim because of Kaito and Luca. But I personally got Jabberwock.]
Some photos were shown: The Tokyo tower, gothic setting with candles among red roses, friends holding up champagne glasses, clear blue skies among free green grass, wisteria trees, an aurora over a lake, and an hourglass. 
For this I chose: The Tokyo Tower
The next was asking my greatest fear: People thinking I'm boring, People thinking I'm ignorant, People thinking I'm a failure, People thinking I'm a bad person, Being surrounded by constant conflict, Being abandoned and alone, and Being powerless.
For this I chose: I'm a failure
Next, Which animal best represents you: An eagle, A lion, A tiger, A wolf, A cat, A bunny, and a snake
For this I chose: A lion
Which birthday gift would you want the most: Custom-made birthstone jewelry, Money, Tickets to my favorite museum, Handmade scrapbook of memories with friends, A plane ticket to my happy place, Luxury car, or something practical from my wish list.
For this I chose: Custom-made birthstone jewelry
How do you want people to remember you: Powerful, Open-minded, Trustworthy, Brave, Unique, intelligent, or successful.
For this I chose: Powerful
If you could have any superpower, what would it be: Shapeshifting, Never have to sleep, Time travel, Extreme luck, Make people follow my orders, Elemental powers, or Gravity control.
For this I chose: Shapeshifting
On a Saturday night you can be found...: Writing or drawing, Learning a new skill, Fundraising for a cause I'm passionate about, Boardgame night, Walking along the beach with a friend, Hosting a party with an exciting theme, or unwinding at a hip bar.
For this I chose:  Learning a new skill
What is your greatest flaw: I'm a perfectionist, I'm obsessive, I'm manipulative, I'm a pessimist, I'm anxious, I'm self conscious, or I'm complacent.
For this I chose: I'm a perfectionist
What food makes you happy: Pizza, Steak, Wine and cheese, Cookies shaped as cats, Pancakes with cream and fruits, or dessert with tea.
For this I chose: Steak
"All done!" Professor Hyde said as he grabbed all the photos and notes. in one hand and peered at the typewriter on the table. He read the words rapidly appearing on the paper and whistled. "Interesting, so you value success, huh? You're self-confident and relentless in the pursuit of your goals. In my experience, you'd do well in Frostheim House." I blinked twice. "Frostheim..?"
"Oh, they're going to draw it for you now. Don't waste any time, these two............. Looks like they're done." Then, Hodge and Podge gave me a card. "That's a Frostheim Warding card. It's their gift to you!"
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I awed at the beautiful scene on the card. "It's beautiful!" The picture was far more impressive than I had anticipated, considering how quickly it had been drawn. Hodge extended its palm toward me, as though requesting a handshake. Wanting to show my gratitude, I  gripped the floating extended hand, and gently shook it.
We then got up and left. "Let's walk and talk. Wouldn't want to keep the chancellor waiting." I nodded as we walked out of the room. "I'm surprised that the cut on my leg is gone thanks to that medicine." I mentioned. "Hmm. Professor Nicolas knows his way around a mortar and pestle. Embarrassing in a fight though." I giggled. "Does he get in fights often?"
Professor Hyde shrugged. "You saw Taiga fighting that anomaly, didn't you?" I nodded. "It's pretty common for encounters with anomalies to result in a bit of a scuffle. The Warding Card Hodge and Podge made for you is handy in times like that." I hummed. "This card?" I asked and held up the blue card. "You got it. Each one has a different when you carry it with you. They give you certain advantages in combat. Not that you'll be fighting any anomalies, but FYI." 
"What's this picture?" I asked as my finger traced over the stairs. "It's a painting of the house I said you'd do well in. All students here have to belong to a house. When they go on missions, they usually form teams with other students from the same house. *Tch* Not that any of them actually do what they're told."
'Yup- This practically is Night Raven's College...' I thought and sighed. "By missions... Is that where they go looking for anomalies, like you said earlier?" "Investigate, capture, manage, research... the whole bag" Professor Hyde explained. "Students do all that? Impressive." I awed.
"Ahaha! Being here might change you definition of elite" I chuckled internally, comparing Taiga and Haku to Tsunotaro and Lilia. "And here we are, the very place from which our mighty lord chancellor rules over it all." I bit my lip as we entered. "Your humble servant has returned, chancellor."
Over Professor Hyde's shoulder, I caught a glimpse of a winding spiral staircase and an opulent chandelier. The chancellor's office exuded an air of dignity that turned outsiders away at the door. 'It's much more beautiful than Headmage Crowley's office! Bigger too!' I awed and looked around the place. "I brought the witness. Come over here." I nodded and stood beside Professor Hyde. "Um.. Hello..." I greeted.
"You're late!" My jaw dropped as I saw a boy with a cat eared hat. 'THAT'S THE CHANCELLOR?!'  "A-A-A kid?" I questioned in shock. We were almost the same height after all. The small boy with his hands on his hips and his cheeks puffed out stood glaring up at Professor Hyde. "I did a counseling session with her first. We won't get far without knowing the cause, will we?"
"But I'm the chancellor! You're supposed to consult me first!" I sweatdropped and almost gasped. 'He really is the chancellor?!' I took in a deep breath and continued to watch his and Professor Hyde converse.
"Right, right, my bad. Here's the results." "Not an inch of you thinks it's your bad, does it? Honestly, it's like you make my life difficult on purpose..." Muttering to himself, the boy took the papers from Professor Hyde and turned his back to us. "That's the chancellor of Darkwick Academy. Not what you expected, eh? He may look like he just graduated from diapers, but hes actually-" "I can hear you, Professor Hyde." "..... a very important person." I giggled at the professor's nervous remark.
"It's wonderful to meet you, [Y/n]! My name is Cornelius. Welcome to our humble Darkwick Academy!" I nodded and bowed a bit. "Nice to meet you. I must say, you're very young for a chancellor, aren't you?" The chancellor chuckled. "Aren't you sweet? I get that all the time!" I hummed and thought, 'I guess the staff at elite schools are just as unique as the students... At least he isn't like Headmage Crowley...'
"Meow! meow!" 'And this is a lot of cats...' "Hush, everyone! I have some important business with our guest." The chancellor smiled as he spoke to the cats. "Break time's over- back to your posts. Go on, off you trot!" "Meow! Meow!" Upon the chancellor's command, he cats dashed up the staircase and, one by one, leapt through the window. "All right, that's them dealt with. Please, take a seat." I nodded and sat down. "Thank you..."
"I'll head out too, then. The materials on the anomaly are over here, Chancellor." "All right, thank you!" The chancellor thanked professor Hyde. "He's a little long-winded, but hand in there. Bye-Bye!" Professor Hyde waved to me with his hands folded behind his head, then strode unhurriedly from the office. "Honestly, that man just does not know when to shut his mouth... Anyway, had a rough time of it, haven't you? Let's take a look at your counseling results... Wonderful! No psychological interference." 
"Sorry... What exactly is this meeting for?" I asked, tilting my head. The lack of explanation was making me increasingly anxious. "Ahem... Well.... this is awfully difficult to say..." All of a sudden the chancellor stared at me with a serious expression.
"You've been cursed, and in one year's time, you will die."
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𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 6 | Cursed] 『😈』
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wrathofrats · 5 months
you should make a self insert ghoul so we can pair you with swiss
Hi my friend! No 🫶
I’m not super in ocs (just me personally! Love seeing everyone else’s work !!) and also even more against self insert when it comes to me. Like I don’t engage with /reader fics or anything, and generally am uncomfortable putting myself into these fictional situations instead of the ghouls
I appreciate the sentiment ahah! But yeah that’s just not for me. I have a couple projection ghouls if it helps tho
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ghostussy · 1 year
I don’t know what you mean, I’m not crying or having a mental breakdown?! I beg of you, I’m pleading on my knees you just can’t see it. Please write how reader falls limp into the ghouls and papas arms when they realize they found a safe person. Is this self insert? Yes, yes it is. I’m
Because then I can put my headphones on and put it on full volume. Then the world disappears and his soft voice soothes me, his voice tells me that it will be alright. The way he simply sounds let’s me know that he cares that I’m even alive. In my closed eyes, I see him, imagine what it would be like to hug him. I wonder how the air will feel once I’m near him. It’s comforting enough knowing he’s real. I don’t need him to say my name or do anything. Just being in his presence makes me feel safe. I need to feel safe, I want to, I want to go limp in someone’s arms. I’m tired of keeping my guard up. I’m just exhausted of being *the one* I don’t want to think about me being hurt because of my gender or who I love. I don’t want to think about anything besides how good his gentle eyes feel on my heart, and how safe I feel. Safe enough to sleep for once, safe enough to let him hug me, safe enough to stay there, safe enough to let him caress my skin until I’m getting real sleep, safe enough to not hide any scars or be ashamed of things I’ve done to myself.
Yeah, sorry I really am…uh, but you did say you write comfort…..
Honey, you don't have to plead on your knees for me. The ground is probably pretty dusty anyways. ;)
On a more serious note, I bumped this up in my queue because I definitely think you could use a pick me up. I'm sorry it's kind of short, but I wanted to get it out tonight. I would like to revisit this topic in the future, though.
I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I almost hate to admit it, but I understand how you feel. I know life is hard. It's even harder when you're dealing with things not many (if any) people know about.
I hope things get better. I hope life is kinder to you. And if you ever need anything, my DMs are open. <3
I wish you a life of healing and happiness!
TW under the cut.
. . .
"Dolce? What's wrong?"
"Um," you're not sure how to respond. Hands shaking, voice cracking, tears in your eyes; the familiar pain in your chest inhibits your ability to breathe and speak. You feel the pressure building up in your body, from the pressure of expecting too much and working too hard and stretching too thin-
"Y/n?" there's an urgency to his voice.
"Oh. Sorry, papa." Your voice is unsteady, shaking.
He steps closer. "That does not answer my question. What ails you?"
"It's...nothing." You're trying desperately to convince yourself and him that it truly is nothing, but you're failing miserably.
He sees the tears in your eyes. His gaze softens, a soft exhale escaping his lips as he addresses your disheveled state. He opens his arms wide. "Vieni qui," he calls softly, and you step closer while still keeping your distance.
"It's alright, little one. You look like you need to be held."
A choked sob forces it's way through your chest and out your mouth. You step even closer and unceremoniously fall straight into his arms. He catches you, like a stone wall holding a fallen tree that's suffered one too many storms.
You go completely limp, sobs now wracking your exhausted body as you cry desperately into his chest. He lowers the two of you onto the ground, pulling you to lean against him. He tries to comfort you, but worries it is not enough.
He rubs your back, the flat palm of his hand tracing shapes in an attempt to distract you. "It's okay, darling, I've got you. You're safe, you're safe now. Your papa's here, and he's going to keep you safe. Nothing can hurt you." He uses his other hand to sift through your hair, scratching softly at your scalp. You still find yourself to form any coherent thoughts or words; just violent sobbing as you desperately try to recover from so much trauma.
"Shh, baby, it's alright," he says, rocking you back and forth, "Your papa's got you. You're safe, and so loved. I love you." He catches a glimpse at your arm, adorned with self-inflicted scars.
"I'm sorry," you manage, filled with shame and guilt.
"Shh, stop talking. Let's allow papa to do the speaking, si? I don't want to hear another apology from your mouth." You nod, fat tears still streaming down your cheeks in a steady line.
"Now, I need you to listen.
You, all of you, are loved. Every last bit, even if you don't think so. You are wanted. And most importantly, you are safe. No harm will ever come to you here. Ever. Do you understand?"
You nod again, the tears beginning to slow. The sobs have stopped, and you're feeling the exhaustion creep in again.
"Good." The rocking slows to a stop, and he continues. "Now, here's what's going to happen; we're going into the ghouls' den. We're both going to lie down in the nest with the ghouls, and you're going to allow yourself to be coddled and held until long after you've fallen asleep. Then in the morning, we will discuss what has caused this, si?"
You weakly nod.
"Alright." He gathers you in his arms before moving to stand. He's gentle, nurturing as he guides your head to lie against his chest. You yawn into his chest, a few remaining tears escaping your eyes.
When you arrive in the den, you see the ghouls have already settled down for the night. They're all cuddled up in a pile, but they welcome the two of you in.
Aether rises to help settle you in. He's gentle as he lowers you into the soft bed of pillows and blankets, watching the way your head lulls.
"What happened?" He questions, yellow eyes watching Papa for a response.
"Later," he responds, "for now let's get them tucked in."
And they do. It isn't long before you're cozied up with the rest of the ghouls; and they are determined to get you and Papa to sleep as fast as possible.
You're on your side, tucked into the crook of Papa's arm. He's cradling you as someone rubs your back, another plays with your hair, and he's humming quietly. You listen to his gruff voice reverberate through his chest, allowing the vibrations to lull you into sleep. Fatigue courses through your body, making it easy to fall asleep.
Suddenly, he pulls you closer. He stops humming briefly to press a kiss to your forehead, and you nuzzle into his chest.
"Thank you, papa..." your voice trails off into a yawn.
"Prego, cara." He also yawns, but despite his weariness he waits for you to rest first. "Rest your eyes now." He resumes humming.
You sigh into his chest, following his instructions and allowing your eyes to close. You yawn again, then sleepily wrap your arms around his middle. He adjusts the blankets up to your chin, allowing you to bask in the warmth and safety he provides.
You feel sleep tug on your mind, and you don't resist. The last thing you remember before slipping away is being held lovingly, while surrounded by several warm, purring ghouls.
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one-winged-dreams · 2 years
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Father Curtis Malachi, a Malkavian that runs a little rundown church in Santa Monica. Utterly normal except for the fact he has OSDD which he believes as being possessed by an angel and a demon trying to sway him because he’s delusional and thinks he’s going to become God. 
Absolutely harmless and a pretty nice guy tho.
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