#but yeah sky <3
riacte · 1 year
Hello I was just on a symphonic concert that had music from videogames and they played a track from Sky: Children of Light and I immediately thought about your blog. "Riacte would probably like this"
Omg!! Sky made it!! (Their tracks are all ON POINT, seriously one of the best things from the game and the music keeps getting better)
And awww <3 thanks for taking the time to send this ask! :D
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mugwot · 4 months
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nebulaeyedfish · 23 hours
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Well... This is it.... Good-bye...
me when I paint this scene for the 4th? time lol.
Tags: @swanofstorie @imflyingfish @raise-me-up-take-me-up
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novelconcepts · 1 month
I really think we as a society don't give enough credit to performers who thrive in an ensemble situation. It's always obvious when an actor is excellent front and center, and we're constantly rewarding that skill set with awards, but god, there's something to be said for the power of a true ensemble piece. People who are so good at reading one another and playing off what they're given, tossing the ball and knowing when to turn it into a grenade. As much fun as it is to watch a solid monologue or a solo show, I always find it so much more thrilling--and so much more authentically lived-in--when there's an ensemble just feeding one another in every single scene. Who do I look at? What is everyone else learning and deciding even from the background? This is what life looks like, and actors who really shine in that environment have really become my favorite to follow.
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linkedin-offficial · 6 months
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🔪 coney in canines clothing
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bonefall · 3 months
Tbh I never read that far in DOTC but I heard so much about star flower from fandom that now hearing about it directly from you I feel so cheated. I was promised a femme fatale.. tho in hindsight considering how much these writers hate women I probably shouldn't have gotten my hopes up
I WISH we got a femme fatale. It would have been incredibly cathartic for her to make herself alluring to Clear Sky, turning his worst traits against him and getting both power and revenge. For Thunder to bond to her over it, reaching the conclusion in the end that they both had terrible parents that they need to reject.
but, knowing the Erins, they would have just had Clear Sky kill her violently and gratuitously for ever tricking him. Like how he gouged Willow Tail's eyes out. So... I guess we were doomed either way.
Anyway im cooking
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Hey do you think ya can explain Barnaby and his illusion smoke a bit? It seems really cool and I don't remember if ya talked about it in depth before
sure! this got a bit longer than i expected!
so i was thinking that Barnaby seems like more of a hands-off kinda guy when it comes to altercations. would rather sit back and make funny commentary! so if he Had to get involved, i imagine it would be from a distance and still in an Entertaining Way!
thus - illusion magic! for this au i've been picturing that he got his paws on some illusionary herb in his early teens. for making people laugh, you know! and help out with the farm - illusions could distract animals, convince them to move on to different pastures, calm the chickens for egg-collecting, etc!
Ms. Beagle didn't really approve, since smoking is harmful, but lucky for the both of them this particular plant doesn't deal as much damage when smoked as normal smoking materials would - like tobacco! something to do with the magic properties! so Barnaby mostly used it for chores (when his mama wasn't paying attention, ofc - it's still a bad habit in her eyes) and entertainment purposes.
how it works: on its own, it doesn't do much when burned. it's not like illusions will waft out of the pipe's bowl, or that sniffing it will give someone hallucinations. in order for it to work properly, the user has to inhale properly, form the Intent of what the illusion should be / look like / behave, then purposefully blow the smoke out with that thought firmly in mind. the reach of the smoke depends on the force of Intent, and the intensity depends on the amount inhaled. those that breathe it in / are surrounded by it will see hallucinations of whatever Barnaby - or whoever the user is - wants them to! it can be literally anything! whether or not the target is fooled depends entirely on the individual, but the herb is potent enough that most are convinced that what they "see" is real (auditory hallucinations only occur if the target breathes in the smoke)
upsides: this form of magic is great for distractions, cover, deescalation, and that kind of thing. if needed, Barnaby could stop a fight with one exhale! it's a pretty powerful trick! it also means that Barnaby has built up a tolerance to illusion magic over the years, so where most of the party would be tricked, Barnaby would be unfazed. the only one with total immunity to the form of magic is Wally!
downsides: if Barnaby uses too much in too short of a time, it will get to him. and since he breathes in the largest amount - undiluted at that - it can fuck him up! using it sparingly / using repeated small amounts doesn't do anything. the most it will do is make him feel slightly untethered, but he has an easy time ignoring it / shaking it off.
in mild cases of the magic getting to him, it's like a bad trip. his proprioception is messed with (basically he gets uncharacteristically clumsy & off-balance), he feels like he's falling, anxiety spikes, and his vision is just... off! there are blind spots (im talking actual blind spots, not spots of black), things are moving in ways that they shouldn't, he has mild auditory hallucinations. the others can help ground him by talking to him, touching him, and confirming what's real and what isn't.
in bad cases, it's like that but 10 times worse. on top of all of the previous symptoms being worsened, he gets extremely vivid hallucinations, and they're very often not fun! it's a simultaneous feeling of dying, going insane, and not knowing what the fuck is going on. Barnaby loses sense of where he is, who's where, what's happening. he can get lost in the hallucinations - he has no way to know that they aren't real. in these terrible trips, no one can really help him. they can't get through the hallucinations, and if they do, the magic morphs Barnaby's perception of them and they end up adding to the effects. honestly the best thing for him is to let him rest somewhere with as little sensory input as possible & leave him be until he starts to come down. physical contact does help, since Barnaby understands on an instinctive level that illusions can't touch him, but it doesn't help half as much as it does w/ the mild trips. and again, the presence of someone can make the hallucinations worse.
so! suffice to say! he doesn't like using the herb all that often, and it's why he Stays Out Of It unless absolutely needed. he has two pouches of the herb - one with the strong stuff, reserved for emergencies / one with just a tiny bit of it mixed in with Barnaby's own personal blend for recreational/everyday use. (he also has an emergency tobacco stash in his pack, but that's only for when he's completely out of his usual blend <3)
extra lil scribble that didn't make it into the lil doodle post... i broke his wrist...
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#the undiluted one is the blue/purple/pink smoke#while the personal blend changes color depending on his mood#and the personal blend does Not cause illusions!#the herb is included in the blend for cosmetic effects - colorful smoke! - and it has calming affects#so its. yeah its rgb weed last person nailed it on the head#rambles from the bog#wh fantasy au#the other day i was thinking about howdy's first adventure with the neighborhood#and i was like 'ok situation where barnaby has to use a tad too much of the magic'#and i amused myself imagining howdy's shock and panic when barnaby - steady graceful barnaby#staggers a little. looks up at the trees/skies. goes 'oh no' and promptly stumbles and falls on his face. and then just does not get back u#he has to go get poppy to make sure he isnt hurt / also howdy would Not be able to half-drag barn back to camp on his own#that dog is dead weight and staggering all over the place - if they can even unstick his claws from where he's anchored himself#sometimes barnaby will feel the unpleasant trip Incoming and he'll just. lie down right there and then#facedown. gripping the grass like his life depends on it - and also whoever's closest#frank always leaps out of the way when barn starts to Sway bc he does not want to sacrifice his arm for a solid few hours#usually wally is the one to sit with him and happily get his arm bones squeezed into dust <3#a common thing is barnaby will be like 'the trees/sky is melting and the ground is turning inside-out'#what does that mean! no one knows! he cant explain it when he sobers up!
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lavenoon · 1 year
bh!Eclipse "asked to reach the top shelf" meets "can't reach the lowest cupboards without folding like a paperclip" - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
Yeah, I mean, there's a reason SI is laughing here after Eclipse "gets on his level" - man's too tall, he'd need to lie down to get close
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But shenanigans are so very fun, so:
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It's called symbiosis <3
bloodstain fool by naffeclipse and og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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Yeah so about the newest Precure series-
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ghost-in-my-backyard · 3 months
i read that vent post and like. girl that'd make for an amazing movie scene. imagine what if he came there to only see you and he's just. mesmerized by the way you fucked up and he's willing to teach you how to do it
yes im feeding your delusions you can shoot me now thank you
what in the wattpad-
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seariii · 3 months
3, 6, 12, 19, 28, 44, 58, 66 :]
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? COTTON CANDY!!!!! bubblegum is fun and all, but it gets tiring, BUT COTTON CANDY MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH!!! AND THE TEXTURE IS NICE AND ITS SOOOOOOO PRETTY!!!!! LIKE, WHEN YOU LOOK AT IT CLOSELY AND YOU SEE ALL THE LITTLE THREADS???? THATS SO PRETTY!!! AND while the flavors dont really change THE COLORS!!!! AAAAAAAA i want some now....
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? this one i answered!! and i think the question is what i wear?? so, ig pastel, goth, grunge??? kinda??? more or less??? i do wanna dress up more goth-ish, but i need more different clothes and to actually do my make up....
12. name of your favorite playlist? either "Soft..." or "Cool stuff" even tho lately im listening to "Heartache" again because i need the angst to write a character, and also been listening to "A dream" which is a lot of fun!!!
19. sleeping position? hmmm.... on my side, hugging a pillow!! or facing down with one leg folded
28. five songs to describe you? *pulls out the "si soy" playlist and my kin list* 1. a lie and a stuffed animal - (vocaloid) DixieFlatline 2. monochrome ∞ blue sky - (vocaloid) Noboru↑-P 3. home - cavetown 4. unkown mother goose - (vocaloid) wowaka 5. torinoko city - (vocaloid) 40mP
44. favorite scent for soap? berries!!!
58. four talents you’re proud of having? um... i guess im proud of how my drawing has improved... and my singing has improved a lot too, even if i still feel like that has ways to go
66. favorite flower(s)? dandelions and forget-me-nots!!!!
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tornoleander · 6 months
Oh shoot Ninjago is trending UH uhh jump whip kick spin👍
Trending in Astrology!? Mmmm yeah that’s what we do here we’ve done space at least once. Project Arcturus Yeah mmm named after a star.
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eywaseclipse · 1 month
Something I love most about this scene is the absolute chaos it caused. Really the chaos Neytiri Jake caused. She knew ramifications of mating with a dreamwalker. Sure having physical relations with one is one thing, but to mate under Eywa? And while betrothed to another man? AND to be future Tsahìk of your clan!? Muah. Love. I always loved how stubborn and defiant Neytiri was.
Impulsive too. She was confident saying “this little himbo belongs to me now”, in a way the first clip is her showing him off proudly as an act of defiance to her parents, either out of spite or (unintentionally.) She didn’t think through any of the consequences this act would have on herself, Jake, or Tsu’tey. Not to mention what it would do to the family’s legacy and clan’s future. Mating with Jake jeopardized everything, yet she still stood confidently and looked Mo’at in the eyes and said it was done. There’s a deleted unfinished scene where Mo’at says if Neytiri went down this path she could never be Tsahìk and that her life would have been wasted. Makes you think about the cultural implications of this whole mess. And what it does to Tsu’tey and the clan’s future. But Neytiri said “nah he’s staying” lol I love it.
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5thcloud · 26 days
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thing we never mention before is that we rlly love do video game photography !
we should share some splatoon ones too awah
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raayllum · 1 year
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When you love Rayla so much it makes you look stupid
Bonus Ezran in the novelization:
Ezran felt bad for Rayla and her fear of water, but he knew she could face the fear again. He was about to encourage her to cross the bay when Callum jumped in.
“You know what?” Callum said. “We’ll just walk around it somehow. With our legs.”
Ezran couldn’t believe what he was hearing. But thankfully, Rayla shook her head no.
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