#but yeah only one of the ones i mentioned isn't for merlin. for being such an old fandom the fest game is insane
drlavenderpepper · 10 months
was tagged to do this by @againstfaith !! thank youu <3
fav color: purple <333 what a surprise right lol
currently reading: ugh nothingg :(( i've been too busy the whole summer. but the book i finished most recently is the seven husbands of evely hugo
last song: you can't be missed if you never go away by cobra starship (my beloved <33)
last series: good omens because unfortunately i'm not immune to gay angels
last movie: barbie!! it was a fun time!
currently working on: editing my massive 93k merlin fic, and also writing a fic for a mini challenge and also also one for a tarot-themed fest. i may or may not have overbooked myself </3
no-pressure tagging: @otherwiseromantic and @lj-girlie <33
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nimrism · 2 months
hello! daily morgana pendragon deserves the world. also, i'm very curious to see what you think a morgana and lena interaction would look like! i feel like the universe would break. oh! this is me realizing they both have something against their brothers. what a nice realization to have! anyway, just wondering what you think that might look like :)
i'm so sorry it took me THIS LONG to get to replying to this but i wanted to do it JUSTICE cause i love this ask with all my heart it speaks to my very soul :)) (i do apologize for this getting really really long, though)
lena and morgana!! they're so similar and yet so different at the same time it's so awesome to delve into their characters and try to dissect what's happening in those brilliant heads of theirs like i could write thesis papers analyzing their characters without ever getting bored. they're just so special to me :,)
what would an interaction between them look like, though? hmmmm i guess it depends on the context of the interaction like why would they be in the same room in the first place? has morgana been reincarnated? what is she doing in national city? or is lena the one who crossed the pond and went to england? are we talking canon s6 lena who has magic? has she gone to england to get closer to her witch ancestors? IS MORGANA HER WITCH ANCESTOR? DID SHE ACCIDENTALLY/ON PURPOSE RAISE HER FROM THE DEAD? i think the concept of morgana being lena's ancestor is super interesting cause it would influence lena's opinion on arthur and merlin and camelot in general. so, if we consider the connection between them ancestral, i think their interactions would be reverent (at least on lena's end) and morgana would (maybe after initial reluctance or hostility) sort of accept lena as her descendant and her protégé and teach her all sorts of magic. lena's part in helping morgana adjust to the modern world would also be a huge aspect i feel like cause morgana would be so confused with modern technology and the fact that technically there are no more "kingdoms" and camelot is no more so what exactly is her purpose in this modern world? lena helping her through that (or at least trying to) would form a huge part of their relationship i think.
buuuuuut if the context is different like maybe lena has discovered a way to time travel and she finds herself in camelot or in the woods around morgana's s4 cabin and morgana happens to stumble upon her there, it would be different. because WHY is there a woman in morgana's image in the STRANGEST clothes walking around with glowing objects (technology) that aren't inherently magical (morgana can't feel the magic in them) but MUST be because this isn't just something anyone can conjure up?? no matter the time we're talking (s1/2/3/4) i feel like morgana would react very negatively until lena can earn her trust or at least convince her she's not a sick joke merlin/emrys is playing on morgana. i also think lena would be wayyy out of her depth in medieval england like yeah she's a genius but she eats salads and fast food and has a bajillion-dollar penthouse equipped with all the latest technologies so living without the luxuries of the modern world would be a CHALLENGE even for her so i think it'd be fun to see morgana's reaction to lena absolutely STRUGGLING to get through her day.
once we're past the logistics of the interaction and the awkward introductions and general initial animosity phase and they FINALLY get to talking, they'll have lots of things in common. like you mentioned, they both have this innate hatred for their brothers, but with lena, lex has caused her unimaginable trauma and pain and despite all of that she's managed to get back up and say to his face that yeah she hates him but she loves herself more and that she's finally letting go of that hatred to go live her life. with morgana, however, that hatred for arthur has become all-consuming, even though it only stemmed from uther sort of unknowingly pitting them against each other forever by acknowledging arthur as his son and heir but never morgana. morgana's hatred for uther extended to arthur and when uther died, arthur became the sole recipient of that hatred. unlike lena, morgana doesn't have anyone to pull her out of the darkness, to show her that even when family fails to understand you and/or accept you, there are friends who will. she doesn't have that support system, and so she succumbs to the darkness and the hate and lets it eat away at her soul. this is where they differ, in my opinion, lena had a support system and the innate strength to stop the generational trauma cycle, while morgana had neither (doomed by the narrative from the start maybe i'll just cry).
this part's a bit controversial cause it depends on your headcanons and who you ship and stuff but another thing i feel was detrimental is UNREQUITED LOVE. lena's half-hearted "villain" arc only happened when she found out that her best friend had been keeping such a huge part of her identity from her (which isn't something you would do to someone you love) so she was like fuck it i'm going to fix humanity cause you guys SUCK. but when she eventually realized that wait, maybe kara does actually love her and care about her and she didn't entirely mean to hurt her (whether you read it as platonic or romantic, her love was requited) she went back and apologized and everything (even though she didn't need to apologize she's never done anything wrong in her life). morgana's brand might as well just be unrequited love, on the other hand. it goes as far back as her biological father (bro didn't even acknowledge her as his daughter), and extends to pretty much everyone she may or may not have been in love with (whether you ship her with gwen (the only right answer) or merlin or even the dumbass alvarr guy). she's been made to feel unlovable her whole life and at some point she believes it and takes it at face-value as the truth, and that's part of what pushes her to extremes like the ones she goes to in the show. ("if i can't have love, i want power"). with both gwen and merlin they're both so devotedly loyal to arthur that even if i were in her shoes i'd get pissed off, so, since she doesn't believe that they'll ever be loyal to her just because, she tortures and brainwashes merlin to get him to do her bidding, and she kidnaps gwen and brainwashes her to get her "old friend" back, because, in the state that she's in by s5, she doesn't believe that anyone will ever be devoted to her for HER, so she forces them to be. this concept of never having love requited voluntarily plays such a huge part in shaping morgana's character and making her that much different from lena, in my opinion.
i could go on and on about the implications of the dark tower episode and every word morgana said to gwen, but that's a story for another post because this one is already getting waaay too long.
ANYWAY i may have strayed from the point a few times BUT I JUST HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THEM, OKAY? thank you so much for this ask it was so much fun to answer and AS ALWAYS if you want to further discuss morgana or lena or both and speculate on how they would meet/interact i'm always up for a fun discussion 😼
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dracolilhoe · 2 months
Temptation (Severus Snape x Y/n)
Chapter 3 - The Sorting
Severus Snape x Y/n Evadne
Main Masterlist here -> DracoLilHoe
Harry Potter Fandom Masterlist here -> HP Masterlist
Temptation Masterlist here -> Temptation Masterlist
Warnings - Female reader, use of Y/n, Professor reader
Words: +2.5k
Summary: Y/n meets some familiar faces and encounters some new ones.
A/N: Y/n/n = y/n nickname f/f = favorite food 
If you find mistakes please tell me! I'm not a perfect writer so please just let me know. Happy reading! :)
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September 1st, 1993 5:53 pm
Over the past two days, me and Dalia have become good friends. She has told me a lot about herself and what she likes to do in her free time. She and Minerva helped me organize my classroom and Minerva even gave me some advice on how to deal with difficult students.
Dalia and I have even started a new routine of having tea together every afternoon so that when I'm done teaching for the day she can, as she likes to put it, "get all the juicy gossip".
*Flashback August 31st, 1993 - Dalia's quarters in the hospital wing*
"Dalia?" "Yeah?" "Minerva and I were talking yesterday, and she mentioned a glitter incident. What exactly happened?" She laughs and smirks at me. "Well, a few years ago, a few months into the school year, Minnie, Filius, and Hagrid had asked me to help decorate the Great Hall for Christmas.
I agreed because I LOVE decorating, I decided it would be a good idea to try and cast a glitter charm on a reef that was above the entrance," she pauses, furrowing her brows slightly, looking directly at me with a slight but unmistakable grin.
"Well it backfired, horribly, Snape happened to be walking in at that exact moment, and Minnie tried getting my attention while I was casting the charm, which caused me to not be paying attention to where I was pointing my wand, so instead of hitting the reef I accidentally hit him."
My mouth falls open in shock. "And you're still alive?!" She laughs at my shocked expression. "That's what I said! Merlin, he was livid! I'd never seen him so angry, Minnie immediately stepped in to diffuse the situation saying that it was her fault because she distracted me.
She's like one of the only people who can calm him down! There was also a group of students who were studying in the Hall, so that didn't help either. But, it was hilarious seeing the dark and scary dungeon bat covered in glitter!
Then during dinner, he was giving me dirty looks and wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, he accidentally bumped hands with Minnie as she grabbed her drink. It spilled all over him! He looked like he was going to explode!
"Sheesh, that must have sucked. From what I've heard from you and Minnie he seems to be a bit of a hard head." "Wait, y/n, have you even met him yet?" "No, not yet." "Well, good luck with him," she says as she smirks. My brows furrow in confusion. "What do you mean?" "Girl, he's the potions professor and you're the herbology professor! He has to collect plants from the greenhouse for his classes!" My eyes widen in surprise.
Well, shit.
"He's good friends with Minnie and they talk a lot so he probably already knows you are friends with me." "Dali, being friends with you isn't a bad thing!" "After what I did to him, girl, he will hate you! He holds grudges on everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. It doesn't even matter if you haven't done anything to him."
"Jeez, thanks for the kind words of wisdom," I say rolling my eyes. She stops talking and stares at me with a questioning look on her face. "Wait, did you call me Dali?" "Oh, shit sorry my bad..."
"No, no, no it's okay I like it ... Dali... got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" Her eyes widen in excitement. "We need a nickname for you! Okay, what about n/n?" "Y/n/n... I guess that's okay." She squeals in excitement. "Okay great!" "Maybe Snape doesn't like you because you're always so happy."
She laughs and looks at the clock on the wall, "Maybe. Merlin, look at the time! Well, I'll see you tomorrow at the welcoming feast. We can catch up in a few days after classes have started so you can get the hang of everything. I need the juicy gossip with the dungeon bat."
She says raising her eyebrows up and down. We walk over to the door of the hospital wing and she opens it dramatically and bows. "Good day m'lady!" I laugh and do the same. "Goodnight Dali, I'll see you tomorrow."
*End of flashback.*
The Welcoming Feast for the first year starts in a few minutes. Great, we have to waste almost half an hour so a bunch of midgets can get sorted into a house. I roll my eyes at no one as I walk into the Great Hall. I look up and spot Dalia.
To her right, there's an empty seat that seems to be meant for me. On the right side of my seat, there's a man whom I haven't had the chance to meet yet. He has green eyes and light brown hair flecked with grey. Next to this mystery man is another professor I haven't met yet. He has shoulder-length, black hair which frames his face, and cold, onyx eyes.
His eyes are actually kind of pretty... and also staring at me. Well, that's fuckin embarrassing. Way to go Y/n don't even know the guy's name and he probably thinks you're a creep.
Dalia waves at me, and I walk over to her. "Hey, girl! Saved you a seat." "Thanks," I say, grasping the back of the chair, smoothly pulling it out, and settling into the seat. "Y/n, this is Remus Lupin. Remus this is Y/n Evadne." Remus extends his hand toward me, and I reach out to meet him with a firm handshake. "Pleasure to meet you Y/n," he says as he gives me a warm smile. "You as well Remus."
Suddenly, the doors to the Great Hall open. Minnie walks in followed by a group of first-years. The first years walk down to the front of the hall and stand together some shuffling their feet nervously and others with a confident smile on their face. Minerva silently walks over and grabs a four-legged stool placing it in front of the first years.
On top of the stool sits the sorting hat, looking just as patched and frayed as it did my first year. Minerva pulls out a large roll of parchment from her pocket and holds it out in front of her. "Now, when I call your name, you will place the hat on your head, take a seat on the stool, and wait to be sorted."
"Amir, Danny."
The boy walks up to the stool and places the hat on his head. I take a closer look at the boy. He seems very tall for his age, maybe as tall as some of the fourth years. He has dark skin, dark brown eyes, and messy jet-black hair.
The Sorting Hat bellowed "Slytherin!" as the entire hall erupted into cheers. The boy made his way over to the Slytherin table, a triumphant smile lighting up his face as he took his seat among his new housemates.
Minerva glanced down at the list in her hands. Her eyes scanned the paper until they landed on the name she was looking for.
"Sullivan, Maya."
The girl, who looks a bit short for her age, walks over and places the hat on her head. The hat spills down, covering half of her face, and she giggles. As we all sit in silence, waiting for her house to be called, I take a closer look at her. She has pale skin, long, straight dark red hair, and hazel eyes.
"Difficult this one... better be Hufflepuff!" exclaimed the sorting hat as the entire hall erupted into cheers again. The girl made her way over to the Hufflepuff table, a smile lighting up her face as she took her place among her new housemates.
"Aditi, Cristina."
"Excuse me!" the girl says as she makes her way through the crowd of first-years, her short blond curls bobbing slightly. She could easily be picked out in the group, considering she is a head taller than most of them. She makes her way over to the stool and before the sorting hat even touches her head, it shouts...
The hall erupts into cheers once more as she makes her way over to the Gryffindor table.
"Morland, Christopher."
Wait... Morland? The boy nervously makes his way up to the stool as he places the hat on his head. It's too big, so it slips down to cover his eyes. I turn to look at Dalia and she has a hopeful look on her face. I look back at the boy again and realize that the two look quite similar. The only differences are that he has light brown hair and green eyes, and he is a bit taller than her.
"Ravenclaw!" the Sorting Hat's voice booms through the Great Hall, eliciting cheers from the students. As he strides confidently over to his designated table, Dalia's spirited cheers rise above the rest, echoing through the hall.
"Dalia," I ask turning to face her. "Are you related to him?" "What? Oh yeah, he's my nephew."
6:45 pm
"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. I myself am particularly looking forward to the flaming kiwi cups, which, while somewhat treacherous for those of us with facial hair..." Dumbledore is about to continue speaking when Minerva clears her throat, cutting him off.
He chuckles softly before continuing, "Ah. Yes. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts this year. Good luck to you, Professor." Lupin stands up as the applause fills the hall.
"As some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!"
The room is filled with thunderous applause and jubilant cheers as Hagrid turns ruby red, rises, and nearly topples the staff table, sending water goblets weaving.
"Professor Sprout, our Herbology teacher, has also decided to retire due to some medical problems she wishes to remain private. Fortunately, I am pleased to welcome our second new Professor, Professor Y/n Evande! I trust that the students will give you a warm welcome." As I rise to my feet, the students break into applause. Meanwhile, two red-haired twins at the Gryffindor table let out a few short whistles.
"Finally, on a more disquieting note, Hogwarts -- at the request of the Ministry of Magic -- will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban." Murmurs fill the hall as the students turn to look at their peers.
"The Dementors will be stationed at the entrances to the grounds. While they are under strict orders not to enter the castle itself, you will on occasion see them as you go about your daily activities. Under no circumstances are you to approach them. It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving. Now enjoy our lovely feast." Dumbledore claps his hands and food appears on the four long tables.
As the chatter and the clinking of silverware fill the hall, Dalia turns her gaze in my direction, "Did you hear about what happened on the train?" I turn to look at her and shake my head putting some f/f on my plate.
"Apparently, Harry Potter got attacked by a dementor." My eyes widened as I turn to stare at her. "Oh, that must have been awful. Was he injured?"
"The boy just fainted," Remus says as he turns to look at the two of us.
"The dementor came into the compartment and went towards the boy. His other two friends Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley were also in the compartment but were unharmed." "That's a relief," Dalia says as she sighs. "The boys' lucky nothing severe happened. Dementors are nasty creatures."
7:53 pm
"Merlin, that was amazing!" Dalia says as she takes a sip from her wine glass. "Come on, n/n, let's go." She pulls out her chair and stands up, her chair sliding against the hard floor. I turn to look at Remus as I stand up. "Lovely meeting you, Remus, I'll see you tomorrow." He nods as he watches me stand up, "Have a lovely evening."
Dalia and I make our way out into the hallway in front of the large staircase. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow morning. Make sure you have everything ready. Breakfast starts at 6:30 so I'll be at your chambers around 7:30."
"Okay, mom." I tease as I cross my arms and roll my eyes. "Ha ha," she says sarcastically as a teasing smirk appears on her face. "Seriously though I want to help you with any last-minute preparations."
"You worry too much Dali." "Just looking out for my new bestie," she pats my back softly and begins to walk up the stairs. "Love you girl!" I laugh as I watch her walk away. "You are something else, Dali..." I mutter as I turn to walk towards my chambers but instead, I run into a hard chest.
I look up to see the same guy from earlier with the black hair. "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to run into you." For fucks sake y/n way to embarrass yourself.
He sighs and rolls his eyes clearly annoyed. Um, rude what the hell is his problem?
"Just watch where you going next time." He says as he begins to make his way toward the dungeons. Wait a damn minute... "Excuse me," I say to him and he stops but doesn't turn around so I take that as my sign to continue. "I didn't quite catch your name." He doesn't answer for a few moments as he stands there.
What's this guy's problem? I said sorry. It's not like I walked into him on purpose! His approach could benefit from a more accommodating demeanor.
"Professor Snape." He mutters before making his way toward the dungeons once more.
Oh shit.
Well, that makes more sense.
8:07 pm
I finally make it back to my quarters and immediately flop down on my bed. Damn, Dali was right. That man is something else. I set my PJs on the bed before heading toward the bathroom for a quick shower.
After taking a shower, I use a drying spell on my hair with my wand. I then apply my favorite scented lotion and slip into my pajamas before getting into bed, tossing and turning to get comfortable.
Great job Y/n! What a great way to end the day! Piss off the guy you don't even know. Ugh... I hate when I can't read someone from their emotions. I sigh and stare up at the ceiling. Big day tomorrow. Maybe teaching a bunch of kids won't be so hard. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? 
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evilwizardcrab · 6 months
Assinging popular UK rollercoasters TMA fear entities.
Because sometimes your roller coaster autism and magnus archives autism combine into a secret, third thing.
Also, obviously most roller coasters are kind of inherently tied to vast/spiral, but for the sake of variety I'll only be assigning those entities when it happens to be really thematically relevant.
All clear? Good. Then in no particular order, let's begin.
1 .The Smiler (Alton Towers)
Figured I should start this out on what is quite possibly the UKs most iconic rollercoaster. At a whopping 14 inversions this Gerstlauer infinity coaster holds the world recor-
The spiral. It's the spiral. Yes, I know I literally just said I would be reserving spiral judgements for certain rollercoasters but just. Just look at this fucking thing:
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This is quite possibly *the* most spiral aligned rollercoaster you could possibly make. In fact it might literally be the most spiral aligned rollercoaster ever, because with 14 inversions it literally is the most amount of spiraling you can physically do on a rollercoaster.
I mean, watch the goddamn TV Advert for this ride and tell me Fuckhands McMike didn't have a (yaoi) hand in the creation of this thing. Fuck Sanakov land I'm pretty sure the smiler singlehandedly counts as a failed spiral ritual.
It literally sends you insane! That's it, that's the theming! It's logo is a literal fucking spiral! Words themselves cannot get across how quintessentially Spiral this coaster is!!!! Even the FUCKING MUSIC is spirally!
It's even yellow.
So yeah, 10/10 spiral aligned coaster would ride again.
2. The Swarm (Thorpe Park)
From one heavily themed rollercoaster to another, let's take a trip down south to The Swarm, Thorpe Park. I'm going to be biased off the bat and say that the swarm is absolutely one of my faves (just look at that inverted drop!) not to mention the being only wing coaster in the UK.
That being said, despite my fanboying The Swarm was initially a hard one to place. My gut feeling was the Vast (mainly due to how it emulates the feeling of flying) or the corruption (literally called the swarm).
But then I took a step back,actually looked into the theming and lore itself, and it became clear. The Swarm is the Extinction through and through.
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For those of you FREAKS no well aquiantted with Rollercoaster Lore, the story of swarm is as follows - an evil Swarm has destroyed humanity).
Thorpe Park even went as far as to put up fake posters around the park and release ARG Style adverts about it (and this song, because Merlin is nothing if not excessive when it comes to it's parks)
So with that in mind, swarm absolutely embodies the two main aspects of the extinction; both the active destruction of the apocolypse and the fear of something new replacing us (in this case presumeably sentiant rolercoasters)
3. Oblivion (Thorpe Park)
I'll keep this entry to roughly the same length as the ride itself.
You go in a Big Hole In The Ground
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It's The Buried.
4. The Roller Coaster Formerly Known As The Pepsi Max Big One (Blackpool Pleasure Beach)
Finally, a coaster entry that isn't from a Merlin park. And being both the tallest and steepest rollercoaster in the world, let us introduce the pepsi max big one.
(off screeen whispers)
Wait what do you mean it's no longer the tallest rollercoaster in the world
(more whispers)
What do you mean, "or the steepest"
(even more whispers)
Wait, what do you mean it's not even the Pepsi Max Big One anymore? The Big One? really?
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The Big One is an interesting case to me, in that despite technically being the tallest rollercoaster in the UK, there appears to be somewhat of a relative lack of discussion surrounding it. It's just ... there. Hell, while making this list I actually forgot it was the tallest rollercoaster in the UK. Not to mention the whole deal with its changing, corporate name. It just feels so Bizzare. Strange, even ...
That's right motherfuckers we got ourselves a Stranger rollercoaster! It perhaps isn't the most obvious choice, but I'll be damned if I hand over the tallest rollercoaster in the Uk to the Vast, that’s just boring. Plus, I personally find it quite thematically pertinent. Something about the idea of an object getting so subsumed by it’s corporate identity that when that is removed, it’s left with nothing. Something about staking a permanent identity on inherently shifting factors leading to a [redacted] Big One shaped void. 
If you want to, if you can imagine it was initially Vast before Fairchild enterprises took a hit and Nikola Orsinov swooped in to claim it. 
5) Stealth (Thorpe Park)
We've got ourselves our first pure Vast rollercoaster here folks! Coming in at a hot 5th place we have the 1st most fastest rollercoaster in the UK, that launches you 0-80 mph up 62 meters of pure steel baybe!!
And um.
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It doesn't do much else.
But that simplicity is exactly what makes it so vast! The Vast wouldn't fuck around with complex things like "inversions" or "ride experience". It goes up. it goes down. If Simon Fairchild made a rollercoaster it would look like this. Take one look at this thing and tell me it doesn't embody the spirit of Mike "sought out the tallest ride at the carnival" Crew.
If the Spiral gets The Smiler as its quintessential rollercoaster, The Vast gets this.
6) Wickerman (Alton Towers)
Now, the Wickerman is another personal fave of mine, and (in my personal opinion) a key example of how amazing theming can elevate practically any rollercoaster. (To go on a tangent, I'd absolutely recommend riding this during the evening at fright night, if you can. The night serves an already great ride experience into something amazing)
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Not only that, but the central theming of said rollercoaster centers around both a) Cults and B) Copious amounts of fire. So, in a manner clearly befitting its assigned entity, it doesn't exactly take an expert to put two and two together and get Ouch. That’s right, it's desolation. 
RIP Agnes Montague you would have loved this ride.
Scratch that maybe not considering how she seemingly felt about her cult. Let me change track.
RIP Gertrude Robinson you would have FUCKING LOVED this.
8) Nemesis (Alton Towers)
What, you thought I could make a UK coaster list without bringing up Nemesis? Surely not,I wouldn’t dare shaft  everyone's favorite (and currently unavailable!) B&M invert. Wait, what do you mean you don't want to hear about how it "holds up amazingly well over 30 years" and it's "Intensity rivals even that of modern coasters"?
Jokes aside, Nemesis was another hard one to place. Like Swarm, I had a very strong initial preference - this time for the slaughter, mainly due to the whole "trapped alien" deal it has going on.
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But, once again like The Swarm, another look into the deeper RollerCoaster Lore (TM) revealed another core aspect of nemesis - this time, that of the Buried.
Specifically, the Lore of Nemesis centers around a mysterious alien entity (aptly named nemesis) found Buried deep underground, and having to promptly be pinned down with tons of steel (which also coincidentally, happend to be the exact shape of a rollercoaster). Hell, the lore even had a comic book made of it. 
Not only that, but the actual construction of Nemesis actively involved digging up the earth in order to create the space for it. And if that doesn't scream "buried" it's probably because you can’t hear it under all the layers of dirt. 
Honerable Mentions - Kiddy Coaster Edition
9. Flying Fish (Thorpe Park)
It's everones favourite Thorpe Park Kiddy coaster, Flying fish - a coaster with a title that is only 50% inaccurate.
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In all seriousness I only chose this coaster because for some inexplicable reason I associate it with the Lonely. Specifically, Peter Lucas. No, I cannot justify this choice other than the fact that look at it and tell me you can't picture Lucas sitting on this, alone, going around and around. He doesn't move or make a sound. Just sits there. Silently .Having the time of his life.
 I like to imagine he buys out the entirety of the park for a day with the Lucas family fortune just so he can enjoy this one ride without having to see another human being (you wouldn't catch him dead in a theme park otherwise)
And this is probably as good a point as any to finish the list. Obviously there are way more UK rollercoasters you could assign fears to but these felt like some of the more interesting ones to explore. Anyway if you made it this far then damn. Well done, but also thanks for sharing in this incredibly niche magnus brainrot with me :)
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notozthewizard · 1 year
I'm no writer but listen. I've just realized how perfectly my old fantasy race fits in BBC Merlin's universe. Creatures literally made of tiny specks of stardust and enough energy condensed in one place and Merlin being the product of so much magic accumulated in the land for years after the ban, going "unharvested" and being contained until the land couldn't take that much anymore.
Hunith finds him one day in the woods. A little babe. Not even crying, just looking curiously at the world around him. And who is she to just leave him there to be found by who knows what? Yeah, he might have really sharp teeth, unnatural skin color and she definitely can't deny this little being's connection to magic but she has already helped a grown ass dragon lord. She's not going to leave an unarmed baby to fend for itself, thank you very much. So she takes him against her better judgment.
Merlin grows and learns everything pretty quickly. She notices the older he gets the more similarities he starts sharing with her. His hair turns darker and a little curly. His complexion soon mimics hers. And in what feels like mere moments he almost doesn't look like a magical creature at all. One day he leaves the house when she isn't looking. Someone in the village sees him but they don't notice anything abnormal about him. They're just surprised Hunith's sickly baby they've only heard about has grown so much. Hunith sighs in relief.
She started researching what kind of creature he may have been years ago but after the purge it was hard to find any kind of books and sources that might mention magical creatures, even those more common. And Merlin? Well, Merlin is something she has never even heard of. Whether in legends or stories told to her when she was just a kid. Where did he even come from? What happened to his parents?
At some point she contacts Gaius. He doesn't know much. He's heard of ancient and powerful creatures but there's so little to go off here. Maybe some legends? But no actual proven sources. So he turns to his books. And more of them. And another secret stash after that. And a hidden room with more illegal knowledge. Until he finally finds something that just might be a clue. Old sightings. Stories of ancient gods that blessed people's lands and healed the sick. Or mentions of evil devils hiding in caves and scaring everyone who dared to come by. Every single one of them has something that fits Merlin's story but none of them match entirely. And then it hits him. What if he's all of those creatures? Because they're one and the same, just interpreted very differently by different people. Some scared of magic, some not being able to imagine their life without it. Creatures changing their appearance to fit. Just like Merlin did.

Will definitely do some designs for this. Maybe quick illustration concepts. Also I can ramble so much longer about the details of this specific race so might also add another post with some more context to how I imagine these guys, what their role in the world is etc.
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the-red-butterfly · 2 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @bad-at-names-and-faces and @i-did-not-mean-to
Thanks guys!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? I have 96 works in Ao3 BUT I have 104 on Fanfiction (yes, I still post there don't judge me.) I think there are just like 3 works that I have on Ao3 that I didn't pu up on FanFiction.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 411,089 (Not too bad, not too bad)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily I write for Tolkien works, Star Wars and Batman (bat fam to be more specific). But I'm very much a, write one for each thing I love kinda gall. Honorary mentions include Sandman, Frozen, Twilight Avengers, Merlin and Teen Titans.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lonely Stars Drifting In The Black (Star Wars) (so not surprised XD)
Kudos: 2,276
The Unexpected Pop Of Things (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 1,265
This Isn't What It Looks Like (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 762
Death of a Star (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 760
Alone Never More (Batman comics) (you are just an okay story, why are you here? 😭)
Kudos: 729
(I'm kinda surprised and offended that I didn't put Lucifer on the honorary mentions and it still took places 2, 3 AND 4 👁)
5. Do you respond to comments? Oh yes (though I might take a couple of months if I some slip my mind). Almost all of them. I tend to not answer back to emojis because I'm like... I don't know what to answer?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? This was kind of a hard question and it took me way too long to answer, so here, have the three runner ups.
A Crime Of Passion (Twilight: New Moon)
Ends with: Carlisle being forced to drink blood and being unable to deal with it.
At The End Of The Earth (Hellboy del Toro movies)
Ends with: John Myers being mauled by wolves and his last thoughts being of how alone he feels and of dying alone.
She's not a very good mother (Batman comics)
Ends with: Janet Drake dying as she chokes on poison and regrets she wont be able to do better by her son. She always thought she'd have more time.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Unlike the last one, this one was so easy to pick because, yeah... I'm an angsty girly for sure so the pool for REALLY happy endings was SMALL.
Drizzle Bt The Sea (Teen Titans cartoon)
It's quite short and all around just happy in vibes. Just Robin and Jericho playing by the sea under the rain.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I don't remember that I ever have? Thought I thought a couple might get hate, they didn't.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I tired it ONCE. And you know what happened? The sex was interrupted by trauma and they characters had to top to talk about the whole thing.
There is also that other one time but we're not going to talk about it.
But all in all I'm much more interested in exploring gen stories ✨
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I LOVE crossovers. I don't have many, but I am plagued mentally by them. I have 3 posted (only one on Ao3). And I'm not sure which one's craisiest. But the 2 on FF are both Rise of the Guardians crossovers, one with Avengers and the other with LES MISÉRABLES. What was younger me smoking? I would really like to know.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware 👁
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I think someone might've asked one or two times? But I honestly don't remember, if it ever happened, it was ages ago.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Oh yes! It's always so fun to me. I've done it a couple of times with @slightly-crimson-tornado and I'm currently working on one with @pushing-daisies-renaissance ✨
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Steve Trevor x Diana Prince I think. Close runner up is definitely Satine Kryze x Obi-wan Kenobi. And I'm VERY fond of Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a stupid amount of wips so I'll just go by posted ones. I have this story idea that I REALLY Like but I came up with it ages ago, and though i still like the idea I'm doubtful that I'll ever give it the time it deserves to go back to ):
Because the truth was too terrible (Avengers)
It's a story about Natasha being trapped inside her mind and Thor getting in to wake her up. I'm still pretty fond of the general gist of it. But it's OLD now.
16. What are your writing strengths? Aaaaaahhh. Trauma management? Like, they way people go about it and navigate it; how they talk about it with others? At least I THINK that's my strength. People keep complimenting those things XD
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I am too flowery with wording and I get sick of myself. It's out of control and I sometimes can't help it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I love it. If I can't get help I'll just wing a google translate, or god forbid do some research on structure. I'm BAD at it, but I love it and use it frequently.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Inazuma Eleven (anime) hehe. Love of my youth, protect me.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I love this this Twilight one-shot I wrote some years ago. It made me suffer a lot (for reasons you can find in the author's notes) but the idea has always had a tight grip on me. I really like it (and hope to got I can get the sequel out one day).
A Crime Of Passion (Twilight: New Moon)
BUT two honorable mentions. One, my Star Wars series where Obi-wan get's rescued from Death Watch by Jango Fett. And Two, my VERY self indulgent crossover between Avengers x Merlin, I love the story and I'm really super fond of what I've gotten down so far.
Celestial Bodies Of The Lonesome Variety (LSD) (Star Wars)
Of The Old Things Hidden In The World (Merlin x Avengers crossover)
Ya know, just in case you feel like it, tagging @slightly-crimson-tornado , @cilil , @dottie-wan-kenobi , @fishing4stars , @arlenianchronicles , @scary-grace
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idabbleincrazy · 7 months
Never a Wish Better Than This (1/?)
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Fandom: Smallville
Rating: E
Pairing: Clex
Characters: Clark, Lex, others mentioned
Word Count: 3005
Warnings: fix-it fic, season 4, first person pov, switching pov, feelings
Summary: Clark turns 18, Lex takes one last chance at making things right between them.
A/N: so, yeah...I never write in first person for fic, but it just felt right for this one. set between Blank and Ageless, with references to s1-4 throughout. hope you like my first attempt at a Clex fic!
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"I owe you my life, Clark. I'll never forget that."
"I guess adrenaline is really a powerful thing, Clark. Good thing, too, or all three of us would be dead now."*
"Yes, I was looking into the accident, but I'm done with that. There's nothing under the surface I need to know."
"I had to kill him, Clark, you understand that right? He hurt you, he was going to kill your father. I had to."
"I put too much trust in a pair of pretty green eyes, and nearly lost everything. I let her too close and almost paid for that mistake with my life, and your father's freedom. And, once again you saved me."
"You know, my father told me, every Arthur needs his Merlin. But even Merlin couldn't save Arthur from falling in the end. Luckily, I have you, Clark. Let's just hope you can keep me from a one way trip to Avalon."
"I wish you could trust me, Clark, really trust me. I just can't stop feeling like there's something important you've kept hidden from me, since the day we met. And, every time I think you're close to finally telling me, you veer off course."
"I'm glad you're back to normal, repressed, farmboy. Rebellion isn't really your color, Clark. But, if you ever need to borrow the Ferrari again, make sure it stays within the town limits."
"I'm not sure if I'm more relieved or disappointed, knowing for sure you're not my brother, Clark. It would have been nice, growing up with you, but at least you aren't tainted by Luthor blood." 
"I'm sorry about Ryan, Clark. Guess I was wrong, you really would make a great brother."
"Naman and Sageeth, Warrior Angel and Devilicus…I hate when stories don't give the details on how two people go from being best friends to sworn enemies."
"I'm sorry about how often your family gets drawn into the Luthor chaos, Clark. I hope you don't regret our friendship."
"I truly am sorry about my part in Eric Marsh coming after you and your parents, Clark. I wouldn't have bailed him out if I had known. The last thing I would ever want is for your family to be hurt."
"My memory of my actions shortly before I was admitted to Belle Reve are hazy at best, but if the pain I'm told I caused you and Lana really happened, I'm sorry, Clark. I only hope I didn't do anything too…untoward, with you, beyond nearly shooting you. Only, I keep getting a fuzzy picture in my head, when I try to remember. You, and me, in the loft. I was singing a lullaby. Suddenly, I was right next to you, and then there was this warmth, your warmth, surrounding me. Whenever I think of that moment, my lips ache."
"Why won't you let me help you, Clark? I could protect you from my father, if you would just open up to me. What is so damned important about those caves that we just keep circling back to them? What are those drawings to you?"
"I appreciate your worry, Clark, but isn't it a bit hypocritical to keep pushing me to reveal my most tumultuous secrets, while denying me your own?"
"You chose right with Pete, Clark. I envy his strength. I'm sorry he had to move. But it's probably safer this way, for both of you."
"I'm glad I can call you my friend again, Clark. I'm sorry I messed it up the first time around. These have been the loneliest five months of my life. I've grown too used to you showing up on my doorstep when I least expect it."
"What is it that you're hiding from me, Clark? What did I learn in those seven weeks that just keeps eluding me? All these secrets and lies…I don't know how much more I can take."
"There's a darkness inside me, Clark, and it scares me. One small lapse in judgment, and I could hurt everyone I care about."
May 3rd, 2005
Lex's POV: 
So many starts to conversations that ended before they really went anywhere. So many opportunities to get closer, to rid ourselves of the distance between us, to bring to light the secrets that stained and strained our friendship. But then, that was why I was usually the one ending them, wasn't it? Even when I was the one who started it. Pulled away, put the walls back up, slipped that mask of cool indifference back on, before he could get too close. Because if he did, how could I resist?
How would I be able to walk away, sane and whole, if he closed that gap? If he bared his soul, spilled all his secrets, how could I keep him pure? That beautiful, innocent, pristine farmboy, would only be tainted if he got that close. Too young, too naive…I would have ruined him. I still might.
I could count the number of people I have ever cared about almost as much as I care about Clark on one hand, with three digits left to spare. I would call it love, if I thought I still had the ability to feel that particular emotion. I've tried for nearly four years to keep him at arm's length. Tried for four years to let myself have the one thing I wanted even more than my father's approval. Four years of yearning, dreaming of thick, black hair, and piercing green eyes. Haunted by pouting lips that could drive angels to sin, and hands big and strong enough to catch them when they fell. 
Will I ruin this perfect, flawed, creature once I have him in my arms? After he has saved me countless times since that first life-changing, life-ending…life-starting…day on the bridge, could I take the chance that I won't destroy him? Can I really resist the chance to find out? Even a saint's patience has its limits. 
How many trips to Suicide Slums have I made, finding just the right shade of green eyes, the right pair of plump lips, shoulders just broad enough, to make the endless need go away, just for a little bit? Just long enough to pretend I didn't ache every time Clark walked through my door. That I didn't want anything more than to push him down onto the leather couch in my office and despoil that paragon of perfection. Tan, dark haired men aren't too hard to find, if you know where to look, if you have the right connections, and the wallet big enough to back it up. So eager to please, to kneel, to worship the Luthor cock. But none of them, not one, close enough to his perfection to sate my hunger for his presence. 
This past year has been the hardest, months spent trying to salvage the wreckage of our friendship. The mysterious and creepy misadventure of my father somehow switching bodies with Clark. Chloe's wild and out birthday party, that I'm sure I still don't have all the details on. Being framed for the murder of an innocent woman by a scorned one-night-stand, both of whom I only even glanced twice at because of features that made me think of Clark. Almost killing the entire Kent family with one of my ill-thought experiments. Watching Jason and Lana, envious of what they had, wanting that with Clark. Their age gap had been the least of their problems, and seeing them together had given me hope, even if they had ultimately parted ways. I know it's a small town with even smaller world views, but still…
There I go, getting ahead of myself again. Thinking like I know for a fact that Clark feels the same way I do, that the attraction is mutual. But, I've seen the looks he's given me over the years. The deer-in-the-headlights look I see when we're playing pool and I've just turned around from taking my shot, his gaze quickly flitting up to mine, and away, his next move fumbled. Felt the lingering touches, like he didn't want to have to pull away. He's the only one I let touch me so casually, you know? The only one I willingly hug, even if the embrace is painfully shorter than I care for. Even lovers aren't allowed to touch more than necessary to bring me off. I flinch from my father's hand whenever possible, my skin crawling with unease when he manages to act out his parody of paternal love. 
But, how many times have I greased the way into Lana's heart for Clark? Sure, they were mostly misguided attempts to rid myself of the temptation he posed. And still, through all their back and forth, they just couldn't make it work. It gave me hope that I tried to ignore, Clark's inability to settle for either Lana or even Chloe. …Or Alicia, who seemed to be both girls wrapped in one, beautiful and brilliant, but so very troubled; though, given how long he'd mourned her, she may have come the closest to keeping his heart. 
How many times, during our talks, have I seen those cow eyes darken, ever so slightly, before the faintest flush of color rose on his cheeks, making him turn away, his speech suddenly stumbling? How many of my loaded comments have left him speechless, the untrippable boy now awkward as a fawn taking its first steps. Is it such a stretch to really believe there's a possibility of him returning my affection? 
The Grandfather clock in the corner strikes the hour, and I stand from my chair. Time to bring some kind of resolution to the circles we seem to run around each other. One way or the other. But first, one more look at Clark's gift. I hope it's one he'll accept without all the hemming and hawing that's followed every other token of my appreciation and affection.
Clark's POV: 
I had almost given up hope of him accepting my invitation. What excitement can a small gathering of friends at a farm in Kansas hold to draw the attention of a world-savvy billionaire? Fried chicken and homemade cake could hardly compare to caviar and creme brulee. But still, I could hope. Hope that he'll show up, even for a minute, hope that he'll help give this regrowing friendship a fighting chance. 
It's hard to keep that hope for friendship from spreading into hope for something more. 
Since that day on the bridge, I’ve tried wrapping my mind around so many feelings, so many confusing urges. It was worse in the beginning, my body going through so many changes, both human and alien. Learning bits and pieces of the truth of who I am. Still so much left unknown. 
As my mind wanders, I look over at my friends. Pete showed up this afternoon, a surprise. Said he couldn't miss the only birthday party I've ever thrown. He'll probably have to leave soon if he wants to make it back to Wichita before curfew. Chloe, with her bright, bubblegum smile and knowing eyes, doing her best to keep Lois from annoying me too much. Lana, demure smile in place, eyes flitting over to me every so often. My heart twinges with a good dose of guilt every time she does. 
I still hold a place for her in my heart, but it's not the same. Hasn't been since he moved in, really. Lana was the girl next door, the one I thought I would always see as the love of my life. But, since that day on the bridge, slowly, but surely, things have changed.
Saving Lex was the catalyst for so much change. That not-really-a-kiss threw a wrench into everything I thought I knew about myself. It was only CPR, but from the first press of my lips against Lex's, it was like the whole world had shifted. And not just mentally. It was as if bringing Lex back to life had been a jumpstart on a molecular level. Before, I'd always been strong and fast and practically indestructible, but within a few weeks of meeting Lex, up popped the x-ray vision. God, that was an embarrassing couple of weeks while I got it under control. The vague dreams I'd been having got slightly more focused after I caught a flash of Lex in his boxers before I could close my eyes. It wasn't the first time I'd woken up sticky, but before that, it had always been Lana haunting my erotic dreams, like when I'd first started waking up floating above my bed. 
I had managed to push aside the confusing feelings that were blooming since meeting Lex, mostly, until the start of my sophomore year and the height of the heat wave. How many fires did I almost start, thinking of Lex? Those were the worst few months. Especially while Desiree was around. Talk about confusing. Didn't help that Chloe had to chime in with her observation that Desiree looked like a female version of me. Suddenly all I could think of was Lex giving me the sultry, sloe-eyed stares he'd been giving her. 
After that, my imaginings decided they were no longer happy secluding themselves to my sleeping hours. The first time I touched myself to thoughts of Lex happened shortly after Desiree's spell over him was broken. None of my jerk-off sessions had ever led to that powerful an orgasm. Thank God my parents weren't home; I don't think I'd have had the higher brain function required to explain the scream that accompanied my explosive release.
After my mini freak out over the careening change in direction of my fantasies, I did some…research. Let's just say, I really hope my parents don't do any in-depth searching into my internet history any time soon. My dad really doesn't need another heart attack. 
Through the wonders of the internet, I discovered that, yeah, maybe I did have some attraction to guys. None of the porn I stumbled across made me feel quite as aroused as my Lex-based daydreams, but I couldn't deny that there had been some definite tightening of my jeans as I watched. I also discovered that my attraction to girls may have lessened, but not entirely disappeared. Lana still entered my dreams from time to time; and there was that one really haunting visit where she showed up while Lex and I were tangled together, and instead of the freak-out dream-me had expected, she eagerly joined in. That had led me down a whole other rabbit hole. 
But, still, life continued on, with just another secret about myself to hide beneath my naive, bumbling exterior. I think I've managed to keep my growing attraction to Lex a secret from nearly everyone. Except maybe from Chloe. She's altogether too good at ferreting out the truth, and I've seen some of the looks she's given me when the conversation turns to Lex, or when he shows up with yet another extravagant gift I can't keep. If anyone knows, it would be her. Has she seen it there, on my face? The longing? The need? Are they the same looks I never managed to recognize her casting my way…the same looks I sometimes still see her give me when she thinks I'm not looking? 
Things only got harder after tenth grade. After I ran away in a haze of red Kryptonite, guilt-ridden over the aftermath of my decision to destroy the ship and bitter over Lex's latest marriage. Metropolis opened my eyes to a world of new experiences. While Clark was busy hiding from the pain he'd caused and the struggle of figuring out whether he still loved Lana the same way he always had or if Lex had slowly but surely replaced her atop that lonely pedestal, Kal was having the time of his life. 
No rules, no chores, no curfew, and just legal enough. Oh yeah, Kal had no qualms about living it up in the big city. And now I've got a brain full of memories, memories of experiences I'd rather have explored with people I'd known for more than an hour. I mean, I'm still a…virgin…in all the ways that count the most, but there were plenty of firsts that got checked off the list during those months of self-imposed exile. But, I confirmed without a doubt that I am definitely, undeniably, bisexual.
I knew Lex had supplanted himself ahead of Lana in my romantic leanings when the sight of her with Jason didn't hurt the way seeing her with Whitney had. The love I felt for her had shifted. Lex is who I see now, when I close my eyes and let my hand wander beneath my boxers, smooth, pale skin and stormy eyes fill my head as I bite back my cries of pleasure. No matter how complicated and strained our friendship has become, he's the one I want. The one I need. 
The sound of a sturdy raprap against the door shakes me from my tangled thoughts. Mom goes to answer it and the slow tightening in my jeans quickly threatens to cut off all circulation of blood flow as Lex steps through into the kitchen where we're all gathered. God, why do we have to celebrate my birthday in May? Why couldn't it have been in the dead of winter, when layers and thick, form-obscuring fabrics are a necessity? 
He's wearing one of my favorite outfits of his. The sleeves of the lilac shirt strain around the deceptive muscles of his upper arms as he walks closer, his gray slacks a mix between casual and business, perfect creases shifting with each step. What skin there is that's bared to my sight is slightly reddened by the wind I knew he created on the drive over. Almost dying in an accident hasn't tempered his need for speed. I'm so lost in my ogling that it takes a nudge from Chloe to realize Lex has been speaking to me. Yeah, she definitely knows.
@leatafandom (big hug and thanx for your cheerleading!)
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sapphickittykatherine · 9 months
i just wanna talk for a sec about arthur. disclaimer: i adore him. he's my blorbo boy. however, he definitely does get prince privilege with regards to both the narrative voice of the show and the fandom. i'd like to point to this post as a jumping-off point:
if you're anything like me, you might need cw: lancelot slander
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ofc my bias towards lancelot has affected my view of this in absolutely no way whatsoever lmao
i understand that arthur was raised by a power-hungry tyrant - although, one who was said to care for his kingdom even before his own son... - and that being brought up with privilege goes to someone's head. this is why i excuse his dickishness in early seasons. he's going to grow! that's what merlin is there for! by season 5, however, when he has not only not grown but actually gotten worse, you have to question why everyone - including merlin - still praises him so much. he still oppresses magic. he still upholds the inequality of the monarchy. (another disclaimer: i adore fictional stories about monarchs and royalty etc. nothing wrong with liking them!) yet still, people praise him for the absolute barest of minimums. this man will be like, "yeah i don't think we should leave our citizens to die actually :)" and everyone will act like this is some incredibly brave moral stance. "we shouldn't tax our citizens to the point that they starve, or execute innocent people without a fair trial. probably." and the crowd goes wild!
basically every character who isn't a stuck-up noble with their head in the stratosphere thinks this. yet arthur is the one who gets praised for it. why? because he has the power to actually do something about it? the guy actually fights alongside his knights rather than hiding in his castle, which makes him better than the other knights. bc logic. "he's such a great guy!" he's bordering on a mediocre guy with bare-minimum moral stances. and that's okay! he's allowed to be a stuck-up royal prat! he's a medieval prince with a tyrant father, for goodness' sake! but this worship of him - not just by characters, but also members of the fandom - is weird tbh.
how the aforementioned post ties in to all this exactly: lancelot. there is a reason, dear pinterest user, that lancelot is the bravest and most noble of them all, rather than arthur. arthur fights to defend his kingdom, first and foremost. he is the crown prince, and later the kin. if not for the seemingly infinite supply of knights and citizens of camelot, thanks to this being a show, he would have no kingdom to rule if he let everyone die and all structures be destroyed! he wants peace among the kingdoms - great. again, a highly bare-minimum stance, though. you remember when uther signed a peace treaty with a bunch of other kingdoms, even though another king was mad he couldn't get rich off war if that happened? uther the pure-hearted. on the other hand, people like lancelot are just commoners. he wants to risk his life not because he's defending the kingdom over which he presides, but because he doesn't want a bunch of people who, honestly, have very little to do with him, suffer or die like he saw happen to the people in his village. "arthur risks his life for his friends!" the guy has, like, three. i should hope so. not to mention lancelot does the same 💀 for arthur (1x05), for gwen (2x04), for merlin (4x02).
lancelot is literally just one example. if you don't want to, it's chill - it's literally just a work of fiction lol - but maybe try to assess arthur sans privilege. even once. do i think that arthur is better than uther and other tyrants? obviously! do i think that's a particularly high bar? ...
he's a dick with a heart of... bronze. maybe. good for him.
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lesbolordo · 11 months
Leander P. X Sebastian S. | Hogwart's Legacy.
Fourth Part.
"That night."
"After a fight, Leander waits for Sebastian as usual. More fighting ensues."
Tags : Angst, no sex (😔), fighting, Leander being an ass, Sebastian isn't the asshole for once, Ominis gossip queen mention.
Sebastian was absent from their usual meeting in the classroom they used for their nighttime activities. Leander had waited for ten whole minutes now, sitting on a chair and staring at whatever. Usually, he was the one late, Sebastian always was early, an habit he had that the red head had picked up on.
But today, Leander was there first. In fact, he might as well be there first for the rest of the night, and alone. He knew perfectly fine why Sebastian was absent. His pride told him that it wasn't really his fault, but his insecurities told him that yes, it was.
He had been the one who had implied that Sebastian was kind of undatable and that no one would ever be jealous of or about him. Yeah. That kind of was an asshole move, Leander was embarrassed at how negatively he had reacted to Sebastian's teasing.
He sighed for what felt like the hundredth time, pondering what to do or say now. Wait some more in case Sebastian was just late ? Go back to his dorm ? Then what ? Do they never fuck again ? Leander does not want that. He needs his fuck sessions with Sebastian.
He felt exhaustion and frustration bubbling under his skin more as the thought of needing Sebastian crossed his mind. He didn't need him. He just... liked to have him. Leander didn't belong to anyone, and he was fairly sure that the Slytherin would never allow himself to belong to anyone fully.
Having had enough, Leander finally stood up and walked toward the exit, determined to go back to his dorms and finally get his oh-so deserved beauty rest.
Before he could even put his hand on the door handle, the large door swung open and made him move out of the way in a surprised motion. Violent, brutal moves... could only be Sebastian. It was.
"-You're late. The Gryffindor said, frowning upon seeing his rival there.
-Ominis was suspicious.
-You didn't tell him, did you ?
-... The lack of response was everything Leander needed.
-Seriously ??
-Don't worry, he may be the Gossip Queen but he won't tell anyone ! Beside... I think we're busted anyway."
For what he was saying, Sebastian looked awfully calm. Leander was positively freaking out. Busted ? How ? Why ? Who ? About what ? The smaller boy frowned.
"-Sweet Merlin Prewett, breath. You look as livid as Reyes when she learned that Quidditch was canceled two years ago. Oddly specific.
-What do you mean we're busted ??? How ??
-Well, you heard it yourself. People know that I go out at night to find a certain... someone. This sounded accusatory. Leander ignored it.
-So what, how could they know it's me ?
-They saw you coming out of the same cubicle as me, moron. I told you to wait, dumbfuck ! For once, the insults didn't turn on Leander.
-You think I didn't ?? You think I want people to know that we fuck every nights ?? That it's YOU of all people I wake up for at night ??
-What are you implying here Prewett ?! I have a feeling that you're criticizing me !! First this morning, now now ?? If ya got something to say, bring it on ! Anger was beginning to rise on both side.
-Yes I am criticizing you, you're the biggest arsehole I've ever seen, and I'm not saying that because I'm ALWAYS in your arse !!
-So what that makes me unlovable ?? Because that's what you seemed to be implying earlier !! So tell me, am I so unlovable to you Prewett ?! A rather big shortcut. Leander was so angry that he didn't realize how irrational this all was.
-Yes, yes you are Sallow !! He regretted the words the instant they came out of his mouth."
He watched in horror as Sebastian's brown eyes widened, and his whole body tensed before oddly relaxing, as if he had gotten a confirmation to what he had been digging for the past few hours.
"-Wait, I didn't-
-I suppose that this is how it ends. Can't have people find out you're fucking the unlovable Slytherin arsehole now, can we ? The glare he shot Leander was almost painful."
The Gryffindor was speechless. Not only had his insecurities gotten the best of him, but now his pride was also making him unable to stop the other boy as he walked away. Why would Leander even try to stop him ? What would he even stop him for ?
They had nothing to begin with, what could he try to save and keep ?
Sebastian disappeared at a corner of the corridor, and Leander realized that he had messed up even more than this morning. Badly.
I am entering my angst era. I am EMO now.
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jessybarnes · 10 months
Shake My Nerves, Rattle My Brain
Fandom: Top Gun/Top Gun: Maverick
Pairing: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Chapter One: The Shot of a Lifetime
Characters: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, Tom "Stinger" Otowaczeck, Bill "Cougar" Cortell, Sam "Merlin" Wills, Mike "Viper" Metcalf,
Rating: 18+ Only! Minors DNI
Tags: Slight angst, mentions of panic attacks, mentions of dangeous flight combat maneuvers, military talk, pining, language, Maverick is a cocky little shit, okay?, use of call signs, and I think that's it, but if I missed something please tell me and I'll add it. :)
Word Count: 1,494
Beta: T. Thompson 
Title Card: Yours Truly
A/N: This will feature some of the same dialogue from the movies. I do NOT own the dialogue but am merely putting my own adaptation of the movies. :)
Reblog Divider by: @cafekitsune
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"I've got to give you your dream shot. I'm gonna send you up against the best. You two characters are going to Top Gun." 
Stinger's words replay in Maverick's mind over and over as he packs his bags. Despite his best efforts, he initially didn't score high enough to be able to snag the spot at Miramar. Maverick was just about to buy Goose a twelve pack and spend the night apologizing to him for not being good enough. Because that's what it all came down to. 
Top Gun only takes the best of the best. Even if his father was a well-known Navy pilot, that still wasn't going to guarantee him a chance to train and be part of the best fighter pilot school in history. 
Cougar and his RIO were all set to go until the incident on their most recent mission. Maverick isn't sure what happened up there, but something spooked him. Whether it was the missile lock tone blaring in his ears from the MiG on his six or the thought of never coming home to see his family, he didn't know. Probably a bit of both. Either way, Cougar decided to turn in his wings which automatically gave the number one spot to him and Goose. 
Maverick zips up his duffle and tosses it with his other bags. He looks around the now empty space and smiles to himself just as his best friend leans against the door frame. 
"You ready, Mav?" 
Pete flashes his RIO a smile and picks up the bag he just finished packing, slinging it over his shoulder. 
"I was born ready, Goose. We better head to the airport. Our flight leaves in an hour." 
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Maverick sighs as he flops down on his couch. He and Goose had been unpacking for hours and now that they're finally done, he's beat. He takes a long pull of his beer and licks his lips. He was never one to sit still for too long. He always has to be doing something. 
"Hey, Goose! I think I'm gonna head out for a bike ride. Ya know, scope out the scenery." 
"So in other words, you're gonna go check out the ladies." 
He rolls his eyes at his best friend's quick wit, but in all honesty he isn't necessarily wrong. He's young and well, he knows he isn't lacking in the looks department. 
"Yeah, yeah. I'll be back later." 
He doesn't wait for a reply, just slides into his leather jacket and grabs his keys. 
The evening sun is setting beautifully by the time Maverick makes it to the long stretch of road parallel to the runway. Warm California winds whip past him as he cranks the throttle.
The excitement floods through his veins as the reality of it all sets in. He's here. He's made it. Despite everything that he and Goose have endured, his dream to win the ultimate fighter pilot trophy is finally within his reach. 
An F-14 takes off next to him as he speeds up. Smiling to himself, Maverick makes a mental note to not let anything or anyone get in his way. Because other than something happening to him or his RIO, that's the only thing that could keep him from winning. 
And there's no way he's going to let that happen. 
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Maverick stares up at the projector screen as he wills himself to focus. They're learning about the history of Top Gun and dogfighting, but his mind brings his attention elsewhere. 
Everyone in this room, besides Goose and his instructors of course, is a threat to him and his success. He's about to begin mentally strategising a path to the top when the lights suddenly flick on. Mav blinks a few times and tunes back in to the instructors speech just in time to catch the end of the lesson. 
"Now, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our Commanding Officer here at Top Gun. The very first man to win the Top Gun trophy. You will not find a finer fighter pilot anywhere in the world. Commander Mike Metcalf, callsign Viper." 
The atmosphere changes, Maverick can feel it. Everyone watches as their Commanding Officer walks to the front of the room, his back still to the class. He can practically see the admiration and respect emanating from his fellow pilots. 
"Gentleman, you are the top one percent of all naval aviators." 
He turns and locks eyes with Maverick for a split second. "The elite."
He smiles and even though Viper isn't referring to just him, he still allows his pride to swell. 
"The best of the best." Viper scans the room before he continues, "we'll make you better." 
Maverick chews his gum as he listens. His intent is to soak up everything Viper says because if he intends to hold that trophy in his hands, then this is his first step as far as he's concerned. 
He feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and he knows he's being looked at. Maverick doesn't turn to see who it is right away, rather he continues to listen to Viper talk about what their day to day will be like. Better to be prepared so he can win than to give whoever is staring at him the time of day. 
"You'll fly at least two combat missions a day, attend classes in between, and evaluations of your performance. Now, in each combat sequence…"
Viper's words trail off into background noise as Maverick decides he's had enough. Glancing over his left shoulder he turns and is met with the bluest pair of eyes he's ever seen. 
Now, it's not unheard of for Pete Mitchell to check out another man. He may have only had sexual relations with women, but that doesn't mean he's fucking blind. He's been known to admit when another man's attractive and this one was certainly making his pulse quicken. 
He swallows thickly, his mouth suddenly very dry as he watches the pilot twirl a pen between his fingers. 
Mav feels his stomach tighten dangerouly as he imagines, for a split second, what those digits are capable of in other, more carnal, situations. He quickly realizes the taller man is still staring at him and he diverts his attention back to Viper, tuning into his speech mid-sentence.
"-teach you to fly the F-14 right to the edge of the envelope. Faster than you've ever flown before, and more dangerous. Now, we don't make policy here, gentlemen…" 
His resolve breaks again a few moments later though. Mav should have known better. He doesn't even know this guy's name yet, but the urge to look at him again is overwhelming as he gazes over his shoulder once more. 
Maverick licks his lips and moves his eyes from his deftly moving fingers up to the blonde's face. He's smirking, knowingly, like he’s read Mav's mind, and it shoots a jolt of anger through his body as he faces the front of the classroom again.
Who does this guy think he is anyway? Smirking at him with his uneven spiked hair and his dumb blue eyes and his stupid smooth lips that do not, under any circumstances, look at all kissable. 
Nope. No, sir. Not one bit. 
Maverick squirms in his seat so he can look over his other shoulder, prompting Goose to lean in towards him.
"What are you doing?"
He blinks and flashes his RIO a smile hoping he doesn't see how flustered he is. 
"Just wondering…who's the best." 
Ironically, Viper chimes in immediately after Maverick says those words. As if he heard him mumble those very words to Goose. 
"In case some of you wonder who the best is, they're up here on this plaque on the wall. The best driver and his RIO from each class has his name on it. And they have the option to come back here to be Top Gun instructors."
Viper looks around the classroom before he continues.
"You think your name is gonna be on that plaque?" 
Maverick understands that the Commanding Officer's question was most likely rhetorical, but nonetheless his cocky attitude gets the better of him. 
"Yes, sir!" 
Unbeknownst to him, the green eyed pilot supresses a laugh as Mav gauges his instructor's reaction. 
"That's pretty arrogant considering the company you're in."
Okay, so maybe he shouldn't have said anything. He breaks eye contact and nods. He's gotta go with it now, otherwise he'll look even more like a tool. 
"Yes, sir."
Viper's lip curls up into a half smile and Maverick feels like he's earned a metaphorical gold star for the day or something. 
So what if he likes being praised? Sue him. 
"I like that in a pilot. Just remember, when it's over out there, we're all on the same team. Gentleman, this school is about combat. There are no points for second place."
Viper gives a final nod to the class.
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kokorowoutsu · 7 months
-- RP: @skullboneandunown
Following Ashe up the path, Donovan takes a cup of tea with a thank you to Merlin. "Given how crazy my life has turned out, Arceus knows I need this." He smiles as he take a sip. "I should really do something with the garden in my yard. It'll do me some good to grow some tea." He thinks back on it all, smiling at how everything turned out. Donovan listens to her explanation, still annoyed at how Unova does things. "Hell, I could probably wipe the floor over there without trying." He didn't like to toot his own horn, but he is Johto's strongest trainer for a reason, and it isn't just because his pokemon are powerhouses. He subtly uses magic to refill his cup before giving her a sideways glance. "Yeah. Some kids from Blueberry Academy were there as part of some joint field trip with the academy in Paldea. Surprised you didn't run into them." He nods at Kianga and the mention of his past. He's aware of Team Plasma, but he still won't pry. He adjusts his glasses, thinking about her proposal. It sounded interesting, but he didn't know.. "I don't know... Conventions and seminars are different from actually teaching a class." Then he thought about more, and he wasn't one to back down from a potential challenge. "...Hm. On second thought, I don't have anything scheduled for that point in time...and I can only hope that nothing mystic happens." He turns to her and gives her a nod. "I'll do it."
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Ashe was quiet as she listened to his responses in turn, her head only jerking up when he mentioned seeing some people from Blueberry Academy in Kitakami. "What are the chances though?" She cuts in, surprised in all actuality. Honestly... what were the chances of this all happening? It seemed almost too planned out for her taste... eh... "-- Wait, really?" Ashe perked up at that. About this time, Lucky came over, shaking his fur out from being soaked and with him feeling ready to take a nap, he flops down beside Ashe at her feet, a ribbon encircling around her wrist.
"Thanks tho... I mean... i'm still gonna bring it up to Leon and everyone but honestly it might just be me and you in the end. Lucky's going of course if only to show them that yes, he fucking evolved, but... yeah. I don't think i'll need anyone else besides that. We'll just be able to take the ferry there and that's it."
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akilice · 1 year
Yes we are honest, Nasu has been very reluctant that the characters related to Saber Artoria have a closure with she, the lucky few have been Lancelot (was his conclusion in Zero a closure?) Merlin (for the Last Episode) and Gawain (in a filler scene from Extella) the others only have interactions through a flashback (Mordred), with alternate versions (Bedivere, Tristan and Agravain) they are relegated to being event characters (Gareth), alternate counterparts (Morgan) or just mentions, that last is the situation of Guinevere and from what we have seen it is unlikely that she is one of the lucky ones and instead has one of the other options.
I'm a big fan of Nasu's writing, but it's really annoying to have FGO and not use its potential to give closure to some characters
Yes, Saber gets closure in fate route but it's her coming to terms with the way she lived her life, but she never got closure for her relationships
I mean in Zero it's Lancelot who got his closure, but Saber didn't. And instead of getting jokes about Saber being a bad parent (The situation with mordered is very complicated and was not her fault. I mean how are you supposed to react to that reveal? But I would say that if she explained herself better, Mordred wouldn't have lashed out, AND Mordred isn't innocent either)
So basically it's a complicated situation that would be an interesting narrative, the drama would make for a compelling short story about them understanding each other and talking it out
But noooo, we can't have that at all, now can we?
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theheadgirl · 2 years
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31 Days of Fear, hosted by @hp-fearfest
Day 12: Final Girl (read on AO3 here)
CW: canon-specific slurs, murder mention
She wasn't going to die. Not today, anyway. Audrey knew that everyone's time came eventually, but she refused to believe that hers ended so soon. She still had so much to live for.
(So had the others, her heart reminds her with a painful twist. Gemma had her fiancé, Penny her promising career, Fae her beautiful little boy, and Orla all the works she could have painted. All of them had had so much to live for, and now all of them were dead.)
Of course it wasn't supposed to end this way. No one orchestrated a girls' weekend away and added, "oh, postscript, there's going to be a killer on the loose and I'm expecting an 80% fatality rate. Cheers!" 
The floor creaks nearby. Audrey holds her breath, pressing herself as tightly against the wall as she can. Her heart is pounding so loudly she swears the whole house must be able to hear it, that it'll bring the masked man straight to her, his wicked, curved blade aiming straight for her heart. She breathes in as slowly and quietly as she can, willing her heart to slow and her brain to stop racing. She will get out of this, somehow,  and she will see that this man gets brought to justice. Her friends will be avenged. 
Another creak of the floor. Slow, deliberate, now. Footsteps. He knows she's nearby, and he's toying with her. He wants her scared and off-balance. 
"Audrey…" His voice is soft, sing-song. "I know you're nearby, Audrey. The stink of magic is all over you. I can smell you."
He takes in a deep breath, as though to emphasize it. Audrey's fingers tighten around her wand as she tries not to gag. 
Scared she might be, but off-balance can be a two-person game. 
Sliding down along the wall, she presses her face to the crack of the door until she spots his ankles. Whoever he's working with provided him with dragonskin armor, and the curses the others had used had bounced right off it. But if she's right (and Merlin help her, she has to be right), there's a break in the armor at the joints. If she can just find it …
She points her wand, and she thinks, desperately, Locomotor wibbly.
If it worked, she'll be able to truss him up, disarm him. If it didn't, she's given up her location and her life expectancy will be in seconds. 
A loud thump from the hallway, and then a series of swears, furious. Audrey shoots to her feet and steps around the door, taking it in. He's collapsed to the ground, and though he's trying to get to his feet, his legs won't support him - like they're made of jelly. 
"Mudblood bitch," he spits at her. "You're the worst of them, coming from good non-magical stock. I should have killed you first."
"Yeah," Audrey agrees. "You should have." She points her wand at his hand, still clutched around his knife. "I'll have that too. Expelliarmus!"
It flies to her and she catches it gingerly, not wanting to smudge the fingerprints on the handle too much (or, the part of her brain that isn't hopped up on adrenaline reminds her, get too close to the thing that killed your friends -)
"You should kill me," the man snarls. "That's the only way you're getting out of here."
"Tempting," Audrey replies, "but no." She points her wand at the joint of his armor again. "Incarcerous." Thick ropes spring from the ground and around his ankle, securing him in place. She does it again for his other leg, then his arms, so he's tied to the floor. Finally, when he's fully secured, she reaches down and pulls off his mask. 
She doesn't recognize the man underneath. He's just… a guy. Middle-aged, lank hair streaked with grey, dark eyes staring up at her filled with hate. 
It feels like it ought to have been someone she knew. It being someone random makes it so much scarier. 
Once she's sure he's out, she feels the tears welling up in her eyes, and braces herself to go back downstairs. She's got to call the Aurors, and bring this man to justice. 
For Orla. For Gemma. For Penny. For Fae. For the others he might have killed, and for the ones he won't get to hurt now.
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shespeaksinsongs · 3 years
The Six Of Us | Draco x Reader
<< back to part 1
A/N: I genuinely felt so insecure about this, but I wanted to release it because I feel like some of you guys may like it! I think it turned out alright. Thank you so much to Chloe and Bee for proofreading for me!
Summary: Part 2 to Wish I Were Her. After a night accidentally spent with her best friend Draco, Y/N's husband Blaise and Draco's wife Astoria are furious.
Warnings/content: Angst w/ fluff ending, hurt/comfort, dad!draco, mom!reader, mentions of sex, arguing,
Word count: 2.5k words
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"We have to stop meeting like this." Y/N laughed, picking a thick book from the self-help section of the grocery store and throwing it into her basket.
"I happen to quite like our little rendezvous." Draco replied smoothly, taking Y/N's basket out of her hands and carrying it for her. "So, why are you here at," Draco paused to check his watch. "three in the morning?" He asked, swinging an arm around his old friend.
"Stells wasn't feeling too good, so I came here to buy her some medicine. She's almost at a fever." Y/N said, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach that fluttered every time Draco touched her.
"Poor baby." Draco said sadly before peering into Y/N's basket. "So you're telling me Stells enjoys reading 300 Ways To Turn Your Life Around? Must be a nice bedtime story. I'll buy one for Scorp." Draco said, laughing when Y/N flicked his forehead in a lighthearted way.
"I've been meaning to buy a new book!" Y/N laughed, snatching her basket back and heading over to the self-checkout center. "What's your excuse?" She asked, scanning Draco's items along with hers, indirectly offering to pay.
"Couldn't sleep. Hey, no, no, no, let me get that." Draco said quickly, pulling out his card, but Y/N had already swiped, and she had already made the payment.
Y/N feigned pity as Draco frowned. She brought up the handheld scanner to Draco's forehead, and pouted. She looked at the screen, ignoring the fact that nothing had actually been scanned. "Huh, that's weird. I don't recall ever buying your bullshit."
"Oh, shut up." Draco laughed, grabbing their plastic bags and placing his hand on the small of her back as they walked out of the store. His smile faded as he cleared his throat. "Actually, Astoria and I had another argument." He admitted on their walk to Y/N's car.
Y/N sighed, knowing the real reason she was out at such an hour. "I'm sorry, Draco. If it makes you feel better, Stella isn't sick. Blaise and I haven't really been clicking for the past few months if I'm being honest. I'm debating whether or not sleeping in the same bed would even make a difference. You know he's always been a snorer. Kicks in his sleep, too." Y/N half-laughed, trying her best to stay positive and strong in front of her friend.
"And this whole time, you had me concerned for my goddaughter. What a joke you are." Draco grinned when Y/N shoved him playfully. "Do you wanna maybe talk in your car?"
"Sure." Y/N nodded, getting in the car and warming her hands up as soon as the engine was warm enough to turn on the heater.
"Y/N." Draco said, shedding off his heavy coats.
"Yeah." Y/N replied absentmindedly, her mind only on warming her body up.
"I think Astoria is cheating on me." He said abruptly, causing Y/N's heart to drop to her feet. Never in a million years did she think she would ever hear of Astoria in such a scandalous predicament.
"Merlin, Draco... I don't know what to say. What makes you think so?" Y/N asked, shifting on her side to face Draco better.
"She's just been so... dismissive lately. She doesn't want sex, either, and the last time we did it when she was about to, um, say my name," Y/N blushed, thankful for the dim lighting of the parking lot. "she started my name with a different letter." Draco said, his bangs framing his face perfectly as the streetlights illuminated him.
Y/N took a moment to think, furrowing her brows. "Gosh, I'm so sorry, Draco. Do you and Scorp wanna spend a few nights at ours? I doubt Blaise would mind." Y/N said, trying to ignore the foggy look in Draco's eyes.
Draco shook his head profusely, his hair hitting his temples at the force. "I just need to be with you right now." He said, peering into Y/N's soulful Y/E/C eyes.
"O-oh. Um, okay." Y/N said awkwardly, waving her wand and magicking away the center console that separated the two, forming a long front row. "Come here." Y/N gestured, her arms open and ready to hold the boy she'd called so dear to her for such a long time.
Draco scooted over, kicking his shoes off and laying down on Y/N's warm chest, wrapping his arms around her torso. "I love you so much, Y/N/N." He whispered against her body, his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, the soft Christmas music on the radio only lulling him to sleep further.
Y/N fought back tears and bit her tongue, knowing it wasn't her place to say things she shouldn't be saying, especially now, at a moment so fragile. "I know, Dray. I know." She said, stroking his hair gently, letting his slow breathing be her white noise.
Draco and Y/N woke up to the bright sun, a car that had run out of gas, and over twenty missed calls from their spouses.
"Holy shit." Y/N said, rubbing her eyes and suppressing a yawn. "I forgot to tell Blaise I went out."
"Don't worry about it, Astoria probably told him." Draco said absently, his eyes scanning over each missed text from his wife.
"I need to call him." Y/N said, putting her boots back on to cover her feet from the cold that seeped into their car while they were sleeping.
"Go ahead." Draco said, his mind too busy responding apologetically to each individual attack Astoria made at him.
The phone only rang for a second before Blaise answered. "Hello?" His ragged voice spoke from the other end of the phone. Y/N felt chills crawl up her spine as she shut her eyes, feeling guilty.
"Hi, sweetie, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you I was going out, we just got in a fight, and so I figured you wanted some alone time, and you were sleeping, and-"
"Who are you with?" Blaise asked, his voice stoic and cold through the speakers.
"Draco." Y/N swallowed a lump down her throat, knowing how bad it looked that the night they had another argument, she spent the night with the man Blaise had tried his hardest not to loathe their entire marriage.
Blaise scoffed. "I can't believe you." He sighed heavily into the phone before speaking again. "You know what? Just - Merlin, just come home when you want. I'm tired."
Y/N tried to explain. "No, baby, it's not like-" But she was cut off by three monotone beeps, marking the broken line. "Fuck." She said, holding her head in her hands and letting small tears slip out of the corners of her eyes, trying her best to keep it together in front of Draco.
His heart tugged as he watched Y/N suck in shaky breaths. "Please don't cry, angel. I hate it when you do." Draco said under his breath, pulling Y/N tight to his chest and rubbing her back while she sobbed, wondering where her marriage had gone so wrong. "Everything will be okay. We'll work it out." He said, terrified at the thought of having to confront his angry wife. "And when this is all over, we can go on that huge family trip to Italy we've always talked about going on. All six of us." He soothed, tracing circles on her shoulder blades - a technique that had worked on Y/N for decades now.
Y/N sniffled, almost choking on her breath. "He thinks we-"
"I know, Y/N/N." Draco said. "I'll be surprised if Astoria'll ever let me see Scorpius again." He said, his wife now a distant memory compared to his son.
Y/N shook her head. "Don't say that. You did more for him last week than Astoria has done the four years he's been alive." She said, separating herself to look Draco in his inviting blue eyes.
Draco smiled faintly. "Let's go home." He said, holding Y/N's hand and apparating the two to their houses.
"Because you don't love me anymore! Merlin, Draco, you can't go a day without talking about that wretched girl!" Astoria yelled beside Blaise, who looked like he was ready to blow Draco's head off.
Blaise's demeanor stayed hard as Astoria yelled about his wife, Y/N, who was off upstairs in another room, making sure both the kids were playing nicely together.
Draco's knuckles turned white as he rocked back and forth on the kitchen island to calm himself.
Y/N made her way downstairs, dreading having to face her furious husband again. Stopping at the doorway connecting the foyer to the kitchen, she heard Draco speaking. "You do whatever you want, Astoria, but don't you dare say one more word about her. She's upstairs taking care of the kid you birthed, that you haven't given a minute of your time to since he was born."
"See, that's the problem." Blaise said, pointing at Draco. "You don't even care what your wife does. You just care about mine."
"I should've never married you in the first place." Draco said to Astoria, noticing Y/N stood frozen at the entry. Her jaw dropped as Draco made his way over to her, grabbing her hand and mumbling a "let's go."
Astoria looked up to Blaise, shaking her hands anxiously after realizing the last thing she wanted was to take care of a child she had no connection to for fourteen more years. Blaise shrugged at her icily, indicating he truly only cared for himself.
"Wait!" Astoria screamed, rushing up to Draco.
Draco rolled his eyes, shrugging off her hands. "Astoria, I'm"
"Pregnant," Astoria said quickly, her eyebrows quirking upwards to achieve a hopeful look. "I- We're pregnant." Y/N and Draco exchanged a shocked look.
"What?" Draco stressed, his muscles tensing more.
"We're having a baby." Astoria elaborated, softening her voice, slowly putting her arms around Draco's stiff neck.
"We-" Draco stuttered, his body threatening to give out. "We haven't had sex in weeks." He said, his voice quieter.
Y/N, overhearing this and knowing Blaise heard, looked over at him, realizing what this meant. "That's where you were on Valentine's Day." She said, catching on, causing both Astoria and Draco's attention to turn to her.
Blaise stayed quiet, his gaze set on the floor. "So while you stood there, criticizing us, you two have been," Y/N held a hand up to her mouth, feeling herself get nauseous.
Draco took Astoria's hands off his body, staring at both Blaise and her in sheer disappointment. "I never want to see either of you ever again." He said, taking off his ring. Y/N did the same, her eyes watering as she handed her engagement and wedding rings over to Blaise.
"I'll have someone contact you. I'm taking Stella today. She'll be back tomorrow." Y/N muttered, heading upstairs to take her daughter.
Draco followed close behind her, heading into his bedroom, diagonal from the toy room where their kids were playing together, to pack a bag for Scorpius and him.
"Mama, why are you crying?" Stella asked, jumping to try to reach Y/N's face. Y/N laughed through her sniffles, crouching down to be eye to eye with her daughter. Without words, Stella held her face and pulled her neck in for a tight hug. "It's okay, Mama." She said quietly, rubbing her back. There was no doubt she was only repeating what her mother would say to her when she cried, but it didn't make any of her words less comforting for Y/N. Y/N wept into her child's hair, relishing the feeling of just being hugged.
She separated herself finally after a few moments, laughing through another tear, when Stella held her mom's face with her chubby hands, planting a huge kiss on her cheek. "I love you, my baby." Y/N said gently, picking her up and holding her tight. Stella nuzzled her face into her mom's neck, lighting up when she saw her best friend's dad.
"Draco!" Stella said excitedly, extending her arms outwards to be held. Y/N laughed, wiping her tears as she handed Draco the girl with grabby hands.
"Hi, darling." Draco greeted the small girl, kissing her head gently.
"Have you got yours and Scorp's bag yet? Hey, angel." Y/N asked Draco before greeting the small boy that came in running from brushing his teeth. Y/N giggled, wiping off a bit of excess toothpaste before picking the tiny blond up and kissing him on the nose.
"Yep. All packed." Draco said, looking into Y/N's eyes. If looks could speak, this one would say, "I wish it didn't have to end this way."
Y/N looked at him empathetically. "Kids, why don't you go and play a little more while Draco and I have some adult talk?" She asked, looking at Scorpius and Stella.
"Okay, Mama." Stella said as Scorpius nodded, running off into Scorpius' room.
Draco stared at the wall blankly before Y/N approached him. She gave him a soft smile, recognizing the emotionless expression, and led him to a small couch behind them.
Draco continued staring at his hands before he began crying again, his sobs sputtering out. Then, silently, he hugged Y/N, rubbing her back when he felt her tears fall on his shoulder.
They stayed there, in each other's arms, for what felt like years, neither of them wanting to let go. Astoria and Blaise were a forgotten memory now - now they were crying about the indescribable pain of loving somebody you couldn't have.
"So many years." Y/N sobbed, clutching onto Draco tighter, her head burying itself even deeper into him.
"Wasted time." Draco choked.
They weren't talking about their failed marriages anymore. Instead, they referred to the years and years they spent pining after each other, the timing never being quite right.
Y/N pulled back to look into Draco's eyes - something that always grounded her in a heartbeat. "At least I have you." She said, placing a hand on his cheek, rubbing it tenderly with her thumb.
Draco relaxed, placing his hand on her cheek as well. "You always will." He said, his gaze soft, quickly looking at her lips. Y/N caught this, already looking at his, too, when she realized what she wanted.
She took a deep breath before speaking. "I love you - and not just as a friend. I love you like I want to spend the rest of my life with you." She said, a bit confused as if she had just realized her feelings then, rather than years ago.
Draco nodded slightly and smiled, his teardrops dry on his skin. "I love you... more." He said, pulling her in for a kiss before stopping about an inch away from her lips. "Is this okay?"
Y/N, too scared to speak, nodded as Draco leaned in, his soft pillows intertwining with Y/N's. Who knew kisses could tell you so many stories? They danced until they were out of breath, and even then, there was an occasional giggly peck.
After all this newfound excitement started to die down, Draco turned to Y/N. "We'll be okay." He said, leaning in for one of the first of many kisses in their lifetime.
Taglist: @daedreamss @chloeluvsdray @sunshinexweasley @evahpmcu @alexxavicry @mvdbldd @secretlynerdygeekystuff @marcela6malfoy @elizabethrosedarling @lolooo22 @lovemegood @bukoffski
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Merlin/Lancelot domestic life hc?
Chaos. To put it simply. Everyone thinks Merlin is nuts and Lance is soft and gentle because they forget that Lancelot, despite being all about honour and honesty, was 10/10 ready to commit himself to a lifetime of identity fraud after 1 (one) cute twink stared at him with puppy eyes.
They spend so little time together during the day because of their jobs, so everyone is super confused at how they know EVERYTHING about what the other is doing?? Arthur will casually imply he hasn't seen Merlin in a few hours, and Lance, without missing a beat, will say "he's in the lower town shopping for Gaius." Everyone is baffled because... Lancelot has been with them the whole time?? Leon will quietly, to himself, wonder how long until the most recent border patrol gets back, and Merlin, without looking up from the paperwork he's filling in for Arthur, will mutter "they've just reached the city's outer wall, they'll be back in about a half candle mark, depending how long it takes them to untack." Lance is on that patrol, sure, but how did he know?? Merlin and Lance are talking constant shit in each other's heads, that's how. Gwaine once jokingly calls it a lovers' intuition and... Merlin and Lance are terrible at coming up with excuses so... yeah, sure, lovers' intuition it is.
According to google they're the same height, so cheek kisses/chin kisses/shoulder kisses, every single time they see each other no matter what. Even if they're both in a terrible hurry and just pass each other in the corridor. They're not big on general PDA, especially when they're around other people, but they do sort of gravitate to one another. When they're with the knights/Arthur/people from Camelot, Merlin always finds himself stood slightly behind Lance. When he first realised this he was like "oh my Gods I really was born to be a servant I see a Sir and I put myself behind him without even realising wtf." but then Lance is all "...no Merlin, you numpty, I put myself in front of you because you're a godamn wizard in the middle of the we-hate-wizards Kingdom." and Merlin tears up a bit. BUT when they're in the lower town or out in the forest, it's the other way round. Merlin doesn't have to worry so much because people are far less likely to notice if he has to do some magic to protect his hunky bf.
Just like they aren't really into PDA, I feel like pet names and endearments don't crop up very often either. Very VERY occasionally a "my love" will slip out but like... only if one of them has almost died or they haven't seen each other in a few days. Mostly it's just "Merls" and "Lance". When Merlin is feeling particularly teasing, he'll call Lancelot "Loverboy" and he goes fucking RED, and he’ll mutter something about being "technically older than you so YOU'RE the boy except you're not actually a boy because that would be... never mind. Shut up."
The others think the relationship is super sweet, and in the early days both of them got really blushy if anyone mentioned it, but later on it's only Lancelot. Merlin stops caring what people think really quickly (it's not that Lance cares, he's just easily flustered), because Lance is basically the only wholly good thing in his life, so unless anyone says something genuinely bad about him/the relationship, it doesn't bother him at all. To be honest, I feel like no one figured it out for like... six months?? And it's not because they hid it, it's just because they'd always been fairly affectionate anyway, and everyone else is stupid.
When they move in together, Merlin tries to demand he just moves into Lancelot's knight room to make things easier, but Lance insists that isn't fair on Merlin and they get a little house in the upper town instead. It's not posh or anything, it just needed to be close to the castle. Neither of them have many belongings anyway, so everything starts off really neat and tidy, but once the novelty of having their own space sets in, it fills up with shit so quickly. Lance is always buying Merlin books and silly shelf trinkets and Merlin is always buying Lance clothes and weapons. Of course they have a whole room dedicated to healing, because A) They both have quite dangerous jobs/destinies and are always hurt, and B) If for whatever reason the Physician's chambers are full (be it sickness, or an attack, etc), Merlin wants to be able to help. It's the ONLY room in the house that's tidy. As for cooking, I feel like they're both pretty good? Merlin is better at throwing something together from nothing, probably from patrols in the wilderness and life in Ealdor, but Lance is better at putting together a significant meal when they have proper ingredients.
Hunith ADORES Lance, and honestly that makes Merlin so ridiculously happy, UNTIL she starts sharing embarrassing childhood stories. But Lancelot more than makes up for it by telling the two of them the trouble he used to get into as a child.
People though that once the truth came out about the magic and everything is legalised and Merlin is promoted, things would get better/more tolerable. They do not. They pull more pranks, they team up against everyone else and it's chaos. Gwaine had pink hair for a week. Leon started speaking in a French accent. They stole every single one of Arthur's left shoes. BUT they are also one HELL of a power couple in court, always ready to team up to bully an arsehole councilman or stand up for things or scare people. They're not even really aware of it, but Gwen catches on really quickly and demands that Arthur start seating them together during council meetings (originally he had Merlin on one side, Gwen on the other, and Lancelot was further round the table somewhere in amongst the knights) because she knew if they (the non arseholes) wanted anything done, Merlin and Lancelot could push it through.
I hope this is enough for you anon!! I love this and I love YOU!!!
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
Distracted [F.W.]
Character: Fred Weasley
Word Count: 2628
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Fred Weasley is hot and boy, does he know it.
WARNINGS: it’s a lil spicy, read with caution. a couple of saucy comments, just the usual with fred idk.
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @firewhisky-kisses @obsessedwithrandomthings @angelinathebook @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @rexorangecouny @mytreec @hemmoporro @thisismysketchbook @acciotwinz @shadowsinger11 @aaannabbanana @lestersglitterglue @anyasthoughts @lxncelot @harrypotter289 @starlightweasley @wand3ringr0s3 @ickle-ronniekins @sehunasbitch @cryingforcrystalpepsi @kashishwrites @girl-next-door-writes @susceptible-but-siriusexual @crissdanvers @whizbangs-78 @heart-of-tempered-steel @oh-for-merlins-sake | message or send an ask to be added/removed!
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: i am really feeling fred atm, so here’s an extremely self-indulgent freddie thirst fic for all my lovelies who are also irrevocably in love with him - enjoy!
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Fred Weasley knew just how to get under your skin. It was a skill he had, a talent of knowing exactly what to do to get you hot and bothered, especially when you weren’t expecting it. It was especially frustrating when you couldn’t do anything about it, considering you were stuck in limbo between being friends and being more, and whilst you liked the lingering stares and longing touches, you couldn’t help but want more with him.
You had hoped he would’ve asked you to the Yule Ball last year - in fact, everyone was insistent that he would - but then he’d asked Angelina instead, which was hard to watch - George had laughed with his brother, but had grabbed your hand under the table in comfort - and made you doubt Fred actually returned your feelings at all.
Despite this, you’d actually ended up going to the ball with an extremely cute Durmstrang boy yourself, so you weren’t completely complaining, and of course, Fred had actually ended the night with you in his arms, dancing to the musical stylings of The Weird Sisters. It was also the night of your first - and only - kiss with Fred, under the stars in the Courtyard, in front of the fountain.
It was perfect, and you thought maybe things would change between you, maybe you’d be more, however when he didn’t act any different, never mentioned it again, you decided to keep quiet about it too.
In fact, you’d been pretty good at keeping your feelings under wrap since then. Of course, everyone knew how you felt - or at the very least, suspected - but no one said a word (besides Hermione, who you’d confessed everything to after she’d asked about it, knowing she wouldn’t say a word but also that she wouldn’t stop asking until she knew the truth).
And you were fine. Everything was fine. Until you got invited to the Burrow a few weeks before summer ended, and when you’d arrived after a month or so of not seeing Fred, you’d felt winded at his first smile of greeting, and felt your heart beating out of your chest when he’d pulled you into a hug, holding you against him as you buried your face into the jumper he was wearing at the time.
His hair had been cut since you’d last seen him on the Hogwarts Express, and whilst you’d liked the long hair - had enjoyed the way it had felt as you ran your hands through it that one time you’d kissed him - you couldn’t help how attracted you were to him with shorter hair, constantly feeling the urge to tug at it whenever you saw him.
He looked especially good when his hair was all tousled, windswept - exactly like it was as you watched him sitting on his broomstick outside as he waited for his siblings to be ready to play a last practise game of Quidditch before you’d all be leaving for 12 Grimmauld Place before the school year started back up again.
You were sat at a table in the kitchen underneath the large window overlooking the garden, giving you a perfect view of the sunshine and your friends playing Quidditch. Also a perfect view of Fred wearing a tight t shirt, holding his beater’s bat behind his neck, resting it on his shoulder blades as he showed off his biceps and laughed as Ron nearly fell off his broom due to a particularly sharp dig from Ginny’s elbow.
They’d asked if you or Hermione wanted to join, however you knew you wouldn’t be much use playing Quidditch when Fred was being as distracting as his was, and besides, you had a Herbology project to work on. Hermione had also elected not to play, not having much of an interest in playing Quidditch, and instead resided in her room with a book she’d borrowed from Molly.
You glanced out of the window as the boys flew up on their broomsticks, letting the quaffle, snitch and bludgers fly out, immediately beginning to play. You’d always loved watching Quidditch at Hogwarts, cheering for your house and the excitement and thrills that came with it. There was always an added element when you knew that Fred was playing too.
He was a good beater - possibly the best in Hogwarts, tied with George - his actions fluid as he flew around the air with ease, practicing new strategies and working on his skills after a school year of being unable to play due to the Triwizard Tournament taking over.
You watched his arms clench as he hit the bludgers away, his hands grasping the bat in a way you wanted him to grasp you. Something about the way he flew around and hit the bludgers so easily made you sigh contently as you set your quill to one side, forgetting about your project.
The exercise coupled with the midday August heat meant practise didn’t last too long - much to your dismay - but enough to make Fred sweaty, clearly breathing heavily as he jumped off his broom and grabbed a water of bottle he’d discarded to one side before playing.
He downed nearly half the bottle, before wafting his t shirt a little to cool himself down, then suddenly, as if someone had taken one of your daydreams and brought it to life, he lifted the bottle and tipped it over his head, the water cascading down his hair and face.
You watched as if it were in slow motion, the water drenching his already tight-fitting t shirt, the fabric clinging to the outline of his abs as he closed his eyes and let the water cool him down.
His biceps clenched as he brought his arm back down again, and you were once again brought to the attention of his hands gripping the bottle, gaze following along his forearms as you stared at the veins protruding.
Your mouth dropped a little, heart pounding as you watched water droplets fall down his face and collarbone, as he opened his eyes and ran a hand through his now wet hair sticking to his forehead, trying to mess it up a little more.
He then pulled up the bottom of his t shirt to wring out the excess water, exposing his abdomen and suddenly you forgot how to function, barely being able to breathe as you took in the sight.
“What’s wrong?” Hermione asked as she entered the kitchen and wandered by your table, noticing your faraway look and the fact you hadn’t actually started your project yet. She grabbed some leftover food from the counter and turned to look at you.
“Fred Weasley is what’s wrong,” you grumbled, turning away from watching him reluctantly, “He’s infuriating... ly good looking.”
Hermione shook her head with a soft smile, “I really don’t know what you see in him.”
Thoughts of Fred wearing a wet t shirt danced through your mind as you swallowed harshly. “I don’t know either,” you lied.
“Well, let me know if you want any help with your project - I’ve finished mine,” Hermione offered as she headed out of the kitchen. You called out a “Thank you!” to her retreating form as your attention was pulled back to the eldest twin outside.
He was laughing at something someone had said, before he began making his way towards the back door, which so happened to be near where you were sitting.
Your heart was pounding as he entered the room, you averting your gaze from him as you pretended you were looking at anything but him.
“Like what you saw?” His voice suddenly rang out through the room. You looked over at him - it taking all your effort to not stare at the way his shirt was clinging to him - and cleared your throat, blinking up at him innocently.
“Excuse me?”
“Noticed you watching me outside, especially at the end. Darling, do you find me pouring water down myself attractive?” Fred replied with a cheeky grin shot in your direction, before heading over to a high cabinet and grabbing a glass out, filling it from the tap.
“I didn’t even notice,” you shook your head adamantly, sneakily staring at the way his drenched t shirt accentuated the way the muscles in his back moved.
Fred’s smug expression as he turned around told you he didn’t believe you in the slightest, “Are you sure? Because it definitely seemed like you were enjoying the view.”
“Don’t be daft, I’ve been here working on my Herbology project,” you gestured to the parchment in front of you, gulping as you realised you still hadn’t actually written a word down, much less even opened your textbook.
Fred smirked as he noticed this, bringing his glass of water to his lips slowly as he took a sip, “You do realise windows work two ways, right love?”
And indeed, this had been a fact you’d forgotten, in your distracted haze. You felt your heart beating faster as you hoped - prayed - he was just playing around and didn’t actually look up to see you ogling him from the window. How embarrassing.
“I am aware of that, yes,” you nearly stuttered, hoping you came across nonchalantly but knowing by the grin widening on his face that you’d failed.
“So you know I could see you checking me out, right? All your staring,“ he teased, running a hand through his wet hair and making you forget where you were for a moment.
“I wasn’t staring at you,” you scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest, “I was staring at George.”
“Oh yeah? If that’s true, what colour shirt was George wearing?”
You knew he knew he had you with that, as your mind went blank. Because truthfully, the only person you’d been staring at was, in fact, Fred, and you hated that he was extremely aware of that.
“Green?” You guessed, hoping your guess was miraculously correct. Watching as Fred grinned at you knowingly, you knew immediately you’d gotten it wrong.
“Red,” he corrected and you sighed helplessly.
You stood up to face him properly, pushing your hair back out of your face as you looked up at him. Fred’s eyes travelled down your frame for a few seconds, him absent-mindedly biting his lip at the sight of you.
He blinked, taking in the sight of you wearing denim shorts, fitted to your thighs - thighs he wanted wrapped around him - and his breath caught in his throat as he realised the light coloured shirt you were wearing, knotted at your waist and showing a slither of your stomach, was in fact his.
He found himself distracted, vaguely aware that you were speaking to - or rather, ranting at - him, as he stared at you, before zoning back in just as he heard you say, “I mean, what would you do if I suddenly grabbed a bottle of water and poured it over me?”
Images began flying through his head. There were a lot of things he would do, most of which involved him pressed against you and his hands all over you, preferably with you moaning his name.
“Maybe you should do it and find out,” he said completely seriously, wanting nothing more than to watch as you poured water down yourself.
You rolled your eyes, albeit feeling a tad flustered, “Can you just... change your shirt please.”
“Why, is something distracting you, love?” He asked almost innocently, tilting his head to one side - almost as if in concern, however his cocky grin told you that he knew exactly what he was doing.
You gulped, not being able to stop your eyes from wandering down to his clenched abs, covered by the wet material of his t shirt yet not leaving much to the imagination. He, of course, noticed this and saw an opportunity to tease you even more.
“Well, if you really want me out of this shirt...” he sighed playfully and shook his head with a smile, before placing his glass down and grabbing the bottom of his shirt, and pulling it - slowly - off of him.
You watched as the fabric pulled from his skin, knowing he was doing it on purpose yet not being able to turn away, your mouth dropping a little as he exposed his toned torso, shorts hanging low on his hips.
You felt your mouth go dry, eyes widening a little, both mentally cursing and proposing to him just from this sight alone.
He pulled the shirt over his head and ran a hand through his hair again, and you fought the urge to dramatically collapse back into the chair behind you as he smirked at you.
This boy was going to be the death of you.
“Fred,” you spoke warningly, forcing yourself to look back up to his eyes - which, unfortunately for you, were just as distracting.
“Y/n,” he replied with a cheeky grin, leaning back against the counter, his hands gripping onto the counter sides, making the veins in his forearms pop out, and you swore you lost the ability to breathe in that moment.
“I mean it.”
“What? I’m not doing anything,” he pretended to be innocent, “It’s too hot to wear a t shirt at the moment.”
“You’re too hot,” you mumbled under your breath, then cleared your throat, hoping he didn’t quite catch what you said. When he didn’t react, you assumed he hadn’t and continued on, “You know exactly what you’re doing. You’re insufferable.”
Fred stepped closer to you, enjoying the way your breath hitched as his hand reached out to hold your waist. He then leant forward, his face centimetres from yours, a smirk gracing his lips as his tongue darted out across his bottom lip, “You know you love me.”
“Oh do I now?” You moved a little closer, looking up into his eyes as he moved his lips subconsciously towards yours. “Yeah,” he confirmed, nodding a little, eyes half-lidded, “You do.”
He paused for a moment, his free hand reaching to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear as he cupped your jaw, “And I love you.”
“Do you?” You whispered as his lips brushed against yours gently.
“Course I do,” he mumbled, looking at you softly before pressing his lips properly against yours, the hand on your waist squeezing a little before moving to rest against the small of your back, pushing you towards him to ensure there was no space left between you.
His lips moved against yours roughly, his tongue licking into your mouth as your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down towards you. His hands guided themselves to hold the back of your thighs, just under your bum, and you only just heard the “Jump.” that he’d muttered against you, before you did as he said.
Your legs wrapped around his waist and he sat you on the table beside your long-forgotten project, him leaning you back on said table ever so slightly as he gripped your hips. One of your hands moved to lay flat on his bare chest, the other running through his still-damp hair and tugging a little just as you’d imagined.
He pulled away, breathing heavily as he continued to press kisses to your lips, moving down your jaw and towards your neck.
“Still want me to put a shirt back on?” He grinned against your skin. “Nah,” you bit your lip as he kissed just under your ear, before moving to grab his hands in yours, jumping off the table and pulling him towards the stairs, aiming to head towards his bedroom,
“I’d rather just take mine off instead.”
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