#but yes i'm here for chOAS ||
moonlight-sonata99 · 1 year
Walk The Line
Carmen Berzatto x reader
A/n: is really a chapter to establish readers relationships:] it was fun. I wanted to try to capture the chaos of The Bear. Keyword being tried.
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No.1 No.2
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6 am
"Holy shit guys I'm sorry I'm so late, carm.." you say running to the kitchen and stuffing your things into the as you kept your eyes on him
"It's fine chef let's just get to work" he says pacing around putting things into the oven and the others are cutting up things as you put on your uniform
"Chef" a voice comes up next to you as you put on your apron "yea Sydney what's up?" You say fixing your hair and walking to your station "I need to work with Tina with cutting up the onion and preparing a stock afterwards"
"Uh..I'm pretty sure I'm not good with-"
"Here's a recipe" she says quickly ganging you a paper
"I-okay there we have it" you say looking at the paper.
"Okay, then I'll get to the onions and get to the stock, uhm after?" You ask stuffing the paper into your pocket, and she looks through his notes
"Just wait, get those done and I'll tell you. Thank you chef." She says quickly before running away as you get to cutting
"Sure chef." You say watching starting to cut the onions
"Fuck,I forgot these make me cry like bitch"
"Behind, behind" carmy says running behind you and Tina as you two turn back to look at him
"Jeff, you good?" Tina ask looking at him as he rushes to his office
"Yea!yea. I'm good just got something to do." He says rushing out
"He's been doing that alot" you say turning gaze back to the onions
"Yup, Jeff's busy." She says fixated on her own task.
"He's off doing uh..catering?" Sydney says butting in the combo
"No shit..for what? No wait I heard it was for a kids party. God help them kids are the fucking worst. Sometimes." You say shaking your head with a smile as Tina chuckles
"Wait, did he take Ritchie with him?" You ask, looking at Sydney as Marcus nodded behind her.
You sigh "if anything says kid-friendly it's definitely ritchie." You sigh out
"Fucking ritchie.." you say again as you imagine Ritchie cussing up a storm in a party.
As Tina begins to laugh besides you, you let out a soft laugh that begins to gradually build up.
3 pm
"It's really not funny. yo-if carmy finds this he's gonna freak the fuck out." You say pacing around the broken arcade machine that keeps replaying the theme song .
"Can somebody please call fak?" You ask, pulling out your phone and calling
"Whyd you ask if you were gonna do it?" Ritchie asked coming near you eating sandwich
"I don't- just because" you say looking away shaking your head
"Don't turn it off." You say pointing a finger at Ritchie
"Tina said not to, I forgot why." You say waiting with the phone at your ear.at the corner of your eye you can see him beginning to inch closer to the plug
"Ritchie-ritchie don't you fucking dare." You say looking him in eye as he stops
"Alright- damn just wanna help that's all"
"Yes I know! It's just if you fuck it up carmy will be on your ass. And mine too if he feels like it"
"Hello?" A voice at the end of the line
"Fak!Thank god you busy? We need help with the"
"What?No- this is carm," the voice says at the end of the, obviously confused. Your eyes widen as you look at the caller ID
'Shit' you mouth
"Oh-uhm, wrong person bye"
"Wait wh-"
You hand up as you look at Ritchie "we need to get this fixed before carmy comes back, call fak please!" You huff out, beginning to walk away sighing as Ritchie takes out his phone and begins to call fak. " also don't tell carm, have done it before he comes back" you say again before running back into the Kitchen.
"yea, yea…" ritchie says waiting for fack to pick up the phone.
9 pm
Only silence fills the air and the sound of cars coming by could be heard every now and then.
"fucking Choas of a day huh? " . / You ask in a soft tone as she looks at you and nods
"yeah" She responds, turning her gaze to the sky.
. " But … aren't you, Used to this type of Stuff?" you ask as you hold your Phone on your other hand -
I and you look at her awaiting an answer.
"Uh yeah.I am." She sighs. Her hand lands on her thigh as She seems to be in her thoughts. "sometimes it's just to..."
"Much?" you add finishing her sentence, as she nods.
" I'm not even a pro, but I feel you." You mumble softly, leaning back, closing your eyes to enjoy the peace and quiet even if it's just a few minutes.
" Damn you're getting really good at that." You gasped out wide-eyed, walking over to Marcus's table to look at him mixing some batter.
"Thanks," he says, looking up from some paper
"Is it because i don't help you anymore Or… " you say with a smile as he smiles as well
"No, no, no" he begins to say, laughing
"Just messing with you" you say "but seriously these two cakes you made before were delicious."
" Thanks, good to know, I'm slowly getting this recipe perfect then," he says, writing off in his notebook. You only stare. Before deciding to leave him be for a while.
1 am
"Fuck me my feet hurt." you breathe out as every wrapped up in the evening, a s your hands move the mop back anal fourth. .
"is that…" Marcus started as he mixed the dry ingredients " yea it's his job but he quote I had an "emergency" you explain sighing as you mop " Why are you here so damn late? "you asked, keeping your gaze on the floor, and Marcus only signed "perfecting these recipes chef" he said, scratching his beanie as you walked next to him to see the batch of pastries he had laid out.
"Wait, are those doughnuts?? Can i -" you gasped out, looking at the goodies in front of you
"Yes, but when there done. " he said, chuckling as you drooled over the doughnuts
"fuck yea" you cheered under breath as you continued mopping.
A few hours later you were able to finally try those doughnuts,
"Dude - these are fucking- " mouth full, you were unable to finish the se fence, seeing that the man was deep asleep. You covered your mouth, picking up a sticky note and leaving it on his beanie saying, " 5 Star"
With a little star next to the five. Putting away the remaining dishes or things that were misplaced by him.
"You're still here?" a voice from behind as you flinched
"Oh shit, carmy " you say, turning around to carry, setting down a bucket and a brush in hand. "forgot you don't go home " you chuckled Setting down the mop
" yea no- finishing up here for now," he says in a hushed tone, looking at Marcus, Your gaze follows his " he's dedicated to his craft, getting really good at it too." You whisper as you turn away, gesturing for him to let you help him. and he gave you the bucket beginning to scrub the floors.
"That's good, really good. He replies before doing the same.
"So, how have you been?" You say after a while of scrubbing as he turns to look at you.
" i 've uh been good, been running this restaurant for a bit, and Uhm, it's been chaotic as hell. '' Carmy replies with a small smile as you nod with a small laugh.
"That's good, i suppose," you reply with a smile, " and...?" you ask, shaking your head and looking at him with a questioning gaze.
"And that's it," he replies, shaking heal keeping his gaze on the floor.
" So like… nothing personal? no girlfriend?" " you ask trailing off and keep scrubbing as he stops for a minute to look at you.
"Okay, Okay i get it" You add lifting up your hand. "But tell me something im so fucking bored, and it so quiet in here." you say softly sitting on your knees as you let out a huff gazing into the empty kitchen.
"How did you Uh, Start working here?" Carmy asked, looking at the floor glancing at you every now and then to see your answer.
you grabbed the brush and began to scrub again,
" Think you know the answer to that, " you answered before stopping for a brief moment.
"But if we're being specific, I had uhm moved out of my parents' place after a large fight. long story. but yeah, I moved here to start anew. away from the bullshit my dad did, "you explained and noticed Carmy's eyes on you.
"he was well - is an alcoholic,I don't know, haven't spoken to them. " You say bluntly."Don't worry about it. I'm way past it. " You add you as he slowly returns to scrubbing quietly.
"im sorry, i don't, know why i just unloaded all of that onto you like a fucking idiot " you blurt out feeling a warm feeling in your chest. as you internally recoil
" It's all good" He softly says laying down.
"Yea....'" you mumble and it went quiet once again, the only sound filling the air was your scrubbing the floors.
"This is weird, but you're the first person I've told that to. " You say out of the blue, " i didn't have friends, so " you say, shrugging.
"Same. " he replies, "was a loner for most of school " he says sitting up.
"Yea, mikey told me'' you admitted "but then he would list all your achievements." Upon hearing this his gaze didn't leave Your face
 "It just… he never mentioned you." Carmy admitted and you stopped brushing for a moment. 
"Really? " . you breathed out , leaning on the floor with your palm and your.. gave turning to him in thought  "Huh"
The two of you Stared at each other before you turned away.
"That's fucking weird" you murmured as he mumbles a 'yea' before sitting down on the floor and sitting silently. 
Minutes went by as you two didn't speak. 
"I guess he had his reasons," you said softly. and nodded his gaze on the floor.
Carmy only let out a sigh
Biting your lip, you look at carmy, "he was good, y'know?" You whisper to him, carmys hand stopped moving as he turned his gaze to you. "I don't know anything about your relationship, so I don't wanna assume anything..." eyes looking at the suds that gathered between the cracks of the tiles,
"He was proud of you, that I do know." You add meeting his gaze and looking away to begin scrubbing again.
"Yea...I uh..thanks. thank you." He softly says, holding his brush still. As his eyes stayed on your form, having a dazed looked on his face
Turning to him, you nodded and smiled.
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Afternotes: don't worry if you feel like this is moving slow, I'm already planning to get things moving a bit quicker soon:>
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
Can we get a reader thats crushing on Choas and reluctantantly asks the boys and Nightmare to be their wingman? Please and thank you, everything you do is amazing too.
OMG?! All I've just gotta say..is...YES. (Hope this wasn't too rushed..I was so excited to write this, that I might've rushed it T^T)
You stayed breathless, watching Chaos across the room, cooking up a dinner. His hands were occupied with the apple that he cut oh so perfectly, and his eyes were focused only on the fruit in front of him, as his arms flexed with every movement... How the hell does he manage to look so ethereal, even while cooking?! You couldn't help but ask yourself, in quite a frustration.
Ok, Y/n! Today is day A! You can't help but grin, as you approached him, sneakily making your way over to the counter. You were planning to surprise him, by spooking him a little! Nothing big, just to get a reaction out of him.
As you stood behind him, getting into a good position, he suddenly turned around. You jumped a little from surprise, now facing his...enormous chest.
He beamed down at you, showing you his glorious smile. "Y/NNN! How's my favorite buttercup doing?" He ruffled your hair, his smile widening with mischief, when he saw your cheeks redden. You huffed a little, now fixing your mess of a hair. "I'm fine, Chaos. How about you?" He hummed, motioning to the counter with a smile. "I'm cooking! What do you think?! I'm trying to find my own hobbies, so I thought I'd try cooking first!" You smiled at him with proudness, he's finally realizing that he's his own person, and trying to find himself! Good for him! "That's great Chaos! And? Well, how's cooking going for you?" He was about to respond to you, until Blade suddenly rushed up to you two. "CHAOS! CHAOS!!" Chaos tilted his head, staring down at Blade with a questionable look. "Yes-" "YOU GOTTA HELP ME MAN!! COME ON!" Blade then grabbed Chaos' hand, and led him out of the kitchen.
You and Chaos shared one last glance, before he smiled at you and left...
Great, your only chance to confess to him flew out the window... What a timing Killer! Ugh...you grabbed yourself water, drinking it with exhaustion...
"What a missed opportunity to confess, huh?" "AH!? THE HELL?!" Your eyes widened, staring at Nightmare, who uttered those words. He was standing by the counter, reading a newspaper. You frowned. great...not this again.. "If you're gonna belittle me for having feelings for-" "Too tired for that today." He cut you off, turning another page of the newspaper. You continued to stare at him in surprise.. Nightmare NOT taking advantage of the situation? That's a first.
"Maybe...you should get help from someone to confess." He snickered, poking fun at you. Ah, there it is.. you were about to tell him off, but then his words hit you.. get help.. THAT'S RIGHT! You smiled at him with mischief, which took him off guard. Why are you smiling like that? "Niiiiiight?" "No." You looked at him deadpanned. You didn't even finish, and he was already dismissing the idea! "BE MY WINGMAN!" Nightmare pinched the bridge between his eyes, grumbling in frustration. "No. Why would I help you? I'm the king of negativity-" "I have coffee." "I'm in."
And that's basically what got you here.. in this park, sitting on a bench, next to Chaos. You couldn't help but stare at Chaos with adoration, as he happily fed the ducks. Your eyes drifted to the bush in front of you. It was Blade, showing you some signals...what WAS that? You squinted a little, to see it better, but to no veil...... you couldn't see shit!
You yelped when you were suddenly pushed onto Chaos' chest, by something goopy... You felt heat rising to your cheeks, and your breath hitching in your throat. How would Chaos react? Would he push you off? RUN AWAY?? TELL YOU HE NEVER WANTS TO SEE YOU AGAIN?! Ok, maybe you're overreacting, but it was just so nerving!! You looked up with curiousness, after awhile of him not doing anything. You were met with a smirking Chaos, his cheeks gaining a light turquoise color, giving you a...dare you say, flirty look. It made your cheeks flushed, as you covered your face.
You felt a hand pat your back in reassurance. "Are you ok?" You took deep breaths, and faced him again. "I'm fine...sorry..for that I mean." You felt yourself getting embarrassed just thinking about it.
You softly gasped when Chaos' hand gently lifted up your chin, as he gave you a sweet smile... "You're so pretty...you know that?" You shamelessly stared forward at his chest, as you hyperventilated.
You have to admit, this was a very nice moment, you truly felt like the happiest human in the world with Chaos on your side..
Nothing can ruin this moment, and you just know it.
"KISS ALREADY!!!" Speak of the devil...Killer.
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animealways · 2 years
Choatic sleepover
wednesday x reader/ mention of enid, bianca, yoko, xavier and ajax (pure dumbassory cause i was bored)
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enid had somehow convinced wednesday to let their friends to stay the night in their dorm. So now you, enid, bianca, yoko, xavier, your best friend ajax along with your secret girlfriend wednesday were sitting on the floor playing truth or dare.
And of course bianca wanted to ask first. She spinned the bottle while everyone was staring wednesday and you didn’t really pay much attention. You were laying on the wooden floor between enid and wednesday using your big stuffed wolf plush as a pillow. Wednesday had won it for you at a festival. She loves how often you used it though but she rather cut her tongue off then admit that
The bottle landed on ajax. "Well, what will it be?" Bianca asked with a smirk. Ajax looked at you slightly nervous and you just shrugged after all its truth or dare. Its just too bad he ended up with bianca asking first.
"Uhhh truth..." he said with clear hesitation in his voice.
"Besides enid have you kissed anyone here?"
Bianca smirked waiting for the answer along with yoko, enid was now glaring at her boyfriend, xavier sat there waiting for the choas that was without a doubt going to explode. Wednesday didn't give single shit
"That’s 2 question, not one."
The poor boy kept opening and closing his mouth as if to say something but got lost in his throat.
You sat on your elbows looking as confused as bianca but not nearly as angry as enid. "Why are you confused?" Ajax asked but before you could respond though enid asked the big question on everyone mind. "When did you 2 kiss?"
"That’s what i'm trying to figure out."
"You don't remember when we sneaked out to go to the festival?"
You stared at the floor when the memory came to you. "Ohhh that..." Bianca shook her head at your reaction. Yoko was having time of her life laugh along with a snickering xavier while both enid and wednesday felt lke someone just slapped them across the face.
"bitch that doesn't count!" You snapped dramaticly.
"What do you mean its doesn't count?! We kissed on the lips!"
"Dude you stoned me like 3 seconds afterwards!"
"So it ment nothing to you..." he sounded offened and looked like a hurt puppy. Definitely enid boyfriend alright
"Bro you we're high and thought i was enid!"
You sat up straight with making dramatic hand gestures. Enid let out a soft 'oh' upon realizing how stupid the situation actually was but wednesday felt a certain urge to stab someone rise in her. While bianca, xavier and yoko were full on laughing if not on the verge on wheezing. Yoko already lowkey is
"I'm not even surprised, honestly." xavier said still laughing abit. "Hey, whats that’s suppose to mean?" Ajax jokingly ask. "You are a different type of ridiculous." Bianca said having calmed down from her laughter.
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Hey, probably best if Christine doesn't read this one, no need to freak her out ANYWAY would it be worse for you, personally, to be forced to stand on broken glass for about... eh 15 to 20 minutes, or to have three fingers on your left hand broken? And does your answer change knowing whatever you don't pick would be done to... well, let's say a dear friend of yours? purely hypothetical of course! :) but please do answer honestly
*reads the first part of the ask and frowns slightly, glancing over shoulder to make sure Christine isn't here*
*reads next part of the ask and goes pale*
*reads part after that and goes even paler*
... You are Mademoiselle Fab, aren't you...? The one @choasuqeen wished to take me away from...?
*laughs nervously* Ah... Ah, yes, j-just hypothetical... of course...
I... well... I-I suppose that... that I would find having my fingers broken worse...? Because if I were to stand on broken glass... perhaps standing still could lessen the damage...? I would assume you mean standing on broken glass with bare feet... but why anyone would do any of those things is beyond me...
And, well... I suppose my answer wouldn't change... because if my dear friend would have to suffer through what I don't pick, I suppose I'd want to give them the chance to be damaged less if possible. But... oh... *visibly shudders*
I think I'm beginning to understand why Choas wished to take me away from you...
I'm... oh, but why... are you asking me this...? Mademoiselle...? Mademoiselle??
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random incorrect quotes with unib?
I like you Anon
Wagner: Road work ahead?
Wagner: Hmph, I certainly hope so.
You: HILDA! This is the worst thing you have ever done!
Hilda: You know, you have said that so much its lost meaning.
Orie: Why me?
You: Because people like you. You're quiet. You say, ‘excuse me’. You look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning.
You walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Kaguya, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Kaguya, sipping coffee happily: Aw, I love you too!
Strix: You look like you fought 10 people and ran a mile to get here.
You: Twelve people. Four miles. As it turns out, Byakuya is rather protective of his sister.
Nanase, about you: I don't have a crush on them. They’re just someone I stare at and I like and when they’re not here, it ruins my day.
Phonon: Jail's no fun, I'll tell you that.
You: You've been?
Phonon: Once, in Monopoly.
Yuzuhira: Is everything all right? You seem distracted. Usually, I get at least a glimmer of a smile from my remarks, the occasional eye roll. I think I got a snort once.
Hilda, about you: It's weird, it's like … I … I like them. Much.
Gordeau: …
Gordeau: You like them much?
Hilda: Is this your plan B?
Chaos: Technically, this is plan P.
You: Plan P? Is there a plan M?
Choas: Yes, but you marry Hilda in plan M.
Hilda: I like plan M.
Strix: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on here?!
You: It's kinda complicated, but Byakuya-
Strix: Got it. Forget I asked
Mika: Are you two, like, dating now?
Reader: Yeah!
Orie: Yes, we are.
Mika: Why?
Orie: I happen to find them very appealing.
Mika: Oh, I understand that. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong in their head.
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darkjanet2 · 1 year
Sonic Adventure 2: Sonadow
Chapter 14: The Truth About Maria Robotnik
Inside the Space Colony ARK Sonic, Tails, and Amy roaming around the ship’s halls, they couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that something was off about their journey. It wasn’t as if they were forgetting something or someone important.
"This place is old and abandoned," said Amy.
"This place was shut down about 50 years ago because of a terrible accident," Tails said. "The first Bernoulli spherical space colony called ARK. When it was operational, it was filled with technology that could take us anywhere in the universe. I read a report that it was a perfect sphere."
"It sure seemed like it!" said Amy.
There's no time to waste before Eggman fires that weapon again," Sonic said. "We need to hurry! Let's destroy that cannon!"
"Right!" said Tails as he typed the keyboard on his computer. He typed several codes into an access terminal until the large computer screen showed one image of a massive gun mounted atop the ARK's main hull.
"Someone designed that weapon in a way that it is impervious to attacks from the outside. Its defense shields are super strong and will only be weakened once fired upon. The only way to defeat the shield is to hit it directly," said Tails as he opened the briefcase there was a topaz gem inside.
"Isn't that a Choas Emerald?" asked Amy.
"Yes, actually, it's a fake one that I created after researching the real Emerald. It has the same properties as the real emerald, but it has been enhanced with my ability to manipulate the energy from my Chaos Emeralds. So we're going to have to be very careful about this mission since Eggman will likely suspect something is amiss at the base. After all, that's where I first made this device," said Tails.
Tails gave the fake Emerald to Sonic, "Here. You go find the control room, and I'll find the power supply and destroy it, okay?"
Sonic nodded, "So the plan is, we'll switch the Choas Emeralds when the machine has stopped, yeah?"
Tails nodded as they both led the way leaving Amy behind.
"There they go again. They always have fun and leave me here all alone! I really never understand boys," she sighed as she headed toward the main hall.
After surviving the spaceship crash, Knuckles glided through the ARK, then landed on the building and the crash sequence was completed. He sighed in relief.
"That was a close call. I guess I got separated from the others for a little while…"He then heard the sound of footsteps approaching him. He quickly turned around and faced the enemy. The figure that approached him was a white bat that wore a pink chest plate shaped like a heart, black leather pants, white gloves with pink tips, and white boots with pink hearts on the toes. She wore blue shadows with long lashes and pink lipstick.
"Well, look who finally joined the party," said Rouge, "I was starting to wonder when you'd show up."
"You again," said Knuckles annoyed.
Rouge smiled, "Come on now, don't be such a sourpuss. After all, isn't it your fault we ended up in trouble?" she asked, holding up the shards of Master Emerald. "With these, I have collected the shards of Emeralds." Knuckles didn't say anything, so Rouge continued. "So what do you say? Want some?"
"Fine, if it's what you want," Knuckles replied. "But I won't give you what I'm holding unless you give the shards to me, bat girl."
Rouge smirked, "Oh, you wish!"
She charged at the echidna. He swiftly sidestepped her attack and used a kick to knock her onto her back. He held out his hand as he bent down towards her, but she quickly grabbed it and flipped herself over. She ran straight at the echidna. Knuckles stood up and kicked her across the floor. Then he caught her as she rolled to a stop next to him. As she got up, she tried to punch him in the face, but Knuckles blocked. He lifted her up by the neck and tossed her aside. He jumped high into the air and tried to punch her down, but she dodged by sticking her foot to the floor. She attempted to throw a punch, but Knuckles blocked that too. They continued to dodge each other's attempts to attack each other. At last, Rouge managed to catch Knuckles in an overhead uppercut. Knuckles crashed right into the wall. He growled.
Amy walked through the corridor, scanning every nook and cranny. She sighed, "I still can't believe this Sonic left me here. Why would he just abandon me?!" Amy muttered angrily as she continued forward.
Suddenly, she noticed the secret laboratory door in front of her. She opened the door and entered the lab, it was a high-tech lab. A workbench covered almost the entire length of the left side wall. An assortment of scientific tools and machinery littered the workspace. Amy looked around the room and found an array of monitors on various parts of the walls. There were screens showing the interior structure of the ARK.
"Wow, that's really neat!" Amy said. She approached the computer desk and stared at the large monitor screen as it displayed the exterior structure of the ship. She tapped the keyboard and the screen changed colors as a 3D hologram appeared. The image showed the ARK exterior and its inner structure. A series of lines connected the two ships. Each line terminated at the same point. One end of a line was connected with the mainframe, which was attached to the control panel. There was a password box on the screen.
"I gotta know what the password is, or else this'll never work!" said Amy aloud. She began searching around the desk until she found a piece of paper in the notebook. The password was Maria.
Amy raised her eyebrow, "Maria? That's a pretty common name, but who named the kid, anyway? Oh well. I have better things to think about anyway." She began typing the password into the computer system. The screen had unlocked and there was a wallpaper of Prof. Gerald Robotnik, Shadow, and a human girl named Maria.
"Who is this girl? Is her name Maria in the password?" wondered Amy as she examined the picture closer.
"She looks pretty. I wonder what happened to Maria 50 years ago?" thought Amy as she went to search through the information on Maria. Her eyes found the DVD under the paper on the desk. She then proceeded to the DVD into the optical disc drive. The video appeared on the screen and she began to watch.
Gerald was on the video footage as it played. The man was standing in front of an empty table that looked like it hadn't been used in a while.
"I'm Professor Gerald Robotnik, the greatest scientist ever to grace the earth," said the professor. He turned around and looked directly at the camera. "And this project that will change the world, is ready to begin. Now all that is left to do is gather the necessary data to complete our project, and we shall finally reach the ultimate form of reality!"
"I have created the Space Colony ARK. This vessel will contain the most advanced spacecraft technology available in the known cosmos. From the moment it leaves Earth's atmosphere, the crew will become the masters of the universe. The ARK is capable of traveling faster than light. In fact, the speed of light may even exceed light speed. We are capable of crossing the void without fear."
Just then the lab door slid open, and Amy gasped and turned to who it was. It was Tails who entered the lab, she sighed in relief.
"You scared the heck out of me, Tails," said Amy.
"Sorry. What did you find?" asked Tails.
"I found a video diary of Prof. Gerald Robotnik talking about how he created the ARK 50 years ago. And there was a story about a girl named Maria," said Amy.
"Maria?" asked Tails.
"Yeah, and you might want to watch it," she resumed the video.
Professor Gerald was speaking in front of the camera, "That day, my granddaughter Maria was diagnosed with NIDS. It is commonly known as Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome. She has been battling the disease for months. But it seems that she has finally conquered the illness and is on her way to recovery. However, there is no doubt that the reason why I've developed the serum that can reverse these conditions is due to the research done by myself. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disease. I only hope that one day, I can create Project Shadow as her treatment for her condition. Until then, she will need constant supervision over her health, and hopefully, soon she will be able to recover."
"So he created Shadow as her treatment? That doesn't make sense," said Amy.
"How does the NIDS help?" asked Tails.
"I don't know," she shrugged.
In the next part of the video, Prof. Gerald Robotnik was taken to Prison Island and was chained up in a chair, and there was a scribbling calculation on the wall. Amy and Tails gasped in horror.
"This is insane! How you could do something like that?!" yelled Prof. Gereald enraged. "Don't you realize what kind of destruction you're causing!?"
"Of course not. We know you created a dangerous weapon that threatens to wipe out humanity," replied Leader G.U.N. army. "We are going to make you pay for your crimes against mankind. We must destroy it."
"Destroy it?! You must be out of your mind! I am a scientist! Not a killer!" said the professor as he struggled against the chains holding him prisoner.
"What is the difference between a killer and a scientist?!" asked the G.U.N army, "Your kind has always been obsessed with science, with science alone."
"There is nothing wrong with being interested in science! You killed my granddaughter without mercy!" cried the professor.
Amy and Tails gasped in shock. "They killed his granddaughter?" whispered Tails.
"That's so cruel. She was just a kid!" Amy cried in protest.
"I plan to give you a taste of revenge. Once all seven Chaos Emeralds are collected, the colony will destroy the planet! All of you ungrateful humans, who took everything away from me will feel loss and despair!" yelled Gerald in rage on the screen.
"Is there anything else you want to say?" asked the leader.
Gerald hung his head down and spoke quietly, "No..."
The soldier cocked his rifle, "Ready!"
A gunshot rang out and Gerald fell to the ground with a bullet protruding through his head, causing Amy to cover her mouth while Tails shut his eyes tight. The screen went static after a few moments and the screen went black.
Amy slowly laid her hands down from her mouth. "I can't believe they did that... he was executed," she stated sadly as tears formed in her eyes.
"It was horrible...." said Tails softly.
"Should we tell Sonic about this?" asked Amy.
"I'm not sure, but--"
Eggman barged into the room shouting, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU TWO THINK YOU'RE DOING IN HERE?!" he shouted causing Amy and Tails to scream. He stopped in his tracks and said, "What are you kids doing in here?"
*Meanwhile at the Control Room*
Sonic found the Choas Emeralds on the Eclipse Canon. He took out the fake Emerald and turned on the walkie-talkie.
"Tails, I found the Control Room and Choas Emeralds. Should I put the fake emerald on this now?" Sonic asked yet there was no reply.
"Tails, are you there?" asked Sonic worriedly.
'What's he doing right now?" thought Sonic.
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Masterpost ig!
i cant believe i forgot: My name is harley my friends call me har ^^
Fandoms: Sonic, TMNT, Sing, basically anthing i'm into at the moment, DC (i have feelings on this many many feelings)
Ships: Look, I'll ship anything as long as its well written and looks good to be. i will not ship it if its incest, a huge age gap, doesnt make sense, or is mostly gross.
Me: Fangirl, genderfluid, Pansexual, I am in the USA :P, freshman in high school.
Requests of any kind: Beware im kinda a procrastinator but i'll get it done eventually lmao, i'm learning so my art is shit but my writing's much better. *PLS SEND ANY REQESTS TO MY ASK BOX* Dont put them in my comments and pls be *specific* if its an oc request i will pm u
Fanfic reviews: Send me the link to a fanfic you want to have reviewed (Yes it can b ur own, i encourage it!!!! ig it could b one of mine too lmao) and have it one fanfic per message so i can answer them one at a time. yes, you can put multiple. ii promise my grammer is much better when i review then this post XD)
Fics i will NOT review: incest. please do NOT send me incest. huge age gaps, and like super super dark fics where like its using smut as a weapon or a method of control. or fics that you know are stupid and make no sense.
My Fics: I have accs on Ao3, FF.N nd here obvs. they are all Puppies and Nightlock lol
OCs you will c on this blog: Roxanne Prower ( My sonic/Sing?literally everything oc), Periwinkle Hope(my first oc ever, she is now a sing OC), Harley Rox (MY everythng Oc, also used for the choas family on yt), Hayden my DC OC and last but not least Sirani(my TMNT OC, she's been sitting inmy notebook for the last year, so ig i should post her. remind me.)
anyways this is my insane blog, welcome, please dont die ^^
and yes i like talking to people so send me asks and shit, i like making friends too.
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aceofj · 2 years
HELLO YES I AM J WHEN I WAS 14 I STARTED WATCHING SONIC REVIEWS AND EVER SINCE I'VE BEEN STUCK IN THIS FANDOMS HELL HOLE SINCE! I've only played 1 Sonic game, which I never finished, dispute now owning several of them. Dispite this, I have a near complete knowledge of every main game in the franchise, as such I'm gonna explain the story of each from memory.
Quickly looking up the order of release, the only Google I get for this L
Sonic the hedgehog
Dr Robotnic kidnaps animals to uses as fuel for his machines to help him take over the world. Sonic sets off to save his animal friends and stop Robotnic. The levels get more mechanical the further you get into the game. Also there were only 6 chaos emerald in this one (the cyan one was missing)
Sonic the hedgehog 2
Same as Sonic The hedgehog but this time we have tails! A fox with the ability to fly (and also to let you play with your friends).
Sonic CD
Little planet, a small planet that vists Sonics would every 100 or so years, gets chained down by Robotnic. Sonic attempts to free the planet from Robotnic's control. This is complicated by one Amy Rose, a young girl who's tarot cards brought her to the chained planet under the guise she would find true love, who gets kidnapped by a robotic recreation of sonic created by Dr Robotnic. Along with this, sonic collects the time stones and travels through time to stop the planet from getting mechanized (theres a good future and bad future for each stage I'm pretty sure, what you get depends on your actions in the game).
Sonic the hedgehog 3
Sonic, still with the chaos emerald from Sonic the hedgehog 2, gose with Tails to investigate an island that's suddenly appeared in the ocean. Here they meet Knuckles the echidna, who punches the chaos emeralds out of sonic before running off. Welcome to Angle Island, a lost civilisation of Echidnas who worshiped the master emerald. Dr Robotnic found the island and convinced Knuckles that Sonic and Tails would try to take the master emerald, which he is the guardian of, and as such Knuckles spend the whole game fighting Sonic and Tails whilst Dr Robotnic gets his mechanical hands on the island. Eventually, Robotic reveals his true colours and turns on Knuckles, stealing the master emerald for himself. Knuckles then helps Sonic and Tails reach Robotnic, where Sonic faces off against him in his Hyper form (only seen in this game, which sonic attains by using the master emerald. If you play as Tails or Knuckles you get their super forms). Once defeated, the master emerald is returned to Knuckles and Angle island is sent back into the sky.
Sonic adventure
There are so many perspectives in this game it's a nightmare to summarise but I'll try. Basically, Eggman (Dr Robotnic) shatters the master emerald and releases Chaos, a choa turned water deity, who he attempts to control and use to take over station square/the world before eventually losing his control over the creature as it attempts to destroy everything. Sonic is in direct pursuit of Eggman trying to stop his evil plan, Tails is trying to help where he can and ends of stopping him form nuking station square whilst Sonics away, Amy is in pursuit of sonic trying to get a date which then shifts to her helping a bird find its family and befriending a robot, said robot is Beta who is powered by said birds family and developed sentience to the point they start a campaign to destroy the other Eggman robots to free them form there servitude which ends in Beta exploding themself and being a free bird once more, Big the Cat keeps losing his pet frog (Froggy) who even ends up inside chaos at some point all the while Knuckles is trying to put the master emerald back together. They all end up finding chaos emeralds along the way, which Sonic uses to stop perfect chaos and save the city.
Sonic adventure 2
I miss the vastness of the old games but omg. Okay, so there are 2 paths in this one; the hero story and the dark story. I'm starting with hero.
Rouge the bat, a treasure hunter, attempts to steal the master emerald from Knuckles butbhe ain't having it. Eggman shows up to try steal it but Knuckles ends up shattering it to stop him. Him and Rouge set off to collect the pieces, trying to get them all before the other can.
Sonic has been captured by G.U.N, basically the government, after being accused of committing crimes and stuff. He escapes containment, cause he's cool and doesn't listen to authority, only to stumble across the true perpetrator of the crimes; Shadow the Hedgehog. He then spends the rest of the game evaiding, or getting, put in jail whilst trying to stop Shadow and Eggman and clear his name.
Tails is so trying to stop Eggman, get sonic out of Jail and protect Amy who confuses Shadow for Sonic at one point and gets in a lot of trouble. She also frees sonic from prison at some point.
Now the dark story. Eggman infiltrates G.U.N trying to find there secret weapons, when he finds Shadow the Hedgehog. They end up teaming up as Shadow knows about a super weapon called the ARK, which Eggman intends to use to take over the world, even going so far as to piss blow up the moon.
Rouge offers them her services, as she wants the chaos emeralds and master emerald and they need infiltration help. As it turns out tho, Rouge isn't just a treasure Hunter but a government spy, sent by G.U.N to infiltrate them and stop there plans. She's kind in it for herself tho as well, she plays by her own rules.
Then there's shadow. Angsty, angsty Shadow the hedgehog. At the start he's just been woken from a 50 year government mandated nap. He's cranky and has a bit of amnesia, but he knows he hates the earth so he rolls with it. He helps Eggman get to the super weapond on the space colney ARK. The ark was once a government project, where scientists researched space or something idk, but it was also home to Maria Robotnic. She is Eggmans cousin and has a rare disease which means she needs to be isolated from people or something. Her grandfather, Gerald Robotnic, works on the Ark is desperately trying to cure her. This leads to Shadows creation, he's the ultimate lifeform and they hope his creation could help them in working out how to cure Maria's illness. Shadow and Maria have a sibling-like relationship, so when the G.U.Ns soldiers come in guns blazing Maria puts shadow in a pod directed for earth hopeing to save him, she is killed in the process and Shadow is picked up on earth and imprisoned by G.U.N till Eggman let's him out.
The final story shows Gerald Robotnic went insane after the death of his granddaughter, before he was killed on death row for unknown crimes against science he planned for the final hazard (a prototype from when they were trying to create shadow) and the Arks lazer to destroy the planet to avenge Maria. Sonic and Knuckles head to fight he final hazard whilst Amy talks to Shadow, reminding him that Maria loved the earth and wouldn't want it to be destroyed (also Knuckles saved Rouge's life and in exchange she gave him all the master emerald pieces she had, idk where else to mention this). He then fights the final hazard before going super with Sonic and defeating it once and for all. At the battles end, Shadow loses his super form and falls to earth, presumed to be dead.
Sonic heros
Team Sonic; Sonic, Knuckles and Tails get a letter from Eggman about his new schema and set of to stop him from doing it.
Team Rose; Cream the Rabbit and her pet chao cheese have lost their friend coco and Big the Cat has once again lost his frog. Amy has a news paper showing Sonic running away with both the missing creatures and so they set off to find him! Amy is also trying to get Sonic to marry her.
Team Dark; Rouge breaks in to one of Eggmans factories to try and steal his secret treasure, only to find Shadow the hedgehog locked in a stasis tank. She frees him, which actives a robot called Omega. Shadow and Omega fight till Rouge calms them down, they all agree to work together to fight Eggman and steal treasure from him. (Omega was deemed a favour by Eggman cause he's too sentient so he wants to destroy everything Eggman related, Rouge wants shines and honestly Shadow's amnesia is back but he knows Rouge so he vibes). They end up finding a bunch of robotic copies of Shadow which makes Rouge wonder if the shadow she found is really the real one. I think Omega blows them all up whilst Shadow and Rouge leave (shadow never sees his copies in this game except that one time but eh)
Team Chaotix; all these characters come from Knuckles chaotics, the game released after Sonic the hedgehog 3, but it's a side game and I don't know a lot about so it doesn't get it's own section. Anyway, Vector the Crocodile, Charmy the Bee and Espio the Camilian run a detective agency. They get a mysterious package of a walky talky asking them to stop Eggman and save the person who sent the package. They accept and go off to do so. At the end, its revealed that the person who sent them on this mission was Eggman himself, who has been locked up for the entire game so every fight with him in all the other routes has been with robots that just look like him. Eggman refuses to pay the chaotix for the rescue and so Charmy fucks him up.
Final story; as it turns out, the real perpetrator for everything was metal sonic (that bitch from sonic CD) who can shape shift and has been trying to gather date on chaos energy to make himself more powerful so he can destroy the world (which is why there are so many shadows copies, why coco chao and froggy were kidnapped, why Sonci got that letter and why the Eggman was locked up). He then uses the chosen energy he gatherd to become metal madness, whilst everyone shares there chaos emeralds with Sonic so he can go Super and fight metal sonic.
Shadow the hedgehog
Is a bitch ass mother fucker, he pissed on my fucking wife- wait wrong script, anyway. So, remember SA2? This expands on Shadows already long backstory from that so buckle in. After Sonic Heros Shadow tries to figure out just who he is, since his memory is still kind fucked, but as he's lamenting an alien invasion starts? This guy, Black Doom, tries to tempt Shadow to the dark side of the force/into working with the aliens whilst the other characters from the franchise try to stop the apocalypse or something.
Why dose the alien overlord have an interst in Shadow? Cause he's his dad... yeah, no I'm not kidding. So, Gerald Robotnic got DNA from Black Doom to help him create shadow and in exchange he was ment to build a big laser for Black Doom to destroy earth with. Obviously, things did not go to plan since Gerald was killed for conspiring with aliens, but his actual intent was for the laser to be used against Black Doom to stop him from being a threat to the planet.
This game has like 100 different paths, but he "true" path has him going super to defeat Black Doom whilst Eggman uses the Arks laser to destroy the black comit where the aliens came from. Shadow also get most of his memories back and comes to the conclusion only he can choose who he is.
Sonic Rush
Basically, an alternative universe version fo Sonic named Blaze the Cat comes to his dimension to find the Sol Emerges (her worlds version of the chaos emeralds) which were stolen. Blaze has fire powers and a cold personality, mainly cause she doesn't wanna hurt people with her flames and shes the guardian of the sol emeralds so this is a big deal and very serious for her (also a princess besties got burdens). Sonic helps her and they event become friends before getting separated by there dimension at the end. They do meet again in Sonic Rush Adventure but I haven't played that one so I'm not gonna talk about it, thoguh I think the opposite happens in that one.
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic06)
Ahahahhahs fun fact its been 3 months since I wrote everything before this so uhhhhhhhhh SONIC 06. I will try my best to list everything past-present in the game. Please help me.
The king of soliana performs an experiment in hopes to kill the God Solaris in hopes of saving his people from disaster at its hands. His daughter somehow interrupts the experiment right as it goes wrong and is knocked out. Two hedgehogs, shadow and silver, arrive though a time portal and help defeat the now separated Solaris; Iblis and Mephalis. Shadow seals away Mephails in a magic thingy whilst Silver stays with Elise, her father and Iblis. The king ends up sealing iblises power within his daughter, cursing her to relies the monster if she ever cries. The King then dies. Shadow and Silver return to the present.
Fast forward like 10 years or so and its the festival of sun or some other bullshit, Elise is kidnaped by Doc Eggman but Sonic saves her. This repeats at least 18 times throughout the game.
Meanwhile, Shadow and Rouge are on a mission from G.U.N attempting to get the thingy from the past (which shadow knows nothing of cause he hasn't been to the past at this point). Eggman attacks them and the thingy breaks, releasing Mephalis.
Now 200 years in the future, Mephalis offers Silver and Blaze, who have been fighting a losing battle against Iblis in an apocalyptic future, to help them save the world by sending them to the past and tell them Sonic is responsible for the world ending. Silver is sent to kill him and Blaze is just here to vibe really.
Inbetween saving Elise, Sonic is attacked by Sliver and then saved by Shadow, who shows Silver that Mephalis is the real evil and end of the world by taking him to the past. Silver later helps Sonic and they make amends.
Theirs stuff about Omega being used to trap Shadow in the future at G.U.Ns orders, cause Mephalis looks just like him and people are confused, and Amy and Elise talk about loving Sonic but don't know their talking about the same person. Also Blaze dies... or gets sent to another dimension... or is reincarnated in another dimension? idfk
Anyway, Sonic dies cause of Mephalis. Elise cries cause her fav furry is dead, Iblis is released and Meaphalis merges with them to become Solaris once more. Time and space get fucky and to cut a long fucking story short sonic gets revived by "true loves kiss". Him, Shadow and Silver fight Solairs in the present, past and future.
After this, Sonic and Elise travel to the past where theirs this flame. If they blow it out solaris will never exist and the world won't be in danger again, but everything that happened in the game will be erased from existence. Silvers future won't be ruined, Elise will be able to cry like a person, but her and Sonic will never meet. She cries and then blows out the flame.
The beginning cut sence plays again but Egg man doesn't show up, sonic never saves Elise and the festival just goes on as normal. The best thing about this game is it wrote itself out of the lore.
Sonic and the Secret rings
Sonic gets dragged into a story book, the Arabian nights, and is cursed with fire which might kill him? Anyway a Genie asks him to help save the book by stopping the evil Genie who Good Genie used to date?
Sonic meets merchant tails (Alibaba), Egg man (the Sultain) anddddd knuckels? (sinbad, idk might of confused that from a fan comic). Retargets, sonic dose the things and stops the evil Ginie with the seven rings of power or some shit, they also each link to an emotion so pog.
He beats the Genie using 3 of the rings to become dark spines sonic, this games super sonic, and then wishes for the sky to rain tissues cause the good Genie is sad her evil abusive boyfriend is dead.
You can tell I don't know a lot about this one oof.
Sonic unleased
BEST. OPENING. EVER. Sonic fights eggman in space, goes super, and gets tricked into a thing by the egg. Eggman uses the power of super sonic to power a lazer to blow up the world- oh wait! He's awakening an acient evil God to help him take over the world; Dark Gaia! Sure this will go his way...
Anyway, Sonic gets currupted by dark gaia energy and becomes a furry FUR REAL. But it only happens at night. He falls from space and meets Chip then travels the world to stop egg man and also fixe the broken planet.
Along the way he meets; tails the COWARD, Pickle sandwiches, actually okay Amy rose, GOD and of course; Satan.
Turns out chip is light Gaia who is meant to stop dark gaia, but he woke up with no memories so you don't know that till the end. Eggman can't control Dark gaia and is bitch smacked for the attempt, then Sonic and chip beat his ass.
Dark gaia goes to sleep for another 10 thousand years and so does chip, but not before giving sonic his ring as a memento. I cry as this item never shows up again in any game and that makes me sad.
Sonic and the black knight
Sonic ditches his date with Amy and explains its cause he was trapped in a story book, AGAIN. It's never confirmed if this is bullshit or not... ANYWAY.
Sonic is summoned by merlins granddaughter to save the ledged of king Arthur form the evil black knight. He fights the knights of the round table, I only remeber Percival's name but their Shadow, Knuckles and Blaze, using his trusted friend and sword Caliburn.
Sonic becomes a true knight, the knight of the wind (listen to the song its so good) and beats the black knight, only to learn the true evil was Merlina herself. Terrified by the inevitability of death, she becomes immortal with the scarbared and something something, either way sonic beats her and tells her to live and not think about death and stuff.
It is revealed that Sonic is the true king Arthur of the story, then it ends and we see sonic talking to Amy about missing the date.
Sonic colours
Sonic and Tails break in to egg man's alien amusement park to stop him from being evil and kidnapping the aliens. He gets alien powers, Tails is smart and after beating egg man the aliens save sonic from sudden death before leave forever... defiantly forever.
Sonic Generation
Sonic birthday is interrupted by the time eater? Who... eats time... Then their are 2 sonics! And tails... and egg man. Anyway, Sonic and Sonic go though old levels of old games for nostalgia, beat egg man and fix time. yay!
Sonic lost world
Egg man enslaves more powerful creatures that goes horribly wrong for him. Sonic teams up with him to stop them and save the world, Tails is mad and then gets kidnapped. Sonic stops the not so deadly six then Egg man comes back from the "dead" to betray him only for sonic to kill him by breaking his jetpack. They return the energy to the world and Amy and Knuckles welcome them back to Minecraft.
Sonic forces
Magic gem is powerful, put in emo jackal who works for egg man and has the personality of a wet noodle. Sonic is imprisoned for six months and the world goes to shit. Then he gets free and so does the world. The jackal gets put in timeout and gets the gem ripped out, egg man fails again and the world is saved. Also classic sonic but he's so unimportant to the story I could of not mentioned him and I'd still have gotten this correct.
Sonic Frontiers
This game is the best. I am happy about its existence. I love it. HOWEVER it wasn't out when I started writting this and therefore I will not summaries it, partly cause it long and their is so much to cover but also cause I think out of all of these this one especially is better experienced. Which is what I will go do now.
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apollo-gate · 2 years
So I wrote this
Hello, Hope everyone's doing well. Please excuse the Errors.
I wrote this to help me with some characters and how they interact with each other.
Now, this is a glimpse into my other story.
Yes some characters are as follows
Secret Ro
and a few others.
But they are named differently at this time.
If you want to figure out who is who Im more than happy to listen to your ideas of who is who.
Word Count: 4,474
Content warnings.
Depictions of blood and violence. Language. (If I missed something please let me know.)
The room is dark except for a table with two chairs. A child sits in one. Their face is covered by a hood and full white mask.
"Hello, Traveler." They motion for you to sit "Please sit. You here to see the story of a few individuals."
You sit in the chair. "Just know it will end suddenly. You can't know too much." They start to form a portal in your hand to show you. "Just look through. And one more thing any question of who is who will be answered in time."
You look into the small portal. You then feel you are pulled into the portal.
Welcome traveler your bio data is now being archived. Please know some events have already happened but some may change Traveler.
Empire of Argent
Region- Melinoe
The Captial City of Argentum
The entire hall lays quiet, All nobles that showed up today know that even a breath can set off the Emperor. Only the three Knights of Choas stand with their weapons. The Emperor sits on his crimson throne. The throne looks sharp and sleek. The throne itself is said to be made from the blood of the Ancients.
The Emperor stands "Bring in the vermin." The onyx doors open. Seven fully armored knights walk in. The knights drag in a woman completely chained up. Her chains are on her neck, wrist, and ankles. 5 have one chain while the other two escort her. She has a mouth guard that locks up her mouth. When they get to the center of the Emperor they throw her down. The knights move far enough that she only has a certain movement.
The Emperor steps down. "So this is the fame Seerer." He grabs the woman's face. The woman growls. "Oh don't worry. I heard so much about you." He steps and lets go of her face. Then slaps her. "The seer who is also a talented warrior. But she has one thing wrong with her. Her soul mate rejected her." The woman's eyes widen. Then she glares at the Emperor. "Oh, surprised. Your family was how you say forthcoming." He lets out an evil laugh. "After I torture them for a few months. They broke after the second week. I just enjoyed their screams." The Emperor is in her face. She starts to thrash in her chains. "I like you." He purrs. He pats her face. "I won't kill you nor will I torture you." He puts his hand out. A servant brings a blade wrapped in cloth. "I'm making you my Commander of The Choas Knights." The nobles start to murmur. "Silence!!!" He yells. He turns his attention back to her. "Sadly those pretty eyes have to go." The woman starts to thrash even more trying to get away from him. The blade is unwrapped. A black longsword with a gold line on the outer edges and in the middle of it. The Emporer takes the blade in one hand and grabs the woman's hair and pulls her back. "You'll thank me one day." He brings the sword down in one smooth motion. It cuts into her face slicing her face from the left side of her face to the right. Straight across both eyes. The woman yells but is muffled by the metal lock. He lets go of her hair and she slumps down. Blood is pouring from her face. And a sound of sobbing can be heard. The Emperor snaps his fingers and a priestess comes to the woman's side. The woman flenches but allows her to touch her. "Get out!!" The man screams. The nobles scurry out of the room. The Emperor leaves the room. The knights unlock her chains. They take her body out of the room.
Several weeks later. You look at the young women. The Seer they called her now you don't know anything. Your husband is a cruel man you know this but you thought he changed but now you know better.
You touch her cheek. She is so beautiful but you understand why she did it. You should have stopped him. "M'LADY!" You are shaken from your thoughts. Your servants are behind you. They are shaking. "What's wrong." You get up and take a step towards them. Before any can respond you hear screaming. No, he promised. You run towards the screaming. When you reach the room you see blood everywhere.
"Ah, my dear wife finally joins me." Your husband has a chain wrapped around two slaves. Blood is oozing from them. "You promised," you mumble. He looks up confused. "I do not know what you are saying." You slam the door. "YOU PROMISED!!!"
No servant entered nor acknowledged the door. Many guards simply avoid the room till the two dealt with the issue. Only one person walked out Alive.
Empire of Argent
Region- Melinoe
In the City of Reash. Focuses on silk making and jewel transportation.
three years later
Winter Solstice is the busiest and the best time to get gold. All the rich nobles come here to flaunt and act as if they care. You pull your hood tighter to your face. You watch as the people in the market shop. You start to find your mark. You notice a lady but see she has three children with her. You then see A tall man. You then see him hit a slave. You growl. You jump off the side of the building. You land in the side ally. As you head in his direction you pass a few guards. You then see their hounds. You take some raw meat and throw it toward them. The men don't notice they eat the meat.
You pass a few others then you come upon the man. Hes no normal Noble no hes a cardnial. They don't answer to no one and are the biggest hypocrites there are. You are thankful that he doesn't have any current guards. You pass a few people and while he's distracted you snatch his purse. You don't run as you learn early on that draws attention. When you exit the market area you look at the gold you got. You smile you be able to feed everyone tonight. You dump the coins in your purse and check for tracing coins. You ditch the purse in the ally. It takes 10 minutes to get to the slums. You see a few people you know and wave to them. You open the door to your home. You see your three siblings. They run up to you and hug you. You return their hugs. Your two younger sisters are what some call Ormr. Lea is a full Ormr and Suszie is a half Ormr. While your Little brother Ray is a mix between a Teras and a human. He has more human features but has a tail and a pair of ears. Of course, this doesn't make them any less than your siblings. You just have each other after all none of your parents wanted you.
"Ssisster did you get it." Lea curls around you. You laugh. "I did. I also got you all something on my way back." All three eyes widen. You hand Lea vail she was looking at a while back. Lea gets excited and tries it on. You pull out a rune book for Suszie. Suszie gasped, she takes it so fast and runs to her room. she shouts a thank you as soon she touches it. Ray was the easiest. You pull out a locket you all worked on for Ray. You just need to make the final payment. Ray puts it on and his body starts to look more human. He jumps up and down. Lea and Ray hug you. Ray disappears to his room.
Lea stays near you. "I made ssome food." Lea moves to the counter and hands you a plate. You sit down and eat. About an hour later you hear shouting outside. You move to the door and open and see the Knights of Light. "Shit." You wake up your siblings. Then you hear a piercing scream. You and your siblings all grab important things and move out the door. As you all run you see the Knights stabbing and slaughtering the people. You all pass several dead bodies.
You get them all down the alley. As you follow behind them the building beside you explodes. You are then thrown into the wall beside you. You then hear screaming. It sounds like your siblings. You then feel people grab you. You barely see the sword above your head. You hear Lea Scream. Right before the sword hits your head the man falls to the side. You are then Lifted up. A woman with a lace cloth around her eyes holds you tightly in her arms. You then see several knights in black armor take down the knights of Light. You finally regain conciseness in a garage. A woman in a lace black dress sits across from you and your siblings. Your siblings all cuddled into you, all fast asleep.
The women must see your fear. "Calm yourself, dear heart." The woman smiles at you. You notice all the jewels she has. "Your siblings and you are safe Nyx." You squint your eyes at her. "Interesting choice for a name might I add. But from what I hear you've earned it."
"I only stole from the basterds that beat on the lower class." The woman just nods. "I don't care what you did but from now on you will be expected to act better and you will ask me who you can rob from."
You try not to raise your voice. "Who are you to tell me what to do." She smiles "You new Empress. And you will all be living in the palace with me." You cat keep the shock off your face. "Don't you know what I am and what we are?"
The smile never leaves her face. "Yes. Four children need a warm home and food. And four children forsaken by some racists parents." She snarls at that.
"So what do we call you," you ask politely. She looks at the children. "My name is Leonora. And you won't bow to me either." Leonora looks out the carrage window. "Get some rest. We will arrive in a few hours."
You close your eyes and get some sleep. When you awake you hear hundreds of people. Your siblings wake up when you stir. The carriage comes to a stop. "You all go first." The door opens. you see soldiers lined down the path to the jaw-dropping palace. Four servants stand waiting for you. When Lernora steps out the soldiers bow and the servants curtsy.
Leonora looks at you and your siblings these will be your servants. A young girl steps at you. "Im Bella. I'll take you to your room. Dot worry you're all in the same hallway." Bella leads you and the others to your room.
POV- Lernora
You walk towards the throne room. As you walk in you see that stupid throne. You growl at the sight of it. As you enter nobles are in there. You groan great I have to deal with these pompous idiots. You spend the next ten minutes talking to the Nobles and you swear you see one look at you like a piece of meat.
You finally get to the war room. Only a few soldiers are in the room. When they see you they leave. "So Commander how goes the War." Your Commander Aria the Woman you trust looks up. You can still see the beauty of her face but now a lace veil is wrapped around her eyes. You offered a healer but she turned you down. You remember her words "I can see the truth this way." You also can't help but have these feelings as well. You have buried them but she's just intoxicating.
Her rough voice breaks you from your train of thought. "We are setting defensive lines in the capital." You tilt your head "Why." Aria straightens to her full height. "We have reported that Luca Grant the traitor is leading a counterattack. And is heading straight here." You place a hand on the table. "You mean my former husband's half-brother wants me dead to get the throne." Aria nods.
You look at the map. "Well, we should be fine so long as we are prepared for his arrival." Aria nods. You turn to leave. "I heard you brought some kids from your trip. My, I ask why." You don't touch the door handle. "One of them is your soul mate. That's why you left." You turn around to say something but see how close she is. Aria is only three feet from you. "You can't deny them. You know full well what happens if you deny them." You look at her with a look that you know but then you remember she can't see your face. When you speak you can't help but hear the sadness in your own words. "I do. I also know that it doesn't have to be a relationship. But she's just 18. Still a kid. I don't want to hurt her." Aria puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. "This war will be over and you can show her and the others the kingdom." You smile at her words. If only you knew what would have happened next you would have prevented it.
POV- Aria
Siege of the Royal palace
two weeks later
Servel men in white armor lay dead. You look at the three children Lea, Suszie, and Ray. Thankfully you were nearby and were able to save them. You look at your men. "Get them to safety. I'll get the Emprise and the other child. Meet at our secondary location." Your men all nod and form around the children to protect them. You run down the hallways to reach Leanora. You asked her to stay in the throne room as it was the most defensible. As you get closer you see several of the enemy men and yours on the ground dead. Seeing may be a problem but you can see the death of their souls. Then you feel the darkness. "Shit." You run and ram into the throne room door. You break into the 10-inch wooden door. You see the man Luca the darkness emanating from him. His sword is raised up high. You grab a shortsword on the ground and throw it at him. The short sword misses his face by inches but does cut into his face.
Luca turns and looks at you. "You," he says with venom. "My brother should have cut that pretty little head off." Your senses pick up Nyx. She's above you. You just hope she doesn't do anything stupid. Leanora is on the floor breathing.
Luca turns his blade to you. "I'm going to enjoy breaking you." He charges at you and you do the same. You summon the blade that took your sight and block his attack. You don't know how long you two fight but he gets a few cuts on you but you get a few and then some. The two of you finally are a few feet from one another. But he has a crooked smile based on his aura. "You've failed your men are dead Luca. Give up Leanora will be forgiving." Luca laughs at your words. "Forgiving. You liar. She killed my Brother in cold blood because He didn't feel anything for the child he gave up. That child would have destroyed the entire system of the Bloodline."
You scoff at his words. "The Bloodline was always tainted with people like you. That child would have brought a balance. But your brother had them sent away because he was a coward." you spit at him. Luca roars with rage and hits you. You go flying into the wall. You lose your vision. When you wake you see Luca's aura walk toward Lenora. Leanora is up and starts defending herself. Nyx is also fighting him to try to keep him away. You cant reach a blade. You can only do one thing. "Forgive me, Leanora." You sprint towards Luca. Right before he lands a killing blow on one of them you tackle him and you both go through the window. you then see him throw his blood whip and grab Nyx.
Nyx screams as you fall. "You bastard." You take a chunk of your armor off and stab him in the face. Thankfully you are on a huge cliff. You grab Nyx and wrap your arms around her. "You'll survive this." Nyx looks horrified. "We falling to our death what the hell is wrong with you.'" You smile sadly. If only you could tell her what you see. "Nyx, Rember that hope will always prevail." You then put a hand on her chest. Your armor begins to glow. It removes from your body and surrounds her. Nyx eyes widen at what you are doing. Before she can speak you feel the impact. Your spine shatters. But you feel no pain only freedom.
POV- Zara
Empire of Argent
Region- Melinoe
In the City of Reash.
ten years later
You fix the veil on your face and straighten your dancer silks. You go on stage and perform your dance. It lasts for hours. Yo make people cry and feel with their hearts. By the end, you were lavished with many gifts. A lot has happened in the last 10 years. The Empire is united under Empress Leanora and her beloved Nyx. You remember performing at their wedding. You made your dance more happy and celebratory for them. Your just glad they changed the laws for the Races. You would have been executed if it wasn't for them. After all Demon art is supposed to be pure evil. You rub your neck where your collar used to be. Your previse owner wasn't kind nor was she scared of anyone. You shake your head. she did things to your mind. Your lack of memory scares you.
You sit down in your booth and remove your veil. The scaring from your collar and where she sliced your vocal cords. You use to sing when you danced. You got more money than you can spend. You do quite well for yourself. The other dancers walk in. They wave at you. You change into your normal clothes and leave.
You decide to get a drink. You walk to your favorite tavern "The Lonely Patren." You see some people leave. You walk in. The tavern is very pricey but that's because of the Nobles and Merchants. The royal guard comes here even some Nobles are here. Of course, the Nobles wear masks as is the custom in the empire. You remember when you asked your friend about it. "The mask. Ohh and one can wear one. You don't even need to be a Noblee." She gave you a full white mask on your birthday.
As you sit at your regular table. Your best friend sees you and Waves. They pass several people and slide into the booth. Nebula smiles at you. "So how did it go. You had a fun time, right that's what matters." You smile at that. Nebula always cares whether you had a great time.
You sign "I did. I just wish I could." You stop and look away. Nebula reaches out and takes your hand. "I know dear. I know." You both are startled when a group of soldiers is by your table. Sadly they are all human and based on their faces are all very very anti demons. You sigh.
"You don t belong here you copper digger." The leader lens on the table. You lean away from them. He grabs you as you move away. "You're a slave that doesn't belong here." Nebula pushes them off. "Get away from her." He looks at Nebula. The smile on his face gets bigger. "You just attacked a royal guard. I can have you executed." Nebula growls "Try it asshole." Three or the soulsdreies grab Nebula. "Get off of me." Nebula starts to hit them until they are hit in the back. The whole tavern is ignoring this injustice. The leader pulls you out. He studies you some more. "I knew it was you when I saw you leave that place. To think you left that Brothel and come here to drink. Your just another courtesan that needs to die." He moves his hand to grab your mask. Your hood is thrown off and your lower face is shown.
Then in an instant, a blade goes through his chest. Everyone gasps… The soldiers step away. A towering woman stands behind him. Her face is filled with anger His body drops. The other soldiers draw their swords. You fall and the woman catches you. "You are Going to die you slave-loving bitch." The woman looks at you and then back at the other men. She's not afraid but perfectly calm. The people in the tavern have left besides the barkeep. The door slams open. Several black armor soldiers with a fire emblem on their shoulders storm in. The Royal guard gets a cocky grin. "We have this handled. You can leave." The woman holding your grin. "They are here with me." The black Knights draw their swords toward the royal guards. "Bullshit who could you possibly be." The women's hold on you tightens. She moves you away from them. "Crown Princess Ayla of the Kingdom of Lyulph." The Royal Knights falter. "You have no right to pretend to be a high person," Ayla says something in another language. The Lyulph soldiers move so fast the Royal guards are on the ground in chains. "Get the Commander in here to deal with his pathetic guards. And say I want an Audiences." One of the soldiers run out the door.
Ayla lets go of you. She fixes your mask and pulls your hood up. "That's better." Ayla walks towards the dead man. You look at Nebula. They hug you so tight. They pull away and start to check you. "Glad your ok dear." Nebula looks at the tavern. "At least my place is ok." They look at the blood. "That'll come out." After a while, a tall built man enters. You and Nublua are at the Counter. While Ayla is standing with her soldiers. "Commander." The man seems to shrink at her voice. "I want to apologize for my men's actions." That seems to anger her. "I want them executed for going against the Act of Unification." The commander raises his hands "Now now they had too much to drink and besides you already killed one. You are lucky you are not being charged." You and Nubea watch as Ayla grab the Commander. "You should know better. Besides Im meeting the Empress and will only relieve the prisoners until then."
This riles the commander up. "Now you have no right." Ayla grabs him. "No, you have no right a citizen from my kingdom was insulted and then was roughed up. They planned on killing her." The commander looks at you. You see his eyes the same as all Elitest. Ayla walks over to you. "I'm sorry. I should have stepped in sooner." You see her green eyes. A sense of bond hits you. Nebula pipes in "How you know she was a Lyulphan." Ayla looks at Nebula. "I can't tell you how. I just knew." Nebula stars are suspected. Ayla looks back at you. "Will you join me at the palace as I need you to convince the Empress to punish the group of soldiers and the other?" You think about it. "I can." Ayla's eyes lit up. "Great." Ayla turns to her men and orders them. They all grab them and leave.
POV- Ayla
Empire of Argent
Region- Melinoe
In the City of Reash. Palace of Unification.
You and the women from earlier are waiting in the main hall. She is wearing silks that a dancer would wear. You knew who she was the moment you saw her. But she didn't recognize you. Why didn't she? After all, what we had was really right. You stop staring at her. You look at the men you have in front of you. Some think they'll be ok but you know better. The Empress has an iron fist with certain things and the treaty wasn't the easiest to come up with. Your father will be ok with the treaty.
You hear the door open. You pull on the chest piece. You see Empress Leanora and Nyx in front of you. Nyx laughs at the guards. Leanora looks at her with a blank stare. She turns back to you "Would you care to explain." Before you can speak the insufferable Commander Seale speaks up. "She killed one of my officers and would not release my men into my custody." Leanora's face remains blank. "I did not ask you. Ayla would you care to tell me what happened." Commander Seale grumbles and looks pissed. You ignore him. "I was at the tavern and these men and women were harassing this woman Zara." Zara steps forward when you move her to. "Zara is not human but is from my kingdom. And these people grabbed her and wear going to harm her for being a Teras but she was not just any Teras but a Slave. You know we abolished slavery but some of my people are still slaves. I stepped in to protect her."
Leanora nods. "Commander was your mean on duty." Commander Seale hesatates. "No, your Highness. They weren't." Leanora looks at you. "As they were off duty at the time. they could not use their authority, So Ayla they are yours to do as you, please. I would be so bold to assume you want them executed." You nod. Leonora steps down "I'll have my people set up whatever you need." The two women leave. The commander looks like he wants to yell. He storms out. Your men leave with the prisoners.
An explosion suddenly sakes the room.
transmission ends.
POV- The Traveler.
"I'm sorry that is all I can show you s this world is very much How you say In development. But You will see the world in time. And you will interact with these people if you haven't already."
The Watcher moves the world back to Apollo Gate. You both are standing in a park near your hotel. The Watcher gently touches your hand.
"See you soon Traveler. And forgive me for the reliving of some of your other life." The Watcher then disappears. You start to get a headache. You look around and don't understand what's going on.
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shellshockedgay · 3 years
Mikey Fluff w/ Shy M!S/O
A/N: I'm sticking with male reader since it wasn't specified and it works with Leo's. I used to be kinda quiet as a kid and I also have adhd, so please excuse the absolute bullshit this is, I'm sorry.
Leo's Outgoing S/O
Donnie's Sassy Crackhead S/O
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Wanna talk about DYNAMICS.
Like, he loves to lay on you. He's so tiny, let him do it. He's only 4'10 I-
Like the others, when he has a crush, he can not stop talking about you, but it's literally constant.
"(Y/n) really likes this movie, we should wait to see it." "Jeez, Mikey." "Look, if you like him so much, just marry the guy." "..... I CAN DO THAT?!"
Immediately runs off to plan your wedding.
Literally eats the paper after to keep it safe and to make sure you don't see it.
The guys let out a collective sigh of relief when you two start dating, but the sigh turns into a scream because he somehow talks about you MORE.
Makes up words to describe you in nice ways.
Yes, he is loud and fast and amazing and your soft and quiet and just as amazing and you guys balance each other out.
You somehow manage to bring his volume down?? No one knows how you do it, but they absically beg you to stay at the lair.
Oh my gosh, but sometimes he brings you up a few notches and then the true choas begins.
Dudes got ADHD, ok?
Some days he's a ball of actual energy, next few days he's just kinda like "meh, I was born into this life, I didn't choose this shit"
During those days, he lounges around more, so expect him to really cling to your side. Also, his head can get mean, so just kinda hold him.
His emotions range on the extreme side sometimes, too, so he might cry in your lap, be careful, but shell scratches always calm him down.
He won't tell you, but you just being next to him helps calm him down.
He also won't tell you he has bad nightmares and most of them involve you getting hurt in some shape or form.
If he asks for coffee? He had an especially rough night with nightmares and got maybe 20 minutes of sleep.
Anyway, if his brothers try to pick a fight with you, he's always going to defend you, especially because of your quiet nature.
Mikey will deck Raph if he has too. No one hurts his boo-bear.
Unless your quiet but have a RAGING temper, then he just sits on the side lines with popcorn and watches you verbally obliterate his bros.
Kinda just goes "OOH, GET BURNED" from the side lines and laughs. I love him. I'd die for him.
Dr. Prankenstein and his lovely assistant are here to brighten up moods so get ready to be whisked away from an angry older brother covered in orange paint.
But you guys are always doing different stuff together.
For example: you come over to hang out, but you spend the time reading a book or coloring and he's listening to music right next to you and then like 3 hours later you're like "Ok, I gotta go" and he's like "Ok, I'll walk you home" and they're like "???"
But it's so nice.
He's also really good at reading emotions so he can tell the difference between your content quietness and your sad quietness.
You guys color together and it's so cute and it's his favorite thing to do with you.
He'll go your pace tho if he begins to over whelm you.
He keeps your coloring book safe as fuck in his room, by the way. He wraps it in plastic and sets it ontop of his comic books. That's if you like to color.
If you're more of a gamer, he never plays your shared game without you. If he does, he feels terrible and apologizes like 20 times before quickly getting over it.
Is the kind of dude to clean his room to impress you and it lowkey scared his bros because they walk in and expect to trip but nah, it's really clean. New bed sheets and everything.
Is always asking for you to sleep over so he can see you in your cute pjs.
If you text him saying you had a nightmare, expect him to not respond because he's already coming over, give him 3 minutes. *taptap* he's here. Open the window.
That's probably when he confesses to be honest. Like he's holding you really tight and he's like "No one's gonna hurt you, not while I'm here" and it kinda spills out while he's comforting you or he whispers it against your forehead and leaves a soft kiss when you fall asleep.
Also, he either gets 2 hours of sleep or 12, but either way he's still a ball of energy. Please expect insomniac face times at 3:42 am.
Calls you because he loves your voice, even if it's soft and quiet.
Dumps compliments on you because it makes you blush and it only makes you cuter.
You guys come up with hand signals for if your social battery does or if your uncomfy, it's the cutest.
Has a habit of just... Holding your hand sometimes.
First kiss with you happens on accident. Mikey was dropping you off at your house and held your hands and gave you a kiss on the cheek and left like he didn't just make your entire night.
Brags about his first kiss being with you.
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This dude.
This absolute DUDE.
Oh my gosh.
Dude basically runs on solar power but it never stops.
He's always talking to you, even if you don't say alot back. He loves reading to you, talking to you- everything.
Flirty but in a cute, clumsy confident way.
Does not try to hide his crush but does get super embarrassed if he falls in front of you.
Like close to hiding in his shell kind of embarrassed.
So the guys take turns taking you home because if it was up to Mikey, he'd be gone for hours every time he went to drop you off. So when they get back, they're bombarded by Mikey asking if you mentioned him at all.
"Did he mention me?" "This garbage again?" "Raphie! It isn't garbage! I need to know!!" "*sigh*" "Did he mention my skin?? I worked extra hard to moisturize before he came over! My skin have never been this soft! Oh, what about my eyes??" "Mikey, baby bro, I love ya but please shuddup."
He's a chatter box, what can I say?
Anyway, he's good with reading people's emotions, he's just not focused on it very much.
Like he'll read the important ones: happy, sad, depressed, ect, ect. But he won't like notice if you have a crush on him.
He does, however, have a horribly written list of gifts you'd like for holidays/birthdays.
He's a huge gift giver.
Mikey'll hand you your gifts in private so you don't get all that unwanted attention on you.
He'd sweep you away from situations that end up making you uncomfortable. And I mean that. Like he'd literally sweep you away.
Like dudes got you over his shoulder and sprinting fast enough to bat Sonic the fuckin' Hedgehog.
But he sets you down gently enough to make your heart go budbudbudbudbud but quickly.
Oh my god, he's just always gentle with you.
Never, ever, ever raises his voice at you. Like he'd never yell at you. He goes struggle with volume control sometimes when he's excited, but if he's angry, he never yells at you.
And if he does want to scream he's like "excuse me, my dearest friend, for I am feeling strong amounts of rage. Let me go handle this, like a gentlemen, in the next room" and he leaves and you just hear him scream "fuCKINGFUCKWHOTHEFUCIAAAAAA"
And he comes back like nothing happened.
It's kinda scary, but ya know. Gotta get them feelings out somehow.
Superhero movie marathons 24/7.
You can tell his mood based on what he's watching!!
If he's having a slightly rough day, he watches marvel to brighten the mood (specifically Captain America or Thor Ragnorok because those are funny)
If he's having a great day, DC. Specifically the Dark Knight stuff. He loves the Joker in this and has definitely cosplayed him at least 2 times.
Mikey's the kind to keep spouting facts about what your walking all the time.
He cooks, obviously, (the others simply arne't allowed too) so he'd sit you down and make you a full fuckin' meal, right? And it's lowkey something he'd love to do. I can see him wanting to be a stay-at-home husband 🥺
His s/o works and he stays home and cleans, takes care of Klunk the sweet baby, waters the plants and makes them a hot meal and sets up their favorite things I-
I got off topic.
He's a great cook tho!!
Mikey's got so many talents: voice acting, cooking, hand-eye coordination. Dudes not the best at drawing tho. He can draw items better than people, so if he tries to draw you, please go easy on the criticism. He's trying.
He'd ask you out on a date, but it's like not that different than what you guys normally do, so he's in his apron and cooking but then he dims the lights and it's cute and he lite some candles.
He confesses to you when you guys are alone. And he's all awkward and cute and he's rubbing his hands together when they're not flailing as he talks.
And you're like "Ah yes. A cutie." because he is. Have you seen his face?
First kiss.
First kiss, oh my god.
Also on the first date. He's known you long enough at this point.
It's spontaneous as FUCK.
Like you're gushing about your favorite stuff and he's not even eating, just looking at you.
And you start apologizing for gushing but he's shaking his head and suddenly standing up, planting a hand firmly on the table.
And he just goes "Come'ere" and leans over, reaching out to cup the back if your neck and pulling you across the table and just kissing you. His hand moves down to your shoulder.
I got lost in thought, sorry.
Lowkey gets self-conscious of his green eyes sometimes. He feels like they blend in with his skin too much, but they're beautiful so.
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spiderversechaos · 3 years
Welcome to-
The Unbelievable Spider-Chaos!
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A Blog for our Spider Multiverse
Now, you may be wondering- your Spider Multiverse? Isn't it all just one Multiverse anyway?
Techincally, yes. But for our sake- No! Our Multiverse is the Movies + Video Game with added characters/concepts from the comics. So our verison of the Raimi Trilogy could include a character not present in the actual movies, or have something like the X-Men movies canon.
Is this Multiverse a fix-it?
Nope! Everything that happened for the most part happened with creative liberties! So Gwen still died in TAM2, Peter still had Harry die in his arms at the end of SM3. We may tweak things but for the most part, major canon things are still canon!
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Where the fuck did you even come up with this?
So- I started to revert back to my Raimi Spider-Man phase when fellow Mod and creator of this account Minty started their Spider-Man phase because of no way home! They sent me a link to the movie, I watched it and here we are!
What are the main Universes/Media considered canon?
Well I'm glad you asked!
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The current list
The Raimi Trilogy
The Amazing Spider-Man Duology
The MCU and the Home Coming Trilogy
Into Spider-Verse and it's upcoming sequel
Spider-man PS4!
What are all the main Spiders in this Multiverse?
The spiders in the Unbelievable Spider-Chaos
Tom > Tom Holland Peter / Peter 1
Andrew > Andrew Garfield Peter / Peter 3
Tobey > Tobey Maguire Peter / Peter 2
Peter B > Peter B Parker
Porker > Peter Porker / Spider-Ham from the Spider-verse movie
Noir > Spider-Man Noir from the Spider-verse movie
Ben > Ps4/5 Spider-Man
Miles 'Glover' > Andrew’s protege, not Into the Spider-verse Miles
Miles 'Shameik' > Spider-Verse movie Miles
Miles 'Nadji' > PS4/5 Miles
Gwen > Ghost Spider / Spider-Gwen from the Spider-Verse movie
Peni > Peni Parker from the Spider-Verse movie
Miguel O'Hara > Spider-Man 2099 from the Spider-Verse movie
Is there anymore important characters and Spiders?
Why of course there is, but that's no fun to Spoil! And don't think we don't have some other fan favorite characters and heroes in our Multiverse :)
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Who is making this? What crazy minds looked at this and decided to do this?
Well that would be Minty and myself, Spoon! The chaotic duo who created this Multiverse of Choas! Minty's main account is @dreamkittymint and mine is @thelesbianspoon! This is our little passion project and just for fun and hey! Maybe you'll get some content for this Multiverse!
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Happy Universe hopping and remember, nothing is impossible in the Unbelievable Spider-Chaos!
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raksh-writes · 3 years
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heard your ask box was looking a little lonely, so here’s some void to keep it company 😜 he was so unhinged in this scene, and i absolutely loved every second of it. i really wish we got to see him fully unleash the extent of his power in canon, but hey, that’s what fics like LitA are for 😂 i hope you’re having a great weekend so far!! sending all the love to you, as always 💗💗💗
Ah, yes, yes, just look at him - so unhinged, so smug, so self-satisfied and having the best of time while wreaking absolute choas, crushing lil' pests under his paws ^^ What is there not to love? Absolutely nothing, because he's the most perfect bastard fox demon, my beloved 💗❤🥰 I think canon couldn't handle his full potential, lmao, they had no idea just How powerful Void is, but at least we know we only just saw the very tip of the iceberg of his potential ^^ And I had looots of fun exploring the possibilities in LitA, yes, yes, very much so ^^ Glad it seems like a point of strength of my fic-baby! 😄🥰
My weekend's going pretty well! I'm actually trying to get to doing edits on that Briles fic to finally post it! Hope I'll manage it tonight 😂 So that'd be lovely and if I'm able to work on some LitA, or some Voiles in the next two days, then it's gonna be perfect ^^
Thank you, love, and hope you had an amazing day and will have a wonderful weekend too! All the love and hugs to you, hun 💗🥰❤
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helperchris · 4 years
⠀⠀« 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘋𝘢𝘭𝘪
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝘚𝘰 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘎𝘢𝘭𝘢, 𝘣𝘰𝘺 »
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It's the first time in my life when I write a love letter and, be sure, I'm being honest right now.
First of all, I would like to thank @yanlee for giving me such a blessing opportunity to meet my love here.
Now I'm starting my love letter.
Love is such an incredible, great feeling. Since I was a child, I knew that one day I would meet "my" person, my beloved , someone, whom I would cherish and appreciate. Once I was desperate to find this person, it seemed to me that there was no pair for me.
But some time ago I met Woong @bunny-woong . My life has changed. Completely and irreversibly.
Woong, I do not know how you lived before meeting me, what people were in your life, how many happy and sad moments you experienced, but now.. You have me now. Yes, presumptuous to assume this responsibility, after all you're a big boy and understand everything yourself, but I want to be your shelter, to be a person who will hold and spoon you at night and wake up with you in the mornings; who will cook breakfast for you and bring you it to bed; who will comfort you when you're sad, and who will share the joy with you, when there's a blooming smile on your face.
You know, your soul, so pure and tender, fascinates me. When I think of you, waking up in the morning and falling asleep at night, my soul is carried away to some warm distance, where a gentle, warm breeze blows over my face, and the grass is so soft that I can fall asleep on it. This is probably Paradise and only you can show me the way there. Although, it is you who create Paradise around me, only you, and if you are there, then I don't need anything or anyone else.
When I wake up next to you in the morning, and the rays of the sun, that managed to break through the curtains, fall on your shoulders, neck and face, I admire you. Every curve, every bone is so perfect and fragile that I would stay up all night just to look at you. When I leave, I can't wait to get back to you, sometimes I just want to be with you all the time. I love taking a shower together when I can look at you and not feel ashamed. Sometimes I think you're more than just a person, you're someone divine.
No, please don't think I'm just staring at you thoughtlessly, no. I see you differently, very differently. I see your beautiful soul, your gentle, bright smile, your sparkling eyes.. I would give my heart and soul for one of your smiles. If I could, I would give you everything I have. I would give everything, just to be with you more often, much more often.
I love you so much.
My heart breaks into a thousand pieces when you say that you are not worthy of something.
How can you say that? You're incredible. Your kind, pure nature, your childish, tender soul, it's so attractive. Everything about you attracts me. Absolutely everything.
I can't help but say that I have so many feelings for you physically, too. Most people will probably say it's wrong to say such things about you, but I can't stop thinking about how much I'm attracted to you. When you blush so prettily, when you look away, when you reach your hands for me, when you sleep, and when you hold me so tightly, when I kiss your forehead, when you hide your face, burying it in my chest, when you quietly whimper as I kiss your neck.. You're so cute, I don't have enough words to describe it.
I love you.
I really love you and I can't live without you. I want to take care of you and love you, do whatever you want for you. Why don't you ask me? You're so humble..
Please, ask me, tell me what you want and what you don't want. You know how much I love helping you, taking care of you, doing whatever you want for you. And don't ever think you're bothering me. We are one, how can you bother me?
Your word is my command.
I love you and I will never get tired of you.
I do love you.
You are everything to me, and whether you want it or not, I will be there for you even when you're not happy to see me. I promise.
Thank you for being there. I love you. You are my treasure and my little ray of light. One day, I hope, I'll marry you.
I love you.
Always yours,
Chris ❤️
@bunny-woong , @softdomtao , @femboy-minho , @camgirljiyoo , @vampiremomo , @moonlightchn , @anticupid-taehyung , @darkfaexwow , @baby-bunny-hyunjin , @camgirl-jihyeon , @darkfaexwow , @pup-hendery , @incubus-wonho , @hybridjoonie , @julia-oc , @criminalmindsxdami , @goddess-jieun , @empress-jiaqi , @camboywooyoung , @mafia-choa , @ninjaassassingikwang , @stalker-kriswu , @sugxrdaddyjackson , @switch-incubusxhanse , @mafia-chaeyoung , @omegaprotesteragustd , @musiclovermino
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rosie-x-rose · 3 years
Hello , I'm here to answer your question for what's your first impression on people ! Thank you for answering mine ! And yes the fact that it seems to resonate a lot because I'm usually the one who is calm in the beginning and choas afterwards hahaha
Your first impressions : They might think of you as Stoic or very calm or very logical? They might also see you as Hardworking and even fussy?/ Perfectionist when you're not able to get something you want . They might see you as Heroic too . And maybe even distracted or highly focused , anyone of them?
Yep that's alli got , I hope atleast one thing resonates hehe🥲
Glad it resonated and thank you for the reading!
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darkjanet2 · 7 months
Sonic 06: Lilithmon
Chapter 2: Under Lilithmon's Spell
At Tirathana, a dark castle they have housed the most powerful sorcerers of all: The Seven Great Demon Lords. They were known as the Seven Deadly Sins and they controlled many kingdoms.
The leader was named Lucemon, he was the Demon Lord of Pride. He was a tall, muscular, and handsome man. He had blue eyes and blond hair. He wore a white bodysuit and black overcoat. He had 10 wings on his back, 2 on his head, and 2 on his neck. The left side of his wings was demonic and his right side was angelic wings which were dyed black. He had a purple tattoo left side of his face and he wore red lipstick.
The second demon was named Beelzemon, the Demon Lord of Gluttony. He was tall and slim, he wore a violet bird-like mask on top half of his face, blond hair spiked out in the back and he had three green eyes. He also wore a black leather jacket with a black muscle shirt and black pants. He wore a leather jacket over a shirt and he wore a red scarf around his bicep. He wore steel-toed boots with three spikes jutting out of his steel-toed boots, and he had holsters on his left knee that wielded a Berenjena.
The third demon was named Barbamon, the Demon Lord of Greed. His appearance of a long-bearded old man. He wore a purple robe with a red triangle pattern and with gold and ruby necklace, he wore a gold mask on the top half of his face and he had a pair of golden rings on both of his fingers. He wore an olive green trouser and red loafers. He carried his favorite wand with a skull-shaped staff.
A red crocodile demon with a long snout and a split two tails named Leviamon, the Demon Lord of Envy.
A beautiful female demon that looked like a geisha was named Lilithmon, the Demon Lord of Lust. She had purple lipstick and purple eyeshadows. She wore a purple dress with gold trimming, and she had a black choker around her neck. She had four pairs of wings, two small wings on her upper back and two large wings on her lower back. She had a bat mark on her forehead. She had a golden claw on her right hand.
The sixth hybrid bear and goat demon was named Belphmon, the Demon Lord of Sloth. He had horns on his head and he had chain-wrapped his claws and his right leg. He was on his Rage Mode.
And lastly, the ferocious demon named Deamon, the Demon Lord of Wrath. He was covered with maroon fur on his chest and legs, leaving his chest, legs, and arms bare of purple skin. He had purple demonic wings, had black mane down to his back, and horns on his head. His left arm was longer than his right arm. And he had an orange pentagram tattoo on his left shoulder.
Lucemon was sitting in his throne room surrounded by his seven demons sitting down there at the table with him. They had a meeting tonight.
“We are here to discuss something," said Lucemon. He was looking directly at them."
“Yes, we are. What is it you want to discuss?" Beelzemon asked, his tone sounding bored.
“Do you remember Iblis was sealed away?” asked Lucemon with a deep sigh.
“Of course,” said Barbamon, “we saw your seal when we arrived at Tirathana” he added with a slight chuckle.
“He was sealed in a red crystal,” said Lucemon, “so he won't be able to come back again” he explained.
“I think that's a good thing,” said Barbamon nodding his head. "He'll stay there forever!" he chuckled.
The other demons laughed lightly in return. “So what does this have to do with us?" asked Beelzemon.
“As you may know, Iblis was no longer a threat to us. And now that he has disappeared, we should start working together to get rid of any threats from that evil being," said Lucemon.
“Hmph! The flame demon is more powerful than me, I should be the Flame of Destruction,” said Deamon, his voice low and threatening.
“But he's not the most dangerous being on Earth," stated Leviamon. “You are the Choas of Hellfire and you control the flame. That means he can't hurt you.”
Deamon growled softly in response. “He has no control over me," he said. "I'm the strongest of all demons. So if I choose to kill him it's my choice." He stared at his friends. "And none of you shall interfere!" he warned them, raising his voice slightly. The others did not reply. They were silent for some time.
“That's true,” Lucemon agreed. "but I am not asking for just us to fight against him. You see, he was sealed in the red crystal by the man named Duke 10 years ago,” he explained. “The man was killed during the battle, he sacrificed himself to stop him.”
“So this Duke guy is dead?” asked Beelzemon, surprised. “How did he die?”
“He died because he had to fight against him for eternity,” replied Lilithmon. “he used his soul as bait to lure him out of hell.”
“It sounds like he was weak,” said Leviamon thoughtfully, looking at Lucemon.
Lucemon lifted his head one of them was missing at the meeting. “Wait, where’s Belphemon?” asked Lucemon.
“I bet he’s sleeping or something,” answered Beelzemon.
“Ah, I knew he has the sin of Sloth,” muttered Lucifer. “Deamon, could you please get Belphmon up and bring him here so I can talk to him?" he asked.
"Ugh, fine," Deamon got up and made his way out the door, muttering about Belphemon being lazy and annoying. As he walked to his room, he banged on the door with his fist.
“Belphemon! Come out already!" he yelled. There was silence. "What the hell? Is he asleep in there or something?!" he wondered, irritated. After a few minutes more banging on the door, "Belphemon, wake up already! It's time for you to meet our boss!"
"No! Go away!" came the grumpy reply from inside the room. Deamon sighed heavily, he would never understand why he hated his job so much. He busted the door open with his foot to find Belphemon curled up on his bed asleep and completely ignoring him.
"Hey, wake up!" Deamon yelled. "Come on! We have a meeting!" Still nothing. "I swear if this is another one of your dumb jokes…" he hit his head hard causing Belphemon to jump off his bed and fall flat on the floor.
"Ow!" he groaned. "What did you do that for?" he said rubbing his temple.
"Idiot, have you forgotten your meeting?" said Deamon glaring at him angrily.
"Oh yeah…" mumbled Belphemon, still rubbing his head. "Sorry, I forgot."
"Then get your ass up before I drag you myself, dumbass!" said Deamon, walking out of his room.
"Alright, alright," mumbled Belphemon. He got up and stretched his arms while yawning loudly.
After that, Belphemon and Deamon returned to their meeting room where they found that the rest of their group had already been there waiting for them.
“Morning, Belphemon,” greeted Beelzemon politely, waving his hand in greeting. "How's your sleeping beauty?" he asked, sarcastically.
“Shut up," answered Belphemon, sitting next to him on his chair.
"Well, it's about time you showed up," said Leviamon. "Our leader wants to start our meeting," he explained.
"Sorry about that. What'd I miss?" asked Belphemon.
"He talked about how he sealed Iblis inside the red crystal," said Barbamon, "and how the world needs a strong demon like him to protect us from those evil demons who live in Tirathana."
"So what else did he tell you?" asked Belphemon.
"Well, I said Iblis was the Flame of Destruction, which you already know since Iblis was a part of Solaris," Lucemon said. "Then he mentioned that Duke had sealed him, so he didn't have to terrorize this planet anymore."
"Is that so?" said Belphemon.
"And Belphemon? You'd better not miss this meeting," Lucemon said. "If you don't show up, you know what will happen to you. Do you want your face to become one of those ugly bruises that decorate the walls? If I ever catch you slacking off on work again, you will be dissipated!" he threatened.
"Okay, okay! I won't do that again!" answered Belphemon, getting scared by the anger of his master.
"Good," said Lucemon smiling slightly. Then he took his cup of coffee and drank from it.
A giant goat demon came to the meeting room, Mephismon, was their servant demon who was a very loyal follower of Lucemon. "My lord, we have an intruder here at this castle," he said as soon as he entered.
"An intruder?" Lucemon questioned.
"Yes, there is an airship outside, and it seems to be coming closer every second," answered Mephismon.
Lucemon placed his hand to his chin, contemplating. "Hmm…." he said, tapping his fingers against the table. "Mirrormon!" he called out, making the mirror Digimon summon here.
"You called?" asked Mirrormon.
"Show us the airship that approaching our castle," said Lucemon.
Mirrormon showed the reflection of the airship and it started moving toward the castle as soon as the image appeared.
"Who is piloting the airship?" asked Beelzemon.
"I see a human and two robots," responded Mirrormon.
"Interesting… ” murmured Lucemon, slowly stroking his chin. "They look very interesting. Have they arrived yet?”
"Soon, my lord," replied Mirrormon.
"I can't wait to pummel them into the ground once they arrive here!" declared Deamon, cracking his knuckles.
"No," she said firmly. "I'll handle it personally. He knows that he won't stand a chance against my charm," said Lilithmon as she got up from her seat and walked towards the exit. As the airship arrived, they departed from their ship. The plump man in his 40s with a bald head and mustache wore a red jacket black pants, and glasses. He had two robots, red was Orbot, and yellow was Cubot.
"So, this is Tirathana. A nice little place, isn’t it?" Eggman asked.
"Not really a nice place. I mean, why are we here, anyway?" asked Cubot.
"Because we're here to conquer it!” declared Eggman triumphantly. "We'll rule the Earth together! Just like old times, right Orbot?"
Orbot nodded. "Absolutely sir. This will be glorious!"
"And we need someone how to break the seal on the red crystal that demon called Iblis sealed in," said Eggman.
"Iblis?" asked Cubot, puzzled.
“Oh yes, that one!” said Eggman excitedly.
"I don't remember reading about such a creature," Cubot said, sounding doubtful.
"Yeah, neither did I, to be honest," Orbot said. "But he must be around here somewhere."
"Let's go inside the castle," said Eggman.
Suddenly, the door opened revealing a beautiful demoness along with her minions. She was dressed in a long purple gown and had long black hair tied up in a bun with a hairpin, like a Geisha hairstyle.
"Why, hello, lovely lady," said Eggman, smirking flirtatiously at her. “Your name is…?"
"Lilithmon," she said in a sultry tone.
Eggman smiled widely, "What a beautiful name."
She chuckled lightly. "Well, you seem quite handsome yourself." She then stared straight at him, giving him a sensual look that made him blush and smile at her playfully. "May I ask why you are here, handsome?"
‘I love women like that!’ thought Eggman. "I am here to conquer this city," he said, "so let me in immediately so we may begin."
"Oh, you want to conquer the city? Well, it will take a while, but you shall have it all in due time. Now… why don't you come over and join us?" she suggested, holding out her hand toward him seductively. Eggman was about to follow Lilithmon's orders when suddenly she put the spell on him.
"Darkness Love!" she blew a kiss into a heart-shaped aura that enveloped him. Instantly, Eggman was being hypnotized into falling in love with her. His eyes glowed purple as Lilithmon laughed lightly. "See? Now you'll become my slave~"
"What do you do to our boss?!" demanded Orbot.
"Well, I just give him whatever he wants~" answered Lilithmon. "Don't you think that's fun?" Her eyes lit up with mischief.
"Eggbots, attack!" ordered Orbot. A huge swarm of robots attacked the Digimon demons and started firing them, but they dodged easily.
"Hang on, boss! We're coming to save you!" cried Orbot.
"It's too late for that," Lilithmon said chuckling, watching everything in amusement. "Phantom Pain!" she shouted as she created an incantation spell and traced her finger into a circular motion, blew a kiss, and sent out a massive stream of purple energy, causing Eggbots to explode into tiny shards of light.
Orbot and Cubot were shocked by what they saw but they were too late to stop Lilithmon. No one could save him now. In no time, Eggman was trapped under Lilithmon's spell. As the whole thing unfolded, Cubot and Orbot stood there speechless, looking at the scene unfold before them in disbelief. And Deamon came out of the castle, enjoying the view with an amused expression on his face.
"Now this is the entertainment I enjoyed," said Deamon amusedly. "That's the most satisfying sight I've seen in a long time."
He saw two little robots standing there in fear, trembling in fear. They were unable to move or speak and their faces were filled with tears.
"How pathetic," said Deamon laughing, walking toward them. "To think I'd ever get worried about these useless creatures, when there is much more than enough power to destroy them." he turned to Lilithmon. "Shall I destroy them?" he asked.
Lilithmon scoffed, "Do what you want."
He turned to them with his evil grin on his, the two robots turned their gaze at him, still trembling as they held their arms out, begging for mercy. "Please…" whispered Cubot to Deamon.
"You know, I've always wanted to kill something with my own hands. But I guess you two are perfect for the job," he said, he lifted his giant claw readying to destroy them.
“NO! DON'T!” screamed Orbot.
“SLASH NAIL!” yelled Deamon as he slashed the robots with his giant claw, the metals, scrapes, and bolts flew everywhere leaving a small crater of metal pieces on the ground. When the dust cleared, both the machines were nowhere to be seen.
Deamon dusted his hands off, satisfied with himself. "Now… that’ll take care ‘em,” said Deamon.
Lilithmon placed her hands on her hips and smirked, “I knew you would be able to do it. That should teach those two fools to be insolent."
“And what do you do with him?” asked Deamon.
“He’s under my control, and he will obey my every order,” Lilithmon replied, smiling evilly. “But I have a better plan. Devimon!” she called out.
A black mist summoned Devimon, who bowed down respectfully in front of her.
“You called, my lady?” asked Devimon.
“I need you take him to brothel. Make sure he gets laid tonight,” Lilithmon commanded.
“Right away, my lady,” said Devimon, as he bowed, he took Eggman and he disappeared into a thin air.
Deamon crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Really, Lilithmon? A brothel?” he was unimpressed.
“Well, I didn’t expect the guy to be so easy to tame,” she shrugged.
“Easy?! You think you’re gonna let that fat man invite to the brothel? He’s an absolute psychopath,” protested Deamon.
“So?” asked Lilithmon. “He will do anything I want. If I tell him not to kill, I might even get him to do that. I'm in complete control of him."
"You're nuts. I hope what you are doing…” said Deamon, walking back to the castle.
"Whatever you say, dear brother,” Lilithmon giggled mischievously.
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cruciferousjex · 5 years
Negociations (an Entrapdak fluff? ficlet)
Some context: Prime has begun his invasion on Etheria. After being horribly rejected by Prime and left for dead once again, Hordak is saved by Scorpia who - unable to stand his pain - tells Hordak that Entrapta is alive on Beast Island. He ofc goes to find her. At this point the two of them are hiding out on Beast Island together, as it is ironically one of the few safe places left on the planet.
They sat huddled together near the entrance of the cave, listening to the dull roar of the nighttime wildlife. Night was was by orders of magnitude louder than day on Beast Island. Night was when the shrieking birds came out, when the carnivores screamed for mates, when the great reptile beasts roared and stomped to protect their eggs. It was an insufferably atonal symphony of horrors only broken, for Hordak anyway, by the sound of Entrapra's voice, and only then because he still could not quite believe that he was hearing it, that it really was her, here, next to him, neither having betrayed him nor having been killed.
The first fear was quickly eclipsed by the second when Scorpia told him the truth of what Catra had done. He supposed he should have killed Scorpia for this betrayal, for having kept it from him as long as she did, but in the choas of the invasion she'd slipped away. He did not give chase, Scorpia was not his priority. His sole focus became Beast Island and the recovery of Entrapta, so that they might resume their research and find a way - any way - to escape the planet. Prime could not be stopped. Their only option would be to steal a ship and escape as far from the planet as was possible in this pocket universe, and then genetate a portal - to anywhere.
But tech was not on his mind as he made his way to Beast Island, nor even escape. What was on his mind - quite primarily and to his equal fascination and dismay - was her hair. As he tossed the bodies of a pirate crew off a Horde armored transport - stolen from him and his to reclaim, after all - somewhere in the back his his mind floated her hair, the soft weight of it on his shoulder, how smooth it had felt when it once or twice touched his face. Her hands, her eyes, her ... her *voice.* It was admittedly bizarre, that in the aftermath of his every failed plan, of Prime's invasion of Etheria and complete rejection of him, that the only thing he could think of, that occupied his mind day after day like a vulture pecking and gnawing on a corpse, was the hair and hands and eyes and voice of a woman who was most likely dead.
She wasn't. Of course she wasn't. He chastised himself for ever having underestimated her. She had of course survived on Beast Island, as she was brilliant and adaptable enought to survive anything, and had in fact saved him from certain death not long after his arrival there, swiping him from being ground to death in the gullet of some giant scaled and fanged horror. She tossed him out of harm's way with her hair and put the beast down via handmade crossbows she'd built from the island's steel tensile vines, the arrows tipped with poison extracted from that same vine's flowers. She was dirty, her clothes were ripped, but this was all just one more adventure to her, another opportunity to collect data. Hordak was speechless at seeing her again. She just laughed and asked what had taken him so long.
But now here they were, together again, huddled together in the dark. It was getting cold. A fire was not an option, as it would alert every wild animal in the vicinity to their presence.
"I have an idea," she said, grabbing his arm to get at the one of the armor's control panels. She used a sharpened stick to open it. She took a moment to admire the controls "Looks good. You've maintained this very well, Hordak."
"Of course," he huffed, unconsciously touching the purple carved gem at his neck. It was the last part of you I had, he didn't say. It is my treaure, my totem.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Making you into a heater," she replied, and shivered. "Just reroute the temperature controls, and - there! That should work."
He gingerly touched the plate on his chest, which gradually rose in temperature. "To what degree?" he asked. "Am I to warm the whole cave?"
"I suppose I could do that but it would probably overheat and there's not a lot here to repair you with. No, this is enough to warm you, and, um ... me."
She gave him an odd look, expectant but sheepish.
He raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"
"I, um ...."
She bit her lip. Gestured to him. "Can I...?"
He opened his arms to her, and she crawled into his lap.
Everything settled within him at this contact, a calm that was utterly unfamiliar to him, but was so clearly the fulfillment of weeks of despair and fear and longing. Just this, Entrapta's arms around him, her legs around his waist, the happy sigh she gave as her head came to rest against his shoulder, the metal plates of his armor warming them both. Her hair slowly, perhaps unconsciously, wrapped around them, sealing them in an odd but effectively temperate cocoon. Hordak tilted his head, placing his face right at her hairline, and closed his eyes.
Her fingers crept up to the jewel at his neck.
"I missed you," she whispered.
"Likewise," he whispered back.
His hand rose to meet hers. Their fingers intertwined.
"This should not have happened," he said.
"What should not have happened?"
"I never should have allowed Catra to take you from me."
"You can't control everything, Hordak."
He grumbled.
"We're together now, that's all that matters," she said, and wrapped herself even tighter around him. A tendril of her hair snaked forward and tenderly stroked his face. In a swift movement, before he even knew he was doing it, he pressed the tendril to his lips and shut his eyes.
When he opened them again Entrapta looked up at him wide-eyed, fascinated by this new development. A blossom of adoration opened in his chest - god, her eyes, those sweet big eyes looking up at him as though he were the moon, it was unbearable.
He tilted her chin up towards him and kissed her, a brief soft kiss.
Oh," she said, blinking.
"Oh?" he asked, his ears lowering slightly. Had he gone too far?
"I didn't know, " she said too quickly.
"You didn't *know*?" he repeated.
"I mean I didn't think about it," she replied, also too quickly.
"You didn't think about what?"
"If you - um - if you -" she stammered, flushing. " I mean - you're - your species are clones, you reproduce by cloning, doesn't that make, um ... kissing and ...and such ... redundant?"
Hordak smirked.
"Not that I thought about kissing you," she said, quickly, definitively.
"You clearly did," he said with a soft chuckle. "You clearly put quite a bit of thought into it it."
Her eyes went wide. "I meant - you know what I meant. "
He nodded and gently stroked her face. Tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear. She shut her eyes.
No one's ever kissed me before," she whispered.
"Then shall I kiss you again?"
She nodded. This kiss lasted longer, and this time she returned it. Her hands rested at his shoulders. He moved to kiss the side of her mouth, her cheek, her temple, her neck. She sighed, relaxing into him.
"My species," he said between kisses, "are not all clones. The clones are Prime's invention, and he left us...intact, in that way."
"Oh," she breathed, tilting her neck so he could kiss the crook of her shoulder. "Why?"
"For the purposes of conquest," he said. "Sometimes such things are needed in certain kinds of ... negotiations. And for the establishment of dynasties. It serves Prime's purposes that his genetics are ... available. So to speak."
He kissed her ear and nuzzled up into her hair. Ah, her wonderful, prehensile, talented *hair.* He breathed deeply.
"So we're...negotiating," she said.
"I suppose."
"Establishing dynasties?"
He chuckled softly. "Eventually. Maybe. If that's what you want. We could establish a fine one," he said, not allowing thoughts of *if we survive, if we get off this planet, if we can construct another portal* to invade this moment.
"We don't need to get too far ahead of ourselves," she replied. "Let's just stick to, um...negotiations, for now."
He smirked. "As you wish, Princess. As you wish." He touched her face, stroked her hair. "Anything you wish, for as long as I'm alive."
She smiled, wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed herself against him. "Hordak," she whispered. He pressed his face to her hair, then looked out over the horizon, past the ocean, where there lay the dull glow of interplanetary war, going unnoticed by the noisy creatures of Beast Island. The amount of time he was alive might not be much longer, he realized - but it would have to be.
Entrapta touched the crystal at his neck, then his face, then rose slightly and kissed him - this time fully, with a softness and trust that dissolved him, that, if he could, he would write into the very sky.
It would have to be.
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