#but yeah....it is what it is. thank god im with a man who treats me right now
feywildfox · 2 years
Mm i left bandom space a long long time ago. I mean I'm not that old but ten years ago is still pretty long. And frankly if i overstep lemme know.
Honestly at this point i shouldnt be surprised so many people are actually still inherently racist towards Ray, but also i think, i should be. Because i genuinely expected better from mcr bandom, but again, left bandom spaces a decade ago...
It's pretty sad? Like. I'll admit, I didn't realize Ray was actually a man of colour when i was younger. I think i realized right around the time i left at 15 or so. Which also really goes to show that racism towards him and making him seem as white as possible which definitely i think was a thing. Like in comparison, I knew pete wentz was mixed long before i figured out Ray was a poc. It says a lot about the space at the time and i had honestly thought it'd be better now.
I've loved mcr for years, but i havent been IN love with them for a while. It happens, relationships and feeling wax and wane. But this tour, the excitement and love recently ignited in not just Gerard with all their gender fuckery, but the whole band, has brought a love and joy back into my life for music that hit me in the heart as a preteen and teenager.
And none of that would be possible without Ray Toro putting his all into the feelings and conveying of in his music. Mikey made the band, but ray MAKES the band. He is absolutely fucking integral and it is disgusting & disheartening to see him treated such a way. What the fuck even, hearing that streamers are zooming in on frank during Rays solos?? Like do the fuck better? I'm honestly disappointed as fuck in that shit. Like I know this whole thing is a little disjointed stream of consciousness type post but really. White people do better challenge! Its literally SO fucking easy. The real camera guys are RIGHT THERE showing what to fucking do!
You can love the others as much as you want but jesus fuck give Ray the same fucking courtesy. Stop ignoring your racism, start recognizing the issues that plague you from being white and growing up in white privilege. I sure as fuck still have plenty of shit to work on but at least i can say i can do the bare fucking MINIMUM of giving Ray Toro the respect and attention he absolutely fucking deserves.
Like I do hope this is understood I am not trying to speak over anyone but simply say from one white to another: you need to do better. If that's how you treat a member of supposedly one of your fav bands, i genuinely fear for the poc you encounter in your life. The harm you cause by staying blind may be incremental but it builds up until it's a mountain. Do fucking better.
#not the picturesque emo#fans#its 1 am so this is not. the modt coherent thing but i hope it gets the point across as someone who has been outside of bandom space#i mever realized how big an issue it was but honestly i should have known#im not going point at myself as a pure example of what to do because honestly ive loved mcr from a distance for a while#i have always loved them all but literally its ridiculous coming back ten years later#and finding out that yeah no. rays apparently or whatever the fuck#like uh what. emo is a style#its a sounds a love language a voice for people an expression#sure there are certain clothes or jewelry or makeup that can play into it but NONE of that actually means shit#because it can be turned corpo and ripped up and spat back all sanatized. ray is emo. ray is a man of colour. he's a rock god on the guitar#NONE of that is mutally fucking exclusive! ray toro is just as important as anyone else in the band#ray toro deserves SO much respect and he does NOT deserve to have people claim they are of mcr then treat him like that#you are not an mcr fan you are a pretentious racist asshole who needs to check ther privileges at the fucking gate thank you#fox squawks#im tired and angry now and im sorry to all the poc in the fandom who have to deal w this on a constant basis you all deserve a lot better#im sure yall feel way worse than i do and i genuinely hope people can realize the shit theyve been doing.#i am always happy to go toe to toe w other dumbass white ppl and call them out on their bs#i dont see it because i curate my dash to the point drama is usually a mild breeze at best but i am more than willing to#weaponize my whiteness to force other white ppl to think. if you gotta point me at em do it idc. like a lil attack chihuahua or something.#idk#im lagging now but my fingers dont want to stop typing bc i am nervous abt posting this but yknow. whatever if i fuck up i learn & move on!#we Do Not succumb to white guilt we gracefully say im sorry for that thank you for pointing it out even though you didnt have to i know its#exhausting to do constantly i will keep that in mind and then we do! and we modify our behavior! and we DO. BETTER
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l1tw1ck · 9 months
Please write more of the toy. PLEASE -🥚
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Toy (2)
dom!bottom!ftm oc x sub!top!masc reader
wellll since you asked sooo nicely and im in the mood to write some sexy dominating men,,, | AFAB Language Used
CW: Non-Con, Dark Content
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Debt Free
CW: Non-Con, Pet Play (Sort of) (puppy pet name, mention of collar and leash)
You were given the opportunity to clear your debt by dating your goddamned debt collector. He fell for you and basically ruined your life, he made you fall deeper and deeper into debt just so he could make you desperate enough to accept his offer. Now you're in his bedroom, wearing a studded collar and a leash. He likes treating you like an obedient dog and making you do things for him knowing you're not allowed to deny him. He could kill you if he wanted to.
He sits comfortably on your face, treating it like a special throne. He arches his back, shivering as he feels your tongue exploring his soft walls. "Mm...just like that, puppy~" He moans. "You've gotten better- uh~!" He gasps as your tongue finds his g-spot. He throws his head back, crying out shamelessly in pleasure as you eat him out. You're not the biggest fan of him but you can't deny the wonderful taste of his pussy and the pretty moans that come out of his mouth. "Yes- yes-" He breathes out.
"Fu- fuck~!" He squirts. "Mmh- such a good puppy.." He grinds down on your face before getting up.
ok i got lazy sorry
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How to Please a Man
CW: Stepcest, Manipulation
this was lowkey difficult to write bc i have no idea how to finger someone 😭😭😭 im an autistic asexual virgin who absolutely hates masturbating with my fingers bc sticky so if anything is off ... thats why
You decided to ask your step father for relationship advice. You're a virgin and you're very nervous about asking out your crush. He was eager to give you advice and even offered to teach you some things.
"I bet you don't even know how to kiss." He climbs onto your lap. "Let me teach you." He doesn't wait for an answer and forces you into a kiss. You try to push him away but he's too strong. He grinds down on your crotch, determined to fuck you.
He finally pulls away from the kiss. "Relax, most guys don't like inexperience. I'll make sure you know what you're doing with him." He stands up and grabs your hand, pulling you into his bedroom and bringing you onto the bed with him. He manages to shimmy his shorts and boxers off, exposing his wet cunt to you. "Don't be scared, try and do what you think would feel good."
You swallow the lump in your throat. He's probably right. Your crush would appreciate it if you knew what you were doing. And this probably doesn't mean anything to him. He's just helping you out. Although you're unaware of your crush's anatomy, this'll probably be helpful for any future endeavors too. You look at his t-dick and hold it with your thumb and index finger, gently sliding it up and down. "Is...is that good?"
"Yeah, so good.." He moans. Jerking his dick is the easiest way to get him off thanks to how sensitive is. "But, you shouldn't rely on just that to please m- him."
"Oh- okay." You slide your finger down his cunt, eyeing him for a reaction. You slowly push your finger inside him, your breathing turns shallow as you take in the feeling of his warmth. You didn't know it felt like this. So warm, so plush, and so fucking wet. God. You feel weird for thinking this way about your step father but dear Lord, his pussy feels amazing. You slide in another finger and fumble around in his insides.
"Try finding my g-spot. You'll know when you find it."
You search around for it, earning a soft gasp from him when you find it. You poke it with the pads of your fingers, effectively pleasing him. You get the smart idea of sucking his dick while doing this.
"Fuck- good boy~" He throws his head back. "That's it. Keep going.."
You find yourself getting turned on by the sound of his moans and his praise. This is so wrong but oh so fucking good.
You keep going until he squirts, making a mess of the bed. You pull your mouth off his dick and lick up his slick before pulling away.
"Do you wanna learn more?" He looks at you with a lopsided smile. You nod eagerly, no longer worried about the morality of this.
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part two for the second part if i remember lololol
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bahrtofane · 4 months
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in which jude is your best friend, or well, was. hes much more now
word count - 1.3K
watch it - arguments, yelling. happy ending tho hehe
“Can you grab my purse? I left it in the back seat." 
Jude looks up from his phone at the doorway and gives you a nod, “Yeah gimme a sec, i got it.”
You send him a smile and thanks before taking your shoes off and relaxing on his couch. Today was an impromptu hang out, practice ended early and the personal trainer was out, so this was one of the few days Jude had to relax.
He still wanted to spend it with you, even after you told him he should use the opportunity to nap or just relax in his room. 
'What's the point if I can't bother you at the same time ?' was all he said. 
so you caved and got ready for him to pick you up, soon to raid his fridge or find another movie to watch. (which you always end up talking over but that's okay. It's the thought that counts. you even have your own Netflix profile on his tv !)
Your phone goes off and you're pleasantly surprised to find it's the man you met a few days ago. You caught his eye and he politely approached you while you were on a little coffee run. a treat after a bad few days. 
You smile when you text your date back confirmation. Dinner date this Saturday how exciting !
Jude comes back with your purse in hand, sliding it on the table your way before crashing into your side. 
"Jesus Jude- my god- you're too big to be doing that. you're gonna kill me someday." you sputter.
"no, it's good to keep you on your toes." he giggles while smothering himself into your side
you groan trying to get him off before resorting to kicking him off with your legs. 
he yells before hitting the ground, "Im worth too much for you to be throwing me around what the hell."
"you started it! you're so annoying, oh my god."
he narrows his eyes before getting up and sitting a far distance away from you, for safety. 
he puts on a movie and continues to sulk while you roll your eyes. 
‘Oh by the way I'm gonna have to cancel saturday. “ 
“What, why ? What happened?“ 
“I have a dinner date that day ! isn't that exciting.’
Jude only scowls at you, unimpressed. “You're canceling, over a man. First of all, why is this the first time I'm hearing about this guy. And why didn't you tell him you were busy and just pick a different day.”
“Saturday is his only day off. I don't know why you're so mad.” You frown. 
“Saturday afternoon is my only afternoon off.”
“Jude. Why are you being so childish?”
“I don't know because you're putting some guy you just met before me, your best friend.”
“He's not just some guy I think we could really be something. Why do you have to be so protective of me? I'm not 5 oh my god.”
“It's not just that it's that you're canceling our hangout for him.”
“We always hang out-”
“Exactly so I don't know why you're jumping so quickly to change it over some dick.”
“Im not like that and you fucking know it. You of all people should know that this is a chance I don't want to miss out on just because we order food and stare at a tv for hours on saturdays.”
“Oh so that's all it is to you. Staring at a tv.’ Jude rolls his eyes.
“It's not like that, I love hanging out with you. "
" I just don't understand why you're suddenly so eager to see anyone right now . I can't make any plans with anyone without you storming down here and telling me it's a waste of time. " He sighs 
You stare at him in disbelief. “Because you have a career ?? i don't give two shits who you talk to, but I can't let you make dumb decisions. I will always be your best friend, that's my job and nothing more."
"That's why this is so frustrating,” He waves his hands in the air aimlessly, “Do you even know what you're saying to me?"
"You're not making sense." You shake your head. 
 “I don't want to fight with you, I just don't understand why you're acting so selfish.”
“That's your problem, you act like I'm doing something wrong instead of being happy for me."
“You dont fucking get it do you oh my god I dont know how to be any more clear with you so you can get It.”
You don't say anything, choosing not to read any deeper into his words and instead watch the rest of the movie in silence. You don't have it in you to argue with him anymore. You care for him, truly. He's your best friend and you couldn't be happier or more proud to be able to have him by your side. 
But there's always that prickle of feeling that lays within you. A prickle of yearning, a wanting for more. You're not blind by any means, Jude is a handsome man and he's grown into his features better than you expected. 
You don't know if it's just delusion, but there's always a base layer of tension between you too. Always a second away from something going too far and it leading where it probably shouldn't. 
But you know it's deeper than a what if for you. You've found a good friend in him and somewhere along the way you've drifted to less than only platonic feelings. But you also know the way Jude is, the way he acts and talks is just that. Not meant to be read deeper and you dont let anything get your hopes up anymore. 
It's the reason why you said yes to that guy in the first place, so you can hopefully stop crushing on your best friend and move on.
Your over-thinking soon passes the time and you find yourself in an awkward quiet that neither of you want to break in fear of more arguing. But Jude takes the risk.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles.
"For what Jude? "
"For how I acted, and what I said. It was an asshole move to assume you're only gonna meet him for dick when I know you aren't like that. And for acting like you can only hang out with me. I'm sorry.”
You sit there silently, not saying a word. 
He turns to face you almost desperately, “You're my best friend you really are. I care about you, more than anyone else. And i just- fuck it. You’ve given me some of the most precious moments of my life, but I think I’d be a better boyfriend if you’d let me, friends just doesn’t do justice to what I feel for you anymore.”
You stand up and walk over to him, standing between his legs and placing his hands in yours, gently smiling.
“Please say something.” He whispers. 
“I can't think of anything I want more than for you to be mine Jude.”
He jumps at that, bringing you flush to his chest, “What about the guy on saturday?’ “I'm obviously going to cancel and tell him I'm no longer available.”
“Good.” He smiles. There is a moment where his gaze focuses on your lips and you can feel your face blush at the newfound attention.
“Can I, kiss you ?” He breathes
You give a nod, and no sooner do his hands gently cup your face, his lips meeting yours.
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moonrisecoeur · 7 months
Ur the best sub Leon writer soooo… idk if you seen these but ppl treat las plagas parasite as sex pollen 😭 and I’m so here for it. Concept : re4 leon infected by the parasite OK but he starts out very agressive but ofc he’s a sub so he does whatever reader wants in order to yk… achieve the goal of the parasite (breeding 😔 who said that? Not me) And pls make the reader mean, I love mean femdoms sm, they are chefs kiss. If you need more clarification post it I’ll send another one idk but I’m just seeing what YOU come up with. LOVE UR WRITING btw I love how it’s pretty in character tbh cuz I read ur bully Leon one and I was like “yeah fr like he’s too caring to be a bully 💀”
OMG WAIT MY DUMBASS FORGOT TO ADD: you said smth so mean to him that he came too early. He was so sorry for coming early and the mess he made in you But then he continued to keep going trying to pump more- OK SORRY
the BEST?? idk about that but i shall take ur compliment and deliver to you only my best work so thank u bestie i appreciate it sm !! ^-^
las plagas is crazy cuz like the black veins, the loss of control with your physical body, the pain it causes… that’s literally so hot. leon was so fuckable all of re4 but especially in the scenes where his body is being controlled that man is SCRUMPTIOUS
also just so you know. the veins on his dick are black as well ♡
no pronouns mentioned, afab parts mentioned, plaga leon has to be a top im sorry (technically in straight relationships men are always topping unless u count pegging BUT in this context i mean he’s a top more like ‘he’s a sub but he’ll fuck u stupid’ like that’s the vibe)
you spot his blonde hair from across the hall, running over to him excitedly. thank god you found him.
“leon!” you call out, grabbing the attention of the man in question, as you catch up to him. finally finding him in this nightmarish place after getting separated was the best thing possible, “holy crap, i’m so- i’m so glad you’re okay— woah, what… what happened to you?”
he takes a cautious step back, still seemingly holding a little bit of control over his body, “they said it was a gift in my…. my blood… don’t know what the fuck that was about..”
you take a step forward, reaching out your hand to touch his face, fingers tracing the black lines that were once veins invisible to the naked eye. but he stops you, his hand roughly grabbing your wrist, “don’t.”
“don’t… what?” you ask nervously, shoulders slumped.
“you need to… stay away from me,” he groans from pain, and you’re too worried to listen to his words, “stop, get away from me, you— i could hurt you! i don’t want to hurt you…”
but you don’t listen to him, betraying his wishes by shaking off his grip and reaching your hand out again. he can’t try to stop you this time. he moans, actually moans, when your fingertips touch his face, caressing him softly.
“really? it’s that good?” you ask with a small smirk on your face. leon thinks he could die.
“f-fuck…” he mumbles, finally coming closer to you. his hands wrap around your waist as he leans in for a kiss that you’re not ready for, and you both stumble backwards while you try to ground yourself.
he’s getting rough, aggressive, and you need to push back a little or else he’ll consume you entirely. not that you’d mind.
“leon, ease up,” you whisper, pushing him back slightly, and when a growl escapes his throat, you know he’s clearly not in any state to listen, “leon.”
he annoyedly makes eye contact with you, trying his best to listen to what you’re about to say. he is trying, and that’s the worst part. this is him at his most gentle, most restrained.
“you need to listen to me, okay? can you do that?” you ask softly, hand against his chest to keep him from diving too deep into you, and pressing a kiss to his lips. it’s softer. he moans into your mouth needily, but you don’t let him get rough. instead you sweetly get the taste of him. sure, it’s not a delicious taste, but he’s a delicious experience.
you enjoy the way he’s trying so intensely to control and contain himself, for your sake. he knows what you want from him is not his full fledged desires out in the open, completely unchecked.
when you pull away, he looks wrecked already, “please, you can’t do this to me, not if you’re just going to walk away and leave me desperate.”
part of you wants to reassure him. i’m not going to leave you. i would never abandon you when you need me most. but the other part just wants to ravage him, take all of him for yourself, leave nothing of him left but the perfection you’ve created. perfection in your eyes. maybe he’s not the only one infected with some kind of tainted desire.
instead, to accomplish both, you kiss him again, letting your own intensity and desire take over, potentially overpowering his. he whimpers, his shaky hands holding your hips for stability. he’s not being grossly possessive and rough like before. he’s softer now, pliable.
when you pull away, you whisper, “we need to get somewhere safe.”
“wha… what?”
“i need to take my time with you, and we’re not safe out in the open like this…” you say, leaning in to press a kiss to that sweet spot right below his ear. it’s so cute how truly weak leon is right now. sure, that’s always been his weakness, but it’s elevated multiple times over by this parasite in his blood. you have half the mind to thank that weird cult.
when you find a safe room, you’re immediately back on him, pushing him against the wall, enjoying the way he whimpers as you kiss him, his need for you multiplying by the minute.
“please, please, i need you, i need you so fucking bad, please, i need to take you, need to make you mine, need to—”
“shut up,” you groan, fingers roughly grabbing his jaw, pushing his head back and away from you, “you’re going to be good, or you won’t get what you want. i don’t care how badly you fucking need me, you’re going to be patient. you’re going to be nice and obedient or you’ll get nothing from me. and that little parasite inside of you is horrified at the idea that you won’t get to fuck my pretty pussy, hm?”
he looks pathetic, moaning like a whore at just some words, but it’s the way you say them, the way you say them, that kills him. he eventually calms himself down enough to nod with his eyes shut tightly, “i’ll do whatever you say. you know that.”
“lay down on the floor,” you command, almost growling back at him, and he opens his eyes in surprise.
“you heard me. on the ground, beneath me, right now, leon,” your eyes narrow at him, enjoying the way he weakly sinks to his knees before sitting down completely and laying back.
“like this..?” he asks, confused. he doesn’t know what’s about to happen, and that excites him immensely.
you take off your belt with all your utility tools and your jeans along with it. then finally, your underwear. he looks up at you with wide, delicious eyes.
he asks so sweetly, even though he knows the answer, “are you… are you gonna make me..?”
“yeah, you are. i’m going to sit down on your pretty, pretty face and you’re going to enjoy every second of being beneath me, where you belong, servicing me, and making me cum.”
his heart skips a beat at the thought of belonging beneath you, “yeah, fuck, okay—”
“—and you’re not going to fucking talk until i cum, got it?”
he nods, and once you sit down upon your throne, he gets right to work. he laps up the fluids of your cunt like a dog, working tirelessly, sucking on your clit and tongue fucking you. this is his place. he deserves nothing more than to be here with you, caving to your every desire even if all of his thoughts include breeding you and getting you pregnant with his babies. he’d do anything you asked if he could just have that.
he’d be at your service, at your mercy, until you chose to give him what he wanted.
but he makes you cum so fucking hard that it’s impossible to not give him what he wants, especially when rough hands grab onto your thighs as you’re cumming and he’s still giving you the head of your life through your orgasm. he grabs you just to stabilize you, but also to be possessive.
he can’t help how bad he’s gotten about jealousy and possessiveness with this parasite. he’s never been the jealous boyfriend, knowing you could hold your own and you’re loyal and stuff, but something about the way he looks at you now is different. it’s deep and primal. he looks at you like he needs to have you, and no one else can.
it’s insanely hot, but it’s also inconceivable how uncontrollable those urges are. leon has good self control, and you notice it in how he’s acting. again, this is him at his most restrained. he’s trying to keep himself from pouncing on you, taking everything he wants from you because he knows you don’t want that.
somewhere deep inside of him, he’s still himself, still that awkward and dorky guy that just wants to love you and give you everything you want. you wouldn’t want that.
when you roll off of him, laying down next to him to give yourself a moment to recover, you press a kiss to his shoulder, a sign that it’s an act, your harshness isn’t real. he returns the gesture by kissing the top of your head. a sign that he acknowledges your motives.
“please,” he whimpers suddenly, startling you out of your daze as his hand caresses your back softly, “i’ll let you control everything, you can do whatever you want with me, but fucking please, i’m so desperate to put my cock inside of your pussy, baby. i can’t think straight, and i’m trying so damn hard to control myself but i won’t be able to much longer…”
“yeah? you wanna put your cock inside of me? feel it throb inside the wetness and warmth of my cunt, fill me up with—”
he cuts you off with a loud moan, his hands grasping onto you and his eyes shutting tightly at the thought of such pleasure. he looks wrecked at the mere mention of cumming inside of you. you obviously have to capitalize on this fact.
“oh? so it’s the filling me up part, isn’t it? the ‘gift’ you have makes you really want to cum inside me, hm?” you say, smirking cruelly at him, watching his resolve crumble as he moans shamelessly, “do you want… breed me, leon?”
he gasps, breathing heavily. he’s incredibly wound up, and now you know the real reason he’s insatiable and uncontrollable, “f-fuck, i— it’s not that i want to, it’s that i need to… i need to fuck you and breed you so damn bad, i—”
you cover his mouth with the palm of your hand, enjoying the way he groan in pleasure when you straddle him. god, he’s not even inside of you, but he looks fucked out. he looks he’s about to burst already.
“god, you’re so fucking desperate,” you mumble to him, leaning in closer to whisper to him despite having him muzzled with your hand. not that he’d ever hurt you, he would never even imagine it, “you’re going to fuck me stupid, okay? you’re going to fuck me until my legs go numb and i can’t feel anything but you… and only when i tell you you can, you’ll breed me, fuck your cum even deeper into me and not let any of it escape. understood?”
he breathes shakily, not responding. obviously you forgot you have your hand over his mouth. when you take it off, he nervously says, “got it. i’ll… i’ll be good. i’ll make you feel so good.”
your voice is dark, cruel, full of malicious intent, “you fucking better, or i won’t let you cum. you’ll get to fuck me, sure, but i won’t ever give you the satisfying orgasm your body is desperately aching for. you won’t get to fill me up, and all you’ll have left to fuck for your little orgasm is your hand.”
his heart aches. the idea of disappointing you makes him feel a physical pit of nervousness in his stomach, the same ones he felt when he was more like himself. he just wants to feel like himself again.
“g-got it,” he whimpers. you get off of him, and he’s got you pinned immediately, gently resting you against the ground he was previously laying on. the image of you beneath him has him breathless. he feels like he’s worshipping a god with every move he makes.
he slides his cock into you, groaning at how easy it is, how wet you are. he bottoms out almost immediately, enjoying the way your body wraps around him in almost every sense. he silently adores you. he loves that you want him, crave him just like he craves you. that underneath all of your dominance, you’re his lover too.
fuck, he’s starting to feel possessive again. he beings to thrust into you, his body moving faster than either of you can handle, but you keep your cool better than he does.
“don’t let yourself start to think you’re in control,” you murmur, leaning up to press your lips to his shoulder, baring your teeth but not hard enough to draw blood. just enough to remind him of his place, “you belong to me. not the other way around, got it?” you growl into his ear.
he can’t even respond, too enraptured by your body and the feeling of your control over him leaving him a shuddering mess.
and you can’t even deny it. he’s putting in the work, thumb playing your with your clit just like how he knows you like, and clearly he’s getting the results he’s looking for. his body comes closer to the edge sooner than he’d like, but he tries to stave it off, for your sake.
still leaning into him, you whisper in your darkest voice, “maybe i should leave you like this, so you can stay this desperate… for me. i would try and cure you, but… not sure if i really care anymore.”
he shudders, voice giving out on him as he tries to plead with you. he cums without warning, obviously his body did it without the consent and go-ahead of his conscious mind. he already looks embarrassed at cumming without your permission. you don’t really have the mind to care right now, but you remember it for.. later.
“i’m gonna cum, fuck, leon, give it to me, give in to your cravings, your desires, your needs,” you moan in his ear, desperate for him, only him, and he’s yours, he’s all yours, it’s all he’s ever been and all he’ll ever be. he keep fucking you even after cumming, keeping you filled up, pushing it deeper, “make me yours.”
and he has no choice but to comply.
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jjongslutz · 7 months
it’s jake birthdays and im imagining jay deciding to get jake the best birthday present ever so he lets jake have his way jays pretty gf who jake always not so subtly eyes her cleavage and thighs 👀
thank you for the request 🫶 admittedly not my best work but i hope it's okay for his day!!!
you'd be blind to not realize jay's best friend eye-fucking you from across the room whenever the three of you are together. your boyfriend noticed it too, how could he not?
at first, he'd get angry. "does he think he's better than me? that he knows how to treat you better than i do?" over time, though, he started flaunting it. jake couldn't have you. you were his and only his.
but jay's a good friend, and jake's always polite with his stares. when he notices your eyes on him, he'll divert his gaze in a second. "jake?" you'd say, and he would smile politely as if nothing. he's a good guy
so when jake's twenty-first birthday comes around, as special a date as ever, jay knows what to get him. "keep your eyes closed."
"man, okay, they're closed. just don't make me run into the wall or something."
jay guides his friend into the bedroom, but all jake sees is darkness behind his closed eyes. he hears the door close behind him and cheatingly peeks through squinted eyes to see, but he's met with more darkness.
he panics for a second when he feels jay move away from him, relaxing when he hears the click of a lamp turning on. "open," jay says.
jake would've thought jay brought him to heaven with the sight in front of him.
you, sat on his bed, wearing nothing but revealing black lingerie, with a pretty little present bow sat atop your head, looking up at him with the prettiest doe eyes. "hi jake," you say sweetly.
he doesn't even need to ask what's happening, he just goes for it. kneeling over your body, he smashes your lips together in a hungry kiss. he's been dreaming about this far too long to waste any time.
jay chuckles at the scene playing out in front of him. "you two have fun," he says, and soon enough you hear the sound of the door shutting echoing behind his footsteps.
without a response, jake's hands eagerly land on your breasts, dragging a moan out of you as he squeezes them gently. he keeps feeling you up as your hands mess around wherever they land; squeezing his biceps, griping at his shirt, trailing down his torso.
not breaking away from the kiss, jake pushes both of your body's down against the bed. "fuck, where are the condoms?"
"already?" you tease. "no patience, pretty boy..." you trail off while gesturing toward the side table where jay generously left a packet of condoms and some lube.
jake raises a brow at the lube, his eyeliner drifting down to your dripping cunt.
okay, maybe you spent your time dreaming about what would happen between the two of you while waiting for jay to bring him—and maybe that got you too excited to wait for him, and maybe, just maybe, you got off on just the thought of it before he even got here.
"no patience, pretty girl," he repeats your words teasingly. "i guess i don't really need to, but god, i've always wanted to feel your pussy against my fingers."
your breath hiccups. "please."
he smiles from above, not warning you before he plunges two fingers into your cunt. you whine against the feeling of them stretching you out.
his hands are bigger than yours, clearly, and they hit right where you need them most.
you can't help but compare the way jake curls his fingers inside of you versus jay who thrusts them while playing with your clit. both of them have you rolling your eyes back and arching your back within seconds.
"mmm, so good," you mumble nonsense as jake twirls his fingers and tickles your pussy's walls from within. god, he really knows how to work them. he's experienced, and now you're starting to regret how long it took you to do this.
"are you close?" jake asks, conveniently curling his fingers in just the right way to interrupt your response with a loud cry. "yeah?" he teases.
"yes—fuck, yes!"
then, you're losing all sense of pleasure as he pulls his fingers out of you. dejectedly, you whine. "whyyyy" drawing out the syllable and weakly reaching out your hand to try to bring his back to you.
jake's going back to the side table and ripping open the condom pack. simultaneously, he's sliding off his belt and zipping down his jeans, and god it's making you miss his fingers the way he works them so effortlessly.
your eyes widen as his rock hard cock slaps against his shirt, staining where it hit with the precum lathered on his tip. he's not huge, daresay, but he's long and decently thick. you lick your lips at the sight, hoping for a later opportunity to have it down your throat, too.
he chuckles at your expression, meeting your eyes from above. "like what you see?" he strokes it a couple times for emphasis, before rolling the condom over his cock and stroking it again.
at a loss for words, you hum at him absentmindedly. instinctively, your legs spread more widely to grant him full access to your pussy.
"good girl," jake says, grabbing onto your thighs to lift them over his shoulders. he leans in with his dick in his hand, finally lining up against your entrance, but pauses to look you in the eye again. his gaze turned softer, as if to ask permission. you grant it by nodding and leaning up to pull him into another kiss.
you moan against his lips as you feel his cock entering you slowly. he pulls away with a string of saliva still connecting the two of you, breathing heavily at the feeling of your cunt around his skin.
he's thought about this, had dreams about this, but never knew how good it would feel until now.
"fuck," he whispers, and all hell breaks loose.
signs of courtesy drop in an instant as he slams his hips forward, pushing his cock deep into your pussy. his thrusts are harsh, leaving no room for you to take a breath between them when they're taking your breath away with each rhythmic movement.
"so good, right there, fuck!" your mind is completely empty safe for jake, jake, jake. his cock has you sputtering nonsensical phrases, praising him and encouraging him in hopes of him never stopping. you want to be entirely entrapped in nothing but him.
"i've been waiting so long," jake musters into your ear. "so long, you have no idea—" he interrupts himself with a low groan. your back arches as he thrusts again. "fuck, thank you."
you can't even process his words as his movements lose their rhythm, turning into sporadic thrusts as he gets closer to his high. you're close too, already feeling it from your first orgasm of the night, then being ripped away of your second just earlier.
"thank you," he gasps, pulling out only to slam back into you with full force. "thank you, thank you," he repeats. jake's hand finds its way back to your breasts, fondling them as he pushes in and out of you.
his whimpers ring throughout the room, melodically in tune with your moans as the two of you move your hips in sync. you hope jay is outside the door recording them, just to play them back later on.
"you gonna cum?" and at your approving hum, he tells you, "cum for me."
so, you do.
your pussy clenching around his cock is enough to send him over the edge, coming undone into the condom. later on you'll be glad he put it on, but in the moment you wish there was nothing separating you from his spilling seed.
he doesn't pull out right away, collapsing onto you and burying his head into the crook of your neck. you laugh softly at his cuddliness following his orgasm, but you can't help but mirror his behaviour by lowering your legs and wrapping them around his hips to bring him closer.
between battered breaths, you leave a gentle kiss against jake's head. you whisper against his ear, "happy birthday."
your eyes drift toward the clock on the wall. jay will be back in any minute, but you're sure he won't mind finding you in this intimate position with his best friend....
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tteokdoroki · 11 months
❛ you're fucking gorgeous like that, spread out like a good boy / girl who just wants to be eaten. ❜ WITH KIRI PLS ILL DIE
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line. ❛ you’re fucking gorgeous like that, spread out for me like a good boy / girl who just wants to be eaten. ❜
extension. shibari kink, oral sex, begging, praise + afab!reader/pro hero!kirhsima, nsfw, minors and ageless blogs do not interact.
things to note. dani baby, i hope this pleases you bc im ngl i ascended to heaven writing this hehe !! anyways ily mwah mwah !!
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when you’d texted kirishima, asking him to come home early, this hasn’t been what he expected at all. he was a good man, he took his job saving the day a little too seriously. but when his baby texted him, in need and urgently, he was happy to hang up the mantle of number five hero to come and be your hero. 
kirishima was a good man, but maybe good men don’t secretly thank the heavens that civilians don’t need rescuing so they can come home early just to fuck their baby. 
“well this is nice,” eijirou does try to keep his voice even as he enters your shared bedroom — a place full of love and lust, usually in equal amounts. he feels his cock throb behind the heavy leather pants of red riot’s uniform. his tip oozes thick and viscous precum against the inside of the material at the sight of you, though it hardly does anything to alleviate his yearning. 
you’re a vision of beauty, something only the gods of the highest power could spread, spread out against silken sheets with your ankles tied to the bed posts by red ribbon’s as dark as the blood that pumps through kirishima’s veins. that same blood that carries happy hormones through the chambers of his heart and right up to his brain, dizzying the redhead with delirium and desire for you.   
thumbing the ribbon, eijirou comes to stand by the bed — swaying on his feet as he watches you tantalisingly scissor two of your fingers inside your tight heat while your hips back up in search for more. “you did this all for me? now, what did i do to deserve such a treat like this?” he speaks through a pout as if he’s mocking you, the rough palm of his hand traversing it’s way down your calves and your thighs that twitch under his touch. 
truth be told, he is mocking you. because while he appreciates the view, kirishima knows your tiny little fingers are not enough to get you off on their own, he knows you must’ve been right on the edge  waiting for him. his poor little baby. you poor little thing. 
“missed you,” you croon, slipping another finger inside yourself to emulate the feeling of kirishima stretching you open. a squelching symphony echoes throughout the room as you fuck yourself and narrowly brush up against your g-spot, bouncing off of walls and shooting straight to the hero’s sopping, seedy length.  “been workin’ so hard. w-wanted to treat you.” 
“yeah? kirishima hums huskily as the bed dips beneath his weight. to see a man of his sheer size crawl between your open legs only serves to make you gush into the seat of your palm as it lewdly slaps against your puffy mound. “a reward all for me? god baby, i must be the luckiest man on earth t’get rewarded like this...” he continues, voice lowering to a carnivorous and lecherous growl that has your back arching away from the bed. the redhead can hardly control his slur either, saliva pooling in palette of his tongue as a sign post for his desperation to taste you. 
calculatedly, eijirou spreads your swollen folds apart with two fingers — head swooping down to spit down on your clenching cunt and add his spit to the mix, watching the frothy white slide into your hole alongside whatever juices you leak. like the filthy, not so good man he is — he inhales deeply, moaning at the scent of your sex in the air.  “you're fucking gorgeous like that, spread out like a good baby who just wants to be eaten.”  his words taper off, drowned out by the loud slurping sound he makes as his lips wrap around your budding clit. “god, you’re so fucking wet down here, gorgeous. all for me?” 
“a-all for you!” high pitched whines burst out from your spit-slicked lips and your legs jerk against their restraints when kirishima lays his tongue flat against your slit — sucking the juices right from between your swollen folds. he pushes your hand aside, languidly rolling his tongue past your entrance to fuck your greedy little hole, even though his appetite for your sweet nectar is probably greater than your body’s need for him. 
kirishima’s ruby framed eyes roll back into the darkness of his skull at the taste of you and the way your nimble fingers sift through his red locks, harshly tugging his face into your sopping heat. “fuck me baby,” he laments mindlessly, lapping at your clit and your juicy pussy while you soak his cheeks with the syrupy essence that flows from your gooey insides. “i want it, want it all over my face. fuckin’ cover me in it.” 
moving to rest your restrained legs on his broad shoulders, eijirou spreads you even further than before — whining against your folds, nose nudging your clit that pearls with arousal, pink tongue stimulating you to the point where your mind literally fucking breaks. you’re a mess, and if you could see yourself now, you’d be embarrassed at the way your thighs shake either side of your boyfriend’s head — every drag, and roll and flick of his tongue dragging you towards the orgasm your body so desperately cries out for. 
“please baby, ah— fuck, please give it t’me baby. wanna taste you, want my reward so fucking badly, it hurts,” kirishima knows better than to talk with his mouthful — but he really can’t help it, wriggling his tongue against your ribbed walls in an impatient attempt to get you messy and squirting all over him just like he wants. three of his rough fingers find themselves on your clit, rubbing in tight circles while he sucks on your pussy so hard you think you might die.
“c’mon baby, know you’re close. you’re gonna cum for me? yeah?” a condescending chuckle vibrates against your sex, threatening to knock down the bricks of pleasure building in your lower tummy. “oh you fucking are. yeah you are… come on baby, come on. there you fucking are… oh, fuck.”  at this point, he’s fucking the sheets — high on ecstasy, cock aching to cum but he won’t until you do.
your orgasm nearly kills you. 
it sucks the life from your lungs and replaces it with all that is eijirou kirishima — your mind goes blank and your body convulses so hard that he has to hold you down while he kitten licks you through your high. eijirou takes everything that you give him too, gulping down the stream of your arousal until he feels like he’s choking, gagging on your juices like they’re the last thing he’ll ever have to drink. 
he does so because he’s grateful. 
because kirishima isn’t one to take eating you out as a reward, for granted.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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aryxchse · 3 months
Ary I know you're sick of me but like I literally love you and we're on the same wavelength so I have to tell you what my brain is cooking
Maybe NSFW headcanons with our sexy water boy🤭
If u need anymore ideas involving these headcanons just tell me girly I got you
(I think very unholy things about this man all the time so I always have ideas)
No pressure at all girly just wanna see ur take on this. Love you bestie🩵
percy jackson nsfw headcanons (aged up)
warnings ; a lot of nsfw stuff ig and reader is implied as female
a / n ; gurl what sickness shut up 🏃🏻‍♀️ literally love u, i dont write smut but im %100 ok w headcanons 🫶🏻 also hope u liked it bcs i didn't, and lmk if ya'll want a part 2
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- we all know he's a sarcasm king so he'd be a little shit and tease you or act all cocky when you whine or want more of him
- and will make you speak up like "what was that princess? didn't hear you" such a bitch
- quickie 👏🏻 guy 👏🏻
- ever since he grew up and started to have at least a little more calm life, he dedicated his moments to you and believe me, he's 24/7 horny
- he could do anywhere he wants and the bad thing is you're okay w it because who can say no to him??
- he was so SO respectful on your first time but you gave him the power to be all cocky later
- he hates daddy, sir kink but will call you mommy or ma'am
- praise 👏🏻 guy 👏🏻
- praise him and boom cums right then and there
- also very pussy drunk and will ask you to eat you out with his puppy eyes
- likes to make inside jokes abt your sex life in front of the others but thank gods no one understands
- broke the headboard once because he's totally a headboard gripper
- boob guy
- will squish his face between them or his dick
- doesn't like toys because he's -like i said- cocky and thinks his own guy can do better than any of them (slay king)
- he's the type of guy who treats you like a princess normally but fucks you like you're his enemy in the bedroom
- he likes choking but as a way of holding you, he doesn't actually grip hard and make you go purple (even if you wanted to)
- will use his powers inside you to make you squirt or cum faster
- bites everywhere
- whimpers when you give head
- will moan louder to make you excited, also to make you know that you're doing amazing
- he's a total booktok guy in bed and he grins like a devil like mother taylor said
- he was kind of awkward in earlier of your relationship like when he was 16-17, but he's a total bastard in his 20-26's. because he's used to having you around now and he's all confident so yeah
- i ran out of ideas and i kinda cringed away from my own writing lmao 🏃🏻‍♀️
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kiibichio · 4 months
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OVERVIEW ;; you and matt get into a heated argument over your ‘friends with benefits’ deal, how will it end ?? (good ending i promise)
CONTAINS ;; angst, fluff, good ending !! (that’s it?)
momo speaks ;; PART TWO OF THISSS. this was so fun to writeee. I HOPE U GUYS REALLY LIKED IT BC I WORKED HARDD MAN I WAS BREAKING A SWEAT OVER HERE (but kinda rushed). enjoy !! (PART ONE HERE <33)
date published ;; 02.20.24
not proofread !!
6:49 pm.
“are you serious? you just told me you ‘missed me so much’, but you’re letting me leave just like that? am i just some sort of play date to you?” i ask, sitting up. anger, sadness and confusion written all over my face.
maybe i shouldn’t have said that.
matt goes silent for a while, then speaks up.
“you do realize that when we started this we both mutually agreed to have no feelings right?” he says, trying to keep his cool
“well- i mean yeah, but-” i try to speak
“then what makes you think i want to be something more?” he cuts me off. he stands up and starts to get dressed.
“matt. good fucking god, i mean you just have sex with me that damn near kick me out?”
tears start filling my eyes. shit.
“yeah!” he exclaims sarcastically “i do because when we established this, i told you i didnt want a fucking relationship. we’re just friends that just so happen to fuck.” matt raises his voice at me.
then the water works break. goddammit.
i wipe my eyes before speaking up, “okay then… if that’s how you want it to be, then we can end this shit right fucking now. im not gonna allow myself to be used like some damn sex toy.”
“wait.. y/n- c’mon i didn’t mean it like that.” matt tries to explain, regretting what he had just said.
“oh no. i fully understand what you meant,” i reply, now getting dressed.
“fuck..” he mumbles under his breath, but still loud enough for me to hear.
“that’s all you have to say?” i stand up after putting my shoes on, crossing my arms in front of the bedroom door.
matt goes silent.
“oh, what? we’re mute now? real cute.” i ask sarcastically before storming out the room. he follows behind me, trying to explain himself with ‘y/n this!’ and ‘y/n that!’ but i easily tune him out.
as i reach the front door, it starts to open.
it’s just chris and nick, i give a small wave and quickly pass by them and start walking to my house.
ill be damned if i ever let somebody treat me like this shit again.
an hour later, i get a knock on my door. dear lord, who is it now? i walk over to the front door and open it.
matt’s on the other side.
“hey.. forgot your phone…” he says sheepishly, handing it over to me.
“mhm. thanks.” i answer. i start to close the door before he pushes it open again.
“can i… come in?” he asks
“why? so you can screw me over again? no thanks.”
“y/n. im serious. please?”
i can tell he’s serious, but im still hesitant.
i sigh and open the door wider to let him enter.
he makes his way to the couch, while i lock the door and follow behind him, but sitting on the opposite side of him.
there’s a few moments of uncomfortable silence.
“just gonna sit there?”
he lets out a deep breath, “listen, i’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. i didn’t take your feelings into consideration and i clearly wasn’t thinking in that moment.” matt explains sincerely.
“i accept your apology. and i understand, but now that my secrets out, we cant keep doing this. it’s just- not.. right.” i shake my head
“that’s another thing i wanted to talk about. it’s not that i don’t like you.. i do- it’s just…” he sighs
“what, matt? you can talk to me. we’re still friends.” i speak. i move closer to him and put my hand on top of his.
“ive been extremely busy lately. flying back and forth, videos, podcasts, everything. its just a lot to handle and im not sure im ready for commitment. so its not a no.. its just a ‘not now.’” he looks at me.
after he said that, i felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. i needed that sense of reassurance. but now i feel like the asshole. i should’ve thought about him too.
“that’s perfectly fine, matt. i can handle that.” i start to smile, “ill wait for you, matt. take as much time as you need.”
he hugs me and i can feel his face growing into a soft smile against my shoulder.
“thank you, y/n.”
4 months later ;;
“matt! baby, i missed you so much!!” i say, leaping in his arms as he walks out into the airport parking lot towards my car. i attack him with kisses all over his face and hug him just a bit too tight.
“too tight, my love.” he says almost out of breath.
“it’s not my fault, this is the first time you’ve ever left me like this! i just really, really missed you.” i exclaim, letting go of him.
“you’re so extra.” he chuckles
okay that first part was a partial lie, but it really is the first time he’s gone back to boston without his girlfriend of 2 months!
“can you two get a room? good fucking god.” nick says disgusted, chris nodding his head and agreeing with his brother.
me and matt both shoot them the middle finger and continue walking to the car.
he grabs my hand, “i missed you too, though baby. i was thinking about you the whole time. and…” he continues to tell me how much he had missed me and loves me.
best boyfriend ever.
momo speaks (again) ;; ugh this was really rushed im sorry if it sucks 😭😭 BUT I GOT IT DONE. love you guys <3 hope you enjoyed !! TOODLES xx
tag list ;; @sturniolos-blog @mayhem-72 @hearts4chris 🍵
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dckweed · 6 months
summary: In which bob floyd gets himself into a bit of a pickle and calls on his hot, recently single neighbor to help him out, the situation is mutually beneficial..in more ways than one.
warnings: fake dating, violence, domestic violence mentioned, nicknames, slowburn, eventual smut.
this is an x reader fic where reader is referred to as sunshine or sunny as a nickname, also i know the moodboard is a lil wonky no one say anything im gonna fix it! i made it on my phone half asleep lmao.
part one: here
After the whole fiasco of snorting water out of your nose and scaring the poor man half to death, Bob insists on taking you to the quaint coffee shop on the corner of the street you guys lived on, just a few steps away from the front doors of the apartment building. Reluctantly, you agree, curious to know more about the predicament your neighbor had gotten himself into. He lets you have a few minutes to throw a cropped zip up hoodie over yourself, and a baseball cap to help shade the still slightly visible bruise on your face before you meet him in the hallway. He had clipped Cosie to her leash and the excited little furball was yipping excitedly when you stepped out of your home, closing the door behind you. 
“Hi Cosie baby!” You say excitedly, your voice sweeter than honey as you crouched down to her level to excitedly scratch her behind the ears like she loved. “You being a good girl for your dad?” You ask teasingly, you knew she could never be bad, and Bob practically treated her like a princess anyway. 
“Always is..” Bob says, his accent drawling out a few of the syllables in a way that you just loved to hear. God, you thought to yourself, this man could record an audio book and have everyone swooning.  “You ready?” 
You smile, straightening up. “Yeah, lets go..” 
He was truly a gentleman you noted, he held the door to the apartment building, and the coffee shop for you as if it was second nature, only humming in response to your simple thank you, and when he pulled the chair out for you at the small table on their outdoor patio, you hoped that he didn’t notice the blush on your neck and face. Were you really so used to guys that were such brutes that you got flustered by basic acts of kindness? He hadn’t argued with you too much on paying for your own drink, letting you do it after a small squabble..or maybe you really didn’t give him a choice..you had already payed with your phone while you were arguing before he had even gotten his wallet out of his back pocket. 
“So,” You say as he sits across from you, looping Cosie’s leash to the more shaded side of the table. “Can you elaborate on the whole girlfriend thing for me?” Now it was him who was turning red. 
He fidgets awkwardly with his hot, black coffee for a moment, those eyebrows knit tightly together again. He clears his throat before he speaks. “I kind of..already told all of my friends that we’re dating.” He says, you lean back in the chair, your head tilted slightly towards the sun as you listen to him. You enjoyed the warmth on your face.“I..i don’t know what came over me..we were all drinking, and they said something about dating it somehow turned to me..and i just..i’m so tired of Hangman and his fucking manwhore whorier than thou attitude and always teasing me for not going on dates all  the time..” 
“So you told them you were dating someone?” You ask, seeing where the story was going. You could tell that the story alone was irritating him by the was his hand clenched around his coffee cup and the tightness around his mouth, the tick in his jaw. You wondered how long he had been putting up with this ‘Hangman’ guy. 
Bob nods. “And then they asked her name, and at the time the only thing i could come up with quickly enough to not seem suspicious was Sunny..so..” You laugh a little bit, this man was adorable, and obviously gentle even though he was clearly upset by what he was talking about. You liked that about him, you decided. 
How could you not help him? And really, what could it hurt? “How long would you need me to be your girlfriend for?” You ask, bringing the straw of your iced latte to your lips, moaning softly as the heavy caramel flavor hit your tongue. You could drink it forever. You see his body sag a little at your words, a little more relaxed. 
“Just long enough to make it believable.” He states, eyeing you from across the table. Cosie’s cold nose pokes your leg and you happily reach down and scratch her head, giving the little baby all the attention she wanted. “A couple of nights out with my friends, obviously, and im sure Nat will want to hang out with you one on one..” He says, actually thinking of the scenarios that would most likely take place. “A couple of official work events, probably, I would say, a few months..” 
You turn your attention back to him, lips pursed. A few months? That would land you around the beginning of the year..through Christmas..you had agreed to go home for the holiday’s this year. You arched a brow as you thought. It would look good if you brought a man home to your family, especially a man like Bob, they would swoon all over him..you wouldn’t have to spend the whole week hearing your grandmother tell you that you should be married already, or have a family like your brother and sister.. “Okay, i’ll help you out, but only if the fake boyfriend thing can be used in my favor too..” You say. He nods immediately. “So..rules?” 
The two of you talk for a couple of hours at the coffee shop, the little table filled with the occasional laughter as you talked about rules of the arrangement, and what would need to be done. Later on you found yourself on one side of your couch, Bob on the other as the two of you tried to work out a schedule. 
“Can you meet with me and the crew at our usual bar tomorrow night?” He asks, looking up from his phone at you. Natasha and Jake were blowing up the group chat about meeting you and it was slowly driving him insane. He had about forty text messages from this morning until right that moment. 
You shake your head. :”I have work tomorrow night, but i’m off Monday.” You say, looking up from your own phone. You had been texting your sister about your plans for the Holidays. “My sister wants to know where you’re from, and what you do and i dont think she’ll take ‘navy dude’ as an answer” Bob looks at you, slightly offended. 
“Navy dude?” He asks, setting his phone down for just a moment. “Sunny, i’m not just a ‘navy dude’, i’m a weapons system officer. I control the weapons and radar in multi million dollar government aircraft.” He looked completely offended by your terminology and you struggled to hold in a giggle at the way he was explaining his official job title to you. “..and I’m from Montana.” 
“That explains the accent.” You say, texting your sister back.
Bob scoffs. “Accent?” He’d never been told he had an accent before. “Where are you from? This is basic stuff we should probably know about each other if we want people to believe this, you know?” You hummed in response, he was definitely right. “Also, Phoenix wants to know what your instagram is..” 
“Well, that depends on how much you want your friends to know about me.” You say, setting your phone down to look at him. He looks up at you, eyebrows furrowed again. You have the sudden urge to reach across the damn couch and smooth the area with your thumb, but you resist. “Don’t look at me like that, you know what i mean. Are they the judgemental type?” He opens his mouth, as if to protest and say no, but then closes it and gives a slight nod. “Okay, so fake insta it is.” 
It was a good thing you already had a fake instagram account for your grandmother and other family members because it made it a hell of alot easier for you. “A fake instagram? Won’t they think something is weird if it doesn’t have any pictures of us together on it?” He asks, not fully sure of your plan. You roll your eyes and maneuver yourself so you’re laying in Bob’s lap, looking directly up at him. 
His entire body goes stiff and you can’t tell if its from surprise or from being uncomfortable with your proximity, but you don’t move and after a few moments his thigh muscles untense. He smells good, you realize as you breathe in slightly. “My fake account isn’t exactly fake, okay?” You say, opening the instagram app on your phone and switching it to your second profile. “It’s just not the one I use mainly that i post on for my friends or well, if you were actually my boyfriend, you, to see..” 
“Then what is the point of it?” He asks looking down at you, his accent flowing smoothly through you. His voice was a little quieter now that you were so close to him, and in all honesty you didn’t mind it one bit. 
You chuckle, giving him your phone so he can scroll through it. “I normally use it for my grandma and other family members, so they won’t have a damn heart attack..they already don’t like my line of work, there’s no need to go killing them with some pictures.” Bob hums in response, scrolling through a few of the posts. “It’s the extremely tame version of my main account.”
His phone pings again and he grunts, rolling his eyes. Before he can even try to hand you your own back, you grab his off the arm of the couch above you and thank god that it was already unlocked. You gasp at the text. “Hangman wants proof that im a real girl and not just a figment of your imagination.” You say, an idea coming to mind. You roll off of his lap and quickly stand, pulling him by the forearm to his feet as he makes a disgruntled noise. 
You lead him down the small hallway, past your bedroom and into your bathroom (which was thankfully not its usual disastrous mess of makeup and lingerie scattered everywhere). “Okay, stand there..” You grab him by the biceps, shocked at how solid they are because he honestly didn’t seem to be overly buff to you, and position him exactly where you want him. 
“Sunny, what’re we doin’?” He sighs, letting you move him around every which way. He had to admit, he liked the way you grabbed his arms, the way you squeezed at his biceps. He tried not to let his mind linger too much on it though, tried not to notice the way that your fingertips left a trail of goosebumps in their wake every time they lingered anywhere on his bare skin. 
“Taking pictures, duh.” You say as if it should have been obvious. You turn around, satisfied with his position, and face the mirror yourself, positioning his arm around your shoulders and over your chest as you press back against his surprisingly solid body. You weren’t exactly a short person by any means, but there was definitely a noticeable height difference between you and him. Your head just barely cleared his shoulders, his chin able to rest perfectly onto of your head. It made for a cute photo, you thought and you pretended not to notice the goofy smirk on his face as you captured the photo as stealthily as you could, leaning back into his chest as his chin rested on top of your head, his arm over your chest and your hand wrapped around his forearm as you took the picture, acutely aware of his hand just over the waistband of your lululemon pants. 
You hum, thinking about what other positions would be cute enough to send to his friends and post to your fake insta account, you wanted to hard launch him to your family too if you were hard launching to his friends. You turn the camera of his phone front facing, and set it up to take rapid photos on a timer before you abruptly turn around and jump up, locking your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. 
“Smile at me.” You say, as your hand snakes up into his hair. You didn’t really have to though because he was already smiling at you in surprise as you leaned your forehead against his. “I didn’t think you’d be able to hold me.” You giggle suddenly, and the sound makes his smile grow wider as he adjusts his hands so they’re fulling on your ass, supporting you as he drops his head to your shoulder. 
The whole ordeal of the photo session takes about fifteen minutes or so, and when you’re finished you lead him back out into the living room. “Sorry to jump on you like that, but i had to catch you off guard, i wanted it to look believable.” You say, sitting back down on the couch. He only hums in response, taking a spot next to you as he watches you pick through your favorite photos in his camera roll to text to yourself. 
“You’re awfully good at that,” He ques, watching you edit some of the photos you had sent to your own phone, before you compose an instagram post of the best ones. “I always just take them and post them, i never thought that filters really mattered..” 
You chuckle at the man, shaking your head. “What’s your instagram, bobby?” You ask, using your nickname for him as you type out a caption for the post. 
“Oh, uh,” a slight blush heats up his neck and face and he clears his throat before responding. “It’s @thewizzo ..natasha actually came up with the handle.” You type it into your caption, eyebrows furrowed. You’re about to ask him what the hell a wizzo is when he answers it for you. “It’s uh, well, sometimes its a nickname, or another acronym for WSO..” 
“Oh, snazzy..” You say showing him the post. It was a series of four photos and a small, but cute caption.
“Is it Bobby approved?” You ask. He gives you an affirmative nod and you hit the post button, knowing it would only be a matter of minutes before your sister and brother blow up your phone. “Okay, well, here’s to our fake relationship!” You say, attaching the photo of Bob holding you with his hands on your ass to a text with your instagram handle and sending it to his friends group chat. 
The phone pings before you’ve even handed it back to him. 
Hangman: holy fuck she’s real.  Phee: shut up you moron, im following her rn!!  Rooster: …wait i thought i was imagining this conversation last night Payback: oh, shit..way to go Bob!!
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@mamachasesmayhem @hangmandruigandmav @shotgunhallelujah @shiara04 @3tabbiesandalab @tgmreader @flrboyd @goosterroose @mrspedropascal5683 @sugajar
@dory-98 @justherebecausesafarisucks
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
Reunion segz with Bill maybe? Getting back together with him after a bad fight or maybe you’re his ex from his early tokio hotel days/you’re an ex member of the band 🤭🤭
I got another request very similar to this that i haven’t done yet so here you go lol!!
Bill Kaulitz x Reader
Summery: you see Bill at a party after not seeing him since you broke up
Warnings: unprotected sex, maybe a little bit of scratching, sappy reunion ngl, Bill being protective of you🤭 idfk you guy just have cute fluffy sex??
You walk into your friends house and are immediately hit with the scent of alcohol and weed. The house was dimly lit so you couldn’t really recognize anyone in the room. Sighing, you walk towards the kitchen. You weren’t necessarily in the partying mood, you really only came because your friend begged you to. Which you thought was kinda strange because usually they arent so insistent on making you come to things like this. And of course the person who invited you was no where to be found.
You took a step outside by the pool and thats when you saw him. Bill fucking Kaulitz, your ex boyfriend, standing by your friend and a couple random people. Now it makes sense why your friend wanted you to come so bad. You had just recently told them how you missed him. Bill looked away from whoever he was talking to and locked eyes with you. His eyes widened as he watched you from across the patio. God, you could just die right now. The way he’s looking st you like your the most beautiful being on the planet makes your heart beat faster.
“Hey y/n! Come over here!” Your friend called out. You felt your heart drop when you realized there was no hiding from him. He stared at you the whole time you were walking over. “Y/nnn im so glad you’re here, look did you see Bil-“ you cut them off by pulling them away from the scene.
“What the hell? Why didn’t you tell me he would be here?!” You whisper-yelled at your clearly drunk friend. They just laughed and handed you their drink.
“Y/n its fineee just have a drink and calm down!”
“Fine? F/n. I look like shit, and I am not anywhere near ready to see him without rethinking our whole break up-“
Someone slammed there body into yours, causing you to stumble into a nearby table. The person was clearly pissed off and drunk. They took a step towards you and you backed up.
“Watch it dumbass! Get the fuck out of the way next time!” Before you could say anything you saw someone come up behind the angry man and yank him away from you. No fucking way. It was Bill. You’re stomach erupted with butterflies when you saw how protective he still was over you.
“Don’t talk to her like that! You’re the one who can’t handle your fucking alcohol.” Your jaw dropped at his tone towards the other man. You hadn’t even talked to him since you guys broke up, and he still cares about you? You grabbed Bills arm and tugged on it a bit, trying to get his attention.
“Its ok, he’s just drunk he’s probably not even gonna remember this. Just calm down.” He let go of the guys shirt and gave him a shove in thr opposite direction. “Thank you. I would have been alright though Bill.” He clicks his tongue and looks down at you.
“Yeah well, I’m not gonna let anyone treat you like that. You don’t deserve it.” His voice comes out softer than you expected. You couldn’t help but smile at the sweet man in front of you. “Do you wanna go somewhere else and talk..?” He asked, shifting nervously.
“Um, yeah..yeah sure.” You tried to hide the shake in your voice as you followed him out of the backyard and up the stairs of your friends house. Once you reach your friends guest room, both of you step closer to each other. You can’t stop the words from coming out of your mouth
“Bill, I miss you..”
“Shit.. I miss you too.”
Neither of you moved. You just stood there, inches away from each other. Your eyes move from his to look at his lips until he grabbed your face and kissed you. You close your eyes and hum at the familiar feeling of his lips on yours. He pushes your body against the door, successfully keeping you in place.
“Missed you so bad Bill. Feels so lonely without you.” You mumbled against his lips. Bill softly moans at your words.
“I never stopped loving you honey. ‘Could never love someone else the way I love you. Your my soulmate.” You could hear the genuineness of his words. You whimper quietly, trying to hold back tears. “Hey, hey no. Don’t cry sweetheart, I’m here now. I can’t let you go again.” You pull him back down to kiss you again, running your hands through his soft hair. He spread your legs with his knee and lifts it up to rest against your clothed heat. (I actually hate that im sorry) You let out a shocked gasp and put your arms around his neck to support yourself.
“Bill please, ‘want you so bad. I need you.” You use the most sweet tone, hoping to convince him to not tease you. He smiles widely and laughs a little.
“Ok, ok hun, are you sure? I don’t want this to be something you regret.” His giggly tone faded into a concerned one. You lean up to kiss the corner of his lips,
“Of course I’m sure Bill. Fuck, I mean I’ve thought about this every day since we broke up.” His smile returned and he kisses your forehead.
“Lets get these and pants off of you you, yeah?” You giggled and nodded watching him pull down your pants and underwear. He slipped his hand between your legs and groaned. “Shit, you really did miss me.” He teases, knowing damn well he’s just as needy for you. He pulls his hand away from you and pulled his own pants off. He goes to take off your shirt but you stop him,
“No, no just fuck me please. I need to feel you now.” You whine to him, practically begging.
“Alright sweetie calm down, I got you.” He picks you up, making you wrap your legs around his hips. He lined his tip up with your entrance and leaves little kisses on your face as he pushes into you. You groan and dig your nails into his shoulder. He doesn’t even let you catch your breath before thrusting his hips into yours.
“God you feel so good! Needed your dick inside me so bad!” You moan, not even caring about how desperate you sound.
“I know, I missed this fucking pussy. So perfect for me, so so perfect.” Both of you were basically high off of each other’s presence, having been so close for so long then not seeing each other for months. He speeds up his thrusts and grips your hips tightly. You feel euphoric, running your hands all over his body, trying to feel every part of him.
“B-bill I’m gonna~ shit I’m so close please don’t stop!” You yelped, squeezing your eyes shut.
“Shhh. Its ok honey, cum for me, please. Please cum.” Both of you were begging for each other, but neither of you felt any shame. You both knew you were meant for each other. You arch your back and let your orgasm rush through you. Bill whimpers at the feeling and his hips stutter. He finishes inside you and you are both left panting and groaning.
“Would you please take me back y/n?”
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
one piece smau: dating eustass kid edition
-> male reader <333 + kid is so unhinged but this is how i truly believe he'd act on social media to be really real + also him being the definition of "i'm mean to everyone but u"
-> nsfw (mentioned and implied)
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liked by dr.law, k1ller, and 7k others
iloveeustass: this is crazy he's actually doing the work instead of trying to kill a random passerby
tagged: [name]s.man
[name]s.man: if it's not you, i could honeslty care less on how i treat other people
-> k1ller: this is definitely not how u shd be living life
-> h34ttt_: and u wonder why no one outside of our friendgroup likes u
-> [name]s.man: i've never wondered this, i don't need other ppl to like me when i already have a wonderful boyfriend to call mine who very much likes me.
uso_pp: how a sweetheart like [name] is compatible with an ASSHOLE REPULSIVE AND RUDE man is beyond me. but as long as he's happy !!!
-> iloveeustass: he's not as bad as everyone says i swearrrrr
-> uso_pp: that's only cuz u don't have to suffer like the rest of us [name]. ur mans is fuckinhg terrifying to be around
[liked by dni_nami, bonneys.jewels, and 120 others]
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liked by h34ttt_, k1ller, iloveeustass, and 10k others
[name]s.man: i lovveeeee my possessive boyfriend
tagged: iloveeustass
iloveeustass: you're the exact same way pls what is this post
-> [name]s.man: match made in heaven
dr.law: do u have to constantly post abt ur relationship eustass?
-> [name]s.man: someone here is just jealousssss
dni_nami: thankful everyday that we don't see each other at school i think id rather kms than see ur nasty ass (not [name] though, pls tell him we all miss him <3)
[liked by roro.zoro, uso_pp, and 40 others]
-> [name]s.man: WHAT TH FUCK IS THIS
-> iloveeustass: aww i miss u guys too nami hopefully we can hang soon
-> dni_nami: ofc! jus dont bring ur stinky boyfriend
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liked by iloveeustass, bonneys.jewels, and 11k others
k1ller: someone save me they're gonna start eating each other
tagged: iloveeustass and [name]s.man
bonneys.jewels: i ran away from them the moment i saw kid's lipstick on his face
-> [name]s.man: u guys are acting like we fucked on the couch and made everyone watch
-> bonneys.jewels: that's not what u guys were doing? i could've sworn ur pants were off or smth
-> [name]s.man: u fucking liar wtfff
h34ttt_: a business meeting and they couldn't be serious for a second of it.
-> iloveeustass: wym me and kid were very serious???
-> h34ttt_: serious in trying to suck each other off in front of everyone??? yeah. u two were very serious
dr.law: knew i made the right decision in staying home
[liked by k1ller, bonneys.jewels, and 90 others]
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liked by dr.law, iloveeustass, dni_nami, and 11k others
bonneys.jewels: thank god [name] and kid started dating because kid's outfits have gotten monumentally better
tagged: [name]s.man and iloveeustass
iloveeustass: those leopard print pants he owned....
-> bonneys.jewels: tell me u burned them
-> iloveeustass: burned them and threw their ashes in the ocean
[name]s.man: i'll excuse u posting these photos of us without my permissions solely because he looks so good in these wowowwww
-> k1ller: [name] existing saving us from hearing kid rant for hours on end about smth unimportant <3 thank god
godfatherbege: eustass' fashion was always questionable to me, i assumed all kids your age dressed purposely terrible
[liked by hawk_ins, dr.law, and 100 others]
-> iloveeustass: LMDOOAOD BEGE IM DEAD
-> [name]s.man: don't show your face to me ever again bege or i'll kill you
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liked by freeluffy, [name]s.man, and 12k others
iloveeustass: his new haircut is so sexy oh my god
tagged: [name]s.man
[name]s.man: i'm gonna have sex with you in front of everyone
-> k1ller: no fucking thank u
-> h34ttt_: OH MY GOOOOOODDDD a day of peace woujld be great thanks
freeluffy: OOOOO was the food yummy guys???
-> [name]s.man: fuck off my boyfriend's instagram bastard
-> iloveeustass: it was rlly good luffy <333 i know you would've love their steak, i highly reccommend!!!
xxxdrake: i bet kid didn't even pay for half off of the bill, his broke ass
-> uso_pp: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT [liked by dni_nami, robinkills, and 90 others]
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liked by freeluffy, iloveeustass, and 13k others
dr.law: all these two do is sit in a corner and bully ppl on their phone
tagged: [name]s.man and iloveeustass
iloveeustass: it's only kid that makes fun of ppl i'm the one telling him to stop
-> dr.law: fine i'll give u that one
[name]s.man: all i'm saying is - if you're not [name] why on earth should i b nice to u
-> dni_nami: a somewhat respectable trait to have
freeluffy: not true traofoyyy ! me and [name] played supermario kart :)
-> iloveeustass: and i won all of the races >:)
-> [name]s.man: why is he flirting with my boyfriend right in front of me
iloveeustass' story:
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stole his lipstick just for this pic
[name]s.man replied to your story: we should both wear my lipstick the next time we have sex it'll b like a painting
251 notes · View notes
cosmicck · 8 months
2009-2010 B. KAULITZ🕷
"shredding waves is much more dangerous than people realize"
"you're very brave ken!"
"...thank you barbie."
TW: male leaning reader(fem still welcome because they/them is mostly used), bill talks about that one rude interviewer who made fun of his look(and haters), the band teases bill, reader is an interviewer, reader is also flirty but doesn't notice it, bills got a cruuuuuuuush, cliché little interview story cuz im mad as shi rn
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BILL KAULITZ who wasn't having the best week. a few days ago maybe more he had been called on and had to sit and listen to some man of a name he didn't even remember, calling him an alien, making fun of the way he did his look, and he even asked him why he wasn't 'normal' like the rest of the band. you could see the way his heart broke and smile faded and god did the rest of the band—especially tom feel horrible for the things that were thrown at him. just because things like this have been said about him before doesn't mean he'll take it lightly.
BILL KAULITZ who just rolled his eyes and said he'll except your request to go along and have you ask him questions he's been asked multiple times before. "just tell them yes, i don't care." he was going to do his hair like normal, making his mohawk all the more spikier as if he cared about what the other man had to say, as if he cared about what you had to say. shit, he wasn't mad at you he just wasn't taking it very well. 'normal' he'd show you normal.
BILL KAULITZ who would be very clearly irritated but still put a smile on his face as he shook your hand sitting across from you watching you put your cards down when everyone else was seated. "i don't need them, i've got my own questions. if you're okay with that." "mhm." he'd nod listening to your words waiting for others to answer and then going back to you. your words making him laugh a little, though it is a genuine one not a 'i know you're making fun of me but i can't say anything.' type of laugh.
BILL KAULITZ who would already get into his past and other people he's spoken to that have treated him horribly, looking at you nod and actually look him in the eye as he was speaking interrupting him a bit, a sorry following along with it but he didn't care it showed you cared and the words were actually kind. "yeah and even last week, um..someone had made fun of me and compared me, which i couldn't even say anything on! it takes me longer than it should to look like this and it just gets made fun of." "well i think you're very beautiful bill." "..thank you."
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186 notes · View notes
falcqns · 3 months
for the first time (whats past is past)
✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Lucy Chen & Tim Bradford
✰ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Tim calls Lucy in the middle of the night, hoping to every god that exists that her number hadn’t changed, and to every angel that she would pick up despite how he had hurt her.
✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: canon divergence, angst with a happy ending obviously, Chenford. tagging @natashasera. Title is from Begin Again by my mothaaaaa 
don’t forget to read and reblog, and i do not give permission for my works to be posted anywhere other than tumblr. thank you.
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“Please pick up,” Tim whispered to himself. He sniffed, trying blink back the tears that were gathering in his eyes. He knew he was stupid for doing this, for calling her; if he were her, he wouldn’t pick up the phone, especially after he had done what he did. She had needed him, and he had left her, and he wouldn’t blame her for doing the same to him. 
But, whatever gods that he had prayed to before hitting her contact must have heard his prayers, because just as he was about to give up, the ringing stopped, and he heard static for a brief second, before hearing a sound he thought he’d never hear again - Lucy saying his name in her beautiful, melodic voice. 
“Tim?” She said quietly, and Tim choked back a sob. 
“H-Hi,” he whispered. There was rustling on the other end for a brief moment before Lucy responded. 
“What happened?” She asked, her previously neutral tone shifting to concerned. 
Tim chuckled quietly. “Why do you assume that something happened?” 
“Because you wouldn’t be calling me in the middle of the night if it hadn’t.” 
Tim hung his head, sighing. “Y-You’re right.” He suddenly regretted calling her, he didn’t want her to think he’d only called her because he needed something, because that was far from the truth. He did need something, but she was the only one he wanted to call. Everyone else would look at him with pity - which he understood, because how sad is it that him, a nearly 40 year old man was broken up with and humiliated at a party? But still, he knew that if he had called Angela or Genny, they would have pitied him, but Lucy wouldn’t do that. She would feel bad for him, but he knew that she knew (better than anyone) that these things happened, and it was important to move on and not be stuck in the past. “I uhm..” He began, but stopped, unsure how to explain it without sounding like he was in high school. 
“Tim?” Lucy asked again, and this time, Tim cleared his throat before speaking. 
“I uh - I was at a party, with my girlfriend, and we got into a fight. It was stupid, but it caused her to freak out, and basically start bashing me in front of all of her friends.” He explained. 
“Im so sorry Tim,” Lucy said. “Wait, what do you mean by ‘bashing’ you?” She asked, and Tim chuckled sadly.
“Well,” he began. “She thought it was appropriate to bring up everything from my past, more specifically the things I had told her in confidence, like what happened with Isabel and my dad, and things I was ashamed about, like how I treated you.” He confessed. 
Lucy sighed on the other end, and the rustling could be heard again. “Tim, I’m so sorry that happened to you, you didn’t deserve that.”
Tim shrugged, even though he knew she couldn’t see it. “Kinda feels like I did, but right now I just want to get away from her and her friends, but I’m stranded. You were the only person I could think of to call who wouldn’t pity me.” 
Lucy laughed quietly. “Of course im not going to pity you, I learned my lesson with that when I was your rookie.” Tim laughed in response. “Send me the address, and I’ll come and get you.” 
Tim sighed in relief. “Thank you.” He said, and sent her a text with the location of the party. 
“Okay,” Lucy said, looking at the address. “It’ll take me about 20 minutes to get to you, but I’m leaving pretty much right now,” she said. “I’ll see you when I get there, okay?” 
“Yeah.” Tim replied. “Thank you again.”
“It’s no problem, Tim. I’m glad you called me.”
27 minutes later, Tim saw Lucy’s Gray Acura RDX pull into the driveway, and he was finally able to move off of the rock he had been sitting on. He walked over to her car, and opened the passenger door, sliding into the seat, and shut the door behind him. Lucy smiled at him, before reaching out and pausing the music she had been playing. 
Tim glanced at the screen, and his brows furrowed when he saw the song “I See The Light.”
“Why are you playing Disney music?” 
Lucy pointed behind her, and when Tim tuned his head around, he was shocked to see a car seat facing the back of the back seat, and a mirror on the headrest, allowing him to see the sleeping infant, no more than 6 or 7 months old, in the carseat. 
“Tangled is her favourite.” She said, putting the car in reverse, and backing out of the driveway. “And she was not too happy to be taken out of her sleep sack before she was ready.” Lucy said, a smile on her face. 
“Im sorry,” Tim apologized immediately. Not only did he wake her up in the middle of the night, he had her wake her sleeping baby up, to come and get him from a party in the middle of nowhere, when he could have just called an Uber.
Lucy shook her head. “Don’t be,” she said, reading his mind. “She was going to wake up soon for a feed anyways, so it’s all good.” 
Tim nodded, his head turning back to face the road. “I uh,” he said, glancing down at his hands before speaking. “I didn’t know you were a mom.” 
Lucy nodded with a smile. “Yeah, I am.” She said. “I love it more than I thought I would.” She explained. “I mean, I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but the second she entered the world, I knew I’d love it more than anything in this world.” 
Tim smiled. “I’m happy for you, I know how much you’d wanted the whole marriage and kids thing.”
Lucy nodded, eyes on the road. “Actually, just the kids. I’m not married.” She said. She looked sideways at Tim briefly, and answered his unasked question. “I’m single.”
“Oh,” Tim responded, unsure what else to say. 
“Yeah,” Lucy nodded, glancing back at her baby. “Chris wasn’t too keen on being a father.” She explained, and Tim shook his head. 
“What an idi- I mean dummy head.” He said, glancing back at the baby briefly, making Lucy laugh. 
“Its okay, you can swear.” She said. “I don’t care, and It helps her development, so swear it up.” She said, making Tim laugh. 
“What an idiot.” Tim continued, before shaking his head. “Nope, can’t swear. Feels too weird.” 
Lucy laughed, and Tim smiled looking over at her. He had missed that sound more than anything, and he knew it was all his fault that he hadn’t heard it in nearly two years. 
“Anyways, Sanford is a dummy head for doing that to you.” Tim continued. 
“I know, but it’s not the first time someone has left me when things have gotten hard.” She said, and Tim nodded sadly, knowing that she was referring to him now. 
“I know, and I’m-“ Tim began, before Lucy cut him off. 
“if you say ‘I’m sorry’ one more time, I’m pulling over and you can walk.”
They both laughed, and Tim opened his mouth once more. “Okay, okay I’m-“ he began, before him and Lucy glanced at each other, and immediately looked away as they both burst into laughter. 
Their laughs were cut short by a cry from the backseat. Lucy reached out, tapping the ‘AirPlay’ button on her car display, and bringing up the Tangled soundtrack again. 
“I’m sorry, Mae Mae,” Lucy said, looking into her rearview mirror, where she could see the reflection of her daughter. “Look, Mama’s playing your music.” As soon as Mandy Moore’s singing voice began to float from the car speakers, the infant calmed down, and looked out the window.
The car was quiet for a few minutes, and Tim wouldn’t admit it, but he actually enjoyed the Tangled soundtrack. He then decided to break the silence, wanting to know more about what he’d missed in the Lucyverse the past almost two years.
“What’s her name?” He asked, referring to the baby in the backseat.
Lucy swallowed nervously before she responded. “Her name is Maple.”
Tim’s heart pounded in his chest, a wave of gruelling grief, the same wave that had washed over him for months when he left Lucy that had stolen his ability to take care of himself, crashed over him once more. 
Maple was the name that they’d chosen together. Tim hadn’t liked it at first, but the more he’d thought about it, the name Maple Bradford definitely had a ring to it. When they’d broken up, he knew he was still going to use the name if he ever had kids, but he didn’t think that she would, especially after he left her the way he did. 
“Y-You used the name.” Tim said quietly, and Lucy nodded. She looked over at him, and his heart broke even more when he saw that she had tears in her eyes. 
“Yeah,” She admitted. “It was the only name that made sense to me.” She said, and upon seeing Tim’s confused look, she elaborated. “When I was in labor, I was all alone. It was the middle of the night, and I was woken up by the worst pain I had ever felt. I knew I was in labor, and was so scared of giving birth alone that I drove myself to the hospital. Once I got there, I was so scared, and didn’t want to disturb anyone, so I gave birth alone. The entire time, the only person I wanted beside me, I knew I couldn’t call.” She said, sniffling as she spoke.
“Who?” Tim asked, a little afraid of the answer.
“You.” She said, glancing at Tim. “I wanted you by my side. I wanted you to be there, holding my hand, and encouraging me. I wanted it to be you to be her father, not someone who never wanted her in the first place. But I couldn’t call you.” 
Tim turned his body to face her. “Luce, I would have absolutely came and been there for you had you called me, you know that right?” 
Lucy looked at him, a serious look on her face. “Do I, though?” She asked. “How was I supposed to know if you’d come and support me, after you left me when I needed you the most after I made P2?” She asked, and Tim looked down in shame.
He had done that. She had been struggling with him not being by her side on patrol, and was having separation anxiety and jealousy with him and his new rookie, and he, instead of supporting her and understanding, got mad at her and ended things. Which he immediately regretted, but regretted even more the next day when Grey told him that she had transferred, and hated himself when he went to her apartment, only to find that she was gone. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” He said. “I hate that I did that to you. I shouldn’t have just given up on you, on us like that. I should have supported and understood you, not walked away. I regret ending things.” 
“Well, its in the past now.” Lucy said. And Tim sighed sadly. 
“So theres no hope for us, is there?” He asked, and Lucy looked over at him.
“Of course theres hope,” She said, pulling her car into his driveway. “I’ve always had hope that we’d find each other again.” She put the car into park and turned towards him. “I’m glad that you called me.”
“I’m glad you answered.” He said. He then glanced at his front door, then at Maple, before his eyes landed on Lucy.
“Do you want to come in?” He asked, his voice shaking at the implications of what he was asking. 
Lucy smiled at him. “Of course we do.”
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dead-dove-yandere · 2 months
Yandere x insecure reader
Yandere who change his completely opposite personality (from non chalant and rigid to cheery and chaos personality where he ofcourse force himself) as what his darling wants, so that he could look like her previous ex, where they dating but the darling didnt get the vibe(?) And sometimes call him by her previous ex by accident, but he understand her, everytime darling feel doubt about their relationship (since she felt unloved except she receive affection from her ex and because she doesnt have feelings), he would always think some kind like "its okay she see him as someone else, he'll be the one who love her for who she is" he tried to convince his darling by keeping up the positive vibe but actually he try very hard to brush his negative thought. I hope youre understand T_T
Hello I am back!! Think I’m better now, touch wood. I have to get into the habit of writing everyday now again so please bear with me if I’m slow!! Im really sorry it took so long and thank you for being patient.
I wrote this as Noah and kinda did so that they know each other already but the darling doesn’t know he’s stalking them - hope that’s alright!! And I hope that I got your idea right too. My brain is still fuzzy 😔
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TW: Stalking, obsession, manipulation
You smile at Noah as you spot him across the cafe and you hold your hand up to wave. He smiles when he spots you and holds up his hand to wave back as you walk over to his table. Is that a new shirt he’s wearing? It looks just like… you try to banish the image of your ex out of your mind as you sit down across from Noah.
“Hi!” You greet. “Traffic was hell.”
“Hey,” he says back, his voice deeper than usual. It was obvious he was putting on a voice, but you felt awkward mentioning it.
“How have you been? Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you say, an uneasy waver tainting your words. “Same old.”
“You still think about Adam?” Noah asks, a sympathetic smile on his face. He’s trying to sit up straight but he’s wringing his hands, resisting the urge to pick at the skin around his nails.
“It doesn’t matter,” you say, dismissively. “I should’ve… well, I could have been a better partner to him. You know?” Noah’s brow knits together and he leans closer, his smile faded.
“You did your best - if he couldn’t appreciate that, then that’s not your fault.” It was your turn to give a pathetic smile.
“Thanks, Adam,” you said without thinking. Your eyes widen and you quickly cover your mouth with your hand.
“Sorry - Noah. Oh my god.”
“No, hey, it’s -“
“I’m so sorry, Jesus, I shouldn’t have-“
“Hey, hey, it’s alright! You’ve got him on your mimd. It happens.” You shakily let out a sigh and nod.
“Yeah,” you agree. “Yeah. Erm, sorry. You’re right.” Your heart is pounding a million miles an hour, your mind racing as you prayed that the ground would just swallow you up and you’d be out of this nightmare. You could feel Noah’s eyes on you, inspecting you, and you tried not to think of any and every flaw that you had picked apart in the mirror after your ex left, trying to figure out why he never gave you the affection you were desperate for.
Noah, meanwhile, looked calm outside, but inside he was bursting with joy. He could hardly believe it - you had, for a split second, thought that he was your ex. After so much work, so many hours reviewing the footage he had of you and Adam together, recreating every outfit, changing his hair, his cologne, his voice, anything and everything he could think of, he’d done it - he was one step closer to being the man you loved. Only he knew he could be even better once he had you and treated your right. He checked his phone and out of your view, looked at his lockscreen; a picture of you and Adam together when you were still dating. Only this time, Noah could finally imagine that it was him in the photo next to you. Not the bastard ex that made you so insecure in the first place.
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Dividers Credit: See Pinned Post
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barrenclan · 8 months
the issue starting with deepdark just going to his murderous colleagues and saying “wanna act with me”… deepdark theater kid is not something i expected for patfw but makes sense.
CUPID RETURN!!! rainhaze and him having a little fun banter… aaaa. i don’t wanna get attached to cupid because what if cupid is also using him but-… silly raccoon guy. the fox also once being one of rainhaze sit buddies hurts :(((
HERE IS THE PAGE!!!! THE BEAST!!! its so fun how many defiancesonas/ocs u fit in here, it’s such a treat to be on patfwcord!!!
DEEPLINGS REAL!!! hyssop looks like such a little shit i love him.. AND DEEPDARK!!!!!!!! him calling them his friends and wishing him warm welcomes.. i’m sure i’m not the only one who didn’t expect him to present himself so.. friendly? but he’s a theater kid so it makes sense, yeah. it being referred to as a family tho… cult red flag?
BEAR WAS LONGEST CLAWS!!!! thank u patfw discord my ass could have never theorized that hard. i can’t really tell if deepdark just wanted to be dramatic and cool or if he just wanted to spar with his buddies and trashtalk longest claws.. perhaps both..
and especially with the story changing ever so slightly, at first deepdark calling himself his current name and then prowl acting proud of deepdark when in reality he wanted vengeance… history is really what the victor makes of it, isn’t it? and prowl and spike so easily going along.. deepdark really changed them too.
yes the rainhaze trauma- love the connections between deepdark’s story and the truth and what rainhaze’s imaginations are and the truth, him imagining dustfeather happily taking a nap instead of bleeding out and him being happy instead of terrified of himself.. and i know it’s meant to be sad for him but honestly.. get her ass rainhaze
i love this page and much like deepdark eats the flesh i shall eat this art and it tastes good. keep up the great work o777
Deepdark is a dramatic king through and through.
God, man, the big cameo panel on page 2 took me so long to finish. But I liked getting to draw all the animal species.
Deepdark is very performative, and with such a violent group, he has to make sure they all feel welcome, and more importantly loyal to him. His lieutenants help enforce that.
All the theorizing about Longest-Claws was so so fun for me. And they caught on so fast! Very nice. Actually, we will in fact learn why Deepdark chose to talk about Longest-Claws and the origins of Defiance in an upcoming issue!
Getting to that quote I thought up all those months ago was a real treat. Here's the original art that accompanied it, for anyone who didn't see it:
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darkeralmond · 4 months
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Bad Idea, Right?
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october series
synopsis: after the halloween party, hayden’s trying to write the first song on the album. thankfully weston has a story to share.
warnings: swearing
word count: 3.4k
a/n: hey guys! im sorry for missing an upload yesterday! i had a vry busy saturday, but here i am!! also, i got another fic idea so… whos pumped????
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It was time to get serious about songwriting.
It was the day after the Halloween party and I had a couple of lyrics written in my Notes app on my phone. I thought it would be a good idea to invite Trevor to go shopping with me to get a new songbook. It could possibly give me inspiration for a song other than ‘Autumn Leaves’ and that’s it. He picked me up from the apartment and drove us to the nearest craft store in the city.
“You’re not worried about being spotted by paparazzi?” I asked him as he parked the car.
“Nah,” he answered. “Are you?” I nodded my head and looked out to see the nearly empty parking lot. “Here, wear this.” He took his hat off and placed it on my head. I cracked a smile as I got out of the car.
We went inside and were greeted by an older lady working the register. I didn’t really know my place around the store and I was too anxious to ask. Trevor followed behind me which made it even worse since I had no clue where was what. I played it cool though and slowly walked past the aisles, searching for notebooks.
“Do you even know where to go?” he asked.
I scoffed, “Yeah! Obviously.” It was a blatant lie and he knew that.
He grabbed my hand, stopping me from wandering cluelessly. “Then you would know we just passed the notebook aisle.” My mouth opened, trying to find any excuse for that. He chuckled and said, “You’re so cute. Come on.”
My cheeks flushed red as I let out a little groan in response. He navigated me to the aisle, still holding onto my hand. There were a variety of notebooks for me to use. Lined, dotted, large, small. I didn’t even know where to start. “What about this one?” I laughed as I grabbed a notebook with a unicorn as the cover.
He nodded his head and chuckled, “It totally suits you.” It shouldn’t matter which one I got, it wasn’t going to be on display. I was only planning on showing my bandmates and Aubrey. “Are you actually gonna get it?”
I shrugged and answered, “Maybe. I’m very unpredictable.” After looking at all the other options, I settled on the unicorn one and we went to the register. I let go of Trevor’s hand and placed the notebook on the table for the person to scan.
“Did you find everything you need?” The girl’s voice trailed off as she looked up at me. Her face lit up as she let out a gasp, a smile forming on her face. “You’re Hayden Clarke and Trevor Zegras! Oh my God! Is it actually true you’re dating?! I’ve seen it all over my feed!”
Before I could give her an answer, Trevor stepped in and said, “Not yet, but we would be a cute couple.” My face was bright red as I nodded my head, too flustered to follow it up with a comment. The fan, whose name was Marie, told me the total. I reached for my pocket, but Trevor grabbed his wallet from his pocket first and pulled out his card.
“I thought I told you I would pay,” I told him as he inserted his card into the reader.
“You thought I was gonna let that happen?” he chuckled. “I’m treating you with my presence and my money.”
I rolled my eyes in response and grabbed the notebook. Marie gave us the receipt and asked, “Before you guys go, can I get a picture?”
“Yes, of course!” I answered. She squealed as she grabbed her phone from her apron pocket and took a selfie with Trevor and me in it. He had his arm wrapped around me with a smile that screamed *’I’m the luckiest man in the world’.*
“Thank you so much! I’m technically not supposed to have my phone out at work, but I would rather get a pic with you guys and lose my job!” Marie said as she stared at the picture on her phone. “Have a great day!”
When I got home, I sat at my desk and stared at the blank pages of my songbook. I had clearly forgotten how hard this was. I had a couple of songs in mind that I wanted our songs to have a similar vibe to, but even then, it was hard to come up with words. I even had my Notes app pulled up with the lyrics I had on there. I thought writing those exact same lyrics on paper would give me an idea, but I was wrong.
Why can’t an idea just come to me?
My bedroom door flew open and in came Weston, his face redder than a tomato with steam coming out of his ears. “I need to get this off my chest to someone!” Wes’s booming voice announced as he flopped onto my bed.
I swiveled around in my chair, notebook still in hand, and asked, “What’s wrong?” He wouldn’t say anything, he just growled and screamed random bullshit. “Wes. Take some deep breaths,” I said with my voice low and calm, similar to one of a therapist’s. I took a couple of deep breaths to demonstrate and he soon followed suit.
Whenever Wes’s face became his normal shade, that’s when he began talking. “When I left at the party, I— uh,” he sputtered out. He struggled to maintain eye contact with me as he fidgeted with his hands. “I lied to you, Hayden. I lied and I went to Alejandro’s, not Val’s!”
My eyes widened as my eyebrows raised. “What?” I heard my voice slightly raised which caused Wes to flinch. “I’m sorry. Just… why?” Alejandro and Wes broke up months ago, why was he there? He lied about going to Valarie’s too? How often did he lie about that because it seemed too natural for comfort?
Tears prickled Wes’s eyes as he continued explaining, “After the breakup, we continued hooking up and it’s been going on for months, and I’m a terrible friend for lying, but I just can’t stop seeing him!” He couldn’t continue talking, he began crying too hard. His hand went over his mouth as he choked out, “I’m sorry!”
My expression softened as I got up from the chair and hugged him. “Oh, Wes,” I mumbled. He was shaking and grasping onto me desperately. I hated seeing Wes so vulnerable, especially to a douche like Alejandro. Maybe when I’m done writing this song I can find some time to kill Alejandro and then write a song about that too.
Wes finished writing and handed the journal back to me. During his emotional breakdown, Mal and Alex came home and heard loud hysterical crying. When they found out it was Wes and why he was crying, they shared the same concern as me. I wasn’t enough to calm him down, but Alex and Mal had a way with words. The best advice I could give him was to write his feelings down on a piece of paper, my songbook, so he could get everything off his chest. When he did that and handed it back to me, I asked him if I could use it for a song. He was hesitant at first but eventually agreed.
Later that night, I approached his door and knocked on it. I thought he wouldn’t hear my knocks since he blared loud music from his speaker. He opened the door a couple of seconds after I knocked and he seemed fine. “You wanna help me come up with lyrics?” I asked, holding up the unicorn songbook.
“I was gonna just leave it up to you but sure,” he said as he went back into his room and turned his music off. He came back with his phone and followed me to my room. I grabbed my keyboard and sat on my carpet since it was the only room I had for it was on the floor. Weston sat on the edge of my bed closest to me and crossed his leg over the other.
I pulled out my phone and pulled up the voice memo app and began recording us. “Alright, it is currently Sunday, October 22nd,” I said as I turned on my keyboard. “I’m here with Weston to come up with lyrics for his song.”
His eyebrows knitted together as he asked, “My song?” I nodded my head and smiled. “Hayden, I’m flattered.”
I giggled as I flipped to the page where Weston scribbled his feelings down. I noticed he wrote *’bad idea’* all over the paper. I hummed as I looked up at him. *I can work with this*. “What kind of vibe are you going for?” I asked him as I tapped my finger against the paper. “Fast? Slow? Upbeat?”
He clicked his tongue as he thought about it for a moment. He tapped his hand against his thigh loudly as he said, “I’m thinking this tempo.” I nodded my head as I set up the metronome on my keyboard, mirroring his pace. I now had the metronome set for 130 being the tempo. “You wanna get the lyrics first or the instrumental?”
“Whatever you think works, it’s your song,” I answered.
Weston decided to start with lyrics since he assumed it would be better if we came up with the instrumental with Mal and Alex. I read what Weston wrote on the paper to him and asked, “You got anything in mind?”
Wes hummed in thought. I looked back at my phone and saw that the voice memo was almost 10 minutes long. “The only thing I can think of is making ‘bad idea’ the title or something,” he said. “I wrote down that I was drunk most of the times I went over there. What if we say something about *’I’m ou*t *right now and I’m drunk’*?”
I hummed and wrote it down in the notebook staring at it. Something about that line was incomplete to me. “How about we make it angrier?” I proposed. Wes was confused by what I meant, so I hummed the lyric. *“But I’m out right now, and I’m all fucked up,”* I sang.
Wes gasped as he enthusiastically clapped his hands. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I wrote that down on the paper and we continued going, doing the same process until we had a song.
The process was long, the recording lasting an hour and a half. We had our lyrics, we had our tempo, and all we needed was an instrumental.
“Okay, it is Monday, October 23rd,” I stated. It was Wes, Mal, Alex, and I all in the living room with my keyboard and Alex’s acoustic guitar. “This is *’Bad Idea, Right?’*s instrumental, I guess?” I giggled a bit. All of last night while I was supposed to be sleeping, I was on my MacBook making demos on GarageBand. “So this is the first option I have.” I clicked play on my MacBook and let it play for them.
Mal and Alex liked it, but Wes wasn’t satisfied and I could tell by the look on his face. “I think it needs to be more aggressive,” he critiqued.
“I knew you would say that, so I made another demo. This is instrumental 2,” I said as I clicked play again. It had a louder bass part, a better drum solo, and an absolutely shredding guitar solo for Alex.
Alex’s smile grew as he listened to it, his nose scrunching. “This shit is hard! I think that one’s a winner!” he exclaimed.
“It’s only because you have a solo,” Mal teased before she turned over to me. “But it is a winner for sure.” She winked.
I looked up at Weston to hear what his opinions were on the instrumental. He was nodding his head with a smug smile on his face. “I want this song to get the number 1 spot on Billboard and play on every radio station just so I can say that this song is about Alejandro and have him feel humiliated like he made me feel,” he taunted. “This song will be amazing.”
“Track 2 was a hit,” I told the recording. “I’ll break up the song by your parts and send them for you to listen to and work on.” I stopped the recording and smiled. This was the fun part of songwriting, coming up with the instrumental with my friends. It was such a bonding experience for us, especially when I wasn’t writing only about myself.
I received a call from Trevor as soon as I stepped out of the shower. I quickly answered it and put him on speaker, “Hey! Caught me at the perfect time.”
He chuckled, “I’m glad. How was your day, Hayden?” I heard the car door slam from the end of the phone and his car staring up.
“I was finally able to write a song,” I said as I wrapped my hair in a towel and placed it on my head. I threw on my maroon robe and went back to my bedroom to grab some comfy clothes to change into. “Wes, Mal, and Alex like it, so now we gotta present it to Aubrey.”
“Would I be able to hear it?” Trevor asked with an obvious grin on his face.
I laughed, “On the radio, you can. I keep demos to myself and my bandmates.” I grabbed a pair of *’Mario Kart’* boxers and an oversized thrifted t-shirt. “You don’t get special treatment, Trev.”
“Damn, I thought we had something, Hayden. I’m really hurt,” he joked. “Even after I bought you that unicorn songbook.”
I rolled my eyes as I slipped into my clothes. “Whatever,” I scoffed. “How was your day, Trevor?”
He let out a long exhale before answering, “Long.” I could hear the exhaustion in his voice. “We lost our game yesterday, so we had an excruciating practice.”
I had forgotten to watch that game, I was so focused on working on our parts. “Oh, shit. I should’ve watched it. Sorry, Trev.”
“No, you and I both lucked out,” he said with a laugh. “You would’ve gotten the ick or something because of how bad I played. Not to mention the interview questions Victoria had me answering about you and me. It wasn’t even about hockey, now I know how Travis Kelce feels.”
“Being compared to Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift is insane,” I joked. I had seen so much feed about Travis and Taylor and the amount of coverage both stars are getting. The amount of screen time she would get during Cheifs games was unreal, and I only know that because Mal started watching football for Travis. “What kind of questions were they?”
“Well, a lot of dating stuff like *’Oh, how long have you two been seeing each other?’, ‘Will she be at any other games anytime soon?’* and *’Have the teammates approved?’* which the last one is yes, all my teammates love you, Hayden.”
My cheeks blared a bright red color as I flopped onto my bed. I giggled, “How much do you talk about me, Trevor?”
“A lot,” he said. “I know I seem chill about it and everything, but I am self-aware of how good of a girl I’ve managed to score.” I covered my mouth with my hand, my eyes wide and my cheeks red. James never talked about me like this, let alone any man who I’ve had an interest in. “Hayden, you’re a real dime and I’m so lucky to even be in your eyeline.” I didn’t even know how to respond to it other than squealing, of course forgetting to mute myself. “You good, Hayden?” he asked with a concerned chuckle.
“Yes, yes! Sorry!” I apologized, now blushing with embarrassment. “It’s just I’ve never had anyone talk about me like this.”
“Well, let me be the first then,” Trevor rasped. That made me die dead. My mouth hung wide open in response to that. The way his voice sounded with that little rasp. “Sorry, I was screaming a lot during practice today.”
*Keep it like that.* “No, you’re fine! I sound like that after shows too,” I said. I did my best to keep my voice steady and not sound like a stuttering mess who couldn’t get any words out.
Trevor finally made it home, but instead of hanging up, he just continued talking to me all night long. We jumped from topic to topic, going from hilarious to deep and emotional.
“My dad cheated on my mom when I was in sophomore year with one of his receptionists,” I said as I typed out some random words that I thought would be good for a song. “What about the line *’Heartbreak is the national anthem, we sing it proudly’*?”
I could hear the water from his shower running. “I like that, it’s catchy, but your dad cheated on your mom? I assume they’re not together anymore.”
“You would be right, Sherlock,” I joked. “I assume you’re about to show.”
“You would be right, Sherlock,” he mocked. I rolled my eyes and laughed. “I know you and your mom are close since I met her at the party a couple of years ago. Jacob is my dad’s old roommate from college. I find that really funny.”
“No, shit really?” I gasped. “That’s so odd. Maybe you were stalking me, to begin with.”
“Never would I ever do that to you, Hayden!” His voice became echoed as he stepped into his shower. Jamie nor Leo were home yet according to him, they were out with a couple of other teammates, but Trevor insisted on going home and winding down before the game tomorrow. Who knew I was a part of his winding-down routine?
“But yeah, I haven’t really talked to him since I turned 18.” I shifted in my bed and turned over to my nightstand to grab my remote. I turned on Spotify on my TV and turned on some relaxing jazz music. “I’m definitely a mama’s girl,” I said.
“Yeah, makes sense.” It was silent for a moment, so I turned up my music a bit. *’It’s Only A Paper Moon’* by Ella Fitzgerald. “What’re you listening to?”
I looked up from the phone and back at the song and answered, “Oh, I’m listening to jazz music. Ella Fitzgerald is my mom’s favorite jazz singer.”
“Oh yeah, my mom likes her too. She puts her on every Christmas.” The shower finally turned off and I heard as Trevor stepped out of the shower. My mind ventured off into uncharted areas I never thought would’ve been in my mind. “I have a game tomorrow sadly, but maybe I’ll pop up on Wednesday or Thursday to see you.”
“I would be flattered,” I replied with a smile on my face. I just really wanted him to take me out for a nice dinner sometime, at least to brunch or something. I liked constantly hanging out with him and stuff, but I wanted to take it to the next level. I was just too scared to ask. It wasn’t long for Trevor to fall asleep on the phone with me, his faint snoring causing me to giggle.
I heard from the other end of the phone his bedroom door open. “Oh, boo. He’s asleep,” a male’s voice complained. “But his phone’s still on.” Footsteps approached the side of Trevor’s bed. “Oh! It’s Hayden!” Though he attempted to whisper, he was still the loudest whisperer I heard.
“Hey,” I said with a giggle. I knew what Jamie sounded like and this wasn’t him. The only other person I could think of being in the room this late. “Are you Leo?”
“Yeah, hi! Sorry for interrupting, I was gonna prank him,” he confessed. “Have a good night, Hayden!”
“You too, Leo,” I replied with a small smile. I heard his footsteps recede from the bedroom and the door shut leaving me with my music and Trevor’s snores. I finally just placed my phone on the nightstand and closed my own eyes, falling asleep as well.
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